#and I hope you stay that way you fucking pig. no woman deserves to deal with you
femcelhood · 10 months
Fuck my stupid baka life
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blinder-secrets · 4 years
Lion Tamer - part 10
one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine 
4,211 words
warnings: nsfw, language, canon violence + blood
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If Arthur was anyone else, anyone else in the bloody world, he’d have thought he was dead. But he wasn’t, he knew that, because men like him didn’t go to heaven, and women like her would never be in hell. Cause there she was, lying at his side, all golden, like the sun shone out of her fucking chest, as close to an angel as he’d ever be, and so he mustn’t have died yet. He was alive, more than ever, while she was next to him. He’d done some good then, somewhere along the way. Something had led him to this waking paradise. Banked his deeds in exchange for the wealth.
‘Mornin, love,’ he drawled, stretching up to push life back into his limbs. He moved like an old man now, sometimes, just in the mornings. Cracked like splintered doorframes.
She peeled her eyes open to look at him, smiling once they’d focused. He’d never touch whiskey again, he thought, not while he had that in front of him. She put more fire in his heart with half the effort, none of the cost. ‘It’s the afternoon,’ she whispered, ‘we slept all morning.’
And thank fuck we did. His fingers went to her hair without planning to. ‘Good,’ he said. Bloody good, enough mornings, enough work. Time didn’t exist in that room, not to them. They needed the laziness, deserved the peace, they’d spent years waiting for it. ‘Bout time we had some fuckin’ rest.’
He swore too much. Maybe that’s what she thought, why she was staring. He tried not to fidget under her gaze because, well, really, deep down, he knew she’d never think anything malicious, he hoped, not about him. He was just worrying ideas into her head, yeah, putting reason to the gaze that she slung across his shoulders, his chest. She still was shining and it wasn’t just the window behind her, wasn’t the cream silk of her slip. The one that had melted through his fingers like ice, like water, brushed his nose when he went down her body. If he tried hard enough, he could find the taste of her on his tongue still.
Say something, then, Arthur, fill the quiet. ‘Feels like heaven,’ he confessed, thinking of her, thinking of the night before, thinking of everything at fucking once.
Then they’d talked, and talked, and she’d put their schedule together. Decided what they should do, which was good because he hadn’t considered it at all. Had thought they would just stay in bed, go somewhere to eat, then be back in the hotel again. Making a home in the over-priced room he’d booked. Then he could finally have her, properly, see her take him in, beg for him, ask for more. He’d wanted that forever, really, thought about it enough times that it almost felt like they had already. Like he had fucked her before and they’d just never spoken about it. But that was all in his head, all just a fantasy, and now it was real, an actual possibility, he was living it. He’d pinch himself but the heat of her lay against him was enough.
She kissed him and his chest tightened, the blood ran from his head straight into his underwear; how she hadn’t felt him, he didn’t know. He forced a gulp and put his palm to the dip above her arse. I want to listen, he thought, I want so badly to pay attention, to be gentle for you. He tilted his head to breathe in the scent of her neck, because that’s where it was strongest, that’s where she smelt most like herself. And his lips went to her skin like she had a fucking magnet beneath.
‘Don’t know how long I can be a gentleman for,’ he told her. It was the least he could do. He was an animal, right, a bloody chauvinist pig like the rest of them, but he wanted her, wanted her so bad, the least he could do was confess it. Honest. He was always honest with her and he was trying, he was. He’d been as good as he could.
She said something back, but all he took from her words was a ‘yes’, a please, so he put his teeth to the edge of her ear, and her breath hitched so sweetly that he thought he might cum on the spot. It was now then, fuck, it was happening at last.
But the fucking phone rang and he knew in an instant who it would be. Who in the world had the bloody seventh sense to always be there at the exact, wrong, moment, to always kick his shins right before the winning penalty. ‘Fuck’s sake,’ he swore. ‘I should take this.’ If he didn’t, he’d just ring again, and again, and he would never be able to enjoy himself, or her. The ringing wouldn’t stop and it wouldn’t help his rhythm, wouldn’t let him find ecstasy, as he knew he would, in her beautiful, sweet, wet—
‘Yeah,’ he said into the receiver, sharper than he intended.
‘Arthur?’ Tommy clarified, as if he could sound like anyone but himself.
‘I need you to do something for me, brother.’
‘Alright,’ he said, agreeing because it was inevitable, it saved time. ‘When?’
She stood from the bed, shutting herself into the bathroom instead of lingering to listen. He looked at the woodgrain while Tommy explained.
‘Alfie Solomons,’ he started, sighing between the words, ‘has asked to hold a meeting, a dinner, of sorts. Tonight. He wants to meet you.’
He hummed a confirmation; he was probably setting a cigarette into his mouth.
Arthur scoffed, shaking his head a fraction. ‘He’s fucking mad, Tom.’ He’d seen the man only from afar, but heard enough from the boys they had working with him to know that he wasn’t normal, wasn’t right in the head.
‘We’re all mad, Arthur. It’s just how he does business.’
‘Yeah, well, it’s not how we do business,’ he grumbled. They were a collective, a trio. He never went into meetings on his own, never without the support, without at least one brother on his flanks.
‘Go with Billy, alright, our man from the bakery. He’ll meet you outside at six.’
‘Billy? Bloody Billy?’
‘I’d go meself, but there’s something I have to do.’ He exhaled. The smoke may as well have poured through the phone and into Arthur’s ear. ‘Just a couple hours, Arthur, then you can get back to your holiday.’
He was seeing a woman too, of course, it wasn’t something, but someone. He thought they didn’t know he was slipping away, to her house in the country. Dossing about with the maids and the toffs like he was one of them. He put a fuck over his brother, threw the bad jobs to the foot soldiers so he could play between her tits.
‘You should be there,’ Arthur said, tutting. ‘Makes no sense, it being just me.’
He sighed. ‘You wanted more control, brother. Now’s your chance.’
Prove yourself, he meant, prove your worth. Pull your weight. ‘I know,’ he agreed. He had asked for more opportunities with the expansion, but he would never have asked to be dealing with Solomons alone. He rubbed at his brows like he could work will-power into the skin. ‘Right,’ he said, ‘I’ll handle it.’ Because he could. He would.
Tommy coughed into his end, chipping the noise against the side of Arthur’s head. ‘He’s one for theatre,’ he said dryly. ‘Probably just wants to make an impression, alright, and have you running back to me with the gossip. That’s all. Just a fucking show, for sport.’
‘Yeah,’ Arthur laughed, ‘well, you better be fuckin’ right, Tommy. Sending me in blind.’
She was back from the bathroom, bumping against the mattress as she waited. He looked at her once and then pulled away again because she looked like snow, for one dizzying moment, she looked like fucking snow. Not literally, but in feeling. One glance at her had the same effect as a line, as a fresh-filled bottled in his palm; his brain fuzzed in anticipation, excited before he’d even done anything, before he’d even rubbed it on his bloody gums.
‘And don’t fucking fight anyone, eh?’ Tommy nagged in his ear. ‘Keep it civil.’
‘Yeah, alright.’ He was nodding, rattling words out to get it over with, to end the call. ‘Best behaviour,’ he agreed. Then the line cut and he put it back on the stand so he could focus on her again, so he could get the reassurances out of the way, and make her gasp in his ear like she had before. If he didn’t hear that again, his head might blow off, he thought, his teeth might chew themselves to gravel.
‘Fuckin’ showgirl, you are,’ he told her, once she was on his lap and around him like wildfire.
It was a novelty still, thinking things about her and then getting to just say them, to bark them carelessly, knowing it wouldn’t cross any line because the line had gone. Gone up in the smoke, away from them at last. He’s always thought she was a blinder of a woman; he’s always looked at her and felt curses pool in his skull, hot-phrases of compliments dying to go out and all over her. Now he said them freely, now she said intoxicating things in return.
‘Will you have me then?’ she asked and he felt like he’d put his head through the fucking mirror.
Like she didn’t know the answer already, like he wasn’t hard against the back of her thigh. Panting, yanking on the bit, he felt like he did when he lost his calm, but this time it was welcome. This time, she was the stoke beneath the flames. Her hand was in his hair, running through it and back again, rough enough to send goosebumps down his spine. He dragged her over him before he went mad with need.
‘You want it?’ he asked, not bothering to sound polite. He was done with being polite. She melted between his hands, went limp and let him do as he pleased. Let him grind her over, and over, and over on his cock, and there it was, that noise again. That chirp in his ear, the sound of her composure splitting, snapping in a soft ping like thin glass. Like fucking crystal vases. ‘Yeah? You like that?’
He wasn’t a genius, but it didn’t take one to know the answer was yes. Yes, yes, fucking yes.
She liked it, and she kept on liking it until he felt like he was the king of the free world, and she was the country. She was the gold beneath the dirt, the water in the rivers, the stars, the fucking stars, that were spinning behind his eyelids as he lay over her, as he panted into her collarbone. Spent. He was bloody spent. He wouldn’t be able to fuck again, he thought, not after that. Not after what she’d taken from him. He pulled his hips back and they both shook slightly, both worn out and delirious, sensitive like they were having withdrawals.
‘I think,’ she said, taking a breath big enough to lift him, ‘that you have something to say to me.’
‘Eh?’ His brows pinched. He was still a ghost behind the pleasure, sunken in euphoria, slowly coming back to reality. ‘What?’
‘You said—‘
‘Oh, right.’ He knew now; it had shot out of him like a fucking bullet before, in his head one minute, into her chest the next. ‘That.’
‘Yes, that, Arthur.’ She was smiling. Her cheeks were still hot, her mouth still swollen from all the kissing. He’d never kissed a woman as often, and as hungrily, as he kissed her.
‘I do love you,’ he said. ‘A lot. Like, a fucking lot.’ He laughed with it but only because it seemed stupid, silly, to feel the way he did about her, and so strongly, and so freely already. But it wasn’t that new, not really. It wasn’t a feeling that either of them hadn’t felt before. It was as overdue as what they’d just done. Just as sweet, even with the delay.
She put a palm to his face and he wondered for a moment if she cared that it was damp, that he was sweating like he’d run a marathon.
‘I love you too,’ she said lightly.
And he said, ‘say it again,’ because no one had ever told him that and meant it. But she looked like she meant it, he knew that she meant it. ‘Say it again,’ he insisted.  
‘I love you.’
‘I love you.’
He kissed her, lips to her jaw, her cheek, her temple. ‘Again,’ he said once more, addicted to the sound of it already. He wanted it over and over, until he was drunk on the feeling. Until it was the only noise in his head.
Later, outside the gallery, Arthur waited until the cab had taken her round the corner, and out of his sight entirely. She was safe, and she would stay safe at the hotel. He could do his job in absolute certainty that nothing would happen to her. Not that it would, anyway. She was too smart for that, too tuned in to her surroundings. Always seeing the smoke before he’d even smelt it. That was enough of a comfort to be able to portion her off, just for a bit, tuck her away in his head so he could think clearly. So he could focus. So he could be Arthur-fucking-Shelby, the one man military, the self-contained arms of the Blinders.
He hailed another cab for himself and gave the driver the address, or the almost address, to Solomans’ bakery. He wouldn’t drive right up to the door, sitting like ducks in a tin can, he’d be dropped on the street once over from it. Find Billy and walk in like he owned place.
He could do with some snow, he thought. Just to smooth the cogs, polish the senses. If Billy had any on him —and if he had any mind, he would— he’d take some of that. One boost of the powder couldn’t hurt. They put it in the horses to get them out of the gate and, well, this was one hell of a bloody gate. If Tommy was right, he had nothing to worry about, if he was wrong, he would need all the cocaine he could get his hands on. Tommy had intuition where he had blind rage but, for once, he wasn’t ready for a fight. He wanted it to be easy. Wanted to be back in the hotel like he was a man on holiday, like he’d stepped out for a paper and now he was back again. Ready to make peace with the soft between her thighs.  
Billy was where he was supposed to be, ginger and lumbering, towering above Arthur’s head. He looked nervous; whether it was for the meeting, or for himself, he didn’t know. Didn’t bother to find out. If he was worried about working with Arthur, he should’ve never come in the first place.
‘You got snow, lad?’ Arthur asked, before saying hello or anything else.
‘Snow, Mr. Shelby?’
‘Cocaine.’ He fidgeted with his coat, straightened his tie, waited for his partner to find some fucking common sense. ‘Do I look like a copper, Billy?’
He shook his head. ‘No, sir.’
They didn’t have time for pratting about, he needed the fix, the spark, the ignition. ‘Then stop playing fuckin’ dumb,’ he said, ‘and give me the bloody stuff.’
The bottle was pulled out of a pocket and put into Arthur’s waiting hand without further hesitation. Right, then, they were off. The evening was well on its way. Turning on heel, the pair walked the remaining distance, only stopping when faced with the large double doors to the most elaborate booze-front in London.
They were greeted by a lad taller, but younger, than Billy, who led them through the barrels without saying a word. Arthur tipped a pile of snow onto the edge of his fist as they went and then brought it up, sniffed it in, shot it right into his fucking brain. Felt the zing, the relief. The flash of white behind his eyeballs. He had missed it, he had. He wished he didn’t, but he did and, God, it ran round his skull like a hare on the dog track. He was the winner, now, he’d take the prize. The curly-haired jewish boy looked at him, watched him wipe the excess from under his nose, but said nothing. Good, good, not for him to judge. He knew that well enough. Anyone who worked for the type of people he worked for, just like the Shelbys, knew not to say a damn thing about anything. You had to be trained well to survive in the underworld.  
‘Gentleman! Welcome, welcome!’
There he was, the man he’d come to meet, the eccentric that had asked for him specifically. Alfie boomed into the room, arms wide, like he was a friend and they were much awaited. ‘Mr. Solomon,’ Arthur acknowledged, dipping his chin as the group came to a stop.
‘You must be Arthur.’
‘That is right.’ Alfie took his hands into the both of his; they were cold by comparison. Arthur was running hot already, full with the fire, burnt from the snow. ‘Pleasure to meet you, sir,’ he said, though the baker was still trilling his name over and over. Like Arthur was the fucking royal guest, and maybe he was. Maybe his presence in the club scene hadn’t gone unnoticed. His name preceded him at last, his work put notches in their fucking bedposts.
Alfie pulled forward, tucking their joint hands into his chest. Preening like an eager mother-in-law. ‘I’ve heard so much about you,’ he said, in that unusual voice of his.
It was a warm welcome, in truth, a polite one, and to his luck, to his bloody luck, Arthur was very good at being polite. Fucking wonderful, in fact. He’d already asked Billy what to say in the hallway before. The word bounced around in his head, rattling in excitement. It was ready to come free, to impress, he just had to say it.
‘Shalom,’ he told him, leaning forward too, rounding the syllables, plopping it from his mouth into the small gap between them. ‘Let me just say…’
Alfie looked to his partner, wide-eyed, in surprise, he thought, but the good surprise. Probably impressed, really. Probably didn’t think a Shelby would have the fucking good manners to say it.  
He shook their hands and said again, ‘Shalom.’
It was a strange gathering. Just a handful of them, sitting round a table that was really just four smaller ones, pushed together in a line, under low-hanging lights. He hadn’t seen a crumb of food, but they had rum by the barrel and that was enough. That filled his stomach plenty.
He hadn’t been listening much, not really, just repeating the odd word and agreeing like a good little boy. Like a nice humble gangster. He laughed to himself between sips. If she saw him now, what would she say? What would she think? Bet you never expected this love, grace like a fucking politician. A diplomat. He sat, pleased with himself, and watched it all happen, followed Solomon’s strange, choreographed show behind the cocaine-curtains in his head.
He didn’t come through the noise until they walked a bloody goat into the room.
It was white like snow, like clouds in the blue, like the sheets of their hotel bed, with her hand all knotted up in them. He blinked once to put his thoughts straight. Looked at Alfie like he had been paying attention, very close attention to the droning. Pretended his head wasn’t thumping, fizzing, wasted. ‘You’ve named it?’ he asked, catching only the last half of the sentence.
‘We fucking did, yeah.’
He looked to Billy. Billyboy, Billy with his hair like fire. Billy who was still fucking bricking it. ‘They named the fucking goat,’ he lowed. Pay attention, son, act like you care. This was important to them, to Solomons, this was the chain between the anchor and the hull.
Alfie continued, ‘The evil fucking Egyptian pharaoh—‘
‘The fucking enemy,’ Arthur added.
‘That’s right,’ he agreed.
They were singing, going hand in hand, running in sync like clockwork. This is how you do business, Billyboy, this is why Tommy sent him. Arthur, with all his roughness, still had the fucking mouth, the right good brain on him to partake, to converse intellectually, like. To sit amongst kings as an equal. He had Alfie with him now, on his shoulder. Parroted words off each other like chums, like longtime friends. Relations, you see, Billy, they’re a craft. An art. He had sculpted this exactly as he should have. Sit there and watch.
‘You know what we called it?’ Alfie asked, eyebrows lifting.
Arthur leant back, puffed his chest, sang like the crow at dawn. ‘Yeah, what did ya call him?’
‘Tommy Shelby.’
It happened at once. So quick, Arthur was acting on instinct and nothing else. He burst forward and the bullet came across the table, shot out from Alfie’s hip, right into Billy’s chin, the soft underneath, the money shot, the dead fucking ringer, and rope went around Arthur’s neck; held him back, pulled him tight. Choking, choked. The spit balled on his lip. He tried to swear, but it cut through as a gasp, a wheeze. He stuttered like a pig in the slaughterhouse, thrashing before they hung him up to bleed. The bastard had been lying, tricking, planning it from the start. It wasn’t business, it was a trap. A fucking trap. He’d walked right into it, sole after bloody sole, led by his hand into the belly of the beast. He went to curse him again but the words broke apart, shredded into a roar.
If he had to go, it wouldn’t be in the basement of a bakery. Not at the hands of men without respect.
He was reaching for Alfie, clawing at him, knees pushing the table and rattling the silverware. They had to use two men to get him back, to drag him to the nearest support pole. They wrangled him, rope cutting, twisting and burning at the base of his throat, until he was rod-straight against it. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t fucking breathe. His fingertips were trapped between the threads and his neck, helpless, unable to pull a gap big enough to let air through. He’d felt it before, he didn’t want it again.
Fuck you. Fuck you, Solomons, fuck you, Tommy. Fuck the rope. Fuck the goat spilling blood over the floor. Fuck the lot of it, and then some. He would kick his way through the dirt before they put him down like this.  
‘Yeah?’ Alfie taunted, only approaching now Arthur was contained, strung up like meat. He dipped his head. ‘What was that?’
‘Fuck you,’ he snarled back.
Alfie’s knee went into his gut, hard into the tissue, the pool of rum; Arthur would’ve collapsed if he could’ve. The pain was bad enough. He groaned, whined, dripped spit and blood down his chin. His hands went forward, grasping at Alfie’s coat for some relief, some purchase.
‘That’s right, let’s take a load off,’ he said, lifting Arthur by his ears. Up as if he was nothing.
And then the air came back, pouring down his throat like liquor, blood going up and into his head in the same rush of feeling. He could think again, he could, his brain was pounding, pulsing against the skull. It was there. Kicking still. Angry noise replaced with a word, with one image, one light beneath the dark. Her. Her, he would live for her. His feet would touch the fucking ground again and take him back.
‘So,’ Alfie drawled by his ear, talking though he wasn’t listening, didn’t care, ‘the evil, Egyptian scum, was finally cleansed.’ He brought a rag to Arthur’s forehead, stained red, and dabbed it onto the skin between his brows. ‘With the blood of the Passover goat, mate.’
It was put to his mouth, wiped through his lips. He tasted the sourness, the copper, but he still didn’t care. He was thinking of her, clutching to the idea of it. The golden sun on her arms, the lift of her cheeks, the pull of her smile, the sound, the words she said, the soft, oh, the soft. Keep that, Arthur, hold that. One breath forced after the other. They couldn’t hurt you if you weren’t there, not in your head. He put himself into her hold and stayed close to her heart. Heard the drum of it between the chaos.  
Alfie was kissing each of his cheeks like it was a greeting, and not a seal of death. Not an X on the line.
‘That’s from Sabini,’ he said and, after that, there was nothing.  
Read part eleven >>
taglist: @theshelbyclan​ @woeisbutwoe​ @random-stupid-stuffs​ @sanktaalinaa​ @peaky-arthur​ @murderousginger​ @isaiahdurag​ @inceptenet​ @fanngirl19​ @queenoftheworldisdead​ @bellamybellamyblake​ @caelys​ @ourlordandsaviourmrstark​ @meltingicequeen​ @hufflepeople​
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myluciferiscody · 4 years
i loved you first. p.1
pairing: Xavier Plympton x Reader
word count: 2,205
warnings: au! in present time, language, but okay can you imagine (not dead) Xavier THRIVING in 2020
not entirely proof-read. *title inspired by joan’s song*
part 1 | part 2 |  part 3 | part 4 | epilogue
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When you met Xavier Plympton, your relationship had been strictly platonic. You expected it to remain that way, despite the fact he was funny, empathetic, good looking, and at times, a little dumb, endearingly so.
So when you started to fall for him, you continually brushed it off.
Oh, it's just a phase, you'd think to yourself as Xavier sheepishly wiped down the kitchen after using the Ninja blender and not securing the lid tightly enough. Or the time he and his friend, Chet, spent hours in your cramped living room arguing because they couldn't figure out how to set up the Roku Xavier bought instead of paying for cable. You watched in amusement, sipping your smoothie, wrapped in your blanket until they finally figured it out.
The little things Xavier would do for you also did not help. He'd make your coffee in the morning, or make dinner on nights you'd run late or grab food on the way home, ready to pig out and watch Netflix. The little things you never thought would make you fall for someone, did. 
When your first anniversary of living together passed, Xavier bought a box of Capri-Suns and put some balloons in the living room when you arrived home from work. Your feet were aching, and you were ready to take a hot shower and curl up in bed. Xavier's infectious smile made you forget all of the seemingly endless bad things that had happened to you that day. 
Still, you continued to hide your true feelings. Xavier never indicated he felt the same for you, and you were afraid of getting in too deep just to become disappointed. 
It was like watching a Hallmark movie enfold in front of you when your best friends, Montana and Brooke soon realized you had feelings for him. 
"You should tell him, y/n," Brooke said, her eyes bright, she was quite the romantic. 
"Yeah, it's unfortunate watching you pine over him," Montana said, shrugging at you when you glared at her. "What? All I'm saying is that it's sad, and you deserve to be happy," she said. Brooke nodded in agreement. 
"And if he doesn't like me back? I might lose him for good," you said, pushing that wicked thought away as fast as it came. "I don't want to lose him."
Brooke and Montana shared a look before changing the subject. You still caught the glimpses they threw you throughout the evening.
That was last weekend, and now that Friday was slowly approaching, you anxiously watched as the clock ticked to the time your shift ended. Xavier wanted everybody to go out and have a good time tonight, and he claimed he was bringing along a "special guest." You immediately assumed it was Brooke's boyfriend, Ray, who was away for work and was supposed to be home a day early to surprise her. 
You were... kind of correct.
Ray was there, but so was another woman.
Who Xavier introduced as his girlfriend. 
The initial shock at his words quickly manifested on your face. It was more horrifying when not only Brooke and Montana looked at you, but Chet and Ray as well. You hid your face with your hair as Xavier proudly introduced his friends to the redhead who was clinging to his waist. 
"-and my roommate, y/n," he gestured to you with a grin.
You slowly waved at her, ignoring the sinking feeling in your belly as she slowly sized you up and down before smiling and waving back. For a quick second, you felt judged. Until you realized you had also checked her out for the simple fact of wondering what she had that you didn't. 
"Guys, this is Chloe," Xavier grinned down at her, before pressing a kiss to her head. 
"How long have you two been together?" Ray asked, throwing his arm around Brooke, who slid her eyes from yours. 
"About a month, huh babe?" Chloe smiled. 
Your mouth dropped open, looking at the couple in front of you as if they grew two heads. You lived with him, and Xavier never told you about her?  
How could you not know?
You continued to remain silent as everybody congratulated Xavier on his newfound romance. A part of you was angry; Xavier was one of your closest friends, you told him everything, and he did the same. For the most part.  
Had she been to your apartment? When you weren't home? When you were asleep? 
You were also angry that you seemed to miss all the signs. Plus, your heart had just been shattered into a million pieces, and the night had barely begun. 
Xavier followed the boys to the bar, promising to pay for the first round. Chloe stayed behind, sitting down in the booth with a sigh. Montana took your hand, giving you a reassuring smile as your eyes blinked back tears. 
"Aww, are you two dating?" Chloe asked, her eyes trained on your hands. You could hear her excitement. "I've always wanted lesbian friends!"
Montana smirked, squeezing you tighter. You gave her an alarmed look, but like always, Montana came through. "Only for this one, babe," she said. "Plus, we kind of only just met you, so."
You released Montana's hand, excusing yourself to go to the bathroom while Chloe started taking selfies for her Snapchat. Brooke went to find the boys as you walked to the nearest safe haven, keeping your head down. 
You didn't realize that Montana had followed you until you went to lock the door. She gave you a sad smile as she let it click shut, before locking it. For a bathroom at a bar, it was nicely cleaned and smelt like peppermint. 
