#and 2. you actually will show up to rehearsals and performances
music-class-quotes · 11 months
cellist: how do we know if we've made pit? band director: have you been told that you didn't? cellist: no band director: then congrats you made it in
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talkorsomething · 2 months
Too [insert adjective here] for guard ...................
Well, it's only half related.
We "hit a pothole", "had a slipup", whatever you want to call it — sunday. Aka: for the sake of my sanity we are not labeling it a relapse but good god does it feel as though I have invited the demons back in.
I know why, but I don't really know why. Because, I mean... I never have, to begin with. So: when I decided i was doing it sunday, i accepted it. "Let it happen", as someone would probably say to me. It's not...
I've been thinking about it for a while now. It's like anything - it comes and goes, a few times a year, and no matter what, I always ignore it.
Except, maybe there's something I'm not paying attention to? Or, ignoring, is the better word for it?
Of course it would be the one thing I have happening in my life.
November, I was burnt out for unrelated reasons. It was a lot to take in. That made sense. Now? ... why now?
There's not really any pressure on me. Yes, I have to do things, yes, it will be noticed if they're bad, but ...... it's not important. We don't spend time on it. I'm coming back next year, but it might be at the cost of ... all of this. I think it's progress. I haven't touched my guitar in any serious capacity in over a year. I think it's progress.
I don't take compliments well. I can't tell if that's why I don't get them, but I'm not being corrected much either. Only when I drift too far from what the work is supposed to be, only after weeks of it going, I can only assume, unnoticed. I keep getting stuck.
...push it back down.
Telling me I'm doing good isn't telling me what I know I have to be getting wrong. I could take it, at the cost of... all of this. I'm anticipating, and I know it can come. This is not where I was when I started.
It's been said, I haven't been told, that not starting it means you're more of a burden, by making the other person have to do it first. I know that. I do. And still it doesn't help. I'm not drowning. It wasn't an accident, but it wasn't planned, either. I don't know you.
I don't know you.
I'm not a good person. I'm not a nice person. Every week I tell myself this is really it, and every week I come back, and ... what? Forget I ever said anything? Forget we're not friends?
Well, we're not, huh? Nobody is, with me. What you see I swear you misunderstand. You don't ask. If you do, well, I can't answer. We're at an impasse.
It's not even my fault we didn't make it. I shouldn't feel like this over nothing. I don't do anything. You will, correctly, not let me do anything, because potential doesn't matter if you can't back it up. If you won't back it up. I let things happen to me.
I don't even feel better. And, actually, ironically, i think i know what would let me feel better. If I can't be upset with anyone else, at least I can be with myself.
... but, well, not even that. Your heart in my hands, but I mean it diegetically. And metaphorically. I hate putting myself out there, I hate having to actually perform, and yet every time, no matter what, I do it. I'm fine. I only cared at the start, and even then not very.
I don't feel anything. Not a lot, anyways. I don't let it happen. I can't. I don't know what it'll mean if I start being honest with myself.
I've pulled myself out of this before. A few times, now. Different circumstances, but I've done it all the same. Seasonal depression notwithstanding.
I'm only here because I did things I was scared to. And still, I'm the same. No progress made. The only way out is to do it again but I feel like I can't. I can't.
Will someone just let me say that?
Will someone just fucking help for once?
#sh tw#(implied - i know i didnt actually say it in the post but yes i did c** myself sunday)#100% секретный дневник левы НЕ ЧИТАЙ#im cursed with being a bit too self aware so#i think its compounded by my nepotism hire ... not letting me do my nepotism hire things#(for legal reasons i cannot say)#and then to add to that not letting me do anything I probably COULD actually do given slightly more instruction (at guard)#its just ... im a very angry person actually . except right now thats because im not EATING RIGHT EITHER#BECAUSE ALL OF MY PROBLEMS ARE COMBINING INTO ONE BIG INTERCONNECTED PROBLEM#back to my point.#guard instructors decided that for my first year i will not do anything cool because i'm not able to learn in about 2 seconds flat#[read: get very upset very quickly when i get things wrong and then . cant do them because im trying not to have a breakdown over]#[something REALLY STUPID like NOT BEING ABLE TO DO A SIMPLE TURN WHILE MOVING WITH THE FLAG]#so like okay. i get it okay. i'm not good at this. could you at least TELL ME i suck so i can feel justified about feeling bad about it.#could you just fucking tell me this isn't a guard where you can show up with no experience. could you do me a real solid and tell me that.#i dont know maybe the real sign it wasnt for me was when i was seriously considering not turning up for the second 'audition'#really i just hate how much he yells at us. not even at ME because i do so little there is no room to fuck it up. just at everyone else .#it doesn't motivate me to come back but i NEED 'friends' so bad and i love performing so now i just get anxious enough that i cant eat ..#.. before going to rehearsal. which is stupid. because i've done it a million times before.#......#i'm just.... everyone says he isn't actually that bad. & he used to be worse. so it really is just me.#it's just me being oversensitive. because i've never had any REAL experience in ... just about anything#so; yes. it IS on me how I feel and obviously how I react. and I keep pushing it down because it's stupid; really; to still feel this way.#anyways. our last weekend without a competition is this very weekend#so you'll never guess who's having a REALLY FUCKING HARD TIME trying to practice#i'm like this close to going to bed early and without having done the dance warmup for the third day in a row.#лёва there is no TIME why are you STILL NOT PRACTICING for the love of god get it together#(oh also when i say 'friends' in quotes it is because i desparately want to believe we're friends but they dont even talk to me really)#(and because im not even IN most of the show theres not much to bond over. literally like i have everything down Decent enough (apparently)#so theres not even any 'i will help u with this toss' team bonding. no shared moment of we are all out of breath because i DONT DO ANYTHING
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theemporium · 11 months
hey cece!! wondering if you could write jealous poly!marauders(i just watched hsm2 and i watched the everyday mv again so this is heavily influenced) where they go to watch readers play where she’s a main character and she’s got a male co-star and they’ve got a big musical number together and you can pretty much take it from there
god i love hsm 2, it is the best one and i will die on that hill!🤠 thank you for requesting!🖤
They wanted to be supportive boyfriends. 
They really, really did.
But it was difficult to do so when you were prancing around the stage in an outfit that made you look drop dead gorgeous with your male co-star following behind your every step. 
It was a part of the show. They knew that. Hell, they had even helped you with some of the lines when you were practising outside of rehearsals so they were more than aware that there was romance involved in the play, let alone a few duet musical numbers you would be performing with your love interest in the play. 
But those scenes seemed totally different when they realised they weren’t just silly scenes you would read with them, but actual scenes you would be performing with another man—another man you were pretending to be head over heels, totally in love with.
All three of them had been practically pouting and seething in their seats as they watched the play, pretending like they weren’t glaring at your male co-star for a majority of the show. And they tried to act like they were fine, like they weren’t absolutely and undoubtedly jealous of what they had just witnessed. 
“His hands did not need to be that low on her,” Sirius grumbled as they waited outside in the corridor for you. 
“Shut up,” James snapped at him. “I’m trying to forget.” 
“Pretty hard to forget when the whole bloody scene was—” 
However, a sharp jab to his ribs from Remus quickly drew both boys’ attention to you as you barrelled through the double doors, dropping your bag on the floor as you practically launched yourselves at your boyfriends. 
“You came!” you laughed happily as James caught you, squeezing you a little tighter than usual but you didn’t seem to question it.
“We wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Remus smiled softly at you as he handed you the bouquet of flowers, a smaller version of the multiple bouquets they had decorated your room with.
“You were fucking brilliant up there, love,” Sirius grinned at you as he pulled you towards him, pressing a sloppy kiss on your cheek. “Best bloody one up there.” 
“Oh please,” you laughed him off, ignoring the way your cheeks heated at the compliment. “The whole cast were amazing—” 
But you paused when you noticed James scoffing and rolling his eyes. You paused, your eyes narrowing at the boy who quickly realised you caught him and tried to flash you an innocent smile. But that only confirmed that he was hiding something. 
“James,” you said in a warning voice. 
“Yes, baby?” he answered, ignoring the looks Sirius and Remus were sending him.
“What are you not telling me?” you asked him. 
But the boy stayed silent. 
“Jamie,” you took a step towards him, your hands on his chest as you looked up at him with a pout and you knew you had him where you wanted him.
“Prongs,” Remus grumbled in a warning voice.
But you were looking up at him with wide eyes and his self-control was practically non-existent with you.
“His hands were all over you!” James eventually blurted out. 
“One job,” Sirius grumbled behind you.
Your brows furrowed together. “What?” 
“His hands were all over you!” James repeated with a slightly whiny sigh. “Only we should be able to touch you like that.” 
Realisation dawned on you and you couldn’t help but snort as you glanced at all three of your boys. “You’re all jealous.” 
“No, we aren’t—” 
“Yeah, we are.” 
Both boys glared at James.
“Awww, my boys,” you cooed with a smile before patting James’ chest. “Don’t worry, you’re the only boys for me. Three is more than enough, I don’t need four. Now, c’mon, you big babies. Let’s go home.”
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apomaro-mellow · 4 months
Hot for Teacher(s) 3
Part 2 / AO3 Link
After school practices for the Thanksgiving performance was only for the students who wanted to put a little more time into it. Apparently a bulk of the rehearsal happened during their music class and that made sense. Still, Steve was glad to put a face to some of the kids his son mentioned. The first night there had been a girl who's lip trembled at the slightest upset and Steve knew that had to be Yasmin.
"She's a crybaby who cries over everything", Shawn had said one time.
"Hm, need I remind you of all the times you've cried? Why I remember just last week-"
"We don't need to talk about that", Shawn said, properly chastised.
Even so, Steve could see how it could get a little frustrating to be in a class with someone as sensitive as that. And yet, Mr. Munson never let on that he was frustrated or anything like that. Every time the tears came, he talked her down. Which was quite the feat since he had probably been doing it for eight hours at this point.
"You're really good with the kids", Steve complimented when Mr. Munson took a seat near them to rest.
Third grade was working on their performance piece on the stage now while the smaller kids got a break. Mr. Munson smiled a bit as he scratched at his head.
"Yeah, well, patience is key, as I'm sure you know. Actually, how old are the kids you teach?", he asked.
"Middle school", Steve answered, laughing a little when he saw the other teacher's eyes get wide in fear.
"Braver than any marine, I swear. I will take spilt milk tears over the raging hormones going on over there."
Steve's brain decided to highlight the word 'hormones' which made him delayed in his response. He cleared his throat to try and cover it up. "It's not as bad as all that. I've got the babies of middle school, the sixth graders, but don't tell them I said that. And I'm lucky I've got a group there that's absolutely obsessed with science."
He met Mr. Munson's eyes and was met with a million watt smile. One that he knew was on his own face too.
"That's the best feeling, ain't it? When they wanna soak up as much as you can give?"
"The best", Steve agreed. It wasn't always candy and roses but it was all worth it for those days when everything just clicked. "Speaking of passions, did you get that approval for your ideas for the show?"
"They said I could play guitar, but they vetoed my pyrotechnics idea."
That night, Mr. Munson walked him and Shawn back to their car. And as such, became a routine for two days out of the week. Through it all, Steve commended himself for only drooling a little over him and only when he was alone.
At home, one Saturday, Shawn was humming his class' song while Steve made them lunch. He looked to the calendar and realized the show would be that coming Monday. Well, he knew that but it hit him that in less than a week, Thanksgiving break would start and then there wouldn't be much of a reason for him to see Mr. Munson anymore.
Just as the thought came to him, he looked at the school events calendar he had put in his phone and saw that there would be a Winter Dance but that it was for 4th and 5th grade only. He held back a sigh. Oh well, maybe if he got particularly antsy, he could schedule a confere-no, nononono.
He wasn't going to waste a teacher's time over nothing. Just because, what? He wanted to see him?
He said as much when he talked to Robin the next day. They were sitting in his living room, Shawn was up in his room, reading on this lazy Sunday.
"So, you're just going to avoid him?"
"It's not avoiding. I'm just not going to go out of my way to seek him out", Steve clarified. "And maybe this little crush", he whispered the word 'crush' like tiny ears were listening, "will die down."
"Mhm", Robin nodded, unconvinced. "You know they say absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?"
Steve leaned back against the couch. "There's at least one absence I'm not missing."
"...Don't tell me this is all because of him?"
"It's not because of him but...", Steve's eyes traveled to where Shawn's baby book sat on a bookshelf. Inside were the only pictures of Shawn's sire. And honestly, Steve wouldn't even have those if it were up to him. But he wanted to leave the door open just for when Shawn got older and could decide how much he wanted that man in his life.
"I don't think Mr. Munson is anything like him. Of course I don't. But I can't make a mistake like that again. If Shawn got hurt, I could never forgive myself."
Robin gave him a pat on the leg. "If you really think it's for the best."
It was. Steve knew that what was on the surface could be hiding something ugly underneath. He wasn't going to expose him or his pup to anything like that again. Mr. Munson was nice but these feelings weren't deep enough to swim in. Steve was barely getting his toes wet. He would stay high and dry and then Shawn would go on to second grade and then he would only see Mr. Munson in passing, if that.
Steve had all these affirmations in mind as he settled in to see Shawn's performance Monday. Planning ahead, Steve had told his school a couple weeks ago that he had a doctor appointment and wouldn't be coming in until later. Just long enough to pop in and see Shawn sing. As he had planned and rehearsed, Mr. Munson sat on a stool to one side of the stage, acoustic guitar in his lap.
It was all the school would allow and seeing as the kids' singing voices weren't super strong, it was for the best. Steve recorded the act, phone focused on Shawn while every once in a while, his eyes drifted to Mr. Munson.
After the song, Steve waved to Shawn, who waved back. He had told him ahead of time that he'd have to go back to work after seeing him, so that his son wouldn't be disappointed. When they saw each other at home later, Shawn's adrenaline from the day hadn't waned.
"So a lot of the other kids' parents took them home, so Mr. Munson let some of us play with his guitar!"
"Did he now?", Steve smiled.
"Uh-huh. He even taught us how to play. Do you think he teaches guitar?"
"Would you like some lessons?", Steve asked.
"Only if Mr. Munson is teaching it. He makes everything so cool."
Steve watched as Shawn ran ahead to go into the corn maze. Most of the corn was gone, so he wasn't worried about him getting lost as Robin went to get them hot ciders. Shawn scurried through the maze when he found someone familiar.
Robin had come back with two ciders that she and Steve sipped on while Shawn made his way through the maze.
"Dad! Look who's here!"
Steve looked up, expecting to see one of his little friends. Not Mr. Munson.
Not Mr. Munson in ripped jeans and a leather jacket.
Not Mr. Munson in ripped jeans and a leather jacket with chunky rings and his hair let loose, spilling over his shoulders.
"Dad look! It's Mr. Munson! Dad?"
"Mr. Munson! What a surprise!", Robin came in for the save while Steve was speechless. She gave him a subtle nudge that really wasn't all that subtle but that was okay because Mr. Munson was having his own crisis.
Because here was Mr. Harrington, enjoying a harvest festival, shoulder to shoulder with a beautiful alpha woman.
"H-hey, didn't expect to run into you here", Mr. Munson stuttered.
"Me neither", Steve said, voice a little breathless. He cleared it and remembered himself. "This is Robin, she's my neighbor. Robin, this is Shawn's teacher."
"Heard so much about you", Robin grinned.
Steve wanted to kick her in the shin.
"Hey, Shawn, how's about we go and pick out a pumpkin or something?", Robin suggested, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the other two, leaving them alone.
Mr. Munson looked like a deer caught in headlights and Steve couldn't blame him.
"Jesus, she couldn't be anymore obvious."
"Did you want to talk to me about something, Mr. Harrington?"
"No, I didn't. But, I think...I think we should have this conversation anyway." Steve ran a hand through his hair.
They went to a little sitting area the farm had set up near the food booths so that they could talk. Eddie's mind ran a mile a minute, thinking of what this could be about. Both good and bad. He'd gotten a hot chocolate both to keep his hands warm and to give him something to do with said hands. Hands that Mr. Harrington was staring at right now.
"I um", he shook his head and pushed a lock of hair behind his ear. "I just wanted to-god this is hard."
"Well, let's make it easier", Eddie said. "Is it about Shawn? Is he having problems in school?"
"No, it's not about that. It's about us-I mean, there is no us but I-goddammit", Steve hissed, cheeks getting red in embarrassment. He let out a breath. "Mr. Munson, I'm having..." don't say feelings don't say feelings don't say feelings "-sensations, that aren't entirely professional. About you."
"And I know nothing can come of it, but I just want you to know that, to know that I'm aware of them and if I ever come on, I guess too strong, please just let me know."
"Um, for how long?", Eddie asked, hoping he wasn't vibrating in his seat because it sure did feel that way.
"Uhh, pretty much since I first met you", Mr. Harrington admitted. "And I don't know if it's because you've been looking after me and Shawn when we walk back to the car, or if it's something else but you just smell...you feel safe. And it's hard for me not too....", he trailed off, voice getting soft.
He didn't know how much that meant to Eddie. His first year of teaching, Eddie had gone on scent blockers, not wanting to overwhelm the little noses in his room. But one day he'd forgotten and things just seemed to run more smoothly when they could get a whiff of him. For Mr. Harrington to say his scent made him feel safe...
"It hasn't exactly been easy for me either", Eddie finally said. "Me too, since that first day I... But you already said nothing can come from it."
There was a hesitant look in Mr. Harrington's eyes. "Well, you know, why not?"
"Why...not?", Eddie echoed.
"I have my personal reasons for not pursuing this, but they mostly involve Shawn. If he doesn't know about it, I mean if we can hide it from most people, you won't get in trouble with the school. And we won't, you know get Shawn's hopes up if it doesn't become serious."
"Why, Mr. Harrington, are you propositioning me?" Honestly, Eddie didn't give a flying fuck what this principal thought about his private life. At the end of the day, it really was just Shawn he was worried about. He didn't know what happened to the other half of his DNA, but he knew that kids with only one parent sometimes longed for a second. He couldn't make Shawn think that was him unless this was the real deal. And he wouldn't know that for sure if he didn't give this a try.
"For starters, when we're not on school grounds, you can call me Steve."
"Eddie, would you like to go out with me sometime?"
Steve's face was a mix of hopeful and confident that Eddie wouldn't be forgetting anytime soon. "I'd love to."
Part 4
There is absolutely some angst with Steve's baby daddy comin down the line. I came up with it where I come up with all my best ideas, half asleep when I wake up in the morning.
Tag Team
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @aol19 @lololol-1234 @hippieg1rl420 @gregre369 @attic-cat-blog
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jhypeach · 1 year
After Midnight [2:00 am]
pairing: mark lee x fem reader warnings: clit play, shower sex, smut smut word count: 1k+ an: the aftermath of mark lee appearing on the live just wearing a robe and the members saw his underwear. i feel ill 😵‍💫
It was almost midnight, and Mark hadn't returned to your hotel room yet. He asked me to accompany him from their America leg until today's one-day concert show in Singapore. There is little to do when I go over the world with him and the members. We can only be our usual selves sometimes when fans aren't around since our relationship isn't publicly announced. So, I spent 80% of my stay in every country in the hotel room, and the remaining 20% was in their makeup room, talking and getting nervous with the members.
Since it's almost 12 and Mark isn't here yet, I decided to take a bath already and prepare for bed. However, it was a real struggle for me with an injured hand. I accidentally sprained my wrist earlier, moving the suitcase around. Mark wasn't there to help me since they immediately started their stage rehearsal a few hours after we landed. But the moment he knew bout my sprained wrist, he kept asking about my condition, and I didn't want to concern him when I was totally fine and he was about to perform. So instead of being backstage which I usually do at every concert, I insist that I just stay in our room.
I was putting shampoo on my hair and getting annoyed that I couldn't properly wash myself. Few minutes of irritation, I heard faint steps outside the bathroom. "Babe? Y/n" I heard Mark looking for me. "In the bathroom, I replied." I didn't hear any response after. I contemplated if I should ask him for help. He's probably already sleeping since he was tired from the whole concert. I sneaked out of the bathroom to check if he was asleep already. I saw him sitting on the couch, waiting for me. "Why are your clothes soaking wet?" he asked. I scratched the back of my head, "I need help. I can't wash my hair properly."
He followed me inside the bathroom, "Babe, I think you need to take your shirt off," he said as he stood near the sink, "No, It's fine. I-I just asked you to help me with my hair so-", I was cut off when he walked closer to me leaned forward towards my ears "Is it because you're thinking of something else?" he asked. I was taken aback; I had swallowed my saliva when I felt his breath lick my neck and jaw. "How about we wash up together, then I'll clean you after?" He suggested pushing me inside the shower room, "No! I-I just… I just need to help wash-ing my *gulp* hair," I stuttered at how close he was. I don't know why I am getting nervous. Sex isn't something new to us. But having sex overseas is.
"Oh really? But look at that" he looked at the shower niche with a messy shampoo and body wash bottle. I sighed, clearly defeated and can't get my way out. He held my injured wrist; it made me look at him. Great! He's already half-naked in front of me. "Don't worry, I'll be careful," he said softly, massaging my wrist.
My back faces him as he rubs my shoulder blades with loofa. I flinched when I felt him rubbing near my breast. I could actually feel myself drip down there. "Is this making you excited?" he teased me. And I hate it whenever he does. "Perhaps you like to do it in the shower," that's it. I do not plan on getting laid in Singapore tonight, and he better behave. "Okay, get it out. We will never finish if we do this," I said and faced him. I tried to push him out, but he held my injured wrist and pinned it on the wall, "I said I'll help you. So, you're not gonna push me until your wrist heals" I felt his hands in my entrance, drawing circles. "So let me help you down here too."
He played with my clit, pinching, circling his fingers around it, teasing my entrance. I moved my hips in an attempt to grind it. This was driving me crazy. With my injured hand pinned and my free hand holding his nape for support. "How does it feel," he asked me. The bubbles from the body wash all over my body aren't helping as it tickles me, and my whole body is so sensitive, with Mark teasing my entrance. A whimper, "Fughck!" was just all I said. He removed his hand from my entrance, yanked my left leg on his arm, and swiftly held my hips. He entered me with a warning.
Keeping myself in balance is a real struggle standing on one foot and with my arm pinned on the wall. Plus, Mark is thrusting so rough and fast in me. Showers dripping, wet squelching, moans, and whimpers were the music for our night. "Ah! Ah!" I bit my lower lip to suppress some moans and clenched around his shaft while Mark nibbled my jaw down to my neck and collarbone. "Im close," I said as he licked my collarbone to my neck, "Not yet," he said and turned me, pining my chest on the wall. He pulled my waist closer and higher, making me arch my back. He entered me again without warning. "fuck!" he cussed, "fucking tight ever."
We ended up having more than 3 rounds inside the shower and about 2 in the sink when he finally freed me. I was already brushing my hair when I heard knocks on our hotel room door. I peeked out the peephole and saw the 5 boys, I opened the door for them, and they immediately filled our room with noise.
“Noona, where’s Mark hyung?” Jisung asked me, "Oh, in the shower," I replied. Haechan immediately banged the bathroom door, "Hyung, hurry up, we have to do live." "Is your wrist fine now?" Renjun asked me while others lay on our bed while they waited for Mark, "Yeah, the swelling has subsided already." A few seconds after, Mark came out of the bathroom just wearing a robe, "Let's go," he said and sat beside Renjun. "At least wear something?" I told him, "I'm wearing briefs inside. Don't worry". The members looked at him, and some nagged while Haechan and Jeno laughed. "Let him be. I'll start the live now. Just don't stand up, hyung, because we can see your purple underwear. And cover your neck properly. We can see scratches."
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ravixen · 29 days
hi! hope you had a good day today! i was hoping if you could do the other svt members for the “idol!reader falling on stage” reactions you did previously. thank you sm!
svt + idol!s/o falling on stage (pt 2)
➔ reaction || idol!au
➔ warnings: none || 0.6k words ➔ notes: fluff ; hiya! thanks for being patient - I know that this has been in my inbox since early february. you didn't specify any members and I only do 3-5 per post for the longer ones, so I chose some myself for this continuation. hope you like it!
