#and I'm going to get a bunch of practice soon if I'm going to draw all my minor made-up guys in the khajiit caravan for the bio
ehlnofay · 1 year
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NOT a sabre cat
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vendetta-if · 1 year
How would you describe the body types of the RO's?
'Cause I get several ideas of my own.
Ash: Solid. Wide shoulders, strong arms. They'd have put in the work for a build that's more function over form, yet retains the curves that draws people's attention. Really, put them in a tanktop and passers-by are going to have neck problems from the double takes they do.
Rin: Svelte. Shortest of the bunch, could pull a Marilyn Monroe and wear a potato sack and make it look stunning. A slight build without clear muscle definition. Maybe most visible if they dance or do high-level yoga.
Santana: "Average" if thin leaning. They're overworked, overstressed and overcaffeinated. Whilst they might not necessarily look unhealthy, a good meal more regularly would work miracles.
Skylar: Pick basically any comicbook superhero character from DC or Marvel of the lean and defined variety and you'll have a decent approximation of how they look. Maybe how most Spider-Folk look or if you average'd the Bat-family.
Anything on or off the mark? Maybe got any references of your own?
Love the story, btw. Hope to see more soon, the barfight was a hoot-and-a-half.
You're not that far off actually 🤔 I'm not really the best in describing body types, but I'll try my best 😅
I like to imagine Ash body built like an MMA fighter, lean and athletic and not too overtly muscular like a bodybuilder. Their muscles are built for practical uses, not to show off.
You're pretty spot on for Rin. They are slender and elegant/graceful and don't really have clear muscle definition. The prime example of prioritizing their mind and charisma over physical stuff and combat. But yeah, they'd slay anything they wear, undoubtedly.
To me, Santana is just average overall. Not too slender, but not to the point of skinny where they don't really have muscles. They do have some muscles to a degree (they are a cop after all, and had to pass like police academy beforehand), but certainly not like Ash and Skyar. They don't really go to gym nor do they spar to maintain them. They're also not too plump or chubby as well, because of their less than ideal lifestyle. They're just... average.
Picture a fitness model, that's pretty much how Skylar's build (but not the really muscular ones mind you 😂). They are still lean and athletic, but unlike Ash, their muscles are definitely more... defined? Like, Male Skylar definitely has pretty well-defined six-packs and pecs.
They do workout in the Agency's gym regularly and supplemented with some sparring with other superheroes for more practical training. As a superhero, they gotta appeal to the masses while also still be able to hold themself in a fight.
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abiiors · 5 months
need a blurb about princess treatment ross please 🥲
i think headcanons is the best way i can do this, so that's what i'm going to write (smut under the dotted line)
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♡ you were sure the initial princess treatment would wear off as soon as you're out of the honeymoon phase. it makes sense this way — that he would open doors wherever you go and follow the sidewalk rule, that he would pull out chairs and show up to each date with a giant bunch of your favourite flowers. it makes sense that he would do it in the first, second, third month of your relationship. maybe even the fourth and the fifth and the sixth. but beyond that? you would have thought it would fizzle out into something ordinary. ross, however, shows absolutely no signs of stopping or slowing down.
♡ for your six month anniversary, you decide to go all out — a fancy rooftop restaurant with a great candlelit dinner on a night that just warm enough. and there you are, getting ready in his house, in front of his mirror when ross shows up behind you, gently pushing your hair aside so he can zip up the dress for you. his knuckles drag up your spine, spread tingles all over your body until you're leaning against him practically liquid in his arms.
♡ “look at you, princess. so beautiful…” his voice has a rough edge to it, leaving you breathless.
♡ and you gasp when he kneels in front of you, right as you're about to leave and proceeds to put your heels on for you, smiling until his eyes crinkle. "i know it's difficult to put them on with your nails, baby. let me do it for you." which obviously leaves you blushing deeply. "i would have been fine," you bite your lip, flustered. ross clicks his tongue though. "don't have to worry about a thing, sweet girl. i'm here to take care of you."
♡ it's not just limited to the big occasions though. ross has made it his mission to make sure you don't have to worry about the smallest of things.
♡ this includes but is not limited to — having an extra scrunchie around his wrist. carrying pads and tampons in his bag. holding your bag(s) in one hand so he can hold your hand in the other, especially while crossing the street (he needs to make sure his girl is safe).
♡ need to go out and ross is free? don't even think about driving, he's going to offer to drive you around even if it's just running random errands. he's going to play all your favourite songs and get you a little sweet treat for the road. he's going to have his hand on your thigh the whole time, drawing little circles and other random shapes. all you have to do is be a passenger princess and tell him where to go.
♡ if something does go wrong though, you know you can go running to him and he'll help you figure out whatever it is you need help with. he's a good listener — he won't give his opinions or unsolicited advice until you're done venting about whatever it is that's bothering you.
♡ one of your favourite things is to be taken care of after particularly long, tiring, stressful days. ross is liberal with hugs and forehead kisses, wrapping you up in his arms so you can squish your face in his chest and just breathe him in. it's safe and calm and comforting. it's home.
♡ he'll play with your hair for as long as you want. he'll run you a bath and give you massages and pamper days. anything to make sure his girl isn't as stressed anymore.
♡ some of your absolute favourite moments happens between the sheets, ross hovering over you, his gold chain grazing against your skin. he smiles and holds your hips, tries to get you to stop squirming. but how can you when his mouth is hot on your skin and his beard tickles your tits and stomach and the insides of your thighs.
♡ "my pretty little princess, my sweetest girl," he smiles, looking at you from between your legs, tongue flicking around your clit. it's ecstasy, it's heaven.
♡ ross hates quickies. he won't cum unless he's made you cum at least twice and that's just not possible in five minutes. still, if you jump on him backstage, kissing him and slipping your tongue inside his mouth, he takes the hint. he'll make up for it later that night though. you best believe you will be overstimulated for hours and hours after.
♡ he's very thorough with the aftercare too — all you have to do is lie there while he cleans you up, fingers flicking through the cum on the insides of your thighs until the oversensitivity makes you hiss. he'll smile looking a little guilty and give you a little kiss to make up for it.
♡ an absolute sweetheart!! ross loves falling asleep with you in his arms. and it's the best feeling in the world. he's always just the right amount of warm and his t-shirts always perfectly soft. every night when you fall asleep, you can't help but thank all your lucky stars <3
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infinitebrians · 9 months
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Favorite Games of 2023 Part 4: Pseudoregalia
I knew Pseudoregalia was going to be good the minute I started the game and did the input for the Mario 64 side flip jump and the game’s main character Sybil did her own version of that satisfying jump. One of my all time favorite things to do in a Mario game (or any game) is that side flip, a jump that is as practical as it is just simply satisfying to do. Sybil being able to do that jump without needing any of the power ups found in the game told me that the developers of this game knew the importance to making character feel good jumping around in a 3D world. Her movement only gets better from there with a bunch of new platforming abilities that makes her capable of getting what feels like anywhere in that game world if desired. The pure control you have over Sybil's platforming capabilities gave me so many great moments of pure curiosity to experiment with what could work. What's better is watching friends and others play the game and figure out their own solutions to the game's open ended platforming design. There are no wrong answers in the world of Pseudoregalia, just results.
