#although i think everyone can use the first draft advice!
Hello! I’m a big fan of your work. I write some myself, but I often have a hard time sticking with my stories, even if I love the idea and characterization. As soon as something isn’t coming out exactly like I envisioned, I kind of just rage quit lol.
So I was wondering if you could explain your process? Do you make an outline? Does it come to you as you go along? How do you stay excited about what you write?
Hello there! First of all, I'm SO sorry this took me forever to answer, but I was having a bit of a mess with my own writing and process and then just... life. All that. But here I am now, and I'll try to explain what I can!
Ok so first of all, I think everyone has some projects they just rage quit or sputter out on, and I think that's part of the writing process. But I do think there are ways to make staying at it easier!
Here's my big one, which I also tell my students with academic stuff: a first drafts only job is to EXIST because you can't revise a blank page. So remember that when you're writing, it's most likely NOT gonna be perfect on the first write though! Sure, sometimes you have moments that are just genius right away, but often, stuff takes work. I rewrite and revise ALL THE TIME. Probably more than is healthy, honestly, but letting go of that perfectionism and just trying to get the first draft to exist on the page can make a big difference in continuing to write things to completion.
As far as outlining, my answer to that is sort of weird? Because I don't do any formal sort of outline but I do basically always have a general idea of the end of the story when I start writing. This could be the big climax moment (the couple gets together, the hero saves the day, etc) or even just the internal development I want to see a character work through by the end (the protagonist starts out closed off from others but learns to accept help by the end, etc). Either way, I see my stuff mostly fizzle out if i don't know what I'm writing toward. That ending point might (and often does) change through the writing process, but there's almost always SOMETHING I'm writing toward.
I also do make ridiculous notes for myself about character and plot points and ideas of endings just so I have them to refer back to. Again, they usually change a lot bc I'm not a rigid outliner, but it helps me to have some sense of what's happening and why. Let me see if I can find an example.
Haha OK, here's a WILD example of my notes for The Play's the Thing way back in the day:
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Is it a Google doc of slightly messy nonsense? Yes. Did it give me a place to brainstorm and refer back to later when I was writing? Also yes.
So I'd say figure out what sort of notes/outlining/planning works for you. Also remember that you don't have to write in order! No one reading it will know, so sometimes it helps to jump around in the narrative if you feel like you're getting stuck.
In that respect, I also sometimes use brackets if I'm in the zone and don't wanna derail myself with looking for the write word or figuring out details of some little scene that doesn't matter at the time. My first drafts are littered with [add word] [characters travel to next scene] [time period specific clothing] etc that I can then find via searching " [ " and revise later. That can help keep you from getting hung up and/or bogged down by the fiddly details when you're writing for the broad strokes.
As far as staying excited about what I write, I'm not sure what to offer except that I like knowing what I'm writing toward and also allowing the story to grow and evolve as I'm writing it. Characters come to life when you get writing, and sometimes letting them surprise you can do wonders for keeping a story going. It sounds crazy, but allowing a story to grow and adapt and head in different directions (as long as you've still got that sense of where the story's headed and that it's heading toward something) can really keep you interested and motivated. I'm also just weird and usually enjoy the writing/revising process as long as I'm still feeling excited about and enjoying the story.
Which leads to the reminder to write what you want and what makes you happy! It sounds like you've already doing that if you like the characters or ideas, but maybe finding plots and styles you enjoy more could help too. :)
OK, that got very long and was definitely a look behind the curtain at my chaos, but I hope maybe some of it could help keep you writing and feeling good about it! I hope so, and I hope to read some of your stuff someday!
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
luke and quinn’s relationship with media management reader and a blurb about when jack introduced them to each other pls
y/n is really close with luke and quinn! luke met her first when he attended the Devils vs Ducks game in december of 2019, and they hit it off really quickly! since she and Jack had quickly become best friends, he was adamant on introducing her to Luke, but he didn’t think they would get so close!
“y/n!” my head snapped up from the tweet i was drafting on the devils account, finding jack with a wide grin on his face. he was speed walking into my open office door, still dressed in his practice gear, with what appeared to be a teenage boy shyly trailing behind him.
“jacky. to what do i owe the pleasure?” i ask, quickly shutting the phone off and slipping it in my pocket.
“i wanted to introduce you to someone.” the smile has yet to leave his lips as he pulls the boy to stand next to him. “y/n/n, this is my brother, luke! luke, this is my new best friend, y/n.”
a shy, albeit awkward, smile adorns luke’s face as he holds his hand out for me to shake. i laugh, bypassing his hand to pull him into a hug instead.
“she’s a hugger, i should’ve warned ya.” jack chuckles as i pull away.
“it’s so nice to meet you!” i exclaim, cupping luke’s face with my hands and squishing his cheeks.
“oh, she does that too.” jack says. luke chuckles, raising his own hands to squish my cheeks in return.
“nice to meet you too.” luke replies through squished cheeks, his words coming out slightly mumbled. i smile wide as we both let our hands drop.
“oh i like you! i’m gonna keep you.” i tell him, making the boys laugh once more.
“he’s here for the game tonight! sitting behind the bench! he’s next to your usual seat.” jack informs me.
“oooh! seat buddies! i’ll point out all the times jack sticks his tongue out in concentration as he hops over onto the ice. and you can help me keep track of everyone’s penalty minutes! oh! and i’ll let you take tonight’s post photos! this is gonna be so much fun!”
luke’s eyes widen as i ramble, sharing a look with his brother. jack just nods his head solemnly, silently letting him know that i am indeed always this way.
“sounds great!” luke smiles, slinging an arm around my shoulders as i start walking out of the office, still rambling. jack stands back, watching us with furrowed brows as we talk.
y/n technically met quinn over facetime during the pandemic. but he provided her with advice, which made her immediately think of him as a big brother figure.
“hey, jack. you down for some street hockey?” a voice off-screen has me cutting off my rant, willing my tears to stop.
“hey, quinner. i’ll, uh- i’m in the middle of something, do you mind giving me a few minutes?” jack says, and i recognize the nickname for his brother, putting 2 and 2 together.
“oh, no, jacky, go hang out with your brothers!” i tell him, my voice raspy from my crying. “you don’t need to sit here and listen to me cry over something so stupid.”
“is that y/n?” the voice off-screen asks, making me scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. i sniffle, wiping at my runny nose with the sleeve of my hoodie.
“yeah. hey, maybe you can talk some sense into her. c’mere.” jack replies. my eyes widen as quinn plops down on jacks bed next to him, his face coming into the camera view.
“hi. i’m quinn.” his introduction is short and precise, but i appreciate it. “you okay?”
“hi quinn, i’m y/n. although it sounds like you already knew that.” i say, wiping at my wet cheeks. “i’m okay.”
“no, she’s not.” jack chimes in. i roll my eyes at his directness. “tell him whats wrong, y/n/n.”
“yeah, what’s going on?” quinn’s voice is oddly soothing. i can tell he’s keeping it soft in order to be comforting.
“it’s just my stupid boyfriend.” i roll my eyes at myself as fresh tears start to flow.
“what did he do?” quinn asks, his eyes soften as i let out a silent sob. jack seems to understand that i’m unable to speak through my sobs, so he takes over for me.
“she’s been dating this guy for a couple months and she just found out that he has another girlfriend.” jack explains.
“shit, he was cheating on you with this other girl?” quinn’s question makes me cry even harder and jack sighs.
“no.” i manage to say through my cries.
“i’m slightly confused then.” quinn admits.
“he’s been with this other girl for over a year. y/n was the other girl.” jack whispers, obviously hoping i wouldn’t hear but i still did.
“she doesn’t even care that much about the fact that he cheated, she didn’t really like him very much anyways-”
“jack!” i cut him off, but jack ignores me.
“she’s more upset that she was unknowingly the catalyst in someone’s relationship. she doesn’t like the idea of the other girl hating her.”
“i see.” quinn nods. “and you had no idea he had a girlfriend?”
“no idea. he didn’t act like he did! and despite what jack said, he did seem like a good guy! my heart just wasn’t in the relationship. which might make me seem like a bitch for staying with him but i swear i was already planning on breaking up with him!”
