#and a load of other creatures of the night that i'm not tagging
gachawolfiebloom · 6 months
Your Pursuit of Perfection
Story and Artwork By: @GachaWolfieBloom
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Chapter 11: It's time to take your final bow
Summary: A few months after the events of WOTFI 2023, SMG4 starts having really bad dreams about the "Its gotta be perfect" incident. One night however, his fear allows the nightmares to break through and he gets taken to a horrific dimension. He finally meets the tv adware, who manipulates him into returning to his insane ways, intent on claiming much more than the perfect video. Now it's up to his friends to stop this madness and save SMG4. Can they do it in time or will they lose SMG4 forever? (In case you are unaware this is a sequel to the its gotta be perfect movie)
Tags: angst, its gotta be perfect, love confession, luigi, mario, meggy, melony, nightmares, scary, smg3, smg4, smg34, smg3 x smg4, tari, tv adware
"We can't just leave them there like that!"
Smg1 and Smg2 had arrived back at the Showgrounds, escaping the TV that played them like puppets. "Don't worry, we'll save them, but we have to protect the others first." The tanks were fired rapidly as Swag just kept screaming "KEEP LOADING UP THE TANKS! I WILL SHOOT DOWN THESE THINGS IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!" It turns out that the awful creatures that had trapped the crew came back to take over the Showgrounds and across the Mushroom Kingdom.
Chris was trying to evacuate everyone when he noticed two figures. "One and Two!? But where are the others?" They both sighed sadly and responded with such a sorrowful tone that it was surely a moment of grief. "They've been...captured..." Karen was sheltering her kids and the pets when they heard the unfortunate news. Beeg and Eggdog ran up to the meme guardians, wondering if their parents were okay. "We're so sorry you two...Smg3 is gone and Smg4 is controlled by the TV Adware."
The pets hung their heads as the guardians picked them up. This was a very sad moment, but it couldn't last forever. One snapped out of his thoughts of misery and got back to the matter at hand. "There's no time to dwell on that now. Smg4 and the TV Adware will be here soon to take over our home!"
"Don't worry, we'll be ready." Chris and Swag got the military to build defenses all around and the others were done fleeing for their lives. Shroom loaded up a gun while the teletubies took out weapons such a spears and maces. The end is near...
~Back in the nightmare realm~
"Bob...that's not going to work." Saiko just sat on the floor, head in her hands as she watched Bob rattling the chains and shouting out weak commands. "WELL WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO!?" She rolled her eyes and said "Apparently overreacting like a five year old because someone here is too irresponsible."
Saiko got up and pointed a stern finger at bob in a fit or rage. "WELL MAYBE I'M JUST TRYING TO PROTECT MY FRIENDS! YOU'D THINK OF THAT!" Meggy watched as the two bickered on, desperately trying to think of a plan. "Guys! Enough!!!" Boopkins hid behind Tari while she comforted that poor little traumatized creature. "Wait!" Melony broke up the argument and urged them all to be quiet.
"Do you all hear that?" She got closer to the bars and stuck her ear out. The others did the same as a faint screaming could be heard from above them. "Oooo is it the tv guy?" Meggy pondered what unearth it could be until she recognized the voice. "No Mario...it sounds like...THREE! HE'S HERE!" They all cheered as they were relieved that he was safe and would hopefully rescue them. "We have to find someway to let Three know we're down here!"
Mr Puzzles watched amusingly as Three kicked and screamed until he noticed a purple book, slipping out of his pocket. He picked it up and flipped through the pages. "Oi! That's mine and your not allowed to look in it! Read the cover idiot!" This book seemed familiar to him as one picture in particular caught his eyes. "Ah yes. The notebook that I had sent Marty to retrieve a couple months ago."
"You did that? I'll kill you! Because of you, Four has had awful nightmares!" Mr Puzzles flipped the notebook around to reveal that wholesome sketch that Three did of him and Four, holding coffee cups. "Well you see, that's the problem. Apparently there is still a small bit of Smg4 left in my partner of nightmares." Three couldn't believe it. There was still time to save Four.
"What!? You have to set him free! YOU'RE A MONSTER!" Mr Puzzles just sneered as he shot back "Not a chance! You will watch as your beloved friend destroys your home along with all the love you have for him. Then his transformation will be permanent!" He tore the notebook, right in front of Three's eyes and tossed it onto the ground.
"NOOOOO!!!" Three watched in utter despair as the drawing and everything else that he had ever written was gone. Reduced to nothing. That corrupted Four came up to his master with a dastardly smile, twirling the key around his fingers. "I like the sound of that." The tears couldn't stop flooding from Three's eyes as the thought of losing Four forever made his heart ache.
"Now it is time for the era of nightmare rule!" Mr Puzzles cackled as he left to make his way to that soon to be powerful kingdom he had promised. Four followed behind unit he noticed a scarp of paper besides the crying man. He picked it up and studied it. Three noticed the interest and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Four? Do you remember that day when we got my notebook back!?" Four gasped as the memories came flooding back to when they sat together, drinking coffee and enjoying each other's company.
"What are you writing?"
"I'll never tell!"
That lovable idiot was fighting his way through, but the nightmares wouldn't allow it. He shut his eyes and threw the piece of paper on the ground. "NO!" Three watched in horror as he stomped his foot down on the paper and said "I will take over your home and watch as you lose all sense of hope!" He trudges off as Three sighs. "I thought you might say that..."
He takes out a gun and says "That's why I came prepared." He shot the tentacles, making them let go in thriving pain as he rushed back into the castle. Now that those two were gone, Three could make his way feely to find his friends. "The dungeon can't be this hard to find." Suddenly some barely audible screaming was heard. "That has to be them." He went down a staircase as the voices got louder. "Yes!" He sprinted down until he rushed up to a cage and...THERE THEY WERE!
"Three! You're okay!" Three nodded as he said "Don't worry. I'll get you out."
"But how? You don't have the-" Three pulled out a shiny object that looked like a "Key?" The others gasped as Mario cheered "SMG3 IS THE BEST!" Meggy stared blankly at him as he opened the cell. "But how did you-"
"I have my ways. Now come on! We have to stop that TV creep and Smg4 before they take over all of the Mushroom Kingdom!" They all bolted off as Three noticed something that Tari was carrying. "What the hell is that?" Tai giggled and said "Don't worry! He's my friend!" Three din't bother to ask as they made it out of the castle and saw a wide opening. "That must be where they got out!"
"HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO GET UP THERE!?" Three stared at his hands and remembered something. He spun around to the others and said "Mr Puzzles said that there was still a part of Smg4 left in his corrupted version. If he's still in there, we can still use our connection to teleport to him!"
"Mr Puzzles? You mean the TV Adware?" Meggy gerked her head a bit. "Doesn't matter." Three takes a breath and concentrates hard. "Come on Four...help us out here."
The Final Showdown is about to begin...
