#and I am so happy I was able to reset it back to windows 10
elliwoods · 6 months
>new shitty discord mobile ui
>new shitty tumblr mobile ui
>new shitty youtube desktop ui
And none of them have options to go back to the old layouts!
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sweets-r-cool · 4 years
Not the Right Birthday Present
Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
so- I think this would’ve been better if I didn’t get played by google bc when I clicked off of full screen all my work got reset at some point so it’s not as good bc I forgot what it said but yeah-
Warning: Angst
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A birthday is supposed to be a happy day filled with presents, laughter, friends, sweets, and fun.
It took a certain kind of person to hate birthdays, and as much as Bakugo would say he hated how you and the extras that followed him around would make a huge deal out of his birthday, he couldn’t shake that stupid light and warm feeling that captured his chest.
The same one he would get every bright smile you’d send his way. The same one he got when you kissed his face more times than he could count, bouncing up and down as you gushed with excitement when he got down on one knee, asking you to be his for life. That same feeling he got when he pushed that gold ring onto your finger as you did the same to him. 
Looking back on it, you were generally the cause for that damn feeling that invaded his chest. Even Bakugo couldn’t stop himself from genuinely laughing as you wiped cake crumbs off your face after tripping as you tried and failed to cake him on the two of you’s wedding day. 
Birthdays were supposed to be filled with happiness, not grief, regret, confusion, and hurt. God, did it hurt.
All Bakugo felt now was the opposite. Heavy, like gravity had betrayed him as his footsteps were heavier than ever before. His whole body was fatigued from fighting against the strong pull that made him feel like he was going to fall into the ground. Hopeless and unmotivated, the ash blonde didn’t even want to get out of bed.
 Was there a point? 
You weren’t there to complain at him to make breakfast. You weren’t there to make breakfast yourself, not standing the kitchen in one of his shirts that covered your entire torso as well as a good part of your thighs. He wouldn’t be able to sneak up on you and hug you from behind, burying his nose in the crook of your neck, feeling your warmth and the stove.
Things were just cold. And empty.
Bakugo laid in bed, exhausted for so many reasons.
Things were so calm, so dark it was nearly impossible to see anything, even if you squinted. Part of the perks of a house just barely on the edge of the city, away from the blinding lights and the loud noises of bustling night life.
Things were quiet, save for your rhythmic breathing as your chest moved up and down.
Out of nowhere, you shot up, and so did Bakugo who was unable to sleep already due to a weird feeling in his chest. Not the warm one, but rather one that told him it wouldn’t be good to sleep right now, a sort of anxiety. 
You had shot up due to the fact things had changed in the matter of one (1) second. There was an explosion, followed by two (2) more and now things weren’t calm, or dark, or peaceful. 
Peeks of a dim orange light shone through the blinds that were previously closed. A groan naturally came from you as you moved to reach for the blue light shining from your phone as Bakugo looked through the window.
You sighed with a slightly laugh, “Hm, we really can’t rest. Huh, Bub?”
In a matter of ten (10) or even less minutes, you and Bakugo were suited up and in your cars.
Out of all the times, 3 am was when the villains chose to launch a large attack on the better part of the city. But, of course, because that was what villains were. Nothing but inconveniences until Bakugo beat the shit out of them and got them to a jail cell.
“So, what exactly is going on?” you asked Deku on a call connected to the Bluetooth of the car as Bakugo sped- definitely going over the speed limit, but it wasn’t like it mattered at the moment.
The green-haired hero had barely managed to explain before more explosions went off and the line went dead. You were worried, but there was no choice but to push it down, as you were already at the scene. 
It looked like the apocalypse. 
Fire was everywhere, cars crashed, building crumbled, there wasn’t a bit of glass in sight left unshattered. 
The causes were at the center of it all, all the chaos. Countless heroes were already injured, but those who weren’t passed out stood as best as they could against the villains.
You and Bakugo had your work cutout for you.
That didn’t stop from an animalistic grin working its way onto Bakugo’s face as he warmed up with a few smaller explosions. 
It was now late into the morning. No one was entirely sure what time it was, but the sun was visible making things a lot easier. The known villains had finally been apprehended, but the damage was done.
It was time to check for survivors, the worst part in most heroes opinion. It always left a sad feeling inside of them, knowing how many lives were not saved. There was still fire everywhere, and of course, there was still a chance of villains roaming around that hadn’t been discovered yet, no one was letting their guards down. 
You had been able to keep a relatively neutral expression this entire time, not an ounce of fear evident. Though, you knew it was simply because there Katsuki was beside you. 
Bakugo had felt the same way, only before he noticed one of the attacks getting way too close to taking your life, had you not narrowly dodged it.
The aura around you always made him feel like everything was gonna be okay, at least eventually. In his eyes, you were the meaning of resilience, always bouncing back from any situation. The ash blonde was trying to keep that in mind.
Being a hero was tough, everyone knew. 
After more deaths of those close to you than should have been normal, you were still fine. Still able to proceed with life as normal.
It was different at this moment.
You had flinched significantly when you realized there was a little girl trapped in a burning building. There was no doubt, the building was extremely unstable, and would crumble any minute. The gash going from your collarbone to your shoulder didn’t look good, so Bakugo immediately stepped up.
“I’ll go,” he stated, already on the way before you stopped him.
Time was running out quick, “No, I’ll go,” you said, pushing both hands on his chest as you looked directly in his eyes pleadingly.
“You’re injured, dumbass,” he scoffed, continuing despite you still trying to block him.
You sighed, pushing him harder, “I’m going, Katsuki,” you pressed, “You know that you’re sweating like hell right now, it’s not worth that risk.”
You moved off him when he stopped. He hated that you were right, he didn’t like this. Not at all. He wanted to do it.
You smiled, about to run off before Bakugo had caught your wrist in his larger hand. You turned, “Katsuki-”
He cut you off, “Just come back to me, alright?”
You nodded, “Of course, I have things planned for your birthday next week, but I can give you one of the presents early later,” you teased, smiling even as you parted, getting closer to the girl and farther from him as you entered the building immediately working on getting to her.
There was far too many things the both of you noticed that went unsaid. However, there were reasons they went unsaid. 
The reality of the situation was far from good, or even okay. It was worse than ever. You’d both known from the start a lot of people had died, and were going to die. But it was also that Bakugo had noticed the way you shook, as if you had been freezing.
It was fear.
You had noticed Bakugo’s quirk was overused, as well as the fact his arm was definitely broken.
Bakugo couldn’t have gone. It was simple as that. If he’d gone it would just be stupid, putting everyone at risk. He might not have been able to carry the girl, or his quirk- which again, was overused- could’ve gone haywire, setting off explosions. Though the latter wasn’t likely, it was still a risk that shouldn’t be taken.
Bakugo didn’t like the unsureness in your smile, and definitely not the way it completely faded from your face the moment you turned. 
It was because you knew that the building might not just crumble. 
It had been one minute since you had gone into the building, Bakugo knew because he was subconsciously counting. It had been one minute, and he was being dragged away from the building by three (3) other heroes.
Something felt feral in him, he snapped, “What- What the fuck are you bastards doing?!” 
“It’s not safe, Ground Zero Sir!” one of them shouted, struggling against Bakugo’s thrashing. 
“Of- fucking- course, it’s not, but I’ll be fine outside!” the blonde hero screamed, the heroes- despite outnumbering him- could only hold him down on the spot that was far enough they wouldn’t be fatally injured, but still too close to the range of which they could be hit by flying debris and injured pretty bad.
“What do you mean, Sir?” another one questioned, “that building could blow up, it’s an apartment building so there’s a chance of one of the water heaters exploding. That could kill anyone.”
The rest of the world seemed to numb for Bakugo. Everything always went quiet before the storm.
Bakugo had to watch as the building exploded just like the other heroes had said. 
Bakugo had to watch as the event that most likely costed him the love of his live’s life unfolded in front of him.
He had to watch as all his light in the world shrived to nothing but ash and debris. A part of him still had hope despite the burning hole in his being. 
Bakugo tugged himself out of the heroes’ grasps, running towards the pile of broken concrete. Your quirk should’ve saved you somehow. In some way, it did something. That was probably what happened, right?
Bakugo’s being was shaking as he dug, pushing chunks of broken walls off. He had no idea where you were, but he’d find you. Finally, the blonde saw a piece of your costume, he moved more debris until he was able to uncover your limp body.
You were already gone.
Bakugo hand quivered as he moved hair out of your face. “Y-Y/n...” things were getting blurry, “Y/n, wake up,” the blonde pleaded. 
This couldn’t be happening. This was some cruel joke you were pulling to get back at him for something he did, probably. 
Bakugo’s breath was quickening in an unhealthy fashion, “W-Wake up, you damn-” it was like bitter weights filled Bakugo’s mouth as he lacked the ability to think about anything other than your name. “Y/n?!” he began to shake you a little.
You had so much more stuff left to do. So much to do together. Bakugo’s jaw clenched as he held you closer to him. His breath hitched, it felt like he was being stabbed in the stomach repeatedly. 
This couldn’t be real. It couldn’t be.
This was some cruel joke. Maybe even a dream. He really wanted it to be.
Bakugo woke up. He was sweating and his lungs hurt, he was breathing quick but he refused to open his eyes.
He didn’t want to take in reality. He might’ve been forced to do that if he did open his eyes.
A feathery touch to his cheek made him flinch. Prying his eyes open as he was unable to understand what was going on this very moment. “Hey, Bub,” your soft, just over a whisper voice cooed, “It’s your birthday!” you giggled, sitting upright on the bed besides him.
Bakugo felt the warmth invade his chest, only slightly this time as you continued, “I know you don’t want to wake up right now, but Mina, and the boys will be over later in the morning.” You glowed, your cheeks slightly flushed from how happy you were for a birthday that wasn’t even yours as you continued to rake your hands through Bakugo’s ash blonde locks.
Bakugo grunted when he felt his lips turn upwards. Not wanting you to see, he moved to bury his head in your lap, eliciting a giggle from you, as you continued to stroke his hair.
When he wrapped his arms around you somehow despite the position your were in, you scoffed playfully. “I woke you up for a reason, silly,” you admitted, ignoring Bakugo’s grunt of protest when you began to move to get up, “Please, Bub? I wanted to show you something before I go,” you pleaded.
Begrudgingly, Bakugo let you go and only after a second or two that you got up, he did too, following you to the piano. He scoffed with a smirk, crossing his arms as he leaned on the wall nearby. That piano was something you bought completely out of impulse, promising you’d learn, but the only thing you did learn was Hot Cross Buns. It was more like furniture to look at, only there for the aesthetic but never actually played.
You tucked a piece of hair behind your ear as you positioned yourself to play.
Bakugo thought you looked angelic at that moment, but he was sure that the sounds you were about to make weren’t.
However, the ash blonde stood corrected as you played ‘Happy Birthday’ in a tune that wasn’t simple, but rather more than just the basic keys involved. Some of the noted dragged in to each other in a nice harmony, while some of the others were short and quick but worked perfectly nonetheless. The sound was actually elegant, light, and beautiful, some more words Bakugo would be able to describe you with, even if he didn’t say it.
Your voice- also light and airy- worked well with the piano, maybe you could’ve been a singer if you tried that route instead of becoming a hero.
It was now that Bakugo realized, you simply were his light. You didn’t just cause him to feel that light and warm feeling, it was that you lit his life up and gave it warmth.
It was when the song came to a close, Bakugo felt something was off.
“Happy Birthday, my love,” was all he heard before everything went dark. Bakugo, was most definitely awake. So, why did it go dark?
An overwhelming feeling of dread filled Bakugo to the core.
It was freezing, as he had already broken into a cold sweat. He was nauseous.
Bakugo reached around for a light switch, his pupils dilating smaller when he was blinded by the artificial lights in the ceiling.
He caught sight of the clock on the wall.
3 am.
It mocked him, being awake at this hour for no reason at all.
Bakugo dragged himself to bed, dropping onto it without bothering to pull the blankets up despite his cold body.
He shut his eyes.
This time the ash blonde was woken up by a series of loud knocks. Strangely, the knocks were not from his front door, but rather right outside his bedroom door. Bakugo groaned, reaching around the bed for warmth, the blanket had fallen somewhere too far for him to find without opening his eyes, so his next source of warmth would be you.
Sleep weighed down his eyes just as much as his mind. He reached so far across the bed he only reached the other edge of it. You weren’t there.
Not anymore.
The thought sent Bakugo’s eyes opening in panic. Where were you? Why weren’t you there?
Another pang of pain went through his chest at the realization. 
You weren’t ever gonna be there, never again. You were cold, flashes of your lifeless e/c eyes appeared in Bakugo’s brain, hitting him with a wave of nausea. A strangled sob came from the ash blonde’s throat as fresh tears began to fall from his crimson eyes. 
He was never going to hold you in his arms, he was never going to eat your sometimes shitty food, he was never going to see you again. Bakugo would never feel that same warm and light feeling again.
He couldn’t breath. It felt like bile was scratching up the inside of his throat. The knocks had stopped, most likely after the loud sobs filled the room. Instead, it slowly opened, revealing Kirishima with a deep frown on his face. 
He got inside the house with a spare key you’d given him, but he tried to give Bakugo at least a little bit of space by knocking. It was clear he wouldn’t be able to do that.
The words that left Kirishima’s mouth in a sad attempt to get his usually standoffish best friend to stop crying went unheard by the blond who had his face buried in his face.
The rest of the Bakusquad- now turned into the ‘take care of Bakugo squad,’ was waiting in the living room, a solemn atmosphere weighed down on them as they were forced to listen to yet another round of sobs from their normally angry dead friend.
It had been a full week since you died, and Bakugo still felt in denial when he dreamed of you. It was his only peaceful time. He had barely eaten any of the food the Bakusquad had brought him, but it was enough to keep him alive.
They all knew in the back of their minds that Bakugo hadn’t known it’d been a week. He was on an emotionless autopilot when he was crying. Not only did your death hurt the Bakusquad horribly, but the state it left on of their other friends in. He wasn’t even himself anymore without you, just a mere shell.
Kirishima sighed, he was gonna save his birthday surprise until he felt a little bit better, or at least until Bakugo stopped sobbing, but the redhead couldn’t see when that would be.
He unlocked Bakugo’s phone, knowing the password because of you, and pulled up a video from a hidden file. Bakugo didn’t spend enough time on his phone for him to notice a file he never made.
Bakugo was still crying when he heard your voice, the fact he’d never hear it again made him confused. Then he realized it was the video on his phone.
Bakugo shut himself up upon hearing you, still crying, just quiet.
“Okay!” you grinned at the camera, a smirk on your face. “It’s currently... March 29...?” you questioned, checking your phone for confirmation and nodding when you knew you were correct.
You continued, looking back up, “Today is day one (1) of learning piano for my dear Katsu!” you grinned, a ghost of a smile prodded at Bakugo’s mouth, but it never showed, “He got mad when i bought the piano out of impulse- so I’m learning so he’ll owe me like a million kisses!” you proudly proclaimed, eyes sparkling, so different from the last image of them, forever burned in Bakugo’s brain. 
You stretched, “I guess I should be talking to the camera like I talk to you, so- uh- I’ll do that?” you giggled, “Okay! Back to the task at hand! I want to learn a bunch of songs eventually but for now I’ll focus on Happy Birthday and maybe your favorite song?”
