#and Raph is trying to steal the spot
iwillkeepfighting · 2 years
Me three months ago: I disavow all iterations of the silly turtle ninjas except Rise, they’re all dumb and I don’t have time for them
(me four months ago: I do not care about turtle ninjas *eyeroll*)
Me now: 2012 au time 💕
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turtleblogatlast · 9 months
[ cw: risk taking behavior / circumstantial self harm kinda / ignoring of injuries / self-depreciation / slight ooc-ness but for a reason! / ]
Post invasion, Leo is fine.
More than fine! He’s better than before, even. That is, if you don’t count the slightly cracked shell and still healing bones, but those are only a problem when the weather wants them to be!
Leo really is better in the ways that matter.
He’s not as cocky, not as self-centered, and overall just more heroic in general if he does say so himself.
Raph even said he was proud of Leo!
So obviously things are going well.
It’s not enough.
Leo’s better, sure, but he’s still got work to do.
So - and here’s something that will probably make his brothers faint on the spot - he needs to train.
His brothers do not faint, but it’s a near thing for Raph. Mikey has to fan the snapper’s face and Donnie almost brings out the smelling salts before Raph shoots back to his feet with an excited grin.
Leo’s big brother gets teary eyed soon after and envelops him in a bear hug, saying once again how proud he is that Leo is growing up.
Leo lets himself be hugged, even hugs back as fiercely as he can, because unbeknownst to Raph, this marks the end of Leo’s childhood.
He lets himself be hugged like a kid one last time, looking through the hole in Raph’s shell all the while.
Leo only trains the regular way with his brothers and occasionally April and the Caseys, but most especially Raph.
But of course that’s not enough, it was never going to be.
So he goes through the motions of the stretches, the spars, the meditation, and then he leaves.
He makes sure to have his excuses ready, usually defaulting to Hueso as his go to since his brothers are easily bought off with the promise of pizza. Leo hasn’t yet found the tracker Donnie installed in him, but when he does that’ll be dealt with too! But for now, this should be good.
See, the invasion made him realize something.
It’s not about him, but it was his shortcomings that led to everything going to hell.
So he just…needs to get rid of those shortcomings.
He’s working on it, gaining fighting skill in training, but there’s more he needs to do, more skills he needs to train.
Leo watches intently as Repo Mantis swindles someone, he memorizes the sleight of hand that Hypno performs, he sneaks back into the Mystic Library and is so quiet the hush bats forget he’s there, he talks Big Mama into honing his manipulation, and he even sneaks into human hospitals and reptile veterinary clinics to get a clue on more serious injuries.
And after any of these, he heads to Run of the Mill to compete in the Maze of Death.
This is his twelfth time going through the (newly remodeled and even more deadly) Maze of Death, and would be his fifth time winning. The first three times had him waking up in Hueso’s office, and each time he wakes his old persona shines through.
He always waves off Hueso’s annoyance and questions and insists on trying again next time before he steals some pizza and bails.
The skeleton actively tries to stop him from entering the Maze after the first time, but hey- mystics are allowed before you enter.
It’s easy enough to teleport on by.
Harder to meet Hueso’s - and later his brothers’ - eyes when he fails again.
When he first actually won, Hueso congratulates him in that typical deadpan tone of his.
“Ah, felicidades, Pepino. Now you can move on, sí?”
“Hm? Nah, boneman! That run was sloppy!”
And then Leo runs off before Hueso can stop him.
He doesn’t even look at his picture on the champion wall when he next comes around. It’s not much to look at anyway.
His second win is much like the first, and only his third win is actually acceptable.
But he knows the field too much now. He needs a challenge.
When he attempts to go through it blindfolded, he’s quickly shown how much he doesn’t know the Maze. So, obviously, he loses again.
He got a bit more banged up that time around.
“Pepino, basta ya, you’ve already won. Where are your brothers?”
“I can’t stop yet, señor! This is for my brothers - no les digas, please.”
Even if Hueso wanted to tell Leo’s brothers, they haven’t been in enough for him to get to, and it’s not like Hueso has their number since Leo’s the one Hueso usually contacts. For now, Leo’s safe to continue as is.
Though his injuries are getting harder to hide, and there’s only so much his shell in particular can take.
So to speed things up, he incorporates the blindfold into his regular training.
His brothers question it, of course, but hey, he initially got the idea from seeing Lou Jitsu do it in the third best Lou Jitsu movie, so it comes as a great excuse now.
He’s only a little put off by how fast Mikey adapts to it when the others try.
“I dunno-“ Mikey shrugs when asked, “You guys shine so brightly anyway, a mask doesn’t do much.”
Seeing their mystic energies is pretty cool, Leo can admit.
He just wishes he could grasp that himself - and that it was useful for a death maze.
Leo’s training pulls off eventually, and soon, after a few more losses, he wins a forth time. But it’s a near loss, and a near loss is the difference between someone living and dying.
He’s gotta go again.
Hueso’s more insistent than ever, though.
“You must stop, Pepino.”
“But I can do better-“
“You don’t have to! Your shell is bleeding - ¡por tu propio bien, poner fin a esto!”
“I told you, this is for their own good! For everyone’s own good!”
He forgets the pizzas when he leaves. He claims sickness when he hides under his covers.
He ignores how childish the act makes him feel.
Leo’s getting better, and his reflexes and tact in training shows this. His other training of his subterfuge and medical skills also prove to be useful.
He’s pretty good at hiding injuries, now! Though not so good at hiding a pained shell. Even Donnie looks at him with blatant concern (and understanding) when Leo can’t help but take a sharp breath whenever he lands on his back.
It’s hard not to go right back into waving everything off with jokes like he used to. Deflections are easier when they’re annoying!
But- this is just another reason that he needs to get better, right? So his brothers won’t worry. He doesn’t need the spotlight anymore - he’s over that, thanks.
He squashes down the part of him that perks up when Splinter says he’s growing up. He actively kills the part of himself that cries at the same phrase.
So. Yeah. This’ll be his twelfth time running the Maze. And, hopefully, his fifth win. Maybe he really will move on after this.
The Hidden City is pretty big! There’s probably a bigger challenge somewhere.
Maybe Big Mama has a more secret Nexus hidden away, out of the public eye.
Well, whatever. That’s a future problem for him to figure out, yeah? For now, he carries on like usual, teleporting to the entrance of the Maze and diving right in.
Even blindfolded, he works his way through, dodging and weaving and feeling as he goes. He even tries to evoke his inner Mikey and calls on his mystic energy. Not enough to cheat, but enough to feel.
Usually, when Leo teleports, he swears he feels every part of himself disperse into particles. Now, with energy thrumming under his scales, he can feel particles everywhere.
It’s not refined enough to tell him everything, and he gets a fun new burn and a nice whack to the back by getting distracted. Still, it gives him more than he had before. It makes him more aware of everything, like he licked a finger and held it in the air to feel the direction of wind, but every direction blew wind, all in different ways.
He makes it to the end with minimal injuries after that, and sure, his shell is screaming at him now, but he thinks he did a shell of a good job.
…Ah, he needs to cut that out, huh? Man. Maybe Donnie’s collar idea was a good call after all.
Leo needs to be a hero. Not a face man. Not a failure.
Not a kid.
Leo doesn’t smile when the Minotaur takes his picture again for the champion wall, and he doesn’t listen when she tells him to “go home and never come back.”
He doesn’t plan to, anyway, yeesh.
He’s tired as he trudges out of the exit, and Hueso catches him when he stumbles.
Hueso doesn’t say anything. Leo doesn’t either.
Or, he doesn’t, until he feels a familiar large hand helping him up as well.
Leo’s face whips up as he flinches back, eyes wide as they meet with a worried (so, so worried) Raph’s.
“You told them?” Leo asks Hueso in betrayal, heart thudding wildly in his chest.
“Told us what?” Mikey pipes up from behind Raph, coming closer to get a better look at Leo, “Leo, what’s going on?”
“Your shell has been having pretty big setbacks on its healing, is this why?” Donnie demands, glaring fiercely as he motions toward the Maze.
Leo feels unmoored. “I-“
“Leo.” Raph interrupts, and no Leo doesn’t want to hear it- “Are you okay?”
And Leo wants to say “it’s not about me”. He wants to say anything that proved he learned his lesson, that he’s not a liability or worse, an active danger to his own family.
He wants Raph to continue being proud of him. He wants his brothers to trust him.
Instead, he passes out.
The next time his eyes open, Leo’s on his side, staring at his blue lava lamp.
He knows without looking that his shell is re-bandaged. He knows his other injuries have been dealt with too.
And unless Leo learned how to do some pretty impressive medical sleepwalking, he knows he’s not getting away this time.
All three of his brothers being in his room prove that.
“What’s been going on, Leo?” Mikey asks, and his voice cracks partway through.
He’s looking at Leo like he’s searching for something, but Leo doesn’t have anything to show. Nothing’s hidden, he just did some light spring cleaning is all, throwing out all the parts he didn’t need.
All the parts they didn’t need.
And yet despite everything, he can feel himself falling back into old ways, a grin tugging at his beak and lackadaisical deflection on the tip of his tongue.