Chapter 12: The Final Showdown
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damelucyjo · 1 year
nine people you would like to know better (Tagged by @modern-day-classic, thank you, lovely 💛)
3 ships: Just 3?! Oof okay. I'll go with the 3 I've been reading fic for the most recently; Siegfried & Audrey, Olivia & Elliot, and Ted & Rebecca. But best believe this is a long list to choose from!
first ever ship: Hmm... I don't actually know. Mostly likely Mudler & Scully, watching X-Files growing up, shipping them and not even knowing thats what it was 😂
last song: Weirdly enough, my Spotify just shuffled Hannah's 3 songs from But I'm A Cheerleader! one right after the other. But the one currently playing is 'One Step At A Time'
last movie: Had to really think about this because I don't know! haha Feel like I haven't watched a film in ages!! Oh! I kinda of watched Fantastic Mr. Fox with Ted at the weekend whilst we did puzzles haha
currently reading: Reading loads of fic, as always. But I have started The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo like 4 times this year. I should set myself a goal to actually finish it before the end of the year!
currently watching: Watched all of season 4 of Sex Education yesterday. Think I have 1 or 2 episodes left of the newest season of Virgin River to watch. I seem to always be watching All Creatures Great & Small on a loop. And if it counts, I fall asleep to Bob's Burgers every night haha
currently consuming: Always drinking orange & peach flavoured water. Not long ago ate a cinnamon roll
currently craving: Nothing because I just ate and actually feel kind of sick. But yesterday all day I was craving Ritz crackers with sour cream & chive spread on top 🤤
tagging: @waddingham @writtenndust @sarahtarth @fangirl-corey @rahleeyah @evandstuff @theultimateclare @broadwayfreak5357 @gerri-berry
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glitterdustcyclops · 2 years
tagged by @solobagginses and i will literally never not take the opportunity to fill out surveys about myself lmao
Get To Know Me!
Nickname: britt, chocolate, choco
Age: 29
Height: 5'7"
Sign: ☀️♋🌙♓⬆️♌
Last Google Search: apparently "galaxy nails" i was painting my nails earlier and wanted some reference pics (and my stupid peel off base coat already peeled off so all that effort was WASTED)
Last Song Stuck In My Head: Papercuts - Landon Conrath (no idea why because i don't actually like this song all that much)
Sleep: is a concept i'm familiar with, yes. lol cuz of my job i have to wake up at 7-8 during the week but does that stop me from staying up until 2 or 3 regularly? fuck no.
Dream Job: pretty lucky that i get to actually do one of my dream jobs, i'm a ux specialist. but the secret fantasy answer is owning my own charming queer-friendly cafe/bakery.
Wearing: a shirt from my company and some jimjam pants
Favorite Songs: impossible. but some of my fav songs lately have been "Wolf" by Skott, "Old Soul" by Saint Motel, "The Loneliest Time" by Carly Rae Jepsen, "夜来香" by Teresa Teng, "Pace of Light" by Shanghai Restoration Project
Favorite instrument: first the flute because that's what i played, then the rest of the woodwinds, then violin, then percussion, then guitar, then french horn, then the rest of the brass section :P
Aesthetic: oh i've got loads but the truest one of my heart is, hmm, how do i say "pastel glitter space witch, with a touch of cottage core for good measure" or i guess, whatever is going on in this tumblr tag
Favorite Authors: Alexis Hall, Douglas Adams, Joy Demorra, Cat Sebastian, Sarah Gailey, Johannes T. Evans
Favorite Color: mint green, other shades of blue/green, and pink
Favorite Animal Sounds: okay this is a bizarre question i love it. basically all of my favoritest animals are sea creatures which are not typically known for their sounds (whales excluded) so...hmmm....oh WAIT!! GOT IT!!! frog sounds!! such a wonderful variety of croaks and bellows and screams. well done frogs.
Last Song: "Talking to Yourself" by Carly Rae Jepsen
Last Series: idk if it counts but i've been bouncing betwixt game changer/make some noise as suits my whim for the last lil bit. if we're talking fictional television programs me and my dad watched the premier of the new season of the mandalorian last night?
Random: i'm double jointed* which means my hands can do this
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*have recently learned that "double jointed" isn't actually a thing and this is actually just joint hypermobility, so. that's a fun fact for you. as you can imagine this made playing the flute An Ordeal sometimes.
as always i'm too lazy to tag anyone but if you wanna do this feel free!! and tag me so i can see your responses cuz i'm nosy 👀
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hollygolightlyclub · 6 years
Gerard Way's (Vampire) Detective Agency series by jjtaylor [163k all together] 
Explicit | Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Pete, Alicia/Mikey, Bob/Ray, Jamia/Lynz
Pete, in Decaydance Mansion, with a yarrow stake. Frank and Gerard, in the greenhouse, with a plant of questionable origin. Bob, everywhere you look, with a gang of assassins for justice. Vampires, valets, pamphlets, haunted furniture, dub-thrall, disembodied voices, zombie couriers, and sinister rituals.
Listen, this one's world building is incredible. It has these little blips about the universe in between chapters too, which I love.. I also really liked how Frank and Gerard's relationship was paced, and just the relationship in general. And PLEASE for the love of god read the sequel, The Detective's Secret!!! It's EXTREMELY important to the series, u get SO much more out of the plot than the first installment. The rest of the additions are just confetti, but there's def some cute extras in there as well. Anyway. I am begging!!! Please read, like I'm obsessed. It's very possibly my favorite fic series forever and ever, tbh 👀
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jinmukangwrites · 3 years
succumb (1/?)
Note: "?" because I don't know if I'm actually going to continue this. All I know is that I saw this post from Liccy and couldn't stop thinking about it (hopefully you don't mind me leeching a little off of your fantastic hc). I just had to write something or else I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it. Unless I decide to make more of this, I'll keep this just in Tumblr for now.
Summary: While collecting firewood after a harsh day of traveling, Wild and Hyrule find themselves ambushed and alone, facing a mysterious enemy that wants Hyrule for something Wild doesn't understand... or more specifically: they want Hyrule's blood.
Tws and warnings in tags
It’s a night filled with the chill of air fresh after rain. The damp grass and twigs lining the ground below the still dripping trees squish below Wild’s boots as he walks, his eyes sharp for anything that could be useful.
Today’s been a rather taxing day on his energy, and he can tell it’s been the same with the others. The constant rain has caused the paths to become slick with mud and the rivers too dangerous to cross. To top it all off, they don’t even know who’s world they are in; making it so that as they journey they don’t even know where they are going.
Wild hates the rain.
But luckily, he’s not assigned with the behemoth task of finding dry firewood alone. Hyrule walks beside him, his pants and tunic blotched with dark colors thanks to the puddle he had fallen into a few minutes before.
The quite literal stumbles here and there put aside… they’ve actually done a decent job at gathering firewood so far. A few hours into their search they both have arms cradling rather hefty loads of dry twigs and branches found in miracle spots hiding under rocks and undergrowth, untouched from the rain.
A cold win stirs, causing Wild to suppress a shiver as he straightens out of picking up another stick to add to his impressive collection. He probably should have worn a warmer tunic while heading out, but Wind was looking miserable in the cold and didn’t look used to this kind of chill, so he had lent his snowquill tunic and didn’t have the heart to take it back as the poor kid sat sniffling in the driest part of camp.
Wild mentally begins to make a list of things he has that could go in a warming soup once they have a fire going. If none of them have colds tomorrow morning, he will eat Legend’s hat.
“We should head back,��� Wild calls towards his companion. Behind him, Hyrule straightens up from where he was quite hilariously resembling an old man squatting down to pick up a book they have dropped. His arms are overloaded with wood, and Wild’s sure if he bends any lower he would be struggling to pick up the sticks he will undoubtedly start dropping.
