#alumni database
jcmarchi · 6 months
Unlocking mRNA’s cancer-fighting potential
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/unlocking-mrnas-cancer-fighting-potential/
Unlocking mRNA’s cancer-fighting potential
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What if training your immune system to attack cancer cells was as easy as training it to fight Covid-19? Many people believe the technology behind some Covid-19 vaccines, messenger RNA, holds great promise for stimulating immune responses to cancer.
But using messenger RNA, or mRNA, to get the immune system to mount a prolonged and aggressive attack on cancer cells — while leaving healthy cells alone — has been a major challenge.
The MIT spinout Strand Therapeutics is attempting to solve that problem with an advanced class of mRNA molecules that are designed to sense what type of cells they encounter in the body and to express therapeutic proteins only once they have entered diseased cells.
“It’s about finding ways to deal with the signal-to-noise ratio, the signal being expression in the target tissue and the noise being expression in the nontarget tissue,” Strand CEO Jacob Becraft PhD ’19 explains. “Our technology amplifies the signal to express more proteins for longer while at the same time effectively eliminating the mRNA’s off-target expression.”
Strand is set to begin its first clinical trial in April, which is testing a proprietary, self-replicating mRNA molecule’s ability to express immune signals directly from a tumor, eliciting the immune system to attack and kill the tumor cells directly. It’s also being tested as a possible improvement for existing treatments to a number of solid tumors.
As they work to commercialize its early innovations, Strand’s team is continuing to add capabilities to what it calls its “programmable medicines,” improving mRNA molecules’ ability to sense their environment and generate potent, targeted responses where they’re needed most.
“Self-replicating mRNA was the first thing that we pioneered when we were at MIT and in the first couple years at Strand,” Becraft says. “Now we’ve also moved into approaches like circular mRNAs, which allow each molecule of mRNA to express more of a protein for longer, potentially for weeks at a time. And the bigger our cell-type specific datasets become, the better we are at differentiating cell types, which makes these molecules so targeted we can have a higher level of safety at higher doses and create stronger treatments.”
Making mRNA smarter
Becraft got his first taste of MIT as an undergraduate at the University of Illinois when he secured a summer internship in the lab of MIT Institute Professor Bob Langer.
“That’s where I learned how lab research could be translated into spinout companies,” Becraft recalls.
The experience left enough of an impression on Becraft that he returned to MIT the next fall to earn his PhD, where he worked in the Synthetic Biology Center under professor of bioengineering and electrical engineering and computer science Ron Weiss. During that time, he collaborated with postdoc Tasuku Kitada to create genetic “switches” that could control protein expression in cells.
Becraft and Kitada realized their research could be the foundation of a company around 2017 and started spending time in the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship. They also received support from MIT Sandbox and eventually worked with the Technology Licensing Office to establish Strand’s early intellectual property.
“We started by asking, where is the highest unmet need that also allows us to prove out the thesis of this technology? And where will this approach have therapeutic relevance that is a quantum leap forward from what anyone else is doing?” Becraft says. “The first place we looked was oncology.”
People have been working on cancer immunotherapy, which turns a patient’s immune system against cancer cells, for decades. Scientists in the field have developed drugs that produce some remarkable results in patients with aggressive, late-stage cancers. But most next-generation cancer immunotherapies are based on recombinant (lab-made) proteins that are difficult to deliver to specific targets in the body and don’t remain active for long enough to consistently create a durable response.
More recently, companies like Moderna, whose founders also include MIT alumni, have pioneered the use of mRNAs to create proteins in cells. But to date, those mRNA molecules have not been able to change behavior based on the type of cells they enter, and don’t last for very long in the body.
“If you’re trying to engage the immune system with a tumor cell, the mRNA needs to be expressing from the tumor cell itself, and it needs to be expressing over a long period of time,” Becraft says. “Those challenges are hard to overcome with the first generation of mRNA technologies.”
Strand has developed what it calls the world’s first mRNA programming language that allows the company to specify the tissues its mRNAs express proteins in.
“We built a database that says, ‘Here are all of the different cells that the mRNA could be delivered to, and here are all of their microRNA signatures,’ and then we use computational tools and machine learning to differentiate the cells,” Becraft explains. “For instance, I need to make sure that the messenger RNA turns off when it’s in the liver cell, and I need to make sure that it turns on when it’s in a tumor cell or a T-cell.”
Strand also uses techniques like mRNA self-replication to create more durable protein expression and immune responses.
“The first versions of mRNA therapeutics, like the Covid-19 vaccines, just recapitulate how our body’s natural mRNAs work,” Becraft explains. “Natural mRNAs last for a few days, maybe less, and they express a single protein. They have no context-dependent actions. That means wherever the mRNA is delivered, it’s only going to express a molecule for a short period of time. That’s perfect for a vaccine, but it’s much more limiting when you want to create a protein that’s actually engaging in a biological process, like activating an immune response against a tumor that could take many days or weeks.”
Technology with broad potential
Strand’s first clinical trial is targeting solid tumors like melanoma and triple-negative breast cancer. The company is also actively developing mRNA therapies that could be used to treat blood cancers.
