#and I'll miss all y'all
celestialrealms · 3 months
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Decided to make this bingo card for the upcoming season as a salty and tired Triworlds and trio fan to inject some fun into a season I'm not particularly excited about. It contains things only I, and maybe like two other people, care about.
(Didn't bother labeling it as season 3 because I'll be shocked if a lot of this isn't a concern for future seasons.)
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elitadream · 8 months
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maydays-medbay · 2 months
You know what, I'm feeling positive today, so I'm going to put that forward into this post.
I love you trans men. I love you trans mascs. I love you demiboys. I love you genderfauns. I love you trans women. I love you trans fems. I love you demigirls. I love you genderfaes. I love you nonbinary people. I love you agender people. I love you xenogendered people. I love you genderfluid people. I love you bigender people. I love you pangender people. I love you genderqueer people. I love you closeted trans people. I love you out trans people. I love you stealth trans people. I love you questioning trans people. I love you curvy trans people. I love you fat trans people. I love you thin trans people. I love you lean trans people. I love you neurodivergent trans people. I love you disabled trans people. I love you tall trans people. I love you short trans people. I love those of you who struggle with dysphoria. I love those of you who don't or no longer struggle with dysphoria. I love those of you without access to HRT. I love those of you with access to HRT. I love those of you who don't want HRT. I love those of you who want HRT. I love those of you who want gender-affirming surgery. I love those of you who don't want typical gender-affirming surgeries. I love you trans people with supportive family and friends. I love you trans people with unsupportive family and friends. I love you gender-nonconforming trans people. I love you feminine transmascs and transmen. I love you masculine trans men and transmascs. I love you masculine transfems and trans women. I love you feminine transfems and trans women. I love you transmasc drag queens. I love you transfem drag kings.
Every single one of you matter to me, if not from the queer or trans perspective, than from a human one. All of you are important. All of you matter. All of you are valid, and all of you are loved. Keep being the awesome people you are, and don't let other people get in the way of letting you be yourself. Even if you're in a situation where being completely out isn't an option, or nobody else is able to know for safety reasons, know that I am here and I respect and value your internal feelings and identity. If you ever need someone to talk to, someone to be a listening ear, just know that I'm always a DM away. If you want to try out a new set of pronouns for yourself, I will happily help you explore that form of self-expression. I love you all. Stay safe, stay happy, and stay yourself 💛
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scriv3lloirl · 3 months
Me when I dissociate a lil too hard n then there's a fresh drawin in my notebook.
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Orin Scrivello, DDS, let me make you a pretty lil princess. 🦷👑💄
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emile-hides · 8 months
So recently I've really hard committed myself to figuring out the perfect Pokemon to trade to each of the special coaches in Scarlet/Violet's DLC because I am Autistic and OCD but look listen it matters to me I love these characters and want to give them a Pokemon from a New Region I think they'd like
And I have one figured out for everyone except for SALVATORE
I thought a Pika Clone of any type would be fine and I landed on Dedenne because it looks like most like Alolan Raichu who I think he should have and is French which is clearly his default language, but that's in Paldea so it's NOT NEW, and the only other Pika Clone in the Dome is Plusle and Minun who are a PAIR DO NOT SEPARATE but you can only trade him ONE POKEMON.
So now I'm stumped I've been staring at his team for a full week trying to figure out a through line to go off of and honestly I've got absolutely nothing so I'm turning to you, Internet randoms.
What's the best New Pokemon introduced in the SV DLC to give to Professor Salvatore based on his team, subject, or general personality?
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
are you a compsci major :0
✦゜ANSWERED: I wish I had the brains and dedication for that ^^; If anything, Ren would be the compsci major (if he chose to go to university with you)!! As for me though?? I'm currently double majoring in digital media and social working ;v;
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and if i say 'stop fucking crying bro' was never that serious. then what.
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sugaaaaaaaar · 2 years
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(hot take but why is black pearl in first place like she low-key kind of doesn't deserve it)
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#cascoon#it's like silcoon‚ but purple and pointy! desperately trying to remember how this one comes about. i'm gonna seem like a fake pokémon fan#i know silcoon and cascoon are both evolutions of wurmple. but i don't remember what the criteria are. is it a gender thing? hold on google#oh. it's just. some hidden personality value.  so it's effectively random#y'know what. i think that's better than it being a gender thing. shoutout. but it could be considerably more interesting#maybe i'm just conditioned by the hitmonline to think that every evolution criteria has to be stupid and obscure and insane#or finizen At All#or all the stupid-ass trade evos. do not like trade evos. i do Not like trade evos! i have said this before but i will keep saying it#i just realized i called cascoon purple and pointy as though silcoon was not pointy. i'm not with it at all this morning#i just woke up‚ y'all. can you tell. can you tell i'm not sentient yet. i have to go to work in like an hour and a half and i am Not ready#anyway. i'm gonna get this guy up in the queue and dustox and then take my meds. see you guys in the dustox post#this must look so weird to y'all. since dustox is gonna be either multiple hours or a whole Day after cascoon#but i queue up two to three pokémon at once every morning to keep a good backlog in the queue in case one morning i miss it#which has happened before. it's saved my ass before. and i'm gonna need to use it at the beginning of july#sneak peek for you guys. i'll be heading out of town on june 30th to go to the other side of the country for work. so i won't be around#any posts you see from june 30th to july 4th are gonna be like super duper queued in advance. and i probably won't be able to answer asks#or anything like that. i dunno if i'll do a formal announcement bc no one will even notice but for you dear reader#who read this deep into my mile-long cascoon tags. you now know that i will be out of town from june 30th to july 4th#use this power wisely….
