#and as I said in those other tags: this kind of use for AI is something I can still tolerate
sharky857 · 7 months
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Been browsing my own tags and stumbled again across this this ask.
It turns out that, in fact, it exists an entire AI-upscaled version of the entire series, complete with English subs. 👀👀👀
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blaacknoir · 24 days
Hi, you recently reblogged a post about how Nanowrimo is not disallowing or disavowing AI because doing so is classist and ablist and in your tags suggested that you consider this "yikes."
Honestly, it kind of hurt my feelings as a person with a disability who occasionally uses AI as a disability aid. Let me explain.
I use AI frequently for word recall. I have ADHD- a lot of people do. Many people with ADHD, including myself, struggle with word recall. It can be extremely bad, but how bad it is day to day is variable, and not all people with ADHD struggle with this to the same degree. When my word recall is really bad, NLP's (Natural Language Processors) are practically tailor-made to find that exact word I need. As an example, I used AI to remind me just now about the term "Natural Language Processor," which, along with the term "machine learning," is frankly just a better description than AI for these tools. But I will continue using the term AI for convenience.
The fact that people do not imagine this sort of use in conjunction with AI IS a form of ablism. They immediately assume all use is infringing. If they actually talked to people with disabilities (who do use AI), they would discover these other uses, and perhaps the conversation could be elevated to a more constructive state instead of trying to make everyone who uses a tool feel "yikes" for using it. Many of us are extremely conscientious and well informed of the issues involved.
Consider that if someone has said something is ablist (or classist or any other -ist,) they just might have a point and that you should try to discover what that point is before assuming that it's fake. Don't take everything at face value, but don't dismiss it out of hand either. Listen to people who have differing opinions and try to get the nuances of the conversation.
When people think about AI being used in conjunction with writing and visual art, they only consider the egregious uses - which makes sense, as that is how AI is advertised; as a magic technology that solves ALL problems. But those egregious uses are not the only use of these tools. AI does not have to be a magic wand that replaces the creative process of an artist. I have given one example of such a use above, but I could list many more.
If your "yikes" is in regard to the ecological impact - I hope that the overzealous implementation of AI into everything takes the ecological facts into account and that is ammealorated, but please do not throw people with disabilities under the bus while trying to make buses less polluting.
//The only use of AI in this post was to help me remember the word Natural Language Processor - I know my tone is pretty formal and sometimes comes across as AI, but it's not.
Jeezly fucking crow, dude. It was a single-word comment. I hope you sent this to literally everyone else who commented in a similar manner.
I use AI frequently for word recall. I have ADHD- a lot of people do. Many people with ADHD, including myself, struggle with word recall. It can be extremely bad, but how bad it is day to day is variable, and not all people with ADHD struggle with this to the same degree. When my word recall is really bad, NLP's (Natural Language Processors) are practically tailor-made to find that exact word I need. As an example, I used AI to remind me just now about the term "Natural Language Processor," which, along with the term "machine learning," is frankly just a better description than AI for these tools. But I will continue using the term AI for convenience.
I also have ADHD. I also struggle with word recall. You know what I do? I google things. I use dictionary and thesaurus websites. I use OneLook, which suggests associated words, similar words, and similar concepts.
Not everyone who uses AI is stealing from artists, no, but it's well known that AI does scan people's art--almost always without their consent--to generate pieces. It's also been seen around places like AO3, scraping fics from unlocked accounts.
Personally, I dislike the implication that disabled (or poor--that's what "classist" means here) people are incapable of writing without an AI generating something for them. I've written 100k+ words on AO3, and all of them are mine. I've talked to friends, I've written parallel fics, I've rewritten my own stories, but those words are mine. I wrote them. A disabled person. To imply that I need AI to do that pisses me off.
And believe it or not, my primary dislike of AI isn't ableist or classsist or whatever. (I'm not even against all forms of AI! I understand that in some fields, analyitical AI is quite helpful--I've read that it's great at finding breast cancer, for example.) My primary beef with AI, especially generative AI like ChatGPT is the fact that:
It will just lie to you. It will just make up things. There are people who have used it in court cases (it didn't work), and there are people using it to write books--everything from cookbooks to mushroom identification guides. (Guess what amateurs need expert help with when they're starting out? You know, so they don't die?) It's also happened with animal care guides. AI doesn't need to be used in a generative context at all.
There is also a massive environmental impact that I rarely, if ever, see talked about.
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Keep Moving Forwards, Part 35
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Azriel x Reader Fic
Summary: After finally deciding to leave your abusive and manipulative mate for good, you find unexpected companionship with Azriel, the Shadowsinger of the Night Court. As you navigate the aftermath of your traumatic relationship, you struggle to understand where the mating bond went wrong and contemplate your path forward, vowing never to return to the past.
Find other parts here: Master List
To follow this fic, follow tag "Keep Moving Forwards Fic" or comment to be tagged in future parts.
Content Warning: This story contains depictions of extreme emotional manipulation and abuse, detailed descriptions of direct physical abuse, and scenes of men hunting women with implied sexual assault. Please read at your own risk.
Word Count: 7.2K - This definitely could have been split into multiple parts but I started foaming at the mouth and have no self control.
Author's Note: This is a multi-part series. Unlike my previous works, this fanfiction delves deeper than just fluff, exploring complex emotional landscapes. As I navigate this new writing journey, I kindly ask for gentle feedback. The topics addressed are profoundly impactful, touching many lives with diverse experiences. Please be gentle with yourselves and others. Healing is a journey, and everyone processes it differently. Be kind to yourself. Take what resonates, and leave what doesn’t.
Please continue reading, being aware of the above content warnings, ensuring you are in a healthy headspace. Give yourself time to process and be gentle with yourself.
Additional Note: You may have noticed that I’ve replaced all the images in previous parts with GIFs or photos linked to their original sources. A friend was helping me with the original images and I later found out they were primarily using AI-generated content. To support independent artistry, I’ve decided to remove those images and replace them with original works that include links to the sources. This decision aims to combat the negative impact AI can have on artists and creators. I apologize for the earlier oversight and will ensure to uphold artistic integrity going forward.
Three days. Three days in the House of Wind with just Azriel. The thought was exhilarating and a little terrifying, as you pondered the possibilities of what those days might hold. Azriel did have his personal home in Velaris, the Town House, but since your return, he had essentially relocated his life to the House of Wind to be near you. Now, you had three days of isolation with him, or so you thought.
Nesta paced about your room, her bare feet whispering against the plush blue carpet. You sat cross-legged on the bed, clutching a pillow in your lap as you watched her braided hair slowly unravel and the tension radiating from her every step. 
“Why did I do that? That was so stupid,” she muttered, her eyes flicking anxiously around the room.
“Nesta, you have to tell him,” you said softly, your voice steady but gentle.
“I could have waited longer, and now I’ve put myself in this situation,” she groaned, rubbing her temples as she sank into the chair in the corner, her fingers tracing erratic circles on her skin.
“How long did you think you could hold off?” you asked, knowing the answer was not much longer.
“Longer than this! Longer than this weekend.” She huffed, her fingers now digging into her scalp.
“Do you really not want to go?” you asked, watching as she chewed her lower lip, avoiding your gaze.
“I don’t know,” she mumbled, her eyes darting to the floor.
You leaned back against the headboard, drawing your knees up. “You know, it’s probably going to be a little strange, given you asked to stay at the cabin and now you’re the one backing out.”
Nesta sighed. “I can’t back out now,” she said, her voice wavering, as if she were trying to convince herself more than you.
“You could always figure out a reason not to go,” you suggested, half-heartedly. 
She peered up, her brows raised slightly as though the idea were preposterous. “Like what?”
You hesitated, knowing you shouldn’t encourage her reluctance, but the desperation in her eyes made you ignore your better judgment. “You could say you don’t feel well.”
Nesta scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. “Yeah, like that won’t raise more questions.”
“Or you could say you just don’t want to go. That you’re not feeling up to it,” you offered, rolling your eyes slightly.
She leaned forward, burying her face in her hands, rubbing them up and down as a groan escaped her. “I can’t back out,” she finally sighed, leaning back again, “I need to just get it out there. I can’t hide from it if he’s standing right in front of me.”
“To be fair, he’s been standing in front of you for the last week, and you’ve been avoiding it,” you pointed out, your tone light but with a hint of sarcasm.
Nesta’s glare could have melted stone, her eyes sharp and venomous. “That’s different,” she snapped, before her hand unconsciously moved to rest on her womb, a tender touch to the life growing inside her. She turned to gaze out the tall windows overlooking Velaris, her eyes like reflecting pools of fear, guilt, and perhaps hope.
You observed her quietly, noting the new radiance pregnancy seemed to give her. Despite her worries, her skin glowed with a renewed vitality, her eyes, though filled with uncertainty, shone brighter, and her hair had gained a lustrous fullness. It was remarkable how quickly pregnancy transformed her. Your thoughts drifted to your own mother, wondering if she too had experienced that early glow, if she had known about her pregnancy at four months, or if you had been a secret she kept even from herself for as long as she could.
You tried to pull yourself from that daydream, reminding yourself that your mother was more a figment of your imagination than a memory. It felt childish to pretend she was anything more. “Nesta,” you began gently, “I can’t say I know exactly how you’re feeling.” Her eyes flicked to you, her finger tracing her lips absently. “And I won’t say everything’s going to be okay because, well, we both know that’s a promise I can’t keep.” Nesta’s delicate finger paused on her lower lip, her other hand pressing gently on her stomach as you continued, “But carrying all this stress alone,” you gestured to her, “it’s not good for you or the babe.”
Nesta’s eyes hardened, her throat bobbing as she swallowed. “Cassian wouldn’t want you to go through this by yourself,” you added softly.
Her gray eyes, clouded with grief, locked onto yours. You could see the inner struggle, the battle between her fear and the need to share her burden. Silver began to line her eyes, the tears she fought to hold back shimmering like tiny stars.
“It’s okay to be scared,” you whispered, leaning forward from the headboard. “It’s okay to worry about the worst and try to prepare for it.” As a single tear escaped down her flushed cheek, you added, “But it’s also okay to feel joy about this. To celebrate. This is a big deal, Nesta—this is amazing.”
She sniffled, her attempts to brush away the tears only making them fall faster. You offered a reassuring smile. “Enjoy these moments with Cassian. He’d want to share this with you.”
Nesta nodded, her tears now flowing freely despite her efforts to contain them. She sniffed, her smile watery but genuine. “What about you? Plan for this weekend?” she asked, clearly eager to shift the focus. ”
You looked down, rubbing your hands over your thighs, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks. “Not sure what you mean,” you muttered.
A crooked smile tugged at Nesta’s lips. “Three days alone with Azriel,” she reminded you, her voice laced with teasing.
You nodded, still fighting the blush spreading across your face and, perhaps, a few other places.
“No big plans?” she pressed.
You shook your head, “Nope. Nothing formal.”
“How’s everything going with Azriel?” she inquired, her tone growing more earnest.
You glanced up at her. “You mean with me and Azriel?”
She nodded, her gaze intent.
