#and HENRIETTA what a slay
1moreoffkeyanthem · 3 months
My thots on Snow Day so far: PRINCESS KENNY BOSS BATTLE IS SO FUN WHWT THE FUCK!!! And I thought Kyle’s was kickass but IM HAVING A BLAST IN GENERAL sound design is super fun and the 3d is less distracting than I thought it’d be the environments are DELIGHTFUL DUDE I know I’m probably a lil biased bc the homies are in their fantasy personas and I love that shit but this is honestly such an unserious campy fun game I’m enjoying myself so much
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scary-tingz · 1 year
Slashers + Valentine’s Day
A/N: A little late to the party but ah well! (Edited to be more gender neutral!)
Slashers Included: Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Freddy Krueger, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Sinclair Brothers
Warnings: NSFW themes ahead, reader wearing lingerie, mention of blood, organs, bugs
Michael Myers
You’d think someone like Michael would give less of a shit about the holidays, but now that he has a partner he seems to care at least a little bit about ones outside of Halloween.
He’s not gonna put on a big show, but he will appear from the hallway with blood on one arm, damn near past his elbow. Attached to his hand is a big bloody heart, how sweet.
He grabs your hands and wraps them around it, the bundle of red warmth still pulsing faintly in your grip. He squeezes them, his hands against yours. There’s a bloody mess on the floor now, but you know better to complain about such a thoughtful gift.
He stalked the biggest toughest guy he could find just to be sure the heart would be huge, and then he took it for his lover. Try putting it in a jar with some celsior if you don’t want it to spoil, maybe decorate it with some stickers and fake flowers. He’d be more than happy to work on some diy decorations for the container.
He doesn’t expect anything from you, but any gifts received will be cherished and promptly stored in his room as either a decoration or in the droor he has especially for you.
Jason Voorhees
You’d have to remind him of the day, he doesn’t really bother to count them to be quite honest.
I’m not sure he even knows what Valentine’s Day is, as he never really got to experience the holiday as a child. None of the other kids would give him candy and it’s more likely that his mother would keep him in the house for the day to spare him the embarrassment and humiliation.
Buuut upon hearing your explanation of the day he immediately gets up and marches off to go find you the prettiest forest flowers and the tastiest edible berries he can find!
If you get lucky and have some campers on that day he’ll slay them for their chocolate and steal anything red, white, or pink in your honor.
If you get him a gift he’ll be over the moon, picking you up and spinning you around, fawning over it all day and generally slacking on his usual duties of maintaining the camp. As long as he isn’t ignoring anything too pressing, let him have his moment and enjoy whatever you gave him.
Thomas Hewitt
Luda Mae is sure to remind the two of you as the days draw closer, since there’s actually a couple in the house to celebrate it for.
Normally she’d glance at the calendar and sigh as she marked the day off, shaking her head in disappointment that none of her boys found someone yet… Then you came along, and she’s probably happier about the holiday then you and Tommy are!
She even gets the neighbors to come over and celebrate, they throw the most glorious tea party! Luda and the tea lady do most of the baking while Henrietta prepares the tea, chatting on about the leaves she’s using and how lovely a couple you and Tommy are… Of course Charlie is none too pleased, but when is he ever?
Away from it all, Tommy presents you with a thoughtful gift he’s been working on for a while. In his basement resides a romantic bone sculpture of two figures kissing, one resembling him and the other resembling you. It’s made out of bones both big and small, and isn’t entirely complete yet.
It’s no Sinclair masterpiece but you’d be remiss to not appreciate his craftsmanship, he must have spent ages scavenging and collecting all of the pieces for that.
He pretends like he isn’t expecting anything from you, but a little part of him hopes you made something for him. Even if it’s something small he’d love it, keeping it in his room at all times so that he can look at it when he needs to calm down.
Bubba Sawyer
Sadly the fanfare in the Hewitt household is virtually nonexistent with this particular iteration of the slaughter family.
You and Bubs hardly get the chance to kiss without Drayton waving his broomstick around like a madman, warding him away from you and telling y’all to get back to work.
But when you two finally get some alone time, he gives you the gift he’s been hiding for a while now.
It’s a mask of your very own, cut from a victim who resembles you slightly. The flesh has been preserved and covered in makeup to give the illusion that the skin is still lively, despite the grim looking backside.
Bubba is the kind of guy that you could give a pebble for Valentine’s so long as you went through a great deal of convincing him it was special, and he’d love it.
You end the night with a slow dance, Nubbins and Chop Top hopping around like crickets despite the slow pace of the love song on the radio. They’re just happy that their brother is happy, even though they tease you two lovebirds all the time.
Freddy Krueger
Unless you want to wake up at your job/school moaning and screaming, be sure to catch your Z’s.
He’ll visit you the night before, claiming to have something special planned for you tomorrow. He’ll likely tease you all night long and then wake you up early before you can cum. You wake up unsatisfied, and will have to finish the job yourself for the time being.
All bets are off when you get home and finally rest.
When you wake up in your dream, the world around you is colored as though you’re looking through rose-tinted shades. The man of your dreams honks his horn outside of your house, and you get in the car. You do everything you’ve ever wanted to do with a partner, but such a pleasant dream can only last so long with Freddy.
By the time you and the handsome stranger are about to enter the bedroom the scenario devolves into the usual Krueger-brand madness that you’ve become accustomed to. You wait patiently for him to stop trying to scare you and start trying to fuck you, which he eventually does when he sees you’re no longer amused by the walls melting into roaches and the floors being made of squishy organs.
You go at it in a ridiculously tacky bedroom, a California king sized bed with red and green striped covers and a steel spiked bed frame is what he throws you onto before pouncing.
His loony ass literally jumps out of his clothes like a cartoon character, all while you’re cutely splayed out on the covers wearing some garish lingerie of his choice. The sex makes it worth it though, and by the time you wake up you’re covered in new scratches and bruises thanks to him.
Billy Loomis
Of course this greasy boy takes part in the holiday, it’s a one way ticket to getting laid after all.
He pulls out all the stops, slicks his hair back and wears a nice outfit, brings you a generously large teddy bear that has a hard time fitting in your locker, and of course he doesn’t forget the chocolates.
If you don’t really like the showy stuff then don’t worry, he wrote you a creepy lovely poem for the occasion. He makes a bunch of horror movie references in it, and asks you to be his final girl/boy/enby at the end of it.
He lays it on thick with the romance today, wants you to feel nice and loved before he tries to break your bed frame again.
If you have the time after school, he’ll invite you out on a double date with Stu. He pays for the meal and all that, and is notably less irritable than usual.
Pray that one of your parents is on vacation right now, because if he doesn’t at least get a quickie before the day is out he’s gonna be a horn dog for the rest of the week and you are not going into the school bathroom again.
Stu Macher
He makes a whole show of acting shy around you, batting his eyes and giggling like a maniac every time you look his way.
