#and I’m sorry for my handwriting i hope it’s readable
ivyithink · 1 year
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downsides to discussing the conditions of the treaty while taking a walk outside
this is once again a piece for cringetober 2023 (some info about it under the cut on this post!)
this prompt: day 9 — crossover ship/rarepair!
I’m not particularly into crossover ships, but i do have more than a dozen rarepairs, at least, and I obviously wanted to draw them all, BUT… this mental image compelled me… as with most of my tlk pieces at this point, they are michela’s (@kingslionheart) fault in some way, shape or form. your one tag is to be blamed for this, i hope you are happy about giving me even more brainworms about tlk…
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scourgiez · 7 months
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(tumblr made this so crunchy, click for a better res!)
(Edit: I added more stuff and changed some things because yeah I’m obsessed w these two)
love love everyone’s headcanons about Astarion’s now-forgotten family and decided to make my own! As well as my own story about them. I hope my handwriting is readable :”)
As for a brief summary of his parents, (at the start of the BG3 game, because I headcanon them to still be alive somewhere)
Analelle is a moon high elf and is 391 years old. Definitely the smarts of the family. Very quiet and discrete yet cunning when she wants to be. Has a permanent “knowing look”. Usually about 2-3 steps ahead of you at all times.
Lithuryn is a half sun/half moon high elf and is 410 years old. Has dreams of being a noble within Baldur’s Gate and living lavishly with the other nobles there. He isn’t home very much. His work usually takes over his life.
Lots and lots more, sorry folks but i went crazy about these two:
Analelle and Lithruyn lived in Evereska, both working in politics or law within the community and meeting each other through their work. They weren’t exactly nobles within the community but they were very well-off and would be considered upper class. You can headcanon whatever age you want for Astarion but I always lean towards ~240 because it makes the most sense game-wise. They had him when they were in their 150s (about. Math x—x) while still in Evereska, however he only lived there until he was about 15 or so. (I have toyed with the idea of him having an older sibling (about +60 years or so) who ran off and became a druid after they loved to Baldurs Gate and hasn’t really contacted the family since…but that’s just a random theory because fun fact! I read somewhere that High elves are pretty infertile and usually only have a family of 3. So yeah I will leave out rebellious older Druid sibling for now. For now…)
The Ancunin's arrived to Baldur's Gate to work for a highly regarded law firm. This place was the cat's meow even though life was definitely different than it was in Evereska, as they were nobles there. Here, while they are still very wealthy, aren't exactly bumping elbows with the Baldurian nobles. (yet)
Even though they were still forming these connections, they were pretty popular within the elven communities in the city. This unfortunately was how Cazador was alerted to their presence and began his “hunt”. Really, they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Astarion had a target on his back for a long time before he died.
Astarion becomes a magistrate through these connections his parents have been making. They absolutely pull strings for him and we’re able to land him a very nice, high-paying job even if Astarion was a little under qualified for the position. Everyone was happy not only because of his job, but that given his upper class clientele he can easily work his way into becoming the Baldurian noble his parents were hoping for. Even if he was corrupt and not the best of people.
The story goes on and as you all know Astarion dies in his mid/late 30's due to the Gur attack. I have more headcanons regarding elf age here, which also talks about how elves dying due to murder is extremely rare in elven communities, so Analelle and Lithuryn just thought it literally could never happen. As for age, I can't describe it all here (it's all in the post I linked), but no Astarion was far from being a "child" biologically, he did however lack the life experience of someone who would have made it to 100 years old.
When they find that Astarion’s grave was defaced and his body missing, they were completely outraged. They were angrily contacting every single high noble of Baldur’s Gate and were on a wild emotionally-charged manhunt to find whoever did this. Cazador knew about this (duh) and started up his plan on how to deal with it. He purposely picks the people that don’t have many connections, but he clearly underestimated how involved the Ancunin family was. It was, at that point, easier to have the town turn against them than kill them and cause a big stink.
This all happened throughout the course of... a week or so. They were getting threatened every day, lost their jobs quickly, and their old noble connections turned against them. Unsure of how Cazador would do this but I can imagine he is really really good at it. They had to leave Baldur's Gate out of fear, never really knowing what happened to Astarion and generally being confused about the whole thing. This is also why Astarion never just. ran into them when he was prowling the streets and even if he had memory of them he wouldn't know where they went, and also why his grave stone was so unkept.
I can’t decide if they picked up their pieces back at Evereska and lived a modest life there, trying not to be noticed, or if they now live away from civilization in order to stay safe. It’s sad but unfortunately that’s just the way it goes with vampires :”)
As for eyes, I headcanon Astarion’s eyes to be blue with gold flecks (like his father’s) because I headcanon him to be a moon elf along with his mom. As much as I adore golden eyes him being a moon elf just makes so much sense! I might change my opinion at random because I’m so indecisive.
Anyway, I hope my incoherent rambles make sense. If i forgot something important lore-wise and it doesn’t fit in with these headcanons… let me know, but if anything this can be an AU. I spent so much time thinking abt it lol.
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princehrry-writings · 3 years
happy Easter if you celebrate it!! I've been working on this for a couple weeks!! It's the longest one-shot I think I've ever written.
word count: 5180
please please please flood my inbox with your thoughts and comments!! i want to know what you think!!!
warnings: some swearing (i think), absent birth father, single mom, nothing too serious.
“And who might this be?” He said softly, hoping that he wouldn’t frighten her.
“Tell Harry your name baby,” Y/n brushed a stray piece of hair away from her daughter's face who shied away behind her mom’s leg.
“Stella,” the little girl mumbled, fidgeting with the jeans she hid behind. He felt his heart flutter. She was just so freakin cute.
“It’s lovely to meet you Stella, m’Harry!”
“You talk funny.” The child said, making Harry laugh and Y/n gasp, scolding her daughter for being rude while trying not to laugh at her blunt comment.
“Stella Rose, that was not a very nice thing to say!” Y/n softly reprimanded.
“Sowwy Hawwy,” He chuckled, letting her know he forgave her.
Y/n is a single mom and Harry wants to be a part of the family.
Getting pregnant was definitely not something Y/n wanted to be doing at 20 years old. She had a boyfriend and the career of her dreams but as soon as the news broke, one of those things was no longer true. Her ex skipped town faster than she could even finish telling him she was pregnant, so Y/n was left to her own devices since her family was so far away.
She was a songwriter. She had worked with all the big names in the industry from Taylor Swift to All Time Low. She was known for being able to write in any genre, that’s what set her apart and why people were clawing at the chance to work with her.
And then she got pregnant. She kept writing songs until she was eight and a half months along but due to minor complications, her doctor had ordered her to stay home. So she did. She stayed home, had the baby, and raised her all by herself. Now that baby, whose name is Stella, is four years old and is traveling the world with her mom. Y/n had gone back to work when Stella was a year old. At first, she would leave her baby with a sitter, but eventually, she got to a point where Stella was old enough to come along to writing sessions and quietly color or play with toys in a corner. She really liked going to work with her mom. She got to see a bunch of cool places and meet a lot of nice people.
And one of those people was Harry Styles. Y/n had met him a few times back when he was with One Direction, had even tried to work with the band a few times but things never lined up right. But now he was making his second studio album and only wanted the best of the best to write with him so naturally, he called Y/n. Harry knew she had a kid but he didn’t expect her to bring said kid to a writing session. Harry didn’t really mind- he loves kids, but his friends had been known to curse a lot and he didn’t want to cause any harm to the child.
He made sure to give everyone a stern talking to, even though Kid already knew to hold his tongue (his little ones had repeated some colorful words a few times). He wanted everything to go right, needed it to. Y/n was more than just another songwriter.
“Y/n! I’m so glad you could make it!” Harry smiled as she walked into the studio. She smiled back, walking into his open arms for a hug.
“Thank you so much for having me, I’m super stoked to be working with you!” She said, slightly muffled by his neck. Harry looked down behind Y/n and saw a little girl that looked exactly like the woman currently in his arms looking right back up at him. When the two pulled away Harry was quick to kneel down to her height.
“And who might this be?” He said softly, hoping that he wouldn’t frighten her.
“Tell Harry your name baby,” Y/n brushed a stray piece of hair away from her daughter's face who shied away behind her mom’s leg.
“Stella,” the little girl mumbled, fidgeting with the jeans she hid behind. He felt his heart flutter. She was just so freakin cute.
“It’s lovely to meet you Stella, m’Harry!”
“You talk funny.” The child said, making Harry laugh and Y/n gasp, scolding her daughter for being rude while trying not to laugh at her blunt comment.
“Stella Rose, that was not a very nice thing to say!” Y/n softly reprimanded.
“Sowwy Hawwy,” He chuckled, letting her know he forgave her. Although he wasn’t mad, he understood Y/n had to teach her not to say things like that even if they were funny.
When Stella had settled at a table out of the way of the adults in the room with her coloring book and a juice box, the work began. Y/n and Harry sat at a piano bench ( he hoped she couldn’t hear his pounding heart) while Kid and Mitch, along with Jeff, sat scattered around the other furniture in the studio.
“So, I have a couple of ideas that I’ve been sitting on that I think you might like. You can look through this and see if there's something that catches your eye.” Y/n said, handing Harry a notebook. She tried to ignore the tingle she felt run up her arm when their fingers brushed. He flipped around the pages, noticing random little doodles in the corners and in between lines, and the somewhat messy but readable handwriting. He thought it was cute how she connected her s’s to her t’s and k’s when she wrote.
One page, in particular, caught his attention.
Golden, Golden, Golden
As I open my eyes
Hold it, focus
So you take me back to the light
I know you were way too bright for me
I’m hopeless, broken
So you wait for me in the sky
Brown my skin just right
“Is this a verse or a chorus?” He asked, pointing it out to her. She shrugged saying she didn’t really know yet but it would probably be a verse.
“I like it a lot,” He said and she smiled, picking up her guitar and strumming it to the tune she had thought of for the words. He listened and nodded along, already getting ideas for where to go next.
“I like the golden thing. I think that could be a good hook, something like we’re so golden,” Kid spoke up, tapping his fingers along to what she was playing.
“Or you’re so golden,” Mitch suggested. Harry and Y/n’s eyes widened at the same time, both looking up at each other when they heard the line.
“You’re so golden, you’re so golden…” Y/n hummed.
“I’m out of my head, and I know what you said about hearts get broken,”
“How about I’m out of my head and I know that you’re scared because hearts get broken,”
“I like that better, yeah!” Harry smiled, nodding along to the beat.
Y/n looked over 30 minutes later to see Stella had sprawled out on the floor with her arms folded beneath her head, first finger stuck into her mouth, and she smiled, breathing out a laugh.
“She’s so precious,” Harry murmured from beside you. Your gaze found his and the smile on your face widened a little bit.
“She is, isn’t she.” She said, pride present in her eyes.
“Looks just like you as well,”
“Yeah thank god, I don’t know what I would have done if she had ended up looking like her sperm donor,” Malice dripped from the end of her phrase. Y/n couldn’t even entertain the idea of her looking like the man who helped create her. That nerve was still a little raw, not because she had any remaining feelings, but because he had abandoned not only her but the beautiful baby girl who was napping not 15 feet away from her. She figured they were better off without him, yet her heart always shattered a little when Stella asked if she had a daddy like the people she sees on tv.
“I couldn’t imagine finding out the woman I loved was pregnant and then leaving her, any real man would have stayed.” His eyes were genuine, which she appreciated. Most people would say they felt sorry for her, pity dripping from their gaze, but she didn’t need pity, didn’t need people to feel sorry for her. But what Harry said was out of pity, he just honestly couldn’t understand how anyone would abandon a child.
“Yeah well, I guess I just wasn’t the woman he loved.” She said, looking back at her baby. Stella made all of that pain from when he disappeared worth it.
Harry wanted to be able to take that pain away.
“Hey I know it’s late, but I have this idea and I want you to hear it,” Harry’s raspy voice chimed through the speaker of Y/n’s phone. She glanced at the time, reading 1:30 AM, and sighed.
“Come open the door,” He said.
“Wait what? You’re here?”
“Yeah, come on. It’s cold out here.”
“Ugh, hold on,” The woman sighed, hanging up and tip-toeing out of her room so her footsteps wouldn’t wake the sleeping four-year-old in the next room over. Her door was open and she was a light sleeper.
The door swung open and Harry stood there with a small smile on his face, burrowing as deep into his coat as he could to shield himself from the cold air outside.
“Hi!” His cheeky smile made Y/n’s heart flutter.
This was the first of many times he would show up at her place in the middle of the night.
Another night of Harry coming over late with a song idea he couldn’t wait to show Y/n, although now it was more he would come over after Stella fell asleep and the two would watch movies and talk, and sometimes write songs (even though the album was done).
The pair were perched on the couch in a heated conversation about whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza (it does and that is a fact not an opinion) when the sound of little footsteps caught their attention. They both looked up from where they sat at the sound of loud crying coming down the stairs, seeing a small child with tears barreling down her face, cheeks flush an angry red, first finger stuck in her mouth, teddy bear clutched tightly to her chest.
“Baby what’s wrong?” Y/n cooed, getting up and sweeping her into her arms. She went and sat back down on the couch, cradling the baby to her chest, brushing her hair out of her face, and rocking her back and forth.
“Scawwy dweam mommy,” She hiccuped into her mom’s neck, where she hid her face. Her tiny hands clutched onto her shirt, finger stick tucked between her lips.
Harry held back a coo at the little girl, feeling himself fall further and further for the little family of two sitting before him. He hadn’t been able to take his mind off of them since that first day he met Stella. He’d always had a schoolboy crush on Y/n since they first met all those years ago but knew it was one-sided when she introduced her boyfriend one of the last times they had seen each other. As fate would have it though, they found their way back to each other. Neither of them could deny the feelings they held, but Y/n was scared to bring someone into the picture because she didn’t want Stella to get attached to someone who wouldn’t be permanent. She was lucky her ex left before he ever got the chance to meet Stella, the kid had no clue what she was missing, therefore didn’t have any pain due to her absent father.
She would be lying if she said she didn’t imagine Harry stepping into that role. But she couldn’t ask that of him. He was at a time in his career where he didn’t have time to be the father of a four year old.
But life is full of surprises.
“Hawwy.” The baby whimpered and crawled off of Y/n’s chest, into his lap and snuggled her head right into him like it was where she was meant to be all along. His heart just about burst when the little girl fisted his shirt, tucking herself into him. His arms instinctively wrapped around her, cradling her into him and rocking her back and forth like her mother had been only moments ago.
Stella calms down almost immediately, to Y/n’s surprise. It usually takes her a while to console her baby from bad dreams, but all Harry had to do was hold her, and boom, no more tears.
“You alright petal?” He cooed into her hair, soothing his hand up and down her back to keep her calm. She nodded, letting out a huge yawn and closing her eyes, falling back asleep in his arms.
Y/n was astonished. Stella had never fallen asleep on anyone but her mom or her grandmother. She’s known Harry for a few months and was acting like he’d been there her whole life.
“Wow… she loves you.” Y/n whispered, not really meaning for him to hear but he did and his smile gave her the impression that he loved her too. But Stella wasn’t the only one he felt such affections for.
“Y/n....” He starts after a moment of silence, “I know this sounds crazy because we’ve only truly known each other for a few months… but I’ve had feelings for you for years. I missed my opportunity when you got with your ex but I’m here now, and I love you, and I love Stella, and I would do anything to stay in both of your lives if you’d have me. I want to be here for you, and I want to be here for her as well.” His confession shocked the woman sitting across from him.
Y/n was quiet, eyebrows furrowed in deep thought while she took in what he was saying. Trying her best to keep her fantasies of playing house with him at bay, she spoke.
“Harry, as much as all of that sounds lovely, you’re about to start press for the album and then go on tour. You’re not gonna have time to be in a relationship, and as much as I wish I could just jump into something like that, I can’t. I have her to think about…” She gestured to the toddler sleeping on him.
“She needs consistency, her life is already hectic enough.”
“So come with me!” He spouted, and then retracted a bit realizing he could wake Stella up.
“Come with me! You two travel around already, so come on the press tour with me and then come on the big tour with me! I know this sounds impulsive and it’s probably the craziest thing I’ve ever said in my life ever, but I’ve never been more sure of anything. I know what I want Y/n, and that’s to be a part of this family. I want to be a part of your lives!”
“Harry, I-”
“Please Y/n. Give me a chance! I won’t let you down!” The gleam in his eyes shows her that he’s serious. He really does want this. Harry just hopes that Y/n can see just how willing he is, how much it would mean to him to have (what he already affectionately considers to be) his girls with him on tour.
It’s quiet, only sounds of Stella’s even breaths and the light noise of her sucking on her finger fill the room. Eventually, Y/n gathers her thoughts, mind made up.
“We’ll try it out… see how it goes….” She said, releasing a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding on to. Harry’s smile grew tenfold at her confession, reaching over and bringing her face closer to his to kiss her lips, careful not to wake the baby in his arms.
He had never been happier, Harry decides, than he is right now.
“Hawwy?” Stella’s voice catches Y/n’s attention from where she sits on the plane, in between her and Harry. She turns her little head to the man sitting in the aisle seat, big round eyes staring right into his.
“What is it, lovebug?” He asks, pushing her wild baby hairs away from her eyes. Y/n did her very best not to coo at the two of them. Harry had fallen perfectly into step with the mother and daughter, like this duo had been a trio all along. She was still hesitant to think of him as a father figure for Stella though, just because if things went south somehow, she didn’t want her baby suffering a loss like that (a second time).
Stella’s little fists rubbed at her tired eyes. She let out a small ‘hmph’ and laid her head on Harry’s arm, wrapping her own little arms around his.
“Awe you my daddy?” She asked and Y/n choked on her spit, looking back over at the toddler.
