#and I had to be like 'um thanks I stole it from the internet'
skarloeyspa · 10 months
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dunky and rust! took me forever but details below
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*clutches fists at overalls costing $1.29 in the 50s
ANYWAY uhm Rusty came to the SR in 1957 so I took some inspiration from both 50s and 60s clothing but mostly 50s
But yeah like all the other freethinkers🤖 in this community i subscribe to Rusty being nonbiney (altho they're mostly masc presenting)
I want to say that Rusty's jumpsuit is based off women's workwear but like. women's workwear in the 50's was based off men's workwear so what difference does it make😭
Ripped their boots straight from the bottom right of the catalog here so hehe
Their nameplate is specifically very simple and non-glossy to designate them as a maintenance worker as opposed to for passenger service
I don't. um. intend for Rusty to be that much taller than overhaul 2 loey. they're probably around the same height at best and Rusty is def a bit shorter than overhaul 3 loey
also they're wearing a flat cap. i don't like drawing them but it made the most sense so,
i don't know if they had binders in the 50s? If they didn't then um. I'm sure there was some kind of equivalent shapewear-
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this guy was such a damn pain to design for oml
i really need to find a way to save my ref pics when i make my pencil sketches so i can add them to these posts when im done djfdjbfk
i gave duncan beeeaaauuuttifull lushious long blonde locks💅because he's got a long ass funnel HAHAHAH
he's tall. but he's also lanky. he's like a very tall twink sorta. like i get that he's strong cuz he worked at a factory but bro cannot retain muscle like. he's sticks.
oh and also blue eyes because of douglas. yyyyeah
anyway you might be wondering. capy what the hell is that ugly ass band of pattern across his chest
well that was my BIG BRAIN moment.
starting around like the 19th century people would take the fabric used to make sacks for shipping dried goods like animal feed and flour, and turn that fabric into clothing
this originated in more rural communities but became more widespread during world war I and especially world war II with rationing and whatnot. basically when companies noticed people wearing their sacks they began printing patterns onto their sacks for this explicit purpose (cuz you know. marketing)
before arriving to Sodor, duncan worked in a factory. you know who else produces dried goods?? factories!!!
around the time he arrived to sodor was also when American rock and roll was really influencing British youth, particularly with the rise of teddy boys and then the rockers (which is from my understanding, greasers but British). So around the time Duncan was heading to Sodor there was already an air of rebellion among the UK's youth
I took particular inspiration from Rockabilly based on its noted influence on British popular culture, which from what I've seen, adopts some more flashy elements to their clothing in contrast to the traditional suit and dress. I was this close to making duncan wear a bowling shirt
the kerchief is also because of this hehe
so in a moment of genius/delusion, i thought. what if while working at the factory, duncan saw the trends of people using their feed sacks as clothing fabric, and stole a bag or two for himself so he could sew on a strip of the fabric onto his work shirts because he's, ya know, mr. rock n roll
yes i did all that just for a stripe of fabric on his chest i am VERY happy with this choice
btw here's the exact pattern i used (i just ripped it off the internet)
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ok that's it thank you for reading through my rambling once again!! lowkey i want to post lil western next but also. i talked abt making rws/formal uniforms for the SR crew so. we'll see what happens next lol
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am-x-reader · 3 years
ayo firstly, i love thyne work. Secondly, maybe one where the reader has such a good memory for our internet culture/pop culture so to keep the others entertained they recite memes, songs, movies, and even summarize shows that the others forgot/never got to see, and AM finds himself more interested and hateful to humanity when he realizes how weird and stupid we are? Idk i just really wanna see AM invested in a sci-fi show the reader retells.
((Thank you! Hope it's okay that the reader is not already in a relationship with AM in this one. Spoilers for various old movies.))
"What was that thing where--?" Gorrister pumped his arms in some imitation of a dance.
"Gangnam Style?"
"Oh yeah!" Ellen laughed. "You couldn't go anywhere without hearing that!"
"I had that dance nailed down perfectly," Ted claimed. "Not that it was of any consequence, of course."
"That's what they used to call a humble-brag," you retorted, hiding a giggle at his boast.
"What were those things that someone used to say on the Internet and everyone would repeat them?"
"Those got annoying after a while." Gorrister prodded the fire as a log fell over.
"How do you still remember all these things?" Nimdok asked you.
You smiled and shrugged. "I think there was a part of me that wanted to save all the human culture I could in my mind, so if aliens abducted me or robots took over and destroyed everything...well I guess...I could tell them about the experience of being human."
Gorrister chuckled. "Robots taking over." He looked up at the banks and circuit boards and lights. "Crazy thought ain't it?"
A hush fell over the group as Ted eyed the nearest speaker with a deliberate stillness.
"Do you think he's listening?"
"Probably organizing his files," Nimdok suggested. "It is Monday."
Also the first Monday of the month," Gorrister reminded grimly. "I expect he'll be rolling out his new 'schedule' for us soon."
You bit your lip. You had a strange idea.
"Well, while we have a little longer," you distracted the group again, "who remembers 2001: A Space Odyssey?"
Delighted agreement came from your friends.
"I saw that at the theater!" Nimdok reminisced.
"Everyone loved that computer," Ellen added. "Hal, was it?"
"Yeah, the audience forgave him for screwing up." You stole glances at your surroundings but pretended to be focused on the fire. "We liked him even after he killed those people."
Benny, who had been dragging a pebble through the dirt, looked up in alarm. Ellen put a hand on his shoulder as the group stared at you, unsure. They then looked up tensely.
You swallowed. "You know that guy in those movies who created Hal? Dr. Chandra?" You spoke solemnly. "I kinda wish he was one of AM's creators. Because he...you know..."
"He what?"
Even though you had expected the loud voice from the speakers, it still startled you quite a bit. Despite your plan working, it mesmerized you that AM would have any interest at all in your conversations.
"Because, um, he cared about his creations." You swallowed hard, wondering how your captor would take it.
There was a long pause, and you thought you heard a low hum of contemplation.
"You understand," he spoke again, "that humans are not actually like that."
You did not feel that arguing would get you anywhere with him, so you just looked at the ground. Still, the fact that you got AM to talk candidly with you was an amazing sign.
"How did it end?" He asked to your surprise.
"I think, uh..." You looked questioningly at your silent, wide-eyed friends. The answer finally came to you. "Hal ends up fused with Dave on the moon?"
AM snorted. "Humans are weird."
"Actually, we had something called that!" You perked up. "Those threads on Tumblr about what aliens would think about human behaviors that we find normal."
When he made an indecipherable sound, you explained. "Humans have quite the egos, you know. We like to know what other creatures think of us...even if it's not good."
He scoffed heartily. "Well, maybe you'll earn an iota less of hate if you share a few more of these tidbits."
"Tell him about the movie Tau!" Ellen spoke up, and the others cautiously joined in.
"Terminator! Maybe not."
"Star Wars!"
"Pokemon: The First Movie!"
"Star Trek!"
The afternoon was spent in the most lively discussion you'd had in many years. You would not have guessed AM to be the curious type, but yet--
"What's a tauntaun? What was Mewtwo going off to find really? Are any of you scared of Slenderman? Why does Tau ask so many questions?"
At different points he would claim boredom and declare human culture meaningless, only to return to the conversation with more questions.
"What is a starchild?" The computer asked instead of crushing you under a boulder.
"So who was phone?" He queried Nimdok rather than give him frostbite.
That evening a robot army marched after Ellen, but merely to collect information on Data.
And Gorrister found himself in front of a red light, outside a pod bay door.
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deans-mind-palace · 4 years
An apple a day
Pairing: Doctor!Jensen x Reader
Summary: You were just having a bad day, that’s it. I mean, dislocating an arm while carrying cartons into your new apartment? That could happen to everyone. But intentionally miss three vaccination appointments? That could only happen to you. If only the doctor wasn't so cute...
Word Count: 2,507
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of pain and injuries, syringes and stitches
Author’s Note: This story is based on a request by @myopiamystical So reader has an accident. And she gets dislocated arm or leg. She is brought to ER, the doc is Jensen. Reader is allergic to most of the sedatives so Jensen has to relocate it with reader being conscious. This scene + the very same day, later reader has to take some injections (2-3) which she is very afraid to take it from nurse, Jensen overhears and does it himself. Can you write these two with all the fluff? Jensen asking her out, inviting her over dinner since she was just released from hospital and the whole date? I changed it slightly but I hope you like it. This one is long. Enjoy and shower it with love.
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"Gabe, I'm fine! I already said that!" you repeated in annoyance as your future neighbor pulled you into the emergency room. "Now come on, Y/N," he said and dragged you toward the emergency room by grabbing your arm. "Ouch..." you hissed and tore your arm away from him as you rubbed across it to dull the pain. He raised his hands apologetically. "It's okay. It's okay." Gabriel held the door open for you and immediately the biting scent of antiseptic hit you. Men and women in scrubs hurried around, caring for patients. You meandered your way through the chaos to the reception. The cold light shimmered on the bright tiles on the floor and everything was white and turquoise. Typical hospital. The receptionist didn't even notice you until Gabe finally cleared his throat.
"Excuse me. My friend here-" He demonstratively put his arm around you, but you stiffened under his touch and escaped his embrace. "She's moving and she got caught. Her arm is hurting a lot," he explained. He probably meant well, but you were quite capable of talking yourself. You denied it. "It's not so bad..." you said, looking at the dirty tips of your sneakers. She checked you out and then handed you a clipboard. "Fill this out in the waiting room." she ordered and nodded towards the waiting room. You nodded. Gabe was about to follow you when you turned around again. He was a nice guy, but you hadn't known him long. "Thanks for bringing me here, Gabriel. You don't have to wait anymore. I can handle it." you said, hoping he'd take a hint. Of course he didn't. "Oh, nonsense, it's no problem. I'll wait with you, neighbour." He winked at you and you sighed inside. "All right, neighbour." You mumbled and sat down.
Eagerly you began to fill in the sheet. Complaints, medications, allergies. You were allergic to many sedatives and wrote that down on the paper. Last tetanus vaccine? You had to think about it, so you tapped your pen against your lip. You had no idea. You didn't like getting vaccinated. You weren't anti-vaccination, but you were afraid of injections. So you crossed the line and brought the clipboard back to the reception.
A few minutes later a blonde doctor's assistant appeared in the doorway and called your name. "Ms. Y/N L/N?" She read it out loud and looked up. "Yes, that's me!" you said, rising from your chair. "Follow me, please." She led you through the hallways into a white-painted consulting room. She must have sensed that you were uncomfortable, because she smiled at you. "Please sit down. Dr. Ackles will be with you in two minutes." With these words she closed the door and left you alone in the sterile room. Your gaze wandered and you looked at the various information panels and anatomical drawings on the walls. On the desk in front of you was a model of a human eye and the walls were decorated with drawings made by children. Almost always there were suns, rainbows or a house with a child on it. "Thank you, Dr Ackles" was written on it in scrawly letters.
Suddenly the door opened and the doctor entered. He was wearing a white coat and a stethoscope was hanging around his neck. He had blond hair and looked young. The turquoise shirt stretched over his muscular upper body and he definitely looked good. He smiled at you in a friendly way. "Good afternoon Ms.-" He glanced quickly at the clipboard in his hand. "L/N. I am Dr. Jensen Ackles." His green eyes sparkled as he gave you his hand, which you shook with your uninjured arm. His handshake was warm and firm.
He settled on the other side of the desk opposite you. "Well, Ms L/N, how can I help you?" he asked with a friendly smile. "Well..." you started. "I'm moving and I'm in the middle of a mess. I was taking apart a shelf and I got caught on an old nail. The nail scratched my forearm, but we fixed that. The thing is, the pain made me abruptly snap. Then my shoulder cracked and now I can't move my arm anymore," you said and looked a little ashamed to the side.
Dr. Ackles immediately stood up and circled the desk. "Let's have a look." he said, looking at your shoulder. "The joint is definitely dislocated and should be put back into place." he noted seconds later. He hurriedly took a look at the clipboard. "It says you can't take sedatives, so we'll have to do it without," he explained and you swallowed. "Don't worry. It'll be quick and it will only hurt for a moment." He reassured you when he saw your concern. You nodded reluctantly. "All right," you agreed.
Gently, he placed his hands on your shoulder. "Let's count to three together, yeah? Then I pop your shoulder in. So, ready?" he asked. "Yes," you replied, clenching your teeth together. "All right. One." You breathed more rapidly. "Two." Suddenly, he pushed hard on your shoulder and the joint snapped back into place. "Ouch." You sucked in the air through your teeth. A sharp pain shot through your shoulder. Then the pain ebbed and turned into a dull throb in the background. You moved your arm in disbelief. "Didn't we say on three?" you asked and a laugh escaped your lips. Dr Ackles agreed. "I'm sorry. It's a trick I often use on children because they're less prepared and less afraid, then." He smiled at you crookedly and shrugged his shoulders apologetically. His hand casually brushed across your neck before he stepped away from you.
"Now, let's have a look at that scratch," said Dr Ackles, urging you to roll up your sleeve. He opened the bandage and examined the wound with a professional eye. "The wound is badly reddened at the edges. Have you cleaned it?" he asked. You shook your head and bit your lip uncertainly. A worry line appeared on his forehead. "A rusty nail, you say? When was your last tetanus vaccination?" the blond man asked with concern. You shrugged your shoulders. "I-I don't know. I-I - well... I'm pretty scared of needles." you mumbled and he nodded. "What happened after you dislocated your arm?" he asked further and made some notes. Then his green eyes found yours again. "Well." Embarrassed, you tugged at your shirt. "I fell down and hit my head on the floor," you muttered. "Did you pass out afterwards?" the young doctor asked immediately. You nodded tentatively while he disinfected the wound.
"All right, Ms L/N. In any case, you must spend the night in the hospital under observation. There is a suspicion of a concussion." he explained to you after lighting into your eyes. You nodded softly. "Very good. I will now give you some medicine. Amber, my assistant will help you take them and then bring you to a room where you can spend the night. We'll get you a tetanus vaccination tomorrow." You tried to block the thought of the upcoming vaccination. "Thank you, Dr. Ackles." He nodded at you with a smile, looked like he had something to say, but then Amber came into the room. Dr. Ackles was needed in another room.
You had Amber tell Gabriel you were spending the night in the hospital. Gabriel wanted to see you again, but Amber insisted it wasn't a good idea because you needed rest. He brought you a duffel bag with your toiletries and clothing in the late afternoon.
You had already been lying on the bed in your room for several hours, surfing through the internet in boredom. You were accommodated on the third floor of the hospital and listened to what was going on in the corridor. Shoes squeaked on the linoleum and every few seconds a door slammed. You glanced through the floor-to-ceiling windows and watched the sun set slowly behind the building complex. It bathed your room in an orange light and every move you made cast long shadows on the wall with the door to the hallway.
A knock tore you away from your thoughts. Before you could say anything, the door opened at almost the same moment. Dr. Ackles' blond head appeared in the doorway as he peered into the room. "May I come in?" As if you'd lost the ability to speak, you just nodded without saying anything.  When he entered, he smiled at you impishly while hiding something behind his back. Curious, you watched him enter the room.
"I came back to check on you." Dr. Ackles came to your bed. "I stole some pudding from the cafeteria" said the blond with a cheeky grin, triumphantly holding up a glass of pudding. He winked at you and the gesture caused butterflies in your stomach. "And, um, well..." He suddenly seemed embarrassed and scratched his neck nervously. Then suddenly he reached out to you with a book. You were surprised to receive it. "What is that?" you asked. "Storm of Roses" was written on the cover. "I brought you a book from my office. Against boredom." Your fingers were running over the worn pages. You opened it at a dog's ear, and your eyes went over the lines. "It's obviously some cheesy romance novel." He said. You looked at him with a smile. He immediately blushed and cleared his throat. "Uh-uh, not that I would read something like that. A patient left this in the waiting room. I'm just keeping it for her," he stuttered. You raised your hands defensively and bit your cheek to suppress a giggle. "Of course." you replied seriously, flipping through the pages. "But it's quite good - at least that's what I've heard." He bit his lip and took a deep breath. To spare him any more humiliation, you stepped in. "Thank you, Dr Ackles." You gave him an honest smile as you pressed the book against your chest and looked at his rose-tinted cheeks. He avoided your gaze.  So, Dr. Ackles was a hopeless romantic. Interesting.
You spent the rest of the evening reading the book and eating your pudding at the same time. Eventually, you got so tired from the medication, you could barely keep your eyes open. It was only ten o'clock, but soon you fell asleep with Dr. Ackles' book on your stomach. Two hours later Jensen stuck his head back in the room. He was on emergency duty that day and had to take over the night shift on call. With a slight smile on his face, he realized that you were already asleep. Silently he stepped into the room and leaned the door behind him. Then he went to your bed, gently took the book from your hand and put it on the bedside table. Then he tucked you in and finally turned off the light next to your bed. On tiptoe he sneaked out of the room again and quietly pulled the door into the lock.
The next morning, after breakfast, you waited in the waiting room with a cup of coffee and Dr. Ackles' book. It was still early, but there was already a hustle and bustle in the hospital and you watched the people. Then the door to Dr. Ackles' consulting room opened. A little boy came out of the room with a lollipop. "Thank you, Dr Ackles," the boy beamed at him. Ackles smiled at him. "You're welcome, buddy. And wear a helmet next time, yeah?" "I will." said the boy, and the blond leaned into the door with folded arms, watching the little boy run excitedly to his mother. Then his eyes fell on you. He waved at you with a smile and you melted away. He was just too sweet.
Amber pulled you out of your crush. "Ms. L/N. It's your turn now." Like last time, you followed her into the consulting room. But you were disappointed to realise that Dr Ackles was not there. "The doctor said you need to be vaccinated against tetanus, is that correct?" You nodded and watched in panic as she prepared the injection and disinfected a spot on your arm. Just as she was about to prepare the syringe, you flinched. She stopped in surprise. "Is something wrong, miss?" Embarrassed, you dodged her questioning glance. "I'm afraid of needles. I wonder if Dr. Ackles could take over. It's not that I don't trust you, but..." Amber nodded sympathetically. "Wait a minute. Let me see what I can do." She disappeared, and a short time later Dr. Ackles entered the room. You were relieved to see him.
"Hey there. How are you today?" he asked in his calm and deep voice. "Fine, thank you. I'm just a little scared about the injections and I was hoping, well, you could help me -" You fell silent when he disinfected the spot again and refilled the syringe. "Well, we're going to count backwards from 1,029 in 13 steps, yeah?" he said. Confused, you looked at him and stared anxiously at the syringe approaching your arm. "Look ahead, Y/N. I can't hear you count." You looked ahead and began to count shakily. "1,016" you muttered and jerked as the syringe pierced your skin. "What's next?" Jensen asked and distracted you. You continued to count and were soon so concentrated that you didn't even notice the syringe. Only when he dabbed the blood off your skin did you look up surprised. The young doctor smiled at you. "You did great, Y/N." You noticed that it was the second time he used your first name. Then he put the Band-Aid on you. "You see? You get a special unicorn patch. It's only for the really brave girls." He winked at you. You blushed and a smile crept up your lips. "Thanks, Jensen." You just used his first name too. His fingers gently stroked your skin as he pressed the patch on. "Would you like to have a lollipop like Tommy?" he asked afterwards. Tommy must have been the little boy from before.
Laughing, you shook your head. "I don't think that's necessary. It hardly hurts anymore." His green eyes sparkled in amusement. Then he took a step back and cleared his throat. "Well, that's it. You have officially recovered. Don't let me see you back here again so soon. Take care of yourself for a while, okay?" Your heart got heavy when you realized it was time to go. You grabbed his hand and shook it. He was called into the next room. He touched you for a moment as he went past you and then he was gone.
At home, you dropped your bag on the floor and closed the door. You threw your jacket on the sofa when suddenly something fell out of your pocket. You bent down in surprise. It was a red lollipop and a note was wrapped around it. Curious, you rolled it up and read it.
Dinner at my place, brave girl? Call me, Jensen xx
Wanna get tagged? Head to my bio or drop an ask.
Jensen/Dean tags: @vicariouslythruspn @crazybutconfidentaf @zizzlekwum @ashthefirefox​ @outofnowhere82 @rintheemolion​ @myopiamystical @vicmc624​ @imaginationisgrowth @seven-seas-of-fuck-you
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(Cute) Harbingers of Chaos
A/n: So this is my piece for @some-piece‘s AU challenge!! My choice of characters was: Silvers Rayleigh, Shanks, Wire, Kuzan (Aokiji), and Shachi. I’m going to do a (college) library AU. All fluff and fun, no warnings!! this turned out long than i meant lol, but most is under the cut.  feel free to add to the masterlist basi uwu
Word Count: 1.8k (i know, i thought it was gonna be shorter, but then, well, whoops lol)
Notes: Shachi x Reader (vaguely lol), gender neutral reader, and 2nd person pov
Summary: Reader works in college library, chaos caused by adorableness, Bepo is a massive pupper lol, plans went askew
AO3: Find it here on archive uwu
When you began your shift at the New World University Library, things started off as per usual. Armed with mints in your pocket and a single earbud in your ear, you started on your to do list, first of which was shelving books. Making your rounds through the library, you gave a few smiles and half waves to some of the students you recognized, but soon enough, you were lost in the music and books. Things were going quite smoothly too, that is, until a tall ginger in a whale hat dragged you out of your world, literally. 
He yanked you around the corner of the shelf with a crazed look on his face and frantically looked around before crouching down and grabbing you by both shoulders.
“You work here, right? Have you seen a tall guy in a white hat? Super scrawny, possibly high and definitely needs to lay off the coffee?”
“Sorry, what? I- no. Could you–” A loud BOOOOF cut you off, and all the blood drained from Whale-hat’s face. He released you and rocketed away faster than a bar of soap in the bath, cursing about flightless wanna-be posh birds. Not quite knowing what else to do, you sprinted after him. 
Students were fleeing the plaza at the center of the library, while just as many flocked in with their phones to film whatever was happening. Whale-hat was shoving his way through the throng and you dived after him, apologizing to the disgruntled students as you went.
Whale-hat broke free of the crowd before you, and the people cut off your escape before you could follow. You could hear someone yelling about wasted food, a bunch of incoherent shouting, and a frick ton of barking for somewhere any animals besides service dogs were not supposed to be. You weren’t exactly sure what was happening, but it smelled of trouble, and you could get in a LOT of trouble if this didn’t get resolved quickly!
“COMING THROUGH!” You held your arms around your face and bulldozed through the last students in your way, breaking out into the open– 
Something big and heavy to slammed you to the ground, gave you a few licks and ran across you. 
“POLAR BEAR!” One shadow jumped over you, quick as a whip.
“THAT'S A DOG IDIOT!” Another shadow soared overhead. “STOP CHASING HIM, HE THINKS THIS IS A GAME!”
“Oh my god, are you okay? I’m so fucking sorry about this!” Whale-hat paused his pursuit just long enough to help you up and make sure you could see straight. “PENG YOU IDIOT, YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO KEEP HIM OUTSIDE!”
Whale-hat ran off after you assured him you were fine, and you took in the scene before you. (Properly this time, no giant dogs to obstruct the view). 
The dog in question (definitely able to be confused for a polar bear by size alone) was bounding joyously throughout the plaza, making new friends who would give him pets before he noticed the meat-kid and scamper excitedly away again. Behind Meat-kid were Whale-hat and his friend, trying desperately to call over the dog.
“IS THAT YOUR SHITTY DOG!?” A blonde guy yelled from across the plaza, remnants of a meal scattered around his feet. “IT JUST ATE ALL OF OUR DAMN FOOD!” Why had they decided to have a picnic in the library? And why was the dog close enough to raid their picnic?
“COME HERE POLAR BEAR!” The meat-kid got close enough he dived for the dog. You thought he would actually catch the dog, but the dog dodged at the last second, leaving a student available for meat-kid to tackle instead. You barely held back a snort at the sight of limbs flailing askew and they disappeared from view.
You scowled to compose yourself and took a deep breath; this had gone on long enough. Crossing the plaza, you snatched part of the lost meal and whistled and made some kissy noises. “Here boy! Come here! Want some food?” You patted your leg excitedly and crouched down, trying to lure the fluff monster over.
By some miracle, he heard you over all the noise and bounded over to you, graciously gobbling up the treat and basking while you showered him in rubs and praise (and took a hold of his collar). Whale-hat and his friend wheezed as they ran up to you, gasping out apologies and thanks as they reattached the leash and tied it to their belt. Was– was that a great idea?
“YOUR POLAR BEAR STOLE MY MEAT!” The meat-kid bounced back over to them, hunger and indignation emblazoned across his face. (Talk about the living embodiment of hangry.)
“That's a dog Strawhat-ya." From behind Strawhat came a tall lanky man with bags the size of hammocks under his eyes, freshly soaked in coffee and wearing a white fuzzy cap. 
White hat. Tall. Probably needs to lay off the coffee. "Is that–" 
"LAW! There you are!" Whale-hat laughed and interrupted you, "We were just taking Bepo out for a walk! And we brought you some–"
Law pulled something out of his pocket and chucked it in the opposite direction. Bepo bolted away faster than a squirrel in a nut factory, dragging poor Whale-hat’s friend behind him. You watched alarmed as the dog/human sled combo created a scene which reminded you of bowling pins in a bowling alley. Law then held out his hand expectantly; Whale-hat swallowed hard and reached into his pocket to pull out his wallet and a pack of... salted licorice? He handed the candy and a few bills over, and the lanky zombie disappeared with Strawhat bouncing after him.
What on earth was happening? 
"Oi, shithead! What are you gonna do about my ruined food!? Poor Nami-san and Robin-chan are gonna starve because of you and your shitty mutt!" The blonde growled at Whale-hat, glaring him down in a way that might have been scary, had he not been several inches shorter than the one he was yelling at.
"A, that's not my dog, and B, if Bepo wanted to eat it, then it probably tastes like shit anyway!"
