#and Lizzie's grandmother
magimerlyn · 11 months
Until the End
An Ever After High prequel fanfiction
Chapter 1
The Wrong Roommate
It was the beginning of the school year at Ever After High, and students were beginning to move onto campus and into the dorms. A girl with pale, milky skin and long, cream colored hair went to the bulletin board to double check the dorm assignments. She wore a pink knee-length skirt, and a white blouse with lace sleeves. Her pink kitten heels had a small pearl dangling from each buckle. She wore a white pearl headband and carried a small, square white handbag with a light pink rose in the center.
Pearl White, the descendant of Snow White, sighed, seeing that the headmasters had not honored her request for a fellow princess as her roommate. Well, that wasn’t quite accurate. They had decided to room her with Victoria Hearts, the daughter of the Queen of Hearts, an exchange student from Wonderland who was there to take advantage of the princess class track at Ever After High.
Pearl had hoped to room with one of her friends, like Helena or Cynthia. The three has met in middle school, when Pearl had all but begged her mother to let her go to public school. The girls had quickly become friends. They bonded over and daydreamed about their destinies, and their bond had lasted for years now. And it would for ages to come.
The heavy doors of the school slammed open with violent purple magic. In strode Adrian Queen, the son of the Evil Queen, with Ragnar Huntsman following a step behind him. Pearl quickly averted her gaze, hoping to avoid his notice. This was why she had wanted to room with one of her friends, so she wouldn’t be alone when he inevitably decided to hurt her arbitrarily.
She could feel the moment when his alexandrite eyes landed on her, could see in her mind’s eye the cold, cruel smirk that spread across his face. She heard the click click click of his heeled dragon-scale boots as he walked across the polished wooden floors, coming to a stop right behind her.
“Hello, dear sister,” a black velvet voice purred from behind her. Slowly, she turned, looking up at the boy standing a few feet away. His black hair was swept to one side of his face, an iron crown sitting upon his head. He wore his royal wealth with pride, a deep purple stone hanging from one ear, and a black cape trimmed in gold and lined with indigo off one shoulder. His high-necked black shirt tucked into high-waisted tailored trousers. An iron corset encircled his waist and he wore a matching bracer on each arm.
“Hello, Adrian,” she said, barely keeping her voice steady. “Is there something you needed?”
The smirk widened into a cold grin, showing far too many teeth to be anything resembling friendly. “I just wanted to know who your new roommate was. It would be best if I took care of any misunderstandings early on, don’t you agree?”
Pearl sighed, glancing back up at the board. “I’m roommates with Victoria Hearts of Wonderland. She’s an exchange student.”
Adrian looked pensive for a moment, before saying “Ah, the future Queen of Wonderland. Good, I had worried it’d be someone I’d need to talk to.”
“Talk to” would have meant threatening Pearl’s roommate to not get involved in their affairs, but since everyone knows that villains all have an unspoken agreement to not get involved anyway, it would be unnecessary.
“Where’s your luggage, Ragnar and I will help you bring it up to your room.” That predator grin was back. Sometimes Pearl could swear that Adrian was part dragon, the way he played with his food. She nodded demurely and the three of them walked out to where her carriage had dropped her and her friends off. Her luggage was piled next to her friends’, where Adrian’s magic wrapped around it to lift into the air.
Ragnar nodded at the two girls in greeting. He didn’t often say much, in fact all most people ever heard leave his lips was a reverent “yes, your highness,” always directed at Adrian. His chestnut hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, choppy bangs framing his face. His almond-shaped eyes were like pools of emerald, and just as hard. Pearl noted that his bow and sword were missing from his back and side, though the rest of his outfit was the same as always: a studded leather pauldron over a deep blue shirt, a few belts that would ordinarily hold his sheath and quiver, and dark brown pants tucked into leather boots. The only thing on his belt right now was Adrian’s Token: an iron dragon curled around a piece of cut alexandrite.
Helena Rose, a dark-skinned girl with onyx eyes, looked up from the book in her hands. Her black braids were pulled into a half ponytail and she wore a yellow sundress paired with a flower crown. Her wedge sandals matched the woven straw purse slung across her body. She was sitting next to Cynthia Ella, a girl with dark brown hair and tinted skin. Her sapphire blue eyes sharpened when she saw Pearl’s luggage starting to float. She stood up, brushing down her deep blue skirt and glared at Adrian from behind her wire-rimmed glasses.
“What are you doing?” she demanded, one hand resting on her hip.
Adrian briefly glanced over to the girls before turning his attention back to the suitcases. “It’s nothing to concern yourself with, Cindy. Don’t you have some laundry to do?”
Cynthia fumed as Pearl spoke up. “He’s helping me get settled in. Everything is okay, I promise.” She gave a reassuring smile. “You know how it is.”
Her friend looked like she wanted to say something, but she sighed, relenting. “So I’m guessing we’re not roommates?” Pearl shook her head regretfully. Cynthia cursed under her breath before her eyes flickered to Pearl’s brother. “They didn’t put you with-“
“Of course not!” Pearl tried to soothe her friend. “After what happened in middle school, there’s no way they’d try putting him in the girl’s dorms.”
Adrian laughed from where he was standing. “Who could have guessed that preserved Dragon’s Breath could be so volatile?” Ragnar cracked a grin at that, his gaze softening as he looked at the smirking warlock.
Pearl offered Cynthia a reassuring smile. “They have me rooming with Victoria Hearts. Adrian is just helping me with my luggage. He insisted.” She shrugged, trying to convey a “what can you do?” It didn’t seem to work, judging by Cynthia’s expression.
“Pearl.” Adrian called sharply. She jolted, before shooting a last smile at her friends and hurrying over to her brother. He strode forward, his knight at his right hand and his sister at his left. The crowds parted on their approach, previously spoken conversations hushed down to a whisper. The three of them climbed the stairs of the girl’s dormitory. When they finally reached the door with Pearl’s name on it, Adrian knocked imperiously before having Ragnar open it.
Half of the room was already decorated in red, black, white, and gold. A black vanity with gold on the edges stood a few feet down from the tufted red and white bed frame. The bed was pushed against the wall, and a shining black nightstand stood beside it. There was a large red armchair positioned next to a small bookshelf by the window, already set up with bright red drapes.
Sitting at the vanity was a girl with long black hair. When the door opened, she turned her pale, heart-shaped face to the intruders, her garnet eyes looking them up and down. Her makeup was simple, but harsh, her lips painted into a small, blood-red heart. She had blunt bangs cut just above her eyebrows, and half of her hair was tied up in a heart-shaped bun. She wore a golden tiara with heart-shaped rubies and oval-shaped pieces of jet. She wore a high-necked, tight-fitting black shirt, with a red corseted skirt reaching just below her knee. A red, heart-shaped purse with a golden chain was slung over the back of her chair.
“White knight, moonshine, a place, a face, I have mine?*” she asked. Pearl and Ragnar shared a look of confusion, while Adrian laughed.
“Well then, that certainly clears up any question of this being the right room,” he smirked, leading the trio inside. “I am Adrian Queen, son of the Evil Queen. I’m helping my sister move in. And you must be Princess Victoria Hearts of Wonderland.”
Victoria nodded. “And I presume you are my roommate,” she said, turning her gaze over to Pearl, who nodded.
“My name is Pearl White, daughter of Ivory White. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She looked around the room. “I… like your room. It’s very… fitting.”
“Clubs, spades, hearts and diamonds all ten,”* Victoria said, turning back to her vanity and the cards she had set out.
Adrian set down the luggage. “Well then, Ragnar and I will be off. Pearl, I’m sure you’ll behave yourself.” With that, he swept out of the room, leaving Pearl to unpack on her own, with a villain on the other side of the room.
*Riddlish translations:
“Hello, what is your name?”
“That is very kind of you.”
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taudryfalls · 6 months
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conflicting "the coastal granddaughter" aesthetic I propose "the lace girl aesthetic" which is basically the same thing but the grandmothers vibe from when she was young.
XOXO -Taudry
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sadly-never-after · 23 days
God this escalated but I had so much fun with it
Some headcanons about duchess relationships
Canon (kind of) Friends
Sparrow Hood
Sparrow gave her the earrings she wears with her main outfit. 
They were friends since they were kids but they started drifting apart on their first two years of high school because of the royal vs. Rebel conflict and Duchess growing bitterness over her destiny. Their first real and biggest fight was on True Heart’s Day and they later had another falling out because of NTV. However shortly after they started reconciling  and by the time the Spring Unsprung Festival came they were back to normal. 
One time during one of their quarrels, Duchess transformed into a swan and left angry. Later he found her and tried talking to her. They had to do some throne work together and eh was too tired to keep being angry. He tried to talk with her but she wouldn’t transform back so he took her in his arms and carried her to their classes. She still refused to transform back and he was getting annoyed because she pecked and batter her wings at him the entire time. The teachers asked him why he brought that bird to class and he was just like “It’s Duchess. She is just honked off” He basically dragged her to lunch and sat them down with Kitty & Faybelle. He explained and they smiled. Faybelle said “I hope she gives you hell” and Kitty giggled to his annoyance. After classes were almost finished he saw her eat a bug and he started getting worried. He thought for some reason her curse had taken hold of her and was terrified. He asked Cupid which Princes at school had just gotten in a relationship because maybe if he broke them up Duchess would go back to being normal. Among other people, when he was borderline desperate, he realised Dexter (epitome of a “failing” prince) had finally gotten together with Raven. He tried to break them up because maybe Dexter was meant to be Duchess’s prince. When that didn’t work the two tried talking to him. He explained and Raven agreed to help him break Duchess spell. They want to pick Duchess, whom Sparrow had left in his Treehouse. Her magic didn’t work, probably because it was a benign spell and Sparrow almost broke down, they then headed to the students lounge to get Farrah. As soon as they entered they saw Lizzie, Kitty, Faybelle & Duchess playing cards together. His first emotion was immense relief and he gave her a hug so hard he ended up lifting her in the air. He was so happy he didn’t care when she called him bird bray and yelled for him to let her go. Then he realised he had been carrying some random bird around school the entire day and that people had seen him cry because of Duchess. He was less relieved. Embarrassed…slightly confused over how much the entire thing seemed to affect him. 
Duchess has only taken two people to see her mother. When she took Sparrow, she didn’t tell him about her mother, she just took him to the lake. He got bored really fast because of how quiet she got and because she told him not to make any noise. Then he started commenting on the swans and was like “what’’s up with that one?” when he saw one that was further away from the others and hissed at nothing. Duchess didn’t answer and just kept feeding the other swans. Then she started crying “Man someone should put that thing out of its misery.” and she responded with angry tears on her eyes, “That’s my mother.” He didn’t say much for the rest of the day. They just stayed there and he put a hand on Duchess shoulder when she started crying, he sat next to her, played some of her favourite songs and after a while she rested her head on his shoulder. Later they walked back together and they haven’t spoken about it ever since.
After that happened, he started feeling a bit weird around Duchess and then after some soul-searching he realised he was a bit in love with her. Not a crush, didn’t feel as passionate as a crush, but maybe equally intense. He decided not to act on it though because he is not that stupid and knows it would be really destructive and unhealthy. He told Tucker about it and told him he and the band always suspected it but they didn’t want it to be true. 
Duchess’s grandmother dislikes him a lot. She is always relieved when they get into a fight and always disappointed once the two start hanging out again. However, since this has never negatively affected Duchess’s academic performance she lets it pass. As strange as it is, he does find it weirdly touching that she defends him.
