#and b.) me being a scalie
ahamkara-apologist · 3 months
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I was playing around with some cheap alcohol markers I bought for fun yesterday, so woe, dragon Osiris be upon ye
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britishraptor · 1 month
Gonna kick the hornets nest here, but the file from the most recent episode of The Magnus Protocol was incredibly underwhelming. It didn’t take into account at all anything that actually makes snakes scary, little to no foreshadowing, and basically attempted to jumpscare the audience with a reveal that reads more like a parody of a horror story than an actual one.
I might look like an idiot or a fool when everything all strings together later than the line, but I’m questioning so much about this episode.
Parasites are scary. Worms, and insects and mold and rot. Decay, possession. Spiders are scary because they’re hard to see, hard to pinpoint and they move fast, plus the connections with webs related to control, and manipulation. So yeah, a worm lady, sure, a person filled with spiderwebs, also sure. But the only connection between snakes and parasitism could be a joke about ‘shedding your skin’ or how disturbing that one scene in Harry Potter was.
Snakes are scary for two reasons:
1) the same reason bears and tigers all that are scary. Hunt style being hurt, and killed, and eaten. Simple.
B) uncanny valley reasons. Snakes don’t blink. They don’t have facial expressions. The way they move and eat and exist is totally different from humans and mammals. They’re often described as alien and cold.
My questions:
a) why rodent control? why was he even actually brought in? His walls are FULL OF SNAKES. It wouldn’t have lasted five minutes. It doesn’t make any sense even if you know he was concerned about parasites. Snakes don’t give a shit about other snakes. To call someone a snake is to literally call them callous and prone to betrayal. A snake eats the rodent, so you kill the snake. Plus a snake store would have access to medications to kill mites and deal with snake illness? Why call the guy at all?
b) the foreshadowing on the owner is terrible. You could have mentioned his skin needed moisturising. That it seemed dry, flaky. Scaly. But just. A red rash? A rash? Are you saying being full of snakes is an infectious disease? That’s what he said at the end, right? That his throat itches. It was swelling. You can just?? Grow your own snakes?? Is that the implication?
No uncanny valley mention on the owner either at all. He didn’t move weird, being full of snakes? Didn’t sway or limp as he walked, didn’t move sluggishly? Bad hearing, didn’t know what to do with his hands? No? Just a short tempered customer. Okay.
c) You lost me at the thousands of snakes. THOUSANDS? What is this, a clown car? A snake clown car in some random guys skin, who explodes because he was mad a customer walked out.
Look, I’m Australian. And when I ask my friends ‘hey, how big do you normally picture a snake being?’ we picture snakes about 1.5m long. Dinner table length is pretty common for all of our common brown, tiger snakes, red bellies, and even longer for our common carpet pythons. But even if I adjust to like, other countries’ grass snakes, thousands?
The throwaway line at the end was plot relevant I’m sure, but I’m all around confused, and totally not even a little bit scared.
The only praise I have is that the description of the crickets was very creepy, and I loved the visual of them moving around like a shuddering wave of pixels on a screen, only really perceived by their screaming.
But yeah. The setup, the foreshadowing, the coherent theming and consistency all just fell totally flat for me. The only thing I learnt was that this guy applied to the institute and was rejected, and that snakes can’t do dishes.
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c-rose2081 · 2 months
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You’re an idiot…
“Audrey? You…you’re a dragon…?”
“And you’re an idiot. What are you doing, flying over Auroria in broad daylight? Dragons are shoot on sight here, Mal. You being Queen makes no difference. You could’ve died if I hadn’t been there to drag your scaly ass into the woods. What gives?”
“I…I came here looking for you. You’re not answering any texts or calls. Ben’s freaking out.”
“Ok. You know where I live, you could’ve just knocked on the front door instead of getting shot out of the sky.”
“B-but how are you a dragon? What…what the hell is going on?”
“It’s a long story. One that isn’t any of your business. Now hurry up and get dressed, you need to get out of here before a bunch of dragon hunters come knocking on my door. And if you say a word about me looking like this to anyone, I’ll destroy you. Capiche?”
Dragon girls lore! Well, sort of. I just wanted to draw them ❤️ safe to say flying over Auroria as a dragon isn’t a good idea? Any Aurorian hunter would take great pride in taking down a reptilian legend, even if that dragon happens to be the Queen of Auradon.
