#and a t-shirt slogan break
dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
I know, she says, I'll compile a list, she says, of all the shirts/outfits that have been worn in multiple qls.
Like that's easy.
Like there's only a handful...maybe 7/8...
She's at 20 and counting. And that's only the ones she remembers. There are probably others she hasn't noticed...because she just discovered three more.
Why? she laments, why did I start this*?, as she slowly closes her laptop.
(*because she now needs to finish it.)
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eretzyisrael · 11 months
by Julia Steinberg
Within the first minute of scrolling under a search for “Zionism” on TikTok, I saw a “Zionism Explained” video with over 125,000 views. It said that Jews are forbidden by God to have their own state, completely ignoring the fact that the State of Israel is secular. “How did this start? Let’s go back to 1897,” the video instructs. But Jewish history in Israel started thousands of years ago, not in 1897. 
When I searched “history” on TikTok, a woman with the “cute freckles and lashes” filter told me and over 80,000 viewers that, in “the biggest plot twist of the century,” Jews are using their ancestors’ “tragedy to justify and inflict another Holocaust.”
That explainer video is why, when I went to a pro-Palestine rally at Stanford on Wednesday and asked a fellow student what she meant when she chanted “from the river to the sea,” she said that, after admitting she wasn’t knowledgeable about the issue, Palestine must be free from the Tigris River (in Iraq) to the Black Sea (north of Turkey). This student, though she has no sense of geography, is actually chanting for the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea to no longer contain the state of Israel. It is an eliminationist slogan.
I saw a similar message at an off-campus café recently when I walked by a girl whose laptop bore a newly applied sticker with the words “By Any Means Necessary” stamped over an outline of Israel. It’s been less than three weeks since October 7 and already these glib stickers plugging genocide, aimed at my generation, are proliferating. 
A new axis of evil—Big Tech, social media companies, and China—has taken the once-fringe position that Jews are undeserving of a homeland, and is now pushing the idea of their mass slaughter via shoddy animation and beautiful women hosting “explainer” videos. And it’s trickling down onto t-shirts and “cute” laptop stickers. 
It’s cool to promote hate.
My Jewish parents, whose hearts break to hear about what I go through at college, did everything they could so that my brother and I would reject this simplistic, horrible way of thinking. But they can’t change that my little brother’s high school also teaches ideology with T-charts. I doubt his teachers or classmates care to understand that no T-chart can account for why he and his Jewish friends feel sick when they see slogans calling for their deaths.
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fluffyspuffy · 5 months
I’m obligated by law to post about this since it’s (I believe) only the 4th fic to actually make me cry real tears. That honor goes to the second story in the series (and very nearly the third). The first story isn’t super spuffy, but is obligatory reading due to how amazing the relationship between Spike and Dawn is in it.
The prose seemed a little off to me for quite a bit, but that’s probably just my ADHD talking since I did start to get used to it and then I didn’t even notice it eventually. The story was fantastic and made me stick it out despite having to reread paragraphs when I got lost. I think that’s what made it all the more shocking when I just suddenly started crying during an earlier chapter in ‘Blood Kin’. I didn’t see it coming and it hit me hard.
If you like the potentials (and OC potentials!) and if you like Dawn and some wacky vampire shit - this is the fic for you. It’s got some excellent hurt/comfort which is my food of choice. So much hurt/comfort throughout and I just adore it. The Spike characterization was my favorite- some side characters felt OOC on occasion, but was still immensely enjoyable.
It’s also epic! I love epic long fics. Right when I thought I’d read all the big Spuffy ones, here comes this series. Kept me well fed for days. Wild how I’ve been in this fandom for so long and always seem to miss the huge things.
I’d stop at the 4th story, unless you’re a greedy little masochist (like me!) and just need to read all there is no matter how much it will break your heart. This last story would have also been amazing, I can tell. Unfortunately, as the author is no longer with us, there isn’t even a tiny hope that more will come. I’m so glad that she got to leave us with this beautiful story
tl/dr: Read this! It’ll make you feel things. If you like safe and completed fics, stop at part 4.
Here’s a very brief summary of each part:
1: Spike and Dawn friendship rebuilding
2: fun with SITs (slayers in training) and a better season 7
3: vampire politics and relationship drama
4: more vampire politics and spike trying (failing) to hold it together. Fun t-shirt slogans. Stop here if you want an ending.
5: astral projection and heartbreak. ‘This is all there is, there isn't anymore.’ Incomplete, does not end in a good place.
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the-monkey-ruler · 3 months
The Boy WuKong (2010) 同学悟空
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Director: Tian Junkai TianTian / Liang Zhuohong Joker_L.K Screenwriter: Tian Junkai TianTian / Liang Zhuohong Joker_L.K Genre: Animation / Short Film Official website: http://jokerlk.blog.163.com/ Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: No dialogue Date: 2010-07-15 Also known as: Classmate Wukong Type: Appropriation
"Classmate Wukong" is the first independent animated short film by Tian Dakai, Joker_L.K (Liang Zhuohong) and Long Changzhi. It was created in the summer of 2008 and has never been published before. In the following two years, Tian Dakai, Joker_L.K (Liang Zhuohong), Long Changzhi and Zhou Lunjie (not Jay Chou) collaborated on "Queen's Garden". After that, they each worked on comics and concept settings. Now they have decided to reorganize <Wukong Club> (now renamed "Dragon Tiger Flower Monkey®") to continue their independent heart. They have specially published it and are looking forward to starting from the beginning.
"Classmate Wukong" is actually an animation that purely commemorates childhood, so the couplets "Flying childhood and domineering summer, flying and splashing the future is unlimited" are written on both sides of the poster. The film is not centered on narrative, but mainly reflects the memories, fantasies and strange ways of thinking of children. Bright red scarves, gorgeous pictures, retro and old settings and simple and direct heroism... Rather than saying that this is an animation, it is better to say that it is a summary of the spirit of childhood.
The use of music in the film is also to match the picture and give the audience a sense of substitution; and the inspiration of the graphic animation comes from the plot that we all scribbled on books when we were young. This work was made two years ago and is also the first animation of the two authors. There are many defects in the production process and technology, but both the picture and the expression of the animation show that the author wants to interpret a new concept of animated short films, which is an experiment to break through tradition. Through this film, I hope more people will support independent animation and independent comics. Joker_L.K (Liang Zhuohong) also drew a comic specifically for this animation for everyone to enjoy. Tian Dakai also made several T-shirts and did some graphic illustrations. Finally, here is the slogan of <Dragon Tiger Flower Monkey®>-Independence is not dead.
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/4910861/
Link: N/A
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sailorsolar12 · 1 year
Homecoming (Soap Version)
Character: John "Soap" MacTavish
Pairing: Soap x GN Reader (Y/N is not used)
Words: 1.2k
Warnings: none
John MacTavish had spent the last six months in a war-torn country, facing danger at every turn, and enduring the harshest of conditions. He was a battle-hardened soldier, a skilled operative in the international Special Forces. But now, after what felt like an eternity, he was finally returning home.
