#but I wasn’t INVESTED yet at that point
pretzel-box · 2 days
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Chapter 2: The W in WcWonalds stands for Winning
Tags: Pure comedy
Words: 2,9k
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“Allo, Allo. Allo! Pspspsps, Allo!” Casimir beamed brightly at the other man, holding up a small box labeled Paper Cups as if he’d just discovered the secret to life.
Allo, without lifting his head entirely from the ridiculously long newspaper that stretched halfway down the table, side-eyed Casimir and then glanced at the box. He raised an unimpressed eyebrow and sighed. “If you’re trying to sell me paper cups again, please know that I will dispose of them just like the last 23 you’ve tried to push on me.”
Casimir’s grin didn’t falter for even a second. In fact, it widened. He shook the box a little for emphasis. “Ah, but no, no, my friend. This is no ordinary box of paper cups. This is a box full of—”
“COKE!” Nick's voice suddenly boomed through the air, cutting Casimir off entirely. Nick barreled through a nearby patch of open water, waving frantically. “I WANT TO ORDER A COKE!”
In front of him, Cheshire was swimming as fast as possible, trying to escape whatever chaos Nick was trying to rope them into this time.
Casimir, still holding up the box, blinked and watched the scene unfold. He glanced at Allo, who hadn’t even bothered to look up from his paper.
“...Coke?” Casimir finally muttered, confused, before shaking it off and continuing his pitch. “Anyway, as I was saying, this box is full of—”
“I SAID, COKE!” Nick shouted again, now completely ignoring everyone else as he chased Cheshire around the water, determined to complete his non-existent order.
Casimir sighed dramatically, muttering under his breath. “Forget the paper cups. I should’ve invested in better staff members.”
“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” Allo raised an eyebrow, still clutching the ridiculously long newspaper but not actually reading it anymore. His tone was more of a dare than a question.
The inquiry alone set off a mischievous glint in Casimir’s eyes. Without hesitation, he shoved Allo off his seat and plopped down himself, ready to deliver a grand tale. “Ah, my friend, let me take you on a journey.”
And with that, a flashback started—whether anyone wanted it or not, everyone around them was suddenly pulled into it.
It was probably a Tuesday afternoon. Inside the community room, Sasha stood in the middle, notebook in hand, while Painter sat idly on top of a catering cart. Painter’s mobile body wasn’t quite ready yet, so Sasha, ever the problem-solver, had resorted to using the catering cart as his temporary mode of transportation.
“So, we should improve our quality of life by adding more human-like stuff,” Sasha declared, placing her notebook down on Painter, who quietly blinked.
Painter, who was basically a high-tech computer with personality, hummed thoughtfully. “The system suggests that a quality improvement for life would involve... good food. Good food is essential for a good atmosphere.”
Casimir’s voice echoed through the flashback, narrating as if this were an epic saga. “Ah, but of course, this suggestion was the catalyst for everything. The search for 'good food' began, and soon, chaos would follow.”
Back in the present, Allo had stopped pretending to care about the newspaper. He stared blankly at Casimir. "This is all about food?"
Casimir nodded solemnly, but before he could continue the saga, another loud “COKE!” came from Nick, still sprinting through the water, causing Cheshire to swim faster to escape.
"Of course, it always starts with food," Casimir said dramatically, pointing at Nick as if this proved his point entirely. "And ends with—"
Before Casimir could finish, Angela stormed into the scene, hands on her hips, glaring at everyone. "WHAT is going on here?! Do you think this is a playground?! Nick! Stop shouting about Coke! Cheshire, stop encouraging him! And you—" She pointed at Casimir, who tried his best to look innocent. "Stop throwing people off chairs and starting flashbacks without warning!"
Casimir blinked, then grinned sheepishly. "Oh... mother mode, activated."
“Ah, Allo, I’m sorry for startling you,” Angela’s tone switched in an instant, going from stern to soft and motherly. Amilia paddled up behind her, making her way onto land before plopping down next to Casimir.
Casimir pouted dramatically, folding his arms. “I wasn’t done—”
But Angela, ever so gently, took over, and like some sort of magical spell, we were all once again pulled into another flashback.
“I know the perfect source for good food,” Cordelia’s voice rang out confidently as she entered, a spotlight somehow illuminating her entrance. She strutted down a random set of stairs, stepping into the room with the energy of a magical girl lead. Without hesitation, she squished herself between Sasha and Painter, striking a pose. “McDonald's!”
“McDonald’s? We can’t do that. It has a copyright,” Painter deadpanned, his digital voice full of skepticism.
“WcWonalds...?” Sasha offered, her voice uncertain but filled with hope. The suggestion hit Cordelia like a revelation, her eyes lighting up in awe.
“WcWonalds!” Cordelia repeated, as if it were the most groundbreaking idea in existence.
Angela of the past, shook her head at the absurdity, watching the scene play out with a mixture of fondness and exasperation. "You all really are impossible." She sighed, but it was the kind of sigh a mother gives after realizing her kids are too far gone in their antics.
The flashback ended, and the moment Angela wanted to continue, another person came crashing into the room.
“Lord Commander, oh mighty WcWonalds leader, Casimir. René started a fire in the kitchen, innocent fries are burning.” Cyrus called out, his neat little WcWonalds uniform was now covered in soot.
Casimir blinked, before sighing. “What about the Walkie Talkie I gave you?”
“It fell victim to the fryer, it is now among the burning pommes.”
Casimir took the paper cup box, opened it and revealed a set of Walkie Talkies, sponsored by Sebastian. He threw a new one to Cyrus, not noticing that Angela snatched one for herself too out of the box.
Amelia wanted to grab one too, trying to fish one out with her mouth but Angela kept her in place, shaking silently her head.
The WcWonalds—formerly an abandoned cafeteria near the community room—had become a gathering spot for anyone seeking mischief or simply trying to avoid responsibilities. Dusty tables were half-cleaned, the counters lined with mismatched kitchen gadgets that looked like they'd been scavenged from a dump. The old sign out front, haphazardly covered with duct tape, now proudly read “WcWonalds,” a creation of Cordelia’s, still beaming over her brilliant copyright dodge.
Inside, chaos reigned as usual. Painter rolled around on his squeaky, upgraded cart, stationed behind the cash register, which refused to stay closed no matter how hard he tried. Cordelia, wearing a lampshade turned into a hat, was overseeing the operation with the air of someone who believed they were running a legitimate establishment. Meanwhile, Cheshire, who escaped Nick, sat at the counter, arms crossed and half-amused as he watched the antics unfold.
The whole group could stay at the restaurant without drying out thanks to the fact that most of the area is damaged, flooded or just naturally having water leaks.
"So, today’s special is...” Painter’s robotic voice paused dramatically as he calculated, “...whatever isn’t expired in the back fridge."
Cheshire leaned back, smirking. “Ah, the usual, then. Can’t wait to see what’s alive back there.”
René, wearing a firefighter’s helmet after their most recent mishap in the kitchen, walked in with a slightly dazed look on their face. They wails, afraid of setting anything else on fire.
Meanwhile Cordelia shouted: “Has anyone seen the toaster oven? I’m pretty sure it disappeared after I used it to heat up some fries.”
Security, leaning against the counter with her tail in a small bucket of water, waved her off. “It’s probably with the deep fryer. I saw it lurking under the sink last time I checked.”
“Right, the deep fryer incident,” Painter muttered, his mechanical voice tinged with guilt. “It... uh... exploded during ‘Experiment 12.’”
Sasha, sitting at a booth with her notebook, raised an eyebrow. “Wait, what was ‘Experiment 12’ again? I don’t have that one listed.”
“Oh, you missed that,” Cheshire replied dryly. “They wanted to see if you could fry fries twice and make them better. Spoiler alert: no.”
As the conversation carried on, René started rummaging through the kitchen, pulling out random items and tossing them aside in search of the toaster. A large jar of pickles rolled across the floor, narrowly missing Security's bucket.
Cordelia, taking her managerial role way too seriously, slapped her hands together. “Alright, people! Time to focus. What’s the WcWonalds slogan again?”
Painter beeped softly before saying, “We can’t get sued if we don’t sell anything.”
Cheshire chuckled. “That’s the spirit.”
A group of new "customers" wandered into WcWonalds, looking both curious and mildly confused. Asterion, with his usual stoic expression, led the way, followed by Tapu, who was already trying to hold back laughter at the sight of the makeshift restaurant. Hanako peered in shyly from the doorway with Yuri, still unsure about the whole situation, and Osiris trailed behind, looking far too regal for the mess she was about to step into.
Cordelia, now fully embracing her self-proclaimed manager status, puffed out her chest and called for order. She turned dramatically toward Security, who was leaning against the wall, half-asleep, with her arms crossed still in the same bucket.
“You! Nr. 7! Bring the customers to a table!” Cordelia ordered, finger pointing like an overly enthusiastic drill sergeant.
Security, who hadn’t moved a muscle in response, slowly raised an eyebrow and shifted her gaze to Cordelia. “Nr. 7? Did you just call me by a number?”
Without missing a beat, Cordelia nodded, clearly proud of herself. “Of course. It’s the official WcWonalds ranking system. You’re number seven.”
Security blinked, her expression unchanging. “And who decided I’m number seven?”
“I did. Obviously,” Cordelia said matter-of-factly. “Now, do your job, or you’ll be demoted to number... uh... 13. Which is bad.”
Security exhaled slowly, clearly unimpressed but too tired to argue. “And why, exactly, is being number 13 bad?”
Cordelia hesitated for a second. “Because... because... that’s the person who has to clean the fridge. And trust me, no one wants that job.”
Painter, from behind the register, beeped in agreement. “The probability of someone finding a sentient yogurt in there is approximately 73%. Proceed with caution.”
Tapu burst out laughing, slapping Asterion on the back. “Did you hear that? Sentient yogurt! I knew this place was special!”
Asterion, as stoic as ever, just grunted and found a seat, looking like a king who had been forced to dine in a peasant’s tavern. Osiris, meanwhile, eyed the tables with disdain before gingerly sitting down, making sure to inspect the chair first as if it might crumble beneath her.
Hanako, still lingering by the door, quietly murmured, “Is it safe in here?” While Yuri tried to spot an open seat that didn't scream danger.
Cheshire, who had been watching the whole interaction from the counter, leaned over and grinned. “Safe? Sure. But I wouldn’t drink anything from the soda machine. Last time we used it, it started spewing foam... and that was three weeks ago.”
Hanako blinked, now even more hesitant to step inside. “I... I’ll just sit by the window,” she mumbled, sliding into a booth far away from the chaos. Yuri followed her with a nod, feeling rather comfortable in the flooded part of the facility.
Cordelia, completely oblivious to the growing unease of her guests, clapped her hands. “Alright, everyone! We’re a well-oiled machine here! Number 7—uh, Security—get them some menus!”
Security just sighed and grabbed a pile of random, crumpled papers from behind the counter, tossing them on the nearest table. “Here. The ‘menu.’ Good luck.”
Tapu unfolded one of the papers and raised an eyebrow. “This is... a takeout flyer from a Chinese place. And it’s from last year.”
Cordelia beamed. “Exactly! Our food transcends time and space. We don't need real menus! Just... feel the vibe of what you want to eat like royalty. Customer is King.”
Painter whirred. “Vibes detected: 99% likelihood of disappointment.”
Osiris, completely unamused, stared down at the so-called "menu" before deadpanning, “I’m royalty. I do not 'feel the vibe' of my food. I expect a menu, and I expect service.”
Cordelia shot her with finger guns. “And that’s exactly what you’re gonna get! Just... not today.”
At that, Tapu couldn’t hold it in anymore. She slapped her hand on the table, cackling. “This is the worst place I’ve ever been, and I love it.”
Asterion leaned back in his chair, folding his arms, his usual grim demeanor cracking slightly. “This is what passes for ‘good food’ around here? No wonder half of them look malnourished.”
Cordelia, not one to be defeated, marched up to Painter. “Alright, get the food ready! What’s the special of the day?”
Painter beeped a few times before announcing, “Special of the day: leftover fries and... one singular chicken nugget.”
Tapu snorted. “One nugget? How generous.”
Cordelia, determined not to lose her managerial swagger, nodded confidently. “It’s a gourmet experience. We serve... minimalist portions.”
Osiris groaned, rubbing her temples. “I demand real food.”
From somewhere in the back, René’s voice wailed which kinda meant, “I FOUND THE TOASTER!”
A loud crash followed, and smoke started wafting out from the kitchen, followed by René stumbling out, their firefighter’s helmet askew. Sasha called out after seeing the smoke. “Uh, minor issue. The toaster may have... uh... caught fire. Again.”
Tapu slapped the table again, this time harder. “Best. Restaurant. Ever.”
Asterion simply sighed as Hanako slid further down into her booth, now reconsidering every decision that had led her to this point.
The whole room felt like it was about to collapse in chaos until, suddenly, Allo ascended from a random hole in the kitchen floor like some culinary deity. He stood there, glowing (probably from the fryer grease) and with an aura of absurd authority.
"Did someone say my name?"
Everyone shook their heads so fast, you’d think they were auditioning for a shampoo commercial. The denials came quickly from all corners.
"Definitely not."
"Not even a whisper."
Allo, completely unbothered, smirked. “Too bad, because now I am here!” His arms shot up dramatically, as if commanding the forces of fast food. “Tag Team, assembly!”
From behind some very suspiciously placed lockers came a loud bang, as they burst open to reveal his “elite squad”:
First up was Nautilea. She marched out, looking sharp in her pressed WcWonalds uniform and glasses. "Looks smart, is smart. Can handle the cash register with her eyes closed and your order with care. But only if you have insurance!"
Yuri raised an eyebrow. "Insurance? For what exactly?"
"Existential dread," Painter beeped quietly from the register.
Next was Roxy, who strutted out balancing six plates in one hand, all perfectly stacked. "Our talented waitress! Can carry your entire order on one arm and balance a stack of pancakes on her head! But," Cordelia added dramatically, "if you complain... she’ll give you extra service by spitting on the food you didn’t order."
Roxy cracked her knuckles, eyeing Osiris. “Try me.”
She immediately looked away.
Finally, Violet stumbled out, looking more confused than anyone else. “Violet, our in-house therapist,” Cordelia introduced, clapping her hands. “She didn’t apply for the job—she got kidnapped! But now, she leads the therapy sessions required after your visit to WcWonalds. Free and anonymous... except for the fact that they’re televised. So, not anonymous anymore!”
Violet waved weakly. “I’m still not sure how I got here... but I’m rolling with it.”
Suddenly, a blaring red light filled the room, accompanied by the wail of a siren. Everyone jumped to attention.
“The WcWonalds emergency alarm!” Allo shouted over the noise. “A starving customer in need!” His voice was dripping with the intensity of a chef who had just been challenged to a cooking duel.
Without missing a beat, Allo swooped over to the one remaining chicken nugget, lying lonely and pathetic on the counter. With the precision of a master, he sliced it into thin strips. Then, with a sprinkle of some mysterious dust (was it seasoning? Magic? No one knew), he popped the strips into the microwave for precisely 10 seconds.
When the microwave dinged, he pulled out the tray, revealing what could only be described as the world’s finest chicken chili wraps. The wrap glistened, like it had been blessed by the gods of fast food themselves.
The crowd erupted into applause. Asterion even managed to clap once, though begrudgingly.
Allo handed the plate to Roxy, who balanced it with ease. “Delivery time!” she called out before kicking it toward Violet.
Violet, with surprising grace, caught the plate mid-air, throwing it again to Nautilea who catched it. “Wrap, incoming!” she yelled, throwing it toward the door just as Sebastian stepped inside.
The wrap hit him square in the face, various ingredients slopping down his clothes in slow motion. He stood frozen in the doorway, staring in bewilderment as shredded lettuce and chili sauce dripped off his nose and splattered on the floor.
The room went silent for a beat.
Sebastian blinked. "What... in the name of Urbanshade...?"
Tapu, unable to hold it in any longer, burst into laughter, slapping the table. "Best... restaurant... EVER!"
Painter's voice chimed in softly from the register, “Current vibe level: chaotic excellence.”
Then Angela came in, carrying Amilia on her arms and giving Sebastian a glance. Amilia sniffed on Sebastian before giving him a soft kick.
WcWonalds got force closed after this day. And this was the end of Allos wonderful job as a chef. Now he was just Allo, the man that never got to fulfill his dreams.
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iwillkeepfighting · 2 years
Me three months ago: I disavow all iterations of the silly turtle ninjas except Rise, they’re all dumb and I don’t have time for them
(me four months ago: I do not care about turtle ninjas *eyeroll*)
Me now: 2012 au time 💕
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noisilyscreechingsong · 4 months
Image this:
Danny is sixteen. He just found out he is to become King, with a capital K, when he becomes a mature ghost, which is at least 20 years after his death. So he’s got time. Everything’s fine. Except for the Observants pushing his education. Tutors shoving information down his throat like he’s cramming for finals. Princess Dora, Pandora, Frostbite, and even Clockwork checking on him frequently and making a schedule for him to come visit their territories for little learning sessions. Fright Knight has been following his every move. And let’s not forget the other random ghosts he’s never even met before coming to ask for favors or to complain or just give him their problems in general and expect him to fix it.
He can’t even let his frustrations out! All his regular rogues avoid him now! Even Vlad doesn’t want to get involved, but that could be because he’s still bitter about not getting the crown like he wanted.
Good thing he knows a king that has probably been through the same thing.
King Arthur of Atlantis. In other words, Aquaman.
Because Danny wasn’t technically king yet, crowned prince is probably the right title?, he couldn’t just call him up or send a letter asking to meet. So Danny decides to go give the man a visit himself.
Using process of elimination, he was able to find Atlantis after about two months of research and searching. He didn’t have a whole lot of free time, okay?
Turning invisible and flying through the water was a lot easier than he thought. Getting through the barrier was a piece of cake and the castle was obvious to find. What wasn’t obvious to find was the king himself. He wasn’t in the throne room, or his study, or the training grounds, or literally anywhere in the castle. He checked.
No. He finds the king playing some game with some kids in the underwater city.
It was surprising to find him there, especially after the etiquette lessons from Dora, but it gave Danny some hope that maybe he wouldn’t be miserable and burdened with paperwork and boring meetings when he becomes king.
Danny turns visible. They were still invested in the game but the guards noticed him. Spears were pointed at him in a second.
“Halt! State your business,” the guard demands.
The shout caused everyone in the area to stop and look, including the king.
Danny raises his hands in surrender.
“Uh, hi. Sorry to stop the game, I just wanted to talk- sorry, speak to King Arthur, if- if that’s okay? There wasn’t an address to mail to that I could find-“
“It’s okay,” the king interrupts. “Let’s go somewhere private to talk then. Do you have any weapons on you?”
Danny perks up at the opportunity to finally talk to him.
“Yes please! And no, no weapons, sir.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” the king replies with a smile. Danny smiles back widely.
“My king-“
The king holds up a hand to stop the guard’s worries.
When they finally arrive to the throne room of the palace King Arthur turns to Danny.
“Who are you?” He asks in a tone that was a bit more serious than it was before.
“Oh! Sorry. Hi. I’m Danny. Danny Phantom. It’s nice to meet you, King Arthur,” he answers quickly with a nervous smile.
The king nods, obviously thinking about something else as he watches Danny with guarded eyes.
“How can you breathe underwater if I may ask? I’m curious.”
“Well that’s easy, I’m not breathing.”
“You’re… not breathing,” the king repeats with skepticism.
“Yea,” Danny agrees freely. “I don’t have to breathe if I don’t want to. You know, because of the whole ghost thing.”
“Yea. Can turn invisible, walk through walls, fly- you know. Haven’t you ever seen a ghost before?”
Danny tries a bit of humor with a crooked smile, but it falls when he sees the contemplative expression on the king’s face.
“Wait, seriously? You’ve never seen a ghost?”
“I’m aware of a ghost named Deadman apart of Justice League Dark but he is invisible to everyone.”
“Really?! I didn’t know that! I need to go talk to him! Where can I find him?”
“Hold on there, guppy. Didn’t you want to talk about something?”
Danny is drawn back to the topic at hand.
“Right, okay, so I was recently told I was gonna be king in like twenty years, which is news to me, and now they are just throwing everything at me with all this information I don’t know what to do with and I’m getting complaints and requests and everyone is expecting so much from me when I’m literally sixteen years old! I don’t know what I’m doing with my life, whether I want to go to college or if I’ll even graduate high school, and they want me to solve territory disputes and create new laws and provide protection for those who want to go into the living plane. I just- I don’t know what I’m doing and the only king I could think of was you, so I guess I was wondering if you could, I don’t know, give me some advice or if I could shadow you for a bit to see what an actual king should do or act. I know it’s a lot to ask coming from someone you don’t even know, but I’m just a bit overwhelmed with everything and I don’t really know where to go from here and was hoping you would at least understand. My friends don’t get it and the other ghosts are kinda afraid of me now because of my title and they wouldn’t get it anyway…” he trails off awkwardly.
Arthur had never had this conversation before. He was honestly flattered and the kid looked genuine. Maybe he’d wait until one of the magic users okay-ed the young ‘ghost’ before revealing any information about himself.
He pulls out a device and throws it the kid. Danny dodges just to snatch it out of the air from reflex alone.
“That’s a communicator. I’ll send Deadman and Constantine your way and call when I get the okay. Where are you located?”
Danny’s toxic eyes were big and hopeful, shining brightly through the water.
“Thank you, sir! Amity Park, Illinois, the most haunted city in America!” He answers proudly.
The king just smiles.
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charliemwrites · 9 months
Bark bark bark awoooo
No content warnings
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You’re gonna fucking combust.
Somehow, someway, this is Johnny’s fault. You’re not sure how yet, so he it isn’t fair for him to be in trouble, but you know it.
“This is your fault,” you tell him, pouting in bed — bare ass naked, but that means nothing to him, he’s a dog. He cocks his head, and you wave your (broken) vibrator at him. “I don’t know how, but it is. Is this because I wanna chop your balls off?”
His mouth closes, eyes big - like he actually understands you. In your horny delirium, you almost believe he really does.
You flop onto your back with a sigh, eyes a little wet with frustration.
It’s been two months since you last successfully got off. Your vibrator (and its replacement… and its replacement’s replacement) keep breaking, or running out of battery. The plug is defective or falls out of the socket.
Once you successfully got right to the edge - just for it to die. You almost did cry that time.
Sure, there’s your hand. But every time you try ol’ reliable a certain four-legged roommate interrupts one way or another. And when you tried to kick him out of the room, and then ignored the howling, scratching, and general drama - there was loud and rapid knocking at your door.
Like fucking clockwork. If you get anywhere at all, you never get to finish.
It wouldn’t be so bad, either. Your libido isn’t anything crazy, you don’t think. At least it wasn’t before. But now there’s Soap.
Soap who you should not be so attracted to. Who has no sense of propriety or boundaries, who murmurs the dirtiest things to you in the most public and otherwise mundane places. And he just keeps. Showing. Up.
Like he’s got a tracker on you or something. (You’ve checked, he doesn’t.)
He’s like every guilty fantasy you had as a good, studious girl back in high school. The kind of guy to grab your thigh under your parents’ dinner table and take your virginity in the back of his car. Maybe corner you by the lockers between classes to kiss you silly and drive up your absence record.
You never actually went for those boys — and perhaps gratefully, they never went for you. In romance novels, it would be a quaint little coming of age story. The stuff to swoon over. But reality was a lot scarier for you, especially with your older sister always keeping an ear out to report back to your parents and… well, yeah.
You’ve always been a firm introvert, anyway. That’s why you live out in the woods with only a dog for regular company.
But Soap. Soap is some unholy amalgamation of those innocent, shy girl fantasies turned R-rated. Like the grown-up version of those cute YA novels.
And you have no defense for it — except distrust, that is.
Soft-hearted as you are, you know you don’t do casual well. And you know that guys like Soap just like to spin you up and up until you finally give in, think the dreaded words “maybe it’ll work out” despite that rational voice in your head saying, “don’t bet on it.”
Doesn’t stop you from secretly wanting him though.
Fear is the only thing keeping you in check now. Some of it for you own feelings; of getting invested in a guy that has done nothing but treat you like a prime cut of meat. The rest of it is a genuine concern that he might be a bit dangerous. He’s so much bigger than you, visibly stronger. Has gone out of his way to make you uncomfortable (doesn’t matter that a very dark and slutty part of you liked it) and ignored your attempts at brushing him off.
Fear, unfortunately, is beginning to add to the temptation.
“I’m not going to do it,” you tell yourself, or maybe Johnny. Soap’s contact is on the screen. You don’t remember putting it into your phone, but you must have at some point. “Nope. No way.”
You slide a sideways look at Johnny, tail wagging at a steady clip.
“He’s probably a former frat boy or something, right?” you muse.
“No, you don’t think so?” you question, sitting up. He happily crawls into your lap when you pat your thighs, chin resting on your tummy. “Nah, you’re right. Could almost imagine him beating the hell out of one for pissing him off.”
A little grumbly noise. You smile and start petting absently over his head and ears, phone forgotten now.
“This is dumb anyway,” you sigh, head tilted back to the ceiling. “You don’t like men. I couldn’t bring him back here.”
Johnny’s ears flick. You giggle and start flopping them around, making airplane noises. Eventually he huffs and starts licking at your face until you stop, complaining that you’ll need to wash off now.
“Fuck it.”
Johnny picks his head up, staring at you as you run a hand down your face.
“Fuck it all. I’m going to a bar. I’m getting… I dunno. Laid or something.” Thank god it’s only Johnny here. You don’t think you could live with the embarrassment of someone else hearing the way you talk.
You set your hands on your hips, nod to yourself.
“And if it happens to be Soap, then… sign from the universe, right?” You grimace a bit, striding for your bedroom. “Please don’t let him be a murderer or something…”
For once, Johnny is perfectly behaved as you get ready. He doesn’t try to lick at you when you come out of shower (freshly shaved and lotioned and everything). Sits patiently on the bed as you pick through your closet, even noses at a pretty pink dress you rarely wear but were considering for this.
He doesn’t try to bump your arms or hands while you do your makeup, just watches attentively. You choose a pretty, matching bra-panty set, apply a light spritz of perfume. Hesitate over jewelry.
“Is it normal to wear jewelry when you plan on fucking?” you wander allowed.
A little “boof” from the bed. You’ll take that as a yes.
You decide on a set of faux pearls with a gold heart pendant in the center. Not quite a choker, but high enough on your throat to suggest one. A delicate bracelet, a pair of stud earrings, and you’re just about set.
“Christ, I hate doing this alone,” you mutter, fumbling with the zip on the back of the dress.
Lastly, the shoes.
“Fuck it,” you say again. Your mantra for the evening, apparently. Wobble into a pair of heels, a bow on the outside of each ankle where you buckle them.
You pause when you’re done, giving yourself a once over in the full length mirror. Pleased with what you see. Coquettish and pretty, not necessarily bombshell sexy maybe, at least not on first glance. But the necklace, the heels, the cutouts at the waist of your dress… it’s all exactly what you wanted.
“Alright,” you breathe, tummy swooping with excitement. “I can do this… right?”
Johnny’s gotten down off the bed, is keeping a respectful distance. You appreciate it, don’t want to have to lint roll hair off yourself.
“Oh, god. What if he’s bad?” You ask, giving him a horrified look. “What if he’s been, like, compensating?”
To your shock, he stomps his paw and starts damn near howling. Carrying on and on like he’s bitching you out. You blink in shock, almost laugh — then check the time.
“Oh! Don’t worry, baby. I won’t let you starve!”
You toddle off to the kitchen and prep his dinner, scrunching your nose at the raw chicken and beef liver. He grumbles and fusses the whole way, making you laugh as you pretend to have a whole conversation about the economy with him.
“Okay, bonnie Johnny,” you coo, setting his bowl down. “Be good, okay? If I bring someone back here please don’t eat them, okay?”
More grumbles and whines and growls. You roll your eyes, blow him a kiss, and slip out the door.
You tell yourself you just need action with someone. Don’t admit to yourself that there’s really a specific someone you’re hoping to see.
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Hi, there (again) :D
Second and last request, if it is not too much trouble I can request:
Can I request a "A kiss stemmed from jealousy" trope? with Silver, Malleus and Jade?💕
If I exceeded my number of orders, you can discard it but if not, take your time and without pressure. Thank you <3
Jade Leech:
Jade was always watching. It was ominous yet comforting at the same time, knowing he was observing you from afar whenever he could; you had joked he was like a hero who could swoop in to save you, while he chuckled and said it’d be much more fun to watch you independently solve whichever problem was plaguing you in the moment. This moment, however, required his direct interference and there’s a dark aura rolling off him in waves that has bystanders scattering. You can sense him coming up from behind you before he arrived, his shadow looming over you and you conversation partner; when his hand rested on your arm you turned back to greet him, surprised to see a cold glint in his mismatched eyes. You’re left speechless when he introduced himself as your boyfriend without even giving his name, the smile on his face giving away just how irritated he was with this situation. While the other person is thinking of a way to save their skin Jade leaned down to press his lips against yours, a hand on the back of your head to keep you glued to him until he was truly ready to let you go. If this didn’t get his point across, then nothing short of violence would.
Malleus Draconia:
There’s a sudden electricity in the air, the little hairs on your arms and legs standing on end; your conversation partner seemed unaware, and when you rubbed your arm they reached out to touch you, teasingly asking if you were cold. Lightning struck suddenly which caused you to jump apart, confusion written all over your face as you looked up at the sky that had seconds ago been clear and blue. There’s a dark shadow that casts over you but before you can feel alarmed, you made out the familiar shape of horns. You whipped around to greet Malleus with a smile on your face, with him wearing a smile of his own, but you sensed something was different about him, as though he were standing taller than normal. You’re even more shocked when he leaded down to press a kiss to the corner of your lips, his gaze becoming much colder when they slid over to acknowledge your companion. The storm clouds seemed to intensify the longer you stood there but now that the conversation was stilted, there wasn’t much of a reason to stay. Malleus quickly escorted you away, saying he wouldn’t want you to catch if it started to rain.
