#and I feel awful
sagecielle · 1 year
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I am only a bit embarrassed to say I was in a beau cosplay for a photo-op with the group, the staff asked me if I wanted to put my wooden staff with my bag - I said no, because it was strapped to my chest with ribbon and hot glue, so what could go wrong?
Immediately (accidentally) slapped Liam in the face with the end of my staff
The embarrassment was endless but I guess, a canon beau move??
(Liam was very kind about it, I wanted to die)
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vizthedatum · 10 months
I hate I’m a horrible communicator
I hate how I am
I hate that I’m stupid and deserve to be discarded
I hate that I have feelings and needs but can’t express them
I hate not having a family
I hate not being supported or taken care of
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helianskies · 6 months
so i have work. bearing in mind i have only worked for 8 hours, with minimal training in the admin stuff and ad hoc bits i need to do. today my coordinator is working from home m, and she messaged me at 10am, when i started, to say she'd call soon to help me get on track with tasks. it's nearly 12:30 and she hasn't called, nor seen the messages i've sent her in the meantime with queries about emails i could be replying to. my supervisor is also ill today. so i am the only one from Arts in the office. so i have no one else to ask for Arts-specific queries. and students keep turning up asking things or just updating me about things and idk what they're on about and it's like gimme a BREAK or gimme HELP
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little-escapist · 11 months
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paterday · 7 months
I have a card that gives me free poutine from this one restaurant (most Canadian sentence ever) but it’s so far away and I just want to go home.. and there’s a poutine place by home.. but I’d have to pay for it…
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jaegerisim · 10 months
days were everything that can go wrong seems to go wrong <<<<<
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wizardrights · 1 year
we have very little space in our apartment and my roommate doesn’t like the litter box in the living room and NEITHER DO I but we already have one in the bathroom and having it in my room was driving me crazy so anyway i got a litter cabinet and a deodorizer to put in it and i’m hoping so hard that’ll help with the frustration we’re having about it out in the living space. if anyone has any suggestions pls let me know. ugh
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meatyliver · 1 year
aughhdgehehehhe tags vent
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ariacherie · 1 year
I wish I could turn my mind off and stop thinking about cringe things I said in 2017, and stop thinking about people I hurt in 2019, and stop thinking about people I left in 2021. Because now it’s 2023 and I have to leave someone behind again and I can’t make this decision if I dwell on the past
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chqnified · 2 years
Someone save me from the 92 unreplied to messages
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sunnypogue · 1 year
confirmed: i am the worst patient ever and have been either napping or crying because i feel so awful
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months
Everything is making me depressed and sad and mildly scared right now. My dad's birthday was today. And that upset me, because it once again reminded me of the passage of time and the fear of getting older and having no friends and generally being alone. We watched a comedy tv show, but the show got a bit creepy near the half way point and now it's freaking me out, the weather is awful and that's making me depressed, and i have an appointment with me doctor in a few weeks about my diet, and worst of all, I can't write any fucking vents about it because my notes app won't let me play music in the background off of google chrome as i write anymore! I didn't mean to swear, but i'm just overwhelmed and sad, i think! I hate it! I hate time and ageing and how easily scared and depressed i am! I hate it!
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chuuyansfwvent · 2 months
Am a creature of some kind.. Riddled with illness and sin. A contradictory turn of events if ya will.
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refugeed-kim · 6 months
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This is my daily struggle, I had so many arguments with people with off-leash dogs (in a mandatory leash area!!!). Thanks to this behavior I'm struggling with Kim being anxious/aggressive with other females as she often gets involved in unpleased interactions with free females while on leash. And every single time that I ask for the dog to be at least recalled, I'm being called names and insulted of course.
Also 9 out of 10 their dog isn't really that friendly at all.
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justmychileanthoughts · 4 months
Once I saw a person post here that if you don't share your thoughts here, like, the ones that you would usually never tell anyone, you were doing it wrong, so
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Those are my thoughts
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clonewarsahsoka · 6 months
I have a big presentation for a class tomorrow and I'm so anxious about it that I like genuinely can't do anything
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