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nonbinaryspy · 4 days
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This is a birthday attack on @larachelledrawsfe for the FE ArtScuffle, with the super fun prompt of fanon Emblems. Please imagine a magical girl transformation cutscene as you meet Emblem Mist! She’s Fogado’s personal Emblem and allows him to wield Florete. Only a certain song can awaken her from her thousand year slumber, so she can’t be summoned until Emblem Ike is there to teach it to Alear. She and Fogado become fast friends and are generally seen in good cheer, though they worry about their older siblings, who won’t stop teaming up to smash barricades with a hammer…
I thought of three concepts for their Emblem bond supports, so I’ve included all three behind the cut. Enjoy!
C — Mist: You sure know how to party, Prince Fogado, but you’re always working hard. It must be because Princess Timerra has so much on her plate, right? Fogado: Me? Working hard or hardly working, amirite? Haha… But seriously, don’t let anyone hear you say that. B — Fogado: You seem restless, Mist. Something on your mind? Mist: No, I’m just used to being busy with chores. Kinda hard to cook or clean without hands, though… A — Fogado: Y’know, Ike’s seemed a lot more relaxed since you got here. Mist: Really? He looks like the same old grumpy brother to me. He can’t even dig into my world famous meatloaf recipe anymore! Fogado: I’m sure he’s just happy to have you around. You don’t have to strain yourself so hard. Mist: Huh… Thanks, Prince Fogado. I’m sure Princess Timerra feels the same way about you.
C — Mist: Your horse is so cute! I used to ride around on one, too. Fogado: A fellow equestrian! I like it. How about I take you with me next time I go riding? B — Fogado: You’re surprisingly knowledgeable about archery. Mercenaries dabble in a little of everything, huh? Mist: Not really. My best friend was just good with a bow. I must’ve picked up more from watching him than I thought! A — Fogado: Healers sure are amazing. Sometimes, I think about asking Pandreo for lessons, but I don’t think I have it in me to be a man of the cloth. Mist: I got lessons from a priest when I was younger. There’s not much to it except wanting to be helpful. Fogado: You make it sound so simple. If only I really could heal everything ailing the people of Solm… Mist: I think you’re great at healing hearts! Just keep your spirits up, and it’ll all work out.
C — Fogado: Most folks are surprised to see a prince roaming around, but you don’t seem fazed, Mist. Mist: I used to travel with a princess, so I’m used to it by now. B — Fogado: Mercenaries have all sorts of adventures, huh? What’s the wildest thing you and this princess of yours got up to? Mist: One time, our ship got grounded in a country full of dragons. They ended up helping us, but boy, things seemed hairy! Er…scaly? A — Fogado: It’s weird to think that someday, Timerra’s gonna have to spend so much time on the throne. Mist: I know what you mean. When my friend became queen, she sure didn’t have a lot of time to chat! Mist: But your sis will still be the same person. So don’t forget to spend time with her, okay? Fogado: Haha, you sound just like her when you say that. Okay, you both win. I’ll make sure to hang out around the throne sometimes, too.
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Mammon with a Dragon!Mc
this piece belongs to this and has 950 Words
despite being the Avatar of Greed wealth isn´t the most important thing Mammon looks for in a partner but if one of them happens to be rich who would he be to not take advantage of it?