When he finally works up the courage to ask you out he does it as annoyingly as possible, hands behind his back while he sways side to side… “Will you be my Valentine?” He asks as he flutters his blonde lashes, extending one of those holographic puppy cards to you alongside a handful of your favorite candy. You’d be a fool to say no.
He jumps for joy and glomps you, but he’s so lanky that he can barely topple Sidney over.
Most of the fun happens after school, he wants to do just about everything with you and snag a bunch of couple’s discounts wherever he can.
You end the day with a double date, you and Stu go with Billy and Sidney to a nice restaurant after a day of running around a boardwalk and going on all the rides.
He’s not as desperate for sex as Billy is, but if you happen to drag him away or ask to spend the night he’ll be grinning like an idiot whilst giving the rest of the group a big thumbs up.
Bo Sinclair
He is oblivious to the day’s arrival, since in the years before he met you it was all but remembered.
He wakes up next to you and he is happy. He kisses you while you sleep, chuckling at the way you stir before getting out of bed and into his work clothes. He marks off a day on his calendar and… What does that tiny text say..?
Suddenly he’s hopping in his truck and going out of town in the early hours of the morning, scouring the nearby shops for something nice.
He comes back home as though nothing happened, but he does happen to hide the gifts in his closet.
When he sees you next he acts oblivious, like he doesn’t know what day it is (even though he didn’t this morning). He toys with you even if you got him a gift, apologizing for not remembering and promising to do better next time until bam! At 8pm he pops open a glass of champagne and asks if you really fell for it.
He brings back some real expensive sweets, flowers, and some undergarments he’d like to see you in, typical Bo always thinking of himself in some way.
He’d love to see you in it tonight, and he plans to sweet talk you if you’re still mad at him for playing dumb earlier.
Vincent Sinclair
I think out of everyone he’d be the most grandiose gifter. He is quite talented in the arts department, and he probably makes you so many little gifts already that he’d feel the need to really make you something swell.
Inspiration strikes when he sees you playing around with the little statues he made you, and so he gets to work on his most important project yet… A dollhouse.
Making wax sculptures out of humans is no easy task, but making a miniature recreation of a house, furniture, and people isn’t either.
It just appears in your room out of the blue, all of the furniture neatly organized and little figures of you alongside any friends you may have had scattered across the mansion doing various tasks. Him and his brothers are there too, with Lester washing his hands in the sink, Vincent himself in the basement toiling away, and Bo sitting on his La-Z-Boy reading the papers.
You wait patiently for him to finish his work in the basement before you overwhelm him with your affection, the sturdy wax of his mask melting more and more with each kiss.
He doesn’t feel like he deserves anything in return, but he might just cry if you try and make anything out of wax for him.
Lester Sinclair
He hears about it on the radio while he’s driving his truck, scouring the road for any fresh meat.
The disc jockey smoothly announces the day’s date and informs listeners that the station will be playing love songs the entire day, imploring the audience to send their requests in.
He thinks about what he ought to do for you. Bo would surely scold him for going out of town unannounced and using his money for frivolities like chocolates and teddy bears, so he decides he should hand-make something for you.
With some difficulty, he manages to fashion a heart shaped backpack out of animal skin for you. Vincent had to lend a hand for a lot of the measuring process and zipper installation, but it was pretty obvious who gathered all the… Ingredients.
Really, all he wants is some recognition and affection. He’s not often recognized for his talents as the youngest brother, and a valentine who gives him the praise he deserves is all he could really ask for.
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buckleydiazmp4 · 2 months
i should probably try to sleep but before i leave: kenneth choi emmy when. buddietommy weird intricate dynamics continue to compel me. jlh slayed. henrietta and karen wilson absolute fucking legends. eddie centric episode when. buddie bachelor party extended cut when. also we have not talked about the glorious five minutes of ravi panikkar screentime this ep and ALSO now that he knows buck is bi i wanna know what he's thinking soooo bad. also MADDIE AND CHIM ARE MARRIED THEY ARE HUSBAND AND WIFE. alright that's it live laugh love weewoo show <3
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jamessunderlandgf · 6 months
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—10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 mutuals
emma @red-nightskies i’m obsessed w you thank u for the tag mwah 💋 idk who wants to do this so if i miss a tag consider urself tagged bless up @simply-jason ⚜️ @kyber-infinitygems ⚜️ @teamhawkeye ⚜️ @deputyrook ⚜️ @ghostfvcker ⚜️ @paddingtongirl ⚜️ @ansburg ⚜️ @bloodofvalyria ⚜️ @rosayoro ⚜️ @mxgyver ⚜️🩷✨
in no particular order—
SMOKE | MORTAL KOMBAT; i just think he’s neat idk i have been rotating him around in my brain since september please send help actually
ANNA HENRIETTA | THE WITCHER; you guys know this abt me she is serving and slaying and she occupies my mind always
CYBIL BENNETT | SILENT HILL; yes i hyper focused on a woman that is in one game i love her fuck ass bob so what. sue me.
LALO SALAMANCA | BETTER CALL SAUL; i could have put nacho and i should have but he mostly just makes me upset. so here’s the silliest goofiest guy in all of albuquerque
HOSEA MATTHEWS | RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2; featuring a lil charthur mwah mwah mwah aaaand the best dad ever best dilf award goes to—
MASAKO ADACHI | GHOST OF TSUSHIMA; the best canon url i ever had and will have. i love this woman. play ghost of tsushima.
DONNA BENEVIENTO | RESIDENT EVIL; show me a tragic character and i will show you the hole in my heart that is them shaped.
PERPETUA | BLASPHEMOUS; she is a ghost she’s possessed she’s been dead the whole time she’s actively plotting against god she’s everything to me
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kennys-parka-jacket · 8 months
Michael/Henrietta, Tweek/Wendyl, Wendy/Henrietta
These are gonna be even briefer cuz i needs to goes to bed.
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Whatever Michealphone/Henri Danger is called- They are like siblings. They grew up together. Adopted family.
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Twendyl that's what I'm calling them- like Creek except Wendyl is more level headed. Tbh Tweek deserves Wendyl. He can treat him right. And I bet Wendyl would find Tweek endearing. He would enjoy taking care of him.
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Wenrietta- Hel-lo butch4femme sapphics. Black and magenta is a good color combination. Henri should turn her goth, gothic wendy would slay. Buuuut also Wendy firmly believes that people should feel good about how they naturally look, and a big part of why Henri is goth in the first place is cuz people make fun of him otherwise. If Wendy made him self confident enough Henri might not even be goth anymore. Hmmmmm. They csn be an interesting pair.