"I didn't know if you wanted to be alone..." she whispered. 
"N-No, it's fine," you said, ripping out some paper towels to dry your eyes with. "I appreciate the company."
"If I had known, I would have told you about her, Xavier kept her from me too." 
"I just feel so stupid," you sniffled, turning on the water to wipe your eyes with. "To think Xavier would remain single forever until I grew a pair to tell him." 
"It's not your fault!" Montana interjected. 
You nodded to appease her, but deep down, you were still thinking of the redhead in the other room who was dating the person you loved most.
The night went with you sitting in the booth, watching all your friends dance and grind on each other. 
Brooke had an early shift the next day and eventually joined you, swearing off alcohol for the rest of the night. She wrapped her arm around your shoulder, causing you to tear up a little. 
Chloe seemed friendly, and you hated that. You wanted to find an excuse to hate everything about her, but it was almost impossible. She had tried talking to you about Xavier, but he pulled her up and away, and you had to stare at the table, so you didn't see them practically fucking through their clothes. 
It was the worst when your closest friends didn't seem to notice something was up. Or they pretended not too. The boys were clueless, and you probably needed to be thankful for that. Chet wasn't always the best with dealing with "girl problems," and Ray was currently drunk off his ass. Xavier just danced with Chloe and occasionally came back to the table to suck down his drink. 
One AM slowly came around, and you gathered your things, checking your phone to see it was close to dying. 
"I think I'm gonna go home." you leaned over as Brooke looked up from her own. She smiled at you, pulling you into a hug, which you gratefully returned.
 "Text me when you get there!" she said, saying a final goodbye as you slipped out of the booth. You shrugged on your light jacket, dodging the dancing bodies, and made your way to the entrance when an all too familiar hand gripped your arm. 
"Hey! Where are you going, y/n?" Xavier asked, pressing your hand to his chest like he always has. He didn't seem to be drunk yet. "The night's still young, babe!"
You frowned at him, loving his touch, but you pulled your hand from him. "I'm not feeling well, I'm going home!" you called out over the music, refusing to meet his eyes.
"I haven't seen you all night!" he said, a pout on his face. You wanted to throw Chloe into his face, but you knew better. He deserved to hang out with who he wanted. To date, who he wanted.
"Oh, yeah, you've been busy," you said. "I gotta go, Xav," you pulled yourself from his grasp completely before slipping the hood over your head as you walked outside to your car. 
When you got home, you texted your girls like you promised and slipped into the shower. You blared your favorite songs, crying when you needed to and fuming when you didn't. 
You're so naive, thinking Xavier Plympton could love you.
Don't be so harsh, you then scolded yourself. But at the same time, those words hung heavily over your heart until you crawled into bed, falling fast asleep. 
The next few days were somewhat average. You went to work, came home, spent time with Montana or Brooke when Xavier wasn't back at his usual time. 
You hadn't seen or heard anything from Chloe since the night you met her. 
Almost a week after the bar, you were surprised to find Xavier lounged on the couch, wrapped up in blankets. His cheeks were rosy, and he looked tired. Oh no.
Xavier Plympton had a fever every few months, it seemed. You had always been his designated caretaker since you met him. A part of you hoped that some things could still be the same, even with him having a girlfriend.
He smiled at the sight of you until you heard rustling in the kitchen. You set your bag down in your usual spot, "Xavier, is it another fe-,"
"Xavier! Baby, your tea is ready," Chloe chirped as she came in from the kitchen. She didn't glance at you as she walked to Xavier, holding your designated mug in her hands. 
"What kind?" Xavier piped up, sitting up just a bit. You continued winding down, using your ears instead of your eyes.
You fought the urge to snicker aloud. Xavier's favorite tea was peppermint, especially when he was sick. You could almost imagine the disgust on his face.
"Oh, thanks, babe," he said lamely. Xavier sat up, gently blowing on the steaming mug in his hands. Chloe sat in the only available chair, watching him with rapt interest. You headed to your room, stripping from your work clothes, not realizing you were rushing just to run back out there. 
You're not going to spy on them!
YES, I AM! You snickered to yourself, slipping on your pajamas before brushing out the tangled knots in your hair. 
Xavier had laid back down when you came out, watching reruns of Judge Judy while Chloe typed on her phone. Her brows were furrowed as she concentrated, and even then, she looked gorgeous. You chewed on your lip as you crawled on the floor towards Xavier, who smiled at you when you sat in front of him.
"Hey," he rasped.
"Hey, you," you pressed a hand to his forehead, instantly feeling the heat radiating from his skin. "When did this start?" 
Xavier shrugged, "I woke up this morning and felt like shit, I've been here all day," 
"Are you monitoring your temperature?" you asked.
"Are you staying, hydrated?"
"Did you wash your sheets?"
Xavier gave you a guilty yet charming smile. "No, I have not."
You laughed a bit, removing your hand from his forehead. "I'll do it for you," you glanced at the teacup on the coffee table, seeing it was barely touched. Chloe didn't seem to be paying you much mind, so you asked him if he'd like more tea. He nodded, almost aggressively as you stood up, promising to make his favorite. 
The rest of the night went like this: Chloe hounded Xavier about a few outfit choices she was debating for an important meeting at her job. You made Xavier some soup, opting to reheat your leftovers from the night before. Xavier drank two cups of peppermint tea, then dozed off, leaving an awkward silence between you and Chloe. She seemed attached to her phone, but you didn't mind. 
You watched television, still sitting in the same spot on the floor as Xavier softly snored in your ear. It wasn't until you were dozing off yourself that Chloe left, pressing a kiss to Xavier's hot forehead before leaving. 
You had changed and washed his bedsheets, but you knew it was pointless trying to move him into bed. When Xavier was sick, he slept like he was dead. You turned off the television and gathered his dirty dishes to place them in the sink. 
No matter what became of you and Xavier, or Xavier and Chloe, you knew some things would just never change. One of them is you would always care for Xavier, no matter what. 
*if you want to be added to the taglist, you know the drill.*
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ziracona · 4 years
Hi! I just realised I havn't popped in in awhile. Do you have any headcanons u feel like sharing about the newer survivors?? (I love them all, they're so cool but I think imma have to say cheryl is my bby gurl. she's tired. let her rest.) also. i am. going insane. from a toothache :) - Sleepy
Hey! Hope your tooth pain clears up! I’m so sorry—that’s one of the worst. : /
Hmmm, I do, but I’m trying to think of ones I haven’t said in asks before. 😬 Unfortunately my memory of fictional characters is great, and my memory of what I said in asks is shitty. :’-]
I don’t know the newer survivors—except Nancy and Steve—as well as I do the older ones, because I’ve never written them, and I haven’t played Silent Hill. I like Zarina, Yui, and Cheryl a lot though. Poor fkn Cheryl can join Quentin in the “Please God, just one good day?” Existence. Rip to them both. 😭
Poor kid gets out of hell once, and ya throw her back in. :’-]
Let’s see—headcanon I am fairly sure I haven’t already shared. I think Yui and Min would get along really well, and Jane and Zarina would too.
Yui hates the serial killers especially, from her own personal experience, and goes to bat hard against them every time.
Ash flirts with everyone to a point it’s even more than Ace does, and for a while it becomes a competition between them to see who can flirt more and better than the other (not in a shitty way—everybody knows they have the competition going on and it’s more a ‘I can act better than you’ than a ‘I can win more hearts’ one.) Ace is declared the winner in class, Ash the winner in sheer quantity he’s able to churn out, and they agree to call it a semi-draw. It’s actually a really fun week for everyone, because they’re all constantly being complemented and flirted with in a way they know is performative and seeks 0 real actions from them in return, so essentially they are just showererd with ‘drunk girl in a bar bathroom’ levels of praise for seven days.
Felix and Nancy are the only two with significant others waiting back home, and they bond over talking about their wife/boyfriend and sharing stories and having someone around who understands that specific brand of pain and can encourage them that they’ll make it back home.
Tapp is a dad, so he gives Felix a lot of advice on stuff since he was an expecting father. Not so much “do this” advice, since his relationship with his family didn’t go so well, and he feels like he’s in absolutely no position to teach—more like “It’s okay. Women have been giving birth for thousands of years. She’s gonna make it just fine even if you’re not home yet, and you’ll get back to them. And I’m gonna teach you some of the tricks so you’ll be ready when you do. You can even surprise her by already knowing how to change a diaper and warm a formula bottle. I’ll show you how to do it,” and talking him through some of the stuff he would have been able to learn from infant care books. It’s sweet, but Tapp almost dies when Jane says its “Very heartwarming” and teases him, so they cut him some slack. Felix is really appreciative. Laurie has taken care of a ton of kids, and gives him some advice too, and so does Nancy, who had two younger siblings.
Steve is a disaster who suffers from “I like you and you are a girl, so *pigeon meme* Is this falling in love?” syndrome. Gets shot down hard by Laurie, who is ridiculously pissed at him for bringing it up during a trial when their lives are on the line, but after he gets over being super awkward around her, and she reaches out to be like, ‘Look, dumbass, why did you even like me?’ And he’s like ‘...because you’re, uh, really cool? A-and pretty? And...’ and eventually she’s like ‘Buddy, you don’t even really know me. You’re just lonely. You’re not in love with me, you just want to be, because you want to be in love with somebody, and that’s not gonna cut it, for me, or anyone. Be in love with a person—not with the concept of being in love. And for that to happen, you have to know them first.” And since Steve is good af self-improvement, he realizes she’s got a real point, and tries to find his worth outside of needing a girlfriend, and becomes both a lot happier, and one of Laurie’s closer friends. (Side note—this extends probably only to my initial Steve ideas. I had the idea batted around that in that universe, Stranger Things /is/ an existing show, but it’s based on a mix of urban legend and history from the 80s, and Nancy and Steve are the version from the actual 80s, and I think in that pitch Steve is dating Barb, who is still alive, and already worked through this specific issue, because many things happened differently for wild comedic ‘But in the show’ effect, becuase both them repeatedly going “WELL REALITY WAS A LITTLE DIFFERENT” when like, monster hunting shit from the show won’t work on the Demogorgan, and *Spit take* “THEY HAD ME HIT ON ROBIN?” “Ewwww” “YEAH ewww! She’s basically my lesbian little sister! We’ve been best friends since grade school! What the fuck :’-]” make for amazing joke potential. )
Cheryl starts having nightmares where she sees things from the Entity’s eyes she was never meant to see, and finding out dangerous amounts of information this way. The Entity decides at some point this is too big a threat, but because it’s proud, it doesn’t want to just kill her, as that would be admitting a human is a threat, so it starts having killers gun for her mercilessly to try to get her to give up, and the poor girl is in agony.
Zarina documents stuff form the realm constantly, and has a careful scrapbook collection of all notes and paraphernalia from past survivors. She also keeps conspiracy pages tacked together trying to figure out who they were becuase they deserve at least the justice of people somehow knowing how they died and what they went through. Laurie is a big help with this, and so is Claudette, who has been keeping stuff for a long time.
Yui is very no-nonsense, and protective. She gives off strong big sister vibes. She especially also loves board games/puzzles/other games like Shogi or Go and such, and Dwight and Adam create game pieces for her to play Go with when she mentions how much she used to like that kind of thing, and Yui is incredibly touched, and makes several other ones for people to play with too, and it becomes a very enjoyed pastime between trials. It’s engaging and competitive, but much more relaxed and low energy than sports or training or going for a run, so it’s a great alternative. Meg gets super into making puzzles, and all the artists do too, and take turns painting pictures on boards, cutting them into puzzle pieces with extreme painstakingly slow care, and then doing puzzles together. Jake is invaluable in the actual cutting pieces out area, but actually enjoys to do it.
Felix knows a lot more than anyone else about the Entity when he’s taken, so he spends a bunch of time with the research team trying to recall whatever he can from his childhood and sharing any information he has, then just stays on it because he wants to. He’s desperate to meet Benedict Baker someday himself, becuase that man seems to get around, and he really wants to know what happend to his father.
Everyone becomes protective as fuck of Cheryl when the Entity starts targeting her, and someone—I think Kate and or Meg—probably both together—as a one-off joke call themselves her knights at some point, becuase they’re running such dedicated protection detail, but it becomes a whole thing, and several more start to do it. They’ll like ‘fist clasped arm across chest at attention, quick bow’ when they see her, and it’s goofy as fuck, but it helps a lot making Cheryl’s reality more bearable. Plus, it’s really sweet. Nea gets in on this and comes back one day with a little daisy chain she made cause she was bored, sees Cheryl, it clicks, runs over and offers it as a ‘favor’. Zarina sees and comes back later that day from a trial and kneels and presents Cheryl with a rescued toolbox with a brand new part. This becomes increasingly common and extravagant, and Cheryl /cannot/ deal, but it’s like, genius, becuase it takes exactly this level of surreal goofy friend bullshit to distract from the hell she is living. She ends up just regularly having someone come back from a trial or trip to the woods, salute with an arm across their chest, bow, and present her with anything from a pinecone or pretty rock, to flowers or a medkit, to a salt statue or key, to a painting or hand made bracelet, to a makeshift weapon or a pillow. Everyone always tries to outdo each other, so the gifts tend to be extravagant. Zarina considers herself Cheryl’s righthand woman/personal knight by chocie, because she wanted a cause to fight for and has found one she truly loves, and she makes Cheryl her favorite gift so far, coming up to her at the end of a long day, after a very bad trial where Cheryl was mercilessly and slowly killed by the Pig, kneeling, and offering a thick shard of stained glass from the chapel, made sturdy and held in place with a few chunks of soldered and wrapped iron along the blade and down the grip, forming a razor sharp and reinforced stained glass knife.
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padomaicocean · 3 years
Coldharbour Bound - One
Life in the Dark Brotherhood was fine, the jobs were good and Tiny-One had her family. A new job sends Tiny-One somewhere she never thought she would go, and would be the beginning to something bigger.
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A Nord stands alone in his home, while outside a blizzard rages on. His head is reeling after finding his wife lying prone on a blood covered floor in front of their fireplace. He shuts his eyes tightly as he hears a very deliberate crash behind him. He doesn't address the new body in the room, refusing to face his would-be killer.
"Not going to beg for your life?"
He shuts his eyes, straightening up and turning his head. "Why should I have any words for the likes of you?"
The intruder is covered in dark scales, a hood pulled over her head. She flips a knife in her clawed hand and inspects the blade. "Well that's fine. I don't care either way." She rises to her feet, sheathing her blade. She begins soundlessly stepping forward.
The Nord turns fully and draws a sword, making an attempt to attack the assassin; but he quickly freezes in place, eyes wide with surprise.
The Argonian lowers her hand, the frosty hue disappearing slowly. The Nord crashes to the ground, a spike of ice protruding out of his stomach. He gasps, eyes pointed up and searching. Bright yellow eyes gaze back down at him, watching as his breath quickly slows and the life fades away.
She turns back towards the window, where the storm rages on. She easily pries it open and leaps out into the cold night.
She lands in the snow soundlessly, standing up straight. She can hear voices from out in the dark storm and she stands still, waiting.
"Oi! Tiny-One!"
"Be quiet," she snaps at the approaching Nord. He gives her a goofy grin in response, and the Argonian rolls her eyes as she trudges forward.
"Did he give you trouble? The woman screamed like a pig." The Nord began to chat animatedly about the elimination of their target.
The targets had been some Nord nobles from Western Skyrim. They owned an estate a fair distance from Solitude; fairly standard target for the Dark Brotherhood, and a rather simple one. The two assassins were able to get in and out without any issue. Surprisingly, they had little in the way of guards, and the Argonian had been able to take those out simply and out of sight with a quick spell.
"No trouble," she answers. "Ugh, it's so fucking cold. How in Oblivion do you Nords live like this?"
The long haired Nord gives a booming laugh and slaps the small Argonian on the back. She wasn't expecting it, as she jerks forward and falls into the snow.
"Kor!" She sits up right away, scowling at him and shivering. He offers his hand and she begrudgingly takes it, grumbling whilst getting to her feet. She brushes off the snow, shooting him a scathing glare as she stomps forward. "Let's hurry up! I wanna get back to the inn sooner rather than later."
"And Kor thought he was impatient!" he taunts her. The Argonian leaps forward to yank on his long tresses but he manages to get out of the way.
"I'm not impatient! I just don't want to freeze to death, unlike you bloody Nords!" She chose to ignore his laughs continuing forward. "And be quiet! In case you've forgotten, we're supposed to be stealthy."
Kor shakes his head, laughing and fading into a soft chuckle. "There is no one around. We will be fine. The storm is keeping everyone away."
"Maybe we should take a hint. I wanna get back to Solitude before this shit gets any worse." Tiny-One grumbles, continuing to trudge forward through the snow, with Kor following on her heels.
Tiny-One and Kor slip into the city of Solitude unnoticed. The thick snow obscuring them from sight as they make their way through the city to reach the shady inn they were staying at.
Kor pushes open the creaky door and Tiny-One slips in ahead of him, leading him up the stairs and into the room they were staying in for the evening. The Argonian pulled off her hood and gave a shiver, quickly flicking a flame at the small fireplace in the room.
"Let's rest and head out in the morning," she began. "We've been fairly busy with contracts recently, so hopefully there’s something new by the time we’re back.”
The Nord snorts. "Kor thinks we deserve a break. Haven't had any time to settle "
Tiny-One scowls at her companion "Well-"
There was a tapping on the glass window of their room. Kor's hand quickly moved to the dagger at his hip and sparks began to come off Tiny-One's fingertips. There was a tapping again and a soft caw. Slowly, the two assassins began to relax. Tiny-One began walking over to the window, prying it open. A raven hops closer, before flying into the room and landing on the table. It began to peck at the table, keeping the two assassins attention on it..
Kor approached the raven while Tiny-One pulled the window closed. He removed a letter strapped to the bird's leg.
Tiny-One walked over, watching Kor's face as he scowled, thrusting the letter out at her. She let out a snort at his pout, taking the letter with one clawed hand. She scanned through the contents and let out a hum.
"Well. A new job already, and I don't have to put up with your racket this time." Tiny-One rolled the letter back up. The raven let out a caw and she reached a hand out to scratch the bird’s head. "Flying all the way here through this storm." She smiled softly.
Kor heaved a sigh. "Kor will get the next one." He reached into his bag to pull out some seeds for the needy raven. "When will you leave?"
Tiny-One took a seat in the chair. "The morning. The Matron wants me to finish this job as soon as possible. It sounds like things are getting messy in Kvatch..."
Kor nodded. "The Akatosh priests. Sounds like they are stirring up trouble. Have no worries, Kor can hold down the fort while you enjoy your contract."
Tiny-One rolled her eyes. "It's work, not a vacation, Kor. It sounds like you'll be getting plenty of fun at home dealing with that religion."
Kor snorted. "Unless they make us hide. Kor thinks we should meet them head on but the Matron might demand differently."
"Better cautious than dead," Tiny-One pointed out. She held out her hand and the raven hopped to her wrist. Standing up she returns to the window, pulling it open again. The raven hops off with a caw, flying off into the blizzard.
Kor leaned back into the chair. "Take the bed, Little Sister. Kor will keep watch for you."
Tiny-One narrowed her eyes. "You also have a big day, you know."
Kor waved her off. "Kor can take a day to relax before heading home. Kor needs to grab some gifts for Hildegard before heading home anyways."
"The Matron will not take kindly to that," Tiny-One pointed out, heading over to the bed. She sat down gently. "I do appreciate the thought though." She moved, laying curled on her side. As exhaustion slowly seeped into her bones, she closed her eyes, drifting off at last.
The storm had blown over by morning, the gentle light of the sunrise filtering through the window. Tiny-One sat on the edge of the bed, pulling her boots onto her feet. She stood up, grabbing a robe and pulling it over her shoulders, obscuring her face with the hood.
Across the room Kor stretched in the chair, crossing his arms. "Have a safe journey, little sister."
Tiny-One looked over at him. "Have a safe trip home, Brother." She dipped her head, opening the door and slipping out.
She exited the inn, stepping out into the sunlight; the city of Solitude was slowly coming to life. Shops began to set up, with some already dealing with business. Tiny-One remained in the shadows, slowly approaching the main gate and slipping out. She approached the stable, a tired stablehand cleaning out the manure and dirty hay before business truly began.
"Excuse me," Tiny-One began, startling the stablehand as he dropped the shovel, hastily grabbing it before spinning to look at her. She smiled at him. "I am here to pick up my mount. I left him here yesterday."
The stablehand nodded. "Uh yea, the, uh, big bay that was boarded yesterday?" He waved her in to follow him.
"That's the one." She nodded, following him. They came deeper into the stables, stopping in front of a stall. A large bay horse snorted, the horse approaching the stall door, snuffling against Tiny-One’s shoulder.
Tiny-One snorted, reaching into her satchel to pull out gold. She placed it in the stablehand's hand. "Thank you."
He nodded, slowly wandering off while Tiny-One began to tack the horse up. She guided the large gelding out of the stable and, once secured outside, she mounted the horse, and guided him out into Skyrim's wilderness. The sun continued its climb into the sky, and Tiny-One urged the horse into a steady gallop, heading further East in hope to reach Davon's Watch as quickly as possible.
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clareisa · 4 years
The Gem - Pirate!AU Captain!Im Changkyun (Monsta X)
Request (anon request): You are the captive of the captain Changkyun. More the night was spend more you start loving him.
A/N: Hai, my friend. I hope I got it and I hope you'll like this!❤
Genre: angst, romance, smutty
Words: 2,273
- gifs are not mine, credits to rightful owners
- English is not my first language, so please let me kindly know if I did a mistake
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The element of water and air combined their anger in one big thunderstorm that was making the ship sliding the waves wildly. The salty cold breeze that was hanging above the ocean at this stormy night was coming right throught the wooden walls of the ship to your nose. Waves were throwing the boat to every direction possible which was constantly remaining you in what position you were currently in. In the lowest level of the pirate ship, wrists cuffed to the grilles surrounding you, your white dress stained in your and other’s people blood and a scratch going from your eyebrow through eyelid and down to the hold of your cheek. The scratch still hurting and you knew it would result in a scar soon. 
You didn’t remember how you get there, you only knew there was a fire, screaming, blood and pair of ebony brown eyes that were flashing in front of your eyes at that moment when you felt something sharp wounding your face. The smell of old wood, stiff whiskey, the fire from candles around were almost suffocating you in the small space you were captured in. You couldn’t get the piercing deep eyes out of your mind. They were still there, ripping right throught your soul, making you feel weak. 
When the storm stopped and the boat was stable once again sound of a squeaking wood and footsteps made you woke up from your daydream. You looked up and saw a dark silhouette walking to your direction, stopping right in front of the cage. The weak light from a candle couldn’t reach his face. You gulped and quickly looked down in fear praying that the man didn’t come to kill you. You heard an amused chuckle coming from him. But ... you couldn’t raise your hand, you were too afraid. Yes, you wanted to scream the nastiest things into his face but to be honest.. this was much better than your life in your old house. You supposed to be the one of the noble family but they hated you for some reason and treated you like a servant. 
A cold breeze passed throught your spine as you heard him unlocking the cage and entering inside. You could only see his leather boots A pleasant smell of cocoa beans and surprising honey scent filled your nose. The man squatted down in front of you and the scent became even more intense. You could feel him watching you with interest but you still kept your head down stubbornly. 
“You’ll stay like this the whole time?” a deep voice echoed in your ears making you shiver. But you just swallowed and didn’t do anything, didn’t move an inch. You couldn’t see him but he leaned his head to the side and narrowed his eyes. “Then we will do an exchange. I’ll give you food and you’ll show me your eyes... deal, beautiful?” he asked you. It was true that you were starving and it doesn’t seem so bad. You nodded. “Good girl.” he said and you slowly looked up. 
Your eyes widened. Your voice stopped in your throat and your body started shaking like a leaf in a rainstorm. Those eyes... when you heard the screams again. You quickly backed as backwards as possible your soul filling up with fear, confusion and then rage. It was him! It was him who took you and threw you here! It was he who wounded your face! “Hey, hey... you don’t have to worry now. But I guess you remembered, right?” he chuckled. You nodded looking at him. He didn’t look like pirates you saw before. He wasn’t old, drunk or looking like a disgusting pig. His face looked more like the face of a prince than a pirate’s. 
“Like what you are seeing, beautiful?” he lifted right eyebrow cockily. You suddenly felt rage. How dare he to talk to you like that?! “It was you! You did this to my face! You destroyed everything! You fucking-!” he stopped you by covering your mouth. “Fierce are we? I’ll uncover your face now and you’ll be calm. Or I’ll extend that wound even further, all the way down to your neck. Am I clear?” he asked in a darker voice. You had tears in your eyes but nodded and he did as he said.  
“Now...” he started. His beautiful form leaned closer to you. Your faces almost touching and you could feel your cheeks heating up. His eyes were dangerous but something in them was making you froze but heat up at the same time. He placed his hot palm on your thigh and your breathing became uneven. It was like he knew what effect he has. When his face was close, lips almost brushing yours, you only heard the sound of opening a lock and you felt your arms being released out of the chains. He just winked at you and stood up. As he walked out of the cage he held the doors opened for you and signalized for you to come out. You stood up and carefully walked out. Running didn’t even cross your mind since you knew you are in the middle of an ocean. 
