#am I hinting a poly ship? maybe ¬‿¬
luffyrose · 2 years
ok, so a prompt for you to possibly expand on if you happen to see this. dp x dc the ‘this is mah grave. wand me to make you one too?’ scene from the owl house.
Ooo! I actually really really like this prompt! Thank you for the idea (*` ▽ ´)_旦~~
I see this as Danny(obviously) trying to prevent himself from breaking down. Like, his trauma response has fully gone to "make jokes and don't show others anything". So somehow, his parents find out and are not very happy to learn their son is a ghost, even if only a half one. Except, he never told them, they FINALLY pieced it together after years, so Maddie started to form a plan.
With a seemingly impromptu vacation, which already has Danny suspicious because his usually carefree parents temporarily closed the portal for it, they end up in some nowhere location. Jazz is trying to be hopeful and everything, but on the third night of camping, everything hits the fan.
His parents waited until he was asleep to get him, and he barely managed to get away hours later once Jazz woke up and saw what they were doing. So he's injured, lost, and only just realizing that he has no way back to the Ghost Zone unless he goes to Vlad. And going to Vlad is a big no since he's barely able to fly right now.
Coincidentally, part of Tim's YJL team is on a mission in that area, and it has gone very poorly. Their communication within the past three days has completely bugged out as well (I wonder why *cough cough* ghost kid *cough*). Either way, his team is stranded and currently separated.
Tim and Kon, because I say he went with the team out of boredom and is kinda glad he did even if he's weakened due to some kryptonite the enemy had, are the ones to stumble upon Danny. He'd collapsed after running for a good while, then to keep his mind from thinking about everything that happened, had started to just dig, just do something with his hands.
Looking at the heavily injured, definitely meta, teen before them, Tim cautiously asks if he's alright and what he's doing. (Cue this is mah grave scene). Both other heroes are even more worried and take Danny with them after patching him up. Danny was gonna fight it since they'd been in danger but hey, they literally swept him off his feet and he was tired!
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This post (link) by @respectthepetty (hope you don't mind the tagging) made me think back at all the missed poly oppurtunities BL has given us and I decided to make a list.
First Shout Out to the Only Confirmed Poly So Far (Both F/M/M): 3 Will Be Free and Me, My Husband and My Husband's Boyfriend (the last one I have not watch so be cautious I do not know the ending)
There is two BLs that hint at a poly solution (M/M/M): My Mate Match & Tinted With You.
It's only a hint but if you are starving for it it will do.
CHOCO MILK SHAKE: The title is in all caps because I am still so bitter about it, the second couple came out of nowhere for me and I am bitter as hell!!!!
Light On Me: The only good love triangle I ever saw and one of the only ones that actually made me believe that a poly ending could work in canon.
Happy Ending Romance: I am not as emotional about this one, but I do remember watching and thinking why can't he just date both?
Oh My Assistent: Same as above
Gen Y: Mark-Kit-Wayo: LAST BUT NOT LEAST! I am so mad about this, it was right there. All the peaces laid out, Wayo deserved it. And so did I Damn It!! I have been wanting to see the actors that play Wayo and Mark play a ship together since I watched the first 2 Moons and thought that they had super great chemistry.
Regarding the La Pluie one, the one in the linked post, I did thought about it, but I think it's not the right drama for it.
Not just because I want Tien to be happy. Even though I really do!! But also because I feel like this would go against what the show is trying to say with the soulmate plot.
If there was another character that had scene with Tien and that could filled the role of a secondary love interest then maybe it could work but as it, I don't really want it, even though I do see it, don't get me wrong.
Anyway suggestiongs of more dramas are welcomed. I for one have a few that are less missed oppurtunities and more like "There's An Idea" poly ships. If you guys want to read that list is:
Not Me: Gram-Black-Todd (I love this one - but Black is also really shippable, I am following a Black-Yok fic with great pleasure)
Until We Meet Again: Read two fics about the two couples dating each other or having a "one night stand" of sorts and thought the idea was neat.
Bad Buddy: I never went there but I know there are fics with a poly relationship between Pat/Pran and either Wai or Korn (or both). Not too mention the fics the Our Skyy 2 crossover most certantly brought about.
History 4 Clost To You: When I first watched it I had a moment during the first scene where I imagined the plot of the drama to be Ten and Li Cheng competing for Xing Si affection with a poly ending and I fell in love with the idea.
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Time to ramble about my increasingly convoluted tuc season 1 polyamory headcanons.
had on/off thing with rowan that never went anywhere
started playfully flirting with sofia but at some point that became serious
meanwhile he was hanging out more and more with esther and ricky and basically ended up moving in with them while still thinking it was "just dudes being bros" and being sad about it only being platonic. it was not platonic.
a few months go by like this, with him denying the moments were anything more than wishful thinking. esther realises pete isn't getting the hint so ricky and esther sit him down and explain. pete is very happy. After Sofie and Esther start dating, Esther jokes about how long it took Pete to realise the flirting she and Ricky did with him was romantic. This causes Sofie to realise she's been flirting romantically with Pete the whole time, so she tells Esther and she starts laughing. When they head back home after their date, Ricky is at work and it's Pete's day off so Esther leaves them to talk it out while she makes them snacks. When she returns they're cuddling and waiting for her to join them.
Starts off only dating Esther, loves her to death.
As Pete starts hanging around more, he catches feelings. One day they're working out together and it just hits him. As soon as he has finished mulling it over, he talks to Esther. He's a little nervous - what if Esther thinks he wants to cheat on her? But they discuss it and a week later they start flirting with Pete and everything settles into place. They haven't explicitly started dating Pete, but they're getting there. Once they get together with Pete, Sofia kinda falls into the mix and Ricky is the last person to start dating her in the polycule. They don't even really talk about it until six months down the line where they realise they've basically been dating anyway. Esther and Pete watch with amusement.
Will marry Ricky one day. Adores him.
She realises she might be poly pretty quickly into Pete hanging out with them more. Life with Ricky is everything she ever wanted - she doesn't want for more. But Pete is just there, and eventually it feels weird without him. When she and Ricky are on dates, she thinks of something that would make Pete laugh and turns to tell him and he's not there and he should be. She brushes it off for a while, but it simmers in the back of her mind. When Ricky talks to her about it, she already knows what she wants - to date both of them. Later, she and Sofia start going on coffee dates as a friendship thing. Once Pete moves in, Sofie just starts coming home with her to see Pete and ends up hanging out with them and Ricky for ages. With all 4 of them on their secondhand ikea couch, Esther feels so happy. Soon the coffee dates turn romantic with Pete and Ricky's enthusiastic consent. Pete and Sofie aren't dating at this point. Esther is the first person in the polycule to start dating Sofia so she gets to enjoy watching both her boys fall in love with Sof too.
Obviously Sofie thinks Ricky's hot. Once she sees how he's pining after Esther, she pushes that to the back of her mind and enthusiastically ships them. After all, she's still getting over Dale, right? Once the dust settles, she's got Dale back, thanks to Ricky. Maybe. Not really, but it's better than him not being there at all, right? At least he still loves her, and never cheated. And Ricky giving him his axe - Sof doesn't think she'll ever forget it.
From the moment she met her, she thought Esther was hot, but kept it quiet. Knowing a friend is hot, and being attracted to them are very different, and Sof is not attracted to Esther. But with the monastery, she starts spending more time with Esther. And realises, oh shit I am attracted to Esther. Their coffee dates are harder to sit through, when she knows Esther is going home to see her boys, and not come home with her. But Esther keeps inviting her over - it's way easier for Sof to come to her apartment after coffee, than for Esther to go to Statten. And Sofie can't say no, she wants to be there more than anything. One night, Esther threw her a surprise party to celebrate Sofie being sober for however long (not sure on timelines) and Sofie can't help but pull Esther aside and confess. She's been seeing Dale regularly, but he's been encouraging her to see how things go with Esther. And to her surprise, Esther immediately agrees. Ricky and Pete love Sof, of course they're okay with Esther dating her. And from there things fall into place. Regular dates with each of them, plus they'll all do stuff together. Sofie even gives them a tour of Statten, and joins Ricky and Pete's workouts sometimes. Dates with Dale are less frequent. Even with Ricky's axe, he can't get out often. He misses her dearly, but is so so glad she's happy and not mourning over him. And when they can meet up, it makes both their weeks. Sofie still loves him and misses him, and wishes he could be here more. But it makes getting to kiss him again even more special.
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jellypractices · 2 years
QZGS Rec Bingo
I did a blackout bingo for the qzgs october-ish fanwork rec event!
More info on the event here: https://shadaras.dreamwidth.org/181475.html
Full list of recs below!
From before 2020
Title: The Dos and Don'ts
Author: Summer Snow
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14748434 
Jelly’s notes: YeLan alt format fic!! Team happy writes up a guide for yx to flirt with blue river, accidentally sending him the draft version where you can see all the edits on the google doc XD. Summer’s fic is so fun and funny, and the workskin is very cool, though it works better on desktop than on mobile.
Stabbed you with a knife
Title: Even gods can fall
Author: eringeosphere
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16039565 
Jelly’s notes: Magic AU, MCD. erin’s fic is one I’ll never be able to forget because it just makes my heart ache. yx is killed by the people he loves most.
Favorite Tropes
Title: Foundations
Author: BlueberryAsh
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28358907 
Jelly’s notes: which favorite trope does this cover? Soulmates, unconventional soulmates, platonic relationships, angst and feelings… I love everything about this fic so much.