They usually spend parents weekend together. Maid Mariam is busy as she is part of the teaching staff and Sparrow’s dad is dead. The two just hang out together and judge (secretly envy) every student who is having a sweet time with their parents. 
It annoys her a lot but she has never missed a single one of his concerts. At first she would claim she just happened to be around and din’t know they were going to play. Later when he started playing for the school she excused herself saying it was because she couldn’t just avoid it. As of now she usually claims that she has nothing better to do but no one believes her. 
However, she always does his makeup for the stage. She knows about that stuff, being a ballerina, and she claims she doesn’t want him to look ridiculous because it will affect her reputation (pls take that hat off). At first Sparrow hated it because he thought it was girly but there was something relaxing and cozy about closing his eyes and letting her use brushes on his face. By now he actually likes it a lot and even wears eyeliner with most of his outfits.
He got Duchess into listening some of his favourite bands and recurrently makes her mixtapes that consist mostly of rock versions of classical music, some of his newest songs. They have spats about infamous female punk rock Idol, Courtly Love. Duchess defends all of her actions. 
Faybelle Thorn
They met at spellementary school and became fast friends by neither of them being intimidated by the other. It was a welcomed challenge that developed into genuine friendship over the years. Initially, Duchess’s grandmother wasn’t very approving of their friendship and was even rather unnerved by Duchess’s two main friends being the lazy son of a known criminal and the very competitive daughter of a known evil-doer. She isn’t overly fond of Faybelle but has seen how happy this friendship has made Duchess and became a lot more supportive of the two when she realised how their competitive side got them to be on top of their classes. 
They have quarrels about the differences between being a cheer hexer and a ballerina. Faybelle tried to convince her to get into cheer hexing but after thinking about it more deeply she realised that could be detrimental to their friendship since they would get overly competitive
Their second year at school distanced them a little because they have very few classes together and each of them is also giving their 100% on throne work and extracurriculars so they made a promise to try to have a sleepover/friendly date every Sunday and pick each other as partners for class assignments as often as possible. Once Bunny was assigned as Fay's roommate it, Duchess & Bunny just switched dorms so the wondelrandians could have sleepovers at Duchess & Lizzie's dorm. 
They are the sort of friends who can spend months without talking but still refer to the other as "my best friend forever after" when talking to other people.
Mutually judge each other over Briar/Sparrow.
They borrow each others jewellery all the time to the point sometimes they don't know who it actually belongs to.
Fay has a tendency to do cheers for Duchess after she's done with a performance. Duchess is usually embarrassed by how inappropriate they are for a ballet function but she always gives her a hug and thanks her for it.
  Faybelle is the friend with whom she is never sad when she is around. She knows how to cheer her up, how to be so mean that Duchess can take it as motivation. She knows how to provoke her into action
Duchess has only taken two people to see her mother. Sparrow is one, as already mentioned, and Faybelle is the other. Unlike with Sparrow, Duchess told her that she wanted to take her to meet her mother. Faybelle immediately knew which swan was Duchess's mom. How could she now? Looking all scared and aggressive? With all that bare skin from plucking its own feathers? Something was  obviously wrong with that animal. It was a really difficult thing to see and they didn't say a word while Duchess threw bread crumbs and fruits at the swans but Faybelle thinks of it as "The moment she knew she would never forsake Duchess". She hugged her mother extra tight the next time she saw her.
Duchess told Faybelle about the entire deal of her ending up in General Villainy class and of the possibility of her becoming the evil queen and Faybelle was charmed. She knows that’s not Duchess’s ideal ending but come on!!! We could rule the world together! She isn’t pressuring her or anything but man she would love it if Duchess embraced a destiny of villainy instead one of punished selflessness.  
Lizzie Hearts
First they both thought that the other was too loud and talked too much. Now they send each other “the yapper-the listener” memes but both of them are convinced of being the listener and think of each other as the yapper.
They started warming up to each other as the months passed by. Lizzie felt more at home with Duchess brutal honesty and sarcasm than with the other princess and Duchess started spending a lot of time with her and Kitty. It was really nice for her to finally have a fellow princess to bond with. 
They had a massive fall out due to Next Top Villain. Even after Duchess saved Lizzie, it was still a bit awkward around them. Just when things were getting almost back to normal…the thing with Daring happened. It distanced them even more and brought a lot of conflicting feelings for the two of them. It took a lot of time for the two of them to mend their friendship again.  
After they got over the entire fiasco with Daring , they decided that from then on they would take each other on a date to the cinema once or twice a month. They loved “Lost in Riddlish”.
Only four people know about what happened with Lizzie, Daring & Duchess at the cinema; Kitty, Lizzie, Daring & Duchess. The two of them have talked about it quite often to the point where Duchess thinks Lizzie was maybe flat out in love with Daring. One time she asked her, months after it had happened and Lizzie started crying and didn’t answer.
Duchess knew they were back to being friends, perhaps even better friends than they had ever been, and that she had been truly forgiven, when Lizzie gave her a present. It was her Birthday Ball dress, sewn by Lizzie herself.
If Faybelle is the friend with whom she is never sad when she is around, then Lizzie is the friend with whom she can allow herself to be sad. Their history has been turbulent and perhaps because of it, there’s an air of melancholy but coziness when they are alone. Sometimes they just lay on the carpet and talk until the late hours of the night. Lizzie doesn’t necessarily feel understood when she tries telling her about her issues with having to flee Wonderland, but she feels seen and acknowledged.  
They know each others orders both for Hocus Latte and Wonderland Haberdashery & Tea Shoppe. Sometimes when they know the other is stressed out because of hexams they will pick up something for them without asking. It’s a small detail they cherish in their friendship. 
During their summer vacations after their second year, Duchess invited Lizzie to her Grandmother’s home and they spent the holidays together. Out of Duchess’s few friends, Lizzie is by far her Grandmother’s favourite. The two spent a lot of time swimming around the lakes, Lizzie taught Duchess how to play croquet (with custom swan looking mallets), and she also found a lot of fashion inspiration in the scenery. It was Lizzie’s favourite trip since she left Wonderland. (She sent her mother pictures)
Lizzie is now teaching her how to speak riddlish because she would eventually like to take her to Wonderland one day too. 
⛸️・:*:。Duchess’s Grandmother
She is her paternal grandmother. Her father is currently spending the rest of her life happily married to his Odile and him and Duchess have never been allowed to contact each other. She isn’t affected by it as hardly as she should be. It has been like this for generations, so she doesn’t question it much. Duchess’s Grandmother doesn’t talk about her son, she had to break contact with him as well the day she started caring for Duchess. The fact that the Book of Legends chose him as the next Prince Siegfried is proof that he wasn’t an appropriate Prince Charming and she takes this as her own failure in raising a proper prince. This is why she is strict in regards to Duchess being the best possible student she can be. She is quite proud of Duchess following her advice and being a top student. She still misses her son.
One of the few things she truly dislikes about Duchess are her friends. She would have much rather liked it if Duchess had been more amiable and well-mannered, maybe spending time with Apple White or Darling Charming; princesses of good families with actual respect for tradition and propriety. Instead she gets a common thief with no taste for the arts, a mediocre gymnast (she considers cheer-hexing a bastardised and clearly inferior version of ballet) and a homeless princess with anger issues. 
She deeply loves Duchess, even if she’s sometimes a bit cold towards her, she considers her the daughter she could never have and deeply fears the day her fairytale begins because she doesn’t know how she could bare having to lose another child. Sadly, Duchess’s rebelling wouldn’t solve any of this. She would be too ashamed of both of the children she raised being “failures”.  
  She heavily discourages Duchess from dating, not wanting her to get attached to anyone knowing what awaits her at the end. She knows of her crush on Daring and doesn’t mind letting her daydream because she knows a son of the Charming Family will never pay attention to her, so it’s not like she’ll have any false hopes. 
  They love ice-skating together. It was Duchess’s Grandmother who taught her and it’s their favourite winter activity. . 
  She used to attend every single one of her ballet performances and was on the first row smiling reassuringly. Her health started declining once Duchess started her time at EAH but whenever she can’t be there, she sends her a bouquet with a letter and has the school film the act for her.  
  Duchess gets her snark, sarcastic and mean side from her and both of them love that. They like to judge other people’s outfits together and always share gossip with each other.
‎♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧ Odette (Duchess’s mother (I want to call her Bella Swan. Stop me.))
  She started writing a series of letters for Duchess after signing the storybook of legends, knowing that her end was near. She asked Milton Grimm to give them to her once Duchess started attending EAH but once students started to rebel against their destiny he felt that it could mislead Duchess into trying to rebel so he decided to burn them. 
  During the first months of Duchess’s life, the first months of Odette’s transformation, she was still conscious of her life and of being a woman trapped in the body of a swan. She would fly up to Duchess room and would settle next to her sleeping body, letting her baby hug her neck. 
  Sometimes Duchess’s grandmother brought Duchess to her mother’s lake and would watch as Odette & Duchess splashed around the water.
  When Duchess was four she once ran toward her and Odette instinctively batted her wings at her and hit her hard enough for Duchess to fall into the water. She didn’t know why she did. It just felt natural to her. When she tried to soothe her by rubbing her peak next to her daughters face her daughter backed away and for some reason Odette hissed and raised her wings as a warning once again. That very same day she realised how strange her feathers felt. They itched and she started plucking them away with her beak but the skin was still left raw, burning.
  When Duchess was five she still went to the lake as often as she could but Odette no longer truly recognised her. She felt some sense of affection for the kid but didn’t know who those people were to her. Whenever she saw her or the Grandmother she started plucking her feathers, completely confused and irritated by something she couldn’t quite identify.
  When Duchess was six the swan didn’t approach her anymore, not at all. It wouldn’t get near her or her grandmother when they started throwing crumbs at the lake and she would hiss if they tried to approach it. It seemed to avoid the other swans as well and it’s skin was bare, a little bloody. 
    Duchess’s grandmother stopped taking her to that lake after that. Duchess goes once or twice a year on her own now but most of the time she avoids it. 
Not friends but honorary friends/people she treats better than she treats most people
Courtly Jester
Ok, hear me out, Courtly considers Duchess her friend, even her bffa. Duchess DOES NOT consider Courtly her friend, they don't know each other that well on her opinion, but Duchess undoubtedly admires Courtly even if she knows she shouldn't.
This is the girl who had the guts to do what Duchess has been dreaming of doing. Take the destiny you think you deserve! To hell with those who are given that which you are denied! Even if by doing so you endanger the friend I deeply care about and whom I have already fucked up with badly! Twice!
With this in mind, obviously Duchess was a bit more open to Courtly when she enrols at EAH. Not overly friendly but more of "the one not straight up mean kid". She was concerned because of her fragile friendship with Lizzie and how this could affect it. Courtly kind of attaches herself to Duchess due to this minimal act of kindness.
Nevertheless, Duchess will admit that she likes it when Courtly sits next to her at class. 1. Because that means all of Courtly's fucking bells won't be in the way of her seeing the board and 2. Because she will make nonsensical and funny remarks about the other students and it will make her giggle. She finds it a bit sweet to realise most of the people she draws in are like this (Faybelle, Sparrow).
Kitty Cheshire
They barely interacted until Duchess & Lizzie became roommates. Kitty was amiable at first since Lizzie didn't talk too badly about her and they even became fast friends, going for tea dates at the Wonderland Haberdashery & Tea Shoppe, hanging out at the lake together and overall just hanging out together. Lizzie was their union most of them time but they liked each other.
....Then Duchess publicly humiliated and betrayed Lizzie because of the next top villain assignment...Kitty couldn't stand her anymore and would have made her life impossible had it not been for Lizzie. When Lizzie & Duchess reconciled Kitty kept being cold but wasn't on attack mode.
