#and (at launch) it did have some glitches and bugs
midnighthybrid1 · 4 months
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Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Amiright
My first time drawing Catnap, his shapes are so fun to draw maaaaaan-
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goldensunset · 1 year
I've only been passively interested in your pokemon playthrough but last night I had a dream about Arven and now I am really considering getting scarlet or violet
anon i hope you know how funny this is. i blorbo posted so hard he astral projected into your dreams like a prophetic vision sent from up above and now you’re discerning a call to action
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autistichalsin · 4 months
In light of all the bitching about the upcoming patch, I was so happy to hear you’re also not… mad at Larian, I guess? I was wondering if I’m missing something, because for all its bugs, the game is fine the way it is, to me. More than fine, it’s a great game, the first that really means something to me since Dishonored. Idk, I’m literally over here just vibing, glad I’m not alone in that 😌
I noticed there's been a trend in recent years, I think started by those media that truly DID become horribly disappointing as it went on (last season of GOT, for example), and people started just... like
There is a phase most media get where they are the Best Ever, they Can Do No Wrong. And then one day that phase ends, and suddenly, that media Can Do No Right. Everything is a mistake, everything is wrong, everything is an attempt to cater to one group of fans (who are, of course, the wrong group to cater to) and/or an attempt to spite one group of fans. I think that in this day and age, people sometimes don't understand the difference between consuming media critically, I.E., using critical thinking to understand the themes, plot, and characters, and consuming media critically, I.E. criticizing everything the creators say and do.
So instead of looking for simple explanations, I.E., "different trainings and specialties mean that the division of labor at Larian has a team that works on new animations, but that team is not the same team responsible for bug fixes, so getting new animations from the former isn't why the latter hasn't repaired Polearm Master or Shield Bash or Raphael and Mol's scene yet" they instead assume "Larian only cares about Astarion and Halsin* and are catering to their fans again at the expense of literally everything else"
*The idea that Halsin fans are receiving any kind of special treatment is laughable, but that is very much the accusation being made- i want to see their reaction when they open up patch 6 and see that their fave has new kiss animations too tbh. As for the new scenes datamined for Halsin, those are all in response to complaints made by people who HATE Halsin, not complaints by his fans. A platonic confession scene? A version of the post-breaking the curse scene that doesn't involve flirting? The only two that were made for Halsin fans were fixing his post-Drow dialogue and the ability to go with him at the end, and the latter hasn't been fully implemented yet (you can get a flag saying you chose him, but you don't get to tell him and have him respond yet). But I have seriously digressed.
IDK, it just seems like we're in the phase of fandoms where, since the initial joy of discovering what the game has to offer has worn off, people are getting their dopamine from getting angry instead, and that means making a game of who can have the best hot takes, who or what is the most problematic and deserving of shunning, what have the creators done to fuck over us poor fans, etc.
There are many legitimate criticisms to be made against Larian, I want to be clear here- their treatment of Wyll's character has been horrific, and the interactions between Durge and Astarion should have been given for ALL characters. It is appalling that they have let Minthara's romance be bugged to the point that some people can only trigger it by modding the game because the flags are bugged and that they have allowed Halsin's voice lines to be bugged SINCE LAUNCH causing many to think they don't exist. All of these things deserve to be criticized. But ascribing malice to things like having separate work teams on the game, or the pile-on people started over that "we fixed it so a glitch can't cause Gale to leave your party" patch... Yeah.
It's never a good sign when a fandom starts to collectively chase the high that comes from being The Angriest. It doesn't seem to be as prevalent on here as on Twitter, thankfully (ironically, speaking as someone who was on this site since before Superwholock, the most toxic parts of Tumblr moved to Twitter after the porn ban, and now it's mostly rational people on here) but we are rapidly sliding towards the "do you people even like this game or do you like the version of it you created in your head?" phase of fandom that everyone dreads.
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jellyfishxxi · 11 months
Spidergirl - Far From Home CH 1
Miguel O'Hara x Child!Spider!Reader
Summary: An anomaly got into Earth 199999. You and Miguel go to fix it. However neither of you are expecting to get stuck there....
My name is ______ _____.
Alright, let's do this one last time. I promise.
I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the last 3 years, I've been the one and only,
I think you know the rest.
Saved my city, saved my school (not that I wanted to.), Lost my dad, and saved the city some more.
Then this weird version of Doc Oc shows up, and this cool spider-lady with a motorcycle and this really buff spider-man show up and invite me to join this society.
Tldr: I have a new dad now.
And I'm not the only one.
It should have been business as usual. An anomaly got into another dimension, spiders get dispatched to retrieve it, business as usual, right?
Yeah, that's what I thought too.
Earth - 199999
New York City
"Kid, you know this guy?" Tony asked Peter, as they fought a version of The Green Goblin, who looked more like he belonged in ancient Greece than 2014.
"No, Mr. Stark!" Peter replied, launching the ancient greek goblin into a nearby wall. "He looks like Green Goblin, but not the one I've fought, which technically doesn't make any sense cause-"
"We get it." Clint chimed in, trying to pin the greek goblin into the wall with his arrows, only for the greek goblin to rip them out and resume attacking, flinging Peter into a wall.
Every Avenger was fighting the variant of Green Goblin, from Tony in his Iron Man suit to Hulk as... Well, himself. The Green Goblin glitched out, stopping fighting for a moment.
"What the hell..." Natasha spoke, looking at the goblin in suspicion and confusion. "J.A.R.V.I.S, gimme the rundown." Tony said, looking at the glitching goblin.
"It appears this Green Goblin is not from this universe."
J.A.R.V.I.S spoke in Tony's suit. "This thing knows how to traverse dimensions?" Tony spoke, Bewildered. Nobody else was able to get a word in before the Goblin stopped glitching. He grabbed Peter by his webs and stuck him to a building, slamming Thor and Hulk with his tail and flicking Tony, Steve, Natasha and Clint like they were nothing but bugs.
That's when the portal opened up.
The glowing, hexagonal portal appeared in the sky, surprising every Avenger. "What is that??" Thor both exclaimed and asked.