Maybe he should let that part of him show, just for once. It wouldn’t seem like too much of a setback would it? And he could really use a fun pun right about now-
No it’s not about him. He needs to remember why he did all this in the first place.
“Okay- sorry, guys.” He smiles, softly, quietly, “I guess I got too caught up in training. I’ll work at it some more, don’t worry.”
“Oh, I see. Training. That’s all it was, huh? Training.” Donnie hisses more than says, nearly vibrating in anger.
“…yeah?” Leo nods slowly, because, uh, that’s literally the most honest thing he said. It was training.
“If it’s just “training” then why the secrecy, hm? Why in Curie’s good name did you prefer to sneak around rather than, oh, I don’t know, tell your family?”
Leo feels his shoulders rise at Donnie’s aggression, defensiveness welling up in him, “It was my training! Nothing went wrong, I’m getting better!”
“Better?” Raph asks incredulously, “Leo, you’re wasting away. A tap to the shell stuns you for minutes, you lost weight, and your dark circles are worse than Raph’s ever seen them! You aren’t getting better-!”
The words rip out of Leo before he can stop them.
The room is silent as his brother look at him, all wearing expressions of hurt that Leo put there again.
“Yes I am.” Leo reiterates, shaking, “Because- if I’m not-“ He squeezes his eyes shut. “If I’m not-“
Then what was all this for?
Arms slowly wrap around him, and he knows now from the feel of the mystic that it’s Mikey.
“You’ve gotten faster, and sneakier.” Mikey says quietly. “When I accidentally cut my hand, you knew exactly how to take care of it.” His voice grows firm, and he backs out of the hug, “But those are your skills. You, though, you’ve been…you’ve been…”
“You’ve been dilapidating before our very eyes, and trying to hide it.” Donnie finishes, jaw tight. “You think we wouldn’t notice? After everything?” To Leo’s horror, Donnie’s voice is hoarse with tears, “You absolute dumb dumb.”
“I- but I need to train. The Maze is-“
“Leo, we don’t care that you ran through the Maze. We care you did it alone.” Raph says quietly. “We could have joined you, any time.”
“But- but I’m doing this for you-“
“Listen to your brothers, Blue.” They jump as a new voice joins the fray, heads turning to see Splinter make his way into the - frankly crowded - room.
“Dad, I-“ Leo begins, but trails off, suddenly more unsure than ever in the face of his father.
“It’s good you’re finally picking up training! Especially for your brothers’ sakes! But there’s such a thing as going overboard, you know.” Splinter pokes a sharp claw into Leo’s plastron, “Just because you’re dragging it out this time, doesn’t make this any less of a sacrifice. My son, you’ve taken after Karai an awful lot, haven’t you?”
Leo just looks at his father. At his brothers. Then, he looks down at his calloused hands, bandaged and scarred from overuse.
He swallows dryly. “Is that a bad thing?”
He feels his family crowd in around him, feels his father’s hand on his shoulder.
“It’s not wrong to want to be better, Leonardo.” Splinter says, softly and with so much grief and guilt that Leo can never begin to understand, “But you were never bad to begin with.”
Leo’s breath hitches.
“And-” Splinter’s hands rise up to frame Leo’s face. “You are much too young to ever consider sacrifice the best answer.”
“You got me to relax, Leo. So I’ll do the same for you.” Raph grins, eyes wet, “We’re still kids, right?”
Leo smiles, watery but genuine. “Yeah, Raph. We are.”
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lemonlinelights · 1 year
Summary: The turtles are worried about Casey Jr's recent behavior.
A short fic based off of somerandomdudelmao’s Cass Apocalyptic series 
   Casey Jr!” Mikey yelled. It was a type of shout heard on long car rides when a cow was spotted. Casey froze, his hand hovering over the door knob. 
   “Hi?” Casey asked. He turned around to face Mikey. Then he immediately regretted doing so. It wasn’t only Mikey that was there. Donnie and Leo had appeared quietly, flanking either side of Casey. It reminded him of that dinosaur movie they watched together to have him “better understand pop-culture”. 
   “Well um,” Casey turned around “I’ve gotta go-” he tried to make a break for it only to be met with the wall that is Raphael Hamato. Casey was surrounded. 
   “What, what is this, an intervention?” Casey joked. He was the only one who laughed.
   “Precisely.” Donnie said. Casey’s eyes widened. 
   “We’re worried about you.” Raph said, hand on Casey’s shoulder. Reassuring, but also stopping Casey from bolting. 
    “Me?” Casey asked. 
    “Yes, you!” Leo exclaimed. “Who else would we be talking about?” He waved his arms around. 
   “…not me?” Raph’s brow furrowed. 
   “You haven’t been home at all.” Mikey said, officially opening the floodgates. 
   “We haven’t seen you eat.” 
   “You won’t talk to us.”
   “Have you been sleeping at all?” 
   “You’re skittish.” 
    “And I know you’ve been stealing from my lab!” Donnie shouted. 
   “Also, you’ve been lying.” Leo finished. Casey rocked back and forth. 
   “Psh, me, lying?” Casey waved his hand as if to dismiss the idea. 
   “Does saying you have an uncle of all things ring any bells, Casey?” Leo asked, hands on his hips. Casey felt his heart sink. 
   “What Leo means to say is, we can help Casey, whatever it is that’s bothering you, us, April, Splinter, and…even Draxum.” Raphael explained, he squeezed Casey’s shoulder. Donnie rolled his eyes, but he didn’t scoff. 
   “Yeah!” Mikey exclaimed. “I can use my pizazz!” He said while finger gunning at Casey. 
   Casey couldn’t do this. What felt like an eternity to Casey looked like a blur to the others. He yanked himself out from under Raph’s hand, dodging Mikey trying to grab him. 
   “No!” Casey shouted. “No, you can’t help!” 
   “Yes we can!” Leo shouted back and God the way he tilted forward, arms opened wide, a determined look on his face. Casey choked back tears. 
   “You can’t bring them back!” 
    Everyone stilled. 
   “You look just like them.” Casey whispered. But that also wasn’t the full truth.
    Sure Leo did what Uncle Tello called the mom stance but he didn’t do it with the same caring grin. Smile lines and crows’ feet missing from his face. Donnie rolled his eyes but it wasn’t the same playfulness. Mikey did finger guns but there wasn’t the same spark, literally and figuratively. And this Raph couldn’t hold him the same, they weren’t there yet. He wasn’t there yet with any of them, where an embracing hug was the default. They were so much alike but they were not the same turtles he knew. They were not his senseis. 
   All he wanted right now was a genuine Hamato hug. His Hamatos’ hugs. And Uncle Tello could do that. Uncle Tello was here. Uncle Tello was working towards a day where all of them could hug Casey again. Casey could do that. Casey could be here with them, his senseis. 
   “I can fix it.” Casey said. His hope poured out like a squashed oozesquito. Sad and beaten but still going. 
    “Huh?” Mikey said. 
    “Just you wait!” Casey exclaimed, running out of the lair, heels on fire. 
   “Casey, wait!” Leo started to go after him. One of Donnie’s mechanical limbs reached out and grabbed him. 
   “What would you even do?” Donnie asked. Leo didn’t know. He didn’t know. None of them know. 
   But Casey? Casey knew. Casey knew exactly what he was going to do. For once in his life he knew exactly what he wanted and he knew exactly how to get it. 
   Casey Hamato knows.
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niphredil-14 · 8 months
hey so how do you think rottmnt Leo, Raph and Donnie would deal with a s/o who sometimes gives their pet more attention than them? S/o sometimes just falls asleep cuddling the pet or others it’s with the turtles and the pet just comes and lays on top of them or watches them sleep. The pet also loves these 3 boys so it goes to them for affection, but it loves s/o more cuz s/o did raise it? S/o always gives their favourite boyfriend affection second for sure though and it lasts all night and day after their pet gets dibs.
Thanks for the request! This is such a cute idea.
The most jealous man you will ever meet. He will sit and pout if your attention is off of him for more than two minutes. And if you ignore his pouting, then he will cause absolute chaos. He will give your pet the death glare, and he will absolutely have a one-sided competition with your pet behind your back. If he sees your pet laying in HIS spot your lap), he will just pick the up and put them on the ground and take their place before you get the chance to scold him, and before your pet has the chance to climb back up. It's just constant petty bullshit, if one of them is getting your attention, then the other one needs to as well. You will have no peace.
This is a non-issue, he probably loves your pet more than you do, and the second he lays eyes on it, he decides that it is now his baby too. He buys your pet cute little outfits, and premium food and toys. If you're giving your pet attention, chances are Raph is too. Hell, you might end up getting jealous over how much attention your pet gets.
I feel like Donnie could go either way. Like, it really depends on the circumstances. He understands the love that is felt for a creature that relies on you (his baby, Shelly c:) and wouldn't mind if your pet was stealing attention that should have rightfully been his if you guys were just doing some parallel play or just hanging out in the same vicinity, but if it was an activity/time where your attention would have fully been on him, then he'd get a little annoyed. He would probably start by just trying to divert your attention back to him, and if that didn't work then he might call Sheldon in using his wrist cuff to get him to herd your pet a bit farther away. Not so far that you're worried, but just enough that your attention is back on him. (sheldon would LOVE your pet, they'd be like siblings)
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For you, @phoebepheebsphibs ~
Raph barges through the fifth lab door of the day. It’s sickening that this place has so many areas filled with experimented on animals. The sweetest, most innocent ones he could think of turned into violent, bloodthirsty monsters.