He looked at you up and down and pointed at tens of barrels standing there, “There is a water. I brought you soap and dress. Wash and come up. I’ll give you the food as we agreed for letting me see your eyes.” he said in a soft tone and walked up the stairs to the higher level of a boat.
You didn’t know what was happening but you did as he said. You were glad that you could wash away the blood and your sweat. You even washed your hair and slicked them back making your face perfectly on display. You dressed into the long cotton white dress he gave you. It fit perfectly and were extremely soft and comfortable. Without knowing you smiled to yourself thanking him in your head. That was the moment when your hungry stomach made its entry and you remembered what the handsome pirate has told you. You didn’t know if you could trust him but what else you should do? You were already in the middle of nowhere, at the end of the Earth.  
You started walking up the stairs and you walked up two levels until you saw the sky above you. As you walked to the main deck of a ship you were surprised how the air changed and how cold thunderstorm transformed into a warm summer night with a light breeze. You heard steps and you turned to the direction with fear. But only a handsome young man was looking at the ocean calmly. “E-excuse me?” you asked with a small voice. The man looked at you and gave you a heartwarming smile. “You look better. I’m glad you are okay. You didn’t look very well when we get you here.” he said and walked closer to you. He was tall. He bowed, “I’m Hyungwon, nice to meet you Y/N.” he smiled. 
“How you know my name?” you wondered. He chuckled. “We all know a lot more than your name.” he said. You felt uneasy. How he knew your name? Who he meant by ‘we all’? It was weirder every moment. Suddenly you heard heels clicking on the wooden floor and in a second a beautiful woman with long legs, almost as tall as Hyungwon in her high heels, appeared next to him and took his hand to hers. “Don’t scare her, Hyungwon.” she said and turned to you with a smile. You quickly noticed almost identical scar as you had but it didn’t made her less beautiful. “Excuse him, please, He sometimes acts strange. I’m Clare.” she said. 
“Y/N... But how you know my name?” you asked the two people. Judging by how the woman was clinging to the tall male you guessed they were a couple. “Thanks to him.” Clare chuckled and pointed behind you. You turned to the direction and saw that man from before with those sharp ebony brown eyes. “I guess we should go away.” she chuckled when the man started walking to you. “Go away and don’t scare her. Both of you.” he said firmly but with a hint of playfulness in his voice. “Yes, captain!” the couple saluted and with giggles ran away to the lower level of the boat. You smiled, they looked so cute. 
“So this is the smile I was waiting for. Such a shame it wasn’t for me.” he said with a grin. As soon as he said it you stopped making him chuckle and shook his head. When you didn’t want to look at him he sighed and walked even closer. He gently took your hands in his and lifted your chin to look into your eyes. “Where is my food?” you asked in a cold tone. “Patience, beautiful. Before our dinner, I would like to invite you for a walk around the deck. Will you give me that honour?” he asked and stretched out his hand for you to take it. 
You were angry but... something in him was pulling you to him. You took his hand and his face brightened up with the most beautiful smile you ever saw. Your heart melted in a second and you suddenly were ready to give him all the time you have in this world. 
He bowed, tightened his grip and started walking straight with you by his side. “The stars are so beautiful tonight.” he said. You looked up and must agree with him. They were shining like big diamonds. “But there is one thing more beautiful than the stars tonight.” he said and stopped. You two were standing in the front of the main deck and the warm breeze was messing with your hair and tickling your skin. 
“First of all, I’m sorry about this.” he gently caressed your face wound with his finger. “But there wasn’t another way for them to know that you belong to me.” he breathed out. How dare he? How could he say that you are his property? “I’m not anyone’s.” you said firmly. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that, beautiful. I did it to protect you. With this... no one will ever try to hurt you because they’ll know I would kill them and their whole family.” he said it calmly as if it was the most simple thing 
“Why am I here?” you wondered. “Because you deserved a better life, beautiful. Maybe this will sound crazy but I fell in love as soon as I saw you on the market some days before. I saw how your own family treated you. I didn’t feel such a rage in many years.” he sighed and looked straight to your eyes. “And when I found out it was the family we wanted to have some ‘fun’ with I needed to act fastly. Save you and hold you in my arms... You are the gem that is worth of worshipping.” he sighed. He let go of your hands walked back a little and covered his eyes, “I’m so sorry. I must sound crazy.” he said, his voice obviously shaking. 
Your heart was melting. No one ever told you such beautiful words. No one ever actually cared about you. He was your captor but he was so nice, so warmhearted, so soft with you... he couldn’t be bad. “You do sound a little crazy but it’s pleasant to listen.” you smiled a little.
When he saw you smiling his gorgeous smile came back. He was again close to you, “I should introduce myself, right? I’m Changkyun.” he said taking your hand putting it on his cheek. He was ready for you to flinch and take your hand back but you stayed like that and his heart sank. 
“Everything is better than living with that family. And you ... Changkyun.” you smiled when you said his name. It was such a pretty name. “Was nice to me. Except for that cage.” you lifted your eyebrow.  “Well that.” he chuckled awkwardly. “I did it for your own good. You weren’t conscious at all. It looked like you were drugged or something. You were ready to jump to the ocean. I couldn’t let that happen.” he gave you a sad smile. 
Your eyes widened. You started thinking about what could cause that and your memory slowly started opening. Your sisters holding you and making you swallow some pills that your mother gave them. Them ripping your clothes so most of your skin was showing. They did the exact thing to your maid when they sold her like a slave. They didn’t want to sell you... right?
A tear slipped on accident. Yes, you hated them but they still were your family. Suddenly you felt touch and when you looked at Changkyun he was as close to your face as in the cage before, but now he was drying your tears away. “T-thank you..” you whispered. 
“I would do that again countless times, beautiful.” he said. Changkyun slowly leaned his head to the side and connected your lips. The connection light as a feather, his lips so bashful against yours. You smiled. He wasn’t what you expected from a pirate captain. He was maybe strong in battles but you felt that when it came to you he would always be like a cute little peaceful puppy. 
“Let’s see where the night will take us...” he whispered. 
“Well, the night can take me to a dinner table. I really hungry now.” you both chuckled at the same time as he connected your foreheads. 
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sebastianshaw · 4 years
@sammysdewysensitiveeyes - I felt bad you weren’t getting a lot of Pyro content in canon, so I wrote you some!
The next member of their team was meant to be arriving today. She was going to be a...most unusual addition. She was human. Pyro didn’t like it. The entire POINT of Krakoa was to keep away from humans who would hurt them. And sure this human allegedly very much did NOT want that, it was why Xavier handpicked her to be involved, and Xavier could vet a person inside and out...but Pyro couldn’t help WORRYING. Maybe she wasn’t a conscious plant, but what if someone was using her without her knowing? How was Xavier checking for THAT? Maybe the rest of Krakoa was happy to put their fate in the hands of men like him and Magneto and Sebastian Shaw, but Pyro was of the firm opinion that the guys on top never really had the best interest of the bottom at heart. But that didn’t mean he’d pass up a chance to roast some Verendi pigs, which was what had just been provided---the ship of their new ally had been attacked en route, big surprise, and thus the current crew of the Marauder---Sebastian, Shinobi, and Pyro---had been deployed to intervene. Shinobi kept their own boat safe while Pyro and Sebastian boarded the other---just in time to witness one of the Verendi hurling a sari-clad woman off the deck by her throat. “Allerdyce, take care of the rest,” said Shaw, tearing his shirt and jacket off with his bear---er, bare---hands. Not taking it off, literally TEARING. “Are you kidding?!” Pyro asked, shocked both at Shaw’s apparent intentions and at how beefed up the old bastard was under those tailored suits. Like he had eyes, he could tell the guy was huge, but JEEZUS. “I’m not having my team fail this early,” Shaw said, “And besides--” The rest came out mid-air as he dove into the drink, “--you’re hardly in swimming shape.” Secretly hoping he ‘teammate’ drowned, Pyro returned to the fray, gleefully keeping the Verendi at bay with his flames. That was the easy part. The hard part was not blowing them up in their stupid suits, or boiling them alive, or--- “ALLERDYCE!” he heard the oh-so-charming shout of his new ‘boss’ barking for him, just as the fun was over. “What, did you--” Pyro started to ask as he hustled over, admittedly not as fast as he could have. “Do the damn chest compressions!” Shaw cut him off. The woman, soaking wet and unconscious--or worse--was laid out on the deck. “Why--” “Because at my current strength I will pulverize her bones!” Shaw bellowed. Pyro didn’t like taking orders from Shaw, but he wasn’t about to let this lady die right in front of him either if half of what he’d heard about her was true, no matter what his misgivings might be about involving her in the Marauders. So he duly obeyed with the compressions, as well as mouth to mouth just so Shaw couldn’t. Because f this woman was an ally to mutantkind she deserved better than that. It worked. She gasped, her body jolting. “Alright, there she is” said Shaw, “You keep her conscious, Allerdyce---someone has to steer this ship.” With that, he departed to find the helm and radio Shinobi to let him know all was well, and knock out any remaining hostiles. Pyro glared at his back as he went, but then quickly turned his attention back to the semi-conscious woman, who was moving slightly now, her eyes glazed. She said something unsteadily in a foreign language. Well, in a language that wasn’t English; Pyro had been a foreigner in Southeast Asia and learned it really a matter of perspective. Speaking of that... “That Gujarati, love?” he asked gently. He couldn’t speak it nor understand it, but he thought he recognized it. He’d never got as far as India in his travels as a journalist, but he’d encountered this language in Singapore, Indonesia, and Malayasia. Sounded a bit different from her though, maybe because she was from India directly. Or just because she was terribly waterlogged. She mumbled something else weakly in the same tongue, putting one of her hands to her head. “I’m sorry, I don’t speak it,” he said, truly apologetic. The was woman silent for a moment, and her eyes closed. Oh no. Had he lost her? God, Shaw was never going to let him hear the end of it! Then she opened them, and said, “I apologize, I do speak English, I just...needed a moment.” “Take two, you earned ‘em,” Pyro smiled relieved. She began sitting up slowly, and Pyro helped her. “I...assume you saved me?” “Well, I helped,” he said, then amended, “Someone else go you out from the drink but I did the rest, getting you breathing again and all.” “Thank you, so much, I really have no idea what to say,” she sounded rather awed. Oh man, he’d forgotten what it was like to be a superhero! He’d never much cared for that life in general, the idea of just DOING things for people for nothing in return, especially people who HATED you for EXISTING as a mutant, but there had been a few times in Freedom Force like this where he felt really GOOD when people were actually grateful. “Aw it’s---it’s nothing, all in a day’s work really,” he said, puffing his chest as best he could, which was nigh-imperceptible given how skinny he was. “You have my deepest gratitude all the same. You also have a good ear---that was indeed Parsi Gujarati. “Ohhh!” Pyro was pleased he’d been right, “Is that why it sounded a bit off from what I heard ‘round Jakarta?” “You do indeed have a good ear! Yes, it’s very distinct. For instance, we use much softer consonants-- They were interrupted by Shaw’s sardonic tone over the intercom, “ I can see our guest is conscious, Mr. Allerdyce, so if you’re quite done flirting, send her to the helm for briefing before we get to the portal. At your leisure, of course.” Pyro did not say ass aloud but it was very, very much written on his face. *** Pyro was waking up waaay to early at Blackstone, specifically in Shinobi’s ridiculously oversized bed, Shinobi himself beside him. Pyro could tell his companion was going to be out cold for a long time yet, and probably wish he’d slept longer when he did wake up. Pyro would have preferred to just stay in bed himself, but nature called. And after a good long piss into the en suite bathroom---kind of surprised that the toilet wasn’t solid gold, although it did have more features than Shinobi’s phone---Pyro himself had yet to adjust to fancy celluars---found himself restless, and undergoing his typical post-drinking cravings for something salty. Kind of weird since wasn’t booze supposed to dehydrate you, but whatever, old man Shaw surely had some kind of super-fancy dried unicorn meat from a lost continent or whatever hanging around somewhere. He just needed to find it. But the place was a maze. Gilded maze, he made a mental note of that for one of his novels as he wandered the huge halls, intending to use it in the internal monologue of the heroine lost in the Marquis’s opulent mansion that nonetheless held an overbearing evil in its walls as potent and palpable in the air as that in his black heart. Actually shit, some of the decor in this place would make for great--- “Wider than a highway, huh?” Pyro had been so lost in cataloguing the fancy bric-a-brac along the way that he’d not noticed it had been joined by a flesh and blood person. Well, maybe flesh and blood, they looked silver. Certainly all the skin he could see was, which was a lot given their short little black robe, though he in his boxers certainly wasn’t about to be scandalized. Wait, silver skin? “Mindmeld, right?” “Shinobi tell you about me?” she was smirking a little. “Yeah, something like that,” he replied. It was suddenly really hard not to say something rude, given WHAT Shinobi had told him, but reminded himself if this woman was fucking Shaw, she deserved PITY more than anything. Plus it wouldn’t do to piss off her off before she told him where she got that coffee cup in her hand. “He didn’t tell me where to find the kitchen though.” “Which one?” Oh god of course there’d be more than one, Shaw probably didn’t want his food prepared in the same area as Shinobi’s guests since they were all people like Pyro. He groaned, lowering his head and burying his long bony fingers in his dandelion puff blond curls, “Just whichever one has some eggs and espresso.” “Come on,” she gestured lightly and turned, leading the way. Damn tall drink of water, might have been taller than Shaw, though far less broad than he was, but more so than Pyro...admittedly, that range probably covered almost everyone on the planet. She didn’t ask his name, so he offered his with some pride, “I’m Pyro, I’m one of the Marauders.” “Neat.” “‘Spect Mr. Shaw has a few things to say about me.” She looked mildly thoughtful a moment, “Uh...no, never mentioned you. I think I’ve heard the Marauders, but not Pyro.” “How about Mr. Allerdyce?” “Definitely not.” Ok, he was kind of insulted now, not by Mindmeld but he took it out on her anyway with a snippy, “Well he hasn’t mentioned you either.” She just gave him a funny look.” “Sorry,” he said abashed at how stupid and spiteful he sounded, “We just don’t get on too well, me and Sebastian.” “What a surprise.” “So you know he’s a pompous asshole.” “Oh yeah, it’s hilarious,” she said, “Like the other day,  these two like, total Eurotrash blonds come in, and he told them they were living proof of how inbreeding ruined the royal Austrian family tree or something, I don’t know, and I just told the guy he shouldn’t wear black if he’s not going to clean the semen stains off it first. The girl, her outfit was great, but nothing I could say was going to be worse than that Basic Bitch haircut.” “So what, you two just hang around talking shit about everyone else like we’re dirt on your shoes?!” Any regret he had about being snippy was suddenly gone. “Yeah, pretty much,” she said, her blase tone not changing. He started to say something else but she turned her head to him and said, tone still the same, “Look, if you’re gonna get precious, I can leave you right here. Next person to find you will probably be him, you know. He’s always up crazy early.” It was a potent threat. Normally Pyro was not afraid at all to deal with that hirsute egomaniac, but in his current state, he was not fit for the battle of barbs. “No, no, lead the way,” he sighed. “Cool,” Mindmeld turned her gaze front again and added, “Sorry you’re mad I’m his dick puppet.” If Pyro had a liquid in his mouth he would have spit it out. He must have made some kind of sound, because she asked, “What, Shinobi not mention that?” “He uh...he mentioned it a lot, yeah. “Good,” she smiled at him, and turned away. Weird. They got to small kitchen, very normal looking. So much so that it felt almost surreally out of place. “Drip’s over there,” Mindmeld pointed. Okay, nice, Shaw had a proper espresso machine. No surprise, he probably kept a full roasting machine and French press and other fancy barista shit in HIS kitchen---he was obviously not using THIS one. While he put on the drip, Mindmeld sat down and started playing idly with a phone left on table, obviously hers. Pyro was sure the bowl of Lucky Charms next to it surely wasn’t Sebastian Shaw’s. “You uh, live here?” “Yeah basically,” she did not look up from her phone, “Beats public housing.” Pyro realized he hadn’t thought about how everyone on Krakoa was living; he’d been basically on a boat the whole time himself. “What, is it bad?” he asked, imagining the crowded slums he’d seen in some of his travels, as well as the crappier apartments he’d stayed in, which was most. “Nah, but this is better.” “Yeah well, the rent seems high to me.” “You just have a different landlord.” “Hey, I’m nobody’s kept--” The espresso shot was ready, and it going off gave him a moment to cool down again. “Sorry, there’s nothing wrong with...with you,” he said, after taking his cup and sitting down across from her, “I just feel bad for Shinobi, he says you two used to be..” . “Together? Kinda, yeah. He tell you the part where he left me to die? or before that, where I was stuck in somebody else’s body and he was still ready to put the guy through a depowering machine while I was inside him?” “I, uh...no.” Was there some kind of mistake? He’d thought Shinobi was harmless. He knew the guy was selfish and spoiled, but it was hard to imagine him that cold. “Yeah, I bet not,” she said, her tone still the same, “He doesn’t seem like he has it in him, does he?” “Uh...no.” “Well, even a rat will bite if it’s back is against the wall,” her eyes rose from her phone and met his intensely, “So if you’re in deep shit, don’t count on him to pull you out.” They went back to her phone,  “He’s beautiful though so, you know, keep doing what you’re doing, I’m not judging.” “Uh...” Pyro had no idea what to say to this, “So is that why...” He had thought it had been money, since anything Shinobi had was actually coming from Sebastian, but now he wondered if it was for... “Vengeance? Pyro nodded. “Could you think of a BETTER way?” Pyro admitted he could not. “You must be pretty dedicated,” he said, still not able to get the ‘ick’ feeling quite out. It wasn’t the idea of sex for benefits his skin was crawling at, it was sex with SHAW. He supposed he could see the physical appeal if that man wasn’t so personally repulsive, but... “I mean, I just came back to life like this month” she shrugged idly, “I’ve got nothing from before to go back to, I’ve got nothing else going on.” “I don’t know, you look like you got it going on to me,” Pyro gave an exaggerated wink. That made her snort-laugh. Okay, he felt they were good now. And he felt suddenly a lot warmer to her. Not from knowing she had better reasons than he thought---the reasons unsettled him actually---but because of how similar their situations were. A situation doubtless shared by many Krakoans but he hadn’t had a real chance yet to talk to many Krakoans. He had planned to spend today fixing that actually, going and finding out if what few friends he’d had in his life before were here now. Like Dom. Wondered if Mindmeld had any, a Dom or a Mort or a Fred. Kinda doubted it, somehow. “Hey, uh, listen,” he began. She looked up from her phone. “Do you wanna go...check out the island with me? I been at sea since I came back, I don’t know what’s on it, but there’s got to be SOMETHING people been doing all day for fun, right?” She regarded him a long moment. “Yeah,” she finally said, “I’d like that."
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littlesliceofmarvel · 5 years
Emotional Journey
Request/Synopsis: Peter helps you deal with a traumatic event.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of blood, violence, death
Pairings: Peter Parker x Reader
A/N: im trying to get these out as soon as I can, my vacation is taking over my time. It’s tough, I’m sorry! Anywho, enjoy! xx
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Nights like this were your favorite. When you’d take a day off from working and you could just enjoy exploring the city throughout the day and then enjoying the comfort of your apartment at night - to watch Netflix, of course. You’d run to the grocery store, pick up some snacks you knew you could pig out on, and then cocoon yourself up on the couch and probably watch some stupid rom-com and adding your own commentary track.
You rushed down the snack aisle, picking up some gummy bears and Doritos, throwing them into the grocery cart and making your way towards the cash, hoping to get home before it was dark. You pushed the cart at a dangerous pace, ignoring the glares that people were giving you.
You approached the counter and greeted the short elderly lady with a kind smile, “Good evening!”
She grinned up at you, curly white hair bopping slightly as she did so, “Hello, dear.” She started scanning your items one by one as you took your wallet out, ready to scurry on home and get in bed. You could practically hear it calling to you.
“Movie night?” She asked, eyeing your items as you took out your credit card.
You nodded, “You know me so well, Dolores.” She had been working here for as long as you could remember, and you were quick to discover she was the biggest sweetheart in the world. She told you that you reminded her of her granddaughter who was studying abroad in Europe, so you formed a connection with her immediately.
“I hope you enjoy, dear, I’ll see you soon.” She placed your items in your bag and gave you a smile. You took the bag and smiled back at her, about to reply when the sound of a loud voice cut you off.
“Give me your money, bitch!”
You turned your attention to the direction of the sound, your entire body freezing in place. A man with a black mask stood behind you, a small hand gun pointed in your direction. Fear washed over you as you looked into his dark eyes, his hand slightly trembling as he held the weapon.
“Oh-oh my god,” you stuttered, fingers shaking rapidly as you pulled out your purse to give him what he wanted. You had never been robbed or mugged before, so throwing all bravery out the window, you were going to give him your money.
Everyone in the store started rushing out, screaming and threatening to call the cops, but you couldn’t hear any of it. The sound of your blood rushing and heart pumping took over all of your senses as you pulled out your wallet with shaky fingers.
“Hurry the fuck up, I don’t have all day!” He shouted, bringing the gun closer to your face, the bile rising in your throat nearly making you gag. The thumping of your heart could be felt throughout your entire body and you wished more than anything that this wasn’t real
“H-Here,” you handed it to him and he lowered the gun slightly, taking it out of your hands. He opened it up and threw it on the ground.
“You only have $20?! Fuck that,” he stomped over and turned the gun away from you, making you relax. Until you noticed that the gun was now aimed at sweet Dolores behind the counter.
“Open the register, you old hag,” the man threatened. Your couldn’t think straight, and before you knew it, you threw yourself in between Dolores and the gun.
“Don’t hurt her!” Your voice cracked as you looked the man in the eyes. You regretted jumping in front of the gun, but seeing the look on Dolores’ face when he aimed it at her made you throw logic out the window.
He chuckled darkly, “Then move out of the way so this bitch can open the cash and give me my money.”
You reluctantly moved out of the way, eyes watering as you looked at Dolores who didn’t budge. The man kept his gun pointed at her, and although you could see the fear in her eyes, she held her ground and refused to open the cash register.
“Open it up or I’ll shoot you!” He exclaimed, waving his hand to emphasize his point.
Dolores gave him a sweet smile, “Sorry, dear. Can’t do that.” Alarms went off in your head and everything inside you screamed to run over to her and protect her, but your feet stayed cemented to the floor, not understanding why she wasn’t complying.
The man’s body stiffened and he squinted his eyes, placing his finger over the trigger. The next thing you knew, the deafening sound of a gunshot echoed throughout the store. You clasped your hands over your ears, keeping your eyes shut.
A loud thud sounded on the floor and you opened an eye, looking around to see what it was. Where Dolores was standing, her body was now collapsed on the ground, crimson blood pouring out of the wound on her chest.
“Oh my god,” your voice trembled as you looked to the lifeless body on the floor tiles, “Dolores!”
The man who shot her pulled back in a panic, muttering something about a mistake before he made his way towards the exit. You didn’t look back at him, your blurry vision set on the dead woman on the floor. You heard sudden shouting coming from the entrance but you couldn’t take your attention away from what you were looking at.
“Dolores, p-please wake up,” you shook her body, tears making their way down your cheeks. You felt helpless, defeated, as if you didn’t do enough to save her.
Her death was on you.
You broke down in tears, leaning against the counter to hold your body up. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Why did this happen? She didn’t deserve this. Why her?
“Ma’am, um, is this the man who shot the lady?” You turned around and came face to face with a blurry red and blue figure. You rubbed your eyes with the back of your sleeves and managed to focus on who was in front of you.
You recognized him immediately, who wouldn’t? Spider-Man was the talk of the town. He was all over every news stand and local television channel. He held the man who shot Dolores in a firm grasp, small grunts escaping the killer’s mouth. Anger fled through your body but there was nothing you could do.
“Yes, s-sir,” you stuttered, looking back down to Dolores, her blood pooling almost to your feet by now. You sniffed, trying to hold back tears before turning back to face the hero. He nodded and forcefully dragged the man out of the room.
You knelt down, letting the guilt crumple your body. Everything in you felt like it was shaking, the pounding in your head being the only thing nailing you to reality right now.
You sat in silence for a few minutes, letting yourself try to absorb the situation at hand. You felt completely broken, violated, and shaken to your core. The fault seemed to fall on you. You didn’t carry your cash on you tonight, and because of that, the robber aimed his anger towards her.
“Um, hey,” an unsure voice came up behind you, “I don’t want to force you to leave, but there are medics here to take the body away.”
You turned your teary vision to Spider-Man standing behind you, clear discomfort in his stance.
You nodded, “Yeah, I should probably g-go home.”
Lifting your body off the ground felt like you were lifting a thousand bricks, the counter being your complete support system. Your heart felt heavier than ever, as if it were struggling to keep itself going.
“I’m really sorry,” the masked hero said, lowering his head.
“So am I.”
You followed him out of the store, not being able to look back at the paramedics covering Dolores’ body. As you stepped out into the cool autumn night air, the hero approached you once more.
“They don’t need questioning,” he muttered softly, “Let me walk you home.”