Two strands of flaming webs shot out of the portal, latching onto Green Goblin's arms. Goblin grabbed the webs and yanked them hard, only to be kicked in the face by... A kid who really couldn't be any older than 13.
As the goblin landed with a thud against the concrete, you dropped down, breathing heavily as you dusted off your costume. "Who-" Tony started to say, before another person came through the portal. He was clearly much older, and landed next to you.
"Did you see it Miguel? I was all tough and I kicked his stupid face!" You exclaimed, jumping excitedly. Miguel didn't react outwardly, but on behind his mask he was looking at you like a proud father.
"Focus, ______. Take care of the anomaly before celebrating." Miguel said to you, causing you to nod. "Right! Right." You said, focusing.
"I'll take the left arm if you take the right." Miguel spoke. You nodded, shooting towards Green Goblin's right arm and webbing it to the concrete, Miguel doing the same for the left. The two of you continued to web up Green Goblin, before finally he was completely tied up.
"Getting this guy back is gonna be a nightmare." You commented. Miguel hummed in agreement, going to open another portal back to the Spider Society HQ. But nothing happened.
"Qué..." Miguel said in confusion. "What? Open the portal already." You said, getting frustrated. You had a test tomorrow. Staying overnight in an alternate dimension was not in your plans.
"I'm trying, niña, it's not working. You do it." Miguel sounded just as frustrated as you. You tried opening a portal with your 'gizmo', but nothing happened. "It's not working for me either!" You shouted.
You looked at Miguel with a slightly scared expression. "Miguel, are we stuck here.?" You asked. Miguel sighed. "We're not stuck." He said. "LYLA, reboot the system." He spoke to the holographic AI as she popped up.
"What?" She said, teasingly. "Reboot the system." Miguel repeated. "Couldn't catch that." She said. Miguel groaned. "Reboot. The system." He repeated again, angrier.
"Ooh. Yeah, on it." She said, much to Miguel's chagrin. She appeared moments later. "Uh, something's up with the portal generation system. In fact, you and ______ can't actually do anything with your Gizmo's but make calls and check the time." LYLA spoke.
Both you and Miguel looked at her. "But... We're not gonna glitch, right?" You asked. "No, the protection against that's still running. But until they get fixed, you're stuck in Earth-199999." Miguel groaned, rolling his eyes. You looked nervous.
"Stuck? In an alternate dimension?!" You exclaimed. "I can't be stuck here, I have a test tomorrow! And if I'm not back by morning my guardians will kill me!" You began to freak out.
"Breathe, niña." Miguel spoke, kneeling down and placing a hand on your shoulder. "We'll get home."
Your moment was interrupted.
"Uh, excuse me?" Tony asked, suddenly standing in front of the two of you. That's right, there's other people here. You thought to yourself. "Who the hell are you two?"
You looked at Miguel. Miguel looked at you.
"I'm Spiderman." Miguel said.
"I'm Spidergirl." You said.
Peter pried himself off of the building, looking at you and Miguel in shock.
"More Spider-people?"
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wookofwallst · 9 months
Is Cyberpunk 2077 the greatest comeback in gaming?
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With Cyberpunk coming off of one of the worst launches in recent history. Now, on the precipice of its bright and shiny 2.0 update, it has people asking... Is Cyberpunk the greatest comeback in gaming history? Let's take a look at it!
The game on launch in 2020 was riddled with game breaking bugs, terrible computer AI, it didn't even work on Playstation 4 and Xbox ones leading to mass refunds on the respective platforms, vehicles felt floaty as you were driving down the road and even if you were going 100mph it still only felt like you were going 20mph.
There were hundreds of exploits, free money glitches, armor glitches, and in my own personal experience, I had a level 1 revolver that did fifteen thousand damage. The "net running" felt like a waste of time, and it felt extremely underutilized, especially when considered the game constantly reminds you of net running and the power it actually has.
I don't think anyone in their right mind would have ever said that this game (when running properly) looks bad. The game looks incredible, and the writing and voice acting are incredible it was everything else that was the problem.
Since launch, there's been a litany of updates to the game play. From bug fixes to the great community support of modders and adding in apparel from the Netflix series Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. That show, in my opinion, single handedly changed the public perception of the game with its introspective writing and absolutely stunning visual design. Your heart gets smashed into atoms by the end of the series. It gave consumers of the game the idea of what this game COULD have been.
Now, with the free "Update 2.0" along with the subsequent release of the paid for Phantom Liberty expansion, has CD Projekt Red done enough to actually warrant more money from the consumers? In my opinion, no.
The huge disappointment of its release, the fact they had to provide refunds, the fact it was taken off of the Playstation store and Xbox stores has to mean something. Some sort of recompense must be made.
It's been reported that some of the updates they made were ripped directly off of Nexus Mods without modders permission. It's also been said that this might be the only expansion we get. I understand they have worked on the game. I understand that they've added in a bunch. But I don't think that deserves the high praise of "Greatest Gaming Comeback." That will for the time being belong to No Mans Sky.
If we look at other games that have launched in a broken or terrible state, they release free expansions, provide free gameplay updates, (looking at you No Mans Sky) or in some cases, just completely abandon the project altogether. (Looking at you, Anthem).
All of the updates, including the upcoming expansion, should have been IN the game at launch. Yes, we should thank them for sticking with the game. But it really has been years at this point, and just now is when we are finally getting our hands on new content and a game play overhaul once again, something that should've been done in the first six months to a year this should be free. But I guess getting Idris Albas voice and likeness has a pretty hefty cost to it.
Will you be playing Phantom Liberty at its launch? Are you excited for Update 2.0? Are you willing to pay for this expansion? Are you skipping it to play something else? Let me know!
I stream every weekday, 8pm-12am EST. I'd love to see you there! The link is below!
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jmdbjk · 2 years
Honey, I’m home.
I attended a MLB ballgame, ate high-dollar nachos there, bought an expensive t-shirt. It was hella fun. Would do it again. Ok, enough of that boring shit.
Did I miss anything BTS? Been gone since Wednesday, surely there’s not much happening in the Bangtan world...am I right? 