“hey.” quinn coos, effectively calming down my anxious rambles. “i don’t think you’re a bitch for staying with him. and as for the other stuff. you didn’t know, y/n. you can’t hold his mistakes against yourself. he’s the one who cheated, not only on his long-term girlfriend, but on you as well. did you contact her and tell her after you found out?”
“yeah.” i sniffle again. “i dm’d her on instagram. she thanked me for letting her know and told me she didn’t hold it against me since i didn’t know. but i know how girls are. we hold grudges, even if we don’t show it.”
“you can’t let yourself overthink, y/n. she said she doesn’t hold it against you. she even thanked you for telling her. i promise, she has no reason to hate you. you are not the one who fucked up. he is.”
it’s all the same stuff jack told me, but it hit different coming from someone with an outside perspective.
“can you adopt me?” were the first words that left my mouth after a few deep breaths. my heart rate was finally seemingly normal and i could feel my anxiety melting away after quinn’s speech.
quinn just laughs, along with his brother.
“i don’t think our age gap is quite steep enough for that. but i’ll have jack text you my number, and if you ever need someone to talk to, you can come to me.”
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hi! So you know how you made that Greek myth about Tumblr and Twitter? Well due to the recent events of quote migration I plan on making a myth for the fall of the quotev empire! I'm a bad writer though, any tips?
That's awesome! I wouldn't call myself an authority on good writing in any way, shape or form, but here's some stuff I gathered over the years:
Go ham on the first draft. Don't think about it as making a story yet, that's editing and rewriting and the like. The first draft is playing a "put the words together" game and you are winning (and i often find that the first draft written like this is better than the one where I agonized over every sentence).
See how other people did it. Look at stories of the same genre, or similar format: don't be afraid of being unoriginal, only you can tell your story, and if you use inspirations from others in it that doesn't make it less yours. (For Greek-style myth inspirations, Ovid's metamorphosis is a pretty fun one, although I don't know if it applies to the format you're working in).
Read the thing out loud. Read parts of it out loud. The best way to get a grasp on how the story feels, in my experience, is to give it a voice.
Finally, disregard any advice that feels stifling. I'm just some guy, every writer giving out advice is, and writing isn't an exact science where any one formula works for everyone. It might take a while to figure out what works for you, so experiment a bunch and don't be too hard on yourself if everything doesn't go perfectly right away. All art is great art.
That's all, I hope you have fun with it! Don't hesitate to drop me a link or tag me in the story if you post it, I'd love to see what you come up with.
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hexhomos · 9 months
do you have any advice on creating for a fandom where the target audience is super small? i published my first jv fanwork the other day and although i obviously dont just do it for compliments/attention, im hesitant about continuing to create because it feels discouraging to be the only one interested in what i have to offer if that makes sense. i feel like leaguefic is not in demand at all in comparison to arcane and im not sure how to motivate myself… i love your work, thank you so much
To be perfectly honest, not bullshitting you at all here: I don't think there is a single-person fix for this. I have a share/discussion based brain and i generally thrive when doing most of my work within, at least, a private active community. A lot of times my motivation *for* finishing a complex painting or polishing up 10k+ words of something is that i want to be able to show other people what i see and what i like about certain things. Without that community aspect, i just tend to keep to myself and never evolve past drafts lol
Making art is hard. Especially if you have some sort of affective or emotional attachment to the subject. I think a couple years ago it wasn't so tasking, or at least it didn't feel so lonely, because fandoms tended to be more willing to leave indepth feedback or engage with things they liked on a daily basis -- but the culture of 'fast consumption' 'content mills' and 'neverending generated content' of the present decade has taught a lot of people to undervalue the work that goes into transformative projects.
This is why nowadays we see so many frequent calls reminding people to comment in fic, or actually hit the reblog button on some art they like, or even try to use long tags to express what they feel. The 'neverending content influx' marketing push has rendered broader audiences (and im including myself here, i'm not perfect) more apathetic, and more wiling to silently pass by things without a word, prioritizing the 'consumption' of 'large masses of content' rather than curiosity or engaging with a single thing for large amounts of time.
the TL;DR is that I don't think this is something you can fix on your own. It's an environmental issue. When I write, I'm doing so with the confidence that at least one person is really going to engage with it. (this can be a friend, or another internet person similarly lost in the digital desert, it varies.) The only way to rejuvenate a fandom ecosystem is to remind people to *try to give a tiny piece of their time* back to artists whose work they love, appreciate, or even mildly enjoy. It doesn't have to be HUGE extensive feedback everytime. If something made you chuckle for even a second, just try telling that to the person who made it. If you enjoyed reading something, or were amused by how someone wrote your favorite character, go tell them! right now! Try doing it a little bit of that every day! If everyone who sees this post went out right now to leave a word for a small creative they enjoy, we already would be so much better off. Communities are like orchid gardens; to get the special, unique, blooming flowers, you need a steady hand caring for them. We are all gardeners.
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dailyhelldorm · 5 months
[TL][Eichi Feature Scout] Compass in the Heavenly Sky/Chapter 1
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Scenario Writer: Yuumasu Character: Eichi, Wataru, Tori, Yuzuru, Hokuto, Subaru, Makoto, Mao, Tatsumi, Hiyori, Hajime, Ritsu Season: Winter
Summary: Because of the continuous postponements, Eichi's turn to have his Exclusive Outfit comes quite late. While pondering his costume design choice, he goes out for a walk to have a change of pace...
Directory: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
[Part 1 ♪]
Location: Meeting Room
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Eichi: Even though we are busily preparing for the special 'SS' on New Year,
But I am delighted that none of our 'FLAVOR' members failed to attend our activities like this.
Hiyori: When I hear this will be our last meeting for the year, there is no way I will decline this occasion. It will be boring if the main character isn’t here, isn't that right ♪
Ritsu: That's right. Along with all the delicious desserts from your own private patissier too.
Being together with someone who enjoys idle chit-chatting and having a back-and-forth conversation is pleasant~
Hajime: Fufu. The five of us can come together like this, it is truly a nice thing... ♪
Lately, every meeting always has someone who can’t attend. I understand that it can't be helped, but looking at the empty spot makes me feel a little heavyhearted.
Tatsumi: You are right. The five of us make 'FLAVOR'.
Next year will be busy as well, so I would like us to have the time and spend together like this.
Eichi: Of course, that’s my intention. If not, my mind and body will start yearning for it.
Even superman needs a break too.
... As for this year, there were a lot of things that have happened as well. There are idols from different agencies here, so I ought to rephrase my reflecting words nicelyー
But I am happy that one of our procedures has now reached its final stage.
Part of the managing team of ES appeared to have been looking down on Producer-chan, they said things like ‘Is it even possible to make all Exclusive Outfits for every idol?’ or ‘Won't this plan end up falling apart?’
She is not your ordinary everyday girl, and once again they have had to realize that fact... ♪
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Hajime: You mentioned the 'Exclusive Outfit', but Eichi-oniichan still hasn't had his yet, right?
Based on your standpoint, will you undoubtedly end up being the last one? Did Producer-san discuss it with you?
Eichi: She asked for my advice long before, when she was still drafting the Exclusive Outfits plan. ‘Public faces of ES like Tenshouin Eichi should be the first on the list’ is quite a probable suggestion.
But starting with me might create some kind of unwanted political schemes. So to deliberately avoid it, I left Producer-chan in charge of everything.
She considered how busy I was, so that girl let me decide my own timing to make the Exclusive Outfit.
I have been postponing it because I want to take into other people’s outfits as references. But I guess it is about time now.
Since all the same in the end, people might begin to suspect me if I am the last on the final performers’ list[1].
Location: STAR PRO Office (Conference Area)
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Eichi: … ... ...
… 'Merry Christmas ♪'
(Watching Branco's PV warms my heart. My fatigue melts away just like the white snow.)
(I want to continue watching, but it's time to get back to my work.)
… ... ...
(... Today's tea party was fun. It has been a while since we had an endless chat like that.)