Watching you do all this made the tears run dry, you really wanted Bakugo to be happy on his Birthday. 
Bakugo’s red eyes remained glued to the screen before the last part, “I know it’s not your birthday right now, but that’s when you’ll be seeing this. So, Happy Birthday, my love!” you beamed. 
You’d done all this, spent all that time learning piano for him and yet you never got to play it for him in real life.
Flashes of last night came pouring back in. Was it a dream? That same single phrase echoed in his mind like a mantra, “Happy Birthday, my love.” That was what you said to him in the dream- or was it real life?
Bakugo couldn’t tell.
He as much as he wanted to be happy on his birthday like you’d wanted, he just couldn’t do it. Not when the only thing he really wanted was for you to be alive. Not when he just wanted you to be okay. Now you weren’t, Bakugo wasn’t okay.
He wasn’t sure he ever would be.
Was it so much to ask for you to be with him on his birthday? He didn’t even want cake or present. Everything would’ve meant nothing to him if you were here. You were his world, his everything. Now without you, there was nothing but gray.
You were gone, and that left Bakugo broken, empty, and cold.
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personagf-moved · 6 years
alphabet & soft questions ✨
I was tagged by my bb’s @prksjmiin (alphabet ask) and @joonieblossoms (soft ask) and i didn’t want to make two separate posts so im gonna apologize in advance bc i decided to stick both posts together :’) dkdkkdkd yall aint gotta read everything but if u do ily and im sorry i write novels on novels dlfksdkf
i’ll tag @koyasdad, @1ovegf, @joonlit, @sleepyyyoongs, @constellationstars and @capgi 💘
honestly feel free to do either one or both or none if u want dkkdkdkd i just wanted to tag u guys bc ily
Alphabet ask:
a // age: 21
b // birthplace: new jersey!
c // current time: 1:17 am
d // drink you had last: coffee
e // easiest person to talk to: my brother when he isnt being an absolute fool
f // favorite songs: 
aint it fun - paramore
trivia love 
honey - kehlani
abbey - mitski
moonlight - ariana grande
g // grossest memory: i was in the city one time and a bird shit on my forehead. i think about it at least twice a week 
h // horror yes or horror no:  H O R R O R   Y E S   B A B E E E Y Y Y Y Y Y Y im the absolute worst person i’ll dead ass watch a scary movie/video or read horror stories by myself just bc. 
i // in love: with my whole ass soulmate namjoon. i luv u string bean man
j // jealous of people: im not even gonna try to lie i am a very jealous person and i am so sorry about it but i really cant help it lmfao. blame my scorpio venus i guess
k // kids of your own someday: when i say i have been thinking about this everyday.........! i wanna have it all i want the kids the white picket fence the dream house everything. i cant wait to be a mommy one day and love n support my bb’s :’)
l // love at first sight or should i walk by again: we a whole ass fool on main and believe in love at first sight!!!! i really do believe soulmates are a true thing and if a love is destined to be across an infinite span of lifetimes and universes then it will always find its way back. when you know, you know, and i genuinely believe that. 
m // middle name: padilla
n // number of siblings: 1 older brother, 1 half brother (older), and 1 half sister (older)
o // one wish: to find true love
p // person you last called: my manager bc i had a work question lol
q // question you’re always asked: “why are you like this” (usually friends @ me when i wild out...which is like everyday), “are you mad?”, “how old are you REALLY?”, “how’s your brother?” (bc he ghosts all family n i have to speak on his behalf like always fsdfjksdf)
r // random fact about you: i once used a horrible bootleg copy of the force awakens to make a star wars crack video dubbing the part in shrek when he first meets donkey over the scene when rey first met bb-8 and it went viral and has like 200,000 notes and even had articles written about it. also i had a weird fascination with jar jar binks and danny devito when i was in high school and i had a habit of making either one of them my icon on school accounts so i could make people laugh when they emailed me or saw me in a word document skfkkkfkf
s // song you last sang: “abbey” by mitski :’(
t // time you woke up: exactly 10 this morning and it was weird bc i picked up my phone and it had JUST turned 10 when i looked i was so shook lol 
u // underwear colour: she be black 
v // vacation destination: paris bc im a basic bitch :’) also japan/all asian countries. i wanna connect with my roots more :/
w // worst habit: yeeting the fuck outta people’s lives when i think they’re getting too close/when i get overwhelmed. im sorry im a flighty bitch @ anyone i’ve ever ghosted :( i love anyone who’s ever tried to talk to me and its never ur fault, i just get the urge to escape sometimes and i’m trying to fix it 
x // x-rays: omg @ tori dead ass me too tho, i had x-rays when i broke my arm when i was around 6 :o
y // your favorite food: my mom’s spaghetti! and sushi. also i love any and all filipino food but specifically i like nilaga and kare-kare oooo baby
z // zodiac sign: we’re a proud libra sun 
Soft ask:
What’s the smell of your shampoo?
we got them fruity scents up in here we keep that shit smellin like a goddamn strawberry field take a fuckin whiff babes
What’s your aesthetic?
the moon and stars, soft pink and purple sunsets with a burning red on the horizon, sunrises as well, paintings and generally all art revolving around flowers and the celestial, pretty pastel pink and yellow, the sound and smell of rain falling against the window while being curled up in bed uwu 
What’s your favorite time of the day and why?
lately it’s been night time. i generally get more creative and feel more at home during the night. i miss being a morning person tho. 
What do you most like about the beach?
not a lot fklsjdjfkslkdflksdlkf i usually only go to get a tan and walk the boardwalk with my friends, but if i had it my way i would never step foot in the ocean for the rest of my life sdjdjdjdjsj we dont trust her!!!!!!!!!
What do you worry about constantly?
when i’m gonna figure out what i wanna do with my life lol. i took a year off to think about it but all i ended up doing was working myself to exhaustion and getting comfy in a work only mindset and now i’m only even more confused about what i want to pursue. i’m just glad im going to chicago next week because i feel like a change of setting for even just a week could give me a much needed reset on my mindset going into the next year. i worry about the future but the problem is i worry about the present too lol. oh well, we’ll figure it out!
What is a song you’ve cried to before?
oh boy...
trivia love
first love
she used to be mine - waitress soundtrack
20 something - sza
26 - paramore
the letter - kehlani
landslide - fleetwood mac
when you see my friends - mayday parade
and many........many many more...... skskskks music is my main emotional outlet so naturally im gonna cry over anything that reflects my heart
What are some relaxing tips for your followers?
as The World’s Number One Most Stressed Out Human Being™️ i am definitely in no way fit to give advice on how to relax LMFAO 
but i guess something that always works for me is putting on music i KNOW will make me sing a long or make me happy to distract me from the nerves i’m feeling. also putting on my favorite comfort movies to make me feel better (they’re big fish, scott pilgrim vs the world, and spirited away btw lol)
 What are some things that make you tear up?
the ending of coco, seeing my mom cry, or anyone i love cry tbh, when children are neglected/abused, thinking about the world i’ll have to bring my future children into and how i’m going to be able to teach them to stay strong and bright in the face of it, lyrics that hit too close to home, absolutely anything tbh i cry easy
What is your favorite from each sense?
sight - the view of my cherry blossom tree against a pink sunset in the spring of my childhood home, a person’s eyes and how they light up when they smile, especially when they crinkle as they laugh
smell - the earth after rain, a forest in autumn
taste - my mom’s cooking, good coffee on an early morning
sound - beautiful melodies and harmonies to accompany them, a baby cooing, birds chirping at sunrise
touch - my pillow when its nice and cool, a cat’s tummy, a baby’s cheeks, fingers running through my hair
What is an alternative reality you’d like to live in?
one where im married to namjoon n we have a lot of smart musical prodigy babies who have his dopey smile and i live comfortably in our big ass home in korea where i raise our babies n get that good pipe down every night like i should
jk i wanna live in a reality where magic is real and i can cast spells and live my best life as the true witch that i am
What are some troubles you face on a daily basis?
for starters im ugly as shit so theres one
if we mean practically then i have really bad knees and i recently busted them again so its been really hard getting up and down stairs lately and bending over 
but idk theres not really much. emotionally i just tend to get withdrawn and timid in public so it can be hard for me to speak up when i go out
What is one scene from a book that makes you really sad?
unfortunately i haven’t read as many books lately as i did when i was younger...so a lot of my memories are from books that i read like as a kid lol......THAT BEING SAID i think rue and finnick’s death in the hunger games was truly heartbreaking to read, the spine of my copies of both books have cracks on those pages bc i had to read it several times just to really believe it. also i thought it was written so heart wrenchingly well that i had to go back.  also in looking for alaska when pudge, a man who loved to know people’s last words, realized that he would never know alaska’s last words. im also really thankful for that book bc it introduced me to wh auden’s poetry and to this day he’s still one of my favorite poets of all time.  
Say something to your followers:
thank you thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU for following me and for some reason deciding to stay after how many times i act up on the daily. all jokes aside i really appreciate every single one of you no matter the number and i sincerely hope that you always have love and joy in your heart and that 2019 treats you well. i HONESTLY mean it when i say that i am always here if you guys want to talk or send me things or roast me or talk shit seriously i wanna hear it all and talk about it all i think all of you are so interesting and so beautiful and i’d love to get to know more about you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS! yeet!
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blueeyesspitfire · 6 years
Blood, Sweat, and Snow Storms
It’s been a wild week for the northeast and for this little homestead. We spent half of it back in Jersey while we waited for the dog yard fence to be finished. I had planned to go back south anyway—I had tickets to see a comedy show with friends. I managed to squeeze in some dinners and plenty of family time while I was down there, too.
An early winter storm threatened to strike on Thursday evening, right when I had planned to make the trip north. Thankfully, my job schedule is flexible, so I took the morning to beat the storm up here. I also had time to grab some groceries and gas for the snow blower. We were slated to get anywhere from 5” to 12”+, which actually isn’t too serious for Tug Hill standards. Still, this was my first major snow event up here and I felt like doomsday prepping.
The snow didn’t really hit us until after I went to bed (and after hammering New Jersey and New York City), but I didn’t get much sleep. I was up every few hours to peak out the window and make sure we weren’t completely buried. By 6:30, I was bundling up to assess the damage and get to work. The dog yard fence was completed just in time and the first chore was to dig out the perimeter. I think we got between 10 and 12” by morning, with another 3-4” falling throughout the day. The last thing I want is for the 6’ fence to shrink as the snow level gets higher, so I’m maintaining a path around the edge of the yard.
Next, I spent some time fighting with my snow blower until I finally figured out how to get it running. After that step, operating it was a (really fun) breeze. I cleared paths to the dog yard gates, to the front porch, and most of the rear driveway up to the pole barn. I was inside by 8:30 AM, wild-haired and sweaty despite the cold. By 10 AM, a local friend was able to swing by and plow the rest of my driveway. (Thanks Roy!) I had no where I needed to be since I work from home, but it was nice to know we had “survived” our first storm. I’d still prefer to get my own plow truck as soon as possible, but I have the phone numbers of nearly a half dozen guys with plows, so I should get by.
The main reason I needed to clear the driveway was so that my parents could get to the house on Friday night. They spent a second weekend in a row at the house with me, putting down new floors and helping me paint the dining room. Between work and the dogs, these renovation projects would have taken me months, and the results would not have been anywhere near as good. At this point, the living room is ready for furniture and the dining room just needs a floor. One more weekend should do it, just in time for the Christmas tree to go up.
The dogs have been patient and (for the most part) stay out of our way while working on the house. I’ve been getting them out for brief but tough runs since the snow fell—the first two were slow slogs as we broke trail and the third was on hard, punchy snow that threw them all off their usual rhythm. The new Prairie Bilt sled handles well, though getting back on the runners is always a bit of a challenge each year.
Now that the team has been getting frequent hookups and more space, fights between Hubble and Dexter have gone down—but they haven’t completely stopped. Shortly after my parents arrived, the dogs rushed out to investigate their bags. The smell of food was lingering on one of them, and I suspect that set off both Dexter and Hubble in a nasty brawl. It took a little bit of a struggle (and my Mom spraying us all with the sink) to get them separated, and Dex was on the losing end with a split ear.
I don’t know if you’ve ever dealt with a bleeding dog ear, but it’s pretty much the most awful non-serious injury. And Dexter has big, floppy, blood-filled ears. He went trotting through the house, bleeding and shaking his head, spattering the walls and floor like a crime scene. I cleaned and iced the ear, applied liquid bandaid when the bleeding stopped, and then he’d shake his head and start it all up again. It took a solid hour of my mom petting his chest and holding him still for the ear to fully close up, without him reopening it by shaking. (Styptich powder has since been ordered) In the end, he’s fine, and the ear looks much better than it did.
All in all, I’m exhausted. I’m very grateful I’ve had so much help with renovations and with snow management; this whole home ownership thing would be a heck of a lot harder without family and friends around. The snow will get more extreme, though, and I’ll need to get comfortable managing it on my own.
Through all these life changes, I worry that my team and our expedition goals are taking a hit. I’m glad I reset my own expectations and let this season be mostly for settling in and learning, because there’s no way I’d be ready to set out for a long, overnight trip by January or February. I still hope to get there by next season, but I’m beginning to question and rethink my distance goals—and my mushing ambitions in general. Don’t worry, it’s nothing earth shattering. I’ll save that for another post, though. If you’ve read this far, thank you for sticking around. Happy trails!
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years
February 19, 2021: 9:48 am:
A series of events that led to an incoming call on my phone is worthy of note.
This email promotion from American Music Supply came in yesterday afternoon at 4:01 pm. The “01″ being of interest as a “perpetuation” statement.
Features Shure Wireless products.
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This arrived at 8:21 am shortly after I went online with the computer. From Mariam Webster, Week in Review:
I was interested in “Kerfuffle” having seen Boris Johnson use that word in a Tweet last week or so.
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Here, we get some insight from MW about “Kerfuffle”. They side-step “Kerfuffle”, and move over to “Kafuffle” in their explanation of word use historically in literary works.
So, I saw that the letter “R” had been taken out, in favor of the letter “F” for the spelling of a different word, explaned with obscure litterary reference where I see little association to Boris Johnson’s use of a different word, that is similar to “Kafuffle”.
I make assessment mentally: “There must be an “RF” frequency generator around here somewhere” I thought to myself.
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I did that assessment about radio frequency, then looked at the ad for the sure products again, and clicked the link in the email to get to the page below that explains more about wireless transmitters made by Shure.
That is exactly the moment the phone rang, after seeing that Kerfuffle is not Kafuffle, and the difference is an “RF” re-arrangement, and is based on a Boris Johnson tweet, and was announced by MW, the source authority of all things “dictionary text”. As I accessed an advertisement about wireless transmitters, a call incoming from 541-641-7862 at 9:45 am, just at moment I accessed the Shure page from the AMS email promotion shown above, is notable.
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The listed source area of the call. Means nothing.
Must be a joke sent by Boris Johnson.
Boris playfully says: “I tire of this”, with that call.
Those words are made famously recognizable by a local attorney by the name of Christopher Mecca, who is known to say: “I tire of this” when he gets frustrated about things he loses control of.