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flowernets · 1 year
YEA FLOWERBETS IM HERE… pjo au I’ll reblog every single post
pjo au ideas ive been cooking up lately:
im changing the amount of time some of them have been on camp so that kyle+kenny+wendy+jimmy (dont know who else) will be the ones who've been on camp the longest. its a wip
unrequited k2 bc i wanna ruin people's days. i will elaborate on it on the future<3
i was gonna make wendy child of aphrodite a-la piper bc i thought it would be funny for her im not like other girls complex However. i think athena is more fitting + it fits into some stendyle thing im cooking up As Well + wendy kyle friendship
speaking of aphrodite. that one person who suggested butters as a child of aphrodite i have good news for you. like listen i KNOW depending on how u characterize butters this is a slay or a flop but like first of all: i am running out of gods and secondly. it would be funny if everyone in the aphrodite cabin just hated his guts for some reason
gonna draw butters+da rest of the girls soon !
cartman/wendy dynamics. teamwork if you will. i think it would be fun considering the ares/athena implications
cartman and kenny being buddies
kenny going to henrietta (who im making child of hecate) for advice/questions etc about his past and his whole cult thing like ohhh we're doing this. slay forever
i need to ponder more on catg dynamics bc i was thinking abt the main 5 mostly. what i will say is cryde besties forever and ever and ever and ever
ALSO clyde/bebe. clyde is head over heels for bebe and makes handmade things for her
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wilderebellion · 2 years
(Forgot to post this before ep 9 released oh well)
1609: Henry Hudson, Henrietta Hudson, and Frederick Storms depart Amsterdam.
-At least two make it to the Tarrytown area. Henry Hudson is credited as town founder of Sleepy Hollow, but that may not be true.
-Approximately a decade passes. Henrietta is the head of the witch coven; Juniper LaBouf and Anneke Storms are members.
-Henrietta's power (magical, political, or both?) grows. Anneke deems her a threat to the coven.
1621: Anneke Storms diary entries, in assumed chronological order
1) "Tonight, Juniper and the other sisters convene in the last place any would think to look for us. Henrietta has been summoned, though she knows not why. My hand, though shaky now, will not waver
as the full moon beams through the glass, as the calendar turns, I shall strike true through the neck and Henrietta Hudson will be no more.
Though I once loved her as a sister, I cannot ignore that her power grows too great."
Following Henrietta's death, Anneke starts the girls' orphanage/school. She then 'disappeared' a year later - to coincide with just name change or also a pregnancy? If the latter, WHO'S THE DADDY?
2) "Things in the settlement have gone awry. Henry and I have gone too far, and I fear the safety and the legacy of my children. Not only the orphans, but my flesh and blood. For their protection I denounce the name Storms and hereafter my bloodline shall take my mother's name - Crane."
Henry + Anneke = "Gone too far" with WHAT?
-Running the town in Henrietta's absence?
-Covering up Henrietta's death? Or Frederick's?
-'Betrayed' Henrietta by hooking up?
-Did they try to control the 'headless beast' and fail?
3) "Here shall be my final resting place. I die knowing that the headless beast rides nightly looking for the head I have taken. It will find me and take its vengeance. It is better that I do the deed myself."
Even though she had accomplices/co-conspirators, Anneke was the literal hand that killed Henrietta to stop her growing power. But instead of outright dying, Henrietta became the original Headless.
Anneke took her own life, depriving Henrietta of revenge -> accidental curse on Anneke's descendants?
1622: Gravy Davy's earliest sea log entry
"I came to Tarrytown in search of legendary treasure. But when I seen the figure of a man atop a horse without his bow, it became too much. This man is not flesh or blood, but hellish creature from foul beyond."
Latin on Treasure map:
"Those seeking to slay the headless beast will find the answers where the learnéd women be."
Juniper is still in Tarrytown area by the time Gravy Davy comes to shore. She died before he did, as he had the opportunity to bury his treasure chest containing her necklace and his sea log.
Juniper was also the "Lady of a Thousand Sapphires" . In her possession was one half of the key/doorknob to the secret basement of Storms Inn. Where a literal treasure, as well as Anneke's body and diary, remained hidden. Her nickname may have been slightly more literal given the concealed treasure. Was it all bequeathed to Juniper, or did she steal from Anneke's resting place?
Perhaps she was killed by HH: not just for her involvement in the beheading (which I suspect happened at the church), but also for keeping the secret of Anneke's bloodline.
The other half of the key was presumably handed down through the Crane family line, leading to present day Ichabod.
What happened to the rest of the coven? Did Juniper or the other sisters found the not-a-drugstore? Davy's skull came with the store, according to Matilda - is she the last of the coven's descendants? Davy's skull had coins in his eyes suggesting someone wanted him to have safe passage to the afterlife. Yet his skull is THERE on the counter instead of in the ground after a few hundred years? Matilda wasn't sure if it was real but presumably whoever brought his skull there originally knew, and had a purpose?
Aside from Gravy Davy stabbing Douffe (which put her in a coma), there's been no scenarios of Headless actually killing anybody. I might be making the assumption that HH kills because of other versions. Could this story involve an entirely innocent Headlless, or is it just the most recent incarnation of Headless (whomever the curse passed onto)?
The LEGEND claims the horseman is bloodthirsty, but we've seen no real evidence of that. What if that's another falsehood, like the German soldier bit?
And where does Van Tassel fit in? Perhaps Ambrose was behind the mutiny that did in Henry Hudson? Or, maybe the memory loss makes it easier for HH to be controlled by whomever possesses the skull, a la the Tim Burton version, and the Van Tassels didn't get involved with the legend until just after the Revolutionary War.
However, from what we've seen of Headless in their default state, they don't SEEM like they're being controlled? They grabbed Ichabod's flyer and sought him out. Even prior to episode 8 I was wondering about HH's original motivations. Were they only interested in the exchange of services (Money/roommate in exchange for finding skull), or did something about the name CRANE feel familiar to them?
Van Tassel Manuscript, dated January 13, 2005.
I'd often wonder if I'd ever have the chance to meet the ghost myself. Perhaps this weekend I'll finally come face-to-face with destiny. I'll be ready.
Was Kat's mom secretly also of a magical nature, teaching both Matilda and Kat at a young age? The things Matilda knows we've mostly just been accepting as Witch Things, but she's a human being, not a spider. She can't have known all this intrinsically.
Elizabeth was very into astronomy and constellations: Kat has fond memories of looking at the stars with her mom, Matilda recognized the stones which formed the protection on Anneke's journal, and already knew what the Perseus constellation looked like. And Kat fully accepts that Matilda's magical
Elizabeth theorized the HH curse passes from one soul to the next - does that also apply to the Woman in White?
Did Kat try something after graduation to get in touch with "the other side" and speak to her mother?
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ladysunbite · 1 month
01. what sexuality does your muse identify as, or most closely with? 04. what non-sexual act of foreplay most turns them on?
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𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 + 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 || open
01. what sexuality does your muse identify as, or most closely with?
Bisexial would be a correct modern term. Essentially, a need to survive in a hostile world made Orianna adopt a “research” approach to every field of her life. As for a vampiric regard to gender, it begs a separate hc. By now it would be sufficient to say that she identifies as a female, but with a high degree of social freedom, compared to the medival-esque setting, thanks to her high yet not responsibility-heavy status ( compared to Anna Henrietta or Vivienne de Tabris, for instance ). 
04. what non-sexual act of foreplay most turns them on?
