#and THEN i do my og run again and try to get everything i possibly can
musicalmoritz · 2 days
What are your thoughts on the chapter 118? MitsuKou fans are eating GOOD I can say that much
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My thoughts on the best chapter thus far of the current arc? I’m glad you asked
I must say this chapter launched me into a full blown Mitsukou/Soukou brainrot. I have like a million fic ideas for both of them now and there’s no way I can possibly write all of them AND complete my requests so I just have to be sad. But omg, what a chapter!! I’m still stuck on the “smothered him with attention” line, that sounds like some shit I’d write. And ofc Kou being “captivated by that loser.” Ugh they’re so in love. I am now fully convinced that Sousuke had a crush on Kou in the former timeline when he was alive, you literally cannot convince me otherwise
The fact that if Kou’s mother hadn’t died and his father wasn’t neglectful, he would’ve used his free time to befriend Sousuke…and him being the one to save Sousuke’s life in the new timeline…oh I’m ill. The finger scene. Kou’s little blush. MITSUBA TEACHING KOU HOW TO USE A CAMERA BY STANDING BEHIND HIM AND GUIDING HIS HANDS. This was their cheesy romcom moment. The dead wife montage in an action movie
I love how their former selves are trying to reach out to them. No.3 was so unhappy with his existence to the point of wanting to die, and he wanted Sousuke’s life so badly but now that he’s lost it all he wants it back. Kou learned during the Red House arc that it’s okay if life is complicated, it’s okay if he’s stressed and doesn’t have everything he wants, and now he has to see a version of himself live in blissful ignorance. I don’t understand how people can say this timeline is better unless they’re fluff addicts, them staying in this timeline would do nothing for their character arcs and the overall narrative themes of growing up and facing reality. This life may be easier, but it robs each of them of their natural growth. I understand people are gonna have different preferences but the conflict of the old timeline MADE the story, do ppl rly want all of that to be thrown away for some “and then it never happened” ending?? Do you genuinely think it would be better writing if we never saw No.3 Mitsuba again and his arc ended with another shock value death???
Sorry for the rant lol, I couldn’t help myself. Absolutely no offense to anyone who prefers this timeline, it’s not like the fans are writing the story anyways so these opinions are harmless
I love how every version of Mitsuba wants to be someone else, they each perceive themselves as the “fake one” (excluding OG Sousuke) and feel disconnected from their existence. When I get around to writing my character analyses for TBHK I WILL talk abt all the queer allegories that go along with Mitsuba’s character but for now I’ll hold my tongue. All ik is this chapter made me love Sousuke sm more
Oh, and adult Amane…jump scare of the century. I can’t wait to see what his role is in this new timeline, I have a feeling it may be similar to Baby Tsukasa in the previous one. I love whenever the Yugi twins interact with Mitsuba (yes even the angst with Tsukasa) so that scene made me cheer. Also Kou saved his boyfriend!! Yippee!!
Sousuke and Kou wanting to run away together gave me major Picture Perfect Amanene vibes. Also HKOTO vibes, pls bring back the yaoi kidnapping🙏🏻
I think that’s all I have to say, Mitsukou fans were well fed this chapter. I’m eager to see the next one, still manifesting that Kou villain arc
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shvdowsdrowned · 8 months
I need Gale, Raphael, and The Emperor so bad I'm going insane
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stra-tek · 8 months
More Roddenberry Archive musings...
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This is supposedly the launch configuration of the Prime universe U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701's main bridge. It's based on the first piece of concept art for the TOS set, and is one of several weird not-quite-canon things the Roddenberry Archive has decided to consider canonical. 2 command chairs and the whole centre console and chairs spins to face the very minimalist 60's scifi perimeter consoles or viewscreen. Try to imagine Captain April and first officer Chris Pike on this bridge, it's weird.
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Behold! The top of the Jeffries Tube.
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The view from OG Captain Pike's bed, featuring his awesome TV, his laser gun and his Starfleet hat. We wouldn't get hats back in Trek for 50 years.
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This is inside the Ringship Enterprise XCV-330, circa 2100. The Ringship in canon was seen only in picture form or a desktop model, we never saw inside. The ship was actually designed for a non-Trek Roddenberry scifi show called Starship which never came to be, and there was actually concept art made for the interior which the RA people decided to import to Trek too. Predating the transporter, here is the Metafier.
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Discovery Season 2's U.S.S. Enterprise has a cool corridor running around it. Walk around it and... it goes nowhere😂 the Archive tries to balance the reality of everything being a television show with the fantasy of a 100% accurate in-universe museum, it'll give sets ceilings to make them into a believable spaceship but doesn't want to go nuts inventing too much of it's own stuff and that sometimes leads to weird stuff like this dead end
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Speaking of ceilings, here's the ceiling and lights of the classic TOS Enterprise's corridors. I think they did a decent job keeping to the TOS aesthetic. The sets TOS was filmed on didn't have ceilings at all.
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The Enterprise-B actually had a red carpet for special guests Kirk, Scotty and Chekov
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Strange New Worlds has the coolest transporter room of all. Just look at it😍
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The TNG Enterprise battle bridge has it's own ready room! And it's super tiny, ultra cramped and Picard probably never used it because there's no replicator in there and thus no access to tea.
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The 1st version of TNG engineering's big Master Systems Display as seen in "Encounter at Farpoint". Ten Forward wouldn't be a thing until season 2, and you can see here an earlier deck layout and the original concept for the saucer rim, a corridor walkway with windows above and below. You'll also note Ten Forward would actually be on deck 11 had they not changed the diagram by then.
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Kirk's quarters on the TOS Enterprise has dresser drawers full of uniforms for when his gets torn
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Walking around the Roddenberry Archive ships is eerie as hell. You're the only one on board, exploring corridors and poking your head into rooms. These starships are liminal spaces. This for me adds to the atmosphere greatly.
Here's the link (enjoy before it vanishes again!):
Here's my original post about the Roddenberry Archive:
Also a clarification, I was wrong when I said it won't be in VR. There is one VR setup it was designed for - the $3,000 Apple Vision Pro. More details here, although it appears to only show a 2D window rather than be fully immersive 3D, possibly confirming what I was told previously that no current 3D setup is capable of doing a true VR experience:
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suzukiblu · 10 months
who is match?
That . . . is a slightly complicated question, friend, because he keeps getting either retconned or getting given VERY alternate origins, hah. When I'M talking about him, I'm usually talking about specifically this version:
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THAT Match is the OG version from the nineties, who was created by the Agenda as a clone of Superboy and meant to be the first draft/test run of a line of metahuman clone soldiers they wanted to produce to, like, sell to the highest bidder. He's an asshole who insists that he has no free will and therefore can't be enslaved while VERY CLEARLY BEING A PERSON WITH FREE WILL WHO IS BEING ENSLAVED, and the Agenda mostly trots him out to pretend to be Superboy and fuck with Project Cadmus or the superhero community in general or just try to murder Superboy/Young Justice/whoever they're annoyed with this week, I guess. His whole thing is he's better-educated than Superboy and knows more about literally everything but especially how their powers work, because he got the full education uploads (AND THE FULL INDOCTRINATION UPLOADS, JUST SAYIN') while Superboy got yanked out of his own cloning tube early and saved from . . . well, at least SOME of the mind control that Cadmus was gonna stuff in his head. SOME of it.
( goddammit, Lex )
This Match considers Superboy obsolete and himself as a better, updated version of their design, and again, is way better-educated and better with their powers. He is also way less creative and self-motivated, however, which tends to bite him in the ass when Superboy decides to get batshit in their fights. Like, that's generally how Superboy beats him, when he does: he just does something absolutely fucking STUPID and it works because Match is thinking "no one would actually be that stupid--oh my GOD how are you THIS STUPID?!?!"
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Later on for no apparent reason they decided to have him genetically degrade and go Bizarro in Teen Titans, which annoyed the fuck out of me because it's actually the literal worst possible thing you could do to a character who prides themselves on being an improved design and more intelligent than their rival/enemy/foil, but like . . . the narrative was not really examining that, from what I know of it, the narrative was just "oh Bizarro Superboy is here to upset/freak out everybody while Kon is dead and also now he's being mind-controlled by an asshole and the good guys are . . . fine with that? for some reason??" and just . . . sigh. SIGH. And then he gets fucking murdered and used for scrap parts to make MORE Superboy clones, which oh my god, fucking horrifying TOO and YET . . .