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I miss being on here
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He so deserves that
Also it was kinda funny but OOUFGH that ending can be so angsty/dramatic 👀👀 boutta write that so hard
If anyone was gonna win besides BigB, I wanted it to be Scar. I even said it before we watched Martyn's episode I believe, that it would be wild xd. Maybe it was one of the other episodes idk lol. But just, wow. That was great
Thank you SO MUCH to all of the creators for another amazing Life Series.
Secret Life was AWESOME!!!
This whole thing was so epic, and I'm so proud of and happy for Scar :'D
Gosh, the longest life series over 😭😭❤️
I loved it so much ❤️❤️🥰
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 1 year
For the first time since 2020, I am feeling the urge to read InuKag fics again???
This all started in June when I FINALLY read the iconic "Freak Attraction" by our esteemed @artistefish (which is PHENOMENAL AND AMAZING BTW PLEASE GO READ IT), but then, just now, I saw that the Smut Queen herself, @keichanz had posted new smut...... 👀👀👀
Aaaaaand suddenly I went hunting for other smutty oneshots to add to my "Marked for Later" fics. For the first time in AGES. Like. Um. Holy shit????
[Ramblings about my "Inuyasha history post-2020" below cut. Tl;dr: I'm lowkey Shook that my love for Inuyasha and InuKag fics is finally, slowly coming back 🥹💕]
Here's the rundown: 2020 happened. I went into quarantine with my parents. I was determined to finally devour a BUNCH of Inuyasha fics I kept meaning to read, and at first I did with great gusto..... but..... as April 2020 crept along, my interest began to wane and depression seized a hold of me.
Then Yashahime was announced. The fandom imploded. I felt nothing. No interest, no worries, no intrigue. NOTHING. It would've scared me if I was capable of feeling it.
Oh eventually, I felt a mild amusement at all of the squabbling and ship wars and all that nonsense (and spawned a whole fucking series of memes as a result lmaooooo). But my love for the fandom/fics had more or less snuffed out. Which sucked for a number of reasons, not least of which were "shit, most of my WIPs are for this fandom fuckfuckfuckfuck" LMAO 🙃
Depressing shit aside, I dove back HARD into the Disney fanfic side of things, on top of other anime titles and old fandoms like Harry Potter. I moved on to other fandoms, partially due to feeling embittered at the Inuyasha fandom for already making my depression over my lack of interest EVEN WORSE with all the in-fighting over Yashahime (which btw, for the record, is NOT a particularly bad show. It's not a GOOD show, per se, I don't have any strong feelings for it either way, but it's NOT the Antichrist™ like fans were making it out to be, sheesh >.> It's just another mediocre sequel for a classic-but-not-particularly-amazing-original-series. Shocking, I know. Moving on)
The only thing keeping me sane about Inuyasha was watching it with my fiancé, from Nov. 2020-Sept. 2021. His delightful commentary breathed life into the series like you wouldn't BELIEVE lmao 🤣
Eventually.... I felt the desire to write again. But it was HARD. 😭
After Shameless was completed in April of 2020, I felt.... empty of Inuyasha fic writing. By a miracle, I managed to update my Big Three WIPs (An Unexpected Encounter -> June 2020; Inuyasha: Prince of Thieves -> July 2020 & Sept. 2022; and Shards of the Sea -> June 2021 & Sept. 2022), but the gaps between updates kept widening, and I only worked on them because they were already partially written/published. I even ended up archiving older ficlets into Tied Together and Bonds Across Time, but had to resist the urge to delete everything and start afresh SEVERAL times since 2021 (which, coincidentally, was around the time the fandom was tearing itself apart over Yashahime bullshit and by bullshit I mean innocuous junk people were losing their goddamn minds over ugh.... 😒)
The handful of other fics I punched out for other fandoms were small, and only posted briefly in the summers of 2020 and 2022.
The latter summer was thanks to my first InuKag written smut in 2 years: Sinful Symphonies.
So, yay! Finally getting a feel for writing again, both for Inuyasha and in general! But I still felt utterly detached from other Inuyasha fics, not because of the writers (are you KIDDING me, half of the reason it was hard to distance myself from the fandom was because of the AMAZING TALENT in this fandom ugggghhh 😭), but because of my personal, complicated feelings with the fandom and series as a whole.
