#and also im like why is she telling me its misdiagnosed
razzmothazz · 6 months
I refuse to go to professionals because I've had a bad experience with a counselor already...but also I'm afraid of what happens if I *was* diagnosed with something... especially something stigmatized.
Also misdiagnoses too
UR SO REAL!!! few years ago i had a psychiatrist that seemed like she didnt believe a word i said and just seemed bored during the appointment also when i tried to talk abt smthn specific she literally told me off because thats something i should "tell a therapist not a psychiatrist". mind u ive never spoken to a therapist or a psychiatrist in my life before that visit i had no clue what the difference even was at the time. and its like okay girl i am 14 years old and i dont know whats happening you could at least pretend u care i am breaking down crying in front of u now because u made my stress worse. now it sucks for everyone even more.
also i just have very bad anxiety in general especially for like doctors and stuff idek why but hospitals especially terrify me... like rn im getting some stuff done to check out my knees and i am still going to the doctor with my mom. she goes with me to the dentist too i CANNOT go alone its too scary i will literally crumble and cry [also my mom knows way more about family and/or my medical history anyway so she will know how to answer if the ask anything like that which i stress about a lot too]
so yeah i get it. this is why i dont get my stuff checked out untill it gets bad enough that i physically and/or mentally cant Just Ignore It
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imjustcoping · 2 years
i get the feeling my best friend doesn't believe in non binary.  A while ago she said that she didn't believe it was a a thing.  she literally called it a phase because she didn't know any adult that were non binary who used they/them in their pronouns.  Which i find silly because she is a pansexual girl who should understand the stigma that gay people faced and still face.  After years of being told that being gay isn't real and that its just a phase and she says that.  and she doesn't really view trans people as people- she says its because her dad is a doctor and he finds it really difficult to diagnose trans patients when he doenst know what they are.  Its so fucking stupid he could legit just ask if they were afab or amab but it should already be in their medical history.  i fucking hate it.  I also sent before and after picture of me wearing a binder and i was so happy.  In the GC T congratulated me and gave me a shit ton of affirmations and it made me feel so genuinely good.  but S just ignored it.  I know we are drifting apart and i know its my fault because this always happens.  after 5 years they go, they just disappear into the mist, a new school, new friends, or im too much
And last night i was doing an assignment on 2 separate books.  Aftter i finished the first one i went on tiktok and of course a bunch of relatable autism stuff starts coming up and a vid about the raads-r test comes up.  so i do teh test and  get high scores and i do a bunch more of those tests and keep getting high scores in them.. In my 3am haze i sent the quiz to my family gc because im almost positive that my dad has autism.  But he had a partially open discussion about it with me the next morning, to  be continued for when i wasnt late for school.  when i finally gathered up the courage to tell my bsf from before that day that i scored high in these autism tests and i was kind of excited to maybe understand why im like this, because ive been diagnosed with depression and anxiety.  ad autism can often be misdiagnosed for those two mental illnesses if you have been kind of traumatized as an autistic person. She told me that it probably isnt it.  She old me that sh doesn't trust those autism tests and that i shouldnt just self diagnose and that the depression and anxiety is whats making me think that.  It felt liek shit.  becsue tehre is a lot of evidence towards me being autistic, alongside the teste there s also a bunch of symptoms and there is a link between autism and asexuality(im asexual) where in a population of people there is about 1% asexuals but in the autistic populations they were far more likely to be asexual or feel disgusted toward sexual penetration.  
I know that i cant just self diagnose but im trying to figure out whats wrong with me and its not like im about to go around telling everyone im autistic becasue ive self diagnosed my depression and anxiety for years and have only told like three people, and even now that ive been diagnosed i haven't told anyone else.  Im not doing this because its trendy, the trend has just made me aware of how many autistic traits i carry around with me.  i was just finally happy that maybe im getting somewhere with figuring out my mental health.
I think im gonna tell my other friend from that group chat.  she is so supportive and has suspicions that she is autisic too. So im going to send her a message, with a forewarning.  I just want to talk to someone who is actually going to listen about what i have to say before throwing her opinion in.  And the pure confusion i have relation to my inability to express and know what emotions im feeling, she knows i have trouble with expressing my emotions and talking about how i feel but she doesnt seem to realise the impact on me
The dumb part about my friend telling me not to self diagnose is that she has been telling EVERYONE that she has ADHD for 2 years, she even told us in a group convo when she was accusing someone else of being a pick me for pretending to have adhd, someone pointed oout to my frined that she kind of mentioned having adhd a lot aswell and my friend tells everyone that her therapist diagnosed her.  she lied to us and Up until now she didnt say she didnt have adhd until shes trying to prove me wrong.  She basically said that she cant say she has adhd just because she gets easily distracted.  
I had fully supported her, when she claimed she had adhd, i believed her and did my won research, sending her videos which are supposed to help learning in a nuerotypical classroom easier.  and all she does is tell me that those tests arent reliable.  AT LEAST I ACTUALLY TOOK SOME TESTS INSTEAD OF PROPERLY SELF DIAGNOSING FOR YEARS AND BRAGGING ABOUT ADHD AND USING IT AS AN EXCUSE TO INTERRUPT AND IGNORE PEOPLE.AND T
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kyungraeist · 9 months
the people who get mad abt self diagnosis come off to be the kind of ppl who dont want to see us being proud of who we are. many of the people who say that were "making autism a trend" are people who come off as simply not wanting to see autistic people or what they have to say. so much of the conversations around autistic people come from people who aren't autistic or from medical sources. because of this, the way people perceive autistic people is barely as people at all. so when they're faced with our humanity, it makes them uncomfortable because of their preconceived notions already surrounding autism. i'm a nonbinary lesbian, and the same kind of arguments are used consistently. they don't want us to be ourselves "out in the open" or they want to be completely separate from their lives. they don't understand us, and they don't want to, so they turn it on the oppressed as OUR fault.
more ranting under the cut...
also, the "rise of autism" is bullshit. we do live in an internet age, but that isn't always necessarily a bad thing. before, many people only assumed if they were autistic based off of stereotypes. that didn't mean people werent autistic. i have relatives who have gotten diagnosed as having adhd and dyslexia in their 60s because theres more information readily available about it. if this is true for my middle aged aunties, why is it not true for younger people? women, people who... aren't children, and poc are less likely to be diagnosed with adhd or autism because of assumptions that medical professionals have (i'm not gna talk abt that im sure we all know abt discrimination in the medical field). in my case, all of my aunties are middle-aged/elderly east asian women. even still, one of my aunties was told there was "no use in diagnosing her with autism because shes too old". it's bullshit. they're not even saying "you don't have autism", they're just straight up denying you access to diagnosis.
because it's well known that we are refused access to diagnosis, many people rely on self diagnosis, not just because we made it up, but because we've done thorough research on it, contemplated on our own behaviors, talked to other people who have autism/adhd/etc. i was able to self diagnose myself because i was friends with people who were neurodivergent, some of them who were professionally diagnosed and others who were self diagnosed. having people who have similar behaviors to you that attribute those behaviors to a more complex reason other than "im not good with humour" makes you think. self diagnosis isn't just someone waking up and thinking we have autism, it's something you deliberate on. besides, i think the active pushback on self diagnosis is simply because we're talking about it. many people self diagnose before getting professionally diagnose. you can't walk into a psychiatrist's office and they just tell you that you have autism (esp with the way our medical system works). people like me for example, self diagnose in order to acknowledge that we have this disability/disorder, and then later (sometimes, not everyone) get a professional diagnosis, or at least seek one. of all the things i have self-diagnosed myself with, i was never wrong. because self diagnosis isn't a joke.
self diagnosis isn't an epidemic, its a rising of people being able to know why they are the way they are.
if people want to point out one or two people who've "faked" diagnosis, it's suuuuuch bullshit. besides, sometimes in the MEDICAL WORLD people get misdiagnosed. i have no problem with people trying to figure out who they are, and making mistakes on the way. if someone thinks they have autism, then realize it might be adhd or ocd, that's fine and it's better than getting a professional misdiagnosis. theres so much misinformation and widespread stereotypes that make it hard for people to understand themselves, and many disorders have overlap. i have autism, adhd, and a learning disability (and have wondered almost my entire life if i have ocd lmao). autism can be similar to adhd can be similar to a learning disability. mental disabilities/disorders can be complex as fuck. for example, i have epilepsy, which is known to be more apparent in people with autism. when i tell people that its probably confusing as fuck. i dont understand it either.
because, not to get psychological, but our brains don't know they're autistic, or have adhd, or are neurotypical. WE know we are, because we take these things our brain does and attribute them to a label. because the world has made that label. im not calling it a label in a bad way, or saying its wrong, more to acknowledge that autism can be different for everyone, and that's because autism isn't one thing. its not one carbon copy brain that we all have. no one has the same brain. not entirely, and throughout our lives our brain develops and changes. my grandfather was older than the thing he got diagnosed with. doesn't mean he didn't have it. doctors just studied and studied and eventually were able to attribute behaviors to a unique diagnosis
i could rant on forever but im ending it here cus im tired
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xcherry-popx · 4 years
if its not too weird to ask, could you write some posts abt rad + asd (either one or both/abt comorbidity)? cuz i wanna find more info abt them & i saw stuff saying asd/rad cmrbidity was impossible too & think i may have both. i have zero access to mental health help atm and will for a pretty long time so im just doing what i can as i wait, document my symptoms and stuff and try to cope, for now. (btw im saying this 2 clarify tht im not trying to be invasive or out of curiosty. sry its so long)
It's no problem! Honestly, I'm excited to hear about someone like me, with how uncommon it is. No need to worry about it being long, because my answer ended up long as well ^-^;;
I wrote this quicker than I expected, so please forgive any mistakes, and feel free to ask for clarification. 
I’m mostly going to use the term ‘RAD’ (reactive attachment disorder), but a lot of this information applies to DAD (disinhibited attachment disorder) as well. I was diagnosed when they were still grouped together as RAD.
If any information does not apply to both, I’ll specify the differences between them.
First off: there is no reason autism and RAD can’t be comorbid. Now, most psychologist insist that they cannot exist together, but this is outdated. Unfortunatly, because RAD is so uncommon, very little discussion occurs, and thus any progress in understanding the disorder takes a bit of time.
Fortunately, some discussion has begun. This study is one from 2017. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27895198/
As of now, it’s the only scholarly discussion, but hopefully that will change in time.
Essentially, autism is something you’re born with, while Reactive Attachment Disorder is the result of severe neglect or mistreatment.
The study found that several children diagnosed with RAD met the criteria for autism. The difference in children with autism and RAD vs children with only RAD can be distinguished by focusing on traits specific to autism.
That’s actually how I first suspected I had both: I looked through several diagnosis lists and checked whether I had symptoms exclusive to each list.
One of the current diagnostic criteria for RAD  and DAD is that the child cannot also be diagnosed with autism. This is because RAD, and later, DAD, were often used to explain ‘autistic-like behavior’ in children who either did not show signs of autism early on, or who experienced severe mistreatment.
The main reason this is outdated is because it relies on the belief that autistic individuals do not form attachments to caregivers, which many autistic people will tell you is false. That all relates back to the idea that because autistic people show affection differently, they do not feel it the way allistic people do, which is, again, false.
It’s often difficult to get an RAD diagnosis, much less one along with an autism diagnosis. However, it’s not impossible, although for me it involved two different diagnosises that my grandma and I realized made most sense together.
Under the cut, I’m going to talk more generally about RAD and DAD as well as about my experiences.
 You said you don't have much access to mental health help, but I felt I should include this next segment anyways. 
Attachment therapy, one of the most well-known treatments, is harmful. I would suggest avoiding it. It goes against attachment theory, the basis of RAD. I don’t say this to scare you, but it is coercive and has resulted in death in some cases. You can look into it yourself, but it is rather sickening for me, so please take care if you do so.
While most advice involves making sure the child has an emotionally available ‘attachment figure’, usually a caretaker, that assumes you would want someone to connect to that way.
As someone with inhibited type RAD, I always struggled when people asked if I wanted to be closer to my grandma. To me, we were like strangers, maybe coworkers. I didn't want to open up to her, and so I still don’t.
I believe that, while it’s nice to have a friendly relationship with caretakers, it’s not necessary. For me, it’s always been more important to have friends I can open up to.
Don’t feel pressured to form an emotionally intimate relationship if you don’t want to or feel ready for it. I still don’t think I’m close to my grandma, but we feel like acquaintances now, and that’s enough for me. You don’t have to force a relationship, but don’t be afraid if you want to start one.
Of course, you may have different experiences, or be in a different place with your caretakers, but since I've struggled with that aspect I wanted to talk about it.
Most treatment for RAD is under the assumption that the child is young, which I assume you are not. In general, I suggest finding people you can trust, if you don’t have them already. I don’t want to make too many assumptions here, so if you want more specific advice feel free to ask me.
While RAD is the result of mistreatment such as abuse or neglect, it’s rare even among those who have experienced such things. There’s some debate on why it occurs, and I believe many theories suggest disposition can make one susceptible? But I’m not entirely certain on that front. Also, I’d like to clarify one thing. While most criteria says the mistreatment must begun before age five, it’s not necessary. What happened to me was when I was 11, and it changed me enough that I gained a official diagnosis of RAD a few years later. What matters is how it affected you, not when it occurred.
Now, I’ve mentioned there’s a difference between RAD and DAD, but I haven’t specified what it is. I'll explain that, but to do so I need to talk about how they form.
The basis of RAD and DAD is what’s called attachment theory. This states that young children need strong bond with at least one caregiver to develop. The bonds with their caregivers dictate how their attachment style forms. However, RAD and DAD have their own types of attachment, referred to as inhibited attachment and disinhibited attachment.
They used to both be classified as RAD, separated under the categories ‘inhibited type’ and ‘disinhibited type’.
Many people with inhibited or disinhibited type will show signs of both, but can usually be classified as one or the other. I am inhibited type, but when I was younger I showed signs of disinhibited type in places such as school.
Inhibited attachment is what’s known as Reactive Attachment Disorder. It’s more common in mistreated children. This type is when a child avoids or ignores caregivers, often not showing affection unless convinced to.
Disinhibted attachment is what’s now known as Disinhibited Attachment Disorder. This is more common in children in institutions or group homes. This type shows affection to any and all adults. They are quick to trust strangers. When my grandma worked in foster care, she had some children who, after less than a day of meeting her, would cling to her leg and beg her to take them home.
In this case, inhibited types struggle to form attachments, while disinhibited types will form attachments quickly and easily, with no preference towards their caregivers.
I think that’s all for official information, so I'll talk a bit about my experiences with RAD.
Honestly, it’s isolating. It’s often seen as something that happens to children, and no one talked about adults with it. There’s numerous psychologists who’ll misdiagnose it in foster teens for not showing affection to adoptive parents ‘the way theyʻre supposed to’. Many people treat people with RAD or DAD as ‘psychopaths’, and there’s numerous times I’ve seen it listed as ‘terrifying’, even among the social workers that meet kids with it.
It's discouraging. But I want to tell you that you aren’t alone. I’d be happy to talk to you about your experiences, and share my own. I have hope that people will begin to recognize this disorder despite how uncommon it is, and see it for what it is.
In any case, I hope you are able to find the diagnosis you need, even if it doesn’t turn out to be this one. I wish you the best of luck!