Longer than 10k
Title: Means of Transportation
Author: lynne_monstr
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32626198/chapters/80932876 
Jelly’s notes: Lynne’s de-aged ywz fic! I uh actually haven’t finished reading this yet bc I didn’t want to be too influenced when I was writing my own time-travel fic, but I’m looking forward to reading til the end! The plot, the feelings, the character interactions, and the attention to detail is #writinggoals. I just love Lynne’s writing a lot.
Missing Scene
Title: but man am i bad at math
Author: syncogon
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27480358
Jelly’s notes: qyf’s rookie challenge from the other side. All of synco’s alternate perspectives are really great and thoughtful, but I like this one especially. Wyc and lx’s reactions at the end made me laugh.
Rare Ship
Title: think of me and burn (and let me hold your hand)
Author: Synoshian
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22763488
Jelly’s notes: NSFW, yuhuangye poly relationship with gray-ace yx! I haven’t read a lot of nsfw tka fics lately, but this one was memorable because of Lies’s portrayal of gray-asexuality. Sometimes yx is into it and sometimes he’s not and that’s okay. I really love the way yuhuangye interact with each other and respect boundaries. This fic is both sexy and soft.
Title: that delivery bro who comes and goes in the wind and snow ( 那个风里来雪里去的外卖小哥 )
Author: 缩水仙人球, translated by Dayadhvam
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36500344
Jelly’s notes: wonderfully crack-y allye, a lot of fun. Yx gains the skill of teleportation and becomes… a fast food delivery worker XD. ty dtriad for the translation <3. Plus, love lauchis’s contribution of yx’s sizzling whopper
Prequel Era
Title: paved with good intentions
Author: PotterheadAvengerDemigod & theAbandoned_Grimoire
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40674066
Jelly’s notes: superpower au, tx-centric precanon, a hint of angst. I really liked the characterization of tx in this, and I’m super curious about how tx’s power works. Maybe the writers will go into it futher in another fic since this seems to be part of a series in the same au.
Female focused
Title: Pretty Magical Girl Gao Yingjie
Author: GeniusCactus
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40506660/chapters/101481006
Jelly’s notes: GK’s bbfic ft art from wack!! Trans girl gyj finds confidence and solidarity as part of a team of magical girls! First chapter hit me in the feels– gyj’s feelings of being scared and alone are too real. But seeing gyj find herself just fills me with so much joy. I have so many hopes and dreams for her. Also the image of wjx with earrings is something I didn’t know I needed.
Made you laugh
Title: how the tables have turned
Author: alkat
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25266829/chapters/61254943
Jelly’s notes: social media & crack! kat has such good one-liners, and this one has so many of them! I really love kat’s brand of crackfic
Title: storm chaser
Author: swanfrost
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20099092
Jelly’s notes: hanye gods au. the way swan writes conflict is so delicious and distinctive. There’s an economy of words that adds to the tension. I really love swan’s writing, definitely #writinggoals.
A work you love
Title: We don't need lights as your smile is as bright as the stars
Author: Missing_Ninja_History
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35874712
Jelly’s notes: the wangye dance au that gma wrote me for ss. I have no words for how much I love this. The tension, the way they love dance so much, the way wjx thinks and feels about yx… it just makes me smile. This fic deserves so much more love.
Shorter than 1k
Title: Workplace reviews
Author: the_real_lord_grim
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30041430
Jelly’s notes: grim's alt format in the style of reviews, which is really cool!! Samsara’s made me laugh, EE’s made me sad. It’s a fun and creative fic
Title: ‘til midnight comes
Author: Shadaras
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29921295
Jelly’s notes: shade’s wangye <3 i love how soft and full of feels this fic is. The parallels between yx and wjx really come through, and i love how they can just support each other.
Title: A magician does not know regret
Author: weilongfu
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21732871
Jelly’s notes: I’ve saved this one since long ago because I liked it so much, a perspective from wjx about qyf’s growth.
Glory focused
Title: Strategem
Author: DancingBloomTKA
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31039853/chapters/76677230
Jelly’s notes: anyone who is interested in writing battles should study tib's fic. It is not only technically superb but there’s great storytelling too!
A comfort work
Title: A Glorious Butt
Author: Anonymous
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15691755
Jelly’s notes: hehe. Allye crack
Title: Light From Dust (来自尘埃的光)
Author: MTKiseki
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24616501/chapters/59469184
Jelly’s notes: Kise’s hp crossover! hp is chosen as the tka characters’ representative in the triwizard tournament. Unfinished and idk when kise will get back to updating, but she has some really cool and thoughtful worldbuilding ideas about the clash of eastern vs western and how that plays out in the wizarding world.
Title: One Last Dance
Author: skysongxd
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22862440
Jelly’s notes: no I will NOT shut up about Sora’s ballroom dancer smc. Sora’s art is chef’s kiss, smc is gorgeous, and the dress design is asldkfjsdk; This art is so wonderful that I wrote a little oneshot based on it (https://archiveofourown.org/works/28231686). I would love to see more fic based on Sora’s wonderful art!!!
Minor character focused
Title: pocketful of pebbles (swallow, sink to the bottom, swim)
Author: madmaenad
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32952565/chapters/81783973
Jelly’s notes: one of mae’s staff fics. mae is so good at making you feel for minor characters. I loved this one about wind howl’s healer.
Alternate media
Title: a cosplay show video where the title is clearly mtl’d
Author: Tencent Video
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcSKARsFWks&list=PL8u-QnV8v_57L7HX62o6L0uORwkLm-tSs&index=15
Jelly’s notes: uhhh I’m not good enough at Chinese to be able to tell what show this from, but it’s a clip from a cosplay performance game show I think. The cosplayers put on such a great production with singing! and dancing!! Also the one-liner: “yx, do you have to sing everytime we battle?”
Canon divergence
Title: any way the wind blows
Author: anaiata
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33111721
Jelly’s notes: a yx goes to br set-up! I really love the friendship between hst and yx. You can tell they really care about each other!
Got you into a ship
Title: (I’m Not Throwing Away) My Shot
Author: ryukoishida
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15192653
Jelly’s notes: WangYe!!! An early wangye fic that helped solidify wangye as my favorite ship. I also love the worldbuilding!
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tessaaaaa · 3 years
Honestly, I am not just angry because Gramblack didn’t happen. It‘s more how they did it and why. This show is just too good to write a storyline like this and that makes me angrier than anything else. Not me is almost flawless and then they do this half-assed love triangle that doesn’t make sense all while purposefully misleading us? It‘s like they wanted a red herring so badly and then gave the plotline to the intern who never read the books telling them to come up with something. The way they ruined so many things with this one scene is honestly baffling to me.
1. Gramblack - the potential they had. self-explanatory. I never read the book so I can’t say too much about them. Moving on.
2. Grams character- Not just this scene obviously but he became a fuck boy who can’t accept a no. He made a move on Eugene based on feelings he seemed to have for her for a long time AFTER HER BOYFRIEND WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE HIS BEST FRIEND BROKE UP WITH HER. And after that, he did not accept her no multiple times. And I don’t have to talk about how they removed him from the narrative and made him barely interact with the others. The way he didn't want Black to kiss Eugene even though he had zero claim on her and had no right to demand anything from Black or Gram? I fucking hated it. I miss the old Gram. It was worse than his old personality seemed to shine through again later in the episode but that doesn’t matter anymore after the shit he pulled with Eugene.
3. Eugene - My love. I am so sorry they took your agency and made you give in to a guy even tho you already told him no multiple times. What kind of message even if this? I thought the show was better than this tbh. Also, why can’t she have a storyline outside of men? The whole scene was just her being confused and being in the middle of something she very clearly doesn’t want to be in. She deserves so much better. They should have given her a girlfriend
4. Gramblacks friendship - Does Gram even care about him at all? Where is the Gram who constantly touched White, who was always with Black, the Gram who told White freedom is the oxygen of the soul, the one who truly seemed to care? I feel like Episode 1 to 6 Gram would have burned the world down to go and find Black after he realizes he’s about to go on a suicide mission. Where is the Black that taught Gram how to ride a motorbike? The Black that allowed Gram to touch him while almost no one else is allowed to? All of these hints to their friendship and then Black comes back and they fight over a girl ?? Such wasted potential.
I also don’t understand why people are surprised that we are angry about a ship that was never promised to us. They mislead us on purpose. The Gram/Black/G/B statue thing was there to confuse us on purpose. They knew we would expect Gramblack to be a thing. As if we aren’t all used to hope until the very end, especially in times where every screenwriter tries to one-up the viewers and to come up with the most shocking plot twists. Gramblack was one of the most prominent ships in the book. Of course, we would expect it to happen instead of whatever this shit show is. They are not even giving us a poly couple. At least I don’t think so. Gram and Eugene could have worked maybe but for fucks sake, not like this.
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imthepunchlord · 2 years
Different nonnie, but I totally wouldn’t mind a poly ship of Happiness x Marinette x Self-Confidence if you decide on it, especially in a fic where two big forces in her life are actively trying to keep her down, consistently for years with Chloe in the form of bullying and now a False Friend in First Friend’s clothing trying to groom her into her own Sabrina. With canon at the point that it is as well, I really just don’t have any problems with fics that have Marinette not ending up in any romantic relationship AT ALL, even with authors like yourself who’ve shown that they know how to do it right in previous work. You’re right in that Felix comes in way later and it may be contrived by the point in the story to include him at all, but if you do decide to include him I’m throwing my hat in for canon!Felix, relation and genetic twinning to Adrien included, because it would be really interesting to see how he would bounce off of DaB!Marinette with her not giving a hoot about his cousin’s—and therefore HIS—looks or status and actually personally disliking their whole monochrome, same-clothes-different-pattern fashion deal. Plus, though this might be me projecting and please feel free to correct me if I am, I get real aesthete and/or demi Marinette vibes from how Marinette describes Adrien’s appearance, so it would be interesting to see what Felix thinks of a girl who, on both beats, just isn’t super interested in him given what he’s probably used to. Plus, with the story not really focusing on Adrien outside of his interactions with Lila, Marinette, and maybe Nino, it would interesting seeing Felix figure out the whole Evil Butterfly deal going on with Gabriel and helping out given how hyper competent he is (or only how hyper competent the writers want you to think he is in his later episodes unfortunately) in-show.
