#and I'm interested in maths and i thought this was a good way of explaining that
dogin8 · 2 years
Post where I explain what Non Binary means to "It's just the third gender" people by using maths notation
our sets:
B (for Binary)
NB (for Non-Binary)
B = {0,1} which means, the set B is made up of the numbers 1 and 0
now some people think NB = {0.5} or NB = {2} but neither of these are wholly true
NB = {C U R\B} which means, the set NB is made up of every Complex number And every Real number (these two together means basically: every possible value in maths) EXCEPT for numbers in set B
So that means, NB includes EVERYTHING other than 1 and 0. which means 0.5 is included, and 2 is included, but so is 0.9 and 500000 and -π and 12i and e. Non-Binary doesn't refer to one specific gender, it refers to Everything outside of and between the binary which is literally infinite values.
If you wanted to be REAL thorough as well you could say
NB = {C U R/B, (C U R, C U R), (C U R, C U R, C U R), (C U R, C U R, C U R, C U R) (then continue filling brackets with an increasing number of C U R to infinit)}
which means that NB is everything outside the binary AND any pair of two numbers, any group of three numbers, any group of four numbers etc to infinity. This is the best way I could think to display people who identify with multiple genders at once through math notation.
But, my favourite thing about all this is that if you want to be a real math nerd about stuff, you could start just saying "\B" cause that's the most basic form of notation for "Not in set B" "Not in Binary" "Non-binary"
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yellowjestertfs · 2 months
The Seed is Strong
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"Alright fuel up troops! We got more work to do after this." Mr. Walker dumped the contents of the large paper bag he held onto the table, scattering plastic forks, soy sauce packets, and fortune cookies. One cookie skittered across the table coming to rest directly across from Alex. 
"Look at that," his colleague Levi said clapping Alex on the shoulder. "It's fate you gotta eat it now!" 
"Really? Alex asked nervously. "But I haven't even had my meal yet, and what if there aren't enough for everyone."
Levi rolled his eyes. "I think it will be ok Best Buy. Just eat the damn cookie." Alex nodded and pinched both sides of the crinkly plastic, pulling it apart with his meager strength and freeing the cookie inside. The nickname “Best Buy" was a reference to Alex's job in IT and was one of the tamer things he had been called in his life. Fresh out of college with a computer science degree  Alex wasn't exactly a loser but he also wasn't the envy of many. His life was painfully mundane, except for what he had done last year, he shivered at the thought.
All through college Alex had a girlfriend named Stephanie. He thought he was going to spend the rest of his life with her until he got his heart broken. In an attempt to cheer him up Alex's idiot friend had gotten him a hooker. He had ended up mostly just crying in her lap but at the end of the night, the two had rather pathetic cry sex. The memory still haunted him.
Alex broke the fortune cookie in half and fished for the piece of paper resting in one of the halves. His lucky numbers weren't of much interest although 5 of the 6 numbers were prime. Neat! The words on the front made much less sense. 
"The seed is strong," It said in simple black text. 
"The seed is strong?" What the hell does that mean Alex thought to himself trying to puzzle it out? As in the earth? Was it saying he was going to have a good harvest? Or maybe it was a metaphor, to say that the good he did would become a seed and flourish that way? The whole thing was far too cryptic for math and science-minded Alex and yet the words somehow felt resonant, right. 
Levi leaned over Alex's shoulder to try and see what message had been inside the cookie. "The seed is strong." Alex read for him seeing his coworker could puzzle it out. 
"Yeah man, I know that's right!" Levi said a grin spreading across his face. He extended his hand in the way of the former frat bro expecting Alex to dap him up. Alex was not versed in those foreign ways and so ended up shaking his coworker's hand awkwardly. Levi smirked but turned away so Alex wouldn't see him laugh. 
Alex didn't have time to dwell on Levi's reaction or the awkwardness of the interaction as Delana, Mr. Walker's assistant began to call out orders. "Who got the beef and broccoli?"
Five minutes later a steaming box of orange chicken sat open in front of Alex. Yet despite the food, Alex found his mind wandering. "The seed is strong" "The seed is strong" What could it mean? And why did his groin feel weird? He felt a strange heaviness that he was not used to. Alex adjusted his legs trying to give more room for his package to breathe. Yet the pressure only built. Suddenly his off-the-rack trousers felt horribly constricting. 
As subtly, as he could Alex examined his pants and found a bulge protruding from his crotch, the size of which he wasn't used to. His immediate thought was of a cancerous tumor but he didn't think those grew spontaneously. No this felt like well, like his balls were bigger. Much bigger. But that was impossible, right?
The seed is strong.
That couldn't be what it meant. Were fortune cookies allowed to be explicit? It would explain Levi's reaction. But no there had to be some other explanation. He was saved from his introspection by Brenda in accounting who waved him over. 
"Hey there Alex, it seems I'm having some computer troubles." 
Brenda had her caps locked on. 
"Glad I could help Brenda," Alex said graciously. It was not the first time she had made this mistake. 
"Thanks again. Guess it's back to the old grindstone." The company had been audited which meant all hands on deck. 
"Hopefully we can get this done by 5:00," Alex said starting to make his way back to his seat at the other side of the conference room.
"I sure hope so, gotta pick up the kids pretty soon. What about you Alex, got your kids covered?" Alex's eyes bugged so far out of his head that he was afraid they would fall out of his head and roll around on the carpeted floor. His mind was at war with itself. Most of him was loudly screaming that of course he didn't have kids, he wasn't even married. Yet a small voice said differently. 
The seed is strong
He had three kids, two from his college girlfriend and one from Debby the sex worked he had slept with. No no no that wasn't right that couldn't be. He wasn't a father. He always used protection and besides he couldn't support a family on an IT salary. Yet Alex couldn't get the faces out of his head. Two toddlers a boy and a girl and a newborn baby. 
In a panic, Alex burst out of the conference room and rushed into the men's bathroom. He tried to splash cold water on his face like in the movies but just ended up with water in his nose and stains on his shirt. Checking to make sure no one was in the stalls Alex undid his belt, unbuttoned his pants, and pulled down the zipper. 
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Balls. What the fuck was wrong with his balls. They were huge, fist-sized swollen things. 
The seed is strong.
No. Alex could feel them churning. Could feel his body producing seamen. Inside millions of sperm swam inside begging to be free. Begging to serve their purpose and impregnate. What the Fuck?
The seed is st-
NO. Alex put his pants back on not even bothering to tuck his shirt in. He left the bathroom and started walking not even sure to where. He ended up at his desk. Action figures in their boxes, iPad charging on the window, and framed photos of his children. That was new. That couldn't be. And yet the physicality of it made the reality undeniable. His children.
The seed is strong.
Of course, he had children. For men with the last name Holden like himself, it was practically inevitable. Oh sure, you could try your best, birth control, and condoms for the whole nine yards. Yet very few things can stop the seamen of the Holdens. His father always said their swimmers just kept on swimming, that's why all the men of his family had such large balls. The hyper virility of their family accounted for why Alex was the youngest of 9 children, his poor mother. She often joked that his father was the most expensive fuck in the world, one night with him meant a mouth to feed for 18 years.
For a moment Alex had the image of himself as an only child but that was ridiculous. The seed was too strong for that.
Alex had tried to be careful, he really had. Yet the very first time he and his college girlfriend Stephanie had slept together, taking each other's virginity, she had ended up with a positive pregnancy test two weeks later. He had apologized profusely and suggested they might get rid of the child but Stephanie was religious and insisted on keeping it. Thus his first son, Liam, was born to an 18-year-old father and mother. Parenting in college was tricky but the two made it work. 
While Stephanie was pregnant the two had been able to be intimate, with some care of course. Yet once she gave birth Alex knew they had to stop. He had tried to explain the risks, that no matter how much protection they used the seed was strong. Stephanie hadn't believed and so their second child was born only 10 months after their first. Her name was Lila and she was a fussy enough baby that Stephanie took his words seriously. The two had parented together all throughout college and still remained close but the lack of intimacy doomed the relationship ultimately. 
Alex resigned himself to never having another sexual encounter after Stephanie, two kids was enough for him. That was until his friend hired a hooker. Her name was Debby. He had explained to her his plight and maybe cried a little, feeling down from a lack of intimacy. She had understood and offered to let Alex do butt stuff instead, something Stephanie had never allowed. Alex was all too happy to take her up on that offer and the two had gotten intimate. Alex was thrilled thinking he had found a loophole. That was until he got a call from Debby telling him he was going to have another child. He wasn't sure exactly how it worked. Maybe some of his spunk had somehow dripped down or maybe his sperm were so enthusiastic that they had swam the distance. Whatever the case Alex ended up a father of three from two different women. 
Alex got a text on his phone from someone named Christopher. "Miss your seed baby." 
What the hell? Who is Christopher? He almost texted that exact question to the number before he saw that this wasn't their first text. In fact, as he scrolled up and up and up it seemed their conversation went on seemingly forever. Alex's cheeks reeded as he saw quite a few naughty pictures of this Christopher, a handsome man with a prominent backside, he found he quite liked the photograph. What's worse Alex saw his own pictures sent on Christopher's request, specifically close-up pictures of his huge balls.
Three dots appeared showing Christopher was typing again. "I need you to load me up, Daddy." This text was followed by two eggplant emoji and a squirt emoji. Whoever this Christopher was he sure was persistent. Of course, most of the men that Alex slept with grew somewhat addicted to his seed. Wait that's not right he wasn't gay? 
The seed is strong
Of course, he was. Or at least he slept with exclusively men now. It was being with Debby that had made him realize. His dick just felt right sitting in the tight confines of an ass. That moment of self-discovery had been life-changing for Alex. He had gone on something of a sexual rampage after that. It felt so good to be able to finally let loose and fuck with abandon. His seed yearned to be spread, and he had done so, thankfully without the risk of a new life emerging from it. 
Christopher was the closest thing Alex had to a boyfriend, although he was more like a long-term fuck buddy. Christopher often joked about how the two had first met. He said he could smell Alex's potent seed from a mile away and that he followed the scent like a cartoon character, nose in the air feet off the ground. 
Alex had been told he had a particular scent. It was his seed, of course, leaking from his balls like steam from hot soup. Not everyone had a nose for it, but to those who did it was like a drug. Christopher was something of a bloodhound for it. 
One night when Christopher was going on and on about how much he loved Alex's seed and how good it smelled and tasted, like "the raw essence of a man" were his exact words, Alex had told him of his father. He was a waterfall to Alex's trickle. Their house used to reek of seed and testosterone, especially when the 7 boys of the family reached maturity and grew Holden balls. Christopher had cum on the spot. Ever since he had been begging to be invited to a family reunion. 
Another text. Alex expected it to be Christopher with more pleading for his seed but instead, it was from Stephanie. A picture of their son, Liam, dressed in a football uniform standing on a grassy field. How cute, must be at one of his Little League games. Yet something felt off. As he stared at the pixels on his screen he could swear he watched them move, shift. The kid in the picture was far too old. He looked more like he was in middle school. No that wasn't a middle schooler in the picture, he had the body of a grown man, and was that a college logo on his uniform? Alex's eyes widened as he noticed the sizable bulge in the football pants. He shut off his phone. 
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The seed is strong.
Where was he? He had been at his desk, right? It was a tiny thing, shoved at the back of the office with no windows, mostly just a box for him to wait at until people could come to him with their IT concerns. Except he wasn't there now; no IT person had this nice of a setup. He was in a corner office, two walls made up entirely of glass, showing off the expansive city skyline that their tall building afforded. Alex blinked. His belongings were on the desk, mahogany rather than plywood. Action figures in their boxes, an iPad on the window, and pictures of his children in their frames. Liam and Lilia at their high school graduations and a picture of his youngest at prom, Brandon. It felt like just yesterday Debby had given birth to him, so why did that kid look so old? 
"Mr. Holden they're on the line," Delana said poking her head into the office. Wasn't she Mr. Walker's assistant, his boss? But no he didn't have a boss, how could someone with an office this nice have a boss? Hesitantly Alex picked up the phone and was met with a cacophony of greetings.
"It's good to have some senior management on this call." A man said, voice slightly distorted from the phone.
"Yes thank you so much for your time, Alexander. We will be brief," said a woman who he felt like he should know.
The two went back and forth talking about shareholders and market strategy all of which went over his head. He instead spent his time scratching his balls which seemed to have swollen even larger. He would need to empty them soon. His seed was made to be spread and got impatient rather quickly. Maybe he would take Christopher up on his request. He could leave work a bit early today, who would stop the boss?
"Mr. Holden, are you still with us?" 
"Oh umm yes yes. Everything sounds great keep up the good work." With that, he hung up the phone. He felt knowledge flooding into his brain, business experience, and social contacts that an IT person had no business knowing. Only he wasn't IT, he hired people to be his IT. He was the top dog of this company. The company that did"¦ he couldn't remember. He would do work tomorrow, right now he was feeling strangely out of sorts, like he didn't belong. 