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Some observations I made about that Shure ad, includes that the grey color is both on the background and on the text, making a difficult read due to reduced contrast between text and background. Is a “Gamma Adjustment” statement, and is a “place where opposites meet” sort of statement with the use of the grey color. It’s complicated, you need to understand the Queen’s Black & White Television, and that it has a brightness, contrast, and volume knob, sometimes the reception is not quite right, and you have to smack it up side of the cabinet to make the picture more clear.
Sophisticated, but with only three knobs.
From there, we can talk about Joe Biden‘s fake bullshit rhetoric terror command language in that video speech this morning where “file cabinets w/replaceable locks and roller bearing drawers” is the message presented in the code.
Specifics about these two file cabinets are part of today’s Joe Biden terror speech.
“you have to smack it upside the cabinet to make picture satisfactory” ... part of the operational characteristics of the Queen‘s black & white television.
“Exchange “head” for “cabinet”, for a clearer picture and some Smack”
That is the Joe Biden message in his Twitter terror speech today.
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There is more, But Joe is saying he wants another crew of terror assassins to come take a whack at me, and is offering some heroin to the successful assassins.
Here is the link to the Joe’s Happy Heroin Smack Hit Orders.
There is other stuff in there too.
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10:49 am:
These assholes are hijacking my computer again through the Norton Symantec internet security from Centurylink terror cell HQ, I suspect they source is at Grants Pass Community Church today, and is mobile terror hacker tools provided by Centurylink ISP.
Happened the moment I posted this Tumblr entry just now.
That pop up window about Dark Web is the hack, it has a bug built in and is disguised as a friendly reminder, Canadian style.
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11:09 am:
had to reset the digital signal amplification module, restart the computer and runs scans with the same security product that is being used to do the hacking into my computer, normally I would have swapped out the flux capacitor for a freshly charged one, but those are no longer available.
It’s very clear that Christopher Mecca is in charge of today’s hit from Biden’s terror team (Ann Wilson at Amp Guru on Kauai Ranch).
Early this morning I saw someone wearing the Brown KKK Robe out side of my kitchen window at about 7:00 am.
I’ll wager that was Christopher Mecca.
He sometimes wears a orange hard hat, and that has a wireless guitar transmitter attached to the back side of the orange hard hat. They use that communication when iPhone blu-tooth comm devices are too risky.
Chris Mecca has/had an office at the Sears shopping center in Grants Pass nearby the La Burrita Restaurant where John Kitzhaber was killed in defense many years ago.
Chris Mecca is an attorney, but lives on the property owned by Grants Pass Community Church at the house where the pastor is supposed to live.
They are all pirates, the attorney is a terrorist, is the pastor.
Chris Mecca preferes to attack me from the Chapman County Courts terror cell at 3701 Russell Road. He is going to be upset about the death of his comrade County Court Judge Honorable Patrick Wolke last few days ago. Pat needs Chris to operate, and Chris needs Pat to operate. Pat is dead. That will cause problems for Chris.
Chris has a lovely Cannibal wife by the name of Kelly Mecca, she has worked at Ray’s Food Place for more than twenty years, capturing, torturing, killing, and then eating the vacationing tourist victims who visit this area for the great recreation that it offers. All of the local SDA who attend the Grants Pass Community Church are cannibals, they eat human meat. Sometimes the human meat is available at the Ray’s Food Place Butcher Counter if you know the magic words to get some of it.
There is a lot of poison gas already released in the neighborhood. The kind that makes blurred vision, and swollen and painful right leg conditions.
Please send help.
US Military is required, there are 50,000 terror soldiers in Josephine county alone, many hundreds of thousands more throughout the state of Oregon.
Bring your own hospital, those are occupied by the terror army here.
5:48 pm:
Here is more about the Joe Biden Schnitzel German phile cabinet terror hit presented on Twitter earlier today:
This tweet generated from a Twitter Trend about a 27 year old (is “27 Club“ and is a shape, a “cube” or “container”)
This is the same as the keys that are in the phile cabinet in the ad above where I just read the information provided in the Joe Biden speech in order to know how to find the phile cabinet’s that were shown above and the other information contained outside of the Biden Phile cabinet for the Chris Mecca hit orders.
(think in terms of that report about terrorism I sent to the white house the other day, where I was provided with 2000 characters at the WH website to say my thing, not enough room to work with, so inclusion of external information provided with the links to this StoneMan Warrior account so they could be fully informed, and advised of the sophistaced nature of the terror reported, and pointed out the 911 Emergency Phone Service is controlled by terror army, does not work, and only brings assassins.)
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That leads to anothet email from music industry, this one featuring Electrovoice Speakers sent later in the day today at 4:01 pm, 24 hours after that other email was sent with the Shure Wireless products.
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When I click that and apply the clues in the “Key Tweet” (Mike Pompeo Keynote Speaker at the SXSW convention where Bernie Sanders showed up at the Boris Johnson Basketball Game, from Yesterdays “Iranian Terror Rental Service At US State Department, The Blinken Tugboat Tweet about a educational situation, all inclusive here along with my reports of terrorism ... that is why the file cabinets are necessary, and is why Dolly Parton was featured in news yesterday to say the “Statue of Limitations Timing is off” sort of message about carting away my belongings.
It’s complicated like that.
But, click the link as directed by Mike Pompeo disguised as Nicholas G, Riech in the Tweet shown above, do math, and here are the file cabinet drawers below symbolically, somehow.
The “drawers are removable from the cabinet” is part of the message, and is part of the Joe Biden instructions to kill me and take down this Tumblr account.
Give me an interview about terrorism, and I will gladly decode the rest of the comm in the speakers.
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Joe Biden has it worked out where he is able to send out terror commands and hit orders that are hidden inside of coded information the is about his pedophilia preferences of little red headed girls, and, he still gets a pass on both the terrorism and the pedophilia.
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In the unlikely event there could be someone watching the baby other than me, be advised that I am waiting to see a Tweet from UK that says something to the affect of “upside down sterling”, “dead whale”, or maybe “sterling roll over” kind of Tweet. They already said “Sterling remains buoyant” night before last at Reuters UK. The is not a good thing for Britain, the sterling is metal, should stay under the water.
If the sterling goes belly-up in some way, that to me says the Guantanamo Bay Submarine in the Gulf of Mexico, a British boat, and maybe the other one at Pelican Bay in northern California,was sunk, caught, or are otherwise out of commission.
I’ve been poisoned with a variety of airborne gasses non-stop for the past week since I sent that report of terrorism to the White House, and I don‘t really want to do any more decoding work, I feel sick, my leg hurts real bad, and there is no help to stop the attack. Twitter is still Tweeting, and that tells me there is never going to be an end to the terrorism we face in USA.
8:18 pm:
“Beyond Westlessness“
Remember what I was saying about “Bee in your Bonnet” is an SDA expression used for communincation between SDA terror cells to share “brainstorming” ideas, basically “Bee in Your Bonnet” is an idea, something that an SDA terror cell has used for capturing US Citizens, and works good, so they share their ideas with one another about what works, and what does not work I suppose is also included in Bee in Your Bonnet” SDA terror comm.
Here, the “Bee in Your Bonnet” announcement is presented on the header of the Twitter account featuring Joe Biden, a Seventh Day Adventist Cannibal and a Pedophile who seeming was released from federal prison, given a $1,000 suit to wear, and the keys to the White House as a gift from Britain to USA.
“Bee Yond” (do your own math, I tire of this)
Bugs Bunny at the White House. Bugs is funny, but he’s an asshole.
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That Presidential video I tried to link above won‘t play at any of the places it’s posted, if you did not see it live like I did, you won‘t be able to see it. In the background where Joe was standing while doing the speech, there were two objects, one on each side of him. The looked almost exactly like those two file cabinets I linked above, and is party how I was able to read the clues that led me there.
Joe mentioned “Democrat national Convention” in the speech he made. The statement was out of place, did not really fit in with the gist of the speech.
You can’t see it, because US State is suppressing it on Twitter.
Do you see that MSC logo in that header above?
Think about file cabinets (this tumblr account [email protected] is the file cabinet being referred to in the wake of the report of terrorism and request for help I sent to the white house on the 13th of February 2021.)
now look at this logo:
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It’s a match.
Seagate makes hard-drives. It’s “Close enough for government work” for the match.
Seagate is a company that was hijacked early on in the terror takeover. When I was held captive in around 1998 - 2002 or so, I was forced to create design work, and had to use a “Seagate FreeAgent” hard drive that was brought each day, and taken away each day.
In 1998, I was storing files on a hard drive with 1.5 - 3 terrabytes of disc space.
That was way way way beyond what was publicly available at the time as far as storage space technology is concerned. That hard drive is used to do a lot of things, I made many of the logos for some of the so called “unicorns” as a result of being held captive and was told to store the work on that Seagate FreeAgent 1.5 - 3 terrabyte hard drive at a time when terrabytes were unheard of.
It does not make a difference. nothing I say here makes any difference only because there are no more national security people.
I cannot get any help. I need medical treatment, but there are no more real doctors, there are only terror soldier operative actors who pretend, they play role of health provider, and kill those who go to see a doctor.
That and Twitter is still tweeting.
no help will ever be able to do any kind of security work if Twitter remains active.
no doctors will ever be restored to the communities.
no one will stop the aerial poison gas from being release by the terror soldiers who use Twitter for commands to use the gas.
as more aerial gas is released by command on Twitter, the terror army will continue to draw people to the health providers with symptoms from the poison gas, while Twitter promotes the fake Corona Virus is the reason so many are getting sick, and going to see a doctor, but that is all bullshit designed to remind you every day, to go to see a doctor. There, everyone is killed. US Citizens go in the front door at the hospital, and a Canadian look-a-like comes out of the side door later on, using the name of the murdered victim citizens.
I am tired. I can barely see the screen, the gas is fouling up my vision, my circulation is poor, my leg is swollen, and I have coughing fits when the put the poison gasses into the house through the cracks around the doors and windows, laundry vent, chimney, and other places that all houses have available for inserting gas with pressure to poison people.
Since making that report to the white house, the gas attacks from outside has increased dramatically. The number of dead terror soldiers ratio per day that I have defended against has increased dramatically, and there is no signs of any helpful people.
I did not opened my front door to go outside yesterday or the day before at all. It’s too dangerous to go outside after asking the White House for help to stop mass murders in Oregon, and US and Global take over.
Earlier today shortly after that incoming phone call from “Yoncala” came in to my phone, a powerful jet airplane flew low and slow over my house, it was going south towards the Grants Pass Municipal Airport, which is about seven miles south of my house. That jet is the same kind of thing that happens when SAGClubMed Junket Jet comes each time, they always buzz my house first, then again usually on the flight out, typically after a three to four day mass murder festival that SAGClubMed Junket is about.
So, Junket Jet Flyover at about noon or so today is what also happened, it’s part of the “Joe Biden Staple’s Phile Cabinet Electrovoice State Department Iranian Tugboat Terror in the Mediteranian Sea Rental Service” that has been building momentum over the past three days.
9:27 pm:
Here is a video part from ABC World news retweeted from the “Munich Security Conference” Twitter Verified Account:
There are the symbolic phile cabinets there.
What you need to do, is make assessment from the product descriptions at the link I provided for you above, about the Staple’s File Cabinets. Look at the keys that are in each one. See that one is “Aluminum, and one is “Metal”. Read about the removable lock that is replaceable, and see that they each feature bearing roller drawer guides. I don‘t recall seeing information about “Removable Drawers” but a removable/Replaceable Lock is specified.
Then, the Electrovoice Speakers, presented later on, are basically the same shape as the file cabinet drawers are. There are four speakers specified from instructions contained in that Trending on Twitter Tweet from “Nicholas G. Riech” (is Mike Pompeo, or Blinkin in disguise, or someone from “Amp Guru” terror cell) then see that those are the drawers. See that there are two sizes of speakers, 18″ and 15″, and there are two sizes of File Cabinet, 18″ and 15″ wide, “Letter & Legal”.
Look for other information throughout all of what I linked for you. I did not read the specifications for the speakers, I don‘t want to read about my own murder contract from the President any more than I need to for seeing that the hit order is present.
The hit order is present, and includes that this Tumblr account is to be “Carted Away with a hand truck”
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9:47 pm:
We are at a point in USA where reporting terrorism to the US President to ask for help in a national emergency, is responded to with assassins sent from the White House to kill those who make such reports, and, to delete any evidence that a report was made.
This is not a new phenomenon.
If you read this account, there are other times when I sent reports of the same terrorism, to the White House, to Donald Trump, and the result then was a bomb at a doctor office that backfired and exploded the assassins and the bus they arrived in. February 7th 2017 I think it was, I explained it many times here on this account.
Further research would show that Barack Obama was also informed through the White House Contact Page, and, with hand written letter in the United States Postal Mail sent from the US Post Office at 97532 in Merlin where I hand carried the letter and sent it to the White House addressed to Barack Obama with registered or certified mail at a time when Joe Biden was Vice President. The same terrorism was reported then as now.
I called George W. Bush’s White House Phone number to report the terrorism back then also.
All of them have sent assassins to kill me, none sent any help, none did anything to stop the mass murders.
Hillary Clinton came to my home personally to kill me in around 2008.
I am tempted to challenge someone to report the same kind of terrorism to the white house, the kind that is real, that includes mass murder at the grocery stores in the day time with use of poison gasses.
Don‘t do it. You have to find another way, The US President’s don‘t do US national defense work, they do terror take over of USA work in league with Britain.
February 20, 2021: 9:29 am:
Reminder: If nsa were to run across any Seagate FreeAgent hard drives, be advised that those old/new pre-release technology ones like the one I was forced to use, they look exactly the same as the ones the were made available at Walmart in around 2009. When you start it up, it makes a series of little lights that look somewhat like stars all arranged on the front panel. Also, those were “encryption“ hard drives. The way that works, is when files are stored, someone can make a password protected file that encapsulates the information to be encrypted, then, the encrypted information within that file is made invisible to anyone who browses the contents of the hard drive, and that is what the encryption is for. It’s a feature that makes a set of information completely invisible on the FreeAgent hard drive, without the password, no one will even know that such encrypted files are stored on it, and, without specialized disc annalists tools, no one can even know that any disc space is occupied by such encrypted files.
I’ll wager that Joe Biden has an array of SeaGate FreeAgent Encryption Discs filled with kiddie-porn edited with aboriginal down under BBC news Pence music, so, be advised of that.
Also, another reminder: Mike Pence is a Grants Pass Oregon former resident, maybe is real home town. Only very few people know that.
Barack Obama grew up in San Fernando Valley California, not Hawaii, not anywhere else, not where the publicly available information says he grew up.
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30 Things That Make Me Happy
1.       The smell of hay, horses, and even manure.  Breathing in farm fresh air and the feeling it brings of peace and of belongingness. The images it conjures of bonding with these large animals that are so special to me.
2.       Organized medical supplies, everything in its place and easy to find.  Ready to help the next person who needs it, and ready to be found by those who wish to help.  Taking it a step further, the people who carry these supplies to us, and the feeling you have being the person carrying that bag in.  To help others is to bring worth to oneself.  As the quote goes “the next best thing to creating a life, is to save one.”