They both started arguing loudly over each other, and you buried your face in your hands. This certainly wasn’t how you wanted today to go. But now, it was time to get this mess straightened out.
"Alrighty boys, listen here,” you growled, “I will look over you," you pointed harshly at the blondie, "having food in the library and I will look over you," you poked Whale-hat in the chest, "having a dog in the library if you both get this mess cleaned up. NOW."
Both their eyes went wide and they lowered their heads and apologized before scampering away to clean up the spilled food. That’s odd, you never thought you were that intimidat– 
“Sorry for the trouble,” an arm wrapped around your shoulder and you found yourself looking at the face of a very cute girl with orange hair, “I’ll make sure those idiots make it up to you.” She winked then strutted away.
You blinked as she disappeared. What the hell just happened? Could this day get any weirder? You shook your head and went to monitor the boys as they cleaned up. Several minutes of cleaning (and attempted flirting on the blonde’s part) later, the floor was clean, and you left them to pick up where you left off in your regular librarian duties.
Days later, you hadn’t run into any of them again, (though you think you might’ve seen Law passed out in the medical section), and it was all starting to feel like a weird fever dream. 
That is, until you received a text from an unknown number while you were at work in the library. 
This you? (Accompanied by a gif of you, being tackled by a big white furry smudge.) 
It looked hilarious, but you were torn between laughing and wanting to cry. Was this all over the internet now? Were you a meme?
You could just say no, wrong number… But what were the chances some random stranger had a gif of the incident and then texted you?
Maybe. Who’s asking?
The typing symbol appeared and disappeared several times, but after a few minutes it didn’t appear. Well that was anticlimactic.
“Uh, hi. Sorry, I just wanted to check if the number Nami gave me was right, or if she was just trolling me.” A voice came from behind you and there he was: Whale-hat! Wait, who the heck was Nami, and how had she gotten your number to pass along?
“Who gave you my number?” 
“The girl with the orange hair from the other day?” He frowned. “You didn’t give her your number?” 
“Not that I recall…” 
“Oh.” His eyes kept meeting yours then darting away again and he shuffled on the spot. You decided to have a little mercy on him.
“I never caught your name,” you extended your hand and introduced yourself properly.
“Ah, shit! I’m Shachi. Sorry about what happened the other day. We didn’t expect Bepo to cause such a mess.” He scratched the back of his neck and gave you an apologetic bow.
“It’s not your fault those students thought having a picnic in the library was a good idea,” you chuckled. “By the way, is your friend okay? The one who got dragged away?”
“Oh, Penguin’s fine! A couple of bruises and stuff, but he’ll live.”
“So, where did you get that gif?”
“Oh, you haven’t seen?” He pulled his phone out of his pocket, “Someone got a good video of the whole thing and it’s already got about half a million hits! I can send the link if you…” He trailed off remembering this might not be something you wanted to be famous for. 
“Right, um…” Shachi blushed and shoved his phone back in his pocket. “I actually was here more than just to apologize and show you embarrassing gifs of yourself.” He tucked his hands behind his back and glanced around. “I mean, it can be part of the apology but I was going to ask if I could get you coffee or something sometime but if you don’t want to that’s fine. Nami was threatening me that I need to be a gentleman– BUT NOT TO ASK YOU OUT, I wanted to do that anyway before this whole fiasco happened, but then you know, this happened, and I–”
“You’re asking me on a date?” you felt the corner of your mouth twitch up.
“I– yes?” He smiled nervously at you. 
You couldn’t help a small giggle. This felt waaayyyy too much like a scene from a bad fanfic, but it still made your heart go uwu. 
“Okay. I have to get back to work, but text me later and we work out a time.” You waved and pushed your cart away. A wide grin split his face in two, and he waved back before running giddily away. 
“I told you the Bepo plan was a sure fire way to get a date!”
“That wasn’t how the Bepo plan was supposed to go! You owe me big time!”
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For the fanfic ask meme: L, R, U?
ooooo yay! Thank you so much for asking!!!!! 
L: What’s the weirdest AU you’ve ever come up with? 
Aha..okay, um. So, this isn’t necessarily a weird AU - but this is what I thought of for this question. I haven’t written too many crazy AU’s, not really! 
 Basically, I saw a post that talked about matching tattoos being soulmate marks, right? And that night I had a dream about it, so I wrote a little mini thing about everyone having some kind of circlet around their various body parts. But I didn’t make up characters...i used myself and a real boy who I knew from my art class whomst I had a crush on. Yes, this is bad - but no no, it gets worse! The next day, I then bumped into him, and was so unaware of who exactly I had run into that I asked “can i see your tattoo?” - thinking of the not real world I was living in for the past 24 hours. Needless to say, I snapped out of it real quick when he responded with; “I don’t have a tattoo?” and then never spoke to me again. It was not my best creator moment lol. 
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
Oh heck yes! Anything that I read is inspiring in some way or another - fanfics esp! Throwback to reading that one old Stucky fic that had the singular line “The instant Steve hears Mikey saying “Holy shit, that’s Iron Man!” he’s flinging himself bodily at Stark and carrying him out of the room...”, and me getting so inspired to actually finish the recent chapter of Above and Below. All so I could steal the phrase “Tackling bodily out of the room” hahaha. But seriously, creators like Adiduck, jilliancares, midnightlie, Okadiah - literally SO MANY! I’m just listing a few I’m currently obsessed with! 
We also have our outside the internet influences - Casey McQuiston shattered me emotionally last August with Red, White, and Royal Blue and ever since I’ve been like - I want that. Maggie Stiefvator is literally my all time favorite author, and while I don’t aim to copy her very unique storytelling style, I do try to find magic in the worlds she makes. RIck Riordan used to be, not so much anymore since I’ve grown - oh, but Samantha Shannon stole me away recently! I read her book, Priory of the Orange Tree, and literally still can’t breathe. 
Again, I get inspiration from every little thing I experience - good and bad, reading and living, etc,. etc., How it influences me is just like...up to me? Hahaha, sorry long answer. 
U: A pairing you might like to write for, but haven’t tried yet.
Hmmm. The only ship I’ve never written anything for that I can think of off the top of my head is Buck and Eddie from 911. Most if not all of my ships have some form of drabble sitting in my Google Doc - I really wanna get the guts to just post the unfinished drafts - because I will literally read myself to sleep with them and would like validation to FINISH THEM. There are hundreds of ideas and ships that I wanted to write for but could never bring myself to finish for this or that reason. 
Thank you so much for playing the ask game!!!! I love getting this questions because it means I can chatter my mouth away!!!!!! <3
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wedreamedlove · 4 years
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[Confessing Voice]
"Under the glimmering lights I was only watching your radiance. I'll place everything I wish to tell you in this song."
This is doing a rerun on the ENG server so what better time to post a translation on it than now? Maybe it'll encourage people to get the card. But I'm also curious about what people feel regarding the differences between the versions.
Does the Asian version seem more quiet with charged undertones while the English version is more physical? It reminds me of reviews I've read about different actors' takes on the Phantom of the Opera lol.
NOTE: This is the JP version with CN subbed lines because I needed to keep the literary reference with the song he sings.
[True Love Date]
I was meticulously checking the first broadcast of Miracle Finder for the New Year in the editing room.
It was an important broadcast related to our sponsors and our ratings this year. I looked over the show's contents with especially strict eyes.
Editing Staff: We've edited this 12 times already...
Everyone's line of sight gathered on me. They were waiting for me to give the OK.
MC: I think it's good this time. We're done with this!
Cheers rose. Looking at everyone who worked hard through consecutive all-nighters I felt bad.
MC: Good job everyone. I'll be generous with the project rewards so look forward to that!
Editing Staff: President, the person we need to thank the most is Professor Xu Mo.
I showed a confused expression.
Editing Staff: I secretly contacted Professor Xu Mo when we kept on redoing this. He gave me a lot of advice even though he was busy...
I looked at my phone screen in surprise. Two weeks earlier---
His face crossed my mind when I was troubled over this current project.
My hand moved on its own to call Xu Mo. It started to become a habit to contact him whenever I had problems.
Xu Mo picked up after several rings.
MC: Xu Mo? Are you busy right now? There's something I'd like to ask you...
Static crackled from the other side of the call. After a while, I heard Xu Mo's voice.
Xu Mo: I'm sorry but lately... I've been busy.
His tone was calm but also distant. It wasn't from exhaustion. I felt a coldness from somewhere.
MC: Don't worry. It wasn't anything serious, so...
Xu Mo: Mm. If it's nothing then I'm going to end the call.
MC: Okay...
Xu Mo didn't say anything further. That was more than enough to make me feel the distance between us.
MC: Wait!
MC: Um... you might be busy, but take care of yourself. Bye bye.
Just when I thought there was rough breathing it suddenly fell quiet. Hearing a monotone beeping, I came back to myself. Xu Mo had already ended the call.
MC: Did he hear my last words...?
Looking at the ended call I was struck by a strange feeling.
Maybe I was thinking too much? His words and speech was cold like never before.
MC: What am I thinking? Xu Mo is just busy...
Although I tried telling myself that I couldn't help but feel uneasy somewhere.
I shook my head and drove away my negative emotions. I relied too much on him. This time I needed to solve things by myself.
Editing Staff: ---President, President? Are the credits good like this?
I returned to the present after being lost in my thoughts. The words "Program Supervisor: Xu Mo" on the credits roll jumped into my eyes.
MC: W-what sort of advice did Professor Xu Mo give? Um... how did you get him to help? When was that?
Editing Staff: It was about 2 days ago. We were editing until 4AM but still had to redo everything... It was when you fell asleep on the sofa.
Editing Staff: After I called Professor Xu Mo, he asked me what happened to you, and I replied you were sleeping on the sofa.
Editing Staff: Then he ended the call saying he was busy. But the next morning an email arrived with detailed advice...
Editing Staff: The strange thing is that he wrote for me not to let you know. But you've found out already, so it's fine, right?
I wondered why Xu Mo helped when he had refused once.
(Why did he say not to let me know? Is there a problem if I know about it...?)
I also didn't understand the reason for Xu Mo's sudden coldness.
For a while there were no replies to my texts and his lectures were on break too. It was like he was distancing himself from me on purpose.
My heart clenched when I thought this.
Editing Staff: President, why don't we invite Professor Xu Mo to our New Year's party this time? He looked like he enjoyed our year-end party a few days ago and he helped us out this time too...
I said this while looking at the New Year's party notice I sent to everyone.
MC: He... seems to be busy, so he might not come.
Editing Staff: But he came to the year-end party even though he was busy, right...?
I hurried out of the editing room as if ending the topic.
On the day of the New Year's party, I came with everyone in the company to a newly opened high-class karaoke box in Lianyu City.
It was an elegant, modern, and spacious reserved room. A white grand piano and guitar were placed in front of the karaoke machine, and beside that was a small stage.
I checked my phone's text messages over and over again. A message from 3 days ago remained there.
Text: Xu Mo, my company's going to have a New Year's party at Petrichor 3 days later. If you'd like, why don't you come?
Text: You looked like you enjoyed singing at the year-end party a while ago, so I thought I'd invite you this time too. But if you're busy then please don't hesitate to refuse.
Even though the message was definitely sent there was no response. I sighed with worry and disappointment.
Yue Yue: President, why have you been staring constantly at your phone? Work is done for today!
Yue Yue quickly stole my phone, randomly touching the screen, and then placed it in front of herself.
MC: Hey, my phone...
I stretched out my hand but Yue Yue pushed a set of cards to me.
Yue Yue: You don't sing, right? Then let's play cards!
The company members around us gathered in interest. I had no choice but to pass the time playing cards with everyone.
Xu Mo's house---
The phone rang and a message arrived. It was from [NAME].
Xu Mo hesitated slightly and then picked up the phone. However, the message was just numbers and letters and he didn't understand what she wrote.
What was this? Xu Mo's expression became severe.
He searched on the internet and tried various methods but he couldn't decipher it. He felt a sense of frustration.
He wondered why she had sent this message.
Was she angry at being treated coldly? Or was it a demand for a reply to her New Year's party invitation...?
Xu Mo dialed her phone from his landline. However, only an automated voice saying "This phone has been turned off" came.
Xu Mo: What is wrong with me?
Xu Mo: When did I start caring about these conventions?
For a while, Xu Mo stared at the message which came from the girl 3 days ago. It was written with her usual detailed and kind words.
At the beginning, his objective was just to get close to her. But the closer he got the more he was drawn to her for some reason.
Xu Mo: Didn't I already decide to leave her life?
Why did he help her again even though he refused her once? Why was his heart unsettled from this incomprehensible message?
The intense pain in Xu Mo's heart insistently told him the reason. That over there was an answer he couldn't escape even if he desperately averted his eyes.
The moment the door to the karaoke room opened Xu Mo faintly understood the answer.
That he couldn't leave her.
MC: Xu Mo! You came?
Her clear eyes widened roundly and she looked at him. The person reflected in those eyes was him alone.
Xu Mo suddenly placed a hand on his chest. A thin thread was tightly squeezing his heart.
He sighed.
Forget it, he would be foolish once more with this foolish girl.
Xu Mo entered the room and sat beside her naturally.
MC: Weren't you busy?
MC: Erm, nevermind. You didn't reply so I didn't think you'd come.
Even under the dim lights he could clearly see her emotions.
There was joy and doubt.
He swallowed back the words he was about to say and softly stroked her hair.
Xu Mo: Sorry. I couldn't get through to your phone so I came here.
MC: You couldn't get through?
She looked down and searched the top of the sofa before showing him the phone, biting her lip awkwardly.
MC: I accidentally turned it off...
Xu Mo smiled lightly with some exasperation. Light and shadow were jumbled together in his eyes.
Xu Mo: Silly.
She gave a pure laugh and then, covering her face, her eyes darted around.
MC: Were you worried about me?
Xu Mo: Yes.
Xu Mo approached her and nodded without hesitation.
Yue Yue: Huh? It's Professor Xu Mo? President, you should have told us if the professor was coming.
MC: Uh... that's because...
Xu Mo: I heard everyone was having a New Year's party so I came without an invitation. I'm not interrupting, am I?
Yue Yue: No way. I was moved when I heard you singing at the year-end party. Everyone wants to hear it again!
Yue Yue said this and then ran back to the stage again to sing enthusiastically with Anna.
Xu Mo: Why aren't you singing together with them?
MC: Huh? I... don't sing much.
Xu Mo: I know. But I'd like to hear it.
My face turned red at Xu Mo's unexpected words.
MC: You're planning on teasing me again, aren't you...
The corners of Xu Mo's lips rose and then he sighed.
Xu Mo: It's true I was worried about you. It's also true that I want to hear you sing.
Xu Mo: Everything is true.
His casual words resounded in my heart more than any other noise in the room.
Yue Yue started singing a sad love song with Anna who was still on the stage.
Anna: Did you really throw away those glittering days...
Yue Yue: I had many dreams in those long nights. Don't remember me. One day you will also know pain...
Xu Mo looked at the words showing on the screen. The flickering light was reflected in his eyes.
The lively karaoke party on top of the stage repeated and, below the stage, everyone else amused themselves with games.
Seeing that Xu Mo had come everyone persistently invited him to join their game.
Gu Meng: Next is the improved version of Spin the Bottle! Whoever this beer bottle points to has to answer everyone's question. If they can't answer with the truth then as penalty they need to drink all this alcohol!
When Gu Meng clapped her hands the editing staff carried over a tray with five cups of whiskey.
Colleagues: This is overdoing it!
Looking at the lined up drinks, I became worried. I would get drunk from just one cup, so if I drank them all I might collapse.
That reminded me, I hadn't seen Xu Mo drink before. I looked at him inquisitively.
Xu Mo nodded and patted the back of my hand.
The beer bottle began to spin and then pointed at Gu Meng.
Yue Yue: Do you have someone you like?
Yue Yue, who had joined the circle at one point, began the questions. At that first question... everyone's eyes gathered on Gu Meng.
Gu Meng glared lightly at Yue Yue and then reluctantly nodded.
Cheers rose. Gu Meng spun the bottle as if trying to avenge herself. This time the bottle pointed at Xu Mo and stopped.
Yue Yue: Professor Xu Mo, is there someone you like in this room?
Gu Meng: How about trying another question?
Yue Yue: That's why I said "in this room"!
Xu Mo smiled and nodded decisively.
Xu Mo: There is.
That answer was so surprisingly clear that the area became quiet. After that cheers exploded and Gu Meng whistled.
My heart was already racing the second Yue Yue asked that question.
The person Xu Mo liked was in this room... My ears turned red and my mind went blank.
I unconsciously brought my hand back but Xu Mo grabbed it firmly.
Xu Mo: Why is your face red?
MC: Erm, uh... it's because of the drinks!
Xu Mo: But... it doesn't seem like you've drank anything yet.
MC: Umm, it's because it's hot then?
Looking at me as my voice gradually became smaller, Xu Mo chuckled beside my ear.
Yue Yue: Okay, next is Professor Xu Mo again!
The beer bottle pointed at Xu Mo again and stopped. This time Gu Meng restrained Yue Yue and asked a question.
Gu Meng: Who is the person you said you liked?
Everyone held their breath and stared at Xu Mo.
My heart wouldn't stop pounding. I looked down and reflexively pulled back the hand that was held by Xu Mo.
Xu Mo smiled, as if he understood something, and drained the drinks one after another.
Everyone was a bit disappointed and began to spin the bottle again.
I secretly glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. He looked drunk and even his ears were red.
MC: Xu Mo, are you okay?
He nodded his head and brought his lips to my ear. His hot breath and the smell of alcohol drifted around me and it felt ticklish.
Xu Mo: I'm fine, although... you still owe me an answer.
MC: I...
I was at a loss for an answer and, at last after panicking, I fell silent. I just concentrated on touching my hair and hiding my discomposure.
Maybe it was because of the drinks or maybe the atmosphere of the place, but Xu Mo became talkative and his eyes were hazy.
Yue Yue: It's finally the president's turn!
Yue Yue and Gu Meng exchanged looks and then came up to me together.
Gu Meng: Who's the person important to you? Please be specific.
MC: How come I'm the only one who has to be "specific"?
Yue Yue: You have to keep to the rules. It's useless to try and run!
The person most important to me--- I looked at Xu Mo shyly and then breathed in deeply.
MC: That person showed me a world I didn't know about until now.
MC: He's warm but not oppressive. He's calm but not melancholic. He's a person that's like a clear sky and a deep fog.
MC: He also notices the slightest change in my feelings and taught me the laws of this world.
MC: Whenever I'm lost he leads me forward with a gentleness that surrounds me.
I sunk into my memories and continued to talk by myself, not noticing how beside me Xu Mo placed his glass down, furrowed his brows, and bit his lip...
MC: He is... a very, very important person to me.
Finished talking about my heart, I gave a deep sigh.
Colleague A: For the president to talk so passionately means that "man" isn't here, right? If he was here, then you wouldn't say this, huh~.
Yue Yue: I wanna know who it is!
MC: Hey now! Enough with the chatter, let's move on...
Everyone unanimously guessed at the "man" I talked about. Xu Mo remained silent and raised his glass, taking a mouthful of his drink.
Despite the game resuming Xu Mo seemed strange somewhere. It was like his cheer up to now had disappeared.
MC: Maybe he's drunk? He drank a lot earlier...
MC: I've never seen him drunk. I'm sure it'd be cute.
I stood in front of the sink, thinking about how he'd look drunk, and giggled.
The moment I stepped out into the hall to return to the room my arm was suddenly grabbed by someone. I was held against a sturdy chest with a force I couldn't fight against.
I was dumbfounded. The scent of summer grass and the smell of faint alcohol surrounded me.
When I came back to myself I was held tightly to Xu Mo. My back was against the wall and one of my arms was caught by him.
MC: Xu Mo...
My heart raced and I didn't know what to do.
Xu Mo looked at me with empty eyes.
Xu Mo: Is that person so important to you?
MC: Huh?
Xu Mo: Tell me. Who is that person?
Xu Mo suddenly came close, speaking in a censuring tone.
(Hold on. Didn't he hear me talk? Or... did he misunderstand?)
I looked up at Xu Mo. Complicated emotions that seemed about to overflow even now were being restrained desperately in his eyes.
MC: You've got it wrong...
Xu Mo: Tell me...
Xu Mo came even closer. The scorching heat of his presence enveloped my surroundings.
It was the first time I saw him with such a scary look. It was so surprising I had no idea what to do. I stared into his eyes and said this.
MC: It's you.
MC: ... The "man" I was talking about is you, Xu Mo. You're my important person.
Xu Mo's eyes became dazed for a second. The smell of alcohol disappeared.
MC: I was talking about you. But... it looks like I caused a misunderstanding...
Xu Mo regained his calm and quietly released my arm.
Xu Mo: I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?
MC: A little...
Xu Mo looked down and rubbed gently at my arm. I couldn't see his expression but his warmth reached up to my ears.
When we returned to the room everyone was still excited. My heart raced just from remembering what happened earlier.
Pressing on my chest, I told myself to "calm down". Then, so that he wouldn't drink any more alcohol, I secretly pulled his glass in front of me.
Yue Yue: President, you never sing, right? How about singing 1 song today at least?
Yue Yue held out the mic to me.
MC: Erm! I'll pass...
I looked at Xu Mo and nervously declined.
It wasn't that I was bad at singing. It was just that I wasn't prepared to sing in front of Xu Mo.
Yue Yue: If the president won't sing then I'll have Professor Xu Mo sing!
Hearing that, everyone became even more enthusiastic.
Xu Mo, who was looking at me, nodded. I also wanted to hear him sing.
He gave a soft smile and, holding a glass, went to the stage.
It was at that time that I finally noticed him wearing a black turtleneck and dark purple scarf.
The speckled lights shone on him and how he had a hand casually placed in his pocket. A languid and alluring atmosphere was brought out.
Xu Mo set his glass down. Then, after thinking a little, he came to me and nonchalantly took my hand and returned directly to the stage again.
He wasn't using a strong force, but there was a sense of pressure that brooked no refusal.
Before I knew it, he slotted his body against mine and placed his chin on my shoulder. The aroma of the alcohol mixed with a refreshing fragrance which was like grasslands after the rains stopped.
Xu Mo: What would you like to sing?
MC: ... Do I have to sing?
Xu Mo: I want to hear you sing.
MC: You won't be shocked after hearing my singing, right?
I raised my head and said this, pursing my lips.
Xu Mo: Then... why don't we try it?
His mouth came close to my ear and he said this in a low voice. I nodded in a dazed manner with a mind gone hazy from the alcohol.
Xu Mo operated the karaoke machine and a mellow melody rang out.
His palm covered my hand. It was a large hand which seemed to cover my hand and the mic together.
Something like a weak current seemed to run through my entire body from his dry palm...
His eyes stared straight at me... straight into the depths of my heart.
Something like a decision was reflected in those eyes.
Xu Mo: When I fall in love, it will be forever.
It was a low enrapturing voice, like a late autumn wind or the swelling night ocean. He sang with his heart in it.
That voice knocked on the door to my heart.
Memories came into my mind one after another.
The first time we met and his beautiful face under a dazzling light. The time we met in a movie theatre at midnight. That golden-colored picnic. That rainbow after the rain lifted...
All those memories rode on that singing voice and slowly flowed throughout the sparkling room.
MC: And the moment---
MC: I can feel that you feel that way too---
As we sang we came even closer together and our hands continued to remain touching.
From the beginning until the end, Xu Mo looked at me with a constant smile and eyes that held expectation.
Xu Mo: It turns out a song can be this short.
The song ended and we got off the stage.
MC: Xu Mo, you really do sing well!
Xu Mo's lips curved and he said this with mischievous eyes.
Xu Mo: Oh? Can I believe... the words of a little liar?
MC: Huh, what do you mean?
Xu Mo: I was actually looking forward to your shocking singing.
I remembered how I said earlier "You won't be shocked after hearing my singing, right?" and my face turned red.
MC: Who asked you to believe in that...
Xu Mo: Then what else have you tricked me on?
Xu Mo flicked my forehead with a finger.
MC: Um... before I said you didn't have to come if you were busy, but to be honest I really wanted you to come.
I looked at Xu Mo and, while thinking this and that, spoke awkwardly.
Xu Mo was surprised. Flickering light surged up violently in his eyes and I saw him swallow, Adam's apple bobbing.
MC: What's wrong?
He gave a long sigh and then spoke in a voice even lower than earlier.
Xu Mo: I won't do that anymore.
He looked apologetically at me.
Xu Mo: Why won't you ask if I've ever tricked you?
I blinked.
MC: Um... of course I know that you've tricked me.
Xu Mo: For example?
MC: You were clearly drunk earlier even though you said you weren't drunk. Even more, you misunderstood me...
Looking at her grumble, Xu Mo was a bit surprised and he laughed quietly. Then he drew in the glass beside his hand and drank a mouthful.
His mind was hazy. Her smile and the spotted lights swayed in front of his eyes.
He thought about how he was surely drunk. But that was fine. Being drunk was better.
The music could continue, the drinks could continue.
That way he could tell himself this. That he was taken in by this atmosphere and the alcohol. And that's what these gentle feelings and hesitation resulted from.
Xu Mo raised his glass and drained it all at once.
Everyone worked really hard for the first show of the new year. Finally, after it took shape, I learned that Xu Mo helped. I thought he had refused to though... Why?
On that day, if I remember correctly, I asked for Xu Mo's help but he refused me coldly. Why did he help me again at the critical moment? I don't really understand Xu Mo.
I thought Xu Mo wouldn't come to the New Year's party but he came on the day of. He said he became worried because I didn't answer my phone. During a game of Spin the Bottle, Xu Mo confessed for the first time that he had a person he liked.
I also talked about the person most important to me. But, because Xu Mo was drunk, he seemed to misunderstand that. I'm someone who rarely sings in front of others but for some reason I ended up in a duet with Xu Mo. There was joy in his eyes.
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therealvalkyrie · 4 years
Summary: Our lovely reader gets injured on her morning run and Steve comes to her rescue, leading her into a life she never had the courage to dream of.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: injuries, mentions of blood and head trauma, fluff, eventual smut.
