#and a better implementation might not have improved that trust
cepheustarot · 5 months
What awaits you in May?
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best.
✧ Masterlist ✧ Paid readings
Pick a pile. Choose one or more pictures. Trust your intuition.
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Pile 1: At the beginning of the month, you may have an unforeseen situation, force majeure, which will change your plans, which were supposed to be implemented in may but because of this situation the implementation will either be postponed or you will change your decision and do it differently. As I see it, for the most part you planned these plans together with other people, your family or friends but someone could change their mind at the last moment and refuse to participate or a strong quarrel may arise with someone. Naturally, you will be nervous because of unforeseen circumstances, thoughts may arise "why not give it all up, give up this idea" but as the cards show, it is better not to abandon the implementation here but to look for an alternative, since in the end everything will turn out much better than you imagined! 
Also, this month the chance to change jobs or occupation / try a new hobby will be quite high as you will receive a good offer from a company or employer with good working conditions and a good salary/ rate per hour. However, your current employers may stop you, because they are afraid of losing you, you are a valuable employee for them and this can create small problems when you are fired. Also, if you are in business, your sales will increase significantly this month, you can make profitable deals with someone, invest profitably in some business.  If you are studying, then you will also succeed this month but it is important to make an effort here since you may have strict teachers who are very picky about the answers or you can write tests where one mistake can lead to the loss of many points, so be careful! 
Also this month, there is a high chance to meet a new person who will later become a good friend for you or, if you are looking for a relationship, will become a good partner. As I see it, you will spend a lot of time with each other, you will get to know each other, create joint memories, in general, you will be very comfortable and good next to this person. If you are already in a relationship, then this month is a good opportunity to strengthen your bond or resolve problems between you, establish a relationship and get closer, spend time together. You can also spend a lot of time with your family this month, in particular with your siblings.
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Pile 2: At the beginning of the month, your problem which lasted for a long time will be able to be solved, you will finally be able to find a way out of the situation and thanks to this you will feel so relieved, weight has finally fallen off your shoulders, you will have a slight feeling of freedom, you can feel so confident as if you won the most difficult competition and took the prize! It can be anything, getting rid of debts, solving psychological problems, solving financial problems, overcoming a crisis, resolving a conflict with people — in general, something that has been burdening you for a long time. You may also have felt depressed and tired lately, felt like your mood was sad most of the time, it might be difficult for you to enjoy some little things and your condition will improve significantly this month. Here, in general, the rough patch will end, luck and happiness will accompany you in your life! 
I also see that this month you will have the opportunity to change something in your life that will help you feel better, here the emphasis is that you would like to get rid of the past, of the memories that burden you: you can change your appearance, your style,change of scenery and go somewhere for a while or move altogether, change your social circle, hobbies, change your job / occupation, change the interior of the apartment, you can add decor, you can discover new places in the city, find new people, you can also change inside yourself, change your views — anything can happen here that can improve your mood and well-being. 
This month you will also make new plans, goals and work on their implementation, here I see that you will definitely succeed since this will be something very important to you, you will be burning with the idea and strive to achieve what you would like, probably this motivation came to you after improving your well-being and it's very cool! Here you can study something a lot, try to figure out a topic, consult with others, improve your skills, even if you start something new, you will be accompanied by success and luck!
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Pile 3: This month you may feel tired from the oversaturation of events in your life, from an overabundance of emotions, from being with people often, and here I see you can feel how your social battery has "run out". You will distance yourself from people for a while, spend time alone or with only a small number of people but in any case you focus on yourself and taking care of yourself. You can take a vacation at work or take a break, spend time doing things that bring you pleasure that calm you down and do not strain you, you will pamper yourself here and do what you want. You can also get tired of the hustle and hustle and go to some quiet place for you, often visit your favorite places and “places of power" that fill you internally. 
And although I said that you will spend most of your time alone with yourself, I also do not exclude that you will want to meet with your inner circle, your loved ones may also meet  and offer to go on a trip to small towns, you can spend time outside the city but away from the hustle and bustle. And if you agree then this trip will also be able to fill you with internal resources, improve your well-being, you will feel how your fatigue gradually passes and your head is free of obsessive thoughts. 
At the end of the month, a situation will occur that will take you out of your inner balance: it will be unexpected, you will be required to quickly resolve the situation or do something in the shortest possible time, make a choice and naturally this can infuriate you. This may be related to work, for example, your boss will require you to do something urgently, make changes to the work, it may also be related to the family, there will be a heated dispute between family members and you will have to take someone's side, since it is difficult to remain indifferent in this case. In any case, it won't last long, you will get a grip and quickly resolve the problems that have overtaken you so you shouldn't worry too much about it.
Thank you for reading! I will be glad of any feedback 🖤
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writer-logbook · 1 month
5 tips for proofreading & their pros and cons
Define your objectives for each chapter. In my case, some of my chapters are better written than others. My objectives for them will differ. Before starting my proofreading, I list my needs and areas of improvements, and I write them down somewhere so I have them in front of me rather than in my head alone.
Pros : allows you to know which points you need to focus on ; provides a guideline adapted to your needs.
Cons : risk of losing homogeneity and fluidity + flaws may be shifted to other chapters that didn't have them before due to a sudden imbalance.
Plan several proofreading sessions, each one of them addressing ONE NEED AT A TIME. (E.g., one for grammar, another for style, and a final one for coherence. ) And I insist on the "one need at a time" part. Even for those who can multitask (unlike me), I really don't recommend settling for a single proofreading session. It could interfere with your concentration and let you skip some flaws. And please, always give your chapter a final read after your edits to ensure that the elements make sense as a whole, and are not repeated every two paragraphs (I plead guilty, your honor)
Pros: allows you to focus precisely on each point, and give it dedicated attention.
Cons: you can quickly get confused and risk multiple re-readings + significant time investment.
I make my corrections on a separate file. Whatever you do, it's always better to have a backup and therefore to save your files (don't blindly trust autosave) to create archives. I think it's a two-ways process : 1) you open two files simultaneously, one with your V1 and one, blank, where you'll rewrite your chapter as you make changes. Eventually, this new doc will become your V2 ; 2) you copy the parts to proofread into a new document and edit directly in there.
Pros: allows you to rewrite as you wish without being discouraged by the following paragraphs - especially in case of the first way.
Cons: requires multiple files (maybe multiple screens to be at ease) and better organization.
Change the typography. I don't know about you, but after a while, I'm struck by semantic satiation (click on the link - it's Wikipedia -, it's very interesting) and nothing makes sense anymore. After the 52,846th proofreading, I might as well read in another language. I've found a relatively effective trick - not as effective as a complete break, but sometimes you need to move forward - which consists of changing the typography. I can't remember who gave me this advice though, but be sure they've been thanked more than enough in my mind. In any case, seeing words change their shape significantly helps my brain to stay focused and attentive. (Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me but I only see the results.)
Pros: it's simple to implement.
Cons: I don't know if this trick works for everyone or if I'm the only weirdo (you can tell me in the comment section).
Take notes. This is a very personal tip but I keep a proofreading logbook. Like, I record in a few sentences the first time an element is mentioned, how it's describes, and most importantly… I MENTION THE DATES. The story I'm currently writing is heavily governed by a chronological system, so I have an absolute need to keep the day count up to date.
Pros: helps avoid inconsistencies and oversights.
Cons: very tedious to maintain and creates (a lot) of extra work.
I've started my prooreading journey yesterday and I already want to die. If I find in the edits something that is worth making a post, be sure that I will. Or let me know if you're simply curious.
Gentle reminder : Best is the worst enemy of good so, at some point, you'll have to let it go and let your chapter live its life to its fullest. Don't be hard on yourself and be proud of your work - or know that I am.
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within-your-eyes-if · 4 months
June 1 Update & Testing Begins!
Hello all!
I am sending out links after posting — please check your emails/Discord when you get a chance!
Aside from that, I'm feeling a little nervous but pretty good overall. I'll go over everything once the update is ready to be published.
How long do I plan on testing?: At least a week. I want to give everyone time, but this isn't a new chapter. It may be extended depending on feedback, but I think a week or two is sufficient.
Once testing ends, I'll put on the final touches (if needed) before releasing publicly.
What comes next?: I'm redoing my To-Do list today, but I will share what I have on my test page:
Arcane Sense System with Basic Inventory:
The code is ready and working in a test environment — implementation is planned for Chapter 1 rewrite.
This system will make it so this ability can be tracked and used 'at will' in certain cases — it will be mostly utilized in Ch3 Part Two and going forward.
Armor and Stance System:
The code is ready and working in a test environment — implementation is planned for Chapter 1 rewrite.
This will have greater impact on the fight scenes — it will be a little more "game-like" but not overwhelming or super-complex.
Rewrite Chapter 1:
I want to introduce the MC's abilities better and with more sense. This rewrite would aim to redo the combat areas (again ;-;) but for these new systems. I don't think it will be too bad since the systems are working.
Redoing the Guilt Mechanics:
Since announcing this previously, I've see a few of people mention they enjoy it as it is or find it might not make sense regardless. I'll be contemplating this more along with a 'trust system' that a reader suggested for the time being.
Reworking the Poly Routes:
Changes in tracking have been made. I plan to add new scenes and revise existing ones to improve these relationships. I was hoping to have it in this update, but turned out to be a rather large undertaking so will likely be included in next big update or an update following that.
I’m also working on a few other systems, which I will detail in later updates as they become more fleshed out.