(It’s nice to hear the stories behind everyone’s Exclusive Outfits. Although Ritsu-kun has teased me about it. 'You're really craving for this huh~?' he said.)
(I can't help it, now can I? Other than Ritsu-kun, people won’t come and discuss their outfits with me.)
(Me too, I want people to come and talk to me casually as well. But considering my status, they might find it hard to consult me.)
(I feel a little bit resentful toward my position now.)
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(... Ah, right. About my Exclusive Outfitー)
(Like what I said before, it’s about time for me to contemplate it.)
(Producer-chan told me to think about it whenever I have spare time, but if I do what she said, my outfit will never be finished.)
(This job is also one of the approaches to hype ES up, so it is quite a prominent work. I should put in some effort and come up with something.)
(... Yet, I am in a scramble now. Whenever I open the sketchbook, I can’t think of anything.)
(The only thing inside my mind is all the Exclusive Outfits I have seen until now.)
(Some people expressed their ideal individuality, some showed their true earnest selves, some considered their fans’ feelings… Everything was converted through each and every outfitー)
(And created their one and only Exclusive Outfits in this world.)
(The next one will be me. What is the thing that fits the image of the idol ‘Tenshouin Eichi’…?)
… ... ...
(... Keep gazing at the ceiling won’t get me anywhere. I need a walk to expand my mind.)
[End of Part 1 ☆]
Directory: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Translator’s note:
[1]: The word being used here is Ootori 大トリ. This is a word for when the performers are divided into groups (such as Kohaku Uta Gassen), the last performer of the later group will be the Ootori of the show. The word can also be meant for the biggest performer, as the big stars often appear late. Like Rei's TS2.
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laura1633 · 4 months
Hey Laura don't know if you'll ever read this but I've been reading your fics for a while and now I would like to begin writing as well and get my work out here so everyone can read it....any advices?
Love ,anon <3
Hi anon
In terms of fan fiction the first piece of advice would be just to start writing. It's the best way to start learning and developing a style that works for you.
Reading other works also helps a lot so at the start I read a lot and this helped me think about the type of stories that I wanted to write.
I only write for fun so I don't have a beta reader but I know some people have someone who they send work to and who will give them constructive feedback which helps them improve. If you have someone you trust you could send them your work and get some feedback.
Everybody's writing method is different but I wouldn't overly stress over a first draft. I just get my ideas down and then go back over what I have written and edit it. I know some people like to write scene by scene but if you are stuck on one part it's fine to jump around and then piece it together. Some people like to plot and plan and some people just like to write and see where it goes.
The most important thing for me is to write something I enjoy and then I can have lots of fun writing.
In terms of getting your work out there I found the best thing to do was just to post it on ao3 but you could also post on Tumblr. It may take a little while to start getting the engagement you want so I wouldn't get too stressed about comments and kudos to start with (although its always lovely when people take the time to comment). I just like to remember that the amount of responses you get for a story can depend on the ship you are writing or even when you happen to post it.
So overall, the way I started was just to open a doc and start writing and then just post it on ao3 (but you can post to whatever platform you want to use).
Don't get put off it takes a little while for people to start reading and most of all just have fun ❤️
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cowherderess · 6 months
11, 26, 28 for the writing ask!
Thank you! 💖
11. Three tropes that are fine but overrated.
The first thing that comes to mind for me, as a frequent viewer of period dramas, is Modern AUs. The appeal for me is the period, so even if I come to love the characters, I'm generally not interested in plucking them out of their context.
Although I wouldn't say that, or any other trope I don't personally enjoy (high school AU is another one), is objectively "overrated." I love kidfic but I know it's not everyone's cup of tea. All people are different people, innit :)
26. What would you describe as OOC?
I think it's quite contextual– hard to give examples but I know it when I see it. "She would not fucking say that," etc.
Modern AUs are the likeliest offender though. On the one hand, it's endearing to think of the ways past generations were like us; on the other hand, our times do shape us. Mary Crawley born in 1992 instead of 1892 would've had quite a different experience of life!
28. Any writing advice that works for you and you feel like sharing?
I can all too easily spend ages agonizing over word choice or phrasing even in a first draft. So in the interest of ever actually finishing anything, I try to let myself be messy! Like putting a word in brackets if it's not quite the one I'm thinking of, so I can come back to it later. Or if a scene isn't gelling, writing a little synopsis of what I want it to convey so I don't forget, and allowing myself to jump ahead to the words that are gelling.
Or, dialogue is usually what comes first for me, but I also like weaving dialogue with action. If I know I want to split up a piece of dialogue but not what with, I'll just leave a blank, like:
“I’m surprised you even have tea in your kitchen.” “Yeah, well–” _____. “It was for Tim Lasso, but ol’ Tim never came back for it. Finders keepers, losers weepers.”
Writing asks! ✍️
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firstkanaphans · 1 year
hii, how you doing? i hope you're well! i'd like to ask for some advice as a writer... how to get past the embarrassment of posting a fic with smut... 😭 maybe i'm just silly but woah i feel so shy about it but it's really something i've been considering but i still haven't found in me to take that step yet so if you had some advice i would really appreciate it
Hiii!!! I’m just coming off of a four-day weekend, so right now I’m going great! Thank you for asking. And of course I would be happy to help! 💛
So, just a little background about me: I didn’t publish my first explicit fic until the week I graduated college—and the fact that I remember the date so precisely is probably proof enough that it was a rather nerve-wracking experience for me. Even then, the only reason I started writing smut in the first place was because I was in a fandom where if you wanted your fics to get read, they pretty much had to be explicit. Luckily, BL fandoms don’t really seem to have a bias either way (at least as far as I can tell). In fact, in my experience, non-explicit fics actually seem to fare a bit better. Just as an example, my two mature-rated fics, Divine Intervention and Alone with You, both have the most kudos out of any fic in their respective fandoms. I know that sounds like a humble brag, but the point I’m trying to make is that you don’t need to write explicit fic if you don’t want to.
But if you do…
Obviously, everyone’s relationship to sex and sexual content is going to differ and as an asexual lesbian, I’m pretty lucky to have a bit of a detachment from the things I am writing about. Akk and Ayan are attractive, but I am not attracted to them. Their sexual experiences look vastly different than mine. I think that makes it easier. The fics I get the most nervous to post are the ones where I, personally, feel titillated by the subject matter. I’ve written exactly one explicit wlw fic in my life and it was so immensely embarrassing I swore I would never do it again.
Now obviously, if you aren’t ace or you are sexually attracted to the characters you’re writing, that’s not really something you can change. But it’s strangely liberating in a way to know that that anxiety is literally all in your head. What was the difference between the one wlw fic I wrote and the literal dozens of mlm fic I write every day? Nothing except my relationship to it.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that no one is going to be analyzing your smut as deeply as you think they are. And although it sometimes feels like you’re baring your soul as a writer, readers are smart enough to understand that just because a character does something doesn’t mean that the writer does that thing too. Because, spoiler alert, I’ve never once had sex with a penis but I write about it A LOT. In fact, I think readers are generally more forgiving of poorly-written smut than they are poorly-written anything else.
A few craft tips that might help you out:
Focus more on what the characters are feeling than what is physically happening. You don’t need to tell me where everyone’s hands are at all times. The reader’s imagination is perfectly capable of filling in those blanks. Ground the scene in emotion instead.
Don’t be afraid to use the word “cock.”
Write a few scenes just for you without the intention of publishing them. You’d be surprised at how well you can write when you take away the threat of other people seeing it.
If you have a fandom friend that would be willing to read a draft of your explicit scenes beforehand, I highly recommend that. (Or, hell, I can do it!) Sometimes just having an extra set of eyes on something will help with your nerves.
And like anything, it’s gonna get easier. I absolutely love writing smut now. It’s calming for me. When I was trying to write original fiction for publication, it pained me to not be able to write explicit sex scenes because for allosexual characters, sex is an important part of a relationship and not being able to show it feels like you’re only getting half of the story. That’s why directors like P’Jojo will always have my whole heart. They get it. Showing queer sex on screen is important.
I hope this helps you at least a little bit! Happy writing!!