This game was a complete surprise in just about every way, just the best feeling platformer I’ve played in a long while in this small, cleaned up former game jam game. I’ve followed the main dev rittzler on twitter for a few years because the gameplay clips of their work have all looked fun and impressive and they always shared other really cool indie dev work as well. So, I was excited to finally play Pseudoregalia when it was announced to be released. It's super low price (6 dollars USD) and being something I was able to finish in the span of one day alone was a huge breath of fresh air in this current gaming environment. It’s something I’ve been personally thinking a lot about recently is the appeal of a simpler, lower priced game. It’s appeal to me coming from playing something that never needs to be some sort of omnipresent, super game. Instead, Pseudoregalia presents itself in a humble statement of, ‘here, enjoy a few hours jumping around this wacky maze like castle as a goat bunny lady!’.
I'm not a person who typically ever has a desire to replay a game right after finishing it, I usually prefer to immediately move on to another game that I've been wishing to play for for a while. Pseudoregalia is a game I've played four or so times now from start to finish, I even started another playthrough in preparation for this drawing/writing and found myself wanting to play it all the way through again. Its the first time I found myself actually physically seeing the appeal of speedrunning, a hobby I always just enjoyed as a spectator. Pseudoregalia just lends itself so neatly to that part of me that loves routing out a path for stuff. How quickly can you find all the vital movement abilities for Sybil? What's unnecessary, what can be improved, what can be gathered while on the path of gathering something else. From at least my perspective of not actually investigating the proper speedrunner's routing, the options feel immense. From these handful of times replaying the game I've gotten a good handle of finding my way around the map and a good idea of how to get a lot of the really important movement abilities almost immediately. It also made the game feel quite different from how it felt to me with my first playthrough, what was once mysterious and labyrinthine was now a familiar playground.
That is one thing I will miss when doing those repeat playthroughs is that sense of discovery that occurred with that initial run. Soon before Pseudoregalia came out, I watched a lot of Videochess and spaghoner's exploration and documentation of the incredible Mario 64 hack, B3313 ( https://youtu.be/pLKB0SG0i8c ). I found that hack incredible at creating a sense of uneasiness and wonder from simply keeping you constantly guessing what was next behind each door something even those two expressed while streaming. During my first playthrough of Pseudoregalia, I was completely lost in that castle and was constantly finding paths that led to new zones or ones circled me back to old ones from hours ago. It was a pretty incredible feeling of discovery that only wore out it's welcome at the end when I just needed one more big key necessary for progression. What helped make exploration in both of these games engaging the whole time is that aspect of having a really fun character to move around as while being lost. It was okay with being completely lost because I could still just keep doing these long jumps into wall kicks that just make Sybil go fuckin' fast in an immensely satisfying way.
I think in the time it's taken me to think about this game again, and briefly revisit it in preparation for this art/writing I've come to decide that this is probably my favorite new game of 2023. In a year full of fantastic platformers to pick from, this one was just a class above in terms of movement design and movement application.
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t1ts-4-scattorcio · 1 year
hi!! could you do a dating pre crash shauna hcs list? thank you!! p.s i love ur writing it’s so cute🫶💗
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Thank you lovie <3 I'm glad you like my stuff.
Shauna Shipman General Dating headcanons:
The cutest girls with the biggest brown baby deer eyes.
Comes out of her shell when she’s around you, she’s pretty quiet unless she’s around people she trusts and you’re her #1
She drew you all the time. You were in her room one night and her journal was open on her desk. You caught a glimpse of a drawing of yourself, it was a drawing of you reading on Shauna’s bed next to her window ledge. It made you feel so warm inside. 
You so support her art endeavors, gifting the supplies that she wans and in return, she shows you what she’s made. She gets especially excited to show drawings she made of you. 
She gives you notes in class,  telling you how much she loves you, how sweet you are, and hoping you have a good day.
Jackie definitely grills you before you start dating Shauna. She doesn’t know much about you other than you were in Shauna’s English class and that she’s completely in love and won’t stop talking about you. 
She makes you a little nervous when you first meet, asking you a bunch of questions about your intentions with Shauna, she’s ready for you to slip up. Shauna is a little bit embarrassed and wants her to let up but NOPE she needs to protect her pookie bestie. She just wants the best for her but soon enough you both become best friends as well.
You go to all of her games, even practices and pep rallies. She appreciates the support so much and gets super excited whenever she sees you in the stands. 
She’s really protective over you, not afraid of standing up to anyone that talks shit. We saw her defend Nat in the first episode she will get in someone’s face if they don’t back down. 
There will definitely be communication problems, she lets things bubble up inside her until they burst at the wrong time. Reassuring her that it’s okay to be open would make your relationship 10 times stronger. 
Also is very impulsive, tends to jump to conclusions and doesn’t think things through before she reacts, She ends up in really sticky situations that are hard to get out of. She once saw you talk to a girl from your Math class the girly pop was way too close for comfort. Shauna’s thoughts immediately went to equality upsetting you, she would ghost you for a while, not answer calls or texts, not go to your house as often as she did (ect). Your last straw was when she was lying across a random girl's lap at a party and it broke your heart. You thought she hated you and was cheating on you and you couldn’t think of any reason why she would hurt you like this, she saw you sobbing and immediately felt so guilty and followed you like a lost puppy on the verge of tears begging for your forgiveness.
I think another toxic thing she does is lie. She 100% will if she thinks she’s protecting you. It’s frustrating
Is super intelligent and I think that’s overlooked by everyone, it’s great when she helps you with any type of work you have to do. Homework, projects, anything that requires brain power. She also loves reading with you cuddled up in her bed or your couch, she’s the cutest little bookworm.
You love listening to her talk about her interests. People don’t take time to listen to what she has to say, Her eyes light up whenever she really gets into topics she loves. Sitting with her and observing her be excited makes you happy. 
I think her major love languages are quality time and acts of love, her favorite days are when you both can relax together, sitting on the bleachers after practice for a while instead of immediately going home, going to your favorite dining spot for hours, study dates at the library, walking around in the mall. She just wants to be around you, little puppy.
You’re her designated passenger princess, she will happily drive you wherever you’d like. Picking you up and dropping you off from school, mini drive-thru dates where you buy anything you like and binge eat in her car. 
I think she’s more dominant in bed, she naturally knows what she wants and likes to be in control, and definitely won’t be scared to bring that into the bedroom
She goes feral if you only wear her team shirt or jacket and nothing else when you’re together at home
Manhandles you while you’re having sex, and will roll her eyes if you get insecure about how heavy you are, especially when she wants you to sit on her face.
Queen of teasing and orgasm denial, fake pouts at you while you beg for release. “Baby wants to cum, you can wait a little more I promise.”  
Tbh you do anything she is immediately on her knees, she’s so enamored by you. You’re perfect in her eyes.
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loremaster · 11 months
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I had actually drawn a few more things than could fit within the 30-image-per-post limit. Here are the ones that didn't make the cut, with commentary!