Too tired and distraught to argue, you nodded slowly. The flashing lights of police cars nearly blinded your vision and the dozens of reports already on the scene were giving you a headache - thankfully you turned a corner and went out of sight to head back to your apartment.
The usually busy streets seemed empty, and your steps were slower than usual, the hero next to you making sure to match your pace.
“I’m sorry you had to experience that,” he said quietly. He sounded young, not at all like the 30 year old man you thought Spider-Man was.
You gave him a sad smile, “I left without a scratch. It should have been me.” It was true. You believed that hou should have been the one to take the bullet instead. She has grandkids, family, a husband - you had no one.
The man stopped in his tracks, his head turned towards you, “Don’t say that.”
“What?” You scoffed, the tears stinging your eyes once more, “She didn’t deserve it.”
“She didn’t, you’re right. But it shouldn’t have been you either.” You let his words sink in, processing what he meant. The one thing you were sure of was that Dolores didn’t deserve what she got. At all. But you didn’t think you did either.
“You’re right,” you said softly, “Thanks for, uh, helping out back there.” He nodded, and even though you couldn’t see under the mask, you could tell he was smiling.
The rest of the walk to your apartment was relatively calm. The two of you talked about Dolores’ life. You didn’t feel like it was time to reminisce about her just yet, her death being too fresh, but talking about her seemed to take the blow out of your mind slightly. He asked about how you met her, her grandchildren, and a little bit about your own life as well.
He dropped you off at your place and bid you a goodnight, and despite the trauma that you experienced a little under an hour ago, his company had really helped you stay calm.
You walked into your apartment, flicking the lights on and standing in the middle of your bedroom letting the tears and sobs flow free once again. You crumpled down on your bed, curling into the cold bedsheets and hiding your face from the world. You wished more than anything that this was some twisted, messed up, psychotic dream - but it wasn’t.
You cried yourself to sleep, the usually peaceful dreams being taken over by the gruesome images you witnessed that night.
It had been two weeks since the event, and Spider-Man came by every day to check on you, usually in the evenings. You weren’t sure why he did, being an Avenger and having bigger responsibilities after all, but you weren’t complaining. He’d sometimes come by with goods he picked up from a bakery, knowing you were sheltering yourself away from the world and not taking care of yourself. You got to know who he was, his hobbies, his little quirks and personality traits that made him the respectable hero he was. You didn’t know who he was under the mask, but it wasn’t your business to know.
You had rejected his kindness at first, feeling as if you didn’t deserve it, but he didn’t give up. Every time he’d knock on your apartment window with a Starbucks cup in hand, you’d shut your drapes and leave the room, but you could only ignore his consistent knocking for so long, eventually letting him in and taking what he had to offer. You liked his company and the calmness that he brought you, and you were thankful he decided to stick around.
The nights were the worst. Your dreams were constantly filled with violent images, the person on the other side of the gun changing every night. Some nights, you were the one pulling the trigger. You’d wake up in a cold sweat, trembling, and unable to fall back asleep. No amount of medication or alcohol could lure the dark images out of your head to give you a couple hours of rest.
During the days, you sat on the couch, sometimes staring aimlessly out the window of your small Manhattan apartment. You didn’t eat as much, and you had quit your job to prevent going out completely. The only thing that actually kept you going and stable was the mysterious hero bringing you smoothies or muffins at some point throughout the day.
You didn’t understand why he cared so much about your well-being, surely he dealt with countless traumatized civilians, but he was one of the only things keeping you grounded - and for that, you’d gladly accept his care.
The day was slow, the rain pouring over the grey streets of the city as traffic piled up. You watched from your bedroom window, curled up in your bed as the sound of the rain reminded you of a lullaby, drowning out the voices of Friends on your TV. Your eyes stung, the lack of sleep playing into effect on another lazy Saturday morning.
Your peace was disrupted by the obnoxious sound of the doorbell. Rolling your eyes, you threw the blanket off of you as you made your way across the cold floor to your door.
Upon opening it, you came face to face with a boy about your age. Messy brown hair fell into his face, a small smile on his lips. Your eyes moved down to his hands - a coffee in one and a small brown paper bag in the other. You had never seen this guy before, so the unexpected presence caught you off guard.
Hiding behind your door to avoid showing this stranger the fact that you weren’t wearing pants, he seemed unaware of your state completely and he held that smile on his face.
“I - uh, I think you have the wrong place,” you cocked an eyebrow at him, ready to close the door when he came to the same realization.
He let out a small chuckle, “Y/N, it’s me.”
That voice sounded all too familiar and it clicked instantly in your head. Your eyes widened as you faced the young man in front of you.
“You’re spider man?!” he clasped a hand over your mouth after you shouted it out, pushing you back into the apartment and closing the door behind him with his foot.
“Shh! No one knows who I am!” He whispered, even once the door was closed.
“But you’re spider man! Woah, I didn’t think you’d be like, twelve,” you looked over him once again, realizing how young he actually looked.
“Twelve?” He asked in amusement, “I’m the same age as you. I’m Peter Parker.”
You rolled your eyes and grabbed the bag from him, rushing back off to your room before he could stop you.
“Hey, not so fast,” he rushed after you, barging in once you were safely tucked under the blankets, analyzing the doughnut he had brought you. Sure, finding out your mystery hero’s identity was a big deal, but you didn’t know who he was in reality, so you couldn’t base him off of anything.
“C’mon, talk to me,” he mumbled quietly, taking a seat on the edge of your bed and placing the coffee he got you on the table next to your bed. You shook your head, thankful that his attention had now quickly turned to the heavy rain on the window.
“I like rain,” he said, smiling slightly.
“Me too,” you admitted, taking a bite of the sugary treat, not caring about the grains of sugar falling on your mattress.
“You need to get out of your apartment, it’s been two weeks,” he turned back to you, eyeing you as if you were broken glass being held together by a tiny piece of tape.
You shook your head, “No.”
Peter looked down at the ground, “This isn’t a healthy way to deal with grief.”
You shrugged, not wanting to look into his eyes, “I don’t care.”
You knew that letting yourself fall down this dark hole wasn’t healthy, but you couldn’t help it. Everything reminded you of what happened and any loud noise that happened down below brought you back to the sound of the gunshot.
“Y/N, please, let’s do something. Like a museum or whatever. Something outside of this apartment,” Peter’s face lit up at his own suggestion.
“Come on, please?”
“Stop being so stubborn,” Peter pouted, making you roll your eyes and throw your head back on the pillow.
The museum was a breath of fresh air. The two of you walked around, viewing the centuries of art that lined the walls and the sculptures that illuminated rooms. You were a lover of the arts, so it was hard to stay focused on anything when your eyes constantly darted around the room.
Peter found you hilarious, your small complaints about the people with their flashes on to photograph the art, and the noisy kids running up and down the marble corridors. He found your comments entertaining, chuckling after each one.
For once, you found yourself not thinking about what had happened, and you enjoyed your time out of the apartment. You were thankful for Peter having been there for you the past two weeks as a masked identity, but this felt much more real now that you knew who he was.
“Thanks for getting me out of the apartment.” You smiled kindly at him as you took another bite of your pretzel, the sunshine finally breaking through the clouds as the two of you walked through the muddy Central Park.
“Hey, don’t thank me. I’m just glad I could help,” he shrugged, giving you a goofy grin.
“You’ve really helped. Thank you,” you said sincerely, making his cheeks flush a light pink. You giggled, turning back to your pretzel and taking another bite.
You felt a soft hand link with yours and give it a small squeeze before it was gone. You internally screamed, the overwhelming feeling of butterflies in your stomach making you almost vomit.
“Hey, how about we go check out a show tonight?” He asked, eyes lighting up as he viewed a sign for ‘The Lion King on Broadway.’
You nodded like an idiot, “I’d love to.”
There were a few things you were sure of. One, that the sky was blue. Two, that dealing with Dolores’ murder was going to be one of the hardest things you’d ever have to go through. And three, that you weren’t going to deal with it alone.
Peter stuck by you through the following weeks, attending Dolores’ funeral with you and helping you get a new job working with Mr Stark to prevent these things from happening to other people. Your job nearly took over your life from now on, but slowly and surely you put the pieces back together and with the help of Peter, it seemed everything was going to be okay.
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bodyswapmischief · 5 years
The Interview
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(Although not a part 2. This story is linked to The promotion) 
If you can believe it ... before today, my body looked completely different. I was ... for the most part hairless. And that worked for me. It showed off the curves of my muscles. My six pack, biceps, and chest glistened after every work out. But, now everything changed.
It all started because, I really needed a job. I applied to everything  I could find. But, no one ever called back. Until I got a call from Transform Inc. They were a really big company, in the city. I didn't even think I applied to them. I knew it was a mistake. But, never turn down an opportunity... or so I thought.
The day of the interview, I dressed in my best. I wore well fitted slacks and dress shirt. It hugged my body and outlined my well earn muscles. I hope I was interviewed by a woman or gay man. I might not be the smartest person or have the most experience, but with my body I could seduce the pants off of anyone.
Reaching the building, I quickly realized I was out of my league, job-wise. I went up the elevator and was immediately greeted by a lady, at the front desk. She was insanely attractive and led me through the office. As we walked, I started noticing the people in the office. All the women were attractive, and the men would have been too, if they were in better shape. They had a range of different size bellies. From a little bloated to full size beer belly.
I finally reached the office. "Your interview will be held in there." She said, as she walked away. I walked in and saw the biggest fattest guy in the office. He seemed stressed and tired. His face seemed young, but the weight added age to him. His beach ball belly rested on his lap and pushed against his small desk. His dress shirt struggled to contain his stomach and his equally large pair of fat boobs. His beard hid what I could only imagine was a double chin. He looked at me, like he was caught of guard. "Oh, please take a seat." He said as he clean off his desk. On his desk was a salad and a water bottle. I laughed in my head (Yeah like that's gonna help you, fat ass). His name plate read: Steven Fuller. (Yup the name fits) I continued to laugh to myself.
I sat down, keeping my eyes on the big fat blob of a man, in front of me. He was gross and every part of me hated him, for doing that to his body. I was snapped back to the present with the creaking of his chair, as he moved. It was screaming to get this fat-ass of it. He was also looking at me. Checking my body out, but trying not to get caught. He started looking for something, but stopped as his face turned red, from embarrassment. He lifted up his massive gut and pulled out a file. "I forgot, I put this on my lap before my lunch." He shyly said.
I started laughing. The comedy of this fat pig in front of me was just to much to take. He looked hurt by my reaction. "Yeah, kid don't get fat ... it sucks." He weakly smiled, as he started reading the file. "Don't worry I won't" I winked. He immediately puts down the file and looks at me, straight into my eyes. "Do you care about your body?" I was thrown back a bit. "Yeah ..." I replied confused. "Then this is not the job for you. I recommend leaving now." he starts to put the file away. "But ... look...I'm sorry I laughed... it's just..." I tried to explain. He looked at me, "No ... you look, I know you. I've been you. In fact my body was in better shape then yours and now look at me. I am ... begging you, just walk out that door and leave."
I lost it and everything I felt just came out. "I'm sorry you don't like what you did to your fat ass body, but I am not you." I started flexing under my shirt. "You wished you had this body. But, you can't. That gut is massive and no amount of salad is going to change that." Anger filled his eyes. But, suddenly the door opened and an older man walked in. His body made of muscle, which made him look younger than he probably was. "Hello, I'm Thomas Sterling and I will be finishing the interview, in my office." He motioned for me to follow. I turned to look at Mr. Fuller. He shook his head in disappointment.
We reached Mr. Sterling's office and sat down. "I'm sorry about that." Sterling said "He shouldn't have told you to leave." His powerful arms pulled out a box. "Well, he hasn't been the first person to be jealous of my body." I said. "Oh, and you do have a good strong body. 7% body fat?" He laughed in delight. The way he talked about my body was making me nervous. But, his tone was soothing. "No ... 5%" I answered. He opened the box and revealed doughnuts. "Here take one." He whispered. "I shouldn't." I said looking at the doughnuts. "Just one won't hurt." He said. I took one and bit into it. Blue filling gushed into my mouth. It tasted so sweet and good. Sterling smiled.
Slowly my stomach felt bloated and pushed against my shirt. (I did have a big breakfast) I thought to myself. "You have the job." He smiled. He quickly got up to get some paper work. The muscles under his clothes, showing off with every move. I wanted to be like him when I got older. "Help yourself to another doughnut, in celebration," he cheered. And, I did. My shirt and pants started feeling tighter. A tingling sensation started spreading through my chest.
"Sign these papers and you can start working tomorrow." I quickly signed, every paper. "Good, Good, Good ... I'm happy to know your happy with getting as fat as I want you to." My throat choke up a bit. I looked down and saw what was happening to my body. My pants were skin tight as they squeezed my legs. My softer chest was squeezed by the now tighter shirt. My flabby stomach was peeking out of my straining buttons. "What the Fuck! What happened to me." I screamed.
Sterling laughed. "It's all part of the contract." He brought out a syringe of blue liquid and injected it into a doughnut. "You will eat 3 of these donuts every month, and gain 5 pounds of permanent fat, for each. For every 5 pounds you will be paid 10,000 dollars. That will be 30,000 a month. This will go on for a year. Then you will have an option of staying on and getting promoted or leaving the company, if you wish. If you do stay on, you will be paid 100o times your weight per year. It was written down on those paper, you signed."
"You can't do this. I quit! These documents won't hold in court." I cried out. "Aw, I thought this might happen. That's why I created this new formula. It will make you more obedient. Now, finish the last doughnut for the month." He said as he handed me the freshly injected doughnut. My hand grabbed it on its own and brought it closer to my mouth. I scream for it to stop. But my hand forced it in my mouth. As soon as the blue goo reached my tongue, I started unwilling chewing. It really was the best thing I ever eaten. I felt the effects immediately take place. My expanding ass caused my pants to rip. The buttons on my shirt popped, as my belly jiggled, now having space to expand and sit in it's full size. My skin became itchy has my hairless body started sporting hair everywhere I could and couldn't see.
"Oh, that's a side effect, I haven't worked out yet. But, I can't say it doesn't make me happy. Now my bear in training go home and get some rest, because tomorrow you start work. And let's keep this contract our little secret." He smiled at me. I started walking out and bumped into Mr. Fuller, waiting right outside. My eyes red from wanting to cry. "Before you leave ... you should come to my office." I followed him. By the way he wasn't freaking out, I already knew that he understood what went on.
He helped sneak me into his office so, no one saw me. Once there, he pulled out some clothes. "Here these should fit you." He said. "Why are you doing this." I said with a shaky voice. "I was mean to you ... I got what I deserved, maybe worse." I felt embarrassed, changing my clothes in front of him. I hated showing off the new fat rolls that I could feel on my body. "You aren’t the only one that made a deal with that devil. I wasn't lying. I was like you. About 180 pounds of  pure muscle. In my first deal, I shot up to about 270. With a little more convincing, he has me at 300 pounds." He said rubbing his swollen stomach.
The numbers started running through my head. 3 donuts each month for a year. 15 pounds every month for 12 months. That would be a 180 pound weight gain. I'm was currently 180. I would double my size with pure fat. I would be 360 pounds. 60 pounds heavier than the man in front of me. I started crying. Mr. Fuller came closer to hug me. His belly pushed tight against mine. He started talking " Look, I don't know how many pounds you signed up to gain. But you are not alone. I'm the fattest guy in this office..." (not for long) I thought to myself "And, I still live an active life. I might not be as fast or have as much stamina, like when I was in shape. But, I am able to keep my weight down to my permanent weight and not an ounce more. Just eat right and exercise. In fact some of us guys from the office go to workout everyday, you should come" He let me go. I calmed my self and started walking out "what's the point" I said. As I walked out the door, I hear him yell out " You can always be fatter than you have to."
Those words still ring in my ear, as I stand here exploring my strange new 195 pound and counting body. Imagining how I would look fatter. The door bell rings. It's a pizza delivery guy. "Order for Eric, from Mr. Sterling." He unloads 2 large pizzas, a 2 liter bottle of coke, and a cookie cake. My stomach starts to rumble. Might as well eat because, this stomach is going to get bigger whether I like it or not. I can always got to the gym tomorrow.
(Follow my second blog @malereblogmischief, where I re-blog the sources for the picture in my stories.)
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spidxysense · 5 years
Back to You | 1
Summary: He broke your heart, but you’d always love him. Two souls that not even the universe could tear apart, even if you wanted it to at times.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
A/N: I told you guys I'd update to the best of my abilities!!! Hope you guys enjoy, just a bit of a filler, next chapter will be pretty intense so watch out for that. As always I hope you enjoy. I'll clean up the whole post tomorrow if there's a laptop or computer nearby since I'm just updating via cellphone.
Word count: not quite sure.
Prologue | 1 | 2
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3 months later
“I’m home!” You hear the door slam from inside of what’s become your room and you het up from your seat, hoodie and sweatpants still on.
“I see you still look the same as when I left you this morning.” Troye gives you a pointed look that has you staring at him with an unamuzed face as you slumped your shoulders, “And not in a mood to joke around, I see.” He pulls out a bottle of wine that clinks with the other bottes in the paper bag and hands it over to you, “That’s for you, my little alcoholic.” He pats your head.
You sit down at the table, your right knee brought close to your chest and your left leg up on the chair as well, “How is the outside world?” You place the bottle on the table, “Is loaf bread still a thing?”
Troye snorts in laughter, “She finally speaks! And bonus, actually made a witty quip.” He ducks down to place the detergents under the sink, “I don’t think I’ve seen you sober without a hangover in two months.” He sits down on the chair in front of you and smiles sadly at you, he reaches across the table, squeezing your hand, “How are you today, love?”
You sigh, pulling your hood off, and taking out the bun in your hair before redoing it, “I don’t know, I still feel like shit.”
“Obviously.” He mutters under his breath, “You two were together for 3 years, you can’t just fucking break that up and not feel like shit for a long time.” He scoffs, “You can do sooo much better, Y/N.” His eyes soften up, “You know, he called me again today. I bullshitted him, obviously, he also asked about why my landline wasn’t in service.”
You eye the wire from the phone that you cut when you’d heard his voice from the answering machine, and you give him an apologetic look.
“And your sister called again too. She was worried.”
You sigh, rubbing your face in frustration, “I just cant talk to them right now. I don’t want to have to talk about him when I’m this out of it. They loved him so much.”
Troye sighs and stands up, walking behind your chair and undoes your bun, brushing his fingers through your hair, getting the tangles out, “Look Y/N. When you showed up on my doorstep three months ago soaking wet with blisters on your feet, I told you to do what you need for as long as you need to. I told you to stay for as long as you needed to. But for the past three months, you’ve been getting drunk and crying over him, this isn’t getting over it anymore, it’s just regression.” He grabs you by the shoulders and turns you to face him, “You are a strong independent woman, and I absolutely love having you here with me, but some things need to change.” He pulls you up and over to your room, “You room is a literal pig-sty.”
He runs over to your laptop, “And you can’t keep getting updates on him.” He shows you the articles opened up on your browser from months ago as he closes them one by one.
“Tom Holland steps out looking fresh from a cry with red puffy eyes and disheveled hair.” Closed.
“Tom Holland eats alone at restaurant, phone glued to his ear as he tries to contact Y/N?” Closed.
“Tom Holland takes dog Tessa out for a walk lookng tired and depressed.” Closed.
“Spider-man actor quitting franchise over relationship problems?” I point an accusing finger towards the article, “In my defense, I got a lot of shit for that, and I didn’t defend myself even if it was just clickbait because I promised myself that I wouldn’t go on social media!” Closed.
“Oh I’ll get to that.” He nudged your shoulder pushing you to sit on the bed.
“Tom Holland caught getting emotional on the phone.” Closed.
“Trouble in paradise? Tom spotted out once again, without Y/N in sight.” Closed.
“Tom Holland, spotted out and about, Y/N still as phone background, have the two worked out their problems?”
“Y/N spotted for the first time in months looking haggard as she grabs a bite to eat at local London Bakery.” He gives you a deadpanned look, “Seriously?”
You shrug, “That’s on you. You were gone for the whole day and I had nothing to eat.”
He sighs, closing the browser window with multiple tabs about Tom still opened, “Sweetie, you have got to stop caring so much. I understand that you love him and you two were in love.” He makes a stupid mushy face, “But he hurt you! Live your life, you don’t have to worry about him anymore.”  He opens the next browser window still opened on Tom’s instagram and twitter, “Exhibit B.” He gives you a look before closing the browser.
“You’ve written so many good songs too! But you won’t even share them with the world.” He sat down next to you, clicking around on your laptop before the room is filled with your voice, singing.
You look over at him, “You really think they’re good?”
“I have literally cried with you at night while you would sing.”
You sigh, “I can’t sing right now. I just don’t feel like I can release at album where I’m at emotionally.”
“Then sell some of these to musicians who will, your songs deserve to be heard around the world. And for goodness’ sake, Y/N. Read this will you? It’s been in the mail bin for a month now, they’ve wanted to meet with you for a while now.” He throws a script on your bed
“You aren’t this stupid crying child, Y/N. You are fabulous and you didn’t need a man before Tom, why the hell would need one now?” He has his hands on his hips, “The Y/N I know is better than this. So unless you plan on being her again, then I’m gonna have to cut you off.” He grabs the half finished wine bottle on your dresser before slamming the door shut behind him, “Clean up your room and I’ll call uou when we need to leave to have lunch outside for once.”
You look over at the script on the bed, “The Greatest Showman”, and turn to the first page.
“Yeah, I just finished reading the script.” You speak into the phone you kept for business, “I love it.”
“Wait-” Your manager’s voice sounds excited on the other end, “Does this mean you’re going to do it?”
You bite your lip, “Yeah. I think I am, I’m done with this. I don’t want to sit around getting drunk and cry all the time. I’ll send you some compositions I’ve been making these past few months, maybe find some artists who could use the sound on their albums.”
“Th-this is great news, Y/N!” She practically shouts into the phone, “Alright, this is perfect. We’ll fly you out the LA in a few days and you can meet with the directors, meet with the rest of the cast. They’ll be so happy to hear this, I mean, you were their first choice.” she sighs happily, “Alright, well I’ll go ahead and email you the details. I’ll get on the phone with them asap so we can arrange this whole thing!” She pasues, “I’m really proud of you, Y/N.”
“Does this mean you don’t want to be my roommate anymore?” You turn to see Troye pouting with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
You roll your eyes, holding out your arms for a hug, “No way. You’re my bitch forever now.” You laugh, “Thanks for the tough love.” He rubs your back while hugging you, “I really needed it.”
“Ugh, I know you did. It sucked having to be so mean to you.” He pulls away from you, “But please don’t ever ever wear anything like what you were wearing in that article, you looked like garbage.” He scoffs at you, “Now go get dressed and we can talk all about your new movie over lunch!" He squeals.
"So glad you could make it, Y/N." Michael leans over to give you a handshake which you take gratefilly, "Hopefully the flight wasn't too tough on you. You've been in London so long, I'm sure you'd have jetlag coming back here."
"It was great! I'm so sorry about not getting back to you sooner, I was gling through some stuf-"
He holds his open palm, "Oh, say no more. I understand, you've been very strong amidst your relationship problems and have stayed above it." He compliments you, taking a bite out of his grilled chicken.
Ylu paste on a tense smile, "We all deal with it in our own ways." You sigh, remembering the days you'd spend drinking glass after glass of wine or whatever liquor was available.
"Anyway, so we wanted you for the role of Anne Wheeler, a pink haired trapeze artist and acrobat who falls in love with Hugh Jackman's business partner and protege, Philippe Carlyle." He ponders for a while, "Obviously we had you in mind for Anne, and we also had Ben Hardy in mind for Philippe, but since you were taking a while to give your answer, we honestly did start approaching other people for the roles and since Ben wasn't too keen on the role after finding out we might be going for Zendaya, it was just more work to get done before the production even started, but now that we have you aboard, everything's going according to plan!"
You clench your glass of water at the mention of Zendaya, you were definitely not feeling well enough to be around too many people, "So…" you play with the table napkin, tearing it to smaller bits and pieces starting at the corner, "When does filming start?"
He munches on some mashed potatoes, "We were hoping to start next month so it would probably.take a good 3 to 5 months to shoot, but your filming would probably be shorter since this is focused more in Hugh's character."
You clasp your hands together, "Perfect, I love it!"
"So, we'll send over the contract within a day or two to your manager, and we'll just pick up from there." He stands up to give you a quick hug.
You hop out the car, walking straight to the elevator in your hotel, your manager following closely behind, "He's your phone. Troye told me you broke it after throwing it against the wall." She looks over at me nervously, "I thought it'd be good for you to listen to his voice every now and then."
You take it without saying a word and stuf fit in your pocket, ignoring the constant dings and alerts coming from it as your manager gets off at the 12 floor. You grip the phone tight in your hand. You knew you didn't hate Tom, you walk out the elevator and towards your room, kicking off your shoes and finding more comfortable clothes to wear.
You could never hate him. But a part of you was afraid of all the messages he'd left you you were scared that if you opened them, you'd come crawling back to him, or if you heard him pleading for you to come back, you'd do it in a heartbeat.
You lie in bed, pondering over the phone, technically, you didn't need to open the messages.