“We’ll be expanding into new areas as we continue to de-risk the translation of the science and create new technologies,” Becraft says.
Strand plans to partner with large pharmaceutical companies as well as investors to continue developing drugs. Further down the line, the founders believe future versions of its mRNA therapies could be used to treat a broad range of diseases.
“Our thesis is: amplified expression in specific, programmed target cells for long periods of time,” Becraft says. “That approach can be utilized for [immunotherapies like] CAR T-cell therapy, both in oncology and autoimmune conditions. There are also many diseases that require cell-type specific delivery and expression of proteins in treatment, everything from kidney disease to types of liver disease. We can envision our technology being used for all of that.”
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jstor · 6 months
hi jstor, quick question, what do i do with all the regret that's slowly choking me? i'm an academic at heart in a world where i'm no longer in academia, and i'm not thriving one bit 🫠 had to turn down a place in a phd program 2 yrs ago & now it's my biggest regret in life. you've given people such compassionate advice, so maybe you can help? research/writing is my passion & i miss having the space to indulge it & keep learning!
Hi there, thanks for reaching out with such a heartfelt question. It takes a lot to express this sort of sentiment publicly and we appreciate that you trust us enough to ask.
The regret you're feeling is natural, considering so much of your identity and passion lies in your research and writing. Your friendly JSTOR mod has also been struggling with feeling unmoored outside of academia, and I've been wondering myself if I should work my way back somehow or create a structure of my own.
The good news is that you can actually create a structure of your own! Many scholars contribute to their fields independently, so it may be worth considering a personal research project that you can work on at your own pace (which has its advantages). Public libraries often provide access to academic databases like JSTOR, and your alma mater might have resources available to alumni. Communities and forums online are a good way to reach others who are feeling similar and doing similar things.
Your writing also doesn't have to stop! If it's not your only focus it may go quite a bit slower, but many journals accept submissions from independent researchers. In addition, platforms like Medium and Substack may allow you to self-publish some of your work. You could even look into pitching guest posts for relevant publications!
It doesn't have to be a permanent goodbye to academia either. Does your alma mater welcome guest lecturers, or are there any community workshops in your area? These are some ways you could share your passions with others. Plus, academia will always be there–if an opportunity arises for you to return and it aligns with your circumstances, you can.
This is by no means exhaustive, so I do hope that anyone from the community who would like to share insights does so in the replies. Wishing you the best of luck, wherever you may go from here!
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z0ruas · 1 year
April 30, 2023
"Day of the Homeschooled Child is a yearly observance to recognize children harmed by minimal homeschool laws across the U.S. On this day, we come together to honor three specific groups within the homeschooling community: 
Children who have been murdered in homeschool settings
Children who survived severe abuse and neglect in homeschool settings
Homeschool alumni with traumatic experiences
Why? Because in the national conversation surrounding homeschooling, abused children and adults are too often unheard. That’s why we founded the Coalition for Responsible Home Education and created Homeschooling’s Invisible Children, a public database of child abuse and neglect cases in homeschool settings. And it’s why we created Day of the Homeschooled Child, set in April to coincide with National Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Today, over 1.7 million children are homeschooled in the U.S. But unfortunately, state homeschool laws have almost no measures to ensure these children are receiving a quality education in a safe home. 
Here’s a glimpse of what this policy failure looks like:
In 48 states, it’s legal for registered sex offenders and convicted child abusers to homeschool their own children without any restrictions. There are no requirements for those at-risk children to have contact with mandatory reporters of child abuse. 
In 11 states, parents aren’t required to notify education officials of their decision to homeschool. That means countless homeschooled children aren’t being accounted for in any way.
No state requires homeschooling parents to screen their children for medical conditions or ensure those children receive care. Abusive homeschooling parents can keep their children away from life-saving medical care without anyone to notice or intervene.
Millions of homeschooled children ​​lack guaranteed access to child welfare programs their public-schooled peers have. That includes food and nutrition programs, age-appropriate sex education, mental health counseling and resources, and monitoring for child abuse and neglect."
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 month
How old is Megzy? by u/MoneyParamedic7441
How old is Megzy? The Royal Grift has another amazing video. Mindblowing!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PchVk3NuvYBut it got me thinking: it can't be that hard to contact the elementary/ middle school she attended and find out when she graduated?How about Northwestern University alumni database?Am I naive to think that in this day and age it would be hard to lie about one's age for a long time? Truth eventually comes out. post link: https://ift.tt/1t6KRBD author: MoneyParamedic7441 submitted: August 24, 2024 at 11:43PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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sapphirebluejewel · 7 months
Father Figure(2)
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-Through Snake's alumni database, Emma does locate her biological father, Shane McKay, at an address in Stouffville. When she arrives at that address, she sees that it is a medical institution and that Shane, mentally disabled, is a patient. Emma's first thought is that her mother is a heartless woman who deserted Shane during his time of need. Emma's view of her mother changes when she learns the full story and why Spike did not tell her the truth about Shane. But Spike may be in trouble when Shane escapes from the institution and wants to see his old girlfriend. Meanwhile, Spinner managed to get Hazel's locker for Paige, who deems it not to be the perfect locker. In her mind, Jimmy has the perfect locker. Jimmy, knowing that Spinner will probably do anything for the locker, makes a deal with Spinner, one not only that Spinner will find embarrassing to do, but one that Spinner does not realize will put Paige in a bad light.