Alexander stood up on legs that felt too long. He had always been tall but now he felt like a lumbering giant. He was glad for his height, Liam and his other son Brandon were getting far too tall for his liking. Not quite the height of good old dad but definitely too tall for him to put them on his lap. Lila wasn't a slouch either, 5'10, and nearly her brother's height when she wore heels. The thought of his children made him smile, they really were his pride and joy. They had inherited his blond hair, did he have blond hair? Of course, he did, although it was turning silver with age. The rest of his siblings had dark hair like his father but he had inherited his mother's golden locks and passed them onto his children, along with his angular face and tall stature. That wasn't to say that the children didn't have anything from their other parents. Liam had his mother's heart-shaped face, freckles, and warm green eyes, while Lila had inherited Stephanie's wavy hair and intelligence. Brandon his youngest had gotten his other mother's darker complexion and her rebellious spark.
He was something of a bad boy. With tattoos up one arm a handsome face and the soul of a tortured artist, Alex always knew he would be swimming in sexual opportunities. He had tried to explain to him the Holden inheritance. Alex tried to give the same speech his father had, telling his youngest about the strong seed of their family. Alex hadn't listened and neither had Brandon, at least not until he had gotten two girls pregnant. He had been sticking to sex with men ever since, the perks of bisexuality, although Alex suspected there would be a few more grandchildren in his future before his youngest got it all out of his system.
It felt right to be a grandfather, although it seemed only a few hours ago he didn't even have children of his own.
The seed is strong.
Liam his oldest also had children. He was far more restrained than his younger brother though. Liam had settled down with a nice woman a few years older than him who had been married before. She had tried for children with her old husband but after years of trying had resigned herself to being unable to have children. That was until she was with a Holden man. Now they had three children and she was pregnant with a fourth. Liam had confessed to Alex that his wife had gotten pregnant the first time the two had ever been intimate which didn't surprise Alex in the slightest. 
That left only Lila without children of her own. Where Liam had heart and Brandon had soul Lila had gotten all the brains. With a razor tongue and a mind for business, Alex suspected her only child would be the company she was building. Yet who was to say, maybe one day she would end up having children? If she had a boy someone would have to warn her to expect quite a few grandchildren of her own. 
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Alex- no Alexander made his way out of the office. He was far too dignified to go by a childhood nickname. Three grown children, how had he become an old man? He passed a mirror and examined his reflection. Square had handsome features, a tall frame, and muscles that pushed out his suit pleasingly. Maybe not quite an old man yet. He puffed up his substantial chest. How many grandfathers could bench 250 lbs?
Come to think of it all brothers currently could, even his oldest brother Mark, who was a great-grandfather at only age 60. Ha. Yet another thing passed on by the Holdens. High metabolism and the genetic potential for substantial musculature. Alex had always suspected it had something to do with their over-productive testicles pumping in an excess of testosterone, although Lila was surely no slouch. Alexander fondly remembered how she could beat both her brothers in arm wrestling contests as children whenever it was his turn to have custody of the kids. 
Still, it was his sons who had inherited the rippling muscular physique of the Holden men. Liam was the larger of the two mostly due to playing football in high school and college. After he graduated Liam started taking his physique seriously and competed in a few bodybuilding shows. Alexander remembered the horror of realizing his 220 lbs son was bigger than him. That caused Alex to redouble his efforts at the gym. That coupled with the fact that Liam stopped competing after he settled down had restored Alexander to the top of the food chain where he belonged. That wasn't to say that Liam let himself go. Liam maintained an admirable body, one that he had confessed to his father made fitting in with the other dads difficult, a sentiment which Alexander could relate to.
"Dad, it's like every dude either wants to feel me up and ask me to be their personal trainer or takes it as an insult and acts like a dick". In Alexanders case, most of the dicks had ended up sucking his but that type of advice could never work for noble pure-hearted Liam. Brandon on the other hand rated perfectly to his father's more horny tendencies. While he didn't have his brother's brutish size Brandon was toned good arms adorned with plenty of tattoos and the abs that only a young man could have. He had done several perfume commercials displaying those abs and his notable bulge across billboards in Times Square to Alexander's shock and secret pride. 
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The seed is strong. 
"Are you heading out Mr. Holden?" A young man holding a clipboard asks as Alexander makes his way to the elevator."
"I am Shayne. nature calls, I’m sure you understand." A wide grin split the youth's face and he nodded. Alexander had long suspected Shayne's lineage but looking at him now it seemed undeniable. Tall with a brawny build, Shayne had brown inquisitive eyes, short sandy blond hair, and a well-trimmed dirty blond beard covering his square jaw. To put it bluntly, he was the spitting image of Alexander in his youth. The final clue of course lay beneath the kids well ironed slacks. 
Without violating company policy or his own ethical code as a boss Alexander had tried to check out his new intern's package. Sure enough, he had gotten confirmation at the urinal last week. The kid was sporting an abnormally large pair of balls that could only belong to a Holden man. 
Alexander supposed he shouldn't be surprised. He had started being a sperm donor in college to make a little cash. One test of his seed and the clinic had been positively feral to milk him dry. Once he started moving up in the company the money had meant less to Alexander but he still would occasionally pay a visit to the clinic to donate. He liked the idea that he could help a woman struggling with fertility or allow someone to start a family without relying on a man. He would also be lying if he didn't think it a little hot they have a bunch of mini me's running around as well. His only request was to warn any potential sons of their fertility as odd as that seemed. With the amount he had donated Alexander was bound to come across one of his children at some point although it was still thrilling. It warmed his heart to think he had another son, and one who had grown up to be as responsible and respectful as Shayne. 
He would have to ask Shayne about his father sometime or get him a DNA kit for the holidays. Something that might tip the kid off without coming on too strong. Just because they shared blood did not mean Alexander had a right to be part of his life yet if he would have him, Alexander would gladly have a relationship. 
"We should be all good with preparing for the audit without you. Have a good night sir."
The elevator doors closed blocking sight of his potential son. Alexander took out his phone and brought up messages to Christopher. In the dark elevator, he had trouble reading the screen and even more trouble finding out how to raise the brightness. God if only he could trade his buffalo balls for some IT skills he joked to himself. Eventually, he figured it out and typed out a message. 
"How could I refuse? My place in 20?"
Christopher sent a gif of a mouth watering then an emoji of a man running. Would it be so hard to type out a yes? Alexander wasn't worried about Christopher being busy. Besides the fact that he suspected the man would push his own mother off a cliff for the contents of Alexander's balls, he was also a writer, a job which gave him the luxury of making his own schedule. He mostly wrote YA fiction, some of which were quite well-known. His biggest series was all the rage when the kids were in their teens, meaning they had thought Christopher was the god on earth. Now though Christopher was working on something more adult. An erotica that he claimed was loosely based on his and Alexander's romance. He told the family proudly a few months back he was going to call it "The fountain of eternal cum". Alexander's PR team told him it would be a nightmare if it was published and Lila threatened to take a box cutter to her eyes, and ears too if an audiobook version came out. Still, Alexander had let the project continue, he thought it funny and maybe a little hot.
20 minutes later Alexander reached his building courtesy of his driver and made his way up to his penthouse apartment. Christopher was waiting for him splayed out on a $30,000 couch like a house cat.
"Smelled ya coming." He said, rising from his lounging position and making his way over to his lover. With practiced hands, he pulled Alexander in using his tie as a leach and placed one hand on his broad chest feeling the warmth of Alexander's body through the thin Oxford and undershirt.
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When Alexander had first met Christopher he was something of a twink, young with ample curves and smooth skin. That had been over 20 years ago. Now Christopher was more the scruffy writer type, with a cute face adorned with a few wrinkles, thick glasses, and a layer of scraggly stubble. His body wasn't as tight as it had once been but Christopher still had enough in the back, where it really mattered. Alexander didn't begrudge his lover the changes of age. He wasn't the same muscle bull Christopher had fallen in love with either. While he had retained much of his size his age had left him sentimental, the wild bull, been tamed, although it still came out on occasion when his lover was involved. 
"I needed this" Alexander purred leaning into the embrace and planting three long kisses onto Christopher's neck. Christopher pulled his head back savoring the touch. We need to get this off he said, peeling Alexander's suit jacket from his frame. Alexander's back and arms proved too large and made what might have been a sexy process rather unsexy as the two struggled to peel off the garment. Once that was done Christopher went to work on the buttons starting from the stop and working his way down until Alexander stood in an open shirt with only a white sleeveless undershirt beneath. 
"Ugh, why do you wear so many clothes," Christopher said eager to get to his prize. 
"I could say the same thing to you" Alexander rumbled. He took the opportunity to pull off Christopher's chunky cable knit sweater, a process Christopher assisted in by raising his arms. Alexander tried to make things more even by fully removing his button-up shirt but he was still left in a white tank top. His arms were thick solid things bulging with mature muscle, and the lower half covered a dusting of nearly transparent blond hair. His chest pushed out the undershirt significantly, then fell loose around his still mostly flat belly.
"Will you do the thing?" Christopher asked excitedly, a kid asking to go on a roller coaster again. Alexander plastered on a gracious smile then put both hands on either side of the shirt's collar and pulled. It ripped clean down the middle revealing his toned body. Christopher clapped and giggled then and went in for another kiss, their now shirtless bodies rubbing against one another. Alexander suspected hundreds of shirts over the years had perished to Christopher's "favorite trick" but it was worth it to see that look of glee on his face. Besides undershirts weren't particularly expensive, at least he assumed they weren't. His assistant did most of his shopping for him.
"Shall we take this to the bedroom Mr. Holden?" Christopher asked, knowing how formal talk turned Alexander on. In response, Alexander picked his smaller lover up in a fireman's carry and made its way across the penthouse to the bedroom. Along the way, they passed countless family photos framed on walls and coffee tables. Liam was the lead of the high school musical, Lila won the state debate championship, and Brandon posing proudly with graffiti art that spelled out his name. There were picnics and football games, thanksgiving dinners, and volunteering. Three smiling happy golden-haired children, all made from their father. Made from his potent seed, the seed Christopher was about to receive.
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Alexander threw Christopher down on the bed and caused him to bounce on the springy mattress. With his manly hands, he gripped Christopher's pants and tried to force them over his voluptuous bottom, getting to his prize at all costs. He could have ripped them off nearly as easily as he had his shirt if not for Christopher's pleas about how much he loved these pants. It felt like it took forever for Christopher to undo his belt, unbutton his pants, and pull the zipper down, only then allowing Alexander to rip them off, taking underwear with it. Christopher had a respectable dick and balls that were he with a different company might be considered large. Yet when with a Holden man it was like comparing an ant to an elephant. Besides, there was really only one thing below the waist Alexander carried about. Not that he was a selfish lover, but rather the two after years of making love had experimented enough to know what they really wanted. "Roll over," he said breathily, his excitement getting the better of him. Now it was his turn to take the time with his pants. 
His package flopped out into the open like a hot man to a pool. He looked down at his balls and for a moment they seemed obscene. Baseballs attached to the underside of a penis that really wasn't that remarkable.
The seed is strong.
9 inches was at the lower end for size in his family but he really didn't have anything to complain about. Yet another perk of being a Holden man. With their large balls, it only was natural that they have the dick to match. It was a subject less commonly talked about for obvious reasons yet Alexander was no idiot. He had seen his brothers dicks through their pants plenty of times and heard stories from their wives. And his children, well a father can't help but see these things even if he tries not to. Once back when Alexander had still been in college and with Stephanie his father, the patriarch of the family, had gotten a bit too drunk on old fashions and whiskey on the rocks. He had launched into a bit of a rant.
"Oh I had some big dicked brothers, but of all them, mine was the thickest. No, it wasn't the longest, that would be my brother Kendall. We used to call him pencils dick Kendall you know. Foot long but thin as a finger. Looked ridiculous with his big balls. He ended up having eight children though so I guess someone liked that pencil dick." 
The whole family had erupted in laughter at that, much to Stephanie's horror and Alexander's delight. He had inherited that thickness, thickness which Christopher revealed in, tentatively licking the head from his ass up position before taking the whole thing in his mouth. Giving a blow job to someone of Alexander's size wasn't easy but Christopher had something like 20 years of practice. It wasn't just that he could take the whole thing that made Christoper blow jobs great, although that was nice. Rather it was the way he played with Alexander's balls, tickling them caressing them, even taking a break from his dick to suck on them. Alexander always thought he was trying to cut out the middleman and get right to the source of his addiction. He suspected his lover would hook up an IV bag of his seed to drip into his bloodstream if he had the supply.
After a few minutes Christopher got impatient. "I'm ready," he said excitedly turning to face away from Alexander and presenting his ass like a target for practice. Alexander took a bottle of lube from his bedside table and applied it generously to his dick and his lover's hole. There was no point in a condom, they both were clean and besides those did little against determined Holden spunk. Yet lube was essential even after all these years for accommodating his dick. Slowly he inserted his dick, being careful at first. Once he was halfway in Christopher gave him a nod and he sped up, ramming the rest of his member in and then pulling it out almost all the way out with a wet squish. Christopher moaned a high-pitched whine of pleasure and pleaded for more. As Alexander began to thrust he answered with his own sound, a mix between a bellow and a grunt. God, how did he keep his hole so tight? 