0601 you hear a 'click' before a picture of your scrunched up face as Tom kisses your cheek greets you and you feel your heart ache. You open the photo gallery, and while your scrolling through all the pictures and videos, you accidentally press kn a video.
"I am with a child." You laugh as you watch him,it was raining in London, but you two were out and about, "Babe, let's get back to the car. We can just drive there."
You point the camera towards him as he jumps in a puddle, laughing loudly, pulling you along, "What are you doing with that umbrella? Get over here!" He pulls the umbrella away, "I love you." He mumbles before embracing you and giving you a kiss.
You pull away, giving him a look, "We're gonna be late to the movies, you know."
He shrugs, grinning at you and looking you like a lovesick puppy, he pulls you in again, "It's just the movies." He grins against your lips.
And then suddenly the video cuts and you're left there missing him and missing who the two of you used to be.
You smile sadly at the black screen, clutching it closer to your chest as you hug your phone, the closest thing you had to Tom, as you drift off to sleep.
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blackrosesfanfic · 4 years
Chapter 215
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"Okay, Rollie, I'm in the car. What did you find out and where are you?"
He had me on video. "Found your husband. Don't know how long he has been on the balcony but we leaving him there. The cleaning lady is currently cleaning. Aye, Forrest, go sit that weed next to Trey. Let his ass inhale it. This Vegas nigga... let the wind carry it to him."
"He just sleeping on the balcony?"
"Hold on." Rollie whispers.
I hear the balcony door open. A few seconds later I could hear Trey breathing heavily like he was full of cold. Ugh he sounds sick. I shake my head. I can't deal with him. What have you been doing to yourself? Clearly you have not been taking care of yourself.
"Alright. Got some weed burning. Forrest come get this shit and flush it." Rollie says.
"What is it?" I snap.
"Not sure, Baby. Does it really matter? It's in his system, now it's in the toilet. Palms hotel."
I suck my teeth. "He is too obvious. I'm starting to wonder if he was actually trying to hide from me. He talks about that hotel."
"He left you a key, Jay." Rollie says annoyed.
"You mad?"
"Yeah, cause you don't realize how much this dickheaded fuck up is into you. I was fucking worried I would come and find some bitch here. Nobody. Just get here."
I smile. "Whatever."
I hang up the phone and smile the entire time. That's what I was the most worried about. What he had been doing with who. He left me a key. He probably was talking like he wanted to hurt himself to get me away from my babies. Who knows with this dummy I married. I hop out of the car and walk towards the hotel excited.
"Oh my gosh! Cammie!"
"Huh?" I say confused. I don't remember walking by someone I know.
Three people run up to me. Oh shit. I forgot about fans. Who thinks about that? Not me. Dumbass had to stop and see who it was. I didn't wait for Buggiz to get out of the car. It's too late now.
"I love you." The girl says. "You are the hottest wife and Mommy."
"Thank you." I say.
She shoves her purse and a marker at me. "Can you sign this?"
I slowly take the marker. I'm in fucking shock from a fan approaching. Not just a fan but an older fan. I'm used to kids coming up to me. I love my kid fans. Most of them ask permission or just stare at me.
"I was in Atlanta last week and I visited your studio." She says. "You weren't there of course."
"Okay." Someone says as they move her back.
I turn to the voice. Kirven. I smile at him then walk away waving at the girl. She accepted Kirven moving her away from me. I walk into the hotel right into Forrest.
"Hey, baby." I say hugging him.
"Sister in law. I hate your husband."
I giggle letting him go. "Me too. But why I got to be sister in law?"
"Cause you love him."
"Oh shut up, Forester." I say shooing him away. "Why are yall down here?"
Forrest starts walking towards the elevator. "Rollie sent us to get you cause he knew you didn't have any security and this Vegas. Trey would have had you a bodyguard he says."
I roll my eyes. "My brother says a lot these days. You shouldn't listen to him."
"Rollie is a smart man." Buggzi says.
"Oh Buggzi." Forrest says then turns to me "Trey banded me from his room so ask him if I can come back, Cammie." Forrest says pushing the door open.
"He doesn't care."
Forrest doesn't come in. "He was acting really shitty. I rather wait."
"He a bitch." Rollie says walking out the door. "Aye, technically I never got kicked out but I'm bout to go to this party. Come on, Forrest."
"As a single man?" I snap.
Rollie chuckles. "I mean she never really said we were..."
"Don't even." I say shutting the hotel door.
"I'm playing yo." He yells at the door.
I walk out onto the balcony where they said that Trey was. He is sleeping on an egg chair backwards. I'm surprised that he doesn't fall out of it. His head was hanging out of it. Maybe it is just how it looks. I move his head so that he looked more comfortable. I just don't know how this weed is going to help him. I grab his phone and go through it. I call Joyce on it.
"No, ma'am. It's me." I say looking out at the strip. "How are the boys?"
She giggles. "Lane came in here and looked at me. That's all he did then he left back out. Maybe he thought he was here alone or something. But anyway he went back to sleep in Caden's room."
"He does that. He is going to be up all night. April should be there by then though."
"It's fine. He is fine for now."
I sigh. "Yeah I know. Trey is sleeping so hard he doesn't know I'm here. I'm going to go to the store and make him something to eat. I don't wanna think about my stanks too much."
"Yes, because they are fine."
"Okay, Mama. I'm so thankful for the help I have."
"You welcome, Baby. Love you."
I smile. "Love you too."
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I push myself up from the floor where I had been laying for the last few hours. Cammie should be on her way. I hope it' not a dream. I grab my phone and start to call her. There was a text saying she on the way. Maybe I should fucking make it look like I hadn't been on a fucking high for the past two days. I don't know what the fuck going on with me. I feel like shit. I stand in the living room of the suite and look around the room. What the hell happened in here? Did I clean up? No. I didn't. Did I? I walk into the kitchen then go into the bedroom. Everything was clean. Well gotdamn. I dont know. I go into the bathroom. It wasn't clean in here. My clothes were still everywhere. I get into the shower. I turn the water on cold. Feel like I'm about to die of a heat stroke. I feel so hot. Shouldn't have went to sleep on the balcony.
"Jayla?" I say stepping out the shower a few minutes later.
She walks into the bathroom with her hands on her hips. "I'm thinking you fucking checked out. It's clean."
I step out of the shower. "I don't know how."
"Right cause you a pig."
"You look sexy."
She rolls her eyes. "I'm fucking mad at you."
"I know." I nod. "Only reason I knew you were coming cause you texted me and asked if I was hungry."
"And did you answer?"
I laugh. "Baby... Jayla bunny."
She makes a face. "Jayla Bunny? Tremaine, I fucking hate you. You on the phone sounding like shit. I get here and nothing is wrong with you."
"I don't know." I say shrugging and walking towards her. "I needed you."
"Bullshit. I have been home other than dancing. You could have came home."
"Not with the amount of shit I was on." I shrug. "I don't know what the fuck up with me right now. Must have took something. I don't know."
She lets me touch her. "Took something that made you feel better, Tremaine?"
I bring her body close to mine. "Jayla, I dont know. I just know I'm glad to see you."
"Tremaine." She says then sucks her teeth. "I had to leave my baby home."
"Don't make me feel bad." I say then step away from her coughing.
She sucks her teeth. "Eww... are we sick?"
I take a deep breath trying to stop myself from coughing. It just made it worst. Cammie grabs my hand bringing me to the bed.
"Forrest wants to know if he can come over to your room. He back in town." Cammie says rubbing me chest. "If you are sick I don't need you around my baby."
"I'm good." I say as she sits me down. She sucks her teeth. "Forrest is calling again. He doesn't want to stay with Rollie."
I lay back on the bed suddenly exhausted. "I don't care what Forrest does. Why the hell is Rollie in town?"
"Mayweather or something."
"Oh." I say grabbing my throat. "Damn, my throat hurt."
Cammie straddles me. Her body is so warm. I felt nothing but skin making me open my eyes. I look at her sitting on me naked. She is looking to her right at something. I look over towards the direction she was looking. She stands up from the bed walking across the room. I sigh holding my head back against the bed. I feel like shit.
"Tremaine be quiet."
I smile as she straddles me again. I don't know what she did when she walked across the room. She leans down in my face. I sigh. I really don't deserve her. She is beautiful and no matter what I do she stays around. She right there holding me down. She not even asking how many times I attempted to fuck another woman in the last week. Has it been a week since I seen her? How long have I been gone? Fuck was I even doing?
"Tremaine." She says grabbing my face. She looks down at her body. "Fuck it."
She gets up really fast. I look down at my dick. Maybe that is a problem. I laugh a bit to myself. I'm too fucking weak to do anything about it. I start coughing. My dick ain't responding to shit.
"He fucking sick." I hear Cammie snap.
"Sick sick?" My mama asks.
Cammie sucks her teeth. "Coughing and can barely move off the bed. Just good for nothing."
I sit up. "Well damn."
"Im getting on the plane now. You need me to do anything?"
"No." Cammie sighs. "I'm about to message the doctor and get some antibiotics. It's probably strep throat. Must have been tongue kissing death."
Ma laughs really loud. "Well, you love up on him and get him better. What are you going to do about his show tomorrow in Philly?"
"Cancel it and beg the fans not to be upset." Cammie says then grabs my face. "Open."
"Go ahead with that." I snap.
"Ma, I got some serious Mommy powers to unleash."
She giggles. "Okay, Baby. Talk to you later, Maine."
"Aig..." I start coughing.
"Yeah, you sound bad." April says.
Cammie rubs something on my head. "102.2."
"His fever?" April asks.
"Yeah and his throat looks red. I'm sending the doctor a picture when you get off my phone April."
April sighs. "Oh okay then. Bye."
Cammie kisses my cheek. "No talking sir. We need this money marker."
"I'm not fucking sick, Jayla."
"We go through this every time. I swear." She says grabbing my face and squeezing my cheeks together. "Either you get better or you get an infection and be in the hospital. Fight me if you want to."
I don't say nothing else to her. She rolls her eyes at me then takes a picture. I lay there exhausted. Yeah, maybe she is right. Why am I so fucking tired? That shower took all of my energy. Shit.
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thecleverdame · 5 years
The Brown Bottle
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Alpha!Werewolf!Sam x Omega!Werewolf!Reader
Story One of the Moonlight ‘Verse
Summary:  A/B/O - Sam is rough around the edges, you do your best to avoid him until one night you discover he’s your true mate and instincts take over. This is really just a lot of smut and a little plot to ease things along.
Warnings: Knotting, mating, claiming - you know the drill
Words: 3,350
You stop in your tracks, clutching an open hand over your abdomen.
“Shit,” you mumble under your breath as an afterthought. Shit doesn’t quite do this kind of pain justice. This cycle’s heat has brought what your mother, Millie (owner and proprietor of The Brown Bottle), refers to as The Real Motherfuckers. The kind of cramps that stop a woman unexpectedly while on her way to work well after sundown. The two generic suppressants you popped an hour earlier aren’t working as well as you hoped and you find yourself wishing you’d taken a third.
These are indeed The Real Motherfuckers.
It’s looking to be the perfect cap on what’s shaping up to be a truly shitty night. A nearly full moon, unseasonably hot weather, an evening of pouring shots for drunk bikers and now, The Real Motherfuckers. Talk to a cop, emergency doctor or bartender and any of the front line veterans will tell you when the moon is fat in the sky, the crazies came out to play. And that’s not even taking into account every wolf suppressing the urge to shift, howl and run free.
A Saturday night at The Brown Bottle has never disappointed and as you glance back at your aging truck you shake the nagging feeling of something itching, shallow at the back your mind.
“Fuck, I should have called in,” you sigh pulling open the wrought iron door of the back entrance.
The Brown Bottle is the only roadhouse for a hundred miles, tucked along the back roads of a mundane Nebraska backdrop. The evening inevitably starts out with the locals, anyone looking for a cold beer on a weekend somehow finds their way here. The combination of classic rock on the jukebox and whiskey raining from the heavens is too much for people who have quite literally nothing else to do.
The first half of your shift plays out exactly as expected. Two regulars, Toby and Allen, sit in their usual seats; they’re here almost every night and wonderfully predictable. Roy, local trouble maker, and your biggest fan, is well into a ten beer buzz. He’s moved on from staring at your ass to making disgusting propositions about the two of you spending some quality time in men’s room. Roy is a pig, but he’s all talk and he tips well so you roll with it as best you can.
It’s little after eleven when the first of them arrive. You tense up, keeping an eye on them as they spill through the door.
“Hey Benny,” you call loud enough for him hear. Benny’s the nice one.  The only response you get is a friendly nod of his chin in your direction.
He takes a quick survey of the room before heading to the bar. You raise a hand giving him a friendly salute that coaxes a smile.  You already have a beer opened, it’s part of the routine. You play your part, get the drinks out fast and try to keep the peace.
Behind Benny the rest trickle in, sometimes they only ride four strong, the three men and the petite brunette but tonight they have a larger group in tow. They’ve been coming for a few months now, the newest pack to grace Deep Jaw County. Anyone without the knowledge of the creatures that go bump in the night might assume they’re a biker gang, and they wouldn’t be entirely wrong.
Lars, The Brown Bottle’s only short order cook, calls them The Howlers. “They’re the real deal,” he whispers, throwing you warning glance from the kitchen.
Your mother got bit in her late teens, while she was pregnant with you. You imagine it had to be hard, having a baby at seventeen and then finding out you’re going to turn into an animal. She made it work (like she does with everything), flourishing and becoming a strong Alpha as if it was her destiny. She did her best to protect you from this world.
People make the mistake of thinking the change happens all at once, that you hit puberty and suddenly just shift into a wolf when the first full moon rises. It doesn’t. It’s a transitional process that can take years.
Your mother knew you were an Omega the moment your first heat came. She cried in the bathroom for hours. “You have to be careful,” she warned, “every Alpha who smells you will want to mark you, it’s just the biology.”
She wasn’t wrong but you’re used to it by now. Between men and wolves, you’re skilled at the art of making yourself unattainable. That is, until tonight.
You grab your regulars two more beers, double-checking their tabs as “he” approached the bar.
“Sam,” you acknowledge succinctly.
The closer he is the worse the pain in your stomach gets, tight muscles twisting sharply and sending twinges out in all directions.
“Salt,” he quips back. He came up with his own nickname for you after the first night you served him, spilling an unsealed salt shaker into his lap. Now you wonder if he even remembers what your real name is. You assume it’s his attempt at an inside joke but his straight face and unwavering seriousness make you forever uncomfortable.
His lips twist into something predatory as he smells you, every Alpha in the room must know you’re in heat by now; you should have stayed home. Jesus, he’s no different, the scent coming off him is ten times stronger than any Alpha you’ve ever encountered before.
You take a moment to give him the once over he deserves. He’s a brawler for sure but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s incredibly attractive. You’d have to be visually impaired not to notice that strong jaw and handsome face. However, there’s something else under the surface that keeps you at arm’s length. You’ve fucked more than a few bad boys in your time, but he’s is a different story. Sam makes your woman’s intuition scream: keep your legs closed and move away without any sudden movements.
“I’ll get you guys a round.” You go to work quickly as he watches, you can feel his eyes on you, burning into your back. Sam makes you nervous and for good reason. “You want anything special?” you ask over your shoulder.
“Just the regular for now…maybe later you can help me out with something else.” The timbre in his voice is unmistakable, he’s teasing you, in his stoic, unreadable way. You glance back him, searching for a smirk but there’s nothing.
You’re attractive, especially for these parts and it’s not an oddity to have men give you extra attention but it’s not the same with Sam. Most men stare at your butt or brush up against your breasts. But Sam just stares at the back of your head like it’s the new ass and titties. You get the distinct the impression he’s hunting you, watching and taking notes, feeling you out over the last couple of months. You’re pretty sure he’d just as easily fuck you as he’d put a bullet in your brain if you pissed him off.
You’ve been around rough guys your whole life, part of being your mother’s daughter. You can get a read on most people with the first hello. So you know the difference between guys playing dress up, guys who like the open road, a few beers, and good fight…and guys like Sam and his crew. He’s dangerous and not in a come-fuck-me-bad-boy kind of way. You’ve deduced by this point that their M.O. leans more toward bury-your-dismembered-body-in-the-woods.
Needless to say, you have no intentions of letting him between your legs…that is until he touches you.
It’s been a long night and you’re able to sneak out before closing. You fumble for your keys as you walk toward your truck.
“Y/N,” he calls after you.
“What?” you stop hesitantly, unnerved by his mere proximity. All it takes is his hand on your arm in the parking lot, just skin on skin that ignites a spark you never knew was there. For a split second, you pull away as if he’s burned you, looking at him bewildered with a wild stare.
“What the fuck,” you gulp, taking a deep breath as, what can only be described as frantic lust, climbs from your groin up to your chest. Sam scrunches his nose as his lips curls, taking a step toward you.
“Y/N,” he growls again, advancing but not touching you, just hovering as he snarls, breathing in your scent. “You feel it?”
Every muscle in your stomach cramps, pain shooting from most the sensitive parts as you double over. You cry out, looking up to him, “You’re doing this to me?”
You ask the question but the answer is obvious to you both. Sam stalks forward, reaching out and sliding his arm around your waist, your mouths meeting in a frantic union of teeth and tongues. You’re about to let him fuck you on the hood of a rusted out Chevy Caprice when you hear howls and hoops coming from the other side of the parking lot.
Sam pulls away from you, his eyes darting over to the audience you’ve failed to notice.
“Take me upstairs,” you plead sound embarrassingly desperate, a thin sheen of sweat breaking out over your body. Sam ticks his jaw and grabs your arm, dragging you toward the stairs that lead up to the small studio apartment above the bar where you lived when you were a kid.
There’s a constant stream of thoughts, none of them rational and all centered around Sam and how badly you suddenly find yourself needing him.
Once inside he begins peeling clothes off, whipping your shirt over your head before shedding his jacket and shirt. He kisses you hard, one hand in your hair twisting, the other curling around your throat as if he needs the force to bring you to his mouth. He strips you, tugging and pulling clothes until you’re fully nude. Then it’s hands cupping breasts, pinching nipples between rough fingers as his teeth leave a trail of red marks down your shoulders.
“Fuck, I wanna taste you but I need to fuck you first,” he lifts your head up to look at him, his hand cradling your jaw as you stare at him drunk with attraction. Staring at your mouth, shiny lips part as you gaze back at him. “Is this what you want? You want me to fuck you, little Omega? You want everyone to know you’re mine?”
“Yes,” you huff with conviction, the sound getting caught in your throat. This is about more than just sex; if he does this you’ll be mated for life.
“Get on the bed,” he instructs. Your lower lip catches under your teeth as you turn and wander in a haze over to the mattress. Climbing onto the bed you get on all fours before you feel him pushing you forward onto your stomach. Gripping your hip, he rolls you onto your side and then he’s right there, the length of his body pressing into you from behind, one arm under your neck and curled around your chest, the other on your hip pulling your backside into him as his rock hard cock pokes you in the lower back. There’s a strange mix of emotion as you feel him sniff at the back of your neck, breathing in your scent like a feral dog as he scrapes his teeth over skin and hair.
Part of you is scared, but the scent of him is utterly overwhelming. You squirm when his arm tightens around you and he growls in your hair, pressing his face into the back of your skull, breathing in again.
Your senses overcome, Sam moves his hips grinding his erection just enough to ease the friction. His skin is hot and it makes your breath come faster. You begin to melt into him as if mother nature is taking over and making your decisions for you. It’s almost familiar, he has his own manly scent but there something more. You inhale, drawing it into your lungs and your body begins to hum hotter. It’s a low vibration from somewhere deep inside your belly.  The more of him you breathe in the more your body relaxes and turns itself on, your hips canting back against his cock.
A true bond. This is what it feels like.
It’s only a moment of your panting before his hand slides over your hip and down your stomach. You hiss as two of his fingers find your cunt. He misses your clit but the near pressure makes you buck forward into his hand. He groans with satisfaction as he scoops two fingers into your cunt to find you wet, really wet. Satisfied, rubbing your slick between his thumb and middle finger, he withdraws his hand and huffs behind you, “I’m gonna make you mine, fuck you open.”
You close your eyes, sends up a silent prayer. You’re well aware of what’s about to happen, he’s a strong Alpha and your heat has triggered his rut.
“Please don’t hurt me,” you whisper, trapped between logic and your own physical response to him. Your hand slides down to cover his where his fingers are playing over your clit, urging him not to stop. Your words might be hesitant but you don’t want him to mistake them for true apprehension. You’ve never wanted anything more in your life than for him to push inside you.
He lifts you onto your side, moving behind you. “I’ll never hurt you,” his hand reaches under you, sliding over your stomach before grazing over your clit again. When he gets the reaction he’s looking for, a whimper accompanied by the cant of your hips, he presses hard, sliding back and forth over the little bundle of nerves. “I’m gonna put my pups in your belly tonight.”
“Alpha,” you groan, wanting nothing more in this moment than for him to do exactly what he’s promising. You have no idea who he is, this man who hours ago was practically a stranger is now the person you want to give yourself to in every possible way.  You’ve never felt anything as strong as the need to have him knot you. He continues to rub your clit, faster now as everything between your legs is wet and ready.
With two hands he hauls your hips into higher into the air, manhandling you like a rag-doll as the head of his cock finds it’s way inside you.
You yelp as he slides deep, his hips stutter against your ass for a moment before pulling back and driving back into you with force. He grunts as he holds your body in place and then he does just as he promised: he fucks you, he fucks you hard and fast until you see stars.
He feels you pushing back into him, your pink mouth falling open as he fucks you with the length of his cock, letting it slip almost all the way out before sinking back, deeper than before.
“Does my cock feel good inside you?” he asks.
Your cunt clenches around him, tightening at his words. You whimper in response, shivering  “Yes, so good.”
“Who do you belong to?” Sam commands, fisting a hand into the hair at the back of your head.
“Yours, I’m yours,” you cry, lost somewhere between the wet slap of your bodies and Sam’s barks of pleasure as you moan his name, begging him not to stop. At that moment there is nothing more the feeling of him rutting into you desperately, it’s primal. You’re wet enough that he’s sliding easily and his going deep enough that it’s bringing you incredible pleasure that borders on mind-numbing.
All this stimulation combined with your body’s response to his pheromones is like being in a dream state. You’re on the edge of orgasm for what feels like a lifetime, his cock sliding firm and hard, hitting a place inside you that you’ve never reached before.
As a general rule, you’re not hard to get off, a few well-placed strokes can send you careening over the edge but now, as Sam’s balls slap into you with each push of his hips it occurs to you that your body is reacting to his in a whole new way. You won’t come until he does, it’s nature’s way of making sure you’re ready for everything he’s got to give.
This isn’t fucking, you’re mating.
“Oh my god,” you moan as the realization somehow flips a switch inside you, pushing your hips back into his desperately.
Sam rolls you onto your belly, holding you just off the bed as he begins to grunt enthusiastically, shoving harder and faster, until you feel something, a tightness growing around his cock where it’s pumping at a furious pace.
“Gonna knot you, little Omega,” Sam growls, pulling your body back in tune with the rhythm of his hips. You feel the tight ring of muscle around the base of his dick expanding in size, stretching your pussy beyond anything you ever felt before.
“Sam,” you call out, reaching forward with arms flailing you find nothing but sheets to grab onto. His knot, now at it’s widest, is keeping his dick from sliding inside you, but he’s still moving his hips as you both rock into the mattress.
It’s at this point several things happen simultaneously. Sam practically howls a wild guttural sound that’s truly inhuman as he comes. You feel him spilling hot inside you, pulse after pulse of his seed fills, and fuck if you can’t actually feel it. It’s this new sensation that sends you over your own peak, chanting Alpha, Alpha, as your eyes roll back into your skull, mouth hanging open as pleasure racks your body.
You’re clenching and convulsing around his cock as Sam grabs a fist full of hair and yanks backward, your breasts arching off the bed. There’s a split second where you realize what’s happening before his teeth sink into your neck. You scream as skin breaks and he claims you, making you his in a very permanent, physical way. His mouth seals over the wound, tongue lapping over your torn flesh…
Time feels like it stops.
You lie tangled around one another, his mouth on your neck and cock in your cunt until your heart stops pounding and you can breathe again. Grunting, his lips pop free of the bite at your neckline.
“Are you okay?” he asks breathlessly, releasing your hair as your head falls limply to the mattress. You can feel his breath at your ear as he nuzzles affectionately, his nose rubbing the skin just behind your earlobe.
“I think so,” you reach behind you, placing at hand on his hip. “I’ve never felt like this before.”
“I hope not,” he grins wrapping two arms under you and rolling you both onto your side. His cock tugs inside you, still trapped and his strong body curls around yours. His hand spreads wide over your stomach making you arch back into him.
“This is…bizarre,” you confess as exhaustion washes over you.
“What is?” he asks.
“This feeling,” you turn your head to try to look at him, but all you get are his lips trailing down your neck, “like love and need and desperation. Is this…what you want?”
It’s a little late to ask now. He could just as easily fuck you, claim you and leave you a marked Omega if he wanted. There are few things that bring more shame in your world than a claimed but unwanted Omega.
