#and a lot of sonic figures like this seem to never have any sort of official online listing so resellers are the only other option
sonknuxadow · 7 months
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What if we all exploded and died
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weirdozjunkary · 3 months
While I can’t force myself to draw (and I don’t have many ideas at the moment.) I do wanna share a few ideas for the Sonic Mecha AU that I’ve had floating around in my head for a while.
The AU is still mostly inspired by SGRB, but I’ve been wanting to stray from that show a bit more, just for more ideas. Still unsure about a lot of things, but I have a pretty good idea for the most part.
S0N1C is a 20(ish) foot robot created by MilesElectric to help deal with the ever growing problem that is Dr. Robotnik and his various machines. He has a fully conscious and adaptive AI system, allowing him to adapt on the fly, and also just be an overall nice dude.
Having to deal with other machines, he’s gifted with an incredibly powerful core, as well as superspeed. While this does help defeat near any obstacle in his way, it also makes him require almost constant stimulation. If not, he will find ways to stimulate himself, often being annoying to those around him. Usually he just runs around to alleviate it.
Unfortunately, one day, his overeagerness and hyperactivity caused him to do a dangerously stupid stunt and attempt to go as fast as he possible, causing him to somehow travel near 10 years in the future.
Miles ‘Tails’ Prower, owner of MilesElectric, both designed and built Sonic from the ground up. Though he’s technically a dad of sorts to him, Sonic views him more of a ‘younger’ brother (mostly due to how small he is compared to him.) Being the kid genius, he usually stays behind the console and help guide along the mission. He does help on the feild from time to time.
Knuckles the Echidna has acted more of a role model/brother figure in Tails’ life. Aside from schooling, he has physically trained him, so he could hold his own in a fight. Outwardly he seems kinda hostile, but he’s actually a big sweetheart deep down. During action, he’s there to also help guide in the missions, as well as talk sense into the group. He actually was the person to suggest creating another robot in order to keep Dr. Robotnik and his robots at bay.
SH4D0W is a 20(ish) foot robot created by G. U. N. in order to manage Dr. Robotnik. While he has similar attributes in not only physical appearance as well as overall design, he has some drastic changes. Aside from his darkened and more threatening colour scheme, he is a no nonsense brute who gets the job done, he almost never acts like his own person, despite having the capabilities to do so. He has a job, and he wants to stick with it, it’s only when S0N1C comes back when he finally starts to loosen up.
As well, his speed and strength is limited in order to not let another mishap happen again. His speed is capped at around Mach 1, though he usually stays slower, especially in towns and cities. He doesn’t care that he can’t go faster. Though his ego does get bruised a bit when Sonic goes faster than him. Being made from G. U. N, most of what went into creating him has been kept a secret, Tails is the only one outside of G. U. N. with access to his blueprints, and even then, a lot is redacted. Still, it doesn’t hinder repairs or anything on the field.
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Been thinking a lot due to being sick and practically bed ridden all day, so I figured I should explain a couple reasons why a good handful of my AU’s here are how they are (a bit of an overdue explanation but it’s now or never. Also apologies for any writing mistakes I am tired)
The Contaminated! AU- the Contaminated! AU is one of my fav horror tropes, that being body snatching. In a lot of media that has that sort of trope in it it’s usually fairly bleak or implied that the threat is still ongoing. The au in particular here was based on an old movie from 1956 ‘invasion of the body snatchers’ where there is no clear ending if the day is (or will be saved) and I wanted to reflect that in the story. (Plus how do you wipe out an entire body snatching organism without somehow causing a mass genocide? Idk)
HungryHero.EXE- while I haven’t had a lot of complaints about him, some people wonder why the ending of the AU would be considered bleak. To put it short, sonic in cannon is a power house, so as long as he does bad things, bad things will happen. It’s only ‘bleak’ as not many people can bring him down in cannon (I know cause main character syndrome but still). Sonic does have his flaws, and I try to balance him out as much as I can, but sometimes things slip by me.
COTH- COTH is made by both me and @moderator-monnie and we quite literally just wanted to collaborate to make an au together because we thought it would be fun. Yes I know that some ideas we have don’t entirely make a lot of sense or seem rather unfair over the entire story, but as I said we just wanted to have some fun, so we don’t entirely care what the story is gonna be like (heck, we’re still figuring a lot of that stuff out). That being said, even if we did just make this for fun, we still do try to make it at least somewhat reasonable (to our eyes)
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lees-chaotic-brain · 5 months
blond o sonic shimmer trap by the arctic monkeys, geto, any sort you want, curious to see how you interpret the lyrics if you do pick my ask :3
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WC: 1.7k
CW: suggestive, reader has female pronouns, reader is a bit unhinged, kinda stalkerish behavior from geto, nothing serious though
Notes: i'll admit i had a bit of trouble with this one, but i also had a lot of fun and liked how it turned out!! thanks for sending this in nonnie!! but let me know what you think of how i interpreted the lyrics!!
listen to this while reading
taglist: @arlerts-angel @ponderingmoonlight (lmk if you want to be added to the event taglist!)
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The first time he saw you you were dancing. The sparkling of your black dress had caught his attention, drawing his eyes past the flashing strobe lights and crowd of writhing bodies straight towards you. It was almost like you were calling out to him, telling him to watch.
And so he did. He watched as you twirled and swayed and moved with the music, dancing with wild abandon. Your dancing wasn’t particularly skilled, but there was something so raw, so real, about the way you moved. Something that compelled the viewer to want to get to know you. 
Black as a beacon
In a river of shimmering fog
But Geto Suguru was not known for his forwardness when it came to interacting with women, particularly pretty women. So week after week he returned to watch you dance, always from a distance, never approaching you. In that time, he was only able to learn three things about you.
One: you were always wearing what he came to identify as your signature red lipstick. It was a unique shade, equal parts dark and bright that drew attention to the shape of your mouth. And he paid a lot of attention to your mouth. 
Fighting back his intrusive thoughts and vivid imagination he watched your mouth move as you sang along to songs. He watched the way your lips parted when you threw your head back, exposing the long column of your throat when you were fully immersed in a song. He always watched you, entranced by your spirit.
Two: you went to the club to dance every Friday night. It took him a little while to figure that out, but once he did he made sure he was always free on Friday. 
And finally, three: you were always alone. In the months he had spent watching you, he had never seen someone with you. You arrived alone, and you left alone. You didn’t seem like someone who would be hard pressed for friends, so this oddity only served to pique his interest more.
She was hard to ignore
Yes she was
He didn’t realize how much he had come to depend on his weekly sightings of you until you stopped showing up. For four weeks straight there was no sign of you, and it was unnerving. He immediately jumped to worst case scenarios and feared he would never see you again.
As soon as that thought entered his head, he immediately regretted not approaching you sooner. God he was such an idiot. He should have gotten to know you when he still had the chance, when you still showed up every week, instead of being such a goddamn coward. He promised himself that if he ever did see you again, he wouldn’t let his anxiety get the better of him. Next time he saw you he would say something.
So when he walked in the fifth week of you not being there and spotted you, he made a beeline straight towards where you were dancing, not allowing himself a chance to second-guess himself.
“Excuse me!” He has to shout to get your attention, and he taps you on the shoulder for good measure. You turn, and his breath catches in his chest when your eyes finally meet his. “U-uh hi.”
You squint at him, then your eyes light up in recognition. “It’s you!! Stalker guy! Finally grew some balls and approached me, huh?”
Stalker guy?!? You think he’s been stalking you? Well, technically he was, but he wasn’t trying to be creepy or anything. He just found you intriguing. He opens his mouth to say as much, but you cut him off with a laugh.
“Oh my god, the look on your face!!” You wheeze, folding over with the force of your mirth. Straightening you wipe a tear away and catch your breath. “Don’t worry. I didn’t think you were creepy or anything.”
You lean in, so close he can feel your breath hitting the shell of his ear, causing a full body shudder to run through him. “In fact, I was a little flattered that a man as attractive as you would go out of their way to watch little ol’ me.”
“Come outside with me.” He blurts before he can stop the words from leaving his mouth. Surprised, you jerk back a bit and peer into his face and he can tell your guard was up. “Why…?”
Realizing how it sounded, he immediately backtracked. “No no, I just mean I want to talk! To get to know you. I’ve regretted not getting your number for the last couple of weeks and you seem really interesting and I’m so sorry that is not how I meant it-”
“Okay.” Your simple reply cuts through his flustered rambling. “I’d like to get to know you too.”
And as you take his hand and lead him outside, a thrill runs through him, and he can’t help but wonder if every second with you was going to be this entertaining.
Well, time tastes bland
When she's not around
Stepping out into the cool night air, the two of you stand there for a moment taking in the refreshing feel of the breeze. 
“So.” You glance over your shoulder at him. “I don’t know what you had in mind, but I’m in the mood for a drive. What do you say? I didn’t drink and my car is right over there.” You gesture towards the left, in the direction of a volkswagen beetle. 
“Sure. Sounds good to me.” He smiles at you. He always takes a taxi to the club in case he has a drink, so it’s not like there’s anything keeping him there. “Shall we?”
You grin at him and skip off to your car. His heart skips a beat, and all he can think about is what he has to do to make you grin like that again. He could look at your smile all day. However, his internal simping was cut off by you yelling.
“Motherfucker!” You’re staring at the side of your car, then turn your furious gaze on the Cadillac parked haphazardly next to you. Hurrying over, he looks at what you’re looking at and understands why you’re upset. The car next to you had left a long scratch on the driver’s side of your car when pulling in, and instead of leaving their information, they had left a post-it. A post-it with a cheeky ‘sorry’ scrawled across it hastily.
“Sorry??!” You growl, rage radiating off you. “If you were sorry you would fucking pay for it!!!”
And before he can intervene, you let out a cry of rage and rip the side mirror of the offending car. For a moment all is silent and the two of you just stare at the mirror in your hands. You, with perplexed satisfaction, and him with shock.
Eventually you break the stunned silence. “Well, the asshole had it coming.” His eyes snap up to meet yours and the two of you dissolve into hysterical laughter. 
Yep. Things were never boring when you were around.
And she snapped
Wing mirrors off of Cadillacs
The particularly pretty ones
He can tell you’re up to something when a flash of mischief crosses your face and you unlock your car. He watches with anticipation as you fish your tube of lipstick, a sticky note, and a ballpoint pen out of your glove compartment. 
Quickly, you reapply your lipstick and kiss the mirror, leaving an imprint of your lips on it before balancing it on the windshield of the Cadillac. Then you spin around and write something on the sticky note, not letting him see what it says before slapping it on the car next to the mirror and getting into your own car. Gesturing for him to get in the passenger seat, you wait until he’s in and buckled before peeling out of the lot. 
You glance over at him, and as soon as you make eye contact the two of you are howling with laughter again. Once he calmed down enough to speak, he asked what you wrote on the post it note between gasping peals of laughter.
“Oh, that?” You smirk. “So sorry about your car!! I didn’t want to have to bend down to reapply my lipstick.”
“No you didn’t.” You look at him solemnly. “I did.”
The two of you were sent into yet another fit of laughter, the sound ringing out from your car, filling the cool night air with your joy.
And that
Meant she never had to strain her back
When she was putting her lippy on
While that night had been the first you spent hanging out and driving around aimlessly, it certainly wasn’t the last. There was something addictive about you, from the way you simply didn’t care what others thought, to the sound of your laugh. God, he could spend the rest of his life listening to your laugh.