Oh that'll be the first and for most for Marinette. It is going to be an angsty start for her, but it will get better for her.
And man I get that, especially with what I know of canon at this point and where she's at emotionally. She needs therapy far more than she needs a romantic partner. And you know, not all writings, fics, books, and even shows, need romance. I still stand that the best romances in a series that's an adventure story are the ones that are hinted at, but aren't the focus. And at this point in ML, I would rather that love and support of friends and family than her ONLY getting love and support from of her love interest. Especially with how they have been handling it >_>
On Felix preferences, noted. Luckily, this being fanfic, it can be easily arranged for him to come to Paris earlier; though I will put off him learning of the Agreste plot as I will need HM for a while as characters grow and relationships change and akumas can play a part in that. It's still the main reason I haven't had Felix figure it out yet in Copycat cause once he does, that fic should be close to coming to a close.
And to answer what you picked up on, yes, Marinette is on the ace spectrum for DaB (and for most of my fics), which is more me projecting cause I am ace myself. Felix is another I've always headcanoned to be more on the ace spectrum too. So if/when he shows up, expect him to also be ace coded.
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amielxxxangel · 2 years
Can you do a cute poly one of robin reader and vance? Basically where they go to the skate rink or are riding there bikes then reader falls and they help fix them up? (Idl if that made sense :,))
Ok so this is kind of funny because it was an accident that they sent this to me but I liked the idea enough that I’m writing a story with their oc kas and her boyfriends robin and vance. Thank you @kas-the-crime-obsessed-bat for letting me do this lol😂 also it’s my first time actually writing I’m sorry if it’s not that great. Also I might do more with either requests or my own stories wit black phone ships and maybe even with my own oc but who knows. Anyways onto the story!!!
Roller skate dates
Robin x Vance x oc (Kas)
Tumblr media
Kas Vace and Robin decide to go to the nearest roller skating rink but things don’t go to well for Kas luckily for her she has her boyfriends there to take care of her
As much as Kas and Vance loved their boyfriend Robin they were completely regretting agreeing with his idea of a date at the nearest roller rink in their town. It was mainly due to the fact that it was only robin that properly knew how to skate while Kas and Vance didn’t, that and the fact that there were too many people in the rink. It was just a waiting game on when either Vance and Kas hurt themselves or someone else in there.
They were both outside the rink staring at Robin roller skating around and passing other skaters, both were so in love with the boy wearing the bandana they didn’t notice him stop by in front of them “so when are you guys stop looking at me all love struck and actually skate with me?” He asked as he got near the blonde and brunette breaking them from their thoughts “shut the fuck up, and I’ll get in when most of these fuckers leave the rink” Vance replied with a huff causing Robin and Kas to let out a small laugh.
“I doubt that’s gonna happen any time soon” Kas said as she continued to look at the rink filled with other skaters. “We might as well have fun” she continued finally going inside the rink grabbing Robin by his hand “c’mon vance” Kas gestured towards vance.
“Fuck that I’ll just stay here” he replied back resting his arms on his chest glaring at the other skaters “alright then” both Kas and Robin reply back at Vance rolling their eyes.
Even if Kas hated having to be surrounded by other people and constantly tripping and almost falling seeing the sight of Robin laughing at her almost tripping and him holding her hand guiding her, it made her felt warm inside, but she’ll definitely never admit to it.
Kas was so preoccupied with staring at robin and trying her hardest not to blush that she forgot that she can’t properly skate, until it reminded her. It reminded her by making her trip on herself and fall face first on the ground hitting the floor with a loud thud.
“Shit are you ok mi Amor?” she heard Robin ask, it was really faint, she didn’t even notice Vance trying his best to make his way to both of them due to everything being blurry “fuck are you alright?” Vance asked as he was finally able to get near you two.
Vance and Robin helped Kas get up to her feet and dusting her off, “are you ok Kas?” Vance asked her again “y-yeah I think I am” she replied her vision going back to normal that’s when she saw a few people had stopped skating and were staring at them.
Kas was already fighting back tears from the pain but seeing the reaction from others made her internally embarrassed and somewhat freak out “What are you guys looking at!” She screamed at the on lookers who immediately went back to their own business skating “let’s just go” she continued grabbing both Vance and Robin out the rink with her head hanged down.
They were sitting at one of the tables with Robin and Vance making sure if Kas had any cuts, which they did find a few small searches on her elbow which were slightly bleeding “I’ll go get some Band aids from the counter” Robin told the duo who were sitting down the table and left.
“You alright” Vance asked with a hint of worry in his voice “yeah… I am” Kas distantly replied looking at the blue table that they were occupying “are you sure you looked like you were gonna cry there” Vance continued which made Kas irritated “I said I’m fine!” She said raising her voice towards Vance, and immediately regretted her reaction, “I’m sorry…..it’s just it was so embarrassing for that to happen and the others just staring at us made me panic” Kas told Vance as she rested her head on Vance’s arms.
“It’s fine I kinda understand” Vance tried reassuring her the best he can, Kas found it sweet that her boyfriend who completely sucked at things like this was trying his best to comfort her. They stayed there silent only listening to the music playing from the speakers and holding hands until Robin came back with a few bandages in his hands.
“Here let’s patch you up hermosa” Robin said as he went to work on Kas scratched arm, she didn’t know how she ended up gaining these scratches but she didn’t mind because now her boyfriends were there to comfort her maybe falling on the ground and eating shitwasn’t so bad after all.
“Ok done!” Robin happily expressed as he proudly looked as his care for his girlfriend which continued with a quick kiss to the lips from the boy in the bandana “Bitch that’s not fair” Vance retaliated leaning in to kiss Kas as well leaving her flustered “awww none from me” Robin sarcastically cried out giving vance a pout “ugh fine c’mere” Vance’s huffed as he leaned up to Robin to give him a quick kiss as well.
“So you guys just wanna leave and go to my house to watch movies and just cuddle?” Robin asked “yeah that sound better than this whole thing” vance replied back “I’d rather would have done that in the first place” Kas continued with a harmless eye roll.
“Alright then let’s go” robin declared grabbing both Vance and Kas up from their chairs and back to robins house to watch some random move that was one. It might’ve not been the best for Kas but she was just happy she could spend her time with her Boyfriends.
Welp hope you guys enjoyed this story because I sure did love writing it! And again I might start writing more and take requests
“Don’t fall and eat shit y’all “
Till next time💙🤍💛💙🤍💛
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x-reader-theater · 3 years
Hi! Could I maybe request something where the reader is nonbinary (but masc presenting) and keeps getting misgendered when working on a case but is too nervous/anxious to correct people so the team sticks up for them and corrects people? Just something kind of affirming and validating idk,, yeah,, thanks! Just like a platonic thing with the team, but if you want Reader could be Spencers or Hotchs S/O
There's some hints of reader/Hotch/Reid, but nothing is spelled out. Though I love a good poly ship tbh. Edited by @mystic-writes I love and appreciate you so much. Happy one year of knowing each other 💛
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Gif by @tobias-hankel
"Um, sir? Could you help me, sir?" someone says behind you. You don't move, figuring she's talking to one of the LEOs or another one of your teammates. "Uh, sir, I'm talking to you." You frown, looking around to see who she could be talking to, but there's no one there. You go back to your paperwork when someone taps you on the shoulder. You turn around and see a short woman with blonde hair piled high onto her head in a messy bun. She's wearing a fake velvet track suit all in one, grotesque, pink colour, and you're pretty sure if you looked around her, the word "JUICY'' would be emblazoned on her ass in rhinestones.
"I'm sorry ma'am, can I help you?" you ask, repressing a flinch.
She puts her hands on her hips as she says, "Yes, actually, you can. You see, young man-" This time you do flinch. "-I have been calling the police every day, asking about my son's lost dog, and no one has been giving me a straight answer!"
"Uh, ma'am, I'm with the FBI. I think you should talk to the police? They're over there," you say, gesturing to a side room where most of the LEOs are gathered.
"The FBI? What's the FBI doing in our little town? Is there a serial killer? I haven't heard anything about this!" she exclaims and you shake your head.
"No, ma'am. I'm sorry, but I can't talk about anything. You should go and find-"
"I demand to know what's going on, young man!"
You flinch again, your face going from pleasant to pained in a second. Someone comes up behind you, placing a hand on your shoulder. Looking at it, you can see it's Rossi's hand.
He squeezes your shoulder and says, "Everything alright, miss?"
"No!" she exclaims, making you flinch back into Rossi. His grip on your shoulder tightens. "HE-" she makes it a point to gesture to you. You flinch again. "-was just telling me that FBI agents are in town, and that's why I can't find my son's missing dog!"
"Ma'am, why don't you come with me, and we can discuss it, okay?" Rossi asks, pointing to an empty side room.
"Thank you! You see? This is how a man should treat a lady…" she grumbles before walking away.
You sigh and Rossi squeezes your shoulder again. "You okay?"
You nod. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine." Rossi nods and goes to move away, but you stop him, saying, "You're going to deal with this lady's dog problem?"
"There was a disemboweled corgi at the latest scene," Rossi explains. "As a message to us."
You nod and he goes to deal with the crazy woman.
"Uh, Mister [L/N]-"
You flinch as you interrupt, "Agent. [L/N]."