“Stella, baby-”
“I would love to be your daddy lovebug, but that’s not really up to me…” He spoke and glanced up at Y/n quickly, trepidation clear in his eyes. Harry was afraid he might overstep. Sure he knew that things were still new between him and Y/n but he wanted nothing more than for Stella to think of him as her dad.
“Who’s it up to?” Y/n could tell she was about to fall asleep but was fighting it in order to get her answers. She had adjusted to a more fast pace schedule quite nicely. She slept through most plane and car rides and absolutely loved being backstage at concerts. Harry thought she looked so adorable with her big noise-canceling headphones on. They had been on the road for a few months now, and it had been 8 months since Y/n decided to give him a chance.
“It’s up to mummy, baby.” He answered, his fingers tangling into his chestnut curls in a futile attempt to keep them out of his face.
Stella’s head immediately whipped to look at her mom, who sat frozen in her seat, not knowing what to do.
“Mommy, is Hawwy my daddy?” She repeated her question. Y/n had a feeling that Stella thought Harry was her real dad, the one that her mom didn’t like to talk about. She had to make sure there was no confusion.
“Not like you're thinking he is, baby. He’s not your birth dad, he didn’t help mommy make you, but if you want him to be your daddy, then that’s ok with me.” Y/n locked eyes with the man sitting across from her with a smile on his face. She was glad that they were flying private because she really didn’t need anyone ruining this moment for them. All her fears of this not working out felt stupid now.
How could she ever think that things with Harry wouldn’t work out? He was right where he belonged.
“Baby!” Harry knelt down to catch the running (almost) 5 year old, picking her up and spinning her around in his arms. They were in England for two weeks on tour. One for shows, and one so that Y/n and Stella could meet Harry’s mom and sister for the first time as a part of the family. Y/n had met them before as “a friend of Harry’s” many years ago, but they had never met her as Harry’s girlfriend, and they hadn’t met Stella.
Currently, Harry was in the middle of a show and Stella had just escaped her mothers arms side stage in favor of running to her dad. Y/n still couldn’t get over saying that. Harry is Stella’s dad. She doesn’t think that will ever get old.
No one knew how serious the relationship between Y/n and Harry was. The public knew they were together (after a very vague post on instagram of the mother/daughter duo napping with the caption “my girls”). Many people thought this was a PR stunt, just because it was so unlike Harry to post something like that. But he had actually confirmed in an interview that, yes, he was in a relationship with the songwriter and it was pretty serious. That was all he chose to say, in favor of keeping his secrecy, as he so famously loves to do.
What came as a shock to the audience was what the child had called Harry. They all knew about Stella, obviously, but no one would have thought that this child would think of him as her father. A lot of people didn’t like thinking about Harry being a father.
“What are you doing out here baby?” He said into her ear, making sure he could hear her over the loud noise of the audience. Most of them loved getting glimpses into his life, so the crowd was excited to see Stella out on stage and many thought it was adorable that she already thought of him as her dad.
“Missed you.” She said into his neck. The microphone had somehow picked up their little exchange and the whole crowd sighed a collective “awe” when she said that. She was perched on his hip with her little arms wrapped around his neck, her favorite place if she had to choose one. She was pretty small for a 4-year-old, most people usually thought she was younger.
Harry chuckled and saw Y/n standing there with a smile on her face. Mitch was giggling at the exchange and kept glancing back at Sarah with a knowing look of “That’s going to be us soon,” written on his face.
“I missed you too lovebug, but I’m in the middle of a show! I gotta send you back to mumma.” He said. Stella didn’t like that though, because as soon as the words left his lips she was clinging to him like he was her life force and the tears began streaming down her face. She didn’t like having to share her daddy. She just wanted to be held by him right now, and she’d be damned if she got anything but her way.
This amused everyone, the child's insistence to be in her father's arms, so he sighed and bent to her will because how could he say no to his baby girl?
So he walked over to her mom and got her headphones, slipping them on her, and walked back to his microphone with her on his hip, ready to start the next song.
“Harry and Stella” was trending on twitter the very next morning. No one could get enough of the father-daughter duo.
Y/n hadn’t been this nervous since she was about to give birth to Stella. She stood with her baby in her arms as Harry opened the door to his childhood home, announcing to his mom and sister that they were there. She had to wipe her sweaty palms on her jeans more than once.
Anne rushed out from wherever she had been, greeting the three of them. Stella had met Anne via FaceTime many times so it was not news to her (or Gemma) that Harry had stepped into the role of Stella’s father. She will admit she was surprised at first but then she was reminded that Harry had been in their lives for almost a year before Stella had asked the question. It wasn’t something that was rushed into.
Anne was very excited to be meeting her grandbaby and was very excited to meet the girl that had made her a grandmother.
Stella got shy, not being used to seeing “Nana” in person. Gemma had emerged from her spot in the kitchen as well, greeting everyone.
“Hello, my loves! How was the trip?” Anne said, kissing both of them on the cheek, her hand gently caressing the child's cheek in an attempt to get her out of her shell. Once she realized that this was her Nana that was standing before her, Stella reached out for Anne, silently asking to be held by her. Anne jumped at the chance, sweeping the baby into her arms and giving her a big hug, kissing her on the forehead multiple times, not being able to quell her affection for her first grandchild.
“It was good mum, Stell slept the whole way and traffic was pretty light,” Harry said, slipping his hand into his girlfriend’s, brushing his thumb back and forth trying to help calm her anxieties. For whatever reason, Y/n was worried that Gemma and Anne wouldn’t like her because she had come into their son/brother's life with a child, but it was clear that the two ladies loved the idea of Harry being Stella’s father.
“Oh, that's lovely!” She smiled, cuddling Stella impossibly closer to her. Y/n felt most of her worries melt away seeing the woman with her baby.
She felt silly for thinking Anne would be anything but happy.
Anne would not put Stella down for anything. The two were attached at the hip every waking second. Y/n was actually starting to miss her baby, but she appreciated getting to spend time with Harry without having to keep an eye on their little one. Gemma was absolutely smitten with Stella as well. She was very excited to be “Auntie Gem” as Stella had quickly adapted to calling her. Stella was very happy as well. She had never been around so much family in her whole life. She’d been so used to just her and her mom, and then just them and Harry, but now she had two whole grandma’s all to herself and an auntie she gets to call her own, something she never knew she was missing, that Y/n never thought her baby would get to have.
Harry was so happy to see his baby with Anne and Gemma. They had been bumped to spot number 3 and 4 on his favorite girl list, with Stella and Y/n taking spots 1 and 2. They didn’t mind one bit.
“Daddy, can we watch a movie?” Stella jumped up onto his lap as he and Y/n sat on the couch, just talking and enjoying each other's company. Y/n smiled at the girl, tightening her grip around Harry’s shoulders, resting her head in the crook of his neck.
“Of course we can lovebug! Go get Nana and auntie Gem and we’ll all pick one out together!” He replied, petting her wild baby hairs out of her eyes just like he always did.
“Auntie Gemma said to ask you if we could watch…” She paused for a second, her little finger tapping on her chin like she couldn’t remember what she was gonna say. Suddenly, she was up and running back to the hallway she had just come from. Y/n and Harry heard little whispers before she came running back out and plopped back onto Harry’s lap, on ‘oof’ erupting from him.
“This Is Us!” She finally said. Harry’s face dropped as he looked behind them to see Gemma standing there, trying to hold back her laughter. Y/n just started cackling and Stella was giggling even though she had no idea what was going on.
“Daddy’s in that movie baby,” Y/n finally calmed down enough to say to her daughter. The little one’s eyes lit up, her hands clasped underneath her chin. This was what she did when she wanted her daddy to say yes to her because she knew he couldn’t resist how adorable she was.
“Please please please!!!!!!” She whined, leaning in to place her forehead against Harry’s. She knew exactly how to get him. He caved every single time.
“Yeah, fine. We can watch it!” He finally said and all three girls cheered. Anne came in at the noise wondering what was going on.
“What’s all this?” She asked and Stella ran up to her, pulling on her
“We watching Daddy’s movie Nana!” She said, jumping up and down with a glowing beam on her face.
“Oh, are we now? Which one?” Anne asked and Stella paused.
“Daddy, how many movies awe you in?” She came back and crawled into his lap. She still had trouble saying her r’s. Her and Harry were working on it.
“Two, lovebug. But one of them you can’t watch until you’re older. It’s too scary f’you.” He said, cuddling his baby into his chest. She put on a little pout hearing that. She didn’t like when her daddy told her no, but this was something he wasn’t gonna budge on.
“Ok,” She sighed. All the adults thought this was adorable.
So they all settled in and watched the movie. Harry had a permanent blush on his face and Stella would jump up and down every time he was on the screen.
“Nana look!! That’s you!!” Anne laughed and nodded to her granddaughter.
“Yes, it is baby!”
“Mommy, why aren’t you in this movie?” She asked and everyone giggled.
“Me and Daddy didn’t know each other very well back then, baby.” Y/n laughed. Stella didn’t really understand but she didn’t say anything else.
The last few days had worn her out and that became very obvious when Harry looked down and saw his baby asleep on his chest, her first finger stuck in her mouth just like it always was when she fell asleep.
“Love, I’m gonna go lay her down, and then I’ll be right back,” Harry whispered, cradling the sleeping girl in his arms and slowly standing up. Y/n nodded, kissing his cheek before he left.
“He’s so good with her!” Gemma cooed, her face lighting up seeing her brother with his kid. A sight she was still kind of getting used to seeing.
“He really is…” Y/n smiled, “It was pretty instant too. Anytime he’d come over and she was still awake, he’d insist on putting her to bed, reading to her, singing to her, he’d bring her toys. She’s had him wrapped around her little finger since he first laid eyes on her.”
“That’s so precious,” Anne spoke up, coming to sit next to her, wrapping Y/n in her warm embrace.
“I can’t wait until you two get married!” Y/n laughed at Gemma’s confession, snuggling into Anne.
“All he has to do is ask, I’m ready to say yes!” What none of the girls knew was that Harry was standing right outside the living room, hearing everything that was being said. His mind raced back to his suitcase where a velvet box sat tucked away between all of his clothes.
He was hesitant to bring the idea up because it had only been a year, but the saying when you know, you know he thought.
He came back into the living room, acting none the wiser, sitting on the other side of the girl he was going to marry (she just didn’t know it yet), and cuddled into her just as she had cuddled into his mom.
“Daddy,” A small voice broke through the now quiet hum of the tv.
“Lovebug, what are you doing back up?” He asked, lifting the sleepy little thing into his lap.
“Scawwy dweam, daddy.” She said and he pouted, pulling her closer into his chest and snuggling her back to sleep.
Harry was exactly where he belonged in life. With his baby girl in his arms, and his Love by his side.
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thisismyhell · 3 years
With you, Safely
Pairing: Hotch x reader (criminal minds) FLUFF :)
Summary: You have a stalker, and it just so happens the BAU is in the right place at the right time. Can Hotch make you feel safe in your stressful state?
Words: 5k
TWs: blaming yourself, a gun is mentioned, making out!!!!!
Being honest about your personal life was never your strong suit. You always had the habit of leaving out sometimes small, and sometimes big, details about your situation. Whether it was because you found it way too personal, or just simply forgot about the idea of telling someone. You knew that theoretically if the people in your life were good, they would be there for you. But, you also knew that you had some people in your life who were not so good, and the lines often blurred in your mind. So when you started getting anonymous threats sent to your workplace, it took you a while to come to terms with the fact that you should tell someone. 
Taking your boss’s advice, you went to the police station. You have never had a reason to engage with a cop before, and if you were honest with yourself, you were not exactly thrilled at the concept. Especially under your circumstances. Not only did you hate the idea of talking about your personal life, but asking for actual help made you nauseous. It made you physically uncomfortable to put yourself out there like that, admitting to being vulnerable and not being able to take care of the situation quietly on your own. You understood that having threats sent to you like this was not a casual situation you could take care of, but you were still mentally trying to get out of this realization. Everything is fine if you just don’t talk about it, right?
“How can I help you today?” the receptionist asked, bringing you back into reality. “Um, sorry - I just..I think I may have a s-stalker? I don’t really know though, it might not even be that serious-”, “okay, what makes you think you have a stalker?” you were thankful she had taken the lead in this conversation. “Well, I-uh, I have been getting threats. Like, sent to my workplace? I don’t know, like, letters and packages from someone I don’t know. It might not be serious, my boss.. My boss just thought I should tell the police?” You were so uncomfortable, and the woman helping you could tell. “Alright well, how about you step into an office over here and we can take you information, and you can tell an officer everything you can. How does that sound?” Her kind eyes were easing your shoulders from their crunched up state. “That would be helpful, yes, t-thank you”. You followed her into an office where an officer wrote down everything you described to them. 
Taking the bus back to your apartment, you felt some tension leave your body. It had been maybe 2-3 months of keeping this to yourself, and you finally had the energy to tell someone. Someone who could maybe actually put you at ease. You probably didn’t have a stalker, let’s be real. That stuff never happens in real life, the concept was so far away from being real to you. Exiting the bus you kept telling yourself everything would be fine, and this would blow over in a week. You walked up the steps to your one bedroom, and found a stack of mail at your doorstep. Picking it up and entering your home, and flipped through. A bill, some junk mail, and some letter with no return address on it. Actually, it just had your info and nothing else, not even a stamp. You put the rest of your mail down and opened the mysterious letter. Your heart sank when you realized what it was. 
“Why did you have to tell them about us? Everything was going so well.”
That’s all it said inside the letter. You dropped it, and called the station asking for the officer you were just speaking to. They told you that you were lucky, because the FBI was in town that week and had just finished up another case. You were told they had some extra time on their hands, and you could come in tomorrow to speak with them. You sighed and agreed, hanging up in relief. This would blow over, everything would be just fine. 
The BAU team was getting ready to head back to their hotel room when Hotch was pulled aside by an officer at the precinct they were working at. “Sir, I’m sorry to ask about this on your way out. But a woman came in earlier about a stalker sending threats to her workplace. We took her story and information, but she just called me back. She got a letter in the mail saying she shouldn’t have told the police. The guy knows where she lives”. 
The team all gathered around the officer. Hotch reached out, “she came in today about this, and he escalated that quickly?”. “Wait, if she was here today, how did we miss her?” Reid probed. The officer shook his head, “the lady was so quiet, she seemed hesitant to even be here in the first place. As soon as she finished her side and said that was all she knew, she was gone. Quietest girl I’ve ever seen”. “She must not have thought it was serious,” commented Morgan. 
“Sure, but a stalker rarely sends threats to the object of his desire without preparing for some kind of meeting. Officer, tell her to come back to the station and we can make a profile”. The officer told him she was already on the way, and she’d be there in less than an hour. 
Feeling shook up, you entered the station for the second time that day. The receptionist recognized you, and walked with you to where the BAU team was working. You felt somewhat shameful that such a big deal was being made over you, but you had to keep reminding yourself that you were not safe in your own home at this time. So you swallowed your pride, and right when you were about to try and get their attention, a tall dark haired gentleman introduced himself. “Good evening, you must be y/n. You can call me Hotch, and this is my team-”, you listed as he told you everyone’s name, thankful for his close proximity to you. Sure it was cheesy, but having a man like Hotch around you made you feel safe. You looked up at him, “thank you all, really - you didn’t have to stay in town just for this”. Hotch cut you off, “Nonsense. We were already here, and having a stalker know where you live on top of where you work is not something to ignore. We will help create a profile for you, you might know who it is without realizing it. You nodded, realizing for the first time in the past 3 months just how tired you were of this. Hotch immediately picked up on your body language, leading you to where a couch was placed in the back of the room.
You sat down next to Reid, the young doctor. He smiled at you almost as awkwardly as you smiled at him. Feeling safe on the couch, you let yourself relax a bit more. The situation you had gotten yourself into was far from ideal, but at least now you weren’t alone in it. However selfish it made you feel, you were happier to be here with the overworked team instead of your lonely apartment. You looked around and it seemed like the entire BAU were trying to profile you. Maybe they were, it was their job of course. You made eye contact with Hotch, who nodded at you, giving you the opportunity to tell your side of things. 
“It started 2 or 3 months ago when I got some letter delivered to me at work. It was weird since like, why would I get mail at work? But I opened it and it was just a description of what I looked like, like in a poem. But I googled it and it’s an original. I couldn’t find it anywhere. So that threw me off but I didn’t take it seriously. I work in retail, I see a million people every shift, you know? I thought it was just some guy who was into me and was weird about it. But then I started getting them more and more often, but just at work. I got sent pictures of myself, presents, and they never had return addresses. And they all had the same handwriting so it was easy to assume it was the same guy. But today...I got a letter to my apartment. To where I live...alone. That’s never happened”. 
The team took in your words, looking like they had definitely seen this kind of thing before. Your gut had the mixed feeling of relief and worry. If they had seen this before they knew what to do, but that meant that they had to do something. Hotch looked at you, “luckily, we should be able to end this before he goes further. Can you tell us anyone in your life, no matter how small, that might want to hurt you, or even someone who holds some animosity towards you?”. You thought about it, and though you had a hunch, you were hoping it wasn’t true. “My..my ex boyfriend. I thought we ended things amicably, but I don’t think he ever got over it. I was hoping it wasn’t him”. The team all nodded, this was probably more common that you thought. 
You stood up, “I’m sorry, I just need some air”. You stepped into the hallway for some quiet, when you heard the office door open and close behind you. You recognized his cologne, Hotch came out and stood in front of you. “I know how uncomfortable this situation must be. Is there anything we can do to make you more comfortable in the meantime?”. The man had the kindest eyes, even under his stern brows. You wondered if he practiced this expression, the perfect balance between intimidating and soft. You hoped you were that good and being readable, that way you wouldn’t have to open your mouth. Weirdly, the only thing you wanted in that moment was a coffee. Something to keep you warm and give you some much needed energy. Having yourself on display like this all day had been exhausting. You were amazed when Hotch spoke, “there’s a coffee place across the street. The machine in here is broken, thankfully. I’ll take you”. He gently hovered his hand on the small of your back, as if asking permission to guide you out of the building. 