Throughout the course of the many nights spent causing mischief and laughing he got to see the different sides of you. Sure, he was first interested in you because of how carefree and wild you were, but as he got to know you better, he realized that that was but one facet of your incredibly complex personality. 
You could be mischievous and wild and carefree, sure, but you were also immensely kind, as well as insanely smart and you had a melancholy side at times. But your complexity only added to his growing feelings towards you. 
While it was your wild side that ensnared him at first, it was you as a complicated and messy whole that made him fall in love. And he couldn’t have been happier that you trapped his heart at first sight because if you hadn’t he wouldn’t have met the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with.
She floats like a niccy rush but she stings like a B-flat
The Blond-o-Sonic Shimmer Trap
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 2 years
Short fic I whipped up today-- I know it's probably been done before, but I wanted a "Sonic's learning how to care for a toddler + hearing each other talk for the first time + Sonic naming him" all in one and haven't found all that in one fic yet so here we are!!
Looking after a toddler was harder than it sounded.
Especially when said toddler needed to be watched by the fastest thing alive, who was used to racing through everything with absolutely nothing holding him back.
Sonic studied the little two-tailed fox kit at his feet, trying to figure him out. Technically, no one had assigned him to watch this little one, but he'd found the poor thing getting bullied by some jerks. He'd taken care of the bullies, and the next thing he'd known, the little fox was flying after him. Yes, flying, using his twin tails as a helicopter of sorts.
That was all it took for Sonic to feel like the little kit was now his responsibility.
They hadn't actually spoken. Sonic wasn't sure if the fox kit could even talk yet, and he didn't see the use in trying to communicate with him vocally.
It was harder to keep on running when he now had to make sure the kit was safe. He hadn't realized how many needs one had until he needed to think of two mouths to feed, two places to sleep, etc.
It wasn't necessarily hard. It just took some getting used to. Nothing Sonic the Hedgehog couldn't handle!
He looked up and scanned their surroundings. They'd stopped for a break in a small, sparse forest. The fox kit was going back and forth from looking around nervously to gazing up at Sonic with owlish eyes. He stood not even a foot away from the hedgehog, clearly trusting him to protect him from any more danger.
Sonic waved a little to get the kit's attention, then pointed onward to the path they'd been following. The little one nodded vigorously, then spun his tails and hovered into the air. Sonic gave a single, firm nod, then took off down the trail.
As they sped along the way (the kit was able to keep up fairly easily, it was cool how flight seemed to automatically enhance speed), Sonic snuck a tiny glance back at his tiny friend. The fluffy little fox continued flying, unaware of Sonic's curious gaze.
Sonic still didn't know his name. Sure, he'd only been taking care of him for a week or so, but he learned the names of most folks he met the same day he met them. Granted, most folks he met weren't neglected orphan (?) toddlers.
Sonic had all but decided to adopt him at this point, despite not having known him for long. So would that leave the naming process up to him?
He smiled a little to himself as he continued running. Sounded good.
The thing was, though, he hadn't actually ever named someone before. Heck, he wasn't even yet twelve years old himself.
What kind of name would fit the little fox? He was small, still had all his baby-fluff, was a brownish-gold color, had big, bright, sky-blue eyes, with white fur across his stomach and muzzle (and obviously the tips of his twin tails).
An idea of a name, or nickname, was just on the tip of his tongue when suddenly the sound of robots, a lot of them, creaked up ahead over the hill. It was followed by maniacal laughter, and Sonic skidded to a halt and rolled his eyes with a scoff. He'd know that laugh anywhere by now.
Excited by the idea of a fight, Sonic was just revving up to spindash over the hill into the battle, but a squeak of fear suddenly made his heart lurch, and he almost fell over himself trying to stop.
The fox kit.
He was a literal toddler. He seemed about three years old, nowhere near old enough to fight or defend himself. Sonic couldn't just expect him to follow him into the battle and manage to avoid all the lasers and claws and spikes. He would get hurt too easily.
But . . . Sonic never ran from a fight.
He crossed his arms and frowned in frustration at the grassy ground, tapping his foot impatiently as he tried to figure out what to do. He wanted to fight, he had to fight. He didn't know what Eggman was up to. For all he knew, the crazed scientist was planning something big and dangerous, and might carry it to fruition if Sonic didn't stop him now.
But he also had to keep the fox kit safe.
An idea hit him, and before he'd given himself the chance to think it through, he spun around, scooped up the little fox into his arms, and took off back into the forest-- just not quite at his normal speed so the sonic boom wouldn't give him away to Eggman.
As soon as Sonic had found a safe-looking hiding place-- a hollowed-out nook beneath some tree roots-- he knelt down and gently tucked the fox kit into the little space. Just for extra security, he scooped up some big chunks of moss and tucked it around his friend's body. He held up his hands in a "stay" gesture, but a part of him worried that the little one wouldn't understand fully what was going on.
"Stay here," he said aloud, trying to look both gentle and stern, and the kit's eyes grew wide. "I'm just going to fight off the scary robots. I'll come back for you."
He waited till he got a nod from the fox kit, whose mouth was agape and eyes were still huge. The moment he'd gotten the acknowledgement, he spun around and blasted back towards where he'd seen Eggman and his robots.
The fight was quick and easy, routine at this point for him. Eggman yelled insults at him, he smashed through the bots, waited for the mad scientist to fly away in his orb-like flying thing (all the while shouting more threats at him) but for once Sonic skipped the stupid taunts and banter from his own end. He needed to get back to the fox kit.
When he skidded to a halt back at the hollow, his shoulders slumped in relief to see that his tiny friend had obeyed and was still huddled in the space. He was also still gaping at him in amazement.
Sonic grinned and flashed him a thumbs-up, then his own jaw went slack when the kit exclaimed happily, "You talk!" in the sweetest little toddler voice he'd ever heard.
"You talk?!" he exclaimed back, holding out his arms in excitement. "Buddy! Why didn't you say something before?!"
"You were quiet," the kit pointed out, his voice and words choppy and hesitant, making it evident that while he could talk, it was just barely. "I ph'ot I should be quiet too."
"Buddy," Sonic chuckled. "I just thought ya couldn't talk yet. That's all."
"'Course I can talk!" the fox chirped, sounding both indignant and proud.
Sonic snickered. "'Course you can talk," he echoed back teasingly. "Well then, what's your name, kid?"
The kit made a face. "Promise not to tell anyone?" He glanced around a few times before he added, still looking sour, "It's Miles."
Sonic tilted his head. "Miles? You don't look like a Miles to me."
The fox kit's annoyance at the sound of his own name was almost startling, he clearly didn't like it at all. The idea of not liking one's own name wasn't rare, but it seemed odd for a fox as young as this one to feel such a way.
But that meant Sonic could still name him. He grinned and winked at his new little pal, remembering the name he'd been thinking of earlier. "Okay. I'll call you Tails."
Barely a second after hearing his new name, the fox kit-- Tails-- lit up like it was the most exciting thing he'd experienced. Maybe it was.
"Yes! Yes, yes!" he exclaimed happily, jumping out of the hollow to fly around in a circle. "Tails! I'm Tails!"
And Sonic merely smiled. It seemed like he had a new baby brother.
(thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! This will be posted on Wattpad soon - my user is Chaton15 there - and this has made me want to write a ton more so I'll just post it as the first of a bunch of Sonic one-shots. 🤩)
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ask-the-cosmic-duo · 10 months
Stella, you keep talking about something happening to your magic power, and it's not entirely clear to us what that was; what mysterious or interesting things have happened to your magical potential?
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"Hoo boy, how do I explain this...?" Stella thought about it for an entire fifteen seconds, then sighed. "Well, I guess I owe you guys an explanation... But I don't want to reveal everything. There's gotta be something to wonder about, right?"
"So... I'm not normal. Never was. Many ponies call me an enigma, and that's not inaccurate. Not even I fully understand my potential. I think some of that was answered recently though, when I found my newest State, the Origin State."
"... Wait, I probably need to explain those, don't I?" She cleared her throat. "Here in Equestria Cross, by technicality, every living entity that has access to magic has an empowered state called an Overdrive. Not everyone can tap into it, though. It takes immense focus and power to trigger a typical Overdrive. Think super states from Sonic, or the Super Saiyan transformation in Dragon Ball. You power up your magic beyond your normal limits, and can in turn power up the rest of your self using it. But in rare cases, States can come in forms other than a typical Overdrive, like Rainbow Power here in Equestria, or a Super Saiyan God from, again, Dragon Ball."
"I've had five of them. Cosmic is my version of a normal Overdrive, but I've also had four others that are certainly not typical. Abyssal, Entropic, Copycat, and Origin. Unfortunately, I can't access my Abyssal State anymore, since I gave up that power to a successor of sorts, but I still have the others. I think I can talk about the weakest, with a question mark, of the four States I do have..."
"My Copycat State allows me to copy the abilities and attacks of others, assuming I'm there to witness them. However, I can only use them while in the State, as it's what allows me to perform them in the first place using various forms of substitution, such as for the required type of energy. But the State itself doesn't grant much power, not even to the same level as my Cosmic State, so it's only really used to copy others. On the other hoof, the abilities I learn can give me power, so it's not like it's totally useless. In a sense, I guess it's kinda like Kirby.
"What's weird is that I think I've had this ability to copy attacks for a long time, and it's only now manifested in a form I can understand. I've had a few previous lives, and some of those powers somehow carried over to my current one. The only reason I even know that is because of my Origin State, where I've noticed what seems to be a Saiyan appear next to me at times. It's not Goku, or Vegeta, or Gohan, or any of them. If anything, he's wearing that martial arts uniform from the Xenoverse games. Y'know, the one right before the four-star Dragon Ball outfit? It's strange..."
"I'm still not sure I entirely understand what's going on with me. A lot has happened, and I've gone through a bunch of changes, some of which I'm still getting used to. Even now, changes are still occurring, and it can be hard to keep track of. But I'll figure something out, I'm sure. Eventually."
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mellowgoop · 3 months
bnha 425 spoilers//// ROBO-JACK
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two years. two years I waited to see what the heck was going to happen with this. bnha is just so stupidly inconsistent that I didnt know if she would be healed in a flash, or maybe it would regrow, or maybe shed always just have one ear.
its was always my one major hangup about the fight, that it seemed so stupid to lose half her eficiency for her entire life of recon over this. it felt like an unfair reduction of her power, that one blast against AFO was worth more than her whole future as a hero (sonar support is a way way more powerful use of her quirk than sonic damage in my opinion even if its less flashy)
I always figured Horikoshi just wanted to redesign her and liked the visual of this injury as a horror author (i remember seeing people post on Tumblr yeah, homegirl just took the most violating injury in the series fuck you man) but had no idea what the redesign Was. A few times he drew a pretty clearly one-jack design (like the back cover of volume 37 right?) so I resigned to that
but this is... a great recovery. no, im not happy he maimed my blorbo for this. three people see in the hospital after the battle are the main three dudes.. and the other injuries were only, I swear to god, stupid fucking endeavor/hawks... and then goddam jiro and miriko. why would you go THAT FAR down the relevance list to injure them? no hero deaths and yet two random women characters were gored up... its obvious to everyone he just finds women in pain beautiful
setting the meta layer aside... having grown alongside this battle for 2 years, i appreciate it. in a war full of everyheroes, jiro was THE everyhero, the run of the mill somebody.that haunted afo worst. she was willing to stake everything to mess with him, and it worked, and it definitely served as one of the biggest surprises in the series. tokoyami was made for the frontlines with his quirk, and there was no surprise about him aiding hawks. but jiro was a HUGE trick and frankly, in-universe, I do think tokoyami and jiro were portrayed authentically. even if shes best as support, she can make those tough decisions and, as evidenced by the fight, has the nerve to pull it off. shes also among the smallest in 1-A, and had the perfect quirk for hands free aerial combat! they did a great job and were surprise standouts of the stupidly long and side-chara-loaded last arc
so then... "you knew what you were signing up for." "im glad the demon king didnt take more." jiro had to be one of the only people to pay for her heroics. does that fit her? it's not like home girl has a lot going on, her arc is just like.. I care about my friends. but she does have the theme of thriving through amplifying your powers with technology.
its part of why momojiro is so great! any tech they can imagine, they can make. since the very first fights momo has been able to arm her, and she's been utilizing tech like the boot speakers and ultimately those mobile plug-in attack boosers. i quite like that probably her ultimate skill in sonar used nothing but her jacks and listening skills, but you cant deny shes always synergized with tech and equiptment more than most characters.
so.. ending off her story as someone who has hearing loss and relies on an aid is pretty powerful. this robot jack might be even more useful than her flash jack was, who knows. It can probably be modified while still connecting to her body systems! she may even be able to listen at a superhuman level. it's surprising that I never saw it coming after all this time because it fits great, and I think she's going to have a great future using it.
