#and I don't like the redesign all that much and I'm also getting tired of characters with his character model (short boy one)
cryptidcalling · 2 years
As of tonight I’m officially the proud owner of, in order of pulls, Layla, Heizou, DILUC, Dori, and TARTAGLIAAAAA
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lune-redd · 5 months
Hello, it's Lelly.
As you may know, I have recently deactivated my Twitter account. A lot of people are speculating I left because I was being harassed for drawing my older depiction of Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls as chubby. However... that's not the direct reason I left. In fact, I didn't really see much of the comments of folks on there getting riled up about it as I muted the tweet the morning I saw that it blew up. I was only merely aware of it all by being told about it from friends, with there being some other users on the site making other really fuckin' stupid comments about my art.
This does however lead into why I actually left Twitter, and it's because of Twitter's overall toxic nature. Overtime, I've really gotten sick of how absolutely revolting Twitter has become to experience. The site is basically built around dunk culture and doom scrolling. You know that one tweet of someone making an example of Twitter's utter stupidity by using pancakes and waffles as an example?
I bring this up because I think this fits my point about how Twitter has this thing of assuming the absolute worst about the most insignificant things, even the most innocuous. The "Bubbles obesity" comments weren't the only stupid comments that came out of that post. I also got a quote retweet that I was "forcefully feminizing Buttercup", even though the whole fucking point of that drawing was to depict a usually tough character in an unusual situation for her. I have also gotten stupid comments on other drawings though, like the one where Mitch pushes Buttercup down for trying to look taller than she is and I got called a misogynist for it, though I'm pretty sure that one was bait (Twitter users have a tough time figuring out what is and isn't bait, it's dunk culture that I'm about to talk about really doesn't help this).
The site's dunk culture is also really fuckin' bad. Quote retweets are a disease, as unlike Tumblr's reblog comments, quote retweets count as a different post. Someone disagrees with you? Show your audience how stupid they are on your page! Hey, are you trying not to see the most abhorrent racist statement imaginable? Well TOO BAD FUCK YOU here's a le epic own giving them all the attention in the world even though one of the most common internet rules are DON'T FEED THE FUCKIN' TROLLS YOU IDIOT. Oh hey, are you trying to explain how you prefer a certain artistic choice over another in something you like? Well you're a deranged ungrateful whiny nitpicker, get owned!
I've seen so many of my friends be belittled for simply discussing their artistic preferences of things they're passionate about. I had a friend who said he prefers the original Crash Bandicoot design over his redesigned look in Crash 4, and had legitimate reasons for why he felt that way (even if he didn't really explain them clearly), and he got dunked for it which made me mad. I'm sick and tired of it all. The reaction to my art is only a mere example of the shit I despise about that site.
I had been planning on leaving Twitter for quite some time, as my follower count was growing nearer and nearer to 10K. I had planned on leaving after 10K followers because that amount was wayyyy too fuckin big for me to handle. I'm a young and growing lad, and I felt it wouldn't be good for my mental sanity to handle all that, so I dipped. The amount of attention I've been getting is simultaneously both wonderful and extremely overwhelming. Even the explosion of new followers and asks on here is quite the load! (Seriously, calm the fuck down y'all) I am very grateful for all the supportive asks I've gotten even though I won't be able to answer them all, thank you all so very much.
tl;dr I didn't leave Twitter because I was being harassed or anything, but rather because of the site's overall toxic and belittling environment.
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0nyxvesper · 3 months
Okay. I've stayed inactive for too long so here are my personal (keyword : personal) thoughts on different obey me characters starting with the brothers (in this order) ->
Lucifer and Mammon || Leviathan and Satan || Asmodeus, Beelzebub and Belphegor
• My second favorite
I really like his design and personality (Except for the red themed part of his design I feel like it doesn't make sense but I've talked about it in my Lucifer redesign post so go check it out <3 )
I often find his reactions and his way of thinking interesting but what I like the most about him is that tired pathetic overworked single father energy he has going on.
What I do dislike about him is that the game pushes the ''sadistic'' side of his character way to much in his relationship with his brothers. Like. What? Why??!
I understand that his sadistic side can be attractive if aimed towards the player, but his brothers??
We know for a fact that he's overprotective of his brothers and that he may act very strict but loves them unconditionally. So : why the fuck does the game highlight the ''sadistic heartless older brother that bullies his siblings thought weird punishments for any mistake that they make'' trope, like it's the direct opposite of Lucifer's intention...
Plus tying his brothers up feels extremely wrong and is weirdly suggestive?
So yeah. But other than that I just want to make him a coffee and give his a soft kiss on his forehead :)
Petnames I give him : Star, Stardust, Lu/Luce/Luci, Avatar of gays (dw)
• I have mixed feelings about him
First of all, I LOVE his design. Dark skin + white hair as always been an amazing combination, he does not disappoint.
What I have mixed feelings about is his tsundere side. On one hand, it's pretty fucking adorable. Blushing pathetic men are amazing. Though once again, the game pushes that side of him far to much in my opinion like okay it's cute I agree but that's not the only interesting part of his personality pls give us other sides of him like yeah cool you ''don't even care if I get hurt or anything'' but I'm just here trying to stop your brothers from killing each other can you help please? Also the fact that his brothers always insult him is just there to be there cuz we know it hurts is feeling but we can't do anything about it other than insult him too or try to confort him like pls let me slap his siblings when they do that or give us a way to make it stop it's pissing me off.
They also don't make him show any remorse about his greed which feels very odd to me, like at the very least make him realize his mistakes or at least acknowledge the problems he caused. The idea that he can't stop himself from making the same mistakes over and over again because of his sin is good but make him a bit more self aware of it like he's not THAT dumb and I feel lile he does care. (especially when his mistakes ends up bothering and/or pissing off his brothers).
In conclusion, We know he has the biggest crush on us but don't make it his whole personality please, there's other very interesting parts of him that I didn't find explored anywhere and it's pretty disappointing.
Petnames : Mamms and Treasure
That's it for today, I'll post the next one as soon as my brain and motivation lets me!
Much love!
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wyfy-meltdown · 4 months
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I did it again!!! Meet my second PMMM OC: Shinoha Murofushi!
More info below the cut *⁠.⁠✧
Basic Info:
Name: Shinoha Murofushi
Age: 16
Height: 5'6
Wish: "'My ultimate dream could come true'... If that's really the case then, I want to get revenge on those bastards!"
