#am i saying this because i have been in gina's shoes in the past and even years later it still stings? maybe
brandonxdylan · 6 months
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27emailsicantsend · 1 year
Carlos Rodriguez for the ask!
Got A LOT of requests for my cutie, Carlos- so here you go everyone! :)
Favorite thing about them: His wit and sass. He literally had me in tears laughing throughout season 3 and there are so many times his sass just works in the scene. He’s an absolute diva and he knows it, but his bluntness with the characters keeps the drama moving along. I would give anything to have a girls night where Carlos and I wear face masks, eat chocolate, and discuss our friends relationships. You couldn’t tell me that wouldn’t be the best night ever.
Least favorite thing about them: His sass/diva persona is a double-edged sword. There are a lot of times he comes across harsh or selfish when he wants his way. Determination is a great thing, but putting your friends needs below it (like the co-choreographer debocal), will leave you lonely and sad. I know he has big dreams, but sometimes he puts his needs first at others expense and it can come across as egotistical. I think this is a root to a lot of the Seblos issues- Carlos only reads how he interprets situations as correct, rather than putting himself in the other person’s shoes.
Favorite line(s):
“Ah! I’ve been slapped!”
“It’s freaking Norway, Ricky”
It’s not a line, but his face in 1x08 when he’s rehearsing with EJ is ICONIC
“Ok but if it’s not about me, then who?”
“But does that mean you’re going to let the next girl go without even trying?”
“I’m gay and Mexican- this IS my inside voice!”
“You can’t just Zefron your way through auditions this time”
“I don’t think he’s slept or spoken in the past 24 hours… there’s a high chance he’s a Babadook”
“We’re doing the first read-through before I’ve had my third cup of coffee…. Oh, Ricky and Gina are 100% missing” (say it again louder Carlos this was so real of you)
“Because the key to any great reality show is the 3 B’s: bombshells, betrayals and BLEEP slaps” *gasps*
“I think I broke the children”
“Remember, Ricky, you have unresolved feelings for Gina”… “Gina, what’s your motivation?” Gina: I don’t want to get started “Yes, AND you’re angry at your boyfriend and using your ex-boyfriend to get under his skin. Basically, have fun torturing EJ” Gina: I can do that 😈
“Jilted ex suits you bro… oh no. I said ‘bro’ and now you’re gonna reveal something”
-bonus: “Sorry. I’m adjusting to being called ‘bro’”
“I didn’t come to make friends” “It cut me off! I said, ‘I didn’t come to make friends, I came to be a star!” Ricky: yeah, that’s not any better
OTP: Seblos ❤️
nOTP: EJ and Carlos
brOTP: Carlos and Ricky, Kourtney, and Miss Jenn… but if I had to pick one, probably Kourtney
Something I expect from them season 4 (if applicable): I think the situation of Carlos at camp is going to get confused by Seb of Carlos cheating again. I think Seb will think the relationship is over (“we were on a break!”… if you know what I’m quoting, you’re the best), so he will date someone else. This will parallel the r*ni fight in S1, which gets us the Seblos song.
Random Headcanon: even if this never happens in S4, it is my personal HC that as a thank you for s2, Carlos helps Ricky write a song for Gina.
Unpopular Opinion: I don’t even know if this actually is unpopular, but I could see it being that way so I am putting it here. His line to Gina about “look around, there’s not really a lot of me here” has bothered me since it happened. I think things like being from multiple minorities is really important to address in shows like this, so I’m glad it was brought up. However, I think his timing/tone for bringing it up was bad because it read more as “my problems are bigger than yours!” rather than, “hey I get what it feels like to be lonely and how important choreography makes me feel like I stand out/have purpose”. Instead Carlos seemed defensive and was like “I have problems too!” So this caused Gina to cower and let him lead the dance number. He didn’t even say thank you or try to encourage her to still help him, he just was like “ok great!” And seemed like he was happy he got his way. IDK I guess this goes back to my disliked trait for him, because Gina in that moment probably just needed a friend and somebody to show her she didn’t have to suffer alone, but instead Carlos flipped the situation back on him and it seemed guilt-trippy. I wish they would have brought up his struggles in a different context or had him use a different tone/dialogue in that scene that didn’t paint him like that, is all.
Song I associate with them: The King by Conan Gray, Hand on Mine Megan and Liz, and I know it’s from the show (I’m trying to avoid songs from the show for this ask) but since he doesn’t sing it I’ll use it. But I think of him every time I listen to Born to be Brave; his talk with Mozzarella Stick and him being lifted by the whole crowd is burned into my brain so I see it whenever I listen to that song
Favorite picture of them:
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blues-valentine · 2 years
was reading ur s1 rewatch and i have to point out that the almost kiss between ricky & nini on 1x08 happens not only after gina texts ricky she’s gone but they were talking about ricky’s childhood too. i think this is why i never connected to them as a couple, aside from the cute duets, there’s not much to them but moments we never get to see
Everything about Ricky and Nini's relationship revolves around their childhood memories. It was hard for me to care about them as a couple because we never get to experience them. Everything that apparently made them fall in love with each other is told but not shown. They were already an established couple and never did the show tried to show me how and why they’re good together, quiet the opposite. There was not emotional investment from me.
It’s not a coincidence how they had to remove Gina from 108 for that interaction to take place but mostly how the conversation that lead to it revolved around reminiscing about childhood [when Ricky's parents were still together] and this is also how the show decides to tell the audience they were childhood best friends too. The complexity with that trope is that they really need to do a good job establishing that pre-existing bond. Ricky and Nini are the example of childhood bffs to (exes) lovers done wrong. I am being told things that as an audience can’t build an emotional connection to. It’s a visual media, create some flashbacks or give the audience something other than just words and duets. There’s a lack of actual romantic build up for them that it’s evident when you rewatch, it was leading to the end.
This is why their love confession didn’t work for me. It revolves around childhood memories that feel empty and rather childish "when I threw up in your shoes in 2nd grade" alright. This is why the Rina love confession is A+ in every aspect because they are recalling moments that we as an audience got to see on screen. We know the exact moments they’re speaking about so this makes the audience feel that emotion and why the build up and paid off was just great. We got to experience Ricky and Gina’s love story from the very beginning and learn why they work.
To be fair, the narrative build on Ricky and Nini has always been intentional. They were always meant to signify their childhood selves. Their conversations were always about the past, never the future. It revolves around the people they used to be, not the ones they're becoming. The idea of them holding onto their relationship (mostly Ricky) for familiarity and fear of the future has always been clear. Anyone that genuine gets to rewatch the show without their shipping googles on can easy see this narrative.
In essence, Ricky saying "he never outgrew" her on his season 1 confession really describes their relationship. Ricky was not going to grow up around Nini (and viceversa). It got them stuck in the past until it was Ricky the one that had to get them out so they could actually grow up and embrace themselves and not hold back.
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
hey lina!! happy four years and may your blog continue growing and for you to keep producing amazing works!!
i was wondering for your drabble requests, can i ask for yunho+yellow with the title “sunshine meets sunflowers”? congrats again for hitting four years!! 💞
hi love!! thank you so much for your kind words and for this request, it's so cute <3 I hope you enjoy it!
4 year anniversary drabble game: send me a Stray Kids/The Boyz/Golden Child/Ateez member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
ok looking back gina, this was so much fun to write - thank you thank you THANK YOU for requesting it!!!
Title: Sunlight Meets Sunflowers
Pairing: Yunho x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 1.1k
Triggers: none
Some days feel like they're caving in on you, the sky crashing to pieces on your head and slamming you down every time you try to get up. It hurts - those moments when you almost forget to pick Yuna up from school and have to make a frantic U-turn to get to the school, those moments where you're behind in work and can feel the looks of your coworkers searing into your back even if they don't exist as you frantically try to catch up after a late night spent trying to get your daughter to go to sleep.
You love her. You love her to the ends of the earth, your beautiful sunflower with the loveliest petals and shining face - more than once, you've held her in your arms and sworn to any being listening in the heavens that you would do anything to keep her safe. But you're only one person tackling a job meant for two, and sometimes, the nourishment you can provide your sunflower's roots just doesn't feel enough.
Because a flower can't only bloom with soil and water and nutrients. A sunflower, especially. It's in the name - the blooms follow the sun from east to west, tracing its path across the sky, and if there isn't enough sun...
The flower won't survive.
You do your best. When the petals begin to wilt with sickness or tiredness or just a little pout on your sunflower's lips, you do your best to soothe them, to help them recover their previous brightness. Sometimes it's hard, though - you can feel yourself wilting on the inside with every day that passes, and sometimes even Yuna's giggles and smiles and shouts of "Look what I just did!" can't fully soothe the knot of exhaustion growing in your chest. It’s not enough, you think, whatever you provide isn’t enough for a growing girl who needs more than it feels like you can give her -
Then you spill coffee all over yourself and another poor man at seven in the morning in the cafe just down the street, and that's how you meet the sun.
Yuna avoids all the mess - she was on your other side and thank god for that, or coffee would've stained her clothes and that would've been a nightmare to sort out - and by the time you've found the napkins you always keep at the bottom of your bag, she's already chattering away with him about the new dress she's wearing, the dress that's pink and purple and oh, Mr. person whose name I don't know, isn't it pretty?
It takes a lot for you to not scream into your hands at the moment, though the urge to scream is less out of frustration than sheer embarrassment - the man, whose name you don't know yet, is awfully handsome and has been listening to your daughter so attentively with a lovely smile on his face, so he gets double the bonus points for that. But he's laughing and complimenting her dress, and as he takes the napkins you hand over in apology, he introduces himself as Jung Yunho.
"I want to see Mr. Yunho again," Yuna announces as the three of you step out of the cafe, you having paid for a second drink to make up for the one Yunho lost. "Can I? Please?"
You cast him an apologetic look. "That depends on what he says, sweetie," you say, trying to figure out how to word this so that she won't cry. "I -"
"It's alright." Yunho says, and even though the sky is gray and covered in clouds, the smile on his face makes you feel like the sun is shining down on your skin. "I'd be happy to see her again." His smile turns a little sheepish. "She's adorable."
"Oh," is all you can manage at first, taken aback both by his willingness to give in to your daughter's demands and the fluttering feeling in your chest. "I - that would be nice, if it isn't too much trouble for you -"
"It's no trouble at all." Yunho looks down at Yuna, then back at you with that same smile never leaving his lips. "If you’d like, we can meet here again next week?"
The coffee shop becomes the regular place where you meet with the sun, letting the rays of his smile spread over your sunflower as she chatters away about anything and everything all at once. And as the days turn into weeks and the weeks turn into months...
You might say that with every time Yunho reminds you that you’re doing well, that Yuna loves you so much and that you’re enough for her, the dull ache in your chest has begun to heal, too.
Slowly, Yunho integrates himself into your and Yuna's lives, first as a passing acquaintance, then as a friend, then as something other than a friend, someone who sometimes stays into the late hours and refuses to take your bed when you insist he spend the night, opting instead for the couch that's much too small for his body. You alternate days for picking Yuna up from school. You sometimes stay over at his apartment. Yuna calls Yunho "Papa” on accident, again on accident, and then on purpose, again and again and again -
"Papa!" you hear Yuna yell from inside the apartment as you climb up the stairs after a long day at work, exhaustion weighing down your feet. But with the shout and the ensuing muffled giggles, you feel lighter and lighter with every step you take until you're just outside the door and can hear the chaos inside more clearly than ever.
The keys jingle in your hand as you pick out the right one to insert in the lock. You open the door, shut it behind you, and -
A shriek of delight sounds in the next room just before your sunflower comes bounding into your arms, before you even have the chance to take off your shoes. "You're home!"
"Yes, I am, sunflower." You kiss her forehead. "Did you miss me?"
"We both did." The sun appears next to the sunflower, kissing your forehead when you turn to him.
Holding your sunflower and being held by your sun, warmth blooms in your chest and you almost feel like you could fly, past the sky and past the clouds, light, free, ready to face anything in the world so long as you have them by your side.
You smile, and if there's a tear in your eye, neither of them says anything. "I missed you too."
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kpopfanfictrash · 4 years
TAOM Drabble: The Party
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Pairing: Jungkook / Reader
Word Count: 1,611
Rating: PG-13
Summary: An accompanying drabble to The Art of War More. This drabble takes place during Y/N and Jungkook’s kiss at hockey house, as well as the immediate aftermath (aka what Seokjin said to convince Jungkook not to follow).
You had to be the most maddening person alive.
Only an insane person would actually be mad at Jungkook for purposefully losing a game of beer pong to you. Only an insane person, or maybe a drunk person – which you were dangerously close to becoming, based on the volume of beer you’d consumed.
Jungkook recognized the fact that he was also insane, since instead of being annoyed by this fact – as he rightfully should’ve been – he just kept staring at your lips and wondering what they would taste like.
“You’re the ridiculous one here, not me!” you complained, your brow adorably crinkled.
Jungkook shook himself free from his stupor.
“Oh, yeah?” he shot back. Then, he sighed. “God, this conversation is stupid. You drive me crazy – you know that?”
“Well, same!” 
“Great.” Fuck – Jungkook was staring at your lips again. With great effort, he forced himself to look you in the eyes. “Anything else you want to say?”
He expected you to cuss him out, maybe tear him a new one, or swear at him about his parentage, so your sudden hesitance came as a surprise. As was the determined way you stepped forward to tilt your face up to his.
“Yeah,” you breathed, almost in a daze.
Jungkook’s entire world seemed to slow. He was able to feel the heat from your body, the warmth of your hands when you reached for his face. As your fingertips brushed over his cheekbones, Jungkook stared wonderingly back at you.
He had imagined this many times prior, but most of those times had been on desperate nights spent alone in his bed when he couldn’t sleep, couldn’t think about anything but your smile, or your scowl.
When you reached up to press your lips against his, Jungkook seemed to short-circuit. 
A strangled noise tore from his throat – did that really come from him? – and he tried to reconcile your touch with reality. Luckily, his insanity only lasted a moment before he came to his senses and wrapped both arms about you.
Tugging you forward, Jungkook’s spine hit the wall and he pulled you between his legs, kissing you fiercely. You shivered when one of his hands brushed your back, which ripped an arrow of fire straight through his chest.
Swiping his tongue at your lip, Jungkook demanded entrance and when you parted beneath him, his knees seemed to buckle.
He’d spent so long not touching you, not even letting himself think about touching you, that now that he had you, he seemed to lose control. Skimming your cheek with his thumb, Jungkook moved his lips to your neck and kissed slowly down your throat.
When your hands wound their way into his hair, he couldn’t help but moan. His two weak spots had always been his hair and his nipples. Jungkook started to drown in your kiss; he imagined you siphoning off pieces of him to leave something better behind.
As soon as he grasped the enormity of this moment – he was kissing you, after all – Jungkook roughly pulled back to rest his forehead to yours.
“Y/N,” he breathed, his voice graveled and strange.
When his eyes finally opened, he saw you staring at him and – instead of his hopeful desire mirrored back – Jungkook saw something inside you which made his heart stutter. You looked at him panicked, uncertain as his gaze roamed your face.
“Y/N?” Jungkook managed to ask. “Are you okay?”
Suddenly desperate, you wrenched yourself from his grasp. Jungkook faltered, feeling cold without you.
“I – yeah. I’m fine,” you said, although you clearly were not. “Just… fine.”
When you spun around, shoving your way towards the door, Jungkook felt his heart tear in two as it sunk to his shoes. He remained frozen for a moment, staring after you and then he tore himself free to plunge into the crowd.
Jungkook rose up on tip-toes, peering over the party to spot you by the door. He pushed himself in your direction, calling your name, although you did not seem to hear.
The further he moved, the higher his heart lodged in his throat. He’d fucked this all up again, somehow. Somehow, Jungkook had made you bolt and he couldn’t even fathom how he’d make it up to you now. It had taken him so long to get you to look at him again, to get you to smile at him again, to get you to trust him again.
Freshman year, Jungkook had been such a shit after you went home with Jimin. Now he knew Jimin meant nothing, but Jungkook had been too prideful and stupid back then to let you know that he cared. 
Heart pounding, Jungkook shoved his way towards the exit. He had almost reached you when a hand closed over his bicep, yanking him sideways.
Pulled from the main room, Jungkook found himself facing Seokjin. “Not now,” he grunted, trying to shove past. “I need to talk to Y/N.”
“It’s about Y/N,” Seokjin said, grabbing his arm again.
Gritting his teeth, Jungkook evaluated the situation. He could definitely overpower Seokjin if he had to, but it’d take longer than convincing Seokjin he had good intentions.
“I need to go after her,” Jungkook said, whirling around. “I just want to talk. Promise.”
When he met Seokjin’s glare, Jungkook nearly recoiled.
It was strange to see Seokjin wearing an unpleasant expression. Jungkook knew Seokjin as the affable guy, the funny guy who got along with everyone and whom everyone liked. He’d never seen Seokjin as the type of guy to pick a fight in the middle of a party, but Jungkook was quickly reassessing that statement.
Finally, Seokjin let go. “She doesn’t want to talk to you,” he said, somewhat heated. “Whatever dumb shit you said, she doesn’t want to hear it.”
“What I said?” Jungkook asked in disbelief.
“I saw you two making out, JK.” Seokjin’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t know what royally stupid thing you said after to make Y/N run, but whatever it was, you can save the apology for tomorrow. Let her cool off for tonight.”
“I – but...” Jungkook gaped. “All I said to her was her name!”
Seokjin faltered for a moment. “If that was true,” he said slowly. “Y/N wouldn’t have run away like she did.”
Somewhat desperate, Jungkook glanced over Seokjin’s shoulder. He no longer saw you standing with Gina by the door, which made his heart twist.
“I don’t know,” he groaned, turning back. “I really don’t know why she ran. I don’t know what I did to make Y/N angry. Please, Seokjin – I just want to talk to her.”
The longer he looked at Jungkook, the more Seokjin’s expression seemed to shift. He no longer stared at Jungkook with open distrust, but rather uncertainty. 
