#also yeh i love drawing dragons
dragoninhumanform · 1 year
Auoauuaioau heyyy hey draw Soundwave and his cassettes either like dragons or their original designs (no specific show)
Well uh, this isn't my best, but here you go! G1 soundwave and four of his cassette children, but as dragons, or wyverns, or just whatever they are. Idk.
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earthnashes · 2 years
Your posts about monster moms made me realize that most of the media I consume is pretty light on main character parents.
Also the only lady werewolves I can think of don’t have children. Arlinn Kord from Magic the Gathering and Louie from the webcomic My Dragon Girlfriend.
Some potential monsters from mythology: Echidna and Gaea from Greek Myth. Loki and Angrboda from Norse Myth
Bro hard agree. Eda is as far as I know the only one I can think of that's part of the main cast, but even then she isn't necessarily the main main character. Same with Bowser or Asgore and Toriel: key characters, good parents, monsters, but not main characters.
And that's what I'd like more of. The monster character doesn't have to be the main character but I'd love more stories of friendly ones, particularly lady monsters. They also don't necessarily need to be parents, but I do give bonus points for the potential of the Found Family trope uwu
But yeh! I won't complain about it; the stories we do get are pretty neat and if anything, like someone said earlier, that just means I get to write/draw that story to fill the gap >:)
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stardomyx · 5 years
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DISCLAIMER: Before I begin I would like to establish that NOBODY has to agree with or even like my Lore, especially since this particular post is on a Canon Character. These are purely my headcanons and my thoughts on this character, I am not about to force these ideas/headcanons onto anyone.
“I hope my poison will protect you and be of use to you, and never harm...”
For a Food Soul, a contract is a deeply important bond - regardless if their Master Attendant has their best interests at heart or not. The contract binds them by Soul to their Master, and is therefore a complex and many layered thing that can have an utterly catastrophic effect on the Food Soul should it be severed.  Realgar Wine’s Master Attendant treated him cruelly, poorly, and used him for his alchemy skills, but even after all of that, I believe that the severing of their contract still would’ve had a profound effect on Realgar. Having the bond about his soul severed so violently still shook him up, made him lose control of his soul power, and ultimately made him fall into unconsciousness. This trauma would have a profound effect on both him and the Food Souls he would then come into contact with.
Due to the minerals used to make the wine mixing with realgar itself, the resulting drink contains the potent poison: Arsenic.
Because of this, the Realgar line of Food Souls are inherently poisonous, their blood burns, the poison’s properties leaks through in their sweat, making any contact with them lethal in the worst case scenario, but since their namesake’s most well known use is actually that of a medicine, they usually spend most of their time in close proximity to humans. Due to this, the majority of the line are able to keep the poison that runs through their bodies and lives on their skin at bay. After all, Food Souls are designed to have humanity’s best interests at heart, which leads me to believe that though Realgar Wine Food Souls are perfectly capable of poisoning a human, they’re also perfectly capable of controlling when and where they use that hidden, sinister power. 
Unfortunately for the Realgar Wine we see in canon however, I believe that the severance of his contract with his Master Attendant was so sudden and traumatic to him, that it completely messed up that failsafe. After that severance, and once his time at Dragon Cavern began, the horrible realisation that he could no longer control when and where that poison would flare up quickly made itself known. Even at the slightest inconvenience he would soon find himself in a room full of toxic, yellow fumes of his own making, fumes that would choke whoever else was there with him. This panic would then of course lead to the toxins secreting themselves out of his skin, making him incredibly dangerous to touch - even to his fellow Food Souls. The tips of his fingers and the veins running through his wrists would blacken and his skin would hiss and crack as the keratosis from the arsenic began to kick in.
Soon it was clear to him; that his ability to control this deadly force had vanished along with the contract binding him to his first Master Attendant.
Fortunately for this Realgar Wine, he was among Food Souls when this happened. Had Longfeng/D&P not taken him back to Dragon Cavern, I’m sure that this loss of control on Realgar’s part would’ve resulted in quite a few human casualties. Nowadays I believe that this poison is directly linked to Realgar Wine’s mental state, which was why - after essentially being dragged out of a burning Kingdom and up to Dragon Cavern - that poison flared up so extremely; he was completely shaken up! But as we see in his skin event, he’s moved on and grown so much from his time with his Master Attendant, the whole event is about that! So I really do think that though there’s still the threat of a resurgence, Realgar is able to placate himself enough for the poison to lay dormant. 
However, as stated in his little biography: “He doesn’t like coming into contact with too many people.” And I think I know another big reason as to why.
It’s shown in canon that he and Longfeng/D&P are close, Longfeng was the one who brought him to Dragon Cavern after all, but I think that closeness had a rather nasty set of consequences, which makes it fortunate that Longfeng is a guy who doesn’t hold grudges for very long. One type of arsenic poisoning results in the skin suffering from something called keratosis - which I mentioned above - a condition that messes up the skin’s pigmentation, and literally causes it to start growing keratin. If you’ve ever seen the horns of an Impala, those are coated with keratin.
I won’t link in any images, partly because I can’t and also because it’s nasty stuff, but as you can imagine, arsenic keratosis shows itself in darkened, hardened patches on the skin, kind of like the skin is starting to grow its own armour.
Wait.. Hold on, where have we seen that kind of thing again?
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My theory? Realgar accidentally poisoned Longfeng, possibly on their way to Dragon Cavern (maybe Longfeng carried him? Who knows.) But because they’re Food Souls (and I’ll be honest, because I like my artistic license) the spread of this black keratin was insanely fast, and I’ll bet that either Dragonwell Tea/Longjing Tea or Zitui Bun had to stop it before it spread throughout the whole of Longfeng’s body, which is why that black coating along his arm looks like it was stopped dead in its tracks. Because it was.
But of course, because this is Longfeng we’re talking about, he actually found use for this new, armoured arm. An Impala’s horns are tough after all, and since he’s a Strength Soul, he probably finds quite a lot of use for it, despite Realgar feeling genuinely horrible about the whole affair. But regardless of this, the two are still close, each acting as part of the other’s growth in more ways than one.
In conclusion: Canon Realgar Wine is someone who has stared into Hell but has walked back out of it. To this day he still wrestles with the knowledge that his very existence can make people sick, a worry that’s clearly shown throughout his voice lines and his biography, but he is still growing, which is why I liked his skin event so much. I’m a complete sucker for redemption stories, but I’m also a complete sucker for figuring out just how lethal a Food Soul with a namesake like realgar wine can be.
God. I hope this all made sense. if you’re still reading; thank you so much! And I have to thank my friends in my lore server for talking to me about this! I seriously wouldn’t be able to think up and refine a lot of this lore without you all.
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franeridart · 7 years
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Anon said: *gasp* you mentioned in your tags that Mina comes from the same place as Kiri and Bakugou; will we ever get to see her dragon form? :0
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crimniko · 3 years
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"Let's grow a Garden together"
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I had to draw my two gay dragon boys, Kintsugi and Chrysos together because I love their size difference and it's adorable.
(also I drew this in school because yeh)
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paynnincorporated · 3 years
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Kitt (”redesign”) & Wyldfyr! Notes under the cut!
Decided to draw Kitt because she’s a character with a lot of potential for fleshing out too! Anyway, quick “redesign” notes for her:
She’s Asian (Wonn surname is just an opportunity ripe for the taking), and I gave her a racing jacket + boots to suit her BG as a Down City citizen better. I get what the creators were going for with the green-ish colours, they’re supposedly to complement Wyldfyr’s reds and oranges, hence I kept it but added some desaturated greens to tone it down a tad. As an independent/solo racer, I think one of the defining features for Kitt’s outfit should be that she definitely doesn’t want to join the Dragon Flares, hence the spunk green. I love it when character design choices serve a purpose, and here is Kitt, defying every expectation for her to dress like the Dragon Flares.
Anyway, in my “rewrite” of DB, I’ve made the inter city level prejudice/discrimination the main theme, instead of dragon species inequality and abuse (weird zootopia vibes, I’m not a fan). I’ve explored it quite thoroughly in my writing of the Paynn fam, but these doodles are in the perspective of Down City resident Kitt herself. As a racer, she very much looks up to various renown Down City racers like Zulay Paynn etc. And I think this is a decent way to at least bring up dead women characters in the show and make their deaths less of a fridging and more impactful/with more weight on the story.
Besides this, this Kitt’s slightly older than Artha, maybe 20+ ish by the time canon timeline hits, simply because she’s the more experienced racer. So in my rewrite she takes up a mentor/big sister role rather than love interest. In my thoughts about Moordryd getting into races... I think I like the thought that he’s more experienced than Artha, but has also not been around for too long (maybe newly adult). The beef he has with the Dragon Eyes is better explained in my other lore/story rewrites for the Paynn Family but yeh! No one in Down City likes Sun City business mogul Word Paynn... for the major tragedy that is Zulay’s death. More on that here .
TLDR Kitt’s the pro at navigating Down City and its society, Moordryd’s morals are less grey than canon (He’s still bratty, but cheating grates on his nerves and so does every evil errand his father sends him on. This eventually leads to their relationship blowing up and coming round for a resolution in the face of Armeggadon’s war). Idk who even reads any of this anyway but woo! making art and writing for the void!!!!! I’m having fun, and that should be enough, but ooft. My artist self esteem gets hit often lol :’D I love the potential in these characters and the world they inhabit.... so much story telling potential........
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elvish-sky · 4 years
Look Back {Thorin x Reader}
A.N: A thousand thanks to @guardianofrivendell , who kinda kickstarted this entire fic with their great idea (everyone go check out their work, it’s incredible!). Quick note on character ages- after the five years later bit Sigrid is 20, Otto is 3, and Kieran of course is relative to your age. I honestly really enjoyed writing this, even the parts where it made me cry (a good emotional outlet. Send me more angsty requests!) so I really hope it’s what you wanted, Anon! 
Requested by Anon on Tumblr: Thanks for answering my ask about angst! No worries if it'll take a while, so long as you're healthy and not stressing out about it, I will wait cuz your writing is soo worth it)I was wondering if I could request an either thorin x reader(f!human) or kili x Reader(f!human) where the reader is dumped by them and she moves on (like ends up with an elf or another dwarf) and lives a happy life, and thorin or kili regrets having left them and tries to get them back but sees that they lost their One cuz of their mistake and regrets it? (Is that too angsty?? I'm so sorry if it is!)