SEUNGCHEOL: ooh, someone's getting fired. he's next to your manager, both of them with their phones up to record your stage through the screen. it's only the first run through of the morning, but you put all of your energy into marking your moves; your stage expressions are perfect, and he swears you eat up the camera every time you perform. but one second, you're in frame, and the next second, you're gone. the music continues without your voice, and he drops his phone, confused, until the camera zooms out and he sees one of your group mates helping you to your feet. your arm is slung around their shoulder as you hop up, clearly favoring one leg. the manager moves first, but he moves faster, shoving his phone into their hands and weaving through staff members to get to you. "I got it from here," he grunts, shifting you into his arms and supporting you with an arm braced behind your back, the other making way. your member steps away without complaint, going instead to fetch the nearest medical personnel. he hopes that it doesn't need more than ice, but the way you're wincing is worrying. the broadcasting better hope that this wasn't negligence on their part...
SEOKMIN: he was a little nervous about having a schedule with you, but you wouldn't be the only two guests and the program promised ahead of time to play nice. still, he knew the industry and was prepared for them to make digs at your public relationship. a teasing comment here and there, if not outright insinuations. but he's actually pleasantly surprised at how the cast are letting you all have fun, and towards the end, the show completely devolves into hysterical chaos as he shows them his iconic sogo dance and pulls them into a conga line around the studio. the lights are turned down low, and someone pulls out a disco ball. he passes the sogo to the next person and joins the end of the line. eventually, it gets to you, and you decide to be a little extra. which is fine until your foot catches on something and you land hard on your hand and knees. he inhales sharply, moving to help you up, but you roll onto the floor laughing, hands covering your face in embarrassment. so he does the most logical thing: like in the gose episode of the 12 shadows, he pretends to trip over the same thing and mimics your position on the ground, the cast quickly following suit.
SEUNGKWAN: he told you that you shouldn't do the stunt. he told everyone that you shouldn't do the stunt, but hearing so only made you more insistent on doing it. "I'll be fine," you told him every day leading up to the performance. "I nail it every practice." and you do; he saw your final rehearsal, and even in his nail-biting worry, he had to admit that your fans would love the dance break addition to your latest song. he wishes that he could see it in-person, but unfortunately he has a recording schedule, so he sends you a good luck text and figures that he can binge your fancams tonight. well. when he turns his phone on a few hours later, there's texts from you, with excessive exclamation points, complaining about how he jinxed it with all of his nagging and that he needs to make it up to you. "what happened??" he messages back, but the internet is faster than your reply, and his timeline is filled with videos of you tripping during your flip routine. at least you got a second try during your ment, determined to prove it to your fans. he's just glad you didn't get hurt.
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adorethedistance · 1 year
The Late Late Show - Bella Ramsey x Reader (18+)
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General Masterlist
Warnings: (18+ only minors DNI) afab reader, smut, swearing, teasing, lmk if there’s anything else I missed.
Words: 2697
Summary: After a promotional appearance on the Late Late show, you and Bella confess your feelings for one another; your skepticism causes them to prove just how much they like you back.
A/N: It’s almost 1 am. I don’t feel like proof reading this. I want to be done with it. SO here we are LMAO. In all seriousness I’m really stoked on this piece and I hope y’all like it. It’s been a while since I’ve written a full smut so I’m a little rusty.
Pedro, Bella, and I are on the Late Late Show to promote season 2 of The Last of Us, and Mr. James Corden had the incredible idea to make us play ‘spill your guts or fill your guts’. In rehearsal the questions were all mundane and simple to keep the surprises for the actual show. Now that the questions are real, my anxiety has skyrocketed and I anxiously await my turn. So far, Pedro has had a sip of bird saliva and Bella has confessed who their least favorite person to work with in their career was. Now it’s my turn and I’m almost too anxious to comprehend the words coming out of anyone’s mouth. Bella turns the table slowly, watching my face and gauging my reactions to each food as it goes by.
“For this question, I will give you…” They pause to think for a moment, “The one thousand year old  egg.” I fight the urge to gag and Bella laughs deviously. They noticed the way I was particularly disturbed by it when we reviewed all the food options on the table for the camera. Bella laughs their adorable laugh after reading the question written on the cue card; I can’t stop the fake frown that’s appeared on my face.
“Which of mine and Pedro’s acting performances were the worst, and why?” The audience erupts into laughter, cheers, and groans as I contemplate how I can answer this question. “There is no way in hell I’m eating that.”
“Then you’ve got to answer.”
“I don’t know! I think you guys aren’t capable of bad performances.”
“Why are you booing me?!” I screech in surprise although I can’t help the smile forming on my face. Pedro jumps in,
“That’s a cop-out!”
“That is such a cop-out answer!” Bella laughs, biting their lip and resting their elbows on the table, displaying their hands that are sparsely decorated with rings.
“Why are you guys teaming up on me? This is so unfair. James, do something!”
“My hands are tied-”
“No, they are not it’s your show!”
“That one thousand year old egg isn’t getting any younger,” Bella quips, a devious smirk adorning their features. More laughter from the audience and I look back at Bella with pleading eyes. They raise their eyebrows to taunt me, clearly enjoying how I’m scrambling for answers. I bite the inside of my cheek and playfully glare. Another eyebrow quirk from Bella. On national television?
I cave, “Oh god. Okay, uh, Pedro. Maybe Mando? Since you’ve got the helmet on and we can’t really see your face emote a lot?”
“Kind of a cheat answer but I’ll leave it be,” Bella teases.
“Bella… Maybe Judy since you didn’t have too much on screen time so you weren’t given a lot to work with?” I attempt to calm my breathing as I wait for the other three to either approve or disapprove my answers. The jury is pleased with my response and I’m saved from eating the egg in front of me that is literally black and green.
We continue another rotation of questions going around the table until James takes us to commercial break. Bella, Pedro, and I stand from the table and head back to the couch for our actual interview portion of the show. It’s the last segment before we’re wrapped and I can’t wait to be finished so I can get out of this makeup and borderline black tie attire.
James gives us the standard questions that come with promoting a show and I find myself struggling to stay present. The way Bella moves their hands and the numerous rings that adorn their fingers are eternally captivating.
I want to just reach out and grab it. To hold their hand in mine and exist like that for as long as we possibly could. I want to hold them in my own and kiss them to show how much I care. I want to clench around their hands as I scream their name loud enough for anyone to hear. I want to bite down on exposed skin as they fuck me and tell me I’m their good girl. I crave Bella. I’ve always craved Bella.
“I think we’ve lost her. Y/n?” I hear James’ voice bring me back down to earth. My cheeks are a thousand degrees warmer as I realize I’ve been caught, lost in the fantasy of what it would be like to belong to Bella.
“What?” I ask when I zone back in. Everyone in the room laughs and I try to blink away my embarrassment.
“You play Dina, correct?”
“I do, yes.”
“This is a new character for this season, what can you tell us about her?”
“Yeah, so Dina is Ellie’s love interest in this part of the story,” I proceed to tell James the same basic spiel that I give every interviewer and he listens intently. He asks a few more questions about the characters and what it was like for the three of us to work closely on set. The interview goes over fun, smooth, and funny and before we knew it, the show was wrapped shortly after. Bella disappears almost immediately in search of a bathroom, leaving me with Pedro as James begins talking with one of his producers.
“Are you okay?” Pedro nudges my shoulder to get my attention. I nod rapidly which does not at all minimize his suspicion.
“Yeah, I’m totally good.”
“You were in space for the entire interview. What’s up?” He asks sincerely. Is this something I should tell him? Is this something I shouldn’t tell him? I’m at a loss for direction but Pedro’s reassuring smile reminds me that he is probably the best confidant on planet earth.
“It’s about Bella…” I start off slowly.
“Yeah, you really seem to like them.”
“SHHHH! Why would you say that so loud?!” I whisper shout which if anything draws more attention to us.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry.” Pedro holds both hands up to try and ease my anxiety and I drop my shoulders to try and reel everything back in.
“You’re right, though. I do really like them.”
“So what do I do?”
“What do you mean?”
I scowl, “What do you mean what do I mean?”
“It’s obvious they like you as well.” I tilt my head back incredulously.
“What are you talking about?” Pedro laughs heartily before responding,
“I may not be the smartest person in the room but I’m not an idiot. I see how you look at each other. How they look at you.” My heart flutters with excitement. “It’s a huge crush if I’ve ever seen one.”
“Well, what do I do then?” I ask, and we’re back to square one. Pedro shakes his head at my obliviousness.
“You tell them you like them and then kiss!” He says as if it’s the simplest thing in the world. Ever the optimist. As I open my mouth to speak, I cut myself off to see Bella has rejoined the three of us. A quaint smile paints their face and my heart flutters again tenfold.
“What’d I miss?”
“Not much from me but Y/n has something to say.” I go wide-eyed and look at Pedro in panic. If looks could kill he would be a dead man this instant. Bella nods at me expectantly and I feel a rush of anxiety in my core. I do my best to cover up the fact that I’m taking a deep breath to soothe my nerves.
“We should go somewhere… not… here.” Bella laughs at the peculiar rhythm of my speech but agrees and follows me backstage. In the dressing room that we shared when getting ready, I flick the switch that lights up the perimeter of lightbulbs around the vanity mirror. Bella senses the tension that’s practically radiating off of me and closes the door behind us.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay I just-” I trail off in search of the right words.
“...You just what?” Bella asks, gently.
Moment of truth.
“I really like you, Bella. And it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. I’m anxious that bombarding you with this information could scare you away, and then we wouldn’t be friends anymore because it would be too awkward. So then I’d be losing not just my best friend, but also just you as a person and I’d hate for that to happen because I like you as a person too and I-”
“I’ve been waiting for this conversation.” Bella says smugly.
“-Have been so worried about- wait what?” As my whole rambling rant lead me to look down, my head snaps back up. “You’ve been waiting for this?”
“Would you care to share with the class?” I ask, facetiously causing them to laugh at the sarcasm.
“Pedro and I actually had a bet going for how long it would take you.” I frown at their words and blink away my confusion. Bella drops the smug smile. They stare at me and I feel my face heat up being under their intense gaze.
“You… don’t like me back?” I say, my heart sinking in panic as I had just bared my soul to them.
“Of course I like you back.”
“Well, don’t say that like it was obvious!”
“I made it pretty obvious.”
“No, you didn’t!”
“We spent Valentine’s day together.”
I open my mouth to protest but close it to consider maybe it wasn’t just a ‘Galentine’s’ hang out.
“We literally woke up spooning when we had that sleepover.” I blink. Once, twice, and then shut my eyes completely to block out the visual of Bella’s face as I come to the same conclusion.
“Yeah, I guess it was pretty outright.” They simply nod a yes and I feel the weight of the world lifted off of my shoulders at once. “So, you like me?”
“Oh my god-” Bella rolls their eyes, and swiftly comes over to grab my face in their hands and kiss me passionately. Their lips on mine are the symphony of an orchestra that I’ve long awaited. Each movement of our lips, the rhythmic richness of percussion. Their hands tracing down the silhouette of my body, the sensuality of the brass. A desire-filled rush of blood coursing through my entire body, the serenity of the woodwinds. And the intensity of our feelings for one another becoming intertwined into one energy, the complexity of the strings.
I’m fully floating on cloud nine, drifting further and further away from the Earth and into the ethereality of Bella. The kiss started passionately and quickly becomes heated as the two of us revel in our lust for one another.
Bella grips my hair in their hand at the base of my neck, tugging the handful to break the kiss and tilt my chin upwards. They take the new access to kiss and suck the skin of my neck. Grazing their teeth over my larynx, biting into the side and sucking a harsh, clean mark into the exposed flesh. I groan and the sheer eroticism and grip the vanity counter behind me.
Bella’s ringed fingers gently grasp my hips, pushing me back to lean on the counter with more of my weight. They abandon the task of marking me, grabbing the fabric of my dress, pulling it up and cradling the hem of it in their hands at my hip sockets. All the while, they had sunken down to the floor, lustful eyes watching my face as they kneel on the floor.
“Can I?” They ask and I quickly nod yes as my mouth was too dry to form a verbal response. Lifting the hem of the evening dress over their head, Bella bites another hickey into my inner thigh. I squeak at the sensation. It hurts so good.
“Shhh. You’ve gotta stay quiet.” I nod rapidly as reassurance, temporarily forgetting they can’t see my face.
“Got it, sorry.”
“It’s okay, babygirl.” Bella then hooks their fingers into the waistband of the underwear I was wearing. “This okay?”
“Yeah,” I sigh out, anticipation dripping from my voice. They drop the garment to the floor and have me step one foot out of them. My left leg stays anchored on the ground as a point of support since the counter likely wouldn’t hold my entire body weight. Bella guides my right leg up and over their shoulder before they trace their tongue over my glistening core. I whimper out a noise of relief and my head drops back, readying myself for the ride of my life.
Their tongue traces through the folds, trailing up to draw my clit in their mouth. I let out a languorous moan. In an attempt to regulate my breathing, I pull in a deep breath of bliss. Bella expertly devours me and I feel myself pulsating from arousal. Judging by the smug hum of laughter I’m guessing they could feel the movement as well.
I grab the fabric of my dress around my thighs and lift the layers to keep Bella from practically suffocating. They continue, unphased. A euphoric cry escapes my lips when Bella presses two tantalizing fingers inside of me. My hand quickly covers my mouth to try and conceal the undeniable bliss of their hand working in tandem with their mouth. Each stroke of their fingers elicits a ragged moan from my throat and I fight so hard to remain quiet. Then, Bella’s mouth pulls off of my clit with an audible smack.
“Are you gonna be a good girl and come for me?” They ask earnestly and I nod rapidly. Anything to please them. The frantic nature of my response is satisfactory enough and they resume sucking on my swollen clit. I’m almost overstimulated from the pleasure of their mouth working with the rhythmic curling of their fingers. My moans increase tempo as I continue chasing the high. Bella beatifically bobs their head, moving faster to bring me closer to the edge.
Their fingers curve so perfectly against my g-spot and I fight the need to cry out in untamable pleasure. Stimulating the spot brings me closer and closer. I hold the collected fabric of my dress skirt in my left arm, and frantically reach down with my right. Bella masterfully maintains their pace, mouth and fingers working together while their other hand reaches up to interlace their fingers with mine. The thoughtful gesture is arousing in itself and I find my orgasm come to a peak.
I reside in this high for a moment before the waves of pleasure come crashing down over me. I finish with a strangled sob of gratification. Bella’s pace slows but they continue working me through the orgasm until the feeling passes. Once my clit stops pulsating, I feel them pull their mouth off of me with a most sinful pop. They leave our hands intertwined, but take the hand that was inside of me and lift the wet fingers to their lips, sucking off my remaining juices with great pleasure. I can’t help the laugh that escapes me, partly from disbelief but mostly from the residual high. They lock eyes with me and smile innocently, as if they hadn’t just sucked the life out of me in the best way possible.
Bella then wraps both arms around me and holds my body as tightly to their own as they can without hurting me. I then realize they’re doing this because my legs are trembling and they’re allowing me to use them as support. I’m grateful for the attentiveness and melt in their arms, wrapping my own around their shoulders. They hold me like this for a few minutes, and I smile knowing they would have remained there for hours if I’d asked them to.
“You were so good for me, pretty girl.” The praise is of the utmost comfort and I tuck my face into the crook of their neck. Placing soft, practically indebted kisses on their skin serves as a ‘thank you’ since I’m still very much recovering.
“I love being the only one to make you feel this good.”
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delululand · 8 months
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you and yeonjun studied at the same university. you met him on the first day and quickly became close, you both had common interests, similar values and you liked to spend time together. you often went to exhibitions, went shopping or just watched TV shows and series together at his house.
he's always been very popular with girls, but in all the 2 years that you've known him, he hasn't dated anyone. yes, of course, he was nice and friendly with everyone, sometimes even flirted (or was it just his way of communicating? actually often his natural manner of communication looked like flirting), but it never ended with something serious. you were very close and told each other about your affairs, but in fact you also didn't have anything serious with someone, there were a couple of guys who asked you out or hinted at sex, but you weren't interested in it, your own life, hobbies, studies and time with friends was much more important
since you studied at the creative majors, you had quite a lot of group projects on staging dances, recording songs and shooting videos for editing practice. you have always chosen each other as a partner in such tasks and this time, having received a big task, you decided to do it together again. you had to come up with a choreography and perform it as a qualifying exam.yeonjun was a very good dancer, so he immediately offered to take on the most difficult choreography and you agreed to meet in the studio in the evening for a final discussion. he often danced with his friends in this studio, so when you got there a little earlier than the appointed time, you found him and his friends still dancing. carefully walking into the hall, you saw taehyun and bomgyu, who were already familiar to you, as well as an unfamiliar guy who was sitting in the corner of the room and watching the guys.
a minute later they finished the dance, yeonjun came up and hugged as a greeting, and the guys said hello and immediately said goodbye, as it was time for them to go. the guy sitting in the corner got up and came up to you, yeonjun said, "y/ni, this is mingi sunbaenim, he helped us with the choreography". the guy smiled sweetly at you and greeted you. since yeonjun had already been dancing for several hours up to this point, he asked for a short break before you start. at this time, mingi continued to communicate with you. he was very friendly and asked a lot about you and your project. you told him that you had to put on another individual dance and mingi offered his help in this. you have seen yeonjun looking slightly annoyed, but probably he's just tired from a few hours of rehearsal before? after answering several messages on the phone, catching his breath and drinking water, yeojun came up to you and said, "khm, I think it's time to start? we need to prepare well today," to which mingi replied, "yes, of course, I won't disturb you, I'm just surprised that you've been hiding such a beauty from me all this time," you laughed and yeonjun saw off mingi to the exit. only you and yeonjun are left. you liked the dance he put on right away and you started rehearsing.
after 3 hours of rehearsal, you finally went outside. it was already 10 pm and yeonjun insisted on walking you home. on the way home, you started asking about mingi, to which yeonjun said "why are you suddenly asking so much about him?", you replied "no, he was just very nice to me and promised to help with the next project", you saw yeonjun's lips pouting and he looked at you with an offended look "can't I help you? why ask someone else?", his pouting face caused you to be touched and a surge of tenderness, so you patted his hair and put your arm around his shoulder and said, "heeeeeeey, what's going on? I just don't want to bother you with my problems, you already help me too much and I really appreciate it, but I don't want to be completely arrogant." his gaze softened, he turned to you and with a soft smile said "hey, you're don't...", he hugged you and kissed the top of your head, after which you continued to go home
a few days later, mingi text you and you began to communicate a lot and it seemed that you were beginning to fall in love. you continued your rehearsals with yeonjun, you saw the face he looks at you every time you mention mingi in front of him, so you tried to talk about him as little as possible.
you went on a few dates with mingi and you were so excited about it, but this feeling of falling in love overshadowed the guilt of not telling him, knowing that it would upset him. you've always been so close and shared everything from childhood traumas to what you ate for breakfast today. you asked him about why he reacts to mingi like that and each time he just replied that mingi is just not the one you need. it makes you overthink. maybe he's really not the one you need? maybe yeonjun knows what you don't know? or maybe yeonjun just has a personal dislike for him? or is he afraid that you will spend less time with him because of this? after all, in fact, he was your only guy friend, of course you had girl friends and other friends, but you weren't friends with any of the guys as close as with him
your dance with yeonjun had already been rehearsed almost perfectly and there was only a week left before the performance, so you decided that you could already start rehearsing your solo dance.mingi, as promised, offered his help, so you agreed to see each other in the studio. due to the fact that you spent more time with mingi, you met with yeonjun mostly only at rehearsals and at university. he called you to different places, but you were busy, so you made up excuses every time hoping that he would not guess the true reason. but he is not a fool and he has long guessed the real reasons for your behavior, maybe he just didn't want to believe?
after meeting mingi in the studio and practice the dance, he walked you home, but on the way he accidentally dropped coffee on a white t-shirt, so you invited him to come in to wash it. you clearly liked each other, sexual tension was building up and at one point you were already sitting on a shelf in the bathroom passionately kissing mingi without a t-shirt. it was a long session of kissing and you heard your phone ringing, but only put it on silent mode. realizing that this is growing into something more, you stopped for a second and you glanced at the phone. there were about 15 missed calls from yeonjun and the phone still kept ringing. it bothered you, why is he calling so much all of a sudden? something happened? mingi stayed to kiss you on the neck, but you asked him to stop and took a breath to answered the call
- hiii, junie, did something happen? is it urgent?
- oh, you finally picked up the phone, no, nothing urgent, I was just near your house and wanted to see you, can you go out for a couple of minutes?
- mhhh so suddenly..... I'm just a little busy right now.....
- it's just a couple of minutes, I won't distract you for too long, I need to tell you something
- okay, wait a second... - you answered with a heavy sigh
after explaining the situation to mingi, you asked him to wait for you here and were about to leave the house. even after several attempts, you still didn't look very good. to put it mildly, your lips were swollen, your makeup was a little smeared and your clothes were crumpled, so you just hoped that it was already night outside and it wouldn't be so noticeable in the semi-darkness.
when you went outside, you saw yeonjun, he was leaning on a lantern, he had a really cute bouquet in his hands and he greeted you with the most tender smile. when he saw you, he took a few steps forward and hugged you tighter than usual. being so close to him, you smelled a plume of alcohol. "hey, what's going on?" you asked, breaking away from his embrace, "I'm so glad to see you, and what are you so busy that you can't see your dear friend?" his words stuttered a little and he giggled, without waiting for your answer, he held out his hand to you with a bouquet in it saying "it's fo....". before he could finish, his face changed and he was looking somewhere behind you. the bouquet fell out of his hand and he looked at you, looking into his eyes you saw the look of a dog who had lost his master, he looked with such pain and disappointment that you were taken aback. turning around, you saw mingi standing on the doorstep of your house without the t-shirt, he looked at you and shouted "baby, is everything okay?". you looked at yeonjun and just wanted to say "yeojun no, that's not what you....", he interrupted you by saying "ah, so that's what this is about.... and how could I be such a fool," without listening to your explanations, he just turned around and left. you tried to stop him to solve this situation, but he just threw off your hands and calmly walked on, not stopping a step.
you came home in a rage, "what the fuck have you done? who asked you to come out?" you shouted, not understanding what to do next, unlike you, mingi was calm, "what's wrong with that? he would have found out about us being together anyway, so what's the problem?", mingi grinned and added, "or are you saying you didn't know about his feelings? everyone around knew about it, I don't believe you're stupid enough not to see the obvious things." feelings? no, you knew he loved you, but was that what you were thinking? he was always caring, brought you food when you didn't have time to eat at home, picked you up from parties if you were drunk, treated you when you got sick, helped you always and everywhere, all these moments flashed through your memory in a second. what was friendly love for you turned out to be not just friendly love at all?
as the days passed, yeonjun stayed to ignore you, he did not answer your calls and messages, and at the university he passed by pretending that you did not exist. mingi calmed you down and said that yeonjun was not worth your worries, and everyone around asked what happened just pressing on the sore spot, and the thought that in a few days you should perform your dance for the exam finally finished you off. he hasn't said a word to you since, you haven't rehearsed the dance anymore and haven't discussed how it will go. however, he did not block you and the day before the exam you received a message “tomorrow at the university at 9am. do not be late. we are the first to perform” you answered “yes, of course, I will” and you hoped that this was a shift for the better, because this is at least something, and after hundreds of your calls and messages, he texts you himself. when you met, he was still cold and without saying a word to you, he danced with you to the highest score, also silently leaving immediately after grading.
the second month of silence has begun. your relationship with mingi was something that somehow made you glad and if not for this whole situation, you could say that you were happy. was happy exactly until I received a message from an unknown number. you knew that before you, mingi had a girlfriend with whom he dated for a long time and they broke up because she had to move to another country, but you didn't know that she returned about two weeks ago. in a message from an unknown number, there were photos of mingi and his ex spooning sweetly in a cafe, he kissed her hand and the message claimed that they were seeing each other for more than the first time. when you found out about it, you were so disappointed that all the emotions that had accumulated during all this time poured out a stream of anger at mingi. he said he could explain it all and he was sorry that it happened, but you were not able to listen to it all, so after blocking him everywhere, you called your friend, found your most cheese outfit and you went to the club.
it was Saturday night and the club was full of people. it was smoky around and loud music was playing, you drank shots one by one and after 10 you already lost count. the alcohol in your blood was making itself felt, and the smell of weed around only made the situation worse. slightly stumbling, you were walking through a crowd of people and bumped into some guy. looking up, you saw that it was yeonejun. after looking at you contemptuously, he was going to just pass by as he had been doing for the last month, but when you saw him that evening, you couldn't stand it. because of the loud music, you couldn't hear anything, so you grabbed his hand tightly and dragged him to the exit to the backyard.