"As far as I'm concerned, it's polite to call you mister in situations like this," the older man says, and you have to force yourself to stay in the uncomfortable metal chair.
The door to the interrogation room opens and two people walk in. Morgan and Prentiss. They pull up chairs and sit down next to you, putting boxes on the tables.
"Hello, I am Agent Morgan and this is Agent Prentiss. Agent [L/N] here wanted us to show you what we have on you," Morgan says, pointing to the boxes.
"All-all this is about me?" the man asks, shifting in his seat.
Prentiss nods. "Yup. Everything we know about you. Well, almost everything. We still have a couple more boxes out there, but I figured it'd be too overwhelming, you know," she explains. "So, are you ready to talk to Agent [L/N] here?"
The man just nods slowly and you smile at Prentiss and Morgan.
You sigh as you sit down on a particularly uncomfortable dark blue couch in a side room in the precinct. You run your hands over your temples and groan at the headache that won't go away.
"You okay?"
Your head shoots up and you see both Spencer and Hotch standing in front of you, looking concerned. You were so distracted you didn't even realize they were there. You put a hand to your chest and say, "Jesus, you scared me!"
"Sorry," Hotch says, and Spencer walks over.
He sits down next to you, not touching you, his hands in his lap, and he asks, "Are you okay?"
You sigh but nod. "Yeah. Just a headache."
"Any reason why?" Hotch asks, pulling up a chair so it's in front of you.
You shrug. "Just, people."
"We heard from Rossi, Morgan, and Prentiss that people weren't respecting your pronouns," Spencer says.
You sigh and nod, but don't say anything. You watch Hotch’s hand land on your knee and he squeezes it as he asks, "I can talk to them if you want?"
You shake your head and smile at him. "No. No. It's fine. I'll get over it. I just need some time."
Hotch nods and takes his hand back, and Spencer places his own hand on your shoulder.
You smile at the two of them as they sit with you, helping you calm down and get your head back into the case.
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unactive-shroom · 3 years
Howdy! Nice to see you Blu and to know someone else has a hyper fixation on Shera as well! Could I request a one-shot maybe? *Pokes fingers together* I was thinking one where Adora/Catra are very good friends with a fem s/o to the point where the s/o catches feelings for them hard(I ask for a ploy because it's hard for me to separate those two.) So one day the s/o blurts out that she loves them and wants to take them both on a date. <.<...if they accept that would also be great. Thank you!!!!
≡;- ꒰ ° Catradora x fem!reader ꒱
Character(s): Catra, Adora
Fandom: She-ra
Warnings: not proofread!
A/n: thanks for requesting!! Sorry this took awhile, I wasn't sure if I was able to write poly ships but I think this turned out alright! Please let me know if anything should be changed!
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"Oh my God- what am I doing?" You sighed as you paced the length of the room before plopping down on the couch. Yesterday, you had asked Catra and Adora to meet you here to tell them how you feel about them both. You had know them for ages, the three of you were so close- and that is exactly why you were so nervous. What if they say no? What if I ruin our friendship? What if-
"Hey, y/n" Catra said, opening the door, followed by Adora. "Um, hey guys" you said in response, standing up from the couch.
"So, uh what's up? Did something happen?" Adora asked, the slightest hint of concern on her face.
"No, no, nothing happened...it's just-" you took a deep breath before saying very quickly "I really, really like you both, like in a more than friend way and I don't want to ruin our friendship or anything but I needed to tell you and-"
"Woah y/n, slow down" Catra said, sitting down where you sat a few moments ago. "You aren't ruining our friendship. Honestly, I feel the same way- about both of you- I was too much of a coward to say anything though..."
The room was silent for a few moments , until Adora cleared her throat.
"Well, are we going on a date? There's a really nice café not far from here." She said, looking between you and Catra. "Or maybe we could go to the park?"
"Yeah! Yeah that sounds great! Catra, what do you think?" You smiled, turning to Catra, who hummed in response, before jumping up from the couch. All three of you headed towards the café, much happier than before.
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icarianiscariot · 2 years
Relationship Bingo (bnha): kirishima/bakugo, midoriya/ochako, all might/inko, eraserhead/present mic, tamaki & mirio & nejire (as ot3 or as best buds, up to you)
oooooo okay this is a v good mix, ty!! as with the genshin ships, this'll mostly be under the cut c:
(disclaimer also that i am not caught up, last i watched was the first few eps of s5 and i haven't read the manga, so)
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one of my absolute favorite pairings in this show (tied w shigadabi for fav, i'd say?), i can't believe the lack of DILF status prevented me from getting a bingo for them *sob* (i probs could've clark and malfihna'd them tho lmao let's be honest)
they're besties they're competitive they respect each other as equals idk i just also love a good solid besties to lovers story, PLUS with all the random hints toward them (the matching suits, the spending romantic holidays together, bakugou's fav thing being mountain climbing........)
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ochako just deserves to like. grow on her own idk??? like they def had a bunch of potential, and i loved how inspired she always was by izuku, but then that kinda just deflated into an obsessive crush and i hated that for her :( this ship is at its best when they're mutually inspiring each other and working together as equals!
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i filled this out with the premise of "either all might is izuku's dad, or inko and all might had a past fling at least, or they're trying to keep their relationship a secret from izuku," which are all both hilarious comedic potential and very ~complicated~ LMAO. inko, maybe don't go for ur son's role model / teacher??? i do love this ship a lot lmao
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....eh, i guess? i know they have the childhood friends thing and the "grumpy x sunshine" and the "introvert x extrovert" and a bunch of my other favorite tropes, but i've always been p neutral towards this ship? it's one of those pairings that's just soooo popular that it's in every single fic and implied by everyone and i'm just like. ehhhh. ehhhhhhh. (like, do any shinkami fics exist without background erasermic? lol)
no shade to the ship itself or ppl who do ship it and love it!! v understandable!!! just not my particular flavor of choice
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i usually lean towards tama/miri but the trio friendship is so good!! and poly ships are always fun to play with :D i don't see very much nejirou content though so i haven't bonded to her as much i guess :0
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pikahlua · 3 years
really curious about your thoughts on the mha ships & if you have any 👀
I think character interaction is the spice of life. :P
I've alluded to this before, but I have every respect for shipping. I understand the appeal. The degree to which I ship is... Well, I don’t relate to a lot of what I’d call “shipping culture.” I find enjoyment in relationship dynamics of all sorts between any combination of characters. If I see a cute fanart, I like it. If I read a good fanfic, I enjoy it. I don’t have strong opinions about who “should” or “should not” be shipped together. I think there are appealing relationship dynamics to be found in just about any scenario.
I guess that makes me a multi-shipper? Or...something? Poly is allowed. That’s my general philosophy lol.
And I am not limited in that enjoyment to just...“romantic” relationship dynamics. There’s a reason I worded my blog’s summary the way I did:
”all characters have better chemistry (platonic/romantic/antagonistic/any other context) with Bakugou than they do with literally any other character change my mind”
And that might be a hint for you there.
Anyways, in recent times, BakuDeku has been the most engaging relationship dynamic for me by nature of it just...being so central to the canon as of late. At various points in time, I’ve also enjoyed some TodoBaku, IzuOcha, TodoDeku, KiriBaku, Kacchako, TodoIida, IidaDeku, IidaBaku, BakuKami, KiriMina, KamiJirou, MomoJirou, TodoMomo, InaTodo, AoDeku, KamiOcha, SeroOcha, KiriDeku, KiriTodo, BakuJirou, TodoOcha, IidaMomo, TsuyuOcha, MinaOcha, BakuMomo, ShinKami, ShinBaku...okay I think you see that the list is getting really long and I’ve barely even started including characters outside of class 1-A or even villains, so...
And that’s all to say nothing about threesomes and triangles.
If you ever see a fanfic from me, it’s most likely gonna be in a more platonic or dramatic realm? Idk, I just can’t...fluff or romance very well. I’ve done mostly whump gen in the past, but with MHA I’m trying to delve into BakuDeku. We’ll see if that ever makes it off the cutting board.
I’m not sure what kind of answer you’re looking for out of me. ^^; If you have a specific question or a specific ship you’d like me to talk about, maybe I can help you there? I don’t quite know how to tie it all in to my blog’s aesthetic in general, but I can give it my best shot.
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BL Wishes
My List of things and Plots that I Would Like to See In BL
FIRST: Rapid Fire Specific Drama Edition:
Big Dragon S2: I need it, I need it now and I need at least one kinky scene with MossBank because I have not forgotten about the lack of kinky sex in s1. I know it's going to focus on a new couple but I need at least one sexy kinky time with them please and thank you.
I need Minato Coin Laundry s2 not to break them up, or have stupid cheating plots. (The bar is in hell)
I need both Domundi (The Next Prince, Naughty Babe, Love Upon a Time, Middleman) and Taiwan (I forgot the names of announced shows but it's in my blog somewhere) Line Ups to come to me and I need it now. Especially Taiwan.
I need Make A Wish to be more available, I could only find it with Italian Subs, I didn't watch it yet, but the ending seems to be hinting at a season 2 and at the possiblity of a poly ending (or at least a love triangle) so I need other people to be able to watch it as well.
The HIstory franchise needs to get its shit together and start producing more and better shows. Like for all of it's fault I did like History 4 and History 5 was fine. But I need more, I need them to do 2 shows again, I don't want them to "fine" I want them to go all out. Go Crazy. Just don't kill gays again.
Now More Generic BL Wishes:
VAMPIRES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just give me vampires, maybe even some werewolves. I need it, I know that we have Mafia BLs but I want Vampire BL god damn it!!!! The main four actors of Cutie Pie would be great a Vampire-Werewolf BL. And I know Fluke Natouch would be great as a Vampire as well (he was in 2015 movie playing a human to vampire co-lead). I also think Earth Cooheart would be great as a Vampire. And MossBank, they would be great in a werewolves pair.