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mybookplacenet · 2 months
Author Interview: Elizabeth Standish
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Tell us about yourself.: I'm an attorney by day. And an author by very early morning! I've been practicing law for almost 20 years and I hated every single minute of law school - not unlike Emma, the heroine of my first novel. Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?: My parents and I moved around somewhat while I was growing up. I don't know that that really impacted my writing, although it let me see more places in the country and meet more people. So in that respect, I have more character ideas in my head. Do you have any unusual writing habits? Some people think it's unusual, but I get up about 5 AM every day to write. Even on weekends! I make my tea and light a candle - just because it's cozy - and write for an hour or two. In nice weather, I sit on my deck to write until the sun gets to high to see my computer screen. I also never write at a desk. That feels too much like my day job and the creativity stops. What authors have influenced you? My parents and I moved around somewhat while I was growing up. I don't know that that really impacted my writing, although it let me see more places in the country and meet more people. So in that respect, I have more character ideas in my head. Do you have any advice for new authors? Find a routine that works for you. If that's 20 minutes at the kitchen table or three hours at midnight, it doesn't matter what it is, so long as you are consistent. And try to make it comfortable! What is the best advice you have ever been given? "Get back on." As someone who rides horses I've fallen off more times than I can count. And had some serious injuries. But always, always you get back on. It resets your brain to not make you afraid, or not as afraid. I think that advice works in a lot of situations. What are you reading now? A Life Interrupted by Suleika Jaouad What's your biggest weakness? Wanting everyone to like me! What is your favorite book of all time? Pride and Prejudice When you're not writing, how do you like to spend your time? I like big outdoor projects. Big landscaping work, planting trees and shrubs. I love to mow the pasture at my house - it's a good way to disconnect. I also ride horses! Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you? I don't remember a specific "first" story, but my parents read to me every night. I read all the Oz books - they were my grandfather's when he was a boy, so they are beat up first editions. What has inspired you and your writing style? I've been narrating stories to myself for as long as I can remember. Or imagining conversations. As a kid I was very outgoing, and still am, but I also always had my nose in a book. With the people around me in my daily life, I am very open, and I think that's how I try to tell my stories: authentically, from each character's perspective. My first book, Magnificent Mess, is all about the chaotic, messy time of coming of age. In literature that's often portrayed as late teens. But in real life it's usually later, when we get out in the world on our own and have a change to explore. I think a lot of my characters are on a journey of self-discovery, whether that's through romance or medical issues or academia. What are you working on now? I am working on my second book in my first series. The first book is due out this fall. And no, I don't have a title for either book, or the series yet! What is your favorite method for promoting your work? I'm still learning this part, so I don't know yet! What's next for you as a writer? Get through the editing process on the first book in the as yet unnamed series. Write the first draft of the second book in the series. I'm also working on my memoir, which has a longer deadline to first draft. How well do you work under pressure? If it's too much pressure, I shut down. But a little bit is a good kick in the pants. How do you decide what tone to use with a particular piece of writing? I don't, the characters do! If you could share one thing with your fans, what would that be? I think reading is where we get to escape into our fantasies. Whether that's a world where fairies live, or a place where our friends have our backs, or meeting the love of our lives, books show us what is possible. Reading is a place to imagine romance, to relive or kick start our own coming of age, to think about how to discover ourselves at whatever stage of life we're in. It's also a place to indulge our curious side and our guilty pleasures. Elizabeth Standish's Author Websites and Profiles Amazon Profile Goodreads Profile BookBub Profile Elizabeth Standish's Social Media Links Facebook Page Instagram Read the full article
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zellsvents · 4 months
Draft of Crown of Blood Chapter 1 (critism encouraged)
I dipped my quill in ink and began writing, 
“Dear Hanzō,
Every moment you have been by my side has been extraordinary and enchanting. As the next heir to the throne I have to carefully consider my lovers. There are many factors I have to remember, for instance, people using me for the throne or assassination plots. Hanzō, one of these factors is the approval of the citizens, while I don’t care about what others have to say, I’m afraid that I can’t ignore that I’m their voice and have to mold myself to their expectations. I think it’s time I introduce you as my significant other.  There is a banquet coming up where everyone is invited, during my speech I would like to introduce you, so if you would please be my partner for the banquet I would be delighted. I’m sure my people will love you as much as I do.
Your love,
Prince Odai”
I placed the letter carefully into a beautifully decorated white and gold envelope. I kiss the letter for good luck and ring the bell on my desk. Quickly my personal knight, Nitin enters my room. 
“My prince, how may I be of assistance,” He said bowing without once making eye contact.
I smile at him and wait for him to stand up and say, “Can you make sure this reaches Hanzō?” I handed him the envelope. 
He stares at the envelope for a second, he always gets silent when I mention Hanzō. I don’t think he approves of our relationship. It’s a good thing that Hanzō hasn’t noticed; he has quite the temper. 
“I will make sure this arrives safely. Although if I may ask, what are you writing to him about?” Nitin asks, still avoiding eye contact.
“I can’t write to my boyfriend?” I joke.
“No, that's not what I meant, my apologies,” Nitin mutters. 
“I was just joking, relax. I’m inviting him to the banquet so I can introduce him.”
Nitin got quiet again, he nodded and left the room. I never understood why he didn’t just stay in the room. He just stands outside the door anyway. I told him he could stay in here with me but he just shook his head. I wonder if that's something they cover in knight training. 
I spent the next few days before the banquet writing my speech. I have been writing speeches all my life but I had an especially difficult time writing this one. I had to introduce Hanzō in a way that would persuade the people to love him. I had to write about his good traits and avoid the topic of him being a foreigner. I was very stressed but Nitin kept coming to check on me and giving me advice. I’m very grateful to him, if he wasn’t so distant I would say he’s my most treasured friend. 
The day of the banquet, it came rather fast. I was a little nervous, so I propped up the picture of me and Hanzō on our first date; he took me to a bazaar. I kissed him that night, I didn’t think we would be together this long though.  As I was staring at the picture there was a knock at my door.
“Come in,” I responded
Nitin held the door open as my mother walked in carrying my little brother. My mother, the queen of Kyo-gen, she is grace personified. My little brother, Agni, the sweetest boy you will ever meet. 
“Mother! What’s with the sudden entrance?” I ask since she never enters my room unless it’s to scold me.
“Nitin told me that you’re inviting Hanzō to the banquet, I don’t mind Hanzō but are you prepared to face the citizens?” My mother asked as she put her hand that wasn't holding Agni on my shoulder.
I know full well that if things didn't go well I would have to break up with Hanzō. I was scared but I knew that no matter what happens my family isn’t going anywhere. Even if I lose Hanzō I still have my parents and Agni. 
“Trust me mother, I thought this through. If me and Hanzō can’t be together then I’ll be fine and I’m sure Hanzō will understand. It’s not like we won’t be friends still.” I reassure her. 
Mother smiles and removes her hand from my shoulder. Agni stares at me and smiles, I could tell he was excited for the banquet. I press my finger against his nose and he giggles. Mother smiled as well. Not only am I the perfect prince with the perfect King and Queen as parents, we also have the perfect family. I wouldn’t trade them for the world. 
“Well, come on then, we have to get you two dressed,” Mother said warmly. 
Me, my father, and Agni wore a gold and red sherwani. My mother wore a red and gold ghagra choli with lots of gold jewelry. My mom probably outshined all of us. She looks absolutely stunning. If only I got some of the beautiful genes. 
I ran through the banquet schedule in my head. The banquet was going to proceed like this: the guests would enter in and the royal family would greet them, then the King and Queen would give their speeches, I would follow shortly after introducing Hanzō, we would then answer and listen to the citizens requests and questions, we would eat and mingle with the citizens, lastly we would wish all the guests farewell as they exit. 
As we walked towards the door to prepare to greet our guests, my stomach started to hurt. I usually don’t have any problems at these events. Surely Hanzō isn’t this worried. I took a few deep breaths but they didn't really help. 
“Odai? Are you alright?” my brother asked as he grabbed my hand. 
“No need to have any concern for me. I’ll be fine. We’ll be fine,” I reassured Agni but it also helped calm me down.