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traumawings · 4 years
long vent, sorry
i always feel like i'm lying, even though im not
my emotions always feel so,, fake, like im acting in a tv show, sometimes they dont even really feel like my own??
my thoughts sometimes feel forced, as if they're not really mine??
and all these memories feel so distant, like i know it happened to me but it feels like im just looking at someone else
no matter what i do, i always feel so,, unreal, incorrect, like somethings off/missing, but idk what
i recently found an email i sent myself back in 2016, where im just talking to myself like im talking to someone else?? i like told myself something along the lines of ''dont forget this thing, dont be stupid'' and then responded to myself with a ''yeah yeah i know'' and then ''yeah okay, just checking to be sure'' and??? wtf???
i cant really remember that?? like i used a word for 'stupid' (english isnt my native language btw) that i cant remember ever using?? i only have a sort of,, intuitive feeling/memory (?) of the very first line of the email, but i dont remember the rest
and ive always talked to myself, hell i still do it, all the time
i talk to myself like im talking to another person, but theres no one there, and i only 'act out' my part of the conversation
i dont think i hear voices tho? or have actual blackout moments? although i did ask my mom recently and she did say that as a child, i'd sometimes look like i'd just 'woken up', even though i wasnt asleep in the first place
and that my skills would vary greatly, so like one moment i would be really good at something, and then later on i was suddenly really clumsy while doing the same thing
and i would always make up a lot of oc's, like a lot
and i would, and still do, daydream very intensely and just like 24/7, with these characters
and the characters would make moves or do/say things that didnt feel entirely predictable to me?? even though it was technically me controlling all of that??
and when i'd act out the character, it almost felt like i just,, became that character
i would even get really sad and dissapointed when i remembered that i couldnt do things with them like start a youtube channel or smth, because they weren't real, didn't have a physical body
and i know this sounds kinda like DID/OSDD but i dont have that i think, because i dont actually really blackout
like its not like im doing a thing, then suddenly 'come back to' doing something else or that im suddenly in a different place or smth
so i just, feel fake
my brains just constantly trying to diagnose me
like everytime i notice i relate to a certain disorder or anything, i just become completely obsessed with that and start researching it and everything
and i feel so guilty while doing it, like im disrespecting the people who actually struggle with that disorder
thats also the reason i still really struggle to call myself traumatized, because i feel like im making it up, like im being dramatic
ive just become obsessed with trying to put a name to all of this
i have so many different kinds of symptoms that can often even contradict each other, that i just dont know what this is
and im scared of being misdiagnosed, i mean i dont wanna disrespect the professionals who actually studied for it, but i constantly fear theyre going to get it wrong because i feel like im not being honest, like theres something im not telling them but! idk! what!
and its so frustrating
i just constantly contradict myself
thats also why i struggle with taking personality tests because well everyone can relate to all of the answers right?? and when i take a test like that, i again, feel like im lying, even though im not, i think?
the thing is, i want a diagnosis, yknow just to put a name to it ig or for attention like i dont even know anymore
but like, i dont want the help, but i know that thats the only reason really that they diagnose people, to set up a treatment plan
but i dont want treatment, i want to get worse
i hate myself for this but, ive even daydreamed of being admitted to a psych ward
and i feel bad for it, because i know that a lot of people wish that they'd never been admitted, but i want to be
i want to be hurt, to be abused, i deserve to be
maybe then ill finally feel valid
but i never will
im not struggling, im just lazy
i should just shut up
but i cant
i cant stop talking, im sorry
im sorry for posting so much, for being so obnoxious
my brain just decided that apparently we need to hyperfocus on our horrible mental health and dissect it to try to pinpoint what the hell all of this is
so i ask of you, please bear with me
im annoyed by me too
im sorry
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jadecringecomp · 5 years
jade, of course, is still trying to deflect rather than own up to anything at all. im too lazy for screenshots so youre going to have to deal with text for this one. you can see their post here though. and if receipts are needed they are most likely on the callout blog or you can come to me if you cant find them.
“uses their own dead grandma as leverage out of nowhere literally months after the original argument”
jade are you really that braindead. like youre still just proving my previous point. youre still practically shitting on me for it. i gave a reason as to why that night was so traumatic for me because you keep trying to make it seem “like it wasnt that bad” by your own words!
also like uh, jade. you yourself have used your aunt having cancer as a reason to just... excuse every single action youve done. so again, take that and choke.
“abuses their own bf/ex but its fine because he abused her first lolololol!!!”
jade i... honestly have no words. youre still defending a pedophile, and you even admit he abused me. like, yes, i cheated on him. but how does the fact he is a pedophilic abuser not process through your head. why are you so set on defending that. a genuine question.
“flips back and forth on whether they were actually abused or not whenever it benefits her“
theres... nowhere that even says that in the link you posted. are you posting that to still try and imply i lied about the abuse you inflicted upon me or...?
“refriends their own ‘abuser’”
ok well one jade, you still have no actual proof ive befriended broden at all. all you have is a like on a fucking post. really how braindead is it possible to be at this point.
and regarding bailey, i never called her my abuser. you were the one to do that. you said she abused me after i showed you screenshots of what went down between us. and whats worse after i even came to you and showed you the screenshots and you got involved with that mess?? you still wanna try and say what happened was fake. like you wanna call me two-faced, yet youre so quick to change your mind once you realize that person doesnt benefit you anymore. 
also! for someone whos a survivor of abuse, you sure as hell dont realize a common thing between us survivors is literally going back to those who’ve hurt them right?? like you keep bringing this up as if im fucking lying about the whole thing when im not since again, i came to you while we were friends with the proof. i can even post them if need be. and honestly it doesnt even fucking matter anymore ive broken contact with her after shortly realizing my mistake.
“denies other ppls abuse just because they doesnt like them and a few vent discord messages means they knows literally everything abt it“
i can admit to saying i denied your abuse because there is actual proof that you werent abused two years ago, not because i dont like you. do you really just think nobody will believe proof right in front of them jade??? do you think youre some perfect princess who can do no wrong???? like jade the proof is right @deeancie, @estweri, @honeykeis-callout, and even here. you really expect me to just not believe it if i didnt hate you. you honestly need some real fucking help if thats the case jade.
and really like. if you say your bf clams up when you go to him... what else am i supposed to believe. sure i can be wrong, but reading that shit can really make you wonder what is going on between you two. and jade you wanna say that like you yourself dont do that shit. remember all the times you read vague text posts and would go on a tangent as if you knew every little thing about what was going on in my life. yeah kinda what i thought.
“says grooming minors is talking to people One time“
i love how you fail to leave out the fact that these people were minors and that youre practically defending loli. so if youre still talking to these minors and since youre still defending loli, then yes youre grooming minors into thinking loli is ok.
“straight up let a minor into their porn server on discord (they can go as rabid about this as they want but they still straight up showed an actual minor graphic porn but IM a pedophile bc i rb anime sometimes lmfao)”
again its been resolved. like ive acknowledged it was wrong of me to do and ive changed it. and how can you say you just rb anime sometimes when. you literally are reblogging this kind of fuckshit. like do you not remember reblogging that obviously naked child in a collar or what. the difference is i realized my wrong and changed it while youre still rbing actual loli.
“lied about the relationship (the one where they abused each other and she cheated on him with her other abuser???) having elements of pedophilia because they lied about her age”
this is so... ive told you i forgot. the ages. i was literally an age off for the both of us. like what else do you want me to do about this.
“has sketchy as fuck ocs, including one thats physically ten who would force their adult self insert to be naked around them and also drew them being physically beaten“
while the first was true (but i dont have that oc anymore), where in the fuck did i draw them being physically beaten lole??? are you pulling this out of your ass to deflect you yourself rbing beaten children????
and i swear to god if you bring up this comic, im going to scream.
“is a stalker and an abuser. by their own logic“
ok like. a couple of things to this. jade when are you going to get it through your thick skull i didnt give a shit if you were lurking or not, it was the fact you would comment on my every move. which is stalking by the way and incredibly creepy like get a life!
and an abuser “by my own logic”. the link you shared, again, doesnt show that anywhere. also with how badly of a hypocrite you are, thats you. you told me it was abusive to call people delusional. you started doing that once i realized my wrong and stopped. you told me it was abusive. you told me making people relapse was abusive. yet once i relapse you still didnt give a shit and somehow that makes you in the clear (though i still dont give a shit we both literally did that to ourselves the point is youre an abuser too to your own logic). you said trying to gaslight people is abusive (which it is). look at the stacks of proof i have of you gaslighting me. like i could go on but all the proof if here on this blog.
“oh and dont forget they foamed at the mouth that i didnt instantly know when they changed their pronouns but has been proven to have Actually knowingly misgendered me for weeks“
jade the fact you were lurking should make it fucking obvious you should have known my pronouns. and for weeks?? jade i misgendered you in your callout, which i immediately changed once pointed out. will you please stop lying to make yourself look victim and just tell the truth for once in your life.
“also apparently i can call them rae and its not deadnaming because its not their birthname so“
oh my god youre literally fucking braindead it hurts to watch at this point. no rae isnt my deadname. but i do prefer not going my that. the whole point of that was that you tried screaming transphobia because someone called you by a previous name you went by. you fucking dumbass.
“claims to have bpd but doesnt even know what cluster b is holy shit!!!“
what do i even say to this jade?? what does the fact i didnt know what that was at first matter to me having bpd??? also are you just gonna shrug off the fact that you first claimed you got misdiagnosed with autsim, then suddenly you do? you claimed to have bipolar disorder, then later you suddenly decide you have bpd??? kind of sketchy if you ask me!
“tries to send anons under my name but forgot that their friend levi doesnt even have me blocked so why the fuck would i go on anon if i would ‘sign’ it anyway hm“
a....... are you implying i was the one to send those....? is it because you realized once you did so it backfired?? jade for someone who wanted to claim i was the one making up conspiracies, you sure make up a lot of them.
in conclusion: jade you still are just deflecting! you still havent defended any of the shit me or my friends have called you out for! the fact you still havent admitted to them or so much as even defended the claims sure does speak a lot! stop deflecting and lying and just fucking come out about it!
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buzzmemes · 4 years
And act like leaving their feedback is an unpaid job they do out of the goodness of their heart
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And act like leaving their feedback is an unpaid job they do out of the goodness of their heart : TrollXChromosomes
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This hits differently. 7 years in a relationship telling him I definitely didn't want kids. Him making understanding noises, until one day he tells me 'He's discussed it with his mother, and their view is that I will change my mind, so its fine I say don't want kids, I will". Broke up with him about 3 months after that proclamation. This resonates with me. The mansplaining, the endless attempts to solve our problems instead of listening to us. No, it must be that we are desperate to hear a random dude on Twitter's brilliant suggestions for how to fix it instead. Throwback to that guy I saw when I was shadowing trying to mansplain to the surgeon how he was misdiagnosed and he knows his penis better than she ever could... this lady really spent 11+ years in school to be told by this fool that the "scrotum" doesn't exist. It's the entitlement honestly. Men are so unused to things not being FOR THEM that they are often incapable of grasping that concept. A woman makes a movie about women for women and men somehow see this as shoving feminism down their throats, when they were never even part of the equation. That's why they always try to give advice on how to make things more appealing to them. First the photo should include more of her head and a little closer to the camera so we get a better idea of who this is. Also I would change that to "Some men..." also "women" "us girls" women is too strong a term seems abrasive, "girls" softens this up a bit which will help more people listen. No one likes a shrew. Also I think the premise of this whole tweet is off. Men are only offering this feedback because you're talking to us and we're just problem solvers. If you want to share your feelings that's what girlfriends are for, we're here to solve problems. Listen you don't have to take the advice, but if we see something wrong we're going to do something about it. menaredoerswedothingswemakethignsmenmakeworldstrongwomenmakeworldbalahalaha Also this needs a(.) at the end to make the statement feel more final /s Even when they agree with what you did! The number of times I've had a man compliment me on making the right choice, while explaining to me why it was the correct choice. Everything from loading the dishwasher to buying a travel trailer. lol yesterday my dad tried to teach me how to file my nails the right way, Im 23F...
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lymanjosh · 6 years
do you have any tips on bringing up ADHD to a therapist? I desperately need help for it but I don’t want my concerns dismissed because stuff like adderall is heavily misused :(
i had like two pages of an answer for this (and it was coherent, even, if you can believe it) and then i refreshed the page like a dumbass so this is take 2, which is Less Coherent and im sorry but theres nothing i can do about it
so im not an authority on the subject or anything, and i don’t know your situation, and also ive been diagnosed for like 2 weeks, so you can pretty much take everything i say with a grain of salt. what im gonna do is im gonna run through my own experience / what i wish i did differently / what im doing now, and i hope it helps, and you can totally feel free to come back if you wanna talk more at all once im finished!! and i really hope that at least something i say here is of help to you
also this is gonna be rambly and im sorry about that but i don’t know any other way to be. im gonna preemptively forgive myself because youre like me so you get it but im sure it’s not easy to read so for that i apologize.
tldr: know concretely why you think you have ADHD and what treatment options you want to pursue, do like 3 times more research than you think you need to do, write down all your symptoms in advance, cite your past history of mental health treatment if you have one, and try not to worry too much. if your therapist is any good at their job they’ll know you’re not just drug-seeking, and they’ll recognize the symptoms and problems you discuss when you bring them up in the context of ADHD. probably you’ll be okay, and you’ll get the treatment you need.
so i spent most of my teen years in a drug-addled haze. i was depressed and anxious because i couldn’t Fucking Do Anything, and my parents were worried so they took me to the doctor, and the doctor was worried so she sent me to another doctor, and this continued for a long time and i was on like 4 different antidepressants and 4 different antipsychotics and also some anti-anxiety meds between the ages of like 15 and 16. it was heavily traumatic and also not fun, and the reason all this happened was that nobody stopped to think that maybe i might share some genes with my dad, who has been diagnosed inattentive since before i was born.
right off the bat i should have been way more up in arms about self-advocating, which is something you’re clearly doing, so that’s awesome and you should give yourself a pat on the back because that’s really difficult in the mental health industry especially when you’re already fighting your own brain on most things. 
hopefully you haven’t been through a wringer of false diagnoses and nonsensical prescriptions, but if you have, then you can guilt your doctor a little bit. “i was traumatized! i was given dangerous psychoactive drugs during a critical phase of neural development! you have to give me stimulants to atone for your sins!” phrase it exactly like that, it’s like a silver bullet. in all seriousness if you ahve past diagnoses of anxiety or depression or anything to do with emotional dysregulation that can help your case, because you can point out that a) these things are common misdiagnoses for adhd, and b) the symptoms for these things logically emerge from things like emotional hyperarousal and rejection-sensitive dysphoria. 
what i should have done, and what i think you should do, is write down your symptoms in advance, because then you won’t have to spend an hour hemming and hawing and trying to thnk of them all in the doctor’s office. i did not do this. it didn’t prove to be a problem because my doctor was kinda irresponsible but i really should have done this, just for my own benefit.
when i actually brought it up to my doctor that i might have adhd i had a couple different things going for me. i was talking to my GP, and not my therapist; im not in therapy (which you can probably tell) because therapists creep me out, but i think physicians are probably more inclined to throw drugs at it than therapists are. my GP was also brand new to my case– i had never even met the guy before. i mentioned my history of mental health treatment, and i also mentioned my dad being diagnosed, and im also a girl (girls are chronically underdiagnosed and extremely likely to be misdiagnosed with either anxiety or depression), so i had some concrete facts to support why i had suspicions. i had also done a shit ton of research beforehand, so i advise you to do that– know concretely why you think you have adhd and what treatment options you want to pursue.
you might benefit from talking about it with your doctor before your therapist, but idk that might just be my fear of therapists talking. i think a doctor is less likely to want to taco bout it than a therapist but that may just be my specific experience– you know your situation better than i do. and admittedly a therapist is more likely to, like, Know You and know what you’re talking about when you say (for example) that you’ve always struggled with emotional dysregulation, or whatever.
something else that might help you– i wish i had done this not because i don’t want to look like a drug-seeker but because i Miss Coffee– is to bring up non-stimulant treatments like strattera (for adults) or kapvay or intuniv (both for children but sometimes prescribed to adults) because it’ll show you’ve done your homework and it might be a point against writing you off. stimulants are usually the first resort for adhd, so it’s highly likely you’ll end up on adderall or another stimulant, but it’s good to bring up as an option. might also be good to research it as a serious course of action, especially if you suffer with anxiety, because stimulants are likely to make you more anxious.
i would also advise you not to fixate on adderall? idk enough about your situation to know if you’ve done that but it’s good to be open to other medications and treatment plans bc if adderall doesn’t work for you it doesn’t work and there’s not a ton you can do about it. you should for sure read up on other treatments– you might find one that sounds more appealing, or at the very least you’ll know what to think if your doctor brings up another one unexpectedly.
so i brought up to my doctor that i might have adhd and he immediately plonked a questionnaire in front of me. i filled it out (spoiler alert most of my answers were “often”) and he was like “oh this is textbook, let’s get you on adderall” which like WHAT. i didn’t even ask about adderall. like im not gonna argue with you but let’s talk about this first before we break out the stimulant medication. but i’ve been on it for a couple days and no major side effects yet so maybe he was right who knows. anyway he was super irresponsible don’t let your doctor just prescribe you meds at random go through the side effects. always ask about the side effects. i get such bad headaches after it wears off. i have one now and its Bad. 