Speaking of Fluke Natouch and Earth Cooheart I need both of them to get more adult and darker roles. I need Cooheart to be allowed to be a little sexy, and I know Fluke would do a darker powerful role justice, I want him to be in a role where he bringes "bigger" man to their knees. I want to see him covered in blood (I say this with love)
POLYCULE with the main four actors of Cutie Pie. This is entairly @respectthepetty's fault. I saw the MaxZee posts on her blog and and It send me down a rabbit hole. By the way did you know there are no true polycule fanfic of the four of them, there is something, but not true polycule and never with Lian and Yi as a pair. Truly no one knows these characters they way @respectthepetty knows them.
Also @respectthepetty's fault for putting this in my head: Domundi Line Up Mash Up. Bad Friend and Middleman Ship meet Cutie Pie and Naughty Babe's ships. In one big BL. The idea is now in my head and it's glorious. Let's Do It!!
Choco Milk Shake Thair Remake but Poly this time. Not sure what trio could do this, but I need it.
LET GUN KISS SOMEONE WHO IS NOT OFF. Listen I realize that OffGun are probably GMMTV best pair branding, and I know that both Off and Gun are going to bank on this pair and be settled for life. I don't even need Gun to be in an endgame ship with another actor, I just need him to kiss another male actor. Not Me would have been the best scenario because of the twins situation. But they didn't go there, and I will never forgive them for that.
Related to Number 5, I had this idea for a plot with an OffGun endgame ship, that started with Gun's character being in a relationship with Sing (because I am still mad about ToddBlack - Listen they have baited us twice with GunSing kiss I need this now) who cheats on him and Gun has to move out and finds an appartmant with Off's character and maybe another roomate played by Tay because I love the Tay/Off dynamic. We would get scenes with Gun and Sing together, showings us flashbacks and stuff but also an OffGun endgame. WIN WIN!!
I need more shows with parents that are in the murky gray area between full acceptance and abusive, I need them not to change their mind at the end and I need a realistic exploration of what it means for a queer person to have parents in that gray area, I want them to question if it's worth it to have to be one that is keeping that realtionship alive. I am also loving the trend of dramas dealing with homophobia and I need to see more of it. I don't want it in all my BLs far from it, but I do like when BL goes there.
More disable characters in BL, preferably by disable actor's but this is a streach so, I just need more disability in BL.
And more actually fat characters, not like Jao in SCOY (which I Love, but calling him fat, felt like a bit of a strech)
And Obviously more GLs and more masc women in GL
I think that's it. Those are the major ones. Feel free to share your thoughts on your own wishes or if you agree or disagree with any of my ideas.
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lacheri · 3 years
ship your moots!
GLADLY I WILL! 💕 (this is just a list of mootz off the top of my head! if I didn’t include you it’s not personal I promise 🥰 I just have a squirrel brain) ((I might do some matchups in the future this was a lot of fun to write!! and I know I missed a bunch of moots ): maybe next milestone I’ll do it ahhh))
@onwiings — I honestly cannot decide between Eren or Levi, so, I ship Len in a poly relationship with the both of them. the depth of Len’s soul is vast and never ending and such a perfect match for Levi, but her Aries childlike curiosity and humor is so Eren it’d be a crime to ignore their chemistry. Levi is so well equipped to take on the brat taming, (as is Len OOOOOH) and Eren is the biggest brat of them all.
I’m visualizing the three of them walking down a farmer’s market placed in the street in their favorite city to visit on vacation. Levi with his usual sour stoic expression acting like he’s not beaming with happiness while Eren and Len can’t stop giggling at pointing at stalls they want to visit. Len is immediately drawn into some stand selling homemade soaps, and Eren is utterly confused by the names. “What the fuck does watermelon lavender even smell like? THIS MAKES NO SENSE!” and Levi is like, “You’re an idiot. If she wants to buy it, let her.” “BUT IT MAKES NO SENSE—“ “LEN WILL BUY IT IF SHE PLEASES.” and Len is like 🧍🏻‍♀️ I just wanted to smell wtf
@ryukatters — I know you want me to pick Eren. you don’t even know I’m writing this and I can feel you screaming at me to pick Eren.
I already wrote this, but Eren playing guitar by a bonfire on a beach with Kat. just the two of them as they goof around, utterly and completely in love with each other. Aries and Aries energy is so silly, so pure. (the fights I won’t get into but they’re stubborn af but just refer to feral on this one) just complete GOOFBALLS! Eren also buys matching hand cuff bracelets that say “partners in crime” because you’re really his best friend. he just loves you with his whole heart. BEST FRIENDS TO LOVERS TROPE!!!
Eren is so sweet, but he’s especially sweet for you. he truly, utterly, and completely adores you. you’re his favorite girl, the only one in the world he sees. and he cannot wait to see you in that pretty white dress walking down the aisle one day. (he’s had the ring picked out from the second he met you)
@mochi-vulpine — my dear sweet Mochi. sweet, lovable, silly Mochi. evil laughter.
ONLY. and I mean ONLY, am I not shipping you with Erwin because I want to see you torture Levi. I want front row tickets to see you sabotage his tea stash, that toilet paper prank you told me about, EVERYTHING. enemies to lovers. I think you’d bring out the fun side of Levi, a playful innocence he was neglected of in his childhood. you’d make life fun, no matter how inconvenient your pranks would be. and he’ll never admit it, but he genuinely looks forward to see what you do next. if you skip a day, do absolutely no hi-jinx’s or shenanigans, Levi is so concerned and even disappointed. he’s checking everywhere — surely he had missed whatever you’d planned for him? when he discovers nothing, he’s high tailing it to come and find you. you’re just hanging out, in bed maybe drawing something.
“What’s wrong with you?” you’re so confused, “What are you talking about? I’m literally fine?” “Don’t lie to me.” “LEVI I’M LITERALLY JUST LAYING HERE WHAT’S YOUR DEAL?” and he gets all flustered, and he BLUSHES. “Nothing. Go back to what you were doing.”
“You missed me, didn’t you?” “Shut up.” “I hid your paperwork, you have 24 hours to find it, or else all the nails in your desk disappear.” “GOD FUCKING DAMMIT—“
@astridthevalkyrie — ngl, I’m really struggling to pick someone. just because you could fit so well with so many of the aot people. but, I just remembered you begging for a certain anon, and a few ideas popped into mind. so, I’m shipping you with Petra.
Astrid just genuinely cannot believe someone like Petra exists, you immediately fall in love with her courage, her innate glow of confidence. and the more you get to know her, you fall in love with her sweetness, she’s so nurturing and caring. her smile brightens her entire face, and you swoon. and she’s in the exact same state of mind.
because you are so SMART, so intelligent and have so many interests and hobbies. Petra will keep a list of them all, even if they don’t fancy her interest. she’ll ask questions, implore you to explain why exactly you love that color you do, why that’s your favorite animal. Petra will curl up in the couch with you, snuggle deep into the blankets, and watch whatever you have on the TV. even if it’s the 4th season of whatever, even if she’s never seen a single episode. she’ll gently poke your side, give you a confused look, and smile so big when you start explaining the backstory.
and while I think Petra is incredibly sweet and gentle, if someone ever dared to insinuate even a hint of disrespect towards you, they’d be laid out on the floor before they could even think about finishing their sentence.
@bagsyy — like there’s any other answer but Jean. perfect boyfriend Jean. he loves Cass, so much it scares him sometimes. he feels so safe, so secure with you. Cass is his HOME. the only person in the world he trusts enough to completely open up to, share his darkest thoughts and deepest feelings.
manifesting you and Jean laying side by side in bed together, connected by your intertwined hands as you just talk. as soon as he closes his mouth, you crack a joke to lighten to mood, and he just laughs. laughs harder than he ever has before, because you get him. you understand him, you see him. he never ever doubts your loyalty, your intentions. and you never doubt his.
true love. soul mates. twin flames. the kind of love your childlike self imagined when you were young and innocent. Jean is your Prince Charming.
@liashideout — Armin. Armin Armin Armin. he would find you so completely fascinating. asks to hear about every opinion you could possibly have. plans extravagant dates, maybe not in price but in sentimental value. you want to go out shopping? he’s taking you to the biggest shopping center he can find, even if it’s like a 2 hour drive. you want to go to the museum? good because he already bought tickets and planned the entire day down to your snack breaks. you just want to hang out at home and watch movies? he was already on his way over with your favorite ice cream, your favorite snacks, and has a takeout delivery in route to your house.
Armin the sweetest boy, Armin who wears his heart on his sleeve. he will support you 1000% in any single thing you do, and will go out of his way to make sure you accomplish your goals. and he’s so attentive. can figure out your mood in a split second, you almost think he can read your mind. YOU GUYS NEVER FIGHT BECAUSE OF THIS! argue or disagree, yes, but full on fighting? he’s too empathetic for that, and harsh words never go anywhere. he’s there to protect you, to guide you. to bask in your warmth and your smile. there are no bad days with him, and he makes it his mission to spend every moment with you like it’s his last.