I'm shocked honestly. this was a truly inspired choice and it opens up the floodgates to a whole world of new techniques and opportunities that she can only have as somebody biologically connected to assistive technology, sort of an ultimate form that she arrived at through unfortunate means. I truly hope this resonates with some people in similar situations, even if real life doesn't always provide those silver linings.
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chartreuxcatz · 7 months
anon again. i was doing some (deepl) translations of the korean dialogue for all three events for brainrot reasons and i found it pretty fascinating considering that. fundamentally these are the same characters but the potrayal of them is sooo different despite minor changes. to answer your question- crois is initially a more of a generic protagonist type (dumbassery aside) in the initial timeguard update but is a bit dorkier in later events. i dont speak the language but i just sort of gathered this from general posts/ discussions and also digging around specific vocabulary interestingly a lot of the specific terminology is also absent- like the sonic embroiders aren’t really named, and nor are the timecrafts or time manipulators given specific, albeit different names. i have a lot of my own thoughts and headcanons about how the different time machines work and analysis behind their names so i was surprised that there isnt really equivalent in the original text . this extends to a lot of the cool syntax choices and also stuff like. tk and cront both using anachronistic words i find it rare that i prefer a localised version of the game compared to the original text but i think the tbd updates were just really lucky on that front. i wonder why they were changed but ig well never know.. and ty for the reply ^^ i love your tbd takes . i strongly recommend just going through namu wiki if youre ever bored/ curious
Yoooo, that's all super interesting! :0
I never would've guessed that the machines didn't have the more specific names in Korean.
Maybe I'll have to go do translations of the Korean dialogue. It'll be like when I was little, watching my fave movies in the different languages just to hear the different performances.
I'm glad you like my TBD takes! I have many. Some are diametrically opposed to each other just because I think it's interesting to explore any and all interpretations. And with the whole "different timelines" thing, it seems fitting. These characters are so fun because it feels like a puzzle trying to figure out how you can get from point A (Croissant) to point B (Timekeeper).
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randomwriteronline · 8 months
part of @cantankerouscanuck's Bionicle/LU AU
Something was definitely fishy.
Now, perhaps, an excessively clever fellow Nudge was not - which was fair, considering Bruisers were as renowned for their intelligence just as much as Kanohi Dragons were for their affability (that is to say, not at all) - but even a thick head like his could tell that the rest of the crew was acting mighty odd in these past few days.
He'd chalked it up to the whole reuniting thing at first: after all, Wind's usual demeanor had been off the closer they'd gotten to the prison his little Ga-sister had been locked up in for the crime of looking just a little bit too much like some other unknown blue armored being, and the frenzy of the rescue had fully exploded once the Air Matoran had swooped Aryll right in his arms in the safety of their vessel as it sailed away, both squeezing each other tight between the tears and the laughter while the cannons roared as they set the water ablaze to scare off anybody else who might have gotten the bright idea of trying to follow their tracks.
But by now everybody had calmed down, even their sweet new guest who had been so scared of him at first.
And yet the tomfoolery had not stopped.
It had started with Niko, of course - because everything started with Niko.
That sneaky little Matoran of Sonics had been struck by one of his bouts of frenetic, inexplicable, incomprehensible inspiration and as a result he and that pesky little Plasma pest that was Mako had begun getting really into booby trapping the whole ship, it seemed: everywhere Nudge tried to walk to was now a minefield of tripping wires and false planks, meaning he would be stumbling everywhere whenever he wanted to so much as go from below to above deck or vice versa.
How anybody else managed to find their way around his tricks was beyond him. The only one who also ended up tripping all around the vessel seemed to be poor Senza, in whose arms he was often caught just before slamming his face on the boards whenever he was not the one rescuing the Skakdi from the same fate.
Come to think of it, it was mighty suspicious that this never happened to his equally large and bulky cousin Gonzo...
As it was that the little incomprehensible stone (Magnetism) rat, Zuko, had begun taking his eyes off of the horizon he was supposed to surveil in order to put his looking glass at work intently following something right on the deck...
Or that Tetra and Link had been scampering off from his sight muttering gibbersih a little too similar to snickering and chuckling for his liking...
Something was afoot.
If only he could figure it out.
In the end, his only clue on this head-scratching mystery finally arrived from nobody other than little ol' fearless Aryll herself.
He heard her stifle a giggle as she hurried over to him so fast that her mask almost bounced off her face one she stopped a few feet from him, eyes curved in a little smile that knew a lot but seemed a little too keen on keeping it all to itself. She held her arms behind her back and swayed a little, laughing a few times as he raised his brows at her to make increasingly silly inquisitive expressions.
At last, Nudge kneeled down to be face-to-face with her: "What are you lookin' for, sister?" he asked in the sharp tone that amused her so much, "Somethin' between my teeth?"
The Ga-Matoran giggled some more and shook her head.
"Oh? Then what is it?"
"It's a secret!" she laughed.
"Is it one you can tell me? I'm good at keepin' these things!"
Aryll shook her head again, but waved her hand towards herself as she began skipping away: "You can see it!"
See it? What sort of secret needed seeing? His mind went to important dates, to figure out if there were any Matoran or Skakdi festivities coming about, but none came to mind. Had they found a treasure map with something he might've liked and kept it hidden from him to regale him with a surprise? But why hadn't Niko let it slip, since that was exactly the sort of thing he just couldn't have shut up about no matter how much he or anybody else might have wanted him to?
Even more puzzled (and taking great care not to trigger any traps on his way), the Bruiser took off after the little one running above deck.
Dang those tiny Matoran legs! Who gave them the right to be so quick and nimble? He was struggling to keep her in his sights with how fast she was moving! And her height definitely wasn't helping - she was so small that he couldn't even raise his head a moment, keeping it down before he lost track of her--
His head collided with another one, producing the classic sound of a tough Skakdi skull slamming against something just as hard.
Both him and the unfortunate goon he'd crashed into began blathering loudly at each other, screaming insults at each other before even opening their eyes. Of course that meant that when he actually had the time to look at who the hell he was yelling at him and found that it was not Gonzo, but Senza, he immediately shut himself up in mortification - which the other also did, clenching his beautiful toothy face in a comical grimace of guilt.
They held each other's gaze for a long moment; then, realizing neither had meant to hurl the worst names possible at the other, they both broke into matching nervous laughs.
"You scared me," Senza apologized, rubbing the spot where they'd collided a little more gently. "I didn't mean to ram into ya like that..."
"Ah, that's my fault, my fault," Nudge hushed him: "I wasn't lookin'-"
"Neither was I! I was chasing Wind, and ya know how those little scamps are - they make 'em far too small, I say!"
The Bruiser perked at that: "Wind?"
"Ye, he was insisting I had some business here-"
"I was chasin' his sister!"
"And why's that?"
"Took me to see a secret, she said!"
The two hulking figures stared at each other for a moment, brains slowly working together to come to a similar conclusion.
The voices were faster than them.
From right above them, a far from angelic choir arose in a barely harmonized cacophony to delight them with an old sea shanty typical of some far off Xia ports where sailors heckled at the lowly dock workers (because if they tried that on the females in charge they wouldn't survive to tell the tale), which told the tale of a poor male holding tight onto his raft as a water-dweller asked him for his hand to either save him or drown him - which option was the true one being source of wild speculations among academics of lowly pubs and cabin girls alike.
It got through the first four verses and refrain unhindered, but only thanks to the surprise factor; at the start of the fifth Tetra was already giving up on the lyrics to just laugh at Nudge's embarrassed wrath, Aryll was giggling too much to keep her singing stead, Niko and Wind were throwing dried petals into the Bruiser and the Skakdi's faces to shut up their indignated shouts, and Mako was hiding behind the other Matoran to evade their wrath. Only Zuko and that traitor Gonzo were still singing loud and proud, the former's awful pronounciation mixing with the other's excessively forced basso buffo to concoct the worst sound available to any being capable of speech.
Nudge and Senza snorted furiously to keep themselves from laughing, because by the Great Spirit they were real damn mad - trying to set them up like that! Again! For the fifth time! - but oh, if this wasn't just the funniest possible thing.
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joshth647 · 3 months
I don't know if I'll EVER continue writing for this, but here's the prologue chapter (Chapter 0) of my STHW fanfiction! It's not the best, some clunky writing here and there, but I am ultimately happy with the result.
If you've got any questions, just hit me with an ask.
Wonderworld; a mysterious dimension born from the emotions of many people. Their memories of this place get wiped when they leave, hence them not being able to remember what they had done while inside.
Wonderworld is also the home of the ever famed Maestro Balan, whose antics and performances bring joy to his audience. He takes his job to heart, striving for happiness and balance in Wonderworld.
Meanwhile, we have... Sonic the Hedgehog. Known for being called "the fastest thing alive", he has travelled across many places, smashed Badniks, foiled an evil scientist's schemes tons of times, and made friends along the way. Even still, he never gets tired. Almost as if... it was his hobby.
One day, Sonic ran around the vast fields of Westside Island, the place where he first met Miles "Tails" Prower.
Admittedly, it's been years since he set foot on this continent; he forgot what Westside Island even looked like by now. The sun shined its rays around the mountains, animals frolicked happily, and loads of flower beds were placed about. It was quite the sight to behold.
All of a sudden, Sonic came to a stop as he encountered a door, of a never-seen-before kind. It was a large red door with a variety of swirly shapes and a golden doorknob. At the top, large white letters spelled out "BALAN WONDERWORLD".
Sonic: Well, this is strange. Last time I was here, there weren't any doors like this around the island. Seems rather suspicious... oh well. Time to check what's inside.
Sonic rushed into the door, and within moments he found himself inside a huge theatre, filled with all sorts of garnishments. Out of curiosity, he decided to take a look around the place, passing through halls of mirrors and paintings.
During his walk, he kept having sights of a shadow-y tall figure, with what seemed to be a top-hat and a wide, shining grin. Sonic didn't mind this at first, but as it continued on happening he grew more and more confused. Despite this, he kept going.
Eventually, Sonic came across a large room with a square table in the middle, some chairs and curtains dropping from the ceiling. This didn't seem like much, but what definitely caught the hedgehog's attention was the person sitting on one of the chairs.
