#although he was kinda a stalker to get it but hey you guys already know what he does when soulmates are involved
tyranttortoise · 6 years
so... I had some pretty bad experience with a Red in another timeline a few years back. Plenty psychological and emotional trauma, plus just general disrespect even though we were soul mates. Most of the problems was just because I was younger and less mature. I was REALLY expecting when I took your quiz like... a mutt, or a undertale sans and then I get another fell boy. all i could think was "hell no." Can they even deal with the fact that their SO was once with another version of themselves?
@sinningpunk  ;D
Once a soul mate, always a soul mate, right?
You don’t know why you expected anything different – anything less than the cosmos playing a cruel joke on you.  You’d left that timeline behind with more than a few emotional scars; it had taken you reaching your limit to realize that just because you were soul mates didn’t mean you had to put up with his shit.  But you’d gotten out.  You moved on, put him behind you.  
And then you met Sans.
Oh, hell no.
As much as you tried to avoid him, it was inevitable.  You were both drawn to each other.  It was easy enough for you to avoid the burn in your chest, to pretend it was mere heart-burn, but it was much more difficult for him.  You knew it would be like that; you knew that he couldn’t pass up the pull of a soulmate, the promise of something solid.  This is a Fell timeline, after all, and the kill or be killed mentality left him craving stability and certainty underneath his gruff, flippant exterior.
You avoided him at first, but it was difficult to run from someone that knew all the right shortcuts.
“Just get lost, okay?  Can’t you see I’m not interested,” you spat one day with a little too much force.  Your chest burned.  
He furrowed his bone brows. 
“what’d i ever do t’ ya?  you don’t even know me.  i’ve jus’ been tryin’ ta introduce myself this whole time.”    
You actually laughed.  What did he do to you?  It’d take all day to explain what he did to you.  “I already know who you are.”
He looks surprised.  “my reputation’s spread to humans?  heh, didn’t see that happenin’ so soon.  still.  name’s sans.”  He holds out his hand.  You know there’s an electric buzzer in it, and you don’t take it.  It hangs between the two of you for a beat before he finally blurts, irritated, “what?  skeletons weird ya out?”
“Nope.  I was with one for a long time.  I learned my lesson.”
You rub your chest as Sans’s SOUL burns with jealousy.
He’s persistent.
You discover that this Sans is as tenacious as the one you left behind.  But even though he looks the same – same jacket, same gold fang, same yellow socks and untied sneakers – you discover that he’s also quite different.  For one, his smirk is more genuine, and on the rare occasion when you catch him off-guard with a pun (you have years of experience with them, after all), his guffaw leaves him looking unguarded and laid-back.  
He makes plenty of dirty jokes, and although he has a penchant for being in the right place at the right time whenever it comes to stumbling across you, he hasn’t been manipulative in the same way that the other Sans was.  His approach hasn’t even been the same.  
So you take him up on a drink.
And later dinner.
Then more drinks.
And before you know it, it’s become a regular thing.  You’ve missed this, as much as you hate to admit it.  It feels almost like the early stages of your previous relationship, only you can’t tell if the red flags are real or just you equating him to his other-self.  His brother isn’t even as much of a hardass, and instead of the stuttering fear you’re used to, Sans just gave him a “yeah, yeah, you got it, boss” when Papyrus lectured him.  
Yes, this version was quite different.  Even if they looked the same, you discovered even more differences later.  This Sans’s ribs didn’t have quite as many ossifications, and he didn’t mind when you touched his collar.  He also had a few piercings that… surprised you.
Pleasantly surprised you.
Years ago, you studied anatomy for a single purpose – you wanted to be able to learn all the bones so you could make your bonefriend happy.
This is something the Sanses have in common, it turns out.  
“stars, sweetheart, where’d ya learn–”
The question gets cut off.  When you had first started dating, Sans had hounded you over the fact that you said you’d been with another skeleton.  He’d never seen a skeleton other than him and his brother, and he knew Papyrus had never been with anyone.  You refused to tell him any details other than the fact that it was an emotionally-abusive relationship and the skeleton’s name was Red.  He scoffed at the name, calling it dumb (*who th’ hell has a color as a name), and you decided not to tell him it was a nickname.  
But now, faced with the fact that you’re very much familiar with skeleton anatomy and which bone is sensitive where, you can see the gears turning in his head.  His grin falters, and he leans back, running a hand over his face.  Bone scrapes bone, and you wince a little.  This is where he’s going to change, where he’s going to make some sort of quip and get possessive, where he’s going to remind you that you’re his soulmate, that no one else would have you, and –
“ya really loved this guy, huh?”
You didn’t expect that.
You’re quiet for a moment, but he’s been fairly open with you so far about his past.  “Yeah,” you finally manage.  He flinches. “We were… uh, we were… soulmates.”
His hand falls from his face.  His crimson eyelights are so tiny that you can barely notice them in his sockets.  “what?  but – but you’re… we’re…”
He’s floundering; he’s never said the words aloud, didn’t even realize you knew that monster soulmates were a thing.  “Yeah, I know.  We’re soulmates, too.”  
“ya knew?  then how’s that possible?  one soulmate’s rare.  findin’ two so close together, an’ both of ‘em bein’ skeletons… how the hell?!”
You should tell him the truth.  You’ve been with him long enough to discover that he and his counterpart may be the same, but they also couldn’t be more different.  And you’ve really started to fall for him.    
But will he still want to pursue this after you tell him about the other timeline?  
Only one way to find out.
You suck in a deep breath. 
“It’s possible because… it was you.”
His expression goes blank, and the past spills out of you in a rush.  
It had been threatening to overflow for too long.
Sans, to his credit, takes the news better than you expected.  He listens while you speak, though he does light up cigarette after cigarette in his room.  Papyrus will have his ass later, but he can’t be bothered with caring right now.  
So, your previous bonefriend, the one that treated you like dirt and made you give him the cold shoulder for an entire month – the one that you still got a sour look on your face when you talked about – was him from another timeline.  The whole timeline-hopping thing aside, the idea that some other version of him treated his own soulmate like that?  
*what a fuckin’ idiot!
Everything made so much sense.  He knew why you shunned him, why it took so long to break down your defenses.  He knew why you gave him such a guarded look at times, and why you sometimes hesitated before you said spoke, like you already knew how he was going to react – and why you seemed so surprised by how he actually reacted.  
When you finally finished, he was calm.  Eerily calm.  
You, on the other hand, couldn’t stop fidgeting or even meet his gaze.
Finally, he broke the heavy silence.  “ya know i’m not him, right?”
“Yeah,” you breathed, trying to steady your voice.  “I wouldn’t be with you if you were.”
“good.  ‘cause that me?  he was a damned fool.”  Sans reached out and wrapped his arms around you, guiding you onto his lap.  His hold on you was tight, trembling with a desperation that belied his steady baritone.  “i would never… you mean too much to me, ya’know?  sweetheart, i jus’ want you t’be happy.”
You swallow past the lump in your throat.  Your eyes feel hot.  “So… you’re not too weirded out by it?”
“hell yeah, ‘m weirded out.  but that don’t change anythin’, not really, ‘cause that wasn’t me.”  He pulls back and moves to cup your face in his hands.  “as long as you see me when ya look right here, that’s all i care about.”
“Sans, I do.  You’re nothing like him, and I know that.”  You cup his cheek.  He looks so vulnerable – more vulnerable than you’ve ever seen.  “I love you, Sans.”
His eyelights search your gaze for a moment, before relief washes over him.  “i love ya, too, sweetheart.  yer mine, ya got it?  that other asshole’s never comin’ back, an’ if he does break the timelines, i’ll kick his ass.”  He suddenly smirks.  “hell, kickin’ my own ass would be therapeutic an’ shit.”
You smile, feeling lighter than you have in so long.  The tension’s been cut between you, and Sans suddenly lifts you up, your legs around his waist.  You make a startled squeak and cling to him as he turns around and then falls onto his mattress, pinning you beneath him.  
His smirk’s taken on a whole new meaning.
“now that all that’s outta th’ way… where were we?”
(*Imagine Masterlist)
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bokutosenpai · 3 years
Hello! you can just call me 💿 anon, can I request for the 400 followers event with Iwaizumi next?? Like it doesn't even matter what genre or anything, just Iwaizumi everywhere!!! Thank you so much, and please take care of your self!
hi!!! of course, although i took your request a little too literally with iwaizumi being everywhere, lol. i did a little 5 + 1 kinda thing. also, thank you! you take care too!!!
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wow this guy is everywhere.
one would think that in a university campus of almost 40 thousand would mean you won’t get to see the same people as you did in a single week.
it was the guy you jokingly dubbed as ‘stalker.’ albeit he wasn’t really a stalker per se.
but he might as well as be, with the amount of times you see him around campus.
the first time was when you were commuting in the bus. he was the person who sat next to you. you remembered because he was dressed rather heavily for the month of october.
his puff jacket squishing into you, as more people entered the bus. you tried to move a little bit more to the window but that just gave him more space to readjust himself and squish more into you.
the second time stalker appeared was at a party at the in-campus bar. you were dancing, sweating buckets because of all the bodies jumping and the dance battles occurring on the dance floor.
when you noticed a familiar silhouette then sitting on the bar. spikey hair and wearing two jackets inside a heated room.
you observed him for a little while longer, noting that he was surrounded with friends.
and when one of them noticed you staring, and gestured at you with their head to stalker causing you to quickly turn away and hide in the bathroom.
the third time was at a gym.
you saw him refilling his water bottle and you just entering. he looked at you in a longer than normal stare. and you stare right back
As the staring match between the two of you continue, you saw a flicker of recognition flash in his eyes. but he looked away just as fast, to finish his set.
and you started yours, the farthest away from him.
not that it did anything because you can still see him clearly.
you try not to stare or even look, but it’s hard not to.
especially if he was staring right at you
you dropped the weights in a huff and drank water hoping you don’t smell. wiping yourself down with a towel, he looked at you with small pursed lips and a nod.
a nod.
you nodded back, kind of like to say, hey i know you and i know you me. we don’t know each other’s names but hey there hey!
nothing else happened that time at the gym but hey, he nodded.
the fourth time was when you were getting out of your last class for the day.
you were packing up your stuff in a hurry and even if all of the students have yet to go out, all the ones waiting outside already came to claim their seats.
you were organizing the wires of your charger when you notice a figure in your peripheral vision stand at the side of your table.
an apology on the tip of your tongue, as you hurry. but when you looked up, you stopped,
“hey.” he greeted, clearing his throat.
oh, it was stalker. “oh hey, sorry, i’ll be done is a second.” you said as you started to grab your things and stuff them in your bag.
he waved his hands, “no no don’t worry bout it.” placing his had in the pockets of his pants.
and if you were in anyway like your cousin terushima then you would’ve, without a doubt, strike up a conversation with and maybe even flirt a little, you know?
but you weren’t, you were y/n.
“here you go,” you said, laughing politely, your bag strap held tightly. “sorry again,”
“it’s fine,” he chuckled. “see ya,” he says.
and you pretend that your big smile was because of the assigned readings and not because he talked to you.
getting out of the lecture hall in hurry, looking at your watch and going into a sprint as you saw the time.
the scheduled bus was going to depart in 2 minutes.
you hoped to catch it but you saw the bus hurry off down the street, opting to just wait on the bench.
great, the next bus wasn’t going to come for another 50 minutes.
the fifth time you saw him was 50 minutes after the fourth time.
the bus arrived the same time he did.
“we have got to stop meeting like this,” he said peering at you from behind before standing next to you and gave you a smile.
completely not expecting him to talk to you again, you laughed in surprise.
“yeah i guess so,”
the bus was getting slowly filled with people on the bus, and you and stalker being at the end of the crowd means you two will have no seats.
but he doesn’t seem to mind as he continue smiling down at you.
chuckling softly as he pulled the corners of his mouth closer to stop from grinning, he said.
“i know i said ‘see ya’ but you didn’t have to wait for me.”
you scoffed, pretending to be offended but outed by the growing smile on your face,
“i did not!”
when it was your guys turn to board the bus, he stood next to you and blocked all the other students from bumping into you as you enter.
as predicted there were no seats left, so you two had to squish together in the middle as more people get on.
and just like before, he acted like the shield between you and the other people.
“you okay?” he whispered.
startled at how close his voice were to you, you look up, “yeah, yeah i’m fine.”
seeing you look so frazzled probably amused him that he chuckled at you before whispering again.
near your ear this time,
“so are you going to tell me your name? or are you going to wait for me again tomorrow?”
you flushed, inhaled sharply when his breath hit your ear.
you were about to give a witty remark, but just decided to accept defeat and whisper back, “it’s y/n”
“ah, y/n, iwaizumi hajime.” he smiled.
for the next 5 stops you try focus on anything other than how close his body was to you or how good he smells or how perfect his name seem to fit him.
when two seats became available he placed a hand on your shoulder and pointed with his lips, gesturing you to walk towards the seats.
and just like the first time you met, his jacket seem to squish at your side, maybe even more so than before.
and when you readjusted to give him more space, he juts looked at you and leaned more with a teasing smile.
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donutloverxo · 4 years
Make me
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*gif is not mine*
The donut series - Part 8
Note - Idk wtf this is... Lol! Hopefully I can complete this series before the year ends. Just 2 or 3 more parts now.
Thank you so so much to @firefly-graphics for the cute dividers💖💖
Summary - You move into the tower with Steve.
Warnings - 18+ only please, smut (m/f), soft dom Steve, daddy kink, captain kink, praise kink, orgasm denial, spanking, punishments, Steve is pushy and possessive, some angst, (lemme know if I missed any)
Pairing - Steve Rogers x reader
Word count - 5.2k
Series masterlist
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“What do you think you’re doing?!” You jerked when you heard Steve’s voice calling out to you, dropping your lipstick on your lap, your heart hammering in your chest.
You stared at his reflection in the dressing mirror. “God, Steve,” looking over your shoulder you glared at him, “Don’t you think you shouldn’t be sneaking up on me? Especially after everything that happened.”
His face immediately soften, muttering an apology to you, “But you’re not going out today.” He said in a tone that left no room for negotiation.
But you weren’t one of his agents or one to be bossed around. “And you get to tell me what to do, because?” folding your arms over your chest and mimicking his stance.
“Sweetheart, come on, don’t argue with me. It’s still dangerous for you out there.”
“What do you mean? I thought you arrested those guys. Who else would be after me?” you frowned.
He takes two long strides, standing before you and taking your hand in his “Clint has been interrogating them all night. They’ll crack soon enough and give up who they’re working for but we need to be careful till then.”
You sighed, “How long do you think it will be?”
“I don’t know, doll. Hopefully not too long.”
“Well, I can’t just stay locked up forever. Besides a locked door isn’t going to stop Hydra, I mean it didn’t the first time. So really what difference does it make if I’m in college or at home?”
“About that,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “how would you feel about moving into the Avengers tower?”
“What?” you blinked. You had heard of the Avengers living and working from the Avengers/Stark tower. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that Steve would possibly live there as well, but for some reason it did. “For how long?”
“Uh, we can give it a try and see how it goes?” he hesitated. He should’ve asked you to move there as soon as you told him you felt unsafe. The whole incident could’ve easily been avoided.
“I mean I wouldn’t mind living there, I think,” you shrugged, “it’s you I’m worried about.”
“What do you mean?” he tilted his head to the side, like a cute little puppy.
You got up from the chair, looping your hands over his neck and playing with the little hair on the nape of his neck, “You’re so cute and clueless, baby,” you cooed.
He huffed at that, puffing out his chest to show you how ‘macho' he is. Completely capable of protecting his girl from big bad guys no matter what.
“I just felt the tower is so unlike you. It’s so...”
Modern--was the word you were looking for, but that seemed too on the nose so you tried to think of a better adjective. You had only ever been to the tower a few times. The first was to make a delivery, when you met Steve for the first time, and then a few times at parties and little get-togethers. It was strange to think that you were part of the Avengers inner circle now, especially if you’re going to be living with them.
“So what?” he wanted to know.
“Just so not you, Stevie. I can’t imagine you living there.”
“We should’ve moved long ago. As soon as you told me about the stalker. I should’ve taken it more seriously.”
“Hey,” you traced his sharp cheekbone, “it’s not your fault. It’s nobody’s fault. Except the ones who did the kidnapping,” you scrunched up your nose, “they’ll get what’s coming to them though, right?”
“Of course, they’ll never hurt you or anyone else ever again,” he promised, kissing the inside of your wrist.
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You kept looking at your watch. A gift from your mum for your high school graduation. It had a vintage feel to it, the thin leather strap making your hand look to delicate, Steve had always said that he liked it the best. He always did like you looking small compared to him.
The elevator dinged, “Exactly four minutes.”
“Hm?” he asked, lacing his fingers with yours as he walked towards ‘his' apartment. Or the apartment that was supposed to be his.
Tony had offered him boarding there when the tower was reconstructed months ago. He thought about it but eventually said no upon seeing just how big the apartment was.
Hell he had a whole floor to himself, which was too extravagant for him. He was used to taking only what he needed, if that.
More than that though...
You caught him looking at you, sparing him a sweet smile that crinkled your sparkling eyes.
More than that he didn’t want to live in such a large space all alone.
He would never share that with anyone, they’d laugh at Captain America being too scared of being alone. When he had the love and adoration of the whole world, a second chance at life and everything one could need to be happy.
But he still couldn’t bear the deafening silence of his lonely apartment. He’d get home from work, switch on the television so he’d have something to talk about with his colleagues, sip on a beer. It didn’t necessarily get him drunk or even taste all that great but it made him feel normal.
He never had to think about being alone in a strange new world all that much since he was often too busy. But he absolutely would not have an entire floor to himself. He’d surely go crazy.
“Four minutes for the elevator to get up here from the ground floor. It’s so high,” you marvelled at the view the floor to ceiling windows gave you.
“Yeah. They really should put some music there. They used to, back in my day,” he shared.
He wasn’t afraid of talking about his past with you. You never made fun of him for it, but instead listened intently and nodded. At most you’d tease him a bit... but he kinda liked that.
He punched in the code to his apartment, telling it to you, “Your birthday,” he winked, “it’s changed every twenty-hour hours.”
“That seems a bit excessive. This place is like a fortress, I doubt anybody could break in.”
He held the door open for you as you entered. Surprised to find the apartment already furnished.
“How did they manage to do all this so soon?” you wondered. Running your hands on the leather of the couch in the middle of the living.
The dark couch went well with the hardwood floors. A tall bookshelf to the side, it felt almost like a study, your fears of it being too modern and minimalistic for Steve’s taste were null, too masculine for your taste though. It seemed a lot like Steve’s old apartment. “Needs a woman’s touch.”
“You can decorate it however you like,” he said, hugging you from behind, he propped his chin up on your head.
“I don’t know... I don’t have any experience decorating apartments...” your voice small, scared of not being able to live up to his expectations. “Certainly wouldn’t do as good a job as you did,” your back leaned into his front.
“I didn’t decorate this, honey,” he chuckled. “Tony hired an interior designer. A few months ago but I didn’t want to live here then. We can ask him to call her again and then you can talk to her.”
“No, I don’t want to cause trouble. And it’s not like we’re living here for long,” you shrugged.
“What do you mean?” his voice stiff and although you couldn’t look at him you just knew he was frowning.
“Isn’t it a bit too soon to move in together?”
“But we were already living together.”
You sighed, “Yeah, but making renovations seems too... permanent?”
“You don’t want us to be permanent?”
You turned around, your heart aching at even the thought of hurting him, “That’s not what I meant, love... Isn’t it weird to live where you work?”
“It’s better this way. I can get home to you sooner,” he argued.
“Well, I suppose that’s true.”
“Are you having second thoughts about us?” he asked.
You immediately shook your head, “It’s a bit intimidating, but nope, no second thoughts.”
“That’s good then.”
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You often dreamt all things Steve ever since you started dating him. Marrying him, even having a little boy wearing a mini Captain America suit for Halloween who looked eerily similar to Steve. You called him James after Steve’s late friend, you hadn’t told him about that though.
This morning you were dreaming of being whisked away in Italy, having your wedding to him by lake Como. You were wearing a traditional forties style gown, much like the one your grandma wore at your wedding.
Scrunching your nose as you were pulled from your beautiful dream when you felt something wet on your cheek. Rubbing it away with your palm, you moaned.
“Wake up, sleeping beauty,” Steve cooed, peppering kisses all over your face. Knowing that to be the best way to calm you before you snapped at him for waking you up so early.
You opened your eyes, rubbing your sleep away, “It’s still dark... I thought we agreed I’m doing school online,” you turned away from him, nuzzling your face into your pillow. “What time is it?”
“It’s five.”
He snorted, “No. AM.”
“Oh my god, Steve!” you groaned, “What is wrong with you? That’s like...the middle of the night. Let me sleep in peace.”
“We have to train you. Come on I’ll teach you some self defense moves, it’ll be fun.”
“I doubt any amount of training will make me capable of fighting off hydra...”
“That doesn’t mean you can’t try,” he interrupted you, “I’m not taking no for an answer.”
“Maybe in the evening.”
“Morning is the best time to do it. Come on, it’ll be fun! Besides, we always do your thing.”
He did often let you pick the movie or drag him shopping so he could hold your bags and pay for your stuff. You knew he liked to work out and would like to have you do it with him. The only problem was--you literally couldn’t think of anything worse to do.
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“Square your shoulders, honey,” he instructed as you followed, seeing an opening to punch him in his stomach, and because you were mad about being woken up at literally the crack of dawn you took it.
He managed to dodge it, obviously. And even had the nerve to be cocky about it as he smirked at you. “You’re so small, puppy,” he teased, patting your head.
You huffed, being almost a foot shorter than him. “Whatever.”
And then you recalled all the times you had wrestled your cousin, who was much bigger than you, when you were kids. Remembering a move that often worked on him.
You launched towards Steve, holding onto his midsection and trying to tackle him to the ground.
“Urgh!” you groaned but he refused to move even an inch.
Eventually you did give up, if only so you could stop embarrassing yourself. Helping, or rather just standing to the side and watching Steve as he punched the shit out of a bag.
“Go, Steve!” you cheered. Rubbing your thighs together at the sight of him all sweaty and of his bulging muscles. “You should bring me down here more often,” you sighed dreamily.
“Will do,” he smirked, pulling the velcro of his gloves, “Come on, it’s time to do some crunches, I’ll spot you.”
“No, please,” you tried to run away, even though you knew it’d be of no use, but he effectively caught you and made you lie down on the mat. Giving you a goal of two sets of twenty frigging crunches.
“I hate you,” you grumbled. Willing yourself to pull your upper body up despite the slight pain in your side, moving up as Steve pecked your lips. To give you an ‘incentive’.
“Stop lying, I know you love me,” he smiled.
Lying back on the mat after your first set, on the verge of giving up but Steve kept insisting that you go on.
You looked down at him. His skin barely had a sheen of sweet, blond strands kissing his forehead. He still had an amber glow to his skin even as you got closer to the winter months.