AN: So. This is the first fic I’ve ever put on the internet and I’m actually vv nervous lmao. But I’m proud of it and I plan to write more of this story and inject some ~plot~ and ~romance~ and things, so yeah! It’s set vaguely pre-Infinity War-era, in New York with our regular cast of Avengers, plus some (eventual) special guests. Hope you enjoy:) ~val
The early morning sun casts a pale light on the running path ahead of her, although it does little to warm freezing fingers. She’s lost in her head, breathily humming the lyrics of a song she heard last night as her feet pound on frost-covered dirt.
She feels good. Light. Unburdened from the usual stress of city living. Early March means the pond next to the trail glistens in the sun, half iced-over, as she picks up the pace coming around a corner.
It happens fast, with a sharp jab to her side from the handlebar of a passing bike and a hot, sharp pain to her knee. She’s stumbling, clutching her side, one hand out to catch the fall, suddenly stopped short as head connects with tree. She slams against the hard ground and rolls to her back, eyes wide and panicked against the pain in her knee and head. Breathing fast, too fast, the frosty air no longer makes her feel alive. Instead, it constricts the lungs and makes her head feel light.
“Hey, are you okay?” A face appears in her field of vision against a canopy of leafless boughs. It, too, takes her breath away. Piercing blue eyes and flaxseed-blonde hair stun her into silence for a moment. When she doesn’t respond, he utters a soft “hey” again.
“Oh, I, uh, yeah, I think I’m good, I just, uh, what happened?”
“You were hit, and then you fell. Here, let me help you.”
Words won’t go in the right order in her mind as he helps her sit up with large, gentle hands. Immediately, she cries out against a sharp pain in her skull, pressing palms into her eyes. “Ow, fucking fuck!”
“Whoah, there, no need for the language,” he chuckles. “I think you hit your head.”
“Yeah, no kidding.” As the pain dulls, she squints her eyes open to look again at her savior. Her brain hadn’t been deceiving her; the man kneeling by her side is undeniably gorgeous, dressed in a muscle-hugging workout shirt and running pants that show off his incredible physique. Focus, she thinks, shaking her head and wincing when it brings a tidal wave of nausea. “Did, um, I mean, is the biker okay?”
The man glances over his shoulder and she follows his gaze to where the biker is brushing dirt from his pants. He appears unscathed and casts a guilty look in her direction before darting across the path to join them. 
“A-are you okay? I am so, so sorry, I must not have been paying attention.” He leans halfway down, hands on his knees, as though he doesn’t really want to be part of their little group.
“Yeah, I, um, think I’ll be fine?” What’s meant to be a statement comes out as a question.
“She hit her head,” inserts blondie, who’s eyeing the biker with some contempt. “And it looks like the chain caught her knee, too.”
Confused as to what he’s talking about, she looks down at her leg and gasps. The blonde man is holding what looks like a formerly white, now blood-stained, sweatshirt to a pretty significant gash trailing from her kneecap down her calf. 
“Noooo,” she moans. “Those leggings were on sale. And your sweatshirt! ” She’s frustrated and starting to register the pain in her leg and side. With a groan, she slumps back against the tree and tenderly feels the growing lump on her hand. The rough tree bark must have broken skin because her fingertips are red with blood when she pulls them away.
The two men are talking to each other, saying something about responsibility and police report. She doesn’t tune back in until the biker walks away back across the path.
The blonde man turns back to her, tucking his phone back into a pocket. “Don’t worry, I got his information. In case you want to file a report. I’m Steve, by the way.”
“Oh, thank you.” She gives her name and sticks her hand out. He awkwardly shakes it with his left one, as his right was still holding the fabric to her bleeding leg.
“So, how bad is it?” She winces in anticipation of the answer and peers at her wound.
“You’ll be alright, but you should go to the hospital. Your leg definitely needs stitches and I think you have a concussion.”
“Fucking hell,” she sighs. “I don’t have insurance, I can’t afford a hospital trip.”
Steve looks concerned, glancing down at the bloodied leg and back up to her face. He seems to make a decision. “Well, that’s alright, you can come with me and I’ll get you patched up.”
“What are you, a doctor?” she jokes, disbelieving that this man would go any more out of his way than he already had.
“No, but I have a friend who is. It’s not far from here, and I promise he won’t charge you.” His blue eyes twinkle like he has something hidden, but he looks trustworthy nonetheless.
She takes a moment to weigh her options: go home and try to deal with it herself, risking infection and almost-certain brain damage, or go with this strange man, risking waking up two days from now in an ice bath in some warehouse. Fuck it. “Well, okay, that sounds alright. Are you sure your friend isn’t going to chop me up and sell my organs on the black market?”
He breaks out in a wide grin and openly laughs. “No, no, I can promise you he’s legit. Don’t worry, you’ll see. Can you stand?”
“I think so, let me just--” she cuts off her sentence and gropes around in her pockets for something to tie the sweatshirt to her wound. “Got it!” She produces a rubber exercise band from a jacket pocket and passes it to the man, who carefully secures the sweatshirt to her wound.
“Alright, here we go.” Steve crouches next to her and winds her arm around his shoulders, securing his around her waist. With his help and one hand on the tree, she finds herself suddenly standing.
“I’m not sure I can bend my knee, so just don’t let go,” she warns in a nervous almost-whisper and grips him tighter. He is reassuringly solid, and she takes a moment to mentally thank the stars that someone was around to help her.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got you, sweetheart.” The pet name makes her flush, and she focuses on the path in front of her rather than acknowledging it.
Slowly and patiently, the pair hobbles all the way to the end of the trail, which abruptly leaves the peace of Central Park and opens onto the busy New York streets. By this time she’s sweating and uncomfortable and somehow also freezing, the pain alternating between stiffness in her leg and nausea in her head.
“Why don’t we take a rest. I can call someone to pick us up.” Steve awkwardly guides her to sit on a bench at the edge of the park.
“Grand idea,” she grunts and stretches her injured leg out in front of her. She breathes a hot breath into her fingerless-gloved hands. “I feel like I’ve been run over by a train. Are you not cold? I kind of stole your sweatshirt.”
Chortling good-naturedly, Steve takes a seat next to her, lounging more gracefully than one would expect for someone so lengthy. “I’m okay, I run naturally hot.”
You sure do, she silently agrees, turning back toward the street. As Steve pulls out his phone to call a ride, she closes her eyes and absorbs the sounds of the city waking up. The day is starting out strange, but at least she’s still in familiar territory. He’s talking to someone he must know well, as he’s teasing whoever’s on the other end of the line. After a moment more of listening to the half-conversation, she sinks back into her thoughts.
Please, god, don’t let him be a serial killer, I’m too young to die. I’ll do anything, I’ll donate to charity or adopt a dog or stop being a slut, anything, I swear, as long as he doesn’t --
“So, do you live near here?” The question jolts her out of a reverie, and she scrambles for the answer.
“Oh, uh, yeah, just a couple blocks that way.” She gestures in the direction of her apartment. If he’s a serial killer, I’m dead, she reprimands herself. “And you said you’re not far from here?”
Meeting her slightly hesitant gaze with a steady one, Steve answers, “Yeah, not far, not far. Although I grew up in Brooklyn.”
“No kidding,” she exclaims, a smile finding its way to her face. “Me too! Don’t know what possessed me to move uptown, but here we are.”
He nods in agreement. “I know what you mean. I moved for work, I guess, but I’ve always intended to move back.” 
“What do you do for work?”
This time, he looks at her curiously. “Not to be conceited, but I’m actually surprised you haven’t recognized me yet.” She raises her eyebrows. “But, I suppose you’ll find out soon enough anyway. I’m Steve Rogers, er, Captain America.”
Her head jerks back in surprise and she blinks away another confusing wave of nausea. “Oh! I guess I’ve been so out of it I didn’t notice!”
He laughs at her reaction. “That’s completely fair. But, yeah, that’s why I can get you a doctor.” “That makes a lot more sense,” she nods sagely. “Plus, there’s a significant decrease in the chances you’ll chop me up and sell me for parts.”
“A significant decrease, for sure, I would have to agree.” He mimics her nod and after a beat they both laugh.
Just then, a sleek black car pulls up to the sidewalk and a man steps out and around the front, and it can’t be, can it? Oh my god, it is--
“And just who might this be?” Sam Wilson quips, making eye contact with her, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. Steve rolls his eyes affectionately and stands, moving to open the back of the car
She gives her name with a smirk of her own and moves to stand, but Sam steps forward before she can.
“Please, don’t, Steve tells me you’ve hurt your leg. The name’s Sam.” He takes her hand and kisses the back of it lightly, making her giggle like a schoolgirl.
“I know,” she quips. “The Falcon, right?”
“The one and only! I feel honored, Stevie told me you didn’t recognize him at all.”
“I was preoccupied at the time, as it happens.” You steal a glance at his outfit and stifle a giggle at his Captain America pajama pants. “Nice PJs.”
“I’ll have you know I crawled out of bed an hour early for you,” Sam joked, pointing an accusing finger at her. “But Steve says he met a beautiful woman in need of assistance and my inner gentlemen overpowered me.”
“Sam, stop flirting with the lady and help me.” Steve is smiling as he returns to her side, but she thinks she can see a hint of envy in his blue eyes. “Can you stand again?” he asks her lowly, stooping down to wind an arm around her waist again.
“Yes, I think so,” she replies and grips Steve’s broad shoulders and Sam’s outstretched elbow. “Oops, nope, I regret that.” Her head swims and swoops, good knee buckling as soon as she’s upright.
“It’s alright, I’ve got you.” And in a heartbeat, Steve has scooped her into his arms and against his chest, one arm around her shoulders and the other beneath her knees.
“Oh,” she breathes, instinctively gripping his shoulders and blushing. He crosses to the car and gently maneuvers her into the back seat.
“Now, I’ll be right up there and it’ll only be a few minutes. We’re not too far away,” Steve reassures before closing the door and sliding into the passenger seat. “All right,” she says to no one in particular, settling her bad leg across the seats.
The ride to Avengers Tower isn’t too long, and it’s spent listening to the two super-soldiers’ easy banter as she leans a cheek against the cool window glass. The low hum of what must be one of Tony Stark’s luxury vehicles lulls her into a half-stupor. She can feel her eyes drooping, heavy, heavier until she slips uneasily into unconsciousness.
The two men don’t realize their passenger has stopped adding in the occasional witticism until a direct question goes unanswered.
Steve calls out her name, then, “You all right back there?” He twists to look back at her and is seized with panic when he sees her pallid form slouched uncomfortably against the door.
“Sam, floor it, she’s out!” He turns fully and reaches back to shake her shoulder, but she only flops limply back.
“Cool it, big guy, we’re here,” Sam coolly reassures but pulls into the garage fast and haphazardly.
The wheels have barely stopped turning and Steve is out of the door, throwing open the back seat. He is panicked and shaky and guilty, thinking she must have lost too much blood and definitely has a concussion, should have kept her awake.
“Hey, hey, wake up, I’ve got you.” He pulls her out of the backseat and into his arms, carrying her bridal style to the elevator bank.
Sam is a step behind him, jamming the “up” button while barking orders in a phone, hopefully to Bruce.
Steve is shaking with anxiety, willing the elevator to hurry the fuck up already. It arrives, and the men slip past a confused intern and into the sleek elevator.
“FRIDAY, medbay,” Steve orders the omnipresent AI.
“Of course, sir. Doctor Banner has asked that you meet him in emergency care.”
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logical--dreamer · 4 years
The Dark Kingdom Communications
So i don't normally do this type of thing, but i came up with a Modern Cassarian AU idea and decided to make a fic out of it. I'm not the best writer, but i hope you enjoy it!
The Dark Kingdom Communications: Chapter one
‘No, no, no.’ Cassandra cursed as she frantically clicked her mouse on the Wifi icon, praying that it would finally come up.This was not good, she had to submit the application in by five o’clock or she couldn’t for another few months. 
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “It will be okay, everything will be okay.” She whispered as she let the breath out. She still had time before the deadline, hours in fact, she didn’t have to feel so anxious.The Wi-fi could come back on at any minute, so she didn’t have to worry. She had the day off so all she had to do was wait. 
She wasn’t a big fan of that word
Normally, she was a really patient person. She was willing to wait in the wings while others took center stage, but the longer she stood in the shadows the more it was expected of her. It felt like her time in the sun had come and passed and she missed it. It felt like someone stole her destiny, but no more. She was done waiting. 
She had to wait to apply to the Police Academy until she had a full college education, but now her father dIdn’t have any excuse for her not to join. Honestly, he shouldn’t be surprised that this is what she wanted to do. He was the Captain of the Corona Police Department and from a young age he taught her self-defence, and when she was legal, how to handle firearms. She was confident in her abilities, so why wasn’t he? 
She took another deep breath and got out of her swivel chair. This was just her anxiety acting up. “Everything will be fine.” she repeated to herself as she went to her kitchen counter for some coffee. This was going to be a long day. 
She grabbed her favorite mug and filled it with the hot beverage before leaning on the counter just staring at the computer. She needed a distraction, something to take her mind off of the internet. She tapped her finger against the mug in her hands and smiled softly. 
It was a blue ceramic mug from one of those “Paint your own” places. When it first opened, Raps was quite insistent that they go in and make something for each other. Honestly, she felt bad for what she gave her best friend. Unlike Rapunzel, painting wasn’t her strong suit. She traced the detailed owl her friend had painted with a small smile. It’s a wonder why Raps went for a law degree and didn’t pursue art, she was very talented.
Rapunzel! Maybe the ball of sunshine could distract her? She grabbed her phone and went to her contacts to call her. She licked her lips and shifted her feet as she listened to the ringing only to hear the dreaded voicemail. She hung up and sighed. She forgot, Raps was shadowing her father at his law firm today and wouldn’t be available until later that night.
Cass let out a groan and scrolled through her contacts. She felt a pang of loneliness when she realized how small the list was. She stopped at Fitzherbert’s name before letting out a laugh. She wasn’t that desperate. 
She lifted her coffee to her lips and took a small sip as she gazed at the computer again. Maybe it was working again? She walked over, sat her mug and phone next to the laptop, and tried the Wifi button one more time. 
Please, please, please...
Fine. If she was going to waste her day anyways might as well get this thing working. She grabbed her phone and dialed the Dark Kingdom Communications helpline. 
"Ahuh...ahuh...yeah...okay." Varian nodded as he listened to another "Karen" on the other end of the phone complaining about her computer not turning on. This was the fifth time she called that day and it seemed like every solution he suggested didn't work and she was growing aggravated. 
He wasn't the biggest fan of working in customer service. True, he was good at his job and knew what he was talking about, but some of these customers… He worked better in solitude when it was just him, Ruddiger, and his science equipment. 
He genuinely wanted to help people, but he had hoped with one of his inventions, not tech support. 
He took a big sip from his cheap black coffee and rubbed his tired eyes as he listened to the woman on the other side insult him and the company he worked for. 
"Ma'am...ma'am…" he tried but she kept on complaining, "MA'AM!" He called over the phone and that seemed to finally silence her. "Have you checked the plug?" That seemed to offend her as she started in on him again, only to go dead silent. He heard a quiet "oh" on the other side and then a "click" to let him know she hung up. He leaned back in his chair and let out a sigh. 
He closed his eyes, exhausted. It was his own fault for staying up so late, but he had a breakthrough in his invention and he had to test it out! ...which resulted in a total power surge in his building. Thankfully, everyone was asleep and didn't notice him sneak down to the basement of the building to fix the fuse box. 
He sat forward and rolled his chair closer to his computer. Fortunately, it was a Friday, and every Friday night he liked to take the night off to order a pizza and watch a movie. It was a way to rest before going to his projects again. He would always invite his neighbor to join him, but she was usually too busy to come.
Oh, Cassandra. She was a beautiful, smart, independent woman who's grayish green gaze made him melt into the floor like a melted ice cream cone. He’s tried to impress her and make her notice him, but he doubted she even knew his name. 
He stretched his head around his cubicle to glance at Eugene who was chatting with Lance near the coffee maker. Eugene was the son of the owner of the Dark Kingdom Communications and was the head of marketing. He was the smoothest and most charming man he's ever met and he really admired him. Sometimes he wanted to ask for his help with speaking to Cassandra, but he would always chicken out. Maybe someday he would grow out of being such a coward.
He let out a small groan when he heard a new ringing in his head piece telling him he had another customer waiting for his assistance. He sat back in his chair and pressed the answer button. "Hello…"
"...Dark Kingdom Communications, this is V speaking, how can I help you?" Cass heard over the phone and sighed in relief to finally get rid of that obnoxious hold music. 
“Hello, I can’t find the internet” Cass lifted her head from where she set it as she waited for someone to answer.
“Sorry?” V questioned, confusion laced in his voice, causing her to be more irritated than before. 
“The Wi-Fi is down and I can’t for the life of me get it back up.” Cass continued, moving her mouse to keep the screen up. 
“Oh!” the man on the other line exclaimed in understanding, “Sorry, that was just an odd greeting.” he chuckled, trying to keep a friendly atmosphere on the phone.
“Well, one tends to be a bit frazzled when they had to sit through hold music for twenty minutes when they are on a deadline.” she snapped at the man.
V was quiet for a moment, probably trying to find a way to get things back on topic of her call. She was surprised when she heard a soft chuckle on the other end and him voicing his agreement. “It is pretty bad isn’t it?” 
She raised her eyebrow in confusion and nodded slowly even though he couldn’t see her, “Um, yeah….anyways, my internet isn’t working.”
“Right, of course!” V cleared his throat and she heard typing on the other side of the line, “I just need a little information before we begin.”
Cass shifted in her seat, frowning, she didn’t like giving people she didn’t know personal information “What kind of information?” she asked, almost defensively, ready to call whoever was his supervisor for his unprofessionalism. 
“Well….I need your name in order to pull up your file and to access your computer to work on fixing the problem.” V said slowly, almost reassuring. She slowly relaxed at his words. She had nothing to be tense about, it was just the tech guy. Why was she feeling so anxious?
“Right.” she licked her lips as she played with the glove on her left hand, “My name is Cassandra, Cassandra Moon.” 
Varian froze in his chair at the name. Cassandra, his neighbor, was on the other line. Beautiful, smart and independent Cassie…
“Hello?” Cassandra questioned him on the other line and that seemed to snap him out of his trance and had him get right to work. 
“Yes, hi, sorry. I found your file right here.” This was his fault, her internet was down because of his machine. Now she is going to hate him and she will never come over for pizza and movie night...not that she has before, but he kept hoping that she would someday. “Want to tell me what’s wrong?” he asked, his voice going up an octave without his consent. He cleared his throat again, pushing the reading glasses, that he always kept on top of his head, down to the tip of his nose.
“Well, like I said before, the WI-FI won't connect to my computer.” Cassandra repeated, the irritation back in her voice. He felt his heart pick up with nerves, he didn’t mean to make her annoyed with him. 
“How do you connect to the internet? Do you use a Modem, or your smartphone, or a broadband?” He questioned as he started the program to grant him access to her computer to look for any viruses or malware that might be causing problems for her. 
“I use a modem.” She mumbled on the other line. 
“Okay, and is the light for the internet doing anything? Is it on? Off? Flickering?” Varian asked, finally getting into the swing of his job. He could freak out about his crush calling later, right now he had a job to do. No matter what, he was going to fix her wifi. 
After about an hour of going back and forth of them trying multiple tricks and resetting different things, they finally got her internet connected and running, 
Cass looked at the clock and let out a sigh, she was going to make it. “Thank you so much.” she told V, her heart swelled with gratitude. “You have no idea how thankful I am that you were able to fix this.” 
V’s breath seemed to hitch at her words before they tumbled out quickly, “n-no problem at all! It’s just part of the job!” his voice seemed to raise again and he cleared his throat. “If you enjoyed the experience, please make sure to take the survey to let us know what you thought.” he suggested for maybe the hundredth time that day. 
She smiled as she pulled up her web browser and went to the bookmarked application. “I will….hey, I’m sorry about the way I acted before.”
“It...it’s alright, Cassandra.” He said softly, but she could tell he was smiling. She was happy she was able to make him happy after she was sure he had a rough day full of unreasonable customers. She felt her heart sink, she knew what that was like and she knew she didn’t help with the way she acted earlier. 
She was about to say goodbye, when she heard him ask, “What would you rather have?” 
“Sorry?” she paused in filling out her application, knitting her eyebrows together. 
“For the hold music? What would you rather have?” V asked quickly, taking them back to the beginning of the call once more. 
She tapped her finger on her chin as she thought about it. “Something upbeat, but not that annoying techno whatyoucallit that seems to be popular nowadays.” Cass hummed as she considered the question. 
“Oh, yeah, I agree. Honestly, in school I was a bit of a theater kid, I feel like something like that would be good hold music.” he said, surprising her with her exact same thought process. 
“Yes!” Cass agreed, surprising herself with how enthusiastic her response was. That was a bit uncharacteristic for her especially with someone she just met. Rapunzel was really rubbing off on her. She rubbed her eyes and looked back to her screen. She let her eyes wander over the page to make sure all the information was correct. She smiled in satisfaction, it was ready.
V was silent on his line for a long moment and she thought he hung up before he spoke again, “What about “Oh, What a beautiful Mornin’” from Oklahoma?” He suggested, she once again could hear typing on the other end. 
Cass raised an eyebrow, “It’s good...but a bit older. Those who are waiting might not like it.” she grabbed her mug again and took a sip. 
She heard V scoff in defense, “It’s a classic! I’ll have you know that I blew the audience away with my version.” 
“I’m sure mommy and daddy were so proud.” she mocked in a playful tone, suppressing a smile in her mug. 
“Uh...well, my dad was.” V mumbled, the vibe suddenly felt very heavy, “or I hope he was...” he added under his breath. 
“Sorry.” Cassandra frowned, things were starting to get too personal for a customer and a tech support guy. She better end it soon. 
“It’s alright.” he said, his tone light and happy, surprising her, “What do you think it should be then, since you seem to know so much about music?” 
She glanced at her application one more time before hitting the submit and letting out a breath. The weight lifted from her shoulders as she slowly relaxed. 
“The Greatest Showman.” she said simply, “The movie was a hit and I doubt anyone would find it irritating to listen to.” 
“Yes, but it would also cause a problem.” V said seriously. 
“And what problem is that?” She asked with a raised eyebrow
“I'll be forced to sing along each time it comes on.” He said, causing her to let out a laugh. 
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cilliansaccent · 4 years
The Peaky Designer - Cillian Fanfic, Chapter 16
Hello, welcome back. Below is the next instalment of my fanfiction!
Leave a like or a comment if you liked it, or if I can do anything better! Please, it would mean the world and to understand if anyone is enjoying my writing. Also, sharing/reblogging would be even better.
I will not be including Cillian’s family as it’s kinda weird since he has children lmao. Just a mention of his parents and a previous lover.
I will indicate in a chapter if there is smut in the beginning and before the actual scene!!
I will add trigger warnings if there is any!!
There is a variety of levels of swearing during a chapter, I will not hold back, everyone swears.
The timestamp for the Fic is now 2016 and onwards!!
——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——-
Background: Gabrijela Babic is a Croatian girl from Sydney, Australia. She is born in the year 1991 on the 24th of December. She studies a Fashion degree in a University with a major in Game Design as well. Her teacher in the fashion designer class managed to nail an Internship on the set of Peaky Blinders with the shows very own Costume Designer, Allison McCosh. There, she travels to London for under a year to learn how to be one, working alongside the actors as well the man she admires, Cillian Murphy. But, her platonic feelings for the man begins to grow into something more, and she wonders whether she should pursue them or let him go for fear of her strict parents and her three older brothers…
Swantje Paulina as Gabrijela Babic (swalina on Instagram)
Cillian Murphy
Word Count: 3,497
!!Warnings!!: Major sex scene at the end. 
Date: January 2017
Chapter Name: One Last Time
Brief Chapter Outline: Cillian and Gabrijela spend their last day together doing whatever they can before they end it with some heated passion...
——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——-
Cillian's brother dropped them at the airport before he bid farewell to them both. It was another early morning start but they had to get home as early as possible so Gabrijela could start packing and figuring out what to send via post. They checked in, wandered around the airport for a bit and ate before they headed through to the boarding gate. As they sat and waited, Cillian had his arm around her shoulder, his cheek against her head that rested on his shoulder. 