It was the same tall, grinning figure he'd seen in the hallways, but now fully visible to his very eyes. He donned a white attire with a red tie, a dark vest somewhat resembling a corset, and low-heeled boots. His yellow eyes were embedded into his hat's hat band, and he had long teal dreadlocks which could sometimes look green. He carried a tear-shaped crystal in his hand, which reflected his smile.
???: Ah, so you have come... Sonic the Hedgehog.
Sonic did not believe the words he just heard. How did this thing know his name? Was it perhaps a coincidence? Or something else? Just thinking about it made him shiver.
The blue blur barely had enough time to react before the tall man suddenly turned in his direction and rose from his seat.
Balan: Why, it is an honor to meet you. My name is Balan, and I am the Maestro of Wonderworld. I've heard quite a lot about you.
Sonic: That's cool, I suppose... but where exactly am I? All I remember is I ran through a door and now I'm... here.
Balan went silent for a moment before letting out a delicate laugh.
Balan: Excellent question, may I say! You are currently in my theatre, which serves both as my abode and the gateway to Wonderworld. I could take you on a little tour around the theatre, if you so desire.
Sonic: Okay then, show me the way! Can't wait to see what this is all about.
Sonic: (Man, really wish Tails was here right now...)
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birdsareblooming · 2 years
Over Fifty Years
[Spoilers for Sonic 2]
speculation post
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[Maddie: I mean, there's been a Wachowski protecting this town for more than 50 years.]
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[Agent: A file buried deep in our system and dating back over 50 years.]
Other people have seen this connection [X] [X], soon after me and my sister (@autisticshadowthehedgehog) did. Similar timelines and wording piqued our intrest.
Along was revising the chaos emerald theory we've been talking about this as well, this was something we even talked about the night after seeing it.
laying it out: the files related to Project Shadow date back to "over 50 years" and Tom's dad, who he mentions multiple times, was also protecting Green Hills for that same amount of time "more than 50 years."
Tom's dad has been an interesting conundrum. They were clearly very close and yet we haven't seen him, we've only seen Maddie's side of the family. He's mentioned but never there. His fate remains unknown, either moving out of town and not being the type to visit, or Sonic HAS met him just offscreen, or he's dead.
Instead of focusing on what we don't know for now, let's focus on the little things we DO know
Crazy Carl knew Tom's dad "You're a good man, like your father. He always put the people of this town first. Never judged anyone. I don't know where this town would be without a Wachowski lookn' out for us." [X]
He started as the sheriff of the town over 50 years ago, passing that on to Tom in unknown amount of time ago.
He always tried to steer Tom in the right direction, giving him lessons about what being a hero's about.
Him and Tom used to fish, according to the novelization it was a family tradition for family talks
According to the novelization, Tom found Sonic to be a lot like himself as a kid, and his dad would be the one to tell him to slow down.
Alright, that's what we know. Tom's invisible dad is mentioned a good amount but has yet to be seen, despite us getting a very good view of Maddie's.
So this is where I get to the speculation. This was something I brought up to my sister as a fun possibility, but an unlikely one, however with the connection it may be more possible now.
This would be a risky move, as well as an unexpected one, so I don't fully expect them to go in this direction, however it's a fair possibility and I will treat it as such.
During the Shadow arc in Sonic X, there was a subplot with A reoccurring reporter character and Chris' government employed spy teacher. It seems unimportant, but it was incredibly interesting.
In this subplot they research the ARK and Project Shadow, digging up what they can find about the incident. Eventually their search leads them to an older man who used to work for GUN. He doesn't want to talk to them about anything until they convince him to do so.
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[Mr. Schmitz: Our mission seemed pretty straightforward at the time. I ordered us to close the facility because of some sort of accident. Scarlet: Go on. Mr. Schmitz: A couple of us knew they weren't telling the whole story... Mr. Schmitz: ...but none of us had the guts to speak up. We just did our jobs and went up to space like we were told.]
It's then we find out he was one of the soldiers that raided the ARK. They were told very little, but they were promised heroism by GUN. During this he figured something was going on, and we find out he was the one who fired on Maria in a panic.
He is severely traumatized by this, and never forgave himself for what he and his fellow soldiers did.
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[Mr. Schmitz: She was so young... I'll never forget her face... Mr. Schmitz: We sealed off the area, and they took her away. The mission ended, and we all went home. Scarlet: But wasn't there any kind of investigation? Mr. Schmitz: The official report called it "an unfortunate accident", and we were all sworn to secrecy. But I know that it wasn't an accident and nobody can tell me otherwise! [Mr. Schmitz buries his head in his hands.]]
This is a pretty obscure Sonic plot and a very obscure character, but the idea of this character still exists.
While watching Sonic 2 I noticed a lot of X references, which I enjoyed, there were a lot of shot recreations.
What i'm implying is it's a possibility that this or a variation could be the story behind Tom's dad.
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[Mr. Schmitz: I Volunteered for gun because I wanted to be a hero that protects the peace.]
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[Mr. Schmitz: but in reality...]
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[Sonic: You’re supposed to be my friend. Stop trying to be my Dad. I can take care of myself. Tom: Sonic, taking care of yourself is not what being a hero is all about. It’s about taking responsibility for other people. And right now, whether you wanna hear this or not, you are still just a kid. You got some more growing up to do before you’re ready to be the big hero. And trust me when I tell you there will come a time when your powers will be needed. But you don’t choose that moment, that moment chooses you. Sonic: Whoa, look at you! I just got- I just got goosebumps! Wait a second, did you steal that from Oprah? Tom: No, sir, that is a Wachowski Family Special. Came from my dad, in this very boat, on this very lake. He would always try to steer me in the right direction. That’s what Maddie and I always try to do with you. So, until your moment arrives… I want you to work on being a little more responsible.]
Tom's dad would teach him lessons about being a true hero, not rushing into it, and taking responsibility for other people. In the first movie, Tom learns that being a hero is about protecting the people you love.
His dad focused on steering him in the right direction, enough so that not only did Tom steal his tactics but remember his exact quote.
Now, a traumatized ex-soldier who became town sheriff right after the traumatizing incident, and making sure that not only he protects the people he loves, but that his son doesn't follow the same path? That'd be interesting as hell i think
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egg-emperor · 2 years
You're the Eggman guru so I'm interested in how you feel about people portraying Eggman having a sort of ''father-son'' relationship with Metal Sonic. I feel like Eggman does care about Metal Sonic a lot more compared to other things he's made (And is most definitely proud of it since Metal is his greatest creation) and he's willing to put up with Metal's occassional rebelling and put him back in his place, but I also feel like people also make it out to be a lot... Softer, I guess? I want to hear your thoughts on this and how you see their relationship.
I'm honored to be given the title of Eggman guru, thank you! XD 💜🥚
The father and son dynamic is canon to Archie and IDW and so I have no inherent issues with it existing there, or the people that enjoy it. I'm not as super into it as everyone else seems to be, in most cases, too much family talk be it blood-related or not is personally uncomfortable to me in excess lol but I can enjoy the dynamic to an extent. They look good together and there has been pretty cute moments, I don't mind them in the small amounts they show and it's really the fandom that makes it out to be a lot softer than it actually is. I still don't think Eggman would genuinely act like a full time father to Metal, have an extreme amount of emotional attachment, and certainly not empathy for him as I don't think he has it in him. (That last part does seem to be true even for IDW Eggman, as he doesn't actually get upset when Metal is destroyed in Imposter Syndrome #4, he cared and reacted more than that only as Mr. Tinker. I like that.)
But as for game Eggman, the dynamic is nonexistent and I don't think that should suddenly change. It wouldn't make sense and I think it would be out of character if portrayed in the same way it has been in Archie and IDW for the most part. If you're curious as to why in more depth, I made a post with examples showing how he really isn't all that caring towards Metal in the games and you can read it here. I wish more people would acknowledge that he hasn't been particularly kind and caring in the games, in fact quite the opposite. The closest you could say it's been in a game are the Olympics team up intro moments, renders, and special animation but they're spin-offs and I don't think having his robot on his team and patting him on the back immediately implies a father and son dynamic between them lol
Game Eggman has never referred to himself as Metal's father and he doesn't act and care for him like one, so I have no reason to think so and I really don't think it would fit him the way the majority of fans like it. He doesn't have any emotional feelings or empathy for any robots in general because he easily yells at and hits them, calls them junk and other insults, and will easily threaten and destroy them when they disappoint him, he no longer has any need for them, or he just gets impatient and bored, without hesitation or remorse. I touched on this in better words here. With all this in mind, I'd hope he doesn't see them as like kids to him because yeahhh... Even with that aside, let's be real, he wouldn't be a good father figure in general, given how deeply selfish and self centered he is. He doesn't have the time or care for anyone else. I really can't see him being interested and it's a good thing as he's not suitable for it.
I do think that Metal Sonic is one of his most prized creations above his mass produced robots and prides himself for him being one of his greatest creations. But it's not love and care for him as if he's a living being, it's just pride he feels for him being his own creation and one of his most impressive. When he praises him, he's praising himself as his creator. But he still doesn't let him rebel without punishment and has even carelessly abandoned him more than once, not just for rebelling but also just for failing him in other times. While he would understandably like to salvage him in most cases, he can always replace him with another model and won't hesitate fleeing a scene without bothering to try to take him with him. And he evidently doesn't have an attachment to any specific model either way, as sometimes he clearly doesn't want to keep him and abandons him entirely by choice.
But I do at least think that if the dynamic had to exist in any way in the games, then him acting like Metal is a son to him and praising and rewarding him in some ways when he does things right could be something he'd try as a way to keep him motivated and loyal so he won't rebel, kind of like how he tried to with Gamma. But I can only see him doing it mildly, he'd still idle him when he doesn't need him instead of letting him wander around his living space like a genuine family member, wouldn't be that serious about calling himself his daddy, and wouldn't feel a genuine emotional attachment or empathy for him. Then it could feel more faithful and in character for game Eggman, certainly not very pure like most people want it to be but it would actually be pretty interesting to me XD
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molinaskies · 3 years
On Sonic’s Emotional Characterization – A Thought Experiment on Sonic's Parentification
Treat this as a sequel to my last essay, which you can find here. No pressure - you can read this stand-alone, but the context certainly helps. Plus, I think it’s a good read (but, of course, I might be biased lol).
Both of these are long, so buckle up!
Ever since writing my last essay on the topic, Sonic’s emotional characterization has been making the rounds in my head. The more I think about it, the more impressed I am with the emotional nuance Sonic Team has woven into this blue rodent. As a student of Sociology and Humanities, I’ve noticed a lot of interesting facets of Sonic’s character align with the literature of parentification – the acting of a child as a parental figure to someone else – and self-parenting. While I doubt this was intentional on the part of Sonic Team, it’s an interesting thought exercise for me to see how Sonic’s personality remains consistent with those in similar circumstances.
Psychologist Lindsay C. Gibson’s Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents is a self-help book of sorts, written to help those emotionally neglected in childhood cope with their feelings in the present; Gibson showcases the different kinds of adults that these children might grow into, different kinds of emotionally immature parents, and how adults can learn to healthily process their emotions. In the book’s first chapter, she shares real-world examples of emotionally neglected adults that she’s worked with within her clinic. Below is an excerpt from the chapter, titled “Natalie’s Story.” The emphasis is mine:
Natalie, fifty, an award-winning business consultant, was an emotionally neglected child who nevertheless created a rewarding adult life for herself both personally and professionally. Unfortunately, the emotional neglect she experienced as a child still haunts her in the form of dreams, which she described like this:
“I have recurring nightmares with the same theme. I’m in a desperate situation that I can’t get out of. I’m trying frantically to find a solution, a way out. Different roads, different keys, different doors – none of them are a solution. I’m all alone, and there’s only me trying to solve the problem; there’s no one else. Lots of times I’m responsible for other people who are watching and waiting for me to fix everything, but here they give me no help. There is no comfort to be found. I have no protection and I’m not safe. Then I wake up and my heart is racing.”