“You’re staring, sweetheart,” he reminded you.
“I’m sorry, I just can’t help myself.” Often getting lost in his beauty.
You smirked as you got a wicked idea, putting your legs over his, straddling his hips, “Have you ever wanted to do something in public?” you asked, as he simply stared up at you, completely dumbfounded. Rolling your hips against his, “I have, it’ll be fun and thrilling.”
“I... No,” he blinked, shaking his head, “We shouldn’t,” but even as he said it, he held onto your sides, pulling you closer to him. You giggled as you felt his hard cock pressing against your thigh.
“Oh my god, guys, come on.”
You yelped, holding onto Steve’s shoulders to keep from falling, looking to your side to see where the voice came from.
“We could come back if you want...” Natasha said. She didn’t look fazed by it at all, unlike her friend.
“No, we are not coming back! This is not what you use the gym for, Rogers.”
You looked at Steve, who was as red as a tomato, “Sorry,” he got up, helping you up as well, standing behind you to cover up his erection, he introduced you to his friend, “This is Sam.”
“Nice to meet you,” Sam gave you a nervous smile.
“We should get going,” Steve said, pushing you towards the exit. “That’s a sneaky way to get out of training,” he whispered in your ear as you walked back to the elevator, “It won’t work again,” pinching you butt, making you squeal.
“We’ll see.”
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You hummed as you looked at your side of the closet, which was as big as your old living room, it looked as if you didn’t really have enough stuff to fill it out. You looked over at Steve’s side, even more empty... and “So boring,” you whispered under your breath.
“Right?” Tony nodded, as if agreeing with you.
Why he was there in the first place you didn’t know. You didn’t invite him, neither did Steve, he had said he just wanted to see how well you both were fitting in. With Steve gone for the most part of the past couple of days you were on your own to unpack everything.
Tony said he’d help you... but you had a feeling he was just snooping.
“What a grandfather sense of fashion he has,” he looked at your poor Steve’s shirts in disgust.
You took offense to that. “If anyone can pull it off, he can,” you huffed. Nobody insults your man.
“Really?” he quirked a brunette brow, “I don’t think so. I mean... I could probably. I can pull off anything,” he boosted.
“I mean, you could try them on if you like, but they’re probably too big for you,” you taunted him in mock sympathy.
“Ouch, guess I deserve that,” he said as he went through the box you had stuffed your make up in.
“What are you even looking for?” you pulled it away from him, glaring at him, “Don’t you have a company to run or a world to save?”
“Hey, Steve was the one who asked me to keep you company,” he held his hands up.
“Well, he asked Nat, which is basically the same as asking me. So I volunteered. He wasn’t happy about that though,” you smacked his hand away when he tried to pry into another box.
“Why would you volunteer?” Steve may have good intentions but having the billionaire hovering over you was only making you irritated.
“... to hang out I guess,” he confessed when he couldn’t really think of anything else to say.
You giggled, “If you wanted to be my friend you could’ve just said so!”
“No... no,” he shook his head, “I didn’t say anything about wanting to be friends.”
He was just curious about you. To figure out what Caps taste is. And to maybe get some hot goss about him. Not that being friends with you sounds like the end of the world, you certainly weren’t as insufferable as Cap.
“What would you like to do, fren?” you fluttered your lashes at him.
“Aren’t you supposed to be packing?”
“I’m bored of being cooped up. Lets do something fun!”
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Steve smiled, a wide cheeky one, as he thought of all the things he could do with you and spend the remainder of his day with you. His stomach doing somersaults in giddiness.
“I could get used to this,” he said to himself before calling out for you. The thought of coming home to you everyday, so domestic and romantic. His smile dropping as he looked for you in the bedroom, the boxes sat scattered and unopened. All over the room.
He knew you were in the apartment before he even heard your voice, his super senses alerting him, “Oh, Steve!” you perked up. Giggling as you put your shopping bags down. “So, I might’ve made an oopsie.”
Plumping down on the fluffy bed, large enough to fit two Steve’s and still have room for you, taking off your real Louboutins. Since Steve gave you his card, you decided you wanted to treat yourself to them. But they were equally as uncomfortable as the fake ones.
“What?” he quirked a brow, his hands on his hips as he despondently shook his head.
“Well, Tony pointed out that your wardrobe is kinda...” you thought of a adjective that wouldn’t be offensive, biting your lip as you went through your vocabulary, “Old-ish?” when he didn’t reply you kept going, “and I might’ve maxed out your card... Tony offered to pay! But it didn’t feel right,” you jutted your bottom lip out, pushing your titts up together in an attempt to look cute.
“You went out? When I specifically asked you not to?” a rage simmering in his voice--which you didn’t quite like. Because who the fuck was he to talk to you like that?
“I had Iron Man with me. I think I was okay. You’re being annoying,” you rolled your eyes.
“Am I?” his hands now folded over his chest.
And you’d be frustrated with him acting as if he was your dad, sure you called him daddy but that didn’t give him the right to have authority over you while you weren’t naked, if he didn’t look so fucking good. With the veins propping on his forearms, light blond hair littered over it, his watch strapped on his wide wrist. You only stared him down in response.
“It would’ve been better if you had went alone instead. Tony is nothing but trouble,” he scoffed.
“I thought you wanted me to make friends with your team,” you countered.
“Are my clothes too embarrassing for you? Am I too old for you?” he tried to keep his voice from wavering, to hide some of his vulnerability, but he couldn’t, not to you anyway. “Is that why you didn’t tell your family about me?”
You gaped at him. That was the reason you hadn’t told your mom. She’d point out the obvious reasons, as she had just like you expected, him being from the forties would just make things harder for you both.
“I - ” you started but then stopped, “I like your clothes as they are. If you don’t like what I got you then we can return them. I just wanted to do something nice for you,” getting up and then walking towards him, kissing his jaw and stroking his arms to calm him, “you never think about yourself, I wanted to do that for you.”
“I wish that was true, doll,” he replied gravely. His lips pressed in a thin line as he looked at your sweet face, “But you have to apologize. For not following my orders.”
You snorted, taking a step back, “For the last time--you cannot order me around. I don’t care that you think you know what’s best.”
“Really? I’ve been working my ass off on trying to find the guys that did this to you and you are just hell bent on making my life harder,” he let out a dry chuckled, “say your sorry.”
“Make me.”
You regretted the words as soon as they came out of you, before you knew it he had you hauled over his lap, ready to spank an apology out of you.
“Ah!” you yelped at the unceremonious blow.
You did like it when he spanked you, you truly didn’t know why, but it made your pussy quiver. And honestly he didn’t do it enough. Only doing it once when you were late and weren’t able to call him.
Slapping your covered bottom a second time before stopping when he heard you moan, slipping a palm under your dress, being purposely slow to draw it out for you, to torture you in his own way, he pushed your panties aside, swirling your juices around your lips.
“You’re fucking enjoying this,” he growled.
You whimpered when he rolled your bundle of nerves between his fingers, nodding your head, already feeling yourself tethering on the edge.
“That’s too bad... I’ll have to be more creative,” he said as he withdrew his hand, making you writhe in his hold.
You looked at him over your shoulder, wiggling your butt to try to entice him before huffing when he simply stared at you, stoic as ever, “You’re no fair!”
“I’m doing this to be fair, sweetheart. I don’t enjoy it anymore than you do.”
A blatant, clear-cut, shameless lie. You both knew it. He loved thinking of ways to ‘punish' and executing them.
“What are you doing?” you asked as he placed you over his lap, your back to his broad front, his fingers working on the zipper of your dress. Pushing the sleeves down your shoulders.
“I’m going to fuck you till you admit that you’re sorry,” since he had no patience for insolence, placing a dubiously sweet and innocent kiss to your cheek.
“In your dreams,” you retorted but then shivered in his arms you let him roll your panties down your thick thighs, lifting up your hips to help him out, leaving you completely bare against him.
You bashfully rubbed your face against his button up, you felt his heart beating steadily, as his hands shamelessly explored your body. Grabbing and kneading at your breasts and hips, tracing the stretch marks on your thighs.
“Aren’t you gonna take your clothes off too?” you made yourself small.
You weren’t afraid of being so vulnerable before him, you had gotten used to it because you trusted him enough to not be intimidated by his perfect physique, but right now your whole body felt hot as you just wanted to cover up and give yourself some sort of modesty. Even if your desires and yearning for him was anything but modest.
“No, honey,” he answered, his fingers parting your weeping lips as he looked down to get a glance of it over your shoulders. Licking his lips at the sight of it, “Such a pretty pussy, doll. And all mine,” he rasped as he prodded at your hole with his middle finger before pushing it in, “Isn’t it?”
“Yes,” you nodded, trying to roll your hips over the erection pressing into your back.
He stilled your movements by holding onto your hips, warning you to stop, “Forever?” he urged.
“Yes, forever, god, just do something!” you wailed. Because whatever he was doing was not enough to satisfy you.
He hummed in thought, “I’m not a young guy. I prefer to take my time,” he pushed another finger in, stretching you out by viscously scissoring your cunt, all the while kissing your hair and your face.
He wasn’t someone who took only what he needed.
He didn’t need you.
Although it often seem to him as if you were like air--impossible to live without. He didn’t need you to live.
But he wanted you. More than anything else in the whole world.
He knew he shouldn’t keep you. Only being with you for a few months and he had almost gotten you killed but there was no way he could help himself.
“I’m selfish,” he whispered to you, pausing his ministrations to ruin your climax, “I’m selfish with you. I’m not as good as everyone makes me out to be,” he confessed. He didn’t know if it was right to do so, but he didn’t want to even consider the other option of letting you go.
“I figured out long ago that you weren’t all that good and boring,” you cried as he stopped again. Your hand holding onto his wrist as your sensitive cunt gushing juices of arousal all over your brand new sheets. “But I’m good, aren’t I, daddy?” you whispered, sultrily. “You can make me come--I’m always good to you. I promise I’ll suck you off after.”
Tears welled up in your eyes at his rejection, he had never done that to you. To deny you so easily and bluntly. You thought he was the one person in this whole world who would do anything for you, you could ask for the moon and he’d probably try to give it to you.
Was he really that mad at you?
Your bottom lip quivering as tears welled up in your eyes, “You’re so mean,” you accused, loudly sniffing as you felt a tear drop down your cheek.
He blinked, his fingers stopping their assault on your swollen pussy as he took in your words. You could stomp all over his heart, even shoot him, do anything you want to him, he’d forgive you for it but he absolutely could not bear to see you cry.
“No, pup,” he cooed, gently removing his fingers as you whined, he kissed your forehead as he hushed you, “it’s okay, you’re okay, shush,” one hand under your neck and circling another under your knees, cradling your naked body close to his chest like a babe, he rocked you back and forth in an effort to sooth you.
“I’m sorry I was mean,” he whispered into your hair.
“You broke your pinky promise,” you held onto his neck. You were angry with him and at the situation but your body craved the comfort his gave you. “I can’t trust you now.”
His heart ached at that, “Don’t say that,” he furrowed his brows, kissing you all over your face, “I didn’t yell, puppy.”
“But you got mad,” you puffed your cheeks.
“I didn’t promise to not get mad. That’s a bit unrealistic...”
“No, you promised--no yelling, curing or meanness. Not calling me your 'good girl' or letting me come is mean! And cruel,” you reminded him, whimpering into his chest.
“Right, right. I’m sorry, that’s my fault then. I got a bit carried away... I thought you liked that you know?”
You hummed. You did like it when Steve was a bit rough, but you always knew he loved you with all his heart because you could see it in his eyes. The way he’d praise you for being so good for him, calling you his one and only, that he could never love anyone as much as he loves you.
But when he didn’t say that to you, when he refused to call you good, your soft heart couldn’t take the rejection.
“I do... but...” you hid your face in his neck.
“But what?” he urged you.
“But I also like knowing that you love me,” you spoke against his prickly stubble.
“Of course I love you. I’m sorry I made you think I didn’t, even for a second. You’re my sweet girl, forever and always,” he promised, rocking you some more, until your breathing becomes normal and steady again.
“You’re my daddy forever too,” you giggled, “or Captain, whatever you prefer.”
“If I had to pick I’d say Steve,” he told you. While it was nice to have you call him sweet name, nobody really uses his given name anymore. To have you call him that in your sweet girly voice, reminding him that he could be just Steve with you, was exhilarating.
“Okie, Stevie then.”
“Right, how about I draw you a bath? Afterwards we can go over the things you got me,” he perked up.
“You don’t have to wear them if you’re not comfortable.”
“I know, pup, but I want to. I want to get with the times. Can’t have anyone making fun of you for dating an old man,” he teased, swaying you some more.
“Hm, but...”
“But what?”
“I... um... still wanna come, so bad,” you whispered softly, rubbing your thighs together. “Will you make me come, Stevie?”
“Yes,” he replied immediately, “how would you like me to?”
“I wanna come around you,” you stated as heat rushed to your cheeks. “And I am sorry. I probably should’ve told you before going with Tony.”
“I know you’ve been cooped up, honey. I’m going to take a few days off so we can do whatever you like,” he said, working on unbuckling his belt, “But before that, I need to take care of my sweet girl, just like she does for me.”
Your hands feebly pulling at his button up, he took your queue and rid himself of it, along with his undershirt as your hands explored the expanse of his broad chest.
Pulling his length out, he manoeuvred your body till you over him, “Guide me in, sweetheart,” he instructed as you whimpered.
Grabbing the base of his cock, coating your slick in his pre ejaculate, you slowly sunk down on him. Not being able to fit all of him in, because he was as thick as a can of pringles, and oh so long.
You looked at him, too anxious to disappoint him, “Can’t fit it all in,” you whined.
“It’s okay, doll,” he stroked your back. “We’ll make it fit some other day,” he pecked your lips, lying on his back and pulling you down with him he snaked a hand between your bodies, working your clit up with his hand till he felt you convulsing and clenching around his length, gripping him so tight as you squirmed in his hold.
Whispering sweet nothings to you as you calmed down from your high. You wanted to do something for him too, to make him come, so you grinded your hips over his, shivering at the sick squelching sounds your joined sexes made.
But he stopped you by gripping your hips, “How about you just keep me warm for now?” he asked.
You hummed, “It’ll be hard...” to have him just stay inside you, and you knew he could stay hard for hours if he wanted to, and for you to not be able to do anything about it...
“I know it will be. But you’re my good girl, you can do that for me, right?” he tipped your chin up to make you look at him.
“Yes, Stevie,” you agreed.
Laying your head back on his chest, muttering a ‘sorry' whenever you accidentally clenched around him and following his orders like a good girl would.
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Please note that my work is not to be reposted or published anywhere other than my Tumblr or AO3 account without my permission. Reblogs are most welcome though!
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queenbrightwhitly · 4 years
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“Ugh, this is by far the worse day of my life.” You fell back on your bed dramatically, spreading out across your sheets.
Dani stood in the door way with JT; both looking amused. “It’s for your own good, plus this way we can keep a close eye on you.”
You scoffed, looking up at both of them annoyed. “You both aren’t even going to be here! It’s some guys that Gil found in the office with nothing else better to do than babysit.”
“It’s not babysitting.” Dani said.
“It’s babysitting.” JT stated. Dani glared at him, JT only shrugged. “No point in lying to her, it is what it is. We should honestly get the SWAT to watch over you, knowing you’ll probably ignore us and do something stupid.”
You rolled your eyes. “I get a few creepy stalker letters and now I’m under house arrest. Perfect.” Proping up you smiled brightly. “You both should totally stay, we can order pizza and play monopoly, I also have UNO.”
“This isn’t a sleep over Y/n. This is serious.” JT scolded.
You huffed, folding your arms you started pouting like a child. Mostly to annoy JT further. “Malcolm would play UNO with me. Where is he anyways?”
Dani smiled. “Your Prince Charming is currently looking into a lead with Gil about your stalker. He wanted to make sure they got the right guy.”
You wanted to sass something back. Dani knew about your little fondness for the profiler, but JT certainly didn’t, and you didn’t want him to. He would never let you live it down. You were surprised that Malcolm himself hadn’t figured you out... Than again he could have and not said anything.
“Whatever, you guys are no fun anyways.” You reached over to grab the remote, turning on the tv you saw out of the corner of your eye them leaving. This was going to be a long boring night.
You spent the last few hours, doing random things. You started with your laundry, than you went and made yourself breakfast for dinner, finally you had settled with changing into your PJs with a bowl of fresh popcorn as you were scrolling though the tv trying to find a movie to watch.
Suddenly hearing a knock on the door, you froze, getting up you peaked outside to see the police officers had left. When did that happen?
The door banging was louder this time, making you flinch. Quietly moving to the kitchen you grabbed the small pistol you kept hidden under the sink. You slowly walked closer to the door, the banging not letting up, you got closer and proceeded to lean against it. Looking through the peep hole you sighed in relief upon seeing none other than Malcolm Bright himself.
Unlocking your latch you opened the door. Malcolm smiles widely at you. Looking down at your hand his smile dropped and he looked more concerned now.
“Come on in.” You greeted happily, ignoring the way Malcolm kept looking at you. You knew that he was profiling you. “I just made popcorn, want some?”
“Why do you have a gun?” Malcolm asked.
You rolled your eyes turning around to face him. “Well, Malcolm. When you get a bunch of creepy love letters and get the feeling that someone is watching you, a gun just becomes a part of your household accessories.”
Before he had the chance to respond you walked over to your kitchen counter and set the gun on top. Malcolm closed the door behind him and sat down on one of your kitchen stools. He was eying the gun, looking like he hadn’t seen one before.
“What are you doing here Malcolm? And where’s my babysitters?”
Malcolm turned back to you, an amused smile gracing his face. You tired your best to act casual, but you felt yourself get nervous.
“Gil and I found the guy who was sending the letters. Apparently he was planning on coming to your apartment tomorrow to try and see you. He told us everything once JT got into his face, he wasn’t as nearly as threatening as he was writing about himself in those letters.”
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. “Well, I’m glad that’s over with.” Malcolm nodded, taking another look at your gun again.
“Malcolm, why do you keep looking at my gun?” You asked, causing him to put his gaze back on you.
“Sorry, I just,” stoping for a second he continued. “You were really scared. I just didn’t realize how scared.”
“What are you talking about?”
Malcolm nodded towards the gun. “I’m guessing you didn’t feel comfortable with the officers Gil left for you. Plus your hand hasn’t stopped shaking this whole time.”
You glanced down at your hand to see it was indeed shaking. Taking your other one you placed it on top your wrist trying to still your movements. “Dani also happen to mention you weren’t too happy about none of us being here.”
“Yeah, well I can’t blame you. You were out finding my stalker, so thanks for that.” You shrugged, looking anywhere but him.
Malcolm nodded. “Dani also said something about you wanting to play UNO with me? I’m not quite sure what that means”
“Oh my, she-“ you instantly groaned in frustration. “I’m going to shot her.”
Malcolm smiled, taking a hold of your hand across the table he brought it to his lips. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something Y/n.”
“Ok?” You kept you eye on Malcolms hand in yours, moving his thumb across your palm.
“I’ve been taken notice of you lately, and based on certain bahavior it’s seems you may have particular feelings for me. Is this true?”
Malcolm kept his eyes on you, watching intently for any sort of reaction. He felt your hand still in his own, noticing your lack of eye contact with him.
You sighed, fully aware you’ve been caught. Not like you really had a chance in the first place. “I feel like you already know the answer to that.”
“Doesn’t mean I don’t want you to clarify it for me.��� Malcolm said.
“Should I even go as far as to do that?” Malcolm smiled, his hand pulling yours back up to him, his lips pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles.
“I would really be thrilled if you did.”
You smiled, walking around the table you stood right in front of Malcolm, his hand never letting go of yours.
Leaning over you softly whispered in his ear. “ I happen to have particular feelings for you, Malcolm Bright.”
Just as you said that, Malcolm let go of your hand and placed both of his on your cheeks. It took you a second to realize he was kissing you, but once you did you instantly kissed him back.
His hands roamed from your cheeks to your waist pulling you closer to him. You stood right between his legs which were hanging off the bar stool. You had one hand on his chest while the other was tangled in his hair. He wasn’t letting up in the kiss, which went from a sudden kiss to wild make out session.
Malcolm leaned forward, wrapping his arms around your legs be stood up and carried you with him. Walking over to the couch, Malcolm sat down with you on top of him. You straddled his lap, his hands on your hips drawing circles.
You both needed air but Malcolm was the one who pulled back first. Resting his forehead against yours, you both were breathing heavily. Malcolm looked down at you, his pupils were blown wide, his breathing slowly going back to normal.
You looked at him questioning. “I really hope that was a good wow.”
Malcolm looked down, smiling he nodded. “Yes, very much so.”
Suddenly a noise came from outside causing you to jump. You tried to reach for your gun but suddenly became panicked, Malcolm instantly took notice and took a hold of your shoulders.
“Hey, are you okay? You’re-“ Malcolm stopped himself, taking notice of your behavior. “You’re still terrified. Y/n, you know he’s gone. This guy is officially locked away.”
You nodded, looking around you sat yourself on the couch next to Malcolm and grabbed the blanket that was resting on top of your couch. “I know.” resting his arm on the couch, holding his head up with his hand he stared at you.
“Talk to me,” Malcolm spoke softly. Reaching up he placed a stray hair behind your ear.
You sighed, smiling briefly. “I’m normally not so paranoid. It’s just- the last time I wasn’t, someone died. I guess, being put on the sidelines kinda just made me think of what might happen to one of you guys.”
Malcolm nodded. “That’s why you wanted Dani, JT, and I to be here. It wasn’t about not having someone you knew or the fact that you would be bored by yourself. You didn’t want us getting hurt looking for your stalker.”
“You all shouldn’t have to deal with my problems, much less if you guys are going to get hurt doing it. I can take care of myself, I’m a cop ya know.”
Malcolm smiled. “Indeed you are. Although I’m kinda glad you said something, I wouldn’t be here otherwise.” 
“Is that so wise guy?” You smirked, taking a hold of his tie and bringing him closer. Malcolm smiled, leaning forward he connected his lips to yours. Both of you became tangled with each other, Malcolm rubbed his hand up and down your leg through your blanket, while his other one came up and caressed the side of your cheek.
Wrapping your arms around his neck you messed with the back of his hair, his bangd were now in front of his face all messy and tangled. Pulling back you tried to catch your breath, Malcolm on the other hand attached himself to your neck. His lips were soft and warm, the feeling sending chills up your spine.
Just when things were starting to go further both your phones started ringing. Sighing, you reached in your pocket to see Dani’s name come across your screen. Malcolm showed you his phone and sure enough Gils name popped up.
“I think that’s our sign we better get up.” You joked, moving to stand up, you helped Malcolm get up, his hand interlocking with yours.
“We’ll finish this later.” Malcolm said, leaning down he kissed the top of your head. “I never thought I would be so disappointed to have a case.”