He walked you out, opening doors for you on the way. Walking into the shop with an FBI agent on your arm made you feel safe for the first time in a couple months. You weren’t one to rely on others in any capacity, but in that moment, you let yourself feel relaxed with the man’s presence. It was literally his job to keep you safe, and you’d be lying if that fact didn’t give you butterflies. You were a little too engulfed with taking him in that you didn’t notice he was speaking to you. “Sorry? I’m sorry, I must have zoned out, what were you saying?” you stammered, and he just looked down at you and smiled, repeating his question. “I was asking what you would like to drink? I assume coffee, but I wasn’t sure what your preference was”, he was smiling down at you, and you forgot about every type of coffee that has ever existed. “Oh! Um, a vanilla latte. But you don’t have to get it for me, I can take care of myself-” he cut you off with a single look. “Although I am more than sure you are capable of taking care of yourself, I would like to give you this one thing, if you’d let me”. You swallowed, “I guess- I guess I can let you do this one thing. For me. Thank you, sir”. He ordered your drinks and the two of you stood at the next counter waiting for them. Hotch quietly spoke to you, almost like it was just the two of you in the entire building, “as much as I appreciate the title, please call me Hotch”. You found yourself suppressing a giggle at the feeling of his voice so close to your neck, you were definitely not used to this level of attention. “Okay, Hotch it is”. 
You grabbed your drinks, and he held the door open for you on the way out. He moved his hand from your back where you had gotten so used to it, and he walked right into the road. You watched as he lifted his hand, stopping traffic to let you cross alongside him. What you didn’t see, was Morgan looking out the window at you two, and beckoning the team to come see how Hotch was treating you. “Damn, he must really like coffee today”. Reid joined him at the window, “actually, Hotch always has a next level of confidence after a case ends well. Y/n must be his outlet for a good mood”. Rossi sat at his desk working on a file, “yeah.. Pretty nice outlet if you ask me”. 
The two of you came back into the meeting room, and you couldn’t help the blush you felt when you noticed the team all glance at each other at the site of you two. This kind of attention was okay you thought, as long as he’s the source. Hotch pulled out a chair for you to sit next to him, and the team gathered at the meeting table. 
After some deliberation, and completely downing your coffee, you all came to the conclusion that based on your ex’s habits and personality, it was almost definitely him. So you created a plan to lure him out and catch him in the act. Unfortunately for you however, this meant having to literally face your problem. The team seemed confident enough, but Hotch could feel your body stiffen at the thoughts running through your head. Since meeting you just a couple hours prior, it turned out he could read you like a book. You couldn’t tell yet, but he could. He caught your jaw tighten, and he gently placed his hand on your shoulder, “y/n, you do not have to do this. We can find another way if you cannot bring yourself to go through with this plan”. He was being kind, but you all knew that this was for the best. You softly grinned at him, “thank you, Hotch, but I can do this. I want to face him”. And with that, you all left to get into your various positions. 
The plan was simple. In one of the letters you received, he stated that once you finally realized he was the one meant for you, you would get a table for two at the restaurant you had your first date, and you would prove to him you meant it by waiting for one whole hour, sitting there. Alone, while he supposedly watched you and your body language, and would then arrive. You would be wearing a wire, and once he started threatening you in person and possibly making a scene, the BAU would swoop in and save the day. You were confident in your role, not that you had to do much. You borrowed some date-type clothing from Emily, and you were now heading into the restaurant wearing your wire. You knew that this could all go horribly wrong, but hopefully whatever did happen, brought an end to your unhappiness. 
Taking the 100th deep breath of the day, you told the hostess your party name and they sat you down at your table. Thankfully your waiter was in on what was going on, so they wouldn’t be asking you about food until your ex came and sat down. You felt so exposed, of course your table was in the dead centre of the restaurant. You weren’t aware of the agents stationed around you, Reid pointed out that if you knew too much then the stalker would be able to read your body language too well. So you say there, sucking on the ice cubes from your water knowing what a long night this was going to be. 
“How are you feeling, y/n?” Hotch scared the daylights out of you, causing you to swallow your ice cube by accident. You gasped, but recovered smoothly. You kept your face as straight as you could without openly talking to yourself, “you scared me, I didn’t know you’d be on the other end of this thing”. You heard him softly chuckle, easing the tension. “Well, having you wired would be pretty useless if we couldn’t hear each other”. You smiled to yourself. Obviously he was right, but for some reason you just didn’t clue in that it could be him, out of everyone on the team, to be the one consoling you tonight. Maybe they were in on how he made you feel. Mentally thanking Hotch for his presence, “you’re right, how silly of me. Here I am feeling all alone in here without realizing who has my back”. There was a small pause on the other end before he replied, “you are far from alone in there, y/n”. You didn’t think it was possible given the circumstances, but you felt safe here in that moment too. You swore you could feel his physical presence even through the tiny earpiece. 
Some time passed, and with talking as minimally as you could, you realized an hour was about to pass. Now you had to prepare yourself for the confrontation. You were fine, but emotionally and mentally, you were not thrilled for the exhaustion you knew you’d be feeling in the next few moments. Looking out the windows of the patio, you saw him. Walking oddly through the crowd to the front doors. You knew this was going to be some sort of confrontation, but honestly you didn’t think that far ahead of what you would be saying or doing. Sensing some heating tension between your ex and the hostess, you found yourself frozen to your spot. He was just supposed to come in, say his name and be escorted over, what was going on? The hostess knew what to do, so why was tension rising? “Hotch..” you whispered, trying to get his attention. You heard a very quiet “don’t move”, before seeing your ex flash a gun hidden in his waistband. If you weren’t frozen before, you sure were by now. He hadn’t seen you yet, which was good. Maybe they’ll get to him before he gets to you. Slowly standing up from your seat with no intention to do anything but drop dead, you felt yourself taking a step towards him. You didn’t know why but something inside you told you that this whole thing was a mistake, and whatever was about to happen was your own fault, and you needed to stop it. You could talk to him and calm him down, that’s what your whole relationship was based on anyway. He just needed to be with you, and he would stop the hostility. 
As you were taking your third step in his direction, Hotch stepped in front of you, holding out the side of his jacket to stop your ex from seeing you. You felt his other arm ghost around your waist, his cologne seeping into the dress you borrowed. “Don’t let him see me..” you whispered. “I won’t let him do anything to you, y/n”. You let Hotch take the lead and guide you into the kitchen, out of harm's way. You didn’t realize you were quietly crying until you were standing against the cool tile wall, and Hotch brushed a tear away with his thumb. He went to leave, presumably to help arrest the man who was going to kill you. Before he could take another step, you grabbed his hand more forcefully than you thought you had the strength to. “Please, don’t leave me”. Hotch saw the pleading look in your eyes, and leaned into his phone, “take care of it, Morgan”. You let yourself quietly cry against the wall, facing Hotch. You were so incredibly embarrassed, this was all your fault. You should have realized who your stalker was immediately and squashed this whole problem by yourself. The fact that someone was being arrested right now because of you, made you sick. Sure, it was in order to keep you safe, but you still felt like a burden. The FBI shouldn’t be here. This shouldn’t have happened. 
Hotch couldn’t bring himself to just stand there and watch you fall apart, so he put his arms around you, gently squeezing you enough to make you feel present. You let yourself get your tears on his uniform, it was just something else to apologize for later. You almost collapsed, having all this mental weight pulling you down to the ground. Before you could fall, Hotch steadied you, pressing you against the wall in his hug to get you more grounded. The feeling of the cold tile against the back of your neck helped center you. Hotch let you go slowly, testing to see if you would stay standing without him. It tore him up inside seeing cases like these, and yours was no different. Now letting you stand on your own, the two of you held eye contact. “Y/n, you are safe. You never have to see him again. He cannot hurt you. He can’t hurt you anymore”. It was like he was saying it to the both of you as a mantra, getting you to feel okay and safe, and to bring him back to reality. He wanted to keep you safe, to open every door for you and stop traffic for you. Bring you coffee whenever you asked and even when you didn’t. He wanted you to understand how important you were, and how this was not your fault. He knew you blamed yourself, he could see it in your face and in your tears. 
You weren’t crying anymore, but you were exhausted. You wanted Hotch to just pick you up and take you home, take you anywhere but here. There was something in his demeanor that made you feel like a flower next to him. This big FBI agent, holding you up against the wall making sure you don’t fall over. You were almost killed tonight and all you could think about was just how strong Hotch was. Not to mention how good he smelled. He moved his grip from around your shoulders, down to around your waist. He pulled you into another deep embrace, this one feeling more personal. You had your arms around him but under his jacket, letting it fall around the two of you. You pulled away at the same time, and you muttered a small “thank you”. 
He towered over you, and he still had a concerned look in his eyes. You could tell he wanted to say something, so you nodded to try and get it out of him. “We both know you are safe now. That man is going back to the police station to be processed as the criminal he is..” he stopped, but you knew he wasn’t finished. You let him breath before continuing, “y/n, you live alone and today your life was threatened. You deserve to sleep somewhere tonight where you do not have to worry about a single thing”. He was right. You wanted to stay awake all night, knowing the moment you’d step back into your apartment you’d feel like you were in a cage. Your parents lived just outside the city, maybe you could have a police escort. But it was so late, and you hated the idea of waking up your parents just to baby you tonight. You knew exactly where you wanted to be, but how can you ask an FBI agent to extend his duties into watching over you through the night? All these thoughts raced through your mind in the second it took Hotch to open his mouth again, “I have an idea but the last thing I want is for you to feel pressured into saying yes, or scaring you off”. Now you were interested, the evening seemed to be playing out in your favour afterall. He continued, “y/n, the team and I are staying at the hotel downtown. I would be more than happy to pull some strings, and say we need an extra room for the night. We leave in the morning, but you’d be on a floor filled with FBI agents”. You accepted the offer maybe a little quickly, but thankfully he wasn’t put off with your enthusiasm. You leaned in again and held his suit collar, “thank you, Hotch. All I want is to feel safe tonight”. Looking up at him, a million thoughts crossed your mind all at once. You wanted to hire this man as your personal bodyguard. With the look you saw in his eye, he might even say yes. The next few moments were only seconds apart, but they felt like an eternity. Hotch placed his hands around your jaw, tilting your head up towards him. He looked at you with ocean’s in his eyes and whispered again like you were the only two in the entire building, “I can keep you safe, y/n”, before leaning in and giving you a kiss so grounding you swore he had you in the palm of his hand. 
“Guys, we’re good let’s head back - “ Morgan cut himself off when he saw Hotch removing his hands from you. Hotch cleared his throat, “y/n will be staying at the hotel with us tonight. I don’t think it would be wise for her to go back home alone”. You were hoping Morgan couldn’t see you holding on to Hotch’s forearm like your life depended on it. He got the idea, and the 3 of you left in the SUV back downtown. 
Once you entered the lobby, the team went up to their rooms as Hotch took you to the front desk. He enquired about getting an extra room just for you, and the manager handed you your key for the night. Slowly making your way up to the shared floor, you started to digest all the events that happened during your day. You almost got lost in your own brain, but Hotch pulled you back out when he placed his hand on the small of your back with confidence, leading you out into the hallway. You found your room, just a couple door’s down from where Hotch said he was. You were excited to be staying in a fancy hotel, even for just one night. As much as you wanted Hotch to come in with you, you knew he was technically still at work. But once again as if he could read your mind, Hotch was the one to open your door and see you inside safely. You took in your room. It was gorgeous with a king bed and a view for days. Putting your things down on the bed, you looked to Hotch, who seemed to be fidgeting slightly. He had been so confident in front of you all day, what was making him act like that?
“Is there anything else you need? I’d be happy to get anything-”, “thank you Hotch, really. But I have everything that I need right here in this room”. You gave him another soft smile, and you went to see him out. Your door was still closed, and Hotch was reaching to open it. He turned back around to you without realizing how close you were standing behind him. “If you change your mind, I’m just a couple doors down. I don’t sleep much, so it won’t be hard to get me”. You thought to yourself and spoke, “actually, I don’t sleep much either. I’ve had insomnia since I was a child”. 
“Really?” he asked you, returning a smirk. “Really”, you offered. You moved around him and leaned against the door, wanting to continue the conversation. Hotch took another guess at what you wanted, and he slowly pressed himself against your small frame, holding you in place. You let out a small sigh, showing him you didn’t mind at all. He took your waist in his hands for the second time that evening, and placed his lips against yours. He kissed you so softly and so gently, you thought you were going to float away. And his grip on you said he felt the same way. Digging his fingers harder into your waist asking permission to deepen the kiss, you granted him access. You opened your mouth to heat the moment, and Hotch was thrilled. He was pressing you into the door like he was afraid you’d otherwise fall through the floor. You were on your tiptoes kissing him and he wouldn’t let you feel any of your weight. You were completely pinned, and you loved it. You felt so secure between him and the door, knowing you were not going anywhere without him guiding you there first. He was protecting you with everything he could, never allowing you to go more than a split second without having his mouth on you. 
If the two of you couldn’t sleep, you wouldn’t mind being pinned all night long. Hotch was huge, towering over you from the moment you met. But he had the softest eyes you’d ever seen. He was kissing you like it was keeping you alive, and you wouldn’t be surprised if it was. You were gripping his shirt in your fists, seeing what he would allow you to do under his restrictions. He let you run your hands all over him, encouraging him to do the same to you. The two of you broke away at the same time for air. He looked down at you like you could break if he said the wrong thing. “If this is helping at all, I can stay longer if you need me-” you answered the lame question with a sloppy kiss on his neck, “Hotch, please stay with me”. With that, he gathered you in his arms and brought you to the bed.
should i do a part 2?? 
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ssscentral · 3 years
Summary : Jung Hoseok loves you, regardless of what universe you’re in and he’s going to make sure to find you no matter what. Good thing you feel the same.
Pairing : Dimension Traveller!Jung Hoseok x Dimension Traveller!Reader
Genre : Fluff, Established Relationship!Au, Sci-Fi, Fantasy!Au, College!Au
Rating : PG13
Warnings : Swearing
Wc : 4.7k
Member : Hoebii || @hoebii
A/N : First of all, thank you @eatjeanjin and @kerikaaria for being my amazing betas! You’re what made this story even readable ukfhgj Second, HAPPY BIRTHDAY @moccahobi!!! ILYSM HOPE YOU HAVE A BLAST TODAY BB <3 I hope you like this fic, I literally crammed 12 prompts into this fic and made this hot mess in a few hours lmao so hope this isn’t too hard to read sksksksk. Love you lots Lil bean, happy birthday and thank you for existing, you’re such a precious bb, always there for everyone. You deserve the world, love <33 Also the time stamp for the text isn’t canon, so ignore the time!
“You will be transported to a new dimension after spending one month in each of them for this experiment,” the animated voice crackled from the speakers. “The inhabitants in those universes will already have memories of you to help you blend in easily. You are to live a normal life during these experiments while making sure not to disclose your true identities for that may cause unnecessary complications.”
The voice kept going on about the experiment that you no longer had any interest in after the first few minutes. You fiddled with the necklace around your neck in boredom while you waited for the meeting to be adjourned. This wasn’t the first time you were going to travel between dimensions and you were sure it wouldn’t be the last, so having to sit through the same briefing over and over again felt completely useless and a waste of time. 
The only reason you even attended these were to get your files for the potential dimensions you may get sent to. The management really needed to get their shit in control and stop sending you to these places with little to no information. 
You understood that these experiments were to test out the stability and how each universe was doing after being created but it made no sense for the management to send out travellers blindly like they do, they could at least provide you with a little backstory for your character rather than a list of ’potential’ places. Even those weren’t certain and that made no sense! For an organisation that thrived to keep peace and regulation of all dimensions, their system was chaotic as fuck.
You only came out of your thoughts when you felt someone nudge your leg under the table. Glancing up from your necklace, your eyes met that of a cheeky looking Hoseok who was now pushing a little harder against your leg, now that he had your attention. 
‘Hi,’ he mouthed happily only for you to answer with a raised eyebrow. ‘I miss you,’ he mouthed again, jutting his lower lip out in a pout. You snorted at his antics, coughing to hide your smile when the sound caught the attention of those around you. 
It was only when they shifted their attention back to the screen at the end of the room to continue with the briefing that was ongoing, did you finally look back at Hoseok. Rolling your eyes, you grabbed a pen and tore a paper from the diary they provided for the meeting before hastily scribbling down something and sliding it to the man sitting in front of you.
‘We’re literally sitting in front of each other.’
Hoseok picked up the paper and quickly read the content on it before grabbing his own pen to write his answer down and passing it back to you.
‘But I can’t hold your hand right now :(‘
You bit your lip to stop the smile that was fighting to shine through when you saw his adorable handwriting under yours. How someone could be as endearing as Hoseok was beyond you, but you loved that about him.
Wordlessly, you pretended to pay attention to the briefing once more while you slid your hand towards Hoseok to let him hold your hand. You could feel the way his smile brightened when his fingers intertwined with yours, squeezing it gently.
You shook your head as you bit your lips harder to fight the smile that was now on your face when you squeezed his hand back.
Walking out of the conference room, your hand was still engulfed by Hoseok’s bigger one. Your face was flushed in embarrassment as you walked out. It wasn’t because you were holding his hand, but rather the fact that he never let go after the meeting was over. So you had to walk from your seat to the end of the table with the said furniture in the middle of you as you walked. 