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-Despite stating that she will no longer be his cover as his girlfriend, Ellie, who doesn't really get along with most of the others but especially Paige, decides to go along on Marco's invitation to the beach day. Also along as the chauffeur is Paige's openly gay older brother, Dylan. Dylan, attracted to him, suspects Marco may be gay. Marco, also attracted to Dylan, is not ready to come out, especially to his supposed best friend Spinner, who is openly homophobic. Marco goes out of his way to hide his sexual orientation. This includes showing an interest in team sports and going on a date with an unsuspecting Hazel. Meanwhile, Archie is staying at the Jeremiah's temporarily as he has a cold and Spike does not want him to infect Jack. Beyond ruining his weekend with Ashley as the unexpected chaperon, Craig thinks that Snake's symptoms may be a manifestation of something beyond the common cold.
Descriptions from IMDb
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jitendra0002 · 9 months
MCA University In Uttar Pradesh
Navigating the Landscape: Choosing a Distance MCA University in Uttar Pradesh
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Uttar Pradesh, India's heartland, is witnessing a surge in demand for upskilling and professional development. With the IT industry boom, the Master of Computer Applications (MCA) program emerges as a sought-after option, especially in its convenient distance learning format. However, navigating the plethora of universities offering distance MCA in Uttar Pradesh can be daunting. This comprehensive guide aims to equip you with the knowledge and insights to make an informed decision.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Distance MCA University:
University Recognition and Accreditation:
Prioritize universities recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). These accreditations ensure quality education and adherence to national standards. Look for additional accreditations specific to distance learning programs, such as the Distance Education Bureau (DEB) recognition.
Reputation and Ranking:
Research the university's reputation within the academic and professional circles. Check for rankings in renowned publications like NIRF and The Week, particularly for their distance learning programs. Alumni reviews and feedback can also provide valuable insights.
Curriculum and Course Structure:
Evaluate the curriculum's comprehensiveness and relevance to current industry trends. Ensure it encompasses core subjects like computer networks, software engineering, database management, and emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Check for the flexibility of the course structure and the delivery format (online, offline, blended).
Faculty and Learning Resources:
The quality of faculty plays a crucial role in a distance learning program. Look for universities with experienced, qualified faculty with industry expertise. Assess the availability of quality learning resources like study materials, online lectures, e-libraries, and interactive platforms.
Admission Process and Fees:
Analyze the eligibility criteria, entrance exams (if any), and overall admission process. Compare the fee structure, considering not only the program cost but also additional expenses like study materials, exam fees, and technology requirements. Look for scholarship opportunities and financial aid options.
Placement Assistance and Career Support:
Evaluate the university's track record in providing placement assistance for distance MCA graduates. Assess the strength of their industry connections, career counseling services, and alumni network support.
Top Distance MCA Universities in Uttar Pradesh:
Swami Vivekanand Subharti University (SVSU): Renowned for its academic excellence and industry-oriented curriculum, SVSU offers a well-structured distance MCA program with UGC, DEB, and NAAC accreditations..
Amity University Distance Education: Part of the renowned Amity Education Group, this university leverages its strong industry connections and offers a practical, interactive distance MCA program with NAAC accreditation.
Rajarshi Tandon Open University (RTOU): Established by the Uttar Pradesh government, RTOU is a reputed state-run university known for its affordable and accessible distance MCA program with UGC recognition.
Jain University: Recognized by UGC and AICTE, Jain University offers a well-designed distance MCA program with a focus on emerging technologies and flexible learning options.
Online Manipal: A constituent unit of Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Online Manipal boasts an NAAC 'A' grade accreditation and offers a comprehensive distance MCA program with a blended learning approach.
Emerging Trends in Distance MCA Education:
Industry-Integrated Learning: Universities are increasingly collaborating with industry partners to provide internship opportunities, live projects, and industry-specific workshops as part of their distance MCA programs.
Focus on Emerging Technologies: The curriculum is evolving to address the growing demand for skills in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, and Data Science.
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (VR/AR): VR/AR simulations are being implemented to enhance the learning experience and provide practical exposure in specific technology domains.
Personalized Learning: Adaptive learning platforms and AI-powered tools are being used to personalize the learning journey for each student, adapting to their individual pace and learning styles.
Concluding Thoughts:
Choosing the right distance MCA university in Uttar Pradesh requires careful consideration of your career goals, learning preferences, and financial constraints. By prioritizing UGC recognition, strong curriculum, experienced faculty, and career support, you can choose a program that equips you with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the dynamic IT landscape. Remember, the distance learning format doesn't compromise on quality; with research and dedication, you can unlock your full potential and embark on a fulfilling IT career from the comfort of your own home.