Silver wasn’t used to feeling this way. He had no doubt about your loyalty to him and your relationship, and he could recognize that the other person was the one being overly friendly with you. You had been the one to explain what flirty behavior looked like as he seemed lost, nodding his head along with your words before thanking you for enlightening him. But now that he did understand it he saw how much attention people would invest in you, the way they’d looking at you with hungry eyes clearly not knowing you were spoken for. You’re shocked that Silver of all people showed this brief sign of possession, surprised by the hand on your waist before gasping as he leaned it to press a kiss to the corner of your lips. He didn’t speak a word to the other person, his attention solely on you as he asked if you wanted to get lunch together and then led the way without giving you a chance to respond.  
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ellecdc · 7 months
Mother..... im so sorry 😭😭 but i swear this ones fun!!
What about another part to poly!moonwater where theres a party but Reg and Rem are running late.
Reg: * anxious and fidgety*
Rem: you know we dont have to go
Reg: no no no we most definetly do, anyway its not that. You havent seen y/n in this environmemt before have you?? She thrives in this kind of environment.
Rem: cant be that bad.....
Reg: 😶 think of Potter, Barty amd my brother in one person.
Rem: 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🥲
So when they get there reader is dancing on tables with Barty and Siri. Just the kind of person who lets go in that kinda vibe, doesnt even have to drink, its just the atmosphere that causes her personality to do a whole 180°. The kinda person you habe to but an airtag on so you dont loose them
I love it I love it I love it I love it
poly!moonwater x fem!reader
CW: mention of drinking, drunkenness and alcohol. Friends looking after their drunk friends. Friends bullying their other drunk friends (lovingly)
Remus was thankful that tonight’s Hogwarts party wasn’t being hosted in Gryffindor tower. Not only did James and Sirius get far too invested before, during, and afterwards, but it was also just harder to enjoy on account of watching what was basically your living room be trashed by a bunch of drunks. 
But tonight, he was going to be able to enjoy a nice time with his friends without any of the responsibility of having to clean up after said friends. 
And better yet, he was going to enjoy a nice time with you and Regulus; the first party the three of you would attend together as partners.
You had been very excited for tonight and had volunteered to help set up, whilst Remus opted to wait for Regulus who had quidditch practice before hand. 
And Remus was currently very happy with his choice as he got to watch Regulus change out of his quidditch gear and into his party attire.
“Would you quit ogling me, you fiend.” Regulus muttered as be buttoned the cufflinks into his dress shirt. Remus would have made fun of him for dressing so formally to a dorm party if he didn’t look so bloody good.
“Nope.” He said, popping the P.
Regulus rolled his eyes, but Remus could see a small smirk playing on his lips.
Regulus let out a steadying breath and turned to Remus. “Are you ready?”
Remus smiled before puckering his lips instead of answering. Regulus looked like he thought he should be annoyed, but ultimately gave in and pressed a kiss to the werewolf’s lips, hovering slightly above him as Remus sat reclined onto his elbows on Regulus’ bed.
Regulus pulled away all too quickly for Remus’ liking and began fussing in front of the mirror again, clearly anxious.
“Are you alright?” He asked gently, sitting up properly.
Regulus sighed but nodded in the affirmative.
“We don’t have to go, you know.” Remus tried, mistaking the boy’s nerves for being reclusive.  
Regulus kind of snorted at that and looked at Remus with a raised eyebrow. “No, we should go. In fact, we ought to go...like, now.”
Remus felt his brows furrow as Regulus headed towards the door, getting up and following him out obediently.
“This isn’t one of those ‘if we go sooner, we can leave sooner’ tactics, is it? Because with James and Sirius, I promise you that won’t work.”
Regulus laughed. “No, though I’d like to point out I am not afraid of those sods.”
“Well, who are you afraid of that has you sprinting to Ravenclaw tower right now?” Remus asked, causing Regulus to grimace a little guiltily as he slowed his stride for the lycanthrope. 
“Sorry... I guess you haven’t seen Y/N at one of these?” Regulus asked.
Remus realized then that your paths had never really crossed until this year, being a year below him and hanging out with a different crowd. “No, I guess not. Why?” 
Regulus laughed. “Oh gods. You’ll see.”
“Come on, she can’t be that bad.” Remus said with a scoff. 
Regulus rolled his eyes and smirked. “If I had one way to describe Y/N at a party, it would be a combination of Potter after a quidditch win, Sirius after four shots of firewhiskey and Barty.”
Remus’ steps faltered as he put the pieces together in his head. Regulus paused as well, making eye contact with him before understanding seemed to cross between them, and they both took off in a sprint towards the Ravenclaw tower. 
As they rounded the last spiral of the staircase, they stepped past the silencing spell that had been placed around it and could feel the vibrations from the music booming in the room. 
A third year Ravenclaw who had been paid for their service in Honeydukes chocolates answered the riddle to allow entrance to Regulus and Remus, and the sight took Remus’ breath away. 
You can dance! You can ji-ive.
You were standing dancing on the mantle of a grand fireplace with Sirius on one side of you and one of the Prewett twins on the other.
Having the time of your lives. Oooooh.
James looked like he’d been trying all evening to get up on that mantle with you guys, but in his inebriated state, Lily was easily preventing him from doing so.  
See that girl!
Both Sirius and... Fabian (if Remus guessed correctly) knelt to dramatically point at you who quickly struck a cheeky pose, earning the three of you cheers (but Remus was sure most of the applause was on your account).
Watch that scene!
Sirius pretended to play a riff on a guitar and Fabian did a scary looking spin from his place on the mantle whilst you opted to shimmy your shoulders in time with the music. 
Digging the dancing queen!
And to Remus’ absolutely horror, Fabian launched himself off of the mantle, seemingly making his mark by landing on the couch but apparently, he hadn’t taken into account the springs in the sofa which promptly launched him back off of the couch and had him landing on the wooden coffee table, causing it to splinter and break underneath him. 
Sirius looked like he was going to either fall off the mantle or piss his pants from laughing too hard, clutching your arm as you laughed along with him. 
Over Remus’ dead body would Sirius fall off a fireplace mantle and take you down with him.
He bodily moved through the crowd and stepped over Fabian without a second thought to stand below you (and Sirius, technically). Remus’ heart rate skyrocketed even more standing here below you, seeing as he was about 192cm (~6’3) and the mantle stood basically at his eyebrows.
He wanted to chide you, but your face cleared beautifully once you recognized who was standing below you.
“Remmy!” You cried as Sirius cheered “Moony!”
“I know I call you ‘dove’ baby girl, but that doesn’t mean you can fly!” He called up to you, any reprimand likely belittled by the beaming smile he was shooting at you. 
He held his hands up to you, and you quickly abandoned Sirius’ arms in exchange for his. With his hands under your armpits he gently lowered you back down to your proper height (which Remus much preferred). 
“Hi Rem!” You cheered at him. “I missed you.”
Your words were clear and loud if a little slurred. 
“I missed you!” Remus replied with a smile as Regulus quickly added “how many drinks have you had?” from his place behind him, apparently having made sure his ‘idiot brother didn’t break anything on his trip off the mantle’. Remus had sort of forgotten Sirius was there at all, to be honest. 
You seemed a little worried at Regulus’ question before he quickly added “I need to know how many I need to catch up to you, mon chéri.”
“Nice save.” Remus muttered to him.
“Uhm, maybe four?” You offered.
“Got it, think you can handle a refill?” He asked, placing a kiss to your temple. Remus wanted to eat the two of you up, you were just so cute.
“I’m on water for a bit!” You cheered back at him.
“So smart, dovey. Nice call.” Remus praised you. You beamed back at him in response. 
“S’not fair!” James shouting interrupted your chat.
“I’ll go get you a drink too, okay?” Regulus whispered into Remus’ ear before quickly taking off, clearly not interested in the whining of an inebriated James Potter.
“M’not ‘llowed to dance on th’mantle, m’not allowed to-to play with the play with the suit’s o’armours. Why’d I even come.” James cried miserably between hiccups.
“James, you cannot sword fight with the suits of armours, you will lose. When you lose a sword fight, you die.” Lily reprimanded, clearly at her wits end with her boyfriend.
“Awe, tough hand mate. Hey! Can I challenge you to a chugging contest?” Remus said, clapping James on the back.
James seemed to brighten up at that as Lily quickly scowled at him. Remus offered the redhead a wink as he plucked your cup of water out of your hands and handed it to James.
“’kay, but no cheating!” James called to Remus. Remus figured James was too drunk to realize one couldn’t really cheat at a chugging contest, but Remus didn’t plan on winning anyway.
Regulus had returned at the perfect time for Remus to take a drink and bring it to his lips. James, in his enthusiasm ended up wearing most of the water, but claimed he won after downing the rest of it.
“No way James, I want a rematch!” Remus called, grabbing the new cup of water Regulus had brought over for you - quickly promising to make it up to you - and handing it off to James.
The group ended up being able to keep James entertained by challenging him to ‘chugging contests’ whilst handing him cups of water until he had to pee. 
Remus got to watch you flit around the party, dancing to your hearts content (though, he did make sure to discourage you from anymore high surface areas. When he couldn’t, he made sure to spot you from below), and even convincing Regulus to ball dance with you, even though it was to the likes of Jackson 5. Though you quickly abandoned him for Sirius when Play That Funky Music came on.
Remus was sat in a large cushioned chair with Regulus in his lap as they watched you, clearly in your element. 
“Gods, she’s fun.” Remus whispered to his boyfriend. Regulus breathed out a chuckle and leaned further into Remus.
“She is. She can be trouble sometimes though. Probably good that Barty’s nowhere to be found.”
Regulus’ voice trailed off confusedly at the end.
“What is it?” Remus asked, but you came barrelling over to them, slightly sweaty and breathless from your dancing.
“Hi.” You breathed excitedly, falling to your knees in front of them.
“Hi dovey! Having fun?” Remus asked, bringing his hand not currently holding his drink and wrapped around Regulus’ waist to caress your face. His heart squeezed as your eyes closed and you leaned into the touch. “S’much fun.”
“Amour, where is Barty?” Regulus asked.
Your eyebrows furrowed momentarily before a cheeky smile crossed your face as you remembered.
“Oh, he’s...hanging around.” You offered vaguely. 
“Should I be worried?” Regulus asked cautiously, earning him a snort from Lily as she hauled a nearly sleeping James over to the couch beside them.
“The sod was swinging from the chandelier and got stuck. None of us bothered trying to get him down – he’s fast asleep.” She explained, gesturing to the ceiling with a nod of her head.
Sure enough, nearly right above them, Barty was passed out cold as if he were simply swinging in a hammock. 
“Hm...” Regulus deadpanned, narrowing his eyes at you. “Amour, did someone bet Barty that he couldn’t manage to get to the chandelier?” 
“No.” You answered quickly, defiantly. Regulus continued staring impassively at you until you sighed. “I bet him he couldn’t get down from the chandelier.” 
“And she was right.” Lily added, giving you a fist bump.
Regulus let out a long suffering sigh, causing Remus to chuckled and rub his side placatingly. 
“Fair enough, sweets.” He conceded.
“Easy for you to say.” Regulus muttered. “You aren’t responsible for getting him down.”
“Just leave him up there.” Sirius commented; he wasn’t quite as drunk as Remus expected him to be, but his movements were still sloppy as he moved to sit on the floor beside you. “That’s apparently what friends do.” He said pointedly, glaring at Remus and sticking his tongue out at him.
“I had more important priorities.” He said, winking down at you.
“Are-are you s,saying that Y/N’s more impo- important than your mate, Rmussss?” James said – barely – through hiccups.
“Certainly prettier priorities.” Regulus commented.
“Oi!” Sirius shouted far louder than necessary. “You take that back!” 
“I’ll do no such thing.” Regulus responded casually. 
Sirius went to stand from his place, no doubt to try to roughhouse his brother. 
“It’s okay Sirius. I think you’re very pretty. Next time, you can be the dancing queen.” You placated. Sirius turned to look at you like you hung the moon.
“Really?!” He cried. You nodded, causing the sod to launch himself, tackling you in a hug and causing the two of you to fall over.
“Oi! Don’t crush my darlin’ girl, Pads!” Remus called at the same time as Regulus spat “if she has so much as one fucking bruise Sirius, I swear to Salazar...”
“Do forgive him,” Lily commented, “he was just informed he could be the next dancing queen.”
“Why mess with perfection? I happen to think Y/N was a wonderful dancing queen!” Marlene called from somewhere behind Remus.
“I MISSED DANCING QUEEN!?” Barty screeched from his aerial prison above them.
Regulus let out another long-suffering sigh as he stood, lifted you up out of Sirius’ grasp and placed you in his vacated spot on Remus’ lap. “I’ll go get my broom to get him down...”
“How’d you manage to win that bet, dove?” Remus whispered as Regulus disappeared through the door, pressing his nose to the pulse point of your neck.
“Sticking charm.”
Remus chuckled and felt the breaths leaving his nose bounce off your skin and back into his face. 
“My cheeky little minx.”
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kquil · 8 months
SUM : It’s been a few weeks and James makes a reappearance in your life, Remus too — they’ve fallen into bad habits. 
G. : modern au ; muggle au ; tattoo artist james potter ; piercer remus lupin ; remus smokes ; drunk james ; reader is sad ; this is a little sad chapter ; fergus is an amazing, lovable manager ; i’m horrible at writing the scottish accent! ; james is an adorable drunk ; james’ car is sexy and red ; remiss has eye bags and smells of cigarette smoke ; uh oh ; it’ll get better soon! 
LENGTH : 2.8k
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You stare in disbelief at the notice that stares back at you mockingly from behind the glass door of the ‘Marauders Tattoo Parlour’. 
‘NOTICE’ it said in bold red sharpie, right above a handwritten message that you recognise as Remus’ neat penmanship, ‘due to personal reasons, Prongs, Padfoot and I (Moony) will be keeping the parlour closed until further notice. We kindly ask that you remain patient as private matters are being sorted through and resolved. We are still open for online and phone consultations to discuss designs and potential future appointments. Kindest Regards, The Marauders’. Beneath the polite and brief explanation of current circumstances was a business email address and phone number as well as working times for phone calls. 
The weeks following your discovery of the boys’ true relationship, you rarely ever passed their parlour. A little over three weeks has passed now and you’ve finally been able to walk past their studio doors close enough to read the notice. You’re frozen in place as dread and worry cultivates shards of sharpened ice to grow within you. Freezing up your senses, freezing up your mind and freezing up limbs. Yet, your heart is racing like never before, your blood pounding against your ears like a drummer gone mad. 
The feeling that settled in your stomach wasn’t a pleasant one, especially when you felt completely responsible for the boys’ sudden hiatus in business. They had often talked to you about how much the parlour meant to them, how it was their best investment and remains their biggest source of opportunity — an opportunity to help people express themselves. It’s a form of freedom that many have been deprived of (themselves included) and they were honoured to now be able to provide that same freedom to others. For them to completely close up shop like this was completely bizarre. 
How long have they been closed for?
You bite your lip and will yourself to move your feet, the ice in your limbs breaking uncomfortably, shattering into a million knives of ice, shooting pins and needles up your arms and legs as if your blood had been frozen up too. As you walk away, you slip your phone back into your pocket, where your hands also remain. 
While contemplating what could have happened to your favourite tattooists and piercer, you made sure to save a picture of their business phone number onto your photos. 
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You were never able to call their business number. And you had many excuses lined up to absolve your cowardly behaviour. The main one being that it was their business number, it wasn’t meant to be used for a conversation between friends. Were you even still friends at this point? The thought made you shiver and stole the appetite right from your stomach. It was a greedy little thing cowardice, regret too. They’ve stolen many things from you, your appetite was their favourite thing to purloin, motivation another, happiness as well. Nasty, selfish and greedy thieves. But you weren’t brave enough to confront them and make them stop. And that, alone, makes you their willing accomplice — so who’s really to blame? 
It didn’t help that through this entire ordeal, you’ve realised that none of the boys have exchanged phone numbers with you. To say that you were bitter was an understatement. If they never gave you their number, why would they want you ringing them in the first place? 
…maybe they didn’t have a reason to? You couldn’t remember a single time after the day you first brought them that homemade ‘thank you’ lunch where you hadn’t seen them on a regular basis. And now that you were used to seeing them almost daily, your life has since been bleeding of colour and vibrance. Days are dull and monotonous, it’s hard to motivate yourself to do pretty much anything, let alone your job.
“Yer’ve been sighin’ so much these days, I’m startin’ to see wrinkles forming’ on yer cute lil’ face lass,” Furgus comments, nudging your hip with his own as he passes by you behind the counter. 
Flustered, you scramble to get back to work with a quick apology, evidence of your embarrassment heating up your cheeks as you do so, “I’m so sorry Gus,”
With hearty laugh, the burly Scottish man pats you on the back and whispers some reassuring words, “Yer’ve got nothin’ ta worry about lass, I jus’ wan’ed ta see if you were al’ight is all,”
“I’m okay,” you smile grateful for his care only to be met with suspicious eyes and a deep, bearded frown. 
“Don’t grow a habit o’ lyin’ ta me lass, it won’t do ya any good,” his words make more heat rise to your cheeks but you reassure him as best as you can in between taking orders and serving drinks. It was no use however, Fergus saw you as his own daughter, he knew you like the back of his hand and you know that he had his suspicions of your odd behaviour lately — all derived from a sadness he didn’t like you wearing. Thankfully, he decided to leave you alone with your sorrow and regret and focused back on managing the pub. Tonight was pretty average, you saw the regulars and greeted them with a friendly smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes; if any of them noticed, they never said a thing about it to you. Thank god. 
It seemed like it would be another regular night until you caught sight of a familiar figure in the corner of your eye. You had just gotten back from your break when you spot James at a far table, nursing a pint and buried under a sheet of suffocating misery all on his lonesome. 
“James?” you breathed in disbelief with a wide-eyed stare directed right at him. 
“You know that guy?” Bonnie, your coworker, asks in a whisper into your ear and you had no choice but to nod your head in confirmation — you’ve already outed yourself, there was no point in lying, “well he’s been drinkin’ himself to death for the past hour or so, what’s gotten into him? D’ya know?”
“No…” you’re a liar. 
“Well ya be’er find out or else imma have ta kick the poor bastard outta ‘ere,” Fergus comments, his arms folded over his large chest and his brows knitted together in disapproval. 
“May I—…?” you begin to ask softly, sending a curious look towards Fergus who meets your eyes with a small smile and a wink. 
“Consider yerself off fer da night,” with a smile, you thank him and take a breath before making your way over to the miserable tattooist. 
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“Angel!” James smiles happily at the sight of you, his drunken state adding an adorable dopiness to his already charming grin, “It’s you~” he coos and wraps his arms around your middle to bury his face into your stomach when you were close enough, “I missed you so much, angel~” he sighs, his voice muffled by your clothes as he refuses to detach himself from you, “even if this is just another dream…” you barely hear him and you almost curse yourself from being able to because his words make your heart drop to your stomach. 
“James,” you ask softly, “can you please get up?” 
“Why?” he shuffles to press his chin into your lower belly and stare up at you with those sweet hazel eyes of his. The sneaky bastard, he knows how weak at the knees you become from his simple stare. You’ve never told him so and often put in the effort to not show it but you know, he knows. 
“Because you need to go home,” he gives an incredulous look at your reasoning and he’s adorable doing so, even in his drunken state. 
“Why would I need to do that when you’re right here?” he slurs and hiccups, your heart pounding erratically at his words.  
“James please—”
“‘m not going home! I wanna stay here with you,” he presses his face into your stomach again and sobs into your clothes, “you’re gonna disappear again,” he sobs miserably, “I don’t want that…” 
“Please just let me call you a taxi James?” he doesn’t respond, pressing his face further into your stomach as you comb your fingers through his dark hair, you touch gentle and comforting, coaxing him into some compliance, “remind me of your address again and I’ll call you a taxi, okay?”
You suppress a defeated sigh. 
It takes several minutes of coaxing until you’re finally able to take his phone from him. He refuses to let you call him a taxi and you weren’t going to force him to walk home alone in his drunken state so you’re going to have to do the one thing you can think of that’ll guarantee his safe return home. Not that you’ll enjoy it because it means confrontation. 
“Can you tell me your passcode, please, James?” you ask in a gentle whisper, only to him, “I need to do something very important on your phone,”
With a large smile he recites the digits, “22nd of the 6th, 17,” the way he says it makes your raise a brow. Sensing your curiosity, James answers your silent question, “is the day Moony, Pads and I became official,” he giggles adorably to himself as you smile somewhat sadly — another reminder that you should stay away. You don’t say anything to prompt him further and, instead, type in the code before looking through his contacts. It takes you a moment but you’re eventually pressing call and waiting patiently for Remus to pick up.
“…James?” Remus’ familiar, kind voice speaks tiredly through the phone and you don’t know whether to breath a sigh of relief or worry, “Hello?”
It takes you a moment but you finally will yourself to speak, “Hey, um, Remus?” 
“…Dove?” he’s in complete disbelief and it’s evident in his voice, “Is that really you?”
“uh…yeah,” you chirp sheepishly and Remus is all forms of elated but his excitement dwindles quickly when he realises how you’re able to call him. 
“Why do you have James’ phone?” you were right to call him, knowing that he was preceptive, reasonable and easy to talk to even with the tension in the air. Patiently, you explain the situation, never taking your fingers away from James’ hair as he practically purrs into your form, adoring the physical contact and muttering to himself happily. It’s especially loveable like this, considering that it’s him being dopey and giggly and not anyone else.
“Oh…” Remus sighs, clearly disappointed, “I’m so sorry, darling, I’ll get him right away,” 
“It’s no trouble, Rem,” it was hard not to cringe when the familiar nickname easily rolls off your tongue. As if nothing happened — oh how you wish for such a reality!
“Just tell me where you are and I’ll be right over,” you don’t know if you’re just imagining it but there’s a considerable shift in his voice, he sounds much softer after hearing his nickname easily fall from your lips. 
“We’re at the Boar and Elephant pub on Chapel Road,” 
“Alright, I’ll be there soon,” with a click, he was gone and you were left to keep James satisfied until he got there. It wasn’t an overly tough job; James seemed perfectly content nuzzling into your stomach with his arms hugging you in place as your fingers massage his scalp and gently groom his hair. He’s like a puppy, eager to receive affectionate cuddles and pets. If he had a tail, he’d be wagging it like crazy and you giggle to yourself at the mental image it conjures up. 
“I missed that…” James mutters, maybe to himself but it wasn’t clear.
“I’m sorry?”
“I miss the sound of you giggling,” you don’t know what to say but he continues, going off on a tangent, “it’s so pretty, you’re so pretty. It’s like the sound of a cute little bell ringing…so pretty— pretty pretty pretty!” you can’t lie to yourself, he’s absolutely precious, “I miss you so much angel, why did you go away? I don’t want you away, I want you with me, and with Remus and with Sirius too…” he murmurs something into your stomach that you weren’t able to pick up but don’t press him further on the matter, fearing that your heart might just about burst if you do. You can’t afford to hope for such a fantasy with them when it could never become a reality. 
It just wasn’t possible…
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“Not fair!”James whines, making grabby hands at you as Remus, with the force of a gentle giant, manoeuvres him into the back seat of a red Jaguar XJR. Dealing with a defiant baby was a struggle so dealing with a giant, beefy baby like James Potter was like trying to control a hurricane. But Remus had a magic touch and arguably had more of a silver tongue than Sirius did so he made it look like a walk in the park. It was astounding, “I wanna be with my angel!” James sobs as Remus closes the door on him, putting a stop to James’ needy cries. 
“She’s not yours, she’s no one’s,” was Remus’ response even though he had already closed the door, James unable to hear him and the hint of dismay coherent in his tired voice, “thank you for looking after him, Dove, you’re always too kind,”
“N-no, don’t worry about it,” he smiles down at you, silence filling up the space between your two lonely figures under the amber lamplight. He doesn’t seem to mind the hush in conversation but knowing that his eyes were fixed on you was unnerving, “so! Is that your car?” you ask, desperate for a change in conversation; your restless fiddling making your intentions obvious but Remus keeps to himself. 
“No, no, it’s not mine,” he answers with a short chuckle, “this is James’ car,”
“Oh…” you hum to yourself thoughtfully, eyes carefully examining the body and model of the car, “I see,” it looks like a car James would have, you think to yourself. There was more silence until Remus finally brings himself to commence your farewells. 
“Well I suppose I should head off, I don’t want to take up too much of your time,” your heart stutters, almost to a stop, at his words, even more so when you see him hesitate upon leaning down. A victim to your own habits, you find yourself closing your eyes and awaiting his gentle kiss goodbye against your temple.
…But it never comes.
“Goodbye then,” he calls over his shoulder, and rounds the car to get to the driver’s seat. 
“—Do you smoke?” you suddenly ask, in some part desperate to extend your interaction with each other and other parts curious of the lingering cigarette smoke you smell on his clothes, masking his usually comforting fragrance. It’s strong enough that you were able to catch it from your formal amount of distance with each other and it struck you as odd. You had never seen him smoke before. 
Remus laughs a brief and strained sound as he looks at you from over the hood of the car, did he always have such deep eye-bags? “Not usually,” he sends you a sheepish smile once you’re finally able to meet his eyes, “but I’ve recently taken to it again,“ he sees worry and grief fill your eyes and hurries to correct himself, ”—But don’t worry, Dove,” his features are gentle and kind, warm and… forgiving, “I’m okay,” 
The world slows as you watch him bend his head to sit in the drivers seat. It’s been too long. For you, at least. This can’t continue. It scares you to think about where this may go if you leave it to late. It’s only been three weeks! If this is the result…you dread to think about what would happen if things went on for longer than that. James is drinking himself to death. Remus is smoking cigarettes. What about Sirius? Your stomach twists uncomfortably, painfully, your heart too. 
“No! You’re not!” you shout, tears of anger welling up in your eyes as Remus stops and looks over at you once again, his breath hitching when he sees your eyes glistening with tears, “you’re not okay…” 
“I’m coming by tomorrow,” you announce, “at lunch,” this was a commitment you’re making, a commitment to him, to them. Even if you’re heartbroken, that doesn’t give you the right to be a bad friend. You brave a watery smile, “I’ll make your favourites…so you better be there!”
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A/N : i’m so sooo sorry for my depiction of the scottish accent, i really tried my best, please don’t hate me! if you have any ideas of how i could make it better, please say so, i’d really appreciate it. Also, i know that this isn’t completely fluff but we’re getting there, you’ll have to wait and see in the next chapter! 
TAGLIST : @melinajenkins @aastonishment @until-i-found-you @corp0real @celestcies @lovelydoveval @inlovewithremusjohnlupin @calums-betch @futurecorps3 @hihihi1112 @simpingforthe80s @yrluvjane @chaosofmanyfandoms @storyofaromance @loving-and-dreaming @somewereinthegalaxi @ashreblogsficshere @cassandra-nerezza-black @stray-bi-kids @ttkttt @notasadgirlipromise @desikudisworld @volturissideslut @arilxup88
@ghostgardn @mess-is-my-aesthetic @zesnuts @enamoredwithbella
@susyelectra @fangirlninja67 @pagesfalling @thepunisherfrankcastle @axeofwars @imarimon @in-love-with-4-marauders @chicken-taco-burrito @valencia-rou @feast0nmeee @lestat-whore @hvmxjjk @twilightlover2007 @diaryofabiwoman @woohoney @celestialfantasiess @willbedecided @lovelyygirl8 @iiirhiane-g @mangodamochiii @queerqueenlynn @l3xiluve @brain-has-left @bunbunbl0gs @kneelforloki @citrusiove @virtualbuni @awkward-d3rs3-dr3amer @that1nerd-20 @wolfstar4everbitches @skepvids @dearmy-diary @littledollfacebaby @mylifeisnothing @em16cor @krazyk99 @imdoingbetternow @realalpacorn @remussbitch @swiftieeras1989 @lonely-nerd-sodaholic @canthavetoomuchchaos @rckstrbee @b-i-h-i @ennycutie @kneelforloki @theteaobsessedbug @padfoot1313 @d1gital-data @venezsuwayla @melllinaa
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spdrwdw · 7 months
hi! I saw ur post abt accidentally deleting reqs and was scared since mine wasn’t answered yet (im not complaining bc ur other work is so so delicious to read 😍) anyways here it is. Ok imagine Miguel ohara being the heir to the mafia ‘throne(?)’ ima be so fr idk what they call it 💀 anyways and he’s in an arranged marriage w/ a girl from a diff mafia family as a way to make peace between the two families, except neither he or the girl are happy abt it. Enemies to lovers would just be majestic for the plot in my opinion 🤭. Anywaysssss thank u sm and remember to drink water 🫶🏻
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Art by: Kimmy_art0912 Pairing: Mob Boss Miguel x Wife reader Warnings: Mentions of blood, very mild violence, no use of y/n Summary: You and Miguel come from different mafia families, forced to be married in order to form an alliance as threat from an outside. However, you and Miguel can only tolerate each other, at best. A/N: I swear I scratched and rewrote this like five different times.I am sorry it took so long. I am slowly making my way back into writing. I do thank anon and everyone else for their patience as I slowly make my way back to life and I will be writing more Miguel fics soon. I may do a part two to this, depending on interest recieved. I have been getting into mafia books so I am going to be looking into those for inspo if I do make more parts to this. Also, very very light editing was done. Word Count: 4.6k
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Your family and the O’Hara’s have been enemies since your ancestors set foot into this country. Both immigrating from nothing but the clothes on their backs and pennies to their name. 
Your family started working in the food industry. Working in restaurants, bakeries, etc. Anything that had to do with food. Seven days a week. Working from twelve to fourteen hour shifts just to make ends meet. Your great great grandfather worked at the local deli as well as a restaurant. When he wasn’t cutting up meat, he was in the kitchen making food. Your great great grandmother worked at the neighborhood bakery as well as the tailors. Her dream was to make clothes- dresses. She wanted to be a fashion designer. She started taking classes at the local college once they saved up enough money to invest in her studies. 
Eventually, with their hard work and sacrifices, their dreams came true. Your family soon owned several restaurants as well as luxury boutiques. Everyone did their part in keeping the family businesses growing and going. 
At first, it was all simply honest work. Your family stayed humble and grateful for their dedication. Then, with your great grandfather, things took a slight turn. He wanted to expand and turn into construction. Nueva York continued to go and grow, with more people coming to try to make a living and a name for themselves. And in that mix, people with bad intentions also tagged along. The family businesses were in jeopardy of being taken over or shut down completely by these power-hungry thugs. He did not want that. So, he and the rest of the family banded together and began hiring people who would be willing to work for them and protect them, whether they were military vets, criminals, or even cops. Anyone who was willing to protect the family. 