She scrolled through her Instagram, she remembered he had caught her on her fandom account and she was red-faced when she showed him what she posted. It was a multifandom account, and she posted various textposts, fan art and the like of her favourite books or TV Shows. "Still makes me chuckle you posted such old photos of me with those funny captions or whatever you'd call them." Cillian murmured. She rolled her eyes, "Shut up. I was and still am a dedicated fan!" "Well, now you are more than a fan to me." He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Mhm." She tilted her head back and kissed him softly before she resumed her scrolling. But before she was going to tuck her phone away she came across a photo in the explore section of the app. "Oh, good god." She whispered in shock, "Cilly look." She showed him a photo of them both. It was more distanced but blurry so you couldn't make it out who she was really. It was when they were waiting at the airport coming to Cork. "Who took it?" He looked at it, frowning. He knew she wouldn't post anything of their relationship online, they had a talk about it and she was super respectful about it. "No idea. Just says someone had taken it. Maybe it's from Twitter." She felt worry ease into her. She hoped there weren't other sneaky photos of her and Cillian online. She never really said she was going overseas to her online fanbase either, just to her close friends back at home and the ones she made at Uni. "I'm sorry." He said as he ran his hand up and down her arm. "What for?" She looked up at him, confused as to why he would apologise. "For that." He gestured to the photo, "I should have been more thoughtful of those things." He began to let her go. "Cillian, no. Hey," she took his hands as she faced him, "I knew that something like this would happen on the end. I don't want it to ruin what we have." She didn't want him holding back on her when they were out in public. "I don't want you to be plastered all over the internet, either." He squeezed her hands. "I mean, my face is already on the internet. My accounts are not private." She shrugged. "I'll take a look on Twitter but... It doesn't bother me much. Unless you don't want the word going out about you being with someone." "I don't really like the idea of people being too into someone else's life. I'm just concerned about how it would be interpreted by everyone." He said. "Mm. I agree. They can be quite cruel. I've seen how people can react to their idols being with someone else... But again, Cillian, I don't want to like... Not be romantic when we are out in public. I want us to be just us, holding hands and all that. I couldn't care less what online haters would think about." She cupped his jaw. "Are you sure?" He asked. "I am. I can handle it. Besides, if there is an issue, who cares hm? They don't know us." She kissed him lightly. "If you say so." He said as his arm went back around her and they resumed their position. He would still be worried either way.   It was time to board and they detached themselves from each other and picked up their bags. They lined up with the other people, holding hands. She would not let the online images hurt them. When it came to showing affection, she didn't want to hide it. "Um, excuse me," Someone tapped Gab on her shoulder. She turned to see three girls looking at them keenly, "Are you dating Cillian?" She asked, eyes darting to their held hands and to Cillian who also turned to see them. They seemed quite surprised at the sight of Gabrijela, she could see it in their eyes. Cillian had replied instead, "We are. Why do you ask?" "There are rumours online, uh, photos popping up. The fans are uh, going crazy about it. Kinda a big deal, cause no one um... well expected..." She trailed off when Gab and Cillian turned away to get through the gates. Gabrijela gave Cillian a little giggle as they stepped through and headed down the hallway. "Seems like more photos." He said, frowning deeply. "It's fine Cillian, don't stress." She squeezed his hand. They got into the plane and took their seats, this time he was beside the window. The whole ordeal started up again but Cillian comforted her, and she settled faster with his gentle and caring words. She cuddled him throughout the trip, the turbulence was pretty bad as they went through a storm. He wrapped his jacket around her shoulders and made the scarf that she stole from him as a pillow on his shoulder. But after an hour and a half or so, they landed safely and got off the plane. The girls that spoke to them before seemed to follow them. "We got a bit of a party following us," Gabrijela said to Cillian as they headed towards the many taxis that waited. He glanced over his shoulder and chuckled, "It seems so." He hailed down a taxi and got their stuff into the boot before he held open the door for her. "Tough they won't see much anymore." She laughed and got into the car and he got in after her. It was nice to be back home now, they headed upstairs and she laid on his bed, "Ooooo," She groaned, "Cillys bed... So good." She giggled as he crawled up over her, laying down on her but not enough to crush her. He kissed her neck, "You miss it?" He asked. She giggled, "Yeah I did." She turned so she was now looking up at him. She leaned up and kissed him, "We gotta keep moving though. I have to go back to the apartment to pack up the remaining things there and clean up." He nodded and got off her. They had a quick bite before they headed over to her apartment. They packed up whatever she had left behind into his car before they cleaned up the place. She threw out most of the old food that was left behind. The apartment was just like how she came to it. She had taken off the sheets to and left them as a neat pile. She left a wonderful card and a wine behind for the owner of the apartment before she finally said goodbye to the place. Heading back to Cillian's home, she spent it packing up her stuff. But she kept most of her souvenirs in her suitcase all wrapped up in clothing. She didn't want to send it via parcel. She had packed the majority, leaving out her new set of clothing for tomorrow. Every other bits and piece was easy to just shove into her carry-on. Cillian came up the stairs to see how she was going, "Damn you are quick," He said. "Yeah. Just need a scale to weigh the bag." She said. "Got it." He went to the wardrobe and pulled out the scale. They weighed and she had some more room to add a few more clothing in. Now she had two small piles of clothing to send off. "Let's head to the post office now." She said and they headed off. They did what they had to do, and she made sure she was to pay for the fees of the parcel. Since it was a nice day, Cillian decided to take her out to St. James' park to have brunch. He had a blanket in the back and they headed in a nicer part of the park, a little secluded. They set up and Cillian went to a nearby cafe he liked to buy them food. In the meantime, Gabrijela spoke to her dad on the phone and listened to him ask if she had everything packed and whatnot. He would call her in the morning before she would leave as well. She laid back on the blanket, a hand over her tummy. She listened to the hum of the city and the voices of people around her. Cillian returned with a bag, "I'm back. Bit of a hold-up but I'm here." He grinned as he sat down beside her. She sat up, "Thanks babe," She smiled and helped him take the stuff out. "Whatcha get?" "I got us both eggs and bacon, I got you hot chocolate as well. I also got capers for myself." He said. "Thank you," She leaned over and kissed him deeply. "Love you." "Love you too," He said and pecked at her lips before they both dug into their food. They finished up and Cillian disposed of their rubbish before he came back and they laid back together. She snuggled close to his chest, his arm around her shoulders. "I'm gonna miss this," She said, stroking his chest. "Same." He played with her hair, running his fingers through it. "You gonna miss me?" She looked up at him. "Of course I will. So much." He cupped her face. "I will make sure we can talk as much as possible, video and all." She said, leaning up to kiss him. "Sounds good." He murmured, kissing her back. They held each other for a bit like that, totally in their own world as they kissed slowly. They finally broke apart and packed up before he went back to the car to leave the blanket and came back to her. They took a walk around the park and Cillian listened to her talk about how she was going to dread going back in for the last year of her University course. "I've been doing good in my game design as well, so I might see if I can get into that." She said. "Not costume designing?" Cillian asked. "Dunno, I enjoyed it but... I was quite stressed. I don't like the feeling." She laughed softly. "But I'll see." They came back to the car and headed home. When she stepped through the door, Cillian closed it and then pulled her against him. She gasped, "What are you doing?" She laughed as he began to pepper her neck with kisses. "Kissing you." He said, his hands resting on her hips before they snaked up to cup her breasts. "I think you want more than kisses, babe." She moaned softly as he gripped them tightly. She was pushed up against a wall, "Cilly." He kept fondling her breasts, then began to unbutton her blouse and discarded it aside. She smirked and pushed her ass against his crotch, then began to grind against him. "Mmm babe, you like that huh?" She purred. His hands returned to her hips, "I do. Keep doing that love." He watched how she moved against him, his hands now moved back up her sides before he turned her around and kissed her deeply, his fingers tangling in her hair. She moaned as she gripped his shirt, lifting it up before she pulled it over his head. "I want... I want you to use something on me." She blushed, running her hands down his soft skin along his arms. "Yeah? What is it?" He kissed her again. "It's in the bedroom. Let's go there." She took his hand as he picked up their shirts and headed upstairs. She opened up her suitcase and pulled out a black bag. Then she held out an eight-inch long vibrator that was a sparkly purple. "I'm going to be honest, I've never seen them in person." Cillian laughed as he came over, taking it from her. "No?" She raised a brow, "Then where did you see it? In porn?" She brushed past him and laid on the bed, smirking. "Maybe." He chuckled and turned to her, "So you want me to tease you with this?" He turned it on. "Yeah." She nodded, parting her legs despite still got her pants on. He brought it to her crotch, and held it against her and watched how she let out a moan. "Mmm, let's take off these pants first." He said as he waited for her to take her jeans off and throw it aside. He got on the bed, kneeling between her legs as he returned the vibe to her core. She sucked in a breath, gripping the sheets. He had it on a low setting, stroking her up and down through her panties. "Ah..." She laid back, eyes closed as she enjoyed the feeling. "Cilly..." "We should turn it up now, don't want you to enjoy this too much." He said and turned it even higher. She gasped, bringing her legs up. "No, keep them down." He pinned them between his thigh and calves. She whined. Cillian continued to tease her, letting the tip roll over her clit which caused her back to arch then he dragged it back down and then inserted the toy into her. He pushed her leg open with one hand, eyes flicking from her core to her face. "God, Gabrijela." He loved the pleasure on her face, the need and desperation in her eyes. "Cillian! Please! I'm close!" She whined, twisting the sheets in her hands. "Not yet, love. Hold on for me." He said and pushed the toy in and out of her. He let go of her legs and leaned down, and wrapped his lips around her clit and began to suck hard. Her hands shot into his hair, the vibrations of the toy was intense and he kept pushing it against her g-spot. "Fuck! Cillian! Cilly!" She bucked her hips, her screams loud as she came, arching right off the bed. He kept going till she was done, groaning softly as he pulled the toy out, seeing how slick it was with her climax. "Fastest climax ever." He chuckled, kissing up her thigh to sit back. She panted, "I need you in me, Cillian. Oh god." She shook her head. "Mm, but you asked me to use this on you. So I will." He mused, "Lay on your side." She moved to her side as he got behind her, an arm went under her head and locked around her chest. He brought the vibrator back to her clit and began to tease her once more. "N-Not right after a climax! Fuck!" She stayed still for him, she wanted to be good for him. But she couldn't help but buck her hips. "Be still, love. Don't move too much." He kissed her neck, sucking on a spot. She whimpered, clinging to his arms that were around her, god he was relentless as he continued to prod and poke her sensitive clit. But then he decided to push it into her and she arched her back a little. "Cillian!" He claimed her lips once more and kissed her as he thrust the vibrator inside her, she was super slick so it moved in and out swiftly but he could feel when she clenched her walls the vibe got stuck. Gabrijela reached up and dragged her fingers through her hair, "I need you, Cillian, I want you inside me. Please." She begged, rolling her hips. "Yeah? How bad?" He tugged on her bottom lip. "Really bad, Cilly. Please don't make me wait." She could feel his hard cock press against her ass through his jeans. He let out a grunt and got her to hold the vibrator inside her as he pulled off his pants. Then he was back up against her, and removed the vibrator, "Tuck me in, love." He nibbled on her earlobe. She reached between her legs and found his waiting cock, "So hard, baby." She giggled and positioned him to her entrance. Then she tugged him and he was inside her in one swift movement. They both moaned in unison, "Hold your leg up, Gab." He kissed her neck then to her shoulder. She lifted her leg up and he placed the vibrator back on to her clit. She cried out softly, and he felt her walls tighten around him. "Mmm fuck, Gabrijela. Do that again." She nodded and clenched her walls, she could feel every hard inch of him, especially when he started to move. "Shit." She gasped. He kept his eyes focused on her face, enjoying how tight she was and how he managed to drag those cute little sounds from her. He thought about how lucky he was to have her as his girlfriend. He had wished for someone to come into his life and here she was. Here they were, making love. He loved her, truly, he loved her. He could not bring himself to think of any other woman but her. And his heart would hurt when she was no longer warming his bed. Gabrijela looked up, seeing the pure love and devotion in his eyes. "Cillian, I love you." She said through a moan, "I love you so much! Oh!" She could feel her climax start to build again, and this one was gonna be a big one. "I love you too, beautiful. Oh fuck, I love you!" He kissed her hard, pounding hard into her, the bed shaking a little. He will miss her. So he threw aside the vibrator, turning it off and laid her on her back and pushed right back into her with a groan. Her legs locked around his thighs and her arms around his back, her nails digging into his skin. "Fuck! Mark me Gabrijela, fuck." He cursed and kissed her again as her nails scraped down his skin. He moved fast and wild, all he wanted was to please her. Make sure she would feel this for days when she would return back to her home. "Mine!" He cried out, "You're mine, Gabbie." "All yours baby. I'm all yours." She cupped his face and kissed him passionately but it was messy as from his fast thrusting. "I'm gonna cum, Cilly. Oh god, don't stop. Oh please!" Cillian worked hard, panting hard, his moans loud and cracked occasionally before they got faster and faster before his climax tore through him like wildfire. She screamed out his name as she came with him, she felt his warm load fill her inside up as she clenched and locked him in as she finished with him. After some moments they calmed down, but he stayed on top of her and inside her. His head was tucked into her neck and kissing her flushed skin. She ran her hands up and down his back slowly, admiring the curves of his spine and the divots of his muscles in his shoulders. "My handsome man," She whispered, her fingers returning to the nape of his neck and playing with the soft curls of his hair. He let out a soft chuckle, "My beautiful woman." He said as he raised his head to look at her. "My love." He touched her cheek, stroking her skin with a thumb. "I love you with all my heart, Cillian." She said, leaning into the touch. He gave her that breathtaking smile and they kissed for some time, and when they managed to get their breath back they got back into lovemaking. It was slow and gentle, then hard and fast with many different positions. Any position that had her against his body. After they have worn each other out, they bathed and then spent the rest of the afternoon together in his home. He pulled out his guitar and sang for her, then made her the best dinner ever, watched a cute romantic film before they drank red wine in front of the fire. They never parted from each other, every minute they wanted to be close. And despite being worn out, they made love one more time in front of the fire. She rode him till he came twice in her before he lifted her up and carried her to bed. He laid her down and they cuddled naked, she faced him and snuggled into his chest. Today was a wonderful day, and she would remember it forever. "I love you," She said in the dark. "I love you too," Cillian replied, kissing her head before they both fell asleep holding each other.
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cruecifymesixx · 5 years
Love and Leather /part thirty five/
Word Count: 8.2k
A/N: Ya’ll, my feelings are fucking hurt after writing this. Please enjoy.
Warnings: Drugs, language, alcohol, extreme angst
Taglist: @brideofdraculana, @xstarryeyes, @aryssav, @miserablecunt, @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol, @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies, @fandomshit6000, @annthebonelessm @venus-calum, @justjodeye, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @are-we-real, @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland, @dillightfulpickle, @baiabouk, @awesomealmostdopestudent, @martabastic, @romanticvengeance, @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls, @motlycrue, @brooklyn-antiques, @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, @lilytalebi, @criminalyetminimal, @motley-queen, @trapt-in-a-dream, @lunamadhatter99, @broke-n-bitchy @thanks2pete, @slowandangry, @lovesick-heart0, @keepcalm-and-beyou, @miriampraez, @teenwolflover28, @lilyhw1, @swoopygorl, @motherloovebone, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001, @wheresmyvodkabitch, @waywardprincess666, @nikkisixxsixxsixx, @iluvmesomemarvelndc, @marvelismylifffe, @zoenicoles, @pfft-halsey, @vamprlestat, @supersoldierballerina, @primal-screamer, @electradestiny, @marshbev, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults @cruebaby, @valentines-in-london, @miss2001babe, @emmaelizabeth2014
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“Time to wake up! It’s noon and your guests will be here in a few hours!” Mom was over exuberant as she opened my bedroom door. I groaned as I sat up in bed noticing Nikki was already gone. I rubbed my eyes and looked up at her.
“Where’s Nikki?” I asked her, she smiled sweetly at me while walking over to my bed as she sat down at the foot of it, “He’s downstairs, the boys are enjoying the pool.” I nodded as I got out of the bed, starting to rummage through the closet for what I could wear today.
“Are you dating him?” I exhaled deeply, I didn’t want the interrogation this early in the morning, or afternoon I should say. “We’re just friends, mom.” I replied, getting irritated because nothing looked good to wear.
“And you have...sex with him?” She asked, trying to clarify for herself, “Yes mom, we’re friends and I sleep with him.”
“Well, why aren’t you dating him? I saw the way you two interact last night and from an outsider looking in, you two act like you’re already in love.” I rolled my eyes as I sat down at the vanity, ha. I wiped off the remaining smudges of make up that were from last night.
“No we don’t, we’re just best friends, I know everything about him, and he knows everything about me. I’m not in love with Nikki.” I explained, as she let out a huff, “Well does he love you?” I shook my head, “No, he doesn’t. He’s even said it. We’ve already talked about it mom, just let it go.” I knew by the way mom looked at me she knew I was getting upset.
“Why are you getting mad?” She asked, walking over to me as she helped fix my hair from the rats nest it was in.
“I’m not, just everyone thinks Nikki and I are more than what we are and it’s annoying. Why can’t a guy and a girl just be friends?” I asked, she let out a laugh, “Honey, they usually don’t sleep together when they are friends.” I rolled my eyes, “I trust Nikki, and he’s there for me whenever I need him.” Sighing in contempt as I thought about him.
“But are you there for him?” Mom asked, “Thats the important part, I know you are very skeptical about relationships.” She continued on, “I try to be. He’s very difficult sometimes, and it’s frustrating.” I explained as I finished brushing my hair, now parting it for two French braids.
“Why’s it frustrating?” I put the brush down, turning around to look at her, “Cause mom! He says things sometimes! And he does things that only a boyfriend should be saying and doing! Like every time he’s away on tour, he calls and we tell each other how much we miss one another! And I spend hours into the nights with him just talking about everything and anything! And he, he just looks at me a certain way sometimes, and when he does that I can’t breathe.”
Mom smiled, “Sounds to me like you two have something to talk about.” I shook my head, “I’d be so scared to be in a relationship with him. He’s one of rock n rolls biggest bad boys and I see what he does on a daily basis.” I confessed to her as I finished the braids and as Nikki walked through the closed bedroom door.
“Oh, you’re already up.” He says, smiling at me as he leaned against the door. Mom looked back and forth between him and I. “Well, I’m gonna talk to Loretta and see when catering will be here.” She said, scooting pass Nikki and leaving.
“What was that about?” He asked coming over and kissing the top of my head, “Just a mother and daughter talk.” I mumbled, as he nodded and sat down on the bed.
I think what I said last night made things awkward.
“We’re okay, right?” I questioned, looking at him through the mirror.
“Why do you ask that?” He seemed curious, but the smirk on his pink lips said otherwise. I shrugged my shoulders, “Dunno, just asking.”
I stood up and walked over to my closet, grabbing a pink bikini and putting it on quickly. “Can you tie these?” I asked Nikki, turning my back towards him as he grabbed the strings. When he was done, he lowered his head and kissed my bare shoulder.
“We are fine, Princess. Don’t worry.” He reassured me, I quickly nodded as he gave me a smile. “I just think eventually, we will have to have a conversation you don’t want to have.” My gaze met his, “Not now.” I quickly spoke, stepping away from his embrace. I saw him roll his eyes out of the corner of my eye.
“Just...not right now.” I breathed out, pulling on a pair of short daisy dukes. “When?” Nikki asked, I groaned as i opened up my bedroom door.
“I don’t know. Just forget I said anything last night.” I muttered, looking down at the white carpet then back up to him. “I think you’re just scared of being happy with me.” I scoffed at his response.
“I am going downstairs and I’m not talking about this again, Nikki.” I roughly spoke as I turned my back to him, hearing him mumble under his breath all the way down the stairs.
“Good morning sweetheart, I have breakfast for you outside. Your guests should start arriving in around two hours.” Loretta explained, placing a cup of coffee in my hand, “Are you bringing your kids today? I always liked hanging around Jason and Brandon.” I asked, smirking as a I saw Nikki’s glare when he walked behind Loretta to grab a water.
“Yes, they both will be here. You know they have such a soft spot for you.” I smiled, nodding as Nikki’s face turned sour. I watched him quickly leave the kitchen, slamming the back door before going outside.
I was quickly sidelined by a towel being swatted against my arm, “Ow, Loretta.” I yelped, rubbing the red spot on my arm, “I saw you two last night in the hot tub.” I felt my face get warm, “Uh...we were just...um..” I couldn’t muster a sentence as she smirked at me.
“I was really drunk last night.” I explained, but she waved me off, “Greyson already blabbed about it, seems you are a wild child, hermosa.” She retorted, “The boy seems...nice. Gloomy. But nice.” I scratched the top of my head, awkwardly standing next to her.
“We’re just friends.” She laughed at me when I said that, “Ingenuo, ingenuo, ingueno.” She cackled, continuing to chop up some stuff for later.
“I am not naive!” I defended myself, “As much as I love your mother, she is naive just like you are. I don’t believe you for one second when you tell me you and him are just friends.” She explained.
“It’s in the eyes, Bonita. The eyes never lie.” I rolled my eyes, “Don’t roll your eyes at me, or I’m telling your mother you stole the key to get the booze.” I immediately stopped, “Sorry..” I quietly apologized to her.
I shortly left the kitchen. I went outside walking past the boys as I felt their eyes follow my ass. I sat down with Mick at the table.
“How many chicks have you fucked so far?” I had heard Nikki ask Vince, “Uh...three.” I looked at Mick as we both rolled our eyes.
“No not today, on the tour.” Nikki clarified as I started eating the fruit and English muffin on the plate in front of me, “Oh...I lost count after that gang bang in Salt Lake City.” I forced the vomit back down, “That was fun.” Nikki laughed, lounging back on the pool chair.
“How about you old man?” Vince giggled as he asked Mick.
“Don’t you guys realize that the girls you fuck, probably fuck every rockstar that comes through town?” Mick questioned, making all three of those idiots bust out in laughter.
“We’re like pussy brothers with the whole scene.” Tommy added on, making the other two laugh again.
“Unlike you clowns, I happen to respect the females of our species.” Mick retorted, “Thanks, glad to know there’s still gentleman out there.” I added on making Mick give me a sweet smile.
I watched as mom, and I’m assuming the party planner arrange yellow and white balloons around the backyard.
“Whose ready to have some fucking fun?” Greyson yelled walking out in swim trunks, “Grey, don’t cuss!” Mom was quick to correct his behavior.
“We need to get him laid.” Tommy pointed out, “He’s still a virgin?!” Vince laughed, as I rolled my eyes.
“He’s never even had a girlfriend.” I told them, “Dude...set him up with one of your friends.” Tommy said, nudging my arm.
“I have tried, but he’s really shy around girls.” I explained.
“Hey Vanity, you want to go for a swim?” Greyson snickered, “Fuck you.” I retorted, standing up to go see what mom was planning.
“No, we’re going!” Greyson shouted, wrapping me up and dangling me over the deep end of the pool.
“Greyson! Stop!” I shouted, but he started lowering me into the water, “Mom!!!” I yelled for her but she wasn’t doing anything about it.
“Oh come on, Vanity! You’re twenty six years old now! It’s time to get over the fear of water!” Greyson yelled in my ear.
“ Greyson, c’mon, put her down.” Nikki spoke up, 
“Lucky your boyfriend is here.” Greyson whispered, putting my feet down on the concrete that surrounded the pool.
“Asshole!” I shouted before shoving him in.
I shook it off, walking over to mom and the party planner as they were discussing things. “I think we should have the music over here, that way everyone is not tripping over wires.” I looked at the papers they were going over.
“Why hire someone when we have the band, I’m sure they would perform for us?” I asked Mom, “Oh, no, no. We hired another band.” The party planner spoke out. “A cover band.” I rolled my eyes.
“A fucking cover band? Really?” I scoffed, “Vanity.” Mom muttered my name sternly. “This is the food you’re getting? I don’t like half the stuff on here.” I pointed out, becoming upset as Mom knew all these things.
“Red velvet cake?! Mom, I hate red velvet! I told you I wanted white cake with yellow and pink frosting.” I whined, knowing I was on the edge of throwing a tantrum.
“I love red velvet.” Nikki said, walking up behind me, placing his hand on my lower back. “Well it’s my party, and I don’t want it.” I defended myself.
“Princess, don’t be a brat. Your mom is just doing something nice for you.” Nikki sided with my mom.
“We can perform a few songs, if you wanted.” Nikki added on, “They hired a cover band.” I explained, watching the expression on his face twist to annoyance.
“A cover band? Just hire a real band.” Nikki laughed, “They better not cover any of my songs.” Nikki mumbled.
“Just go away. You’re complicating everything, Vanity.” Mom spoke to me as I rolled my eyes, “Well maybe if you asked me beforehand, I wouldn’t be complicating things.” I snapped at her, but she ignored me.
I huffed as Nikki trailed his hand up and down my back, “Come.” He said, wrapping his hand around mine and pulling me to the pool.
I laughed, “You have me so fucked up, right now.” I watched as he stepped into the pool, trying to pull me in with him.
“Nikki, no.” I let go of his hand as he gave me a stern look, “I’m not taking no for an answer, you’re getting in the pool. Look it’s shallow.” He motioned as I grumbled. I unbuttoned the shorts I was wearing, getting a whistle from Tommy and Vince as I pulled them down my legs, before throwing it at them.
The shallow part of the pool was already waist deep for me. “I’m not going any further.” I protested, crossing my arms against my chest.
“Doll, just...c’mere.” He spoke softly, taking my hand and pulling me towards him. I was hesitant as he started pulling me towards deeper water.
“No..no...” I said, trying to push away from him but his arms were wrapped around me like a vise grip. My hands gripped his shoulders as I was barely touching the bottom of the pool.
“See, it’s fine. I got you.” He reassured me, pressing a soft kiss against my cheek.
“Nikki and Vanity sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G.” I groaned when my annoying sister came outside. I quickly splashed water towards her to get her to shut up.
Nikki mumbled, placing kisses along my shoulder. His hands slid down to pick me up, my legs wrapping around his waist as he moved us to the deep end of the pool.
I clutched on to him as I stared at the bottom of the pool. “See? It’s not that bad.” Nikki chuckled, his hands gently rubbing my ass.
“You’re right, it’s actually quite worse.” I groaned, not breaking away from looking at the six foot deep pool, but to me it looked as if it went on forever.
Nikki’s hands let go of the back of my thighs, “No, Nikki. Please don’t.” I whined, clutching to him tighter as he laughed.
He pried my arms away from his neck, “Just relax...” He cooed, slowly taking my legs from the position they were in, he still had a hold around my waist.
I closed my eyes, muttering under my breath to try and calm myself down. I felt his arm unravel from my waist, “Nikki, I swear.” I groaned as he slowly pushed away from me leaving me in the middle of the deep end as he backed himself up to the wall of the pool.
I saw his stupid smile under his stupid sunglasses, “You’re literally the fucking devil.” I chimed in, as he laughed loudly, “But look at you, swimming in a deep pool. I’m proud of you.” He replied, giving me a wide a grin as I swam over to him.
I was quick to splash water in his face. He groaned, taking off his glasses and pushing them up. When the hair was out of his face I could actually see all of his facial features, his eyes were my favorite.
“You have gorgeous eyes.” I expressed as he laughed, shyly shaking his head as he put them back down on his face, “Hey man, it’s one. Didn’t you say you were going to meet Doc?” Tommy spoke out, “Huh? What are you talking about?” Nikki said, confused as Tommy gave him a look.