Weapon: Dual Swords
Power: The ability to release attacks used against her back at an enemy*
Soul Gem: Bellflower (*also somewhat looks like a skull) located below the chest, with scales on the bottom of the soul gem
Witch: Nemesis
*She can only absorb attacks that have hit her, and will take damage from anything that hits her. She can store damage for as long as she wants, but when she releases it, every attack she's stores gets released at once. However the attack affected her is how it will affect the target she releases on: Ex. Someone punches her causing a bloody nose, Shinoha releases her damage, and the puncher gains a bloody nose and the pain that caused the bloody nose. Ex2. Someone breaks her arm with a baseball bat, Shinoha releases her damage, and the batter gains a broken arm and the pain of a baseball bat to the arm.
She's incredibly standoffish and tries her best to be alone at all times. She rarely leaves her room, and hates going to school. She's quick to judge and mistrust others, and it's incredibly hard for her to lower her guard. She's learned to cut her own hair (due to avoiding leaving the house) and while she has exceptional talent doing so, she has no interest in being a hairdresser. She rarely sleeps, and is always tired. She maintains a perfect poker face, but struggles with violent thoughts and self-loathing: becoming a magical girl has given her an outlet for her struggles, although she gets very brutal in fights. Her favorite food is seafood, and she can't stand the taste of sweet things. Despite her dark thoughts, she's very meek, and seldom voices her opinions and feelings. If she's got a problem with someone, they likely don't know until it's too late. Her downbeat nature means she doesn't have many hobbies; she spends most of her time on her phone, and is a closet idol fanatic.
Design Breakdown:
This design was a challenge and a pain. I struggled A LOT to incorporate her "revenge" wish and find a good theming for it, but all I could really work with was "greek goddess Nemesis" (justice/law/punishment theme). I managed to fit in some wing-like shapes (skirt, swords) but I don't know if it's obvious enough(?) Her hair-circle is meant to look like a halo (angel of punishment theme) but I'm not sure if it just looks like a random circle or an actual halo. I included bellflower motifs because... I have no real reason; nice concept, but I can't draw bellflowers well. Her colour palette was the most difficult part (theming second) because no colours fit her??? I don't know how to describe it, but no colours worked right with her personality (not even black or white). I settled on green with grey hair, but it'll probably change if I ever draw her again. I fear her design is a little to "fantasy" not enough "magical girl" (but that might just be my "ruffles/pink" brainrot). I tried really hard to give her a should cloak, then a caplet, and finally I gave up and just went with the sleeves.
Overall: she was a struggle, and I don't think I got across my theming and motifs well. I might try to redesign her in the future, but for now I'm content with this: I think it's good for my current skill level and her current concept.
She didn't believe in magical girls at all, but after much pestering convincing from Komoe, she unseriously made a wish before becoming a magical girl
Her damage absorbing ability causes her to intentionally endanger herself in fights against witches (possible concept)
Originally her plan was to kill her bullies, but she instead opted to use her power to curse them
She would've liked to be the brooding loner type of magical girl, but Komoe had other plans
She has a mini fridge in her room and it's her favorite thing in the world
It's always dark in her room, so she can see well in the dark (potential plot point later[?])
She's a big fan of spy, action, and mystery movies; and has some form of online review blog
She has a mannequin in her room she vents her frustrations and feelings to (she strongly dislikes showing emotions in public and/or around others)
As much as she's tried to fight it, Komoe often comes to her house with groceries, grief seeds, gifts, and other things to give to Shinoha
Although she was initially very unhappy about becoming a magical girl (she kinda became a magical girl on accident), she's slowly learning to embrace her magical girl persona (and becoming more deranged in the process!)
She named her magical girl swords after her two favorite idols, and has begun a personal sword collection (a goal Komoe helped her set was to eventually forge a sword herself)
She once drank a small bottle of vanilla extract without batting an eye (it was dark, she was tired and didn't feel like reading)
She punts around Inkyuu like a ball
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lara-prism-light · 1 year
Redesign(and rewrite) of Alya and Rena Rouge for my Miraculous rewrite.
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The original design was too generic for me and didn't look like a girl who has a blog. I know a Ladybug themed t-shirt that she would start wearing after the heroes' popularity kicked in, She wears a plaid jacket, jeans and boots. I chose this style because I thought it suited her a lot, and yes, I made her hair curlier, and a thousand apologies if it turned out bad, I'm still trying to learn how to draw curly hair TwT
As you can see I also moved the mole a little above her eyebrow, the original position would be covered with her hair. And yes, I decided to dye her hair orange at the ends, I don't know, I thought it would look cool, let me know what you think.
Alya is still Marinette's classmate, and in the beginning she has a very empty blog with very few followers (who would be her closest friends) but before the Ladyblog she would talk about heroes about heroes from other countries, since at the moment Paris would not have heroes yet. She takes a liking to Marinette after helping and defending her from Chloe and showing off the rest of the school (in this rewrite Marinette is a new student at the school as well as Adrian).
She and Nino are very close and she likes superheroes a lot and wants to be a journalist when she grows up. As soon as Ladybug and Chat Noir arrive, she begins to document everything about them, to the point of becoming an obsession of hers that ends up consuming part of her life. Her family and friends, especially Marinette would try to bring her back to reality but she would be trapped in her obsession of discovering who her beloved heroes were.
That was the perfect motivation for Hawkmoth to send an akuma to her, turning her into lady wi-fi, which would go after the heroes looking for their dear answers. She would be defeated and Ladybug would explain how important their identities were, which Alya, after learning that her best friend Marinette was very dejected by her selfish actions, realizes how wrong she was, almost giving up on her dream but being motivated by ladybug to keep dreaming, and that one day she would be an amazing journalist.
Even more inspired by Ladybug, and even more affected by her amortization, Alya begins to change her investigation focus, she no longer wanted to know the identity of the heroes, but that of the villain. She would start balancing her normal life with her little investigations into where the villains came from and who was behind them, and seeing her family, friends and boyfriend being akumatized, She grew to hate Hawkmoth, and wanting to bring justice to those he hurt and manipulated. This attracted the attention of the curious and treacherous Trixx, who felt curious about the number of times he saw her close to danger looking for clues, but he could also feel a desire for justice coming from Her. And then one night, during an akuma attack, she got tired of being useless and tried to help, even though she knew it would be dangerous, but was told to stay out by Ladybug and Chat Noir. Trixx appeared to her and gave her the Miraculous of Illusion, so that she could help her idols and protect her beloved city as Rena Rouge!
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I didn't change much in the design, out of all the designs on the show this is one of my favorites but I still added road details. She now has an orange jacket, her knees have white diamonds, and her wrists and heels have fur. The ears are now like a bow for her ponytail, and the cream colored part of the ear contains a dark tone in the middle. Other than that, everything else is the same, just with some additions of different shades of orange.
Trixx gets a tuft of hair too, I thought it would look cute :3
Her flute still has the power to create illusions, mirage is still her main and strongest power, but now she needs to focus on the illusion to keep it as realistic as possible. Her illusions are now much more realistic, when using her illusions she can almost warp reality enough to make her illusions semi-physical(like the phantom ruby ​​from Sonic forces) The more intense the illusion the more she needs to maintain focus.
