#americans are actually so incredibly annoying
people are often so ungrateful
especially people my age like teenagers... at least i think i notice that more often. wish it were more important to people to be grateful. and respectful as well. it's not that hard...
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pendraegon · 1 year
why is pete wentz important to me?? like him, i was a non white kid who grew up in a very white neighborhood in the chicagoland area and it was exhausting and isolating and so so so lonely it could make your teeth hurt. like him, i’m bipolar and no one has ever quite gotten close to describing what my highs and lows are like, but he’s the only one who has gotten close. (do you know what it's like being so so so manic and you know you're not okay and everything rushes around you and you feel like you're on top of the world but you know it's all a lie? an illusion? do you know what it feels like to plummet down so so so so deep and dark and there's nothing but you and that gaping ache inside of you, reminding you just how hollow and fake you are?) like him, i grew up enthralled and obsessed with rock, punk, the hardcore scene of chicago, and there was nothing and no one there for people like me and people who looked like me in a place and sound that i loved more than anything on earth. i saw him reflected in me and in the most non creepy parasocial way possible, he has been one of the most incredible influences of my life. maybe even one of the possible sunshines of my lifetime for all he is still a stranger to me, and i to him.
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bloodanddiscoballs · 1 year
Kim is a,fascist
are you stupid
#actually you perfectly articulated why i believe tumblr DE fans to be incredibly annoying and foolish#like im gonna explain more on this here in the tags#this is what i mean by the fact that i think not everyone should play this game#its a very complicated story and it requires you to really pick things apart and pay attention#and have really in depth uncomfortable conversations#many of those being political#its not an easy game to dive into and it takes a shitton of concentration and the willingness to put yourself in a space where youre ok wit#having really uncomfortable discussions and challenging your world view#and if you are not used to doing so without having basic kneejerk reactions to things and are someone who just doesnt allow themselves to#STOP AND FUCKING THINK#then DE is not going to be a game that will have any impact upon you#like yeah its got funny moments and people love to call it the funny communism game#but that is seriously such a pathetic way to look at a story that discusses the EXTREMELY COMPLICATED impact of systematic issues#like its a story that is not American or Western Centric made and that in and of itself is very important#the formation of the RCM is the specific way it is to have complicated conversations#so that one can hopefully avoid making really fucking stupid comments like the one you sent here#which btw reeks of you being American jsyk#anyway if you played this game and this was your take away just block me already#youre not someone who thinks#thats very clear#once you idk actually play the game and wanna have in depth conversations with me lmk#disco elysium
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stankhead · 1 year
lrb was funny but went into the notes and got annoyed because Europeans were like “Guido isn’t a derogatory term its a name >:(( Americans are so stupid” well you see yes it IS a name which over the years became a regional colloquial term for a stereotypical Italian American man, which you could have discovered through a very quick google search
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birdsongvelvet · 11 months
Gonna go out on a limb and call AMERICAN FICTION or THE HOLDOVERS winning best picture this year. Those are my two personal favourite movies of the year so far, though I think Oppenheimer or KOTFM deserve the award more for their scope. But I think both of those will win most of the other awards (acting and techs) and the voters will be like ehh let’s give something else picture then because neither are as much of a crowd pleaser as EEAOO was last year. Poor Things is really good and could also slot in there (and deserves it imo) but it’s way too weird.
Also I feel like either of those winning will piss Filme Twitter/Letterboxd off so I’m in favour of it
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walterdecourceys · 1 year
i'm taking the word "culture" away from christians until they learn what it means. stop saying """"the culture""""" when you just mean leftists on twitter you're not achieving anything
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seat-safety-switch · 3 months
"Don't overlook these deals on railings," chirps the last thoughts of the sentient auto-marketing bee drone before I crush it under my boot. Fucking things are bad this year.
You can't blame them, explained the politicians as they explained why they refused to sentence the folks to death. Ad-blockers had ruined the viability of advertising on the internet. Augmented reality dork glasses had done the same thing for bus, print, television, and even skywriter ads. To not advertise would destroy the entire advertising industry, which at this point was believed to be a structural element of American civilization. So they released the drones.
At first, it made some sense. The drones would find you looking at a pizza, or considering suicide, and they would buzz into your ear and tell you about a two-for-one coupon at 7-Eleven. Annoying, sure, but shockingly effective, especially by the low standards of internet advertisers. And they didn't have to spend much: the drones would fly back to their home stations and recharge. All they'd have to spend is electricity, and occasionally releasing another couple hundred drones to replace the ones that got smoked by cars while trying to cross the road, or eaten by birds thinking they were actual bees.
Like anything that works, though, it soon did not. All the metrics began to drop as folks figured out they could just swat the little bastards out of the air with a regular old flyswatter. Running a spark gap radio near them would confuse their little positronic thought matrices, causing them to plow into the nearest sidewalk and become incredibly sophisticated microplastic glitter. The only answer was to release more drones.
If you were born in the last, say, twenty years, I'm sorry to say that you have never seen natural sunlight. Sure, you get a bit of it reflected from their chromoly carapaces as they hover overhead in a dense swarm. It's just not the same as the before times. Hell, I'm not even sure Burger King still exists, but that won't shut up this giant cloud of them that keeps attacking me in my apartment building's underground parkade.
