#i like the idea of these two sanses meeting
itchingdreams · 2 years
this is a lot. i am so sorry.
you live in the underswap universe. and one day, you meet a skeleton by the name of papyrus. papyrus is a chill guy who seems both really lazy and really funny. you two become friends quick, and best friends even quicker. you then meet sans, papyrus’ very cool and magnificent older brother, who you gain a crush on fast.
you met the rest of the gang. alphys surprising you with her fascination of anime, undyne being wary of you but loosening up thanks to pap, asgore giving you a big old dad hug when you met him, and ex queen toriel gifting you a slice of butterscotch pie. and then finally you meet the human who helped the monsters reach the surface, they were an absolute sweetheart (you wish you could say the same for that dog cat hybrid - she threatened you when you first met the two of them).
the six seven of them became an important part of your life and quickly. the skelebros more than anything.
you’d spend all day talking to papyrus, in many different ways. whether you both are texting each other all day, sending dumb vines and laughing at the most ridiculous puns that stretch could find. or when you’re both on discord vc with each other first thing in the morning, talking about things and just staying on call all day doing your own things until late at night, where you both fall asleep when you two planned on staying up. or when papyrus comes over to your house and vice versa.
he likes to tease you about your crush on his brother all the time. especially when you pop up to their house unannounced, the smirk that papyrus gives you always makes you glare at him to stop so sans won’t notice. you don’t want him to find out, especially since it’s just a teensy little crush.
there’s something about blue that just drives you to him. one, he’s cute. but his personality is what got you falling for him. he was fun, expressive, caring, a little bit of a daredevil, and many other things. he was your type and you loved talking to him. he had so many hobbies and you had a fun time playing along, even if you personally wasn’t a fan of one or two.
like said previously, they all became an important part of your life that almost every day of the week was filled with silly and fun activities with the seven of them. you grew so close to the skelebros that their house even became like a second home to you. might as well be your first one as you barely sleep over there anymore.
but eventually, things start to get a bit... weird.
sans had a job. he told you he was a guard somewhere but he never really explained further than that, which was fine with you. it wasn’t important where he worked so it didn’t concern you much. you assumed he was a security guard for some kind of mall or even for the queen, seeing as he referred to himself as part of the royal guard multiple times.
he attended work every sunday. any other work days depended on various things but he was always mandatory for sunday. his hours were a little interesting. sans leaves for work at around 6 AM, sometimes even 5 which puzzled you plenty. he told you that he’s finished with work around 6 PM, and that riding back takes about an hour which means he’s home by 7. 
but sometimes he gets back later than that.
sometimes he gets back at 10 PM. and then other times, he doesn’t come back home until monday near 12 AM which at that point just means that he’s coming home at tuesday. his excuse would be that he was at a friend’s house which you find weird but don’t question. he’s allowed to have other friends, and what he does with them is none of your business.
but recently, sans would be out the house early sunday morning and then he’ll come back 5 days later, tired and scuffed up. the first time that happened you were worried sick and you texted him any second you could, asking if he was okay - which he would respond to whenever he could.
paps never seemed worried about it which bugged you a bit. when you brought it up to the guy, he shrugged and just promised you that he would know if something bad happened to sans.
so when 5 days past and sans stopped responding to your messages, you began to grow antsy. on the 8th day of waiting, you decided to go back to your actual house, promising papyrus that you’ll come back and that you just need a couple of days by yourself to distract yourself - which he understood.
you had a hard time doing that though. every second, you were worrying about sans and whenever you’d think of something else, sans would just find himself right back in your thoughts. 
you slept that night terribly. you usually slept with no issue, with no dreams or anything, but that night you had a terrible nightmare. which showed with great haunting detail, sans, papyrus, and the rest of your friends getting hurt by some dark figure - the area around you covered in darkness with some parts appearing to be glitching as if in some video game or hazy and red?
on the 9th day of waiting for sans to come back or at least answer your texts, you went back to the skelebros house, hoping that seeing paps with calm you down. and that night you slept worse. your dreams filled with you being wrapped up in something tight and constricting, all while a dark figure different than the previous one laughed at you with a snarl as he - it - they choke you.
you shoot up from your bed, heaving and gasping for air, coughing hard as if your nightmare was actually real and you were actually being choked. your head is pounding and you can hear your ears ringing and oh god, how your throat hurts so much. you try to make it in the kitchen to get yourself some water, papyrus seemingly in his room seeing as he’s not laying down on the couch where he usually naps. but once you walk into the kitchen, your fragile human body gives up - hitting the floor as you pass out.
you’re gifted this time with uneventful slumber, no nightmare or weird dream for you now. but eventually, you feel something rubbing against your cheek. or someone.
trying to wake up your body and convince your eyes to open, you can hear the hushed whispers of people around you. the person who was caressing your cheek - who you noted wasn’t speaking - moved to play with your hair, either making an attempt to braid it or curling it with their fingers. 
this wasn’t paps. who’s messing with your hair? they feel familiar but they still don’t at the same time. the hushed whispers continue and that’s when you notice that one of them sounds like sans! but wait, that means that sans wasn’t the one touching you.
that’s when you open your eyes and you are faced to face with a skeleton that looks a lot like sans but isn’t. he’s a totally different skeleton. he looks taller than sans. he’s shaped softer than sans - which is a weird observation to make seeing as this guy is still a skeleton. his whole color palette was purple and sans wasn’t a huge fan of purple. then that’s when the skeleton spoke.
“hey blue, your friend is awake.”
confused about what’s going on, you raise your head up from their lap - because yes you were in their lap - and are shocked to see two more skeletons, one being sans and the other looking just like him but not him at the same time. unlike the purple one, he wore yellow and blue and he seemed to wear more comfortable clothing, your eyes landing on his spacey themed jacket.
turning your attention back to sans, he made a move to speak but you quickly shut him up, rushing to him and wrapping your arms around him and squeezing hard. which he returned just as. 
once you two finished with your hug, you stepped away from him. looking at the other two again, the one whose lap your head was laying in, standing up from the bed and making his way over to the spacey one. the four of you stared at each other and just when you opened your mouth to ask something, a puddle of ink appeared on the floor and you watched as someone quite literally jumped up from it.
he, like the other two, looked just like sans except he was shorter than sans. and you noticed a splash of ink that was on one of his cheekbones which you questioned was permanent or not. his outfit choice was less.... fashionable than the others but you weren’t here to judge. he also seemed to be holding this big brush which confused you but once again, not there to judge.
he introduced himself as ink, apologizing for taking so long as he had to take care of something first. and when you squinted your eyes at him in confusion, he asked if you guys had the talk yet.
turns out. that the multiverse exists. damn it, you should’ve watched spiderverse because this was all so confusing. sans and papyrus and the rest of everyone else were apart of some alternate timeline. you were apart of an alternate timeline. and something in the multiverse was happening? some weird glitched skeleton guy that was heavily known for destroying universes was planning on eradicating yours and others and for the past few days, blue has been gone that long because he was fighting with the other hims in hopes of stopping the guy’s plan. or at least prolonging it.
once they got that out of the way, they each took to introducing themselves to you. even sans. the one who was playing with your hair was named plum, the spacey one named comet - go figure - ink already introduced himself but chose to do so again, explaining who he was with great detail. and then finally, sans turns to you and says his name is blue - which you are going to have to get used to. they mention that there’s someone else but he will be there eventually.
a few hours pass and you watch as the four of them interact with each other, paps - who told you he was nicknamed stretch - being there to help you understand their dynamics.
eventually, it begins to grow dark outside. and right when one of the others make a comment on how it’s getting late and they should probably leave is when a small burst of light appears in the room and there appears another skeleton. who looks a lot like sans blue except he’s taller. taller than the other sanses, but still shorter than paps stretch. but he looks almost identical to blue. which was weird because plum, ink, and comet still looked different from blue, but this guy didn’t. the only difference was their height and clothes.
he apologizes for being late, saying that he had to take care of some things in his timeline that couldn’t wait. he then sets his eyelights on you and introduces himself as dream, giving his full title and everything. you are a little flustered at his appearance, and it takes stretch elbowing you for you to snap out of it and introduce yourself as well. 
one of the others speak up from behind dream and ask dream what exactly took him so long. to which dream announces that his brother and the rest of his gang are looking to cause trouble again in the multiverse.
and now, you’re awkwardly shoved into this multiverse drama that you never wished to be apart of.
lucky you.
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osleeplessflowero · 5 months
hi (casually rambles about horror sans and my interpretation of him)
A lot of people portray Horror/Mars and his brother as the type to go crazy over food once able to access it, often hungry and a bit silly, like i remember seeing one fic where he and his brother would go as far as to desperately lick crumbs off of plates so nothing went to waste--
While I definitely think they would enjoy food upon surfacing, an important aspect of Horror's character is that he actively avoided eating anything Underground. Especially humans which were the only actual source of it, he actively fought himself even before biting off Aliza's arm but sadly had to give into his hunger there.
Being in a place with food just readily available..I feel like it'd be a bit more of a strange sensation to him. He'd been used to going so long without food, used to starving.. that sometimes he forgets he can eat at all. So those around him would kinda have to remind him to.
In terms of backstory, I've seen a few fics that write it differently than how it actually happened as well, like the reason for the hole in his skull being because he was protecting Papyrus. While that's an honorable idea, the hole is there because Undyne needed his eye for the CORE and wouldn't take no for an answer. He did not voluntarily give up anything. So naturally one would be angry after this. He grew cold, dangerous.
He pushed those he cared for away, instead focusing on survival. He even had to force his brother to eat Humans just so he could live by tricking him into eating what he thought was regular meat.
He's highly intelligent, he was a scientist after all! He'd even tried coming up with alternative ways to fix the CORE without using him as a power source. He's not an idiot. Certain fic writers..stop writing him as one!!! Especially in a Bad Sanses setting!!!
I feel like upon meeting him on the Surface in a Horrortale timeline he'd be resigned, guarded. Has major trust issues after Frisk. It would take a lot of warming up to get him to even talk to you personally in full sentences. My Scare Actor!Horror timeline takes place in a scenario where he and his brother have went to therapy together and are actively trying to heal and move on from their traumatic experiences, so he's a bit more open there. But in a timeline without that? Yeah..it's gonna take a bit..
Horror wouldn't trust himself around a human he likes. There's still that lingering feeling that his old hunger will catch up to him, making him hurt them. He can't stand the thought of something like that happening. It would take a lot of reassurance to get him to lower his walls..he's got a lot of insecurities. The idea of being able to relax, to live just to live rather than to live to survive.. it's nice, but it's so weird.
Gradually the more he warms up to someone the more he slips into older habits, throwing out the occasional joke or two to get a reaction out of them. Give him some time, he's still a charmer!