He makes a satisfied sound, pressing the palm of his hand over your belly button. “I’m gonna make you the mother of my children, I’ll always take care of you.”
His words sink in as you lay together, hands traveling over skin, lips anywhere and everywhere until you fall asleep surrounded by his body and his smell.
After this, everything will change, and it’s only the beginning of your story.
This and other stories are available on my Patreon (including the porn gifs I can’t post here on Tumblr). If you’re interested in getting early access to stories and Patreon Exclusive content please check out my $2 memberships!
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bentaylorrogerhardy · 5 years
Lily of the Valley - Part 2
Joe Mazzello! x Reader!
Summary: Being a young, single mom that worked full-time was hard. When you weren’t working, you were taking care of your five year old daughter, Lily. You had given up on dating after many failed attempts. That was until after a rough day of dealing with your ex boyfriend, your best friend introduced you to Joe.
Word count: 2,017
Warnings: cussing, mentions of drinking/being drunk/alcohol
A/N: next chapter features a certain somebody....enjoy!
(part 1 is in my masterlist in my description!)
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You pulled into the employee parking lot of the hospital, parking the car and heading up to the third floor. Heading to the nurses station, you were greeted by Kristen and Jana, who were sitting at two of the computers behind the desk.
“Good morning, (Y/N)!” Kristen said cheerfully, a smile beaming on her face.
“Morning, K,” you said, returning the smile and setting your purse under the desk. You walked over to the other available computer and started reading through the reports, checking to see if the doctor’s left any notes regarding your patients, if anyone needed any medications, and checking to see if anything else needed to be done.
“So,” Jana said, wheeling her chair over to you, “how was Lily this morning?”
“So excited,” you smiled, pulling out your phone and showing her and Kristen the photos you had taken that morning.
“She is literally the cutest kid ever,” Jana laughed, “she’ll do great today.”
“I hope so,” you smiled, locking your phone and putting it back into your purse, “I have to pick her up from Chad’s when I get off.”
“Ugh,” they both groaned with looks of disgust on their faces.
“What?” you asked, “he’s still her dad whether we like it or not.”
“Unfortunately,” Kristen mumbled, turning her attention back to the computer.
“Hey, now,” you said, holding your hands up in defense, “he’s been stepping up lately.”
“Only because he doesn’t want to go back to court for child support,” Jana said, crossing her arms over her chest,
“Which he has yet to pay you,” Kristen added, “but it is hard to pay child support when you don’t have a job.”
“We can discuss all of this later, girls.” You sighed, getting up from the computer chair and grabbing your clipboard, “we all have a job to do.”
A few hours had passed and before you knew it, it was time for your lunch break. You, Kristen, and Jana all took lunch together and decided to go to a little restaurant near the hospital.
“So,” Jana said, taking a bite of her grilled cheese sandwich, “what are the plans for tonight?”
“We should go out!” Kristen exclaimed, “let’s go get dinner or something.”
“That sounds fun and all, but I think you two often forget I have a five year old and a bedtime of eight o’clock,” you laughed, taking a sip of your water, then setting the cup back down.
“Eight o’clock? Really, (Y/N)?” Kristen asked, “you work hard, you deserve to have a night out!”
“When was the last time you actually went out and enjoyed it?” Jana asked, turning her attention to you.
“I don’t know,” you sighed, fiddling with your fork, “a couple months ago?”
“You’re never gonna meet anybody staying at home watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians reruns,” Kristen said, “you have to go out and meet people.”
“I gave up trying to meet someone ages ago. After that last date I went on, it’s gonna take an awful lot to impress me. Plus, I have to look out for Lily, too,” you stated, “who all would be going out tonight, anyway?”
“Well, Oscar and I, and Jana and David,” Kristen said. Oscar and Kristen had been together since high school, around the time you and Chad started dating back then, and Jana and David had been together for almost two years.
“Yeah, see. I’m not for the whole fifth wheeling thing,” you sighed, “maybe another night.”
“Oscar can bring his friend Isaac!” Kristen stated. Jana turned to her with a look of disgust on her face,
“K, he smells like hot dog water,” she said, causing you to burst into a fit of laughter.
“I’ll just take a rain check,” you laughed, “I’ll come another night.” The three of you finished up eating and then headed back to the hospital.
“What about him?” Jana whispered to you, motioning to the attractive doctor that was walking past the nurses station.
“He’s married,” you said, flipping through your paperwork.
“How do you know?” She asked, putting a hand on her hip,
“I don’t know, I think the wedding ring gave it away,” you chuckled, shaking your head. You picked up the clipboard from off the counter and headed over to the computer to start filling out your patients reports. You glanced at the clock and noticed it was already four o’clock; only two more hours until your shift was over. Just then, the phone on the desk that Kristen was sitting at started ringing.
“UCLA Medical Center, this is Kristen. How can I help you?” she answered the phone, “Yeah, just a second.” She put the phone on hold and set it down, “(Y/N), phonecall.”
“Who is it?” you asked, turning around to face her.
“Lily’s school,” she said. Your eyes got wide, quickly getting up from your chair and walking over to her desk, picking up the phone, “this is (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“Hi, Miss (L/N). This is Mrs. Martin from Meadowlane Elementary. I’m calling to see if someone was on their way to pick up Lily,” she said, “carpool ended about 15 minutes ago.”
“Yeah, her dad was supposed to pick her up,” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“We tried calling Mr. Prescott and got no answer,” she said, her voice almost filled with pity. Of course he didn’t show up.  
“Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can. Thank you,” you sighed, slamming the phone down, letting out a frustrated groan, “son of a bitch.”
“What happened?” Kristen asked, leaning back in her chair.
“Chad didn’t show up to pick Lily up from school,” you said, grabbing your purse from under the desk, rummaging through it to grab your keys.
“Typical,” Jana mumbled, “can’t wait to hear his excuse this time.”
“I don’t wanna hear it right now,” you snapped, throwing your purse over your shoulder, “cover for me?”
“Yeah, we got it covered. Go!” Kristen said, shooing you out. You speedily walked to the elevator then got in, pressing the ground level button. When you reached your car, you started it and headed to the hospital, all while trying to call Chad.
First time, it rang and rang. No answer. Second time, it rang and rang, again. No answer. Third time, it rang and rang.
“What do you want?” he said when he finally answered the phone.
“I really hope you have a good explanation,” you snapped, turning out of the parking lot.
“For what? I don’t have to explain myself to you,” he laughed on the other end of the phone.
“You do when you forget to pick up your daughter from school!” you yelled, “what the fuck, Chad?!”
“Oh, shit,” he said, followed by an exasperated sigh. “Look, I’m sorry. I forgot.”
“So now, I have to leave work early, go pick her up, bring her to my sisters, then go back to work, if I even have a job anymore; all because what? You got drunk last night, again? Spending all that money on alcohol, when you can’t even give me fifty bucks to feed your daughter!” you yelled, “I have no issue taking you back to court if that’s how you wanna do things.”
“I don’t have a job, how the fuck do you expect me to give you any money?!” he yelled back.
“THE SAME WAY YOU GET MONEY FOR BOOZE!” you yelled, turning into the school parking. It was empty, being that school was over and everyone was gone for the day, with the exception of a few teachers. You turned into a parking spot and slammed the car in park.
“Just let me know when you’re home, I’ll come by and see her for a bit,” he said, his voice calm now.
“No,” you said, “you can see her another day. Now, I’m gonna hang up, so I can go get Lily. Get your shit together.”  
“(Y/N), I-,” he started, but you hung up, cutting him off. Shutting the car off, you got out and headed inside and to the front office and up to the counter by the secretary.
“Hi, I’m (Y/N) (Y/L/N), Lily’s mom,” you told the woman, presumably Mrs. Martin. There was a small window looking into one of the offices behind the desk, where you could see Lily was sitting. Her pigtails a mess from the day, she sat at a table doing what looked like some coloring.
“Let me go get her,” she smiled, standing up from her chair and heading back into the office. A few minutes later, she returned with her, hand in hand, while Lily’s other hand was clutching onto her artwork, and her little, pink backpack on her shoulder.
“Hi, mommy!” she giggled, running up to you. You smiled and leaned down, engulfing her in a big hug.
“Hi, my baby!” you said, kissing the top of her head, “how was school?”
“It was soooo fun, mommy. I love school!” she giggled, holding up the coloring sheet she was holding. It was a pig, colored in every color imaginable. “Look!”
“It’s beautiful,” you said, then looked up at Mrs. Martin, “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”
“No need to apologize,” she said, “I loved having the company.”
“Lils, what do you say to Mrs. Martin?” you asked, taking a hold of her hand.
“Thank you,” she smiled.
“Oh, you’re very welcome!” she smiled back at her, then the two of you headed back out to the car. You got Lily into her carseat and settled in, then got in drivers seat, then headed to your moms to drop her off.
“I’m sorry you had to wait, my girl.” you said, looking back at her through the rear view mirror, “but, I’m gonna drop you off at Aunt Casey’s, because I have to go back to work for a little bit.”
“Daddy was supposed to come get me,” she said, fiddling with a toy she had found in the back seat.
“I know, and I’m gonna talk to him about it later. Tell me how school was!” You said, quickly changing the subject, “meet any cute boys?”
“Eww, no!” She giggled, “boys are gross.”
“That’s my girl,” you laughed, pulling into your sisters driveway then getting out and heading up to the door.
“Lily!” She exclaimed when she opened the door, “how’s my girl?”
“Good,” she smiled, pushing past her and walking inside.
“Can you watch her till I get off?” You asked, “Chad was supposed to get her, but…”
“Typical Chad?” She asked, rolling her eyes, “wouldn’t expect anything else.”
“Yeah, I’m not getting into it right now, but I’ll pick her up when I get off,” you stated.
“Yeah, I’d love to,” she smiled.
“Thank you,” you sighed with relief, “I owe you.”
You made your way back to the car, then headed back to work.
“Everything good?” Kristen asked when you got back to work and set your stuff down.
“Yeah, I guess so,” you sighed, plopping down in the computer chair.
“He have a good excuse?” Jana asked.
“Does he ever?” You scoffed, “he ‘forgot’.”
“Woooow,” Kristen said, rolling her eyes.
“Yeah, but it’s good now. My sisters gonna watch her,” you said, getting up from the chair and walking over to the counter, looking through your last patient files for the day, sighing, “I need a drink.”
“Come out with us tonight,” Kristen said, leaning back in the desk chair, “it’ll be fun!”
“I don’t know,” you sighed, resting your elbow on the counter, “I suppose I can get my sister to watch Lily for the rest of the night.”
“Yes! I’ll get David to bring one of his friends, Joe, for you,” Jana said, “he’s an actor, he lives here in LA, and he’s looking to start dating, too.”
“I told you, I kind of already gave up on dating,” you said.
“Just give Joe a shot,” she said, pulling out her phone to text David, “I think you two will really hit it off.”
Tags: @pietrorunsforme @okiegirl24 @joalsglasses @toger-raylor
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darkgothamnights · 6 years
his demons (recap)
mun: hey guys I thought I would give a recap before I post part six of his demons the story that was inspired by @luvroffictionalcharacters now this might be edited a little and some parts are freshly added but I hope you enjoy
Joker smiled as he watched his henchmen load up the truck for a robbery, this time was different though they weren’t robbing a bank they were robbing a business man. This man had recently betrayed joker so as the clown king of crime he had to set an example by teaching this ass a lesson, joker smiled wide when he thought of what was planned for today but his smile faded as he felt something was missing. With a snarl he shook that feeling knowing exactly what it was, the king was lonely and he needed a queen but he wasn’t in the mood to play matchmaker he had hell to pay. “Boss everything is ready we leave on your signal” frost said to the green haired man who smiled at him, “tell the boys to wreck the place,” frost looked concerned as he thought joker would have surely wanted to come with them. “But boss your-” joker interrupted his right hand man with a growl “you pain in the ass, fine we’ll take the limo” he said grabbing his coat and throwing it on, he really wasn’t in the mood but maybe breaking this guy’s legs would help him lighten up. Joker and frost got in the limo and drove with the rest of joker’s squad to his ex-partner’s office building, as joker watched his henchmen work he smiled watching all the fearful faces and glares of hate mixed with disgust. Gleefully he walked to the elevator taking it to the top floor to pay a visit to his once proud ally, once there joker walked down the hall and was about to open his office door when he heard a scream. He turned around to see a woman, probably his Secretary, standing there shaking in fear; joker smiled admiring her curves and how her dress hugged them just as tight as he wanted to. Putting a finger to his rose red lips he hushed her slowly walking closer “shhhh we wouldn’t want to alert the press now would we”, he purred licking his lips “now sweetheart tell daddy your name” joker watched her face change from a feeling of fear to disgust “what no you creep leave me alone” she said before throwing the papers she was holding at him and running to the fire escape and down the stairs. Joker growled punching the wall until his hand started to bleed, he snarled watching the blood flow before turning around to walking into the man’s office. He burst through the door “look if you don’t want your death to be slow and painful you’re going to speak fast and tell me what i want to know. understood” the man put his hands up and nodded “good, now where’s the file for your sweet Secretary” he pointed to the filing cabinet “top draw her names-” joker interrupted the man tired of hearing his stupid whiny voice “shut the fuck up!” taking out his gun joker whacked him over the head with it making the man bleed and shake from fear. As joker stood there he read her file finding her full name her address her work history everything, a dark smile spread across his face but his happiness was interrupted by the man trying to speak again “didn’t i tell you to shut your cock sucking mouth” joker said before emptying his gun into the man’s head watching him bleed out all over his desk with a smile. Joker laughed as he walked out of the office and to the elevator “now it’s time to find my queen” he said with a smirk as he called for frost, “hey frosty there’s a girl in the building its his Secretary she should be on her way down, don’t let her leave” joker said with a wide grin that would put the devil to shame “I have plans to make her mine”. Joker hummed a song to himself as he rode the elevator down to the lobby, he had the biggest smile on his face with his cane in one hand and his gun in the other. His blood still flowed from him punching the wall, it stained his shirt as he walked toward the entrance. Once out of the elevator he could see frost and the secretary and if it was even possible his smile widen into a devilish grin, “hello baby,” joker said watching her squirm in frosts grip “what do you want with me you freak” she said angrily glaring at him. joker chuckled at her anger she was cute when she was mad sadly her attitude towards him was a bit off putting but he was still a bit turned on by the fact that she wasn’t afraid of him, leaning in close he looked into her eyes seeing a spark of curiosity “what I want from you is simple, I’ll give you the world in return for your company and loyalty” joker smiled as she looked at him with wide eyes. As the three stood there in silence jokers patience had begun to run thin as she just stared at him like he was speaking a different language, “I’m offering you Gotham on a platter and your just going to stand there,” joker looked at her confused as she just stared at him with bewilderment “that’s it you have no choice, frost take her to the car”. as frost took her away she stuttered and protested demanding to know why but joker just ignored her for now he would deal with her later, taking a gun from one of his henchmen he shot straight up getting the attention of everyone in the room “listen up the cops are on their way here when they get here I want you to tell them who was here and not what happened if I hear word that any of you told what I did here today ill rip out your throats out”. joker snarled these people looked genuinely scared he hated the look of fear in their eyes maybe because he’s had that look many times before but if that’s what had to be done to get his way then so be it, he turned slightly sighing as he heard sirens “I know these pigs all too well” he smiled before running out to the car anxious to play with his new pet. The ride home was expectantly quiet and a little awkward but joker didn’t mind, he probably wouldn’t have been able to pay attention to anything she said anyway. He just sat there smiling wide his cane in one hand and his gun holstered his legs crossed, the blood from his hand was dripping on the seat and his face seemed to express that he was in deep thought. He sat there admiring her loveliness and all her glory from her crossed legs to her sweet lips joker was mesmerized, but the thing he could seem to get off his mind was her frame and the way her dress hugged her curves just as tight as he wanted to. Joker licked his lips hungrily thinking of all the dirty things he could do to those curves, he purred watching her eyes as she looked around the at her surroundings finding it funny how she looked everywhere but at him. Frowning he looked confused and was about to speak but Frost stopped the car as they pulled up to the mansion, joker got out and frost opened her door letting her out of the car. He gave frost a look that meant for him to take a hike for a while so he could be alone with her, frost nodded getting back in the car and driving off leaving the two alone “ladies first” joker purred watching as she sashayed to the door and inside with him close behind. “Home sweet home” he said joyously as She looked away rolling her eyes “what do you want freak why am I here” she said looking angrily at him, he looked at her his face serious and his eyes pleading as he spoke “I want….I need you to give me something money can’t buy and not even the best thieves can steal”. as she looked at him her expression changed from anger to confusion “I want you, see as the king of crime I do get very lonely and you can change that” he caressed her arm and she pulled away looking at him with disgust “don’t touch me you crazy bastard” she said through gritted teeth, joker felt like he had just gotten stabbed like all he asked for was too much and he deserved to be treated that way after all he did kidnap her. Joker thought maybe if he was different she would have reacted nicer maybe if he wasn’t crazy she would be more interested in him, His eyes looked sad and he turned his back on her walking away “your dismissed I’ll tell frost to take you home” he said before walking into his office and locking the door behind him. he snarled taking off his jacket throwing it across the room he was so angry with himself feeling so frustrated with what he was, joker ran his bloody hand through his green hair and sat down in his chair taking a diamond necklace out his pocket “she thinks I’m a freak maybe if I wasn’t this way she would…” Joker stopped getting an idea as to go he could win her over. A smile spread across his face as the clown king giggled to himself holding the diamonds in his bleeding hand he walked over to the mirror, he looked at his face seeing how different and unnatural it was soon his giggles turned into howling laughter at the dark and evil trick his insane mind came up with. Joker sat in his office deep in thought as he tried to build up the courage for what he was about to do, it had been three days since he seen her and a lot has changed since they saw each other last. Joker had made the preparations for his plan and now all he had to do was put it into action which for him was unfortunately the hard part, his hands shook as was about to take a sip of his drink but sat the glass back down on his desk instead. Joker sighed running his hands through his hair as he stood to his feet walking over to the balcony, as he leaned on the railing he noted the unusual amount of silence that he wasn’t normally used to. Earlier that day He sent all the henchmen home except for frost who insisted on staying and helping joker which he was very happy for because without frost joker would be a mess, He growled lowly wondering how the hell one woman could make him so fucking pissed at himself and make him feel so weak with just the bat of an eyelash she could have him on his knees and he hated that but he needed her. Frost walked into joker’s office with the package he asked him to pick up “is everything ready?” Joker asked his right hand man, frost nodded “we leave when you’re ready sir” frost said with a small smile before walking out of the office. Joker walked over to the gift he had bought for her which was a cute teddy bear holding a jewelry box peeking into the box joker saw the ring he specially picked out for her, a smile spread across his face as he admired the gift but his smile faded as he looked towards the mirror. Walking closer joker looked at himself in the mirror all of his distinctive features gone; all his tattoos, his green hair, his red lips, hell even his dark eyes that struck fear into anyone who looked into them were gone. Since having the genius plan of if i look normal maybe she would like me joker had called up an old friend who owed him a favor and told him his plan, even though he had his doubt’s joker still went through with his plan to win her over. It took a while to fix him and for him to get used to his new look but once he took a walk down the street and no one screamed his name no cops tried to arrest him he knew his plan would work, joker smiled as he looked in the mirror he could fool anyone maybe even batman. But the real question was could he fool her, that’s a question he wished he had the answer to “this plan is fool proof” he said to himself before grabbing the gift and leaving his office. Frost was waiting for him outside “frosty take the day off I’ll call you in the morning” he said as he got into the driver’s seat, “yes boss” frost said as he went to the garage to pick up his car and drive home. Joker chuckled as he sped off “i can’t wait to play with my new toy” he said happily, he was anxious to see her reaction but even more anxious to get what he has been craving all this time, a playmate. Joker sat quietly in the corner of the coffee shop waiting for his newest obsession to walk in, he checked the time knowing that she would be here right about now he had frost follow her and make sure she was on her way here. He tried to wait but he was getting impatient now he was getting restless and uneasy, for the first time since his one bad day he started to doubt himself and worry about what would happen. Joker laughed and chuckled to himself this one girl just this one girl was changing him in ways years and years of therapy never could, he smiled looking at the cute teddy bear holding the box he had brought for her but soon his smile faded. Who am I kidding he thought to himself this would never work she’s too smart she will know who I am and hate me she will think I’m a monster and that I’m crazy, he growled snarling but his eyes showed sadness he crushed the glass he was holding until it cracked and broke into pieces making his hand bleed. “Oh my are you alright sir” said a worried waitress said as she rushed over to help him which he didn’t physically respond to, for a moment he forgot where he was and what or who he was pretending to be “oh yeah I’m fine just an accident, I’m so sorry” he faked like he cared about the stupid glass and his bleeding hand but in reality he could care less all he wanted was her. But things don’t always go your way he told himself cause you’re a fucking psychotic monster who kills people you don’t deserve her or any love for that matter, his mind was a battle field and he was on the losing side with no hail Mary’s and no back up no one to help him until she walked in. He stood up and watched her every move mesmerized by her beauty that is until the annoying waitress’ dumb voice demanded his attention, “sir please let me see your hand” she said and he just ignored her as he would anyone else and grabbed the bear with his other hand to run to her. He smiled at her as she said her order to the man behind the counter that repeated it back to make sure he got it right “excuse me miss”, joker shocked himself with how small and meek his voice was as he spoke to her “I noticed you came to this coffee shop and I really,” he stopped wondering if he should finish that sentence. He forced himself to speak and tell her how he felt “I really like you and would like to get to know you,” this was worse than any torture he could do, she smiled at him which confused him for a moment until she spoke “I have some free time now if you want to have lunch” he sighed with relief and looked down at the bear in his hands. “Oh and I brought you a gift, I hope you don’t mind” he shrugged and gave her the bear with the box which made her smile widen, “aw thank you, what’s in the box” she asked “open it” he said looking her in the eyes and she bit her lip. She took off the red ribbon and opened the box then gasped at the beautiful sight, her jaw dropped as she looked shocked at the diamond necklace and earring set inside it. “Oh my, this is beautiful, I can’t accept this gift” she said humbly and he frowned a bit afraid she didn’t like it, “but it’s for you, I had it custom made” he furrowed his brows and looked at her with sad baby blue eyes. She closed the box and hugged him tightly “thank you so much this is amazing” she said politely, he smiled and she turned as the lady brought her coffee order “thank you” she said and took them to go cup. He chuckled at her polite little voice and her kind ways “what’s so funny she said to him with a smile bright enough to make the sun jealous, he shook his head and his smile widened "nothing, it’s just you’re so nice and polite” she giggled and jokers heart melted “well what can I say I was raised to be kind” she smirked. Joker was surprised this was working and it was going so well which also surprised him even more, she looked down and almost screamed “oh god your hand its bleeding” he looked at his hand which had created a small puddle on the floor. He put both his hands up in surrender showing his palms “hey it’s okay It was just an accident no need to worry”, she looked at him scared and confused as to why he wasn’t panicking about his hand “okay how about we meet some other time cause I really think you should get that checked out” she said lowly. He sighed not wanting to leave her this was going so we’ll but he also didn’t want to worry her or risk getting his cover blown cause he didn’t care about his health or wellbeing, he nodded and looked down at his hand as it bled “okay how about Saturday evening at primantis” she said sweetly “okay, I can do that” he faked a smile and she rubbed his arm. He almost purred as she softly and tenderly touched him “see you Saturday? Uh what’s was your name?” She asked curiously, he smiled “joe, Joe carr” he gave a small chuckle and she shook his other hand “well it’s nice to meet you Joe”. She turned and left the coffee shop and joker sighed thinking maybe this idea could work but his thoughts were interrupted by the waitress, “sir do you need a towel for that” she asked helpfully but he and he shook his head “I’ll go to a doctor or something” he said hopefully convincingly. He quickly walked out looking around to find the car that frost was in, turning to the left he heard a honk from a black truck and he knew it was frost so he rushed to the car and got in. “So?” Frost asked looking at joker in the rear view mirror “we have a date Saturday evening at primantis” he said getting the stuff to stop the bleeding, frost smiled and started the car “it went well I’m assuming” joker nodded “enough for me to see her Saturday”.
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miss-zei · 7 years
Every Second Counts
Pair: GaLu (Gajeel x Lucy)
Word Count: 9,477
AN: A Halloween-y fic for the lovely @mistye-dawne, I hope it spoops you!
It had been about six months since Lucy had started to IM with Gajeel before she finally asked for his number. She remembered just how shocked he had seemed at her request—it had actually been quite humorous.
Irondeath: Shut up! You just took me by surprise, that’s all.
Starryeyedbunny: So… is this a rejection? I’m hurt!
Irondeath: No just… dammit bunny you are embarrassing me. 521-7001
Starryeyedbunny: How am I embarrassing you?! I should be the one who is embarrassed!
Irondeath: Just text me so I have your number too all right? Damn.
Starryeyedbunny: lol yes sir!
They’d texted all through the night after that. Something that might seem silly to get excited about, but then… It had been a long time since anybody had actually managed to catch Lucy’s attention.
She’d met Gajeel on a dating app for locals in her area. He’d been the first guy who hadn’t asked for more pictures than the ones that she had posted. Or hadn’t sent any…unrequested pictures of his own.