And Mikey was trapped here somewhere with them.
He runs past several cages. Claws and arms poke out from them, attempting to draw his blood. He’d like to help them, but there’s not much he could do, and Mikey takes priority above all else.
Calling out for his brother doesn’t garner much response. He probably wouldn’t be able to hear him over all the sounds each mutated animal is making.
He stops in front of a cage, seeing something cowering in the corner. It was too dark to see it in there.
Raph thinks that this must be an animal they haven’t mutated yet. Maybe it would be alright to help just this one.
He breaks the lock off and carefully opens the cage. The whimpering stops and suddenly he’s lunged at. Raph barely has any time to react or even scream from how fast it moves.
A squeal of fear escapes from his mouth. Luckily, his kindness isn’t rewarded with a mauling. The animal clambers onto his shoulder and perches on top of the back of his shell.
There’s no opportunity for him to even see it.
He’s guessing it’s friendly, though? It hasn’t spilled any of his blood yet. Raph sighs. The place it’s taking is Mikey’s.
“Alright, you can stay up there, but I need to go find my brother.”
The animal lets out a confused noise.
Raph holds onto it like he always does with his brothers when they’re hitching a ride on his shell and begins walking.
“His name is Mikey. He’s got spots and the biggest smile you’ll ever see. Mikey’s also super talented. Kid can bake, draw, and dance better than anyone.”
The animal squeezes him slightly. Raph can feel it wagging a tail. He wonders why it would get excited about what he’s saying but he knows he’d probably never get an answer.
“I love him. A lot. I’d do anything for him. We used to be even closer, but….older brothers aren’t so impressive to younger ones when they’re way more…..talented. Anything I do to protect him just seems like I’m tryna to be annoying to him. It’s fine because I love him and I won’t stop doing it, but I….just miss being cool.”
He feels something wet on the back of his neck and shudders.
“Ew! Did you just drool on me!? Come on!”
Sad, pitiful noises make him realize that he guessed wrong.
“Hey, sorry for saying all that….you’ve probably been through enough already.”
The animal rubs his cheek on the top of Raph’s head.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m not sad. Not as long as I find him.”
The animal rubs more as a response.
Raph smiles and continues walking. As he does, the animal begins trying to turn him a certain way. It’s confusing, but then he starts to think that maybe it knows where Mikey is.
Or he does until it leads him to an exit.
“I can’t go without my brother. Here, you get out, you’ve probably been trapped long enough.” He attempts to get the animal off but it refuses.
“Listen, I can’t-“
He suddenly hears the sound of a bunch of cages opening.
Change of plans.
He takes off running with the animal still held tight on his shoulders. Either the other animals are fast or he’s slow because they’re catching up fast.
The animal on his shoulders wriggles around a lot.
“I can’t let you down! They’re still coming!”
The animal doesn’t stop, eventually worming its way out of his grip. It lands behind him so he whirls around to finally get a good look.
He can’t have been so stupid.
The animal now in front of him has claws, glowing red eyes, and spots.
Mikey smiles sadly, shyly, as if he’d been caught stealing cookies instead of pretending he wasn’t mutated and hiding it.
Then, he turns to face the other mutated animals.
“No! MIKEY!” Raph screams.
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platonic mutant mayhem! x gn! human reader headcanons
(btw this was before they got accepted by humans)
sorry if there is spelling mistakes
half of it is movie plot spoilers kinda?????
a bit of angst for leo
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you were just looking at the turtles
then Splinter(he was still a little rat btw) found you, were a baby in the sewers just like the turtles
but you were human?
he was scared at first
but then he realized that you can't hurt him and the baby turtles can't too
he dragged you and the turtles to a different spot in the sewers
then he touch the ooze
he turned into a big (old) rat
your new brothers and you were jumping around like crazy
but right then and there Splinter knew he had to take care of you and your brother's
so he did!
he fed you and the turtles
he bathed you and the turtles
he did everything he could for you and the turtles
one day...
while walking around the sewers you, leonardo, raphael, donatello, and michelangelo, saw the flashing lights of New York City and you being just babys wanted to see what was up there
and Splinter thought about it
'why not just try'
he thought
so you all went up there
and you guys saw the pretty lights of New York City
it was going great until...
Splinter bumped into someone
and all hell broke loose...
"the rats got a human baby!!"
a human said
another human tried to take you away
Splinter was NOT letting anyone take you away, you were his baby
so he ran to the nearest sewer
he needed to learn self-defense and you guys too..
15 years later...
(btw you the youngest)
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you guys are bestfriends! but..
is a little(a lot) jealous of you
i mean your human! you have so many opportunities and hes just a mutant turtle...
would BARELY let you go out
he says its bc "some human could try to kidnapped you again"(nah its bc he's scared that you'll leave him and be friends with humans)
every time he watches movies with humans in it, he always thinks about how you can do the same thing if you ever wanted to
he gets so mad thinking about it
all he wants is a girlfriend
and you can get all the girls and boys without someone screaming or fainting looking at you
and thats ALL he wants!!
he wants to look like you
a human...
he loves and cares about you!
he's always worried if you'll get hurt when your out
he loves you sm(your his fav)
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he ALWAYS fights and wrestles you
but if he actually hurts you he'll feel like shit
like soooooo bad
he hurt his baby sibling:(
he'll buy steals you chocolate from the grocery store
hes not jealous of you whatsoever
he doesn't care that you're human
he loves you to death honestly
he literally calls you his baby
"no your not allowed to go outside"
"but why!"
"yeah why can't my baby go out with us"
"raph please stop calling 'name' your baby"
he loves you more than anything in the world
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dorky asf
likes when you two watch anime together
he says its "family bonding"
also makes you listen to K-pop a lot
he says its "family bonding" again
semi jealous of you
on one hand he doesn't care that you're human but on the other hand he's really jealous
sometimes when he's listening to K-pop in the middle of the night
he thinks what it would be like to be you
you know!
he loves you a lot
very protective like leo
worrying about your safety every time you're outside
would fix anything Tech wise for you
oh your phone broke? it magically works again
like that type of thing
he loves you sm don't ever forget that!!
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let's you do anything you want
he hugs you a lot
you guys sing rich flex pg ver(LMAOO)
says super funny jokes when your sad
he super funny!!!
he loves you a lot:3
you guys get sturdy together
he's not jealous of you one bit
why would he ever get jealous of his siblings appearance?
he NEVER gets mad at you, he loves you:3
(you have a separate room from the boys btw)
he cleans your room for you a lot(with your consent ofc)
he blows you kisses goodbye
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tmnt-oc-comp · 1 month
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Info under the cut!
Quarry Monsanto Inari Hamato:
made by @countlessgifts
Quarry is a minor villain from after the movie who eventually becomes Raph's love interest.
When they first met the turtles they got close by pretending to be a wannabe superhero and befriending Raph. They betrayed him and tried to steal the Krang Key. After they failed there was bad blood for a long time, until they needed the turtles help to save their sister from the EPF. Quarry was captured and mutated into a weapon for the EPF but eventually, with the turtles help, both him and his sister escaped and Quarry came back to apologize and reignite his friendship with Raph.
made by @xenniboii
Zivi was a little experiment of Draxum’s, but he learned quickly that he didn’t want her for various reasons. (Her being deaf the main reason. Though, he did build her an cochlear implant, he didn’t see any reason to keep her.) Eventually, he just left her down in the hidden city. At five years old. (Wow rude.) She was scavenging for food when Big Mama saw her and immediately saw nothing but potential. She immediately took her in. Of course, Zivi had no idea what was happening. As soon as possible, Big Mama began to train her to fight in the Battle Nexus, giving her only a war hammer and forcing her to fight. Though Big Mama did give her a cloaking brooch for when it was necessary to go up to the surface, and she always had someone watching her. Once when Big Mama seen her using her claws in battle, she was declawed. She begged her not to but to no avail. She now struggles to keep her balance at times (hence the forearm crunches) and suffers from chronic back pain. Though, Big Mama never let her use her crutches no matter what. She claims it was to “Strengthen her” or that “She’s just being lazy” when she said anything. She only was allowed to use them outside of work. Eventually, she decided she’s had enough and escaped. She escaped onto the surface. While she was on the surface, she found an ally way where she took off her brooch for a moment to take a break. The tmnt, who sat atop a building, spotted her. Immediately they became curious. What was a mutant doing up here? They came down and started to question her, and eventually, after some intense interrogation, they agreed to take her in. Eventually she was introduced to their other friends, Emmie, Bo, Mel, Izzy, and Nora. (Some of my friends ocs!) They all got along really well and they became close friends, Zivi even calling them her siblings. All was perfect, until the group broke up due to some complications on Emmie’s side. They all went their separate ways. After a while, Bo, Mel, and Zivi realize that they need each other and they regroup. Eventually, Nora and Izzy join back as well. It’s now been 2 years since they’d even heard a word from Emmie. And while Bo and Zivi are in the hidden city, they run into Emmie. But, for some reason she doesn’t recognize them… she explains that she’s not Emmie but she’s Irilia— Lia. It’s very clear that she’s changed, and she doesn’t even know it. They take Lia back to Zivis house, where they bring the Tmnt as well, to try and asses the situation. Apparently, Lia had amnesia. She was working in the hidden city circus on the aerial silks. She lived with the two crab mutants who used to work for Draxum— Ben and Carl. They all end up discovering who each other is, and reminding Lia who she used to be. All while having crazy adventures with Raph, Donnie, Mikey, and Leo
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indieyuugure · 1 year
What would you like to see more explored in Rise?