As the plane touched down on familiar soil, John's heart raced with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. He hadn't seen his significant other in half a year, and he couldn't wait to wrap them in his arms. He disembarked from the aircraft and made his way through the bustling airport, his duffel bag slung over one shoulder. The airport was filled with families reuniting, loved ones hugging and laughing, tears of joy streaming down cheeks. John's heart swelled as he watched these scenes unfold, knowing that his own reunion was just moments away.
He stepped out of the airport into the warm embrace of the afternoon sun. His significant other had insisted on picking him up, and they had promised to be there when he arrived. John scanned the crowd, his heart pounding harder with every passing second. And then, a familiar figure caught his eye. Their hair was dyed a vibrant shade of blue, and they wore a t-shirt with a slogan that made John chuckle despite himself. It read, "I survived six months without you – toughest mission ever!"
John couldn't help but break into a grin as they saw each other. He quickened his pace, the duffel bag forgotten as he closed the distance between them. And then, finally, they were in each other's arms. The embrace was tight, full of a longing that words could never express. John buried his face in their hair, inhaling deeply and committing their scent to memory. They held onto each other as if they were afraid to let go, as if the world might steal this moment away from them.
"I can't believe you're finally home," they whispered into his ear, their voice filled with emotion.
"I missed you so damn much," John replied, his voice rough with a mix of relief and overwhelming love.
They pulled back slightly, their eyes locking onto his. "Well, prepare yourself, because I've got a whole list of things planned for us now that you're back."
John raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "Oh really? Do I even want to know what's on that list?"
They laughed, a sound that was like music to John's ears. "Trust me, you're going to love it."
Together, they walked towards the car that was parked nearby. John's significant other took his hand in theirs, their fingers intertwining naturally, as if they were made to fit together. The drive home was filled with easy conversation, catching up on all the little things that had happened during John's absence. They talked about their friends, their work, the latest movies they had seen, and the new restaurant that had opened in town.
When they finally arrived home, John couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him. The familiar surroundings, the comforting scent of their shared space – it was all so reassuring after the chaos of the battlefield. As he stepped inside, he looked around, taking in the little changes they had made to the decor, the way their personal touches had made the place feel even more like home.
"So, what's first on the list?" John asked, a teasing glint in his eyes.
His significant other grinned mischievously. "Well, first we're going to get you cleaned up. Then, we're going to have a movie night – your choice of film, of course. And after that, I've got a surprise dinner planned."
John raised an eyebrow. "A surprise dinner, huh? Should I be worried?"
They chuckled. "Don't worry, it's nothing too fancy. Just something I've been wanting to cook for you."
As John took a long, hot shower, he couldn't help but reflect on how lucky he was to have someone like them in his life. They had been his rock throughout his deployment, sending him care packages, staying up late to video call despite the time zone difference, and writing him letters that he cherished more than anything. Their unwavering support had kept him going during the toughest of times, and now that he was home, he was determined to make every moment count.
When he emerged from the bathroom, dressed in comfortable lounge pants and a soft t-shirt, he found the living room transformed into a cozy haven. Blankets and pillows were strewn across the couch, and a selection of movies was laid out on the coffee table. His significant other was already nestled on the couch, their eyes lighting up when they saw him.
"Welcome to movie night," they said, patting the spot next to them.
John settled in beside them, the warmth of their presence seeping into his bones. They took turns picking movies, laughing and joking as they debated which one to watch. As the opening scenes of the chosen film played on the screen, John couldn't help but steal glances at his significant other. Their laughter, their expressions – all of it was a reminder of the life he had fought so hard to return to.
After the movie, they moved into the kitchen together, working side by side as they prepared dinner. John watched them move with a sense of familiarity, a sense of comfort that only came from sharing a life with someone. They chatted and joked as they cooked, the tension and distance of the past six months melting away with every shared moment.
Finally, dinner was ready, and they sat down at the table, the food spread out before them. John took a bite of the dish they had prepared, and his eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, this is amazing."
They beamed with pride. "I'm glad you like it."
As they ate, they talked about their plans for the future. John shared his dreams of eventually leaving the battlefield behind, of finding a quieter life where he could be with them without the constant threat of danger. They listened, offering words of encouragement and support, their unwavering belief in him giving him the strength to pursue those dreams.
As the evening turned into night, John found himself feeling more at peace than he had in a long time. The weight of the past months seemed to lift off his shoulders, replaced by a sense of belonging and love. He looked at his significant other, really looked at them, and realized just how lucky he was to have them in his life.
As they curled up on the couch, wrapped in each other's arms, John whispered, "Thank you for waiting for me."
They looked up at him, their eyes filled with warmth and affection. "Always, John. You're home now, and that's all that matters."
And in that moment, as they held each other close, John knew that no matter what challenges the future might hold, as long as he had them by his side, he could face anything with courage and determination. The war had shaped him, but it was love that would heal him and guide him toward a future filled with hope and happiness.
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I just stumbled upon a list of slogans I came up with for the T-shirt game:
We're all dead now
House of the Dead
Free Democratic party of fascism
I'm crying blood
My guts are spilling out
I'll see my dead friends soon
She's just dust now
I can hear your bones break
I need your blood
Opium makes the world go around
Confucian theocracy
Bloodborne illness
Blood moves the wheels of History
Death comes quick
Rip off my face
My flesh is your paper
Kill some of them
Fascism is bad
My hole is in my stomach
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New school, new people, new, no old, boyfriend
Pairings: Eddie Munson X Ex Girlfriend Reader, autistic, ADHD and obvi a lil pudge
Warnings: Steriotypical teen drama, cringe asssss, just teen drama, neurodivergency, exes to lovers, Wayne being a catholic badass 😭, everyine being christian, mentions of no family.
Summary: You've been transferred to a new public school but who else is there? your ex boyfriend?!
Wordcount: 3k
AN: This is gonna be a multiple part, if i can even live up to that expectation?? and smut WILL be coming!!!
❗️What do yall think of the idea of me posting the prompts and yall can comment which ones u wanna hear ill tick them off one by one :)❗️comment what you think!!
Check out my other works!
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High top platforms hit the gravel with a crunch as your weight pressed down on the soul. Dressed in black ripped wide jeans, a slipknot band tee and an old baggy leather jacket stolen from your father wrapped around your shoulders you walked to the beat of the music. Head held high as you walked over the parking lot to the open doors of the school. Cherry Lips played loudly in the foam cups pressed to your ears as you followed the crowd through the doors, breaking off when the large yellow sign read reception caught your attention. You slipped one of the cups off your ear and addressed the receptionist, an old dark skinned lady with glasses too big for her face sliding off the end of her nose dressed in all pink, excruciating. 
“Im Y/N Y/L/N I just started here today, I need a class schedule” you said with a blank expression.
She smiled however but didn't answer as she waddled over to the computer searching for your name in the system.
“One minute sweets”
The copying machine made a loud rumble as a paper started printing. Her manicured nails wrapped around the warm paper and passed it to you. 
“Where B20?” you asked, monotone as you scanned the paper, the heat of the copy machine still felt on your finger tips.
“Right round the corner” she pointed to your left “First door on the right” she smiled as you gave her a weak lift of your cheeks in response. 