What About Chapter 3 Part Two?
It's still in progress. I'm currently at a part where the MC meets various characters, leading to the dinner with Admos. This may seem straightforward, but with five potential encounters and branching paths, it's quite intricate.
My plan is work on the arcane sense system that will be utilized in this chapter quite a bit so I can get it out sooner than later — I am aiming for this to be the next big update.
Goodness, it feels like a lot — and it probably is. But, we can only move forward! Thank you all for your loving support and incredible patience!
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 7 months
He Doesn't Deserve You | A Jeon Jungkook Series | Chapter Five
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Summary: Taehyung gets careless and breaks your heart yet again. Pairing: Noona reader x Jeon Jungkook (She's 28 and he's 22) Word Count: 4.7K~ Warnings: Implied yändere and mentions of signs of trauma because of it. (nothing too extreme) a/n: It's taken me so long to get this chapter out I'm sorryyy but I hope it was worth the wait! Thank you so much for your continued support on my stories and I hope you'll look forward to the next part!
Jungkook's visit last week really had me thinking about the choices I make on the daily. 
I stopped stressing about what Taehyung might be doing when he's away and started thinking about ways I could improve myself.
It wasn't anything major but I wanted to take baby steps.
For instance, setting up a schedule for when I wake up and always making sure to not stay up past midnight. Along with promising myself to at least sit and write for a couple of hours per day but also taking breaks when I felt I needed to. I would come back though and finish only when I was satisfied and came to a proper stopping point.
Implementing these little changes in my life has worked wonders on my confidence and peace of mind. I feel like I'm accomplishing something and getting some sort of fulfillment in the day to day which I haven't been able to say for the past few years.
I guess all of this can be chalked up to Jungkook. 
I know I'm ultimately the one who's implemented these things into my life but if he hadn't given me that push, I don't think I would've ever gotten to even see these small victories.
While I'm in the kitchen pouring myself a cup of coffee I hear a faint chime on my laptop and I smile knowing exactly who it is.
'Good morning Noona, did you sleep well?'  I read from the all too familiar jkjkjk.97  and smile seeing that my suspicions were correct.
'I slept like a baby, who knew going to bed before dawn would do wonders!'  I send back and when I try to stand up to walk back over to the kitchen I'm met with another email popping up from him.
'That's good! I'm happy to see that you're feeling a bit better these days :)'  he sends and I smile at the fact that he's just as eager to reply to me. It's been like this ever since that day he dropped off my groceries. He would send me emails first thing in the morning almost like clockwork.
I'm surprised that he manages to keep a similar schedule to mine but I don't really know what he does most days except work. 
I know he works at the grocery store but it seems to me like he's always working at odd hours. Most days even well past closing so it's got me thinking about what else he could possibly do for a living.
It's none of my business but I can't help but be curious about it since when I ask him how his day went, he usually says he's still working even though it seems like he's been working since dawn. 
I really want to ask him but I don't want to pry. He seems like the kind of guy that keeps to himself and open up when he's ready. 
I'm just hoping that there will come a day where he'll trust me as much as I have grown to trust him.
My thought process his interrupted by the sound of keys jingling in the door and my heart sinks to my stomach when I'm brought back to reality.
"Hey baby" Taehyung greets while taking off his shoes. It's Saturday so he doesn't have work which means he might be hanging around here for a while before no doubt heading out again. 
"Hey" I respond quietly, feeling as though I'm retreating back into myself, not really being able to relax until I know what kind of headspace he's in.
"Where's my welcome home kiss from my gorgeous wife?" he asks while walking over to where I'm sitting at my desk. He leans down and kisses me on the lips, moulding his mouth against mine while I crane my neck up and return the kiss, placing a hand on his cheek to keep him connected.
"Welcome home" I let out after he pulls back, panting slightly as he nudges his nose against mine before standing up straight again. "Have you been up long?" he asks, him having gone out late last night and surprisingly turning up here again bright and early.
I hum in acknowledgment, "I've been waking up earlier these days so I can get a jump start on my writing and trying to go to bed earlier" I respond while watching his back as he walks over to the kitchen.
"Oh really? How's that going?" he questions, pouring himself a cup of coffee and walking back into the living room, waiting patiently for my answer. 
"Well it's been nice to implement a bit of a routine since my days and nights have kind of been all over the place for a while. Plus, I feel like this story is really coming along. I even started mapping out ideas for the next book in the series!" I say and he looks at me as if he's almost falling in love with me again, making me shy under his gaze.
"That's amazing honey. I feel like I haven't seen you smiling like this in a really long time. Looks like all you needed was a little discipline to really get your life back together huh?" he say while giving me a knowing look, cocking his head to the side and letting his eyes roam my body for a second. No doubt looking at the faint bruises he'd left from last week.
"I guess so" I say, awkwardly rubbing my bicep where he had grabbed me. "How are you feeling?" he questions, coming a bit closer and ghosting his fingers over the marks. "I'm fine, they don't hurt as much anymore" I say, slipping my arm out if his grasp.
"That's good, I'm sorry I got a little rough with you. I was frustrated with some work stuff and I took it out on you. That wasn't fair of me" he apologizes while brushing the hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear. "It's okay" I say quietly, looking down at the floor to avoid his gaze. 
"No, it's not okay" he says tilting my chin up and making me make eye contact.
"I haven't been treating you well and I wanna make it up to you" he says, caressing my face with the hand that he used to tilt my chin up. "Okay" I whisper as he leans down to connect our lips again but before they're able to touch his phone rings. 
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone and the name Tiffany flashes across the screen with a kiss emoji at the end, giving me a name to associate as to why he's actually never home. 
"I've gotta take this" he says and I nod my head to show I don't mind even though my heart is breaking more and more with each ring. He gives me a quick kiss to apologize before answering the call and walking into the kitchen. 
I take that as a sign that he'll be leaving for the night again and head into the bathroom since it's the one place he won't question as to why I've shut him out. I close the lid of the toilet and cover my ears so I can't hear him but curiosity gets the best of me and I hold my breath to see if I can make any words out despite my whole motives of coming here in the first place.
"No I ca-. Well I just got here I-. Okay, okay fine I'm coming. Let me just come up with an excuse to tell her and I'll be there soon. Okay? Alright, love you too. Bye" I hear him say and he ends the call. I cover my mouth, trying to stop any sounds of heartbreak that might come out and listen as he walks down the hall to our room. 
"Y/n? Honey where are you?" he asks, barely bothering to look for me. "I'm in here" I say, turning on the sink to drown out the sound a bit to prevent him from hearing how wobbly my voice sounds from the emotions I'm trying to keep at bay. 
"I've gotta head out for the day but I'll be back tomorrow night. You gonna be okay?" he asks as if he cared about me. "Yeah I'll be fine don't worry, I'll see you then" I yell above the sound and he says a quick goodbye through the door in return and leaves soon after. 
Once I hear the front door close I let some of those choked sobs go.
He's never been that obvious before. Does he just not bother to hide since he sees that I don't question him about it? I don't even know why I still care since it's very clear that he doesn't care about me.
At that I look at my phone and see that there's another email from Jungkook that came in a little while ago which gives me motivation enough to dry my eyes and get myself together so I can head back out to my laptop and get lost in this safe haven we've created for each other. 
'Did you forget about me already?'  he questions, seeing as it has taken me a while to respond. I couldn't risk doing it and Taehyung finding out about us. Even though there is no 'us' when it comes to Jungkook and I, unlike that Tiffany girl he just left me for today.
'I'm sorry Taehyung came home. He just left though...'  I send and get a response back immediately, seeing he's been waiting for my response.
'Are you okay? Did something happen?'  he asks and I smile at the thought that there is someone out there that cares enough to ask. 
We've been emailing each other everyday since he came over and I've opened up to him a bit more about my relationship with Tae and he's been really good at just letting me talk and just being there for me. Always talking me through things and helping me process no matter if it's problems with Tae or even other more mundane things like writer's block. 
He's just there, no matter what.
'Can we meet up today?' I type out but hesitate, letting my hand hover over the mouse. 
Watching, waiting, worrying about if this would be a good idea but before making that decision myself I accidentally hit send when I try to put my hand down to rest it on my lap. 
"Shit" I say out loud but before I can figure out how to unsend the message I get a response back. 
'Sure :) Did you want to meet at the Blue Pearl? Or should I come over?'  he asks and I hold my breath, weighing the pros and cons to this whole situation and decide to just say fuck it and do what I want for once. 
'Can you come over?'  I send and close my laptop, too nervous to look at his reply. "What the fuck am I doing inviting a younger guy to my apartment when my husband is gone? What am I doing?" I say out loud and pace back and forth until I hear the chime come from my phone this time. 
'Be there soon :)'  "I'm fucked" I admit out loud before running around and quickly getting myself and the house ready.
A rhythmic pattern of knocks plays and puts my mind at ease while I walk towards the door and open it. 
"Noona!" he greets with a smile before giving me a hug that catches me off guard making me take a step back to help me stay balanced. "Thank you for coming" I say while returning his embrace and letting go a second later so I can step aside to let him in. 
"Are you okay?" he asks after having taken off his shoes and taken in my form to what I don't realize is to look for any signs of harm. "Yes I'm fine" I say with a sad smile yet know for a fact that even if I try to deny it he can read me like a book. 