Though apparently in Rebirth, he's alive again and they've semi-redone his origin and made him a clone of Superboy that Amanda Waller has inexplicably managed to produce and even more inexplicably somehow uploaded all of Kon's memories into? Somehow?? And is forcing to work on the Suicide Squad for her, because fuck Amanda Waller, jfc. And for a while in there he thought he WAS Kon, because like, how the fuck would he have known different. So that was fun for him to find out about, I guess! Especially because he ALSO started to Bizarro-degenerate about five seconds into that particular realization.
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Also he seems to have inherited Kon's thing for older women along with his presumable memories, cough cough cough.
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And ALSO there's a version of Match in Young Justice Animated who is actually OLDER than Conner, because he was directly cloned from purely Kryptonian DNA and then failed as a weapon because he wasn't controllable, and Project Kr was created as a hybridized clone after he became too unmanageable to use. He's apparently just full-stop psychotically violent due to shitty mental conditioning and instability in his Kryptonian DNA, and very much unbalanced, which is waaaaay different than the more calculating and educated version we first got in the comics.
It actually low-key makes me insane that they apparently just decided to make a character who was all uncontrollable violence and rage and just, like . . . never revisit him or actually HELP him despite the fact that he is EXPLICITLY both mentally AND physically compromised and therefore can't really be considered to be, you know, an informed asshole making informed asshole decisions any more than Conner was when his pod first got cracked. Project Match is a fucking baby who's had a very shit excuse for a "life" and has been CONDITIONED to respond violently AND is effectively suffering from a genetic disorder, but we're just gonna . . . ignore that, I guess . . . and punish him for it? I guess?? For being how he was made and not having the mental capacity to figure out how to be anything else in the, like, thirty fucking seconds of actual consciousness the series allows him??
And I am just not gonna talk about what they did to him in the tie-in comic, hahaha. FUCK that tie-in comic.
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( one day I will write fix-it fic for you, YJ Animated Match. one day. I AM COMING FOR YOU. BE STRONG. )
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
I am afraid worms have invaded my brain and they are eating away at everything that is not OUR LIFE SWAP AU
This is an AU in which Baxter is your best friend that moved in town when you were 8, Cove is the boy from the city you met when you were 13, and Derek is the boy who comes into town for the summer when you're 18. This one is a reworking of the original "Mountains" scene.
OG Swap here -- another part here -- another here -- one more here
In the ten years you'd been friends, you and Baxter had rarely gotten into any arguments. You both just got along so well, and he was agreeable to a fault, always so against being confrontational or divisive. And so for all this time, with maybe just a small handful of hiccups, you'd just gone on easily, having a grand time together.
But that night, as he sat on your bed watching you pack your things to go on a camping trip with Derek, he seemed perfectly willing to fight.
Derek had rented the empty condo across the street from you for the summer. He was a year older than you, a college athlete, and he was doing some private training with a coach in the city. That weekend, he had a few days off and he'd wanted to go camping in the mountains. He'd asked you to join him, and you said yes. He was sweet, and it was easy being around him.
Baxter, meanwhile, was being anything but sweet.
"You're the mountain boy," you told him, trying to pull him out of whatever funk he was in. "What do you think, will I need a jacket?"
"And proper shoes," he said quietly, arms and legs crossed tightly. "You'll want to bring something for the weather too, the forecast is calling for rain."
"What would you suggest? Raincoat? Umbrella? Poncho?"
He opened his mouth to respond, then closed it again. You waited, but he wouldn't speak.
"What is it?" you asked.
He looked up at you -- a glare, almost -- and said, "I would suggest you not go at all, but it seems you've made up your mind."
"What's the issue with me going?" you asked, getting even more confused than you had been. "I'm not going to be gone for long, just a couple of days."
"It's not that."
"Then what is it?"
He paused, then, keeping his eyes down this time, said, "You don't know him."
"Derek?" you asked. "Sure I do. We've hung out plenty of times. You've hung out with him too, he's the most harmless guy on the planet."
"But you're going to be going off alone with him, hours away, together in a tent in the middle of the woods," he argued.
You studied him, trying to understand why he was reacting so strongly to this. You couldn't see a clear answer on his face, but you did see he was digging his fingernails into his arms.
"Seriously, what's the problem?" you said, sitting down beside him and grabbing his hands so he'd stop. "What's going on?"
Baxter still didn't seem eager to talk about it, but something in him softened when took his hands. He held them gently, running his thumb over your knuckles, and said, "He likes you."
"No, he doesn't," you said quickly, sure that wasn't the case. "We're friends."
"You can't possibly be this oblivious," he muttered, and you yanked your hands away from his.
"If you're going to be rude, then you can leave," you told him, getting angry.
"I'm not trying to be rude, I'm trying to get you to understand that perhaps going off for a jaunt in the woods with the Incredible Hulk that you've known for approximately two minutes isn't the smartest plan."
You'd been getting angry before -- you were fully there now.
"I'm not stupid," you said, standing up again, "and you're being a jerk. What do you think he's going to do, abduct me or something?"
Baxter stood as well, and took a step closer to you. He was so slow to anger, except when he pointed it inward, but it felt like he was staring daggers at you now.
"I just want you to be safe," he said sharply. "I care about you very much, and I --"
"If you care about me, then trust that I can make my own decisions, I'm not some dumb, helpless --"
"I know that!" he said, near yelling, moving closer still. "That's not what I'm saying, you're not listening to me."'
"I am listening to you, you're --"
"You're not," he said firmly, closing the distance between you entirely. "I don't want you to go off with some handsome, well-mannered boy who obviously has feelings for you. That's what I'm saying."
"Because I do know him, and I know exactly how charming he is. I know he wouldn't hurt you, but I ..." he trailed off, running a hand through his hair. His anger was turning into anxiety.
"You what?" you asked, softening. "Please just talk to me, Baxter."
Instead of talking, he took you in his arms. Surprised, you hugged him back. Then you felt his breath, hot against your ear, and he said something so low you barely heard him.
"Please tell me you won't sleep with him," he said.
Appalled, you pushed him off of you. Your anger had returned tenfold.
"What are you talking about?" you asked, the frustration clear in your tone. "I'm not even dating Derek, but it's not any of your business what we do anyway. Why you even care this much?"
He didn't say anything, and he wouldn't meet your eyes again. You knew this phase of the Baxter emotional cycle -- he was shutting down.
"Go home," you said finally.
Without looking at you, he swiftly moved to leave your room. You heard his footsteps go down the hall, and after a moment you heard the front door shut.
Then you heard your phone go off in your pocket.
It was a text from Derek that read, "Hey! Excited for tomorrow?"
"Yep!" you replied. And you were. Baxter wasn't going to ruin that for you.
The next morning, you met Derek at his condo, and you left bright and early. He was all smiles and laughs and brightness, and the drive to the campsite was fun. It was always fun with Derek.
He took the lead when it was time to set up your things, not wanting you to lift a finger as he put up the tent. You did anyway, of course, and it was obvious how much he appreciated it.
It was getting into the evening after it was all said and done, and Baxter had been right -- the rain did come. Derek didn't mind, he just pulled you into the tent and zipped it up until it passed. And with his warm presence so close, you didn't mind either.
You set about situating your sleeping bags and the other things that you'd brought into the tent with you. When you were done, you still heard the rain falling.
"Guess this is it for tonight," Derek said, not sounding too bothered. "Don't worry, it's supposed to be clear tomorrow. It might be muddy, but I think we'll still have fun."
You smiled at him, happy to be spending the time with him. You hadn't known him too long, Baxter was right about that, and you didn't think he liked you, at least not in a romantic way. But he was a good guy. And it felt nice to be here with him.
"So, how do you want to pass the time?" he asked, pulling you out of your thoughts.
"This is your trip," you told him, playfully nudging his shoulder. "You go first."
"Ok," he said, then approached you. Before you knew it, his arms were locked around your waist, pulling you in tight against him. He smiled, looking proud of himself.
"I made my move," he said. "Your turn."
You pushed everything out of your head -- your fight with Baxter, your years-long crush on him that hadn't gone anywhere for so long you thought it never would. Your reservations, your fears, your nervousness, you shoved it all away and put yourself firmly in the moment.
Then you kissed him.
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If we're gonna do this we gonna do it right!.... Song fic (or headcanon; whatever fits your mood) of Silver & Deuce trying to set Lilia & Mama Spade up for a date; cameo of "Kiss the Girl" moment from the OG Little Mermaid >:3c
[Referencing this unofficial blog event!]