“It’s good. Things are good,” you said, your voice trailing off as you tried to keep your composure.
Nesta let a silence settle between you, her smile turning knowing, almost cheeky.
“What?” you asked, finally meeting her gaze.
Nesta shook her head, crossing one leg over the other casually. “Just seems like you two are enjoying each other's company a lot.”
“Yeah,” you admitted. “We do like spending time together.”
“A lot of time,” she added, her eyes twinkling.
You glanced at her, your cheeks burning. “We get along.”
Nesta’s catlike eyes gleamed with amusement. “You know, I’ve never seen Azriel look at anyone the way he looks at you.”
You didn’t respond, but her words struck a chord, making your heart race.
“It’s like he can sense when you’re about to enter the room and drops everything just to see you first,” she continued.
You shrugged, trying to deflect. “Isn’t that part of his job? To be observant?”
“Sure, but he doesn’t get that goofy smile for just anyone,” she teased.
You knew the smile she meant—the half grin Azriel couldn’t seem to suppress. You wanted to dismiss it as Nesta reading too much into things, but deep down, you couldn’t ignore that Azriel had confessed his feelings to you. Feelings he said he hadn’t even realized he had until you came along.
“So?” Nesta prompted, her voice light yet probing.
“So what?”
“So things are going very well then?” she asked, her question thinly veiled as a statement.
“Yes,” you admitted. “Things are going well.”
“And things…” she raised her eyebrows suggestively, “down south?”
Your eyes widened in shock.
“Oh come on,” she groaned, her hands slapping her thighs in exasperation. “You read as many of those smut books as I do. Give a girl some details.”
You laughed lightly, embarrassed but amused by her persistence.
“You know the boys have a joke about wingspan being related to… other sizes?” she said, wiggling her eyebrows.
You looked down at your hands, “No, I didn’t.”
“Mhm, and Azriel always goes oddly quiet when they bring it up.”
You giggled, making Nesta’s grin widen. “So… it’s good?” she pressed.
You shook your head, still laughing. “I wouldn’t know.”
Nesta’s face fell slightly, confusion clouding her features. “Wait, you mean you haven’t-?”
You shook your head, meeting her gaze. “We haven’t. Not yet.”
“But he’s been in your bed for months!” she exclaimed, a note of desperation in her voice.
You shrugged, feeling a mix of awkwardness and honesty. “We just,” you paused, “We haven’t gotten there yet.” And now pink rose to your cheeks for a different reason. 
Nesta broke her gaze, her own face flushing with embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-”
You cut her off gently, “No, it’s okay. I mean, it’s not like I haven’t thought about it.”
Her interest sparked again, though she still looked cautious. “Have you two talked about it at all?”
You pulled the pillow closer to your lap, your fingers nervously tracing nonexistent frays. “Not really.”
You’d shared more of your past with Nesta than with anyone else, down to the painful details you tried to bury. Her voice, gentle and filled with concern, asked, “Are you ready for that?”
You kept your eyes fixed on the pillow. “I don’t know.”
“You don’t have to tell me anything you’re not comfortable with,” she began, her tone careful, “but I guess I just want to know if you’ve been intimate like that with anyone other than… him.”
A shudder ran through you at the thought of the 'him' she referred to, memories of past pain and harsh touches flooding back. “No,” you replied softly. “Not fully.”
Nesta nodded, understanding. “Do you think you’d want to try?”
You considered her question. Your body responded intensely to Azriel, your stomach fluttering at the thought of him, and his touch sent electric shocks through you. Physically, you were more than ready for something beyond mild petting. But those memories were powerful, and they had interfered before. They had with Kai, where attempts at intimacy had often triggered terrible flashbacks, forcing you to stop. Now, knowing that moments of vulnerability could open a line to Caelum, you worried if you could ever enjoy intimacy without the fear of what might slip through the bond. You looked up at Nesta, your voice trembling slightly, “I don’t want to go my entire life without being close to someone like that.”
Nesta gave you a gentle smile. “I think we both know that Azriel would understand.”
You returned a tight-lipped smile. You wanted to believe he would understand, that maybe he would even forgo that aspect if you asked. But then you thought of his skin against yours, the longing you felt for him, and the dream of a life you wanted, one that included closeness and a future you couldn’t have if you couldn’t be that intimate.
Nesta’s voice softened, almost a whisper. “I know it’s a little hypocritical, but,” she met your eyes, “just talk to him.”
She smiled softly, and you found yourself smiling back. You chucked the pillow across the room at her. She laughed, a bright sound that echoed through the room, and you laughed too. It felt good to laugh like that, to share a moment of joy with her, a moment that just felt normal. 
Nesta made good on her word, and when the morning finally came for her and Cassian to set off, she did so with a determined gleam in her eyes. When she hugged you goodbye, she lingered a bit longer than usual. You couldn’t tell if the prolonged embrace was for her or you, or perhaps for both—a silent recognition of a weekend that might have you both coming back changed.
As for Azriel, he missed the departure, having been called to the River House by Rhysand early that morning. He’d roused you slightly as he pressed a kiss to your temple, urging you to go back to sleep, promising he’d return before Nesta and Cassian left. Apparently, that hadn’t been the case. You didn’t know when he’d come back, but as you wandered through the hall, hands mildly dirty from prepping the rooftop garden for overwintering, you paused by the library, rocking back on your heel as you saw the outline of wings.
Peeking through the entrance, you found Azriel at the writing desk, his hand pressed to his temple, his leg bouncing under the table. His boot squeaked softly on the floor as shadows curled around his feet like restless cats.
“Hey,” you chirped cheerfully, stepping into the room.
Azriel started slightly at your voice, turning to you with a surprised smile. “Oh, hey!” he replied, that goofy grin lighting up his face.
You walked over, wiping your hands on the small towel you'd brought with you before tucking it into your back pocket. “Where have you been?” you asked, leaning your hips against the desk, your body angled towards him.
Azriel’s hazel eyes, sparkling with mischief, met yours. “Got caught up with Rhys,” he said, leaning back in the chair, his hands interlocking behind his head, causing his biceps to flex slightly.
“Everything okay?” you asked, arching a brow, noticing the way his eyes seemed to brighten at the sight of you.
He cleared his throat, his posture relaxed yet commanding. “Yeah, yeah, fine.” But his tone betrayed a hint of uncertainty.
Deciding to trust that, like Nesta with Cassian, Azriel knew what he was doing, you chose not to pry into matters beyond your reach. Instead, you nodded, and his eyes flicked to your hands.
“You’ve been busy,” he noted, gesturing towards your fingers.
You glanced down, seeing dirt still peppered under your nails. You began to dig them out, a sheepish smile crossing your face. “Oh, yeah. Elain had me prepping the soil for overwintering, but I might have gotten a bit carried away.”
Azriel chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “I don’t know how you manage it, but it seems like every time you walk away from me, you come back covered in grime.”
Feigning offense, you scoffed, “Okay, well, every time you leave, you come back smelling like actual shit and death.”
“I’m talking about leaving you alone for five minutes, and you come back like that,” Azriel countered, his grin widening.
You shrugged, a playful glint in your eyes. “What can I say? I like dirt.”
“Dirty girl,” he purred, his tone taking on a teasing edge.
Heat crept up your cheeks as you looked away, biting your lower lip to suppress a smile. “Gross,” you replied, though a laugh slipped through.
Azriel’s laugh was a low rumble as he stretched back in his chair, his wings flaring slightly. His black shirt rode up, revealing the tantalizing V-lines that disappeared beneath his waistband, along with a glimpse of his defined abs. You tried to keep your gaze on his face, but your eyes betrayed you, flicking down for just a moment.
As he straightened, catching the way you looked at him, Azriel’s smirk deepened. “Enjoying the view?”
You rolled your eyes, fighting the blush threatening to deepen. “Don’t flatter yourself, Shadowsinger.”
His chuckle was warm, and his eyes sparkled with teasing affection as he leaned closer, his voice dropping to a soft, intimate murmur. “I think I already did.”
You rolled your eyes as you pushed off the desk, catching Azriel’s eyes trailing your hips as you walked away. It seemed he might have been entertaining thoughts of potential weekend activities himself. Letting yourself flop backward over the couch, you landed with a thud on your back, legs dangling lazily over the backrest. “Plans for the rest of the day?” you asked, casually picking at the dirt caked under your nails.
“Actually,” he replied, “I was wondering if you might be willing to do something for me.”
Your ears perked up just as you pulled a piece of your nail off completely, hissing slightly as a small bead of blood welled up in the tiny wound. “What is it?” you inquired, pressing your thumb to the spot.
“I have to meet someone from the Summer Court this afternoon.” Your heart sank a little, imagining Azriel’s weekend filling up with more responsibilities. “But I was supposed to pick up something from a shop in the city. If I drop you off, would you mind getting it? I can swing by and pick you up on my way back.”
You flipped your legs over the back of the couch, peering up over the crest of the sofa to meet Azriel’s eye. “Sure,” you agreed, though your voice lacked enthusiasm.
Azriel’s face relaxed, and the tension that had coiled around him when you walked in seemed to dissipate. “That would be fantastic, thank you.”
You smiled lightly, “Just let me clean up first,” you said, scooting off the couch.
“Thank the gods,” Azriel replied with mock relief. “I was worried I’d have to carry you down there smelling like dirt and sweat.”
As you walked out, you stuck your tongue out at him over your shoulder. He laughed, leaning back in his chair again, and you had to stop yourself from turning around to admire the view. 
“Careful, you might catch flies,” Azriel called after you, his tone teasing.
You snorted, waving him off as you headed to clean up.
When you finally finished getting dressed after your shower, you opened the door to find Azriel standing across the hall. You jumped slightly, hand flying to your racing heart. “Gods, Azriel! We need to get you a bell or something.”
Azriel smirked lightly. “Ready to go?” He seemed anxious, perhaps pressed for time, though he hadn’t exactly given you any.
“Now?” you asked, blinking in surprise.
Azriel glanced around in confusion. “Yes?”
“Oh, okay. That’s fine.” You opened the door wider as Azriel crossed the hallway, tossing you your jacket from the front entry hall.
It seemed he’d been waiting on you—how long, you had no idea. He threw open the balcony doors, letting the cool air rush in, a sharp reminder that winter was on its way. Azriel smiled over his shoulder, extending a scarred hand to you. “You haven’t told me what I’m getting for you yet,” you noted, taking his hand. He scooped you up under your knees, cradling you close as his wings took a few powerful flaps, lifting off the marble floor. Your stomach flipped at the quick descent down the mountainside.
“I wrote the address down for you. Just give them my name,” he said, the wind biting at the tips of your ears.
You furrowed your brow. “You’re not going to tell me what I’m picking up?”
Azriel glanced down at you, his smile widening. “What? You don’t trust me?”
You gave him an incredulous look. “Not even a hint?”
“Okay,” he responded, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Just trust me on this one. It’s nothing bad.”
“I’m not collecting the head or fingers of your enemies?” you joked.
Azriel chuckled, the sound reverberating through his chest. “That would be an errand I’d want to handle myself.”
“So it’s you who doesn’t trust me?” you countered playfully.