“what the fuck are you doing!?” he was screaming and trying to take your hand off his forearm. finally going out into the fresh air, you let go of his hand, turned around and shouted “what the fuck AM I doing? no fuck i should ask you about this! do you seriously think that after a few years of our friendship, it's okay to just cut me out of your life like this? without explaining absolutely anything and without giving me the opportunity to even just talk to you” his eyes widened with anger, he came close to you, pressing you against the wall “explain WHAT? THAT I like fucking idiot love you almost from our first meeting? THAT all this time I could only dream about you? THAT I'm a fucking coward who didn't have the courage to tell you because I was afraid that you would stop communicating with me at all? THAT the day I finally decided to do it, I see you with mingi coming out of your house half naked? WHAT did I feel at that moment as my heart was being torn into thousands of pieces? THAT all this time I wished I could have confessed earlier? THAT missed my chance? WHAT THE FUCK OF THIS WAS I SUPPOSED TO EXPLAIN?”.
you were taken aback by his words, his face was literally pressed against yours and you felt his heavy breathing on your lips.you tried to say “junie... I'm not...” at the same moment, your lips merged in a passionate kiss, his hands pressed you closer by the waist, and yours pressed him even closer to you. unable to restrain yourself any longer, you hurriedly called a taxi and drove home to yeonjun. everything was familiar to you in this house and knocking down some of the objects on your way passionately kissing you went straight to the bedroom. carelessly falling on the bed, yeonjun leaned on you with all his weight, unbuttoning the zipper of your dress and kissing your neck and collarbones, leaving purple hickeys. throwing off your dresses, he began to suck and kiss your boobs, touching and sucking your nipples. leaving a wet trail of kisses on your stomach, he goes down and bites the inside of your thighs. he takes off your lace panties, bending painfully slowly, eyes shining in the lit light, making contact with yours and cares your folds with his tongue.
your body trembles under him when he eats you, his mouth feels everywhere, licks and sucks you where you want it most, as if he was born to give you pleasure. your moans echo around the room, sucking the clit feels unreal, with each immersion of his tongue in your hole, you whine and squirm until you reach your limit. your fingers tingle and twitch in his hair, warning of the approach of the culmination, but he does not stop, only works harder with his tongue. inserting your fingers inside, you feel overstimulation and cum. giving you a chance to catch your breath, yeonjun pulls back to take off his pants, seeing how hard he is, you stretch out your hand and smear the precum on his tip. “jun…i need you so bad”. he puts his palm to your cheek and gently kisses your lips, pressing his forehead to yours. making eye contact, you feel him put in you with a low moan coming from his throat. feelings from smeared kisses, stretching and slow but confident movements feel mind-blowing. your hands are squeezing his hair with all their strength when yeonjun starts to pick up speed, his eyebrows are frowning, heavy sighs and moans come out of his throat, and his hands are squeezing your waist and hips, pressing you as close as possible. he opens his eyes when you pull his hair sharply and almost cums at the sight of your face frozen with pleasure. you hold him to you and frantically whisper his name. the sensations get stronger every second and you cum for the second time in a night, your walls start to shrink around him, this puts him over the edge. you feel the warmth of his sperm spreading inside you, he kisses you on the corner of his lips, whispering “I love you” and lies down on your chest, trying to catch his breath, still staying inside you. your nails draw circles on his back and after a pause you say into the air, “I think I love you too...”
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sirenfromthelostcity · 5 months
College! Mizu x Dancer! Reader pt 2
I found this cute and old bachata song that I used to love when I was younger and I thought it'd be perfect for this. You don't have to listen to the song as you read this but I'll provide the link for it if y'all are curious about which one it is. I hope you like the song and what I wrote. Enjoy! <3
A/N: This started out as just like a blurb but kind of ended up being a bit of a story towards the end lol
Part 1
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Rehearsing your choreography with Mizu got easier every session. The more you two practiced the more comfortable and confident she became with the dance.
Dancing with Miu was such a fun feeling. You loved the feeling of her hand wrapped around your waist while the other was entwined with yours. The dance also ended with her dipping you and although you ended up falling and laughing on the floor a few times, she eventually perfected the move. And boy did you love staring into those blue eyes of hers as she securely held you by your waist.
The day finally came for your dance test. Mizu was a little nervous but you were actually fully and truly confident in the both of you.
"Look I know you're a little nervous but really there's no need. Mizu we've both worked really hard on this and I know we're gonna do amazing. Okay?"
"Okay," she nodded with you and delivered you a small smile.
"Great. Now let's go show these bitches how to do a kickass salsa dance," you grinned as you both excited your dorm and headed for your test.
After you perform your dance the both of you earned a really good reaction from the class. Grades wont be posted till later in the night but you were confident in your and Mizu’s performance.
To celebrate you and a few classmates decided to go to a club. You were a moderate drinker but mostly you all went for the great music. You invited Mizu who of course declined at first.
“Come out with me tonight. It’ll be fun and you deserve to celebrate with the rest of us!”
“I don’t know it’s not really my kind of scene.”
“But it’s Latin Night and they're gonna have a live band” you pleaded. “The place is a restaurant/club and their food is so good! They start clearing up some tables after 10 to dance but you’ll still be able to eat.”
If there's one thing that you learned about Mizu is that she is bribable with food and you began to see it on her face that she was seriously considering your invitation.
And now for the final nail.
“Also it’s my treat,” you innocently smiled to her.
"Y'know you can't just throw in 'my treat' every time you want me to do something," she sneered.
"But you told me begging never works and 'treating' you has been very effective so far."
"True, but I said begging never works when other people do it."
Your eyes slightly widen at what she implied and watched her as she put on her jacket and pocketed the keys to your dorm.
"Come on, lets go," she mumbled.
You squealed in joy and instinctively went to hug her. She stumbled at the impact but laughed and hugged you back.
When you got to the club you sat down with the rest out your classmates who decided to come out and ordered some food. You and Mizu were getting lots of compliments on your performance. One girl even pulled you aside and asked if the two of you were dating to which you confidently replied, "not yet."
Surprisingly, Mizu was having a really good time, mostly because the food was good but the music and vibes were also nice so she was genuinely enjoying herself.
That was until some tables were cleared for dancing and one of your classmates asked you to dance with him.
"You gonna be okay here for a bit?"
"Yeah, no, I'll be fine," she nodded but it wasn't too convincing to either of you.
"You sure? I don't want it to seem like I'm abandoning you, especially since I begged you to come with me."
"Don't worry about me. Go have fun, be in your element. I'll be here."
"Okay, just one quick song," you gently squeezed her shoulder before joining your friend on the dance floor.
Of course Mizu wanted to say no but she didn't want to hold you back and also you weren't together. It'd be weird if she expressed how much she disliked the idea of someone else dancing with you. Wouldn't it?
Her eyes were trained on you as you both danced. She loved the dress you picked out. It adorned you body in the most flattering way and flowed perfectly as you danced.
The dress looked lovely on you but she didn’t appreciate the hand placement of your current dance partner. In actuality his hands never strayed inappropriately but she just didn't care for them being on you at all.
A deep scowl was starting to form on her face and that's when she decided, although she wasn't much of a drinker, she needed one to cool off.
She walked to the bar and ordered herself a long island iced tea. At least now she had something to fidget with.
She’s so fixated on you she barely notices a girl is trying to hit on her.
“Hey, you’re Mizu right?”
“Yeah,” she dryly mumbled, eyes still trained on you.
“I thought your performance with (y/n) was really good!”
“Thanks,” she sipped from her drink. “It was all (y/n), she choreographed everything. I just stepped in as a favor.”
“Aw c’mon you’re telling me you didn’t improvise any of your moves?”
Mizu just slightly shook her head, relief taking over now that the song had at last concluded.
“Well,” she coyly rubbed on Mizu’s upper arm, finally succeeding in getting her to even look her way. “Maybe you can improvise some moves with me, or I'd be glad to show you some of mine.”
Mizu looked at her arm and then the girl, confounded and flustered by her actions. People had asked out Mizu in the past but no one's ever been this forward before.
You were clapping for the band and thanking your partner for the dance, as that whole scene with Mizu was going on. The band announce their next song and you get excited as it's the one you asked them to play if they knew it [the song i linked]. However the excitement is quickly replaced with anger when you finally see the a girl, the same girl who had previously asked if you and Mizu were an item, feeling up on Mizu’s arm.
"Oh that little...!" you seethed.
If you were a cartoon smoke would be blowing out of your ears right now. You wasted no time in sauntering over and grabbing Mizu's hand and leading her to the dance floor.
"Hey partner, come dance with me," you spoke, directly eyeing the girl who invaded Mizu's space.
“I appreciate the save but I don’t know this dance,” Mizu warned as you reached the crowd of people dancing.
“Don’t worry it’s a really easy 4 step dance just do as I do…1…2…3….and 4….1….2….3…and 4..."
To Mizu's relief the dance actually was incredibly simple to learn. Pretty quickly she fell into rhythm with you and the music.
"Look at you go, now you can dance salsa and bachata," you praise as you twirl her.
"I owe it all to my amazing teacher," she praised back and actually went in to twirl you.
You gasped and laughed at the instant confidence Mizu seemed to have gained with the dance. A familiar and warm feeling began to bubble up in your chest. Maybe it was because of the music or the romantic lyrics. Or maybe it was because of how right it felt having Mizu's hands on you, to be dancing with her again. Regardless, you know the crush you had previously possessed for her has only grown stronger.
The song playing was one of your all time favorites, you couldn't help but mouth the lyrics as you both danced.
*Quiero ser tuyo enterito pero tengo miedo
Prométeme que no me vas a dejar sin tu amor
I'll give you my heart girl but you gotta promise
Promise you'll hold me, touch me, love me
Way past forever
Mizu spun you around and you giggled as you twirled, wishing you could live this moment forever. But sadly all good things must come to an end.
The song finally finished and everyone clapped at their performance. The band announced they were going to take a small break and that's when everyone scurried towards the bar.
"We can start heading back home now if you want," You said to Mizu.
"You sure?" Mizu asked, surprised that you wanted to leave early, it was just past 10:40PM.
"Yeah, I got an early class tomorrow. Did you have a good time?"
"Actually I did, maybe more than I had expected."
"Well, I'm glad," you smiled and quickly looked away, finding yourself not being able to look into her gorgeous blue eyes for too long.
Both you and Mizu said bye to your classmates, the girl who hit on Mizu was nowhere to be seen and secretly you were glad about that too. Mizu helped you put on your coat and together you two headed back to your dorm.
A/N: This ending felt very MEH but I actually might make a final part 3 maybe see what happens when you get back to your dorm hmm? ;) I just felt like this already became longer than I was anticipating lol but I really hope y'all enjoyed it!
EDIT: i forgot to add the translation to the spanish part of the chorus
*I wanna be yours entirely but I’m scared
Promise me you won’t leave me without your love
Roughly that’s what it translates too! I adore this song y’all, to me its just so cute so i hope you like it 😭💖
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jokeroutsubs · 10 months
Joker Out between dreams and reality (Val 202: Music 202) - Part 2: Kris
Part 1 with Bojan and Jan can be found here.
Today, 7.08.2023, Slovenian national radio station Val 202 broadcasted a recent interview with Joker Out member Kris Guštin. Below is the translation of the interview, which you can listen in the audio file above, or on this direct link.
Intro: This is my music.
Female Host: Kris, welcome to 'This is my music'. How are you?
Kris: Hi, thanks for inviting me. Quite good.
Thank you for taking the time, I know you have some extremely busy days. We are outside your rehearsal space. How much time do you spend here, is this basically your second home?
Kris: I'll say this, the road is our second home at the moment, but otherwise, yes. When we have a few days off, we're sure to be here, even if not to create, but to hang out with our team. But most of all this was our second home when we were making the second album, when we were constantly here, from the beginning of 2022 until July, August.
Well, we'll come back to Joker Out, but now we're going back to your childhood. Were you a diligent student, did you like going to school, or were you rebellious?
Kris: I was quite rebellious in the first couple of years of primary school (T./N.: age 6-15), but I honestly can't tell you why. It was very much a 'rebel without a cause' situation and then later on, in the later years of primary school and especially the beginning of secondary school (T./N.: age 15-18/19), I kind of got on my feet and I went from lower grades to the highest grades, and suddenly I became a straight A's student. The key thing that happened in between was that I started playing guitar and I started making music.That kind of got me on my feet.
I read that your father brought you a guitar and you didn't look at it for a while, and then one day you came home and you told him to show you the chords. Do you remember what changed then?
Kris: My dad brought me a guitar for the first time when I was about 12, I think, and I assured him that I wanted to play and all that, that I was really going to try. And then I played it for three days and then just left it, like you said. And then in the ninth grade of primary school, when I was 14, this thing happened where I met the band Apokalipsa, which had Bojan as the singer, Martin Jurkovič as the bass player, and Matic Kovačič as the drummer, and I kind of got through a project for the school, where my dad wrote the school anthem, which they were going to perform, and I ended up there at the rehearsals and I became friends with them and I became very impressed with the music and especially because they were already performing as a band at that time, the attention they were getting, especially from the women, when they were performing, or because they were in a band, and because of that I was also very motivated to pick up the guitar again and this time I stuck with it.
At the expense of recognition of your father's music, did you feel some pressure that you had to use this advantage, that you grew up in this world, that it was closer to you?
Kris: No, actually, until I met the boys from Apokalipsa, I didn't really understand what my father is, what he means to other people, not only that he is my father to me. I didn't realise that he had such a cultural influence, or that he was basically a legend of the Slovenian music scene and that he was worthy of all respect. But then I discovered music through someone else, so I could discover my father's music and so I could develop respect for what he did.
What are the pros and cons of your father being such a legend, besides the obvious ones like comparison, jealousy...?
Kris: The advantages are that not only my dad, but also my mum has been involved in the music industry for her whole life, but from a more business side, and I got an insight into what it really means to be a music artist. In a business sense and not just in a musical sense. On the other hand, the only thing where I really really see a negative is that when we have some successes that we really worked hard and earned it ourselves, then it's always attributed to the fact that my dad was the one pulling the strings behind it all. But really we can just laugh about it, so it doesn't affect us.
Yes, he once said, "I wish I was a songwriter, but I'm not."
Kris: Yes, definitely.
Let's go straight to the first song you've chosen.
Kris: So, Led s severa (Ice from the North) is the first track I chose, if I'm not mistaken. This song has more meanings. It's a song that my father wrote. It's a legendary Slovenian song, I don't even need to explain that. Fun fact: it was written, among other things, for my mother, which itself gives me a certain emotional attachment to it. On the other hand, it is also the song through which I first met the band Apokalipsa and also Bojan, because they, I think I was in the eighth grade of primary school, they were performing at an event and they were playing Led s severa. I heard it when they were on the soundcheck and I ran inside to the gym where they were having a soundcheck for the concert. And I came in and because I was the son of the guy who wrote that song I felt entitled to give my opinion on their cover of that song. And the first thing I ever said to Bojan in my life was "This song is not played with distortion." And that's how we met and that's what makes this song special to me. And half of the time when I started playing guitar, when we started the first band, that song and other songs from Big Foot and Siddharta were the first songs we played and that's definitely the starting point of our music journey.
Are you still studying?
Kris: Look, I'm officially a chemical engineering graduate, then last year, so in September 2022, I signed up for a master's degree in international relations at FDV (Faculty of Social Sciences). I completed the first semester and then, Eurovision happened. So I'm officially still a student, but I haven't been to university for half a year.
What was your way of thinking? Did you decide to become a musician, or how succesful did you want to become that you decided on it?
Kris: I have to say, I never really expected to be a musician, it was kind of an impossible dream to me, at least I thought so. But it all happened so fast. I was studying chemical engineering at univerity because I was interested in chemistry and science, but mainly because I expected to get a stable job soon after graduating, which is true. But when I was almost done with my studies I had already realized that I don't really care about them. Music was the one guiding me. That's why I enrolled in a different programme at a different university. I knew I wasn't going to pursue a career from it, I still wanted to make music, but I was still interested in the academic world. Anyway, it happened all of a sudden that I was able to move away from my parents on my own financial initiative, and I could live exclusively from music. So I didn't plan it, but it happened.
Kris Guštin, what makes a person draw your attention? You have met a lot of people in the last year. Who is perhaps the most memorable for you and why?
Kris: I'll say this. My circle of friends, or rather new people I meet, are getting more and more limited to the music industry because it's all I do all day and night. And it's really hard to find sincere people in music or showbusiness at all. As cliché as it sounds, it's hard to find a person who you immediately feel that you can trust without it ending up somewhere online, or them using it against you in any way. So I have to say that this past year I was the most surprised when I accepted people who seemed genuine to me, but they were who they were and didn't hang out with us or me because of what we are.
I have to ask though. You have met Lewis Capaldi. What was your experience?
Kris: It was actually quite incredible, since he is of course one of the main pop artists at the moment. We also appreciate his music and him as a person, I think he is also a great entertainer in addition to being a very good musician. I don't have much to say about him, he was nice. After the concert in London, he was the first person we saw backstage and he toasted with us with a bottle of champagne and told us that he thought we were really good. He said: "You fucking smashed it, boys". Then, I don't know, we hung out for a bit, that's all. He's really nice, I hope we'll be able to get to know eachother better another time.
How do you perceive famous and recognizable people, and at the same time, how does your perception change with you becoming more and more recognized?
Kris: Yes, this is actually quite an interesting question because Lewis Capaldi was an example where we kind of had a hunch that he might come to London. We kind of prepared ourselves incase he came. Once we heard that he was there, we were very excited, but it kind of just felt normal to us. And there is no explanation for it at all, it's not like we feel equal to him or anything. But things happen and change so fast, that even an incredible thing like Lewis Capaldi appearing at your concert seems everyday to you, even though it really isn't. But still, when I see someone like that, say Marco Mengoni, I still get excited. I've been a pretty big fan of him even before I knew he was going to be at the Eurovision. I first met him there and when he congratulated me after the final in the green room, I hugged him, I was really excited. So we definitely still have our idols.
Okay. Honestly, has there ever been a moment when you were a bit too arrogant and had to stand back because of your fame?
Kris: It's hard at times. But let's say right now, as we're sitting next to our sponsored cars, I'll tell you that sometimes, when someone got on my nerves while on the road, I liked to show it by honking or something like that, Thtat's arrogant, let's say, but I can't afford to do it anymore because Joker Out is written in big letters on our car now.
Okay. Second song?
Kris: Arctic Monkeys - Fluorescent Adolescent. If Big Foot Mama and Slovenian rock were the first point of my musical development, this, for example, was probably the second or the third. Arctic Monkeys were namely the first band that opened up the English music scene to me, through which I got to know and in which I definitely find myself most now. Around 80% of our sound comes from it. Mine and Bojan's taste is also very close here. I've also got to know all the bands that are now my biggest idols, say the Beatles, Oasis and things like that through the Arctic Monkeys. And Fluorescent Adolescent was the first such piece.
Intro: This is my music!
I had the opportunity to be a part of your Eurovision journey with you. I have repeatedly stressed how seriously you have taken your task. You were all cheerful, sociable... Us Slovenian journalists also got more interviews thanks to you, because the performers knew about you, so thank you for that. It's been a while now, how do you look back on this experience?
Kris: Yes, I can tell you with confidence that none of us regret it. We took a bit of a risk when we decided to go to Eurovision. We put a bit of hope into something that we weren't sure would happen. Of course we believe in ourselves and our music, but you never know what will stick at Eurovision and what won't. But now that about 3 months have passed since then, we can see that the decision was definitely the right one. I would even dare to say that it was the best decision that could have been taken at that moment. The door to Europe has opened, we are doing gigs everywhere and we are enjoying it a lot. Just now we had a UK tour, which lasted only 4 days, we had a tour bus, there was another band that was with us. It really was a dream rock experience. Truly stereotypical. So life is very good and I'm glad we decided to do it.
You have countless interviews behind you. I should ask you which questions get on your nerves the most, but I know the answers. However, I would be more interested to know what is the one topic that you could talk about endlessly?
Kris: The most standard questions are the ones that get on our nerves the most. For example, 'How does it feel' is always a difficult question. It's very ungrateful because most people who are involved in something like let's say entertainment, concerts, gigs, whatever - when big things like that happen in their life, they can't immediately describe what it is they're feeling, and then you get some empty superficial answers like 'okay', 'we're getting ready...'. So. That's why I really don't like that question, also maybe I'm only now at the right point to really be able to judge how I felt during Eurovision. Now, as for what could I go on and on about...? That's a really good question. Certainly about the British music scene, let's say, and I'd love to talk endlessly about the Slovenian music scene too. Or maybe about the music and entertainment industry in general.
Given the busy schedules, I imagine it's not the easiest on the body. But still. Which healthy habit have you either kept or conquered that you are proud of?
Kris: Yeah, I had a pretty unhealthy life before Eurovision. I really didn't eat much fruit. I did eat vegetables, but I really couldn't help it, so when it came to Eurovision time and the constant flying, travelling, performing and interviewing, I kind of forced myself in between to eat some fruit in the morning before breakfast, essentially to prevent just living on supplements, I'll put it that way. And actually now it has paid off, because now I am eating fruit by myself at home and I feel better.
What is a counterweight to this busy life of a musician constantly on the road?
Kris: People who understand your situation, who are always ready to talk to you. These can be parents, partners, friends... Someone who somehow represents a stable point in your life when everything turns upside down for you.
Yes, and now maybe we can get to the other members of the band. How has your relationship developed over the years, what has been your biggest contribution, and maybe can you think of a moment when the guys were really supportive?
Kris: Our friendship now, over... over the last two years has really been growing and intensifying, or whatever you want to call it. This is especially evident with Jure and Nace. Because Jure has only been a member of the band for two years now, two and a half years. And Nace almost one year. But still I feel like I've known both of them for my whole life. Because also so many things have happened in between that maybe a whole lifetime has passed. I don't know what my contribution was, I'm usually always characterised as calm, serious and organised, so I kind of keep it all together. I'm sure I've contributed creatively as well, I've written some songs. But it seems to me that when the others like to go a bit off the rails, I'm always there to guide them and keep them grounded. And the others are always there for me. Right now a specific situation doesn't occur to me, because every day someone has something to deal with. And we all stand by him. But really, in the last years the worst situations were only when somebody was burnt out, or somebody got sick, and then we understood to postpone rehearsals, to postpone the concert, and things like that.
Is there something you want to do but haven't had the courage to do it yet?
Kris: It is not that I have not had the courage to do it yet... Well, maybe I have not had the courage to do it yet. But I am telling to myself that I have not yet had the time to do it. But, modelling. A lot of people have already told me that I have the right attitude and look for it, and I'm genuinely interested to see what it would be like.
And now, the question about what you're most proud of, and then the third song, related to Eurovision, which we have also talked about.
Kris: I'm most proud of the fact that - it may be a bit early to say, but all the signs are pointing to the fact that we will be one of the first few Slovenian acts that might be able to break abroad. This is of course a big plus for us. But beyond that, I really hope that we will at least partly contribute to making Slovenian culture more visible to the European public in general. I hope that by doing this we open the door to some more performers, and maybe other European countries, European audiences, will now start to look at Slovenia a little more seriously in the cultural field, not just in the sports field. So if in, I don't know, five years' time, we're performing somewhere abroad, and if there's some other Slovenian bands there, I'll be very proud of that.
Third song?
Kris: The third track is 'Running Scared', which is very different from the previous two. But it's definitely important in my musical development because it's the Eurovision winning song from 2011, and it really stuck in my mind, in my heart, and in my ears. I've kind of followed Eurovision before, I don't know, Lordi, Ruslana, I've heard all that - Lena from 2010 - but this song is the first one that really sucked me into Eurovision. From then on, I followed it quite passionately. And then, it's basically the song that's kind of responsible for me wanting to go to Eurovision. So definitely very relevant for this year. But what's an added bonus is that Ell, who is the singer and co-writer of this song, was a member of the Azerbaijani delegation this year, and I got to meet him and had a bit of a fanboy moment with him. And what was the biggest honour for me was that he told me that he knows us and that he's excited about what we're doing.
Kris, thank you very much!
Kris: Thank you!
Translation cr: @kurooscoffee, @beeoftheanxieties, twt kotsrce, IG carmen.grovez.