....And then the thing with Daring happened... and even if Lizzie knew it wasn't Duchess fault and it didn't fully strain their friendship, it did affect Kitty & Duchess's slowly recovering friendship... And then just when things were getting better between them and they were back to sitting together at the casstleria...Courtly called Duchess her BFFA... Kitty is now hostile, even if it's one-sided and even if she and Courtly get along pretty well. Duchess & Kitty can be in the next room and spend time together with Lizzie, but Kitty will not answer any of Duchess comments unless it's with malice. You don't find them alone anymore.
Duchess actually really misses her. Sometimes she talks to Lizzie about it in their shared moments of nostalgia and Lizzie doesn't reassure her. Duchess still misses her.
Nathan Nutcracker
Had to partner once because Duchess was sick the day the partners were assigned and her teacher “forgot” about her. It was a catastrophe. She was already frustrated and when he almost dropped her, she took it out on him and treated him badly. Later, after prompted by Lizzie, seeing how sad he was + the fact that they still needed to work together for a dance she ended up apologising. Nathan then convinced her of exchanging their roles and costumes! Although Duchess was initially very reluctant they did and it was a success.
After that, they were short guy in ballet/tall girl in ballet solidarity.
They have very sassy pretend-mean debates on classic ballet vs modern ballet, and on whether ballets is an art and sport or only an art. Nathan is a defender of modern ballet and considers it to be also a sport.
They tease each other about their love lives; Duchess teases him about Briar & Cedar (he denies both of them but blushes and stutters) and Nathan teases her about Daring & Sparrow (She openly admits Daring and vehemently denies being into Sparrow but seems a lot more passionate when talking about Sparrow for some reason. )
Maid Marian
When Duchess & Sparrow were kids it was Mariam who encouraged them to befriend each other. She knew Duchess mom and felt sad upon seeing this lonely girl. This backfired somewhat because they became menaces together and started bullying Raven.
She loves how responsible she is (and how Sparrow becomes a bit more responsible when they are on good terms) and is one of the few teachers who treats her justly, often involving her in the class and sometimes even showing some slight favouritism (although Darling is her actual favourite) by making snarky side comments.
Suspects Sparrow might be into her but has never said anything about it because she doesn’t want to get in the way of their relationship regardless of how it develops.
Is rooting so hard for her to rebel. She has thought about it so much, is daydreaming of plans and subtly tries to inspire her to do so by telling her about how she got her happy ending by going off page. She even sets her up with Darling in partner assignments to try to influence her (this is what Duchess lets down her hair should have been about).
Melody Piper
Had a warm but not particular relationship. The two of them regarded each other as "that other girl who hangs out with Sparrow sometimes".
But! after Melody asked her dad to help her mix some of his classic music with her beats, Duchess became one of her biggest fans. The two would hang out together to plan choreographies for Duchess to dance so Blondie could advertise Melody's newest album on her MirrorCast. Melody still considers her to be too dramatic and high maintenance for them to become friends but it was a cool thing both of them experience and it made them think more fond of each other. It established a type of warmth.
After that they became two snarky menaces for Sparrow to suffer. They annoy the hell out of him and usually they even get the support of the merry men...sometimes even his mom's.
(She lowkey likes Melody's music more than Sparrow's but she won't hurt him that bad.)
Humphrey Dumpty
After Humphrey helped her on Muse-Ic class, he decided to follow her on MyChapter. To everyone’s surprise, she followed him back. Sometimes she even comments or likes his posts.
They share tips on how to help with each others chronic pain and complain about it together. Duchess gave him a pass through her spa membership and he recommended her a good physiotherapist. 
Duchess sometimes asks him to film her practicing when she is trying to improve on something or when she realises that she’s making certain mistakes on her steps. He’s been teaching her how to work with a camera because of it.
He wrote a rap for Meeshell and decided to perform it for Duchess since she was a girl and he wanted to know what she thought of it. She didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth because of this being one of the first times someone who isn’t Sparrow, Faybelle or Lizzie cares for her opinion, and also because she figured Meeshell would probably like it regardless.
Littlest billy goat gruff
He is her abhorrent admirer, alright, but she knows what that’s like and quite honestly it’s just nice to feel like someone likes her a bit. She feels weird around him because he is one of the few people she doesn’t want to be rude to but she also doesn’t want to date him.
Sometimes she sees him eating grass and flowers around the lake and it makes her chuckle a bit because it reminds her of how she would eats water plants and insects when she was a kid. One time she eats a lily flower in front of him and he is so astonished his mouth hangs open. Then the two laugh.
Protective over the little guy.
One time he heard about Sparrow inviting her to one of his concerts and he asked if he could go too. It was a lot more fun than anyone expected.
Ok listen it’s not that Tucker hates her or anything but he’s so tired of all the unnecessary drama surrounding her and Sparrow’s friendship/love life/situationship/whatever the fuck is going on between them.
However when the two are co-existing alone they can be pretty amiable with each other.
He actually really likes working with her as a partner in muse-ic class. Since she is pretty bad at it she allows him to take the lead on the creative aspects while she acts more responsible about the theoretical and more objective parts of the assignment. And it’s refreshing to play “the face of the band” for a short bit even when he usually prefers to stay in the shadows as the second guitar.
When Duchess gave him a mood rose after they were shot with cupids arrows on “Heart Stuck” it turned yellow and although they’ve never talked about it, he was kind of touched by it.
The Dark Fairy
They Have a good bond over both of them loving Faybelle.
Although Duchess’s Grandmother is irreplaceable, Duchess sometimes thinks that, had she gotten to meet her mother as a person, she would have liked her to be like The Dark Fairy.
The two planned a party once and didn’t invite Faybelle. When Faybelle discovered it and irrupted in an overly dramatic way she found out it was her birthday party. It was the only reason she didn’t curse Duchess and instead gave her a really hard hug and The Dark Fairy was extremely proud of her daughter.
Dark Fairy has sometimes wondered if perhaps she can break or at least twist Duchess future curse after all the necessary parts of her destiny have been acted out.
Meeshell Mermaid
Was very weary on the new kid but once she found out about her destiny, Duchess became more soft-hearted around her because of how both of them are so very doomed by the narrative and a prince who chooses another girl
She once went to her lake to dance and found Meeshell already there, swimming and singing gleefully. Meeshell wanted to leaves, she was embarrassed and a bit afraid since she had heard of (and witnessed) Duchess's cruel reputation. Duchess however, very surprisingly told her she could stay if she wanted and the two just ignored the other as each indulged in their respective passion.
The more time passed the more the two started warming of to each other even if they didn't talk much.
One day Meeshell was oddly happy and excited and Duchess commented on it, which lead her to tell Duchess about her Date with Humphrey. The two had an oddly intimate and long conversation that day about what it means to have a future in which you are meant to be unloved and how this influences them to become unloveable while deeply starving for validation. They didn't become immediate friends but it was one of those things that neither of them forget about and ever since there is a sense of mutual understanding between the two
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theblacktiecacti · 6 months
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jay went to clown school. let’s talk about that
#art by me#jrwi riptide#jay ferin#i was drawing wherever the wind took me#and it took me to clown school jay#the best destination i could’ve hoped for#i feel like so much could be explored or expanded there in fanon#but i barely see anything#welp if there is none make some#sound off in the comments if you ever think about how jay rarely retracts into herself when faced with conflict#but instead goes to clown school or hitches a ride with the loserest boy she can find#and it’s the rare (and most impactful) moments when she responds differently#shutting down after the phone call with her grandmother#or blowing up after learning about lizzie and ava#or crying as she’s told to shoot her friend in the chest#but the every day conflict almost always gets humor as a response#which leads to very out of pocket moments but we love jay for it#oooooough jay ferin the way you express emotions is so important to meeeee#ALSO the fact that often it’s insult based humor or overly confident in self humor#let’s dissect that jay how do you relate to your friends in the hierarchical structure of the navy academy#did you feel like your humor had to subtly place you at the top? or you would not be enough? jay?#your relationship with kira hinges on fixing this structure by being better than it hm? let’s talk about that#let’s talk about how your life centered a lot around being the best even if not directly or intentionally#should i do a full analysis on this?#i kinda wanna do a full analysis on this#jrwi
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even-disco-baby · 2 years
YOU — “Did you become a gardener because of your grandmother?”
THE GARDENER — She looks taken aback by your question. “I’m sorry?”
YOU — “Your grandmother who taught you about the nutrients in the snow.”
THE GARDENER — “I got that part, thanks. I just…” She shakes her head with a quiet breath.
EMPATHY — She just thought it was a strange question for a cop to ask.
THE GARDENER — “Yes, it was because of her.” Her expression flickers just slightly. “*For* her…”
DRAMA — There’s more to this cute grandma story, sire.
AUTHORITY — Who cares about her grandma? Tell her to cut the bullshit and stop wasting your time already!
“Cool. Sorry, I don’t know why I asked you that. I actually don’t care that much.”
“Okay, let’s cut the bullshit. Are you really a gardener?”
“You sound sad.”
THE GARDENER — “Do I?” She smiles shyly. “Sorry. I was getting nostalgic.”
DRAMA — She’s laying it on a little thick, but she isn’t lying. You touched a nerve.
YOU — “Was she a gardener, too?”
THE GARDENER — “…She wanted to be,” she says, her voice measured. “But we rarely end up where we want to be, wouldn’t you say?”
INLAND EMPIRE — Yes. You would. You don’t even remember where or who you hoped to be, but it can’t have been anything like *this.* No one would ever want to be you.
“Yeah. You’re right. I mean, look at *me.* I hope I didn’t end up like this intentionally. That would be pretty weird.”
“Hey, it’s never too late to give it a shot.”
THE GARDENER — “I mean, it is for her,” she says drily. “She’s dead.”
YOU — “Oh.”
THE GARDENER — “Why are you asking so many questions about my grandmother, anyway? I can assure you she didn’t put that body in the tree. On account of being dead.”
“You never can tell. She could have faked her death. I have to explore every possibility. I’m told that’s what detectives do. And also that I’m a detective.”
“Okay, you got me, I don’t actually care about your grandma. I care about why you’re spying on us.”
“Just curious. It sounds like she meant a lot to you.”
THE GARDENER — Her expression flickers again, almost imperceptibly.
COMPOSURE — She’s trained herself well to keep a straight face. Strange for a gardener.
THE GARDENER — “…She still does,” she admits quietly. “She gave up her home and her garden to take care of me. And then worked herself to death, quite literally.”
EMPATHY — There’s bitterness in her voice, but not toward her grandmother. More likely toward the job that wore her down to nothing.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY — Without the speed and the nicotine and the booze to smooth out all those harsh edges, you would have been worn down to nothing by now, too.
“That’s the economy for you. She should have worked on her hustle.”
“I totally understand. Being a cop is really hard.”
“Well, at least *you* ended up where you wanted to be. I’m sure she’d be glad that you became a gardener.”
THE GARDENER — Slowly, like the snow on the breeze, her gaze falls from you to her gloved hands. Her face is still as stone.
“Yes,” she says hollowly. “She would.”
EMPATHY — And that’s what makes it all so much harder.
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nctjpeg · 9 months
me: *living my life, working at my job*
my brain: remember when on christmas eve you learned that a lawyer told your family that even though it was DEFINITELY medical negligence that caused your grandmother to prematurely pass away that because she was “only a stay at home mother” her entire life and never worked a “real job” that in the eyes of the law that her life had “no monetary value?” isn’t that so fucked up considering that her entire life she was probably told that that’s what she was meant to do because she was a woman? like, she literally did what she was “supposed” to do according to societal norms and values at the time, and now scores of men who have benefited from the unpaid labor and forgotten dreams of generations of women like her can now turn around and say her life was worth nothing? it really shows how little respect men hold for things considered “women’s work” huh?