You took your phone out of your pocket and paused the music, turning the bluetooth headphones off as you walked. The halls were filled with students, all in different coloured makeup, clothes and styles, a lot of the girls though, you noticed were wearing almost the exact same outfits, baggy light washed jeans, light coloured hoodies with stupid slogans and white sneakers. They guys weren't any different, lame slogans, dark washed jeans and sneakers. What a bore. 
You followed the next crowd through the door and examined the room. Boring. Drab. Unoriginal. 
Single desks stood in four rows, a whiteboard at the front with a podium to its right and posters such as school fundraisers and drama club application information hung on the back wall.
“Y/N!” a younger blonde woman exclaimed as she laid eyes on you, she wore the same light washed jeans as everyone else except for a light blue t shirt tucked into the waist, paired with a pair of turquoise sneakers with snoopy printed on the toe caps. 
“Oh great, you must be the new student” Yeah no shit you thought, “Take an empty seat anywhere you like” she explained. You raised your eyebrows weakly, wasn't seating in class like the most important thing to these people?
You walked to the back of the class, lifted your bag off your shoulder and flung it on the table, slumping into the attaching chair. The bell rang seconds later and an overly sweet voice of the teacher was heard “good morning class!” She chirped “I'm just going to get right into it, because I know you can't handle me droning on” she stuck her tongue out and made an exasperated face oh my god. “Whip your notebooks out and start taking notes” she smiled “Oh!” she slapped her hand over her forehead “we have a new student! Everyone this is Y/N” she gestured towards you and on cue every head turned to look towards you. 
You tried hard not to roll your eyes “And Y/N here's a notebook for you too” she strutted over and handed you a large pink notebook with your name written in gold ink in large cursive. You frowned, disgusted “I like to customise everyone's notebooks, makes them more personal” she smiled, obviously mistaking your disgust for confusion. 
She walked up through the aisle back to the podium “Today well be talking about sonnets and what classifies as a sonnet” she wrote sonnets on the board “We’ll also be talking about Shakespeare for all you lovers of real literature” she turned to the class. 
Great, something you already knew what it was and Shakespeare, the most boring writer in history.
You slipped your headphones over your curly haired head and placed one of the cups over your ears. 
“Oh sorry Y/N” the teacher caught your attention “No headphones in my class please” she smiled brightly. You took them off annoyed once again trying not to roll your eyes and pushed them into your bag. 
The class droned on for forty five minutes, endless facts about sonnets and Shakespeare, someone with insomnia could have fallen asleep in that class! 
“Ok class break!” you took your headphones out of your bag and signalled to the teacher “Yes Y/N now you can listen to music, but take them off at the end of the ten minutes.”
You had just slipped the cups over your ears as a blonde in a pink dress and the same old white sneakers bent over your desk, her elbows firmly on the table as a grinning face rested in her hands.��
“Hey newbie! I’m Annabelle, class president and cheer captain, so fun that you're here! Where did you come from?” 
You slowly looked up at her with an annoyed face “Hawkins” you told her plainly “Oh so you're from here, I thought you might have moved here from across the country” she swayed to the side as she talked. 
“No” you tried picking your phone up from the desk to show her you were clearly not interested in having a conversation. 
“Weeeell what school did you go to before this?” she asked as if you were stupid “None of your business” you answered without thinking, forgetting completely that you were supposed to keep a low profile as strictly instructed by your father this morning.
“Ok no need to be rude” 
You flashed her a fake smile “Sorryyyy” your rolled your eyes. Plain and simple you were just not in the mood, not for her, the teacher whose name you had no idea. It was bad enough being kicked out of well a catholic school that you didn't really want to be at but at least you had friends there who shared the same mindset as yourself, and hated all these stuck up people. But now here you were surrounded by the stuck up people. 
You slipped both cups over your ears and Annabell just scoffed and sashayed away to her group of girl friends. You could see her talking disgustedly to her friends as they turned to look at you, you couldn't hear them over the loud music and chose to ignore them.
The break ended and class droned on. By the end of the one hour and a half all you had written in your notebook was Sonnets underlined and a very detailed drawing of a spider in black ink.  
Someone walked over just as you were ripping the front page of your notebook out and crumpling up the blinding pink. 
“Smart move” a guy with short brown curly hair held his notebook out in front of you, his front page also ripped out. 
You stood up and flung your bag over your shoulder. “Im Charles” he stuck his hand out for you to shake “I dont do people nor touching” you stated, he lowered his hand awkwardly “Gotcha” and looked away. “Bye” you stated as you walked past leaving the guy with a disgruntled look on his face. 
You looked at your schedule, who the hell has lunch at 10:30?? You thought as you saw the box labelled lunch from 10:30 to 11:30. You were just about to leave the room as your name was called. It was the teacher whose name you'd forgotten “Y/N wait, I need to give you your locker assignment” 
She walked over and handed you a post-it with a number on and a combination lock. “Need help finding it?” she asked politely “No.” you just answered rudely back. 
You looked at the lockers and figured out which way yours was, down to the left, then you found it, a locker without a lock with number 73. You threw your notebook in and hung the lock on it. 
You followed a crowd of students until you found the cafeteria. You have to pay for food here? As if it wasn't already tight enough at home with one parent you now had to pay for your own lunch which the catholic school provided for you, it was a gift from god or whatever. 
You bought an apple and a vitamin drink and found an empty table, sitting down and opening your phone to endlessly scroll through tiktok. 
Someone cleared their throat and your face fell. “Mind if I sit?” him, the love of your life, who had been MIA for the past month, the catholic by day, metalhead by night, Eddie was stood right in front of you. What the fuck was he doing here? 
“Uh yeah”
He sat down and placed a black tray with nachos on the table. “Seems we both got transferred to this shithole then” he stated. You slipped your headphones off and placed them on to the table “Yeah” you answered “Wait, isnt that kinda’ stupid? I mean they.. You know catch us having sex in a catholic school, kick us out, then transfer us into the same school?” you asked, realising the stupidity. “Yeah I dunno man grownups are weird, at least were not forced to wear those stupid unifroms through” you chuckled at him. 
Why did it feel so normal to just be sat by him, like before, like you were still together, but you weren't together, you were broken up, and alone. 
“Soooo maybe we should talk about the elephant in the room?” you questioned “There's elephants too?! This place really is a zoo” you laughed at him “No but seriously” you looked him in the eye. 
“Yeah, ok just let me explain before you say anything” you looked at him expectantly. 
“Ok, ok so, listen I never wanted to break up with you I love you” 
Those words had you shocked, but he continued. He had never said the words out loud and now he was just rambling them out as if it was an everyday thing. 
“Uncle Wayne basically forced me too. He said that it was a disgrace to our family name, which by the way what family? But that it was a disgrace to be doing such luide acts before marriage and especially in a school and then he told me I wasn't allowed to see you again”
“Well you kept that up, you didn't call me, didn't come over, didn't talk to me, you avoided me until I got a note saying we shouldn't see each other in class from Clarissa” 
“Yeah… that.. Was not my best moment. But Wayne told me I wasn't allowed to talk to you and that was the only way I could think to do it” 
You chuckled, Jesus, what a mess. 
“Yeah well don't be doing that to your next girlfriend or you'll probably end up with your head on a stick since she probably won't be catholic” you both chuckled at your anecdote until his expression went still and he stared right into your eyes. It felt a bit awkward. 