“If I didn’t love you as much as I do, I would’ve kicked your ass by now, just so you know,” you grumbled as you walked down the corridor towards your shared room. 
Hoseok laughed, his grip around your hand tightening as he bumped his shoulder with yours. “Good thing you love me then! It would be a nightmare to jump between dimensions with you otherwise.”
“Who said it’s still not a nightmare to have you as my partner?”
“Don’t be rude.”
“Make me,” you teased before quickly freeing your hand from his and running towards your destination.
“Come back here!”
It was the day of action, as you liked to call it, the day when you were supposed to start experiments. 
“You ready?” Hoseok asked as he came to join you in the transport chamber.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Promise to find each other no matter what?” he asked while putting his pinky finger out, smiling at you.
You laughed as you wrapped yours around his. “Of course.”  
“I’ll see you around then.”
You only hummed in agreement before pressing the power button on the transport bracelet and the world went dark.
You woke up to the blaring alarm of your phone, blindly looking for the device to turn the godforsaken sound off. When you failed to find it, you pushed yourself up from your bed to scan the area, getting more irked the longer the sound went on. 
Finally, your eyes landed on the black vibrating phone on the ground and you had half a mind to just stomp on the damn thing and break it. Picking it up, you harshly tapped on the stop button and sighed when the apartment went quiet, closing your eyes to bask in the peace. 
Wait. Apartment? 
Your eyes shot open again as you examined your surroundings, trying to decipher which universe you were in currently. The place seemed like any other average looking apartment in a bustling city. You unlocked your phone when you felt it vibrate in your hand, realising it was a text from someone saved as ‘Chicky Chimmy’. 
Opening the conversation, your confusion only grew at the text.
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“I’m a student, huh?” You pondered as you grabbed a random outfit for the day along with what you assumed to be your books on the reading table in your room. You then proceeded to head down and out of your apartment. “Could’ve been worse.”
Stepping out of the elevator, you saw your… friend impatiently leaning against his car looking at you with displeasure all over his face. You gave him a sheepish smile as you approached him, praying to whatever higher power that he says his name for one reason or another. From the previous conversations you had after taking some time to go through your phone, the two of you were supposed to be best friends so you weren’t in a position to ask his name.
“Y/N our class starts in 30 minutes and it takes 30 minutes to get there!”
He faced palm, moving to go around to the driver's seat. “Just get your cute butt inside.”
The moment Chimmy parked his car inside the university, he dashed out of the car with you close behind, panicking about how mad the professor was going to be for being late.
You almost bumped into him when he stopped in front of a classroom, shooting you a nervous glance before slowly stepping inside the class. The two of you couldn’t even get two steps in before the voice of the man teaching the class boomed across the room.
“Y/L/N Y/N and Park Jimin. Late again, I see?”
Again? How many times have we been late before? Jimin’s a cute name though, perfect for him. You smiled slightly at your thoughts before fixing your expression to be neutral before the professor could catch you. 
“We’re so sorry professor! This will be the last time!” Jimin pleaded, fidgeting on his spot.
“That’s what you said last time, Mr. Park,” the professor replied, looking unamused.
“I’m so sorry I’m late!” A new voice joins, the person who barged in after the two of you hunched over and panting from surely having run to class.
“Mr. Jung Hoseok, I did not expect such tardiness from you.”
Hoseok! You felt your heart rate kick up just at the mention of his name. It’s not often the higher ups make it easy to find your partner but it seemed that they were feeling courteous this time.
Hoseok’s eyes met yours and he flashed you a giant smile, one that had his eyes turning into crescents before looking back at the professor with a dashin smile. “I’m sorry sir, it surely won’t happen again.”
The professor sighed, rolling his eyes when he looked back at Jimin and you before muttering, “That’s what they always say.” Shaking his head, the professor gave a small nod. “Go to your seats and don’t be late again. Especially the two of you, Miss Y/L/N and Mr. Park.”
Jimin bowed before grabbing your hand and dragging you to the back of the room, taking a seat and patting the one beside him urgently. Glancing at Hoseok one last time, you sat beside Jimin. 
You couldn’t help but pout at the sight of Hoseok sitting somewhere else and already interacting with the strangers around him as if he knew them for a long time. He was always a social butterfly but it was always shocking to see him get accustomed to new universes so easily.
“You look amazing today, just so you know,” Jimin whispered in your ear, his eyes trained on the board even as he spoke.
It was lunch time and Jimin had basically dragged you to the cafe near the university, claiming that cheap and instant coffee was the only thing his body needed to go through the day. 
“Coffee is great and all but you need actual food too, you know,” you nagged Jimin as he downed his second cup of coffee in one sitting.
Placing the brown coffee cup down, Jimin raised his index finger as if giving a speech. “People need a lot of things, doesn’t mean they have it though.”
You gave Jimin an unimpressed look. “Stop trying to be a philosopher and get some food in you, tiny.”
“I’m literally taller than you.”
“I will fight you, Park Jimin.”
“I still don’t get why we need to do this,” you grumbled as you stretched your hands and legs.
“Because,” Jimin said, dribbling the orange basketball as he waited for you to finish. “Warming up is important before starting any exercise to decrease the chances of pulling a muscle or something.”
You snort at that, stretching one last time before dropping your hands. “You make it sound like I’m going to exercise.”
“Y/N we’re literally in PE class.”
Jimin could only give you an unamused look before shaking his head in defeat, his newly dyed pink hair bouncing from his movement. 
You were sitting in the library surrounded by textbooks for the upcoming exam when you felt someone pull out the chair in front of you and take a seat. Paying them no mind, you continued drowning yourself with new information from the book when you felt someone nudge your leg under the table.
You glanced up from the textbook in front of you to see none other than Jung Hoseok sitting in front of you with a smile. Just before you could shoot him a smile and delve into a conversation, your brain reminded you of the fact that it had been a week since you came to this dimension and this the first time he tried to come talk to you after seeing each other in that one class on day one. 
Scoffing, you looked back down at your book, ignoring the way he nudged your leg again to get your attention.
“Are you mad at me?” He finally asked when he realised that you were ignoring him.
“What do you think?”
“What did I dooooo?”
You slammed the pink covered book in your hand shut, looking him in the eye. “What did you do? Oh I don’t know, maybe because you basically ignored me for a week? Acted as if I don’t exist?”
Hoseok frowned, trying to take your hand in his but you moved away from him. “I’m sorry baby. I’ve just been so swamped with work. Did you know I’m the dance club leader and a part of the student council in this universe? I swear I would’ve come up to you earlier if I had the time!”
“I tried talking to you a few days back, you acted as if you didn’t even know me,” you replied, not being able to hide the hurt from your tone. “You didn’t seem busy then, you were just having lunch and laughing with your friends.” 
You sighed, pushing away the chair and standing up. “Forget it, I’ll see you around, Hoseok.” Collecting your books, you gave Hoseok one last look before walking away.
You were currently playing with the dog Jimin recently adopted on his couch when he plopped down beside you with snacks. You had come over for movie night but now you were more interested in playing with his dog than the movie.
“So you going to tell me why the Jung Hoseok has been following you around like a lovesick puppy for the past week?”
“No, because there’s nothing to say,” you replied, not paying much attention due to the energetic puppy that was jumping about on your lap.
Jimin groaned, placing the bowl of snack down on the coffee table and then taking the chocolate coloured labrador puppy away from you - much to your protest. “Stop playing with Doggo and give me the tea!”
“I still can’t believe you named your dog Doggo.”
“That is not the main topic of this conversation and you know it!”
You sighed, rolling your eyes so hard that your head hurt a little. “There’s nothing to say, Hoseok and I talked in the library when I was studying for the test and then had a little argument and I left.”
Jimin scoffed, his lips pulling into a pout as he crossed his arms. “That’s the weakest tea I’ve ever gotten. Give me the details! Since when do you two know each other enough to be having ‘fights’?”
“I-” you stuttered, trying to come up with an excuse. “We don’t! He just approached me in the library and I found him really annoying.”
Jimin gave you a skeptical look. “Y/N… You’ve had a crush on him for like a year now. You find him annoying?”
“Yes?” You answered, though it sounded more like a question. “What do you want me to say something like ‘Oh we’re actually dimension travellers and know each other from before and this is all just an experiment? Don’t be ridiculous!” You rambled, laughing nervously when you realised that you had basically just exposed yourself.
“Listen! I liked him but he’s actually annoying, so that’s over.”  
“If you say so…” Jimin conceded hesitantly, still looking at you skeptically which now looked more concerned.
You had successfully avoided Hoseok like the plague for almost the remainder of the time you had in this dimension. You knew what you were doing was petty and it really wasn’t his fault that he couldn’t come talk to you at first, but now you were in too deep to stop being petty. Not that it stopped Hoseok from trailing after you anytime he could, trying to get you to talk to him.
“Y/N, please stop!” You heard Hoseok call from behind you but you kept walking, ignoring him like you usually did. “Oh for fuck sake,” you heard him grumble before you felt someone grab you by your wrist and twirling you around for their lips to press against yours.
You were about to push them off when you realised that it was Hoseok who had kissed you, not a random person and you unconsciously melted into it. Your arms slithered around his neck to pull him closer as his hands wrapped around your waist to move closer to you too.
Breaking the kiss, Hoseok pressed his forehead against yours while looking you in the eyes. “It’s the last day here before we move on and who knows how long it’s going to take us to find each other there. Stop being mad, please?”
Not being able to help yourself, you placed a kiss on his nose, stepping away from him and smiling cheekily. “I’ll see you around, Hoseok.”
“YOU KISSED HOSEOK IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CORRIDOR! OH MY GOD I NEED THE DETAILS!” Jimin exclaimed when you met up with him after school. He was your ride home after all. 
You only laughed, your face flushed in embarrassment. “Uh huh, how about I tell you all about it tomorrow?”
“Promise?” He asked, looking at you in disappointment that he couldn’t get you to tell him everything right then.
You shook your head, looking away from him. “We’ll see.” 
No point in making a promise that you knew you couldn’t keep it. You were going to leave tonight, who knows if you’ll ever come back here or if he would ever remember you once you left.
The next time you opened your eyes, you were underwater. At first, panic took over you from the possibility of you drowning. But when you opened your mouth, rather than feeling the water rushing in and suffocating you, you found out that you were completely fine.
“Huh?” You blurted out Your eyes widened when you realised that you could hear yourself clearly underwater too. Looking around, your eyes zeroed in on the shimmering tail that began from your waist down. “HUH?!”
You looked around only to see nothing but water, a few fish swam by you but that was about it. It wasn’t your first time in a fairytale universe but it was your first time being a mermaid. You wondered if Hoseok got transformed into some sort of mythical creature like you too. 
“Oh well, I hope he’s safe.”
You didn’t know how much time passed but you were still blindly swimming around trying to find out where to go. You had breached the water at one point and sat on some rocks by a beach in true fairytale mermaid fashion but even then you found nothing of interest. You did get to sit and watch the clear blue waves peacefully for a while but that got boring after some time, too.
“I never thought I’d miss wearing sandals but here I am,” you sighed to yourself before jumping back into the water.
You were just about ready to give up and just sit on the sea bed when you saw a cave underwater. You couldn’t help but snort at how similar this felt to the fairytale ‘Little Mermaid’ you used to read when you were younger. All you needed was some evil old witch to be residing in there and a prince charming to drown some time soon so you could save him and lose your voice.
Having nothing better to do, you began swimming down to the cave to explore it when you felt someone grab you and drag you away from the cave entrance urgently. 
“What the fuck? What are you doing, let me go!” You exclaimed as you tried to wiggle free from your captor.
“Stop struggling, you’re going to get us caught by the hag!” A deep voice harshly whispered in your ear. 
The mention of a hag had you stop struggling. “Caught by the what now?”
You felt your captor loosen their grip around you, giving you the perfect chance to move away from them. You turned to come face to face with a beautiful man… er merman? 
“The hag? Evil sea witch out to get merfolks?” the man asked, looking at you incredulously at the fact that you seemingly had no idea as to who the hag was. “Are you new here? I haven’t seen you before.”
“I guess you could say that. I’ve been swimming for ages now and you’re the first creature I found,” you explained.
The man hummed, tapping his lips as he scanned you over before breaking out into a large boxy smile. “Well then, nice to meet you! I’m Taehyung, what’s your name?”
Taehyung gasped when he heard your name. “Y/N? As in Y/L/N Y/N?”
“Why do you know my name?” You asked cautiously. Fuck, were you supposed to know who he was? If that was the case then why were you transported away from them, also he didn’t seem to know you before you introduced yourself.
“Princess! Welcome!”
Excuse me, WHAT?! You choked on nothing. “Who?”
“You! Princess! Welcome!”
When you were thinking about this universe being a knock-off ‘Little Mermaid’ universe, you didn’t think that would be the right assumption. 
Not knowing how to act, you shot Taehyung an awkward smile, waving a little. “Thank you?”
“You have to meet the others! Let’s go, princess!” Taehyung exclaimed excitedly before grabbing your hand and swimming away from the cave.
After Taehyung had brought you to others, you met 5 other mermen - each almost unimaginably beautiful. It was a pleasant surprise to see this dimension’s Jimin, he was just as sweet and excitable as the one before.
After the initial meet-up, you got to know that you were indeed the daughter of Triton - something that had you laughing at the absurdity for a good five minutes much to the confusion of others - and you were supposed to be visiting ‘your kingdom’ to get acquainted with everyone before your coronation and living here.
As Taehyung had escorted you to your room, you had joked that all you needed was a handsome man to drown so you could save him. Which, in hindsight may have been a very weird thing to say from the look Taehyung gave you. 
Currently, you were exploring the kingdom, asking people if they knew of anyone by the name Hoseok, only to end up with no clue as to where he might be. No one had any idea about Jung Hoseok and you were getting worried about not managing to find him.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t realise that you had left the premises of the city and wandered away. You stopped in your tracks when a giant shadow moved above you, completely leaving you in the dark. 
You looked up to see what blocked the sun when you realised you were directly underneath two ships, the sound of fighting barely audible under the water but present nevertheless. Curiosity getting the best of you, you cautiously swam up to peak above at what was going on, only to find that a full on war was ongoing between the two ships. 
“Damn, am I in a Grimm Brothers Fairytale or the Pirates of The Caribbean movie right now?”
You didn’t have much time to ponder, however, because you noticed someone eerily similar to Hoseok going overboard and you dove underwater for him.
“I swear if that’s actually Hoseok, I’m going to lose my mind.”
Catching the sinking body, you almost wanted to let him go so you could swim over and slam your head against a rock when you realised, it was indeed Hoseok. 
Muttering a few curses under your breath, you proceeded to drag Hoseok towards the beach close by to make sure he didn’t drown before you could give him a piece of your mind.
Hoseok sat up abruptly, his nose, throat and eyes burning as he coughed violently. “Mother of bitch, that’s salty,” he spoke, his voice hoarse from almost drowning.
“Of course it is! What were you doing on a pirate ship?!” You exclaimed, hitting his thigh with your palm.
“Y/N?” He asked, his eyes widening when he realised that it was you in front of him.
“The one and only.”
“Oh thank goodness you’re alright!” Hoseok exclaimed, pulling you to his chest and resting his head on top of yours after placing a kiss there.
“You didn’t answer my question,” you said, your voice muffled by his chest from the way he held you close.
“Hm? What was your question?” He asked, letting you go to face you properly. 
“What were you doing on a pirate ship?” 
“Ah! I’m the captain!”
“What? Why don’t I get to be badass characters like you,” you whined looking away from him petulantly. 
“You don’t need a character to be badass, you’re a natural one!” He happily answered, grabbing your chin to make you face him. “You look beautiful baby, but how’d you find me?”
“Are you telling me that you didn’t notice this huge ass tail I have?”
Looking down at your words, his eyes widened, voice rising in pitch with his excitement. “Oh my god you have a tail! You’re a mermaid!”
“Gee? Am I?! Wow Hoseok, thank you for enlightening me!” You mocked his excitement. You didn’t want to act so short with him but the adrenaline running through your body after basically finding the one you love drowning had your brain going haywire.
“Are you mad at me again?”
“I don’t know, Hoseok. Am I?”
“You know I don’t choose the roles I get!”
You sighed, feeling guilty for the way you acted towards him. “I know, it’s just. At first I couldn’t find you anywhere and when I did, you were drowning and it just fucked me up. I know I was joking about how I’m Ariel from Little Mermaid and I need to save a drowning prince but this was not what I was expecting.”
Understanding as ever, Hoseok gave you a sad smile before pulling you back into his embrace again, running his hand through your hair in the way he knew you loved. “It’s okay, I understand. I’d be worried too if I were you, just don’t be mad at me, you know I hate it when you’re mad at me.”
“‘M sorry.”
“Can I have a kiss?” he asked after the two of you basked in each other’s warmth for a moment. 
You pulled back from him, scrunching your nose at him, feeling shy when you noticed how intensely he was looking at you. Grabbing the collar of the shirt he was wearing, you pulled him down for a kiss, pouring out all your emotions into it - from how much you cared for him to how sorry you were for the way you acted. You hoped that he would understand. 
Hoseok kissed you back with just as much emotion, pulling you close and smiling into the kiss. Breaking away from it, he gave you a blinding smile, one that had your heart melting like butter. 
“I love you,” you whispered, afraid that speaking any louder would make you break from all the emotions that were rushing through your heart.
“I love you too. I need to go now, can see my ship coming towards us.”
You nodded, not really processing his words, too busy staring at his gorgeous face. Hoseok realised the fact you didn’t pay attention to his words, making him smile wider. Waving a hand in front of your face, Hoseok chuckled when you seemed as if just coming out of a trance.
“Did you hear anything I just said?”
“Not really,” you shrugged.