“You think we have enough?” Hyrule asks.
Wild hums and looks at the two armfuls they have gathered. They need enough to last them for dinner and through the night, and a little extra if the fire happens to go out from unpredictable rain storms through the night. It’s not like Wild’s scars would be able to help him tell the oncoming storms; they’ve been none-stop aching since they found themselves in this unfamiliar forest.
After a moment of sizing up their bundles, Wild nods. “Yeah, if we’re smart with it we shouldn’t have to worry.”
Hyrule snorts. “Smart with it? Tell that to the blacksmith. He’s the one that tried to light Vet’s hair on fire.”
“In his defense, Vet kinda deserved it.”
“He accidentally caught Wolfie’s tail on fire.”
Wild snorts. “To be fair, he kinda deserved it too.”
Hyrule gives an unimpressed look to which Wild responds with a grin and as much of a shrug he can manage without dropping anything. The wind brushes past them and through the leaves in the trees, reminding them both that the night is approaching and banter can perhaps wait until they’re warm at a fire.
“C’mon,” Wild says, “we should get going.”
Hyrule’s face splits into a grin and rushes to catch up with Wild as he begins to walk back towards the direction of camp. The sound of mud squelching beneath their boots accompanies his thoughts as they go. He hopes they’ve set up the pots and pans he needs to make dinner like he asked them to. He’d like to get something warm in his belly as soon as possible and it would be so much quicker if the others realized they could maybe help make dinner sometimes.
He’s in the middle of planning out his next moves once they’re back with the others when it happens. It’s achingly familiar too—the way the air seems to turn foul and the shadows of the trees grow within the blink of an eye. Through his travels alone… before he fought and defeated Calamity Ganon… things were hardly ever perfectly okay. Safety was always rare, and things could go sour quicker than what you would expect. Wild quickly trained himself to always be aware of the dangers around him, even if everything seemed happy and safe. It saved his back more times than what he could admit, even if the pressure of anxiety pressing down on his ribs was more constant than a place for him to spend the night.
He could sense everything about to go wrong a moment before it does. He’s not sure what’s made him aware of the change—whether it’s the quieting of crows or the darkening sky—but one thing is for sure, this time he’s not quick enough to stop it.
He sees Hyrule twitch besides him and drop all of the firewood in his arms right into the mud. His hands fly to his neck as Wild drops his load and pulls out his sword. He hears a zip and catches the flash of light just in time to jump out of the way of a flying arrow.
Immediately, Wild is in battle mode. With practiced movements that he doesn’t even think about anymore, his shield is off of his back and on his non-dominant hand just-in-the-nick-of-time to block two more arrows with an equal number of thunks. With rising adrenaline, Wild looks over at Hyrule and what he sees makes his stomach twist. There, just a few strides out of arm's reach, Hyrule stumbles and tugs his hands away from his neck; grasped in his fingers is a small, thin twig with a feather on one end and a metal glint on the other. It isn’t hard to guess what’s exactly going on as Hyrule stumbles again with fluttering eyelids.
This isn’t any old attack from monsters in the forest, Wild concludes as he begins to rush towards his poisoned friend.
This is an ambush.
Just before Wild can reach Hyrule, a form jumps down from the trees between them. Wild has a split-second to recognize the glint of misshapen armor bent to fit a large reptile's body before the Lizalfols is swinging a sharp boomerang right for his throat. Wild steps back and raises his shield before he could be hit, however he has to work hard to suppress a frustrated snarl as he’s forced to widen the distance between himself and the barely standing Hyrule. He can see the other hero struggling to pull out his sword as more figures emerge from the surrounding trees.
“Alright, ugly,” Wild hisses under his breath as he shoves his shield out with calculated power. He needs to finish this quickly before Hyrule gets himself more hurt so he can figure out what poison was used and if the others are okay.
The Lizalfos screeches and stumbles back, waving its weapon wildly. Wild takes its struggle to regain balance as an opportunity to rush forward and swing his sword right for the weak spots of its armor. The monster screams impossibly high with unhuman chords before falling limp on his sword, however Wild doesn’t have time to celebrate before claws dig into his shoulders. Stifling a cry of pain, Wild is forced to let go of his lodged sword to catch his fall on his hands and knees. The well-known shriek of a bokoblin reaches his ears as he throws his weight to the side to dislodge the thing. Luckily, he’s successful, ending up on his back with the perfect position to swing his shield at the exact right moment to hit the bokoblin right in the snout as it tries to jump at him again.
“Champ!” calls a shaky voice. Hyrule.
He doesn’t sound too good.
And judging how there are several more monsters here than what he remembered before ending up on the ground… neither of them will be too good soon if he doesn’t act.
He scrambles to his feet, barely noticing how soaked in rain and mud he is now, and grabs a stick on his way up that he had previously dropped. He swings it like a bat at the next closest bokoblin—mourning his sword and mentally kicking himself for getting it stuck in the corpse of a fucking lizard—but he only manages to slightly stun it for a moment before its running after him with pig-like gurgles quicker than what he can properly lift his shield. However, before the creature can hit him, there's the flash of a friendly blade, cutting the beast down mid-air. Before him stands Hyrule, looking very pale with beads of sweat trailing down from his hairline. Wild’s about to nod his thanks, but two things happen at once that makes everything go completely downhill.
Wild sees Hyrule’s eyes roll up to his skull right before the air is knocked out of him via a viscous swing of a tail to his ankles, resulting in him landing heavily on his back.
Monsters all around him squeal with glee as Wild attempts to catch his breath and struggle to his feet. However, before he can do so, the heavy body of the lizalfos responsible for taking him down lands on his back, expelling any of the air Wild had left in his lungs. For a horrifying second, Wild’s almost afraid his head is about to be removed from his body with the flash of a sharp boomerang.
Shockingly enough, that doesn’t happen. While he feels the blade slide right against his jaw, his skin does not break. With the tug of a clawed hand in his hair, he quickly finds this isn’t a kind of ambush that he’s used to. Most surprise monster attacks stay exactly as it appears to be: an all-out attack with no more intentions than to stab things and scream loudly.
This one however is proving itself to be a little different. They want something, something that they’d keep Wild pinned on the ground with a blade to his throat alive.
Thanks to the hand holding his head up by his hair—sending a rather vicious kink into his neck as he’s still stuck on his stomach—Wild can see Hyrule completely collapsed on the ground with a few monsters hovering over him with excited snorts and grunt.
He can’t believe the two of them have been bested by monsters as low in skill as these.
Something more has to be going on.
And, just as that thought crosses his mind, there’s the sound of booted feet approaching on the soggy ground. The new presence comes behind from where Wild is pinned, so he cannot see them. However, based on the even steps and the whoosh of cloth, he can at least infer that they’re not a monster… or at least something a bit more humanoid.
His suspicions are confirmed once the figure steps into view. They look the build of a Hylian; though below the cloak that covers their face and exposes nothing but the shadow of a pointed chin… they must be a rather tall Hylian.
Which definitely isn’t good. Monsters are one thing—creatures born out of hatred and greed—but a Hylian who’s born as pure as any other human and animal in the world choosing to work with monsters? Deal with wickedness? They’re always the bigger threat. If the Yiga clan alone isn’t proof enough that Hylia’s creations can inhibit more darkness than the lowest of beasts, then Wild would ask what shrine you've been sleeping in.
