#am I supposed to just go about my day with this realization
arikazu · 2 days
Skz : when they call you clingy and you start distancing yourself from them part 1
Warning : toxic boyfriend, shouting, breaking up, curse words, just them being a bad boyfriend to you, insecure reader.
Hyung line
Word count 💕 3k
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Bang chan
Nevertheless, I won't admit I will miss you more than you know your sharp glares hurt me that day.
Chris was so busy with his work he didn't know how much caffeine has had consumed that day Lost in an endless loop within the studio, he struggled against the relentless heat of the sun's rays, which the ineffective air conditioning did little to alleviate.
He longed for the day to bring respite as he struggled to work in the scorching heat. While the kids enjoyed a day off at home, he found himself alone, laboring to incorporate a new song into the upcoming album. After the success of the previous album, he felt immense pressure to ensure that this new album lived up to expectations.
“Hey Chris I brought your favorite drink”
"I am waiting at home!"
"I wish you would come home soon."
"The door is open."
His phone was beeping continuously with the messages he stopped typing on his laptop and checked the person who was messaging him again and again usually his face would be greeted with a smile whenever he saw her texts.
At that moment, when he caught sight of her messages, his eyebrows furrowed. He ceased texting her and left her on read, unable to entertain her at that moment. He had a music project to complete on time, so he brushed off her message and continued typing on his laptop.
The moon shimmered in the dark, misty night sky as the clock struck 11:00 pm. He quickly gathered all of his belongings and snatched the car keys before exhaling a visible breath into the chilly air. The recent downpour had left the atmosphere cool, causing his cheeks to flush slightly as he downed another glass of beer.
Finally liberated from his music production duties, he was ready to embark on his way back to his apartment the car ride to his house was lonely as he looked at the night sky you must be waiting for him.
He despised it, the way you always waited for him, but now as he opened the apartment door, he found you standing there in a stunning black slit dress. Your hair was elegantly styled in a way he had never seen before, giving the impression that you were returning from a glamorous party or event.
“Where are you going darling?” he asked as he removed his shoes he didn't even glare at you because he knew he won't be able to control himself.
“You and I were supposed to meet each other at the restaurant a few hours ago”
He pressed his fingertips against his temples, feeling the tension building up as he ignored your incoming texts. How would he even begin to explain to your? A wave of exhaustion washed over him as he realized it was another long night of arguments with you. He knew he would apologize again the next morning, but at this late hour, all he wanted was to find some rest. Taking a deep sigh, he mustered the energy to make a brief comment to you.
"Listen, y/n, I'm just really tired and not in the mood to discuss..."
‘You are always tired Chris” you mocked and rolled your eyes.
‘I am sorry that I work my ass off at the studio so I can earn for both of us and when I come home I expect my finance to be cooperative with me instead of being whiny and clingy woman”
"Are you saying I'm too clingy?" you wondered, deeply hurt by his words. While you and he had disagreements in the past, like any other couple, this was the first time he had ever labeled you as clingy. It stung because in your previous relationships, your friends and exes had drifted away for the same reason. relationship because they always complained about how you were a clingy baby who always needed attention it built up a rush of fear inside you that Chris would stop loving you.
On your birthday, despite always being understanding of his need for space, you hoped to spend a few precious hours with him. However, it felt like he was upset with you, making you feel ignored and unimportant on your special day.
Chris turned his back on you, his exasperation evident in his tone. "Yes, you are a clingy woman now happy! Stop bothering me y/n," he snapped before reaching into the fridge to grab some water for himself.
“If you think I am clingy then I think you would be better off without me” you shouted he stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at you.
“What… do you mean?” he asks.
“Take your ring back I think I don't need it anymore”
You decide to part with the ring he gave you a few weeks ago, along with his promise of marriage this coming winter. He had even assured you that he would soon announce to his fans. This action was a firm rejection of his promises, a palpable slap in the face for him.
You walked away, leaving him all alone in the kitchen. The ring lay on the cold floor. He was dumbstruck. How could he forget that today was your birthday? He had turned what was supposed to be your biggest day into a miserable one for you.
He picked up the ring and clenched it in his hands.
“I fucked up so bad”
His mind was consumed with the aftermath of the fight, leaving him at a loss for how to apologize and bewildered about your whereabouts
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"let's be hungry for a little while and let's try not to hurt each other"
He was tired.
He wanted to lie down on his bed
After a long and tiring day, the comfort of one's own bed is a simple pleasure that many look forward to. The softness of the mattress, the cool touch of the sheets, and the familiar scent of home can be incredibly soothing. It's a personal sanctuary where one can let go of the day's burdens, sink into the pillows, and drift into a peaceful slumber.
He wanted that kind of comfort; his eyes were closed, and the sweat-dampened hair were flattered on the pillow he just closed his eyes when he hear the door opening he lifted his head a little to glare at the person who disturbed his sleep.
Exhausted from the rhythmic exertions of dance practice at work, he could only muster a puzzled
"what?" as he turned towards the source of amusement. The sight that greeted him was unexpected: a grinning face, eyes alight with the joy of a serendipitous find—a stray kitten, rescued from the anonymity of the streets, now cradled in caring arms, a small beacon of warmth in his fatigued world.
"Whatever y/n, I am sleepy right now," he shoved you off.
Your eyes didn't leave his figure; you knew he was tired, so you kept the kitten on the floor and moved towards Minho to give him a peck on the cheek.
He pushed you away a little but the grin didn't fell off from your lips you a laughed a little and sat on the bed with him "oh my playing hard to get aren't we?" you joked a little.
His breath was getting heavier; he was tired. And you only had to come at this moment to disturb him more. Don't get him wrong; you were not doing a bad thing. But he was tired as he danced for 4 hours without any break in between. He had to do a live for Stay too.
He could not catch up with his sleep and you were seeing him at his worst.
Your laugh your grin and your happy face was getting on his nevers he hated how things were so easier for you while he had to struggle.
"Will you stop? I am not in the mood."
You laughed a little and hugged his waist as he lay down. "Mmh, I can help you. Let me make you feel better."
"stop?! Okay!? I don't want your clingy ass touching me!" he pulled away from you your smile left your face as you looked at him.
Minho's anger seemed different this time, not the usual banter you both shared. It was a serious kind of anger that made the air feel heavy. Maybe it was the stress of the day or something deeper, but it was clear that this wasn't a moment for laughter.
You nudged his nose softly and his anger eyes shot an angry gaze at you. "Will you leave me alone, y/n?"
"You are getting so touchy these days"
Unaware of her departure, he carried on with his monologue, the words echoing off the empty walls. It wasn't until the silence became too pronounced to ignore that he realized she was gone.
With a sigh, he pressed his fingers against his temples, the day's tension demanding its toll. In search of some solace, he surrendered to the comfort of his bed, letting the soft sheets envelop him as he drifted into a much-needed escape from reality.
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"Love is a complex tapestry, woven with threads of choices and consequences. At the crossroads of the heart, where paths diverge, the decision to follow one over another is never taken lightly."
"I'm wondering, are we going to continue with the silence?"
The absence of words was suffocating her. All she could hear was the sound of him washing the dishes. The water from the tap felt like a taunt; a reminder of his silence.
She murmured again, hoping for a response. Hyunjin placed the dirty plate into the sink.
"What ..... is there to talk?"
As he inquired about their relationship, she firmly crossed her arms and tucked her tongue inside her cheeks. He let out a deep sigh in response.
"You are going with _____ then?"
Hyunjin wiped the sweat from his forehead and went towards the balcony to take his sweatshirt out "Yes I already told you"
He put on his grey sweatshirt and began to brush his hair.
"Why do you always prioritize dance practice with her over spending time with me? We need to prioritize our relationship," Y/n asserted, feeling hurt and left out.
Hyunjin looked at her, his eyes filled with a sense of admiration and awe. It was as if he had never seen anything as beautiful as her. At that moment, he knew that he would do anything to make her happy. He longed to be by her side and to cherish her forever.
but he knew better.
He knew what y/n had gotten herself into when they started their relationship.
He had willingly surrendered his freedom to his fans and company in exchange for a life of fame and fortune, becoming an idol in the process.
He pushed the thought of Y/n out of his mind, as he was already exhausted from the rigorous dance practice he and Yeji had just completed. He knew that he needed to focus on perfecting his dance moves, or else he would face criticism from his anti-fans.
The dance they were preparing for their comeback was already causing controversy, as some of his fans were against him and Yeji dancing together. This led to rumours and negative comments being spread about them on social media.
He wondered if Y/n had read those comments on Twitter and if she was feeling insecure about his partnership with Yeji.
You looked at him with small silver sleeks of tears forming around the corner of your eyes. It felt like he was seeing that y/n crying in front of him when he first met her.
The memory of the day when you two first met each other in Seoul is a vivid one. It was a slow day with very little activity in the city, and the rain was pouring down heavily. Despite the dreary weather, the atmosphere was charged with excitement and anticipation.
The moment you two met each other was magical
a chance encounter that changed your lives forever.
"Me or her Hyun-jin!"
You asked finally the venom left your mouth all these past few weeks after Hyunjin''s birthday had been hard for you.
You felt like those old insecurities were coming back.
"what the fuck are you talking about?" he shouted as he looked at you.
You didn't said a work he took a deep sigh and looked at you before opening his mouth "Why are you being such a insecure person y/n huh? I thought you would much better than an being an insecure bitch like some crazy fan"
As your eyes met with Hyunjin's, you felt your heart skip a beat. Your gaze was fixated on him, taking in every detail of his appearance - from the way his hair rested on his forehead to the slight curve of his lips.
You opened your mouth to speak, but the words seemed to escape you. As he approached, you felt your palms begin to sweat and your heart race faster. Despite your nerves, you couldn't look away from him.
"Please, my love. Let's not fight," he whispered in your ear, his lips tantalizingly close to your skin.
The warmth of his breath sent shivers down your spine, and for a moment, all you could do was lose yourself in the intensity of his gaze.
"Hyunjin why don't you just leave me alone" you muttered and moved a little away from him he tried to come near you but your stern expression and the hatred in your eyes made him create a bit of distance between you and him "Just go and do your dance practice with her I am not stopping you"
He sighed and rubbed his forehead he walked towards the door and gave you a last look where you were sobbing like a little child whose favourite person was going away from them his eyes fixated on you he looked tired he wanted to hug you and tell you that it was just for a little time.
And everything would be fine.
"I am going y/n"
Those were the last words he ever exchanged with you.
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Changbin was jealous . He wasn't a jealous type by nature—it wasn't something he had ever really been interested in—but it did seem that lately, things were not going his way.
There you were doing squats in the gym with a stranger wearing a sports bra and shorts while Changbin stood there looking like an ass, shirtless and sweaty from all of his run throughs and warm up stretches as he watched from the side lines.
Changbin hated how you were smiling . How your eyes lit up and your hair bounced when you were stretching like that. How everytime you looked over at him for just a second, you would smile at him softly. That soft smile made him feel like he was about to choke on his own spit or something stupid like that.
You were his girlfriend you were supposed to look at him this way but instead you looked back at the person who had caught your eye. Changbin could feel jealousy bubbling inside of him again.
He tried to distract himself by running through his workout list again, hoping he might be able to clear his mind if he ran it again in a different setting. He ended up jogging past where he used to be with you though.
You both reached home the car ride was silent between you two and neither one seemed particularly inclined to break it until you both pulled into the parking garage, heading towards your respective doors. You spoke first though. “Hey so… why are you so silent? ”
‘Of course you do’ Changbin thought, biting his bottom lip, ‘you always have to fucking talk to me’.
"Changbin why are you being so salty?" Your brow furrowed in confusion
He has never talked like this to you ever.
You tried to touch his cheeks but he pulled away , scowling at you "why are you touching me huh? You are such a clingy and attention seeking bitch that you went to another guy at the gym!" Changbin spat, anger boiling over as tears welled up in the corners of his eyes. "And yet you still chose that asshole over your boyfriend? I bet he didn't even notice he missed out." He scoffed bitterly.
You opened your mouth to respond but Changbin kept talking, cutting you off as fast as he could. "you are so clingy that I was not enough for you?" You looked at him like he was insane. You stared at him like he was some sort of monster. Changbin felt sickened watching you like this, disgusted with the way you were staring at him. "I am right aren't I? It must have been so nice having another man at the gym" Changbin muttered darkly.