“I.. I don't really want a new girlfriend. I want my old one back” your eyes widened. 
“You what?” you couldn't really process the words. It had been a month of crying endlessly, your dad trying not to show his disappointment and trying to comfort you, no contact with Eddie or most of your friends who had school and whose strict christian parents had banned them from being friends with you. 
He hadn't had any contact with you and now he wanted you back?
“I miss you so much, and I really fucking love you, this month has been shit without you and I really really want you back. I want you to be my girlfriend again. I want you to be mine, my sweetheart, my darling and just my everything” 
“Ok ok slow down” you held you hand out “First of all you've never said you loved me before, just give me a second to process this” 
“Of course”
It was silent for a few seconds. “What about Wayne? You're not even allowed to be sitting with me”
He thought for a second “We wouldn't have to tell him..” you raised your eyebrows “You, are going to keep a secret from the man who legit could smell weed from a mile away? He called the cops on some kid in the neighbourhood for having a cigarette!” 
Eddie chuckled “I think we could handle it though, we just you know, meet in secret, and like not hang out when he's there” 
“Dude your crazy”
“I know, but you love it. And besides it might be kinda fun” 
“What about my dad though?” 
“Well we might have to hide from him too, you know so wayne wont somehow find out” 
“Yeah. So we really like getting back together?” it felt weird to say it, and oddly formal compared to all the romantic movies where they just kissed and bam they were back together. 
“Oh so you can be nice to people!” A bitchy voice interrupted the life changing conversation, and Annabelle sat down at the round table. 
You just looked at her disgusted, she had to interrupt right in the middle of everything. 
“Hi I’m Annabelle” 
She stuck her hand out and Eddie awkwardly shook it. 
“One of y/n’s classmates. And you are” 
He gave the first syllable of his name before she interrupted again “a classic bad boy I get it. Well you don’t look like much but you’ll definitely do. Something to fool around with, god knows the guys here are as stuck up as this one” she eyed you. 
He chuckled and laid his arm around your shoulders “I’m eddie” 
Surprisingly she wasn’t shocked or annoyed at all at his action. “Ooh you’re together?” She fake cood. 
“Well no worries, bet you’ll come crawling to me when you realise what a bitch she is” she picked the apple off his tray and took a bite. 
“I’m sorry, who are you even?” Eddie asked, confused. 
She began and a girl dressed in all black interrupted. 
“The queen bitch of this high school” 
She stood behind her as Annabelle rolled her eyes. “This is the one I warned you about” she told Eddie. 
She wore a black slip dress sinched with a corset and a black hoodie on top, a black spider tote bag hung on her shoulder. 
She sat down and turned to Annabelle “you’re excused” and shooed her off with a wave of her hand. 
Annabelle rolled her eyes and stood up, and took a step before turning around. 
“You just got here bitch, you’re not better than me and don’t act like it or I will create senior year a living hell for you” 
Then she whipped around and walked with purpose over to a table full of girls. 
What the hell was this? A teen drama movie? Bet her whole personality is just based off this people
“I’m Carla, met this one in homeroom” she stuck her hand out and quickly retracted it when her eyes landed on a pin stuck to your jacket.
Don’t touch me, I’m autistic
“Good idea with the pin, actually very smart. Where’d you get it?” She asked, smiling. 
“I made it” 
“Hey cool! You make pins?” 
“Nah” you relaxed a little, she seemed nice “but I craft a lot” 
“Yeah man she’s got lots of different hobbies, every week she’s showing something completely new she made” Eddie pointed out. 
“What u got adhd too? Can’t stick to one subject?“ it was clearly a joke but still you answered “I do actually” 
“Oh hey! Me too, yeah that’s how I know you can’t stick to one subject” she smiled. 
“So how do you two know each other?” She asked. 
It was silent. What would you say? I know him from school? He’s my boyfriend? You hadn’t cleared it up yet. What if you said that and he got tense? Or what if you said he was and it would come back to his uncle? 
The possibilities were racing through your head quickly as Carla waited expectantly. 
“She’s my girlfriend” Eddie stated with a grin. 
“Ooooh this was the girl you were talking about!” She exclaimed.
They had known each other one class and he had already talked about you?? 
“Yeah” he said awkwardly.
“Oh great so it all worked out” 
You smiled at him. A lighting smile of pure happiness. Everything had gone so surreally quickly, but the confirmation still made you feel excited. 
“Yeah, but don’t tell anyone, can’t have my catholic uncle finding out” 
“Right, right” she answered as she took a sip of a monster she had taken out of her bag. 
“Ok well I gotta go, nice to meet you Y/N, and you both know where to find me, the emo table” she laughed “you’re always welcome, we don’t bite, or discriminate against straight people” she laughed again. 
You both chuckled and Carla stood up and walked across the cafeteria. 
“Soooo” you started “we are together now?” 
“Yup, you have no say, you’re stuck with me now” he grinned.
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ernmark · 2 years
Working at a place with Casual Fridays really reinforces how arbitrary clothing rules are.
This and the indoor half of my previous job both have a Business Casual dress code. On Fridays we can wear jeans-- but only with a suitably Nice Shirt-- and not jeans with holes in them or anything (despite the fact that pre-distressed jeans have been something you can buy at the store for about as long as I've been alive).
So these are Nice Jeans.
So why can't I wear my Nice Jeans on Tuesday?
Why can I wear my red pants that are made of the same kind of fabric, cut in the same style, except they aren't blue?
Do my black jeans count as jeans or are they in the same category as the red ones?
And what's the percentage of stretchy fabric before my black slacks stop being slacks and start being leggings? Because I don't know if you've looked at the Plus Size section lately, but it's all stretchy. And stretchy combined with the skinny-jeans aesthetic winds up looking an awful lot like leggings.
Why do Nice Shirts even matter when I'm wearing a tank top and a cardigan most of the time anyway? I take off the cardigan and it's Street Wear. (I get not wearing shirts with slogans or images that could be offensive or politically loaded. I get that. But a plain black tee?)
And listen. I understand the inherent classism from like the 1930s when denim was gear for miners and dock workers and such and people working in offices were trying to hold themselves apart. I get that the T-shirt as we know it started out as an undershirt, rather than daywear. I understand why that look was transgressive in the 1950s or whatever (in the way that anything associated with the working poor was transgressive, especially when they weren't actively breaking their backs for their Betters(tm)). But it's 2022. If you want a uniform for this century, it's jeans and a t-shirt. Can we just accept that this is normal clothing already?
I'm barely even making a living wage and I'm dressed fancier than most of the 1%, for fuck's sake.
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iwearsober · 6 months
Crafting Eye-Catching Designs: Tips and Ideas for Custom Print T-Shirts
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In the world of custom print t-shirts, creativity knows no bounds. From witty slogans to intricate illustrations, the possibilities for designing eye-catching t-shirts are endless. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore a variety of tips and ideas to help you unleash your creativity and craft unique and memorable designs for custom print t-shirts.
Know Your Audience:
Understanding your target audience is key to creating designs that resonate with them. Consider their demographics, interests, and preferences when brainstorming design ideas. Tailoring your designs to appeal to specific groups will increase the likelihood of your t-shirts being well-received.