Natalie’s dream captures what it feels like to be emotionally alone. She has to deal with everything by herself and doesn’t consider asking anyone for help. This is how children of emotionally immature parents feel. Their parents may technically be present, but they offer little help, protection, or comfort.
In her family life, Natalie still takes care of her elderly mother, who lives with Natalie and her husband and kids. But no matter how much Natalie does, her mother still complains that Natalie has never loved her or helped her enough. Since childhood, Natalie has felt the responsibility for her mother’s emotional state. Meanwhile, Natalie was on her own because her mother wasn’t a person she could turn to. Children like Natalie often grow up as little adults, helping their parents, giving them no trouble, and appearing to need practically nothing. These capable kids may seem like they can parent themselves, but they can’t. No child can. They just learn to cling to whatever emotional scraps they get because any connection is better than none at all.
Yet, who would guess Natalie’s early insecurities as she strides into meetings, all business in her impeccable suits? She has a good marriage, successful children, and close friendships. She knows how to relate to people from all walks of life, and her emotional intelligence is off the charts. Natalie’s dreams pull back the curtain to reveal the emotional loneliness that remains within her. Despite creating a fulfilling adult life, inside she remains vulnerable to anxieties about being alone and unsupported. Not until she was nearly fifty did she begin to understand how her relationship with her mother fueled her underlying feelings of anxiety. That was one of the most meaningful discoveries of her life. Finally, she saw the reason for those nightmares.
While there are obvious differences between Natalie’s story and Sonic’s history (unless there’s some serious canon lore I’ve never heard of), a lot of Natalie’s feelings, anxieties, and experiences transfer well to Sonic given his distinct lack of parental figures, heightened tenfold by the fact that he’s taken up the primary role as world saviour, protector of all.
Parentification of a child often occurs in the case of permissive, neglectful, or in Sonic’s case, absentee parents. He’s been alone for likely a long time before the start of the series, likely coping with emotions for years by himself. Further, remember that everyone is strikingly young in this franchise (the oldest characters with confirmed ages, Vector, Big, and Rouge, are only 20 and 18, respectively), and members of our core cast are proper children. Regardless of their capabilities, these characters still need to be cared for to a degree and have a lot of vulnerabilities.
Tails, 8:
Boy genius or not, Tails has attitude and confidence problems and frequently second-guesses himself. He’s also known to easily allow extreme stress, fear, insecurity, and sadness to overwhelm him. He benefits from Sonic’s brotherhood more than Sonic’s pure friendship.
Sonic Lost World (I’m so sorry but it counts): Tails struggles to accept Eggman’s partnership because he feels that Sonic doesn’t trust him to handle things. This feeling isn’t invalid on the part of Tails (as we see later that Eggman wasn’t all that necessary and planned to double-cross Sonic and Tails anyway), but any shift in Tails’ dynamic with Sonic proves to upset him.
IDW Metal Virus arc: again, not unjustified, but Tails becomes inconsolable multiple times throughout the arc. Tails’ reactions to awful circumstances are a lot more emotional, public, and prominent compared to other characters like Amy and Espio (who both hit extreme lows but never let that show to the crowd for too long), but this is by design because of Tails’ age.
Cream, 6:
Cream, without a doubt, is the most innocent, naïve, and sheltered character in the series, partially due to the presence of her mother, Vanilla. Not a bad thing, at all, and it doesn’t make Cream a bad character or any less of a hero – she just exists to contrast our more hardened characters. While Sonic doesn’t act as a primary caregiver for Cream, he talks to her how you’d expect an adult to talk to a child: not patronizingly (I’m talking good adults, folks), but at a level and with a syntax she can understand.
IDW 18: Sonic masters a balance between establishing stakes but keeping calm in the face of adversity, and he does this for Cream to give her the confidence and strength to act. He runs into the scene angry and annoyed with the circumstances, but the second he sees Cream and Vanilla in danger, he doesn’t even consider letting that show. We see his persona reset for a moment after Cream flies away (showing again that he knows when he needs to perform), and what he says truly solidifies the stance he takes with Cream (and it’s beautiful).
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Conversely, Sonic seems more “authentic” and willing to show vulnerability (barely and comparatively) to his older friends and comrades, but of course, he still holds himself back. Here, he’s prone to show more aggression and holds a sassier tone. Neither side of Sonic is a bad one, but I feel it’s important to understand that multiple sides do exist.
Amy, 12:
Despite her age, Amy proves wise beyond her years and has proven that to Sonic many times. I’ve seen arguments that the relationship that Sonic has with Amy is familial in nature, but the conversations we see them carry and the tone Sonic takes with her in a casual setting is fundamentally different from his tone with Tails. What’s more, while she’s not immune to being overwhelmed and blinding fury, she hides and copes with extreme stress a lot better than others.
Metal Virus: Amy’s lowest points are always expressed while she’s alone or, in the few minutes she ever had time, to Sonic. Amy’s the character to process her darker emotions alone and will only admit to them and show vulnerability when she’s mostly over the dark moment in question. She’s excited for Jewel to take over the resistance efforts, but she remains bubbly and playful in her conduct through this admittance of vulnerability – it’s a more mature way of looking at things.
Sonic Adventure 2: Amy puts her personal grievances of being relegated to “resident cheerleader” aside to step up and confront Shadow, which turns out to be the single saving grace the team needed to stop the ARK.
IDW 35 showcases the same mentality when Amy fights Clutch’s robot. In general, Amy’s instincts to stress are to “suck it up” to play the hero because she objectively knows she can.
Amy’s personality (and her ability to insert herself into Sonic’s head and emotions) makes her a strong candidate for someone he can talk to more neutrally. I encourage you to read IDW 2 and 15 (where Sonic and Amy are alone) and compare that to IDW 37-40 (where Tails is actively present). I think the difference in tone (regardless of the different writers) is evident and interesting; in one, Sonic’s a partner and in another, Sonic’s the leader. For now, here are some snippets:
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Knuckles, 16:
Sonic and Knuckles’ friendship has always been chummy, rival, and playful in nature. When they’re together, it’s always business and mutual respect. Such a random and insignificant detail from Sonic X episode 73 is that Sonic stays up into the night with Knuckles – kind of reminds me of “adult time” and that just makes me laugh a bit.
Shadow, ambiguous, in my honest opinion, but you know what I mean:
It’s hard to include Shadow here as a friend, but he’s important to note as Sonic views him as, if nothing else, an equal to whom he needs to justify himself. The two are often at odds, and while Sonic’s plot armour allows him to prevail almost every time, it’s never at the outright disregard or slander of Shadow’s opinion.
While Sonic trusts all his friends equally to be safe, make smart choices, fight alongside him at times, and to be good friends to him, Sonic’s inherent approach to younger characters illustrates a strong sense of parentification. With older characters, his tone matures, and he seems more willing to hash things out with them – his first instinct with them isn’t to motivate and play “cool big brother.” Sonic demonstrates parental characteristics and feels a need and desire to be a family member in addition to a friend. Parentified children hardwire themselves to look after others before, and often at the complete expense of, themselves, and this trait is a defining factor of Sonic’s toward all his friends – objectively for a second, Sonic is extremely protective.
Let’s bring this parentification back into the frame of emotional neglect and compare the overlap between Natalie and Sonic:
Sonic’s heightened emotional intelligence as a result of not being able to offload feelings and having developed high self-awareness.
Sonic is highly independent and self-parents, leading to somewhat of an inability to rely on others for physical and emotional comfort on a daily basis.
Sonic shows discomfort in opening up about his feelings, as well as asking for and accepting emotional affection and help.
NOTE: Sonic isn’t always above asking for help when there are people readily available and the stakes aren’t super high (combo attacks, the entirety of Sonic Heroes, Sonic Forces (yeah, I’m shocked too)).
Sonic’s always been in a position of power, authority, or a caregiver/protector of someone/something (his friends and the world).
Sonic is more inclined to handle things on his own when he doesn’t already have allies, going to far as to push possible allies away as an instinct to protect them, such as when he tells Chip to run during the climax of Sonic Unleashed and when he pushes Tails into an evacuation shuttle before the final boss of Sonic Colours. Often, even when his friends are present, Sonic tends to handle Eggman and other threats independently – how often does he ask for help versus when it’s assumed or offered to him?
Sonic is more complicated of a character than we give him credit for. He's nuanced in personality, emotionally intelligent, and reeling from the effects of his responsibilities. It's nice to see real-world applications of this hedgehog's personality - it makes him feel more three-dimensional and justified.
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gayemeralds · 2 years
From what I've seen on your posts you don't really like the Sonic Movie verse (which is understandable, or I'm looking at the wrong account), but I wanted to know if any of the lore regarding chaos energy and stuff in them was put into any of your fanfics or thoughts? Like the owls and echidnas thing, or Sonic having the possibility of being consumed by the sheer amount of chaos energy? Sorry for rambling lol!
i did like the sonic movies as movies but not as sonic movies. the problem was i think the first movie started off on the wrong foot- it didn’t feel like a sonic movie at all, if you just replaced the names of a few things and people, it could have been it’s own movie. and because of that set up, it’s sort of made the rest of the movies a bit wonky
and to be honest….. Eh i don’t really like the lore they’ve been setting up, either
i dont like that they made sonic an alien. ive honestly never liked the whole two worlds theory anyway but i was always more fond of the idea that the sonic games take place on earth. especially now that they’ve made them SEPERATE worlds across space a lot of iconic places wouldn’t make sense to have back on earth. and while I love to see them explore mobius in the movies it wouldn’t particularly fit Sonic’s character (at least, what they established in the movies) to go back. he found his new home in earth. so like i can kinda understand why they did the two worlds thing again i just don’t like it
The babylons. okay. there’s two aspects to this i don’t like.