"Then why were you crying?" he asks, looking at my red eyes and flushed cheeks. "I heard Tae talking to one of the girls he's cheating on me with" I mumble and at that Jungkook takes my hand and leads me over to the couch without saying a word.
"He didn't even try hard to hide it. Like he has a stupid kiss emoji next to her name and everything. He had only been here for like twenty minutes tops before he left" I spill out. He keeps a hold of my hand, looking down at it while I let out all the things I've been holding in. 
The worries, the doubts, the fear, the stress. I don't know when it started and I can't figure out how to make it stop. 
"I don't know what to do" I admit, looking down at my lap, watching as the tears fall from my eyes and onto the fabric of my jeans. 
"Do you want me to be honest and tell you what I think or do you want me to just listen?" he asks, rubbing circles on the back of my hand. "Be honest?" I pose almost as a question, knowing this is the ugly truth I've been hiding from. 
"Can you tell me more than one reason as to why you should stay with him? Besides him being your husband" he asks, sitting silently and waiting for me to respond, giving me time to think it through but when I shake my head he goes forward with posing his argument. 
"If you can't manage to come up with a reason as to why you should stay with him then what's keeping you from leaving? I know you said that you're scared and you don't know what to do but the fact that you're not doing anything is hurting you more than if you decided to leave him" he states, I just nod my head and listen, letting him say his piece.
"He's hurting you. He's hurting you physically" he says while ghosting his fingers along the bruises that run up my arm, "Mentally" he continues brushing the hair off of my face and rubbing his thumb up against my temple "And sexually" he finishes, taking note of the hickeys and the way I flinch away from him when he tries to lay his hand on my neck. 
"That's just how Taehyung is, he likes things rough" I say, making excuses for the marks that are clearly beyond rough sex. 
"But do you like it?" he questions, catching me off guard with an intimacy of the question. "He keeps me satisfied if that's what you mean" I answer curtly, hoping he'll take that as an answer. 
"That's not what I asked. Do you enjoy the way he has sex with you? Is that how you want to have sex?" he continues, not backing down from getting an answer out of me. I look up at him to see if he's seriously asking me that question and all I can see is a serious expression on his face.
"I don't mind it" I say, dancing around my answer. "Noona" he warns in a tone of voice he's never used with me, catching me off guard. 
"N-no. No I don't like it. It's too rough for me and I don't like it" I admit. He nods, casting his eyes down as if he's lost in thought before asking his next question. "Have you ever told him?" he questions and I shake my head only to realize moments later that he can't see me. "No I haven't told him" I respond quietly and he nods again before looking back up at me. 
"Why?" he asks and I'm left with one answer. "Because I'm afraid of what he might do to me if I say no" I explain. "I figure it's better to say yes and take it instead of saying no and having him force himself on me" I cover my mouth not realizing the fact that I said the thing that I was even too afraid to admit to myself.
"Has he ever forced himself on you?" he asks while clenching his jaw, clearly upset at the thought. "I didn't tell him no but I tried to make him see that I didn't want it but he didn't care to pay attention" I answer, getting rid of the filter seeing as it won't do either of us any good if I were to hold back. 
"That's one of the many reasons that you shouldn't even be with him anymore" he starts, his whole body tense, anger just bubbling under the surface. "You shouldn't have to be with someone you're scared of. I just don't kno-" 
"That's just it, you don't know. You told me that before, that I shouldn't be with someone that I'm scared of but you just don't get it. You've never been married. You've never had to deal with struggles like this. You make it sound so easy, that I could just leave and never look back but it's not that simple" I spout off, defending myself and my decisions. 
"Noona I just want to he-" "I know, I know" I say cutting him off but gaining a softer tone at the end, shrinking back into myself, ridding myself of my defensive behavior. "I'm sorry Jungkook, I shouldn't have said that. I asked you to come over and then I just yelled at you and I just..." I trail off, hating myself for doing that to him.
He tilts my head up and looks at me, studying my features and I cast my eyes down, too nervous to maintain his strong gaze. "Look at me" he says in a soft tone but I keep my eyes down, focused on my hands that I have balled into fists. 
"Look at me, please..." he whispers and at that I decide to do as he says and I see how his eyes have glossed over, the stars in them wavering. "He doesn't deserve you" he whispers cupping my face, running his thumb along my cheekbone to brush off a tear that I didn't even realize had fallen. 
"I don't know what to do" I let out in a choked sob, letting the tears that I've been holding in fall, never letting myself cry enough to feel better. He pulls me in and I latch onto him, burring my face into his shoulder as he holds onto me tighter, further showing me that I'm safe with him. 
"Whatever you need I'm here for you. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it" he says, the deep rumble of his voice brings me comfort. "I-" I start but cut myself off with another sob. "It's okay, just let it all out" he says and cling to him harder. 
After having sat there and cried with him for what felt like hours my sobs slowly die down to sniffles and my breathing patterns return to normal. "You okay?" he questions, more so asking if I had finished crying versus how I'm feeling about my current reality. I nod my head but nuzzle in closer to him, not wanting to let go just yet. 
"What's wrong?" he questions. "I don't want you to see my face" I complain into his shirt and he laughs at (from his perspective) how adorable I am. "Aw come on why not?" he chuckles and I nuzzle my face into his neck, making skin to skin contact without paying any mind to it. "My face is probably all red and my eyes are puffy from crying" I mumble against his neck. 
His body goes stiff but I don't take too much notice and move a bit closer to him, not realizing how I'm making him feel and only realize it after he clears his throat a few times. "Is something wrong?" I ask finally taking in how uncomfortable he seems. 
"No, nothing's wrong I just- no it's nothing" he says trying to backpedal out of this. "It's obviously something if you're reacting like that" I press, wanting him to be as truthful with me as I have been with him. 
"I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable" I say, pulling away from him. "No! Noona no, it's just that. Your lips were on my neck and you were really close and..." he trails off, hoping that's explanation enough. 
"I didn't even realize I was doing that, I'm sorry..." I trail off as well, hating that I made this situation even more awkward than it already is. "It's okay Noona I just, well I just want to make sure we don't cross a line and it was making it hard for me to do so" he explains.
"What do you mean by that?" I ask, wanting to know exactly what he's thinking. "It's just, well you're married and I think you know that I'm attracted to you by now so it was just making it hard for me to think straight" he admits and I nod my head and look down at my lap, not really knowing how I'm supposed to respond. 
"I hope this doesn't change things between us. I really do want to be your friend but I understand if I've made you uncomfortable. I just thought you should know" he finishes and waits with bated breath for my response. 
"Would things be different?" I question, not fully asking the question since I'm not sure if I want to know the answer. "Would things be different if what?" he presses. "Would things be different if I wasn't married?" I ask and I close my eyes, scared of seeing his reaction. 
"You can't just ask me that" he says and I look up at him to see his face turned away, showing how pink the tips of his ears have gotten and how his jaw is clenching. "Why not?" I press, needing to know based off of the kind of reaction he's giving me. 
"You don't know how hard I've been holding myself back" he says and tongues his cheek, making me widen my eyes at the motion. "Holding yourself back from what?" I press further, needing to know what's running through his mind right now. 
"From kissing you" he says, finally looking back at me, making eye contact before his eyes flicker down to my lips. "I-" "I should go" he says, cutting me off before I can say anything further. "Wait, no you don't have to go. I'm sorry" I say, trying my best to keep him here. I can't let him just run off after a confession like that but he's giving me no other option as I watch him stand up. 
"You have nothing to apologize for Noona. I shouldn't have said that. I do have to go though, my family is waiting for me back at home" he says and I widen my eyes, never having heard him talk about his family as of yet. 
"Family?" I question, my curiosity peaked. "Yeah I live with my mom and my three siblings" he says while walking over to put his shoes on. "Three?" I question and he nods his head not bothering to give me much more than that. 
"That's a topic of conversation for another time though" he says after he stands back up from tying his laces. "Oh okay" I say and hug myself, providing myself some comfort, hating to see him rushing out of here already. 
"They really are waiting for me. My mom has to work tonight so I'm stuck taking care of the kiddos" he says, giving me a soft smile before turning to open the door and I follow behind him. 
"Let me know when you get home okay?" I say, leaning up against the door frame. "I will" he says and reaches out to pull me in for a hug, accepting it right away. 
"I still want you in my life so please, don't disappear" I mumble into his chest and he hums in acknowledgment. "You can't get rid of me that easily. Not after I fought for that title of best friend" he says pulling back and looking down at me fondly and I smile back up at him before he places a hand on the side of my neck and leans down to place a kiss on my forehead.
"Bye Noona" he says, giving me a soft smile. I smile back up at him and return his sentiment before he turns to walk away.
I watch as he goes, waiting for him to get in his car where he looks back up towards my apartment, not expecting to see me waiting for him but smiles when he does. I smile back and wave and watch as he pulls out of his spot and makes his way out of the parking lot. 
"I'm really fucked" I mumble to myself and turn to walk inside my apartment. 
"He gets more and more handsome each time I see that young man" Mrs. Mitchell says, making me jolt back from the scare of being caught. 
"Mrs. Mitchell we didn't-" I start but she waves me off. "You don't need to make excuses to me love. Like I said last time, I wouldn't blame you if you did" she says and places a hand on my arm, noticing all the mixed emotions I have written all over my face. 
"Why don't we change the subject and have you sign those books we had spoken about the other day" she says, turning to walk towards the stack she had waiting by her front door like she had told me she would. 
I smile at her enthusiasm for my writing and and am thankful that she doesn't address what had happened between Jungkook and I anymore. 