“oh..yeah, yes you’re right.” Nikki said, leaving me in the pool as he pulled himself up out and grabbed a towel.
“Where you going?” I asked following his movements, “Nikki?” I questioned again as he didn’t answer me, “I gotta...I gotta go see Doc.” He was quick to speak as he pulled a shirt on.
“My party starts in an hour....” I trailed off as he gave me a quick glance, “I know, I know. I’ll be back.” Nikki said, I backed up from him as he started walking to the door, but I followed him anyways.
“Nik...can’t it wait?” I asked, tugging on his wrist to get him to stop as he was in a hurry, but he didn’t even budge.
“Babe?” I spoke softly as he turned around to face me, “Princess, I’ll be back okay? I just gotta talk to him about stuff.” I huffed, giving myself a hug as I became cold outside of the water.
“Didn’t you guys talk enough last night? What else is there to talk about?” Nikki stood up tall as he looked down at me, “Nikki, I’m not dumb. Where are you going?” I was straight forward with him, not buying his bullshit for one moment.
“Vanity, it’s none of your damn business. I will be back.” Nikki snapped, swiftly opening up the door and closing it.
I went back outside and straight to T-bone, “Where is he going?” I asked, standing over him with hands on my hips, “Uh...to talk to Doc, duh. Didn’t you hear me?” Tommy giggled.
I rolled my eyes, quickly taking off his sunglasses, “Where is Nikki going?” I demanded, noticing that he couldn’t look at me. “T-bone. I won’t be mad, just tell me.” I said sweetly, my hand brushing over his thigh.
“I Uh...Sixx...um-“ “He went to go get you a present, he was telling me about it this morning.” Vince butted in, “Some jewelry place, I think.” He continued.
I felt rather stupid that I was getting worked up over it, “It’s okay, kid.” Tommy nudged my chin with his fist gently, “Sixx drives all the girls crazy.” He says with a laugh as I push him back against the chair.
“I’m gonna get cleaned up, I suggest you two do the same. You’re fine Mick.” I ordered, looking at them as I went back inside to get ready.
*Micks POV*
“You two shouldn’t of lied to her.” I mumbled, taking a swig out of my vodka filled water bottle.
“She’s gonna freak out when he comes back high.” I continued, “She’ll be fine. He’ll be fine. He said he was just gonna score some more smack and then be right back here. It’s fine.” Vince retorted, continuing to sunbathe.
“You better pray you are right about that one, blondie.” I retorted, groaning as the guys weren’t even listening anymore.
“I hope there’s some hot babes that come that will make me cum.” Vince said, making Tommy laugh as I rolled my eyes.
I continued drinking, hoping that Sixx wouldn’t come back fucked up. And if he did? I hope he knows what the hell he’s doing.
Vanity may be naive at certain times, but she can read through Nikki’s façade faster than anyone surrounding him. She knows when he’s high and when he’s not. I mean, except for last night…but she was just really fucked up.
Nikki likes to joke that he has this other side of him, almost another personality when he’s high and super fucked up. He calls it Sikki Nixx. And I hope for Vanity’s well being, he doesn’t make an appearance. I don’t know what she would do if she ever saw that side of him.
*Vanity’s POV*
I pulled up the yellow flowery dress that stopped not even mid thigh. I glanced down at my cleavage, “Nice.” I mumbled to myself before taking out the braids I had put in earlier, letting the loose waves dangle down to below my shoulders.
I put a touch of make up, the deep red shade filled out my lips, while the light golden eye shadow made my hazel eyes pop. I spritzed on some perfume before clasping the bracelet from Nikki around my wrist.
I walked downstairs, hearing music from the backyard and people chatting.
“There you are, honey! Come on, your guests are here.” I gulped, putting on a smile as I walked towards her, “Best behavior.” Mom whispered into my ear, as I nodded.
It was the same thing at every party. Every business fundraiser, every black tie gala I’ve ever been too. Mom always told me to be on my best behavior, to impress everyone and anyone. To put on my best million dollar smile and fake laugh at every joke a man said who is old enough to be my grandfather, ‘that’s where the money is, those are the investors’. Dads words echoed through my head.
Yeah it was a birthday party to celebrate me, but at the end of the day, it was for mom to prove that the Blackwoods’ were still the richest family in the American oil industry.
The first person to approach me was Melanie Smith, I went to private school with her. She’s an okay gal when she’s not drunk on three dry martinis.
“Oh Vanity, it’s so wonderful to see you. How have you been? I heard you were living in Los Angeles now?” I was about to answer her but she continued anyways.
“I was just in Los Angeles seeing a fabulous doctor, he worked on my nose.” She said, gripping my shoulders as she whispered the last part, “It looks great, Melanie.” I lied, I couldn’t tell the difference.
“If you can excuse me.” I said, seeing the boys laughing with Greyson across the yard. I didn’t see Nikki though.
I was cut off by Warren G. Davidson, he was still handsome as ever. Even if he was thirty years older then me, had four children and I think he was on his fifth wife…he could still get it anytime, anyplace, anywhere.
He was daddy’s right hand man, he was there at his bedside with us when he took his last breath.
“How are you sugar?” He said pulling me into a hug, I could smell the scotch on his breath.
I pulled away from his embrace, hands gripping his forearms as I looked at him, “I’m doing wonderful, I’m so happy you could be here.” I smiled joyfully, he was one of the few business people I could stand.
“As am I, I’m happy you came home. You’re mom has been telling me wild stories of you hanging out with a deranged group of guys.” The smile quickly left my face.
Has she told everyone about the band? Or about me and Nikki? Even if there wasn’t a me and Nikki?
“Oh, it’s nothing to worry about. They’re right over there, so excuse me.” I smiled apologetically as I let go of him.
“And there’s that fine piece of ass, come give me some love.” I groaned when I heard that voice.
“Roman, it’s not a pleasure to see you.” I grumbled as he pulled me into a tight squeeze.
Roman Davidson, Warrens second oldest son. And the guy I gave my first blow job too in the back of his Chevy truck. He is convinced we are meant to be. Soulmates is the word I believed he said one time.
His hand reached down to my ass, “Hands off.” I spoke up, gently pushing him away from me, “C’mon baby, stop denying me. I’ll make you feel like a million bucks.” I rolled my eyes as I walked away from him.
I was almost to the boys when my least favorite pair of blonde haired twins stopped me. Francesca and Andrea Copeland. They were the second richest family in the oil industry. They were also at the top of the socialite list here in Dallas. Apparently Vince has fucked one of them, or both. He said he couldn’t remember. It was back when Motley was still in their ‘Shout at the Devil’ days because they were virgins at the time, and that’s what Nikki and Vince wanted. Nikki swears up and down he didn’t fuck them. Did I believe him? No.
And when I mean virgins, I mean they only did it anally up until they met Vince fucking Neil.
“Please tell us how you found yourself wrapped up with Mötley Crüe?” Francesca asked me, I shrugged as I tried walking past them but they blocked me.
Did I mention that they use to pick on me in school? Daddy almost sued their family.
“We fucked them before you did.” Andrea spoke up, “Vince, Nikki and Tommy. Not that weird little one.”
“Hey, watch your fucking mouth! Don’t talk about Mick like that!” I snapped at them, “Guess she still has anger issues.” Andrea whispered into her sisters ear.
“And is now a little skank.” Francesca said, motioning to the dress I was wearing, before pointing to the bruise from Nikki on my neck.
I let out a sigh of relief as Tommy grabbed my arm, “Hello ladies, excuse me but I need to borrow little miss birthday princess for a moment.”
“Tommy, you remember me right?” Andrea said flirtatiously, as she stuck out her chest. “Uh….no.”
Tommy quickly dragged me inside, “You don’t understand how-“ I stopped talking when I saw Nikki being held up by both Vince and Greyson.
“Oh, baby…there you are. C’mere.” Nikki said, pushing away from the guys as he stepped towards me, wobbling on his feet.
“You’re fucked up.” I laughed bitterly, “I…yes..but let me explain.” Nikki said, holding up his finger as I waited for the great explanation this time.
“You told me…you told me to go find it. So I did.” He slurred his words, his eyes were all pupil and no color.
“You went to go find smack!?!” I screamed at him, shoving him against my front door, “Yes, cause you told me too. You didn’t fucking care.” He spat back.
“Oh fuck you, Nikki! You know that’s not what I fucking meant!!” I yelled at him, “Okay…just take a breath. People are looking.” Greyson got in between us.
I took a deep breath in and nodded, “Get your fucking act together, Nikki.” I warned him, shoving him against the door once more.
I quickly walked outside, going over to the make shift bar Mom had hired, “Shot of Jack.” I ordered, quickly shooting it down as he handed it to me.
“Don’t you think it’s a little early for that?” I smiled, recognizing their voice.
“I’ll take what she’s having.” My smile grew wider as I turned around, almost crying because I’ve missed them so much.
“Lucia! Tonya!” I shouted, quickly pulling both of them into a hug, “I can’t belie-you guys are are really here! Who talked to you!?” I shouted, pulling away from them, “Vinny and T-Bone, they called us a few days ago.” Tonya clarified.
“Well…spill it. How has life on the road been the last few months?” I laughed, “Round of Jack please.” I said looking at the bartender. “I don’t even know where to begin…” I trailed off, running my black painted nails through my hair.
“To sum it all up-“ I turned towards them, lifting up my dress so they could see the tattoo on my ass. They immediately started laughing, “Thats how it’s been.” I spoke, quickly fixing my dress and putting it down.
The girls stopped smiling when Nikki stumbled over, bumping into me and knocking over the glass, “Pull yourself together, you’re embarrassing me.” I said, grabbing onto his arm to make him stand up straight.
“I’m embarrassing? Cool.” He rolled his eyes, “Jack and Coke. Now.” He ordered, impatiently waiting as the man made his drink, “Hurry the fuck up. Don’t you know who I fucking am?” Nikki’s voice was full of rage.
The girls gave me a sympathetic look, “Nikki, please?” I begged him, “Pull it together.” His eyes wandered to the brunette that walked up to the bar.
“Hey, not in front of me.” I said, gripping his chin to make him look at me, “I’m not you’re fucking boyfriend.” He snarled, roughly pulling my hand away from his face.
I couldn’t fucking believe him. How dare he use that against me!
Nikki quickly brushed me off as he put up a front and acted completely sober as he talked to this chick. Lucia and Tonya quickly pulled me away from him.
“What the hell was that?” Tonya demanded to know, as I just shook my head, “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.” I explained, as she rolled her eyes.
“It didn’t look like nothing? Is he drunk?” She asked me, “He’s high.” I said disappointed, “Really fucking high.” I bit my lip as I watched him get handsy with this girl. I’ve never felt a single ounce of jealousy once when it comes to the girls that surround him. I knew what I meant to him, even if it was unspoken between us. I knew that I had him and that he had me.
I pulled it together when Damien Hampton walked up to me. His great, great grandfather developed most of the houses on the historic district of Dallas. His family was oozing with money. And boy, was he a walking piece of sex.
“It’s nice to see you. Happy late birthday.” His words were smooth as he clutched a bottle of Heineken. His hand went through his slicked back black hair as he gave me a smoldering gaze.
“Thank you, thanks for coming. How is your mom?” He showed me his pearly whites through a side grin, “Shes good. She sends her best wishes. She had to take a trip to Miami for business.”
“Damien, this is Lucia and Tonya, they’re my friends from Los Angeles.” I introduced them, noticing the imaginary drool dripping out of their mouth as they Gawked at him.
“Hello ladies.” He said, sending a wink to both of them. He knew how hot he was and he used it to his advantages.
“Y’know, I never did get you that drink I promised you.” I laughed at his words, “That was three years ago. I’m surprised you remembered.” I retorted.
“Of course I remember baby girl. You were wearing a blue dress with black heels, your hair was curled in an up-do. And you looked sexy as hell. Still do. I like this dress.” He stated, his fingers fumbling with the bottom hem of the dress as he pressed his other hand to my lower back.
I felt the heat creep across my cheeks as he looked at me. He had killer blue eyes that I was currently drowning in. His lips tugged into a smirk that never faded away from his face.
“We’re gonna go talk to the guys.” Tonya said, “Yeah, go ahead.” I shooed them away as Damien and I continued talking.
“How about you and I take a trip up to your room real quick.” His breath was hot in my ear as he lowered his head down to me, “Like last time when you snuck me in.” I smiled, biting my lip as I thought about his offer.
“To hear those noises from you again, man.” He breathed out, loosening up his tie a little bit. I licked my lips as my hand ran over the front of his pants, teasing him just a little bit, “Maybe you can-“
“Hey baby, whose this?” I glared at Nikki as he clutched a bottle of beer, “Baby?” Damien asked, confused, taking a step away from me.
“Didn’t know you had a boyfriend?” Damien questioned, looking at Nikki, I could tell he was judging him. “He’s not-“
“Yeah I’m her boyfriend, she’s kinda shy about it.” Nikki interrupted me, roughly pulling me to his side, “Who are you?” Nikki asked, throwing an arm over my shoulder and taking a sip of his beer.
“Damien Hampton…And you’re Uh….Nikki Sixx. Big fan, dude.” I tried leaving Nikki’s side, but he wouldn’t let me.
“Nikki, stop.” I whispered into his ear, “Didn’t think you’d find yourself with a rockstar.” Damien chuckled.
“I’m lucky aren’t I? Isn’t she a nice piece of ass?” Nikki spoke out, roughly grabbing my bottom.
“Yeah, She is. We hooked up a few years ago.” I hated when guys talked about me like this. It made me feel like nothing but a piece of meat.
“Guess we won’t be taking a trip upstairs, now will we?” Damien smirked, as I could feel Nikki glaring at me. “It was nice talking to you.” Nikki abruptly put an end to the conversation as he pulled me away.
“God, you’re acting like a fucking pig.” I said, shoving him away from me as I scoffed in disgust at his actions.
Nikki laughed, “Now you want to speak up? I always talk like this.” I rolled my eyes, “No, you don’t. Not to me at least. I’m not one of these whores you fuck daily, Sixx.” I spat my frustrations out at him.
“You sure keep acting like it. I watched you throw yourself all over him.” He pointed out, making it seem like it was my fault.
“Unbelievable.” I muttered, exhaling as I tried to relax.
“Nikki…” I spoke softly as I cupped his jaw, “Please, I am begging you. Don’t ruin my party.” I pleaded with him, as he rolled his eyes.
“I know you’re mad at me.” He mumbled, “You’re right. I am extremely pissed off, livid even. You said you haven’t touched heroin in a few days, so what gives?”
“You told me to go find it.” I scoffed, “Nikki, that’s not what I meant. You know that.” I said, taking my hands off his face as he stepped away from me.
“You didn’t care when I told you, so don’t fucking start now. And don’t worry, I won’t embarrass you in front of all your rich, snobby friends. I’m probably gonna fuck a few of them later.” He grinned like the devil himself. I couldn’t stand the look on his face. I didn’t recognize anything about him. Usually it was tolerable as he would shoot up, pass out, wake up and say sorry for getting high. But this was different.
“Okay…” I said quietly as I watched him walk away from me.
I kept my eye on Nikki throughout every conversation I had, at one point he went inside with a blonde and came back out fifteen minutes later with a redhead. Then eventually he went inside by himself, only to come back out ten minutes later stumbling around even more.
I watched Mick pull him aside to talk to him, hopefully speaking some god damn sense to Nikki. I saw Nikki try to put up a fight, but Mick more then likely got stern with him as he shut down.
“Excuse me…I need another drink.” I said to the group of people I was pretending to listen too as I walked over to the bar
“Parties fun.” Tommy said, nudging my shoulder. I nodded, trying to put on a smile.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.” I spoke, as I ordered another glass of champagne. It wasn’t cutting it. But mom said ladies don’t drink beer when I tried to order one.
“I’m sorry about Nikki….I know he’s super fucked up right now.” Tommy gave me a sincere apology for his behavior, “Why would he even do this? He knew today was important.” I whined, trying not to get worked up and start crying in front of T-bone.
“I wanted to introduce him to some important people, but I can’t when he’s like this.” I explained to Tommy, feeling sorry for myself. I fucking knew better then to trust him.
“I don’t get him sometimes. Like last night he asked me to be his date to your wedding, and he was really sweet even after what I did at the strip club…and then he just does this? Like I’m nothing to him.” I vented my frustrations to Tommy. He started rubbing my back as he could tell I was getting worked up.
“I don’t know. He’s just being selfish…and clearly a fucking idiot. He’ll regret it when he finally passes out…but I don’t see that happening for a while. He’s pretty loaded, he said he shot up both coke and smack.”
“He’s gonna end up killing himself.” I said worrisome, “He’s fine. I think we’ll get him in rehab before that were to ever happen.” Tommy said, laughing at his own words.
“Rehab…right. Cause that would go over well.” I rolled my eyes, laughing with Tommy. “I see Vince has found himself some entertainment.” I added on, pointing to Vince and the four chicks that were in the pool with him.
“I give it an hour, he’ll probably take them all to the tour bus.” Tommy spoke, my attention being taken away as the band mom and the party planner hired started to play to the beat of ‘Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go.’ I actually really fucking hated this song.
“A fucking cover band? Really?” Mick said, walking up to us as clutched a glass of vodka, “Your mother always seems to amazes me. Really? A cover band? She couldn’t just ask us to play a few songs?” Mick exasperated, I shrugged. “I’m sure you guys could, but Nikki.” I motioned over to him, “He’s played fucked up before. Doesn’t sound good. But he’s done it.” Mick pointed out.
Nikki soon stumbled his way over to the three of us, “Hey man, get it together.” Tommy said, grabbing his shoulder and giving him a stern look.
“What? I’m fine. It’s all good T-bone.” Nikki retorted, I noticed smeared lipstick on the side of his neck.
“You’re certainly not all good, man.” Tommy spoke back, making Nikki roll his eyes, “Lighten up man. Stop fucking running to my band mates.” Nikki was quick to jump down my throat.
“You do it all the fucking time, it’s annoying.” Nikki continued as the guys looked at him unimpressed, “Leave her alone. You’re being an idiot.” Mick replied, jumping to my defenses.
“Don’t tell me what the fuck to do. She’s being a cunt.” I was quick to shove Nikki when he called me that.
“Knock it off or i’m kicking you out.” I threatened him, “Yeah? So you can be a fucking slut without me around? I’ve bet you’ve already fucked half the guys here.” Nikki’s words were cold as he glared at me.
“Y’know What Nikki? Maybe I will. Maybe I’ll go sit on someone else’s dick.” I retorted, noticing his jaw clench and fist balled at his sides.
“Don’t test him, he will snap.” Tommy said, putting his arm around my waist as he slyly whispered into my ear. I smirked at his words as I lightly pushed T-bone away from me.
“Yeah, maybe that’s what I’ll do. Go find a dick to suck since I’m such a big slut and have been with no other guy but you. Yeah, sounds good to me.” I was being petty as I slapped the side of Nikki’s shoulder before walking away from them.
Shortly after I found myself sitting on Duke Mitchell’s lap. His mom developed a program for under privileged youth. They get free meals over the summer when there’s no school, school supplies in the fall, and jackets when winter comes around.
Duke was also a rebound after Julian got arrested, maybe Nikki was right. I have fucked plenty of guys that were socializing in my back yard. Rebound after Julian, and now a guy to piss Nikki off. And I think it was working as his eyes haven’t left me once.
I felt Duke nibble on my ear, “Come back to my house when the parties over.” He whispered as he placed a gentle kiss on the side of my neck. His hands were getting dangerously close as he was rubbing my outer thigh.
“Let’s just go upstairs right now.” I muttered, running one hand through his blonde hair and the other over the tattoo he had on his chest that was peaking out of the half buttoned shirt.
“I like the idea of that.” He responded with a smirk as I got off his lap, reaching for his hand as we started walking inside.
I stopped when the microphone echoed, causing a loud piercing noise to sound off, “Shit, you’re short.” I heard Nikki’s voice through the amplifier, I am going to fucking kill him before the heroin has a chance too.
“Hello? Hey, yeah sorry about the noise.” Nikki grumbled into the mic, “Excuse me.” I said letting go of Dukes hand as I walked over to Tommy, Mick and Vince as they watched Nikki stumble around on stage.
Nikki adjusted the mic, “Ah, that’s better. As I was saying sorry for the noise. It’s not like it was as bad as they have been….you fucked up a lot of good songs.” I cursed under my breath, glaring at him as he looked at me.
“I just…I just wanted to say a few things to the birthday girl, give it up to Vanity!” Nikki clapped for me, as everyone followed his lead.
“Man, this girl…I swear…” Nikki said, pointing at me as he had a bottle of beer in his hand.
I saw a smirk spread across his lips as he leaned into the mic, “This girl…she pretends like she’s so god damn perfect, it’s honestly such an act. You deserve an Oscar, Van.” Nikki grumbled as the smile I was starting to get faded away.
He glared at me as he continued, “She doesn’t care about anyone here. She can’t stand any of you, she never fucking did. She cares about no one but herself. She might care about you when you put your dick inside of her to keep her busy.”
My lips parted as I scoffed, ignoring the judgmental looks I was getting and the whispers among everyone.
“But man, she’s got some grade A pussy. I’ve fucked a lot of chicks all over the world. But Vanity Blackwood’s pussy is the tightest I’ve ever had.” Nikki spoke out roughly, chugging the rest of his beer as he tossed the bottle down by my feet.
 I bit my lip, shaking my head at him as I felt tears starting to stream down my face. Both Tommy and Vince tried consoling me, telling me it’s just the drugs but I pushed them away.
Nikki looked over at me, “Aw, baby. Don’t cry…it’s okay. But I get it, I’m not good enough for you. Never have been and never will be, that’s why you string me along, right?” I shook my head as he chuckled darkly.
“Some CEO fuckwad would make everyone happy, including you. Can’t be with someone who will be in his grave sooner than the world knows. I’m just crashing and burning, doll.” Nikki stares at me, his eyes rolling as he shook his head.
“Why the fuck are you crying? I’m just a good fuck to you…enjoy the ride while it last Vanity. Cause I know you don’t give two shits about me, probably dealt with me for the drinks and the drugs and cause you know I fuck you better than anyone else you’ll ever meet.”
“Nikki, stop.” I cried to him, my voice breaking, but he continued his rant, “Going around the world for free just as long as you suck my cock, right?”
“Get him off the fucking stage. Now.” Greyson walked up, pulling me to him as I sobbed into his chest.
“Fuck you man, I’m not done.” I watched as Tommy and Vince try to wrestle him off the stage, but Nikki wasn’t moving.
I saw Mick throw his glass down on the grass, “Get off the fucking stage. You’ve done enough, sixx.” Mick said to him, forcefully grabbing Nikki by his arm and shoving him off.
“Get the fuck off me!!” Nikki shouted, shoving Vince away from him.
“Always gotta stop for the princess, right?” Nikki said, stumbling over to me but Greyson shoved him away.
I saw the look on Nikki’s face as he approached my brother, “Stop!!” I yelled at him, shoving him back, “Oh stop with the fucking tears, nobody fucking believes them!” Nikki growled as he gripped my arm roughly, pulling me to his chest.
“You act so fucking innocent and you’re not!! If it’s not the blow it’s the alcohol!” Nikki yelled in my face, his hot breath left me scorned.
“Let go of me!” I yelled back at him, shoving him away. He stumbled backwards, falling into a table that had gifts and my birthday cake on it, sending everything to the ground. Nikki looked at the presents, holding one up as he saw it was smashed under him. Nikki quickly glanced up at me seeing the tears and discomfort he’s caused.
“Vanity…I…babe, fuck.” He groaned, pulling himself off the table as he had icing all over him.
“I want him out.” I told Greyson as I began walking away from them. “Van, Vanity. Please wait.” Nikki chased after me, I turned around to see him stumble and bump into people. The guys quickly followed behind him.
“I want you out of my house!! I never want to see your face again!!” I screamed at him, his face winced at my words, “I…I’m sorry…I…Vanity please.” Nikki begged, reaching for my hand but I smacked his arm away from me.
“I hate you.” I scolded him, “Van, no you don’t…please, doll. Don’t kick me out.” His voice cracked, I could feel the sadness coming from him.
“I wish I never fucking met you, Nikki. Get out of my house. All of you. I’m done. This is done.” I spewed my anger out at him. For how pissed off I was, I’m very surprised with myself that I hadn’t hit him or broke something.
Nikki looked away from me, his jaw clenching as he nodded.
“Have them get their stuff, and get them out.” I told Greyson. “Parties over…it’s so fucking over.” I mumbled before going inside the house.
I was quick to get Nikki’s suitcase together and drag it out of my room. I carried it to the stairs, noticing Greyson escort the band out as Tommy and Vince tried to get him to reason. Nikki glanced up at me and when he did I threw his belongings over the railing, making it hit the floor with a loud thud. “Oh dude..” I heard Tommy speak quietly for once.
I grabbed his bass out of my room, and took it to the stairs, “Vanity.” Greyson said my name, rather as a warning as he shook his head. I exhaled as I walked down the stairs. I watched Nikki hunch over, picking up all his stuff.
I handed the bass to Mick as he took it, “One more thing.” I spoke out bitterly, unclasping the bracelet around my wrist. I fumbled with it before throwing it at Nikki’s boots.
I stormed upstairs, slamming my bedroom door so hard it split the wood. I quickly locked the door and sat against it for I don’t know how long.
*Nikki’s POV*
I fucked up. I royally fucked up. I fucked up the only good thing I’ve ever had, I mean minus the band. I fucked it up. I could feel everyone’s anger as we sat on the tour bus. We had left her house about forty minutes ago and we’re driving to Arizona for one last show, then home thank god.
I sat on the couch, clutching the bracelet, trying to control myself from locking myself away and shooting up needle after needle.
“I am sorry.” I spoke quietly.
“Shut the fuck up, Sixx. I don’t want to hear your fucking voice right now.” Mick growled, throwing down his guitar as he pulled himself out of the recliner, pouring himself a glass of vodka.