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Stressed and Sick on Set
Summary: Reader has a migraine and gets sick on set. Luckily Scarlett, Lizzie and her twin sisters are there to help you out.
TWs: migraine, vomiting, hiding illness, stress, mentions of family issues, mentions / implied themes of death
Words: 2.9k
A/n Idk where this came from but here it is … enjoy x
With the chaos that was currently your life it was no surprise or at least it shouldn’t have been when you were hit with the mother of all migraines.
To say people had been asking a lot of you lately was a gross understatement. Aside from filming your family had been a mess as of late. The whole family was expected back home for Christmas as your grandmother was sick and so the plan was for everyone to get together one last time.
However, between acting and uni work you were already stretched pretty thin. Your parents had been breathing down your neck to book a flight and despite wanting to see some of your cousins you knew family gatherings were a recipe for disaster. And with a sombre reason for the get together it would most likely be a mess of alcohol and tears which wasn’t something you were sure you could even deal with at this point.
Luckily the migraine hadn’t hit until you were finished in hair and makeup because the idea of anyone touching your face and hair with the amount of pain you were in right now might just push you over the edge.
The light blinded you as you stepped out of the hair and makeup trailer. Shielding your eyes you fumbled with clumsy fingers to put on your sunglasses.
Sighing softy as the sunlight was reduced you continued you way to set. You nodded as you passed a few stagehands and crew members. Finally, you made it to set. Lizzie and Scarlett were stood near their chairs talking with two blondes who you couldn’t quite see with the other two stood in front of them.
Joining the small group Scarlett wrapped a hand around your shoulders and pulled you into her side making your head spin.
“Speak of the devil.” Lizzie said. “Y/n, you’ve met my sisters before but if you can't tell them apart this one is Mary-Kate and that ones Ashley.” Lizzie said poking her sister's side.
“Hi Y/n.” Mary-Kate said with a smile and Ashley mimicked her statement.
“Hi.” You said softly. The noise of the set was getting to you and despite your sunglasses the fluorescent lights overhead seemed worse than the sun had been.
“Whats with the shades Y/n/n?” Scarlett asked.
“‘M just too cool for you.” You said burying your face into her neck in an attempt to hide from the lights. The adults laughed and your cheeks heated up with the tips of your ears turning pink also.
The four of them stood and chatted while you stayed relatively quiet only really speaking when spoken to. Your head was pounding, and the lights seemed to be out to get you. The hum of electricity and buzz of the stage crew flitting around setting up for the next scene was starting to make you nauseous.
Lizzie and Scarlett took note of your quiet demeanour and exchanged a look over your head. Your head was still resting in the crook of Scarlett’s neck as you tried your best to look and act normally.
A small part of you craved their motherly attention but you knew if you admitted to being sick, they would have you out of commission for a few days at least as per the contract. And if you were down with some sickness even if it was a migraine Lizzie and Scarlett would be by your side the whole time and as much as you loved them, you didn’t want to put everyone behind schedule due to your inability to handle your day to day life coupled with the demands of work.
However, as you heard the director call for places to be taken you wanted to reconsider.
Scarlett and Lizzie had already been shooting scenes this morning and now you were to join them they seemed happier.
Mary-Kate and Ashley sat down in Scarlett and Lizzie’s chairs to watch. Both twins had taken note of your sullen and quiet temperament also and were tasked by Lizzie with keeping an eye on you.
As you took your place you had forgotten your sunglasses which were still over your eyes. The director finished organising everything and before he called action he took notice of your unusual attire.
“L/n as much as I love the look, the sunglasses need to go kiddo.” He called and you buried a wince under your façade as you knew removing them would make everything ten times worse. But you had to if you wanted to keep up the pretence of wellness.
Taking a deep breath, you eased the sunglasses off your face and blinked in the harsh light. Your nausea increased and you swallowed down the thick feeling in your mouth, wishing you had some water to help.
A stagehand took your sunglasses and handed them to Ashley who has stood to get them for you before she returned to her seat.
Scarlett and Lizzie were observing you closely as they begun to cotton on to your less than perfect act of being ok.
Your eyes were still adjusting to the blaring lights, and you were trying to keep the nausea at bay. You truly felt awful. Your head pounded and there was a slight dizziness that came with each step you took. Your mouth was dry, and your stomach turned with each breath you took.
Doing your best to remain upright and keep your breakfast where it was you took slow measured breaths until you felt at least one percent better.
Schooling your features you did your best to get into character despite your condition.
The director called for quiet, and the set fell dead silent. The cameras began rolling and Scarlett and Lizzie delivered their lines perfectly. Doing your best to stay mentally present you did your best to give your lines. You nailed the first few scenes and you were beginning to think maybe you could get away with it all.
As you were internally celebrating your small victory you watched from the sidelines as Lizzie and Scarlett performed another of their scenes without your character.
Your stomach was still turning and the feeling of nausea which had begun to ebb hit you hard.
Feeling quite sick and dizzy you glanced around to see if anyone was paying attention to you. The stage crew was busy running the scene and it seemed you were in the clear.
As the scene progressed the director was shooting a particular scene with harsh lighting. Still unsure where your sunglasses were, you felt the sick feeling in your stomach get ten times worse as they began amping up the lighting. They had background noise playing and coupled with the lighting you recognised your body’s signals to having enough.
Checking once more that nobody was paying any attention to you, you slipped away to the bathrooms. Know you were going to be sick was a terrible feeling and despite your best to keep it all down you knew you wouldn’t be able to much longer.
You hurried down the halls to the girl's bathroom and slipped inside. Forgetting to lock the door to the stall you sat next to the toilet and leant against the wall taking slow deep breaths in a last-ditch attempt to keep your breakfast.
As you sat on the floor still in costume and breathing slowly you heard the door to the bathroom open again. You recognised the voice of Mary-Kate echo around the stalls.
“Y/n? Are you in here?“ she asked, and you made a small noise before your stomach turned again and you leant over the bowl. As the first wave of sickness hit and you vomited you felt someone take your hair up and off your shoulders.
A soft hand rubbed circles on your back as you finished, spitting the gross taste out. Your head was pounding, and you felt truly gross.
“Shh your ok.” Mary-Kate said as you let out a small whine the pain in your head making everything worse as you clutched your temples. “Is it your head?” She asked softly and you managed a small nod.
You felt her slip something onto your face and you let out a small sigh as you recognised your sunglasses being put in their rightful place.
After a second you leant back against the wall.
“Done?” She asked kindly and you seesawed your hand back and forth to tell her you truly had no idea. Mary-Kate nodded and took a seat beside you on the floor. Luckily, they kept the bathrooms on set rather clean.
Mary-Kate hesitated for a second before gently pulling you into her side where you melted into her. Your head resting on her shoulder she gently played with your hair, and it felt nice despite the pounding in your skull.
“Your ok.” She said softly as she slipped her phone from her pocket. You let your eyes drift shut as you tired to remove yourself from it all.
You distantly heard Mary-Kate talking to someone and you couldn’t find it in your sick-self to pay any attention to her words.
You began to drift off the exhaustion of it all making you feel beyond tired.
Meanwhile Mary-Kate had dialled her twin to let her know what was going on. The twins had taken note of your absence as soon as you left and while Ashley went to check your trailer Mary-Kate had come to check the bathroom. They knew something was going on and they took their promise to Lizzie to look after you quite seriously.
Mary-Kate kept her voice down as she informed her sister of your status.
“Did you find her?” Ashley asked into the phone.
“Yeah, she’s not doing too good.” Mary-Kate replied.
“How so?” Her twin asked.
“I found her throwing up in the bathroom, I think she has a migraine.”
“Poor thing.” Ashley replied.
Mary-Kate hummed her agreement, her nails still gently massaging your scalp as you dozed lightly in her lap. “Can you get Lizzie in here when she’s done with her scene. And tell the director y/n’s sick and won’t be back for filming for a few days.”
“Sure thing. Which bathroom are you guys in?” Ashley responded.
“Main one on set. I don’t think she could have made it much further to be honest she not doing too good.” Mary-Kate whispered well aware you were pretty out of it.
“Alright. I’ll do that and Lizzie will be there soon, no doubt with Scarlett in tow.” Ashley said.
“Thanks Ash I’m gonna stay here with this one.” Mary-Kate said.
“You think she can move somewhere more comfortable?” Ashley asked.
Mary-Kate glanced down at your pale face despite the makeup. “I don’t think so just yet.” She said.
“Alright, love you sis. Keep her safe and we’ll be there soon.” Ashley said.
“Love you too.” Mary-Kate said, and they bid each other goodbye before hanging up.
As Mary-Kate shifted slightly to try and get more comfortable on the hard floor you let out a small whine as your head spun. Mary-Kate shushed you gently as she adjusted you to be better situated in her lap. You curled into her, your face now smushed into her chest as you clung to her like a small child.
“Your ok. It’s alright.” She assured you as you whined softly. The pain making it hard to think straight also made you act much more childish. “Lizzie will be here soon honey.” Mary-Kate said as she ran her nails up and down your back lightly as you were lulled back to a soft sleep.
It couldn’t have been even ten minutes later that the door to the bathroom burst open and a worried looking Lizzie appeared trailed closely behind by Scarlett who looked slighter calmer but still worried.
Unfortunately, the bang of the door made you jump and only made your head hurt more. As the spike of pain stabbed through your temples your stomach revolted once more.
Feeling hazy from the pain you gagged, still half laid in Mary-Kate’s lap. She was quick to sit you upright and position you in front of the toilet. You whimpered as you tried to fight it off.
You heard shuffling and low voices behind you as the person behind you switched places. A soft hand rubbed between your shoulder blades as another scooped the hair off the back of your neck and out of the way. It was Lizzie’s soft voice in your ear whispering reassurances as you heaved.
Nothing but bile came up and you had tears burning in your eyes from the effort. Your head was swimming. Distantly you heard Mary-Kate and Scarlett talking softly outside the stall. There was also a third voice in their conversation, and you assumed Ashley had followed the other two in.
Feeling exhausted you flopped back into Lizzie who was crouched behind you. Not expected you to put all your weight on her she fell on her butt and pulled you into her lap.
“Shhh honey, we’re here baby.” Lizzie whispered feeling your forehead with her cold hand. It brought you unexpected relief and you nuzzled into her palm, head resting on her chest behind you.
Your eyes fluttered shut feeling exhausted, sick and in pain.
After a moment you felt Lizzie readjust behind you as she pulled you into her lap properly, her body now leant against the wall behind her.
Scarlett looked into the stall and frowned slightly at the sight of you half asleep on the bathroom floor.
“How is she?” Scarlett asked softly.
“I think she’s done for now but she’s beyond tired.” Lizzie whispered back. “Where are the twins?”
“They went to set up our trailer for her. She’s not staying alone in her trailer when she’s this sick.” Scarlett said.
“‘M not sick.” You mumbled half listening and lifting your head slightly from Lizzie’s chest.
“Shh go to sleep silly girl, we’re here sweetie.” Scarlett shushed you gently and you rested you head back down once more prompting Lizzie to stroke her hands through your hair with a featherlight touch so as not to cause you any pain. You hummed exhaustedly as you drifted off again to state halfway between sleep and wakefulness.
Scarlett took a seat on the floor beside Lizzie as the two of them sat talking quietly while you dozed.