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lubrumalis · 3 months
konig headcanons! (realistic)
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tw: nsfw
all of these are realistic hc! dont expect a normal konig
hes NOT a shy awkward pushover, just because he has social anxiety??? we can see through his voice lines hes a very cocky person and speaks rather agressively
“lets be honest, its better off in my hands.”
i hc that just because konig has social anxiety, he doesn’t express this through bring soft and shy, he expresses it through his bluntness
konig wanted to be a sniper but did not because he couldn’t stand still, has social anxiety, i hc he has some form of adhd
his very cocky and blunt shouting isn’t because hes mean, but he just doesnt wanna be seen as that bullied kid he once was
hes doesnt have horrible EQ, but the kind of guy to be incredibly unfiltered
also, this guy was literally assigned as a human battering ram, you think hes all soft and sweet???😅😅😅
no he won’t get angry or cry if his mask is taken off. just annoyed.
its not actually canon that konig is a colonel (correct me if im wrong, i couldnt find anything on the official wiki) but lets assume hes one anyway
even if he isnt, gets paid well. really well.
private military companies that deploy soldiers in areas of active conflict can pay up to hundreds of thousands for one soldier
considering konigs age (late 30s at least) and skills, probably 400-500k a year.
chose to join the military because he had an obsession with tanks and guns as a kid
a lot of hc’s say hes 6’10. i disagree, simply based off of chances and the fact thats wayyyy too tall for the military
but he was described as a mountain, so id say his height is around 6’5-6’8
very very intimidating. hes tall big and has the mask of an executioner in the 15th century. who wouldn’t be scared?
definitely will say some random german word in a situation where no one else there knows german. he doesn’t give a damn lol
hates americans (thinks theyre all obese, mannerless, and bad at geography)
brings up the most random topics. again i really think konig has adhd.
konig was not good at school and hated it, mainly due to the anxiety and how he couldn’t pay attention
also why he chose the path of a soldier
drinks lots of beer, high alcohol tolerance, this guys a true european.
loves austrian or german food. loves schnitzel and pies.
konigs breakfast is literally sausages, toast, eggs, and sometimes beer
BIG APPETITE. he could eat for 3 people.
a little insecure about his appearance, not confident in his looks :( also why he hid his face
but as he grew older he uses the mask for actual purposes of concealing his identity, he is a special ops soldier after all
kind of a cheapskate. he chose to hide his face with what, polyester? chose a piece of cloth over everything else.
has very conservative beliefs. not to the point where he hates abortion and votes far right, konig is just a little confused about some things certain liberals believe in
pretty political person lmao
not enough info to conclude whether or not konig was abused as a kid tbh
he was definitely miserable for a period in his life. hes in the military living a monotone life, barely any contact with others, and constantly living in fear he’d die
i dont think hes as traumatized as ghost tho🙂🙂
konig appreciates his dna and how it makes him big and tall, but sometimes gets incredibly annoyed at it
mainly because well, he got bullied for itas a kid
because he specializes in hostage rescue a lot of hostages (especially kids) are scared of him and refuse to leave the area with him
takes a lot of convincing 🥲🥲
has a lot of intrusive thoughts
cannot use social media properly
also texts like an old grandpa. uses 😂 and 🤣 unironically.
“Can we have burgers 🍔 tonight🌃?”
probably uses a blackberry or reallyyyyy old iphone
relationship hcs:
konigs voice actor (jim boeven) stated in a livestream that konigs wife would ideally be a mix between maria pedraza (actress) and rachael from blade runner (character from movie).
both are 170cm ish and brunettes
i can actually see that—konig is massive and he probably prefers someone on the tall side
first thing you did that led to your relationship with him? you tolerated him that is. listened to him ranting😃
i can see him with a civilian or someone whos in the military tbh
finds you pretty at first
enjoys bickering, he needs someone to simulate his mind
you know those stories where his s/o is 5’2, clingy, soft af, and neeeeeeeds konig? haha you won’t be getting that from me.
unlike ghost, who really takes his time to get to know someone and opens up slowly, scared to have his trust broken again
konig charges in like the human battering ram he is😁
if he has a feeling you’re trustworthy you are trustworthy.
horrible at flirting. he doesn’t know how to talk to women smoothly
needs someone equally as weird and funny
s/o needs to be someone with very firm boundaries and can stand their ground, i think konigs a really stubborn person, so for a healthy relationship to work, s/o can’t be the generic bimbo
konig wears the pants in the relationship
doesn’t let you pay. he has a enough money and believes men should always pay
(im sorry to break your delusions) konig does not strike to me as someone who likes a docile homebody. thats ghost (if you remove the word docile).
he doesn’t like extremely dominant partners either
imagine someone who is a listener, accepting yet blunt, shares his quirks, and has a very elegant feel to them
also someone very independent
also gonna get killed for this but konig would realistically not go for a girl in her early twenties. he prefers elegance and sophistication over being cute and jumpy
hates one night stands.
values relationships more than you think. he can come off as strong at first, but hes trying his best
ecstatic when you tell him you wanna learn german (hes not a good teacher)
doesn’t like play fighting, he thinks he’s gonna accidentally hurt you
admires you a lot. he knows hes not the best looking person and doesn’t understand the makeup skincare dress up thing.
isn’t paranoid, but definitely doesn’t say he has an s/o
if you ever get mad at him, konig will tighten all jars in the kitchen so you have to ask him for help :)
extremely unfiltered. he hates your cooking? he will say it. that dress looks better than the other? he will say it.
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lazycats-stuff · 7 months
Remember when u wrote batbro who's Australian? Now u HAVE TO do Italian! This time with Italian toddler batbro, please little Italian people with their small hand gestures are so funny and so fricking adorable to me I'm tearing up just thinking about it
Yeah, Italians are funny and adorable, but I think it would work better if it's a teen instead of a toddler, so I have to modify that part, I just think it would fit better. Also, 1.3k, thank you guys and yes, I know this is a little bit short, but I do want to get this out for you guys. Also, Italians are my neighboring country lol, so if any Italians are reading this, hi!
Summary: (Y/N) is Italian. The family can't deal with him.
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Bruce, yet again, found out he had another biological child. Another son. Bruce loved his sons, but he could get a daughter for once. Someone who was less chaotic to a certain degree. Turns out, when Bruce had a one night stand with an Italian model, she got pregnant and she didn't say anything to Bruce about his son for 13 years.