Hoseok threw his head back in laughter. “I said, I can see my ship coming towards us as we speak so I reckon it’s time to leave, baby. I’ll make sure to come visit you here as much as I can in the time we’re here.”
“Promise?” You asked, offering your pinky to him as you looked at him through your lashes.
“Promise,” Hoseok answered, wrapping his finger around yours, giving you one last smile as he stood back up. 
“I’ll see you around, alright?”
“I’ll see you around.”
With that you swam back to the sea, waiting just out of sight to make sure that Hoseok was okay before actually leaving. 
You might travel to various places with no certainty of what you may face but one thing was for sure, you’d always find your way to Hoseok.
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mouse-fantoms · 4 years
Easier Than Speaking
I just want to say that this only popped into my head because I saw @16fandomlover’s post about this. I’m the type of person to where if an idea is had then my brain will just start writing on it’s own and then I can never get it out of my head until it is written down. So without further ado, here it is!
Julie sat on her bed, criss-cross, using her binder as a hard surface to write on as she did her homework. Her dad was very clear about the whole “school-first” rule when it came to being in her own band, which was understandable. She was only in high school and she did miss the first three hours of school the night of the dance when the boys... well... ghosted her.
Once finishing her homework she could down to the garage and either hang with the guys or rehearse with them depending on if they had a gig to practice for or not. If Alex and Reggie weren’t in the studio and they didn’t have to rehearse for a gig that would be prime time for her and Luke to write together.
As she wrote the answer to the latest math problem on her paper, her phone light up besides her. A message from Flynn. She took a small moment away from her work to text back her best friend. Flynn had asked about what she saw Nick and her talk about earlier. Julie texted back and informed her of what happened about how he had asked her out but she politely declined. She saw the ‘Delivered’ message turn to ‘Read’ immediately upon sending. The light gray 3 dots appeared for a second then disappeared. She set her phone back down next to her expecting to get a reply later. When she sent it down she saw one of the guys poof to the foot of her bed from her peripheral vision.
“Oh you’re home.”
She looked up seeing it was Luke. “What are you doing here?”
“Wanted to see if you were home yet so we could write.”
“Well I am but school first.” She guestured to her homework. “Unless you want to help me with givens and proves then you can stay but until then you can wait.” She didn’t expect to get an answer.
“Givens and proves? Ugh, that’s-” the words seemed to trigger a memory for him. “Those are so annoying. If you want math help go to Alex.”
“Really?” The guy’s lives before meeting her never really came up.
Sure, she was curious but there was probably a reason for it not coming up that often. Unless it came up in conversation she knew not to press for information. She knew to keep her boundaries (unlike some people).
“Yeah and if you need science help go to Reggie, even though he says he’s not that good, he was always better at it than Alex and I ever were.”
“What about you?”
“I was always decent at English.”
She nodded in agreement. “That makes sense.”
He raised an eyebrow. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well with how you write your songs and how they turn out I can see how that could translate into an English class.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, “sometimes writing is easier than speaking.”
“Speaking of writing, you can try to write something with one of the guys.” She suggested instead of him just having to wait for her.
He shook his head. “Reggie mainly wants to write country songs.”
“...Is that a bad thing?”
“What is with you two and country songs?!”
“Just give Home Is Where My Horse Is a chance.”
“He showed you it didn’t he?! I thought you would be strong.”
“Come on! Riding through trees by the river, Feel the summer breeze smile gettin’ bigger. Those are some killer lyrics.”
“It’s not even-“ he decided to let it go. “Oh! Speaking of lyrics,” he pulled something from his pocket, “I was meaning to ask you-”
She saw him unfold the paper that was folded into fourths. Her eyes went wide as she realized the writing. The handwriting on the back side of the paper was readable (so not Luke’s) and was scribbled and rushed. As if it was written in a hurry to get it out of a mind.
“Where’d you find that?” She asked hurried.
“It was on the piano.” He responded. “Was it a quick little song inspiration before school?”
“Uhh... yeah. Song... inspriation.” She agreed.
“These lyrics are-”
The anticipation for his next word worried her. Did he figure it out? He probably did. The song was very obviously about him.
Oh ok, that was fine. That didn’t entirely mean that he figured it out.
Just then Julie turned her attention to her left where she heard someone poof in.
“See I told you he would be here!” Reggie told Alex next to him.
“I knew he would be but she told us to stay out of her room.” He answered.
“At least one of you understands boundaries.” She said to herself.
“What are you two doing here?” Luke looked up to see the pair.
“Seeing if you were here and not to bug Julie because she has school first to do.” Alex replied.
“Yeah I do! That’s right! I should probably finish and if I could also have that song back too,” she grabbed it from his hands, “I accidentally left it out at the piano it’s not even that... good.” She folded it back into fourths and put it on her nightstand for the time being.
“Not that good? Seriously!? What are you talking about?”
She hoped he would stop mentioning it. It made her anxious that at any point he would figure it out.
“Whoever that’s about is so lucky! If it is about anyone.”
“If?” Alex still couldn’t believe he hadn’t realized. “Really you still-” Julie gave him a glare that could rival the one of when they intruded on the family dinner the first night they’d met. “Yeah,” he immediately switched topics, “who ever that song is about is really lucky.” He ended up agreeing with Luke.
“We’re heaven on earth, melody and words” he began to sing, “Those are rad! That’s exactly why you’re a star!” She could see the look in his eyes whenever he talked about music. The fire and the passion. Also the way he lit up when he talked about her. It was one of the qualities she’d learned about him.
“...like a bright and burning one.” Reggie said under his breath which in response Julie gave the same glare she gave to Alex. Meanwhile, Luke asked what he said because he didn’t catch it.
“Uhh...” Julie giving him the death glare did not help as he thought of a response to tell him, “like always! Julie’s always a star like you always say! Yeah, always.” He looked to Julie to see if he did good and she let out a small sigh of relief.
“Always.” He gave his Luke smile to her. He finally moved away from her bed to the boys who had poofed by her closet.
As he walked over to them the front door being opened was heard and then running up the stairs which turned Julie’s attention toward her open bedroom door. Within seconds she saw Flynn rush into her room, passing right through Luke, about to start one of her rants to her.
“Woah... that is weird.” He looked to Reggie in response to being walked through. It wasn’t like last time when Julie and him were in the kitchen and she walked through him with her sandwich ingredients. It was sudden and quick.
“She’s determinated.” He could feel.
Flynn took a seat on Julie’s bed with her. She began going on about school as well as about band stuff to her friend, meanwhile the boys were still in her room overhearing the conversation. Considering she was talking about some stuff referring to the band maybe she would mention some other things too and it was easier staying instead of having Julie bring it up to them later.
“Speaking of that,” Flynn continued on about what she was talking about as her friend just sat and listened, “onto the other, well MAIN reason I came. Please tell me you did not decline a date with an actual person, and the actual person being Nick of all people, because of the whole Luke thing.”
Julie’s eyes went wide. “Flynn...” she said worried hoping she would hear and get the memo to stop talking.
“Luke thing?” The one who’s name was mentioned raised an eyebrow at.
“You’ve waited for it to happened for how long? Only to decline him for what? Some air-”
“Air?” The statement offended him. He turned to his friends next to him. “Am I just air?”
“Well on the techinal side-” Alex bumped Reggie in the arm alerting him to look at Julie to show him that this was not the time for their antics. She had a flustered expression as she just wanted her friend to stop talking but was not getting the memo just going on and on.
“-oh no sorry “cute air” to quote you-”
“...Flynn.” She pleaded starting to put her head in her knees.
“-like I said Luke is next level to crush on. I mean you have liked Nick for how long? And then he gets up staged by this random ghost guy. I mean don’t get me wrong they brought music back into your life and that’s amazing but to decline Nick over some dead guy. Although I get that you two clicked but you could have also had that with Nick, but I mean it has been awhile. If he asked you before class the other day, when the whole time instead of dancing with Nick you were imaging Luke, would you have said yes then? He really just has bad timing all the time now doesn’t he?”
Julie sat with her head in her knees wanting to curl into a ball from... well... a lot of things.
“Jules?” She asked. “What’s- ...the guys are here aren’t they?”
Still with her head in her knees she nodded.
“...all of them?”
She nodded once again.
She hoped it wasn’t as bad as what she thought. “...Including-”
“What else does all of them mean?” She picked her head up to look at her, trying to disregard the ghosts she saw from the corner of her eye. “There’s only 3!”
“...you know...” she sat up from the bed backing up towards the door, “I think I hear your dad calling...” when she backed up against the wall close to the door she turned around, went out the room and rounded the corner going down the staircase.
As much as she didn’t want to, there was nothing else to do but look to the boys. Alex and Reggie gave the same look of uneasiness. Meanwhile Luke was, well, stunned to say the least.
“...it’s not so bad.” Alex tried to help.
The response in the form of a look told him otherwise.
“Reg, something tells me we overstayed our welcome.”
“...yeah... hey maybe you could hang with Ray and-” Alex poofed away before Reggie could finish. “Guess it’ll just be me and Ray then.” He concluded before poofing away himself leaving the... interesting pair alone.
“...cute air?” Luke finally found the words to say.
Julie groaned as her head went to the ceiling and her body fell into the pillows behind her.
“You know that song makes a lot more sense now.”
“Yeah...” she sighed, “it does. Sometimes writing is easier than talking.”
She felt the end of her bed go down. She picked herself up to see that he had taken a seat at the edge.
“...it’s still a pretty rad song.” He kept his space from her guessing her emoions. “Reggie and Alex seemed to put it together pretty quickly.”
“I don’t get how you didn’t.”
“My guess was it was about that Nick guy.”
“I wish.” She then realized how bad that sounded. “That’s not what I-”
“It’s fine I know what you meant. Falling for some ghost probably isn’t on your bucket list.”
“Well it wasn’t but then you guys showed up.”
“Well do be fair you did call us cute.”
“You also thought I was a witch.” She brought up.
“There were chairs on the ceiling. What else is the logical explanation?”
“Maybe tying them there for storage.”
“Reggie had a very convincing arugment.”
“Argum-” she paused, “it’s Reggie! What arugment?”
“Alex said that witches don’t exist then Reggie said how they say ghosts don’t exist but here we are now.” He gestured to himself.
They shared a laughed together. This was nice. Not having any tension in the air. No akwardness. Just Julie and Luke being... Julie and Luke.
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searenbound · 4 years
Could you do a Kirishima confessing his love to reader in a letter? I love him so much and he makes me feel so safe 😭💕
(No pressure if you don’t wanna do this either. I appreciate you for whatever you write)
Despite my clear thing for my brat, I find a lot of comfort in Kirishima to so I get it. And between us I for a fact know he’d be thrilled to know he makes you feel safe because that’s just the type of guy he is and really manly of him.
Warnings: none expect the pains of writing with semi-improper grammar because I don’t think this boy would use it, please appreciate my efforts to be in character as I have interpreted
Pairing Eijirou Kirishima x reader
How and why he writes the letter
He writes the letter because he’s liked you for a while but every time he gets the courage to ask you out he gets in his own head and convinces himself that he’ll mess it up or you’ll only want to be friends and would reject his feelings. This is a sorta last result solution to his problem.
He just wants you to know how he feels so he can get it off his chest and can start moving on if you don’t return his feelings, but he’s hopeful that you will because then he’ll get to be your boyfriend.
His letter isn’t that long and he doesn’t have the neatest handwriting and it would look a little rushed in some places, but it is readable at the very least. You can tell he was nervous while writing it out, but you can feel his passion in it.
He definitely asked for advice so at one point it looks kinda cliche middle school-ish. White envelope with a little heart on the seal as suggested by Mina, a kinda cheesy line on the back like ‘for the most beautiful person’ suggested by Kaminari, maybe smells like some of his cologne suggested by Sero.
Immediately confiscated by Bakugou and Jirou who tell him to go with something more understated but agreed with the cologne because that’s just a nice little touch. Shame too because the first one was adorable, but he definitely would have been embarrassed about it later so I guess they made a good choice for their friend.
He’d wait until class was over for the day and when you’re in private because he didn’t want you to feel pressured into reading it or responding positively if that’s not how you felt. Tells you to please consider it and tell him honestly how you feel no matter if it hurts him because you’re happiness is more important than his pride.
What the letter says
Ah is it lame to start with dear? I’m sorry I don’t really know how to do this I’ve never liked someone this much before. You’re something really special and I think you’re amazing and smart and kind and you’re so pretty and I’m saying way too much aren’t I?
Well I guess writing? We’re not talking face to face so writing right? Uh that’s not the point though!
So the point is well it’s kinda hard to say this because you make me feel really nervous when I’m around you. Even just writing it feels way too much but it’s not very manly to keep it in so I’m just gonna say it!
I really really like you. I think I might even love you. No I know I love you.
You’re a wonderful friend and amazing person that I’m so happy to know and I know you can take on anything but you don’t have to do it alone. I want to be the one you can rely on to be there for you and take care of you when you need me to and hopefully if you want this you can do the same for me.
I love you (Yn) so please tell me if you feel this too.
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bold-writing · 4 years
The One With Whiskey Eyes || 1 || Prologue
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Summary:  Soulmate AU Split 2016. Not everyone had a soulmate, there were many in the world who were unmarked. Iris Mayfair, however, has been forced to hide her skin for nearly thirty years. She doesn't have just one or two soulmates-even three would make people sneer and judge; no, she has twenty-three legible marks on her skin; with a blurry, unfinished twenty-fourth blooming across her flesh.
Warnings: Descriptions of violence, descriptions of abuse, swearing.
Words: 2700+
Soulmates were common, but not for everyone. The first words spoken between two people who are destined to be together, forever etched into the skin like a tattoo from fate. Everyone’s varied, depending on the people and the chance encounter that would be their first meeting. Some had a simple ‘hello’ or ‘nice to meet you’ while others could have more complexity to them, like ‘well, it took you long enough’ or the unfortunate ‘how much of an idiot do you have to be?’
There were even people who had more than one soulmate, usually receiving a bitter encounter with those who lacked a soulmark; more often than not, those with a soulmark were hated by the un-marked, but those with more than one were absolutely despised.
 It was for that reason that Iris Mayfair kept herself covered from head to toe in her oversized clothing for as long as she could remember. Since she was a child, every few years one or more soulmarks would appear on her body. By the time she was in her twenties, she had twenty-three soulmarks along her skin. Some were simple, others were complicated, many were downright confusing; Look, look! We have matching socks! and Finally, I get the light!
 Only recently did another mark begin to appear, still foggy and unreadable, along a bare patch on her chest. It was short, probably nothing more than one word, and it made her curious since no other marks were quite that simple for her. Though, one on the inside of her arm was hello my dear.
 It was due to her soulmarks that she had led such a rough life; not many outsiders knew of her marks, but her parents believed her to be a monster, a freak of nature that wasn’t meant to be. They were unmarked, having met and fallen in love through the connection of their empty bodies. For as long as she could remember her body was covered and she was forbidden to show her skin. There was one mark that was shown on the back of her left hand unless she wore gloves, in small, neat writing that looked meticulous and practiced—Sh, sh, shh, quiet now.
 This mark, as well as a few others, were still readable but now bore burns or scars from her parents’ attempts as removing them from her skin. If they couldn’t be taken off, they attempted to try to cover them up.
 Iris had fled home when she was still young, lying low and scrounging by until she was eighteen and legally capable of renting a tiny apartment that she afforded with a meagre job. It wasn’t often she went out, opting instead to stay home and out of sight. Running away before she was able finish school, Iris taught herself what she could through her love of reading.
 She read as much as she could find about soulmarks, and as far as she could tell the most ever recorded on a person was three. Her twenty-four made that record pale in comparison.
 It was through her readings that she learned about Dr. Fletcher, who had had been researching Dissociative Identity Disorder and the effect it had on those with soulmarks. For months, Iris debated on whether or not to contact this doctor, worried that she would either have to expose her greatest secret—and therefore her scars—or if she would have to pay her.
 Lacking in money as she was, holding down a management position as best she could, it wasn’t as though she could afford a therapist of any kind.
 However, she finally worked up the courage to call the woman and was relieved to know that she was willing to speak with her in complete confidence and no charge. So, trying to find the same courage she had to make that phone call, Iris made her way to Dr. Fletcher’s office in the early afternoon between two of the woman’s appointments.
 It took several flights of stairs to get up to her floor, making Iris regret wearing so many layers when she left her apartment. It was still early spring so it hadn’t gotten warm yet, but even in the summer her sleeves were long so she’d become mostly accustomed to it. However, with a shirt, sweater and coat on she was sweating by the time she reached the designated floor.
 Taking a moment to compose herself—unbuttoning her coat for some relief from the heat—and checking the time on her phone, she then reached forward to knock on the expensive looking wood, beneath the gold name plate fastened to the door.
 “Come in!”
 Hesitating only a moment as she glanced at her gloved hand, which held the mark, she opened the door and timidly slipped in through a barely-there gap.
 “Miss. Mayfair?” the elderly woman asked as she rose from her seat, offering a friendly smile, and motioned the young woman further inside. “Please, come and sit. May I get you anything to drink?”
 “No. No, that’s alright, thank you,” she answered, barely flicking her eyes up to her before they returned to the floor. “I hope I am not interrupting your schedule.”
 “Nonsense, child, plenty of time.” Iris moved forward to take the seat that she motioned toward, sinking into the overstuffed cushions. “You mentioned that you wished to speak of my work with soulmarks,” she began gently, sinking into it slowly. “Would you care to elaborate?”
 “I…I have many soulmarks,” she began, folding her unmarked hand over her marked on, even though she had yet to remove her gloves. “I read in one of your articles that you believe several marks could mean a soulmate with Dissociative Identity Disorder; a mark for each personality.”
