#america /neg
people are often so ungrateful
especially people my age like teenagers... at least i think i notice that more often. wish it were more important to people to be grateful. and respectful as well. it's not that hard...
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apollos-boyfriend · 5 months
if you do not know anything about christianity but make spiteful negative assumptions about it because “errrrmm christianity bad” i will genuinely kill you dead. i just had someone tell me to my face that there has “never been a focus on the virgin mary” and how she’s “largely ignored or overlooked as being just jesus’ mother” and it took every ounce of my being to not descend upon them like a rabid dog starved
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sher-ee · 3 months
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This is what happens when you don’t vote. This is what happens when a wannabe Dictator appoints Supreme Court Justices for lifetime appointments.
We will lose our democracy should Trump win. Those uneducated Republicans who think this is a win will wake up one day and wonder what in the hell has happened to our country.
Vote BLUE.
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femboypussy420 · 2 months
the only scenes that actually felt like they were part of TUA were the ones with diego and luther in the CIA
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anartificialsatellite · 3 months
Begging people to realize that many of the things you specifically object to in about modern American-style Christianity (modern purity culture, for example, and specific flavors of virtue in suffering) are equally if not much more prevalent in Protestant doctrine than Catholic.
Tradcaths are a thing, and an awful thing? But Evangelicals are not Catholic, and Protestant streams of Christianity tend to have the lion's share of the power in American culture, not Catholicism.
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redvelvetwishtree · 1 year
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musclesandhammering · 11 months
On Narrative Bias
I keep saying it annoys me how Wanda has done so many evil ass things and is never held accountable for her actions, and it never fails that someone tries to respond with “but aren’t you a loki stan? He’s done evil shit too! So you have a double standard and are a misogynist!!!!” Yeah, no. The difference is that you can clearly tell who the writers have predetermined as a hero vs a villain. You can tell who they want you to root for. Loki’s actions are given narrative consequences as harsh as possible, while Wanda’s are narratively excused and softened and sympathised. Let me show you what I mean.
* Loki commits treasons, tries to kill his brother & attempts genocide -> Loki’s father rejects him while he attempts suicide
* Loki tries to conquer earth -> Loki is sentenced to life in prison
* Loki incapacitates the king and secretly takes the throne -> Loki is threatened with a hammer to the face, we’re reminded how awful he is by all the other characters for the rest of the movie & he would’ve faced more consequences if the apocalypse hadn’t interrupted
* Loki steals the tesseract from the vault -> Loki watches his brother be tortured & then has his neck snapped
Now compare that to…
* Wanda willingly signs up to work for a nazi organisation, tries to help an evil robot murder the avengers, intentionally sets the hulk loose on a town of innocent people, & helps destroy Sokovia for a lil while -> Wanda gets a fatherly pep talk from Clint & is immediately accepted as an Avenger
* Wanda accidentally murders a bunch of people while on a mission -> Wanda is put on temporary house arrest in a giant mansion with her boyfriend
* Wanda buries her boyfriend/teammate under like 10 floors of concrete, breaks out of house arrest, & goes against a government order -> the leader of the superhero team defends her, a grown ass woman, by saying “She’s just a kid!”, she’s detained in a government prison for like a week maybe (?) during which she’s shown as a sad helpless victim to encourage sympathy from viewers, & then she gets busted out by the ex-team leader & eventually gets to run off to Scotland with her boyfriend
* Wanda holds an entire town hostage & tortures them just to fulfil her own grief-fuelled fantasy -> one of the women Wanda attacked reassures her that she’s the actual victim in all this and that the people she tortured just have no idea what she’s sacrificed for them & she escapes to an isolated location to read a forbidden demon book and make herself more powerful without anyone interfering
* Wanda goes on a serial killing spree across the multiverse, kidnaps a child, holds her hostage, tortures her, & attempts to take her powers all so she can steal another Wanda’s children because she misses her children that were never actually real in the first place -> Wanda gets some badass power sequences and #girlboss one liners, is the one that destroys the demon book, essentially saving the multiverse from future corruption, & is allowed to die a hero’s death (which we all know isn’t permanent)
See the difference?
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american suburbia is a lie and so is american urbanism now that we live in a capitalist post-dystopia
because walkability is probably never going to be achieved in our lifetimes. Does anyone else ever just sit and think about this? I grew up as a kid in the suburbs and now live as an adult in the city. Yes, I know there's privilege within both of these living situations, but I also think that American "Exceptionalism" is not anything of the sort and should be criticized when most suburbs have no good public transport or even things to do. How is a person supposed to be enriched in a social way, to have fun with their friends, to build community?