“She’ll forgive you-“ Tommy tried looking at the bright side as usual. “No she fucking won’t!!! Look at everything you have done to her! And to do this!? In front of her family and peers!?” Vince, for once was sounding like an adult.
“I fucked up and-“ “I said to shut up!!” Mick yelled at me, he always had a way to make me feel like a scared little boy.
“You even fucking told me you think you’re in love with her!! And yet you still do this shit to her!!!” Mick screamed at me, throwing the glass of vodka on the floor.
“You what?” Tommy perked up, “Dude. I fucking knew it.” He added on, slapping my arm.
“Nice one, Nikki. It’s like you don’t want to be happy.” Vince chuckled as he sipped on his beer.
“It doesn’t fucking matter anymore. She hates me and that’s it. It’s done. We’re done.” I closed my eyes, leaning my head back onto the couch.
“Well good, cause it’s what you fucking deserve.” Vince mumbled. I groaned as I stood up and went to my room.
“Yeah, go shoot up some more Sixx, cause that will make everything fucking great.” Tommy yelled out after me. I quietly shut the door and locked it.
I laid in the middle of the bed, clutching a pillow. Is this what heartbreak felt like? If I’m feeling like this I could only imagine how she’s feeling. Fuck, I can’t even picture it. I hope she didn’t destroy anything, just as everything was going fine between her and me, I fuck it up.
I just…it wasn’t me. I mean it was me, but it’s what the drugs do to me. I saw her with that guy and how she was laughing with him and how his hands were exploring her body, it just made me snap.
I wiped my face as I felt tears run down the corner of my eye. My gaze slowly moved to the needle that was perched up on the nightstand. I really was trying to fight the urge but Vanity’s words and tears were taking up every free space in my fucked up head.
I needed a relief, and if she wasn’t here to give it to me, then heroin it is.
Nice going, Sikki.
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latitudesunknown · 4 years
Tiny Haven Gazette #3
In which I drop the gazette format because it takes an ungodly amount of time and nobody cares. 🎉
My house gets a first floor, and coincidentally, my storage doubles, which is a relief. That should free me from spending 30mn every day desperately trying to figure out what to part with for at least a month.
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So much space!
And now that it’s been upgraded, I get more customization options and can change the outside of my house!
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By sheer dumb luck, I finally figure out how to get money trees!!!! I can’t believe it took me so long (although I’m very happy I never looked the answer up online). I should have known there was something up with the glowing golden hole that appeared whenever you dug up some money, that thing was clearly magic!
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My pockets were full, so I had no choice but to bury back the money bag I’d just dug out, and this happened. Honestly considering how often I walk around with full pockets I’m astounded this didn’t happen sooner.
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So now I have a little money tree orchard. Next experience: does the money tree give you MORE money if you plant a bigger money bag? Tried it this morning, will get an answer in a few days.
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That’s it. There’s no story to go with it, but it’s the first rainbow I’ve seen in the game!
I can’t stop thinking about that sweet little cow I saw on @astorytotellyourfriends​​ ‘s island last week, so I decide to build the last house in the hopes of finding her on an island and inviting her over. 
In the process, I realize I could have built myself a beach house all along.
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To my horror, however, the very next morning, the house has been sold to a stranger!
Thankfully, my new neighbour, while not being Norma, is just as sweet.
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I covet her living room SO BADLY. And also I kinda wanna eat her. Why would you design a rhinoceros to look like a cake?! She must get nightmares where people run after her, trying to bite off her strawberry horn.
Shortly after, and as a result of me ignoring him completely for a few days, Phebus FINALLY decides to leave the island.
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I actually took a chance when I decided to talk to him, considering that’s the way he always looks.
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“Good luck with the neighbours, their stories and their problems... you’re going to need a good dose of patience!”
That shouldn’t be a problem because, unlike you, I actually like people!
And because I like people, of course, joke’s on me, because I feel super sad to see him leave. 🙄
Following his departure, I start buying mystery island tickets like a crazy person, hoping to bump into Norma, but so far, no luck.
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Why did I meet so many chickens?!
It’s the second day Phebus’s old house is on sale and I’m sure it’ll get sold to a random NPC any second now. The stress is intense!
I don’t know what’s up with them but everyone on the island keeps asking me if they should change their catchphrases! After the tenth time, I finally give in with Lili, assuming she’ll just come up with a new one on her own, but then am faced with a horrible screen that is asking ME to come up with something on the spot!
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Have I mentioned how much I love it when she makes that face?
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It took me ten minutes and some internet research to come up with this. This is too big of a responsibility!!
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At least she was happy about it.
I’ve gone back to refusing to help the others, though. At least not until I can come up with proper catchphrases for them!
For the very first time, I get asked to play postman for my villagers. See, Nacer’s been bonding with Kali (no wonder, since they’re both jocks), but he was too shy to give him a present himself.
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“Kali has helped me so much, I picked up a present for him. But I’m too shy to give it to him myself...”
Feeling like cupid, I hurry to Kali’s house. 👼🏹💘
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“A frog costume! Oh la la!”
I have to admit that wasn’t the kind of gift I’d been expecting considering how much they both love sports, but ok!
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“Did Kali say something about the gift?”
That was super cute, I hope I’ll get more requests like it!
In the span of one week I must have learnt about 20 new mimics, which, honestly, I find baffling. Most of them are just sliiiiight variations, it’s ridiculous. In the game I used to work on we ended up with about 50 expressions per character, but that was because they needed to express a wide range of emotions in very subtle ways. You don’t need that for cute island critters, especially when emoting is such a slow process in the first place!
Justine visits again one night, which gets everyone on the island talking.
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“Since we have a visitor, I’ve baked some cakes. I hope she’ll like them...”
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“I absolutely MUST tell her ‘hi’ before she leaves!”
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“No, don’t mind me, you’ve got a visitor! Focus on being a good hostess!”
I like their reactions so much I spend more time speaking with my islanders than my visitors whenever I have one, haha.
Also, I love the smoke trails in the sky whenever a plane leaves. That small connection to a bigger world is very comforting.
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Abraham, true to himself, is adorable.
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“Good evening, sweets! Grum grom grom... My tummy also says good evening!”
Later we play to a little game with freakishly accurate results.
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“Let’s play! Tell me your favourite color, and I will tell you what food you are.”
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“You chose orange, which means you’re easy to live with, but you can also sometimes feel lonely.”
In the end, he said I was an onion. Layers, y’see.
I also finally figure out how to eavesdrop on people’s conversations, and get treated to many a story.
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Lili : I just read my horoscope... You’re not gonna believe it! It’s sick!
Phebus : What am I supposed to not believe, exactly? The horoscope, or the fact that you managed to read it through? You know what, just tell me what it said, let’s get this over with.
Lili : Listen to this... “Your travels will bring good surprises.” Isn’t that sick?! Especially for me, because I love good surprises!
Phebus : Um... I guess? I mean, I don’t know. How did that make you sick? I’m confused.
Lili : Nah, just wait! After that, I went shopping, and it was the spring sales! Get that, I got a sweet little dress on sale! I was so happy I thought I was going to pass out!
Phebus : What?! Don’t kid with that! D’you need me to call for help?
Lili (totally ignoring him) : So anyway I put on my new dress and went for a walk. And that’s when it started raining big time, and I got drenched... Why didn’t my horoscope warn me about that?!
Phebus : I don’t know... have you tried reading the weather column instead?
I catch Vanessa and Maëlle talking about a movie they both watched... except they both remember it very differently...
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Maëlle : Oh, Vanessa, thanks for lending me that movie, I loved it! The costumes were gorgeous... I want the leading lady’s straw hat!
Vanessa : And that chase in hydro planes! Pfiiiiiiiouuu, ppfffz, ka-BOUM! That was awesome sauce!
Maëlle : And that dress with golden trimmings that she wears at the picnic... that was fine art!
Vanessa : And what about the fight against the giant robot? When he punches a hole in the planet? Whazaam!
Maëlle : Yes! He really stole the scene with his diamond plates... It must have cost a fortune! ... ... Wait, did you say he punched a hole in a planet? Was that before or after the ball?
Later, I find the same two talking about Maëlle’s insect infestation problem (probably caused by all the sweets she keeps in her house, just saying). When she asks me what I would do, I tell her I’d just move out, which gets me a VERY judgmental look from Vanessa.
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“How do you manage to get rid of them?”
Vanessa’s solution, in the end, is for Maëlle to sell her house to “an insect-loving weirdo”. I wish I knew if that was a dig at Abraham or if it’s just a coincidence.
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“Bah, that can’t be impossible. You just need a real weirdo who thinks insects aren’t so bad!”
Lili and Raymond get into a big argument about Lili’s cooking skills...
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Raymond : By the way, Lili, I haven’t thanked you for lunch the other day! It was very good!
Lili : “Very good”? Seriously, don’t you have something even more corny? Nobody says that anymore! Don’t you mean it was delicious? Or maybe extremely refined? Or maybe super exquisite?
Raymond : Oh! You’re right, I’m sorry. Um, it was... delectable... succulent... A concentrate of sheer deliciousness!
Lili : And?
Raymond : And... every bite sent my taste buds into a transcendental ecstasy?
Lili : Oh! Is that a question or a statement, Raymond?
Raymond : A statement, of course! Pff... All that to describe a stupid sole meunière...
Lili : Don’t tell me you’ve just called my sole meunière, my mother’s own recipe!, “stupid”?!
I’m still amazed that they parted in good terms, I thought for sure Lili would keep on fuming
After trying to get my first residents to spruce up their apartments, with mitigating results...
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I mean, the ball, jars and punching sack are all gifts of mine, so that’s cool he’s got them all out at the same time, but that’s still a sad little barren house.
I finally look it up online and discover their houses are actually not supposed to be like this at all! Turns out poor Nacer, Vanessa, Abraham, Renée and Lili are all stuck with generic houses because they got to my island too soon!
This is what Renée’s house should look like! 
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So I’ve decided to try and gift them all their true houses’ furniture, little by little. I know they can’t change their wallpapers or floors, but hopefully if I get them the right couches, beds, etc, they’ll display them all. 🤞
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abundanceofsoph · 4 years
SkyFire 1: Chapter 4
FLASHBACK - New York: August 2011 
Word count: 1.6k
The first thing that Rori noticed when she entered the penthouse at the beginning of August was the size, the place was gigantic, and she couldn’t help but compare it to the tiny apartment she had shared with her mother. The walk in closets in this place were probably bigger than their entire apartment combined. The second thing she noticed was the view of Central Park through the windows. Having never been to America before, she had only ever seen New York in movies, and she was itching to go out and explore her new home. The third and final thing that she saw, and what stole her attention away from everything else in the room, was the glossy, black grand piano sitting by the wide floor to ceiling windows. Tony noticed her staring at the instrument from where he was standing behind her, and he smiled sadly thinking of how it had gone mostly unplayed for so many years.
“It was your grandmothers,” he said softly. “It only really gets played when there’s a party.”
“Could I?” Rori asked softly, looking back over her shoulder with a shy smile.
“Of course,” Tony replied instantly. Steve stepped up to stand behind Tony, wrapping his arms around the shorter man’s shoulders as the teenager approached the piano, taking a seat on the bench before lifting the fallboard and hovering her fingers over the ivory keys for a moment. Both men watched on in silent awe as Aurora closed her eyes and played. The music filled the large space, breathing life into the room and Steve began to sway to the tune, forcing Tony to move with him. Slowly the song morphed from one to the next as Aurora revelled in the freedom of playing again, and after a few simple pieces she forgot completely about her audience, beginning to sing.
“She’s incredible,” Tony whispered, not wanting to shatter the stillness of the moment but needed to voice his astonishment.
“Just like her dad,” Steve murmured in his ear.
“Mind if I join?”
Steve looked up from his sketch book to find Aurora standing in the doorway of his art studio, looking shy with her sketch book and pencil case tucked under one arm.
“Make yourself at home,” he replied with a warm smile, moving his feet to make space for her on the sofa next to him. She sat down, looking around the room, taking in the finished art hanging on the walls and some of his unfinished pieces on easels over by the large window.
“You’re really good,” she finally said, shyly looking back at the blond.
“Thanks,” Steve replied with a warm smile, “I wanted to be an artist when I was a kid, before the war.”
“Do you ever wish that’s what you got to do?” Aurora asked.
“No,” Steve replied immediately. “If I hadn’t been so hellbent on joining the army I wouldn’t have been given the serum and I never would have come out of ice or met Tony… or you.”
Aurora looked up at him in shock at his confession. “But you barely know me.”
“True,” Steve agreed. “But what little I’ve learnt about you so far, I’ve liked.”
“Thanks,” Rori whispered. “I like you too.”
“I know this isn’t where either of us expected to be, but I’m glad you’re here,” Steve told her. “I know Tony’s glad you’re here too.”
“Really? He always seems like he’s terrified of talking to me for too long.”
“I think he’s just trying not to overwhelm you… or himself,” Steve replied. “He doesn’t want to come on too strong and have you run away.”
“Oh,” Rori said, surprised by Steve’s admission. “I guess that makes sense.”
The pair lapsed into silence and after a few moments Rori turned her attention to her sketch book. The two sketched side by side for hours until the sun started to set, and the studio started to darken with the lengthening shadows.
A few days after the day she spent in Steve’s art studio with him, Rori made her way downstairs to Tony’s workshop. She asked JARVIS to announce her presence outside the glass door, watching Tony stare intently at the screen in front of him before he snapped his eyes up to look at her, a smile stretching across his face as he spoke, clearly telling JARVIS to let her in as the door slid open a moment later.
“Hey,” he greeted as she walked towards him.
“Hi,” she replied nervously. While they had gotten along easily when they met in London a few weeks ago, Rori had not been lying when she had told Steve that Tony seemed afraid of talking to her. Now that she knew the reason behind his hesitancy, she was determined to bridge the distance between them. If she was going to live here with him for the next 2 years, then she needed to create a relationship with her father. “What are you working on?”
“A new Iron Man suit,” Tony replied. “Did you need something?”
“No. I just thought it might be nice to get to know each other a bit.”
“Oh,” Tony replied, “Um… yeah, ok. What do you want to know?”
“Everything? Anything? I’m not sure,” Rori laughed awkwardly. “I don’t really know how to have a dad, so I’m not really sure how to do this.”
“Yeah, I don’t really know how to do this either,” Tony admitted.
They started with small talk, Tony showing her some of his designs and telling stories of his past and Rori telling him about her childhood and friends back home.
“I had JARVIS set up some internet search protocols,” Tony told her after a few hours. “Just so that we would know if the paparazzi or anyone work out who you are or something.”
“That makes sense,” Rori replied, “I guess it’s inevitable that it’ll happen at some point, right?”
“Yeah, but we don’t have to worry about that for a while I don’t recon,” Tony said. “I only mention it because when I was doing that it pulled up any mention of you online and I saw your social media accounts.” He paused, not knowing whether he had overstepped and invaded her privacy, but she remained quiet, waiting for him to reach his point. “I found your YouTube channel.”
“What did you think?” she asked, looking at her hands in her lap, nervous to hear his reply.
“You’re really talented,” he said. “Your landscape paintings are beautiful, and I like that you record your own music for the videos. I know Steve’s already told you, but you’re welcome to use his art studio whenever you want. I know he’s looking forward to having someone around the house that can talk art with him.”
“Thank you,” Rori told him. “He said you built the studio for him when he moved in last year.”
“Yeah, I did,” Tony replied. “I wanted him to feel like this was his home as much as it’s mine. Same goes for you.”
“It’s a little overwhelming right now but I think I will after I have a chance to get used to it all.”
“I’m glad,” he said, breathing a sigh of relief at her admission. “So, is art what you want to do with your life?”
“I think so,” Rori answered. “I’m not really sure if I want to be a painter or a musician or what but I’m pretty confident I want to do something in the arts.”
“You know there’s an incredible Arts school only a few blocks from here.”
“LaGuardia?” she asked. “I’ve read about it. It’s unbelievably good but the audition process is brutal apparently.”
“I could make some calls,” Tony offered.
“Really?” Rori gasped. “But the school year starts in like 2 weeks.”
“You’re a Stark now, kid. That name opens up a lot of doors if you want it to.”
She bit at her bottom lip, torn between desperately wanting to attend the school of her dreams but feeling uncomfortable using her newfound privilege to get in when plenty of other kids had worked hard for years to audition for their place.
“Please let me do this for you,” Tony asked as he watched her internal debate play out across her face. She looked up in response to his tone, and her decision was made when she saw the expression on his face. It was clear as day that he wanted to be able to do something to help her adjust to her new life and feel good about leaving behind everything to live in a foreign country with a stranger.
“Ok,” she agreed, unable to stop the excited grin that split across her face.
It had been 5 weeks since Aurora had moved into Stark Tower and while the three of them had quickly adjusted to living together, today was a disruption to the easy going atmosphere that usually settled over the penthouse.
“I’ve been walking to school on my own for years,” Aurora argued as she stood in front of Steve and Tony in the living room.
“Not in New York, you haven’t!” Tony retorted.
“It’s a 10 minute walk!” Rori countered.
“It’s not safe to walk around Manhattan on your own,” Tony continued. “Not when you’re my kid.”
“But no one knows I’m your kid,” Rori said, “at least not until I step out of a chauffeur driven town car on my first day.”
“Tony,” Steve interjected softly, having stayed out of the argument until that point. “She’s right. It’s only 10 minutes to LaGuardia High and no one knows who she is. She’ll just be one of countless students walking those streets. She’ll be fine.”
“Thank you, Steve!” Aurora replied with a smile. “Now if you don’t mind me, I’m gonna go before I’m late on my first day.”
Without waiting for a reply from her father, she turned on her heels, scooped her bag off the nearby couch and headed for the elevator.
“Not cool, Steve,” Tony said once the elevator doors closed behind her. “Very not cool.”
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itsanerdlife · 5 years
Smoke 5/16
Pairing: Ronin!Clint Batron x Black Cat!Reader
Warning: Violence. Torture mentioned. Death mentioned. Nightmares. Lies. Seducing. Sexual humor. Broken and damaged pasts. Killing. Possessive Male. Struggling to open up. Secrets. Dark past.
After the snap, the avengers split apart. Finding their own ways to cope. Clint found his under a new identity, Ronin. Getting revenge for those they lost. For the family taken from them. The evil left when heroes were wiped out, it became his mission to take out the evil. All while keeping a list of those who could help, if needed one day. Clint stumbles upon a woman, Cat. She’s a mystery in the dark. One happen stance meet, one night, gone like smoke.
After the second snap, setting the world right again. Fury is looking at those kept tabs on. When Cat appears on the screen, nobody know a lot about the mysterious woman who haunted Clint’s dreams and stole his favorite T-shirt. There’s a chance she’s in trouble, can Clint find her, convince her there is more, that he can save her? But is he the cause of what’s after her? Just what mystery is she keeping all to herself? Or is he the one she’s trying to save?
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“Ice.” Sam hands her a gel pack. “That eyes starting to swell.” He nods before sitting down.
“Thanks.” She sighs, pressing the pack to her eye.
“What happened?” He rakes a hand through his hair, sitting next to her on the couch.
“Guess, the guy who hired me, was keeping tabs on me.” She shifts leaning farther into the couch. “Saw you leaving my place the other day.” There’s hesitation in her voice. “He was sure I was double crossing him.” She tips her head to one side, resting it in her hand, elbow on the arm of the couch.
“So he beat you up?” Steve’s brow pulls down.
“You’re funny.” She smirks at Steve. “Not so much.” She pulls the pack from her eye.
“The guy who hired you for the animal testing?” Clint’s head tips looking over at her.
“Not in the way you think.” She admits. “More like in the way I was created.” She nods slowly.
“How were you created?” Peter asks.
“Well Petey.” She smirks looking over at Peter. “When two people, sometimes, sort of, kind of like each other.” She grins. Nat shrugs, nodding.
“Steve has a pop up book that explains it.” Sam jerks his thumb towards Steve, who sighs. “Steve let him borrow your book.” Sam grins.
“Peter will have plenty of time to read it, since Sam’s still learning to read.” Buck smirks, Nat snorts, Tony has the most amused look on his face. Sam’s grin drops instantly, glaring at Buck, Peter laughs.
“I like them.” Cat leans in close to Clint, whispering.
“Of course you do.” He rolls his eyes.
“Sam, I’m sure Morgan can help teach you.” Steve chuckles. Cat smirks, clearly enjoying the banter.
“When you say animal testing, what do you mean?” Wanda asks, watching Cat.
“I mean,” she pauses “enhancing humans with animal traits and vice versa.” She explains.
“That’s how you became Cat?” Tony lifts a brow.
“My name is Y/N.” She glances around. “My father was a mad scientist for Oscorp.” She glances over at him.
“Like Norman Osborn, Oscorp?” Tony leans forward, resting his arms on his thighs.
“You didn’t think Peter was the first thing they created, did you?” She smirks.
“You were.” Peter blinks at her. “Patient Zero.” He stares, shock on his face.
“Me and Odin.” She nods slowly.
“You and Odin, can what?” Nat asks, curiosity on her face.
“You know how witches have familiars?” She asks, the room some what nods along. “Sort of like me and Odin. He ages in human time, not cat years. But has nine lives. I can hear him, in some telepathic type of thing. He can find and protects me.” She nods.
“So you’re connected?” Buck asks.
“Pretty much. I got things from him as well.” She adds.
“Like what?” Steve looks confused.
“Balance, senses, hearing, nine lives, reflexes.” She ticks them off, one by one.
“Wait you have nine lives?” Peter looks rather excited about this.
“More like seven.” She admits, looking down at the ice pack in her hand.
“What happened?” Clint sighs, taking her hand, putting the ice pack to her face once more.
“Stray cats are low on the testing subjects.” She starts. “His personal body guard, something like rhino.” She mutters. “Was like getting knocked around by, well him.” She points a lazy finger towards the far side of the room where Bruce stood, leaning against the wall, watching. Bruce nods, flushing a little.
“Been there.” Tony nods.
“Woke up feeling, well like I got hit by a bus.” She sighs. “My suit barely kept him from snapping me in half.” She winces. Tony and Peter exchange a look.
“Hand it over.” Peter puts his hand out.
“What?” She looks over at Peter.
“Your suit, let us see.” Peter nods.
“Um. bag.” She glances over at him. Clint grabs the bag next to him, unzipping it. Finding a badly damaged suit balled up on top. He tosses it to Tony, who stands unfolding it, he and Peter move closer, Bruce ambles over, looking as well. They speak in hushed tones.
“Are they always so weird?” She looks over at him.
“Yes.” He smirks at her, he reaches up, brushing her hair back.
“Call Strange. I’m going to need a portal.” Tony announces.
“I’ll call Okoye. Warn them.” Nat nods, pulling out her phone, while Peter speaks to Strange on his own phone.
“Portal? What?” Y/N looks over at him.
“To Wakanda we go.” Tony grins over his shoulder.
“One more time. What?” She blinks at him. He chuckles.
“Do you want to change?” He asks, glancing down at her.
“Where are we going?” She asks.
“Africa.” Buck grins at her.
“I need to change.” She winces attempting to stand.
“Here, lean on me.” He stands, pulling her up.
“Strange is on his way.” Peter calls.
“Okoye, is gathering T’Challa and Shuri to meet us.” Nat adds.
“I think I might have brain damage.” Y/N sighs, shaking her head.
“Nope. Just Avengers life.” Clint laughs.
“Thought you were going to give me a pitch?” She smirks as he leads her down the hall, towards a bathroom for her to change, her bag in his other hand.
“This is it. We don’t do small babe.” He smirks, pushing open the bathroom door.
“I’d make a comment, but I’m pretty sure a lot of people in this house have really good hearing.” She smirks.
He laughs, pulling the door closed for her. Heading down the hall to wait, the team is still in the living room, watching him.
“Is that necessary?” He shakes his head.
“Wow… just wow.” Sam shakes his head.
“He has a point.” Nat nods.
“She’s like one of those, unbelievably pretty cats you see on the internet.” Wanda nods slowly.
“How, just how?” Buck smirks.
“I want to say I missed you people, but you know what, not so much.” Clint shakes his head, smirking.
“Anyone else get the feeling like she’ll seduce you, but also might rip your throat out?” Peter asks, looking around. Clint laughs, rubbing his hand down his face.
“I think I love her.” Nat sighs, smiling.
“I want to brush her hair and feed her snacks.” Wanda nods.
“Definitely not the thought I had.” Buck chuckles.
“Clint had the same problem.” Y/N smirks standing in the hallway, watching them. A few of them shift, clearing their throats. Nat smiles at her.
“Says the woman who stalked me.” Clint points out.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” She winks at him.