“I wouldn’t want to miss out on the fun,” he replied, smirking.
“You love that word today, don’t you?”
“When I look at you, it’s the first word that comes to mind,” you shot back, your face breaking into a smile.
Azriel landed gracefully on a deserted sidestreet. “I’ll be back in about an hour,” he said, pulling a piece of parchment from his pocket. “Here.” He handed it to you, leaning in to place a light kiss on your temple.
You opened the paper, squinting at his neat, thin handwriting. No name of the building, but you recognized the street. “So I can’t know what I’m picking up or where I’m going?” you asked, looking up at him.
He rolled his eyes. “I’m going to be late. Consider it a trust exercise. Do you know where it is?”
“Well, I don’t know what ‘it’ is, but I do know where it is,” you replied.
“One hour. I’ll meet you there.”
You watched as he shot back up into the sky, wondering why, if he was meeting you there, he dropped you off a good fifteen-minute walk from your destination. But again, trust. So instead of calling out to question him, you sighed and began your trek through the city, shaking your head with a bemused smile. 
Local shops were already setting out items for Winter Solstice gifts, the streets adorned with twinkling lights and festive decorations. Your heart ached a bit, reminded of how different your life had been just a year ago. For a moment, you wondered if you had moved on too quickly from everything that had happened. You shook the thought away; dwelling on others’ perceptions of your healing wouldn’t help. Or at least, that’s what you tried to remind yourself.
You knew the shortest route to this particular street cut through the city near the entry gate, but the memories there were too sharp to face today. So, you opted for a longer, winding path, adding about ten minutes to your walk. The detour gave you a moment to breathe, to let the festive atmosphere seep in without the weight of the past pressing down too hard.
When you finally reached the correct street, you followed the numbers until you stood in front of a small bakery. The sweet scents of fresh breads and pastries swirled out from under the door, mingling with the crisp winter air. You rechecked the address Azriel had given you. This was definitely the place. Stepping up to the front door, your mouth watered at the sight of cranberry tarts with their crystalline sugar gleaming in the window, boxes of dark chocolates overflowing with cream, ganache, and fruit, and cakes delicately frosted with winter themes of ice and snow.
The bell above the door chimed softly as you entered, the warm, cozy interior a sharp contrast to the chill outside. Your eyes adjusted to the dim, inviting light, and you noticed a few other patrons standing in front of the large glass counter, debating their purchases. You approached the rather plump, cheery-eyed male at the register.
“Hi,” you greeted as he smiled down at you. “I’m here to pick up something for Azriel.”
“Oh!” The male’s eyes lit up with recognition. He nodded and disappeared into the back of the bakery. You must have been in the right place. While you waited, you watched a female baker behind the counter delicately package pastel macarons into a cellophane box, her hands flying yet precise as she tied a pastel blue ribbon over the top.
The male reappeared, holding a small white box secured with red twine. He handed it over the counter with a broad smile. You thanked him, looking down at the box with curiosity, slightly disappointed that you couldn’t see its contents like the macarons on display.
Given that the sun was beginning to set, you figured you didn’t have much time left before Azriel would come to retrieve you. With the mystery box in hand, you crossed the street and sat on a bench, pulling your jacket tighter around you as you watched fae bustle by.
A few small children barreled down the street, chasing each other and giggling wildly. They stopped in front of the bakery, pressing their noses to the glass, their eyes wide with longing for the delectable treats inside. You watched as the female baker inside noticed their hungry faces. She smiled warmly at them, exchanged a few words with the male baker, and then disappeared into the backroom.
Moments later, she emerged with a white paper bag and stepped outside, beckoning the children closer. They approached cautiously, eyes alight with excitement. She handed them the bag, her smile radiant as she reminded them to share. 
The children eagerly took the bag from the baker, nearly ripping it as they peered inside. Their eyes lit up with delight as they distributed various cookies and candies among themselves. You smiled, remembering how, when you were young, the baker Henri used to give you scones that hadn’t sold the day before. A memory that once included your mother, now replaced by Titania. There was something comforting about these children, nearly a century later, still engaging in the same rituals. Adults continuing to offer sweets from the kindness of their hearts, expecting nothing in return but a smile and the hope that these children might someday pass on the same acts of kindness.
You heard footsteps crunching on the sidewalk next to you and looked up to see two large, winged shadows approaching. Azriel’s face was partially obscured by the late afternoon sun. He took a seat next to you, crossing his legs casually and draping his arms over the backrest of the bench, one foot jostling slightly.
“Hey,” you greeted, moving the box to the other side of you.
“Hi,” he replied, his warm smile melting away the chill in your bones.
“All set?” you asked. He nodded. “How did it go?”
His face conveyed a sort of nonchalance, his mouth twitching slightly downward but not quite frowning. “Fine,” was all he said, shrugging. “How was your little errand?” He cocked an eyebrow, glancing at the white box.
You handed him the box, feeling its light weight in your hands. “Fine, I think.”
Azriel took the box from you, untying the twine and turning slightly away to examine the contents. You strained to see over his shoulder, but one large wing blocked your view.
“If all you wanted were pastries, why be so secretive?” you scoffed, amused, as he replaced the lid and turned back to you with a cheeky grin.
He rolled his eyes. “Can’t a male have a little fun?”
You huffed, your eyes scanning his face. There was something about his presence you couldn’t quite place. The look of hesitation behind his eyes, the continuous bouncing foot, and the odd secrecy made you think Azriel might be nervous about something. But what, you couldn’t quite figure out.
“Ready to go?” he asked quickly, standing and adjusting his jacket. You watched him, taking the hand he extended to you, agreeing quietly while complaining slightly about the cold. He just called you a crybaby in response.
The two of you walked through the streets, searching for a quieter sidestreet where Azriel could fully stretch his wings for takeoff. When you finally found one, he picked you up gracefully, asking you to hold the pastry box, which you obliged. The entire flight home, you debated just opening the lid for a peek inside.
As you landed back on the marble balcony, Azriel gently placed you on your feet. You adjusted your top, smoothing the fabric with a quick tug, while he reached for the double doors and swung them open, reclaiming the white pastry box from you. The warm glow of the fire beckoned from within, its gentle crackling drawing you closer. You shrugged off your jacket, tossing it casually onto the bed as you entered the room.
“Thanks,” Azriel’s voice followed you. “For doing this for me.”
You gave a nonchalant shrug, flopping down onto the plush bed, your arms stretching upwards as you tried to ease the ache in your muscles. “No worries.” You expected Azriel to make a swift exit, eager to tackle the next task on his agenda, but he lingered. Standing near the double doors, his eyes stayed on you, a quiet intensity in his gaze.
Lifting your head off the bed, you noticed his prolonged stare. Feeling a bit self-conscious, you asked hesitantly, “Everything okay?”
Azriel snapped out of his reverie, his scarred finger tracing the twine of the pastry box absentmindedly. “Yeah, it’s fine,” he replied shortly, a touch of awkwardness in his voice. “Dinner?”
At his offer, you sprang up from the bed with eagerness. “Yes! I’m starving,” you exclaimed, your voice edged with a playful whine.
Azriel’s lips twitched into a soft, fleeting smile, the sound of a light laugh escaping him. As he started towards the door, you stumbled over your own feet, trying to kick off your boots in a rush. You fell into him, face-first against his chest, his warm laughter rumbling through you and making your stomach flutter. “Careful,” he chuckled, steadying you with a gentle hand.
“Sorry,” you murmured, pushing back slightly, your hands pressing against the hard muscle of his chest. You glanced up, your chin hovering mere inches from where your fingers rested.
Azriel’s gaze softened, his other hand still clutching the pastry box. With a slight nod, he led you out of the bedroom and down the hallway towards the kitchen. Normally, you and Nesta or Azriel would eat casually around the kitchen island, but tonight was different. Azriel walked past the kitchen doors, his pace quickening with a hint of excitement.
You paused in front of the kitchen, a confused look crossing your face. “Aren’t we eating?” you asked, glancing towards the familiar island.
Without stopping or turning back, Azriel urged, “Come on,” his tone carrying a trace of anticipation.
Puzzled but intrigued, you followed him, your stomach rumbling in sync with your growing curiosity. As you trailed behind him through the sunken living room and past the cozy library, you realized he was leading you towards the grand dining room. A room you had only seen used for formal family dinners hosted by Nesta.
Azriel reached the doorway, his imposing wings nearly filling the large frame. Turning to face you, his smile broadened, a spark of mischief in his eyes.
You couldn’t help but smile back, still trying to decipher his peculiar behavior. Azriel pushed open the door, stepping aside with a radiant, cheeky grin that made your heart skip a beat.
As you stepped through the doorway, Azriel trailing behind, your breath caught in your throat. In the center of the grand dining room, which typically housed a vast, imposing table fit for large gatherings and entertaining, stood a much smaller, more intimate table, set elegantly for two.
The table was adorned with an elegant lace tablecloth, its intricate patterns catching the flicker of candlelight. Candles were placed strategically around the room, their soft, golden glow dancing off the walls. The centerpiece was a lush arrangement of flowers, the key flowers being purple hyacinths—your favorites.
Your eyes were immediately drawn to the exquisite spread laid out on the table, a feast of your favorite dishes, each more mouthwatering than the last. Golden roast chicken, perfectly seasoned with a medley of colorful, caramelized vegetables, parsnips, and baby potatoes crisping in the tray. A bowl next to it held bright, emerald-green steamed asparagus drizzled with a cream sauce, a favorite that Titania used to make for you as a child, you had recently learned. Sautéed mushrooms and wild rice pilaf made your mouth water, and a few freshly baked rolls, still warm from the oven, rested in a basket lined with a blue towel. 
You stood there, momentarily stunned by the sheer meticulous effort placed on each part of the room and table. You couldn’t conceive of any other food on the table that wasn’t one of your favorites, as though someone had crawled into your mind, into your childhood, and handpicked out the moments you held with reverie. Azriel came to stand next to a chair, pulling it out slightly as you approached.
“Az, this is—” you stammered. “How did you—?”
Azriel merely chuckled as you took your seat, sliding it in behind you, then crossing around, pouring a sparkling purple wine into a crystal-clear glass and passing it to you.
“This is,” the words couldn’t even come to your mouth as you took the glass, staring down at the food in front of you. “This is insane.”
Azriel poured himself a glass, swirling it lightly as he gazed across at you, his eyes twinkling with amusement as you tried to get your mouth to close from awe. He took a light sip from the cup, the first taste hitting his palate as his face scrunched up, eyebrows drawing together and then widening in surprise before narrowing into discomfort. He peered into the glass, mildly confused, and then slowly processed the unexpected saccharine assault on his taste buds, followed by a sharp exhale through his nose. “This is so sweet,” he said, shoulders and wings rising in an involuntary shudder.
You looked down into your own glass, the sweet aroma of blackberries filling your nostrils as you took a tentative sip. You were greeted with an intense burst of blackberry flavor, as if a handful of the plumpest berries had been freshly crushed, the taste rich and succulent with small hints of dark chocolate and vanilla coating your throat. You almost moaned in sensual delight. Your eyes shut as you melted into your chair. You finally managed to moan out, “This is delicious.”