"Changbin you are hurting me with your words" you said finally, voice shaking with hurt. "Why can't you trust me anymore? We've been together for years, we love each other." There was a pause as you blinked rapidly before adding. “Don't you love me?” You asked quietly.
“Of course I love you” Changbin choked out.
"if you loved me you would not have hurted me like that with your harsh words" you sniffled. The sound made him flinch and he turned sharply away. The moment seemed to last forever. When you spoke again, Changbin heard the waver in your tone. “You know what, maybe it is my fault. Maybe I shouldn't have gone for another guy,” you said.
"yes you should not have! You were being a clingy child to that guy"
"I am leaving Changbin I don't think you are right in mind" you told him softly. "It's probably best if we just end this relationship."
"what?" Changbin choked out, stunned by your statement.
"You know what I mean. It has become too much between us for me to continue being around you. It hurts too much to see you treat me badly" you sighed.
Your words caused him a stung. They were painful. It stung more than Changbin expected them to. A part of him was surprised that they didn't hurt more than that, but then he remembered his reaction earlier and realized they probably wouldn't have anyway.
He felt numb. It was a feeling he hadn't experienced since high school.
There was a distance between you and him now . He knew you would stop seeing him altogether. He felt detached at the idea. He could barely wrap his head around it.
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a business proposal, p. 4
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» part one, part two, part three, part five, part six - ⟡⋆˙
» contents - ⟡⋆˙ fluff, crack, angst, au, satoru gojo x f!reader, ceo!gojo, fake dating, gojo being a bit mean ;(
» word count - ⟡⋆˙ 4.6k
» notes - ⟡⋆˙ hello lovelies!! welcome to part 4! i had so much fun writing this one, even more on the next part which is almost done. i am considering on keep working on it to post it as well later tonight, but i haven't taken a long break in a while so it's not guaranteed!! anyways, hope you all enjoy reading and if you want to be added in the taglist please let me know (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)
» m.list - ⟡⋆˙
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A few days later, the weekend arrived with a sense of normalcy that you desperately needed. The afternoon sun poured through the windows of the bakery, casting a warm, golden glow over the display cases filled with freshly baked pastries. You found solace in the familiar routine, the rhythmic motions of kneading dough and the comforting scent of bread baking in the ovens.
Rin was there as well, she had offered to help out, knowing your father was away on weekends. Her presence soothed your frayed nerves, distracting you from the turmoil of the past few days.
After sliding the tray of cupcakes into the oven, Rin wiped her hands on her apron and turned to you, a serious expression on her face. “Okay, now that the cupcakes are baking, let me see that document you signed.”
You hesitated for a moment, then pulled the contract out of your bag and handed it to her. Rin’s eyes scanned the pages quickly, her brow furrowing with each clause she read.
“This is... intense,” she said finally, looking up at you with a mix of concern and disbelief. “He really covered all his bases, didn’t he? But... Is it worth all this effort, [name]? I mean, this is a lot to deal with.”
You nodded, feeling a fresh wave of anxiety. “He was going to press charges, which means he would’ve found out my real name and the fact that I work for his company. And then what? I’d get fired and…” You pause for a moment, sighing heavily as you snatch the document back, “look, it’s the best I can do, besides if I back out now I have to pay him back a hundred times the contract amount.”
Rin's expression softened with genuine remorse, turning to face you fully, her eyes filled with regret. “I'm so sorry again for dragging you into this mess. I never wanted things to get this complicated for you.”
You shook your head, managing a small smile despite the lingering anxiety. “It’s not your fault. I made the decision to help you. I just didn’t expect it to turn out like this.”
Rin reached out and squeezed your hand reassuringly. “I appreciate what you did for me. And I’m here for you, whatever happens next. We’ll figure it out together.”
Her words were a comfort, a reminder that you weren’t alone in this. The bakery buzzed with the sounds of customers and the clatter of baking tools, but in that moment, it felt like a sanctuary, a place where you could find some semblance of peace.
“So..” Rin began tentatively, “how’s the studying coming along on your fake boyfriend then?”
You sighed, your hands pausing mid-knead. “The more I read about him, the more unbelievable he seems,” you said, frustration spreading across your face. “Not only was he born with a diamond spoon in his mouth, but he’s also smart and good with sports. Plus, he’s hot.”
Rin chuckled softly, shaking her head. “Sounds like a character straight out of a romance novel.”
“Exactly!” you exclaimed, throwing your hands up in exasperation. “How am I supposed to keep up this charade with someone so… Perfect?”
Rin leaned against the counter, her expression thoughtful. “Maybe you don’t have to be perfect. Just be yourself and do what you can. Besides, it’s not like you’re expected to actually fall for him, right?”
“Right,” you muttered, though the uncertainty in your voice was palpable. “But what if I mess up? What if he realizes this whole thing is a sham?”
Rin placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Hey... You’re overthinking it. You’re smart and resourceful. And if things get tricky, we’ll handle it together. Besides, it’s not like this arrangement is gonna go on forever, is it?”
You sighed, feeling a bit of relief at her words. “I hope not. Honestly, the sooner this whole thing is over, the better.”
As you resumed kneading the dough, the pleasant hum of the bakery was interrupted by the tinkling of the bell above the door. Instinctively, you turned with a welcoming smile, ready to greet the customer, but your words caught in your throat when you saw who it was.
Nanami stood there, his sharp gaze softened as he caught sight of you, and a warm smile spread across his face.
“K-Kento, hi.” You stammered, caught off guard by his unexpected visit. His presence seemed to fill the bakery with a comforting warmth that contrasted sharply with the tension of recent days.
“Hey,” Nanami replied warmly, his gaze lingering on you with a gentle intensity. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“N-no, not at all,” you managed to say, though your heart raced with nervousness. “W-what brings you here?”
Nanami’s smile widened slightly. “I thought I’d stop by to pick something up.”
“Of course,” you replied quickly, eager to assist him. “What can I get for you?”
He hesitated for a moment, his gaze drifting towards the display of bread and pastries. “I’ll go for the chocolate cake today.”
You blinked in surprise. Nanami rarely indulged in such sweet delicacies. “Chocolate cake?”
He chuckled softly, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. “Yeah, Hana is back from her trip. We’re meeting up later, and I thought I’d bring her a treat.”
Your heart sank at his words. Hana—the name echoed in your mind like a distant ache. She was Nanami’s girlfriend from high school, a vivacious woman with a smile that could light up a room. Their past together was something you had to endure in silence, but the thought of them meeting again stirred a mix of emotions within you.
“That’s nice of you,” you murmured, managing a polite smile, though inside, your heart sank deeper. “A-any reason why you’re... Meeting up?”
Nanami paused, his expression thoughtful as he considered your question. His eyes, usually so clear and reassuring, now seemed clouded with memories you couldn’t share.
“We... Haven’t seen each other in a while,” he finally answered, his voice tinged with a hint of wistfulness. “Just catching up, I suppose.”
You nodded, trying to mask the twinge of disappointment. “I see.”
You busied yourself with wrapping up the chocolate cake,  trying to hide the swirl of emotions and the ache in your chest. 
“Here you go,” you said, handing him the boxed cake with a small smile. 
“Thanks.” Nanami replied, his voice tinged with gratitude. 
As Nanami reached into his pocket to pay, you instinctively interrupted him with a gentle shake of your head. “It's on the house today, Kento.”
Nanami hesitated, a flicker of protest in his eyes. “Oh, you really don't have to do that…”
But you insisted, your smile now feeling strained as you forced cheerfulness into your voice. “No, really. Take it. Consider it a thank you for being such a loyal customer and a good... Friend. Also, the thought is very kind of you, I’m sure Hana will appreciate it.”
He paused, clearly touched by your words. “Thank you, [name], I appreciate it.”
With a nod, Nanami gathered the boxed cake and prepared to leave. But just before he stepped out, he turned back to you with a warm expression.
“Oh, before I forget.” Nanami's voice brought you back from your thoughts. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small envelope, handing it to you with a warm smile.
You took it, feeling the weight of the paper between your fingers, and looked up at him questioningly.
“I wanted to give you something.” Nanami explained gently. 
Curious, you opened the envelope and found two tickets nestled inside. Your eyes widened as you realized what they were for—tickets to the concert of your favorite artist. 
Your eyes widened in surprise and joy. “Kento, I... I don't know what to say.”
He smiled softly. “I know how much you love their music, and I saw that they were going to perform here, so I thought you’d enjoy it. You can take a friend with you, someone you’d like to go with.”
Your heart sank at his words, a wave of disappointment washing over you. Despite his kind gesture, you couldn’t shake off the realization that he hadn’t intended to accompany you to the concert.
“Oh,” you managed, trying to hide your disappointment behind a smile. “That's really thoughtful of you, Kento. Thank you.”
Without thinking, you stepped closer and wrapped your arms around him in a hug. Nanami hesitated for a moment before gently wrapping his arms around you. And for a brief moment, you lingered in the embrace, feeling the steady beat of his heart against yours. 
When you finally pulled back, you met his gaze, and a faint smile played on your lips. “You should go. Don’t keep Hana waiting.”
Nanami nodded silently, his expression softening with understanding. “I’ll see you later, [name].” 
With that, Nanami finally left, the bell above the door chiming softly as he disappeared through the entrance. Alone in the now quiet of the bakery, you leaned against the counter, a heavy sigh brushing past your lips. Your thoughts lingered on Nanami and Hana. Would the chocolate cake bring a smile to her face? Would it evoke memories of their time together, perhaps reignite a connection that had once been strong?
Rin emerged from behind you with a mischievous grin and a dramatic sigh. “Well, that was depressing.”
You shot Rin a playful glare, though her teasing hit a nerve. “Thanks, Rin. Really uplifting.”
Rin shrugged, their grin widening. “Hey, I’m just stating facts. You’re the one pining after Kento like a lovesick puppy.”
“I— that’s not—that’s not true!” you retorted, more defensively than you intended.
Rin raised an eyebrow. “Sure, sure. So, when’s the big confession happening?”
“There’s nothing to confess,” you insisted, your voice sharper than intended. “We’re friends, Rin. Just friends.”
“Oh, Kento, hi!” Rin squeaked in a high-pitched voice, fluttering her eyelashes dramatically. “It's so nice to see you!”
You rolled your eyes, trying to stifle your laughter. “Oh, shut up. I don’t sound like that.”
Rin’s grin widened. “Oh, Kento, would you like some extra chocolate on your cake? It’s on the house!” she swings her arm around you, gesturing dramatically. “Oh, Kento, thank you so much for these tickets! I love you so much, mwah, mwah, mwah—”
You shove her away from you gently, but couldn’t suppress a smile. “I’m glad that my mess of a love life amuses you.”
“Hey, laughter is the best medicine, right?” Rin nudged you playfully.
Suddenly the bell above the door chimed again, and just as you were about to welcome the customer, the words got caught up in your throat. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw Gojo enter the bakery, his trademark grin lighting up his face. Panic flickered in your eyes as you glanced at Rin, who mirrored your expression of confusion and concern.
“Oh no, why is he here?!” you hissed to Rin, your voice barely a whisper as you instinctively crouched down behind the counter. “Why is he everywhere?!”
Rin’s composed demeanor faltered, her hands fidgeting nervously, “I-I don’t know?! Just— UGH, you go to the back and get ready. I’ll distract him.”
Before you could protest or even respond, Rin hurriedly shoves you towards the backroom. “Go! I’ll handle this.”
Meanwhile, Rin straightened up and forced herself to put on a bright, welcoming smile. “Oh, hi! Fancy seeing you here. What can I get for you today?”
“Well, well, well. Miss Takahashi, what a pleasant surprise,” he greeted, his tone light but his eyes sharp with curiosity. “I didn't expect to find you here.”
Rin chuckled nervously, internally scrambling for an explanation. “Oh, you know me, always popping up where there’s good food. I’m just helping out my friend [name]— Mei. I mean, I’m helping out Mei. She uh.. Needed a hand today.”
Gojo’s eyebrows quirked up in surprise as he looked around expectantly. “Speaking of Miss Mei, where is she?” 
Rin’s smile faltered for a split second before they recovered. “Oh, uh, Mei’s... in the back. She's um… She’s really focused on something important right now. You know, busy with... baking things.”
“I need to talk to her.”
Rin’s heart pounded as Gojo took a step closer, his gaze sharpening with determination. She glanced nervously behind her, trying to come up with a way to stall him without raising suspicion.