Just imagine what a walkable community could look like. Within five to ten minutes of you, you have the essentials for living and some enjoyable things too. A grocery store. A cafe A daycare. A school. A gas station. A park with a playground. A library. Then imagine that within twenty minutes, you have your workplace, you have a place to go shopping, a good restaurant, a town hall, a community college, a couple of bars. Within half an hour's travel time by public transport, there are things that are less essential for survival, but still important for recreation and cultural enrichment: there's a museum, a strip club, a spot to go hiking, a fancy restaurant, a sports facility, a live theatre venue. If you travel out an hour or so away there are other towns to visit, cities nearby that you can venture into on the weekends, and the highway is very short.
These things are much more achievable in the city, but are so corporate that it can't even foster community. Your local cafe is a Starbucks, your local restaurant is a Chili's, and even the arts centers are privatized. We don't live in communities, we live in Walmart parking lots. We live in Disney World. America is not a real country.
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Facts about Buffalo Bill (the historical figure)?
Buffalo Bill was an important figure in the American "Old West" and forms a very important part of how Americans see their past.
At the age of 11, he began his long and prominent career of killing people. He first served in Utah where he was supposed to be killing Mormons, but in the process he also killed a Native American, and found his calling. He killing countless people attempting to defend their homes, and also managed to slaughter animals by the thousands. He participated in contests to see who could kill he most, and won with over 65 dead buffalo in a few hours- Nothing compared to the tens of thousands more he managed to shoot and leave to rot each season.
Because of all this, he is regarded as a legendary American hero. Later in his life, he had many stage shows in which he would brag about all the people and buffalo he'd shot, and secured his status as an icon of the American way, inspiring thousands of mass murderers, serial killers, warmongers and general genocidal madmen who make up the America we know today.
He is best known outside of America as the model for "Bubble-O-Bill," a popular cowboy-shaped ice cream treat across Australia, New Zealand, and Luxembourg.
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embroid-away · 1 year
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from Secret Empire #10 (2017) by Nick Spencer and Rod Reis
A 2021 Marvel Trumps Hate ( @marveltrumpshate​ ) commission - Part 1 of 2
Completed with embroidery floss, watercolors, acrylics, gouache, and iridescent fabric on 22-ct aida cloth in a 5″ diameter bamboo hoop.
Bonus for the sparkles and shine:
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relaxxattack · 1 year
im getting really tired of all the most random bullshit bills being brought to the forefront of american politics… book bans, drag bans, and now tiktok bans? why are we letting people debate this shit when children are actively being shot up in schools? when the housing-cost-to-minimum-wage ratio is completely unlivable? what the fuck? why does this feel like we’re being toyed with and distracted? why is this suddenly happening now more than ever? i’m tired of it. i’m tired of the circus show that is american politics and i’m tired of living through historical events.
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goldenstarprincesses · 4 months
Haven't had the chance to watch the entirety of the The Boys, and I'm sure this comparison has been made before, but Homelander is exactly how I see Alfred's mutilative, cunning, and cruel side being like. The part of his personally that allowed him to become the worlds only super power.
As a person, he is deeply narcissistic, disturbed, violence-addicted and sadistic psychopath. Homelander is incredibly and needlessly violent, brutal and aggressive, throwing a bank robber into the air and letting him fall to his death, punching a shooter in the chest, senselessly decimating a group of terrorists around the world.
Due to being raised in isolation...Homelander struggles to feel genuine love, empathy and understanding for other people and their emotions. This has rendered him callous, immoral and psychopathic often threatening, abusing and intimidating the other members of the Seven in order to keep them in line much like his father while also killing anyone who stands in his way.
 He is seen to be more than willing to let a plane full of families and children crash...but pretends to feel sadness about the incident while in the public eye.
Ultimately, Homelander is a damaged man, raised in a loveless environment, given extraordinary power and looks, and often told how great he is. Furthermore. the people raising him had a notable disregard for ethics, leaving him with a very similar mindset. This has left him with the paradoxical mindset of seeing almost everyone else as less than him, while at the same time having a deep desire for love
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redbloodrosary · 7 months
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A cross upon her bedroom wall
From grace she will fall
An image burning in her mind
And between her thighs
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naradreamscape · 14 hours
Always baffling how many people on here will see a Palestinian refugee's account and immediately assume they're a scam/bot account. Reverse image search any/all of the photos they post of themselves or their families before you report them to our eagerly xenophobic admins. Moreover, why is the concept of an Arabic person speaking English so baffling to some users on here
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malevolententity · 1 year
can we Please stop holding the entire world to USamerican standards? can we PLEASE stop holding non native english speakers to USamerican standards? they dont have the american english context for Anything. holding them to that expectation is setting everyone up to fail
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dailydccomics · 2 years
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the Silver Age rises Golden Age #4
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