Stay on Trend:
Keeping up with current fashion trends and popular culture can inspire fresh design ideas. Incorporate elements such as popular hashtags, memes, or cultural references into your designs to capture the attention of your audience and stay relevant.
Play with Typography:
Typography can make or break a t-shirt design. Experiment with different fonts, sizes, and arrangements to create visually striking text-based designs. Consider mixing and matching fonts to add depth and personality to your designs.
Embrace Minimalism:
Sometimes, less is more when it comes to t-shirt design. Embrace minimalism by using clean lines, simple shapes, and limited color palettes to create understated yet impactful designs. A well-executed minimalist design can make a powerful statement.
Incorporate Humor:
Humor is a universally appealing element that can instantly make your t-shirt designs more engaging. Inject some wit and whimsy into your designs with clever wordplay, puns, or humorous illustrations that are sure to elicit a smile from your audience.
Experiment with Illustrations:
Illustrations are a versatile design element that can add personality and charm to your t-shirts. Whether hand-drawn or digitally rendered, illustrations offer endless possibilities for creativity. Experiment with different styles, themes, and techniques to create unique and visually compelling designs.
Create a Series:
Developing a series of related designs can add depth and cohesion to your t-shirt collection. Consider creating designs that follow a common theme or tell a story when viewed together. This approach can also encourage repeat purchases from customers who collect multiple designs from the series.
Think Outside the Box:
Don't be afraid to think outside the box and push the boundaries of conventional t-shirt design. Explore unconventional materials, printing techniques, or interactive elements to create designs that stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting impression.
Seek Inspiration:
Draw inspiration from a variety of sources, including art, nature, literature, and pop culture. Keep a sketchbook handy to jot down ideas or sketches whenever inspiration strikes. Additionally, browse online platforms, such as Pinterest or Instagram, for design inspiration and trends.
Solicit Feedback:
Finally, don't hesitate to seek feedback on your designs from friends, family, or peers. Constructive criticism can help you refine your designs and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, consider conducting focus groups or surveys to gather feedback from your target audience.
In conclusion, creating unique and eye-catching designs for custom print t-shirts requires a combination of creativity, inspiration, and strategic thinking. By knowing your audience, staying on trend, experimenting with typography and illustrations, and thinking outside the box, you can craft designs that captivate attention and leave a lasting impression. Whether you're designing for personal expression, brand promotion, or profit, these tips and ideas will help you unlock your creative potential and create t-shirt designs that truly stand out.
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twinstarsies · 2 years
no quirks au, soulmates, fluff
Izuku is no stranger to being described as plain and boring.
It's true enough—he's no runway model with his face full of freckles and unkempt bird's nest hair, and his hobbies tend toward nerdy things like comic books and behavioral psychology. He doesn't like overly spicy food, and he prefers the comfort of familiarity over spontaneity. He's also short and never without a t-shirt with a lame slogan on it, so he gets it.
What most people don't know, however, is that his plain boring-ness is a conscious choice on his part, due almost entirely to the words scrawled over his hipbone in neat, precise handwriting.
Don't worry—I like a little vanilla, too.
They'd been a pleasant surprise to wake up to on his thirteenth birthday—a couple years later than most people got them, but they were there—and he was excited to start being on the lookout for his destined other half.
Currently, at seventeen and enjoying the last week of summer break between terms, Izuku lightly traces his words as he stands in line with Shouto and Ochako waiting to buy ice cream. This summer has been a hot one, so they took a trip to Okinawa to enjoy the beach atmosphere. It's absolutely sweltering, though, so cold treats are their main objective before they hit the water.
"What kind are you guys getting?" Ochako asks, reading the offered flavors menu.
"I think I'm getting the strawberry shortcake pop," Shouto says.
"Ooh, that sounds yummy!" Izuku agrees. "You'll have to tell me how it is."
"You could get one too, you know." Shouto gives him the judgmental side eye. "You're not bound by soulmate law to only like vanilla, you know."
Izuku sticks his tongue out. "There's nothing wrong with liking vanilla!"
"But do you really like it?" Ochako asks, not for the first time. "Or are you just settling because your soulmate likes it?"
"You never try anything else, though!" she protests. "Maybe you'll find something you like even more if you just gave it the chance!"
"I do like it!"
"So it's okay for Shouto to dye his hair because his words say 'Nice dye job' but I can't like vanilla for the same reason?" Izuku raises his eyebrows at them pointedly, daring them to argue. To his satisfaction, both of his friends huff but give no further objections, and it's finally their turn to order.
Two guys are manning the stall, and Izuku finds his gaze stuck on the scowling blond one glaring into the distance like he would literally rather be anywhere else.
He looks young, not much older than Izuku—this is probably just his summer job while school is out—and Izuku isn't sure if that's better or worse than him being a hot college student out of his league.
He is decidedly not plain, with artfully styled spikes and a handful of piercings in each of his ears, and overall looking like he just came from a photo shoot. His admittedly impressive biceps bulge very nicely with his arms crossed over his chest like that, and Izuku has to swallow a couple times to make sure he isn't visibly drooling.
The other guy has dark hair and a wide grin as he greets them with a cheerful, "Heya! What can we getcha?"
"Um—" Izuku pulls his eyes away from Tall, Blond, and Fuck Me Daddy with a sheepish smile, hoping his cheeks aren't as red as they feel. "We'd like a strawberry shortcake pop, a bubblegum birthday cake swirl pop, and a vanilla cone, please!"
The blond turns to get their ice creams as the dark-haired guy rings them up, his grin turning wry.
"All these flavors and you go with vanilla?" he asks, eyeing Izuku. "Are you sure about that?"
Izuku pouts. Even strangers are on his case today! What's up with that?
"I am being attacked," he insists while Ochako and Shouto give him I Told You So looks.
"You sound like Kats over here," the guy laughs. He turns to his coworker as the blond brings over their ice cream. "Finally someone as boring as you, man! Maybe he's your soulmate."
Red eyes widen at his words, and Izuku blinks as he holds out the vanilla cone, his smirk softening.
The blond gives Izuku a slow once-over, red eyes dragging over him from bottom to top and finally meeting his gaze. His mouth curls up at the corner and Izuku wonders when he swallowed so many butterflies.
"It's a good flavor," he tells the hot blond pathetically, but he stands by it, darn it!
"Don't worry—I like a little vanilla, too."
There's a beat before his friends realize what just happened and start yelling at him, but Izuku barely hears them. He just lets a smile take over as he takes his ice cream from his soulmate.
"I'm Izuku," he says, uncaring of the blush he knows is obvious.
"Katsuki," his soulmate replies. The cocky smirk returns as he asks, "Wanna ditch these losers and share that cone on the boardwalk?"
"Get it, Izu!" Ochako screeches in his ear, shaking him. "We'll meet you later to head back. Be safe and don't do anything I wouldn't do!"
"Man, what kind of luck is this?" the dark-haired guy says. "Second day on the job and you meet your soulmate? Unfair!"
"He's got a friend," Katsuki says as he exits the stall, immediately taking Izuku's hand. He gestures to Shouto, who blinks. "Try your luck with him."
The dark-haired guy turns to Shouto, giving him his own once over before grinning again. "Nice dye job."
