#am i a joke to you anon?
daydreamerwonderkid · 4 months
vore anon here
so pet play laios then?
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Anon, I am begging you once again to read the fucking manga.
All the answers you seek shall be found within.
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lovesickeros · 1 month
zhongli and neuvillette fighting over their reader 🤭🤭
scary dog privilege wherever you go, draconic courting gestures that would scare any regular person, they send each other deadly glares the moment you turn away,
stealing your clothes to just get a whiff of your scent, marking their territory all over your house - making it a battlefield basically, neuvillette (in my hc) is cooler and zhongli is warm so the cuddles are always so comfy ☺️😍,
they give you anything you want - you don't even have to lift a finger, they make you travel between the nations a lot though 😒 sooo clingyyy, extra gentle in their dragon forms as to not squish you, don't even get me started on the size difference 😍😍
just a little thought 🤭☺️
- 🐈‍⬛
Neuvi being colder is so real and canon. I see him as being colder + a lot more lithe, kinda lanky with smaller but sharper canines versus Zhongli who's warmer and a bit shorter then Neuvi + bulkier with bigger but not as sharp canines.
They've also got very different habits – Zhongli is very prideful not just of himself but his nation. He'll personally give your a tour and purposely drag it out as long as he can. Complimenting Liyue is basically complimenting him, checkmate Neuvi. Especially if he convinces you to try on some local Liyue fashion. Harmless and just a nice gift to anyone else but Neuvi sees it for what it is (since your wearing something from Liyue, technically wearing something of his. He loves his technicalities when it comes to staking a claim over you). Adds salt to the wound by touching you in totally innocent ways like to adjust you towards something he wants to show you or accidently brushing against you when he takes the bags of spoils he's practically drowning you in but really he's just making sure his scent sticks. He's just a sweet, nice gentleman with absolutely no ulterior motives trust.
Neuvillette does love Fontaine, but his habits are more about himself then the nation. He'll take you around if you ask or if the idea strikes him, but you'll probably stay around the making city area or the opera house specifically. He enjoys more personal time with just you and him then anything else. He values the immaterial to the material. Zhongli spoils you with gifts, but Neuvi tries to offer quality time irregardless of physical gifts (though he still gives them just not to the extent of Zhongli). He'll take you to see different operas if that's to your fancy, or leverage a bit of his authority to maybe see a few films since those seem to be hitting off in Fontaine recently. Bet that creaky old archon doesn't have those huh. He feels awkward if you want to watch a trial, but he'll reluctantly agree because. well. it's you. just don't wave or anything he's trying to work and he just Really wants to see you smile at him like that again and it makes him lose his train of thought. gets custom clothes designed by Chiori to replace your clothes from Liyue because they smell of Zhongli and it makes him sulky + he likes to match.
G-d forbid these two are in the same room as you because it's a war of attrition at that point. Constant accidental brush of the hand against your shoulder or elbow but it's just them trying to get rid of the others scent. they are side eyeing each other behind your back while being all smiles whenever your looking. If it's hot and you lean into Neuvi more he's practically GLOWING. not even smug he's just absolutely smitten and happy to be of service. immediately takes off his gloves and presses his hands to your face asking if your okay and if you want to go back with him. if it's cold out and you seek out Zhongli more hes smug as hell beneath the calm veneer. Offers you his coat and stay as physically close to you as he can under the pretense of being worried you'll catch a cold if he doesn't warm you up.
don't even get me started on your house either because you probably have tons of gifts from both of them accumulated everywhere. if Neuvi sees you use a tea set from Zhongli suddenly he had a fantastic gift idea he thought you'd like. he even got some tea included with it so why don't you let him make you some? Zhongli sees you using a goblet Neuvi gave you (totally a coincidence it's similar to his) and suddenly you have 27 square cups in your cabinets that you have no idea where they came from. if the goblet is mysteriously missing oh well. who knows :]
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fabro-de-omres · 7 months
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autismswagsummit · 2 years
I get the wheel of doom round, but it seems kind of dumb and pointless to bring a loser back just to make the last round have a more split vote. Doesn't seem fair
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^ my reaction to this information
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skyloftian-nutcase · 28 days
Can you give a brief summary of your AUs please?