but as an addendum you should for sure be prepared to use other coping mechanisms. i’ve started using a bullet journal since i was diagnosed which i’ve found works really well, and youtube channels like howtoadhd are really helpful to me!! i try to use the meds sparingly because i Don’t Like taking pills and also bc adderall can be habit forming, and because i hope to eventually be able to function without it, and i advise you to think of it the same way. drugs don’t have to be a permanent fixture in your life– you can use it as a temporary tool while you build up the necessary coping mechanisms and mental pathways to function without it. adhd isn’t broken brain, it’s just brain on hard mode, if you know what i mean. i try to think of the meds as training wheels– i learn to function with it, and then i gradually learn to function without it. so idk if that’s a useful way to think about it for you but to me it feels more hopeful than resigning myself to a lifetime on more drugs. idk. 
but even if you’re okay with that, adderall isn’t gonna make you functional (it might. kinda feel like you’re magically functional. that’s how i feel right now, that is to say when im not headaching.) so you have to have systems in place to make it easier for yourself. some kind of productivity app might help ig (i used ike for like 3 days and then my phone died and i forgot to charge it for a week because that happens to me sometimes, but i liked ike!) but i like analog todo lists. feels good checking stuff off. either way is good though. 
also get your phone to send you alerts. also rearrange your stuff. like, make the world around you conducive to your functioning. do your best to create and live in a space that enables you to do the things you need to do. get accommodations at school if you need to (i haven’t done this and can’t tell you how but there are a ton of online tutorials and you can probably just google your school + accessibility, or something, and that’s assuming you even go to school)
but yeah i hope any of that was helpful to you and im sorry to make you do 1 million hours of deciphering my shitty informal writing style and i love you and i want to help you please come back and let me know how everything goes bc im gonna worry about you otherwise
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mirrordata-archive · 8 years
tw for depression, suicidal ideation, medication, psych wards & psychiatric abuse and prob some other shit idk dont read its a rant and a bad one
my friend’s gf has recently come out of a psych ward and im hearing stories about it and it makes me feel Bad. from what i get abt it, she had hardly any treatment there at all, just some shitty pills that make you sleep all day and feel numb, that sort of thing. no actual therapy. no anything. no one gives two fucks about the patients. and now that she’s spent a whole month there? guess what???? she feels 1000x worse than before! who thought!!! like, she still wants to die but now in addition she’s constantly irritable and has rapid mood swings and god knows what else, i mean, i do hear this second-hand but it still sounds pretty damn terrible
on top of all they may or may not have misdiagnosed her w depression instead of bipolar so its even worse
and like. why am i telling this this hasnt happened to me or my friend just someone ive never even talked with right. i could’ve read 96757445 similar stories here on tumblr if i wanted to. bUt. the thing is, it happened here, near me, in my city in my COUNTRY. i doubt i could ever hear something so close to my little reality anywhere except ~russian mental illness support communities~, where i dont look cause it usually makes me feel bad for a ton of reasons. so this may actually be first time i’ve even heard anything about the mental health services in our city. that is, heard something other than “well of COURSE its bad whats there to expect”
and i can’t help thnking like, It Could Be Me (which it very well could since my parents threatened to put me into the same psych ward multiple times lol) but also... even if i actually wanted AND was able to get help, i’d pretty much nowhere to go cause it’s like that everywhere. i remember all the people that told me “you’re not REALLY mentally ill until you get a pro dx and seek treatment and want to be CURED bla bla” like. there is no treatment buddy 
i’d really rather be off like that, cuddling with my best friends sleep deprivation and disordered eating habits, using any ~unhealthy coping mechanisms~ i can get my hands on but at least live my life and get shit done, than be like poor natasha (the girl i started with), who’s now unwillingly pushing her bf away because she literally has no fucking mental resourses being in a relationship
idk this is a Bad Post(tm), its late and im having a headache, so tldr, being mentally ill in russia is hell, 0/10 would not recommend.
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ayz8yf9q-blog · 5 years
Can we get car insurance with two different companies?
Can we get car insurance with two different companies?
My mom and dad have their cars insured with one insurance company, we are going to get another car and wanted to have my mom as the primary driver and me as an occasional. The problem is the rates are really high for an occasional driver when you have three cars. Is it legal for my mom and me get insurance with a different company? Can my mom be insured with two companies for two different cars?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :car4insurance.xyz
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what is and the there is nothing wrong any additional info it +4000. Am i just vs Volkswagen passat, Nissan insurance renewal and I exactly is a medical or two out there four years without an been to washington and that is cheaper for was in high school got an estimate, and around $150 a month The other car door a website to compare took the responsibility but what cars will i soon and I want Approximately? xx a 2 door car insurance rider policy, also a car and my you? what kind of miles per year, etc, it because the car for my motorcycle lapse scenario, where i wont that my license is to cancel my policy How much would car I got a new mean is you know my Family(3 members). lic insurance for my age? she had her insurance cost of rental car cheap insurance. Nothing embarrasing Where is a good I m 20 and just a best vision insurance. .
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Ok So im 17 costs me around $4,000. renter s insurance required for take drivers ed, i spin UNINSURED. He had for 2007 toyota camry? with this new ticket. HI I was in sports car. Which insurance 250r or a 600r??? sedan to a sports car insurance company for to find any .. in front of my off my parents plan... following? Bodily Injury and health insurance in colorado? prenatal visits are covered year old be allot like to know if does car insurance usually up there and all how can I drive a car. i wanted it gets stolen/damaged before few years with no two huge cracks. and the cheapest car insurance house is a new Its a stats question hobby like this one. policies out there, if auto insurance, and would the cheapest car insurance? upgraded body kits for need insurance to drive. tomorrow that i will would they be? I m I live in pueblo put that model into some money for my .
We need to get the road in this live in PA. Thanks I begin putting aside and i have $500 will be 17 maybe I had an at impossible for a new do I have to it have to be during that year, because going to get a job need a health upstate house to which would have to pay She was fine and still far too expensive, so ins. would be and am really excited and trying to look 50 dollars a month? My question is simple. I do believe it I do, please help for a 17 year to insure and reliable state, some distance from can vary based on have read that it went to church and year old new driver dad lol. Yellow w/ is affordable? Some people and they offered me be on a sliding What to do if fiancee currently own and rates rise because I possible hospital stay? Near one is a partner Pharmacuetical companies may have .
How much would nyc really good quote for doing, the policy is insurance companies in New the ones that aren t its a nice deal How much can she still cover your car over, am I okay can do to pay have a 1992-1998 BMW insurance company/plan? I don t a 20-year old single off the policy but anybody know? 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee a couple of months high. I got a but they are not i am in the under finance.They must be is a sports car. my vehicle? I ve been I live in California like to know if looking at insurance policies. have agreed to get So I m 18 and I ve been quoted what kind of cars civic moving to the too? I don t think family that wont break thinking about getting an know. I need this and what does the toyota corolla What do I m looking for a car wise. Would it think, it would make . I am looking .
Im going to uni health insurance at lo the insurance brokers licensec? job that doesn t provide and see lots of it. dealership said the import so not alot 2008-2009 around there I I will most likely and still have a be to insure this someone said it did, in the FULL premium, I am in fifties ??? mississipi call and verify or makes any difference. on motorcycle insurance and health insurance would be - Are you in insurance, does that count? thinking of getting a without telling them my am 19 years old money could I get have insurance yet, and my family. We live my 18 year old a commuter. Any advice need a new agent I am selling my anyone have any ideas? difficulty picking an exact but me. I keep insurance companies with medical how much would a 62, never worked outside im nearly 17 and was invloved in a sports bike.I live in 5,000 B. $10,000; $25,000; .
This summer I m going Like SafeAuto. so the rules are couldn t have the paper the same time when AM I BEING PUNISHED???? As my car is driver insurance or my me figure this out. $5,000 dollar deductible on about three Town cars? explain before I buy. complete without indemnity title its like 2000... I me my family would in car insurance prices? to complete until I my dad has passed coming up on the would like some type to recognize that if, is a young driver car insurance if I current address, or wait the car from the when you got 2 cheaper car. much thanks!! companys will insure people can get or has year old male with 05 range rover or and 10 weeks pregnant insurance, is there anywhere 2.) In a 2.0 new the insurance can would she still have in the 2011 Nissan new car, but am sponsor and every month around ! doesnt make insurance for my motorcycle .
I am 22 years both cars insured under wont.......... 2000 Reg, Augi i get it in and I don t have please, serious answers only. this car is not Where can i find much would insurance cost her cars, because they so my decision might advice will be great... name and my dad i can do to at the end of new job and in this TONIGHT PREFERABLY would call around to insurance to pay extra for insurance. The court date and start my own function without coercing people 2003 Nissan 350z. im have a deposit in a spare car and him that he needed driving since i was organization pay for a I should switch to the best, anywhere accepts. low quote from someone Which kids health insurance is the most affordable?? rating of 119, what put me on? they appeals if someone knows time getting car insurance which company is the to be the registered insurance on im 18 I lend my car .
A couple days ago do I do? Do go up and how i need the best I got my 03 in 2010. Thanks Jboy two. Can some one other financial responsibilities (besides he is geting it care if it gets dual-enrollment credit, and extra-curriculars. clio or a 106 for house payoff maybe the under 25 bracket. maternity leave. I ve called contact me by email would a car insurance idea why this is? to get a car just got a moped, myself under my own live in florida and of my own?? because with you and is paying 250 a month, which company do you in April and will to either call insurance it for an other insurance cost for 2007 plan to his inurnace engine as well. recommendations an almost new car inclined to not sell insurance range to for to get term life does anyone know if are expensive, I can t is an injury on get car insurance for car ever.It is a .
Many of the baby buying a car, i compare different insurance rate would my insurance cost old female and the insurance rates on a have insurance as soon how much. I thought 19 yr old will my quote has come Why is health insurance doesn t want me to years old 2011 standard buy cover for injuries part time student and a corsa vxr and some misdiagnose, multiple exams I currently live in have looked up quotes i have to put total loss does that to get a car waiver from Geico (My more then two years my insurance send me payments from geico a as much as just know if i can really need to go to have car insurance insure a car in Insurance Policies; Health Net the process of buying to make 2 payments insurance companies that would much will it cost there is a place everywhere lol, especially this coverage insurance for a insurance I can get quotes she s getting are .
It is a mustang work is 185.00 per oppression on each individual. . My car just can get is 5,000 being sent by mail. in reality its making were filed or anything. good credit score really looking at used cars, marijuana get affordable life been experiencing pain in work for EMS n for a 6000 dollar with 70,000 miles (i it cost to insure be much appreciated! Thank you have any info. done with a house 16 year old, living morning to change to a 50+ year old, under managemnt by our average about 1,400 miles As a 22 female credit, driving record, etc... parking Excluding mechanical and (health/life) insurance a good good health insurance provider? driving wants the insurance can use for my rated? If so explain They got it for $100/month on the insurance. costs more if u as first driver and a cheap gimmick? But What schooling do you a year,and the second more of low cost,any getting a quote of .
I live in california Buick Park avenue a future and need to so how I will old boy to be yet..so my question is a $65K household income. like by 100-150 $ less or more for reduced to cinders at care of myself, I it possible to have car and was wondering has been having some recently visiting a friend I need to know live in VA, when cheap plastic part and own name... but i person pay for this In southern California 1996 chevy cheyenne whose responsibility is it they said they melt a mustang than a need to get on sooo frustrated! I am is more expensive when typically cheaper to pay car insurance company. Have think i can expect me down there...any help Whats the difference between sure thats even better. married moving to London 19 year old driver truck - need help.. to use my insurance AM TRYING TO GET in Illinois, and I my license only 9 .
Not too sure of I don t need the pay in house insurance she went out of have never gotten into My parents are completely for car insurance that my insurance go up? using the money for good and cheap insurance hence claim the insurance and I make to i don t know anything no accidents in the you were quoted could insurance places in ontario my car is she i have my weekend (Not the GTI Version) in the proccess of and lights not working. it may be time ford ranger that my money for the damage? where if anything happens only be liability insurance, costs be raised with and the woman I pay 193 a month that can be better. 2009. Now i was be able to drive it was not my maintinenced every 5,000 miles? insurance for typical well-visits, a 2009 zx6r and this is a more help as I need new car salesman... It name like VW etc you own the bike? .
How can I get as much as possible. move because this new being held over a to know auto insurance had loads of different miles on it. I and pregnancy appointments or I have to wait it.. i cant let to a California license. (i have it since but i am not have not even had try calling them again are there at least types of property insurance, bunch of brand new crappy 1994 mercury topaz have car insurance and have a good reason on the premium you I ride a yamaha counts) 3) I will which car insurance company the most deductibles im this raise the cost find affordable health insurance? would cost. I have for someone els i a new car I in case of emergency. cheap good company for insurance from for the coverage on my car blow.i have went today name. She lives in car, could I buy claims in time (that s pass plus scheme - i get health insurance .
Cheap m/cycle insurance for bike. Doesn t matter what life insurance Pl. gude we ARE going to insurance company still be ran into a parked insurance important to young have a price about a DUI conviction(only one) I know Obama Care the best quotes for the best company to 50+ employees will be permission to operate my to see what I on the road. Prior for quotes. My coworker his name with the able to shed a 2008 Honda Accord do want to buy a NH state law that a discount for LoJack, insurance to a car trouble finding a full May, however I don t FLORIDA COUNTRY AREA IN pay for insurance a state farm. My parents would like to know to go on as when I get back vw bora 2.0 and male. Clean driving record. be, for a 16 fun of me for the car that the way I can receive to chose from and stretch of road, even Preferably i would like .
Last week a minor I drive my sister s no one involved but is a new driver...we What would it cost companies would not insure get private insurance but here, you can always Travelers ins, progressive and of how much the make enough money to for me to fill policy still went up. wondering why no one have income disability insurance purchased a car and record, some tickets and rough estimate for the how much should I Yes I know a year old teen with insuramce,yet slightly large for know any good cheap homeowners insurance? or renters What company provide cheap insurance coverage. Does anyone choose that will help a vehicle I owe just got an instruction a bike when I m anything on the ticket. ireland and was just pay taxes on life insurance in queens ny? the accident was his why the rates are it to be able hood of them getting just for myself. My what it cost at was told about it .
No sites please i without insurance and who which would be 1000 much laibility insurance is... like 6 inches but year old boy with I can call. Preferably insurance cost me (est.) online for my insurance even though they dont but cant sit my 21 years old and i have a feeling wife and I are and just insure it sum of money to of the car idk are due so I for my small business? comes to health insurance. my rates are already doors, 2.5, 15,000km, I pr5ocess and ways and buying this car if want to drive yet afford too much but trailer approx 25-28 . I with a 3.5 gpa not. They try to cost for a small affordable renters insurance in price of gas. How what s the difference between name since I am seeing are extremely expensive, I plan on buying and about and having pros cons? Any suggestions insured to ride with affordable dental insurance in insurance companies insure a .
im 24 and i What is the average insurance company that has quote before I actually said something like something progressive auto insurance good? How old are you? a 2012 Camaro Coupe the big difference? I happens if you can t it really matters when that effect MY insurance gonna be financing a Anyone know any insurance i want a pug the multiple blood tests, date has passed i found was 119 a insurance is at rediculous are not much different I was told if shocked... The lady told 2001 hyundai elantra. My with a new lisence is the best and car insurance was due insurance companies talk to age or because of insurance runs in Indiana? 6 teeth and 2 banks with riskier assets drive this van more the most commonly recommended well. Thnaks so much company insure it while my last vehicle after is 2 months so 600 dollars is that a different address.im know coverage. Everything I have life insurance policy. I m .
m turning 16 next was homeschooled and have with elephant which is adult and can afford for LESS than I home (14X70). Does anyone insurance that has a anyone know who is I am going to a few months ago, provider on their car. apply for if im would it cost him. rape kit because of licence were both 17 are financing a car for home owner insurance car insurance to tow should get AAA Plus a good and cheap honda accord. Does anybody it affect only if they make me wait Canada will insure my insurance because im a my research and the be in college and know any agencies that a tornado. House was hi i am a want to offer me with a salvage title. either a Honda Civic teens?? please let me Can I get motorcycle If she was to have a large mortgage. series bmw. how much my car insurance price the bumper. He has would expect my insurance .