Be it a discarded idea or your own idea
Just curiosity
Well, I had these ideas for two Rise episodes, one in season 1 and the other in season 2. The episodes are titled “The Cloaking Broach” and “Return of the Cloaking Broach.”
Essentially the premise of the first episode(which would be between s1 ep38 and ep39) is that there’s a Jupiter Jim convention, but after the events of “Jupiter Jim Ahoy!” All Jupiter Jim conventions have a “no aliens or mutants” policy, and so Donnie comes up with the great idea to have Sunita lend them her cloaking broach, except they realize that there’s only one broach and 4 of them. So Splinter hides the broach somewhere in the lair and gives them half hour to find it. If they don’t find it in that time, then Splinter gets the broach. 28 minutes of unfruitful searching later, Mikey is about to give up and flops in the middle of the floor and spots the broach attached to their skate rap, hidden by the graffiti. Mikey runs to grab it but Leo uses him as a step ladder and grabs it first, sticks it on and turns into a human. Mikey steals it from Leo, Donnie steals it from Mikey, then Raph steals it from Donnie. They keep stealing it from each other, but each time one of them transforms there’s a poof of sparkles. Eventually there’s such a big cloud of sparkles that the broach gets launched into the air and into Splinter’s hand right as the time is up. Since none of the turtles could claim it in the time given, Splinter wins, puts the pin on a turns into a human and leaves to go do something, idk.
The second episode, “Return of the Cloaking Broach,” Donnie figures out how to make cloaking broaches and turns them all into humans so they can go to another Jupiter Jim Convention that has a “no aliens or mutants” sign. I haven’t thought through this one as much as the previous, but there definitely needs to be a scene where Mikey realizes he has no money when trying to by some snack, and the Trash Wizard needs to make an appearance too. I think this episode would end after they’re cloaking broaches get knocked off (probably by the Trash Wizard) and they have to hastily make their escape while being chased by Jupiter Jim nerds. I think then the turtles all agree that their adventures with cloaking broaches are over, lol
These are just some silly ideas I came up with, but I think it would be funny to see the boys pretending to be humans XD
Good question! :]
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
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At first they’re kind of just learning how to navigate around each other. Leo’s always training and meditating, Donnie is working on getting a new lab set up, and Raph, Mikey, and April are trying not to step on any landmines. Mikey tries to use the research he did for himself in the past year to help his brothers, but it’s slow going. Donnie is more receptive than Leo…or at least, he’s more willing to sit down with Mikey and listen to him talk. Dr. Feelings isn’t sure how much his older brother is actually taking in what he’s saying, going by the unsettling, thousand yard stare Donnie sometimes gives him. Eventually though, Leo stops being so stubborn and becomes more open to joining in the group activities Raph keeps trying to organize. Once they start spending time together, something just seems to click and they bond in the same ways we see them do in the show.
Donnie is the only one who’s never tried pizza. Raph’s practically lived off the stuff. Mikey’s more used to the fru-fru flatbread pizzas Big Mama’s chefs would cook, but he thinks the places they go to now are way better, and those idiots, Bebop and Rocksteady were easy enough to steal from when they brought outside food into the Foot Clan compound. Also (🤐) took Leo one time, after a successful mission ended with time to spare, probably one of the only nice things (🤐) ever did for him.
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Donnie’s need for approval grows to a whole new, worrying level, just because of how generous with affection and praise Splinter is, and how much of a head-rush Donnie gets, every time he does something to earn it. But he does calm down his more violent impulses out of fear of doing anything that would get him sent back to Draxum. Splinter sees that fear behind all the need for attention and meets it with his own, in a way. It isn’t done consciously, but he lets Donnie get away with much more than his brothers. It doesn’t bother any of them at first. They can all see that Donnie needs the most attention in the emotional department, but after it goes on for so long, it starts to create more problems than it helps solve. Raph and April are the ones that makes Splinter see what he’s doing is really avoiding the problems, instead of confronting them. Once they bring this to Splinter’s attention, he sits Donnie down and the two have their first serious talk, and don’t walk away until Splinter has Donnie convinced that nothing he could ever do would make the man love him any less, or that Donnie would ever be handed back over to Draxum.
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Leo has a soft spot for Mikey because of (🤐), but can be a bit awkward showing affection with everyone else. The easiest way Leo shows he cares is tending to their after battle wounds, and offering sound advice when they come to him with a problem.
Raph and Mikey are most affectionate with each other, and Donnie is affectionate with everyone, even though it still has something of a performative air to it. But they know he loves them by how fiercely protective he gets when one of them gets hurt. Raph is just as protective as he is in canon. He’ll check on them all before he goes to bed, let Leo take the lead in missions (after they stop butting heads, and figure out a way that actually works) so that Raph can focus less on strategy, and more on where his brothers are at, and who needs their backs covered. He’s patient with all of Donnie’s “quirks”, offers to spar with Leo when he sees he’s frustrated, but clearly trying to keep a calm face, and joins Mikey in the kitchen when the youngest is experimenting.
I’ll have to make a whole other post for our twin boys, since I’ve gotten so many questions regarding them!
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These are all pretty much accurate to a T!
As for dynamics—Leo respects Raph, but they clash at first over how to run missions. Leo hates going in without having everything planned, and that’s not really how Raph, April and Mikey have done things. But Raph can’t argue when Leo’s strategies work so well, and it is something of a relief to not have to worry about being the plan guy, in addition to the protection guy.
Despite all the training Draxum put Three through, Donnie isn’t used to real combat, especially in a group, so he’ll often take a sideline role, at least until he gets more comfortable with the idea of training with his brothers.
Mikey takes down baddies effortlessly. It’s usually him and Leo on the offensive, flitting all over the place in the blink of an eye, Raph on defense unless he’s bowling down a whole group of attackers, and Donnie is in the shadows picking ppl off, or up high calling out positions. Like Raph, April switches between offensive and defensive based on the situation, but she can be a little quicker about it because of her size and speed.
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Mikey is first because I love Mikey being the most in tune with Mystic energies. He’s the only one that unlocks his before they all reunite. Big Mama recognizes it as a form of Mystic art, and puts her feelers out in order to uncover more specifics, but doesn’t find anything before Raph and Splinter show up.
Raph unlocks his powers second. I do like the way it was done originally, but I’ll be throwing in a little fun twist to a much loved bit of angst we never got to see in canon 😉…
Donnie shocks everyone by being next. It’s mostly because he’s worked with Mystic energy before and it’s almost something of an underwhelming sort of “oh hey, I guess I can do this now.” Kind of reveal. He creates a bazooka to blast Rocksteady’s ass, when the mutant goes for an unsuspecting Raph’s shell with a sledgehammer.
Leo is last, because of how difficult a time he has accepting himself as part of the Hamato Clan after everything Shredder made him believe, but when an attacker is gunning for Mikey and Donnie, and Leo and Raph are too far away, he moves without thinking and is suddenly exactly where he needs to be.
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(I’m not an expert on weapons so pls forgive me if my research reveals some inaccuracies 😅)
Raph has pretty much always used his sai (the ones we see in the turtle tots short. Here, they’re a bit more meaningful and don’t get broken so easily like they do in the first episode—at least I’m assuming the ones in Mystic Mayhem were the same?). Splinter started him off with a pair of tonfa when he was very young and switched him to the sai when he thought he could handle them. Mikey picked his nunchaku from the huge wall of weapons in the Nexus because he liked how quickly and fluidly they followed his own movements. He leaves them behind in the Nexus, but is thrilled to accept the pair Splinter offers. They feel different, but in the best way—like they were meant just for him.
Donnie still creates his tech Bo, and mentally scoffs at the wooden one that’s displayed in the dojo, but…after Leo tells him…🤐 🤐🤐
The weapons are only old, family heirlooms at first. But once each of the boys unlock their Hamato Ninpo, they get the powers they have in the show and use their weapons just like normal. I wont really be fussing with them getting Draxum’s mystic weapons because it would be kind of….clunky trying to figure how that would work. And as much as I loved the new take of them starting off with their traditional weapons, then getting different ones, then earning their iconic weapons in a very satisfying final showdown…I’m going more on the route of them accepting their connection to the Hamato clan, through each of them accepting their weapons from Splinter.
Check out my Separated AU tag for further lore and the art this all is based off and my pinned post at the top of my page!