granted he doesn´t really take advantage of it, he might talk big but he would never force them to spend money on him or just use them for their money also you would never want to piss of a Dragon who also is your partner
Mammon doesn´t know if all Dragons are like that but he knows if he would ever mess with them or genuinely hurt they will try to end them but the same can be said for Mammon and his Brothers is they were to hurt him but they have been together for 500 years so the chances of that ever happening is Zero the worst thing that ever happened is that they refused to let him leave their treasure pile because in their words he´s the most important one of all
granted he thought it was incredibly cheesey but it also made him feel like there were butterflies in his stomach and he might have liked that they think he´s the most important treasure of all, he knows what´s in that pile and that´s one massive compliment he got from them
he even adds to their to their treasure pile every once in a while, he even found the presents he gave them buried in their and honestly? he felt like crying because there is EVERYTHING he ever gave them, even the smallest of things he gave them he could fin somewhere but he never told them what he found but that was more so because he doesn´t want them to think he was snooping around… and he didn´t want to tell them he cried over it because the Great Mammon doesn´t cry over such silly things, he might claim that but truth is he always cries over such things especially if it has anything to do with them even more so when they do something he thinks is sweet or adorabel
actually thinking about ti makes him tear up again and-
“are you thinking about the money you owe the witches again?” he could have almost forgotten the, scaly beast which is also the love of his life which despite them decreasing their size to better cuddle with him is impossible for most even if they were to get lost in thought, they still are a lot bigger than most creatures that can be found in all three Realms
“no and I told you to stop bringing that up, that happened only one time 50 years ago and you keep bringing that one up”
“and what else is the problem? if you want to ask me to adopt those three puppies we found again the answer is still no”
“okay but they were really adorable and instantly loved you when they saw you unlike most animals who see you for the first time”
“Mammon we can barely take care of our selves you think puppies would be a smart idea?”
“okay not what I was thinking about but like I said they loved you and were really smart puppies, smarter than most dogs even I say we could have easily taken care of them” he could feel the movement beneath their scales, no doubt laughing about him and his arguments about why both of them would be good to look after a bunch of rowdy Puppies and they miiight have a point about them barely being able to take care of themselves
“and why would you tear up them? don´t tell me your Brothers were rude again? If they were they are going to lose a house to spontaneous fires” now it was Mammon´s turn to laugh, he knows this is an actual threat and if they truly wanted to they can burn the House of Lamentation but he still loves how much they care about him
“well you know how I sometimes go through your treasures to see if I can find something impressive?” they moved a bit so they can look at him better, he saw them nod as an acknowledgment as well as a sign for him to continue “and I finally managed to get to the bottom of the pile and saw what you were hiding” they didn´t say anything but he saw them hide their face in the rest of their curled up body, no doubt embarrassed about it
“well… that´s a bit embarrassing” they just mumbled this into their body, Mammon doesn´t even know if they wanted him to hear or not, he did his best to move their head at leas enough for him to look into their eyes
and when he did it they couldn´t even look him in the eyes “yeah you´re true it´s embarrassing” he had to keep a firmer hold on their head so they couldn´t move it away “but even then it´s a lot sweeter than what most people would ever do for me” he planted a kiss on their snout, that´s a scenario he isn´t used to usually they are the one who is trying to stop him from being embarrassed about whatever he did
“thank you Mammon”
“I´ll always be here for you just remember that, nothing you do can ever get ride of me” he took a moment to think “well when we´re still on the topic…”
“no Mammon we won´t get a pet”
“I´ll get you one day” he just heard them laugh, it seems like they already forgot about what just happened a couple of minutes ago “keep dreaming my treasure”
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pinkhairandpokemon · 9 months
♘ - a memory of their sibling (for Hop :3)
The memory starts out in a dark room.
You can see a young boy with long, violet hair, scrolling through what looks like a tablet of some kind, the pale light illuminating his face. In the corner of the room, you can see a dim orange light, emitting from the tail of a small Charmander curled up on a round Pokémon bed.
Leon’s eyelids are visibly drooping, and he seems about ready to put his tablet down and crash for the night- until the click of his bedroom door makes him raise his head.
A tiny figure shuffles into the room. It’s Hop- who looks maybe about four or five- clutching a fluffy Wooloo plush close to his chest and wearing a blue onesie.
Leon raises a brow, sitting on the edge of his bed as his little brother approaches him. There’s worry on his face once he notices the toddler is sniffling, burying his face in the back of his plush.
“Hopscotch?” Lee says, opening out his arms to his brother. “What are you doing out of bed?”
“I-I had a nightmare,” Hop cries, quickly rushing into the older boy’s arms. Leon scoops him up with ease, setting him on the bed beside him and keeping a comforting arm around his shoulder.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Leon gently shushes him, hugging the boy close. “It was just a dream. Do you wanna talk ‘bout it?”
“You- you-” Hop hiccups and fumbles over his words between sobs. “I dreamed that- that- that you left on your journey- and- and you got lost and never came back- and people were saying a big, mean Pokémon ate you-”
“What?” Leon chuckled lightly, comfortingly ruffling his brother’s hair. “C’mon Hop, you know that’d never happen.”