*makes a banner that looks like a little kid bashing two of their dolls’ heads together* I decided to use Lilia’s Clubwear look for the banner since that’s the closest thing to “casual clothes” he has. I also threw in some… guest stars, shall we say, to spice up the situation! Kronk voice) Oh yeah, it’s all coming together 😎
I wrote headcanons again since I'm already working on quite a few longer pieces in the background. I went wild with this one, so I hope you enjoy!
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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Deuce regularly spoke with his mom over the phone about the recent happenings in their lives. What he didn't expect was for her to announce that she was visiting the town on Sage's Island tomorrow. "I've been improving my computer skills, Deuce!" Dylla told him proudly. "I've been doing that instant messaging thing that's all the rage with you kiddos. I even made myself an online friend! I'm going to meet him in town. I'll come see you afterwards, okay?"
Well, that just sent Deuce into an existential crisis. Sure, his mom was a tough, independent woman that could fend for herself, but he had a tendency to fret for her wellbeing, especially knowing what he put her through in his delinquent phase. What if the "online friend" was a total creep or even someone dangerous? She deserved nothing less than the best company (and anyone that so much as looked at her the wrong way would soon find Deuce coming at them full throttle to slug them in the face).
He can't focus during lectures or on his homework at all. Deuce just keeps fidgeting and pacing back and forth, his thoughts wracked with worry. At some point, he can't contain himself and blurts everything out to Ace (first mistake).
Ace decides to pounce on this opportunity to tease his roomie. "Dude, she's definitely meeting a secret boyfriend for a date. You'd better start preparing lines to kiss ass to your soon-to-be-stepdad."
"MY MOM WOULDN'T DO THAT!! N-Not without telling me about it at least..." Deuce insists--but as irritating as Ace is, his immature jokes only feed the paranoia. Was it possibly true? Was his mom seeing an unknown man, considering bringing him into their family?! Those thoughts swirl in his head and cloud his better judgment when he turns in for the night.
The very next day, Deuce makes a beeline to the town to put his nerves to rest. I'm just going to watch them to make sure nothing weird's going on and that mom stays safe!! He's in such a hurry that he barely registers Ace shouting after him, "It was just a prank, bro! I didn't think you'd actually take it this seriously!", nor the startled Silver (+ a bird friend resting on his shoulder) and angry Sebek that he crashes into.
Right as Sebek starts on a fresh tirade (“Watch where you’re going, human!! Have you no regards for your seniors?!”), Deuce shoves right by him with an, “Aaah, I don’t have time for this! Mom’s in a pinch!!”
"What NERVE, running off while you're being berated for your negligence?! GET BACK HERE, I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!!" (And so Sebek gives chase after him)
"Sebek, wait..." (But he's already long gone, and too frenzied in his pursuit, that he doesn't pay his fellow knight any mind.) "... I wonder what all that was about," Silver sighs. I should follow them to make sure things don't get out of hand.
He's a few steps down the road when he hears someone fast approaching from behind. Who should appear but an out-of-breath Ace. "Hey, Silver-senpai! Did you see Deuce going this way?! Sheesh, can that guy run! Took off so fast, I couldn't keep up..."
"I did. He ran into town, and Sebek after him."
"Great! That's all I needed to know, thanks!" And then Ace, too, is gone. (Silver, pure soul that he is, incorrectly assumes the best of him. If Deuce and Sebek both leave campus without getting the right permissions for it, they could both get in trouble. Ace is so considerate to go and help his friend. He's really living up to the Heartslabyul spirit and creed.)
The four boys eventually find each other again in town (Silver trailing after Ace, Ace tracking down Sebek by his loud voice, and Sebek locating Deuce, who is shadily staring daggers at a pair window shopping).
Sebek’s back to shouting at Deuce, Ace is telling Sebek to can it, and Deuce is ignoring them both. "Who's that guy mom's with?! I can't see too well from this far away, but I can't get any closer in case I'm spotted..." Deuce grumbles to himself.
“Hold up, lemme see!!” Ace nosily butts in, squinting at the duo in the distance. “Huh, it kinda looks like Lilia-senpai from this angle, but I must be wrong... right?”
Silver looks where Deuce and Ace are, and his heart nearly stops. "F-Father?!" The word is out of his mouth before he can reel it back in—Sebek’s face is affixed in horror at the slip, and the Heartslabyul boys absolutely lose it.
“Whaaaat?! I-If your dad is my mom’s date… then… th-then… Silver-senpai and I will become stepbrothers?!”
“Forget that!! What I wanna know is, why does Silver-senpai’s dad look like a carbon copy of Lilia-senpai in a different hairstyle and punkier clothes?!”
“WHAT NONSENSE ARE YOU BLATHERING ON ABOUT NOW?! Hold your tongue, cur! You know not of what you speak!! C-Clearly Silver’s father does NOT resemble our esteemed Lilia-sama in any way, shape, or form!!” Sebek bellowed angrily. “TELL THEM, SILVER!!”
“Er… yes, that’s right. I’m afraid I don’t see the resemblance at all. They are nothing alike."
(The Diasomnia duo had been totally blindsided by this turn of events; when Lilia had told them earlier that he was going to meet up with an online friend, they hadn't expected it, in actuality, to have been a date. Silver had thought Lilia was going to meet his long-time gaming buddy, Gloomy Samurai, in person, not a classmate's MOTHER.)
“Are you both sleeping with your eyes open or something?! That SO totally looks like Lilia-senpai,” Ace protests—but Deuce (bless him) is somehow 100% convinced. In fact, this realization just fuels him even more!!
"We should leave. It would be rude of us to intrude on their private time together," Silver tries to suggest--but no, Deuce won't back down at this point.
"Silver-senpai! ... No, future stepbrother Silver-senpai!!" Deuce says very, VERY seriously, "Don't stop me now! I have to do this....!! I have to make sure your dad's the right man for my mom."
Sebek begins to raise his voice again, but (shockingly) Silver puts an arm in front of him, silencing the first year. Silver's expression turns very fierce, matching the hardness in Deuce's eyes. "I can assure you, my father is a good man. He would never bring harm to, nor disrespect, anyone. I apologize, but I won't allow you to remain suspicious of my father. If he wishes to court another, then that should be his prerogative, and I fully support him."
But like a boulder, Deuce's determination is difficult to shift. "Even if it's you asking me to step down, I won't!! This is important to me. My mom is important to me!!"
Those words seem to strike a chord with Silver, whose features soften. "... I understand. If that's the case, then prove your resolve to me, man to man--and I will demonstrate mine." ("Ohoh!! Silver has thrown down the gauntlet!! What do you say, human?! Do you accept his challenge?!" Sebek cries in the background. Ace eyes the situation warily--how quickly his teasing had spiraled into something serious.)
"I gotchu." Deuce slams a fist into an open palm, grin wicked--his delinquent side coming out. "We'll throw down, get our parents to show off their best attributes to each other."
"It's settled then."
"We'll make their date go smoothly!! That way, we'll see just how much of their good points' come out and if they're suited for each other or not."
"Agreed. It is simple."
"It's so obvious!"
"How did you guys even come to THAT conclusion?! You totally skipped some steps there,” Ace groaned (amidst Sebek's way-too-interested chanting). "You guys rubbed your collective two brain cells and that's the best thing you could come up with?!"
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The boys shadow Lilia and Dylla for a few hours, but nothing that interesting happens. It’s mostly them talking and sightseeing (plus the occasional bad pun, which sets Deuce's mom into hysterics), not really doing anything inherently romantic. Ace starts to sweat, realizing the hole he’s dug himself into. If they figure out this was all based on a bad joke, then he’d have an upset Deuce and maybe even Silver and Sebek wailing on him. If he doesn’t turn the tables soon, he might be in a world of hurt.
“Wow, would you look at that! They must be really shy!” Ace hurriedly comments.
“That’s strange. Father isn’t normally like this. He’s very free-spirited. I wonder if something is wrong…”
“Maybe Deuce’s mom is such a bombshell that he’s all tongue-tied!!” Ace elbows Deuce in the ribs, only to earn a slight glare back. “We should try to do something to move things along.”
“… I got nothin’,” Deuce confessed.
“Seriously? Alright, I guess it’s up to me then.”
“JUST A MINUTE,” Sebek thunders. “Who died and made YOU the love expert?! How do we even know we can trust your advice?!”
“Uh, news flash numbskull: I’ve actually had a girlfriend before so I’d know the kind of junk chicks are into! Besides, what would you know? All you ever kiss is Malleus-senpai’s—”
“Do NOT use the Young Master’s name in vain!! It is this exact kind of brash behavior that explains why you’re without a partner now!!” Sebek smirked as he folded his arms. “I, on the other hand, am well-versed in matters of love thanks to Lilia-sama’s mentoring and the romance materials I’ve absorbed in my spare time.”