Word Count: 4,576. The longest thing I’ve ever written is an angst fic. Huh. 
Summary: Thorin doesn’t want to push back against the council when they say you cannot be married.
Pairings: Thorin x Reader, OC (I have those now. Huh.) x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Regret, End of Relationship, Sadness, Fluff
Director’s Commentary
Look Back
“It is the will of the council that, since Y/N is not a dwarf, the two of you shall not be married, and cannot be together.” 
Your head jerked up. You had been expecting pushback, but not a flat-out refusal. Turning your head to look at Thorin, you saw him bow his head in defeat.
“Very well. If it is the will of the council.” 
The words hit you in the chest like an arrow. You thought he would fight for you, but no. You weren’t worth it. You rose and left without another word, slipping between the doors as the council watched you go. Balin sighed from his seat midway down the stone table, shaking his head in disappointment at the whole room. 
Arriving at your rooms, the ones right next to Thorin’s that you had been so proud of, you started shoving your belongings into a sack, leaving anything that had been given to you by your former love out. You didn’t want any reminders of him, even to see him ever again. 
Sadly, your wish to not see him didn’t work, as shown very quickly. Barely three minutes after you had entered your rooms, he came bursting through the carved double doors. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N, but I can’t disobey the council.”
You scoffed, grabbing your few tunics and folding them into the bag. 
He continued, “You can stay, we can ask again in a few months, give them more time to warm up to the idea.”
“No. If I’m not worth fighting for now, how do I know I’ll be worth it then?”
You were drawing the string closed on your meager bag of belongings. It was rather sad to think how little you actually owned, versus what had been gifted to you by your former betrothed.
“I’m not going to risk my heart like this, Thorin. I can see that I never actually mattered.”
You cut him off.
“You’ve broken promises before, but I never thought you’d break this one, Thorin Oakenshield.” 
You had been undoing your courting braid as you spoke, and now flung the bead at him. It fell into his hand, and you didn’t even spare a moment for the pain in his eyes as you slammed the door behind you, leaving a king with everything feeling as if he had just lost the one thing that really mattered. 
You arrived at the gates to Erebor to see something rather unexpected. The entire company was gathered there, and you stopped in front of them. They were all gazing at you with unshed tears in their eyes, and looking at them you couldn’t believe how far you all had come from that ragged company running for their lives. It made you sad to think about leaving, when the reminders of what you were giving up were all right there.
“I’m sorry about the council, lass.” Balin was the first to speak. “I tried to sway them, but it just couldn’t be done. I’ll keep trying.” 
You mustered a small smile for the old dwarf. “Thank you, Balin, but you don’t have to keep beating a dead horse. We both know nothing will come of it.” 
Each member of the company stepped forward and said goodbye, hugging you before moving back to the group. Dwalin settled for briefly squeezing you, before stepping back with a muttered, “I’ll miss yeh, lass.” You saw him surreptitiously wipe a tear from his cheek, and giggled a little.
Nori slipped a few coins into your pocket, as well as a set of lock picks. “You never know when they’ll come in handy.” 
Dori was crying as he pressed several bags of tea leaves into your hand. You sniffed them, recognizing the scent of your favorite kind.
Ori was also teary as he quickly wrapped a knitted scarf around your neck. “It gets cold out there,” were his parting words before he retreated to stand next to  Dori.
You let out a small laugh as Gloin handed you an ax. “I already have my sword!”
“Yes, lassie, but everyone knows axes are better.” There were gasps of outrage, but you were glad that the dwarf had lightened the mood, even just a little. Besides, the axe truly was gorgeous. A lovely specimen of dwarven craftsmanship, with a beautifully carved handle. 
“Is that a dragon?” Gloin nodded, and you marveled at the intricacies. 
Bifur approached next, pressing a carving into your hand. You looked at the figure. “That’s me!” He nodded, and you gazed at the detail he had worked in, even the etchings on your sword were visible in the wood. 
Bombur handed you a satchel, and you opened it. You gave the dwarf a big hug as you saw the honey-scones packing it to the brim. “My favorite.” 
“The recipe is in there too.” You couldn”t resist giving him a second hug of thanks.
Bofur came forward after his brother. “I’d sing you something, but I’m not sure I can do it without crying.” You straightened his hat, which had been set askew by your hug, as he stepped back. 
Fili and Kili were last. Fili approached you slowly, but Kili shoved him out of the way and crashed into you. Burying his face in your coat, he whispered, “I really wanted to get to call you Auntie.” 
You choked back tears, wrapping your arms around him as his brother joined the hug. 
“You’ll write to us?” Fili looked as if he was trying not to cry as well, while Kili had given up and had tears visibly streaming down his cheeks. 
“I will.” You broke away with difficulty and gave the group one last look. “Thank you all, so much.” They nodded, and you turned and walked out of the gates, leaving your old love behind. 
Thorin watched from the ramparts high above as you left. He knew he had made the right choice for his kingdom, but it hurt. The expression on your face was slowly killing him, and he knew whatever his doubts had been that you had truly loved him. He had loved you too, but he thought he loved his kingdom more. Nevertheless, he found himself hoping that you would turn around, come back, even though he knew he would have to turn you away. 
You didn’t turn around. 
You didn’t even look back.
*Five Years Later*
You shouldered the door open, arms full of papers. “I’m home!” 
“Mama!” A small shape barreled into you and you barely managed to hold onto the papers, handing them to your husband before scooping the three-year-old up.
“Otto! How was your day?” You pressed a kiss to Otto’s forehead before pecking Kieran on the cheek as you brushed by him into the sitting room. There was a fire going, smoke drifting up the chimney and you stood near it, warming hands chilled by the brisk fall air. 
“Good! Look what I made!” Otto wiggled out of your grasp and trotted over to the table, where after lots of jumping he finally managed to catch hold of something. He placed it in your lap, and you weren’t sure whether to be mad or touched. You settled for shooting a glare at Kieran before oohing and ahhing over the crudely carved figure.
“It’s you, Mommy! Like the one on the table!” 
Examining it closer, you could see something that looked like a sword. It was nowhere near the skill of Bifur’s carving that you still treasured, but it was very sweet nonetheless. 
“Wonderful job, darling.” 
“Are we going to the market today?” Otto looked up at you with pleading eyes.
“Why?” You shot a suspicious glance at Kieran, who assumed a very innocent expression.
“Because Da said that if we went to the market and got ingredients you would make the honey scones!”
“He did, did he?” 
Kieran looked guilty as you frowned at him.
“Don’t worry. Let’s put our boots on and head out!”
Otto jumped with excitement and ran to grab his boots. 
You crossed your arms and glared at your husband. “I cannot believe you let him use a knife.”
“He’s three! He’s old enough. Besides, I was watching him the whole time.”
“That doesn’t make it any better!” You threw your hands up in exasperation before kissing him. 
“But don’t worry, I still love you.”
“I love you too.” Kieran drew you in for a deeper kiss, and you responded enthusiastically.
“Let’s go!!” Your moment was interrupted by Otto, practically bouncing with excitement by the door. You laughed at him and wrapped your scarf, still holding up five years later, around your neck. Linking arms with Kieran, you giggled as Otto tugged on his hat from his perch on his father’s shoulders, and walked out the door. 
The streets of Dale were bustling, people going to the market, or the King’s house just down your street. 
Having been a hero of the Battle of the Five Armies, and one of two members of the company who had seen reason (the other being Bilbo, of course), you had a close friendship with King Bard. When you had marched into Dale after leaving Erebor, eyes still swollen with tears, he and his children had taken care of you, and it was because of him that you had met Kieran. 
Two months after leaving Erebor, you had been helping Bard train recruits for Dale’s army. Most of the men disliked being trained by a girl, but one had taken your advice and training exactly as he would a man’s. He had grown skilled, and after striking up a friendship had asked to court you. You had said yes, even though you weren’t over Thorin, but had quickly fallen head over heels in love. Kieran was perfect. He respected your fighting skills and didn’t mind your closeness to the king. He was sweet, kind, funny, and in his eyes every was perfect until proven otherwise. He always saw the best in people, never the worst. In other words, he was everything Thorin hadn’t been, and more. 
The two of you were married in a ceremony officiated by the King Bard six months after he had asked to court you, a year after leaving Erebor. Fili, Kili, and Balin had attended the ceremony, sneaking away from their royal duties for a day on the pretense of a diplomatic mission. You had kept your promise to write, and although the news of you finding someone else was hard for the two princes, they were happy your heart had started to heal. You had gotten pregnant two months later, news which was received with joy from everyone who heard. Upon reading your letter announcing the news that Fili decided to show him in the middle of a council meeting (later recognized as an extremely bad decision), Kili had let out a whoop of joy, looking guilty when everyone looked at him and promptly throwing the letter into the fire. You had laughed uproariously upon hearing this story from Fili the next time he made it to Dale. The day that Otto was born, your heart healed more. You still remembered the pain you had felt leaving Erebor, of feeling like you did not matter, but it was better now. You had been able to keep in touch with most of the company, all who had been to visit at some point after his birth. You didn’t know if Thorin knew you had moved on or had a child, but you were getting to the point where you could forgive him, just a little, for the past. 
Swinging your hand entwined with Kieran’s, you made your way through the market, stopping at all your favorite stalls to chat and pick out baking ingredients. Noticing Sigrid, Bard’s eldest daughter, picking up honey, you talked while inspecting the jars. 
“Da’s been taking half a jar to put in his tea, lately. I think he’s craving sugar.”
“More than usual?”
You laughed at Kieran’s comment. “Tell him we’re making honey scones tonight. I’ll bring some up later.”
“He’ll appreciate that, although hopefully, Bain doesn’t eat them all first like he did last time!” 
“I wanna eat all the scones with Bain!” Otto was feeling left out from his perch.
“I’m sure he’ll be pleased to have the company.” Sigrid giggled at him, passing a flower up to him before waving goodbye.
“She’s a good kid.” Kieran looked after her fondly.
“We’re not that much older than she is!” You pointed this out as you brushed flower petals out of his hair, Otto looking sad as his work was undone. 