Bruce found out when she was put in jail. Bruce didn't know what happened, but he was more numb from the news that he has another son. Not to mention, man with a heavy Italian accent calling him in the middle of the night telling him about his son and Bruce having to call his lawyers...
The amount of paperwork that it took for Bruce to bring (Y/N) to America is nuts. Sure, you have to make sure that both governments know where the child is. The amount of connections Bruce had to pull just to get (Y/N) to the USA is actually insane. Thankfully, (Y/N) would soon get his citizenship and he would be able to keep his Italian citizenship.
Thankfully, both the US and Italy allow people to have multiple citizenships so (Y/N) could go back to Italy without any problems. Bruce and the others need to get visas. (Y/N) laughed at them when he heard that.
But hey, when they go to Italy, they will have a translator. And it's incredible to listen to (Y/N) not knowing English really. They weren't mocking him by any means, but they were crying of laughter a few times when there was some English problems.
But there were another things they didn't know about Italians. For example, (Y/N) was touchy in conversations. And he was closer to them, more in their space. None of them minded them, it was actually nice how closer he was to them because Americans prefer to keep their distance it seems.
And a thing that seemed like are they European or gay thing is the fact they have their little pecks on the cheek. It wasn't anything intimate by any means and it's a way to say hi to guests. Men do it as well so it wasn't gay per say... But then again... Bruce knew that Italy had a different way than Americans.
And by God, (Y/N) had so many cultural shocks. So many. The sizes of food in America... And (Y/N) will forever fight the notion that pineapple belongs on the pizza. He shall defend his Italian heritage and cuisine.
Also, while on the topic of the sizes, everything in America is huge. Cars, buildings... (Y/N) thought that in a way it lacked warmth. And (Y/N) didn't even want to think about the prices of medication and healthcare here. He knows that Bruce is rich, but still... My God.
Another thing was the fact that kind of annoyed Bruce and Alfred was the amount of espressos that (Y/N) can drink in a day. Tim loved him a lot for it, but Bruce and Alfred weren't so happy. So many espressos wasn't really helpful. But hey.
But one iconic thing that can make you tell who is an actual Italian or not, is the famous hand gesture. They still remember the time when (Y/N) was talking on the phone with a family member who lives in Italy and it seemed that the entire family was on the other side of the phone.
He was talking fast, phone on his ear while he was going to the kitchen to drink some water and get some snacks. They all watched in silence as (Y/N) talked loudly, even as he was opening the fridge for some snacks.
And that's when they saw it. The famous hand gesture, in between some passionate talk about something and yelling over the phone. He seemed annoyed, but there was a smile on the teen's face as he was talking.
Once he was finished, he joined his family at the table. Jason has decided to learn Italian. Bruce has silently agreed. Damian was already prepared to learn. Basically, the entire family has decided to learn Italian and help (Y/N) with English in return.
Another thing that made adapting to the American culture more difficult was the fact that talking and kind of interrupt one you are talking too. In Italy, that is not really considered rude since they are passionate about talking and just overall talking over.
In America, that is considered rude. He didn't like it that much, but understood. People won't like him that much and he would be considered a rude person if he interrupts other people. His family understood that it's not easy, but hey. You adapt to the culture and move on.
But still, it hurt a little bit.
And (Y/N) never understood one thing as well. Something called Italian Americans. He couldn't comprehend calling yourself Italian American, but you don't speak Italian and you are not connected to the culture of your other part. It was weird to him. No hate towards them, but to him it was weird. How can you call yourself a person who belongs to a certain culture if you don't know it?
But hey, no hate. As long as they don't insult Italy and the Italian culture, no hate.
And one more thing that no one prepares you for is the fact that you miss your home country. Despite Alfred doing the best Italian dishes known to men, but it just didn't taste the same. It didn't have that taste of Italy. Yes, it sounds weird, but it's true. Italy is one hell of a country with a rich history.
Oh the nostalgia is a worst feeling ever. Sure, it makes you feel happy and remember the great times you had., but sad at the same time. Bruce saw it, he wasn't blind.
He was sad for his son. So what does Bruce do? Summer holidays are approaching and Bruce had one great idea for everyone. 2 weeks in Italy, all paid for. He just needed to tell (Y/N) when and where they will be going.
And Bruce told him a few moments later, (Y/N) screamed from happiness and jumped into Bruce's arms, hugging him like a koala bear.
" Grazie Bruce! " (Y/N) screamed. Bruce didn't mind the use of his first name because (Y/N) was still getting used to the fact that he has a dad.
" Ti amo Bruce. " (Y/N) said as he stood back down at the floor. Bruce smile widely as he knew exactly what first two words meant.
" Love you too son. "
(Y/N) let out a woo as he went back to his room. Oh he will stuff himself with all of the Italian food he can eat and find. And he will go to Rome and the Vatican. No one is going to stop him. And not to mention, he will have to visit his family. They would never forgive him by any means and you don't want to piss off an Italian family.
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flor4de4amor · 5 months
aviator!abby you say…👀
i did say aviator!abby… screamed it from the rooftops even 🤭 she stays heavvyyy on my mind.
click for palestine!
read before engaging with my works and acc
warnings: slight nsfw/smut at the end.
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aviator!abby who has a deep-rooted one-sided rivalry w ellie, who literallyyyyy just wants to be her friend. she comes home and grumbles in your arms about her. "she's just so annoying baby!" she whines for the hundredth time about her coworker.
aviator!abby who's a dog person, but puts up with your evil cat just cause she loves you.
 aviator!abby who can do more pushups than anyone on her squad. three fingers. two fingers. one finger even. she’s got them outranked without a doubt. 
aviator!abby who always comes home exhausted. heart heavy, hands dirty, boots half unlaced by the time she’s in the door. she's eager to lay in bed with you.
you greet her at the door. she always kisses your temple first, slides to your warm cheeks, and kisses you softly on the lips. you know she’s had a long day.