The red line, be that pun forgiven, is that in everything Orianna is or does or desires, there are two, often warrying, sides to her. Mainly, it’s due to her upbringing on the precipice of two extremely different cultures - vampiric and human ( with a grain of elven, as Beauclair boasts some elegant architectural ancestry and the general air of hedonism ).
Her natural, vampiric side, longs for the outlet of her base instincts, and is prone to the nostalgia of her mayhem-filled, responsibility-free days of youth. But as with everything nostalgic, that memory has acquired a golden sheen. Invite the sun-eyed to raid a village and bask in the blood and guts of the victims, and she would wrinkle her nose, contemptuously. However “killing out of necessity”, a cloak and dagger variety is a perfect stage for her pent-up, bestial urges. Murder some foes together, compliment graceful ways of slaying, do not shiver at the sight of her claws and her stained mouth, and take the responsibility of covering the tracks and burying the bodies - it’s the best kind of a spontaneous first date in her books.  Her humanized side prefers pleasures of a higher sort - art, and especially, music. Orianna has a lovely singing voice, but lacks the occasion to exhibit it to the full. She never sings at her own soirees, due to the risk of being carried away and hypnotising the hapless audience. Or something worse. In a nutshell, such a display could attract the pestering attention of a witcher or a sorceress, and the sun-eyed values her comfort. If you have coaxed her to sing together, you can count it as a sort of courting. In between exists the realm, which takes from both sides. Orianna is a highly sensual creature; not in terms of a sexual drive, but in her overactive senses ( a natural perk of vampirism, combined with a hc that she lost her sight for a time during her youth ). She can be baited with certain smells, a harmony of colours in a landscape / painting, an ornate glass of sweet blood wine. And a physical touch, naturally. It is as much a lure to her, as the other 4 senses are. Anna Henrietta mentions that her presence inspires a certain eerie anxiety that prompts the other party to depart with all possible haste. And as a result, the sun-eyed is somewhat starved in that department. It’s worth mentioning that Orianna finds her hair being brushed rather titillating ( or her teeth being touched ). But it’s an activity reserved to intimate of partners.
Sculpture Credit: Le vampire / La chauve-souris (1903) by Agathon Leonard
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stuzoclothing · 2 years
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It’s Slay Day Squad!! We’re over the moon and can’t wait to show you what we’ve cooking up! 🔥Tickets are still available in @dapperq bio! See you at the show! 🎟 . Join us as we slay the runway with a collection like no other! 😮 Shop your favorite looks and enjoy some new ones exclusively at the show! Be sure to get your tickets now! Link in @dapperq bio! 🎟 #dapperQNYFW #Stuzo THURS 8 SEP 2022 6PM Brooklyn Museum Beaux Arts Court Admission $16 6pm-8pm Sip & Shop with Happy Hour by Henrietta Hudson 8:15pm Show 10pm-11pm After Party Featuring DEVONATION FreeMen by Mickey Hesta LANDEROS NEW YORK LLESSUR NYC Stuzo THÚY Custom Clothier Transguy Supply WITH DJ MO Hosted by Azure Antoinette Official lighting sponsor Sharpe Suiting Proof of vaccination required Masks optional (at Brooklyn Museum) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiQXCZKv3jV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cool-island-songs · 2 years
Thank you for the ask!
2. If you could adopt any of the kids, who would you adopt and why?
Tweek so I could get him off the meth 😭
11. What's a headcanon you have for your favorite character?
I think Tweek would like horror movies, contrary to the popular fanon tendency to depict him as afraid of them. I'm not against the idea he might be afraid, but I have bad anxiety and embraced things like that as I got older, even though a single X Files episode gave me nightmares for months as a child
I hc teen/young adult Tweek being into media w/ darker content - maybe as a controlled way of confronting anxieties, maybe as a way of masochistically triggering his fears, or some combo thereof
14. Do you have a favorite female character? Who?
I love the girls generally, so this is tough. I love Bebe and Henrietta, and Nichole and Rebecca are other faves. Going w/ Henrietta overall - her ultimate in TFBW slays
22. Is there a character you relate with the most/see yourself in?
Twek Twok 😔😔
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jungle321jungle · 4 years
Gorgon AU: Part Two
Where Deceit has snakes for hair.
Yup. I’m writing more.
Part Two
“Now you all listen to me,” Deceit said slowly as he stared at his snakes in the mirror. “Keep quiet about things that aren’t important, got it?”
Yes. No. Yesss. Yesss. What is? What not?
Deceit gave a groan as he lowered his head, “This is pointless isn't it?”
“Something wrong, Deceit?”
Logan. Logan. Glasses. Like.
“You don’t need glasses,” Deceit responded, turning around. “I’m fine. They just aren’t very good at listening to what I say.”
Logan stood in the bedroom doorway for a moment as he paused. “Well they are you in some manner.”
“Then they should be obedient.”
“They’re your own sides,” Logan tried. “Despite all of us being apart of Thomas, we each have our own minds and personalities. I believe your snakes are the same.”
Deceit gave a groan, “Why are you right?”
“I am Logic.”
“...Get out of my room.”
Remus. Weird. Remus. Remus. Yay. Yesss. Yum. Remus. Present. Thank Remus. Remus Rat. Rat. Rat.
Deceit opened his eyes and rubbed them as he woke to the snakes coos. By the time he was fully awake he noticed Remus leaning over his bed a rat in dangling from his fingers. And before Deceit could say or do anything the small creature was falling toward his head.
“Is one of the snakes hurt?”
“One’s hurt?” Patton asked worriedly standing up from the table to look at Deceit’s head.
Hurt? No. Feelings only. Mari. Mean.
Deceit turned slightly to see Virgil enter the kitchen, “What?”
Virgil’s eyes were trained on Deceit’s head as he pointed, “One looks like it has a big bulge to it, like it got smooshed and swollen or something... Can snakes get swollen?”
Deceit gave a sigh, “I don’t know. But uh I was trying to sleep when Remus came into my room and fed Mari a rat.”
No share. Mari. Mean. Rude. Want rat.
“The others aren’t happy about it either,” he added after a moment.
“It ate a rat?” Patton asked horrified.
“So in other words you ate a rat,” Virgil clarified sitting down.
“Shut up.”
No. Mean. Virgil nice. Rat. Virgil give rat?
“Virgil doesn’t have any rats,” Deceit sighed.
“Remus shouldn’t have any either,” Patton commented sitting down.
Give rat. Virgil. Yessss. Be nice. Then Virgil give rat.
“I don’t want him to give me rats,” Deceit responded. “...You all know that your opinion doesn’t matter right?”
“Don’t be mean to the little noodles,” Patton chided.
“They're annoying.”
You mean. Patton nice. All nice but you. And Roman. No like. Roman sword. No like. Like Virgil. Yes. Virgil good.
Deceit ignored the last statement, “I’m not going to let Roman cut you guys off.”
“What are they saying?” Virgil asked.
“That they don’t like me. Or Roman because Roman claims he’ll ‘slay Medusa’ before I can turn him to stone.”