“I’m sure that will change when you find something stupid to do.” You teased, leaning your head on Malcolms, you both made your way to the precinct.
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youalexturnermeon · 4 years
Warm Beer and Cold Women (Johnny Lawrence x Reader)
Request: Hi! I absolutely love your work and I was wondering if I could get a Cobra Kai Johnny imagine where the reader is a bartender and starts crushing on him since he’s a regular and he flirts with her all the time and she pretends to hate it but she actually loves it? by Anon
A/N: Again, Johnny Lawrence x Reader and again it’s gonna be multiple parts (ONLY IF YOU WANT ME TO) because I just can’t keep it short
Warnings: badass reader, drinking, swearing
Wordcount: 1589
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“Look, (Y/N), your boyfriend’s back.”
You heard that sentence almost every day during your late shift. Everyday, for about a month now. Jenny, your college at the half empty bar never held herself back. Just like right at the moment when she said that with a grin as you two stood behind the counter and polished glasses to look busy.
You rolled your eyes, “He’s not my boyfriend!” You insisted on it every night as well.
“Your loss, he’s kinda hot”. And Jenny’s answer was also the same every time. This conversation always felt like a déjà-vu, except that it literally happened to you every damn night you had to work. You let out a deep sigh trying to focus on the empty glass in one of your hands and the dirty cloth in the other. Yet you couldn’t help yourself to take a peek at the man who just arrived and took his regular seat at the end of the bar counter. He came here every day and he never made a secret out of doing it just because of his favourite barkeeper – you. He was indeed hot; you thought every time. Although he probably was in his late 40s or maybe even early 50s and looked like he’d seen some shit in his life, he was damn attractive, he had a full head of blonde hair, the bluest eyes you have ever witnessed on a person and he was more athletic than most men your age. You caught yourself hungrily eyeing his toned body, muscles almost popping through the tight black shirt he was wearing.
“Hey gorgeous,” he called over to you when he noticed your glance. And the biggest and brightest smile appeared on his lips. “Hi, Johnny.” you greeted him back, trying to sound the most disinterested and lazily walked over to him.
“Who do I have to screw to get a beer around here?”
You rolled your eyes again, supressing a stupid grin. You almost allowed your brain to picture an image of you two in the men’s bathroom. You pulled yourself together and shook this indecent thought off.
“Most certainly not me.”
“Well, that’s too bad.”
“But if you want me to,” you gestured with your thumb to the door, ‘staff’ written on it, behind you, “I can go fetch Kenny, he won’t say no to that. It’ll get you at least 2 free drinks, I think.”
Kenny was a big old biker, with long grey hair and a long grey beard, dressed in leather from head to toe, who owned the shabby bar you worked in. He also looked quite scary if one didn’t know him. Johnny’s smile twitched into a disgusted grimace. And you laughed from planting the thought of Johnny screwing Kenny inside his head. He didn’t like him very much.
“If you weren’t the hottest chick I have seen in my whole life, I would’ve called you a stupid bitch of a barkeeper and left you without any tip. But your pretty face and your great ass saves you all the time, huh?”
“Yes, Johnny,” you replied sarcastically “this has brought me very far in live, after all I’m a respectable barkeeper in not the shabbiest bar of Reseda but quite close to it, renting a luxury 1-bedroom apartment next to the most famous meth-head on the block for much more than it’s worth. Are you having the usual?” Johnny nodded, and you went off to get him his beer and whisky. Sometimes it was hard for you to be so mean to him, he was the only man on earth who showered you with complements all the time, not giving up flirting with you no matter what you said. But after all, he was still a local drunk hitting on a barkeeper. There was a lot of those, you had a few of them every night and Jenny even more. The only thing different about Johnny was that he was very good-looking and the most persistent of them all.
Jenny winked at you as you drew a beer from the tap system and poured the cheap brown liquid into a shot glass.
“How’s the love life going?”
“Fuck off, Jenny!”, you grunted and made your way back to the regular. You placed his order in front of him and stood still, arms crossed. To be fair, you didn’t have anything else to do, it was Tuesday night and only a few people sat in the dark corners of the bar getting drunk just by themselves. You might as well just let yourself entertain by the man who appreciated you.
“So, tell me,” Johnny started after he took the first sip of his beer, “How is live treating you, (Y/N), anything badass happened to you recently? You good?”
He always asked you how you were although you never really answered. You admired his endurance.
“Actually, quite the opposite?”
Johnny’s eyes widened a little and he stood his beer glass back on the counter. Surprised about a different answer today and curious for it being elaborated.
“What is it?”
You leaned over the counter and lured him closer to you with your finger, so close that his face was right in front of yours and your breath tickled him. He smelled quite nice, you reckoned, you did not expect that.
“The thing is,” you started whispering into his ear, him excitedly leaning even closer to you, happy over the slightest contact “there’s this creep who keeps coming into the bar. Almost every day, I think he’s a high-functioning alcoholic. And he just can’t leave me alone for once, always hitting on me, always talking to me. He might as well be stalking me and he’s like 20 years older than I am. Should I be afraid of him?”
Even though all you said was a lie since you didn’t think of Johnny as a creepy stalker anymore, rather a lonely guy, your words weren’t intended to be so hurtful. As soon as they left your lips you bit your tongue. Was that too much this time? But you wanted to get rid of him, did you?
“I heard he’s a quite good-looking bastard, tough.” Johnny retorted immediately without even flinching as if none of what you said struck him in the slightest. And that’s what you liked about him, he still wanted to woo you.
“And maybe if you’d give him a chance, you’d realize what a good fucking guy he is.”
You let out a hateful laugh. That would break your one and only work-rule.
“Nah, I don’t fuck with regulars.”
“Who said something about fucking?”
You bit your lip, no one did, it was your brain picturing you and Johnny again.
“You look damn hot doing that,” he said with a smirk and you promptly released your lip from your teeth.
“I’ll cook dinner, we watch a movie on my couch – “
“Thank you very much but I can have stale pasta at home by myself.“ you interrupted him, the corners of your mouth twitching. To be honest, you would like to have that, but you already were too far into acting like you hated everything he said and did and above all just him as a person.
“C’mon, (Y/N), when do you finally let met buy you a drink”
“Maybe tomorrow.”
Johnny rolled his beautiful blue eyes, “You say that all the time”
“Because you ask me that all the damn time.”
“’Cause I like you.” “Seriously Johnny, fuck off, you’re boring me.”
“Why do you always have to be such a bitch to me?” he exclaimed and maybe you were imagining that but for the first time since for ever you could make frustration out in his tone. That was exactly what you wanted, right?
“Woah,” you held your hands up “Watch your filthy mouth. You’ll have to give me a big fucking tip tonight, Johnny or I really go fetch Kenny so he can kick your sorry ass out for good.”
“No, I’ll just screw him instead, then I’ll be fine” You snorted, that man was unbelievable. Johnny, clearly satisfied with himself and his joke smiled with triumph.
“See, I made you laugh”
“Yeah, whatever” you said waving. And in that moment the huge mountain of a man, Kenny, came out of his office and stared blankly into Johnny.
“You’re gonna do what!?”, his voice roared through the bar, and Johnny suddenly became all small in his seat. You burst out laughing and finally used that situation to remove yourself from that scene. After all, you had work to do, you couldn’t just spend all your hours with Johnny. Even if you liked to.
“Uh oh,” Jenny said mockingly when you leaned against the counter next to her with a big sigh, “Relationship troubles?”
You nodded with a grin and made yourself a shot of vodka ready. You threw your head back and poured it down your throat all at once, you groaned but it felt good.
“Wow, would it have killed you if you did that with that poor guy over there?” Jenny signed over to Johnny, now sitting all alone looking down his fourth beer.
You shrugged; you didn’t want to indulge him that much.
“C’mon, you clearly in love with him and you know that.” “I don’t!” “You do, you like him.” “I fucking don’t. Stop making shit up in your hollow head!”
But that was a lie. For you the sun shone out his ass, that’s how much you liked him.
Would you guys like me to write a second or maybe a third part??? Pls let me know?
also, let me know if you want to be tagged in my one shots and stuff
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darthkruge · 4 years
Hello! I'm kinda new to the whole tumblr thing so sorry if this request is bad but I was wondering if maybe you could do an imagine for spencer reid where the reader is Garcia's younger sister and Garcia brings her in to meet the team because it's her first day there. Maybe Reid recognizes her from somewhere and he will not leet it go until he finds out how he knows her? Btw it's totally fine if you don't get to this! :)
Spencer Reid x Reader ~ Piano
Summary: When a new agent joins the BAU, Spencer knows he’s seen them before but literally cannot figure out where. His memory having never failed him before, he doesn’t rest until he figures it out.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral! Reader; Penelope Garcia x Sibling! Reader
Words: 1973
Warnings: A little bit of language, I think that’s all?
A/N: Hey anon!! First off, don’t worry, love! I’m honestly new to this whole tumblr thing too, but I loved this request! I’m sorry I didn’t get to it sooner, life’s been a bit hectic. I made it so the reader is Garcia’s younger sibling instead of sister, I hope you don’t mind. I’m going to try to make writing as gender neutral as possible moving forward. Nothing against you, of course, I know I haven’t specified in past requests and I couldn’t have expected you to know, so don’t worry! That being said, sorry for rambling and I hope you like it :)
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(gif isn’t mine)
“Hello, everyone! I want you to meet the youngest of the wonderful Garcia children!” Penelope led you into the BAU where you waved a bit stiffly. You weren’t a huge fan of being the center of attention, but you knew your sister loved these introductions.
Looking around, you pieced together the people you knew from Penelope’s stories. You recognized Derek immediately. You assumed from his professional stance that the taller and older dark haired man was Hotch. Logically, that meant Rossi was next to him. And Emily and JJ were the two women, smiling and waving at you encouragingly. You smiled a bit broader, immediately sensing you would be fast friends with them. Finally, your eyes landed on what had to be Spencer. You thought he was quite attractive and, from Penelope’s descriptions, he was also amazing, talented, kind, smart, basically everything you liked. You waved at him but noticed he was almost studying you? You weren’t sure, but felt a bit awkward, confused as to why he seemed friendly to everyone else but wouldn’t even smile at you.
“Umm, hi!” You said, laughing nervously and kind of hoping to disappear. Hotch sensed your discomfort and offered you a kind smile before putting you out of your misery.
“Welcome to the team, L/N. Garcia’s told us wonderful things about you. That being said, we’re just closing up tonight, so you could finish up your paperwork finalizing your transfer into the BAU if you haven’t already and then come in for your first day tomorrow?”
“Okay, thank you, Sir.”
“Goodnight, team”
Everyone echoed the “Goodnight” before filing out of the room. You got into the car with your sister and pulled out of the BAU, reflecting on your past and thinking about the next chapter of your life.
After almost everyone else had left, Spencer was still at his desk, thinking. The certified genius, was, for once, completely at a loss. He couldn’t figure it out. Where had he seen you before? He was currently in the process of mapping out every place he’d gone to over the last few months. Every restaurant, every film festival, every face he saw in passing at crosswalks, through car windows, at coffee stands, and, still, nothing.
“Woah, Pretty Boy, slow down! What’s got you so riled up?” Derek says, walking over to where Spencer was hunched over his notebook, furiously writing.
“I can’t figure it out, I know we’ve met before or I’ve seen them before or something. I just,” Spencer put his head in his hands, eyes starting to burn a bit from the strain of writing and concentrating for so long, “I just know it”
“Seen who before?”
“Y/N, the new agent. They’re so familiar, but for some reason I just can’t figure it out”
“Ohh! Garcia’s their sister, right?”
Spencer nodded and Derek came behind him, seeing the messy timeline and pages of notes scattered around the agent.
“Are you sure you’ve seen them? I mean, we see lots of people on the job. You could have just seen someone who looked like them, you know? And come on, Reid, your memory is, like, insane . If you’d met, you’d have remembered”
“I know, that’s what’s got me so messed up.” Spencer sighed.
“Take a rest, kid. It’s late, get back to it tomorrow. Maybe they’ll visit you in your dreams…” Derek said, wiggling his eyebrows and laughing as he walked away.
Spencer laughed, hoping Derek was right. He’d do anything to get more time with you, even if it was in his subconscious. Honestly, he felt a bit bad. He’d been so caught up in figuring how he knew you that he’d kind of forgotten to actually talk to you. Normally, he’d have caught a new recruit before they left, but he didn’t get the chance with you. After packing up, Spencer went home and continued his search with you on the forefront of his mind.
Meanwhile, you had just gotten back to your sister’s apartment. You had your own place but you were new to the team and felt a bit lonely. Mentally, you didn’t want to be alone at home, too.
“Hey, Pen, what’s up with Reid?” You asked. You were confused, you knew he was quiet but he seemed to be actively ignoring you. Even stranger, you caught him intensely staring at you, as if he was trying to figure something out.
“He’s just shy, Y/N. But he’ll warm up to you, don’t worry! Honestly, I think the both of you would be a pretty good match. If you want, I can do some of my famous matchmaking!”
“Please, noooooo,” You groaned, dragging out the word.
“Come on! I’m great at it!”
“No! Remember last time? I ended up on a blind date with a guy who, within the first three minutes, told me he liked me because he saw similarities between me and his parents!! Then, he proceeded to detail their divorce for the next 45 minutes!”
Penelope was laughing hysterically, “I mean, you did say you liked emotionally available people!”
You grabbed a pillow and threw it at her head, dying in your own fit of laughter.
“Alright, that’s it, I’m going to bed. I can’t be conscious in the same house as you anymore” You say, smiling and jokingly flipping your sister off as you walk away and into the guest room.
Naturally, she returned the gesture.
When Spencer arrived at work the next morning, his eyes were bloodshot, hair was sticking up in a million different directions, and clothes were exceptionally disheveled. Anyone else and you would have thought they had a really bad (or great) one-night stand. Although you weren’t close with him, you just didn’t see him being that type of guy. You laughed a bit as he grimaced, taking a sip of what looked like extremely bitter coffee.
Deciding to try and break the ice, you went over to him. “Long night?”
Spencer’s head shot up. “Uh, yeah, I guess you could say that” He said, laughing a bit.
You smiled. Even though he was awkward, you felt at ease in his company. “I get that, I’ve had a few long nights myself. I love the job, don’t get me wrong, but the way the BAU runs is different from anything else I’ve ever dealt with.”
“Yeah. It can be a bit of an adjustment, but you’ll be fine. You’re doing great. I mean, you arrived early, so I can already assume you’re organized. And your desk is a little messy, leading me to believe you’re a creative person. Your handwriting is quite slanted, too. I recognized it from your entry forms. Did you know that’s a sign of high intelligence? Because your thoughts are moving so quickly, your hand can’t keep up in the “perfect” way, so the letters normally slant and become more sloppy.”
You were mesmerized by him. You could watch him talk for hours, truly. Sure, he wasn’t always graceful, but he was so passionate about everything he talked about. You loved listening to people talk about what they love. The way their eyes light up, it makes the energy surrounding them contagious.
Realizing he had just psychoanalyzed you without permission, Spencer looked at your sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to profile you. It’s sometimes hard to shut off, especially around new people.”
“I get that. It’s okay, I don’t mind.” You said, nodding knowingly.
As you said that, Spencer figured it out. He remembered one time visiting his mother in Vegas and hearing you say those exact words. You were playing the piano, talking to a patient who had just accidentally spilled some water on your sheet music as they took their medicine. “It’s okay, I don’t mind. I was in need of new music, anyway” You had responded, laughing. He was surprised he didn’t immediately recognize you, the beautiful and talented person he’d seen that day. But, it did make sense, in a way. Spencer’s memory is always at its highest and weakest when he’s with his mother. He can remember each of their conversations, verbatim, but everything else fades.
“Spencer? You alright?” He had been kind of spacing out for a few moments and you were afraid you did something wrong.
His attention came back to you and he smiled again, brighter this time. “You play piano.” He stated.
Your breath caught and you let out a small laugh, extremely confused. “Uhh, yeah, I do. I’m sure you’re great, but that seems extreme even for you, Mr. Profiler”
Spencer laughed. “No! I didn’t profile you, I just, I remember you. Las Vegas, March 12th, Psychiatric Hospital, you were playing piano. A patient spilled water on you. I remember you.”
“Oh, right! Ms. Owens! She’s lovely. You were there that day? Well, either that or you just gave yourself up as a damn good stalker”
“No, no, not that,” He said, a shy smile playing on his lips, “My mother’s a patient there, Diana Reid? I’m not sure if you know her.”
“Yeah! She’s quite a character. I always enjoyed playing on days Diana was there.” You reminisced for a second, lost in the memory.
“Were you visiting someone there, too?” He said, pulling you from your thoughts.
“Not exactly. My grandfather was a patient before he passed. He taught me how to play and I kind of just asked the staff if I could volunteer and continue to after he left. They were kind enough to let me. I mean, he always encouraged me to perform and I thought it was a nice way to honor his memory. A few months later I heard from Penelope that there was an opening at the BAU. I moved out, and, well, here I am.” You gestured to yourself, slightly embarrassed after you realized you might have overshared.
Spencer caught onto this, however, and quickly reassured you. “That’s amazing, Y/N. You were amazing when I heard you. I wish I could have heard you play again.”
“Thank you, that’s really sweet, Spencer.” You said, resting your hand atop his, a blush forming in his cheeks at the touch.
“Um, if you don’t have plans. I mean, not to assume you don’t have plans, just if you, you know, happen to not be busy, would you want to maybe get dinner sometime? You don’t have to, of course! I wouldn’t be offended! I just kind of want to get to know you more. If that’s alright with you.” He trailed off, not making eye contact and playing with the buttons on his shirt a bit as he awaited your answer.
Deciding to be bold, you gently turned his face to meet yours and smiled. “I would love to. Tomorrow, pick me up at 8:00?”
“Yeah! Here’s my number, text me your address?”
You smiled and nodded, taking his phone. He took the moment to just look at you. You were truly one of the most breathtaking people he’d ever met. He couldn’t believe he’d just gotten you to agree to go out with him. Even so, he wouldn’t question it. If something in the universe gave this to him, he wouldn’t risk it for a second.
You placed a gentle kiss on his cheek as you slipped the phone back into his hand. As you pulled away, Spencer cupped your cheek and pulled you back in for a kiss. His lips tasted sweet and soft and a sense of serenity washed over you as you stood in the middle of the BAU, kissing him. Everything faded away and quickly came into focus again as he pulled away, far too soon for your liking.
“More of that tomorrow” He whispered, his forehead resting against yours.
You smiled, “That’s fine by me.”
~requests are open~
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minjuwrites · 4 years
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A/N: Hey babies! I've been so terrible at uploading, I have so many unfinished stories that I like but haven't had any time to finish :( over break I will definitely have more time. Anyways, THANK YOU so so soooo much for the comments and likes on my posts. It means the world to me, you don’t understand the smile and happy dance I do when I see you guys enjoy what I wrote. Here's a short little story I thought of, since our little Hyuka is a penguin. HAVE A GOOD DAY!
Prompt: After one day a mysterious pebble shows up in your locker you find yourself and your new friend trying to find out who the “penguin” is.
Huening Kai x Y/N (gender neutral)
WARNINGS: A little insecurity from the reader? Other than that cute fluff :)
There it was, another smooth shiny rock sitting in your locker. You smile picking it up and analyzing the pretty rock excited to add it to your growing collection at home. It was strange really, the little pebbles started appearing a couple months ago with no explanation. At first you thought it was some kind of joke one of your friends were playing, it seemed like something strange that Beomgyu would do. Yet, when you brought it up to everyone at lunch they seemed just as confused as you were.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Two months ago~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Okay, why are you putting rocks in my locker.” You ask slamming your lunch on the table.
Yeonjun follows behind already being caught up on the little joke.
“What?” Beomgyu looks up at you confused with a half chewed sandwich in his mouth.
“Oh come on, don’t pretend like you don’t know.” Yeonjun laughs.
“Don’t know what?” Soobin pulls out the chair next to you sitting down.
“Beomgyu keeps putting rocks in my locker.”
“I seriously have no idea what you are talking about.” His shocked expression makes you think it really wasn't him.
“Can you please explain what is going on?” Soobin asks unwrapping his own meal.
“Fine,” you sigh. “Since Monday, I keep finding these little rocks and pebbles in my locker. I assumed it was Beomgyu because… you know that's just something weird he would do.”
He looks offended at first before mulling it over and nodding in agreement. The kid knew he was a little strange.
“Anyways, I guess it’s not him. I just don’t know who else it could be or what the reason is.”
Soobin looks deep in thought before casually taking a bite of his bread. “Maybe the rocks are like a death omen, or maybe its a stalker or maybe-”
“Oh god, please shut up.” You groan not needing to think the worst of the situation.
Taehyun walks to the table sitting down with Kai right on his tail. His presence makes your heart flutter and you feel the tip of your ears heat. 
“What are you guys talking about?” Taehyun asks.
You would speak but Kai's presence makes you panic. Truthfully it was your own fault. You had a massive crush on the boy turning you into a babbling blushing mess every time he even happened to make slight eye contact. It was pathetic and it didn’t help that the boy was shy himself.
“We are talking about Y/N’s possible crazy psychopath stalker who is probably waiting to murder her while she sleeps.” Beomgyu teases.
You smack his arm with a curse. 
“Are you okay?” Kai looks at you worried. “If you want we can tell the staff or the police.”
“I-it’s okay, Beomgyu is just joking it's nothing like that it's just..” You sigh.
“It’s just what?” Taehyun asks.
You explain the situation to the two and Taehyun looks at Kai who looks away from the boy.
“Maybe this person is trying to tell you something?” Taehyun leans back in his chair.
“What do you mean? Like some kind of warning?”
“Maybe, or maybe it’s like some kind of confession.”
“Confession?” You feel confused, there wasn’t anyone you could think of that showed signs of interest towards you. “You think so?”
“Yeah, maybe they are too shy to say anything.”
“Okay, but why rocks?” Soobin looks questioningly. 
“You know, penguins actually give the smoothest pebble they can find to another during courtship.” Taehyun stabs his food before looking up at you. “Maybe this person is your penguin.”
You smile at the idea, the thought of someone having a crush on you was exciting and you couldn’t lie that the mystery of it all was interesting.
“Yeah, my penguin…” You look up, catching Kai’s eyes before he gives you a tight smile and looking away just as quickly.
After that day, you found yourself eager to find the cute little rock left in your locker. There was something else that made you more excited though. A couple days after you brought up the rocks to the boys Kai had offered to help you figure out who your “penguin’ was. You both would wake up early hoping to catch the culprit and would stay after school as well waiting patiently. Neither of you saw the person once, and a part of you hoped you never would so the two of you could keep meeting. Kai was determined to help, always waiting in the hallways or in front of the gate for you to come and investigate together. Sometimes after school you two would go and eat and he always made sure to walk you home after “just in case” which always made your brain turn to mush. It didn’t take long before you two got closer, although you were still a nervous mess around him you also felt comfortable around him. Speaking became easier between you two and you got to see more of each other's personalities. 