Your eyes fluttered open to see Azriel swirling the wine in his glass, peering into it with his mouth pulled up in a sneer as though a fly had landed in it. “Oh come on,” you said, taking another sip.
Azriel’s eyes flicked back to you, his sneer growing more exaggerated. “You actually like this stuff?”
“What about it don’t you like?” you asked, your tone slightly accusatory.
“It tastes like pure sugar,” he responded flatly.
“No, it doesn’t! It tastes like blackberries.”
“Blackberries that have been coated in sugar.” He glanced into it again, “There’s probably one blackberry for three cups of sugar.”
You rolled your eyes, leaning back against your chair as you took another delectable sip, eyes shutting again as you felt the warmth of the wine trickle down your throat. You hadn’t had this kind of wine since—
Your eyes shot back open as Azriel tried another sip, the same reaction flying from him. “How did you know I liked blackberry wine?”
Azriel seemed to pause in stillness as he gulped down his drink. “Lucky guess?” he offered.
You shook your head, leaning forward. “You were spying on me,” you said, eyes narrowing.
Azriel’s own eyes went hollow as he considered the best way out of this situation. “I wasn’t intending to.”
You laughed lightly, “So your shadows just followed me around on their own accord?”
At that, you felt the cool breeze around your ankle as one shadow skirted past you. “To be fair,” Azriel offered, “they are fond of you.”
Your gaze turned into a glare as Azriel tried to dig himself out. He placed his glass on the table, leaning his elbows onto it, eyes lined with sincerity. “Look, it was right after you left, and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“So how long were you watching me?” you asked, slightly more forcefully.
Azriel’s palms faced upward. “Only until it seemed you and Kai were getting more serious.” He paused. You scanned his face for any sign of deception but found none. Only pure sincerity. “Once you seemed like you had someone to rely on, I stopped.”
You leaned back, calming yourself again. In truth, you weren’t too upset that it seemed Azriel had been pining after you much longer than you had thought. Not to mention that knowing there was someone watching over you who wasn’t your mate allowed you to breathe a bit of a sigh of relief. You picked up the glass, swirling it so the sweet wine scent hit your nose again, breathing it in deeply.
“So you’ve seen me drunk?” you asked, taking another sip, eyes heavy as you cocked a brow at Azriel.
Azriel chewed his lower lip, trying to contain a slight smile playing at his lips. “Perhaps,” he offered back.
You quickly tried to sift through your memories, wondering about the things you had said or done that might now cause some embarrassment. “You’re giggly when you’re drunk,” Azriel remarked, a playful glint in his eye.
You set your glass down on the table, leaning forward as he carved a piece of chicken for you, placing it on your plate. The warm juices from the pan flowed onto the dish, tantalizing your senses. “And what are you like?” you inquired, arching a brow.
Azriel let out a breathy laugh as he served himself. You grabbed the tongs, dishing asparagus onto both your plates. “I haven’t gotten drunk in a long time.”
You handed over the tray to him as he passed you the rolls. “How long is a long time?”
Azriel pondered for a moment, setting the pan back down on the table. “Half a century?” he responded, sounding like he was questioning his own memory.
You picked up your fork, eyeing him with a smirk. “Sometimes I forget you’re ancient,” you quipped, taking a bite of the chicken. The savory sauce melted in your mouth, making you moan with delight.
Azriel rolled his eyes. “It stops being important once you turn one hundred.”
You opened your eyes again, taking another greedy bite. “That’s what someone who’s too old and boring to get drunk would say,” you teased.
“I got my days of heavy drinking out of the way before I took on one of the most important roles in the Night Court,” he countered, leaning back. “It’s not exactly a good look to be falling all over yourself in front of those in power.”
You scoffed, “Cassian seems to have no problem with it.” It’s true, Cassian seized every opportunity to get absolutely sloshed at formal events, often challenging other warriors to drinking contests.
“Let’s not use Cassian as our standard for formality,” Azriel replied with a chuckle. “But when I used to get drunk, I’m told I got rather chatty.”
You almost choked on your food. “Chatty?” you questioned, wide-eyed.
Azriel flicked his eyes at you from under his brows as he took a bite. “Is that surprising?”
You shrugged, chewing a bit more carefully this time. “Chatty with everyone? Or just the people you know?”
Azriel leaned back in the chair, his wings casually lounged behind him. “According to Rhys and Mor, everyone.”
The thought of Azriel being the life of the conversation somewhere in a bar in Velaris, chatting it up with strangers, almost made you laugh out loud. “I’m sure you were fun at parties,” you offered, swallowing down your bite with another glass of wine.
“I would say I still am,” he replied, a hint of mischief in his eyes.
“You think fun is brooding in the corner?”
“You’ve only ever seen me at Night Court events,” he countered.
“But you’re a party animal at the tavern?” Azriel rolled his eyes. “Maybe that’s why you don’t like sweet wines,” you teased, leaning over the table. “You’re too old to enjoy something so youthful. You’d rather have a dry glass of white wine or some liquor that burns like firestarter.”
Azriel scoffed at you. “Am I going to regret doing all this for you?” he joked back.
You smiled at him sweetly, looking back down at your plate. “No,” you replied, a touch quieter and sincere. “This is amazing. Thank you.”
Azriel’s face lit up slightly at your response. “I just thought you deserved a nice night,” he said.
You gestured to the table, “You really got all my favorites, even the ones I haven’t told you about or eaten in front of you.”
Azriel glanced toward the ceiling. “I’ll admit, the House did provide me with some insight on things you ask for late at night.”
You followed his gaze up, whispering in a hiss, “Those moments were supposed to be secret.”
Azriel laughed, “That and Titania helped fill me in on the rest.”
You ran your finger around the rim of your glass, heart and belly slowly filling with a feeling of deep adoration and joy. “This is really nice,” you finally whispered.
Azriel reached a scarred hand across the table to you, taking yours. “You deserve to enjoy the things you love,” he offered, his voice filled with quiet sincerity.
Azriel shared with you that, unlike what you might have considered, he actually prepared all the dishes himself. He prepped the meal early in the morning with the help of Nuala and Cerridwen at the River House and then took the hour he had misled you into going to the bakery to set everything up. He really had thought of everything.
As you settled back in your chair, the plate nearly licked clean, you let out a sigh of gratification. Azriel, who had indeed brought out some nasty liquor you refused to try despite his imploring, swirled his glass across from you. His eyes lit up suddenly as he jumped from the table. “I almost forgot!”
You straightened slightly as he brought out the white box from the bakery, setting it in front of you to open. You glanced up at him, smiling. “You made me get my own dessert?” you teased.
“Oh yeah, I’m so sorry,” he replied sarcastically. “How foolish of me to ask you to do one thing so I could do all of this for you.” He gestured around the room with a dramatic flourish.
You smiled back as you undid the twine, peeking in at two delicately crafted tarts. The rhubarb, lemon, and berry compote glistened up at you, the crust perfectly crisped. Your mouth fell open again as Azriel looked down at you, joy in his eyes. You peered back up at him, “These are the tarts that Elain made when I first came here,” you said, breathless.
Azriel shrugged, “Not the exact ones. But they’re as close as I could get to the real thing without cluing Elain in.” In fairness, Elain couldn’t keep a secret, and for something of this nature, which included romance and food, she would have spilled every detail the second Azriel told her.
You found your hand seeking Azriel’s as you marveled at the beautiful little desserts, eyes welling up with emotion. This entire dinner was a three-course journey through your life, from childhood to now, all prepared for you, all a reflection of who you were and the things you had experienced. You felt a tear start to fall, but Azriel caught it, tilting your head up to face him, his own eyes filled with a sincerity and care you don’t know if anyone had ever had for you before. “Thank you,” you whispered lightly.
Azriel leaned down, his lips meeting yours, the oils from the chicken mingling with the sweet wine on your own lips. While you could taste the fiery hint of his drink, you didn’t pull away, lost in the soft caress of his lips as his thumb drew a lazy line down your face, his other hand coming to cup the other side. The kiss held no intensity other than pure adoration, care, and unbridled joy. When he pulled back, Azriel smiled down at you again, and you giggled lightly when he reached into the box, pulling out one of the tarts with his hands and taking a crumbling bite from it.
“Hey!” you protested, laughing as he chewed. “That’s mine!”
Azriel shrugged, a teasing glint in his eyes. “Consider it a toll for the perfect evening.”
To my readers, I'm hot, bothered, and need to be put back into my enclosure. We about to get wild: @thatacotargirl @mcuamerica @lilah-asteria @florabelll @fightmedraco @marvelbros-oneshots @mariahoedt @quinzzelx @romantasyreader28 @minnieoo @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @annabethgranger123 @krowiathemythologynerd @scatteredstardustt @caroline-books @slytherintaco @sevikas-whore @sidthedollface2 @sleepylunarwolf @acourtofbatboydreams @quiettuba @julesofvolterra @skylarkalchemist @darling006 @loglady00 @caninnes
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skania · 4 months
OnK Chapter 149
I know it doesn’t mean much coming from me because I’m always complaining about Aka’s writing, but…
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And I mean it when I say that I expect nothing 😭 This was literally my first ever OnK-related reblog and its tags are more relevant than ever lmao
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These, too:
#honestly I didn’t think too hard about any of this during my first read #because the romantic endgame seems so obvious that it kind of discourages guessing lmao #but re-reading these chapters has made me appreciate Aqua’s side of his bond with Akane a lot more
Back when I first got into OnK, I mentioned that Akane was the entire reason I kept reading the manga. I didn’t care about the romantic subplot, found Aqua/Kana extremely obvious and predictable, and Aqua plain boring.
It’s only during my second read that I paid close attention to Akane’s interactions with Aqua and I ended up playing myself into both, caring about Aqua and shipping him with Akane lol
This chapter has made me realize that despite everything, I'm not emotionally invested in whether they end up together or not. I’d prefer it, obviously, because Aqua truly is at his most interesting whenever he’s around Akane, and their dynamic has the best development in the manga (so far).
But it’s just like I said before: If they don’t end up together, that’s just Aka’s loss, not mine. I’m just here for Akane 😂
And as an Akane fan, I feel like the best thing for me to do right now is to just take a step back and watch things unfold, because Aka will do whatever he wants regardless of how any of us interpret his manga lol
So instead of posting the long post I originally wrote about this chapter when the leaks came out, I'll just share a a clown gif because in hindsight it was silly of me to expect Kana out of all people to have any sort of meaningful insight into Aqua 🤡
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And a couple of things that caught my eye because I can't help myself:
Kana didn't even see Aqua and Akane have any sort of meaningful moment, just those two standing in each other's vicinity was enough to make her throw herself a pity party. How many more times is she going to pity herself and give up? How has Aka not tired of writing her this way? Where did her development from the Scandal arc go? 🤡
So Chapter 147 featured Kamiki thinking Ai doesn't love him and Kana thinking Aqua likes her. It even had a helpful "Cut 139: Misunderstanding" panel and everything. Will this mean something? Who knows!
Kana used guilt-trip! It was super effective!