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shortkingvi · 3 years
What does Jaune have to do with renor/a’s problems? And I know this is hard for people to hear but Jaune doesn’t need another love story. Why not just add in m/m rep later instead of forcing (something they said they wanted to do) something that hasn’t been hinted at in the show? It’s like they confirmed bees and now every m/m f/f pairing is going to happen because of it.
guys..... please...... when i share an opinion i am not instantly attacking everything you love.......
jnr, in my opinion, has an easier time communicating as a trio than in pairings. ren and jaune have a great relationship re: their ability to empathize and care and compliment each other,,,,,, they work very well generally as a team and i think it would be cool to see that as a poly ship, something i honestly couldn’t tell you i’ve ever seen in media (except maybe lonnie/kyle/rogelio in spop but that was confirmed post-series)
if you don’t like the idea, cool! no need to engage with it! someone asked what my poly ships are and that’s one of them, which i will share on my blog as much as i want and ask you to move on if you don’t like it 🤷
also, everyone in rwby is gay. all of them. i said it last night and i’ll say it again. every last on of them
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darknightingale1 · 3 years
Don't know why I'm sending this but, though I don't agree with everything on your initial post, I don't think people calling you a racist are right or justified. I feel similarly about Greta, I don't mind the ship or anything, I'm quite fine with multishipping more than any one of them, but I think the execution for an endgame was poor in a context where they set up the trio throughout the previous seasons, to shove her in last second; it's also, at least in my opinion, a great disservice to the character, especially for the character of a Black woman, I think she deserved her own arc at the very least, as much as I love her, I don't feel like she had time to shine and be explored much or that she has much depth, she just feels very one-dimensional as she is.
Obviously far be it from me to speak over others and how they experience her, if they find her satisfactory that's not for me to comment on, but having wanted more for her... I think is pretty valid criticism. I don't know, I feel like every time there's been anyone having gripes with the pacing and with how late they brought Greta in, there's a brigade of people screaming "racism" when no conversation about the final season's flaws has ever been about that. Who knows, maybe I'm the one that needs to open my mind to a few things, but my two cents, at least at this very moment is that both Greta and Alucard deserved better, and that should be able to be discussed without all these assumptions and accusations flying the second you are even mildly unsatisfied with that finale, as if it's some perfect masterpiece and if you don't see it so then you must be some shit human being irl, I have no clue how the fuck this works.
I do get this, and when I posted it, that's what I was thinking, but really I also get where they were coming from and that suddenly clicked while I was thinking about it over and over again while at work. It does happen a lot in media and fandom, they're not wrong about that. Black women do deserve better, but they also don't deserve the hate they're getting for people shipping them when there was really just as much romantic chance as Sypha and Trevor, and a lot more than Lisa and Dracula. Could she have gotten more screen time? Maybe and that would have been awesome, but her lack of screen time isn't a reason to dislike the ship which will only go up from here.
I'm an incredibly white person who thinks that when someone calls me racist, I should find out why and work on that. I didn't in this case and that's where I went wrong. I should have asked them to explain until it clicked rather than arguing. The last post suddenly made it click because I'd forgotten a conversation where Greta said she was bi. And I also realized it made sense to mirror Lisa and Dracula, but they also somehow made it more. They didn't end with them definitely being together, we ended with obvious interest, which is different, and makes sense when you've known each other for 2 weeks.
I honestly don't think they thought I was a horrible person. I think they thought I was racist, and I was, and while accidental, committing bi erasure. White people need to start understanding that being called racist doesn't mean they think you're a horrible person. It means you're being racist, that's literally it. Saying otherwise is just a victim complex that doesn't help anyone.
I let someone who replied get away with biphobia for too long because I didn't think to reply to them. I am bi, but that doesn't excuse it. I really wish I could put into words how it clicked in a way that will get across to people faster.
And as I put in my other post and someone commented as well, shipping Greta with Alucard doesn't exclude the poly group, you just need to add her in, and considering her in game counterpart, it makes sense, and there was hints of all 4 of them at the very end. You don't have to like the ship, but people do need to stop acting like it's a bad ship, and complaining about it when there are other things to complain about that are far worse. I think there are problems with the series, but overall? I think they did a pretty good job, canon pairings and all. I could probably make a post just on Harry Potter for doing what I was suggesting this did, but it was far worse, and all white people.
Fighting for representation doesn't help anyone, especially when you could just have both. And either way they're both 100% bi so the representation is there. I know this seems like a complete 180 from yesterday, but I really do think I'm in the wrong, and didn't feel attacked at all. They were rightly upset, and I thankfully came to my senses.
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galahadwilder · 5 years
$21 to buggachat! If you felt like adding something to Sin Ship or continuing Sweethearts a little bit (maybe Adrien and Marinette get back to find out their ice cream has melted to Andre gives all three of them a shared cone to make up for it?), that would delight me to no end.
A sequel to Sweethearts, and part 2 of “Kagami Has Two Hands.” Like that fic, this one was written to help raise money for @buggachat’s laptop repairs.
Sponsored by @art-deco-shrimp (the ask above is from their main account).
She’s only been dating Adrien for two weeks now, and already she’s gained a newfound respect for Alya for not going berserk and throwing him and Marinette into a closet together and slamming their faces together until they admit their feelings. Two weeks of this bullshit is driving her insane. She keeps dropping hints, bringing up the confusion of the ice cream flavors, sending him articles about polyamory, commenting on Marinette’s beauty, and he simply agrees that Marinette is indeed gorgeous, that poly relationships are cool, that the ice cream is a mystery—and then refuses to think any further. Marinette, meanwhile, continues to stubbornly insist that her feelings for Couffaine are romantic when even Kagami, who is notoriously bad at reading social signals, can tell that Mari is just relieved at finally having someone who lets her relax.
She swears, if she hears Adrien call Marinette “just a friend” one more time, she’s going to leap on a butterfly and light the school on fire.
They’re having another double date—neither Adrien nor Marinette seems to have figured out why she keeps insisting on those, though to his credit Luka seems to be growing suspicious, based on the looks he keeps giving her—and Marinette and Adrien are absolutely crushing the high score at the arcade’s Dance Dance Revolution machine. Their synchronization is, quite frankly, insane: they’re matching perfectly step for step, every footfall landing at just the right moment, to the point where they’ve begun to gather a crowd. As Marinette gains confidence, they’re even starting to show off a little, swapping pads back and forth mid-song without missing a single beat. Kagami is mesmerized.
Marinette as she laughs and Adrien lifts her, swinging her onto his pad. It’s a stunning display of trust and athleticism, and Kagami’s heart starts beating faster at the sight—and then, next to her, Luka reminds her that he’s there as he sighs in lovesick delight. “She’s incredible,” he murmurs, staring at Marinette.
Instantly, Kagami’s shoulders shoot up to her ears and her spine practically folds in on itself as she reaches for a sword she’s not even wearing. She grinds her teeth. “Yes,” she says, letting her hand drop to her side and forcibly relaxing her muscles. “She is.”
The worst part of this is that, much as she wants to, she can’t hate Luka Couffaine. He’s a good person, and he seems to genuinely have feelings for Marinette. More than that, he’s genuinely good for her. But Kagami has seen the way Mari looks at Adrien, and the way Mari looks at her, and… well, Marinette doesn’t feel the way about Luka that he does about her.
If circumstances were different, Couffaine would be exactly the kind of person Marinette needs as a friend, especially given how rough her life has been for the last few weeks. But they’re not. And right now Luka Couffaine is an obstacle.
The game finishes, and Marinette cheers with delight at the perfect score. Adrien, Kagami, and Luka are all staring at her.
Kagami is the only one who notices how the other two look at Marinette.
Kagami doesn’t usually spend lunch in the cafeteria—her mother sends a car for her every day, but she’s managed to convince her that she’s working on a group project (another of Marinette’s generic “sneak away” suggestions). Waiting in line is a bit uncomfortable, and the only thing on the menu that doesn’t fill her with revulsion at the thought of a horrible texture in her mouth is the soup, but it’s worth it when it takes her only a few moments to find her target.
“Césaire!” she hisses, sliding in next to her and carefully lowering her soup to the table. “I need to speak with you.” She glances around, lowering her voice. “Privately.”
Alya looks up from her sandwich, and Kagami doesn’t miss the momentary distaste that flits across her face. “Tsurugi,” she says, her voice carefully controlled as she waves away a curious Nino. “What do you want?”
Kagami swallows. “Marinette tells me you have been… assisting her with her love life.”
“I was,” Alya snarls, keeping her eyes locked on Kagami as she places her sandwich back on her tray. “Why? Do you have a problem with that?”
Kagami shakes her head. This is going downhill rapidly—there’s a reason she rarely interacts with Césaire. “Actually,” she says, trying to keep her voice from trembling, “I could use your help.”
Alya blinks. “Help? With what?” she says. “You already have Adrien, what do you want my help for?”
“Adrien…” Kagami swallows. She looks down at her bowl, stirring her soup uncomfortably. This is proving to be much more difficult than she expected—she’s having trouble finding the right words. “He is in love with Marinette.”
Alya glares at her, then rolls her eyes. “Tough shit,” she says. “You knew that going in.” She turns back to the table, producing her phone and beginning to scroll through a website Kagami doesn’t quite recognize. “You made this bed,” she says. “Not my fault you’re not ready to lie in—”
“You do not understand!” Kagami snaps, sloshing soup out of the bowl and onto the table. She berates herself for a moment for letting her temper get the best of her again, focusing on her breathing to calm down. She’s never quite understood Alya’s dislike of her, but given how she’s reacting now… well, it’s starting to make a certain amount of sense. “I am not… jealous,” she grinds out. “I want to help.”
Alya raises an eyebrow without looking up from her phone. “What, you’re gonna make him forget all about her?” she says. “I’m not helping you plan that.”
Kagami clenches a fist, breathes in, unclenches. Then she twists her head, glancing around the cafeteria, making sure nobody is looking before leaning in. “I have feelings for her as well,” she whispers.
Alya’s head snaps up. “What,” she hisses, her eyelid twitching.