1) i don’t like Longclaw. i don’t like them giving a back story for sonic, no matter how vague it was in the movies. i honestly don’t like any establishment of a parental figure or whatever in his backstory. i don’t think she’s all that interesting either, but that depends on how they plan on framing her character after they revealed she killed a bunch of echidna and has been fighting over the master emerald for years
2) i don’t like the lore they’ve set up with the master emerald. IM SO MAD ABOUT THIS ONE BECAUSE IT SEEMS TO ME THAT BY SKIPPING TO SA2 THEYRE SKIPPING SA1. longclaw basically took the role of perfect chaos anyway- destroying the rest of the echidna clan and being a guardian of the master emerald. she took chaos’s role and i frankly don’t like that. do you know what i would GIVE to see perfect chaos on the big screen. also like EVERY BIT OF LORE FROM SA1. just basically gone wiped not at all acknowledged and that kinda pisses me off.
like i don’t like the complete rewrite of knuckles’s lore tbh. he’s an entirely different character, just like they did with sonic. i think it was interesting to have him be the guardian along with sonic and tails but i think that completely undermines the intentions of his character. solitary and duty bound and learning to loosen up. idk the guardianship was pivotal to knuckles’s character and i have conflicting feelings on what they’re doing with that. i just want an adaptation that’s like somewhat faithful to the source material come on….
actually i just can’t fucking believe they would skip sa1. i CANT fucking believe it. it does set up sa2 intentionally or not. i just don’t think you should have one story without the other. insane but WHATEVER.
as for the chaos emerald lore…. hm I have conflicting feelings. the concept of the emeralds merging together to form the master emerald was pretty cool, but i don’t really like it. the chaos emeralds were a staple before the master emerald…. i probably would have done it backwards and made them collect the emeralds to find out it could create the master emerald. or not use the idea at all lol. neat but not really interesting.
im curious to see where they go with it but as far as we’ve gotten, i wouldn’t be incorporating much of it into my own interpretation of lore
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justanotherblonde23 · 4 years
I Want You - A Din Djarin Story
Author’s Note: Hey there, internet friends. So I had an ask from my friend @hdlynnslibrary that I can’ find to save my life. Luckily, I wrote it down! “Hi Kat! My darling! I must admit to feeling #horny okay? Soooo what about a prompt for my fav space man Din? Like maybe with an #inexperienced reader?” Oh Heather, my love, ask and you shall receive! What started out as a little somethin became 14 pages, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font. So my darling, I hope you enjoy this Din x reader fic, it was made with LOTS of love <3
Warnings: SMUT, there is definately sexy times going on over here, all aboard the horny train, leaving the station as we speak. Choo-fuckin-choo! Also, language because I am me and since I was born and raised in Boston and I have been swearing like a goddamn sailor since, well, ever lol. Oh, and there’s a slight breeding kink, just an FYI. I’m sorry, it just all came out and I couldn’t help it and Din Djarin wants his clan to expand, okay? 
Thank you to all who read, like, comment, reblog, etc. It warms my heart that you all are enjoying my work. Please let me know what you think of this one :-)
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You had been traveling with Din on the Razor Crest for the past year or so. He found you on Arvala-7, working alongside Kuiil. You were good with your hands, fast with a blaster, and most importantly, you connected with the Child. From the second that kid saw you, he decided that you were his. He was the largest reason that you were here right now. How anyone could resist those big eyes, his floppy ears, and that cute baby smile. He turned your heart to putty. 
Your days were spent mostly on the Crest, keeping an eye on the little one and tending to the ship the best you could. The baby required a fair bit of effort, but you didn’t mind; he had become like your own child without you even realizing it. 
Somewhere along the way, you had become closer with the Mandalorian that you traveled with. Clipped sentences became more extended conversations as you gently urged him out of his shell. Soon, he became curious about you, asking all sorts of unimportant questions, ranging from where you grew up to what your favorite color was. Dinners alone with the kid turned into Mando joining you, lifting his helmet ever so slightly so that he could take a sip of the broth you made or a bite of the ration pack you heated up. Every time he did this, you made sure to keep your eyes on your plate, never wanting to disrespect his Creed in any way. 
As the months progressed, your feelings for one stoic Mandalorian grew. You caught yourself lingering in the cockpit more when after you put the little one down at night. You also caught yourself staring on more than one occasion, and you knew for a fact that Mando saw you, too. How could you not stare at that imposing figure that you shared a home with? The duality of the man was awe-inspiring, to be sure. He was a fearsome warrior, and you had witnessed his prowess first hand many a time. He brought bounties in nonstop, always jetting off to the next one before the last quarry had been frozen away in carbonite for a day. And then there was the gentleness that he had with the baby. You could tell that this was his first time taking care of another person by himself. Sometimes he was a bit rough around the edges, but he did try his best. He was learning how to be the best parent he could for the kid, and watching that play out warmed your heart. 
Often times, when he took the kid up to the cockpit so that you could use the refresher and wash the day away, you could hear him up there talking to the kid gently. Sometimes he speaks in Basic; other times, he speaks in what you assume is Mando’a. Every once in a while, you hear him sing the baby a lullaby on those restless nights where nothing seems to calm that sweet baby down. The first time you heard him sing softly to the kid, you knew that you loved him. 
You never felt right acting on your feelings; you didn’t know how he thought about you. Also, you were terrified of making a fool of yourself. Truth be told, you have never been in a man’s bed before. The life of a refugee of the Empire didn’t leave much time for amorous encounters. By the time you found Kuiil, all you wanted was to keep your head down and do your work. If you happened to meet someone along the way, fantastic, but you had more pressing matters to attend to, like surviving in the desert. 
That all changed one night when you least expected it. Mando had taken the kid to soothe him and put him to sleep, so you took the opportunity to use the fresher. You had been working hard that day, repairing areas of the Crest that needed maintenance while juggling an inquisitive little one. You took your time, relishing the way that the water felt against your bare skin, the warmth seeping into your muscles and soothing your bones. You wouldn’t tell anyone, but you viewed water as a gift from the Maker itself. For the first time in your life, you didn’t have to scrounge and save every last drop. You’d never had the luxury of using actual water the bathe daily; you’d never been in the financial position to have such a thing. For the Galaxy working class, a sonic was the best you could hope for most of the time. It cleansed the body of dirt and grime just fine, but it wasn’t pleasant like water was. 
In all honesty, your idea of a luxuriously long shower was well under ten minutes, but it was a dream come true for you. After you were clean and smelling of the fresh soap that you used, it was time for you to get out. You grabbed the small towel, drying your body, and then reached for your clothes. Your hands floundered around a bit until you realized that you had inadvertently forgotten to bring a new pair of clothes or your sleep shirt in with you. You had been in too much of a rush to hand off the baby and get just a few moments to yourself. 
You groaned at your flightiness. Kriff, that only left you with two options: you could either put your dirty clothes back on, or you could try to make your way back to your sleeping quarters wrapped in this tiny ass towel. Neither option particularly appealed to you, but your desire for cleanliness finally won out. 
You gathered up your belongings and quietly opened the refresher door, careful not to be too loud. It usually took a bit of time to calm the baby down enough for him to go to sleep, and you didn’t want to interrupt that process. The lights in the hold were dimmed, leaving you with the ability only to see a few steps in front of you. 
Unfortunately, your quest to be stealthy was in vain. You had forgotten that you had moved a particular toolbox during your work project this morning. Said toolbox ended up being placed right where you could smack your little toe on it. You yelped in pain, dropping everything in your arms in favor of hopping up and down on one foot and clutching the other in your hands. This caused the towel to also fall to the ground, leaving you bare. A noise drew your attention up, and your eyes met a helmet, staring right back. Mando was standing right in front of you, apparently drawn by the noise. 
You dropped your foot, standing up straight, eyes wide in shock. You didn’t move; you barely breathed. Your mind was short-circuiting, and you didn’t even have the sense to pick up your towel off the ground. Your body was overflowing with embarrassment, horror, and- was that arousal? Stars, you were standing here, completely bare, across from the Mandalorian who has every inch of himself covered. 
Ever so slowly, he reached down and grabbed the towel you had dropped, carefully wrapping it back around you. His hand accidentally brushed your breast, causing you to suck in a breath of surprise. He murmured his apologies, beginning to withdraw his hands, but you were faster. You reached out, stilling his retreating hands and placing them back on your body. You wanted this, you wanted him, and you wanted to make sure that he knew it. 
He tilted his helmet curiously, waiting for you to give him a prompt. He took in your labored breathing, your increased heart rate, the way you bit your lip. Your eyes met his visor, and he could barely even see your eye color because your pupils were so blown with lust and desire. He groaned a deep, low sound in his chest at your obvious reaction to his presence. 
“What do you want, sweet girl?” he ground out, trying to keep himself in check. 
You moved your hands, gently cradling his helmet where his cheeks would be, breathing in his scent swirling so close to you. You could smell the blaster residue, the leather, the metal of his beskar, the soap you both used in the shower, and that smell that was uniquely his. You’d never get tired of it, not in this life or the next. 
“I want you,” was your reply. “Touch me, Mando, please.”
“Din,” came his reply, almost in a whisper, as if it was something sacred. 
You frowned, your nose scrunched up in confusion. You studied this helmet, eyes searching for answers. 
“My name, it’s Din. Din Djarin.”
Your mouth dropped open in shock, eyes wide with confusion. You knew the sacredness of a name in this Galaxy. Stars, you hadn’t even told him your own name for a solid three months. The only reason he had found out was because he overheard you talking to the kid one day. A name was even more sacred to a Mandalorian. It was precious, something to be guarded with the utmost care. You’d never even wagered that he’d give it to you, ever. 
“You can use it, but with just me and the kid around. No one else gets to know it, no one but you.” 
You nodded, understanding just how much it had taken for him to tell you. His name was a gift, something that you would keep close and cherish. 
“Din,” you spoke the Mandalorian’s name for the first time, testing it on your tongue, relishing the taste of it in your mouth. It was a good name, a solid name, a name fitting for the warrior before you. “Din Djarin, a beautiful name.” 
Hearing his name in your mouth set Din’s soul on fire. The way you spoke it, the way you had considered it and acknowledged the importance of what he had just given you, it made him want to hear it again and again. He wanted to listen to you moan his name in ecstasy, begging him for more, begging him for pleasure. He wanted to hear you yell it, mutter it, say it in everyday conversation. He wanted to hear his name drip from your lips for the rest of his life. 
That night was the first time he took you and gave you pleasure. You had come on his tongue and fingers three times before you were strung out and exhausted. You fell asleep in his bunk wrapped tightly in his arms. That was two months ago. 
You still had yet to take him fully, to allow him to be inside of you. You had admitted that you were nervous, that you had no experience to work off of. Din had been nothing but patient and kind, never pressuring you into anything that you weren’t comfortable with. He had told you that, “We have all the time in the world, sweet girl. There’s no need to rush.” You believed him wholeheartedly, but in the past weeks, you had found yourself wanting more. Sure, you were still frightened, you didn’t know what you were doing, but that burn and ache inside of you kept getting more intense as the days went by. You know that Din would take care of you. 
It’s been a rough day, and that’s an understatement. You helped with the bounty this time because the information you were given indicated that this quarry was heavily guarded. Mando couldn’t say no to an extra blaster covering his ass. Thankfully, this mission was on Tatooine, meaning that you could leave the little one with Peli. Maker knows that woman loves your little green bean; how could she not? Green bean loves her right back and seems to be particularly fond of the pit droids. You think it has something to do with the fact that he can bonk their noses to make them spring to life, but you can’t be sure. 
Unfortunately, it turns out that this asshole was much more protected than you had been led to believe. You would have some choice words for Greef Karga to pass along to whoever had commissioned this kriffing bounty. You both had more or less emerged unscathed, but there would most certainly be bruises covering you two from head to toe. 
Once the bounty was frozen away in carbonite, you could breathe a little better. He wouldn’t be giving you any trouble now. When Peli saw that state you were in, she insisted that she keep the little one for the night, which was a relief. As much as you loved that sweet little boy, you needed a breather. Hopefully, you’d be able to spend some much needed time with just you and your Mandalorian. 
You found yourself on Din’s lap with a blindfold covering your eyes so he could kiss you. You would rather not see anything at all and have his lips on yours than have your sight with his helmet on. You both were in your underclothes, your legs straddling him. 
That’s when the kisses began. There was something about kissing Din Djarin that was otherworldly. The way he poured all his love and care into a kiss never ceases to blow you away. He always started so gently, building you up and setting you on fire. How could anything be that good, that pleasurable? He licked into your mouth, moaning at your taste. Your Mandalorian loved to kiss you. He nipped at your bottom lip, causing you to gasp, pleasure shooting straight down to your core. 