Looks the same to me:
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The new Weverse: Thank god they finally made media searchable. Hope, hope, hope they eventually give Weverse Shop a search function.
On Weverse, I hope they eventually add an option to hide fan posts so I don’t have to see stuff I don’t want to see.
Still waiting on the translation subtitles on Joon’s most recent live...we’re calling it W Live are we? instead of V Live? Ok, fine.
Everytime I look at the app or the website, it’s tweaked, they are still working out the kinks, glitches and bugs as is usual for any new app/website launch. 
I think last thing I saw was someone telling me that the the silver polyc bracelet was adjustable. How do you know it’s adjustable? 
Oh...I saw Tae’s IG post photos from In the Soop: Friendcation where Tae is holding one of his friends very much like he slings his arm around everyone. And sleeping in the same bed with them. All of them. The episode aired today but I haven’t seen anyone’s reaction or take on it. How was it? Tae was supposed to reveal some stuff...someone needs to include me in the loop. 
And also: I heard Jimin’s call-in to the radio station interview that Sungwoon was doing. Hilarious that Jimin shared that Sungwoon calls him while he’s taking a dump. Typical bro stuff. 
I see anons are still talking about THE RINGS...oh my, the turmoil those rings have generated...
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We are getting Jimin’s vlog in a few hours...CAN NOT WAIT! I will be back after I watch it. See you then. 
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fangren · 2 years
beat pokemon scarlet this morning! just in time for the patch thats supposed to come out today lol. and honestly, despite the bad rep the game has gotten, i had a blast! great story, great characters, great pokemon, just overall had a very fun experience with the game.
could it have stood some more polishing before launch? yes! but the bulk of the bugs/glitches i experienced were some minor stuff - flickering textures of stuff in the distance, wonky shadows/lighting, and some slight lag when entering cities that i barely even noticed (when there wasn’t some 3 fps npc in the background i could laugh at). nothing that was like constant or distracting, didn’t really affect my play experience in a significant way. the forced experience share was more annoying than that stuff.
maybe like a couple glitches that were slightly more significant? a couple instances of wild tera pokemon spawning weirdly, a few instances of hitbox detection for wild pokemon being off, and i think two times when koraidon kinda failed to land after jumping? like, stuck in falling position while his head was touching rock. second time i had glide so i managed to cancel it, but the first was just a case of the game deciding i had fallen out-of-bounds after a couple seconds and putting me back up where i had jumped off from.
so. yeah. it did definitely need some polishing, but. like. those less-minor issues were few and far between, and I still did have a ton of fun with the game! hopefully the patch today will fix most/all of them, so more people will give the games a try. it really is great.
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kazushimehikaru · 4 months
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In 3 days it'll be the 12th anniversary of Mass Effect 3's launch and also my final days of QA work at
EA - Electronic Arts. I had a good experience at the Playa Vista office. A nice thing about making connections at the same site is getting additional opportunities to re-test.
Before the MP Beta went live in early 2012, our QA team was meticulous in leaving no stone unturned in search for bugs, audio mistakes, graphical glitches, misspellings, and all. You've got to be good at taking notes, knowing you'll need to submit them all w/reports.
A couple years prior I had gotten started after connecting with QA recruiters, I had never imagined getting into QA work but after graduation in 2010 I was experimenting beyond press work and was establishing a list of industry contacts from press jobs.
One memory that stands out to me is a chance meeting in the wild with then Battlefield Sound Engineer Bill Rudolph (now with Skywalker Sound) who was also a Dollfie Dream hobbyist. Never know what interests will connect you & others, a reason I always promote having a passion.
I took IGN up on an invite for its IGN Tech party before that, and where
Greg Miller and I shared a laugh about my +1 calling Mr. Freeze "Captain Freeze", Greg screaming "YOU GAVE HIM A PROMOTION HE DID NOT DESERVE!" 🤣 Following those days, I found myself in QA while Pressing/Writing still, it was pretty busy work too.
Getting a job anywhere in the industry isn't always easy, sometimes developing a circle of contacts like I have is very lucky, though as a photographer, web developer, and writer, I had never intended to work in games.
Though my career takes me into the industry often, having the taste of QA work gave me some insight into taking electronic, interactive, entertainment into the world of deadlines and meticulous process within a 3D space different than my articles or content I was used to.
I can only imagine what development feels like as a developer, beyond what I know from being in the seat as the one interviewing them. The pressure and incredible will of those developing entertainment and the chaos the industry is in at this time, can be soul crushing.
I saved some old notes from QA on a few titles, some of them are kind of funny looking back now, like one where I tried to sketch a glitched area on Palaven in ME3, and some of the dialogue that was misplaced caused a battlecry (meant for battle) mid-conversation, was hilarious.
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windowscult · 4 months
Fix: 100 Disk usage Windows 11 and Windows 10 (Try these 11 solutions) 2024
Did you notice Windows PC is very slow, not responding, and Disk Usage is consistently at 100 percent in Task Manager? Sometimes after Windows update, you may notice high Disk usage, even when you are not running any intensive programs. Several factors can contribute to 100 disk usage in Windows 10, problems with disk drive, Background app activities, and corrupt system files are common. Depending on the cause of your problem, you can try different methods to fix the Windows 10 100 disk usage. Here are some of the most effective solutions that have worked for many users fix 100 Disk usage Windows 11 and Windows 10.
Common reason behind High Disk usage?
Several factors can contribute to 100% disk usage on Windows 10/11, A failing hard drive, corrupted system files, and Malicious software, including viruses and malware infection, are common.
Restart your device A simple restart can work wonders by refreshing system memory, clearing temporary glitches, and resetting various system processes. It's like giving your computer a fresh start, often resolving software-related issues that may be causing high disk usage.
Update Windows 10 Windows updates not only introduce new features but also include critical bug fixes, performance enhancements, and security patches. By staying up to date, you not only fix the 100% disk problem but also optimize overall system performance and stability.
Reduce startup apps Many applications automatically launch at startup, running in the background and consuming system resources. This can lead to increased disk usage, especially if multiple apps are competing for resources simultaneously. By reducing the number of startup apps, you alleviate the workload on your disk during system boot, potentially resolving the 100% disk usage issue.