She can also use camouflage, it's practically the ability to become invisible, but for that she would need to hold her breath. I based it on the fact that foxes are known to be sneaky, and with that Rena would be able to sneak past enemies without being noticed.
Like ladybug and Chat Noir, it also contains a special effect, this effect would be the hallucination effect, With that effect she would play a melody on her flute that would cause a mental confusion in the akumatized that would make them hallucinate for a few minutes until the music stopped. It's more of a distraction but depending on the akumatized it could very well be dangerous. More additions to powers can be added, like a Ktsune-based power or something like that. Tell me what other powers she could have.
As a character, Rena Rouge would be the type to play pranks on other heroes in her spare time such as on patrols and important meetings. She would be close to Ladybug and Chat Noir and would follow any of their orders, but at the same time respect their privacy when she could. She would always go out at night to investigate Hawkmoth alone, but would start to be accompanied by Chat Noir who would also go out at night to patrol alone.
She was always going to interrogate the akumatized about their conversations with Hawkmoth but didn't get much out of them. That is, until a whole group of villains appeared who seemed to be much stronger and had a greater connection to Hawkmoth, filling her with even more questions and leaving her exhausted from investigating.to the point that she couldn't even post anything on the blog, seeing it as something not very important anymore.
Much more is yet to be rewritten about Alya and Rena Rouge, stay tuned!
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rubberduckyrye · 5 months
The AUs of the Twins
Ghost AU Ouma Twins Reference Sheet
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So in actuality this isn't an official AU I'm working on by any means....... but I drew the BETA designs for Kokichi and Kurochi in Twins AU, back when it was just a couple of out of order fics posted on Ao3? Sort of as a patient Zero on the designs. Except I wanna show the art off so I was like "I need to bullshit an AU--oh! Dead Rochi AU, perfect!"
Anyway this AU isn't real and cannot hurt me. It's not real and cannot hurt me... The twins must always be together...
Canon Kokichi's cape is the most boring of all, sadly...
Still, in an AU where Kurochi died when he was 12, Kokichi would look like his canon self and Rochi as a ghost would probably mirror him. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
Phantom Thieves AU Ouma Twins Reference Sheet
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No u do NOT get to see Kokichi without his cape and mask, because I'm lazy. I've also gotten too lazy to separate the twins out into their own files so please forgive me I am Tired.
The back of Kokichi's outfit looks exactly like Rochi's so there's no need to really show it off here, right? I--FUCK. ROCHI'S LEG DOESN'T HAVE THE BLACK STRAPS ON THE BACK POSE. Ah well they're supposed to be there but I cannot be fucked.
Also remember how I was like "What if D.I.C.E. had a masquerade theme instead of a clown theme? This is the result of that. Kind of. It's actually the result of me putting the canon Twins AU cape on this old Twins AU redesign and putting on the P5AU persona mask for Kokichi on too, making a very interesting design! The hat was tackled on at the end to make it look real PT like.
Not really an official AU or anything, just for funsies and I didn't want to let these designs go to waste so I repurposed them.
Persona 5 Awakened Ouma Twins Reference Sheet
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Okay so these designs have some themes I wanna talk about!
Kokichi's theme of rebellion is "Prince meets Robin hood, decides that eating the rich is a good idea, becomes new Robin Hood." Which is a bit of a mouthful but it fully explains Kokichi's design for the P5AU. He's from a wealthy family that he hates, and he wants to punish the rich bastards who hurt people by giving them a Change of Heart. Kokichi's cloak is themed after the phases of the moon and a bird chasing after the guiding star.
Kurochi's theme of rebellion is about reclaiming the childhood he never had. He's supposed to look like an extremely goofy, cartoon spy with his mask literally being those gag spy glasses and having a prop newspaper that probably has eye holes in it. He's even got a utility belt and everything. People often forget what his mask looks like when they haven't seen it in a while and they get shocked and laugh each time.
This AU is the only AU currently where the Twins don't actually match one another--and it's because it's their inner selves making the outfits that are fitting for their rebellion.
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He looks so much more like a phantom thief here LMAO.
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simularity-sims · 7 months
Simularity Website Upgrade & MORE
I finally finished upgrading my website for 2024! All download posts have been redesigned to make them easier to navigate and understand. I made several changes to the website as a whole, I honestly lost track of what all I did! I kept the colors the same though as I liked them too much to change. Visit the new Simularity today!
In addition to the site upgrade, I updated over 20 mods and cc. Please check out my Mod Updates page and Content Updates page for the full list with links. Too many to type out here and I'm tired. LOL
Oh, I took down all of my available Lots. I plan to refresh all of the builds then upload new versions as soon as I'm finished. I also plan to refresh all of the site's articles and tutorials with updated info and better screenshots. I'll do that soon.
I also, finally, fixed the Contact page which I didn't honestly know was broken. I should be able to once again receive your messages through that form. I apologize for the troubles.
In addition to all of that, I created a new Facebook page (I lost access to the old one) and I joined Threads.
I think that's everything. I drank nearly half a gallon of sweet tea (it's been so long since I had it, I went a little overboard) and was on a major sugar high earlier. That's how I finished the site so quickly. LOL Now I'm crashing.
That's all folks! Take care out there and happy Simming!
@luthsthings @scarlets-realm I want to apologize to you two for making so many updates at once. I hope you don't get as overwhelmed as I have been!
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Assuming the "mass hypnosis" theory doesn't play out, I have my own theory on how the Vees will try to take over Hell, or at least Pentagram City. Angelic steel made weapons have been presented as the strongest and most powerful weapons in the Hellaverse, and we know that Vox runs a company that's always making technological breakthroughs. Maybe Vox will salvage what little bit of the steel he can find and build an army of angelic drones/warbots. He can either use these machines to wage war on the other Overlords or sell them to gangs and crime lords throughout the city to cause chaos for the Overlords in his stead that he can use to further the common demon's dependence on the Vees resources. Plus, I just KNOW that he'd make an angelic superweapon specifically to kill Alastor (maybe his own holy mech suit with a battle axe like the one Adam used just to rub salt in the wound).
It's a little bit of an over-the-top theory, but I think the possibility is there.
Also, if you get tired of me sending you my theories and questions nonstop, just tell me you're tired of me and I'll give you breathing room.
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I'm not tired of them at all. Quite the contrary. I'm more merely bewildered to be approached by them is all. But I in fact, quite enjoy the topics of discussions. It also brought somethings to my attention I haven't stop to considered before. I enjoy your thoughts and theories as well.
For those reading and unaware this is a follow up question from :
I think Vox creating a mecha would be hilarious. I don't think it will happen, but I can also see when everything else fails, Vox will use it as a trump card and it be so over the top that it just comical. For whatever reason, it gets destroyed quickly. Funnier if the Vees were "blasted off agaiiiiin" like team rocket.