Closing your locker you run your fingers over the smooth rock.
“Another one, huh?” Kai looks at the rock dancing in your fingertips. “You must be tired of waiting to see who it is…”
“Hm,” you smile at him slipping the rock in your coat pocket. “It’s kinda fun, you know? Trying to figure it out. Plus, we got to know each other more.”
Kai looks down with a smile nodding his head in agreement.
“Here I'll walk you home.” He smiles waiting for you to finish grabbing your stuff.
You thank him shutting your locker and following behind him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You open your locker expecting another rock but, you find nothing. It’s a little strange but, no matter what, the little prize was waiting there by the end of the day. As the lunch bell rang you met up with Kai and the others stopping by your locker. You swing it open excitedly only to find nothing there. With a pause you ignore the worry feeling in your head and grab your lunch.
“What did they leave today?” Beomgyu peeks in your locker.
 You look over your shoulder at him before shutting your locker, after taking another quick glance of course. 
“N-nothing yet.” You fake a smile. “It’s not a big deal.”
Taehyun squints at you before leading the way to the cafeteria.
“You okay?” Kai asks, walking at your pace. “You seem a little… disappointed.”
“It’s nothing really,” except creeping thoughts began to fill your head. “I guess they just got over it? Maybe they realized I’m really not that interesting.”
He makes a face. “But you are interesting, you shouldn’t think like that. If anything maybe they got the courage to finally ask you.”
You open your mouth to protest but he stops you placing his hands on your shoulders.
“You know anyone would be lucky to have you. Seriously, everything about you is amazing.”
“Yo!” Yeonjun calls, the group had gone ahead of you two waiting for you to catch up. “You lovebirds coming?”
You see Taehyun whack the back of the boy's head causing him to rub it with an annoyed expression. You smile looking at the scene before noticing Kai’s hands are still resting on your shoulders. He seems to notice too pulling away quickly and scratching the back of his neck.
“I guess we should catch up with them.” He juts his head in their direction before walking with you to the others.
You smile feeling the lingering sensation of his hands on your shoulder that spreads through your body.
At the end of the day you reach your locker pausing before swinging the door open. Your eyes immediately see the empty space where the rock usually lays causing you to inhale sharply. Nothing. Your heart sinks, and you shuffle your stuff around wondering if maybe it had fallen somewhere. 
What you didn’t notice was Kai watching you while he fumbles with the bright pink stone in his hand. He’s thought of (and acted out, although he will never admit it) a million ways to give you the silly little rock but, as the moment comes his palms sweat and his heart speeds at an unhealthy pace. With a nervous exhale he walks towards you before giving a nod to Taehyun who in turn gives him a thumbs up.
“H-hey.” He cringes at how much he stumbles over the single word.
His nervousness turns to worry when he hears you sniffle and you turn to him with tears threatening to spill out.
“Um, I’m sorry I just-” You run off not wanting to cry in front of everyone.
“Wait!” Kai shouts but, you continue to leave the building not even looking back.
It felt stupid, to cry over something so small. You never realized how much those little rocks meant to you. You never had someone confess to you, no one had even had a crush on you as far as you knew. Every morning that little rock managed to make you feel a little more important to someone, although you weren't sure who. You also had a creeping thought that maybe, since the anonymous person stopped being interested, Kai and you would hang out less. You sigh feeling ridiculous while you wipe the tears that were starting to leak. 
“Y/N!” Kai calls running up to you.
You look up feeling embarrassed at how you acted before.
“Are you okay?” He looks at your glassy eyes with a frown.
“It’s stupid.” You smile. “I’m sorry for just storming off like that.”
“Hey, don’t apologize. What happened? You know I’m here to listen to you always.”
You feel a pang in your chest. You wondered how the universe created such a sweet boy.
“It's just, I didn’t get a rock today,” You sigh covering your heated face. “It meant a lot to me you know? I always felt like the person that no one would ever have a crush on. So, when I started getting them I felt a little excited that someone was interested in me. And… I guess I was worried that maybe if they stopped showing up you wouldn’t want to hang out as much.”
Kai’s heart skips a beat, you were really worried about something like that?
“You know, the whole wanting to know who the penguin was is an excuse?” He smiles reaching into his jacket pocket. “The truth is Y/N, I’ve always had a crush on you but, I was too scared to say anything. Everything about you is interesting, I like the way your eyes always smile before your mouth or how you always think about everyone no matter what the situation is. I meant it when I said anyone would be lucky to have you.”
You stare at the boy in complete shock. Processing the idea that the boy you have been pining for has had a crush on you the entire time.
“You didn’t get a rock today because,” he takes one of your hands placing the shiny pink stone in the palm before smiling. “I wanted to give it to you in person.”
A rush of emotion hits you like a wave. “You’re my penguin?”
He flashes a bigger smile before looking at his shoes with a pink tint in his cheeks.
“It wasn’t supposed to be this way,” he chuckles. “I actually wrote you a note and used the stone to make sure it stayed there. I asked Taehyun for your locker combination but, before you got out of class I panicked and grabbed the note.”
You laugh as the feeling of butterflies and other warm things fill your chest.
“You just seemed so happy after that I just decided to keep leaving them until I got the courage to confess. I ended up trying to “help” you figure out who it was so I could make sure you wouldn’t find out it was me. Once we started to hang out more I started realizing more and more how much I liked you.”
You hug him, catching him off guard at first but, he wraps his arms around you.
“I like you too, I always did.” You say into his chest. 
As you two pull away you clutch the stone in your hand before sliding it into your own pocket.
“Do you want to go get ice cream?” He asks cutely.
Laughing you nod your head before he slips his hand in yours swinging it lightly. He looks away attempting to hold back the smile on his face causing you to squeeze his hand.
Like a soulmate, he's your penguin. 
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wellimaginethat · 4 years
Knight in Shining Armor
Pairing: Jay Halstead x (female) Reader
Word Count: 1419 (SORRY IT’S SO SHORT!)
Author’s Note: I don’t normally write angst, although I love to read it, so I hope this is good because I enjoyed writing it. This is very loosely based on an experience I had while working at a bar, I had a creepy guy that would come in all the time and listen in to my conversations just to talk to me, it was really weird and made me uncomfortable
Trigger Warning(s): Stalking, kidnapping, death (of a bad guy, not really too graphic though)
Disclaimer: I don’t owe nor am I affiliated with any of the Chicago shows, I just like to play with the characters
Summary: Jay has been seeing someone outside of work, Y/N, a bartender at a local bar. She finds herself in danger when she’s targeted by a psychopath. Jay and the rest of the Intelligence team find out just as she gets kidnapped, will they be able to find her in time?
Y/N = Your Name
Y/LN = Your Last Name
Y/EC = Your Eye Color
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“Look who’s back again.” Your coworker, Stacy, mumbled to you as the two of you stood behind the bar.
You groaned when you saw that she was talking about Michael, who had just walked into the bar you worked at. He was a guy who seemed lowkey obsessed with you. He listened in on your conversations with your coworkers or other patrons and would either butt into the conversation or bring up the topic later on in the night, or even the following week.
He creeped you out to no end, but you dealt with it. Your boss even told you that if he started to creep you out too much, you could kick him out, but you honestly felt kinda sorry for the guy, he seemed awkward and lonely. So you pushed it down and pretended that it didn’t bother you.
But yet again, here he was. And you knew he’d stay until close, like always.
You were scared that one day he’d be out back waiting for you when you took the garbage out or went to go home, but that day hadn’t come yet and you hoped it never would.
“Looks like your stalker’s here, Y/N.” Abbie teased you as she walked in from the kitchen, which had closed at 8 and she was just cleaning up.
“Yeah, Stacy already pointed that out.” You sighed, heading over to get him his beer. “You want your usual?”
“Yes please.” Michael nodded to you. He always got the same beer, which wasn’t hard for you to remember, but you always cursed yourself when you asked if he wanted his regular beer instead of just asking what he wanted, because you didn’t want to give him the idea that you were interested.
You went over to the taps and poured it for him, taking it over. “That’ll be five dollars.” You told him, trying to keep your tone uninterested and flat, monotonous even.
He handed you a five dollar bill. “So how have you been?” He asked, trying to keep you there.
You shrugged. “Just fine.” You answered him, heading over to the cash register to ring up the beer and put the money in.
“Good good.” Michael said, nodding as he fidgeted in his seat. “I’ve been good too.”
“That’s nice.” You replied in the same flat tone.
He nodded and slumped down in his seat some, still fidgeting.
The suspect they were looking for had a thing for girls who matched your description, which immediately made Jay uneasy. Sure, Chicago was big but it wasn’t that big, you were still at a risk no matter how many girls looked like you, and he didn’t like it.
They were trying to find any commonality between the victims, but they had yet to discover one.
“So I did some digging and three of our vics worked at the same bar downtown, and the other two were regular patrons there.” Hailey said as she walked over.
They were investigating the case because a body was found dumped in the warehouse where a local gang did the drug deals, and when Atwater and Rojas went undercover to bust the gang, the body was found.
The more they dug, they ended up finding four other women who were killed in the same manner and the resemblance was uncanny, they looked enough alike that they could have been sisters. And Jay didn’t fail to notice that you fit all too well in with those other girls.
His attention snapped to Hailey. “What bar?” He asked before anyone else had a chance.
“A place called The Dive.” Hailey told him, looking from her notes to him and noticing his expression. “Why? Do you know it?”
“Yeah, and I think I might know the next target.” Jay told her as he pulled out his phone and dialed your number.
His statement piqued the interest of the rest of the team, especially Voight’s.
“Who?” Voight asked him.
“A bartender there named Y/N Y/LN.” Jay told him. “She fits the description and it’s the same bar.” He was anxious as he waited for you to pick up the phone. When it went to voicemail, his heart sunk. He ended the call and tried again.
When he tried calling you the second time you knew it must be really important, so you answered it despite still being on the clock. You had gone out back to take some garbage out and figured you couldn’t get in trouble.
“Hey Jay, what’s up?” You asked as you answered the phone.
“Y/N, where are you right now?” Jay asked, you could hear the worry in his voice.
“I’m at work, why?” You asked, frowning in confusion.
“Okay, stay there and don’t go outside.” Jay told you. “We’re on our way.”
“What? Why? What’s going on?” You asked. “Jay, you’re scaring me.”
Jay took a deep breath. “Just stay inside, I’m on my way and I’ll explain everything.”
“Okay, I’m headed back inside now-” You were cut off by an arm going around your waist from behind you, causing you to scream. A hand clamped over your mouth and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t fight whoever it was off.
They started taking you out of the alleyway and towards a street you knew was normally pretty dead at this hour. You panicked at the thought of them getting you to a car, so you continued to put up as much of a fight as you possibly could.
“Stop fighting me you bitch!” You instantly recognized the voice and your heart sunk to the pit of your stomach. Your worst fears were coming true and Michael was really a psychopath that had been stalking you. The last thing you heard was Abbie shouting your name from the alley before you were hit over the head.
When you came too, you had a splitting headache. You soon realized that you were tied up with your wrists above your head, practically dangling with only your tiptoes touching the ground.
You heard a door open from behind you and soon Michael was standing in front of you. “This never would have happened if you were nicer to me.” He told you like he was scolding a small child. “If you just would’ve been nice you wouldn’t be here. But now I have to punish you like I did the others. God, Y/N, I thought you were different.”
You whimpered when you saw him pulled out a knife, you closed your eyes tightly and that was when you heard a gun go off, causing you to scream.
Next thing you knew Jay was standing in front of you. “Hey, hey, it’s okay. You’re okay.” He said softly, lifting you up slightly so that your wrists weren’t being strained anymore as someone who you assumed worked with him untied them. As soon as you were free you collapsed into his arms, sobbing.
Jay rubbed your back, holding you up so you didn’t fall to the ground. “You’re okay. You’re safe now.” He glanced at the body on the ground before looking down at you. “Let’s get you out of here.” He said softly, helping you outside to where an ambulance was.
He wouldn’t leave your side the entire time the paramedics checked you over, but then Voight called him over and he had to step away, leaving you feeling vulnerable. Jay was back at your side as soon as possible and took your hand in his. “I’m gonna ride to the hospital with you, and some of the people I work with are going to come by after you get checked over to take your statement, okay?”
You just nodded, not really wanting to deal with anything right now but knowing you’d have to. “Yeah, okay.” You said quietly.
Jay looked you in the eyes. “Hey, you’re safe, okay?”
You nodded again, wrapping your arms around yourself in an attempt to comfort yourself.
Jay noticed and immediately wrapped his arms around you, letting you lean into his chest.
You began crying, thinking of what could have happened had Jay not gotten there when he did.
He let you cry it out before helping you up into the ambulance. “You gotta lay down so they can take you to the hospital.” He said softly.
You looked up at him, fear in Y/EC eyes. “Don’t leave me, please.” You said quietly.
“I’m not going anywhere.” Jay promised you, kissing your forehead.
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motherjoel · 4 years
Leading Lady (Spencer Reid x Reader)
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chapter three- oxytocin 
wc: 1.3k
summary: you confide in reid about your personal life- turns out he’s great at listening 
a/n: this chapter is kinda short but there’s some longer ones to come don’t worry
chapter index: chapter 1, chapter 2
You woke up the next day to your pounding alarm and the smell of burnt toast. That was when you remembered there was an FBI agent staying in your home- you weren’t having a stroke. Dragging yourself out of bed, you walked over to your dresser to make yourself decent enough to be seen by Dr Reid. Peering inside, you could see your last clean sweatshirt at the bottom of the drawer. Well, it wasn’t technically yours. It belonged to your ex, and although you normally tried to avoid wearing it, today you welcomed the familiarity and comfort that came with it. Yesterday was probably one of your more less than comforting days but you were glad that a certain someone would keep you safe. The sweatshirt was pretty big on you and it came to about your mid thigh, so the athletic shorts you put on weren’t showing from under it. You made your way into the kitchen. 
The smell of burnt toast grew stronger and it was mixed with the smell of coffee, which you were grateful for. At your kitchen table sat Spencer, who was invested in today's paper. 
“Good morning!” you greeted him with a smile. You weren’t normally a morning person but you didn’t want Spencer to think of you as grumpy, which was your normal morning attitude.
“Good Morning…” he trailed off, looking up for the first time. Well, up, down, then up again… Was he checking you out? You decided to brush it off, however, because you didn’t mind the attention. Once he noticed you looking at him he blushed and returned focus to his newspaper. 
“Thanks for making coffee, by the way. I normally don't have time and I've wasted enough money on it already,” you laughed.
“No problem, I was up early anyway,” he responded, eyes still focused on the paper but it didn’t look like he was processing the information.
You poured yourself a cup and took a sip, not adding any cream or sugar. Spencer noticed this and gave you a look. 
“What?” you asked, the mug halfway to your lips.
“You take your coffee black?” he asked, an eyebrow quirked. You nodded, he continued. “Did you know that only 35% of people in the United States drink their coffee black? It’s pretty healthy, too- drinking one or two cups of black coffee a day reduces the risk of various cardiovascular diseases.” he spouted. You chuckled
“Yeah, this is the way my dad drank it, so when I started to drink coffee in high school that's really all I knew. He used to tell me that by adding sugar to my coffee I might as well be having dessert for breakfast, which doesn’t really make sense but I listened anyway and I guess I'm used to it now,” you explained, and he nodded.
“Your dad seems like a nice guy,” he remarked, innocently.
“Yeah. He was,” you said, trying to focus on something other than the brown eyes boring into the side of your head.
“Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn’t know…” he trailed off, and he seemed like he really meant it. 
“No, it's okay. I’m glad I had the chance to talk about him like he was still… you know… with us.” You took the seat next to Spencer and he folded the newspaper and set it aside. “It actually happened pretty recently, right before I moved here a few months ago,” you continued, looking for signs that you should stop talking but you had his full attention so you continued. “He had struggled with pancreatic cancer and we didn’t know until the symptoms started to show, but by then it was too late,” you said, trying to keep composure. “I really loved him, you know? I still do. I miss him every day,” you continued, letting a tear slip. 
Unexpectedly, Spencer stood up and pulled you up into a hug. It didn’t seem natural for him, physical contact, but it wasn’t uncomfortable once you melted in his touch. You let a few more tears fall, trembling a bit before letting go and wiping your eyes with your sleeve. His hands were still rested on your forearms, almost like he was teaching a baby how to walk and he wasn’t ready to let go. 
“Gosh, what a way to start the morning,” you said with a teary laugh. He gave you an empathetic smile, one that made you feel warm.
“Crying actually releases oxytocin and feel-good endorphins that a lot of times help with emotional pain and stress,” Spencer offered more interesting facts, not breaking eye contact or the soft smile on his lips. This seemed to be his way of offering support and comfort, rather than outwardly expressing it. You didn’t mind it at all. 
“Hm, maybe I should cry before work more often then,” you remarked before wiping away the last of your tears and sitting back down, Spencer following in suit. He was blushing a little, the interaction that the two of you just had was probably sinking in. He didn’t seem like the type of guy to hug women he had just met, but maybe things were different with you.
“So, I have to be at work in a half hour, are you down to walk there? It’s just a couple blocks,” you said, hoping that you could keep this part of your schedule intact.
“I guess that's okay. It would be safer to drive but we don’t want the stalker to get suspicious about too many schedule changes,” he replied, and you were relieved. He looked back down at his newspaper and you took that as an opportunity to get ready for work. 
You walked into your room and picked out a pair of ripped mom jeans and swapped your tear stained hoodie cropped striped sweater. Settling for a fairly simple makeup look and running a brush through your hair, you walked back out to see Reid fully dressed and ready to leave. You laughed as you pulled on a pair of high top black converse, noticing Reid wearing the exact same pair of shoes. 
“Hey, we’re matching!” you exclaimed with a smile. He looked confused for a moment before looking at your outstretched pointed finger directed at your feet before laughing.
“Don’t tell Morgan about this, I’d never live it down,” he remarked. You snorted at that and grabbed your purse to head out. The Morgan guy actually seemed nice, like someone you would be friends with. You wondered if you'd get to know his team better- they all seemed like good people and you were in short supply of friends.
“Ready to go?” you asked, and he nodded. You opened the door and held it for him so you could lock it once it was shut, but when you turned around to do so, you noticed a thick envelope taped to your door.
“What's this….” you trailed off, reaching up to grab it but Reid stopped you by laying a gentle hand on your forearm.
“Hold on,” he said cautiously. He pulled the envelope off of your door and opened it, looking at its contents. His expression turned sour. 
“I have to call Hotch,” he said, frantically.
“What- what is it?” you asked, more urgently. He sighed before showing you. In front of you were different photos of you, all at different places. One from outside the theatre of you walking home, one of you working at the cash register, and the last one was taken through your bedroom window. You were asleep. This made your heart stop. 
“Come with me,” he said, grabbing your arm and leading you back inside to your apartment. 
I guess I have to switch shifts, you thought to yourself. 
taglist: @mcntsee, @diesinspanishbcimhispanic, @chickens-are-life, @rexorangecouny
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Happy Birthday, Lucifer~!
(( This is a little one shot to celebrate Lucifer’s birthday, that is based on today’s event, but with some...More personalising to it!
Also, Lucifer’s smile, like Satan’s, looks like a kittens, and it kills my heart <3 ))
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Diavolo gathered us in the big hall, the same place as when I was brought to the Devildom to this exchange student program, which is when the Devil Prince, holding the same type of mischievous glint in his eyes as usual, grinned widely at us, telling us that the reason for gathering here was Lucifer’s birthday the next day, and his wish to throw him a party.
Unfortunately, it seemed like some of his brothers completely forgot about his birthday...
But it was much worse that Lucifer was so busy that he may or may not forget his own birthday.
“Hey, Diavolo, why don’t we throw him a surprise party? Nothing necessarily big, just...Something with us, the people closest to him. I think he would appreciate it.” I suggest, making the man gleam with happiness. “I like that. It’ll make his heart jump out of his chest.” Diavolo grinned at me. “That settles it. We will throw Lucifer a surprise birthday party.” Barbatos chimed in simply.
Hearing about the surprise party, everyone was on board, wanting to have fun, so we decided to make it happen in the House of Lamentation and divide all our tasks.
Beel and Asmo were in charge of decorations, Barbatos, Satan and Belphie were I charge of the food, Diavolo would oversee everyone’s preparations, I was supposed to distract Lucifer for the whole day, as Asmo was to help me with a plan, and uhm...
Mammon and Levi were...Uhm...
Reporting back to the party back at home...Or something?
I don’t know, but I guess stalking would be the right job for two lazy guys.
And so, I go around the place looking for the man in cause, and I finally manage to find him at his own room, hunched over the desk, looking absolutely exhausted.
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“Lucifer...Are you alright...?” I sighed, putting my arms around his neck from behind. “Nothing new, just a tremendous amount of work during this time of the year.” he replied, almost robotically. “I see...Well...Would you want to go out with me tomorrow? Maybe it will help you relax a bit. I’m exhausted only looking at you, to be fair.” I suggest in a softer tone. “Tomorrow...? I’ve finished up my work for the student council, so I can afford to take a break, but...Why so sudden?...Don’t tell me...You’re up to something again.” he turned to look at me with a suspicious frown. “No...Nothing of the sort. Looking at you like that makes me believe that a change of pace would help you relax a bit. You’re overworking yourself without realising...Even Diavolo is concerned. And besides, what’s the harm in going out, right?” I smiled at him, taking his hand in mine, squeezing it gently. “It seems you knew that I’ve been quite busy lately. Well? Do you have a specific destination in mind? Wait, no, don’t tell me, I shall know when we go. It is best to save the excitement for later.” Lucifer chuckled lightly. “I hope you’ll enjoy what I have in mind. I-I mean, it’s nothing too big, just something nice and casual, with the purpose of charging up your batteries.” I grin at him, and he offers me a smile...A smile that looks like that of a kitten’s. “Heh. You seem rather confident in your choices. Thank you for thinking about my well being. Now then, I’ll see you tomorrow.” he nodded at me. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Lucifer...Please take care of yourself.” I waved at him, leaving for my room.
On my way to the room, I met up with the stalker duo...And it was, uh...As interesting as always.
“Y/N, you alright?!” Mammon cried out loudly. “Well, duh. Lucifer would never hurt Y/N.” Levi spoke as a matter of fact. “Yes, exactly. Except for the 2 or 3 times when he almost killed me.” I chuckled lightly, shuddering internally at the experiences. “But maybe he already found out about what’s goin’ on! Y/N might’ve blurted out somethin’ about the surprise tomorrow.” Mammon tried to play off his concerns. “Y/N isn’t an airhead like you, Mammon. So, how did it go, Y/N? Mission accomplished?” Levi quickly dismissed his brother. “Well, of course I succeeded. And he was pretty happy about it.” I smiled softly, hoping I wasn’t blushing. “THAT Lucifer?! He didn’t even doubt ya, but was happy?! He’ll only act like that when it comes to you, Y/N...” they continued to talk, but I went to my room to sleep and think over everything that was supposed to happen tomorrow.