She also had liked the fact that he didn’t ask for her number right off the bat. Lucy kind of liked to use the app’s messenger for a while, just to be sure that she only gave her cell phone number to guys who she was actually interested in. It made her feel safer that way.
One of her good friends, Cana Alberona, had been a bit on the careless side and gave out her number somewhat haphazardly. Because of that, she wound up with quite a few stalkers, one of which actually warranted obtaining a restraining order. It had been terrifying to everybody involved.
Lucy had let Cana stay with her for a couple weeks during that time.
It had been somewhat daunting to see the normally confident young woman to be so…scared. In all the years that she had known Cana, Lucy had never seen her in the state that she had been then. Which, of course, was entirely understandable.
The guy—they’d later found out—had been an escaped institutionee. He’d been locked back up the moment the police caught him creeping outside of Lucy’s apartment complex.
So even though all of that was done and over with, Lucy was extra cautious when it came to online dating. Truthfully, if it weren’t for the fact that Lucy didn’t have any other means to meet men, Lucy probably wouldn’t have even considered the option.
Presently, Lucy was working at a call center. While it allowed her plenty of time to work on her stories, it did cut into her socializing skills quite a bit. It wasn’t until her co-worker, Levy, suggested trying out a dating site that she had been using. She’d said that it was pretty good. And that it was even how she’d met her current boyfriend, Freed Justine.
“You just need to know when to say ‘no.’ Because some of the guys on there are a bit…off.” Levy had given Lucy plenty of tips before helping the blonde to set up an account. She’d certainly appreciated the assistance.
Gajeel had actually been one of the first people to start talking with her. At first, Lucy had been hesitant , because it seemed strange to talk to a complete stranger with the intention to become…involved romantically.
Apparently, Gajeel had felt just as weirded out about the whole thing as she was. Which had been surprisingly reassuring to Lucy. They texted throughout the day, pretty much everyday since they first started messaging.
Lucy realized what it was like to fall in love with somebody before even meeting them. So Lucy had worked up the courage to try to push their relationship to the next level, in a way. How Lucy saw it was, if they trusted each other enough to share their phone numbers…then perhaps they could trust each other to meet in person.
It was interesting though, because despite how they would text, Gajeel also seemed partial to using the messenger on the dating app that they’d met on. Lucy didn’t really think all that much of it. Perhaps he enjoyed the layout on the app more.
Irondeath: Let’s go see a movie, or get something to eat.
Starryeyedbunny: lol okay, you could have texted me that you know
Irondeath: Is this you…rejecting me?
Starryeyedbunny: I can’t believe you! Yes. Let’s do both! I heard that new Fairy Tail movie is finally in theaters, so we could go see that and maybe get something to eat after?
Irondeath: sounds good to me bunny, should I pick you up or do you want to meet there?
Starryeyedbunny: I can meet you there! Wear something in one of your pictures so I know it’s you!
Irondeath: The piercings won't be enough?
Starryeyedbunny: …. Good point… I will see you at the AMC around 8? I just checked the times.
Irondeath: Sounds good to me, see you in a bit.
Lucy’s heart had been racing after that conversation, it had just about beaten out of her chest actually. For they had finally set a time and a place to meet. Lucy was excited and had immediately called Levy over for outfit help.
“Lucy Heartfilia needs help picking out a dress? When did pigs learn how to fly?!” Levy had joked, but of course she came over to help.
Lucy had looked breathtaking during their first date. While the blonde hadn’t left the apartment without being certain that this would be the case, seeing the look on Gajeel’s face when he first caught sight of her had been enough to take her breath away as well.
Their following dates all went well, and soon they were hanging out on a regular basis. Lucy couldn’t help but notice that nearly every time they made plans, it was through the dating app.
Until now.
For the first time since they’d started texting… Gajeel texted her, saying that he would be over that night.
It hadn’t really taken Lucy by surprise when he switched to messaging her on the dating app soon after that. She was going to have to actually ask him about that one day. It wouldn’t be a big deal if it didn’t eat up so much of her data while she was at work.
She decided that she would cook dinner for him. At this point in their relationship, they had actually been seeing each other for close to four months. Yet during all that time…she hadn’t made him dinner once. Usually they ordered takeout or pizza. Then one night he had even made her dinner, so she supposed it was time to break out the frying pan and wash off all the cobwebs. Lucy couldn’t remember the last time she had cooked for even herself.
By the time nine p.m. rolled around, Lucy finished making dinner. She sighed before walking to the island where her touchscreen laptop sat. She pulled up the dating app’s video chat and poked Gajeel’s face with her only non-grimy finger. She walked away fromt he computer so that she could wash her hands.
“Yo, Bunny—nice ass.” Lucy rolled her eyes, but she was smiling as she swayed her hips enticingly. “What did I do to deserve this show?” he asked after a moment.
Lucy turned, wiping her hands dry on a clean dishrag. “When are you going to get here? Dinner will get cold! I figured you would be on your way by now. I wasn’t really expecting you to answer.” Lucy watched as the sly grin fell from Gajeel’s face.
“What do you mean, Bunny?” he asked, frowning. “You should have told me if you wanted me to come over. I was kind of just planning on staying in tonight.”
This confused Lucy. “Do you need to see a doctor?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. “You are the one who asked to hang out tonight, remember?” Lucy groaned. “I made dinner and everything!”
“Bunny? When did I ask that? We’ve only messaged a little bit today.”
Leaning against the counter, Lucy tried to remember an exact time.
“Well, you texted me about it around noon.” She folded her arms across her chest and sent him a pointed look. “The reason I remember it so vividly and am so certain that you definitely wanted to is because you never ask to hang out over text—it’s always on the app.”
Lucy watched as Gajeel’s confusion shifted into complete perplexity.
“Lucy, I don’t have your phone number”—his voice was serious—“I thought that I had put it in my phone, but when I went to text you a day after that first…your number was gone. And so were all the text messages. I was too embarrassed to tell you what happened, so I stuck with messaging you on the dating app.��
All through Gajeel’s explanation, Lucy felt her blood gradually run cold as gooseflesh rose on her arms.
“Bunny… I’m not the one who texted you!” Gajeel shouted, now standing up, showing Lucy that he was only wearing boxers. “Fuck, call the police, I’m coming over right now!”
Before Gajeel had even finished talking, there was a knock on the door, and Lucy jumped. She moved so quickly to the door. She always left the door unlocked when she knew that Gajeel would be coming over; she’d been meaning to make him a copy of her key…but had never gotten around to it. She slammed both the lock on the door and then the deadbolt into place. Shortly after that, she could hear heavy banging, as though whoever it was outside had begun to slam their body against the door in an attempt to break through.
Judging by the weak sounds the door was making…the unknown person would win that fight.
Lucy’s breathing became erratic as she ran back into the kitchen so she could grab a knife and her phone. A quick glance at her computer showed her that Gajeel was in his car. His phone must have been tossed onto the passenger seat of his car.
Lucy couldn’t waste time looking at her boyfriend though—she needed to call the police.
She could now hear the sound of banging even more clearly, and she shoved the phone to her ear after dialing three numbers and pressing send.
“Somebody is trying to break into my apartment!” Lucy whispered frantically. She then spat out the exact location of her apartment. The person on the other line was saying something, but Lucy was having a difficult time understanding what it was they were trying to communicate with her.
“They are trying to break my door open!”
“Ma’am, is there anywhere you can hide?” the person asked.
“I… I don’t have any good spots.” Tears pricked at the corners of Lucy’s eyes when wood exploded from where the door had once stood.
A man, a very tall man, stood in the doorway. From the way his shoulders rose and fell, Lucy could guess that he was breathing pretty hard. He wore a plastic mask. One of those plastic masks that distorted ones facial features in an extremely terrifying way. He also wore a red wig. The spiky hair was long and slightly off center.
Lucy ducked behind her kitchen counter. The man hadn’t seen her yet—she hoped.
With the speed at which Lucy’s heart was racing, she wouldn’t be surprised if she simply died of a heart attack before the guy managed to find her.
Lucy absolutely despised how weak she was acting. She wanted to be brave… God, she wanted to be brave. But she was terrified. The fear easily surpassed any other fear she’d experienced in her short lifetime.
She wanted her mother. She wanted to hide under her blankets until the Scary Thing(™)  went away.
She wished that Gajeel was there.
“Oh Lucy,” a deep and terrifying voice called in a horrifying attempt at “alluring”.
Lucy’s heart dropped into her stomach as chills ran down her spine.
This was very real. Lucy was actually in this situation. She almost couldn’t believe it. It felt like one of those stupid horror films that Gajeel was always getting her to watch despite her…paranoia.
As a writer, Lucy tended to have a bit of an overactive imagination. This definitely included, but was not limited to, worrying about situations exactly like the one that was happening to her right in that moment.
Horror films and stories definitely fed her paranoia.
“I’m surprised you didn’t leave the door unlocked like you usually do when you know that somebody is coming over.” A pause. “Dinner smells incredible. Did you do all of this for me?” His voice was getting closer, and Lucy could hear the sound of boots on her hardwood floor. He was approaching the kitchen. The man was moving at such a slow pace, she couldn’t help but think about a cat that was stalking its prey.
That’s exactly what she was, wasn’t it? Prey?
Her grip on the knife tightened, and she tensed. No. She refused to be somebody’s prey. She refused.
“I know you’re here, Lulu… You’re making me sad by not coming out to say hi. You don’t want to make me sad, do you?”
Maybe if he got close enough, she could stab him in the leg and make a break for the door before he could even spot her.
Preparing the knife, Lucy waited.
The man was wearing dark green cargo pants, but they were just out of her reach. She didn’t want to go for it unless she was absolutely certain that she would make contact.
“Hey!” Lucy’s heart jumped into her throat when she remembered that Gajeel was still on her laptop, and it seemed to take the intruder by surprise as well. He took a step back, and Lucy would bet her left lung that the guy was looking around in an attempt to find the source of her boyfriend's voice.
“You better get the fuck out of there before I show up. I’m right around the corner, asshole! I will fuck you up if you so much as touch a single hair on her head!”
Lucy knew that it was physically impossible for Gajeel to be so close already, but this guy didn’t.
Gajeel lived on the other side of town. Even if he broke every traffic law, it would take Gajeel at least another ten minutes before he would arrive at her apartment complex. Hopefully the police would get here by then though.
Hopefully… Lucy would be out of there before even then though.
“I’m afraid you will never have the chance to see your girlfriend again, Redfox.” The man laughed loudly, a crude sound. “Well…”
Without warning, Lucy was being jerked up by her hair. She screamed as her head banged against the edge of the island, and she accidentally dropped the knife due to the sheer shock of what had happened.
“Lucy!” Gajeel shouted. It was clear that he was now holding his phone in one hand while he held the steering wheel with the other. Through Lucy’s tear blurred vision, she could see the pain written across Gajeel’s face. Pain as well as pure, unadulterated rage.
“At least…” The man put his face close to Lucy’s. So close, the edge of his plastic mask pressed against her cheek almost painfully. “You will never see her again in person. Not warm and breathing anyway.” Something about this man seemed…familiar. But Lucy couldn’t quite figure out what made her feel that way. She usually could remember somebody's voice pretty well, and she did recognize his.
But from where?
She couldn’t figure it out.
“I will fucking kill you.” Gajeel’s voice was dangerously low. Lucy had never heard it like that before. She’d always had a feeling that Gajeel could be scary, though she’d never actually had the opportunity to witness that side of him herself.
Finally, Lucy could hear sirens approaching, but… so could the man.
“Happy Halloween!” The guy laughed again before slamming the laptop shut and throwing it onto the ground. Then, his fingers curled around her neck. “Sorry it has to be this way, my love.” He slammed her head against the island, and everything went black. As though somebody had flicked a light switch off.
When Lucy came to, the pain that she felt from her head was what caught her immediate attention. After that…it was the damp darkness. Was she blind? Lucy blinked a few times just to make sure that her eyes were even open.
There was a distinct dripping sound that occurred every five seconds or so, the only indicator Lucy had to tell her that she was not deaf.
Where was she?
Just that one question was enough to bring back some memories as to what had happened to get her in this position.
Fear wrapped itself around Lucy, and she began to move. Or at least, she tried to. The sound of chains rattling against a hard surface reached her ears, and she knew that she was restrained. She could feel the cool of metal against her wrists, ankles, and neck.
No. No no no no. The single word repeated itself in her mind, and she might have even been speaking. It was difficult for Lucy to really think of anything besides the fact she was in somebody's torture dungeon. At least…that was the assumption that Lucy had. She couldn’t even imagine any other reason as to why she would be kidnapped and trapped somewhere dark.
Assuming that she wasn’t actually blind.
“Help!” Lucy shouted, her voice cracking with desperation. “Someone please! Help me!” She knew that the chances of somebody hearing her were—
“Would you shut up? We don’t want him coming back down here earlier than expected.” Somebody easily sliced through Lucy’s thoughts.
The blonde flinched. Somebody else was very close to her. She sounded… “Cana…?” Lucy asked slowly, and she could hear the other person breathe in quickly.
“Lucy? No. Please tell me that isn’t you, Lucy.” Lucy’s throat dried up, and she gritted her teeth.
“Y-yeah… Don’t tell me this is the guy from last year…”
“It is.” Cana’s voice sounded strained. “But I’m guessing that he escaped again or something. I was told that I would be notified the moment he was released. Actually, I’m pretty sure they told me that I would be notified beforehand. Though I wasn’t given the impression that it would be likely for him to be released at all.  It also looks like he has done some…self improvement.” A few moments of silence filled the air before Cana continued. “He wasn’t nearly as strong back then as he is now. It is honestly a little bit impressive, to go through that much change in just one year? I feel like most people would have taken much longer to become this strong.”
Lucy sighed. “That’s why I couldn’t figure out why he seemed so familiar. The guy from last year was so squirrely.” Granted, Lucy had only seen a very pixelated picture of the man.
“Fucking determination to be a freak… I just don’t know why you are here too, Lucy. I’m so sorry. He wouldn’t even know who you were if you hadn’t let me stay with you that time.”
“It’s…it’s okay. You couldn’t have known this would happen. How long have you been down here? What does he want with us?” Lucy was afraid of the answer to both questions. Admittedly, since she had started to date Gajeel, Lucy hadn't been very good at keeping in touch with a few of her other friends. Cana being one of those friends.
“It’s hard to tell. I honestly lost track of time. It feels like it has been a really long time though. Lucy, you need to get out of here, as soon as you possibly can. This guy doesn’t have any resignations. He probably brought you here because he is tired of playing with me. I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets rid of me when he comes back.” Cana scoffed, but there was no mirth in the sound.
“Don’t say that, Cana!” Lucy jerked against her chains, though they seemed to be firmly in place. She doubted that she would be capable of breaking out on her own. “That isn’t going to happen, you are not going anywhere. Do you hear me?”
“Lucy, I wish I had your confidence.” Another hollow laugh, and Lucy knew that Cana had to have gone through some kind of hell down there. A hell that Lucy would likely come to understand if the two of them didn’t manage to escape sometime soon.
“My boyfriend knows what happened. He will look for us. The police too. We are going to be found, I promise.” Lucy didn’t make promises that she couldn’t absolutely make good on usually, but she needed to do what she could to keep Cana from giving up. The blonde couldn’t even begin to imagine what she would do if anything were to happen to Cana while Lucy was right there. While she couldn’t even raise her arms more than an inch from the cold, concrete floor.
The writer would absolutely shatter.
“He will probably come down here soon. I’m so sorry, Lucy.” Cana apologized again, and Lucy could tell that her friend was likely trying not to cry. Or at least, trying to keep her voice from breaking. Lucy once more reminded Cana that she didn’t blame her before she began to mentally prepare herself for whatever she was going to have to go through.
The two sat—or rather, lay—in silence for a long time before Lucy could hear footsteps above them. Then, a crack of light appeared seemingly out of nowhere in the ceiling a little ways away from where the girls were chained. Then, a square of light illuminated the darkness she had begun to finally get used to. Just below that golden square of life was a set of old stairs. They looked to be extremely old and even rotted. But before she could get a good look at the basement itself, a pair of boots became visible.
There were those cargo pants. Was it still the day before Halloween? Time seemed to flow so much more slowly in that basement. Or wherever they were. Part of her was expecting to see that plastic mask and red wig. But with his back to the light behind him, it was impossible to really see his descriptive features. He was almost entirely shadowed over, though she could tell that his hair was...some shade of brown?
“You’re awake! Sorry I hit you so hard. I guess I don’t know my own strength.” The man laughed as he hurried the rest of the way down the stairs. Lucy glared. “Wow, you are so much more beautiful when you are looking at me directly.” He was standing just a few feet away from her now, and it hurt a little to strain her eyes so much. She likely would have gagged at his backhanded compliment if it weren’t for the fact that she was practically paralyzed with fear.
“Let us go,” Lucy finally managed through her clenched teeth. “You can’t just keep people like this; we are not animals!”
“Oh, I like them feisty.” The man almost growled his approval. “I was getting kind of sad when sweet, sweet Cana stopped fighting so much.” He sighed, and Lucy was glad she couldn’t see the look on his presumably disgusting face.
“Just let us go.” Lucy tried to keep from outright begging. “We won’t tell anybody, just let us go!”
Another laugh, and Lucy began to tremble.
“Why would I trust that?” Lucy bit her lip. “I think the second you have the chance you would go to the police. I’d be stupid to let you go, even if I wanted to.”
“No!” Lucy denied immediately. “I don’t even know what you look like, so what would I say that could be traced back to you?”
“Oh, right. It is pretty dark down here.” The man seemed thoughtful, and for a split second…Lucy began to hope.
Then, a bright, near blinding light assaulted Lucy’s eyes.
It took a few long moments before her eyes were able to adjust to the crudely bright fluorescent lights. She could see everything, and suddenly any prior bravery that she may have had was gone. So far gone, Lucy couldn’t be sure it had ever truly been there in the first place.
Rust-colored eyes met with chocolate brown, and Lucy’s tremors transformed into full-blown shaking with fear.
“Is that better?” he asked with a grin.
“If you hear from your girlfriend or remember anything else…you contact us. Immediately.” Gajeel rubbed the back of his head as he nodded slowly.
Then, he left. Lucy’s apartment was a crime scene, and the police didn’t want him contaminating any of the potential evidence. As if he could. He spent so much time at that apartment, there was likely just as much of his DNA and fingerprints as there were Lucy’s.
Because Gajeel had an alibi, he hadn’t been asked to stick around for the moment.
Gajeel was more than ready to get the fuck out of there and start looking for his girlfriend himself. While the police were doing their job, the raven-haired man didn’t believe that they were doing enough to find Lucy. They hadn’t seen the look on her face before the call had been forcefully ended.
Great. Just what he didn’t need.
Levy’s eyes were wild when she approached him from the entrance to the apartment complex, “Is it true?! Is Lucy gone?!” Her green-haired boyfriend placed a hand on the shrimp’s shoulder, but she shrugged it off immediately.
“I can’t talk right now,” Gajeel grumbled before moving to walk around the couple, but Levy was determined to be a pain in his ass.
“This is serious, Gajeel! I want to know what happened to my best friend!”
“Levy,” Freed began, but the bluenette just stared at Gajeel.
“You think I don’t know that?!” Gajeel snapped before bending down so that he could look the young woman straight in the eyes. “I just watched my girlfriend's head get slammed onto the counter. And this psycho has her now, because there was nothing that I could do about it.”
Levy looked like she would be sick as her hands flew to her mouth and tears fell down her cheeks. But Gajeel was numb. He didn’t feel any guilt as his girlfriend’s best friend began to sob. He’d tried to avoid subjecting her to the details, and Gajeel really wasn’t in the mood to sugar coat his girlfriend’s kidnapping. It must have been his roommate, Rogue, who had reached out to Levy. Though, really, Gajeel couldn’t even bring himself to get angry about that either. All of his actual anger was reserved for the man who took Lucy.
Walking around the couple, Gajeel headed to his truck, which was still warm from his race there twenty minutes prior.
How could somebody disappear in such a short period of time? It was daunting to think about.
He hadn’t beaten the cops to Lucy’s apartment, though he supposed that was probably a good thing. He would have looked a lot more suspicious at the scene of the crime if he’d gotten there first.
Gajeel climbed into his truck and sat there for a long time. He stared at the picture strip he had of himself and Lucy that they’d taken at the town's summer festival. He had stuck it right on his dash so that he could see Lucy, even while he was at work.
Though seeing her smiling face seemed more like a lie.
“Dammit!” Gajeel wanted to punch something, someone. But he knew what little effect that would have. He was so angry. But mostly, he was afraid. Something horrible had happened to Lucy, something horrible could very well still be happening. And there was nothing that he could do about it.
He’d never felt so powerless in his entire life. He’d pretty much always had some kind of control. His adoptive father had just about let him do whatever he wanted, so long as he wasn’t a danger to himself or others. And managed to keep his grades up in school.
His cell phone vibrated, and he was tempted to simply roll down the window and toss the device outside. He didn’t want to deal with anybody. But…he pulled out his phone out of his jacket pocket and squinted at the unfamiliar phone number that the text message had been sent from. It was a picture message. Gajeel wasn’t typically one who got random messages like that, so he decided to give it a look, his curiosity winning out in the end.
And he nearly dropped his phone.
There she was, his Lucy. She was chained down to a bed and he could see that she’d been bleeding on her head. She looked absolutely terrified.
Heads or Tails?
Gajeel didn’t even know what to think at first. Another text message appeared. A message that got his brain functioning at high speed.
Go to the police and you will see Lucy much sooner than you think. But I can’t promise it will all be in one piece.
His grip tightened on the cell phone, and Gajeel actually had to force himself to relax before he texted back.
What do you want?
It only took a few moments before another text message came in.
I want you to remember this feeling that you have right now. I want you to feel jealous. I want you to loathe the man who has his hands on your girlfriend. Then…I’m going to give you a time limit. If you don’t find your precious girl by then, she will lose a piece of herself. A piece that she can never get back.
His frozen fingers were moving faster than the actual words were forming in his mind.
Give me some fucking clues, you asshole! He swallowed anxiously while he waited for a reply to come.
Only, it didn’t. Gajeel stared at his phone until it shut down on its own because the battery had died. Something which at least threw the man into action.
Turning the key in the ignition, Gajeel made it back to his apartment in record time. He ignored his roommate's questions as he rushed into his room and plugged in his phone. Impatiently, Gajeel drummed his fingers against his desk.
“Gajeel… It’s already being reported on, are you…” Rogue didn’t move from where he stood in the doorway. He also didn’t bother to finish asking the question he already knew the answer to. “Gajeel, if you need anything, I’m here okay? I’m not really sure what you might need, but I want you to know that I’m here.”
Gajeel only continued to stare at his phone, and Rogue backed up. “I’ll send Yukino home now. I’ll be in my room okay?” When Gajeel again didn’t respond, Rogue disappeared from his doorway.
When Gajeel’s phone turned back on, he groaned with annoyance. He still hadn’t gotten another message. Was this psycho actually asking him to find Lucy without any kind of clue?
He wanted to just go to the police, but what could they do before the psycho did something to hurt Lucy? Gajeel was beginning to feel panicked.
Then, his phone buzzed, shocking Gajeel into motion as he practically dove for his phone.
Return to Lucy’s apartment in four hours.
Against his better judgment, Gajeel did as his girlfriend’s kidnapper asked. He went to Lucy’s apartment. The doorway had yellow police tape across it. Clearly the police had gotten all that they needed. But he knew that they very well could revisit the scene of the crime if they felt that they needed to.
So he would have to be in and out as quickly as possible.
The place still smelled of the food that Lucy had made with the intention of feeding him. Gajeel felt so much frustration towards himself—he should have kicked his ego to the curb and asked for her number again. Then they would have realized what was going on much sooner. Before any of this could have even happened.
Shaking his head, Gajeel ducked under the tape and contemplated turning on a light. At this point, it was nearing midnight. It was nearly Halloween. Lucy’s favorite holiday, though perhaps that would change after what had happened that day.
The thought made Gajeel’s heart ache.
Instead of turning on a light, Gajeel pulled his cell phone out of his jeans pocket—he’d managed to put some actual clothes on before heading out this time—and activated the flashlight app he’d downloaded a while back. Though even that seemed a bit too bright for his tastes. It took a minute of playing around with the app settings before he was comfortable with the amount of light that it was casting off. He didn’t want anybody to see the light and wind up calling the police. The last thing Gajeel needed was to be arrested.
“All right, what the fuck am I supposed to be looking for?” he muttered to himself as he began to look around. Nothing really seemed to be out of place save for the broken door. Gajeel was guessing that the police had taken Lucy’s laptop as well as the cell phone that he’d watched them bag.
All the food was still laid out on the counter. Gajeel supposed it wasn’t the police’s job to clean all of that up, though it made him uncomfortable to know that the food would just sit out until somebody eventually came around to clean it up. Hell, he would have if it weren’t for the fact that he wasn’t even supposed to be there.
And he did have a time limit to worry about.
Gajeel had to have looked around the small apartment for an hour before he found anything that even remotely resembled a clue that he could use to find where Lucy was.
He felt strange being there, knowing that Lucy wouldn’t be returning shortly.