“cooked your favorite,” you muse softly against the side of her mouth.
“how do you know me so well mrs.anderson?” she grins, dominant hand coming up to the nape of your neck.
you shrug, giggling against her chest, “years of practice maybe.”
“yeah, my baby’s the real mvp.” she smiles into another kiss.
aviator!abby who always has her hair in the most ridiculously tight braids and buns. she’s quite creative with her hair, and is always eager to try a new style on you for practice. but, her craft works against her towards the end of a long shift. deep migraine settling in her skull, and she knows it’s not gonna feel better until she’s sprawled in your lap while you undo her hair. your fingertips scratching at her scalp while she sighs and mewls at your lighthearted touch.
aviator!abby who’s totally obsessed with you. she's has got pictures of you in: her wallet, dashboard, phone case, on her locker mirror, even has her phone wallpaper. she’s got your kiss print on her helmet. made sure it stuck with some clear tape and lots of loving. 
aviator!abby who’s somewhat quiet, but incredibly cocky. forget cocky, she’s so competitive. a calm game of monopoly between the two of you turns into to her cackling as she bulldozes you into debt. you roll your eyes at her antics cause it’s literally just monopoly, with her wife, but she treats it like war. 
aviator!abby who loves taking care of her little wife. goes absolutely out of her way to make your life easier. problem with the car? actually, the oil hadn’t been changed in like forever and a half. don’t worry though, abby’s fixed it! you want a new dresser built? abby’s done it in half an hour. she made sure you timed her for proof. someone’s giving you a hard time? yeah, don’t let abs find out she’s gonna rip them a fucking new one. you call her an american bully like the dog breed, for how she’s always by your side. going out of her way to be overprotective.
aviator!abby who’s insecure. she’s in a male dominated field, constantly undervalued, and disregarded. she’s built up a thick layer of protection and ego to protect herself. she spends all day being: mean captain abigail anderson who chews out her inferiors and can kill with looks alone. but when she comes home, all the sudden it’s like a flip switch. it’s “pretty abby,” “baby,” “darling don’t trip on the cat toys on the stairs!” “come to bed i’m tired,” abby. 
aviator!abby who likes being in control during sex. she likes how each action pulls out a very needy reaction from you. if she pulls on your nipples with her calloused finger pads, you’ll whine and arch your back into her chest, as her bicep curls around your waist. if she presses kisses into your neck, and sucks on the skin leaving bruises, she knows it’ll make you cry her name. your nails finding their way to her shoulder blades while she tortures your neck, littering it with love marks. abby knows, that if she hits that sweet spot deep in you w her strap, you almost always cum. sweet cream coating the silicone right around the base, abby can’t help but lick her lips as she pulls out of you, eliciting a string of cursed complaints. she’d suck the member off to taste you herself. but it’s more exciting to pull you to your knees and tap your eager tongue with her tip, groaning as you swallow yourself. not because it feels good, but god you’re so pretty. 
aviator!abby who loves praise so bad. she gets so wet when you call her pretty. she’ll rut against your palm as you whisper in her ear. telling her that she’s your only girl. that you want her. no, you need her. she melts at the way you kiss her biceps, bite her bottom lip gently, and look up at her with big doe eyes when you eat her out. she tries extra hard to be gentle with you. you’re her princess, she doesn’t wanna hurt you. but she can’t help herself when her hips rut into your tongue and her hands come to grip the base of your neck and the roots of your hair roughly. but she can’t help and darkly chuckle as you moan into her mound at the action. “my baby’s a dirty girl huh?” when you don’t reply she tugs your hair again, smirking as you lick feverishly at her clit. she removes her hand from the back of your neck and taps her pointer and middle finger against your cheek, “don’t you remember the rules babe? speak when spoken to. thought you were a good girl?” when you attempt to pull off her, she clicks her tongue snd uses her hold on your hair to keep you in place. “god you’re so bratty today.” she smiles to herself. 
sigh, aviator!abby please i need you. need you so so so so bad. 
im so stuck on what her callsign would be, what do yall think?
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divider by: @ohdearlucifer
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onlyangel4 · 1 month
you are in love. op81. smau.
oscar piastri x reader
this follows reader and oscar in the early days of their relationship up until they ultimately fall in love.
warnings: cursing.
faceclaim: antonia gentry
taylor swift series masterlist
y/bff posted a story tagging y/ninsta
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written: about to help y/n get ready for her first ever raya date, pray for her
y/insta posted a story
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written: fit check
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y/insta posted a story
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liked by y/bff, sabrinacarpenter, sydneysweeney and 1,348,731 others
tagged: y/bff
y/ninsta: the past month in monaco has been the best ever
view all 34,867 comments
y/bff: i just dropped you off at the airport and i miss you already
y/ninsta: i am counting down the days before i come back
sabrinacarpenter: can't wait to see you when you are back
y/bff: i have so much to update you on
user1: mother posted a man. i'm scared.
user2: i just know y/bff is ready to spill the beans
user3: you are glowing in these pictures, whoever it is it is clear he makes you really happy
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liked by landonorris, logansargeant, y/bff and 1,009,234 others
oscarpiastri: the best summer break ever
view all 16,439 comments
logansargeant: you look happy here please don't be annoying and grumpy when you get back
oscarpiastri: no promises
landonorris: A GIRL
oscarpiastri: i forget you have never seen one before
user5: oscar that was mean. do it again.
user6: i can't wait to find out who she is
y/ninsta posted a story
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written: back to la
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liked by user7, user8, user9 and 8,491 others
oscarpupdates: oscar was just asked about his relationship status his answer was, "i have a girlfriend, things are rather new with use but i do manage to call her every day and i spent the gap between sinapore and the us grand prix with her. stuff is going well"
view all 189 comments
user7: she has to be american, it just makes sense
user8: i can't wait to find out who she is, i think she might be famous in some way. probably a model
user9: he was beaming when he spoke about her, that man is in love
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liked by user10, user11, user12 and 68,725 others
f1updates: actress y/n y/ln has arrived to the las vegas grand prix. unlike the other a listers she is not going to the vip area of the circuit instead she was spotted entering the paddock and meeting one logan sargeant hugging him, he then seemed to give her some directions by pointing before going their seperate ways. what does this mean?