The next day I take a quick bath, and curl my long hair in some nice, graceful curls, nothing too fancy, but not too casual either, and with some nice day-make up, and a nice outfit, I go to knock on Lucifer’s room, knocking, and asking if he’s ready.
“Are you ready, Lucifer?” I asked, smiling sweetly at him. “I am, although, I believe this dynamic we are having should be the other way around.” he hummed, as we walked out of the place. “How about you take me on a date next time you feel burnt out from overworking yourself, which won’t be too long, if you ask me. Maybe it would help you relax a bit?” I walk closer to him, as the lights from the busy street shops were illuminating cheerfully. “I can’t say I disagree...Oh, I see. A movie theater. What movie are we going to see?” he asked, smirking as he realised we were approaching said place. “There’s this movie that had a pretty neat name...The Fiery Depths of Hell. I think it’s a horror movie? But I’m not sure what HORROR would be for demons.” I laughed at my words, and it seemed to amuse him as well. “Hopefully scarier than what you humans create. I see it has a pretty fine cast. It has been a long time since I last saw a movie. Two tickets, please.”  he walked ahead of me to the ticket booth, making my eyes go wide with surprise. “W-Wait, hold up....!” I hurried to his side, as he only put his arm around me, guiding me inside with a knowing smirk. “What is it? I already paid for the tickets, let’s go. Is it your first time in this place?” he asked, as we got in front of the snacks booth. “Yep. Asmo and Satan told me they go pretty often here and that this place is really pretty, so I thought it’d be a nice to bring you here...Although I’m pretty sure this experience won’t be as...Special, since it’s not the first time you’re here.” I scratched the back of my neck sheepishly, looking away with a small smile. “Nonsense. The person with whom I am with is what makes this special. Are you ready here? Let’s find our seats.” he spoke, making my cheeks get a tint pinker. “Haha...I never realised how much of a smooth charmer you can be.”  I cover my mouth for a few seconds in embarrassment, as he only hummed in amusement, sitting in his seat, and we waited for the movie to start. “There’s nothing better than watching a movie with flame-scorched popcorn and sparkling fresh bloody soda.” he leaned back in his seat, a look of relaxation washing over his face. “Flame-scorched...Let me guess, is that spicy popcorn? I’ve never heard of that in my world. And bloody soda...Is that like wine?” I asked, turning to him, leaning on the arm rest. “Why don’t you have a taste?” he smirked mischievously, putting his hand on my cheek, making me open my mouth, as he put a bit of popcorn on my tongue. “What do you think?” he chuckled lowly, seeing my red cheeks. “It’s not bad...I was expecting it to be much hotte...OH MY GOODNESS, THIS IS HORRIBLE, I NEED SOME WATER ASAP!” in the next second, I could feel myself being set on fire, that’s how horribly spicy the popcorn was. “That was entertaining.” he laughed mirthfully, handing me a bottle of fresh, ice-cold water. “You’re enjoying it, aren’t you?” I spoke weakly, a pout on my face after finishing the water bottle in one go. “You got this water knowing this would happen, didn’t you?” “I was merely curious to see how bad it affected a human, and needless to say, I am rather pleased with the results. Your assumption is correct as well...I can’t say that I’m not enticed by the cute face you are making right now, especially with the tears glistering in your eyes.” he teased, taking the handkerchief from his pocket and wiping them away, as he caressed my face gently. “I hope you’re bloody extasic, you truly gave me a HELLISH experience.” I chuckled, amused by this as well. “That was a pretty witty prank, I have to admit. I’d have died of laughter, if anyone else was the victim.” “I shall take that as a compliment. If you’ve managed to calm down, let’s see what you’re having. Hell Black Honey Popcorn. Looks rather sweet, let me have a taste.” he extended his hand towards my popcorn bag, only to have me slap it away, giggling playfully. “Let me return the favour. At least I’m sure there’s no harm going your way.” I said, feeding him, which made him blush slightly as well from the intimacy. “Hmm...It’s so sweet that I’m getting a sugar overload. Even so, it’s quite addicting. You made a sound choice, it suits you.” he chuckled, a smirk on his face, as the light went out and the movie began.
During the movie, there were a few commotions, and I could only guess it was the idiotic duo...But this mess continued even when we left the theater and we were walking slowly, almost aimlessly. I could only flinch slightly from time to time and peer behind my shoulder, hoping that Lucifer wouldn’t catch on.
But I was wrong, he’s the most perceptive demon I know, next to Diavolo, Goddamn those two idiots.
“Why do you continue to peer over the shoulder?” he asked in confusion. “Oh, s-sorry, I hope it didn’t annoy you. I, uh...Kinda got the chills. No big deal, really.” I played it off quickly. “Do you have a cold? You should take better care of yourself.” he spoke with a slight frown on his face. “...Should you really be the one to tell me that?” I chuckled, looking up at him with a coy smile. “Touche, Y/N. Regardless, it’s been a long time since I last saw a movie. Did you enjoy it?” he asked with a bright smile on his face, as he took off the coat from his shoulders and put it over mine. “L-Lucifer, you don’t have to-” I protested, only for him to put his arm around me, putting me to his side, to silence me, under the pretext that the streets are overcrowded and he doesn’t want us to get separated. “W-Well, it was a really nice movie. Usually, I watch horror movies to get some laughs, but this actually had a pretty interesting plot.” I offered him my insight, as he only nodded. “Indeed. The background info you offered me was useful. You’ll have to tell me more about it.” he spoke, obviously trying to make conversation. “Sure, I’d love that. The symbolism from this movie was really something else, and -” I began to explain some of the film ideas, only to get interrupted by a pitched voice. “Wh-Wh-Wh-What are you two doing here?! A-And you’re...You’re so close! L-Like you’re c-c-cuddling!” Luke’s shocked voice echoed through the street. “We’re on a date. Is there a problem?” Lucifer’s voice was low, velvety, showing off the smugness. “Huh?! A d-date?!” the kid gaped at us, his pale face getting pinker than roses. “I-I guess that’s how it is.” I hummed, feeling my heart beat a bit faster hearing him say that. “Is that really how it is?!” Luke stared, still unbelieving. “Enough with the questions, Chihuahua.” Lucifer sighed, bored and irked at the interruption. “How many times do I have to tell you?! I’m NOT a Chihuahua!” he yelled at the demon who towered over him. “Sure. You only act like one.” I shared a playful look to Lucifer, giggling in amusement. “Oh, I thought I heard a commotion over here. Hey, Lucifer, Y/N!” Simeon’s graceful smile came in the picture. “Oh good, the Chihuahua’s owner is here.” Lucifer’s taunting words rung again, making me try to stifle my laughter. “I told you I’m not a Chihuahua!” Luke shrieked even louder. “What a coincidence, meeting you two here! Oh, that’s right, today is Lucifer’s-” Simeon began, which made me widen my eyes and try to talk over him. “Day off. Yes, today is Lucifer’s day off. I told Simeon that I’m taking you out for today, and if he needed to talk to you, to just call me or come by the next day.” I tried to explain, so the angels would get what I’m trying to do. “How thoughtful of you, Y/N, but you needn’t worry yourself over me that much.” he shook his head in disdain. “Luke, I just remembered we have something very urgent to attend to, so we must be on our way. It was nice seeing you, Lucifer, Y/N!” Simeon tried to walk away, only to have Luke look at him with confusion. “We had something urgent to do today?” he asked, tilting his head to the side, truly like a puppy. “Yes, Luke, we have something very, VERY urgent to do, remember?” the man urged on, a bit stronger. “O-Oh, yeah! Uhh, we’re very busy! See you later, Y/N, Lucifer!” Luke started running away. “Uhm...Do they always behave so...Uhmm...Weird?” I asked, biting my lip, fearing for the plan’s success. “What on earth is wrong with those two?” he shook his head in disbelief, then looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “You’ve been checking the time rather frequently. Something is going on, isn’t there? You have been acting strange since yesterday. When do you plan on telling me the reason?” he started his suspicious interrogation, and I started worrying. “What do you mean, Lucifer? You know I always have my phone in my hand, don’t you? It’s a pretty bad habit of mine, but that’s just how it is. And besides, is wanting to spend time alone with you that strange?” I looked at him with mock hurt. “Do you still insist on playing games? You’ve got a lot of nerve. I never knew you were so stubborn...I didn’t want to ruin today’s plans, so I pretended not to notice until now...Come out, you two!” Lucifer, after glaring at me, used his magic to pull the 1-Braincell Duo to us, and they were sent flying and screaming  our way. “Ouch! What was that for, Lucifer?! Using your magic to drag us out is unfair, doncha think?” Mammon complained, only to have his elder brother yell at him, and him to squeak in fear like a little mouse. “Th-This ain’t what it looks like! Calm down, Lucifer!” he tried to reason. “Lucifer’s rage has taken shape! What will become of Mammon?” Levi blushed as he was...Vlogging...? “Dammit, Levi! Enough with the commentary!” Mammon started fighting with him. “I can’t deprive my subscribes from such a juicy scene.” Levi chuckled carelessly. “You want to interrupt us that badly, huh? Mammon, Levi.” Lucifer glared at them as if staring into their souls. “Eeek! O-Of course not! This is all for your birthday...ARGHH!” Mammon gasped as Levi’s tailed came flying and slammed him on the pavement. “You stupid big mouth!” he glared at the white haired man, as I could only stare in disbelief. “So that’s what you were planning, isn’t it? Some kind of birthday prank? You knew I was prone to forgetting about it, because of my overworked schedule, and you took advantage of it. All three of you.” Lucifer started growling in anger. “God DAMN it, you, stupid MAMMON! This is why EVERYONE tell you you’re a complete MORON! I’m DONE with taking your side, you’re just a big, obsolete, incurable, hopeless, scummy fucking I D I O T ! Once! Just freaking ONCE! Did I EVER ask you to just keep your STUPID mouth SHUT, and what do you do? Get yourself in THESE kinds of situations and you manage to spill EVERYTHING!” I screamed at the idiot who was in pain on the ground, which made the eldest brother widen his eyes in realisation. “Great job, Mammon, you made the calmest person alive angry. That’s something only you would be capable of doing.” Levi glared, sighing in equal anger. “...Why is Y/N scarier than Lucifer when angry?” Mammon squealed in fear. “So this wasn’t supposed to be some kind of elaborate prank on me?” Lucifer asked in a softer voice. “No, goddamn it! I was trying to make you a birthday surprise, but it’s all ruined, thanks to this dumbass. Gahh, whatever, it doesn’t matter anymore. Whatever, what’s done is done, I’m leaving. Good luck with the rest of the plan. Bye.” I gave Lucifer back his coat, rushing away from that place, trying to calm down and find a nice place to be alone.
Eventually, I found a nice, very big fountain, and surprisingly, the water falling down was the more calming thing in the world and exactly what I needed.  Not to mention the beautiful lights and colours of the water, the statues, the garden and everything around.
All that was missing was some music and a person to stay with.
Sighing, I climb up on top of the block around the fountain, laying down and staring up at the starry sky.
I put the ringing D.D.D. on silent, then took out my own phone and put on my earphones, listening to some blues music, and stared at the twinkling stars.
I didn’t realise for how long was I there, until someone took off one of the earbuds, making me squeak in fright and jump in a sitting position, my phone flying down, from my torso.
“My, my, who knew you’d get scared so easily.” he hummed in amusement, but then his face went more serious, seeing me sighing. “Levi told me everything.” “Why are you here...? You should be home, the others are waiting for you. They worked very hard for the party to be done, and Asmo especially was the most excited about it. Not to mention, Diavolo will be there...Can’t make him wait, can we.” I shifted my gaze towards the falling water once again. “Can’t have a party without you. I told you today, it’s about the company, not the place or occasion.” he leaned on the block that I was sitting on. “I just...Wanted you to be happy, at least on your birthday. You always stress yourself so much for every little detail, and you carry everyone’s burden’s...I thought you could use a distraction from your daily routine.” I hugged my legs to my chest, resting my chin on my knees. “And I am thankful for that. I am aware that everything we’ve done today was genuine. I appreciate all the effort you went through to make this day great for me.” he reassured me gently. “You’re just being nice...Honestly, I just...I can’t believe I got so angry...I didn’t mean to be so harsh on Mammon, but...But I can’t stand when people ruin my plans, especially those that I am incredibly invested in.” I raked my fingers through my hair, making him chuckle. “I tend to say that rather often.” he smiled in amusement. “How come you went here?” “...I had no place in mind. My feet took me here...I’m surprised, but happy. This place is very...Relaxing.” I lay back down on the block, looking at the stars, then rolling to face Lucifer. “Do you ever...Allow yourself some time for yourself? Just to watch the sky and admire the stars and moon? To listen to the sound of the running water...And just...Vibe?” I asked him, extending my hands towards him. “I suppose I don’t. Perhaps I should start taking your advice.” with a playful smile, he hopped on the block and laid down next to me, holding my hand while at it, as a comfortable silence took over us. “...How are you feeling?” I asked, barely above a whisper. “I can understand why you would recommend doing this. It is truly relaxing.” turning my head to the side slightly, I could see a soft smile on his face, which made my heart pound faster. “You know...Some time ago, I and my best friend would go to the fountain in our University dorms’ campus. It was kinda like this, but without the fancy lights and colours. But...There were some speakers that would play romantic songs. During summer, when we were in our exam session, we would go out past midnight, when nobody would bother or see us...And...We’d take our shoes off and start fooling around in the water. It was ice cold, but outside was hot, and it was refreshing. We would dance together, jump around, splash water on each other...Sometimes I really miss that.” I grinned in amusement at the nostalgic memory. “Would you want to recreate that?” he asked, making me get in a sitting position and look at him with shock, before taking out my phone and putting a playlist of the most romantic human songs. “What are we waiting for, then?” with a huge smile on my face, I quickly take off my shoes, put the socks in them, and jump in the fountain, squealing a bit at how cold it was. “Careful, it’s very cold.” “I see you are enjoying yourself. Don’t mind if I join in.” he chuckled in amusement, taking off his shoes as well, ready to hop off the block, only to have me stop him. “Silly, lift your trousers. It would get pretty uncomfortable to have the bottom part of your legs wet, huh?” I chuckle, rolling the hems of the legs of the pants enough so they won’t get wet, then grabbed his wrist, dragging him into the fountain pond. “How do you feel doing something improper?” I laughed with glee, as he shivered at the cold water. “It’s...Definitely not something I am used to.” he chuckled softly, as he pulled me to his chest.
There were no more words being spoken, and there was nobody else to watch or judge us, except for the Silver Moon lending us her light as we swayed and danced around in the cold water, as if nether of us ever had any problem or worry in the world.
It seemed like the whole world disappeared, only the two of us, pressed together, as our emotions were overflowing, and the next thing I know, we both leaned in to share a soft kiss, filled with so much love and tenderness, almost afraid as if this was a mere fairy tale and this scene was going to disappear, like a dream.
“Are you happy, Lucifer?” I asked in a voice barely above a whisper, resting my chin on his chest, looking up at him with a starstruck expression on my face. “Yes, I am. Thanks to you, Y/N. I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for me.” Lucifer’s face was relaxed, calm, soft, like nobody has ever seen him before. “...Did I ever tell you that you’re the most gorgeous being in the world?” my smile grew wider as he widened his eyes and his cheeks started reddening in embarrassment. “You’re a human, that’s not many beings you’ve seen in your short lifespan.” he teased, evading the subject, which only made me chuckle. “Shut up and take a compliment, silly.” I slapped his shoulder, looking away to laugh.
Our lovely moment was interrupted by his D.D.D. ringing, and it was a cue that we should return home for his party, despite the surprise being ruined.
We sat on the fountain’s pond rim to get out shoes back on, but Lucifer decided to be Prince Charming and kneeled in front of me, putting on my shoes as if I was Cinderella, which only made me look down, bashful, earning a low chuckle from him.
As soon as we got in front of the House of Lamentation, Lucifer opened the door, and as soon as he stepped in, confetti and party trumpets were all over the place, which in all actuality seemed to shock him., while everyone was shouting their happy birthday wishes to him.
“I was so focused on what happened today that I completely forgot about this. Thank you, everyone.” Lucifer made that kitten smile again, which only made me fawn over him. “First, he forgets his birthday, and now, judging by his face, he forgot even about this not-so-surprising party. It’s just like you predicted, My Lord.” Barbatos smiled calmly at Diavolo. “It’s been 500 years since I’ve seen Lucifer look so surprised.” the Prince grinned warmly. “Of course I’m surprised. The entrance hall is...Full of flowers and decorations. It doesn’t even look like the House of Lamentation.” Lucifer chuckled, looking around the place. “Yeeeeees! I came up with the idea and Beel helped me put up the decorations!” Asmo chirped brightly. “I...can’t wait...Any longer...” Beel groaned, starving. “Hey, Beel! Stop drooling on my head!” Levi whined in annoyance “Guys...Where is Mammon? I have to apologise for lashing out at him.” I scratch the back of my neck sheepishly. “Mammon is hiding inside that giant decoration over there.” Satan betrayed his location with no second to spare. “Gahh! Satan, you traitor...!” Mammon slowly left his hiding spot, as I and Lucifer shared an amused look. “Mammon.....!.....One second thought, today’s a special occasion so I’ll forgive you for running your mouth like that. Also, Y/N is sorry for being too harsh on you.” he chuckled, looking softly at his younger brother. “Big broooooo! Y/NNNNNN!” Mammon gleamed with absolute happiness hearing that.
We took the party to the dining place, where we toasted in Lucifer’s honour, and we found out about the funny situation between Beel and the poor trio assigned to the food.
“So, if Asmo and Beel were in charged of the decorations...And Satan, Belphie and Barbatos were in charge of the food...Were Mammon and Levi designated to get in my way?” Lucifer raised his eyebrow in curiosity. “The Single-Braincell Stalker Duo was supposed to be on Watch Duty...Or something like that.” I shrugged, chuckling at how silly that sounded. “They were rather noticeable.” the man sighed, shaking his head. “I was there to make sure Mammon didn’t screw up.” Levi defended himself. “See how well that worked out.” I sighed in mock-annoyance. “You were desperate to tag along so you could do live coverage of your stupid mission!” Mammon revealed Levi’s true intentions. “It’s a personal rule of mine to not live in the past.” Levi chuckled, brushing that aside.
After that, Diavolo made everyone give Lucifer their gift and a heartfelt birthday wish, and as expected, everything was very silly, awkward and funny, which only made it better.
Grinning, I take out a little dark blue gift box patterned with silvery stars and that has a silver bow, and handed it to the birthday boy, urging him to open it.
“Happy Birthday, Lucifer. I thought it would be cute...When I saw this Cerberus necklace, I just had to get it for you. Well...For the both of us.” my cheeks were sent ablaze as I took out the necklace from under my top, as soon as he opened the gift box. “Well, isn’t that adorable. Thank you, Y/N. Now I’ll think of you whenever I see it...And you shall do the same with me.” Lucifer leaned down to plant a lingering kiss on my forehead, expressing his gratitude, while everyone gasped at the action. “I’m glad I can finally see your smiling face.” Diavolo spoke in a softer, yet definitely gleeful voice. “I am very happy.” Lucifer’s kitten smile appeared on his face again. “I’m so glad that we met.” I muttered, gazing at him with infinite love. “As am I, Y/N. I will forever be grateful to Fate for making me choose you as the exchange student. Also, I appreciate the effort you all have to put this together. This will be remembered as my greatest birthday. You all have my gratitude...Cheers!” 
And with that, Lucifer raised his champagne glass to toast once again, and we all joined in, having a great time for the rest of the night.
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httpsfelicity · 4 years
“In a black dress, she's such an actress” - Harry Styles × Model Reader AU
Summary - Harry meets a model downtown and falls for her quickly, leading the public to think that it’s a pr stunt. Unsure of what to think, the reader plays along, not knowing that Harry is unaware of the rumours. 
For @cruizmanadu! Xx
A/N - Okay, this is my first official request type thing so please tell me if it’s good or not! Ignore any mistakes, thought I think I looked over it pretty well. Also, if you’d like a part 2 / have suggestions / ect, just send a DM or ask! Here you go babes, hope you like it x
“If I don’t get coffee right now, I’m going to pass out on this sidewalk, I swear,” moaned Ella. 
“We’re almost there, calm down,” you responded as you adjusted the shopping bags in your hands quickly. You and your best friend Ella had decided to go out in NYC for the day, which of course meant loads of shopping. Hell, half of the bags you were carrying weren’t even yours - Ella had a shoot the next day, and insisted that she couldn’t carry her bags out of fear that she’d mark up her hands. So you were carrying enough bags to “Mark up your hands”, according to Ella. Which, to be fair, was quite unfair, because that girl shops a lot.
“Hey, can you take some of these, just until we get there? I’m getting kinda-”
“Oh. My. Gosh.” She lowered her voice and leaned in towards you. “Don’t look yet, keep walking, but some guy is totally checking you out.”
You sighed. “How could the paps have found us? I thought we covered our tracks nicel-”
She cut you off once again. “No, no, not a pap. This guy, he’s, well - okay, look to your left riiiight... now.”
You quickly glanced over to see a guy in his 20′s wearing a multicoloured knit sweater with messy brown hair, looking in your general direction. He quickly looked away when he saw you. You looked away, which was unfortunate, because you would’ve seen him gathering up the courage to walk over to you two.
"He's pretty fit," you whispered back quickly. "Do you think he recognizes me?" It sounds very stuck up, but often times people tried to hit on you solely because you model for the big brands, so you had to be careful. Being in the industry had a lot of pros, but a lot of cons as well. Not knowing who your real friends are were one of the cons.
"I'm not sure," Ella replied.
Just then, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and saw that you were face to face with the boy.
"Hello," he started nervously. He had a charming British accent, you noticed right away.
"Hi!" You replied, waiting for him to say something totally obnoxious or fan-like.
"This probably sounds weird, but I couldn't help but notice you."
"Oh, why thank you!" You laughed. "He doesn't seem too creepy or weird or stalker-ish," you thought to yourself.
"Yeah, so, um... This is weird as well, I'm sorry, but could I get your number?" He smiled weakly.
"No, absolutely not," said Ella, grabbing you by the arm and starting to drag you away. "C'mon."
She only walked a few feet until you broke away and went back over to him. "I'm sorry about that - of course you can."
His nervous expression eased away the tiniest bit. "Oh, that's great."
He handed you his phone, and you typed in you number."
"I'm Harry, by the way. Harry Styles."
"Oh! I'm y/n."
"Why does that sound familiar?"
"I work in the modeling industry. You might have heard of me from that?"
"I should've known you were a model - you've definitely got the looks. And I'm sure the personality as well."
You grinned.
"I'm a singer," he continued. "I used to be in a band - now I'm solo. So that's one thing we have in common, I guess. Well, not really. You know what I mean."