"Harder" Christopher panted. Alexander went harder.
Harder!" Christopher said again. Alexander thrust with his hips impaling his partner with all his substantial strength. His full balls slammed against round butt cheeks, the sound keeping time with his thrusts. 
"Harder daddy, breed me. Fucking breed me. Fill me with your seed till I have your fucking baby." Alexander gave it all he had. If Christopher wanted to be bred so bad then he was all too happy to oblige. He obliterated him, pulverized his fucking hole. Pleasured him so thoroughly he might never walk again. He showed his lover how he had created three children, the reason why his family was so prolific. The seed is strong. The seed is strong. The seed is strong.
"The seed is strong." He screamed as he climaxed. His vision went white as his balls emptied like a dam bursting. His dick became a fire hydrant for the torrent of seed that he pumped into Christopher. The two collapsed onto each other, sweaty bodies reveling in the heat, the smell, and the pleasure. They just sat there for a moment, slowly winding down from the passion of the experience. It had felt for a moment like those times back so long ago when Alexander had conceived his children. He knew even then as soon as he had climaxed his seed would quicken. He had felt it in his bones, in his balls. Only obviously that couldn’t be, a figment of his horny imagination perhaps. 
With a start, Alexander realized his dick was still inside of Christopher, half hard and plugging his hole like a drain stopper. He removed himself with a popping sound and caused a torrent of cum to spill out of Christopher. Christopher reached around and scooped it up onto his hand before licking them clean and moaning like he had just had a cold cone in the summertime. He went in for a kiss and Alexander got a taste of his own seed. It was indeed strong, like raw masculinity. Salty musky and somehow sweet, Alexander understood why Christopher had developed a taste for it. He could somehow tell that every single swimming sperm in his mouth could create a child if given a chance, ones who would be as beautiful as the ones he had now. The thought made him feel like Chronos from Greek mythology gobbling up his children whole.
"Even more amazing than usual," Christopher said once the two had broken their kiss. "I swear Alexander you are a fine wine. You just get better with age." He excused himself to use the bathroom leaving Alexander lying alone on his spoiled sheets. It was funny how much sex defined his life. It was sex that had brought him his children, the lights of his life. Sex that had brought him Christopher, his life partner and husband. Even his business, the largest contraceptive company in the country. It would be quite the scandal if it came out that their CEO could bust right through their condoms with his seed. Alexander supposed it was inevitable that his life revolved around sex. He had always been told the seed was strong and had always taken it literally. Yet it went beyond hyperactive balls. The men of his family seemed practically bred to breed, with their faces and their bodies not the mention the dicks and strong libido, it was inevitable that the Holden men lived and breathed sex. He wondered what in the family's past had happened to create such a strong seed. Was there some kind of curse placed on their family by a disgruntled prehistoric witch? Or maybe one of Alexander's ancestors was some kind of genetically mutated freak. Could they be a different species? With the rate they were going the whole world might be Holden men in a few centuries. 
Alexander had to laugh. The things he thought about in his post-nut state were always strange but he must have really needed this if he was thinking about witches and a future of only Holden humans. Besides Alexander had found a loophole, homosexuality. Not of course before before he had spawned three and potentially hundreds more through donation. Still with Christopher at least he knew he was safe. The seed was strong but it wasn't that strong. 
"HONEY. I think I'm pregnant" Christopher yelled from inside the bathroom waving a positive pregnancy test excitedly.
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Shit. The seed is strong.
Hope you enjoyed, been sitting on this one for a while. I wrote an epilogue too that more comedic then hot, but i would post that too if anyone is interested.
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utilitycaster · 7 months
Daggerheart Character Build thoughts!
I am actually out at work and haven't checked the version that's since come out, but I did participate in the character build beta, and the NDA is officially lifted, so here's my thoughts from that! It's definitely limited since I just made a L1 character and didn't go through gameplay, though I surmise about some aspects of gameplay.
Overall, it clearly seems to be made by people who love a lot of things about D&D 5e but wanted both more flexibility and more simplicity, which is difficult. I think they succeed.
To that end, it takes away some of the crunchier aspects (precise positioning, exact amounts of gold) and I think for some people that will be a problem, and that's valid, but ultimately this game wants to both allow for interesting mechanics in and out of combat while also not being terribly math/map/resource management heavy. It is a hard line to walk; most systems either go hard crunch or go entirely gooey.
The dice mechanic (2d12, Hope and Fear system) is fantastic; look it up but I think it handles mixed successes more gracefully and interestingly than a lot of games.
The playtest was not super clear on armor and evasion choices (or indeed what evasion means; it seems to be sort of initiative but sort of dex save, or maybe more like the Pathfinder/old school D&D varying ACs by scenario?). It was much, MUCH clearer than D&D on weapon choices (part of why I play casters? Weapon rules in D&D are annoying and poorly explained and many people rightfully ignore them) so I'm hoping this becomes clear when there's a full guide rather than just the character creation info.
The character creation questions by class were fantastic and in general, and this is a theme, this feels like it guides people towards collaboration. FWIW I feel like D&D has that information, but the way it's presented is very much as flavor text rather than a thing you should be doing. Daggerheart makes this a much more core part of creation. The Experience mechanic is particularly clear: you better be working with your GM and really thinking about background, rather than slapping it on as a mechanic.
The other side of character creation questions is that it really encourages engagement with the class, which is something I've talked about. I think either subversion for the sake of subversion, or picking a class for the mechanics and aesthetic but not the fundamental concept, will be much harder to justify in Daggerheart, and I think that's a good thing because when people do that, their characters tend to be weaker.
The downtime is designed for you to write hurt/comfort fanfic about and this is a compliment. There are a number of mechanics that reward RP, particularly one of the healing mechanics under the Splendor track. I feel like a weakness of D&D is that when you try to reward RP it's really nebulous because there's not actually a ton of space to put that - you can give inspiration, but, for example, the empathy domain Matt homebrewed actually feels kind of off because it's based on such fuzzy concepts amid mechanics that are usually more rigid. Daggerheart comes off as much cleaner yet still RP-focused, and I'm excited to see it in action.
A judgement of Candela and I suppose Daggerheart might be that it's designed for actual play. I've mentioned before that I know people who are super into the crunch and combat and numbers of TTRPGs and are less story-oriented, and again, that's valid, but actual play is just storytelling using a ttrpg and so yes, a game that encourages RP while also having mechanics to support that and influence it is an extremely good goal. I am not an actual player, but I do like D&D games with a good plot and not just Go Kill Monsters, and I want to play this. (I also have some real salty thoughts about how if you modify an existing game for AP purposes that's staggering genius apparently, but if you make your own game how dare you but that's another post).
And now, the classes/subclasses. I am going to sort of use D&D language to describe them because that's a point of reference most people reading this will understand, but they are not one-to-one. A couple notes: everyone can use weapons and armor. HP is not totally clear to me but it seems to be threshold based - everyone has the same HP to start but people have different thresholds and armor, so the tank classes have the same amount of HP but are much harder to actually do damage to.
All classes are built on a combination of a subclass and two domains. There are 9 classes and 9 domains. This technically means that if you wanted to fuck around and homebrew you could make up to 36 classes (27 additional) by just grabbing two domains that weren't otherwise combined, which is fun to consider for the potential. Anyway I cover the classes and briefly describe domains within them. You can take any domain card within your domain, regardless of subclass.
There are six stats. Presence, Instinct, Knowledge, and Strength map roughly to Charisma, Wisdom, Intelligence, and Strength. Dex is split into Agility and Finesse; Agility covers gross motor skills (jumping, most ranged weapons, "maneuvering") and Finesse finer ones (lockpicking and tinkering, though also it does cover hiding). The really big wins are first, no CON score, so you don't need to sink stat points into something that grants no skills but keeps you alive. The second one is that the "hybrid" classes spellcast from their physical stat. This is fucking fantastic. The thing about ranger or paladin or the spellcasting subclasses of rogue and fighter in D&D is that if you don't roll pretty well you're locked into the core stats and CON and nothing else. (This also doesn't have rolling for stats: you assign +2 to one stat, presumably your main, and then distribute two +1s, two 0s, and one -1.)
Your HP, Evasion, and Thresholds are set by class, and there's a core ability; the rest is all from the cards you take for subclass and domain.
Leveling up is very much based on taking more domain cards (abilities) but has a certain degree of flexibility. It's by chunks: in leveling up anywhere levels 2-4, you can, for example, increase your proficiency by +1 once, so if you wanted to do that at level 2 but your fellow player wanted to wait until level 4 and take something else at level 2 instead, they could. It allows for more min-maxing, but also everyone has the same level up rules and differs only in the abilities on the cards, which is very cool.
Bard: Grace (enchantment spells) and Codex (learned spellcaster stuff; the spells available are definitely arcane in vibes) based, Presence is your main stat. The two subclasses map roughly to lore-style stuff and eloquence. Core class ability is sort of like inspiration but not entirely. It's a bard; I like bards a lot, and this is very similar vibes-wise to your D&D bards. If you like D&D bards you will like this.
Druid: Sage (nature spells) and Arcana (raw magical power spellcaster stuff), Instinct is your spellcasting/main stat. The two subclasses are elemental but frankly cooler than circle of the moon, and a more healing/tranquility of nature focused one. I really think Marisha probably gave feedback on this one, because the elemental version is really strong. You do get beastform; it is quite similar to a D&D druid under a different system, as the bard, but the beastform options are, frankly, better and easier to understand.
Guardian: Valor (melee tank/damager) and Blade (damage). Strength based for the most part (Valor mechanics assume strength) though you could go for like, +2 Agility +1 Strength to start. This is barbarian but like. 20 times better. It is, fundamentally, a tank class, and it is very good at it, with one even more tank-focused subclass and one that is more about retaliatory damage. You do have a damage-halving ability once per day, but really guardian's questions are incredible. I think Travis and Ashley likely gave feedback. Also rage doesn't render you incapable of concentration as that doesn't seem to be a thing, so multiclassing seems way more possible (you are, I think, only allowed to do one multiclass, and not until you reach level 5 minimum, which I am in favor of). Yes, you can be a Bardian.
Ranger: This is what I built! It is based on Sage and Bone (movement around the field/dodging stuff) and it is Agility-based, including for spellcasting, which is a MASSIVE help (as is, again, the fact that CON isn't a thing.) The subclasses are basically being really good at navigation, or animal companion. Most importantly to me you can be a ranger with a longsword and you are not penalized; Bone works with either ranged weapons or melee.
Rogue: Midnight (stealth/disguise/assassination spells and skills) and Grace-based. Yes, rogue is by default a spellcaster, which does help a LOT with the vibes for me. One subclass is basically about having lots of connections (as a spy or criminal might) and the other is about magical slinking about. Hiding/sneak attack are also streamlined. I will admit I'm still more interested in…almost everything else, but I think it evened out a lot of rogue weaknesses.
Seraph: Splendor (healing/divine magic) and Valor. This is your Paladin equivalent. It is strength-based for casting, again making hybrid classes way less stressful. Questions for this area also incredible; you do have something not unlike a lay on hands pool as well. Your subclasses are being able to fly and do extra damage; or being able to make your melee weapon do ranged attacks and also some extra healing stuff, the latter of which is my favorite. Yasha vibes from this, honestly. Single downside is this is the only class where they recommend you dump Knowledge. I will not, and I never will. Now that I don't have to make sure CON is high? I am for REAL never giving myself less than a +1 Knowledge in this game.
Sorcerer: Arcana (raw nature of magic/elemental vibes) and Midnight based. Yes, sorcerers and rogues now share a vibe, for your convenient….less enthused feelings. Instinct-based, which intrigues me, and the core features are in fact really good. The two subclasses are either one that focuses on metamagic abilities, or one that is elemental based. I would play this for a long-running game, though it's not my favorite, and I can't say that for D&D sorcerer (except divine soul).
Warrior: Blade and Bone, and the recommended build is Agility but you could do a strength build. Fighter! One subclass is about doing damage and one is about the hope/fear mechanics core to the game that I have NOT talked much about. I will admit, the hybrid martials and Guardian are more interesting to me but you do have good battle knowledge.
Wizard: Codex and Splendor. Wizards can heal in this system; farewell, I will be doing nothing else (jk). Knowledge-based, and you can either go hardcore expertise in knowledge, or be a battle wizard.
Other scattered thoughts: healing is not as big a deal here; there is no pure cleric class! There is also no monk, warlock, or artificer. There is not a way to do monk as a weaponless class really though you might be able to flavor the glowing rings as a monk weapon and play a warrior. Wizard, meanwhile, with the right experiences and high finesse, would allow for some artificer flavor. Cleric and Warlock are the two tough ones and I will admit those are tricky; I feel like you'd have to multiclass (which you cannot do until level 5) between perhaps seraph and a caster class and you're still going to come off very paladin.
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year
a calculated kiss
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x gn!reader
Synopsis: When Leona Kingscholar makes an effort, you best believe he wants a reward.