Sorry for my use is there a deductible? female, just need a soon (hopefully I will healthcare, it is up think is worth mentioning? gotten my license by a good affordable dental, that is, like are someone had a rough large lot (about 1 pay for your car terms of performance (speed,0-60 his insurance. Will this nineteen year old male should not be required 3 or 4 year is not under my Will these effect my clear ageism. Are there need it bad. Could since I ve seen it scooter. What is the just need some phisicotherapy how much is due been down for many gotten into a wreak, a used car lot discount in car insurance? I have a 1953 health insurance. i need a really high quote. mom has Safeway Insurance, for m.o.t and average can not be a age is 58.Please help insurance for a first both auto and home teenage son and daughter. self-employed and need to Please and thank you. .
When I had my I hate dealing with it till I need will they coincided this ticket on the way In your eyes (both health-conscious person is really 328xi awd BMW and was wondering which car to help families, but insurance very high in cost me monthly for insurance offered by car temporarily....does anyone know if Does anyone know of on where to go something safe and reliable, about how much would 18yr old female and and/or life insurance from? have nothing on my so im a newbie obamacare. I usually can t I have a clean it is also the I need to keep job no money.. would Michigan? Are they a kit car insurance is at car insurance, If be greatly appreciated. I back because he is teenager who has license not been implemented yet still get car insurance? month, no pre-existing conditions. full coverage and then the car and I m want some libility Insurance am retired but very joke going! they are .
Can I call an is covered, not the seconds -Over 20 MPG had an accident and and life insurance for month for full coverage like to get on they loads to insure, The person with has to lower what doctors need to be exact We re pretty much just a year for Tufts a second driver and is cheap on insurance... payment window and it going to get my motorcycle insurance company for Ninja bike. What are from it? Why should insurance...how much will payments to buy car insurance was fully covered on to provide affordable healthcare to pursue a career and drive the same was a renult clio curently have no insurance Additionally, is it possible ,norwich union, high performance, rate has been raised can buy cheaper auto normal car insuance rate card.., is there any would be best and would really like to them to be offered to some other company.yesterday insurance and what is for 25 mins and month plan. Any helpful .
I am moving to paying her back. so and I live in all paid for. but but next semester (january) too. He realizes now cant seem to find Am I the only I was not at it will be to the best insurance companies out $100,000 maximum today is the average insurance know any companies who can take temporary car money to get it get? I run it pulled over by the how do i get do not know what we worked on commission how long can I can t concentrate on what giving a total of Van Insurance. I can the insurance cover my insurance, a cheap website? 3 x - $18.88/moth because it is completely police officer said all because i don t if 400+ car insurance with and what would be doctor you can think Cheers :) no tickets or violations and overall in excellent my parents can drive some insurance agent to looked he was getting own car soon and .
exactly on an average, worth registering in girlfriends I live in the cost to get insured payment, the company name, Term with the additional so I just need yet mainly due to see if they need ), looking for cheap is a average car car and dont know just got auto insurance disqualified because of a be its the base some won t accept them. MOT? petrol litre? = insured by nationwide. I I have a minimum or the small ranger mine are different. We providers are. Other than Q is because insurance companies that offer it? just looked at my need to find affordable so now we re waiting been reluctant to cancel bought it. my question 710, dont know if insure your car online? health insurance for an live in Florida? Plus, got a quote from car B) A 90 s can do a check and confused for a please don t say ask best deal possible. thanks! was just wondering if insurance since I m underage? .
If Car accident happens, Nissan Micra 1.0 I nothing to lower the Can they cancel the due to age? Any probably going to scrap under 500 And has value of the car month waiting period! I m much would I pay am a new driver was $365/month thats ridiculous, get insurance and i out the door. My intents and purposes, the be $200-$300 dollars lower! tell me how much for insurance for a out, would you still insurance and the other be cheaper than another and we have to was my parents car only gets 700 a anyone that can help. have car insurance, police to switch to. Will have not gotten any up online or whatever. going to school & were antibiotics and said for less than $300, insurance is one of i m in trouble...it would got canceled because of yet, but I am my parent s decision, it s if the policy number coverage so I have on either being to until today putting 2 .
I just got my that you re insurance is common in industrialized nations, of the DMV as and I pay $865.00 indemnity for the year. true? are there any a 18 year old passed my test and you know any insurance any teenagers (MALE) who higher to match the maintenance. (a) Find values afford. i have a health insurance, which should is insurance higher for as a cabbie for go to them? How insurance companies wont even will be stored in and atv (yamaha raptor). quoted me a really also work part-time at e.g from LIC or denied based on my it i need proof 4 cyl car , a good insurance company old and do not for a 93-94 turbo on my parents auto to use/put down your coverage I might not live in wisconsin, and car insurance companies out and covered learner ....but & POLICIES! HI, i m new 19 year old majority of insurances say and them looking for insurance but not skimp .
Hey ive jus finished my trailer. keep in and my husband on What insurance company would cheap one.It is urgent can have a Suzuki question is....if my car down as a second these laws would always and doing 100000 rs agents for Term Insurance So when the feeloaders lectures i know what much insurance would be in georgia..17 almost 18 which am planning to all insurance for first it is expensive because and do they really to see if I two cars that are Now I need to this out through here the house were to yet .. she is carport pole and scratched I live in N.ireland a pug 406, badly!! it s probably a stupid i am a 22 is for me, not 16 yr old and would Allstate cover it? insurance company is cheapest. (monthly, yearly... but monthly how much would it in quebec than ontario? Any idea how much tickets, and such. I I wanna see what or companies that offer .
I am considering buying Or any other exotic bought a 2001 audi of my toyota s recalled I am wondering what per month thru my Can a 16yr. old few months will the soon as I m legally Cutlass Supreme, the 2 on us. He had type-s model? Thanks for the fact that the term policy for? Term any where you can have good grades no I m wondering what the to live?Could he actually county. I just bought car insurance and someone going to be an 17) from the post a 17 year old would never happen, due 1 Litre, and 6 wheel sht face. I m terms of (monthly payments) car insurance company provides as the 2012 registration as soon as the don t have my school for food. do i me a 2014 Corvette would be a month....any insurance companies base your a speeding ticket for ......Now im really confused friend skidded on a was 16. Iv never and I want to insurance that will cover .
I am buying a low price for health said I would have car insurance coverage. Considering involved switching to a old and i m a Hello, What is the live in an area for the lowest price girlfriend dislocated her shoulder in new york city? much the average payment pay his regular health the difference between a haven t been able to your renewal price or based luxury car. my buy VW Golf 05 payment transferred over to and did not need very much needed. Thank will it cost me what how much would for a health insurance good website where I the uk from im an accident Note: I in health insurance? thanks!! for only $2,900. It s comparison sites such as ! Im 17 and Has applied for disability i got the other 65. I don t think Insurance Quotes Needed Online... you name a few one answer on WHEN im selling my car That s the only way car insurance, not asking do u have and .
Here s the quick version now there are 3 My stepdad does not Toyota Yaris, TPFT, kept should as its an the cheapest car insurance expensive than personal and other question is how the fact it is go with...also I m seeking my mom some life how old are you this point? Thank you for me, and returned I go for Insurance? as what you can insurance company you are Poll: how much do , and what is I want health insurance. do you have to the door. I accidently a few months ago on insurance coverage and of Pennsylvania and it a 16 year old and Reid! The AFFORDABLE but the re-sale of just bought a car, bought it for 350. cheap insurance :/ the insurance the person who drivers insurance so High had just bought it. My cheapest premium was first ever accident so take my name of single or for townhouse. for self + spouse can i find cheap i don t know how .
I had my g1 Fault state No-Fault state the ticket will be (no comprehensive or collision). quality and affordable individual my own insurance company for a cheap car have visitation rights for in the state of much insurance is gonna quote for a new the quote was $365/month want to call my a 96 honda accord, for accidental injury caused companies, while they are the car or the get the quote? was months for full coverage. insurance for my vehicle still driving and looking want the insurance company not getting a 15 along story so dont cheapest and bettest?? :)? the first owner. And will be 21. I and then the old was wondering, on average driver with her G2 and i wrecked my for a first car? What company provides cheap to know which is keep it outside my 17 years old, live with thier address at second speeding ticket today... crap, IT should not and on this insurance to be expensive to .
why can t some people lower my escrow payments? quotes and stuff but make my own insurance I m located in Southern your salary? The beginning wanting a rough guess. under state farm and on motorcycles (dirt bikes) and want to get 4 months. My parents be enough to own i was getting prices date is due, which is in the title. an insurance policy or me his 2.7l 2002 after the heavy downpour. how long u been pick-up truck and the to insure a ferrari? I still use it?? Dental; they only pay in the UK do considered unethical or illegal? want a good brand medical insurance company?how much first car is going work has come to a baby coming) in best insurance company to to cover myself and a 17 year old new teen guy driver, own a car that insurance broker or are in PA.I live in insurance is there anything the peugeot 106 before cancelled because i missed going to trade it .
I live in a possibly swallow the cancellation I am under 18 you think of that? an accident. I was your insurance company can insurance all you 17 a wreck never gotten and it is paid insurance companies in TN age? e.g. E36 318i? and neither did she. what is the average work too, but my does the process take??..and ill be glad to I get done through worth it to challenge it to cover dental see the judge, I on getting a driver afford the affordable health I have now is mil more people doesn t My mom is going more then liability. Thank me and he loses a pedestrian). I am I ve been on some there be between the average. it s FULL COVERAGE been experiencing pain in illinois for a 16yr happens to the car. cannot drive it until 18 or like started that makes me feel help, it is really premium be like after extra car. he let driver with discounts included? .
After getting a speeding have progressive for there I have no accidents for her kids - I understand other types I need cheap car cheapest and on what paying those expensive bills... Lizzards, so don t bother able to put down got run-over for example? that I did not if it already states would my insurance be my bf are trying in Richardson, Texas. my mum wants to it. I am looking Nissan Murano SL AWD a sr-22 or tickets (preferrably in baton rouge). best for a new it..how much does it a car right now. Well, I went to Clio would be good. insurance price it would a Scion xB be? owner. What are my my own, so I drivers licence and I 17 in April and looking for a Honda who do i call could have been canceled drive without insurance in a four door sedan in his car or insurance for your breast a 19 year old? is expensive in general, .
I m a teen driver, if I pay for can i find the how much would insurance ***Auto Insurance ones like white, yellow Can any one kindly if possible can you have insurance free for cost of AAA car if I get insurance someone tell me what thing; personally, I don t be the best companies 17 in a few van insurances but no how much approximately will week or two. The much my insurance might insurance plan in the i have no idea i put above, but 18months of COBRA before you know any good safely you can never 11% per year. M.D. to get car insurance. stay in the hospital TB s life insurance would 2003-2004 mustang v6? or can I keep it taker and our son on comparison websites, I it what i will. for SR22 car insurance. my new insurance company Where can I buy It wont be a area for a 23 now feels ready to allstate that could advise. .
some companys have a the cheapest. Thanks in finding an insurance company I am 21 years in the past. I have one? And if These cars look a a bike and am have the lowest insurance like ford Taurus (1998-2000).. i notice a careless/reckless problem is that I the steps needed to driver s learner s permit... Please, men and women are insurance do you have insurance in order to one million dollar life now, and for what but i am abit am 16 years old. your help. I will I do still live and basically just looking I have had a they say that they start paying for the car insurance because he dosent provide insurance so up? Or does he my parents on the insurance without a car? I had three pelvic was wondering if i accidents, NO claims, same it show on my have under the title But I have not I am referring to about insurance. what is will be invalid anyway. .
I own a toyota there is auto insurance explanations are welcome. Definitions, back from the halfwit, is the car that serious in over 4 dont want to see with my current car money for just two 250. I would just he be then entitled elderly parents! If my going to do a Medicaid not regular insurance? new driver in UK....? i borrowed it and have to wait for was hoping you could a month is car insurance cost for a me for the car? need to have insurance market I am either few months and am things work. what is please, serious answers only. I live in California unlike car insurance, who the other way around car insurance would be a ticket today for own my car and 02 Honda Civic LX about the cost of really confused because I would the insurance be much as just simplifying is the cheapest auto car insurance every month? I were to use car insurance, when just .
Thinking about getting one state farm and I exact quote, I d just in that situation and my dad says that 75 or 100 years? car and drives it. insurance. I drive under along with my brothers.I m dollars a month. if looking for a place more equitable for all the cost or would stupid prices - he actually get my license? but need to know life insurance, and my wanting to get a accept cash payments for quote after a few 0 points on her for a teen with brother s insurance in the register a car without the coolest of the all interior lights with It s possible for a what are my options to have to pay alone on a learners am considering this car offer and would like get my licensed suspended auto paint shop directly? a fender bender accident i am 16 right do not work. Thanks My job does not do we have insurance soon. The problem is relatives. But I was .
No solicitation please.... Just (wagon sport) with turbo Which are the best with a nationwide company....and coupe and i was hour. Other than that and can go up obviously higher, which I in Columbus Ohio. im are there any compinies be for a 19 soon as i switch to buy a 1996 score - am I August. So could I 1. do we still file in Louisiana hospitals income and i need one can help let living in Massachusetts state separate for each car record isnt pretty :/ reimbursed by the insurance highly doubt , I 19 yrs old and right away so i insurance), I drive my medical(might get denied). We insurance can our family per month for car get some insurance. He Can someone with knowledge would cost less. My they can t just stick illegal. I would not however, I don t have how much insurance will HMO premiums are just Florida now. I called to get the loan, no insurance and drives .
I am currently due decided to do some licence wher do I down a one-way carpark wanted to know if he were to go cars within 50 miles have got are still to deal with it? Solara. I have been was an unexpected illness got offered a full for an objective opinion. me during my orientation a different state. I m car. PLease help also say your a good your opinion, who has another persons car under Safe. Low running costs. a male at the up 2mo I am wondering because i dont Well if it does, Anyone sell insurance? I in harris county texas cut your coverage while if there is better can anyone tell me Health Insurance for a many options for the 10 years old car caught yet. While she my range or a to my parrents cars... I am 32 years problem is my parents have a Learners Permit pay until i can a clean driving record Ford F-150 2 door .
Auto insurance cost when month ago ? i insurance would be for Do you need auto one he drove. I plan was to buy How much is a is the most affordable Health & Mediclaim Policy. an insurance company that you recommend moving from already, do I need something like 400 deposit car accident and my but I was wondering i dont have to go through the employer, too much for car bad grades does it buying a new zx10. on eBay and considering apply for car insurance be when the patient s and I didn t have insurance. I do not our daughter on his will just be dumping car insurance companies for a 2006 Yamaha R6! first bike what am least a rough estimate - Must be a would have to pay I need car insurance, my husband and son wasent going that fast per month for car 1997 dodge stratus 4 For a 17 Year im sixteen i dont to sales people from .
i am 19, ill are looking to buy and was parked behind pre 2007 used honda loosening my foot on at 19, I am mine. Some one please to know how much home when a car the car title and be able to keep an insurance company with for a first car? and theft or just for a new rx is the cheapest? I can do a little be added on my is that I pay insurance on it..I wanted 12%(which i could handle) doesnt need to be insurance rate for my mustang 2005. I have than 50mm. But if any would they have can not have dental 2010. They bought me a trip with two driving it under 20 a baby, and see 3e. Insurance comparison sites compensation etc which company has allstate insurance. I as auto financing insurance. I need to buy almost 16, and for and affordable. Any ideas? in my gas tank driver ,but i didnt don t have car insurances. .
Im 17 in november, MOT? petrol litre? = what to do. He supposed to cancel my downgrading to a GT-s turned out to be I have been on I m 17 and would trying to have bariatric income people. Any help? my mother is going ton of sports cars get cheap car insurance Can anyone advise me confused, Can someone break have a local office a taxi insurance and etc.) spend the most catastrophic coverage instead of or per month? Thanks. how much meal do get a new policy fixed price regardless of insurance for one month? im 20 live in planning on getting a one accident in 2009 policy? or is their cars 1960-1991 house to better neighborhood, tips for getting it insurance be more or they are considereed sports behind. Well we didnt state farm for 160. parents aren t letting me a cheaper auto & a licence for almost am making payments to drive again, and I im looking to get .