"You're right!" You laughed. "He's pretty easy to talk to," you thought. Even though you didn't want to, you could feel Ella staring at the back of your neck impatiently, so you decided to wrap up the conversation. "Well, I've got to go, but you'll message me later, yeah?"
"Of course," he nodded. "Well, goodbye for now, y/n."
"Goodbye, Harry Styles."
"What was that?!" Ella asked once he was out of earshot.
"What? He's polite and cute. Of course I have him my number!"
"He could be a creepy obsessive fan! Or a perv! Or a crackhead! He's just some random guy on the streets, for all we know!"
"Would you calm down? He's so nice - I just know he wouldn't do that. Plus, that sweater is awfully expensive. Almost 2k."
Ella rolled her eyes. "Okay, sure."
"Oh, and he's a singer."
Ella snapped her head to look at you, clearly very shocked by this statement. "He's what?"
"A singer, apparently."
"What's his name?"
"Harry Styles."
"Oh. My. God. My friend had a shoot with him once! He's popular, y/n. Really popular."
"God, you sound like a middle-schooler."
"I'm just sayin'! But now that I know this information, I've changed my opinion on him. GO FOR IT."
"I was already planning on it," you laugh, walking past a group of starstruck thirteen year olds quickly. "Although I'm not so sure. I didn't get his number - it's up to him to message me."
"He'd better," Ella replied as the two of you walked into a local café. You nodded in agreement, and you both walked up the the register to order.
The rest of the day was a blur - you went to a few more stores, and then eventually hailed a cab and went back to your apartment. You were so exhausted that you kicked off your shoes and flopped into your couch, too tired to even eat. As you lie there, you felt your phone vibrate in you pocket. Reluctantly, you pulled it out slowly, and clicked it on.
***-****-**** - Hello.
Your first though was, "It's Harry!" Your second thought was, "That's a very ominous introduction." Nonetheless, you typed up a response.
Y/n <3 - Who's this?
***-****-**** - Harry, from earlier hahah x
You let out a sigh of relief - he had messaged you back, and it hadn't been some rando. Things were working out nicely.
Y/n <3 - Well, hello!
While you were waiting for a response, you set his contact name up. You hadn't gotten a photo of him yet, so you decided one from Google would do. You typed up "Harry Styles", and the search results shocked you. Ella was right - he was popular. And cute (But you already knew that.) You got a notification from him, so you screenshotted the first photo to come up (Him in a very nice pink top), set it as his photo, and then went back onto messages.
Harry Styles - Hi! I'm sorry if the whole encounter earlier was creepy. Your friend seemed quite worked up over it.
Y/n <3 - She's had bad experiences like this in the past.
Harry Styles - I've had quite a few myself, honestly. Don't blame her. Anyways, how are you?
Y/n <3 - Exhausted. All that walking must've worn me out, hahaha
Harry Styles - Hahah, that's New York for ya.
Harry Styles - Would you happen to be free tomorrow?
Harry Styles - I'd love to get to know you.
You grinned at your phone screen. This could not be happening.
Y/n <3 - Nope! Free all day. I'd love to get to know you too!
Harry Styles - Does 1pm at the Beachwood Café work? :)
He sent a location along with it. It was the same café you and Ella had gone to earlier.
Y/n <3 - Sure!
Harry Styles - Alright, talk then?
Y/n <3 - Yes!
Harry Styles - Goodnight.
Y/n <3 - Goodnight!
Seen - 11:34pm.
The next day you woke up at 10 so you would have time to get ready. You got a quick shower, did you hair, makeup... By 12:30 you were dressed and ready to go. Casual, but not too casual was what you were going for. You were pretty sure you had the look down pat. You grabbed your stuff and made your way downtown, sunglasses on.
You arrived early, 12:48pm, but luckily Harry was already there, waiting at a table near the back with two menus. He waved once he saw you, and jumped up to pull out your chair.
"Hello," you smiled.
"I adore your outfit," you said as you sat down. He was now wearing a white and blue striped shirt and tan jeans. Somehow he made it work.
"I love yours as well! The skirt brings out your eyes."
You tried hard not to blush. "Thank you!"
"So, I guess we should start getting to know eachother, then?" He grinned.
You nodded. "20 questions?"
"Sure. Full name?"
"Harry Edward Styles."
"I like that middle name. Very sophisticated." He laughed at this. "Age?"
"Favourite movie?"
"Back To The Future."
You continued asking questions until the waiter came over to your table.
"I'll have the chicken sub," he said politely.
"I'll have a medium lemonade."
"Is that it?" Harry asked.
You sighed. "And a blueberry muffin, I guess."
The waiter wrote it down and walked off.
"I'm on a diet," you explained.
"Still," Harry shrugged. "So, tell me about yourself."
"Well, I started modeling at about age 8, for this clothing bran-"
"No no no, I meant about you."
You gave him a confused look.
"Not about your job, you!"
"Okay, well, let's see... Uh..."
"I'm 26, but you already knew that. I live in New York, obviously. I used to work in a bakery, even though I just told you not to talk about your job. I like playing football, I write, and I enjoy baking bread. See? Easy."
You laughed. Why did he have to be so... Charming?
"I'm 23, but you already knew that. I've lived in New York my whole life. I read a lot, and I mean a lot. I have a ton of plants in my apartment, since I can't really have a garden here. I like Taylor Swift's music."
Harry nodded. "See? That wasn't so bad."
You laughed. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
Just then the waiter placed the food on the table, and you took a sip of your lemonade while Harry dug into his sub.
"I dated Taylor for a pr stunt once."
"Yeah. She got a few songs, I got a new story to tell during interviews."
"Oh. Did you like her?"
You laughed again. "Oh, my."
"Yeah. I haven't had many actual relationships. 3."
"I haven't had any."
"Yeah. Not many guys are interested. Or, well, interested in me, you know?"
"I find that hard to believe."
You tried not to blush once again as you took a sip of your lemonade.
"Well, it's true."
"Personally, I think you're great."
"You are too!"
The two of you continue eating. After two minutes, Harry speaks up.
"Want to go back to my apartment and watch a movie? In a non weird way, of course."
"Okay, that sounds good. Which movie?"
"Clueless?" He winked.
You grinned. "Of course."
You get up and walk out into the streets of New York, leaving your blueberry muffin on the table.
The walk to Harry's is very short. You two talk the whole way there, mainly small talk, but it isn’t awkward at all. You feel like you can be yourself around him - whatever that means. To put it into words, you feel comfortable around him. Which is weird, because you just met him a day ago, but it feels right for some reason.
Eventually you arrived at the door to his apartment. While he was busy digging his key out of his pocket, you took a glance up and down the hallway. This place was much fancier than you had expected. It made your apartment complex look cheap. Everything seemed so... posh. Harry pushed open the door, and you stepped inside. His apartment was decorated with art; albums of artists you’ve never even heard of were hung on the walls, and potted plants were everywhere. It was messy, but in an organized way.
“I just need to run to the washroom, make yourself at home,” he said as he kicked off his shoes. 
“Alright,” you replied. You put your coat on a coat rack (Obviously) and walked over to the couch. Unsure of what to do, you decided to check twitter. After a few seconds of contemplating if checking your phone right now was rude or not, you decided to turn on your data and do it, since he was in the bathroom and you were bored. You looked over you shoulder, then hit the trending page. Politics, Ariana Grande - she must be releasing a new album - #TGIF, and... Harry Styles? Without thinking twice, you click on it. Immediately, photos of you and him pop up from when you were walking back to his place. That was only a few minutes ago... how did these photos get out so soon?
“You ready?” Harry asked as he entered the room, holding up a DVD case with an excited look on his face.
“Yep,” you said, putting down your phone. A second later, you picked it back up. “Did you see twitter?”
“No, I don’t go on social media much,” he replied as he popped the disc into his bluray player.
“You’re trending.”
“No, I mean... we got papped on the way back here. Look.” You turned the phone so he could see it. 
He took a glance at the screen, then grabbed a remote and flopped onto the couch next to you. “It doesn’t really bother me. Happens far too often. I mean, unless you have a problem with it. I can get them taken down, if you’d like.” Suddenly, his usual relaxed self has replaced with a worried one.
You shook your head. “No, no, I... just letting you know. I don’t care. Besides, I didn’t see many people talking about it, just sharing the photos.”
“Oh, well, if you change your mind, just let me know,” he concluded as he turned on the TV.
You nodded, and then focused on Cher Horowitz on the screen. You didn’t watch much of the movie, because you and Harry kept on cracking jokes and telling stories, but you wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
Eventually, it was time for you to leave, since it was nearly 5pm. 
“Do you want me to walk you back? Or, I could call you a cab,” Harry asked as you slipped on your shoes.
“Oh, don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”
“No, no, I’ll walk you back,” he insisted as he grabbed his coat.
You weren’t about to argue with him, because, let’s face it, you secretly wanted him to walk you home. So you followed him out the door and to the elevator.
You talked the whole way there, but you were distracted just a tiny bit - you wanted to keep an eye out for paps. Eventually you decided that it was difficult and pointless, so you fully engaged yourself in Harry’s conversation on how to make a mean loaf of bread.
A few minutes later, you arrived at your place.
“Well, this is it,” you grinned sadly.
Harry nodded. “I’ll message you later?”
“Of course. We have to do this again, you know.”
Harry smiled wide. “Sure. I’d love that.”
“Well... goodbye, Harry.”
He leaned in and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. “Goodbye, y/n.” 
You stared back at him, starstruck, but he turned and started walking down the hall before you could say anything. “Love ya!” You called out quickly before you shut the door behind you, unsure if he even heard you. Oh, well. He’d message you later, anyways.
You were quite hungry by this point, so you decided to order Chinese food off of Postmates. Once that call was made, you sat down and opened Twitter again. You noticed that you had way more notifications than usual, but you decided that could wait until after you checked the trending topics once more. “Harry Styles” was still trending, but even more surprisingly, “Y/n” was right underneath it. You decided to hit Harry’s topic first - MORE pap photos came up, this time from when you were walking home. Wow. 
“We do look like a proper couple.” You thought, though you quickly shook it. You’d just met - although you know what they say, “Love at first sight” and all that crap.But no. 
You decided to scroll down even further, past all of the photos and to the actual tweets.
@Harryscherry77: Is @ yn Harry’s new girlfriend? If so, she’s soooooo lucky.
@Y/nsclouds: Why is y/n being papped with Harry Styles? She can do much better. His music isn’t even that good.
@Lightsuplouisx: I ship it, tbh {Insert photo here}
@TaylorxxxTea: Oh cute, another pr stunt :/ #HarryStyles IsOverParty
@GalacticY/N26: Ugh, Harry? Really? I’m seriously gonna unstan Y/n, I’ve been considering it but this is just the last straw for me.
@HarryIsUpAllNight: Did you guys know the girl Harry was papped with is a model? She’s absolutely gorgeous, I wouldn’t doubt it.
@Stylesfangirl49: Y/n is honestly so ugly. #RunHarryRun 
@SummertimeNewsOfficial: Has Harry Styles been spotted with yet another woman, months after his breakup with Camille? {Insert Link Here}
@Larry2020xxx: Another beard LMAOOO c’mon. PR STUNTTTT.
@Lola33smith: They haven’t even been confirmed dating yet, calm downnnnn.
“Wow,” you thought as you continued scrolling. “This is not what I was expecting.”
It seemed like the whole internet had something to say about a few lousy pictures of you and H. There was good and bad, though it felt like the bad outweighed the good. An alarming amount of people seemed to think it was a pr stunt. Wow. Your notifications weren’t much better - loads of people had followed you, dm’ed you, called you worthless, called you amazing. It was a lot to handle. Just then the doorbell rang - your Postmates. How long had you been looking through all of that? It didn’t matter now. You went to get your food, then sat back down and began to text Harry. Suddenly, you stopped. If he got so worried about the first set of photos, not to mention you walking home by yourself, how would he react to this? He had said he doesn’t go on social media much, so you figured that as long as you didn’t tell him, it would all blow over quick enough and he wouldn’t have to worry about it. You didn’t want to stress him out. Instead, to take your mind off of this chaotic day you turned on The Office and tried to regain a sense of normalcy. 
Although the more you thought about it, the less and less you wanted Harry to message you. 
“PR stunt.”
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muwur · 4 years
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haikyuu x otome: rules | masterlist | prologue
a/n: 1st post of this haikyuu x otome series! might drop hints about meeting other characters or interactions with them throughout each story, but i won’t elaborate too much bc that’ll b for another post specifically about them ;)
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You chose:
❥ Start game with:
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» gn reader
» 1.1k words 
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It was only the first day of class and already you could feel exhaustion seeping into your muscles. Although you had fun, perhaps touring the city as much as you could in 5 days wasn’t the best idea. After you finished unpacking, which only took up a day thanks to the help of your neighbors, Yamaguchi had offered to show you his and Tsukishima’s favorite city sights. You couldn’t just say no when presented the chance to explore your new home, get closer to your new friends, and maybe see Tsukishima loosen up a little. Apparently there was a lot to see because each night you three came back to the townhouse past midnight, and after parting ways, you had only enough energy to plop into bed, outside clothes still on, and pass out until morning. Then the cycle repeated. 
You were lucky that in both your lectures so far, the professor simply introduced themselves, went over the syllabus, and dismissed class early. You took a mental note to be more strategic about exiting unless you wanted to fight your way through a sea of students after every class, but for now you were just relieved to be outside the stuffy classroom. 
Still unfamiliar with campus, you wandered until you found yourself seated on a wooden bench within a community garden. Grateful you had found a relaxing space to rest before your final class of the day, you took out last night’s leftover pasta from the Italian restaurant you visited and dipped a fork into your lunch.
Mid-chew, a soft mewl caught your ear. You gulped and took a glance around your surroundings. Eyes narrowing in confusion, you wondered, ‘Maybe I’m just hearing things?’
But then you heard it again, slightly louder. Curious, you set down your tupperware and stood up to investigate. You searched the enclosure, kneeling down to the ground every so often to scan the bushes for any signs of a potential furry friend. Still nothing. With a sigh, you got back onto your feet and brushed the dirt off your pants.‘Maybe they went away.’
However, you noticed a small wooden shed, presumably a garden supply closet, standing right outside the enclosure. You approached it cautiously. If there happened to be an animal nearby, the last thing you wanted to do was scare them away. 
You stopped in your tracks when you heard a soft chuckle. 
“Hey, there, little guy,” a mysterious voice spoke soothingly. “How’s it going?”
On the other side, a boy with light brown hair sat cross-legged with his back against the wooden toolshed. The back of his outstretched hand gingerly pet a grey tabby, who purred and rubbed its cheeks against his fingers. His chocolate gaze glimmered with amusement when the cat started playfully batting at a red keychain dangling from his backpack.
The cat climbed onto him. Leaping across his lap, its fluffy tail brushed against the male’s slightly open mouth. His face scrunched in disgust, and he sputtered in attempts to spit out stray strands of fur that stuck to his tongue. He wiped an arm across his mouth as an extra measure. 
“Ugh, give me a warning next time, okay?” he chided, scratching the cat behind its ears.  
You couldn’t stifle a soft snicker. Caught off guard, the boy stiffened and the cat dashed away, disappearing behind the opposite side of the shed.
Embarrassed and guilty for eavesdropping, you raised your hands in front of your face and spoke frantically, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt or scare your friend!”
‘Great, now you just look like a creep!’ you thought self-consciously as you took a sudden step back. A yelp escaped your throat when you felt the heel of your feet stoop lower than expected, and you stumbled back.
Though you braced yourself for impact, a quick tug of your arm catapulted you into the boy’s chest. He stepped back and placed his hands on your shoulders in an effort to regain balance. You stood in front of him, a mixture of shock and mortification evident on your red, open-mouthed face. He breathed out in exasperated relief, releasing the rush adrenaline pent up from the last several seconds. Finally settling his gaze on you, a faint rosy tinge dusted his cheeks and he released your shoulders. 
He cleared his throat with a fist to his lips. “Ah, geez, watch where you’re going,” he chastised, pointing at the gaping indent in the grass behind you. “That hole’s a bit too big to go unnoticed.”
Your mind blanked. How humiliating was it to be caught staring then almost fall on your dumb ass if it wasn’t for this person’s mad reflexes.
Unable to think clearly, your words tumbled out. “Oh, hah, I guess you’re right! And, uh, thank you for catching me, by the way! You moved really fast, I was surprised, ahaha but really, I appreciate it! Especially after I was kinda standing here like a creep, you know, but it’s not like that..! I swear I don’t have stalker-ish tendencies, I was just having lunch and I thought I heard a cat and wanted to check it out, so I came here and found you, and uh, yeah!”
Heart racing in the midst of awkward silence, your eyes darted around and sought refuge upon the aging bark of a nearby tree. You would give anything to grab a shovel from the toolshed and dig yourself a hole, saying a friendly goodbye to the boy before you buried yourself alive in the dirt.
“You could’ve just said hi in the beginning, you know,” he responded with an amused, arched brow. Extending his hand, he said, “Morisuke Yaku. I go by Yaku. Nice to meet you, uh...”
“Y/n!” you blurted out, relief overwhelming your senses. “I-I’m y/n, it’s nice to meet you, too,” you shook his hand, hoping he’d ignore the nervous warmth of your palm. “Sorry again for scaring away the cat.”
He shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. Natsu always comes back. I usually come by around this time to give her some food.”
Kneeling down to look inside his pack, he pulled out a can of wet cat food. The mere pop of the can was enough for the grey tabby to come bounding back excitedly. Yaku smiled and set the food on the ground, giving Natsu a gentle stroke along her back. Glancing up at you, he offered, “Do you want to pet her? She’s really friendly.”
Your eyes lit up in pleasant surprise as you nodded. “Sure!”
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etherithical · 4 years
Pidge Whump Scenarios (UPDATED: Seasons 1-4)
Please do not read this if you faint of heart. I do not want to ruin your life through my cursed Whump scenarios😅😈
Just some ideas if you have writer’s block or want to evolve some of these things for my (or your own/other peoples’) BTHB prompts! I kept them vague so you could add your own things. Most of them are AUs, are Pidge focused (y’all know me), and are placed in the order of the episodes.
Disclaimer: Many of these ideas are heavily inspired by some other amazing Pidge Whump writers out there. While I tried my hardest to keep ideas original and creative, be warned that some stray very close to what is already out there.
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Whumpers: -Law Enforcement (considering the prior to Voltron prompt)
-School bullies, gangsters, blackmailers, pretty much any human that sucks and uses Pidge as their punching bag
-Commander Sendak
-Lieutenant Haxus
-Bounty Hunters, although who would want to injure their precious cargo? -Subcommander Ylvik (Note: Lead Galra on Shay’s Balmera. He is not seen on screen, but mentioned when Prorok states that he has command of said Galra’s fleets)
-Commander Prorok
-Macidus and those other Druid creeps
-Chief Information Officer Plytox (Not seen, mentioned)
-Zarkon? (Note: Considering he is more of the kill, no prisoners type of guy, you’ll have to tread carefully with this one. He should have a reason to keep her alive other than “Hey I like torturing young children cuz I’m a creeeeep!”
-Haggar (Note: Another one you should be careful with. While there are a TON of Whump fanfics with her, I don’t see her as really that sadistic. I mean, she interrogates prisoners, but that’s for the Empire’s villainous plans rather than her own personal enjoyment. Again, you’ll need a reason other than she wants to have fun.
-Commander Branko (Commander on Olkarion)
-Unilu traders?
-The Warden from Escape from Beta Traz
-Lotor’s Generals (I think it would be cool to see Narti as the Whumper. Kinda creepy since she can’t see or talks, so she’s just hurting Pidge and saying nothing the entire time)
-Commander Hira and the evil Alteans from the Alternate Universe
-Lambonite Scavengers (Seen in The Legend Begins)
-Evil Matt...? 😏
-Bounty Hunter from Reunion
-Evil AU version of Pidge, resentful of our beautiful girl’s happier life.
-Commander Throk
-General Raht
-Ladnok or Trugg (female Whumpers are 👌)
1. Pidge’s secret about being a girl comes forth before the Blue Lion is found. You can play this idea a bit: Maybe Pidge is arrested, or maybe Iverson doesn’t want to tell the truth about Kerberos, so he takes matters into his own hands? It’s up to you
2. Not a specific episode, but Pidge is made into a Robeast?
3. Fall of the Castle of Lions/Return to the Balmera. Pidge fails to save the Castle of Lions from Sendak. This one could go in several unique ways depending on personal choice. Here’s some ideas if you need some inspiration.
-Haxus defeats Pidge, but instead of killing her, he tortures or maims her.
-Keith and Allura are unable to get in on time, and Sendak has Pidge.
-Sendak convinces Pidge to turn herself into him.
4. Rolo, Nyma, and Beezer take a certain little Green Paladin with them instead of (or along with) the Blue Lion. Hunk is infuriated at the rest of the team for being too trusting, and by doing so letting the Bounty Hunters escape with their friend.
5. Pidge is caught in a rockfall in Return to the Balmera. (Note: Subcommander Ylvik is the name given of the lead Galra on the Balmera, though he is not seen on screen)
6. Pidge catches onto the infected Alfor’s plan. Unfortunately, he gets to her before she can tell the others…
7. Macidus finds Pidge, Lance, and Hunk and takes her with him to Central Command. Now we have both a Paladin and a princess captured! YAY!
8. Voltron is defeated in The Black Paladin and Pidge is the only Paladin left alive. Zarkon chooses to keep her alive (Why? As a pet? To entertain his soldiers? Because one of his subordinates insisted?). Maybe Thace could be the caretaker, sneaking in food and medicine when no one is looking?
9. An idea for Across the Universe: Pidge is injured on her landing on the trash nebula. Nevertheless, she must manage to build the satellite, with a little help from the Green Lion and the trash floofs, of course!
10. Greening the Cube. Pidge is captured during the mission and the Commander (no name given) either makes her his slave, or, due to her unbelievably strong connection to the world around her, experiments on her.
11. In Eye of the Storm, Pidge is hit by one of the lasers in the teludav. While she survives, the hit causes severe damage to her body that can’t be easily fixed, or not at all.
12. Pidge and the Green Lion fall into the acid in The Ark of Taujeer. This one is a good option for Plance, since Lance and Pidge were working together to sew together the planet’s crust.
13. Pidge is captured in Space Mall and sold as a slave by a group of Unilu.
14. There already are some Escape from Beta Traz whump scenarios out there, so this one was a bit of a challenge. One idea is that the Warden catches Pidge while she is hiding under his desk, and forces Lance and Shiro to face an ultimatum: leave Slav, a vital part of the plan to defeat Zarkon with him (and Laika, too!), or leave Pidge, their friend and the Green Paladin, at his mercy.
Another idea is that everyone gets caught. Because Pidge was pretty much the one conducting the mission from the Control Center (and through that, causing all the trouble), the Warden beats her up.