Kagami immediately finds herself doing something she has rarely done, even in the face of Akuma—she starts retreating. She folds into herself, ashamed of her own weakness but unable to stop herself from withering under Alya’s glare.
Alya reaches forward, snatches Kagami’s tie. “If you’re planning on cheating on him—”
Kagami gasps. “Absolutely not!” she hisses, slapping Alya’s hand away.
Alya narrows her eyes. “Explain,” she says.
Kagami compulsively smooths out her tie. “Adrien and Marinette are in love with each other,” she says. “And I am… interested… in both of them.”
Alya blinks, and then the corner of her mouth twitches upwards. “You’re angling for an as well as,” she says, her voice suddenly much lighter and more playful, “not an instead of.”
Kagami blinks. “I’m not sure I understand,” she says. That sounds right, but… maybe not? She can’t be sure.
Alya rolls her eyes, but this time it’s fond instead of cruel. “You want to date both of them,” she says, “and for both of them to date each other.”
“Yes!” Kagami cries. Alya finally gets it!
Then her entire body locks up as she realizes that her voice has carried across the entire cafeteria, and now everyone is looking at her.
“Hey,” Alya says, her voice soft. “Look at me. Don’t look at them. Look at me.”
Kagami does, sees the kindness in Césaire’s eyes, and feels her heartbeat begin to slow.
Alya smiles. “Mari does the same thing,” she says, standing up and snatching her sandwich from her tray. “Come on. Let’s go somewhere more private.”
“Ughhh,” Alya groans after Kagami finishes explaining, slamming her face into her desk. “They’re getting worse.”
Kagami’s lips twist into a wry grin as she slurps the last of her soup straight out of the bowl. “I am glad you appreciate my predicament,” she says, carefully placing the bowl on top of the pile of paper towels Alya provided so as not to muck up Mari’s desk.
“Right, okay,” Alya says, placing her glasses back on her face. “So you need them to realize they like each other, and that you want them to… what, share you?”
Kagami nods, sweeping some droplets from the desk. “Approximately,” she says.
Alya nods. “Okay,” she says. “I’m going to give you the same advice you gave Marinette at the ice rink. Don’t hesitate.”
Kagami looks at her with a raised eyebrow. “I don’t understand,” she says. “I’m… not?”
Alya tosses her hair. “You kind of are,” she says. “It’s the same problem Marinette has—she’s scared, so she goes indirect and it gets misinterpreted.” She rubs her chin, bracing her elbow against the desk. “When you started dating Adrien, did you wait for him to make the first move?”
“Of course not,” Kagami says, then—“Oh. Oh I see.” Trying to get the two of them to figure it out on their own…
Alya grabs her shoulder. “You have to be direct with those two,” she says, smiling. “Otherwise they’ll never get it.”
Kagami smiles back, and this one feels a little more comfortable than her previous attempts. “I doubt they would understand it if I dragged Adrien to Marinette’s house while naked and covered in cheese,” she says.
Alya snorts, covering her mouth. “Marinette was right!” she says. “You are funny.”
“Adrien,” Kagami says as fencing practice begins winding down. “Can I speak to you once we’re finished with the showers?”
“Yeah?” he says, casually ripping his helmet from his head, releasing the tumbling golden curls. “Everything okay?”
Kagami bites her lip, which she’s glad is hidden behind the mask. “Yes,” she croaks. “Fine.” Marinette is one hundred percent correct—the boy is unfairly attractive, and she swears on Longg the kindness in his eyes makes her weak.
He turns, walking towards the shower, and she feels her knees wobble a bit at the sight of his shoulder blades. Jean snickers, jabbing her with his elbow, and she responds by punching him in the shoulder.
“What’s up?” Adrien says, pulling on his shirt.
Kagami braces her elbows between her knees, closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath. Be direct. Don’t hesitate. “You’re in love with Marinette.”
Adrien freezes, one empty sleeve still hanging off his shoulder. “Gami?” he says, weakly.
She doesn’t really have a plan for how this conversation is going to go, so she’s not quite sure what to do next. She’s made the first move. Let him take the next.
“I—I don’t know why everyone… keeps saying that,” he says, pulling his arm through his remaining sleeve. “I’m—Marinette and I aren’t… anything.”
Kagami leans back on the bench, crossing her legs at the knee. “You know that’s not true.”
“Gami, please,” he says. He drops to his knees in front of her, taking her hands in between his own. “I don’t know what Alya told you, but… I’m with you. And you’re the one I want to be with.” He purses his lips. “I don’t—”
She presses his cheeks between her hands. “Adri-kun,” she whispers. “I love her too.”
Adrien’s eyelids quiver. “What?”
Kagami presses her forehead to his. “Even before we moved away from Osaka,” she says, “I never really expected to have friends. Okaasan never let me do anything with people my age. And then I met you… and her.”
“I don’t… understand,” Adrien whispers. He’s tearing up. Trying not to cry. “Are you… breaking up with me?”
Kagami can’t help it: she laughs. “Of course not!” she says. She loosens her grip on his face, cupping his cheek, and he leans into her touch with a soft mewl. “I wouldn’t give you up for anything, Adrien.”
He melts at her words, his face collapsing into her lap with a wordless whine of relief. She smiles, stroking his hair.
“I love both of you, Adrien,” she murmurs. “And you love both of us. So can we not… share?”
Adrien stiffens. “I—what?” he says, then her words seem to process in his brain and he gasps. “The ice cream!” he says. “You—you knew.”
Kagami nods. “Monsieur Glacier can see triads,” she says, “but only if he knows to look for them. That’s why he was so confused the first time you took me to him. That why I asked.”
“Marinette’s cone was both of us…” Adrien mumbles. He blinks. “Blue eyes. You said… ‘neither of us has blue eyes’.”
Kagami nods, resumes stroking his hair. “And Marinette does.”
Adrien crawls up onto the bench next to her. “But the strawberry chocolate chip,” he says. “That’s…”
“You called her ‘Everyday Ladybug,’ did you not?” Kagami says.
He looks at her in confusion, and she turns back to the lockers. “She told me,” she admits. “I… wasn’t happy about that, at first.”
Adrien groans. “Oh, my god,” he says. “I am in love with her.”
Finally! Kagami wants to leap up, to dance, to cheer, but that’s not how a Tsurugi acts. Instead she schools her reaction down to a smile and her quivering palms.
But then his face falls. “Let’s say I do want a…” He trails off. “It doesn’t matter,” he mumbles, looking at the floor. “She doesn’t like me like that.”
Kagami freezes. “Who told you that?”
He chuckles mirthlessly. “She did.”
And suddenly a whole bunch of things fall into place, like an icepick through the front of her brain. Why Adrien seems to have been so oblivious to Marinette’s feelings. Why he thinks she’s been rejecting him all this time. Why, despite all Marinette’s signals, he’s never made a move.
“Adrien,” she says, laughing. “She—she was…” She can’t get a breath out, can’t stop laughing, can’t stop crying over how ridiculous this all is, how in love with these two dorks she is, how perfect they are for each other and how stupidly painful they’ve made everything and how, if they hadn’t, she’d have never had a chance. “She was lying!”
Adrien states at her, his face knit with confusion.
“Why do you think I disliked her so much at first?” Kagami chuckles. “She was competition.” She reaches out, flicks his nose. “She said you gave her an umbrella, and that was it for her heart.”
Adrien splutters. “But she—I don’t…” He throws his head into his hands and moans. “Why didn’t she say anything?”
“She is frightened,” Kagami says, rubbing his back. “Which means it’s up to us to make the next move.” She smiles, and she can tell her practice is paying off—it feels more natural than she can ever remember. “If this is what you want.”
Adrien swallows, nods. “I—I think I do,” he croaks, beaming back at her.
“The next move” ends up being taking Marinette back to Sweethearts Ice Cream. This time, with Luka.
“Luka,” Marinette says, clutching at her wrist as they walk. “Have I been… using the wrong pronouns for you?”
Adrien, whose arm is resting on Kagami’s opposite shoulder, glances sidelong at her. She simply nods in response. Be patient.
Luka chuckles. “No?” he says with wry confusion. “I’m very definitely cis. He/him is fine.”
“Oh.” Marinette’s voice falls. “It’s just… last time I was here…”
As she and Luka continue their conversation, Adrien buries his nose in Kagami’s hair. “You’re incredible, you know that?” he murmurs, just low enough that Marinette and Luka can’t hear them.
Her whole body warms, and when she tries to suppress her giggle, it comes out as a squeak instead. She’s starting to understand why Marinette is such a mess around Adrien sometimes. All her composure is evaporating, and to be honest, she’s more excited about that than scared. It’s freeing.
“Mari?” Adrien calls. “Are you sure he’s around here today?”
“Um,” Marinette responds. “Adrien… you’re looking right at him.”
Kagami raises an eyebrow. “I told you,” she says, squeezing her boyfriend’s side. “You need glasses.”
They approach André Glacier’s ice cream cart, and Kagami feels her feet and fingers begin to buzz. If she’s right about this… this is the moment. There’s no going back.
“Hello again!” André says. “Back for more Sweethearts?”
“Marinette was right,” Kagami says. “It is the best in Paris.”
André beams, quickly setting about serving Kagami and Adrien the same cone as last time. Kagami shoots Adrien a knowing look, and Adrien rolls his eyes.
André smiles, then turns to Luka. “For you…” he says, tilting his head. He glances at Marinette, then back to Luka. His mouth twists downward. “Oh.”
Luka raises an eyebrow, glancing at Kagami with suspicion. Marinette only looks confused.
“Not everyone likes every flavor,” André says, sorrow in his eyes. “And some mixes don’t find favor.” He sighs. “I can offer you a couple’s cone, but I fear you’ll wish I left alone.”