Allyship with other mafia families also aided in the growth and protection. However, there was one family that yours always butted heads with. 
The O’Haras. They immigrated from Ireland around the same time your great great grandparents did. They built their own businesses, casinos, hotels, and clubs- and wanted their own power and a spot with the elites of the criminal world. 
At first, things were neutral between the two families. At one point, the two families were almost allies. However, one night, there was commotion going on at one of the O’Hara nightclubs. Members of your family got into a tussle with the O’Hara group and ended up being a blood bath, with both sides losing men. 
Ever since then, things were tense, and the bloodshed continued to grow as oppositions rose. 
No one really knew what it was that started the feud that night. Some suspected it had been over a woman. Others thought it was simply because some members were drunk and careless words were exchanged.
Either way, the rivalry continued on. Until a new threat entered the city. And there was no choice but to come together. 
It’s been six months since you moved into his house. Six months since you lost your freedom. Six months since you got married. To Miguel O’Hara. 
It all happened in an instant. First, you were out abroad, having recently gotten your first major job as a fashion designer in a luxury clothing company, wanting to be as successful as your great great grandmother, and now you were out on a little vacation to celebrate, when you received a call from your father, ordering you to come back home. 
You should’ve relished that Mediterranean breeze as long as you could, because once you got on that flight back home, your world was about to be flipped on its head. 
“I’m sorry…WHAT?!” You screeched at your father, you only looked at you with his calm, cool, distant, expression as he inhaled into his cigar.
“You’re getting married to Miguel O’Hara,” he repeated. 
“I heard what you said! But, why?!”
“The O’Haras had agreed to a truce. Kingpin is gaining on both of our families. We are losing men and traction left and right. We agreed by aligning our families together, we will gain strength in numbers and influence.”
“And you are shipping me off into an arranged marriage! This isn’t the medieval age or whatever! 
Plus, with Miguel?! At least have me marry Gabriel. He’s not an asshole like his brother.”
“Miguel is to become head of the O’Hara family as he is the first born. Plus, his determination has been promising.”
You let out a groan. You could not believe this was happening. You never wanted to get sucked into this life. That’s why you went off to college. To try to get away and make a life of your own. Your efforts were proven to be futile as you felt the rug be pulled from under you and you were being dragged along with it to the same life you were trying to escape. 
Your father’s eyes softened. A hint of sorrow filled them. 
“I know, sweetheart. This isn’t what I was hoping for you, either. But, it is the only way. We are running out of options. I am sure Miguel will take care of you, and you will be able to fulfill your dream of following your great great grandmother’s footsteps. I am sure she would be proud to have someone actively expanding her fashion legacy..”
You still shook your head. It was just too much for you to take in. Plus, wasn’t Miguel in a relationship with someone? Xina? No..they broke up months ago. That’s right. But, wait..he was seeing someone else? Ugh. The guy has a new girlfriend every other day.
Besides, you two did have a thing going on in the past. It wasn’t serious. Mainly the occasional hookups. You two were of rivaling families, after all. You both did have your reasons for disliking each other. So, the sex was pretty much hate sex? If that made sense. It wasn’t out of passion. Unless you could call hatred a passion.
Never did you think you’d actually be getting married to him. 
After the news broke out that you and Miguel were to be wedded, everything went by in such a blur. Preparations for the wedding. The actual wedding. The honeymoon- which was hardly a honeymoon because neither of you actually spent any time together. It was just too awkward, and you knew that he wasn’t happy with this arrangement as much as you were. 
When you first moved into his house, you wanted to sleep in a separate room from him, and he agreed. However, when both of your parents found out about this, they were all livid. 
“How will you two get to know each other more and become intimate with each other if you are sleeping in separate beds?” Your mom cried one day when she came to visit you. You assured her there would be other situations where you and your husband would bond. Public situations where you’d be surrounded by other people and talking to those people rather than each other. 
You two simply avoided each other as much as possible. And during the times when you two were together, your company was either met with silence or bickering. And sometimes even being at each other’s throats. 
He would call you names like ‘immature’ ‘wild’ ‘rowdy’ and so on, simply because you refused to listen to him whenever he demanded something from you. 
You’d retaliate and tell him that he was controlling and a perfectionist. Because well, he was. He had to have things done a certain way or it would ensue chaos. And while he was right about you being a little more rowdy and wild, it was simply because you had the luxury of growing somewhat more normal. Your parents did not drill the life of the mafia into your head the same way it was drilled into Miguel’s. Which is why you both clashed when trying to communicate with each other. 
Right now, you were at home in the library. You spend a lot of time there, and while Miguel’s taste in reading wasn’t usually to your taste, you’d sometimes find yourself reading some of the novels that he was currently reading, as well as reading some that you’ve been purchasing and adding to the collection. 
Which reminded you, you had to head over to the mall and purchase the next book of a spicy romance series you’d been reading. As well as look for an outfit to wear at the next charity event you and Miguel would be attending. 
One of the few things you liked about Miguel was that he was very generous and active in the community, helping those less fortunate.
Placing the book down, you rubbed your bag and keys and decided to head out for a bit. Saying goodbye to the house staff as you walked past them, you made your way to the garage, which housed Miguel’s collection of cars, ranging from vintage to sporty and modern to big black suvs that you’d use whenever a bodyguard was transporting you somewhere, like parties. You never understood why someone needed so many cars but, whatever, as long as it wasn’t your money being spent. 
You made your way over to your car, glad that you were able to bring it with you when you got married. It was your baby. One of the few things you were able to bring with you. 
Glancing over at the clock on the dashboard, you bit your bottom lip. You should have enough time to purchase some books before heading off to your parents for a bit. You did promise them you would show up. They were planning lunch for you. It was your birthday today, after all. 
Miguel stood in front of the battered man that kneeled before him, hearing the groaning of pain coming from their mouth as blood pooled around the cement floor. 
Miguel’s knuckles were bleeding. But, it wasn’t his own blood, but the blood of the poor bastard that withered before him. Miguel didn’t like to use violence. He thought it was a primitive way of negotiating with his enemies. However, there were times when a little violence was necessary to get his point across. And to send a message. 
Why was this man being battered like a sack of potatoes? 
The man spat blood, a tooth or two flying out with the glob of blood as he remained strapped to his chair. His face was covered in blood. Beat up and mangled by the hands of the tall, brooding man before him. 
Miguel slowly knelt down before the man, taking a fistful of his hair, forcing him to look up into his almost amber eyes. 
“ Eres un demonio! (You're a demon). Not even the devil himself will want you!” the man spat, a glob of blood landing on Miguel’s cheek.
Miguel let out a hum of disinterest. His eyes lacked any life in them. However, this was when he felt the most alive, seeing his enemies cowering and crumbling before him. 
He took out a handkerchief from his breast pocket and cleaned the blood from his cheek before tossing the now soiled material at the man’s feet. 
“I take that as a compliment, you know. Maybe I want the devil himself to fear me.”
Miguel took out a cigar from his coat pocket and lit it before giving it a deep inhale and exhaled a heavy cloud of smoke at the man’s face. He couldn't believe that one of Kingpin's goons had infiltrated his circle and posed himself as someone who could've been trusted. Miguel was definitely going to send that fat son of a bitch a message, by killing this guy and sending his corpse back to Kingpin's front door. 
Not only that, but it also meant that they were going to have to redo background checks on everyone working for the O’Haras. That was going to be a pain in the ass.
"Gabriel! Hand me my gun," Miguel called out to his brother.
Gabriel, Peter, and Ben were all standing several feet behind Miguel, all watching as their boss beat and battered the man before them. 
Gabriel was Miguel’s right hand now that their father had stepped down as head of the O’Hara family. Many thought Gabriel was going to take charge, however, Miguel was much more brutal and cut-throat than Gabriel. It made sense for Miguel to take up the mantle, despite him being an illegitimate son. 
Plus, Gabriel preferred being on the sidelines instead of making the decisions. 
Gabriel made his way over to his older brother, handing him the gun before stepping back to his original spot. 
“Now. We can do this the easy way. Where I ask you a couple of questions and answer them. Or, we can do this the hard way, when I ask you said questions and if you refuse to answer them, I get to shoot you anywhere I want.”
”I would rather you just shoot me! I will never answer to you!” The man croaked. 
“You never got shot before, have you?” Miguel hummed as he removed the safety from the gun and cocked it before pulling the trigger, shooting the man on the foot. 
The man let out a screeching howl as he thrashed on the chair, letting out a series of curses. 
Miguel simply nodded his head. “That’s what I thought. So..shall we begin?”
The whole ordeal took only a matter of minutes, as Miguel wasted no time in trying to get his questions answered. The man was not sitting lifeless on the chair as bullet holes decorated his body. 
Kingpin had sent a lower ranked grunt to spy on them, trying to scope up any valuable information to report back to his true boss. Unfortunately for Kingpin, those in the lower ranks didn’t really get to be part of the action and behind-closed door discussions, so, this man’s life was unnecessarily wasted. 
“Send his body back to Kingpin. Just leave him on his doorstep,” Miguel said as he examined his suit, letting out a grunt when he saw small splatters of blood. He was going to have to go home and change. “Will do. You should start heading back home. I am sure you wife is waiting for you,” Gabriel said as Peter and Ben began placing the body into a black body bag and carried him out to the waiting pick-up truck. 
Miguel pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn’t hate you, but he knew that you hated him. And you had every right. You got married to him out of force, and while that wasn’t necessarily his fault, he didn’t blame you for holding a grudge on him. 
“Keep me posted on any activity. I need updated background checks on everyone working for us. We can’t let anyone else slip through the cracks,” Miguel stated as he made his way over to his car, with his brother following behind him. Gabriel nodded his head as he watched his brother leave. 
He had to make sure no on in his inner circle was actually working for Kingpin. Is someone indeed was, might as well just shut everything down then and there. 
No. Miguel wouldn’t give up just like that. He would just have to work harder and steer Kingpin off track. 
But, for the time being, his main goal was to get back home and get to his wife. It was your birthday, after all.
You spent the majority of the day with your parents. You had gone over to your former home- which you still miss deeply. It was such a stark contrast from where you lived now. There was just so much character, so much history in this house. It was the same house your great great grandfather had bought as a gift to his lovely wife, your great great grandmother, once their businesses were booming.
It had twelve bedrooms and sixteen bathrooms. A library where your mother would take you to read. When you were young, you’d pick out a book for your mother to read to you in bed. Mainly a fairy tale story. 
You always thought your life would be a fairy tale. You always imagined yourself as the princess or heroine, going on adventures and falling in love. However, the universe was not like those in the stories. Maybe in an alternate universe. But, not in this one. 
Instead, you were forced to marry the enemy in hopes of forming an alliance. Which, depending on how you looked at it, could’ve been seen as a fairytale. It didn’t feel like it. You weren’t in love with Miguel. You tolerated each other at best. Plus, you guys had shared history which made things pretty awkward at times. 
You were back home, waiting for your darling husband to come home and wish you a Happy Birthday. He also supposedly promised to take you out to dinner. It was really an attempt for you two to get somewhat closer together. But, you weren’t sure how well that would play out. You both liked to push each other’s buttons. You were sure it would occur tonight. And honestly, you wouldn’t want to have it any other way. You wanted to be a thorn on his side. He was always so full of himself. Always thought himself to be this bigshot. Untouchable. Unweavered. You loved proving him wrong. 
You continued to wait and wait. The house staff had left for the night, including Miss Cheryl, your personally favorite housekeeper. She was an older woman, possibly in her mid-fifties. You never cared to ask her- mainly because you didn’t want to be rude and you actually liked her. 
Looking up at the clock in Miguel’s office, you saw that it was already seven thirty in the evening. Reservations were supposedly made for eight. Miguel had thirty minutes to get there. 
A part of you didn’t really care if he had forgotten or just waved it off. You didn’t want to force yourself to be nice with him, because who knew, you might just throw a glass of wine at him just as you did during your wedding reception.
You could hear a chime coming from the Alexa that rested on Miguel’s desk, signaling that someone had entered the house. 
Finally. You honestly thought he wasn’t going to come. 
Raising from his chair, you decided to go ahead and greet your husband. 
He was making his way upstairs as you made your way down the hallway, both of you making eye contact. 
“You’re late. I thought you weren’t going to come,” you said, crossing your arms over your chest. 
As Miguel stepped closer, you could notice blood splattered on his white shirt. 
“I know. Let me get changed real quick,” he replied as he walked past you. 
You knew Miguel had a way of dealing with those who wronged him. You have seen his blood-stained knuckles, bloodied shirts and a dangerous look in his eyes. It’s pretty much like in the movies. Some poor unlucky soul gets tortured to death by the boss or someone higher up. You’d like to think that Miguel isn’t simply killing people just because of blood-lust. While it wasn’t your business to judge, you didn’t want to be married to someone who is a little too eager to get blood on his hands. 
You made your way to his room, standing by the door as you watched Miguel slip on a fresh pair of pants and button-up shirt, something more suitable for dinner. Once he was finished, he took another look at you, furrowing his brows a bit. 
“What?” You questioned. 
“What are you wearing?” 
“What do you mean ‘what are you wearing’?” You asked, looking down at your dress. 
“Don’t you think that’s too revealing?” He asked. 
“What? Revealing? Where? Don’t tell me showing a little leg and shoulder is prohibited. Come on! This is the height of fashion right now, as well as demonstrating body positivity.” Miguel simply gave you a look as if in disgust. Not for the body positivity part. But rather your fashion choices. He was aware of your family’s success in the fashion industry. He even applauded it. But, he was also a  man with much simpler tastes. Tastes that you would sometimes groan over. 
“Well, I’m not changing, so let’s just get going,” you said as you grabbed a shawl to compliment your dress, and to shut Miguel up. 
The ride to the restaurant was quiet, save for the music that was playing on the radio. You two had very different music tastes. Not surprising. Sometimes you’d change the station or hook up your phone to Bluetooth. But, you tried to sit back and let him listen to his music this time. 
When you two managed to get there, Miguel stopped in front of the valet and got out. The valet driver in-waiting opened the car door for you to help you get out as Miguel rounded the car, handing the keys over to the young man who then took the sleek black suv to the parking garage. 
He gave you his arm to take. It had become routine. Show some sort of display of affection while in public. You never knew who could be watching. Sometimes cameras would pop out in front of you two. 
The proposal was rushed. The engagement. The wedding. People grew suspicious, and rightfully so. Your families quickly came up with a story of how you and Miguel were seeing each other in secret despite the rivalry of the families. The alleged secrecy of romance and hurried marriage gave you two the the title of Romeo and Juliet. Two star-crossed lovers who went against all odds just to be together despite your families and their differences. But, unlike the story, your ending didn’t result in a double-suicide, but rather acceptance, wedding bells, and peace between the two families. Everyone bought it. Well..almost everyone. 
As you two made your way inside and were greeted by the hostess, you were taken to a more secluded area of the restaurant. There, the table had been set up especially for you. A bottle of wine rested over a bed of ice, candles were lit on the table, as well as around the perimeter of your area. It would have been romantic, had you actually had romantic feelings for Miguel.
Still, he was a gentleman and he did go out of his way to reserve a nice place for you.
 He pulled a chair out for you to sit and scooted you in before taking his seat across from you. The music from a live pianist in the main dining hall still reached your private area. Had it not been for them, the room would’ve been dead silent as you and Miguel silently looked through your menus. 
“Can I pour you a glass of your wine?” A waitress asked onceshe approached your table. She was young. Tall and thin with big blue eyes and blonde hair tied up in a ponytail. And wearing way too much makeup. At least for your tastes. 
You could see how she was looking at Miguel, batting her fake eyelashes. You thought they were either going to fall off or send her flying away. Either way, you simply rolled your eyes. You didn’t care if Miguel got hit on, but come on, at least not while you were right there to see. 
“Yes, thank you,” Miguel said, giving her a charming smile. It made you roll our eyes again. Yes, he was being polite and all, but you could see right through him. 
“Can I offer you both an appetizer to start?” She then asked, still looking over at Miguel. 
Miguel then looked over to you, giving you a nod. “Would you like something to start with?”
”Yes, actually. Some bread for the table. they usually bring it out at the beginning,” you started. Which was true. You were just trying to be a little petty. 
“And how about some crab cakes and a salad for the table?”
The waitress nodded her head, her smile now a straight line. So straight, you could swipe your card through it like a card reader. 
“Yes, of course. I will put those in for you and bring you your bread,” she said before leaving the table. 
You simply rolled your eyes once again as you settled back against your seat. 
“How was lunch with your family?” Miguel then asked, trying to make conversation. 
“It was fine,” you responded. Usually, your responses would be short, and Miguel wouldn’t entertain the topic further. You knew you should at least try to get along with him, giving that you are married and that you will be spending the rest of your life with him. You simply assumed that it just hadn’t kicked in yet. You were going to try, though. 
One day.
“Ah, Mr. O’Hara! Mrs. O’Hara! A pleasure to see you two here tonight!” Someone behind you exclaimed. You could hear their heavy footsteps before turning around and seeing the owner and head chef of the restaurant. “Javier. A pleasure to see you,” Miguel said. “We were just celebrating my wife’s birthday.” “Ah! Of course! Happy birthday, Mrs. O’Hara. You look as stunning as ever,” Javier exclaimed. The man was five foot three, a mix of tan to sunburned skin, and all round. He kind of reminded you of the Pillsbury mascot. He looked so squishable and jolly. 
“Actually, Javier. Would you mind me having a word with you, real quick?” Miguel then asked, scooted his chair back from the table and stood, easily towering over the man. 
“O-oh! O-of cours! Of course! Come, come! Let’s step to the side,” Javier stated, now looking a little nervous as he led Miguel out of the room, leaving you alone. 
All while Miguel was having his private conversation with Javier, the waitress came back with the bread and appetizers. 
“We are going to need a couple of minutes,” you stated as she placed everything onto the tables. 
“Of course! I’ll make my way back around in a few minutes,” the waitress said, giving you a tight-lipped smile.  
You tried your best to not roll your eyes at her again as she left. Letting out a sigh, you decided to dig into the bread and appetizers. You sure weren’t going to wait for Miguel to come back to start eating. You never waited for him. Not because you didn’t want to, but because you knew you’d be waiting forever for him. 
Soon enough, you were back home. You were still slightly curious about the conversation Miguel had with Chef Javier. But, you didn’t think you should press Miguel about it. Some things were meant to be kept in private. Besides, you wanted no part of this whole mafia stuff. It had stolen so much of your freedom already. You wanted to remain ignorant of what goes on behind closed doors as much as possible. 
You both made your way upstairs, neither of you speaking as you made your way to your rooms for the night. 
Tomorrow you were planning on heading over to the boutique. Your cousin was currently operating it and sometimes you’d go to help her out. It helped you get out of the house every once in a while. Plus, you were usually filled with inspiration when you were surrounded by your family’s clothing. You were still working on your portfolio to give out to various companies, in hopes they would hire you. 
You were confident that they would. You were talented. Plus, you have your family’s name to back you up. Now, all you had to do was to make sure you get a good night’s rest so you could get up refreshed. 
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spaghettiposts · 6 months
Picture to Burn
Cairo Sweet x Reader
Summery: You should've known better than to fall for Cairo, your friend who seemed to have no interest in you, but it only takes one drink to mess things up and get you into her bed.
Warnings: Attempts at writing, angst, miscommunication, slight sexual content, underage drinking, Miller being an inconvenience, and heartbreak
Word count: 3.3k yikes
A/n: Hm, not sure how I feel about this one but its been sitting in my drafts long enough, might need a part 2...
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“What do you look for in an ideal partner?” Cairo furrowed her eyebrows, her pencil caught between her lips. Your question threw her off track, and she grumbled softly as she erased a mistake. She glanced up at you, annoyed by your upside-down gaze and the way your lips quirked.  
“Someone who doesn’t have a camera hanging around their neck all the time.” She retorted, eyes drifting back down to her notes. 
You perked up, grasping the camera that was indeed resting on your neck. “Seriously?” You scoffed, settling back into the blanket. 
Cairo smirked behind her pages, taking full satisfaction in your crestfallen demeanor. “Oh, and people who aren’t into Marvel.” She added, chuckling at your deadpan reaction.
Assuming the conversation was over, she resumed writing, scribbling random thoughts only to look away and meet your raised brow, tied with an expectant look. God you had to be needy. With a heavy sigh, she shut her book. Typical, you rarely gave her time to properly invest in her writing. 
“Fine…I guess for them to make a good income? You know, enough to support me and my writing. Or at least put up with it.” Cairo explained with a shrug, nose scrunching at the way your eyes softened. Ignoring it, she pointed to you with her pen, hitting your nose, “And you are ten grand in debt, unfortunately missing the cut, so sorry.” She said with a faux pout. 
Once again, you scoffed, pushing her away and murmuring about how unserious she could be. Cairo fell back on the blanket with a laugh, feeling anything but apologetic, though your smile gave you away. 
As you reached into your bag for your notebook, Cairo assumed she might finally get some writing done. Quiet time was her favorite time with you - if you had to be there, which she preferred if you weren’t, totally. Either way, the sound of you fiddling with your camera grounded her; enough so she could focus on her work again. 
Initially, Cairo found certain quirks about you irritating, but as she spent more time with you, she began to see them in a new light. The small curses that left your lips when your camera wasn’t working properly, the spontaneous photos you snapped of Cairo - they became endearing rather than bothersome. And above all, your unwavering support and genuine admiration for her writing. Something Cairo needed more than she’d ever admit. 
With each word of encouragement and every heartfelt compliment, Cairo's heart swelled, in a dreadful way. It was more than admiration or appreciation; it was something more, a feeling she couldn't deny, no matter how hard she tried.
Though she continued to brush off your advances and maintain a facade of indifference, yet Cairo couldn't ignore you whenever your eyes met hers, the way your smile seemed reserved for her alone.
Yes, you were her friend, but that was all. Nothing was worth the risk of ruining things now. Especially if you didn’t truly mean what you spoke.
“Have you read anything new lately?” You asked, your back hunched over as you picked with the old thing. Honestly, Cairo couldn’t see why you still put up with it, the damn thing broke all the time. But still, it was a classic model from the 50s, an heirloom from your grandfather, which she could respect. 
Her hand reached over and shoved at your back, smiling in satisfaction when you straighten your back, shooting a glare in her direction. 
“I finished Lolita, it was on Miller's list for its themes of controversy. I wouldn’t read it again though.” She mumbled, “I did pick up this new book called Rebecca, it’s allegedly a psychological thriller but what’s so dark about being haunted by your partner's ex?”
You scoffed, doodling some part of the camera in your journal, “A lot.” 
“Doesn’t seem too bad, I mean they’re dead right? Can’t do anything.” 
“I wouldn’t risk crossing a paranormal creature like that.” You commented, with a shrug of your shoulders. Cairo hummed, watching you work. When you made no further comments she returned back to her notebook, spending the hour before class working separately. 
Despite Mr. Miller's evident excitement towards writings of controversy, apparently, that wasn’t the case with Cairo. It was a mistake, a stupid mistake but a mistake she assumed a man like him would love. How wrong was she? 
A student longing for their middle-aged professor was where the line was drawn. The hypocrisy of it all made Cairo want to laugh, who was he to dismiss her paper that way? She knows the other students, the other students who wrote worse. The book Miller had them read was even worse. 
But no, what was done was done. And now she was convinced Miller thought she was coming onto her, just what she needed. Cairo wouldn’t be surprised if he reported her and there was suddenly a new switch in teachers. As annoying as that’d be, she didn’t have time to dwell on it. 
Instead of a clear schedule, there was now an overdue assignment, dragging her grade down that she had to redo. All. Over. Again. 
Oh how she wanted to scream at that, a relaxing week gone. 
“Stupid fucking Miller…” Cairo muttered, walking with haste to her car. Once inside she slammed the door, pressing her head against the wheel. A knock on her window startled the girl, causing her to look up with a huff, her eyes widening once she realizes who it is.
“Are you alright?” You ask, waiting for her to roll down the window. She does just that, wiping her face with her arm. Was she crying? “You look…off.” Typically your way of saying she looked like shit. Mascara smeared and all she couldn’t blame you. 
Deciding not to answer your question, Cairo motions to the passenger seat, tossing her bag carelessly into the back seat.  “Get in.” 
“But I already have a ride-“
“And I’m offering…just come inside.” She grits between her teeth, letting out an impatient sigh. She doesn’t know why she needs you in the car with her but doesn’t give herself time to dwell on it, when you’re slipping into the seat next to her. 
Your posture is tense and that bothers her. She didn’t mean to come off…abrasive. Taking her eyes off yours, she starts the car, preparing herself for the upcoming conversation. You quickly buckle yourself in without another word. 
The car ride could’ve been more comfortable, which usually it was but your consistent nervous tapping was starting to bother the brunette. Wordlessly she threw her stapled papers in your lap, you opened your mouth to speak but Cairo beat you to it, mumbling a small ‘read it’.
You flipped through her work carefully and Cairo didn’t have the heart to look at your reaction, not this time. It was different with you judging her work, not that you judged, words of compliments spilled out of your lips every time you did read something of hers, tugging those same old heartstrings Cairo was starting to get sick of. Unlike those other moments, this time, it was different as you flipped silently through her work. Did she really screw it up this bad? 
She heard a hiss leave your lips and if she weren’t driving the car her head would’ve snapped in an instant. Turns out you were only focusing on the grade and notes Miller left, better yet lack of. 
You bit the inside of your cheek, slowly sliding the papers back to her, pursing your lips. Cairo huffed, removing one hand from the steering wheel to snatch them back, throwing them harshly towards the back. 
So, she was in a bad mood. You thought, hands clutching at your knees, swallowing dryly. 
“So?” Cairo asks, her voice on the verge of a shout. 
“Well, it was interesting. I mean I skimmed through it so I don’t know, your writing was good- like always.” You spoke rapidly, a nervous trait. 
“God Y/n, if you thought it was bad you could’ve just said so!” She blurted exasperatedly.
“I don’t! Cairo you know I adore everything you write, this just caught me off guard. Doesn’t mean I like it any less, I promise.” 
A silence loomed over the car, and you shrank into your seat even further if that was even possible. Cairo let out a sigh, losing her grip on the steering wheel. 
“Sorry, I'm just feeling…” Cairo's voice trailed off as she struggled to find the right words. She didn’t want to fight, not again. The guilt weighed heavy on her chest every time she saw that deflated look on your face. She couldn’t keep pushing you away, that wasn���t fair. But she also couldn’t shake that feeling of uncertainty she felt around you, about what she wanted, when you were what she wanted, “frustrated with this assignment.”
“And that’s okay,” You reassured her, your voice as gentle as ever, as you reached out to take her hand. Cairo’s gaze flickered down to your hands, feeling a mix of comfort and apprehension, before reluctantly allowing them to intertwine, giving you a small squeeze. “I’m here for you if you need me, anytime.” 
Suddenly, the car felt much tighter than before, the lump in her throat growing heavier. She wasn’t sure when her eyes started to water or why your touch felt like a burden, but she knew she couldn’t hold it any longer. It all felt too intimate too quickly. Silently, she withdrew her hand, placing it back in her lap oblivious to the hurt expression on your face. 
Yet, she couldn’t ignore the own ache in her chest. 
A bright white light blurred endlessly in Cairo's eyes, slow and unresponsive to everything else that wasn’t her assignment. She fought tirelessly at the screen in front of her, the now blank page mocking her to no end. In the midst of it all Cairo recalled how easy her first essay had been to create, only to be dismissed. 
With a huff and slam at her laptop, she tossed the thing aside, landing back on her bed with a grunt. She separates herself from her work, wiping at her burning eyes with her hands. To say Cairo was frustrated was an understatement. After driving around with you for a while she let you go, dropping you off. 
A decision Cairo started to regret. 
Once again, her parents were out of town doing who knows what. It was something Cairo was used to, but it still bothered her more than she’d admit. Some company would be nice, she wasn’t sure how much longer she could take rewriting that assignment anyway. 
After mulling it over in her head, she lifted herself up, to open her phone. Her eyes remained locked on your contact, holding a photo of you and Cairo at the library. While Cairo had her nose stuck in a book, you looked at her like she was everything and more. The picture only made her stomach gnaw uneasily, but still, with much hesitance she dialed your number, listening to it ring.
“Hey, can you come over?” 
An astonishing ten minutes was all it took for you to appear at her door. Cairo smiled at you, tugging you in. She noticed you carrying a small plastic bag but didn’t comment on it, dragging you up to her room.
“I brought you something.” You said, softly closing the door behind you. Cairo sat herself on the bed, tilting her head curiously. “A lot of things actually.” 
How Cairo managed to miss the balloon you had brought in with you, reading in big bold letters: ‘I’m sorry for your loss’ was totally behind her. Cairo raised a questioning eyebrow and you explained for her writing losses, and Cairo didn’t know if she wanted to laugh or punch you. 
Fortunately, you reached into the bag before she could consider the latter, pulling out a familiar bottle of scotch that had Cairo’s lips contorted into one of mischief and pleasure. “And I figured you could use a drink, or two.” You muttered thoughtfully, tossing the bottle on her lap. Cairo traced the bottle with her fingers before twisting it open with a ‘pop’.
You moved around the room, searching for glasses you could use. Spotting two clean ones on the dresser you grabbed them, and settled down next to Cairo, leaving a respectable distance between you. Cairo already had her lips on the bottle by the time you poured the drinks and you raised an amused eyebrow, handing her the whiskey-filled shot. She downed it impressively and you attempted to do the same, failing quite miserably when the burn settled. 
Cairo laughed and you settled further into her bed, grumbling embarrassedly. And it had only taken two more shots for you to really feel the effects, and you could tell Cairo was starting to feel them too, a giddy smile plastered on her face that never seemed to leave. Your shoulders untensed noticeably from how serene the air felt, wishing that every moment with Cairo didn’t feel like walking a tightrope. 
Yet there was still something there – a lingering tension of sorts that no matter how hard you tried wouldn’t leave. You assumed Cairo felt the same when you met her eye and a soft smile tugged on her lips, one that you couldn’t help but return.