For MCA colleges in india with low fees ,visit on :-
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burningvelvet · 5 months
still continuing my shakespeare journey - got halfway thru love's labour's lost 1975 but have sadly comprehended none of it so may have to restart it in another format/version.
the thing with shakespeare is that its so much better to be able to see/listen to his works since they were meant to be performed, but if you come across a lesser performance then it can really negatively tinge a piece you would have otherwise liked. conversely a superb performance can really put you on to a play you otherwise would have been lukewarm about.
and for these reasons, along with my gen z attention span, genetic adhd, & struggling sometimes with older british dialects & EME (even though i've taken classes on historical english linguistics, shakespearean studies, and renaissance literature, & have immersed myself in classic anglo lit for years, & am a native english speaker albeit an american, etc.) — my shakespeare journey has been more bumpy than expected.
but i hope it will be worth it in the end, and that by studying his work i'll improve my overall writing/reading abilities, particularly when it comes to poetry & scriptwriting, but also storytelling in general. and this, not by mere passive absorption (which i have to combat the urge toward), but by active studying, & seeking to discover what it is that has given his works their legacies in the canon, for whatever it be worth. i think tradition has its place. i believe in learning from the greats, and i agree with that quote about how one must know the rules before they can successfully break them - & would add that too many attempt to break without knowing.
i've been casually watching the famous "working shakespeare" acting workshop series wherein they assess the language. there are exercises dor actors re: script analysis, understanding the diction, etc - & i've been practicing some of that to build my grasp on language in general. some actors like samuel l jackson, toby stephens, robert sean leonard, victor garber, claire danes, blyth danner, etc. are in it - its on youtube. i'm also going to look into playing shakespeare, acting shakespeare), shakespeare in italy, and looking for richard. these are all famous films/documentaries about understanding shakespeare & his works.
it can be so overhwelming to dive into shakespeare, as i previously mentioned - but the relieving part is the wealth of information which exists to aid in the experience. i knew an actress (we did a play partly about shakespeare, lol) who had said that she found a copy of shakespeare for dummies to be really helpful, undignified title aside lmao. there are so many databases & websites & books & all freely accessible online. the sad thing is that some of the live performances are really hard to find, but that's an issue with theatre overall.
but my university's digital library (even though i graduated, i still have access) has a lot of databases including some shakespearen-centric, national theatre, & royal shakespeare theatre stuff. so if any of you are uni students or alumni i recommend you to use your lib databases to find whatever learning resources you can - you already paid for it all with your tuition money anyway!
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elite-amarys · 8 months
Greetings. I am a member of the Ultra Reconnisance Squadron that is currently stationed in the Unova region and I have seen much talk about the academy you attend on this communicative database. Perhaps you could enlighten me about this place of study and if there are any courses that involve the study of the cultures of your world, as that is my area of expertise.
Greetings, I am pleased to make your acquaintance. I would be more than happy to tell you about this institution. Blueberry Academy is based on the philosophy of student-led, interest-based learning. This style of teaching has been proven time and again to be the singular most effective strategy, and the high quality of our alumni and overall satisfaction rate of our student body reflect this. Students will enroll in specific tracks, and the lessons within those tracks are based off of the specific interests of that class.
Students also hold a great deal of responsibility in Blueberry Academy, and oversee all aspects of engineering, financial management, Terrarium care, and the operation of multiple clubs. While adults supervise and step in when necessary, the bulk of the decision making is made by students.
To answer your query, yes we do have an anthropology program that you could potentially explore. If you wished to enroll as a student you would have to go through the application process, which can be quite strenuous. You may also visit as a guest educator to teach a class or two about your studies - the Academy has a rather liberal policy regarding guest educators, so I'm certain you would have no issue in that regard.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
I'm gonna LOSE my academic access as of January and I was wondering, do you have any tips?
OH NO, TERRIBLE. I hung onto my PhD-university credentials as long as I could, since I had a faculty email as well as a student email, but eventually yes, alas, they took them away and then I had to suffer. So the occasion of once more being able to log in to full-text databases and free PDF journal articles today was one of great rejoicing. Obviously the best option for keeping academic credentials after student access expires is "get another academic/university job and get new ones," but as believe me, I know how hard that is, here are my best tips for surviving as a Scholar in Exile:
Make use of the free tools like Google Scholar, JSTOR, etc. I think JSTOR is still letting you read 100 free articles a year, which they started during the pandemic to support scholars working remotely/virtually. Project MUSE also occasionally has free full-text articles. Google Scholar doesn't necessarily give you the full article, but it is good for finding basic cites and making bibliography lists. Google Books also has a surprisingly decent amount of scholarly monographs with some texts/chapters available to read for free.
Likewise: Academia.edu can be somewhat hit or miss (and I'm sure you know that they will send you eighty billion emails every time someone so much as breathes in the direction of your profile) but there is some genuinely good stuff that can also be accessed there for free, and it's always worth looking.
Maintain your academic connections! I have occasionally hit up university friends to ask if they could get something for me, and I'm willing to do the same for you (and any of my other followers in a similar position). Especially since I know that we work on similar (medieval) stuff, if there's something you really need to have, DM me and I will send you a copy by email.