“Now c’mon. We still need to buy more flour, especially if we’re making scones for Bard!” 
You set off again, laughing with your family as you wound through the market. You were in the middle of the artisanal section when a hush fell, the sea of people parting as something made its way through. You kept moving forward, pushing people aside to see what was happening, until you came face to face with Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain.
“Y/N.” He was the first to acknowledge you, looking as if it pained him to do so.
“Thorin.” There were gasps at your familiarity, but you didn’t care. You promptly turned around, grabbing your husband’s hand and dragging him, a silent Otto clinging to his shoulders, away. 
You didn’t look back this time, either.
“You didn’t tell me she had a child!” 
Thorin was back in Erebor, pacing around his chambers as Balin watched. He had been unable to think properly after seeing you in the market, and Fili and Balin had decided that the best course of action, or at least the one least likely to cause a diplomatic incident, was to reschedule the meeting with Bard and bring him back to the Lonely Mountain.
“You never asked.” Balin had resigned himself to having a hard conversation the minute he saw you in the market, he just didn’t know what exactly that conversation would be like. They had managed to keep the two of you apart for the last five years, but it was bound to happen sometime.
“But...she has a child.” Thorin was devastated. 
He had found out that you had kept in touch with the company six months after you left, coming across Kili reading a letter from you in the library. The fact that Kili was in the library in the first place was suspicious enough, and his doubts had been confirmed when he snuck up behind his nephew and read the letter over his shoulder. 
His gasp of, “She’s courting someone,” had been loud enough to startle half the library. Kili had jumped and tried to hide the parchment, but Thorin had simply crashed down into the chair, head in his hands. 
After taking several deep breaths, all the king said was, “She’s moved on. I have to as well,” before rising and brushing himself off, as if to brush the memories of you away. He had seemed fine, but Fili had heard the muttering coming from his room that night, of loss and grief and mistakes. 
After that, they had been much better at hiding their correspondence. The brothers had only decided to tell him about your life one more time, a year after you left, saying you had been married. He had taken that news well, it seemed, but Kili had heard the broken sobs coming from the king’s chambers late that night. 
“She cannot be happy with that- that man!” Now, Thorin seemed to be taking this news hardest of all.
“She is, lad. We’ve all seen her with them. They’re a family.” Balin was trying to calm him down, but it just wasn’t working.
“But, she’d be happier here. With me!” He was pacing the room now, raking his hands through his hair in greater distress.
“Thorin,” Balin grabbed him, stopping him so that the two were face to face, “you still love her.” 
The king staggered back, falling onto his bed. His head was in his hands again, almost mirroring how he had looked with Kili four years ago. 
The one word was whispered, quieter than Balin had ever heard his king. He left, closing the door and signaling to the guard outside that the king was not to be disturbed.
The next morning, Thorin walked out of his rooms with an air of purpose about him. He was wearing an old cloak, to not be recognized as the king. Fili and Kili still managed to notice the distinct gait of their uncle and stopped him in the halls right near the gate. 
“Where are you going?” Kili looked concerned.
“Balin was right last night. I am still in love with Y/N, so I’m going to bring her back.” 
The identical looks of shock on his nephew’s face would have been hilarious in other circumstances.
“You’re still in love with Y/N?!” 
“Keep up, Kili!” Fili smacked his brother before continuing. 
“Uncle, I hate to say this, but remember how she looked at you yesterday? I don’t think she’ll be happy to see you.” 
Kili nodded at his brother’s words. “Besides, you’re the king. How are you going to convince the council when you failed five years ago?” 
Thorin looked a little surprised at that, as if he hadn’t quite thought that far ahead, but shook it off. “She will be happy to see me this time. I’m going to Dale.”
“Uncle, no!” Kili tried to block his way, but Thorin shoved past him, disappearing quickly.
“Follow him to Dale, I’ll tell Balin and the rest of the company.” Fili brushed his brother off and turned to go back to the royal wing as Kili disappeared after their uncle. 
You were making your way through the twisting streets of Dale, delivering scones to friends as you went. You had stopped at the market to give some to the honey-vendor, who always appreciated them, before turning back the direction you came. You stopped back home to pick up the basket you had made for Bard, walking in on Kieran and Otto stuffing their faces with scones and looking incredibly guilty, before continuing the walk up the hill. You were ushered in by Hakon, as usual (Bard didn’t like keeping servants, he said it made him feel “stuffy,” but a king was afforded certain privileges), and you gave him a grateful smile as he took your heavy scarf to hang up. 
“I have scones!” You entered Bard’s office, plopping the basket on his desk from which he immediately grabbed one. 
You smiled at his praise, laughing as Bain burst through the doorway behind you.
“Did I hear scones?” He quickly dove for the basket, grabbing two.
“One for each hand!” He tried to justify this before shrugging and taking a bite, giving you a thumbs up.  
“I’ve got to go home, make sure Kieran and Otto aren’t in a food coma, but I’m glad you like them!” 
The king and his son nodded at you, waving goodbye as their mouths were still stuffed with a scone.
“And save some for the girls!” You left with that, laughing at their sad faces. 
It was pleasant out, the sort of fall day you looked forward to, so you decided that Kieran and Otto could spare you for a little while, just long enough for you to take a walk on the walls of the city. 
The view of the mountain was gorgeous from here. When you had first left, you had spent hours staring, wondering if you had made a mistake by leaving. Now, you just liked to appreciate the view.
“Want to come back?”     
You jumped, spinning to see Thorin standing behind you. You hadn’t really paused to look at him the day before, but now you noticed he looked different. Not bad, but it didn’t look as if he’d found happiness the way you had.
He stepped forward. “Y/N. I’ve come to ask you to rejoin me in the mountain.”
Your jaw dropped. “What? Do you want me to move in with my family? That seems like a bad idea.”
“No, Y/N,” he took your hand and you were too surprised to remove it from his grasp, “I want you to be my queen.”
You laughed and jerked your hand away. It wasn’t a sound of amusement, no. It sounded empty.
“We saw how well that went last time.” 
“No, Y/N. This time I mean it. Come to Erebor.”
“I’m happy here, Thorin. I have a husband and a child.”
“Your child can come too, and I’m sure I can do much better for you than that man!”
Your cheeks reddened with anger as you balled up your fists, trying to restrain yourself. “I’m happy here, Thorin! I don’t need you to take me to Erebor when I have everything I could possibly want already!”
He looked as if you had physically hit him.
“Y/N, you deserve more than this, though! The council won’t be any trouble this time.”
“And you think you’re the one who can give me what I deserve?” You laughed again, the hollow sound caught by the wind.
“No, dwarf. I have everything I deserve right here and I’m not going to let you ruin it. This is my happiness, and I will be damned if I let you take that away!”
“No. I wasn’t worth fighting for then, I know I won’t be worth it now.”
“But I love you, Y/N.”
“And I loved you, once. But you’re too late.”
He watched as you walked away for the third time, knowing that this was the last.
You didn’t look back.
Kieran knew something was wrong the minute you walked through the door. 
“Otto, say bye-bye to Mama and get ready to go with Sigrid!” He strode over to you and hugged you quickly before pulling away. 
“Sigrid’s going to take Otto for a few hours.” 
“Thank you, Sigrid.” You mustered a smile for her as she tugged her boots back on. 
“Of course! C’mon Otto, Bain’s waiting!” She giggled as the child trotted out of his room, looking squishy and adorable in his winter clothes.
He ran over to you and you bent down and hugged him. 
“I love you, Mama!” 
You kissed his forehead before ushering him to Kieran, who got the same treatment before Otto trotted over to Sigrid and grabbed her hand. 
“Bye Y/N! Bye Kieran!” You lifted a hand in farewell as they left, waiting for the door to close behind them before collapsing into Kieran’s arms.
He immediately started to murmur to you, whispering reassurances in your ear as he guided you to sit next to him. He waited for your sobs to fade before speaking.
“What happened?”
“I went for a- a walk on the walls and I ran into Th- Thorin,” you choked out, voice breaking when you said his name.
You could see Kieran’s face soften in understanding. 
“Did he harm you?”
You shook your head. “He wanted me to marry him. He…” you hesitated as you saw Kieran’s eyes spark with anger, but continued. 
“He said you weren’t good enough for me. I told him you were better than I deserved.”
His eyes lightened again and he pressed a kiss to your cheek. 
“Do you need to talk it out?” That was one of the things you loved about Kieran, he didn’t offer solutions or try to fix all your problems, he just listened. He knew that when you had an issue, you just wanted someone to talk to, not to come up with ideas but just to support you.
You nodded. “I just, I felt so bad for him. And I know I shouldn’t, but he just seems so lonely.”
“Do you want to go back? He’s right, you deserve more than me.” 
Your head snapped up. “No! Kieran, why would you think that? I’m happy here. I have the perfect husband and a wonderful child, and I wouldn’t trade any of that for the world.”
He still looked doubtful. 
“Kieran, he broke my heart five years ago, and yes, I was in love with him then, but you picked up the broken pieces and helped me heal. I’d never leave you.” 
You kissed him on the lips this time, trying to convey just how much he meant to you. “I love you,” you whispered, pulling away. 
“I love you too.” He pulled you back in for another kiss. When you broke apart you lay your head on his chest as he moved to lay down. 
“Let’s take advantage of the extra rest before Otto gets back.”
You laughed at him and felt the rumble of his chest as his breaths deepened, watching him fall asleep. As you faded into unconsciousness, you couldn’t help but think that after all you’d been through, you were so unbelievably lucky to have found Kieran. 
Thorin had never understood what people meant when they called Erebor The Lonely Mountain. Now, walking up to the gates alone, he got it. Something was missing, something that he’d never noticed before but now felt the absence of more keenly than ever. He couldn’t believe that he had failed to win you back. He hadn’t realized just how much he had hurt you five years ago, but the pain in your eyes had made it very clear. 
“I’m sorry, Uncle.” Kili appeared next to him as he walked up to the gates. 
Thorin ignored him, ignored the salutes and waves he got from his subjects as he made a beeline for his rooms, Kili dashing around in his wake to fix the wounded pride of every dwarf he ignored. 
Once Thorin made it to his rooms he locked the door behind him, taking slight delight even through his misery at the thump meaning Kili had crashed into it, before collapsing in his chair. 