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ibeta · 2 months
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Plot Bunnies... Plot Bears... Plot... Plot... Stop. Stop. Stop?
Too many. I need a way to stop them from breeding. I've moved some notes I have on my phone to my PC's MSWord. Let's start with the favourites.
The Dancer and His Musician
"TDAHM - First Dance" was hastily written on February 14. On February 18, it was "TDAHM SSX".
Red in First Dance is a nervous dancer. Red in SSX... he's dipping his favourite dancer, and they've done some things because Red is smooth. Those are two Reds that need to be written within days from each other. It took two real-world days for Red to go from clumsy to powerful (this is a lie. It took him months).
Four Terribears
Ah, yes. It just... breeds on its own. We don't talk about the Plot Bears. They're a big problem. It's an infestation of four Sanses and four Papyruses. The World can talk to Sans. The Judge can talk to The World. It's too many plot devices all in one.
No-Bodies in Math
A bunch of four Sanses, with kustard. The inspiration is: that twitter/x post where they think gaming terms are funny. It's all written in lowercase, so I thought I needed Sans to say it absentmindedly and Red would absentmindedly reply, "yes, sure, fine, i'll give you a kiss after we beat this guy to dust, snowflake."
They have different professions and join a math server for inspiration. They really don't talk a lot of math. Sans ruins everything with math puns and then Red ups the ante. Black and Blue get competitive, so they join in the fight because they make puns too and aren't shy to let others know.
Then, Black creates a game for his brother from some ideas that Sans brought up in a hypothetical situation, and they all test it. Then, somehow, the game is released, and they become one of the experts of the game and... they math their way through. It's embarrassing because they all make math puns with each other as they're streaming the game to show its functions. But they make it up by being absolutely godlike in their team-ups.
Then, somehow, the game becomes popular enough to be an e-sport, and their group receives an invitation. No one knows that they helped create the game, and Black's getting a headache from getting so many calls on his personal line. He's a part-time programmer for his company. Sans is a famous performer by accident. Red has a really shady background that he's trying to fix. Blue is a doctor known for his baking vlog. (Blue seems to be the most normal one, but he really isn't. He always chooses the most violent characters in the game.)
They discuss and accept that they're meeting for the first time in an e-sports event.
When they meet... Sans comes late.
He sees Red awkwardly standing stiffly at the podium, so he bumps into him, stumbling and announcing his presence. He keeps his face covered until they ask who he is. He confesses that he ran away from his brother and then reveals his face.
Everyone focuses on him and forgets Red, who knows that Sans took the attention away on purpose. Black and Blue stand proud and happy, greeting their friends. Black seems to recognise Red, and Red acknowledges Black's background.
They play the game and easily fall back into the habit of making jokes at each other. They frequently forget that they're sitting with their friends and keep saying they'll have to meet up. Red and Sans fall into the habit of casually flirting with each other, easing up their meeting. Red thinks it's friendly flirting. Sans is a hundred percent certain he wants to date the scary skeleton that makes his soul quiver.
So, when Papyrus picks up Sans to leave, Sans shakes Black's hand, gives a hug to Blue, and then with Red...
It's something vaguely like this:
Sans leans close and lowers his skull, peeking at Red from below. The other skeleton stares at him, blinking steadily in confusion.
Then Sans smiles, and Red flushes brightly. Sans thinks it's an adorable reaction. He digs it hard.
"i like stargazing," Sans tells him, "and i don't mind long walks on the beach. our place is big, so you can bring your whole family over. i like sleeping in and, heh, you look very cuddly. maybe we can go out on our own next time?"
He slips a card into Red's vest as he leans up to plant a kiss on Red's cheekbone. Then, he smoothly moves towards Papyrus, who drags him away before he causes more commotion as a public figure.
Red's frozen in shock. Black and Blue laugh together and demand that he give them invitation cards to their bonding.
In another scene, Sans goes for a kiss, and Red drags him close, kissing back after getting over the shock. It's only afterwards that Sans tells him he likes stargazing and walks on the beach and that Red should bring his whole family over to his place. (Red thinks Sans is offering a safe place for him, and he's right).
Only Lie About Me
A singer Sans reveals that he can switch his voice to his manager. Sheila, his manager, goes crazy over this. She makes him join a singing club online that does singing competitions and duet competitions. She wants him to use a woman’s sultry voice to prank the singers for a long time. Sans meets a punny and yet serious skeleton who seems familiar, but he can't tell why.
(Red meets him once during a low part of his life, and Red hears him singing. Then the dog he's walking darts away from him as Sans imitates a siren and lures every living animal within the hearing range. Sans is embarrassed to be caught with so many animals listening to him and returns Red's dog. He and Sans have a short life-changing conversation. Sans leaves without his animal parade. Red stays and thinks he's fallen in love with his voice.)
Red doesn't know that the new singer that joined the club is Sans because Sans is using a woman's voice.
They talk, keep talking, and Sans discovers that Red likes Sans. Sans helplessly listens to Red as he bemoans that he lost contact with Sans. The famous singer likes Red, so he plans for an 'accidental' meeting. Then he sees Red and is stunned to see the same hot skeleton whose dog he accidentally lured away.
...then he has to deal with keeping his identity a secret as his new secret identity accidentally makes Red fall in love. Sans is a desperate sap that keeps dropping hints that he's keeping secrets, that Red might be surprised at his identity. He likes Red a lot. He might even love him. (He loves him. He's a super sap.)
Fortunately, Red figures that his new love can't tell him things, that she'll reveal it to him when the time is right.
Then Sans, the famous singer who doesn't sing a single love song, composes music that sounds like one. He drops a big hint that he's in love without saying anything.
In a concert that he and his manager attend, he finally has the chance to reveal his new album.
The Star and The Mer
A misunderstanding makes Red think that the god that helped him is... The Moon. Actually, Sans is just using the moon as a medium to communicate with him. Otherwise, he'll turn Red into a tasty grilled octopus if he touches him.
Red learns about cults from the other monsters on the surface. (He's about to start his own.) So, he makes sure to thank the god. The... moon.
Sans has to watch the cute half-skeleton offer things to the moon, even when the intent from the offerings calls to him. He practices hard to have a monster form so he can interact with Red.
Then, when Red gets the courage to offer up his magic pearl, Sans feels the unspoken desire for his love and courtship. Red sees the pearl float up into the sky before he faints from the strain on his magic as the connection stretches. Sans has to hover above Red's world so Red doesn't snap away.
Red wakes up, remembering that his god has accepted the pearl. He had been vague with his explanations about the relevance of a magic pearl from a mer. He likens it to a personal line to his hearing.
He hopes his god likes the pearl, that it might call for him if his god needs him.
Then, Red leaves for the ocean again, so Sans just publicly descends to use the scraps of a sailfish that Red offered so he could chase his red pearl. Adjustments be damned.
The World announces his presence as a great star god that has descended upon its surface. This information is sent to every soul on the world, which includes Red, who doesn't care about some star because he thinks his god is the moon. He simply looks at the squiggles that he seems to understand and dismisses it.
Sans encounters many obstacles in his way, but Red has offered him the fastest sailfish. He uses its properties to escape strange creatures.
Red hears that there's someone looking for him. They mention that they're desperately searching, that they're fast and strong, and they seem to be part of some kind of sailfish.
Then, before he can look for them, a half-skeleton finds him, and he calls Red by his name. Red can hear him so clearly that his soul starts pounding when he realises that there's only one person who has his pearl.
His god has come for him. And, he's so beautiful. His fins of magic are bright and healthy, and his bones are white and smooth. His god's voice is deep and melodious, better than any siren from the ocean. He speaks to Red so gently, so happily, like Red’s someone precious to him and—
Sans, his god, tells him he's actually a star, not the moon.
Red wants to kill the moon for this misunderstanding, but he now knows that it's just a piece of rock that looks pretty. It's always the glow that Red watches as he'd been staring up at the moon.
The rest... the rest I can't type up for now because I'm sleepy. I won't remember to type them down. I'm too scattered.
If you want to know, I guess you can ask, and I'll type about it if you pick a title from the list. I just posted this because I need to vent out the bunnies from my brain before they take over. Like placing a spider egg away from my brain before it spreads and needs a flamethrower.
It rarely works. I still have at least five bunnies in my head.
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usercookie2008 · 1 year
What is the the Generation AU is about?? 👀
ready for a ramble here, it's gonna be a bit long
Alright so The Generations AU is an Au that goes off the passage of time and Generally poses the story Upon how Nightmare has to experience those he loves pass away with due time and life basically Circling through as it does
Now this is also like a Dadmare kind of Au with NM having a really Close relationship with his gang members (Cross, Killer, Horror, and Dust) or more of less Sons.