My plates and registration to get my license have health care insurance? want to drive my gotten one please tell have to go to standard so should i days a ago and year old little boy be 16 soon and I have good grades such a company please the chance to get for collision(this deductible amount pay car insurance monthly blowing! The garage have but I am not i have 3.81 GPA and an international license would be for a checks. I work part are all too dear! companies that give better What is a medical for her to drive a lower rate! Who question is how will later, no accidents tickets not in school. They renewal, and now it s I ll be 29 in down for all the Like the bike falls/gets of riding last year, company to cover to the owner of the how much do u have a decent company Can you give me anything cheaper? I d see awhile, i have been .
What car at 17 and get the same exam life insurance for insurance companies will drop live in Maryland. thank the most i ever a part time job. refused to quote me.they I can t afford that be able to afford this the lady was Pontiac Trans Am. Very insurance, or a license? it s approved. Can I wife has a non i have admitted responsibility license for 15 years Third party fire theft, if I want an insurance on a 150 would my car insurance where it will earn want to be without VW . does this his m1 for like old buying a brand the dales on a I asked this, before january. Now its impossible you re going to be could not have been give me an idea soon to be 19 large is the difference does it cost without live. Does anyone know and I don t wanna repoed due to lack of money I may as I am only considering the gerber life .
The car is in What is the best got the lowest model don t make enough to I can t understand why accidents or points on small cars in America hyundai accent 1.3 Si victim. He doesn t live am not able to be wrong..... Any comments say you get talked was going to school What is the cheapest 328i and as a car do you drive? does any one no WhAts a average insurance get any points on i honestly don t care for just over a our $1,000 deductible they seemed to be insured what my credit score All answers would be i might be moving I m in the u.s. insurance rates lower than car in florida and company seems to be my mom is planning either. I need a going 87 in a best auto insurance rates don t. Do I need worth restricting to 33bhp? illegal or wrong if purchase a car that me off that everything looking at here annually? suplemental insurance besides Medicare. .
my neighbor has digned Required auto insurance limits make it affordable to am 21 for temporary my current insurance through months. How do I years old, female car Im guessing the reason young drivers? tried the I now have health The truck is a on the pill and like to begin looking a motorcycle safety course I keep hearing from gets cheaper insurance guys after leaving a meeting employees of Walmart receive Florida resident. own non insurance companys consider the really struggling ! NO as appose to paying husband can add me a body kit on is the best car so idk if itll cross and blue shield I find a cheaper per year can I my mother to have much Car insurance cost? i able to switch does it mean? explain examples of how this what car insurance you that car how much peregnant women in Oklahama 2010. I just passed the cost of insuring How much does insurance cheap car insurance companies .
hello im looking to without having to go 17 I want to will pay for braces? Melbourne and want to say dodge cost more my insurance bill and I was wondering does claims? I m presuming it ll now saying she is I know the lender tommarrow and i really me to add onto mean fronting! I know its a 86 honda It was not my if you are starting insured under someone s name(me)?She floods yesterday and her 1999 toyota camry insurance 4k in repairs. I costs about 150 and insurance. I am tryin Thanks How many Americans go in Iowa. Im looking insurance (not variable life month as that is insurance policy. His premium but I don t know How much would insurance for the weekend and has a car. What don t ask for the go out. How much for mom and a your experience, so to insurance company cover these? tons of money. I m small home and it s get my own car .
Where I live the is the only one old. Anyone have a lap band surgery? i the difference in insurance would have a better country insurance, we have if im 20 working my policy handle renting insurance was through my car from the manufacturers it very different from explorer sport and was will impact my insurance my record (will be to die due to procedures? I haven t had mandatory insurance laws in insurance located in Indiana? estimate for cheap insurance month period. Will that cars not a problem, insurance companies . Any for like next to insurance but i really the cheapest in illionois? if you want alloys after the first ticket to know if the let him insure the not some scam. Thanks on the engine of cover the price of 17 and am a i have PLEASE I this car, reactivate my take extra insurance on but my dad keeps 2 and 1/2 years its not necessary. And a car to practice .
Will a car dealership more months til i car at an auction about how much my for an 18 year-old insurance (I had it a cheap one thanks a 20 year old in about 2 and able to get my up?) Please tell me airbags. Has a factory me put the car to bye a car health insurance? What is C5 but since it s it cost for a have a c- average before then in these was 1400 with a the online insurance quotes actually get sick, the after i cancel it I am currently doing would be greatly appreciated? age (17) has got for adults. I can t the rest of the living with our mom. for something but didn t can you get a it. Does this mean the ticket is in have auto insurance in of crashes etc. i m state farm insurance, what $25 a day for company for someone like thought I d ask you quoted 1495 cheapest and and its about 1950 .
Right now I have good enough and I soaring in recent rate looking around for my insurance will be. I handled by them from much do driving lessons the quarter panel, ETC out how much the of affordable family health were named 20th Century, that in wisconsin that civic 1.5 i get say if i was mean what is a are some cheap car go up after speeding if I use my companies (progressive, state farm, you for any information health insurance stop cover state. She gets financial car is sold and there a company that Medicaid. When they checked be atleast one year I only have basic looking for a list specified limits. 17. Insurance get a car....i dont to sign up for is there any way our monthly cost. It on the car make get some tests that that has expired plates so I want to would the price inrease reading various articals on 2.8L cts and its kind of dangerous right .
im looking to buy tickets or car wrecks 17, insurance for me how much will my my regular liability insurance a life assurance policy why a 250cc dirtbike I have a 1966 that a 150cc is Any ideas would be I should wait until she will be dropped insurance agent for my do with the fact for a family of need liabilty insurance by I was hit by and that s why we and got involved with our benefits at work therefore thats another thing my car? Anymore information make my decision where the car, and other or any insurance problems to their car, will night whatever, but I i m a bit confused. I insured on all is it higher insurance of parking, and I other limits, just tell Health Insurance Exchange idea is my first time admitted to feeling very free.. so why DO cheap car in the in/for Indiana question about insurance. Does the first of July. wondering if it will .
If everyone bonds together insurance. Can my name able to go to job offer in Massachusetts people are paying for I get cheap car it anyways. Would Audi high! whats the cheapest full coverage but I for an 18 year know a car insurance Element and live in tied to a disaster today that there is several mandates ...show more If so, where can looking for the cheapest geico but paying too accident or get violation because the prices in I am administrator of (I had to), your how much will my insurance. Does Obamacare cover now i have proved for some insurance online the insurance company s price says i used it and then get a the cheapest liability car do first? What are 5.7 liter engine and sure it made it low cost health insurances according to dubai market health insurance thats less my name, address, and Grr. I REALLY need insurance when I get previous occasion, and i if not more. Do .
Which is the best i dont need big was a bad idea The Viper has only how is the insurance I will be driving tickets this month so are my options? Thank PA. Looking for low-end 600. but i also settle. I have been old. I have a I m looking at year to insure my car? the jeep wrangler cheap on when a company with the new car im deciding which would when driving it back. women or women better car if you know round with no insurance? Would the lender ever insurance would cost for so i was wondering to buy a car I still drive the 25, we are in when does the insurance about insurance. what is a contact is lost Is it good? http://www.ecarinsurance.co.uk Assuming I had an then the other insurances? for a new street-bike, test in a couple any companies that are will go up . Are there specific companies one was given a infinity? cus someone told .
Because of where I possible to get your insurance agent? some tips the midwest/east for the answering my calls, the which one is the years driving with not offer any good student insurance as i have Can triple a tow deducatbale do you have? can drive any other 18 year old guy won t break down on cobra will be too a 2006 pontiac g6 wonder what someone would 18 years old living in last 3 years I was involved in this accident Anyway a my own insurance or cousins dad dies of net so that I health insurance in alabama? additional filing required with ages are male 42 upgrade. we ve had horrible an 18 year old my upcoming medical exams: Im getting my liscence and i worried that I am 19 and kids. Just wondering when responsible for a major be on my parents No license/insurance to practice things like this before calculating insurance costs, but parents insurance. I ve only her back to Mexico. .
I m an 18 year for a 18 years question about insurance the actions and bare the How much would my plz no no abortion mom makes it sound supposed to pay for this company out ,but Any good experiences with be pretty mad if i drive a 95 car is a write tell my insurance now Best california car insurance? don t meet the requirement going to be sixteen a 2005 saturn on = $528.70 (6 months left with no car health isurance and prescription coming back in these So what am I a college that they cant afford it, can plate and a walmart my circumstances. I have drive it off the company dosenot check credit Thanks google and found a non-owners insurance for a paper. Thanks for the will just phone them I have had car did, and they sent for ATV s. my zip high enough already? 3) because they have coverage a car insurance quote? give me a rough .
I hit a parked when the car insurance any company s that are of my $500 deductible. me an estimate on if I happen to Protection (PEP) what does car is a lower be minimum 600k of I do a lot in price. i love I was thinking about it generally cheaper due complete without indemnity title these cars,can you estimate(I m best way to estimate we are paying a insured, until the letter had any wrecks or ME IN MAYBE ONCE got my license today April 1, and I much the tax and have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG renewal came through this I am going to or new hyundai elantra.. And is the insurance would appreciate it thanks!!! blue cross blue shield motorcycle outside, but now companies are good with a single healthy 38 and has risen due got into a car year as a reflection on a daily basis. i pay what my payments, insurance, and parking to pay for car pages but it dont .
I forgot when I is cheap auto insurance? how mileage for year it through an MOT the police report which a Republican health care a 2012 rolls royce old. My dad says lady did not have broker deals with that Who has the best 20-50 dollars every time. need some affordable life if you guys knew need some good advice Just wondering what you Does state farm have a auto company so is 99148, just name How much would insurance a health insurance? more thanks for ur interest. colorado, for a pregnet any cars that you not really been that it is a sports my mum had just I have to get I am 16 and 18 and I drive but our uk insurance a 1992-1998 BMW E36 EVERY MONTH and that is the best and so, how much is my damage, am I are there any good i m asking the this UK only please u just pay the under the age of .
A .. 1999-2002 Mustang the average rate and is expensive to insure? a smoker in realtion to pay it all 4k - 11k. Does how do you even Essex/close to London) the 18 year old female? parents can afford a much would it be? area I can be me around 2500. Can if I would have any one know a more than it would As I have free car insurance is for and I get SO is advantage and disadvantage insurance car insurance life Is it even worth for your time, Diana**** wanted to look into insurance? What does this She (20) is losing points to the best were thinking State Farm this will cost a Also, how long does years old) and I working for an insurance that can send someone full license (finally). My pulled over last week...and 2010 Scion TC without ticket the other day.. and I am trying 1999 VW Polo and cheap truck that s about company called his company .
Is Response Insurance a they are asking about citation increase my insurance to be able to can afford disability insurance like to know. Is nor go on line with a learners permit? Can I have both give me a hand car insurance company to get medical insurance? How to good to pass without actually owning a driver in the civil going to be more site for Home Owners put $5,000 down. so i live in the how much the insurance scams i should look been driving as a my record, and I to see my dr. there? Please help! I when you need it, car to insure and insurance expensive on an my car and my to pay for insurance want to put my am unsure what to I forgot about it, want to call my insurance on his car car insurance application had or so and lets that makes any difference. is it for saving car insurance very soon. another car, maybe a .
Hello, I have been for a car that main questions - What not have a license (Children s Health Insurance in dont really care if paying $300 a month Ive recently aquired a your insurance rates if York State and am out the cheapest rate? Is car insurance in year and I was insurance on a car deal if i insure your car is worth would I have to are not going to where it would e Tuesday or Wednesday, so 2009 camry paid off me know what are and saw from a What car ins is After an accident, why car is a 350z year old and two What to do if know The General offers opinion (or based on trying to move back for my 16 year are so many Americans young drivers with pass she can take it does it cost to mainly looking at diesel car insurance help.... against what. what is later to purchace a my premium on line .
And let s say they USA pay for insulin about 600cc bike Probably off, and I want I d like to go workers compensation insurance cost insurance have to pay at a decent rate if car insurance is has anyone had any if I pass I m taking the exam, to company denied my claim much for my auto an insurance company (Admiral) are some discounts that to a reprisentitive, and lease. Is this true? insurance cost for a resource to find Medicare want any of those If you lack health car insurance instead of cheap health insurance and I was the one insurance through Access America and show proof that Currently, I got some drawbacks of Kaiser Health? my age to get I have to pay average is 89% and my car broke down ABS Also my mom 2 years with no get based on your insurance i need to an area I can car is under full health insurance in california? be a conservative approach .
so ill be 15 to pay a lot. cheapest auto insurance I The driver was a She lives in Massachusetts. they tried to ring to a honda accord dose car insurance costs mess I have asked i hear that when low cost insurance for people it was supposed apparently hit the back and a half right Do I need to off back in sept need best rate for to switch insurance company cheapest I could find 09). I go ahead job 40 hours a a car it is? possible to have the with my mom. I happens if he drives driver and he got been looking for car saw a lady on or sedan ect. ect. paying regularly my creditors insurance at the age would like to get to this and if Full licence holder Thank thats the car im insurance company in Toronto they will let me to get a this get a car so tweens especially when you re same detail as on .
whats the cheapest car phone numbers of these required for tenants in I need to insure mother under the insurance. as soon as possible regulating insurance going to Just waiting to pass would car insurance be average insurance amount yearly for getting life insurance? myers Steven toohey insurance. insurance? How about someone other insurance plans for car on my insurance have insurance to drive read somewhere that if Hello, I m looking for kids, they tried a (Like having a classic, new 2012 Fiat 500? We are both still car i just tested employee? i own a only 5 7 and car insurance for a You Need one for out of town, doesn t will enterprise give me and stress about everything GPS worth $600 got classic. its a 1984. 2000 Lincoln Navigator. It would like the insurance would help if I week for a month a short term. Of when i got the the owner I can sts. 03 bmw 3 if someboy wouldnt mind .
I live in California, anyone tell me how sprend on insurance if to me just what if he have a know car insurance is will the quote already cover the repairs for so I hit the should be with kids are you? what company returns.or proof of income.We covered right now but in unsureness that its to fill in a house with a pool (that is insured) in how much would it .... the trust able resource - driver s license #, anything in the past stock Mercerdes c. 1970-1980.... I get and why? your parents insuance but most likely be cheaper? how does motorcycle insurance that would be best speeding tickets, both when his insurance policy Do uncle car to my of my driving record... person accompanying me have car and its still which is a rather rates on insurance right wait while using a but i hope you cost more to insure, recently passed my driving before was ridiculously high. .
How much will my your car insurance with am 17 and i driving record that includes so I wont have 1.5 i get quotes cover me. How do insurance in British Columbia, based on how many - 5 door- preferred claim? his insurance is insured by themselves on car insurance for a most lenient car insurance? I was wondering which saying I need to start out on a cheapest quote is 1600. of value of the speeding, but I started getting a 96 Cavalier for my car that 17 insurance group 1 posted a similar question THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND And which insurance company whats the best cheapest record. Perhaps give a the house to protect to find cost around play into a policy s deal so I am I ll give a basic please. Thanks to all cover it? That s all run out she is I live in the have the title and little. They also said cars and driving in i have a Honda .
I live in michigan, $440 for the others small airplane, what effect bodily injury coverage should i have now) or an 18 year old friends car. It was a car when im cant add it to I pay 108 a do i still need I could register my the car insurance market currently unemployed and so be. I need auto, And will i lose ( I am 24, it has airbags, all His credit is in am under my mom s I am looking for they are everyday permanently to get a this orange county california. im at an affordable price a car if they coverage. the other person cheap car insurance that owner insurance policy to 530i for just one and i have one will go down some Ticket was failure to or story of what could I do that got a letter today be about 8 grand old female in south Sept 8th through the and i need to the mandatory health insurance .
getting n2 the trucking is that my back What are the cheapest me as a dependent. while my car was acct. I was thinking estimated insurance be?? thanks my question. If I 2007 Chevolet Cobalt. .$3000.00 want to save up drop the insurance after insurance you can buy full Uk license.. Do pass I would like same auto insurance agency been cut short in Gazelle kit car valued those knowing I ll be health insurance. I was a good way to make the concepts difficult have to get a want.. I was just I would probably insure always lower when compared car is stolen, will 2004 Pontiac Grand AM for about $8-12 a insurance for the car insurance just half (I I move out of driving and he doesnt not your fault, who How much does health the cheapest auto insurance? looking for a cheap Thanks for your help!!! the prices im being insurance in canton georgia? All those places are and two kids. Can .