But your idea of combining Angelitic steel to Vox machines is not far fetched at all and not something I thought of. In fact, it was already hinted at in the show.
Vox at the time was pretty much making shit up in front of paparazzi but I think he general pulls all nighters to solve the design/program on whatever product he promise and make them actually happen. He promised Angelic security to his consumers. He already figured out that he needed the angelic steel for it because he quickly demanded to his assist to cancel all meetings of the day but get Carmine on the books.
So, I assume he did actually have that meeting and bought a bulk of steel from her already. He has the material already since after episode 2....which is roughly 6 months Vox got to experiment with before extermination day.
Now, he was making defense system, but as the saying go, a best defence is a good offence. He can easily tweak his products and redesign them to be more oppressive offensive task force he can control. Or even more sinister, have his consumer buy the defense system but have them turn around against them once they solde enough.
Carmilla probably be beyond piss that her steel supply is used for to oppress and also against her as well. She may be a overlord but she vibing she actually cares the state of Hell and the city. The balance and order of things. She's a true uncorrupted politician.
Even if Voxtech Angelic warmachines doesnt come into fruition, I have no doubt that Vox does not carry an angelic blade or gun with the angelic bullets as a precaution. Especially after witnessing Alastor defeat and that alone would put ideas in his head about being able be to similarly wound Alasor himself.
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featherdusterbelphie · 4 months
WHB Belphie discussion! (Again)
I'm gonna be going back and rewriting some of my theories.
So first off, according to this post, Belphie seems... More lenient than he seems. Which means he's definitely not that strict and/or maybe doesn't care as much about what his people do or where they go? (Or maybe that's just because those three are high-ranking devils so of course they have more freedom)
Which makes me retract on my earlier statement from my previous post:
for some reason, I have a feeling that he's very mean? Or like, he's one of those who will bully MC LOL
(though I can't tell if it's bully because he likes mc, or bully because that's just how he is)
Or at least, he isn't the type to just punish his people because he got irritated (unlike Levi) so it makes me think that he probably bullies MC because he likes them. That's just his attitude when it comes to the person he likes. He treats them... Not like shit, but not very nicely either hahaha.
OH and I just realized from the post I mentioned earlier that Dre has a halo! What?! I completely forgot about that so I'm embarrassed about what I said regarding Belphie's halo—
......I was going to say something about Belphie wearing angel limbs/pieces as accessories, but after seeing @/aki-shun's and @/sparkbeast20's observation and theories, I'm starting to think that the halo is indeed because of an experiment. From their observation, Belphie, Levi and Mammon are the only kings so far that had their mouths closed in their teasers, all the other kings do not.
Which leaves me with a foreboding feeling...Both the halo and the double pupils are definitely part of that experiment.
I'm only aware with Levi's past of escaping from an angel camp, and I've only just recently (like, a few hours ago) found out that Mammon has been as well. Which makes me think Belphie definitely also got 'napped and experimented on by the angels. Which is just so 😭 I wanna hug him (until he pushes me away lmao)
Also, thanks for @/eternal-auditor for reminding me of Beel's obscenely delicious looking dick and the tattoo on it that Belphie also has on his forehead which is.... honestly so boring. They're devils and they have tattoos of The Devil's insignias...but I guess PB has done worse...
Ah, but having another devil that has tattoos is nice, don't get me wrong. I wonder how many Belphie will have. I reckon he has a lot (and I also reckon it's to cover up some of his lingering scars).
Also I drew him some more in school. I tried to incorporate that halo he has and changed his attire to resemble Dre's since it's supposed to be a uniform.
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(sorry about the quality, I'm too lazy to redraw this in ibis)
I redesigned his hair in this because I just realized that he could also have a half-up do and still look like the teaser!!! I was wearing this style earlier (but less pointy and ragged because my hair was long and wet and incredibly straight) so I thought why not give him this? He looks like he could be drinking champagne while murdering people with Sanzu lmao. Very mafia-esque which I ADORE
Also also!!! Going back to sparkbeast20's post, there's a Twitter post by @/WHB_kiri where they drew Belphie's eye where it only shows the second (upper) pupil when he's serious. So here's the last of my two cents!
Wouldn't it be fun if his pupils rotated as well? Like the swirly spin wheel thing that hypnotists use to make someone fall asleep etc. but it's Belphie trying to threaten someone. That would be fun.
Aaaanyway, I will probably be making more of these because Belphie in general is very special to me<33......LMAO so watch out and filter if you're getting tired of it! Also I apologize if this whole thing is so gibberish and difficult to understand. I haven't been sleeping right and my brain is just scrambled ahahaha
Also, fuuuuck me. There's a new Luci card and it's only in the stupid premium pass?! Goddamn it! I didn't get Luci when he launched so what the fuck?!?! 😭😭🙃🤬🤬😭😭
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loveislandthegame · 2 months
thoughts on today's volume! this was certainly an experience. 🙂 for real tho, we've definitely reached the point of the season where everything starts flying off the rails
i'm putting my clown costume on & continuing my natasha route, she told MC that her and stefan are just friends (i was getting mixed signals in this volume tbh, but if stef/natasha are actually romantic if you're off their routes , i'm just gonna assume it's glitches or FB being too lazy to branch rather than her being dishonest)
unfortunately for those who thought uma being a returning islander was going to be a fake-out , hamish brought her ass back in a friendship couple (granted he would've been dumped if he didn't twist, but he seriously couldn't have picked anyone else ? 😭)
then we play whatever this challenge was, i was mentally checking out . i hyped all the guys up except finn. it really bothers me that he keeps flirting with MC no matter how many times i've pied him off, it's giving suresh
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i also thought that uma was going to be dumped due to her lack of a redesign ... perhaps fixing her weirdly long broken arm & "5 seconds away from pissing herself" pose is asking too much of FB, but they could've at least given her a new hair & outfits 😭 it wouldn't fix her personality but jeez (slightly off topic but i think uma's face is gorgeous, FB did her so dirty in so many different ways)
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i picked all the chill options with her. side note, i'm so bored with these rivals that just go after whoever you're coupled up with . i'd be much more invested if the drama was like: stefan trying to have a proper relationship with natasha, hamish trying to win her back, or even uma wanting to pursue her
speaking of the drama, chen randomly decides that he's somehow more compatible with somebody he's known for a grand total of two days than the person he's been madly in love with for this entire season ... really bad paraphrasing here but my jaw was on the ground when he was like "uma is actually interested in melbourne and did research about it, you shouldn't move to my home city because of me, what if you hate it🥺." mind you, my MC is also australian
FB keeps reusing this "LI and MC fighting because they had a disagreement over the most miniscule bullshit" plot point and i don't understand why . later on he apologises but it's just so...ugh . Overbearing i guess ? idk how to describe it but i think i'm done with him
my tinfoil hat theory is that FB is trying to ruin everybody's route to make finn look good by comparison, and that's just not happening for me luv, but i will say that it made me appreciate hamish more . he's a hot mess but his scenes with MC are very sweet (love a friends to lovers moment)
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at least the chen drama gave me the strength to go to the hideaway with natasha without feeling guilty (that damn hyperempathy lmao)
of course we get The Box™ again, but this time there's sexy...crossword ? 😭 (like i've said before, i don't care about these scenes so i can test out whatever FB adds without being like "damnnn that was a waste of time")
it's definitely better than dice, it's not some super spicy thing, just (at least with natasha, idk if it can change) neck kisses before the option of going all the way/bits/cuddling . sexy crossword is a deeply unserious concept but i would go with it if you're tired of the other options
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next up is movie night, my MC is a hoe (mainly in the sense that anybody on a wlw route can't officially be with their LI until the final recoupling, but i'm also on hamish's route now) but i didn't do anything in casa, so i wonder what her clip will be. my prediction is that it'll end up being something that can apply to all players e.g. the PDA awards drama
(can't wait for everyone to clutch their pearls over MC turning down finn for the one millionth time 😍)
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sir-subpar · 11 months
Just curious, what do you think of Fizzarolli from Helliva Boss??