“Like hell you are! Hearing about it and reading it is totally different from experiencing it in real life!!”
While Ace an Sebek squabble, poor Deuce is trying so hard to brainstorm and Silver’s starting to doze of again. That’s when his head bolts upright from a peck on the cheek. His bird friend peers right into Silver’s eyes as if to say, “Watch this!”
The bird flies off and snatches the cap from Dylla's head. There’s a big commotion as both she and Lilia try to retrieve the hat, but the bird easily avoids them and retreats with them closely following. Silver automatically recognizes where the bird is leading them and urges his classmates to come along.
As he suspects, the love guru bird guides them all to a lagoon far off from the town and teeming with wildlife. It drops Dylla's hat into a small abandoned rowboat by the shore, which Lilia scoops up and replaces on her head. He’s not bothered by the chase—his eyes sparkle with wanderlust, and he mouths something to her, waving at the boat. It’s an invitation to ride out with him, which she agrees to.
Lilia bows like a faithful attendant and gestures for her to step on. She does—wobbles at the instability of the water that the boat is upon, and Lilia swoops in, steadying her and leading her by the hand on.
He goes afterwards, nestling between the oars and startling to propel them to the center of the lake. They grow smaller and smaller, until… “Crap, they’re going to go way too far into the water for us to keep up with them,” Deuce curses. “How are we supposed to give them support like this?”
That's when Sebek gets surprisingly smug and declares that at times like these, one should create the right mood with music! "In the old days, the nobility of Briar Valley would sing sweet serenades to win hearts!! This lake is the perfect location for it, as the still waters will carry voices well." ("Oh yeah? And how are we gonna get them to serenade each other in this day and age, dumbass?" Ace asks cheekily.)
"Simple!" Sebek straightens the lapels on his jacket. "I SHALL BE THE ONE TO PROVIDE THE ROMANTIC AMBIENCE!!" This sends Ace into a laughing fit that hits so hard he doubles over, clutching onto his stomach as Sebek clears his throat, preparing for his performance. Silver quietly slips his hands over his bird friend's ears.
Out on the lake, Lilia's pointing to various constellations in the sky and telling the tales associated with each. Dylla's eyes sparkle as he regales her with the heroic exploits of the demigod Hercules, the firefly that fell in love with a star called Evangeline, the star that brought a puppet to life, the great kings of the past, the second star to the right--named for the boy who never wanted to grow up...
Deuce isn't ready for it when Sebek belts out the first note. It's ear-splittingly loud and scratchy, like a poor animal on its deathbed croaking its last word. The boys collapse to the ground, shielding their poor ears and shouting for Sebek to stop.
Dylla grimaces at the sound. "Did you hear something?" she asks Lilia. He simply claims, "No, nothing."
"You're screwing this up!" Ace hisses at Sebek. "There's gotta be some other way for us to make music."
"Wait, I've got it!!" Deuce says--and with the wave of his magical pen... "Come forth, cauldron!" It lands in front of him with a colossal THUNK, and while the rest of the boys stare, Deuce looks pleased with himself. "It can work as drums!"
"I won't be bested by the likes of a human!! If you're going to play the drums, then... then... THEN I WILL PLAY THE VIOLIN!" Sebek summons the instrument with his own magic, only to be stopped by Ace.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! I heard from Epel that you suck at the violin! Can't you pick something else?!"
"Tch. You never listen to anyone, do you..." Ace heaves a sigh. "Well, whatever. I'm not about to waste more energy arguing. Just playing the instruments from here won't do much, so I'll use my wind magic to amplify the sound."
“We have percussion, strings, and winds then. All that’s left for a romantic song is… words.” Silver looks at each of his classmates in turn. “I will accept this task, since I’ve yet to be assigned a role. There is one love song I know of from father, so I hope it will suffice.”
The bird on his shoulder tweets, letting the boys know he, too, will lend his help. With the flap of his wings, he takes flight once more, spreading word of their cause to the animals in the surrounding area. They rally like a performance troop, fanning out through the lake and readying for a musical number.
As their discordant song swells up, propelled by Ace's winds, the lake comes to life with sweet birdsong and humming fish. Silver gathers his breath and releases it, singing the words to a song once performed by the friends of a mermaid princess. "There you see her, sitting there across the way..."
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"I'm sure I hear something this time," Dylla says, craning her head to look around the lake. "Someone's playing music and... singing?"
"Really? I don't hear it," Lilia says, giving the oars another row. As they pull up from the water, Dylla startles at the frogs that stand upon the oars in a neat line. They look like they've assembled for choir, ribbiting in harmony until Lilia dips the oars back into the lake water.
"Something strange is definitely going on here! How can you not hear it now?" (He shrugs.)
The boat drifts along to an area blanketed by willow trees. Two storks swoop down, parting the leaves for them to enter. When the leaves fall down, they're curtained away from the rest of the world, secluded with one another. There's only each other, and the soft glow of fireflies warming them.
Lilia stops rowing the boat. He checks to make sure the coast is clear, then leans closer to Dylla, a knowing grin at his lips. "Sorry! I didn't want to ruin the boys' fun so I went along with it and pretended to be none the wiser. We should be safe now though--they can't see us thanks to this shroud." He gestures to the willows draped around them.
"My hearing is quite sharp." Lilia cups an ear, as if to demonstrate. "It sounds like Silver, Deuce, and... Ace and Sebek, two of their classmates! Sebek in particular is difficult to not notice--his voice is very loud."
"What are they doing all the way out here?"
Lilia laughs softly. "It seems there's been a bit of a misunderstanding on their part. Someone has convinced them that this--" He waves at the space between them. "--what we have here, is something more."
Dylla face settles into a solemn expression. “Oh no, I’m sorry that Deuce is causing you trouble. He’s probably got it in his head that I'd be happier if I found a new husband and jumped at the first other single parent he knew... Deuce gets overexcited sometimes and doesn’t know when to stop once he’s started. My boy can be as stubborn as a mule, but he shouldn't be putting pressure on you to feel a certain way."
"Don't worry! Silver's doing the very same." Lilia lets his head rest on a shoulder as he looks out at the lake. “I haven’t given much thought to finding a significant other myself. Happiness isn’t inherently tied to marriage after all. It’s something we all seek out and discover for ourselves.”
Dylla finds herself smiling a little at Lilia's words. In all the time she has spoken with him, he's mostly been silly--but he also knows when to pull back and to speak seriously. There's a sense of comfort and security to Lilia.
"It's funny, isn't it? Our children are nearly adults now, yet they're still as innocent as they ever were. They wish for our happiness so much that they've taken it upon themselves to make it a reality. There is a simplicity and a selflessness to that. They mean well, they're just going about it in their own way. We can give them stern talking-tos when we return, no need to get to it now."
"... You're exactly the kind of role model Deuce needs in his life."
"Be careful what you wish for, dear," Lilia says with a wink. "I just might sweep you off your feet. I can't help it if you fall for me, you know? I'm too cute to resist."
"Hahaha, now you're just getting smart with me!" Dylla playfully shoves him in the chest--a little too hard, not recognizing her own strength. Lilia wobbles, the boat wobbling with him. He grips it to steady them both, but they're already teetering, and... SPLOOSH!!
The boat tips over, dumping both Lilia and Dylla in the icy waters. Luckily for them, the lake isn't that deep so while they're sopping wet and shivering, they're still safe.
“Are you okay?” Dylla calls out to Lilia. He responds with a laugh, splashing her with water. It’s a direct hit on her face!! Wiping off the water dripping from her features, she growls, “Alright, I get your game! You wanna play? Then let’s play.”
Back across the lake, the boys’ song had finished. Deuce shades his eyes and gazes at the willow trees. “… How do you think they’re doing in there?” Deuce nervously wonders.
“Man, just say that you think the date’s going well. That’s way too many words for what you actually want to say.”
Silver strains his ears and listens. The soft sounds of nature are punctuated with laughter and squealing beyond the weeping willows. His father, and Mrs. Spade, and the joy they experienced in each other’s company. “I think… we don’t need to worry.”
And so the hectic day ended happily ever after.
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another-lost-mc · 5 months
Hi, just want you to know I have Michael Brainrot bc of your works with him…. I’m not asking for more or anything, i love everything you do anyway….. but damn your Michael hits different….