"There you go" I say putting the cap on the pen and handing the last book back to her. "Thank you dear! The girls are going to love these!" she says placing the books back in their place. "Girls?" I question, chuckling at her reaction, so happy a simple thing like this could make her happy. 
"Yeah! The other women in my book club. I recommended your books to them and they've been begging me to get them a signed copy from you ever since" she says, turning back to face me. "Well I hope they enjoy them!" I reply happily, embarrassed still that woman of their age are reading it but thankful nonetheless. 
"We're all meeting together here next Sunday so maybe if you're not too busy writing you could stop by and have tea with us. I just know they would love to meet you!" she says, practically glowing with excitement. 
"I'll have to get back to you on that one but it sounds lovely" I smile, my heart swelling at the thought of meeting some of my readers. "Wonderful! But I'll let you get back to your day dear. Make sure to set aside some time to take care of yourself and relax tonight okay? You deserve it" she says placing a comforting hand on my arm before we both go our separate ways. 
As I close the door behind me I'm met with that all too familiar chime and I walk over to my desk, this time a bit more tentative than before, being nervous as to what I might find from my familiar friend jkjkjk.97
Home :) is all he sends but I decide to respond, nervous of the result if I don't, scared that he might shut me out or fade away.
Have fun with the kiddos tonight! And thank you for coming today, it really meant a lot to me  I send back, hoping to make things sound normal.
Anytime, let's see each other again soon. Okay?  he asks and I can tell he's waiting earnestly for a response. 
Okay. This time at The Blue Pearl so we can say 'Hi' to Rae. I miss her :(   I say, hoping that he won't take that as a way of me keeping him from coming over when I really do miss Rae. 
The Pearl it is! Goodnight Noona he says, ending the conversation early tonight, no doubt having a lot to do to manage three kids for the night. 
Goodnight Jungkook  I send and close my laptop, vowing to do as I had agreed upon and take the rest of the day to take care of myself. 
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
How Things Fall Apart
Zuko liked to believe that Mai had loved him once. At least, she had once loved a version of him. When he failed to live up to that image she'd built up in his head, all pretext of affection faded in short order.
It wasn't all Mai's fault, Zuko conceded. He had learned to ask her what exactly she wanted as gifts, but he still managed to disappoint. One year, he hadn't been able to afford to replace the diamond bracelet she'd lost during a vacation to Ember Island, so he'd gotten her what he thought was a lovely bracelet with a cheaper alternative stone (the Fire Nation was weathering an inflation crisis, and Zuko thought it would be gauche to spend so much money on the high quality gems imported from the Earth Kingdom instead of increasing the palace staff's salary). Another year, when the country was in a better place financially, Zuko splurged on a new set of throwing knives crafted by the finest blacksmiths under Master Piando's direction. Mai hadn't wanted more steel blades. She wanted the black blades crafted from the meteorite the Southern Tribe's prince had gifted Piando (Zuko's correction about Sokka not being a prince went unheard). It didn't matter that Piando had already made plans on how to use that stone, Zuko was the Fire Lord, and that should mean something. Zuko could do nothing right by Mai. She had still not forgiven him for getting rid of the stately palanquins.
After the birth of their first, and as it would turn out, only child, Mai became more distant. It was an improvement, Zuko told himself philosophically, over shouting matches and heavy objects being thrown at him (Mai never threw a blade at him, and she always made sure whatever she threw hit the wall and not Zuko. He was, after all, the Fire Lord). As long as Mai had access to the royal coffers, relative peace was kept. Zuko was certain that she had at least one lover, but he was content to ignore it, as long as Mai kept up a reasonable amount of discretion. Instability in the Fire Nation's royal family could have far reaching consequences, after all.
Iroh, ever the optimistic presence in Zuko's life, told his nephew about an art practiced in certain parts of the Fire Nation called kintsugi. Instead of throwing away broken things, the artists would carefully gather the broken parts and using a mixture of gold dust and lacquer, piece the broken things back together. The finished products often looked more beautiful than the original. Zuko thought he understood. Finally, fifteen years after he ascended the throne, eleven years after becoming a husband, and seven years after becoming a father, Zuko and the Fire Nation found a sense of equilibrium. The Fire Nation's economy had begun to right itself; a new curriculum designed to fight the decades of propaganda had been approved and implemented; feasible reparation agreements had been reached with the countries most damaged by the war and colonialism. Zuko and Mai only spoke when necessary for public appearances and state functions, and Izumi was growing into a precocious, inquisitive and imaginative child, to say nothing of her firebending prowess. If Zuko's daughter felt the absence of her mother, she hid it very well. Then one day, the peaceful existence Zuko had carved for himself and his child was shattered.
Mai's death was sudden and jarring. Zuko hadn't known anything was wrong until late that night, when a servant, disheveled and out of breath from sprinting to Zuko's chambers from hers, told him that a physician had been called for the Fire Lady, but the outlook was grim.
Officially, Mai had died after suffering from a hemorrhage caused by the miscarriage of her second child. While a few errant rumors floated around for a few months afterwards, the truth (that the child Mai was carrying wasn't Zuko's, and the miscarriage was intentional) was known to only a handful of Zuko's most trusted friends and family. Zuko grieved, though perhaps not as might be expected of a widower suddenly left alone to raise a child. He mourned what might have been if they hadn't married; mourned the family life he would never be able to give his daughter; mourned the lack of a partner who would stand at his side and help him move the country towards a more progressive, inclusive future. Most of all, he mourned the death of his hope of having anything better for himself.
Zuko didn't wallow, though. As little hope as he had left for his own prospects, he wanted Izumi to retain her own bright outlook for the future. He would have some help there with the expected arrival of Katara and her two children. It would be good, Zuko thought, for his daughter to have friends her age. As it would turn out, it was good for Zuko to have a friend around, too. When she stepped off the boat, clothed in a gauzy gold fabric gifted to her by the queen of Omashu, Zuko felt the weight in his heart lighten for the first time in years.
Follow up to Severing the Tie
Next, How Do You Mend?
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wishbonegame · 10 days
Hi I have more misc questions:
Who are your favorite characters?
How many quests are in the game? Can you get to them all in one playthrough, or do you have to do multiple playthroughs?
What's Nikki's favorite dog breed?
What is the name of Tobias' cat?
Has Tobias always been this cranky?
And finally: how are all the adult characters so attractive??
Ooh, these are some fun ones!
Regarding favorites: It's honestly hard to say what my own favorite is at this point! I've been working on the game so long that my interest has cooled somewhat on some of my original favorites, and some characters who I had initially conceived of as "just filling an NPC role" wound up being a lot more fun than expected.
Sheriff Pilgrim was my original favorite (especially when he's interacting with Jack!) and I do still enjoy him, but I've found I enjoy writing for Sonny and Vincent quite a bit, too. Mike is also fun... and Morgan... and a bunch of others, depending on what mood I'm in. Our main writer @kwillow enjoys Mayor North and Em.
One of the nice things about Wishbone is that we have a similar writing approach to Bioware RPGs, where each character is somebody's baby. To make writing practical, we do have to write for whatever character needs writing for sometimes, but we do also have someone who's sort of the "captain" of each character (or at least major characters).
Regarding quests: The final quest count won't be known until later in development, but I've "stubbed out" quest log code for all planned quests so far, and the end of the quest log looks like this:
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There are roughly 40 quests of various types fully implemented right now, so a bit less than half of planned quests have been implemented! That 109 number covers all the character quests, story quests, and other major quests, but I might add a few very small quests to add interest to slower portions of the game. It'll depend on how playtesting goes!
You won't be able to do every quest in a single playthrough because the story does split into Outlaw path and Lawful path eventually. Once you've made certain pivotal story choices, some characters will consider you to be on the enemy team and will no longer be willing to trust you (or, possibly, even talk to you at all!), and some story moments will force you to pick one of two characters to work with.
So you'll need a minimum of two playthroughs to do everything! Certain quests might also have more than one ending, depending on how you solve the task and who you work with. The game might not be as branchy as Fallout New Vegas or Baldur's Gate 3, but it is pretty dense!
Regarding Nikki's dog opinions:
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She likes all dogs, really! She can go on at length about the pros and cons and various uses and quirks of any breed. She also thinks mutts are interesting. But she is most interested in "wilder" looking breeds, like her cattledog, Sirius!
Regarding Tobias's cat:
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His name is Mr. Grumpus. Like his owner, he has permanent Resting Surly Cowboy face. He can often be found sleeping on the counter in the general store or wandering around town, though most townspeople know better than to bug him. He's not the friendliest to strangers!
Regarding Tobias's crankiness: He was always serious and standoffish and never the most popular or sociable person. However, it seems that he's gotten more sullen and gloomy since his mother's health started declining and he had to take over managing his family's general store. Being a cashier isn't really the life he dreamed of, and the stress of his family situation is getting to him. But maybe there's hope for things to improve...?
Regarding the characters being attractive: Ah, I'm glad you like 'em! I (and everyone else working on the project) love to design eccentrics and oddballs. I worry sometimes that we've gone too far catering to our own interests, rather than making something a wider audience would enjoy, so it's great to hear that they have appeal beyond our little niche! They're certainly not your typical "romanceable NPC" lineup, but we do hope that they find their target audience of people who want something more unconventional. :)
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How do I improve my workplace?
I don't think a single person has worked for more than 10 minutes and has thought "This is literally perfect. I want this 'til retirement."