Scan for Virus malware infection Viruses and malware can wreak havoc on your system, including causing high disk usage. These malicious programs often run hidden processes in the background, consuming disk resources and impacting system performance. By performing a thorough virus scan, you can detect and remove these harmful entities, restoring normal disk usage and enhancing system security.
Clean boot your computer Booting into a clean environment disables non-essential startup processes and services, allowing you to isolate potential causes of high disk usage. By starting with a minimal set of drivers and startup programs, you can determine if third-party software is contributing to the problem.
Disable Windows Search and SysMain (Superfetch) While services like Windows Search and Sysmain (formerly Superfetch) are designed to improve system performance, they can sometimes lead to excessive disk activity. Disabling these services temporarily can reduce disk usage and alleviate the strain on your system.
Check for disk errors Disk errors can occur due to various factors, including hardware malfunctions, power outages, or improper shutdowns. These errors can impact disk performance and lead to high disk usage. By checking for and repairing disk errors, you ensure the integrity of your file system and prevent further data loss or corruption.
Run Disk Cleanup free up space Over time, your disk accumulates temporary files, system cache, and other unnecessary data. This can consume valuable disk space and contribute to high disk usage. Running Disk Cleanup removes these unnecessary files, freeing up disk space and reducing disk congestion.
Reset virtual memory Virtual memory, also known as the paging file, supplements physical RAM by using disk space as temporary memory storage. Adjusting virtual memory settings can optimize disk usage for memory management, reducing reliance on the disk and alleviating high disk usage.
Update device drivers Outdated or incompatible device drivers can cause performance issues, including high disk usage. Updating drivers ensures compatibility with the latest Windows updates and may include optimizations to improve disk efficiency.
Repair system files using SFC and DISM Corrupted system files can lead to performance issues, including high disk usage. System File Checker (SFC) and Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) are built-in Windows tools that help repair corrupted system files and maintain system integrity.
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thetoxicgamer · 9 months
NBA 2K24 fans want a key MyCAREER mechanic changed, but new game patch ignores their pleas
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NBA 2K24 has already received a number of improvements, and it has only been out for a week. Patch notes v1.2 are scheduled to launch for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S on September 14, but the publisher has already revealed their contents, which do not address the fanbase's top MyCAREER concerns. An official 2K Games representative revealed the full v1.2 patch notes for NBA 2K24 in a Reddit post. This update is exclusive to PS5 and Xbox Series X|S and will take effect later on Sept. 14. While this patch is primarily and almost exclusively meant to improve performance on current-gen consoles, that didn’t stop commenters from showing what they really want—a change to the new badge regression system in MyCAREER. In brief, with this new badge system, your MyPLAYER’s badges could regress if you’re not using them while playing. For example, if you have a catch and shoot badge and you don’t shoot a single shot in your next game, your badge will regress. This could be halted by the use of a Floor Setter, which locks a badge at a certain level, which it can’t regress beyond. Fans aren’t thrilled by the mechanic to begin with, but reports that it’s not even working properly and badge regression could occur after games in which you have used them makes the situation all the trickier. The light at the end of the tunnel was actually provided by a community-discovered glitch that allowed the same Floor Setter to be applied to a potentially infinite amount of badges. While NBA 2K24 patch notes v1.2 do not address the general badge issue, they did shut down the Floor Setter glitch, so now players don’t have any way left to get around badge regression. The only hope now lies in the promised major patch that’s supposed to release sometime before season two, so within the next two to three weeks. We wouldn’t hold our breath, though. In addition to fixing the Floor Setter glitch, patch notes v1.2 mostly deal with bugs, performance and stability issues, and the occasional adjustment to in-game modes, like switching down the difficulty on some MyTEAM challenges. Here are the full NBA 2K24 v1.2 patch notes Gameplay - Fixed an issue that was causing physics to break when using controllable rim hangs in certain situations. The City - Numerous fixes to game stability in the City have been made. - Resolved a user-reported stutter when playing games on the RISE affiliation courts. - You can now properly join a friend in the Gatorade Rental Courts when using the Social Menu. MyCareer/Quests/Progression - Adjusted the Minimizer quest so it is easier for all player types to complete. - Fixed a rare issue that could cause a hang when loading into a MyCAREER save. - Addressed an issue that could prevent advancement to the second NBA season. - Resolved a hang when heading to the arena floor before NBA games. - Michael Jordan can no longer be passed on the GOAT tier list before winning your seventh championship. - Users can no longer apply the same Floor Setter to more than one badge. MyTeam - Resolved user-reported issues with games played after playing Triple Threat Online: Co-Op games. - Lowered the difficulty of Triple Threat Online: Co-Op games against the CPU to Pro. - Added the ability to select a lineup before entering Triple Threat Online: Co-Op. MyNBA - Resolved a hang that could occur in the Trade Finder menu when exiting and re-entering under certain conditions. - Fixed an issue that could cause the Warriors to get rebranded incorrectly going into future seasons in MyNBA. - Badge regression is what it is, but it shouldn’t completely demoralize you. There’s plenty that can be done to create the ultimate MyCAREER build, like having the smoothest jumpshot in NBA 2K24 or being able to dunk over the entire enemy team. You could also check out our tailor-made MyPLAYER center build if dominating the post is more to your liking. Who needs badges when you have 99 strength? Read the full article
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redphienix · 1 year
I hate the modern idea that even fun bugs must be ironed out in post-launch patches for video games.
It's usually some dev team you know sneers at their audience, like Nintendo with this latest zelda update removing item duplication, and I'm tired of it.
Thanks for seeing something that negatively impacted 0% of your player base and positively impacted like 10% of your player base and deciding "FUCK YOU, PLAY THE WAY I DEMAND IT BE PLAYED!!!!" you immature brat of a company?
I didn't even use the glitch but I thought it was neat for people to have the option- a purely positive bug with no downsides, and nintendo did what it always does, played the role of the spoiled rotten brat and spit on the fun people were having.