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yuurei20 · 4 months
Hello ^^ I was curious about what's the largest and the shortest Twistune/Rhythmic.
Thank you for your hard work 🫶 you're my favorite twst creator
Hello hello! ^^ Thank you so much for this question! And you are very much too kind!! ♡
I found this list of rhythmics from main story/events and their lengths that seems (mostly) accurate, but it stopped tracking after the second Tsumsted event.
After looking up the missing content and cross-referencing with the actual lengths of the rhythmics in-game, I think these might be the longest and shortest! (Rhythmic titles reflect EN-server naming)
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Longest Rhythmic, main story Perform at the SDC! (Book 5, chapter 68) 3:47
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Longest Rhythmic, event Give Your Gift! (Glorious Masquerade) 2:58
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Shortest Rhythmic, main story Show the Headmage! (Book 5, chapter 46) 1:38 Rehearse Some More! (Book 5, chapter 57) 1:38
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Shortest Rhythmic, event Let's Ride the Waves with Stitch! (Lost in the Book with Stitch) 1:01
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
{2} - Written in the Stars - Yandere!Idol!Yeosang X Tall!Chubby!Reader
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Soft Yandere AU & Idol AU
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Fluff, Slight Humor, Slow Burn
Pairing: Yeosang X Reader (ft. platonic Ateez ensemble)
Words: 16,875
Warnings: Slow burn. This story is going to be very self indulgent on my part, so please bear with the first few chapters. Mentions of Jonghyun. Fatshaming, name-calling (not done by any male idols), Wendy and Irene of RV are bitches towards OC, OC is a bit of a 'pick-me' girl but oh well. I think that's all. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: Shamelessly, this part is probably even more self indulgent that the first lmaooo I apologize in advance for that. Still, I do hope you enjoy it, as I had a really fun time writing this chapter out. I actually had to split it, as originally I was going to make all of chapter two both the rehearsal day and actual performance of the award's show.
Also, gentle reminder that I don’t do tag lists.
Disclaimer: The first little portion of this chapter when the OC is speaking is implied that the OC is speaking in English. It is not until OC arrives at the venue where the following takes effect:
"This represents a line spoken in Korean."
"Bolded represents a line spoken in English."
"Bolded and italics represents a line spoken in Japanese."
Mini Masterlist - Part One
“Hello, everyone!” Your smiling face stares back at you from the screen of your phone as you go live on instagram. “I’m just on my way to rehearsal right now.”
The low voice of your publisher in the front seat reaches your ears, telling you not to talk so loudly while in the car.
“Oops, my bad,” you chuckle, turning back to face the camera. “Anyways, I wanted to do a brief live like this since I’ll be busy for the rest of today and tomorrow. I won’t be able to have my biweekly live on Friday night tomorrow cause of my event.”
Your eyes scan the comments, a small quirk to your lips.
“What event you say?” Your eyes gleam with mischievousness. “Well, as a few of you may or may not know, I’m in South Korea right now. I’ve been asked to perform an original piece of writing at the award’s show tomorrow night.”
A giddy smile stretches across your features.
“I know! I’m so excited!” You cheer. “It’s such a high honour to have been asked to create and perform a piece of written work for the show.”
A comment catches your attention briefly.
“I mean, I’m not sure if I’ll be hanging around any idols, but we’re all there to do a job, so I wouldn’t want to disturb anyone if that’s the case.” You reply, eyes briefly looking out of the window at the passing scenery. “As to if Mark Lee will be there or not, I’m not sure. If NCT is set to perform, then probably. I only know of a few select artists that will be there.”
A flood of ‘who’s and ‘omg really’s appear in your comments, a few popping up in different languages such as Korean and Japanese. You remain speaking English for now, but the other comments still make you smile. You’d just rather surprise everyone that watches tomorrow with your language skills.
“Why, whoever’s on the website listings, of course!” You wink playfully, shoulders shaking in laughter. “Nah, even if I did know, I’m not at liberty to say.”
That grin never leaves your lips as you scan the comments once more.
“Let’s see…” your eyes flit back and forth as you pick a question to answer. There seems to be one popping up repeatedly, more so than the rest. “Is it true you were on the same flight as Ateez heading to Korea?”
Your eyebrows raise slightly, amusement dancing on your features.
“Was I?” You hum, the familiar sight of those heads peeking over their seats filling your vision for the briefest of moments. “I don’t recall.”
Though, with the wink you send the camera, your comments are flooded once again.
“Nah, I’m just playing.” A knowing grin stretches across your features. “They’re all really nice people. Friendly, too. They are people after all, which I feel like a lot of others tend to forget about their idols. I don’t know why it’s so hard in general to treat others with basic dignity and respect.”
Immediately, your defence squad rolls in, asking if you’re okay and if something happened.
“I’m fine, everyone! Really!” You smile at how enthusiastic they are in protecting you. “It was more of a general comment than anything.”
Of course you don’t really want to divulge the small incidents you’ve already incurred while being in the country. You know that South Korea has a very lookism centric society, but even when you’re prepared for it, you still cannot help the way certain interactions make you feel. The looks you receive from the older crowd, many of them muttering under their breaths while shaking their heads, sometimes do not go unnoticed.
You may be a popular author, but not everyone knows who you are. Nor is everyone willing to accept the way you look, unfortunately.
Then again, it would probably hurt less if you didn’t understand what some of them were saying. Though, you will never forget when you were in a café the other day, and two taller women came up to you who didn’t necessarily fit into those typical Korean beauty standards. They were a little thicker than those around them, and goodness, were they gorgeous. The fact that both of them were your fans, and thanked you for giving them more confidence with your writing, and just who you are in general, really made your day. You could never forget them, even if you tried.
Thinking back on it now, a small smile pulls at your features.
“What am I thinking about?” You hum, noticing a few comments, only for your eyes to go wide. “My Ateez bias?” You laugh, shaking your head in amusement. “I mean…” you tilt your head, teasing smile pulling at your lips. “Well, if you know, you know.” A wink. “But nah, I’m thinking of a really lovely interaction I had the other day with two women at a café. Saeyoung, Haesoo, if you’re watching, thank you for making my day!”
The two weeks leading up to this point in time have been fairly hectic for you. Between settling into your new apartment, getting used to the time difference, and writing for your new novel, you’ve barely had time to relax. Not to mention the hours you’ve spent practicing your performance for tomorrow. You’ve barely had time to visit your friends, yet.
On the other hand, you’ve been messaging quite a few people quite often lately. 
The first few days after exchanging contact information with Ateez were a little silent, but you just chalked that up to busy schedules on all of your parts. However, you weren’t expecting Hongjoong to message you in the middle of the night complaining about a song he just couldn’t get right.
Needless to say, he wasn’t expecting you to respond so quickly. In fact, he had been surprised that you had still been up at three in the morning. Only, when you explained the jet lag, and the fact that you had also been working on your writing, he understood. You’ve both sort of become night owl buddies now, messaging each other when you’re working on projects until the early hours of the morning. A hilarious fact, especially when you both start chastising the other for not getting enough sleep.
Then came the group chat.
You woke up one day to at least seventy-five Kaotalk messages from a new chat. Thinking it had been an emergency of some sort, your heart rate had skyrocketed. Only, you soon found out that it was just the guys speculating what you could be doing since you weren’t responding to any of them at two in the afternoon.
The moment you sent them a meme of a tired cat waking up with squinting eyes, and a message that only said, ‘wtf’, the real chaos began. 
Wooyoung is convinced that he’s your Ateez bias, immediately rubbing it in the other’s faces. At that, you promptly received selfies from Seonghwa, Mingi, and Yunho just ‘casually’ wanting your opinion on them before they posted them to their instagram and twitter accounts. You also received photos of what each of the guys were doing from Hongjoong, telling you that this was the chaos you incited by finally responding.
Yeosang would comment one liners here and there that would absolutely knock the shit right out of you. The way this man had near perfect timing still amazes you, laughing to yourself every time you think back on his responses.
Both Jongho and Wooyoung are the most talkative in the group chat, but Jongho tends to message you a lot outside of it, anyways. More so than Hongjoong now, considering his main thing was that he didn’t want to bother you at first with his thousand and one questions about your writing.
You found out later it was both Hongjoong and Yeosang keeping him in line.
Mingi and you share anime recommendations when you can, and you’ve even started planning a day where you’ll binge some of your favourite shows together. You heard that San may or may not tag along, but that’s yet to be decided.
Speaking of San, he’s one of the most quiet in the group chat. You assume it’s probably because out of all of them, he’s the one you spent the least amount of time talking to. You cannot fault him for that; you both hardly know each other.
Yunho likes to crack jokes every now and then, along with Seonghwa, but they’re both really level headed guys from what you’ve gathered so far. They like to flirt, but not nearly as much as Wooyoung does. Besides, with the two older members, you can tell it’s just friendly, so you have no problem teasing them back. Wooyoung, on the other hand, you can’t be too sure. Though, if it truly bothered you, you’d get him to stop.
“Anyways, we’re getting closer to the venue, so I’m sadly going to have to say goodbye for now.” A dramatic pout pulls at your lips. “I know! I promise to do another live soon, and I’ll answer some questions about my newest novel and upcoming works then.”
The way the chat immediately starts flooding with happy messages and people saying they’re looking forward to it makes your heart swell in your chest.
“Alright, lovelies,” you smile just as the car pulls into the parking lot. “Thanks for tuning in. See you next time!”
With a final wave at the camera, you’re ending the live.
Letting out a low sigh, you tuck your phone back into your side pocket. Grabbing your purse, you notice that you’ve pulled up to the side entrance of the venue. Both you and your publisher step out of the vehicle, thanking the driver all the while.
Immediately, you’re greeted by security who escorts you inside and to the backstage area. Your publisher talks lowly with the head of staff, ensuring all of the requirements are met and getting all of the details you may need for now. They’re really only here to drop you off and then head back out for the day. Besides, the event organizer and stage manager will look after you if need be.
You follow quietly behind, taking in the space of the venue as more staff mill about. A few recognize you as you walk passed, their eyes lighting up as you shoot them a polite smile in return. Some of them must be on break currently, for you can see snacks and drinks scattered around a few the deeper into the arena you get.
Finally, you reach backstage.
“So, all of the groups are currently occupying the green rooms, or milling about. That means, unfortunately, you won’t be getting one to yourself.” The head stage manager turns to you once you reach them, speaking in English for the moment. “You’re more than welcome to observe the soundcheck from the floor, or from the seats instead of staying back here the whole time, as well.”
“Please, don’t feel like you have to speak in English for my sake.” You say, noticing how you catch all of the staff off guard with your Korean. “I can speak and understand Korean. So please, let’s all speak comfortably. Thank you for hosting me and including me in such a monumental show.” You bow politely in their direction. “The room situation most certainly will not be a problem. I don’t mind at all. Just tell me where to go, and when, and I will do my best to stay out of everyone’s way.”
You can hear the familiar boom of music from the stage area reaching your ears, though it’s more of a background noise right now.
The stage manager nods approvingly in your direction, a smile pulling at their features. “I understand. Thank you for being so accommodating. I cannot stay and talk long, for I’m needed elsewhere, but help yourself to drinks and refreshments. If you need any help, Riley will be more than happy to assist you. She’s been assigned to be your personal assistant today.”
At their words, a girl with long, chestnut hair steps forward. A giddy smile rests on her features, and you can see her visibly shaking in excitement.
“Hello,” she bows, addressing you formally. “It’s very nice to meet you.”
“It’s wonderful to meet you, too, Riley,” you smile, telling her to just call you by your first name to make things easier.
“Alright, well, I’ll be off. Itzy is supposed to be having soundcheck right now, but we’re a bit behind.” The stage manager rushes off after that, speaking quickly into their headset.
“You’re not scheduled until the very end, so you have plenty of time to lounge around and do whatever you’d like.” Riley informs you with a smile.
“Oh, sweet,” you grin back. “Thank you for taking care of me today.”
“Really, it’s no problem at all!” She’s quick to answer. “To be quite honest, I’m a big fan so I jumped at the opportunity to be able to assist you in any way I could.”
“That’s very sweet of you! I really appreciate it.” You nod, moving to stand off to the side so that you’re out of the way.
“Your books are incredible, and reading them gave my boyfriend so much confidence.” She comments, a faint blush beginning to dust her cheeks.
“Ah, really?” Your eyes light up. “That makes me so glad to hear! I’m so happy for the both of you.”
“I can’t wait to tell him that you can speak Korean!” She says, grabbing a water bottle off of the table closest to you and handing it to you. “As long as you’re okay I share that with him, of course.”
“Of course!” You confirm. “By tomorrow night, most people will know, anyways.”
“Oh, are you performing your written piece in Korean, then?” She asks, eyes sparkling as you thank her lowly for the water.
“It’ll be a little bit of a mix,” you tell her, a small smile pulling at your features. “Korean, and English. Though, I contemplated adding Japanese to the speech. I opted out at the last minute.”
“You can speak all three?” Her eyebrows raise, voice incredulous.
“Yes, I can.” You confirm with a nod. “I’m working to learn Mandarin next.”
“That’s incredible!” She praises, and you avert your gaze somewhat bashfully. “I’ve been learning Japanese, but I have a hard time practicing it. Lack of conversation partners, and all that with the way my schedule is.”
“Well, if you’d like to practice with me, I’d be more than happy to help!” You say. “I may not be the best for correcting your pronunciation, but I can most certainly help with conversation practice.”
“Really?” Her eyes flash with excitement. “That would be wonderful, thank you!”
“Would you like to start now, or hold off until later?” The way you ask her this in Japanese catches her slightly off guard.
A blink, and she’s setting her expression into one of determination. “Now would be a good start.”
“Wonderful!” You smile. “So, then, Riley, tell me about your favourite animal.”
“Well, I absolutely adore sharks. I just think they’re really neat, and it’s so sad that some of them get hunted for sport.” She begins, taking a moment to think of her next words carefully. “Half of the time, they’re hunted after attacking a human, but they don’t know any better. I watched a documentary once where it explained that because of their poor…” her brow furrows slightly, “Oh shoot, I can’t remember the word.”
“Eyesight?”You supply, to which she nods, eyes lighting up in recognition. 
“Yes, eyesight!” She replies enthusiastically. “Because of their poor eyesight, humans on top of surfboards look similar to dolphins and other aquatic mammals from below.”
“Oh, I know exactly what you’re talking about!” You nod along with her. “I literally could not agree more. It’s sad that they get hunted just for following their instincts. I understand some of the reasoning behind it, but at the end of the day, you’re right. Sharks are just living and hunting in the wild like they always do.”
“Yes, exactly!” Riley turns to grab another water bottle off of the table for herself. “I just wish more people would understand that.”
“Me too, honestly.” You agree.
“Anyways, enough about me.” She chuckles, somewhat bashfully. “What about you? What is your favourite animal?”
“Oh, that’s easy, it’s-“ the words get stuck in your throat as your own brow furrows this time. You blink, thinking hard. A slight chuckle escapes you, “Now I can’t remember the word.”
“Maybe I know it?” She offers, but at the way she shakes her head once you say the animal, you know she doesn’t know the term.
Luckily for you, someone just so happens to be walking passed you for the moment, and without thinking, you stop them.
“Excuse me, but what’s the word for turtle in Japanese?” You meet the male’s gaze, noticing how stunned he seems to be for the moment.
Blinking, he tells you the word.
Recognition flashes behind your eyes as you turn back to Riley. “Right! Turtles are my favourite animals. I just think they’re so cute.” In the next second, you turn back to the male. “Thank you so much! I couldn’t remember for the life of me.”
“No problem,” he nods, somewhat in shock, before walking away.
Only, when you turn back to Riley, she wears an expression of mild awe on her features.
“I can’t believe you just asked the Yuta of NCT that question so casually.” Her jaw drops, a giggle falling from her lips as you shrug sheepishly.
“He was the closest person around.” You laugh along with her. “Though, I feel like he was expecting me to start freaking out about who he was when I stopped him.”
“Yeah, sometimes the extra staff we hire to help out don’t always act professional around the artists.” Riley explains, a sort of grimace to her features.
“Really? I would have thought there’d be a screening process for that.” You comment, brow mildly furrowed.
“There is, but sometimes they still slip through.” She comments. “That, and some people say they’ll act one way, but then when it comes down to it, act another.”
“Oh, believe me,” you hum in acknowledgement. “That I do know.”
Around you, you can hear some whispers beginning to float around about your arrival. A fact which you find a bit odd, considering you’ve already been at the venue for at least a half hour or so. Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice some more idols beginning to linger about as well.
Just as you go to continue the conversation with Riley, you hear a shout in the background of someone’s name. You watch as her eyes go wide just as you feel a weight jump onto your back.
“Zhong Chenle, you get back here right now!” Whoever it is, they sound mad.
“You’re real! Holy shit!” A voice right by your ear sounds, and you blink in shock, hands naturally coming to support the body now clinging onto your back. “Mark hasn’t been making you up this whole time in some elaborate fever dream!”
“Zhong Chenle!” The angry voice finally caches up to you, and you turn to see Kun from NCT frowning at the younger male clinging like a koala to your back. His gaze softens as he meets your own. “I am so sorry for him. Once Yuta came back to say you had arrived, he darted out of the room to come see for himself.”
“It’s no problem, really,” you laugh, and you notice your response catches them both off guard. “Yes, I can speak Korean.”
Beside you, Riley giggles.
The sound of feet hitting the ground reaches your ears, and you see some more males rushing over to you.
“Way to go, Chenle,” Renjun deadpans. “Way to make a great first impression on Mark’s author friend.”
Softly, you set Chenle back onto his own two feet. A second later, and Kun is reaching over to drag the younger male over to him by his ear. Renjun shakes his head disapprovingly all the while.
“Ow! Kun, stop it! That hurts!” The younger complains, batting the elder’s hand away.
“Once again, I am so sorry for him.” Kun apologizes, and you notice the faintest hue of pink dusting his cheeks.
“Really, it’s no problem,” you assure him, noticing too many pairs of eyes on you now.
You shuffle in your spot, beginning to rub a hand over the side of your one arm nervously.
“If he bothers you again, just come find me and I’ll deal with him.” Kun replies, sending a small smile your way.
You nod. “Thanks, I appreciate it.”
Wordlessly, Kun begins dragging off Chenle, Renjun in tow. 
A few more people step forward.
“Not even a ‘hello’ for your biggest fan?” Mark quirks a brow, walking up to you with both Johnny and Taeyong on either side of him.
Teasingly, you begin to look around the space. “Why? Did you see Jongho from Ateez around?”
Mark looks truly scandalized by your words, his eyebrows raising significantly as his voice almost cracks. “Excuse me?”
“Oh, hi, Mark.” You reply casually, hearing Johnny snort at the intonation you use.
“No, no, I see how it is,” an overdramatic pout pulls at his lips as he crosses his arms over his chest. “Spent all of three months convincing half the guys to read your books and this is the thanks I get once we meet.”
You lowly hear him muttering about how he is your biggest fan, not Jongho from Ateez.
“I don’t know, he was pretty excited when I met him on the plane.”You hum.
“So, you did meet Ateez on the plane ride over here.”Johnny observes, amusement dancing in his gaze.
“I did,” you nod in confirmation. “They’re all very nice.”
You notice Taeyong following along with the conversation, brow furrowed slightly as the music stops for the moment. “I think they just finished soundcheck. They should be back soon.”
“Then I’ll say ‘hello’ to them soon,” you reply, noticing the slight surprise that graces Taeyong’s features at your response. “If I happen to see them.”
“Anyways, it’s so nice to finally meet you!”Mark smiles, and you notice Johnny grinning smugly while nudging him not so subtly with his elbow. “Shut up!”
“What?” Your brow quirks, amusement dancing in your eyes.
“Well, are you going to ask her, or not?”Johnny teases the younger male beside him.
“I’m getting there!” Mark pushes the elder male back slightly.
“What can I do for you, Mark Lee of NCT?” The grin that pulls onto your features says it all.
“I- uh… um…” he stutters over his words, palms nervously rubbing over the thighs of his jeans for the moment.
“Where’s that confidence now, Markie boy?”Johnny laughs before turning to you, completely ignoring the glare the younger sends his way. “Mark wanted to know if you would be willing to give him a hug when you finally met.”
Mark looks about read to strangle Johnny, a bright red lighting up his features.
“Well, why didn’t you just say so!” You chuckle, extending your arms out to him. “Hugs are one my favourite things! As long as you ask first, or I’m offering, I usually don’t mind at all. Besides, I think Chenle technically already beat you to it.”
Mark immediately sinks into your embrace, wrapping his own arms around you and squeezing you tightly. You can feel the chuckle he lets out against your chest as he responds. “Yeah, sorry about that. Again.”
“Really, it’s no worries.” You tell him as he pulls away, holding you at arms length.
“Impromptu piggybacks are kind of his thing when he gets excited.” Taeyong sighs, shaking his head.
“No fair, I want a piggyback ride, too!” A loud voice draws your attention from the side.
Looking over, you see Wooyoung happily skipping over to you, the other members of Ateez in tow. It seems as if they’ve just finished their soundcheck.
“I’m sure it wasn’t a case of her offering,” Yunho chuckles, and you see the red-headed male pout.
“Hello boys, it’s nice to see you again.” You smile, tilting your head politely in acknowledgement.
“How come Hongjoong was the only one to know that you’d be in attendance today and tomorrow?” Jongho crosses his arms over his chest, a pout tugging at his features.
“You didn’t tell people?” Mark turns to you.
“I was told not to,” you shrug. “Privacy, and all.”
“Really? Cause Mark was more than happy to literally shout it out at practice when you told him.” Johnny blinks, a teasing grin pulling at his features.
“Which now makes sense why Chenle practically bulldozed me fifteen minutes ago.” You nod, turning your amused gaze towards the male standing beside you.
“You told Mark, but not us?” Mingi pouts, crossing his arms over his chest.
“To be fair, I’ve been chatting with Mark a lot longer than I’ve personally known all of you guys.” You say, a casual shrug to your shoulder. “Not my fault Hongjoong didn’t tell you.”
“Wait, but how come Hongjoong knew?” San’s brow furrows, turning to look at the aforementioned male.
“He’s not the only idol that should have been informed.” A slight frown tugs at your brow. “Speaking of, Riley, when’s the briefing meeting supposed to be?”
The woman, who had been silently standing to the side all this time observing the interactions straightens in her spot. “You’re set to meet with the idols you’ve requested to join you for your presentation just before we break for lunch. The rehearsal for your speech won’t be until the very end, though.”
“Requested?” Yeosang’s brow furrows.
“I’ve seen a few of them around, but I’ve yet to speak to the majority of them.” You comment.
“I’m still mad that you didn’t ask me to do it.” Mark crosses his arms over his chest. “Some friend you’re suppose to be.”
“I’m sorry!” You raise your hands in your defence, a hint of exasperation to your voice. “The organizers told me I could only ask so many people on such short notice. I only thought of the idea less than two weeks ago. I’m lucky to get even eight of them to agree!”
“As long as you haven’t forgotten about our bet.” He huffs, quirking an eyebrow at you.
“I most certainly have not forgotten about our bet.” You meet his gaze, eyes wide in exasperation. “You’re about to owe me ten meals, Mister. Anything that I want, too.”
“I sure hope you don’t mean him cooking for you.” Johnny snorts.
“Oh, god no.” You huff out a laugh. “Not after I saw the ‘egg incident’ of Resonance era.”
“Not the egg incident!” Johnny cackles right along with you, and you notice Taeyong grimacing as he remembers it as well.
Mark’s eyes are wide, a tight smile on his face showing just how exasperated he is. He almost looks as if he wants the ground to open up and swallow him whole.
“Bet?” This time, it’s Hongjoong that quirks a brow.
“Oh, you haven’t been told? She bet him that she could learn-“
Johnny gets cut off by Mark’s nervous laugh.
“Mark Lee, you told me that you didn’t tell anyone about our bet.” Slowly, you turn your head to look at him, a tense smile on your face.
“Oh, the ‘Seventh Sense’ bet?” Taeyong tilts his head slightly in inquiry. “The whole of our group knows of it. We all want to watch you, what’s the phrase? Wipe the floor with him.”
“Mark Lee!” Your jaw drops. “I told you how I feel about dancing in front of other people! Especially when they’re idols! Not to mention the original performers of the song!”