Shouto's eyes widen and Izuku covers his mouth to smother his laugh, sharing a look with Ochako because no way.
"This is karma getting back at me for making fun of vanilla ice cream, isn't it," he says, staring at his soulmate, and Izuku does laugh then at the flabbergasted look the dark-haired guy gives him.
"Told ya," Katsuki says, smug, and drags Izuku off toward the beach. Izuku's giggles trail off and he presses close to Katsuki's side, giddy when Katsuki's hand slips around his waist.
"So," he starts, looking up at his soulmate. "Who's your favorite superhero?"
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c0rrupted-mov · 1 year
specifically sdr2 chiaki nanami
very curious about these
HIII ANON!!! I’m sorry for being so late, I hope you’re still here!! I was super busy :( Btw I love Chiaki so much I’m super excited to do her!!
🖕 A headcanon relating to anger
She’s not the type of person who easily loses their temper. Usually she tries to reason with the situation and do things cold-headed. But I believe that she’s the best example of "When a nice person gets very angry the devil shivers". If someone DOES piss her off too much she will be MAD. But not in the violent way. She won't scream at the top of her lungs, break things or say mean stuff. But you WILL feel bad and guilty for making someone like her angry. (There’s actually a great representation of it in this komanami fic. It’s in Russian so you will have to put it in a translator but damn this is exactly what I’m talking about. I strongly recommend it!!). She also won't tolerate other people's shit and will call you out, although I'm pretty sure it's canon (ahem, "Nagito, can you please be quiet").
🎭 A headcanon about what they lie about
Hmm, I don't think Chiaki is the type to lie a lot. I see a very honest person in her. But if I thought about it, she might be lying about something health related because yk. Her lifestyle is not very healthy (and perhaps even self-destructive, if we delve into my headcanons on the subject). So if you were worried about her and decided to check on her health regularly, she would probably lie once or twice. For example, about when she went to bed or if she ate today, etc. But she won't do it often because she still doesn't like to lie.
🌟 A headcanon about their desires/wishes
I think Chiaki’s first and most important wish/desire is to find friends and be accepted. I headcanon (and this might be canon but I’m not sure) that she has always been a very lonely kid. Having strong interest in a niche topic that most kids couldn’t relate to + her not having good social skills affected it. So she might not admit it, but Chiaki would give anything to have someone who understands her and would be fond of her interests. Pre-game Chiaki fulfilled this wish but well… Let’s say we ignore canon on this blog.
👗 A headcanon about their clothes
Usually she doesn't care about her clothes a lot and spends most of her days in pajamas. But she LOVES t-shirts with stupid slogans, especially related to games. Something like "Eat. Sleep. Fortnite. Repeat" or ”I paused my game to be here". Her wardrobe is full of shirts like this
🦾 A disability headcanon
Autistic. That’s it. It’s so obvious this is definitely her. You can’t disagree with me this is basically canon. Also she probably has a lot of health issues due to her unhealthy lifestyle? Definitely has poor eyesight but refuses to wear glasses lol
Also this is about my AU where Chiaki survived her anime execution, but in that case, she has a lot more physical problems. Maybe she has sensory/control problems with some of her limbs, or problems with eating and breathing because most of her organs have been damaged. In this AU, she can barely see with her left (it was her left one, right?) eye because of what happened. And I'm not sure if PTSD counts as a disability, but of course you can't go through something like that and NOT get PTSD.
This is it! I hope my headcanons are interesting, ehehe. I love LOVE Chiaki so much it’s fun to think about her character
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TERFism is the ideological end of "girl boss feminism" (also known as "choice feminism" and "convenient incrementalism"). That movement was always going to lead us here; was always going to lead us to this idea that an all-female or female-led society would be some utopia.
There is still no consideration for how these circles reproduce racism and classism and homophobia and ableism. Many of our critiques of TERFism mirror the critiques of the girl-boss movement of the '00s. Because TERFism is the evolution of choice feminism.
Critiques include:
The movement solely focuses on the empowerment of individuals rather than uplifting the most marginalized
The movement is chronically white and wealthy
The movement focuses on finding success within the mascuninist and corporatist state rather than dismantling it
Leaders and figure heads for the movement contribute to colonial systems of power and corporate imperialism
The movement is too focused on breaking glass ceilings, often at the expense of black and brown women
The idea that female empowerment lies in economic success and 'weaponizing' features of the patriarchy in a woman's 'favor' is deeply flawed
The movement is focused on women keeping and embodying traditional male power rather than dismantling current power structures
The movement is rife with anti-blackness, antisemitism, classism, and transphobia
They fail to account for how their "female utopia" groups reproduce white supremacy, heterosexism, ableism and classism
They are not skeptical enough of power in and of itself
"Girl boss feminism" is a capitalistic and colonial construction, and it has always been headed by very affluent white women who reproduced exploitative systems, often in the hopes that the "American dream" was on the other side. These wealthy women believe that their pursuit of power can be rebranded as some sort-of righteous quest for equality, and that their success as female executives and entrepreneurs and politicians and leaders would lift up the women below them. It's essentially just trickle down social capital.
"Girl boss feminism" is the feminism that taught women it is empowering to work within the patriarchal system and masculinist state rather than work to dismantle this. And it taught women that if they worked within the oppressive system, they could make gains for all womankind.
"Girl boss feminism" is throwing your weight behind the police and the prison system because it "protects women." It's pro-capitalist, arguing that the current power structure can empower and employ women and even make them wealthy. It is pro-imperialist, advocating for military or corporate intervention under the guise of politically or economically liberating oppressed women from those men. And it is pro-gender differentiation; the idea that men are men and women are women and never the twain shall meet.
"Girl boss feminism" is the feminism that taught women that buying pussy pins and hats and lingerie and make-up and t-shirts with catchy slogans (like Adult Human Female) could essentially buy them empowerment and equality. And it never required them to look critically at the capitalist system they operated within.
"Girl boss feminism" is Posie Parker and JK Rowling and pussy hats and all-female work spaces with rampant sexual assault allegations and sweat shops that make your catchy T-shirts and MLMs and the mainstream popularity of expecting an OnlyFans and clothing lines that say "NastyGirl." It is the affluent women who make their "competition with men and the plight of other affluent women like themselves synonymous with the conditions affecting all women." It is the belief that all women are oppressed by the patriarchy, but not all women are affected by other axes of oppression. It's the commodification and co-optation of liberation language.
"Girl boss feminism" is fighting tooth and nail to convince us to protect the features of the patriarchy that have allowed women like them to girl boss, and they're doing it under the guise of protecting these illusory "sex-based rights" women supposedly have. It is ignoring the fact that women and people assigned female at birth were granted rudimentary compensation or reparations for sexism-based discrimination, not special rights for being a woman or assigned female at birth. It is paving the way for the incel and MRA community to challenge this sexism-based compensation as a "special female privilege" and dismantle them in court.
The girl boss is the same person who has stated that the only reason why they would not want to be a woman (and instead a man) is because they think it would confer them male privilege, access to the patriarchal power structure, and the ability to wield and weaponize this power and privilege in their favor. Because they believe it'd be a hoot to be the ones on top.