After another ten minutes the door to the bathroom opened softly to reveal Ashley.
“We set up Lizzie’s trailer for her. Mary-Kate went to try and find some Panadol for y/n/n. Is she good to relocate?” Ashley asked softly.
“I think so.” Lizzie said while Scarlett gently scooped you out of Lizzie’s lap and into her arms as she stood. Ashley came over and gently adjusted the sunglasses on your face.
“I got a sick bag from a medic incase she gets sick on the way back to your trailer and there’s a few extras in your trailer waiting for her.” Ashley said.
“Thank you so much.” Lizzie said as the four of you left the bathroom. Luckily you stayed asleep still throughly exhausted from the effort of being sick and in pain.
It was a short trip back and even despite having sunglasses on scarlet used a hand to shield your eyes from the sun. You were being held across Scarlett’s front with your head resting in the crook of her elbow. At some point Ashley had slid a pair of noise cancelling headphones over your ears to help block out the noise as they passed through the bustling set.
The director had given them all a few days off knowing that Scarlett and Lizzie wouldn’t be willing to act if you were sick and left alone, them much rather being by your side looking after you.
When they made it to your trailer Lizzie opened the door for Scarlett and they all headed inside with you still in Scarlett’s arms.
The trailer had been set up perfectly. Blackout curtains blocked out most of the light but there was enough to see after letting their eyes adjust for a second. There were three sick bags on the bedside table along with a pack of Panadol rapid and a glass of water. The bed had been set up with blankets and pillows, looking perfect for a long day of cuddles.
Scarlett gently set you down on the bed and Lizzie laid down next to you as you immediately sought her out. Curling into her side and returning to a still and restful sleep Scarlett exchanged a few short words with Ashley, thanking her for everything before the twin left to find her other half.
Scarlett joined Lizzie on the bed, and you curled up between them.
“She’s so precious.” Lizzie said softly running her hands through your hair lightly so as not to wake you.
“Well always protect her.” Scarlett said.
“Of course. She’s, our kid.” Lizzie said.
“Do you think she’d ever want to make it official?” Scarlett asked.
“Like adoption?” Lizzie said looking excited at the idea.
“Yeah. I know her parents are … not what she needs.” Scarlett said.
“I think I’d love that. When she’s better we’ll have to ask her what she thinks.” Lizzie said looking down at you with nothing but love in her eyes. She pressed a soft kiss to your temple and traced a finger down your cheek. “I love you my babygirl.”
“We both do.” Scarlett echoed.
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darkspellmaster · 4 months
I wanted to ask if you think that our!Ciel have feelings for Lizzy since childhood? He was always watching her from afar along with Real!Ciel. It seems that in childhood Our!Ciel and Lizzy didn't convived too much compared to the other twin.
Short answer: Yes! Totally!
Long Answer: So, for the Book of Murder Yana wrote a manga chapter that had the characters playing up the part of a number of fairy tale characters, while Sir. Arthur is being drawn through them via a dream. O!Ciel at one point is seen as Red Riding Hood, with his wolves (the servants, minus Snake), and then later, He's playing the part of Kai while Lizzie is Gerta from the Hans Christian Anderson story the Snow Queen.
Now, there's a commonality between Kai and Ciel. Both boys watched their close friend/the person they liked, though the window of their home, where they saw them among roses. In O!Ciel's case it was watching from the window in the house, or while sitting with his mother, Edward, et all, while R!Ciel played with Lizzie in the garden with roses. For Kai he was seeing Gerta playing at the window sill across the way by the flowerbox that was in her grandmother's home.
Going over the flashbacks not only in the Blue Memory arc, but Lizzie's memory, shows that, O!Ciel was always watching her and smiling when she was around. He used to play with them when he was four, until the asthma kicked in. It seems like he enjoys spending time with her, such as when she's talking to him about how he's feeling. Also when he sees them playing O!Ciel seems to be happy to see her happy.
That leads up to the fact that Kai and Ciel ended up with a devil's shard in their eyes. In the Snow Queen a mirror is made by the devil to see the darkness in people's hearts. it get shattered because he tried to send it up to heaven, (don't ask why its not really explained), and one of the pieces ended up in Kai's right eye. Notice, same eye as the seal with Ciel, and Kai's heart. Then the snow Queen comes, and takes Kai away to her castle.
In the chapter Sebastian is the Snow King in this case, who has made O!Ciel's heart cold and given him the splinter in the eye. He tells Lizzie, who is Gerda in the story, that he wanted her to stay by the roses and be happy. And what do we see when we see Lizzie playing with R!Ciel, she's usually in the garden, or associated with roses. Not only due to her being an English Rose, but also with all the significance of how both beautiful and deadly that flower can be.
It feels like the chapter is trying to hint at how he felt as a child, and, if you know the story of the Snow Queen you know that by the end of it Gerda does save Kai with her love of him, helping him to spell the word eternity, and the snow Queen lets them go, and it shows that in the time they were away the two had grown up.
The reason I bring all of this up is this is one of the few times, we get something from O!Ciel describing his view of Lizzie, "I wanted you to stay by the window sill with the blooming roses." Meaning he wanted her to be happy." It's something that Ciel seems to show throughout the series, even at the start.
He has a dance party with her, let's her put stuffed toys on him, sleeps peacefully when she's around, is one of the few people other than Soma that he lets touch him, seemed very much happy when she converses with him, and so forth. He even smiles when she's leaving being so happy that he's willing to go and do some sort of date with her when she gets back from her transatlantic trip. Ciel and Lizzie are growing up, slowly to be sure, but there are enough hints both in the main story and the flash backs, especially Ciel's confession on never saying Lizzy was scary.
Now did he realize he had feeling for her back then? Probably not, but I think that he felt something for her, since he seemed sad when she rushed over to his brother, and he thought she didn't want to talk with him.
Honestly re reading the chapters of Blue Memory made me also notice that R!Ciel brushes her off a lot. O!Ciel says he should go out and play with Lizzie, R!Ciel would rather spend time with his brother. Lizzie wants to play and he's like, well I have to study, which understandable, but the way he says it. "Well it can't be helped..."
Even in the present he basically told her, without directly saying it. "Great, I used you for what I needed you for. You can go home now Lizzie. Our play date was fun, but I wanna spend all my time with my little brother so shoo."
I know this is probably meandering, and I hope it makes some sense. But yes, I highly suspect that O!Ciel probably had feelings for Lizzie, though as a child it was probably more along the lines of caring for her and strongly wanting to spend time with her, but it's grown into love over the years. So that's my thoughts on it. Hope this makes sense!
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hermitsandcrafts · 5 months
Joel not being okay with the old bit because someone said Grandma Lizzie and he very loudly said "No! She is Not a grandmother! She is MY WIFE."
that way of thinkin will never not send me to orbit
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acewritesfics · 10 months
Call Me Tommy | TOMMY SHELBY
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Fic Type: Imagine.
Request: No.
Warnings: There's a little swearing. Rose is the name of Tommy and Reader's daughter, Caroline is the name of Rose's daughter (Tommy's and Reader's granddaughter) and Jennifer is the name of Caroline's Daughter (Tommy and Reader's great-granddaughter), hopefully that all makes sense. Grace and Charlie did happen but Lizzie and Ruby didn't because that would have added more confusion for me. There is also names for Reader's siblings. This isn't meant to be cannon in any way, shape, or form. ITALICS ARE FLASHBACK'S TO 1925 
Word Count: 1,969
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Jennifer walks into her elderly grandmother's room at the rest home. Though the 92 year old doesn't remember much from the last 60 years, Jennifer still loved visiting her Grandma Rose. She enjoys listening to the stories Rose tells her, ever since the young 30 year old woman was a child. Her Grandma Rose told the best stories and in the best way. And Rose never forgot telling them to her. It was one of her memories that refuses to fade. 
"Good morning, Grandma Rose," The young woman greets her grandmother with a warm smile and kiss to her cheek.  
"Good morning, Jenny," the elderly woman smiles, her eyes lighting up seeing her youngest grandchild, the one she's always been closest too and the only one who name hasn't left her mind. All her other grandchildren were familiar faces that didn't visit her as often as Jenny does. 
"How are you feeling today?" Jenny asks taking a seat across from her at the small table in her room. 
"About the same," she replies. "How's your mother?"  
Jenny's mother, Caroline, is Rose's second child and her first daughter. Her uncle, Rose's oldest and only son, died a few years ago from an illness and her younger daughter died when she was just a baby. 
"She's good, she's hoping to come see you next week," she informs her though she knows she won't remember it by time tomorrow comes. "She found something for me to show you," she reaches into her handbag, pulling out an envelope. Opening the envelope, she takes out the three photos that are inside and lays them on the table facing Grandma Rose. "Mum found these in the attic and thought you might like them." 
A smile graces Rose's lips as tears build up in her eyes looking at the photos with so much love that it makes Jenny feel emotional.  
The first photo was of a young woman who couldn't be much older than Jenny is now. The second photo is the same woman with a handsome man, on what looked to be their wedding day, instead of looking at the camera. They were gazing at each other with so much love and adoration it makes Jenny's heart melt. The third photo was the same couple, a little older, with a baby girl sitting on the woman's knee, and a boy who couldn't be more than 10 standing beside her as the man stood behind her with one hands on her shoulder and the other on the boys shoulder. 
"This was my mother, Y/N," Rose tells Jenny as she picks up the photo of the woman. "This was before she met my father. Her first husband died in the war. She was only 23. They weren't married more than 6 months. It took her a long time to want to love again and then my father came along. He was a widow himself, with a son, my half-brother Charlie. Do you remember your Uncle Charlie?" 
Jenny smiles fondly remember the elderly man that always snuck her treats as she grew up. He had passed five years ago. "He was a lovely man. You both never spoke much of your parents. How did they meet?" 
"My mother always said it was fate," She says, her eyes moving to the photo of the married couple as she picks it up. "They met back in 1925..." 
Y/N was growing frustrated with Adam, her older brother, as she stands in the only suit shop there is in Small Heath, Birmingham. The 34-year-old didn't want to be here in the first place but of course Adam needed a woman's opinion on the suit that was currently being tailored for him. She doesn't understand why he needed a new suit when he has plenty at home. He told her he didn't have a date or that he wasn't going any where fancy, that he just needs one and that should be enough of an explanation. 
Leaving Adam to be tailored, she looks around the ready made suits to see if she could find one she likes for him. Nothing in particular catches her eye. They all looked the same to her but she was no expert on fashion. If it hadn't been for their older sister, Edith, growing up, she wouldn't know how to dress herself appropriately, let alone someone else.  
"You would have been better off bringing Edith instead of me," she calls to Adam moving the suits along the rack, "Or better yet that girl you fancy. That's why you want the suit, isn't it?" 
"You really thought you were my first choice to bring with me?" he teases and winces after the tailor purposely pokes him with a needle. "Edith was busy with her children." 
Edith is almost forty and pregnant with her and her husband's 8th child. Y/N is lost on how Edith could do it, popping out babies all the time. Edith's oldest child, a boy who's 17-years-old, the youngest, a daughter, is 2-years-old. She's due to have her 8th baby in two months.  
"And the girl I fancy, is out of town for the week," Adam continues. "I know you don't understand this because you haven't put yourself out there in 10 years, but this suit is going to help me finally ask her on a date." 
"Is the suit going to ask her for you?" she teases her brother, earning a chuckle from the tailor.  
"For your information my dear little sister, suits give a man a certain confidence like a woman with a beautiful dress that was made just for her," he states confidently. "And at least I'm trying to date. You're almost 35, with no husband and no children, you're a spinster." He winces again as the tailor pokes him even harder this time. 