“I’m sorry! You still said you’d do it!” He replies, lifting his hands in front of himself in his own defence. “I just got too excited!”
“More like carried away,” Johnny chuckles.
Casually, Yunho leans into Johnny’s side. “What’s this bet they have going on?”
“Oh, they were talking about some of her favourite NCT dances one time, and she commented on how one of them was, ‘The Seventh Sense’.” Johnny explains. “She admitted to always wanting to learn it just to say she knew it, but never actually got that far, yet. Mark decided it would be a good idea to discourage her from learning it since it is pretty difficult, and she doesn’t usually dance like we do. Hence, a bet was made that she would prove him wrong.”
“Listen,” you sigh. “I may not be a dancer, but don’t tell me what I can or can’t do. I will prove you wrong. I just wasn’t expecting to have a crowd when doing it. I don’t really like dancing in front of other people all that much anymore.”
“Why not?” Yeosang’s brow furrows, a slight downturn to his lips.
You curl your arms over yourself, holding your elbows delicately in you hands. A small grimace crosses your features as you seemingly curl in on yourself. “Personal reasons.”
A hushed understanding settles over all of them. That is, until Mark is breaking it.
“Is this about Kite?”
“Isn’t Kite your significant other?” It’s Riley that asks, and you notice all eyes on you.
“My ex, yes.” You sigh.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize you weren’t together anymore.” She’s quick to bow to you, but you wave her off.
“It’s alright,” your expression falls, a grimace crossing your features. Out of the corner of your eyes, you see Yeosang take a half step towards you. Only, you don’t chalk it up to much, as so do Mark, Jongho, and Yunho. “I just don’t like talking about him anymore.”
“Sorry for bringing him up,” Mark pats you comfortingly on your arm. “Anyways, Ten says he has to watch you dance for the bet.”
“Not Ten!” The instant mortification is clear on our features. “Anybody but Ten.”
“And Doyoung, and Jaehyun.” Taeyong nods.
“It could be worse. It could be worse.” You begin to mumble to yourself, blinking at the ground a few times.
“Well, if you want to owe me ten meals, you can always back out.” Mark comments casually, a hum to his tone.
“No way in hell.” Your eyes narrow. “I have to prove you wrong.”
“Now, this I can’t wait to see.” Johnny chuckles, eyes crinkling as he smiles.
Just then, a voice from across the way draws your attention.
“Holy shit, is that who I think it is?” 
Looking across the backstage area reveals Vernon from Seventeen staring at you with wide eyes. Though, you notice that you’re not the only one who’s now staring at him in response.
Quickly, he bows, apologizing lowly before making his way across the backstage area. You note Mingyu, Seungcheol, Seokmin, and Jihoon all following behind him silently.
The crowd around you slowly begins to get bigger, and you notice some other idols lingering around the edges of the room, waiting to catch a glimpse of you. A fact of which that has a heat rising to your cheeks, shuffling once more in your spot.
Vernon stops on the edge of the circle you’re now apart of, smiling at you politely.
“I didn’t know you’d be here!” He inclines his head towards you in greeting, introducing himself and his group mates in succession. “It’s so nice to meet you. We’re all pretty big fans of your work.”
“Thank you so much,” you bow back to him politely. “It still boggles my mind knowing the idol groups I enjoy listening to know who I am. Not to mention read my writing.”
“You’re a fan?” Seungcheol blinks at you in shock.
“You can speak Korean?” Seokmin is equally as shocked, though there’s a hint of pleasantness to his tone.
“Yes, to both.” You chuckle, noticing how Jihoon shoots you a polite nod in acknowledgement. You smile back, leaning into Mark in the next second, “looks like Jihoon knows how to keep a secret.”
“Hey!” He whines, and you notice how most of the males around you look at the aforementioned one in confusion.
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” he smiles.
“You as well,” you return the look. “Thank you for agreeing to be a part of my presentation on such short notice.”
“Wait, is that why you nearly collapsed at practice during break about two weeks ago after looking at your phone?” Mingyu’s brow furrows, turning to look at the shorter male beside him. The height difference in person nearly makes you chuckle.
The way the shorter male elbows the taller one in the side is all the answer you need.
“That’s nothing,” another voice draws your attention from the side. “You should have seen the panic Hyunjin went into when we got the call.”
Wordlessly, the members of Stray Kids now begin to crowd around you, and you notice a few giddy smiles sent your way. Though, what makes you laugh is seeing Hyunjin’s exasperated look that he sends towards Bang Chan after the words escape the elder’s mouth. The way you see some of the members greeting Ateez excitedly has your heart warming in your chest. To be able to see all of the friendly interactions between the different groups makes you extremely happy for the moment.
“Holy shit, you weren’t kidding when you said she was tall.” A voice from your left draws your attention, and you notice Changbin staring at you with an awe filled expression while standing beside Wooyoung.
“I told you.” Wooyoung replies, a smug grin tugging at his features.
“Speaking of height, Jaehyun and Jungwoo owe me twenty bucks.” Johnny hums, walking off back towards the green rooms with Taeyong in tow.
You turn to Mark, a questioning look on your features.
“They didn’t actually think you’d be taller than me.” Mark grumbles, averting his gaze.
“I take it you didn’t, either.” You chuckle, noticing how a few males shift closer in order to see just how tall you are compared to them.
“To be quite honest, I didn’t,” he chuckles, and at the way you quirk a brow, he’s quick to continue, “not that it’s a bad thing! I think you being tall is really cool!”
“Thank you!” You grin. “I do, too!”
“By the way, since Chan is too much of a scaredy cat to ask,”the deep voice of Felix draws your attention to the side, “would you mind taking some pictures with us later? We think the fans would love it.”
“First of all, your voice should come with a warning.” You notice him grin at your words, and you return the smile, eyes crinkling at the sides. “And sure! I’d love to.”
“Us, too!” Vernon is quick to jump in.
“Listen, if anyone is getting a photo first, it’s me!” Mark voices loudly.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice quite a few female idols looking your way. Some of them look on at you in awe, while others cannot hide their distaste seeing you surrounded by so many males. Even some other male idols begin whispering about your appearance quite openly, but you ignore them for now.
“Yeah, yeah,” you huff out a laugh, “and I’m pretty sure you mentioned how Yangyang wants to do karaoke at some point?”
“He just wants you to perform WAP with him.” Mark sigs, shaking his head disapprovingly.
Your eyes widen in amusement, a subtle heat rising once more to your cheeks. “Does he?”
“Oh, karaoke sounds fun!” Vernon nods enthusiastically.
You jaw parts in mild shock, pure mirth dancing in your gaze. “Did the Vernon of Seventeen just invite himself along to karaoke with me?”
Lowly, you register Hongjoong and Chan whispering to their groups in Korean.
“I’m coming, too!” Jongho nearly shouts, drawing almost all of the attention of everyone backstage.
“Right, you still need to serenade her,” Yunho nods, and instantly he’s running for his life as Jongho chases him with murderous intent around the backstage area.
You turn to Mingi, “you still up for shouting anime openings at the top of our lungs at some point?”
At this, the remaining members of Ateez turn to look at Mingi.
“Of course!” He grins widely, nodding enthusiastically.
“Sweet.” You mirror his grin, noticing a few other idols commenting on wanting to join in on the fun.
“No, I’m telling you Shotaro, she can speak Japanese.” A voice coming from off to your right says.
“Just because she asked you what one word is, doesn’t mean she can speak it.” Another voice replies, getting closer with each passing second.
“She immediately jumped right back into conversation with Riley about animals afterwards.” Yuta rounds the corner, Shotaro right beside him.
At the way both males see the group you’re currently surrounded by, they immediately freeze in their spots. Briefly, each male nods their head in acknowledgement, eyes flashing in recognition as they see Mark standing a little ways away from them.
“Mark, tell Shotaro that your author friend can speak Japanese.” Yuta meets the male’s gaze, stepping in closer with Shotaro in tow.
“Hi, Mark’s author friend here.” You lean forward slightly, waving a bit so you catch their attention. “I can speak Japanese.”
The way Shotaro stubs his toe on the table against the side wall in shock nearly has you laughing in response.
“See! I told you!” Yuta crosses his arms, turning to glare pointedly at Shotaro.
“You can speak Japanese?” Another voice from in front of you catches your attention, and you see Momo, Mina, and Sana from Twice making their way over towards you.
“That’s incredible!” Mina comments, her eyes wide as they join your little circle of idols.
“Thank you!” You smile widely at the three of them.
“By the way, these guys aren’t bugging you, are they?” Sana shoots you a knowing look. “You seem a little crowded.”
“No, no, not at all.” You shake your head. “I appreciate you checking in on me, though. That’s very kind of you.”
“We’re all really big fans of your work.” Mina adds, a light blush dusting her cheeks. “We overheard Riley saying how you gave her boyfriend confidence through your writing, and you’ve done that with a few of our members, too.”
“You’re really beautiful in person.” Momo compliments, a soft smile painting her features.
The way your hand comes up to cover your mouth is so natural, a vibrant heat rising to your cheeks.
“Thank you so much,” you cannot keep the awe from your voice. “I think you’re all very beautiful, too. Not to mention talented. I always have fun singing and dancing along with your songs, especially when I need a pick me up.”
All three of their eyes light up, excitement coursing through their veins as they grip each other giddily.
“You like our music?” Mina cannot keep the joy off of her features.
“Of course I do! I listen to a lot of the groups currently around me.” You admit. “I find a lot of inspiration from them.”
“Who’s your favourite?” Shotaro cuts in, noticing how both he and Yuta casually lean against the side table now.
You smile at him knowingly, a gleam to your eyes. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
The way he blinks back at you has you laughing lightly. Though, before you can say much more, the familiar music that begins to play from the stage area has you freezing in your spot.
“Mark Lee,” you turn to him with wide eyes, “how dare you not tell me.”
In the blink of an eye, you’re rushing towards the seating area to get a better view of the stage, quite a few of the idols blinking at you in shock. Riley seems to catch on quickly, following behind you as a few of the other idols do as well.
Pushing through the door, you step out onto the floor before the stage. You completely bypass the steps leading to the seats in favour of walking out onto the empty standing area where you can see some staff milling around. Some other idols seem to be watching the soundcheck, too. 
Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice another familiar idol shoot a friendly smile your way before she turns her head back to watch the four males on stage.
A small squeal of excitement escapes your lips as you watch SHINee do their soundcheck on stage. Each male even gets a portion during their set to perform a part of one of their solos, and you vaguely hear a staff member commenting on how there will be a SHINee special this year. Which explains why they’re getting the longest stage time out of all of the groups set to perform.
The moment SHINee finishes their soundcheck, you find yourself leaning back against the little guardrail leading up into the stands. You can feel your heart racing in your chest, and you blink, finally coming back to the reality around you.
“Surprise?” Mark chuckles from beside you.
“‘Surprise’ my ass!” You smack him lightly on the side of his arm. “You want to complain about being friends for so long, and you can’t even tell me my favourite group is performing at the award’s show I’m attending!”
A few chuckles are heard from around you from passing staff, as well as a few of the idols who followed you out.
“So, I guess it’s true that SHINee is your ult group, huh?” Vernon comments, a small quirk to his brow.
“Oh, most definitely.”You nod. “At least, one half of them.”
“Who’s the other half?” Felix asks, his eyes wide and hopeful.
“Oh, that’s easy,” you notice quite a few of them hanging on to your every word, “VIXX.”
“Damn, two tough groups to beat.”Vernon whistles lowly.
“By the way, you keep mentioning this performance you’re going to be having, but who did you all ask to be in it?” It’s Seonghwa who asks, looking between you and some of the idols around you.
“Well, it was short notice, so my publisher only managed to contact a few groups that we knew were going to be here,” you reply, a slight quirk to your lips upwards. “And a few that we did not, just in case.”
“I think you asked me first before our manager did,” Hongjoong laughs, arms crossed casually over his chest.
“Since my performance is going to be on the different forms of art, I wanted to showcase different idols who matched different art forms.” You explain, noticing how you draw in a few more people’s attention with every word. “I wasn’t expecting so many to agree to help.”
“Okay, so we know Joong is one. Jihoon, and Hyunjin are two others,” Mingi comments. “Who are the rest?”
“Well, I asked all of SHINee to be in it, and a few EXO members, but I never heard back from SM. Same with Seulgi of Red Velvet. The only confirmation I got that Ten, Renjun, and Taeyong all agreed to help, was from Mark, cause he wouldn’t stop complaining that I didn’t ask him to join. Twice’s Momo and Dahyun both agreed. Bang Chan, too.” You say, listing all of the idols off on your fingers. “I tried to have at least two per category, but it didn’t always work out that way. Plus, multiple could definitely fit in more than one.”
“Categories?” Yeosang asks, blinking at you curiously.
“Dancer, vocalist, rapper, fashion, visual art, composer, actor,” you list off. “Art takes many forms, and I wanted to emphasize that with their help.”
“We were told our respective categories when we got the call,” Hyunjin voices from above you, casually leaning over the railing of the stands and watching everyone with sharp eyes. “I don’t know about you guys, but I was asked if my art could be included in a video slide show thing to go along with it.”
“Oh, mine was, too!” A feminine voice cuts in from off to the side.
Turning your head, you see Seulgi join your little circle of idols. You smile at her, noticing how she nods her head politely at you just as she did during SHINee’s soundcheck.
“It’s so lovely to meet you, I’m a big fan of your books!” She leans in to grasp your hands lightly in her own, giving them a gentle squeeze. “As are Joy and Yeri, but they’re backstage for the moment. They’re going to be so jealous I’m meeting you right now.”
“I didn’t know you were going to be joining the presentation.” An awed look crosses your features, and you can feel your hands trembling slightly in her hold. She squeezes them once more. “Thank you so much for agreeing, I’m a huge fan of yours, too.”
“Then, I’m glad we could meet like this.” She replies. “I overheard that SHINee is set to join us for the briefing soon, too. Same with some of the EXO members.”
“Really?” You cannot prevent the way your eyes shine with excitement.
“So, then, who’s in which category?” Yeosang’s voice cuts through the crowd, his arms crossed over his chest. Though he leans against the side of the stands casually, he looks a bit tense.
Just as you go to answer, a call for you and your presentation team goes out for everyone to gather in front of the stage for the designated meeting. Lunch is called for everyone else, for now.
“Good luck,” Mark pats you on the side of the arm before heading out with some of the other idols in tow.
“Thanks, Mark.” At the intonation you use, you notice Vernon’s shoulders shaking in laughter this time as he walks backstage with some of the others.
Heading over to the stage area, you situate yourself right by where you see the stage director and event organizer appear. Seulgi, Chan, Hongjoong, Hyunjin, and Jihoon all follow you over, standing around you as the other idols that have agreed to help you gather.
A few minutes later, and you are surrounded by all of them. You notice that the artists practically group themselves by company.
“We’ll let you lead.” The stage manager says.
“Whenever you’re ready.” Says the event organizer.
Across from you stands Jihoon, Hongjoong, Ten, Taeyong, Renjun, Bang Chan, Hyunjin, Seulgi, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, Minho, Key, Onew, Taemin, Momo, and Dahyun. They all arrange themselves in about three lines facing you.
“Thank you.” You nod once to them before turning to face all of the idols before you. Quickly, you introduce yourself, a sense of professionalism taking over quite quickly. “I understand that this was asked of all of you on short notice, and I would like to take the time now to thank each and every one of you for agreeing to aid me in my presentation. That being said, I was uninformed that some of you would actually be joining me for my speech until a short while ago, so I will have to adjust a few things.”
Nods of understanding are seen from most of them.
“You all should have been asked a few questions when you received the offer, confirming that it is okay for my video editor to either use clips from your music shows, dramas, behind the scenes footage, livestreams, songs, events, and, or, any type of artwork you have created.” You scan the small group of idols before you. “I want to confirm now that I have your express permission to do so. Otherwise, my editor and I will adjust the video clips to be shown along with the presentation.”
Nods greet you all around, a few in mild shock that you would ask them such a thing again.
“Good.” You smile. “Now, I believe you should have all received a copy of my speech, and instructions along with it as to which categories I would like you to be sorted under. Again, if you have any issues, let me know and I will adjust accordingly.”
At the silence that greets you, a few of them sending reassuring smiles your way, you feel a tension beginning to release from your shoulders.
“I understand that these categories might not be what you usually get sorted under. That being said, I want to focus on different aspects of art using familiar faces to the public that were already attending these ceremonies.” You explain. “The lines I would like a few of you to read are meant to showcase art as collaboration, as expression, and as our passions. Again, if you have any issues, let me know, and I can rearrange some things.”
The way they all wait for you to continue warms your heart.
“I want to thank all of you for helping to bring my vision to life.” You smile. “If you have any questions or concerns, please, do not hesitate to let me know.”
“Are we allowed to see the video before it’s finalized?” Dahyun asks, her eyes wide as she blinks excitedly at you.
“Of course!” You return her smile. “The finalized version will be edited and submitted tonight, along with the script. You’ll all receive a copy of that as well. There’s simply one more thing I need to confirm before then.”
“What is it you still need to confirm?” Kyungsoo asks you, meeting your gaze.
“Well, making sure I had all of your consent to use your own forms of art was one of them.” You say. “The other, I would like to speak with all four members of SHINee about. Privately, if that’s alright?”
All four members turn their attention to you, both Minho and Onew smiling kindly as they nod their heads. You notice Taemin blink a few times, caught off guard by the sudden request, while Key’s expression remains neutral.
“If you’ll all follow me for a moment.” You step off to the side a little ways away from everybody, even the stage manager and event organizer.
Luckily, all four members follow you quickly, and you notice the other idols beginning to chat amongst themselves to give you some more privacy.
Once you’re far enough away, you’re turning to all four of them. Nervously, your hand begins to fiddle with the strap of your purse still slung over your shoulder.
“There is an additional piece I would like to add to the end of my speech, but I wanted to discuss it with all of you first.” You begin, swallowing somewhat thickly. “As you may or may not know, I have always been a big fan of your group as a whole, and have found inspiration from all of you. The reason I am pulling you all aside to ask you this, is because I respect all of you, and I would never want to do something to offend you, or disgrace his memory.”
You notice Key’s one eyebrow twitch upwards slightly.
“I would like to end my speech both making reference to, and quoting Jonghyun and his artistic views. If you would like to read what I have penned for it, I have copies ready for you if you believe that will help influence your decision. If even one of you disagrees, or is uncomfortable with such a thing, I will not do so, and leave my speech the way it is now.” You tell them, feeling your heart about to beat right out of your chest as you take the time to meet each of their gazes. “I only felt it right to ask permission from you before doing so, as again, I do not wish to tarnish or disrespect any of you, or his name.”
A beat of silence passes over all of you as they consider your words. What makes it even more nerve wracking is how you cannot read any of their expressions.
The four of them briefly share a look before Jinki is turning towards you.
“May we see what you have written?” His voice is soft as he meets your gaze once more.
“Of course.” You nod, quickly opening your purse and pulling out a few slips of folded paper.
Gently, you soften the creases, separating the two sheets with the same ending portion of your speech on them. A moment later, and you hand one piece to Key while Minho takes the other.
The silence that stretches on around you as Taemin leans into Minho’s side to read, and Jinki into Key’s, is deafening. Sweat begins to form on your hands, which continue to nervously fiddle with the strap of your purse. You even go so far as to start rocking on your feet to dispel your energy, your eyes darting every which way as they read your writing over for themselves.
You notice a single tear begin to trail down the side of Minho’s cheek.
The four males share a brief look with one another before Jinki looks up in your direction. You notice that he blinks away tears of his own.
“We appreciate the consideration you have extended to both us and him,” he begins, voice catching in his throat. “Thank you for asking before wanting to honour his memory like this.”
You blink at him, breath catching in your throat as his words wash over you. Perhaps you heard him wrong, but is he saying what you think he’s saying?
Again, they all share a look, Minho straightening himself while wiping at his cheek.
“Please keep this as the ending to your speech.” He says. “It makes a great addition to what you already have.”
The familiar burn of happy tears begins to make itself apparent behind your eyes.
“I know we don’t know each other, but the fact that you went out of your way to ask us permission before doing this shows just what kind of person you are.” Key adds, a gentle smile being sent your way. “Thank you for considering our feelings on this matter.”
“I think we are all in agreement that we would like you to use this ending to your speech.” Taemin confirms, a soft nod to his head.
“Really?” You cannot hide the way your eyes shine, heart swelling in your chest.
At the four nods you receive from all of them, a large smile breaks out onto your face.
“Thank you so much.” You bow deeply to all of them, eyes fluttering shut as you do so.
“Thank you for asking.” Jinki smiles kindly at you once more.
“Of course,” you right yourself. “It was only the natural thing to do.”
“We appreciate it.” Minho smiles your way as you all begin to make your way back over to where the other idols are.
Seeing you approach with SHINee in tow catches all of their attention, hushed whispers dying out to a silence once more.
“Alright, so the way I’ve grouped you all off means there should be at least two of you per category,” you address them all. “I know I’m probably repeating myself here, but I want to focus on how we all have different outlets for our art. You’ve all been told the category you’ll be under, so if you can all just stand with your ‘buddies’ for the moment it would help me explain the next part.”
Again, nods greet you in understanding.
“Great!” Your eyes crinkle as you smile. “If I could get the composers over here.”
You point to your immediate left, seeing Bang Chan, and Jihoon both move to their new spot.
“Visual artists here,” you point beside the first group, a little ways to their right.
Hyunjin, Renjun, and Seulgi all stand together.
“Men of fashion, next.”
Both Hongjoong and Baekhyun stand side by side.
“Dancers, if you please.”
Ten, Taemin, and Momo form a small group.
“Then, the actors beside them.”
Kyungsoo and Minho stand together, nodding politely at each other in acknowledgment.
“The rappers.”
Both Taeyong and Dahyun move to the side, smiling at each other politely.
“And finally, the vocalists.”
Lastly, Key and Onew shuffle off to your right, completing the semi-circle around you.
“I will represent the author aspect to my speech, but I think that one is pretty self explanatory.” You chuckle, nothing how a few of them smile along with you. “Now, each of you were given a specific line to go along with your category. You may decide amongst yourselves who says it, or if you all wish to speak it in unison. However, for effect, it would be best if we all came to a decision on whether the lines will be spoken in unison by the groups, or individually. I really want to emphasize the collaboration between all of us artists with these lines.”
You notice each of the groups briefly talking amongst themselves before a few are nodding. A minute later, and you have all of their attention on you.
“Unison, or individual?” You quirk a brow.
“Individual might work best.” You see Baekhyun nod in your direction as he responds, the rest muttering their agreements.
“Great!” You smile, shifting to pull a small spiral bound notebook and a pen out of your purse. “Let me just write down who you’ve all agreed to speak each line between you all for reference. It also makes the technicians jobs a bit easier.”
A few minutes later, and you’ve written down the respective idols that will be saying each designated line.
“While each of you are speaking your lines, the category you represent will appear on the screen behind us along with visual aids showcasing you performing, demonstrating, or working on said topic.” You explain, and you see some of their eyes light up in awe. “There will be a strong emphasis on timing, especially on my part. A lot of what I say will be synced to the video behind me, as well as serve as audio cues for both you and the lighting techs.”
“You’ve put a lot of thought into this.” Key observes, clearly impressed.
“Well, I went to an arts high school, and I was also a theatre kid.” You cap your pen, smiling widely. “I do also have a flare for dramatics at times.”
“What type of arts high school?” Chan asks, tilting his head mildly in curiosity.
“It had quite a few different disciplines, but I was in for vocals.” You tell them.
“Not drama?” Minho’s eyebrows quirk, clearly surprised.
“No, but that would have been my second choice.” You close your notebook.
“Wait, you sing?” Momo’s lips part, an eager gleam to her eyes.
“I was trained operatically for over seven years.” Your words have clear shock pulling at all of their faces. “Don’t know how good I am now, it’s been quite a while since I last had a lesson.”
“I can’t wait to tell Jongho, he’s going to lose his shit.” Hongjoong mumbles.
“Wait until Seungmin hears this,” Hyunjin huffs out a laugh.
“Would you ever sing for us, sometime?” Seulgi asks, her whole face lighting up as she looks at you eagerly.
Your eyes nearly bulge right out of your head, heartbeat thundering in your ears.
“Uh,” you blink, attempting to wrap your head around the situation fully. One of your favourite female Korean singers has essentially just asked you to sing for her sometime.