He moved his kisses to your jaw and down the column of your neck, leaving bruising in his wake. Din whispered in your ear, telling you how beautiful you were, how good you tasted, how you were just for him. The thought that you were his, that this fearsome warrior had opened himself up enough to let you in, it urged you forward. 
You began to rock back and forth on his thigh, chasing that feeling of bliss. He stopped you for a moment, helping you wiggle out of your panties, before urging you to start once more. This felt even better, your slick dripping out onto his thigh, helping you create beautiful friction. By the sounds he was making, Din was enjoying it, too. The feeling of his muscles hard beneath you, your clit rubbing deliciously against him, was heavenly. You could feel the sparks in your tummy, the clench of your cunt around nothing; you were so close. 
Din urged you on, his hands at your hips, moving you. He muttered about how gorgeous you were as you took your pleasure on his thigh, how he wanted to see you cum on him, how he wanted to taste your sweet pussy after you came. His words were what finally did you in, the dam bursting and your orgasm hitting you full force. Your hips began to stutter, but your Mandalorian kept you moving, riding the waves of pleasure, extending your bliss. Finally, your whines led him to stop; you were far too sensitive to continue. You panted, trying to catch your breath. 
As you sat there, your head on Din’s shoulder, centering yourself once more, you realized what exactly was pressing against your thigh. You could feel his rock hard, dripping cock, just within reach. The thought of it made your pussy clench and your mouth water. You wanted Din Djarin, all of him, in every way possible. You wanted to feel him inside of you, wrecking you and making you see stars. 
“Din,” you murmured, “I want you.” 
He nuzzled his nose into your hair, breathing you in. “You have me, Mesh’la, any way you want me.”
You sat up straight on his lap, facing him. If you didn’t have a blindfold on, you’re sure you’d be looking him directly in the eye. “No, I want you. I want you inside of me; I want your cock, Din.” 
Your Mandalorian groaned at your admission. There was nothing he wanted more. He took in the earnest expression on your face, looking for any sign of hesitance or anxiety. He never wanted you to feel pressured into doing anything that you didn’t want to do. He didn’t want you to feel as if you needed to do something to please him. He wanted you to explore sex at your own pace, never another’s. 
“Cyare, are you sure? There is no rush for us. My satisfaction comes from the fact that I can satisfy you and that you trust me enough to allow me to be the first to touch you in this way. There is no timetable besides your wants, needs, and desires, mesh’la. I don’t want you to pressure yourself.” 
You smiled at his words, his voice so soft and sweet for you. He was always so considerate, never rushing you or telling you that you were going too slowly. The kindness and care this great warrior continuously showed you reminded you of this complicated man’s duality. You felt safe with him, and you wanted all of him. 
“Din, baby, no, I don’t feel pressured. I’ve been thinking about it for weeks now. I want to feel you inside of me; I want you to make love to me, please.” 
He cradled your face in his palms for a moment, his thumbs gliding over your cheeks. Then, he kissed you. It wasn’t a gentle kiss; it was full of passion, sinking you deeper into arousal. He kissed you like you were the only thing in the world that he loved, and maybe he did. Perhaps you and the kid were his whole heart. His tongue expertly explored your mouth, causing you to mewl and moan. He knew just what would get you going. 
He pulled away, sucking in precious oxygen as you did the same. Carefully, he turned the both of you around and laid you down on his cot. It wasn’t the most comfortable thing in the galaxy, not by a long shot. It was designed more for efficiency than comfort. The thing was, though, you didn’t care. It was Din’s, and he was willing to share it with you. You could feel him hovering over you, his breath warm against your face. 
“Let me taste you, sweet girl. Let me get you ready to take my cock.”
You gasped, feeling his cock rock back and forth, covering himself in your slick. You were at a loss for words, so many sensations happening all at once. All you could manage was a nod, and a whimpered, “Please, Din.” 
Your Mandalorian kissed his way down your body, leaving behind bite marks and bruises where he wanted to cause heightened sensations. Before he even made it to your pussy, you were already painfully wet for him. You could feel his breath ghosting over the place where you wanted him the most. You lifted your hips in an attempt to spur him on, but all it got you was a muscular arm forcing your hips back down to the cot. 
“Patience, cyar’ika, I want you to feel every ounce of pleasure that I can wring out of you. Enjoy the moment, feel the suspense, don’t simply rush to the finish line, little one.” 
You yelped as you felt him bite into the juncture of your hip and thigh, sucking in hard to leave a mark. He soothed the skin with his tongue, so close to where you needed him, but not close enough. He repeated the process on the other side, marking you in a place only the two of you would ever see, like a secret that you both would share. 
Unexpectedly, his tongue licked a broad stripe from the bottom of your slit to your clit. You sighed; that was the feeling you so desperately wanted. He lapped at your cunt like a man starved, and you were the best thing on the menu. He knew how to work you into a frenzy, and quickly, he played your body like an instrument that he had been practicing on for a lifetime. You quaked and shook as your second orgasm of the night took hold, bursting and pulling you ever forward into the bliss you so desperately craved. 
Even after you had ridden out your orgasm, Din didn’t stop. He worked you over, inserting one finger and then another inside of you, hitting that one spot inside you that made you see stars over and over. His mouth never stopped, his tongue lazily drawing loose circles around your clit, never slowing down, but keeping a steady pace. Your hips fought to lift off the cot, simultaneously fighting and chasing that feeling of ecstasy. When he scissored his fingers inside of you and twisted his wrist just so, you lost it once more. A scream that sounded something like his name tore out of your throat as the stars exploded behind your eyes. 
You felt like you were floating in space, freely and without a care in the world. You reached a new height of pleasure that you’d never even imagined before. You could touch the sky and would never ever come down. You thought every encounter with your Mandalorian was pure rapture, but this was beyond anything you had ever felt before. You were panting, gasping for the oxygen your body so desperately needed, and you felt better than you ever had before. As your head left the clouds, you realized you had a dopey smile on your face, and your lover was covering you with kisses everywhere he could reach. 
Vaguely, you heard his whispers in the dark. You were so good for me, mesh’la. You looked so beautiful cumming on my fingers and tongue. You taste divine, starshine. Those words went straight to your heart and to your pussy, flooding you with more arousal than you had ever thought possible. A deep kiss on your lips finally brought you back to the present, the warm body on top of you centering your mind. 
“Are you ready for my cock, sweet girl? Do you still want to feel me inside of you? I promise I’ll go slow.”
You nodded in response, your words failing you. 
“I need to hear you say it, cyare. I need to hear you tell me that you want this, that you’re sure.” 
Your head lolled a bit as you processed his words, still feeling slightly hazy. 
“Din Djarin, I want you inside of me. Please, please, I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything before.”
He chuckled at your pleas, a smile pressed into the crook of your neck. 
“I’ll be most delighted to give you what you want, sweet girl. Whatever you want, it’s yours. Are you ready for me?”
You breathed out a yes as you felt him coat himself in your slick, making sure he could ease into you. You knew he was quite large. You had curiously wondered aloud one day if all men were built like that. Even though his size intimidated you, you wanted everything he could give you. The excitement fizzled in your belly; you were getting wetter by the second. 
Ever so slowly, your Mandalorian lined himself up with you and began to press in. You gasped at the feeling of just the head of his cock inside of you, the blunt tip spearing into you. He paused before he began to move again. Slowly, inch by inch, he pressed himself into you, stopping ever so often to make sure that you had time to adjust to him. It didn’t hurt nearly as much as the girls in your hometown had made it seem. Maybe they hadn’t been with the proper lovers, or perhaps the boys they were sleeping with were just inexperienced and too young. All you knew was that there was a pinch of pain, yes, but the pleasure outweighed any discomfort you may have felt. 
You could feel every delicious inch of him inside you, splitting you open and filling you up like nothing ever had before. You could feel every ridge and vein as he inched his way into you. You couldn’t even put a name to this feeling, but you wanted more. Eventually, he was fully seated inside of you; your hips flush against his own. You felt so full, stuffed to the brim, and Maker, you loved it. He waited for a minute or two, allowing you to adjust to him and have a chance to take in all these new sensations. You had thought his fingers were terrific, but they were nothing compared to the feel of his cock deep inside of you. 
He kissed you. It was all teeth, tongue, and lips, and stars; it was perfect. He devoured your mouth, taking what was his. You couldn’t help the little sounds that sprung up from your throat when he did that. He answered you with guttural groans of his own. You could feel the way those sounds made his chest rumble; you could feel it in your chest pressed against him. 
He grabbed your leg, propping it up on his hip, and he began to move. He never went too fast for you or too hard, keeping a steady pace that kept you comfortable but still dragged you forward to a fourth orgasm. You didn’t even know you had it in you until Din used two of his fingers to assault your clit, encouraging that bundle of nerves to give you one more burst of pleasure. The combination of his cock deep inside you and his fingers on your clit was enough to send you toppling over the edge once more. This orgasm was more intense than the others, blazing white-hot through your veins and setting your soul on fire. If you thought you had been screaming before, you were mistaken. You writhed and squirmed under your lover, your pleasure causing your body to shake like a leaf. You sobbed his name over and over, tears spilling out of your eyes from sheer ecstasy. 
Your Mandalorian groaned deeply at the feel of your pussy clamping down on him like a vice. You were so tight, to begin with, and your orgasm grabbed him and shoved him into his orgasm. As he emptied himself deep within you, he couldn’t help but mumble praises. “Oh Mesh’la, you’re so tight for me, so beautiful laid bare just for me. You’re such a good girl, a sweet girl, my girl. I’ll give you whatever you want, baby. Adventure, new experiences, my love- fuck if you want it, I’ll give you warriors, children of our own.” 
You both laid there for a while afterward, basking in the glow of post-sex haze. You carded your fingers through his curls, gently scratching his scalp as he pressed sweet kisses into your skin. He was still inside you; neither of you could bear the thought of being parted just yet. You could stay like this forever, caught in this in-between time, not yet floating back into reality. 
“I would like that,” you murmured, never stopping your movements in his hair. 
“Like what, cyare?” 
“For you to give me warriors of our own, Din.”
You could feel him twitch inside you, clearly interested. His head shot up, studying yours closely, looking for any falsehood or hesitance in your blindfolded face. 
“You mean it?” He breathed out. 
You grinned, feeling around for his face. You traced his sharp jawline, the proud cure of his nose, the pout of his plump lips. This was the face of the man you loved, the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. Wherever he was in the Galaxy, that was home. 
“Yes, my love, I mean it. We have our little green bean, and eventually, he’s going to need some friends to play with. We wouldn’t want him to be lonely. And besides, there’s no one I’d rather raise warriors with than you.”
You heard a faint sniffle before his lips were on yours once more. You had a family, but there was always room to add more to this clan of three. 
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felassan · 3 years
Check out this video interview with Mark Darrah, ‘On Anthem’s Launch, Dev Advice, And Leaving BioWare’. It’s interesting and pretty substantial. He talks about a bunch of different things, including his YouTube channel, things BioWare could’ve done differently, crunch, whether he’ll write a book about his gamedev experiences, gamedev pitfalls, Anthem’s troubled development, the development of projects he worked on including DA2, cancelled projects (and what happened to them) including Jade Empire 2 / ‘Jade Modern’ / Revolver and Mass Effect: Corsair, the reasons why he left BioWare and Dragon Age 4.