"I'm a widow actually. You're the one who's never been married," she growls at him coming to where he's standing. "Why is it okay for you men to sleep with any woman you want and not have to consider marriage or having a family? But when a woman my age isn't married with children, we're spinsters and unlovable?" She ignores the smirk on the tailor's face as she directs her glare at her brother. "You know what, you're on your own." 
She turns on her heel and goes to storm out the door when she bumps right into another person, almost knocking herself back on her bottom. Lucky for her, the person's hands find her waist stopping her from falling backwards. "I am so so-" 
She is cut off when her eyes connect with eyes so vividly blue that she could drown in them.  
"Sorry," she finishes barely above a whisper, as though the air in her lungs have gone.  
"Don't apologise," he tells her. "Are you all right?" 
She nods unable to find her voice. She's never met a man with such beautiful eyes. She feels herself enchanted by them. When he removes his hands from her, a coldness settles over her. It wasn't until then that she noticed how warmth she felt when he was touching her.  
Finding her voice, she decides to introduce herself, holding her hand out towards him. "My name is Y/N L/N." 
"Thomas Shelby," he introduces himself taking her hand in his, the warm feeling returning to her. "Call me Tommy." 
"Mr Shelby!" the tailor calls to the man in front of her. "I won't be a minute." 
Tommy nods towards the man, before looking back at Y/N. "It was lovely to meet you, Ms. L/N."  
"It was lovely to meet you too, Mr Shelby," she agrees. 
He gives her a small polite smile and moves past her to go towards the tailor. She watches him for a moment, taking him all in, from the way he walks to how he stands, to his mannerisms when he speaks and listens. She didn't know him at all but there was something about him that drew her in, and it wasn't just his beautiful ocean blue eyes. She finds herself wanting to know him and everything about him. Little did she know that he was feeling the same about her. 
It was at this moment, her brother, fully dressed joins her. "I'm sorry for what I said. I'm just worried for you, sister. I don't want you to end up like mother when father died. I don't want you to end up alone." 
"You don't need to worry about me," she tells him as Tommy's eyes connect with her own. She feels her heart skip a bit and her breath catch in her lungs but manages to look away from the handsome man, with his high cheek bones, plump lips and beautiful eyes. 
Her brother notices what's happening and lets out a small groan as he pulls her out of the suit shop "Of course the first man to take your fancy after 10 years is none other than Thomas Fuckin' Shelby." 
"You know him?" her gaze snaps to Adam as they walk towards their shared home.  
"How do you not know who he is?" he answers with his own question, looking at her like she's grown three heads. "Everyone from Birmingham knows who he is."  
"We're not from Birmingham, are we?" she scoffs. "So who is he?" 
"He's the fuckin' King of Birmingham. Leader of the Peaky Blinders."  
"Well, that just makes him even more interesting," she mumbles more to herself as she gazes back towards the shop, hoping to see another glimpse of the handsome gangster. 
"Your Great-Grandfather had quite the reputation in Birmingham, even in London. A lot of people would say he was ruthless, cold, demeaning and a lot of other bad words and he was those things but he was also very smart, caring, loyal and he loved my mother completely. She was his Queen and he treated her like one. Everything he did was for us and the rest of his family," Grandma Rose explains after telling the story of how her parents met. "You look him up on that computer thing you have, but don't believe everything you read. The coppers had it out for him and tried to make him out to be the worst human being they had met. But there was also someone out there much worse than him." 
"Do you think about them often?" Jenny asks her. 
She nods, "All the time, more so now since I'll be joining them and Charlie soon." 
"Hopefully not too soon," Jenny smiles sadly. The thought of losing her Grandma Rose breaks her heart. 
Rose reaches out to hold her granddaughter's hand. "I want you to keep the photos. They would love for you to have them. You look just like her." 
"My mother? I know." She gives her hand a gentle squeeze, hearing the words Rose always told her, more so now that she was losing her mind. 
"No, not Caroline. My mother, Y/N. You look just like her but you have my father's eyes. Those beautiful blue ones that could drown someone in them," Rose smiles and stands up from her chair. "I love you Jennifer, don't ever forget that." 
"I won't," Jenny says as she helps the elderly woman into her bed. "I love you too, Grandma Rose." She places a kiss to her cheek and goes back to the table, looking at the photos once more as she picks them up and puts them back inside the envelope.  
Jenny looks back to her grandmother who's already drifted off to sleep and smiles. She goes back over to her and places a kiss on her forehead before leaving the room, closing the door behind her. The first she decides to do as she leaves the rest home is to look up Thomas Shelby, her great-grandfather. 
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CREDIT: Razorblade and dots dividers made by me. Peaky Blinders divider made by @/firefly-graphics. Support divider made by @/cafekitsune.
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TAGGED: @forgottenpeakywriter | @rainydayteacups | @bernelflo
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rxmqnova · 1 year
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Y/N: 28 years old Scar: 35 years old Rose: 5 years old Story: The Marvel cast decides to surprise Scarlett with a birthday party… ——————————————————
Y/N'S POV My girlfriend and I had been trying for a baby for months. We had many fertility appointments and attempts and it finally happened! I'm pregnant! I found out a week after Scarlett left to film a movie which was 3 months ago. It sucks, cause I want to tell her personally, so she still has no idea. However, she's coming back today and it's also her birthday, so it's a perfect gift. I can't wait to see her reaction! Right now I'm watching a movie in our bed, wearing my favorite Scarlett's hoodie and her sweatpants. I miss her so much, so I tend to steal her clothes when she's away. To be honest I steal her clothes even when she's home…
Rose's spending some time with her grandmother this week, so I'm home all alone, but Lizzie offered to pick her up today, so we'll be together soon. It's nice to have some time for myself, but I miss that little demon so much. She's not biologically mine, but we have such a great relationship. She even calls me 'mama' which melts my heart every time I hear it.
My sister Lizzie spent here the entire week. She's so excited to be an auntie to another little human. I'm surprised she hasn't told Scarlett yet, the two of them are best friends.
I stop my movie as I ran out of chips, ready to go and grab a new bag from the kitchen when I hear some noise from downstairs. It can't be Scarlett, cause she's on the plane right now. She called me a few hours ago from the AirPort… Who in the world would rob a house at 2 in the afternoon?! I quickly open my closet, taking out a bat that I'd hidden here when Scarlett left. I quietly and slowly walk downstairs, ready to punch anyone who's here right now.
My heart is about to skip a beat with every step I make and my hands are shaking like crazy. I step off the last step, putting the bat on my shoulder properly and walking to the kitchen where the noise is coming from.
I see a man standing with his back facing me. I tighten my grip over the bat, ready to hit him in the head.
"What the hell are you doing here?" A man's voice says behind me, making me jump.
I slowly turn around to be met with Robert Downey Junior. The man I was about to hit turns around, looking at me. It's Chris Evans.
Seconds later there is literally the entire Marvel cast, except my sister as she's the one picking Scarlett up from the AirPort. Great…
"What are you doing here?" Chris Evans asks me. "And why the hell are you holding that bat?"
"I-I-" I sutter, getting cut off by Robert.
"She wanted to hit you with it" Robert says. The truth is that even though Scar and I are together for a few years, she hasn't come out yet. Her friends have no idea about me, so that's why they're reacting like this. My sister knows of course, she's the only one from Scarlett's friends.
"I-I'm sorry. I… I-I thought you wanted to rob the house" I finally let out some words. I've never been more scared in my life.
"Us? Who even are you? Oh my god, is that Scarlett's hoodie?" Jeremy looks at me with wide eyes. What the hell am I supposed to do now?
"Y-Yeah. I-I'm Y/N" I say.
"Well, Y/N… What are you doing in Scarlett's house?" Robert asks. "I-I'm living here" I answer. Where's my sister when I need her…
"Yeah, there's no way Scarlett wouldn't tell us if someone was living in her house" Evans says. "Call the police" He orders, looking at Robert. "What? No. That's not necessary. I'm living here" I repeat, I really don't want to get into trouble. I haven't even done anything.
"Yeah. I'm calling" Robert says, already putting his phone to his ear. I sigh, pressing a palm to my forehead. Scarlett's gonna be so mad. I bet the last thing she wants is to deal with her girlfriend being taken to the police station…
"Please don't call the police. Lizzie is my sister" I sigh, looking at Robert with hope, but he only rolls his eyes.
It doesn't take long until the police arrives. I show them my documents like they asked me to and they lead me out of the house. They're really gonna lock me up for getting into my own house?? Great, really great, Y/N…
Just before I can get into the car, a little body crashes into my legs. I smile when I see my daughter looking up at me, her arms wrapped around my thighs.
"Hi" I give her a smile which she returns, mumbling a 'hi, mama' back to me.
"Rose, what are you doing? Come here" Evans says, practically peeling Rosie off of me. The little girl starts crying, immediately calling me to help her, but my hands are in handcuffs and I can talk what I want, but nobody listens to me.
I sigh in relief when I see Lizzie walking out of her car, Scarlett following her.
"Mama!" Rosie cries out, reaching her hands for me. Tears from in my eyes when I see my little one crying and I can't hold her.
"Don't you see she's crying for me?! She's my daughter for god's sake! Take off that stupid handcuffs! I didn't do anything!" I raise my voice, tears running down my cheeks. I'm so tired of this bullshit. I just want my Scarly and Rosie to cuddle and my bag of chips.
"What's going on here? Why are you in handcuffs? Where are you taking her?" Scarlett is finally here, my sister right behind her.
"I'm sorry" I say before breaking into tears. I just can't hold it anymore. Stupid pregnancy mood swings… Scarlett comes to me, telling off the police when they tell her to stay back.
"About what, honey?" She asks, cupping my cheeks with her hands and wiping my tears out with her thumbs.
"You must be so tired and you come home to see this" I cry out. "Hey, it's okay, Y/N/N" She smiles. "Tell me what happened"
"Your friends thought I was a theif and a stalker and god knows what and they called the police on me" I explain, tears still running down my cheeks even though Scarlett's wiping them out.
"Y/N/N, I'm so sorry" She sighs. "She's not a theif or a stalker. Y/N is my girlfriend, she lives here" Scar says to the police. They finally take off the painful handcuffs and I wrap my arms around Scarlett's neck.
"Mama" Rosie cries out again. I smile, taking her from Evan's arms.
"It's okay now, baby. I'm not going anywhere" I kiss her cheek a few times, walking back to Scarlett who wraps her arms both of us.
"I missed you" Scar says into my ear while we're hugging.
"I missed you too, so much" I tell her back honestly before we pull away and in a second I get pulled into another hug by my sister. "Are you okay?" She asks with a smile.
"Yeah. All good now" I smile and hug her again.
"Can someone explain to us what's happening?" Downey asks confused.
"You called the police on my little sister, that's happening" Lizzie says annoyed. She's very overprotective over me. I usually hate it, but today it feels nice.
"That's your sister?" Evans asks surprised, pointing at me.
"Don't be so surprised, I told you I was Lizzie's sister when you were calling the police" I give him a glare. I won't forget this that quickly.
"I literally told you about her last week" Lizzie sighs.
"Why is she living in Scarlett's house though?" Jeremy asks.
"Because Y/N is my girlfriend. You could have just called me and I'd tell you it's fine" Scar sighs. "Let's just go inside"
We all move inside, everybody apologizing to me and Downey immediately handing us a glass of champagne since it's Scar's birthday.
"I won't, thanks" I tell him on which my girlfriend furrows her brows, wrapping her arms around me from behind and resting her head on my shoulder.