3.       Sunrises, Sunsets.  The different colors in the sky.  The sky, the moon, the stars.  Looking up and just knowing that you are but one thing in the universe, and the way that makes me feel – not insignificant, but secure in knowing this too shall pass, because in a universe as vast as this one moments are fleeting.  Which means they are to be enjoyed in their entirety when they are pleasurable, but also that they will pass when they bring about difficulties and discomfort.
4.       The people who strive to make a difference.  Whether they are Republican or Democrat.  Whether they view the world as I do or differently.  Passionate people who feel as though they need to make a difference are the ones who will make changes to the world, and knowing they do so because they feel it is right makes me happy, even if I cannot see their vision.
5.       A good plate of food, made by someone else on occasion.  All of the seasonings carefully selected, the meal made with you in mind.  The fact that someone else took the time and made the effort to provide sustenance.  Because they care.  Sharing a meal is an intimate pleasure whether among lovers or friends, and is an amazing example of love and care.
6.       The feel of fresh air on your face in the middle of summer – that sudden burst of cool air when you are hiking through the woods.  It pushes the bugs that accompany you away for a moment, and you can close your eyes and breathe in that fresh air.  It’s invigorating, almost like a reset button for your mind.
7.       Rainy days, and the way they give you permission to be with yourself.  There is something comforting about being able to be inside and dry, while looking out at the rain.  The smell brings peace and the dampness in the air encourages you to curl up with a soft blanket and a good book.
8.       Books. Because they can be found in any public library and be shared with those you love.  Because they provide a window with a view you might otherwise never see, and because they provide an escape from reality.  
9.       Candles. Candles of all sorts and all smells, and candles with no smells.  Tea lights, pillars, candle sticks.  Watching the flames dance and flicker.  Feeling the warmth from them as you stare at them, thinking about the way the flame goes this way and that, influenced by the air and the environment.  Stare long enough, and it feels as though you are one with that flame, and for a moment you are just dancing and flickering to and fro along with it.
10.   The ocean. The smell of the salt water, and the taste.  The warm sand between your toes.  The surrounding children laughing as they splash in the waves.  Life on the beach always seems happy.
11.   A night in with good friends, laughing and sharing stories.  Remembering the past, supporting each other.  Joking, pouring drinks and playing games.  
12.   Kayaking, or canoeing, or just floating along the water in a tube.  Watching the waves and the break in the water as you go. Taking a moment to look up into the sky as the water slaps against whatever it is you choose to float along in.
13.   Music, and the way that there is a song for every moment in your life.  Someone took an experience, remarkably similar to your own, and put it to words and music to let you know you aren’t alone when you are sad, and to help you celebrate the happy moments in life.  There are happy songs, sad songs, funny songs.  There is literally a song for every moment.  I’m thankful for those who share these pieces of themselves.
14.   Television shows – the ones that are ridiculously dramatic, or completely hysterical.  The ones good enough to make you love the characters and feel as though you are right there with them.  You know on some level these characters are not real, but to you they are.  You love them like your own friends and have hopes for them and theories about how their lives should go.  Then after the season finale you worry for them and wait not so patiently for the next season to begin.
15.   The family we choose for ourselves.  Because family is important, but family is so much more than who you are stuck with the day you are born.  There are people who meet each other and just decide – “I’m here for you, and I’m not going anywhere ever.”  Those people, who say that and mean that even though they weren’t assigned to you – they are special.  And that they exist makes me happy.
16.   Dogs, because there is just something about the way they look at you and love you unconditionally.  Because if you are a dog person, I probably get you.  Because I honestly feel no one loves me the same way my dog does.  
17.   Staring up at the trees.  Laying on a blanket, in the fresh cut grass and just staring at the tree tops. Watching the squirrels hop to and from branches to other trees.  Knowing that this is a living thing I am sitting under, and that its roots are strong and run deep into the earth underneath me.  The truth is I don’t think any human being is ever as grounded as the trees are, and there is something to be said for that.
18.   Flowers. Whether they are growing in the wild, whether they are planted in the earth intentionally or brought to me in a bouquet.  They smell so pretty, they are absolutely beautiful.  So many colors and varieties, each one special and different in it’s own unique way.
19.   Yoga.  In a studio.  A good yoga instructor will transform the room into a peaceful oasis. Suddenly it’s as though you are in the room all by yourself, being guided and feeling all of the different feelings in your own body.  I am never so aware of myself as when I near the end of a yoga class.  When everyone comes together at the end you feel part of a bigger unit, and there’s peace and satisfaction in that as well.
20.   Compliments from strangers who continue to move along.  They don’t feel a need to stay and make you uncomfortable, but they make you smile for a moment and then move along with their lives.
21.   Making someone else smile, because you can, for no other reason.  Be the bright spot in someone’s day – the feeling is contagious and comes back to you as well.
22.   The feeling after an intense work out – cardio workouts are so hard initially, but when you’ve finished and you are stretching out, when you feel your pulse thudding against your skin and your muscles are moving on memory, you know for sure you are alive, and you feel refreshed and re-energized.
23.   Butterflies. They were once caterpillars, little worms basically.  They weren’t all pretty, but with work and an idea of their greater purpose they were reborn into these amazing creatures – they aren’t all flashy, but they all have the ability to fly and float in the air – I wonder what it is like to feel that light and free.
24.   Driving down the road with your hand out the window, moving it around like some sort of airplane and feeling the air above and below it.  Simple pleasures, reminding you of a simpler time when all you worried about was just who you would play with tomorrow after school.
25.   Dancing – feeling the music and the company and just gliding along enjoying the moment.  Even if you aren’t the greatest and you only manage a two-step shuffle, it brings you moments shared only with your partner.  
26.   Birds – they sing us a song every morning.  They come in all shapes and sizes and colors.  They give us something to watch and to listen to.
27.   A good cup of coffee.  The smell, and way the mug warms your hands. Watching as you pour the cream in and it changes color.  The way you start to feel more alive as you sip.
28.   Pen pals. In this day and age we correspond via email, messenger apps and all sorts of technical ways.  There is something to be said for pen and paper – but the lack of it does not diminish these relationships.  These are people who you share pieces of yourself with, and though you have never met they are just as true friends as the ones you see daily, sometimes maybe more.
29.   Climbing mountains – even just hiking them.  The way up is hard and makes your legs burn but in the end you are left with a remarkable view, sometimes one that takes your breath away.  
30.   Moments with those you love, the moments that you know you’ll remember even if that person disappears from your life tomorrow.  The happy moments are gifts to be held and cherished and not forgotten.
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gaiyofanfiction · 7 years
Save Me (2)
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Chapter 1: Second Time? - Chapter 2: Awake - Chapter 3: First Love - Chapter 4: Mama - Chapter 5: Reflection - Chapter 6: Lie - Chapter 7: Stigma - Chapter 8: Begin - Chapter 9: Taken - Chapter 10:Torture - Chapter 11: The Plan - Chapter 12: The Escape
Reader X Jungkook
Mental Hospital AU
A/N: Hey guys! I hope you're liking the story so far. We appreciate any feedback you guys have for us! Here's chapter 2!
Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction. We did take their personalities and match as best we can with illnesses, however we do not claim that the boys from BTS have these mental illnesses! Also, we did as much research as we can on each disorder. We are not meaning to offend anyone who has these illnesses at all. ALSO, WE DO KNOW BTS CHANGED THEIR ENGLISH NAME TO BEYOND THE SCENE BUT WE’RE USING BULLETPROOF BOYSCOUTS CAUSE IT FITS THE STORY BETTER.
Trigger warning: Mentions of mental illness, hospitals, self harm, suicide attempt and abuse. Both Gaisho and I recommend, if you feel like you need to go to the hospital for ANY reason, please don’t be afraid to do so. It can help. If you EVER feel like you need to talk to anyone, vent, or need advice on anything, please do not hesitate to msg us! We’ve been through it all.
Chapter 2: Awake:
        You look back up at the seven boys, all with terrified looks on their faces. You raise an eyebrow and ask Rap Monster, “Why do you all look-”
        Before you could continue, the annoyingly preppy nurse interjects. “Come now, Y/N. Time to show you to your room!” She grabs your wheelchair and pushes you away from the group. You turn your head to wave to the boys, who all waved back except Jungkook, who was still hiding behind V.
        The nurse turns the corner, making your view of the boys blocked. She pushes you to a white door. She opens the door revealing an all white room. In the left corner is a small, twin sized bed with white sheets. The back wall has two large windows that were barred up. Against the right wall there was a white desk and chair, and next to that there were empty shelves. Directly to your right was a small bathroom with a toilet and sink, but no shower.
        You look up at the nurse. “How am I supposed to shower when there isn’t one in here?”
        The nurse proceeds to wheel you to the bed. “The showers are in another hallway. Each shower is timed and supervised to make sure none of the patients can do anything to harm themselves.”
        You cringe to the thought of being watched as you showered. The nurse notices and chuckles. “There are doors, don’t worry. It’s a timed shower, so if a patient weren’t to come out on time, we would knock to make sure nothing is wrong. If there isn’t an answer, that’s when we’d go in.” The nurse helps you out of the wheelchair and onto the bed.
        “Now, I’ll let you settle in. Dinner is in about an hour. Someone will come for you then. Ta-ta for now!” The nurse smiles creepily as she walks away with a hop in her step.
        ‘Man, why does she have to be so happy all the time?’ You roll your eyes. Looking around the room, your vision starts to become hazy. ‘How can a room be so white? Is this even real? Is this a dream?’ You run your hand across the bed, your hand tingling as if it’s asleep. You close your eyes and your body sways back and forth.
        “Psst! Hey, Y/N!”
        Your eyes snap open and you look towards the door to see an older boy. You tilt your head to the side as he comes to sit next to you.
        “Hey, it’s me, Jin. Remember? From earlier? Of course you remember!” He smiles brightly.
        You nod your head slowly, recalling your earlier encounter with the other patients. “Y-you’re one of the Bulletproof boys, right?”
        Jin nods and winks at you. “Yes I am. I’m the oldest and best looking member of the seven of us. None of those boys can hold a candle to me.”
        Your cheeks turn pink from the wink. “W-what are you doing in my room?”
        “Well, I thought it was only fitting that the most handsome boy in this facility would greet the cute new girl. Even though I’m the best looking person in this whole place, you come a close second.” He grins and gives you a thumbs up.
        You furrow your brows. “O...kay?” You shift your weight slightly away from the strange boy. ‘Man, this kid is so full of himself.’
        Jin notices and his grin turns into a look of panic. “H-hey, wait. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come on so strong. I’m really in here to get away from taking the medication they give me.”
        You lower your eyes in questioning, “why are you in this facility anyway?”
        Jin looks down at his hands and leans his back against the wall. “It’s an interesting, yet scary story. I don’t know if you can handle it.”
        You scoff at his remark and roll your eyes. “My whole life is a scary story. Try me.”
        He shrugs and starts his story. “I have narcissistic personality disorder. I know what you’re thinking, ‘How can someone as perfect as him have a mental illness?’ Well, according to these doctors, I do. But normally, a simple mental illness wouldn’t end you up in a behavioral facility.” Jin looks at you in the eyes, his vibe suddenly becomes solem. “What put me in this place was the act of trying to kill my ex-girlfriend.”
        Your eyes widen in shock. “Y-you, w-what?”
        Jin nods and sneers. “Yeah, It’s my truth. It’s my truth. She thought she was better than me. But, there’s no way anyone could be more perfect than me. I justified the act at the time. I mean, how could I possibly do anything wrong? But they told me I was wrong. I thought of something then. Maybe I, I could never fly, like I thought I could. And then of course, I end up here and started talk therapy paired with medications. The talking was helping and now I’m able to control my psychotic urges. But then they started giving me...a different kind of medicine.” Jin looks down and you’re able to see the pain in his face. “After they would kick in, it’s like I became a zombie. I’m just walking and walking, among this darkness. They completely dulled me and didn't help me whatsoever. So, now I try avoid taking my “meds”. I don’t want to go back into that darkness.”
        He then puts his head against the door frame and closes his eyes. “Ahhh, but...I do miss her. She was my first true love. Yes, I, Jin the great, loved someone else other than myself.”
        Despite how insane that sounded, you felt for him. “I’m...sorry. I can’t imagine how it is to not be able to be with your loved one because of your own issues.”
        You look down at your hands and start to shake. You never thought there were other people who have just as big problems as you do. You start wondering about the other six boys you met. ‘What are they like and why are they in here?’
        Before you could say anything else, the door to your room bursts open. Your body jumps from being startled and look up to see the nurse from earlier.
        “Ah! There you are, Mr. Kim! It’s time to take your medication!” the nurse says in a sing-song voice, making you cringe.
        Jin looks at you and winks before jumping up into a standing position. “Are you telling the great Jin to take pills?! How dare you! I don’t need any! I’m perfect!” He glares at the nurse, waving his hands around like crazy.
        The nurse, whom you never thought knew the meaning of the word unhappy, frowned for the first time you’ve seen since you arrived. She quickly turns to someone down the hallway and whistles. “Quick! It’s a Code White!”
        You hear footsteps running down the hall to your room. Jin dodged left and right, but couldn’t evade the two men dressed in all white. “Hey! Don’t touch me! Get your unworthy, filthy hands off of me!”
        He continues to yell at the two nurses as he was being dragged out of the room. Once the yelling faded and you hear a door in the distance close, you look up at the nurse with worried eyes. She quickly resets her face to that creepy smile and motions over to you. “Well, now. It’s time for dinner, Y/N. If you’re able to walk, please come with me.”
        You stand up on wobbly legs. It takes you a second but you’re able to move at a slow pace behind the nurse. “W-what happened to Jin? Where did you take him?” You ask as you follow the nurse down the opposite way of the hall.
        She doesn’t turn to look at you and keeps walking. “Ah, don’t worry about him. We just took him to…calm him down.”
        You notice the hesitation in her voice but shrug it off for now.
        You enter the eating area and see the other patients grab their own trays with name cards on them. You slowly move your way to the food carts and finally found the tray with your name on it. After grabbing the tray you turned around and looked at the seating possibility. Everyone was pretty scattered and there weren’t any empty tables for you to sit by yourself. ‘God, this feels just like high school. What a nightmare… UGH! Where should I sit!?’
        Just then you hear someone say loudly, “Yooohooo! Y/N! Come here! Sit with us!” It was Hoseok motioning you to come over. His sunshine smile made you bare a little smile and of course your cheeks turned bright red.
        You set your tray down a few seats over from them, but then Hoseok immediately pulls you to have you sit in between him and Jimin. ‘Oh man, these boys are beautiful.’
        “Ah, thanks Hoseok, I really appreciate it,” you bow your head in thanks.
        “It’s my pleasure! After all, who wouldn’t want a gorgeous girl sitting next to them! Please, call me Hobi,” again he flashes you with a smile so bright it could be the sun.
        Just when you thought your face couldn't get any redder, Jimin suddenly grabs your hand and you look to him and he says, “an angel who has fallen from heaven. How is it that someone like you is here?”
        You hear a small voice, “Jimini pabo.” You try to look over Jimin’s shoulder, but it’s just Tae sitting next to him. You look again from another angle and then you see that it's Jungkook who was peering over both Tae and Jimin. You and Jungkook both lock eyes, but he quickly lowers his head making him invisible behind the other boys. ‘Why did he seem upset?’