Still, Seokjin held his ground. “Give it one night, at least,” he sighed, rubbing his neck. “Maybe you’re right and you did nothing wrong, but Y/N still looked upset. Give her some time to cool down.”
Chewing on his lower lip, Jungkook glanced again at the door.
You had looked upset – which made Jungkook wonder why. Why had you looked so utterly torn? That wasn’t the normal reaction Jungkook got after kissing people. It wasn’t the sort of reaction anyone hoped for after a kiss, which made Jungkook wonder if Seokjin had a point.
If you really didn’t want to talk to him, maybe Jungkook should leave you alone.
The instant he thought this, a protest rose to his lips. This was exactly what Jungkook had done several years ago – he had left you alone and pretended not to care – and look where that had gotten him.
Still, he couldn’t help but see your face again in his mind. Your stricken expression, the panic in your voice as you dashed into the crowd – if you really had no desire to see him, Jungkook shouldn’t keep pushing you into something he wanted.
“You’re right,” Jungkook said at last, leveling his gaze with Seokjin. “I don’t want to upset her any more. But I’m not giving up,” he declared, making a decision right there. “I’m not letting another stupid misunderstanding come between us.”
Spinning around on his heel, Jungkook marched into the crowd and left Seokjin standing, somewhat bewildered on his side of the room.
Yanking his phone from his pocket, Jungkook flipped to your messages and scrolled to the bottom. The last text you sent him was a simple ‘okay’ in response to the house address Jungkook had sent you earlier.
Coming to a stop, Jungkook’s thumb brushed the screen. He had typed and re-typed that message several times, debating whether to add something more personal before deciding against. Now, he wished he’d been a little more forthcoming about why he really wanted you here.
About why Jungkook always seemed to want you near. It was more than just wanting to be friends with you, more than the begrudging cooperation between two detectives. It was about how Jungkook couldn’t stop thinking about you, couldn’t stop dreaming of you and each time someone said your name, it felt like a physical wrenching because he couldn’t say your name how he wanted.
He had finally said your name that way tonight and then, you disappeared.
Squeezing his eyes shut, Jungkook took a deep breath – and when he opened them, he composed himself enough to send a text.
Jungkook: Y/N, are you okay? [12:15 AM]
Jungkook:  please talk to me [12:15 AM]
Jungkook: please [12:16 AM]
© kpopfanfictrash, 2020. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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High School Musical: The Musical: The Series: The Rewatch pt.3
Ok, full disclosure: I should not be doing this right now. But I've been thinking about it since yesterday and, well, I reckon I can go over 1x4 and 5, and then move on to my actual work. So here we are. I'm really, really excited for these two, so without further ado, I'll dive right into:
1x4: It's hard to believe that I couldn't see... the majority of what happens in this episode when I first watched it
Why is Nini such a pro at making a scene with whoever her current boyfriend is in the middle of a public place? I mean, I get it that she's upset about EJ going through her phone — who wouldn't be — but maybe - and this is just a friendly suggestion — she could try and discuss that in private, not start a shouting match within view of all their classmates. Just saying.
'Ricky would never steal my phone' — well, perhaps not, but he's not quite above deleting stuff from it, either... I wonder if whoever is writing this show knows that there are many other ways to make a relationship unhealthy... it's not funny anymore. Just repetitive.
Ahhh Natalie and her emotional support hamster! At least there's one good thing about this scene.
Sure, Ricky, blame Big Red for the fact that you misplace your stuff... a very nice best friend he's got, indeed.
Gosh, everything is so awkward and there is just so much tension all over the place — Ricky's parents, then EJ and Nini, and then Carlos just being oblivious to the fact that they just broke up... you know, that last part just made me laugh. And then Ricky's reaction to his parents legally separating just broke my heart. That boy's been through too much.
Big Red being completely clueless about theatre terms is super funny and endearing, but let me just put myself in his shoes for a sec. He's followed his best friend into a badly thought-out scheme to get back together with his ex, got dragged into joining the crew, and is now expected to know what everything is. I would not put up with that... ok, who are we kidding, I'm a massive pushover and would put up with anything, but my point is... he shouldn't have to. At least people are doing the bare minimum to help him learn and nobody's laughed at him for not knowing. That's the good thing about this crew.
Ok, so I have posted about my thoughts of their take on What I've Been Looking For before, back when the episode was brand new, so I won't go into detail about that. In short, I think they've got the arrangement all wrong considering that it is a plot point in the original movie, but... the execution is funny. The scene is about Nini and EJ's post-breakup tension and it shows. I just kind of wish now Miss Jenn had pulled Nini out and put Gina in, even just for this rehearsal — and I might or might not be saying this as a Portwell shipper.
Miss Jenn is done with the students' personal drama and honestly, I'm right behind her. These kids are being completely unprofessional — and well, I realise that we can't expect them to be professional at this stage, but... they could at least try to concentrate on rehearsal and not their personal lives for a second.
Ricky hugging a cushion is my spirit animal. That's it, that's the comment.
Ahhh the tension between EJ and Gina though... 'around here seniors don't follow sophomores' — well, we'll see how it goes, Mr. Senior.
What gives Nini the right to shout at strangers about their relationship? I am honestly so frustrated with her these days. Wonder why I never was during season 1. The reasons are all there.
'He loves you' — yeah, like a little sister, he does. Also, Ash is so precious, always trying to see the good in other people. EJ 1.0 is so lucky he had her as an example.
Ok, I'm not going to go into what an amazing best friend Big Red is because we all know that (plus I'm saving it for a certain scene in 1x5), but this must be so hard for him. I mean, he's trying his absolute best to help Ricky feel better and distract him from his problems, and Ricky is turning everything down. I mean, I guess I understand where he's coming from too, but I'm unable to look at things through the lead-centric lens alone anymore. I'm more aware of non-lead characters now (some more so than others) and this is putting a whole new spin on my perception of everything that happens.
I've got no idea how Big Red can sleep with all this noise, though. I could never. But to each their own.
'perfect on paper' — that's EJ 1.0 to a T. I've got to give Nini that.
Ricky wearing the pride t-shirt... we love to see it.
See, this is why I keep forgetting why I ever shipped Rini and then remembering again... their chemistry is just so on-again-off-again, and here it's definitely present, but I just need a couple with consistent chemistry, you know. Hey, isn't that kind of what All I Want is about? Kind of. I don't know. I've been unable to listen to that song ever since it got big irl. I have this... problem with media that becomes popular and mainstream... I mean, I never hold a grudge against things just for being popular, but I just... relate to underrated stuff much easier. Not because it's underrated, but it just so happens that nearly everything I like and relate to is underrated in some capacity. Even HSMTMTS itself — it's practically unheard of here in Bulgaria, so I would not have found it if I hadn't been looking for it specifically. Ok, this comment got derailed several times. I guess I'll just stop here and move right on to 1x5 at this point.
1x5: A bedazzled tablecloth, a perfectly balanced unicycle and bad reception at the barn... not the perfect ingredients, but they can still... Work This Out
'Miss Jenn says that's a life in the arts... well, that and almost constant unemployment' — alright, I know this line is not supposed to be funny, and that it's a painful reality for a lot of people, but... maybe it's the delivery. I just laugh every time.
See, this is what I mean when I say I want to see consistent chemistry — Seblos have it. I mean, I really don't want to jinx things, but... they do.
Big Red seems to be in a more... outspoken mood today, I guess you could say. Too bad Ricky is still shutting everything he says down. Seriously, Big Red and Seb should start a club for people who try their best to be there for their loved ones and still keep being shushed.
I might be super frustrated with nearly everything Nini says and does (can somebody please tell me why that is?), but... flushing her dress down the toilet? Major mood.
Listen, I love Miss Jenn and that she's close to her students, but... emerging from a toilet cubicle and inviting herself to Kourtney and Nini's girls' night was... Will Shuester level of questionable.
Ricky being the mature one about his parents separation is... I mean, it's admirable, but how did he move past the impending depression of last episode and towards being the one who tells his dad to get up and move on? Well, I mean, good for him. But I think the issue is far from buried yet.
'Friend of the year'? Ricky? I don't think so. First of all, if he were, he'd know that Big Red does not have two left feet. Wasn't it you, Ricky, who was stumbling over the steps in HSM a couple of weeks ago? You're one to talk. Plus Big Red's been listening and trying to help while you've just been spouting off about your personal problems for... how long has it been now? I get it, Ricky has issues that he needs to work through, but he's almost legally blind in both eyes when it comes to Big Red.
Ok, but Ricky is the epitome of 'cannot solve his own problems but has a suggestion on how everybody else should solve theirs' in this episode. Maybe take a step back and listen to your own advice?
'My parents think I'm bonding with the livestock' — I've got no idea why I find this line so funny, but I do. And I've got so much love for this entire scene. Carlos' reaction to Seb's response to his invitation is just... the most adorable thing ever! My heart might just burst. Especially given what we're about to go through tomorrow in 2x10... I am. Not. Ready.
The entire karaoke scene just reminds me of... pretty much every extended family reunion on my mum's side. Her cousins love karaoke and are also completely tone-deaf. I love it that they're able to have fun with it, but my ears are still recovering from my great aunt's birthday party two years ago.
'When did you become Nini?' — Why does Mr. Mazzara know so much about his students' dating lives? I mean, Miss Jenn does, too, but he doesn't strike me as someone as invested in them as her. Idk, it just struck me as kind of weird.
'I didn't agree to photos' — please, EJ, I'm sure you'll want memories from your first fake-dating gig with Gina... once you're no longer fake-dating, you know. Boy, these two are going to have stories to tell to their grandchildren.
I've said some stuff about Nini, but... 'a bedazzled tablecloth' is the funniest description I've heard for Gina's homecoming dress.
'Maybe it's not actually about you at all.' Yeah, you tell him, Reddy! Ricky needs to get over himself.
The way Big Red sniffs out the drama, though... I was not-so-randomly reminded of that moment in 2x9 where Seb was like Carlos. and Big Red was like, 'Are you guys fighting?'...
Big Red doing a comedic lip-reading of Gina and EJ's dramatic scene is absolutely hilarious. I might or might not have sold my heart and soul to him after seeing that scene for the first time. But I just remembered how he said earlier that maybe he can't read lips and that just makes this 100% funnier — he was basically like a child who can't read yet making up a story based on the pictures in a book, and I mean it in the best way possible. He's a theatre dark horse, this one, and they should all be intimidated — or inspired, whatever they choose — by his hidden talents. Gosh, I love this guy. But can you blame me?
'You think I'm actually going to confide in you?' — Absolutely. You can't bully someone from your position of authority over them and then act like you're their friend. I do know now that Mr. Mazzara has hidden depths, but he had no right to be as rude to Carlos as he was in 1x3. He was right about one thing, though — Carlos doesn't need a dance partner to dance.
Ricky saying he was going to apologise to Gina and counting that as an apology is giving me major TJ/ Buffy flashbacks. I wonder why that is... * sarcasm *
Nini feeling like a fraud makes me actually sympathise with her for a second. But I feel like Nini's flaw of defining herself through boys and Ricky in particular has been addressed one time too many now, since it was first addressed here in this episode. If they make her and Ricky get back together again in season 2, I will riot. [side note: I feel like the Born to Be Brave scene says a lot about both Rini and Seblos as couples. Nini and Carlos both feel, in the moments leading up to the song, like they are incomplete without their partners. Ricky, too, has built his personality entirely around Nini at that time (and is still not completely over that in s2). And then the song comes in to remind them that they don't need a partner to be happy. I'm just thinking of Big Red's 'perfectly balanced unicycle' comment from the promotional materials, and of how he and Ashlyn, even when they're dating in s2, are never portrayed as being incomplete without each other. I guess there's a reason why they're the Beta Couple of the show — their relationship drama is nearly non-existent, and when it does exist, it's just caused by them caring too much about each other. Every other couple on the show should learn from them.]
Everybody supporting Carlos during the Born to Be Brave number just warms my heart so much... I am actually crying real tears. And then the end, when Seb finally shows up, right in time for the slow dance... I have a lot of feelings about this scene.
Seblos' dialogue here still kind of makes me cringe a little... but like, in a good way.
Yikes... Miss Jenn's getting into trouble... I mean, it was bound to happen sooner or later. But she's lucky she's had enough time with her students for them to love her enough to fight for her. Still, this is a topic for another episode, and so I won't expand on it in this post.
Well, that's it. That was 1x4 and 5. Those were pretty much my favourite episodes when season 1 was airing. And I can definitely see why, even if my views on some things have changed due to stuff that happens later. But, as I constantly say, that's what rewatches are for. In other words, 'once more, with feeling this time' as my choir director used to say.
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Agent Marinette
Okay I have struggled all week with a massive case of Writers block and today I beat it. This a crossover fic. Guess it by the end.
In retrospect, Marinette should’ve realized eventually other forces outside of Paris would take an interest in the masked heroine. At least they had been polite enough to wait until AFTER Hawkmoth was defeated.  
Marinette was eleven when she became the hero Ladybug. And her world shattered a bit.
Marinette was fourteen when Hawkmoth was finally defeated.
Marinette was fourteen when Ladybug retired. And her world shattered again, this time a bit more.
It had taken nearly every miraculous they had to take the villain down but eventually, Gabriel Agreste was taken down, his memories of the miraculous erased. (Nathalie with him) His son Adrien Agreste surrendered his own miraculous, his position as Chat Noir, and his own memories of being a hero and everything he’d ever learned of magic and Kwami. All to prevent his father from ever learning of them again.
However, erasing his memories of his life as Chat Noir, unavoidably included erasing his memories of his friendship Ladybug, with Marinette. A friendship that had grown stronger, in and outside the mask, over fighting the evil that haunted Paris back together. Keyword: together.
On the same day, Ladybug had lost her best friend, Marinette did too. Both lost the boy she thought she’d marry one day. They could never be together. She’d have to lie to him for the rest of their lives. Marinette would never be able to do that. And she wouldn’t let Adrien’s sacrifice be in vain.
So she distanced herself from him. She couldn’t look at him without seeing Chat Noir. She couldn’t look at him, knowing she knew just about everything about him but he knew nothing about her. To him, Marinette was just some girl in his class; a sort of friend he was never really that close to.
Strangers, really.
It was why Marinette transferred out of Bustier’s class. The best thing for her heart was to stay away.
Still, she thought in a way, it was a happy ending. The best happy ending she could get. Hawkmoth was gone. Paris was safe. Ladybug was retired. Fu had reclaimed all Kwami and had disappeared. The world was good.
Until it wasn’t. Until one rainy Thursday. Her parents had gone out for a date night. They never made it home. There had been an accident. The other driver had been drunk. The funeral was on a Tuesday.
Marinette’s world had shattered once again, more than ever before.
Marinette was an orphan.
Her grandmother Gina sold the bakery, put the money from the sale and the life insurance into an account for Marinette, and moved Marinette into a nearby apartment, and then was gone. Legally, the older woman was Marinette’s guardian. But otherwise, Marinette was on her own. It was fine. Her dad had always warned her that his mom was a free spirit who never liked to be tied down.
She would talk with her grandmother once every other month if she was lucky. They primarily only communicated through email. The reception was spotted in the parts of the world Gina like to frequent.
At only fourteen, Marinette got used to paying bills, buying groceries, and virtually being an adult. She got used to living alone. Just like she got used to not being a hero anymore. Just like she got used to not having any friends after Lila came knocking on the class’s door.
A year later, the young girl was thriving. Her grades were at the top of the school, right after Max. She was class treasurer and on the track team, having missed the feeling of running as fast she could. She started Kuoshu classes; her mother had always wanted her to learn Chinse martial arts for defense. And Marinette missed the adrenaline she used to get after a fight.
It was a good life. A simple life. Marinette had only normal life worries to be concerned about.
…Again, she really should’ve known the other shoe would drop eventually.
Still, no fifteen-year-old girl who was minding her own business, casually walking down the street, wanted to suddenly have a black bag over her and tossed into the back of a van. In fact, it was every girl, woman, and human being’s worst nightmare.
She was tied up. She was gagged. She couldn’t see. She couldn’t hear. Marinette had no idea how much time had passed. Or where they were taking her. Or who had taken her? She fought the tears that burned in her eyes as she struggled with the bonds around her hands. No matter how hard she tried, they wouldn’t break or budge. By the coldness of it, she knew she was either in handcuff or something similar made of metal.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, Marinette felt herself be picked up and carried. She struggled against her assailant. She tried to kick her with her bound legs, hit with her tied fists. Nothing.
Marinette found herself being lower onto something. A chair she quickly realizes as she pressed her back to it.
Suddenly, the metal band around her hands released. Marinette quickly pulled the black bag off her head, undid the tap around her mouth, and took the plugs out of her ears.
She was in a mostly black room that only lights overhead, a vent the size of a phone, the table she sat at, and a large mirror across from her. Marinette figured it was a two-way mirror-like on cop shows, and that she was being watched. However, what concerned her most was that there was no sign of any door. Just walls and that mirror.
There was no escape.
Marinette glared at the mirror, at whoever was behind it.
She didn’t know how long she waited as she plotted her escape. Considering all variables for when they came back to her. Would they have guns? How many people would there be? Could she fight her way out? And just who her kidnappers could be? Child traffickers? Serial killer? Her past enemy, Hawkmoth, comes back for revenge? Who?
When a portion of the wall, next to the mirror opened, Marinette tried not to flinch back in surprise.
In walked a man at least twice her age. He wore a black suit and tie with a serious expression on his face. He was handsome with short dark hair and dark eyes and cheekbones that could cut glass.
The door closed behind him once he stepped through. He said nothing as he sat down in the chair across from her. They started at each other silently.
           Marinette cracked first, “Who are you? What do you want? Where am I?”
           A small smile appeared on the man’s face, “You’re a very hard girl to track down, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I’d have thought it would’ve been easier considering all you’ve done.” He had an American accent.