I recc giving the whole thing a watch, but if you’re not able to, here are the Dragon Age 4-related quotes and other especially interesting-to-me portions transcribed for ur convenience! (under a cut due to length):
Mark: "There is a tendency for projects that are small to think they're amazing, because it's so much easier. Like when I ran Sonic [Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood] - it was a 20 person team - it's just so much easier to make things go smoothly than when you have a 200 person team. So I think that we've made progress, but as Dragon Age pivots into production and that team gets bigger and bigger, it will be interesting to see if that's true or if it's just the blindness of being a small team. Like when Inquisition was in the throes of shipping, both Mass Effect: Andromeda and Anthem would love to talk about how they were 'doing things right!' and then they fell in totally different holes, but still fell in a bunch of holes after Inquisition shipped. So I do think that there is a hubris that comes from a project in early development where you feel like this time you've figured it out."
---    Mark: “As Dragon Age [4] was moving towards production, I could see that like, the team, I've been told by people that they've never met a team that more wants to be in production than Dragon Age team. But what ended up happening was, in order for the team to really explore the space properly, we had to sort've train them to be in pre-production. But that meant that that team no longer really wanted to be in production, they wanted to be in pre-production. And so, looking at what was going to be required to pivot that team into production, it wasn't a challenge that I thought I was up to any longer. I think that team, once they get into the mindset, is capable of moving entire mountains, and will move entire mountains, but they need someone that can lead them through that."
Interviewer: “Yeah, from the outside it's striking that you and Casey Hudson left at the same time. It sort’ve definitely implies a ‘fuck this’ moment for the two of you. If it was just you saying ‘I can’t do it’ then it’s understandable.”
Mark: “Yeah, no, I mean, it’s hilarious, because, we definitely were not coordinated. That was, as near as I can determine, there was nothing that triggered us on the same moment other than maybe just a sort’ve mounting, just, like, this friction, being at the, I would say, the GM and EP, the point at which the [something?] friction and the project friction meet, and you’re just sort of grinding there. But I don’t think there was a massive injection of anything late last year that triggered that. Not that I can point to. For me, yeah, I do think it was, weirdly, a coincidence. Casey and I have stayed in touch, we didn’t leave to go form a studio together or anything.”
Interviewer: “Are you being torn apart a little bit internally about that pressure of, ‘I know if I just made a video that said, The Secrets of Dragon Age - not even Dragon Age 4, whatever the hell that thing’s called at this point - but just, The Secrets of Dragon Age: Origins’, like, you know that  audience surely would show up. I imagine there’s that community that’s screaming at you, like, ‘Tell us something we don’t know about Dragon Age, tell us about the future!!’, versus, trying to play it a little more straight and actually offer gamedev advice.”
Mark: “Yeah, for sure, absolutely, like, looking at, there is an entire segment of YouTube which is ‘Dragon Age fans talking about Dragon theories and watching the trailers and picking them apart’ and I could do that, and that would be, I feel like that would almost destructive to everybody, because I could deflate all the theories, some of which are completely completely wrong, some of which are amazingly right. But I think, like, I don’t think the community actually wants that. They might sort’ve think they do, but I think if I just sort’ve pulled away the curtain, I think it’d be like, ‘Ohh.. but now what are we gonna talk about? :(’ Like I don’t think that anybody wants that honestly. It would be great for my metrics but I don’t think anyone really wants that.”
Interviewer: “And not to offer you advice, but like I think there’s somewhere in the middle. Like when they have the next teaser trailer for the next Dragon Age project, you could do a reaction video to that and it would be your most viewed thing by a mile, and you wouldn’t be stepping on anybody’s toes.”
Mark: “Yeah, I have thought about that exact thing. Cause we’ve now moved, I think, beyond the horizon of anything that comes out of Dragon Age at this point, like if they’re at EA Play, and I don’t know if they’re at EA Play or not, then whatever that is will be something that I didn’t have anything to do with, so we’re reaching the point where I can now, I feel like, start to provide, yeah, reaction videos from the perspective of, an incredibly well-informed outsider.”
Interviewer: “And you must know, even though you’re not inside the studio, like, just have an appreciation how much that [MELE’s good success and good reception] can do for the studio’s morale. I’d imagine it’s just night and day.”
Mark: “Oh, absolutely, like. Andromeda and Anthem being the last two things before the remaster, that is a cloud that hangs above the studio for sure.”
Interviewer: “Yeah, I mean I remember visiting for Dragon Age: Inquisition, it must have been, and it was still, like, the Mass Effect 3 ending, I feel like, even visiting the studio for two days, you could feel that like, funk, of just like ‘ugh, good Christ, we’ve gotten the crap kicked out of us’.”
Mark: “Yeah, I mean. The Mass endings is an interesting one for me. Because, it’s not the choices I would have made to end the game, but those are the choices that were made. I wonder... I don’t like ultimatums, and I feel like with Mass 3, the team kind’ve gave into an ultimatum. The community was so angry that we then released new better endings to ‘fix it’, and it’s not that that’s a bad piece of content, that’s a good piece of content, but I just worry that, the internet today, seems almost like... a reaction to the Mass 3 endings. Almost like, the internet learned that if you just yell loud enough you get what you want. And I don’t think that’s real, because it’s Mass Effect, it’s not Star Wars.”
Interviewer: “But I mean, if it wasn’t the ending of Mass Effect 3, it would have been something else in that era of Voices On The Internet Being So loud that it causes a big company to pivot and be like ‘Okay, we’ll try and make you a little bit happier, please just relax everybody’.”
Mark: “Yeah, totally. So I mean, I don’t think Mass Effect bears the brunt of the blame of toxic fan culture. But certainly it’s one of the very first examples of that culture managing to make something happen.”
Mark: “Now I do feel that maybe I overlearned that lesson, because, something that I did a lot on Anthem was talk about how, you know, ‘this is not a BioWare-style game, this is not gonna have the storytelling that you’re used to’. And I think maybe I overstressed that. I do think that at the end of the day where we are with Anthem today, if you were a BioWare fan that liked all our other games, and you play Anthem with an eye to playing it as a storytelling game, it’s certainly not our best, but it’s not bad.”
Interviewer: “So Anthem marketing and messaging was hurt because you were overlearning the lessons from Sonic, that’s the takeaway?”
Mark: “I do think so. I do think that like, I don’t think it was from the marketing perspective, but I do think that both Casey and I overstressed [that]. We didn’t want people to get mad at us for making a game that wasn’t a very good storytelling game, so we wanted to get ahead of that message and say like, ‘it’s not a very strong storytelling game, it’s a game about all this other stuff’, but, at the end of the day, it is a storytelling game, it’s still in there. And those are the people that stayed away. And if those people hadn't stayed away, I’m not saying the game would have suddenly done [awesome], but it would’ve softened the narrative a little bit, I think.”
Interviewer: “Yeah, yeah. I mean, I’m sure you understand this better than anybody, but that’s such a loaded term to say ‘This is a BioWare-style game’, and obviously there’s that era of EA where they were trying to say that every project within EA was a ‘BioWare-style’ game and so, it’s interesting to hear you kind’ve, hemming and hawwing about how much to lean into, ‘no no, this one is 100% BioWare, this one is 73% BioWare’ - it’s such a murky thing.”
Mark: “It absolutely is, I mean, and I even said these things. Like we made MDK2, well, we made it, so I mean is that a ‘BioWare-style’ game? Is Baldur’s Gate a ‘BioWare-style’ game? But if it is, then how is Mass Effect a ‘BioWare-style’ game, and certainly I don’t think anyone would argue that Mass Effect is not a ‘BioWare-style’ game. So that term has to evolve as the studio continues. But I think for whatever reason, for a variety of reasons, I guess, with Anthem we were worried that maybe we’d pushed it a bit too far. And then I guess we did.”
Interviewer: “Did you enjoy any part of working on Anthem, or was it just a matter of putting out so many fires that it was just nothing but stress til the end?”
Mark: “It was stressful for me. I mean. I have a weird - the last ten years of my career at BioWare seemed to involve a lot of helping people land their planes. And that’s what Anthem was for me, I wasn't there from the beginning. I was helping to land it. I think there’s a satisfaction that comes with landing a game, with finishing a product, and I felt that with Anthem as well, and there were a lot of talented people on that project that I’d never worked with before, and that was great. It was great to, y’know, figure out these people that had only ever worked on a Mass Effect, that I’d never worked with before, their skills and abilities. I really like understanding the strengths and weaknesses of a person and building around that. I didn’t really have an opportunity on Anthem to do that because y’know, we were just trying to get the plane on the ground, but I think, having learned about what those people could do, that’s very gratifying because it lets you imagine what you could do with them in the future.” 
Interviewer: “Yeah, if things aligned magically, but for you you realized it never was gonna align, and it was always just right on the horizon of being able to cobble this amazing talent together and focus it down.”
Mark: “Yeah, I mean - I think that I, the mistake that I made on Anthem, I think the biggest mistake, was I’m used to getting a team that pushes back on me in a certain way. So as I’m sort’ve pushing the stick down to get the plane to hit the runway, I’m used to pushing it sort’ve too far, because I know that the team is gonna push it back and then we’re gonna end up where it should be. And I think that given the state of the team on Anthem when I came on, and given the differences in personalities of the leaders there, versus the ones that I’d been working with for ten years, that’s not what happened. I think if anything, I pushed it down, and then they grabbed it and pulled it even further, because they were desperate for help in decision-making, and I was providing decisions. And they were grabbing onto that, and so I thought we were on this glide slope [motions], I was aiming at this glide slope expecting that we were gonna be like [this], but instead we were like [this], and so we, yeah, we landed that pretty rough. But, I mean, it was my call, I’m the one that said we shouldn’t push to move this, not because I thought it was perfect, but because the only path I could see to making it way better was moving it a lot. And when you’re in the last eight, nine weeks of a project, I could only see like, if we were gonna move it, we [would] have to move it like a year. And that’s - in a public corporation that’s a hard argument to make.”
Mark: “One of the most expensive things a project can do is slip. Because, your team, when you do that your team is at its maximum size, so if you got 200 people working on a project and you move a month, well that’s 200 staff months, you just got a bunch more expensive just by moving a month. Whereas actually adding more people, well if you only got a month left, to add 200 staff months to a project, you gotta add 200 people, that’s a lotta people. Moving the date is one of the most expensive, and you can reach a point where it’s like, look, it’s not worth it, if we move the date it’s gonna cost more to continue this project than it’s gonna make, so we’re not gonna. But rarely is that the case, you’ve already spent the money you’ve spent, so the only cost that matters is the cost going forward.”
Interviewer: “So, do you regret not pushing for Anthem to be delayed a year or was it good just to get something on the ground so that we could start building to take it off again with a living game?”
Mark: “Yeah, honestly, I don’t regret it, the [team/game?] was tired and it didn’t have another year in it, and I think a lot of the things that are super obvious now, some of them we knew, some of them we knew, like the balance, we had done one, clean balance pass, by having QA come in and hotseat their way through the game over Christmas break. Like literally playing the game 24 hours a day. We’d done basically that once. So we knew that, we knew that. But a lot of the other things kind’ve only came out once it was out in peoples’ hands. I think the path that I wasn’t capable of seeing at the time that could’ve maybe resulted in a better game would’ve been to put it into beta, like a real beta, in the state that it was in, and run it like that and then release it a year later. But I don’t know if there was the will to do that frankly. There might be now... I think Anthem taught EA a lot of lessons.”
Mark: “[on Cyberpunk] I think many of the same things happened there [as with Anthem]. They had a team that was tired and it wasn’t ready but they couldn’t see the path to getting it more ready. If the team is too tired, just taking another two months just isn’t gonna get you what you think it’s gonna get you.” [source]
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