There is always something that can be improved at work, even if it is incredibly minor. There are always micro-managing bosses, there's always broken equipment that never gets replaced or fixed, and there's always someone who has to bring in their own equipment because the office stock has run out.
And you won't be the only one who has these issues. No doubt everyone else is also thinking the same thing.
So how do we resolve this? Well luckily for us, we have a wealth of historical events that we can look into and find some great examples!
Of course, all of the following examples are most effective when coordinated with your co-workers. So make sure you've had a few one-on-one chats, got to know who you can trust, and get organised!
Be aware, your boss or manager will not take kindly to these actions, so be prepared to fight against pushback.
1. Slow down!
Productivity is all that matters to your boss. As long as "line go up" at the end of the day, they'll continue as always. The only way to grab their attention is to threaten that.
Slowdowns (or go-slows) are a very direct way of affecting that all-important line. Suddenly the boss is faced with an issue: "Line go down. :(".
The slowdown is a great way of showing just how much effort workers normally put in. Just how much they actually produce. And just how much is threatened when they take the gas off ever so slightly.
2. Good work, kid!
Sometimes affecting productivity will have unwanted negative effects. Doctors often worry that their patients' well-being would be affected, even temporarily. Bus drivers might be concerned that they'd be getting other people in trouble with their bosses by stopping service. Luckily, there is a way around it.
When you don't want to affect productivity, but still want to frighten the boss, hit them in the wallet. The Good Work Strike is a type of direct action where workers will continue to carry out their job but at a greater expense to the boss. Bus drivers might let people on for free, doctors or hospital administrators might not process medical bills, and extra admin work might not be carried out in favour of meeting the needs of a customer.
Quite often this means a better all-round service, as the worker is more focused on their work, rather than the "bullshit" work around the edges.
3. Complying... Maliciously!
How many times has your work been slowed down by needless reporting, strange and confusing rules, and bizarre workplace practices that the new manager has decided to implement? And how many times have you just ignored them, because you know that they make your job unworkable?
Well lucky for you, this can be used to your advantage...
Working to the rule (Work to Rule) is just that: following every single rule and regulation to the T, regardless of how long it takes. Suddenly, productivity goes down, and the boss starts to panic!
4. Sorry boss, I'm not feeling too well today...
Some industries in the UK, mostly public sector roles, are legally prevented from striking. This presents an issue when trying to figure out what to do to threaten the bosses' productivity or income. If you can't do that, then they can just ignore you. But there is a way around this.
The Sick-In is an action where several employees all report as sick on a given day. Sometimes, even the idea of a sick-in is enough to get results. And even a workplace all calling in to check how much sick leave they have left has done the trick.
Be aware that this can go south fairly quickly if someone decides to snitch beforehand. Find people you can trust!
5. Just Do It™
Historically, the best way to get something done is to do it yourself, bosses be damned. Organise with co-workers and pull something together without waiting for the boss to issue decrees from above.
To give an example, in San Fransisco, there was a coffee house with an owner who was incredibly poor at managing money (but he managed to get paid pretty consistently interestingly enough). Workers there would be paid weeks and sometimes months late.
The workers there took it into their own hands and began to pay themselves directly from the cash registers, leaving receipts to document where the money had gone.
Immediately there was an uproar from the owner, but the pay slips would arrive on time after that.
If something should be happening that isn't... Just do it!
6. Not just a Foo Fighters song...
I'll preface this with the following: these tactics are almost guaranteed to get you fired. Additionally, you might potentially piss off a load of co-workers as well. This should probably only be applied when tactically necessary.
You've tried everything. You're currently on strike, and the boss has brought in a load of scab workers. What's left?
As an aside, Monkey Wrenching refers to techniques used to sabotage, incapacitate, or destroy machinery or tools used for production.
In a railroad strike in 1886, scabs turned up to work to suddenly find that there was a load of equipment missing. Crucial small pieces of trains were missing, and couldn't run without them. Suddenly, the scabs were faced with the fact that there wasn't much they could do here and had to sit on their hands.
In one of my previous jobs, my manager had asked me to add a surcharge to a charity donation tool we were creating. There was nothing in the specification about the surcharge, and the money would be sent directly to his business account. There were only a couple of developers who knew the system well. And what a shame, our laptops would suddenly begin to bluescreen. A small drop of water here, a magnet placed too close to a hard drive there, these unforeseen events delayed the project enough that it was never taken up.
Wrapping things up
These are a few tools that workers can use to prove to their boss that he needs them more than they need him. Of course, it should go without saying, these tactics can and will get you in hot water. Discretion is advised.
Additionally, these tactics can only be effectively employed with help from your fellow workers. A single worker carrying this out will only ever be crushed. Sure, sabotage feels great, but at best it only really resolves one bad day, at worst it's adventurism. A collective of workers carrying this out can absolutely scare a boss onto the straight and narrow. It also leads to more permanent changes in the workplace - and sometimes across the whole industry!
This is also not an exhaustive list of everything you can do, only some of the more militant actions. Sometimes you will be lucky enough to have a boss that doesn't immediately reach for the chopping block. Tactics should be applied where and when they are necessary.
Notice as well that I didn't specifically talk about strikes. Strikes are GREAT. But once they've been employed, there isn't much room to escalate (legally) should the bosses refuse to back down. Of course, if needs must, strike away, but it's not the only tool in our arsenal.
As always, stay safe, and remember you're stronger together than you are alone.
Stay safe and solidarity, fellow workers! xox
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kuipernebula · 5 months
Talk about your Exhalted characters, KP. This is not a question.
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I appreciate the sentiment, but like. I dunno. I really wish I could talk about this shit in a context where people understood what I was talking about.
I'll shorten the list to just the shortlist of Sidereal Exalted I've developed to be played. I actually have more Sidereal PC's I wanna play than this but these 4 have received the most development and cook time in my brain. I need to make it 5 to hit the last Sidereal caste(/closest thing to classes the game has) but only one idea has hit me with any lucidity and it was like, a week ago, so it needs to cook some more.
Listed in order that the maidens are generally listed (Coincidentally, also the order of their planets)
The Journeys is a young man born in an independent city state in the jungles of the South East, one of the rare few cultures around the Dreaming Sea with few imperial ambitions. Here, members of [PC's] family were bonded to a tiger cub at birth, to act as their sibling and protector. Such was his life, until he came of age. Then, the Prasadi Empire sought to finally incorporate his home into its imperial regime. Guided by visions of a golden tiger, [PC] and his brother led his people to a hidden grotto beyond the notice of Prasad - but not heaven. Now, [PC] and his brother act as agents of fate, helping lead others to where they must be. Well. When they feel like it.
[PC] is loud, obnoxious, messy, and immature - but he's forceful, charismatic, and diligent, so he tends to get by just fine. His brother, by contrast, is serious, chooses his words(?) carefully, but refuses to raise a claw if its not in his or his brother's interest. At essence 2, [PC] gets a charm that lets him turn his brother into a God that works fro the Bureau of Destiny, meaning they're OFFICIALLY co-workers, and also his brother gets a human form and can talk.
His charms aren't as solid as the other ideas yet but he's a Tiger stylist, and fights in tandem with his brother. They're kind of attached at the hip. And if you try to say they're not brothers or bring up blood relation then they'll both probably try to kill you. (I need to pick a Sidereal Martial Art for him but I haven't found one I like quite yet.)
The Serenities is a former slave to House Cynis on the blessed isle. [Here there's some gray area in his backstory, as the specifics of his slavery and how he got there juggles in my head, and his exaltation isn't super clear.] Now he is forced to work alongside such figures as the Goddess of Slavery (who keeps calling him) and the Bronze Faction (set up a status quo that allows slavery to flourish.) To avoid killing his coworkers, he became a drunk, but became so enamored with wine and alcohol that he also became a legendary brewmaster. Most other Sidereals think of him as a laissez-faire drunk with a rude but friendly demeanor.
Though he works diligently for the Bureau of Destiny, he is largely entrenched in his own personal revenge project: burning all of House Cynis to the ground. The corrupt house that enslaved him cannot be allowed to stand. He will do anything to curry favor and allies to this goal, and will equally hide all his intentions about it until he knows for sure they can be trusted.
His fighting style is the Drunken God style, which isn't in the game yet so I haven't nailed down a lot of specifics. He also uses Augmented Implements of Strive to improve his use of Improvised Weapons, allowing him to turn any bar fight into a huge spectacle. (His Sidereal Martial Art could be a few things, but Sapphire Veil of Passions might lean the best into his Drunken Fist shenanigans, while the unreleased Amaranthine Chains of Samsara might be better thematically if it's about breaking those chains.)
The charm synergy I'm most excited for with him is that he gets a craft charm called Elemental Vision that gives you bonuses based on your Maiden's element; among other things, this includes that Elementals and Dragon-Blooded of the appropriate element have an automatic tie of Patience towards you. House Cynis is famously Wood aspect. Venus is the Maiden of Wood.
The Chosen of Secrets is a lightly Sun Wukong-inspired Super Thief. A huge adrenaline junkie that finds infiltration and larceny to be the height of excitement, he got his start in the Scavenger Lands, working under a Scavenger Lord picking apart First Age ruins. There he found his first true score: a seemingly-ordinary walking stick with a band of prismatic metal on his tip. He knew it, and himself, were destined for more than this particular Scavenger Lord, so he absconded with it. He was picked up by heaven shortly thereafter.