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techarena · 1 year
How To Fix Call of Duty Warzone Error 262146
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Call of Duty Warzone, a popular game that was launched many months ago, has been reported to have several errors, one of which is the 262146 error. This article will discuss what the error is, what causes it, and what you can do to fix it. The 262146 error is mainly caused by a system glitch and not by a server outage or maintenance, which makes it easier to fix. This error can occur on a PC, PS4, or Xbox One, and there is no specific pattern as to why it pops up.
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How To Fix Call of Duty Warzone Error 262146
The following are the most common causes of the Call of Duty Warzone Error 262146: Random PC or console bug This error can occur on well-maintained consoles or PCs, as it is a problem that can develop from time to time. Local home network issue Glitches in a home network can cause the Warzone error to appear, including slow connection issues, connection drops, and NAT problems. Game coding glitch Corrupted game data can cause some Warzone errors, including the 262146 error. Software issue The software environment of your PC or console may lead to Warzone errors like the 262146 error. You must install the necessary updates for applications and software as soon as they become available to fix or minimize bugs. Fixing the Warzone error 262146 is relatively easy, and troubleshooting steps are centered on making solutions on your PC or console. The following are the possible fixes that you can try: Double-check the server status Before you perform PC or console troubleshooting, make sure to check for any ongoing issues with the Call of Duty Warzone servers. You can do that by checking the official Activision website or monitoring Activision’s tweets for updates regarding issues. Log out and log back in The first simple solution that many gamers found effective in dealing with Warzone error 262146 is to log out and log back into your account. Reboot the PC or console If logging out and back in did not help, your next move is to refresh your computer, PS4, or Xbox One. Make sure to let your PC remain off for a few seconds before turning it back on. Troubleshoot your home network Check if your home network has any slow connection problems or if the wireless network (if you use wifi) keeps cutting out. Reboot the router In many cases, a simple network troubleshooting trick can fix this error: reboot the modem or router. Delete saved game data If none of the solutions above have helped so far, consider deleting your COD Modern Warfare / Warzone game data. Keep in mind that doing this step will permanently delete your game progress in the campaign, so be sure to back up your game data ahead of time. In conclusion Warzone error 262146 can occur randomly and without warning. However, with the possible fixes mentioned above, you can solve the problem and enjoy playing the game without any issues. Also read: Warzone 2 Lost Connection To Host/Server Error Read the full article
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digitalinfobytes · 1 year
What You Need to Know When Creating an App for Your Business
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With the rise of mobile devices and the ease with which people can access information on their phones, it’s no surprise that there has been a massive increase in businesses creating apps to help them connect with customers.
You should have a clear understanding of who you are targeting with your app and how best you can resonate with them. This will help you create an app that will be successful in catering to their needs.
If you have an idea for an app, it’s important to consider some factors before making any decisions about how it will look or what features it will have. In this article, we will discuss these factors as well as some common pitfalls that happen when creating an app for your business.
Know Your Audience
It is important to know who your audience is. What do they want? What do they need? What do they expect? How do they think, behave, and interact with technology in general and your app in particular? What kind of content does this audience prefer to consume? What kind of features would help them get the most out of your product or service?
Know What Makes a Good App
When creating an app for your business, you want to make sure that it’s easy to use and has all the features that users will need. A good app is one that people can easily navigate and learn how to use quickly. If they have trouble figuring out how the app works, they will likely delete it and move on to something else.
Users should also be able to complete their tasks on time so they don’t get frustrated with your product or service. You don’t want them to leave angry!
Also Read: The 7 Best Web Frameworks For Building Web Apps
Keep Things Simple and User-friendly
With the number of apps available today, you don’t want to be another app that doesn’t deliver. The best way to stand out from the crowd is by creating something simple and easy-to-use. It doesn’t take much effort to create an app that works great for your customers and keeps them coming back for more.
Be Consistent
Consistency is a critical part of creating an app for business that users will want to use. You should always try to be consistent in your design, branding, content creation, and user experience. Consistency in the user interface is also important because it gives users a clear understanding of how your app works.
If you are going to have different parts of an application or website have their look and feel, then you need to make sure that those parts all remain within common guidelines for colour palettes, typography, etc., so that users don’t get confused about where they are or what they’re seeing.
Document Everything and Have a Plan
Documenting the process of building an app for your business is crucial. You will have to keep track of what you did, how you did it, and why. You should document all the tasks that need to be done to build a successful app. This will help you keep track of your progress and ensure that you don’t miss anything important along the way.
Documenting the testing phase is also important since this step allows you to test how well your application works on different devices and platforms before launching it publicly for people who do not have access to beta versions yet (such as Android phones).
Thus, if there are any bugs or glitches involved with running an app on different devices through various operating systems, they can be resolved beforehand, so that users don’t encounter them once they start using them later on.
Focus on the Details, But Don’t Overthink It
The best way to ensure that you’re not overthinking your app is to focus on the details. The most important thing to remember is that the little things don’t matter as much as they seem.
You don’t need to worry about things like colour scheme or font size when it comes down to it, because what matters is how well your app functions and if you have an easy-to-use product, people will forgive its shortcomings in style.
So don’t get caught up in the small stuff! When working on your next business app, keep these words of wisdom at heart: “Focus on the details but don’t overthink them!”
Also Read: Mistakes In App Development That Will Kill Your Chances of Winning
Before You Design an App, You Need to Know the Needs of Your Audience.
Before you design an app, it is essential to know the needs of your target audience. By understanding what your audience wants from you, it will be easier to create an app for your business that meets those expectations. Here are some questions that will help you understand your audience better:
What do they want from me?
How can I best serve them?
Can I meet their needs more conveniently?
Are there any competitors who are offering something similar?
To get this information, it would be helpful if you conducted market research surveys to ask specific questions related to these topics.
If you’re ready to make a mobile app for your business, these tips can help you get started. If you have questions or need more information, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! We have many years of experience in developing mobile apps and we can help guide you through this process with ease.