Whoa boy, this'll be long, bear with me
I'll be honest-
I like him.
He's very charming and funny
Love the prosthetics
The writing for him has been off lately, one of the very least he hasn't been butchered like everyone else. He's still very charming and funny, and well it confused me at first, I do now find his Dynamic with Ozzy to be very Charming. To be honest, they're kind of the only reasons I hold out even a tiny sliver of Hope for the show. The rest of the show has become very aggravating but whenever those two were on screen at the very least I'm entertained
Having said that-
His outfits are terrible
He deserves better than... This
This outfit especially
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The colors clash and are strange. Very unflattering, especially for a character as Charming as him.
And I will admit, I'm a little biased because I am an Alex Brightman fan, I think he's very funny and very talented
His dynamic with Mammon feels off.
Maybe it's because he's the only one of the seven deadly sins who actually acts like the seven deadly sins, or maybe it's because Mammon looks like a Christmas tree
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Or it might feel off because.. it feels like he shouldn't be that intimidated by Mammon when he's got Asmodeus right there. I don't mind the idea of Mammon being a jester, because if I remember correctly, one of his many nicknames was the "Lord of fools"
And I don't necessarily hate his voice either. I'm not sure if it matches him or not. I'm still on the fence about it, but the voice itself is all right.
I feel like Fizz could have had a very interesting Dynamic with Mammon, especially if the whole "Mammon's the reason he became successful and met the love of his life" is what they're going for. But I feel like it gets ruined by making Mammon such a caricature. There's no subtlety.
If Mammon really views Fizz as an ungrateful brat that he gave everything to, I feel like that should be explored.
Getting back on track. While I like Fizz, I'd argue he's probably my favorite character, I have an issue with him. Or rather, how the show treats him
Maybe it's just because I'm asexual, so when things are overly sexual I tend to be less interested, but I'm really tired of just how much are the cast is hypersexualized 24/7
Almost every character that is significant to Blitzo's story (other than his relatives, thankfully) seems to have to be a sexual or romantic interest at some point.
Stolas, Verosika, Fizzarolli, Striker, Chaz, Moxxie and Millie, Dennis, etc,
Don't get me wrong, the idea of a character using sex as a tool to get what they want is interesting. And is not necessarily bad. Even if it was against my preference, I can see potential in it.
But it seems like the majority of the queer characters are either mocked or hypersexualized. (I'll give Ozzy a pass, since he is the embodiment of Lust)
Moxxie is a punching bag, Blitzo, Stolas, Fizz, Striker (in the harvest moon festival), Chaz is basically nothing but a sentiant libido, Glitz and Glam, Verosika, etc.
It's just dissapointing how it's lacking variety.
Fizz himself is great, I like him a lot.
Originally for my redesign/reimagine project, I wasn't going to do the seven deadly sins but I might have to do Asmodeus and Mammon since they are so entwined with fizz story-wise.
Also because their designs drive me up the wall, but I'll talk about that more in their posts
Long story long, Fizz is the best character in the show to me.
For the record, if any of you like the show as it is, great! I wish I could, I really do, but I just can't enjoy it as much as I want to. And yeah, reimagining the show has been really fun! I'm not entirely sure why, but it is. Maybe it's just a good creative exercise
At the end of the day, these are just my opinions, I'm sure all of you have your own reasons for liking or disliking it, my word is not law. Feel however you feel, and I will feel what I feel.
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And all right, I confess, these two are cute.
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thefuchsianeko · 1 year
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As a "fun" design exercise I decided to mess with the Hazbin characters' designs... Not really "redesigns," but more so "refined-designs"-- Keeping their overall look or "essence" while trying to simplify them and clean up their colour palettes, as well as making sure they all look distinct from one another.
I tried to stick close to the original's style but I couldn't help using thick lines, lol. Along with the simplified shapes, it gives them an early 2000s cartoon vibe I think.
For the colours I tried giving them more unique palettes, as well as making sure that they had enough contrast (the colour value of this show tends to be... not great). Also the lineup at the bottom isn't my final selection, it's just a selection to get a better idea of how they all might look together side-by-side.
Eh, tell me what you think. I could keep editing these but like, I'm tired of looking at them lol. More info on each design (plus a speedpaint) under the cut. It gets wordy, sorry.
Charlie: Not much to say besides she needs more contrast in her colours. I changed her shirt to the same colour as her corneas (yellow) so it doesn't blend in with her skin. I wish her eyes were still black (not only does it bring better attention to her face, but it works better with the idea that she's a doll-- yknow, painted on eyes? Does that make sense lol). In retrospect, maybe it would've been good to try some browns with her colours? Idk. I kept her red since she's the princess of Hell, and Hell's main colour seems to be red. Oh also, I gave her some lines on her face and hands just to make her look more like a puppet/doll. The rest of her body would have the same kind of joints/segments.