Not like he could ask that now, not as the cloaked figure steps right past Wild without sparing a single glance. Wild cannot help but feel his stomach twist in fear as the person kneels down by the unmoving and unarmed Hyrule. They place a pale hand on Hyrule’s forehead, making Wild’s skin crawl.
“Get away from him!” Wild snarls, digging his fingers into the mud and attempting to push the heavy lizalfos off from him, but all that does is cause the creature to hiss and tighten the blade.
The cloaked intruder doesn’t respond nor quit in their endeavors of getting too close to Hyrule for Wild’s comfort. In fact, Wild almost thinks they didn’t even hear him.
He’s about to shout out once again—angry with being ignored—but the breath leaving his lungs fall silent as the figure brushes back Hyrule’s hair with a verbal sigh. Then, to Wild’s horror, the figure pulls back to their cloak to bring out a small vial filled with a deep purple liquid.
“What is that?” Wild demands as the lid of the vial is popped off and lowered towards Hyrule’s pale lips. “Don’t you fucking dare-” suddenly the air is squeezed from his body, forcing his protests to cease, as the lizalfos leans more of it’s weight onto his back to press his face down into the mud.
He doesn’t see what happens next, but he can put two and two together when a few silent moments pass before those human footsteps begin to finally head Wild’s way. The clawed hand in his hair loosens ever so slightly as slim fingers slip under his chin. Next thing Wild knows, he’s blinking through dripping eyelashes at the shadowed face of the cloaked figure.
Wild, of course, takes the opportunity to spit a wad of mud at the face of his enemy thanks to his little face-meets-dirt session.
He’s pretty sure he hits his mark, because in a blink of an eye Wild is no longer pinned on the ground, but lifted into the air by his neck. His feet scramble for purchase when there is none as his hands fly to his throat. The pressure on his neck is so intense that he doesn’t think to try and look at the face of his attacker. He can only gulp for trapped air like a fish out of water. Then, just like that, the pressure on his throat is released as he finds himself thrown back into the waiting arms of various monsters. Before Wild can attempt to find his bearings, his wrists are twisted violently behind his back; the motion almost yanks his limbs from their sockets. After a few gasps, it's all Wild can do to stand there with their physical restraints of clawed hands and send a cold glare at the cloaked figure.
The cloaked figure radiates irritation from where they stand, but Wild spares only a moment to bare his teeth at them before glancing back to where he'd last seen Hyrule.
He can’t see Hyrule’s face, but he’s no longer laying prone on the floor. He’s currently sat up with his chin limply touching his chest as a pair of monsters work together to bind his wrists behind his back.
Knowing that villains don’t usually restrain corpses, Wild concludes that Hyrule is still alive and returns his anger at the cloaked figure.
Wild takes a deep breath and speaks through hissing teeth, “who are you?”
“I would watch your tongue, hero,” the figure says, their voice not distinct enough to be dubbed male or female. However, Wild can practically feel the annoyance in their tone traveling down his spine. “We don’t need both of you, and your small friend is not the expendable one.”
The words settle in Wild’s gut like moss covered stones. This really isn’t any normal attack or ambush… this was a targeted mission.
Hyrule is the target.
“What do you want with him?”
The figure chuckles, their shoulders bounce in such an undeniably human way that it makes Wild feel sick to his core. “It never fails to amuse me that none of you seem to truly understand just how much more powerful and important this one is compared to the rest of you.” The cloaked figure walks towards Wild with arms spread wide. “His blood alone is more powerful than any form of magic known to any sorcerer.”
“What are you talking about?” Wild spits, forcing his face to remain cold and angry despite the pool of confusion and fear that’s beginning to swell around those moss stones in his gut.
The figure hums and tilts their covered head. After another moment, they speak with an amused tone, walking slowly towards Wild. “That slate on your belt... you’re the hero from the far future, oh how convenient. Tell me, have you ever wondered why the monsters come back to life?”
Wild doesn’t get a chance to answer before the figure stops right in front of him. He hates that even though he cannot see their face, he can practically taste the smug victory radiating off from them.
“Don’t you wonder why the moon shines red with blood?”
Wild swallows. “What does that have to do with anything?” He looks over where Hyrule is placed. “What does that have to do with him?”
The figure chuckles and leans forward close enough that Wild can almost see an outline of a pointed nose. “Everything.”
Then, with a flick of their hand, something hard smacks against the back of Wild’s skull. The world spins and pain shoots through his head and into every speck of his body. He blinks, and suddenly he’s leaning bonelessly into the grasps of the monsters behind him, the corners of his vision going black.
The last thing he sees is the figure turning back towards Hyrule with a flick of their cloak.
Then, his eyes fall shut and he knows no more.
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kirah69 · 3 years
Intoxicated [Petopher]
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Day 2: Intoxicated
For the @petopher-events
Tags: non-con due to sex pollen, fuck or die, dark with hopeful ending.
[It's not betaed so if you find any mistake, let me know]
[AO3 link]
Chris had got there almost by chance. He heard from some noisy hunters in a bar that they had caught an omega and they were going to have “fun” with him. Chris had been following the trail of some druids who worked with hunters and experimented with different species of wolfsbane. His instinct told him that this was no coincidence.
He followed the hunters in his car to a warehouse under a slight rain. It wasn't abandoned and there was too much activity for after eleven at night. Chris counted two SUVs, a sedan and a van. He could guess by experience that there would be from eight to twelve hunters plus two or three druids. And he was alone. The smart and sensible thing to do would be to leave and return with backup, but he didn't have anyone to turn to anymore. He had become a pariah now that he didn't hunt creatures and instead went after the real monsters. So he forgot about sensible and loaded his guns, checked his weapons, made sure he had everything he would need on him and left the car.
The two hunters posted at the front door went down almost without a noise, falling on the wet ground, and the shots were not heard thanks to the silencer. The next two inside were easy too, but then it was pure chaos. The place was dark, most lights were out and they only had their flashlights. The corridors were narrow, with old filing cabinets serving as parapet for both sides. After killing three more of them, Chris got shot in the chest, but thankfully the bulletproof vest stopped the bullet and it just hurt like a bitch.
He didn't stop, he didn't care for his life that much anymore.
It seemed like forever, but it was only minutes until all the hunters were down and Chris was bandaging roughly his bleeding arm. It wasn't that bad, he just needed some stitches. The two druids were sat on the floor with their hands and feet tied together, some bruises and cuts here and there. They were in a room deep in the warehouse, and Chris knew that the door at the back of the room led to a basement. The werewolf was there, he could hear his roars and growls.
“Tell me exactly what you did to him,” Chris demanded.
For a second none of the druids said a word, but when Chris looked at them, they both flinched.
“It's what is commonly known as sex pollen, kind of,” the youngest said. They could as well be father and son.
“The what?” Chris asked confused.
“It wasn't the initial purpose, but this species of wolfsbane happened to have an... aphrodisiac effect on the specimen,” explained the oldest one. “It made him more violent by the minute, too.”
Chris had to remind himself that he still needed them. He wanted to shoot them right there and then.
“And how can we fix it?”
Chris looked around to all the herbs and laboratory equipments that were there. There must be something there.