He still was in shock. No, not shock, he was devastated. It had never occurred to him that you would be happy in Dale, wouldn’t want to rule a kingdom. He had thought that he wasn’t in love with you for the better part of five years, and once he realized he still was he hadn’t thought you wouldn’t feel the same. 
A knock sounded at the door. “Please let us in, Uncle.”
Thorin sighed and went to undo the bolts. 
Fili and Kili entered, both looking much more subdued than usual. Fili took in how Thorin’s coat was thrown on the floor, his boots tossed haphazardly in each direction and sighed. 
“What do you need?” Despite knowing how Thorin had hurt you, Kili couldn’t help but feel bad for his uncle. He had never seen Thorin like this. He looked broken. 
“I need to be alone.”
His nephews nodded, actually obeying him for once, and slipped out the door. 
Thorin was again left alone with his thoughts. Somehow, he had realized that you had been his One. That was why he had said out to make things better. But he had failed. He had lost his One, the only person who he could ever love didn’t love him back. 
Thorin buried his head in his hands, letting out a broken sob. For the fourth time in his life, he had failed. He was too late. 
Everything tag <3: @entishramblings @itgetsatadhazy @anjhope1 @boyruins
Thorin tag <3: @lathalea
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Multipart Commission work - Harry Hook x reader  - part 5 - the isle
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“uh Evie?” you called out, twisting around and raising your brows as you caught the colors on your back “when did you make this?”
“ummmm about a month after the coronation?” she called back a little nervously.
“well why didn’t you give it to me sooner!?” you squealed, spinning around and posing “I love it and i’m never taking this off! The shoes, Evie, the SHOES~!” you hopped out from behind the makeshift changing room in Evie's room and posed for her and Ben.
Evie laughed and shrugged “I don’t know, didn’t think you were a leather person”
“Neither did I? but I love this style” you giddily spoke, turning your arms over, admiring the studs. “did you ever do a sket-“ Evie pointed to a paper on the wall.
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(note: my power went out in my neighbor hood when i was drawing this and i had to start from basically the beginning!)
You grinned at it, reading the little notes Evie had put. “symbol?”
“Yeah, like my cracked crown and heart, Mals dragons, jays cobra, and Carlos’ crossbones!” Evie explained, quickly attaching a golden beast patch to Bens jacket.
“So when are we leaving?” you asked, smirking as you saw you but, dang these pants made your butt look gooood~
“as soon as I finished Bens look, we need him to blend in” she glanced at you, snorting as you kept posing.
“I know why my sister is obsessed with her looks now, I look amazing~” you sang, winking at yourself.
“that you do!” Evie giggled.
Harry felt a strong shiver run up his spine, he let out a low groan and looked around “wha’ the hell was tha?” he muttered, scratching his neck. The barrier shimming, making Harry take a step back.
The last time it did that was when the traitors left for auradon! Meaning….someone just entered the isle.
Harry grinned, and he knew exactly who it was~ or rather,  which group of people it was.
You stuck close to jay as you walked through the isle, keeping your arms close to your body and shoulders back, doing your best impression of Audrey’s “mean” face.
“hey-hey, stop it!” you turned, Evie was holding on to two little kids arms, staring down at their faces “just take it” they looked at her surprised. “go” as they run off laughing, Evie turned, her shoulders dropping as she caught sight of Ben.
You turned and groaned, Ben had a habit of ignoring the obvious danger. “Ben my god” you muttered, running after him.
“Ben-Ben stop!” You grabbed his jacket and pulled him back, Jay and Carlos lunging at the straggler.
“just stop” Evie scolded, Ben looked like a lost puppy.
“This isn't a parade it’s the isle!”
“Keep your hands in your pockets unless your stealing.”
“you either slouch or strut”
“and never ever smile” you furrowed your brows, they all sounded so tense, ever since you stepped foot on the isle.
Also, the entire place smelt like smog and rotten food.
“okay tha-“ Evie shushed him.
“no thank yous’ and drop the please too, just….chill” you nodded and looked around again.
You swallowed the pit in your stomach, how come they hadn't told you about how bad the state of the isle was in. rotting food, mold, trash, dirty blankets, and clothes sewn together for warmth.
“how come you guys never told us the isle is this…bad?” you weakly asked, watching as the vks shrugged.
“we honestly just want to forget this place” Carlos muttered, for once looking as small as he did 6 months ago.
You called bullcrap but you kept your mouth shut, following ben and the others as they gave a crash course on being “villains”
Ben slammed into someone, the tall blonde boy hardly moving as he did so. “hey man!” the boy smiled and tilted his head.
“hey I know you!” Ben paled and shook his head.
“no…no don’t know you either man” the boy shook his head and pointed at him.
“no, come on man! You know my old man at least, hes quick, slick and his neck” he gestured his neck “is incredibly thick!” Ben paled slightly and looked to you. Son of Gaston then huh?
His eyes drifted, and you followed, face-palming as you caught sight of a huge king Ben poster “…..hey! you’re king Ben!”
“no-no i’m not!” Evie dragged him away, you quickly running alongside jay.
“Yeah, you are! And Jay, Evie, Carlos what's up guys and that’s……oh Uma’s gonna love this!!!!”
You watched as Ben walked up the stairs, sighing you sat down on the front step, leaning on your elbows on your legs and staring out at the wall in front of you, seeing more posters.
‘don’t be bad be glad’?...the hell? ‘king beast is thinking of you’, ‘fairy godmother says: try to be good for goodness sake’?
What kinda propaganda is that? Many posters were defaced with black pen or spray paint. You sighed, eyes widening as you caught the face of a little girl, her face gaunt and her eyes sunk in.
“Evie?” you whispered, she hummed and turned to you, you nodded over to the girl. Evie looked over and her whole body sunk.
“oh no,” she whispered. The little girl gasped and her body slumped, her eyes fluttering closed.
You stood, about to run over to her, when jay grabbed your arm, shaking his head. “Jay what the hell, shes dy….” You watched as just as the moment her chest stopped rising, her body glowed golden for a split second. she whimpered as she sat up slowly, hugging her stomach.
“did-did she just?” you whispered. Evie nodded.
“yeah, death doesn’t exist inside the barrier, well, you can die but you just keep waking up, and it's just dying over and over again until you help yourself or someone decides to pity you and help.”
You couldn’t handle the little girl clutching into her stomach anymore, her small whimpers of pain piercing your ears, you ripped your arm away from Jay and walked over to the little girl, digging into your backpack.
The little girl jumped in fear, staring up at you with pure terror in her eyes. You stopped a few feet away from her, taking some of the food you had packed out of your bag and setting it on the ground.
A sandwich, an apple, and a water bottle. The girl's jaw dropped and she looked from you to the food. You just smiled and walked away, watching from over your shoulder.
The girl surged forward with no regard, digging open the bag holding the sandwich and hurrying to eat it.
You frowned, knowing her stomach wouldn’t be able to handle the sudden intake of food, and she looked up, seeing your face and slowing down, now grabbing the rest and backing into the shadows.
“(y/n)-“ you shook your head, hearing Ben coming back down the stairs.
“so?” you asked, sighing as you saw his face, Mal didn’t agree to come back then.
“wheres Mal?“ Evie quickly asked, looking back up at the stairs.
“shes not coming” Ben muttered numbly, walking away and down the ally. You sighed and decided to let him walk his feelings off.
“What?! I’ll talk to her…M?...Mal its Evie….just let me talk to you for a second!...Mal come on!”
“GO AWAY!” you sighed and leaned back on the wall next to Jay.
“give her a couple of hours, let her cool down.”
“guys!” you perked up, watching as Carlos started down the ally, his eyes wide. “wheres Ben?”
“Ben?” Evie yelled down the ally, walking over and looking around “Ben!”
A shadow came from the back, his head down. That’s…not Ben?
“Ben doesn’t scare us like that” Evie sighed in relief, her arms dropping.  Jay squared up as the shadow came into the light.
“don’ scare yeh~” the boy with thee striking blue eyes purred “but that’s my specialty ~”
“Harry” Evie groaned, Jay leaning in Harry's space.
“wheres Ben!”
“oh!” Harry turned to point down the ally “we uh, we nicked him, mmhm~” he gave a wide deranged grin.
“and if yeh want ta see ‘im again, hav’ Mal come ta the chip chop tanight~”  he locked eyes with you, drifting up and down.
“alone~ Uma wants” Uma….the girl who tried to take the trident? “a little visit~” He glanced at jay, pursing his lip in a pout.
“aww Jay~….seems like yeh lost yer touch~”
Jay lunged at him, Evie stopping him quickly. Harry cackled and once more locked eyes with you.
He winked at you and turned to walk away, whistling to himself as he did.
You stared at his back as he walked away, you felt like….you had met his boy before, heard his voice. But where?
Evie snapped you out of your stupor, grabbing a rock and chucking it at the sign again.
“Come on, we need to tell Mal”
“if you guys never would have brought him here this never would have happened, what were you thinking!?! And bringing (y/n) here too?? She could’ve also been taken!!”
“Ben was going to come with or without us! We just wanted to protect him! And (y/n) wouldn’t take no for an Answer!”
Mal rolled her eyes and pinched her nose. “and we completely blew it, guys!” Carlos huffed, Jay, waving his hands around to diffuse the rising argument.
“Okay!...okay…what do we do?”
“we!” Mal guested “are not doing anything, this is between uma and me and shes a punk and guess what!? Now I have to save him!” she grabbed her bag and strapped it over her shoulder.
“wait you’re still gonna have to go through Harry hook and his warf rats!” Carlos pushed, Jay and Evie nodding along.
“yeah, your gonna need us” Jay stated, Mal shaking her head.
“Uma said to come alone” Evie sighed and tilted her head exasperated.
“Mal come on” Mal just shrugged and scrunched her face up. Carlos sighed and nodded,
“Uma said to come alone…. I know one thing…i’m not going anywhere” Carlos fell back on the ratty couch. Looking up at the rest of you.
“well be here if you need us” Mal nodded and walked out, leaving the rest of you to stew in worry about Ben.