(tw: mild animal abuse, n*zi mention, suggestive themes)
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Zilch's animal companions. I named Carmina Burana and Tortellini, Gucci and Bosch were named by my friends - though Bosch was supposed to be called Hieronymus, it just didn't fit on the nametag lol
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I wanted to illustrate some examples of Zilch casually mistreating/neglecting the animals but this was as far as I got. I don't think he would be a full on animal abuser, just... the type of person who likes having a bunch of pets to show off but doesn't really think about properly caring for them. He likes the aesthetics of animals much more than the logistics.
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This was gonna be the chapter cover and I forgot. Oops.
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This was just practice drawing the church characters from their sprites.
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Zilch: I must say, it's an unexpected pleasure to run into another kindred spirit around here. I'm Zilch~
This scene was actually cut deliberately. I drew it before I decided exactly what the Nun's issue with Zilch would be and then once I did, I felt like it didn't fit anymore. Zilch is still excited to see someone else with ears and tail like him, but in the final version, he's a lot more derisive about it.
I imagine the Nun is, like, an actual animal-human hybrid whereas Zilch is a furry with a wallet that can afford bioengineered bodymods. (One day, my friends... one day...)
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Zilch being flippant and Halara being dismissive/tsundere. Couldn't really find a place to put it but I still like the drawing - even if I did accidentally give Zilch human ears.
By the way, you might notice Zilch hasn't been wearing his cap. There are two reasons. One is to show off that his ears aren't actually connected to it. If I had the time to go back and redraw the prologue with him wearing it - so Halara's "holy fuck" reaction makes more sense here - I would. (Not really worth trying to fix though, not until the rest of the story is done.)
But the other reason is that upon looking closer at Zilch's original design, I thought it was a little too evocative of Nazi imagery and wasn't really comfortable with it. It's not really the same style of hat, sure, but combined with the swastikas in his eyes??? yeah no way is that not intentional. (I redesigned his eye symbols to be catlike slit pupils instead.)
I get he (or, the hitman, I guess) is supposed to be a villain, and a minor one, in the original game... but here I'm gonna flesh him out a bit more. So I guess in that sense the removal of the hat symbolizes his growth as a character beyond his terrible awful fascist upbringing lol (more on that in the Gumshoe Gabs soon)
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If I were making this an actual game it would be fun to have Yuma get a fun little added gameplay element of using Zilch's Forte like he does with Halara's. He gets some little animal friends!!!
I imagined Zilch would ask to be carried, but Halara won't do it without getting paid an exorbitant amount. And then Zilch forks over the cash on the spot. Yuma screams internally. If he had that the whole time why were they even trying to negotiate over the coat???!? Why does he still have his own debt to pay if Zilch could just cover the whole thing up front????
Halara has to pretend not to be enthusiastic about this opportunity.
Shinigami is... there, I guess.
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Martina my wife driving around her little parasite of a boyfriend. Ms Electro please call me
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Was originally gonna have Seth say that out loud but then I remembered he doesn't want to lose his job. (It's okay, he loses it anyway.)
(Also yes this is pre-Vivia-DLC.)
And then the mystery is solved!
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Zilch feels indebted to Halara for saving him from the Nail Man, and wants to follow their example, turn it around, treat his animals better... his act of goodwill here is extremely performative, though. But, hey, everyone's gotta start somewhere!
Ultimately I cut this scene after coming up with the cat bed idea. (Was very tempted to have Halara cruelly taking the coat from the boy, but just decided to skip it instead.)
So Zilch kinda idolizes Halara now... which is fine... but then the morning after he really lets his simp flag fly.
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Congrats on your furry boyfriend, I guess?????
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A doodle from the margins of this comic way back when.... which finally has a place to belong! \o/
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Zilch's fursona. His "zursona," if you will.
Thanks again for reading! I love everyone's comments in the tags and I'm so glad you all like my version of Zilch especially. Excited to develop him some more in future chapters >:)
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bright-molina · 1 year
dating chad meeks martin headcanons
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There's two versions of Chad that you get to see. There's the version that everyone else sees, one who's constantly got this little smirk on his face and who people stop in the hallways and who's always involved in some kind of thing going on. The one you wait for every day after school when he has practice, sitting on the bleachers under the sun and regretting everything that led you to be there because you hate being under the sun but also refuse to leave without him. And as soon as practice is over you'll sprint down the bleachers, eager to get to go back inside, and Chad will run to catch up to you and throw an arm around your shoulders and kiss the top of your head and you'll shove him off with a roll of your eyes and a smile because you already can't stand the horrid heat, there's no way you can deal with him all sticky and sweaty on top of it all.
But then there's the real him, the version he lets himself fall into when he's around you and the rest of your friends and no one else. The one who drives the two of you back to his place after practice and shouts along to your favorite songs with you, he learned the words just for you. The one who eagerly watches movies with you and Mindy and everyone else and debates them just for fun. The one who will eagerly run up to you in the morning and take your hand and excitedly infodump a bunch of information about one of his favorite things to you. Sometimes you'll see him peak through the window of your classroom and eagerly wave you over and you'll give some unbelievable, half assed excuse that'll surely get you in trouble later but it's always worth it when Chad drags you out to his car, giggling the whole way there declaring he just missed you so much in the last hour since he'd seen you, and is insistent that he needs time alone with you immediately or he'll die.
You love all of him the same. But still, you can't deny that the version reserved just for you is by far your favorite.
Chad is easily the most himself when he's with you. When there isn't any pressure from anyone or anything else. He's quiet and gentle and so very soft and just so full of love for you he can't hold it all in. He's constantly holding you or touching you in some way, always leaning over to press little butterfly kisses to whatever part of you he can reach. He really, truly, genuinely cannot get enough.
His love language is one hundred percent physical touch. It's not uncommon at all for him to whisper this soft "come here, baby" out of the blue and not waste any time in pulling you into his lap, burying his head in your chest, letting out this deep sigh, and just holding you because he just really needs you close. One of his favorite places on earth is laying down with his head in your lap. It's really easy for him to forget the entire world when he gets lost in drawing silly little shapes on your thighs with his fingers while you hold him, he really does love it more than almost anything else.
He finds it really hard to sleep without you. Like, genuinely, he's pretty sure he's addicted because if you aren't right beside him he'll toss and turn all night long and is barely able to close his eyes at all. He likes holding you close and will often times fall asleep with his arms around you and your head on his chest. However he also moves around a lot in his sleep so he will also usually wake up being held by you instead because it's the only way you can get him to settle down while he's mostly asleep. (This is a fact he refuses to believe.)
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a/n me when i tried my hardest to stay away from canon events and the angst but i have so many more thoughts on those so like,,mayhaps a part two anyone??? anyway i love chad so much and i miss him so here are these thoughts i couldn't get out of my head and that i couldn't fit anywhere else <3
(i could also be very easily persuaded to do these for other characters i'm nothing if not a people pleaser and also just so in love with everyone)
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dark-is-d3ad · 10 months
OK, I'm moving soon, and I'm currently sitting in the middle of my ravaged flat surrounded by boxes, jars, and all sorts of things you never know you even had before it's time to go pack them up.
So here's a bunch of soapghost headcanons about moving in together.