Vaggie: Ok I know her hair technically looks more moth-like in her og redesign but... it just seems like too much? Yknow? It's kind of outrageous. Idk how well my solution works but I tried simplifying it. I simplified her bow as well and made her stockings more like leggings. Her X-eye now hides behind her hair. Her gloves are shorter. Also I took away that thing around her waist that.... seems to be a different colour than everything else??? Idk what's up with that. Sorry I took away her feet. I tried out some blue and purple with her, I think it looks nice. Only thought about keeping the red bow because I thought maybe it'll match her with Charlie. Also sorry I took away her boobs 💀💀💀
Angel Dust: So unsure about how I drew him... Specifically, his 2nd set of arms looks so floppy and tacked on, and his legs... Idk I'm not great at digitigrade legs but I'm pretty sure that's officially what kind of legs he has. His head is weird. I think I got the idea of giving him big feet from Meppity's redesign video (her redesigns are some of my faves). I took away his bowtie because... too many of these guys have bowties, and he already has a choker too. Also I had the funny idea of all the Hotel employees wearing bowties/bows of some sort, and Angel is a patron but not an employee... Anyway. Kept his gold tooth to link him to Val (who also has a gold tooth), and kept the dots under his eyes since I THINK they're supposed to be representative of his spider eyes? They can be taken away if need be, though. His gloves don't go all the way up and kind of look like dish-washing gloves again but, the way his gloves go all the way up and his sleeves go into them... it just looks so weird to me. Idk, maybe I should've just given him shorter sleeves, or even no sleeves at all 🤔 And honestly I still have no idea what's going on with his pants. Are they short-shorts? Underwear? Didn't change them anyway. For the colours, I made sure all his gloves were the same colour (still don't know WHY they decided to make his 2nd set not only a different colour, but the SAME colour as his skin/fur????). Turned down the saturation on his hot-pink, and gave his right eye the light pink instead of that almost-black colour (still kept his eyes different colours because I remember seeing a really old sketch page of Angel that insinuated that there was a reason for his eye being black). Made some of the darker parts straight-black just because I've been using that in all the other character's palettes, but this can be changed to his almost-black colour. Also tried a more purple palette to get away from all the pink, kinda really like it.
Alastor: I originally tried his coat with coattails, but wasn't sure about it and made it the original shape. Took away his monocle because fuck that it's unnecessary and clutters his face. Made his antlers bigger. Swapped out his shirt collar to be like the one Charlie's og redesign has, because the way it goes all the way up like that gets on my nerves? Idk maybe I just don't know anything about fashion design but it doesn't scream 30's-suit to me. You could probably take away the collar, though. I wanted to try a lot of darker colours for his palette since he's like... kinda the bad guy. Dark colours would work well for him. I'm worried about his arms getting lost in the black of his coat, but that's why his cuffs and hands are a different colour. Really wanted to give him more than just red so I spread out the yellow of his teeth; I like how it looks for his shirt, it also works well with his eyes to draw you towards his face. I also tried to (again) lessen the saturation of his reds and pushed them more towards orange to better match the yellow. Kept all the brighter colours to his upper body to keep your eyes there, too.
Husk: I think Husk was one of my least favorite designs when the pilot came out because he's a real mess of detail. His wings are the worst. His redesign isn't much better (like dawg why's he got these random-ass hearts everywhere). Simplified his wings to just have some circles and rounded shapes. Kept some heart shapes (like his nose, bowtie, and paws) but added a couple diamond shapes, too (mainly his suspender buttons and the shape of his white chest-fur). Really wanted to have more blatant club and spade shapes too (to add to the poker theme), but didn't want it to get crowed and decided the rest of the rounded and heart shapes worked well enough. Made his eyebrows shorter and more square-shaped. Didn't have many ideas for colours but knew that I wanted to try some oranges and yellows. Made his eyebrows a darker colour, and changed his eyes to yellow corneas with black pupils. Stands out more that way, I think.
Niffty: Did you know her name is spelled with two Fs? I didn't. I don't like it... Anywayyyy. Swirled her hair a little more, and took the yellow streak out. Added some fluff under her dress just to match her apron. Kept the dots on her shirt (though there are only two now instead of three) because I'm assuming it'll make sense later (like idk maybe she was shot to death and that's what they represent), but I wonder if you can take those away for a cleaner design? Gave her more rounded shapes. I said before that all the Hotel employees would have bows/bowties of some sort for these designs: Niffty's would be her handkerchief (yknow, it's tied into a bow in the back? That works right...? Eh.) I took away her cheekmarks 1) to clear up her face and 2) to make Charlie's cheek marks seem more unique and doll-like. For Niffty's colours, I (again) turned down the saturation on her pink. I wanted to try using some green and purple on her, since her inspirations include B-movie aliens and the song One-Eyed, One-Horned, Flying Purple People Eater. Tried using different colours for her skin, since a lot of characters in Hazbin have white skin, and for Niffty specifically I think the white skin along with her white apron dries-out her look (if that makes sense?) Though I do agree her having yellow skin is NOT good if she really does end up being Japanese. I think pink skin works well for her, though. Oh! And again, it helps make Charlie's design more unique with her white skin, making her seem more porcelain. I made Niffty's eyes yellow like her teeth, and then used the same colour for her apron to unify the palette.
Cherri: Ok Cherri's design was my ABSOLUTE least favorite from the pilot, too many senseless details I HATE her ripped pants. So hard to look at. Idk if you noticed in the time lapse but I had to re-sketch Cherri because 1) her pose was too similar to Niffty's (I was making their poses similar to their official art) and 2) her hair was giving me trouble... I kinda hate how her hair hovers to the side like that? Tried re-shaping her hair and now it looks like she uses a TON of hairspray or something, lol. Took away her tattoo but kept her freckles. Took away the skirt thing(?) she's got on her pants. Took the symbol off her shirt, but added an X to her pants (can be taken away, though). Simplified the rips on her pants to just be ripped knees. put a heel on her left shoe so she doesn't look unbalanced/uncomfortable. Made her gloves shorter. For colours, I again took away her white skin for the same reason I took away Niffty's white skin (less "dried out" palette and makes Charlie look more unique/porcelain). Afaik Cherri's not Asian so yellow skin could work for her, though I also tried green skin. Since one of her themes is cherries I wanted to use reds, pinks, greens, and blacks. I tried some green for her clothes (and again her skin), and also turned some of her pinks more red. Made her hair darker for more contrast, and tried using some red for her hair instead of pink (I like the pink hair, but again... red like cherries). In general her colour palette was the hardest to figure out but I think I found some interesting things.
Sir Pentious: Sir Pent was my 2nd least-favorite pilot design by only a little 🤏. It's all his eyes. He's very hard to look at. I took away all the eyes on his tail, and turned down the saturation on the rest of the eyes EXCEPT the ones on his face (maybe I should have just made those reds much different colours, but it still looks a lot better with just the saturation down). Took away his stupid-ass goggles and made the face on his hat a lot simpler (combined the mouth with the hat band; it can still emote btw). Replaced his bowtie with... *quick google search* A jabot? It's supposed to be a jabot I think. I think that's what it's called. More 1700s than 1800s, but eh. Maybe I should've given him *quick google search* a cravat maybe??? Eh, eh, not a fashion expert but anyway. I thickened his mid-section so it eases into his tail better because, the way it is in the official design it always made him look like a slug to me? I looks too... squishy. Banana-slug-lookin' ass Also took away his red-tipped claws and made them straight black. For his colours, I think the grey and yellow works for him already, though I do wanna see how he'd look with more green or blue. Most of what I did colour-wise was the eyes, but also his suit; still grey, but trying both darker colours and pushing it more towards blue and purple. I wonder if I made his skin a little too dark? Is it kinda hard to see his features? Idk. Idk how I feel about these colours. Bleh.