Time seemed to blur with the buzz of alcohol in your body, everything having been so peacefully quiet till Cairo shifted against the headboard, lips lingering on the bottle. Her gaze met yours and your stomach stirred. Not knowing why, foolishly, you looked away. Never had Cairo looked in your direction with so much fervor, and you’d be damned if she started now, under the influence when she didn’t mean it–couldn’t mean it.
But your heart would always betray you, now more than ever. So when she took another swing, you knew you were a goner by the way her eyes darkened and her teeth shone. Your own eyes remained locked to her lips and you swallowed dryly, feeling your heart race because she was staring back the same way. 
Cairo didn’t seem bothered, chuckling under her breath as she tucked the bottle away, then swiftly advancing on you the next second, giving into what you both so desperately wanted.
She stumbles into your lap messily, thighs encircling your waist and you groan when she squeezes, placing your hands on her thighs to anchor yourself. Cairo took the opportunity to trail kisses down your collarbone, her lips moving frantically, eager to kiss every inch of you. You let yourself get lost in the sensation, trying to block out that part of your mind that tells you, this is wrong.
Cairo stifles a moan when your nails dig into her hips, grounding her and you both shiver at the contact. Your hand slides along her side, encouraging her, and she does just that, moving slowly against your thigh. Then the room changes completely when her noises become louder, and the pit in your stomach grows hotter. And you have to take a moment to separate yourselves, breathing out of sync. 
“What are we doing, Cairo?” You whisper affectedly, rubbing your hands along her inner thighs and Cairo sighs. 
“Whatever you want me to do.” She whispers back in the same tone, bringing your foreheads together. “Guide me.” 
Despite her words, she’s the one to bring your mouths together first. It’s hesitant and slow, and you both sigh. Her hips press harder against you, and you break the kiss with a grunt. “More.” And that’s enough for you to kiss her again, in a much more heated kiss than before.
Your head is spinning in pleasure as Cairo’s hips grind against yours. With shaky hands you squeeze her skin, taking control of her movements and slowing them down. Cairo whines against your lips, begging and you realize you’re completely weak against her and give her what she needs, meeting her thrusts. 
She comes undone on your thighs next, hips spasming, and gasping against your lips as she comes down from her high. Her body goes limp and she falls on your shoulder for support. You press a kiss into her hair, rubbing her back with your hand to soothe her, not really caring if the act is more intimate for whatever this is. 
You switch your positions to lay her to rest on the bed, pressing soft lingering kisses on her face as you do, and she curls in beside you blissfully ignorant to what had happened, and you wonder if she’d still be like this with you if this never did occur. 
Still, you hold her tighter, blinking as the past minutes replayed in your head, trying to make sense of the situation. Your thoughts only come to a halt when Cairo’s lips are back on your neck, and you shake away the goosebumps because you know you can’t do this again without truly knowing. 
“Cairo—what, what did we do? What was this?” Your voice cracks through the silence, a lump forming in your throat. 
“Sex,” Cairo states matter-of-factly, continuing to kiss your neck, but it has your heart dropping to your stomach and suddenly you feel sick. Maybe it was just the alcohol or the heartbreak, or both. Either way, it had you pulling away.
“But did it mean anything?” You ask hesitantly, sitting up next to take her hands off you. Cairo huffs in frustration but doesn’t stray her eyes away from you, the action only making it all the more difficult to ask. “At all—did you feel something?” 
“Baby I felt many things,” She chuckles incredulously, raising an eyebrow.  “What's with all the questions?” 
Her wandering hands make it hard to focus on your words, each touch just a reminder of what you had done just a moment ago. You tentatively take her hands into your own, catching her by surprise. “I just mean- well you’ve never…shown or said you’ve wanted to be with me this way.” 
“Just because I had sex with you doesn’t mean I want to be with you. It’s just sex, Y/n.”
You choke in disbelief, feeling a wave of soberness wash over and you let go of her hands, similarly to how Cairo did earlier.
Not really knowing what to do or say, you shuffle away from her, noticing her torn expression. It hurts you to look at her, so you don’t, choosing to face anything—the ceiling, her vanity. But everything ties back to her, and you hated yourself for allowing this to happen. 
A wave of silence passes you before you have the strength to repeat something, “Right”. You manage to utter, your voice trembling.  
When you make a move to leave, Cairo touches your wrist to stop you and you freeze. “It’s late, and you’re drunk. Stay the night.”
You take a shallow breath, shaking your head in denial. “I don’t think I should.”
“I wasn’t asking.” 
“Of course not.” You mutter, sitting back against the headboard. Cairo doesn’t question the attitude, only sparing a concerned glance before moving off the bed. Her movements are sloppy as she makes her way to the bathroom, holding a new pair of clothes. 
You don’t register when she returns, but it’s long afterward. Neither of you says a word, choosing to settle in silence. There’s a palpable tension when she places a pillow between you, a silent barrier.
You want to scream, to say something, to remind her who initiated it. Tell her that if anything, you should be uncomfortable with her. But that would be a lie. Your head continues to pound throughout the night, and you decide it’s better to sleep it off, unaware of how deeply affected both of you are.
The next day, Cairo wakes up to an empty bed.
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catsteeth · 6 months
The Caged Bird and The Leashed Dog
Sandor Clegane x reader
+:✿ Chapter - 2 ✿:+ White Mare
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Summary: You are the daughter of Jon Arryn, you and your father travel to King's Landing with the intention of arranging a marriage for you. You catch a glimpse of The Hound during your first night in Kings Landing and it creates a mutual fascination even if he won't admit it. 
CW: slow burn, MDNI, angst, emotional unavailability, emotional vulnerability, The Hound being abrasive, alcohol consumption, mention of parent(s) death, mention of arranged marriage, mention of prostitution, mention of NSFW themes
Word Count: 3037
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Ever since that day in the stable you filled your days with reading, sewing, mindless activities to keep yourself busy. Anything to relieve your mind of the horrors of Kings Landing and your shameful thoughts of the giant who roamed the halls. Loras and you grew distant since you rejected his hand in marriage, in turn you spent your time with the Starks. It was hard at first to be without your only friend but you were determined to get your cousin out of this city. But it wasn’t hard when Sansa clung to you like a scared beaten dog. You were treated no better of course. But at least you knew how to handle such cruelty with a stepmother like Lysa. 
“Don’t let them see you cry,” You’d repeat holding her face “Don’t let it show. Don’t you see how much pleasure he derives from seeing you like this?” 
 Arya would teach you small things she learned during her sword training, and in all honesty it was the most fun you’d had in years. You found yourself becoming more and more invested in those little girls' well being. 
It seemed as soon as Nedd arrived in Kings Landing his time ended. 
That day seemed like a dream. You were summoned by Cersei to her Chambers.
“Has Lord Stark mentioned anything to you about the nature of your fathers death?” Cersei questioned you calmly as she poured wine into her gablet.  
“My fathers?” You asked genuinely confused, she nodded as she sipped her wine “No, your grace.”  
“Good. It would be cruel of him to spark paranoia in the mind of a grieving daughter.” She said as she paced the room with her goblet of wine in hand. 
“Paranoia?” If you weren’t before you would be now. 
Cersei interrupted you once more “Lord Stark will be arrested for treason today. Somewhat unrelated but it would seem that Lord Stark’s head is filled with paranoid thoughts.” 
You didn’t understand why your uncle was on trial for such a crime. You were just a girl to these men, they didn’t speak of such things with you, that is yet. “Little bird, you are a clever and strong girl. I know you are loyal, loyal to the Starks, they are your family. But it is important to be loyal to your allies just the same. Sometimes family will only drag us down, allies however can make us stronger.” Cersei not so subtly threatened you.
You nodded politely, as soon as you could leave you tried to find your little cousins. 
You found Arya by the stables. You noticed the men lying dead on the ground with the Stark girls baggage. You saw Arya holding her bloodied sword after pulling it out of the stable boy.
She was horrified, you approached her slowly and quietly.
“Arya” You spoke gently but that didn’t stop Arya from jumping and pointing needle at you. “Arya, you need to run.” You said softly, almost a whisper. 
She ran to you dropping needle, she wrapped her arms around you. You held her close but kneeled to her height. 
You held her face with both your hands and your eyes bore into hers. “Your family is not safe here. You are not safe here.” Your grasp on her head did not waver. “You have to find a way out, get to the city, find a way out of the city, get to the north.” 
“I can’t!” She began to whine as she cried 
“You can!” you stroked her hair trying to keep her attention “You killed those men?” 
“Just the stable boy” she cried softly
“You killed a man. That's more than most women will ever kill.” You pulled her face closer trying to make sure your words reached her  “Listen to me those men will come and they will kill you. Don’t trust anyone, never tell them your name, never tell them your house. Lie, and get good at it. Kill if you need to.” You said as you grabbed needle and put it in her hand, “Now go.” You say as you let go of her and she runs off. 
‘Good’ you thought as you watched her run away. As you watched you didn’t notice the tears that had fallen from your eyes. 
Soon enough you were summoned by Cersei to witness Nedd’s verdict. 
She didn’t anticipate what came next, and neither did you, watching the death of your uncle. 
You held Sansa through it. As she screamed and cried, you tried your best to conceal her eyes. 
Your eyes however dodged from your uncle to The Hound behind him. You hoped he would do something to stop it, but he didn’t 
And so, it happened. 
The second hand of the king died.
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He thought of it every night. 
The moment he touched you, your skin, the moment his rough hands caressed your throat. 
He rolled the thought over in his mind millions of times. Gods’, it tortured him to no end. He tried to bury himself in his duty, bury himself in any woman who looked the slightest bit like you on the Streets of Silk, even taking himself in his hand at the thought of your scent…. More than once.
The thought of you sparked resentment and anger in his chest. He was Kingsguard now, he had no use for a woman, had no use for these emotions he felt. 
He hated you for it. Hated you for the way he wanted to rip Loras’s head off anytime he saw you and him in the garden. Hated you for the way he thought of your eyes everytime he closed his eyes. Hated you for the way his mind would wonder at you at any turn even on duty. Hated you for the way his chest tightened anytime he caught even a glimpse of you around Kings Landing.  And he hated you for the way your eyes caught his. Each time it was like a deadlock, those eyes, they were a bow and arrow and they shot through him each time. 
He grumbled under his breath anytime you were near. Purposefully look away from you as if you didn’t exist. You pretended not to care, but you fought hard just to catch a single glimpse of his face. The burns that draped across the right side of his face like the sheer lace curtains you had in your room in the Eyrie that distort your view from the window. 
Neither of you had much time to think about these emotions during the following days. You were spending your time mothering Sana as she grieved her fathers death. The Hound was now King Joffrey’s personal bodyguard now that Robert was gone. A terrible task truly. 
Even worse one when your stubborn and rebellious tongue didn’t obey your better judgment around the new king. The Hound tried to convince himself he hated it, but it turned him on even if he didn’t want to admit it. He tried to keep you safe, as safe as he could. Whenever you shot an annoyed glance, a cleverly concealed insult Joffrey's way, the Hound would simply divert Joffrey’s attention to something else. But if you ever got on Joffrey's bad side he couldn’t do much, far be it from him to question a king. On Joffrey’s name day you tested his patience. Joffrey had you and his lady Sansa accompany his side during his Name Day celebration. However you felt a slight sting of joy knowing you’d be so close to him once again. But more so your stomach turned in on itself. Joffrey no doubt invited you for the explicit challenge of trying to elicit some kind of reaction from you in some way. This became clear once he continuously asked for your input on the celebratory fighting. You’d had a small fascination with combat at first. It was like a dance but with blood and swords. but soon you’d grow bored of it. 
As The Hound had beaten a man to a whimpering submissive pulp the fight was over. Joffrey clapped and cheered as The Hound removed his dog helmet.  
Still you were stunned by him. You wanted to hate him for not helping your uncle. You tried to hate him but in all honesty you knew he couldn’t do anything to stop it. He’d no real power, no real way of stopping it.
“Well struck, Dog!” Joffrey shouted, and snapped you out of your trance.
Joffrey turned to you and Sansa “Did you like that?” he asked, taunting you and her. 
“It was well struck, your Grace.” Sansa replied, stoic. 
“I just said that.” Joffrey said, his eyes narrowed, his tone deepened. 
Ser Meryn looked over in Sansa’s direction. You knew what that meant, 
“I found it boring.” You chimed in, your eyes just as narrow as his. 
“You did?” He asked with the same threatening tone 
“Mm” you nodded 
“And what man did your house bring to fight?” 
“Brought no man.” You shook your head 
The Hound returned to his station by the Kings side. He pretended not to listen but he was, intensely. 
“You brought no man to my name day tournament?” He questioned further, you knew he would have taunted you further. To state it was for lack of good men or perhaps your dead father’s power died with him, that your house was to die with it.
“Not one.” Your head whipped towards Joffrey, gaze sharpening. “Not one man wished to celebrate your name day it would seem.”
“Ser Meryn.” Joffrey commanded. 
You noticed the Hound's head tilt in your direction as Ser Meryn walked towards you and slapped you across your face, cutting your lip with the armor of his glove. As Ser Meryn walked away you turned your head back towards Joffrey. 
“You are a pretty girl, a little more plump than I would like, but still a pretty girl.” Joffrey said “You should be more agreeable in tone, or you might find you won't be so pretty.” He smiled as he threatened you. 
“Hm?” He waited for your response as you wiped the blood from your lip. 
As you looked up, “Do you wish for me to cry, your Grace?” you asked almost mocking. 
Joffrey began to dryly chuckle at your remark, probably about to order another hit for you as Ser Dontos Hollard stumbled onto the tournament drunkenly. The Hound cleared his throat, getting Joffrey to shift his attention towards him and not you. With his attention shifted you were safe once more.
Your eyes stayed on the Hound however. You knew what he had done for you, however subtle it was, you noticed. 
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You found yourself spending more and more time near your mare. The moon shined on her just right for her coat to shine almost like metal, and your candle light shined on her just perfectly for her to glow like the sun. Lika, she was the only thing left you had from your home. You’d begin to yearn for the times you’d be furious with your fathers decisions and his useless attempts at comforting you. Because at least if he’d seen you were struck the way you had been, he’d have taken you home. He’d have helped you. But for now, you had Lika. 
As you sat in front of Lika’s stable, you read some book you’d stolen from Tyrion at some point. It was hardly interesting, infact you’d almost fallen asleep but Lika nuzzled her snout into your neck and sniffed you deeply, jolting you awake before you smiled and wrapped your arm around her head. You began to stroke the side of her head as you heard a low and deep voice beckon from the entrance of the stables. 
“Fuck are you doin’ girl.” 
Your head snapped towards him, relief befell you once you saw it was him, the Hound.
You looked back towards your book, “Reading, or I was anyway.” You replied softly
“Read in your room,” He said gruffly as his large hand opened the doors to the stable wider. He was so tall he ducked into the doorway as he walked inside. 
“I’ll decide where I read.” you said defiant as always. 
With a dry chuckle he began to walk towards you, “Words like that are the reason you got that cut on your lip.” 
“You don’t have to remind me of it.” You thought to yourself how this is exactly how you must sound to Sansa.
“Fuck-” He hissed under his breathe “You don’t want my help? Suit yourself.” He huffed “But don’t scream for me when you need it.” 
“I won’t want it.” You say softly “Anyways, you can’t help me.-” You began as he cut you off
“I helped that Tyrell you love.” He said with venom in his voice and a softness in his gaze. 
You furrowed your brows, stood up and faced him head on “And I have thanked you for it.” 
“I know you helped that Stark girl escape.” He said matter of fact
You huffed “What do you want from me?” you asked pained
“I want you to stay away from me.” 
“You seem to forget you came to me.” 
“You should run from me, you should tell me to go.”
“I don’t run.”
“That’s the fucking problem with you, girl. If you’d any sense you’d think of yourself. Change that tone of yours. Change those eyes, the way you look at people… like you want to gut them.” 
“I do want to.” 
“Stubborn” he chuckled darkly “Stubborn will get you beaten.” 
“Why did you come for me?” 
“I saw the light-“
“No. If it were anyone else you’d’ve gone on your way by now.” 
“Fuck does it matter?” 
“Don’t call me that.”  He hissed
“Tell me,” You say, raising a hand to his scarred cheek. He flinched and backed away quickly. His scowl deepened. He moved away from you, he turned to face outside the stables. “You wrapped your hand round my throat, and you won't let me touch your cheek?” 
“It’s different, you’re not ruined.” He said whilst he stared into the nothingness outside the stable doors. 
“Am I not?” You asked, your words felt sharp. 
“No, no you are not.” His words felt gentler. 
“I’ve no one, I’ve only this cage I sit in.” 
“You’ve got someone,” He scoffed over his shoulder at me, my eyes looking up at him widening against my will. “You’ve got that Tyrell,” You huffed, “That stark child that follows you like a bloody shadow.” He looked back into the night, “I’ve got no one,” 
“You do,” You say without noticing how bold it was until he turned to you, “Or you would, if you’d let them.” 
“My brother.” he mumbled, his head hung low as he walked closer to you. “Pressed my cheek to the fire.” He finished, unwilling to give anything else. “I know you’ve heard the story, Baelish, that cocksucking rat, no doubt told you.” 
“Course he did.” You didn’t lie, you never could to him. “But I asked you.”
He smirked slightly, his head still slightly turned away from you not wanting you to see. 
Your hand rose to caress his cheek, you did it slowly. He flinched his head away slightly and in turn you pulled your hand back slightly. As his head came back, moving closer towards you. You moved your hand to his cheek once more, slowly. He grabbed your wrist before it could make contact with his face.  
“Look at me,” He hissed “I’m a killer, the things I’ve done-” He thought back on those things “You don’t want this girl.” His grip on your wrist did not loosen, as if he was genuinely trying to protect you. “You’ll wed some lord, you’ll have his sons, and you’ll be far and gone from this shit city.” 
“I don’t want to wed a lord.” Your eyes now are not so hateful but sad. 
“World, doesn’t give a fuck what you want.” His hand reached out, slightly cupped the back of your head, hardly touching. He ran his hand down the length of your hair. Once he reached the end of it he held a lock of it in his hand to examine the color in the candle light. His deep, rich brown eyes reached yours once more. He could swear yours sparkled in any light. 
“I’ll walk you to your chamber.” He said gruffly, peeling his eyes away with yours. He grabbed the book in your hand and walked towards the doors of the stables. 
You let out a staged huff as you followed him. 
As he led you through the halls you realized that you were doing just that, following him. He knew where your chambers were and knew how to get there swiftly. 
The thought lit a fire in your chest. 
As he arrived at your door he stopped, as you opened it you turned to look at him. 
“You stole this from the imp.” He grumbled as he held up the book you did in fact steal. 
Your eyes went from the book to him, “Are you going to report me to the Queen.” You said, you smiled slightly with your eyes. Testing him and his loyalties. He growled under his breath and walked off.
The way you tested his patience stirred something in him. 
He’d definitely be taking himself in his hand that night again.
Is love the death of duty.  Or is duty the death of love?
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gangplanksorenji · 8 months
Kinknuary Day 16: Edging
Pairing: IVE Rei x Male Reader
Word Count: 6,110
[Kinknuary Masterlist]
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“You know how much I despise you, right?”
“You don’t even need to tell it—I fucking hate you too.”
Supposedly, you’ll take an ounce of energy to like her and maybe, it’ll be an audacious move by you to the point that you can probably regret or possible—in the best way of sugarcoating—you’ll get to even appreciate, nonetheless.
But this wasn’t the case, for the both of you. So-called acquaintances that act like they’re cats and dogs in a relationship but they weren’t even in a single one to start with is the best fit of a description when it comes for you and her, Naoi Rei. Well, of course, your relationship with her or in a better term, friendship with her is quite bewildering and an interesting one.
The both of you acting like cats and dogs against each other and then being delighted seeing one’s faces is one of the few ways to describe your friendship, and it was exactly unorthodox in nature—friends acting like enemies and then suddenly acting like nothing happened? Well, that’s a thing to know and grasp but it wasn’t always like this and today, it hits way differently because you can almost feel her emanating aura threatening you but you’re unfazed as you’re not scared of a girl like her.
Yet, with all of these being said, what’s the context? Where did it all start?
Well, it’s something more like, petulant and dumb, knowing how Rei’s words can hurt like daggers on how straightforward she is and you, being short-tempered, causing a negative reaction.
“Can you please stop using that?” Rei pouts and feigns anger right after, as she’s visibly annoyed with the pop-it game that you’re playing which, in your case, you totally ignored her as you continue investing your fast reflexes to advance towards a harder level. Having enough of the ebullient sounds emitted by the possibly-called console you’re playing, Rei grabs it as she hides it from her back and obviously, a perplexed face paints you as you try and grab the game back to you.
“What’s the matter with you?”
“Can’t you see? It’s so goddamn annoying!” Rei grits her teeth, rage boiling within her as she can’t bear to hear the annoying sound of the game, making you ock an eyebrow on her, confused about her antics.
“If it’s annoying, then you can probably shove those headphones on your ears, no? Besides, it’s not even that loud so give it back!” You try to get the console but are deemed unsuccessful as Rei’s skills on dodging your advances and being a step ahead than you are evident, and that’s even making you frustrated because of her petulant behavior.
“I don’t care and stop being so childish!”
If she wants to play a game, then you’ll be the one to lead the way and be the first challenger.
Having enough of her own ways of killing your own fun, you’d gladly kill hers first as you attacked onto her vulnerable position, tightly pinning her wrists onto the wall as it catches her off-guard and with your proactive actions, she almost let go of the console as you look at her eyes with venom. With your intimidating eye contact with just inches away from her own face, she won’t give up a fight as she snarls to voice out for you to let her go as she glared at you like she has murderous intent planned.
“I don’t know why the fuck are you like this lately, but I know for a fact that you’re letting go of that and you’ll do it now.”
Of course, Rei is going to be as stubborn as she wanted to be just to provoke your anger even further and to annoy you, making it a living hell. “Fuck no—and let go of me or I’ll break this shit!”
She would dare to do that but she has limits, yet she won’t bear to do that just because of these childish acts. Rolling your eyes in frustration, you take matters into your own hands as you swiftly let go of your left hand on hers and deftly grab the console, making her whine as your possession has now been out within her reach.
“Hey! Fuck you!”
You scoff and cocked an eyebrow on her, blasting off your hubris as she emanates that resting bitch face of hers again. “Better luck next time, I guess.”
She whimpers because of your win, and she's not having that. With your victory, you tease and mock her with it as not surprisingly, she clicks her tongue and rushes into her room, completely enraged. You don’t know what’s up with her as you’d probably not want to find out now but suddenly, a surge of regret coursed within you, feeling a little bad that she acted that way but you showed no sympathy since she started this childish act.
Yet, you won’t let this mysterious case remain unsolved, and you’ll decipher and crack the code later when things probably will calm down even though the chances will be slim to none.
“Gosh—what’s up with this girl? Unbelievable…”
“Why h-her and not m-me?”
Rei sits on the floor vexed, hugs her legs as she weeps onto the long-sleeves of her top as she feels utter defeat after a specific event happened that she saw and heard with her very own eyes and ears and breaks her heart completely, and here she is, utterly sulky and maybe in the path of being despondent.
If it wasn’t for her courage to just confess and let other things be set aside to fully commit, then this wouldn’t have been more painful and she’s now regretting it, the scar getting worse and worse over time.
Maybe she’ll find a way to mend herself and find herself out of desolation.
You sit onto the couch, browsing the Internet as the blue pixels onto your phone just emits the endless scope of like six topics that almost tiring to see and with that, you turned it off and laid down onto it, finding yourself into a trance of tranquil and relaxation yet a spark ignites something, making you enlightened and act up immediately.
Now rushing onto Rei’s door, you notice that it’s locked as you hitch a breath because of it, yet hope is not lost as you knock on the door, hoping she would answer even though you expect that it wouldn’t always be the case. “Rei, can we please talk? Come on, whatever you’re going through, we can talk it out so please—let’s talk.”
Utter silence ensues and you already expected this, yet you didn’t let your hope die as you knock another time, pleading for her to talk things with you, knowing you can help in whatever she’s maybe going through. “Rei-ah, please, can we talk? I know you’re there so please, give me a chance. Okay, I’m sorry about earlier, okay—so we just talk about this, please?”
Another plea falls deaf to her ears and with the defeat, you sigh heavily and thudded onto the door, sitting down and waiting for her to respond yet no faint sound can even be heard on her room—there can be two reasons behind this complete absence of sound: it’s either she’s sleeping peacefully on her room or either ignoring you for god knows what reason could it be and it you’re really hoping it’s the latter since she’s been acting like this around you for days.
“Okay, whatever you want Rei! If this is what you want, then so be it.”
You rose from your position as you’re just hoping that time will do its job, killing off the vexed mood that she’s been emanating towards you days ago.
Of course, you won’t spend hours just for her own childish actions, more so wait for her answers like you owe something yet there’s one thing that you’ll achieve and that’s mending what has been broken with an unknown context when it all unveiled.
You’re much more of an impatient guy, defining annoyance whenever something’s not being fulfilled in a small amount of time and that’s your downside. Well, now, would be an exception and as Rei's being much of a nuisance and a stubborn individual really doesn’t get you into the mood.
“Rei—come on! Can we please just talk this ou—”
Surprisingly, after waiting for hours she suddenly opened the door, making you thud onto the ground as you stood up immediately, inches away from facing her you’re wholeheartedly intimated with the bitchy demeanor she’s emanating.
“What do you want?” Rei’s tone is evidently annoyed with you being a nuisance, as her face doesn’t seem to be even interested towards you.
“Can we just talk about whatever’s going on, please?”
“Another line—I’ve heard that for like, a hundred times already.” 
Of course, this is Rei but she’s just being a bugbear that’s nigh-unbearable to deal with—if it were the others, they couldn’t left her or something worse, but you’re heart is still bearing to deal with her even though she can literally be the goddess of vex sometimes.
“Hah—o-okay, so, can I come in?”
Rei just gave you a stone-cold stare, before uttering without any emotions, “No.” Then, the door slammed shut, almost hitting you in the face as the lock clicked again, knowing you’re defeated again. You shake your head in frustration and hitch a breath because of how it took so much patience just to deal with her petulant bullshit.
Of course, you won’t give up so easily even though she made your endure a burden down your back—
“I got you some udon, your favorite!”
Silence permeates the air and you patiently wait for the predator to get baited. You have a few tricks up your sleeve that will ensure Rei will come out of her own cage as she bites onto the bait, and you, smiling as everything’s going right to the plan.
Rei quickly unlocked the doorknob and opened the door, asking you. “Where’s the udon?”
Of course, you know she’ll fall for the oldest trick in the book and it’s not even close to doubting it. Her quick movements passing you wasn’t even a surprise as she showed full-interest of one of her favorite meals and completely ignoring you like you didn’t exist. Even with her stern face that shoots daggers within your soul on how cold it is, it’s inevitable to see the delight curving her lips into a faint smile because of your “gift” for her—you wouldn’t buy her anything like this, in all honesty; it’s just the fact that she’s sulking so bad that you need to play the wildest tricks on her game in order to win it.
You pointed down at the table in the dining room and she rushed there immediately, not questioning you anymore as it’s sure a waste of her time and wouldn’t bear to leave her meal cold.
“Got you what you wanted there, since I knew you’re starving trying to ignore me. Beef udon. Spicy. Garlic—”
“Will you ever shut up? I’m trying to eat here!” Her tone wasn’t exactly exuding anger, but by all means, it’s intimidating and thrilling to hear, it almost feels like she’s threatening your life with it. This isn’t really surprising, honestly but deep down, you know how thankful she is for the meal you bought her yet she needs to remain that stern and cold demeanor meant to reevaluate your life choices.
Now, thinking about something like that, what have you really done to make her act like that? All hints were vague enough to crack the code behind her somber demeanor and her bitchy attitude that you despise.
If only you could really punish her for acting like this, then you would but those will be off the charts for now…
“Not even a thank you, Rei??” You feign disappointment as defeat laced in your tone, hoping Rei would acknowledge your thoughtful advances towards her and maybe, it’s working considering how she’s faintly smiling after each munch of the noodles.
“Hah… Okay, thank you for the food, I guess…” Rei’s tone is sarcastic, her head shaking jokingly as she mocks just to intimidate you and with that, you’re not having it anymore and you had enough of this attitude of hers. Rushing towards her as she’s scrolling down her phone, you caught off-guard with the grab of her wrists as you bring her in a wall, pinning her against it with a glare shooting daggers at her this time (thankfully, Rei left her phone on the table as it didn’t fall down because of your aggressive actions).
“You know, if you’re going to act like this for the next weeks I’m going to get fucking tired of you, you know?”
The fact that Rei didn’t retaliate with your harshness and even smirking slightly in front of you, lets you know how much she’s fending off her wants of enraging you as she likes this demeanor of you as you’re gaining control over her and that’s what not you wanted. With an unstoppable force of rage fueling you, you can’t comprehend how you’re going to take this situation lightly as it’s rather worse when Rei mocks you intimidatingly. “Then what? You’re not going to hurt me because you love me, right? If your horny ass could just chill within a single day then I wouldn’t have held this grudge on you for weeks.”
The former, she’s not wrong; you definitely love her and it’s all in a set of confusion on how the both of you portray the image of ‘love’. The latter? Well, that concludes her attitude that cursed her to be her worst for weeks and now you know why—it’s now letting you cross down the fields of reflection, giving you the light of realization on why she acted like this and god, it’s childish but she has a point, nonetheless.
To give context, maybe it was just a hint of jealousy towards someone you’re close with, and it spread like wildfire and letting her hear about it in which, breaks her heart a little yet it’s slow and painful, to the point that she needed to distance herself towards you to bare the pain but she can’t.
She never will because her heart is screaming for you. You only.
Even though the whole school’s talking about you and the popular princess (they refer her with that) being closer together as time goes by, you can’t and won’t find someone like Rei and how she holds a special place in your heart that no one can dethrone her from it—like, no one.
Yet, you wonder why is she taking this pain so seriously to the point that she has to ignore you like it didn't exist in her life and if she manages to talk to you, it’s all in a wrathful manner that you can’t bear?
Well, you probably need to find it out yourself even if it means to fuck it out of her.