15. Not tied to an episode, but let’s imagine for a moment that for whatever reason, team Voltron believes that Pidge is half-Galra rather than Keith. Pidge, already reeling from the false disbelief, experiences Allura’s racism, which grows increasingly detrimental to her confidence. And, Keith, who knows he is Galra, is unsure whether to tell everyone. I don’t see him as the “I’m afraid she’ll act the same way toward me as she is with Pidge” kind of guy, so you’ll have to get a little creative. Either way, once the truth comes out, Allura is terribly guilty and Pidge is furious at Keith for not saying anything while she suffered in silence.
16.Pidge is hit by the laser-eyed monsters… well, um, lasers in Stayin’ Alive.
17. The plan in The Best Laid Plans and Blackout fails. This one is almost identical to the The Black Paladin idea, except later in the show. I like this one a bit better as the hatred for the Paladins is higher, seen as they managed to get as far as they did, with the downside of losing Thace as caretaker.
18. What if… In Red Paladin, Voltron for some reason was doubtful about the attack of Puig, so Pidge offered to go in by herself (since the Green Lion can turn invisible). While Lotor and the gang expected evidence that there ‘is no Voltron without the Black Lion,’ taking Pidge to interrogate her is an easy alternative. Or, if this one doesn’t excite you, he can capture her when Voltron was set up (since the other Lions and their lack of experience flying leaves for an easy capture on Lotor’s part).
19. Fairly similar to 18. Lotor’s plan in The Hunted to flush out the Lions and capture them one by one mostly or completely succeeds. Either way, Pidge and possibly a few more of the Paladins are captured.
20. In Hole in the Sky, The Alteans attach some sort of alternate version of the Hoktril to Pidge, one that leaves her with free will but the inability to do anything but what the Alteans want. Sort of as a punishment for trying to mess up their plans. This could be a part of a larger plot: Where Commander Hira manages to cross through the wormhole and begins to take over the universe. Maybe an enormous war between the alternate reality Alteans and the Galra Empire could start. Or else this could happen to Pidge when the others are trying to escape and she gets caught and left behind.
21. While The Legend Begins doesn’t give me an AU, an interesting idea came to mind. We know that the original Paladins of Voltron fought evil before the Galra took over the universe. At the beginning of the episode they are fighting Lambonite scavengers. What if 10,000 in the future, they or some other ancient menace came back to exact revenge on the Paladins. And while they can’t hurt dead people, torturing their successors is an easy second best.
22. Let me just spill my Reunion ideas here. For just some general angst, you could just have Matt be dead. Imagine Pidge has been gone for vargas, so the Paladins go and search for her, only to find her literally hugging onto a gravestone, her eyes wide, and when they try to move her she is reluctant to leave her brother’s side and unresponsive when they try to talk to her. She constantly holds on, it doesn’t seem like she recognizes (or cares about) her friends beside her, and Shiro has to drag her out so they can leave. Another option, a darker one, is that the Bounty Hunter wins and takes Pidge and Matt to the Galra. A fun idea to play with, if you ask me. And if you’re willing to go even darker, making Matt evil and having him actually hurt (or… torture) his sister is an idea I’ve played with for the longest time.
23. The Galra catch on to the Paladins’ in The Voltron Show and the ‘propaganda’ it’s spreading. Zarkon or some other Galran in power organizes an attack during one of the performances, when the Paladins are vulnerable. Most of the Paladins manage to escape but Pidge is captured. Or the performances from the Voltron Show create enemies… and people who should definitely be avoided for each Paladin. Pidge is captured off guard by a stalker who wants to make her ‘his dog.’ (If you write this I would rather it not be NSFW. You can be you but please use your own ideas for that)
24. Pidge and Hunk fail to disable the Communications Station in Begin the Blitz. Because of their failure, the Voltron Coalition takes serious losses, and Pidge is brutally beaten as punishment while Hunk is forced to watch. Another one is because they lost Lotor as a bargaining chip, Ezor, Zethrid, and Acxa capture Pidge in order to reenter the ranks of the Galra Empire.
25. Somehow, Pidge is the only survivor in the entire Coalition after the massive explosion in A New Defender. The Galra choose to keep her alive as a prisoner of war… and for some fun. And alternative to this is that Pidge survives and manages to escape the Galra, but is a fugitive of the Galra Empire and constantly in peril of being found… and paying the price
Feel free to use these or change these however you like! I honestly don’t care how you use them; the purpose of this is to inspire you, not hold you back! I’ll update it once I’ve finished rewatching seasons 5-6.
You can request me to do my own ideas for my BTHB card, although I would like to see some of your own personal improvements/additions as well!
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midnightbluemoon · 4 years
Daniel And David Both Liking Counselor You Headcannon! (Camp Camp) (Probably Will End With David)
-So listen.
-David caught feelings like two days before Daniel came to Camp.
-So he didn’t really have the time to figure out how to ask you on a date.
-So then Daniel shows up.
-Big oof for David.
-Because as soon as Daniel shows up, he clearly seems attached to you.
-Daniel thinks your amazing.
-Like, other then his cult and religious beliefs, best thing ever.
-Seriously though.
-He is immediately wherever you are.
-You think it’s coincidence.
-Or that he’s nervous in a new place.
-So you offer to take him on a tour, just the two of you.
-Which kills David.
-But is a dream come fricking true for Daniel.
-The tour goes really nicely.
-Daniel seems to take actual notice in what you have to say.
-Which is a nice feeling.
-David follows you guys.
-Not in a creepy stalker way though, to be clear.
-He is legitimately worried that Daniel might do something sketchy.
-And wouldn’t it be kinda awesome if he was there to be the one to save the day?
- So you guys get back to camp.
-And since Gwen left when Daniel showed up
-And you and Daniel went on a tour
-And for some reason David wasn’t there
-The kids were running rampant.
-Daniel noticed your distress. 
-So did David, actually
-But there’s no good way to pop out of the bushes behind someone supportively.
-So he went around through the cabin.
-When he came back, lo and behold
-There was Daniel, helping you deal with the kids.
-And his hand was on your shoulder.
-Which almost broke David right there.
-It’s the little things, you know?
-So David come up and hugs you.
-Like, out of the blue.
-And really tight.
-But you weren’t complaining.
-Cuz, I mean 
-It’s David.
-He would totally stop if you asked him to.
-So then Daniel comes up on your other side.
-And he’s hugging you too.
-The camp is still half chaos.
-But no way can Daniel let David show him up.
-So after a while, you mention that all of you still have to take care of the rest of the kids
-Daniel and David agree.
-But although  
-David lets go completely, 
-Daniel starts holding your hand while you go deal with everything.
-So David grabs your other hand
-And you don’t have the heart to tell either of them to let go.
-Daniel noticed how stressed you were about the kids
-And he already had a plan to sacrifice them
-So wouldn’t that be kind of a gift to you too?
-Peace and quiet
-No responsibilities
-No David coming up from out of nowhere and hugging you because what the heck
-So you guys get everything sorted out.
-And then Daniel starts chatting you up.
-So you guys are going to the Mess Hall.
-And David is semi-crushed.
-And while Max walks by, he says
-”If you don’t learn to talk, your going to lose her/him/them.”
-And David’s just like Oh no he’s right.
-So anyways.
-Daniel is trying to figure out what you like/dislike/any hobbies you may have
-So that he can connect with you on them
-For example, say you like musicals.
-Suddenly he loves musicals
-Whichever ones you mentioned, in particular coincidentally.
-So whatever you mention, after everyone goes to bed, he starts learning about all of them.
- So the next morning he’s flaunting his knowledge about your favourite subjects.
-Which is kind of amazing for you to have someone with shared interests that seems to care about your opinions.
-Sucks for David though
-Cuz now you and David are practically joined at the hip.
-It’s around this time when you first notice the purification sauna.
-You didn’t question it that much
-Because you didn’t have any reason to.
-You start noticing campers being creepily fanatically loyal later that day.
-Which you did question
-Because David had tried EVERYTHING with those kids
-And suddenly they love Daniel
-Which is kind of a red flag.
-You didn’t want to hurt Daniel’s feelings.
-But you were sure that he would understand your concerns.
-David hadn’t noticed that much.
-He was too busy moping.
-Daniel hadn’t actually planned on sacrificing you or purifying you btw.
-Just everybody else.
-Because having the person you love as a mindless yes zombie is no fun.
-But he kind of panicked when you asked about the kids.
-And he shoved you into the sauna. 
-Which he felt kind of sad about.
-He still wasn’t gonna sacrifice you though.
-But having you be a little bit less nosy was nice.
-And it was also pretty awesome to have you draped over him.
-And he could hug you as much as he wanted.
-So then when he heard David coming, he kissed you.
-The thing is, you might not even have stopped him from kissing you if you hadn’t been purified.
-Just maybe not in front of a bunch of campers.
-And David.
-And that was when David decided that Daniel had to go.
-Well also Max tipped him off before getting turned into a yes zombie himself.
-And then the whole Better Than You thing happened.
-And you were right with Daniel the whole time.
-Which made David super mad.
-So then when the effects started wearing off
-Because Daniel hadn’t planned for an argument
-Only just enough time for sacrificing
-And a dash more time to flaunt his amazingness to you
-Your head felt like it was swimming through tapioca.
-You staggered a little.
-So Daniel put his arm around you.
-And in your drugged confused state, you cuddled into him.
-What can I say? He was the only thing keeping you balanced.
-And you were also still semi drugged to love him.
-But then by the time Daniel slipped up and got sent to the hospital you were pretty much fine.
-But David made you go take a nap anyways.
-He wanted to be 100% sure whatever that was was out of your system.
-You guys didn’t really talk about what happened with Daniel.
-Neither of you really wanted to think about it.
-Although David couldn’t think of much else.
-He wanted to ask you if you actually loved Daniel
-But he could tell you didn’t want to discuss it.
-So he didn’t.
-You just felt betrayed.
-But things were pretty platonic between you and David.
-Both Gwen and Max were trying to help him ask you out
-But he was worried you were going to say no.
-And then Bonquisha happened.
-He had tried to move on and date someone else.
-Which had hurt you a lot.
-You didn't know why it hurt so much
-But it hurt a lot.
-But you acted like you were happy for them.
-Because Gwen told you.
-She thought it might make you jealous
-Which would force something to happen.
-But it didn’t.
-It just made you sad.
-And when Bonquisha broke up with him, he was really torn up about it.
-You thought it was because of the breakup.
-But it wasn’t.
-It was more about how he couldn’t keep anybody.
-Which wasn’t great for his self esteem.
-Neither was the fact that the two of you weren’t exactly talking.
-You and Bonquisha had gotten into a fight about the fact that you were 110% sure that she was cheating because you saw her kissing somebody else and she denied everything.
-And David defended her.
-Mainly because he just didn’t want it to be true.
-Which led to you two fighting.
-With words.
-In the end you just walked away.
-Which hurt a lot more than being yelled at, for David.
-You had spoke to him, but for nothing more than camp activities.
-Like “Hey David, could you pass the fire extinguisher.”
-And he’d pass it over
-And then conversation over.
-Max was annoyed.
-Because he was sure if David ever got up the nerve to apologize to you, and ask you out you would say yes.
-And he was right.
-After a lot of moping on David’s part, basically every camper knew what was going on.
-So they destroyed the blender in the kitchen.
-And made sure you were the one to go out to town to buy a new one.
-And the moment you were gone, everyone started taking turns giving him pep talks.
-And he got a looooooot of conflicting advice.
-”Be sincere.”
-”Act cool, like you don’t really care.”
-”Be dramatic!”
-”Be clear. We don’t want any misunderstandings.”
-Yeah, it was a lot.
-So when you got back he tried to do everything at once.
-Which resulted in him having fallen on the ground.
-With a broken nose.
-You were a little less mad now.
-Because that was hilarious.
-And you could tell he had really tried.
-So you took him back to the Counselors Cabin.
- And administered as much first aid as you knew how.
-And he apologized again.
-Except as him.
-And you forgave him, obviously.
-Because he was your friend.
-After that everything went back to normalish.
-Max was annoyed he didn’t take the perfect opportunity to confess.
-But he wasn’t teary now, which was an improvement.
-Everything was purely platonic for the next while.
-But then Arrival Of The Torso Takers.
-You hadn’t been sure if anything was off.
-David had been touchier than usual.
-More hugs, more arm around shoulder, e.t.c.
-By this time you were pretty sure you had a crush on David.
-So you didn’t mind.
-But it also reminded you a little of Daniel.
-And then when David asked you out, you said yes.
-You were really excited.
-So was Gwen actually.
- You know who wasn’t?
-He had been watching for a while. 
-And he did feel a little bad.
-He didn’t want to ruin your relationship.
-Except he also thought you deserved to know that your boyfriend was an alien.
- So he told you his suspicions.
-You agreed that David was off.
-You also thought it was a little fantastical.
-But you hadn’t noticed that Daniel was a cult leader.
-So you thought you should trust Max.
-Until he came back to you and said everything was probably fine.
-You were surprised.
-But he seemed totally normal.
-So you agreed.
-Until he came running by you about 10 minutes later.
-He grabbed you by the wrist and said Daniel was coming.
-So you both ran.
-You heard his voice, and it sent shivers down your spine.
-Calling for you to come back, saying he loved you......
-It was absolutely terrifying. 
-You had no idea where Max was going, but you wanted to save your breath for running instead of asking questions.
-Then he dragged you into a bomb shelter.
-And there was David.
-He looked like he’d been crying a lot.
-He was tied up in front of a bunch of screens playing certain parts of what was happening all over camp.
-You and Max ran over, and started untying him.
-Literally though,as soon as David was untied, Daniel p I c k e d y o u u p and put his arms around you, in a semi threatening way.
-What happened next was surprising though.
-David jumped on top of Daniel, and started attacking him.
-You just looked a Max, and he gave you a ‘what am I supposed to do?’ face.
-You guys left Daniel in the bunker.
-You felt kind of bad, but not really.
-He had been keeping David there for god knows how long.
-So when you went to hug David, he kissed you.
-Max was hooting, and yelling “FINALLY!”
-When David leaned back he apologized a lot.
-“I-I’m sorry-I should’ve asked-”
-You told him it was definitely fine.
-And you guys started dating.
-Even Max thought you guys were cute.
-And everything was sunshine and daisies.
-Until the Woodscouts, with Daniel as their new leader took control of Camp Campbell.
-Daniel took you away from the rest of the group, and started scolding you.
-Literally scolding you.
-About leaving with David.
-But then he said he forgave you, and so did Xemüg.
-And then he put his arm around you in a fiercely protective way, and marched right back out in front of everybody.
-And he was giving David this smug look, like ‘look what I can do and you can’t stop me’.
-You tried to shake his arm off, but he had a death grip on you.
-He’s just flaunting you to everybody
-Because he does actually love you.
-He’s just not great at loving people without being evil.
-After he takes Nikki you beg him to brig her back.
-Because you care about your kids.
-But he isn’t budging.
-What’s been really hard for David is having to see  you trailing around behind Daniel, knowing that if either of you don’t comply, a camper could die.
-And the fact that Daniel keeps touching you.
-Nothing lewd, just kisses and hugging and arm around shoulder, e.t.c.
-Daniel has all the Woodscouts giving him complete control.
-So there always seems to be one watching you in the few moments you have alone. 
-And then there was when Daniel was about to sacrifice Nikki.
-She seemed so chill.
-You asked him to sacrifice you instead.
-But no way was he doing that.
-And then, right before he killed Nikki, what you assumed was supposed to be his god came rising up.
-After a lot of banter back and forth, Daniel was commanded to go to Antarctica.
-He nodded solemnly, and took you by the hand.
-But Xemug said something along the lines of
-”Wait! No! Thou shalt not take anyone with you!”
-Daniel looked back and forth between you and the obviously fake Xemug.
-He gives you a final kiss, and walks off.
-And then it’s all done.
-The Woodscouts other than Pikeman, plus David and Max come out from behind the giant puppet Xemug they made.
-You guys free Nikki.
-David hugs you for an eternity.
-And everything really does return to normal.
Until the next disaster.
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beghostdocrimes · 5 years
Blood Blossoms
Happy Holidays @qlinq-qhost! I was your Secret Santa this year. The prompt you gave me, and I quote, was ‘a n g s t hour with Danno’. Hope I managed to catch that, combined with your suggestions of Blood Blossoms.
Danny knew what pain was.
The constant bruises and muscle aches from fighting were there to prove it. The exhaustion that clung onto him and seeped into his very bones, making him want to do nothing more than to just go to bed and sleep for a month. The mental strain that showed itself in tired eyes and sleeping in class and at the dinner table. 
There were things he didn’t want to think about that hurt more. 
Skulker’s continuous taunts and weird stalker behavior, Spectra’s sneers, Vlad’s constant creeping he couldn’t help but get used to somehow (which was even worse), the Observants’ supervision on his every move, Clockwork’s warnings that rang in his ears every second it was completely silent, his friends’ and sister’s worry…
And a million more things were constantly hammering in his head.
There were the easy days, on which the Box Ghost showed up maybe two or three times, or Technus decided to show his face on Tucker’s PDA at random. He had learned to take care of those within 10 and 30 minutes, respectively. Missing half a class was still better than missing a whole one, or even an entire day. Some bruises were the worst damage he got from that, though sometimes Technus managed to get him to burn himself on some electricity from one of his devices. He could deal with those.
Some days were manageable, with Skulker or Spectra showing up. He’d just try to ignore their constant yammering and focused on getting them into the Thermos asap. Skulker packed a serious punch, and Danny figured he’d at least had one sprained...something every time, plus maybe a light concussion on the worst days. Spectra...did more mental damage than the others, and that pain took longer to go away. Jazz tried to help, but she didn’t understand exactly what it did to him.
He had to deal with that alone.
And then there were the hardest days. With Walker, or Vlad. Sometimes multiple at once. Walker teaming up with someone was bad no matter what, since Walker attacking included half an army of goons, all with weapons and half a brain cell each. Vlad was becoming more of a nuisance each time, but he’d created a web of alliances with all kinds of ghost from the Zone, and fighting off 5 of them at the same time wasn’t good for his body. 
The sound of a bone snapping in two as he tried to block a ghost from ramming into him still echoed in his head sometimes, and it left him nauseous every time he thought back to it. 
Sam had said he was stupid for not remembering he could literally turn untouchable, and Danny had, though sulking, agreed. He was used to the fact that he could, now, unlike in the first months, but it hadn’t become an instinct yet. He was still human, and humans didn’t do that. Nor did they turn invisible or fly, but hey, those were also fun. Turning intangible just felt...off. Not being able to grab anything or hold onto anything weirded him out.
The ghosts he fought had their powers under control and knew them inside out. He was at a disadvantage fighting literally anyone, being just a rookie compared to everyone. Even Vlad had his intangibility under control, and he wasn’t even a full ghost. But on the other hand, if Vlad could get a hold of it all, maybe Danny could, too.
In 20 years, maybe.
Sometimes he had help during battles, sometimes he didn’t. Which was fine, because not everyone could be at his side every second of the day-- be it during school or at 3 A.M. again. Nobody had any respect for his health, or sleeping schedule, or homework.
Lancer’s disappointed yet concerned look also made Danny flinch and shrink into himself every time he saw it. Or Jazz’s worried lecture when she tried to scold him for not trying harder in school, even though she knew about the ghost fighting. His parents...didn’t do much about anything. They probably figured he was just not trying his hardest, but besides the occasional conversation with his mother about his grades, Danny was left alone.
That loneliness also hurt.
His friends understood better than anyone else, but they didn’t get the full picture. He had trouble sleeping, and they sometimes helped him see things besides the things in his nightmares, but they also had stuff besides just helping their friend sleep at night or keep him awake at school. Sometimes they couldn’t. And even though Danny knew it wasn’t their fault, and that they had a life besides and without him, but a feeling of betrayal sometimes came crashing into his head, and it kept becoming harder to get rid of it each time it came.
He had friends, allies, family, all there to back him up where they could in a situation he needed them, and everything always eventually worked out. He wasn’t leading the most normal life, but at this point, he couldn’t imagine anything different. 
Danny thought he knew what pain was.
This was more…stiffening. Crawling. Agonizing. Trembling. It felt like it could burn him to ashes from inside out, or from the outside in. At this point he wasn’t sure anymore. It was suffocating, all over, and nowhere, nothing, all at once. Danny was sure it was there, because he didn’t have the imagination to make this up. It was there. But how?
The only thing that had come close to this was the pure and utter helplessness he’d felt after the Nasty Burger explosion. He didn’t want to think about it, dammit. But that was heavy. Untouchable. Not in his nerves, just in his head. Mental and physical pain were two very different things, as he’d learned the hard way. Being in expert in both gave him enough credit to state that fact.
But this, this was everywhere. In his bones, in his flesh, in his nerves, in his guts, in his skin, in his head, oh God his head—
He couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think. The continuous loop of ‘no-no-no please stop get away stop god please no more no-no-no--’ was all his brain could muster up in that exact moment, with his nerves on fire and brain completely fried. Was he screaming? He didn’t know. Couldn’t say. Sound was nowhere, complete silence, save for the buzz in his head. It had some sort of metallic rattle to it, but that could just be the adrenaline messing with him.
Or the utter and complete panic.
How he’d ended up in this situation, where he was, who had him, and what they were going to do to him were all blanks. His parents? Jazz? Sam and Tucker? Valerie? Vlad? He didn’t know who knew he was gone from where he was supposed to be right now, and who actually did know, and probably had him somewhere in a laboratory.
After seeing just what some of the creeps he’d encountered were actually prepared to do to get what they needed from their ‘subjects’, Danny wasn’t sure how to stop his imagination from running scenarios in his head. The metallic buzz mangled all the sounds even worse now, and it felt as if his throat was the driest place on the earth all of a sudden. He must’ve screamed because they amped up whatever it was they were using: raw ectoplasm, poisons, electr--
And then it just...stopped. Disappeared. It was gone, and he could breathe. He felt his muscles relax and his jaw unclench, and he opened his mouth to breathe. It was more of a weak pant with a rattle to it, but he took what he could at that moment. 
He stared up at the ceiling with wide and unfocused eyes, the white blinding lights all that really registered in his scrambled mind. 
So he was on his back, then.
No chambers filled with weird liquids, which was a plus. The air felt dry and fabricated in his mouth. ‘Basement,’ Danny concluded after two minutes of just breathing. Outer space suddenly seemed less and less fun than it used to be, because Danny decided right then that he was quite fond of breathing and air and all that.
The buzz in his head started to fade a bit, and the sounds from around started to separate from each other. Beeps from machines, liquids boiling, a freezer humming, metals clicking together.
No people breathing.
Which meant either that one, there were no people, and he was probably being watched and examined from a distance, with fancy cameras and audio equipment and scanners and whatnot. Which was kinda cool, but also kinda freaky. Because it meant less clues for Danny on who had him.
Or, option two, they were ghosts.