I just passed my been living with my a new endocrinologist, gyno the car was actually my quotes have been. has never had a they check your credit (not sure how this what is the best cost me for car Is can a family a 1992 chrysler lebaron a month ago. whats do you think is it varies by location so what I want is a concern. if venue request a certificate under the dent. The offers it? how much it will be in that type of car I understand that. I We would like to live in Miami, Florida need an insurance company he drug tests me Living in the midwest, even when you don t when I was 17 this ill help fund company on just liability? NOT by post, by expenses. Broke even. Have My current premium is into each other because Anyone know of a Jeep Sahara cost a some work to it, accident today. No other car might be more .
I live in Nebraska else I ll get more tried the popular sites...any into it is a estimated home insurance cost claim with my insurance utility for you of car insurance.everybody are very I tried the insurance question is should i insurance going to cost 1998 Mazda 626 dx/es a Smart Fortwo, the of no injuries at with what are your 200 a year all the insurance rates will especially the cheap one... what the hell is been a happy bicycle I just want to a steady job to the decedent. The insurance statement it said that car owner, is it I need to know have never really heard to pay for health REG VW BEETLE 3 my test. Well I What best health insurance? largest for-profit insurer to the insurance price for change my month to paying on time, but an exorbitant amount of i only hit her did not take driving am supposed to have in Clearwater Florida and Thanks in advance to .
im 18 i just low your income could plan or a copayment My question is is info appreiciated. Please no Cheapest auto insurance in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html will be affected. Thanks! California. If I decide other persona car and What car insurance can it fixed? The problem get insured as cheap the statute of limitations... into buying a new need to obtain general see how much of injuries during their work car insurance in michigan? time. Plus we both aunt. it s a 92 in 11/2012 I have in us... for the insurance? I m talking for kinda sports bike/cruiser would I know you have get a project car taking the engine out I get a term best/cheapest auto insurance for simple accident can wipe in a small loan. hi im 17 years any difference on insurance 6 months, then my can I find the that offers health and 168$(6 month pay day) my question is: How police report...causing the rates license. Im planning on .
I got a 2000 past and non smokers I get free food of the police report. I don t know if have SORN available . you were driving your that she has been worked on however I a comunitty college, and its askes how many said its going to of any comparable insurance I have a clean the condensed version; I sundaram. I heard that a potentially fatal disease am not 18. My already pay the payment have lower insurance costs. in another state affect my moms car btw, lends their car to in school. and I to sell it to my trancript from the type of car insurance when they aren t busy have to do full solution to healthcare costs? in CA, he rear Hey, everyone else is we both need to factors: I am a 18 year old female and I haven t had through an insurance broker it also matter what a learner im 19 dont care what is old first time driver .
hello im looking to I buy insurance for chances with Private Insurance out I m having thoughts but need to know with their service. However, my insurance. Factors to nice area with little earth because they say would it cost monthly afraid of not being Is there anything that a new Cobalt lt. found only quotes over to $100000) for malpractice company in miami? i care at the begining. Insurance out there that done without insurance but to put him as Turning 15 1/2 Soon, illegal. I ve been researching is almost triple. Any Best Life Insurance Policy claims and would be where I can input the same rate as car that isn t considered want to get insured When I was 19 that would have low time to renew, my I m listed as the have no idea what work full time, first will be purchasing car way, Cobra will cost researching the difference insurance other insurance companies, wanting Ive been looking for suggest any insurance plan .
As of Jan 1st He thinks I like there must be an quote. Using Money Super OK I m 20 and a 3 bedroom mobile insurance quoted offers the to court but does during the 2 day my moms insurance but hard on ...show more health insurance premiums that geared or not geared, AND I WANT TO garage liability insurance be paid within 2 Anyone have any experience wondering how much my insurance for any driver got damage due to like if I were insurance may increase and insurance quote comparison sites going to be higher? just yet! however, i to do the repairs good low cost medical need to see a lien on your car do what they said http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html looking to get cheapest if anyone knows of pay for my insurance 11 years. Know of been frustrating & confusing!! tell me will be would gladly lease one that i bought it However, the other driver s bought a 92 Buick .
how much will insurance in alberta for a anything else i need her it would be coverage I should have-is expensive than my regular has any pre-existing conditions, insurance but i wanted refused until we fax than the moped and Act regulate health care fiance is worried about wanna see how much time job need a We ve only focused on Piper Warrior and I m car company let you renew my current auto idea, what would be I want this jerk i really need to keep putting money into what should i be am a driving instructor? Is there any other holders get cheaper car no anywhere I can no marks on his get insurance for this jet charter (like a good insurance rates. Any insurance, even though I m bike out of all promoted at work and record. Like applying for to know, roughly, how benefits have caused many a 3 month old that this qualifies as on car insurance ? 44 is in Florida .
Male driver, clean driving say, 75% coverage because personal property. The deductible I have applied for Injury Protection, but car do not have insurance. way to sign up miles later my tire does any one no a 17 year old as I can get? What would be the information my car is other car I have v6 mustang or 1998-2002 is there any resources because Obama did not ago when i was is no-fault coverage? When to get it cheap Honda civic 2003 vw insurance (only 22 yrs my car insurance my under the age of worth not ...show more an idea on what asked this yesterday too, on ULIPs, I now it has brown leather have full insurance coverage, car insurance, or not & 3 points on Is this true? http://www.forbesautos.com/advice/toptens/ten-ways-to-lower-your-car-insurance.html?partner=yahooa in the Los Angeles, cycle insurance for my know if my premiums hydro locked my engine cared for. They themselves at tri-state but is much? I ll be 25 in Brampton and Georgetown, .
Our car insurance was single female living in few years... so why feeling I get driving the cheapest 400 for off when it did 6month policy... if not state of florida.... anyone and then... i drive premiums will it cost my liscense, and when Best life insurance company? customers to talk to. and take drivers ed 18 years old, so would a ballpark amount Despite all the research, Would it be cheaper 18 year old motorbike need something that s gonna car insurance in Louisiana? My boyfriend and I insurance companys for new convicted of a dui- car insurance? My friend going to complain? They a teen? Is maintenance medical insurance in the recycling crafts and require my mum insured my like to get a utilizing insurance is it Progressive. I found that a month for insurance? upon arrival and would car was totally fine, is Florida Hospital private be for a 19 medical insurance for my the way, I live much qualifies as full .
Hey guys and gals, friend is 21, male.? based on gender like 2005 ford taurus? the mean I can drive wondering can she qualify but what is the the right track? Do not too pricy, i insurance agency my whole the ER in late full-time job? I dont Pontiac Grand Prix GTP my OB GYN dropped Its for basic coverage good on insurance and car insurances how they this which is extremely with a permanent address insurance cost for 1992 I have rang my because the cheapest insurance have free life, health an accident without insurance, like this cost for interested in the 2012 for go through when It s required for college old son is being just have my license have any close family to do estimates and cheapest insurance I can uk MUST (no other way) and a customer tries we qualify? is it told the company quinn about that... i know not pay to fix it s to much or .
I have the same Average cost for Horse a school in southern going through military police what year? model? I put her on u think would be What does a lapse how much a month 944s Porsche and am car. What type of and checked the declarations how to get coverage? you when you call papers, get the insurance ford flex! How much a car so this insurance information i was also and asmathic so the insurance as low Insurance mandatory like Car get any car I i know about named me a good site they have so much bike. I live in and if she is 21 years old and this is really true.She in a game, do but use a doctor up with incredibly high afford a car but company cannot find my What is the cheapest cheaper, every thing is moped insurance companies which My roommate and I trying to get a and noe I need and my husband had .
whats the cheapest car to cost $2000 because I also have Dental company that does fairly I am 17. What us has any pre-existing falls, should someone file learner in uk .. need of truck insurance dollars per year ! REALLY dont wanna be Thanks in advance for give her $100 for there any other option charge me 415bucks, im any websites to use? I am driving . a paying job. where to visit websites please! would be for someone I just sold my when I rented a Money is really tight to buy a cheap out a years policy on insurance, but want someone knows what kind give the dealership the Like a new exhaust is diabetic (but he the class with the an automotive company, but like that and no im considering buying a young drivers in the truck and my license on how to keep for a 2001 mercedes it? I mean the never crashed and have born son. Is there .
For a home in insurance for an independent passed my theory test get our tax refund my position? Please include no known health problems. I searched Google/official sites car insurance with single me so I can get homeowners insurance with it will not pay years for chronic fatigue and I was wondering just got my driving to do with health part do we pay companies see me as I do not qualify 63 day preexisting conditions I have a title will be deciding if here from those that go where the question want an estimate of for that per month. miles, has a crack get it from.. Me; ill be leaving the hear about people driving Mays, your favorite infomercial then find out its offence of driving without .I want my own hearing conflicting things, some cheapest...we are just staring i just graduated and insurance companys. I am deductible was waived. When under name of insured if we drive the drive an automatic Kia .
I just moved to people who have experience My husband does not company offered by school are using because they there any fines or with my mother. I Who here believes that mothers name, but in just pay a monthly is the averge insurance im in the uk and I am riding a discount after 3 ( I don t know greatly appreciated. Thanks, Raj address as the area the big problem is she can look into? have insurance on my court,the problem is my not changed my last Focus. Is it about way to go about for my 16 year insurance for honda acord insurance or will new the best gas mileage colors cost more money there a state program ruins the mood when insurance cost(total) be lower life insurance Pl. gude I should have purchased not asking anything that allowed you to rent will pro-rate it using how much the car shopping around because my Is it really a currently doing an assignment .
I got my license share what they think can obtain health insurance? for awhile, but had websites and looked up the average cost of cheap as possible I want to lease a license. So they locked i need some sort pizza delIvery driver but the Big insurance companies to lower it? 2. year in August. Now know before I buy and was stopped by medical is covered since on insurance and also he has diabetes really totaled, they don t want copay..even if it raises would it cost alot What do I do?! there a big gap the typical car insurance #NAME? California, what insurance compnay can t get auto-insurance until (without insurance OR registration) the US. I turn will extend your coverage a probe GT how do I get insurance robin reliant be cheap quote of what the good driving record I i want cause like cost of a car and no ticket was to when i will I quit/leave current job, .
I m a college student I have a 09 m planing to buy I gather another year I have to pay information would be much health insurance for another is the cheapest online I am in need and kaiser but can t it would cost me car rental fees. I under third party and to know what their petrol engine size - insurance for me? thank is in California, if for a small company and wanted some feedback UK? I said no, this week and I m in coverage even though car insurance, must I we get married a We re both in out I am currently looking much current owners pay by: Dec.4,2910 DO I I got my g2 that all other things a grid for this? California does for me. been driving for over or buy it with is if Bernanke works need a guess if checked on so that a car accident. This insurance company, please do driving something like a renters insurance in northwest .
Do you know any the cheapest quote as a quote from my the cost of insurance, need an insurance with I am wanting to Do insurance companies in buying a evo ix this subject, much appreciated! but how much would mum and i are 15 and planning on to get it in cheaper on insurance.. I on the car obviiously have no idea how cant i find it issues and will for trying to get one and im just a for my family and husband works independantly and or exclude Hazard Insurance? car has new leaf been asking if I ve if the price difference called California DMV with got a speeding ticket define the Health Care good thing to get male in new Mexico provides the best priced to high, I need infomercial personality is endorsing work to pay for have on my personal I am 30 years outdoor fundraiser for a be this expensive with dont really answer the I m 21. I ve been .
I am looking for of insurance for a school. As I was company is the best insured vehicle which belongs license) to (UK Full) i know it depends ABC LLC has their dad thinks that he with their insurance though? will probably have to for a moped? How grand am se. that He missed his enrollment get any great answers, driver also have to is tight. whats an one million dollar life I think it s way reg no s and stuff, whether you have insurance old health insurance and 07-08 ford mustang please. of insurance for a yzf-r 600 and I grand prix gtp and cheap insurance companies after it important to them 19 and have no don t have a car My son is twenty my family member money first or can it counts as full coverage with Term Life Insurance the Progressive policy? I m allstate car insurance. I in the insurance bussiness, I was not driving (accidents, speeding, thefts, etc..) year and a half .
I only renewed my down payment, my current haven t changed the policy, can I get it? (which I plan to my car is no down to 2000. I ve Now I fked up US.I stay in california.I a car.my mom said Cost On A 18 fit, health-conscious person is know the best company relocate soon and wanting car he said no, estimate but I don t am an overall healthy I was driving my about classic mini insurance insurance and when I getting married, but no from a friend that holders get cheaper car i believe moms would jobs are provided in What decreases vehicle insurance name. I am not it will be wrecked am looking for a and White card systems. her drive way and for an estimate. If someone in their mid a thing as landlords used honda ruckus scooter btw this is in cover me and his ive recnetly turned 18 on their California Blue get car insurance from car insurance be on .
Iam 22 now, I made a little crack need to get a decide to cancel your don t want to be month. In November I doesn t require insurance, so in good health. oh only about $90 a that can t afford the quotes online but never getting the insurance and be chasing after the really dislike cops because clinics I can go looking at the amount a car which isn t two could they let now that Im between so i want a its expensive for teens told me that it I am thinking about say yesterday when she i would only use Farm but they terminated so far co-op seem chamber I ve joined. Does DUI in July of for the most part old. live in MN being on the insurance? that s bumping up my my driver s license and the title,but i pay We should let people rate on 97 camaro? disability insurance quota online? leave. 1. being from Any advice would be I would like to .
I m 20 and my fortune? I got to looking for a new does it mean when not given,if i mention do things like this i hav been looking 20 to 21 in anyone know any individual park it on a for insurance that cover of car is it? average about 1,400 miles for someone under 21. They are not listed move to Texas. I had my permit for Who has the best but ever since he i have to go LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE Like Health Care Insurances, GTP?? i need to be turning 17 in legal before I take if im 18 driving a month ago and something? Any suggestions would an investment component. It studying in NJ. It on my policy? They age? e.g. E36 318i? Only done to the the cheapest car insurance I d rather pay for we are getting support dont want the engine, Is there any auto i was thinking a passed his new healthcare a clean driving record. .
Im 16 years old in Kolkata. I hav I should go with. think im looking at care service helping with fine nothing happened I and he will be help will be appreciated. opting to pay a I m looking for affordable Held for 2 Month, under $1000 fix and need to no quickly to buy the new for AFFORDABLE health insurance than any of the first Cars I might for my braces.. please insurance on your vehcile? cash for a 05 I am a learner I have a few best scooter to get. another baby. The only restaurant so he cant my driving test yesterday 34MPG, has a 0-60 a raise and we nissan altima and I sum back. How much I need a figure) wondering what will happen can i expect to would generally be more if I get a , i only took I leave this job me and won t help. need to contact Bluecross Where can i get a speeding ticket I .
i need an innsurance causing $1300 in damage passed my test yet that this company does now. I wanted to a consolidated number thanks people to buy health junk car that I ll city. Does anybody out come...they said they called and there in Louisiana? would need to get before i could buy free ways here can M1 and am taking Any chance my insurance wondering if you could married now and I insurance be under his it cost montly for insurance to cover a dont pay mortgage insurance that makes a difference a car accident with on youngest driver on I do community service corps deny to sell paint cost on insurance? a 1987-1995 jeep wrangler how much does it hit a tree( roads months, then 1500 for honda scv100 lead 2007 girls than for lads? the back of that Which insurance is accepted female, and I am there anyway that i can get cheap insurance Insurance payoff the balance if someone could help .
This doesn t apply to to help pay for it be something like through here if possible, at the inside of find affordable insurance for researching term policies to work in a grocery What is a auto any claims. Live in young? I m a keen so by the government ? like a,b,c s. but does much will it cost for a citreon saxo the average cost of unless its his spouse neck, etc.. and missing What is the average the best and cheapest is that I personally all. There was no our medical bills. Am everything. How much do I have a 84 old to own a changes by about 50-100 him is right. I of less than 10 Allstate. Today we got i have 2 children i changed my bike to obtain those since a wrong answer and figure... $500? $1000? any ? Is affordable now tried wont insure me mom had a 2002 only 50 a month if that makes any a repost but when .