“B-But- But-” Hop clutched tightly onto his brother’s Charizard-themed t-shirt. “You’re really bad with di-directions and get lost all the time!”
“Okay, that’s true,” Leon admitted, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. “But, I’ll have Charmander with me when I go-” As if on cue, the tiny Fire-type lizard crawled across the floor and sat at Leon’s feet, looking up at him and his younger brother with round, cerulean eyes. Leon leaned down to give the reptile a gentle scratch on the head. “So no matter how lost I get, with this chap by my side, I’ll always find m’ way back.”
Leon lifted Charmander into his arms, being mindful of its tail flame as he set it down on his lap. The small fire lizard gave Hop a curious sniff, before sticking its forked tongue out and gently licking his tear-stained cheek. The small boy giggled, setting down his plushie to give Charmander light scratches on the side of its scaly face.
“You gotta take good care of Lee when he goes away, okay Charmander? You can’t let any monsters eat him or kidnap him!” he told the orange reptile firmly, and it responded with a soft croon and a nod, nuzzling its warm snout against his tiny hand.
“I promise that once I set out from Wedgehurst, I’ll video call you and mum every night, okay?” Leon swore, giving his little brother another reassuring, soft pat on the head. “I’ll tell you all about the adventures me and Charmander go on, and you can even watch us sweep the floor in our gym matches on the telly!”
Now that the young boy was calm, Leon stood up and hoisted him into his arms, moving towards the door to take him back to his room. Charmander followed close behind, his tail providing enough light to see through the dark hallway.
“You’re gonna be on the telly?” Hop asked, gold eyes wide with wonder.
“Yep!” Leon slid open the door to Hop’s room as quietly as possible. He placed his little brother down on the small bed that was just big enough for him, and tucked the blanket over him. “How about this- you promise to watch my battles and cheer me on, and I promise to not get lost.”
“Okay, I promise!” Hop replied, tugging his blanket up to his chin.
“Good,” Leon chuckled, giving his brother one last pat on the shoulder and tucking his Wooloo plush in with him before standing back up. “If you need anything else, just come get me.”
“Night night, Lee…” Hop mumbled sleepily, yawning before nestling into his pillow, his plushie wrapped securely in his tiny arms.
As Leon turned to leave the room, Charmander at his side, he looked back and smiled fondly at the sight of his little brother beginning to doze off.
“Good night, Hopscotch.”
The memory ends with him closing the door quietly, the light from Charmander’s tail flame fading out.
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
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Image by John D. Batten and Gloria Carew, in the public domain. Accessed on the Multo (Ghost) Blog here
[Commissioned by @abominationimperatrix​, the last of their Indian monsters. Silesaloma is the Buddhist incarnation of the widespread folklore trope of the “tar baby”, a figure that entangles a character who gets more and more stuck the more and more they fight it. A number of references assume that the story of the Sticky Ogre and Prince Five Weapons is the “original” version, and that the African American version with B’rer Rabbit and B’rer Fox somehow descends from this one. That strikes me as being more rooted in 19th century Orientalism than anything else. The diffusionist idea that all culture originated in one place and then spread through the world is long debunked (the specific focus on India being a popular variant thanks to British colonialism). I think it’s much more plausible that multiple cultures around the world would come up with the metaphor of a sticky problem being literally sticky, and a hero having to think his way out in order to become untangled. Plus, the tar baby that B’rer Rabbit encounters, along with West African and Native American versions that are more likely genuine precedents, isn’t a character. It’s a trap built by another character. Silesaloma can talk and has agency, and even is redeemed at the end of the story!]
Silesaloma CR 11 CE Monstrous Humanoid This creature is vaguely humanoid, with a head like a hawk with a beak and wide staring eyes. Two tusks curve upwards from the corner of its beat. Its skin is scaly, but growing over its body and covering it like a shroud is a mass of thick, tangled hair.
A silesaloma is sometimes called a sticky-haired ogre, for obvious reasons. Its body is covered with a long stringy pelt that secretes thick glue, and the creature is usually partially obscured by pieces of plant matter, dirt and other detritus. Silesalomas are wicked and predatory creatures, killing partially to eat and partially out of a joy for violence. They enjoy lording their strength and defensive properties over other creatures, and often intimidate their victims and play with them a while before going in for the kill.