• They end up helping each other to pack things. The flat they chose is a two-bed in Epping, really close to the forest. Easy to get to when they come back for a break, technically still in London, but in a quieter area on the outskirts of the city. Ghost checked for a multitude of things, including ways to get in and to retreat, hidden cameras, and he's making a custom surveillance system for it. You can never be too safe, right?
• The second bedroom is going to become Johnny's art studio. Ghost has dibs on the living room, he's got a huge TV and a PS5. And his humongous bookshelf will also go in there. They plan it out perfectly, so that they can spend time together, but also can have their alone time without bothering each other.
• Ghost refuses help at first, but then Johny just shows up with his portable speaker, and hangs out with him. It's a little distracting, and he has way too many books, they run out of boxes. Ghost never tells him, but he's grateful, it was getting overwhelming.
• Ghost's place looks neat, if not a little barren, his things are all sorted to perfection. He's got a collection of shotguns, too. And a huge table, perfect size to work on them comfortably. Cleaning and servicing guns never fails to calm him down. His favourite is an older one, a Benelli M2. It's in pristine condition albeit a little worn, its barrel needs to be changed because it can only last through so much shots, but Ghost kinda wants to keep it as it is, even though it's not practical. He's sentimental about it. They spend a lot of time packing them all up carefully.
• Johny actually asks him to come over, because his adhd gets unmanageable when he goes through all his things, and it's easier if a very specific person makes him stay on track, otherwise he'd be still stuck there reading his diaries and going through his pile of sketchbooks, and oh, the drawing supplies, he has the urge to use that beautiful box of designer gouache his sister gifted to him literally right now because he forgot about it, and now it's so tempting. Ghost thinks of it as of a mission, so he comes up with a strategy and keeps it tactical. And he makes Soap take breaks every once in a while.
• Soap's stuff doesn't fit into the van. Even with the furniture dismantled and packed, he's got so much things, a lot of them art supplies, a huge easel, half-finished paintings, canvases he forgot about or he hadn't had time to come back to. And his bed is freaking huge. They finally cram it in, but it's a really tight squeeze. Comparing to this, Ghost's was half-empty. Thank god their new place is on the bigger side.
• Ghost gets distracted, too, when they pack the paintings. He's not an artsy kinda guy, yet they are so good, he's entranced. It's Johnny's turn to make him focus. Soap doesn't think much of his art, and Ghost makes a mental note to compliment it more often. He really wants to see more. Hell, he'd even pose, if Soap ever asks for it. He won't tell him though.
• There's a "do not touch" black sketchbook with a little white scull drawn on the cover, and Soap flushes deep red and packs it away in record times. Ghost is intrigued beyond measure. He has assumptions of what's in there, and he sneakily checks it out when Soap goes to pack his clothes. It's full of sketches of him. Soap actually took his time to study him, he thinks, even the tattoos are all looking exactly right. The ones from the shower make him wonder if Soap actually memorised him that well or he got some sneaky reference pics (how did he manage that, the bastard). It's got notes, too. It takes an effort not to read them, but Ghost feels like he already intruded a bit too much, so he puts the sketchbook back where it was. Just in time, because Soap pops out with an absolutely ridiculous coat in his hands, and goes "hey, look what I used to wear when I was 18!"
• Ghost has a freaking lot of random jars. They're all empty. When asked about it, he confesses that he wanted to make jam, his grandfather used to make a lot of it every summer. It's one of the good memories he has, and there's not so many of them. He tried to make it once, but failed, and had to throw away the whole batch. They keep each and every one, although it seems stupid.
• Johnny's art stuff is a whole lot. He's got tree branches and clay, and a fucking mannequin (it scares Ghost every time he walks in Soap's living room, because his side vision registers it as a person, and he can't get over it). The mannequin has a crooked smiley face drawn on it with a sharpie. There's sheets of metal, fabric, a lot of acrylic, and a ton of instruments. He was trying to get into modern sculpture, Soap says, it didn't really work out. Needs more 3d thinking. Ghosts proposes to try again after they move. He's good at fixing stuff, and he's really good at guerilla warfare, they'll find a way to make even the weirdest thing Soap comes up with hold together.
• Soap's got little led garlands wrapped on every vertical thing at his place. At first Ghost thinks it's stupid, but when the night comes, and Soap lights all of them up, it actually feels almost magical. They sit on the floor with mugs of tea and coffee, and, although it's messy and everything is moved out of place, it's still beatiful, and it feels so safe. Ghost finds himself feeling more like a 5 y o than he probably ever did, sitting there just watching lights slowly light up and fade. He's never been good at making his places cozy. He'll ask Soap to work on their new flat to make it more like that. He really wants the lights there, too.
• Johnny's mugs are all different. He's got the "guns and coffee" with a redrawn Starbucks logo, the mermaid holds two pistols. Ghost gets the "under all your tattoos you're still a mainstream cunt" one when it's Johnny's turn to make tea. He pretends to be offended. There is a pink one with "unt" on it. It makes sense when Soap turns it, and the handle finishes the word. There's one with lots of bees, and it reads "bear daddy". Ghost makes the stupidest jokes about it.
• Ghost hasn't got a lot of kitchenware, and all his plates and mugs are white, the cheapest ones from IKEA. And he's only got one chair. No guests - no need. Johnny finds it a little depressing, but says nothing.
• Johnny's spicerack is probably the second biggest collection he has after his art stuff. He likes cooking, and he likes trying new recipes. His favourite go-tos sit separately on the kitchen counter. Ghost has to admit that he's really good. Ghost's spices are just salt and pepper, which gets him "and you live like that? Lt!" from Soap.
• When they finally move their stuff in, a call from Price comes. There's things to do like right now, get ready in 5, be at base in an hour and a half. Ghost likes his work, yet he can't help but get a little grumpy. He really wanted to get it over with. And to see what comes out of it with all things in place. And to have a chill evening with Johnny, watching these little lights again with some quiet ambient playing on the background. "It's OK," Soap says, "we'll get it sorted when we come back."
OK, that's gonna be it for now, I have a sad option and a silly option to go for, but I'd rather make a part two and separate them.
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shimmershy · 5 months
I have so many things I want to do this summer that I've been putting off because I haven't had time to focus my energy on anything other than school assignments......... I haven't played Deltarune in AGES so I want to replay it soon because I forgot all the stuff I love about it, and so I might replay Undertale too. I want to practice drawing houses and interiors and such specifically, but also landscapes and backgrounds in general, because I've taken a particular interest in that kind of thing lately but have practically zero experience with drawing anything other than characters. Ummm I don't know if I'll actually follow through with anything because I never do, but I also want to start a big project like a comic or an animation or a long fanfic, or maybe one of the manyyyyy OC stories I have on the backburner. I have a bunch of books I want to read! And I want to start learning how to compose music, maybe try picking the ukulele or piano back up. I want to do some baking and/or cooking even though I'm not very good at it. Doing some crochet and sewing projects are probably lower on the priority list because I'm less excited about that than I am about the other stuff on this list, but I still want to do it at some point. There are also maybe some shows I want to watch and games I want to play. And I have like. A list of things I want to research/learn more about too.
Haha. Definitely not going to get to all of this this summer, but hopefully I'll do at least some of it, and it'll be a good starting point for doing all the rest of it later.