“Track? What?” Why would he want to track her down? “I didn’t do anything. Nothing! Okay?!”
           He gave her a curious look, “Really? Well, I wouldn’t call saving all of Paris on a nearly everyday basis for what two years, nothing.” He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. “Don’t try to deny it. We have pictures, videos; evidence.”
           It was like someone had thrown ice water over her head. Marinette swallowed the lump that had built in her throat. “Who. Are. You.” She managed to get out.
“Me? I’m a friend,” He answered. “You can call me Black Heart.”
“Black Heart?” Marinette snorted. “You’re serious?”
“Oh because Ladybug is so much better,” He rolled his eyes. “It doesn’t matter. I have questions. You’re going to answer them.”
           He wanted to know about the miraculous, she guessed. Or how she got her powers. Marinette crossed her arms, “I have nothing to say.”
           Black Heart chuckled and stood up. He put his hands on the table, “Listen very carefully, Marinette. Because there are only two ways we can do this.”
           Marinette smirked, “Is one of them the easy way?”
           A look she couldn’t recognize briefly flashed over Black Heart’s face but gone just as quick. “No,” He answered.
“Who are you?” He asked her.
           She paused before answering, “…My name is Marinette but you know that. I was the hero Ladybug but you know that as well.”
“What happened to HawkMoth?”
           She felt fine answering that. However, she gave the same answer she gave to the press, “Hawkmoth was defeated. He was stripped of his powers and destroyed.”
“You killed him?”
           It wasn’t the first time Ladybug had been asked that question. “…Yes.” She lied though it didn’t feel like much of one. Hawkmoth was dead after all.
           Blackheart nodded. “What happened to Chat Noir? And the other heroes? Dead too?”
           Marinette fought to keep her face blank, her fists clenched. “Yes,” She said. “They were causalities of the final fight with Hawkmoth.” Technically not a lie. Every Parisian hero had given up their miraculous once and for all after Hawkmoth was gone. There was no need for them anymore.
           The man raised an eyebrow, “Gabriel Agreste is still very much alive last I checked.” She reared back as if slapped. “So is Adrien is otherwise known as Chat Noir. Alya Cesaire aka Rena Rouge, her turtle boyfriend. The monkey guy. The tiger. The snake; Luka, I believe. All alive and kicking. So much for that lie…”
“They were retired,” Marinette growled. “Permanently.”
“Truth,” Blackheart nodded. “How did you erase their memories?”
           It had taken the combined power of Fu, Marinette, Tikki, Wayzz, and Plagg to do it. “I didn’t do anything.”
           Black Heart gave her a hard look, “Where do your powers come from?”
           Marinette smiled, “I don’t have any powers.”
“Fine! Where do Ladybug’s powers come from?”
“I am Ladybug,” She told him. “And Ladybug doesn’t have any powers.”
“You mean anymore?”
           Marinette nodded slowly.
           Black Heart sat back in his chair, “You’re telling me that you busted your ass saving Paris for two years, only to have your powers taken from you? You were tossed to the side just like that? Like you were nothing? I’m supposed to believe that.”
“I wasn’t needed anymore.” By anyone.
“You took down one of the biggest threats to this world,” The man said. “You fought. You bled. You sacrificed everything. From what our intelligence has gathered, you even gave up the love of your young life. Only to be cast aside; alone, forgotten, abandoned…”
“That’s not what happened,” Marinette shook her head.”
“You weren’t useful anymore,” Blackheart tutted. “So you were thrown away; left to fend for yourself in a cold, cruel world. No friends, no family,”
“Shut up,” Marinette whispered.
The man leaned forward, “How many internships did you turn down because you were too busy being a hero? Two? Three?”
“Shut up!” She said louder.
“Wait, it was five. That’s right.” He continued on as if she said nothing. “Five internships with some of the biggest names in fashion today. And you gave it up. Now what you have to show for it? Nothing!” He said. “You live this mundane life halfheartedly, struggling to find your place again, trying to get back even a fraction of the feeling you had when you fighting for this world!”
“SHUT UP!” Marinette roared.
           Black Heart shook his head, “I asked you who you are. But I already know who you are. I know who you were. You were a hero, a martyr, a leader, a little princess who believed in fairytales and the goodness of people. You were someone who believed this world could still be saved! So I just want to know three things. I have three questions to ask you and then you never have to see me again! You can go back to pretending to be whatever the hell you want. I don’t care.”
“What?” Marinette asked. “What could you possibly want to know?” Need to know that he didn’t already. “Huh? Just tell me!”
“Do you still believe this world can be saved?”
“Answer the question.”
Marinette blinked, “Yes. I do.”
“Are you still willing to fight for it?” Black Heart asked.
           He smiled, and leaned back in his chair, “Last question… What do you know about Shield?”
           Well, that was a twist. Marinette’s eyes went wide. She knew a lot about shield. More than any normal teenage girl should. But a former Ladybug had been an Agent. And Tikki told her everything... It was founded by Peggy Carter and Howard Stark. Shield started the Avengers. They had been protecting the world for decades.
“A lot,” Marinette answered. “What do you want?
           The man gave her a small smile, “World peace.”
           The doors of the room opened again in walked a beautiful young woman with long hair a bright smile on her face, “You done traumatizing the poor girl yet.”
           The man groaned, “Dammit, Skye.”
           Marinette officially joined Shield the next day.
           Skye showed her the ropes and explained until she garnered some trust, most would give her their full name; maybe only even their code name.
           In another life, Skye hadn’t joined Shield until she was well into her twenties. In this life, she was recruited by a woman named Hill as soon as she graduated high school. It had been nearly ten years since. Skye had met Black Heart when she was about three years in, and they had disliked each other.
           Now they mostly tolerated the others’ existence. Only really dealing with each other on missions.
           Skye would be gone the next day. And Marinette would only see her once in a blue moon.
           Marinette would withdraw from school and finish her education taught by some of the greatest minds in the world. She would give up her apartment, and leave Paris. She would call her grandmother one last time for what would be months to let her know she was going to travel the world; her grandmother was pleased as she had done the same when she was not much older than Marinette. Gina disregarded the fact that she had been a legal adult at the time.
           It would be the last call she made from her phone. The line was disconnected and the phone tossed.
           Then she visited the place that had been her parents’ bakery, not their graves; because she would rather remember them alive, happy, and loving, then dead in the ground. And she told them goodbye.
           Before leaving Paris for good, she dropped off a perfectly wrapped green and black present off at the Agreste home. Adrien’s birthday was coming up. Inside the gift box was a black leather jacket with cat-shaped buttons. She handed the gift to Nathalie.
           This time, however, Marinette was quick to tell the older woman that MDC was sewn inside on the jacket; multiple times.
           Then she walked away; not looking back once.
It was the last thing Adrien would ever get from her. The last thing he would unknowingly have of Chat Noir. Ironically, the masked hero the blond had come to idolize in recent times.
The jacket was all she could give him of his as a hero, and not even a fraction of all she had wished to give him.
           One day he would forget her altogether. One day she would just be a random former classmate of his whose name he couldn’t quite remember.
           However, Marinette would never forget Adrien Agreste and Chat Noir. She would remember when Adrien was Chat Noir, one of the greatest heroes Paris would ever know. And she would remember Chat Noir was Adrien, and Adrien proved to be a greater hero than even he ever dared dream Chat Noir would be.
           Marinette would remember because she owed him that much at least.
           The night she left Paris would be the last time she dreamed of a life with Adrien. A life where they got to grow old together; one where wedding bells were heard. And he’d kiss her every time she left. And she’d kiss him every time she came back. A life where they got to see where their love would take them, and maybe one day hear the pitter-patter of little feet on their floor.
           A life where Marinette did actually become a fashion designer. A life where she married Adrien, Alya was still her best friend, her parents were alive, the world was good and kind, and two heroes got the finale they deserved.
           A life where love was enough, and they got their happy ending. The forever they never got would haunt her forever.
           Marinette was fifteen when she went she joined shield and went back to doing what she did best; helping people, saving the world.
Marinette was fifteen when she became an Agent of Shield.
           Marinette was fifteen when she learned how to shoot a gun.
           Marinette was fifteen when she joined Black Hear became her mentor. The training had been a killer. More than once, Marinette had nearly quit.
           Blackheart would just shake his head at her and say, “Life is tough, kid,” He’d give her an easy smile. “But so are you.”
           Marinette smiled.
“You and me?” Grant said. “We’re the same. We’re Kevlar. We do whatever it takes to complete the mission. We get the job done. Keep our feelings and emotions; personal wants and desires in check. For the greater good. Its who we are. Whatever it takes.”
“Whatever it takes,” Marinette repeated back. “But that doesn’t mean we have to shut people out; each other out.”
“Yes, it does,” Grant said firmly. “Yes, I do.” He stopped talking and look Marinette in the eyes, “There are things about me you don’t know. I’ve done things I… Thing you wouldn’t like if you knew.”
“We all have,” Marinette shrugged at her father figure. “It’s a part of the job. I get it.”
           Grant smiled at her, “I know you do. I know you would. We’re the same. We know this world isn’t all happiness and rainbows but we don’t stop trying to save it. We don’t stop believing it can be saved; that what we’re doing has a purpose. But there are things I can’t tell you. Things about me… that you wouldn’t like if you knew. One day, I hope you understand though. I know we will. We’re the same. But You’re good.”
“So are you,” Marinette said. “Grant, you’re like the best guy I know. You’re good.”
“Not always,” Grant looked away. “You need to know, Marinette, I’m not a good man.”
“I believe you are.” She stated, “You can’t convince me otherwise.”
           It would a year later after much trust was built, and they had gone of dozens and dozens of missions that she finally learned his real name.
Over the next few years, Grant became like a father to her. And to him, she was like a daughter. He taught her everything he knew. Marinette did everything she could to make him proud. He made her believe that they could really save the world, change the world for the better.
Where Grant went, she followed; most of the time. Sky would slowly start to show up more and more; until it was clear she wasn’t going anyway.
Whenever she was hurt, and the mission was over, Grant would tell a story about his past.
           Her favorites were the ones about a monster who loved the sky. It was clear that it was about him and Skye. “Do you want to hear a story, princess?” He smiled. “It’s about a man who struggled with his demons his entire life. Who asked for love throughout his entire life. But he never got it. Until she came. She made him feel important. She made him laugh. She made him better. She became his world.”
           Marinette couldn’t understand what was stopping the two from getting together.
           She met Nick Fury when she was seventeen and was sent on the first on her first solo mission.
When she was eighteen, Grant and Skye were approached by a man named Coulson. The same Coulson that had supposedly been killed by a god named Loki. The strangest part was Marinette was tapped to join too.
The team consisted of Coulson, May, Grant, Skye, Fitz, Simmons, and Marinette.
They were a team. They became a family.
However, then John Garrett was revealed to be Hydra; a man Marinette had thought she knew well. (Grant killed him. And she mourned with him the man they thought John was.)
           Then project insight happened. Nick Fury was killed. Captain America exposed all of Shield in an effort to reveal Hydra.
           Shield was labeled a terrorist organization.
           The team was on their own.
But, Marinette thought more than once over the next coming months, at least they had each other.
They ended up at a place called Providence. They were given lie detector tests by Agent Eric Koenig. “Fury designed this himself,” The portly man said. “He wanted a lie detector Romanoff couldn’t beat.”
“Did she?” Grant asked
“Like Fury would tell!”
                       Marinette sat in the machine and tried to relax.
“We’re going to start with some easy question,” Eric told her. “Can I have your full name?”
“Marinette Clarissa Dupain-Cheng.”
“Eye color?”
“Blue,” Marinette stated.
           The agent nodded, “Have you ever been married?”
           Marinette shook her head, “No.”
“Please list your immediate living family.”
“My grandmother Gina,” Marinette answered. “My grandfather. I considered my team my family though.”
“What’s the difference between an egg and a rock?”
           Marinette gave him an “Are you Serious” look, “One's food, ones a weapon.”
“Have you ever heard of project insight?”
“Have you ever had contact with Alexander Pierce.”
“I have,” She answered honestly. “Once. Just after the New York Invasion. Agent Hill introduced me.”
“You wash up on a desert island, alone. Sitting in the sand is a box. What’s in the box?”
“How big is the box?” Marinette asked curiously. “How did it get there? What island am I on? Am I near freshwater.”
“Just say the first thing that comes to your mind, Marinette,” He told her. “What’s in the box?”
“A pair of earrings.”
           Eric gives her a funny look but notes her age and shrugs it off. Spy teen girls were still teen girls, after all. “Shield no longer exists. The agency has been labeled a terrorist organization. So why are YOU here.”
           Marinette thought about the question. She had thought about it before. Shield had fallen. No one knew who was or wasn’t Hydra. She should’ve been gone in the wind. However, she had never even considered it. “Shield is all I have. Ward, Skye, Coulson, May, Simmons, Fitz, Trip; they’re all I have. They’re my family.” She told him. “And truthfully, I joined Shield because I believe this world is worth saving. I believe it can still be saved. I believe that it is good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.”
“I love Lord of the Rings,” Agent Eric Koenig grinned. “Let’s get you a Lanyard, Agent Dupain-Cheng.
           While Skye, May, and Grant stayed at Providence, Marinette joined Coulson and the others.
           When Marinette returned to the base after saving the Cellist lady. The bus was gone. May was gone. Grant and Skye were gone.
           What was left of the team had debated long about what had happened; why the three had left.
           When Coulson said, “Worst case…  We've had a wolf in the herd the whole time.”
           Marinette didn’t believe that at first. Not until she heard the scream. Saw Agent Eric Koenig’s body. Saw the word written on the picture.
           Ward is Hydra.
“Not Ward,” Fitz said.
“Not Ward,” Marinette repeated. “Not Ward.” Skye was wrong. She had to be wrong. Ward couldn’t be Hydra. He wouldn’t. He couldn’t.
           Then Simmons gave the analyze of Agent Eric Koenig’s murder.
“Ward did this,” Simmons said.
           In a fury, Fitz smashed a few things.
           Marinette could only stare in space as the words penetrated her mind.
           Ward is Hydra.
           The man she thought she knew the best.
           The man she had sworn her loyalty to, had given all her trust to, had loved like a father.
           The man who had gotten her to swear loyalty to Shield.
           Grant Ward had been her S.O. Her mentor. Her leader. Her captain.
           Grant Ward was Hydra.
           And just like that, Marinette’s world shattered again.
           And just like that, everything she ever thought she believed in was questioned.
           It would be months before she saw him again, and by then it had been confirmed without a doubt Grant Ward was Hydra. He was the enemy.
           He would try to kill the team multiple times.  Grant Ward would do everything he could to get her alone to speak with and or to Skye. Like he could change their minds. He had gone full psycho Hydra and didn’t seem to be stopping any time soon.
           Marinette was captured by Hydra not long before her twenty-first birthday.
           She was tied up and chained to a desk.
           Grant Ward walked in with an easy smile on his face, “Marinette. This brings back memories.”
“Old Blackheart himself,” The bluenette hissed back. “Good to see you again. Oh, Wait! As your lot puts; Hail Hydra, right?”
           He nodded and sat down across from her, “Ladybug.”
“Just kill me,” Marinette shrugged. “I won’t tell you anything. You know I won’t. I won’t Hydra. You and the rest of the freaking Nazi can go to hell.”
           Ward looked shocked, “Kill you? You really think I would… I would never hurt you, Marinette!” He told her. “You have to know that. I would never want to hurt you.”
“Maybe not want to,” Marinette looked him dead in the eye. “But you will. All apart of the job, right.”
“Do you think this was easy for me?” Grant asked. “You of all people understand how hard it was; the impossible decisions that had to be made. You know what it's like to make a choice that breaks you inside. But we make them anyway. I made them anyway. Because that’s what I do. What we do.”
Marinette shuddered. “A Double Agent. Do what needs to be done. Betray everyone who loves you, cares about you. Because we don’t matter, only the mission does. Right? That’s what you tried to train into me; anything for the mission.”
“No!” Ward shouted. “That’s who you were before I ever met you. You don’t get to put that on me. That’s why Shield wanted you. Because you did whatever it took to stop Hawkmoth for good. Whatever it took for the greater good. That’s how I knew we were the same.”
           Ward stood up, “You’re good. I get that. I’ve always known that. But you understand me. You’re a soldier. I’m a soldier.”
“You are a monster,” Marinette said. “You finally convinced. There is no good for you.”
           Coulson, May, Lincoln, and Skye rescued her not long after.
           Grant and Marinette would face off with each other multiple; fighting to the death; fighting for the cause.
           Then one day, Simmons would be gone, Coulson would go after her, and when they came back; Coulson would tell her Grant Ward was dead. He killed him.
           Marinette wouldn’t ever admit it but her world shattered just a bit.
           However, Marinette would see Grant again but he wasn’t Grant. He was hive. And Hive would nearly take Skye from the team. He would take Lincoln.
           After months of fighting the monster for months; doing whatever it took to bring him down; Lincoln, a pretty blond man with light-colored eyes who dared to be a hero, sacrificed himself.
           And for the first time in years, Marinette was reminded of Adrien Agreste. She had thought about him occasionally, sure. But seeing Skye cry over Lincoln had reminded her just deeply of her own loss. And remember that she was the one who erased his memories. He wanted the last thing he saw to be her before he never remembered her again.
           Marinette was twenty-two when she went to the funeral of Grant Ward. It was in Paris. Marinette was the only one who went. There was nobody to bury but still, Marinette had him laid to rest, not too far away from her parents.
           No matter how hard she had tried, Marinette couldn’t find it in her to hate Grant. She had loved him too much. He had been such a big part of who she was.
           And she owed it to him to finally see him laid to rest. It was her duty, she supposed.
           That was why she buried him in the once place she once thought she’d never return. The place where she once dreamed of another life.
           As she stared at his grave, once again she dreamed about another life.
           A life where Hydra had never returned. Shield had never fallen. The Avengers weren’t torn apart in a civil war. The world didn’t seem to always be on fire. Skye was still an Agent. Fitz and Simmons were married. Tripp was alive. Lincoln was alive. And Grant Ward was good.