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Oh the irony! Poor Akane looks like she's been hard at work convincing herself that she's over Aqua. And you know what? I cheer for her and respect her energy 100%. I'd rather see her doing her mightiest to help him without any ulterior motives than to have her crying for him and hoping to get back with him every other chapter lol
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Akane calling Kana out for her pity-party and for being cowardly was so cathartic that if I didn't already stan her, I'd have become a fan right now 😭 It also means that Aka is 100% aware of the way he writes Kana, so when will she finally be allowed to grow?
Kana's praise to Akane made me so sad though because yes, Akane is pretty and she's talented and she's kind. That's sweet of her to say. But that's not what made Akane someone special to Aqua: it was the way she understood him. The worst part is that Kana ends her praise by saying that Akane is a "goody-two-shoes" but... that's the opposite of how Akane views herself. She sees herself as someone who's not decent and not normal. So it's no wonder that while she gets flustered (it's her dear kana-chan praising her), she seems to get a bit sad/frustrated afterward. After all, for Akane it's probably the opposite. Men would prefer a decent, normal, bright girl like Kana - Aqua included.
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I wish someone would tell Akane that she is too ignorant of her own charms and that she doesn't have to act like an adult all the time. Truly the pot calling the kettle black! Sadly, unlike Kana, Akane seems to have no one in her corner in this manga. Aqua was the only one there and the poor guy is barely even a character anymore lol
Overprotective mother or controlling ex-girlfriend? Take your pick!
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The English translation left something pretty important out in these panels. Akane doesn't just say "if you have a girlfriend", she says "if you have a precious/important girlfriend". This distinction is very important because it goes to show that... as expected, Akane doesn't think she was an important girlfriend to Aqua. It's like she didn't count and Kana would be the real deal. Oh, Akane...
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Which takes me to her very silly, very convoluted yet very predictable plan (in true Aka fashion).
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When Akane thinks “I know exactly what you hate”, I imagine she means that Aqua hates hurting and endangering those he cares for. So I'm guessing Akane thinks that if she plays matchmaker and quite literally throws Kana at him, someone he has a soft spot, then Aqua won't be able to go through with his revenge because that would mean breaking Kana's very fragile heart.
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In other words, it looks like Akane is going to try and use Aqua's guilt-complex against him and her weapon of choice is love. But not her love, obviously, because as far as she's concerned, her romantic love already failed to save him.
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Granted, using Kana's romantic feelings to her advantage is kind of... well, wrong. To quote Akane herself, [Kana] is neither her pet nor her property, but a person. But I'm guessing that Akane may be falling victim to the same loophole she got caught in in Chapters 96 - 98. She thinks she knows what's best, so she's putting her own beliefs aside for the time being.
Kind of like Aqua, actually.
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And, ironically, it's Aqua himself who first realized how easy Kana is to use.
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So! All in all, I'm here for Mastermind!Akane but I hope that Aka will actually make it worth our while. Will Kana realize that she's about to be used as a chess piece in this Proxy War? Who knows, characters in this manga seem to walk in circles, only being allowed to grow when it fits the plot 😂
Last week we wondered whether Aka would subvert expectations or go the predictable route, and down the predictable route he went. His way of making it less predictable is by including a twist in the form of Akane's ulterior motives, but will this be enough to allow this ol' used trope to lead us someplace new? I guess we'll have to keep reading to find out, but given the quality of the writing lately, I'm not expecting much lol
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chaoskirin · 2 years
What AI Art is NOT
I keep seeing people refuting points from REAL ACTUAL ARTISTS using these talking points. So here’s a sort of FAQ of what I’ve seen.
Q: Isn’t AI Art is just a tool?
A: Tools include grids, perspective lines, rulers, apps like Sketch Up which place assets that are pre-designed and cannot be altered, et cetera. Tools are NOT: apps that draw the whole picture for you. If AI datasets were tools, then artists would also be tools. Artists aren’t tools. 
Q: AI Art isn’t stealing art. It’s just like a collage. 
A: I really want you to think about what a collage is versus the kind of art an AI dataset spits out. Are those things the same? Collages are derivative and generally fall under parody law, so long as the person creating them isn’t taking credit for the parts of the collage they didn’t photograph or draw. You cannot sell a collage of other peoples’ work without express written permission from those people. The elements of a collage are each separate and identifiable as such.
AI art is not a collage. The elements of an AI art piece are not separate and identifiable. They are combined into one single piece, where each piece cannot specifically be traced. AI art does not fit the definition of a derivative or parody work. 
Q: If someone puts their art on the internet, it’s fair game. 
A: Copyright law specifically disagrees with you on this point. 
Q: If it’s not a collage and one can’t see the pieces of the art, doesn’t that make it an original work, and therefore, it’s not theft? 
A: AI isn’t generating a new image. It’s taking pieces from many originals and “claiming” to make a new original piece. However, AI cannot generate these things without knowing what they are (IE skimming tags and allowing users to tell the AI what’s in the picture) Without the input of original artists, an AI would not be able to create anything, which is why most datasets include millions of pieces of art “scraped” (AKA stolen) from the internet. Currently, these pieces AI makes are being sold, and the owners of the datasets are charging for their use. This means that people who did not actually create the art are being paid, whereas the original artists are not. 
Q: AI art can’t replace real artists. You’re fearmongering. 
A: AI art has already replaced real artists. Shortly after Kim Jung Ji died, someone fed all his artwork into a dataset and “created” several new pieces that were almost identical to his style. Cosmopolitan magazine released a cover “drawn” by an AI and blatantly stated on the cover “and it only took 20 seconds to make.” A magazine article in The Atlantic used AI art to generate a photo of Alex Jones surrounded by papers. Someone submitted AI generated art to an art contest and won. Several anecdotal stories (not verified, but reliable) on Twitter state that small companies have fired their graphic designers or cut their work force. Commissioned artists have reported dropping sales numbers. 
Corporations (and most people) will ALWAYS favor a cheaper option. If it’s good enough, it’s usable. The Cosmo magazine cover and the article header image were TERRIBLE, and they still went to print. Everyone should know by now that corporations will ALWAYS screw people over when they’re able to. If AI art becomes acceptable and commonplace, in-house artists will be replaced. This isn’t theoretical. It is already happening. 
Q: It’s going to happen anyway. You can either embrace it or reject it. (Yes, this is real. Someone actually said this to me.) 
A: Yes... Exactly. I’m rejecting it. Without laws to protect artists, I will fight AI art whenever and wherever I can. It might be fun and convenient for you, a non-artist, but it is terrifying and heartbreaking for artists. Websites like Deviantart and Clip Studio Paint who said “well it’s going to happen anyway” should have been the first line of defense against the creep of AI art, but they failed. It can only take over if people let it. Stop letting it.
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Upcoming Event for the TCM fandom!
After the success of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Fanworks event back in December, this blog has been relaunched for a new upcoming event!
For one week in July, there will be a corresponding series of prompts and themes relating to disability and disabled characters in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1, 2, and the game. However, as long as disability is the primary focus of the piece, there is no requirement that these prompts must be followed.
By piece, this means that all kinds of fan content are accepted. Fics, art, writing, playlists, covers, edits, moodboards, and so on. Anything you can dream of. I simply ask that no AI generation is used in the process of the creation.
Then, when it’s time to post, participants just use the event hastags! #tcmfanevent AND #tcmdisabilityweek
Additionally, dark and disturbing content will be allowed due to the nature of canon, but with limitations. My harsh limitation is that no proship pairings be featured. This means absolutely no family x family or adult x minor ships. In the case of past trauma or references to unwanted events like these, I ask that the piece be tagged and adorned with warnings accordingly.
If a participant has any questions on limitations or otherwise, this blog is open for messaging and inbox submissions, as well as the moderators own blog @charleslee-valentine. I will answer from any of those places if questions arise.
Finally, I want to clarify that this event is neutral on disability. I am disabled myself and find joy in my life in different ways because of it. Please do not use this event as an opportunity to bash a disabled identity. This is a celebration of the canonically disabled characters in universe first and foremost, like Bubba, the Sawyer twins, and Franklin. Personal frustration, ableism, and difficulty are obviously allowed, and the content doesn’t have to be all sunshine and rainbows, as long as the line into intense and unresolved self-hatred isn’t crossed.
Again, if this leads to any questions, please just let me know.
Onto Prompts! The image below has a least for ease of saving, and there is also a text version down below.
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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Disability Pride Event Prompt List
Day 1- Alternate Communication
• Bubba Sawyer is nonverbal. What other ways might they speak with their family?
Day 2- Weird Lookin’
• Nubbins Sawyer stims and plays freely, but faces ableism. Feature his relationship to disability in this piece.
Day 3- ‘Nam Flashback
• Chop Top Sawyer has PTSD and head trauma. Explore his experience with disability.
Day 4- Gonna Be A Fun Trip
• Franklin Hardesty is a paraplegic wheelchair user. Highlight mobility aids for him.
Day 5- Victims
• Stretch, Sally, Franklin; How might TCM victims be disabled after their time with the Sawyers? Remember the Sawyers themselves may also be victims in the right context.
Day 6- Underestimated
• Times when a disabled character wasn’t taken seriously.
Day 7- Headcanon Disability
• Your favorite headcanon/interpretation for TCM character disabilities.
The reason this event is limited to TCM 1 (1974) and TCM part 2 (1986) and the 2023 game is for ease of moderation, since these are the only TCM media I, the event runner, am familiar with.
With that said, I hope you’re all as excited as I am for this event during disability pride month! See you July 1st-7th!! No sign-ups required! Just create and post if you’re interested!!
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romanarose · 1 year
Fic Recs
I'll admit I've been slacking. A lot. It was a high anxiety summer as you know, and I've finally been able to pretty much cut ties with an abusive friend who was causing a LOT of those anxiety and panic attacks. BUT I want to rec some of my fav writers and fav stories.
To keep the presure low on myself I am only linking ONE story per writer, whatever story that speaks to me. I do hope if you like the story you'll check out more from them!
Please remember to reblog their stories if you read them, and if you feel inclinded, leave a kind comment! Big comments are fantastic but even a short "Great story!" Means the world!
Dead Dove Do Not Eat and all dark fics will be in red. Might make a whole other dddne tag list on my dark blog on of these days lmfao
Moon Knight
Fractured Moon by @melodygatesauthor : DDDNE Yandere Moon boys x reader, non con, extreme violence but such good interpretations of the boys
Friendly Favors by @runa-falls best friend steven, friends with benefits??? friends to lovers??? yes plzzz
Rydal Keener
Oxford Comma by @whatthefishh : Collage AU, Rydall is cunty, serves cunt, and eats cunt. What can I say.