But then I binge-watched the series by myself this May. And finally, decided to buckle down and read Freak Attraction, which I have been meaning to read LONG before 2020, and thus, it became my first Inuyasha bookmarked fic on AO3 in almost 3 years, and first "new" Inuyasha fave as whole since August 2021.
My last Inuyasha bookmarked fic on AO3 was on Nov. 1, 2020 (on ff.net, I read two small MirSan smut fics in August 2021, but these are outliers; I really could not bring myself to read more than those -.-).
My last InuKag bookmarked smut on AO3 was April 7, 2020.
My last REVIEWS I left for an Inuyasha fic (besides the aforementioned fics) were from June-August 2021 for a couple of updated faves (namely Keichanz's Iconic You Rescued Me, which was a ROLLERCOASTER OF FEELS, LEMME TELL YOU).
And now. NOW. AT LAST. THREE WHOLE YEARS after 2020 sucked the joy of Inuyasha fandom/fic from me.... I want to try again. I want to read more again.
Even if it's only a little bit, I would like to find joy here again. 🥺💕
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r.une is so awesome! he's the kindest guy ever and I always drop by the thieves guild whenever I'm not doing anything just to hear his pretty voice
#ash rambles 💚#and he's handsome!#steal me away 🐉#ugh it's been so long since i've played s.kyrim#or uh. anything other than c.yberpunk#school keeps me busy and#i also got some wisdom teeth removed today! and two other teeth! it's... not the most comfortable! I'm trying to stay chill about it but#FUCK i miss solid food so much#anyways I'll try my best to get some sleep! I'm trying to downplay it but it's probably not a good idea to like. not rest after all that#so yeah if i havent been as activate as of late it's just a mixture of that + school + me trying to platinum cy.berpunk 2077#i think I'm at about 75% trophy achievement? which isnt bad at all#sorry i was talking about r.une#s.kyrim has ass lighting but. his eyes are actually green! i just think he's sooooo handsome!#I can't really kiss since my face is all swollen but i am mentally kissing him all over! he's just such a sweet guy! i know i ship with a#lot of men that are a little rough around the edges but. not him#he's just a genuinely nice guy#(ignorethat hes part of the thieves guild)#oh speaking of I've started to play o.ctopath 2 again. starting to drag myself out of my gaming slump#it's just... been such a crazy last few weeks. with school and life and my mouth... and the roadtrip in which our tire went kaboom in the#middle of nowhere.. everyone is okay but it's still definitely a moment that made me go 'what the hell is wrong with ash's life' LMAAAOO#gonna save that story for the grandkids! BAHAHAHAHAA#oh speaking of kiddos. i've been developing the kiddo for s.eifer a lot as of late! her name is selena + she wields a gunblade like her pap#and just like how her papa has a thing for s.quall (/hj) she has a thing for s.quall's kid LMAAAOO#ah shit it's almost 3am.. I'm gonna go to sleep! i should rest after today#good night my friends#or. well. good morning. since you know. it's so late ajdkahsjq#I'll get back to the regularly scheduled f/o posting eventually <3#your knight until the end 🤍#also also I've been reading john koenigs the dictionary of obscure sorrows and annotating it like the nerd i am. fucking hell it's so good#apologies to all my friends who keep getting spammed with me analyzing it LMAAAAOO y'all are the best
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dragonsongmakhali · 3 months
zone 6 opening cutscene spoilers but I really liked the picture :) ->
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they finally let the gremlin into their shiny golden city. i'm gonna touch everything with my jam coated hands!
(feat. the au ra hand texture glitch that's still around :< and vanilla Makhali!)
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Hey, stargazers and flowerbeds <3
I know I've been tagged in things (never stop doing that, I love it and it makes me smile!), and I know it's been a while since I last posted a fic. This is a lil 'this is why I'm mainly doing reblogs' kind of post.
First was the holiday season, so of course I was busy during that. Then, some pretty low mental health moments. And of course, me now being sick and shit.
It's a been a few minor-ish things just piling up. I'll be okay, don't worry. Mainly just sick rn. Hoping it'll go away in a few days, so I can prep for Logince Week. So, if there's only reblogs or even radio silence days, that's why. I am simply under the weather rn.
So yeah. Energy very low. It's a lot just doing this post and trying to catch up on things I get tagged in.
I'll be okay :D
Anyway: stay safe and take care <3
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talentforlying · 8 months
ello ello again! work's picking up with a vengeance and i have been in & out of the hospital recently, so once again i have been queueing replies. (the latest batch should start posting today.) i'm also going to work on polishing up my multi when i find the time, so if y'all ever want to send things over there, feel free. i'm hoping that things will settle down by the end of the week and i'll be able to be actively active around here again, crossed fingers.
if i haven't replied to something in a hot minute and you're wondering if i'm still down, please don't hesitate to poke me about it! i don't drop threads a whole lot, so chances are good it's in the queue somewhere.
thanks for being patient with me y'all. <3
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