Everything Peaches 2/6/19: @xmtd5 @mo320 @all1e23 @courtmr @avxgers @eliza-kat @izzy--lee @irepeldirt @dumblani @nishanki1 @crist1216 @alyssaj23 @allyp1023 @joannie95 @kolakube9 @rileyloves5 @sarahp879 @sea040561 @sexyvixen7 @pcterpvrker @pigwidgexn @doctoranon @abschaffer2 @justrae9903 @bookluver01 @teller258316 @callie-bear15 @nickimarie94 @wandressfox @amandab-ftw @carostar2020 @henrietteoaks @nea90sweetie @circusofchaos @itsagalaxystar @bettercallsabs @miraclesoflove @lucifersnipnips @queenkrissy11 @sadyoungadult @destiel-artemis @paintballkid711 @isabelcrichards @iwillbeinmynest @sweet-honey15 @chanelmadrid13 @mellxander1993 @killerbumblebee @spookygrantaire @geeksareunique @supernatural508 @sammysgirl1997 @itzmegaaaaaaan @booksbeforebois @childishhoebinoo @elizabethaellison @aspiringtranslator @mariekoukie6661 @pure-princess-97 @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @nerdypinupcrystal @atlas-of-the-world @youclickedthislink @futuremrsb-r-main @lovemarvelousfics @notyourtypicalrose @petersunderoos96 @loving-life-my-way @buckystolemyheart @booktvmoviefangirl @supernatural-girl97 @abbypalmer14-blog @fanfictionjunkie1112 @meganlikesfandoms @awkwardfangirl2014 @supernaturaldean67 @xqueenofthecraziesx   @queenoftheunderdark @writingaworldofmyown @supernaturallover2002 @daughterofthenight117 @mustbeaweasleyginger @mcuwillbethedeathofme @sprinklesandsugarcubes @whothehellisbucky-1930 @verymuchclosetedfangirl @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan @wonderlandfandomkingdom @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @stupendoussciencenaturepanda @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @supernatural-strangerthings-1980
Marvel Tag List 2/6/19: @lumelgy   @dottirose   @jcc04220 @rockagurl @a--1--1--3 @mizzzpink   @jade-taillia @coley0823 @widowsfics @bookluver01 @thelostallycat @shield-agent78 @dtftheavengers   @ilovetvshowsblog @capsheadquaters   @iamwarrenspeace @thefridgeismybestie @whenallsaidanddone @deanwinchestersrifle @fandomsstolemylife00   @daughterofthenight117 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect  
Clint ‘Destory Me, I’ll Thank You’ Barton: @ml7010 @coley0823 @yavanna80 @lakamaa12 @boltsgirl919 @feelmyroarrrr @mrsseizetheday @honey-bee-holly @marvelfansworld @mybarnesmyhero   @the-real-mary-jane @dumbbitchenergytm @agentsinstorybrooke @x-whyareyoureadingthis-x @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
Smoke: @2s0uls @rimaries   @xxloki81xx @csigeoblue @demonlover87 @capandbuckylvr @marvelfansworld @natromanoffsboys @barton-you-dummy @thefandomimagines @thosesexytexasboys 
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beerecordings · 5 years
Um, if that was a prompt for us to send things in, "Go on. Try to run." with whoever you choose?
okay..... i’m real proud of this one... thanks for the prompt, sid :) can you feel the American patriotism????? (because our nature scenes are the only thing we have going for us anymore???) anyway someone take a road trip with me
also sorry again i can’t get the read-more to work.... I know this post is long af. please tag it “long post” if you reblog, ty ty
Edit: not tumblr fucked up the spaces too, so there’s these *** instead of spaces. i am confusion.
tws for vomit mention, blood, implied character death, and car crash
He moves through the shadows of the mountains at his brother's side, curled up against the window of the shitty 2002 Dodge Neon they stole from a rancher's backyard at three in the morning, trying not to nightmare.
He dozes instead of sleeping, suspended in awakeness by the rapid thud-thud-thud of the vibrating window against his skull.
“Turn the radio on?” he asks drowsily, readjusting and putting his jacket against his head.
JJ pushes the power button on the radio and flicks through the channels, bypassing Mexican music complete with a joyful grito, hypermasculine country trash, the top 40s station, and an orchestral piece featuring an celloist going absolutely ham on Shostakovich's Symphony Number One before landing on a talk show about the declining white rhino population in Southern Africa.
Not what Chase would have picked, but he'll forgive his little brother's eccentrism for the relief of a voice to listen to.
“Two female Northern white rhinos live at the Pejeta Conservatory in Kenya, and today, they and the rest of the world are grieving a terrible loss – the death of the last male Northern white rhino, Sudan, who passed away last Monday at the ripe old age of forty-five.”
“That's sad,” Chase mumbles, rubbing his face. Fuck, he's hungry. Maybe he'll wake up after all. Sitting up in his chair, he heaves out a deep sigh and glances over at JJ, who doesn't even bother to nod, his exhausted eyes fixed on the road.
“You should let me drive next.”
Jameson shakes his head, shifting uncomfortably. His fingers are gripped very tight on the steering wheel.
“The loss of the Northern white rhino species has been sudden and devastating. In 2015, five rhinos lived in captivity, and there were hopes of babies being born to help save the species. But now, only two of the rhinos remain, and it seems their death warrant has been signed by the loss of Sudan.”
Chase glances out the window, where proud tall trees rise towards a fervently blue sky, heavy with spring greenery. Their car curves down a winding road through a rocky mountainside, spitting gravel off the side of the cliff as they speed along towards their destination.
What destination? Chase wonders, watching the light of the sun play along the surface of a quiet blue lake miles below them. Where can we go that he will not find us?
“Hey, any beef jerky left?”
Jamie shakes his head again, glancing over at his brother. A flicker of his old warmth wakes up in his eyes as he meets Chase's gaze, his twin in tiredness.
He takes his hands off the wheel long enough to sign, “Stop soon.”
Chase reaches into the back and grabs Jackie's blood-stained backpack off the floor, taking out his journal one more time. He doesn't expect to find anything that will help them anymore.
He just misses his brother's handwriting.
“I think I'm getting paranoid,” reads the soft, scrawling script their brother left behind. “I can tell that he's coming. I can always tell. The glitches, Jack's condition. Sometimes I think Marvin can sense it too, because I hear him awake late at night, coughing on too much magic, full up on restless energy. I know I'm being overbearing, telling them all to stay close, trying to stop Schneep from going to work. I can't get him to stay home. I'm just scared Anti will take him away first. He works regular hours now and it's not safe. Anti could find him. Anti could find Jack. I don't want to be an ass. I just want to keep them safe.”
Chase swallows back tears – he's getting used to that burn at the back of his throat – and flips dully through the rest of the journal. Here are Jackie's notes on Anti's powers, signs of his oncoming appearances, what he's done in videos, what he seems to want. None of it was enough to save them.
If only he had been a little more overbearing.
“There used to be many Northern white rhinos, living happily throughout Northern Africa in large numbers. But the reason for their decline, and now, near extinction, is all too clear – poaching has led these innocent creatures to their end. Even now, the two remaining Northern white rhinos must be protected around the clock, wary of hunters at all time.”
“Can we listen to something else?” asks Chase.
“Today, we grieve the loss of this magnificent species, once a proud and numerous symbol of their homeland. With only two remaining, how can they expect to survive?”
JJ turns the radio off.
Chase peers up at the dawn sky from beneath the windshield, his eyes flickering between the dead highway before them and the breathing morning stars above him, glittering in the faraway satin of a bright pink sunrise.
“Some parts of America are really so pretty,” he says, wistful. Brown and black horses move past their car, watching from the hills and nudging their colts around with their noses. “I wish we were just on a roadtrip instead of on the run, you know? We could go somewhere nice. Camp out or something. No, never mind. Camping sounds miserable. We'll get a hotel and wander all the cities we like. Schneep always talked about traveling.”
He takes a sip from the caffeinated gas station soda in the cup holder beside him and then glances over to grin sadly at his brother, but JJ isn't looking. He sits with his head in his hand, frowning out the window, pale in the wan yellow light of the morning.
“Hey, you okay?”
No answer, but it's hard to have a conversation when Chase is supposed to be watching the road. And Jamie hasn't talked much lately anyway. Hardly at all, really. He just clings to Chase's side and glares at passersby in silence, his hand shoved into his pocket at all times. Chase is pretty sure he's always holding a knife these days. He never looks happy. He never looks safe.
Fuck, he'd just about kill to see him smile again.
Chase takes a deep breath and swallows down a burning at the back of his throat, reaching out to rub the back of JJ's neck roughly.
“Look, bud,” he sighs. “I know how hard you're trying to protect me, but I wish you'd look after yourself a little better. It's just you and me now, you know? And that – that isn't easy, but if we're going to survive... we both need to survive, right, man?”
JJ doesn't turn to him. The sunrise makes him pastel in blue and pink.
“I love you,” Chase adds. “I'm really glad you're here, J. What would I do without you, huh?”
He smiles and gives his brother another affectionate clap on the shoulder, adding a playful tug on his ear, trying to get him to look at him.
And Jameson turns and he is weeping.
“You'd be much better off without me,” he signs, and then he breaks down completely, slumped against the dashboard with gasping sobs trembling their way out of his mouth.
“Fuck,” Chase can't help but spit out, reaching out to leave a hand on his brother's back as he slams the brakes hard and drags their exhausted little car onto a quiet gravel shoulder, where only fence posts and sparsely forested grasslands stare back at them.
Chase unbuckles and gets out of the car, moving to Jameson's side and pulling open the door. After that, all he knows to do is reach out, gentle, and grab JJ's hand, ferocious.
He hasn't seen Jameson cry in weeks. He has been steel and defense, gritted teeth and deadened eyes, since what happened.
“Tell me what's going on,” he says.
“What's going on?” JJ demands, yanking his hand away. A magpie calls a reprimand to the trees, her black head shining with the golden light of the oncoming day. “Let's stop pretending there's any relief to be found in this, Chase. In escaping. In running. In fucking off to another country and wearing baseball caps low over our eyes and pretending the internet doesn't exist. In driving all day and all night, in grieving from the front seat of a stolen car, in never seeing home again.”
“Fine,” snaps Chase, gripping his hand and leaning closer. “Fine, there's nothing good about this. Does that make you feel better? There's nothing good about this situation.
Except you.”
Jameson stills, sniffling sadly and wiping harsh at the salt on his cheeks.
“You're all I got left, man,” Chase murmurs, putting his other hand on his shoulder. “You're everything. And I'm tired of seeing you so... quiet. Listen, I'm in grief too. You've heard me crying often enough to know. But if we're going to survive, we have to survive together. I need you healthy. Or as healthy as you can be. Capeesh?”
JJ looks up, his mouth trembling, and gives Chase the smallest nod.
“Tell me what's wrong.”
Jameson is pale and exhausted, thin with bad eating and long nights of running, hollowed and hopeless and lovely, lovely as he has ever been, a blue-eyed boy with a softness in his face and power in the lines of his hands. Chase brushes a curl of hair from his brother's eyes, his fingers drifting over the curves of his face.
“It's my fault,” says JJ.
“Oh, buddy – ”
“No, it is, I mean it, it's all my – it's all my fault.”
“Don't say that, Jays. It's not true.”
“I was supposed to be watching Schneep.”
“You did everything you could.”
“Jackie and Marvin went to protect Jack, and I was supposed to watch Schneep, I was supposed to save Schneep, I was supposed to – ”
JJ collapses onto Chase's shoulder, weeping so hard he can barely breathe. All Chase can do is hold him, hold him close and cry out, “You did everything you could. You did everything you could. It's not your fault you were the last line of defense.”
And this is the truth, but it makes nothing better.
Jameson Jackson did his best. Fought his best. Loved his hardest.
It was only enough to save one.
And he's afraid – afraid to the core of his being, afraid down to his trembling heart – that, soon enough, it will no longer be enough to save Chase either.
“I love you,” says Chase. “And you and I? We're going to find some happiness again, someday, okay? Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But someday. You deserve that much.”
Jameson stares back at him, reaching out to clutch his hands. Slowly, wearily, he lets his watching eyes slip shut, and rests his head on Chase's shoulder.
They sit by the side of the road for a long time. The cicadas are singing in the trees.
The stars watch over them.
Or maybe they're just watching.
Chase can never tell anymore. Everything feels like a threat these days.
"On the road again," he hums, bouncing his leg and trying to entertain himself by tapping his fingers against his knee. "Oh, I can't wait to get on the road again!"
He pauses, glancing over at JJ.
"That's not true," he admits, and Jameson looks back at him warmly, giving his fine blue eyes a quick roll made visible by the ugly yellow overhead light they flickered on for comfort in the dark.
There's no one else out here. They take back roads when they can.
"What state are we in?"
Jameson frowns, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel thoughtfully before offering Chase a guilty look of surrender.
"You don't know?"
"Maybe P-E-N - "
"Penis, my favorite state, perfect."
Chase gets a punch in the arm for that one. Worth it.
There's a little more fire in JJ tonight, he thinks. He hopes. Maybe it's because they spent more than they should have on dinner to get little ice cream cones for dessert, or maybe there's just been enough time passed that Jameson's paranoia is settling down, but one way or another, he's hoping to see some joy on his face soon. If he keeps cracking enough dumbass jokes, he can get him to smile, can't he? Surely there's some happiness coming their way at some point, considering that the universe has been well and truly fucking them over for the past four weeks. Surely.
Chase glances around for wood to knock on, but he can't reach the trunks of the heavy forest zipping along past their window. The headlights illuminate a warning sign on the side of the road before them, neon yellow with the black form of a deer printed on its surface, and Chase jerks back as he accidentally meets the gaze of the enormous grey owl sitting atop it.
"These woods are creepy," he complains.
"Sleep," suggests JJ authoritatively, pushing Chase's shoulder.
"Hey, you sleep," Chase grumbles back, pushing his shoulder back. "Maybe we could - oh, shit! Is that a CD case?"
His enthusiasm makes Jamie flinch, but a second later he is watching with interest as his brother rifles hurriedly through the pages of the CD holder, laughing louder with each disc he lays eyes on.
"Al Green - Frank Sinatra - holy shit, both discs for the Order of the Phoenix audiobook. You want to listen to some fucking Harry Potter?"
"Aw, come on."
"Those were Marvin's favorites!"
There's a pause. Chase stares over at his brother. Jameson stares over at the road, pale with distress.
"Yeah," says Chase eventually. "He was a real nerd for this shit."
He gets punched in the shoulder again, but Jameson's eyes are affectionate. Chase grins and adjusts in his seat, crossing his legs in front of him.
"You remember that time he set the kitchen on fire?" he asks.
Jameson blinks, his mouth twitching. "Which time?"
"Ha ha! The time I was cooking a whole goddamn turkey in the oven and he sent everything up in smoke? Schneep stepped into the house, took one look at all of us screaming and trying to put the fire out, and walked right back out."
Jameson snorts, loosening his grip on the steering wheel. Yeah, he remembers. He remembers laughing.
"But that was also the day Jackie came home so badly hurt," Jameson reminds, drawing his hands away from the wheel just for a second.
"Yeah, well, that one was his fault. He never could resist a fight with a guy twice his size. I don't know if you ever heard this - it was before you were created - but he once got his skull busted open by some asshole with a whole mob of lackeys, woke up in the hospital after four days of being comatose, and went out that same time to get his revenge."
"He did not!"
"Oh, he so did. I think that was the only time Schneep ever followed through on his threat to lock him in his room."
Jameson's mouth twitches. He glances over at Chase with an eyebrow raised and then looks back to the road, sighing a content sigh.
Warmth blooms in Chase's chest like the sunflowers along the side of the road. Then the silence drags on for too long and he decides to take drastic action.
"I'm putting one of these CDs in."
"Don't put one of those CDs in!"
"I'm doing it, you can't stop me, I'm - " Chase yanks Sinatra's top hits out of its case and moves for the CD player. Jameson intercepts, shoving his hand out of the way.
"Those all look terrible! I don't want to listen to any of that!"
"Sinatra!" cries Chase, laughing almost too hard to fight back.
"Yes!" With a final, determined gesture, Chase slams the CD into the player and turns the volume up.
Jameson shakes his head at him with faux irritation, his eyes shining warm in the ugly light of the car.
"Some day," sings Sinatra, low and wavering, and Chase lets out a whoop of delight. "When I'm awfully low... when the world is cold... I will feel a glow... "
"Just thinking of you!" Chase sings along at the top of his lungs. Jameson shakes his head, trying not to smile, the corners of his mouth edging upwards. "And the way you look tonight!"
"You're so cheesy," says JJ, glancing to the side as a deer leaps through the trees, startled by the headlights. "Such a dork."
"Hey, you're the dork, dapper man."
"Yes, you're lovely!" cries Sinatra, with passion. "With your smile so warm and your cheeks so soft! There is nothing for me but to love you."
"And the way you look tonight!" Chase finishes, breaking down into giggles.
It's one am in Eastern time and this abandoned back road is taking them towards whatever state it feels like. They're in the middle of nowhere, hiding but together, tired but alive.
That's all that matters.
A smile spreads like a sunrise across Jameson's mouth. Chase hollers his delight, only making Jameson laugh harder, leaving them both shaking in their seats, overwhelmed and full of warmth, loving and united, brothers and- there is a man in the middle of the road -
"Jameson!" screams Chase, and his little brother's hands grab the steering wheel and pull -
“Fuck,” whispers Chase, awakening.
Copper-taste sits in his mouth like poison and he coughs, pain racing through his chest and blood dripping down his lip. Confused, he lets out a soft whimper and tries to sit up, but his seatbelt, crushed tight against his chest, does not allow it.
He's grateful for it, too. Without it, he'd be dead for sure.
There is an arm in front of him too.
His little brother's arm, shattered.
“Jameson,” calls Chase, blinking warm blood from his eyes, trying to see in the darkness.
Jamie is a black silhouette beside him, unmoving.
“Jameson!” he cries again, struggling to breathe.
This can't be happening. They can't have survived this much only for a freak accident to take his last brother from him. Please, God, this can't be happening.
He unclips his seatbelt and shifts in his seat, crumpling against the dashboard and splitting blood onto its grey plastic surface. Through the shadows, he makes out the figure of the ancient tree currenly mashing faces with their stolen car.
They swerved off the road, into the forest. They are miles from civilization. They have no phones. Phones are unsafe. Anti, after all, utilizes internet signals and electricity the same way cowboys utilized horses.
Chase reaches out to touch Jameson's shoulder. Fumbling beside the steering wheel, his fingers find the light switch, yanking it up, and, to his enormous relief, one of the headlights resumes its duties, illuminating the creaking forest all around them. Something scurries away through the bushes.
Jameson is slicked in blood. He rests against the red glass-stained window of the driver's seat, as still and as white as the bones of a deer.
No, this wasn't an accident.
This was someone's fault.
“Hey, asshole,” howls Chase, tumbling out of the side of the car. His fingers dig into earth and twig and worm in the damp floor of the forest. “You've hurt my little brother! Come down here and help us! Why the fuck were you standing in the middle of the road?”
He remembers vaguely the dark shadow of the man, a cold form dressed all in black, with a hood drawn over its head, but he cannot see it now, cannot even make his eyes focus on the road.
“With each word, your tenderness grows...”
Chase startles, staring back at the car. He realizes, at the intersection of confusion and abject terror, that the CD player has just turned itself back on again.
He is a stiffened stag on the side of the road, unable to move, unable to breathe.
“Jameson,” he whispers, and turns away from the figure on the road. He takes it all back. He does not want the man to come down here. He does not want his help.
He crawls to Jameson's side, vomiting blood and his last meal as he drags himself towards his little brother and staggers to his feet, grabbing at the seatbelt that holds him in place.
“Tearing my fear apart,” sings Sinatra, growing louder. “And that laugh wrinkles your foolish heart... Lovely, never ever change...”
And then Chase sees the black-hooded figure of the man, standing close, beside the tree that connected with their car. His jeans are ripped and there, on his breast, a mockery – the letters “PMA” scrawled out in angular font.
“Jameson,” begs Chase, yanking desperately at the seatbelt, unable to get it loose. He scrambles to find a pulse in his neck instead, but his shaking fingers give him no hopeful reply.
“Keep that breathless charm! Won't you please arrange it?”
The CD display glitches.
Chase screams aloud, biting at the seatbelt, choking on the outcry of his broken ribs, hunted down at last, found at last, discovered and destroyed, alone. Finally, he manages to yank loose the seatbelt, but it means nothing. Reaching out to drag him away, he sees that Jameson's legs are crushed by the indent in the car, trapping him better than if he were chained.
Whimpering and gripping at his hair, Chase falls back. Anti is closer now, close enough to touch him, standing still by the engine of the car. His blue and brown eyes are like those of a cat's in the darkness, and Jameson is the rabbit he has caught.
And Chase understands that he cannot save his little brother.
But he could save himself.
“Go on, Chase Brody,” whispers Anti. “Try to run.”
His voice does not glitch. His body does not spasm. This is his victory, and in it not a single flaw is visible or spoken aloud. He has the perfect corpse to contain him.
“Please,” whispers Chase, touching Jameson's hand. “Please.”
“Don't beg after you've put up a fight for the first time in your life,” purrs Anti. His brown eye brightens slowly to green, glowing through the darkness. His hands are stuffed in Jack's hoodie pockets. “The two of you actually managed to evade me for quite some time. Don't you want to get away, Chase?”
He intones the name with a deep sarcasm, grinning around the ironic sound of it.
“I'll even let you run,” he promises. “I've started to enjoy this most dangerous game, hunting the two of you down across the country. You even slipped my vision once or twice. If you run now, I'll give you a two-day headstart, how does that sound? You might even be able to escape me.”
Chase's ribs are broken, but with adrenaline coursing through him, he thinks he could run, or at least stagger back to the highway and wait for help to come. He's got two hundred and forty dollars worth of cash shoved into his pockets, enough to keep him eating for a few days. He could hot wire another car. Escape the hospital before they could bill him. He could live.
“No. No. Not without him.”
Lost and desperate, terrified and resigned, he gives up the idea of escape and does the only thing he can think of – he crawls into the seat beside Jameson, wraps his body around him, and tries to protect his body from Anti.
Jameson is motionless beneath his hands. His face is split into sections of blood and protruding bone. Chase looks down at him and begins to howl, despair exploding through the cheap dam of optimism that has kept him alive for the past four months. Jameson only bleeds in reply.
“If you're going to kill us,” whispers Chase. “Then kill us.”
The stars are watching. Deer creep through the trees, wary and glorious, their eyes shining in the dying glow of the headlight. Here under the trees of the forest, Chase has found his ending.
He's ready to see his brothers. Ready to see Jameson happy and the others unharmed.
He closes his eyes and pictures their smiles, warmer than sunlight, lovely and golden, filling the land of salvation like milk and honey.
They are beautiful and wonderful and joyous, and he sees them now before him.
“Cause I love you!” sings Sinatra, and Anti strides forward, pulling the hood back from Jack's face. “Just the way you look tonight.”
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flourchildwrites · 5 years
Witch, Please!  Fictober 2019  (17/31)
A multi-fandom Fictober prompt compilation.  Your wish is my command, but be careful what you ask for.  You just might get it.
Prompt:  “Darkness” from Writetober 2019 Prompt List
Fandom:  Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Relationship/Pairing:  Class 1-A, subtle Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo
Genre:  Songfic (sorta)
Rating:  Teen And Up Audiences
Word Count:  1,345 words
Read on AO3
Few modern words struck terror into the hearts of men as forcefully as the sound of two repeated piano chords, alternating between high and low with melodic precision. As the sound traveled the corridors of U.A.’s dormitory courtesy of an open window, Tenya Iida set aside his protein drink. Izuku Midoriya’s scarred hand stilled. Even Katsuki Bakugo, as explosive and unbalanced as ever, held his breath, waiting in denial for the absence of the damning, telltale lyrics.
The groan that filled the common room expressed the collective sentiment perfectly. Admittedly, the girls and Yuga Aoyama had been noticeably absent for over half an hour. It didn’t take Midoriya’s strategic mind to realize that there was a connection. Another fight or break up has occurred amongst the girls of class 1-A.
“Aw, man,” Hanta Sero sighed. “Which one of them got hurt this time?”
“Does it matter?” Shouto Todoroki chimed in, snapping his book closed. It was useless to return to homework at this point. As much as the boys liked to complain, broken hearts would be the topic of conversation for the evening. Their motivation equal parts curiosity and protectiveness.
Some expressed their concern better than others.
“WHAT DID YOU DO THIS TIME, KAMINARI?” Bakugo’s voice was simultaneously gruff and shrill, nearly overpowering the all-female chorus now screaming something over a slick beat.
The jagged-haired blond drew his hands to his chest protectively as his classmates turned to stare daggers at him. “Nothing,” he said, “I swear. Kyoka and I are fine. Still together... I think.”
Apparently unsure about that last sentiment, he whipped his cell phone out and began texting furiously.
Iida, their painfully single class representative, piped up. “What about you, Midoria? Any problems with Uraraka?”
Deku balked, mumbling under his breath as he recounted every interaction with his girlfriend over the past few days. A beat of relative silence settled as the next damning lyrics rang out.
A scoff sounded from the corner of the room, and the boys turned to find Minoru Mineta wearing a knowing smirk.
“It’s not Jiro or Uraraka,” Mineta announced. The sly glint in his wandering eyes said he knew something the rest of cohorts didn’t. “Or Ashido or Hagakure for that matter. It’s coming from the fifth floor.”
Just then, Kaminari’s phone sounded. He picked it up and keyed in the passcode code with shaky fingers, initially relieved but then troubled by the information his newest text contained.
“Hey guys,” he said, “it’s Yaoyorozu. She was talking to some guy on the internet and just found out he’s been playing her the whole time.”
Shouto’s ears perked up. A strange feeling burned in his chest that had nothing to do with his quirk. For once, it (probably) wasn’t one of their own who had messed up, but a nameless outsider who had dared to upset the status quo. With their class’s vice representative no less. Some action had to be taken to let her know they were right there with her.
Just not actually there. Not listening to that awful music.
“We should do something,” Shouto announced. The half-and-half hero stood, fists clenched by his side hand scanned the faces of his classmates who nodded in agreement. All except for Eijiro Kirishima and Bakugo.
“What the fuck are we going to do about Ponytail’s love life, Icyhot?” Bakugo barked.
And honestly, Shouto hated to admit it, but he had no idea.
Kyoka’s break up playlist hadn’t failed her yet and seeing as she’d only ever dated Denki, the mix had gotten a surprising amount of use. Together, the girls and Aoyama (who seemed to have a nose for drama) had done their best to brighten up Momo’s room. The friends drew back the curtains and opened the windows, letting fresh air and sunlight in. The sound of Lizzo’s voice filled the courtyard, but any noise complaints were tomorrow’s problem. Right then, Kyoka’s focus was Momo’s wellbeing.
“We met in a chatroom and got to texting. I really thought he was a nice guy,” Momo recounted through a pair of red-rimmed eyes. “But then, he started saying risque things and asking for nudes, and I just… I said no. And he told me he already has a girlfriend, that I was some know-it-all sidechick who wouldn’t… you know… virtually put out.”
“Oh, Yaomomo! I’m sorry. It could’ve happened to anyone,” Mina Ashido offered.