Me and Agni held hands as we approached the door. Nitin and a couple other guards were stationed nearby. I locked eyes with Nitin and smiled, he looked away once he noticed I was staring. We stood near the wooden door with metal designs to greet our guests. Our guests poured in quickly and I greeted them with a smile. I was watching for Hanzō as the rest of our guests came in. I think about 850 people came in before Hanzō. When he arrived my face lit up and I took his hand. 
“Hanzō! You took your time getting here,” I exclaim.
Seeing Hanzō helped calm my nerves a little.
Hanzō smiled, “It’s not my fault everyone in the kingdom wants to come to this banquet. The news about the prince's new boyfriend is everywhere.” 
Hanzō seemed off… I don’t know how to describe it. He just seems different. 
“Yea Surabhi people like to gossip,” I start leading him to the side a bit so we are out of the way, “You ready for today?” 
“Am I ready for 1000 people to decide if I’m allowed to love their precious prince?” Hanzōs smile fades, “Not really.” 
So he’s nervous? I gently rub my thumb over his hand. 
“It’ll be fine. Worst case scenario we are just friends.” 
Hanzō pulled his hand away. 
“Maybe for you. But I don’t think I could ever be happy in Serabhi without being your partner,” He looked genuinely upset. 
“Then I will do my best to make them love you,” I state.
I speak with confidence that I don’t have. I don’t know if my words alone can make them appreciate him. It's clear he doesn’t even like Surabhi. 
“Look, Odai,” Hanzō began. Agni came over and grabbed my hand, “It’s time for mama’s speech!” 
The speech finished quite quickly. After all it was just an introduction speech, it wasn't the main event. Whatever I do here will dictate the rest of the evening. 
“It’ll all be okay…” I take a deep breath and stand in front of the crowd, 
“As you all know, this isn’t just any banquet. A 4 years ago when a terrifying event had struck the palace I became lost. It was almost as if my entire world had changed. I lost something that made me whole. It was a part of me. A part that is still… hurts to neglect. I went out on a walk in hopes to find something to fill the empty void. That's when I found the most beautiful man I'd ever seen. He immediately went to see if I was okay even though he had no idea who I was. I finally felt whole again. Somehow being near him fills the void that the incident caused. I love my people and my land, I only wish that my people can share the same admiration for this man as I do. He is an amazing and cunning leader who would make a wonderful king. I hope that all of you will feel the same. Hanzō, would you please join me?” I extend my hand out and Hanzō takes my hand and joins me with the same smile I knew and loved. 
The crowd immediately filled with whispers upon seeing Hanzō. His smile faded. 
“It’s okay they're just… surprised is all,” I tried to reassure him. 
But I didn’t believe it. My people have a lot of pride in being Surabians. But pride is a double edged sword. 
“I know I’m not from surabhi. That does not mean I’m any less deserving to marry prince Odai. I for one think you people shouldn’t get to decide the fate of our love! He isn’t a child. If you have any self respect or faith in your crown prince then you will keep your mouths shut.”  
I stared at Hanzō in disbelief. Yelling at one or two people is one thing. But on this scale, they’ll never forgive him.. 
“Hanzō! Mind your manners while in the palace please!” I plead.
The people start booing and jeering towards Hanzō. Hanzō shares a glare with the crowd then me and storms off. 
I take a shaky breath and face them, “I think these events have made it clear. I will not be staying with Hanzō. I ask you all to respect him still. It takes a lot of bravery to stand up for oneself but even more to stand out and stand up for others.” I calmly walk after Hanzō whose grumbling in the corner. 
My family is whispering about something and Agni is looking confused. They are probably upset because I brought up what happened 4 years ago… but that's not what I need to focus on. 
“Are you okay?” I probably humiliated him but that's all I could think to say… 
“You're a moron. How can you expect me to ever tolerate people such as those? How can the next in line be such a pushover? You're weak and pathetic. How can you expect to rule without me?” 
I’ve never seen such anger from him before. 
“It wasn’t my decision, you know that! But I am a prince first. My people mean the world to me. I can’t fail them,” I felt my eyes start to water and my guts start to whirl. 
Hanzō looked me dead in the eyes, “If you truly loved me you wouldn’t have taken no as an answer.”
Maybe he was right… We were young and I had never been in love before. Maybe I never loved him. But I know that I was hopeful and at peace with a future with him. 
“Hanzō, every word I say to you is my undeniable truth. I hope you can forgive me and my people,” 
Hanzō shook his head and walked away after muttering, “Have fun ruling without me Odai.”
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hcuyk · 6 months
hii hii im way to new at interacting with blogs i follow to take off anon but anyways…
i really want to branch out and start writing again, it was something i used to do frequently but like got made fun of yk how it goes.
do you have any tips for writing ? i really enjoyed reading the kidult story which made me want to ask you for advice on writing anything helps ! 😵‍💫
hi anon! this is such an old ask that i've responded to in my drafts??? but never posted because it was too long, so now i decided i'll rewrite my response and post it this time!
i hate to hear that you've been made fun of wtf 😭 i will FOREVER throw fists at those people
although i doubt you may see this after Years, i think others may benefit from this!
something i always recommend is rewrite, not revise! your final draft should look nothing like your first draft (in my opinion). when i write out my first draft, it's a mess—from writing only dialogue that comes to mind to reusing the same verbs over and over again—and that's perfect! then when you rewrite, that mess becomes more clear:
you notice more plot holes
the more you rewrite, the more the scene expands and you have a better idea of what's happening, from reactions to what's happening in the background
as much as its time consuming, i did it with every scene in kidult! in fact, for those who don't know me or my blog as well may not know this, but hyunjae's/myungho's mom was never meant to be the villain until i rewrote and thought more about every scene!
or for my headline fans, if you read the first chapter, it's kind of implied that haknyeon was supposed to be the second-love interest, but that changed drastically the more i wrote (cause how tf did i end up with qhak 😭)
for me and my writing, the story truly writes itself :]
another big tip is do NOT be afraid of scraping scenes! as much as it hurts, it can really put you in writer's block. maybe the scene you wanted to happen is not meant to be in your fic ^^ set the scene aside as an alternative and come up with another idea
my examples of this is with kidult's happy ending. my last scene that i have written made me stop, and i've dropped it ever since because i've been so busy and it became less of a priority. half a year later i realized i need to drop it and write something else, and that revived my motivation!
those are the big two that help me out a lot. my writing has definitely improved but not as much as it could have within the past two years because i've been focused on nearly everything else, so if you can, try and write daily! even if it's only 100 words. sometimes those ideas will resurface and you'll be thankful you already had an idea accumulating ^^
thank you for stopping by and asking this question! it means the world to know that there are people who admire(?) my writing, even if i myself can't see anything special :( if there's any other tips people want to give me, i would also greatly appreciate it! just like everyone else, i am always looking forward to improving as well
i think i also always had a fixation on numbers back then, from instagram views and followers to likes on tweets and then likes on tumblr posts, but right now i'm breaking that down because i know i will always have people supporting me, even if it's a close friend or family member, so never be shy with posting your works! if anyone also wants to recommend stories, whether it be someone else's or your own, absolutely send them my way!
i'm sorry this is so long, but i hope this helps anyone who needs it :] <3
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Journal number 2; I forgot until a minute ago that I was doing this weekly!
I started a 9 day novena to Saint Anne last Tuesday. It'll be finished on the 29th, and then I'll send Brial a message - I managed to find her on Facebook. It goes (or at least, the draft of it):
Dear Brial,
I am sorry.
You were right.
At this point you can stop reading - those are the two most important parts of what I have to say.
I hope that you are well, and that you continue reading. I began in apology and I must begin the body of this the same. I did not treat you as you deserve to be treated. I was raw and hurt and refused to see it. I was sick and called it health, and spurned you when you told me the truth of the matter. Even more, I pushed you away when you said you would stand by me and help me heal. And when I ended our relationship, I did not even have the decency or honesty to tell you the truth - that it was because I could not face reality. In no uncertain terms, I was a bad person and a worse partner.