Going through her stuff didn’t really make him feel any better either, but he knew that it was the only way he would have a chance at getting her back. When he had the young woman in his arms again, he wasn’t ever going to let her go.
He would get her to move in with him. He was sure that Rogue wouldn’t mind since his girlfriend was over quite a bit of the time as well. They certainly had a large enough apartment to accommodate for Lucy.
A notification popped up on his phone’s screen, catching his eye. A text message, perhaps another clue? He quickly poked the notification and grimaced at the words he read.
Tick tock, don’t you know every second counts?
It was not what Gajeel needed right then, to be taunted. As though the situation already wasn’t bad enough. Grinding his teeth, Gajeel continued his search, deciding that he couldn’t let the text message affect his judgment.
What Gajeel found was a small piece of paper that had been well hidden inside a heavily worn book. A Stephen King novel titled Misery that Lucy had on her bookshelf. Had it always been there?
Even then, it was difficult to tell if it was a clue. An address was scrawled sloppily in red ink. Certainly not Lucy’s penmanship. He would look around a little bit more before going to check things out at the address. It would look strange if Gajeel wound up having to return to the apartment if it was a dead end, so he wanted to make sure that he’d gotten a good amount of searching done before leaving. He made damn sure that everything was exactly as he had found it.
When he made it back to his truck however…
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Gajeel demanded, having opened his driver’s side door to find that Levy was promptly sitting in his passenger seat. She was dressed in all black and even wore a black hat and gloves. When she didn’t turn her attention from the windshield to him, Gajeel almost growled when he repeated the question.
“I figured I would stay to see if Lucy made it home on her own,” Levy began. “I know the chances of that happening are almost non-existent. But it’s the most I can do at this point. But when I saw you pull up and head into the complex, I figured you knew more than you were letting on earlier, so I’m not going anywhere until you tell me why the hell you snuck into Lucy’s apartment and were in there for over an hour.”
Levy was lucky that she meant so much to Lucy, otherwise Gajeel might have snapped.
He first thought about the text message that he had received—it hadn’t said anything about not telling a little blue-haired shrimp. And even if it had…there was no way the guy could have known.
Climbing into the truck for the hundredth time that night, he closed the door and poked at his phone for a few moments before handing it over to the eager midget. He watched as her eyes filled with tears, again.
“In or out,” Gajeel said after a few minutes of silence passed. A statement that had more than one meaning, and Levy knew it. “Decide right fucking now. I don’t want to waste more time because of you.”
Swiftly wiping away her tears, Levy looked forward once more. “I’m going to help you. I’m in. Let’s get going.”
Gajeel nodded before he started up the truck and set on route. He knew the roads of Magnolia well enough to not need the GPS to get there.
He was relieved when Levy didn’t try to talk more and despite the way he was acting, Gajeel was actually a little bit glad to have her along. Levy was very smart. Having her there would probably increase the chances of finding Lucy.
“You didn’t know her…but Cana is also in this picture that you were sent.” Levy was looking down at  his phone. “I think this is probably about the guy who was stalking her over a year ago.”
It was definitely good to have her along, Gajeel decided.
“I didn’t even see another person in that picture,” Gajeel admitted. His attention had certainly been taken completely by his injured blond girlfriend. He hadn’t been able to notice much but her clear fear and the chains.
“Yeah, if I didn’t stare at the image for a couple minutes, I might have missed it as well.” Levy nodded. “The background is pretty dark because of the flash that had come from the—” Levy cut herself off before swiftly pulling the phone closer to her face.
“What?” Gajeel asked, glancing over at her for a second before returning his attention to the road. “Did another text message come?”
“No… I…” Levy was then digging through her pockets before pulling out her own phone. “I think this number is Lucy’s.”
“What? Really? I saw the police bagging up a cell phone when I got there before.”
“Yes, it’s the same as the one I have in my phone!” Levy seemed way too excited by the revelation.
“The bastard must have taken Lucy’s phone when he took her, and decided that it would be funny to use her phone to communicate to me like this. Sick bastard.”
“No, you don’t understand!” Levy was smiling, Gajeel could hear it in her voice. “If Lucy’s phone is on, I can see where she is on mine! It’s a feature that all the newest iPhones have.”
Gajeel’s jaw dropped.
“Should I pull over?”
“No. I think you should still go to the address. We need to make it seem like we aren’t onto him. He needs to think that he is the one in charge of the situation.”
Gajeel was going to have to treat the nerd to a new book when all of this was over.
“Where does your phone say that Lucy is?” Gajeel demanded.
“It’s going to take a minute. I should have gotten the latest iPhone, this one is from last year’s release. Just give me a minute.”
“Then you stay in the car. We’re here. I’m going to go in and see what’s inside.”
Gajeel had nearly passed their destination it was so odd. There was only a mailbox, and no building.
“Where are you going in?” Levy asked, judgment clear in her tone.
“I’m going to open the mailbox—that should have been obvious.”
Levy rolled her eyes before returning her attention to the phones. Gajeel approached the mailbox with caution—he didn’t really know what to expect. He wasn’t sure whether or not to be glad when he saw another piece of paper. Paper with that same scarlet ink.
“Good job,” it read. “You’ve just extended Lulu’s time! Can you keep up the good work? Next, go to the place where you and Lulu shared your first kiss.”
This asshole had been watching them for a really long time if he knew where he and Lucy had shared their first kiss. It made him absolutely furious. He hopped back in the truck, the piece of paper crumpled in his fist.
Levy was pale and even appeared to be shaking a bit.
“What’s the matter with you?” he asked, uncertain if he wanted to know the answer.
Wordlessly, Levy gave Gajeel back his phone, and he swallowed back bile when the text message registered.
So what is your piece of Lucy? I’ll take a request on which part to have removed first.
“Come on, how much longer?! I don’t want this guy to have her even another minute!”
“Almost… A-ha!” Levy shouted. “I’ve got it! I’ve…” Levy squinted at her phone as if she wasn’t sure she had been reading it correctly. “This... It’s saying that she is in the building right beside her apartment. But that can’t be right.”
A memory flashed into Gajeel’s mind at those words.
-- Flashback --
“What a cute idea!” Lucy was clearly excited over the new shop that would be opening right next to her apartment.
“You know there are parchment stores in town, right? It’s not all that uncommon.” Gajeel was amused by how excited Lucy seemed to be over the store.
“I know that!” Lucy elbowed Gajeel in the side as she laughed. “But it’s so close to home! All I’d have to do is walk next door when I run out of paper instead of having to go into town! Just let me have this.” Gajeel laughed.
“Potential customers?” Both Lucy and Gajeel turned to see a young man with brown-red hair standing there with a large crate in his arms. He’d asked the question as though it had been directed at both Gajeel and Lucy, though the guy’s attention was definitely on Lucy alone.
“Oh, absolutely! I love writing on all kinds of paper! I’m a little bit sad that you aren’t opening sooner!” Lucy appeared to be attempting to conceal her enthusiasm.
“Yeah, I just moved here. So I’ve got a little bit of preparing to do before it will be ready for you.” He laughed, and Lucy laughed…while Gajeel glared. Was this guy actually flirting with his girlfriend right in front of him?
Lucy was beautiful, friendly, and an exceptional conversationalist. So it wasn’t surprising that she drew the attention of other guys. Even sometimes other girls.
But always, Gajeel was able to give off strong enough “boyfriend” vibes so that other people typically avoided flirting while he was there with her.
This guy hadn’t even spared Gajeel a single glance though.
“I’ll make sure to get this place up. I hope you will be able to stop by when I do open up shop.”
“Oh, I definitely will. I live close enough.” Lucy laughed again, and Gajeel could have sworn that something flashed in that man’s eyes, but whatever it was…was gone a second later.
“Come on, babe.” Gajeel draped his arm across Lucy’s shoulders. “The ice cream is going to melt if we don’t get it into the freezer.”
“Oh! I forgot about the ice cream.” Lucy took Gajeel’s free hand and offered a small smile at the paper man before the couple headed off.
-- End Flashback--
That stare, that man. Had he been the one who had taken Lucy?
To think he and the police had been so close to her the entire time.
He peeled out of there and raced towards where he knew that Lucy was.
“Oh no…” Levy tapped her phone desperately. “It’s… He knows that I was looking for her location. He knows, Gajeel!”
“Shit.” Gajeel pushed the pedal to the floor of his truck.
They got back to Lucy’s apartment complex in under five minutes.
“Call the police,” Gajeel ordered as he hopped out of the truck. “This game is over.”
Levy nodded before swiftly dialing while Gajeel ran to the front of the shop that Lucy had been so excited for. When the door proved to be locked, Gajeel didn’t even hesitate to beat a large rock against it until it shattered.
When he managed to get inside, he wasn’t sure what he should do next.
The inside of the building was all but empty. This guy clearly had no intentions of actually opening up a store. There were scraps laying around that told him that the man likely spent a lot of his time hunkering down in there. WcDonalds wrappers, empty soda cans. Gajeel even found several pictures of Lucy and the brunette—whose name was escaping him right that moment—it made him sick.
Ripping his shirt off, Gajeel returned to where he’d broken through the glass door and wrapped it around one of the larger pieces of shattered glass, a sharp piece that he deemed sturdy enough to use as a weapon. He wished that he hadn’t stopped carrying around his switchblade. He hadn’t wanted Lucy to think poorly of him. He couldn’t believe the situation that was playing out.
For a moment, Gajeel listened for any indication of where Lucy might be. Then, he remembered just how dark it had been in that picture. While it was certainly dark where he stood, he could still see pretty well thanks to the street lamps just outside the storefront.
Gajeel pulled out his phone to use as a source of light for the second time that night. He needed to hurry. Who knew what that guy was doing right that moment. He must be panicking if he’d seen that somebody had pinned the location of Lucy’s cell phone.
He couldn’t hear anything though. There was no way that the bastard had managed to get both Lucy and Cana out of there before Gajeel had arrived.
Walking further, Gajeel eventually froze, noticing the change in the sound of his footsteps that had been echoing up until that moment. Stomping a couple times, Gajeel looked down.
There was a rug that looked extremely out of place in the middle of the linoleum flooring. It was only partially covering what appeared to be a hutch of sorts.
Opening it up, Gajeel shone the light of his phone downwards. It was pitch black down there. He knew how risky it would be to go down, but he couldn’t wait for the cops to show up, he couldn’t risk something happening to Lucy while he waited.
When he saw that the stairs were hollow, Gajeel ran down them as quickly as he could, unwilling to have somebody poke through one of the gaps between the stairs with a knife or something of the like.
When he made it to the bottom, he wrinkled his nose at the multitude of different stenches that greeted his nose. He’d never been around enough of it to really be able to say that he was familiar with the scent, though if he had to guess, the metallic smell was blood.
But Gajeel knew that Lucy was alive, so there was no way that she could have been the cause for the latter. But that didn’t necessarily calm his nerves in the slightest
That almost overbearing scent of blood mixed with what he could only assume was the smell of human waste was nearly dizzying. He’d been down there not even a full  minute, and his nose was already begging him for some fresh air.
“Gajeel?!” Lucy’s voice sounded strained, and he spun around, waving his phone around, trying to see where her voice had come from.
“Don’t move.”
Gajeel froze when the light not only found Lucy, but also the man who had taken her. He held a knife to her throat.
Gajeel dropped his makeshift weapon immediately. “Hey, man, don’t.”
“You’re forcing my hand, Gajeel.” The guy shook his head. “It’s such a shame. Look at how beautiful she is. What a waste for her to have to die so young.”
Lucy began to cry, and Gajeel’s face twisted as a thousand different emotions raced through him in that fraction of a second.
Lucy’s eyes were wild as she tried to pull the guy’s hand away from her throat.
“It’s a shame that you were born so beautiful and with a heart of gold, you know? That is where things really started to go wrong for you, sweetie. You should know better than to be so nice to strangers. You never know what is going through their heads.”
Sirens could be heard in the distance, and Gajeel knew that it wouldn’t be long before they’d pull up to the building. But it wasn’t fast enough. They weren’t going to be fast enough.
A flash of rage flickered in the man's eyes.
“I told you not to involve the police.” His grip on the knife changed, and Lucy cried out as the knife cut into the tender flesh at her throat.
“You didn’t really leave me much of a choice.” Gajeel gestured around, trying hard to not simply leap towards the two, knowing full well that it probably wouldn’t do anything but ensure Lucy’s death.
“You were supposed to play the game,” the man growled. “You weren’t supposed to cheat.”
“You really are crazy if you thought for one second I wouldn’t take the first shortcut that I found.”
The sirens were louder now. They must have arrived. Levy was probably talking with an officer as they stood there. Gajeel had to keep the guy talking, had to keep him from doing anything drastic.
But how?
“I can’t believe you would risk Lulu’s life like that. I’m so shocked.”
“Police! Don’t move!” a man's voice exclaimed as the light of a flashlight found Lucy and her captor almost too easily.
Time almost seemed to move slowly after that. The look in the man's eyes spoke volumes, and Gajeel was shouting as the knife sliced at Lucy’s throat. Blood sprayed out like a fountain, and Lucy dropped like a weighted ball as the man took off.
“Lucy!” Gajeel screamed as he dove for her.
She gurgled as she stared up at him with wide, terrified eyes.
The police officer ran past them, using his radio to inform that immediate medical assistance was required and that he was giving chase to the suspect.
Gajeel’s hands were on Lucy’s throat, attempting to slow the blood flow. Her eyelids fluttered once, twice…before she closed her eyes.
Everything after that was a blur; Gajeel couldn’t recount all of the events even if he wanted to.
The brunette, Cana, was unconscious when the paramedics got down there, one person tended to her, but most of the immediate concern was for Lucy. Who was bleeding out fast.
One man placed a hand on Gajeel’s shoulder, causing him to flinch in response.
Lucy was rushed to the hospital, and Gajeel was taken to the police station. They needed his full statement.
He told the police everything that he knew and was taken to the hospital when everything that could be said…was said.
Levy was already there by the time he arrived. Her face was blotchy, and it was clear that she’d spent the last few hours bawling her eyes out.
“She is in critical condition,” she explained as he dropped into the chair beside her. “They aren’t making any promises right now. She… Things aren’t looking good, Gajeel. I called Aquarius. She hopped on the first flight that she could.”
Gajeel didn’t say anything. He simply sat there with his face in his hands.
He couldn’t protect her, even when she’d been just a few feet away from him.
“Dammit,” Gajeel cursed as he fought the sob that wanted to escape his tight throat.
For a long time they sat there. For a long time, they didn’t receive any kind of news.
When a white coat finally walked into the room with a clipboard, Levy had fallen asleep, and it had to have been fairly early in the morning.
Gajeel elbowed Levy in the side, which jostled Freed, who she had been leaning on. Her boyfriend had shown up an hour or so prior.
“Are you friends or relatives of Lucy Heartfilia?” the doctor asked, though it seemed clear that he already knew the answer to that question.
Gajeel, Levy, and Freed all stood up.
“She’s lucky,” the doctor began. “The cut was shallow, likely due to the fact that the attacker was panicked. We were able to stabilize Miss Heartfilia, but she will require a lot of rest before she will be able to go home.”
Levy sagged with relief, and Freed tightened his arms around her so that she wouldn’t fall to the ground.
Gajeel’s shoulders remained stiff. “Can I see her?” he asked.
“She is still unconscious, but yes. One person at a time please.”
Gajeel, of course, was the first to walk into that room. The sound of machines beeping steadily probably should have been reassuring, but it didn’t do anything but make the raven-haired man feel guilty.
Pulling up a chair, Gajeel took Lucy’s hand and held it to his cheek. She felt cold, likely due to the fact that she had lost a lot of blood. Her throat was bandaged up, covering up any stitches that she may have needed. There were also bandages around her head, on her wrists and even around her neck.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered, his voice hoarse. “I will never let anything like this happen again, I swear it.”
He must have fallen asleep, because when he awoke, there was a small blanket over his shoulders and his neck was awfully stiff from sleeping at an awkward angle.
Lucy was awake, and her eyes fell onto him when he jerked into an upright position.
She smiled before turning her gaze onto her lap, her hand was moving and he could see that she was holding a pen. Moments later, she held up a spiral notebook with the words good morning, happy halloween! Written across it.
Gajeel had to force a smile on his lips as well as a pitiful laugh. “Some Halloween, huh? Do you think they will let me decorate the room for you?”
Lucy’s eyes looked sad as she watched Gajeel speak before she began to write again.
Think I’ll pass as a mummy?  She grinned, and Gajeel had to look away.
“That’s not funny, Bunny,” Gajeel whispered as he stared at his clenched hands, which were still stained with a bit of red from the blood that had covered them less than twelve hours prior.
He felt a hand on his shoulder, and he looked up.
I’m going to be okay.
“How can you be so positive right now? After all that happened to you?” She had been put through so much, gone through way too much in just a few hours. It hurt his heart in ways he hadn’t known were possible.
Because I’m alive, Cana is alive… You saved us, Gajeel.
Gajeel shook his head. “It was the midget that did most of the work. If it wasn’t for her…”
“Oh, stop it.” Gajeel jumped at the new voice and turned his head to see that Levy had been sitting in the room the whole time. “You were the one who came back to try to find Lucy yourself, remember? If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have known that the police didn’t have Lucy’s phone.”
The two went back and forth for a while before Gajeel turned his slightly damp eyes toward his girlfriend.
“I love you,” he whispered, giving her hand a squeeze.
I love you too.
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yuki-d-raizel-blog · 7 years
Chapter 35/??
Relationship: Todoroki Shouto x Reader (Your/Name), (Full/Name)
Summit: It all begin at the Sports Festival when Shouto’s other half met Endevour by mistake. The student never thought to see his partner fight against his father just to show him that he is wrong. It started from that instant, Shouto’s new path started exactly from that moment thanks to his friends and his beloved one.
<<Answer to my call, Pride.>> almost immediately, you fall unconsciously in Khrome's arms.
The woman lays the girl on the tatami and looks at Shouto and Izuku.
<<Now that she doesn't hear us, I need to say this. (Y/N) is the first one in our family that managed to be loved by the beasts, Kafka and Seatiel submitted them to obtain their powers. And this feeling is for you all too, mates. Since they can't always help (Y/N) because they could kill her, they choose a mate to do it, that's why only the closest ones are chosen.>>
"I see... Me and (Y/N)-chan are like best friends, but why Astraroth?" thinks Izuku, "Then, why Ash Crow picked Todoroki-kun? And why the Pride beast chose Kacchan? (Y/N) and Kacchan always fight, is he close to her? How this thing works is the first place?"
<<To protect their master, the beasts show to their mates a dream, hoping that they will get their hint hidden in that. Recently, one of your beasts showed to you something like that?>>
Everyone shakes their heads, but Shouto responds affirmatively, he had a couple of those dreams. The priestess asks if he could say what he saw, their dreams are helpful to understand the future. Against Seatiel, they can't do any mistakes.
<<The first one was a warning from (Y/N)'s mom and Yamato-san. I was watching fireworks with (Y/N), but all turned into an apocalypse scenario, the city was burning, my friends were all dead, and the villain alliance was marching in the town with Noumus, which one of them was holding (Y/N)'s body. Ash Crow protected me, but before I could take (Y/N) somewhere else, her mother and Yamato warned me about Seatiel, saying that during a fight, (Y/N) would go in berserk and die.>>
<<I see... I reassure you though, your beloved one will not die. The new earring erases the effects of the beasts during a fight, if she uses Astraroth, her body wouldn't feel that kind of pain she had yesterday, if she uses Ash Crow, her soul is safe from him. Especially, if she fights with Kikoku. Our treasures guide the huge power of the beasts outside the owner's body, and help him/her to use it better.>>
"Glad to hear that." after a little pause, Shouto tells the other dream he had a few days ago, <<I was older and I was the strongest hero together with Midoriya, (Y/N) and Bakugou. I was married, living in (Y/N)'s house, everything was so nice and real... I came back from work and I found (Y/N) sleeping on the floor with our children while her beasts were guarding them.>>
<<Did you see another beast other than the ones you saw?>> asks the woman, while Izuku is amazed by that dream, he really was one of the strongest hero? Cool...
<<Mh...>> Todoroki closes his eyes to remember, <<Yes, there was a golden lion. When I approached (Y/N), all her beasts said, "This is what you achieved when you saved her. We all thank you, and we will always protect you and your family, you are the one who holds the stars, this is what you deserve." I was talking with them like they were real persons, I wasn't scared by them at all, I was unbelievably happy.>>
"If they showed that dream, we will win." the woman pats Shouto's hair and he feels that her hands are like (Y/N)'s, warm with that special touch, <<I must stay as heir of the family, until someone will success me, (Y/N) is not gonna do it, so we will see each other again in the future. Both of you, be stronger and stronger, always look forward and never give up, okay?>>
<<T-Todoroki-kun... I was really one of the strongest heroes?>> asks Izuku to chat, they must wait that (Y/N) wakes up, Shuu and the others are keeping company to Khrome with some alcoholic drinks, <<Can I ask how were your children too? I'm a bit curious.>>
<<You were the number one along us. I think it's because you’ve Astraroth and your quirk. Using both, you could have a power that can be undefeatable, so I think that's the reason behind it, but yes, you were one of the strongest.>> Shouto replies to him, he's glad that someone as Midoriya is always with him and (Y/N), it's a nice feeling having him around, <<My children were twins I think... One had white hair, and the other one had red hair.>>
<<Hahaha, really? So, I'll be their uncle? I'm looking forward to play with them already!>>
<<As the number one hero, I don't think you would have much time to play. I and (Y/N) barely had time to go outside all together...>>
<<Then with who were the children when both of you worked?>>
<<Shuu-san and the others.>>
<<Mh...>> Shouto and Izuku help you to sit up, and look at you worried, Khrome and Shuu come as well.
<<How went your meeting with the Pride beast?>> asks Joel.
<<Abraxas.>> powerful waves destroy the room, and a beautiful golden fiery lion, sits next to you. He rubs his big snout on your legs and you calm him with just patting his head, <<I went better than I thought, this guy is a sweetheart, right Abraxas?>> you ruffle his mane with both hands and the beast actually enjoys it moving his tail.
He is a big dog, not a lion...
"Well, (Y/N) has a sweet spot for animals, but this is over my imagination..." thinks Shouto, that lion is huge and you are treating him as it is a pet. Did you do that with all your beasts?
<<I should stop to ask to show your beasts. You always destroy something, last time you burned the estate.>> Khrome kneels in front of the animal and smiles at it, <<Please, have a good care of your master, okay?>> the lion moves his big paw to her to show her that he understood her words and he will do his best to protect you.
The days keep going, and the meeting keep sliding because a few guests are too busy with their schedule that they can't participate, but Ran found a day that suit to everyone's demands. The location will be the Yuuei, it's the safest out there, it was a wise decision. Meanwhile, the students kept studying for exams, you and Shouto didn't need something, you top the rank of the highest grades of the class with Yaoyorozu, and your boyfriend is good at his duties. A few friends asked to help them to study, but you declined since you should train yourself to control your new pet. Nobody knows about it yet, only Midoriya, Shouto and Bakugou. You explained what happened that day, but he rejected with all his might to be helped by you and your stupid animals. Well, it was pretty predictable, but you know that he can't run away from it... A day or an another, he will use that power without wanting it.
The writing tests are over, it remains only the practice one.
Everyone waits outside the school with their hero costumes, Aizawa explains the test, and you notice that you aren't assigned to any of the teachers. Why?
<<Since (Y/N) has literally no defects, you are able to collaborate with everyone without complaining about it, you can beat a teacher easily with your quirk, we thought a suitable test for you.>> says the principal, <<You must defeat all of us. You don't need to get through the gate, just beat us and you cleared the test.>>
<<HAH?!>> you exclaim shocked, <<Hold on, I can't do that! All Might-sensei is too much for->>
<<Today is the day of the meeting.>> a woman walks accompanied by a man... what about a fan-fucking-tastic, <<We will use you as a demonstration of the power of the enemy, since no one believed me. Only Endevour accepted right away.>>
<<I'm not a freakshow! You can't do this to me!>> you argue back disappointed and angrily, <<You suggested this bullshit, right? It's an abuse of your powers!>>
<<These people must understand with who they're going to fight.>> responds the woman coldly, <<I am sorry, but you will help us in a way or another. Good luck on your test, Belial.>> she leaves with Ran that looks at you sadly.
<<I’ll use my full power only against Seatiel, not against my friends!>> you walk out the que and stare at that back which is fading in the distance, <<Khrome-sama!>>
While everyone is getting ready, you stay outside alone. You didn't want Shouto near you, it's something that you must deal by yourself. It is true that you are the only one who can show how strong Seatiel is, you are the only who can make everyone believes at this absurd story, but using your teachers as guinea pigs? Khrome definitely went over this time, you don't mind being used, but when someone else is involved too... You know that you're being stupid and childish right now, but hurting people that doesn't have nothing to do with it, it's something that it's more painful than a torture for you.
"I don't want to become a monster in front of my friends and Shouto... I don't want to look scary..." you hug your knees and keep them against your chest to comfort yourself, while the first siren announces that the first exam is over.
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21.5, 22, 22.5, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, Last Chapter
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