view all 3,451 comments
user10: oh my god the outfit she looks perfect
user11: i think she is dating one of the drivers, maybe she is oscar's secret girlfriend
user12: oh she looks so fucking hot
y/ninsta posted a story
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liked by oscarpiastri, y/bff, logansargeant and 1,531,841 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
y/ninsta: first time watching my man race and he gets to the second step of that podium, i am so incredibly proud of you my love
view all 76,544 comments
oscarpiastri: i love you so much, i am so grateful to have you in my life
y/ninsta: yeah guys raya actually works
y/bff: you guys are my fav couple ever, him living in monaco means you are going to see me more, perfect !
y/ninsta: miss you !
logansargeant: everybody say thank you logan for arranging the surprise of the century
y/ninsta: thank you logan
∘•···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘
taglist: @formulaal @formulaonebuff @danielshoe @noooway555 @dilflover44
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writertothemaximum · 3 months
ヤンキー・Yankee: Pt. II
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Yuuji x tall delinquent male reader
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note // read part one here
is this a fic or headcanons? i don’t know anymore.
content // nsfw/18+ only, dom reader/sub Yuuji, reader comes from a strict American family, reader is a juju tech transfer student, reader is a bit depressed, reader is smitten™️ (yuuji is too), Yuuji is bisexual, grinding, kissing
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-A part of you broke the day you realized that you had a crush on Yuuji. It had been so obvious that this was coming, a part of you felt stupid that you hadn’t realized it earlier.
-The harder part was figuring out if it was requited. Was Yuuji even attracted to men? He had a bikini pin-up in his bedroom and you knew his type, so that wasn’t a great start, but you’d also heard him and Todo include guys in their long, elaborate discussions about…whatever they were talking about, so it wasn’t impossible.
-Anxiously, you decided to ask Nobara about it. A part of you was worried because you didn’t quite know how to communicate what you wanted to say, and a part of you was worried because you weren’t sure how they were going to take it. Going off her expression alone, she probably thought you were going to beg for money or something (not a thing you ever did), but upon hearing you ask her if Yuuji had a girlfriend, she immediately caught on. Somehow or another, it ended up with you, her, and Megumi at a cafe in downtown Tokyo, with you footing the bill. (It was not a request.)
Megumi looked kind of annoyed. “I’m getting deja vu here. We’ve been here before.” They had? Well, it didn’t surprise you. Yuuji was incredibly attractive, and endearing on top of that. There wasn’t much not to like. It was like he melted your heart the moment you laid eyes on him. Honestly, it made you feel a bit vulnerable how into him you were.
Nobara laughed, sending a smirk right at you. “And for this guy to be into Itadori? Now that’s a shocker. He barely says anything, and now he suddenly want to know if Itadori’s hooking up with anyone? News to me.” Hooking up with anyone? Had you phrased it like that? This is why your Japanese wasn’t getting any better.
“No, he’s not with anyone. Can I go home now?” Megumi said, taking a sip out of his pitch black coffee.
“Fushiguro.” Nobara chided, glaring at him. “Don’t be like that. He went out of his way to ask me.” And said “guy” in question also didn’t ask to be sitting in a cafe making a scene out of this, but what must be done must be done, you supposed. “Is Itadori into guys, anyways?”
Oh. There it was. The dreaded question. Well, you were going to find out some way or another, you supposed. It was better this way than asking Yuuji directly. At least you could be friends, right?
It felt empty, thinking that. That the one time you actually managed to keep a friend, you ruined it. This was your fault, wasn’t it? You shouldn’t have said anything. You should have just done what you always do and shut your mouth. You should have just let the feelings die in your chest like everything else had since you had moved to this country.
“I mean he could be,” Megumi said, completely plainly. “I mean, with Itadori, he’s pretty open about most things, so it’s worth a shot.”
Worth a shot? So it’s not impossible. It’s very possible. You furrowed your brow. Megumi and Nobara were looking at you funny.
“Stand up,” Nobara said, and raising your eyebrow in suspicion, you followed her instruction. “Turn around.” You followed that, too. Somehow, the scene felt so mundane to you. This was starting to feel comfortable. “Hmm,” she hummed, scanning you up and down, and Megumi did, too.
“See, I told you it was worth a shot,” Megumi said, gesturing at you. Oh. Oh you knew what this was about.
“Were you looking at my ass?” you asked, crossing your arms.
Nobara laughed so hard, she spilled iced tea all over the place. Megumi just groaned, rolling his eyes. “You got the height, that’s all I’m saying.”
“Yeah, he likes tall girls,” Nobara added. Right. Girls. This was going nowhere. “Oh, don’t look like that,” she said, frowning at you. “He hasn’t said no yet.” Sighing, she slumped into the booth. “I know I said I’d never forgive myself if Itadori gets a girlfriend before me, but a boyfriend doesn’t count, right?”
“I don’t think it works like that,” Megumi said, taking another sip of his coffee. How much left did he have in that thing, anyways? “But good luck. And if he says no, don’t take it to heart. He’s got a lot going on.”
A lot going on. Right. You sat back down in the booth, across from your classmates. Your friends. Were they your friends? Probably. You didn’t really know anymore. Clearly, they weren’t scared of you. If anything, they looked down on you (a rarity in this height economy). Either way, they were Yuuji’s friends, so you trusted their judgment.