“Mr. Gojo, I really don’t think now’s a good time,” Rin replied with a nervous chuckle, her voice tinged with urgency as she subtly edged closer to block his path towards the backroom. “Mei’s in the middle of... a very delicate baking process. You know how it is, can’t disturb the chef at work!”
“Miss Takahashi—”
“Sorry, sorry! I’m here.” You hastily emerged from the back, now adorned with a quickly fixed makeup look and the styled wig that concealed your usual appearance.
The pair fell silent as the atmosphere in the bakery shifted, the tension was palpable as you faced Gojo, a small smile lingering momentarily on his lips before it was replaced by a focused gaze.
“M-Mr. Gojo,” you began, your voice steady but tinged with apprehension, “what brings you here today?”
“Ah, Miss Mei,” Gojo responded smoothly, his charismatic demeanor unwavering despite the serious undertone in his voice. “You haven’t answered my calls.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you fumbled for an explanation, realizing your phone had been on mute in your pocket. Pulling it out discreetly, you glanced at the screen—a sight that sent a chill down your spine. Five missed calls from ‘Archaeopteryx’.
The feeling of dread washed through you as his previous words echoed in your mind, “If you don’t answer or try to disappear, I’ll come find you.”
You let out a nervous chuckle. “I... I-I’ve been really busy, Mr. Gojo,” you managed, your voice wavering slightly. “You know how it is with the bakery and all—”
“Well, it seems like it’s rather calm now, meaning that you’re not busy at the moment, right?” Gojo’s tone remained polite but insistent, his eyes boring into yours.
You could feel the tension in the room escalate. Rin shifted uncomfortably beside you as you glanced at her, silently pleading for support.
“Mr. Gojo,” Rin began smoothly, attempting to diffuse the mounting tension. “Perhaps you could discuss this another time? Mei really is in the midst of—”
“I need to discuss urgent matters with Miss Mei,” Gojo interjected firmly, cutting Rin off. “Could you please give us a moment?”
Rin hesitated, exchanging a quick, worried glance with you before nodding reluctantly. “Of course, Mr. Gojo,” she replied, her voice tight with concern as she retreated towards the back of the building, leaving you alone with Gojo.
You swallowed nervously, now aware of the weight and the intensity of his presence. His smooth exterior held an unsettling look of determination, sending another shiver down your spine.
“Mr. Gojo,” you started again, your voice steadier this time though tinged with nervousness, “what is it that you need to discuss?”
“You’re going to meet my grandfather,” he replied bluntly.
Your heart skipped a beat at his words. Meet his grandfather? The implication sent a wave of panic through you. Gojo’s family was powerful, influential—meeting his grandfather meant stepping into a world you were not prepared for.
“Tonight.” Gojo continued, his voice carrying a matter-of-fact tone that left no room for argument.
“Tonight?” you echoed, your voice rising slightly with disbelief. “But I have work—”
Gojo cut you off with a wave of his hand. “Close early.”
“I can’t just—”
“Let Miss Takahashi handle it.” Gojo interrupted nonchalantly, as if it were the most natural solution. 
“Mr. Gojo, I appreciate the invitation, but I really can’t just leave Rin to—”
“It’s settled then,” Gojo interjected firmly, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. “You need to be ready at seven.”
Gojo turned to leave, his steps decisive as he headed towards the entrance. But before disappearing through the door he glanced back at you over his shoulder, his gaze piercing.
“Oh, and Miss Mei,” he said quietly, his voice carrying a hint of insistence. “Remember the information given to you about me. It’s important for tonight.”
“He sure knows how to push your buttons, doesn’t he?” Rin remarked with a sympathetic smile, handing you a dress she had brought from home. “I can’t believe he expects you to just drop everything.”
You grumbled under your breath as you struggled with the zipper of the dress. “That man is impossible. Who does he think he is, ordering me around like this?”
Rin chuckled softly, helping you with the zipper. “He’s Satoru Gojo, that’s who. Famous, rich, and apparently very persuasive.”
“More like arrogant and annoying,” you muttered, finally managing to zip up the dress. 
After Rin helped you into the elegant dress and ensured your wig was perfectly in place, you stood before the mirror. The reflection staring back at you was not the familiar person you knew—no, this ‘person’ is a creation, a persona crafted for this incredibly complicated and complex situation.
The styled wig framed your face flawlessly, the long waves falling just right. The makeup, more intense than your usual, accentuating your features with precision. The dress, though not your usual attire, draped elegantly over your frame, accentuating curves and creating an air of sophistication.
You took a deep breath, adjusting the fabric slightly and smoothing down invisible wrinkles. This wasn’t just about meeting Gojo’s grandfather—it was about stepping into a role, playing a part in a carefully orchestrated charade.
Rin watched from behind you, her expression a mixture of pride and concern. “You look stunning, [name],” she said softly, her voice breaking the momentary silence. “It’ll be fine.”
You sighed softly as you turned around, facing Rin with a hint of uncertainty in your eyes. "I-I don’t know about this. And.. Are you sure you can handle the bakery?”
Rin met your gaze with a reassuring smile, her hands resting gently on your shoulders. “[name], you look amazing, and I’ve got everything under control here. Don’t worry.”
“But closing by yourself, leaving everything to you...” you trailed off, feeling a pang of guilt for burdening Rin with the sudden responsibility.
“It’s a rare occasion,” Rin interjected, her voice firm yet gentle. “Besides, it’s the least I can do after everything you’ve done for me.”
“Thanks, Rin. I... I hope I can pull this off.”
“You already have,” Rin assured you with a reassuring smile, stepping closer to adjust a stray strand of hair on your wig. “Just remember, it’s just a dinner. You’ve faced tougher challenges than this.”
You nodded, trying to steady the nerves that fluttered in your stomach like trapped butterflies. “Right. Just a dinner.”
Suddenly your phone buzzed in your pocket. Glancing at the screen, you saw a text from ‘Archaeopteryx’.
“I’m outside.”
As the car glided through the city streets, you sat beside Gojo, your attention focused on the documents spread across your lap. They detailed various aspects of Gojo’s life—his achievements, interests, and even personal anecdotes—all carefully curated for you to remember in order to create the illusion of a close relationship between you and him.
Gojo glanced over at you. “How’s it going?”
You looked up, momentarily startled before composing yourself. “Fine,” you replied quickly, a nervous edge to your voice. “It’s just... a lot to remember.”
He nodded understandingly. “It’s important that my grandfather sees our relationship as genuine.”
You forced a smile, though inwardly, doubts swirled like a storm. “Of course,” you murmured, flipping through the pages once more, committing to memorize all of the details. “But.. If he asks how we met.. What should I say?”
Gojo fell silent for a moment, his gaze distant as if lost in thought. Then, he turned to you with a small smile. “You can make up whatever story you want. Just make it believable.”
You considered his words carefully, your mind racing to fabricate a story. After a moment of hesitation, you began, “How about... You came to see me on a rainy day. It was unexpected, but you—”
“No.” he said firmly, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. 
Your voice trailed off as you watched Gojo’s expression change subtly, a flicker of discomfort crossing his features as his jaw tightened imperceptibly.
“But why—”
“We’re here.” Gojo announced abruptly, cutting you off before you could finish your sentence. The car slowed to a stop, and you realized with a sinking feeling that further discussion was off the table—for now, at least.
You glanced out of the window, taking in your surroundings. The elegant mansion loomed before you, intricate architectural details adorned the exterior, hinting at a rich history and generational wealth. It was a place that exuded power and privilege, a stark contrast to the humble life you led.
Gojo swiftly exited and rounded the vehicle to open your door. His hand extended towards you, offering assistance. A rush of warmth spreads through your body, sending unexpected butterflies fluttering in your stomach as you take his hand.
“Thank you.” You managed, your voice slightly breathless as he guided you out.
Gojo nodded in response, a faint hint of awkwardness coloring his usual composed demeanor. The brief moment of closeness lingered between you, both of you seeming unsure of how to navigate the unspoken tension that had surfaced.
“Ah, Satoru,” a voice came from behind you, cutting through the moment. 
Gojo turned sharply towards the source of the voice, his expression shifting to a polite and respectful one.
“Grandfather.” Gojo acknowledged, bowing his head slightly.
You turned as well, facing the elder gentleman who approached with measured steps. His presence commanded respect and attention—a blend of authority and warmth that belied his years.
“And you must be, Miss Mei.” Gojo’s grandfather addressed you warmly, a small smile forming on his lips.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.” You greeted respectfully, offering a polite bow.
The elder man regarded you with a keen gaze, his eyes assessing you. “The pleasure is mine.” He replied graciously, tilting his head in acknowledgement.
As the introductions settled into polite conversation, you found yourself drawn into the rhythm of the evening—a delicate dance of social niceties and unspoken expectations. Gojo’s grandfather guided the conversation with effortless grace, steering it towards topics that navigated the intricacies of familial pride and legacy. You remained poised and attentive, keenly aware of the role you played in Gojo’s carefully crafted narrative. Each word, each gesture was calculated to maintain the illusion of a relationship.
But then, the elder man’s gaze sharpened, his next question caught you off guard. “Tell me, Miss Mei. Do you love Satoru?”
Startled, you hesitated for a split second before quickly recovering. “Yes,” you replied, your voice steady despite the sudden spike in your heart rate. “Yes, I do.”
The grandfather’s eyes bore into you, searching for any sign of insincerity. “Then why did you break up?”
The question hung in the air, a palpable tension settling over the room. You glanced at Gojo, who shifted uncomfortably beside you, his composed facade faltering slightly.
“Grandfather, perhaps now's not the time to—” Gojo began, his tone attempting to steer the conversation away from dangerous territory.
But the elderly man was persistent. “It’s a simple question, Satoru. I’d like to hear the answer.”
You could feel the weight of his scrutiny, and the silence stretched unbearably. Drawing a deep breath, you composed your thoughts, crafting a response that would satisfy the elder man without unraveling the truth.
“It was... a misunderstanding,” you started carefully. “We had different priorities at the time, and it led to a temporary separation. I... I thought he cared more about work than he did about me.
A low chuckle rumbled in his chest, “well, yes. Satoru is someone who knows nothing but work. And that won’t change in the future either. Are you okay with that?”
You hesitated for a brief moment, then nodded, deciding to add another layer to the narrative. “I understand that work is a significant part of his life. But what convinced me of his commitment was when he canceled an important meeting to come and see me. He knew that he’s an important part of my life, and so he showed me that I’m important to him too.”
The elder man’s expression softened slightly. “That’s quite a gesture.” He then looked at Gojo with a sharp gaze, “you rascal. You really canceled a meeting for her?”
Before Gojo could respond, you interjected smoothly. “Yes, and on top of that it was raining heavily that day. Even though he hates the rain, he still came to see me. It was very unexpected but incredibly meaningful. It made me realize that he was willing to step out of his comfort zone for me.”
Gojo stiffened beside you at the mention of the rain. Meanwhile you hoped the added detail would reinforce the sincerity of your story, blissfully unaware of the man’s discomfort.
“Is that true, Satoru?”
Gojo forced a smile, trying to hide his unease. “Yes, grandfather. It’s true.”
The elder man scrutinized Gojo for a moment longer before nodding approvingly. “I see. It seems that you’ve found someone who brings out a different side of you, Satoru.” Gojo’s grandfather leaned back in his chair, a contemplative look on his face. “Very well. Relationships require sacrifices and understanding. It seems you both have that figured out.”
Later that evening, after the dinner had concluded, Gojo stood outside the mansion, staring into the distance, lost in thought. The evening air was cool and refreshing, a stark contrast to the tension that had been simmering throughout the night.
You emerged from the mansion, spotting Gojo standing alone. Approaching him, you broke the silence. “I’ve been looking for you. It was kind of awkward to be alone with your grandfather after you left.” You said with a small chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.
Gojo didn’t respond immediately, his mind seemingly elsewhere. The distant look in his eyes made you uneasy. “H-hey... Are you okay?” you asked, concern evident in your voice.
He turned to face you, his expression unreadable but tense. “You shouldn’t have done that,” he said abruptly, his tone sharper than you had ever heard from him before.
You blinked, taken aback. “Done what?”
“The story about the rain,” Gojo replied with a heavy sigh. “You shouldn’t have mentioned it.”
Confused and feeling the sudden tension, you took a step back. “I was just trying to make our story believable. I didn’t think it would be a big deal.”