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buspolaris · 2 years
Dragon ball z extreme butoden
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In my time playing, I saw no problems in animation, nor did I see any significant bugs or glitches in the way the game operated.Īt the end of the day, Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden is an absolute must play for fans of the franchise and for fighting game fans. Characters look great, and battles look and run smoothly even when the 3D of the system is turned on, which is a true testament to how the company handles fighting games. It’s surprising what Arc System Works has managed to squeeze out of the 3Ds, as far as looks go. Spanning across the entire story of the Dragon Ball franchise, the game mode puts you into the shoes of the specific characters and lets you play out the television show as you go. In my time with the game, I had a brief chance to check out a mission in “Z-Story,” and for fans of the series, this will be the game mode to play. Streetpass capabilities will keep the game fresh as time goes on, and Z-Story is a must play for any hardcore fan. While this is a fighting game at heart, DBZ purists will have a lot to sink their teeth into without having to do any competitive fighting.
Quest Mode – Create, view and trade Guild Cards via StreetPass.
Versus Mode – Battle another player via local wireless connection.
Battle Mode – Select a character and battle against CPU opponents.
Extreme World Tournament – Become the World Tournament Champion in this extremely challenging mode.
Adventure Mode – Take on missions across eight regions where you can find gear and companions.
Z-Story – Play the game as one of your favorite Dragon Ball Z characters.
Included in the game alongside the standard Versus mode are the following: As far as fighting games go, it isn’t extremely innovative, but it does go a long way to help with the tiny layout you’re given on a handheld platform.įor those who might not be interested in the competitive side of the game, Arc System has you covered. Pressing the Y button five times and pushing the D-pad left, for example, will launch your opponent up into the air, allowing you to string together some other attacks. Instead, the game seems to borrow from some hack and slash games, and has you initiate and string combos together by pressing the face buttons. Since this is a handheld game, Arc System Works has strayed away from the conventional methods of “quarter circle forward” or other intricate d-pad movements. Extreme Butoden is no different, but the way you do it most certainly is. Over 100 characters will be playable in this game, with some of them even coming from the brand new movie Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F.’ Switching in between fighters is as easy as touching the 3DS screen, and with the addition of 3 v 3 fights, you can now call in players for assist combos.Īs you might know, most fighting games rely heavily on catching your opponent in a series of combos.
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To make sure all fans are pleased, Arc System Works has packed the game to the brim. Capcom series.īefore starting a fight, players select three fighters to form a team. However, instead of going with the conventional norms of fighting games, Arc System Works is trying to spice things up.įor the upcoming Extreme Butoden, the studio has opted to shift away from 1 on 1 fights and instead incorporate 3 v 3 battles, much like the Marvel vs. Now, the franchise aims to take its talents to the handheld market with the upcoming Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden. There was a long lull of semi-average games until the recently released Dragon Ball XenoVerse released to pretty fair reviews. In recent years, the Dragon Ball Z franchise has been dragged through the mud as far as video games go.
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arpitsharma01 · 2 years
Everything You Need to Know about the Crypto Launchpad Development Process
Crypto Launchpad Basics: What is a Cryptocurrency Launchpad?
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A Cryptocurrency Launchpad is a platform for launching crypto-currency tokens. Cryptocurrency tokens are created through the launchpad process and then tradable on public exchanges. There are many benefits that can be obtained from the use of cryptocurrency launchpads like increased support, cheaper fees and more effective marketing with AI assistance.
Launchpads have become increasingly popular in recent years because they can help small businesses and start-ups to launch their cryptocurrencies without spending too much time or money on development.
The development of a Crypto Launchpad is not necessary if your startup doesn’t want to raise funds in the first place but many do so they can easily generate hype by leveraging the service that is offered by the launchpad.
Cryptocurrency Launchpad Development is done by companies that want to make use of the technology in a new business proposition, like social media platforms or peer-to-peer payment apps.
Crypto Launchpad develop and Resources for Developers
Crypto Launchpad is a startup that develops and provides resources for developers. The company has been developed for years, and it has the expertise in blockchain technology. It is one of the first companies to develop an ICO listing platform in the Estonia, which makes it a pioneer in this space.
If you are a developer wanting to know more about crypto, check out Crypto Launchpad Development Services blog!
Crypto Launchpad is a blockchain project that aims to build a decentralized and open-source platform that connects people with advisors, experts and creators of the crypto world.
This platform offers developers tools to create their own ICO's or do CRYPTO LAUNCHPAD DEVELOPMENT with Nadcab Technology. It also offers developers an opportunity to collaborate and access resources in order to accelerate their projects, including an ecosystem of blockchain entrepreneurs, advisors, investors, enthusiasts.
What are the Main Components of a Crypto LaunchPad Development Process?
A development process is a systematic approach to building new products. It has three main components: design, development and testing phases.
A Crypto LaunchPad is a tool which helps to manage, share, and track the development of a product or service. It has the following components-
An editing dashboard that connects all team members in real-time and is accessible through any device.
A publishing platform that enables content submission on one page, where everyone can see what’s going on: who did what and when?
A crypto launchpad development process is a structured approach to business planning, customer validation and product delivery. It includes three main phases: design, development and testing where each phase has its own set of tasks that need to be completed.
How to Create a Crypto LaunchPad Wallet Using Your Own Blockchain
Crypto launchpad Development is a tutorial website meant to teach the basics of blockchain development.
The site offers easy to follow instructions on how to create a crypto wallet using your own blockchain. It also has step by step guides on how to create your own cryptocurrency and launch an ICO (initial coin offering).
When it comes to cryptocurrency development, there are some things that are difficult for beginners. The most common thing is finding a blockchain development tool that you can use with confidence - preferably one with no bugs or glitches. To get started, the website offers complete instructions on using the CRYPTO LAUNCHPAD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY which will act as your personal blockchain development toolkit.
Blockchain technology is a very exciting innovation that has already found its use in many different industries. It has even been speculated that blockchain could disrupt major industries such as healthcare and education significantly.
In this article, you will learn how to create a Crypto Launchpad wallet with your own blockchain using your computer or device. You can also use an online wallet if you want to speed up the process.
How Backing an ICO Using Funds from a Crypto LaunchPad Works?
An ICO is an Initial Coin Offering. It is a fundraising campaign that trades digital assets for a new cryptocurrency. While investors can buy it with the hopes of profit, they should be aware of the risks involved.