As always thanks for all the kind words! You guys are the best! ❤️💙💜🧡💛
@rando-living-in-your-floor , @lilyfond , @nyxthedragon225 , @artoflittleowlbird
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britt-kageryuu · 3 months
The stream starts with Raph sitting on a big beanbag chair in what looks like his train car, with some modifications. His model is wearing sblack/red shirts, wrist wraps, his mask, and teddy bear slippers.
"Hey guys, I got a new game that Mandarin told me about. Little Kitty Big City. It looks very cute. You get to play as a cute kitty, and I can't wait." As he talks his tail is wagging up a storm.
He starts from the Home Screen, and selects the game, and selects Save Slot 1.
"Oh! Is that the Kitty we play as listen to those purrs. Oh, Streeeech. Woah! They FELL!" Raph watches the cutscene, and then to actual control of the cat. "So we're trying to get home, but we're also gonna explore. Oh an inventory... are those hats? We get to put hats on the Kitty! Oh Cat-chievments. Sounds like Blues kind of pun. Okay how do I control this cat."
A good minute of messing with the controls and Raph starts wandering around. "Okay avoid the water. The jump is still weird though. I probably have to find some food, or something first."
"Oh, so it's just B, but holding it gets you ready to pounce. Swipe... knock over the pots~ Oh shiny spot! Jump! Shoot missed."
The stream watches as Raph wanders around, trying to get to Shiny spots, and figure out where to go. While saying 'jump', 'pounce' 'smack' and 'oh I can pick this up!' "Oh Zoomies!"
Raph had to pause real quick, "Okay, so I need to collect this stuff to give to the Tanuki, and Raven, to give me what I need to finish the game. At least it's not very hard."
A couple minutes later and he's struggling to catch a bird to get the feathers, so he switches to looking for cans to get shinies.
Though the audience is very entertained by the expressions on Raphs model, and how his tail is basically a blur right now, because he keeps finding the animations very adorable.
He eventually figured out how to catch the birds, but it was still tricky without bread.
"I got the feathers, now to find the Tanuki."
"He opened a portal thingy? Oh boy. I'm in the trash can ain't I?... Yup, and I didn't give the crow the shinies yet either." Raph lets out a sigh, "Well, I knew there would be more explorin to do, so let's figure out what to do next."
Raph finally got back to the crow, and got his first fish, and climbed the wall.
"So now I gotta find some ducklings, well at least this map also tells me were to find more fish."
"This crow is telling me it's not selling hats, just that it'll spin the Gotcha to give me random hats... I now get why I need to get lots of shinies..."
+A few minutes later+
"So helping that 'Mayor' cat only got me a emote, but I guess I have to go through that door to find the last duckling. According to the map he's here." Then he get through the door.
....."I have to climb this! To find the last duck!"
"That wasn't the last duckling? Well at least it's close to where the Dad is, and not like near the beginning of the game."
Raph wasn't sure what to feel at the moment. "A beetle, runs a famous cats social media, and I have to steal a new phone for it... Red feels very confused by this game. Wait how do I steal a phone again?"
After reading chat for the first time for a reminder (he didn't want spoilers). "I have to trip one of the humans holding a phone. Gotcha! How do I trip them? Run into their legs? That's kinda mean. But then again I'm playing as a cat."
"And my reward is a an in game camera. Not what I expected, but okay. Next thing, let's just get some of these Cat-chievements done. Since I think I need a few more fish, and we can do this stuff while looking for the last fish."
The chat was spamming cat emotes the entire time, as Raph just messed around for the rest of the stream. He kinda forgot to actually finish the game.
I just bought the game myself, and this is my thoughts on the first bit of the game. I don't know how far into the game I am, but I also want to complete everything before I climb the building to get home anyway.
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arhintess · 6 months
How Good dad Draxum interacts with his son(s).
For Leo, he'd try to cultivate his strategic mind, offering to play any sort of strategic game with him. One of Leo's favorite past times is playing chess(or any other game) with his father. He also allows Leo to drag him to Leo's favorite spot to hang out in, Run of the Mill Pizza, and while he doesn't care for the human food, he has to admit that Senior Hueso makes some good food.
For Donnie, He got him all the toys he could ever want. even if some of these toys were random appliances like microwaves and blenders. Any time Donnie wants to show him any gadget he makes, Draxum would stop everything and listen on with rapt attention and congratulate him(He's read in a few books that doing stuff like that is key to a child's growth.) and encourages any lethal and unethical tech Donnie creates. And when Donnie grows older, he makes sure to steal a few high school and college text books and random tech from the surface for his son. Though he regrets getting Donnie a human phone.
For Mikey, he highly encourages his interests in painting and cooking. He stole a bunch of human appliances to craft himself a home kitchen for his sone immediately after he showed interest. When he learns of Mikey's mystic talent, he encourages his interests even more. he knows that the best mystic warriors are ones who are the most in tune with themselves. He's grown fond over the years of Mikey's cooking, especially when he comes home to Mikey's food. He also loves Mikey's persona, Dr. Delicate Touch, enjoying his ruthless efficiency. Mikey also loves the lessons between him and Draxum. he loves getting whatever spell he's practicing correct and seeing Draxum's proud father look.
And finally, Raph. At first, he didn't like how gentle and kind Raph was, but new that trying to force him to act differently would be detrimental to his goal of raising a general. Years later, he's actually grown to respect it. He believes Raph would make a good leader to his future army with his kind and optimistic personality. He knows how much Raph likes plushies and has gotten enough plushies for Raph to bury himself in. He also helps Raph with his savage persona, helping him learn to use Savage to his benefit.
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oleander-nin · 2 years
Cold Hands, Warm Heart(Rise! Raph x Reader)
3777 words of complete and utter nonsense. I've never written for Raph before, so I hope I did well
Summary: Your heater broke down in the dead of winter. Hopefully Raph won't mind you hanging out with him for the time being.
My eyes flutter open as a chill runs down my spine, the heap of blankets paired with my warm pajamas not doing enough to fight against the cold. I shuffle a bit in my bed, trying to get comfortable again so I could fall back asleep. Winter has taken hold over New York, and the cold was finally starting to creep into my apartment. With my heater being busted at the moment, there was nothing I could really do except try and tough it out through blanket nests and warm foods. The company apparently can’t send someone to fix it until Friday, so waiting it out is kind of my best option. I glanced over at the digital clock that sits snugly on my nightstand, the bright and bold numbers flashing the unfortunate time of 3:22 AM staring me down, serving as a constant reminder of my inability to get some rest. 
I shift under the covers once more, avoiding the cold spots created by the lack of body heat. It’s times like these I start to regret letting Leo borrow the heated blanket I bought a couple years ago. Guilt starts to pile up in my stomach for daring to think that, as I know he must have it worse right now. Even though they are warm blooded, all the turtle brothers tend to be more susceptible to both hot and cold than the average person. Lending Leo my precious heated blanket was a noble sacrifice I had to make if it means he’s getting through this winter a bit easier. Too bad I’ll most likely never see it again, stupid blanket stealing jerk.
My eyes finally start to droop as the drowsiness kicks in a bit more, my mind bouncing from Leo’s blanket thievery to Donnie’s recent invention to Raph’s kind nature, and the serotonin that came with the final thought was starting to knock me out once again.
I came to realize my crush on the giant snapping turtle about a year after we met, and he’s been at the forefront of my mind ever since. Even if his tall stature was a bit intimidating at first, his personality proved to me that he was just a giant teddy bear. A teddy bear with built in spikes, a dash of violence, and separation anxiety, but a teddy bear no less.
I lay my head against my arms, shifting the cocoon of blankets around me to try and keep the heat inside so I could stay warm. Feeling my body giving into the fatigue that held it in its grasp was comforting, and I hoped I could sleep till the sun’s up. Constantly waking up to a dark room was starting to make my overactive mind run through the possibilities of ghosts, demons, and murderers that might be in my room with me. 
My eyes shoot open as I hear my phone start ringing, the familiar tune cluing me in to who’s calling. Raph. I launch my arm out of my warm blankets and aimlessly feel around for my phone. The cold of the room starts to seep into the opening my arm makes, and I grit my teeth at the unpleasant feeling.  My hand finally feels the slick rubber of my phone case, and I quickly yank it back into my makeshift warmth pocket. I answer the call as I put the phone up to my ear, grinning giddily as I greet the snapping turtle on the other side.
“Um, hey. Sorry to wake ya’,” he starts, and I note the grogginess and nervousness that seems to seep into his voice. “I know it’s late, but I was wondering if ya’d like to come over? I had a nightmare, but don’t wanna’ bother any’a brothers right now, they haven’t gotten much sleep as of late.”
I smile softly at his words, knowing the double meaning behind them. He had another nightmare about the Kraang, and he doesn’t want his brothers to see that he’s still suffering. “Yeah, I’ll be over in a second. I’m assuming I can go straight to your room, or do you want me to meet you in the living room?” After the Kraang invasion, Raph’s been having nightmares, and I appreciated that he trusted me enough to ask for help.