“But why are you like this? Do you know how it fucking hurts to me that you’re ignoring me? Holding a grudge against me because I’m just close with her? Oh, so you’re jealous and you won’t talk to me—is that what you are, Rei?” You feel such a terrible and painful concoction of emotions, specifically sadness, rage and surprisingly, denial.
Why would you feel denial? There could be, possibly, limitless ways to express how you’re feeling denial but no, this is a bizarre one since you’re denying your true feelings of being in pain and rage because of her.
She knows how this probably scarred you, but in her mind, it’s to state a point—a point of her own selfishness and jealousy which is just absurd to think about.
“It’s not just that—you wanted to fuck her, I can see it in your eyes too—” Her eyes laced venom as her stare bears the pain she’s also carrying, and the cherry on top, her undying jealousy. “—it’s like you wanna rail her from behind and—”
“Rei!” You grit your teeth in rage as you feel the utter disrespect and the wrong judgment being thrown out between the both of you, mostly your approach and intentions. “Can you just—fucking stop saying that like, I wanna fuck every girl I meet, please?”
Even with the utter rage and uneasiness of you, she can feel the sincerity between every word you’re saying as her demeanor is slowly changing, yet it’s not evident onto your side as you’re being blinded by lust and frustration. 
“Okay, okay—but your eyes are like—” Rei retaliates as she uses such force enough to let go of the grip of her wrists, and you didn’t even bother regaining your dominance and control as she’s doing her own thing, succumbing onto the better grip than what you did earlier. “screaming the ‘horny’ energy so bad.”
If you thought you’re that perverted to be thinking of filthiness all the time, she’s eating up her own words as she slowly kneels down in front of you, before grabbing the hem of your pants to switch positions, letting your body thud and relax onto the wall as she starts her magic.
“And you know what’s the best thing to match that horniness?” Rei looks up at you, cocking an eyebrow as her confidence fuels her to be this daring towards you.
“Whatever you’re thinking—ahh, Rei—just don’t—”
“Is horny itself.” Rei doesn’t let her speech get unbothered by you, as she unbuttons your pants as she disregards any of your pleas of refraining herself to engage in such lustful motives but that was impossible to be resisted.
“You know how much I despise you, right?”
“You don’t even need to tell it—I fucking hate you too.” Rei hitches a breath as she snarls, the little anger deep inside her being vocal around you and it didn’t stop, not even once.
Yet, of course, she knows how insatiable you can be as your body is her weakness and all she can sense within her is need and hunger over you. Even with her undying grudge over you, despising each other with all their might, the both of you won’t help yourselves from being intimately close onto each other’s touches and once Rei has all of your defenses down with a swift motion—she’s really good at this; you could even blink once and you’ll just see everything just going off like she’s precise on meeting the time even though she doesn’t need to. With a tickle of her fingers onto your clothed erection, you could just beg for her to just undress it but you’d want to let her know how you’re still in authority and maintained an unfazed demeanor.
You don’t need to beg nor ask; she has it all down, in one swift motion as she is greeted by your throbbing member in whom she always loved.
“Not gonna lie, even though I hate you and you’re an asshole sometimes—” Rei teases the head of your length with her fingers as you shudder in response, but fighting the urge to fully submit to her. “—you have a nice, juicy cock that I won’t turn down and that’s another upside on you.”
Your breath shudders as your thighs quiver a little due to her touches that makes you a hundred times more sensitive than ever before. “F-Fuck you, Rei…”
She isn’t bothered with that as she smirks and suddenly, her lips part against the slit of your cockhead as she swirls her tongue around it, painting every inch of your head wet with saliva and to make you submit into her even more, her digits strokes the base of your shaft in which, is too pleasurable on your own books. 
“And not gonna f-fucking lie—” You retort as you stammer because of the intense pleasure her mouth is giving, but still continue to voice out what you want to say. “—as much as you’re a bitch who’s acting like spoiled, sensitive brat, your brat m-mouth feels fucking good—ahh, fuck!”
Rei knows how her incredible mouth can be your kryptonite once she laid it onto your swollen head, as she can just think of the numerous ways to fulfill her amorous needs and to probably deprive you because of what you deserve, in her own opinion. With the constant bobbing of her head onto your constantly throbbing penis, you can’t help but just give in to the ocean of pleasure and fully submit onto voicing your animalistic needs yet you fight yet treasure her oral service onto the entirety of your shaft. Saliva inevitably seeps out of her corners of her mouth in every thrust she does onto your length, sheathing every inch with her drool as she savors the musky taste of yours in which, she just can’t get enough considering how she slurps around your shaft.
“Of course, you’re not gonna feel a better mouth than me, asshole.” She resumes sucking you after as her pace is now being relentless, opting to further fulfill her needs of being deprived of the taste of your cock for weeks.
“One m-more ‘asshole’ that c-comes out of your mouth, I’m going to fuck your a-ass crazy enough to make you think who’s the real asshole is.” You retort back, aiming to provoke the sleeping beast inside her but you could only feel her vigorous pumps and frantic bobs getting more pleasurable and fast as she gives what she can in order to serve the best for both worlds (mostly hers, of course).
“I bet you can’t even get past the entrance of my ass, loser.” Of course, she’ll fight back and degrade you but that isn’t even true and it’s just the fact that her rage is just fueling her to say these things to you or better, to unleash your masochistic side.
The last time you had an intimate anal session with Rei was three weeks ago, and you could just remember how she fully submitted onto the entirety of your cock ramming her tight, snug hole and begging you to fill her up but of course, you didn’t fulfill it and would rather paint her enticingly round, beautiful face full of your semen as her hole was gaped enough to be sore as her legs deemed worthless for almost two days—you even got to the point that you need to excuse Rei for her absence due to her having a ‘fever’ but in reality, that happened between the both of you.
Resuming her oral masterclass, she parts her plump, duck-like lips onto the head of your shaft as she takes you deeper, aiming for more for her to take more as she’s getting hungrier the longer she sucks you off, and it’s just going to get better from here. She lets her hands do the utmost work all over your nether regions as every aspect builds up to the promised fantasy that burns the passion of lust: her handiwork of her dainty fingers massaging and stroking your shaft into a rapid pace, her hands fondling your balls to stimulate you further and occasionally caressing your thighs to arouse and entice you further. 
Even though you want to degrade her actions, she knows you would be lying in your teeth, even if it means for roleplay but you know it wouldn’t work on her watch, no matter how hard you try.
“Keep doing that, Rei—fuck, you’re so fucking cursed on how good you are with this, no? Goddamn—fuck!” With your relentless compliments laced with your own deadly venom, it just fuels her to increase the pace further, where you’ll almost give up and grab a handful of her dark locks for leverage yet you won’t give in that far, wanting Rei to know how you’re still worthy to defend against her own frantic attacks.
She keeps her mouth busy with unparalleled thrusts as her hands do wander all over the vicinity of your length and soon enough, the inevitable will soon be in touch with you, signaling your near high as you encourage her to double her efforts with your constant moans and your subtle movements.
“Fuck, I’m getting close, Rei—” It was all getting too much elevated as suddenly, something disturbed the force—it was the devilish deeds Rei has been cursed to do, in an act of vengeance, on her own words.
Pop. It was sexy and hot yet at the same time, it’s fucking frustrating.
“Why the fuck did y-you stop, Rei? I was so close!” You’re bewildered and angered by the fact that she immediately stopped as you were about to blow the biggest load of your life down her throat—guess, that’s impossible now but hopefully, not for long. You can see the devilish smirk printed on her face, as she smirks in delight with your despair and her own pleasure.
“You fucking deserve it, honestly…” Rei’s stone-cold glare intimidates you, aiming to really unleash the hidden fury you’ve been storing as she slowly strokes the base of your shaft, not letting the libido die early for you and hers. With the constant twitch of your cock achingly wanting for a heavenly release, it just puts gasoline onto the flames of Rei’s selfish needs to see you struggling, more so, being edged until your balls ache for days, probably.
“How the fuck do I deserve this?” Your hands went onto your length, badly wanting to stroke it to paint her face white yet Rei fights you and god, she’s surprisingly able to fight back, brushing off your arms with hers as she stands up and pins you onto the wall, her face just inches against you. “You’ll see… Just let me do my thing, alright? You’re not going to cum yet, not on my watch.”
With a confused face, you can’t fathom why would Rei do that and more so, you deserving for such a cruel act but deep inside, it’s turning you on and you can’t help but think of how good it is—it’s a blessing in disguise and maybe, this is what Rei wanted all along.
“We should take this to the bedroom, honestly…”
“Why just not here, Rei?” 
Rei just smirks and gives you that stern stare as she repeats herself again. “I said in my bedroom, now.”
Well, who are you to turn that down and not obey? You’ll never turn her down as both fervor-filled desires are off the roof now, craving for more despite the heart-aching grudge between the both of you—not going to lie, she’s toning down and that alone, makes you happy knowing that she’ll be like her old self soon.
And that's what you hope…
“Fuck, y-you’re good at that—oh fuck, y-you’re cock is so b-big!”
“You’re s-so tight too, Rei!”
Even with the hint of movement, you can’t help but groan as the peak serotonin coursing down your veins is becoming too much to handle, her walls hugging around your throbbing length like it won’t let go—and this is the wonder behind this: her walls achingly gripping around your shaft begging for a load and her scrumptious backside all over your sight makes everything no less onto the point of peak-arousal, and it’s just the epitome of perfection.
Thanks to the added lubrication of the lube you’ve squirted inside her snug hole, it became easier to thrust inside her as every time you do, groans of pleasure escape both your mouths as you opt for better pace and the quality of each thrust doubling. You aim to really fuck the living grudge and bitchness out of her and you know how your cock can make Rei submit onto you as the harsh grip of the bed sheets and her screams of delight says enough. You then peppered her neck with affectionate kisses, maintaining the arousal soaring in the air as you mount your arms under her armpits and grasping her shoulders, wanting the get the better leverage onto fucking her snug hole and to further hear the symphony of moans escaping her sinful mouth.
“See, Rei—if you’re not going to be this harsh on me, this w-would be this damn easy, right?”
Rei, even though with your entire length hammering her asshole, still manages to articulate such words and be the bitch that you’ve been despising her for. “J-Just—gahh—shut the f-fuck up and fuck my a-ass—ahh, it’s too good!”
Constant spanks reverberate around the puny room as her buttcheeks now shades a familiar rosy hue, marking your harshness towards her. You quicken the pace and with every spank you do, her hole clenches and god, it just becomes unbearably tight yet pleasurable as you did that for the next couple of minutes, aiming to give her the best gratification that she’ll ever feel in her whole life.
Your hands didn’t just stay idle under her arms just for leverage, yet instead, it coursed its way onto her constantly jiggling large mounds as you fondle them, showing her how you wanted them for so long as it further sends her into overdrive and soon, it would be all too much for him, and maybe, for you.
“Fuck, I’m g-gonna cum soon—ahh, f-fuck, keep f-fucking me!”
Of course, she would get off with her digits constantly swiping and aiming for her high while you ram her asshole like there’s no tomorrow. With your focus only averted onto fucking her relentlessly and with the point of no-return, you didn’t even got the chance to see her high got off as she sprays all over the place, screaming in every spurt she does and it’s all just filthy, messy and arousing as fuck. You then rub her clit in order to stimulate her further, and extend her high as you find yourself pumping into her harder, aiming to gape her hole open and to let her know who the real asshole is.
“Yeah, see? Now you can’t think straight with my dick ravaging inside this slutty asshole, hm? You’re such a hypocrite, Rei—you really are.”
Even with the constant struggle of her tightness making your brain go haywire, you manage to degrade and retort back to her and maintain the rapid thrusts in her ass in which, took her seconds to respond as the pleasure was just becoming too much and that was all according to plan.
“Just f-fuck me and s-shut up—ahh, oh god—ahh!”
You hammer your hips hard against her porcelain flesh, the constant clashing of it resonating such sinful sounds that can easily turn on everyone that can eavesdrop their ear upon—gladly, it’s just the both of you who can hear these sinful sounds and being blessed by it. You know your high is about to get near soon, as you can feel it tingling onto your loins and she knows it too—the constant throbbing of your shaft inside her says a lot and little did you know, she has more in store and planned with you…
“Pull out!”
“W-What? What do you m-mean pull o—”
“I meant i-it! Pull t-the fuck out!”
As much as it’s painful to pull out of her tight, snug hole and the mental pain to not paint her walls white while rearranging her guts, you did what she requested you to do, pulling out immediately with a grunt escaping your lips, struggling a little because of her unexplainable tightness.
“Then what the f-fuck do you even want, Rei?”
Rei looks over her shoulders, and then faced you with her semi-drowsy eyes and with still an intimidating glare, and enlightened you, “You need to fuck my tits, now—I want it here and you’ll blow your load all over my face.”
Well, as much as you detest her propositions because of her constant denial of your supposedly-heavenly orgasms, that is an offer you won’t turn down as the soft valley of her pillowy mounds are as pleasurable than any of her holes, all in their respective aspects of defining the gratification it can give and titfucking her would be your guilt pleasure.
“Oh god, just let me cum! Don’t blueball me anymore—I swear…”
“It doesn’t matter—you’ll get off anyway.”
Now, positioning on mounting onto her stomach and laying down your raging length onto the valley of her mounds, she spits into her cleavage as you took the opportunity to lubricate your shaft onto it—not to mention the lube sheathed all over your shaft being helpful too at the moment. You’re really not going to waste any time as your hips ensue a wild pace onto her tits, as the hypnotic bounces of it are just mesmerizing to see, marveling at how perfectly arousing the sight is. Between your thrusts, her tongue desperately tickles the engorged head once it emerges onto the pillowy breasts of hers as each thrust is just aiming to chase your long-awaited orgasm, as you’ve been edged onto it for two times now. 
Now holding onto her arms as a leverage onto frantic, desperate thrusts, you quicken the pace like you’re rushing onto something and thank god Rei’s helping you with chasing your own high too—her squeezing her mounds tightly with her arms to aid for the tightness that you always like and the pace of her  ensuing a pleasurable pace that adds up to the delightful trajectory of such an incredible friction between the both of you.
There’s no turning back now; not when she moans to encourage your release and soon, it’ll all break loose and won’t be deprived further as suddenly, without even warning her, your slit wasn’t unable to hold anything back, sputtering multiple streaks of your own seed that landed on her neck, chin, her voluptuous breasts and some even on her cheeks as she moaned gracefully because of the warmth of your hard work. You kept thrusting into the valley of her breasts for a while as you chased to extend your orgasm and stopped once it fell out, you then falling limp onto the bed, enervated with what you’ve done with Rei.
The both of you exchanged breaths, chest heaving up and down for air as she faintly smiled at you, not before swiping a sample on her chin with her fingers and tasting, humming soundly right after as it tasted great, as she always expected.
“Not bad… See, the load is much healthier if you’re edged a couple of times…”
“Fuck you, for that—hah…”
Rei’s hands cupped your cheek, and then made you face hers as her smile is now mending the broken bridge between the both of you and most likely, mending your heart as the air now permeates wholesomeness, and it’s just fluttering to see that.
“Maybe I am the asshole for acting like a bitch for like three weeks, hm?”
“If that’s what you assumed…” Now recovered quickly with your own high, you got out of the bed and stood up, preparing to clean up the filthy mess you’ve been into until a voice calls you, making you turn back to see the gleeful Rei back to her original state—a bubbly, pouty one that you always love and that alone, makes the interaction wholesome despite the painted sin all over the bed and both of your bodies.
“You’re not just going to leave me here! Let me clean up too!” Rei pouts cutely on you as you giggled a little, feeling dumbfounded with her cute actions as you helped her get out of the bed, struggling because of the constant ramming you’ve done on her ass that made her legs feel like jelly. “Gosh—I don’t think my legs are working right now—you fucked me so well…”
“Well, I guess all you need is a cock ready to fuck that living bitch out of you, huh”?
Rei lightly punches your shoulder because of your tease, and knowing it didn’t offend her in any way, you just laughed it off as she giggled back, finding it a little hilarious. “Shut up…”
Well, maybe you’ve now cracked the code—Rei just needs a good fucking, rearraging her guts and her attitude is enough to really make her break that stern demeanor she’s been onto for weeks.
And yeah… “Oh no, the udon!”
“You can finish that later, Rei—” You smirk right after, planning onto another mischievous act that will let her know the primal beast inside you, maybe even feeding her more than what any food can do. “—because for now, you can milk another load from me, in your throat—don’t you want that?” 
If it isn’t even enough for the both of you…
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stsgluver · 7 months
Can I get a uhhh...hurt/comfort Choso drabble where he snaps at the reader? Maybe because he's worried about Yuuji or something?
𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐆𝐎 — kamo choso
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synopsis. choso's parent's relationship is struggling and he doesn't know how to handle it.
wc. 1.4k
tags. very slight angst, happy ending, yuuji is choso's 10yo half brother, choso and yn are 18-19, both went to the same school, yn is yuuji's tutor, possible ooc choso I've never written for him before
a/n. MY FIRST CHOSO WRITING!! you never specified an au so I did a post-highschool!au-ish. I hope that's okay <33 thank you for requesting!!
2k event
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“can’t you tell i’m busy?” choso uttered through gritted teeth, not even bothering to glance up at you from his sketchbook he was hunched over on his desk. you’d been trying to tell him about the sweet old couple you always saw at the cafe and hadn’t seen for weeks until today. the two of you had become invested in their wellbeing and you’d thought that had been something he would’ve wanted to hear about.
“oh, sorry.” you frowned at how unintentionally pathetic your voice sounded. despite his cold demeanour, choso was probably the, if not the, sweetest person you’d ever met. he was always doting on his younger brother and showing up at your day job unannounced to bring you something whenever you tell him you’re having a bad day.
for all intents and purposes, he was the blueprint, so for him to lash out at you for no explicit reason was the total polar opposite to his usual personality.
“sorry?” choso mocked, leaning his head back to push his hands through his hair which was still damp from showering. still, he seemed more preoccupied with the ceiling than his concerned girlfriend who sat cross-legged on his bed, “geto’s going to be pissed that i’m behind on these designs and you constantly talking in my ear is not helping.”
after graduating, choso had initially taken on an admin role at a small tattoo parlour in town. a couple of months into the role, the owner, geto, had offered him a proper apprenticeship. you’d met geto on a handful of occasions and, from how choso had previously described him, he didn’t seem like the type to be annoyed over a few incomplete designs. especially not considering the additional hours and effort choso always puts into that place.
“you invited me over choso,” you pointed out. it was a sunday and, while you usually have work in the evenings, you’d been given the day off due to staff sickness. your boyfriend’s first message had been to excitedly offer for you to come over and stay the night at his which of course you said yes to.
somewhere between sending you that message and you making the fifteen minute drive to his house, he had a drastic change of heart.
choso sighed, picking up a different pencil to continue his sketch. “well, now i’m uninviting you.”
the bluntness in his tone had you blinking back tears. it was the first time he’d ever been so intentionally dismissive towards you. you didn’t give him the satisfaction of a response or an argument, if that was what he was after, and picked up your coat and left his room. 
you hadn’t needed to bring over any clothes or essentials since you’d come over so often his room had designated areas for your spare bits. as upset as he had made you, you weren’t about to scare him with a breakup threat because he was having a bad day and lashing out at you. 
“yn!” yuuji’s bright voice spooked you from your thoughts as you made your way down the stairs and you had to quickly wipe away any tears so as to not worry your boyfriend’s ten year old brother. choso’s golden personality was hidden by dark hair and an introverted front whereas yuuji’s was clear from his pink hair to his loud voice. “are you leaving already? you haven’t even tried my pancakes yet!”
one of yuuji’s incentives to attend the lessons that he didn’t like (ie. anything that wasn’t sport) was for him and choso to make homemade pancakes together. it was a weekly thing that you usually missed because of work and yuuji had been jumping up and down when he had found out you’d be there this evening.
your heart broke a little more at the fact you’d now be upsetting him.
“sorry yuuji,” his little face dropped slightly, bounce in his step gone as he clasped his hands together. you gently rubbed his shoulder, “i’ll be here for friday?”
yuuji scrunched up his nose. “that’s so long away!” it was also the day he’d be sat at the kitchen island with you for several hours doing catch up on his classes.
yuuji was the reason why you and choso had reconnected after graduating school – because when you agreed to tutor a student how could you have known that itadori yuuji was kamo choso’s little brother? you’d never been close in school so you hadn’t even known he had any relatives.
“i’ll bring you a treat,” you promised, making your way out of the house after saying a quick goodbye to his parents. 
the pouring down rain coupled with the ever flowing tears that stained your cheeks meant you had to stop your car several times on the way home just to ensure you wouldn’t crash. each and every time you checked your phone to see if he’d sent you a message, apologising and asking you to come back (which you would have in a heartbeat). there never was.
you didn’t see choso for the rest of the week – not until friday, your usual tutoring session with yuuji. 
he had messaged you a couple times, asking about your day and sending you several pictures of tattoos he had done himself which you always responded to quickly. but the conversations were short and filled with unanswered questions.
most days that you didn’t sleep around his, the two of you would call until one of you fell asleep. for the last five nights both of you had made excuses for why you couldn’t call. 
your relationship was still fairly new and this was the first spat that you had had. neither of you really knew how to cope with the aftermath or even the initial falling out. you missed your boyfriend, though, and you couldn’t avoid this forever.
“is yuuji here?”
you’d knocked twice before the door had been opened by choso. he looked just as tired as you felt (you’d done your best to cover it up with a bit of concealer and highlighter), and his shoulder length hair was messily framing his face. the hoodie he wore was a matching one that you had still hung up in your wardrobe at home.
“no,” choso shook his head, “he’ll be back from fushiguro’s kids in about fifteen.”
yuuji had spoken about megumi a lot to you – his best friend in the whole world, he’d described him as. he told you he’d bring him around one day to meet you.
“okay,” you said slowly and there was an awkward silence that settled between the two of you. on a friday night whilst you were with yuuji, their parents went out for their weekly date night, so right now it was just choso in his house and you at the doorstep. you take a step back, “i can just wait in my car till–”
“i think my parents are splitting up,” choso said quickly – almost too quickly for you to understand – and his eyes dropped down to the ground below, avoiding your worried gaze. “friday date nights are now for marriage counselling,” he continued when you didn’t say anything, still in shock from the confession, “jin… he’s a good guy, but my mum is stressed with work and–”
“and she’s taking it out on the people closest to her.”
choso picked his head up and there was an unspoken understanding that that was what had happened on sunday. he looked guilty as he nodded.
choso and yuuji were half brothers – choso’s dad had up and left when he was only a couple of years old and his mum had had to single-handedly rebuild their life. he didn’t want yuuji to have to experience any of the hardships he did in his broken family.
“i’m sorry for hurting you. i don’t want to lose you too,” your boyfriend apologised and you made the first step on closing the gap to wrap your arms around his waist. he smelt like home, you realised, nestling your face into his hoodie, and you didn’t want to go five whole days without him again.
you lifted your head up to press one kiss to the corner of his lips, “we’ll get through this together, no matter what happens.”
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natewriteslol · 3 months
Rumors: pt.1
Vil Schoenheit x Reader
Enemies to Lovers
Word Count: 3.7K
Summary: Vil and you have had a semi one sided rivalry as soon as your time at NRC began. However, the feud soon has to be put aside to stop an anonymous gossip blog attempting to ruin yours and possibly other students’ reputation. Will you and Vil be able to find whoever is behind this? Or will you be a fallen victim to those who call themselves, ‘The Catacombs?’ 
Ever since your explosive introduction at Night Raven, you always had the tendency to stick out like a sore thumb, captivating everyone with minimal effort. You didn’t belong here amongst wizards, beastmen,merfolk and royals, yet you managed to fit right in.
 I think that was what really pissed him off, especially since he had worked so hard in order to accomplish what you do, impressing others and having eyes on him. However Vil had quickly got over it, his success wasn’t measured by popularity and validation from others, and he shouldn’t worry about a measly nobody that could never hold a candle to him. Instead, the dorm leader focused on keeping peace within his life, enjoying the routine and tranquility. 
Which just wasn’t your thing.
You were clumsy, loud and did things your own way with no regard for how others felt. He did give you credit for you having the confidence to be yourself and being extremely empathetic to those who needed it. 
Maybe the tipping point was you seeing him in his most vulnerable state, watching him overblot and lose control in envy against one of the people he hated the most. You were there to solve the issue and stop him alongside your friends. And worst of all he heard you point it out to them, believing that no one could hear your whispers. 
But he heard every word. 
‘He completely lost it over Neige, I’m glad we got it under control,’ he heard you say quietly to Ace and Deuce. 
Later on, you decided to offer him a juicebox as he sat on the empty auditorium stage…
Apple flavored.
Which he swears on his unique magic  that you did that on purpose to spite him, a sick joke that only made his distaste for you stronger. It felt like you knew exactly what to do at every moment to make him lose it, like yelling “on accident” when he needs to master a potion formula, saying something crude in the lunch room, the way it seems everyone is obsessed with you.
 And of course it was extremely shocking to Rook when his dorm leader had begun re-explaining his disdain for the new kid at school. Despite laying back on the dark purple bedding that would make anyone relax and the sunset pink lighting from the lamp, Vil was far from calm. He had to recount the latest anger-inducing incident to his friend during their “sleepovers” on a Friday night, being wary of his not yet fully dried mauve nail polish as he talked with his hands. 
It was this day that really made him angry, his last straw as some would say. He held his pen as he wrote notes busily into his notebook, heavily invested in order to pass the upcoming exam. It was wonderful, as the class was quiet just as he liked it, allowing him to fully concentrate and absorb the contents of the slide show created by Professor Crewel. 
However, it was easy to hear a decrepit wooden door close in the pin-drop silent classroom. As the black and white man’s back was turned to the class, reading out the text of the slides to the class, you, Y/N L/N thought you could be slick enough to be unscathed by Crewel’s wrath
You being late was more set in stone than the heat within the land of the Scalding Sands it seems. Your satchel was barely slung on your shoulder with your weird, round cat creature barely catching up behind, and it was just Vil’s luck that he had to be the poor sap that had the only seat that was available amongst the many wooden tables. Crewel began scolding you as you fumbled in your seat, and whilst onlookers found it hilarious they wouldn’t dare look or let out a snicker at the scene. Your nervousness  made you fumble your belongings in your bag as you attempted to get out your pen and notebook, your arm would touch his. 
Making him neglect his usual manners and his side-eye of judgment fell upon you. Of course you didn’t notice as he began to study your features, the look of panic flooding your face. Although, this moment of looking at you ended up being a grave mistake.
“Mr. Schoenheit, if there is a huge problem with L/N being late to the point where your eyes can’t be bothered to take notes on the slides vital for your final then you will be delighted to join us in a discussion after class,” Crewell spat, his anger piercing the air. 
His lilac eyes quickly reverted to the projector placed in front of the usual chalkboard. He was embarrassed yet no one could judge him or usually break out in whispers, in fear that they would be included in the punishment. Vil cursed at himself internally but that damn out of season, raggedy bag you carried was enough of a distraction, not counting the person attached to it. 
All throughout the lecture, the actor had prayed that Crewell would forget about the mishap completely as there was an hour of class remaining, yet it had appeared that luck was not on his side at all.
He had tried to flee with the crowd of students rushing out the door, hoping no one would pay him any mind. But after he made one sharp movement to get out of his seat- 
“Mr. Schoenheit!”
Everyone had completely rushed out, with some snickering at the scene, not wanting to be there when the scolding would ensue as entertaining as it may be to see. 
“Care to join us in the conversation like I suggested earlier?” Obviously this was not a yes or no question and Vil had no choice in the matter, but nodded out of courtesy. 
“Yes, Professor,” Vil replied, coming down the short steps from his seat in the front row, not making even a hint of eye contact with you. 
“I understand that the action of lateness pesters you heavily, Mr. Schoenheit. Does it not?”
“...Well, yes it does, Mr. Crewel. However, I promise that another incident like this will never happen again and I will be sure to mind my business more when it comes to fellow students,” Vil said, wanting to spit out some words that could please his teacher into letting him go off the hook. 
“Despite being an actor, lying truly isn’t your area of expertise, young pup,” Crewel replied quickly, keeping a hand steady on the pointer he held. He then turned to you, his look softening as despite you not being an astounding student, Crewel favored you very much. Once again your formula of minimal efforts yet good results was absolutely infuriating to him. 
“I truly worry about you Y/N, as along with your grades, your attendance along with Grim’s as a default are. I will be having a meeting with Crowley about the extra work he has you doing on campus to allow you to live here as well. However, I will be suggesting a partner assignment that is extra credit for the both of you.”
“I mean no disrespect Mr. Crewel, but I personally am in need of no extra credit whatsoever. I have a 99.5 percent in this class which will obviously be rounded by the grading admin,” Vil explained with a slight laugh in his voice. You rolled your eyes as it was plain to see that the blonde was putting you down. Sure you may not have a 90 something percent, but he didn’t have gnomes gnawing on his ankles this morning that he had to take care of himself with no magic. 
But Crewel just looked at him with a concerned look, he was no stranger to shade being thrown and he was not about to tolerate that disrespect. He then explained as he moved to his desk organizing papers , “Oh dear, it looks like you have a bit of incorrect info dear pup. The grading admin stopped rounding this year due to academic dishonesty and such. Also I must add that you and Y/N had gotten the exact same test score, a C- if I remember. And with this being a huge difference from your usual scores, this will drag you down, I fear.” 
The blonde’s breath hitched, he would be fucked for this semester and although not royally, that lack of satisfaction would eat him alive. That last exam Vil had little to no time to study due to his role as a villain in “Love Conquers All” on MovieFlix but of course karma stops for no one.
“A way we could solve this though is through our extra credit tutor program. Both of you enroll, Schonheit tutors you and makes sure you get to class on time, and if there is improvement then both of you benefit. And Mr. Schonheit will get the satisfaction he craves for his grades.”
"Does that sound like a plan?" Crewel had waited for a nod from the both of you, but Vil quickly rejected that notion faster than Ruggie could snatch someone’s wallet.  
"How do I know that they will honor their promise, Professor? I am a very busy person and I do not wish to waste my time with someone who does not take things seriously,"
But you found his cocky attitude completely unbearable at this point. There was no way you were going to allow him to speak as if you weren’t standing right next to him. “I actually do take things seriously, please don't act as though you know me,” you said blankly, actually looking at Vil while talking for once.