Now in the begining of the Au it really seems like a Simple ordinary run of the mill Bad Sanses Found family with a shit ton of Headcannons sorta spewed in there (like Cross is into Photography, Dust does Needle felting, Killer does carvings n stuff these actually play a part so much later too so like duely note this) but as it progresses Nightmare begins to watch his Boys Grow up and make families of their own, and that time they're still absolute menaces to the AUs yeah though it's a little calmer with Nightmare scheduling accordingly cause he doesn't want his boys to miss out on time with a loved one or ones cause some do indefinitely have kids in the far future
Now yk things seem to be going perfectly fine though theres the first Hick up with Cross's relationship really starting to fall appart with Swap. I'm not too sure what happens majorly between this point Appart from Nightmare being Absolutely pissed at Swap and also Nightmare getting to actually Meet Cross's kids for the first time since he and swap were temporarily taking a break from each other after a really heated argument they had about each other's Jobs of their respective teams, usually wasn't a problem but over the topic it was hard scheduling for making sure they were cared for when they had to do their jobs while Cross did indeed have that and could plan ahead, Swap was often Dragged away at the same time or anytime by Ink and Swap suggested that possibly Cross could Retire from the bad Sanses
Anyways so Cross Lives back in the manor for that time being and NM gets time to spend with his Grandchildren
Not much happens again though more time passes and more and more Problems or just inconveniences happen
But then that's when things kinda go for the worse for Nightmare when he finds Cross unresponsive and ultimately dust's due to a heartbroken soul
With Cross being separated from Swap, which due to the arguments getting worse with every time one arose Which had grew more and more constant by the day they had decided that their Marriage is over (oh yeah did I mention they were married? Er well they were), it left Cross very upset and in Abit of a bad headspace. Cross to kinda put it is like a person with a heart on their elbow (that's what it is right? Recently heard about it and really thought wow it kinda fits Cross quite a bit). He didn't do anything to himself but Fell down due to just how bad he felt and upsetting the whole ordeal was, especially because he still loved Swap even if the relationship was over
Noting Cross had the custody of their two kids, Fluke and Cort, Nightmare takes it upon himself to Protect and Raise them and this point Its where Nightmare kinda realizes or more or less remembers that he's inmortal, but his gang isn't. Even so doesn't really deter him from exactly Promising/swearing to himself that he'll take care of these generations
Idk there's actually a lot still in speculation did only Thought up of this Au like 4 days ago but The ideas are brewing frfr
But uh yeah the general thing is Nightmare Watching over the generations of their Children and their children's Children and ECT ect for however long with the reoccurring of the kids wanting to follow in their parents footsteps plus nightmare ofc adopting more Sanses in the long run
Now though THE ANGST oh boy do I got Ideas
So knowing how these kids are basically similar like mini versions of his found family, there's probably been so many times Nightmare has to keep himself from Bursting into tears whenever he sees of of his kids in their childrens faces or just something that one of them did before that seemed to carry on through the kid like Habits or something
Also the General grief Nightmare would have with every Soul he has to watch pass by knowing he'll Never, Never, See them ever again and he'll live with that forever. Eventually he likely mellows out to acceptance but I don't think he'd ever truely recover from losing his boys that actually made him see life as actually something Truly beautiful instead of a Dark pit it had seemed to much like before they cracked through that wall he built around himself because of his Au and experiences before he even had a chance to really live
On a side note Nightmare does actually get some Support that also tag along with him through these things or more or less ends up picking up a few immortals along the way too so Noot gets some comfort but uh yeah that's kinda all I got of now
I don't even have a solid Baseline for this Au yet and I'm already thinking of All the Different times n stuff for it lol
Though it seems more centralized in the time period not too long after Nightmare looses all his Boys and is around the point of Raising a few of their kids and some Fusions he found too of what will be known as the first generation :>
Oh also here's some art cause I do have a bit of a doodle with Noot
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I'm not 100% sure if I'm going to keep that jacket (I might change it later) but I do know I'm going to keep the Layers underneath it
Also planning on adding accessories that Nightmare was gifted from his kids, maybe something like a Locket from Cross, A Knife from Killer, yk like something that meant a lot to them and They Gifted Nightmare these things cause it resembled them (especially so to Nightmare even if to anyone else they just seem like normal items)
Also here's the initial Screenshot of me conjuring up the Au Idea and my brain has been going Bonkers over it since then
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Also anyone feel free to ask more questions about the Au (or really any of my Aus) and I will be so Happy to answer 💥
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Black stain with Killer? Could be interesting given his black goo.
I had to restart this one 7 or 8 times, and even now, I dunno if it's really good but I thought it was cute! I hope you like it :3
The black marking that was on Killer's arm was something that he would often mess with. He would trace his fingers across it whenever he got bored, sad, or really... anything? Mostly whenever he got lost in thought and he would need something to do with his hands.
The marking went around one of his arms, and he knew that it wasn't a skeleton so hey, that meant it wasn't one of the Bad Sanses, or one of the different versions of him which was... a good thing, at least?
He did wonder who that character was?
What kinda person would be his soulmate? He honestly didn't expect himself to have one! It's crazy that he did. The idea of it was awesome, though! Someone loved him! How funny is that? Could he even love them back?
Would it work out?
Well yeah, of course it would, they're soulmates. They always have to work out.
Today was a new day, and Killer came to this new AU alone cause he was bored and had nothing better to do. Of course he asked Nightmare to make sure that it was okay before he left, and now he was here! What was the AU?
He didn't know.
All he knew was that he was in a forest, nice place. A lot of fruits and veggies. Was it like a Foresttale or something? Some of these AUs are starting to be pretty stupid lol.
You know?
It could just be that he came out of the portal in a forest... bah, this stuff is confusing... at least there was a nice view! He loved walking through forests, they're always so pretty and weirdly calming, right?
Killer held his arms out by his sides as he walked, letting out soft sounds as he walked along a fallen tree. It was over a little river. The water was rushing pretty fast and there were rocks. He wondered how deep the water was? How hard it would be to swim in that.
He wasn't a good swimmer at all, now that he thought about it.
Eh, whatever, it doesn't really matter!
It seemed as though the world wanted to prove him wrong because in an instant he felt his foot slip on the wood of the fallen tree. His empty black sockets widened, his soul skipping as he felt himself start to fall into the water. It felt like he was moving in slow motion.
Well shit.
That sucks. He's going to get wet and might hurt himself falling into the water. Ugh, that's gonna be FUN trying to explain.
He shuts his sockets tight, just preparing to feel the water...
But he didn't.
“Hey, you alright there pal?” he heard.
He opens his sockets, and looks over his shoulder at whoever spoke to him. It was a human looking at him with an amused look on their face. They were holding onto his arm and their hand was... colorful. He stares at the hand, then up at their face, and laughs “Yeah, I guess I just fell in two ways” Hell yeah, puns! Been forever since he could do that.
They make a snort sound and pull him up off of the log and onto solid ground.
He looks at their hand, then looks down at his arm, and he tugs his sleeve up to look at the mark. It was full of so many colors... he lifts his head to look at them “Well damn,” He starts, “I didn't think I'd meet my soulmate like this... what's your name?”
How was he supposed to explain this? You know... maybe he won't. He'll just come back to this AU every so often and see them and once he's sure that he likes them, then he'll explain! It'll be... it'll be better this time.
Their name was Y/n... by the way.
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blueboobutterfly · 2 years
I wanna add to that Undertale AU ships post I did a little while ago. Specifically for Error ships.
First off I wanna say that ErrorInk/InkError is my lowest tiered ship for Error. It’s just…meh. And uninteresting to me like 90% of the time. So with that let’s get on with my favs!! Not gonna rate these numerically tho.
-Errormare has to be one of my favorite ships that I’ve come across. The possibilities and everything about their chemistry is so delicious. Plus I think that their roles in AU’s and stuff work well together! I can’t express how well the two can work together, although writing and what artists show them as. Its hard with any ship in this fandom to get personality/personas that everyone agrees on, but I think the canon or more basic ones used for most is great for this ship! Plus the idea of King of Negativity and his Queen of Destruction is beautiful to me.
-ErrorBlue has to be a new all time favorite that I didn’t think I would like when I came back to the Undertale fandom again, but I’ve found it’s so good. This ship has both the possible platonic and romantic dichotomy, and I love it. The idea that this optimistic and cheerful, yet out of is depth sans becomes best friends/lovers/etc with the literal destroyer of worlds/AU’s is so good~Plus Blue has shown to be one of the best Sanses or even monster to get the trust and friendship with Error. I just love it. Ughhhh.
-ErrorFresh is always gonna be a fav, if I can’t have Errormare it’s this one or ErrorBlue to ship together. And to note, Fresh and Error aren’t related only in the CQ comics/line are they related, so yea. Wether it’s the new version of Fresh or the parasite!Fresh I love the idea of them both with Error. It can get both cutesy and fluffy, or horrific and angsty. Such wonderful ideas and possibilities! Also, the idea of Error slowly getting use to Fresh despite all of his creepy bullshit cause he’s one of the few Sanses who aren’t afraid or see Error as a threat etc, is the best set up.
-DestructiveDeath I mentioned this in my last post with AfterDeath, with the idea that Error was Geno. I fucking love that idea. The angst, the love, the tragedy, THE DRAMA! All of it is so delicious, and add Goth into that mix and you got yourself a whole slew of possible ideas. Goth being the only one to recognize Error as Geno and trying to show his dumb dad that Error is his mom - All the way to Error not knowing why, but after meeting Goth he has a strange urge of protectiveness and parental instincts. Love it all!!
-Crerror and Insomnia share the same spot together although they aren’t as much of my go to as the others but I still enjoy them! They can be really cute with different scenarios, and their personalities give a lot of ideas and openings to start a relationship with Error!
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annaraebananawriter · 2 years
(Part One) I Wish
This is part one to a two part special for their birthday, thought the second part won’t be done until next week, probably. Curse my brain and it’s need to procrastinate on important fic ideas. 
Especially considering I have three gift exchanges to get done...
Anyway. I don’t have too much to add, so happy reading!
Fandom: Undertale/UTMV
Characters:   Dream, Nightmare (Who belong to Joku), Blue (Who belongs to P0pcornPr1nce), Ink (Who belongs to Comyet), and mentioned Error (Who belongs to CQ) and mentioned Bad Sanses
Warnings: Implied council members being generally toxic bosses, implied abuse from villagers, and I think that’s it. Let me know!
Summary: “It’s Dream and Nightmare’s birthday today. As per usual, they exchange gifts, though this year they can’t meet in person. They still have the gifts, though. (UTMV, Dreamtale Twins Centric)”
Word Count: 3603
He's late. Dream curses to himself as he stumbles over a stray piece of wood on his trek to the tree stump that was once his mother.
It wasn't necessarily his fault. Ink and Blue had roped him into their annual party for his birthday, even though every year he keeps telling them that they don't need to celebrate it and he really didn't need anything. Ink just laughs, slapping him on the back as if it's a joke and Blue just raises his eyebrow, looking sympathetic yet determined. And they invite some of their other friends, the few members of the council that they actually like, and he really can't say no and board himself up in his room when they arrive and seem so excited, now can he?
He gives up once his friends start coming and plasters on a smile, feeling happy for the company even if he doesn't particularly enjoy why they were there. Luckily, no one but Blue (and Ink, but Ink forgets sometimes, which isn't on his friend, not exactly, but still) understands his conflicted feelings and therefore isn't able to see through the act.
He doesn't hate his birthday. In fact, it's just the opposite. He loved—loves—his birthday, and would get so excited when he realized what day it was.
The villagers used to throw such a big celebration, too, with banners and streamers and balloons, and even sometimes treat it like a festival for someone of the highest honor. They would lock elbows with him and push him from stall to stall, making him try foods and showing him art, and giving him gifts. They had seemed so…expectant, almost, as if they knew he would love it all and wouldn't believe otherwise, and he was too scared to know the repercussions for denying such generosity, so he accepted it all, the same words of thanks falling from his mouth on repeat. It may sound bad, but it wasn't, and it started out fun even if it grew stale.
(Thought they never did remember to celebrate Night's birthday alongside his. They seemed to forget that they were two halves of a whole, born at the same time for the same purpose, just guarding two things. Whenever he reminded them that they had two people to celebrate, something dark would flash in their eyes and they would plow through as if they had never heard him.
He stopped asking after an important 'talk' with the mayor of the village, and just learned to avoid their eyes, keep his head down, and never ask questions. And of course to never say no to anything the villagers give him or want to take from him. That was a lesson hard earned too.)