I have done a great deal of prayer and soul searching. I faced myself and my history. I took your advice, eventually, which in my heart I knew to be true. That is why I struggled to do so in the fist place. I told you that I was considering joining the Army, and I could not make that decision with a partner. The first half is true, and even after I healed and got better, I considered it for a long while. I eventually decided against it. The second half is a lie, and even in that moment, deep down, I knew it was a lie. I was running from the truth of things. Self-isolating and making a martyr of myself in a vain, stupid attempt to do something that I knew even then was impossible, and even were it, it would not be good. I did not believe in myself and you did, and for that I pushed you away.
I did not begin to fully grasp this until about a year ago, after I had healed from Leisha. There was no near death experience or life-changing conversation or some encounter with an epochal work of writing. Instead, there was simply the slow revelation of what I had done and not done. There have been some since, which have only served to help, thanks be to God. Each issue that we had could have been solved had I been willing - I know that you were. I did not appreciate your kindness, patience, and understanding.
In several drafts of this, I expressed something to the effect of "meeting the right person at the wrong time." This nagged at me, though. I do not think that it was the wrong time. Your repeated willingness to work with me, as a partner, showed that. So it was not the wrong time. With this expression, then, it would be that you were not the right person. But I do not believe that for a moment. That is why, then, I reject that expression upon further thought. Instead, I was the wrong person for everyone: you, myself, and others. Instead, I met the right person as the wrong person.
I am not sure if I expect to hear from you or not, honestly. I would be a liar if I said I do not want to. I would like to make us work. I do not want to "start over" - that'd be impossible. Instead, I would like to try again. I would like another chance.
Jeffrey Yaw
Em says it doesn't sound corny or cliche or dumb. It's heartfelt, that's for sure. It didn't hurt to write like I thought it would, honestly. It felt nice to get it out there. To admit it all to myself. If she doesn't give me a chance, that's okay. I'll live.
Anyway, Christmas passed. It was really nice to see everyone. Worked Christmas Eve morning, then went home and changed. Mass in Retsof at 4, then over to grandma and grandpa's. It was a very nice visit actually! Everyone was in a good mood, even Tim. He was actually out and out pleasant! We all joked and made merry and ate delicious chicken wing dip - made by grandma from Jodi's recipe this time, instead of by Jodi. Then Christmas we opened our own at home, then went to Nan and Pap's. Another great visit, although I really would've preferred turkey or ham to roast beef. Hendrix got to come along since David and Amy didn't bring their dogs. He was a smash hit. I put pap's light on his gun and showed him how his new holster worked. I got a Milwaukee heated sweatshirt and I'll be getting Mom one too since she loves it so much. I also got a Stetson hat from grandma and grandpa! I plan to wear it through fall and spring mostly. I also need to go through my closet &c and clean some things out. I have too much stuff.
Anyway, that's about it! A nice week, all told. My apologies for being a bit late.
Tuesday, December 27th, 2022, 12:22am.
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miekasa · 3 years
Mie, I’m begging for some Jean college au bf hcs - im literally so down bad for this man and the way you write men is just 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
Absolutely, not a problem 😌 I saved this ask as a draft a while ago when you sent it, sorry for just now getting to it. Anyway, I love Jean with my whole heart, best boy, best boyfriend <33
King of forehead kisses, and not even just because of his height in comparison to yours; he just likes it. He likes the feeling of pressing his lips against your skin, and making you feel safe.
Brings you tea or coffee however you like it every day without fail. If he can get it to you in the morning before work/school then he’ll do that, if not he’ll meet you some time in the middle of the day to drop it off. Your own personal courier just for drinks.
He… has a thing for long(er) nails. He loves the feeling of them against his skin, even if you’re not scratching to apply pressure—just you holding his hand them grazing his skin is enough for him.
That being said, he will pay for you to get your nails done. Actually, he’ll pay for… almost anything you want, but the nails benefit him as much as they do you so feel free to ball out.
He never blowdries his hair because he doesn’t... know how to do the back of it. You did it for him once and he hasn’t stopped thinking about it since, but he’s also too embarrassed to ask you to do/style it again.
On the subject of hair, he does do his best to style it and take care of it, but he’s a sucker whenever you play with it. Sometimes he feigns like you’re messing up all his hard work, but he’ll literally crane his head into your touch. He loves it. 
The first time he lays on top of you and you run your hands through his hair... top 10 most euphoric moments of his life. He tries to fight off the sleep threatening to take over him, but it’s futile. Give it 15 minutes at most before he’s knocked out like a baby. 
Dogs love him. Anytime you’re in a park or just taking a walk and there’s a dog around, it’ll come up to him and he looks adorable leaning down to pet it. He loves dogs, too! So he’s always happy to stop and pet them. He’d be a 10/10 dog dad. 
Has your name saved in his phone with two hearts at the end. Do not point it out.
Loves taking pictures together and if you guys are on a date, he’ll ask someone to get a picture for him. He just likes having them to look back on (and to send to his mom, later).
He doesn’t mind painting classes or videos or tutorials, but he hates paint by numbers kits. He claims that they have no sense of color theory and that it takes the originality and fun out of painting. Not to mention the quality of the paints isn’t great to begin with; all of which he takes very seriously.
It’s pretty cute actually, to see him get worked up over the paint kits. He claims that painting and drawing isn’t even something he takes “that seriously,” it’s just a hobby for him (one he’s insanely good at); but in moments like these, you can tell that he’s way more into art and art theory and history than he lets on. 
Huge movie guy, from animated movies to martial arts movies, Jean is usually willingly to give anything a watch at least once. When he’s high, he can go on about his favorite directors and art styles and movie details for hours if you don’t stop him. It’s super cute. Just don’t bring up Moana, because he’ll start crying. 
Arm around the shoulder kind of boyfriend for sure. It’s a casual way of keeping you near him and letting everyone know that you guys are together. Plus it allows for him to easily pull you into him for a quick forehead kiss when needed.
Listen. If you hug his arm, he’s on cloud nine. He tries to be nonchalant about it but he’s about three seconds away from his eyes rolling back in his head it feels that good to him. Bonus if you lean your head on his bicep a little—then he’s a goner.
He takes his bagels very seriously and believes that both you and him deserve nothing but the best quality bagels. He’ll grumble if a bakery gives you guys a less than favorable one and make a note that taking the long route to get to his favorite place is much more worth it.
Always makes you walk on the side furthest from the cars. If he notices you’re not, he’ll just shuffle behind you until he’s shouldering the street and you’re on the inside. 
He grew up on a kind of modern ranch situation; not exactly all the way in the countryside, but not isolate from the city, either. Because of this, he knows how to ride horses, take care of smaller farm animals, tend to plants, and yes he knows how to use a lasso. You wouldn’t know any of that though, because he never ever talks about it. The only way you find out is when he takes you to visit his mom’s house for the first time, and she asks him for a hand around the place. 
(He’s got a cowboy hat, too, but refuses to put it on. He got it when he was, like, nine, okay, leave him alone). 
When he thinks you look tired, he’ll wrap his arms around your shoulders to hug you. It’s usually followed up with a kiss to your head, and a promise that you guys will go home soon and get food on the way. 
He’s a really good cook. He just understands and flavors and pairings really well, so he doesn’t need a recipe to make something that tastes good; he just kind of knows what to add to get the balance he’s looking for. 
Naturally, he’ll cook for you. Especially if he finds out that you haven’t eaten all day/in a long time. He doesn’t care if it’s 11pm and it might seem excessive to make steak and potatoes with a side salad at this hour, he’s gonna do it to make sure you eat, and you are going to sit there and watch. 
He also bakes pretty well, though he isn’t as experimental with his baking as he is with his cooking. He usually sticks to what he knows, and it’s not cupcakes and brownies and cakes; he’s better at croissants, and cheesecakes, and canelés. 
Dating Jean means getting along with his friends. If you guys didn’t know each other before you started dating, be prepared to be ambushed by Connie and Sasha (after Jean stops hiding you away and gives them the green light lmfao). Neither of them waste time with the small talk and formalities; straight into mini golfing and beer pong. They make you feel welcome right away.