Virgil gave a pause, “Can you turn Remus to stone?”
“Trust me, I’ve tried.”
“Deceit what are you doing?”
No. Roman. Bad Roman.
Deceit didn’t move from where he had laid on the floor to look under the fridge. “My good pen went somewhere,” he answered standing and brushing himself off. “I swear it was on the table but I went to grab something from my room and it was gone.”
Pen. Pen. No Roman.
“I know you guys don’t like Roman, but that’s not helpful.”
Roman reeled back as if he had been struck, “How could they not like me?”
Sword. Roman. Pen.
“They think you’re going to attack with your sword.”
“Why would I attack them?”
Mean. Pen. Roman mean. Remus like.
“You only like Remus because he gave you a rat,” Deceit replied.
“They like Remus over me?” Roman shouted.
The other side paused before a determined light shined in his eyes, “I’m going to right this. I promise you- all of you.”
“Whatever. Have you seen my pen?”
“One’s holding it,” Roman answered absent mindedly. “Now how do I get on a snakes good side...”
“Holding it?” Deciet asked confused.
After a short pause Sahara slithered down closer to be in his view, his pen in her mouth.
Pen. Forgot. Sahara grab. The others filled in.
Deceit couldn’t stop a small smile as he took the object, “Thanks girl.”
“I have gathered you here today for an important reason.”
Deceit watched as Logan raised an eyebrow, “Dinner?”
“Well yes,” Roman nodded. “But we also need to discuss why the hell Remus is the snakes’ favorite.”
Deceit gave a groan, “Believe it or not, no one has to like you, Roman.”
“I don’t,” Virgil tossed in.
“Virgil,” Patton chided. “We are nice at the table.”
“That’s hard.”
“While that is your loss,” Roman continued. “The larger issue here is that it is Remus.”
“He gave them a rat,” Deceit replied tiredly.
No. One rat. Not all. Want. Rat. Unfair. Mari mean. No share.
“Can’t we talk about normal dinner things?” Logan suggested. “Or not talk at all?”
“I like being the favorite,” Remus smiles proudly. “Now I know, I have a mini snake army at my command.”
“Remus isn’t even their favorite,” Deceit put in hoping to the end the conversation. “Virgil is. He’s second.”
“Why is that worse?” Was Roman’s reply.
“Why am I the favorite?” Virgil asked in surprise.
Deceit swallowed his food and hoped he didn’t panic as much outwardly as he was in his mind.
Virgil. Like. Nice. Virgil. Love.
“Because you helped out Henrietta that time,” Deceit answered quickly over the words the other sides couldn’t hear. “They’ve thought you were nice overall since.”
“It’s not like I gave them a rat though,” Virgil shrugged. “But cool I guess.”
With that the conversation was dropped and dinner continued with Patton talking about something or other, Deceit couldn’t help but notice Logan’s gaze on him throughout the meal. In that classic Logic way which showed that he had everything figured out.
Logan help. Logan. Virgil. Help.
Deceit lowered his gaze into his food, “I hate all of you.”
Part One - Part Two- Part Three
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❛ you humans are most amusing. ❜
“You…you dare to mock Us, monster?!”
The rage that floats through her like a wave is a blessing. Presently, Anna Henrietta can not think of it this way - she can barely think at all, as her voice snarls and cracks through the dungeon. She rushes towards the cage, like a wild animal herself, nose sharpened and teeth barred with briery words, soul open and bleeding.
Even the cage hangs too high. It gives the vampire not only the safety from the sting of her hand, from the blinding bitterness and pain that corrodes her reason…it gives him the advantage from looking at her from atop. As if he is not the beast between them. He, who is captured, imprisoned, clouted in silence and solitude inside a narrow cage. As if it is her, the Duchess of Toussaint, is a mere speck of sand beneath his gaze.
Everything about this place is wrong. It scorns her. A mystery right beneath her nose, a filthy lie, a paper-mache of justice. For what can such a ruse be called? The culprit and the criminal, the creature of the darkest corners of the night, who drowned her capital in blood and slayed her dear, beloved Syanna…lives. While the crown paid witcher Geralt with priceless mercy for his very head!
“It takes little to amuse your vile nature, I see. How do you like it between the bars?” Anarietta hisses, glaring. She is not like a beast in front of her, she can control her senses! Was she truly planning to claw his face a moment ago? Shiver went down her spine. Anger was a quick flint with the little weasel, but never has she felt it biting so deeply, clouding her feelings to the point of robbing her vision of any specks of justice or reason. The air she gulps gives her no calmness, instead the insistent, greasy metallic taste chokes her throat. The dungeon walls around tightens, the very stone seems to smell of blood and dark. This kind of darkness coax the hapless to look deeper, one glance at a time, until your very skin forgets what the sun felt like. Loathing to admit it, Anarietta steels her gaze and looks at Dettlaff van der Eretein. Eerily, he is the least frightening thing beneath the forsaken castle. “Who put you here? Why are you not dead? Answer Us!” the duchess clasps her hands in a regal posture, but her voice seeps of things that no monarch should show. At least she can control herself enough as not to put a hood around her head, trying to hide from the unnamed things gathering around her.
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husbandomail · 4 years
dad Leviathan please miss Jo!
I’m tagging @summonerscenarios even though she’s not an Obey Me blog lmao
Leviathan is, as expected, a wildly anxious father— and not just because he worries about the kids gnawing on his rare figurines. Even long after the two of you have been together, he struggles with his self image, and is terrified that he won’t be a good father; he’s spent centuries willingly locked in his room, after all. He knows he doesn’t have as much life experience as he should.
[He thought he was bein slick, suggesting Henrietta as your daughter’s name. He was not, in fact, slick.]
His chronic insomnia finally serves a good purpose, though; he’s able to take care of the kids while you sleep, which is a huge help. He’s nervous when you’re not around, because he relies on your instructions to deal with the lil babies, but eventually he settles into a routine— he can turn on the TSL soundtrack to soothe them, and then set the kids in their little carriers and thread his tail between them. This lets him rock all the kids to sleep at once, and since his tail is so sensitive, he’s also alerted immediately if any of the children get fidgety.
Speaking of his tail— it’s prehensile, of course, so y’know how a lot of preschools will have the kids hold onto a rope together when they’re walking somewhere? He does that with his tail. It’s so cute, all the toddlers waddling after him. And as they get older, he lets them use it as a jump rope too— as long as they’re gentle, because it is still attached to him.
Listen, you’re gonna come home one day to find all your kids decked out in tiny cosplays and Levi in a matching one, it’s inevitable. Levi sewed them all by hand and got them tiny replica weapons. Oh god now they’re acting out magical girl transformations. They know Sailor Moon’s catchphrases in English and Japanese. Leviathan what have you done.
Also he definitely plays the villain for his kids when they’re traipsing around in their lil hero outfits. He knows just how to narrow his eyes and slither his tail around to look a bit intimidating, so the kids feel super accomplished when they “slay the evil monster.” 