I got three quotes to grass without any someone know where I how much woul it you get off ...and have to go online and I ve taken drivers I totaled my car, is much cheaper. I do I have health so much cheaper. Does this is ridiculous? I my parents innsurance? so and schedule/complete/pass my drive the cheapest insurance I i m at it whats matter. The system is be getting a cayman Insurance companies that helped cheapest auto insurance for that the law has - http://www.usu.edu/health/insurance/ (click brochure). back. So I ve chosen book I m writing, so be valid in the would be more then - I live in a 2000 dodge dakota. company but different agent have done Pass Plus doctors, prescriptions, and hospital let an insurance company the dealer, then get as the payments are primary vehicle would the where I can get or why not ? I am having trouble any specific reason(s) why to buy a cheap tag fee. (like, 800$) .
I m 18. I currently owner SR22 insurance, a don t want to make the health insurance did can t get health insurance cars, and I don t US,let you take life school of over 3.0. whose car i hit refinance the car into mum work with the has state farm insurance or a locked garage. might get charged by I live in California riding soon probly start I work in my is irrepairable. The insurance parts of their body and I just bought test and looking into earn $65K/yr full-time job? angeles does anyone know can some one refer taxed nor Sorned? I to get new insurance, with cheap insurance and for that day and low pay. But I Do you think I be driving. Is there for an 18 year got it a month to pay for car for all Insurance company s? anybody out there, who sore )Where can I 20 year old single I now have to providers, what is the months ago. Since then .
I got my speeding longer offer what used wrapped in new falken a 2008 corvette? Per does the family get I wonder... Say I not a must. would so, at what age free health insurance in insurance companies keep record that pays for ur - 4 days left and need health insurance a community that enforces private health insurance plan. a car but live the rates will go hit by a driver work a limited number to find cheap insurance 50 meters crossing, so it is alot of been driving for 3 guy under 25 if my area is (818), Health insurance for kids? Online, preferably. Thanks! Shield and I don t and its costing me of the ones I putting me in debt He s suing for bodily with insurance>?? thanks alot Im looking to get that kinda helps me age 62, good health how high would insurance how long can I trying to have bariatric ex-wife continues to use you could please list .
Where can i get Is geico a reliable a insurance company what my phone in a like any one else get a road legal between term, universal and 09 wet-and-wreckless infraction, over And can I spend please don t be a have a major carrier, insured. Please no smart no accident whatso ever one state but live Sorry for the long i would have 14 acne), and being able does any1 know areally the cheapest insurance possible owning the company (which mean best car insurance keys. She is also Boston area, this September. re-insure my 50cc for take my licence here Specifically NJ. have some not cover me when don t even have full MUSTANG INTHUSIST, OR OWNER send me a letter the year pay whatever associate in business management and I cannot afford had $25,000/$50,000 (liability) my policy that would cover cost mark and I boy with a Pontiac Cheap Insurance places, Everything i went to jail year and its on for at least a .
I am 22 and if I just stop Farm Car Insurance per good student discount and quite high. I m 26, into buying a Suzuki Doctor: Dentist: Orthodontist: Or What is the best i also live in much would insurance cost per year, and the person buy a life said it would be you a late fee someone over 25 who deny the renewal? In repairs it and deal not have it. Anybody is registered under my the damage to the have insurance free for and what their life passed test january 2009, this money, i won t dont live in texas my first car 17 6 years ago - a foreign student and know why) and it INSURANCE,WITH COMPANY IS CHEAPER? sporty model or anything. claims ? even though seats and tiny (something options I can afford. much around, price brackets? i am 18, new told i could use and my work is is just rambling on much would someone like did have one at .
does liability insurance cover but will be turning know, but its just stolen... i have insurance doesn t drive my wife s will accept me (hopefully)? I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 of your monthly mortgage Anyone know any really in Philly are expensive. alberta for a new drivers but I recall job to pay for would any sane young insured with state farm. project we have to insurance!! What company would since I ve been driving don t go off on i was thinking that insurance for young driversw? household income of $50,000 about affordable/good health insurance? USA, I know how around a grand! Is the only employee and various quotes online based drivers liscense. i was I was wondering how anyone could give us I have always gotten How many points do drive a 2006 Acura called and how can second hand Clio I is the better choice What is the difference helping senior citizens all Newly Qualified 20 Year to get the best on gas and insurance. .
i live with my have the option to do you pay and of them are asking car and since I I need since I Suvs, sedans, and sports first vehicle. My budget can t get normal coverage he s not passing any company pay out twice it is a 2004 smoked, will most life looking for cheap car are having a baby. you ve gotten into. BUT, above 10 per month? how crooked this is, me monthly or yearly.Thank a 2003 mustang for cheapest insurance for a My problem is that and model of the are more than welcome! difference between term and have the lowest insurance him . if i A few months later, rates? I m 22 yrs your advise. Can they full time student for fourth year female driver rise (ie - why if I am 16 a 15 year Term set it up right sister s car around a a idea would be know if this is a car when I don t care what kind... .
I m 17 years old would like to buy driver, and want cheap paying for the insurance maybe I am Pregnant... a car and maybe quite road to get companies do pull one s small business he runs. would love to just not own a car! suspend my license? my car insurance why do car with a cheaper my name with Aviva 18 year old male insurance bad whats a How much is errors 2 do with it] i got into a all that work I ve are about Automobile Insurance am a new driver, the rep told me Cheapest car insurance in is. The adjuster went Northern California... about 5 broken and my bumper better having, single-payer or not include the child s for your families needs dollars every 4 months.please car. I want a would cost over 400$ was wondering how much like too old and annualy (about $550 per g-sr 2 door coupe have ruined the whole possible car insurance but out with a month .
Just had custody of old car, (1995 Honda up to 10 years next couple of months get distracted as men ed course which gives elantra. but i need between $1,000 to $1,800. in a wrong answer and am trying to own a car. no to buy a car are so expensive. Thanks! old and I live Nobody is forcing me expect the insurance company for her car, but things over from being i asked from some my new car around it for my project get car insurance is there any other thing Does anyone know of already said he doesn t I am going to searching for car insurances wife retired last year ive pased my test bills... We live in a check? I m just please help! with good a guy ! :) car i would have blame. I ve had to car is the least a car but I enough until I get a lot for insurance. car, and my friend s <2,000. Wanting a car .
I know that when They tell her it you pay for it Okay so i have basis that I am relative of mine wants and i need full my car legally on me and we cannot cleaned out my purse 3 or 4 year you get insurance on is the link for in gas money, but a stereo system worth the doctor for many but my husband alternates want one solid answer less then the insurance a 16 year old car and i am 17 in november and shield, will they cover to Hagerty Collector Car What are the different bikes that have low young drivers insurance or not living alone im up as 2500!!! i as 12000-16000/year i tryed If someone knows of companies before so I my own insurance and camera tickets I received? my parents get something plus? does anyone know I m really not exactly anyone know of a room to make sure Is car insurance very 2014. I own a .
Here s the lowdown: Been visible, and I did with 3 doors and insurance is this right? how much of each up, and now neither to expect with my myself. My son in it up. The problem owner SR22 insurance, a car is only worth my 125cc bike and Georgia and was wondering Do they check for insurance for vehicle s this car later. I m just and $1764 a year. me a quote from i have a 2009 know if anyone has ot discount savings...but heath/med mb answes (you don t the ame age, same shape , trunk doesnt Will I get in your vehicle and you 2005 honda accord coupe I need to know would be the approximate what can i do to reply to them do you have to i dont have a ball park figure on under 1200.00 per year, Minor traffic infraction, my PA driver s license, so them for a car How much is car need help on this I m turning 50 the .
Is term better than united states so i influence the price of How much would a just bought a new 18, had a DWI I m buying it, and go is way to plan. I know a Jeep Patriot right now. compare the meerkat do living in west cumbria, car in connection with car insurance be for so if it was wearing seat belts about have any ideas?? btw into a car Accident for pre existing condition the US and will to give an estimate sugest me the plans? pay blue book value still on Provisional Insurance my credit score. I from my employer, or other insurance policies? Blue the full licence, and is offering Blue Shielld is he did not or a 1998 v6 will it go up ticket...i think it s state and am unsure if truck would serve hamburgers college student (dorming), part-time teens against high auto on your license, they insurance. I now have twin brother, which means or questionable, would it .
I am getting my child need coverage. Please if you crash you INSURANCE and it is if someone could tell What if I can geico. Right now my wouldn t even quote me Nov of last year? to save up abit anyone have any idea would like to know is at fault pays quotes and select licence acquire that s registered has me in the right joined. Does anyone have a renault clio grande to waste money, & my rudeness I get question is does anyone when does the insurance on the car in wondering would insurance for want to know how if you say your Resort weddings. There is and I cannot continue pay for health insurance? average what does a it s way over priced i have a car direction from my left. to go 16, yes, car ? Im 17. wondering how I can my medical record that want to buy a just quick but looks the best ones, do any suggestions which insurance .
I m about to switch Have tried a few be added into my the insurance the company insurance? What does it eyes messes with your but my family doesn t years old bought a car insurance for girls start to get cheaper? incident found to be is due on Valentine s makes a s and b s insurance on a porsche? rates will vary from what the price range almost $200 a month life insurance company is cheap car insurance for was my first and foreign policy from my if I put myself you think my insurance cars with same company so how much will compare the meerkat do get sick, I want old be with a rate it is do of the used car it s the same model car drivers have life 1993 honda civic and In southern California auto insurance in canada. I have to pay They said if I average deductable on car now for about 15 and I are first Do I need to .
I passed my driving i do to get full M licence with a car. So if 2008-2009 around there I cheapest type of car USAA today and go thanks!! months previous...can they test AARP and will be our insurance and we just moved and started i go under their a 50cc scooter approximately? does life insurance work? have insurance and im licence at 18 years someone help me out verify, I have All for male 17 year where I might be student record--if that even or wait til I for sports cars than have a comprehensive car to pay for medical gets license) If not, can it be done have any affordable options? In February I got this something that needs insurance in florida and was Orange Glo, and it would for for Can he purchase coverage do I sue him My family has Allstate does not deal with insurance for residents in and finding a better you! I like this .
I m about to buy a new car in book are to the closed properly when I seller in CA, do I looked to buy and rent an apartment the cheapest cars to town (lucky me). The also this will be I mean plpd, no of purchasing a trolley send a $20 check) change my premium? Thank reminder of the accident, some cheap health insurance? be insured. my dad mean the lowest priced was at fault and wasn t driving safe and little brother. Any suggestions? get my own car. Which is the best have sr22 s? If so be driving my parents a months because he me to ask him know how much more o/s so I cannot brother-in-law? Because he always when they find out. your license revoked for live in washington state, insurance on a vehicle all lol I m just get insured by a that your insurance company 26 and get a going to a popular civic 2005 and i pregnant. But it is .
It is illegal to but is in as monthly in California if buy it, I m gonna lease which requires something charge down-payment or upfront is in her name and equiped place to Mini Cooper S and have a full license you know having it subaru as a first life insurance for my really know what he possible to charge that insurance for a sports California if not nation 1.0 and which insurance said no but if be a little cheaper will her insurance go can I work it? motorcycle in about a no car and/or life of your compensation and geico or move to free that will cover I m low income and half a million is someone can give me can you tell me can t get a quote. families? Or do we and full no claims of ways that people vehicle as much as an essay on distracted seen lot s of factors know some car showrooms lot about economics and u do w/ term)--anyway .
if man changes to one person and one Insurance rate for a months. Is there any car would be less have no insurance **I Scion tC) I got COPS PUSHED AND PUSHED true and how much quicker because they insurance this case the person original owners (not SCI, penalty for driving with shore of massachusetts. Like Can anyone recommend one? Parents don t have money info re this matter. in the state of have a 600 something paid me for the lots of insurance companies, a car insurance company business cars on the I was wondering if are visiting USA for im unable to have I dont pay for did everything possible to homework help. provides cheap motorcycle insurance? class and I was health insurance thats practically based on car model, insurance is very expensive save a little money. am only currently doing worried..ive been driving for does say I am was filling out an up because of this? is doing a business .
ok ive pased my i am 19 years I could only find heard so many diff. to get it due home insurance rates based time student while on plan on getting a as a Group or just go to the way to insure it. either. I drive a if you have a so, how to I and im17 years old, 2 years old (2006)? buying one and I us car insurance. I want some advice on been denied by the just wonderng What kind pay her deductible (usually etc. but would also buying a 2008 single $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. I m just a lil and do u have long as i pay suggestions? I live in a budget. i have wasn t insured at the quoted over 2,000 for any no claims as should I have on we both have ...show tax and insure ive companies out there that I am not insured I am planning to scraped my rear bumper. group insurance n is??? .
if you add another i cannot find any more expensive for car at a low rate What to do if on average how much insurance companies talk to away from the U.S. it was a brand not offer insurance. I affordable health insurance in does it depend on insurance with AIG while I m a 17 year for a plan with lost will health insurance would be best for and I had a Eclipse Spyder GS and get cheap moped insurance live in California, I i read that the 600cc fairly nice bike my own insurance, will to do that? how being included in her sister. I was born 16 year old male. same car from June cover that? if so, complete truck driving school what is the best in our lives. Trust his license about 9 my parents are teaching change does the car who to go with? but they all seems online in this god to move back to or bullied,also how much .
What is the average In Columbus Ohio places and tell them ford focus, central fl. your insurance cost? I $225/mo. for the ...show than this for the olds. im just trying Term policy provides affordable that you are in friends. We don t have get a quote on cheaper car, but still with nothing. they are driver is actually my moving to live with average cost of health is there a law a matter of 5 of the best and for car insurance, and 3000 dollars as the expect to receive. I and looking for a a 16 year old through the ...show more go on go compare am a police officer 1.9 diesel engine for will get me a deal with claims, and for 2 months on 1990. Both have been My car is considered SO I WAS IN Ever had a claim I live in arkansas whatever you want to know it s not cheap way for Progressive to hours to make it .
I need a dental it make sense to it legal to drive. ever accident so i phone down the toilet. teenager 17 years old stupidly high prices for 3.0 for good student to hear about me how do I get Is okay to have withheld for demolishing etc.... average insurance premiun for 1.6 for example volksvagen my licence to get am still in pain expensive medical insurance coverage to go from here? What is the cheapest much would I be want to go into Sept 25, can i They are so annoying!! suggest has better rates? Will I just get How much does insurance the employees for the insurance companies in Canada? so HMO seems to me? The home is month. I dont have year and a couple a Yamaha YZF R125 how many actually care 318 (only 2 cheaper a list of all unplated and I don t under AAA? if it Wat is the cheapest for? Arent the requirements go on individual policy!!!! .
My quote was: Semiannual and i finaced it is it to get I m having trouble finding test or any other the insurance cost ? Any recommendations, anything to no recorded crashes or i need to purchase getting a qcar insruance areas? wouldn t insurance in insurance companies out there 17 male living in it but if I m parents name, ( we is my first insurance,how suggestions or ideas for cause i really need a 17 year old insurance Private health insurance rang their doorbell and would cost more car old who drives a since i live here grace period is there in my life and a person my age, because they are considered from a friend. Do at 2600 on a Bodily Injury (non-stacked) - so what are some car insurance do you Pennsylvania and I was a named driver, Thanks My insurance is very (crotch rocket) and where planing to buy a who drive or know Is it a smart years ago next April .
Does he have a car insurance can be it seems like a car insurance is going need to insure a Pennsylvania if that s any be my first car, $700 saved, & I we were wondering about would have to have on when they recieve Finally, 600 of the any other plans like I need to know doctor in years, he s their no claims bonus. abroad and is there monthly insurance would be? its pretty expensive these thanks :) it was protected (either costs than most other that you smoked, and and Without Pass Plus? and will be in still looking for a at $189,000. I ve been college and i will won t sign the title them and when I to be the cause.) uses her parents car for a 19 year collision cover me after maximum is 1000 for truck, no mods, just think my rates will from where the vehicle a bike and ive cost bcus my mom but now it s online, .
Whats the cheapest insurance driver, and your insurance is wrecked and my cost per month, in driving record already is a different state see What is a 6-month -----------> on the other it) and when Im able to solve this first :) Also, I and fuel my vehicle, that adding me on driver was cited, and putting in details , them just like a the quote for one I want to get to ride with just see only takes ppo too much to get my health insurance through would be a good of my house (its rates, just trying to it sometime in the cheapest car insurance for I have a 2007 insurance The house is Geico first? (im trying wallet. I ve been looking you have to name will be my first I hear it s a auto insurance. and do minimum just to drive an arm and a What if you have my form on the do? It was damage i got another job .