        Though your face is beet red, you realize again that you’re still in a mental facility. “I really don’t know why I’m here. I can barely figure out who I am, but I know I have a lot of mental problems.”
        Suga, who looks like he would have been the cool kid in high school, stops from eating his apple to say, “baby, we all got problems.”
        “We’re all mad here,” Rap Monster tries to say all cool like while taking a sip of juice, but it completely misses his mouth and it’s all over his shirt. “Ahhh, not again!” Suga then wipes his shirt with a napkin without saying anything, but the other boys shake their heads.
        “Ah, Y/N, have you by chance seen Jin at all?” says Tae with concerned eyes. All of a sudden the boys stop what they’re doing and they all look to you.
        “Oh, well, he was at my room for a bit. We were just talking. He started to explain why he avoided his daily meds and then the nurses finally caught on. They took him down the other end of the hall...Do you guys know where that goes?”
        You look around them to see that they all dropped their heads in sadness. “You see, Y/N, you’ll start to notice what kind of facility this really is. It’s not so much physical medicine he’s skipping out on, it’s this special procedure they occasionally put us through...EST” Rap Monster says in a low voice.
        “EST? What is that?” You inquire curiously.
        Rap Monster sighs and pushes his tray away and leans forward onto the table, “it’s electroshock therapy. Essentially they put you under general anesthesia and send electric currents through your brain to induce a brief seizure. It’s been said to reverse several mental illnesses. However -”
        Just then a nurse wheels in Jin toward the table. He almost looked like a completely different person. His face was very pale and he bore no expression. He literally looked like an empty vessel.
        You see Jungkook repeatedly tug on Jin’s sleeve, “Hyung…” Jin doesn’t move nor says a word. Tears start to fall as he looks off into the distance, but then he looks at you.
        Not knowing how to act, you just stare back. It was an eerie feeling, but you weren’t scared. Instead you were concerned for his well-being. “Jin, a-are you okay?”
        Jin scoffs, eyes almost dead, “welcome to Be Free."
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filosofablogger · 6 years
Good Monday morning, my friends!  I’m so glad you could drop by this morning.  How was your weekend?  Mine?  It was fine … we went out for a bit on Saturday and it started pouring rain as soon as we walked out of the house, so after being drenched numerous times, we gave up and came home to the warm, dry, and furry house!
I must admit that I am anything but jolly this Monday morning, so please forgive me if the humour falls a bit flat.  No, no … nothing wrong … just too much of … well, you know what.  And perhaps a bit too much of this grey and gloomy winter.  But, good news lies ahead, for according to the forecast, it is supposed to top 70° on Thursday!  Perhaps if I can resume my daily walks, my humour will improve (not to mention the shape of my winter-worn body!).
Well, grab a donut and cup of coffee or tea (yes, rawgod, I remembered the tea this morning!), and let’s see if I can pull off a bit of a smile.  Oh … by the way … today is National Napping Day, so let’s all do our patriotic duty and catch a midday snooze, eh?
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                       The mayor is a …
I’ve written before about towns that have dogs, and even cats for mayors.  The first one I had ever heard of was Rabbit Hash, Kentucky where the first elected mayor in Rabbit Hash history was Goofy Borneman-Calhoun, who was inaugurated in 1998 for a four-year term.  Since that time, Rabbit Hash has never had a mayor that wasn’t a canine.
Goofy Borneman-Calhoun
Then there was Stubbs, the feline mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, for nearly 20 years until her death in 2017.But I really think that the town of Fair Haven, Vermont, is the first in history to have elected a goat as mayor!  Yep, folks, you heard right … a g-o-a-t.
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Meet Lincoln, the new mayor of Fair Haven!  With 13 votes, Lincoln eked out a victory over Sammie the dog, who received 10 votes.  Talk about voter apathy!  The town has approximately 2,500 residents, and only 23 of them bothered to vote?  Sheesh!
Well, people might laugh at a goat for mayor, but heck, we live in a nation that elected a jackass for president, so what else can be said?
The price of beauty …
Now, I don’t go to a hairdresser … I trim my fringes and ends, and that’s the extent of my ‘hairdressing’.  And we don’t take our kitties to the groomer … they get frequent brushings right here at home.  So, I am not familiar with what hairdressers and pet groomers charge, but apparently groomers charge more than hairdressers do.
People must frequently complain about their groomer’s charges and ask why they charge more than the hairdresser down the street.  Now, personally, if I were a groomer, my comeback would be, “Because we make your dog/cat look beautiful, but look what your hairdresser did to you!”  However, that would likely cause me to go out of business quickly, wouldn’t it?
One groomer in Copenhagen,  Laura Gedgaudaite , came up with her own witty solution, and placed this sign in the window of her shop …
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Hmmm … makes perfect sense, don’t you think?
Elephant!  Cover thyself!
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Elephant!  You’re on the wrong side of the road!
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Road signs …
It has been a long time since I’ve included funny road signs in my Jolly Monday, so let’s take a look at a few new ones …
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Edinburgh’s streets are old, narrow and extremely crowded, especially near Waverley Railway Station where this photo was taken.  This can make road-crossing treacherous for drivers and pedestrians alike.  But what exactly is this sign getting at?  Is it warning pedestrians to be vigilant, or telling drivers to aim for the tourist?
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Ya think???
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Seriously???  Somebody needs to go back to school!
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Seems like sound advice.
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Um … perhaps the sign painter had one too many?
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Whatever for???
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Well drat!
Anybody up for a couple of jokes this morning?
I’ve heard this joke before, but it never fails to make me chuckle …
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson decide to go on a camping trip. After dinner and a bottle of wine, they lay down for the night, and go to sleep.
Some hours later, Holmes awoke and nudged his faithful friend.
“Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see.”
Watson replied, “I see millions of stars.”
“What does that tell you?”
Watson pondered for a minute.
“Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets.”
“Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo.”
“Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three.”
“Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful and that we are small and insignificant.”
“Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow.”
“What does it tell you, Holmes?”
Holmes was silent for a minute, then spoke: “Watson, you idiot. Someone has stolen our tent!”
And …
A Policeman Is Interrogating 3 Men Who Are Training To Become Detectives.
To test their skills in recognizing a suspect, he shows the first guys a picture for 5 seconds and then hides it. “This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?”
The first guy answers, “That’s easy, we’ll catch him fast because he only has one eye!” The policeman says, “Well…uh…that’s because the picture I showed is his side profile.”
Slightly flustered by this ridiculous response, he flashes the picture for 5 seconds at the second guy and asks him, “This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?”
The second guy smiles, flips his hair, and says, “Ha! He’d be too easy to catch because he only has one ear!”
The policeman angrily responds, “What’s the matter with you two?? Of course only one eye and one ear are showing because it’s a picture of his side profile! Is that the best answer you can come up with?”
Extremely frustrated at this point, he shows the picture to the third guy and in a very testy voice asks, “This is your suspect, how would you recognize him? He quickly adds, “Think hard before giving me a stupid answer.”
The third guy looks at the picture intently for a moment and says, “the suspect wears contact lenses.”
The policeman is surprised and speechless because he really doesn’t know himself if the suspect wears contacts or not.
“Well, that’s an interesting answer. Wait here for a few minutes while I check his file and I’ll get back to you on that.” He leaves the room and goes to his office, checks the suspect’s file on his computer, and comes back with a beaming smile on his face.
“Wow! I can’t believe it. It’s TRUE! The suspect does, in fact, wear contact lenses. Good work! How were you able to make such an astute observation?”
“That’s easy,” the third guy replied.” He can’t wear regular glasses because he only has one eye and one ear.”
Who doesn’t love to watch those adorable koalas in action?
Well, friends, that’s about all the humour I can muster this morning, and besides, some of you have to get to work, and some of you have to rake the snow off your roofs so the roof doesn’t cave in!  Hey Hugh … here’s a little something to keep you warm while shoveling …
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Remember, folks, spring IS on its way!  There will soon be flowers!  Keep those gorgeous smiles on your face this week, and spread a few of them around … some people have lost their own and it would be nice if you gave them one!  Have a safe and happy week!  Love ‘n hugs from Filosofa and Jolly!
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Reset the counter?
Is It Monday Yet? Good Monday morning, my friends!  I’m so glad you could drop by this morning.  How was your weekend?  1,310 more words
0 notes
askbloomtale · 8 years
Chapter 10 is up!!! I feel like it’s been a lot since last time I posted ahahaha :’D
For those who can’t access AO3 or just don’t want to do it, the chapter is pasted under this sexy cut!!!
Chapter 10 – A cold door
Toriel’s house was like a blue lighthouse the moment Athela made the horrifying discovery. Her whole body was trembling, and not only her eyes, but all the holes in her body were emitting a strong light that could be seen from the outside through the windows. She was panicking like a small child: crying, whining, and yelling with all her strength…
And yet…
Nobody came.
The young skeleton spent some time freaking out and letting tears drench both her clothes and the tiled floor. Her confused, upset mind wouldn’t let her do anything different. The shocking news was too hectic, too stressful.  Of course, her reaction wasn’t that exaggerated. Discovering a bunch of flowers inside of your skull is not something everyone would love… she definitely didn’t. She couldn’t even stand getting water in her eye sockets, how could she deal with something like that?
She cried and desperately called for her mom, but nobody came. She felt magic coursing through her body as she shrieked, but nobody came. She desperately wanted help…
But nobody came.
Outside the house, a small golden flower looked at the light show coming from the windows and smiled mischievously. Everything was getting so very interesting.
After a while, Athela forcefully calmed down when she felt an uncomfortable yank and a general feeling of fatigue. Her tears were running out and her vision was becoming blurry… she had wasted too much magic. She wasn’t even feeling better after that mental breakdown, just… emptier. Weaker. Of course, her problems wouldn’t just fade away with some tears and yelling, but… she was still so afraid. She felt so alone and desperate.
She was so tired… and of course, no one was coming. Toriel had left to buy some groceries that same morning. The goat lady had such a wide smile in her face when she left, saying that she never thought she would run out of food so soon. That she would be right back.
That was good to some point. That way, she didn’t have to see her breakdown.
When Athela gathered the energy to look up, minutes later, she saw that the mirror had been pierced by a few magical bones. The glassy pieces were scattered all over the floor, along with some dirt from the nearby flower pots.
“Oh��” She couldn’t think of anything to say. Did she do that? How? It was impressive to some degree, since she always had trouble to summon a single bone, and yet… there were so many. Interesting, how her frantic emotions were able to make that possible.
But still… she had never wanted to… oh, no, what a catastrophe. She couldn’t help but feel greatly embarrassed. “Great job, Athela,” she thought to herself while looking at the ceramic shards next to her. Not like she had any skin, she couldn’t cut herself nor bleed like her mother did, but… they were still dangerous. She could get her bones sliced.
She had to… clean up that mess…
She tried to do something, but… she soon realized she was too weak to even stand up. Her bony legs were trembling like jelly; same for her hands. She couldn’t move. Guess the freak-out was still in her mind. And surely the excess of magic got her incredibly tired. That’s just how she felt. Devoid of energy.
Scared, worn-out, alone, with a great number of flowers inside of her and mirror debris around her, she couldn’t do anything. But anyway, what could she even do about it? Would Toriel get mad about the wreckage, or would she worry about her?
Who cared…? Everything would be reset eventually, anyway…
Those were Athela’s thoughts before her senses drifted away, making her fall to the floor and faint soon afterwards.
“Athela! Athela, are you all right?? Oh, no…” The young lady could hear a shocked voice… somebody was shaking her body lightly. How familiar. Was it… Toriel?
For some reason, she didn’t even feel like opening her eyes. She still felt too tired. And her body was sore, somehow. It hurt a lot. Something was piercing her bones. It was as if she were… lying on something pointy.
She heard Toriel’s panicky screams, but not much was really entering her brain. She felt dizzy, and she could not make a single movement… was she that tired?
Oh, someone was lifting her. Now she couldn’t feel her body anymore. She felt, a few seconds later, some warm drops on her face. But she could not identify what they were. Her mind was scattered and it was really hard to identify anything.
Even her vision was blackening…
How funny…
It hurts.
When Athela opened her eyes, she was at Toriel’s garden again, surrounded by the Ruins’ usual tranquility. The leaves rested peacefully on the floor, immobile due to the lack of wind. The save point twinkled graciously on its usual spot, bright as usual.
It seemed like she had died again.
The pain from the reset came back, throwing a small, aching flash of discomfort to her skull, but as always it was only noticeable for a couple seconds. She rubbed her temples, just like last time she felt such sensation, and took a deep breath.
Athela was smiling.
It wasn’t a happy smile, however.
Her blue orbs were thin, looking at the far wall but not really focusing on anything. Her fists were trembling, and she didn’t know how to feel. Mostly, she felt scared. But a growing part of her was getting angry. Really angry.
Why her? Why? Was that a punishment of some sort?? Did she deserve what was happening to her??
Well, maybe running away from her caring, loving mother was enough reason to deserve a punishment, but… that was stretching it too far. It was too painful. She was sorry already, why couldn’t it just stop?
A single tear rolled down her face. She felt it, it was really warm… odd, how she could feel temperature now. It wasn’t bad… just strange.
Poor, sad Athela brought a hand to her eye socket. There was something else there, now. Not just one flower. Looks like there was another one that wanted to join the party. She felt a familiar numbness as she touched them. A nervous laugh escaped her gritted teeth.
Was that going to… just keep going? Like that?
That was… really miserable…
“Wow. What a great temper tantrum.” Athela jolted when hearing an amused voice behind her. She immediately turned around… and of course…
“It’s you…” Her voice was trembling, too. It was obvious that she was still scared. Scared of the unknown, and scared of what she already knew. Was there something that didn’t frighten the young skeleton in that strange place?
“Howdy! It’s me! Flowey the flower!” Happy as always, Flowey winked and stuck his tongue out, trying to look cute. “I see that you like me so much, you’re trying to look like me now!”
“...” It wasn’t funny. Not for her, at least; Flowey looked quite entertained.
“Boy, that was so amusing. You got so mad you killed yourself? I don’t really know what happened, I just saw the light show. And I also heard the old hag’s screams.” The tiny flower was now regretting that he didn’t enter the scene. Too bad, those were not the kind of scenarios that you could repeat. The girl would not to make a scene like that again even if she reset a thousand times.
Too bad.
“Toriel… I’m so sorry…” Athela was thinking about it. How did she die? She probably fainted atop the broken glass. She didn’t know how long the goat lady took to get to her, but… she was slow enough. No, saying it like that made it look like it was Toriel’s fault.
It was all Athela’s fault. For throwing such a fit, for breaking stuff and for being so dumb to lie on top of mirror shards. She deserved that. What a dumb girl.
She remembered Toriel’s pained cries. Did she… die in her arms? That should’ve been horrible… She was so sad, so remorseful. What a mess. Why was she like that? Why couldn’t she be stronger? Why did she have to panic like that, to cause pain to others? Toriel, her mother… even Napstablook wept because of her. And she didn’t know more people, or surely they would cry because of her too at some point.
Well, at least Flowey seemed happy. Not like Athela wanted him to be. But whatever.
“Haha. You’re apologizing. What a show.” Yes, he was enjoying himself.