---end of part 5 ---
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official-weasley · 4 years
The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley: Pt. 1, Ch. 7
PART 1: WHERE IT ALL BEGAN Chapter 7 - The Lake Invitation
As much as I enjoyed Christmas and all the snowball fights Tonks made us have after Nova told her how much fun she had with Bill and me, I was glad to see the first hints of Spring. It meant that I could go to Hagrid's and play with Fang outside. It meant sitting with Nova in the Courtyard, watching her draw while I play with Pip who would probably be offended for the 100th time why is she not drawing him.
It also meant that I could finally invite her to the Black Lake as I was so busy with all the homework that I still had the book Bill got me for Christmas to finish. I finished the one he gave me for my birthday and it was time to start with Dragon Species of Great Britain and Ireland. I already had it but this one was a new edition meaning it had 2 more breeds and lots more details in it!
I woke up on a sunny Friday morning and since Gryffindors had classes with Ravenclaws all day I decided to ask Nova to accompany me to the Lake in Transfiguration class where we sat together.
I put on my jumper, glanced at the snowball Nova gave me for Christmas and was now placed on the desk next to my bed, and hurried down for breakfast.
We were still not practicing any spells in Defence Against the Dark Arts but we have learned about so many new creatures and as I was making notes I always made sure to circle those, Professor Rakepick told us lived in the Forbidden Forest, so that I could go an search for them when Hagrid finally decides to take me there.
“What are you doing today after Transfiguration?” Asked Jae while munching on a piece of fries at lunch.
“I was thinking of inviting Nova to the Lake since it's finally warm enough to sit on the ground. Want to come with?” I stole one of his fries.
“Nah, I was going to invite you to sneak into the Kitchens.”
“Why do you want to sneak into the Kitchens?” I asked puzzled.
“Well, the other day Tonks and Tulip were talking about it and were telling me all about how they got inside and I got curious. You know I like those sort of things.” I chuckled.
He did like to sneak around and lately Tulip and Tonks gave him quite some ideas.
“Unless you find a way to sneak into the Forbidden Forest, I'll pass.” I took another fry from his plate and for that one, he slapped my hand.
It was kind of incredible how our friendships intertwined. Nova met the girls on the train. I met Nova when she saved me from those Slytherins, which by the way left me alone now. Penny told me later that Snape made them test potions students from Year Five and Six made and apparently that did the trick.
Penny thus met Bill who she loved to study Potions with. She said that it was like taking advanced lessons, as she was copying from Bill's notes. Bill, however, didn't want to admit that even though he was in his Third Year, Penny was helping him with his homework.
Jae joined us for breakfast one morning and Tulip and Tonks immediately sensed that he likes to break or 'avoid' rules as he likes to call it and they were already making a plan to do something with the brooms on our next Flying lesson which was the only class we had with Hufflepuffs.
Nova and I took every opportunity we could get to go to Hagrid where he told us tales from his youth. We liked to daydream with him about all the creatures each of us would like to own.
I know it's cheesy to say but I thanked Merlin every night for giving me such awesome friends.
Mum wrote to me more often each week as I didn't go home for Christmas and she missed me and Bill. I think she finally realized that we were pretty chill and behaved compared to Fred and George.
As Transfiguration began and Professor McGonagall started to write notes for the Mending Charm I quickly scribbled a note for Nova and gave it to her, making sure McGonagall wouldn't see it.
Nova read it, smiled, and nodded with her eyes on our teacher, careful not to get in trouble in her favorite class.
Again, she was the first one to get the spell right and I have to say I didn't do that bad on this one as I managed to repair the watch in front of me on my third try. Nova let out a loud cheer and started clapping.
As I was the first Gryffindor to do it, I earned my House 5 points. But I think McGonagall did it out of pity for her own House as all she did was give points to Ravenclaw since Nova was on top of our class.
After lessons, Nova and I hurried to the Lake. We didn't have a blanket so we put our jackets on the ground.
“Thank you for inviting me, Charlie. What are we reading today?” She started eyeing my bag.
“How did you know we were going to read?” I asked rather sarcastically. She only chuckled as I pulled my book out.
We squeezed closer together on our jackets so that the book was half on me and half on her. We already read the old edition together and I lent it to Nova to read in peace when I got the new one in December so we were searching for the pages with new information.
When we were done reading or rather decided that perhaps we should leave a few pages for another time, we laid on the grass and talked about how cool it would be if we had access to the Creatures Reserve here at Hogwarts.
Apparently, it's supposed to be a secret for anyone below Third Year as Professor Kettleburn takes the Third Years there for their first class. There is also supposed to be an assignment that you pick one creature and take care of it for the whole school year.
We got the information from Hagrid, who upon telling us said something between the lines“Shouldn't 'ave said that. Yeh were not supposed teh know 'bout that”.
“I bet there are Kneazles in there that would be cute. Or imagine if we get an assignment to take care of little Crup puppies!” Said Nova excitedly as we couldn't help ourselves but play one of our favorite games where we guessed and wrote down as many creatures as we could think of. We decided to save the list until the Third Year and whoever got more creatures right, would buy the other Butterbeer in Hogsmeade.
“I bet they have Salamanders.” I said thoughtfully.
“Ooh, which one fire or frost?” She asked in a high pitched voice. I chuckled at her, knowing she loved Salamanders and I still remember when she told me that she was begging her dad to buy her one for her 10th birthday.
“I think both.” I teased her, knowing that sooner or later we would end up at Hagrid's begging him for more information about the Reserve.
We also made a plan that when Hagrid decides to tell me how to get into the Forbidden Forest or accompanies me, I would ask him if Nova can come too. I was surprised when I told her that Hagrid was letting me go in my Second Year and she immediately wanted to go to his hut to get invited along.
When I was growing up and watched every one of my younger siblings I couldn't help but wonder why was I the only one with such love for animals. Percy definitely couldn't stand them. He wouldn't even help degnoming the garden. Something Fred and George had the most fun doing. I, on the other hand, wanted to befriend them ever since I could talk, mum told me. I couldn't understand, and still protest sometimes, why we couldn't keep them or why couldn't I have one for a pet.
Of course, I help my brothers get rid of them because mum would have my head otherwise, but sometimes Bill hides one or two from the twins so that I can play with them before we have to take them away. Bill is the best big brother.
It was getting dark and as usual, I forgot to tell Bill where I was going and I couldn't let him flip out again. Just last week Nova and I lost track of time while we were at Hagrid's and Bill couldn't find me for an hour. We found him in the Owlery while taking Pip back, already scribbling a note to mum that he lost me and that she should disown him as a son.
We decided to go to the Great Hall and see if any of our friends were still at dinner. We sat down next to Penny and a Ravenclaw boy I couldn't remember the name of.
“Hi, Penny.” Nova and I said at the same time.
“Hi, Murphy.” Nova greeted the boy. Murphy, that what his name was! Penny was helping him study Potions; as she did for half of the First Years.
“Where are Tonks and Tulip?” Nova whispered, trying not to disturb their study session while putting some mashed potatoes on her plate.
Before Penny could answer her, Tulip, Tonks, and Jae came rushing into the Great Hall.
They sat next to us and when they finally caught their breath they started laughing their hearts out.
“What happened to you lot?” I asked.
“We...we...we...” Tonks tried her best.
“We were...” Jae started but burst out laughing again.
Tulip took a deep breath to collect herself. “So we sneaked into the Kitchens and gathered as many sweets as we possibly could.”
“You mean steal?” Penny glared at them.
“You know you don't have to do that as all food appears at dinner anyway?”Murphy asked.
“Ah, Murph, you wouldn't understand.” Tonks wiped her eyes as tears of laugher covered her face.
“You were saying?” I turned back to Tulip.
“So we decided to go back when we couldn't carry anything else and we were almost out when Tonks bumped into someone, all her sweets fell from her hands onto the floor.” Tulip burst out laughing again.
“I looked up and there was Dumbledore!” Jae said. We all gasped.
“Oh, no! How many points did we lose this time?” Penny groaned.
“Relax Penny, none!” Grinned Tonks. “He looked at us through his glasses, chuckled, and let us through.” She took one of the muffins from Tulip and started eating it.
“Dumbledore chuckled?” I asked as I couldn't imagine him doing so.
“Okay, perhaps he smiled not chuckled.” Jae rolled his eyes. “It doesn't matter it was cracking!”
After dinner, Jae and I said goodbye to Murphy and the girls and head over to our dormitories.
“Thanks for introducing me to Tonks and Tulip, mate.” He said as we were going up the Grand Staircase. I grinned.
“You're welcome. That way I get to spend more time with Nova.”
“Were you talking about animals again?” His voice hoping it wasn't true. I simply nodded. “You HAVE to come with us more often, a little mischief will do you good.” He was convinced that if he picked a proper prank or mischievous adventure he could 'turn' Nova and me to what he called the 'right side'.
“Come off it, mate.” I shook my head. When we got to the Fat Lady's Portrait, Bill was standing in front of it with crossed arms.
“Were you at dinner?” His eyes now narrowed.
“Yes, Bill. I was at the Lake with Nova and then went up for dinner. Right, Jae?” I turned to him for affirmation.
“Affirmative!” He nodded quickly.
Bill could get quite angry with me when he was worried and I think Jae started to fear him as he was avoiding his eyes lately. That made me chuckle.
Bill let us both inside and I couldn't wait for him to get his Prefect's badge in the mail in two years as I couldn't see anyone else do a better job than him.
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silverlightraita · 4 years
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Well I’m doing it anyways! Cause why not???
I mean it’s not necessary but I like these kinds of posts cause I can learn more about the people I follow so like... yeh. Imma do one now.
Blog Name: SilverLightRaita
AO3 name: SilverLightRaita
Nickname (given via readers): Raita
Why the name? It can actually be broken into two parts: Silverlight and Raita.
Raita is a bit confusing to explain. During my early weeaboo days of high school, I decided to use a lot of Japanese terms in my naming systems and this account name took the fall (note: I made up this name but never used it except once). Raita is based on the kanji ライター or Raitā, which translates to writer... I was and am still a big weeb so I kept the name. Unfortunately, when I tried to spell it as “raitā,” the website I used was stupid and wouldn’t let me do the “ā” so now it’s just Raita.
Silverlight is legit a warrior cat name... Middle school was my cat era. I like the flow of the name though so I decided to keep it and save it for later. I don’t draw the character much anymore (haven’t in years actually) so there she is:
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Combined, my name essentially translates to “Silverlight Writer.”