A crypto-launchpad is a development team consisting of blockchain experts, developers, marketers and business advisors who are dedicated to the success of a particular crypto project.
Crypto Launchpad work like venture capital firms - they provide funding, marketing support and also help develop the project.
An ICO must meet the criteria set by its governing body, like crypto launchpad development, and is able to hold some form of cryptocurrency as funding. In order to help developers fund their project through an ICO, Crypto LaunchPad development can be used too.
The primary benefit of using a Crypto LaunchPad Development platform like these is that they offer services similar to those in other companies such as software and marketing support in one place.
Backers invest in a crypto-launchpad by giving them enough money to cover non-financial costs as well as get a percentage of the tokens that their project launches with.
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annakie · 2 years
Mass Effect Legendary Edition Modding Post
*edit* - It’s been awhile since I made this post and there’s been a ton of great mods released, or ones that I just didn’t use that were out when I made the list.  I have slightly updated with a few additions in late 2022, but as I haven’t played LE1 in awhile, I’m probably missing out on some cool newer things.
Consider this a starting point, and go find other things you like on Nexus Mods.  This list mostly contains what I installed and used in the last quarter or so of 2021.  
It is, by the way, super annoying that all Legendary Edition mods for all three games are at one space on the Nexus.  Searching for “LE1″ will take you to most of the mods for this game, but not all.  It’s annoying to have to trawl through everything each time you want to play one of the games, but that’s the decision the Nexus admins made.
This list will start with the bigger ones which are most highly rec’d, and end with the ones that are more about personal taste.  Except for the bullet pointed sections near the end, the headline/title of the mod’s section on this post has the link.
General Advice: When installing mods, always check for compatibility patches you may need for other mods you have installed or are going to install. And be sure to check for incompatibilities -- they are usually listed on the mod’s description page.   It may be a good idea to jot down a list of the mods you intend to use FIRST, and then you can check for compatibility as you download and install.
Mod Manager
First of all, you just need ME3Tweaks Mod Manager to install the mods.  It’s pretty easy to set up, and to use.  When running mod manager for the first time, it will ask if you want to make a backup.  YOU DO WANT TO MAKE THE BACKUP.
After that, you can start installing mods.  If you have a paid account to NexusMods, you can even download mods directly from the website to the mod manager. 
Otherwise, download the mod then drag and drop the .zip file onto the mod manager.
Be sure you import the mod after downloading it, and then on the main menu Apply Mod to install it, and choose options, if available.  You need to both Import and Apply for any mod you want to use.
Also, launching the game from the Mod Manager launches you right into whichever game you’re on in the MM at the time, bypassing splash screens and the game selection screen.  Much faster.
BTW I’ve had a few people reach out for tech support for the mod manager because of this post.  This is the most tech support I’m providing.  There is an excellent Discord where they can be of actual tech help.
LE1 Community Patch
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If you don’t install any other mod, at least install this one, and install it FIRST.  Tons of bug fixes, lore fixes, etc.  Hundreds of little things and many big things and glitches are fixed.  Install, and enjoy a much more lore friendly and less buggy game.  There is nothing more important modding-wise than installig the Community Patch first and foremost.
A Lot Of Videos (ALOV) for LE1
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(Including optional Relay Jump Remaster)  Psst... Bioware did not, in fact, upscale all the cutscene videos for LE.  (I actually helped a little at the beginning of the ALOV project but had some stuff come up so I couldn’t finish helping, but I definitely saw how they were all still mostly in like 1440 or 1080.)  So the ALOV team painstakingly did all that work which Bioware should have done in the first place.  Truly upscaled 4k cutscenes, for all 3 games.  Thanks modders. 
Saren Stages
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This is so good.  It’s so, so good.  One of the things that over and over again we’ve all said is how it should have been done in the first place is now... done.  Saren starts the game looking just a little different than a “normal” Turian, but not obviously a guy with tubes and mechanics sticking out of him.  When he meets with the council, he’s wearing a robe over body so what little reaperized bits he has are covered.  He looks a little different on Virmire, before looking fully changed finally on the Citadel, where his appearance actually feels shocking.  Really well done, actually lore-friendly, makes Nihilus and the Council not look like complete morons for not asking why someone they’ve known for many years is now half machine.
Pinnacle Station DLC
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Where, once again, Bioware failed, the modders succeeded.  Made a post about this recently with screenshots.  But yes, the full DLC, some of it ported in, some of it completely remade, is now seamlessly integrated into the game.  Sure, it’s a couple of hours of inconsequential fighting with a few rewards, but if you miss it, it’s amazing that it exists at all in the LE now.
Same-Gender Romances for LE1
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You probably already know what this does.  Do you want to play MShep and romance Kaidan from LE1?  Or Femshep/Ashley?  Here ya go, fully doable with virtually no difference from the het ship.
But even if you are romancing Liara, or doing Femshep/Kaidan or MShep/Ashley, or doing no ME1 romance at all, I still highly rec this mod. 
Because of the way Bioware designed the dialog wheel, it’s really hard to know what lines exactly trigger the romances, thus accusations of being “ninjamanced” (or starting a romance with a character you didn’t want to just by being nice to a companion) were born.  This mod really helps avoid that.  Read the description and you can easily tell exactly what lines to avoid using to stop the romance from triggering.  You’ll want to make sure you do this for all of the 3 companions you don’t plan on romancing.
There was also a bug in Liara’s dialog in the base game that DIDN’T stop the romance from triggering even if you selected the right dialog.  The LE1 Community Patch fixed this, but even if you don’t install it, this mod also fixes it.
Galaxy Map Trackers
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Marks UNC missions you’ve unlocked on the Galaxy Map.  Definitely does get a bit cluttered until you start knocking out those missions, but really worth it.
Charted Worlds
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Reveals ALL of the mineral and misc. locations on all the planetary maps from the start.  No more driving around planets hoping you find everything, if you feel like you need to clear everything on every planet.  I don’t have a screenshot of a planetary map, and you know what it looks like, so take this pretty Mako screenshot instead.