“She’s already agreed to karaoke with some of us,” Hongjoong hums, a chuckle falling from his lips.
“Oh, I want to come, too!” Dahyun chimes in, smile wide as she meets your gaze.
“Is there a karaoke space big enough for everyone?” You put your notebook back into your purse, motioning to all of them that you’re done for now. “That’s all for now, by the way. Thank you again for agreeing to help on such short notice. We’ll practice the timing during the actual rehearsal portion designated for us at the end of the day.”
You notice the members of EXO and SHINee all nod their heads, heading off for lunch with one another after bowing to you politely in leave. You bow back, smiling faintly as they head off.
“I’m sure we can find one,” Jihoon says as the rest of you begin to head backstage as well.
“Damn, I’m gonna get to hear you sing and dance today?” Ten grins, stepping right up beside you for the moment. “I must be extra lucky.”
“What do you mean ‘dance’?” Seulgi tilts her head curiously.
“Oh, the ‘Seventh Sense’ bet she has with Mark.” Taeyong mentions casually.
“Oh!” Seulgi’s eyes widen, nodding in understanding. “That!”
“Does everybody at SM know of that bet?” You exhale an exaggerated puff of air.
“Only the people Mark told,” Renjun chimes in. “So, naturally, everybody knows. Man has a loud mouth at times.”
“At times?” Taeyong laughs.
“Do you know any other dances?” Momo asks, Dahyun nodding along with her as they walk side by side. “You mentioned that you enjoy singing and dancing to our songs earlier.”
“I know a few, but I usually don’t like dancing around other people.” You reply.
“How much is ‘a few’?” Ten quirks a grin, eyes tinkling mischievously.
“I have a few mixes my one friend made for me that I’ve learned.” You shrug. “Kind of like my own personalized random dance plays.”
“That’s pretty cool!” Dahyun comments, quite enthusiastically.
“Wait, how come you don’t like dancing around other people?” Renjun’s brow furrows, turning to look at you briefly.
By now, you’ve all made it backstage once more, and you notice many of the staff and other idols have dispersed for lunch. Only a few familiar faces linger around the space from earlier.
Again, it’s like you shrink into yourself. “Personal reasons.”
“Then, how are you going to win the bet you have with Mark?” Ten tilts his head curiously at you.
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice a few more Twice members, such as Jihyo, Jeongyeon, Mina, and Sana all join your group. Even some more NCT members are present, and you see Mark come to stand right beside you for the moment.
“You see, my need to prove him wrong is much stronger than anything else.” You reply, noticing how you see Yeosang watching you from the corner that the rest of the Ateez members are currently lingering around.
“Name the time and place.” He grins, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Well, who knows when we’ll get another chance to do this,” you say, quirking a brow knowingly. “It’s going to have to be today, is it not?”
“Now would be an opportune time since the stage area is clear of most people,” Taeyong suggests. “Riley can help with the soundboard and play the song through the speakers. Everyone would probably think it’s just us getting in another round of practice again. Sometimes we do that before shows.”
“I’ll go get Doyoung and Jaehyun!” Ten rushes off before a word of protest can escape you.
“Would dancing with someone else make you feel better?” Momo offers.
You think about it for a moment before nodding. “Perhaps it might.”
“Oh my goodness, come dance with us, then!” Sana grabs your wrist, pulling you back out towards the stage area with some of the others in tow. “Now, where’s Riley?”
You notice the aforementioned female appear from down the hallway.
“Riley, soundboard for us for a bit!” Mina begins pushing the somewhat stunned female along with all of you and back to the stage.
“What?” Riley blinks. “Oh, okay!”
“I would love to dance with you!” Jihyo grins, walking alongside you as Sana continues to pull you along. “The other girls are eating lunch, but I hope us six will do!”
“You’re more than enough.” Comes your instant reply, a firm nod of your head. “Though, I warn you, I’m probably going to be the ‘standing guy’ emoji when the music starts.”
Jeongyeon lets out a boisterous laugh from your opposite side. “It’s okay, we’ve got you!”
“I’m about to dance with pretty girls,” you mumble, causing all of the girls around you to smile. “Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming.”
Instead, you receive teasing pokes to your upper back from Dahyun who currently stands behind you.
“What song would you like to start with?” Momo asks, the members all flanking you on stage as Riley sets up the soundboard from the middle of the floor.
“Uh…” your brain refuses to function for a moment as you process her words.
“Wait, you said you had some mixes your friend made you.” Dahyun recalls. “This might be presumptuous of me, but do you have any Twice mixes?”
You blink. “I do, actually.”
“Great! Why don’t we do that, and we’ll support you!” Sana grins, shaking your arm gently in excitement.
“You all really want to dance with me?” You ask, voice meek as your eyes shine with your emotions for the moment.
“Of course!” Jeongyeon’s reply is immediate. “Not only would we be getting a chance to dance with our favourite author, but we’ve got to show those guys how it’s done.”
The wink she sends your way makes your heart leap for joy in your chest. You cannot help the way a bashful smile pulls at your lips as you pull out your phone.
“If you want, we could even do our best to follow another of your mixes.” Mina offers. “It would be like a random dance play for us. Plus, I’m sure more people would join! It’s whatever makes you most comfortable.”
“We can start with the Twice mix, and go from there?” Even though you sound a bit unsure of yourself, you notice the girls all eagerly nodding around you.
Already, a small crowd of both idols and staff members begin to form around the stage. Some stand in the wings, while others look up from the ground around the stage. There’s a good mix of eager looks and curious ones, but the smiling faces of the six girls around you manage to distract you from the less than savoury ones right now.
“Alright,” you say, walking to the edge of the stage with your phone in hand. Crouching down, you hand it to Mark. “Mark Lee, I will personally shave your head, and dye all of your white shirts bright red if you fuck around with my phone. I will also never gift you spoilers to my books, or watermelon taffy again.”
The wide-eyed nod he gives you says it all, and with the added way he swallows thickly, you giggle lightly.
“It’s mix three,”  you say, handing him your phone.
Again, all you receive is a nod from him in response before he’s walking over to Riley and passing her your phone. A moment later, and she hooks it up to the soundboard, looking up at you in preparation to hit play. After doing a few light stretches with the girls, you straighten your back, cracking your neck all the while.
“The first song is ‘Fancy’, which leads into ‘Talk That Talk, and then ‘I Can’t Stop Me’ after that.” You tell them, seeing them all nod excitedly at you.
“Do you usually dance a specific part, or is it all just chorus stuff?” Momo asks, standing beside you to your right.
“When I learn a full song, I usually learn either my bias, my wrecker, or whoever ends up being easiest to follow. For the mixes, it’s mainly just chorus stuff, though.” The way you see them all nod along at your words has your heart warming in your chest. “There’s a small intro, and then the pre-chorus to ‘Fancy’, though, so you have time to get into position.”
“We’ll follow your lead!” Jihyo grins, a firm nod to her head.
“Whenever you’re ready,” Sana smiles at you.
Meeting gazes with Riley across the way, you smile, shooting her a small thumbs up. Immediately, the music starts blasting through the speakers, and you can feel the adrenaline beginning to pump through your veins.
“You know, if you would have told me I’d be dancing on a stage with Twice today, I would have never believed you.” You comment, a light chuckle to your voice as you get into position.
“Well, believe it, girly!” Mina laughs, lightly going over the pre-chorus part of the dance as you all get into position. “Cause guess what?”
The only thing you have time to do is blink at her in response as all six of them shout out a loud ‘We’ as the chorus hits.
A large smile breaks out onto your face, whole body heating as you begin to dance along with the six girls around you. Lowly, you all sing along to the lyrics, losing yourself to the music as it surrounds you. The way their eyes light up as they watch you dance along with them sets your heart racing even more so than usual, absolutely revelling in this euphoric feeling.
Cheers erupt from some of the staff and other idols standing around the area, and you can hear Mark exclaim a loud ‘holy shit’ from beside the soundboard.
“Damn girl!” Dahyun bumps hips with you playfully as the song switches. “You can really dance!”
“Really?” Your eyes shine as you meet her gaze, noticing the other five members encouraging you all the while. At the nods you receive, you smile bashfully, tears threatening to gather in the corners of your eyes. “Thank you.”
From the crowd, you hear Ten beginning to shout in Mark’s direction. “Damn, Mark, you didn’t tell us your author friend could dance!”
At the way Mark shakes his head, blinking in shock, you can just tell he calls back an ‘I didn’t know’ lowly in response.
“You are so going to lose that bet.” Doyoung laughs loud enough for both you and Mark to hear.
“Hey, Chan, do you think she knows any Stray Kids dances?” Changbin calls over to their leader as a few more of the members join the crowd.
“Back off, Bin! She’s dancing to Ateez, next!” Wooyoung shouts at his friend, and you notice Jongho standing there with his mouth hanging open beside him.
The moment you hit the drop with your leg extended in ‘I Can’t Stop Me’, more cheers erupt from the crowd, even more staff and idols coming to see what all the commotion is about. The way you can see some people’s jaws drop in awe makes you grin, getting more and more into the moves the more time passes. It makes it even better when Johnny and Ten start hooting and hollering encouraging things your way as you dance. Even Wooyoung and Changbin get in on the action, Felix cheering along with them.
The moment the mix ends, the six girls are crowding you, talking excitedly about how much fun that was, and that you should all do that again some time.
“Thank you so much for dancing with me,” you meet each of their gazes, noticing how they all look at you fondly.
“It was our pleasure,” Jihyo smiles widely at you, squeezing your arm gently.
“If there’s ever any dances you want to learn, let us know!” Dahyun grins, giggling all the while.
“Yeah! We’d be more than happy to teach you.” Momo nods enthusiastically.
“You kept up with us really well,” Sana adds. “Most trainees can’t even do that.”
“I may not be a dancer, but I do put a lot of effort in to everything I do.” You avert your gaze to the floor bashfully, tapping the tip of you foot lightly against the floor of the stage.
“It shows.” Mina reaches over to squeeze your arm this time, smiling kindly at you.
Slowly, a chant begins to build from the surrounding crowd.
“Seventh Sense. Seventh Sense. Seventh Sense.”
“I think you’re being asked for an encore.” Jeongyeon winks at you, and you chuckle along with her.
“After you’re done proving him wrong, we should do one of your mixes!” Dahyun eagerly says, excitement shining in her eyes. “I wanna see how many songs we can get.”
“Plus, like I said earlier, more people might join that way!” Mina repeats, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
“We’ll give you space now.” Jihyo says, beginning to usher the other girls away from you. “As long as you’re ready.”
“I’m ready.” You nod once firmly in confirmation.
“Good luck!” Momo cheers, shooting you an encouraging thumbs up as they make their way to the side of the stage.
Stepping towards the front of the stage, you get into position. Lifting your head, you make eye contact with Mark who still stands beside Riley, looking completely stunned for the moment.
“Be prepared to lose the bet, Markie Boy.”You grin, flicking your gaze towards Riley for the moment. “Hit it.”
An awed hush settles over the crowd as you wait for the music to start. Not even a moment later, the opening beats of “The Seventh Sense” can be heard through the speakers. 
Your body instantly begins to move, the dance having been ingrained into you with how often you practiced it since making this bet with Mark. Even your expression moulds to fit the theme of the song, and as soon at the lyrics begin, the crowd erupts into cheers.
You hit every beat, noticing how both Doyoung and Jaehyun wear expressions of complete and utter shock on their faces. Even Mark cannot keep his mouth from falling open as he watches you incredulously.
About halfway through the routine, you notice Taeyong hoist himself up onto the stage, joining in to dance with you for the remainder of the song. The way you sing along softly to the lyrics only becomes apparent when he gets closer, his eyes widening ever so slightly as his lips part in awe.
During Mark’s iconic line, you purposely look his way, shouting it at the top of your lungs with a wink sent in his direction. You notice he still wears that same expression of shock on his features, and even you can tell how red his face has gotten from your position on the stage.
The way you can keep up with Taeyong has even more cheers erupting from the crowd. Ten practically begins shaking Doyoung beside him, screaming about how you’re dancing his part right now, a giddy smile on his features. Hell, even half of Stray Kids and Ateez look about ready to fall over, their wide eyed stares encouraging you to continue.
The moment the song comes to an end, a roar erupts from the staff and idols around you. You hear some shouts from certain groups asking you to dance their songs next, and it makes you smile. Your chest heaves with every breath you take, and you turn to face Taeyong just as he turns to face you.
“You proved him wrong.” He smiles, extending his hand out to you for a high five. “You’re an incredible dancer.”
A large smile stretches across your features as you meet his hand halfway in the air. “Thank you so much!”
“Really, do you know any more dances?” His eyes are wide as he looks at you, an eager gleam shining within.
“From start to finish?” You tilt your head slightly.
“Yeah, or just in general.” He nods.
“Well, from start to finish, I know Red Velvet’s Psycho and Bad Boy, EXO’s Monster, BTS’ Fire, and GOT7’s If You Do.” You list off. “There’s a few more I know larger portions of, but the rest I just know from the mixes. I, uh, do also know a few duet dances, cause I used to dance them with my ex.”
Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice both Hyunjin and Wooyoung chatting with Riley, of whom looks a bit reluctant to be apart of the conversation.
“I owe you ten meals.”Mark comments, stepping up onto the stage. “You really did prove me wrong.”
“I told you I would!” You stick your tongue out at him playfully, wiping at the sweat forming at your brow.
“You’ve also really drawn a crowd.” He wiggles his eyebrows. “I don’t think anybody was expecting you to be able to dance like that.”
Out of the corner of your eyes, you see Jaehyun approaching you.
“You can really dance.” He comments, blinking at you a few times as his dimple appears.
“Thank you.”You incline your head in his direction, a warmth blooming on your cheeks.
“You mentioned knowing duet dances?” Taeyong inquires. “Which ones do you know?”
Your eyes widen slightly, noticing Wooyoung, Hyunjin, and Changbin now all making their way onto the stage towards you.
“Uh…” you chuckle nervously. “Well, I do know Baby Don’t Stop, Seulrene’s Monster, and, uh…” your voice drops into a mumble, “Troublemaker.”
“You know Troublemaker?” Changbin’s voice is full of awe. “Okay, we’re dancing that.”
“Get your own dance partner, Bin, I’m dancing Troublemaker with her first!” Wooyoung crosses his arms over his chest, huffing all the while.
“Oh, you all think I know Hyuna’s part, don’t you?” You glance at him with amusement dancing in your eyes.
Taeyong’s brow furrows. “You don’t?”
“Oh, I know some of it, but the only Hyuna dance I really know is Lip and Hip. I learned Hyunseung’s part.” You chuckle. “My best friend learned her part.”
“You dance often, then.” Hyunjin observes, calculating gaze fixed on you for the moment.
“I mean, I used to.” You shrug. “I’ve always enjoyed it, even though I’m not a dancer. It used to be my ex’s and my thing.”
“Is that why you don’t like performing in front of other people?” Changbin’s brow furrows.
“Kind of,” you mutter. “But that’s not a can of worms to get into today.”
“Okay, well, we need to plan a day where we have a dance party, clearly.” Wooyoung comments, slinging his arm around your waist as he pushes Mark out of the way.
“Dance another mix for us!” You hear Mina call out from the side where you see all of the other Twice members now standing.
At the way you hesitate, the crowd starts chanting for you to dance more.
“We tried convincing Riley to play another one anyways,” Hyunjin shrugs casually. “She wouldn’t budge unless you were comfortable with it.”
You chew on the skin of your bottom lip. “Well, I guess one more wouldn’t hurt.”
Wooyoung shakes you lightly in excitement as he laughs giddily. “Yay!”
“If you join, and I see any of you mocking girl groups, I will punt you off of this stage.” You threaten, pointing your finger threateningly at the males around you.
At the way they raise their hands mildly in their own defence, you know you have them.
“Alright, hang on,” you say, quickly hopping down the stairs at the side of the stage to make your way towards the soundboard where Riley is.
Along the way, some staff members and idols send compliments your way. A few of them are backhanded, but you brush those off for now. Besides, you feel as if nothing could bring you down.
Reaching Riley, you’re quick to unlock your phone for her once more.
“We’re gonna do another mix, but I figured my phone had shut off by now.” You chuckle, and you see her nod enthusiastically. “When I give the signal, play mix four.”
“Roger that!” She mock salutes you, and you giggle along with her.
Making your way back to the stage, you notice quite a few more idols having gathered around. Some eagerly talk amongst themselves, while more have moved to the front of the stage in order to get a better view of the dancing about to take place.
“Alright, you guys ready?” You quirk a brow as you stand back into position.
“Oh, hell yes!” Both Wooyoung and Changbin cheer.
“As a curtesy, the first song is The Eve.”You tell them. “This is my longest mix, so I might not do all of it.”
“Understandable.” Taeyong nods your way.
“Whatever makes you most comfortable.” You notice Momo has come back to join you, nodding all the while.
With a smile pulling at your lips, you send a nod Riley’s way. A moment later, and the familiar sound of music is playing through the speakers.
The more you dance, the more you notice that even some of the backup dancers join in on the fun. You cannot keep the joy from radiating off of you, a brilliant smile on your face as you move around the stage with the people around you. The way even Seulgi comes to join you for some of the Red Velvet songs that you have in the mix makes your heart swell, laughing along with the others gleefully.
The whole time, you can feel eyes on you. Whether they’re judgmental, or in awe, you no longer care, for you get lost in the way dancing like this makes you feel. You haven’t had this much fun in a while, and you’re not about to give it up now.
Once the mix has finished, another cheer rises up from the crowd. A few of the dancers even come up to you and start up a conversation about where you learned to move your body like that. A fact which makes you all the more bashful.
An intense feeling of eyes focussed on your back has you turning to face the crowd. Only, when you look in the direction you felt such a gaze coming from, all you see is Yeosang staring at you with an unreadable expression on his face. Mingi seems to be talking his ear off excitedly at the moment, the shorter male nodding along quite firmly to whatever is being said. However, you’re not even sure if he’s listening to what his group mate is saying, or not.
Smiling softly his way, you notice him blink suddenly, as if to clear his vision.
Mark catching your attention from beside you has you turning away from Yeosang for the moment. Only, you fail to see the way the male’s eyebrow twitches slightly, the corner of his lips tugging downwards.
A short while later, and you’ve cleared the stage area so rehearsals can continue as scheduled. Riley makes her way back over towards you with your phone in hand, passing it to you with awe still clear in her eyes.
“I didn’t know you could dance like that!” She exclaims, visibly shaking in her spot. “You’re incredible!”
You chuckle at her enthusiasm. “Thank you.”
Now, as you settle back into the backstage area, you notice quite a few more idols and staff around. The way their gazes dart over to you is obvious, whispers reaching your ears.
“Have you eaten, by the way?”It’s Mark that asks, handing you a fresh bottle of water as you lean against the wall.
“I ate a big breakfast before I came, so I’m not really hungry right now.”You reply. “But thanks for checking in.”
“He was just hoping to get a head start on those ten meals he owes you,” Johnny chuckles, joining your little circle.
You notice Hongjoong, Jongho, Yeosang, Wooyoung, and Changbin all join you as well.
“So, when are you coming over to learn more Stray Kids dances?” Changbin asks casually.
“Um, after she learns some Ateez dances, obviously.” Wooyoung answers for you, a roll to his eyes. A second later, and a smug grin is pulling at his features as he stands proud. “Her bias is gonna teach her everything he knows.”
“Wait, you’re her Ateez bias?” Changbin’s eyes nearly pop out of his head before turning to look at you. “Please tell me you have better taste in men than this idiot over here.”
“Hey!” Wooyoung whines.
“I never said Wooyoung was my Ateez bias,” you chuckle, and you notice how said male’s pout only deepens.
“Then, who is?” Hongjoong quirks a brow, a teasing smirk pulling at his lip.
Again, a knowing smile pulls at your features.
“You mean, you won’t tell them?” Mark frowns. “You had no probably telling me that Ten was your NCT bias.”
Johnny looks absolutely scandalized by Mark’s words, placing a hand over his heart as his jaw drops in shock. “And here I was thinking what we had was special.”
“I met you today, John.” You deadpan, blinking once.
Laughter erupts around you.
“Wait, Ten is your NCT bias?” Jongho looks at you, somewhat incredulously. “I would have thought it was Jaehyun with how often you reference him in your writing.”
You shrug casually. “Some things are the same, others are not. I mean, Ten’s not my only NCT bias.”
“You have more than one?” It’s Yeosang who asks this time, his brow quirked and gaze unreadable.
“Of course I have more than one, there’s over twenty-one members in counting, and multiple sub-units.” You reply, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “I’ve got a bias per unit.”
“Yet, none of them are me.” Mark pouts, crossing his arms over his chest.
“When I was first getting into NCT you were.” You remind him.
“It’s not the same.” He whines, shaking his head.
“So, you’ll tell him your biases when he asks, but not us?” Hongjoong quirks a brow, amusement dancing in his eyes. Though, at the way his jaw twitches, you can tell he’s slightly exasperated by this fact.
“Again, I’ve talked with him for much longer than I’ve personally known you.” You chuckle. “Plus, you’re not as persistent about it as some people.”
The way you shoot a playfully pointed look at Mark says it all.
“Oh, okay,” Wooyoung nods, a maniacal grin tugging at his features. “We’ve just got to annoy it out of you.”
“That’s one way to ensure I never tell you.” You huff out a laugh, a smirk dancing on your lips. “Though, I don’t know why you guys are so obsessed with knowing who my bias is. Really, you should be asking about my wreckers. Haven’t you ever heard the phrase that a person’s bias is most like them, but their wrecker is their ideal type?”
Without waiting for a response, you walk over to join Mina, Sana, Jihyo, and Jeongyeon, leaving all of the males stunned for the moment.
“Mark, who’s her NCT wrecker?” Johnny immediately turns to the aforementioned male, noticing the others do the same.
“I- uh…” he swallows thickly. “I don’t know.”
Your shoulders shake in laughter as you begin conversing with the girls. A few hours later, Joy from Red Velvet joins in on your little circle of friends, her introducing herself and expressing how big of a fan she is of your writing. Easily, she falls into conversation with all of you, and she even brings up the fact that she and the other members saw you dancing with Seulgi earlier.
Again, you feel eyes on your back, watching your every move closely. When you spare a quick glance over your shoulder, you see Yeosang watching you with a neutral expression on his face. His arms are crossed over his chest as he leans back against the wall, one leg propped up behind him so that his knee is bent slightly.
Unfortunately, you don’t have time to dwell on it for too long, for the girls are all asking to exchange contact information with you. Of course, you readily agree, the Twice members even going so far as to create a group chat with you and the few other members that danced with you earlier.
Loud whispering draws your attention to the right where you see Irene, Wendy, and Yeri all standing to the side. You send a polite smile their way, but the only one who somewhat smiles back is Yeri. On the other hand, both Irene and Wendy could not look more disinterested by you. In fact, you’d say they almost look annoyed that you looked their way.
The moment you see Seulgi hop over to them quite excitedly, overhearing your name being mentioned, scowls pull onto Wendy’s and Irene’s faces.
Pointedly, Wendy leans into Irene, whispering quite loudly as you turn back around.
“Can you believe they invited such filth to perform at these awards?” Wendy’s voice reaches your ears, and you cannot help the way your shoulders tense. “I hope they wash the stage after she’s been rolling around on it. I can’t believe we even have to breathe the same air as that thing.”
From the muffled laughter you can hear behind you, you know it’s not just Irene that finds these comments funny.
“Wendy, stop it, you’re being extremely rude.” Seulgi chastises, an immediate frown tugging at her features. “And I can’t believe you two would laugh along with her! She’s been nothing but kind to everyone this whole time.”
“Did you see her dancing earlier?” Irene snorts out a laugh. “You know we stopped doing charity events, right, Seulg?”
“You call that dancing?” Wendy cackles. “More like flailing. She looked like a fish out of water.” A pause. “Wait, let me describe it more accurately: a beached whale.”
Again, more laughter can be heard from around the room, the loudest emanating from that specific corner where they reside. Though, the sneers and smug looks from some of the idols and staff that you’ve felt judging you all throughout the day no longer can be ignored. You have a feeling that they’re all finally getting the vindication of hearing their negative thoughts and feelings towards you finally be said out loud.
Jeongyeon places a comforting hand onto your back, noticing how you visibly deflate at the harsh words being thrown your way. Jihyo, Mina, and Sana all look about ready to cut a bitch, and Joy just looks embarrassed, her eyes widening in shock.