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tangledinink · 11 months
Heya! First off I’m around halfway through teenage mutant what now and it is the funniest fic I have ever read - Beautifully written and overall brilliant but the jokes get me every time
And second, is it okay if I reference a pose from one of your gemini artworks for my own work? I’ll credit the inspiration if I post it anywhere ^^
whew we're overdue for an ask dump,,, OKAY ALRIGHT.
THANK YOU ; w ; I'm really glad you like it hehehehe. also yeah sure feel free! I don't mind! ^^
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oh he DEFINITELY freaked out at first. there was a lot of panicking and confusion and "how could this even happen?!" ("you think i'd genetically engineer a creature that's not capable of reproducing? all of you should be genetically compatible with practically any yokai," draxum said. "AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO, I DUNNO, TELL US THAT?!" donnie said.) but eventually, he did calm down, and he and his partner talked about it (a bunch, multiple times), and eventually some of the panic gave way to... curiosity, first of all... and then maybe kind of excitement? and some fondness? i mean, he was still pretty scared, and sure, he doesn't really consider himself a 'kid' person, but it's not like he never thought about EVENTUALLY having kids, just maybe... not so soon? but. i mean.
well. if they're already cooking...
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THANK YOU ; w ; i'm glad you like them! @kiwi-smug-silvalina
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oh gosh, that's a good question. i'm not entirely sure... uhmmm... i would say perhaps... details about how gemini!donnie's witchcraft looks and acts, VS how venus's witchcraft looks and acts...
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it is very shiny. i like that people call it "the bean" instead of its actual title coz it pisses anish kapoor off.
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ah ; w ; THANK YOU SO MUCH,,, thats so sweet and this made me very happy,,, <3 im glad you liked it!!!! @allegedllama
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HEHEHE thank you. yes im aware that i am deranged.
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omg same hat!!! i was a lifeguard and it was.... uh.... INTERESTING to say the least... (sometimes lovely, sometimes AWFUL...) @datfearlesschick
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if by games you mean 'messed up deals that she can manipulate to her own advantage,' then yes! @frogonamelon
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@beannary @spectralsleuth @heckitall @livsinpjs and the sep council as a whole!!! y'all's support has definitely meant so much and there's no way i'd have gotten as far with any of my projects as i have without them... or without literally ANY of the people who take the time to do things like reblog with tags, leave commentary in the tags, send in asks about my stories, etc etc etc! that's definitely one of my main motivators to create more!!! <3 thank y'all!
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EEEE this made me smile, hehehehe. thank you :3c @thejavavoid
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thank you!!! u w u @fanrulerjynx
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THANK YOU ; w ; I REALLY APPRECIATE THIS,,, it made me very very very happy and HEHEHE IM GLAD YOU LIKE YASSIFIED DRAXUM,,, i just think he DESERVES it, y'know? also thats just my favorite way to draw characters lmao I think it's fun so I decided for this comic I just get to indulge...
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not necessarily-- this was mostly just a coincidence! @breezehurricane
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oh gosh. i'm not sure, but i know it definitely WILL affect their parenting... i think at first donnie will find himself just... deferring to his partner a LOT in almost any situation because he's afraid that he'll fuck it up, because he DOESN'T feel like he understands proper boundaries or what parenting is supposed to look like, etc etc etc, and he's afraid he'll mess up. he probably reads a TON of parenting books as well because RESEARCH and will often try to pull directly from them in any situation he can, and is confused when things don't go exactly the way they were described in the text... leo i think kind of tends to flounder between being overprotective and feeling the desire to protect his son from everything and anything and wanting to overcorrect this tendency by pulling back and trying to give him as much freedom and space as possible, which sometimes leads to some... inconsistencies. there's definitely a learning curve for both of them, but they both get the hang of it eventually. they both have lovely partners and a very loving and supportive family to help them and they'll figure it out with a bit of practice.
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ahhh thank you! :D im so delighted that my silly stories actually inspired something for you!!! hell yeah!!! MAKING THINGS IS GREAT!!! THANK YOU!!! @can-elope
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i like to imagine them all staying very close, especially coz i'm loosely planning on them all going through the kraang-apocalypse together (and then coming through to the other side!) so i can't imagine them ever drifting too far from each other, emotionally or geographically. there's a bit of a rocky start for a lot of them, but all of the siblings end up a very tight-knit bunch.
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readingadream · 6 months
A Twisted High
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Pairing: Bang Chan X OC Alexa/Alex
Summary: Alexa's favorite thing is Ice skating and hanging out with friend's. Chris's favorite thing is Hockey and working for the family business. What happens when these two get paired up for a school project and become each others new favorite thing.
Genre: Mafia Au, Hockey Au,
Warning and Tags: Drug use, violence, eventually smut, fluff, angst
Word Count: 1,267
Chapter Two
Chris’s POV
After school, the boys and I head over to our spot. Spotting Jamie, I sigh. I can tell Changbin feels my mood because he walks in front of me, meeting face to face with Jamie.
"What the fuck do you want?" Changbin says aggressively, making Jamie chuckle. That druggy shouldn't even be here, he could fuck up the season or worse.
"Oh, daddy didn't tell you? I'm a dealer now and you guys are supposed to add me in your little group. How exciting! So where did you park? We should get to the rink." He says with a stupid smirk on his face.
Of course that bastard went to my dad, now he can get anything he wants. I roll my eyes and start walking to my car. Felix gives me a confused look and I just shrug my shoulders. I can't do anything if someone brought my dad into this. All of us hop into my truck and head to the rink.
Once we get to the rink, Jamie jumps out and pulls out a box. I shake my head before I become a part of this. The boys follow me to the changing room. They have questions and I know it, but I have so many myself. My dad doesn't let me in on all that anymore. I get dressed as fast as I can to hopefully give the boys the hint that I don't want to talk about this, and thankfully they do. When we all finish, we make our way to the bleachers.
"This season is going to be a great one with me as a captain, don't you think? Oh, and I guess with the help of co-captain, Christopher," Minho jokingly says, jabbing at me with his elbow. We arrived earlier than I thought, since the girls were still practicing. Not that I mind, it's a nice view.
"Alex just looks better and better everyday," Hyunjin says sitting down in front of me getting his skates on.
"Damn, yeah, I would tap that," Han says while sitting down next to me. We all look at the rink and he's right, Alex is improving and she looks beautiful as ever she makes you just fall in a trance.
"She has to come here and practice a lot, she is mesmerizing." Grabbing my water and looking around, I see my cousin and wave at her while she smiles back, then goes back to her drawing book.
"I mean, if I had parents like hers I'd always be here practicing too." We all look over and see Tina looking right at me with those heart eyes and I instantly get annoyed. I pray that the girls’ practice hurries up so I can go and practice and get away from her. It seems my prayers were answered because the girls’ coach blew her whistle. As soon as I heard that, I ran to the rink and put my skates on, deciding the boys were taking too long. I start to just skate around with my stick in my hand. I then feel a gentle tap on my shoulder making me turn around. I am faced with the girl who has seemed to be on not only my mind, but my friends’ minds as well. 