Oh, thank you so much! I love Michael. Even in NB he still seems a bit underdeveloped and we don't even know what he looks like yet. (I've talked a lot about my personal headcanons about his appearance and at this point I stubbornly accept the likelihood that he's going to be a tall, long-haired and blue-eyed blonde instead. lol)
When I first started playing OG, he was one of my favourite characters even though we knew next to nothing about him. Some of my first fic ideas were about Michael, if you'd believe it. Maybe that's why I liked him so much? I treated him like an OC before Nightbringer came out because I took quite a few creative liberties exploring different versions of him.
I've mentioned before that I treat angels and demons in this game (and Father and the Demon King) as fantasy races rather than religious beings. To me, Michael is a leader - a flawed leader, sure - but he has so much personality and friendship and affection to give. He loves sweets and he's fashionable and even though his bond with Lucifer is undeniable, I think he genuinely cares about all his celestial brethren too.
Unfortunately for Michael, he seems like the type of angel that wants to be everyone's friend, but the problems arise when he has to stop being a friend and start being leader of the angels. We've seen him make difficult choices and we've seen evidence that he's struggled with the consequences of those choices. I think he has a lot of regret and unresolved trauma/guilt from things he's done, especially when it comes to Lucifer and his brothers.
I have no idea what the original plan for OG was after Season 4. My rough guess (or at least how I hoped it would play out) is that:
Season 5 would involve MC at least talking to Michael directly again (re: Simeon) and visiting the Celestial Realm on his behalf.
Season 6 would be the point when new angels visit the Devildom, including Michael (think of it as a diplomatic visit with higher-ranking angels making the CR's peace with the Devildom "official").
A lot of my Michael x MC/Reader stories assume that he and MC would've met in-person for the first time in Season 5. MC deserves a proper visit to the Celestial Realm (overnight, at least one week but preferably two or three) and a chance to meet Michael and the other important angels that help him run things. So many of my Michael blurbs are just him and MC interacting during that first meeting together because the first meeting trope is one of my favourites.
And as much as I love Michael, visiting the Celestial Realm wouldn't be complete with some more angels to liven things up. We have other established canon angels - Simeon, Luke and Raphael - but Uriel's been mentioned twice I believe, and I doubt he's the only other angel worth meeting. (OC Angels like Metatron and Gabriel help fill in the gaps so that my CR-based writing doesn't feel so empty.) We just need more angels in general - how else will a MC goes to the CR for the exchange program AU play out if there's only like, two angels there? >_>
Anyway. I try not to think about the implications of Michael's involvement in NIghtbringer since it took an odd turn with HM Lesson 20. I did outline some possible story ideas based on that particular plot point but I still prefer to write Michael in the OG setting for obvious reasons.
As a side note - I know I keep talking about it, but the OC story I've been working on features Michael as a major character in Part 1 that takes place in the Celestial Realm. We get to see him interacting with Lucifer (who is still an angel then) and other angels of various ranks, and the two main characters of course. We see Michael who tries to be a friend, who tries to be supportive and balance out Lucifer's different approach to handling things...and we also see Michael who abides by the rules angels are meant to live by and expects everyone else to do the same. I could've made him the "bad guy" in this, but I didn't. He has his good moments and his "omg you're such an asshole" moments, but no more or less than the other characters. It's very exciting.
......................yikes, that was a lot of words to say, "Thank you, fellow Michael fan! I also enjoy his character a lot."
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lucifyrfallen · 2 years
following my last post about reverse species kiri and spider
when thinking about the au, i didn't considered the fact that spider doesn't really need to have paz and quaritch's DNA, it could've just been one of the two, and i also think that technology there would've improved so much that he could've just been entirely made artificially. i did it because i just like the drama.
i was also very sleep deprived when i posted that au, so i didn't consider that the sully's might also adopt him since i don't think his appearance would trigger neytiri since he is, well, not a human.
of course, he could also get adopted by another family. but that's up in the air if anyone wants to think about it.
now, i could go into two different direction. one that kinda follows canon and the other is an entirely different story.
since he is born in a not so normal circumstances, spider would've still be visiting the scientests a lot. to get tested, and to see if everything is alright. that part stays the same, but this is where the branch would start to separate, the first one goes on to explore on entirely different story.
before Spider was even made, there was a lot of experiments that failed over and over again. they had successfully made human babies before but na'vi babies are different in biology and their purpose. artificially made human babies are alive, na'vi babies are made to be vessels; this experiment was created to make more avatars faster, and in large quantities.
so imagine everyone's surprise - more so freaked out - that Spider started to have a heartbeat just a few days after the humans were sent back to earth. it's faint, and you could barely hear it but its there. Norm frantically called over Jake, followed Neytiri who is convinced that it was Eywa's blessing, and she's probably right. like always.
Spider was taken out from the machine he was in (whatever it's called,, baby maker 3000) as soon as he tried to open his eyes and started spasming. it was the sound of a miracle that night, a newborn cry.
only when he did settle was when he was cradled in the arms of his mother. (inspired by @dirtytransmasc mama!neytiri au mwah i love you)
he would be the oldest, and i think his personality would reflect that. i don't think he would take Neteyam's place, but definitely more... responsible, and a teacher to his younger siblings if anything.
now on the topic of the movie, where he was kidnapped. there's a large possibility that he would've traded places with Kiri, that she would be kidnapped instead but let's focus on one idea first.
if Spider was kidnapped, he would've done the same thing as OG!Spider would, keeping his mouth shut and acting as if he doesn't know anything, but definitely more... aggressive, i would not be surprised if they bound and strapped him down. i do think they be more brutal to him as he and Quaritch do not share any history together, so there would be no bond between them. he could potentially warrant some pity points and go outside with the recoms to "loosen him up"
Spider doesn't try to run away since he could endanger his family and clan because of the tracker they put on him. so instead he tries to use other methods to ward them off, like trying to kill them with Ikrans or hunting like a "na'vi" with little to no instructions. hoping that one of them will die. they don't, unfortunately.
so he went through their plans, all the while making his own. maybe he could push one of them off the boat and let some fish eat them or maybe stab them in their sleep, a lot of ideas.
Spider tries to hide his anger towards the murdered Tulkuns, his disgust when they show off as if it's something to be proud of, he really did, but he couldn't help the hiss when they showed off the golden fluid taken directly from the poor mothers brain. so what if he purposely tripped them face first by extending his leg in their direction, not his fault that they can't see, and it was definitely their fault that they thought Spider even wanted to see this.
Spider did everything they want him to do, in hopes they will not kill him before he does. but one he regretted was agreeing to translate for the Metkayina tribe, for letting those monters burn down their homes, and threatening their lives. he has begged, cried, and screamed for forgiveness- for them stop. but they wouldn't, even when he latched onto Quaritch and fought him, made him bleed - bruised him.
Spider was sedated shortly after that.
ok....i have more.... but i will continue, later. following Quaritch threatening Kiri- all those juicy bits, and of course i will elaborate more on the other possibilities. again my inbox always open if you wanna talk more or questions, n all the sorts, thx !!
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A few bullet points/a general timeline for my vampire Simon au :3
The main change to this au from the main timeline is here, Simon didn’t put on the crown when him and Betty found it. Betty also doesn’t jump 1000 years into the future since Simon stays Simon
Marceline ends up finding it in some rubble after she met Simon and Betty and put it on
Simon and Betty start researching the crown again to try to find a way to reverse/slow its affects but can’t figure anything out
Marceline runs away bc she’s scared she’ll hurt them
Simon and Betty end up becoming vampire hunters, they have a whole group who go together to rush vamps and are really good at it
Simon gets bit either during a fight with the Vampire King like Marcy in the og timeline or the Empress to delve more into Simone past with her, not sure which one I’ll decide on yet
Their group end up wiping out all the vampires, leaving Simon as the last one bc no one in the group wants to kill him
Betty desperately tries to figure out how to reverse it but can’t do much given the state of the world. When that fails she tries to convince Simon to bite her so she can live longer and bide time until she can figure out a cure, not sure if he should do it or not yet tho
And that’s everything I’ve figured out as of now :>
A few other important points that I can’t fit on that timeline yet bc it happens in the current year for Adventure Time is Marceline becoming the Marcy Ice Queen and Simon self isolating and being depressed for a few hundred years till he meets Finn (or this aus Finn if I decide to do original characters bc butterfly effect)
Also even if Betty is a vampire her and Simon get separated at some point till hundreds of years in the future, I am determined to make Simon as sad as possible
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mp3minded · 5 months
Ozzy: My Analysis.
This was a long time coming, because from the very first time I played his route (which also happened to be the first I completed the season to the end with), I knew Ozzy was a fundamentally interesting character that I'd want to dedicate a whole essay for, because it's one way I like to show my affection for these characters 🥺
(Problem was, I felt like I wouldn't of been able to do him justice before, but after my final research run, I don't think that's a road block for me anymore.)