Gojo’s frustration was palpable, his usual composed demeanor cracking. “It is a big deal. You have no idea…” He paused for a moment, inhaling sharply, “this relationship is nothing but a simple contractual exchange of money.”
“I-I know that.” you stammered.
“Then stop acting like we’re anything real. Just answer his questions and don’t add your useless comments, got it?” Gojo’s voice was sharp, his eyes cold and distant.
The sting of his words cut deep, and you struggled to maintain your composure. “Okay,” you whispered, feeling a mix of embarrassment and confusion. “I understand.”
Without another word, he turned and headed back inside, leaving you by yourself. You replayed the evening’s events in your mind, trying to piece together what had caused Gojo’s intense reaction.
You knew that there were layers to Gojo that you hadn’t yet uncovered, secrets and pains that he kept hidden beneath his cool and composed exterior. And while the arrangement between you might be a contractual exchange, you couldn’t help but feel a growing curiosity and concern for the man behind the facade.
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» taglist - ⟡⋆˙ @megumisthirdog, @inluvkai, @ieathairs, @roscpctals99, @laviefantasie, @snwvie, @sanriosatoru, @cc1306, @pinkprincessglitterzombie, @keaugh, @eolivy, @peachesnoranges, @indicatom, @jayhyunglover
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unseededtoast · 2 days
Shadow of Obsession | Spencer Reid x Reader
Part Six
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Series summary: In which you find that love is an obsession that can quickly spiral out of control.
Also cross-posted on Wattpad and AO3. Link to my masterlist for everything else I’ve posted
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six
*Content warning: description of sexual activity*
My hands should be on her smooth, soft skin. My lips should be on hers. Not his. Never his.
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The miniscule camera remains where it was found, seemingly taunting you with every red blink. You and Spencer had both agreed that leaving it there was the best course of action. Taking it down or purposely covering it would tip off the stalker that they had found it. And who knows what kind of reaction that would invoke.
The two of you knew that it had recently been placed there, as Spencer would have noticed it earlier from one of the several nights he stayed over. After the discovery of the camera, a sense of dread filled your chest. You worry about what the stalker might have seen through the lens. If the stalker saw you on top of Spencer, then it's likely that something else is going to happen soon. That's just the nature of these cases, you had seen it time and time again.
And since then, neither you nor Spencer, had brought up the incidents from yesterday. The kiss shared in your bed, the passion on the living room couch. You know it had been real for you, but a tiny voice in the back of your mind wonders if he was just trying to keep you calm in the midst of this situation.
You remembered one case in particular, a while back in California, with a similar scenario. Spencer was placed on security detail for a woman and he ended up kissing her. He told the team it was to keep her from becoming overwhelmed with the situation, that she likely would have spiraled into a state of panic. He further elaborated that he gave her something to stay distracted. And you wonder if yesterday was all just some elaborate distraction.
Your heart sinks, saddened to think how you're supposed to move on from here if it was all just a ruse. There's no denying it, you've had a crush on Spencer since your early days at the BAU. You had tried to suppress it for as long as you could because you didn't want to ruing your professionalism or the team dynamic. But yesterday you were no longer able to withhold from your urges.
And now that you've had a taste of him, you never want to let him go. You want to be able to feel his hands on your body, feel his lips on your neck. You want him all to yourself, selfishly and shamelessly. Being the center of his attention like that was like a drug, one that you seem to have gotten hooked on the first time around.
The thought of him putting his hands on someone else like he did you makes you hot with anger and jealousy. You don't want his hands on anyone else, and you certainly can't stand the thought of him kissing someone else either. No, you want Spencer Reid all to yourself.
And you know if that is to ever happen, you have to find and stop the man who has turned your life upside down for the last week.
Now, you and Spencer sit at the dining room table, staring right at the manila folder that was slid underneath your door.
"Here's the timeline I put together, I am almost certain that it's correct." Spencer keeps his voice low as he speaks to you, spreading out the news articles and photos. You nod, showing him you understand and watch as the timeline gets pieced together.
Once it's all laid out, you take your time analyzing it. You recognize that the photos don't seem to be that old. In fact, you remember wearing a few of the outfits. You don't understand how you didn't realize all of this before, it seems clear as day.
"How didn't I see this?" You quietly ask, mostly to yourself. Spencer shifts in his seat, leaning forward to talk to you easier.
"It's probably just because you were in a state of shock." He explains, but it doesn't make it easier for you to accept.
"I should've been able to recognize this sooner. I mean, what the hell I'm a profiler and I couldn't even see the building blocks of my own case." You try to keep your voice quiet, but your anger and frustration bubble up. Spencer reaches over and puts a hand atop of yours, giving it a comforting squeeze.
"Don't do that to yourself." He keeps his voice low and meets your eyes. They're soft and understanding, it doesn't seem like he's blaming you one bit for missing things. You sigh and look back down to the photos.
"You're going in to talk to the team today right?" You eventually ask, hoping that you'd be allowed to tag along.
"In about an hour, but you're still under lockdown. I can have one of the other agents stay with you here if you want?" Spencer offers and you're quick to turn it down. You don't want anyone other than him inside your apartment with you.
"That's okay. Just, come back here afterwards?" You ask, knowing it sounds desperate, but you don't care. He brings you comfort and you feel safe when he's here with you. Not that you doubt your own abilities, you just like having the reassurance.
"Of course." Spencer promises and the two of you fall back into a comfortable silence.
When it's time for him to leave, you close the door behind him and look over to where the camera was discovered. You really wonder how long it had been there. Standing just out of its reach, you stare right at it. It's very small, blends right into the television stand. If it weren't for the light you'd never know it was there at all.
You tilt your head and think about who you know has been inside your apartment. Of course, there was Spencer and yourself. But other than that, nobody had really been in here, that you know of. That is, except for agent Valentine.
Spencer quickly makes his way to the BAU, his heart pounding from reading Hotch's message. Apparently, Hotch had not sent Valentine over to your apartment, nobody had sent Valentine anywhere. Spencer knew something was weird about him showing up, he just felt it.
Of course, he also has to remind himself that nothing has been proven. Yet. But, he has a feeling that they're going to find some concrete evidence very soon. Spencer had taken the manila folder with him, ready to hit the ground running.
As soon as he enters through the glass doors, he sees that everyone is waiting for him in the briefing room. He wastes no time, he goes in immediately. All eyes are on him, some more apologetic than others, some confused. But he pays them no mind, all he can think about is your safety and tracking down the man who has made your life hell, the man who turned your team against you.
With the reminder that half the team didn't even believe this was legitimate, he has to keep his anger in check if he wants their help. But deep down Spencer knows he would be able to handle this without their help, there's nothing he wouldn't do to protect you.
"Did you bring everything?" Hotch asks, breaking the silence.
"Yeah, it's all here." Spencer says and spreads out the evidence he's committed to memory.
"Can you brief the team on the situation?" Hotch then asks as everyone begins looking over everything. After a deep breath, he explains the situation and how it unfolded step by step.
By the end of his explanation, he can see the remorse on the team's faces. Their eyes are trained on the photos and it's Derek who decides to speak up first.
"Listen, I'm sorry-"
"You don't have to apologize to me, she's the one you have to beg forgiveness from. What if something had happened to her because none of us believed her? How many of these cases have we seen end badly because nobody believed the victim? She's not even some stranger, she's been part of this team for years. I still cannot comprehend how any of you doubted her. So if you want to apologize, I would start with her." Spencer cuts Derek off abruptly. Derek's mouth is left open, but he takes Spencer's intrusion in stride. He nods,
"I understand." Derek leaves it at that, and everyone else seems to take note, keeping their thoughts to themselves.
Spencer excuses himself from the room to keep himself from saying anything further. They know that they've entirely messed up, and it would only hurt the case to keep harping on it. He goes to the breakroom and makes some coffee, hoping that some sense of normalcy will help him get through the day. Truthfully, he wants to go running back to your apartment, but he knows he needs to be here.
As he sips on the hot coffee, his eyes travel to your empty desk. Wilted flowers sit on your desk, but the bright white paper attached to them catches his attention. He abandons his coffee and goes to your desk. The notes from the flowers find their way into Spencer's hands and he reads them over again, despite the fact he's had them memorized since the first time he read them.
But this time, two things catch his attention. On one of the notes, the words "brilliant mind" are used and in the other, the words "story not yet complete" are scrawled on the paper. Spencer's mind flashes back to yesterday, where Valentine stood in your apartment and used very similar words. In fact, he quoted verbatim the "brilliant mind" part.
By the time the dots connect in Spencer's mind, his phone rings in his pocket. He sees your name on the screen and doesn't hesitate to answer.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asks, heart thumping in his chest as he realizes he knows exactly who the stalker is. He had strong suspicions, but this was the final nail in the coffin, the last shred of evidence he needed to confirm it all.
"I'm fine, I'm fine. I just- I think I know who it is." You say, sounding breathless. Spencer's shoulders relax as he hears you're fine but his adrenaline spikes when you announce that you've also figured it out.
"Who?" He asks, hoping that you two have come to the same conclusion.
"It's Valentine." You say. Spencer looks back to the team in the briefing room and knows exactly what to do next.
"Listen to me. We're going to arrange the security detail to bring you here. We need to explain all of this to the team, and then we are going to find Valentine." Spencer says, walking towards the briefing room as you two exchange rushed goodbyes.
Spencer tries his best to not stare at the clock while waiting for you to arrive. His foot taps anxiously against the floor, his eyes dart towards the elevator every few seconds. He's calculated the time it should take for you to get here and he's already decided that if you're even two minutes late that he will go out and find you himself. Sure, it may be a little dramatic and overkill but he is not prepared to spare any effort for you, not when Valentine is still out there somewhere.
The others wait in the briefing room as Spencer told them you were on your way. Right before he walked out of the room he noticed their shared glances full of tension. Secretly, Spencer couldn't wait to watch them beg for your forgiveness. His blood still boils if he thinks about it for too long. And though he knows a lot of things, he doesn't think he'll ever understand how the team could've turned on you so easily.
As he paces around the bullpen, he hears the elevator ding and the doors slide open. He rushes to greet you, relieved to see that you're accompanied by two agents he recognizes from the security detail. Spencer thanks the agents and leads you away from them with his hand on the small of your back. He looks over you quickly, making sure that you're okay.
"How did you figure it out?" He asks once he's satisfied that you're not in any distress. Or, no more than you've been experiencing for the last week.
"I was looking at the camera we found and remembered that Valentine was standing right over there when he came over. And then I started thinking. How did he get my address? Why did he say he was aware of the situation beyond the encryption? And his behavior reeked of desperation." You explain and Spencer nods. He glances back towards the briefing room and decides he wants to speak to you privately a little longer before the two of you head in.
"I knew there was something off about his behavior. And I knew that we would've noticed the camera sooner if it had been there a while." Spencer confirms your thoughts about Valentine's behavior. You nod your head and continue on your train of thought before you lose it.
"And I figured he got my address when he was working on my computer two months ago. Remember, after the article was published about the case where women were being killed for affairs, that Valentine had to come and install an encryption software onto my computer because the one I had was outdated?" You ask and Spencer nods,
"Yeah, yeah I remember he was asking about the pictures on your desk and about that case because the article was next to the computer. You showed him the article and said that it wasn't entirely true, but that you didn't care because the team wins together." Spencer's face lights up as more connections are being made.
"Right. And if he was working on the computer it's hard to say what else he installed on there. And then the photos from the folder? Those were taken roughly two months ago. Spencer, it all makes sense." You say, slightly breathless, almost in disbelief that you've finally figured it out, and that all the scattered pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together to form one cohesive picture.
"Come on, we should tell the others." Spencer says, resting his hand on the small of your back as the two of you walk into the briefing room.
He feels you tense as you walk in, and chooses to stand right beside you as you explain everything to the rest of the team, who gives you their full attention. Spencer's eyes watch each one of them as he tries to look for even the most minuscule indicator that someone doesn't believe you now. But much to his relief, he can't find anything of the sort in anyone. By now he's aware of everyone's behavior and is able to clock them all pretty easily. He can only find guilt and interest written on their faces.
By the time you've explained everything to the team, you're met with several silent stares, each one exuding a different emotion. From a quick sweep you can pick out sadness, anger,and guilt.