"Hey umm Chris. Sorry to disturb you," Alex says shyly, looking down at her skates. Her nervousness is adorable and not something I am used to. I like this side of her, cute and sweet, different from her confident, loud self.
"Don't be sorry Alex, you're fine. What's up?" I say with a teasing smile, which makes her blush and look back to her fidgeting hands.
"I was wondering if you'd like… only if you would like too - I mean, you don't have to-" I place my hands on her shoulders to help her relax.
"Hey, relax Alex," I chuckle, rubbing her shoulder with my thumb.  I don't know why she is like this but I like it and think it would be a little fun to tease her a bit. 
"If I'd like to, what?" I smile and start to skate around her with a big smile on my face. For a second I forget that there is a rink filled with a bunch of boys and girls.
"Ha, yeah sorry. I was wondering if I could have your phone number for our project of course." She looks over trying to hide her blush but I caught it.
"Oh yeah, that would be a good idea, wouldn't it? ' Nervously, I scratch the back of my neck and we both skate over to her bag and she hands me her phone while she takes off her skates.
"You know, you have some great moves out there. Have you gotten a call from the Olympics yet?" I say giving her phone back, she laughs but then gives me a sweet smile as she puts her shoes on.
"Oh, umm, thanks Chris. You're not bad yourself. With you and Minho as co-captains, we are for sure going to the finals." I smile looking at the rink to see the boys and my cousin looking over at us, giving me confidence.
"Thanks. You should go to our game on Friday and cheer m-"
"Alexa!" I was cut off by her dad yelling for her, making everyone look at us. We make eye contact and I can see the sadness and annoyance in her eyes. We broke contact when her dad called her name again.
"OH! Gosh I'm so sorry. I got to go but I'll text you when we should meet up. Also I'd love to go to your game. Bye Chris." Alex waves, grabbing her bag and telling Chantel ‘bye,’ giving her a hug. Watching her, I smile excited to get a text from her. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a thump on the back of my head. Turning around to yell at whoever has the balls to hit me, I am met with all the boys giving me weird looks and kissy faces. I look at Alex one last time before I make my way to the boys in the middle of the rink.
"Dude your father would kill you if he sees you with Alexa. You know how he feels about her family," Changbin says, making me roll my eyes. My dad doesn't care anymore, it's more so her dad to worry about. But it's not like we actually will end up together, or that there are feelings to begin with. Right, I don't like her. She's like family, she's my cousin's best friend, that would just be weird. I mean, I know it's not as bad because it's just my cousin. Ugh, I thinking about this too much. 
"Yeah man, a Tibbits is a no no." Hyunjin comes out of nowhere standing next to the rest of the boys.
"Well he's going to have to deal with it for a while. We are working on a project together. That's it guys, nothing more." I say before taking a drink of water.
"Sure, we saw the way you guys were looking at each other all googly eyed," Minho says while making kissy faces and noises as the others laugh.
"Hey, look, the rest of the team is here, we should start," I say pointing to our couch and the rest of the team walking out to the rink. I let out a sigh of relief when they all moved their attention to the others making their way to us in the middle of the rink.
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apollo-gate · 6 months
These RO asks are putting my brain right into the gutter lol. So here, nsfw. Relationship stage
So, ROs are quite busy, going on their usual work, maybe subduing bad guys or messing with the good guys, perhaps having an exhausting meeting or dealing with a bunch of irritating people/hanger-ons when their phone suddenly vibrates/rings.
MC sent them a message.
"What time are you coming home?"
With an attachment.
A ✨risque✨ picture of MC on the bed, with wet hair and a small towel enough to show off their toned skin.
RO reactions?
MY lord just imagine haveing a serius meeting than getting that kind of picture. AND THE MC IS HOT LIKE ANYONE WOULD BE LIKE DAMN....
Alice: You're asking for like pentup gym guy energy. Like she's ready to just punch and slap anybody in her way like seriously hope you don't get in her way. Alice will be ready to drop her clothes as soon as she sees the front door.
Helena: She be doing dance practice and honestly wouldn't be able to focus she would definitely go take a few pictures and send them and be like wait till i get home use these till I'm there in person
Lisa: she.... she gasp so loud that it would draw attention and would be red face and throw her phone into the wall or out the window then would have the panic over shit I just threw my phone.
Becca: this woman you just gave the cat her creme. you messed up. Becca would say that the punishment will be worse when she got home and the MC isn't ready. And yes Becca is getting the blindfold.
Daniella: She would go and get off to it anywhere she can because she already knows she gonna get it. Shes a lawyer so shell have the time.
Vanessa: Vanessa might shoot out an ice shard just a tiny one. the phone would be destroyed then the frustration of I only had 2 seconds of happiness. (Not like she keep a damn photos in her office)
Azalea: She would just stare. The girl would in the middle of the Embissy and just study Mcs body-like artwork. and have a little bit of drool too just lost in the body.
Kent: Man would be in the middle of an interrogation and break some poor dude's bones simply because he wants the Mc like ima be there soon.
Naamah: On one hand she is impressed. Why are you ending pictures where someone else can see them. She's gonna be taking you into the dark room. and at the same time going to erase the picture from existence. No one can ever see Mc but her.
Blaze: Would do two things run to you immediately to see if the Mc is in fact dressed like that then would message be there in 2 seconds. After all, ever he's doing isn't that important.
Zero would be doing some R&D project and just be like wow. He had to leave because he just ended up putting your name in the code or somehow making a really big mistake like the time he had the Ai say I love you over and over.
RF RO: She is pissed.. like blood and a few other things. but not you no. no harm will come to you. but she is rough. like really rough later that night.
Rune: Aish you're asking for a whip and a few other things. She sends some very dirty naughty texts and it's not at all like Rune would be turned on before she gets to you.
Rene: She be like extra quiet and the only one who would notice is Rune. Rene is a big pillow princess, so she would overthink what to say and even think if that is ok to send. But overall she gets home as fast as she can. Just expect a hard crushing kiss and a tall girl being very neddy.
Jade: She probably screws up a spell she is practicing. Might make a moan sound who knows. But all her acolytes will know someone has her attention.
Psyche would be bouncing off the walls staring at the clock like a child ready to get out of school. She might forget she has a truck and run or get stuck on the subway in her rush. Not her fault you sent her something unexpected.
Atargatis. would start her siren song and not realize it and the MC would be in a state of bliss till she walks in. Yeah, she got you back and you get a state of bliss and pleasure.
Atlas: she is teleporting like a jumping frog to buildings and crash into the bedroom and just do the best sexy pose of I'm here.
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nettleclan-clangen · 3 months
Hey yall I'm gonna be real honest, I've lot a bunch of motivation to do anything with art and writing. I think the blog may go on a bit of an extended hiatus, since practically all my creative juices are gone. I would love to see if I could get someone else to co-draw but I don't see it happening any time soon. Apologies for the disappointment.