What will kill this type of feminism? Acknowledging "that a slight expansion of college-educated women’s access to venture capital or mentoring opportunities was never a meaningful change to begin with, or an avenue via which meaningful change might be achieved." We need to become more skeptical of power in and of itself.
I hope that the COVID-19 pandemic revealed this type of "feminism" for the grift that it is. Because "when a country is grappling with mass death, racist state violence, and the unemployment and potential homelessness of millions of people, it becomes inescapably clear that when women center their worldview around their own [ ] hustle, it just re-creates the power structures built by men, but with women conveniently on top."
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
Ariana Madix says ex Tom Sandoval treated her like a SEX TOY during their relationship - and 'deprived her of intimacy for so long' despite her begging him to 'spend time with her' 
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Ariana Madix has revealed she was 'deprived' of intimacy during her relationship
She also hit out at men who treated women like a sex toy in swipe at her ex, Tom
The Vanderpump Rules star, 37, made the revelations in a Glamour interview 
Ariana Madix has revealed she was 'deprived' of intimacy during her relationship with ex Tom Sandoval- and suggested that he treated her like nothing more than a sex toy in the bedroom.
In a candid new interview with Glamour, the 37-year-old Vanderpump Rules star at the center of the 'Scandoval' controversy said she felt like she was a person who craved 'intimacy outside of just penetrative sex.'
'And that was something that I was deprived of for so long. As women, we might bring something up a bunch of times and then we just stop,' she explained.
'That's where I was at. I was like I cannot keep nagging this man to want to come home and spend time with me.'
View galleryAriana Madix has revealed she was 'deprived' of intimacy during her relationship with ex Tom Sandoval 
View galleryIn a candid new interview with Glamour, the 37-year-old Vanderpump Rules said she felt like she was a person who craved 'intimacy outside of just penetrative sex' 
Ariana Madix feels relief over break-up from Tom Sandoval
2.3k viewing nowI have naturally big boobs which means I get unwanted attention8.4k viewing nowGymnast shares shaving routine to ensure bikini line is always smooth10.9k viewing now
Ariana also slammed men who acted like they were 'entitled' to a woman's body and to sex because of their relationship.
'I am not your [sex toy]. I spelled out what I needed, but hello. It's a two-person situation,' she added.
In the latest season 10 reunion episode on Wednesday, Sandoval shocked his co-stars and fans with a 'disgusting' remark about his sex life with Ariana.
The drama started when host Andy Cohen asked the 40-year-old reality TV star if he had slept with anyone else since his affair with co-star Raquel Leviss, 28 — which caused the end of his longtime relationship with Ariana — began.
He said there was nobody else — a statement Ariana didn't agree with, as she replied: 'You know who he did sleep with after him and Raquel started sleeping together? Me.'
Sandoval — who previously complained about the pair's intimacy issues during an interview with Howie Mandel in April — replied: 'Yeah, she kept her T-shirt on. It was really hot.'
Everyone appeared shocked by the remark, with Ariana replying, 'He is disgusting.'
However she later took to her Instagram to make fun of the situation as she shared a photo of a tee with the slogan 'f*** me in this T-shirt.'
View gallery'I am not your [sex toy]. I spelled out what I needed, but hello. It's a two-person situation,' she added. The couple are pictured in 2021 
View galleryA tearful Raquel during part three of the Vanderpump Rules reunion episode, which aired on Wednesday 
View galleryIn the latest season 10 reunion episode on Wednesday, Sandoval (left) shocked his co-stars and fans after confessing he had sex with Ariana (center) following his tryst with Raquel (right) 
Lala Kent called him out by saying, 'You're such a f***ing d***!'
Even his close friend Tom Schwartz questioned the move, telling him, 'Don't say that. Don't say that.'
'I'm sorry,' Sandoval replied.
Meanwhile boss Lisa Vanderpump also gave her opinion, warning Raquel that this was the type of behavior she should expect from Sandoval in the future.
'This is your future, Raquel. He's gonna talk to you like this, too,' Lisa said.
Outraged fans quickly took to social media after hearing Sandoval's remark, with one person writing, 'She should've put the t-shirt over your head - so she wouldn't have to look at you.'
'I cannot believe Tom just f***ing said that what a disgusting pig,' another added.
Previously the 40-year-old described his relationship with Ariana as 'more of a best friend/family/sometimes roommates situation' on the Howie Mandel Does Stuff podcast.
The Missouri native said their relationship overall was 'just lacking intimacy' and 'connection.' 
He felt that they were remaining together to 'keep the optics up that [they] were solid' for their reality show and other business endeavors.
'We did have each other's backs, for sure, and that was nice. There was a safety to it and a stability,' he said of Madix.
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Ariana Madix says ex Tom Sandoval treated her like a SEX TOY and 'deprived her of intimacy'
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luthienebonyx · 2 years
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I posted 1,091 times in 2022
13 posts created (1%)
1,078 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 741 of my posts in 2022
Only 32% of my posts had no tags
#cats - 143 posts
#writing - 59 posts
#fanart - 30 posts
#kittens - 26 posts
#dogs - 25 posts
#art - 22 posts
#doctor who - 22 posts
#persuasion - 22 posts
#star trek - 17 posts
#sga - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#taking a paper spill from the jar she re-lit the candle that had lighted her way to bed - more than an hour ago now according to the bracket
My Top Posts in 2022:
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10 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Rivers of London - Ben Aaronovitch Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Peter Grant (Rivers of London), Sahra Guleed, Jennifer Vaughan, Miriam Stephanopoulos, Thomas Nightingale, Kimberley Reynolds Additional Tags: Case Fic, architecture, gothic architecture, Gargoyles Summary:
Peter is called to a break-in at just about the last place he expects, and soon discovers that the intruder's identity is even less expected.
This is the story I wrote for Yuletide this year. I was SO sure that I was going to get Ted Lasso that when I got my assignment and saw I’d been matched on Rivers of London I didn’t have any idea what to write at first. But when I looked at my recipient keerawa’s prompts, the idea of a case fic touching on real events jumped out at me - if I could think of the right real event. Luckily, @firesign23 suggested Big Ben’s renovations, and something clicked in my brain and said: gargoyles!
And almost 11,000 words later, here we are. 😂
18 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth Characters: Brienne of Tarth, Jaime Lannister, Josmyn "Peck" Peckledon Additional Tags: One Night Stands, Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting Summary:
Six months after an eventful night in the mountains that feels more like a dream than reality, Brienne makes an unwelcome discovery on the day she starts her new job.
This is my story for the JB Fic Exchange, which I wrote for the lovely @writergirl2011
It’s been eight months since I last wrote anything, so it was really nice to sit down and let the words flow again.
A big thanks to @firesign23 and her team for all their hard work running the exchange this year! (And also thanks to @firesign23 for reading this baby through when she had so much else going on yesterday.)
19 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
What a truly progressive government looks like
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The man in this photo is Gough (pronounced Goff) Whitlam, the 21st prime minister of Australia. Fifty years ago, on 2 December 1972, Gough Whitlam’s Australian Labor Party won the federal election, and ushered in easily the most progressive government Australia has ever had. It was a government that truly changed Australia, and set it on the path towards being the country it is today.