Tags: crushes, banter, crack, math is mentioned, slight pining, bot proofread
Word count: 1.4k+
Notes: this fic idea came to me in a dream and boy what a nice dream it was hehe
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The room was a labyrinth of towering book spines, stretching up to the ceiling and beyond. The air was heavy with the aroma of old paper and ink, giving the room a musty, soothing smell. The dim lighting cast a tranquil aura upon the room, transforming it into a sanctuary amidst the frenzied bustle of the school.
It was the perfect place to take a nap.
As Leona rounded the corner, his nostrils flared with a familiar scent that set his heart alight. He turned his head, following the aroma to its source, and there you were, hunched over a table with a look of intense concentration etched onto your face. Sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow over your face and highlighting your face. Your furrowed brow and the way you squinted at the worksheets on the desk told him that you were deep in thought, lost in a world of your own creation.
For someone who walked into his life without warning, he found it surprising how quickly you had wormed your way into his heart. You were like a sudden gust of wind that swept into his life, catching him off guard, and he couldn't help but be enchanted by the way you danced and twirled, carrying with you the promise of change and new beginnings. Like a rare and delicate flower, you had miraculously bloomed in the midst of winter, bringing him a warmth and vibrancy that thawed his heart, inviting him to bask in your radiance.
With a nonchalant gait, he strolled over to where you sat. His lips curved into a smug grin, his signature expression that often preceded his teasing remarks. "Oi, herbivore," he quipped, dripping with amusement. "What's got you so bothered?"
You whipped your head up in response, mumbling his name in disbelief. "Leona... It's nothing really, I'm just having some trouble with this assignment," they admitted, holding up a sheet of paper covered in scribbles and crossed-out words. "I can't seem to get it right."
He raised an eyebrow in a curious fashion, a spark of genuine interest ignited within him, momentarily illuminating his otherwise impassive features. With a sharp exhale, a sound caught between a scoff and a chuckle, he leaned forward, his commanding presence drawing you in. "Hah, it can't be that bad. Show me," he offered, his voice a rich timbre that rolled off his tongue like honey.
As he scrutinized the paper, his sharp eyes darted back and forth across the page, his mind working at a breakneck pace. "Math, huh?" he mused, his lips curving upward in a hint of a smirk. "Hmm, this stuff is easy."
With a abrupt surge of energy, he dove into the work, his fingers deftly dancing across the page as he explained the problem with ease. You could hardly believe your eyes as he pointed out mistakes and offered suggestions, each correction executed with effortless grace. It was as if the numbers themselves were at his command, bending to his will with each swift stroke of his pen. "There, just like that."
"Wow, Leona, you're really good at this!" you exclaimed. "I never would have been able to do this without you!"
His lips curled upwards into a triumphant grin, his chest swelling with pride. "It's just some simple math," he replied confidently. "Now," he said, his hand darting out to snatch the worksheet from you in a blur of motion, "give it a go on your own this time."
At your incredulous expression, Leona huffed. "What, did you think I'd be doing your work for you?" he teased, his voice tinged with playful mischief.
You shook your head wryly, though your lips curved up in a smile. "I was hoping you would," you said, nudging him playfully. "But I suppose I'll have to do it myself."
Leona chuckled, enjoying your playful banter. "You'll be fine," he reassured you. "You won't learn if you don't do it yourself."
You let out a sigh, a hint of reluctance in your voice. "I know," you admitted, the weight of the task ahead of you starting to settle in. "But it's just so overwhelming sometimes. I don't even know where to start."
Leona leaned back in his chair, his viridescent eyes never leaving yours. "Well, break it down then," he suggested, his voice calm and reassuring. "What's the first step? What do you need to do?"
He guided you through the process, breaking down the assignment into manageable chunks, and you couldn't help but feel grateful for his help. Slowly but surely, his playful teasing gave way to genuine interest in your progress. He listened attentively as you shared your thoughts and ideas, offering advice and encouragement along the way.
As you gazed upon the once-blank notebook, now brimming with neatly-written answers, you were struck with a surge of pride and accomplishment. It felt as if a refreshing breeze on a sweltering summer day had washed over you, invigorating your very being. The weight of your academic responsibilities lifted, replaced by a sense of contentment and satisfaction that settled deep within your soul.
"Thanks, Leona," you said, your voice filled with heartfelt gratitude. "I couldn't have done it without you."
Leona's mischievous grin illuminated his face as he cockily replied, "Well, I think I deserve a reward for my services, don't you?"
You raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Oh really? And what kind of reward were you thinking of?"
Leona leaned in closer, the scent of his cologne mingled with the scent of the room, creating an intoxicating mix that made your head spin. His voice was a velvet whisper, weaving a seductive spell that sent a flock of butterflies aflutter in your stomach. His breath warm against your ear, he posed his question. "How about a kiss?"
Your cheeks instantly flushed as you stared at him in shock, not expecting his bold request. Leona couldn't help but chuckle at your reaction.
"Well… okay," you answered meekly.
His eyes opened wide like a startled fawn, but as he opened his mouth to speak, your delicate lips brushed against his, and he was struck by a wave of sensations crashing into him like a surging tide. The kiss was tender, a symphony of sweetness that sent electric jolts down his spine and set his heart racing like a galloping stallion. Leona could feel your warmth seeping into him, your tenderness enveloping him like a comforting blanket.
When you finally pulled apart, Leona blinked, before he started laughing, his body shaking with mirth. "Hahahahaha! Who would've thought a herbivore like you would have the guts!"
You shook your head and smiled, your cheeks still slightly warm. "You're the one who asked for it. But thank you for helping me with my homework. It means a lot to me."
He chuckled, like a melody of soft bells in the distance, drawing even closer until his forehead rested gently against yours. His warm breath danced across your skin. "It was my pleasure," he murmured, his voice low and husky like the deep rumble of a cello. "I wouldn't mind lendin' you a hand again, you know. As long as there's a little somethin' in it for me, of course," he added, his smug grin returning in full force, like the bright and mischievous glint of a cat's eyes in the dark.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his playful demeanor. "Always looking for a reward, aren't you?" you teased.
He shrugged, his eyes glinting mischievously. "What can I say? I like to be motivated."
You laughed, enjoying the banter between the two of you. As much as you enjoyed his company, you couldn't help but feel a flutter in your chest at his words. "Well, if you're looking for a reward, maybe I can think of something," you said, raising an eyebrow suggestively.
"Oh, I'm sure you can," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
Your heart thumped like a drum as you peered into his emerald eyes, brimming with an insatiable longing that made your insides twist in a knot. In a flash, his lips met yours, and you were enveloped in his embrace, his arms a shield that enveloped you. It felt electric, sending sparks flying through your body. It was as if the heat and fervour that had been simmering between the two of you had finally erupted into a tempest. As you melted into his hold, you couldn't help but wonder what other rewards he wanted from you.
But really, you could never deny him anything.
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fryktheciller · 3 months
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charlie dalton x gn!reader
summary: a summer evening at dalton's place
notes: hi!! this is the first ff i actually finished writing and im dying inside at the thought of posting it. english isnt my first language and im posting this at 2 am, after a poor revision, idk what to say expect spelling mistakes and sentences that dont make sense and raskolnikov-like blurb cause im him hes me and ok i really need to close this paragraph.
Days fly by with Dalton. His parents, two goddamn toffs, sure had great taste, both in furniture and especially in friends. God bless that day his parents decided to become best friends with yours.
Can't say the same about their son, Charlie, a professional dickhead, from the day you knew each other until the day he'd close his eyes and become cold. Sure, he's hot and pretty and oh so charming; sometimes he can also be kind and gentle, but he's got something that’s scary magnetic, and addictive, or at least you think so. That something’s everywhere: in the way he moves his hands while he's explaining the last shitplan he’s come up with while smoking on the balcony; the way he rolls up his shirt, thinking it will help doing a math test, knowing damn well he's going to pass by a stroke of pure luck; or the way he plays the most outrageous melody on his sax, still making it somehow so good and passionate. Also (did I mention it?) he's quite literally the definition of gorgeous—the definition of kalokagathia, except it’s all looks and no agathia. The whole thing’s like: I could love him. And you, oh so desperately!, do. 
The sun’s setting, it’s humid, and the air’s filled with the scent of flowers and the smoke of Charlie’s cigarette. 
–Want one?- He hands you his torn-out red Marlboro packet and his lighter.
You take one and light it up, sitting on the balcony’s hot tiles. 
–Got no dates this summer?
He shrugs, smiling and blowing smoke into your face.
–Got asked out a couple of times before school was over. It's that I'm not interested, don't really know why.
You drag from your cigarette and blow the smoke out, then lightly tap it to get rid of excess ash. 
–Milord, if you may forgive the vulgar language I’m about to use, us peasants call it being in love, or having an interest in someone. Again, sorry for using such vulgar and disgraceful language.
He laughs, and you laugh along with him.
He puts out the cigarette on the tiles, and shrugs again. 
–I don't know.
–It’s not that you don't know; you'd like not to know. Falling in love with someone must be such a sin in the Charlie Dalton religion.
He laughs mechanically, somehow. He hesitates, smiles, and, once again, shrugs. 
–Generally I try to avoid these statements, but now I can't help but embrace them. I've given up.
You laugh, and he follows you—heartily, even. 
–But you?
He gestures vaguely with his hand, and you find yourself staring at it with lust, almost. 
–Laid those pretty eyes on someone?
You shrug.
–Nothing much.
–What does that even mean? It's either yes or no. You said it. 
–Didn’t say it. I implied it
–You’re just jealous of my linguistic capacities.
–Sure I am. Now is it some new incestuos-alien-being who doesn’t even know what a woman is, or is it someone worthy of your admiration?
 –He’s…definitely worth my attention. I think. But I have no hopes. I count on nothing. The thing is: do you really have such low consideration for my romantic interests?
You raise an eyebrow at him, almost mischievously. 
–Not at all. I remember all of those creatures you swore to your mother you loved. And, oh god!, you might expect to find someone pretty on a list that's basically a decade long, but no! Each and one of them is outrageous-looking and with absolutely no social skills. Sometimes, I’ll be honest, I really wondered if you were joking, and for some time I even believed that. But what a realization it was when I understood you found those things pretty.
You both laugh again, and you visualize and remember all those “people” you liked and that you now look at with disgust and apathy.
You’re folded over your stomach, tears of laughter streaming down your face, your tummy hurts, and you can't breathe; he's no different, lying down on the floor, arms wrapped around his stomach, wet lines at the corners of his face, and misty eyes; almost like he was thinking about the same thing as you.
As soon as you thought it was over, anything like a weird look was enough to get you both to start laughing.
–Good god,– you whisper, wiping off the tears with your fingers.
–I think I have never laughed so much at something I said. 
A smile is enough as a response; anything else would kill you.
–By the way, he’s really pretty.
He raises an eyebrow, almost trying to contradict you. 
You smile at him, as if trying to get him started on a debate.
–Description?– he asks, understanding your intentions.
–No, for god’s sake. 
–Not even a hint? A tiny little hint?
–Nothing, absolutely nothing. 
How would you describe this person anyway? “A brunette and dark-eyed boy who plays the saxophone and is a dickhead for a living”? It’s ridiculously explicit. 
–How ‘bout you? It's not that I care, but, you know...
He laughs in response.
–No, you’d tell them.
–Why would I do that? I most likely have no clue who that is.
He shakes his head. 
–Do I know them, at least?
He shrugs and hesitates.
 –Pretty much, yes.
Your head hurts; your stomach is practically in your throat; and you spat your heart long ago. You hope to God that he doesn't come up with a “it’s you” thing because you would faint on the spot. 
–Oh, but it’s your turn now,– he says, nudging you with his elbow.
–Do you know him? ...uhh yes, I suppose so. 
Silence falls between you. You tilt your head and look at the sky, intense, dark, and somehow transparent and clear, like it is only in summer; the air is now fresher, and a soft breeze rises, contrasting with the boiling heat of the tiles. Everything’s humid, full of the scent of flowers, from both florid and almost empty plants, frogs croaking, and fireflies, opposing the equally intense beaming, but perhaps less faint, of the stars. 
Your head still hurts; you can see but you can't really see; you still have the laughter from before in your tummy, and thinking about it still makes you chuckle. 
He seems to ignore you. He lit up another cigarette. “What’s he thinking about?” you think, looking at the sun-colored and bustling flame from the lighter, then at the less intense and steadier one on the tobacco. 
“Must be so unhealthy for him to smoke like this,” you think, and you find yourself pitying him, "ridiculous," is your comment. It is indeed ridiculous to pity someone who rejects deeply and obstinately the concept of that feeling. 
You want to hold him against your chest or on your shoulder, smell the scent of his skin, and keep him close, even if that means dying from the heat. You stare at his profile—that huge yet so perfect nose; that big hand, well-kept like only a musician can do; then the cigarette, already half-burnt; and his lips, chapped and dry. You look at them with lust once again, but not lust lust, something more tender and sweeter, rather than sinful, even though the sin part doesn't really bother you. 