But there's one person not here that you wish had made an appearance. After all your years here, you'd never known Penelope to miss something like this. But she's nowhere to be found. Perhaps that's because she still doesn't believe you. And with that crushing thought, you let yourself step closer to Spencer, who reaches for you but ultimately decides to give you a soft smile.
You know he was reaching to you to provide you comfort, but the team doesn't know what happened between the two of you and neither you nor Spencer seem to want to bring that to attention now. Maybe once the dust settles and the two of you figure out exactly what you're doing, but not now. Now you'll just have to settle for being comforted by his soft, puppy-dog eyes.
Breaking the silence, Hotch steps forward with a pointed look on his face.
"She is no longer safe to be in her apartment and she isn't safe here, not with Valentine working here. Temporary arrangements need to be made immediately. As for the rest of you, look into our systems for any other trace of interference. And once we get all of our evidence documented and Penelope determines if she can crack the code, that's when we go after Valentine." His words are concise and spoken with authority.
Everybody at the table nods and leaves the briefing room, leaving you, Spencer, and Hotch alone. Nerves prickle the tips of your fingers as you wait for Hotch's further orders.
"Is there anywhere you could go until we get Valentine?" Hotch's voice has noticeably softened and you're thankful. While you know Hotch has your back, his authority and confidence can sometimes be overwhelming.
"No, sir." You answer after considering the question.
You didn't have family in the area, there's no boyfriend you can crash with, and you know staying in a hotel with the security detail would draw unwanted attention. The crease between Hotch's eyebrows deepens, but before he can speak another word, Spencer clears his throat and takes a step forward.
"She can stay at my place." He offers and your heart swells.
While it's no strange occurrence for Spencer to stay at your apartment, you had never stayed at his before. You had always respected his aversion to shared spaces and germ transference but after yesterday's actions, this shouldn't have surprised you as much as it does. You quickly regain your composure and judge Hotch's reaction. His eyebrow is raised and he glances between you and Spencer critically.
"I'll inform the security detail of the location change." Hotch states and then turns to leave the room. The tightness in your chest is relieved as he walks out of the room. Your attention is then focused on Spencer, who's already looking at you.
"Are you sure?" You ask him, placing a gentle hand on his forearm. The corners of his moth tuck up into a smile and he nods.
"I'm positive. I would feel much better with you at my place." He affirms and you're unable to keep the grin off your face or the redness from staining your cheeks.
"Thank you, really. I'll go pack some things up and then I'll be over once you're done here for the day." You say and go to leave, but are stopped by Spencer's hand around yours.
"No, I'll go with you. I don't want you going back there alone. Especially now that we're on his trail. He could devolve and destabilize at any moment." Spencer says, keeping your hand within his. He pleads with his eyes for you to agree, and you know you're going to give in; after all you've never really been able to deny Spencer anything.
"Okay." Is all you say before the two of you walk out of the briefing room together.
----- Agent Valentine POV
The video on my screen plays over again and again and again. And each time I watch it, it doesn't become easier to accept. My knuckles turn white from how harshly I grip my computer mouse, replaying the video that's surely ingrained into my memory at this point.
As I see the dark footage of Spencer Reid on the couch with her, putting his hands all over her body, receiving her affections, my breathing becomes heavy and erratic.
My eyes are drawn to the way his fingers seem to map out every curve of her body and how his lips are able to taste the sweetness of her skin. It should be me. My hands should be on her smooth, soft skin. My lips should be on hers. Not his. Never his.
My printer sounds off as it prints a few copies of the image on my screen and I'm quick to add it to the others I have. I reserve one copy and hold it in front of my face before placing it on my desk and cutting out Spencer's face. I cannot even bear the sight of him anymore, my blood boils with unexplainable rage the more I think about him.
From the night at the bar I knew he was going to be a problem for me. That's why I tried to drive a wedge between them, but for some reason he didn't fall for it like the others. Not that my plan was bad, all I did was give her the credit she's rightfully due; it was her own teammates who didn't believe her. Perhaps that should show her how much they value her on the team.
I should've been the one to swoop in and save the day and then she would've had no choice but to see me. She would've seen everything I have to offer her. My eyes glance at my phone, hoping that she would call and ask me to install those cameras inside her apartment. After all, they would keep her safe. I would be here to make sure nobody got in, that she got home after work. My foot taps on the ground as I stare at my blank phone screen.
With a sigh, I look over to a framed photo of her I keep on my desk, and her smile calms me immensely. Soon this whole headache will be over with and we will finally be able to live the life we deserve together. I can almost picture it.
I can see the two of us on the front porch of our home, hand in hand, as we watch the sunset and count the fireflies. I can see us sharing breakfast across the table from each other, the sunlight illuminating her as if she had come straight down from heaven. I can see the fulfilling life I know we'll have. And that reminder is all I need to keep moving forward. All of this will be worth it in the end, when I can finally have her.
I click through her social medias to see if she's updated anything only to find that she hasn't. But I still go through the photos and am in awe of her beauty, just like I'm seeing her for the first time all over again. And once I'm done with her socials I check her work credentials to view her recent activity. It seems she hasn't logged on in a few days.
I chew on the inside of my cheek as I ponder when I should come in and magically crack the encryption code to save the day. By then, I will have had enough time to delete any tracks I may have left and plant new ones, ones that would reflect Spencer was the one who meddled with FBI systems. And then she would see me as her savior, she would have no other choice but to finally see me and be done with Spencer for good.
It's then that I start deleting my trail and working on fabricating false information. But for some reason as I try to place the falsified records, my computer begins running slow. Frustrated, my fists ball up and I try to get it running faster. But no matter what I do, it's still stalling.
That is, until my failsafe alerts me that someone is already in the same system. My blood runs cold as I realize someone has actually cracked the encryption code and is seeing everything I've done and am currently doing.
With a racing heart I try to determine my best course of action. And unfortunately, I think they've forced my hand to do something drastic. 
With a bag slung over your shoulder, you watch as Spencer opens his front door for you. The warm green walls invite you in and you realize it's been a while since you've been over here. But not much has changed. For a few moments you take it all in, seeing that he has a new bookshelf that he's already managed to fill and that he's rearranged his furniture slightly.
"It's so peaceful here." You say softly, placing your bag on the ground while you walk around. Spencer places his keys on the counter and watches you walk around his apartment.
"If you want, I can take the couch so you can get some rest." Your head swivels to look at him, eyebrows drawn tightly together. Does this mean he regrets what you two shared? Was everything just a distraction after all?
"Oh, um, you don't have to do that. This is your home, I can take the couch." You reply after a few minutes of jumbled thought. Your heart sinks as the words tumble out of your mouth.
You should've known better than to believe it was real.
Turning away from him, you walk to the window and look down at the street below. People are walking without a care in the world, and you wonder what life would be like if you hadn't taken this job. Maybe none of this would've happened if you just took another path.
Behind you, you hear Spencer grab your bag off the floor and you twist around to watch as he takes the bag into his bedroom. But you try not to put too much thought into it, he probably just doesn't want it laying in the floor.
Moments later, he comes to stand next to you, his hands shoved in his pockets. You don't know what to say, and apparently neither does he. There are a few questions burning on the tip of your tongue but you can't find it within you to ask. Not right now.
Instead you keep your eyes focused on the ground before you, wondering how much longer you're going to have to live here like this. During the quiet moments, which are few and far between, you're reminded of how much your life has been interrupted in just a few days.
You're no longer safe in your apartment, you and Spencer had actually kissed each other, your team turned their back on you, and one of the smartest people in the FBI is your stalker. At this point you're convinced you have the worst luck in the world.
"Are you hungry for dinner?" Spencer eventually breaks the silence, his voice raspy from the day.
Turning away from the window, you see how tired he is and you remember that he really hasn't slept much in two days. And now you're here in his home, disrupting his routine.
"I can take care of it. Please, let me. You're letting me stay here and you haven't had much sleep. It's really the least I can do." You answer and make your way to his kitchen.
He follows behind you and leans forward on the counter, watching you take inventory of his pantry. For as often as the team travels he keeps his pantry fairly well stocked, especially for a man.
"How do you feel about chicken parm?" You ask, closing the refrigerator door. Spencer's already looking at you, a small smile on his face.
"I think that sounds fantastic." He answers and sits on one of the stools. You nod and turn back around to collect everything you need.
While you prepare dinner, Spencer observes quietly. His hair is disheveled from the day and you notice some stubble adorning his jawline. A part of you hopes he keeps it and grows it out, there's just something about it that makes him look irresistible; more so than usual. He reaches up and loosens the tie around his neck and you try your best to sneak glances of him while you work. But eventually he's the only thing you can think about.
"Why don't you get changed into something more comfortable? It'll be done in a few minutes." You propose, hoping that he goes away for a few minutes so you can concentrate on not burning the sauce.
With a lazy nod, he slinks away to his bedroom and you let out a sigh. You wish you had the courage to ask him if the kisses were real. But you're afraid that if you ask, and he says no, that your only chance with him will wither and die. But if you don't ask, then you can convince yourself there's a chance.
After a few moments he returns in some simple sweatpants and a plain shirt. But somehow he makes it look like luxury loungewear. Instead of taking his spot at the counter, he walks behind the counter and looks over your shoulder. His hands rest on each of your shoulders and he rests his head atop of yours. In an instant, your heart thumps heavily in your chest, so much that you're sure he can feel it too.
"It smells amazing." His voice is quiet and deep, his lips are right by your ear which causes a shiver to run down your spine.
"Spencer." You say, not sure of exactly what you want to say, or ask, as your mind is becoming fuzzy and overwhelmed by his close proximity. His hands run down your shoulders, down your arms, before they rest on your hips.
Perhaps the kisses were real after all. Or maybe this is all just another distraction. Which means if this is a distraction then something else must've happened and he doesn't want you to find out about it yet so you aren't more scared.
You turn the heat off on the stove before you turn around in his arms. Your eyes meet his and you see how his eyes look over your face as if he's memorizing every small detail. Which he very well could be.
"Hmm?" He hums, his eyes flickering down to your lips.
"Spencer, what are we doing here?" You finally gain the courage to ask him.
He blinks a few times as if he's processing the question. For once, you're not sure if he has an answer at ready. Had you really just caused Spencer to really think about a question?
Eventually though, his grip becomes just slightly tighter on your hips and he licks his lips. With hopeful eyes, you look into his as he finally answers. You just hope he isn't about to break your heart.
"I think this entire situation made me realize how much I care about you. Can I be completely honest here?" He asks and you nod your head, wanting nothing more than the unfiltered truth from him.
"Of course." You affirm and he takes in a deep breath.
"When you realized someone had been stalking you, it made me come to understand that I hate the idea of someone laying claim to you like that. I hate the thought of someone looking at you with impure intentions, I hate the thought of someone invading your privacy, I hate the idea of someone else putting their hands on you. And if I am being honest here, I haven't had such violent thoughts since I was in prison. And, truthfully, I know I would do whatever it takes to make sure that you're safe; there would be nothing too extreme."
His words make your heart skip a beat and you find no traces of a lie in his eyes or written anywhere on his face. Instead, all you see is driven resolve. And you know he meant every single word.
"Spencer -"
"I'm sorry if that was too much, I know the way I said it was intense. But I mean it. You've found a way to infiltrate my every thought in the best way possible. I wake up and wonder if you slept okay and if you're alright and I go to bed wondering if you feel safe. And in the moments in between, I think about what I could be doing to make sure you feel safe, about what I can do to protect you from Valentine." He cuts you off and rambles on a bit more, and you take in every word.
If Spencer were anyone else his words may raise some concern, but because he's Spencer, your Spencer, you're just relieved. You're relieved because you know now that it was all real. And after he's done speaking, you lick your lips and fight the smile that wants to plaster itself on your face.
"Spencer, you're the only one that believed me about this from the get go. You're the one who made sure I've been safe. And, if I'm also being completely truthful here, you've found a way to occupy my every thought too." You say, trying not to let your voice waver at the end. Because Spencer is so close, it's hard to concentrate on exactly what you want to tell him. And as he hears your words, he smiles.
"And if I'm being even more truthful, all I've been able to think about is how your hands felt on my body, and how I never want anyone else to feel your touch." You go one step further to prove your point. He's so close to you now, that your noses almost touch. There's a growing heated tension between the two of you, and you know that it's going to give at some point.