           It was a nice dream but she’d leave it in Paris with all rest of her childhood’s hopes, wishes, and dreams.
“You were right,” She told Grant, speaking directly to his headstone as if he was there. “We are the same. I do understand. I’ve always understood. In the end, we always do our duty. Its what defines us. Rest in Peace, Ward.”
           Marinette walked out of the cemetery with her head held high. She would stop for ice cream, and cross paths with a tall, handsome, green-eyed, blond man. He’d look right through her.
           And it only bothered her a little.
           Months after she left Paris again, for good she swore, she would hear on the news about the untimely death of Gabriel Agreste.
           She would notify an hour later that Master Fu has surfaced in Paris again. The man had been watched by Shield for years.
           She would be told that Master Fu had been spotted around Agreste home.
           Marinette didn’t blink twice. It wouldn’t matter. Everyone had moved on. Adrien had moved. Marinette had moved on. And as far as the world was concerned Marinette Dupain-Cheng was dead. She had died years ago.
           Seven months later, Coulson would bring her in to help train a new recruit. She would walk into the training room of the bus and see a tall, a tall, handsome, green-eyed, blond man with hope clear on his face, standing next to Coulson, looking at her like he was seeing the sun for the first time in years.
“Kitty?” Marinette whispered.
“My lady.”
           Marinette was twenty-three when her world shattered yet again.
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Drug Bust
My Jake Peralta imagines could either be read alone or you could think of them together with “Welcome to the 99!”
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Thursday 10:15pm; A drug bust gone wrong
There was a blinding white hot pain going through your body. You don’t remember where the pain started and you didn’t care, all you knew was that you were bleeding in your abdominal area, laying on the ground trying to keep your tears at bay.
You just wanted Jake to be by your side at that moment, you knew you weren’t going to die because if you think you're going to die then you're going to lose hope and you didn’t want to lose hope, there was still so much you wanted to have happen in your life.
Days Leading Up to the Bust
Tuesday 10am; Briefing
“There is a new drug being spread around the streets of Brooklyn called-“
“Taxi!” You yelled out in the middle of Captain Holt’s sentence causing people to look at you.
You just slightly blushed from all the sudden attention and apologized to Holt for disrupting the meeting, you just dropped your head slightly toward the table to try and ignore the eyes on you.
“Yes Detective (L/n), it is called Taxi because it is the color yellow and also it is a new type of speed that has recently been brought to our attention. So we are going to need two detectives to go undercover on a drop.”
Without even looking behind you, you knew that Jake and Charles turned towards each other with their stupid little grins on their faces showing the pure excitement going through their mind of having the chance of coming up with some undercover identity’s for a drug bust, but-
“Diaz and (L/n) you too will be our dealers for this case.” Holt said erupting a gasp from Jake and Charles.
“Captain! Why would you choose Rosa and (Y/n) out of me and Charles!” Jake pouted out.
“Actually it’s Charles and I” You turned around to fix Jake’s grammar.
Jake just looked at you a little weird and you were just a little confused on why he was, so you just turned back around.
“What are you another Amy?” Jake said under his breath.
You tensed just a little and then relaxed choosing to just focus on the rest of the meeting as Captain Holt was giving off instructions for the drop that was going to happen on Thursday in a hotel.
“Everyone is dismissed now, go do your jobs and keep Brooklyn safe.” Holt said, closing the meeting.
Everyone got up from their seats going their separate ways. As you got up from your seat you turned around to try and talk with Jake about that passing comment about being another Amy. There was nothing wrong with Amy, she was a sweet, kind lady even though she’s barely in the bullpen where you are stationed because you took her spot and became Jake’s new partner, but that’s not the point. You just want to make sure that Jake isn’t angry with you in any way because you guys are partners for most cases so to have any type of bad blood towards each other whether it be a tiny thing or a big problem it’s always good to clear it as soon as possible. 
When you turned around, Jake wasn’t there so you guessed he was back at his desk working on some paperwork for one of his cases. As you were walking back to your desk that was Amy’s desk before you, you turned to look at the Captain’s office real quick and noticed that you saw Jake in there talking with Holt, throwing his arms about like he was trying to argue a point that didn’t seem like it was going to land anywhere, and with Holt sometimes they don’t land.
So you got a little curious and walked up to Gina’s desk where she was just texting on her phone, or was on twitter (sidenote: Gina’s tweets are so random, but they bring you some type of entertainment to your life).
“Hey Gina what’s happening?” You asked, stopping to the right of her desk, the side that was closest to Holt’s door which was currently closed.
“Oh yea I’m just having twitter beef with some random person from Florida arguing about the rights of endangered animals, you know those types of Florida people.” Gina replied mindlessly not looking up from her phone, just smiling to herself at this new development in her life.
You just cocked your head to the left out of questioning if you want to look into this twitter beef later and also because you're trying to see if that angle will allow for you to hear Jake and Captain Holt’s conversation. You weren’t able to really hear anything so you just decided to go back to your desk and do some work for the meantime.
After about 20 minutes of you doing desk work you finally see Jake walking over to his desk out of the corner of your eye. You looked up when you heard Jake sigh out as he sat down looking glum for some reason.
“Hey, Jake are you okay?” You asked him quietly not wanting to try and draw unwanted attention towards you both. 
Jake just looked up from his desk towards you. He looked sad and tired, you wonder if it has to do with the fact that he wasn’t chosen for the undercover cases, Jake always loved a chance to come up with a new identity.
“Are you a little upset about the case? Honestly I would be fine if you were on the case rather than me. I’m not the best on undercover drops, I get nervous.” You started to ramble out, stopping when you noticed that Jake obviously didn’t care what you had to say that the moment.
You just sighed to yourself and went back to doing your work; getting paperwork in order, getting evidence ready for a court case, talking with Rosa about the drop on Thursday.
As you were talking about the drop your eyes slightly looked towards Jake who was just doing paperwork at the moment and his face kinda just looked...blank?
“Hey Rosa, does Jake usually act like this when he isn’t assigned a certain case he hoped to work?” You whispered to Rosa.
Rosa looked up from the case information in your hands and looked towards Jake and then she took a quick glance at you.
“Eh, it’s Jake. He’s sometimes still childish with his work.” Rosa just said.
You just nodded slowly and decided it was none on your business anyway.
Wednesday 9:05am; Bullpen
“Hey Jake, hey Charles.” You greeted your partner and friend as you walked to your desk.
Jake looked like he was in less of a mood, so that’s all that kinda mattered in your books.
“Hey (Y/n) nervous for the drop tomorrow?” Charles asked you, turning around in the seat that was placed next to Jake’s desk.
“A little, but I’m also excited at the same time. The precinct that I last worked at wasn’t the best place and also I was always given crappy cases, so this is going to be good.” You exclaimed, smiling to yourself.
“Well we just know it’s going to go great, don’t we Jake.” Charles said trying to bring his friend into the conversation since he was being so quiet. 
Jake was just kinda looking at you, it looked like he zoned out or something his face was...blank. You kinda just looked at him back taking in his facial features. He always just had a kind smile whenever you saw it, it’s barely pointed towards you though so it always brightens your day when you get just a small glimpse of it. 
You wish it was pointed towards you everyday.
“-I mean Sarge is always going on about his yogurt.” You heard Charles’s voice causing you to snap out of your thoughts.
When you were brought back to Earth you saw that Jake was gone from his desk leaving you with Charles rambling about Sarge and his yogurt.
“Hey Charles where did Jake go too?”
Charles said Jake was in the evidence room so that’s where you went to go looking for him.
“Oh hey I was looking for you.” You stated as you saw Jake’s back.
No you weren’t stalking Jake, you just have been wanting to talk with him and every time you try and start a conversation something would randomly come up stopping you in the process.
“Oh hey (Y/n).” Was all Jake said to you when he turned around to see who came into the evidence room.
You just cocked your head a little to your right wondering why Jake was kinda just being weird around you.
When you came to the 99 Jake was acting completely civil and his normal goofy self, but lately he's kinda just been a little reserved you could say, but it was just around you which annoyed you to death.
“Hey Jake I was just wondering if I did something to bother you these past few weeks. If it's just my mere presence then I’m sorry about that, but I’m not just gonna leave the 99 because-”
“Woah, (Y/n). No it has nothing to do with your presence; I like having you around. You're one of my new friends here, it's just with this drug bust I’m scared something could happen to you.” Jake said quietly, but you were able to catch the very last bit causing a slight blushing on your cheeks.
You were looking at Jake as he was looking towards the ground finding his shoes very interesting, when you noticed his head was coming back to your level you glanced to the floor real fast.
‘What am I, a school girl confronting her crush?...Actually that could be what is happening.’ you thought to yourself as you were staring at the floor.
You brought your head back up to meet Jake’s eyes.
“Well thank you for your concern Jake, but this is our job and if something bad happens then at least I was just doing my job to try and clean the streets of Brooklyn.” You said timidly with a shaky smile on your face.
Jake was just staring at you, his eyes darting everywhere over your face almost like he was trying to take in certain details and remember your face in this moment. It looked like Jake was about to say because he looked slightly hesitant.
“Um (Y/n) I just want to say-” and then the door opens bringing in Charles.
Charles was looking between you and Jake with a weird look on his face, but then again Charles is just a different kind of guy so you don’t try and pay much mind to it. 
Since you finally got to talk with Jake you see that you should leave now and probably talk with Holt, going over the plan for tomorrow.
“Well thanks for the talk Jake, I’m gonna go and talk with Captain Holt about the bust tomorrow to make sure everything is all good, so I’ll see you later. Bye Charles.” You said as you walked past him waving both Jake and Charles good bye.
Thursday 8:40pm; getting into position
“So...what was going on with you and (Y/n) yesterday in the evidence room.” Charles singed, wiggling his eyebrows at Jake.
Jake just pulled a creeped out face, because this was something Charles does most of the time when he opens his mouth. Jake just stayed silent in the driver's seat of his car looking forward towards the building where the bust was going down. 
“So Charles, how's your life going.” Jake blurted out wanting to avoid talking about himself.
Obviously Charles didn’t notice so he just went on a rambling spree about random things going on in his life at the moment.
Jake just started to slowly zone out because he knew whatever Charles was saying he would rather not know about it.
“Man this is taking forever.” Jake sighed out.
It’s been probably almost two hours of just sitting in the car with Charles going on different tangents about something random. Jake was just hoping that nothing bad was happening, as long as there weren't any type of radio calls. 
It seemed like it was going fine until…
“All units go in! Now!” Captain Holt’s voice sounded through the coms yelling at everyone to rush towards the building where loud gunshots were heard.
Jake’s anxiety spiked, worried that something happened to either you or Rosa, two of his friends and one that was starting to be just a little more.
Jake and Charles ran towards the doors of the building, the same ones that you entered just a while ago doing your job.
Jake and Charles held their guns up, sweeping the perimeter for drug dealers with weapons. Jake told Charles to split up to sweep the building faster, so Jake went right and Charles went left.
As Jake got to one room he started to hear loud gasps, almost like someone was trying to catch their breath. As Jake walked further in, he saw that there was a body on the floor with crimson liquid spilling around them. 
Jake ran to the person, dropping to the floor on his knees and turning them over so he was able to see their face; and when he saw your face draining of color his heart dropped to his stomach.
“(Y/n)...hey (Y/n) come on, stay awake for me; You’re gonna be okay.” Jake whispered close to your face making sure your breathing was still there.
Your breaths were coming in shallow not wanting to waste what little energy you had left at the moment. You turned your head slightly, leaning into Jake’s body wanting to feel his body warmth since yours was dropping fast causing you to shutter. Blood was spilling from the corner of your mouth staining the path red.
“Jake...Jake please don’t leave me.” You whispered out with a glimpse of fear coming forward.
Jake just quietly shushed you telling you everything was going to be okay, just slowly petting your hair.
He cupped your face making you keep your focus on him and only him at this moment.
“(Y/n), look at me. Everything is going to okay, the ambulance is coming and they are going to take you to the hospital and fix you up. Nothing bad is going to happen.” Jake choked out.
You smiled at Jake, feeling the tears spill out of your eyes causing a choking feeling to get stuck in your throat.
“I’m really happy that you’re my partner Jake.” You whispered to him, feeling your eyes become heavy.
Jake must have noticed the way your eyes were dropping that he needed to keep you awake because he started to shake you and call out your name, but everything just started to sound like you were underwater.
Friday 8am; The Hospital
The beeping of machines slowly brought you out of your deep slumber. Your eyes felt like they weigh 100 pounds causing you to strain a bit just trying to pry them open. They also just felt gross, you probably had eye boogers and maybe tear stains on your face from when you were crying in Jake’s lap.
Slowly, but surely you were able to get your eyes to open up to the fluorescent lighting of your hospital room. You moved your head around to look around your small hospital room and when you looked toward the door you saw that someone was sitting in the one chair close to you. 
“Jake.” You called out, but your voice was basically gone, just a tiny squeak came from your throat. 
Jake was asleep in the chair, which probably wasn’t very comfortable especially with the weird position that he was in. You saw that he was close enough that you could probably poke him or something to grab his attention. You were moving your fingers very slowly so as to not bring any unwanted pain to your body.
As you slowly go, your fingers moving to grab onto just a bit of Jake’s shirt to tug it; you moved a bit too far or fast it didn’t matter to you all you knew was that a white hot pain shot through your body causing you to cry out in pain.
Jake probably heard your cry because you felt his hand on your shoulder asking what happened.
“I was trying to grab your attention, probably just moved too much.” You spoke out.
You looked up and saw that Jake was just staring at with a slight smirk to his mouth. His eyes looked like they had tiny stars in them with the way they twinkled across your facial features. You moved your left arm up slowly allowing for you to rest your hand on his cheek, moving your thumb back and forward over his smooth skin.
“Thank you...for saving me back there.” You croaked out of your dried throat.
Jake smiles down at you, moving his right hand to be placed on top of yours.
It’s finally pointed towards me for once.
“No need to thank me (Y/n); I’m your partner after all.” Jake stated without any hesitation.
That one word caused you to be brought back to reality; making you tense for a moment, but long enough for Jake to notice.
“Um...where is everyone else?”
“Oh, um they’re at the station right now. I came here first before stopping at work. I wanted to make sure that you were okay and awake, and since you are I should probably go to the Captain so that way everyone else can stop by.” Jake spoke, starting to back away, causing your hand to slip away and fall back on your bed.
“Okay well, I hope to see you again soon Jake...at the precinct.” You replied startled.
Jake grabbed his jacket from the chair putting it on and walked towards the door of your room until he stopped and turned around looking at you.
“Um...I’ll make sure to come by after work to see how you're feeling; if you're okay with that.” Jake asked you.
You smiled to yourself, having to resist a full blown grin splitting your face.
“Yea, that works for me!” You almost shouted.
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boundinshallows · 4 years
Peaky Rare Pair Bingo Mid-Fest Round-Up
We started the Peaky Blinders Rare Pair Bingo Challenge back in July and still have a few weeks left. However, I thought it would be a great time to do a mid-fest round-up to catch folks up on what’s been written so far. 
Rare Pairs are tricky things. They’re rare because they don’t get a lot of fanworks produced about them. And in turn, sometimes the authors don’t get a lot of love on their fics because the audiences are limited. It becomes a vicious cycle, and in the end, fandom suffers because there's an overrepresentation of just a few pairings, but many amazing characters to love and explore. 
I would like to invite you all to take a look at some truly incredible pieces of fic for some much undervalued pairings in Peaky Blinders. If you have a moment, please leave the authors a comment to keep fueling their creativity, even if it’s brief, especially if you like the ship. Kudos are wonderful too, but comments really help writers know there’s an audience out there looking for rare pair content. 
 Chester Campbell / Tommy Shelby
Shameless by AbusiveLittleBun || [ E ] Tommy has his usual meeting with Campbell in a café but decides to spice it a bit up.
Tatiana Petrovna / Alfie Solomons
Solnishko by Valkrist || [ E ] There was something lovely about all the movements, about kneading the dough, while listening to some radio shows, shaking one’s hand and laughing about the people and music the whole time. As stupid as it could be, Alfie didn’t like to be interrupted during this process. There was only one exception, only one person that could call him or come in without having to deal with his grumpiness.
Vivid by Strawberriez8800 || [ E ] In which Alfie dreams about getting fucked by Tatiana, and asks Tommy a question.
Dazzle Me Blind by Strawberriez8800 || [ T ] Tatiana glances back at Alfie over her shoulder. “Have you ever been fucked by a princess?” “Can’t say I have, no.” “Good,” she says, voice like molten gold. “I like to be the first at everything I do.”
Singular by Strawberriez8800 || [ E ] Alfie tugs on Tatiana's silver chain, pulls her down towards him. “Something you should know, princess,” he says, mouth brushing against the shell of her ear, “I’m not in the habit of sharing, am I now.” She grins a feral grin. “Not even with Tommy Shelby?”
Barney Thompson / Tommy Shelby
Play Pretend by Valkrist || [ T ] It shouldn’t feel this way, should it? He shouldn’t be that afraid, feel more comfortable. Enjoy all the moments, blossom and feel all this happiness, but he didn’t. Why was he sad? Why didn’t he experience the same things others were talking about?
Peaches, Roses, Sandalwood by Valkrist || [ E ] There was something fascinating about all the oils, vials and equipment standing on the table. Small glasses, various colors, paste, scrapers, everything one could imagine. Different scents filled the room - and in the middle of it all there was one filled, slightly violet flacon.
Always Landing on Their Feet by Valkrist || [ G ] Tommy had always been torn between doing business properly and giving Charlie enough love and attention. Never really knew how to do it well enough, how to make his childhood fulfilled enough, but he had thought that it was okay, that he did his best giving Charlie good education and lovely father-son evenings. Had even dared to think that his boy didn’t have any secrets and behaved nice when he had to go to London for some days. Well, this was until he got one particular fateful e-mail.