TLOU (Most of what I'm reading rn if im being honest)
Linger On by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin : Pre-outbreak!Joel, angst, yummy smut, ft. my boyfriend, Tommy (Angela said I can be Tommy's gf)
Caught by @toxicanonymity : Inspired Keep Cry'n, Joel catches you when you try to run, masterbates onto your face. part 2 has TOMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Maintainence Man series by @gracieispunk : Joel is a, well, Maintenace man in our building! He is married but that doesn't stop him from fucking you
Hungry Hearts @atinylittlepain : If ya'll know me, you know I love Bruce Springsteen. I have 2 fics named after springsteen songs, one joel one javi/santi/reader. I've fallen behind on the series but loved it enough to make fan art! terrible fan art but still! Pre-outbreak, takes place in two timelines- college age and then the 2000'. Joel has Sarah, reader is ellies mom which I think is fun.
Exit Wounds by @strang3lov3 : No fic masterlist so I tagged the main masterlist. Now listen. I love Tommy Y'all know I love tommy... but cheating on tommy? Im so sorry baby. But ur also an asshole lol. Had it coming.
Creep by @theywhowriteandknowthings : I- ugh just read it. darkish but nothing insane like the wrong way lmfao. pretty mild comparatively but use discression but THAT TWISTTTTTTTT
Only Daddy That'll Walk the Line by @millerscoffee Yellow istead of red bc its not like. dark but Joel's pretty mean
Not A Survialist Girl by @tightjeansjavi again yellow bc joel's a dick lol but THE DIRTY TALK?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Miguel O'Hara
Halo by @missdictatorme : Miguel O'Hara goes full Nathan Bateman and fucks his ai. Whore.
Only You Only Me by @astroboots : so im behind on this one too. What about it! Im terrible I know but like Hungry Hearts above I may be a slow reader but I didn't forget and also did stupid fan art of this great fic too. lol. Anyway plz read this, I cant give a great summary bc im only a few chapters in but if youre in the oscar fandon you know cici writes only bangers
No One But Me by @koshkamartell : You try to break things off with Joel and begin spending time with the hot librrian in Jackson. Joel does not like thi
Triple Frontier
Under Neon Lights by @campingwiththecharmings : sexy drunk sex with my baby boi, santi <3
Through the Scope by @ssuperficialspacecadett : Reader works for Benny and falls for frankie. Great relationships with all the boys, reader has sexual trauma so you knoooooooow i eat these fics up!!!! lovely to see all them be appriciated with special focus on FRANKIE my precious lol guy
Shared Breathes by @frenchiereading : DAD FRANKIE x teacher reader. Triple frontier may have forgotten Frankie has a baby (he deserved the money for her) BUT WE DID NOT!!!!!
The Story of Us by @pimosworld : You served in the military with the boys but they made a deal not to sleep with you. Years later after helping you escape abuse, one by one they begin to waver aka you fuck them all. FishBen as a bonus!!
Goddamn have I really only been reading TLOU XD lmfao makes sense bc thats mostly what Im writing. That and the Javier pena x reader x santi and then the will fic but im soooooooooo much of a TLOU whore rn its insane.
Im sure ill remeber some more amazing TF fics soon but for now here we are!
Gonna plug real quick my latest one shot tho bc it's a holiday and I can self promo if I want! Shana Tova, moon boys x non jewish!reader where the moon boys share a part of their jewish identity with you!
If you ever seen my like and not reblog know its just bc I forgot and im sorry. If you ever tagged me in a tag game and i never responded its bc I forgot and again IM SORRY
If I didnt tag anyone and you think i didt think your fic was worthy THATS NOT IT im simply overwhelmed with how much ive read and how this summer was and i just havnt organized it all. Im sorry!!
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grapecaseschoices · 5 months
OC in 15: Kendis Crawford-Louel
rules: share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
I was tagged by @deepinifhell and am woefully delayed in getting on this.
Tagging: @thedeadthree @thee-morrigan @nat-seal-well @nightingalesighs @laufire @lusavors @cypresswrites @thelittlestspider @mt07131 @roxaro @quaxorascal @tuomniia @andthatisnotfake @sunshineandviolets @sapphic-story [tagged fifteen peeps! i think! and as always no pressure!]
Most of the dialogue from old rp stuff repurposed for this meme, some from unposted stuff, and a few I made up for this. (As warning: some cussing)
1] However, strangeness of the situation proves that the metal gates aren’t fully down around the castle, because she bites out, bluntly, “No! No. I’m not okay.” Her breath hitches. “Don’t. D-don’t follow that up with another question. I thought we talked about this.”
By ‘we’ and ‘talked’, she meant the time she summarily shut down his last attempt to dig deeper. It should’ve been obvious by now that Kendis didn’t like accepting what they insisted on dishing out.
2] "Yook, Kenny, yook!"
"What'm I lookin' at, teeny tyke? --- Well, now. Look at that! Is that me? In fact, I know that's me. That's the second prettiest person in this entire art of prettiness. And is the one right next to me you? It's got to be 'cause that's definitely the prettiest person in this."
"You siwwy, Kenny. Boys not be pretty!"
"Am I? Well, if you're sayin' that's right then I'll consider it. But being silly doesn't mean I'm wrooooong~. Boys can be very pretty, kiddo. People can be whatever they wanna be so long as they're --- kind, yeah? And you're the kindest, prettiest, most talented teeny tyke, I've ever known. Oh, now you're laughin' at me, huh? Well, Ima show you 'bout that teeny brat."
3] "Who invented white allosexuals, like for real? Someone return this woman to sender."
4] "We're not even four days into a fucking New Year and this shit stain is stinkin' up the place."
5] "And I get that it's different things for different people. But I rather lose a place, than lose the people that matter with it."
6] "I know you've probs been lied to lately. But you're really not cute."
7] "He obvi picked bad pics on purpose, you Italian booger."
8] "I'm like Siri. Except better looking, smarter, much louder, and not an AI slave to a hegemonic hell-hole that stole the name of one of the best fruits. Like ever."
9] "Um, excuse you. I'm not reckless. What 'bout me screams the self sacrifice type?"
10] "Hey. Hey! Look at me! That's it ... slow breaths. I've got you. Do you -- you're okay, slowly ... Do you remember what I told you last week? Just nod. I've got you. I've got ya. You remember this? That's my pinky. We pinky promised -- the biggest and most bindable way to lock in a promise, yeah? And you may not know this about me, but I don't make promises that I can't see through. I said you're gonna be okay. And I mean that. I'm gonna make it happen, okay? I'll -- I'm here now and I'll be there at the end. Prommy, prommy, prommy, prommy, pro -- oh, a laugh, huh? Ha. That's what I like hearing. Leave the worryin' to me, dude."
11] "If this human version of a mutated ingrown armpit hair follicle don't get up off my face in the next 10, 9, 8, 7, …."
12] “Ow! Fudging snowcaps! That bitch hur –” They stopped mid-yelling but simply began complaining underneath their breath.
13] "I'm --," Kendis gestured sharply with their right hand as if orchestrating their feelings or encouraging Morgan to jump in. Not that they gave her much of a chance when they quickly added, "You know."
"You're?" Morgan smirked, "You know? I don't think I do."
"Yes. You do."
"Nah, nothing's ringing a bell."
"Well, that's probably all the brain damage you got from the last fight."
"Right. I remember that. The fight where I got stabbed instead of you."
Kendis' nostrils flare and their jaw clenches so tightly Morgan almost feels a sympathy twinge in her own teeth.
“Then why won’t you tell me you love me? Maybe a little reward so I can be brave?”
“‘Cause a face full of kisses wasn’t enough? Wow.”
“Sure,  it was nice but this is a big deal. I think I deserve a bigger reward.”
“Aren’t rewards for after you actually do the stuff?”
“You’re right. How about you say ‘I love you’ just because you do!”
“You look cute when you pout an’ you’re gonna be late.”
“Please, Kendis? We’ve been dating for a while now and … That is – Unless – You don’t.”
“I don’t what?”
“You know you are always avoiding it, saying how you feel about me, and you’ve never come close to saying the words .. and sometimes I’ve wondered … I’ve been very patient the last several months –”
“Then keep on with that.”
“Okay. Okay. Kendis. Do you love me?”
“Can we talk about this later? This ain’t as black an’ white as you’re making it look like.”
“But it is.  It is a very black and white question with a very black and white answer. Do you love me?”
“Austyn. Austyn? Stop that! What’re you doin’?  Don’t. You’re – fuckin’ –”
“These are the notes I wrote you. Look at them. Look how far they reach on your floor. Look!”
“You never even wrote it back. I kept saying it and writing it and you never gave anything back … B-because … because you don’t.”
“I never gave – We’re not doin’ this right now. Again. Why’re you doin’ this right now? We don’t even have the time to really get into -”
“What is there to get into?  It’s yes or no,  Kendis! If you say that, then it will be all settled.”
“Maybe stop cuttin’ me off an’ let me speak.”
“You cut me off first! And don’t you start raising your voice at me!”
“You started that shit first, yourself! What is with you?”
“Why are you acting like I am overreacting? I’m not! It isn’t wrong to want to know whether or not my best friend is in love with me. It isn’t wrong to know if you really see a future with us together or if you’ve been just tagging along because I’m one of the very few other out girls in school.”
“You called me your best friend.”
“You should know how I feel. You say I don’t give you nothin’ back but that’s a damn lie an’ you know it.”
“Then why don’t you say it? I say it all the time!”
“But are you really meanin’ it?”
“Uh - Wha – EXCUSE ME!?!!” 
“Are you? How can I say those words to someone that's not a sure thing? You talk a lot about a future that ain’t here but what you really got to say for the now.”
“Wow. Asshole.” 
“Takes one.”
“Fine. Don’t love me. I think it’s best if we take some space right now and reconsider our priorities.”
“Austyn. I didn’t mean – Austyn this is silly.”’
“Is it?”
“Why're we even doin’ this right now? What about the formal?” 
“Don’t call me unless I call you.”
“You know what? Fuck you.”
“Apparently not even in the next few months, asshole.”
Kendis narrowed her eyes but forced herself to take a deep breath, “You. Bumped into. Me!” Honestly, that was a generous and kind assessment. If Kendis had been human, she doubted she would’ve been able to stand with only a headache and a bad mood to show for it.
“Yeah, because you slowed down when you weren’t supposed to! I was keeping pace with you, speeding by the way, and then allva sudden –”
“I know you’re not blaming me for any of this, let alone your speeding, you Stranger Things reject.”
“Excuse me?”
Kendis felt that anger again – no, they could almost taste it. It was just wafting off the air from the shifter in front of them. It was churning up their stomach like sick, this anger that wasn’t their rage.
It was restless, like her’s was, but was also too hard, too cold.
Not right, not right. The warning blared in Kendis’ gut. Something was off and they needed to leave.
“Don’t!” They warned when the person reached out to grab at them, clearly making Kendis ready to skedaddle. The sharp yell struck out like a roll of thunder, loud and final enough to make this person hesitate, before Kendis’ voice dropped into a growl, “Don’t. Touch. Me.” [x]
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venomous-qwille · 1 year
Hi!!! Don’t know if you can answer my questions or not, cause they could be spoilers but I’m going to ask anyway and hope for the best!
1 - Are Soleil and Clip.exe the same animatronic? Like a yes or no is enough of an answer for me. I’m just a little confused with the recent art I found under the Ghost in the Machine tag.