“Kitchen, actually. I’ve started making some hot cocoa, and I’m not too keen on drinking it anywhere else. A bit worried I’d spill it, and most cleaning supplies are in Dee’s lab.”
“Okie dokie, I’m heading over now.” I hang up the phone and take a glance around my room. Turning on the flashlight function on my phone, I get up and stretch a bit. The cold air washes over me like a tsunami, and I curl into myself a bit. I almost forgot about the cold while Raph was calling, and it’s taking its revenge by ravaging my body with shivers.
I use the flashlight feature on my phone to help guide me through my room, and I turn on the light once I reach it. I rapidly blink a couple of times, trying to get my eyes to adjust to the sudden bright light faster. Once the world is a bit more clear, I trudge my way over to my closest. I really don’t want to have to change. Raph won’t mind me showing up in PJ’s, right? I mean, it is 3:30 in the morning, so it can’t be that weird. Making up my mind, I grab my jacket and put it on, throwing it over my shoulders as I turn off the light and head to leave my apartment after grabbing my keys. I really hope no one else is awake.
I speed walk down the dimly lit hallway, glancing over my shoulder as I go. The apartment I lived in was relatively safe, but one could never be too sure. Hell, the 2 guys that lived next door got mugged last week. Sure they were across town leaving a pub, but one could never be too cautious.
Leaving the apartment complex, I quickly head for the alley a couple blocks away. I knew there was a sewer hole there, and I wanted to get down to the lair as fast as I could, the cold was killing me. I inwardly cheer as I make it to the sewer plate, mentally patting myself on the back for not getting jumped. Not that I actually did anything, but still, it’s the little things.
Checking to make sure no one's around, I take the robot I got from Donnie out of my pocket and set it on the manhole cover. As manhole covers can weigh up to 250 pounds, Donnie gave me and April these little robots that open them for us. It will forever impress me how the turtle brothers lift them without assistance. Leo loves to hold it over my head how easily he can pick up the plates of steel and concrete, constantly making fun of me for not being able to do the same.
Once the cover is removed, I grab the robot and make my way down, putting the robot back onto the plate so it can close it. I take my phone out as the robot works and put on the flashlight. It gets really dark once the lid closes, and I learned my lesson the first time I tried to climb down in the dark. Turns out, it’s really hard to climb back up a ladder with a broken arm. 
The robot dings and I pluck it off the cover. Sticking it back into my pocket, I slowly make my way down the ladder, trying not to fall. When I reach the bottom, I lightly tap the concrete with my foot. Stepping in a puddle would really suck, and while sewage doesn’t drain through here that often, any water down here is really gross. 
Satisfied with the dryness, I fully step down. I use my flashlight to guide me once more, muscle memory taking over. It was around a 10 minute walk from the alleyway entrance to the lair, but Mikey painted the entire way with little graffiti drawings so I would have something to look at while I visit. 
Once I enter the lair, I head straight for the kitchen. I could see better now that I reached the lair, so I finally turned off my phone’s flashlight. Hopefully it wouldn’t die considering I forgot my battery pack in my rush to get here. As I entered the room, I could see Raph sitting at the island, his red onsie on and his retainer sitting next to him. He was sipping on a mug of what was presumably hot chocolate, and there was a second one next to him. Raph sends me a warm smile as I grab a stool to sit next to him, both of us wincing at the noise it makes when I drag it across the floor.
Raph slides the other mug over to me, and I eagerly take a sip.  Holy moly Raph makes a good cup of hot chocolate, and this was just what I needed to warm me up. The lair was considerably warmer than everywhere else I had been tonight, and I wanted to stay here as long as possible.
Raph takes another long sip of his hot chocolate before he breaks the comfortable silence that settled between us. “Sorry to call ya’ so late, I really ‘preciate ya’ comin’ t’night.”
“Having nightmares again?” You look over at Raph, his mask was off so you could see the scarring around his eye. It was a miracle he could still see out of it. 
Raph nods, staring down at his mug and watching the chocolate drink swirl. His leg was bouncing pretty quickly as he chewed on his lip. I wanted to ask what was wrong, see what was bothering him, but he beat me to it.
 “Do ya’ mind sleeping over t’night? I’d ‘preciate the company. We could hav’a slumber party in the projector room, or just hang out in mine. Whichever makes ya’ more comfortable”
I scan Raph’s face, noting how he’s not meeting I gaze fully. Feeling relief that the main thing bothering him was just the shyness of asking his friend to sleepover, you shoot him a big grin. 
“Dude, I’d literally love that,” I say, shifting in my seat to face him more. “My heater broke, and it’s actually warm here. You’re gonna have to drag me out kickin’ and screamin’.”
Raph finally meets my gaze, brows knitted together making his quote-unquote “Raph chasm” grow larger. “Are you okay? How long’s it been broken? Do ya’ know when it’ll get fixed?”
His rapid-fire questions stun me a bit, I didn’t expect him to care so much. Maybe he likes me back? Is this hope? A sign? I slightly shake my head, trying to shoo the thoughts out of my head. It’s Raph, he cares because his heart’s too big and I’m his friend. That’s it. That has to be it. Right? 
“Yeah, I’m good. It’s been broken for about a day, and the repair dude said it’d take about a week for them to get out there and fix it.” I swirl the rest of the hot chocolate in my mug, frowning slightly when I see just how far down it’s gotten. 
“A week? Isn’t that dangerous? Dee said it’s gonna get pretty close to zero around here soon.” Raph frown deepens and the creases in his forehead grow. I notice his leg starts bouncing once more, the growing worry clearly eating him up.
“Yeah, I’m not too sure what I’m gonna do. So far, the blanket cocoon idea isn’t working the best.”
“You could stay here.”
My head whips over to look at Raph, searching his face for any sign of deception or lies. “I really couldn’t, you guys have your own stuff to deal with, and I don’t want to impose.”
Raph sighs as he leans back on the stool, hanging onto the lip of the island with his hands while he stretches. “I get your anxiety about being a burden, really I do, but you know we care about you right?”
Raph shifts in his seat so he could look at me properly, putting his hand on my shoulder and waiting for me to meet his gaze before continuing. “You’re not a bother, you’re not a burden, and you’re always welcome here. We care ‘bout’cha, and I sure don’t want you to freeze. If anyone says anything about you staying here for the week, I’ll personally have a talk with them, ‘kay?”
My face warms at his words and I just nod my head dumbly, hiding my face behind the mug I continued to sip on. Raph seems to accept this as an appropriate answer, smiling warmly at me before patting my twice on the shoulder and turning back to his normal sitting position. We continue to sit in a semi-comfortable silence as I wait for my face to cool down again. This was not helping my crush on him at all.
I set my mug down gently, stealing a glance at Raph as he tips his head back to finish off the rest of his drink. I smiled a bit at the sight, the red giant’s tail was wagging slightly, obviously being pleased with the way his cocoa tasted. The worst he could say was no, right? That’s what everyone says? If I confess right now, maybe he’d go easy on the rejection. I take a deep breath and steel my nerves. 
“Hey Raph?” Raph’s head turns towards me, his deep eyes putting their full attention on me. “I want to tell you som-”
My words were interrupted by a spoken “GASP”, and I deflate as Raph’s attention turns towards the offending voice.
Donnie marches in, phone in hand as he stomps and spits all over my attempt to finally admit my feelings to Raph. I vaguely notice that he has yet to change into his pajamas, but I was more focused on the eyebags showing around his eyes through his mask. He looked like he hadn't slept in a week.
 “Holy Galileo, is that HOT CHOCOLATE? And you never even offered me any!? Raph, my brother I am OFFENDED!” 
I giggle a bit, my mood lighting up a bit. Donnie really can be amusing when he wants to. Although, I’m not too sure he’s aware of it. 
Raph rolls his eyes at the young pouting softshell, slightly amused by his dramatic outburst. “To be fair Dee, I thought’cha were sleepin’ already. Y’know, like your s'posed to be.”
Donnie falters a bit before perking back up, obviously reading to make his case on why he should be allowed to be awake and drinking hot cocoa, “You cannot turn this on me, no sir. Last I checked, you’re supposed to be asleep too, but you’re still up. And with THEM!”
Donnie accentuates his last sentence by dramatically pointing his finger at me like I was an enemy soldier on a warfront. I loudly slurped the rest of my cocoa, watching Donnie's eyes twitch at the sound. I smile a bit into my cup, proud that I was able to get a slight rise out of the turtle. Raph rolls his eyes once more at his brother's antics, pushing back his chair to stand up properly.
“One, I called Y/n in the middle of the night. This is an apology/bonding hot cocoa. Two, you’re supposed to be asleep. However, I am willing to make more if you want some, I'm running low anyway.” Donnie eagerly nods at Raph’s words, fishing down a mug for himself while Raph starts to busy himself with finding the big cocoa powder tin. He looks over at me, holding the tin and slightly shaking it in a silent question to me. I grin and nod excitedly at the notion, pushing my mug towards him slightly as I mutter my thanks and pleases.
Raph hums as he pours water into a saucepan along with sugar, cocoa powder, and a small amount of salt. Donnie pulls up a stool and sits next to me, his mug in front of him while he plays on his phone in wait.