How old are you? Early twenties currently. I’m finishing up university right now as an art student.
Favorite Color(s): I do like earthy tones but my favorite colors are probably dark mustard yellow, scum green, and honey brown.
Favorite Animal: while I do like reptiles a lot, my favorite animal is actual red pandas.
Favorite Anime: My Hero Academia, Snow White with Red Hair, Haikyuu, Charlotte, and Kuroko no Basket
Favorite Books/Manga: Alex Rider, SPY X FAMILY, My Hero Academia
Favorite Non-Anime Shows: Criminal Minds, Hawaii 5-0, Avatar the Last Airbender
Is your hair actually blue/gray? Ha, no. My hair doesn’t really hold on to blue colors like that unfortunately. I did have the ends of my hair dyed turquoise one year but that’s about it. It’s more for character design aesethics but my hair is balayaged in real life, just not blue.
What do you use to draw? I use an iPad Pro and sometimes I’ll sketch out on paper first so I can transfer it onto my iPad. I use an app called SketchClub, though I do not use the community functions. With tradition art, I also have Copics as well as other alcohol based markers like Master’s Touch and Artistloft.
Is this your only blog? No actually. This blog is just for fanfiction, art for that fanfiction, and posts that relate to the fandoms I write about. I have a main personal blog and a blog dedicated to one of my favorite ships.
What have you written?
I have mostly only written My Hero Academia works. I have a series of small one-shots called Dining Out that are a bit more romance/friendship based (todomomo, izuocha, deku squad friendship) that I need to finish at some point.
My main pride and joy is my Dabi is Touya Todoroki story called Familia Bonds that I have been developing since Spring 2019. The main work is currently completed and I have been periodically sharing one-shots based on small snippets from the finished piece from other characters POVs.
My other pride and joy is Crashing and Saving, a Alex Rider/Hawaii 5-0 crossover story. It was my first long term completed story and is something I am very proud of. I had been working on it since high school and started posting/completed it during college.
I have two small works from other fandoms as well but they’re basically me testing the waters of AO3 and aren’t exactly stellar pieces.
Any other interests besides writing? I am an artist as you have seen from the things I scrap up for my stories. I love memes and reading other people’s works. I plan on making fanart for other people’s stories in the future. Otherwise, I do play D&D a good bit with my university friends (my favorite class is rogue). I make memes for the group which is very entertaining for all parts of the party.
Any big writing plans?
I do plan on doing another long term My Hero Academia story (a few of them actually). I currently only have art and an outline for my Dragon Mentor AU as seen here and here but I do have a few other concepts such as a YouTuber Deku AU and a Vigilante/Anti-Hero Deku AU in the works. I’ll be posting more progress on those here from now on.
Other than that, I have a few small Familia Bonds one-shots going on until the end of the summer and I plan to finish the Dining Out series.
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sonderei · 4 years
hey so I’ve been sporadically active on this site for a while so in case anyone was wondering who tf I am I did a lil quiz thing you’re welcome
name: ariel but you can call me skip
starsign: leoooo
hogwarts house: gryffindor but like if the sorting hat had flipped a coin between gryffindor and slytherin
height: 5′3″ ish
favorite animal: literally any type of cat. house cat. lion. cheetah. all of them. pangolins are also A+
dogs or cats: oh don’t get me wrong I LOVE dogs too but, uh, if the above answer didn’t make it obvious: cats.
when you made your blog: lord help me I’ve been stuck on this site since like 2009. or 2008? too long.
why you made your blog: I honestly don’t remember why at this point, but I keep it for fandoms I’m currently invested in.
reason for your url: I like sharks and I guess I consider myself a nerd? idk it was heavily inspired by Cara’s nerd shark illustrations (I think she’s still areyoutryingtodeduceme on here)
what i am wearing: green long-sleeve crop top and animal crossing pj pants
dream vacation: ireland, new zealand, or japan
instruments: I tried teaching myself guitar and piano when I was younger, but I didn’t stick with it. my fiance is the musician, not me.
celebrity crushes: tom holland, kirsten stewart, john mulaney? 
what’s your job: server at disney
if you could go back to school would you: if it were free and wouldn’t impact my already-questionable financial security, absolutely. I’d probably go for biology and another language.
a job you had that would surprise people: uhhhh I worked as a horseback riding instructor / equine therapist assistant for a few years?
do you think aliens are real: yeh
what’s your guilty pleasure: probs reading fanfic. or not getting out of bed for the entire day if I don’t have to? 
tattoos: short answer? they are good and I have some. long answer? I have 16. from top to bottom, there’s -a solar system (including pluto) down my spine starting at the base of my neck -the fleur de lis from the wallpaper in 221b from BBC’s Sherlock on my left shoulder blade (but it looks awful since it was my 1st tattoo and I’m no longer in that fandom so I do have plans for a coverup within the next few years) -EVE from Wall-E attached to balloons from UP on my right upper arm -a paper airplane above the inside of my right elbow -a ghost (named Boo) above the outside of my right elbow -Haku (in dragon form) and Chihiro from Spirited Away on the inside of my left forearm -San riding one of her wolf brothers from Princess Mononoke on the outside of my left forearm -the quote “though my soul may set in darkness it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night” wrapped around my left forearm -a double-headed cat on my left hip -a snake and two peonies on my right hip -profile of a lion’s head with flowers surrounding it on my left thigh -profile of a bear’s head with flowers surrounding it on my right thigh -Kida from Disney’s Atlantis on the outside of my left calf -a drawing that a family-friend made for my parents when I was born of two flowers with intertwining leaves supporting a butterfly on the back of my right calf -totoro and chibi totoro on the inside of my right ankle -one of the symbols from Howl’s Moving Castle on the outside of my right ankle
any phobias: rock climbing. which is weird because I have NO fear of heights. just...rock climbing?
do you talk to yourself: if you say that you don’t you’re a liar.
what movie do you adore: into the spiderverse, literally anything ghibli (but especially Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castle, and Princess Mononoke), most Disney/Pixar (especially Wall-E and UP)
the first thing that you remember you wanted to be when you grew up: marine biologist
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izzydrawsforfun · 5 years
I wanna invite all Welcome to Hell artists to join me on a big artistical project! And if you’re not a artist, please help spreading the word <3
You guys may have already seem something like that on internet:
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Pretty cool and cute, huh? How about if we all gatter together and do... A Sockathan version?
So I here now announce... The Sockathan Heart Project! This project’s main goal is to make a big heart like that, with a whole bunch of artists together in order to celebrate both the anniversary of the Pilot AND celebrate the fact that w2h2 is coming along well! And show Erica our love and support so she can continue working well on the movie x3
I took the initiative to draw a custom base specially for Sockathan, and I’d love to see it done with all of us w2h artists together <3 something similar happened in the South Park fandom, but with KyMan and it turned out ADORABLE!!! I wanna do the same with Sockathan!
“But Izzy! I’m a newb artist and I don’t think my style is good enough for the Heart”
SHHH, YOU, SHHHHH. Your art is totally valid and I’d love to see it in the Project!
“But Izzy! Aren’t you supposed to be working on your thesis?”
....I deserve a break too okay?? Shhhh.
Here’s the base and the rules:
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1 - DO NOT START DRAWING WITH THE CANVAS DIMENSIONS BASED ON THIS IMAGE! This image is way smaller than what the Heart really is. The original image is... Huge, to say the least. So as soon as you pick your base, I’ll send you the actual base on a sta.sh link and, if you preffer, the .sai or .psd file.
2 - Send me a PM here or a DeviantArt Note saying which of these you want, and I’ll say if it’s available or not. As soon as you have your base confirmed, I’ll send you the base on a sta.sh archive and, if you want to, a .sai or .psd file. I’ll tag you on your number on the list below.
3 - You are totally free to redraw the base to better fit your art style! I know people draw differently and I don’t want to force you to follow my sketch 100%, so if you think you need to remake the base, feel free! Maybe you draw Jonathan smaller than Sock, or make the limbs bigger, feel free! <3 Just keep the same pose in order to keep the shape of the heart.
4 - The base is up for interpretation and AU’s/Headcanons are MORE THAN WELCOME! Maybe you don’t wanna draw the original outfits/canon characters, maybe you wanna draw Angel!Jon? Or Demon!Jon and Alive!Sock? Or maybe even draw then in different outfits, or maybe you even have the headcanon that Jonathan has piercings! Feel free. I want this heart to be a fandom-friendly thing were everyone can do the best with their creativity <3 so as long as you draw Sock and Jon, you can do whatever you want!
5 - Feel free to add elements such as hearts, stars, whatever you want! And if your colors don’t work well with the pink background, feel free to change the color!
6 - As soon as your piece is finished, feel free to post it on your Tumblr/DeviantArt, and I’ll reblog and comment on it <3 but please send me the full picture on private so I can put it on the Heart!
7 - DON’T CHANGE THE FULL PICTURE’S DIMENSIONS! Each base’s canvas size is 824x832 and please keep it as such ;3; I don’t wanna stretch it and ruin your lovely piece.
8 - Send/Post your pictures until June 4. Yeh, the pilot’s anniversary lol let’s do it guuuys! I trust us! <3
9 - In the smooch pictures, you’re free to either make it a cute smooch or a french kiss. I wanna see what you guys can come up with EwE
And now the most important rule................... Have fun <3 and message me if you have any questions/problems! Also, reblog it so we can reach more artists!
Artists and Slots:
1 - @real-faker
2 - @prettybluebug
3 - @eggscellence
4 - @the-shark-well
5 - Me
6 - @mel2002xd
7 - @artisticdagger
8 - @terezipyropexkarkatvantas
9 - @iamedmemon​
10 - @snowyandthetoonz
11 - @softcocoa
12 - @penn-dragon
13 - @jhessail
14 - @extreme-hiatus
15 - @bucket-of-nope
16 - @thefreshprinceofbelfur
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earthnashes · 2 years
It's definitely up to you and like it's VERY understandable about how people can instantly be like oh she was the prisoner and fell in love? But like......the step into the light scene??? And the gesture of her 'sacrificing' herself to the monster that Beast knows he (in og that is) is moves him SO much that he moves Belle into a room instead of the dirty prison cell is just *CHEF'S KISS* to me and is not talked about enough. It's when the gears start turning...