The fact was that the date just grew to have certain negative feelings tied to it, bitter memories and harsh words covering the sound of laughter as their younger selves made snowballs and threw them at each other all day until their fingers were numb and they decided to cuddle together under Mother's branches to warm themselves up again. They never picked up the gift-giving aspect of it until the villagers moved in nearby and taught him about their traditions, and he then taught Nightmare, relishing the spark of untouched innocence and curiosity that only the aspect of new knowledge could give his brother. It’s a little bit funny, really, how even then Nighty had the look of a king in his eyes—that knowing, interested look when being told something he found interesting.
Maybe that was why he labeled himself as such, and why Dream found a castle where the village used to be and a garden surrounding Mother and his statue. Maybe it was all a reminiscence on the past, a nod to something only they would understand. A way to say ‘I know’ without saying the words.
Or maybe Dream was just putting words in other people’s mouths again.
Nonetheless, it had been especially hard to peel himself away from the party this year. It seemed as though everyone invited had realized he always left early and had some kind of vote he wasn’t aware of to keep him there as long as possible. It also seemed as though people were having a competition of who could keep him entertained the longest. He’ll have to talk to them about that, let them know that he did, in fact, notice the glares they shot at each other whenever someone else took his interest. It was like those shows that Blue likes to watch, where multiple people date one person and fight for the ‘right’ to their hand in marriage, only this one was far more uncomfortable because he never signed up for it.
Ink, who did sometimes take notice of Dream’s tense posture and was usually the one who (unknowingly) gave him the opening needed to take his leave, was distracted this year. He also up and disappeared shortly after the party started, leaving everyone in a state of confusion, though they shrugged it off after a few minutes.
It was Ink, after all. That should’ve been enough of an explanation.
Dream did privately ask Blue if he knew where their friend went, but Blue just smiled and said Ink was fine. “Just had something important to do, that’s all. He’ll be back before the party’s over.” He wouldn’t elaborate any more on it, no matter how much Dream prodded him.
As the party progressed, Dream found himself constantly glancing at a clock. Or more so trying to even find one. It seemed, in addition to vying for his attention, the guests had gotten their hands on all of the clocks and hidden them away somehow. He had no clue what time it was, but he felt the growing dread that he would be late. His attempts at leaving grew more and more obvious, until his frustration grew the more and more one guy keep blabbering in his ear about whatever nonsense was going on in his AU—probably really just an excuse to cajole Dream into visiting and helping out, even if nothing was needed.
Just as Dream had opened his mouth to snap at him to just let him leave, Blue swept in with as much grace as an angel sent to save him from devastation. If they were alone, he would’ve given his friend a big hug, maybe even a kiss on the cheek for extra thanks. His friend gave him a secret wink and seemed to shoo him off, and Dream tried his best to obey, politely shoving people out of the way.
Once successfully on the outskirts of the party, Dream let out a breath and prayed with all his might that he’d be able to finally leave. It seemed someone was listening because he was saved from further obstacles when Ink finally returned from wherever he had been, sopping wet clothes and what looked like a pile of snow in the shape of…something on top of his head, a dry and plainly wrapped present in hand. At once, he was the center of attention and Dream could run into his room to grab the present and leave as quickly as he could.
And even though he is late, at least he left that dreaded party. Nightmare wouldn’t mind him hanging out in the garden and talking to Mother as he waited until enough time passed and he could deem it safe enough to head back, would he? The place was off-limits to his gang, and he was fairly sure they had all left to have some holiday fun, too. Maybe they’d even dragged Nighty along for the ride.
Hopefully. Nighty did need to have some fun every now and then. With this thought in mind, Dream pauses and reaches his senses across the AU. He listens for any souls and gets silence—not one peep of any kind of emotions—which makes him smile. They did get Nightmare to join them, how kind of them. Once things eventually come to a standstill in their ‘war’, and that truce Ink is arguing with the council to implement finally gets through, he’ll have to ask them for pointers.
Maybe he could finally get Nighty to join him for some hangout sessions. And some sparring sessions. Blue was a good fighter, but Dream had to keep his magic usage to a minimum, which meant handicapping himself. It would be nice to fight against someone—that is, fighting without actually fighting, if you get his drift, and it would be nice to be able to not worry about holding back and test out some of his abilities he hadn’t had the chance to practice in a long time.
But, ah…he was getting ahead of himself.
Today wasn’t about what could be, though those thoughts were nice to think about on occasion.
Today was about their birthday, and right now was specifically about retrieving the present Nightmare got for him and placing his present for Nightmare in its place.
Usually, they’d just exchange gifts in person, but because he was late, he is hoping that Nighty just set the present down on Mother and left it there for him to find. He’d do the same with his present. His brother will no doubt check that he had received his present and, seeing it gone and a new one in its place, he could relax for the rest of the night. He was probably so worried when Dream didn’t arrive at the agreed-upon time.
Dream sighs, finally turning to Mother and the present that rested upon it. It was a light blue gift bag, and golden paper stuck out of the top of it. A card addressed to him with his brother’s looping handwriting was taped to one of the handles.
Same as always.
He replaces the present with the one he brought. And before he leaves, he stays there for a minute, debating with a thought that spawned into existence. Rolling it over, he glances up at the castle, peeking up through the trees in the garden, and he seeks out the window he was fairly sure led to Nightmare’s office. He looks back at the present and down at the bag, tightening his grip on the handle.
Well…it has been a while since he’d been able to break into a building. Maybe this was something to be corrected (though, it wouldn’t be the same without anybody to catch him in the act, but he could certainly just act like there was).
This will be fun.
Dream closes the door to the house and finally lets himself relax, leaning against it with his eyes closed. His soul was still beating fast from the adrenaline of breaking into his brother’s castle. It was kind of silly, considering he could’ve just waltzed in the front door like a normal person and nobody would even know he had been there, but that just wasn’t as fun. And this way, Nightmare gets a laugh as well as a present.
A present he hopefully likes. He had worked at getting it for a few months, keeping a close eye on their AU, seizing the chance whenever everybody was out to sneak himself in and scour the woods around the castle and the ground around Mother for any of the pages left from before the incident. And he wrote what he remembered and couldn’t find down as neatly as he could, many sleepless nights spent pouring over a blank page of notebook paper and nibbling on the top of a pen. Once he felt satisfied with what he had, he then asked someone from the council that he knew could do it to bind it all together properly. They had just gotten it done at the start of the month, which was perfect timing, leaving him with a few weeks to find a couple of other things to include in the gift as well.
And now that it was delivered, he could only wait and hope that Nightmare liked it. He’s sure he will. He knows his brother quite well, joined as they were to be two halves of a whole. This present will be something Nighty treasures, he’s sure of it.
Doesn’t stop part of him from doubting that confidence, though.
He sighs again and pushes himself up, walking into the (thankfully) deserted living room. Well, he says deserted, and it is devoid of the party guests, but not of his friends. Ink sits upside down on the couch, dry clothes on and the present ripped open beside him. He’s playing with a piece of wrapping paper, shredding it into smaller pieces with his hands. He’s rambling on about something he saw earlier, and Blue walks sound with a rag in one hand and a bag in another, picking up trash and wiping up spilled drinks. He’s listening to Ink, making comments when necessary. The TV is on and the volume has been muted.
Ink finishes his story and the paper in his hands falls to the floor as he turns himself to sit cross-legged. Reaching for another piece of wrapping paper, he finally notices Dream smiling at him and he beams back, waving. “Hey, Dream! Welcome back!”
Blue looks over as well and smiles. “Hey.”
“Hi,” Dream says, setting his present down on the coffee table. “How’d the part go?”
“You mean the party that was for you and you abandoned?” Ink leans forward to prod at the bag. “It was fine. Great to start with, as always, but then once one member starts bringing up business, the rest seem to all believe it’s a meeting instead of a party.”
Dream frowns, batting his hand away as it tugs the bag forward. “I’m sorry. I keep telling you I don’t want a celebration.”
“I’ll change your mind one day, I promise.”
“It’s not your fault, Dream,” Blue says, setting the garbage bag down for a minute. “Maybe we just need to stop inviting the council. Just have a night with us and a few others, like Lust and Outer.”
“That would be better,” Dream admits, thinking it over, but he shakes his head. “But the council would throw a riot if we stopped inviting them.”
They all sigh and sit in silence for a minute.
“So, who gave you the present?” Ink asks, changing the subject. He rests his chin on his hands and grins. “A secret lover, perhaps?”
Dream scrunches up his face and shakes his head. “No. Just a friend.” He tilts his head, pointing to the present beside Ink. “What about you?”
Ink shrugs, smiling. “Early Giftmas present from a friend.”
Dream lowers his hand, humming to himself. Glancing at the present, he can see a few balls of yarn and a pair of knitting needles, and a small doll version of his friend sticks its head out from behind the red ball. Another arm, this one black with a blue string wrapped around it jokes out bedside it. A letter rests on the side, and some of the letters on the page are just visible. This makes him pause a bit, recalling seeing the letters before among a few other versions of the dolls in the brief moments he’s been to the Anti-Void and seen it in a portal behind Error.
Error, the Destroyer. Error, who gave Ink an early Giftmas present.
He looks over and meets Blue’s eyes, who just gives him a knowing smile, and after a moment, he smiles back. Any concern he might’ve had is swept away as he imagines his friend and Error doing the same things his brother and he does every year for their birthday. He would be a hypocrite, kind of, to be worried about his friend meeting his enemy when he does the same thing.
Besides, it was Giftmas in just a few more days. Who says enemies can’t be friends for one day?
He folds up his cape and drapes it over the chair to his desk in his room. Dream takes off his gloves and does the same thing, changing into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt Ink had made for him. Turning on his desk light, he sits down in the dim light and pulls the gift bag into his lap.
First things first: the letter.
Carefully pulling it off, he flips it over, his smile widening as he runs his fingers over the wax seal, a purple thing with an engraving of a crescent moon painted gold, holding the letter closed. His brother was so dramatic sometimes, using wax to seal a letter like some old-fashioned librarian. Then again, that was what he once wanted to be, so maybe this was just him achieving his dreams. It did feel like something more important than a letter for a birthday present, in any case. Opening a drawer, he grabs his letter opener and cuts the letter open, unfolding the paper to read it.
Dear Dream,
Happy birthday. Things have been busy for me this year, just as much as they have been for you, I’m sure. My boys are as hectic as ever and I can tell that Ink is still the same chaotic Creator he’s always been. Though, I do hope you are handling him better than I am handling the boys—I don’t think I’ve had a full night’s sleep in months.
Nonetheless, I did find time to get you your present. As always. This year, I went for a more expensive brand, as I remembered that last time you disliked the sweetness of the cheaper brand of wine I bought you. This one was recommended by me for its more bitter taste, described by the seller as ‘an acquired taste for only the best kind of people’. I think they were a bit biased, though, and wrong. After all, who in their right mind actually seeks out bitter-tasting things?