“We don't have a cure. He has to get it out of his system,” the youngest said.
“We can wait it out?”
“Don't think so. He'll die before that,” he said shrugging.
It was obvious he didn't care a shit about the werewolf's life. They were no different from hunters. Chris pulled a knife out and walked slowly toward them with a menacing look on his face. He placed the tip of the knife against the youngest druid's throat and pressed just enough.
“And how exactly can we fix it?” he asked again slower, almost with a growl of his own.
“G-give him something to fuck. It doesn't have to be a person, I'm sure an animal would work.”
“It better works.” 'Or else' was unsaid but heard anyway.
Chris sheathed the knife and went to the closed door. On the other side it really sounded like an enraged feral omega. He feared he would have no choice but to put him down. Chris opened the door. There was a flight of stairs barely lit by fluorescents. The basement was a bare concrete room with nothing but a cage of thick metal bars in the center and flickering fluorescent lights on the ceiling. For a second he didn't recognize the creature inside the cage. Then his blood ran cold.
It was Peter. Peter Hale. The most controlled, composed and prideful werewolf he had ever known. And now he was in a cage, feral, totally out of control, treated like a laboratory animal. He was naked, with blood covering his body from probably self-inflicted injuries. He was shifted and looked more wolf than usual, his eyes glowing brightly and fixed on Chris like lasers. He had stopped roaring and instead banged against the cage bars trying to get to him with a constant growl rumbling in his chest.
Chris couldn't put him down, it wasn't an option. And he wasn't going to bring some animal for him to fuck, Peter would prefer death to that humiliation. He only had an option. It was going to hurt, it could even kill him, but at this point he didn't care.
Chris undressed and left his clothes on the floor with all his weapons. He wanted to prepare himself, but he didn't have any kind of lubricant so he just opened himself a bit with his fingers, Peter looking at him all the time with a hungry expression. Once he couldn't do more, Chris took the keys that dangled from the wall close to the stairs and went back to the cage. As soon as he was close enough, Peter grabbed him by the arm and yanked him against the bars. The clawed hand sank into his biceps while the other claw gripped his hip, pressing him against the cage. Chris opened the door with some difficulty and in the blink of an eye he was inside the cage with a very feral werewolf over him.
Chris closed his eyes and tried to relax, though it was really hard. Peter bit the joint between his neck and shoulder, and his jaws locked around the muscle. Chris groaned but didn't move, it would only make it worse. Peter grabbed his buttocks and without any kind of preparation or warning pierced him with a big, hard cock that tore his insides. Chris screamed and his body twitched, but he still didn't fight. He sobbed while Peter fucked him like an animal, like a beast. At least the blood eased the way. There was a moment he was sure he was going to die with the claws and fangs piercing his flesh, the cock ripping his insides and all the blood and pain. For a second, just a second, he wished he was dead.
Then, everything stilled. With rumbling growls coming through his full mouth, Peter started filling him with his seed. Chris felt it flood his insides, so hot and so fucking abundant, like a damn fountain. It just didn't stop! Until it did, and Peter fell motionless over him. Chris groaned as fangs and claws left his flesh and blood oozed out even more. But Peter didn't move, his cock still half-hard inside him. The werewolf liked at the bite on his neck, and Chris shivered. His hole tightened and it hurt. Chris sobbed and wiped his face with the back of his hand, which was as bloody as the rest of himself.
“You owe me a big one for this, damn Hale,” Chris muttered.
Though his hatred was not directed at the 'wolf but at those damned druids who he had yet to kill. He didn't have the strength to move and didn't want Peter to react again, so he just lay there and accidentally fell asleep or maybe unconscious.
When he woke up, Chris was in the back of is own car and Peter was driving. His body hurt everywhere, but he could see some bandages. He didn't need to ask about the druids, Peter would have taken care of them.
“Any side effect of that thing?” he asked, his voice hoarse from all the screaming.
“You almost bled to death and are half broken, and you still worry about me? You've gone soft, Argent,” Peter said, looking at him in the rearview mirror.
“You've let your guard down and let them capture you,” Chris answered back.
Peter had gone soft too. Not so long ago, he would have left him there to his fate or even killed him. Years before that, they would have died for each other. Maybe they were back at the beginning.
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inks-books · 3 years
Find the Word Tag Game
I was tagged by @authorlaurawinter!
The market street in Sendew bustled with merchant tents and vendors bartering and calling out to potential customers that wandered alongside the tall reflective buildings. The mirrored surfaces had panels in various places situated so they bounced the setting sunlight through the streets making it glimmer with a warm ambience as the lanterns began to flicker to life and glow. The centaurs were making their rounds, collecting garbage from the various businesses and loading it onto a cart that they pulled behind them. The last of the diurnal creatures were trickling back out to their homes as the nocturnal crowd were waking up and moving into the streets to go about their night. Those of dusk and dawn moved indoors, preferring mirror travel to avoid the worst of the sun and starlight.
"Whoa!" Amara exclaimed as she was lifted into the air by the spell. "This feels weird... How do I direct where I'm going?" She wheeled her arms trying to steady herself.
"Just as you would your chair: with intention. Lean in the direction you want to go," Kadin explained.
"Holy-" Rodney swore as his finger gently ran over the crystals hanging from his ear lobes. "These things make everything so clear!"
Amara yelped in the background as she crashed into a shelf. Kadin called for her to use her tail as a guide, wincing as she swung it the wrong way and took out a row of books.
"Guess that makes things crystal clear for you now, Rodney," Tursanay grinned, elbowing him.
“You had a chance to make the first thing I heard you say with perfect clarity something profound, and you go with a pun,” Rodney accused.
“I saw an opportunity and I took it,” Tursanay grinned.
Just touch the glass, it repeated when she stopped before her reflection, inches away. The sounds of the market had died away, the lovely scents of baked goods, fruits, and flowers with it. All she could smell here was the decay of fall leaves, an alluringly sweet scent. If there were beds of fallen leaves on the other side, she would wriggle her toes into the earth there and lay down for a nap. She was incredibly tired all of a sudden. It had been a long day after all...
She moved her hand in unison with her reflection and gently touched the glass. She was expecting the cold, cool, solid surface to meet her hand, but instead the reflection’s hand had grabbed her own. And now it was pulling. She reflexively tried to pull back but found it was like trying to move a wall.
“Shift change,” he said.
There was a groan of a stretch and a shuffling of feet from inside the room and as soon as it opened, Keir headbutted the third guard, sending him crashing to the floor. Ilarys was on him in an instant with another sleep spell. They darted into the room and looked around. The hall was littered with all kinds of trinkets. One in particular that caught Keir’s eye was a serrated bone knife with a cord wrapped around its jeweled pommel. He briefly wondered what it was for when Ilarys found the object they were looking for sitting on a pedestal in the center of the room in a glass box and called his attention back to their task. Carefully lifting the spell surrounding the box, Ilarys motioned for Aui’ani to grab the ring before she lowered the spell again to keep it from going off. Once they had their target, they quickly left the room, shutting the door behind them and made their way back into the main party.
I tag @void-fireworks, @bloodandmonsters, @lvrq, and @x-write-z
With no pressure!!! Your words are initiate, flower, jump, and think.
Also if you see this and wanna do it say I tagged you and tag me in it.