Indulge a Desire by Valkrist || [ E ] There were many things that helped Barney forget about all his duties for a while, but the low lighting was the best one, after all.
Been Reading Books of Old, the Legends and the Myths by Valkrist || [M] Remember the last time we wrote each other letters? I don’t, but well, maybe it’s a good idea. Kinda funny to send all this words, knowing that you won’t read them immediately. But I won’t write them too often, still gotta pay for my living, you know.
Tu as tué la peur qui là dans mes bras by Valkrist || [ T ] Tommy chuckled. It was always funny to listen to Barney, even if he couldn’t understand how the latter managed to stay that calm. It seemed as if Ollie made nothing but mistakes, but Barney was patient, so terribly patient. Repeated the words again and again, encouraged Ollie to go on and not to send it all to hell.
Thoughts of You Consume by Valkrist || [ E ] Barney had already known what was about to come at the races. Going there hadn’t really been his preferable option for the day, but there was no harm in doing it - just being on Tommy’s side, looking at the majestic horses and seeing the other man’s lips curling into a smile when everything went the way it should. Barney didn’t understand much of this sort of business, but it was alright as long as Tommy knew what he was doing.
May Carleton / Tommy Shelby
When You Walk in Smelling Like Her Perfume by Valkrist || [ T ] May had never thought this necklace would mean so much to her one day. It hadn’t been much more than a lovely gesture back then, a little present, a joke. Something that looked lovely and united them. Even the telepathy coming with it didn’t seem intimate back then, being a lovely side effect. Oh, how easy it had been back then…
Between This Heartbeat and the Next by Strawberriez8800 || [ G ] Tommy is looking at her like he’s finally living their moments rather than stealing them. What a sight it makes.
Off the Beaten Path by Strawberriez8800 || [ G ] Thomas is waiting for someone; May is not so conceited as to assume it is her, yet when she takes the seat beside him and orders herself a drink, with the way he looks at her, it would be asinine to conclude the case is anything else. 
The One Who Got Away by Boundinshallows || [ M ] Tommy and May go on an overnight trip to purchase a horse.
James / Tommy Shelby
This was Nothing by AbusiveLittleBun || [ E ] Tommy is frustrated after another meeting with Alfie and he needs an outlet. Luckily it finds him first.
Salt and Mint by AbusiveLittleBun || [ E ] Tommy was forced to remain for dinner at Ada's, in fear of James revealing their little secret, and makes a deal with the boy for his good behavior... things escalate very quickly.
Like Thunder, Like Lightning by AbusiveLittleBun || [ E ] Tommy feels torn after his hasty departure from Ada's, and a surprising phone call might, or might not help him move forward...
R U Mine? by AbusiveLittleBun || [ E ] Tommy goes back to James, but it also comes with more consequences than he imagined... (Direct sequel to Like Thunder, Like Lightning!)
Jessie Eden / Ada Shelby
Dress by Keine_angst || [ G ] Now that she's made peace with her feelings towards Jessie Eden, there was only one obstacle left. The dress. 
Hungry for (Your) Love by Keine_angst || [ G ] “Tommy, sweetheart, how can you expect me to agree to do something for you if you don’t explain what do you need from me?” she pointed out the obvious, because really, it wouldn’t be safe to just say yes and take the pot luck, not when Thomas Shelby was in charge. Ada agrees to help her brother out, but things get out of hand.
Billy Grade / Finn Shelby
Beyond Redemption (Just a Pawn) by Valkrist || [ M ] Finn was angry, fucking angry. Should’ve probably known that it all would come this way. Done something against it. Then again, what could he have done? Tommy hadn’t told him that much, trying to keep him away from this bad kind of business. Football bets were alright, but nothing more. Didn’t need to ship cocaine or opium or whatever this was about. Bets like in the good old times, having Billy to write everything down.
Gina Gray / Oswald Mosley
White Swan by Valkrist || [ M ] It was funny how they all hadn’t noticed it at all, Mosley thought. Such blind people. Didn’t see it, maybe simply didn’t want to, who was to say that. He hadn’t been truly interested in joining this dance - an evening with a bunch of fucking Gypsies wasn’t exactly his idea of a well spent time - but apparently there were some good things about occasions of that kind. Well, as long as he ignored the opium, cocaine and brandy. Really didn’t seem to know the rules, this silly people.
Lizzie Stark / Tommy Shelby
Again by Emjen_Enla || [ T ] Tommy rolled over. Again. Or Tommy and Lizzie mostly fail at this sharing a bed thing.
Bonnie Gold / Goliath
Raise the Boxing Gloves by Valkrist || [ M ] Poor boy didn’t know what dreamless nights were anymore. Always had something to think about, adventures happening, a combination of all the things he had experienced. Sometimes bad, sometimes good, sometimes it was simply unclear. But Goliath could beat it all out of him if he wasn’t careful enough. Made him forget with ease, his senses focussing on some little, often rather unimportant details. An impressive and talented young man.
Ollie / Alfie Solomons
Our Bones May Turn to Stone but Hearts like Ours Don’t Rust by Valkrist || [ T ] The dunes, the water, the sand, it was all calming. Ollie simply couldn’t get used to it after having spend so much time in London, knowing all the dirt of Camden. Muddy shoes, blood, he had seen it all, even though it was way better than Birmingham, if Alfie was to be believed.
Luca Changretta / Tommy Shelby
Now and Forever by AbusiveLittleBun || [ E ] Luca is enchanted with the beautiful blue-eyed boy that attends the school he helps his mother at, little does he know Tommy Shelby feels the same way towards him...
Boysenberry Tie, with Periwinkle Eyes by WTSL_Writer_of_Things || [ G ] The bow was strange and new, the colour hard to come by and find. It wasn't often people managed to dye a bow that colour, so he snatched it up and bright it home to his blue eyes doll. Years go by and he finds that colour again, this time as a tie, and he gets the tie for his new Periwinkle eyed lover, who he practically drops to the floor for. So he gets a boysenberry tie, for the Periwinkle eyes of his strange lover.
Oswald Mosley / Tommy Shelby
Coat Wrapped Around His Shoulders by Valkrist || [ M ] It was a miracle, a fucking miracle.Tommy still didn’t know how Barney had stayed alive, but he had. Could have shot Mosley marvelously if it weren’t for this horrible interruption. A life for a life, except both people had stayed alive this time. And this was the other side of the coin. Mosley was still alive. A wonderful plan, all for nothing. So much effort put into it, all for nothing. But at least they hadn’t caught them, so Tommy could still keep his cover. Could enter the hospital without people suspecting him, ready to figure it all out.
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Banished (Part 33)
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*Not My Gif*
Summary: When the 100 was sent to the ground, Y/N Y/L/N was one of them. Having been locked up for almost 8 years, how will she react to surviving on Earth? Especially when she gets banished...
Post Date: 2-2-20
Paring: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Word Count: 4.3K
~Banished Master~
*Based off episode 3x04 of the 100, Watch the Thrones
You didn’t know what awaited you at Arkadia. Three months was too long and no matter how many times you told yourself it was alright to be heading back, you wouldn’t believe it. You stayed in the back of group, observing the way Bellamy avoided all eye contact with you, only turning around to see you all were following, but never looking at your eyes.
“Octavia.” You turned to her who, despite her brother’s actions, walked next to you. Octavia looked up at you, raising a brow to prompt you to ask the one question that had been on your mind. “How many people were in Mount Weather?”
Octavia looked at the man walking with Bellamy a good way in front of you both as she huffed. “Farm station made it down. We found them a week ago and Pike,” she pointed to the man who put a hand on Bellamy’s shoulder, giving it a good shake but Bellamy ignored it, “Pike thought it was a good idea to house them there.” You didn’t look away from her as you stopped, causing her to stop walking as well.
“A lot of people.” She glared at Pike who remained in the unknown as you swallowed, trying to process what happened.
“Did I- did I know any of them?”
Did any of the people I abandon die?
Octavia met your eyes, seeing the hesitation in them as she shook her head. “Mostly farm station.” She paused in her words as you frowned, trying to get her to continue. “We were there, we left Raven, Sinclair, and Gina, Bellamy’s girl. Raven said only she and Sinclair got out.”
Your jaw set, finally understanding the detached look in Bellamy as Octavia kept walking. You stood there watching the group walk without you before they disappeared by some trees a few yards ahead. You wondered if they realized you weren’t there, if you turned around and headed back to Polis right now.
You looked back at the tower, seeing it heads above the rest of Polis in the night sky. Small fires lit the base of it but the top blended into the night sky, the only light coming from it being the throne room you had just left.
Bellamy didn’t want to talk to anyone as they headed back but the moment he turned around and didn’t see you his mind went on alert. He stopped his step, looking around for if you to have moved spots before he realized you were gone. He sighed and got Kane’s attention.
Bellamy didn’t have to say anything before Kane followed his sight, seeing you weren’t there. “We’ll keep going. You see what’s taking her.” He told Bellamy as Bellamy nodded, waiting for the group to pass before retracing their steps. He didn’t have to go far before seeing you standing in the middle of the path staring at Polis.
“You coming?” He called out as you looked over your shoulder. He watched you relax slightly when you saw him, yet you were still quite on edge as if you weren’t sure what Bellamy was going to say. He walked up next to you to join but instead of looking a Polis he was looking at you. You didn’t speak, letting the silence between you stay for a second longer as Bellamy grew impatient. “Y/N?” You finally looked into his eyes, the deep brown that you wouldn’t mind drowning in. “Are you okay?”
“Am I okay?” You took a step back, trying to keep your shock to yourself. “I’m fine Bellamy, it’s you who lost some of your people,” You took a deep breath, pulling away from Bellamy’s eyes “and... Gina.”
Bellamy blinked as he narrowed his eyes, trying to figure you out. You just shrugged, taking one last look at Polis. “Octavia told me a little.”
“What did she say?” He asked as you started walking again, Bellamy following on your heel.
You took a minute to respond, hoping you didn’t sound like a complete wreak.
“She didn’t tell me much, just her name and that you were dating.” He nodded his head, not knowing how to respond before you continued. “I’m sorry I left.” You whispered.
He barely heard your apology but he knew you had nothing to apologize for.
“Don’t be. You needed to go, wasn’t my right to ask you to stay.” He said as you started to catch up to the rest of the group, seeing Octavia and Kane checking every so often for you.
“Yeah but the way I did, after we...”
You dropped the conversation, the feeling too fresh on your mind as Bellamy and you carried onto Arkadia, not saying another word. You felt Bellamy’s stares when you first started walking but the closer to Arkadia you got, the more Bellamy separated himself.
As you approached the gates, Bellamy’s steps got quicker, leaving you to catch up with him before he entered. “Bellamy!” you called out. He barely looked over his shoulder, not waiting for you at all. You sighed but didn’t go after him, letting him have his time. He lost someone he loved and you needed to respect his desire to be alone. You looked around the camp, quite out of place in your grounder clothes as people watched you, whispering amongst themselves.
“Y/N?” Someone called out behind you as you turned around, seeing Monty, Harper, and Miller just a few feet away. You gave them a smile, bringing both Monty and Harper in for a hug. “I can’t believe you’re here.”
“Figured it was time.” You told them before looking at Miller. Miller, much like what happened in Mount Weather 3 months ago, offered you a smile, only this time you returned it. Bygones, you told yourself as you stretched out a hand, offering him a sign of peace as he looked at it almost shocked. He reluctantly took it as you couldn’t help up chuckle. There wasn’t much that had changed since last you were here, but this time people were looking at you like you were gunk on the bottom of your shoe. It didn’t take long for Monty and Harper to catch onto your actions as they shared a look.
“Hey, they’re just on edge after Mount Weather.” Monty began as you focused on them and you, Monty, and Harper started walking inside, leaving Miller to catch up with the guards.
“There’s a memorial today.” Harper began, “For everyone in Mount Weather. I don’t know if that’s something-“
“Thanks Harper, really, but I don’t think anyone wants me to be there. I mean look at them.” The two of them looked around as you walked. “I’m an outsider, whether I like it or not.”
“Just think about it.” She said and you nodded.
Kane watched you walk with Monty and Harper, seeing how uncomfortable you were. He hated to admit that seeing you here comforted him because he knew you didn’t want to be here. You left Monty and Harper, heading off towards the ark as Kane followed you, keeping his distance as you made your way down the halls, getting the feeling of the place as it goes. He knew he shouldn’t be following you, but after everything he didn’t know how you felt about him.
You were just about to the chancellors office, just needing to take one more turn but the moment Kane turned to follow, you were waiting with your arms crossed over your chest and a glare in your eyes. “What are you doing?”
He froze, having no rebuttal until you asked again. “I didn’t know if you wanted to talk to me.” Your cocky attitude dropped and you felt guilty, knowing that for Kane’s sake you should’ve said something, not leave Bellamy to explain for you.
You barely got your mouth open before Pike stood behind you, calling Kane’s attention away. “Duty calls.” You mumbled to Kane as Pike came closer.
“You must be Y/N. We never officially met. Heard a lot about you, all good, I promise.” He stuck out a hand to you but with one look down at it, you ignored it and instead gave him a tight-lipped smile. Pike raised a brow at you but didn’t question it, letting his hand drop to his side.
“Well, I let you two do whatever it is you need.” You moved past Kane, barely able to turn the corner before Kane grabbed your arm.
“Can we talk later?” He asked as if you had a choice, you knew that no matter what he’d find you. You nodded your head before pulling your arm out and watching them enter the Chancellors office.
You made your way around the camp once again, the loneliness feeling a bit ridiculous until you ended up a bar. You scoffed with a smirk, before sitting in one of the seat, getting a cup of moonshine and downing it fast. You asked the man behind the counter for another cup before some shouting to your left caught your attention. “Jasper?” you asked yourself quietly before taking the new cup and stopping Jasper from punching some guy. “Woah, woah, woah. Hey, I got this.” You told the man, who just grumbled under his breath before allowing you to take Jasper.
“Oh goodie, you’re back.” He muttered, sarcastically before pushing himself out of your grasp, falling into the chair you were sitting in. He barely sparred you a glance before demanding a drink, collapsing onto the table.
“You know, blocking out the world won’t solve all your problems.” Jasper scoffed at the use of his own words against him as he looked up at you but not saying a word. You frowned, taking in his appearance. “You look awful, Jasper.” He looked as if he hadn’t slept in months, or maybe it was the alcohol. You took a sniff of him, flinching a little at the strong smell. “How much did you drink?” you asked him, scrunching your nose up.
“All of it.” He replied, drinking the cup in front of him until it was empty. You took note of the backpack on his shoulder with curiosity.
“You heading out somewhere?” you asked, but Jasper ignored it, looking anywhere but at you. “Jasper?”
“There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you!” Monty cried out as he entered the bar, seeing Jasper next to you on the stool. “The memorial’s going to start soon.” He told you both as he tried to pull Jasper out of the seat to come with him.
“I’m not going to some dumb memorial.” He told Monty before taking off. Monty and you shared a look, Monty’s a bit more distressed as you both followed him out.
“Jasper!” Monty called after him as you got closer to the gates. You jogged to keep up, getting Octavia’s attention as you called her over.
“What’s going on?”
“Jasper’s refusing to go to the memorial.”
“Bit late for a Mount Weather memorial, don’t you think?” Jasper asked you all rhetorically, knowing that none of you had an answer. It wasn’t as if you had the time anyways as an alarm sounded throughout camp. You and Octavia turned to the front gate, seeing Nyko and a few others being apprehended by the guards. You ran to them telling them to stop as the guard looked down on you.
“You take them, you’re one of them.” If you could, you would’ve punched him but that wouldn’t go down well and you knew it. You looked over, seeing Octavia pulling grounders arm around her neck as you did the same with a younger woman, leading her into the infirmary. You made sure the grounders were taken care of before leaving Octavia with them, knowing there wasn’t much you could do for them and it was best to let Abby or someone else help them.
You didn’t want to but somehow you made your way to the memorial, staying on the outside and watching as you leaned in the doorway.
Bellamy made his way to the front, holding the book Gina gave him in his hand. “Gina was real. She always saw the light, even here. She deserved better. May we meet again.” He spoke to everyone, yet his words for Gina. He caught your eye but the moment he did you were pushed to the side by guards coming into the room, heading towards Pike. You tried to listen to what they were talking about as Kane joined the conversation but you couldn’t make out what they were saying until Pike spoke louder.
“You gave a grounder one of our radios?” He yelled making you take a step forward, ready fo help defuse any situation.
Lincoln was pacing in the back of the room when you went over to him.
“There’s no way this ends right.” You whispered as he nodded, glancing down at you momentarily before doing a double take. You gave him a weak smile, nudging your arm against his before focusing on the time bomb that was the people in the room.
Kane and Abby caught against Pike and most of farm station, trying to get them to see the correct side of things as you just watched. One of the men in the room went up to the table, grabbing a rock while Lincoln and you remained unaware.
“You.” He said, calling attention to the two of you. Your eyes flickered from his to Bellamy, silently begging for any type of help but Bellamy just stood there. “You don’t belong here.” The man continued before chucking a rock at Lincoln’s head.
“Lincoln!” You screamed as you tried to make sure he was okay. His head was pounding and he couldn’t grab onto you for help up. Everyone made their way to you two, most trying to repeat the actions taken already. You felt a presence above you and you were about to kick them away until you realized it was Bellamy making sure no one touched you.
You felt relieved until a pair of arms yanked you to your feet, away from Bellamy and Lincoln.
A fist connected sloppily with the side of your face as you groaned. “You don’t belong here either.” The same man who started this grumbled as he went to punch you again, only for you to stop his punch and bring a foot, kicking him in the stomach and making him stumble back. You were about to fight more until a sharp whistle echoed through the room, halting everyone’s movements.
“We don’t fight our own!” Pike shouted and for once you were happy to hear the man voice. Until he kept talking. “The enemy is not in the camp. They’re out there.” You glared at the man who fought you, watching as he walked away before someone’s hand was on your shoulder.