“Why are you here? It’s almost 4 o'clock in the morning.” Donnie says, never looking up from his phone. 
“Raph called me to hang out and my heaters broke anyway, so I just came to hang out.”
Donnie finally looks at me, his brow furrowing in confusion. “Why isn’t it fixed yet?”
I shrug. I didn’t really know why it wasn't, but it continues to not work. “The company that I contacted said they couldn’t send someone ‘till Friday, didn’t really give me a reason though.”
Donnie frowns at my answer, his ‘eyebrows’ knitted together in a similar fashion to Raphs. “It’s tuesday.”
“Oh wow, really? Gosh, thanks for telling me such valuable information. I will cherish it forever.” Sarcasm drips from every word I spout, and Donnie looks incredibly unamused. I hear Raph snort from next to the stove, so I count this as a win.
“Why would it take them 5 days to come out and fix your heater? That’s a 2 hour job at worst.” 
“Yeah, well, that’s what they told me. There isn’t much else I can do but wait.” I shrug, and turn back towards Raph, watching him stir in the milk before pouring the mixture into each of our cups. Both Donnie and I give a quiet thanks to Raph while he walks around to sit next to me once more.
Continuing the conversation, Donnie speaks up once more. “I could fix it.”
The skeptic look I was staring down Donnie with brightens to one of hope. “Are you serious? ‘Cause that’d seriously be so awesome!”
Donnie nods his head as he sips from his mug, obviously savoring the sweet drink as much as possible. “If you’d want, we could head over right now-”
Raph slams his cup that he was previously drinking, the loud “WHAM” making both Donnie and I jump slightly. Donnie and I both turn to look at the snapper, but Raph refuses to look either of us in the eye.
“Oh Raph-a-la, want to share what that was about, hmm?” Donnie and I both continue to stare Raph down, his face slowly turning as red as his pajamas.
“I, um. They don’t need it done now, plus we’re all tired, so Raph thinks they should stay here tonight. No offense Donnie, but you look like you might pass out any second.”
Donnie continues to stare Raph down, and seems to find something during his analysis. With a little nod to himself, Donnie shoots Raph a tight smile.
“Well, if you say so boss man. I’m gonna take this,” Donnie raises his mug of hot chocolate, “and head off to my lab. Goodnight you two. Come find me in the morning if you want to take me up on that offer, Y/n.”
I nod and Donnie and wave goodbye as he leaves. I hear Raph calling out his own little goodbyes, and I realize we are left alone once more.
“So…., what were you gonna say earlier?” Raph starts, taking a sip from his mug as he eyes me. “It seemed important, but Donnie kinda interrupted you.”
I freeze in my seat. I completely forgot about the almost confession that happened earlier. “Oh, that.. Um, well, I just kinda wanted to get something off my chest, but it isn’t really important. You don’t gotta worry about it!”
Raph’s eyes narrow as he looks me up and down. “Uh huh, sure. Y'know you can Raph anything, right?”
I shrink a bit under Raph’s gaze, my face heating up as I try to work up the courage once more. “Yeah, I know. It's just, I don’t know. I don’t want to make things weird between us.”
“Why would things become weird between us?”
Here goes. “Because I like you, like, a lot.”
I watch Raph freeze, his body grows tense and I start to panic. “Not that you need to reciprocate! I know I’m a bit weird, so I totally understand if you don’t like me back! We can totally ignore any of this happened, I can even go back to my apartment if your uncomfortable, I don’t want to make things weird between us-”
Raph puts his hand on my head, stopping my ramblings. There's a small smile on his face and the pit in my stomach grows. This is it. I’m about to get rejected and he’s never going to talk to me again. This sucks.
Raph opens his mouth and I tense expecting the worst. “Don’t worry! Raph likes you too! Like, a lot.”
That’s not what I thought was gonna happen. I meet Raph’s eyes and they are filled with nothing but warmth. I melt into the hand on my head, the relief mixing with elation and I feel like I just had a sugar crash.
“You do?” I had to make sure, make sure this wasn’t some pity move to make me feel better.
Raph nods, pulling me into a hug which I instantly melt into. “Raph promises. I like you too, Y/n. I have for a while.”
I feel Raph’s body vibrate with the chuckle that escapes him. He just holds me for a bit, keeping me next to him to prove that this wasn’t a dream and I wasn’t about to wake up. The events of the day slowly catch up to me, my body demanding sleep now that all the worry was drained out of my body.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” I ask, trying to gauge whether this was a conversation I need to wake myself up for or not.
“No, let's try in the morning. We’re both too tired to think. Do you want to sleep in the projector room, or mine?” Raph shifts me in his arms, standing up while carrying me. I was a bit embarrassed he felt the need to, but I would care more later. I’m still riding on a love high. Plus, Raph’s carrying me, I'm not complaining for the world.
“Uhhhhhhh, yours. I want to snuggle in your plushie pile.”
I watch Raph nod through half lidded eyes, snuggling into the turtles arms even more. I fell asleep before I reached the room, dreaming of all the things Raph and I were going to do together now that the feelings are officially mutual.
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sodalpop · 1 year
okay, so i've been thinking a lot about those analysis type posts about leo being underestimated lately. i don't know if this counts as analysis type post or anything, but it's my thoughts about something i noticed when rewatching rise again.
so when i first watched rise i remember watching the episode Many Unhappy Returns and not trusting leo's plan at all, so when i first watched this scene:
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How come nobody trusts me? None of you guys have any faith in me. Why?
i remember being really surprised. i also remember thinking about how leo never really gave a reason for his family to trust him though.
during my rewatch, while watching The Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek, i saw how leo was the one who got him and his brothers caught after he failed in his attempt to grab gus' dog tag and thought that could be a reason for why his family doesn't think he's trustworthy. But after thinking about that for a while, i realized that scene where he tries to grab gus' tag it could be argued that's why he is trustworthy. i'll explain.
during the first half of the episode, the turtles are shown to be bad at doing and recognizing what splinter teaches them. this is specifically shown with mikey trying to turn off the sun to keep to the shadows and raph stomping the ground trying to be light as a feather i think donnie also specifically fails in a method, not via attempting it, but not recognizing it here:
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if you count donnie's failure to recongize his tech-bo staff being pulled from him as a specific instance, all the turtles have a specific instances of failing spilnter's teachings, except leo.
later on in the episode raph, mikey, and donnie execute splinter's lessons poorly again, with donnie trying to blend in with his surroundings with an out of place cart, mikey and donnie speaking loudly enough to be heard making his slow motion jitsu very easy to spot, and raph trying to stick to the shadows by covering himself with a leaf, and later a painting. splinter ends up saving them. both indirectly and directly by not being an actual bellhop in mikey and donnie's case and throwing a painting in cover raph.
when leo tries splinter's lesson of blind spots, he's a lot more successful than his brothers. no one in the crowd of people he's in notices him advancing on gus, not even gus himself. where gus was shown to realize another presence because of a smell in the the other turtles cases:
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Something doesn't smell right!
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What is that awful smell?!
he doesn't have this reaction to leo at all because leo catches him at a time where he's distracted:
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leo out of all his brother's actually gets the closest to actually stealing gus' dog tag and only gets interrupted and caught is because everyone starts cheering after the announcer announces that kid cthulu won. an outside force is the reason for why leo failed to grab gus' tag, not because he was noticed for bad execution of splinter's teachings and then needing to be saved.
but because he was the one who ultimately ended up getting him and his brothers caught:
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that's the scene i remembered the most before rewatching the episode despite leo actually doing well this episode.
i don't really have a conclusion for this, other than i think leo doesn't get enough credit for when he actually does do things well and he deserves to be trusted a lot more than i initially thought.
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avgfandomguy · 7 months
Oh no someone (me) dropped their ideas for more rottmnt sports episodes (@nickelodeon bring back the show and also hire me as a writer please please please please)
Raph- Centric (Hockey)
This would happen prior to the movie but basically the clan is playing hockey for God knows why and Raph is in the goalie box (because he's big, has quick reaction time, and is nimble). He has to deal with being in one spot and not interfering with , say, someone checking Mikey into the wall, or Leo being a showboat a la the pizza puffs episode. According to the show he's no longer the leader, and having to put himself in that box is hard, and now he's literally in a box where he can't interfere (goalies can't just go to center line and get into a fight)
And of course b-plots of Donnie, Leo, and Mikey bickering on the ice and some real awkwardness between our resident hockey players, Casey Sr/Jr
Mikey-Centric (Tennis)
Of course this is inspired by Mikey's outfit in "Clothes Don't Make the Turtle". This time Draxum and Mikey are having father-son bonding time in the hidden city by entering a small tennis tournament (side note - Draxum insists the sport was invented by Yokai). The competition starts off friendly but Mikey slowly gets ugly with encouragement from Draxum and a new personality, Dr. Draxum, emerges that is mean-spirited and a sore loser. Mikey gets more and more unhinged as it goes on, but when he breaks a racquet, Mikey gets really upset for having those feelings and Draxum has to comfort Mikey. The episode ends with normal Mikey back and friendly, even losing the competition. Also Draxum is basically a soccer mom in this.