Likewise, you can also try the method of directly emailing a scholar and asking for a copy of their paper, if you can't find it for free. This has worked for me before, and as you know, academics are vain creatures who are almost always THRILLED to hear that someone actually wants to voluntarily read their stuff.
Join alumni/networking groups for your university, degree program, field of study, etc, on Facebook, LinkedIn, or wherever. People often keep in touch and post requests for documents or books, so it's always worth shooting a request out into the ether, as someone will usually be willing to help.
Anyway: obviously this can't replace everything, and it really sucks not to have access to whatever you want, but it is possible to keep working at a high level; I've had something like three or four publications accepted after I left my PhD university, and was mostly able to write and research them with the more limited tools I had available. So yes, with a little creativity, you can definitely do it.
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lgcmanager · 8 months
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a few days after the filming of FUTURE DREAMS: ALUMNI ( JANUARY 13 ), JIHO meets up with his new and temporary manager for his solo work, HWANG SEUNGJO. 
“i know we’ve gotten to know each other a bit during your time filming for FUTURE DREAMS: ALUMNI, but i will be your manager in the meantime.” SEUNGJO smiles at the idol before beginning to explain all of the preparations that JIHO will have to do in the next few weeks. “it’s going to be a bit hectic for you since you will be preparing your solo debut along with agito’s comeback, but this is why the general public will not know about the results until FEBRUARY 15.”
JIHO will be making his solo debut the day after the airing of the finale, FEBRUARY 16. since the preparation time is limited, he will only be having two songs in his debut; CHASER, which was performed in FUTURE DREAMS: ALUMNI, and POSE, which will be his title track. lyrics distributions for this can be found over HERE.
from the day of the meeting until his debut, JIHO will be spending the majority of his time preparing for the debut so this will include the behind the scenes aspects of it ( eg. lyrics writing, composition, arrangement, styling, choreography, etc. )
depending on circumstances and schedules, there is a possibility that from here and onwards JIHO may have solo comebacks and has a chance to send in songs that can be used for those comebacks.
similar to the second round of FUTURE DREAMS: ALUMNI, you will be asked to decide how many points have been contributed to each of the stages. the stages are as follows:
SONG CONCEPT ( MAX VALUE: 429 ): this is the general concept of the song, not only the audio aspect (genre, theme) but also the visual aspect of it (type of choreography, type of styling, type of performance). it’s a bit of a summary of everything related to the song
COMPOSITION ( CURRENTLY HAS: 212; MAX VALUE: 250 ): song composition (related to MUSIC COMPOSITION + INSTRUMENTS skills)
LYRICS WRITING ( CURRENTLY HAS: 213; MAX VALUE: 250 ): lyrics of the song (related to LYRICS COMPOSITION skill)
ARRANGEMENT ( CURRENTLY HAS: 212; MAX VALUE: 250 ): song arrangement (related to MUSIC COMPOSITION + INSTRUMENTS skills)
CHOREOGRAPHY ( CURRENTLY HAS: 65 [ CLASSICAL ]; MAX VALUE: 250 ): choreography of the song. please note that even if some slower songs have no proper dance steps, most of the performance are still choreographed for the lightning and cameras to follow at the right moment during performances
STYLING ( MAX VALUE: 429 ): encompass hair, make-up and outfits
STAGE PRODUCTION ( MAX VALUE: 429 ): the props, effects and lights used
for JIHO, he is given 1390 points as the max contribution value across all of the stages. listed in parenthesis for each skill is the maximum value of points that can be distributed to that specific stage and the current points he has for the skills mentioned based on our database.
to help us get a better understanding of which areas JIHO focused on for the debut, please fill out the form below and send it to the lgcmanager blog before FEBRUARY 3, 2024 11:59PM EST:
MUSE NAME ∙ ARTIST CONTRIBUTION - SONG CONCEPT: [ insert number of points used ] - COMPOSITION: [ insert number of points used ] - LYRICS WRITING: [ insert number of points used ] - ARRANGEMENT: [ insert number of points used ] - CHOREOGRAPHY: [ insert number of points used ] - STYLING: [ insert number of points used ] - STAGE PRODUCTION: [ insert number of points used ] - TOTAL POINTS: [ add up all of the points used from all of the stages, maximum overall points should be 1390 ]
as a reward for joining the soloist roster, JIHO is given a chance to pitch in a stage name solely for his solo work. all of the information for that can be found in the STAGE NAMES post!
SEUNGJO explains, “since this time is a very special one for you, LEGACY suggested that you will be vlogging the whole experience for the fans to see. unlike the vlogs you’ve probably done with V&A, you’re given a bit of leeway with the content of these vlog episodes.” 
JIHO will be vlogging his whole solo debut experience from the preparations to the promotions. for the first two episodes of this series, it will focus on the BEHIND THE SCENES aspect. one episode will be about song preparation in his studio ( with his creative team ) and another episode will be about the visual preparation ( eg. learning/giving ideas for the choreography, suggesting outfit ideas and stage production, etc ). 
for this part, it’s best to focus on filling out the form above ( ARTIST CONTRIBUTION ) before deciding the content behind the two episodes.
the remaining episodes in the series will be related to JIHO’s promotions!
on FEBRUARY 16, JIHO will have a debut showcase for the press as he answers the interview questions and performs both of his songs to the public for the first time. later on that day he will start off his music promotions as he will attend all of the music shows until MARCH 3. during that time he will be attending fansigns and meeting up with his fans. 