"Excuse me?" Vil replied, he was thrown off completely due to you being completely silent this entire conversation. 
"Listen, I don't flunk because I don't want to and I don't show up late because I want to. I'm willing to fix it if Crowley changes the work schedule because it's virtually impossible to be a handyman and student all at once sometimes," you clarified. 
"I am an honorable person," you held out your hand to Crewel "and I swear I will change. I just need some help."
  Crewel smiled, enjoying the fire in your spirit to stand up for yourself. You then turned to Vil, holding out your hand with a stern expression and as unsettled as he was he took your hand in his gloved one and shook it.
"Good choice my pups, I know you both won't regret this."
But despite having many differences, you both thought the same thing.
‘Yeah right.’
After the dramatic retelling, the man grabbed the golden, hand held mirror on his night stand to pluck his eyebrows, carrying on his irritated commentary, “So now I have to watch over them like a babysitter. Can you believe this?” 
“Ah, Roi du Poison I do feel sorry for this causing you so much stress, but don’t you believe the little Trickster could hold their end of the bargain?” Rook questioned, as afterall, you were a good friend of his and he knew you of all people could keep a promise. It was always in your heart to get things done, regardless of how you feel about it. 
“Oh please, I will give it a week, Rook,” he replied, hyper fixated on evening the arches of his brows only for Epel with sleepiness intertwined still in his walk, wondering what the cause of the angry tone of voice from Vil was for. 
“What’s going on, you guys?” Epel questioned with a yawn. 
But Vil snapped his fingers in recall, completely ignoring the question, “Ah, Epel you just reminded me, remember when we were walking to class and L/N had come up to you, ruffled your hair and such and was very curt with me? What even was that?”
“What is it?”
“Vil, Y/N is really aware you don’t like them. They actually talked to me about it today,” Epel explained bluntly. 
Rook nodded in agreement, facing the vanity mirror as he peeled off his face mask“Oui, they try their best to not look at you even.”
Vil paused in thought, he didn’t think he made his dislike toward you so obvious but I guess it was quite the contrary.
“They don’t go spreadin’ but they told us, they’re cool about it though,” the lavender haired boy quickly added, not wanting to make anything worse for you. 
But it didn’t necessarily matter whether or not you both liked one another, what mattered is that you got the job done by solving your faulty grades and attendance. Dislike is just a small hiccup, plus there were plenty of justifiable reasons as to why Vil did not like you, despite being told otherwise from everyone. However, he didn’t face repercussions nor are there heavy consequences for an opinion after all. 
The trio’s phones either vibrated or let out a cheery notification. Even from the door open ajar to the rest of the dorm, you could hear the different sound effects from student’s devices. The odd coincidence made them all look at their phones at the same time to look at what it was. 
“This just in for some hot new gossip! I heard from a little birdy that the fairest of them all is viciously bullying the new transfer from a whole new world. But…they’re being partnered up to tutor by Crewel! Looks like all beauty doesn’t come with grace :( 
-The Catacombs” 
“The hell is this?” Epel said quietly, staring at the anonymous text message. It wasn’t a registered number, instead it was an auto programming since it was only five numbers reading: 88709. 
“Oh mon dieu, Roi du poisson,” Rook uttered, unknowing of what to say, going from looking horrified at his phone to his dorm leader for any type of response. 
By then the phone notification of Vil’s was ringing out of control, and he could hear Pomefiore members’ reactions to such an appalling message. He was receiving texts non-stop from multiple people asking him all the same questions,
Is it true? 
 Why he would put someone down like that?
 Why does he have a problem with Y/N? 
But a text from one specific person ate him alive completely.  
Hey, I don’t know if you saw the message
He quickly typed to the beastman in attempt to defend himself, knowing what they both went through together as children. Vil couldn’t let Jack of all people misinterpret him as this bully to his good friend. 
I would never bully anyone, nor do I waste my energy on people I don’t like. The stress ages you too much 
Are you seriously going to believe this anonymous crap over me Jack?
I’ll talk to you later.
It’s not that I don’t believe you, but I have never heard the nicest things about you from them.
Something like this absolutely could not get out to the public, bullying scandals can completely drag down a career as almost everyone goes through that traumatic experience of being casted aside because you’re different. And he would never be a monster like that toward someone, but playing villains in countless movies and tv shows would make it seem completely believable. 
It was them who most definitely put out that rumor, and Vil didn’t care whether it was late at night, or if Rook and Epel wanted him to stop.
He was paying a visit. 
With nothing planned and being extremely exhausted, this might’ve been the slowest moving Friday night you’ve ever experienced. And while you haven’t been inclined to care too much about what people say about you, to say you weren’t haunted by your encounter with Vil would be an understatement. Of course you were well aware of his distaste for you, but today it just felt as though it reached a boiling point with the way he was acting. But to take your mind off of it, you freshened up after a long day in class, slipped on something comfortable, put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” and decided to watch some movies on your laptop whilst eating snacks with Grim. After all, you deserved a reward as it would be the last day of relaxation before you had to lock down completely on your education. 
Your cat and yourself ended up nodding off to sleep on your couch easily due to the calming environment of your house, as the ghosts decided to take a hint on the mood you were in and were extremely quiet. As both of you were catching up on needed rest, you heard an excessive pounding on your door.  Whoever this was, it felt like they were about to break down your door with how aggressive they were knocking. 
Grim nearly attached to the ceiling with fear, making you yelp in fear, naturally frightened to answer the door to see who was behind that hostility. Your eyes bolted to your tall case clock, the time reading 10:32pm, the late time didn’t ease your anxiety whatsoever.
However, after adjusting to your surroundings, you decided that you needed to answer as to whoever was continuing to hammer on your door as it was giving you a headache. Neglecting your human world instincts of not opening doors to strangers, you walked up to your tall mahogany door, only to find your favorite person on the other side.  
Vil Schoenheit. 
His face was painted with true anger that you’ve only seen during his overblot, “You have some goddamn nerve writing that shit about me.”
You were absolutely frazzled and confused overall, “What even are you talking about? And why are you at my house?”
“Answer your fucking phone and you will find out,” the blonde replied noxiously, watching your every move believing that you were trying to play stupid with him. 
As you opened your phone screen, your eyes were lit up by notifications, as everyone and their mother had texted and called you in a matter of minutes. 
But one message sat completely unfamiliar coming from that fateful, 5 digit number. 
It was horrible and beyond untrue, even though he didn’t like you, you would never stretch it to bullying. Maybe as a joke amongst friends but never to be taken seriously. And as you digested that everyone had gotten this text message and with him being a celebrity this would do heavy damage. And whoever wrote this was out to get you both as many are absolutely in love with Vil, others hate bullying and hearing a glorified superstar being accused of such horrible things would make tabloids run with this story. 
This was a complete lose lose situation. 
You looked up to see Vil hovering over you, watching you like a hawk, you swore you saw his eye twitch with irritation, “I would never write something like this. And listen I am so sorry-”
“Who else would write something like this? Do you think I’m a damn fool-?” A small hand on his shoulder cut off his angry tirade progressing as he was about to move forward.
“Vil, we are going to get nowhere if you just get angry and lose control, now Y/N do you have any clue as to who would write something like this?” your friend Epel questioned kindly, juxtaposing his dorm leader completely. 
“Not exactly, I don’t hate Vil at all like that and I wouldn’t spend my Friday night making up shit like that and you can check all of my technology,” you defended, offering your phone.
His suspicion got the better of him, snatching it out of your phone Vil scrolled through your phone messaging history. And despite going against his suspicion, he didn’t have any concrete proof that you were the culprit.
So until then, he guessed that you were just as wronged as him.
You all quickly moved to the inside of your house, both to get away from the cold night air, but also to get out of sight as to anyone who could be watching all of you right now. To say that this made all of you, especially you and Vil paranoid wasn’t an over exaggeration. Beginning to theorize with your two friends as to who would write something like this about you two. But unfortunately, every possible “lead” you had was just a dead end, no clear motive, but then again who would need a motive for a stunt like this. It was obvious that attention was what they craved, to drive both of you up the wall and unfortunately they succeeded.  
“All they gave is a nickname, but any phone number could be tracked to a specific device used,” You said, as student announcements used 5 digit numbers all of the time, this person had to be skilled in tech. 
Vil leached off of your theory, “The catacombs is quite a gothic name afterall, we need to search Ignihyde or Diasomnia.” 
“Why them? That seems stereotypical” you asked, feeling argumentative on such a baseless theory. 
“Because, Ignihyde is the most technologically advanced dorm, and Diasomnia students seem like the type to enjoy playing tricks like this anyway,” Vil explained as if it were obvious, his sharp gaze never leaving yours as he spoke.
While the flames of his anger had been flamed, it seemed as though his disdain for you was more permanent than a wine stain on a wedding dress. Never fleeting even during this moment of vulnerability from both ends, but you had no energy to begin bickering about it.
“Roi du poisson et mon Trickster, if we want to find whoever is doing this cruel joke, you must put aside your differences and work together,” Rook said, cutting the tension and bringing the platinum blonde back to Earth. 
Whilst both of you didn’t want to admit it, the archer was right. If you wanted to figure this out you couldn’t be at each other's throats, fighting one another constantly. Otherwise you would accomplish little to nothing. 
And there was no way ‘The Catacombs’ could be hidden forever, and you would make sure to uncover the skeletons within it. 
A/N: Hi everyone! This fic takes inspo from an amazing novel that I read called "Ace of Spades" please read it its absolutely fantastic and the author is a genius. Thank you for bearing with me for the long time it takes to pump out content, you guys are amazing and it's always great to have opportunities to write.
xoxo, Nate <3
Taglist: (pls let me know if you want to be tagged in the next part!!)
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hoshikarasu · 3 months
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❛ ⠀♡ . ˑ⠀featuring :   choso , nanami kento , higuruma hiromi , getou suguru
❛❛ ⠀Am I ready for love? Or maybe just a best friend? Should there be a difference, do you have instructions? ⠀❜❜ ⠀or ⠀being in a queer platonic relationship with jjk men !
❛ ⠀♡ . ˑ⠀notes  :   male reader. either the reader / jjk men, or both, can be seen as arospec. queer platonic relationships are just as important and equal to romantic relationships! all qprs are different from each other and are all valid. not proofread. divider by cafekitsune.
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⟣   CHOSO   ⏖   ♡   !   ㅤㅤIt was a struggle to put his feelings into words when it came to you. Nothing that he could possibly weave together ever grew close to accurately describing his emotions and how he viewed the relationship between you and him. You are important to him. Of course you are. Just as much as Yuuji is important to him. Except… he didn’t view you the way that he did with his brothers. Those feelings didn’t push him to see you as more than that at the same time.
All that he knew for certain was that he adores you and you adore him. The way you look at him with smiles has his heart grow in multiple sizes. A label wasn’t necessary to place on you for him to know that he cared deeply for you. That he would do all that he possibly could to ensure your happiness and safety.
There’s not a doubt in his mind that you share this sentiment. He senses it in the way you reach for his hand to hold and squeeze tightly as if you plan on never letting go. The way you nudge him to open up his arms for you to give him a hug the second you notice anything off before he even realizes it.
You openly express your affection for him that his heart squeezes far too many times to the point that he wonders whether he should visit a doctor. 
It makes him pause whenever you two are asked if you’re dating. He never knows what to say. The love is mutual between you two for sure, but that doesn’t mean you’re both in love with one another. 
Yet he knows saying such a thing would garner strange looks or comments how you’re both confused or shouldn’t be using the word love to describe such a dynamic if it isn’t a romantic relationship. But he sees nothing wrong with using the word when it comes to you. 
He loves you. He loves you so much and will gladly let the world know it even if nobody else aside from you would understand.
⟣   NANAMI KENTO   ⏖   ♡   !   ㅤㅤMany people (read: one particular Gojo Satoru) joked or assumed that you and Nanami were together. There wasn’t a day that went by without someone making a comment about the two of you. You were always seen together doing just about anything and everything. All of Nanami’s spare time was dedicated to you, and you fussed over him like a concerned boyfriend. Why weren’t you two together? 
The pestering always annoyed him. This insistence that a relationship between two people had to be one way or the other. Or that people were that invested over somebody else’s relationship. What did it matter to them? 
All he wanted was to exist. With you specifically. 
Whenever a mission would get too rough, his mind would drift to his thoughts of retiring and running away to Malaysia. In each and every single one of them, you were there right by his side. He yearned for solitude so deeply, but for a solitude that included you as well. 
Where there would be no prying eyes to how the two of you interacted with one another. Nobody would make any jabs at both of you guys’ indifference to ever developing a romantic relationship with one another. No judgment would be made, not that he paid any attention to how people may perceive the nature of your relationship and interactions with each other, on the love shared between you two.
It’s very easy to imagine taking a stroll on the shore of the beach and having you hand in hand.
The next time that Gojo cracks a joke upon catching the two of you visiting Nanami’s favorite bakery, hands full of his favorite bread and your favorite pastries, and linked arms, Nanami is ready with a response. He waits to hear the familiar question of whether you two are together to answer with a simple, 
“I’ve always been his.”
⟣   HIGURUMA HIROMI   ⏖   ♡   !   ㅤㅤNot once has Higuruma ever considered that he would find himself in a relationship quite like the one he has with you. Granted, the possibility of having any sort of close and intimate relationship with anyone always came across as impossible. There wasn’t time for him to spare for anyone else. He was too caught up with his own work and wrangled up in his passion for justice. At least that was the case until he met you.
Your presence in his life has redefined many things for him. A new passion in him sprouts and blossoms with every passing second that he spends with you. One that is devoted to you and only you, and it grows at the mere sight or thought of you.
Nobody else understands him the way that you do. 
Each time he is weighed down by a trial that has led to an unjust verdict for his client and he catches a glimpse of their expression, you are the one who seeks for comfort. You very easily understand what he needs without any need for words. Despite being a rather tall man, he succumbs to making himself so small while being gathered into your arms. 
It’s easy to sense how all he wishes for is the comfort and warmth you never fail to provide him. His soul feels intertwined with yours and his heart wants to be held with those gentle hands of yours. Said gentle hands that always seek out to cup his face and gently him closer to look at you directly. 
Without fail, you whisper to him sweet reassurances and nothings. You are always determined to make him feel loved and cared for. And as he gets lost in staring into the warmth of your gaze, being placed looked at with such a loving stare, there’s only one thought that lingers in his mind.
I’m lucky to have you.
⟣   GETOU SUGURU   ⏖   ♡   !   ㅤㅤIt’s rather funny to Getou how Nanako and Mimiko can fully understand the intricate bond between you and him compared to other grown adults. Plenty of people assume that you are together or married. Nanako and Mimiko’s habit of referring to you as their other dad most likely plays a factor into that. 
Or maybe it’s also due to the fact that he never fails to lean close and kiss your nose or your cheek or wherever he can reach. It could also be the fact that you openly address him as your other half, your husband, and other sweet terms of endearment that has his heart skip a few beats.
Anyone who dares to assume that something romantic is going on between you and Getou are quick to receive odd looks from you, Getou, and your girls. Then again, he supposes he can’t expect that for anyone outside this little family of yours to fully know how strong this bond is that it goes beyond their comprehension of love and relationships.
Both of you are fairly affectionate with each other, whether you’re out in public or alone in the privacy of your home. As mentioned earlier, he presses a kiss to any inch of your skin he has access to and pairs it with a reminder of his love for you. And you slot yourself into his side with ease like you belong there (which you do). Your head gets tucked under his chin and it doesn’t take long for the two of you to fall asleep together. 
There’s nothing to hide from you. You know full well his heart is for yours to hold and that your heart is kept safe in his.
Thinking about the future used to be grim, but knowing that you will be there every day in his future with the girls brings him comfort.
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worldofkuro · 4 months
Painted Smile
Painted Smile XXVI
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Summary: You couldn't wait to meet new friends. What you didn't expect was this smiling little boy, only one year older than you, that would take such a big place in your life.
Notes: I feel like I've been gone forever.... But well, writing Alastor's point of view are always the hardest. Once again, a little trip inside our favorite psychopath's mind. It's almost 16K long, enjoy it. Surprisingly, I don't think there is any warming...?
“ Don’t ever leave me.”
He whispered to your sleeping form, moving your locks from your face. It was still nighttime, maybe 3 am, it was normal for him to be awake at this time of the night. He was used to it and in a way he enjoyed being awake when you were sleeping. It was once more, a proof of how vulnerable you could be with him. How you trusted him. 
He stared at you until it was time for him to get up and prepare breakfast. He kissed your forehead before sitting on the edge of the bed, inhaling with a wicked smile. Killing, going to work, having you by his side… What a life.
“ No, don’t go yet…”
His smile turned soft when he felt you hug him from behind, kissing his cheek. You were adorable, did you know that? 
He was becoming more and more popular in town. He was narrating stories, making small talks and then he talked about the incident in the hotel, the fire. He couldn’t contain his smile when he talked about the people who got killed in the fire. Larry and his butler, the one two victims. 
The couple who was sleeping in the next room have been arrested, thanks to you putting Larry’s eye on their room. The police, mostly John, were very invested in this case. They said they found bloodied clothes in the closet, Larry’s eye and so on. He couldn’t help but laugh when he heard the news about the couple's arrest.  Everything was going smoothly, no one was suspecting you or him.
He even got to have dinner with Alyzée’s father, the mayor. He talked with him about John, saying you saw him trespassing on his property without a warrant, furthermore,  the bear trap he left. The mayor seemed very confused but he was drinking his words like water. It was so easy… He asked the mayor to stop his father’s disappearance’s case. He wanted to marry you as soon as possible. They could go back to the case after.
The mayor accepted easily, saying he was going to take John off the case because he didn’t follow the law but because of his family’s name, he couldn’t fire him from the police. Alastor didn’t mind, he just wanted John off the case and to marry you. You still weren’t aware of it, he wanted to surprise you.
“ I need to leave earlier, today.” He kissed your nose but he let you tug him back into bed. He stroked your naked back, loving the feeling of your skin against his hands. He chuckled when he heard you saying you couldn’t wait to be married to him. Oh, only if you knew…
He kissed you once more,  tickling you. Your voice was so smoothing he couldn’t help but wanting to hear more of it. But it wasn’t the right place.
He knew your father wouldn’t like to see him in your bedroom, you were supposed to be a virgin until the wedding. He almost scoffed each time your father said you both needed to wait until the wedding until you could sleep together. You have been together since childhood, your bond was more than just some sexual intercourse. He enjoyed your body, naked like today, because it was so pretty. Your hips would move sensually, the bones showing against the skin… You were beautiful. You were a piece of art. Sometimes, if you were feeling in the mood, you would play with him, building up tension but you never went further than that in your bedroom. Usually, he would just admire you while you were reading or sleeping on your bed.
You asked him if you could take a shower with him which he accepted. He was looking at you as you played with his hair, he didn’t know why you enjoyed his curls so much but if you were smiling, it was all that mattered. You were blushing, were you really finding him attractive?
He knew he was good looking, men or women would try to hit up on him, but they only saw his mask. You, you were seeing him as he was and yet, you find him pretty, attractive. How crazy of you.
“ Don’t we look amazing?” you laughed.
“ Always.” he kissed your forehead with a soft smile.
He cleaned your body, being gentle with your skin. When you asked him if you could do the same, he stayed silent for a minute. You were looking at him with those shining eyes, with so much trust… He nodded.
You cleaned him, being so mindful of your touch. You sometimes kissed his scars, making him smile. You were so cute. 
You both left the bathtub, and he let you do your hair. He closed one eye as you let one curl on his forehead, smiling brightly. He used to slicked his hair back when he was working but if you wanted this hairstyle on him, who was he to say no?
He smirked when you looked for his watch and used your powers to throw it at him. His shadow took it, making you pout and of course it went toward you, poking you until you gave it attention.
“ I shall come back tonight with a surprise. Be nice.” He kissed the top of your head before leaving to work.
He entered into his workplace, Victor sprinting toward him with a big smile, telling him about the new records his podcast did last time. He smirked, of course, he was Alastor Sanglar,  he was the best. He went into his office, closed his door and began his usual podcast. He played jazz and blues, talking about what was going on in New Orleans.
But then, he heard loud footsteps coming toward his door. He squinted his eyes, looking toward the noise, still talking into his microphone. He smirked when John bashed his door open. Just as planned.
“ Alastor, you bastard!” shouted John as he walked toward him, Victor behind him, trying to stop him from coming closer to him. He held his hand in front of him, telling Victor to back off with his hand.
“ Well, ladies and gentlemen, please, welcome John Felleur, an officer from the police of New Orleans. Let the lad take place.”  He said, amused. John’s face was red from anger, he already knew why the man had come to him: the mayor should have told him the big news! “ Well, what can I do for you, officier?” 
“ I have been taken away from the case because of you! You knew I would find dirt on you.” Alastor almost laughed out loud, what a poor fool… He pushed a button which made an “ Oouh” sounds, like a crowd was here, watching the spectacle. He was going to have so much fun, John was already digging his own grave.
 “ Oh yes. You must have heard it, folks, but my father has gone missing. The one on the case was no one but the successful John Felleur. The man has been on my back since then, slavery is abolished you know?” He chuckled, leaning back against his chair.
“ Because I know you have something to do with it. Just like last week’s fire, I’m sure I saw you there. You, fucker, have been manipulating everyone around you and now you wished to get married? You even took her away while I could be–”
Ah, he shouldn't talk about you.
“ Ooh.. Is John insecure, pursuing allure? Fitting between my father’s case and the hotel’s one, is nothing working?”
“ You–!”
“ Every day, he’s got a new failure!”
“ You’re looking at justice! He is the one behind all of it!”
“ Is John as strong as he purports? Or is it based on his support? He’d be powerless without his family’s name. And here’s the sugar on the cream. He asked my fiancée to be his wife.”
“ Hold on!”
“ She said no, and now he’s pissy, that’s the tea!” Alastor’s laughter echoed into the room. How fun it was! 
“ Alastor !” you heard John shout. “ I’m not weak. You can’t kill me!”
“ I’ll make you wish I would, my dear friend.” Alastor laughed.
“ I don’t bend to no one.” he spat.
“ Be careful, what doesn’t bend usually breaks.” Alastor hummed. “ Well, folks. I shall leave you, as you can see, I’ll need to have a little chat with our rude friend.  It will be fun.” he chuckled before standing up, letting Victor handle his broadcast.
He left his office, and stood before John, with two policemen by his side. Was John trying to intimidate him? He almost scoffed. He let the men speak in front of him, crossing his arms against his torso. He listened to John, who was warning him to stop getting closer to the mayor or other high positioned people.
He turned his eyes to his side, he felt like something warm was touching his hand. He looked at his hand and then looked back at the men speaking to him. He asked the men to leave before going back to his office. He sat on his chair and sighed.
“ Those fuckers…” He passed his hands on his face before looking back at his note. Now, he needed to make some changes. He wrote in his notebook before jerking up when his paper sheet went into the air. He looked around him, his eyes becoming red. He could see some kind of form in front of him… 
He watched as your name appeared as the paper folded itself. He blinked. For a second, he felt his heart stop. You couldn’t be dead right?  You wouldn’t do this to him. You were to be alive next to him even after death. You couldn’t be dead. You couldn’t. You couldn’t. You couldn’t.
“ Darling?”
He could see the paper folded itself with a yes. His body relaxed, he couldn’t feel a bad energy as the paper moved around happily. You weren’t dead. You just..project your spirit away from your body. How amazing…
“ This is really impressive.” He smirked, looking at the direction he knew you would be. You always were moving around when you were in an excited mood, always bouncing around him, it was cute. 
He felt a warm sensation against his cheek and looked at his side.“ Your hand is next to my face right? Your energy has always been warm…” he sighed with a soft smile. “ Why are you here, dearest? Have you heard our dear John coming to my show? What a performance, right?” he laughed , imaginating you grinning next to you.
He watched as the paper flew enthusiastically around him. He crossed his arms on his torso with a smirk on his face. He knew you were at Alice, she must have told you his surprise. He already knew the mayor talked to Alyzée, who gossiped with Alice who couldn’t keep her mouth shut. She couldn’t keep a secret, huh? Was it karma because he used her secret against her ? Was that karma because he took a picture of Alyzée and Alice kissing and sended to Larry?
…. Maybe he didn’t care.
“ Darling, you should go back. As soon as I’m finished, I’ll come to you so we can talk about the wedding ceremony…” he took the paper from your invisible hand with a soft smile. He felt a warmth sensation on his lips before it was tugged away from him.
He went back on his chair, chuckling before laughing out loud. 
You were amazing, a strength that needed to be veneered. You were his, his wife, his, his, his hishishishishis.
He stopped laughing, his smile dropping. He should write notes for his next broadcast, he would have to go to your house so he could tell the good news to your father and mother about your wedding. 
He started writing, but jerked up his head when he heard commotion outside of his office. He stood up and opened his door and smiled when he saw the mayor walking toward him with a huge smile of his face.
“ Alastor! I have big news for you, young man!”
He tried so hard to contain his satisfied smile when the mayor told him he could marry you in two weeks. In two weeks, you will be his in front of your friends and your family. In human terms, you were about to be bound together forever.
He shook the mayor’s hand after having a little chat and then took his stuff before going toward your parent’s home. Oh, so many good news was to be shared today. He smirked as his shadow moved around his feet, as happy as he felt.
He almost bought flowers on his way, but was too eager to share the big news with you. He knocked on your parent’s home’s door and smiled at your father when he let him enter. He shook his hand as he heard you walk down the stairs. He could recognize your footsteps in the middle of a dance party.
He smiled when you hugged him, nuzzling against his chest. He knew your father didn’t like when you both were too close, but he couldn’t refuse a hug from his soon-to-be wife, right?
“ Well, I came here to give you some happy news. I talked with the mayor, he is ready to hold our wedding in two weeks.”
He smirked when he saw his mother hug you but his attention quickly turned to your father. He seemed confused, after all, your wedding was supposed to be held after his father’s disappearance’s case was solved. Which would never be.
After half-lying to your father, he flinched when your dad slapped his shoulder. Well, manipulating someone was getting easier and easier, it was almost boring. But, oh, well you were there, happy, smiling at him, seeming as eager as him to finally prove your affection for each other.
He bantered with Alice and finally she went home. You were always saying Alice and him liked each other but he couldn’t care less about Alice. She was just a tool, he didn’t feel anything else, she was like a pen he needed to write a letter. He would be annoyed if the pen broke, but he could just take another.
“ Where should our honeymoon be?” you turned toward Alastor.
“ Mhn… Somewhere near the ocean maybe? I’ve never been there.” he smiled at you. He knew you didn’t know how to swim, and he needed to take care of that. It was dangerous for you to have such weakness.
“ If you are afraid of drowning, do not be afraid my dear, I’ll be by your side.�� He kissed the back of your hand. You smiled softly at him.
“ I did want to go somewhere warm.” 
He looked at you, warmer than here? He looked at you, imagining you in your wedding dress, staring at him and only him.
“ Who should we invite ?” 
“ Well, Alice will be the maid of honor,” you smiled as he rolled his eyes. He was amused, it was cute how you were friends with Alice. ” My family will come, so I shall invite Alyzée and some other friends but not too many.”
“ Mhn.. I guess I need to bring some people too. Well, I guess Mimzy could come, maybe Victor, if he isn’t too noisy about it.” He thought out loud. “ I don’t have any family left but my mother, which is enough.”
“ On our honeymoon, I think I will be able to do the spell.” he looked at you with a fond smile. He read everything he could find on this spell; he talked with Kalfu, everything was going to be perfect. “ I can’t wait.”
You grasped his face and kissed him fiercely. You took a step back before he could kiss back, jumping on the grass with a big grin.
He couldn’t contain his smile. That was what he wanted. You were smiling thanks to him. Being happy to be caged with him forever and ever. He looked as you laid down on the grass, you were so beautiful… You always seemed so out of reach and yet, here you were, giving yourself to him without being afraid of what he was.
“ What do we need for.. the ritual?”
“ Well, we need another powerful spirit.” He sat next to you, taking away the leaves from your hair. “ I will try to invoke him this weekend.”
“ Can I be there?” You looked at him.
“ Well, I can’t say no to you.” He kissed your forehead with a smirk. “ We’ll need enough offerings…”
“ Now that you mention it, I need to give him an offering..”
“ Yes, what happened back then?”
“ My soul left my body,” you said proudly, “ so I could come see you.”
“ It was really impressive,” he said, looking at you with pride. He was really impressed, he didn’t even know such things were possible. You would always surprise him, how fun. You chuckled as you explained to Alastor how you managed to do that and that his shadow was being able to see you when you were in that state. “ I see… Don’t do it somewhere when you aren’t safe. I don’t know what could happen if you were to be forced out of your trance.”
You nodded, placing your head against his shoulder. Soon, you would be wed, chained to hil without any ways of escaping.
He was confident.
He was handling everything well, the preparation for the wedding, for the honeymoon and with the rituals. Everything needed to be perfect, it was something that needed to be perfect. What was irritating was that he couldn't see you as often as he wished he would. He would always try to come at night, like a shadow, never being seen. 
Alastor placed a cup of black coffee on a table with a cigar and wrote symbols with chalk on the walls. He was excited to meet this spirit, the spirit who rules over death: Baron Samedi. This spirit was invoked to contact and communicate with the dead, he determines whether they could come visit or not. He may be asked to remove bothersome ghosts and invoked to ward off death. He is a powerful healer. Baron Samedi rules the cemetery: no one can die until he gives permission for their grave to be dug.
He looked at you, you seemed to be nervous but he reassured you easily. You didn't have to be here if you didn't want to. He would get the work done. Furthermore, he wasn’t really enjoying the fact that you were in a situation where he didn’t have full control. But when did a situation escape him? He would control anyone to achieve his goals. Spirits, Gods, Humans or Demons.
He kissed you deeply before walking in front of the table and began his incantation. He closed his eyes, feeling coldness seeping into his bones, into his blood faster than usual. He held his head as a freezing pain smashed into his head. 
What was going on?
“ Alastor…”
“ Are you okay, dearest?” He grabbed your hand when he saw you stumbling toward him. Did he mess up his incantation?
“ Aren’t you adorable?”