Sasha always teases that you’re too good for Jean, and that she might just steal you away for herself some day. Sasha is also Jean’s main confidant, so she really knows just how much he loves you, and yeah, she teases him for being lovesick, but really she’s happy for Jean. And proud of him for facing his feelings like this. 
Connie adores you, and you know he trusts you when he starts going to you for advice/help. Could be anything from schoolwork, to what color he should get his new shoes in. He’s also the one who, surprisingly, you have the sentimental talks with about your relationship with Jean. It’s easy to overlook, but Connie loves Jean, and he’s come to love you too; he just wants you both to be happy, so he’s there to listen when you need it. 
Jean waits outside of your classroom after you’ve had a test or presentation, usually with a drink or a snack, or the promise of taking you out as a treat. Always tells you he’s proud of you, and is there to comfort you if you think you didn’t do too well. 
He does not shut up about whatever major you’re in. It could be the same as his; it could be the complete opposite as his. He thinks it’s so sick that you’re doing it, you make it look cooler, you make it look better, and he’s certain you’re the smartest person in your program. 
He’s pretty serious about his studies, too, so he’s always down to study with you in the library whenever you’re both free. More often than not, he shows up after you, usually with food or extra chargers. He greets you with a kiss on the forehead, and asks you how you are while massaging your shoulders gently. If it’s been a while since you took a break, that’s the first item on the list, after that, he gets to work and stays with you until you’re ready to go, even if he doesn’t have as much work to do. 
He always sits across from you. This goes for when you’re in the library, or out to eat at a restaurant; Jean loves sitting across from you. He gets to see your face the best that way, and he adores looking into your eyes when you talk. 
He’s not... not a morning person. He’s not up at 6am ready to grind, but he wakes up before noon; let’s say 10am is his happy medium. That being said, if you wake up before him, regardless of the time, there’s a 9/10 chance he’ll lay on your back and tell you to hush so you guys can sleep for 10 more minutes. 
If you’re (close) friends with Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, Jean is... happy you’ve got people to rely on, but, “Of all people on the planet, you put your trust in Jaeger?” He acts so bitter (because he is), but deep down inside, he’s glad you have Eren to rely on if you need to. 
(Also, you have to humble him and remind him that he and Eren aren’t all that different. If you like him, why wouldn’t you get along with Eren, bye). 
Turns out though, that it’s not Eren who threatens to beat him up if he breaks your heart. It’s not even Mikasa, although, her threat goes without saying; it’s Armin he’s terrified of.
The last time Armin hated someone, it was this guy in your program, who happened to share a few mutual classes with him, too. Jean never knew the full story, just that he’s pretty sure that kid dropped out the following semester. 
If you have a job on campus, Jean usually doesn’t show up while you’re working (knowing how embarrassed he would be if you did that to him), unless you work the night shift and it’s dead. Connie, however, does show up; usually in some kind of crisis (“Please help me, I don’t know what the fuck APA formatting is and this is due tonight, please, please, please!!”). Your coworkers actually thought Connie was your boyfriend for a minute. That’s when Jean starts showing up more lmfao.
He makes it a point to go on a scheduled, night out, kind of date at least twice a month. He knows life gets busy with school and work and midterms, but he always makes sure you both set side a time to take a well-deserved break and be with each other. 
He’s the romantic type, so these dates are pretty swoon worthy, too. Drive-in movies, nice dinners, classy art exhibits, Jean plans it all. On that note, he really likes planning dates; he just doesn’t like talking about them with his friends beforehand. 
All in all, very romantic, very precious boyfriend. He’s always thinking about you, what you need, and how he can help you out. You’re one of his main priorities, and he just wants to treat you right. 
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Hi, sorry if I missed this in your FAQ, but do you have any advice on how to incorporate humor into a story? Also, how do you know when something is funny?
How to Write Humor
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Humor is very hard to pull off for writers. Many aspects of humor depend on a person’s expression and delivery, on the way they say the joke and how they hold themselves while they speak. It relies on the inflection of the voice and certain hand gestures and expressions.
With writing, all you have are words on a page and the reader’s imagination, and it can be especially hard to write humor if you don’t find yourself funny and aren’t quite a comedian.
Here are some tips on how to write funny jokes and humor into a story and make sure that it stays funny. 
1. Don’t Use Memes or Modern “Slang” as the Punchline
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The thing about memes and slang is that they come and go. There’s a new viral meme every week, and trends are born and die faster than you can blink. 
Once these things go out of date--whether they be turns of phrase or certain words-- society often brushes them off as “cringey” and will often react negatively to seeing it in a story. 
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read an older fic and they’d refer to dogs as “doggos” or say something like “it do be like that sometimes” and even though it might’ve been funny during the height of these trends, now they make me make a face and squirm a little in my seat. 
The best way to keep hip is to not keep hip, so to speak. Come up with your own original content and your own original jokes and your writing will remain nice and ageless, withstanding the test of time and the test of cringe culture. 
2. Randomness and Spontaneity Jokes are Best Left for Visual and Auditory Media
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This kind of humor revolves around people blurting out random things and is kind of reminiscent of slapstick comedy. 
Think of this TikTok audio that has been going around recently which involves audio from the Cartoon Network TV show Johnny Test: 
“Why did you resist a police officer?” 
“Why are you police officers?” 
“I blew up Malaysia.”
See how it doesn’t  make much sense in words? The only reason why this audio was funny was because of the way the actors spoke it and the way the punchline was delivered, which readers cannot imagine in their minds if they’ve never heard it before. 
 This kind of humor comes off as childish and low brow, and will make more mature audiences uncomfortable rather than entertained. Having characters blurt out things that make no sense in the middle of a dialogue just interrupts the story and brings it to a grinding halt, and I see this mistake primarily made with fic writers struggling to make their stories more humorous. 
It’s like the dialogue equivalent of dropping an anvil on your character; although it’s funny when it happens to Wile E. Coyote, it’s not funny when it comes to written word. 
3. Dry Humor is the Easiest Humor!
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Dry humor, also known as deadpan, is the deliberate display of emotional neutrality that’s meant to be blunt, ironic, laconic or apparently unintentional. 
It’s not a “joke” or a “pun” that’s told specifically to make people laugh (i.e. “Where do cows go on dates?” etc.), it’s just something that people say the just so happens to be funny. 
In my personal opinion, dry humor is the easiest way to bring humor into your story. It doesn’t require any characters to be “jokesters” and it doesn’t require a lighthearted situation. It’s just a remark--perhaps about a certain situation--that readers can interpret as humorous.
Some Examples of dry humor:
“You smell of death and destiny, of heroics and heartbreak!”
“It’s onion.”
--Jaksier and Geralt, The Witcher
(Drilling sword stances...rather poorly)
“What the hell are you doing?”
“What, ways to die?”
--The Hound and Arya, Game of Thrones
“My first girlfriend turned into the moon.”
“That’s rough, buddy.”
--Sokka and Zuko, Avatar: The Last Airbender
“And what could be better than serving up smiles?”
“Being dead.”
--Spongebob and Squidward, Spongebob
4. Situations Can Be Funny, too, Not Just Dialogue!
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Sometimes characters can get themselves into trouble in ways that may not be funny to them but can definitely be funny to a reader.
Tripping, hitting their head, stubbing their toe--especially during times of high tension--can be an excellent way to incorporate humor into your story. “This can’t get any worse” situations that get worse, a character being put completely out of their element, and other such things are all great examples of this
Just make sure to do it within reason, though, as to make sure you’re not falling into the random/spontaneous joke category!
5. Write What You Think Is Funny, But Make Sure Others Check It!
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I know some people may be insecure in their ability to write jokes, but the easiest way to make sure your story is funny is to write what YOU think is funny. There’s a pretty good chance that you’re just your own worst critic!
I know for me personally, I found that when my friends were reading the earlier drafts of my books, they would find things that they thought were funny without me even intending for them to be a joke! Everyone’s sense of humor is different, and everyone will interpret your writing, in various ways. 
So write your story how you want to write it, and have someone read it over to make sure the jokes are funny! They don’t have to be laughing out loud--it’s possible for jokes to be hilarious without warranting an outward reaction--but as long as it makes them smirk at their book or perhaps let out a puff of air through their nose, it’s all worth it!