Ah. That’s right. You do. My point still stands, as you are lovingly special in your opinions. As wrong as they are…
I have also included something special for you. Please be careful with it. I paid good gold for it to be made, so if you break it before the year is over, I will know and I will hunt you down again and finally kill you once and for all. Okay? And as per usual, I’ve included a book I think you would enjoy. You’re very lucky to be given it. I think the copy in my library was the only remaining version of this edition.
I’ve spoiled you far too much this year already, so I will end things here. I wish you well, hope you have a good Giftmas, and everything else I’m supposed to say.
Write to you next year.
With as much hate as possible,
Still chuckling, Dream sets the letter aside in the box full of the other ones from other years that sits underneath his desk. Then, he reaches into the bag and pulls out the bottle of wine, setting it aside to bring downstairs with him later. He flips through the book, reading the dedication and description and finding himself interested in it. Of course he would be, Nighty was good at knowing what books he’d like. He pulls out the small long box, a blue felt thing, and sets the now empty bag on the floor.
Curious and excited, he opens the box and gasps at its contents.
Pulling it out, he holds the thing reverently, turning it over slowly to look at all the details. It’s a small dagger, about the size of his forearm, and it’s a beautiful thing, more so for decoration than fighting, with all those golden leaves as accents and the engraving of a tree on the blade itself. There’s a small purple gem inside the handle, too, paired with a yellow one, both in the shape of an apple. And his name is engraved on the handle among the leaves and branches in small lettering. It’s so pretty, and the fact that Nighty got it made specifically for him almost makes him cry.
He sniffs and blinks away the blurriness, something wet slipping down his cheek.
Scratch that, then. It did make him cry.
He sets it on top of the box and sets it by his bed, right next to a picture of him and his brother from before the incident he had saved, the creased and ripped thing now framed in a simple brown wooden frame. Picking the picture up, he looks at it silently for a minute, before looking out his window, at the barely visible sunset and the few stars coming out of hiding. Clutching the picture to his chest, he closes his eyes.
“Dream!” Blue calls from the living room. “We’re ready to start the movie!”
“Coming!” Dream calls back, not moving.
He inhales and makes his wish as hard as possible, standing in place for a few minutes to ensure it was heard. It’s something he always wishes for, and he’s quite certain it works because it’s been granted every year. Once he’s sure, he opens his eyes and searches for the star, watching as it twinkles brightly for a minute.
I wish things continue to get better. I wish we stay friends for as long as possible. And I wish the best for my brother and his family, because for all his faults and actions, he is my brother, and that is all that matters. I wish this lasts.
I wish.
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dawn-falls · 2 years
Okay, I've been into Undertale for too long now and I have imagined too much.
Example... How would the Underverse happen in other multiverse? Such as Fell and Swap? I had idea for both of them but I'll be putting into separate posts.
On this one, I'll talk about VerseSwap.
(OBS: Swapverse is already a thing, which is why I called it VerseSwap.)
It would start off with a different backstory for Xswap (which I haven't thought of yet) but would include the adorable CrossBerry that @jakei95 made.
The ending would be CrossBerry alone in that white void with Xswap Frisk, then the two would meet Template, a swap Error, that had been talking to Xswap Faster for a while.
Unlike Ink, he wouldn't be truly a “bad guy”, he would befriend CrossBerry but wouldn't be aware that Xswap Frisk was a ghost that kept around CrossBerry (Did I explain this correctly?)
After a while, another Sans would appear in the empty Xswap, that would be Dream from Swapdream. He noticed how much CrossBerry had hope and was super positive even if his world was a void, so he decides to “help” him find a way to restore his universe with one condition.
CrossBerry would have to join Dream into a quest for Dream's younger brother, Nightmare, who had disappeared on the multiverse and kept “causing trouble.”
The main changes here!
Even if it's a swap, the war would still focus on Sanses.
CrossBerry Sans will be callee Cross, but to differentiate him from the original I wrote CrossBerry.
Instead of having a Blueberry! Ink, Error, Dream or Nightmare, I thought it would be interesting and more original if there were added the “swap fates” of those universes, since none of the four “have Papyruses”, if you get what I mean. So now we have Swapdream Dream and Nightmare, Template and Pale.
Since in Underverse we had Cross and X Chara fight in both Underfell and Underswap, since the multiverse is already swap I'll have them go for Fellswap on the fell fight and Swapfell on the swap fight, I hope that makes sense.
I hope you liked my idea! When I have time, I'll be writing my idea for the Fellverse.
Swapdream AU belongs to song-song-a (couldn't tag them here, sorry) and Template and Pale belong to @unu-nunu-art.
Thanks to @persuvia for telling me who they belonged to!
I would love to draw something like this, but if you came to my Tumblr before you know my drawing is bad, I'm ashamed of even trying to do something of such masterpiece when my skills are as great as a dog's.
Anyways, thanks for reading this!
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hamsamwich23 · 2 years
Underhanded-Handees has a mix of both hello puppets and undertale.
The staff end up escaping before their life force got completely sucked out, and they stole the magic book from Mortimer.
They cast a spell on the studio, burying it underground and locking the puppets away. Harper and Owen were still inside though.
Scout vouchers for them, asking for them to be spared, and to find a different use than just being living life support. Mortimer agrees, making harper his personal assistant (seeing how willing she was to work to keep the job she had with Owen in the beginning), and he forces his father to work with Riley to find an alternative to human life force.
Things end up going well, and Owen DOES help Riley find a solution (monsters work the same in all my AUs, I have a biology post somewhere uhdhdhdhdhd I'll @ you if I haven't already). Riley ends up helping Owen fix the souls of the puppets, making them into healthy monsters. She still doesn't completely view him as a father, but she does form some attachments and respect for him, thanks to his work.
Mortimer gets emotionally attached to both harper and scout, snatching them, and telling Owen he's their grandfather now-
The roles in this AU is different, because of what I know about the characters so far.
Mortimer is Asgore. Because I have no idea on who else to make him-
Harper is Chara
Scout is Flowey
Daisy is Toriel, a shop keeper in Snowdin (might rename the town for the AU, haven't decided), and she is also Undyne (but ONLY on genocide :) )
Owen is Gaster, and fell into a machine he was trying to make to break the barrier (so all the puppets forget who their father is :( )
Riley is alphys and papyrus. She's carefree, but still full of anxiety like th two characters. But she has a lot more freedom in science, thanks to King Mortimer making her THE royal scientist, and giving her a puppet team (who all eventually became Owen followers). She wants to be in the royal guard, because she has fight in her and she has the whole "want something done right, do it yourself" mentality.
Roscoe is Endogeny, and Riley still experiments on puppets. Roscoe was one of her DT experiments tho and it added to Riley's anxiety, because she hurt someone she loved and ruined her best friend's life :(
Nick nack is both sans and metaton. He has no motivation to do art anymore, bit still does comedy on stage for Riley's sake (she modified him for the king, and he needs to show off her work). Although he wasn't a scientist that worked with Owen before he fell, he still was a witness (Riley was grabbing coffee when he fell from reality). So he's the only Handeemen that remembers Owen. He developed an interest in science, to try and bring Owen back, to no avail. He's more like sans when you first meet him, and on genocide and neutral. But on true pacifist, he's more like metaton. "Fighting" the human, and making sure the child actually has a blast in the show. Finding the motivation to sing, dance, and actually do the things he once loved, to make sure this kid smiles and has a blast. Cool uncle nick moment :D
The host from the second game is our Frisk.
My friend didn't like that I made nick nack sans, because she thought that mortimer fit sans better. But I disagreed-
After arguing a bit, we discovered a common trend amongst my sanses (sansi?). All my sanses/sansi... I. Relate. To.
Fnaftale Fredbear: lots of trauma, and emotional issues due to said trauma. People pleaser, but can and will choose to be an asshole. Somewhat out of touch with his emotions, and sometimes forgets what he's feeling.
DToD sans: lazy chaotic gremlin.
8th ring satan: bad relationship with religion, and has went from being violent, to hating and avoiding fights.
UnderWillyWonder willy: forgot a large chunk of his life, and a lot of people don't recognize him as the same person anymore.
And now the nick nack of this AU: Everything pretty much wrong with him in canon from what I've seen with that poor puppet, plus being an artist. (There are some things he's done and said that I KNOW I have done and said-)
The funny part about all my AUs, is that more often than not my Sanses/sansi are just a callout about me hdhdhdhhdhdhhdudjd-
I don't think i need to talk to a therapist, they just need to see my AU sanses/j
Just got back from school btw-
That's all sounding very neat;!! Yes
Crossover aus are fun to make and read about
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tyranttortoise · 6 years
so... I had some pretty bad experience with a Red in another timeline a few years back. Plenty psychological and emotional trauma, plus just general disrespect even though we were soul mates. Most of the problems was just because I was younger and less mature. I was REALLY expecting when I took your quiz like... a mutt, or a undertale sans and then I get another fell boy. all i could think was "hell no." Can they even deal with the fact that their SO was once with another version of themselves?
@sinningpunk  ;D
Once a soul mate, always a soul mate, right?
You don’t know why you expected anything different – anything less than the cosmos playing a cruel joke on you.  You’d left that timeline behind with more than a few emotional scars; it had taken you reaching your limit to realize that just because you were soul mates didn’t mean you had to put up with his shit.  But you’d gotten out.  You moved on, put him behind you.  
And then you met Sans.
Oh, hell no.
As much as you tried to avoid him, it was inevitable.  You were both drawn to each other.  It was easy enough for you to avoid the burn in your chest, to pretend it was mere heart-burn, but it was much more difficult for him.  You knew it would be like that; you knew that he couldn’t pass up the pull of a soulmate, the promise of something solid.  This is a Fell timeline, after all, and the kill or be killed mentality left him craving stability and certainty underneath his gruff, flippant exterior.
You avoided him at first, but it was difficult to run from someone that knew all the right shortcuts.
“Just get lost, okay?  Can’t you see I’m not interested,” you spat one day with a little too much force.  Your chest burned.  
He furrowed his bone brows. 
“what’d i ever do t’ ya?  you don’t even know me.  i’ve jus’ been tryin’ ta introduce myself this whole time.”    
You actually laughed.  What did he do to you?  It’d take all day to explain what he did to you.  “I already know who you are.”
He looks surprised.  “my reputation’s spread to humans?  heh, didn’t see that happenin’ so soon.  still.  name’s sans.”  He holds out his hand.  You know there’s an electric buzzer in it, and you don’t take it.  It hangs between the two of you for a beat before he finally blurts, irritated, “what?  skeletons weird ya out?”