Marinette and Luka look at each other, and Luka swallows. “Goddammit,” he whispers.
“Luka?” Marinette says. “It’s—it’s just ice cream, it doesn’t… necessarily mean anything…” She trails off, looking at Adrien. “Right?”
Adrien’s mouth moves like a fish, and Kagami does not envy him. She’s watching Luka, watching grief play out across his face.
He steps forward. “Two cones, then,” he says, resolute.
André nods, reaching into his cart. “The Lady first,” he says, all the music gone from his voice. “Peach for the lips, mint for the eyes, and blackberry hair.”
Luka takes the cone, looks at Adrien and Kagami, and gently presses it into Marinette’s hand. “For you, my melody,” he whispers.
Kagami feels her chest twist at the endearment. Maybe if things were different…
“Birthday cake, fudge, and Dutch chocolate,” André says as he hands over Luka’s cone. “I’m sorry. I know you were hoping.”
Luka swallows. “I know,” he says, taking the cone. “I know.”
Adrien turns away, burying his face in Kagami’s hair. He’s shaking. She can’t blame him.
She’s only a little surprised when Luka texts her later that evening. She gave him her number when they first started double-dating; this is the first time she’s heard his text tone.
She glances at her door, then silences her phone, even cutting the vibration so her mother can’t hear her getting “distracted” from her work.
Luka: u knew
Kagami: I suspected
Kagami: for what it’s worth, I am sorry
Luka: wondered y u hated me
Luka: I’ve seen the way u 2 look @ her
Luka: and her @ u
Luka: take care of her?
Kagami: of course
Kagami: though I do not understand half of what you just said
Kagami: ah. “Txting speek?”
Luka: …
Luka: never talk like th@ again pls
Kagami: it did seem ridiculous when I typed it, yes
Kagami: when are you going to do it?
Luka: already did. Dragging it out wldnt b fair 2 her
Luka: she’s gonna need u tmrw
Kagami: I’ll be there. And so will he
Luka: thx
Kagami locks her phone and gives herself a moment to feel guilty. If she hadn’t taken them to André’s, this would never have happened.
Or maybe it just would’ve happened later, after they were too involved to not be hurt by it. Maybe she saved their friendship.
She still feels guilty.
When she sees Marinette the next morning, the guilt gets worse. She looks despondent, listless, and though Juleka seems to be doting on her, trying to cheer her up after the breakup with her brother, most of Marinette’s energy—both her joy and her nerves—has bled out of her.
Kagami’s heart corkscrews into her stomach. She can feel the acid eating at it.
She gets updates from Adrien and Alya between classes throughout the morning. She won’t tell anyone what happened, but the whole class seems to be rallying behind her, trying to cheer her up, and things are getting… well, a little better. She’s still heartbroken, it seems, but at least she’s laughing again.
When class lets out for lunch, Kagami charges to Mme. Bustier’s class, heedless of the people in the hallways between her and her target. She bursts through the door, ignoring the confused stares of the rest of the class as she snags Marinette’s wrist. “Come on,” she says. “Okaasan thinks we have a group project.”
Marinette blinks. “What?” she says.
Kagami smiles, a fully-natural one now. “We,” she says, glancing at her boyfriend, “are taking you to lunch.”
Lunch is… quiet. And awkward. Kagami and Adrien sit across from a despondent Marinette in the quiet cafe, watching her pick apart her salad and meet nobody’s eyes. Kagami feels awful.
Adrien glances at her, nervously licks his lips, and she knows he’s not going to do anything. He’s going to wait for Marinette to talk. And she isn’t going to.
Don’t hesitate.
Kagami clears her throat. “Luka texted me last night,” she says.
Marinette chokes, her fork slipping out of her hand and clattering onto the table.
“Marinette?” Adrien says, his gaze soft. Kagami can see him straining not to reach out to her—how did this boy ever think he wasn’t in love?
Marinette’s eyes close, and she sniffles, wiping her nose. “I ruined it,” she whispers. “I ruined everything.”
Adrien reaches out to take her hand. “I’m sure it wasn’t your fault—”
“You don’t understand!” she cries. “He—I… I tried. I tried so hard.” She slumps into the wooden back of her chair. “I wanted to be in love with him… I really did.”
Kagami swallows. “What happened?”
Marinette sobs. “He… he asked if he…” she begins. She glances up at Adrien, then her eyes flick away just as quickly. “If… he was the one… I really wanted to be with.”
Kagami’s hand clenches around her croissant, digging trenches into the flaky crust.
“I tried to say yes,” Marinette whispers. “But I just…” She sobs again, burying her face in her hands. “I ruin—I ruined everything.” Her shoulders are shaking. “How stupid am I?”
Kagami is frozen. She wants to help, but deep down she knows that no matter what she does, what she says, it’s only going to make things worse. She has no idea what to do.
Luckily, Adrien does. “The heart wants what it wants,” he says, reaching out to squeeze Marinette’s shoulder. “You’re not stupid for feeling.”
Marinette shakes her head with a whimper. “I’m stuck on someone who doesn’t even want me,” she whispers. “Why—why can’t I let him go?”
Adrien glances at Kagami. She nods.
Adrien turns back to Marinette. “Marinette,” he says, his voice soft. “What makes you think I don’t want you?”
Marinette freezes.
A chill rockets across Kagami’s skin as all her hair stands on end at once. She can see the warring emotions in Marinette’s mind—guilt and shame and hope and elation—and for the moment, nobody moves.
Then Marinette lifts her head. “How—” she squeaks. “How did you know it was you?”
Adrien smiles. “Gami told me,” he says. He glances at Kagami, licks his lips. “I wish you’d told me earlier.”
Marinette frowns. “It… doesn’t matter anymore, anyway,” she says, looking at Kagami. “You—you’re together now, and…”
“And your ice cream flavors mentioned two people,” Kagami says, laying her hand on top of Marinette’s. “Blackberry, mint, and peach.”
Marinette’s eyes go wide.
“I have black hair.” Kagami says, then nods at Adrien. “He has green eyes.” She breathes in, interlacing her fingers with Marinette’s. “And we both have two hands.”
Marinette’s mouth drops open. “Are you…” she whispers, her eyes flicking between them both. “I don’t—I don’t understand.”
“Kagami and I are both in love with you,” Adrien says, taking her other hand. “We were hoping… that you’d be okay with sharing.”
Marinette’s mouth opens, closes, opens again. She turns to Kagami. “I—You said…” she says, her eyes narrowing. “You told me you’d be okay with losing my friendship… if it meant you could be with him.”
Kagami blinks as the bullet of Marinette’s words strikes her right in the gut. “I—I only said that to Ladybug.” She swallows. “And I said it as Ryuuko.”
The table is utterly silent for a half-second, the only sound the chatter of the cafe around them. They’re in a bubble of time when everything around them has sped up, and they are frozen as the world zips by unimpeded.
Then Adrien drops his fork. “Oh my gods,” he gasps. “My Lady?”
Marinette’s head snaps around to him. “Chaton?” she hisses.
For the second time in less than a minute, Kagami’s brain catches fire. Adrien kept speaking about a girl he liked who didn’t like him—it wasn’t Marinette who was turning him down (except it was, sort of). The two of them disappearing every time an Akuma arrived. Ladybug’s choice to call on Ryuuko whenever Marinette was with Kagami.
Oh, sweet gods, she’s fallen in love with Ladybug and Chat Noir.
“Mari-chan,” Kagami says, squeezing her hand. “The first thing I said was that I couldn’t bear to hurt you.” She looks at Adrien. “And… I said I wouldn’t give him up for the sake of our friendship.” She rubs her thumb on Marinette’s palm. “You never asked me to.”
Marinette—Ladybug—looks at her with watering eyes. “I don’t—” she begins, choking on her words. “I don’t know what to do.”
Kagami swallows. They’ve gone so far off anything she’d planned for, anything she’d prepared for, and she doesn’t know either. But she knows where to start.
“Marinette,” she says. “Don’t hesitate.”
Marinette blinks, then grabs Kagami’s lapels and yanks them both toward each other over the table, their lips mashing together with a burning heat that flashes across Kagami’s skin, followed by the feeling of every hair on her skin standing straight up, every nerve in her body sparking like she’s turned into a lightning bolt. (She has to check to make sure she’s not wearing her Miraculous—she swears she’s discorporating.)
Marinette breaks the kiss first, gasping. Kagami drops back into her chair, all her muscles loose—she’s kissed Adrien before, but she has never, in her life, been kissed the way Marinette just kissed her. She wants—she needs more.
Marinette turns to Adrien. “I’ve been in love with you since the day you gave me your umbrella,” she says.
He reaches out, takes her hand, presses her knuckles to his lips. “I’ve been in love with you since you first stood up to Hawkmoth.”
Marinette’s face glows pink. “You never really hid that,” she giggles.
Adrien nods, his own face growing steadily redder. “I—this is a lot,” he says. “I think I’m going to explode.”
“Me too,” Marinette whispers.
Kagami would concur, but she’s still speechless from the whirlwind that was Marinette’s kiss.
She looks at Kagami. “So… are we…?”
Kagami swallows, shakes herself loose. “We are... whatever you want us to be,” she says, taking Adrien’s hand. Smiling is coming easy now. “What do you want, Marinette?”
“I want you,” she says. “I want both of you.”
“You have two hands,” Adrien says, holding up his free palm. “Why not use them?”
Marinette grins. “Why not?” she says, taking both of their hands. “Mon Chaton. Ma Dragonne.”
“My Lady,” Adrien responds, melting.
Kagami’s pulse is squeezing her ears, but she has enough brainpower left to whisper one more word. “Mushi-Chan.”
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