 “Yes; I have not proven the theory yet, however. I have yet to interview a patient who has met their soulmate…well, there was one but she only had one mark from the original personality, she never met the personalities.”
 Iris’s shoulders slumped at the news, sighing softly.
 “If you don’t mind me asking, have you met your soulmate?” Dr. Fletcher asked carefully, leaning forward in her seat as she carefully looked over the young woman before her. She was in her late twenties, that much she knew, maybe early thirties if she was to push it, with dark blonde hair and pale, pale skin—like she never set foot in sunlight—and her eyes, from the brief glance she had, were a gorgeous amber-brown, like whiskey. She was short, barely more than five feet, and remarkably skinny if the thinness of her neck proved anything. Her clothing hid the rest.
 “No, I have not,” she admitted, once more looking up at the other woman’s face only briefly before she looked away again.
 “And…how many marks do you have?”
 Immediately, Iris flinched and clenched up. Should she say?
 “A lot,” she dodged, glanced at the back of her palm as though she would be able to see through the black glove that she was wearing.
 “More than three?” Dr. Fletcher pressed, her tone remaining soft and gentle.
 “Many,” Iris choked out, hoping that she wasn’t making a mistake.
 Her eyes widened at the simple word, leaning in closer as she lifted a ring-decorated hand and tapping her fingertips along her lips. “Would you tell me how many?”
 “I…would rather not.”
 Iris fidgeted in her seat, repressing the urge to turn and run. After all, she had been the one to contact the therapist in the hopes of getting some answers. “May I at least see some? However many you are comfortable with.”
 Swallowing against the lump in her throat as she raised light whiskey eyes up to meet the doctor’s interested stare. Finally, she pulled off the black glove of her left hand to reveal the neat, tight writing, then rolled up her sleeve to the elbow to show three more along her forearm—Oh, the eyes, look at them eyes encircled her wrist, Hello my dear running along the inside of her forearm near her elbow, and He’s told us about you, little one, he really likes you beginning at her elbow and running along the outside of her forearm toward her wrist.
 All four were in different handwriting. The one on the outside of her forearm was marred with a long scar running through it, distorting the words slightly but they were still easily legible due to the thinness of the scar. It had been sewn shut carefully, preserving the mark.
 Dr. Fletcher reached out, pausing long enough to meet Iris’s concerned eyes to seek her approval, before she clasped her hand to turn her arm this way and that as she looked over the marks, examining the scar as well. “Fascinating,” she murmured, the chill of her rings almost causing Iris to pull back. It had been a long time since she had been touched by anyone, even voluntarily. “Were you born with them all?”
 “No,” she responded, slowly pulling her hand away and lowering her sleeve. “I was born with one, but the others appeared over time.”
 Resuming her original seat, Dr. Fletcher rested her fingers against her lips again. The woman before her was interesting all on her own; she was shy and timid and the way she was crumpled in on herself reminded the older woman of her more abused patients, who had gone through trauma or abuse during their life. Reluctance to meet her eyes only further supported the theory. Knowing how some reacted to soulmarks, especially those with several, she assumed it had something to do with the very reason she had come to see her.
 And that scar; it was too neat to have been an accident.
 “Miss. Mayfair, would you please tell me…how many soulmarks you have?”
 So many attempts to find out the number of marks on this woman proved to be too much for her, because Iris abruptly stood as she quickly shook her head and pulled her glove on quickly.
 “I’m sorry to have wasted your time, Dr. Fletcher, I should be going,” she quickly excused as she rushed around the chair to head for the door.
 “Miss. Mayfair, please-”
 Yanking the door open, Iris nearly barreled into the person that was standing on the other side, hand poised to knock before the door had been opened so abruptly. Both of them jumped back at the appearance of another person, Iris meeting with the young man’s light blue eyes before she immediately ducked her head down again, staring at her feet as she self-consciously began to close her coat, even though all of her markings were once more covered up by her clothes.
 “Ohh, babe, I’m loving that coat,” he praised when her motion drew his eyes to her wool coat—one of the few things she actually splurged on for herself when she saved up enough extra cash. Technically, it was out of fashion now, but she’d taken very good care of it and the man’s keen eyes noticed that detail immediately.
 Iris went absolutely still at his words, thinking of that exact sentence that was presently wrapped around her right bicep. The only thing to move again was her eyes, which snapped up to his again in complete shock. He was grinning at her crookedly, revealed white teeth and faint laugh-lines around his eyes.
 This man? He was…no, that wasn’t possible.
 One of twenty-four soulmates was a curse for someone. To have to share among twenty-three other people was just cruel.
 And Iris doubted she would survive through twenty-four different soulmates. The people meant to love her and protect her the most beat her and cut into her in more ways than just the physical. Those memories were not so easily brushed aside.
 Before she fully comprehended her own actions, words were spilling forth from her lips, “I can’t,” she blurted out, feeling the burn of tears as she looked away from him so she wouldn’t have to witness his reaction. “I’m so sorry, but I can’t.”
 Rushing passed him in the next instant, flattening herself against the doorway abruptly so as not to touch him, Irish flew down the stairs as quickly as her short, slim legs could take her while she continued to clutch her coat tightly against herself.
 She was already to the last flight of stairs before “Wait! Please, wait!” was shouted from above, echoing through the open concept building, followed by the thundering of footfalls as the man rushed to follow her. The booming echo of his steps made her flinch as she leapt the last three steps and dashed out the doors and turned a sharp right. Ducking into the alley beside the building and rushing down far enough to hide in the side alcove, out of sight, Iris silently prayed that he would look around and give up when he couldn’t find her fleeing down the street. She couldn’t wait there all day.
 She shook like a leaf from head to toe, hands clutching at the lapels of her undone coat in a grip so tight she wondered if she’d ruined the material. For how long she’d stood there, hidden from view, she wasn’t sure. However, no one came out shouting for her and no one came down the alley. Taking the time to calm her breathing and quickly rearrange her appearance, Iris eventually peeked around the corner before pulling up her hood and taking the chance to leave the alley.
 Not daring to glance back for the doors, the trembling woman walked back home as calmly as possible, avoiding any attention she could.
 Sitting in the chair that she had vacated in Dr. Fletcher’s office, Barry’s mind was reeling. He thought of the writing that twined the back of his calf, in soft, feminine scrawl, and the words that he had always feared would be said. None of them knew who would be the one that heard them, and it faintly broke his heart that it was him, but he was relieved that it hadn’t been Kevin or one of the more gentle personalities that had been born of Kevin’s need for them.
 “Doc, what was that?” he finally asked, raising bewildered eyes to the elderly woman that sat silently across from him, giving him time to process. “What…what did I do wrong?”
 “Oh, Barry, you did nothing wrong,” she assured, her tone motherly and kind. “Miss. Mayfair called me last week about soulmarks, stating that she had quite a few that were all different styles of writing and she wanted to speak to me about some of my research on reasons for multiple soulmarks. She was only here for a few minutes but…I think she’s been hurt for her marks before. She was so scared and timid and she wouldn’t look at me. I think she’s just scared of getting hurt again.”
 Barry’s heart sunk at the same time that anger sparked within him. “Someone hurt her?” he demanded, leaning forward abruptly.
 “I don’t know for sure. She didn’t say much, but she has four marks on her left arm alone from palm to elbow. When I asked how many she had, she only said ‘a lot’.”
 Barry swallowed thickly as he shifted in his seat, thinking over her words as he repressed the urge to run after her again. By the time he got through the entrance doors, she was nowhere to be seen, he’d have no way of finding her.
 “So she’s ours? She’s got one for all of us?”
 “Well, from your reaction I dare say she’s definitely yours,” Dr. Fletched answered with a smile, getting a hesitant one in return. “Tell me…does the writing of your marks all match?”
 Yes. They did. It was one of the few things that all of the personalities agreed on. The writing was the same for each of the words and phrases on their body. They had even had debates and arguments about which mark would match which personality—no one had ever believed that Barry would be the one to get one of the harshest sentences. Most of them were kind, some were hesitant or afraid, but that was the only one that showed immediate rejection of some kind.
 In truth, they had all thought that Dennis would be told those words. Now Barry briefly wondered which ones would actually be said to him.
 Jade was going to have a field day with this new development.
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translightyagami · 3 years
I love your fanfic “in your shoes”
(It was the first thing I read about your work and since then I have fallen in love with your writing)
For the fic prompt... Could you write a little more of that AU, please.
(Oh it was so fun to return to this AU! L is a professor at the university Light's attending and they've been together for a little while. You should read "in your shoes" first, but its not imperative. anyway! hope you enjoy!)
cross-posted on ao3!
It was spring break, and L sulked in Light’s apartment. He planned to host his boyfriend during the long academic holiday, but Light surprised his family with a last-minute visit back to Japan. L fiddled with his pockets, taking in the Light’s plastic apology while he laid out instructions on cat-sitting Ryuk.
“Look, I’m sorry, but my father’s been getting ill more often, you know, and you’re going to want to mix Ryuk’s wet food with some dry because he likes the texture, and my mom pretty much said he’s going to kill himself into retirement so I need to be there to convince him to slow down, I’m the only one he listens to about work matters, and this is Ryuk’s favorite toy, so use it with him for about, oh, an hour a day? My sister misses me. I have to go back. Here’s the litter you need to use, and the scoop for when you clean it.”
“I made plans,” L said and took the red scoop from Light. He held it in both hands, staring at the handle in the shape of three apples. Even to his own ears, his voice was pathetic. “I made a reservation at our favorite restaurant. I got really weird sex toys for us to try, because there’s all that recovery time.”
Light’s expression softened until his regret tasted genuine, if pitying. He stroked a hand through L’s hair.
“It’s only for the break,” Light said and kissed L on the forehead. “And then I’ll be back. Just switch the reservation, huh?”
While his soreness over the whole business still thumped under the skin, L liked snooping around Light’s place. He brought his grading work over and, after finishing up, wandered the square-ish space. Despite paying a deep-pocketed rent price, Light lived in a small, cramped studio – made all the tinier with the fat black Ryuk tottering around. His bed, a neat twin mattress with blue sheets that screamed department store boys youth section, had beneath it several plastic storage boxes. L flipped through them, pausing every so often to pet Ryuk or shake the cat’s feather toy.
Inside were stacks of birthday cards, letters from family, and, beneath all this communicative detritus, a pair of diaries. Or journals, as Light called them on the first page of each faux leather book. L flicked the pages of the journal dated the year before Light started at his university. Nothing interesting leapt out, save how Light’s kanji was cramped just like his handwriting in English. Some entries were readable only by squinting – although L didn’t care to read more than three or four since they all smelled of a closet Light didn’t occupy much anymore.
He did enjoy the entry about Light’s adoption of Ryuk. Apparently shelter cats with bad attitudes were Light’s favorite pets, and Ryuk marked the most recent addition. As L read the line, “He only likes when I feed him treats. We’re special to each other, because he chose me and I chose him,” Ryuk nipped him on the finger. L blew a raspberry at the awful little man but shook the feather toy to avoid another nip.
The next journal was more interesting, for it covered Light’s more recent goings-on: fitting in at a foreign university; cooking for himself for the first time; and L rubbed stubborn tears away reading about Light breaking down and calling his mom to ask her, please, how to make his favorite dessert. “I miss everything about home,” Light wrote in an entry marked a month before his first class with L. “There’s nothing for me here except school and Ryuk, and I’m tired of it. I can’t have made a mistake coming here, have I?”
And then The Entry: “I met the most interesting person today.” L knew the date – how could he forget the most important beginning he’d had lately? After that entry came others, more and more concerned with ethical boundaries, and whether this person (God, of course Light refused to acknowledge his crush on a professor, as though his journal judged him) felt the same as Light. One memorable paragraph fell on the day before Light first asked L on a date. Using the back of his hand, L tried to ward off more tears but nothing helped. Ryuk, no longer in a nipping mood, stamped himself a bed in L’s lap. His snore scored L’s reading.
“I wonder if it’s possible to know someone the way I know myself. Or is that too romantic? That’s another thing I sort of hate and love about him, how he’s romantic like me. We’re not moony or anything, but sometimes when he lectures I can feel how he feels – how his passion is a broad stroke. He loves concepts, ideas, the way that no one else I’ve ever met does … except for me. And then when I go to office hours and sit on the other side of his desk, all I can think about is how his mouth moves around words, makes them sound like they’re carved in stone. Even when they’re just so stupid! Because god, he says stupid shit sometimes. And I want to kiss him when he does, so he’ll shut up and hold me and tell me in that serious voice what a joy I am to have in class … maybe outside of class too, if I play my cards right.”
On Friday, a day before Light’s flight back, L woke up to his phone ringing. He was in Light’s apartment, snoozing on the twin bed with a Ryuk-shaped stone on his stomach and the last pages of the journal propped on his chest. His tone was mealy as he answered but perked as the sharp music of Light asking how Ryuk was played through the phone.
“Your little man is fine,” L said, stroking the little criminal in question. “Are you well? Is your trip giving you what you wanted?”
“Not really,” Light said. “I didn’t come on the trip to get something I wanted. My family is happy. Are you doing okay? I hope your bruised ego and our new reservation survived the week.”
L nodded before remembering Light couldn’t see him.
“Yes,” he said, laughing. “I’m okay. Actually, I wanted to ask you something, since you’re back home and everything.”
“Oh sure. Go ahead.”
“Are you happy you stayed?” L asked, licking his lower lip. “I mean, are you happy that you stayed at the university? You didn’t make a mistake?”
The pause was long, filled only by pen clicking on Light’s end as he kept quiet. As L geared up to wave away the question, Light sighed until his lung wheezed.
“I don’t make mistakes,” Light said. “Of course, I’m glad I stayed. Although if you read my diary again, I will make you wish I didn’t.”
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cloudoodles · 3 years
Ichinanba, but make it that they’ve met when they were younger, fell in love, and then were separated because of unfortunate circumstances!
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Read the mini comic left to down! It’s a bit weird and I’m very sorry about that qwq I hope my handwriting is readable!!!
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canvas-the-florist · 4 years
A Side Worth Fighting For
Ship: Romantic Roloceit
Warnings: Cursing, Verbal fighting
Summary: Logan and Deceit are fighting over Roman until the two come up with a much better arrangement. Thanks @royal-must-slay I really appreciate you letting me use this! Sorry it took me so freaking long.
Word Count: 2.2K
It all started as things often do in the Mind Palace, Patton made a pun. Something at the beginning of the video to kickstart the Sanders Sides episode. But the issue with it was Roman laughed. He kept apologizing through his laughter to Thomas but couldn’t stop. He was leaning on Patton and couldn’t stop laughing. An unadulterated, snort-filled, pure laugh. Logan blinked as he himself seemed lighter. Deceit looked like he was filled with contemplation. They were both looking at Roman with awe. Like they were always in love with Roman and this was the awakening of it. Something about Roman being free from his self-consciousness and being truly happy… Caught both of the two’s eyes. Before however, they caught each other's.
That’s when the competition began to gain the love of their fellow side, Roman.
A few days after the video was published, Roman found a letter addressed to him outside his room door. The handwriting was cursive but strangely neat and readable. The only thing going through his mind was about how strangely romantic it felt to receive a handwritten letter. He closed his door behind him softly before collapsing on his bed, screaming into the nearest pillow, sitting up, and taking a calm breath.
“Okay, I don’t know if it’s romantic or not. I need to stay calm and read this thing.” Said Roman, clearly not calm in any capacity. He drew another slow breath and opened the letter quickly because the anticipation was already killing him.
Dear, Darling, Salutations Roman,
It had come to my attention that you, metaphorically, could kill a room with your smile. You could of course, literally kill a room with your smile but you do so metaphorically. This letter is an attempt to rebound my feelings upon you. I hope you understand that if you do not reciprocate these emotions I am experiencing I shall cease immediately.
Roman, you have caused me to experience shortness in breath and a lightness in my head in a positive manner. I have gained the knowledge that these are symptoms of a hypothetical crush. The idea of me containing this ‘crush’ on you for over two months is high in probability. I have not the words to describe emotions, I never do, but I am aware that I wish to court you. If this is acceptable I would appreciate a response. You are a lovely and valuable person Roman, and I would find it most agreeable to express positive and romantic views with you.
Love, Warm Regards,
It was a short letter but careful detail was in it. Obviously, the letter had been written in pen so some words have been crossed out. If it was Virgil who wrote it, there would be no way that Roman could tell what the words were. But, Logan kept the lines almost perfect. Annoyingly so. He felt his heart rate quicken as he read the words written just for him. He felt touched and flattered. Of course, it was okay for Logan to ‘court him’ as it was stated. Roman decided that maybe responding again through another letter would be best but didn’t want to sit down. His mind and heart were racing as he paced around in his room, pondering what to do. He hadn’t really been hit on by anyone, and he certainly didn’t expect Logan to be the first person to do so.
But before Roman could do anything there was a knock on the door. His brow furrowed before he opened the door. Another object on the ground that Roman could easily pick up. Nothing that hid in an envelope, but a box. A gift, possibly?
He shrugged and placed the box on his desk, just to take the top off the box. It revealed a red cape. The cape was stunning and happened to be fitted to his height while leaving room for any running he may do. Roman, of course, put it on immediately to see how he looked. Though, it wouldn’t matter how he looked because his glowing face said everything you would need to know about how he perceived it. Creativity checked the box for any indication for who sent it. Maybe Logan? But he didn’t seem like the type…
Ah! A small piece of paper! How intriguing.
Roman flourished his hand before reading it. Which was really just a buffer to mentally prepare himself as he couldn’t remember a time he felt as pampered as he did that moment. He closed his eyes before looking down. “I can do this, I can do this.” Roman encouraged himself, definitely not feeling like he could do it. Dear Hamilton, how could it be so hard to do this? He was the Creativity and Ego of Thomas! Roman could look at one slip of paper, easily. So he did, difficultly.