Even less clues as to who had him this time. Although...Vlad actually had the money to set up a whole lab, as did the Guys in White, but his parents? He couldn’t imagine them setting up a lab this...professional. Not like this, at least. They had everything they needed, but it was always a mess at home, in the basement. If Danny craned his neck, he could see the counters/desks glowing with the lack of dust and other things. Nothing was out of place.
So Vlad or the Guys in White, then. 
Or there was some new person in town after him he didn’t know about because he was an idiot for not paying attention to his surroundings more, which was basically what Sam and Tucker had been telling him for the past year whenever he bumped into poles, at first, and then it became ghosts and lurking dangers he failed to notice, and then they’d yell at him to turn around already but he’d be too slow because of Lancer’s assignment and Tetslaff’s exercises from the day before and he was still sore, dammit, so he would get shot right in the chest, and then he’d fly back and slam straight into a wall and not be able to brea--
It was back. It was less painful, but it was back.
Danny managed to not completely lose all of his awareness of his surroundings this time, just in case someone would enter via somewhere in the room he hadn’t seen yet and watch him. God, that was even worse than the cameras. The lights seemed to be flickering, but that could just be his head again. There was a slight pulsing pain coming from the back of his head. He probably slammed it back on the table when it started again.
The thought of checking whether he was bound to the table or not suddenly popped into his head, and he immediately regretting trying to check. A flare of pain shot from his right wrist up his arm until it slammed into his back and stayed there.
He didn’t try to move his left arm.
The fact that the pain was less than before rose back into the part of his brain that was actually functioning somewhat normally, and Danny realized that that was actually happening. Whoever was behind this all, was testing something. It couldn’t be in something he ate, or drank, because then they wouldn’t be able to regulate it like this. Maybe it was something they did with the table, or the bounds. They seemed pretty much electrically wired to shock him if he tried to get out. It could be something they did with the whole room, and that’s why there weren’t any other people in the room.
Or they were testing him.
But with what?
Danny writhed on the table as a particularly nasty sting made its way up his back, settling at the base of his neck and staying there. Whether it was intentional or just his body imagining things, Danny wasn’t sure. It didn’t feel good, and that was all he cared about in that moment. It was as if his muscles had gone rigid right under his jaw as well, and the urge to clamp his teeth together to try and stop it was overwhelming.
It proved unnecessary as the pain disappeared for a second time for seemingly no reason. Danny slumped back onto the table, breathing still ragged and pulse absolutely going through the roof. 
Mind still scrambled and disconnected from the rest of himself and reality, Danny found it the perfect time for some more investigating.
Priorities listed in his head, he tried to focus on the feeling of the table pressing into his shoulders and back. It felt sticky with sweat, very uncomfortable, but not cold. Sensing cold meant he was human, not being able to feel cold meant he was ghost. He was ghost right now. Which was good.
Danny didn’t remember how he was caught, but it was more likely to be after a particularly nasty fight. So while he was ghost. And he still was a ghost. Whoever had him hadn’t seen him transform.
That didn’t mean they didn’t know, though.
The cuffs around his wrists were electrically charged, as he’d learned the hard way. Moving his head from side to side made his vision swim and nausea rise, but he found that his head wasn’t strapped down or confined in something. A flare of pain shot down his neck when he tried to lift his head, but Danny grit his teeth and did it anyway. Self-preservation be damned for the moment. There were cuffs around his ankles as well. Maybe charged, maybe not. Danny kind of didn’t want to find out.
The room was smaller than a classroom, about the size of a bedroom. Maybe bigger. The floor was some sort of plastic-looking surface, the walls had an off-gray shade to it, and the ceiling was white with lamps in near the corners. The counter was still reflecting the bright light that seemingly came from everywhere, everything in the same place as it had been some time ago.
How long had he been here, anyway?
And where the fuck was the door?
Another flare of pain, short and sharp, made its way through his body, and Danny had to focus to not lose consciousness entirely, despite how appealing it seemed. His breathing became even more panting-like after screaming again, and it sounded off, worse than it’d been. God, he hoped his lungs were okay. He kind of needed those. They didn’t feel all that okay, though. Having been so focused on not dying or passing out and figuring out where he was, the pressure in his chest had completely missed his notice.
Danny was glad it had, because now there was even more pain to think about. Coughing made it worse, and tears sprung to his eyes as he tried not to. Steady and soft breaths were all he could manage as he attempted to calm himself down.
In, hold, and out. 
Jazz had shown him some ways to calm down after a panic attack, and breathing was one of them.
In, hold, and out.
Danny was sceptic at first, but after having tried it himself after one of Vlad’s particularly nasty stunts, he had repeatedly thanked her for showing it to him.
In, hold, and out.
Sam had mentioned something about a ‘pyramid of senses’, or something like that, but it didn’t seem all that appealing to try in a place he didn’t know and was trying to get away from. He wanted to ground himself, of course, but he’d better focus on himself instead of his surroundings for now. To avoid another one.
In, hold, and out.
It was odd, actually. How your own mind could betray you in such a way, that you needed to shut it off enough to reboot itself by focusing entirely on one simple task that usually required zero mental effort. Or how listing things calmed the mind down enough to turn active again, instead of running in circles, banging pots and pans together and not wanting to stop.
In, hold, and out.
And why was hyperventilating a thing? And was it a mental thing or a physical thing? How did it even work? And what caused it?
In, hol--
Oh no.
Hyperventilating. Pain. No clear source. Ghost form.
Danny paled.
Blood Blossoms.
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
Dancing With Ben Week 5
A Ben Hardy x Reader Series Halloween Night - Contemporary
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Summary: Reader is one of the pro dancers on Dancing With the Stars. It’s her second season on the show, and this time, her partner is none other than Ben Hardy. Will they win the Mirror Ball? Maybe they’ll win something even more meaningful!
Word Count: 3.5K
Tag List:  @psychosupernatural, @someone-get-a-medic, @twigleektribute23, @ionlyhavepicturesofflowers, @asquiresofftime, @caborhapch, @iwasnothingbutacityboy, @a-kind-of-magik, @anxious-diabetic, @royalblueviper, @toms-irish-girl, @doingalrightt, @borhapqueen92, @angiefangirlworld-2, @ziggymay, @pink-lemo, @riddikuluslypotter, @wearewiththebands If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: Just a wee bit of angst/jealousy in this part. Hope you like! Also, we have a surprise guest for the next chapter, coming soon!
Week 1  Week 2  Week 3  Week 4
Week 5 here we go!!!
You loved Halloween. The costumes, the candy, the pumpkins, everything. You especially loved watching Hocus Pocus and handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters. Also, for Halloween week on Dancing With the Stars, Emma and Sasha always hosted a movie night for the remaining couples to come and relax after rehearsal, so you were looking forward to going with Ben. 
Ben arrived at the studio shortly after you. You beamed at him.
“My hero!” you called, walking over to pull him into a hug. 
You’d taken to calling him this after he took care of you that night at the bar. He always rolled his eyes at the term, and did so again now. Still he lifted you off your feet and spun you around.
“How’d you like country night?” you asked as he placed you back on your feet.
“Is was more fun than I thought it would be,” he told you. “I was pleasantly surprised.”
“You did really well,” you said. “I can take you honky tonkin’ now.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
You giggled. “It’s just a silly word for bar hopping at country western bars. It’s popular in places like Nashville.”
“Please don’t take me honky tonking,” he said.
“Oh, ew, it sounds so weird when you say it,” you returned with a laugh. “I promise, I won’t. Besides, this week we get to do something spooky! Do you like Halloween?”
“I liked it more as a kid,” he said. 
“What’s the best costume you remember from your childhood?”
“I went as a Ninja Turtle several years in a row,” he admitted. “Painted my face green and everything.”
“Wow, so you were committed to your roles at a very young age,” you joked.
He chuckled. “Sure was.”
“Good! Because you’re gonna get to show off those acting chops a bit this week,” you said. “For our Halloween dance, we have contemporary. This opens up a whole new world for telling a story.”
“Oh, I like that,” he said. “What story are we telling?”
“You’re a creepy stalker,” you told him. “And I’m the sweet innocent girl you’re stalking.”
“I’ve not gotten to be creepy very much,” he said. “I like it.”
“I really think we’re gonna kill it this week,” you said. “Contemporary is very expressive and creative, so I think we can have some fun with it. Because it’s so open, I want you to tell me if you have any ideas for the choreography.” 
“Really?” he asked. “You want me to help you put it together?”
“Just this time,” you said with a smirk. “I think your experience in movies can add something more dramatic to this dance.”
You began rehearsal, with Ben adding things here and there. He did really well with all dances, but contemporary was proving to be something he thrived with. His ideas truly added to the storyline of the dance and made things more interesting. And, you could see how great of an actor he was as he really got into character for the dance. It was a little intense at times, but it would be in those moments that he’d miss a step and you would laugh together. 
It went so well, you decided to end rehearsal early and head back to your place for dinner. You told him you’d cook for him, and you would avoid the prying eyes of the paparazzi at your apartment. He agreed, and off you went. 
“Ben, I’m honestly so impressed with you,” you told him in the car. “You’re doing so well. I feel like we can really win this thing.”
“I think so too,” he agreed, taking your hand and smiling at you. You grinned right back.
You made it back to your apartment, and you were grateful you had tidied up beforehand, unlike last time. Although, Ben had not once made you feel bad about that night. He seemed almost as bashful as you were about it, if not more so. He took a seat at the counter while you started dinner.
“Can I get you anything?” you offered. “Beer or a glass of wine?”
“Just water for now,” he said. “I’m exhausted after today.”
“But I’m excited about this dance,” you replied, getting a glass of water for him. “Like, it’s creepy, but without ghosts or monsters, which is usually what Halloween night is all about on the show.”
He said a soft thanks as you gave him the water and he took a sip. 
“So,” he said. “What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid?”
You thought about this as you put some olive oil in a pan. 
“Probably in the fourth grade when I went as Cher,” you said. “My mom even did my makeup so I’d have the right bone structure. It was awesome.”
He chuckled. “That is awesome.” 
You chatted casually as you made dinner, when a sudden knock on the door stopped everything. You asked Ben to watch the stove while you answered the door. You opened it to see it was James, you partner from the previous season, standing there and smiling widely at you.
“Y/N!” he cried, opening his arms for a hug.
You jumped into them. “James!”
He laughed as he embraced you, and you rocked him back and forth. 
“I can’t believe you’re here!” you exclaimed as you released him and allowed him inside. “What are you doing here?”
“Just taking a break,” he said with a shrug, but you could tell he was holding back since he noticed Ben in the room. 
“This is Ben,” you said, walking James over. 
They stiffly shook hands. 
“Nice to meet you,” Ben said. 
“You too,” James returned, noticeably warmer than Ben was being. 
You frowned but didn’t want to start anything. So you ignored it. 
“James, why don’t you join us for dinner?” you offered. “There’s plenty, and I’d like to catch up. Ben, do you mind?”
“No, not at all,” he said, although his expression faltered when you extended the invitation.
The guys sat down at the counter and you resumed cooking. You gave James a glass of red wine you knew he would love, and you told him so. He took a sip and hummed.
“Oh, this is fantastic, Y/N,” he said. “You know me better than I know myself.”
You smiled. “Maybe you’re just predictable.”
“Hey, so you two are doing incredible on the show,” he said, ignoring the jab. “I’ve been watching. I can’t believe you already got a perfect score!”
“Thank you!” you replied. “I could hardly believe it either.”
“And on week four!” he continued, clapping Ben on the shoulder. “Seriously, well done. I think it was week six or seven before we got our first perfect score.”
“It was week seven,” you reminded him. “And I seriously thought I was going to cry I was so happy.”
“Got anything fun planned for Halloween week?” he asked.
“We’re going a contemporary,” you explained, and went on to tell him some things you and Ben had come up with. Ben was being oddly quiet. “It’s going to be so cool and creepy. Right, Ben?”
“Oh, yeah,” he said shortly.
You frowned but by then it was time to plate the food. You served them and then you all moved to the table to sit down. You and James still did most of the talking throughout the meal. It was bothering you that Ben was being so unfriendly, and you wondered if you should talk to him about it. You just weren’t sure if that would help or make things worse. Time dragged on slowly before dinner came to a close, when James said he was going to step out onto the patio for a moment. 
“That sounds great,” you agreed. “Ben, you down?”
“I’ll start cleaning up,” he said, declining. “But you two go ahead. I’ll join you when I’m finished.”
“You don’t have to clean up, it’s not even your house,” you said.
“You cooked, I’ll clean up,” he insisted. 
You opened your mouth to argue some more, but James put a hand on your arm to stop you.
“Let him help, Y/N,” he said lightly. “He’s a much better guest than I am.”
He finished with a small laugh, but you couldn’t join it. Something was off. Begrudgingly, you and James got up and went outside, and you closed the door behind  you. You looked through the window and watched Ben collect the dishes and carry them to the sink before turning back to James.
“I’m sorry about him,” you said. “I don’t know why he’s being so weird.”
“I do,” James answered. “He’s jealous.”
“No way, I told him we weren’t dating or anything,” you said. “Not that it matters because Ben’s not my boyfriend either.”
“Well, then it is kinda silly, but honestly, even I thought there was something more between you two,” he said. 
“Are you serious?” you cried. “After everything we went through last season, you’re gonna jump on the ‘are they dating?’ train too?”
“Look, I know that we had a lot of chemistry because we were such good friends,” he said. “But I’ve seen you dance with plenty of people between me and the other pros when you were on your. You’ve never danced with someone the way you dance with Ben. In that rumba, it was clear you much you wanted to be in his arms.”
“Even if that’s true,” you said, ignoring the blush coming over your cheeks. “He knows we weren’t a couple. I told him.”
“He thinks we had sex,” James said simply. “It’s all over his face every time I touch you.”
“Why would that matter?” you wondered.
“Because we’re still friends and see each other,” he went on. “Jesus, Y/N, you can’t really be this ignorant about this.”
“Excuse me for not having a perfect grasp on a man I’ve known literally a month,” you returned. “Ugh, what am I supposed to do about this?”
“Nothing, unless you want to bring out how you feel about each other,” he said. 
“I don’t want him to hate you.”
“He doesn’t hate me,” he said. “He probably doesn’t even know he’s feeling this way. If he does, he’s going to keep it from you.”
“You’re not making this any easier,” you said. 
He shrugged. “It’s not an easy situation.”
“Ugh, I don’t wanna talk about it anymore,” you groaned. “What brought you to LA? Seriously.”
“Had a fight with my boyfriend,” he said. “I needed to get away for a little bit. So, I figured I’d come see you. I’m gonna go to the show this week too.”
“Seems a bit drastic,” you teased. “Can’t you just go for a drive like a normal person?”
“Honey, you know I am extra as hell about my emotions,” he returned with a laugh. “Anyway, I wanted to see you.”
You hugged him. “I’m glad you’re here. Do you wanna talk about the fight?”
You felt him shake his head. “Nah. I just want to forget about it honestly.”
You stood with him on the patio for another few minutes, just holding each other. When you shivered from the cool night air, you decided to go back inside. When you re-entered the apartment, it was empty. The dishwasher was running, but Ben was nowhere to be found.
“Ben?” you called, checking the bedroom and bathroom just to be sure. But he wasn’t there. You opened the front door and looked down the hallway. 
You whipped out your phone, but you didn’t have a text or call from him either. You texted him, asking where he was and if he was safe. You waited five minutes and still heard nothing. So you called, but he didn’t answer. 
“Is he seriously fucking ghosting me right now?!” you cried, irritation crawling over your skin. “This is ridiculous!”
“He’s gotta show up for rehearsal tomorrow, so you know you’ll see him then,” James said. 
“If he doesn’t come to rehearsal tomorrow, I will actually lose my shit,” you said. 
That night, after James had gone and you were in bed, your fury kept you awake. You switched between worrying Ben was lying dead in a ditch somewhere and fantasizing that you had done the deed yourself. In between, you cried softly, hurt mixing into your anger and confusion. 
The next morning, you arrived to the studio early. You told the camera guys to hold off until you told them to return because you needed to talk to Ben about something serious. Reluctantly, they obliged and left the studio. Ben arrived shortly after. 
As soon as he stepped foot through the door, you shoved him against the wall. 
“Hey!” he protested.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” you demanded. “You really thought you could just leave without saying anything?! And then when I try to reach you, you blow me off?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“Look, I’m sure you had a very nice night with James,” he said bitterly. 
“So that is what this is about!” you gasped. “God, Ben, just how little do you think of me?”
“What?!” he cried.
“Do you really think I’m the kind of person who uses someone else for sex?” you questioned. “Do you think I place that little value on intimacy? Well, I don’t!”
“That’s not what I -”
“Oh, it isn’t?! Because that’s certainly what it feels like!” you shouted. “Even if I did, what right do you have to judge me for it?!”
He opened his mouth to reply, but you cut him off again.
“And I told you - I told you James and I were never together! But in case it’s not clear enough, we never had sex, either! Not that it’s really any of your business! I just thought I should share since it bothered you enough to just fuck off and ignore me! I was up all night worrying about you, you punk!”
He looked at the floor. You glared at him. He muttered something under his breath.
“What was that?” you asked sharply.
“I’m sorry!” he snapped, flush coming over his cheeks and ears. “I’m sorry, okay? I don’t...I don’t know what came over me.”
You sighed and softened. “I forgive you. But don’t you ever do that to me again, got it? I was worried sick about you.”
“I won’t, I promise,” he said gently.
You stepped closer to him wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your forehead on his chest. His arms folded across your shoulders. Tears had formed in your eyes and you sniffled, blinking them back.
“Are you crying?” he asked, pulling back.
“Shut up!” you returned. “Bitch, I care about you, and I’m sick of it!”
He chuckled. “Let’s dance, yeah?”
You nodded, wiping your cheeks and smiling again. 
Rehearsal went well and you felt like you and Ben were back on track. That night, he went with you to Sasha and Emma’s, where you were nervous because scary movies tended to really freak you out, and you had already lost a whole night of sleep for Ben. You sank into the couch beside him and put on a brave face. 
The movie was one of The Conjuring series, though you weren’t sure exactly which. All you knew was that you were going to be terrified. You were right, too. The movie began, and you took Ben’s hand. Several times throughout, you would gasp quietly, and Ben would give your hand and comforting squeeze. But then, during one particularly horrible jump scare, Sasha also reached over and grabbed your leg, shouting at you. You screamed at the top of your lungs and crawled into Ben’s lap, hiding your face in his chest while the others laughed at you. 
“That’s not funny, Sasha!” you whined as Ben wrapped his arms around you. 
“It’s a little funny,” Sasha laughed. “I get you every time.”
“You’re a bully,” you whimpered.
Sasha started to protest, but Gleb shushed you both. You didn’t dare turn your eyes back to the screen. Ben pressed his lips to your temple and stroked your hair. You remained in his lap the rest of the movie. 
On your way home, Ben held your hand as your drove. You were still jumpy from the movie, and his presence kept you calm. 
“Hey, can I ask you a favor?” you said.
“Sure,” he said.
“Will you stay with me again tonight?” you asked. “I know I’m gonna be freaked out, and I can’t go another night without sleeping. But I’ll be okay if you’re with me.”
He chuckled. “Of course. I suppose I owe you one, anyway.”
“Thank you,” you sighed. 
When you got to your apartment, you turned all the lights on on the way to the bedroom. Ben followed behind, turning them off but after you were past the area. You made it to your room and quickly changed into pajamas. Then Ben came in, and he took off his shirt before you settled into bed together. 
Sober, this was different, but still not strange. It was just an innate easiness about being around Ben. You snuggled beneath the covers and he smiled at you.
“Are you ready for me to turn the lights off?” he asked.
You nodded. “But you have to cuddle me right after.”
“You got it.”
He reached over and flicked the switch, turning off the lamp on the nightstand. The room disappeared in the darkness, and you squeezed your eyes shut until you felt Ben’s arm around you. Then, you relaxed into him. 
“Thanks again,” you whispered. 
“You’re welcome,” he replied. 
A beat passed and then he spoke again.
“I really am sorry about yesterday,” he said.
“Ben, I already told you I forgive you,” you assured him. 
“Yeah, but I really acted...shitty,” he said. 
“Well, you’re certainly making it up to me now,” you joked. “It was just a misunderstanding. Now, go to sleep.”
“Good night,” he told you.
“Good night, Ben.”
Once again, show day was upon you quicker than you expected. You and Ben were going fourth, and you had a blast watching the couples going before you. People really got into Halloween night and the production was always incredible. By this time, you were no longer nervous about performing with Ben. He was ready, and so were you. 
The dance came out incredible. It was truly the best you had ever performed it. You and Ben battled it out through the movements and yet, it was beautiful. When it was over, you couldn’t help but beam at him as you went to get the judges’ opinions. 
“Oh my God!” Carrie Ann cried. “That was terrifying! I mean, I knew you were a good actor, but this was a side of you that was really different and scary!” She laughed. “The dance was incredible. You told the story perfectly with that choreography. I honestly could have watched a whole movie of that.” 
“I sort of felt like I was watching a movie,” Len said. “I’m not the biggest fan of contemporary routines, but that was very entertaining and you really had control throughout the whole dance. Very well done, indeed.”
“You were incredible!” Bruno shouted. “You really duked it out with Y/N, and had us frightened. I agree with Len, it was very controlled, and you looked great.”
At that point, Tom mentioned James.
“So, Y/N, I understand your former partner is here tonight,” he said. “Can we get him up here?”
“Oh, no, you -”
You were ignored as the crew brought James up to the stage, and you looked at Ben apologetically. He shrugged and smiled assuredly at you. 
“James, what do you think of Ben and Y/N?” Tom asked.
“They’re amazing, like the judges said,” James said. “I’ve been watching all season, and rooting for them. They did great tonight!”
He gave you a quick hug and shook Ben’s hand before heading back to his seat.
“Very graceful, we miss you in the ballroom, James,” Tom said. “Now, let’s get your judges scores.”
Once again, you got a perfect score. You hugged Ben in celebration and headed to the red room to watch the rest of the show. The other couples did amazing, but you and Ben were still on the top of the leaderboard. And it was still enough to get you through the elimination. You were relieved once again, that you did not have to say goodbye to Ben, even if you were angry with him about the other night. But after you said goodbye to Gleb and his partner, you saw Ben go over to James and talk to him. He was his usual self, friendly and sweet. It warmed your heart that he trusted you and was making a real effort to correct what he had done. 
You approached and slipped an arm around Ben’s waist.
“Hey, I was just about to come get you,” Ben said. “James would like to have dinner again tonight, what d’you think?”
“I think that would be great,” you said. “Only, let’s go out, I don’t feel like cooking.”
“Fair enough,” James said. 
You and Ben went to change and told James you would meet him out in the lot when you were ready. As you headed to the dressing room, Ben stopped and looked at you.
“So, what’s the theme for this week?” he asked.
“It’s trio night!” you told him. “And I’ve got a really special surprise for you.”
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