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sachermorte · 2 months
Please tell us the sex police story!
jo gerne
it's much less lurid than it sounds but this used to be an absolute crowd-pleaser. I had the tone and cadence down perfectly. there was a rhythm to it. it was almost like recited poetry, like beowulf. I'm a bit out of the practice of telling it now but I'll try to add stage direction where necessary so if needed, you too can recite The Ballad of Roland and the Sex Police
[deep breath]
during the summer between my junior and senior year of my bacherlor's, when my days in eagleland were drawing to a close, I, the gallant and noble roland sachermorte von wien, took a job at a six-week long federally funded college preparatory summer camp for disadvantaged high schoolers, (hosted in a community college in my hometown, a large-enough city in an appalachian state) for which I was to be paid a couple thousand dollars, a price for which it soon became clear that I was not only selling my labor, but my sanity and my already-tenuous will to live. some people hear "college preparatory camp, federally funded, disadvantaged youth" and, not knowing the full story about camps, high schoolers, or the united states government assume that it must have been a more or less classy affair.
[pause for effect]
this camp was a shitshow.
to begin with, there were three of us for a camp of approximately sixty of these little bastards, all of which were between the ages of 13-17 and seemed to hate me just for existing, which is unsurprising in hindsight, as I've never been particularly popular among large groups of kids that age. this was largely because of the rules the three of us were forced to enforce, such as taking their phones for all but an hour or so a day. that whole taking phones business lasted exactly a day and a half until the kids literally organized a sit-in and refused to go to class until my boss came down and told them they'd be allowed to keep them. which, good on them, but I did get yelled at for literally an hour over it.
that was another thing. they were working us from seven in the morning until midnight, at which point a night monitor would supposedly take over. that is of course until she quit a week in and then one of us had to rotate, meaning we didn't really get any sleep. I really don't blame her but I resent her to this very day and you would too, so shut up.
so these kids didn't want to be there and hated our guts, for understandable reasons because we were forced to be a bunch of goosesteppers less the hammer come down on us and all three of us be corralled in a room and literally yelled at with raised voice and flying spittle by our boss, the owner, and possibly also the receptionist for sixty minutes at a minimum. I wasn't the most pleasant to be around either because I was operating on maybe four hours of sleep a night, being berated at the drop of a hat for things that were outside my control, and undergoing sensory overload from the constant screaming and shouting from the kids.
so this is a very long introduction to basically say that things were already bad enough, I was reduced to a shambling, zombielike state, and my main priorities were to avoid being yelled at, to prevent the kids from subtracting from the population, and preventing the kids from adding to the population, in that order.
herein lies my folly. since the kids were occupied with classes all morning and assorted silly bullshit in the afternoon, I honestly thought they would be too tired to think much about point number three. chalk it up to my card-carrying status on multiple spectrums but I earnestly didn't even think of it. I was a corpse. I thought they would be as well
[here you cast a long-suffering look at the audience, waiting for them to gain, one by one, horrified or amused looks as they realize exactly the kind of story they're about to hear]
so color me surprised when one evening in the very first week when I'd already resigned myself to my lowly fate of starving, being subjected to geneva convention-violating levels of sleep deprivation, and being yelled at all the time, I was approached one of the math teachers who was nice enough to do some evening tutoring
ms. a, let's call her, was a terribly nice woman who was in her first year with the camp and honestly did not know what she was walking into (and would quit about halfway through citing "family matters", leaving one of us to struggle through teaching math as well). she approached me with the sort of deeply concerned face that one has upon witnessing the smoking wreckage of what was almost certainly a fatal car accident. the kind where you hope the driver was miraculously spared, but you know in your heart that the poor bastard had a snowball's chance, and you're already late to work so it's not as if you can stop and investigate.
I gazed upon her and a deep sigh left my body. I already knew it would be bad.
ms. a tells me that one of the students, a 15 year girl terminally allergic to minding her own business, had approached her with the cheshire-esque grin typical of teenagers when they're about to get somebody else in Big Trouble.
"ms. a," she began, "them girls have got boys up in the room. y'all had better stop them before mmhmm."
friends. romans. countrymen. there was choreography. a hand gesture accompanied mmhmm, which ms. a was kind enough to mimic for me
[here the storyteller makes a circle with the fingers of their non-dominant hand and then inserts the index finger of the dominant hand into this circle repeatedly until the point is made. aggressive eye contact with the listener or listeners should be made for maximum effect]
spake roland, "you've got to be fucking kidding me."
I called my boss. he didn't answer. I called the owner. she didn't answer. it was clear that this was all landing on my head. a pleading look in ms. a's direction only got me a woeful shake of the head in return. okay. it was go time.
my coworkers were extremely reluctant to get involved until I brought up the fact that if anybody were conceived on our watch, we wouldn't just be yelled at for at least an hour. we would probably also be fired, and what's more, as our boss kept threatening, not be paid. which would have meant that all our misery up until that point would have been for naught.
so I took point and we became the sex police. and we conducted a raid.
we literally got in formation and marched down the hall. me at the front, and my two coworkers behind each shoulder. like darth vader being flanked by stormtroopers, if darth vader were a pudgy cripple in a thrifted pair of penny loafers and a corduroy suit jacket.
we get to the door of the room. I knock on the door. bang. bang. bang.
[here the storyteller raps on the table slowly yet firmly]
there's rustling behind the door. whispering. shuffling. I hear someone hiss "hide!"
I knock again. bang. bang. bang.
finally the door opens, only barely, and one of the two girls in the room wedges herself into the opening. she crosses her arms. she throws one hip out to one side. she looks me up and down. and she goes, with full disdain, "WHAT."
I remind myself that kentucky is a death penalty state and force a smile. "we need to search your room," I say through tooth and bile
she literally arches backward with the force of her eyeroll, shoves the door all the way open, and lets us in.
so I have to explain first that the way these dorm rooms were set up is that there was a kitchenette area with a sink and a table that connected two bedrooms and a bathroom. they were nice-ass dorms. which was hard to remember when there were piles of candy wrappers, ugly clothes from forever 21, and bottles victoria's secret body sprays strewn everywhere. the kitchenette had no hiding places and there was nobody in the bathroom which left the rooms.
so now the hunt begins. I go into room number one. the closet door is closed. suspicious.
I FLING open the door.
and BAM. [you may bang your hand on the table here for dramatic effect] there's dude number one, pressed up against the side wall as if the door frame will hide him. he doesn't even look at me. he keeps flicking his eyes to the side, wide-eyed, and then staring straight ahead.
it's now that I make the observation that this dude ISN'T EVEN PART OF THE CAMP. he's just some RANDOM DUDE.
in a panic now, I direct one of my officers to look under the bed, and then go into room number two. closet door is open. also suspicious.
I get down on my HANDS and KNEES to look under the bed.
I claw for my phone and turn on the flashlight.
and there's a PAIR of AIR JORDANS
[here wave hand in front of face]
BAM [bang!] there's dude number two. also not from the camp. literally hiding under the bed.
I look at him.
he looks at me.
and in my rush of adrenaline all I can say to him is
[pause here to either take a sip of your alcoholic beverage or a long drag of your cigarette (one or both is necessary to tell this story) to allow time for the uproar that will no doubt follow. it usually takes a minimum of 30 seconds to be able to continue on]
so we've found tweedle dee and tweedle dum now and I'm trying to figure out what the fuck I should be doing when they share a glance and BOLT down the hallway and out the emergency exit, setting off the alarm. so now the fire department is en route.