You let them turn you around, seeing Kane’s concerned eyes. He carefully took a hold of your chin, looking at the split lip and bruising jaw you had. You brought a finger up, feeling the blood before wiping the rest away, feeling the slight wince in your lip.
“What are we gonna do?” You asked Kane, getting straight to the point. He shook his head, looking around the room at the people limping to their feet.
“I don’t know. But we’ll figure it out.” You nodded, following his gaze until it landed on Bellamy. He was looking at the book he placed down for Gina as you left Kane, squeezing his arm and nodding towards Bellamy. “Go. I’ll go check on Lincoln.”
You made your way over to Bellamy, careful not scare him. “Wanna talk?”
He led you to a table in the mess hall and both of you got a shot for yourselves. Neither of you spoke, the toll of the past days resting on your mind until you let out a meek chuckle, trying anything to kill the awkwardness.
“It’s weird not being in Polis. Being in the dark about what’s going on there.” Bellamy looked at you through the top of his lashes, taking another drink as you sighed in irritation. “Come on, Bellamy. You’re not going to talk to me?”
“What do you what me to say Y/N?” He sounded almost desperate as he threw his arms on the table, leaning into the conversation. “I was supposed to protect Gina. I was supposed to protect all of them.”
“It’s not your fault Bellamy.” You told him, And without much realization you had put your hand on top of his. “You didn’t know it was going to happen.”
“It doesn’t make it any better.” He shot back, pulling his hand away from yours. It was only then did you realize you’d done it for you missed the contact he gave you. “It doesn’t matter how you look at it. Her death’s on me.”
You didn’t say anything, just offering him solace while he stared at you.
Bellamy knew this moment right now was less than ideal with you but he couldn’t handle the way you just swooped in, ready to just heal him. “Why are you here?” He asked without thinking, downing another shot.
“What do you mean?”
“Why did you leave Polis to come here?” You sucked your head, looking at your shot glass playing in your hand before you downed the shot.
“I don’t know, I didn’t think.”
You couldn’t look at Bellamy, not wanting to see his reaction before Pike came in looking around the room for someone before his eyes landed on the two of you. “Mind if I steal Bellamy?” You glanced up at Bellamy briefly before standing up.
“Go ahead, maybe you can get through to him.” You mumbled before allowing Pike to take your seat as you leave. You turned around when you reached the exit, seeing Bellamy and Pike take shots together before you left them alone.
It had only been a few hours since you left Bellamy at the mess hall but apparently Pike had turned the camp crazy. Lincoln was the one to find you about an hour ago and, after making sure he was fine, let you in on what was happening. There was no way you were going to sit by and let Pike get “revenge” on people who were helping you, on people who were surrounding your camp to help you.
Lincoln, Harper. Monroe and you all stood in front of the gate, getting ready to stand up to Pike as he led his groups walk to the gate. Lincoln told you Bellamy was with him, but seeing him with Pike? It felt different then hearing about it.
You took a deep breath, moving to stand next to Lincoln as Bellamy stepped forward. “Step aside.” He said but you shook your head no.
“What are the guns for?” Harper asked behind you. Bellamy being the protector he is, told you their side, about how they needed to hit the grounder army before they attacked.
“The army was sent for protection Bellamy. They’re not going to attack.” You came close to Bellamy, pleading for him to listen to you until Pike butted in to see if there was a problem.
“I’ve always done what was best for us Y/N. I need you to trust that I’m doing that now.” You almost wanted to believe him, all the alarms going off in your head but you couldn’t turn them off. He was wrong. “Monroe?” He looked over to the girl who listened, moving out of the way. He did the same to Harper and reluctantly she obeyed.
“Y/N?” He whispered but you just stood there, feet rooted to the ground.
“You’re wrong Bell. I’m not moving, neither is Lincoln.”
“Prove you’re one of us. Let us move.” Pike told you and Lincoln as you scoffed.
“We don’t have to prove anything to you.” You sneered as Lincoln grabbed your arm, keeping you at bay.
“We’re not moving.” He finalized. Two people, one of them the man who threw a rock at Lincoln earlier pointed their guns at you and Lincoln.
“Get out of the way grounder!” He yelled before Lincoln elbowed him in the face, giving you the all clear to disarm your man. Both of you fought them, getting them to their knees as Lincoln pulled a knife and you held yours in a chokehold. The moment you were done, guns everywhere were aimed at your heads, making you slightly nervous until Bellamy stood in front of you, blocking everyone’s shot.
“Put the guns down!” He screamed as you released your man, Lincoln still holding onto his. Bellamy turned around, eyes wide as he looked between you and Lincoln. “Put the knife down. No one here has to get hurt.”
“I can’t let you start a war.”
“We’re already at war.” Pike spoke up and you turned to him, ready to let him have it before Kane was by your side, getting you to stop.
“Not now.” He whispered as you closed your eyes, trying to calm your stressed breathing.
Kane was worried as he looked down at you, your eyes were clasped shut and your hand was trembling as he held it. “Y/N?”
“Deal with Pike. I’m fine.” He knew you were lying just by one look at you but he didn’t say anything, not even allowing his grip to loosen as speaking cane on the intercom calling all the guards to the scene. You looked him in the eye, taking a deep breath. “I’m fine, Kane.”
He nodded, letting go off you and telling Lincoln to drop the knife before focusing on Bellamy.
“Did you arm these people?” He asked, staring down the younger man before turning to walk away, not dealing with him at the moment.
“Everyone back to their quarters!” Abby shouted. “It’s over!”
“Nothings over!” Pike yelled, gaining everyone’s attention. “We’re surrounded by warriors who want us dead!” Everyone started to listen and the alarms in your head went off once again. Kane tried to calm them down but Pike was defiant. He demanded that Kane share what Lexa gave him yesterday and with the power he was gaining, claimed the people had a right to know who they were voting for.
Kane rolled up his sleeve, showing everyone the mark of the commanders coalition, telling them all the grounders fight with them.
You thought it would make things better, the people would understand the grounders aren’t the enemy but Pike changed the tide.
“It’s what farmers do to their livestock!” Everyone supported Pike’s argument and you looked towards Kane, hoping he had any sort of clue what to do but he looked as lost as you did.
“You should on the ballot for chancellor tomorrow sir!” Someone far off shouted as your eyes widened.
“Him? Chancellor?” Your words were disregarded as Bellamy took one long, dejected look at you before shouting Pike’s name. Soon everyone caught on, Pike’s name echoing throughout the entrance to the gate but you were astounded, staring at Bellamy. “Bell? What are you doing?”
He didn’t stop his chant, but he couldn’t look at you, the guilt from Gina finally being chipped away as a new guilt formed.
The guards pulled people away, Bellamy going along with them as you watched with the others horrified.
The next morning felt worse than the night before. The vote for chancellor had been taken and you sat with Lincoln in the office, watching Kane and Abby count them with guards present. You sat with your arms on your knees, your heel bouncing against the floor as you held your head in your hands.
Lincoln looked down at you, seeing your distressed state before putting a hand on your back, giving you comfort as you gave him a soft smile.
“Any chance this is going to go our way?” You mumbled as Lincoln watched Kane and Abby count the final votes.
“Only one way to tell.” You both stood up, coming up to the table. You didn’t need to be a genius to know the looks on their faces weren’t good ones. Your stomach fell to your feet as Kane told you the results, Pike surpassing the others votes by a narrow margin.
“I’ll go tell him.” Kane said as Abby nodded, putting the pin in his hand.
“Want me to come?” She asked but Kane just shook his head, telling her he could handle it. You watched Kane start to leave, the two guards following him. As soon as he was out of the room you took off after him.
“Kane!” You shouted down the hall as he stopped, turning around to see you running to keep up. “I’m going with you.” Kane didn’t stop you as he led the way, both of hold your breaths until you reached the prison.
Bellamy was the first person you saw when you entered and you never looked away, not even when Kane handed Pike the chancellors pin.
Pike pinned the pin to his coat as he talked to the people supporting his side. “For my first official action as Chancellor, I pardon myself and the others. For my second official action, I reject the brand that made us the 13th clan. For my third, let’s finish what we started.”
Pike lead his people out of the cell, Kane following behind reluctantly as you stepped to the side. You watched men and women leave before Bellamy made his way, but you stopped him, putting your hand on his chest.
“It’s not too late to choose the right side.” You whispered as Bellamy stared into your Y/E/C eyes, for a second his hard demeanor dropped but not for long.
“I already have.”
A/N: Well hello there! Finally updated, thanks for waiting my lovelies! Please let me know what you think!
***Reblogging with Banished***
Permanent: @literal-fand0m-trash @just4muggles @saturn-aka-six @nathaliabakes @whyamihere-bro @colored-confetti @wiseeggspickleslime @btsiguess-kpop @galacticstxrdust @independentgirl @wellhellotherelovey @hollymac79 @delicately-important-trash @emcchi @rauwz @herondalescecilys
Bellamy: @jodiereedus22 @nyxxxwtp @danielabetancourth
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nina-richard · 5 years
Your Secret Place
Word Count: 2165
Ricky Bowen x Reader
Warnings: lots of touch, gripping, light moaning, making out, fluff
Hope you enjoy!
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Your POV
Monday morning has come and It’s been a week since we’ve seen each other. This past week was Thanksgiving break, which I was out of town for, visiting family. So I didn’t get to see him, and the service in the mountains was trash resulting in any time we did call or FaceTime- it didn't last for long.
*knock knock*
“What is it?” I said to the person on the other side of the door.
“Y/N aren’t you going to be late for school?” I recognized the voice and it was my mother’s.
“No, I’ve been up for the past 30 minutes.” I responded
“Okay! I’m gonna make you some breakfast!” My mother said joyfully, I wonder why she’s in such a good mood- who’s that happy on a Monday morning?
I washed my face, brushed my teeth and put on a small amount of makeup. No need to cake my face for school. Anyway, I quickly brushed my hair, grabbed my shoes and walked downstairs. As I was walking down the stairs my phone vibrated from my back pocket so I checked to see who it was. It was from Ricky:
“Good morning beautiful! Meet me at the student parking lot before school starts. ❤️😘”
“Okay! See ya in a few 🥰” I texted back
“Y/N hello! Are you deaf?” My mom snapped at me
“What! Sorry I couldn’t hear you” I defended myself
“That’s because you were too focused on that phone of yours, now sit down and eat breakfast with me.” She said.
“Actually, Ricky texted me and asked to meet me at the student parking lot before school starts, is that okay?” I nervously asked
“Oh, No worries! I know you’ve haven’t seen him all break so that’s fine. Have a good day at school!” My mom answered.
I smiled from ear to ear and grabbed my breakfast to go. My mom handed me the car keys and I slipped my book bag on. Then I drove off to East High. I did not miss school, but I did miss Ricky. Now that I think about it I missed Big Red, Nini, EJ, I even missed Gina. You know, she’s not all that bad once to get to know her, even though she comes off harsh at first.
I put the keys in the ignition, started the car and drove off. I blasted the heater, it was freezing. December in Salt Lake City is freezing. The sunrise was reflecting off the light patch of snow that was across the grass, it was pretty.
*15 minutes pass and I arrived at school*
I entered the student parking lot and spotted that Bright Orange beetle, how could you miss it? It was Ricky’s. I pulled up next to his car, parked and got out of mine. I walked up to his car window and saw him reclined in the chair sleeping, poor guy. He looks so tired, and I know that he hasn’t been sleeping well because of his parents getting a divorce. He looks so peaceful and I don’t want to wake him.
But it’s freezing, so I tapped on the window ever so slightly and he started blinking then looked at the window. His eyes lit up and he soft smiled at me. He sat up and unlocked his door, then got out to give me a hug.
“Good morning sleepy head.” I said softly, I didn’t want to speak loudly because I know that he had just woken up from a quick nap.
“God I missed you.” He said urgently. I dropped my book bag then pulled him in for a hug. He put his head on top of mine, his warmth made me forget about the cold. He slowly rubbed my back within the hug, I loved when he did that. I lightly tugged on the back of his green sweatshirt, just to pull him closer. All I felt was peace in that moment, I didn’t want to go to school. He smelled delightful. My heart was overcome with joy, words can’t describe the feeling I get when I’m touching him and he’s touching me.
He pulled away from the hug and looked down at me. I looked in his golden brown eyes, and smiled and he smiled back at me. He put his right hand on my cheek, pulled me in and kissed me urgently. I moved my arms to go around his neck and gripped the hair behind his head. He continued to kiss me and I kissed back, I forgot about everything going on in my life at the moment. All I could process is his soft lips pressing intensely on mine. Ricky pulled away ever so slightly and as he pulled away he bit on my lower lip.
I was in a complete daze, so relaxed. Mixed with the fact that it’s early in the morning and we just had a quick make out session, I didn’t want to open my eyes so I just went back in for a hug. Ricky chuckled “Are you good babe?”
I got all flustered and I couldn’t help but blush and face down. “Yeah, just kissing you makes it feel like the world stops. It’s a feeling I can’t describe.” I responded
“I get it too. My body turns all warm, and I get all jelly like. I just want to kiss you all day.” He said
“But I want to talk to you too. I don’t want to be the couple that just makes out and is all physical. I like being around you, and hearing about your day. I love when we spend time together without our phones and it’s just us two being ourselves. You make me my best self. So how was your thanksgiving break? Let’s sit in my car, it’s getting kind of cold.” He walked over and opened the passenger door for me. I stepped inside and sat down.
“Ricky that was so kind wow. You make me so happy, you’re my best friend.”
He grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers, he was smiling, and I smiled as I finished what I was saying.
“I love spending time with you too, and I love that I can fully be myself around you. No filter. I trust you with my whole heart. I love that I can be transparent with you. This relationship is built on trust and joy and just having a good time together. You’re the best Ricky Bowen.” I said
He kissed my hand and then I kissed him. He pulled away and couldn’t stop smiling then he said
“Thank you Y/N I’m glad that I have you in my life. You’re the best too. I’m so glad that we met and became close. So how was your thanksgiving break?”
For the next few minutes we caught up on our week and on life. Then we had to get to class and went our separate ways for the day.
*a few hours pass and lunch time comes around*
My phone vibrates during the middle of class in my bookbag and I heard it. When the teacher wasn’t looking I quickly checked my phone.
“Meet me in the theater when lunch starts. Be secretive. ;)” it was from Ricky
My face got all red and hot and I got excited all over- ALL over. I liked his message and left it at that. I needed to focus in class but the minutes felt like hours and the only thing that was on my mind was Ricky.
The bell finally rang and I pretty much ran to the theater. I walked in, closed the door and Ricky was standing on the stage with his guitar.
“Take my hand, take a breath
Pull me close and take one step
Keep your eyes locked to mine
And let the music be your guide”
He started singing “Can I have this Dance from High School Musical 3 Senior Year” and I started blushing. I walked to the stage and he kept singing and my heart was about to explode. He was so charming and I was speechless.
“Put the guitar down and dance with me my love.” I said softly. He put the guitar down, grabbed both my hands and pulled them to his face and kissed them. I kept blushing.
He bowed and said “Can I have this dance?”
I laughed “Yes”
And we slowly danced there, on stage, no music, just us. He softly started humming tunes in my ear, but I couldn’t recognize them.
“This is perfect.” I said as I had my ear pressed up against his chest with his head on top of mine. I could feel his heart racing. I pulled away and placed my palm on his heart, it was pounding. I looked up in those chocolate brown eyes and asked
“Why is your heart racing?”
“Because, uh.” He pulled out of the hug and entwined both of my hands into his and we stood there face to face.
“Y/N I love you, from the moment we met I knew you were different. You’re my person. You’re my best friend. I love everything about you. Like iron sharpens iron, you make me my best self.”
I looked at him and kissed him passionately. Then I pulled away. Our foreheads were touching, then I moved my head so I could look into his eyes.
“Ricky, I love you more than you could ever begin to imagine. I love your personality, your voice, I love everything about you. You’re so handsome and I am so glad we met.” I told him
Ricky kissed me eagerly. He’s never kissed me like this before. This was intense. The passion in his kisses were something I’d never experienced before.
Ricky pulled away “follow me” he uttered.
He entwined our hands and urgently pulled me, we hurried off stage and into the changing rooms. Clothes were everywhere and there was this red velvet couch in the back of the room. He closed the door and locked it. Something overcame him, but I liked it. He quickly moved to the couch then sat down, he looked me up and down.
“Y/N you’re beautiful.” He stated
I blushed and walked over to him. I straddled his lap and kissed him passionately. I moved my hands to the back of his neck to pull him in closer. Ricky moved his hands to my lower waist and pulled me closer. We had never kissed like this before, but I don’t care, I love it. This hunger within me wanted him, I became all warm inside. And started to grind on his waist and I heard a soft moan under his breath. Wow that was attractive.
I began to kiss down his jawline then down his neck and he was gripping for more. He moved his hands down my lower back and onto my ass. Then he urged me off him and nudged me to lay down on the couch. He got on top and started to kiss me again then kissed down my neck and it was a feeling I’d never felt before. He lightly bit on my neck and I let out a soft noise. I could feel him smiling on my neck and it made me smile. I felt down his sweatshirt and my hands somehow got to the waistband of his jeans. I’d never done this before and he kept kissing my neck. I moved my hand down even more, I felt him on the outside of his jeans. I grinned, he was excited if you know what I mean. Some noise came out of him and I got all warm and fuzzy inside. He pulled away.
“I’m sorry for that. I don’t know what came over me.” I said
“Don’t be sorry. I liked it. Just no one’s ever done that to me. And I don’t want that to be done at school haha.” Ricky started to laugh and so did I.
“Wow. That got like really intense. But that was nice.” I responded
“Maybe we should slow down. That got really heated quickly. Let’s take a breather. I don’t want to do anything too fast. I want all those moments and first times to be special, not out of lust, especially not at school. I love you and I don’t want to rush anything.” Ricky told me.