His various heists are viewed by most of his coworkers in the Bureau as an eccentric hobby and nothing more, mostly because he mostly sticks to Creation-based targets. Which isn't to say he hasn't considered Heavenly targets - he just needs the right plan. Either way, he has no interest in Faction politics, and regards the affairs of the Bureau as a day job he has to entertain for his salary.
His walking stick is the Starmetal artifact Gnomon, once wielded by a Solar Phantom Thief who famously stole it as a cutting from one of Heaven's Peach Trees of Immortality. Now it's our guy's, and it's main power is to stop time for brief moments, often to assist in a fight or in a heist.
He combines the above with Monkey Style Martial Arts, his Sidereal Charms (like most of the Larceny tree), and later on, Emerald Gyre of Aeons style. (It's the Martial Arts style about Time Loops, Eternity, and Time.) (Monkey Style and Gyre both styles that use Staves as weapons, and Gnomon is a staff. Synergy!)
The Endings is my Exalted character I've developed the most, Kyon Shi. Orphaned while still an infant in one of the Hundred Kingdoms, he fell in with other urchins. When he was learning to walk, he earned his name from a kindly old widow who would give food to the urchins. She found his awkward hops endearing, and thus called him "my own little kyonshi" in jest. The name stuck with the urchins, who found his pale skin and haunted eyes eerie.
As he grew, he became more and more enamored with death and funerals, consuming as much information as he could from the undertaker, from adults, from priests, whoever would let an orphan ask them questions. They, as with the urchins, found it off-putting, but sometimes humored him.
When he was still young, the other urchins decided they had enough of him. One of them - a boy that Kyon had once awkwardly expressed interest in - offered to meet him, alone, at the graveyard that night. He excitedly went to find his whole gang of street toughs. They proceeded to beat him half to death, stick him in a grave, and attempt to bury him alive. Kyon lost consciousness and the next thing he knew, he was above ground, with the boys having run away.
When he was old enough to make the journey himself, he hitched a ride on with a merchant caravan to the tomb-city of Sijan. There he, like many other morbid youths, joined the ranks of the city's mortuary students. He felt like he lagged behind many, but not all, of his fellows, but after much hard work, graduated top of his class.
His first assignment as a fully-fledged Sijanese funerist was to enter and clean one of the oldest tombs of the city. Inside, however, he found an old, dying man, who claimed that his sucessor was found, and it was his time. Kyon Shi felt compassion for the dying man, and performed a short funeral service for him. When he exited the tomb, he was greeted by a woman who introduced herself as The Green Lady.
Now he works for the Bureau of Destiny and is a key member of the Convention on the Dead. The Green Lady has taken him under her wing, and he has been given the impression he's being groomed to take over her position as Chair of the Convention one day, a position he'd be excited to accept. He trusts her implicitly, and would do anything to please or impress her, but since she's James Bond in The Underworld she can be... enigmatic. (In large part he views her so highly because she's the first person to see potential or promise in him; at every turn before hand, he had to earn it.)
His secretary is a ghost named Peach Blossom Princess, who lives in his manse in heaven and helps handle his paperwork. His manse, for what its worth, is contained in a folded space under a Torii. Enter it one way and you enter the Memorial of the Starless Soldier, a solemn and sacred place built by Saturn and Sol Invictus shortly after the Divine Revolution meant to honor the un-Exalted mortal soldiers of the Revolution. Enter the other way, and you are right outside Kyon's home, a temple-mansion-dojo where he (and his secretary) live (and train) between missions. (No matter which way you enter the Torii, it appears to be under an eternal starry, moonless sky)
Primarily he wants to build up relations between ghosts in the underworld and the bureaus of heaven; he thinks a future can be built where the dead can be part of the affairs of destiny, where all can be met with compassion. Secondarily, he wants to build relations with ancestor cults, as he thinks this, too, could be a valuable function of their alliance. This is idealistic, of course, but it's why he's tentatively aligned with the Gold faction.
He fights with the extremely deadly and unsettling Hungry Ghost Style, which emulates the movements and hunger of the angry dead. He is also a skilled necromancer, having been trained by The Green Lady herself; he maintains the ghostly bindings of his secretary himself. He also has most of the undead stuff in the Medicine tree, and also the charm where you become legally dead to heaven by performing your own funeral and thus get to be considered undead when it would benefit you (like if you are underwater).
He may eventually learn the Albicant Sepulcher of Extinction style, a Sidereal Martial Art made by one of the Deathlords. (How is up to debate...)
The other thing I've spent a ton of time on with him is that he has TONS of fun acts about various funeral practices around creation. I wrote down tons of them. I should write down some more.
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shraviya · 7 months
Establishing trust and authority for higher ranks is the role of branding in SEO.
Overview of SEO Branding Effective search engine optimization (SEO) tactics are built around branding, which goes beyond simple graphics to capture the spirit and values of a business. In search engine optimization, branding is essential for building authority and trustworthiness, both of which are necessary to rank higher in search results. In addition to helping a company stand out, a strong brand presence fosters customer loyalty and trust, which influences consumers' purchasing decisions and increases organic traffic. Businesses looking to increase their online exposure and long-term success must comprehend the importance of branding in SEO.
Establishing Credibility Is Crucial It is impossible to exaggerate the significance of building credibility in SEO and Digital Marketing. In the plethora of alternatives and information available on the internet, customers tend to favor brands they believe to be dependable and trustworthy. Credibility informs search engines that a website has quality, reliable content, which might raise a website's position.
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Furthermore, trustworthy firms typically garner a greater number of backlinks from reliable sources, which enhances their SEO endeavors. Beyond search engine rankings, reputation increases user trust, which in turn promotes interaction, return visits, and eventually conversions. Businesses can improve their search engine optimization (SEO) performance and establish their leadership positions in their respective industries by giving credibility top priority in their branding initiatives.
Developing SEO Authority In highly competitive digital environments, establishing authority in SEO is essential to attaining top ranks and making an impression. It entails positioning a website as a reliable resource within its sector, which increases exposure and generates natural traffic. Developing excellent content, obtaining backlinks from reliable websites, and interacting with communities are crucial tactics. Brands may establish themselves as leaders in their area, draw in a devoted following, and improve their online visibility by continuously demonstrating their knowledge and dependability. Building authority continues to be crucial for search engine optimization (SEO) success, as search engines favor authoritative sites.
Techniques to Strengthen Your Brand's Credibility Increasing brand reputation is essential for increasing consumer trust and optimizing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) results. One of the primary tactics is to continuously provide excellent content that aligns with the brand's knowledge and core values. Establishing authority and transparency is facilitated by active participation in pertinent online groups and social media platforms. Quick answers to queries and comments from clients show a dedication to their needs. Using user-generated material to support the brand, such testimonials, enhances its legitimacy. Through constant implementation of these techniques, brands can enhance their trust, resulting in better SEO outcomes and long-term success.
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Using Brand Authority to Boost Rankings Achieving higher search engine ranks requires utilizing brand authority. Improved visibility and organic traffic are the results of a strong brand presence, which communicates reliability to search engines. Creating high-quality content, obtaining backlinks, interacting with influencers, and optimizing website content are all important strategies. Brands can achieve long-term success by continuously securing top positions in search results through their demonstrated expertise.
Case Studies: Effective SEO Branding Case studies of successful branding in SEO provide insightful information about practical tactics. They give examples of how companies have increased their authority, developed trust, and improved their search engine optimization. Through the presentation of cutting-edge techniques like social media interaction and content marketing, these studies encourage marketers to implement novel tactics that are customized to their objectives. One's own SEO efforts can be improved and informed by studying these success stories.
Upcoming Developments and Things to Think About in SEO Branding Future branding trends and SEO (search engine optimization) considerations are changing quickly. Voice search, mobile optimization, and AI-powered personalized experiences are important areas of concentration. To remain visible, brands need to give priority to responsive design and optimize content for voice queries. Additionally, marketers must pay attention to the rise of visual search by optimizing their photos and videos. It will be essential to adjust to these trends in order to stay competitive in the ever-changing SEO market.
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the-writer-nerd-ro · 1 year
I am both intrigued and somewhat scared by the possibility of this duo. Could you do one for Webby and Gandra?
I was SO excited to get this ask because I've never written Gandra before. I hope I did her justice!
Send me asks pairing two of the Ducktales good guys and I will write a short fic with them interacting. Not for Ships. Based on this post.
Fic below:
"Would you be willing to answer a few questions for my school newspaper?" Webby asked, looking innocent in a way that Gandra still found suspicious.
"Because you're a big deal in the science community and I think that we should lift up the voices of female scientists, especially female scientists who are actively improving Duckburg."
"You're sure this has nothing to do with F.O.W.L.?"
"Scout's honor."
"You're not a scout. And you don't go to school."
"How did you know that?" Webby asked in surprise.
"I'm friends with your brother. He would've told me if you were one of his scouting buddies. And none of Scrooge's brood goes to real school. You probably should though."
"He thinks we can learn more by adventuring with him than we can at a real school," Webby said.
"He is holding a false education over your heads in exchange for free labor," Gandra shot back.
"So, what is this really about, Webbigail?"
"Huey and Fenton trust you. Everyone else? Not so much. And you can't afford Louie as your publicist, so you're going to have to settle for me."
"So you're just trying to help me? Noble."
"Yeah, well… I think people deserve second chances. I figure if you're not actively trying to kill my family I might as well be the one to extend the olive branch."