Also SUPER weird I had to think about it and I always thought the curse made them immortal as well and also completely tossed the idea of the 21st birthday lol the things you insert in as a kid and the things you forget (haven't seen the movie proper in a while). I think maybe it was because the staff seemed at least willing to continure their jobs in a way but the house was in such dust and disrepair for some reason made me think it was just a long time i dunno!
I basically also rediscovered you from not seeing you on my dash for a while and I loove love your art I NEED to say. Absolutely never stop drawing mario stuff lol I LOVE IT!!!
I honestly never saw Belle as a prisoner persay either! I mean, she kinda is at first, but it was by choice; the "you have my word" scene is literally her choosing to be in her father's place. I'm kinda assuming she could've easily just left there and Beast would've let her. And she stopped being a prisoner the moment she decides "you know what? Fuck this" and bailed, only to return and choose to help Beast instead of just leaving him to die.
Not to disregard any reservations on it, but yeh. In any case though, none of that will happen in the AU, so ye. :)
And thanks! It's unlikely I'll stop drawing Mario stuff, but as said I'm not just a Mario artist, so breaks and me hopping around is common :) Ya'll will see more of Bowser and co, but I REAAAAAALLLLYY wanna play with this AU 👀
Got a couple more I never shared in public too; one for Raya and the Last Dragon, one for LoZ, one for Gargoyles, original stuff, ya get it owo
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selfcallednowhere · 5 years
February 3, 2018 Dallas, TX
They opened with "James K. Polk." This surprised me--I expected them to keep doing it during the Quiet Storm section cos that was what they did the previous two nights. I'm honestly feeling pretty burned out on this song live after seeing it a million times--seeing it done acoustically during Quiet Storm was different enough to keep me interested, but when it's just the normal arrangement I am yeh rather sick of it.
Next they played "Damn Good Times," the second song all three nights on this trip, which I very much am not sick of even though I've seen that one a bunch too. It's one of my favorite live songs, actually--it's just SO FUN. "Hey, Mr. DJ, I Thought You Said We Had a Deal" was next and also superfun, even though the presence of Curt would've made it way better.
After that Flans said that this theater was "the box that rocks," and then, gesturing at the balcony, told us that we'd be meeting our accusers one by one and then all our verdicts would be read.
After "All Time What," Flans that it was time for the "fastest-singing portion" of the show, and that they were going to try to sing together. Then John said that this show was like a re-enactment of the instore they'd done earlier in the day cos so many of the same people were there. Then Flans said that he'd gotten our verdicts and we were all guilty.
I didn't really try to think about what song has them both singing really fast and singing together when he said it, but if I had I probably would've been able to figure out what the song was: "Letterbox." I was really excited to see it again, cos it's one of my top top top favorite songs.
After "New York City," Flans said that the show was "going too fast." Then he made them turn the house lights on for a "beard assessment." He said the beards looked "shockingly natural," and ordered a "round of beards" for everyone.
John said that they were going to be playing a lot of new songs and it was "a burden" and "a weight pressing down and crushing everything." I don't understand why they kept acting like we were going to hate seeing the new songs so much--I loved it and actually wished they would play more new songs.
Then Flans said that what they were aiming for was volume, and "as Bob Dylan said, there's just too much sound." Then they played a little bit, and Flans said if you buy I Like Fun you can get "all your favorite classical themes in one set."
Then they played "Mrs. Bluebeard." John really mangled the lyrics when they played it for the first time two days prior to this, but then the next day he did a lot better and only screwed up a couple of times and I was proud of him! But this time he was back to screwing up all over the place again. I was amused because afterwards he said "That's how it goes!" NO IT ISN'T JOHN. (Yes, I of course understand that he knew that too and that was the joke.)
Next they played "Music Jail, Pt. 1 & 2" which is one of my fav Glean songs, so I'm glad that one is still in the set.
After "Particle Man" and then "The Famous Polka," Flans said that they were playing two sets, which gives plenty of time to email and text.
JL: We're playing a lot of new songs, so bear with us. JF: No one likes the new songs, John. But we've already locked the doors!
Then there was this really obnoxious and probably drunk woman screaming for "When the Lights Come On," which they were most likely going to play anyway because they'd already played it at every other show on the tour. They said they weren't gonna play it and she just kept screaming for it. Then Flans said that they were gonna play it but now they weren't because of her, and then she started yelling "BUT I LOVE YOU," which made Flans tell a story about how they played at Bonnaroo which "is like being on the surface of Mars, you want to be anywhere else, and we were getting paid," and he met someone who told him how TMBG meant so much to them "and by the way, I love '500 Miles.'" Then the obnoxious woman went back to screaming, and I guess Flans figured there was no way to get her to shut the fuck up besides playing the song, so he asked John if he wanted to play it and John said "Sure. Fuck it." So then they played it and it was COMPLETELY AWESOME like it had been the other times I'd seen it, but also I was just happy to not have to hear that woman screaming anymore, and I'm sure all the rest of the crowd and the band and well anyone else in the building actually were too.
After "Your Racist Friend" they played "Nothing's Gonna Change My Clothes," YES YES YES. Even though I'd just seen it the day before I was ecstatic, since it's one of my fav songs and I've only seen it live a handful of times.
Next came "Cyclops Rock"--I'm really happy that's one of the Mink Car songs they've brought back into the set. It's great live--SO ROCKIN'.
Afterwards, Flans asked John about the current political climate.
JL: It's awesome! JF: Who needs nightmares when you have daymares? Things are gonna be great...later.
John introduced "The Mesopotamians" by saying that when he was a kid in 3000 BC there was a TV show about them.
Then came the set break and then Quiet Storm, the first three songs of which were the same as the previous two nights: "Older" and "I Like Fun" with the contra-alto clarinet, then "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too" on accordion. Before the third Flans said they were "Tres Might Be Giants" and made Marty give a sample of what he can do with the electronic drums.
After that there was something that really upset me:
JF: How are you, John? How are you doing with that accordion? JL: I'm ok. The accordion...just have to deal with it.
This is definitely not the first time I've witnessed him complaining about how much he hates playing accordion these days and I'm sure it won't be the last, but it still really upsets me every single time because seeing him play it is pretty much my favorite thing.
Then Flans was talking about the storm sound effects--he reassured us that they are in fact not just fans blowing in mics.
Then they played MY THEME SONG. Nothing is ever going to be as special as seeing it for the first time the day before, but I was still unbelievably excited to see it again.
After that they played something they hadn't played either of the previous two days: "Meet James Ensor." So that was an unexpected surprise. I love that song, and I thought it worked really well in this format.
Then the band came back on stage. Flans introduced Dan as being "the finest guitarist in They Might Be Giants."
Next they played "Istanbul." I'm so unbelievably sick of this song live, but I do at least like the crazy jam session at the end of it. Flans jumped up on Marty's drum riser for part of it and it was silly.
Afterwards, Flans said he was sick of that acoustic music and that it "reminded him of his folkie days." Then he asked whoever was in charge of the A/C to turn it on (he was right, it was for some reason really warm even though it was chilly outside). Then he said that the next song they had to play "out of contractual obligation to our band."
The song was "Number Three," which is superfun live. It's become one of the Pink songs I've seen the most cos they've been playing it a lot the last few years, but I always really enjoy it.
Afterwards Flans said that they wanted to thank "the guy holding the beer perilously close to the end of his fingertips."
JF: This next song is from the album Glean, everybody. JL: That's right. JF: All the way back to 2015! JL: Not a song that we have to do. A song that we get to do. JF: Think about the good old days. 2015. Things seemed so...so normal then. No dystopian...hellscape.
They played "Answer," and then John put his accordion on and Dan came over to the keyboard. Flans said that he was getting on the keyboard "where he belongs," and I was like "Ummmm how does the keyboard player feel about you saying that?" But HEY if you ask me John does belong with his accordion on, not behind the keyboard.
The next song was a major show highlight for me: "Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head"! This is a very special song to me, it was my very first fav TMBG song (in other words the one I'd most rock out to as a 5-year-old hearing my dad play his cassette of Pink), and I still love it dearly now. I've only seen it a handful of times, so it was a big deal.
Next they played "Doctor Worm," which wasn't as big a deal since I've seen it a million times, but still really fun as always.
Flans was mentioning where the next few shows are going to be, and said if we know anyone in those places we should tell them to come to the shows.
JL: If you don't know anyone in those towns...the first letter of each city...backwards spells out...an important message. I know it seems like a random tour where you like...it's like drawing a star on the map. There really is a reason for it. JF: Our booking agent is keeping it a secret from us. JL: Yes, he hasn't told us what the message was. We haven't been able to figure it out. JF: But it appears the letters spell out some kind of swear word. JL: Yes. Something very harsh. JF: It seems to be some kind of swear word and then the words "you guys." We're not sure what it means. It's impossible to know what that message could mean. JL: Before we get off-track here. Apparently--there's a thing called the Kessler effect. [The name of the venue was The Kessler.] And I believe it originated here. What it is, is when stuff in space starts smashing into each other and...all of space is destroyed. Do you guys know about this? And I don't know why but this theater is the very first part of that chain. The Kessler effect. JF: I first heard about it when we were described as the Kessler effect of bands. JL: I mean, yeh. We've smashed into, um...Soup Dragons, I believe.
(I thought he might've been making this whole thing up, but my friend Ant, who's very knowledgeable about space stuff, informed me that no it's a real thing, it actually is when stuff in space smashes into other stuff and they break apart, and it can actually be really dangerous. The "all of space is destroyed" part I'm pretty sure he made up though!)
Then they played "The End of the Tour," which is so good live (though I do think it works best as a show closer).
Next came "Spy," lots of fun as always. At each show I'd been to John played a sample of something as part of his improv part--this time it was "Here Comes Santa Claus," which was silly. I also managed to scream during the parts when Flans was trying to get everyone in the crowd to scream, even though I was feeling almost weak from excitedly singing along with every song and screaming after they played songs I particularly loved.
Then they played "I Left My Body," which was the last I Like Fun song of the night.  I really loved all the new songs I got to see them play, but I just wish they'd played even more!
They closed out the main set with "Twisting," which was, as always, COMPLETELY KICKASS. For some reason Dan was singing the "she wants" backing vocals instead of John--I'm not sure what was up with that and I didn't like it.