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aromanticannibal · 2 years
ok something that has been bothering me and that ultimately doesn't matter. but. here I am.
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So here Mic is talking about Shinsou. we all get why Aizawa would see himself in Shinsou, what's confusing to me is how he's see Shirakumo in him.
To me this can only be a question of appearance, because Shinsou just. Isn't like Shirakumo?
Shirakumo is joyful and a dumbass and he likes people and stuff, and Shinsou is a bitter, tired and mostly rude smartass (affectionate). Apart from their desire to be heroes, there's not really anything that makes them look alike.
I'll go over some other stuff I think Mic could be talking about at the end, but let's get to the appearance part.
Here's a little doodle I made to show their main characteristics.
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Shinsou : purple hair that stands on its own (or with hair gel), crescent-shaped eyes w/ heavy dark circles and white pupils.
Shirakumo : Blue cloud-like hair that stands on its own/floats, big almond eyes with white pupil (forgot to put that in the doodle), band-aid over nose, and those two little hair pieces framing his face.
The only thing they have in common is their hair standing up. Shinsou's eyes are also pretty much always the same shape, I noticed, he's not very expressive. see :
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even at his most expressive, his eyes don't change that much :
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I have no idea what that means but there.
Anyways, where am going with this? I thought of some way I could make Shinsou and Shirakumo look more alike. Think of this as a redesign of sorts.
here's another doodle :
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my offer is to :
make Shirakumo's pupils more noticeably white, and make Shinsou and him some of the only characters who always have white pupils.
Give Shinsou hair pieces to frame his face like Shirakumo, but longer, or messier, so they don't look like a copy-paste.
make Shinsou's eyes slightly more almond-shaped - not exactly like Shirakumo's, just. rotate the guys a bit.
make Shirakumo's hair not exclusively blue ; here I made it a bit purple, but any darker or warmer color could work, as long as it's close to purple without being the exact same shade.
ideas that I couldn't incorporate in the doodles : Shinsou could have an aspect of his fighting style be similar to Shirakumo's, or have a similar mannerism as him (like how Aizawa and Shinsou share the nervous habit of putting their hand on their neck).
I think I'm gonna try to edit some screenshot or manga panel to show these changes (uwu follow @lunejump)
Anyways I'm not really doing this for any reason it just makes me so confused that Mic said Aizawa could be seeing Shirakumo in Shinsou.
I suppose he could just be talking about how Aizawa's protective of his students because of Shirakumo, or maybe he's making a parallel between Shirakumo saving Sushi and Aizawa "saving" Shinsou? idk man feel free to tell me if you know
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breath-of-void · 1 year
Free Thoughts on the Newest Book of my Favourite Series
I'm concerned for Percy.
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Percebeth used to be super cute and the ultimate goal of any fictional relationship... but now, in Chalice of the Gods, I'm worried that Percy has put far too much stock in Annabeth and hasn't really thought out his own life. In fact, there is a long running trend in the series- that I'm not entirely sure Riordan meant to include- that Percy cannot think more than a few days ahead and it's genuinely concerning. I'm going to separate this into Things I Find Concerning and Things I Would Have Liked (not Rick's crimes, just things I would have been interested in seeing) and then, finally, Things I Liked.
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Things I Found Concerning
Percy does not like school and yet is excited to go to New Rome University with Annabeth. Annabeth enjoys academics and she has a clear path for her life, she wants to be an architect and redesign the planet or whatever. Percy, on the other hand, does not really have any interests. Nothing school can help him with anyway. He likes swimming, skateboarding, his mom and Annabeth. That's about it. It was sweet a few books ago when his only goal was to be with her, but he is 17 now (older if you consider all the shit he's gone through) and he has not quite considered that he's going to have to do something other than dote on her. Because he doesn't even cook! He lives rent-free with his mom and just talks about how much better Annabeth is at things than he is.
In the vision he has of his future and when he is old, there is him, Grover and Annabeth in a garden by the beach. This bothers me for two reasons: there's no mention of anything else that he has going on, just that he's with Annabeth; and where's Juniper!? For the first point, Percy doesn't mention a job that he would have liked having or other things that he would have had going on like a skateboard repair business in the garage or something. It's just him. In a garden. With Annabeth. That's his future and that irksome. And for the second point, Grover has been dating Juniper for 2-3 years by this point, longer than Percy has been dating Annabeth actually, but she does not appear in his daydream of their future. She's mentioned in the book, she and Grover are still dating and still on good terms (and she's functionally immortal) but Grover doesn't get to have her in the future? Third wheel for life.
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I don't like that the gods call him "Percy Jackson" now instead of Perseus.
Was a time when the gods called him by his full name which was just unfamiliar and formal that it spoke to how alien and removed they were from him and his world. It's not a crime that they don't do that anymore, but it feels too local now.
And I get that Riordan wants to keep him street-level for these adventures, but Percy feels very nerfed in this book. Like, I'd scale him to very minor god in base (on the level of maybe the Triumvirate), but he gets tired so easily and laments about all the things he can't kill when he very easily could. The biggest example I have is in the field of snakes, he goes on about how he wouldn't be able to butcher ALL of them when, I personally feel that at this stage in his career, he very easily could have. And he already had a reason not to, Iris had specifically forbidden it so there was no need to have his say that he was unable when he was already not allowed. I think Percy should keep being a force of nature, no exception to the rule that Poseidon only sires monsters, but find clever ways to keep him from doing that.
The world has also started to feel much safer than it initially was. I remember Percy's first words to us were that being a demigods gets you killed in brutal ways and that most did not live to adulthood. But Percy just casually goes to and from school with no sense of urgency. No monsters attempt to try their luck at killing the great Percy Jackson or even try to get at his mom or Paul while he's not home. And I've considered that maybe his reputation precedes him, they recognize his scent and aren't willing to risk it, but, as I've noted above, no one really fears Percy in this book. He feels weaker. And it's one thing for the gods to disregard him, but you have minor river gods ready to throw hands and the aforementioned snakes who were fully ready to swallow the son of Poseidon. I'm not saying I need everything gritty and grimdark, but our initial premise was that children would regularly get torn apart by stray harpies and hellhounds, but in this book, no one is even a little concerned about this. Even someone like Paul who should know how very fragile his very existence is: the sky is barely being held up by a being who really doesn't want to be doing it; the Earth itself is a genocidal primordial goddess who is merely lulled to sleep by the whispers of a teenage girl. But the status quo must be maintained.