He turned his head toward the voice and squinted his eyes. There was a man smoking the cigar he had put on the table, a moment ago, staring at you with an amused smile. The gentleman looked like an older, dark-skinned man in formal attire, dressed completely in black. He was wearing a black top hat, black suit and impenetrable black sunglasses which were missing a lens. He had read that the missing lens was showing the eyes that could see  in the underworld.
“ You asked for me?” he smirked before sitting on a chair, taking the cup of coffee. “ Well, I already know why. It’s not everyday I see Papa Legba and Kalfu in the same room. How are you doing, my good fellows?”
He turned his head toward a presence he wasn’t used to feeling. And for the first time, he saw him. The spirit he first tried to approach, the spirit which worked his mother to protect him.
Papa Legba.
He looked like a tall old black man, with a strangely warm expression. He was smoking a long pipe while staring at you, his back against the door. He looked oddly human if not for the wisdom in his eyes that seemed so deep, an entire life wouldn’t be enough to hear all about his knowledge.
“ Must be nice to finally meet me, right,  little missy?” 
You turned your eyes toward the voice and yelped when you saw a man crouching next to you, his red eyes staring at you with a mocking smile. He almost rolled his eyes as Kalfu enjoyed your scared expression.
“ Well, it’s nice to finally meet all of you, gentlemen.” Alastor spoke with his usual confidence. Those three spirits weren’t as impressive as he thought. “ I didn’t expect to have all of you with us today, but it might be for the best.” He beamed at the spirits as he took a chair to sit down.
“ You truly have beautiful eyes.” you turned around as you felt your hair being touched. You looked at The Baron Samedi who was looking at you, still seeming amused. Alastor could feel his blood boiling. How dared he touch you?  You took a step back before being tugged on Alastor’s laps. You looked down and smiled softly at his shadow which was frowning, keeping its hand around your waist.
“ You really didn’t change, Alastor !” Baron Samedi laughed before sitting on the table, smoking his cigar. “ I used to heal you when you were unconscious after your father was done punishing you, your Mother was always asking for my help, what a caring woman.” 
He tensed as he remembered his father’s assault. He always wondered how he never died under his father’s fists, how his body always was he aling quickly and easily.  You stroked his hand while staring at the three spirits in front of you. “ Well, it’s not for being healed that I called you.”
“ ‘I’ ? Boy, you didn't call me all alone. Your darling is also in it.”
“ Nonsense. She didn’t prepare anything to summon you.” Said Alastor, his smile twitching. He was sure of it. Not a single drop of your blood or any other things coming from you was used to summon them. You weren’t bound with this summoning. He made sure of it.
“ Why? Am I connected to Alastor in some way?” 
“ Well, little lady, of course. If not, why would you be able to see me, summon me or even work with spirits?” Papa Legba asked you with his calming voice.
“ Alastor already created some kind of bond between the two of you, but you already saw it, right little missy?” Kalfu smirked at you, making Alastor grimaced. Seemed like Kalfu enjoyed scaring you. 
“ What are you talking about?” You asked, squeezing Alastor’s hand.
“ When you asked for your soul to leave your body to see Alastor. Didn’t you see a red thread linking you to him?”
Alastor looked at you, stroking your thigh in a soothing manner. He was curious, did you really see something like that?
“ But… It was so.. weak?”
“ Of course!” Laughed Baron Samedi. “ Alastor bound you the first time he tried to summon our dear Papa Legba, he had a tissue with your blood on it. Blood is really important here. That’s why when Alastor summoned Legba, he went toward you because the first thing he felt was your blood.”
“ And then, I came in, because I wanted to work with Alastor. This boy has a lot of potential.” Kalfu smirked. “ It’s in his blood.”
Alastor was conflicted. The air he felt when he first tried to summon Papa Legba was the spirit itself…? He had managed to summon two powerful spirits in less than one hour. They were saying he had potential. Well, he wasn’t surprised, but he wanted more. But for now, he needed to understand before acting.
“ Then, how did the bound apparead when I didn’t do anything to make it happen?” Asked Alastor, looking at the spirits. 
“ Well, like Kalfu told you, you have huge potential. You could have created the bond, you already had summoned me and him. You made the first step but stopped when you made a deal with Kalfu for power. That is why, right now, your bond is half-made.” Legba said, inhaling smoke from his pipe. “ But now, your other half is working with me, which makes you, in a twisted way, work with me.”
“ But you told me you would cut our deal if I were to work with..Kalfu?” you asked. “ Alastor is working with him, and yet..?”
“ Of course, little lady. Even if your control on your spirit is impressive, it’s not in your blood. You can do all that because Alastor ‘tainted’ it. If he were at his most powerful, and your bond were created, you would have maybe half of his abilities. Your body wouldn’t be able to take more.” He said to you with a sad smile. “ You would lose yourself to the spirits and end up mad.”
“ Or dead with me!” said Baron Samedi with a laugh which echoed in the basement. “ I’m joking, Alastor.” he smirked when he saw Alastor’s hand clenching on your waist. He didn’t like any of those outcomes, if he had to stop you from using spirits, he would stop you, no matter how.
“When you will be powerful enough, trust me, Legba’s protégée won’t be able to do anything against you. You could just use the shadow to bring her to you.” Kalfu smirked, staring at Legba with a competitive glint in his eyes. 
Now… that was interesting. Frist of all, Kalfu was referring to you as Legba’s protégée. It was a heavy title he didn’t necessarily want you to hold.  Being the protégée of a spirit, even more for the powerful one, was honorable. Kalfu had chosen Alastor as his protégé, that was what the spirit told him.  It meant some kind of protection… 
Second of all, he was going to be so powerful he was going to be able to bend you at his will.  He smirked when he saw your face, you seemed to enjoy the thought of being at his mercy.  You were just like him… 
But you surprised him once more, asking Baron Samedi for his healing power. You were insane, wanting to protect him at all cost. You were insane, mad,crazy, just like him. It was oddly comforting.
“ So, you would want to work with me, for my healing capacity? You know, it’s different from working with Legba? You are asking a skill of mine. Papa Legba just gives access to a spirit to work with you, the spirit chooses when to go back, if Legba allows it,  unless you ask him to leave. You’re asking for a power that belongs to no small spirits, the price will hurt.”
“ Then, she doesn’t need it.” said Alastor, forcing you to look at him. “ I won’t need this power, who could hurt me?” He asked you with his usual charming and confident smile. A healing power could be very useful, indeed, but if it meant you would get hurt, he didn’t need this power. His priority was you. You, you, you, you.
But, you managed to hold this power, making a deal with Baron Samedi. You would be able to heal him and yourself, what a power… You were beautiful, your red eyes having a purples hues. You fell asleep quickly after that, letting him and the spirits talk about the real deal they were supposed to make. 
He would have to take Eamon to create a material bound, the spirits would then possess the both of you before doing their things. He almost winced when Kalfu said that it was going to hurt you. He didn’t care if it would hurt him, he could take it. You… You, he didn’t want you to feel anything pain that wasn’t created by him.
After some time, he knew all he needed to know about this ritual. Once the spirits vanished, he walked toward you and smiled fondly when he saw your sleeping expression. How could you be so vulnerable? Since you’ve been children you have always been vulnerable with him even if you were now just like him. A  cold blooded killer.
“ Darling, open your eyes.”
“ Did I fall asleep?”
“ I’m afraid you did, dearest.” He kissed your forehead with a soft gaze. “ We should sleep.”
You looked at his face, he knew you could see the fatigue on his face. You nodded and stood up, walking out of the basement, walking toward his bedroom. You took Eamon in your arms, signing in bliss. After all those years,  this plushie was here.  
“ Undress, dear.”
You whined but undressed quickly, throwing your dress on his chair with the rest of your clothes. You bury yourself under the cover, trying to stay awake. He undressed himself, putting his pajama on before sliding behind you, wrapping his arms around you.
“ Is everything ready for the ritual..?” you asked, yawning. 
“ Yes, you don’t have to do anything.” He kissed your naked shoulder. “ You just have to think about the wedding.”
“ Oh my baby, you look so handsome.”
Alastor turned his gaze toward his mother with a soft smile. Marie was already having tears in her eyes just because she was seeing him in his suit. 
Today was the day he was to be wed to you. 
He let his mother kiss his forehead, bending toward her. She took his face between her hands, staring at him with a proud smile. He tilted his head, it was strange. He thought he would have seen this expression on his mother’s face when he had killed his father with your help. And yet, it was on his wedding day that she was beaming the most. How strange…
She was kissing his cheeks while walking around him, praising him again and again.
He looked at himself in the mirror with his mother by his side.
“ I’m so happy, I’ve always wished for your happiness.” She whispered, leaning her hand against his shoulder. His mother was getting older, she seemed smaller than she used to be. He looked down at her, as she grinned at him. 
He turned his head toward the door when he heard someone knocking. His mother went to open the door and greeted your father who stepped in. Alastor shook his hand, smiling at the man who seemed… nervous?
“ Well, Alastor, you look splendid.” he said as he held his hand between his. Alastor nodded, staring at his soon to be father-in-law. He could already see that the man wanted to talk with him. His mother must have sensed it because she left the two men together.
“ You wanted to talk to me, sir ?” Alastor asked, his usual smile. Your father seemed surprised but he couldn't help but laugh.
“ As observant as always, Alastor.”
He almost rolled his eyes. No need to be observant, most of the time, when someone knocked on someone else's door, it was usually to talk. Furthermore, your father was a policeman, he wouldn’t be surprised if the man wanted to talk with him about you, or his father’s death.
“ I’m here… I wanted to talk about my daughter.”
“ I just… You have nothing to do with your father’s disappearance, right?”
All of them were so easy to read. Now, he just needed to give your father some kind  of informations that would make him less… threatening.
“ I won’t lie to you. My main goal right now is to marry your daughter. My father is still haunting my thoughts but I need to be strong for your daughter, right? What I’m asking of you, if you ever find him, please do tell me before he goes home.”
“ Of course, Alastor. I’ll find him, you’ll meet him again, I promised.” Your father frowned.
He wanted to laugh out loud. If you were next to him right now, would you bite your lips to contain your laughter or would you giggle behind your hand.
“ But… Please, do take care of my daughter.” 
“ I’ll protect her with my life.”
Alastor looked at your father, his gaze was set on him. Your father was giving you away to him. A monster, disguised as a human being. How funny.  But you loved him, the human being and the monster. Was he half-human? Half-monster? A monster? A Human? What was the difference?
He watched as your father relaxed. He tapped his shoulder two times before leaving him alone. He looked in the mirror and he laughed out loud, almost crying from laughing.They were all stupid people, dear, you would have laughed with him so hard if you were here.  
He beamed at his reflection, arranging his tie once more. It was time for him to wait for you at the aisle. He looked as his mother entered the room once more, telling him it was time to go. He watched his reflection once more, smiling widely before going into the ceremony’s room with his mother.
He waited at the aisle, listening to Victor and Mimzy. He couldn’t wait to see you in your wedding dress. 
After a while, everyone went to sit down and the mayor invited Alastor to place himself. He asked him if he was nervous but he shook his head. He wasn’t nervous,he was… excited? He turned his head toward the big door once the music started and he freezed.
You were breathtaking, walking toward him, holding on to your father’s arm. Your face was covered by a white veil, which almost made him grin. This shield you put against others was going to be taken down by him,  and him alone. 
He held his hand toward you, wanting to smooth the itch that was bothering him. He needed to feel you. He took off your veil, and relaxed when he saw your face. How beautiful.  You truly looked like an angel. 
“ Who blessed me with you, I wonder…”
And he wondered who cursed you with him.
 In a twisted way, he was so elated to be the one to ruin you. Since you first met, you always choose him until, even if you wanted to, you wouldn’t be able to run away. You were all pure and you accepted to be tainted by him, from your morals, to your blood and soon your soul. He couldn’t tear his eyes off from you but he still listened to Alyzée’s father talking. You were watching the mayor but he could see all your attention was on his fingers stroking your hands.
He turned completely toward you once it was time to say your vows. You were adorable, you were already ready to cry. How cute you could be, from crying because you were emotional to you tearing an eye off. How lucky he was! 
“ I shall begin. We all know she is the most emotional between the two of us.” he smirked when the crowd laughed fondly. “ Dearest…”
You sniffed. Well, let’s share what he felt for you in front of everyone.
“  I don’t think I can recall a day where you weren’t at my side. Your voice is the best melody I can remember, your touch healed much more than any doctors could have achieved.  You are the first who showed me genuine emotions, you never hide yourself from me and the most important… I never felt the need to hide myself from you.”
He wondered if you knew how comfortable he felt with you. How every time your eyes would lock, he would feel shiver in his whole body?
“ You waited, dearest, you waited for me to open myself to you, which is admirable in a lot of ways. But what was more important for me is that you didn't run away. You accepted me.” he kissed the back of your hand, keeping his eyes on yours. “ You decided to put your trust in me even though what we share isn’t what you used to believe in, right?” he chucked as you nodded with a shaky laugh. 
All those romance books you read while he couldn’t grasp the meaning behind those fancy words. He remembered how you would gush about the prince charming who was saving the princess while the prince didn’t even know the princess. 
Was your meeting like a fairytale? No. If it was a fairytale he would be the dragon keeping you inside a tall tower, killing every person that would approach you. But he couldn’t help but think you wouldn’t not enjoy that. 
“ What I’m willing to give you is much more than what you have ever read, ever seen, ever experimented with. Death itself couldn’t tear us apart, I swear it , my love.”
Your relationship through all those years was like evidence. In his mind, he couldn’t see himself without you.  He still did not know if his affection was like the love you wished for when you were younger, but from your tears, maybe you would still accept it. He looked as Alice came to you to give you a tissue to wipe your eyes.
You looked at Alastor who stared at you, caressing your cheek.
“ I shall love you in the way you accepted. In sickness, in health, poor, rich, I do not care. As long as you are by my side, this life is worth living.”
Your smile and your eyes  were beautiful. It was the first thing that caught his attention since the beginning. Your eyes would always shine bright, with any emotions you would feel. As you grew older, you stopped showing your emotions to anyone which made it even more special when you would just show your bare feelings to him.
He didn’t expect to feel so much during your speech.  You were confirming everything he questioned in his mind. You were as obsessed as him, you both would die in your madness bound to each other.
He smiled during your speech but couldn’t hold himself when you said your last sentence.
“ I love you so much, it might cost me my sanity, my love.”
He tugged you against his torso, caging you in his arms. You would lose your sanity for him, he almost chuckled. He felt like he never had sanity from the beginning and you were the one being his moral compass, sometimes.. 
He stepped back and waited for the ring before putting the jewel on your finger. He could feel a shiver running through his whole body. He could almost see a chain around your neck where his necklace was. Finally, in front of the law, you were his, completely his.
“ I declare you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride.”
Who was he to say those words? 
You smiled as Alastor tugged you toward him, kissing you like tomorrow wouldn’t exist.
You broke the kiss, staying near him as the crowd was shouting and clapping.
“ I love you, Alastor.. I love you, I love you..” you whispered against his lips. He almost melted at your words. He didn't know those kind of words, which he couldn’t truly understand, was making him feel so weak and strong at the same time.
“ I love you, dearest, in a way that no human would dare to love.” he whispered back, making you kiss him one more time. Even the devil would be afraid to love you like he was doing right now.
You walked out of the town hall, holding on to your husband’s arms. You stayed on the stairs as journalists took pictures of you and Alastor. He would already hear Victor’s yapping about how great you both looked. 
You laughed when the women were asking you to throw the bouquet. You turned your back to the crowd, closed your eyes and threw it. He kind of wished Mimzy would catch it, she didn’t want to get married, that would be fun to watch her face if she happened to catch the bouquet.
“ Oh my gosh!”
Even better.
You turned around and screamed in glee when you saw Alice with the bouquet. She walked toward you and hugged you, sniffing. He turned his eyes toward the mayor who said that the car was ready for you to use. He smirked before thanking him, shaking his hand once more. Alastor took your hand and guided you toward the vehicle before opening the door for you. 
“ Is it our car..?”
“ A gift from Alyzée’s father.” he winked at you before you entered the car, Alastor closing the door behind you. He settled behind the steering wheel and began to drive until his destination.
“ I feel like I’m dreaming…” you sighed in bliss. 
“ I don’t think I ever felt this… happy.” you looked at Alastor who almost seemed confused. He wasn’t very surprised to feel this much emotion when you were by his side, but it was still surprising when he knew killing was the second next thing that could grant him so much euphoria. “ Even killing my father didn’t bring me this much joy. You really are something, my love.” he smirked as he parked in the hotel’s parking lot.
Once everyone has arrived you all went into the banquet hall. You looked at all the tables and the band that was on stage, preparing themselves. You sat next to Alastor as Alice walked toward you with a piece of paper. She did a speech, an emotional sarcastic speech which brought you and her to tears. 
He laughed when Mimzy did her speech. She would make inside jokes that would make him smirk but she didn’t tell too much which he appreciated. Victor was next, he told everyone about how Alastor was the definition of dedicated and so on. Victor was a good fella, he kept him at his side to feed his ego when needed.
His back straightened  up when his mother walked with the microphone. He knew she was going to make a speech, but he didn’t know if he was ready to hear it.
She didn’t talk about the bad thing, but through her eyes he was telling everything he needed to know. She, who looked so small in his dressing room before the wedding, was looking so tall right now. He almost felt like a little boy. The little boy who just wanted his mother to tell him they were safe now. 
He always wondered how his mother perceived him. When he was torturing animals when he was younger, when he went hunting, being captivated by death, when his soul began to rot. What did she think about it? 
Was his soul already rotten when she gave birth to him?
Well, he didn’t really care now, he was satisfied with himself.
“Mon bébé… Not everything has been easy, I’m well aware. You always asked me what you could do to make me smile, to make me happy. Well, mon coeur, by being happy, you make me the happiest mother on earth. Je t’aime, quoi qu’il puisse arriver, tu seras toujours mon fils que j’aime.” 
He wondered why his eyes got teary. Maybe his inner child was waiting for this moment? He stood up, letting your hand go before hugging his mother, harder than he expected. Everyone was clapping around them but he didn’t care. She whispered in his ears that she loved him, no matter what could happen. His face was hidden in his mother’s shoulder, hiding the boyish smile that was on his lips. He stepped back, kissing his mother on the cheek, wiping one tear from her cheek before walking back toward you. 
Was his mother letting him go? Was she telling him that she did her job, protecting you as she could, until he could leave living his life with you? He hoped she knew, he would always go back to her, she was his mother. 
You looked as Alice’s father walked toward you. Well, he didn’t expect a speech from her dad, but he did see you grow up.
“ Well, I do not know Alastor, but I know a woman, who has always been by my daughter's side. No matter what was going on, she would take my daughter’s side. As a thank you, for being yourself, Mr and Mrs Sanglar, please accept as a wedding gift the house we wanted to sell.”
His eyebrows shoot up. Well, he wanted to buy the property but he did not expect it to be given to you like this. 
“ Well, now, we shall see the married one dance! Band, some music, please!”
Alastor guided you toward the dancefloor as a soft song began to be played. You danced with Alastor, never breaking eye contact with him.  He was moving you against him until he made a gesture to the band who began to change the music, they were now playing jazz.
You smiled widely at Alastor as you both began to dance, twirling, being lifted in the air, under everyone’s eyes. No one could detach their gaze from you. 
After a while, everyone danced with everybody. He danced with her mother, being careful as she laughed, seeming the happiest she ever was. He even danced with Alice to make you happy. 
He walked toward a balcony to breathe some fresh air and he smirked when he saw you outside. You were outside the hotel, being beautiful. He sended his shadow to you, you never know what could happen.
He frowned a little but kept his smile when he saw John approached you. He looked at the scene, drinking from his glass as Mimzy chatted next to him about the good looking men that were present on the dance floor. He told her to go back dancing, keeping his eyes on you.
When John left you, he came back inside and took another glass of whiskey, talking with the guests, listening to the drunk confessions. Everything could be used, and the mayor was really talkative with Alice’s father.
After a while, he saw you and Alice drunkenly walked toward the balcony. He excused himself before following you. He wanted to be with his wife now.
“ So~ Can’t wait for the honeymoon~?” he heard Alice ask.
“ I don’t even know how I managed to not jump on him.” you giggled drunkenly with Alice. How cute you were…
“ Who are we talking about?”
You smiled as you turned around and saw a smiling Alastor.
“ We are talking about my husband.”
God, he loved hearing those words coming from your mouth.
“ What a lucky fella! May I know what he looks like?” he smiled as Alice winked at you before leaving.
“ He looks… like sin.” you whispered as you stared at him. “ You shouldn’t be this close to me, you don’t want to meet his wrath.”
“ I’ll try my luck.” He kissed you, making you grab his shoulder as you moaned his name. “ You’re finally my wife.” He looked at your ring.
“ You’re finally my husband.” you kissed his lips one more time as you both stared at each other with so much passion, tenderness, obsession, lust and love, it would almost make you faint.
“ I love you.”
You were singing in the car with the biggest smile you had on your face. Alastor was behind the wheel, smiling, humming the same tune as your voice. He always was satisfied when you were singing. 
He has been driving for almost two hours, enjoying the salty air and your voice. Sometimes you would hold your hand toward his mouth so he would sing, which he gladly did. When his voice was mixed with yours, you both were singing the most beautiful songs.
You fell asleep in the car, waking up when Alastor kissed your lips. You blinked slowly before smiling at him. He stroked your cheeks before going to take the luggages. He knew Paulette was near the house. He easily carried the luggages, greeted Paulette before entering the house. It wasn’t his type of decoration but well… As long as it didn’t bother you.
“ What do you want to do first?” He crossed his arms on his chest, looking patiently at you as you thought out loud about all the possibilities. You moved your hands toward the luggages and telekinesied them toward the bedroom. Seeing you using your power always made him feel something dark inside him.
“ I want to see the city ! No, the beach!” you clapped your hands as your eyes returned to their usual color. He smiled before stretching his hand toward you which you immediately took before leaving the house.
You let Alastor guide you and you smiled even more when you saw the beach. It really was close to the house Alastor rented, he knew you always wanted to go to the beach. You took off your shoes, Alastor already holding them for you. He looked as you innocently walked barefoot on the warm sand.
“ Come with me!”
As if he could do anything else.
He watched as you walked toward the water, stopping in front of the tide. Alastor knew you still were afraid of water, since the lake accident. He needed to teach you how to swim, he didn’t want something bad to happen to you.
He hugged you from behind, teasing you as always, his body relaxing at your usual banters. He took your attention from the water by giving you a seashell that looked like he had been painted by all the colors. You quickly decided to find others so you could give them to him.
He looked at the waves and the sun. It was a strange emotion to feel at peace. He felt like the world stopped to make you savor this moment.
“ Dear husband ?”
“ Dear wife?” He asked, still looking at the water, trying to find a way for you to not be afraid of it anymore. He heard you walk closer to him and he felt his shadow move but it didn't say anything to him. When he decided to look down at it, you threw sand at him.
“ Oh, are we already playing?” he said as he slowly lifted his head, looking at you.
“ Don’t we always?” you grinned before taking off. You laughed as you heard him running after you. It was a little difficult as you weren’t used to running on sand but a few seconds after you screamed as Alastor tackled you on the floor. You laughed as he tickled you with a mocking smile. “ It’s because you forget rule number one!” you shouted as you trashed underneath him.
He smirked, you still remembered these three rules he had teached you when he was younger. It was almost touching. 
You then decided it was time to go home. He said he was going to prepare something to eat and you should take a shower which you gladly did. He was cutting the meat with a smirk, looking at the blade while it disappeared inside the meat. 
He knew you were behind him but he didn’t expect you to use your power to make the knife fly out of his hand. Alastor turned toward you, with an annoyed smirk when he saw you.
“ I’m trying to cook, dear.”
“ I don’t see what is stopping you.” you smiled sweetly at him. He walked toward you, sliding his hand on your shoulder until he touched your hand where you were holding the knife.
“ We both know we like it more when I’m the one with the knife, right?” he smirked when he leaned toward you, taking the knife from your hand. “ right?”
“ Right.”
“ Good.” he purred before going back to cooking with a satisfied smile. He asked you to dress up the table when you told him you wanted to help him. But you played with him, with the knife, so he was going to have his fun too.
You easily opened the cupboard with your telekinesis but frowned when you saw Alastor’s shadow trying to keep the plates inside the cupboard.
“ Come on now, bad boy, let go !” you said as you force on your power, the shadow mocking you as he kept the plates in its grapes. You heard Alastor chuckling which made you even more agitated to have those damn plates.
“ Having some trouble, darling?” he sneered at you.
“ No!” You could feel power getting stronger in your eyes but then the shadow smirked at you before letting the plate go. You gasped before crouching, avoiding the plate that flew toward you. You bit your lips as you heard the crash against the wall behind you. You lifted your head toward Alastor who was trying to suppress his laughter. He didn’t expect you to use so much strength but it was funnier than he anticipated.
“ Well?”
You turned around and winced when you saw the plates in pieces on the floor. You pouted as Alastor took the pieces in his hands, laughing. He winced when a sharp piece of plate cut his finger. He already knew it was a deeper cut that it was letting on.
“ Do we have bandages ?” you asked as you took his finger to see the blood pouring out the cut.
“ No need, darling. It’s going to stop soon.” he smiled at you, ready to move on.
But you grabbed his hand and licked his wound. Your tongue was moving around his finger, licking his blood like it was the best thing you ever had. He could feel his eyes flash red, staring at you. He tugged you against him when you realized what you were doing, already ready to panic.
“, I’m sorry ! I didn’t–!”
“ Well done, my love, you healed me.”
You looked at his finger and freezed when you saw his hand was as good as new. You winced when you felt a little pain on your finger and looked at your hand. Alastor and you looked as you saw your finger being cut, just like Alastor a moment before, without any weapon around. 
“ I see… You can heal me because you took the injury yourself.” he mumbled, not happy with the news. He wasn’t the kind to get injured often. But he knew that you would want to heal him, even if it was a scratch.
You stared at the cut and a few seconds after, the cut disappeared. You looked at Alastor with a smile.
“ I think the injury stayed on me the same time it has stayed on you. Which means, if you ever have a serious injury, I need to heal you as quickly as possible, if I don’t want to keep the injury for too long.” 
That was even more problematic. If he was injured, he needed to make a choice if it was better to be treated by you or a hospital and the choice has to be quick because you would keep the injury as long as he himself had kept it. He needed to get stronger so he could get a hold of this power and you wouldn't have to get hurt.
“ I see… Well, I just have to not get injured, right?” he smirked at you as he kissed the place where the cut moment before. “ You are pretty in purple, but I like them better in red.”
You tried to find a mirror and once you did you find that your eyes had a purple hue.
“ Well, darling, would you please set the table?” you rolled your eyes at Alastor's cunning voice.
You both ate and then you talked about John. You came back with an envelope which held 1,000 dollars. He didn’t expect the Felleur’s family to give so much money to the man who insulted their son on the radio. He smirked as he imagined John’s face when his parents had told him to give you this from them.
“ Let’s take a walk.” he chuckled at your words.
“ Going outside, at night, in an unknown town? Are you looking for trouble?”
“ Aren’t we the trouble?” you smirked at him.
He groaned as he tugged you toward him and kissed you feverishly, how he adored you. You smiled as you put your shoes on after clearing the table. You went out with Alastor, holding upon his arm. You decided to follow a trail that seemed to go away from the city, feeling adventurous, you begged Alastor to follow it. He sighed but accepted your supplications. Once you reached the top you looked down the hills and saw the ocean, you weren’t too high but you still gulped. 
Well, it seemed like you needed a little push to move out from your fear. Mostly when he was next to you, you did not need to fear anything.
Alastor jumped off the hill, falling into the water. It felt good to be underneath water, the water was cool against his warm skin. He swam back to the surface, throwing his head back so his hair wouldn’t get in his eyes.
“ Stay here, I’m going to take the trail to–”
“ Jump!” he shouted.
He saw you freeze but he needed you to do this. Were you remembering your first meeting when he had asked you to jump off the swing? That day, you listened to him, you went out of your comfort zone for him. He needed you to do the same today, he wanted to see your trust in him.
He wanted to see the little girl that changed his life so much.
“ I’ll catch you” Always.
He grinned when he saw you jumping off the cliff.  It was the same as that day, you looked like an angel, your hair moving into the air, your dress making it seem like you had wings. You were an angel, turning your back on anyone, to be with him. You chose to fall in hell with him, for him. 
You felt Alastor’s arms as you hitted the water. You wrapped your arms around his body before he swam the both of you toward the surface. You gasped for air and looked around before laughing as you stared at your husband with a wide laugh.
“Wow! Did you see that Alastor ! I did it ! Haha ! That was super amazing !” You looked at him with a wide smile.
You looked as Alastor hand cupped your face before kissing you. You closed your eyes as you kissed him back. He was proud of you, he would never let you be alone in those moments, he would be your protector if you needed to. But he knew he needed to be sure you could hold yourself, you were partners, husband and wife, child friends and so on..
The next day, you both went into town. You watched what kind of furniture you would buy for your future home. He was looking at some desk that he would be able to put into his office… Your new house was big, bigger than he was used to but he knew you would fill every room with warmth.
You kept walking, looking for things for your new home or for yourself. You find new clothes, a new hat for Alastor and some souvenirs for your family and friends. You ate lunch in a small restaurant that you found delicious. Alastor didn’t like it much but he couldn’t help but smile when you said you could help him finish.
You walked back home, still full of energy. You looked at the full moon as Alastor was taking a shower. He came back to you, cleaning his glasses with a tissue.
“ Are you ready, my love?”
“ Mhn?”
“ Well, to bond yourself to me.” 
You moved so quickly he feared you would lose your balance. You both went into the bedroom where he had written symbols on papers with ink.
“ I have everything we need.” He said with a confident smile. He walked back toward you with a blade. “ First, I need a place to mark you, if you don’t mind, dearest, I’ll choose your heart. I already carved an ‘A’ here, but you know I’m greedy. I’ll place my runes here…”
“ You have a rune for yourself ?” you asked him, curiously.
“ I created one, yes.” He tilted his head as you took off your dress, baring yourself at him. He walked toward you and cut you between your breasts. The ‘ A’ he once had carved wasn’t there anymore but it didn’t matter, something much more meaningful was going to be here.