"And I never want anyone to feel your lips on their skin, I never want someone else to hear the way you pant and moan. I want it all for myself." His voice is merely a whisper now. Your hands come up and grab the front of his shirt, no longer being able to take it.
Your lips crash onto his, and he wastes no time in cradling your face with one hand while the other wraps around your waist. Your mind flashes back to last night, but unlike last night there's a sort of hunger lingering between you two. Something primal, and desperate.
A few seconds of heated kisses leads Spencer to lifting you and setting you on the counter where your legs wrap around his waist. Your hand finds his hair and you tug on it slightly, eliciting a breathy pant from Spencer as he places kisses on your cheek down to your neck.
Your eyes flutter shut and your lips fall apart as you're bathed in warm ecstasy. There had been many many nights where you had dreamed of this happening, but now that your dreams are reality it's difficult to fully grasp.
Spencer's fingers slide up your thighs and sneak underneath your shirt. Your back arches into him and you encourage him to keep going. His lips find their way back to your neck and between his hands on your bare skin and his lips hovering over your sweet spot, you're convinced that you may explode from burning desire.
"Spencer please." You beg him, pushing your body to be closer to him, your legs pulling him closer into you.
His breathing is heavy as he pulls away and looks you in the eye. But only for a moment because before you know what's happening, he's scooping you off the counter and taking you to his bedroom.
Spencer places you gently on his bed and wastes no time to get his hands back on you. This time though, his hands travel further south. Your body is hot with need for him, you're sure your cheeks are flushed. And before Spencer takes even a single article of clothing off of you, he takes a step back to take in the view.
"You are so unbelievably beautiful." His breath is airy, his lips a dark pink and just slightly swollen.
Suddenly feeling self conscious about being under his careful gaze, you reach out for him,
"Come here." You tell him and then grab him by the front of his shirt. Spencer supports himself as he hovers above you.
The two of you kiss each other once more, full of passion and desire. You lead his hand to where you need him the most and you feel his breath hit hitch.
"Are you, you're sure about this?" He suddenly sounds nervous and you smile sweetly back.
"There's nothing I want more than you." You truthfully tell him, and he doesn't second guess your words.
His lithe fingers make quick work of the button on your pants and he tugs them down your legs with an almost expert precision. You see his pupils dilate as he looks over your soft skin, his hands grabbing onto your thighs and you swear you hear him restrain a moan.
He works his way towards the thin elastic waistband, his fingers hooking onto it and gently pulling. You lift your hips and watch him as he looks like a man starved, that's just been served a four course meal on a silver platter. His hair hangs down in front of his eyes, but you can still see the need within them.
Your eyes flutter shut once more as you feel the cool air of the room against your half-bare body. Spencer hums in appreciation and his hands find their way back to your thighs. Your breathing increases, you chest rises and falls quickly as you anticipate the feeling of Spencer's fingers.
But before you feel anything, both of your phones ring in the room next door.
Freezing in place, the two of you work your way through your mental fog and debate whether or not it's worth answering. Spencer looks heartbroken, as if he's a child on Christmas that's been told Santa forgot to stop at his house.
"We should, um, we should probably get that." You clear your throat and push away the deep disappointment you feel. Spencer stands up straight and offers you a hand off the bed.
"Yeah, yeah of course." It sounds like he's trying to convince himself and not you. Quickly, you pull your pants back on and find your phone before it stops ringing.
Desire is soon replaced with dread as you think of a hundred different reasons why the team would call both of you at the same time
The entire team sits around the table in the briefing room as Garcia explains her breakthrough discovery. Spencer and you had decided to take seats on opposite sides of the table, but it doesn't help that you're thinking of his hands on your skin. 
"So basically that's how I cracked the AES 128. However, when I cracked it I saw everything he had done and what he was in the process of doing." Garcia explains, though most of the technical talk goes over your head. 
"And what did you find?" Hotch is the first one to speak up and he leans forward on the table, his elbows resting on the hard surface. Penelope takes in a deep breath and her eyes flicker over to Spencer. 
"Well, sir, it looks like he was trying to erase his tracks and replace them with Spencer's credentials. My best theory is that he was going to alter everything and then make the encryption go away so we would find it all. But that's not it, no, Valentine's credentials were used to enter the BAU the night that the evidence was retagged." She elaborates and your eyebrows scrunch together. 
You vividly remember receiving that text from Spencer and a shiver runs down your spine as you realize just how close Valentine's been operating this entire time. You swallow the sickness that wants to rise within you
"And I hate to be the bearer of even more bad news, but I am fairly sure that he went through your personnel file." Penelope looks at you as she speaks, her eyes full of sorrow. 
"That's how he knew where I live." You speak up, throat feeling dry. To keep from crying you bite the inside of your cheek. You had the suspicion that Valentine had done all of this, but to hear it confirmed out loud shakes you to your core. If he looked through your file then he knows just about everything there is to know about you.
This time, it's Spencer who breaks the silence. He stands from his spot at the table and angrily runs a hand through his hair. He paces back and forth before saying anything, probably choosing exactly the right words. Everyone's eyes are glued to him as he stops pacing. He pushes his button-up sleeves to his elbows and looks right into your eyes, like you are the only two in the room. 
"If I find him, I'm going to kill him." His voice is calm, level, serious. His rigid posture and bluntness is something you're vaguely familiar with, but you haven't seen this behavior from him in a long time, not since he was released from prison. 
"Don't tell me I'm overreacting. We know how these things end. There's no chance in hell I'm letting him get close enough to hurt her. He will have to kill me first before he gets a chance at her. No, if I see him anywhere near me I don't think I'll be able to control myself." He admits. And even though his words should shake you, all they make you feel is safe. 
You know Spencer would go to any length to make sure that you're safe. That much is clear as day to you now. It's almost endearing to hear. And you'd be a liar if you said you wouldn't do the same for him. 
The rest of the team stays silent with his admission. Everyone knows that he means exactly what he said. And surprisingly, nobody tries to talk him down any further. They know he's right, these situations usually end with the victim badly injured or killed. We've seen it enough times. 
"We know how the behavior patterns of stalkers. If he gets wind that we're after him he'll go for her. Spencer, stay with her. The rest of you, it's time to bring him in." Hotch orders in a stern voice. The team is quick to get to their feet and get to work. 
Before you're whisked out of here once more, Spencer stands in front of you to block your path. You look up at him through your lashes and he takes your hands within his. 
"I'm sorry for the way I said everything, but I want you to know it's true. For what he's done to you, my beautiful girl, I would kill him in a heartbeat." He reiterates and it makes your heart beat faster. You squeeze his hands in appreciation. 
"Well, let's hope you don't find him first." You say with a small smile on your face. 
Spencer walks you out of the office with his hand on your lower back. He never once loses physical contact with you until you're safely in his car. And even then, his hand rests on your thigh. You observe his behavior, never having seen him so possessive before. It's interesting to you, seeing this side of him up close and personal. His eyes hold a burning intensity, like he could stare right through someone's soul, his shoulders seem broader from his tense posture, his jaw sharper from clenching it in anger and determination. 
Though it may scare some, it only intensifies what you feel for him. 
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lottiies · 3 days
one of his many journal entries about you
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arthur morgan x fem!reader and male!reader <33
i won’t lie…i have 45 hours on the game and i’m not even past chapter 2 (っ- ‸ – ς) why progress when i can save myself the pending heartbreak and instead admire this pretty man and his journal sketches?
anyways…love all you arthur morgan kissers ♡
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“my body doesn’t feel right as of late. my hands are too rough, my face is all wrinkled up, and my voice isn’t all that pleasant. if only i could sound as smooth as i write.
never been the most confident of men, but well, this body’s what i’m stuck with. used to go months on end without shaving until i realized my beard looked like bills. how embarrassing. miss grimshaw, the strong-headed woman she is, knocked some sense into me too. well…more like slapped me.
shaving makes me look more approachable, and that’s not really a good thing with my reputation. but, i did it anyway and spent a pretty penny on the barber up in valentine’s…had to pay a bit extra because of the drunken ruckus lenny and i caused there last time.
if my heart hadn’t been captured, maybe these worries of mine wouldn’t even exist.
oh, the ridiculous things love does to a man…”
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꒰ fem!reader ꒱
“about as beautiful as the stars above; a woman so otherworldly that sometimes I have to look away. she shines too brightly for these tired eyes of mine. i suppose that’s for the best, ain’t it? a man like me, the walking embodiment of sin, isn’t worthy of such a loving lady.
but that doesn’t keep her away. she often asks me to recount some of my adventures, and i hesitantly do so, fearful she’ll think me a bad man. craziest thing is, she looks more worried than anything else whenever i do as told. telling me to be more careful with that honey-like voice of hers. could listen to it all day. it’s like a balm to the soul.
can’t keep myself away from her either. doesn’t matter what she’s doing, i always find myself wandering over to her. i don’t usually have trouble sleeping, i’m like some rock when it comes to it. but she’s occupied my mind too much lately, falling asleep is difficult. like right now. should be sleeping, but i’m not. just up wondering about the ifs and hows.
i’ve been saving up some money so i can go get her something real nice, maybe a pretty dangly necklace. could just steal one, but i want to prove myself to her. she deserves the best, not something that belonged to some other stranger.
god knows i’d do whatever i can to keep her safe and sound. i’d die for her. funny thing is, i considered myself to be a selfish man before breathing the same air as her.
i can say with absolute certainty that i would give up everything for a future with her.
if she’d have me.
now, this fool’s about to try and sketch her.
not sure if i can encapsulate her beauty onto a page, though.”
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꒰ male!reader ꒱
“i fear I’m going mad. i never thought i’d feel this way about a man before. then again, pursuit of romance has never been a priority in my life. he’s one of a kind, something about him makes my palms feel all clammy.
he never leaves my head, every inch of this brain of mine is consumed with thoughts of him. his grin, the way his hat perches on his head, the stories he shares ‘round the campfire.
i’ve come across many men on all my journeys, but his handsomeness is unmatched. and he’s different. doesn’t nag me like dutch or get on my nerves like micah, but he isn’t just a brother like some of the other folks here.
i’ve been a bit too scared to drink these days. you know me, i spill my guts out and say stupid things like a damn fool when i get like that. wouldn’t know what to do if i were to sputter out how fine of a fella i think he is, or how grateful i am for him. is this only a special friendship? no, i don’t know how to describe this.
well, yes i do, actually.
my fingers trembled while writing that.
some may call this spark a sin, but going down an altar with him would be a taste of heaven itself. that wish is too far-fetched though.
all i ask for is a sign. just one. maybe i’m misreading the glimmer in his eye, or the way the bastard slings his arm over my shoulder and sings after he downs some moonshine.
weird how life works, isn’t it?”
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How Forgetting Almost Everything can Help You Reach Tomorrow: The Importance of the "Amnesia Plot" of Book 12 (and how it might be Dissociative Amnesia)
The amnesia plot at the start of Book 12 is more than often seen as out of place, unnecessary, or even ridiculous. Sure, why have the main character lose his memory all of a sudden? To make the story more intriguing, perhaps, or to show his determination to become king and his willpower?
But as we all know, accidents happen for a reason.
The same applies to the amnesia of Book 12.
Suppose that Hiccup did not get amnesia, he will know that he had lost the Things, and the possibility of him becoming King has been severely reduced.
It has always been one of Hiccup's deepest fears that the Lost Things he had found would fall into the wrong hands, enabling Alvin to become king, causing the destruction of dragons, and the suffering of the humans. Now, it seems that this fear is very close to becoming reality.
To add to all of it, Snotlout had just sacrificed himself so that Hiccup could live and become King. If Hiccup did not become King, then Snotlout’s death would be in vain, and he would be failing Snotlout's trust and faith in him. We see more than once in later parts of Book 12, where he repeatedly states that he is doing this because of Snotlout. (“The very least that Hiccup could do was to make absolutely sure that Snotlout's sacrifice was worth it./ He HAD to do this.”-Book 12, p188; “I take this Crown in honor of Snotlout.” -Book 12, p221) (Not to mention that he was probably traumatized by Snotlout's death -any thought about this must have been very painful.)
But how, exactly, was he going to do so in this situation? He had none of the Things, only about one day's time until the coronation, and the borders of Tomorrow will be closed, so he would not be able to enter. This really seemed hopeless now- He had been in seemingly hopeless situations before, but none as dark and with stakes as high as this one.