Sure! :)
Breath of the Sky: A year after Skyward Sword, the newlywed lovebirds are slingshot into the future just before the Calamity. They now have to navigate being in this place, revered as Hylia and the Hero of Myth, while BotW Zelda and Link figure out how the heck they’re supposed to accommodate and deal with it. Chaos and lots of drama ensue. Currently playing: the Lovebirds and the Anxious Duo travel together with the Champions to survey Hyrule and see the Divine Beasts.
Forsaken AU: Original AU with original characters. When Princess Zelda, known for her prowess with her magic and her confidence in her abilities, gets disturbing visions of an oncoming darkness, she tries to claim the Triforce for herself to protect Hyrule. However, the Triforce shatters at her touch as she isn’t worthy to wield all three pieces, and she inherits the Triforce of Power. Put out but not defeated, Zelda goes on a quest to find the fated Hero of Hyrule - she knows it’s usually a dude named Link, and he likely will bear at least another piece of the Triforce, so that’s two birds, one stone! Except… half the kingdom names their boys Link. But after going through half a bajillion Links, two of them are promising! One she can sense a strong magic in, even though he just says he’s a masseur and knows nothing about fighting. The other hardly says anything at all, but Sir Edgy and his faithful doggie companion can’t keep hiding his secrets from her forever.
Blood of the Hero: Ten years after the Calamity, the Shrine of Resurrection is damaged, leaving Link vulnerable and dying. Link’s parents, Abel and Tilieth, who were on the Great Plateau protecting the shrine, are now tasked with saving their son’s life by taking him to the Sheikah shrines across the land. Currently playing: Link’s still out of it but he’s about 5-6 hearts and one stamina vessel in and showing signs of improvement while his dad has a complete spiral from ten years of PTSD buildup and his mom tries to pick up the pieces and take care of them both. Oh, and Impa thinks they’re all insane.
The Imprisoning War: Millennia before Hyrule Warriors, Ganondorf attempts to steal the Triforce and it predictably shatters, starting a two year war that nearly destroys both Hyrule and the Gerudo. The other two Triforce piece bearers are HW Link’s predecessor, the half-Sheikah/half-Hylian named Link, who is madly in love with Ganondorf’s daughter and came to look at Ganon as something of a father figure, and Zelda, who has to overthrow her father to lead Hyrule to victory. Once Ganondorf is defeated, things only get worse for Link as he has to abandon Hemisi, the woman he loves who just helped him and Zelda defeat her father, and enter an arranged marriage with Zelda to save what’s left of their broken kingdom. (Backstory for Golden Mercy)
Golden Mercy: When Ganondorf returns during Hyrule Warriors, he’s on a mission to make things right, though what that means is beyond everyone around him. Kidnapping the Hero of Hyrule and telling him he’s protecting him from the Queen is not what anyone expected, and nobody can quite figure out what his ultimate goal is. Link sure is confused, though, and… starting tor realize there’s more to Ganondorf than just being a monster. Zelda, on the other hand, is quickly spiraling with panic and fear over losing her friend and Hero, as well as trying to protect her kingdom from such a threat that was so dangerous the previous Hero split his soul into pieces to prevent him from ever returning. (Lots of redemption arcs. Lots of them.)
Wild Spirit: When BotW Link is mortally wounded in the Calamity, Zelda decides that Hyrule can be saved more quickly if she lets the Spirit of the Hero be reborn in a new Hero rather than hope a potentially malfunctioning shrine can maybe heal her friend in a few decades and he might not even know what to do. BotW Link dies, but his spirit remains to guide the next Hero, a young man from Lurelin Village. This new Link is friends with his strange spirit companion, and slowly learns his destiny as he grows older. Now that he’s of age, he must take up th mantle of Hero of Hyrule, and his first task is to find the Master Sword, which was entrusted to his predecessor’s father, Abel.
Dad Squad: This one I share with @nancyheart11 and literally anyone else who wants to jump in and have fun with the Dads. When the Yiga use new magic to jump to different points in Hyrule’s history and kidnap Heroes of Hyrule, it’s up to their Dads to save them. Then again, Link doesn’t really need saving all that often, and putting a bunch of Links together is never a good idea for the bad guys, so the Links bust themselves out. But now they’re running around lost and confused, the Dads are still trying to find their Boys, and the Yiga are somewhere in the middle. As for their motives… well. There’s a dark magical mask, maybe a Bad Dad demon king, and a whole bunch of idiocy chaos.