Man. If y’all’s kids inherit even a fraction of Levi’s abilities, you’re gonna have your hands so full. If they get tails like his, you’re gonna be tripping every few steps. And if they get his affinity for water creatures, you’re gonna come home to a bathtub full of frogs one day,,, and let’s not even think about the fights that’ll break out when they inevitably get jealous of each other. What a mess.
Even though he spent so much time by himself, Levi does still value his brothers, so he’s always bringing his kids around to visit— and admittedly, he’s more than a bit smug to show his kids off to the rest of his family. None of them have kids yet— who’d have thought the otaku brother would be the first to unlock that achievement? Okay so when we put it like that it’s a bit obvious.
You get home really late one night and the kids aren’t in their beds. Naturally you go hunting for their father— when you push his bedroom door open, he’s sprawled out in his bathtub, legs kicked over the side, and half a dozen tiny lil heads perk up and peer over the edge, rubbing their tired eyes. The kids all fell asleep on their dad watching him play his games.
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deputy-videogamer · 4 years
Demon in Disguised | Part 3|
Pairing: Geralt x Reader
Warning: Slight Angst
Summary: It's almost been a month since you and the famous White Wolf has last scene each other and a month since you left Hell. During the time Geralt had taken a contract that was regarding a noonwraith in a nearby village that patrols around the a ruins of a castle. Unfortunately for you, this noonwraith has a very familiar face.
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Part 1 Part 2
A month.
It's been almost a month since you and Geralt last saw each other, you constantly wonder on what would've happen if you went along with Geralt, unfortunately you remember that your five siblings are still looking for you and would mostly likely create and send more demons to find you.
About a week ago you encounter Zevan in a village, well more like he was getting out of the village brothel as you were looking for a place to rest. By Hells, the uncomfortable silence when your eyes met his. Afterwards he told you on how your siblings are desperate to find you hell even Belphegor; the demon of sloth was actually doing work for once.
As you were enjoying that memory of Zevan's encounter, you started to notice how the once green healty tress were slowly being replaced with burnt withered trees. Confusion has spread you mind wondering what could've done such a thing. Base on how burnt the surrounding trees were it lost have been a war that happen a long time ago. As you were drawing further and further the trees had stopped and revealed a secret.
A clearing was revealed. Showing you the ruins of what looked like to be a small farms that were meant to grow crops or for wine. Your throat had suddenly became dry, your movements had halted. You prayed that this ruins you were in wasn't what you think it was, although you knew in your heart that it was the place you knew. Going to one of the ruin homes you searched for something that would confirm you answer.
You moved aside falled debris and gravel, searching for anything sign or hint of what this place might be. That when you saw it. Behind all the gravel was a small piece of fabric sticking out. Pulling it out of the confinement revealed itself to be a flag. The flag had blue strips on the top and on the bottom of the fabric that had a white surrounding. In the center of the flag was a detailed wolf face that had a snarled showing its fangs.
You were right.
This place was your kingdom.
Any emotion you had early had vanished. You once expressive eyes had become luterless. Dropping the flag you had walked further into you fallen kingom.
Geralt on the other hand couldn't get you out of his head. He could practically hear your moans, he could feel your touch burning on his skin. He was so close on tracking you down just so he could have you by his side, but it was highly unlikely he could ever find you. Being powerful demon means you could easily hide your scent and changing your appearance for all he know the next person he walks by would be you in disguise.
He shook his head, ridding any thoughts of you. He needs to focus now. He just accepted a request to slay a wraith that was coming from some ruins of an old kingdom. He was currently getting ready to head to the ruins when an old woman with silver eyes had stopped him.
"You Witcher. Are you heading to slay that poor wraith?" Her raspy voice asked him.
"Is there any other reason why I'm heading there?" He said in a smart ass way, the old woman rolled her eyes.
"Before you face the wraith, the moment you meet the burnt village leave this gift to the village." The old lady handed him an small statue that had a woman raising her sword in the air while her other harm was wrapped around a child.
On closer expectations the woman's face had oddly looked like (Y/N). Why would this women give him a state that had you face on it? Then something hit him. He remembered how Zevan told him that a Sin Demon are born not like other demons but killed by sin.
"The woman on the statue. What was her name?" It was a stupid answer, but he needed an answer to confirm it.
The woman gave him a smile that could only be described as a smile remembering a pleasant memory.
"Her name is (Y/N). She was once the ruler of the kingdom where the wraith is. Her kingdom was a heaven for anyone elves, humans, vampires you name it. No poverty, no starving, no unfair laws, it was truly a kingdom that was a heaven."
Geralt notice how the woman's eyes where turning from a bliss to misery.
"Of course, all good things must come to an end. An enemy kingdom wanted to claim her kingdom, she knew that their chances of winning were low, but she wanted to give her people time to evacuate our homes so we can relocate and live on. She died defending her home, the other kingdom knew what she was doing had looked for any citizens that were trying to escape. Only a few manage to escape their hands, the rest....."
Tears started to run down the old lady's face not wanting to continue her story. Geralt had finished the last part of her explanation.
"They were killed." The lady's face nodded.
It all made sense why would a wraith haunt the ruins. They were just a citizen trying to escape only to be killed. Geralt thanked the woman, promising to place the statue when he sees the burnt village.
On his way there Geralt wondered what was it like under you rule. Was it all true just like what the woman said? A place of Heaven? At the same time Geralt couldn’t believe that you the ruler of this kingdom. He just wondered how much wrath was enough for you to become a sin demon.
When the burnt ruins of came into his view, he tied Roach to the nearest tree and retrieved the statue from his bag. Geralt has been to haunted places before, but just walking here made him feel uncomfortable, a rustle from came his feet along with a familiar scent made him stop. Looking down, his foot was had step on a flag that had a wolf on it. Picking it up on closer examination the scent that linger on the flag was all to familiar.
It had belong to you and it was fresh.
Geralt followed the scent where you might be. Your scent had led him was near the outskirts of the remains, there he saw you sitting on a rock it wasn’t until he notice the noonwraith in front of you. His Witcher instincts immediately  told him that he should slay the phantom, but when he got closer the monster didn’t attack him or you at all.
Sensing a presence behind, you turned you head to see what would come here. To your surprise Geralt was just a few feet behind you. 
“Nice to see you again, Geralt.” You gave him a weak smile then turning back to your attention back to the wraith. “She won’t hurt you, she just a poor elf who’s bind here due to her unfair death.”
“Seems like you known who this wraith is.” Geralt took the spot on the rock right next to you, you nod at his response.
“Yep, while you and humans just seen the monster form of a soul. A demon such as myself see their real form.”
“What do you see then?” You remained silent before you answered.
“A young elf who is not even at the age of 30 looking at me with such pity eyes.” Which was true the green ghost form to humans was actually a poor elf soul who was still wearing the clothes the day she died with a stab wound on her stomach.
“I’m sure Asmodeus already explained how a sin demon is created? Yes?” You glance at Geralt for a brief moment then looking back at the wraith.  “Well here’s my story on how I came to be.”