JIHO’s title track will be ranked 3rd and 4th in the music charts and will slowly go down by the time HARU makes their comeback with “WIND AND WISH”.
in terms of gigs, JIHO will be filming an episode of “THE SEASONS: RED CARPET WITH LEE HYORI” and it will be aired on FEBRUARY 23. in the episode, he will be performing both of the songs and be interviewed by LEE HYORI afterwards. in addition to that, JIHO will be participating in two buzzfeed videos; “THE PUPPY INTERVIEW” and “CELEBRITY READS THIRST TWEETS”.
the PUPPY INTERVIEW will be vaguely similar to this video where JIHO will be answering some of the fans questions while taking care of and playing with five puppies ( it’s up to you to decide which breeds they are )! and then for the CELEBRITY READS THIRST TWEETS, it will be similar to this video where JIHO will be asked to react to tweets sent by his fans about him.
for this particular show, we’re giving some people in the lgc community to help pitch in and create thirst tweets for the idol! for this, since there will be a solo component related to the filming of this episode, JIHO’s mun can ask people who has not interacted with the mun ( as in on any of the mun’s muses ) to send in the “thirst tweets” ( you can check the video above to get a general idea, but make sure that the tweets are tame! )
for the tweets, there is a minimum of 7 tweets ( each from different muns ) and a maximum of 20 tweets ( each from different muns ). it’s up to JIHO’s mun to decide how many and which one of the tweets to use for the solo ( but the solo post must include which mun/muse suggested/wrote the tweet so we can make a list of it on our end ).
PREPARATION EPISODES: write a 300+ word solo about JIHO preparing for his solo debut ( as mentioned above, ic wise one episode will be about him working on and recording the songs in his studio and another episode will be about working on other aspects for his debut ). this task can be done up to two times, but each solo must be about one of the episodes ( so one about the studio and then one about the visual preparation ). completing this will reward you with +10 POINTS TO MUSIC COMPOSITION, LYRIC COMPOSITION, INSTRUMENT ( SPECIFY ), CHOREOGRAPHY ( SPECIFY ), and +8 NOTORIETY !
PROMOTIONS EPISODE: write a 300+ word solo about JIHO during the promotion period ( eg. behind the scenes with the music shows, attending fansigns, filming for the seasons or the puppy interview ) for +9 SKILL POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +13 NOTORIETY !
CELEB READING THIRST TWEETS: write a 300+ word solo about JIHO reading the fan tweets. the solo MUST include at least 7 tweets suggested by the lgc muns ( who you have not interacted with on any of your muses ) and a maximum of 20 tweets along with who had written what tweet. completing this will earn you +7 VARIETY and +7 NOTORIETY !
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:sdmission002 for anything related to the event. you have until APRIL 27, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
MUSE NAME ∙ SOLO DEBUT MISSION 002 - PREPARATION EPISODES: +10 ( music composition, lyric composition, instrument [ specify], choreography [specify] ), +8 notoriety [ LINK ] ** can be done twice ** - PROMOTIONS EPISODE: +9 ( skill points distribution ), +13 notoriety [ LINK ] - CRTT: +7 variety, +7 notoriety [ LINK ]
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homenecromancer · 1 year
five years after graduating, i finally got around to obtaining an alumni library card, time to go figure out what databases might be useful/fun to me
it took me this long because to do so, i had to physically go to the alumni center, talk to the person there, and then physically go to the main library, in a town where i no longer live that's like an hour drive away. but i happened to be there for other reasons so... why not
edit: lmao apparently alumni straight up are not allowed to use online resources unless they are physically on campus... so while i can, like, search the library catalog, any database that's not accessible to the general public is still not accessible to me. well. good to know. at least i can poke around at research guides and get an idea of which resources might be useful to me if i do get a chance to spend some time in town
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jcmarchi · 4 months
Using art and science to depict the MIT family from 1861 to the present
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/using-art-and-science-to-depict-the-mit-family-from-1861-to-the-present/
Using art and science to depict the MIT family from 1861 to the present
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In MIT.nano’s laboratories, researchers use silicon wafers as the platform to shape transformative technologies such as quantum circuitry, microfluidic devices, or energy-harvesting structures. But these substrates can also serve as a canvas for an artist, as MIT Professor W. Craig Carter demonstrates in the latest One.MIT mosaic.
The One.MIT project celebrates the people of MIT by using the tools of MIT.nano to etch their collective names, arranged as a mosaic by Carter, into a silicon wafer just 8 inches in diameter. The latest edition of One.MIT — including 339,537 names of students, faculty, staff, and alumni associated with MIT from 1861 to September 2023 — is now on display in the ground-floor galleries at MIT.nano in the Lisa T. Su Building (Building 12).