One thing about his route is, no matter how you approach it, there'll always be a level of pain to it. I think the only exception to this is if you tell him, in paraphrase, "I'm interested too, but I'm not ready to commit yet," when he confesses to MC after the Doghouse Challenge, because that option allows MC the best of both worlds.. those two worlds I've experienced first-hand, I'll detail below.
If you tell him "I feel the same way," that day, it'll be held in the back of his mind that, at-least some point in time, he was your #1 choice (even if you end up choosing someone else in the end)
The pain waiting for MC on this path is, of course, how directly affected she is by everything that happened after her shock fake-dumping. (I even liveblogged my reaction to a lot of it, when I consciously paid attention to everything happening outside of Ozzy and MC's bond, within my #my exp tag, early March.)
Him patching things up with Grace, which she revealed to MC during Casa Amor
What he did during Casa, in reaction to seeing MC again in the postcards, (which didn't paint her in a positive light), which was a skinny-dip threeway kiss (which he IMMEDIATELY regretted)
Not breaking things off with Grace as soon as he should've after Casa (in my opinion), which I think should've been that first morning when all the OGs woke up together in the villa again, at the latest
And, on the topic of the Casa drama.. one moment I really like is, even if MC chooses to "play dumb," when piecing together what likely happened.. Ozzy couldn't keep her in the dark for too long even when he first considered it, which to me is so cute 🥺💗
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@operationnope brought up some very good points when I asked her opinion on the situation. Being reminded of a very core part of Ozzy's character amidst the hurt was just what I needed 🥴 even if he fumbles along the way, he still wants to do right by all of the involved parties, and that includes Grace.
And, that leads me to what my final research run was all about.. seeing what his route is like when you friendzone him instead, before Casa. And, holy hell. I thought it would've been easy enough, but that came with its own unique set of challenges.
@ariendiel I remember at one point just thinking, "this is probably the closest to the Noah route experience I'll ever feel," and I know y'all Noah stans had it even tougher because there was no way to even couple up with Noah at all, outside of the disaster recoupling 😭 y'all don't get enough credit for REAL 🥺💙
It was a very isolating path, where even Ozzy flips back and forth between acknowledging MC's interest in him after all, with her actions, to "I'm friendzoned" mode. Everyone else, including Grace, just brushes off everything MC does, with the clear exception of the final recoupling.
And that all applies even after I told Grace that it could become a thing still, him and MC together 💀
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On the one hand, yes I can sympathize with Ozzy's position in this scenario. But also it's like, Ozzy.. read the room! 😭🥺
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Or, alternatively...
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...from what I can tell from this difference of his dialog after the final recoupling.. he was reading the room, and was just trying to play it very cool with MC.
So, what is the overarching theme with Ozzy no matter how you approach his route? *checks the melted inked note on my arm* ..something about not knowing how to handle being in love for the first time, with the very real possibility of (total) rejection.
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And, this song sums up his route to a T 🥺 and y'know what, maybe I did feel myself fall for him all over again as I was listening to it, on this last run 😭
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so while yall are waiting for the season 4 rewrite and wizards redesigns I've decided to post some ideas i had for a remake if fate the Winx saga. I've been working on a sort of rewrite but i gave up on it long ago because the point of that rewrite was to keep everything as intact as possible and still tell a good story.
long story short i failed : D miserably
so all my ideas amounted to was a few mood boards of the girl's looks, il run you through them :3
Bloom : 
her casual form is quite simple and monochromatic, I like to imagine my version of Bloom fixated on the idea of fairies so much that it became a sort of coping mechanism. thinking of herself as a fairy as a sort of confidence boost has been her go to so her look includes lots of pastels, cute skirts , simple shapes and butterfly motifs. her whole point is : mi like fairies , mi want to look cute :3.
her fairy form is low key a funny story XD basically in my cancelled rewrite, the only thing you get when you transform are your wings. making your outfit is a requirement in order to become a guardian fairy. its sort of like a uniform. it actively shows that you're using your magic and what your here to do. its not taken lightly. a fairy transforming to fight basically means: u, my friend, are fucked :D
this is done ether during your fairy education or right before graduation. and since in my version Enchantix vanished a long time ago, any Enchantix fairies lost the power and any fairies in training have lost the hope of receiving it your base form is treated like your final form since for many fairies of that past, it was. all fairies thus are told
"make your fairy form fancy as shit, people gatta look at you and piss themsleves bc of how badass you looks"
but since Bloom didn't get the memo she made hers incredibly simple, which low key makes her a laughing stock in Alfea. my plan was to use this to deepen hers and Stella's bond since ide like to imagine Stella would help her redesign her outfit XD also I'm diversifying the body types, Bloom is now skinny fat 
her form very closely based off of her OG form bc of that since their base form was quite simple.
Stella :
her casual form is very in line with the types of things her og counterpart would wear, since in my version Solaria would be called the crescent queendom  with fate version of Luna running it. were keeping the whole her mom is abusive thing but where changing a few things.
Stella grows into her own in the Winx club and thus begins showing off her sunny disposition which in a moon queendom is looked down upon. but her outfits would do a 180 once her mom is present. she's suddenly in dark blues, purples ,and silver.
her fairy form is her trying to morph herself to be exactly what her mother wants, everything is moon themed. again dark blues and silver everywhere. Also i changed her body type to being Chubby bc yes :3
Flora :
she's pretty straight forward, her fairy form and casual form follow the same theme of nature. I just made her main colour for her casual form sage while her transformation pink just like in the OG. also I kept her plus sized bc plus sized Flora was a great idea, and than they white washed her :,)
in terms of her fairy form, I leaned in to the cute pink girl horror rpg asthetic aka pocket mirror. i want her to be as custey as possible bc
y e s
Musa :
oh boy her casual form was fun : D , i hate how they feminised her in the later seasons and took this as an opportunity to go FULL IN to the alt fashion she was meant to wear uwu she a lil alt girlie, she's quirky like that uwu.
her fairy form is based more on her culture but still has the edge of her alt fashion sense ^^ I've decided to keep her as skinny since most of the cast now are leaning heavily to the plus sized of the spectrum, I thought ide include the skinny girls in here too ^^ and when i say Skinny i don't mean an hour glass, i mean no boobs, no butt, no nata.
Tecna :
i decided to dive into the hacker aesthetic but make it fairy :3 her wings ( in her base form at least) don't flap, they put her body into a 0G state which allows her to "fly". lots of neon lights with her uwu
her casually outfits are just generally geometric. also i decided to make her thin but to an unhealthy degree. perhaps she could be dealing an illness and we could explore how she feels being mostly in solitude for most of her life :p
Aisha :
she's basically the sporty girl aesthetic incarnate. lots of neutral tones with hints of green and pink :D her basic form is simply meant to be kind of mermaid inspired, also ide like to imagine her Enchantix would give her afro with cute water drops in it and pearls :3
Jesus that was long. anyhow as stated, this rewrite isn't being made anymore bc I've concluded that my challenge wouldn't work. keeping most of it intact and making it good would just simply result in a decent at best show. and us in the Winx fandom aren't going for just fine were going for MAJESTIC UWU
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hollowbeanz235 · 10 months
Deep Dark (The Park)
No one's POV
As ink and error held up their weapons, getting ready to fight this "thing" it grew bigger, consuming the light around them." Ink why is there somthing like THIS in undertone?!?!" Error started Wisper screaming as he started the first attack dogging the bite that was threw his way.
Both of them started working together, although let's say it wasn't working the best. Inks paint only got ingulfed, looking like it was making this monster stronger." I don't really *huff* know, but it hits like a truck *huff huff*"
Ink started losing his breath( once again how?) They fought for a long time, throwing everything they got at it.
And FINALLY error made a decision he should of made a while ago. He spawned a portal under this beast, and left it to die in the underworld aka OG gasters layer. It was trying its best to stay in the world it was in, clawing at the portal and the strings that were pulling it in.
After a couple of minutes of struggle, it finally got dragged into the portal, although not all of it was in. Error closed it quickly, catching its hand in the process.
*SMACK* it's hand was chopped of, a clean cut too. It moved around for a couple of seconds before finally becoming limp." WHAT WAS THAT THING?!?!"Ink screamed running over to error, picking up certain items that had been dropped in the heat of the moment."I-Idon't know, but whatever it was it had a kick like a mule."
Error picked up his scarf and put it back on, another item that had fallen off." Well I'd say...so what do we do now?" Ink said picking up a stick and poking at the hand with it.