“People like her make me sick.” Irene comments, somewhat casually.
“Watch. I’m gonna go over there and compliment her in English, and it’s going to make her day.” Wendy laughs, already moving to push herself off of the wall.
“Wendy,” Seulgi warns, grabbing the aforementioned female’s wrist and holding her in place. “You’re making a fool of yourself, disgracing our group, and embarrassing the rest of us. You know she can understand you, right?”
You hear Wendy scoff, “I doubt that.”
Tugging her wrist harshly out of Seulgi’s grip, Wendy continues to make her way over to you. The ominous presence you can sense that is her approaching makes you tense, your hands nervously wringing themselves together.
Just then, a squeal is heard from behind you.
“Oh my gosh! Aren’t you that really famous author? I love your work!” Wendy’s voice reaches your ears, causing you to turn around to face her.
The expression she wears is one of awe, but it doesn’t take an expert to know that it’s not genuine. You can see how her gaze not so subtly trails over your body, a brief look of disgust pulling at her features as her lips twitch downwards. Though, in the blink of an eye, that expression of ire disappears, replaced by that overtly friendly one she attempts to wear.
You don’t even have to say anything, for Mina, Sana, Jihyo, and Jeongyeon all step in front of you, shooting harsh looks her way. Even Joy shakes her head disapprovingly, crossing her arms over her chest at her group mate.
Wendy looks clearly taken aback, blinking a few times at the silence that stretches on around you.
“What’s that look for?”She chuckles, somewhat nervously. “I just wanted to come over and say that I saw you dancing earlier and it looked like so much fun!” She nearly chokes on her own words, blinking as if she cannot believe what she’s about to say. “You’re a really good dance-“
“Are you sure it wasn’t more like a fish out of water?” You meet her gaze, a blank look in your eyes as you tilt your head slightly to the side.
You can just tell that your words catch her completely off guard.
“What are you talking about? I only came over here to tell you how pretty I think you are.” Wendy blinks at you in shock.
“Do you expect me to thank you for insulting me not even two minutes ago?” You continue. “The only thing I hate more than dishonest people, is someone who thinks they can get away with being two-faced just because of who they are.”
“How dare you!” Wendy inhales sharply, anger pulling at her brow. “You bitch-“
“Did you eat a stone, Wendy?” Jihyo’s gaze is nothing short of furious as she stares the elder down.
“You should be ashamed of yourself.” Jeongyeon spits, brow furrowed in distaste. “You of all people, judging another person based solely on their looks.”
“Why are you defending her? Can she not speak for herself?” Wendy replies, incredulously. “And Joy, why are you wasting you time with filth like her?”
“Unlike you, I don’t judge a book by its cover.” Joy deadpans, blinking at the girl before her blankly.
“Are you that unhappy with you life that you have to bring down mine?” You ask her, tilting your head slightly to the side.
Wendy rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. “Stop acting all high and mighty. You’re nothing, anyways.”
“I’m not the one that went out of their way to insult the other.” You reply, holding your elbows in your hands once more as your arms cross over your body for support.
You can see her getting more angry with every lack of reaction you give her.
“Yeah, well, you’re writing is mediocre, and you’re just a fat, ugly pig.” She spits, and it goes so silent that you can hear a pin drop around you. “No wonder your ex cheated on a bitch like you.”
Gasps are heard all around.
You wish you could prevent the way you inhale sharply from her words, but you do. What makes it worse is the way she grins after hearing you do so.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you see Mark needing to be held back by Johnny.
You blink, swallowing thickly and doing your best to maintain your composure. The familiar sting of tears burns behind your eyes, but you refuse to give her the satisfaction of seeing you break.
Taking a deep breath, you school your expression.
“Wow, Wendy, not many people know that fact. I only ever talked about it once or twice during my lives.” You comment. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you’re obsessed with me.”
A loud scoff leaves her lips as she turns away from you, rolling her eyes all the while.
“Whatever,” she mumbles, beginning to walk away. “You’re not worth my time.”
Your eyes widen significantly, appalled by her comment for the moment considering she was the one that approached you. Luckily, though, you don’t have time to dwell on it, for the girls surrounding you are immediately turning back to face you, asking if you’re okay.
“Yeah, yeah,” you shoot them all a tight smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes. “I’m fine.”
“I am so sorry about her,” Joy looks the most distressed, her cheeks red in embarrassment. Instantly, she bows to you. “I know it’s no excuse, but I hope you will accept my apology for her instead.”
“It’s not your fault, Joy,” you say, stepping out of the circle of girls for the moment.
“Where are you going?” Mina asks lightly, concern clear on her features.
“I just need some fresh air. I promise I’ll be right back.” Again, another tense smile is sent their way that doesn’t quite meet your eyes.
Not even giving them time to respond, you’re quickly making your way back down the hallway that you first arrived in. Pushing open the side door, you make sure you can get back inside first before letting it fall shut. Luckily for you, no one stops you, nor bothers you for the time being. Doing a quick scan of the area, you ensure that you’re alone.
It takes a moment for you to be sliding down the side of the wall. Another for the movement to become synonymous with the first of your tears escaping your eyes.
You don’t care that Wendy insulted your writing. You recognize and understand that it’s not for everyone, nor is everyone going to like it. If people telling you they didn’t like your writing, or that you were a shitty writer stopped you from pursuing your passion, you wouldn’t be where you are today. Hell, you don’t even care that she insulted you. You’ve had people insult your appearance your entire life, so that’s nothing new.
No, what hurts you the most is the fact that she would use such a traumatic incident against you. How she even knew about it confuses you, for you only ever disclosed the information publicly once, and not even all of the details. The memories are still just too painful for you, even if they happened over six months ago.
You crouch against the wall for a good few minutes, your muffled sobs being your only accompaniment. That is, until you hear the side door creak open.
Quickly, you’re wiping away your tears and standing back to your feet. You figure it’s probably some staff members either needing some air themselves, or going for a smoke break. 
You’d rather not have anyone see you cry right now.
What you don’t expect, however, is to see Yeosang peeking out at you from the small opening. He says nothing as he meets your gaze, and you don’t know whether to thank him for that, or not. What he does offer you, though, is a tissue, wordlessly extending a small packet out to you with the top already open.
Silently, you take one from him, nodding your thanks. The smile you send him is small, and tense, but it’s something.
“Riley said that your rehearsal for your speech is on deck.” He says lowly. “I came to get you.”
“Oh, okay,” you swallow your remaining emotions for the moment. “I’ll be there in a minute.”
A nod is all you receive in response as you dab at your eyes while turning away from him for the moment. Scrunching your nose, you sniffle.
“Are you okay?” His tone is soft, and you notice how concerned his eyes look as you turn back to face him.
“I’ll be fine,” you nod assuringly at him, but he doesn’t look all that reassured. So, you divert the topic as you head back inside. “You said it’s time for my rehearsal?”
“Riley’s gathering the other idols with Joong as we speak.” Yeosang replies casually, clutching that little package of tissues in his hands still.
“I see.” You hum, bringing the back of your hand up to rub at the side of your cheek.
Wordlessly, he offers you another tissue.
“Thanks.” You say, grabbing another from him.
He nods, which is the only response from him that you get.
“Hey, do you mind watching my purse while I rehearse?” You spare a glance at him just as you breach the backstage area, ignoring the few other worried looks sent your way by familiar faces.
“Not Mark?” He quirks a brow, the corner of his lips twitching upwards faintly.
“I don’t trust him not to go snooping through my bag to search for spoilers to my next book.” You chuckle lowly. “Besides, I know Jongho won’t be able to convince you to let him sneak a peek, either.”
Yeosang cracks a small grin. “You’d be correct.”
“I may not have the best judge of character, but I can tell that you’re a decent guy, Yeosang.” You say, and you watch a faint blush begin to creep onto his cheeks. “Thank you for not prying.”
Sliding the strap of your purse off of your shoulder, you hand it to him. Not even a moment later, he grabs it from you, slinging the strap over his own.
“It’s not my place.” He replies, blinking lightly up at you.
A call of your name from the stage manager draws your attention to the front.
“Good luck.” He nods, to which you nod back, leaving him without another word.
Yeosang smiles faintly, still feeling the warmth that continues to dissipate from his cheeks as he looks down at his feet. Shifting the strap against his shoulder, he slides the pack of tissues into the side of your purse, just in case.
Stepping into the wings of the stage, he watches on as you practice your speech for tomorrow, going over the stage directions and lighting cues with the staff. What he truly cannot understand though, is why, when every time he looks at you, he can feel his heart now racing inside of his chest.
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aroacewxs · 7 months
the ruikasa that lives in my head is not romantic in the SLIGHTEST and it cracks me up. sharing my repulsed aro ruikasa thoughts here hehehe don't mind me
first of all i just cannot see tenma tsukasa above all people, the aromantic of project sekai (he's competing with ichika for number one coded aro) sparing one single thought in his empty head for romantic feelings. i feel like tsukasa lacks all common sense surrounding society's idea of what is suggestive/romantic/flirtatious, to the point where if he were to be assigned a role that required him to perform a kiss scene or something of the sort, he'd be all "boy oh boy im going to knock the audience's SOCKS off with this one" and completely disregard that this is actually very very embarrassing for the poor actor that has to be on the receiving end of his rehearsed romantic gestures
oh yeah, speaking of rehearsed romantic gestures
i need you to picture a pathetic tenma tsukasa, specifically kamikou fes tsukasa, on one knee in front of his mirror at 2 in the morning, reciting his cheesy love monologue and chuckling to himself after for how GOOD he is. "just ham it up. it'll look so good. i'm so good. genuinely who else is professing their undying love for their soulmate like i am"
on the other hand, rui actually has thoughts. these thoughts fill him with such distress it makes him feel nauseous. he's really just going about his day, rehearsing with wxs at the wonder stage when he suddenly feels a surge of warmth swirl in his chest whenever tsukasa gladly complies with his wacky ideas. he's just trying to live his poor life when the excitement and adrenaline from performing shows with wxs has him in shambles later because he's debating whether or not this is what everyone calls Romantic Love (it's not. he's just a repulsed aro loser who would die for his friends)
tsukasa: rui, throw anything my way and i'll deliver with 12000% !!!!! guaranteed!!!! as always!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA
rui: (god are you trying to torture me or what. am i deserving of such a person. Goodness gracious i feel like im floating whenever I'm around these guys is this some kind of sorcery I'm unaware of. i think my heart is going to twist and leap out of my chest they're so good they're so wonderful and im really just here aren't I im really just here and oh my freaking god is this what they call having a crush. is this what everyone around me has been hyping up. jumping jellyfish if it is, it feels AWFUL and i can't believe i've been thinking i'm missing out. no but then what really defines romantic feelings because if we're talking pros and cons and hypotheticals and possibilities, i would not want to kiss tsukasa like that, but isn't that a given when you love someone in that way. am i crazy am i broken am i an anomaly. I need to write this down for later and perform a google search)
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cheesy09 · 7 months
[CN] Kiro's Absolute Match Mind's Quest (Part 2)
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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Note: This date explores some very suggestive themes, so if you do not meet the game's required 16+ age rating, I'd suggest to avoid reading this date.
Part 1: HERE
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After successfully communicating with the organizer of the charity match, I shared the news with Kiro that I was going to join the cheerleading team.
Of course, he was surprised and delighted. We agreed to supervise each other and continue our "hellish training".
There were more fulfilling things to do in the long summer. While the exercises were obviously boring, they made my mood warm up every day.
In the blink of an eye, it was the day the baseball game started.
MC: Savin, have you seen Kiro?
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Savin: He seems to have been called to the other side. Do you want me to find him?
MC: No, I'll go find him myself!
Savin nodded and gave me a thumbs up.
Savin: With the way you look today, I guarantee that Kiro will be looking straight at you!
I laughed twice, pulled on my cheerleading skirt with slight embarrassment, turned around and walked quickly in the direction he pointed.
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Though this charity competition wasn't such a high-key event, many influential figures were invited, and the backstage area was bustling with people.
MC: Sorry, excuse me, thank you... Kiro! I'm here!
I waved my hand energetically. Kiro looked around after hearing the sound. His eyes lit up instantly when he saw me.
He walked quickly through the crowd and came to me, his eyes full of amazement.
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Kiro: Today you, you....
MC: How is it? Youthful, right?
I smiled, raised my pompom and struck a pose.
Kiro: Very youthful!
Kiro: I can't believe you actually hid such a cute appearance and are only showing it to me now. No wonder you refused to let me come watch you rehearse yesterday.
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MC: Hehe, of course the surprise must be discovered on the same day the surprise is happening!
MC: Originally, I wanted to wait a little longer and let you see it during the performance, but I was afraid that it would be too late to perform the ritual for you.
Kiro: Ritual?
MC: Did you forget?
I took out the prepared marker, took his hand, and wrote my name one stroke at a time on the inside of his wrist.
MC: You said during the game, that writing the names of important people on your wrist will bring good luck to the game. I remember that.
This is another reference to Kiro's Heatwave Date :>
Kiro opened his mouth and then smiled.
Kiro: Mm, I'll definitely live up to this mark.
He gently held my hand, folded our palms together and covered the handwriting.
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Kiro: Then, we agree that we'll be each other's witnesses later on, and that we'll both stand in the most dazzling place.
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After the lively opening ceremony, the music sounded again.
MC: Three, two, one, GO!
The girls on the cheerleading team jumped briskly onto the sports field with neat steps.
Almost instantly, I locked onto those pair of eyes I wanted to see most in the sea of spectators.
Blue, bright, and only mine.
Whether I was jumping, catching a throw, or even turning my back, I could clearly feel that line of sight firmly locked on me.
My heart felt as full, as if it was filled with air, but my body was lighter than the clouds.
Did Kiro feel the same way on stage every time I looked at him from off stage?
Accompanied by the rapid drum beat, the once extremely difficult movements during practice no longer seemed to be difficult at this moment. I supported my teammate's hand, stepped hard, turned around, flipped, and froze in the final step.
I knew that the applause on the field at that moment may not have been because of the cheerleading performance, but a warm up for the next game.
But I also firmly believed that the handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes in a baseball uniform who stood up to applaud - all of his cheers were only for me.
I took a breath to calm down and watched the players from the two teams appear one after another.
The captain on the left was Carol. He was standing next to Kiro while watching the cheerleading performance. When our eyes met, he smiled and winked at me;
And the captain on the right was of course, Kiro. He tried his best acting like a big star, but the moment he saw Carol making a face, he couldn't hold back from giving him a smack in the face;
MC: Pfft...
I suppressed my laughter and watched the two teams shake hands with each other.
The other members of the cheerleading team all left the field, leaving me the only one still standing on the field. Kiro looked at me with slight confusion.
At that moment, the referee handed the baseball to me.
Referee: Please kick-off the game, miss.
MC: Okay.
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Kiro: .....!!
Hmph, how unexpected!!
If there were a comic-like dialog box above my head at this moment, it might have been an extremely big and extremely gorgeous dialog box that I could show off to everyone.
This was the second surprise I had prepared for him.
Kiro: MC...
For the first time, Kiro's eyes were extremely wide. If the referee hadn't order the athletes to get into position, he might have rushed in front of me by now.
In the end, Kiro walked to home plate and raised his bat.
I held the ball in both hands and took a deep breath.
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MC: I hope...
I hope the next word didn't need to be said. All of my hopes were in my hands.
I raised my hand, twisted my body as much as possible, and swung the ball hard.
Referee: Strike out!
Referee: After the end of the first half, there'll be a ten-minute intermission.
Unknowingly, the seventh game had concluded, leaving the score between the two sides very tight. Although this was just a friendly charity match, the competition's intensity was not low. While Kiro's baseball abilities were good enough, he hadn't reached a level where he could crush his opponents.
What's more was that he was facing against Carol.
I clenched my hands and looked at Kiro not far away.
The halftime break was very important, and he was discussing follow-up tactical arrangements with his teammates, a serious look on his face.
When Kiro entered working mode, his eyebrows seemed to be three points sharper than usual, and his blue eyes were astonishingly bright.
Even though his teammates were all leaders in various fields, at this moment, they all listened to his explanation with conviction and admiration.
Six or seven minutes passed, and since the tactics were almost planned, everyone dispersed to take a final break. Kiro also smoothed his sweaty hair and hurried to the bathroom.
MC: Huh?
When he raised his hand, I realized that the name I wrote before going on the field had been smudged by sweat, leaving only a few strokes remaining on his wrist.
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[CHAPTER 5: Interweaving Emotions]
The sun shone brightly and the lawn on the court was coated with a fuzzy halo. The cheerleaders were in uniform and exuded youthful vitality under the dynamic music.
Obviously they were all wearing the same uniform, and their formations changed at an almost dizzying extent, but Kiro's eyes never strayed from the girl's body for even a second.
Carol: Hey...
She smiled brightly, and the dangling pompom in her hand was the finishing touch, making her entire body sparkle.
Kiro couldn't help laughing along, turned on his camera, and zoomed in a little bit to try and capture his Miss Chips in the fast-paced dance.
Carol: Kiro, it's all so blurry and you still want to take pictures? Where can I see your partner here?
Carol: .....
Carol: Hey, Bro!
Kiro felt a heavy tap on his shoulder. He subconsciously turned his head and saw Carol, who was seated with him in the stand-by area, raising his eyebrows in depression.
Carol: I've been talking to you. Why are you just looking at your sweetheart?
Kiro: She's performing, so of course I've gotta watch her at all times.
Kiro said, his eyes falling on the girl again, the smile in his eyes never disappearing.
Carol: Then the two of you really match each other.
Carol: When you were practicing, she was in the same state as you, with almost the same expression. Looking without blinking - yes, just like that - and smiling from time to time!
While Carol was describing in shock, there was a bit of envy in his eyes.
Carol: Tsk, no wonder you didn't admit that I was your "soulmate" before. The compatibility between your souls is rare in this world~
When Kiro wanted to respond to his opponent, he found the girl on the court looking at him for a moment, and he quickly straightened up and waved.
After a while, he turned back to look at Carol, who looked even more "haunted", with a hint of apology on his face.
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Kiro: Uh... what did you just say? Soulmate?
Kiro quickly went through every detail of his and the girl's daily life in his mind, and unconsciously felt sweetness in his heart.
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Kiro: Almost, but the word soulmate isn't good enough.
Kiro: In my heart, she is MC. She is my favorite person.
Kiro: As long as I look at her, I know what's in her heart. Whether she is happy or sad.
Kiro: That's why I'm eager to bring her the best things in the world!
Kiro: But you won't understand, even after I've told you all of this.
Kiro: This is a unique connection between me and her. Go ahead and envy it~
The more Kiro said it, the prouder he felt. Because no matter how good the pronouns were, he couldn't explain the girl in his heart. She was so unique that even the most beautiful words used to describe her would feel a bit inferior.
But as he talked, Kiro noticed that the person beside him remained silent and he turned to look back--
Carol was very dramatically covering his ears.
Carol: Wow, I'd love to see you show off your affection, but isn't this "dog food" a little bit much?!
Kiro: You even know the term "dog food". It's very local~
T/n: The term "狗粮" (dog food) is Chinese slang used to refer to PDA, i.e. public display of affection :>
Kiro smiled and bent his eyes, the little pride in his heart swelling like a balloon. Just as he was about to continue being arrogant--
The music on the field stopped and the performance ended.
Kiro immediately stood up and moved his wrists and ankles, his eyes filled with determination. Then, he turned to Carol and raised his eyebrows provocatively.
Kiro: Chat's over, old classmate. Now, you have to be careful.
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Kiro: Because I won't let her down.
Kiro: Today's victory will belong only to "us".
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Two minutes to go.
I clenched the marker in my hand and looked at the bathroom door anxiously.
The moment Kiro appeared, I immediately rushed over and pulled him into a corner of the stairwell.
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Kiro: ...?!
MC: The wording is blurry. Let me make up for it.
I couldn't help but uncap the pen and write more seriously and vigorously than last time. Kiro laughed and carefully wiped off the wet water stains on my wrist.
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Kiro: You seem to be extra superstitious today.
MC: I can be as superstitious as I want.
MC: And I have even more superstitious tricks.
I stood up on tiptoes and fiercely kissed Kiro's lips, almost knocking his teeth in my haste. He smiled and gently accepted the tip of my tongue again.
One minute left.
Please, please, pass all my luck today to him through this kiss.
I didn't know if there was such a god in the sky that could grant my wishes, but I would still stubbornly pray for it.
As long as Kiro was fighting everything in this world, I would make this wish.
Thirty seconds to go. An announcement was made outside reminding the players to enter.
I pressed against the tip of his nose, and said word by word.
MC: Because I've see how hard you've worked this month, I really want you to win.
MC: It doesn't matter if he's an MLB super rookie. You're still my superhero.
I kissed those most beautiful eyes in the world again, and then pushed Kiro towards the arena.
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MC: So, you can definitely win.
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MC: Although Carol's "Fire Team" was about to strike out with a beautiful outfield ball to send the game into overtime...
MC: Kiro, the ace player of the "Sunshine Team", hit a perfect homerun, base, and hit in the tiebreaker!
I deliberately emphasized the word "homerun", leaned on the sofa, took a sip of beer, and continued reading.
MC: "Then, in the defensive round, Kiro made another critical hit, completely ending the game and winning the final victory."
MC: "All income and prize money from this competition will be donated to the Youth Sports Development Foundation..."
Kiro: Why are you still reading the report? The game ended long ago.
Kiro's voice sounded from above my head.
After the game, Kiro and I were really tired, so we simply declined most of the subsequent interviews and activities and went home to lie down.
MC: It hasn't been that long. It's only been half an hour since we got home, of course I'm still very excited. Here, look.
I showed Kiro the screen of my phone with a smile. There was a photo of the victors, hugging and celebrating.
--And this time, I was also among the victorious group, firmly captured by the image.
MC: I emphasized to Xiao Zheng and the others that this photo was very important and had to be taken!
MC: This way, we can make up for the regret of not having a celebratory photo at Hitachi High School last time!
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Kiro: ! Quick, send me a copy!
MC: Sent, check~
I not only sent him this photo, but also some other photos of the game, as well as bits and pieces of training over the past month.
Kiro: So many...
He slowly looked through them one by one in amazement, and I leaned on his shoulder, smiling contently.
MC: Is it a lot? I still think it's little.
MC: If I were a photographer, I'd take a thousand time-lapse pictures during your competition and pick them slowly!
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Kiro: Hahaha!
While we were looking through the photos, we casually drank a bunch of beers. Suddenly, Kiro's cell phone rang and he clicked on the screen.
MC: What's up?
Kiro: It's Carol. He said he's going back to the United States tomorrow morning and wanted to treat us to dinner tonight.
Kiro: Do you want to go?
MC: Hm... after all, he is your friend, so I do need to be there.
MC: But I'm still so tired now...
I pointed at Kiro's baseball uniform and then at my cheerleading uniform.
MC: See, we haven't changed our clothes since we laid down here.
Kiro: Shall we take a shower then?
MC: Let's rest for ten more minutes, shall we?
Kiro: Hmm... No, I'll get sleepy if I lie down any longer.
MC: But right now I'm too lazy to move even a finger--
Before I could even finish speaking, my body suddenly rose into the air, and Kiro picked me up.
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Kiro: It's okay, you don't have to move.
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MC: Wait a minute, Kiro. I seemed to have missed something.
Perhaps it was dopamine, controller of excitement, or perhaps it was the gradually brewing drunkenness. While Kiro was helping me unscrew the liquor, I suddenly pulled him back.
Kiro: Eh? Is it a bath towel, or a change of clothes? Should I go get it for you?
MC: It isn't...
I hesitated and couldn't answer, so I just took two more steps towards him.
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MC: It's... something about you.
Kiro: [still clueless] About me? What is it?
I still couldn't answer, but my instincts drove me to seek out for him.
Not on his sleeves, not on his fingers, not on his chest...
The hormones caused by teen sports mixed with alcohol filled my nasal passages, making my head dizzier.
MC: It seems like... It seems like it's here.
Finally remembering, I gently licked the corner of Kiro's mouth.
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MC: Yes, I remembered, you missed the praise.
As I spoke, I rubbed his neck again and again, and his center of gravity grew unstable for a moment. I tipped Kiro slightly and we sat on the ground together.
The showerhead slipped from his hand and fell to the ground. The inverted water rolled twice, and fine water droplets began to scatter unscrupulously.