Did Yuuji have friends outside of school? You never really saw him hanging out with anyone outside of the Jujutsu Tech students so…You assumed not. You knew that something had happened at his place back home, and he mentioned that he hadn’t been in contact with them either. Was he trying to load everything all on himself? Wasn’t he lonely?
Weren’t you?
“Hey, Yuuji,” you said, and his expression changed at your sudden tone shift. It was just the two of you again, hanging out in your special place in the woods behind the school, and sitting between you was the credits of a movie on your phone. There had been Japanese subtitles for Yuuji, of course.
“Yeah? What’s up?” Yuuji said, giving you all his attention. A ripple of tension reverberated around inside of you. This wasn’t hard. There wasn’t anything challenging about this. You were just going to ask him a question, no big deal. Nooo big deal, none at all.
“How do you feel about guys?” What kind of question was that? Were you a dumbass? Yuuji shot you a confused look. Dumbass!
“Like? Uh,” Yuuji said, putting a finger to his lips. “Like in what kind of way?”
“Like the lead actor,” you said, saving yourself. “What did you think of him?”
“Oh!” Yuuji said, his eyes lighting up. “He’s not really my type, but he was pretty cool.”
Not his… An inkling of fire burned down your throat. It had been a long time since your heart pumped this fast. “What is your type in men, then?”
“Hm,” Yuuji grumbled, bunching his face up, and then in what appeared to bit a fit of frustration, he jammed his thumb directly into his chin. “You know, I don’t really know. I haven’t been into guys for that long.”
You gave him an empty look, letting the blood settle in your veins.
“I think…If he’s tall that’s nice. Would it be bad if I said a big dick? Probably.”
Yuuji shouted when you pushed him to the ground. Your fingers gripped tightly around his hoodie, the fabric soft, but you could feel the rings of tethered muscle underneath.
“Woah! What’s up, man?” he said, as if nothing was wrong.
“So if I had my way with you right now,” you said, your voice almost shaking, “that wouldn’t bother you?”
Yuuji’s face flushed a bright red. Turning his head, he cringed, breaking eye-contact. “When did I say I liked to be on the receiving side? You’re not um…You’re not wrong though.”
He didn’t tense up in your grip. Not once did he resist. There he lied, completely pliant, just for you. He trusted you. He wanted this.
“You don’t have to say anything,” you said, whispering close to his ear, and you could feel him starting to get hard against your thigh.
You only had to take a single look at his face to see a dumb smile that said, “okay.” Yuuji trembled as you gently caressed the side of his body, letting your hands slip under his hoodie. He looked at you right in the eye, those sweet amber pearls glistening at you, waiting anxiously for your next move, those sweet eyelids flickering in delight.
Slowly, you started to grind against him, your erection straining through your pants. Following your direction, Yuuji started to grind back against you, the front of your jeans rubbing against each other in some sort of sick friction. His lips opened and you could feel his hot breath against you, so warm, so close. His skin was surprisingly soft, sometimes interrupted by an occasional scar, and you explored his body, treating him like the treasure he was.
He licked his lips slowly and with tongue, and pushing down on his hips, you found yourself entranced by the sight in front of you. How close he was, how excited you were, how unreal this all felt. Bending down, you let your face drop closer to his, and Yuuji closed his eyes for you, inviting.
You weren’t sure who closed the gap, but your lips were touching, and your tongues were intertwined. Your hands burned as they traced alongside the back of Yuuji’s body. He was built like a furnace, and he would warm you to your core.
“Hm, feels good,” he mumbled in between smacks of your lips. “I knew it’d feel good, but this feels awesome.”
Was it his first time? Your cock twitched in your pants. He was yours. He was completely yours, all of him. You bared your teeth, and he laid himself bare for you to bite.
“Fuck, fuck, shit, I think I’m—” Yuuji grumbled, holding onto your back for support, slamming back into your pelvis in hard thrusts.
Like that would make you slow down. He was funny.
In a couple seconds, Yuuji started to tense up, pulling his lips away from you, gripping hard onto your jacket, and Yuuji could grip. “Fuck,” he groaned, before a huge gasp of air, and then he fell limp. Just close enough, you reached your hand down your pants, and jerked yourself to completion. You’d worry about the mess later.
Like two exhausted dogs, you flopped on top of each other, the heat from exertion way too much for this small space. “Do you want to date me or something?”
You pushed yourself up and glared at Yuuji right in the eyes. “What do you think that means?”
Yuuji just laughed. “Well. I want to date you.”
Even now, you wondered how a smile could make your heart flutter. Relaxing, you flopped back down, and Yuuji hugged you with grace. “I’ll take that as a yes then—” he laughed, and you hugged him back.
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Thanks for reading!
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saintjosie · 11 months
say what you will about tiktok but there isn’t a single american news outlet talking about palestine that isn’t just pro-israeli propoganda and tiktok is one of the few places where you can actually get information about what’s happening there.
do trends and shitposts get annoying sometimes? yeah absolutely. but it’s still an incredibly important and powerful platform for information dissemination when you are able to filter through bullshit with a modicum of media literacy and find content creators you can trust. and doubly so in the wake of twitter falling to pieces.
what if elon musk isn’t as big of an idiot as he seems? what if he’s playing a long con, willing to lose 20 billion dollars (which is not even 10% of his estimated net worth btw) in order to further his political agenda? and why is there suddenly bipartisan support for a tiktok ban via KOSA (kids online safety act), supposedly in the name of protecting children?
both parties know that the american propoganda machine falls apart when the power of information lies with the people.
remember when conservatives initially wanted to ban tiktok? they were willing to allow tiktok to continue to operate if they either sold to an american company or relocated their servers to american soil. and now after tiktok managed to avoid doing either one while also managing to avoid giving any legal reason for a tiktok ban, suddenly there is bipartisan support for a bill that essentially allows for unrestricted censorship of the internet in america?
another thing to consider - where did this vitriol for tiktok come from? did it come from someone you know? and where did that person pick up that opinion? can that opinion be traced back to an actual person or were many of these opinions seeded by faceless accounts, the same way that faceless accounts spread nazi shit, terf shit, and shitty lgbtqia rhetoric, to start the unsuspecting down radicalizing pipelines?
every major political power in the world is constantly running psyops to erode our ability to trust what we see online, to sow misinformation and distrust, because the uninformed masses are vulnerable to manipulation.
think about the media you consume. double check it. get a second opinion. learn how to engage in GOOD FAITH discourse. learn how to be kind. learn when to block and move on.
protect yourself and in doing so, protect those around you. because without the communities that we have online, without the ability to organize and share, we lose.