They started the first encore with "Let Me Tell You About My Operation." This is my current favorite Flansong, so I love seeing it live.
Flans said that the next song was their new single, which I was confused by because they'd already played "I Left My Body" (which wasn't a single exactly, but the closest thing the album had). But he was just joking--it was actually "Why Does the Sun Shine?", which is of course very much not a new song. John informed us that things that are a gas on the sun included Fiestaware, which he held up his red mug when he said (holding tea instead of coffee this time, I noticed, as evidenced by the string and tag sticking over the edge). He paused for a long time before the list of things that the heat and light of the sun are caused by the nuclear reaction between, but finally it was "Stuff! Things! Items! And objects!" He is so silly!
The first song of the second encore was "Wicked Little Critta," and they closed the show the same way they did the night before: with "Birdhouse in Your Soul." A perfect close to a perfect night.
John continued on his "stripey shirts, nothing but stripey shirts" streak, so he was 3/3 on this particular show trip for me. This time it was a black and white stripey t-shirt that I don't think I've ever seen him wear before.
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tony-grovan-blog · 6 years
Awesome Angry Gif
Off! The story of Angry Birds is not like another fan wiki. While most Angry Birds, you know that Wikileaks creates new characters and games, we create new characters and write their stories.Here i have gathered some great stuff of  hd animated gif so enjoy it.
 Angry Bird Story follows Daniele's adventures, a brave red bird, the Goggles and Newsboy caps, their half-brother Ryan, the quick bubble-gum-loving yellow bird, their cousin tyler, a very ludicrous orange bird, Taylor's brother Louise, a Is there. With blue "glasses of glasses" thrashing for adventure, and maybe even you! Want to contribute their adventures?
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Always remember to be nice to the people on this wiki! Do not bother other users or do not mean it, you will be blocked if you do so. Nobody wants to be a cyberblood, and you do not even!
Whether you are already a user or just a wiki contributor, this wiki welcomes both to properly and gracefully edit. You can create your own bird character and write a page as well as its story. On this wiki, adventure is on you! This wiki has many letters made by many people, but four of them are known as main characters. When the gang is informed of the prophecy, the evil saint blesses the god of life threatening the existence of life; they must band together to save the world in 3 stories in the 'Rise of the Jedi' trilogy, the time of Lewis SkyWalker to tell what happened during that time. Redmond flew quietly through rebel space. It was a delusion of a ship, it looked like a small star Destroyer, but it was red colored. There, on controls, Rayan, the Galactic Bird was the top general of the uprising. Next to him, Taylor was his partner. "Sir, are we going to go?" Tyler asked. Ryan replied, "We're doing what ObBI-V did to us." "We'll have to find the blue bird Lewis skywalker on the planet." "Where on earth?" Tyler asked. Ryan said, "Once, I have no idea." "That is why the vessel is carrying the ship. Which just did R2. Lewis Skywalker had its built-in GPS to track He was sitting in a droid socket, there was a little space on the front of the ship, where he had special drawing controls, which was made for him. "Why Should We Find Lewis SkyWalker?" Taylor asked. Ryan said, "I do not know." "But I'm feeling we're going to find out." Taylor looked forward. They used to have a big planet known as Earth. Ryan's eggstorm was a dragon. Eidstrom was a drum that was egg-shaped, so its name, because it was really good at fitting in small places. They can also operate ships,
Then Ryan and Taylor saw that the island was full of birds like them. She seemed very familiar. Running a Brown Newsboy and wearing a white shirt. With the appearance of arms in his belt, he was probably a complicated opponent. Can it be Lewis SkyWalker? No, very red. A blue swirled on it, blue in color was dark and it looked very quiet. That person fits more description than red bird. "Has it been sent to Canby?" Taylor asked, pointing towards blue. "If the shoe is fit, then wear it." Rai replied, "And she's wearing it." "Our order, Mr.?" Taylor asked, to send them to a squad to get it there to scratching it. She loved commanding fellow soldiers "We will go to him and meet him personally, not with him." Ryan said, feeling a feeling, surprisingly, the connection between his and the red bird. Taylor said, "It looks like a red bird Daniel." "Yeh," Ryan, makes a painful face. Ryan remembered the day that he had to keep Daniel behind in the earth while he was forcefully recruiting the Galecic rebellion with Taylor.If you honor your family members with imags then these  angry gif  is the great material.
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hufflly-puffs · 6 years
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 
Chapter 16: The Goblet of Fire
I love Ron’s little fanboy moments regarding Krum. And we saw something similar with Hermione and Lockhart (so really you are in no position to judge). But there is no instance of Harry being star-struck, not in the obvious sense. However he does idolize people, namely Sirius and Dumbledore. Which is quite different to how Ron and Hermione react to Krum and Lockhart respectively. Because they hardly interact with them, whereas Dumbledore orchestrated a huge amount of Harry’s life. Ron and Hermione’s hero-worshipping remains harmless, whereas Harry’s has a direct influence on his life and his choices.
And then Ron dismisses the foreign food, and with everything I know about British Cuisine, he is in no position to judge either.
Harry mentions that they are barely twenty more students in the Great Hall, so we can say both Durmstrang and Beaxbatons arrived with ten students each. Which either means that their schools teach less students than Hogwarts, if those are all students old enough to participate, or that they already selected students before arriving at Hogwarts. And then both Karkaroff and Madame Maxime stay for the benefit of ten students at Hogwarts, assumingly leaving their responsibilities for their schools to someone else. In case of both these foreign schools it is really a very selective group that takes part in the Triwizard Tournament. I guess the other students just have to read the Daily Prophet to know what is going on?
I wonder how the Goblet of Fire works though. How could it tell which student was suited best to compete? Does it work like the Sorting Hat, did wizards put some of their wisdom in the Goblet? And in what categories does the Goblet judge? Also it seems like you can’t adjust the selecting process, or otherwise they would have added the age limitation and Dumbledore wouldn’t have needed to draw an age line.
“Harry thought briefly of Dumbledore’s insistence that nobody under seventeen should submit their name, but then the wonderful picture of himself winning the Triwizard Cup filled his mind again …” – And then this image gets turned around into a nightmare, the childish fantasy becomes horror.
“[…]he wondered how angry Dumbledore would be if someone younger than seventeen did find a way to get over the Age Line …” – Depends on if you are dealing with book!Dumbledore or movie!Dumbledore.
Karkoroff’s favouritism of Krum makes me wonder if he manipulated the Goblet as well in some ways in order to make Krum the champion. We learn that all of the Durmstrang students put their name in the goblet, but maybe everyone except Krum put in a blank page, or they all wrote Krum’s name on it? Like imagine if poor Poliakoff would have become champion.
Also the movie made it look like Durmstrang is an all-boys-school and Beaxbaton respectively an all-girls-school, but the book clearly states that both schools arrived with students of both genders (though I can’t help but think of Karkaroff as a sexiest asshole… again, can you imagine a female Durmstrang champion?).
I also wonder how the fact that Karkaroff used to be a Death Eater informed the political worldview of his students? And how they felt at Hogwarts, where Harry Potter learns, and a former Auror teaches and Dumbledore, the face of the resistance, is headmaster? We know the Durmstrang students sat at the Slytherin table, so they interacted with students who assumingly shared the same belief system as their head master. We can assume that at least Krum doesn’t share those believes. He dates a Muggleborn girl, and in book 7 we learn that he lost a family member to Grindelwald and is appalled to see his symbol at Fleur and Bill’s wedding. Both Grindelwald and Voldemort believed in the superiority of wizards above Muggles (and to that extent Muggleborns). From all that we know about Krum his reaction to Voldemort would be similar to his reaction to Grindelwald. And I wonder if there were other Durmstrang students, who resented the ideology of their headmaster as well.
“‘Bet some of them put in last night after we’d all gone to bed,’ said Harry. ‘I would’ve done if it had been me … wouldn’t have wanted everyone watching. What if the Goblet just gobbed you right back out again?’” – I don’t think the Goblet thought of anyone so unworthy that it would have spit the name out again, but it is interesting that Harry immediately thinks of rejection, the same way he thought Hagrid must have made a mistake when he told Harry he was a wizard. Harry has a deeply rooted fear of not belonging, which I think has a lot to do of how the Dursleys treated him.
“‘We can’t have a Slytherin champion!’” – But imagine if they did and how it would have changed the inter-house-relationships. Oh wait, somebody did. 
“‘And all the Hufflepuffs are talking about Diggory,’ said Seamus contemptuously. ‘But I wouldn’t have thought he’d have wanted to risk his good looks.’” – Seamus isn’t the only one mentioning Cedric’s attractiveness in a negative way, others have done it as well, though all of them boys. Because attractiveness is so strongly associated with femininity, and ‘real men’ neither look good or care about their looks (see also how Lockhart’s attractiveness had negative associations). They can’t get him down because he is good at Quidditch or school or a general kind person, so the only thing left is his physical appearance. Which speaks lengths of how intimidated and jealous they are. (And yeah, women/girls are the same, we will always dismiss good looking women as shallow, and it is a kind of behaviour I had to unlearn).
“‘It’d be doin’ ’em an unkindness, Hermione,’ he said gravely, threading a massive bone needle with thick yellow yarn. ‘It’s in their nature ter look after humans, that’s what they like, see? Yeh’d be makin’ ’em unhappy ter take away their work, an’ insultin’ ’em if yeh tried ter pay ’em.’” – The way Hagrid voices it makes it sound like House Elves deeply care about their masters – and some do, like Winky. But others resent their masters, like Dobby did, and are bound to them anyway. Hermione tries to change the nature of House Elves and Hagrid is right that she can’t, but I think it might be more important to change how wizards see House Elves and treat them. To see them as beings that have feelings and needs and opinions and deserve their respect and kindness. If their masters can see them like that House Elves might see themselves as that as well. And how Harry treats both Dobby and later Kreacher with kindness becomes massively important for the plot and even for his own survival.
“They couldn’t hear what Hagrid was saying, but he was talking to Madame Maxime with a rapt, misty-eyed expression Harry had only ever seen him wear once before – when he had been looking at the baby dragon, Norbert.” – I don’t like what this implicates about Hagrid’s relationship to Norbert. #menwholovedragonstoomuch
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