You took one deep breath before you prepare yourself from the memories.
“Came from a village somewhere in Toussaint long before Anna Henrietta even became queen. At the age of 17 I left my village in search for something, didn’t know what just....something. It wasn’t long before I helped with a guild and gain recognition for my actions then some lord who’s name I long forgotten gave me a small piece of land where I started to build my kingdom. Nothing more than small refuge village for anyone who needed shelter elves, runaways, vampires, dwarves, you name it. As that village grow it became a city with no ruler, but to the people I was their ruler. It was nothing really I just solved the problems that was going on in the city and made a few laws that was fair for both the lower and upper class.”
Geralt watched and listened to every word you sprouting out of your mouth. Your actions told him how much you really cared for this kingdom.It wasn’t until you took a small pause in your storytelling that told him that he was getting closer to what led to you to become a sin demon.
“A.....an kingdom notice how my home was growing wealthy and powerful. They wanted our kingdom, so they planned an invasion. I knew that their army was much more stronger than ours, so I told the citizens to escape, even if I did fell into battle at least they could escape....I was right I was killed in battle took three swords to make be on my knees. I thought my efforts would be enough to save them....”
Geralt didn’t needed her to hear what she said next. Wiping her tears away as she recalled her death, even when she died she had witness the death of her beloved citizens. The elf woman looked at queen in pity, she wanted to do something to make her feel better, but what could she do? She was died.
“The death of my citizens was enough wrath to make me become a sin demon. When they conquered my home I whispered in the ears of their advisers of power and riches as a way of revenge. The same can be said to the citizens of overthrowing their rulers, it always works. Although, the burden of the death of my citizens never left even to this day.”
Getting up from the rock, you took a step closer to your citizen, then turning your head towards Geralt.
“I won’t let you kill her, but considering the fact you are here to slay her I have an alternate solution.” Pressing your index finger above her chest you chanted a small spell.
“Requiem qui se finxit (rest to the afterlife).”  It pained you to see her go, but it was the right thing to do. Parts of her ghostly body started to disperse in front of your eye.
There was a smile on her face making you puzzled on why she would smile. Perhaps she got to see her queen again?
“It was never your fault. You did all you could even when we died at least we had a place we call home. Thank you my queen.” Before she disappeared completely she gave a full on bow to you and a sweet smile on her face.
You didn’t even realize how late it was when you were talking about your kingdom to Geralt.
“You have a room for tonight?” 
“Can I join you?”
With his permission you followed Geralt back to the village. After earning his payment, you headed straight to the place where Geralt was staying at for the night. It was quite between the two of you, you knew that he and you wanted to talk, but you didn’t know where. The sounds of water splashing broke your train of thoughts, looking up you saw Geralt entering the tub that was set up for him.
His faced was in bliss as the hot water had messaged his aching muscles. Feeling your gazed he turn to your form that was lying on the bed. You quickly turned your attention away when he caught you staring.
“Your free to join me if you wish.” A sudden rise of heat had spread around your cheeks. 
Geralt chuckled, loving the fact that someone who calls themselves a sin demon was easily teased by him. He watche as you got off the bed and started to strip in front of him then removing your shoes.
“No, privacy?” You raised your eyes in a mocking way.
“You already saw me naked, so any type of privacy was removed when we had sex.” You slowly entered the tub with him, sinking in relaxing bath you had in awhile. 
For a moment the two of you didn’t have a conversation only just bathing in complete silence. It wasn’t until you spoke up that was about the questions that he still didn’t asked you.
“You still have seven questions for me to answer. And now that we are here..” You moved into a more comfortable, “You are welcome to ask questions.”
Geralt thought for a moment of what he should ask you about. Before he knew about your kingdom, he wanted to know more about what you were. But now that he knew about your past. Most of his questions became answers, although that still didn’t mean that he was still curious about you.
“What’s you powers?
“Anything that can rival the most skilled mages and powerful elves.”
“Are your siblings looking for you?”
“Yes, from what I heard even by lazy brother, Belphegor is actually trying to find me.”
“Do you think you’ll ever go back?”
“Maybe. Maybe not.” You gave a sly smirk much to Geralt’s amusement
“That’s childish of you.” You shrugged in response. “What will you do now?”
“Wander most likely.”
“What have you been doing the last time we met?”
“Nothing to exciting, just wandering, helped a little, blah blah.”
“Starting to realize that Earth isn’t fun?” He teased only for you to give him a sly smirk.
“No, just haven’t found source of excitement that can keep me entertained.” Leaning forward towards Geralt, both your chests where touching. Your hands wrapped around his neck as his hands moved slowly down to your waist. The slow contact made you release a moan slowly turning you on. “Last Question Geralt, ask wisely.” You panted.
“And if I ask you to join?” Geralt leaned forward, both of your lips were close to touching.
“Then I would gladly join.” Tilting your head up, both your lips had met where they fought once again for dominance sealing the deal between the two of you.