Gough (he was one of those rare politicians who was widely known simply by his first name. There was truly only one Gough) was tall and imposing, with silver hair and dark eyebrows, and a booming voice that delivered his razor sharp wit. When he led the ALP to victory in 1972, the party had been out of government for 23 long years, and were determined to make a difference when at last they were back in power. As you’ve probably worked out from the glorious 1970s t-shirts in the picture, the election campaign slogan was It’s Time. It featured in a famous election ad jingle, performed by Alison McCallum and accompanied by many famous faces of the time.
After winning the 1972 election, Gough wasted no time in implementing his election promises. Not willing to wait until the final results of the election were confirmed and the full ministry could be appointed, he and his deputy, Lance Barnard, were sworn in as prime minister and deputy prime minister on 5 December. Between the two of them, they held all 27 government portfolios for two weeks until the rest of the ministry was sworn in. The duumvirate, as it was known:
ordered negotiations to establish full relations with China
ended conscription in the Vietnam War
freed the conscientious objectors who had been jailed for refusing conscription
ordered home all remaining Australian troops in Vietnam
re-opened the equal pay case (for women, who were at that time by law paid less than men for doing the same job) and appointed a woman, Elizabeth Evatt, to the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Commission, the body that made the decision
abolished sales tax on the contraceptive pill
announced major grants for the arts
appointed an interim schools commission
barred racially discriminatory sport teams from Australia, and instructed the Australian delegation at the United Nations to vote in favour of sanctions on apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia
And that was just the first two weeks.
In the three years that followed, the Whitlam government:
introduced a national universal health scheme
abolished university fees
abolished the death penalty for federal crimes
established Legal Aid
replaced God Save the Queen with Advance Australia Fair as the national anthem
replaced the British honours system with the Order of Australia
created the family court and introduced no fault divorce, the first country in the world to do so
ended the White Australia policy
introduced the racial discrimination act
advocated for Indigenous rights, including creating the Aboriginal Land Fund and the Aboriginal Loans Commission, and returned some of their traditional lands to the Gurunji people in the Northern Territory. This was the first time that any Australian government had returned land to its original custodians. Here’s a famous photograph by Mervyn Bishop of Gough pouring a handful of red earth into the hands of Gurunji leader Vincent Lingiari, ‘as a sign that this land will be in the possession of you and your children forever‘:
See the full post
45 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You...watched it??? The Netflix-so-called-Persuasion???? I mean. I don't think I have an actual question. Was it just that human urge to stare at a car crash/doom scroll?
@firesign23 and I watched it together. It was good to have someone to scream at as we somehow made our way through it.
I have to say: NOTHING could have prepared me for how bad it is. It is WAY worse than the trailer. And it's not just a dreadful, dreadful DREADFUL adaptation that understands NOTHING about the novel it's allegedly based on. It's not just that it neither knows nor cares about the social rules, styles and fashions of the Regency period.
It's quite simply one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life. Just so, SO bad. The makers of it clearly have utter contempt for their audience. The way it veers wildly between slapstick comedy and angst, the complete lack of chemistry between (allegedly) Anne and the block of wood playing Wentworth, the random decisions that the characters make which make NO SENSE WHATSOEVER. (Eg. After a conversation with Wentworth on a beach, Anne walks into the water, fully-clothed, and then swims around for a bit. Presumably she then walks back to where she's staying in a soaking wet dress. And yeah, that's a spoiler, but honestly it should serve as a warning, if anyone needs one.)
Henry Golding, who plays Mr Elliot, is the one member of the cast who seems to have realised just what sort of movie he's in, and his performance is COMPLETELY over the top. Perhaps the scene where he explains his Sekrit Plan to Anne with no prompting (because clearly the audience would not have picked up on it without it being spelled out to them) gave him a clue. The bit right near the end where he's kissing Mrs Clay in the street was so extreme that @firesign23 and I both completely lost it. I guess it's better to laugh derisively than to scream in horror?
So, I bet you're sorry you (didn't) ask that question, hey? 😂
51 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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guiltypleasure-art · 2 years
please know I died and my funeral's at 2pm and your art is GORGEOUS, INCREDIBLE, BREATHTAKING!! I've been staring at it for so long and I've only taken a break to write this (I'm going right back after hitting send)
the colours, his jeans, him... I can't even begin to articulate how perfect this is, I honestly just want to stare/complement it forever!
sorry if this too much, I just had to say thank you for sharing because your Whiskey's so beautiful
OMG TOO MUCH?? TOO MUCH??? Of course this is not too much!!! I’m sobbing! The fact that anyone could like my art enough to stare at it for longer than 2 seconds has me over the moon! 😭
Thank you for taking the time to let me know! It means the world to me!! Helps keep me motivated!
Also I so wish I came up with that t-shirt slogan but it’s actually available in a bunch of places online hahah When I saw it I just knew immediately that Jack Daniels needed to wear it 😌
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ausetkmt · 2 years
Twitter Reacts To Kanye West Wearing A ‘White Lives Matter’ Shirt At YZYS9 Showcase
Kanye West trends after wearing a “White Lives Matter” t-shirt at Paris Fashion Week.
On Monday, Kanye debuted his Yeezy season 9 collection during a surprise fashion show. Before the show began, Kanye gave a speech to the audience about his struggles breaking into the fashion industry.
However, many attendees noticed the designer was wearing an interesting shirt with the slogan ‘White Lives Matter’ written on the back.
The slogan was created in response to the Black Lives Matter movement and widely adopted by racists and neo-Nazi groups. The White Lives Matter organization claims that it’s “dedicated to the promotion of the white race and taking positive action as a united voice against issues facing our race.”
Nevertheless, Twitter users had some entertaining things to say about Kanye’s outfit of choice. Read some of the comments below:
Kanye West bullied Pete Davidson for months now he’s talking about “White Lives Matter”. — Billy Morehead (@lilbillfromthep) October 3, 2022
It’s 2022 and Kim K is claiming she helping Gunna while Kanye West is wearing white lives matter shirts holding hands with Candace Owens. I’ll sleep til 23 — Cutty (@ModernMillennia) October 3, 2022
Kanye might a genius fr lmao. He made "white lives matter" shirts knowing racist white ppl finna buy it for hella money. A black is gonna capitalize off of white ppl racism. Genius. #KanyeWest #kanye # — Chris D. M. (@8FOLDBAKA) October 3, 2022
How can people be mad that Kanye West is wearing a white lives matter top? Didn’t this man tell you he has never read a book in his life? His actions don’t just confirm that he is an ignoramus who has sold his soul to the highest bidder, they confirm he depends on gimmicks. — WhoisElla (@TDM60975980) October 3, 2022
Is anyone shocked Kanye West wore a White Lives Matter shirt? He supports Trump and said slavery was a choice. He's always been far right. — Eric #DropKiwifarms (@KarnRulez) October 3, 2022
Kanye West was on instagram not too long ago talking about the Kardashians we’re corrupting his BLACK children… just to be wearing a White Lives Matter shirt pic.twitter.com/mesEFeDteG — vivi (@08_____02) October 3, 2022
The post Twitter Reacts To Kanye West Wearing A ‘White Lives Matter’ Shirt At YZYS9 Showcase appeared first on Baller Alert.
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