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darkling-er · 3 years
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the ephemeral radio. joshua crane investigates a town filled with ghosts of the past, present and future. though one can almost find proof of the non-existence of the paranormal, the little town is the exception for it.
content warning for the entire story: mention of child abuse, mental illness, violence, discussion of suicide, drug use, cadaver and gore.
Casette no.I. [1K]
Silence lays heavily on the small manx town of Ephemeral. The streetlamps, that look a lot like old gas lamps, but since then renovated to be electrical, are illuminating the town square. There's not a single soul outside, not after the disappearance of Margarethe Shelley.
It's past midnight, as the clock on the library tower says, and as such as this time means that the teenagers and the odd folk of Ephemeral are intently listening to their radios.
"Local police announced they're still on the lookout for the beast that has been spreading fear throughout the entire town. And that has claimed four victims since Friday night.
Authorities asked to remain indoors until the creature has been captured and the curfew is lifted.
You're listening to 102.3, the Ephemeral Frequency, all night, every night." The calming, yet eerie voice of the Host announces his intro for the night. A soft and short tune follows, as they usually do in podcasts and radio stations, and then the Host continues.
"Unfortunately, against the usual method, you need to leave a message for now, if you have any stories to tell about your encounters with the supernatural. Because tonight I have prepared something different for you. We have a very special guest joining us tonight, basically a celebrity since her disappearance from town."
The man says with an excited voice into the microphone as he hangs up an incoming call to the radio. He looks at the woman infront of him, bound to the wooden chair by ropes.
"Margarethe Shelley, an outsider, not so long ago, am I correct?"
"What is this?! Why am I here?!" The young woman answers in a panicked voice, just woken up from her forced dream. She can barely remember where she was or how she got here. She tries against her bonds but to no avail.
The Host doesn't even acknowledge her existence as he continues his monologue.
"Say hello to the audience, Margarethe."
Of course the young woman doesn't reply. She remembers the man from somewhere, but she can't quiet put a finger on it. She barely lived in this town anyway, only arrived a couple of months ago. Her employer sent her there to investigate the strange phenomenas, that's been rumored to happen around this strange old town.
"You know, Margarethe, there has been a lot of speculations about what has really brought you to Ephemeral. No one knows exactly for sure what you were doing here or why, not even our dear mayor, but there have been a lot of theories and rumors."
She scoffs, her blonde hair falling into her face as she angrily replies.
"There's no mystery. I'm only here because of my work. I was doing renovations of old books in the local library."
"Oh is that right?" The man counters quickly with a mocking tone. "The librarian didn't know anything about this mystery renovation of yours."
"My employer is someone else." She bites back bitterly.
"And whom might that be?"
"That's confidential." She says and there's a couple seconds of silence between the two.
The Host smiles and it scares the woman.
"Of course, I understand... yet people have wondered when you left so suddenly, without any warning. Even missing person posters have been put up all over town."
"I wasn't missing." She replies shortly, still there's a sudden change in her voice. No more vice, no more bitterness, only sadness.
The Host knows the reason and he smiles with a grin and continues.
"Oooh, I know. But there have been other missing person reports. Children, barely old enough to leave their house by their own."
"I've had nothing to do with that, please. I'm begging you... I was going to go home to my family, they're surely missing me by now, if I don't return-"
"But of course your family can be glad, because you're not really missing. Unlike the children, brutally attacked and murdered by some beast."
There's silence again before a few tears slide down on the woman's cheeks.
"Please." Is her only reply.
The Host opens his desks' drawer and pulls out a silver revolver, already loaded and he points it at Miss Shelley. She sobs as she closes her eyes.
"If there's anyone listening, come to the radio station please, I'm begging you-"
"Of course, but the children were begging as well, I bet." The Host replies coldly without emotion.
The room is suddenly illuminated, not only by the few neon signs, but the moon as well.
"What's happening?!" An afraid shriek leaves the woman as she starts to shake in the chair, her whole body feeling like it's on fire.
"Margarethe, thank you for being here tonight. This month's celebrity in Ephemeral. We wish you safe travels home... the raining has stopped, the weather is clearing and we featured Miss Margarethe Shelley on The Ephemeral Frequency. We'll be right back, stay tuned."
XXX the radio remained silent for almost an entire minute, as the music was cut off suddenly - note, by J.C.
"We heard from the authorities, and the creature has finally been captured. Our next song is dedicated to them.
The creature has been identified as a wolf, and has been brought down by our brave officers. The victims of this creature are forever in our memories and we keep their families in our thoughts.
I suggest, my dear listeners, you stay inside tonight, though it stopped raining and the last full moon of august is brightly shining...
You know what they say... if there is one wolf, there is usually more around the area.
You have been listening to the Ephemeral Frequency, I'm your Host, and as always, I'll be here for you all night, every night."
tag: @seldomabsent
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matth1w · 5 years
I saw that requests are open here, I hope that they still are. Can I request Tony Stark x Villain reader (around endgame) when she is literally a glitch (teleporting, being unstable, and having the ability to "hack reality", ya know normal glitch stuff) and can change the timeline die to who she is but it will cause her to get deleted. I know it's confusing and I'm sorry if it's too much to understand.
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Pairing: Tony Stark / Iron Man x Villain!Reader
Summary: You join forces with the enemy to fix the mess Thanos created.
Warnings: Angst
Rating: All
Word Count: 1,797 words
Note: I hope you like it! Thanks for requesting!
Tag: @emilaa2001
You stood defiantly in front of the group. Maybe teleporting into the remaining Avengers’ new headquarters wasn’t the smartest idea but you doubted they’d open up willingly if you rang the doorbell.
“Just… hear me out.”
At Steve’s ‘look of disapproval’ you sighed.
“Look. We all know if I wanted to kill any of you, I could have done it already.” Eyebrows raised around the room.
“And without all this ruckus.” You added, waving your hand around at the armed heroes before you.
Nat spoke up next, “And why should we even give you the chance? Aren’t you one of the bad guys, Y/N?”
You couldn’t help but scoff at that knowing she was using your words against you. It felt especially ironic coming from her.
“If that’s the narrative they spin, then I’ll take it. At least they’re listening.”
Movement behind the group caught your eye. You watched as the others turned to Tony,
‘Stupid’, you thought. ‘They really need to learn to not turn their backs on their enemies.’
Satisfied to see Tony but admittedly distraught at his sullen appearance you stood firmly in your place. You didn’t want your body acting on its own.
His voice was as weak as his body,
“Why are you here, Y/N?”
You smiled at Tony, genuinely happy to see he was alive. Even in the state he was in.
“Would you believe me if I said I was here for you?”, you said, on the edge of flirting.
Thor looked at you with annoyance and Rhodey barked out a bitter laugh.
He spoke up before Tony could reply.
“No really. Why are you here?”
You held your hands up, conceding. It wasn’t a lie, per say. But it wasn’t exactly the truth either.
“I want to help fix this.”
At the stares of the group, you elaborated, waving your arms around as you spoke.
“This. This whole mess Thanos created.”
Now you were on a rant and couldn’t stop. Or rather, didn’t want to. Maybe they’d see your way.
“Destroying half of sentient beings? Okay. Makes sense. We’ve done a pretty shit job. But getting rid of half of all life? Plants and animals too? It’s ridiculous. If he was so hellbent on making a better balance why didn’t he increase the resources or hell, make them unlimited?”