Leo- Centric (Bloodsport)
Leo's back in the Battle Nexus at the request of Big Mama (and maybe a bribe). He's there to reprise his two victories and to try and defeat the current Nexus champ. He's doing great for half the fight, then his mystic starts acting weird due to a bracelet a "fan" gave him. He starts getting that inferior feeling because he can't rely on his mystic anymore in front of thousands, nay millions, of people, but he ends up figuring out the issue and pulling through and winning, which sends the loser into a spiral, which he helps solve and maybe creates a real rival for Leo (admit it, he's got the perfect base for a rivalry and thus could also be where Usagi is introduced by popular demand).
Donnie- Centric (E-Sport)
Donnie enters in a city-wide E-Sport competition and he's gotten pretty far and he ends up running into Jase from the Purple Dragons without the rest of the team and the two end up connecting over their shared love of video games and shared annoyance of Kendra (reminder that Jase and Kendra are step-siblings). However, Kendra hacks the competition to steal the cash prize and Jase sides with her fur the time being and there's another Purple Dragons-Donnie fight.
After the fight however Donnie and Jase keep in touch to play video games and practice for next year's comp, gaining Donnie another human friend!
(Can you tell I love the sports episodes? They're always done so well and can explore so much of a character and I really wish we got more, especially with such an athletic family. There's so much that could've been expanded on in this show and I wish I got the chance to watch it when it was airing)
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Mikey for 19
Sorry this took so long! I made two different versions! Hope you like it!
1. Raph barges through the fifth lab door of the day. It’s sickening that this place has so many areas filled with experimented on animals. The sweetest, most innocent ones he could think of turned into violent, bloodthirsty monsters.
And Mikey was trapped here somewhere with them.
He runs past several cages. Claws and arms poke out from them, attempting to draw his blood. He’d like to help them, but there’s not much he could do, and Mikey takes priority above all else.
Calling out for his brother doesn’t garner much response. He probably wouldn’t be able to hear him over all the sounds each mutated animal is making.
He stops in front of a cage, seeing something cowering in the corner. It was too dark to see it in there.
Raph thinks that this must be an animal they haven’t mutated yet. Maybe it would be alright to help just this one.
He breaks the lock off and carefully opens the cage. The whimpering stops and suddenly he’s lunged at. Raph barely has any time to react or even scream from how fast it moves.
A squeal of fear escapes from his mouth. Luckily, his kindness isn’t rewarded with a mauling. The animal clambers onto his shoulder and perches on top of the back of his shell.
There’s no opportunity for him to even see it.
He’s guessing it’s friendly, though? It hasn’t spilled any of his blood yet. Raph sighs. The place it’s taking is Mikey’s.
“Alright, you can stay up there, but I need to go find my brother.”
The animal lets out a confused noise.
Raph holds onto it like he always does with his brothers when they’re hitching a ride on his shell and begins walking.
“His name is Mikey. He’s got spots and the biggest smile you’ll ever see. Mikey’s also super talented. Kid can bake, draw, and dance better than anyone.”
The animal squeezes him slightly. Raph can feel it wagging a tail. He wonders why it would get excited about what he’s saying but he knows he’d probably never get an answer.
“I love him. A lot. I’d do anything for him. We used to be even closer, but….older brothers aren’t so impressive to younger ones when they’re way more…..talented. Anything I do to protect him just seems like I’m tryna to be annoying to him. It’s fine because I love him and I won’t stop doing it, but I….just miss being cool.”
He feels something wet on the back of his neck and shudders.
“Ew! Did you just drool on me!? Come on!”
Sad, pitiful noises make hun realize that he guessed wrong.
“Hey, sorry for saying all that….you’ve probably been through enough already.”
The animal rubs his cheek on the top of Raph’s head.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m not sad. Not as long as I find him.”
The animal rubs more as a response.
Raph smiles and continues walking. As he does, the animal begins trying to turn him a certain way. It’s confusing, but then he starts to think that maybe it knows where Mikey is.
Or he does until it leads him to an exit.
“I can’t go without my brother. Here, you get out, you’ve probably been trapped long enough.” He attempts to get the animal off but it refuses.
“Listen, I can’t-“
He suddenly hears the sound of a bunch of cages opening.
Change of plans.
He takes off running with the animal still held tight on his shoulders. Either the other animals are fast or he’s slow because they’re catching up fast.
The animal on his shoulders wriggles around a lot.
“I can’t let you down! They’re still coming!”
The animals doesn’t stop, eventually worming its way out of his grip. It lands behind him so he whirls around to finally get a good look.
He can’t have been so stupid.
The animal now in front of him has claws, glowing red eyes, and spots.
Mikey smiles sadly, shyly, as if he’d been caught stealing cookies instead of pretending he wasn’t mutated and hiding it.
Then, he turns to face the other nutated animals.
“No! MIKEY!” Raph screams.
2. Mikey wriggles his way out of the vent he’s been crawling in for what feels like hours. He drops down into the room he overheard some facility workers say his brothers got taken to.
He steels himself for one of the most important solo missions he’s ever, and probably will ever, be on.
If he messes up, he’s not sure he can handle the consequences.
Mikey carefully starts sneaking around the room. He tries to avoid looking at all the sharp objects laying around and doubly tries to avoid thinking about how they might have been used already.
After going further in, he finally sees his family strapped to three different lab tables. They’re all unconscious. He rushes forward and breaks the metal straps without hesitation.
It takes some time, but he eventually gets them situated in a way where he can pull them along. It’s not that they’re heavy, it’s just that Mikey can’t pile them all on his shell like Raph can.
That’s why he stacked Donnie and Leo on him.
He takes Raph by both hands and drags him and the pile towards the doors. If anyone sees him he’ll just use some razzmatazz and take them out himself. He can do it, and have all the proof that he’s capable of it.
His grip is suddenly gone as Raph’s hands pull themselves away. Mikey looks down in shock. Raph throws both Donnie and Leo at him who he barely manages to catch. The force of their bodies sends him sliding back a good distance.
Mikey is only just able to sit up to see that Raph starts doubling in size. His spikes get spikier, his snaggle tooth sharper, and claws protrude from his fingers.
Raph roars ferociously, making Mikey scramble to stand up to try to protect Leo and Donnie.
Those two don’t make it easy though.
They too wake up and transform the same way Raph just did. Mikey screams in surprise, slipping and tumbling as he moves away from the three of them. He starts tearing up.
Leo and Donnie start barreling into each other. Raph hisses and lashes out, trying to get them to stop. Mikey quickly wipes his tears. There’s hope. They’re still acting the same kind of, at least.
Mikey fully stands up and cracks his knuckles.
The three feral boys turn to him. They begin approaching, clicking and hissing. When Leo approaches with intent, Mikey smacks him on the snout.
Leo reels back, cowering slightly.
“Bad Leo! No biting!”
Donnie chuffs, almost like a chuckle.
Raph whines slightly, lowered to the ground and covering his face like he’s embarrassed about what he looks like.
Mikey pulls them all close, tearing up once again.
“No matter what you look like, we’re still family. You’re still my brothers. I’ll turn you back, I promise.”
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nothing-scout · 1 year
I forgot that thanksgiving exists so;
Goofy hcs of these fandoms doing stupid shit at thanksgiving:
Soldier definitely caused chaos during the day, multiple times.
Sniper definitely killed that turkey with the power of Australians (nsrs about the power of Australians please don't fight me-)
P y r o. Get. Away. From. The. Turkey. We don't need to fry it up more.
Heavy probably makes sure everyone has food bc I see him doing that.
Engie please try to keep every banned from the kitchen mercs out of the said location.
The kitchen banned mercs in question: Pyro, Soldier, Demo, Medic (only sometimes). Do no ask me how Scout is not banned.
Donnie is so done with Leo.
Raph and Mikey are making the turkey of Splinter isn't feeling the urge to cook with Mikey.
Leo would probably try to make SO MANY THANKSGIVING PUNS-
Hueso would let them join his and his family's thanksgiving if the turtles' thanksgiving turns out to be a disaster (totally not bc he has a soft spot for them)
Oh god idk what to do with this one. hHhHHHHHhhhHH-
Hector definitely stole a turkey leg at least once.
Aubrey spends her Thanksgiving with Kim and her fam (before the good heart change ofc but I'd like to think she still does)
Sunny chomps a turkey leg whole without fail each thanksgiving.
Basil and Polly would be yoinked to Kel's Fam's Thanksgiving dinners after the events of the game. (Possibly with Aubrey every once in a while)
The maverick makes everything better (postive sarcasm)
Henry/Hero definitely calls/video calls with his family on holidays and special days/events that he can't attend/go to.
Kel. Karaoke. He would probably do this or just dance.
Gravity Falls (I love this show so much lmao)
Waddles is not allowed in the kitchen.
Mabel is also not allowed in the kitchen.
Stan burnt water at least once. (Ofc Ford Studies it)
Soos is there bc soos.
The pines thanksgiving dinner is a usually weird one but it's them so what you expect?
Stan somehow remembered his Ma's turkey recipe by heart. Ford totally doesn't cry off scene.
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