“I agree. Let’s just cuddle.” I said
Ricky then laid down on the couch and I laid on top/ next to him. I rested my head on his chest and he slowly rubbed my back. With his free hand he held mine and our feet entwined. It was special. And I know I love him. I'm glad that this is now our secret place.
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nitannichionne · 4 years
Poetry In Motion (Henry Cavill Fan Fic) Part 7: His Lady
Friday held quite the surprise at work around lunch time. A box was delivered at the office for me. I opened it to find:
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 I frowned.
“What?” Angie asked at lunch. “What is it?”
“A corset.”
Angie’s eyes flared. “Lingerie?”
“No, don’t think so,” I frowned, and found a note. “Wear it to class and wear your dancing shoes.” I read aloud.
“To your poetry class?” Angie beamed. “Oooh.”
I blinked down at myself. “Wearing jeans.”
“I’m wearing jeans today, and I don’t have time to go home and change,” I shrugged. “I’ll take a shower here, and—” I shrugged. “do what I can.”
I jumped in the tepid shower in the gym instructor’s office and got dressed. Thankfully, this was one of those days I didn’t have to work out. I showered, did what I could with my hair and what little makeup I had in my bag and hurried over to poetry class in the corset, jeans and brown sandals.
I got there about five minutes late, as usual.
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“Ms. Rhodes?” he quirked an eyebrow. No glasses? God help me.
“Hi,” I greeted sheepishly.
His gaze traveled over me, from my eyes to my neck to my cleavage to my hips and dropped to my feet. Everywhere his eyes touched felt like a touch. I had missed him and I found myself fighting a wealth of emotion I’d had successfully kept tamped down till this moment. Our eyes locked for longer than a moment, longer that it should have been, but not enough for us. I took my seat and pulled out my notebook.
That class felt longer. He talked about imagery, my poem that week:
She is a spellbinding sunset you love to behold in wonder Hoping her colors shine for you I am just the blue sky that greets you everyday Loves you in every way Give you little white ideas so you can form and dream She is a storm that thrills and thwarts you Makes you feel powerful, too weak to stand, run and hide I am the whispering wind-the air around you Something you take in and put out Part of you one moment, nothing to you the next A constant caress you never notice She is a fire that heats your dazzled blood Blazing frightfully, beautifully, enticing you to burn alive I am the sun, rising with you, falling with you In love with you-warming you Happy to glow as you decide where to go So tell me, love--who loves pain? The one who cannot receive Or the one who vainly gives The one who cannot believe Or the one who lives for true love?
 He said the imagery was great, but it was clear he didn’t like it. I knew he didn’t like the content, but I didn’t care…well, not till just now. So much had changed in the last week, it felt like a lifetime ago. I turned in that poem, thinking about my past. I didn’t know I was handing it to the present/future. And who was to say he was going to stay?
After class, he waited for me. I walked out quietly, and he fell into step next to me.
“You look beautiful,” he said softly. 
“Thank you.”
“It’s a beautiful poem,” he exhaled. “but why?”
“It wasn’t written recently, if that’s what concerns you—”
“The timing does.”
“Come on,” he said softly. He led me to a motorcycle.
“This is yours?” I asked.
“Yes.” He got on.
“Something you want to tell me?”  I asked. He had all these things on a teacher’s salary?
“Get on.”
I slid on behind him.
We sped the city streets, and I felt like a teenager, kind of carefree, my cheek against his back, looking at the sights and truthfully getting looks of women who saw me with him. He was terribly handsome, and he got double takes. Truthfully I was just happy to have my arms around him, my hands on his washboard, inhaling his scent because I was laying on him.
“Here we are.”
I saw the lake on left, a hill on my right, and looked at him puzzled.
“Ballroom dancing,” he winked. “Come on.”
He got off the bike and helped me off. Then he led me by the hand away from the lake but down a grassy hill where a huge dance floor came into view.
As soon as I saw it I gasped.
He squeezed my hand. “I’m not much of a night clubber, but this I can do.”
“You know how?”
He gave a one shoulder shrug. “It was a great way to meet girls?”
“You had trouble?” I couldn’t believe that.
“I was a late bloomer,” he shrugged.
“Oh, my God!” the DJ said over the mic. “Look who’s here!”
“Hey, Devin!” Henry greeted with a smile and wave. Women started catcalling and oohing.
“Hey, Henry! Back for a new season?” Devin asked. Female whoops sounded around me.
“When I can,” he smiled, swinging our joined hands. “I’m a bit busy.”
“Should have known you’d be here for the waltz,” Devin winked. “And who’s this?”
“My girlfriend,” he smiled brightly, lifting my head above my head and twirling me. A chorus of Awww’s went up from the women, some sounding happy for him, some not so much.
“Guess there’s no sharing?” Devin joked with a wink.
I saw so many women eye him. Some were young and really pretty, reminding me of Gina. Some had a whole look together, reminding me of some of the model-type friends I had who looked camera ready 24-7. I was just cute and smart, still was. I blinked at them.
“No, I’m not sharing her,” he said. “Her dance card is full.”
I couldn’t help but giggle at that. He had to know they were not talking about me.
The class was simple enough. I knew how to waltz, I did, but a certain power and control emanated from him when he did it. His hand pressed against mine was like a tiller as we sailed across and all over the floor. His other hand at my waist, there was no way I could go anywhere but where he wanted. Now I really understood why so many women danced on the balls of their feet. It made it easier for the man to control movement.
And it didn’t help that he at times stared into my eyes with such desire that I was breathless. No wonder he bought the corset for me. We moved across the floor so smoothly, the tops we wore probably made us look airy and flawless.
“You look beautiful.” He said out of nowhere.
I gave a small shy laugh, feeling awkward, and almost mis-stepped but his arm around my waist kept me in line. “Thank you. You’re a good dancer.”
“It’s easy if you know how to lead,” he says softly and dipped me. “Even better if the right one is in your arms and allows herself to be led.”
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I blinked at that as he brought me back up slowly, his eyes not leaving mine.
“You old smoothy!” Devin said into the mic.
Henry laughed softly, but his canines showed. Why did I feel vulnerable all of a sudden?
We sat the last one out, watching people on the floor. His arm had not left my waist, it felt possessive, but I didn’t mind. I liked his touch, his hands on me. I craved it. I liked resting my head against him, knowing he was behind me.
“A sweet disorder in the dress—” He purred in my ear as his hand wanders up my side. “kindles in clothes a wantoness…” His hand moved to my cheek and down the side of my neck. “A lawn about the shoulders thrown into a fine distraction…” My eyes were caught in his but I felt his fingers move to my shoulder and down my arm to my stomach. “An erring lace, which here and there enthralls the crimson stomacher…” He sent goosebumps through me as he drew the outline of my rib down the center of my stomach and closed with his other hand around me. “You do bewitch me, Reyna.”
“You’re not going to do the whole thing?” I asked humorously.
“Robert Herrick, it’s a favorite.”
HE looked impressed. “A cuff neglectful, and thereby ribands to flow confusedly. A winning wave, deserving note in the tempestuous petticoat…” He kissed my shoulder. “A careless shoe string in whose tie I see a wild civilty…” He kissed my neck and I shivered as his lips brushed my ear. “Do more bewitch me, than when art is too precise in every part.”
“Thank you.”
“For?” he asked, raising a eyebrow.
“I don’t have to be perfect or a magazine cover, you like me for me.”
“And all your little imperfections.” He kissed my nose. “Shall we go?” I snuggled under his chin, making him chuckle. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
We disappeared as the DJ changed the dance floor to a nightclub. I sighed, wanting to dance just a little longer, but being in his embrace made me want to go home.
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gothamangelwings · 5 years
Just saw the trailer for Scoob! And gotta say I have mixed feelings on it. First let me say I have been a Scooby-Doo fan my whole life and have seen every Scooby-Doo Project there is. (Including ‘The Scooby-Doo Project’) From ‘Where Are You?’ all the way up to ‘Return to Zombie Island’ (I regret that last one) I have kept up and seen all modern Scooby. My favorite series is ‘Mystery Inc’, I believe it’s one of the best and most gorgeous looking cartoons ever. I loved ‘Be Cool’, that show is hilarious. Daphne is the best thing ever on that show. I enjoy ‘Guess Who?’. And love the modern movies although those can be hit or miss.
Now for the trailer...
I loved the look of this movie. The character designs look amazing, Daphne and Velma look so pretty and puppy Scooby is adorable. The animation looks great. Absolutely not complaints on how it looks.
I love the dialogue, the writing is very funny, heartwarming and charming. I laughed out loud at the “Ikea” line. The part where Shaggy gives Scooby his collar for the first time and Scooby says “I’ll never take it off” was so sweet. Again no complaints here.
Now for the complaining... the voices. Mainly two of them. Let me start off my saying that I am not a fan of using celebrity voices over professional voice actors. WB had the perfect cast right there with Matthew Lillard, Frank Welker, Grey Griffin and Kate Micucci. But they chose recognizable names that they can put on the poster. Which, fuck you WB people know who Lillard is. Stop disrespecting him Hollywood!
Let’s start with Scooby-Doo. No complaints at all. He’s voiced by Frank Welker as he has been the past 17-18 years now. Perfect. I was people complaining on Twitter that Scooby doesn’t sound right. That you’re not supposed to be able to understand him, he’s supposed to replace the beginning of all words with Rs, he’s not supposed to speak in full sentences... blah, blah, blah.... I can’t believe I’m going to say this; but here it goes... “Okay boomer”... who obviously hasn’t watched any Scooby-Doo made past the 80s.  Because if you had been watching you would know that this is how Scooby has been sounding for nearly 20 years now and Frank Welker has been doing an excellent job as Scooby since taking over full time after Don Messik’s death. As for Scooby talking too much. Watch the above mentioned ‘Mystery Inc,’, ‘Be Cool’, ‘Guess Who’ and the modern DVD movies to hear how savage Scooby can be at times. It’s great. Anyway Scooby sounds pefect.
Moving on to Fred and Daphne. I’m just going to put these two together because I have basically the same things to say about both. They’re okay. Obviously I would prefer Frank Welker and Grey Griffin over Zac Effron and Amanda Seyfried but it’s okay. Not loving it, not hating it. Just okay. I need to hear more of Daphne tho because that one line we got in the trailer was just too much of a “whatever” attitude. But it was just one line.
Now for my two problem voices
Starting off with Velma. She just sounds like Gina Rodriguez. There is no attempt at a Velma voice being done here. it’s just Gina Rodriguez. And I don’t know who to blame for this honestly. Did she go into the audition thinking “eh whatever it’s an easy paycheck all I have to do is talk” or did she have a Velma voice ready to go and the voice director was like “Nah, don’t bother, just talk normally. We need people to know it’s you”
Finally Shaggy... Oh boy... Okay Shaggy Rogers has always been my favorite character in Scooby-Doo. And not just because of inside jokes about weed or power memes. I honestly love and respect this character; have my whole life. That’s why I adore Matthew Lillard as Shaggy, he is the perfect person to step into Casey Kasem’s shoes after his retirement and later unfortunate death. Lillard brings so much energy and heart to the role. And knowing that he was upset when he found out he was being recast for this theatrical movie upset me as well. It’s just insulting. But I thought it’s just one movie. Lillard isn’t losing his role as Shaggy full time, maybe Will Forte will be good. Sigh. It’s not. Will Forte’s Shaggy isn’t the worst but it’s not good either. Especially when they could have has Matthew Lillard instead! It doesn’t sound like a Lillard Shaggy or a Kasem Shaggy. You know what it sounds like... a Scott Menville Shaggy and that’s not good. In fact Menville’s Shaggy was horrible. We do not speak of ‘Shaggy and Scooby-Doo Get a Clue’. The other day I was talking to my mother who is also a Scooby fan. This is the conversation we had:
Me: “Well as long as Will Forte’s Shaggy doesn’t sound like Scott Menville I guess it will be fine.”
Mom: (Who never heard of ‘Get a Clue’) “Why? What was wrong with him?
Me: “You never heard Menville’s Shaggy voice? *shakes her head* Okay let me pull it up on youtube. It’s painful. You have to hear it”
Pulls up a clip. Mom here’s Shaggy talking for like 2 seconds.
Mom: “What the fuck? Make it stop.”
Me: “I know right.”
Mom: “Why did they do this?”
Me: “You know he was also the voice of Red Herring in ‘A Pup Named Scooby-Doo’.”
Mom: “Really?” (She loved the whole Red Herring gag in that show)
Me: “Yeah I never watched ‘Get a Clue’ for obvious reasons. But I’m pretty sure at the end they rip off Shaggy’s face and it’s Red Herring.”
Mom: “Sounds good to me”
Will Forte’s Shaggy isn’t as bad as Menville but it’s up there. I can listen to it for more that 30 seconds but it’s not great. It just sounds like a poor Shaggy impression. You know cause every guy thinks he can do a Shaggy impression and most can’t. Matthew Lillard would have been so much better. Matthew Lillard is Shaggy.
I probably will see this because I love Scooby-Doo and it looks beautiful and seems very funny. But the voices; excluding Scooby of course, WB you had your perfect cast already there. Why didn’t you use them? Oh yeah, because you needed names for the poster. Last names in larger font that the first. And you need “real” actors to do the talk show circuit. Not like Lillard and Micucci don’t have on camera experience and have been on talk shows before.
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sativaaaaaaa · 5 years
Just Us Two || Sarah Paulson
Part One 🔽
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15: "I'm so so sorry."
16: "This is all your fault!"
|Reader's name is Gina and the baby's name is Ava. Time skip : 2 years later||
These past two years have been eventful to say the least. I found out that my daughter ended up having non verbal Autism. To any other parent that would be heartbreaking or something hard to deal with but I've managed to balance her and my job. Well... the job I did have. I've had too many scares with Ava's asthma so I ultimately had to quit to take care of her full time.
It gets a little hard.. Dealing with her on my own. I mean, I have family and friends and they do the best they can but when the sun sets and its just me and her in the apartment, things just aren't the same.
Since I don't have a job I can't afford Ava's therapy sessions so today was her last session for a while, just until I got some more money. She was making great progress though; we found out that music was a really helpful tool in having her interact and it was helping her make sounds and let loose. So in honor of her progress we decided to go get ice cream.
Everything was going smoothly until we ran into someone...
Zarlengo's Italian Ice and Ice Cream
"What do you want princess? Do you want strawberry or fruit punch?" As I was asking Ava what she wanted I held up one finger for strawberry and two fingers or fruit punch. Since she doesn't speak I've found ways and tricks to use when she has to decide between two things.
She looked at me for a while before holding up two fingers. I smiled and her before placing a small kiss on her nose as we moved up in the line. Once I made it to the front of the line I began to place my order.
"Hi can I have one scoop of fruit punch Italian ice and one small Arctic Cooler with strawberry Italian ice?" I shifted Ava on my hip while grabbing a $10 bill out of my pocket.
The cashier rang us up and handed me my change before we stepped to the side. There was some music playing lightly which made Ava kick her feet in excitement. Another smile appeared on my face as I began to dance with her in my arms while playfully nudging her nose with mine.
She let out a laugh before placing her hands on my cheeks and kissing my forehead.
"Thank you Avacado. Mommy loves her avocado's kisses!" I softly cooed at her.
The bell at the door rung catching my attention. I glanced over my shoulder just curious to see who it was but was immediately shocked when I saw Sarah walk in with her new girlfriend, Holland Taylor.
I quickly whipped around and thankfully my number was called. I walked up to the counter and I grabbed Ava and I's Italian ice before retreating to the back of the parlor so Sarah wouldn't notice me.
Seeing her made a bunch of old feelings, good and bad, bubble to the surface. Ava was the only thing keeping me grounded at the moment so I just decided to enjoy my time with her instead of worrying about who was around me.
Soon we were done and I grabbed some baby wipes out of my purse and cleaned Ava before collecting our trash and standing up.
"Come on Avacado, its time to go home." I picked her up and placed a kiss on her cheek but as I started walking to the door Sarah looked over at me briefly making eye contact with me.
I cursed in my head seeing her walk over towards me. I wanted to bolt out of the door but I stood there with Ava in my arms as she got closer.
"Gina? Oh my goodness. Um, how are you?" She stammered over her words seeming a little nervous and a little shocked.
"I'm as good as I can be. How are you?" My voice lacked emotion and my stare was blank. I was trying really hard to keep my cool but memories of her leaving and me going through labor by myself kept flashing in my head making me upset. But I concealer my feelings for the sake of Ava; I didn't want to frighten her and make her have a behavioral episode.
"Umm I've been. I've been okay I supposed. Who's this little cutie?" Oh.. So she wanted to act dumb.
"This is Ava, my daughter. She's 2." I gently tickled Ava's side to get her attention. She squealed and tried to grab my hand which eased my anger some - but not all the way.
"Well hi Ava." Sarah gave her a little wave and Ava gave her the same before laying her head on my shoulder. Sarah looked confused for a second before glancing at me for an explanation on why Ava didn't speak.
"She had non verbal Autism. Today was her last day of therapy for a while." I muttered trying to keep my cool. Talking about her struggles always made me upset. Not at her but at the fact that everyone basically left me at the first sight of trouble; Sarah included.
"Oh my goodness. I'm so so sorry. Why was this her last therapy session? Shouldn't she been in therapy until she speaks or something?" Sarah rambled on in a low voice trying not to cause a scene or draw attention to us.
"I can't afford it. So we'll keep doing what we can at home until I come up on some money to pay for her sessions." I shifted on my feet realizing that my anger was slowly growing by the second. It almost bursted to the top because she touched me... She grabbed my arm and tried to soothe me. Like really?
I stepped back from her as soon as her fingers grazed my arms. My eyes held fire but I kept my voice calm as I looked her dead in the eye.
"Don't. Touch. Me."
"Gina don't be like that. I can explain everything." She bargained with me. She reached out to touch me again but I moved away before she could.