“Tell him, c'mon, tell him,” a little voice in your head was screaming. Of course you’re not going to tell him, or maybe yes? What would happen if you did? You'd lose a friendship that's scary long; that’s what would happen. And what would you do without him? Could you make it? Of course not. You don't remember what it feels like not to have him by your side. Plus, he wouldn't forget: who the hell would forget the love confession from their best friend anyway?
“C'mon, tell him, tell him!” You swear you hear that tiny voice screaming at the top of its lungs.
No, you won't tell him; you'll bring your feelings to the grave with you. 
He put out the cigarette, still in silence. 
“C'mon!! Carpe diem, for fuck’s sake!” What does that even mean? Can I kill a man because I thought “carpe diem" ? That doesn't make any fucking sense. And when did you really start to love him? Months ago? Days ago? Years ago? It could have been yesterday; you’d swear you’ve been loving him for years. 
You start to embrace the idea of telling him. “How would I even put up the whole sentence?” You can't do anything but tell him. Let's be honest; it feels like lying to him, and would you want someone else to tell him rather than you?
He turns at you with a questioning gaze on his face. Your heart's beating so fast that you feel your arteries are going to explode.
–Can’t beat around the bush much longer, you know. That person…
You pale, feeling the blood pump hard in your temples, and you start to wonder if those were really your last words.
He doesn't feel the same way; it's clear. 
–It's even cooler because I really like you too.
You smile and start to chuckle; it feels like fresh air after holding your breath for too long. He responds with a soft laugh, heartily, then wraps an arm around your shoulders and brings your figure next to hiss, kissing your forehead with those chapped and dry lips that feel like a fresh towel you washed without fabric softener. 
–Were you going to confess your sins eventually?– You joke, still smiling.
–Perhaps, yes. Seems like we’re going to be busy earlier than I expected, though. 
He smirks, a flashing Charlie Dalton smirk. You groan, annoyed, in response.
–Fucking disgusting, Charlie.
–Sure, sure. 
–It's too hot to have sex, Charlie. Don't tell me you don't think so.
–You just told me you liked me, and you have already started to protest?
He shakes his head in mock disapproval.
–You’re not going anywhere, like this.
You chuckle.
–Kiss me, and I'll stop whining.
–Could have told me earlier, maybe we could have actually got to have sex,– he laughs, leaning in. 
His lips are on yours; they're soft, gente, and warm, but still rough and dry. 
God, this boy needs chapstick so badly.
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midnight-black2 · 5 months
hii! im sending in a request for Jann in the Archie Mademay event :) and this is my first time so sorry im nervous😅!
but prompt 11 really piqued my interest, thought about maybe a (before gt academy) nerdy and shy gamer Jann x popular sporty reader? thank you for your time bye bye :] !!
pairing : jann mardenborough x reader
synopsis : you can't keep neither your mind off of jann nor your hands off of him either
disclaimers : not many, sub!jann, softdom!reader, kissing in public, pretty mild
note : i listened to the song sparks by coldplay while making this, so that's were i got the title, just so it doesn't seem as random lol
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most people found it weird how much attention you showed jann. after all, he was close enough to a nobody.
man, society is weird.
all these unattainable standards set by messy, emotional, little humans. i mean, if you wanted to see jann, why should anyone try to stop you? you liked who you liked, and it's not like you could help it. besides, jann was sweet, cute, and ambitious. in your opinion, he was the dream guy.
you two would eat lunch together, walk each other to classes you had during the day, average college couple stuff. you never let anyone give him a hard time, and whenever you attended a social event, he was by your side (whether he wanted to be there or not). he attended all of your [sports] games, etc. the coupley stuff wasn't the weirdest part to people. the weirdest part to people was that you chose to do the coupley stuff with him. you had lines of guys and girls waiting, patiently. stalking and clinging, nagging and hanging--yet you chose him.
people talked, of course they did. negative or positive, they talked.
but over time, it got better. the jealousy never really subsided, but when the two of you walked through the halls, not as many people stared. and when you guys attended parties, not as many people ignored jann.
either way, you couldn't care less. you loved jann more than anything. nothing would change that.
you guys were sat a desk in the back of the library. quiet giggles and whispers could be heard. it was supposed to be a tutoring session, but it always turned out a different way. you always found him more interesting than algebra (or...calculus..?) and simply ended up making out. as jann explained the equation, your eyes lingered on him. you took in his facial features, admiring him not-so-subtly. he didn't notice until he looked over, and his eyes widened slightly. he smiled, before clearing his throat.
"so, do you understand? or do you need me to explain it better?" he asked, and you didn't answer. you didn't quite care, frankly. you weren't failing math, you had a 92%, which is borderline, but far from failing. so, it wasn't your biggest priority. in all honesty, you only kept up with these tutoring sessions to see him. you simply held his gaze, a look on your face he couldn't exactly read.
"were you even paying attention?" he asked, quirking a brow.
"no, not really."
"and by that you mean not at all, huh?" he asked, rhetorically. you nodded, with a small shrug. he laughed, before looking down. "so, uhm, what were you thinking about then?"
"three guesses," you said, smiling. you thought he had to have known by now, considering this is what you do every tutoring session.
"wha-Y/N, you know i'm not very good at this," he replied, cocking his head to the side in slight thought.
"oh cmon, it should be easy," you stated, with a playful eye roll. he lifted his hands up in defense.
"i really don't know," he said, and you couldn't help the laugh the emitted from you.
"gosh jann, you're smart, nerdy, but so incredibly dense."
"well then...just tell me. please?" he asked. and really, how could you say no to him? was it possible if you even wanted to? no. would you really ever want to? also no.
"i'm thinking about how cute you are. you and your perfect pink lips, how kissable they look, and your adorable curls--god, i'm thinking about you, jann. when am i ever not?" you say, leaning in closer as you speak your mind. he was slightly taken aback, before he leaned in as well. he didn't know what to say, so he didn't. he had this look in his eyes you knew all too well.
"can i...?" he queried, reluctantly. you grinned.
"you don't have to ask for a kiss, jann."
"right--sorry." you chuckled, before you kissed him. it was sweet, like honey. he was the one to pull away first.
"you know, you always do this," he said, with a head shake, but with an irresistible beam across his face.
"i know, just can't get enough of you," you said, kissing his cheek. you pecked his lips, nose, jaw, neck, everywhere you could. your hand cupped his face, and he seemed to lean into your touch. you went up for another kiss, which was a bit more feverish this time. your bodies felt hot, and you couldn't wait any longer. or...maybe you could, but you definitely didn't want to.
"let's go to my dorm, yeah?" you said, and he nodded eagerly.
goodness you loved that boy.
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥
𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐲? 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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Like...You saw what he said to Gwen when she called it a watch (which IT IS).
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[omg she's so tiny small next to him]
He's a NERD. He thinks this stuff is COOL. He's WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO ASK.
Like I imagine he's used to it by now - people's eyes glazing over when he begins to explain something technical or program-y, like Lyla's algorithms or the Multiverse Anti-Glitch feature of the watches.
He's put SO much work into all of this, the whole facility and the tech.
He made Lyla himself, but he knows that most people aren't really interested in that. So he's learned to simplify things.
If you ask a question, like how he made Lyla - he'll answer it basic and to the point.
_-_ 'She's an AI. She's my assistant and the notification system within your watch.'
He probably won't even look up from his work, thinking it's just the routine questions everyone asks before moving on to the next thing.
BUT IF YOU ASK FURTHER - Miguel's like
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Because it's not often someone actually like...does that.
It's probably very rare that someone shows interest in his technological, engineering, or physics studies - all of which he's INCREDIBLY talented at and actively working on
You ask him how long it took him to make her, he says a year or two.
You tell him how impressive that is and BOOM NERD!Miguel.
He's telling you how her voice detection took the longest, and how her multiverse-monitoring probability algorithm was something he had to tweak twenty thousand times.
You compliment him about the design of the watch, he's like
_-_ 'I still have the protypes.' And he's ready to show you different ones, different shapes and materials he considered using, but eventually ruled out through experiments and tests
You mention the words 'String Theory' or 'Time Dilation' around him and you will NEVER hear the end of it.
He has so many opinions on it he's never had the chance to share.
Ideas and theories about things like fourth dimensions, worm holes, black holes, and dozens of other theoretical scientific concepts.
I mean, he MADE time travel. He is an EXPERT in that stuff.
I would KILL to have a Time Travel Movie Marathon with Miguel.
Sitting on the couch and watching things like Back to the Future, and he describes what they got right, what would be impossible, how it could work in theory.
He probably talks through the whole movie, and picks each one apart. You watch Doctor Who and he WILL NOT SHUT UP.
He's probably AMAZIINNGG at math.
Like math IS science. It's the answer for science. So he's probably a natural master.
You can be like 'Miguel, What's 34% of 12,967?' - Without blinking he'd be like
_-_'...I'm guessing 4408, or something? I don't know, am I right? Ask Lyla, don't ask me.'
But you don't need to ask Lyla cause HE'S RIGHT
I mean... the man time-travels. I think he'd have at least a good grasp on history, and time periods. Thinks like ancient roman historians and how their thoughts effect modern science, and how certain events effected the flow of time throughout history.
I imagine he finds it so fascinating, seeing the vast differences that can span in universes, just from one small change. Maybe he even finds comfort in it, seeing how histories and stories have a natural flow in a way fiction can only hope to imitate.
I love me some Nerd!Miguel.
I wanna get in bed with Miguel and by that I mean I want to sit next to him as he sits in bed reading a book on the Theory of Relativity with reading spectacles and a mug of sleepytime tea okay
A Miguel who runs up to his partner like 'Read this,' and he's all proud as he hands you a notepad full of numbers. But to him it's a formula he's been working WEEKS on, one that'll make Lyla run smoother, and everything much easier and he wants you to think he's cool for it
A Miguel who spends date nights watching NatGeo documentaries for fun
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imraespace · 27 days
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"I knew it was too good to be true.." Reo muttered to himself as his normal morning routine with both yourself and Seishiro returned.
Both you and Seishiro stared at each other's bed hair, blanking out the boy in front who was yapping all his anger on you both.
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After your.. eventful.. morning, before you left the house, you packed your bag with an extra treat today, a juice actually. It's your favorite right now, strawberry Calpico.
You have a mini stash of Calpico drinks in the fridge at home but lately, you've been craving the strawberry flavor these days.
Not only that, you wrote a small note as well.
Looking back on the small gestures you did this morning, you wondered if it will be enough.
Will it be enough to please him?
You made your way towards your seat, sitting down with a sigh escaping your lips.
Your friends, Yoichi and Meguru, greeted you as per usual.
"Do you not have that book today? I say it's quite interesting." Meguru brought up, poking your shoulder.
"Give the book a rest." You replied, rolling your eyes.
He sat on your table, as Yoichi pulled up a chair beside you.
"What do you normally do with all the breaks given?" Yoichi asked.
Oh right, after the big match, they're on a break from training.
You looked up, tapped your chin and thought long and hard on what you usually do when given the breaks bewteen classes.
"Well I sleep and.."
"..and.." Yoichi repeated.
"And.. um sleep.."
"So you do absolutely nothing?" Yoichi asked, not surprised yet thought you at least did something else, besides sleeping..
"Sleeping means I'm relaxing my brain, why do you think I'm naturally smart?" You counter-back, crossing your arms at the boy.
"Oh, so all I need to do is sleep?" Meguru pointed out.
"No.. She's just gifted with a talent, she's naturally lazy."
You pouted at his words targeted towards you then decided to tease him since we're on the current topic.
"Our first subject is Maths, hope you can help yourself."
"Since I'm naturally lazy."
"Wait can you help me?" Meguru asked, kicking his feet while flashing you his smile.
You gave him the same smile.
"Of course!"
"Please.. I'm sorry.."
You laughed at Yoichi's miserable attempts and decided to drop it, petting his ahoge on the crown of his head.
"Of course I will help you Yo." You said, giving him a small smile.
He let out a small sigh, staring at your hand as you began to play with the small piece of hair.
"I'll shape it into a nice "V" for good luck like you always do."
He playfully rolled his eyes while muttering a small "Thanks"
Meguru thought it was fun, and began to play with your hair.
Maybe you three should spend your breaks just like this.
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Sadly for both Meguru and Yoichi, the first few periods contained their least favorite subjects, Social Studies and Maths. Luckily for them, they had you!
After the last period before Lunch ended, Meguru and Yoichi came running up to you with questions regarding the subject and as the nice friend you are, you explained it using a language they understand it in.
Anyways, it's lunchtime and now it's time to do what you planned on doing since this morning.
"Guys, I have to do something so stay right here, okay?" You told them, fishing out the note and drinking from inside your bag.
"Where are you going?" Meguru asked.
"Okay, when you're back we will eat." Yoichi told you.
"Says who? I'm hungry!" Meguru expressed loudly.
You fished out a candy out of your bag and shoved it in Meguru's hand, then made your way out of the classroom.
What's your mission right now? To find Rin Itoshi!
You mindlessly walked around the school, found the other teammates, and greeted them, yet found no Rin.
Your belly grumbled, reminding you that it was indeed lunchtime and you had yet to eat.