I get to the door just in time to watch them speed across a field, VAULT over a park bench, dart across the basketball court, and disappear into the treeline.
jump cut to thirty minutes later. my boss is there, as are all the kids wondering what the fuck is going on, a couple of very amused firemen, and a police officer who tells my boss that he's not going to chase after two random teenagers who were probably just visiting their girlfriends. the two girls get flung out of camp, and I spend the rest of the night with the same vigilant high of a drug dog who just made the biggest bust of its life.
we get pulled out of the classes we're supposed to be assisting with the next morning and yelled at for not one hour, not two hours, but two hours and fifty-three minutes. I timed it.
at one point my boss turns to me and yells "ROLAND WHY DID YOU NOT RUN AFTER THEM?" and I just held up my crutch and stared at him until he felt awkward enough to move on
the rest of the camp proceeded in a similar fashion and to this day I remain a dedicated officer of the sex police.
ACAB includes roland I guess
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ghostlysleuth · 8 months
I follow you on twitter & all I gotta say is, I love the diversity in your drawings so much, I hate when people make girls all stereotypes & your art makes me feel so comfortable it’s like a warm feeling not to mention your nsfw art. It doesn’t just show the list it shows the love & affection each character has for eachother it shows how intimate & hot the moment can be but also sweet? I’m not sure I love your art too much it really makes my day to see it, but any tips on anatomy?♥️
thank you so much!! i totally get what you mean by a list, that really is what diversity can feel like sometimes. my weight and figure have fluctuated so much over the years and i've gotten enough shit from family about eating habits and how chubby i've gotten, to the point of dysmorphia, and turning to art (and not to mention seeing the vast majority of fat butch rep) to remedy it has done wonders for my body image, and i'm really glad people like how i do things.
in terms of tips, as someone who went to school for this sorta thing, i'm gonna try to make this as accessible as possible aka free resources.
timed figure drawing!
legit, you gotta draw naked people posed in intricate ways. there's literally no avoiding it, you have to draw from life and not from tutorials. obv, i'm not saying go out and attend a life drawing course -- that's expensive shit -- so here's a few options:
i use a site called quickposes, since most figure drawing galleries require subscriptions.
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you can set a timer for how long you want on each pose/reference. i recommend challenging yourself with shorter times as it helps you to get rid of any hang-ups about getting the anatomy exactly right. the drawing's got to get done by the end of the timer, don't focus on the details. just draw, be done with it, move on to the next drawing.
there's also a youtube channel that we'd use in class when a model couldn't show called new masters academy and they have a bunch of timed daily drawing exercises.
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as a general rule, don't lean on the amount of time you have. what you're wanting to do is get a FULL PICTURE on your paper as soon as possible, regardless of a long or short time. get the full figure onto the paper then use the rest of the time to fuss over details, shading, editing, etc.
do studies!
kinda similar to the last one but in the more time-consuming sense.
use pinterest. it has a lot of uses for a lot of things but i use it quite a bit for both anatomy refs and costume design inspiration. this is legit what my home page looks like now because of it.
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here's a board i made on anatomy, pulling from different body types; obviously i get a little gay wid it, but there's a verrrryyyy clear lack of certain body types in a lot of body refs like muscular women, fat women, just overall people who higher fat content than the lean, almost 0% fat of the figures seen in most tutorials and galleries:
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this is where pinterest really shines because you can find literally everything on it.
in particular, there's an account called character design references, that is basically a stockpile of references for artists. i wouldn't normally recommend artist tutorials when it comes to wanting to learn anatomy because it can get a little echo-chambery (side-eyes the male vs. female tutorials that float around on twitter all the time) but there are actually some boards that have genuine studies on the human form, even from a medical point of view.
like that's it, full stop, draw often. if you're feeling rusty, go back to basics. if you're art blocked, go back to basics. if you're bored, go back to basics.
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anipgarden · 7 months
Tips on talking to HOAs about installing gardens in the shared spaces? I live in a condo, but the parking lot is /barren/
I'm sorry for how late this is! (This was sent in November for everyone's context), I simply had no idea how to answer it!
Though I live in an HOA neighborhood, I've never really been in a position where I had to talk to them about anything. However, a book I checked out from the library awhile back (Hellstrip Gardening by Evelyn J. Hadden, which I really need to take back soon) mentions a couple of tip in regards to talking to HOAs about gardening in the front yard. Hopefully it helps!
Come with an idea in mind! Being able to present a drawing or a description of what you'd like to do in the area will be a lot more helpful than 'I want to do A Thing', and may be enough to get permission! In other cases, you may need a formal presentation, but even then having an idea of what you'd like to plant and why and the benefits to the community will be helpful for building said presentation!
HOA's suck, I'll be the first to agree. But if you wanna get permission for a cool parking lot garden, you've gotta go over there ready and willing to compromise and talk nice. Maybe come up with a few alternative options--for example, if you want to dig in the ground but they don't want a permanent fixture, be open to raised beds instead. But that doesn't mean let them walk all over you! Be confident, and bring facts to back you up. And know what rights the HOA does or doesn't have in your city or state.
Try presenting the idea to some neighbors and get them to back you! The more people you can get behind the idea, the less likely a 'oh but what if the neighbors don't like the aesthetic what if they complain' concern will actually stick.
Focus moreso on practical benefits than emotional arguments when it comes to the HOA. Bring up things like reducing runoff, erosion control, less water usage, little to no mowing or blowing--anything that can add a dollar figure to how beneficial it is will likely tilt people towards your side if you're convincing enough, especially if you can show that the cost of planting and maintaining your parking lot garden idea long term will be negligible to or even cheaper than maintaining whatever's going on there now--if they're constantly planting sod there only for it to wither away, that could be a good starting point.
Visuals!! Again!! This comes from the book, but also from me convincing my mom to let me plant by the front yard mailbox--me rattling off names of plants and all is way less effective than me texting her pictures and descriptions of how tall they get. If you can get a general idea of what you'd like to plant and where, gather up a bunch of pictures of your ideal plants and maybe draw a quick mock-up of your design. If there's other places in your town that have similar gardens--someone's front yard, or a park, or anything of the sort--provide addresses so the HOA board members can drop by and see what it looks like in action, and further cement the idea that it has been done before and done well. Consider the aesthetic appeal of it all!
Get ahead of any questions or concerns that you think the board may have. This idea you have is for a parking lot garden--they might have concerns about cars and pedestrians existing around the space. Is there risk of plants damaging the cars? Being a trip hazard for people getting in and out of their cars, or existing around the space? Are the plants you have in mind known to cause allergies, are they toxic to kids and pets that may be around the area at times?
Maybe include like a stone bench or something, depending on how big the spot is. If the HOA can make the presence of the garden a fixture, make it look like a plus to moving into the condos, they'll love it all the more! 'Look at this lovely garden break spot you can chill in oooo!'
Do you have a plan in mind if the garden gets damaged--whether its a car driving over the curb, or someone intentionally messing with the plants? What is it? What do you think the potential cost of it would be? This may be something they'd ask.
That's everything I've got, between the book and my personal thoughts. If any of my followers have dealt with an HOA and have feedback or other comments to provide, by all means chime in!
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