Meet me at 11 PM
In the Mind Palace Courtyard
Don’t be late
Hmm, that wasn’t ominous at all. But, curiosity was getting the best of him and Roman was really intrigued. So if it meant following a shady note, he would be fine with that.
Logan was composing letters to Roman. Along with that, he was planning on spending time with Roman, just listening to everything the beautiful man had to say. Logan was going to be honest, he didn’t realize how in love with Roman he already was until the start of the video. Which is over now. He had been researching love languages, to decipher his own as well as Roman’s. But it quickly got out of hand as he found himself trying to figure out Deceit’s as well. Who he had personally thought of as his enemy in the metaphorical love triangle. Well, what he assumed was a metaphorical love triangle. Logan wasn’t really sure.
As he continued his research he heard a side rise up in his room. He turned around, keeping his outward composure to hide the fact he was shocked out of his mind. It was, “Deceit, a surprise to see you here. What do you want?” Of course, his ‘rival’.
“Oh, not here to mock you or anything.” Deceit gave his obviously practiced ‘evil villain’ laugh. His face suddenly lost all that emotion as he made eye contact with Logan. “I don’t plan to date Roman, and you certainly have a chance against me. I’m obviously not the better match for him either way. But, might as well say hello to my competition.”
The logical side took a few seconds to take in the lies and translate in his head. “Falsehood,” He responded, stepping in front of Deceit, making the side step back as if he was intimidated. “Roman is his own side and either one of us could be rejected. I have done researc-”
Deceit scoffed, “Of course, because every potential partner wants to be psycho-analyzed.”
Logan adjusted his tie while he rolled his eyes. “You don’t scare me, Deceit. And even if you did, you would still fail against me. So,” He stepped forward. “You should know that I have every intention to woo Roman and your means to do the same would stop that.”
An eyebrow raised. “Scared? No, that isn’t my plan. You don’t need to be scared of me. You just need to get out of my way to let me attempt to have my love reciprocated.” Deceit clapped his hands together with a simple laugh before he made eye contact once more. Logan blinked as he was walking backwards into the wall. Deceit gave no indication of realizing this. Neither of them realized the new figure at the door. “Roman is independent and wonderful, so if either of us two could get with him it would be a feat. But, if any side is lucky enough for that, it sure as hell won’t be you.”
Just as Logan opened his mouth to rebuttal Deceit, he was cut off with a side clearing his throat. Deceit and Logan turned their heads to see Virgil leaning against the door frame with an unimpressed look. “I’m not even going to mention how homoerotic you two seem right now, but…” Virgil closed his eyes like he was in pain for what he was about to say. “You guys know that Roman has two hands, right? Does it need to be a competition if you could work together?”
They made eye contact, both considering within their own heads. Logan and Deceit shrugged as Virgil walked away.
“You were going to invite him to dance tonight, right?” Logan asked.
Deceit nodded. “Have a plan?”
“Have a plan,” Logan affirmed, secretly hating the words as soon as he said them.
There was no guarantee to who would show up in the courtyard of the Mind Palace. Probably not Logan, and if Roman was being honest with himself, he hoped it would be Deceit. Neither of the two dolts ever noticed his pining. But, he wore the new cloak just in case the sender would recognize it. Roman hoped so, at least. He fiddled with the edges of it as he walked through the palace gates, and to the courtyard. Taking a breath, Roman opened both of the doors. He looked up at the stars in the sky and when he lowered his head he saw two figures. Almost romantic but also startling him in the jumpscare sort of way.
He decided to waste no more time, so he lifted up the bottom of his cape and ran towards the other two sides, ready to find out the faces. Roman reached the two and loosened the grip on his hands. Logan and Deceit… Just the imaginary men he wanted to see. He let his smile show as Logan placed a record on a record player. Roman’s mind didn’t dwell on it as Deceit offered his hand.
“How about a dance? With the two of us?”
Roman took the hand. “What? You have a way to slow dance with three people?”
Logan took Roman’s other hand. “We’ve done research, Roman, I’m sure we can teach you as well.”
So they danced together. The dancing was awkward and slow at first, but after failing and laughing through it.. It didn’t matter if any of them were good at dancing, or knew what they were doing (although Logan protested it wasn’t him that broke the routine), it was just fun to dance with other people. Roman laughed his intoxicating laugh the moment he tripped over Deceit’s feet, only to be dipped by Logan and his quick thinking. Deceit helped the two up and all of them continued to do a poor excuse of what is technically considered dancing.
After they flipped the record over it and it played its final song, they all took seats on one of the benches at their disposal. Roman made a stupid joke and laughed about in into Logan’s arm. Once his laughter stopped he sat back up to get a better look at both of them.
“Thank you for this… Both of you, though I’m pretty sure that this was Bill Lie the Snakey Guy’s idea. I think both of you are pretty epic and great.” Roman said softly, switching his eye contact between Deceit and Logan. He looked down at his hands. “But I’m still not quite sure what this all means. Is this romantic? Or am I getting the wrong vibes???”
“No, we slow danced with you until one AM because we want to be your best buds!” Deceit feigned enthusiasm as he rolled his eyes. Roman groaned and punched him lightly in fair spirits.
Logan blinked, confused at what was happening before him but decided to move on. He coughed to bring awareness to him. “What Deceit was intending to say,” He gave a sideways glance to Deceit, who returned it with an all-knowing smirk, “is that we like you romantically, Roman. And if it would be okay-”
“Would you like to date us?” Deceit finished.
There was a moment of silence. Logan drew in a breath he forgot to let out. Roman seemed slightly taken back but he was trying to get his words together as quickly as he could without taking too long and scaring his fellow sides. But the moment he tried to say something it came out as sort of a verbal version of a keyboard smash. He started laughing to hide his embarrassment but, noticing that it made Logan and Deceit more concerned, he quickly stifled it. Roman cursed under his breath. “I’m sorry, words aren’t exactly mine at the moment. So, my dears, I would love to date you.”
The night ended with a hug between three imaginary embodiments of deception, logic, and creativity. A good, long hug that turned into Roman holding the hands of Logan and Deceit as they made their ways to one of their rooms. It doesn’t matter which one yet. All Roman remembered after he woke up was the warmth of two extra people in an embrace that made him feel the safest he’s ever felt.
Taglist: @royal-must-slay @shitpost-sides @id-rather-go-live-in-a-trash-can @potereregina @itriedandimtired @brokendaughter666 @deebare10 @witchcraftwestan
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catboymingi · 4 years
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if you’re reading this...
pairing: mingi x reader
genre: fluff, some crack maybe?; best friends to lovers
word count: 2.6k
warnings: literally not a single one. implied frozen hate (i‘m joking)
for evigt / måske for evigt / skal vi sammen samme vej / og når i morgen får øjne og natten hviler sig / skal vi for evigt måske den samme vej - forever / maybe forever / we’ll take the same road together / and when tomorrow comes and the night goes to rest / we’ll maybe take the same road forever
it had become a routine that after your classes you’d walk to the café mingi was working at, getting a hot chocolate (to which he added an extra large amount of whipped cream while giving you a wink) and settling on whatever chair was free in order to study some until he got off work. sometimes you’d spice it up and get a different drink, and sometimes he’d spice it up and bring you a mystery drink to wherever you were studying. today, however, you just got the regular while you waited for your best friend to have time to entertain you. you’d had an exam today and really just wanted to yell about the phonetic inconsistencies you’d had to deal with, but you knew no one but mingi was willing to listen. so you had to wait for him, sighing in annoyance every couple minutes as you looked through your study materials.
when his shift was finally over you grabbed your stuff, throwing away the receipt and napkins that he insisted on giving you even though you told him time and time again you didn’t need them. then you rushed over to him, an exaggerated sigh of annoyance leaving your lips in order to make him ask you what was up. the boy wrapped his arms around you and laughed when you dropped your bag from the sudden embrace.
“you had an exam today. how’d it go?” this was what you loved about him - he always remembered these details about you and your life, he knew your schedule well enough to get worried when you were late, and he genuinely wanted to hear about things that were on your mind.
“don’t ask. how can a single language have this many rules that literally no one cares about? studying for this was just like this is the rule. yes we use it. no we don’t. you’re welcome.” you said the last sentences with a fake cheery voice, making your contempt for the exceptions that seemed to be more than the words that adhered to the rules obvious. then you kept on ranting while mingi grabbed his stuff, and while you left the café, and you first got done when you were already halfway to your place, glad that you got to let out some frustration.
“that sounds… hard”, he said, unsure of what else to say since he had no idea what exactly you were talking about. languages were your thing while maths was his, but you both still supported the incomprehensible monologues of the other whenever one of you got either really excited or really frustrated about their subject.
“if it were me, i would simply make the language follow the rules.” you laughed at that - he said exactly what you’d thought countless times before.
“mingi for language council president”, you joked and he looked at you with big, excited eyes.
“that’s a thing? would you vote me in?” now you had to laugh even more. he really didn’t know anything at all about your subject, but the excitement was adorable.
“sorry to disappoint, i don’t think that’d work. you can be the ceo of choosing the movie though, if that mends your broken heart even a little bit.” you were at your place now, and you could feel mingi vibrate with excitement next to you at the prospect of getting to choose the movie. he acted like a giant baby sometimes, but that only made you like him more. this was much better than someone who never got excited about anything.
you let both of you in, getting out your laptop and placing it on your desk chair next to the bed (you were a student, so you had neither a sofa nor a decent table, your desk being cluttered to a point where it was an act of mental gymnastics to even figure out it was a desk at all), joining the boy who’d already settled on your bed.
“what’s the choice?”, you asked, cursor hovering over the search bar.
“of course.” you laughed but complied with his request, sitting back and leaning into his chest as the movie started playing. you loved movie nights with him - when you were spending time with him like this you were able to relax, and knowing he enjoyed it just as much only made it better. by now you’d seen several movies upwards of five times because they were your go-to choices, but it didn’t matter. it was less about the plot than it was about being close to him and enjoying each other’s presence even when you didn’t say much.
the night continued like this, your best friend choosing silly movies only and the both of you trying to one-up each other with bad jokes until you got tired and went to bed. this was how it usually went, and you wouldn’t want to miss this for anything in the world. going to bed together, waking up together, making early mornings a little easier to stand.
days went on like this, meeting mingi at work, spending evenings and nights together, and to you everything was as usual. you continued to not pay attention to your receipt when you ordered from your best friend, which resulted in him sending his coworker to you one day when you were again studying while waiting for him to get off. you looked up surprised when it wasn’t your personal delivery guy bringing you your drink, and were even more confused when you were handed a plastic cup instead of the regular porcelain one. then you noticed that there was something written on it with a sharpie.
if you’re reading this i’m in love with you.
you looked up at yeosang in shock - you barely even knew him! but he grinned at you and pointed at where mingi was unsuccessfully trying to hide behind the counter, making you realise just who had written the little note. you didn’t really know how to react - his shift wasn’t over yet and surrounded by customers wasn’t exactly the best situation for a serious conversation. but, once more to your surprise, the boy who’d delivered the cup to you went up to your best friend and told him to end early.
“it’s only like half an hour left anyway, i’ll deal.” you smiled at him with gratitude in your eyes as the tall boy slowly made his way towards you.
“do you want a reply right away or do you want to go home first?” from what you knew about him you knew his anxiety was probably eating him alive right now, but you also didn’t really want to talk about this in the middle of the street.
“let’s just go”, he replied, though he was still avoiding your gaze. you wanted to grab his hand, but you had to carry your stuff in one and the other was holding on to the cup with his confession; no way in hell were you going to throw that away. but then you realised he had his bag hanging over his shoulder, which left both his hands empty, made obvious by his nervous fiddling.
“can you carry my bag for me?”, you asked, and he immediately did. this gave you the chance to grab his hand and you smiled up at him as you gave it a reassuring squeeze. for the first time since you left he looked at you, and you could see the fear in his eyes. so you decided to hurry, not wanting him to have to deal with the anxiety by himself much longer.
you finally reached your place, and you didn’t even bother to take off your shoes when you got in before you asked him: “you confessed on a cup?” you tried to give him an appreciative smile, but to him it seemed more like a teasing one.
“well, i tried on your receipts, but you always threw them away without looking, so i just… didn’t know how else to.” he sounded so nervous, his deep voice trembling slightly, and you felt so bad.
“i didn’t know you’d written something there! i’m sorry”, you apologised, remorse apparent in your words, and this time it was his turn to smile at you reassuringly, though it wasn’t very convincing, his own anxiety making it hard for him to have any expression other than one of heart-crushing fear of your reaction.
“it’s fine. i could’ve just said something, too.”
you looked at the cup again, and you could see he’d tried his best to write prettily, which was why you hadn’t even recognised the handwriting as his at first. he’d really put in effort. and you were about to cry at how cute he was and how long he’d probably been trying to get your attention with his little notes and at all the cute confessions that were now in the trash and never to be seen again. but you stopped yourself before you got too sad at that thought, eyes focusing back on the message he’d left you.
“you mean this?”
“mm. i thought i should tell you.” his gaze was glued to the floor. “sorry i did it stupid like this though.”
you stared at him in shock. “take that back right now.”
“huh?” this wasn’t what he’d expected. he’d thought you’d turn him down or laugh at him or something, but not that you’d tell him to take it back.
“this is the sweetest thing ever and if you say it’s stupid one more time i’ll have to reconsider my feelings.”
this day was just full of surprises for him.
“your feelings?”
you smiled, holding the cup in front of his face with the message clearly readable to him. if you’re reading this i’m in love with you. and even though this technically confirmed that you reciprocated his feelings, he wanted to be sure.
“you mean it?” you nodded, looking him right in the eyes as you did so, hoping he could see that you were serious.
“pinky promise?” now you couldn’t help but laugh - this was such a mingi thing to do, making you pinky promise everything that held some importance to him. but it was another thing about him that made you fall in love with this idiot.
“pinky promise. silly.” the insult was more of a pet name, your voice almost as soft as your expression as you linked your pinky with his. after this he wrapped his arms around your waist, picking you up with a lot more energy than you’d expected him to have after having just worked a full shift. but here he was, all but jumping up and down with you in his arms, and as much as you liked it you had to stop him.
“mingi! the cup!” too late. the rest of your hot chocolate had been emptied over him, serving as a rather unconventional hair treatment. you were both laughing as he let you down and you dragged him to your bathroom, insisting on washing his hair right there.
“it’s gonna get sticky if i don’t” was the reason you gave him, but really you just felt soft and affectionate and happy and wanted to be emotional without him being able to look at you while you said sappy things. so you had him take off his shirt (which had received some of the chocolate treatment as well) and kneel down in front of the shower while you rinsed his hair with warm water.
“is this temperature fine?” you’d checked it on your hand, but you knew that the scalp was always a different story.
“it’s nice. this is nice.” even though you couldn’t see it you knew he was smiling, and you smiled as well.
“you were actually scared i didn’t like you?”
“mm.” you laughed in disbelief.
“you’re incredible. i all but moved in at the café just to see you!”
“i let you choose the movies even though i know you’re gonna choose frozen for the fourth time this week!”
“it’s a good movie!”, he defended himself. but you weren’t done.
“i’ve had you over so much i might as well have you join me in the rent contract, you’ve become more essential for a good night’s sleep than my blanket, i regularly steal your clothes, i-”
he interrupted you, laughing. he knew that if you weren’t washing his hair right now, you’d be using your fingers to count just how many things you thought had been dead giveaways.
“okay, i get it. but you didn’t realise either, so we’re even.”
“mm.” you turned off the water and yelled at him not to move when he tried to get out the shower before you’d put a towel on his head.
“now you can move.”
“how generous”, he teased you before sitting up, making sure his shoulders were dry enough to not drip on the floor either.
“if you can’t appreciate this i don’t think you deserve the honour of dating me.” this time it was your turn to tease him, but you hadn’t anticipated the reaction you got. he turned around so quick that he almost fell on his butt, staring at you wide-eyed.
“dating you?” he sounded so shocked that you weren’t sure if he liked the idea or hated it. so you decided to keep joking just so you wouldn’t embarrass yourself if he didn’t want to.
“i was thinking about it, but now i don’t think i want to”, you said, pretending to be sulky. but it seemed like he was still so in shock that he didn’t catch on to the fact that you were joking.
“o-of course i appreciate this, and you! and you. i’m-” you hadn’t expected him to actually take you seriously, so it took a moment to realise that he did, but as soon as you did you interrupted him.
“i’m joking! i’m joking”, and as if to convince him you smiled at him, the smile you usually gave him when he’d forgotten to bring something you’d asked him to and felt guilty. the ‘it’s okay, you didn’t do anything wrong, don’t worry’ smile.
“oh. so you’ll date me?”
“mm. but can you ask again? this isn’t very, like… romantic.” this time your smile was apologetic, but his was so bright you were sure that if you turned off the light right now you’d still be able to see perfectly.
he was still on the floor and made use of that as he shifted to be on one knee, looking up at you who was looking at him with a mix of shock, adoration and a held back laugh at his silliness on your face.
“y/n, will you be my girlfriend, wash my hair whenever someone spills their beverage on it, be there to remind me to not make a mess, and make me smile for as long as you can stand me?” mingi was being goofy to make it less awkward for the two of you, but you knew he meant it anyway, and even though you almost burst out laughing at his proposal your heart was beating faster than it should, your stomach feeling tingly and weird but in a good way.
“yes. now get up, you’ll get cold.” and with that you grabbed his hand, dragging him to your bed as you set up your laptop. it was time to watch frozen for the fifth time this week, but as you settled against your now-boyfriends warm chest and felt him kiss the top of your head with water dripping from his still wet hair onto your nose, you realised that you’d watch frozen every day for the rest of your life if that meant you’d get these situations for the rest of your life.