Everyone exchanged looks. You were right and they knew it. They were ready to agree with you when you ruined that.
“Plus, worst takeover of the universe ever. He just snaps and bam disappears. I mean if I had the stones I would…”
At Tony’s pointed look, you cleared your throat.
“The point is,” you let out. “I want to make things right. Or at least to how they were.”
— — —
The team stayed in the living room to discuss after you agreed to leave. And not come back unless they asked you to.
No one spoke. They were all trying to decide if they wanted your help. And why you offered in the first place.
“So she’s like your Loki?” Nat asked dryly, breaking the silence.
Tony turned to look at her with a puzzled face,
She leaned forward and uncrossed her arms. “I mean, she’s the person who always betrays you but you keeping giving her chances in the hope she’ll change.”
Thor looked down at that, he knew it was true. But he also knew Loki had proven himself in the end.
Tony looked offended at the notion but Rhodey nodded after thinking for a moment.
“You’re right”
Tony turned to his friend and gave him a look of disbelief.
“Ton, you keep hoping Y/N will be the person you knew. But she’s not going to be. Who knows if she’s even telling the truth now? Her speech wasn’t exactly reassuring.”
Tony couldn’t disagree with that. You were never great with words though. Even before…
— — —
You knew Tony from a long time ago. It felt like a different lifetime. You were a model Stark scientist. One of the best. But when Tony had his “epiphany” you couldn’t continue with the company. Or him.
It seemed so stupid to stop when you had been at the cusp of a breakthrough. You were leading a team designing the next generation of missile-loaded drones. It would change the way wars were fought, decrease causality loss, and allow your name to go down in history.
But Tony has other ideas. Said he didn’t want to continue making weapons of war. Yet he made his suits, countless bots, and Ultron.
— — —
During the five years after the failed attempt to get the stones back from Thanos, you and Tony had grown somewhat close. Not like before, but at least better than it had been. Plus, he had tried to help you with your… problem.
“I feel like it’s my fault”, he admitted one night you two had been staying late at the Thai restaurant you two frequented.
“What is?”, you asked, picking up a spring roll.
Tony looked at you pointedly. Seeing the twinge of sadness behind the annoyance, you put the roll down.
‘Ugh. Feelings’, you thought
You wiped your fingers on a napkin and leaned forward. You were only going to say this once and you didn’t want anyone else to hear. Even though there was no one else in the place except the older chef and his son working the tables.
“Look,” you started. “It wasn’t your fault. Sure you made the stupid decision to stop production. And research. But… it’s my fault I ended up like this.”
At Tony’s surprise that he was trying, but failing to hide, you grimaced but it ended more like a smile.
“I got sloppy. Procedures and precautions didn’t matter. All that mattered was success. So I could change your mind.”
He read between the lines. Knowing you meant more than just getting Stark Industries up and running like it had been.
He held your eyes for a moment before nodding and looking away.
“Sorry it didn’t.” He muttered.
— — —
The swarms of creatures surrounded you. You were teleporting more than you had ever done and suddenly — it hit you.
Killing Thanos had failed. Time travel had failed. And none of you had been able to get the gauntlet from the past Thanos.
Recalling what Tony told you Strange had said about the one outcome. You realized it was you. You were the one chance they had at it.
The stones wouldn’t work. Bruce trying proved that. Nat has already died. You were fighting a losing battle with less than half the team.
Having accepted your fate, you spoke into the coms.
“Tony?”, you croaked. Your tears were already bubbling up.
Tony immediately flew down to you and his helmet faded away.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?”
He looked down to see your glitching hands and grabbed them with his.
“Hey, what’s going on? Are you okay?”
You looked up at him, tears now falling. You nodded.
“Yeah. I know how to beat him. I know…”
“The stones? Yeah I know. We’re trying.”
You shook your head. Squeezing his hands.
“No, it’s me. I have to go deep. Erase him from this timeline. And all timelines.”
Still not understanding but guessing what you were doing, Tony met your eyes, and softly pleaded.
“No, Y/N. It’s too risky. You could be gone too. You can’t… I can’t.”
You took your hands from his and grasped his cheeks, pulling him towards you. Pressing your lips together with every ounce of emotion, you let yourself truly feel what you had always felt. Love.
As you pulled away, you looked into his eyes one last time. Happy you were able to see his love at least once.
You closed your eyes for a moment and pressed your forehead against his. Taking one last breath, you stepped back and smiled at him.
His tearful smile was the last thing you saw before you closed your eyes once more.
You teleported in front of Thanos and thrust your hand inside his chest. Grabbing his heart with your bare hand, you bared your teeth and smiled wickedly at him. All your hatred, all your anger, all the fear and loss and pain that you felt. You dug it all up and brought it forward as you twisted your wrist and enjoyed the suffering of the gasping man before you.
“You. Are. Nothing.”
His wide eyes met yours before you pulled him out of existence alongside you.
— — —
*Bonus mid credit scene*
Tony sat back in his chair and recounted the story once more to the man sitting across from him.
“She pulled him towards her and then they disappeared. Next thing we knew his minions were glitching left and right and then the portals were opening up behind us.”
“And she was gone?,” Ross confirmed.
Tony nodded, “Yeah.”
“And you can’t find her?”
Tony understood why Ross was pressing. You hadn’t been exactly best friends with the CIA. But now, having to confirm he couldn’t find you, it felt like a knife twisting his heart in two.
“No.” He muttered. “I couldn’t find her.”
Ross nodded, trying to be sympathetic.
“Alright. I’ll see what I can do.”
— — —
*Bonus end credit scene*
Tony smiled with mixed emotions as he read the morning paper.
Y/N recognized as hero for defeating Thanos
Although many knew Y/N as Glitch - a villain who famously teleported into the White House, Pentagon, and UK House of Parliament all in one day - the UN, alongside American government agencies recognized Y/N as a hero for her ultimate sacrifice to defeat the titan Thanos.
In a media conference led by Agent Everett Ross of the CIA, Wakandan King T’Challa, and Tony Stark (aka Iron Man), the trio unveiled a dedicated research building named after Y/N.
Everett Ross of the CIA spoke to Y/N’s during the Final Battle against Thanos and said her efforts saved the world and brought back the billions who had been taken during the Snap.
King T’Challa praised Y/N saying, “Without her, our world would have likely been destroyed again. I would not be standing here today if not for the sacrifice of Y/N.”
Stark spoke proudly of Y/N’s work with Stark Industries and showed remorse for her firing which many say led to her failed experiment that caused her to have the ability to teleport and hack reality and eventually become Glitch. 
Stark detailed Y/N’s efforts alongside the Avengers, including the late Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) in undoing the snap Thanos caused in 2018. He revealed the two had a romantic relationship stating, “I will always love Y/N. She was the smartest woman I knew and I will never forget her sacrifice.”
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echoofpasha · 4 years
What are the best airport tips?
Travelling Around the World
38m ago
Lived in The United States of America
hye folks happy you can go along with me again for some more travel tips today and explicitly discussing air terminal and security travel tips
My activity as an abroad purchaser and my affection for making a trip has sent me to a wide range of various nations and spots. So I should go through days, even a very long time in air terminals. Furthermore, these are things I've learned en route that assist me with having a superior excursion each time. Tip number one is to check in online at the earliest opportunity. Early check in will guarantee that you get first dibs on those plane seats. I would suggest that you pick seats in the front of the plane however much as could be expected.