LU in Healthcare: Basically what it says on the tin. The Chain is in modern land and they’re all involved in the world of healthcare! And somehow everyone tolerates my pittance of updates/lore.
Hero of Shadow: During the events of TotK, the demon king discovers the grave of someone he knew and loved dearly - a young Sheikah/Hylian warrior named Link. Using his powers, Gan resurrects him at a price, to ensure that his boy stays safe and loyal. Meanwhile, this young shadow warrior is trying desperately to break free of his father figure’s control while fighting his own feelings on the matter, and his only guide is a strange mystical voice that leads him to shards of a broken sword. In the surface, TotK Link is starting to figure out that something else is going on in the depths. (Essentially, I threw my Imprisoning War blorbos into TotK)
…I think that’s all of them. Wow, I have a lot of AUs lol. So much for brief. 🥴
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krasytoonz · 1 year
I just want to say that thank you for including that little stim toy for Wally d, as an autistic person I feel somewhat validated even if ur gangster au is a joke
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The reason why I Include a Stim Toy for Wally D in my previous comic is because in every AU I own (royal and gangster au) he is Autistic!
(Just like the canon version of Him! Alongside with Frank and Julie too!)
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chaosandthe-deadblog · 7 months
What exactly do you have against women being kind or cheerful
This whole thing comes off very cishetero dude and I don't think that's intentional??? But it's seriously giving man vibes
i am literally a lesbian
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dysfunctional-doodle · 8 months
2003 Raphael: You’re kind of a pushover, aren’t you, Donnie? 2003 Donatello: …I’m sorry. 2003 Raphael: See!? That’s exactly what I’m talking about!
On the flip side
2003 Raph: You’re a pushover
2003 Mikey: wait, what -
2003 Raph: *shoves Mikey to the ground violently*
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clanborn · 9 months
i was going through ur art tag and man. u really like dear hunter (me 2)
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i a,m normal about music
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poisonedspider · 4 months
the people standing up for you are lying. you play angel way to nice. he isnt this soft uwu twink. theres a reason you keep asking for threads and no one is giving them to you. delete youre blog. youre the worst angel in the fandom.
Bleh, I wasn't going to post this, but I am terrible at NOT responding to anons because I want to be sassy. So here I am, being sassy. *Stares at my 200 things in the queue and 99 drafts.* Oh yeah. Huh. Sure seems like people don't want to write with me. Mhmm. Right. I'm asking for threads because I just love writing and love this fandom and want to create more. Not because I'm suffering.
Also the irony that I agree he isn't this soft uwu twink. If you think my Angie doesn't have sass, you haven't been looking at all my threads. He literally told someone in one thread that he "doesn't sleep with ugly." He just had his Husk send him a picture in which his response was, "Did that baby get dropped on its head too many times? Or hit by a mack truck?" Angel has attitude. Look at literally every thread I have with a Vox or an Alastor.
But he has also been changing. Oh my goodness it's almost like that's his entire character arc in the show. He's going to be soft (especially towards Husk, c'mon, have you SEEN THE SOFT LOOKS HE GIVES THAT FUCKER SINCE LOSER BABY), he's soft towards Charlie, he's soft towards Niffty. He's kind, and has a huge heart, and is showing it more now because he feels comfortable to do so. And if you're asking why he's nice and 'baby' to Valentino, then I am going to one day type up a full damn essay about victims of abuse, love-bombing, why people stay in domestic violence relationships, why people act the way they do, etc. But that won't be happening now, because I have to go pack for my vacation. In which I won't be wasting my time thinking about anons like you. *Blows kiss.*
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blindmagdalena · 2 months
if ashley or a-train don't get a single win next season i'm gonna start being a bitch about it. if ashley doesn't get to have powers that are NOT LIKE JACK FROM JUPITER i will riot. kripke LET MY FAILWIFE BE HAPPY ONCE. actually no don't that means she's doomed to die. let her be ambivalent about her position in life
we fuckin ride for ashley barret. watch yourself, kripke.