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krisakr · 5 years
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Merry Zarcmas!!!
I’m sorry if there’re grammar errors and I hope my handwriting is readable
+ omake
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Blue Eyes Part 30
Summary: After the Garrison is shot up, the youngest Shelby daughter finds a new home in London. She strips herself of her last name and tries to live a peaceful life far away from her brothers’ chaos in Birmingham. But fate leads her right back into it after she runs into Alfie Solomons.
Part 30: Tommy receives a letter from a dead man. 
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       “Mr. Shelby, this was delivered to you.” Tommy’s assistant at the House of Commons set the envelope down on his desk.
           “Thank you.” He set his pen down for a moment and picked up the letter. It did appear addressed to him although the penmanship was very unkempt and blotted. Either way, Tommy opened the envelope.
           Inside was a very brief letter written in the same scrawling handwriting with several errors in spelling and grammar, almost as if a child had written it.
           Dear Tom,
Try an stay awy from black horrses. Rmind El ta feed Cril n Antea.
           It was utterly puzzling, to say the least. Tommy was holding what seemed to be the drugged-up stream of consciousness of a man who was supposed to be dead. If the letter was coherent, he would’ve assumed it had been sent before Alfie was shot. However, it wasn’t only the disjointed writing that proved that theory wrong. Up in the top right corner, no matter how much pain medication he was on, Alfie still managed to scribble out the correct date.
           Three days after he was supposedly gunned down.
           It took Tommy a moment and he wondered if he was mistaken. The idea seemed so outlandish but he had some sort of evidence.
           So, he picked up the telephone to find out where his sister was.
           To Ella’s dismay, it didn’t take Tommy long to find her. She wasn’t surprised when she heard his voice on the other end of the line, but she was disappointed.
           “Packing for America, then?”
           “Are you taking that tone with me while I’m grieving?” She retorted.
           Tommy leaned back in his desk chair and removed his glasses. “About that. I realized I never offered my help in assisting with the burial.”
           “Well, Jews have their own customs. They’re not like Travelers, they’ve got different ways of doing it.” She replied. The phone call had come out of the blue. Ella had returned to her room at the inn after walking the dogs to visit Alfie at the hospital. She brought them back and planned on returning to him once Cyril and Anthea were settled. Tommy caught her with one foot out the door.
           “Right.” He nodded. “Does that include addressing a barely readable letter to their brother-in-law?”
           Ella froze in place. Alfie was starting to slowly be weaned off the medication. He hadn’t mentioned anything about contacting Tommy, in fact, they both agreed that they’d lay low. At least until things were properly sorted and there wasn’t an evil anti-Semite threatening them.
           But she hadn’t been there by his bedside every second of every day. “I don’t know what you mean…”
           “I just received a letter from your deceased husband warning me about black horses and asking me to remind you to feed your dogs.”
           “I’m not sure what he meant, but I’m sure he sent it before he passed.” Ella clung onto the lie. The veil of falsehood was all she had to protect her husband as he lay vulnerable in a hospital bed. Absolutely no one could know.
           “Does he date his letters for the future?” Tommy inquired, clearly not buying what his sister was trying to sell him. He’d bought the tears but he liked cold hard facts.
           “Must’ve been a mistake.”
           He rolled his eyes. After all, he only had himself to blame for teaching her how to be such a damn good liar. “Where is he, Ella?”
           “My husband is dead.” There was no telling who was listening to Tommy’s calls in the Commons. Even if she was going to admit the truth to him, it wouldn’t be over the telephone. “But if you’d like to say goodbye to me before I leave for America, you’re welcome to do so. I would ask Polly of my whereabouts.” She wasn’t even willing to divulge her location just in case Mosley decided she was a loose end that needed taking care of.
           Tommy glanced at the phone and began to pick up on what his sister was implying. “Alright. I’ll talk to her.” He said. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything about Alfie. I misread the date on the letter. His fours look like nines. It wasn’t fair of me to confront you while you’re grieving.”
           Ella could hear when Tommy was lying to her. He was playing a part over the line just like she was. “Alright, come soon then, I’ll be leaving within the next week and I don’t want to miss you.”
           “I’ll come as soon as I can.”
           Tommy consulted with Polly who didn’t know Alfie was alive but did know Ella was still in England. She was in Southampton, still giving off the impression that she was leaving the country.
           He arrived at the small inn and met Ella at the door.
           “Where is he?” He asked the same question but with the intention that he was going to get the truth this time.
           “The hospital.” She crossed her arms over her chest.
           Tommy ran a hand over his face. “Why…why?” He asked. “Why did you lie to everyone? Ollie said…then you told me…”
           “What was I supposed to do, aye?” She snapped. “Let it get out that Mosley’s men missed the mark? They’d be storming the hospital room within hours. And they wouldn’t leave him alive the second time around.”
           It was a valid point that Tommy couldn’t refute. He sighed. “How is he?”
           “He’s making slow improvements.” She admitted quietly. “He’s blind in the left eye now. The stitches will heal but they’re worried about damage to his brain. He’s always complaining about pain if he hasn’t had medication. Said his head hurts.” She swallowed, her brow wrinkling. “But at least he’s alive. That’s all I can thank God for now.”
           “I’m sorry, El.” Tommy pulled his sister into a hug. “I really am, I just…”
           “Who’s doing it?” She asked, her voice muffled into his shirt.
           “Who’s doing what?”
           “Who’s killing this son of a bitch?” She pulled away. “Because I want to do it.”
           “I already recruited someone. I need you to stay as far away from this as you can.” Tommy replied firmly.        
           “That man tried to murder my husband solely because of his religion.”      
           “And if he finds out that you want to kill him then he could put hits out on our entire family.” He interrupted. “And if you killed him, the police would lock you up.”
           Ella looked disgruntled but dropped the matter. It was true that she didn’t want to worsen matters. She just wanted a little revenge. “Fine.”
           “Are you going to go see him now?”
           “Alfie? Yeah, I was just about to leave.” She nodded. “Do you want to come see him?”
           “I need to discuss plans with him.”
           “Plans? No, no, no, Alfie is not a part of this anymore. It’s over, Tom. He’s dead to everyone except you and me and that’s how it’s going to stay.”
           “I need his help for this to go through…”
           “No!” She shouted. “You keep pressing and pressing and I’ve had enough. He is in the hospital, nearly off his rocker because of the drugs they’ve had to keep him on because of how much pain he’s in! I could’ve lost him, Tommy, another centimeter and he would’ve been taken from me.”
           Tommy didn’t know what to say. At the end of the day, he knew that Ella didn’t control Alfie’s decisions. But it was rare that Alfie would disagree with her to agree with Tommy instead. Still, he knew he needed men from the Jewish community to cause a stir at the rally. And Alfie was the only way to ensure that.
           “Can I at least talk to him?” He asked.
           “You can talk to him for as long as you want. But under no circumstances will you put his life back in danger.” She jabbed a finger at him before starting to walk off.
           Alfie wondered if he was starting to see things now. His dose of morphine had been decreased but it still affected him. Still, he’d yet to have hallucinations.
           “Hello, Alfie.” The Blinder walked in and took a seat. “I was hoping to talk to you about something.”
           “Hang on,” Alfie looked to his wife for clarification, “I thought I were s’posed to be dead to you.”
           “You wrote me a letter, Alfie.”
           “Did I?”
           Ella frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. “Yes, you did.”
           “Well, fuck, m’sorry for what I did while I was on drugs. I were shot by a fucking cunt, weren’t I?” Alfie grumbled. “What’d I write to you about then?” He asked.
           “You told me to stay away from black horses,” Tommy replied.
           “Oh, right, right…see I’ve been having dreams, mate. Dreams, yeah, ‘bout you with a horse. Big black horse out in a field, right, and you said goodbye. Then, bang.” Alfie folded his hands over his stomach. “What’d you reckon that is then, Tom, aye?”
           “I would say it’s the drugs talking,” Tommy replied coolly.
           “What’d you want to talk ‘bout then?” Alfie asked.
           Ella perched on the edge of the hospital bed. She wasn’t going to leave and let Tommy talk Alfie into doing something silly. She had a feeling her husband might be pissed off enough to be talked into getting some revenge. Hypocrisy at its finest, as far as she was concerned.
           “I’m in need of some of your men. There needs to be a disruption at the rally Mosley’s speaking at. I need a distraction.” Tommy explained short and simple.
           Alfie pondered the idea. “Right, how much then?”
           “How much? Alfie, people need to think you’ve passed. You cannot get yourself involved in this again!” Ella exclaimed in disbelief. “You were nearly killed and now you want to put another target on your back?”
           “No, love, what I want is for this fucker to be killed. So if Tommy needs some of me men, then he can pay for that privilege.”
           “It’s never enough for you two, aye? You can be shot a million times over but as long as you fucking survive, you’ll keep at it. When will you learn? Because I’m fucking sick of this!” She snapped and stood up to leave.
           “El, Ella, c’mon!” Alfie groaned as she slammed the door behind her.
           Tommy sat quietly for a moment. “You don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to, Alfie.” He reminded him.
           “I fucking know that.” He muttered in response. “But I ain’t just gonna sit ‘round doing nothing, am I? You need men, that’s fine. People are bound to find out ‘bout my survival anyway. Long as the right people don’t know then that’s fine. But you’re gonna need to offer me something in return.”
           “I’ll offer each man twenty pounds,” Tommy suggested.
           “Nah, mate, I want protection for Ella. Twenty-four-seven. From good fighters with good aims. ‘Cause if I do this for you, and it gets out that by God’s good grace that I’m still alive, he’ll be after her. Don’t fucking care if he offs me. But I’ll be damned if he even goes near her, right?
           Tommy nodded. “Alright. I can do that.” He stood up to shake his brother-in-law’s hand.
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Okay, who am I going to answer first...
Dear Jessy, as well as Yuvon I am dearly sorry for your loss. My relation to Matt goes the same way as with Yuvon and she already explained, so I will not repeat this story. I don't think you'd want that now.
I too, agree with everything Yuvon told you about him. Of course we can never be 100% sure about 'your' Jake. As with Yuvon, if you just want to close this, please stop reading now.
I know four Jakes now. Mine, a Jake we call TSB, Yuvons Jake and Jake of a person we call Rai.
None of those Jakes is to any extent a murderer and even less the MWAF.
You could call me Matts counterpart in this world, even though I am as well as Yuvon a girl. Your counterpart and myself aren't in a romantic relationship either. I wish [this word is completely blacked out] and I were
Two of the Jakes I talked about had personal contact with me, more than just letters. And you could say they safed my life. Or at least do everything they can.
Again, we cannot be 100% sure that the Jake of your universe didn't do it, but even though there seemingly is evidence against him, it just doesn't make any sense, right?
What would you do if an innocent person was caught now? And even more Jake, who probably gets even more problems now. [The words could be readable if you hold it in light. But probably even more if you have a bit experience with reading crossed out words] After he trusted all of you. I cannot imagine what I'd do if the same thing
It's for me the same as Yuvon, once more. Please don't ask me any questions after when you and Thomas were in Michael Hansons house.
I..I think I don't have to say more to you in the moment. Sorry if I sounded a bit rude.
You may skip this part, if you even read till here, Jessy :)
Have I been rude in my part to Jessy? I didn't intend to...Reading her letter just was like a real punch in the gut. [The writing becomes a bit shaky and the word 'imagining' is a bit smudged, as if it got wet] The thought of what might happens there right now makes me feel sick. And imagining that the same thing could happen to TSB because of me now...
But back to business. I need that now.
I already have a place chosen and Jake was so friendly to get Max and myself tickets and a place under a wrong name. I still payed though, I would feel bad if not.
It's evening now and the call happened. Same as last time, with the difference that some kind of anxiety kicked in. But luckily Jake texted me immediately afterwards :) So it wasn't too bad.
Yeah, it seems the Duskwood Detective Inc. is a real tragedy-magnet...
I feel so sorry for Matt, I mean, he's kind of our counterpart, right? Like the Jakes are counterparts.
You're right about Max, I'll do that. That sounds good. And in the end, the MWAF is a real danger, stalker, whatever. At least not friendly.
I mean, it seems that the Crow-Crew not trusting Jake is in many universes...BUT did you realise something in Jessys letter? It seems Lilly and Dan believed Jake to be innocent. Dan. Which is kinda cool and refreshing.
I also definitely wait for them to contact me!
And yeah, I packed a whole pencil case. And I'll probably steal my favourite pen from work. Just because.
Btw, Jake, I don't know what you and Jake talked about, but he seemed very excited after I sent him your answer. Thanks for that I guess? And he lets me tell you that this helped him enormly. He'll 'text' you again when he has more results about whatever it seems.
Oh, and about..what seemed to be your last question? I don't know.
So, Jake said that he wanted me to tell you no, he never had this experience. He couldn't. He has an idea what you're talking about but that doesn't fit to him. Another thing, though. But he doesn't want me to know. He'll tell you when he writes a message just for you again.
Damn, you make me curious..But I won't read what I am not supposed to. Those are Jake things.
Now I hope I didn't forget anything, if so just remind me. I'll answer that next time :)
Lis, and in some way, Jake🐾🔥
I don't think there's exactly a way to avoid being rude in a situation like this. Walking over eggshells is irritating. Being straightforward is rude. All the middle paths are irritating AND rude. I did the best I could in my letter to Jessy, but I'm pretty sure I failed miserably.
I feel really bad for basically Jessy's entire timeline. Jessy lost Matt. Matt was killed. Jake was captured. Hannah seems to still be missing, from what I can tell. Thomas lost Hannah. Cleo lost Hannah. Lilly lost Hannah AND Jake. Dan has to watch the bad end unfold and watch his friends spiral into depression. It’s basically one of the worst endings I can think of to all this.
I’m sure that TSB isn’t going through the same things now. Goldie probably gave things a nudge in the right direction in that timeline so you wouldn’t be too torn up about it.
Alright, at least things still are going chronologically. And it’s good Jake helped you get your destination all set up, and that he texted you after the call :)
Yeah, you, me, Rai, and Matt all seem to be counterparts of a sort. Not quite as closely as the Jakes are, but still.
You’re right! I missed that. Maybe Dan and Jake managed to get over their animosity in that year? Or maybe Dan saw the same weirdnesses with the crime as I did. But Dan sort of leaps to conclusions a lot, so probably not the second one.
Looks like the Jakes want to talk behind our backs XD   I’ll hand this over now.
(The handwriting changes to Jake’s.) Hello, Lis.
I am somewhat confused. If I am understanding this correctly, an alternate version of Jessica who dated an alternate Detective named Matt contacted Yuvon after Matt’s death, somehow. I believed that only entities and detectives could write letters to Yuvon in here: is that not so? If the restriction does not exist, that opens up quite a few possibilities I have never considered before.
Additionally, Matt’s version of myself was framed for his murder, if I am understanding correctly. I cannot comprehend a version of myself that would have been the kidnapper. And both Lilly and Dan both believed my counterpart to be innocent? Odd, given his recent behavior towards myself.
In any case. At least the timeline seems to be moving predictably as of yet, and your bolthole is secured.
Tragedy does seem to stalk the footsteps of you and your counterparts. It could be chance, mixed with the risk factor of being in your position, but I am becoming more and more inclined to say that even those of us who have not encountered entities are their playthings. Do you concur?
I am glad I was able to help your Jake. I am not sure what to feel about my theory being confirmed, however. On the one hand, confirmation is a comfort: I am not overly fond of the unknown. On the other, that makes me very markedly different from at least your Jake, in a way I would not usually assume would vary across universes. I wonder if there are any other Jakes like myself.
No matter. I will speak with Yuvon as you previously suggested shortly. It will likely be a long conversation, so please do not expect letters for a while.
(The letter tucks itself into the paper clip with the others.)
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asknagito-official · 3 years
Miyuki attempted to stop him pushing himself so hard, but when she followed where he was pointing to she realised. "Ah, you want the note pad and pen." She hummed, carefully sitting him back in the bed she went over and grabbed the things and brought it over to him.
She smiled at him, holding his hand for a minute before letting him write. "I'm glad to see you're.. a bit better at least, are you in pain?" She asked, her hand coming up to hold his cheek comfortingly.
"I'm sorry I couldn't stay last night. I wanted to.." she said, looking down at the cardigan. "Did it help you at all? It seems like you really like it huh?" She asked with a smirk.
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Nagito started to write. It was a little difficult with how weak he felt, but he managed. And it turned out that his idea actually worked. He could write his thoughts here properly. He showed her each note as he responded to her questions.
My head still hurts and I feel pretty weak, but I think it's a bit better? Mikan keeps talking about how I'm sicker than the others. I've dealt with worse though, so I don't mind.
I was really bad earlier this morning though. I almost thought I was going to die.
It's fine. If you stayed you might've gotten sick, so it's for the better. And thanks for the cardigan, it did help... I don't really like hospitals, so I appreciated something familiar.
His handwriting was shaky and a bit hard to read because his shaking hands didn't let him write how he wanted, but it was still readable.
He leaned into the hand on his cheek, smiling. With Miyuki here, he felt a bit more hopeful about recovering. Maybe... Maybe it was possible.
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Thank you for spending so much of your precious time looking after me. He wrote. I don't deserve it, but you're still always here for me. Thank you.
Against his better judgement, head still foggy with sickness, he turned his head and kissed her palm where it rest on his cheek.
Seconds later he grabbed the pencil again.
You should probably wash your hands. Don't want you to get sick.
Even still, he relished in that touch for a few more seconds before nodding toward the sink which had antibacterial soap sitting beside it.
He felt really relieved that he could "talk" to her properly now. It was getting really frustrating that he could never say what he actually meant.
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