“What do you want?” The skeleton didn’t want to die again. But she wanted to make sure that was what Flowey wanted. “Did you come to kill me?” Her voice was slightly shaky as she said that. Sometimes, Flowey appeared to kill her for no reason, and at other times he was just there to harmlessly mess with her. The flower’s expression made her realize it was one of those times.
“No way, how can you even think that? Your friend Flowey would not kill you like that!” He feigned surprise, but his charade soon fell, a creepy smile replacing the false shock. “Not without a reason, of course.”
“Oh, so you had reasons.” Athela’s tone was bitter.
“Well, now I do have a reason, but… I’ll wait a bit. You know, to be nice.” Another wink. Athela frowned and touched the flowers on her face, uneasy. It was so obvious that he was lying. Too obvious…what could he be scheming?
“A-and what reason would that be?” She stuttered. Damn. They were sharing a quiet conversation like that, but she was still scared to death of that seemingly friendly smile. And that just made Flowey even more excited.
“You see.” Flowey started, nodding. “I knew about the flowers all along. Each time you turned to dust, they were there. And each time, you had more! How interesting, am I right? It’s not something I’ve seen before!”
Really splendid, Athela thought sarcastically. It was worth killing someone.
Anyway… he was surprised Flowey knew about the flowers all along. Why didn’t he ever tell…? It was a great way to freak her out, he should’ve said earlier.
Wait… oh, no, she did not just think of another way for Flowey to scare her. The poor skeleton sighed and played with her bony fingers as she thought. Maybe he just didn’t tell because she would’ve never believed anything he said. Or… because it was more interesting if she found on her own. She was uncomfortable as she realized that she had started to understand how Flowey worked. After so many deaths, it only made sense that she did, anyway.
“So I thought.” Flowey continued, his smirk still unfazed. “I could kill you again. To see if you get three flowers on your face or something. It would be really quick, you see.”
He summoned a pellet, and Athela’s eyes greatly widened. She took a step back, scared, and her back hit the wall. She really thought she would be okay… how stupid of her.
Flowey observed her reaction and then grinned. With a swift sound, the pellet disappeared.
“But you know, you die easily on your own. So I’ll just… wait and observe. For now.” Smirking, he cocked his head to one side and then to the other. “Unless you do something that you should not do, of course.” The girl flinched and he giggled, amused. He seemed to enjoy Athela’s panic. What a jerk. She wouldn’t feel completely safe until he disappeared from her sight, though.
“…” Athela couldn’t think of something to say. He just threatened to kill her again in the future, didn’t he? The fear was now stuck in her brain and wouldn’t let go, even though it wasn’t the first time he did that.
He was going to go away now, wasn’t he? She wanted him to go away. Please go away.
However, before leaving, Flowey added one more thing.  “Oh, and…” he began, “Good luck with explaining that to her.”
He said a cheerful “bye” and then left, leaving Athela alone with her thoughts. With a sudden realization. A question that made her feel incredibly anxious.
How was she even going to explain her situation to Toriel?
Athela had been avoiding the reset topic for many reasons: She didn’t want to worry her, she couldn’t find a real reason to explain such a weird situation… She also feared that Toriel would not understand her troubles. Or maybe she remained silent because she just didn’t want to talk about it.
But… most importantly...
Athela now knew that Toriel was an incredibly warm, nice and kind person. Kinda like her own mother, the goat lady worried about her and wanted to keep her safe. What if Toriel, out of good will to protect her, forbid her to go out once she learnt about the flowers?
It wasn’t that bizarre. Maybe to avoid her getting hurt any more, she would lock her up.
Well, that made it seem as if Toriel was mental or something like that. She was not, she would do that for her own good until she found a solution. It made sense, it was not a bad action to take in order to protect someone. But what if Toriel can’t find the key to lifting her curse? That would mean she would be forced to stay in the Ruins forever.
And even if staying with the kind old lady did not sound so bad, it didn’t matter; she wanted to go home! What if explaining everything would be a mistake? She didn’t want to try and see…
But the flowers… that was something she could not hide, was it? After all, they were right on her face.
“Damn…” Muttering, Athela rushed into the house again. She still had time until Toriel came back, maybe she would be able to find a quick solution for her flower issues.
Before looking at herself in the mirror again, however, she took a long, deep breath. No freaking out this time, Athela. Everything was cool. Well, it wasn’t, but she could not freak out like last time.
The thought of more flowers growing in her eye sockets… filled her with fear.
She could open her eyes only after a few minutes of mental preparation. And even then, she shivered when she saw the flowers growing out of her eye sockets. Her hands were trembling as she got close to the mirror and examined the two golden buds carefully.
She touched one, and… it was like touching her face, but… her face was the flower? No, but close enough. She didn’t know how to describe that she felt as if the flower was now a part of her body. It could perceive what she touched it with, and she could feel it too.
It was alive.
That made her shudder. But the young skeleton tried to remain as calm as possible. Hiding the flowers… how could she do that?
Maybe she could just pluck them out.
But Athela remembered… she tried to tug them, and it hurt. Just in case, she tried again. Indeed, it hurt a LOT. It was a soft pull, but it felt as if she was tearing the bone apart. The flower’s roots were firmly attached to her face… ugh. Even just pressing them strongly enough was painful. What a bother.
What if she tried the opposite? To shove the flowers in? She had a bunch of other buds inside, so maybe there would be no problem.
No. No, she didn’t have the courage to shove MORE things into her skull. Her hand would just freeze and refuse to do it. She couldn’t do it. Defeated, she retreated from the mirror and took another deep breath. She leaned her back against the wall and slid down to the floor.
Poor Athela.
What to do now? There was, apparently, no way to hide them, and Toriel would surely ask. How could she avoid the question? She seriously didn’t want to answer, she just wanted to run away from her problems…
Run away…
Was that even an option?
“The exit... where is it?” Athela was starting to seriously consider that idea. She could just leave a note and leave. Would that be too mean? Well, definitely; Toriel would surely cry and worry about her. But… it was a possibility to consider. It was that, or telling Toriel that she liked to decorate her face holes with flowers... and she would not fall for that one, would she?
The young skelly couldn’t help but think… what would happen if she ran away? She didn’t know where the exit was, nor what was out there. Would it be a dangerous place, even deadlier than the ruins? Without Toriel, she would… die. Again. Oh, no… no, no, she could not go like that again. Not freaking out, rule number one. Well, number two, right after the “run away from freaky flowers” rule.
She took yet another deep breath.
Toriel would be back any minute now.
Athela stood up, frowning. She had to do something. Running away was too much, but… she wanted to know where the exit was. Just in case Toriel decided to lock her up or something like that. Then she would have to sneak out.
But where could the exit be?
Well… there was one place where she hadn’t beheld yet.
Athela looked at the other end of the corridor, to the entrance. The stairs were there… She had no good memory of them, but she would try again. She was not that stupid, she could go down some silly stairs; what happened before shall never be mentioned again. That’s what she thought, anyway. She quickly walked over to them.
After a few instants of panicky doubt, she started to walk down, never letting go of the handle... Once the handle was gone, she kept close to the wall. These were some long stairs… but she made it down.
The corridor she was in was way darker than the rest of the house; Athela felt as if she had just entered a cold, dark dungeon. The air was heavy, and she felt uneasy. It looked like a really long passageway, and it wasn’t exactly what one would call spacious.
Maybe, just maybe, Athela was feeling slightly claustrophobic.
But there was no turning back. If she wanted Toriel to not know what she was doing, she had to be quick. So she started walking down the (luckily) flat and completely nonlethal corridor. It didn’t look like there were any puzzles there.
Still, it was so quiet… she didn’t like it.
Her footsteps and her uneasy breathing were the only things that she could hear.
She walked, and walked… was that a creak? No, it wasn’t. Everything was fine.
She kept being slightly scared and paranoid until she found a large door.
Was that the exit?
The skeleton approached the door and gave it a push.
Was it locked? Or maybe it was too heavy and she was weak, exactly what had happened with that rock some days ago. It was amazing, she could still remember that.
She tried pushing harder…
The door opened making a rustling sound against the floor.
Athela sighed at her own weakness, but smiled regardless. She smiled, but not for long. Since all that she could see on the other side was… even more of the purple floor and walls. Just how long was that corridor??
Groaning, the skeleton thought her plan all over again. Was it really a good idea to keep going? She didn’t know how the outside of the Ruins looked like, maybe she was already out. But… it looked exactly the same; was the entire underground like that? No, that was not possible; she remembered Toriel telling her about how monsters went across chilling cold and searing heat to get to their new capital. There had to be more than just purple.
She would keep walking… for a little bit more. And then, if she couldn’t find anything interesting –or the exit, for all that mattered –she would go back.
However, every step the young lady took made her feel as if she was getting into trouble. Worry and fear started conquering her as the corridor got dark, darker… and yet darker.
Finally, she saw what looked like an exit. A big, round chamber with some actual grass illuminated by a big ray of sunlight. The skeleton walked to the point where the light touched the grass and looked up. It felt… nice and warm. Revitalizing, somehow. She opened her arms and smiled as the sun made her feel better and stood like that for a while, with her eyes also open despite the slightly blinding light.
She didn’t know why she did that.
Maybe it was just sheer nostalgia; she did miss the surface, her mother, the forest, the sun and the trees…
Was she still in the Ruins? It didn’t look like it… but perhaps that was the last room. There was another door at the end of the room, gigantic and heavy looking. That might be the exit, yes.
Smiling expectantly, Athela approached the exit and touched it. The gate was stone cold; she frowned at the strange cold feeling. The skeleton lady wasn’t sure she liked that sensation; it made her hand go slightly numb.
Well that definitely looked like the end. Good. Time to go back to Toriel.
Oh… maybe… maybe she could… take a sneak peek to the other side of the door. She was now dead curious about what could be on the other side. The door was cold… maybe it was a room full of ice cream… heh, joking. Of course not. She didn’t know what to expect, honestly. And that was the main reason why she wanted to open the door. She… had to.
She placed both hands on the door, nervous. Her uneasiness grew even stronger.
But she had to know.
She was so curious.
Well, you know how the say goes…
Curiosity killed the cat.
“No, no, no.” Athela almost shrieked at full volume when she heard an oh so familiar voice right behind her. She turned quickly and slammed her back on the wall, feeling panic and distress building up inside her. Flowey stood there, smiling mischievously.
“Y-you!” The helpless girl pointed at the flower with one bony finger, but his smile only went wider.
Flowey clicked his tongue and shook his head slowly. He looked… disappointed?
“Don’t run away, Athela.” Somehow, the way the flower said her name made her feel even worse. As if a giant claw was gripping her SOUL sturdily.
Was that the first time he called her by her name?
Athela couldn’t tell, she had tried to erase every memory of her encounters with Flowey. Anyway, it didn’t matter… She remained immobile, feeling the cold door on her back; her eyes could not escape Flowey’s gaze.
“That was not our deal.” He added, smiling again.
“W-we didn’t make any deal!” She yelled, her voice trembling.
“Well, I implied I wanted you to talk to Toriel.” Flowey said, still smiling. “You can’t get out yet.”
His smile grew more and more terrific as he spoke, sending chills down Athela’s spine. That’s it. That was the moment where she would die again.
Athela was trembling, but she tried to move. An inch would be fine, even. She just wanted to… move. Flowey took a moment to laugh, and then the pellets swung through the air at high speed. Directed right to the skeleton.
She could see them, they were really fast… could she even do something? The poor girl yelled yet again and, in a desperate move, she hit her head against the door behind her. That sudden pain somehow made her react and duck. She slipped and ended crashing her bony butt in the floor. What a painful, sloppy way to dodge an attack, but… hey, it worked!
She stood up immediately after that, and then took a moment to look at Flowey, completely astounded. She did it. She felt so proud!
“Wow… that was the most pathetic dodge you’ve done thus far. Golly, you’re a complete idiot!” Despite his words, Flowey was smirking. Seems like that entertained him.
“W-wait, wait, wait!!” Athela yelled again when she saw him prepare another round of pellets. Flowey arched his eyebrows, wondering what was up. Athela tried to be as honest as possible. “I… I was not trying to escape, I promise! I just… I just wanted to see… what was on the other side of the door…”
“… Yeah, of course. And I’m a tulip.” The golden flower didn’t look convinced.
“No, really! I was going to head back soon!” She insisted. Flowey lowered the pellets a tad; he seemed to be listening. Athela really appreciated that, he was going to listen, right? “I would never leave Toriel alone like that. I… I would say goodbye first! I’ll go back now and…”
Athela had to stop talking once she heard a loud bang. It startled her, and…
No. That feeling of painful emptiness…
“Nice try.” Flowey smirked again, narrowing his eyes. “But… not good enough.”
When did he even launch another attack? Athela didn’t even have time to think about it, she could only collapse to the floor and feel the unbearable pain of the wounds caused by the pellets. Flowey kept smiling.
“Hey, look at it on the bright side. Now you don’t have to go all the way back!” His mischievous voice was fading away…that empty sensation was taking over Athela’s body again, and she couldn’t help but be terrified by it. No matter how many times she felt it.
She let the tears fall as she turned slowly into dust.
Soon, she’d be enjoying her new eye flower, back at Toriel’s garden.
Athela - LV 1 Ruins – Home Nº Resets: 27
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jeremystrele · 5 years
A Day In The Life Of Andrew McConnell, Chef And Restaurateur
A Day In The Life Of Andrew McConnell, Chef And Restaurateur
A Day In The Life
by Sally Tabart
Chef and restaurateur Andrew McConnell starting his day with a coffee at Marion, his chic wine bar and eatery at the top of Gertrude street. Photo – Amelia Stanwix for The Design Files.
Andrew spends time at each of his restaurants every week, doing 3-4 dinner and lunch services as well as working on dish development. Here, he’s at Cutler & Co. Photo – Amelia Stanwix for The Design Files.
Andrew at Marion. Photo – Amelia Stanwix for The Design Files.
Chef and restaurateur Andrew McConnell has built up a portfolio of eight iconic Melbourne venues, and the man himself has become one of the most well-known faces in the Australian culinary scene.
Unsurprisingly, Andrew’s schedule has become a increasingly demanding since he first started working for himself 18 years ago. To keep track of everything that needs doing, his ‘days need to be reasonably structured and efficient’. At least half the day has some formal structure, but Andrew likes to keep half his time free to ‘cook, develop, and respond to the needs of the restaurant and staff’. Keeping part of the day free of too much scheduling allows him a little spontaneity, something he finds important ‘given the ever-changing nature of restaurants’. He also still does a lunch or dinner service three or four days a week, where he’s in the kitchen getting his hands dirty.
Stepping back to gain perspective has been an important move in Andrew’s career, and can be credited to the McConnell empire’s successful growth and evolution. ‘Around 10 years ago I realised that I had the confidence to let go a little’, he reflects. ‘I have learned to trust and believe in the people around me to run the restaurants’. Relinquishing a bit of that control to his tight-knit team has allowed Andrew to get into the creative headspace that he needs in the kitchen. ‘It allows me the time to spend in the place that I love most’.
Although he’s been able to let go of some things, Andrew still spends a remarkable amount of time at each of his venues, and remains closely involved with every aspect. It’s no wonder they’ve seen such long-term success.
We recently spent some time with him, to learn a little more about how he does it all!
I wake up at 7am, and the first thing I do is hit the coffee.