"You're not my Y/N. My Y/N never says no to alcohol" Scar jokes, making me chuckle.
"Well… I wouldn't say no if I didn't have to but… I can't drink for a while" I smile, turning around in her arms and getting met with a confused look from my girlfriend. I take her hand, putting it on my stomach on which she seems to realize.
"No… You're… you're pregnant?" She asks, her eyes filling with tears. I smile, nodding my head.
"I found out a week after you left. We're having a baby" I almost whisper as tears are in my eyes too by now. "Happy birthday, my love" I smile and she pulls me into a kiss.
Scarlett drags me on the couch, pushing me gently to sit down. She kneels in front of me, pulling my (her) hoodie up. I laugh when she starts spreading kisses all over my stomach.
"Hey there, little one. It's your mommy. I love you so much" She mumbles between kisses. "So we're 3 months far?" She asks, smiling at me.
"3 months" I smile back, twirling my finger around Scar's hair. She rolls my hoodie back down, sitting next to me and wrapping her arm around me on which I cuddle up to her and she rubs my stomach with her free hand. "I love you so much"
"I love you too" She smiles, pressing a kiss to my forehead. --------------------
Scarlett Johansson masterlist
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More Cars(humanized) headcannons bc the Formula 1 race is tomorrow and there’s something wrong with me‼️‼️‼️
This is gonna be more on like family headcannons lol
Lightning McQueen:
- he was raised in an orphanage, bouncing from home to home in Florida where he grew up
- he never really had a family growing up nor did he have close friends because he was constantly moving
- Mater was his first real best friend
- He’s abominable socially(he’s jus a little bit too much like meeeee. Yes that is a Marina & the Diamonds reference sue me)
- Doc was his first ever good, permanent father figure
- Mack is 100% Lightning’s older brother figure
- Lightning is very awkward in every familial situation you can think of since he doesn’t have too much experience. The folks in Radiator Springs claim him as their’s.
- Lightning thinks of Luigi and Guido as fun, foreign uncles
- He thinks of Flo and Ramone as the cool aunt and uncle
- Sheriff is another uncle-figure
- he sees Strip as a father figure as well
- Sarge and Fillmore are 100% the warring brothers/bickering older couple due to their varying lifestyles
- Lizzie is seen as the absolutely ancient grandmother
- He sees some of his friends as brothers(Cal, Bobby, Junior, etc)
- Red is seen as a cousin to Lightning
Chick Hicks:
- His father is a right dickhead(this is canon)
- he had a brother who used to race, but died on the track leaving Chick as the only heir of the Hicks racing legacy
- His father is an alcoholic
- His mother died while giving birth to him, yet she loved him anyways
- his mother was in the army or marines at some point and the only thing he has left are a few dated photos and her dog tags
- He was raised by his older brother, yet because of his father’s horrendous tendencies Chick grew to be more like him than his brother
- Chick’s dad is a failed racer who never made it big and was known for crashing his cars. He cared very little for Chick, blaming him and believing that Chick was the reason his wife died
- He sees his Pit Crew as his close associates and friends(his Pit Crew see him as their brother/son)
Strip Weathers:
- His brother and sister-in-law(Cal’s parents) died in a car accident leaving a 11-12-year-old Cal with Strip and Lynda
- Strip adores Cal, sees him as his own son
- He kind of sees Lightning(and Bobby) as a surrogate son too. Especially since Lightning and Cal are friends
- He comes from an extremely wealthy family with two very long lines of racing dating back decades
- Despite being rich, he and his parents had a strained relationship at best(Strip was more of a rebellious kid back in his teens and younger years) so his parents pulled a Prince Naveen and cut him off from his wealth to teach him a lesson. This is when Strip picked up racing and began to make a name for himself
- Neither he nor Lynda ever wanted kids and then Cal came into their lives and they were like “he’s our son and if anybody says otherwise they will feel the fury of GOD.”
- Tex is like a brother to him and they met in high school then went to the same college and even lived together at one point. They are the bros of all time
Doc Hudson:
- He has no living relatives left except maybe like a random cousin or something
- Lightning is his son and he will fight anyone who says otherwise
- Sally is like a daughter to him
- He adores all the residents within Radiator Springs and treats them all as his family
- He came from an extremely poor family and started off as a mechanic under his dad’s wing then he started to race and he was really good
- his dad scraped enough money for Doc to go to his first race, gaining the attention for several well-known sponsors at the time
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 7 months
Six Sentence Sunday
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Greetings, my dearest loves, and welcome back to another installment of "Val has worked a ridiculous amount of hours this week/weekend, AND she has to work tomorrow, so she's scheduling the shit out of this post and going to sleep!" Hooray!
I went back and forth on which snippet to share with y'all this week. Did I decide to go with another portion of the next chapter of At the End of a Bar, that nearly every reader/commenter has been begging for a continuation of (and making me blush every time)? Or did I choose a portion of a new WIP that I started before the sun had even risen earlier this week while talking with @thinkof-england about some...things I can't yet share...that were going on in my personal life?
Well...since the new WIP barely HAS six sentences, I'm going to be gracious and give y'all more than six sentences of At the End of a Bar. Enjoy! (Hopefully)
He’s already heard Henry laugh. Several times, in fact, in several ways, just tonight alone. A nervous giggle when Alex leaned in and whispered that he was the hottest person he’d ever seen. An incredulous huff when he revealed his favorite Star Wars movie and Alex informed him how completely and utterly wrong he was. A full-bodied howl of a thing that turned a few heads as he recalled the look on his ghoul of a grandmother’s face when he told her that he was moving to Texas and would be riding more than just horses. But the laugh that crosses the boundary of his perfect lips when he comes can only be described as euphoric. A sound so exquisite that anyone who’s ever heard it should consider themselves blessed to have witnessed such a remarkable thing. Head thrown back, blond hair glistening with sweat, pink lips pulled over white teeth in a wide, gummy grin, blue eyes practically glowing. Alex would like nothing more than to be the cause of such utter bliss every day, several times a day, for as long as Henry will allow him.
Putting some no-pressure tags out into the universe and behind the cut, as well as laying out an open tag for anyone else who might wish to tag me and share their beautiful work from this past week!
@adreamareads @affectionatelyrs @anchoredarchangel @anincompletelist @barbiediaz @cha-melodius @cricketnationrise @daisymae-12 @duchessdepolignaca03 @firenati0n @gayrootvegetable @getmehighonmagic @guillermosfamiliar @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @indomitable-love @indestructibleheart @inexplicablymine @junebugclaremontdiaz @kiwiana-writes @leaves-of-laurelin @leojfitz @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @magicandarchery @msmarvelouswinchester @mulderscully @ninzied @notspecialbabe @onthewaytosomewhere @priincebutt @rockyroadkylers @ships-to-sail @songliili @sparklepocalypse @ssmtskw @stereopticons @suseagull04 @theprinceandagcd @thinkof-england @tintagel-or-cockleshells @typicalopposite @user-anakin @vanillahigh00 @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @whimsymanaged @wordsofhoneydew @zwiazdziarka
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iceprincessviviane · 1 year
Chapter 1 - Surprise.
Heritage series.
Paring: poly!BTS x Female!Shy!Skinny!Chosen!Reader.
Type: dark romance, horror au, soulmate au, poly relationship, slowburn, yandere.
Warnings: Horror themes, some religion themes (mostly demonic), gore, blood, manipulation, witchcraft, magic themes, death (side characters), mentionings of forced marriage, mentioning about past, loss, yandere, obsessive, possessive, swearing, low self-esteem,dealing with grief, sugestive content and silly jokes created by me. (If there is more to add let me know.)
Previous chapter. Next chapter.
Summary: The life can be suprising. Sometimes it comes out with an sudden love, some struggling or you can inherit something from a very distant family.
Author's note: so we are beginning. This chapter will be a little longer, if it is going to get out of hand, I'll divide it. This is a made up story, fiction so please don't take some information seriously.
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The small casket was standing peacefuly on coffee table, three pairs of eyes observing it carefuly. With it came a letter in neat envelope, with smell of lilacs.
"Are you going to open it?" The girl with black hair asked crushing the silence.
"I don't know... suddenly I get to know that I had distant living family."
"Well not family but a family member to be accurate." Third one said with a little frown.
Y/N and her friends - Blanca and Kate were staring at it around five minutes. The casket seemed like a item from another era. It was wooden with metal decorations and lock. The key was visible inside the envelope.
"You always stated that you like those old things, but now you are hesitant."
"Because it looks so unbelievable. First the letter with casket then call to the court in case of inheritance which I had never known from family which I had never met." Y/N said with little gruff.
"Isn't that your chance to have an adventure? Like the trip to another continent isn't a big of a challenge." Blanca said confidently.
Well maybe for her because in fact she was confident and sure aboit herself. Usually they were travelling in trio, but working on different fields made them seen each other less often. Last year they had wonderful trip to the Rome and before to Stambul.
Y/N bite a little lip, then reached for a casket and envelope. Her friend put head on her shoulders on each side. She opened first letter, as they could see the small key was there. There was a decorative paper, text was written by ink, person had a very old syle of writing, but Y/N liked it and even found some similarities.
Dear Y/N,
I'm sorry, that we are never going to met each other. I didn't know that I have even a distant family, as much as I know the officials from Grand Hillsam will contact you about the mansion. It's an old, neglected building which I was keep paying for because I had some family sentiment, not mentioning I was quite rich. Please keep this part of the pendant, that belonged to my grandmother, which was in our family for ages. I believe you have the second part. Let it protect you from bad things.
Aunt Lizzie
After reading letter aloud the silence has fallan upon them. Y/Ns eyes went immediately to casket. She picked up small key and opened it with small 'click'. Inside really was a pendant, small solar disk, currently below her sweater was a necklace with small cerscent moon.
"It' looks like separate part." Blanca frowned.
Y/N took them both and looked closely. It turned out the these could be combined and now the sunshines were going out of moon part, which was silver and sun was gold.
"It's beautiful." Kate summed up looking at it.
"I agree." Y/N admired completed piece, then put it on her neck.
"Did you talk with the boss? He'll allow you to go?"
"We kinda have no option. Luckily we've finished big project and I can do home office. I'll focus on daily tasks and small project, which don't need to a lot of communication with a team." She explained with little sigh.
"But where are you going to stay?"
"I received a call after submiting all files in court. I just need to pay for a flying ticket, then they'll pick me up from airport and drive to Grand Hillsam, there I am going to met all necessary officials." Y/N said furrowing her eyebrows.
"Are you sure you want to go alone? And besides that you are sure that'w not a scam?"
"Well the court checked all info for me and confirm it's all correct. The town is actually very nice to allowing me pay only for ticket. I will stay in the motel till the case will be solved. And well, I am kinda scared to go alone, but it's mine heritage and you are busy that time for first and second we don't know how it'll take, so I asked a boss for homeoffice."
"Well let's see at good points. You are going to see very old mansion and probably have time to wander around after work." Kate smiled trying to improve friend's mood.
"Thanks God it isn't winter. That season can be really harsh in those town." Y/N muttered.
"Oh yea you mentioned that it's kinda small town deep in the forest and mountains."
"That's right, I hope the net will be all right."
"Let's not worry too much. We'll help you pack and go to the airport, also you have to keep us updated." Blanca said pointing her finger at Y/N.
The trio smiled and conversation went on and on about the case, then about casual things. She wanted to leave in a week, so they wanted to spent all the time they could.