"There is no explanation in this world that could vindicate what you left me to endure by myself. You just left without a warning, blocked me on everything possible without a second thought. Your careless and selfish decision made our friends feel like that had to choose and guess who got chosen. Certainly wasn't me obviously because if it was I wouldn't be saving everything I could possibly get my hands in to provide for the child that you wanted and left me with and now I can barely provide for her because the person who vowed to have my back through thick and thin decided to leave me when life got a little too heavy hitting for her liking. There is nothing you can say or do to ever get me to forgive you. This is all your fault." 
Hot tears were streaming down my face but my voice never wavered in volume or emotion. Her face read nothing but pure guilt. She had nothing else to say. She just stared down at her shoes leaving nothing but silence between us.
I scoffed and wiped my face with my free hand turning around and walking away from her and out of the parlor. I tried to hold my emotions in as Ava and I walked home but the tears just kept flowing but I wiped them every time they fell.
I had to be strong; for myself and for Ava. I was all we had. No one else had our backs. It was just us two......
word count : 1314
|| Sorry if us this is a little trash. I just got off of work and decided to write this since I had a bit of energy left. But I digress. Avacado is Ava and avocado put together 𝒐𝒃𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒍𝒚, Zarlengo's is a real ice cream and Italian ice place where Im from so yeahhh. And an Arctic Cooler is half vanilla ice cream half flavored Italian Ice. Its really good guys 😭 But that is all for now. |
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synkiller82 · 5 years
Collapse Into Me Chapter 26- Funny
Adrien awoke the next morning when he felt a slight nudging on his shoulder. When he blinked his eyes open, Marinette was bent over him, an exciting look sparkling in her bluebell eyes.
“Wake up, sleepyhead!” she called when she noticed he was stirring. “It snowed last night and the hills at the park are perfect for sliding on!”
“Marinette,” Adrien groaned. “What are you doing up this early?”
“This is probably the only day I wake up super early on my own. Now, come on!” She nudged him again, this time hard enough to scoot him off the chaise and onto the floor.
Adrien grunted as he made contact with the floor. He stood slowly, rubbing his sore behind from its rough contact with the floor before his clothes were unceremoniously shoved into his arms. He looked from them to Marinette, who has already dressed in a heavy red cable knit sweater with white accenting, thick wool leggings, and thick socks. Her hair was pinned away from her eyes by clips but was down today.
“Go get dressed,” she urged, pushing him toward the door. “I want to take you sledding before brunch!”
Adrien quickly got ready and joined Marinette at the door where she was putting on her heavy winter coat and snow boots. He grabbed his coat and shoes and slid them on in time for Marinette to grab two plastic disks and dart out the door. Adrien couldn’t help but smile and gain some of her enthusiasm as she bounced and giggled in front of him. It was rare Adrien was able to enjoy a snow day like this. Normally he wouldn’t be allowed out, for fear of sickness or some other crazy excuse, but on the rare days he was given permission, it was only around the mansion grounds, which weren’t very fun.
The couple made their way to the park not far from Marinette’s home, the sound of laughing and screaming filled the air the closer they got. Adrien caught sight of Nino’s blue cap and his smile widened.
“Nino! What are you doing here?” Adrien bumped Nino’s fist as he reached him.
“You seriously think I would miss this?” Nino waved around at the slope where children of all ages were sliding down on everything from sleds to little disks like the ones Marinette had. Some even had cardboard boxes or nothing at all. Yet, all of them were having what looked like the time of their lives.
“You ready Adrien?” Marinette smiled up at him as she handed him a red saucer, keeping a pink one for herself. “It’s really easy. Nino, why don’t you go first and show him, then he and I will go together.”
“Sure thing.” Nino tilted his cap and walked over to the top of the hill, the others following behind. Nino took his position on his disk and used his hands to push off, giving himself a slight spin. He barreled down the incline, whooping and laughing until he was slowing to a stop at the bottom, using his feet as brakes.
“See, nothing to it,” Marinette assured, setting her own disk down.
“What happens if you run into someone?” Adrien asked, concerned about hurting someone accidentally. “It doesn’t look like you have much control over your path.”
“Happens all the time, actually.” Marinette shrugged. “You just apologize and help them up if they need it. It’s not really crowded today, probably because it’s Christmas, so we don’t have to worry about that so much.” She turned and smiled at him. “Come on, get settled in.” She held the back of Adrien’s disk and he cautiously stepped into it, sitting cross-legged as best he could. Before he could say anything, Marinette pushed him off, jumping into her own sled to follow.
Adrien’s wave of panic quickly turned into pure joy as he slid down. He yelped as he was bumped by Marinette’s sled, which turned into more laughter when he realized what had happened. He was having so much fun, he forgot the part about putting your feet out to stop. Nino grabbed the sled, but Adrien wasn’t ready and he tumbled into a snowdrift when the sled made the sudden stop.
“Adrien!” Marinette and Nino yelled at the same time. They ran over to where their friend had been buried in snow and sighed in relief as they heard his laughter coming from the area he landed.
“That was awesome!” Adrien shouted, climbing out from under the snow and dusting himself off. “Can we do it again?”
“Uh oh, we’ve created a monster,” Nino smirked as he picked up Marinette’s sled so she could help Adrien with his.
“Let him have fun,” Marinette scolded as everyone laughed. The teens continued looping the hill for the next hour or so until both Marinette and Nino’s phone chimed, letting them know it was time to go home.
“So, when do you have to go back?” Nino asked as he dusted off from a mishap on his last slide down.
“Tomorrow,” Adrien answered with a hint of melancholy. If it were up to him, and okay with the Dupain-Cheng’s, he would live with them until he was old enough to get his own place. Of course, it wasn’t up to him and so back to the cold, empty mansion he went.
“Well, try to have the best day then,” Nino bumped fists with Adrien and gave Marinette a hug. “I’ll see you in class next year if I don’t see you before then.”
Adrien and Marinette waved at Nino as he headed for the metro and they went back into the house. They removed their wet shoes and coats and proceeded to head up to the apartment. Once upstairs, they were greeted by Marinette’s parents, who were finishing up cooking brunch. Adrien went upstairs with Marinette to get a change of clothes, as his were wet from the snow, and changed in the bathroom while Marinette changed her leggings for a thinner pair in green.
“So, how as the sledding?” Tom asked as the four sat down.
“It was fantastic! I didn’t know it could be so much fun to slide down a hill!” Adrien answered enthusiastically, causing the group to laugh.
“I’m glad you have fun, dear,” Sabine added as she placed a plate in front of him. “What about you, Marinette?”
Before Marinette could answer, the doorbell rang. Marinette dashed downstairs as Adrien’s heart began to race. Was it Nathalie or Viktor? Was his father demanding he come home today for some reason? It was unusual for them to not text or call before changing plans, but not unheard of.
Marinette came back through the door with her grandparents trailing behind. Tom jumped up and greeted his parents while Marinette went to sit back down. She looked over to see Adrien breathing a sigh of relief and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Ah, so this is the boy our Marinetta is so fond of, yes?” Gina asked as she walked over to the table. “I am Gina, but you can call me Nonna.”
Adrien looked at Marinette, who nodded, before smiling back at Gina. “Nice to meet you, Nonna. I’m Adrien.”
“Oh, so polite is he? Rolland, why couldn’t you be more like this boy?” Gina took the chair Sabine offered her and began to make a plate.
“Because you aren’t nearly as sweet as our granddaughter,” Rolland huffed as he held out a hand to Adrien. “Rolland Dupain, but you can call me Pépère.”
“Nice to meet you, sir,” Adrien greeted, shaking Rolland’s hand.
Tom and Sabine brought up two more chairs to the table and the family settled in to start their holiday celebration. The meal was filled with laughter as Rolland, Gina, Tom, and Sabine all told embarrassing stories from the past. They also got into a pun contest, which no one was sure who actually won since everyone was in stitches before it was over. As Adrien wiped tears from his eyes, he still couldn’t believe that he was lucky enough to share in something like this. He glanced over at Marinette, who had her head down and was squeaking as she tried to breath through her laughter, and again found himself feeling at home.
Once the laughter and meal came to a close, the adults went to talk while the teens started to work on the dishes. Marinette also put water on for tea and started the coffee pot again. The duo made short work of the dishes and went about making everyone hot drinks.
“You are lucky,” Marinette whispered as she added cream to her Nonna’s coffee. “This is the first year Pépère has come to our holiday celebration and Nonna hasn’t been able to make in two years.”
“But, you got them something while we were out yesterday,” Adrien remarked, confused.
“Of course I did. Just because they don’t come doesn’t mean I don’t remember them. We just pack everything and ship it to them if they aren’t able to come.”
“That’s nice of you,” Adrien replied, not sure what else to say.
Marinette smiled warmly and handed him a tray. He followed Marinette into the living room where Tom was busying himself making sure he found everything from under the tree and had the packages in different piles. Once everyone had their drinks and were settled, Tom passed out gifts one at a time so the person opening could be the focus of the group. Tom loved his new apron and donned it immediately, while Sabine put her Chinese knot hair clip in her hair.
Marinette squealed when she opened her new sewing machine from her parents and the mountain of fabric from her grandparents. Marinette almost cried when she opened Adrien’s gift to find a beautiful bracelet and ring that matched her necklace.
Adrien was overwhelmed by the Dupain’s generosity already and wasn’t expecting to get anything, so he was surprised when a box was held out to him. He received one of the Zelda games he didn’t have, which was a surprise since he thought he had them all, an old gaming system from Rolland that he had refurbished after he heard of Adrien’s love of video games, a beautiful blanket from Gina that she said came from her travels in the orient, and Marinette had made him another winter set, this time in a plum color.
When it was time for the last present, Tom walked over in front of Adrien and handed him a small box with Santa cat paper on it. Adrien opened it and looked inside before his face shot up to look from Sabine to Tom in shock.
“Is this,” Adrien started, unable to finish the question.
Marinette peered over Adrien’s shoulder to see a duplicate house key in the box. She too looked at her parents with a quizzical expression.
“It is, Adrien,” Sabine answered. “We want you to feel like this is your home, too. Now, you can come over any time, since we tend to keep the door locked because of the bakery.”
Adrien hesitantly took the key out of the box and continued to look at like it held the answers of the universe in it. They were really giving him a key to their house? He had only been dating Marinette for a few months, but was this normal?
Marinette put a hand on his arm and nodded when he looked up at her. “It’s okay, Adrien. If they gave it to you, they want you to have it.”
With her reassurance, Adrien slipped the key onto his key ring. “Thank you, Mr. Dupain. Mrs. Cheng.”
“You are welcome, dear.” Sabine walked over and laid a gentle kiss on top of his head. “Now promise us you will come by as much as you can.”
“I will,” Adrien promised, smiling brilliantly at the group.
“Marinette, I can’t thank you and your family enough,” Adrien spoke as he packed his bag with the clean clothes Sabine had brought up after dinner. “You guys didn’t have to do this and yet, you did and I--”
“Shh,” Marinette whispered, placing her hand to his mouth. “You don’t have to thank us. It’s the least we could do for you. You can stay anytime your father is gone since Maman and Papa gave you a key and all.”
“I still can’t believe it. I didn’t think parents did that with their teenage kids.”
“Normally, probably not, but they love you and want you to feel like you have a safe place you can come to where you don’t have to be Adrien Agreste, teen model, and all-around perfect guy. You can be just Adrien, the pun-loving dork.”
“As long as I can be your pun-loving dork,” Adrien grinned as he pulled her close and brushed her lips with his.
Marinette broke from the kiss when the end for air became too great. “Yes, you can be my pun-loving dork.”
Adrien knew that tomorrow Viktor would pick him up and he would head back to his dull, hectic routine. However, tonight, at this moment, he was still free to do as he wanted. He leaned in and kissed Marinette again, relishing the way her lips and body molded to his.
“One more movie night?” He asked as they separated.
“I’ll get the fort started if you want to pick a movie.”
After a few minutes, they were curled up in blankets, Adrien sitting up against the chaise with Marinette sitting in front of him, watching The Grinch. They continued to watch movies late into the night, neither wanting to go to sleep and let this day end.
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chaesonghwas · 6 years
something in my heart, something in my soul
HEY ALEX!! 😘 @strangerest-things here's my Christmas/New Year's gift for you, I hope you enjoy it in all of its terrible, plotless fluffy glory. I meant to post this earlier for you tho, but I accidentally fell asleep lmao, sorry about that!!
(Btw there may be a couple of mistakes because English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if u find any)
  Amy woke up December 23nd to an overwhelming feeling of illness, something that was rare for her early in the morning. Dismissing it as nothing, she shook herself awake and walked towards the bathroom, careful not to wake up her dozing husband.  He had woken up much later that day, and he had followed her into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around her waist and whispering a soft greeting.
 “Hey Ames. Are you alright? You seem kinda down today.”
 “I’m alright. It’ll probably go away in a few hours.”
 She was often very stubborn in recognizing when she was sick, so Jake gave her a pointed look at that comment but continued on with their morning routine.
 Later at work, that feeling returned, unrelenting and constant, that there was something she was missing, something she wasn’t realizing about the general state of unwellness that nearly made her puke when she caught a whiff of Boyle’s lunch that day.
Amy had also been lost in thought for most of that morning, staring at the Christmas lights outside the bullpen’s windows and going over her mental list of things she and Jake had to take to her parents’ house the next night for Nochebuena dinner.
However, around three in the afternoon, a deep voice startled her back in to reality: “Amy. Gina is looking for you. Says she has to tell you something."
 She only glanced at Rosa’s imposing presence above her: “What does she want now?”
“I have no clue. You can go ask her.” She answered shrugging and turning around. Hastily, Amy stood up and followed her to Gina, who was sitting in one of the break room couches smiling a crooked grin.
“Amy.” She uttered mischievously “I’ve been waiting for you.”
“What the hell do you want, Gina?”
“I want to ask you something. Have you been feeling well these past few days?”
“Uh… no.” Amy had to give it to her: Gina was very perceptive when she put her mind to it.
“And you puked a couple of mornings ago at work, didn’t you?”
“How the hell did you know that?” she exclaimed scandalized.
“You’re not half as subtle as you think you are, Santiago.” She responded and put that smile back on her face, dismissing her “It’s okay now. You can go.”
 Amy backed away, confused, but continued on with her day as usual, meeting Jake at the front door for the way back to their apartment. Everything went ahead as normal for the rest of the day, but as she sat in table having dinner with her husband, she thought about how she couldn’t quite shake the feeling that something was up.
Christmas Eve dawned bright and the soft tendrils of light coming from the window woke up Amy up, much later than she usually would, and without Jake to keep her warm beside her. She lifted herself off the bed and waddled into the kitchen where she could smell pancakes and coffee.
"Hey babe." Jake said, turning to look at her sweetly "Gina told me you weren't feeling so great yesterday, and it's Christmas Eve, so I thought you could use some cheering up. And coffee, coffee is important."
Amy stared at him like he put the stars in the sky as she quickly grabbed a plate: "I love you. I love you so much right now."
"I'm excited to see all your brothers again, you know." Jake said, swallowing a mouthful of pancake "I haven't seen most of them in a while, ever since after our wedding."
"They're probably excited to see you too, and the kids all love you, so you'll have fun and hopefully not fight with my parents too much."
"Hey! I never fight with your parents! I am a paragon of virtue, and I don't know why you would think otherwise." Jake exclaimed in his awful British accent, faking offense.
Amy raised her eyebrow at him and added honestly: "You've been trying to do the crosswords again, haven't you? I'm proud of you, babe."
That conversation set the tone for the whole day, turning it into a playful endeavour where they tried to join their not-so-great culinary abilities in order to create something decent for dinner that night, until the afternoon strated bleeding into the chilly winter night and they set off to Amy's childhood home in the outskirts of the city.
"Arriving in the Santiago household had never been a quiet situation" Amy thought, as the Christmas Eve dinner was already in full blow, the sound of her nieces and nephews playing plus the chatter of their parents was almost deafening. She grabbed her husband's hand and together they walked into the dining room, armed with presents that had been bought months in advance and a giant dish of the best arroz guisado con frijoles they could manage.
Immediately after they walked in, Amy's brothers hugged them both but ushered Jake away from her quick, and he offered her one last comprehensive smile as she was left to her own devices to deal with her parents and a couple of her sisters-in-law, plus some of her oldest nieces and nephews, chattering and asking about her newlywed life.
"It's been good!" She explains fondly "Jake is wonderful, really, but we've always been one helluva team."
The evening continued on and it isn't until later, when her mother asks the dreaded question of when they are having children, that the other shoe finally drops.
"Oh." She mutters "That would make sense."
"Amy?" Asks Rachel, one of her sisters-in-law "What do you mean?"
"I think I might pregnant, even though I definitely shouldn't be. I haven't been feeling great these past few mornings a...and my period is definitely late."
There's something in her mother's eyes that Any doesn't quite recognize as she adds: "I think so, mija. But you'll have to check tomorrow, don't you?"
The next afternoon, during Christmas of all days of the year, Amy peed on a stick and jumpstarted probably one of the most tense five minutes of her life so far, minutes that bring about a wave of change so big and overwhelming that was both exhilarating and terrifying. When her time was up, she took courage and flipped the test so she could see the screen.
"Gina was right, wasn't she she?" Amy thought, and so she did about a thousand additional tests.
After all of the positive results, the truth dawned on her with an unimaginable certainty. There was a little person growing inside of her, a kid that was going to be half-her and half-Jake and who could have his curly hair and her dark eyes.
"Hey Jake!" She hollered "Come into the bathroom! I have something to show you!"
Her husband's head peeked into the doorway in a matter of seconds: "Hey, what's u-..."
When he saw the pregnancy tests, he stopped dead in his tracks: "Are they p... positive? Are you happy about it?"
"Yes. And also yes. I don't care if it disrupts our life calendar...I can't wait to meet our kid."
Jake kissed her tenderly: "I love you. And our kid. So much." He answered. There was something in the air that afternoon, the feeling of a wonderful beginning and of a thousand possibilities ahead.
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