"Cool. Okay. So what do you need me to do?"
"I just want to hear in your words how you ended up working for F.O.W.L. and what you're doing to remedy your actions."
"Oh, wow, is that all? I told you, I don't talk about F.O.W.L."
"You didn't want to help them, did you?"
"Of course not! I'm not evil. I was just trying to get ahead. They had resources I couldn't get anywhere else."
"Was it worth it?"
"No, I don't know… People didn't listen to me before I joined F.O.W.L. I was overlooked and interrupted my whole life. I finally got to do something big and, well, my ideas could really help people."
"Or hurt people."
"That's not what I wanted," Gandra insisted.
"So what are you doing about it?"
"Fenton and I are working to undo the mistakes I made. Then we'll begin implementing our ideas to help people. For real this time."
Webby nodded, looking pleased.
"Are you satisfied, little Miss Publicist?"
"One more question."
"Who's a better hero, Darkwing Duck or Gizmoduck?"
Gandra snorted, "I think we both know the answer to that."
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piscesseer · 1 year
Beauty and Perfection: Venus in Virgo 🌹
On October 8, Venus will enter Virgo, staying there for one month, until November 8. Explore the more practical side of love, and new ways to better yourself.
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Venus is the planet of love, pleasure and beauty, while Virgo is a sign of logic, practicality and organization. It is said that Venus is in its fall with Virgo, meaning it can struggle in this position. We can often use the wisdom of this sign to our advantage and find ways to learn from this difficult transit. 
We have implemented the important lessons we learned from Venus’ Retrograde. Venus spent a long time in the fiery, dramatic sign of Leo. Moving into the more down-to-Earth sign of Virgo means that Venus might be taking in a refreshing, grounded breath. 
Though Virgo’s energy is more grounded, it is anything but relaxing if we allow anxieties to manifest. With Virgo’s influence, as well as Venus opposing Saturn on October 10, we may feel like keeping other people at an arm’s length. A feeling of being unloved and dissatisfied can make it difficult to be close to others. Take time to think realistically and rationalize, because Virgo also does that best.
It can be a tough time sorting through the conflicting influences. It doesn’t mean things will fall apart, but that your understanding of relationships can become much clearer.
This transit brings a more serious vibe to all of our partnerships. We don’t have time for the ones that don’t live up to your highest standards. It’s time to answer the hard questions in our relationships, weigh the pros and cons about staying in a relationship. Virgo is all facts and less feelings, which can be helpful to cut out that person who isn’t good for you. Single people will see their standards at their height. Anyone that makes it through this trail is a keeper.
The shadow side of this position is being overly critical of our partners or relationships, picky, nervous, or worried. Be aware of what is really happening, versus what anxiety could be manifesting. Try making a pros and cons list and sitting still with your thoughts if we are struggling.
When the planet of love and beauty is in Virgo, we tend to express our love through practical means and gestures. Rendering services to others can fill a need, and can be an expression of love. This could also mean we show our boss we care by doing something such as staying late at work and really going the extra mile. This can also be a time when helping others, particularly with good advice regarding these Venus-ruled things, can be prominent and successful.
Virgo is also quite practical and mental, so what we purchase and the types of entertainment we enjoy during this cycle are ruled by whether or not they make sense and serve a practical purpose. It can be a good time to make a budget, consider what we have been spending money on just for the fun of it and if it truly benefits us or is an impulse purchase to bring momentary happiness. We could easily feel guilty if we are too self-indulgent, so just try to find that balance to ease guilt.
We could become interested in ways to enrich our lives and boost our well-being. This can be a great time to focus on your health, as well as to improve your personal appearance. Try a new skincare routine or hairstyle.
This transit will bring about a metaphorical cleansing of your relationships, but we may also want to do some physical cleaning and sorting. Throwing out old makeup, putting together donation bags of clothes, and doing a full clean on your apartment is a great thing to do.
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October 22, Venus will trine Jupiter, which is good news within this tougher transit. This brings about a feeling that anything is possible. We have sorted through things that have come up, and now it’s easier to trust and our confidence is higher. 
Toward the end of October, we have Venus trine Uranus, and then oppose Neptune. We’re ready to take risks in the romantic department, especially now that we know what our expectations are. We can also dream big about romance, pleasure, material items. Just remember the lessons of practicality from Virgo and don’t take it too far.
 Venus in Virgo will bring a focus on the practical and the everyday. Use this time to make positive changes in your daily life and relationships. By the end of Venus’ transit through Virgo, we will be more confident and passionate about our relationships, our daily life and our finances.
Journal Prompts and Reflections for Venus in Virgo:
How do you express love and affection in practical ways? Do you or your partner appreciate acts of service, like doing chores or running errands for each other?
How can you balance your desire for improvement with acceptance and love for your partner or yourself?
Do you find that cleanliness and organization contribute to a sense of peace and balance in your life?
How are you prioritizing self-care and well-being in your daily routine? Are there new health or wellness habits you're incorporating into your life, and how are they affecting your relationship with yourself and others?
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yahoo-postmaster · 1 year
More Secure, Less Spam: Enforcing Email Standards for a Better Experience
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By Marcel Becker, Sr Director Product Management
A key mission of Yahoo is to deliver messages that consumers want to receive and filter out the messages they don't. 
To guide and help senders support us in that mission, we have documented our sending best practices on our Sender Hub. In addition, our postmaster teams have assisted the sending community to achieve the best results for them and ultimately for our users.
Yet, numerous bulk senders fail to secure and set up their systems correctly, allowing malicious actors to exploit their resources without detection. A pivotal aspect of addressing these concerns involves sender validation, leveraging email authentication standards to guarantee the verification of the email sender's identity. 
Sending properly authenticated messages helps us to better identify and block billions of malicious messages and declutter our users' inboxes. 
But we believe we can do even more to improve the quality of the emails our users receive as well as fight abuse and ultimately improve the experience for email users everywhere. 
In the first quarter of 2024, we will require that all bulk senders:
Authenticate their email: To help our users to be more confident about an email's source, we will require senders to implement stronger email authentication leveraging industry standards such as SPF, DKIM and DMARC. 
Enable Easy Unsubscription: Our users should be able to unsubscribe from unwanted emails without any hassle. It should just take one click. While we have promoted solutions for some time, adoption of these common sense standards have been low. We will require senders to support one-click unsubscribe and honor our users requests within two days. 
Only send emails our users want: True to our key mission, we want to ensure our users' inboxes are not cluttered with unsolicited or irrelevant emails. While we have measured user reported spam rates for some time and even exposed some of that data for trusted senders, we will start enforcing a threshold to ensure our users can continue to enjoy a spam free mailbox. 
While we are announcing these changes for all domains and consumer email brands hosted by Yahoo Mail, we are not alone in our quest to improve the email experience for users anywhere, keeping emails safe, user friendly and spam free. Our industry peers like Google agree with us: 
“We firmly believe that users worldwide deserve a more secure email environment, with fewer unwanted messages for an improved overall experience. We look forward to working with peers across the industry to boost the adoption of these email standards that benefit everyone.” - Neil Kumaran, Group Product Manager, Gmail Security & Trust
In the coming months we will provide more details on our Sender Hub and we can also be reached at [email protected] to provide more information or assist with any questions you might have. 
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How to Ensure the Longevity of Your Systems with a Facility Management Company
Facilities management plays a significant role in the long-term success of an organization. Facility managers (FM) create a functional, safe, efficient, and secure environment that puts an organization in a position to reach its objectives.
While they take care of the day-to-day operations, facility managers are also responsible for maintenance and upkeep of critical systems–which is essential to the efficiency of the facility. Partnering with a facility management provider is a great way to not only increase the efficiency of your systems, but also prolong their life span. In this article, we look at how an FM company can help ensure the longevity of your systems.
Implement Innovative Strategies to Ensure the Longevity of Your Systems
To some FMs, the idea of tracking and maintaining the necessary details for long-term plans and strategies may seem overwhelming–especially if they have limited resources. However, with the right tools in place, this may be more achievable than one might think.
Partnering with a forward-thinking facilities management company can help you implement innovative strategies like Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM). PPM is a way to use technology to formalize and anticipate maintenance needs. This predictive maintenance model helps you proactively plan for regularly scheduled maintenance as well as provides a system to quickly adapt to unexpected changes or circumstances that may arise. This approach helps you increase the longevity of your systems, saving you time and money in the future. Rather than reacting to new needs as they arise, a FM company can help you optimize your systems for the long run. PPM allows FMs to better understand the assets of each building so you and your partners can make plans for the unexpected.
Data-Driven Solutions For Better Decision-Making
Forward-thinking facilities management companies, like National Facilities Direct, collect, monitor, track, and analyze valuable data you can use to get a better understanding of your operations. For example, access to data from all of your assets helps you identify key performance indicators (KPI) that allow you to identify and address system vulnerabilities before they happen.
Using data-driven solutions for better decision-making results in actionable insights that improve asset maintenance, productivity, staffing needs, and future budgeting plans. With these insights, you can ensure the longevity of your systems with efficient, cost-saving solutions that can lead to sustainable systems.
Partner with a Forward-Thinking Facilities Management Company
The best FM partners are collaborative and communicative. They take time to understand your situations, perceptions, and expectations to better learn your facility and deliver a custom solution that meets your needs. They’re invested in protecting the longevity of your systems and presenting options for both the long and short term.