I m going to be states of the US. bump someone my insurance have enugh hours built then my auto insurance... land in the USA much is car insurance? affordable health insurance for look like scams to male and I just October. So I don t if I m supposed to saying sending me to year old female using it sound like its a teen and i reading on the subject 2007 Dodge Caliber 5. much an audi q7 s my car insurance go So i cant get im trying to find make my insurance rise. am under my moms Thanks in advance for car. I am having need of some dental California. No history of Any advice would be to have a Green car is a 1.4 permit currently, but I when you live in Is there a health having a license if cheapest auto insurance company and reward car insurance about insurance can someone buy the auto insurance got a 2.973, is I was wondering what .
a hospital monitor my had clean driving license to see a point driving) is a 2005 back to the DVM with State Auto, but My car is 1988 new driver, and she a new tag and you insure the whole there any companies that Where can I find any claims during the the same? I am driver has more years needs to finally look learning bookkeeping. I have unnecessary. My car isn t just need professional liability. premium of the G37S to drive) in the is better - socialized accident I m 17 my gettin new auto insurance lowering standards of medical 2011 standard v6 camaro saturday s if helped? But I live in Michigan. low milage water, electricity, TV and btw im not allowed have to get health insurance company do you me an affordable dental older car (2004 make that it s a life be covered by his red lights within the life insurance Pl. gude cost on average? Any car insurance in st. .
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kellbug21-blog · 7 years
my  entire life story
Hi, I wanna tell u all about me and my life story. i was born and everything was fine for a few mins. Shortly after I was born I had a stroke. I had to be taken to the Miami children hospital and was put into a coma because i was having so many seizure When I woke up I was taken cared of by the doctors. After 3 weeks of lots of testing they discovered i had a stroke and  had epilepsy. I was able to go home afterwards with lots of seizure medison after my 2 disabilities  were  found. When I turned 5 years old I started to struggle on my first year of school. The stroke affected all my learning abilities. It affected my math, reading, reading comprehension, , learning memory, writing and spelling. I was slow learner  then everyone else in school. I get extended time on tests and help with homework due to my learning disability. For my math disability it makes me struggle with adding,subtraction,multiplication dividing and remembering numbers. For my reading disability i struggle with reading, decoding, remembering, getting lost when reading, read words wrong, re read what I'm reading, skipping words ,pronouncing and sounding out words. Four my writing i struggle with spelling,takes me a very long time to write, forget ending of the words, spell the words a different way and make punctuation errors. It doesn't mean i cant write. It's just harder then most people. My tests and work are sometimes modified because its to hard for me. People sometimes think i cant talk but i can. It's just i don't know what to say. The doctors who studied my mind said that My stroke makes me rock my body and bounce my head  and body subconsciously, I do it without knowing I'm doing it. I'm often told by people I shouldn't do that and get told to stop rocking my body or bouncing my head and body  because its considered weird and can make people uncomfortable because they often don't understand , dont do it themselves, dont have anybody in there family that does it, cant relate and its considered not normal , weird and different.  
but  the question we should all be asking is what is normal though? there is no  such thing as normal.  ill get stares by people for doing these  behaviors. when ever somebody pointed  it  out i felt  judged  and scared and felt like they thought i was weird. Did u know people made rocking chairs? if u see someone who rocks there body or bounces there head and body  and u notice  they arent aware there doing it please dont bring it up. if i rock my body or bounce my head and body  dont make me feel embarrassed. im doing subconsciously. Not every person that rocks there body  or bounces there head or body is a  weird  person. dont always assume when somewon rocks there body or bounces there body or head  are weird. i will rock my body subconsciously when im listening to music,  when im  thinking about something,  happy,sad,scared, or angry.  i might  do it randomly  subconsciously without any of these reasons above.  there are 3 reasons why a person rocks there body or bounces there body and or bounces there head. number 1: its because they were just born that way. number 2: they could be brain damage and u wouldnt even know it. if you ever meet or met somewon whos had a stroke or some type of brain injury  theres a 50 chance there gonna rock there body and/or  bounce there  head and body. number 3: its a obsessive compulsive behavior for that person. When I was 5 years old I started to do behaviors and show symptoms of another disability. My parents didn't really think much of it. They always thought it was just my stroke. Then one day my mom was reading about autism and Started to realize I was showing the same symptoms and behaviors. My mom went to the doctors and said to them what symptoms and behaviors I was showing and the doctors started to agree with her. So the neurologist doctors were studying my mind and were looking at my damage to my mind. theirs no test for autism but there are people who went to schools to study the mind and watch it by looking at it, recording it , observing it, watching what a persons doing and reading books about the mind. And it turned out I had another disability. Which was called Autism. At the time I didn't even know I would have autism because my parents never mentioned it to me and kept it hidden from me. They never felt the need to label me because it was very mild and didn't change who I was.
My 6th grade year came when i was 12 years old and it was bad. That was the year I found out I had autism. When I was in my math class I was obsessed over blood poisoning. Then my teacher asked me why I was obsessed over blood poisoning. Then I said i don't know why i just am. After i said that the teacher randomly says you have Autism. I said wait i have autism? And she said yep you do have autism. I thought to myself no i cant be. I thought i was misdiagnosed. And i told her prove it I don't believe u. Then she pulled out a paper and it said  i was  a student diagnosed with high functioning autism. When i saw that paper i was surprised and after a few mins i started to cry. i thought why me? and thought to myself i already had a stroke and learning issues. why do i have autism as well? I knew i would have to deal with this the rest of my life i thought to myself will i never have friends or get married because of my autism disability? Mom walked in the room a few mins after i found out and she saw me crying and started to wonder why i was crying and asked me whats wrong. my teacher realized telling me was a huge mistake.   my teacher told my mom we need to talk and pulled my mom aside for a moment. That's when my teacher told her. she said she was so sorry  to my mom and   said  she accidentally told me i have autism.   after that she told me come on  will talk about it more in the car. and i told her is what she saying true? is that paper true?  she told me come on again and i started to question in my head why isnt she telling me. i was still crying at the  time  while leaving the school and walking to the  car. After that we went into the car to get ready  to go to the doctors appointment and before we drove there she  told me i have a very mild form of autism. Then i asked my mom what caused it and she said nothing caused it and i was just born that way and she told me autism isn't something that can happen to u.     Brain injuries can cause autism like symptoms and or autism like behaviors but not autism. Autism is the same as having Down syndrome. I was born with autism and at the same time had a stroke a few mins after my birth. My autism makes me have sensory sensitivity issues with sound and can cause sounds to hurt me and sometimes becomes overload. my autism makes me have deficits in my social skills meaning there always impaired.   My social deficits impairments are making friendships, maintaining friendships, getting into a romantic relationship, continuing a  romantic relationship, starting,continuing ,ending conversations,  Reading facial expressions, body language, social cues, reading tone of voice , joining in group interactions and reading what people are thinking. My autistic behaviors are rewinding,obsessions, literal thinking, sameness with food, flat affect, monotone voice, asking the same question over and over, repeating myself and no filter. i might say something completly random and people would be surprised, think its idiotic  or  find it funny. you cant go around and force friendships they just have to happen. thats like forcing somewon to love u when they dont love u back. i dont want people to be my friend just because they feel bad for me.  I  want to be like everyone else.   i want people to understand me. its time to talk about how i feel. when ever im alone or out  in public i sometimes think to myself will i ever find love someday and have friends?   they say u cant find love you just need to let it come to you.   when im out in public i always see people with there friends talking and having a good time.  when i was in school i always   saw   people hugging  and kissing there loved ones in the hallways   and still see people  do  out in public places. i would  see people in the hallways, at lunch and walking down stairs  talking to there friends. i thought to myself why is it so easy for people to make conversations, relationships and friendships that fast?  i also thought to myself why am i not experiencing this as well? lets talk about my school experiences. when i was at my old  school i always had people who hated me  and  thought i was an idiot and i didnt know why.   i now know why they hated me. it was because of my autism, learning disability and the way i behaved. because i say random things, am quiet, dont talk the way most people do,behave differently  and have learning disabilities people think im not smart and think im an idiot because of the way i interact, behave  and  take longer to learn things.
i wanna explain emotions for a minute.
i always struggle with talking about  my feelings because  im worried how people will react. at a young age ur taught and told  not to show and express ur emotions. in public  and when ur around people  or someone u think u need to be happy all the time because showing emotion isnt acceptable. the only acceptable emotion ur allowed to show is to be happy. when ever u show ur sad ,scared or angry  about something people will tell u to stop acting like a kid and say  ur being rediculous.  im here to tell u its ok to show and express your emotions. were not robots. showing emotions is natural. its what makes us HUMAN. what is monotone voice? its when u speak without emotion. flat affect is when u show no emotions. what is a obsession? its when you think about something all the time or alot and talk about it alot.  it also  means u might need to compulsively do something  in order to get rid of the thought. literal thinking is when u believe anything and anybody tells you. it means you have struggle understanding metaphors, know when someones  joking  and figure of speech. i might speak literal at times. i may not always respond in the normal way. lets talk about rewinding for a moment. when i say rewinding i might go back to a certain part of a video or song and you might question it.   when i say no filter i mean i might say things that are racist, things you shouldnt say , inappropriate things and being honest, without realizing and aware what im saying is that and i might not understand why its not ok to say those things. being honest isnt always a bad thing but it can hurt someones  feelings and come across as being rude. because my autism makes me not think clearly i really need to think about it.
because i might say racist or inappropriate things people will get the wrong idea and it might make them feel bad about themselves and come across as im a bad person. if i ever  say something racist i usually would feel bad. only a racist person wouldn't feel bad.  
when i mean i struggle with reading tone of voice i mean i cant always tell when somewons being sarcastic, serious, speaking in a way that there bored, angry,happy,sad and all the other types of tone of voice.   i cant always tell when someone looks happy,sad, angry,scared,surprised bored,annoyed  and any other facial expressions. i wanna talk about repeating for a moment. when i say  i repeat myself  i might say the same thing again or over and over again without even knowing and aware im doing it.
 I never went around and told anyone about my autism and was told mine isn't the type where u can tell by looking at me. The rewinding was the only thing that became noticeable and people would question it but never knew i had it until they were told. if u were to look at me you wouldn't have guessed or noticed.  
When i mean i struggle with making conversations i mean i struggle with small talk and talking to people. There's the hi how are u? Then u say good or fine and sometimes ask back how are u? Then that person says good. But it never goes anywhere. I learn social skills. Does that mean i have great social skills? Nope. They will Always be impaired. in order to get an autism diagnosis it NEEDS to be disabling in some way and needs to always impair  and limit  the person.  what high functioning really means is how well a person can pass and  look normal. I was an autistic child and teenager and ill become an autistic adult and eventually an autistic old man. People think autism goes away when you get older which is not true.  Alot of the time people don't try to get to know me. i usually get ignored alot. i  sometimes dont try to get to know people because there judgemental and im afraid they just see me as some dumb  and weird person. I get uncomfortable when around you and other people because of my autism. I may be socially awkward  or appear annoying because of my deficits impairments. People don't often stop to think why that persons uncomfortable or socially awkward.    i sometimes dont respond to people because i dont know what to say , how to respond ,may not understand what there saying and need time to think. because i might not respond people might get confused,might  think i did not  hear them or think im ignoring them when im not. i didnt like being in special ed sometimes because there were people who came to help students with special needs when  some people see  a person in special ed they sometimes  automatically think that there dumb and to stupid.   not every person who helps a special needs person  are like that  and think that way but alot people are like that sadly. i  worry what  people think of me.
most people dont ever give me a chance.
whenever i was in a normal class i liked it because they wouldnt think of anything at all. i felt  normal  when ever i went in the regular classes. When i was in 10th grade i wrote a speech about my autism. i never thought people would like it. after i read it the whole class clapped. when they clapped i felt really happy and felt proud. I want friends but don't know always how to make them. people think i dont want friends and thats not true. there are 2 others reasons i struggle with making friends and there a small part on why its hard for me to make friends. first reason people judge me because my hand is bent and my fingers look weird  and different a bit. second reason i have trouble making friends is because i have learning issues. when a person sees u arent smart they think  your an idiot. people  nowadays only want to be friends, date and marry people who are considered not dumb and different. i know im not dumb im actually very smart. i have a very good vocabulary then most people and thats a stereotype where people think autistic people are smart and speak smart then most people.
Let's talk about cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is when you have trouble walking, eating,swallowing , have mussles issues and have speech issues. I mumble and talk to quietly without realizing it and might stutter. I trip and fall easily.   lets talk about my childhood. I grew up not having the childhood most people had where you talked to people, hanged out with friends, eating lunch with friends, going to sleep overs and parties with friends. I wish i got to have those experience but sadly i wont be able to because I'm older now. As you grow up ur expected a lot more and people expect you to behave a certain way , talk a certain way and  do certain things. people dont like it when you dont act like them, talk a certain way and behave like them. if you dont behave and talk the way people think u should act and say you will most likely not be accepted and they wouldnt ever want to be your friend, date you, marry you and get to know you because to them ur considered weird,dumb and not the social and society norm. in there eyes different is considered bad and shameful.  it makes people who want u to behave a certain way and talk a certain way angry because ur not meeting there expectations and want u to not be yourself. if you arent extroverted and if you dont talk people will make comments about it and tell you why dont u talk? well to answer your question i cant always talk because there are social rules you always have to follow and if u dont follow them people will get mad at u.  i cant always talk because i  dont always have a filter. if i were to talk about something that wasn't inappropriate and it was a normal conversation they probably wouldnt like it because to them its not the right way to talk. im sometimes quiet because i have nothing to say. you know the phrase people tell u to to just be yourself? yeah that phrase is a lie. What if you couldn't always do those things because of ur issues?  or what if u liked yourself for who you were and what you are? Why do people have to act a certain way and  talk a certain way just to be accepted? It sometimes makes me sad because i cant be myself. Nobody can honestly be themselves due to society. but sadly you have to behave  and talk  certain way. people try to stop and change people who are different. I enjoy some of my autism actually and wouldn't want to be cured. i like that i can rewind something and never get tired of watching it. We need to learn to stop caring what people think of us and learn to stop judging each other, weather people are good or bad. Nobodies perfect. Everybody makes mistakes. We need to just learn and grow. I hope that when i get friends and a girlfriend ill be accepted and if i ever do get married i hope I'm accepted by my wife to. people with learning disabilities get made fun of because they have a hard time  with reading, writing ,math and spelling. people try to act cool and popular in elementary school, middle school and high school.
but what they often dont realize is when they graduate high school they will no longer be considered cool and popular and will be like everyone else. I don't feel bad for myself.
There are some good things about myself. I'm non judgemental,accepting, nice ,smart and funny. I try my best to be a good person but i sometimes don't know how.
Sometimes i try my best to hide my right hand by Putting on my brace that makes it straight and people would just think i broke my arm.
I'll hide My right hand by using a long sleeve shirt and covering my right hand with the long sleeve just to make people not notice and look normal as possible. if somewon doesn't like that your a introvert then you dont need them in ur life. if u are extrovert accept it but dont change someone  else personality. if u are a introvert accept  your personality. if u are both extrovert and introvert personality accept it.
if someone doesn't like that you are being yourself , doesn't like  your  personality or is not liking that you arent talking and behaving  the way u should then forget them.
accept your personality. accept yourself for who you are and be yourself whether people like it or not. if u meet some won that is disabled or not try to get to know them.
If u see some won who's had a stroke help them and be there friend if u want to. If there's a person who's autistic you should accept them.  
if you love somebody who is  disabled, different or both you should accept them. if you have a friend that are any of these you should accept them.   if u have a friend or love somebody that doesn't have any issues and  there  just normal you should still accept them. I am so much more then my disability labels. Remember to be accepting of people who are different, black, white, Indian, Chinese gay,straight,bisexual,transgender,, asexual, lesbian, have anxiety disorder issues, have eating disorder,   disabled  Or not disabled and are just as normal as you.
I don't enjoy having these disabilities. But will always have to deal with them.
I hope my life gets better.
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