Kiro blinked, and his breathing became a little faster.
Kiro: ...MC, are you drunk?
MC: ...Am I? Maybe so.
MC: Anyway, don't change the subject! You anyways missed it. You didn't say it.
I reluctantly pried open Kiro's lips, as if wanting to get the treasure that a brave man deserved after going on an adventure.
MC: I've praised you for being so amazing on the field, but you haven't praised my performance yet.
MC: Hurry up, or else the peacock who spread their tail and got no response will be angry...
Kiro suddenly raised his hand and lifted up his team uniform.
My hand that had initially been loosely clinging to his arm failed to grasp it, and my entire body suddenly fell into his arms.
Kiro: Don't be angry.
His breath touched my lips, and his voice mixed with the gurgling water.
Kiro: It was an oversight on my part. I should've really praised MC.
Kiro: How about using my entire body as your prize?
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MC: Really? It's all mine?
I blinked in surprise and confusion, and my hands suddenly fumbled away indiscriminately.
From his eyes, to his nose, to his cheeks, to his Adam's apple...
Kiro's body continued to heat up under my touch and caress, and the heat captured in my palms spread to my body along my fingertips.
He kept maintaining a posture that allowed me to ask for anything. Only his rapid breathing and tight muscles guided the smoothest path.
Guiding me into opening this gift that was mine.
I couldn't help but confirm it again.
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MC: Is it all mine?
Kiro: It was yours from the very beginning.
MC: Huh, if it was always mine, it can't be considered a prize for my hard work today, right?
Kiro: .....
Kiro: I found that Miss Chips is very logical when drunk.
His Adam's apple rolled, and the corners of his mouth curled up helplessly.
Kiro: Then should I tell you some hidden rewards?
He grabbed my hand. But this time, the rhythm of the body was completely dominated by him.
It was like an unimagined arrangement of a familiar piece of music, and the unaccustomed rhythm made it impossible for me to resist.
I could only be passively guided by him, and go with him to open doors that I'd never touched before.
The salty sweat mixed with alcohol filled my mouth with the taste of summer.
Kiro: Particularly dazzling...
I seemed to hear Kiro's dazed murmur, and I opened my eyes in a daze.
MC: ...what did you say?
Kiro: I'm talking about you on the court today.
His eyes were hidden behind his wet bangs, like the most bewildering ocean.
I was immersed in this ocean, but I knew it was about to set off a giant tsunami.
Kiro: And you now.
Unknowingly, the water had flowed along the floor tiles.
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Translation Masterlist: here
57 notes · View notes
squishosaur · 5 months
um outline for my event but do not look too closely for i will eventually rework it AGAIN.
1: A Thrilling Invitation
Azul, Jade, and Floyd receive invitations to see a performance of the Royal Choir's annual concert back at home in the Coral Sea, each being able to "bring a friend or two!"
2: A Chilling Realization
The three merfolk wonder who to take with them and Azul dreads having to go back, much less choosing to bring someone to see him in his miserable state (being an octopus).
3: Unusually Bothered
Azul goes to Alchemy with Jamil, who is startled by his change in character. Azul tells him about how he doesn't want anyone to see him in his merform, and Jamil cautiously offers to go with him, saying that Azul's already seen him at his lowest (referring to overblotting), so he has no place to judge him. Begrudgingly, Azul agrees. After a moment, he asks Jamil if he'd switch dorms if he only pouted in his direction more often, and Jamil jokingly says he can still retract his offer.
4: To Explore Underwater
At Lunch, Floyd is grumbling about who to invite when he sees Yuu, Grim, and Silver, who he decides to invite on an impulse so he does not have to put any thought into it. Silver remarks that it would be an honor to go see the Coral Sea because he'd finally have a place to tell his father about that he hadn't been yet (Everyone else is like "Wow, Silver!! Your dad is so cool!!") Yuu has a dialogue option to either say "I'm SOOOO down for that!!", "After last time...?", or "I thought you said 'one or two'?" Any of these will prompt him to say that he can totally get more tickets so that all three of them can go because 1) he has cash from the lounge, 2) Azul probably will refuse to take anybody, and 3) if that doesn't cover it his parents' business is always booming (laughs evilly at this part). Silver and Yuu look at one another confusedly and Grim mutters "These fishy guys are way too creepy..."
5: What's on the Menu?
Jade has been invited to help out with the science club because they are going out and identifying different mushrooms around the school and what conditions they live in. He's excited and says that it's too bad there aren't any back at home and then WOEFULLY rambles about going home. Of course, Trey and Rook are curious and ask about his home, and Trey specifically asks what they eat. Jade looks him dead in the eye for a moment and says "Fish, of course. 😊" While Trey is thrown for a loop and mildly disturbed, Rook asks why Jade is going home, and he explains the situation and then extends an invitation to both of them. They politely accept, with Trey asking if he could get Riddle to tag along because she has been so stressed and could probably use a break (this is ok-ed because Jade also believes Azul will not take anybody), they both say they look forward to seeing the culture and where Jade came from.
6: A Royal Venue
Azul, Jamil, Floyd, Silver, Grim, Yuu, Jade, Rook, Trey, and Riddle all get together (the twins are shocked that Azul picked anyone at all, especially Jamil and tease him about it), and Azul complains that the twins both brought too many people and it was like they *wanted* them all to stare at him. They deny this and then begin discussing the plan for the weekend. They'd go Friday night and see the sights. On Saturday, Jade would take Rook and Trey to museums to learn about the science underwater and the cultural history, Floyd would take Grim, Yuu, and Silver (he asked for Riddle and she exclaimed "NO" so loudly that everyone jumped back) around to do Whatever He Wanted because he was not making plans, and Azul would take Jamil and Riddle to where they grew up and the surrounding area on the first day, then they'd meet up after lunch and see the rehearsal, before hanging out and then then going to the actual show the next day. Jade tells them Prince Rielle, their former classmate, is going to be a soloist in the show and that it will be held at the castle. Everyone is shocked because they failed to mention it was a royal affair.
7: In for a Spin
Floyd ignores their shock and says they can't go looking like that because they'd all get stared at more than Azul used to be (Azul is upset by this) and tosses them all potions to turn them into merpeople, saying that it wasn't weird that they had potions that go from human to merfolk if they had merfolk to human ones. They all take the potion and head down into the Coral Sea.
8: Flippin' Your Fins
They are underwater now and we do that thing in events where they show off all of the new outfit sprites so that takes a sec. Also, the humans cannot maneuver well in water at first and get frustrated because That's what NRC students do. Azul has shrunk back behind a rock somewhere and Jamil bumbles his way over to him to get him to come out, but the conversation is cut off as they hear someone shouting.
9: Dress Rehearsal Disaster
A redheaded merperson darts past the group, followed by a smaller blue-haired one, and then finally a crabby merfolk scrambles across the sand, shouting for the two of them to get back to rehearsal. Jade offers to chase them down for him. (INSERT TWISTUNE!! where the three Octavinelle students are swimming after them, holding the others by the hand bc they still have no sense of direction).
10: Just Swim Faster!!
They cannot keep up with the redhead but do catch up with the little guy, Cas (Short for Caspian), who explains that he and Rielle (humans + grim collectively gasp, "THAT'S RIELLE?") were trying to get out of rehearsal to see the shore.
11: A Dream of the Shore
Cas explains that Rielle has been visiting the shore to look for someone up there who he's in love with and that he says he'd rather be up there than in the ocean and had been trying to tell his parents that, but never found a good time, but thought that they should be allowed to be together like the princess from the legends.
12: Wishing for More
Rielle returns and swoons, saying that he "saw her again, the dreamiest person in the world..." Cas tries to explain that he's not always like this and the group all tries to head back when suddenly royal guards arrive, shouting at them to give the prince back. There is a twistune to outswim the guards, but Rielle is taken and Caspian takes the group to a secret cave to escape no matter what the outcome is.
13: A Hidden Cove
The group is shocked by what happened and Cas tells them that they've been really hard on Rielle lately because this is his last year in the youth choir and they want to make sure its perfect, because chances are that Rielle will refuse to join the adult choir when that time comes. He also tells them that they are near the former treasure trove of the legendary princess and that he can take them back to explore later, but he needed to find Rielle. The NRC kids decide to go rest and get ready for the next day. 
14: The Treasure Trove
The next day, they split up into groups, and Floyd and his group go with Cas to see the treasure trove, where they find that most things are gone, but some random junk remains in corners and crevices. Silver and Grim find a spoon and ask about it (Yuu is given the dialogue option of it's a... Dinglehopper OR fork, and choosing dinglehopper will prompt Floyd to say, "Nice, Shrimpy! Guess someone's been paying attention in Trein's class!"), Floyd and Cas tell them more about the princess. The entire time, Cas is intimidated because Floyd jokes about eating him, and Grim says he is hungry and they go out to eat.
15: Love on Land
While they're over there, Jade, Trey, and Rook are at a museum, where Jade is telling them about all of the trinkets in it. They're in a section on land and Jade lets them guess what each thing is (normal stuff like dishes and the like), and then explaining what they were called and the assumed use. He also explained how love between humans and merfolk was seen as taboo, but that it was getting more accepted by people, especially for those who choose to live on land. He also says that he's not sure if he wants to come back to the sea or live on land in the future, Rook assures him that he has plenty of time to decide and so much to explore still, so he doesn't have to decide yet. Jade agrees, and the three of them go to the next section of the museum, all teasing one another the entire time.
16: A Walk in the Sand
Azul has taken Riddle and Jamil to a shipwreck because merfolk tend to avoid them and it would be quiet. Riddle and Jamil are trying to assure him that he doesn't need to be so self conscious, but he ignores them, saying that he ISN'T. Jamil says he's never seen Azul lose his cool like this and, despite constantly telling himself he wished someone would knock Azul off his high horse, he doesn't actually feel good seeing Azul upset. Riddle agrees, and they try to talk to Azul again. Azul is so wrapped up in his own head that he does not notice his surroundings and accidentally leads them towards a shark. We have a battle to scare the shark off. ALSO AT SOME POINT IN OR AROUND THIS CHAPTER AZUL REVEALS THAT HE HAS A YOUNGER SISTER WHO LIVES WITH HIS FATHER BECAUSE I DID WANT TO INCLUDE A MORGANA BASED OC BUT FEEL LIKE AZUL’S BACKSTORY WORKS BETTER AS AN ONLY CHILD
17: Role Reversal
Riddle chases off the shark, especially mad that it underestimated her as being the weakest because she was the smallest member of the group. Jamil turns to Azul and they have a heart to heart that ends with Jamil awkwardly praising Azul, who says "Now I know how you feel when you say you dislike flattery..." to which Jamil argues that he was genuinely complimenting him. They fall silent until Riddle gets back, which confuses her, so she asks if Jamil had scolded Azul. Jamil says yes and that he is "worse than Kalim sometimes..." Azul feigns hurt and quietly thanks him.
18: Another Rehearsal
The time rolls around for them to meet up at the rehearsal and everyone is in awe of the instruments and such. This whole chapter is a reference to Under the Sea in its dialogue. They hear the same crabman arguing exhaustedly like before with Rielle.
19: Act Like a Fish
The crab is formally introduced as Stephan, the royal conductor. He is complaining that Rielle keeps disappearing and that he will have to tell his father if he has his head up in the clouds and out of the water. Rielle is clearly unhappy after being scolded again.
20: The Prince's Wish
Silver approaches Rielle, understanding his issue, explaining that he too has gotten in trouble for being mindless sometimes when he genuinely cannot help it. Rielle sighs and explains that he's really jealous that Azul, Jade, and Floyd got to see the land and had so many adventures and probably met cute girls up there too... He says he'd give anything, even his voice, to go to the shore. Silver says that he also understands what it's like to want to give anything for someone, and they connect over that, going on to exchange fun anecdotes about their fathers and siblings (Silver talks about Malleus and Sebek here).
21: The Perfect Protégé
The rehearsal starts and everyone watches excitedly, but it all goes down badly when Rielle doesn't know any of the cues because he wasn't in it. Frustratedly, Stephan walks off, saying that he wants to take five, saying he doesn't care what they do until then. Rook curiously grabs the baton and tries to direct them himself, and his liveliness makes the singers and band more energetic. Stephan overhears this and comes back immediately, saying that Rook is a natural and inviting the other NRC kids to join the chorus. There is a Twistune here.
22: I Just Can't Stay
Azul feels his former classmates watching and recognizing him. He panics as he hears this and dashes out of the rehearsal. Everyone is shocked and begins searching for him. Um this one is more dramatic than my 3 setence overview.
23: Going Home
Azul goes home and is met by both his worried mother and the Leeches parents. He tells them that he hates this form and he wishes he were back on land where he feels like himself in the right body. Transcoded moment. His mom offers her hand in consolation and he begins to ugly cry.
24: Leave Me Alone!
The twins determine that the only place Azul could be is at home and lead everyone there. They meet the Leech parents who fawn over them and thank them for being kind to their little babies, especially Jade, who is a little troublemaker sometimes. The NRC kids are shocked that Floyd isn't considered the problem child, but their parents say that Floyd has always been a nice kid, but he's just a little shy and quiet. They turn to the twins who just smile. They tell them where Azul is, and everyone goes to check on him, but he refuses to come out and face them.
25: A Slippery Situation
Unable to reach Azul, they sit in defeat, wondering what to do. They then turn to his mom, who suggests that they all cook for him together in order to brighten his mood. We get another Twistune with everyone making a plate of fruits de mer with Trey and Jamil being the main actual cooks alongside Azul’s mom. The cutscene in the middle involves the Leech parents demonstrating their knife skills to Riddle who jumps back into Floyd’s arms (which he laughs at and Riddle complains about).
26: A Delectable Creation
They tell Azul they cooked and they all eat together with everyone telling Azul that in either form, they still see him as himself, and that if anyone bothers him, they’ll kick their asses because that’s just how they do it at NRC. He tells them if they really want to help, they should start working at the Mostro Lounge when they get back to school. Everyone laughs, glad that he’s back to normal.
27: Something to Lose
With that sorted out, they go back towards the concert hall to find Stephan to apologize for interrupting, but run into Rielle first, who apologizes for the others making Azul uncomfortable and for setting the rehearsal back a bunch himself. He says he will put aside what he wants for the sake of the show.
28: Who I Choose…
Rielle offers to take everyone to see Stephan, but Jamil grabs Azul, saying he wanted to talk to him first. He tells him that he’s very grateful that he got to go on this trip because he finally feels free from all of the responsibilities he has on land, and that he understands what Azul is feeling underwater because it is what he feels on the surface– resentment. He says he wants to get to know the real Azul, and he wants Azul to get to know him too. Jamil extends his hand and Azul takes it as they swim off to join the group.
29: Helpful and Nice!
When Jamil and Azul rejoin, everyone is helping to organize for the event the next morning. Riddle is barking directions like a stage manager, Trey is telling people where to go, Floyd and Jade have both joined the band section, Silver is helping Rielle and Cas with organizing the seats and marking off the reserved ones, Rook is assisting the conductor, and Yuu and Grim are just helping out with everybody where needed. Jamil remarks that it's surprising to see everyone on the same page, but Azul says it must be the spirit of benevolence going around.
30: I Need Your Advice
Rielle pulls Azul aside and says that he’s noticed that he seems very close to Jamil and mistakes their relationship for a romantic one, asking how he chose between his connections on land and his life in the sea. Azul says he has no idea what he’s talking about, but he thinks that he should follow his own aspirations and dreams. Someone interjects, and they both turn…
31: Conductor's Help
IT IS ROOK! And Yuu! Wow! Rook suggests that Rielle tells his father after the concert and that it may be hard when it feels like you’re letting down your parents, but eventually you have to decide to live your life, instead of the one they set out for you. Yuu agrees, inwardly worrying about how their parents would feel if they were stuck here, or worse, if they Voluntarily Chose to stay…
32: Being Yourself
Rielle agrees to tell his parents that he wants to go to the shore after the concert and goes off to find Cas. Rook then turns to Yuu and tells them that that applies to them too, and that he hopes they find happiness in their future as well in a 4th-wall breaking pep talk to not only Yuu, but also the player. They have the option to either say thank you or stay silent, resulting in either “Du rien!” or “... Take your time, okay?” respectively.
33: The Grand Performance
The actual performance happens! Twistune babyyyy!! I don’t have to write anythingggg
34: The Prince’s Announcements
The show is met with lots of applause and the NRC gang all cheers together. They turn to tell Rielle that he did a good job, but he has gone off to speak with his parents. We do not hear what they say to one another but they nod and hug, thanking him for trusting them instead of running off. In the meantime, we see Azul’s sister actually and they seem to have some sort of rivalry, but there is a fondness to their interaction.
35: The One I Love…
After the concert, the NRC gang goes out to eat and explore with Cas and Rielle, and Trey asks about the girl he was seeing on the shore. Rielle admits that they’ve never actually spoken and he doesn’t know her name. Everyone is confused as to how he knows he’s in love with her, and keep asking questions and we learn what this person looks like and how she carries herself… Most everyone from NRC looks at each other because they recognize this description…
36: FREAKING. UGHHHHH (working title)
Everyone shouts “ROLLO FLAMM??” and Rielle, blissfully ignorant, is like, “Oh do you know her?” They all stare at each other. Grim is the one to exclaim he’s a guy and not actually cute or nice by any standards. Rielle seems completely unfazed by this revelation #bisexual moment 💞 They continue their conversation and Rielle says that he is going to visit the shore during their next break and hopes to visit NRC at some point.
37: Resurfacing
The Octatrio say goodbye to their parents and everyone else, who also exchange their sentiments towards their friends. Riddle remarks under her breath that she would be too afraid to go to a Leech family reunion and they all laugh and smile like “Oh? How come? 😊” and she is completely freaked out and hides behind Trey and Silver, who both thank them for their hospitality. Stephan give Rook his baton and says to continue his search of beauty through the arts. Silver talks to Rielle and we pan to Grim, Yuu, and Cas saying that there’s something similar about the two of them (Disney Princess energy perhaps). Azul’s mother thanks Jamil for taking care of her baby and says she hopes he’ll continue to do so “in perpetuity.” Azul grumbles that she’s being embarrassing, but Jamil says he’ll consider the proposition, amused at how both Azul and his mother used business terms in describing their relationship. Before they leave, she gives Azul a nice, decorated box to open on the shore. Azul’s sister waves goodbye as well. They finally do leave and everyone is delighted to breathe air and have feet again. Jamil curiously asks Azul what was in the box, and he reveals that it was empty.
38: Junk Repurposing
Back at NRC, our group of travellers goes back to the Mostro Lounge, excitedly sharing details about their journey and recounting the things they did. Azul is staring at this box, wondering what to do with it. Jamil suggests that they make fruit de la mer (the chocolate this time) and fill the container with that. We have JUST ONE final Twistune where they make chocolate together in the Mostro Lounge’s kitchen.
39: Part of Your World
Azul and Jamil almost share a kiss, but are interrupted by the twins saying that they were looking for them (reference to the end of Kiss the Girl). They share the chocolate they made together with the rest of the group and decide to serve it as a surprise special at the Lounge for the next week. Azul remarks that they make a pretty good team, and Jamil agrees. After a moment, Azul tries his luck asking Jamil to join Octavinelle again. Jamil responds, “In your dreams… But I guess I wouldn’t mind helping out around here from time to time.” Azul is okay with this, and they sit in a happy, comfortable silence as they take in the chatter and other sounds of the Lounge together.
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whattheshock · 9 months
⭐️ STAR TREATMENT (miguel o'hara band au)
summary: you're trying your best to adjust to being a band manager, but miguel's not making it easy... wc: 929 cw: use of y/n, mentions of alcohol/drinking, miguel is still an ass
⋆part 2⋆ masterlist
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after a couple weeks & a couple dozen hours of research, you were finally getting into the groove of being a band manager. the sounds of spider sense's newest song filled the rehearsal studio.
"stop, stop, stop..." dean suddenly said, the music slowly coming to a halt. "miguel, you're like 2 whole seconds ahead of everyone else, we can't play right if you're off."
"maybe you're the one that's off, dumbass, you ever think about that, huh?" miguel snapped back.
"actually..." you spoke up. "you were a little ahead, everyone else was on beat."
"cállate, this isn't your place-"
"but it is my place..." you said. "as your manager, i'm supposed to keep things running smoothly, & you're not exactly helping."
he grunted as he got up from behind his drums, approaching you & making you back up against the wall, his tall figure looming over you. "you wanna say that again?" he growled, looking down at you intensely, his eyes almost glowing bright red.
you stood your ground, staring back up at him with a gaze just as intense as his. it was hard to focus, hearing his heavy breathing, feeling not only his eyes on you, but the rest of the band's, but you refused to look away.
he finally gave in, breaking away & walking towards the door. "i need a sec," he said as he left the studio.
"alright, everyone take 5..." caleb said before walking over to you. "hey, are you okay?"
"yeah, i'm fine."
"dude... how the hell did you do that?"
"do what?"
he scoffed. "'do what?' you stood up to miguel! i'm nowhere near brave enough to do that."
you laughed a bit. "i don't know how i did it, either. it's just... i don't don't know what his problem is."
"me neither... look, [y/n], just ignore him, you're doing an amazing job as our manager & he's only gonna get in the way."
"alright, thank you, caleb," you said as you gave him a hug.
"no worries, everything will be alright..."
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
the band had another gig tonight, & you were supposed to arrive an hour before. you rushed through the doors that lead backstage. "sorry i'm so late!" you said, but it didn't seem to be too much of a problem, finding the members just hanging out, dean just finishing tuning up. "um, miguel, what do you think you're doing?"
"what?" he asked, taking a sip of his drink.
you walked up to him as he was sprawled out on the couch. "you have a show in 30 minutes... look, i know we're in a bar & everyone else is drinking but that doesn't mean you should be..." you scolded as you crossed your arms.
"so who you gonna call? the martini police?" he said in a sarcastic tone as he took another sip.
"c'mon, man..." dean said as he grabbed the drink away from his hand. miguel scoffed & put his hands up in defense, before starting to leave the room. "you better not be getting another fuckin' drink, mate..."
"i'm not, i'm not..." miguel insisted in an annoyed tone before leaving the room.
thankfully, miguel wasn't too drunk to perform, & they had another successful show. you walked on stage to congratulate them after they finished their set, hugging each of the members, except miguel, obviously, you figured it was best to steer clear of him.
"excuse me," a voice said, you turned around to see a short man in a button up shirt. "i'm rich webb of webb records, i've heard a great deal about your band... are you their manager?" he asked you.
holy shit. "um, yes sir, i'm [y/n] [l/n], nice to meet you..." you said as you shook his hand.
"oh, the pleasure is all mine..." he said with a smile. "all the amazing things i've heard about all of you are true... the way your music sounds so classic yet so unique, a creative blend of so many rock subgenres with genius lyrics, it's unbelievable! they way you use your musical talents to bring out the best in each other's sounds, & the way your personalities are so different yet blend so well together creates such an incredible stage presence, this truly was one of the best shows i've seen in awhile."
"really? you liked it that much?" caleb asked, you could practically see sparkles in his eyes.
"yes... in fact, i liked it so much, i want to offer you a record deal..." all of your mouths fell open. "i'd like to work on recording an album & maybe setting up a tour, i've seen you have quite the fan base across the country for a band who just plays small gigs... but you have serious potential, you guys are going places... so, whaddya say?"
"are you kidding? of course we're accepting!" caleb exclaimed, going up to rich & hugging him for a second before quickly letting go. "sorry, got too excited..."
"it's fine... so we'll be meeting again so to discuss details & work out a contract, we can schedule that soon, here's my card." rich said as he handed you his business card.
"thank you so much, sir, i'll look at my schedule so we can meet as soon as possible..." you said as you shook his hand again.
"perfect, i'll see you soon," he said as he waved back at us before leaving. after he left, we all turned to each other with wide eyes.
"boys, we're goin' on tour!" caleb announced & i smiled, i couldn't be happier.
an: hi again, tysm for reading part 2 of star treatment! if any of y'all know the song this fic's named after, u prob caught the lyric ref teehee 🤭 also, idk much about band managers/record execs so i was just googling shit & it's prob not 100% accurate... lmk if u have any questions (my inbox is always open!) or wanna be tagged in new chapters! reblogs r greatly appreciated :)
credit to @benkeibear for the dividers
part 3 out now!!
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