If Hiccup was to go on without amnesia, then he would be under great pressure to become King, while facing serious difficulties, and yet this burden of fear and grief and guilt would be so much heavier than anything he had ever experienced. He could easily fall into the “all my fault” loop of self-blame and despair. If so, then how hard would it be for him to gather all the remaining strength in him to make himself continue to go forward?
Even if he had all his memories, he might have to try to suppress some of them (“I’ll think about it tomorrow”-Book 11, p308), in order to prevent himself from sinking into the pain of them, and keep himself going.
So, ironically, the amnesia could be seen as the kindness of Fate, or a rare example of the remaining bits of kindness in Cressida.
So you see, the amnesia plot was necessary to the story.
But wait- there's more to this plot.
What if the amnesia was not, or not only, caused by a hit to the head?
What if Hiccup himself, consciously or unconsciously, induced that amnesia on himself, to block out the pain, so he could go on towards Tomorrow? Though this would imply that he already knew he lost the Things before he woke up. But it is possible that he had already realized it subconsciously.
(I know I'm going more into speculative grounds now, but since Cressida wrote it as so, then it is open to interpretations, as long as they are logical enough within the story.)
Searching on the Internet, I found this:
Dissociative amnesia.
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You see how this could actually fit into the story?
(I am no expert about dissociative amnesia, if I get anything wrong feel free to correct me.)
Forgetting one’s identity; memory loss of everything within a long period; amnesia affecting events but not learnt skills (such as speaking Dragonese or tying a kind of knot)- these are all characteristics of dissociative amnesia.
Especially the part where Hiccup regains his memory with help from Toothless- all memories returned, suddenly and forcefully, like a door swinging open. This happens with dissociative amnesia, where the memories are intact but blocked from consciousness to protect the person, but not with organic amnesia, where the memories are damaged, and usually cannot be completely cured.
(A small detail: with this approach, the fact that his memories about Snotlout returned later than the rest, might suggest that this was part of the trauma that caused the amnesia.)
In addition, in his amnesia state, Hiccup still seems to know that he must get to Tomorrow. Even though he was exhausted, ragged, barely alive, and had no conscious idea of why he was doing this, "something within him" made him push on towards Tomorrow. This fits in with the dissociative amnesia hypothesis.
Of course, I'm not saying that this is the "correct" explanation, Cressida might or might not have intended it to be dissociative amnesia, but since she wrote it in such a way, then it is open to this kind of interpretation.
However, this approach, interpreting the amnesia plot as dissociative amnesia, would be logical and connected with the previous events and Hiccup's character. And of course, it brings forth much more pain and emotional angst.
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Get in loser, we're going vessel shopping!
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Yuji and the gang were exhausted, having just finished exercising a group of curses. It was getting late so they then went to catch a ride back to Jujutsu Tech with Ijichi.
"Man, I'm beat! I had to hit those little fuckers harder than King Dedede's Jet Hammer!"
"Language Kugisaki."
"C'mon Fushiguro, I know you want to hit Gojo sensei as much as I do!"
Before they could continue their conversation, Yuji spoke.
"Is anyone else hearing music?"
Megumi and Nobara stopped. A faint jingle could be heard. Almost as if there was an ice cream truck nearby. But that was impossible. Before Yuji could speak, Kugisaki stopped him.
"No! Do you really think an ice cream truck would be here? In this time of year (fall)? At this time of day? In this part of Tokyo? Localised entirely within the woods?"
"Okay but when you put it like that it sounds bad!"
Suddenly a white van pulled up in the distance. Fushiguro gave a double take and then stated "There's no way I'm going near that thing."
Kugisaki then turned towards Itadori.
"Shouldn't you be going "jinkies!" or is this is the part where your spidey senses forget to activate? Yuji?"
The boy was no longer standing next to her for he had begun running faster than Todo at a Takada chan signing.
"What should we do?"
"I don't know but I'm calling sensei and telling him to bring a dog leash and some Jennifer Laurence magazines."
"Lucky me, I can't believe you guys are open! Anyway I'll take one fudgicle please!"
After paying, an arm reached out and handed him the frozen treat.
"Thank you!"
Yuji was going to peel off the wrapper only to find that there wasn't one.
"That's odd. Oh well, down the hatch!"
It was dark so he couldn't see very well but something was off about his popsicle. After swallowing, he then began to wonder if there was a recall that he should know about because ice cream isn't supposed to be spiky right?
An extra set of eyes then peeled open.
What a moron of a vessel. Sukuna couldn't wait to be free of him. It was then that the window opened.
"I should have figured you had something to do with this."
Inside was totally not Geto, aka Kenjaku, wearing a milk man uniform.
"Hop in Sukuna, let's go to the mall."
"What is your game here?"
"Don't be like that! I figured you would want to join me for some shopping. You know as well as I do that we could use a change of vessels, hm?"
Sukuna grinned and then jumped through the passengers side like in Dukes of Hazard, only the window was rolled up so now he was coated in shards of glass."
Are you feeling alright?"
"Couldn't be better! After all, I'm not the one who's body will be paying for the damage."
Kenjaku then began to drive to the nearest mall. Unfortunately they were now stuck in traffic.
"The sidewalk is wide enough. Go."
"You really haven't changed after a thousand years, huh? All right, just let me put on my mixtape first."
Before Sukuna could ask what that was, he began to hear loud music. It was too loud to hear what the other was saying but he was giving a look that said "Want to watch a massacre unfold?" Sukuna gave a nod and then Kenjaku put the vehicle into to overdrive. Tokyo's poor citizens tried to run for their lives while all one could hear was "Gas, Gas, Gas" by Manuel. They both began to cackle maniacally.
Eventually they made it to the parking lot after leading the police on a wild goose chase.
"So we'll go our separate ways and meet back here in a hour. Don't be late!"
"Fine with me! And it's not exactly like I have all the time in the world, this brats body is on a time limit!"
Sukuna then realized he didn't know where to start.
"Where am I supposed to find the strongest among a crowd of ants? This will prove to be more difficult than I initially thought!"
The first thing Kenjaku did was buy a new set of clothes.
"That last guy had no fashion sense! I'll need to choose more wisely this time."
He looked around until he saw a familiar face.
"No way! Tengen's here too? Alright, change of plans. I'm going to steal her intended vessel before she can make the switch!"
Sukuna was approaching a fitness store when he felt two arms place themselves snuggly around his stomach. He then prayed to Gege and hoped that it better not be who he thought it was. The king of curses then turned his head around to find the culprit. Shit. Why did he always have the worst luck?
"Yorozu... I see the restraining order failed to keep you away..."
"Oh Sukuna, we both know a piece of paper could never get in between the way of our love!"
It took all his willpower to not kill her on the spot.
"...So what are you doing here?""Kenjaku texted me and told me you would be here! It's almost like we're on a date!"
Before he could tell her that no, it was not like a date, she took his arm and began to drag him.
"Unhand me! What are you doing!?"
"What does it look like silly? I'm taking you to Build-a-Bear! It's what all the cute couples are doing!"
"Stop. One, if you were the last woman on earth, I would rather split myself into fingers then and two, I already have plans and I don't need you interfering with them!"
"Aww! Can't I come with you?"
"No! I'm shopping for a new vessel and I don't have time to-"
Yorozu then cut him off
"Wow! Like, you're going to be renting a new body? Let me help! I can help find the perfect choice for you!"
The king of curses scoffed.
"Yeah right! You can't even get your poetry right. How am I supposed to trust you when it comes to good taste?"
"Because if you let me help than I'll stop taking pictures of you when you're not looking."
Yorozu had a massive shrine dedicated to her love with so many creeper shots that her collection put other stalkers to shame.
"Fine. But you're also going to be burning the ones you already took."
What Sukuna didn't know was that the girl had figured out how to navigate technology far quicker than him, already having stored her files on a two terribyte hard drive.
Kenjaku watched his targets from behind a small potted tree. Once the two had met and started arangments, he knew he had to put his plan into action. Suddenly the speakers could be heard.
"Would Tengen please arrive to the head office - Your powers are being requested by management and there is an emergency - Thank you for your consideration -"
"I'm sorry but you'll need to wait a little longer before assimilating. Just know that your sacrifice won't be in vain."
Kenjaku watched her walk off and then nonchalantly came up beside them.
"Nothing personal kid."
He then twisted their neck causing instant death. Kenny began to drag the corpse with him to the bathroom stall so no one would interrupt him.
"Time to get to work."
Yorozu had taken Sukuna to the food court and was now arguing with the staff.
"Whadda mean you don't serve monkey brains! I'm calling corporate to file a complaint! Let's go dear!"
Sukuna and the worker then shot each other a look of pity. Yorozu was angrily babbling when she bumped into someone.
"Oh, hey Kenjaku. I see you're already finished."
He took off his hat, revealing fresh stitches on his forehead.
"Gross, what is that! A thumb thumb!?"
"Yo, granny!"
It turns out that it wasn't grandmother willow but Tengen. Or at least it used to be.
"Don't you "hey granny" me! Do you realize what you have done!?"
"Don't look at me like that, can't you just get a new one?"
"You know damn well that that's not how it works! I'm now stuck as this creature for all of eternity!"
Kenjaku waived his hand dismissively.
"Being immortal sounds pretty cool to me. Besides, do you know how irritating it is to constantly hop from one body to another?"
"Didn't ask, plus I don't care!"
Tengen then pulled a glock from underneath her robe and shot Kenjaku at point blank range. He was still alive so she would have to move fast. Tengen then began to unscrew the heads top lid and revealed a brain with teeth. It was hissing and citizens started to take notice. Panic ensued and while the crowd was screaming, Tengen pulled out a jar and plopped the brain into it.
Kenjaku's rabbit teeth tried to chomp through the glass but she quickly sealed it up in a layer of talismans, followed up by flex tape. Tengen was now leaving and Sukuna looked towards his side to find a missing Yorozu.
"Where did she go?! I mean, I'm glad she's gone but what can she be plotting."
He didn't know it but she leapt outside and was laying face first in the grass to study the bugs.
"Well there goes my ride."
Suddenly sirens began to blare."
Shit, it's the cops!"
Sukuna took the chance to switch places with Itadori. When Yuji woke up, he was at the police station and locked in handcuffs.
"Not again! I guess I'll have to use my one phone call on Gojo sensei and ask him to bail me out."
Panic began to set in.
"What was his number again?"
Yuji tried to ask Sukuna but he refused to answer, too amused in the boys misery."
Looks like I'm never eating ice cream again!"
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biblionerd07 · 9 months
I keep seeing criticisms of Ugly Betty that are explained by “it was 2006” and then I was confronted with the fact that some of the people lobbing those criticisms were. not born yet. in 2006.