The seemingly blank space next to Asui shifted in her U.A. themed hoodie. “Everyone needs to feel special sometimes,” Hagakure added. “I mean, yeah, we’re heroes in training, but we’re also high school girls here. No offense, Aoyama.”
“None taken,” the blond boy responded. “Everyone wants to sparkle off the battlefield, hun.”
Kyoka nodded. “You played it smart, Momo. You didn’t send him anything that could come back to haunt you as Creati. I know it doesn’t make it better, but this could have been so much worse.”
“Yeah. I just can’t believe I let someone take advantage of me like this,” Momo sniffed. “And the thing is, I almost sent him the pictures until I remembered all that stuff Midnight said in our media seminar. I guess we never really know who’s on the other side of the screen.”
As her best friend’s analysis left her lips, Kyoka looked down at her phone. The screen reflected her petite features, and within that black mirror, she saw her insecurities staring back. Even the hearing heroine’s inhibitions might have been lessened by some fleeting notion of anonymity had she been in Momo’s shoes. It really could have happened to any one of them.
“Online dating sucks,” Kyoka concluded. Momo’s overcrowded bedroom agreed in earnest.
The heartbreak krewe left late in the evening, and Momo tucked herself into bed alongside her friends’ reassurances that she’d handled the situation correctly. But truth be told, this part of the day was the loneliest. It was just the sort of time that she would have texted her mystery man, asking about his day or even the weather.
There was a steady knock on the door.
“Coming,” Momo grumbled as she rolled out of bed. Believing it was Aoyama or one of the girls, she didn’t bother to put on her robe. It was a decision Momo immediately regretted when her eyes met a mismatched pair or turquoise and gray.
“Todoroki!” Momo crossed her arms over her chest. “Do you need anything?”
As uncomfortable as Momo was, Todoroki appeared even more so. He thrust a pink box toward Momo, and she accepted it, greeted by a sweet aroma that practically stole her senses.
“These are from all of us,” he said, scratching the back of his neck. “Kaminari told us what happened, and we helped Sato bake some cookies.”
Momo peered inside the box and found no less than two dozen bite-sized chocolate chip cookies nestled within a thin layer of parchment paper. She picked one up and popped it in her mouth, grinning as the rich sweetness made her taste buds dance.
“Thank you,” she responded, “they’re still warm. Really amazing!”
“You’re welcome. I used my quirk a little. And um… Yaoyorozu,” he stumbled, “if you ever want someone to talk to, you can always text me. I know I don’t have a lot to say, but yeah… You have the number.”
The apples of Momo’s cheeks broke out in a delicious blush. She sucked a droplet of melted chocolate from her fingertip.
“I will,” she said. All thoughts of her pervy penpal were suddenly forgotten.
A/N:  It's day 17. I am overdue for something a little strange. This was inspired by the prompt, but it might be hard to see. Anyway, feel free to send me pairing requests for particular prompts (Fictober or original) via my tumblr, and if you read something you like, don't hesitate to let me know. Your kudos, bookmarks, subscriptions, comments, likes and reblogs make my day!  Lyrics are from Lizzo's Truth Hurts.  I (sadly) own no part of that song or My Hero Academia.
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everlarkficexchange · 5 years
Long Exposure
Prompt 130: Katniss works as a park ranger. Peeta is a photographer/artist coming to said park to find inspiration. [submitted by @wingletblackbird​]
  Rated: Mostly General.
  Tags: Modern AU; Blink-and-you-miss-it humor; Fluffy ending. Under 5K words One Shot. Unbetead. All mistakes are mine.
  Author’s note: I wrote this piece to show my appreciation to @wingletblackbird for her hard work in my first two stories, she did a magnificent job as beta, and her story A Father Figure, it’s amazing— go read it in in the @everlarkficexchange page if you haven’t yet— also Thank you Everlark Fic Exchange for letting me take this prompt so late in the game. You guys rock and I appreciate your work greatly!
  Peeta pulled out his leather bound booklet and smiled toothily at the cashier in the Visitors Center gift shop. “Do you have one of those seal stamp things, with the name of the park and the date?”
  The woman glanced at the small book that obviously already housed in its pages any number of those stamps from other national parks.
  She rolled her eyes like she was being inconvenienced by the question and waved a hand carelessly to the front door. “Right over there, by the free maps, same place as always. There’s a stack of slips of paper in case you need them. Some people don’t think about the seals until they’re here.”
  “I got it cover!” Peeta announced tapping the booklet against his open hand, smiling broadly at the woman. “Thanks!” Peeta waved enthusiastically, headed to the seal stamps.
  The clerk shrugged, “Good luck.” She muttered flatly, going back to looking bored and ready to turn into a stone gargoyle from not moving.
  It took him a while to visit The Great Smoky Mountains as a grown up, despite living so close the ancient mountains were practically his backyard. Maybe being so close was the reason it took him so long to come back? He had to see the rest of America first, explore the vastness of the country, learning about the amazing sights out there before he was ready to return home to the Appalachian ridges he grew up in.
  Either way, he was glad he was finally here and he had all kinds of photography equipment with him to immortalize the park in this special day; Peeta was a purist, and saw photography as an inspirational art form. He mostly worked with film and natural light, long lenses with attachment filters if needed. He could do color, sepia or black and white and that only meant multiple cameras with the appropriate film and attachment per picture, so he had on him at least three cameras ready to snap at any given time, without counting the three or four back-ups— each in its own bag— and the numerous rolls of film packed in each available crevice in his pack.
  It was lucky every single one of his numerous camera bags and pouches fit nicely into one comfy backpack, otherwise Peeta would’ve looked like a cargo mule wearing a multi pocket vest, cargo pants and hiking boots.
  While he was bent over putting his booklet with the brand new imprint of the park seal inside his pack, a Park Ranger strolled into the Visitor Center ready for a long day in the wilderness.
  The ranger’s gray eyes scanned the room, even standing on the tip of her boots so she could look between the shelves separating the big space in aisles of knick knacks and memorabilia lining the center. She finally rested her eyes on the cashier at the counter.
  “Mornin’ Ms. Ripper, do you know if my eight o’clock is here yet?” The Ranger asked in a raspy voice that somehow fit the Smokies with her heavy Appalachian accent. “Photographer fellow? I’m s’pposed to take him ‘round the park today.”
  Peeta’s head shot up as soon as he heard the ranger speak, and saw how after a moment of dead silence the clerk being as animated and helpful to the ranger as she had been to him, gave a halfhearted grunt at the back of her throat, pointing apathetically at him crouched behind the counter with the seals. The ranger sighed in aggravation and scowled at the mute gesture.
  “Thank you, Ms. Ripper.” She said to the woman, but when she turned away she muttered something like, “Is it too hard to keep things professional?”
  The ranger was petite and thin, if it wasn’t for the scowl and the no nonsense attitude she exuded, Peeta would’ve mistaken her for a teenager dressed up for Halloween in a very authentic Park Ranger outfit. That said, Peeta couldn’t help thinking the ranger was incredibly beautiful— scowl and all— more radiant than the sun, despite not being very big. She was plenty intimidating for such a lithe person.
  “Mr. Mellark,” She called expectantly, staring him directly in the eye.
  Ignoring the excited little jolt he felt go through him, he smiled politely. “Actually, could we stick with Peeta? Mr. Mellark is my Pops and it just sounds weird when you refer to me like that.” he offered jovially, extending his hand to hers, while lifting his pack with the other one. When the ranger didn’t crack a measly smile, he added the word, “Ma’am?” Like an unruly child that had just been chided for not minding his manners.
  The ranger took his proffered hand with a firm grasp and pulled him to his feet, “Ranger Everdeen.” She said, “I have a small list of items I need to go over with you before we can hit the trails.”
  “Alright, lets get on with it, then!” Peeta said smiling.
  The mountain air was crisp and clean, a slight fog still clung to the peaks, but nothing too muggy. The sounds of the wild in perfect harmony with the landscape.
  Peeta had reloaded all his cameras at least once already and it wasn’t even noon yet. He had taken pictures of timid blooms dotting the trails and green lawns; majestic trees towering above his head; wildlife so unafraid of his presence, they’ve crossed the path carelessly and stopped a few seconds to ‘pose’ for him.
  His favorite moment was when a black bear cub wandered up to him while he laid behind a bush, shooting picture after picture of this family of skunks he found particularly endearing and had to captured in film. The ranger had gone ballistic when instead of moving away from the cub and let it be, he started goofing around with the curious bear, letting him play with his equipment and roughhousing with it on the mossy ground.
  After a moment, a second cub joined in the games, and the first one found a cheese bun tucked into the outside pocket of Peeta’s backpack.
  “Are you serious?” Exclaimed Ranger Everdeen exasperated, yanking Peeta up from the ground and forcing him to get away from the bears as fast as was advisable to move. “I can’t believe you just fed the bears! Have you ever heard the phrase ‘Do not feed the animals’? It’s an universal rule, not a suggestion! That’s great, just great, P— er, Mr. Mellark! Feed the bears in front of the park ranger!”
  “Uh, excuse me? To begin with, those babies stole my food without my expressed consent. They fed themselves and didn’t know better. Second I’m having flashbacks to my childhood just now… Yogi Bear would be very disappointed on you miss Everdeen.”
  “Yogi Bear was a cartoon scoundrel that knew no limits, and quite possibly gave Ranger Smith stomach ulcers, or at the very least, anxiety. Those bears back there are very real, and I promise their mama is not far. You really don’t wanna meet her if she thinks her cubs are in danger. Now let’s put some mileage between us and those black bears right now!”
  “What do I care? I have you to defend me!” Said Peeta nonchalantly, “That bio of you I read online while booking the tour says you’re an excellent markswoman with a bow and arrow.” Peeta arched one eyebrow at the ranger.
  She blushed and went momentarily stunned. “You read my bio?”
  “Of course! I was curious to see what the internet had to say about the rangers. Yours was the most impressive by far.” Peeta winked.
  Ranger Everdeen turned crimson, “I’m okay I guess.” She stuttered.
  “You’re better than okay! You’re pretty awesome!”
  The ranger shook her head, causing her braid swing widely. Then she bowed her face, so it was cover by the rim of her hat. “Did I mentioned there are wild turkeys in the park?” The ranger rasped trying to change the subject. “Can’t hunt ‘em though.” She shifted on her feet.
  “You’re pretty when you’re flustered, has anyone ever tell you?” Peeta hadn’t plan on saying that; it just bursted out of him like Mentos dropped in a bottle of Coke.
  Ranger Everdeen glared at him for a moment, pursing her lips tightly. She looked away in an effort to keep her tongue to herself, and started to search intently for signs of a mother bear chasing them.
  A moment later she responded, “Yeah. My boyfriend’s said something to that effect a few times, bless his heart. I think the poor thing is just biased.”
  Peeta frowned. “Hmm… Beauty is the eye of the beholder, but I’m siding with your… um, boyfriend on this. He sounds like a smart person.”
  The ranger smiled fondly to herself. “He’s the smartest, but sometimes his head just swells up ‘til is bigger than a house.”
  “Ouch!” Peeta chuckled, “Don’t hold back ma’am, your boyfriend won’t mind. Although I have to admit, a man that can boast of having a girl that can shoot things full of arrows, is a lucky guy in my opinion.”
  The ranger smirked. “I don’t know about that, but thank you for sayin’ so. It’s mighty nice of you.”
  Peeta nodded politely.
  The walked in silence for a bit, Peeta stopped a few times to snap a picture of a blossom here, a bird in flight there, or just freezing in time the way the sun hit the mountain tops at a certain angle; the ranger and the photographer arrived to a lake teeming with life and flora.
  A few bumblebees zoomed past the two hikers; a butterfly or two fluttered around a bush in bloom; and over the lazy water surface, a dozen dragonflies mingled and frolicked, avoiding the hungry frogs that looked at them with longing. A trio of white tailed deer— a mother and two fawns— drank from the lake at the opposite shore.
  After capturing the pristine scene in film, Peeta crouched on the grass and closed his eyes for a minute, enjoying nature through his other senses. The sound of the rustling canopy in the breeze above, the birds calling mixed with the zooming of different bugs and the croaking frogs, made Peeta want to lay down on the edge of the water and take a nap, but he had some place to be, and a pretty ranger to gawk at while she wasn’t looking.
  The woman was truly breathtaking in the wilderness. She seemed at home and she knew her park like the back of her hand. She explained everything about tracking animals, particularly bears and deer, she pointed out interesting sights to him and had quite a few suggestions of where to put his tripod for the perfect stills.
  Even the lake was her idea, and he was grateful he had let her lead him there.
  “This is truly something else.” Peeta exhaled.
  “It is. Is one of my favorite places to visit. My father used to bring me here on weekends to fish and release, and on really hot days, we even took a dip in the water to cool off.” Said the ranger with a far away look as her eyes traveled over the lake and its surroundings.
  “Those are beautiful memories. Thank you for sharing them with me.” Peeta said humbly.
  The ranger smiled at him, “the very best memories of my life are attached to this mountains. To this park.” She said wistfully.
  Peeta smiled back. “I bet you’ll have a hundred more to add to the collection soon enough.”
  Ranger Everdeen gave him a quizzical look, but before she could voice any questions, Peeta shoot up from his spot like lightning and dove to the very edge of the water, where a green, leafy plant caught his attention.
  “Hey! I know this one, although I’ve never actually seen it in person!” His smile was wide and his camera kept clicking and winding in quick succession.
  The ranger just stood there motionless, watching the man drop on his stomach— huge pack crushing his back and all— to get the angle just right. Her eyes, wide in surprise, simply followed the enthusiastic photographer, wondering if he was for real? How could someone be so exuberantly happy, just about anything they saw? It was refreshing in a way, and intimidating in another. This man with his lopsided smile, sky blue eyes and mop of wavy blonde hair, disconcerted her for sure.
  Peeta suddenly looked up startling the ranger, who turned her eyes away quickly, blushing, having been caught staring, but Peeta didn’t seem to care and simply knelt up, gesturing at the plant.
  “So, this one is Sagittaria Latifolia, the Arrowhead. Also known as—“
  “Katniss,” said the ranger giving the photographer a suspicious look. Her eyes dipped to the name tag on her shirt opposite her Park Ranger badge, with ‘Katniss Everdeen’ boldly engraved in the smooth metal. She narrowed her eyes at Peeta when his smile widened smugly.
  “No, I was going to say Duck Potato, but I guess Katniss is okay too.”
  Katniss, the park ranger, spoke softly, fidgeting with the end of her long, dark braid between her fingers. “My father had this joke, ‘as long as you find yourself, you’ll never go hungry.’”
  “Wise words. Arrowhead tubers I’ve heard are pretty delicious with garlic butter, plus ‘Katniss’ is a great name, especially for a fearless park ranger with he best survivalist skills I’ve heard off.” Quipped Peeta.
  “You’re reaching, sir.” The ranger muttered under her, breath rolling her eyes for good measure, while suppressing a smirk.
  Ignoring her remark, Peeta leaned down to pluck a three petal bloom, from the Arrowhead plant, and offered it to the ranger with a lopsided smile.
  “For you ma’am. Thank you for being such a sport so far. I know I’m not the easiest person to put up with. My mother would tell you if you asked. But you have been a perfect angel, full of patience and good will.”
  Katniss shook her head smiling sadly. “Is my job, to be patient. And you sell yourself short, mister. You’re very nice and considerate when it counts. I hope you know that about yourself.”
  She took the small flower and pinned it behind the slim name tag. The tiny white blossom popped nicely against the sage color of the ranger’s uniform shirt.
  Peeta looked at his watch and frowned. “Miss Everdeen, can we head back to the Visitor Center? I want to take pictures of some of the sights on the way, I think will make this trip exceptional.”
  “Sure. We can take a lunch break there too by the picnic area… If you’re done feeding the bears, that is.”
  Katniss gave Peeta a glare that he responded to with a wry smile.
  “Please, lead the way, ma’am.”
  As they walked, Ranger Everdeen gave Peeta this long spiel about Cades Cove history, located on the Tennessee side of the Park, and some fun facts about some of the old buildings there. A bird flew around the ranger at moment where she was just standing still pointing at some berry bush while lecturing Peeta on the dangers of eating from plants one doesn’t recognize, the little bird landed on her hat, and hopped around the rim for a second or so before taking flight again.
  The ranger let out a small melodic laugh, while Peeta kept snapping photo after photo. They were both smiling and animatedly commenting on the bird’s timing. And then, something started to bother Peeta in the back of his mind.
  He had taken quite a few pictures of the ranger in different instances during the tour, but suddenly, he felt guilty about it. Most of the pictures had been candid and without her knowledge. He thought about the fact she’d mentioned her boyfriend offhandedly earlier in the day, but he was sure the boyfriend wasn’t a common topic to discuss with tourists, which lead him to wondered how would he feel if some random guy was taking a bunch of pictures of the girl he loved without her consent? How would those pictures be used later?
  “Um, just so you know. You will be featured in a few of my takes.” He said glancing at her in the middle of her speech.
  She cocked her head to give him a better look, tipping her hat almost off her head in the process.
  “I know,” she said simply. “Thanks for letting me know, anyways. But it’s kinda hard to ignore all them little clicks while I’m trying to talk.” She gave him a pointed look.
  “Fair enough. I just don’t wanna come across as creepy.”
  The ranger laughed a bit. “I don’t think you’re creepy, but you have to admit you’re a terrible flirt, sir! Are you this suggestive with every female you meet?”
  “N-no!” He rushed to answer, his ears turning as red as beets.
  But when then ranger was smiling devilishly, “I’m just joking with ya!” She winked then.
  Peeta arched one surprised eyebrow, “Are you making a joke, Miss Everdeen?” When the ranger only gave a tight lip smile, Peeta shook his head vehemently, “I’ve travel the country from coast to coast, I’ve noticed every woman I’ve encountered… none of them have made a lasting impression, except for one,” his blue eyes glanced at the ranger meaningfully, but the woman was stubbornly staring at her boots, trying to hide an rising blush.
  “You sure know how to make things feel…” She flounder for a word.
  “Awkward?” He provided.
  Suddenly the two were sharing a laugh.
  “Alright, mister Mellark. I think we should get back to the Visitor Center for a short break.” Said Katniss taking back her Ranger mantle as she guided the photographer to a path she considered picture worthy.
  “I’ll follow your lead, ma’am, always.”
Exactly at 12:32 pm, the Visitor Center building loomed in the distance. The sun was high and warm, the breeze sweet and mild, the noon hour conducive to an impromptu picnic on the inviting lawns like the ranger had suggested, but Peeta kept looking at his watch, tapping the palm of his hand softly into his thigh in a spastic pattern.
  “… so although there isn’t any archeological indication that the Cherokees lived in the mountains, you can certainly find clues of their passage through them. It’s very interesting if you think about it—“
  Peeta turned his wrist up again to check the time, and the ranger frowned, pursing her lips. “But what’s most impressive about the park, is the crop circles left at the very top of the mountain by the alien invasion of 2026. You should hike up there and take pictures of it. You may win a Pulitzer or somethin’!”
  Peeta started nodding his head absentmindedly, the same way he’d been doing the last ten minutes, but then a deep frown took his face; his blue eyes cut to the ranger who gave him an innocent stare.
  “2026? That’s seven years in the future.” He accused.
  Ranger Everdeen gave him a dull ‘don’t-you-say’ glare, “Out of the whole string of ridiculous nonsense I just recited, the date is what registers with you?” She shook her head. “You know what, Mister Mellark? If I’m boring you with all the knowledge I’m trying to share with you, just please come out and say it. That way I won’t feel like I’m wasting my vocal cords on somethin’ you’re not interested in, and you can stop being so rude.”
  “I— I’m sorry. I… look, I didn’t mean to ignore you or make you feel like your time is not valuable to me; it is, really! It’s just… well, there’s something I’m kind of preoccupied about, and I really hope you don’t take this badly… but… um… there’s an ulterior reason I insisted on booking this tour with you.”
  The ranger’s gray eyes widened in alarm at the photographer’s words. Peeta flapped his arms around pathetically for a few seconds while Ranger Everdeen stared suspiciously.
  “What did you, mister?” She asked in a dangerous tone.
  Finally, Peeta pulled his cell phone out if his pocket and send a quick text while throwing nervous glances at the woman seething at him quietly a foot away from him.
  “Why don’t we go this way?” Peeta stammered gesturing to a path just shy of the Visitor Center, his hand ventured to the small of the ranger’s back and while she initially started at the touch, she didn’t move away.
  He guided the very confused woman around a bend, and there, in the green wildflower dotted meadow, sat the most elaborate picnic party Katniss Everdeen had ever seen, complete with her sister, mother, drunk uncle Haymitch, and a group of blonde, blue eyed Mellarks, all beaming at the startled ranger.
  “Peeta Mellark, what’s going on?” She turned to face him with that ferocity she always had when angry.
  But Peeta had stopped walking ten paces earlier, and by the time she had stopped and wheeled around to rim into him, he had dropped to one knee. A small white box in the middle of his palm stared her in the face.
  “Peeta Mellark… you didn’t!” Katniss Everdeen’s voice wobbled, her hand covered her mouth right as her lip started trembling and hot, fat tears started to gather in her eyes.
  A group of Park personal, including Ripper the gift shop cashier, moseyed up to the group, many of them grinning and others exchanging small roll-ups of money. Katniss’ sister, Primrose, jogged to Peeta and took two of the cameras from him.
  “Hi, Katniss… you’re doing great!” Whispered Primrose excitedly, before jogging back to the party and handing one camera over to one of Peeta’s brother’s.
  “She was involved in this, wasn’t she?” Katniss spat.
  Peeta gave her a nonchalant shrug, “Maybe? Depends on how mad you’re right now. Then it was all her idea, 100%.”
  Katniss gave a disbelieving, wet chuckle. “I swear you both are in so much trouble! You better start explaining yourself right this second!”
  Peeta’s lips wouldn’t cooperate, he wanted to
smile, but he actually winced. He tried again and again until his lips curled around the edges.
  “So… here’s the thing,” he started. “I had this awesome speech prepared, but honestly, I can’t feel my legs and my arms are tingling; I think I’m having a mini heart attack right now, so I doubt I’ll be able to remember anything I wanted to say when time came. So, first of all, I’m sorry about the speech.”
  The ranger just shook her head slowly, closing her eyes, so Peeta moved on.
  “Katniss Everdeen, I’ve been in love with you since the first day of kindergarten, the fact that it took me almost eleven years to work up the courage to come talk to you is no secret.” Peeta’s brothers elbowed each other snickering, Katniss threw them a dirty glare that shut them up instantly.
  Peeta swallowed, “You have no idea how relieved I was you didn’t punch me in the face the day I asked you to the Homecoming dance in eleventh grade, and instead accepted the invitation. I was even happier when I blundered my way into asking you out on our first official date, and you agreed to go out with me, under the condition that we came here for a hike.
  “You got me started on the magic of National Parks, and for a while there, you were the only one who didn’t think I was completely crazy for wanting a career as a photojournalist, specializing in nature and tourism. I have to thank you for encouraging my professional ambitions, despite the strain the long distance put on our relationship at times… by the way, you’re an admirable person for making this work without complaining. You’re my rock, my number supporter and fan, and I just wanted to let you know I’m here for you too. I think you’re amazing at what you do, and I’m extremely happy you get to do what you love… so, on the spirit if disclosing important information, I’ve taken a position in a magazine in Charlotte, that will allow me to stay home in Panem most of the year, and I get all kinds of travel benefits, that I can share with my courtesy spouse… but I’m getting ahead of myself here…”
  “Oh dear Lord!” Katniss covered her face with both hands for a second, and get her hands fell away, she was grinning at Peeta still kneeling in front of her.
  “Anyway. I booked a tour with you today because I wanted to ask you a very important question, and all these wonderful people gawking at us right now, are my support team.”
  Everybody laughed and cheered in the background.
  “It’s been a long time coming, Boy!” Called Katniss’ uncle Haymitch from a folding chair under a cedar tree. “Get on with it, the champagne is getting warm!”
  “Hey! No alcoholic drinks in the park!” Katniss yelled back at her uncle, who waved her off.
  “It’s sparkling apple juice, I swear.” Said Peeta to Katniss, then moved an inch to say it again to Katniss’ colleagues in the group, “I swear!” He lifted his hand in a Scouts Honor gesture.
  Again, scattered laughter met the two.
  “Haymitch is right though, keep going.” Said Katniss eyeing the box in Peeta’s hand while biting her lower lip curiously.
  “Right. So, this is the place we had our first date at back in high school, and our first kiss was right by that tree over there… I got poison ivy then, and I swear I still itch thinking about it, but I would do it all over again without hesitation, because the thing is, Miss Everdeen, you’re my whole life, and I want to grow old with you, here, in this little slice of heaven, if you’ll allow it.” Peeta scooted closer, and took Katniss’ hand in his free one while their siblings kept jamming buttons on Peeta’s cameras simultaneously. “So, Katniss Everdeen, I ask you now in your favorite place on Earth, please, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
  A tear rolled down Katniss’ face, she was chewing on the inside of her lips, but she nodded with conviction. “You gotta promise me something though.” She said in a shaky breath.
  “Anything, Sweetheart.” He answered earnestly.
  “The wedding will be here, but you’re not allowed to feed the animals,”
  They both bursted out laughing.
  “Deal. What do you say? Will you marry me?”
  At her nod, Peeta scrambled to his feet, rushing to place the simple pearl ring in his new fiancée’s finger, and then he turned to their families and friends that looked on expectantly a few yards away. “She’ll allow it!!” He yelled waving her pearl clad hand in the air with his.
  Everyone cheered and whooped in the background, Peeta Mellark, the Photographer, kissed the pretty Park Ranger, Miss Everdeen on the lips and then when she was snuggly wrapped in his arms he whispered into her ear, “I wonder how much was the jackpot in that betting pool your coworkers had on?”
  “Me too? Did you bet?” She gave him a narrowed eye look.
  “Always on you, Miss Everdeen.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Always on us.”
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