2 - Given that Misuta has Sanii’s room ready for him including his clothes in there, does that mean that the only thing that didn’t arrive to the collector’s home was Sanii himself?
3 - This one is related to question 2 (although probably very stupid) if Sanii’s glasses and jacket are in his room does that mean that the animatronics have like multiple pairs of the same clothes or where they like send naked? (Again very stupid question, but my brain tends to focus on small details like this.)
4 - How many years as Sanii been missing?
5 - Fazbear Entertainment closed like 15 years ago in your AU (correct me if I got the number wrong), so what I would like to know is for how long as each DCA animatronic as been living with the collector? Like 10 years? 2 years? 6 months?
6 - Reader is fixing the original Sun/Moon but are they still two different AI’s or are they just Eclipse now?
7 - I believe that you said that Soleil, Fool, Clip.exe, Misuta, Sunspot, Nova and the original Sun/Moon are the main cast of Act 1, which makes 7 DCA animatronics. 8 if you include Sanii. What I would like to know is are you planning on introducing any more DCA animatronics in to GITM? Like how many?
8 - Are Soleil, Fool, Clip.exe, Sunspot or Nova like the original Sun/Moon, two AI’s in one body?
9 - And do the DCA animatronics in GITM wear the same clothes that they used to wear when they were with FazCo or did the collector buy them new ones? Does the collector like buy things for them? Like those books for Misuta. (Again with the stupid questions 🤦🏻‍♀️)
Sorry if some of this questions sound kind stupid, but my brain tends to focus on all sorts of details and strange things.
Hope you can answer my questions!!!
Hi!! I will try answer these as best I can! 1. Soleil and Clip are not the same animatronic! The art you saw was in relation to a drabble I wrote on discord- in which Clip.exe shapeshifts to look like Soleil. 2. Yep! Pretty much the only thing that didn't arrive was Sanii himself. 3. Some of the animatronics have multiple pairs of the same clothes- or multiple costumes, especially if they came directly from their plex, some don't, some prefer to wear human clothes, others don't. It really depends on what their personal situation was when they were 'acquired'. 4. Misuta has been at the house for about two years. Sanii has been missing for that length of time.
5. Sunspot has been with the collector for the longest time at about 11 years. Misuta the shortest at two years. I want to keep the rest a little vague as it's spoilery. There is a considerable gap between when Fazco shut down and when most of them were acquired.
6. This fic will feature Sun, Moon and Eclipse :)
7. Soleil, Fool, Clip.exe, Misuta, Sunspot are the main cast of act one. Ruin and Nova are added in act two. Beyond that there are other characters, but I'm not ready to share details on them yet!
8. Ah sorry, I can't answer this fully because of spoilers! Some of the animatronics are dual-ai, some of them were made separately. This will all be explained in fic.
9. Yes Harry does generally buy things for them if they ask. Some of them take advantage of this (some of them dont). e.g Sunspot and Sol do have many sets of clothes/other stuff that has been bought for them when they ask. Misuta and Fool have a preference for their old clothing (which luckily they have several sets of).
I hope that's helpful? ^^ Most of these questions will be answered explicitly in fic!
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stellaronhvnters · 7 months
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HERE IS A LIST OF OUR RULES & GUIDELINES . . . those who do not abide by our rules will not be able to join the network or will be banned permanently! please read these thoroughly before interacting 🎃
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i. no nsfw blogs, or encouragement of minors writing nsfw ( interacting with nsfw from minors. )
reminder that we are an ONLY SFW network, meaning no FULLY nsfw blogs, no minors writing/interacting with nsfw and people encouraging such. do not interact with us or apply for our network as you will be immediately rejected. every work under our tag should be sfw, suggestive themes are allowed as long as it doesn’t cross the line of suggestive content into nsfw.
ii. mdni blogs do not interact.
because the administration team is all minors, for our safety, comfort and security, mdni blogs are not allowed to interact with our network either. dnis go both ways, please respect this.
iii. minimum requirements before applying.
before applying, please make sure to have at least 1-2 sfw works published for a hoyoverse game!
make sure to reblog our debut post & follow this blog.
be at LEAST 13 years old!
iv. appropriate tagging / warnings is required.
putting warnings/tags for your content is necessary, as others could have triggers aligning with the themes of your content! members, please use #—stellaronhvnters. within the first 3 tags to make sure we can reblog your content accordingly. only members are allowed to use our tag! for fics, you can only use the tag if it exceeds 300 words 🎃
v. plagiarism, copying, usage of ai, etc is strictly prohibited.
we expect for the content you publish to be your own; copying from other content creators, using any kind of ai program for said content is breaking our rules.
vi. applications are open from the 6th to the 13th of every OTHER month & acceptances are released on the 14th.
👾 ✦ WHAT TO DO ONCE YOU’VE BEEN ACCEPTED? we post acceptances on the 14th of every month, a day after the closing of the applications!
i. please make sure to tag us somewhere in your blog!
ii. use our tag “ #—stellaronhvnters.” for your works!
iii. send us an ask for a link to our discord server !!
iv. inform admin yona 🎃 (@kvriealis) of url changes, hiatuses taken, or if you’d like to leave either the server / network.
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bagginshieldweek24 · 1 year
Bagginshield Week is fast approaching!
We’re less than a week away from the beginning of Bagginshield Week 2023, keep reading to find out everything you may need to know and remember!
All kinds of platonic, romantic and sexual relationships between Bilbo Baggins and Thorin Oakenshield are welcomed, included open relationships, so long as they are the focus. Likewise, all canons and headcanons are accepted!
All mediums are allowed, included mixed media, and there is no official minimum that your work must fill! Also, all ratings and warnings and such are accepted, so long as you tag accordingly!
Two prompts are given for each day of the event as well as two alternate prompt lists, and you can use as many of them, combine any of them as you wish, I only ask that you mention which ones you’re using in any specific work. You can also make as many works as you want/can.
You can post in any platform, but as the event mod, I will only be able to work with Tumblr and Archive of Our Own: for Tumblr you can make a post containing your work or a link to it, and you have to tag your posts #thilboweek23 so that I can find them more easily; for AO3, you can find the collection here https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bagginshield_week_23
You can post your works from June 4th to June 12th (the official event dates are June 4th to June 10th, plus two extra days).
The prompts are: Fairytale AU and Domestic for Day 1; Bilbo in Erebor and Piercings & Tattoos for Day 2; Pride & Prejudice AU and Blade/Sword for Day 3; Nautical/Pirate AU and The Moon/The Sun for Day 4; Ghibli AU and Hobbit Culture for Day 5; Erebor Never Fell and Flowers/Flower Language for Day 6; Everybody Live/Nobody Dies and Haunted House/Castle/Palace for Day 7.
The prompts for the Whump Alternate List are: Believed to be Dead; Nightmares/Hallucinations; Silence; Left Behind; Hidden Injury.
The prompts for the Regular Alternate List are: Courtship; Secret Relationship; Thorin is an Errant Smith; Meeting the Family; Enchantments/Spells.
If you need more specific information look here: https://www.tumblr.com/bagginshieldweek23/710619673617629184/bagginshield-week-2023-guideline-dates-prompts?source=share
Now, as for posting in Archive of Our Own, a word or two:
If you already have works ready and want to leave them to cool in drafts, ready to be posted on the day, for the moment, a friendly reminder to reset the date of it once said day comes! Otherwise it will be posted considering the date in which it was uploaded and will appear along with those stories, and might lose momentum, sort of speak. You can readjust the date of publication in the Associations section when you’re uploading/editing your work:
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On the other hand, with the rise of AIs and, more importantly, with the “threat”, for lack of a better word, of your work being used by third parties through them, AO3 has given the general advice to private works, that is to make them accessible only to other signed users. If you wish to do so I have no issue, and you can set it up in the Privacy section in the uploading/editing page:
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For those posting in other platforms, I can only ask you to tag accordingly, and to either make a promo post on Tumblr, or send me any links you wish to share through asks, and if you don’t use Tumblr but an acquaintance of yours does, they can send it in instead. As you may see if you’ve read the previous event post, I didn’t set up an email address nor a Discord server; I have my reasons for that, but hopefully this should be solve by the next event.
Other than that, I can only say that I cannot wait to see what any of you make, and to wish you best of lucks, Company!
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dollsque · 3 months
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🏹 ₊˚ʚ GENERAL RULES જ⁀➴ 𝝑𝝔
౨🕷️ ❝Oooh, boy! humbling reality Spider-Man has arrived!❞ 🕸️ৎ
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be kind to everyone. please don’t pick fights or don’t start any. you’ll be wasting your time because any serious arguments will be deleted. i try to have a happy, humble community.
DNI if you’re a zionist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or basically unaccepting of others’ beliefs or morals.
it’s okay if other people don’t have the same opinion as you. don’t be unnecessary and make it into an argument
this blog is mainly sfw, so please don’t bring up topics that are heavily sexual or weird and horrible shit like rape, age-play, and all the other weird ones…just nsfw in general.
feel free to talk in my asks whether you just want to talk about something or something related to my fanfics! just be respectful! which brings me to my next rule…
be respectful towards me and others and you will get that respect back. and please avoid sensitive or heavy topics.
do NOT, and i repeat, do NOT repost or translate, or put any of my stuff anywhere, including ai stuff. you don’t have my permission, so please don’t
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౨🕷️ ❝ I don't believe in comedy! Just kidding! ❞ 🕸️ৎ
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as mentioned before, please feel free to chat about something in my asks as long as it’s appropriate and respectful! reference the general rules as well.
i can write short fics that range from 1k-3k words! (maybe more depending on how my brain works at the moment, but won’t be likely). i write about Hobie Brown if you couldn’t tell…which i think you could…so feel free to make a request as long as it’s about him!
please don’t request sensitive topics like SA, rape, or anything nsfw. i may include some suggestive things but that’s it. i don’t feel like writing it because i suck at it and it lowkey makes me uncomfy. also, i see too many nsfw fics and not enough fluff.
that being said, i write fluff. lots of it. maybe a little angst if i feel like it. so, feel free to request those since my requests are now open!
HOWEVER, if i don’t do your request, either i couldn’t put your thoughts into words (yet) or they simply don’t follow the rules. please don’t be upset if your request is long or if i don’t do it. i write for fem!readers! however, feel free to imagine any other gender or pronouns if you want!
your requests and asks can be anonymous if you want! feel free to use an emoji so i can identify you if you’d like! i also don’t do tag lists because i’m lowkey lazy
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erose-this-name · 5 months
I saw you are working on a grimdark apocalypse and as a fan of both Warhammer and fallout I would like to hear about your story but with one caveat:
You also have to answer if mothman exists in that universe
But also please tell me I wanna learn about the story
I mean, there isn't a mothman, but then again I do really like stealing being inspired by things and putting them in there. And like, I AM GOD, so I could just do that. Right now.
I mean, can't be like a magical cryptid mothguy since this is a hard scifi setting. So how can I gnaw off the sharp corners to make this square peg fit into a round hole?
What are the fundamental qualities of mothman? Large humanoid moth, portends of doom, west virginians, sexy, glowing red eyes, easily confused for a large heron.