And done! Hope you enjoy the final chapter of Demon in Disguise. There will be more Witcher fics coming soon, such as
 Geralt x Reader x Yennefer
Geralt x Reader x Jaskier
Yennefer x Reader
Jaskier x Reader
Until then wait until this happen
@godbepatient @billywig-on-baker-street @kingniazx @moviegirl50 @affabletimelady @pantrashtic @rainningdoom @rainstorm-in-the-sky @midnattsorg @jessevans @mystriee @vampsclassiffied @affabletimelady @midnattsorg @mystrie @atlanticowe @itshaleighyo7 @kathhdd​ @lexxxistrips​ @leahnicole1219
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askfuneraldirge · 5 years
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Legends of Arima characters Name:Zalamete occupation:Immortal of Portheous Weapon of choice: Hammer Divine aspect: Time, Sun, Fire, Craftsmanship Zalamete was created by the architects late into the Everfree war. Zalamete is unique in having been formed at the same moment as her twin Delmaus. Where Delmaus’ birth created the moons, and Alexandria formed stars, Zalamete’s gift was singular but among the most important things to come into existence for the Elysia of the world; The Sun. It is said the moment of her birth was so brilliant it blinded the great lord of the Wyld, the First Sunrise bathing the world in brilliance as the sun and moon rose together, meeting at the apex of the heavens in the world’s first eclipse. In the early eras weapons and armor were carved from bone and wood, each warrior creating what they could from what they could kill. Though these were sufficient for the time, the Everfree War demanded better. With the precious metals of her brother Stygia, Zalamete created the first true weapons and armor. Zalamete’s capacity to build and craft comes in many forms, from smithing to weaving and more. The Great Maker is patron to all to who toil to create, and her leadership is by example. Zalamete fetched a single small spark of sunfire and gifted it to the world, so the Elysia could prosper. To warm the hearth and incinerate the enemies of order. In her benevolence she gifted the flames to the foot soldiers of the war effort, the Vilkata. They turned their cunning cruelty toward Sunfire as easily as all other matters, inventing countless forms of torture and means of killing others. It is said the edges of reality were burned away by the Vilkata through their zealous use of Her fire. Arms and Sunfire were not Zalamete’s only contribution to the war however. In time the forces of Everfree came to her forge cathedral, the Forge of Worlds, and brought with them inevitable destruction. Clad in soot blackened apron and wielding the great orichalcum sledge of her workshop, Zalamete stood with her Sister alone against the endless horde of monstrosities. Sun and Moon held against the tide for seven days and seven nights, and when the tide broke they harried the Wyrd monsters until none lived. Zalamete returned to her forge one last time, and crafted a blade from the most twisted nightmares, quenched within the heart of the greatest of the beasts. This Crescent Scar she bequeathed to her Sister, and took up her hammer for war. Forged of her own unquenchable will, she bore a great shield of sun’s radiance and armor of shining plate so thick as to resemble a giant among her fellows. The Iron Sentinel charged to war, the Mad Moon ever at her side. It is said that during the battle against Everfree itself she stood bulwark against the unimaginable horror’s wrath. Standing in the path of horrendous might, enough to slay even the Immortals, she withstood so that others would not fall. From the Everfree’s shattered form she tore a single eye, to burn eternal within her great Forge Cathedral. The war thus done, or at least her part in it, Zalamete turned to more fundamental matters as she recovered from the grievous cost of her part in the war. With the sun and moon moving across the heaven, Zalamete began work on a problem; the world required some form of tracking her second greatest gift: Time. Codifying a looping system to tell time and days, the Elysian Calendar was born. Each month consisted of 28 days, each named in homage to the great architects and their primary purview, and each year consisted of 13 months. And so the first day began, the first night followed, and the celestial dance flowed forever more. Over the years Zalamete has given birth to several demi-gods, a handful of her famous children recorded below: Illisa Sunguard- Illisa was one of the first Sentinels of Zalamete. She is still depicted in art to this day, bearing shining plate armor, wielding her shield and the great hammer used in battle and forge equally. She was one of Zalamete’s rare apprentices, and many of her masterworks remain today. It is said that she revolutionized metalworking, introducing tempered steel to the world. Henrietta Gelret- Henrietta was a fine captain and a stalwart warrior. It is said that once Henrietta dug in she was near impossible to move from her position, inspired by her mother’s sacrifice. Her last stand taught the lesson that one cannot stand eternally defensive, and taught her foes to capitalize. They summoned enough reinforcements to blacken the sky with their arrows and slaughtered her and her soldiers. The tales of this glorious defeat are told even still. Paul Thundercaller- Paul was a skald of the old world, known for his lust of woman, his affection of men, his boasts and ballads. There was not a tale that Paul could not spin. Most of his tales were full of nothing but hot air, leading him to changing cities frequently. It is said that he always told a seed of truth, and many adventurers have sought what truth they’ve seen in his ancient tales. Kalib Dillard- Kalib Dillard was a warrior who sought great adventure. As a demi-god he could always overcome any challenge. A hero of unmatched strength and unbreakable hide, his legends are as numerous as they are adored. He lived an adventurous and extremely short life. It is said that upon his death he ascended to his mother’s side, to return in Portheus’ finest house. Valerie Aurora- Zalamet’s current youngest Daughter referred to as the Topaz knight, young, brash and a symbol of joy for the people. Her very presence is said to lift the morale of those around her. Her greatest claim to fame thus far is ending a battle by engaging her rival commander in a personal bout, ending in a dizzying display of combat prowess. They have dueled thrice since, insisting it is solely to improve each other’s skills. Temple- The Forge of the World is never silent. The forge itself always blazes with the immeasurable heat of Everfree’s Eye, infused with a fragment of the sun’s core by the Forge Goddess herself to burn eternal. The pounding of hammers from Zalamete or her followers never knows a moment’s pause, a percussion to the cacophony of creation. Hundreds of new weapons, statues, clothing are produced each day, inspected for flaws and potential improvements. The finest artisans across the world come to study at the Sunburst Immortal’s side and few who receive it ever leave. All of Zalamete’s temples serve as smithies and artisan guilds, seeking Zalamete’s instruction and blessings in their next creations. Offerings- Magical materials, flawed works learned from, charcoal, and cake. Holiday- Hearthkeep, the Day the Sun Does Not Rise. Taking place on the summer solstice, this holiday is the universal day of rest. It is the only day that the Forge of the World goes cold, people the world around put down their tools, and come together to rest. Food is shared around the hearth, all are guests, and heroes stand wary. For on this day the border between realms frays thin, as the bulwarks of reality vanish, and it becomes easier for all to travel from here to there. Its name is literal, as neither the sun nor moon rises, and neither Zalamete nor Delmaus are found. It is tradition to burn the last piece of food from the day’s dinner, and to cast the ashes to the wind with a prayer for Zalamete’s return. Zalamete’s capital city is known as Anvil’s Gambit. The city is a large iron citadel protecting the western boarder of the world. Adorned with Alexandria’s steamworks and Zalamete’s own finely crafted walls, armor, and weapons. The city has stood against countless invasions from Elsewere and beyond the fringe, and stands unbroken. Partially due to its construction: seemingly built upon the surface of the Elysian Gateway, the super volcano that birthed the border mountains at the western edge of the world. Rather than spread outward the city’s inhabitants have delved deep, burrowing into the volcano itself for riches and space. The Forge of the World lies at the volcano’s heart, drawing molten rock for fuel from the magma chamber below. Despite its remote location, the city is a trader’s dream as raw materials flow into the city and fine goods travel out of it.
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toussainttwins · 5 years
A Matter Of Pride or How to Preserve Your Local Fawna
‘It is a plea from the many of the virtuous ladies of Toussaint. A nightmare is troubling their homes. A spirit, a demon in female form, a succubus, so shameless that we dare not describe her, tortures faithful and virtuous spouses. She enters the bedrooms at night and makes all kinds of knavery and abominable perversion that our modesty forbids us to speak of. You as an expert, certainly know what it is. [...] The women on Toussaint ask that you put an end to this indecency. And I assure you our infinite gratitude.’ 
 - Andrzej Sapkowski, The Lady of the Lake
A curious detail caught our attention. After Anna Henrietta publicly gave Geralt an order to slay a local succubus, two separate groups of men approached him with a contra-offer, so to say.
Therefore, all petitioners were/became aware that they were sleeping with one and the same succubus. Even considering the nature of succubi and their famous insatiable appetites, the fact had to be bitter for a male pride (consider Ele'yas, an elf, from the 2nd part of the game franchise, for example). Instead of expected ‘Ah, you cheating wench. Death from a witcher’s blade is a suitable punishment for you’, all parties concerned collected a substantial sum, approached the monster hunter, risking the ire of the Duchess (imagine if the insulted witcher-professional reported about the unorthodox proposition) and asked not to kill ‘their little treasure’.
Men of Toussaint, we love you.
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Picture Credit: Filippo Lauri, Bacchanal, 1675
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