Error looked at him in confusion, and maybe some slight anger. "I'm sorry we just fought lord only knows what that was, and your asking me what we do now?!?!" Error bent down to inks level, staring at him with an annoyed look on his face.
"You wanna do stuff with me, check aus, draw, other things." Ink looked at him with excitement. Bouncing a little, "after the experience I just had, he'll no. I'm going to the void, bye squid." Error said as he teleported away.
Ink sighed and teleported to the doodle sphere.
Inks pov
Man I really wanted to show him some of the drawings I made, I think he'd like them, and that's saying a lot for error, the destroyer of aus. But meh, I'll go check on aus by myself, per usual.
Time skip, ink is getting to the end of checking aus
This should be the last batch I have to do today...that's odd, it's not there. I started looking around checking for the trio I left in this specific area, "where are they?!?!" I started freaking out, what if I misplaced them. What if they were destroyed.
"AHA...wait, that's only 2" I stared at the 2 papers thinking of what else I could of possibly done with the third.
I can't find it, this is a problem I really liked that au, and if I don't know where they are they could have a virus or be infected or many others things I'm currently not going to think about, because if I do, I will hyperventilate." Let's draw, that usually helps."
I started with a circle, a sad circle, but it was a circle. Drawing line after line, it started to calm my nerves(HOW?!?!)
Drawing helps quite a lot when my thoughts get too scrambled for my mind to understand it. Which is quite nice, and...done.
I got that drawing done pretty damn quick...well not like I have anything else to do today, I could go bother error again, although I don't know how much he would enjoy that...MMMEH ITS FINE, HELL BE FINE. I teleported to the anti-void..." too empty" I said to myself not trying to look around that much.
"Error! You still here?" I started screaming to find him, the anti-void is practically a labrith if you don't know the place well, and white...too white, "Error" I looked towards the (sky?!?!) Seeing errors signature blue strings.
No one's pov
"Heya squid, what are you doing here?" Ink felt strings around his body, bringing him up to errors canopy "oh, hey error!" Ink seemed happy, then again it's easy to fake a smile when you've been doing it for a while.
"Hey error, so I've been thinking. Your not doing anything, we could go do something!" Ink twirled around in the strings.
"Why? I could just sit here and enjoy the silence." Error untied him and brought him down back to ground level." Well, we could do fun things instead of you just sitting here all day." Ink seemed optimistic to do this, to have fun with error. "What would we do, if I said yes?" Inks heart lit up.
His mind started racing,"we could eat, go to a restraunt, or play bored games, or watch a movie, or go to a concert or-"error stopped him.
Holding up his hand " only, if Iget to pick the restraunt." Error looked at him seriously, dead eyed stare."oh well sure! I don't see why not." Inks face lit up, showing pure excitement to actually be doing things.
Alright, I'm gonna end this chapter here, a stunning 929 biggest chaper I think I've ever made. Hope your enjoying this book.
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theloverscardtarot · 3 months
How Evan's Future Spouse (soulmate?) Will Feel About Him (Anon Request )
Sun: Joyful and happy. Optimistic. This is a highly fertile card. I think she sees him as someone she can have kids with. Perhaps maybe she is someone that says she doesn't want kids and then will when she meets Evan. This may also indicate that Evan makes her feel carefree like a kid. ❤️
6 of Swords Rev.: The past may be haunting her and fear and anxiety may delay happiness. She may try to resist this change in her life and exhibit some self sabotaging behavior. I think one of the OG's saw this too. That she may give Evan a run for his money. Not that she is intentionally playing hard to get. But, stubborn.
Fool Rev.: She sees the journey ahead, but hesitates to take the first steps. She may be a bit indecisive, reckless and unprepared. Possibly a bit naive.
Page Of Swords: They will like to explore and learn new things together. Music art, theater. Possibly new cultures. They both have a creative side and they will enjoy that aspect of each other. This will help them have better communication as well.
3 of Pents: This indicates meeting someone at work. I picked up on this in a previous reading. They work well together and as a team. There is balance here. They share common goals.
5 of Cups: This comes up again as holding onto grief from her past and it needs to be let go. I think Evan makes her feel supported and safe. They most likely both have these feelings and they will help heal each other.
Lovers: Yes! The best card to have. Signifies a strong bond, desire for each other, balance, aligned values, harmony, attraction. My book says "are there wedding bells in the future?"
6 of Pents: She will most likely be financially stable, but if not, Evan will share with her. This could also signify her feeling grateful for Evan and feeling wealthy in non monetary ways. There is equal give and take. In love this represents being in a good place.
7 of Wands: She will defend Evan til the end. Willing to fight for him.
Justice: She will be focused on the relationship. Balance, fairness and honesty. May also signify marriage.
Hanged Man: Evan allows her to see the world through a different perspective. She is willing to sacrifice some things for this relationship. Maybe her perspective on marriage and kids or love in general will change when they meet. She will learn to not be so hard on herself and accept she can have it all.
5 of Pents: She will know she has everything she needs right in front of her. Evan will make her feel like she can get through anything with him by her side. ( God, I love that feeling. Good for them)
2 of Cups Rev.: Evan will help her focus on self love and ridding of her insecurities and I'm sure she will do the same for him.
The Hierophant: I have seen that other people get the feelings she will be from overseas. This is the first card I have personally seen that may back that up. This card represents shared goals and tradition. However, there may be a cultural difference between the two, but Evan will respect it and adapt.
Knight of Pents: Things may occasionally become routine (like all relationships) so they will try new and exciting things. There is hesitation of commitment from someone, possibly both (match made in heaven, sorry Ev!)
King of Swords: This will be a mature relationship. This card represents a fatherly figure, which leads me to think they will have children together. Although, I do keep wondering if there will be a blended family dynamic there. I see structure, intellect and authority. I think she will see him as an amazing dad!! ❤️
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resident evil 7 mia and ethan
can I go on a weird tangent? for a sec? I got reminded today that at some point playing through RE7 and leaving Zoe behind my mind just went blep. In the first hunger games book we hear about a hunting trip that Katniss and Gale went on where they watched two people run for their life one was murdered and the other was captured and there was a line where Katniss and the girl who was captured lock eyes and Katniss says "you never forget the face of the person who was your last hope" after thinking of that I went off on a different thought about Peeta getting hjacked in the last book and programmed to kill Katniss.... and Katniss just not being able to deal with it and everything aka Katniss wasn't qualified to deal with Peeta's hijacking which is a huge minefield.
Much like Ethan with Mia yes Ethan was a ass to Mia but she did chop his hand off with a chainsaw and there is a element of he knew something was rotten with her job (they both say so like Mia at the start of the fucking game "i did lie to you I shouldn't have" and Ethan on the boat after fighting Mia, fighting Mia again; molded; Jack three times and Marge twice and poor deputy anderson was a thing and the clancy chronicles), as Mia's spouse Ethan was suspected of having something to do with her disapearence by the police (something I don't see get brought up often) for who knows how long (depending on the cops it could have been a short amount of time or they could have been so certain they tried to get a false confession when my mental health is shit I watch true crime and one of the videos I watched by Eleanor Neale two parter I think can't remember it but it was one of the many cases she has covered where all cops are bastards) probably from when they realise a ship full of people went missing to their brains catching up and realising how one person miles away can cause a huge ship full of people to disappear
also I love how Ethan says "try" to Mia after she say's she can't and then Evie destroys the boat and draw Mia into the Annabelle and to the tape where she remembers everything clearly. I say clearly because as Mia says she only remembers a little and its a hard difference between reality and halluicantion because Evie made her hallucinate a door not being there
Mia: "Ethan, thank you."
Ethan: "Who the hell else was I going to choose?"
Mia: "Ethan!"
Ethan: Mia, I know you've been through a lot. But we need to talk. You had something to do with all of this, didn't you? Look, I just wanna know the truth."
Mia: "Ethan, I honestly don't remember."
Ethan: "Try!"
"Is that the boat? How the fuck did that get here?"
"You're OK. What the hell was that?"