At National Facilities Direct, your problems are our problems, and we will work with you to provide a solution that meets your needs. Our customer-centric environment means we’ll stop at nothing to ensure you and your company have the tools necessary to succeed. If you’re ready to have a facilities management partner you can trust, contact National Facilities Direct today! Visit Our Website - https://nationalfacilitiesdirect.com/
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How to Ensure the Longevity of Your Systems with a Facility Management Company
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Facilities management plays a significant role in the long-term success of an organization. Facility managers (FM) create a functional, safe, efficient, and secure environment that puts an organization in a position to reach its objectives.
While they take care of the day-to-day operations, facility managers are also responsible for maintenance and upkeep of critical systems–which is essential to the efficiency of the facility. Partnering with a facility management provider is a great way to not only increase the efficiency of your systems, but also prolong their life span. In this article, we look at how an FM company can help ensure the longevity of your systems.
Implement Innovative Strategies to Ensure the Longevity of Your Systems
To some FMs, the idea of tracking and maintaining the necessary details for long-term plans and strategies may seem overwhelming–especially if they have limited resources. However, with the right tools in place, this may be more achievable than one might think.
Partnering with a forward-thinking facilities management company can help you implement innovative strategies like Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM). PPM is a way to use technology to formalize and anticipate maintenance needs. This predictive maintenance model helps you proactively plan for regularly scheduled maintenance as well as provides a system to quickly adapt to unexpected changes or circumstances that may arise. This approach helps you increase the longevity of your systems, saving you time and money in the future. Rather than reacting to new needs as they arise, a FM company can help you optimize your systems for the long run. PPM allows FMs to better understand the assets of each building so you and your partners can make plans for the unexpected.
Data-Driven Solutions For Better Decision-Making
Forward-thinking facilities management companies, like national facilities direct, collect, monitor, track, and analyze valuable data you can use to get a better understanding of your operations. For example, access to data from all of your assets helps you identify key performance indicators (KPI) that allow you to identify and address system vulnerabilities before they happen.
Using data-driven solutions for better decision-making results in actionable insights that improve asset maintenance, productivity, staffing needs, and future budgeting plans. With these insights, you can ensure the longevity of your systems with efficient, cost-saving solutions that can lead to sustainable systems.
Partner with a Forward-Thinking Facilities Management Company
The best FM partners are collaborative and communicative. They take time to understand your situations, perceptions, and expectations to better learn your facility and deliver a custom solution that meets your needs. They’re invested in protecting the longevity of your systems and presenting options for both the long and short term.
At National Facilities Direct, your problems are our problems, and we will work with you to provide a solution that meets your needs. Our customer-centric environment means we’ll stop at nothing to ensure you and your company have the tools necessary to succeed. If you’re ready to have a facilities management partner you can trust, contact National Facilities Direct today!
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didographic · 1 year
SEO Strategies For Family Law Firms: Increasing Your Visibility And Credibility
Search engine optimization (SEO) family law firms have their problems. With so many firms competing for clients, distinguishing may take a lot of work. The right SEO strategies can increase the visibility and credibility of family law firms. In this article, we will explore some of the best tactics for improving your firm’s search engine rankings and attracting more clients. We’ll cover everything to make your online profile better. From ensuring your site’s information is optimized to building high-quality backlinks. If you have any experience with SEO, these ideas will help you. Find out how to make your family law business more well-known and respected.
Why SEO is Essential for family law firms
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SEO Statistics For Law Firms
Before diving into specific SEO strategies, it’s helpful to understand the importance of SEO for law firms. 
Do you know 94.6% of people seeking legal advice use a search engine? The first page of Google results captures 71% of search traffic clicks.
73% of people never scroll past the first page of search results.
These data demonstrate the importance of an excellent online presence and high search engine rankings.
Using these effective SEO strategies, family law firms can increase their chances of capturing the attention of potential clients.
Understanding Your Target Audience And Keywords
Effective SEO begins with understanding the keywords your target audience uses to find legal representation. A family law firm may be searched for as a “divorce lawyer,” “child custody attorney,” or “family law firm.”
Search engines may rank your site higher for connected queries.
It’s also essential to understand the intent behind these keywords. “Divorce lawyer” searchers may be seeking divorce information.
In contrast, someone who searches for a “child custody attorney” might need legal help immediately.
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On-Page Optimization For Family Law Firms
On-page optimization improves the search engine rankings of your website. SEO for family law attorneys, this can include:
We incorporate relevant keywords into your website, including headings, subheadings, and body text.
You are writing high-quality, informative content that addresses potential clients’ questions and concerns.
It uses meta titles and descriptions that accurately and clearly describe the content of each page.
Your website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly.
It optimizes images and videos with alt tags and descriptive file names.
Make your website more relevant and engaging with these on-page optimization strategies. Therefore, you will rank higher in search engine results and attract more potential clients.
Off-Page Optimization For Family Law Firms
Off-page optimization refers to improving your website’s visibility and authority through external tactics like link-building and social media marketing. For family law firms, this can include:
You are building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites within your industry. That can make search engines more likely to trust your website and give it more weight.
Creating social media profiles and regularly sharing informative posts relevant to your potential clients.
We encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews on websites like Google My Business and Yelp.
You are participating in industry-related forums and communities and sharing your expertise with others.
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Local SEO For Family Law Firms
Search engine optimization for local search queries. 
You’re updating your company’s address and phone number on Google My Business.
Incorporating location-specific keywords into your website content, such as “family law firm in [city].”
You ensure your website includes a map and directions to your office location.
I am participating in local directories and industry-specific websites.
Try to implement these local SEO strategies. Increase website exposure and search engine ranks.
Building Backlinks For Family Law Firms
Building backlinks is essential to off-page optimization because it helps search engines see your site as more authoritative and trustworthy.
For family law firms, building high-quality backlinks can include the following:
Guest posting on reputable legal blogs and websites.
You are participating in industry-related forums and communities and sharing your expertise with others.
We are creating informative and shareable content, such as infographics and videos.
We encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews on websites like Google My Business and Yelp.
You can improve your website’s authority and credibility if you do high-quality backlinks. Your search engine rankings will improve, and you will attract more potential clients.
Read Also: How SEO Copywriting Services Can Transform Your Website’s Success
Measuring Your SEO Success
Measuring your SEO strategy’s success is crucial for implementing improvements and determining what’s working. 
Keyword rankings: Where does your website rank for relevant keywords?
Organic traffic: How much traffic is your website receiving from search engines?
Bounce rate: What percentage of visitors leave your website after visiting only one page?
Conversion rate: What percentage of website visitors become leads or clients?
Your SEO strategy can be adjusted if you identify areas for improvement.
In conclusion, Taking action to improve your SEO for family law firms SEO is crucial to any successful digital marketing strategy for family law firms. Increasing visibility and credibility online, attract more potential clients, and ultimately grow their business. From on-page optimization to link building and local SEO, various tactics can help improve your search engine rankings and attract more clients to your firm. So when using these strategies, you can take your family law firm’s online presence to the next level.
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What are your thoughts on Zig and the way it portrays a possible C descendant?
One of the best options in the space today.
Generally an improvement, and I tend to agree with the design decisions far more than disagree. Definitely worth looking at if you want to replace C somewhere, a more viable and likely contender for parts of C's niche than Rust, Go, D, C++, and so on.
Compile-time code, including manipulating types, all without raw text-replacing macros, is a huge yes. Safe-by-default building, with lots of nice error-catching features unless you deliberately opt-in to disable them for performance, is wise. Shorthand for propagating error returns is great. Cross-compiling as a first-class use-case that Just Works out of the box is long overdue and widely beneficial. Building on LLVM seems like the obvious best choice. The ability to compile existing C code and mix Zig with C is a really good move for increasing adoption in places with legacy C codebases.
Now for the not-so-positive:
At least once I came across a detail that reduced my confidence in the... thoroughness of design thought going into it: rejecting async "coloring" of code is probably a mistake, and since they mentioned it in a list of good things about Zig while only linking to the initial popular blog post critical of function color, I worry they might not have fully grokked that question before deciding on an answer.
Personally, I want meta-language capabilities - kinda like what Racket has. The value-add of switching from C to Zig seems worse than value-add of switching to "C with good meta language capabilities", because then there's almost no limit to what kind of improvements can be added to the language as just another library, and it's easier to implement those improvements.
From a strategy angle, it might be too early for a C challenger to be so much more complex to implement. Sure I can use Zig to compile my C codebase, but if LLVM and Zig don't support my target, then I have to add it myself or keep using C - and I'm probably not getting the time or money to do the former. (But this only matters for displacing legacy codebases.)
The way for a C challenger to always be able to stay ahead of C at all three of performance, keeping up with new hardware and OS capabilities, and portability, is to have a standard way of going lower-level than C too, not just higher-level. Imagine being able to say, in portable source code, "for that target, here is one or more machine instructions, and here is higher-level source code - you can trust that the former implements all of the defined behavior of the latter". Think of all the things an optimizing compiler can do with this! Think of how much hardware-specific and OS-specific optimization knowledge could move out of the compiler and into libraries which can update faster and independently!
The way for a C challenger to totally outclass C for systems programming is to be better at talking about all side-effects and resources. When writing security-critical system internals we need to be able to say stuff like "in this piece of code, those observable side-effects being the same regardless of inputs is a deliberate detail, not an incidental one". When writing real-time systems we need to be able to manually manage execution time and preemption like we manually manage memory. And so on.
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