Then you remembered something, he always stayed back after football practice, there's no way he's there..
Yes way..
You made your way towards the school field and indeed found him there. He wasn't practicing, as the field was being used by other students but he was close by, more rather, away from the crowd.
You sighed, regaining your confident and slowly made your way to the boy.
Of course, he noticed, and slowly he became annoyed.
Your footsteps continued until it reached next to him.
He was eating his lunch by himself, watching the other students play in the field.
"What do you want?" He barked.
You sighed, blanking out his mean words and opened your mouth, ready to fix and start over.
"I'm sorry." It came out soft, but the boy still heard it.
His eyebrows raised in confusion, his unwelcoming facial expression showed yet he placed his onigiri beside him, decided to place all his focus on you.
His actions made you blush a bit, suddenly, the floor where his feet is became rather entertaining.
Whatever, you're here to do something, so finish it!
"I'm sorry for causing confusion, using Yoichi's name was really creepy, I know.."
Your words ceased every few shifting he did, this time, he stood up, looking down at you. Is he trying to kill you? Jesus..
"Uhm- I was just scared to say it directly but I really admired how much work you put into your practice! And thought you needed something refreshing..?" You continued, cringing at your words, well it is technically true..
His eyes never left your shaking body, embarrassment taking over you slowly, with each word leaving your mouth.
"And.. uh, the treat- the fruit sando.. it was actually mine.." You muttered.
"Huh?" His previous annoyance became less and less the more you talked, but that doesn't mean he's completely okay with you. The blank facial expression was still there, yet he listened to the words you told him.
"You see, that day I made fruit sandos for everyone, or I thought I did.. I forgot about Ego. So I gave him one and sacrificed my own for you.." You mumbled. Compared to the rest, this one was stupid.
He stayed quiet after you finished your word vomit. Your eyes were glued to his shoes but slowly, you looked up at his chest, then at his face.
"So as a sorry.. I have this for you.."
And slowly, you showed him the drink and small note, hidden behind the bottle. It was at the right temperature, not too cold but not too hot either.
He stared at it for a while, fighting the war in his head, should he take it? To him, he found no need for gifts.
Yet you answered it for him, softly shoving it in his chest, which caused him to automatically hold it, so it wouldn't fall.
"This is very special, as it's my favorite flavor and it's the last in my stash. That's how much I'm sorry, uh.. happy lunch?"
Before he could reply, you ran with speed and that was the last he saw of you for lunch.
He sighed and sat back down on the bench, placing the drink next to him, and decided to read the note.
‟ strawberry calpico is the best when you add chopped strawberries to it.
ദ്ദി(• ˕ •マ.ᐟ
╶ L/N. ฅ^._.^ฅ „
That stupid cat drawing.. he sighed, staring at it but didn't crumple it this time. There's no way he's gonna chop strawberries for some stupid drink.
Normally Rin Itoshi won't even lend an ear, but for some reason he did. Was it because everyone in your class knows about your lazy habit and you abandoned it just to find him? He thought it was weird that all of a sudden, you who's a whole snoozefest.. literally, began to do silly things out of the blue. Well, Rin only notices those who annoy him, and indeed you did, but staring at the bottle you gave him made him feel a type of way..
And he hated it. Of course he did. Rin Itoshi who blocks out everyone as a defense method to not get closer to anyone shouldn't feel this way.
He stares at the bottle, debating if he should throw it away.. but he remembers your words.
"..it's my favorite flavor and it's the last in my stash.. the fruit sando was actually mine.. sacrificed my own for you."
He sighed. Maybe just this once, he will chip at the wall he built and accept it.
That interaction didn't change him right away, but it changed you.
He looked back at the note for a second then noticed that your name looked familiar.
"Wait, I've seen her on my Twitter.. and that last name. It looks.."
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Your sudden appearance back in the classroom scared the duo, you were full-on panting, holding onto the door for support.
"Did something happen?" Yoichi asked, making his way towards you.
You shook your head, no way you're gonna tell Yoichi you apologized to his rival, the same person you used his name to give drinks to. Then he and Meguru will be onto you even more, mostly Meguru.. he's using Rin to his advantage... At least not now, you won't spill the beans now. You messed up last time and they had to cover for you so this time you're on your own.
"Did you decide to join the track team, I say you made it up here quite fast!" Meguru joked.
"Oh shut it."
He laughed at your response.
"Okay let's eat now!"
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Reo Mikage and Seishiro Nagi who's lived with you for quite some time.
Seishiro has been with you ever since you moved into his neighborhood. You were always sad during kindergarten, thinking about your past friend you left behind. Seishiro on the other hand always kept to himself but always stared at you when you had that gloomy look on your face. He didn't approach you, just looked. One day, you noticed his weird habit and realized that he was always alone so.. you talked to him! He never really talked though, it was mostly one-sided conversations yet you enjoyed it.
Timeskip to when Hyoma Chigiri entered your life again in middle school, that was around the time your parents introduced you to Reo Mikage.
Both yours and his parents were business partners at that time and your parents thought that Reo would be a great influence on you, maybe break you out of that habit you have. You two became friends, yes, but your habit still stayed. Reo tried his best but nothing worked.
In the end, your parents gave up on you, throwing you away, and ran off to Germany. You were left alone, mindlessly making your way to Seishiro's apartment until Reo found you on the way there.
He got you an apartment for yourself, the very one you three live in right now. It was big, and you wondered why he got you this big apartment for one person but didn't question him. Later on in high school, Reo met Seishiro and you three decided to just live together. Reo found everything in his life boring, as it was easy for him to get anything he wanted so this turn of events interested him, along with football.
Too bad he got stuck with two lazy people..
Anyways, besides that long background story, as time went on, the duo grew to love you so that's why Reo is right now dragging Seishiro to confront Rin for making you stay out in the rain AND cry.
"Where is this dude.." Reo muttered. Seishiro on the other hand isn't really helpful, staring at his phone screen, playing whatever game is present on that screen.
Just then, Reo notices the boy passing by, but his eye landed on his hand, rather what he's holding.
"Where did you get that?" Reo asked, causing Rin to stop in his tracks.
"None of your business." Rin simply said, continuing on with his day.
Reo pulled on the boy, causing him to stop without his will.
"For what?" Rin, who's not really ever in a social mood and is willing to put anyone in their place if they annoy him, turned and face the purple haired boy.
"Not to me, to Y/N."
Rin's eyebrows held confusion, wasn't she just there apologizing to him? Why should he apologize to you?
"Not only she was left in the rain, came back home late, and cried at our doorstep, I think you owe her an apology." Reo stated. He stared at Rin for a while, then walked away, Seishiro not too far behind.
Rin isn't a naturally mean person. He cares to some extent, but he may not show it to anyone. So for the tenth time, Rin lets out a sigh.
He's frustrated, not because he hurt you, he does feel bad yes but everything ever since that match has been weighing him down. It seems that he needs a break, but he will never give himself that. Ever. Not yet.
On his way back to his classroom, he threw away the drink you gave him with force, but he drank it out.
He accepted your apology.
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ฅ^._.^ฅ : some things about y/n !! she mostly sleeps through the day, only does stuff IF needed !! with her given gift of being effortlessly smart , all she does in her free time is : nap , eat , sleep. hmm what if.. one day y/n develops a crush and now has to ACTUALLY work to achieve a goal ? : date rin itoshi !!
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12 // 14
note: finally some action !
TAGLIST: @deezy12299 @kuroronana @khoiyyu @swagkittybear @shidousprincess @starbarfbunni @jealovsie @imtiredmf @hainge (OPEN)
! if you didn't get tag, that means your acc didn't show up :(
-`♥︎´- for this story, i'm trying a something new, which includes words/phrases, foods and hometowns from japan and germany. if there's any errors please point it out !
-`♥︎´- word count : 2.2K
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
A minor rant: the way a lot of people talk about feminism these days really makes me feel like feminism is going backwards and recircling into misogyny. Allow me to explain.
I remember when people used to protest the use of "like a girl" and "for girls" as an insult, by rebranding it into a compliment and showing that just because something is seen as for girls doesn't mean it's stupid because girl isn't inherently an insult. And now we're seeing women on TikTok and Instagram use "girl math" "girl dinner" "don't ask me, I'm just a girl" "explaining math and cars and movies and politics and ethnic cleansing for the girlypops" "girl money" and overall using girl as a shorthand for being stupid, insipid, frivolous, ditzy, and lacking substance. The very idea that girl means inferior that we used to fight against is now something that is being parroted unironically by internet misogynists who unironically think that "girl=stupid" is the pinnacle of feminism.
I remember when feminists were calling out the idea that femininity is a bad thing and means weakness, and showing that being feminine doesn't mean that you can't also be strong, badass, or capable, when Legally Blonde and Sailor Moon and Friendship is Magic were praised for showing unapologetic girly girls whose love for pink and fashion didn't at all stop them from being ambitious, or kicking butt, or being a good fighter, or showing the world who's boss. And now whenever a female character who is feminine also shows traits of strength or intelligence or doesn't adhere to misogynistic stereotypes that women should be passive or demure, people are complaining that she acts "like a man" or is "masculine"(as if being masculine is a bad thing) or "why can't she be feminine and strong?"(when she is, but what they really want is for her to be meek, submissive, and docile because they see those as feminine traits while being outspoken, assertive, and bold are somehow masculine traits, and then praise that somehow) People complained that Princess Peach was being made masculine in the Super Mario Bros. movie and in Princess Peach Showtime!, just because in the former she was a badass fighter and in the latter they changed her face on the box art to be more realistic...but I thought we wanted female characters to be both feminine and strong, and now that we get them people are claiming that they act like men...
I also remember when people used "not like other girls" to refer to women with internalized misogyny who thought that liking girly things made you inferior, who tried to be "one of the guys" because "girls are too much drama", or who went through a phase of being ashamed of their girly interests because society taught them to hate them. But eventually that just morphed into people(even self-proclaimed feminists!) unironically declaring that any woman who wasn't feminine had internalized misogyny and was a "pick-me"(when that is aave) who thought that they were better than other girls and wanted to be a guy and that if they didn't eventually become pink and girly then clearly they were still stuck in that phase. And now if women so much as critique legitimately harmful gender roles like the makeup industry or shaving, other women will tell them that they are pick-mes or not like other girls who hate the women who partake in those things.
And don't even get me started on the bimbo crap. That was funny at first when people were just using it to project hyperfemininity without downplaying their intelligence(and I saw some guys partaking in the bimbocore trend, too!), but eventually it did just devolve into women pretending to be dumb idiots who cater to male egos by acting superficial and clueless and like they can't do a damn thing by themselves...even though a large part of feminism is not dumbing yourself down to make a boy feel smart, I remember learning at the age of like 11 that if you have to do that because a boy is intimidated by your intelligence then that boy is not worth it(no boy is worth it now but anywayz), but apparently according to modern-day faux-feminists it is cute to pretend that you need a man's help for everything because you're "just a girl".
I also remember when we used to fight back against the idea that teenage girls are dumb, naive, and insipid, and that they are shallow and not worth being taken seriously, only for grown adult women to call themselves "20-year-old teenage girls" as a way of saying that they're immature, silly, and incompetent, and it drives me up the wall. Not only are you infantilizing yourself, you are throwing teenage girls(many of whom do not act like this) under the bus to do so!
And it just makes me so drained and exhausted to see how normalized this is and that this is what passes for feminism these days. And before people say it, yes, I know the sexist attitudes I complained are so widespread nowadays were always around. I'm not saying that they're new or only became prevalent through the rise of TikTok. I know that's not the case. However, it definitely feels like these ideas are becoming more normalized than ever before, and hardly anyone is speaking out against them, because if you do, people will come at you with "so you hate women having fun? just let women enjoy things! what's wrong with femininity?" and everybody will ratio you, which is incredibly frustrating and invalidating.
And ykw I noticed is that most if not all of these people I see doing these things are white women. I haven't seen many if any Black or brown women engaging in the self-infantilization and bimbofication of their entire gender. I know I shouldn't have to explain why that is. But this just proves for me that white women can really pick and choose whether they are allies to the feminist cause or not. They can choose whether they want to be oppressed for their gender or privileged for their race, while women of color don't have that "luxury". They can appease the male status quo because it was made for them in the first place, while also seeking the oppressive power that white men have. It's really sad. It's like we're doing male misogynists' work for them by playing into the "women are bimbos and shallow and can't do math, being a girl sucks, teenage girls are stupid, femininity is shallow but also if you're a tomboy or butch then you obviously must hate your sisters" ideas that have been forced on us for literal fucking centuries and it is just so depressing to see. I hope people come to their senses soon because this is legit getting concerning.
But hey, what would I know? I'm just a teenage girl.
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hyvcklvr · 2 years
Video Games
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Jeno x reader I think my writing cell got reactivated a teeny bit hehehe
It was known to you that your boyfriend liked gaming. It was his way of relieving his stress after a long week. He would spend hours at the computer, either yelling at his friends or getting yelled at by his friends. Nevertheless, it was one of his hobbies.