"What the fuck? What is that? What is that?"
basically how can a traumatised person help another traumatised character when it was bascially a cause and effect, Mia caused Ethans trauma it was the last thing she wanted don't get me wrong but it still happened much like Chris trying to protect Claire by not telling her even a little bit about what happened in the Spencer Mansion. But him not telling her lead her to go too RC.(its also why I think a RE5 remake is so needed because Chris is traumatised as fuck and it doesn't show through much like OG 4 didn't show Leons shit mental health) its basically their traumas going against each other like pinballs (thanks ladyknightthebrave video about Haunting of Hill House for putting that line in my head).
and Mia calling Eveline a little bitch was her both resigning herself to her fate whilst also trying to provoke Evie as she saw it happen with Alan he was infected yes and possibly dying but Evie killed him (also with Alan is when Mia got infected- cutscene death of a friend) and it worked Evie doesn't show up again until Ethan is in the salt mines and when we see Mia again she is hooked up to a IV in the helicopter
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peaterookie · 2 years
Lupin III Chapter 40 Review
hi tumblr it's me day 2 let's see how long i can go for once again never take any of this seriously this is just for fun ok thanks
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this chapter starts out with a sussy looking man trying to escape out of prison!!! who the fuck is he????
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from the left bottom panel over there we can see that he's been caught by the police, who then escorts him in a car with two other people who seem to know him
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look at their faces thats very sus
then we switch to kid lupin in his mansion listening into the convo happening in the police's car it seems to be connected to the police's walkie talkie but suddenly! he is in shock and bolts out the house what did he hear in the walkie talkie?? and where is he going???
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well well well the walkie talkie speaks of the various prison escapees... and one of them, the man whom we saw escaping earlier WAS NONE OTHER THAN LUPIN II, HIS FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!
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i hate him so much anyways ahem ahem Lupin iii on the other hand runs out to a cemetery, which houses the gravestone of his father?? he is equally just as shocked to hear this chapter plot twist, his father whom he thought was dead was alive all along!?
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apparently it was arsene lupin that told him that his father was dead, we never get told why he did it, but i wonder maybe because a lupin who fails at his job is no longer a lupin in his eyes, so since lupin ii was captured and thrown in jail, he is nothing but dead to him it can also possibly explain why lupin iii got put in so much rigorous training at such a young age and become conditioned to pass on arsene's legacy because his son couldnt but enough with overanalyzing the plot, let's move on
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ANOTHER lady (i dont think its been the same one since this entire kid lupin series???) appears and says that she's known the truth for years now and i guess they just go back to the mansion ah yes ive learned that my father is actually alive lets not do anything about it nah jk hes probably trying to process everything poor kid
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going back to lupin ii's side, the police turns out to be one of his allies and gets them out of prison along with handing them guns n shit then one of his friends just shoots the police??? and lupin ii is reasonably pissed like wtf you killed the dude that worked with us then the guy reasons that the guy is still a cop and they still shouldnt trust ok whatever fine lets go with that then
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i cant bro is so angry apparently in this panel he says "HE WAS MY BEST CONTACT!" and im just wondering what he meant by that maybe its just tokyopop translation spouting bs again but it may just be something from the og manga im thinking maybe he was trying to monitor lupin iii? currently the plot isn't at the point where i can explain my idea though
now his next plan is to find lupin iii, whoom he claims is posing as a fake and his son was supposed to be dead???? shits getting wild
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theres so much shit to absorb in just these panels
the cityscape looks so fucking cool???? i want to draw like that…
anyways lupin iii gets attacked by them prison men! lupin iii sees his dad and hes like you're not my dad prove it to me then lupin ii is like you're not my son!
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then they like fight or something
lupin ii holds the woman earlier hostage and is about to rape her, then lupin iii says that they're surrounded by the police and hes about to get arrested anyway (this is so stupid) then lupin iii leaves thinking hell get arrested, and it turns out that the woman and lupin ii were just faking it and this was just a test for lupin iii
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Panel 1: "You can put your clothes on." "Oh, are we done now?" Panel 2: "He's not ready to take over the family business." "Well, at least tell him the truth, you owe him that much." Panel 3: "Not yet." "Not until he proves his worth."
the lupin family is just like a traditional asian family you better start burning at least 90 houses until you're allowed to eat dinner again then lupin ii retreats and dresses up as a police officer, he tricks the detective guy (from the earlier chapter) into thinking that he has escaped into the mountains
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then he hops on a motorcycle to escape, and oh? it seems like lupin iii already found out his plan and was camping in the sidecar to wait for him but unfortunately… his father rams him onto a tree.
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great job lupin ii great treatment of your son you havent seen in years :thumbsup: but this is the end of the kid lupin chapters! we will be resuming back to the monkey man tomorrow. (nevermind i have something else planned for tomorrow no chapter 41 til thursday) lupin ii will never been seen in the lupin manga for a long long time…
also i like how this chapter singlehandedly explains why motorcycles with sidecars are no longer a thing anymore today.
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maegalkarven · 1 year
So, cause enjoy being complicated on purpose and also because I read someone's post about the possibility of naming Puppet the same name as Sidestep, I've decided to give it a go and had a playthrough where both Sidestep and Puppet are named "Matthew".
And it's hilarious and also a nice touch of Puppet being a Mirror of Sidestep; the New, Better version, but also just a reflection. That, combined with Villain's name being Sidestep (which WILL come bitting Matthew in the ass later bc he forgot, in his utter desire of being found, what Special Directive can catch clues he's sending to Rangers as well) and Villain having a reflective/mirror helmet, making anyone who battles him essentially fighting themselves, and adding what Matthew's Nemesis is himself, is deliciously complicated, repetitive and yet makes perfect sense.
Add to that what Matthew (OG one, see how complicated it gets? The stats page is A MESS) is a trans man and that, combined with being Re-Gene, makes him feeling "like a real boy" in other Matthew's body (we're approaching the Coraline-escue territory here, folks).
I'm actually affectionately calling him Pinocchio bc: a) Not a real human. b) Wants to be "a real boy" BADLY.
Also the flavor of convos is delicious, starting from Ortega wincing when he has to speak about Sidestep (the Villain), to Danny adding "the imposter" everytime he mentions Sidestep (the villain, which is also. HA! Matthew might be impostor in so many ways, but this case is not one of of them). To Sidestep, whose main motivation is making the world see the truth, being absolutely enraged what Rangers and others are not picking up the clues, HE LITERALLY USES THE SAME NAME. To using "that's my name" in interview with Maia and it coming to bite him back in the ass in the epilogue (Regina being like "well, that's an open invitation". She is not wrong about someone becoming too cocky).
The dichotomy of the hero Sidestep/ the villain Sidestep and Pupetter Matthew/ Puppet Matthew is EVERYTHING.
The dream sequence of the choice with the mirror had me howling over the "the face in the mirror is Matthew" in two separate choices. Like no matter what he does and what body he is in, he's still his worst enemy. Also the "date" (I use to quotation bc Ortega is a friend for Puppet!Matthew who Matthew spies on, so it's not really a date) went greatly with Ortega calling out "Matthew" and both Matthew and Ortega having a brief existencial crisis over it. Once again, Matthew is giving Ortega so many clues, WHY WON'T HE PICK THEM UP AND CONNECT THE DOTS.
(Meanwhile Ortega is busy will his tinfoil theory. SIGH)
Also Mortum's line "Matthew, or should I call you...Matthew" had me crying. DUDE! Do you hear yourself??? "You...or should I call you you?" this is how you sound. The fact what he named himself and his Puppet the same name should have been a clue he is Not Alright. Too much baggage for one body indeed.
"Trying to keep yourself sane by riding another brain/body, only to slowly make another body/brain as traumatized as your OG one" cursed narrative.
Keep in mind what I'm planning to claw out a happy ending for him, even though Matthew himself is just hanging by a thread and clinging to Dr. Finch's help bc he is SO suicidal, help him. He tried to make Herald drop him. The only thing what keeps Matthew going is what he needs to get the truth out and he can't die before that, or it all was pointless).
My fav ending for him so far MC going to Hollow Ground, getting into his mind and seeing moray, telling Ortega he is Sidestep (DUH) and then getting Puppetstuck and asking Mortum (who he revealed the truth to and was asked for a week long timeout) for help.
A real "getting what you want and realizing this wasn't what you needed" conclusion. Matthew saw himself as a fraud and an enemy and tried to run away from himself, only to be stuck outside himself and panicking bc THIS IS WRONG, this is not real him but a mirror, he needs to go back! To the broken and Re-Gene body with top surgery scars and Regina on his trail. The wise thing would be let Regina and Co take the very likely Heartbreak in OG body and use it to reveal the truth, while staying safe in a new, Real Boy!body, only it doesn't feel right. It feels like betraying himself, and so many people/circumstances already did, he can't bring to be the last, final nail in his own coffin, not when he looks at himself from a new perspective. He doesn't want human body, he wants HIS body, ruined as it is. He doesn't want to be cis, being a trans man is too big part of him and he reinvented himself and his body for that.
Oof.I can't wait to see how Revelations will play out.
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