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designernishiki · 11 months
it’s kinda funny to me how that dumb scene in kiwami 1 of majima getting shot and left for dead in the harbor was basically just added as a half-assed way to explain majima not being around for a bit of the plot, but they accidentally(?) just made it seem like start of a chain reaction where majima ended up feeling slighted and heartbroken after being abandoned like that and then lashed out about it via smashing a big truck into the building kiryu was in. and yeah that isn’t inherently a romantic thing as-is but then they go and add the part where majima grabs a hostess and performatively hits on her as in-kiryu’s-face as possible, she says she’s already in love with someone, and majima lets her go immediately, no questions asked, making a big fucking point of it just to say see THAT kiryu? I appreciate when people are HONEST about their FEELINGS. people who won’t just BACKSTAB someone who CARES about them to save themselves. is that so crazy kiryu?? huh??? anyway make it up to me get down here and fight me right fucking now
#I think on another level he was sorta saying like ‘hey kiryu. you’re making it extremely clear that you don’t trust me and my intentions#and I’ve been trying to show you- over and over again- that I’d do just about anything for you and your safety#but I can’t just let my mask fall off in front of everyone- I need to keep up the unpredictable morally grey wildcard act for both my sake#AND yours. because disguising my helping you as crazy random violent outbursts and weird stalker behavior#is the only way I CAN help you. do you think it would go over well with shimano or literally anyone else if I was outright helping you out#of the kindness of my heart and fondness for you? stop being so fucking dense and look past the crazy wacky nonsense for a second and#maybe you’ll realize that all I do at the end of the day- really- is help you and put my own life and reputation on the line for you.#I am an honest guy when it comes to my real values and when I told you I wouldn’t let anyone kill you unelss it was myself- I meant it.#I’ve taken a knife and a bullet for you now. can you REALLY not see through the act yet? am I REALLY that unpredictable when you think about#it?’#that was a longer explanation than i intended but. it was difficult to put into words#I basically feel like it could be read as him implying kiryu shouldn’t backstab the people who put themselves on the line to help him#and/or pointing out that he’s never actually done kiryu dirty and has stuck to his word protecting him in the ways he can#trying to say yeah all this is a crazy act and all but when it comes down to it you Can trust me#it really makes sense when you think about it that he’d have to help kiryu/show affection towards kiryu in unpredictable convoluted ways#at that point in time because. I mean. there’s a reason he was the only person who showed up to welcome kiryu when he got out of prison#and that’s because A) he sticks to his word and his loyalty to people he cares about and B) no one else had the balls or the batshit insane#mask to wear to ward off anyone asking real questions like majima did. because ANYONE associating themselves with the supposed#patriarch-killer was a HUGE NO-NO at the time. someone important showing up for kiryu and welcoming him back outright could’ve caused#all-out warfare probably. except majima. because majima was dedicated and smart enough to use his widely-feared wildcard persona#(that everyone tended to view as incapable of having any Real agenda to worry about) to his And kiryu’s advantage#does that make sense??? I feel like it makes a lot of sense if you get it to click in your head#kazumaji#majima#kiryu#yakuza#kiwami 1#yk1#rambling
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minakoaiinos · 4 months
Twitter getting obsessed with conspiracy theories about where redacted is makes me feel so fucking terrible when there is so much worse going on that people are literally begging you to pay attention to but instead you want to focus on scenarios you made up in your head and play true crime detective
#i saw five hundred women tweeting things like i am going to sound soo crazy at work talking about this 🤣🤣#you need to get the fuck off of twitter number one#ik i sound like i am on twitter too much but i genuinely have just been clicking on what's trending these past few days i have been sick#and its like yes the royal family sucks for five thousand reasons but there are actual atrocities happening right in front of our eyes#that are not a fucking mystery and you guys would rather think of literally anything else#based off of nothing. like i have been a billion tweets the past few days confidently listing off scenarios they know have happened to her#like yay you're so true crime you figured it out and its not even like these people care about women's well being either bc i saw all...#...kinds of nasty shit said about her when she said she was sick in the first place and all kinds of bad comments about how sick pregnancy.#...makes her feel so obviously on the most basic level you don't care about women to act like you now have a narrative from a true crime...#...podcast to project to someone. like you guys will get so distracted by anything#don't get me started on the oscars#everything feels so fucking bleak lately i also don't know how stuff like the election doesn't make everyone feel like they're losing it#like yeah the guy in the movie that's supposed to be about being a girl sang a little song does no one realize how all they're talking...#...about is the guy yet#wait no they're more worried about a bad photoshop than the massive amount of pictures of dead people my bad
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
What’s a genuinely sweet moment with Jo?
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mydr3aminvi0let · 25 days
really annoying and cruel and evil and messed up all my friends don't live in the same city. ive got so good at being alone ive convinced myself i could live the rest of my life alone and never be any less happy, and i still believe that, but then we have a good conversation or they make me laugh too much and it's like. oh. this is what it's all about. why can't we all live in the same building
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the-acid-pear · 1 month
Mental illness is insane I'm just having dinner w my father eating this a little too spicy pasta enjoying the Yeowch on my throat and the silence and suddenly I'm like yeah I'd kill myself.
#luly talks#i mean it came from out of nowhere grieving but it's so bizarre#like i just got hit by this very heavy rock in my skull this overwhelming and genuine urge for a second that yeah that'd be ok#that's the correct path to take and there's no physical changes i just kept on chewing on my all too spicy bc he used the wrong condiments#pasta. like sure i was a little zoned out maybe if you paid close attention you'd have seen my eye getting lazy or something but like. thats#it. and i always in zoning out#like this wasn't even an intrusive thought those come out of nowhere and just are echoing chambers of fear and shame#this was a calm resolution like yeah. that's the way to go alright.#y'know kind of unrelated but i always wish i had someone to talk about some mental health things i cant w my therapist#more on the speculative diagnosis thing. if you dont know what i mean shame on you for not keeping up with the Luly lore /silly#it's really hard being neurodivergent and im not talking about autism rn that i can manage but gestures vaguely its hard when it's#a group project. it's hard when everything is so fuzzy#because sometimes i tell myself i only think of this bc im all day alone and thinking but like#what. am i supposed to be getting non stop stimuli 24/7 least i realize i hsve something in my skull going on?#i blame my mother for that one she always made me ashamed of being sick or whatever acting like it was my fault#like me noticing symptoms was equivalent to me making them real#as if that wasn't just absurd like. the symptoms are here you twat. I'm not placebo effecting myself w shit#even the ppl who do like. the symptoms are real.#aaahhh siiiiigh yet another common L#brain stuff
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pepprs · 1 year
i will shut up abt this i promise but like. the concept of being in a stable safe mutually loving whatever relationship is INSANE . like how can you ever feel bad about yourself or wounded or whatever again. it’s like a superpower or somethi ng. <- doesn’t know what she’s taking abt bc she’s never experienced it or the absence of it after having it merely the negative space of it and is filling in the gaps w logic or something. but it’s INSANE to me. like of course i feel like shit about myself i am catcrumb unloved.jpg!
#purrs#imbeing insane about it i know it’s not that simple / reductive and i will still feel like shit abt myself once im in a relationshp (if i#get to be ♥️) and there are lots of other legitimate reasons to feel shit agtbyiurself. but it’s like no ficking wonder i feel inadequate i#am a 24 year old who lives at home and has never held a hand or whatever next to two 50sometjinf year old married men with pets and phds. of#course i am going to feel inadequate and stupid and lonely. like i canttttt 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 and th w worst part is you can’t just go out into#the world saying that and looking for that it has to find you so i will not join any dating apps or whatever but i don’t fucking go anywhere#so im not going to meet anyone and i knowi am so young and stupid and just having a horrible day that is reminding me of horrors. but the#way i am mentally shoving my whole fist in my mouth. OF COURSE I FEEL LIKE SHIT I DONT HAVE A LIFE PARTNER!!!!!!!!!!!! I DONT HAVE THAT#SAFETY AND STABILITY AND TRUST AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!!!!!!!! AND I NEVER HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#delete later#like this is what makes me crazy abt parents and kids too and whyi don’t think ihave kids. bc i think (and i know this is wrong / unhealthy)#it is a primal human need to be mutually someone else’s number 1 person and when you have kids it’s like you’re gonna love your partner more#than the kids and then the kids (read: me) watch that and get fucked up over it. but also that could just be me reacting to the UNSPEAKABLE#psychological damage of being a twin. which again is ridiculous bc it’s n out like abuse i just had to share something with someone else si#since before i was born and ofc there was more like actually kind of abusive stuff on top of it LOL but that aside. idk what im saying i#just feel so crazy. the amount of composure it takes me every day to not start SCREAMING with frustration and envy when i see ppl being#RIGHTFULLY DESERVEDLY visibly confident and loved. like ok valentines grinch go sit in the drainage pond forever please. but it’s so crazy#like how are you supposed to go through the world unaware of how much love you’re missing out on because you’re young and then you realize I#it and then somehow you miss the train and you are scared you are going to d*e alone ♥️ im normal
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tokyoteddywolf · 3 months
22 isn't very much at all, I think.
#5am rambles#anyways ignore this as per usual im just thinking in a post that i'll delete soon. i just worry and writing it helps.#you ever wonder when you'll “grow up'? and then realize youre not even fully grown?#that theres still more to learn in life and that the mistakes you make are just that? mistakes?#that you are still so very very young in a world that is so very very old?#im almost 23. barely a quarter of my lifespan. im still a child in a way- my brain not fully formed.#you ever wonder how many mistakes you can make before you figure something out?#I dont know much of anything really. that's the sad part. and the adults who were supposed to help me learn... didnt.#i was failed. and now im a failure. at almost not quite 23 years old. Maybe i wont be a failure in another few years.#i still have a while to go before I die. I'm not going to waste time thinking about it. im just going to try my best.#I have time. I can learn. Grace and patience are not endless but damn if i dont try to figure things out#first step though is meds and therapy tho. we're done with the pity party. some things you just have to accept are okay#cuz my whole life i was taught that being emotional is a weakness. its pathetic and stupid to be upset or angry about anything.#any time i wanted to show i was upset or angry i was 'wrong'. i was 'selfish' and 'dramatic'#so i suppressed and pretended i was fine. that i wasnt weak and pathetic. that i was good and not an annoyance or burden.#i am not weak. i am not pathetic. i am fine i am fine i am fine you dont need to worry about the inconvenience at your door.#sometimes the shame is so much that i cant look at myself or even think i deserve help. that therapy is for people with real problems.#that i feel like ill just be told im like this for attention or dramatics. that im such a disappointment and selfish too.#ive been a “problem” my whole life to the point i dunno if i CAN be fixed. that anxiety eats me alive every day.#therapy is supposed to give you methods to cope#i dunno if it'll work though. I forget my appointments a lot. i struggle to talk sometimes. i may be autistic but its hard to get diagnosed.#emotions are so hard to figure out.
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an-aura-about-you · 5 months
sometimes the best thing about a day of work is that it's over.
#work whinging in the tags#a coworker was out today and will be out on Monday as well#Monday it won't be as bad but today it sucked because this week's the week I do my day team's banks#I don't bother telling my night team this because every time I did before it didn't made any difference#I busted my ass working on the early banks getting them as done as I could#but of course I still get one bank like 6 minutes before my break and it's got a query that requires me to look at 500 items#so naturally I'm late to my break but fuck y'all I AM gonna take my entire break#so of course by the time I get back I already had a bank waiting for me#and I couldn't keep on top of some of my day team's bank work because of it#one of my day team banks ended up taking like an hour between doing that work a 1200 item query & working 4 other banks on the side#and THEN the person who hands out banks forgot to assign one to me until I had already clocked out#for the record they got the bank about 20 minutes before I was scheduled to clock out they had plenty of time to do it#and then I said that I can do it but it was going to be overtime at this point#and they said 'that's okay' so I took that to mean I was supposed to do it#so I said 'ok I'm working on it now'#only for them to ask 'are you working on the bank?'#like yes???? I literally just said I was??????#and that's when I realized that they possibly meant 'that's okay' as 'don't worry about it you can go for the night'#but if that's what they meant THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE USED A PHRASE AS AMBIGUOUS AS 'THAT'S OKAY'
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#sometimes i feel like my brain is disintegrating in my head. coming apart like a lump of paper in a pool of water#it comes with this weird feeling of vertigo. like i turn my head and my thoughts are spinning too fast. they keep going despite my standing#still. its also a but when you start drinking something and when u stop your thoughts r hazy and ur breathing is heavy#maybe thats not a universal experience. sometimes when i stop i realize ive slipped half out of my body#and now im stumbling from day to day trying desperately to remember all the things im supposed to be managing#but there are these big holes in my brain. like im missing chunks of grey matter. the bits that would let me stop and start things#i dunno. when im taking measurements i have this image of myself on my knees holding the fragrance pieces of my life together as they#crumble thru my fingers and my insides shrivle away from the walls that contain them. i go hollow like a gord#and ppl say oh ur so passionate abt what u do. and i go brittle bc it doesnt feel like passion it feels like the symptom of an illness#i dont care. im just trying to burn the hours away. make time vanish. and for what? what am i building toward? i have an answer that i give#interviewers but i dunno i never thought id make it this far. but here we r. unhappy and lacking in purpose. its just that this last year#was so weird bc about a year ago i burned out so hard that i never recovered and it just got worse and worse. i feel now that ive stopped#the bleeding at least but the bitterness is still there. still infecting my words and curving my spine around the injury#and in theory i understand the path to healing but its hard when im just so. i dont even kno. angry? im not mad but the word feels right#but i dunno what id be angry about. maybe im just sick of empty tasks and not caring. i used to have passion and enthusiasm now i just feel#fragile and hurt. bracing for pain. and that makes me so sad. i wish i could go out into the woods and wander. just breathe#but no. instead ill start another day identical to 100 others and hope to keep my head above the surface bc im sick of swallowing sea water#anyway. itll b fine. hopefully this week i can commit to a program. hopefully. another program halfway across the country. this time#vertically. landing me still 2 time zones from home. but hopefully there i can breathe a little. maybe. hopefully. well see#unrelated
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