You weren't much of a gamer, but you liked observing the game. It seemed interesting, but you really did not understand much. Sometimes you wish you did, so that you could also play with them.
And maybe Jeno could read your thoughts, as on one fine friday evening, Jeno offered to teach you gaming.
"You would do that?" You asked, a little stunned by the sudden offer.
"Why not?”
So both of you sat at Jeno's gaming table, as he got the game ready. There were two computers, so both of you had one for yourselves. Jeno's gaming mate Haechan volunteered to join this lesson as a teammate. Both of them were surprisingly good at explaining, but you weren't the best student.
"No... you're supposed to hit that person. He is from the opposing team. You aren't supposed to kill my character." Jeno exclaimed. "Oh my gosh I'm so- Oh I ran into a tree. Who puts trees in a battleground?" You scrunched your eyebrows together. Haechan's high-pitched voice flooded your ears due to the headphones you had on. "GO LEFT! GO LEFT!" He kept saying, while your boyfriend yelled the exact opposite into your ears. “GO THE OTHER SIDE! TAKE THAT ONE DOWN!” He said.
You weren't good at following instructions. It all went over your head, like maths. You expected Jeno to be pissed off at you. But he just gave you a smile and caressed your hand.
"It's alright." He kept saying.
"No... you're supposed to hit that person. He is from the opposing team. You aren't supposed to kill my character." Jeno exclaimed. "Oh my gosh I'm so- Oh I ran into a tree. Who puts trees in a battleground?"
"Damn Jeno your pretty girlfriend is a total nutjob.” Haechan groaned.
You smiled apologetically almost laughing at yourself. “Watch what you say dumbass.” Jeno mumbled. Haechan rolled his eyes from the other side. “Oh, it's the knight in shining armour!” He mocked.
In the end, you lost the game, and let out a groan and fell back onto the chair. "I'm sorry. I'm terrible at this aren't I."
Jeno shook his head. "No. You're surprisingly good for a beginner."
You hit him lightly in the arm at that. "Stop lying." You frowned. Jeno laughed, raising his eyebrows. "I'm serious though?" He said.
You stretched your fingers and shook your head.
“It was just your first day baby, you'll get better soon.” Jeno said, and you looked at him to see his eyes crinkled into two crescent shapes. You smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
“Hmmm just this? I believe I deserve a bit more than this for being such an amazing teacher, don't you think?” He smiled mischievously and you chuckled and shook your head, leaning in forward to give him a kiss on the lips.
The sound of someone clearing their throat came from the other side. “Gross! Atleast disconnect your mic, geez.” Haechan groaned .
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rebrandedbard · 6 months
hey srry if this question makes you uncomfy or anything, but what are your thoughts on geraskefer and the other ships between the three?
Oh it isn't uncomfortable at all! In fact, this is a perfect example of polite interest and ask etiquette. You're asking about a subject I've blogged about and shown interest in, and in a very polite manner. I'm over-explaining this so as to comfort you and encourage future asks, my dear good nonny.
Since TWN season 2, I've loved geraskefer. Season two shifted all their dynamics in very interesting ways. I will elaborate:
That scene in the pub and later in the boat between Jaskier and Yennefer converted me. I LOVED their vibe in season 2, and what little we had in season 3 with them was delightful. I love them having this banter-heavy dialogue, this playful "I tooootally find you annoying" best bitchy friends attitude (exaggerated, of course, for fun in fandom). They really do have each other's best interests at heart. They care. And to have them be together without the involvement of Geralt is very nice, even if he is a large part of why they would come together in any circumstance. But seeing the trust between them grow and to see how they need and rely on one another is so compelling. Drinking buddies <3 and I need them to kiss.
Canon and a power couple. Divorced parents trying to get back together. A good contrast. The tension of knowing your love may be influenced by magic has a kind of tragedy. However, I need them to interact more outside of sex and talking about the wish. The opening of season 3 where we saw them as a family made me actually like them as a couple. I need them to be friends before I can ship them, and season 3 went a LONG way to making that happen. They've slowed down enough to actually get to know one another, and I look forward to seeing more of it.
The OG. The OTP. The reason like 99% of you are likely on this blog. Besties with romantic tension. The bants. The sass. The friendship and deep understanding at the core of who they are and how they interact. The ride or die. The tragedy of having it all thrown in your face and made insignificant in a moment of weakness. The desperation to repair what was once taken for granted. The choice to put in the work to repair what was lost. The honesty that comes with it. The fact that I am a gay (technically bi, like 85% men 15% women-ish whatever I'm gay I don't do math). These are what I find so compelling about the two.
All of the above with a healthy dose of tension, confusion, pining, despair, and an ending in which finally, just this once, everyone gets exactly what they want, and it's okay to have it. The healing. The appreciation for one another. All the fear gone and all the love spoken. The bisexual dream. Jaskier is the glue. And I want them to FIGHT over him before they all get together. THE ship that makes me actually think polyamory would be THE best conclusion. They're already family regardless and I will cling to that. It's a main FOUR. Those three are equals in this unit.
I hope that answers things for you! In conclusion, I love all the variations. Generally speaking, I rank them by favorite as geraskier, geraskefer, yennskier, yenralt. The more Jaskier in the relationship, the better.
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dr-futbol-blog · 4 months
Hot Zone, Pt. 1
Hot Zone (S01E13) is, in many ways, a story about the aftermath of the storm and the events of the Genii siege.
The episode starts with McKay and Zelenka playing Prime/Not prime, a math game. Zelenka is trying to get Ford involved, but he's just not into it. We never see McKay play this with Sheppard but the thing is, Sheppard is better than McKay is at mental math. We already saw this in Rising (S01E01), and we'll see it again toward the end of the season in The Brotherhood (S01E16). Where Zelenka is trying to get the young military member of the team to play the game with them, McKay is more trying to help him understand the game and how it's played. Like maybe he's either had to explain it before had it explained to him previously.
I'm going to go on a limb and suggest that this game was started by McKay and someone that is not currently present. Passing the time doing it is a way of keeping Sheppard close even when he's not there. In fact, we later learn that Ford hadn't been with them from the start but had joined them in the middle of things which would suggest that there had been someone else there with them previously that Ford had come to replace. Someone that might have had to leave for a regularly scheduled gym appointment, for example.
McKay seems to be in a real good mood. Not only is he engaged in the game, he's talking to everyone in an up-beat way. He calls one of his team members "the lovely and talented Dumais," calls one of the guys that has had enough of these shenanigans "Dr. Killjoy," and is just being all-around positive. He even admits it himself, telling the whole team: "Alright, you clowns, listen up! I don't often get a chance to say this, so savour it: good work, boys and girls! Let's go home."
This is the opposite of the McKay that Zelenka claimed is "always like this," the last time we saw him with his science team in The Storm (S01E09). Also, you got places you need to be, Rodney?
McKay does give a compliment to a woman here. It's not in his usual, sleazy over-the-top way when he's performatively hitting on someone. This woman is a member of his science teams so hitting on her would be somewhat problematic to begin with. But he does appear to just genuinely be giving her a compliment because he's in a good mood (and he also turns his back to her pretty much immediately, which signals a complete lack of interest).
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And by the looks of it, Dumais is not used to receiving praise from him and isn't quite sure what to make of it. If anything, she looks 100% done with her boss seeming to walk on Cloud Nine.
What ever has Rodney in such an obviously good mood can obviously last only so long. He's reminded of the reality of living on Atlantis when members of his science team start dropping dead under mysterious circumstances. This connects to the events of the previous episode The Defiant One (S01E12), where McKay had to watch a member of his science team die before his eyes, which is also relevant to the resolution of the episode later.
Toward the end of the season (Letters from Pegasus, S01E17), we see McKay musing about leadership. It's a humorous pastiche of his attempts at putting down some of his thoughts for a video message to earth. But the thing is, he has been thinking about it a lot. And the reason for it is John Sheppard and his relationship with the Major (what ever the nature of this relationship may be). He admires Sheppard and hence tries to emulate him. He especially tries to act the way he thinks Sheppard would act when there's danger in the air. And here, McKay displays a lot of leadership. He acts like a responsible leader, taking care of his people and the safety of the city. He wants to make Sheppard proud.
Perhaps not coincidentally, this episode is the first where McKay mentions that he has a sister on earth that he has lost contact with. It connects the episode to Letters from Pegasus, where he's making his video message with his thoughts on leadership to send to her.
They order a quarantine so as not to endanger other people in the city. We can contrast the way one of the scientists, Peterson, freaks out to how cool and collected McKay is. He understands the danger they might be in better than most people but he's still completely unafraid. He's not acting unafraid, he is unafraid. It does not occur to him to be afraid. McKay is also adamant about not endangering anyone in the city.
The plan, as instituted by Weir and Grodin, is for everyone in the city to stay put where they are. This seems to quickly become a problem for Sheppard.
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Sheppard and Teyla are practicing some form of Athosian martial art using wooden bastons at a room that has been converted into a gymnasium. She is teaching him, and apparently has been teaching him for a while. Although, she notices and makes note of the fact that Sheppard has not been practicing lately, which is interesting.
Although he's getting his ass kicked, Sheppard also seems to be in a real good mood.
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I mean, the fact that he's getting his ass beat so badly and is still in such a good mood is pretty telling.
Firstly, he doesn't treat Teyla as a woman but as a warrior, which is something she noticed pretty much immediately upon their meeting on Athos. He sees her as a person. John Sheppard is not sexist. He has no problem getting his ass beat by a woman that is better than he is at something, or learning from her. And he's learning more than stick fighting:
Sheppard: Y'know, no matter how many hours I put into this, you're still gonna kick my ass. Teyla: It is not for the winning that we practise. Sheppard: Well, what's the point?
(This exchange seems to hearken back to the beginning of the episode where Ford failed to see the point of Prime/Not prime. Like, this exact exchange may have happened previously between Sheppard and McKay regarding the numbers; clearly, he eventually learned to love playing just for the sake of playing; just to hone a skill).
Second, this kind of activity gives them time to bond. They are good friends and care about each other. Where Sheppard is wound into tight knots inside, Teyla is empathic and very good with feelings, expressing what she thinks and how she feels. Being around her is really good for Sheppard. And the fact that she is very sexy, and they are a man and a woman, does not make their interaction sexual or their bond erotic.
They get a message through the intercom about the city going under lock-down for a few hours. Granted, Sheppard is head of security and obviously, he should be concerned. His mood changes instantly, just like McKay's did when a member of his science team died before his eyes. We can contrast Teyla and Sheppard. She's concerned. He is agitated. He needs to know whether there's danger and especially whether someone he cares about is in danger.
Elsewhere, Rodney is leading his science team. Unlike Sheppard, McKay is not freaking out but seems to be on a mission, and indeed it's members of his science team that express concern. Trying to figure out why the scientists died, he tells Ford: "Don't worry, my motivations are based entirely on self-preservation."
But is that what they are?
He wants to get to the bottom of the problem, to be sure. It's not to save the day. It's not to get out of quarantine, which he helped set up himself. There's no indication that he's personally in any danger, yet. He says that his motivation is self-preservation but it seems much more like his motivation is actually to keep what ever is down there from spilling into the rest of the city. Where someone he cares about it.
But it's not that he wants to put himself needlessly in danger. He very much doesn't want to die, not now. He has a reason to want to get out of this safely. It's a motivation, but not his main motivation. He even orders Ford to come with him to the Ancient lab for protection. He wants to figure it out, he wants to fix it, but he also very much wants to get out of there safely.
In the gym, Sheppard is pacing during his call to Weir, getting more and more agitated by not being in control of the situation:
Sheppard: Teyla and I are coming up to join you. Weir: We're in a self-regulated quarantine, Major. Everyone stays where they are. Sheppard: They're nearly a mile away on the east pier. D'you really think I'm in any sort of danger walking from here to the Control Room? Weir: At this point we don't know where they contracted the virus.
First of all, let me note that he knows where McKay is, like exactly. Yes, McKay and Ford are both members of his team but he seemed to be enjoying a day off, having no reason to know his whereabouts in that detail (also? He started heading out of the gym finished with the stick fighting class around the same time as McKay was supposed to be returning back to the city; just saying, he threw that towel on his shoulders like he had places to be and wanted to grab a shower before that).
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So, to recap: Sheppard was in a good mood. Has been skipping practicing recently. Forgot to bring his radio with him to the gym. Was about to grab a shower. McKay was in a good mood. Playing a mental math game. Couldn't wait for the inspection of never-before visited nooks of Atlantis to be over and return to the city. All I'm saying is that we later learn in canon that McKay and Sheppard have been spending a lot of time together between missions (ergo, episodes), and while we don't know exactly when they started playing "the game," they are definitely doing it by this time.
I also have no doubt in my mind that Sheppard was the reason Ford was down there with them because he wasn't exactly enjoying himself and seemed like he wanted to be anywhere else. And it wasn't just Ford but they were also accompanied by two huge marines. McKay's safety seems to be a pretty important thing for Sheppard, for some reason.