Mission Timings
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“This mod delays the Council's message about Virmire until all three initial missions (Therum, Feros, and Noveria) are completed, rather than delivering the message after only two of the three are completed. It also delays Kahoku's message about Cerberus until Feros and Noveria are completed, since UNC: Cerberus features enemies introduced in both missions.“
The timeline feels more natural, and forces the Cerberus questline make more sense, imho.  Enjoy the screenshot of one of the Cerberus bunkers since it’s hard to actually have a screenshot for this mod.
No Sexual Harassment
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A few choices here to remove some of the sexism directed towards Femshep in various areas of the game, and another to remove the Consort stroking your face.  I’ve always hated the face stroking, my Shep would have definitely taken a polite step back there.  So to be able to have a calm interaction with the Consort, who I otherwise like, without the touching was great. 
I didn’t remove Harkin the sexist dialog, I personally feel like it’s part of Harkin’s personality and just more fuel to dislike him, and I like Femshep standing up for herself.   But I love that it’s an option for those who choose to install it.
LE1 Diversification Project
Brand new on N7 Day 2022 - huge overhaul of the Citadel, and significant changes to other hubs, to diversify the races and genders in the galaxy.  Moves some favorite NPCs to better locations, does some lighting fixing, lots of new outfits and hair for NPCs!  Requires Halcyon Hairpack and Advanced Weapon Models for LE1.
This is a HUGE mod and is going to make a huge impact on your game, visually.  Can’t wait for further releases of the project!
Travel & Convenience:
N7 Mako and Unlimited Sprint and Boost - The Mako is better in LE1.  These mods make planet travel much better. And also very long sprint (as long as your weapon is out) is really nice, if immersion breaking, to make it around the hubs faster.
Normandy Rapid Transit - Adds a Normandy option to Citadel Fast Travel to land you at the docking bay if you want to avoid the elevator.  I didn’t use it much, since I like the elevator in LE1 now, but it was nice to have the option.
Skip Minigames - I saw the spinny blocks minigame exactly once the whole game (on Noveria while breaking into the office near Lorik Qui’in’s office.)   Aside from that, every minigame cost 0 Omnigel to skip.  It was so, so nice.  
Equipment & Appearance:
Iconic Fashion Party - All companions stay in their Iconic armor look (N7 Onyx for Shepard, Phoenix for Ashley, Non-N7 Onyx for Kaidan, Agent for Garrus, etc.) no matter what armor you are actually wearing.  Removes options of having your entire team in Phoenix armor if that’s your thing.  But everyone has a consistent look throughout the game and nobody will ever have to sport banana colored armor just to survive.  Will still change the look from Light --> Medium --> Heavy armor when you/companions can equip heavier armor though.
Morlan’s Famous Iconic Armor Shop - Adds another store to Morlan that only sells iconic armor (see above).  Not really necessary if you just want to keep them in the look if you have Iconic Fashion Party installed, but it IS another shop where you can find better armor, especially for like, Tali, who can be really hard to find armor for if the RNG isn’t nice.  So why not install it?
Black Market License - Adds additional armors and weapons into the game which, TBH, are probably overpowered, or at least equal to Spectre gear.  The armor will override Iconic Fashion Party but the stats are great, and it’s a unique look that isn’t in the basegame naturally.  Adds a license to the Normandy Quartermaster so that he sells these items, as well.
Elements of Comparative Weaponry - Makes weapon stats more accurate and make more sense. 
There are many Hair Mods you can install and, following the instructions the mod has, using the Trilogy Save Editor, apply to your Shepard.  You’ll want to do a search for “LE1 Hair” on the Nexus to see them.  These are not texture mods, so you can install and swap them out at any time.
Companion Overhauls
Kaidan Alenko Overhaul - Gives Kaidan better textures, especially for his hair, which no longer looks like an overly-gelled mess.  I love this one, a lot.
Subtle Face for Tali - There are a few Tali face/outfit overhauls on the Nexus, showing various amounts of her face.  This is the most subtle.  You can see a face behind her visor, but it’s not super clear.  Check out the others and pick your favorite.  They’re all animated and look good, it’s definitely a preference thing.
Casual Hubs for LE1
Lets you and your companions wear your Normandy outfit on the Citadel.  The only thing is that you still have your guns on your back if you’re at a part of the game where you still might fight on the Citadel, so it’s a bit immersion breaking there.  Will have you in casuals in Port Hanshan once fighting there is done (so like if you go back after completing Peak 15.)
Also puts Garrus and Wrex in casual outfits on the Normandy, as well as the hubs.
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Dr. Heart Experiments
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Just a small non-texture mod that uses a different model on Dr. Heart’s ships for the failed experiments.  Does not un-vanilla the game.  Sorry for the dark screenshot, THEY’RE ALL DARK.  I took my photomode screenshots for color, not clarity. :)
ME3 Alliance Armor for LE1
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Puts the generic marines (and a few named ones) throughout the game in more lore-friendly armor.  A few good customization options in this one. I had my on-duty soldiers guarding the Normandy in Alliance armor instead of their casual blues as well.
Other Stuff
There is ALOT for all of the LE games, adding in even better textures where they could be better.  As always, you cannot install other mods after installing textures without going through a restore process, so decide do do texture mods carefully and only when you’re done with other modding and have tested to make sure your game is stable.
I really didn’t feel like adding in textures for this run, though, so I could easily add more mods as they came out.  Maybe next time I play, once the modding scene has slowed.
There are many non-ALOT choice texture mods, like one that gives Benezia a full outfit, complexion textures for Shepard and companions, new outfits, etc.  Can’t wait to use them, later!
And again, there’s just like, a bunch of other mods on the Nexus that I didn’t use but others will probably like!  Just because I chose not to use something doesn’t mean it isn’t awesome.
Anyway, once again, thanks to the modders for making incredible contributions to fix the bugs, tweak the game to taste, and restore entire cut content.  If you’re on PC, I highly suggest giving modifying your game via mods a try.  The mods are mostly built around using ME3Tweaks / Mass Effect Modder, which were written from the ground up to be as stable and friendly as possible, so it’s pretty easy to keep a stable game if you follow directions.
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