“A spirit of innovation and a relentless drive to solve big problems have permeated the campus in every decade of our history. This passion for discovery, learning, and invention is the thread connecting MIT’s 21st-century family to our 19th-century beginnings and all the years in between,” says Vladimir Bulović, director of MIT.nano and the Fariborz Maseeh Chair in Emerging Technology. “One.MIT celebrates the MIT ethos and reminds us that no matter when we came to MIT, whatever our roles, we all leave a mark on this remarkable community.”
A team of students, faculty, staff, and alumni inscribed the design on the wafer inside the MIT.nano cleanrooms. Because the names are too small to be seen with the naked eye — they measure only microns high on the wafer — the One.MIT website allows anyone to look up a name and find its location in the mosaic.
Finding inspiration in the archives
The first two One.MIT art pieces, created in 2018 and 2020, were inscribed in silicon wafers 6 inches in diameter, slightly smaller than the latest art piece, which benefited from the newest MIT.nano tools that can fabricate 8-inch wafers. The first designs form well-known, historic MIT images: the Great Dome (2018) and the MIT seal (2020).
Carter, who is the Toyota Professor of Materials Processing and professor of materials science and engineering, created the designs and algorithms for each version of One.MIT. He started a search last summer for inspiration for the 2024 design. “The image needed to be iconic of MIT,” says Carter, “and also work within the constraints of a large-scale mosaic.”
Carter ultimately found the solution within the Institute Archives, in the form of a lithograph used on the cover of a program for the 1916 MIT rededication ceremony that celebrated the Institute’s move from Boston to Cambridge on its 50th anniversary.
Incorporating MIT nerdiness
Carter began by creating a black-and-white image, redrawing the lithograph’s architectural features and character elements. He recreated the kerns (spaces) and the fonts of the letters as algorithmic geometric objects.
The color gradient of the sky behind the dome presented a challenge because only two shades were available. To tackle this issue and impart texture, Carter created a Hilbert curve — a hierarchical, continuous curve made by replacing an element with a combination of four elements. Each of these four elements are replaced by another four elements, and so on. The resulting object is like a fractal — the curve changes shape as it goes from top to bottom, with 90-degree turns throughout.
“This was an opportunity to add a fun and ‘nerdy’ element — fitting for MIT,” says Carter.
To achieve both the gradient and the round wafer shape, Carter morphed the square Hilbert curve (consisting of 90-degree angles) into a disk shape using Schwarz-Christoffel mapping, a type of conformal mapping that can be used to solve problems in many different domains.
“Conformal maps are lovely convergences of physics and engineering with mathematics and geometry,” says Carter.
Because the conformal mapping is smooth and also preserves the angles, the square’s corners produce four singular points on the circle where the Hilbert curve’s line segments shrink to a point. The location of the four points in the upper part of the circle “squeezes” the curve and creates the gradient (and the texture of the illustration) — dense-to-sparse from top-to-bottom.
The final mosaic is made up of 6,476,403 characters, and Carter needed to use font and kern types that would fill as much of the wafer’s surface as possible without having names break up and wrap around to the next line. Carter’s algorithm alleviated this problem, at least somewhat, by searching for names that slotted into remaining spaces at the end of each row. The algorithm also performed an optimization over many different choices for the random order of the names. 
Finding — and wrangling — hundreds of thousands of names
In addition to the art and algorithms, the foundation of One.MIT is the extensive collection of names spanning more than 160 years of MIT. The names reflect students, alumni, faculty, and staff — the wide variety of individuals who have always formed the MIT community.
Annie Wang, research scientist and special projects coordinator for MIT.nano, again played an instrumental role in collecting the names for the project, just as she had for the 2018 and 2020 versions. Despite her experience, collating the names to construct the newest edition still presented several challenges, given the variety of input sources to the dataset and the need to format names in a consistent manner.
“Both databases and OCR-scanned text can be messy,” says Wang, referring to the electronic databases and old paper directories from which names were sourced. “And cleaning them up is a lot of work.”
Many names were listed in multiple places, sometimes spelled or formatted differently across sources. There were very short first and last names, very long first and last names — and also a portion of names in which more than one person had nearly identical names. And some groups are simply hard to find in the records. “One thing I wish we had,” comments Wang, “is a list of long-term volunteers at MIT who contribute so much but aren’t reflected in the main directories.”
Once the design was completed, Carter and Wang handed off a CAD file to Jorg Scholvin, associate director of fabrication at MIT.nano. Scholvin assembled a team that reflected One.MIT — students, faculty, staff, and alumni — and worked with them to fabricate the wafer inside MIT.nano’s cleanroom. The fab team included Carter; undergraduate students Akorfa Dagadu, Sean Luk, Emilia K. Szczepaniak, Amber Velez, and twin brothers Juan Antonio Luera and Juan Angel Luera; MIT Sloan School of Management EMBA student Patricia LaBorda; staff member Kevin Verrier of MIT Facilities; and alumnae Madeline Hickman ’11 and Eboney Hearn ’01, who is also the executive director of Engineering Outreach Programs.