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deoidesign · 2 months
just to inquire, what’s your favorite thing you sell in your shop?
i love your comic!
Oh thank you!
And my favorite thing... That's hard to answer haha
I like selling prints because I get to use my nice printer (which I love to do) and I especially love selling custom panel prints, because then I get to see people's favorite panels from my comic, which is double nice...
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The most fun items to pack are the merch bundles which are themed with my books, I LOVE coming up with packaging design like this so much...
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But my favorite design has gotta be one of these... Probably the patch, there.
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It's really hard for me to pick!
I actually genuinely just am really passionate about product design and merch themeing, it's not only extremely fun for me but it also just really engages my brain. I love coming up with items that fit a theme, and there's no theme I love more than my own comics haha
So there's not much I could enjoy more! That's why I chose to do a merch club on patreon, it lets me get out my merch-y feelings but without overloading my storefront... Plus it's just really fun for me! I get to experiment, make little packages, and enjoy making new things.
Thank you for asking!
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onesidedradiostatic · 7 months
husk in any image with valentino is going for his throat i imagine. pan on pan violence. (sort of imagining husk as a spitting kitty cat now, with valentino holding onto a chandelier or smthin near a ceiling for dear life)
charlie, cherri, sir pentious, vox -- well the two in the middle are making out, while charlie and vox stand to either side not quite sure where to look, because they also can't really look to each other for solidarity. alt. charlie is cheering cherri/sir pentious on, vox isn't sure how he ended up on this picture and why alastor isn't there :(
see at first id think alastor, vaggie, and angel would be pretty chill in the same picture, seeing as angel has been learning Boundaries, but i forgot that vaggie -- while chill with alastor in the battle + final bit -- potentially does not trust this guy in the slightest, considering he's made a deal with her gf. so like. nominally chill picture. for now. rosie is also there
is lucifer the token straight in this setup? (i wrote that and then remembered adam, but tbh loser bisexual adam hcs have compelled me) (and then the host of people who are ??? in my head atm. velvette, carmilla, lute, zestial, niffty -- oh NIFFTY does strike me as potentially straight in a "housewife from a terrible marriage" sort of way) (lol accidentally wrote my way into a "what about the straights" corner somehow, love a show where everyone is queer until proven otherwise and even then...)
(reference to this)
LMAOOOO this is all very real. "vox isn't sure how he ended up on this picture and why alastor isn't there :(" I'M CRYING??!?????
velvette is definitely some form of queer to me, wlw or aro are all acceptable to me. carmilla, zestial, niffty idk. for lute I do actually kinda like her with adam so she's at least a manliker to me but also like the idea of her having had something with vaggie in the past, so bi/pan to me
honestly I'm fine with bi lucifer or token straight lucifer both work for me but I was speaking in terms of canon sexualities in my post (because if it wasn't just canon there would probably be more bisexuals LMAO. and rosie would be with alastor in the aroace section)
btw regarding the lucifer thing, they've taken it out now but at some point he was listed as straight on the wiki and I got JUMPSCARED bad
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I think the idea of it is very funny though. yes the one who oversees the PRIDE ring. straight. also him being token straight of the hotel (unless you count niffty???) where like everyone else is queer in some way and he's wondering why he gets left out and charlie just has to awkwardly go over and say "ummm... dad. you're uh. straight!" "well. do I get a flag?" "errrrm. yes, dad! the um. straight.... ally flag." "wow! is that what the a in lgbtqia+ stands for?" "no. no dad. that's alastor." "the a in lgbtqia+ stands for alastor??????" "DAD. NO."
(this is of course all for the fun and giggles I am still fully in support of bi lucifer I just think token straight lucifer is also funny)
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calkale · 9 months
Didn't Tont Scott call Tom Cruise the hot girl of Top Gun. I think that means if you wanna draw a girl . . .
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my boy who gets white girl wasted at least twice a month 🫶
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foursaints · 5 months
baby let me have a chance with you please
rest be assured you do not actually want to be with me. because i'd dress you up as barty crouch jr & politely insist that you respond to his name alone
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helloitsbees · 1 year
Wait you’re hot?
i would be flattered but im genuinely so tickled by the air of bafflement in your phrasing. like yeah, get with the program! newsflash asshole i've been hot the whole time!
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