“Nope.  I was with one for a long time.  I learned my lesson.”
You rub your chest as Sans’s SOUL burns with jealousy.
He’s persistent.
You discover that this Sans is as tenacious as the one you left behind.  But even though he looks the same – same jacket, same gold fang, same yellow socks and untied sneakers – you discover that he’s also quite different.  For one, his smirk is more genuine, and on the rare occasion when you catch him off-guard with a pun (you have years of experience with them, after all), his guffaw leaves him looking unguarded and laid-back.  
He makes plenty of dirty jokes, and although he has a penchant for being in the right place at the right time whenever it comes to stumbling across you, he hasn’t been manipulative in the same way that the other Sans was.  His approach hasn’t even been the same.  
So you take him up on a drink.
And later dinner.
Then more drinks.
And before you know it, it’s become a regular thing.  You’ve missed this, as much as you hate to admit it.  It feels almost like the early stages of your previous relationship, only you can’t tell if the red flags are real or just you equating him to his other-self.  His brother isn’t even as much of a hardass, and instead of the stuttering fear you’re used to, Sans just gave him a “yeah, yeah, you got it, boss” when Papyrus lectured him.  
Yes, this version was quite different.  Even if they looked the same, you discovered even more differences later.  This Sans’s ribs didn’t have quite as many ossifications, and he didn’t mind when you touched his collar.  He also had a few piercings that… surprised you.
Pleasantly surprised you.
Years ago, you studied anatomy for a single purpose – you wanted to be able to learn all the bones so you could make your bonefriend happy.
This is something the Sanses have in common, it turns out.  
“stars, sweetheart, where’d ya learn–”
The question gets cut off.  When you had first started dating, Sans had hounded you over the fact that you said you’d been with another skeleton.  He’d never seen a skeleton other than him and his brother, and he knew Papyrus had never been with anyone.  You refused to tell him any details other than the fact that it was an emotionally-abusive relationship and the skeleton’s name was Red.  He scoffed at the name, calling it dumb (*who th’ hell has a color as a name), and you decided not to tell him it was a nickname.  
But now, faced with the fact that you’re very much familiar with skeleton anatomy and which bone is sensitive where, you can see the gears turning in his head.  His grin falters, and he leans back, running a hand over his face.  Bone scrapes bone, and you wince a little.  This is where he’s going to change, where he’s going to make some sort of quip and get possessive, where he’s going to remind you that you’re his soulmate, that no one else would have you, and –
“ya really loved this guy, huh?”
You didn’t expect that.
You’re quiet for a moment, but he’s been fairly open with you so far about his past.  “Yeah,” you finally manage.  He flinches. “We were… uh, we were… soulmates.”
His hand falls from his face.  His crimson eyelights are so tiny that you can barely notice them in his sockets.  “what?  but – but you’re… we’re…”
He’s floundering; he’s never said the words aloud, didn’t even realize you knew that monster soulmates were a thing.  “Yeah, I know.  We’re soulmates, too.”  
“ya knew?  then how’s that possible?  one soulmate’s rare.  findin’ two so close together, an’ both of ‘em bein’ skeletons… how the hell?!”
You should tell him the truth.  You’ve been with him long enough to discover that he and his counterpart may be the same, but they also couldn’t be more different.  And you’ve really started to fall for him.    
But will he still want to pursue this after you tell him about the other timeline?  
Only one way to find out.
You suck in a deep breath. 
“It’s possible because… it was you.”
His expression goes blank, and the past spills out of you in a rush.  
It had been threatening to overflow for too long.
Sans, to his credit, takes the news better than you expected.  He listens while you speak, though he does light up cigarette after cigarette in his room.  Papyrus will have his ass later, but he can’t be bothered with caring right now.  
So, your previous bonefriend, the one that treated you like dirt and made you give him the cold shoulder for an entire month – the one that you still got a sour look on your face when you talked about – was him from another timeline.  The whole timeline-hopping thing aside, the idea that some other version of him treated his own soulmate like that?  
*what a fuckin’ idiot!
Everything made so much sense.  He knew why you shunned him, why it took so long to break down your defenses.  He knew why you gave him such a guarded look at times, and why you sometimes hesitated before you said spoke, like you already knew how he was going to react – and why you seemed so surprised by how he actually reacted.  
When you finally finished, he was calm.  Eerily calm.  
You, on the other hand, couldn’t stop fidgeting or even meet his gaze.
Finally, he broke the heavy silence.  “ya know i’m not him, right?”
“Yeah,” you breathed, trying to steady your voice.  “I wouldn’t be with you if you were.”
“good.  ‘cause that me?  he was a damned fool.”  Sans reached out and wrapped his arms around you, guiding you onto his lap.  His hold on you was tight, trembling with a desperation that belied his steady baritone.  “i would never… you mean too much to me, ya’know?  sweetheart, i jus’ want you t’be happy.”
You swallow past the lump in your throat.  Your eyes feel hot.  “So… you’re not too weirded out by it?”
“hell yeah, ‘m weirded out.  but that don’t change anythin’, not really, ‘cause that wasn’t me.”  He pulls back and moves to cup your face in his hands.  “as long as you see me when ya look right here, that’s all i care about.”
“Sans, I do.  You’re nothing like him, and I know that.”  You cup his cheek.  He looks so vulnerable – more vulnerable than you’ve ever seen.  “I love you, Sans.”
His eyelights search your gaze for a moment, before relief washes over him.  “i love ya, too, sweetheart.  yer mine, ya got it?  that other asshole’s never comin’ back, an’ if he does break the timelines, i’ll kick his ass.”  He suddenly smirks.  “hell, kickin’ my own ass would be therapeutic an’ shit.”
You smile, feeling lighter than you have in so long.  The tension’s been cut between you, and Sans suddenly lifts you up, your legs around his waist.  You make a startled squeak and cling to him as he turns around and then falls onto his mattress, pinning you beneath him.  
His smirk’s taken on a whole new meaning.
“now that all that’s outta th’ way… where were we?”
(*Imagine Masterlist)
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
3/3 SO gets sucked into the void one day beyond explanation, and skeleton becomes the only person who remebers them. A few months later, they are spat back out by the void (or for the more sciency skeletons, brought back) and are traumatized from not having a physical being for so long. Reactions?
-sunset anon
Well unfortunately this only applies to the sanses. Since they shared the same ability (which I haven’t revealed yet) as their gasters, only they can remember resets and anything that has to do with the void. When SO comes back, it’s still like they never existed. The papyri won’t remember them
Sans: when SO sees him again the first time, he’ll look like death. Sans worked frantically to bring them back. He hasn’t slept in days. Probably hasn’t eaten even longer. All SO gets is a broken sob as he embraces them for the first time in forever. It’s a long road to recovery for both SO and sans. But they can do it together
Papyrus: he has no idea who this strangely beautiful human is and why they’re sobbing into his arms. Or why they appeared in his basement from his brothers machine. Papyrus has been trying to get sans to confess for months about what’s been making him so frantic. Well papyrus never leaves a sad person unattended so he decides to comfort them first
Star: Star may be very smart, but he’s not a scientist. He does however know someone who is. With the help of his undyne, Star has been doing his best to track SO down. Finally they got lucky and pulled them out of the void. Star is a weeping mess holding his SO while twister (underswap undyne) is shouting in victory. Finally people will believe her that the void can sustain life!!! Not the time girl
Honey: one day, a beaming but nervous Star, a crazed and victorious looking twister, and a broken looking human show up at his house. The human pulls honey into a hug crying about how much they missed him. When honey awkwardly pats their back and asks for their name, they just break down. He feels terrible but he doesn’t know how to fix them. Honey makes a tactical retreat to his room while Star comforts the human
Red: this calls for drastic measures. When red’s father fell into the void, he managed to throw his notes up at red for him to catch. Red uses those and his impressive engineering skills to build a small version of a void pocket. But his first attempt was only successful in grabbing the attention of one of his least favorite people. Desperate times call for desperate measures though. And together red and sans are able to recreate the machine in record time, saving his SO only after two weeks.
Edge: he was very concerned when his brother suddenly got a very big interest in the work of their late father. Edge had thought red was over his obsession with gaster. In his frustration, red winds up telling edge all about the void and the resets. Edge doesn’t believe red however until he finally meets his SO again for the first time. He has no memories of this human, but looking at them and he can just feel himself fall in love all over again. Edge believes red now
Mal: he’s lost. An absolute wreck. Mal is not a scientist, or even that well educated. He never got to go past elementary due to his and cash’s bad childhood. To him he thinks SO is forever lost until wine worriedly asks if he remembers them. For months they had been working together with some others to try and access the void until one day SO suddenly reappears. Mal almost doesn’t believe it and actually backs away at first before vaulting into their arms
Cash: a while back, his brother practically screamed at him over forgetting a name he doesn’t know. It’s been months now and cash still feels the tension between him and mal. His brother has been going out lots, and coming back late. It’s stressing cash out like crazy. When mal comes back with some random human one day, they have one of the biggest fights ever since he was an addict. Mal tells him again about the resets and the void and claims this human is his SO. Cash feels bad for the obviously sick human, but how the hell is he supposed to help someone he doesn’t know? Even if his soul is telling him he knows them
Oak: when SO disappeared, oak had a day long panic attack thinking he was going crazy, imagining being in love with a fake person. And poor willow was near panic as well not having any idea what scared his brother. It’s not until willow mentions the next day that this was almost as bad as the day after gaster disappeared that oak remembers what happened to SO. And he knows just who to call. Him and sans had been working for weeks to bring SO back. And of course red remembers and got involved. Like with red, oak gets his back in two weeks tops.
Willow: his brother keeps referring to this person willow has never heard of and it’s starting to freak him out. He’s checked every familiar place he can think of for paranormal activity. Nothing. Nada. Willow is pretty sure he made the entire ghost population go extinct. When oak sans and red come home one day with this strange human however, willow just knows. He may not know their name, but he can just feel they were his.
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dale-the-human · 3 years
“One Small Dream” by @calcium-cat​ By accident, Dream has been shrunk into a little kid with no memory of the past 500 years, including his brother’s corruption. While they wait for a way to reverse it, he lives with Nightmare (who he calls “Midnight”) and the other Dark Sanses. In Chapter 9, Error stops by to steal some of Cross’s chocolate bars and is confronted by a small skeleton he doesn’t recognize. He ties him up, hoping to get some answers, when Dream calls to “Midnight” for help. 
Well at least, that’s what happens in the original fic. This is what happens when Error finds Nootmare instead. (follow-up to this audio) (art by @calcium-cat​)
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(text below, including BLBBlblblBLBL translation)
“One Small Dream” Chapter 9 (original story by Calcium_Cat)(terrible modified version by Dale)
The child opened its mouth and yelled, “MIIIDNIIIGHHHHHTT!!!”