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parajumpboots · 2 years
hello my writing and historically-curious friends! I recently discovered some WWI/WWII related archives and databases that I feel several of you would be interested in.
the only issue is that they're both access restricted (I get access through my current university and often alumni still get access to these things so def check that). I'm so sorry if that blocks a lot of people's access but I'm trying to find some workarounds for those without institutional access and will keep you updated if I find something.
to prevent a super long post, I'll post the details about the databases under the cut for those that may have access or continued interest!
the first two are both from Alexander Street: North American Women's Letters and Diaries & British and Irish Women's Letters and Diaries. the scope of each covers several centuries but it's very easy to sort by historical events and subject. they seem like great primary sources for a lot of the fics some of ya'll are writing. I'm personally using these for some investigation into real women's experiences in WWII (currently reading some letters from a mother to her son, who started out training in the 504th parachute infantry at Fort Benning before he transferred to the Air Corps)
the next is called The First World War from Adam Matthew Digital and partnering institutions. they have a bunch of fascinating documents, film clips, oral histories, and maps relating to WWI. I found their site super easy to navigate, sorting by criteria like war front or record type and subject
the last is called Socialism on Film, also from Adam Matthew. it has documentaries, research vids, and propaganda film generally from the 20th century and centering fascist and socialist regimes/conflicts, but also some other international propaganda. they have some interesting suggested search categories outside of region- or event-based searches, like sports, agriculture, technology, and women
I'm really bummed that access to these seems pretty restricted, but like I said, I'm trying to find some alternatives for those that don't have an institutional link
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kafka3sque · 1 year
um just realized i can still access my undergrad school's library database as an alumni................... hell yeah
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SIBM Bengaluru: A Premier Destination for Management Education and Holistic Development
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM) Bengaluru is one of India’s leading business schools, offering top-tier management education with a focus on innovation, leadership, and global exposure. Known for its state-of-the-art infrastructure, experienced faculty, and industry-relevant curriculum, SIBM Bengaluru has established itself as a preferred choice for aspiring business professionals. Here’s an in-depth look at why SIBM Bengaluru stands out.
Academic Excellence at SIBM Bengaluru
SIBM Bengaluru is renowned for its robust MBA programs, offering specializations in areas like Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, and Operations. The curriculum is designed to integrate theoretical knowledge with real-world applications, ensuring that students are well-prepared to tackle the challenges of a dynamic business environment.
One of the standout features of sibm pune fees is its focus on experiential learning. The institute regularly organizes workshops, case studies, industry visits, and live projects, allowing students to apply their classroom knowledge to real business scenarios. This practical exposure not only sharpens their skills but also gives them a competitive edge in the job market.
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SIBM Bengaluru boasts an exceptional faculty, consisting of experienced academicians and industry professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the classroom. Their diverse backgrounds ensure that students are exposed to a wide range of perspectives, helping them develop a well-rounded understanding of business concepts.
The campus is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including modern classrooms, computer labs, and a well-stocked library with access to numerous online databases and journals. These resources enable students to stay updated with the latest trends and research in the business world. Additionally, the lush green campus provides a serene environment conducive to learning and personal growth.
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SIBM Bengaluru is more than just a business school—it’s a nurturing ground for future leaders. Its focus on academic rigor, industry exposure, and holistic development ensures that students are not only equipped with the knowledge to succeed but also with the skills to thrive in the competitive business world. With its world-class faculty, cutting-edge infrastructure, and global connections, SIBM Bengaluru offers an unparalleled MBA experience.
For students aspiring to pursue a career in management, SIBM Bengaluru stands out as a premier institution that fosters innovation, leadership, and professional excellence. Whether you aim to work with top multinational corporations or start your own venture, SIBM Bengaluru provides the perfect platform to launch your career.
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sapphirebluejewel · 7 months
Father Figure(2)
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-Through Snake's alumni database, Emma does locate her biological father, Shane McKay, at an address in Stouffville. When she arrives at that address, she sees that it is a medical institution and that Shane, mentally disabled, is a patient. Emma's first thought is that her mother is a heartless woman who deserted Shane during his time of need. Emma's view of her mother changes when she learns the full story and why Spike did not tell her the truth about Shane. But Spike may be in trouble when Shane escapes from the institution and wants to see his old girlfriend. Meanwhile, Spinner managed to get Hazel's locker for Paige, who deems it not to be the perfect locker. In her mind, Jimmy has the perfect locker. Jimmy, knowing that Spinner will probably do anything for the locker, makes a deal with Spinner, one not only that Spinner will find embarrassing to do, but one that Spinner does not realize will put Paige in a bad light.
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-Spinner does not react well to Marco coming out to him. Without initially actually outing Marco to the general populace, Spinner does whatever he can to freeze Marco out of his life. Marco will need all the support he can when he learns first hand what it's like to be gay in an intolerant society. A specific incident pushes Marco further in the closet. Meanwhile, Snake's initial medical diagnosis is possible leukemia. He tries to make light of the situation, which affects Emma more than anyone. Regardless of the final diagnosis, his actions, in part because of the possible diagnosis of leukemia, benefit Degrassi as a whole.
Descriptions from IMDb
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