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appleblueberry-pie · 5 months
a lil celebratory posts
things r just going easy on me rn and i felt like writing.
obviously american reader x yandere gojo and yandere nanami
it's crazy, because you genuinely tried to blend in, but it's so hard when you have such a....unique bunch running the sorcerer world. everyone felt so different and unique compared to one another, you also wanted to give it a shot, knowing you wouldn't be able to fit into these standards for long. you weren't raised to hide. you couldn't help but break out of your shell and just do your job while doing what felt comfortable. and doing what felt comfortable for you opened the eyes of specifically two people who were incredibly attracted towards you.
Gojo been knew something was up when you weren't spitting on his name at every chance given to you when he flirted with you or when your colleagues insulted him behind his back. You often reciprocated his annoying flirtations with a small smile and a laugh, letting him know that his jokes were cute even though it did absolutely nothing to actually impress you. he was confused for a bit. he thought you liked him back, but you were just being friendly. then when you started dressing more.....freely, it was hard for him to just stay back and only watch.
somehow, you had found a way to dress more sexy without breaking any sort of dress code. the skirt hugged your curves, the shirt accentuating your waist, and, god, your heels and the strut you put to work was pulling him into you like a mouse smelling cheese.
you changed perfumes, a scent that made his dick hard and his smile sharper. you knew what you were doing. you would clock into work and clock out looking as if the breeze never touched a hair on your head. it was impressive how you could work under these harsh circumstances and still look so fucking good. ever since that day, everything about your aura became loud in the best way possible. and you did it so naturally, so well. you complimented his vibe and he felt like it was a crime you weren't in a relationship yet.
Nanami didn't think you could honestly get any better. he felt like no matter how upfront he tried to be with you, his message that he wanted to get across never reached you in the way he desired it to. he felt like you were challenging him. forcing him to challenge himself to break out of his shell that society shoved him in just to get your attention. and he almost did a few times, too. he could tell that you knew that he was trying, as well, because you'd give him that smile that told him keep trying. and it made him flustered every time. he'd give up and fall back into his comfort zone, telling himself he'll have more confidence next time.
you were a package deal he didn't want to give up. especially to the other man across the room waiting for his turn to get at you.
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ham1lton · 5 months
you said u read ao3 fics! what are your f1 recs?
ahhh!!!!! this is the best question you could have ever asked me like ever i love you so much. i’ve been dying to talk abt this for a hot minute. i opened myself up to any sort of ship mostly because i cared more abt the fic quality then the ship you know? kinda glad i did it because my fav ones are not necessarily ships i am a fan of. it’s really long so i put it under a read more!!
okay so number one has to be the fic that was my first fav f1 fic. this is steal the air out of my lungs (make me feel it). now this has a lot of elements that i love. guy who’s in his own head vs other guy who’s also in his own head but pretends he isn’t. also idk why but i’m always a sucker for a good medical au and this one fucking delivers!!! another maxiel fic i read was three rounds and a sound which has coffee shop owner daniel w/ stressed out student max. a lot of introspection but it’s also unfolding while the romance is. idk i just love this. it’s so good. last maxiel fic is come on, star boy which is a alt universe where daniel is the american guy he always wanted to be and max is the new transfer to his small town’s football team. it isn’t just incredibly written but everyone feels so real and vivid. i can visually see this in my mind everytime i read it. i listened to a lot of ethel cain while reading so that helped. i love this so much and the brocedes in the background?? you’ll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves youuu 🗣️
i’m not really a landoscar girl, i’m gonna be honest. however, where i am going is right where i am, is just incredible. alt universe where the drivers live on a street version of stars hollow? brocedes that influence everything even though they’re long over? charles being insane over max? pierre hating on esteban every second that is possible (i was laughing every time he would just cuss his ass out unprovoked) and annoying george being their street’s version of gilmore girls’ taylor?? what more do u need in ur life?? also oscar in this fic is just my dream man. i think a croissant from him would fix me. actually i read a lot of this author’s landoscar fics and they’re so cute i was sending kudos as much as i can. like already home! just want to bite them both and put them in my pocket. they’re so obviously in love i want to shake them down and scream and smoosh them together. lawyer!oscar i love you. check out their profile!! incredible writer :)))
i’m also not a galex truther but the two of us, in sympathy is so cute!! rich boy!george with broke junior doctor!alex. george attempting to court alex and just absolutely failing. i love it. they’re such a mess i need them in my life. also this loscar future fic is so intense but incredible. i’m really bad at describing but i binged it on my train home and i was really glad i did - i promised to forget you now.
the reason i even got into f1 aka brocedes. this fic i think was one of the first i read. on the faultline which is just amazing. i can’t recommend it enough. read it if u can. another fav is a brocedes threesome with their toxic fucking each other via proxy aka new money, and it’s all cash. cute brocedes!! nico thinks lewis is his sworn enemy but everyone knows otherwise. roseberg’s vs haminkton. this was so cute and funny. cause why was nico saying lewis, the owner of a tattoo shop was stealing business from him… when he owns a florists… he’s so dramatic i want to tuck him in my pocket. this job will take my sole has the same premise but they’re both shoe shops which makes a lot more sense. i just love stupid rivalries and dramatic nico.