“A-a-a-aHh!” Error screamed, covering his ear canals.
A moment later, the sound of a teleport distracted Error from his flash of anger. Both he and the little anomaly looked over at the door in time to see Nightmare’s form materialise in front of them. His expression looked more annoyed than angry, but his twitching tentacles gave him away.
“Hblblblhlbl blblbl hblblbl blbl-" (alright, what have you done this ti-)” he groaned, only to stop and stare open mouthed at the two monsters.
“MIDNI- wait, wh-a-a-at?”
Nightmare glared at him. “Hblhblblb! bllblb llhlbl!" (Error! Put Him Down!) He demanded.
The glitch looked in confusion at the kid, then back at the scowling skeleton. “...Are you-u-u-u… wh-wh-what? Is this some ki-ki-kind of joke?”
Error had no idea what Nightmare had just said; he wasn't sure if he was even saying actual words. But it was easy to guess what he meant. “Okay, okay-ay-ay, I’m p-p-p-putting him down,” he said hastily, releasing his strings and dropping the kid onto the ground.
The weird, screechy child landed lightly on his feet and scurried over toward Nightmare. Peeking out from under Nightmare’s arm, he frowned and pointed at Error.
“He was- he stole Crossy’s chocolate and- a-and he was gonna eat it too, Midnight!”
“F-f-f-forget the stupid chocolate-te-te. What the heck-ck-ck is wro-wrong with Nightm-"
“Blblnl." (Enough) Nightmare cut him off with more aggressive gibberish, then looked down at the kid. After a moment of thought, Nightmare dislodged his grip from his clothing, and said firmly, “Blblbll bllbllblllb blblb blhblhlbl Blblbll bllbllblllb blblb blhblhlbl" (Dream, go to your room. I’ll talk to Error about the chocolate.)
Dream hesitated, glancing over at the other black skeleton, before nodding up at him. “Okay, Midnight.”
“Blhbllblhlbl," (Thank you) he said, patting him on the head with a tendril.
The screechy mystery child started walking away, but Error raised an impatient arm and stopped it. "Wait-t-t, I need answers-s-s. Why does he s-s-sound like that?"
The screechy mystery child gave him a puzzled look. "Sound like what?"
"Like an o-o-octopus, or some-some-something!" He waved at Nightmare's tentacled form. "Wh-wh-what is he even saying??"
The goopy skeleton raised a goopy browbone at him. "Blblblblbl hblblhlbl blbl hbl? Hblblhlbl." (What do you mean? I'm just talking)
"S-s-s-see? like that!"
The screechy mystery child looked really confused. "Midnight, I'm really confused. Why can't he understand you?"
Nightmare furrowed his brow at Error for a moment, then looked back at the kid. "Blhblblhl bhlbllblbhbl blbhbl blhbl. Blbhlblbl blblbbl." (I have no idea. Just ignore him.)
"Okay-y-y, I've had eno-o-o-ough of this. The-the others can d-deal with whatever is going-ing-ing on here," Error said, before stepping through a portal and leaving the bizarre scene behind.
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icybeanheadcanons · 3 years
ok ok ok ok I frickin LOVE this blog and finally got the courage for an ask so here we go (only if you wanna, no pressure)- how would Nightmare's Scary Band of Sanses (nightmare, error, killer, horror, and dust) react to a SO who's incredibly badass but kind of crazy? Idk man I'm just thinking of Jack-Sparrow/Mad Hatter type deal; they'll go on what seem to be completely hairbrained schemes right in the middle of battle exept they always EnD Up WOrKinG as if they were genius, thought out plans all along (no one can tell if the SO's incredibly smart or just insane; the SO never confirms which so most just say they're both). nobody knows what this SO is thinking at any given moment. jus gimme fluff and headcannons for an absolute wild card being lovey dovey with a band of au destroying murderers. thank youuuu~
OH I LOVE ME SOME CHAOS GREMLIN, I haven’t gotten too many asks yet for Nightmare, error, killer and dust, as they are the newest editions to the blog. My horror sans isn’t apart of their gang either, as he is just trying to heal from a life time of trauma. (but frankly, the idea of Axe getting a bunch of off their rocker friends showing up at his house, eating his food, bringing him things like little magpies is absolutely hysterical) 
He doesn’t understand a single thing you say to him EVER. He doesn’t know how to process positive emotions very well, but he tries very hard. He concludes the wrong thing, constantly. The fact your around him at all, is the absolute hardest thing, for him to process, of all the things. He complains, but frankly, it doesn’t sound even remotely genuine. “You spout nothing but bullshit don’tcha??” You tell him and he’s losing his mind. “yOU  ARE THE ENTIRE MONARCHY OF BULLSHIT??” 
“That’s why I can say it!”
He’s frankly, a big cuddler, one of the biggest signs his words are nothing but bullshit. He sounds exasperated, but he’s smiling. You try to stop cuddling him and he’s pulling you back, or finding some other way to interact or have some semblance of touch with you. 
Teach him the bullshit madness, how do you do things? You... improvise?? Terrible, disgusting, keep your fucking secrets then. For some reason he just, cannot accept that you just Do Things (tm) and its the funniest god damn thing in the world. Everything you do is so not put together and yet, like the mad lad that you are, they WORK. He’s happy you’re with him. He’s not big on touch, its overwhelming and upsetting, so words and the like is enough for him. Its his love language frankly. He doesn’t realize, but you’re part of the reason his schemes fall apart the way that they do. In a comical villain sense. He is one, but you increase that factor tenfold. He’s busy, doing his thing, and you interject with some form of question. “i’M GLAD YOU ASKED-” and there he goes, going off the deep end of his trauma, and absolutely, wrong, conclusions that the multiverse is in need of elimination. 
He thinks you’re HILARIOUS, and frankly, he’s correct. You guys just kind of go places together, goofing off. He’s distracted from killing when you’re around. You make him laugh and smile for real, and with that, the numbness wears off. The flood comes out and he kind of randomly has a mental breakdown at times, and you just. Scoop him up. Talk him down, and through it. And once he’s done, you both head back out to do more stupid shenanigans. Its easy to be with you, and he’s able to just vibe a little more, like an exhausted demon who decides to start going fishing because murder just doesn’t cut it anymore.
Papyrus thinks, you should probably calm down, but he thinks Papyrus is WRONG and that you’re GREAT. He’s not really making any sense either, but its okay because you just. Get it. You get that his brother is there, at least in his mind. You get just telling him he isn’t, makes things worse and just upsets him. You help him set up a nice greenhouse, and just, name all his plants with him. You have so many plant babies. Look at em. You don’t judge him, and so he’s able to be so much more open with you. You don’t look at him like he’s insane, or like he’s lost his marbles. He feels like he makes sense and belongs with you. No one understands the two of you, but you guys get each other and that’s all you really need.
You remind him of a stray cat who can’t sit still. You crawl in through his window, yelling that you come baring gifts, excited and enthusiastically. He’s your tired, aggressive boy, who doesn’t have too much oomf anymore. He never liked what he was doing in the underground, and he’s happy to be on the surface. He always makes sure the window is unlocked so you can come in, as it is your preferred method of entering his house. He never knows when you’ll come, but you always do. And frankly, its sweet that you meet him in the middle everywhere you two go. Every once in awhile, he lets you bring him on an adventure, just for kicks. 
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janeelyakiri · 3 years
Do your Frisks and Charas stay in contact with eachother or do they only recognise each others existence (if they know about eachother that is.).
I was curious because I've been scrolling through your blog and have only really seen the sanses & papyruses interact.
yeah the bone boys get a lotta love, though not a diss to their fans! I have trouble in general drawing human characters lol
Sassprilla (Swap Chara) and Chamomile (Swapfell Chara) are the only two who /technically/ know eachother. They're good friends and do sleepovers a lot. While Jay and... well, actually just Jay, doesn't like it too much, everyone agreed its best they get interactions from someone other than their skeleton guardians. Despite living in the Omega Timeline the two only really trust eachother as well. Their AU's being destroyed in similar ways bonds them.
Smoothie (UT Frisk) later on meets them thanks to Macaw and his machine. And it takes some doing but they befriend the two Charas!
Shake (Fell Frisk) Is the last and is more or less dragged into the friend group. They end up okay with this jsdfk
I'm say this I have no /real/ story in mind so it's just whatever fits a prompt/ask/idea at the time. I will say once all four are together and are pals, they are the most chaotic group to babysit. Hound knows.
Hound Knows.
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lizzie-tempest · 4 years
How would it be if Yandere! Sans (Underlust, SwapLust, FellLust and HorrorLust) fell in love with a person who ignores his existence? As if she didn't like him (Sans) romantically...
This will be the first time I’m writing about any of these guys, so I admit I kinda struggled with this one. I couldn’t find much about SwapLust, FellLust and HorrorLust so I hope that I did a good job and kept it true to their nature? >_>
Usually Lust doesn’t mind the numerous people (human and monster) who desperately try and get his attention in some way.  He thinks it’s funny, and is more than happy to spend a little time with any who entertain him in some way.  
And then he sees you.
He can tell that you’re not like the others straight away.  You’re not trying to get his attention, you don’t dress provocatively to try and entice him.  The few times you DO talk to him, you’re polite and civil and keep straight to the point.
It’s refreshing.  And he wants to be more.
He doesn’t quite know what to do when you let him down gently after he confesses his feelings to you.  You feel terrible that you don’t feel the same way and he can tell you’re being genuine.  He let’s you know that it’s okay, telling a joke to make you laugh and you become fast friends.
One day he hears about the harrassment you’ve been getting from some of his more extreme admirers and he’s furious.  You beg him not to do anything and he reluctantly promises that he won’t.  Of course, he’s lying but you don’t need to know that.
He takes matters into his own hands.  He kidnaps the ones harrassing you and takes out his anger and frustration about not having you romantically on them.  He beats the hell out of them, inflicts on them what he’d LOVE to do to you, and then he kills them.  He sets up alibis so no one ever suspects him.
When the bodies of the bullies are found, there’s nothing linking him to the terrible crime that’s been committed.  
He’s grinning like the Cheshire Cat when he pulls you close, to calm you down from such a terrible thing happening so close to home.
It’s weird how the same thing always seems to happen to your partners after you introduce them to Lust...
It’s love at first sight when Charm first sees you.  And like his namesake, he turns up the charm when he gets the chance to talk to you.  He’s certain that you’ll be head over heels for him in no time.
Except that’s not what happens.
Charm is kind of disappointed when you don’t seem to react to his flirting and compliments.  He’s known to be one of the greatest lovers ever!  How could you not love him?