Jimin stopped in front of neglected garden, which was in left part of whole mansion field. The grass was too high and stone path was now cracked and dirty. Trees has grown too much, no flowers in sight and vines on all stone walls, and some untreated big bushes. He frowned looking at all those mess and his chest tightened. How long this place was abandoned? Once beautiful now dewastated? Jimin narrowed his eyes and the plants started to disappear, like the life was escaping from the ground, unwanted vines were dying, grass cut itself and few branches fell from the trees then perished into dust. Some flowerbed formed with each kind of flowers, bushes shaped into tidy hedge. Fountain without the water got cleaned from moss and vines, path was now neatly lead into it. Behind it and where the mansion final wall was protecting the garden from outside wild forest submerged the sun clock from the ground. Jimin was content with his work, now the place was more familiar, more welcoming. He eyed the garden once more, when his eyes suddenly shone with crimson colour, black rose appeard almost under the behind wall. Jimin smirked and transformed into nightingale, then left the garden in a hurry, his job there was done for now.
Next chapters will be longer 💖
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evita-shelby · 1 month
Strings of Fate
Thanks @justrainandcoffee for having the dream that inspired Forbidden and this happier au and happy birthday 🎂 🥳
Cw: smut, infertility, Tommy’s canon fertility issues, cheating
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Rose Coldwell needed a husband to escape Lawerence Evertt and the Shelbys could use someone to help Polly and Ada with Finn and John’s now motherless children.
His marriage was one of convenience and no matter what they did, it just didn’t work.
“I cannot have children,” his wife had admitted when they held Ada’s baby and Tommy wondered if they could try and have some happiness of their own.
The Romani Gangster had never held that against her, he was fond of her and cared for her like he cares for all his family, and when he realized the place Alfie Solomons had in her heart, Tom supposed it was a blessing in disguise.
He didn’t stop her; it wasn’t as if he hadn’t resumed his visits to Lizzie nor dallied with Grace in hopes of filling that hollowness in his chest. The least he could do for her is to ignore her visits to Camden Town and believe her lies.
Once business is done, he will broach the topic of a divorce. Tommy would use his own affairs to place the blame squarely on his shoulders and make sure her reputation remains spotless.
He needs Camden Town, Alfie Solomons would have no choice but to ally with him and help him take London or he’d never set her free. It is the only reason he is taking on Sabini now that both Kimber and Evertt are dead and gone.
Alfie’s no fool, his own wife was a Smith whose grandmother lived in Small Heath. If Tommy wanted, he could hurt her, but he wouldn’t. He’s not like that.
She’s a beauty, he’s seen her in the neighborhood enough times to know Mr. Solomons is a lucky man. She’s friends with Ada, on good terms with Polly and Finn adores her. Had he met her sooner perhaps, Eva Solomons would be Eva Shelby.
“If my husband were a jealous man, you would be pushing daisies, Mr. Shelby.” The witch says in Rromani as she looks at the wares in the shop that makes his suits.
“Something you must thank my wife for, I suppose.” His words hit their mark as she stills for a moment before regaining composure. They speak of the matter in their shared tongue, and no one here would report anything but mere speculation to his aunt, Chester Campbell and Sabini.
She and Rose are friends, even if dear Rosie thinks Eva isn’t aware of her relationship with her husband. What her reasons are for feigning ignorance about their affair is something Tommy intends to find out.
“He goes his way, I go mine.” The woman answered his unspoken question and refuses to turn and look at him. “Same agreement you have with Rose.”
“Can’t fill the emptiness either, Mrs. Solomons.” Even the name feels wrong, just as Rose Shelby does.
Tommy looks at a bolt of fine black lace and suggests it to her with a calculated look on his face to sell the lie. As far as Polly will know, he is merely convincing Eva Solomons to convince her husband to free Arthur and claim Billy Kitchen’s death as his doing.
“If you wish to seduce me, Shelby, you should try harder. I like to be wooed.” The witch dismissed his words and before she could ring up the shopkeeper to buy it, he orders the man at the counter to put in on his tab.
He pays for his suits now. Never leaves a debt unpaid and tips generously, he even vets his whores after Grace took advantage of his weakness in the name of the Law.
Tommy Shelby should remember how that hurt him and his family as he courts the Witch of Camden Town.
But he cannot help it, there is something pulling him to her that he hasn’t felt since Greta. Like an invisible string connecting his rotten soul to hers.
“Your cousin, Wag, said your husband refused your tickets to Chaplin's party after what he did to my brother and my men at his Seder.” The Gangster wanted revenge, he had an ace up his sleeve to get Alfie Solomons to have the police sergeant in his pocket release Arthur and his men.
This was more than just a play against Eva’s husband and Rose’s lover, this was Tommy Shelby being led by his stupid broken heart to see where that string of fate leads him to. Not his cock this time, though the woman beside him ignited all sorts of want with that feel of magic about her.
“I want you to wear that lace for me and after that, we will go to my sister’s place in London, and we will fuck until we forget what our spouses are doing in that property they think we don’t know about.” He comes close enough to breathe in the soft rose water and vanilla and that touch of myrrh and frankincense left over from incense to enhance her supernatural abilities.
Tommy Shelby doesn’t know what he’ll do is she says no.
“Tell Ada to leave the lights on and the front door unlocked, I will be arriving there before you to keep Sabini off my tail.” Eva turns and looks at him over her shoulder with an enigmatic smile.
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She doesn’t wear black lace.
She wears a jet beaded dress with a satin slip underneath with her dark hair curled and lips painted with the lipstick Rose will find on his collar tomorrow.
He shouldn’t want her, her husband could kill his brother for this, but Tommy Shelby cannot help himself.
He hardly remembers the party as the heady smell of witchcraft and roses stirred a fire within him he hasn’t felt in almost a decade. Grace had been there with her husband, but he had paid her no mind as he came to know the bewitching woman on his arm.
“You behave as if you were a man starved for love.” Her eyes are dark with want and her quiet laugh betrays how mutual this burning he feels is.
“As starved as you are, love.” Tommy cannot even bother to check the coast was clear as he kisses her hungrily at Ada’s doorstep.
Despite the need to sate the hunger they feel, they take their time, stumbling to the couch where they don’t bother removing their clothes. Any attempt to strip her of her fine clothes is met with a wicked grin, as he ran is hands up her silky skin and felt the lace he had paid for as she sank down on his hand.
“You said I had to wear the lace, you never said how.” The witch said against his mouth before kissing like a high-end whore.
“I need you.” He groans against the column of her neck as he kisses every freckle Solomons takes for granted and matches the slow pace she’s set. “Evie, I need you.”
Sex with Rose was good, a bit tame, but enough to scratch the itch. This was different, as if he’d known the witch before, as if he hadn’t been meant for anyone else except her.
“You don’t even know me, Tommy.” She pulled him back to her mouth as she rid him of his vest, gun holster and every item between her long black nails and his bare chest.
She could tear out his heart from his chest and he’d let her, just to fill that hollowness inside him.
They don’t stay in the couch, neither wanted the night to end and in silence decided they’d greet the dawn clad only in sin. The bed would be where they fuck in earnest, where he will take advantage of his own lack of fertility to ensure Solomons stays none the wiser.
Tommy takes his time peeling off the lingerie she wore only for him, kissing every inch of her and letting the sense of déjà vu guide and reward him with sounds he bets Alfie cannot string from her.
God was always cruel to him, to give him a soulmate and give her to a man who doesn’t worship her like she deserves. He tells her so when after feasts on her cunt like a man starved.
“Then show your goddess how a true believer should worship her.” She pulled him up and tasted herself in his tongue as he made love to her until she wept from the ecstasy.
Dawn paints her skin golden, and her eyes turn the color of his favorite whiskey, he wished he could wake every morning like this.
“Who knew Mr. Shelby was a poet?” the witch reads his thoughts and hears him use poetry to describe the naked goddess he's still inside of.
“Who knew soulmates were real?” their hands interlock as they lay together basking in the afterglow, pretending they don’t have cages to return to.
Tommy Shelby knows he must make her part of the deal: he will set Rose free only if Alfie does the same with Eva.
He can’t let her go, even if he’s only known her for a day or two, he knows he can’t live without her.
They all return home; Rose smells of Alfie and he smells of Eva. It is the first of many, they know it when Rose takes Ada’s old bedroom and Tommy’s in his own bed and both dream of their lovers.
Neither feel hurt as they did before when the guilt ate at Rose even if he’s never been loyal to her, the callous too thick to let them feel their sins burning against their conscious and damning them to hell once more.
“I hadn’t planned to tell you this until the Derby ended, but I will set you free. Our deal has been honored and you no longer need my protection in the form of a wedding ring and my last name.” It sounds cold and cruel to everyone but them.
Rose cries in relief and joy as she hugs him in gratitude. He’s set up the date with their lawyer, paid extra to have it done faster and even sought the Rabbi in Rose’s Temple to ask whether he needs a Get so his soon-to-be ex-wife can marry his lover’s husband.
Even if he does die today, he will die as Eva’s fiancé and not Rose’s husband.
“Rose and I declared our marriage over, and unless you do the same, I will blow your fine establishment up to marry your wife. The choice is yours, Solomons.” The gangster fears death and yet fears nothing today, but he trusts his witch. His witch who told him the grave he will dig is meant to show him how expendable he is to his new master.
Everything would fall into place and all would be right in the world…for them at least.
That night, still reeking of graveyard dirt and a man’s blood, he spends it in Eva’s arms in the sprawling house she will rule over as its rightful queen.
“How soon can we marry?” she holds on tightly to him as if they may wake up from this dream any moment.
“Before you start showing, I hope.” Tommy answers guessing why she’d even ask in the first place.
And so, they marry, in the last days of summer with a special license as their former spouses do the same in Margate.
Whether Charles Absalom Shelby is named for his uncle or Charlie Chaplin, is something only the new couple will know.
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natsuki208 · 4 months
✨ The Daughters of Cielizzy ✨
An AU where Ciel manages to survive his contract, marries his beloved and have two adoring daughters (they’re now adults here)
Mary ‘Midford’ Phantomhive
• She takes a lot of personality traits from her mother, like her kindness and positivity, but inherits the blue hair and eyes from her father.
• Mary looks up to her father a lot, to a point where she mimicked most of his mannerisms when she was little. It got on Ciel’s nerves but excused it since she is a child.
• Elizabeth loves to style her hair, whenever it’s pigtails or braids or tying in ribbons, she wants her to look both like a young lady and adorable.
• Once she learned to make daisy chains, she constantly gives them to her parents and asks how they look. Lizzy compliments her sweetly, while Ciel tries to not be harsh ‘cause he’s busy with work.
• Even if she’s the first born, she has no interest in continuing the family name. Ciel doesn’t want to convince her either. For now, he’ll allow his daughter to be the normal child he never was.
• Her favourite colour is sky blue and wants to wear it in her dresses to contrast with her hair.
Cynthia ‘Cindy’ Phantomhive
• The second daughter born four years after Mary, a small blonde girl with sapphire eyes like her late grandmother Rachel.
• Unlike her sister, she’s a bit more stubborn and harder to please. Guess where she inherited that from.
• Cynthia may come across as acting mature for a little girl, but she never fusses whenever her mother gives her hugs or calls her cute. She doesn’t accept head pats from her father though.
• Mary likes to shorten her name to ‘Cindy’ as a nickname, which puts Cynthia off when she gets old enough.
• She’s a very observant child and can easily tell if something is bothering her father, she can even tell he’s lying when he says ‘everything’s fine’ which baffled Ciel the first time.
• Her favourite colour is a very soft green and may or may not own a few pairs of ribbons in this color.
Thanks to @sebaschian for helping me with the second child’s name.
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