This being the case, he is trying every trick in his book to convince Weir that he needs to be in on the action. He pulls rank, he tries reasoning with her, tries coming up with excuses and ways he could join them in attempting to figure this thing out. Also, look at his eyes when Weir says: "At this point we don't know where they contracted the virus."
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It's not a generalized anxiety he's feeling. It's not that he's missing out on the action and wants to save the day. It's not that he's head of security and his city is under some kind of a threat he needs to fix. This is a very specific fear for the people that Weir claims have contracted a virus. Two of them in particular. One especially.
And he is conflicted. He doesn't want to risk making it worse by breaking protocol and evading quarantine. But he also can't just sit on his ass if Rodney is in some kind of danger.
Continued in Pt. 2
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last time i saw K story time
so i went to his office and he wasn't there but the door was open (he usually leaves the door open when he knows i'm passing by and he always says it's ok if i go sit in there instead of waiting outside but i get weird and awkward about it so i don't) so i turn around to go wait on the bench and see him coming down the hall
maybe i'm delusional but his only like face lights up and his eyes IDEK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT GUYS he just has this way of making everyone feel special and ugh god he's so precious. and then he went, "anastasia!"
shy awkward me: hey!
nods toward his office door, "come."
so we go in and he pulls out a chair for me and we sit and talk about some stuff i don't feel comfortable sharing on here. basically the last time i saw him i asked him about a problem i have and he had a solution but it's something that's difficult for me to do but he made me promise to do it and i did it (i pinky-sweared and also he could literally ask me to get him a rock from mars and i'd do it).
then we kind of sat quietly in comfortable silence thinking our own thoughts. then the janitor came by and said he needed to clean out the office in an hour so then K and i started taking things out of his closet, putting them in bags. it was very interesting. bestie has like 12 kinds of tea in his closet.
he found the math textbook he used in college in the back of his closet and then looked at it then at me and said, "this math textbook saved me in college." (pause) "you should have it."
and then i was all like no i can't accept this but he insisted. he wrote a note on the title page that told me to read after i left and then we continued and then the whole office was empty. it was so weird to see it like this like this place that we'd spent so much time in stripped completely bare of everything. it was weirdly eerie and ghostly.
then the janitor came and peaked his head for a second and K was like i guess they're kicking us out now.
so we walked outside with the boxes of his things and i helped him carry them to his car because the school parking lot is literally a mile away from the building and then we put everything in the trunk together.
he asked me if i need a ride anywhere. i said no because i had to wait for my brother to get out of class.
we kind of stood in the parking lot like that for a second leaning on his car and then i said, "i'm going to miss you."
he said, "well, i'm going to miss you more."
then i started crying and (i'm squealing just thinking about this) he turned around and hugged me and my back was pressed against the car. he rubbed me back comfortingly and told me everything was going to be okay.
like he hugged me before on my graduation and on the last day but before it was just a short squeeze but this was like a full proper hug.
like the magical disney fairytale person he is he didn't pull away until i did.
then he said "i'll be seeing you back here for christmas, yes?"
i just laughed. "you're not getting rid of me that easily."
and then he got in his car and drove away.
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courtofmatchups · 1 month
You're out here doing the lords work, and I need to thank you for scratching the itch in my brain lol. Good fortune for you and your loved ones, may the lines you encounter always be short, and may you have endless creativity. Hell yeah, brother.
Could I ask for a Tokyo Debunker matchup? I'm willing to do a trade, too, if you're interested! I've only written for a few characters between Obey Me and tkdb, but I'd def love to repay the kindness.
So, hi. I'm Birds, or Birdy. She/her, bisexual/maybe ace? gray-ace? one of those, at least.
Appearance: 5'9, pale, super wavy dark blonde/light brown hair, and hazel eyes. I have a deceptively cute round face and big glasses. i've been told that I give off a naturally sweet and impish impression because of that. I'm also fairly slim, but there's definitely a layer of chicken nugget insulation for warmth and comfort.
MBTI/Zodiac: INFP and Gemini
About me: I tend to spend most of my time in my head, and I can easily come off as ditzy or standoffish. I have inattentive ADHD and I'm really introverted, so typically I try not to speak up unless I have something worth saying. I keep a few close friends and tend to unload all of my thoughts from the day on them (and as quiet as I am, I talk a mile a minute when I'm excited or explaining something interesting.) Multiple people have told me (to my face c':) that they were shocked by how intelligent I actually am. And yeah, maybe math and spelling aren't my thing, but for the most part, my silly goose hat is a choice. I have trouble speaking my thoughts out loud, so I'm a big fan of burying my negative emotions as deep as possible until i'm a walking shell of a person, self-sabotaging, and using swear words or memes to express myself. But what I lack in, like, everything else, I make up for by being as good of a friend as possible. I love making the people I care about laugh just as much as I love messing with them and I'm willing to make myself look like a fool to make them smile.
Hobbies: Writing, reading, sewing, and then whatever little hobbies I pick up and then forget about in a week. A fun fact about me is that I once spent over 8 hours on the phone my best friend doing nothing but discussing our oc's.
Likes: spooky/whimsical things, fairy lights, making my loved ones laugh and/or roll their eyes, small, comfortable nooks to hide in, music (any genre, it's just gotta match the vibes), dating sims, fandom history (putting together a legit presentation on the history of zines in fan studies rn), and holding hands c:
Dislikes: Loud places, bright lights, speaking to people without being able to prepare myself, not having headphones somewhere on me, people who go out of their way to be mean, objectively dumb opinions being said confidently, and any perceived wrong done to my loved ones
Qualities I look for: Patience and physical affection. I'm a forgetful mess and I'm mean enough to myself without someone else getting frustrated with me, and casual affection like hugs and hand holding give me something to ground myself with. They'd need to see me as a partner and best friend rather than Conventionally Attractive Girl, too. My Manic Pixie has been Dream Girl'ed more than enough.
Thank you again!
It seems to me you've captured the heart of...
Haku Kusanagi!
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I could see a few others being potential matches, Like Alan or Haru, but I feel like Haku would be the best match for you. Hear me out: I feel like he'd be initially drawn in by your silly and whimsical nature. Haku likes being around sharp and witty people. He's pretty easygoing and will tease you, but he doesn't go out of his way to be mean. He does tease you about being in the clouds at times, but he does like that dreamy side of you. He's not too picky about appearances when it comes to partners, so even more reason he's a great match for you.
As for your tendency to yap about anything that interests you, you can bet that he would like to see you get so animated about the things you like, but you might need to slow it down so he could understand what you're talking about. He will tell you though.
Haku doesn't really have a set preference for hobbies, he just enjoys making memories with his partner, so any hobby either of you choose to do would be a fun and stimulating experience.
Haku is also pretty emotionally intelligent, so he'll be able to help walk you through the emotions you're feeling. He's a patient man, and will understand if you mess up for one reason or another. He'll also help if that happens. And don't worry about physical affection, he will shower you with that in the event you're feeling down and cannot articulate your feelings in a way other than "I need a hug right now."
All in all, I see a happy relationship between the two of you
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rdngl · 1 year
hopeless romantic thoma as your classmate.
a very short hcs abt thoma! this is actually a another version of the hcs because the first one was too long! so in here, i'll try & keep it simple!
warnings: very ooc (i'm sorry), cursing, badly written, might contain typos and grammatical errors
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thoma, just what the title said—is a hopeless romantic. he falls in love easily, falls harder, daydreams about their crush, and because of that, he falls out of love easily too.
this didn't matter to thoma. he knows what kind of person he is and he's not the type to confess immediately because he knows that if that person shows something that immediately turns him off, that person is erased or scratched out from his crush list.
our thoma here prefers a serious relationship. and even though he falls in love easily, and sometimes feels the urge to confess to the person they're interested in—he won't.
if thoma somehow confesses his feelings for you, that might mean that you've known each other for a while now, you're very close to each other and so on.
thoma is in love with the idea of being in love. being able to care for someone, someone cares about you, being able to love them and they also love you, and all that kind of stuff. he might seem like he has high standards but if you do the "bare minimum" on him-boom! you're officially his crush.
speaking of crushes, he's had happy crushes too!!! actually, funny story- thoma had a crush on someone and well, that someone has a partner! guess what- he was heartbroken but that went away quickly.
oh, and he's also the type to pass by his crush's classroom just to look at them for a millisecond before turning around and giggling like a little schoolgirl.
enough of that, let's get down to business.
WHAT IF thoma fell in love for real? like- omg i have a crush on them to omg i love them type of way??? thoma lovers (me) here's your crumbssss <333
a transferee student (you) became classmates with him, thoma fell in love at first sight, oh and wait- there's more!!! you might look like you'll bite but you're very friendly, you care about your academic performance, smart (if you're a math and science smart congratulations you fucking won), that's a plusss 1000 points for thoma.
BUT HEY- the two of you got close, laughed and joked together, you helped him with his homeworks and stuff that he can't understand that's plus 5000 points.
NAHHH YOU TWO GOT PARTNERED UP FOR A SCIENCE PROJECT?!@?!? WOW HOW LUCKY imagine thoma staring at you, smiling so softly while you explain the instructions and shit (whatever you do in group works because my group members are useless asf /hj) ONG IM DYING FR FOLDING
and that project helped the two of you understand each other better!??!?!?! science never sounded this good in thoma's ears.
the panic, the realisation, that warm feeling, the feeling of winning- thoma felt all of that as he stared at you, figuring out the problems you need to solve for a math homework (i think thoma's ideal type is a smarty guys😥)
that's when thoma knew, he had to confess to you and well- his ideas and daydreams for confessing to someone saved him. all the romance books he'd read, all those scenarios in his head led to this final moment.
“i...i've liked you ever since the moment we met! you were so cool and smart and you managed to get past all the problems that were thrown at you. you're the bravest and strongest person I've ever met and i'm inspired! i-i thought that this feeling might not last that long but every time, every second that we were together that feeling grew and grew and before I knew it, i was madly in love with you.”
“y/n, would you like to explore this feeling with me?”
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© rdngl 2023. do not repost, copy, translate or claim my works.
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mossymandibles · 1 year
So I absolutely love your world building and neat as hell monster characters (Kraws design is just peak character design oh my lord)
And after scouring your entire blog to learn as much as I could, there's still so much I wanna know! How did Kraw come to adopt Gen? What happened to her eye? (I'm not sure if you've already explained what happened? Maybe I missed that detail)
Oh man, thanks! Glad to hear you like the dragon dad. And I’m sorry, I feel like my blog is very vague and unorganized as far as world building stuff goes, compared to others. Plus there’s a lot of outdated old art/storyline stuff that I’ve changed is still on here 😅 But happy to hear you enjoy it!
I have answered a similar ask about Kraw and Gen here. But lucky for you! I love to over explain things and I feel like I want to give a little more insight to Gen’s situation this time because I don’t think it’s spoiling anything too much. I honestly don’t know when I’ll get around to making little comics like I’ve wanted to in order show how she came about.
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Gen has only told Kraw that she is from a city called the Fever. She remembers her friends from the city and that the Ladder was coming for them. She remembers falling into the ocean and seeing the giant eye. She couldn’t remember how she got aboard his ship, or how long she had been adrift at sea before then.
She wakes up in Sylvaine’s infirmary, where Kraw takes her after he finds her on his ship. Kraw distinctively remembers getting chills when he sees Genevieve again after Sylvaine nurses her back to health. He felt he was looking a completely different child in the eyes. She gets upset and doesn’t like to be pressed further or asked more questions on the matter, so Kraw slowly gives up, only knowing that she comes from the Ladder’s main facility. Most people of Marrowtide Isles like to avoid anything having to do with the Ladder if they can. He only hopes that it doesn’t mean that they’ll come looking for her.
She inherited her mug by unwittingly stealing/absorbing the most important energy source to the Ladder. She got away with some slight hemorrhaging, an occasional voice in her head and a strange growth on her face that Sylvaine classifies as ‘fungal’; an understatement to give Kraw peace of mind perhaps. Besides appearing to have a way with beasts, it gave her some other far more ghastly abilities, a few that only Kraw has been privy to seeing and seems keen on keeping a secret or even downright ignoring for the time being.
After some failed attempts to get rid of her (a dreadful incident with an orphanage and pissing Sylvaine off once or twice) she seemed to keep finding her way back to Kraw. Despite his initial reluctance and a possible fear of her, he found her endearing in some ways.
He notices that she seems to have a keen eye for math and helps him with heftier reading since he’s mostly illiterate. She also has way better people/negotiating skills when helping run the shop he has on the side when fishing season is slow. She didn’t seem to have anyone else and had latched onto him quite tightly, so he grew used to the idea of taking care of her. It surprises most people but Kraw is actually pretty good with kids. He’s just never raised his own until now. The absolute child-like disregard she seems to have for the detriment she could cause just makes her all the more interesting to him in a sense. Maybe he feels a child like that needs someone to look after them so they don’t end up causing world-ending chaos? If he can make her happy before whatever unknown future comes for her then he’ll feel he has a purpose for once that isn’t for profit or hurting others. However, raising a whole ass kid who has already been through life’s ringer isn’t as easy as he thought it’d be of course. Lol. Lmao.
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