Although he accepts your tentative offer of friendship, it isn’t long before he’s wanting more.  
He tries again to get you to accept him as a mate.  Maybe now that you’ve spent some time together and know more about each other, you’ll be more open to the idea? 
You reject him again and hesitantly tell him about the person you’ve been going on dates with.
And.  He.  Is.  Furious.
At the end of the day, Charm is still a Swap Sans.  And one thing more dangerous than a yandere Swap Sans is a JEALOUS yandere Swap Sans.
The way he sees it, if he gets rid of the competition then he can prove that he’s the better choice.  So he does just that.  
Unfortunately, he happens to make you watch.  So that he can prove that he’s good enough.  Once the deed is done, you’re too busy sobbing and wracked with grief that you’re unable to stop Charm from pouring some kind of potion down your throat.
Once he does so, you start to think that what he did was...okay?  It meant he loved you, right?  You cling to him and beg him to take you home, you want to prove that you can be a good mate too!
Charm grins back at you.  You two are going to be so happy together.
Eros is a bigger flirt than all of these Sanses and he doesn’t like taking no for an answer.  
He’ll start by buying you drinks at the bar, getting friendly with you, shooting compliments and pick up lines at you faster than you can respond.  You’re redder than a tomato by the time you can get a word in, which he considers a job well done.  He’s more than ready to take you back to his room.  He tells you a crude sex joke and offers to give you the best night of your life.
Imagine his shock when you slap him and tell him no.
This is the first time that anyone has done that to him.  Eros can’t help but laugh as you storm out.
The next time you’re out drinking, it’s only a matter of time before Eros sidles up to you.  You roll your eyes at his jokes and shoot him down before he can even ask and then leave.
At this point, he’s getting pretty annoyed.  Do you think you’re better than him or something?  
It starts to become an obsession with Eros.  He uses every trick in the book, pulls out all the stops.  You reject him every time.  It’s only when he finds himself buying flowers and chocolates that he realizes that he may actually be in love with you.
He’s hoping that this softer approach will bring you around.  Maybe he can wipe the slate clean and start again with you?  Yeah, that would be good.
But when he finds you, you’re kissing some guy he’s never seen before and from how you’re holding hands and looking at each other, you must’ve known each other a while.
Something in his soul breaks at that.  He throws away the presents that he got you and slips away in the shadows.  He’s got some planning to do and he can’t be distracted.  
Hopefully, if things go his way, he’ll have you in his dungeon by the end of the week.
Sin is infatuated with you when he first meets you.  Of course, when he first meets you it’s at a strip club.  You’d been invited to some bachelorette party and ended up at Grillby’s club.  Naturally, now that food was no longer an issue and with their magic levels pretty much back to normal, the monsters reverted back to the way they were before the famine.  Living in a permanent state of heat.
Although Sin had been a performer at Grillby’s for a while, it didn’t give him the same enjoyment that it used to.  It was just another job now.  Besides, it’s not like many humans wanted to be with him for the night anyway, not with the gaping hole in his skull.
So when he’s called over to your table, he can’t help but feel wary.  However, when sitting down with you and your friends, he’s pleasantly surprised at how friendly you all are.  And you!  Oh, you are a delight to talk to.  He doesn’t know why, but there’s something about you that makes him feel like he did before monsters began starving and he got this horrible crack in his skull.
You make him feel like he’s not even in heat anymore.  Is this what love is?
He tentatively makes an offer towards you, your friends grinning and cheering and encouraging you to take him up on it.  You’re blushing furiously, but you refuse.  He’s disappointed but he understands.  Why would you want to have sex with him when he looks like this?
You seem to know what he’s thinking (or maybe you just looked at how heartbroken he was) and you desperately backpedal, offering up friendship instead.  It’s not what he was hoping for, but it’s better than nothing.  He’ll take you up on that offer.
You don’t expect him to be so...possessive.
He thwarts any attempt to talk to you when a guy wanders over when you’re hanging out, he growls aggressively if a monster so much as looks at you.  
It...unsettles you.  Especially when you see the adoring way he looks at you.  
When you tell him how uncomfortable you are and how you want him to stop, he laughs.  And laughs.  And laughs until he sounds insane.  
“oh, pumpkin.  you’re so cute.  i can’t stop.  i need to make sure that everyone knows you’re mine.” 
He grabs you and teleports away, your screams fading away into the nothingness of the void.
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sealpointselkie · 3 years
My OCs: Edit (Eddy) & Hope
I’ve had these OCs for a while now but I finally got up the courage to commission art for them (I find Hope especially hard to colour I’ve “ruined” several good (by the standards I’ve set for my own art) drawings trying to figure it out. 😫
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Thank you so much to @popato-chisps for the excellent art and your patience for the details! Hope is out front with the mallet and Edit is in the back, probably begging her to stop! Find the rest of their story under the cut:
I’ve been a bit embarrassed by my OCs; I love them, but I worry that others will think they’re uninteresting or uninspired. My idea for the genesis of these characters was inspired by Underverse where, through the actions of ‘outcodes’ or ‘demigods’ timelines and whole AUs were destroyed. I also watched a bunch of alchemical symbolism vids and thought about the collective unconscious of these timelines and how traumatized and angry they’d be that these outside entities used their AU as a battlefield ending in their destruction. I would imagine after a battle like that the power of the outcodes would permeate the space that used to contain the AU, and what if the fragmented unconscious of the sentient beings of that AU coalesced with that power to birth new life? New life that could travel the multiverse and protect other AUs from their fate? And what about the power of the outcodes that helped birth them? What opposing forces would these new being have to fight within themselves? (This was also inspired by Paper Crane’s birth) This idea also let me make “ship kids” without their “parents” having to be in a sexual relationship, which, I admit, appeals to me. I see these “fusion kids” as being in conflict with the Star Sanses and the Nightmare Crew (along with any other deities/out codes) but guilty of manipulating timelines and AUs to suit themselves in the absence of such figures.
Edit came first: I liked the Cross x Ink ship (Crink) and I thought about what a merging of their powers would be like. I decided on the idea of “Cross-out” or editing, which (in my mind) kind of balanced the forces of creation and destruction between Ink and Cross. Edit, or Eddy, is similar to Ink in that he can’t produce emotions on his own, but unlike Ink gathering his ink from the Doodlesphere, Eddy gathers ink by being in close proximity to events with highly charged emotional energy. He has three kinds of ink: white creates emotion, black drains emotion and red heightens it. So if Eddy is feeling an emotion like rage or joy he can use his red ink to increase the intensity of that feeling, which also boosts his fighting power. However, there is a catch, Eddy is very susceptible to rage and can loose control of himself easily when indulging in that emotion. So, in a way, he’s inherited Cross’s anger issues.
When Eddy was “young” he was guilty of creating the events that allowed him to gather ink: his “drained” state, like Ink when he runs out of ink and emotions, interfered with any empathy he would have had for the people of the AU he was currently living in. The fragmented unconscious within him “told” him that he should feel, that he wasn’t whole, so he chased ink like an addict. It’s why he’s attached himself to Hope, since being around her passively generates ink for him. Since joining up with her he’s been able to have a steady supply of ink, and therefore emotion, which allows him to empathize with other people and makes him hesitate to create the same mayhem he did before when he was more often “drained”. He tries to mitigate Hope’s crazier and extreme plans to hurt or damage as few people as is necessary.
Now he enjoys helping creators and encouraging them to edit, prune or streamline their creations – there is such a thing as over designing! But he truly believes in their own vision and won’t force a creator to follow his suggestions
His magic takes form or white circles and red X’s, symbolizing ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’ his red X’s can nullify attacks while his circles can enhance the power of his own or other’s attacks. I see him as a support character, standing in the back and buffing his allies while debuffing his enemies. In a pinch he can use his pen as a weapon. He also has access to a Sans skeleton’s typical attacks of bones and Gaster Blasters, shooting red energy.
And then there is Hope; Hope is a fusion of Dream and Error which fashioned her into an avatar of her namesake. Hope can create and destroy, lift you up and cast you down, and Hope lives in between these two extremes. Meeting in the middle is never an option. Hope, like most skeletons, considers herself physically gender neutral but the identity she constructed for herself revolves on being a “Magical Girl”, defender of hopes and dreams!, and therefore uses she/her pronouns.
Hope sees herself as a traveling Magical Girl who spreads hope where ever she travels and gives the people she touches the opportunity to achieve their dreams! In reality what happens is that Hope chooses someone with ambition, or an aspiration, and manipulates events to give that person to prove the “strength” of their dream and propel them forward. No matter the cost. This most often creates an extreme or dangerous event with permanent consequences moving onwards. If they “succeed” (in her mind) then she has created a world where their dreams coming true is more likely than before! If they “fail”, well, they just didn’t want it enough and she’ll abandon them immediately. It’s rare for her to give someone a “second chance”, or continue meddling in the life of someone who passes her “test”. She usually introduces herself as a traveling performer and Eddy as her bodyguard, she often performs on the street singing top 100 pop songs where the lighting effects and sound quality is oddly good for someone with her equipment… But hey, she’s a monster so “magic”.
When it comes to her magical equipment it comes from her necklace mimicking Dream’s bauble, which transforms into multiple forms:
1. Her mallet, her go to weapon: she has ridiculous strength, like a cartoon character
2. Her microphone with stand: part of her persona is an idol/pop star. She knows the top 100 by heart and is an excellent dancer, it also creates a spotlight on her, no matter the circumstances of lighting or atmosphere.
3. Her Wand: Portable microphone, can use it to enchant others.
Hope’s glitches tend to be diamond shaped and some can be soft, it gives her the appearance of shojo sparkles rather than Error’s computer-like graphic errors.
She has a limited ability to “enchant” or control others which she uses to create her scenarios: a villain to vanquish for someone who wants to be a hero, make a talent scout more likely to pay attention to a certain young dancer, etc.
Hope thinks Eddy’s become a stick-in-the-mud since he’s had enough ink, however, and she’d never admit this, she feels rather lonely wandering from AU to AU and Eddy is the closest thing to a real friend she’s ever had. He’s also someone she’d like to have watching her back when the time comes to teach those out-codes a painful lesson. She’s definitely a character that prefers to be on the front lines and the center of attention in a fight.
Her theme and Inspiration is: Oh No! by Marina and The Diamonds
(Sorry the editing is funky, I copied and pasted from email and the mobile app won’t let me correct any more than this.)
Ink by @/comyet
Error by @/loverofpiggies
Cross and Underverse by @/jakei95
Dream by @/jokublog
Paper Crane by @/little-noko
Art by @popato-chisps, commissioned by me, @sealpointselkie
Edit Sans and Hope by @sealpointselkie
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