now back to my sweethearts, the lights of my life, the fires of my heart - sewis. all of these fics have past brocedes just for context. every tongue should confess talks about religion and queer identity in such a nuanced and delicate way? i adored this fic. transmotion which is another alt universe with fashion designer!lewis and footballer!sebastian both figuring out their careers, themselves and their relationship. maybe together we can get somewhere - this is an mpreg fic which usually isn’t for me but it’s about seb and lewis going on a road trip for an abortion and it’s so good. honestly the ending line of ‘it’s a good feeling, to know that sebastian’s outstretched hand is right there.’ it just stuck with me. i loved it. the numbering at bethlehem which is thee sewis fic to me. professor au?? this was made for me. like perfectly moulded. everything about this is art. i could do a full essay on this fic. just read it, it’s incredible. just amazing. sebastian as the child prodigy who has nowhere else to climb?? i love them both in this fic so much!!! tnab sewis get behind me!! i’m gonna protect u!!
okay i’m sorry this is so long. i just love art. i love writing. i just love the work these authors’ have spent putting together these masterpieces for free!! check them out!! leave kudos!! comment!! <3
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metalichotchoco · 8 months
Robots and their voices
Get ready because this is a long one ;]
A lot of the time characters are defined by their voices but with ai/ robotic characters this works overtime since it’s usually the only outlet into their emotions or character. They can get away with being an off screen presence since they typically aren’t psychical in nature. For all purposes in most cases they are nothing but their voice
Like with Hal, the only way we receive information about this character in visual mediums is his voice. It’s soothing like a lullaby, careful with even tones,smooth.Prideful in the sense of confidence not arrogance. You can hear his ego at being a perfect machine but it’s not boastful there’s no smirk when he says that. It’s how he views himself. You can imagine Hal with a soft smile for most of the movie, trying not to alarm staff. Only at the end does his voice get small, when he pauses for more time than normal as if to take a breath you cannot hear and that he does not need.
Edgar is loud and brash when feeling intense emotion which is a lot. He’s screechy and almost awkward in tonality. When he’s in a better mood he’s still peppy and small sounding. A sense of confusion is what a lot of lines read as but once he looks it up or figures it out, he’s much lower and monotone. With the Cinderella dialogue it sounds like he’s reading the information straight off the website he found it from.hes hot and cold he’s immature. A pest more than a true menace, due to his “newness” he doesn’t talk down to the humans in the movie but he’s underhanded and petty, craving love and attention and begging to be heard. A lot of the time you can hear his voice sort of breaking. It’s probably an audio issue from the time the movie was made, a filter over the actors voice but it works incredibly well for him.
Glados and her lines ooze sarcasm. She talks down to you more like you’re a nuisance she has to deal with than an equal in any sense (until potato glad but she’s almost a completely different character,not quite though) you can hear the exact moment she lies to you directly, diegectically it’s as if she needs to find a loophole to lie to your face so there’s a slight disconnect. Glados has a very singsong voice, her pronunciation going into higher and lower registers to express emotion rather than actually putting in actual anger or happiness into the monotone. It does a good job of selling this robotic lady who doesn’t view you with any sort of respect until she has to in the second game.
Whealtey by comparison is very non robotic in his voice or manner which makes sense since he’s a personality core and none of the standard robotic traits like objectivity, rationality, intelligence or indifference are present in him specifically on purpose. He’s anxious but optimistic, he rambles to sound like he knows what he’s talking about but it makes it even more apparent he has zero clue what he’s doing. You can immediately tell he’s incompetent at his job from the second you first really talk to him and it makes him all the more endearing.his power trip doesn’t exactly change that either, just attempts to self aggrandize, look and feel important. He sounds “confident” but he talks to the point where you realize just how insecure and unsure he is about anything. The British accent is also weirdly enough feeding into his fake intellectualism since Americans tend to view people with said accent as smarter even if they aren’t saying anything particularly smart.
The narrator is what you’d get if you crossed glados and Whealtey’s attitudes to character voice work but that’s reductive to him and the Stanley parable in general. The whole game is predicated on whether or not you listen to him/ mess with him. It’s an interactive story in the most basic of descriptions. The narrator is literally trying to talk you through a story and gets more distressed and annoyed as the player tries to exert and wrestle control from him. When you think of a narrator this type of voice comes to mind, a British masculine monotone that ebbs and flows with the story. This whole game is a meta narrative so it’s a very smart choice for this to be the case. There’s no robotic tone to his voice because that’s not the point, he’s basically the only real character in the game which makes him feel more human than the actual human we control who cannot speak, only act. He’s the one that makes us feel anything about the game. More the most part the narrator conveys a self assured calm tone, a blank canvas to react to the players weird actions.
Last for today is am and oh boy is he a doozy. Mr Ellison really does his creation justice on how powerful his performance can be. Am in the game and radio drama are actually sort of different characters but it makes sense since in the game he’s literally playing a game with the survivors whereas in the radio drama we get closer to the actual book. For a lot of these characters, the protagonists tend to be silent or reclusive but for am to still be as dominant of a presence with 5 other speaking roles is a testament to the type of character he is. For game am, he sounds almost like a car salesman. He talks down to the survivors, even very obviously flirting with them. You can imagine the mile wide grin on his face when he pulls something. But he’s not exactly desperate, more just like he’s playing a sick little game. Am does things that not even the most human sounding ais do, blowing raspberrys, coughing, laughing, crying. His cadence even makes it feel as if he’s breathing even though you cannot hear it. He’s very intense and visceral. He can go from relaxed and playful to manic and deranged so naturally and it’s what makes him so scary. This computer is far far too human. Everything he does also reminds you that he cannot move or breathe, he cannot scream or cry but it’s clear that he should. The reality of what he is looms over this performance. For as sad as he gets, no tears will flow.his chest will not move because he does not have one.
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