6. Read, Watch, and Listen!
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The best way to learn how to write humor is to read, watch, and listen to humor. Look at comedians, at jokes in your favorite novels and TV shows:
What do they all have in common? What is it about them that really makes you laugh? How can you embody that in your story?
A little research never hurt anyone, and hey, maybe you might be able to improve your own sense of humor while you’re at it!
Hope this helped, and good luck!
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deardragonbook · 3 years
The reason to kill off a character
So, before going to the actual advice I just want to say, thank you so much for all the attention that my post on making a character death heartbreaking got! That post actually got reposted on Instagram by an account much bigger than me (they credited me so that’s actually really cool!) not sure if that’s where you all came from or just a coincidence, but I’m happy you’re here. 
Now, that repost on Instagram got a lot of attention and among all the comments something I did see a bit off, was people asking why authors do this, so I thought for today it’d be cool to actually go over some of those reasons. 
1.- The first and most obvious is tension management. In a story tension depends on the existence of the possibility of failure, in a lot of genres this could mean a couple not getting together, the protagonist not getting the job they want or a villain winning. In fantasy, we often find ourselves in life or death situations, and if character’s never die, life or death situations completely lose that tension. This is especially true with longer series with several books. 
So sometimes, as saddening as it may be, you have to make the choice to sacrifice a character for tension sake. But why put in an effort o make it as sad as possible? Well, by making the death an impactful one, you can get away with killing less characters. 
A good example of this is actually Harry Potter, everyone says loads of character’s die in Harry Potter, but that’s not entirely true, loads of characters die in the final book, so for the sake of this example, pretend the final book doesn’t exist please, thank you. Up until the the Half Blood Prince, there are only THREE important character deaths! Cedric, Sirius and Dumbledore (I obviously am not counting minor characters, mentions of muggles dying, ghosts, Harry’s parents, although I was tempted to throw Aragog into here). That’s not many deaths for six books. But they were all hard hitting impactful deaths, that carried the tension with only one character sacrificed for the sake of many. 
So as a writer, remember it’s quality and not quantity. 
2.- Character arcs and development. There’s two sides to this: 
2.a.- Vengeance and mourning can be very powerful character motivations, they can make someone switch very quick. You got a character that always plays by the rules, always cautious and careful, kill of their friend, their family and watch how emotion can blind their judgement. They can switch sides, they can switch methods, they can change goals and form an entire new side! Everybody reacts different to grief, and you do need to be very cautious with this, lots of people have done this wrong, but so many have done this right! 
Everyone talks about redemption arcs, love to see it, but a hero gone villain can be just as good when done correctly! 
2.b.- Smaller changes. Some people don’t react suddenly, some people handle death surprisingly well, but someone close to you dying is something that will always be with you, and affect you. I think a good example of smaller changes, is when you have a say a team, and one of the members die and the remaining members have to take on the responsibilities that this person had. 
If the person who died was, say, the one giving motivational speeches before each battle, when the next battle comes and there is silence, it’s very likely a different character will take up that responsibility, showing a side of them we hadn’t seen before. 
3.- Plot reason. When I think of character’s dying over the plot, I usually think dead parents who died before the book even begins. You know, every Disney parent ever. But other examples could be villains who die or a king who dies leaving his son/daughter/next in line to rule. I don’t think it’s as important that these be sad, it depends very much on the character and on the author’s intent. 
This is probably the area where personally I use the connection card, especially if the death happens before the book begins, it’s not sad per say, but you might feel empathy towards the character’s left behind and their soft words of remembrance. 
4.- Just, emotions. The whole point of writing is to tell a story, the whole point of stories is to make us feel things. And a happy ending is only amplified by the struggles that got us there. A character dying for something they believe it can be heartbreaking in the moment sad, but when that thing they believed in comes to fruition, the fact so many gave so much to get it, makes it feel so much more important! 
Anyway, so those are my big four reasons to kill characters off. There are probably loads more reason out there, maybe you’re just writing angst, maybe you’re writing Game of Thrones, maybe you just created far too many character’s and it’s time to clean up! No judgement here, but I hope this helps newer authors who don’t entirely understand the reasons behind these decisions. 
I recently created a link tree so check that out for all my socials and my book! 
Some upcoming posts I have in the drafts are: 
Things that make character deaths heartbreaking (part 2) 
Relationship drama without the constant arguing 
How I do Timelines 
How I do Fantasy Maps 
So if any of that sounds interesting feel free to follow! I also have asks open if you want help with any specific aspects! I’m always happy to help! 
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nanowrimo · 2 years
My First NaNo Experience
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As Camp NaNoWriMo is drawing to an end, author and NaNoWriMo winner, MenteMelan, reflects upon her first NaNo experience, and gives some tips to people who might not have joined this time, but plan to in the future. 
Excitement. Joy. Fear. Apprehension.
These are some of the numerous emotions I experienced a few days before the 2021 NaNoWriMo began. After weeks of prewriting, seminars, and strategizing, I eagerly sharpened my pencils and cleared my workspace as I awaited the beginning of the 50,000-word challenge.
I first heard about NaNoWriMo during the pandemic in 2020. Before then, I had participated in several writing challenges, written a few short stories, and produced the first draft of a novel. I was psyched by the challenge the NaNoWriMo proposed. 
Since I stumbled upon the creative writing challenge several days after it began, I decided to bid my time and participate in 2021. However, I never anticipated any of the things that occurred in the months preceding the NaNoWriMo.
As the lockdown restrictions gradually eased last year, the world slowly tried to heal from the turbulence which occurred in 2020. Like many others, I struggled to adjust for several months and was forced to come to terms with the fact that the world could never be the same. 
I have never been a big fan of change, so as you can imagine, I battled with so many emotions, never finding the right avenue to vent everything I’d been feeling. For me, the 2021 NaNoWriMo was highly therapeutic. I can still remember how I picked up my laptop on the first day and poured out all the pent-up emotions I had experienced during the year into the different characters I had crafted. 
By the end of the first day, I’d written about 3000 words, albeit with several typos and sentences that eventually needed fine tuning. However, none of that mattered. For the first time in months, I felt relieved. The moment I updated my profile and earned my first badge, it felt like I’d just won a million bucks!
Each day came with a different challenge and every second of it was fantastic. The goal wasn’t to create the perfect novel in 30 days but was to create an undiluted first draft, knowing I would still refine it all at the end. As I unlock each badge, I felt fulfilled and excited, waiting to see how long it would take to finally hit my goal. 
On the last day of the NaNoWriMo, I finally hit 50K words and unlocked my winner’s badge. I can honestly say no words can describe how amazing I felt that day.
Experiencing the joy that comes with being able to meet a challenge head-on is something I believe everyone deserves to feel during their lifetime. Although, there will be moments where the thrill of the chase might fade, and your characters might not speak to you as frequently as they used to. 
To overcome this, my advice would be to surround yourself with fellow writers who share the same goal and vision. If you can’t think of anyone who might be interested in the journey, then you’re welcome to join any of the NaNo regions. You’d receive a lot of support and encouragement from fellow writers and get chances to vet your work.
Finally, always remember you can edit it later. It’s your first draft, so it’s not meant to be perfect. It’s pretty easy to edit the first draft but impossible to edit what you’ve never written.
Enjoy every second of the challenge and take pride in what you’re doing. By deciding to participate in the NaNo, you’re already a winner. So, my fellow writers, sharpen your pencils, raise your pens, clean your typewriters, charge your laptops, and let the creative juices flow!
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MenteMelan is a diverse award-winning African writer who believes in communicating her views and perspectives of the world through her books. It helps her foster connections with people across the world, create communities with kindred souls, and spread awareness about mental health.
Link to books: Imprisoned by Secrets: https://www.wattpad.com/story/236039980 The Prophecy of The Black Day: https://www.wattpad.com/story/247485109 The Last Supper: https://www.wattpad.com/story/245502550 Social Media: Instagram: @mentemelan Wattpad: @MenteMelan
Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash  
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