There are no six foot tall insects in my setting because there isn't enough oxygen for them to breathe without lungs. But there are flesh-filled biohybrid robots with plastic exoskeletons, which is kinda like a bug. If you think about it.
Since it's a robot with both flesh and mechanical components, we don't even need to worry about bioluminescence or if it's possible to see out of eyes that are glowing. It could straight up just have actual red tinted flood lamps on it's head for that iconic mothman glowing eyes look.
The internet says that a average man would need a wingspan of 6.7m (22ft) to fly, though some sources can go up to 80 feet or some shit. But the mothman could probably be a lot less dense than a human so wouldn't need wings quite that big. But also that's probably based on bird or plane wings, not insect wings. As we all know bees cannot fly by any known laws of aviation, because they fly by different laws considering that they are not aircraft. I don't know what those laws are, though. So this is the kind of problem we biologists like to call "as a biophysicist" problems. I'm not on good terms with any of them. So let's just say our mothman has completely mysterious and indeterminately sized wings.
So, some West Virginians ~400,000 years ago (the story is set ~400,000 years after whichever of the many imminent apocalypses befalls us) got access to some cool hyperintelligent artificial intelligence with the ability to create life (such AI may or may not be related to said apocalypse that befell us). And they used it to make a cool mothman robot thing. For the obvious reason why West Virginians would do that. It's designed to perform and improvise on it's own maintenance to safe costs, because West Virginia.
Oh, no! It got out of it's enclosure in the Pleasant Point petting zoo! Because someone let it out! Who would do such a thing??!!
So it's been spending the apocalypse hanging around bridges and staring at people ominously in the fog while tour-guide infodumping about 21st century cryptozoology in dead languages no one understands. Doesn't try to kill anyone though, since it's designed to be an entertainment animatronic, which is more than what can be said for the vast majority of monsters in the setting. But that's also why it's survived for so long, doesn't like confrontation. Just flies away mysteriously. It eats nuts and berries or something.
yeah, this is canon now.
I got some other posts about my setting under the #The Diluvian War tag if you're interested
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depressedcatgirl · 8 months
Hey, saw you said you were playing pal world… you know the creator used AI art for it? And that they stole the meshes from pokemon?
I didn't know there was discourse about ai in palworld before buying it, i just got it cuz it looks fun and cute.
also in the first few results in the palworld tag rn i saw this post debunking the palworld ai thing: link
also...i kind of don't care if they stole anything from pokemon. I love pokemon but like...it's a multi million dollar franchise. I don't feel sorry for them.
I just like the game and I'm having fun with it, I don't think any discourse this game has will effect my enjoyment of it.
Question for you though: Are you actually one of my followers or are you just someone looking through the palworld tag looking for people to send anon messages like this to try to get them to feel bad for playing the game or something like that? If you follow me and are disappointed in my answer, then sorry but *shrugs*. If it's the 2nd option...why? why would you waste your time with something like this? Honestly one of my least favorite people on tumblr are those who send anons asks saying things like "hey so (user/media/etc.) you like is actually problematic".
I'm sorry if you're actually genuinely asking this but i can't help but feel like this question has other intentions
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hana-the-ghostieee · 10 months
phlyhyltgplelpppppppppppppppppppppp. deflating balloon noises. exhausted deflating balloon noises.
whoo. okay. although i just finished the mess that is my translation for both gogatsu and rokugatsu (i still need to touch up a little bit), i have here prepared. Yuu Ichijou
also for the past week i've been feeling kinda crappy my throat was threatening to rip itself out my chest felt like i was wearing a binder for 12 hours non stop and i felt ready to pass out (but don't worry i'm fine now i've been drinking tea and stuff)
oh also happy birthday イモン on yorucord!!! you know who you are no idea who you are on tumblr or if you even use tumblr but happy existence anniversary :DDD you know who you are.
anyways here have my translation for ai nijou's response, yuu ichijou
9/5, 憂一乗 (Only Sorrow/Yuu Ichijou)
You know, it's like I'm at the bottom of a lake A breath of air gets stuck in this throat I let go of the last few bubbles, and finally My feet touch the soft, warm ground.
Always, always, always, always, always. The only person I've ever followed behind was you.
And the only things I ever wanted to talk about were the things I wish I could change These water lilies floating around, are transparent from this water pressure I'm more than okay with anything - more certain than mirages I don't care if it's right, I don't care if we know what to do, I really don't care - I just want to run away with you.
Again, it's kind of like the bottom of a lake, My ears start to itch a bit Hopes, the future, even tomorrow - I've gotten tired hearing things about them The bubbles that left my mouth were so pretty.
Always, always, always, always, always. I've only ever looked up to you.
And now, I wish I had found something more important than the heart Words can be so cruel - transparent under the water pressure I'm just looking for something, anything more beautiful than this facade But just forgetting about it all is fine, let's run away.
I don't need whatever I've become, I don't need anything. I don't need money, or fame, or love, or people that admire - I really don't need any of that I want to go further, away from here I want to go, feel something other than these memories, Can I please, just hear your voice, sing one more time?
Always, always, always, always, always. I've only ever followed, chased, after you.
The only things I wanted to sing about were those things I could never change Life really is transparent, under the water pressure I don't really care - anything works as long as it's more certain than a hallucination I don't care if we don't know where, I don't care if we don't have any idea of what we're doing, I really don't care, honestly - let's run away together.
i know i've said this in my dakaboku and elma album essay but dakede *sobbing*
i swear this song is so sad and quiet in contrast to the like WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *cue epic guitar sequence* from ai nijou it's just wow. i mean i know Elma's developing her style from here but wow. it's just really different from the person she tried to imitate so said person she tried to imitate wouldn't "disappear".
anyways yeah that's all i'll go take a nap or something byeeeee
(wow the yorushika tag is drying up.)
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kedreeva · 2 years
I’ve been on tumblr since 2012 and following you pretty much that entire time and have never reblogged or posted a single thing under my name. Before that I was on LJ for years and never posted anything. I send (nice) asks to people on anon, and leave (nice) comments and kudos on ao3. I used to interact some on LJ when anon kink memes were a thing. I am a part of fandom and have been for close to 20 years, I’m just not comfortable having any kind of public persona online that people can see, even if it has no attachment to my real name.
I know that the influx of new, young fans and the way they treat fandom the same as other online content creation/consumption is a problem. But fandom has always had lurkers. I do my best to positively interact in the ways that I am able to within my comfort zone, and I follow the rules of fandom etiquette. There’s so much pushback against lurkers now that was never there before, and I just don’t understand it.
It's a difficult line to walk, but there's a difference between going to a blog that has zero posts, zero likes, no header, no icon, not even a note that says "just lurking," and a person that's here to look at stuff that displays at least enough humanity to say "hey don't block me I'm just looking."
And look... yes there's always been lurkers. And there probably always will be. And it wasn't an issue for you or for creators or fandom in general, because it didn't hurt anything before. In just my living memory, fandom spent a while just being mailing lists- so creations/discussion went to everyone. There wasn't really anyone else to pass stuff on to, so it didn't matter if you just signed up and never said a word. Webrings based the spread of creation in the site itself, because everything was small back then. Livejournal had public and private communities that were searchable and creation was based inside of those communities, and interaction was based on commenting - what you're used to doing, and okay doing - meaning community was based in the comments and people linking to various communities. Back when places like deviantart and ff.net were pretty staple major sites for everyone, community formed in comment sections there as well.
And as much as I do love social media and the advent of community messaging systems... it's changed the face of fandom in ways that make lurking - and I do mean straight up no interaction, if you're sending messages and commenting, you're participating - break the links of community.
Look at it this way:
Back on LJ etc, it didn't matter if you, personally, lurked. Or even if 100 people lurked. Creations and community were centrally located. People all gathered to the same stable location (a post, or a community feed) to look at the things, and comment etc so if you commented or didn't, they could still find the creations. Sites like that brought people together. Now? *shakes head* Social media sites have divided us, and AI/Bots/Algorithms are conquering us because we disseminated too far.
Where do you go, on twitter, if you want to find fic? How do you find a conversation about something? Where do artists go so you can find groups of them and their galleries? You can scroll a tag, but anyone can put anything in that. I have literally no idea how tiktok works because every time I go on it, things just start scrolling past and playing videos for me that I didn't click. It's kind of horrifying. Instagram is... god, I don't even know how to classify that mess, but it's not a community. it's a museum. don't touch anything.
Tumblr is... it's not livejournal, it's not deviantart, it's not mailing lists or webrings but... it's people touching real people still, or it has the ability to be that if we continue to fight for it. As much as there are shitshows around here on occasion, it's still largely neighbors passing notes over the fences separating us.
But for as much community potential as it has, with the way it can function - with the way it USED to function, the way I REMEMBER it functioning a long time ago - it still separates us. There's tags, like on twitter, but anyone that tag dives (like me) knows what a hot fucking mess the tags can be, and there's no other central collection.
Tumblr's saving grace, though, is the ability we, the users, have to interact like humans. To share what we can with one another. To create networks that still kind of resemble the webrings of old, where you can come to one location (someone's blog) and find gateways to other blogs the way one page/site used to lead to the next so the separate, divided things spread across the world WIDE web don't get lost.
Except the link gets broken here, when folks just have empty blogs. There's (thankfully) no algorithm deciding what we should look at, but the trade off is that we have to be responsible for that step in fandom again. The way we used to be.
Not to mention that... there was never really a point for bots back in the LJ days. It would have been hard for them to survive because everyone knew at least some of the people. Not that there weren't, but it was harder and not rewarding for them to exist en masse. Now? Now bots use social media sites and users. Here, on tumblr, they follow accounts to make it look like they're legit to search engines. Whatever central account they're using to scam people, it collects the bots and the network the bots make, and uses them to look legit, so they can scam people, so they can spread viruses, advertise porn or whatever they're doing. They're exploiting users here, and they do this by following us.
And the ONLY recourse we have? is guessing that they're bots and blocking them. Because reporting a blank blog won't get tumblr addressing the issue. So, when someone lurks in a completely faceless, anon way, a way that makes them look like a bot, then the people who are being followed are going to learn to treat them like the bots that are trying to exploit them to do bad things.
And that's not on you! It's not your fault that they're doing those things, or that people have to react the way they have to react to curb that nonsense. And it's not your fault that social media wants to separate us so it can sell us whatever it wants and keep us from communicating and forming communities where we can entertain ourselves instead of feeding on their ads or whatever. It's not your fault that the way community functions on a human level has been backed into a corner by algorithms/bots.
But that IS the lay of the land these days. You and I have both been here long enough that we've watched the landscape shift. It's not the net we knew. And that's unfortunate. But it's probably not going to go back to the way we knew once upon a time. So people are pushing back against folks being quiet, because the alternative is to let algorithms win and do the talking for us. To let bots use us to hurt others. To let fandom founder because it's being directed by whatever AI is in charge of telling us what to look at.
I'm not going to tell anyone they can't be in fandom if they don't reblog stuff or make stuff or whatever. Just... that fandom is going to have a LOT harder time existing in this new breed of divided space if we don't reach out and connect and help one another connect to others, too.
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