The first few tasks of the day are generally helping get the kids ready, making breakfast (in winter it’s porridge, in summer it’s raw muesli), doing the school drop off or working out. I’m a morning person now, although not by choice.
I try to do a workout 2-3 times a week, or spend at least 10-15 minutes in the garden each morning.
I usually work through lunch, or eat something on the go. I am tasting dishes all the time throughout the day so I rarely really feel like sitting down for a proper meal. I’ll eat a salad or a sandwich – something that I can eat standing and that isn’t too heavy. At the moment in this weather, it’s pho or ramen. If I am not eating and trying dishes when I’m in the restaurants, I’ll duck to Tamura Sake Bar for a bowl of noodle soup, Burnside for their epic salad sandwich or Sunny’s Bakery for a classic Banh mi.
The afternoon is filled with a lot of different tasks. They are when we do most of our menu and dish development. I have an afternoon scheduled in each restaurant throughout the week to meet with the chefs to review menus, produce, service, develop new ideas, and to look at the food evolution as a whole.
I work 3-4 evenings a week, so will finish at either 6pm or 10pm. To unwind I like to spend time working in the garden. If I’m not at the restaurants, then I really enjoy having the time to casually cook dinner with a glass of wine in hand – I find it very good therapy.
When I have any spare time I like to read. Reading to me is a treat, an escape. And with my schedule at the moment, it feels like a bit of an indulgence too.
Last thing is a cup of fresh lemon verbena or mint tea and a book. Occasionally a shot of Japanese whiskey sates me nicely.
Andrew spends a lot of his time tasting dishes, so rarely really feels like sitting down and eating lunch. Usually, it’s on the go. Photo – Amelia Stanwix for The Design Files.
Left: Andrew walking up to Cutler and Co on Gertrude Street. Right: Andrew meeting Oliver, a producer with a wonderful bounty from Ramarro Farm.  Photo – Amelia Stanwix for The Design Files.
Right now I’m listening to/watching/reading… Reading: The May Beetles by Baba Schwartz Watching: Fleabag Listening: Anything vinyl at the moment, I have just picked up a new turntable.
One important thing I do every day is… Eat together with my family.
I get my best work done when… I am in the kitchen. A few years ago I was frustrated with my schedule. I found myself sitting in meetings far too often, dreaming about cooking. Once I realised this was making me unsatisfied, I made some structural changes to my management team to free me up from a lot of the day to day running of the business. This was the best decision I made.
A philosophy I live and work by is… If something is not making me happy or the people around me, then I need to fix it quick or make a change. Life is too short.
My productivity tip/tool is… I like to take a few 10-minute breaks alone each day to reset and refocus on my work. I wish I could say I meditated regularly, but I am working on it. Setting a short window each morning and evening for email is most important otherwise I get sucked in and find myself going back to my computer all day.
Something I wish I knew before I learned the hard way is… I am generally quite happy with how things have evolved somewhat organically over the last 18 years of working for myself. Many hard lessons were learned along the way, and they have been a necessary part of my journey and what I do now.
One of the biggest things I learned early on in my career was to really lean-in on the fear of being stagnant and allow that to inform reflection and evolution. It’s also very important to not let too much white noise get in the way of what you really want to do, and just go for it.
One of Andrew’s most beloved venues, Cutler and Co is celebrating its 10th birthday this month! A great reason to visit, and check out the spectacular new(ish) interior fit-out by IF Architecture.
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cosmosogler · 7 years
hi guys. i am starting a half hour late today. got home late...
got up on time and showered fairly quickly but still left for class late. i was, i dunno, 4 minutes late to class. i was the 4th one to arrive. two other people came in after me. out of a class of ~12.
class went alright. i had to stop the professor a bunch of times to ask him about his handwriting. and the quantum professor was all over the place again. he said “this is the most important part of the lecture” and went 10 minutes over the end of class and then totally botched his proof.
so we didn’t get a break at all between classes and lab prep. we normally get 15 minutes but now we had less than 5. most of us were late. i worked with my office mate, rui, who i haven’t spoken to much this semester. we interacted once early on when she asked to touch my curly hair. 
i thought we were working fairly quickly but we were like the last ones to finish. that’s ok though it was still only like 1:30. and the pizza was fine. i didn’t get EXTREMELY ill this week.
i talked to our department’s academic assistant, pam. she looks like if the final pam was a normal person and not a horrifying eldritch monstrosity. same hair style and face shape.
after we figured out a rough plan i emailed danielle and gave her pam’s contact info and the papers she had asked for. then i emailed my graduate advisor. i’m meeting with him on monday before e&m is supposed to meet. maybe i won’t have to go to that class either.
i also finished a section of grading. after that i was exhausted and i just hung out with harrison for a little bit. his office is two feet away from mine so he just pops in if the door’s open. we found everyone else playing pong ping and smash in the lounge. i took a guess at who was playing which character and got all of them right. i explained my choices to harrison and he asked which one he would play. i said “peach.” he looked like he wanted to argue and then realized i was right and called me a pleb. it’s a thing we do. i asked him which character i’d be playing and he didn’t know. that means i win.
i played a few rounds with the broken controller but it’s so frustrating, especially on big blue where you die if you don’t immediately react when you hit the ground.
after that harrison went home and keegan and i walked over to the bar together. we cut through the union and i got yelled at for taking my bike into the elevator. keegan talked me into it somehow. we were told to leave which was pretty funny since that’s exactly what we were doing.
i told him a few stories. about like my zipline accident and that time i fell off a mountain and my arm split open when i landed in a crevice. he told me about a wakeboarding accident. i think after the “zipline” episode he said no more sad stories so we talked about how much we like the outdoors, and how he only started liking it after he turned 20. i managed to dig up a happy story about walking through the woods with eve and some friends. it wasn’t an exciting story but i like talking about eve at least.
i wonder if she’d be down for a good romp through the woods with three legs. it would require getting her all the way up to the cabin though. she doesn’t much like to eat if we stay there overnight or more than a day so i worry.
we got to the bar and i got some food and i had a great conversation with suzanne about scuba diving and the time she climbed a vertical cliff. she’s not an outdoorsy person, which is why it was really funny that her outdoorsy friend had been hoping she’d give up so they didn’t have to keep climbing and suzanne pushed herself to keep going, not knowing that her friend wanted to quit.
i talked about politics for a little bit with... aw man, i don’t remember two of their names. i’ve never been introduced, i just kind of pick it up listening to them talk to each other. it wasn’t stressful. for once. they seemed less interested in arguing ideology and more about talking about how the media shifts our picture of the world and how cut off american news is compared to other countries. and we talked about heaven and hell and what it would be like to live for eternity. no one wanted that. i brought up reincarnation as an alternative but that didn’t really seem to fix the problem either since you’d just get reset and not be able to carry over anything you’d learned last time.
then we went back into the bar area to watch the others play pool. jennica was very drunk. i talked to suzanne about the history of science and how the act of discovering has changed and how most things are discovered on accident. vlad was with us too. he was one of the guys i’d been talking to at the table outside. i like him a lot actually, he’s very chill and very, very smart. he’s a big cuban guy.
we also talked about karaoke and theater. i thiiink vlad’s had experience with theater productions but he didn’t go into detail. suzanne talked about how it’s gotten easier to do goofy stuff like that as she’s gotten older and started caring less.
then i looked at my phone and realized it was 9:20 so suzanne and i biked home. when i got home at 9:40 i spent a little while brushing snoopy and hiding cookies for her. she doesn’t seem to realize that there are cookies in places she doesn’t usually sleep because she didn’t find either of the ones by the window sill or on the back of the couch’s arm, just behind where she likes to perch.
then it was 10 but i wanted to bum around for a little bit before i started writing. now it is 10:47, which is after my “stop writing” time, but... it’s friday. i keep going to bed late though and i’d really like to get enough sleep one of these days. maybe someday...
one more section of grading. then i have three homework assignments i should really turn in on monday, a quantum assignment due wednesday that i need to finish if i want to be caught up, MORE grading that i need to do to catch up to the current week (but isn’t due to my supervisor), and all the stuff about dropping the class. i also need to find time to take my bike in to get looked at, clean my apartment a little bit, get groceries, go to alex’s birthday party, AND retake my quantum test sometime in the next week or two. 
so like. i don’t really have time to feel accomplished. because i’m still going to be busy straight through next week. and i don’t know if i have the energy to keep doing this. poor snoopy is getting lonely too.
a positive thing i guess. back to that. it was nice to remember a happy memory. even though it made me miss eve a lot. and i managed to have like two and a half hours’ worth of conversation without mentioning anything really morbid. i mentioned i have health issues but it was in relation to how my professor in e&m has been treating me over the semester. it got a few raised eyebrows.
i just felt... awake, i guess. invested? that helped me feel a little less tired. hopefully it will help me keep going tomorrow. like, being at the bar was exhausting, because it was loud and there were tons of people and it was kinda cramped by the pool tables, but talking to my friends about stuff we like instead of the homework was a nice change of pace.
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topicprinter · 8 years
Real talk: Customer service can be hard.As a business owner, you have loads of important things to do. Customers can seem like a massive distraction from your goal.However, customer service is what sets you apart. If you slack in this area, you'll lose your most important asset: Your customers.Formilla created this neat handbook as a quick reference guide to handle nearly any customer service scenario.I'll give you the sparknotes version, but the full, prettier version (with extra tips) can be seen here: http://ift.tt/2kWpuQF: How to Greet Your Customers via Live Chat“Hey, [their name]! Thanks for contacting [your company]. I’m [your name]. How can I help you?”#2: How to Tell Customers You Need Some Time to Resolve Their Issue“I apologize, but I need a few moments to solve this issue. Do you mind holding on for a few minutes while I look up the solution?”You can even ask the customer to leave their contact information with you in case they’re in a rush: “If you’re in a hurry, I’d be happy to call or email you back with an answer instead.”#3: How to Transfer a Customer to a Different Chat or Phone Call“[Their name], I’m going to transfer you to the [related department] department. [Employee’s name] can help you with this, he/she’s awesome! I’ve also gone ahead and briefed them about your situation, so you won’t have to re-explain anything. Have a great day! ”#4: How to Admit Fault & What to Do About It“I’m really sorry, [their name]. We made a mistake by [explain your mistake]. We will fix it immediately, but it may take up to [number] days/hours to fully resolve. We’ll keep you posted as quickly as possible, and will [explain preventative steps] to ensure this doesn’t happen again.”#5: What to Say When You Can’t Resolve the Issue“Well, [their name], we really appreciate you telling us about this situation. Unfortunately, we tried to [explain the situation], however, there’s nothing we can do to resolve it. To make it up to you, here’s a coupon for X% off your next order! ”#6: Following Up With a CustomerIf you didn’t solve their problem: “Hey, [their name]! [Your name] here, I just wanted to let you know we’re still working on resolving your situation. I’ll let you know as soon as it’s been fixed!” If you did solve their problem: “Hey, [their name]! We’re all squared away – your problem has been solved. Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you!”#7: Responses for Dealing with Angry Customers“I’m really sorry you’re experiencing this problem. I understand how frustrating it must be. I’ll work on finding a solution right away!”#8: Responses for Ending the Chat“Well, [their name], it’s been great chatting with you! I hope we resolved your issue thoroughly. Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you! You can always reach me directly at [your email]. Have a wonderful day. ”#9: How to Handle a Customer Requesting a Refund“I’m sorry to hear you didn’t find a use for our product/service. We truly care about our customers getting the right product fit, so we’ll process your request for a refund right away.Keep in mind, however, it can take up to [number] days to process a refund request. I promise to personally keep you updated on the status of your request so you’re never left in the dark.If your request is approved, you can expect the funds to hit your account within [number] days. If you have any other problems or requests, you can reach me at [your email]. Thanks for reaching out! ”#10: How to Handle a Customer Asking for a Discount“I understand you want the best deal possible on our product/software. We currently do not have a promotion running at this time, although perhaps I can recommend the best package for you based on your needs? Otherwise, I can let you know if we have an upcoming promotion soon if you give me your email address. How does that sound?”#11: How to Respond to a Customer Asking for a Product or Feature You Don’t Currently Have“Hi [their name], Thanks for reaching out! We currently only have a WIndows Desktop app (replace this sentence with whatever you currently have), however we have plans to introduce a desktop app for Mac in the future (if you’re planning to build this feature at some point). I’m not sure exactly when that might be just yet (no firm date b/c it’s not slotted yet), but I’d be happy to let you know once it’s launched (kindly offering to follow-up for convenience). In the meantime, we recommend logging into the web dashboard at http://ift.tt/2kWmaor to answer incoming chats, or use our mobile apps for iPhone and Android as an alternative. You can also check ‘Keep me logged in’ so you don’t have to login each day as the system will remember you for 30 days. (Offer an alternative solution to help ease the pain in the meantime.) Please let me know if you have any additional questions, and have a great day!”#12. What to Say to a Customer Asking to Cancel Their Subscription“I’m sorry to hear our product/service didn’t fit your needs, [their name]. I can certainly cancel your subscription. However, would you mind telling me why you’re canceling so we can improve for future customers?”#13. How to (Tactfully) Let a Customer Know It’s Their Mistake“Dear [their name], We really appreciate your business and we’re sorry this happened to you. While we can help you with [problem X], we can’t help with (problem Y) due to our [policy]. If you’d like help with [problem X] or if there’s anything else we can do for you, please let us know! We’re here to help.Thanks, [Your name]”#14. What to Do When a Customer Reaches You in Error (Contacted the Wrong Company)“Sorry, [their name], it sounds like you may have reached us in error. We’re a live chat software provider, although you may be better off visiting www.ugallery.com. We can’t help you find art, but we may be able to help you artfully deliver great customer service! Is that something you could find useful? ”#15. How to Respond to a Customer Asking How Your Product Differs From Other Products“Hello, [their name]! Thanks for reaching out. What makes us different from our competitors is our absolute focus on customer service, reliability, and simplicity. We also happen to be more affordable than most of the other services out there. Can I ask what it is you’re looking for in [service you offer]? Do you currently use [service you offer] on your website?”#16. How to Respond to a Customer Asking How Secure Your Website or Service is“It’s great that you’re concerned for your online security! Many people today don’t realize how important that is. Here at [your company], our website is extremely secure. We [insert what you do – i.e. encryptions, changing passwords, etc.]. Is there anything else I can help you with?”#17. How to Respond to a Customer that Forgot Their Password“Sorry to hear you forgot your password, [their name]. You can easily reset it by going to [your forgot password link]. If you have any trouble, let me know and I can manually reset it for you!”#18. How to Request Feedback from a Customer“[Their name], it’s been great chatting with you! I see you’ve been a member with us for [number] days/weeks/months/years, so I wanted to take this opportunity to ask you about your experience with [your company]. I want to ensure our customers are having the best possible experience. Would you mind taking a few minutes to give me some feedback?”#19. How to Request a Review of Your Product or Service at the Right Time“[Their name], we’re really glad we were able to solve this problem for you. If you feel we were helpful, would you mind leaving [your product or service] a 5-star review? You can leave a review by going to [link to review].If you don’t feel we deserve a 5-star review, what can we do to better serve you?”#20. What to Say When You’re Too Busy to Respond Right Away“Hello, [their name]! Unfortunately, I am away from my desk at the moment. I’ll get back to you within 24 hours. If you require a faster response, please contact [employee name] by emailing [their email] or call [your support number]. Thanks, and have a great day! ”#21. How to Point a Customer to an Existing FAQ or Tutorial Without Sounding Rude or Dismissive“We worked really hard to create a thorough FAQ/tutorial for that exact problem. You can find it at [link]. If you find it doesn’t help solve your problem, please don’t hesitate to reach me again at [your email] or by opening another chat message!”#22. How to Respond to a Customer That Speaks a Language You Don’t Understand“Sorry, I don’t speak [their language]. However, I will use Google Translate to try and solve your issue! ”#23. How to Politely Tell Someone They Are in Violation of Your Terms of Use or Policies“Hello, [their name].I’m reaching out to you because it seems you’ve violated our terms of use. It’s entirely possible it was done by mistake without you even realizing. According to Section [section number], you [did whatever they did to violate your ToU]. As I realize this may have been an accident, I wanted to give you the opportunity to [do something to rectify the situation]. Please comply as soon as possible so there are no interruptions to your service. Thank you for your understanding and prompt reply, [Your name]”#24. How to Tell a Customer Their Account is Overdue or Expired“Hello, [their name], I hope you’re having a good day so far! I’m just writing to let you know that your account has recently become overdue. If you plan to continue your service, please submit a new payment by [date], otherwise your account will deactivate soon (assuming that’s true – this is to instill urgency). If you need to choose a new plan or cancel your account, you may do so at any time by visiting your account page at [link]. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, [Your name]”#25. How to Respond to a Service Interruption Question“Hello, [their name].We’re currently having a server issue which has knocked out our service for the time being. We’re aware of the problem and are working hard to solve it. We’ll be posting status updates every [number] minutes on this page: [link]. You can also follow us on Twitter at [link] for real time updates.Thank you for your patience as we work through this issue!”