This will ensure that you get off the plane first. This is particularly significant on the off chance that you have a corresponding flight, if your plane is running late, getting off that plane an additional 15 minutes sooner will have the effect once in a while between getting the flight and missing it. Another motivation to do early check in is that aircrafts regularly overbooked their flights. Despite the fact that you paid for your seat. It doesn't ensure that they'll put you on that flight. They can undoubtedly knock you to another flight like a later flight.
Checking in early will ensure that you pull up a chair and that way you're more averse to be knock off. Tip number two is to get to the air terminal early. I know many individuals like to get to the air terminal not long before their flight leaves, so they don't need to hold up quite a while. However, I've learned after some time that such a large number of things can turn out badly. This is particularly evident if it resembles a truly active time at the air terminal, such as during occasions or in the event that you realize that it's a huge travel season.
Security lines can be super long. So ensure you consider and get to the air terminal prior. I recommend you show up at the air terminal in any event one hour before your trip for homegrown flights and a few hours before for a global flight. Getting to the air terminal prior, as well, is much less upsetting. You're simply going to pass security and afterward have the opportunity to unwind. It's far superior to going through the lobby, practically failing to catch your plane and being overly worried.
Tip number three is that in case you're heading to the air terminal, ensure you snap a photo of where your vehicle is left. A great deal of you realize that it is so natural to overlook where you left your vehicle after a truly long flight or a long outing.
So snapping a photo of the parking area number will ensure that you'll discover your vehicle effectively when you return from your excursion. Tip number four is to ensure that your baggage is effectively conspicuous. Most gear comes in three conventional tones, dark, dim and red. Five get lost constantly on the grounds that individuals simply get a sack that resembles theirs and leave and they don't see that they have an inappropriate pack until they show up home. To dodge this, label your baggage with something overly conspicuous, similar to a splendid, fun gear tag, a scarf, or perhaps enclose your baggage by a lash.
That is bright. By and by, I travel with these great little travel labels that are formed like creature faces. I have a little monkey and a little fuchsia pink elephant, and that makes it such a great amount of simpler for me to discover my gear actually rapidly when it comes out.
Tip number five is to pack your Carry-On in view of security. Presently, before pressing your Carry-On, simply check with your aircraft and ensure that your carry on doesn't surpass the size or the weight limitation.
Check early the principles and guideline of the air terminals in your own nation and see what you're permitted to acquire your lightweight suitcase. When in doubt, fluids and gels all must be stuffed in a three ounce or less holder, and they likewise need to fit into a one quarter size sack. I like to put this one quart size pack in a spot that is effectively open in my Carry-On so I can haul it out immediately when it's an ideal opportunity to pass security.
Presently, all doctor prescribed medicine ought to likewise be in your Carry-On and it ought to be left in the first jugs are in the first bundling so they're effectively recognizable. You'll additionally need to ensure that in case you're conveying a PC or an iPad, that it's completely energized on the grounds that regularly they'll request that you open it or turn it on. Additionally, ensure that you're not conveying any combustible things. You're not permitted guns or any sharp articles. So be cautious, in light of the fact that a ton I see many individuals get their stuff seized men, particularly in the event that they convey these little Swiss Army blade on their key chains and afterward they need to surrender it at the air terminal and they're outrageously vexed about it.
Tip number six is to have your desk work prepared, ensure your international IDs, your I.D., your tickets are generally effectively available. It assists with staying with them in a different. Men like you, they're an identification holder or an I.D. holder for fast and simple access,
tip number seven is to bring yourself a vacant water bottle. When you pass security, you'll have the option to top off that water bottle before getting onto the plane. It's obviously superior to spending a little fortune on air terminal water containers, and it assists with sparing the climate.
Tip number eight, if picking between a privilege or a left line in security check, consistently go for the left path. Individuals are generally right given and they'll set out toward that correct path intuitively. So normally the left path is an a lot quicker alternative. Additionally, don't really choose the shorter line scope the individuals who are in those lines before you. In the event that you see a line with brimming with financial specialists and it's more drawn out than a line with a family going with little youngsters, pick the line with money managers, it will frequently be quicker than if you go with the family.
The family going with small kids will have carriages and numerous sacks to open up at security, and it'll really take you longer to pass the security check than if you go in the line with finance managers who are accustomed to voyaging. Tip number nine is to dress for your flight. In light of security, in case you're taking a flight that they simply keep your gems, your PDA, your change, your wallet, every one of those things in your Carry-On. So way you're not unfilled your pockets at the security line.
This will make it a breeze to overcome security, but on the other hand it will guarantee that you remember your possessions in those security containers. Additionally, much of the time, you will be needed to take off your shoes or your boots to pass security. So you need to ensure that you're wearing a couple of shoes that doesn't have a ton of bands or clasps or that that are difficult to eliminate or put on. I generally simply pick to wear slip on shoes.
That way they're overly simple to sneak off. I can place them in the container across security and put them directly back on and I'm on my way. Tip number ten. In case you're running late and your plane is loading up or going to load up, ensure you tell somebody, tell a security official or somebody in control, they'll frequently assist you with falling through the line somewhat speedier and get to the door snappier. You can likewise solicit individuals in front from you, simply clarify your circumstance, say that you're regarding to fail to catch your plane, that your flight is loading up, and regularly individuals are truly understanding they'll let you through or they're released you in front of them.
Tip number eleven is to be mindful so as not to overlook you're charging Wayas for your telephone and your iPad.
This has transpired once. I was charging my telephone the night prior to a flight and I left actually rapidly the following day and I overlooked the wire and the charging block. In case you're at the air terminal and you understand that you overlooked your stuff, don't freeze. Simply go to the lost and found at the air terminal. Anything that has been left there for 90 days or more is available for anyone. They will frequently simply give you a telephone charger complimentary.
Another extraordinary activity is to pack an additional telephone charger in your handled in baggage. So in the event that you overlook it and you don't have it on your portable luggage, at any rate you'll have it once you show up at your objective. So you charge your telephone for your excursion to number 12 is to attempt to gain admittance to air terminal parlors. Air terminal parlors are incredible to simply chill and hang tight for your flight. You get free Wi-Fi, free food and beverages and free understanding material.
In addition, if your flight is postponed, it's quite a lot more agreeable to simply hold up there than in a hardened air terminal seat. The most ideal approach to do this is exploit your preferred customer credits in case you're someone who voyages a great deal now, in the event that you don't have preferred customer credits, check with your Mastercard. A great deal of Visas offer free admittance to air terminal parlors. Another choice is to beware of keeg or eBay for air terminal parlor passes. This may be a wise venture on the off chance that you know early that you will be stuck in an air terminal for truly long delay.
Alright, tip number thirteen is to bring yourself a coat or something warm. Regardless of whether it's the late spring, once in a while it's truly cold in the air terminals and particularly in the plane. So you need to ensure that you have a little coat or a wrap or something to conceal and keep warm. Furthermore, these things are additionally incredible. On the off chance that your flight gets deferred and you're there quite a while and you need to sleep, you can utilize your coat as a cushion or as somewhat cover to conceal.
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