“ Every time your heart beats, it is for me. This life is mine… “ He whispered against your skin. “Now,dear, unfortunately, you can’t carve  rune but you still have energy. Where do you want to place yourself on me.” he smiled at you with a teasing expression, watching you as you put your night dress on. “ My heart already belongs to you–”
“ Your forehead.”
“ Pardon?”
“ Well, we both know you always stay inside your mind for hours sometimes. I want to be the one who owns every single one of your thoughts.” You said confidently. You advanced toward him, feeling power inside you. You kissed his forehead, closing your eyes. “ This twisted brain of yours will never work if my heart isn’t beating for you.”
Well, he knew for a fact that if you were no longer by his side, which would never happen, he would lose the rest of his sanity.
“ This is really cute, I don’t remember the last time I performed this curse!” you looked at Baron Samedi who was smoking his cigar.
“ Let’s finish this.” you heard Papa Legba. “ You need something that would be the material bond in the human world. “
You looked as Alastor took something of his luggages.
“ Eamon!” you shouted in surprise. 
“ Of course, dear. What is better to represent our bond than our fawn?”
“ He is a deer!”
“ Fawn. Now! Let’s begin.” he placed Eamon on the floor between the two of you.  He felt Kalfu entering his body, taking it as his own vessel. He could feel his lips moving into a smile so big he almost felt like the corner of his lips were bleeding. 
He watched as Kalfu cut his wrist, making the blood drip onto Eamon. He stared at the fawn which seemed to be infused with energy. The symbols on the paper were detaching themselves from it. 
He then felt a horrible pain in his head. It felt like his brain had been shot, he wanted to tear his hair off so it may lessen the pain he was feeling. The pain was moving from his head to any parts of his body, it was like his blood was poisonous and was contaminating all his being.
Baron Samedi wrote something in front of him, he couldn’t understand anything nor the voice that was chanting around him. He fell on his knees, holding his head as Kalfu left his body. He didn’t really listen to the spirits talking, his head was pounding, like someone was using a hammer and kept punching his head with it.
You were talking to him, he always loved your voice but now he needed to lessen the pain. Maybe if he took a cold shower it would help… He groaned when you forced him to lift his head to watch you. “ What? Are you not okay?”
He freezed when he heard your voice, but inside his mind. You having been talking, you were speaking inside his mind and from the look of it you could also hear his thoughts.
His smile widened before he rushed toward you and hugged you. He spun you around, laughing happily. You stared at him, lost but happy. He put you down and took Eamon with a smirk.
“ I don’t believe it. There aren’t a lot of archives about this spell but I sure didn’t know we could share our thoughts that way.” He put Eamon with care on the bed. “ My love, now Eamon is the material bound between us, nothing must happen to him, it could weaken what is linking us.” 
He laughed like a mad man, that should scare you but you just smiled softly, looking fondly at your husband.
“ Oh my love, curse of my sanity, I can’t wait to kill while hearing all of your thoughts!” he laughed, bending his body backwards, his hand hiding his eyes. “ I have a list of new victims, it only needs us to erase them from earth!” He laughed as you giggled next to him.
What a good day ! 
You walked toward him as he lifted you up in the air. You laughed as you both danced in the small bedroom while laughing. You stopped when you saw something.
“ Alastor…”
“ Yes?”
“ My shadow…”
He looked as your shadow was now similar to his. It held the same hideous smile while it played with his shadow. It seemed like the ritual had more secrets than he initially thought. He couldn’t wait to discover it with you.
“ Oh, this will be fun.”
“ Once again, the police have found a body, the right eye missing and a smile carved into the victim’s flesh. This had been going on for years, yet, the police, led by John Felleur, still haven't found a single clue about the serial killer that haunts New Orleans’s streets. The killer seems to attack men only, so my dear fellow gentlemen, you should stay vigilant!” He spoke into his microphone with a big smile.
It’s been three years since his wedding and what a journey it has been. He was the most popular radio host of all Louisiana, he was well respected, having connections with people he never would have thought to meet. And thanks to that, he could easily find new targets.
The police were trying to find a serial killer, which was of course, him and his darling wife. You didn’t give up your little hobbit, always going with him when it was time to slay. He always finds a new way of torturing his victims, sometimes wondering if he was affraying you, but when he would turn around, you would just look at him fondly.
How lucky he was.
His powers were becoming more stable and he had more stamina now. He didn’t necessarily use his power when he was killing someone, he didn’t think they were worth it. He would use it during the track, finding information about how vile the pig was. And he was getting better and better, never injuring himself.
Which created an argument between the both of you. He didn’t want you to use your healing capacity but you always have been a brat, so you would injure yourself so you could train. The first day he saw you doing that, he thought he lost any sanity left in his body. He had you pinned on the floor, asking many times what you were doing. 
After hearing your pleas, he agreed to hurt himself so you would learn from him. He didn’t want you to heal serious injuries, he didn’t know if you could die from an injury you healed before it killed him.
Alice was the one who would help him find filthy pigs that he didn’t know they existed. She could still be of use after all those years, who would have thought?
He said his goodbye to his audience before leaving his workplace and took his car to drive back home. He was sure Alice was at your home, he didn’t really care.
He entered the front door and smiled when he saw you, your head already turned toward him.
“ How do you always know when he is coming home! Each time, it’s a different hour!” asked Alice, always shocked when you could tell when Alastor was coming home.
“ Good evening, Alice. What an unhappy expecting surprise to you here.” said Alastor with a mocking smile. 
“ Even after all those years, you are still not a gentleman.” 
Only with my wife, right, my love?
It was a new power you both acquired when you bond your souls togethers. You could talk in each other’s mind which created funny and interesting moments. He looked as you went into the kitchen to cook dinner. He wanted to keep painting the room but well, he couldn’t let your guest unattended. 
“ Unfortunately, I think I can’t stay with you for dinner.”
“ What? But I was going to make your favorite dish!” you shouted, going back into the living room with a pan in your hand. “ Did Alastor say something?”
“ Honey…” he sighed with a smirk.
“ Do you think he could make me change my opinion?” she raised an eyebrow.
“ Right, so why? Are you still feeling unwell?” 
“No… It’s just…” She sat on the sofa, sighing. You sat next to her, taking her hands while Alastor was looking at her with his usual smile. “ I am pregnant.”
“ What?” you said in unison with Alastor.
Alastor watched as you asked Alice for precision, your eyes flashing red. Alice never asked you anything about it even though he was sure she saw your eyes changing colors. Was she lying to herself or was she trying not to be noisy?
Alice was pregnant even though she told you her husband never forced himself on her. Alastor was surprised, Alice never really talked about wanting to be pregnant so if he needed to kill the husband, you would have to be very careful. 
“ Do you need us to kill him?” asked Alastor calmly. He didn’t really feel anything but maybe anger about not controlling the situation. Trey Felleur was a  catholic man he thought was boring, just a tasteless man that was doing his job, talking about politics… Nothing worth his time. 
“ Calm down, the both of you. He didn’t force himself on me. I wanted a child, so this has to happen. He asked me multiple times if this is what I wanted, I said yes. He didn’t do anything bad.” she stood up, taking your hands in hers. “ But there is something worrying me. I think Alyzée is being stalked by someone… She says she feels like she is being watched.”
Well, well, well… Another stalker’s story? Last time was when you were teenagers, and you never found him. It was mostly not a stalker, he kept watching when you both were out and he never felt eyes on him. But someone following Alyzée, now that was interesting and possible.
He stood up when you took Alice to the front door. He listened as he leaned against the door.
“ Nothing will hurt your family.” you said to her. Alice looked at you, taking your hand in yours.
“ You know, you are part of my family as well.” she whispered to you. “ Even Alastor, but never let him know that.”
“ I heard you.”
“ Fuck off!” she shouted before looking at you. “ Please, be careful. If you need anything, ask me.”
He watched as she took a cab and went back to town.
You both went into the kitchen, preparing your dinner. If someone were to see the both of you, they would mostly think they were dreaming. You were moving everything you needed in the air with your power, the plates placing themselves on the tables, the vegetables being cut while Alastor was boiling the water.
You smiled when you saw Alastor’s shadow begin, once more, to tease yours. They were fighting each other, you could see them on the wall. Sometimes he wondered if both of your shadows had your childhood’s personality…
“ Alastor, should we finish painting the last bedroom?”  you asked, taking off your apron. “ I’m not hungry yet.”
He nodded before following you. You both painted and of course you decided you wanted to play. He smirked when you threw paint at him, your laughter echoing in the room. You yelped when you felt the shadow held you while Alastor was painting your cheeks, smirking at you. You laughed, trying to escape from the shadow. Yours was jumping on Alastor’s, taking it away from you. He looked as both shadows were happily fighting each other. You quickly took paint and threw it at Alastor as he shielded himself with his arms. 
After winning the war, you both went to take a shower and then went back to the kitchen before sitting on the table and eating.
“ How should we find Alyzée’s stalker ? Should we send our shadow?” you asked as Alastor made you eat from his fork.
“ Oh, my love, no.  Do we really need to waste our power for this?” he laughed, waving his hand in the air. “ We need to kill John, remember?” 
John was becoming a pressing matter. He was still in the police and he was setting on finding the serial killer that was terrorizing New Orleans. He was far too blinded by you to think you were the one behind the killing with him, but he knew John was still thinking he was the one being the cause of his father’s disappearance. But he needed to find the right moment…
“ How could I forget? But right now, he isn’t a threat. The stalker could be, what if he found out about Alice’s relationship?” you asked as he wiped the sauce from your lips. 
“ If this is what you wish for, we shall take care of Alyzée’s stalker. It shouldn’t take long, nor be difficult.” he said as he leaned against his chair. You smiled at him, making him raise an eyebrow at you. “ What?”
“ You are so sure of yourself, I admire that.”
“ Because no one could make me doubt my abilities,” he said before kissing your forehead. “ You should stay with Alyzée, try to see if you feel something when you are with her.”
You both agreed  before going to bed. The next morning, he felt a little off but after a quick breakfast he felt better and he drove you to town, kissing you before going to work. Victor came 5 minutes after him, already telling him the news about his last broadcast.
He was writing on a paper when he felt something. He lifted up his head. He finished his emission 10 minutes ago, which let him write for his next broadcast… But right now, he didn’t like what he was feeling… He stood up quickly, asking Victor to handle the rest before leaving his workplace.
He could feel your bound, so he just had to follow it then he would find you. He freezed when he saw you walking alongside John, bruised.
He wondered how John would scream if he were to open the policeman’s chest and eat his heart right in front of him. He was sure it would be less painful than seeing you bruised in front of him.
Did he do that? Tell me, I’ll kill him right now.
You stopped walking when you lifted up your head, Alastor was in front of you, it seemed like he had just finished working. 
“ Mr. Felleur, please tell me why my wife is injured, next to you?” he said as he smiled like usual even if you could see anger swirling in his eyes. “ Please, answer me quickly.”
“ Mr.Sanglar, your wife has been attacked by a man, I happened to be there to save her life.” John said as you ran into Alastor’s side. 
“ Well, Officier Felleur, thank you for bringing my wife to me. I shall take it from here.”
“ I need her to write if she happens to see his face. It could be the serial killer I’m after.”
You tried to hide your smile while Alastor laughed out loud.  This poor fool wouldn’t be able to catch him red-handed as long as the sun kept rising up.
“ Oh right, but I think she would have told you if she saw something, right? But this is not the case. So, if you allow us, we shall go.” He wrapped one arm around your waist before walking away from John who just stared at you.
Alastor walked you back to your car, opened the door for you before settling behind the steering wheel. You waited for him to drive but he stayed silent. He was trying to keep the anger inside of him which was difficult because he could felt his body being warmer because of the fury inside him.
“ Alastor, my love ?”
You flinched when you saw him punch the steering wheel, grinding his teeth. 
“ I’m okay, darling. I just… didn’t expect to see you hurt.” He said before driving toward your home.
“ Alastor no! Alice and Alyzée are maybe in danger!”
“ Does it look like I care, my love? You are hurt.” he said, his eyes never leaving the road. If you think he cared about anyone but you right now? You were injured, your body had marks that haven’t been made by him, someone dared touch you.
“ Alastor, stop the car!” you shouted.
Alastor stopped the car on a deserted road, the one you always used to go home. He looked at you, his smile twitching, could you be a good girl right now and let him drive you home? Your eyes were red and so was his.
“ Alastor, Alice is pregnant, Alyzée doesn’t know how to fight, they need us! What if the man is already there?”
“ Love of my life, curse of my sanity, Alice's family is the RicheMont. They have maids, butlers, their houses are on the richest quartier of New Orleans. Do you really think a mere human could walk in like that?” he asked you, his grip tightening on the wheel. “ They are safe there, my shadow is watching.”
He saw your body relaxed but then you explained you used your power against the man. He didn’t like it, he hoped the man hadn't seen you use your telekinesis, he always told you: If you were to use your power, make sure the person was dead right after. 
His smile came back when he saw how upset because you let your prey run away. How cute, he felt like he was watching a small animal trying to hunt on a bigger animal. But well, he knew you were a professional killer now… Well, it didn't mean he couldn’t be protective of you.
Alastor started back the car, driving you home. He went to prepare dinner but then he stopped when he felt you use your healing abilities. The atmosphere was always colder when you were using it…
You saw Alastor watching you through the mirror, his arms crossed on his chest. You tilted your head as he walked toward you. He kissed your bare back, kissing each place a bruise has been made before you healed yourself.
He kissed your face, his eyes looking at you.
“ Don’t let others injure you my dear. This is my privilege, isn’t it?” he tilted his head, his eyes never leaving your face.
That night, he played with your body, cutting you with his teeth, his nails and his blade. You were like a sacrifice made for him. An angel offered as a sacrifice to calm the wrath of the vengeful spirit that was haunting New Orleans.
Hearing you moaning his name although he was sliding the blade against your skin was making him ligheaded. You both were crazy and you both enjoyed that. Your blood was dripping so pretty on the table, the red so mermazing. 
He kissed every single one of his cuts and smiled when you told him you didn't want to heal them yet. You wanted to feel them.
When you went to bed, he watched you sleeping before going into the living room. He needed to write his next podcast, maybe he could talk about his sixth murder? No…  He coughed a little, hiding his mouth behind his fist. What could be tomorrow's next topic?
He stood up and went into the kitchen to make some coffee, still thinking. Maybe he could tell the story of your first murders, his father’s death.. Mh, it could be interesting. What name should he choose… Maybe he could ask the audience what the name of the character could be.
He walked back into the living room and felt a sudden dizziness that made him drop his mug on the floor. He almost swore but he just sighed. 
“ Alastor, are you hurt ?” you watched as he lifted his head up to you with a warm smile. He stood up and walked toward you before kissing your forehead. 
“ I’m okay, love. It seems like I was still upset about what happened to you with the stalker, my hand was shaking.” he sighed, whispering his words softly against the skin of your forehead. 
“ Why don’t you come back to bed..? It’s three in the morning…” you whined against him. 
Alastor looked at you for a minute before nodding. He cleaned his mess before going back to the bedroom with you, turning off the light. You slid into the covers, opening your arms for him. He smiled softly at you before going into bed, placing his head on your chest, above your beating heart.
“ Do you want to talk about it, my love?” you asked softly as your fingers were running through his curly hair. He hummed but didn’t say anything. He didn’t know why, he was so tired… Well, he was use to sleep three hours or more if he was lucky, if he were listening to your beating heart… 
When he opened his eyes the next day, he almost freaked out for a minute. He was alone in the bed. He sat up, feeling you downstairs. He sighed, placing his head against the palm of his hand. He was still sleepy, what an odd and unusual feeling… He walked toward the kitchen and looked at you.
“ I made your coffee.” You said before kissing his cheeks. He wrapped his arms against you, kissing your forehead, thanking you in his deep sleepy voice. You smiled at him, placing the pastries in front of him. “ Did you sleep well?”
“ Mhn… I slept deeply, this doesn’t happen occasionally.”  he held his chin with his left hand, looking at the ceiling, perplexed. You tilted your head as he winked at you. “ Don’t get used to it.”
You went to wash up after Alastor then you went into the living room, sitting on the sofa.  You tied up his tie for him, you always liked doing that so, he would let you do it, always watching you with a fond smile. You stared at him, stroking his cheeks.
“ You don’t have to meet with Alyzée today, my shadow keeps watch.” he said.
“ Nu-uh, I’m going. Take back your shadow, I don’t want you to be tired.” You kissed his nose with a fond smile.
“ It’s not taking an ounce of my energy and with what happened with the stalker, I’m not taking any chances.” he cupped your head in his hands, staring at you. 
You nodded and then he took you to town. When he went into his office, he let himself fall on his chair, massaging his head, running his finger into his hair. Why was he so tired and why was he feeling so hot? This summer was really warmer than last year? Dear god…
Victor came to him seeming worried. Alastor told him to just do his work as his program was going to begin. He would go through it, just like he always did. He focused his thoughts in his notes, never losing his flow, his humor and his answer with the audience. Today seemed like it wasn’t going to end. 
He, sometimes, was holding his head while a listener was talking. There was so much noise… and it was god damn too hot !
Thank God, he managed until the end. He took a bottle of water and drank all of it, closing his eyes as the cold liquid ran inside his throat. He lifted up his head when he heard a knock and told the person to enter. He could already feel your presence behind the door.
He stood up from his seat. He walked toward you as Victor left his office. You smiled at him, kissing him softly as he hummed against your lips. “ What is my darling wife doing here?”
“ I wanted to see my husband.” you chuckled when you felt his lips kissing your neck before sitting back on his chair. “ This is the first time I come here… With my body.”
“ Last time, it was your soul, you’re right.” He leaned on his chair, crossing his arms against his torso. You seemed to be observing him, he almost laughed. He always enjoyed when you were “copying” him.
You took a tissue from your bag and wiped his forehead as he closed his eyes. You touched his forehead with your hand and frowned a little.
“ You’re warmer than usual.”
“ Well, it is summer and my office gets hot with all my materials.”
You pouted, trying to fan him with a piece of paper which made him laugh. He stood up, kissed your forehead and  said it was time to go home. He took some paper with him and you both left his workplace, and drove to your home. He needed to finish this and maybe he would be able to breathe a little.
But before he could enter your home, you took his hand and brought him to the lake. He looked at you as you took off your shoes and lifted up your dress before taking a step into the water. You turned around to look at him. holding your hand toward him with a soft smile. He stared at you before taking off his shoes and socks and walked in the water, toward you.
“ You aren’t scared?”
“ I’m with you, so, no, I’m not.”
He smiled, his body relaxing with your answer. Even if his body was doing nothing it was told, you would still put your life in his hands, like right now.
Alastor dived into the water with his clothes on. You smiled when you saw him emerge out of the water, his hair sticking in on his forehead. He closed his eyes as he swam, never going too far from you. In case you wanted to go into the water.
He looked as you went back home before closing his eyes, floating on the surface. The water was cool enough for him to feel his body get colder… But it was still not enough. He took off his shirt, before going back into the water.
He swam toward the edge of the lake when he felt you come back. He looked at you and smirked when he saw you staring at him, your mouth wide open.You gulped as he left the water and walked toward you. 
“ You’re red, darling.”  He touched your chin, making you close your mouth you didn’t even realize was open. You shoved the sandwiches in his hands, looking away as he laughed. You laid down on the grass, looking at him. He leaned toward you, kissing your lips with a soft smile.
“ Did you know Alice wanted me to be her child’s godmother?” you whispered against his lips.
“ I guessed it.” He whispered before kissing you once more.
You smiled against his lips, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. You pushed your lips against his as he tried to get away, wrapping your legs around his waist. You tried to suppress your laugh as he was groaning when you didn’t move your lips away from his.
He stood up easily even if you were still clinging to him. He walked toward the lake, before entering the water, speaking , his voice muffled against your lips.
“ Darling… Let go…”
You shook your head, keeping your lips against him. You chuckled as he sighed before swimming in the water. You nipped at his lips, looking at him playfully. He went into the water with you, kissing you properly before diving into the water.
You closed your eyes, he could feel your hair moving against his skin, Alastor kissing you fondly. You felt him poking your cheek with his finger. You opened your eyes slowly, and Alastor looked as he saw your eyes. You both stared at each other before he swam to the surface. 
You broke the kiss, smiling sweetly at him. He felt more relaxed than when you saw him at work. He swam to the lake’s edge, and you both ate what was left of sandwiches, looking as the sun was setting down. You played with Alastor’s curls until it was time to go home.
You fell asleep easily which made it easy for him to go downstairs to work once more. He needed to find that stalker, to find another pig to kill, put John out of the picture. He pulled on his hair, biting his lips.
This headache didn’t want to stop!
He wrote down on his notes, trying to ignore it but it was getting harder and harder to think about anything else but the pain in his head. He turned his head toward the door when he felt your presence, surprised. 
“ Darling?”
You squinted your eyes at him and walked toward him, observing him. You touched his forehead and gasped when you felt how hot he was.
“ Alastor, I think you might be sick.” you said, already ready to go take the medicine you kept in your drawers.
“ Darling, I’m not. It’s hot, remember ?” He tilted his head, looking at you, amused.
You shook your head, crossing your arms on your chest. When you saw him going back to his notes, you took his hands, begging him with your eyes. How cruel of you…
“ Then, please, at least, go to bed.”
He looked at you before sighing and nodding. He couldn’t refuse anything and he was sick of this headache. Maybe laying down would help him in any way? He laid on your chest and before he knew it, he was asleep. 
He woke up, and he almost swore when he saw the time. He was going to be late, what was going on? He stood up, took a rapid shower which didn’t stop the warmth in his body to stop getting hotter. He hitted the living room’s table with his hips, making him wince, as he was taking his notes.
“ Damn it…!”
“ Alastor, stay here, I’m calling Victor to tell him you won’t go to work.”
Alastor turned his head toward you, surprised to see you. Did he not feel your presence ? What was going on with his body? He didn't remember even getting sick since he had killed his father. You walked toward the telephone but Alastor stopped you with his usual charming smile.
“ My love… I’m going to work, there is no need to worry. It’s just a little fever, nothing more.”
But he knew you would be a brat. You threatened him to use your healing capacity on him if he wanted to go to bed. You were diabolic. He loved it. He felt like he was going to throw up… 
You dialed Alastor’s workplace and sighed in relief when you heard Victor’s voice. You told him Alastor couldn’t go to work because he was sick.
“ Alastor? Sick?”
“ My wife is holding me hostage, Victor.”
You shushed your husband before telling Victor you would call him later. You looked at Alastor who was trying to keep his smile but, even if this was against you, he hated losing. 
You pushed him into the bedroom, forcing him to change before going into the kitchen, preparing a meal for him. He felt like he was burning, the ceiling was moving even though he was laying down. He couldn’t see well, his senses were confused.
Where were you..?
He flinched when he felt a hand touch his forehead, smacking it immediately. Damn it, he was vulnerable and someone was there to witness it.
“ Don’t touch me..” he whispered. He wanted to have his usual smile but he couldn’t. Moving was exhausting, even smiling was asking too much of him.
“ I’m sorry, I just wanted to cool down the fever.” he heard someone say. The fever? He was sweating so much it was horrible. Was he in hell? If he was in hell, where were you?
“ Do you want to drink something ?” 
“ Hot chocolate….” he whispered, closing his eyes. If you still weren’t in hell, he would have to wait for you.
“ But you don’t like it…Why?”
“It tastes…like my wife…” he said, opening his eyes slightly, looking at you. “ She…is sweet…” He slowly blinked and then he was given a hot chocolate.  He sat up with difficulties, his head spinning. He drank a bit of the drink and couldn’t help but cringe. How could you drink that…?
He then was given a glass of water he drank completely. He laid down once again and then felt a soft weight on his chest. He looked and smirked a little when he saw the plushie.
“ Eamon…” He took the plushie with a small smirk. He stroked the fur of the plushie before looking at you. “ You shouldn’t touch it, lady…” You asked him why, tilting your head. “ I cursed… my wife with it. We are bound… forever..” he gave you a boyish smile before falling asleep, Eamon in his hand.
He didn’t know how long he was out cold, but when he woke up he saw your hands moving toward him with your eyes and their purples hues, showing him you wanted to heal him.
“ Darling, don’t…”
You freezed when you saw Alastor’s gaze on you. His eyes were focused, conscious and he had his usual smile on his lips. He sat up slowly and you quickly helped him.
“ Alastor, do you recognize me ..?” 
He nodded, kissing the back of the hand. He didn’t want you to be ill just because he kissed you.
“ I’m feeling better… Just tired and cold, but you don’t need to heal me…”
He smiled at you, reassuring you until your whole body relaxed. You kept taking care of Alastor until the next day, he was feeling way better.
The next morning, he smiled at you before going to work while you decided to stay at home to clean out the sheet and every tissue. He went to work, avoiding Victor’s questions and sat in his office. He looked around before concentrating on his shadow who was still guarding Alyzée. He looked around but nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary.
He freezed when he felt your presence not too far from the two women. He forced his shadow to look around, he knew soul was somewhere near. His shadow’s eyes fell toward a warm feeling, Alastor knew your soul was here. He wondered why you were here… His shadow then looked at a man who seemed to be looking at no one, but his stare was focused. 
He was focused where he could feel your soul.
Tag List: @lukneetoonz @martinys-world @littlepoetnova @sirens-and-moonflowers @eris-norwega @tiredflame132 @mo-0-o @vvollerie @sodavizz @boogiemansbitch @tessemerick @slytherin4ever @kammsinn @alastorssimp @t0xic1vi @diamond-almond @fangirlbitch02 @saccharine-nectarine @thenorthnightingale @bibliophile-yomna @itzjustj-1000 @mothraantics @yourdoorisunlocked @phamtasic @karmakillz @holographicage @sarcastic-sourwolf @akuraluna2468 @everwolf-20 @thesunandmoons-blog @songbrita @noraunor @fandomsbookclub @hokkaido97 @catticora @gasiacos
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Happy holidays! By any chance, could I ask for a HC where MC gets into an accidental baby acquisition trope and has to babysit with Azul, Sebek, Malleus, and Riddle?
Azul Ashengrotto:
Azul is about to write a ransom note if this person expects to get their baby back. He’s drawing up the terms of the contract as you’re coddling the baby, knowing there wasn’t a point in trying to talk him out of it as he was already infuriated that he’d had this responsibility dumped on him randomly. He doesn’t get how you can just accept this injustice and you rolled your eyes at him, telling him most people didn’t spend an hour negotiating a deal before performing a task. He still doesn’t want much to do with the baby but unfortunately for him the baby is endlessly fascinated with him; they constantly reach out to grab at his glasses or his hair, and he’s quickly scribbling additions onto the bill in regards to smudges and emotional distress.
He does eventually hold them when you have to retrieve something (the other alternative being they took off into the lounge if he just left them on the ground which he knew would piss you off, and he especially didn’t feel like dealing with that) but he claimed he didn’t enjoy the time. The baby continued to poke and prod at him, with Azul returning the gesture and poking at the baby’s cheeks which only sent them into a fit of giggles. It almost got a smile out of him but he couldn’t take the hit to his pride, huffing and hastily handing the baby back over when you returned.
Malleus Draconia:
Please keep an eye on that baby. Malleus’ only interaction with human babies had been with Silver when he was just a little ball of chub, and with Lilia being his father… Silver was lucky to have survived his childhood but he had always been special. This baby was not Silver however, and while Malleus would never purposely put them in harms way you can see he doesn’t have the same gentleness another human might have with a fragile little baby. He doesn’t mind when you correct him on the proper way to hold them and listened intently as you explained some of the actions to avoid, like pulling at their little limbs or allowing anything to hit their head. He thinks this is an interesting learning experience though he’s not quite sure what he might need to know about taking care of a human baby, but it also made him happy because it meant you were spending time together.
The baby looked up at Malleus with wide eyes at first, having never seen a fae with long horns or a man quite as striking as Malleus Draconia. They quieted down whenever Malleus spoke to them, seeming to like the sound of his voice and babbling back when he stopped talking. Once they were more comfortable with him they couldn’t help but reach up to touch his horns which you carefully monitored, watching as they felt the new texture and making sure they didn’t yank at them (or his hair) too harshly. Malleus commended their curiosity and lack of fear, thinking it was quite refreshing.
Riddle Rosehearts:
You might assume Riddle would try to collar a baby who was crying incessantly or who wouldn’t listen, but he was surprisingly patient. He took offense to that observation as of course you couldn’t force a baby to follow rules, but you could try and that would matter more than anything. He thinks it’s good to introduce kids to rules as early as possible so they can start getting them into their little heads even if they can’t memorize them quite yet; maybe in the future these early lessons would prove fruitful. He’s patient but it doesn’t mean he won’t get frustrated, able to pull all kinds of knowledge out about babies but not knowing how to truly connect with them.
The baby does stop crying each time Riddle began to talk about the rules, and he even pulled out a book to read through to keep them distracted. He thought this was a good activity because it gave them both something to do, and the little one did seem invested in what he was saying even if they didn’t truly understand. He had never been read to like this when he was young and it sent a pang through his heart, wondering if things might have been different if he had a little more wonder in his young life. Either way, he was no longer the baby in this situation and all he could do was hope they were enjoying their time with him while it lasted.
Sebek Zigvolt:
You think there might be a competition going on about who can be louder. Neither one of them even seem to be shouting but the baby responded with the same tone as Sebek, and his speaking voice just had a natural boom to it. While he had wanted to run at first you had begged him to help you, and while that hadn’t done much the baby’s fascination with Sebek’s portrait of Malleus had. You think the interaction is the funniest thing in the world especially when Sebek tried to indoctrinate the baby into the Malleus Draconia club, holding the portrait in his arms while tears gathered in his eyes.
The way he lit up when he talked about Malleus was cute and the baby clapped in response to his rambling, urging him to continue. Sebek wondered if he repeated Malleus’ name enough if the baby might say it. You stated the parents might not appreciate it but Sebek said it was their own fault as they were the ones who suddenly left him with the baby; either way, they should be honored if Malleus’ name was the first word they uttered. The baby has not a single clue what’s going on but thinks the two of you going back and forth is hilarious, collapsing into fits of giggles each time Sebek made a new face at you trying to reign in his Malleus obsession.
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