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mr-logiemars · 8 years
Honestly I’m just bored as fuck and want to write but idk what about, so I’m gonna answer questions. Below the break ~
1: Is there a boy/girl in your life? Kinda? There’s a guy in my program I kind of like, but I highly doubt anything will come from it.  2: Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them? Not completely, but for the most part yes. 3: What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?” KITTY  4: What’s something you really want right now? To be able to sleep 5: Are you afraid of falling in love? At first, yes, but once I know someone and trust them then it just kind of happens without me even realising.  6: Do you like the beach? Ugh, yes. I don’t get to go very often, but it’s so nice there. I wish I could live there. 7: Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? Yeah 8: What’s the background on your cell? It’s a galaxy backdrop with a screen shot of a tweet (by raytoro) saying “Some days you wake up, and every ounce of self doubt, self loathing, and fear you’ve been feeling for months clears away. Today is that day.” 9: Name the last four beds you were sat on? Uhh, mine at rez, mine in guelph, my sister’s, and my parents’.  10: Do you like your phone? Honestly, yes. It’s starting to crap out just because I’ve had it for two years, but it’s still pretty good regardless. I’ll most likely be sticking with apple when I upgrade. 11: Honestly, are things going the way you planned? Aside from me randomly deciding to go to college, yes. I’m working on music, building my setlist possibilities, and getting some incredible feedback from amazing directors. Music is everything in my life and that’s exactly what I’ve been working towards for the past 5 years. 12: Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts? Someone that I don’t talk to anymore. 13: Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler? Rottweiler  14: Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? Emotional. Physical (for the most part) will heal, but emotional could go on forever. 15: Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? This is so mean. Why can’t I say both? I guess I’ll go with art museum ‘cause zoos just make me want to cuddle the animals, and I’d rather not support something that could possibly be harming animals behind the scenes. 16: Are you tired? Yes. In all meanings of the word. 17: How long have you known your 1st phone contact? I think we met for the first time like... 3 years ago? Maybe? But we really only started actually talking and stuff about a year and a half ago. 18: Are they a relative? Nah, just a friend 19: Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes? Definitely not. 20: When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with? Halloween ish 21: If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? If I actually had some sort of confirmation that they were the right person then yes. I’d want to spend every possible day with them in my life. 22: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Probably not 23: How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? Zilch 24: Is there a certain quote you live by? ”There is no truth in the lie that you don’t matter.” 25: What’s on your mind? The guy I like, the performance I’m doing tomorrow, the assignments I have due this week, this bitch from school I really don’t like and have to collab with, thinking about sleeping 26: Do you have any tattoos? I’ve got 4 rn 27: What is your favorite color? Purple 28: Next time you will kiss someone on the lips? Idk 29: Who are you texting? No one right now 30: Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch? Yeah 31: Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right? Literally every time I think something bad is gonna happen, something bad happens???? 32: Do you have a friend that’s a different gender that you can talk to? Yep, two of my best friends are. 33: Do you think anyone has feelings for you? Doubtful 34: Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? Several people have 35: Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you? I don’t care 36: Were you single on Valentines Day? Yep, and probably will be again this year 37: Are you friends with the last person you kissed? No 38: What do your friends call you? Lil Gucci 39: Has anyone upset you in the last week? Yes. 40: Have you ever cried over a text? Is that not normal? 41: Where’s your last bruise located? On my hip 42: What is it from? No clue 43: Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad? This weekend with family 44: Who was the last person you were on the phone with? My sister 45: Do you have a favourite pair of shoes? Yeah, but they vary depending on my outfit/style that day. 46: Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day? What else are hats for? 47: Would you ever go bald if it was the style? No. I would seriously die 48: Do you make supper for your family? I make food for myself and that’s it 49: Does your bedroom have a door? Yup 50: Top 3 web-pages? Tumblr, Facebook, Ultimate Guitar/Ukulele Chords 51: Do you know anyone who hates shopping? My sister lol 52: Does anything on your body hurt? Right now? No. Which is surprising. 53: Are goodbyes hard for you? Very 54: What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself? Oh, god. I have no idea. And now I’m totally gonna spill something on myself (: 55: How is your hair? I LOVE IT. It’s exactly what I’ve wanted for months and I’m so happy with it rn 56: What do you usually do first in the morning? Hit snooze on my phone at least 3 times, then make myself get out of bed by drinking a lot of water. 57: Do you think two people can last forever? It’s rare, but yes. I know some people who are meant to last. 58: Think back to January 2007, were you single? Pretty sure, yes 59: Green or purple grapes? Green 60: When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug? Idk 61: Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? Tbh I’m pretty content with where I am rn 62: When will be the next time you text someone? probably after I finish answering these questions lol 63: Where will you be 5 hours from now? Sleeping B) 64: What were you doing at 8 this morning. Sleeping B) 65: This time last year, can you remember who you liked? I think I still liked my ex because they had just broken up with me, like, 3 weeks before now last year. 66: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? I’d say that’s Veronika 67: Did you kiss or hug anyone today? I hugged my girly Ana 68: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? Actually I got out of bed last night because I couldn’t get an image out of my head for a rune I wanted to draw meaning “I return the respect I expect.” 69: Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? LOL you mean every day of my life? 70: How many windows are open on your computer? 2 71: How many fingers do you have? 10 72: What is your ringtone? Just some tone that came on my phone, it makes me think of x-files 73: How old will you be in 5 months? 19 and a half lol 74: Where is your Mum right now? Asleep probably 75: Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love? Because they left me when things started getting serious, claiming they couldn’t be in a relationship right now, then started seeing some chick not even a week later.  76: Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? Yes 77: Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago? Like.. one of them? 78: Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7? Yup. Her name is Faith and she was my first girl-crush, but I totally freaked out and didn’t know what to do and ended up just throwing away all feelings lol 79: Is there anyone you know with the name Mike? Well, my mac is named Mike, but human-wise? I don’t think so. 80: Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms? Yeah, it’s kinda the best. 81: How many people have you liked in the past three months? 2 82: Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days? Nope 83: Will you talk to the person you like tonight? Like, 99.999982% sure that’ll be a no 84: You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? Damian and Lisa probably lol 85: If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care? Only if they wouldn’t share lol 86: What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie? The seats fucking moved and I had a panic attack because it made me feel like I was on a roller coaster and I had turned it off but it reset somehow??? So my seat was moving in time with the movie and I did not like that at all nope nope nope 87: Who was your last received call from? It was a group call thing on facebook from some people I’m collaborating with this week. 88: If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you? Butterflies are a huge symbol thing for me, so no. I’d never be able to do that. 89: What is something you wish you had more of? money 90: Have you ever trusted someone too much? Yes 91: Do you sleep with your window open? I do if there’s no air flow in my room. 92: Do you get along with girls? I get along with pretty much everyone unless they’re annoying. 93: Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? Kinda, yeah. 94: Does sex mean love? No.  95: You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? Yes. Big problem. Like get me the fuck out of there, kind of problem. 96: Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring? Lol yes 97: Did you sleep alone this week? Yup 98: Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you? Yes. I have a couple somebodies lol 99: Do you believe in love at first sight? I think it’s possible. Usually there’s something that catches your attention right away and makes you drawn to them to find out more. 100: Who was the last person that you pinky promise? My sister. Like two weeks ago, but I can’t remember what it was lol
I’m like super duper positive that no one’s gonna read this, but I was bored and needed something to help me become tired.
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richardshaver1955 · 8 years
10 Quick & Healthy Snacks that are 28 Day Reset Approved!
  Thanks to LÄRABAR for partnering with me on this post!
Hey guys!
So I’ve been reading your comments and messages regarding the 28 Day Reset Challenge and I am BLOWN AWAY by your results so far…and we’re not even done yet! I could not be happier!! You are beginning to understand how to be in full control of your health!
Last year around this time is when I first released PIIT28 1.0 and The 28 Day Reset. I finally was able to create a program that truly worked for me – an exercise routine that didn’t ask me to be in the gym for hours at a time and a way of eating that didn’t make me feel like I was in a food jail.
It’s really amazing to find balance – especially with food because I feel sooooo at peace and in control! The 28 Day Reset asks you to free yourself from dairy, gluten, alcohol, processed foods, and added sugar for 28 days to pinpoint your food intolerances. At first it was hard, but after I was done, I wanted to go truly stick to my new eating habits. I didn’t even crave YOLO meals. Right now, I feel so clean, so energetic, my skin is better, and I don’t get bloated. AND, I don’t feel deprived, ever.
To help you understand…I want to make the distinction between deprived with a lean body and nourished with a strong body:
  I’ve gained some healthy weight since my bikini comp in 2012, but more importantly, I’ve gained back my life. I don’t count calories and I’m not stuck in the gym all day! I’m happy. I’m balanced. I can honestly say that I really love the way I look now because it matches with the way I feel! This is a big deal for me. It took me years, but I now truly understand that being thin does not equal happiness. Having strength, being in balance, and feeling at peace is true happiness.
For those of you going through the Reset right now, I’m super proud of you! Keep going!! And for those of you who were on the fence about trying it, commit yourself to it. The Reset is only 28 days and it will seriously change your life!
Today I am going to share with you 10 of my favorite 28 Day Reset approved snack ideas:
#1. LÄRABAR Bars
For those of you who are super busy and want to just pick up and snack and go, this is it. LÄRABAR bars are 28 Day Reset approved. They are made from a few whole and simple ingredients. Just fruits, nuts, and spices.
They’re gluten free, dairy free, vegan, and made from REAL FOOD. They don’t taste fake or chemical. They are real. Stick to the ones without chocolate chips though.
My fave is Peanut Butter Cookie. It’s made from dates, peanuts, and sea salt. That is literally it!
And right now LÄRABAR bars are 25% off on Amazon through February 14 – so I suggest you go get yourself some right now. The Amazon store has so many yummy varieties to choose from! Click here to see em all!
The discount applies to the lowest priced item so grab a caddy!
I looooove eating astronaut strawberries when I feel like I need a good crunch. They are literally dehydrated strawberries, so it’s only 1 ingredient, and they taste like tangy chips! A whole bag is under 140 calories! Just make sure you have water around because they are really dry and will make your teeth kind of red! If you don’t like strawberries try astronaut bananas or astronaut apples!
This one is classic. You can have 1-2 tablespoons of peanut butter with your apple. You could also try almond, cashew, peanut or sunflower butter if you’re feeling like you want to try something new! You can pre-portion your nut butter for the whole week into mini plastic condiment cups, slice up your apples and slip them into Ziplock baggies. Make sure to squeeze lemon on your apples to keep them from browning. It’ll take you less than five minutes to make this snack for the whole week! Another bonus is that raw fruit take a long time to eat, so by the time you’re finished, your body will signal it’s satisfied.
Another classic. But choose your hummus wisely. Make sure you don’t have any weird ingredients in there. Again, everything must be whole. This Eggplant Hummus I found at the grocery store was so flavorful and totally Reset approved! You get your fiber, carbs, protein and fat all in one snack. You can also pre-portion this one just like you did for the apples and PB for quick grab and go snack.
Edamame is a ready-to-go snack. It’s a complete protein, and also contains some healthy fat and carbs. I don’t recommend lots of soy, but a little organic edamame from time to time can really make your life easier! Sprinkle a little salt on top and it’s perfect!
Shakes are the best post-workout snack because the nutrients get into your system quickly, helping with muscle repair. You can add protein powder or not, it’s really up to you. Just make sure it’s NON DAIRY. So now whey, no casein. If you’ve worked out, you really do need to get in some protein and carbs within the magic window (within about 30-45 minutes of your workout). Try 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1 TBS of nut butter, 1 bananas, a handful of spinach and 1 tbsp chia seeds. Blend it up with ice and you’ve got a portable, drinkable meal that’s balanced and filled with antioxidants.
Fruit is LIFE! You can easily make a fruit salad that’ll last all week. Throw in your fave berries, grapes, kiwis, mangoes – literally any fresh fruit you like and pack it in some Tupperware. Fruit will help with your sweet cravings.
Super filling and delish. Try 1/3 cup plain oatmeal, 1 tsp chia seeds, 2 TBS chopped walnuts, and 2-3 chopped dates. Top with cinnamon and this is literally perfection.
This is an excellent combo. Almonds, cashews, freeze dried strawberries and coconut chips (no added sugar). Don’t buy the trail mix at the store because they can be filled with sugar and weird preservatives that you don’t even know about. Dried cranberries may seem compliant but many are filled with added sugar! A serving is about a generously small handful!
Power popcorn is my fave. All you have to do is pop some unbuttered popcorn, spray with coconut oil, mix in a blend of stevia and cinnamon so that the popcorn gets coated, and then throw in some astronaut bananas for fun! SO GOOD, filling, and light!
As you can see, the options for eating 28 Day Reset are ENDLESS! Plus they get you to start thinking and eating really creatively! You will not go hungry and you will not feel deprived if you’re fueling yourself with health fats, carbs, and protein. You really don’t even need to be counting calories because you won’t be filling yourself up with empty calories. Everything you’re eating will be nutritiously dense so you’ll get full and you’ll stay full.
I want to give a very special shoutout to LÄRABAR for making Reset approved bars! That is something I definitely cannot say about most bars on the market.
So thank you LÄRABAR for supporting the 28 Day Reset and for partnering with me to help our POPsters stay healthy and on track!
Comment below and let me know how you’re doing on the Reset! Don’t forget to post your before and after pic and use the hashtag #28dayreset! I want to see your progress! I’m so proud of you guys!!!
from Blogilates http://ift.tt/2jTr7xS
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