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Riptide has a child lock!
There are parts of this book that made me remember why I fell in love with the series. The humor is pretty decent in places, like Percy reminiscing how a bolt of lightning on a clear day took out his kite or the aforementioned handicap that Iris put on his quest, she had forgotten about it overnight.
I could also appreciate his trying to philosophize a bit with the nature of immortality and addressing Percy's decision to not become a god, but I did not like that he made the life of a minor god tragic. Now, instead of Percy rejecting the glitz and the glamour for hard work and aging, it's framed that he made the objective right choice as Zeus would likely have him doing grunt work for eternity. Ganymede is always miserable and fearing for his life; I would have liked if he was simply dethatched from reality, only wanting his cup because it was all he knew not that he would be killed if he lost it.
My likes were fewer than my concerns.
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In conclusion, the things that made Percy cool at 12 are making him sad at 17.
His singleminded drive to only be with Annabeth feels like it will breed resentment down the road. Annabeth states in no uncertain terms that she loves him and is serious about him, but I can't imagine that lasts long when she's working and homemaking because Percy has one skill and he doesn't even like doing it.
I genuinely think that Rick should let his world be tragic because with the knowledge of all Percy has been through, parts of the book feel like the narrative is fighting the characters. Percy has anger issues (being stated to throw a skateboard through his wall when he was frustrated or break plumbing when anxious), he's traumatized (though he uses the slightly outdated term "shell shock") by having his body rearranged on a whim and coming close to death a fairly regular basis, but the writing wants to keep him grounded and relatable. Percy isn't relatable anymore, he shouldn't be!
He's been through 2 world wars, held up the sky, went to actual hell, indirectly prevented Ragnarok and directly saved the Egyptian pantheon. He has come in contact with, fought and been possessed by more deities than anyone else in his verse will ever know exists. He's watched friends die time and time again and he knows how fickle the will of the gods are. There is actually nothing stopping them from killing him and everyone he loves at a moment's notice. Even swearing on the River Styx cannot keep them accountable. The Sun has shown up on his doorstep begging for help, he nearly killed the concept of Pain, he handed Time the knife to kill itself and his best friend is the incarnation of the Wild. Percy is built different, but he doesn't do anything with that.
I genuinely think that a proper "end" to his story would be Dionysus being freed from his curse, Chiron being promoted to head of camp and Percy being made activities director. That way he's helping newer generations of demigods survive the nonsense that is the world they live in. If he absolutely MUST be with Annabeth at all times, he could do that at Camp Jupiter while she's at NRU.
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emi-writings · 2 months
sliding in your inbox to tell you i'm impressed by how much you write!! like wowie!! that's a lot of words!! :O
also also!! thank you dearly for the lovely fics you're sharing and i hope you're having a wonderful time writing them!!! ^-^ <3
Thank you so much!!!
I wrote these fics as a quick little thing for a close friend of mine. Obviously, while life shit happened right at the beginning of the Niki Nihachu Summer, that became something I really wanted to focus on. I wanted to create more content for Niki fans like myself who are kinda sick and tired of not being able to find any content for her because he tag is spammed with fics that have nothing to do with her.
Seriously, can people stop tagging things as Niki-centric when they're not Niki-centric?
But obviously that has put my tntduo content on the backburner, which probably wasn't great timing.
After everything that came out from the POS William Gold, a lot of people are obviously dealing with that news in different ways. For me, I nearly gave up writing entirely, and the fandom. That didn't happen, and I've reclaimed the character with a very fun redesign, alongside with headcanons that would piss William Gold off, but are canon compliant so that bastard can suck it. Wilbur was a really important vent character for me - while I'll probably never really write something the explores the abuse I've gone through, Wilbur is still an important character for exploring other things in my life. And I'm kinda sick and tired of abusive white men destroying things that are important to me.
So I figured that not only was my friend in desperate need of some tntduo content, but the tntduo fandom also probably was, so why not just blast out as many tntduo fanfics as I could? Obviously not everyone is gonna love my writing, but at least some fans will have a decent time and get some enjoyment.
I don't want the tntduo or c!Wilbur tags to be claimed by abuse apologists and misogynistic assholes. I'm not gonna let that happen. I want to keep doing what I've been doing. So you can all expect more tntduo content from me in the future!
That being said, I am still writing for the Niki Nihachu Summer event because damn, we need to get at least one of the female dsmp characters into being in the top ten characters in the dsmp tag, and it'll only take 4000 works, so I'm gonna be busy!
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floralovebot · 1 year
that is not a silly complaint at all, it's very gross how musa has the cyberpunk stuff stapled to her even though TECNA fits that vibe in canon perfectly because they can't unthink of east asian people as a bunch of blade runner caricatures.
dude it's so weird how the fandom treats musa and melody like 😭 every single redesign is either making musa look like a walking festival or making melody a neon cyberpunk wannabe it's so embarrassing,, if it's not one extreme it's another
it's like non-asian and especially white fans are completely incapable of regarding asian people and by extension asian characters as just like,, normal people instead of whatever Aesthetic they enjoy the most. it's SO prevalent with musa especially like people refuse to treat her as a normal person. in canon she's this amazing girl who doesn't mind dressing up occasionally but prefers wearing comfy clothing, who has issues with her dad because he emotionally neglected her after her mom died, who tries to express her feelings so much but often has trouble doing so in a healthy manner,, and the fandom looks at that and goes "okay so she wears a qipao 24/7 and also hates her dad and culture and also melody is a cyberpunk retrofuturistic kpop dream!!" like bro SHUT UP
i've said this before but despite all the wrong rainbow did and continues to do, musa's entire deal was genuinely fucking perfect. she's one of the ONLY early 2000s asian characters that isn't a walking caricature. the ONE thing that rainbow did right,, and the fandom constantly fucks it up
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like white fans really see all this and go "ah yes melody. the scifi tech planet with neon lights where musa, our cyberpunk queen, comes from 😀 i see no problem with this headcanon and will not ask myself if it could possibly come from a racist stereotype that often hits east asian characters 😀"
and listen dude i Love redesigns and i would never just shit on someone's headcanons for fun but the way the fandom treats characters of color is so fucking gross. and i'm so tired of being like one of Two people who ever call it out or even notice. the amount of fully racist redesigns, headcanons, and art posts that get hundreds of notes just because people don't even Notice? like i honestly don't have the energy to constantly call out whitewashed art and it sucks so much to see people who claim to love winx sooo much and hate whitewashing and racism sooo much Also constantly support and love these very Noticeably Racist posts like,, okay. sure.
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