Fighting a silesaloma with physical weapons is a daunting prospect. Arrows and bolts become stuck in the creature’s hair before they can touch its flesh, and weapons are likely to be similarly entangled and glued to the silesaloma. A silesaloma uses its hair to grapple opponents, who become hopelessly stuck the more they try to escape. On the other hand, silesalomas have little understanding of or defenses against magic. They are also somewhat foolish and prone to believing lies and tricks. Despite their usual cruelty, silesalomas are not irredeemably evil, and there are stories of some of them learning the error of their ways and seeking enlightenment, using their abilities to protect travelers instead of preying on them.
Silesaloma             CR 11 XP 12,800 CE Large monstrous humanoid Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +13 Defense AC 25, touch 13, flat-footed 21 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +12 natural) hp 150 (12d10+84) Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +6 DR 5/- Defensive Abilities improved Deflect Arrows Offense Speed 40 ft. Melee 2 claws +20 (1d8+8 plus grab), bite +19 (1d12+8), or morningstar +19/+14/+9 (2d6+8), claw +15 (1d8+4 plus grab), bite +14 (1d12+4) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Statistics Str 26, Dex 19, Con 24, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 17 Base Atk +12; CMB +21 (+29 grapple); CMD 35 (39 vs. disarm) Feats Dazzling Display, Deflect Arrows (B), Improved Initiative, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (claw) Skills Climb +25, Intimidate +24, Perception +13, Stealth +17, Survival +13, Swim +21; Racial Modifiers +4 Climb, +4 Stealth Languages Common, Giant SQ adhesive Ecology Environment any forests Organization solitary or pair Treasure standard (Large morningstar, other treasure) Special Abilities Adhesive (Ex) A weapon that strikes a silesaloma becomes stuck fast to the creature's adhesive hair unless the wielder succeeds at a DC 23 Reflex save. A creature adjacent to the adherer can attempt to pry off a stuck weapon with an opposed grapple check. The silesaloma's adhesive hair gives it a +8 racial bonus on grapple checks. It can attempt to grapple a foe without spending an action whenever a creature successfully hits it with a natural attack or an unarmed strike. A silesaloma does not gain the grappled condition when it grapples a foe, nor does it provoke attacks of opportunity when it attempts to do so. Its sticky hair also grants it a +4 bonus to its CMD against disarm attempts. Fire can temporarily burn away a silesaloma's adhesive coating—whenever an adherer takes at least 20 points of fire damage, it loses its adhesive special quality for 1d4 rounds. Universal solvent, alchemical solvent, or a similar fluid removes a silesamola’s adhesive quality for 1 hour if it fails a DC 15 Reflex save, or for 1d4 rounds if it makes the save. The silesaloma’s hair loses its adhesive quality 1 hour after the creature dies. A silesaloma can release anything stuck to it as a free action. The save DCs are Constitution-based. Improved Deflect Arrows (Ex) A silesaloma gains Deflect Arrows as a bonus feat. It can use this feat a number of times a round equal to its Dexterity modifier, and does not require a free hand to use it; the arrows get stuck in the creature’s hair instead.
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leffee · 3 months
what do you wish Vinnie would’ve had in the show?
favorite Vinnie dance move?
Oh boy, that's an interesting one. Well, first of all, a few smaller things like:
more songs, solo or a duet with someone, I especially crave Vinnie and Zoe duet. Songs where most/all pets sing are great of course, but often you can't hear each individual vocal hence I want something where I can hear him well. We all know he's a great singer B)
basically just more interactions with other pets apart from Sunil. I love my Vinnie/Sunil interactions of course, but after season 1 it seems those two just were glued to each other a lot and there was not many moments when he was interating alone with some other pet because they were always paired together
I'm not sure if that counts for your question, but there is one thing that I haven't seen anyone mention ever - his voice changed between first and second season, did anyone notice that and just never said anything or do I just pay too much attention to him? The voice actor remained the same of course, but it's like? A different tone? Really, if you compare Vinnie's voice from season 1 and any other season he sounds different and I'll be honest, I liked the season 1 voice more, so if it was up to me, I'd leave it like that.
I think that's all of the smaller things, I could maybe add here that I would personally redesign him a bit, but idk if that's what you're asking for so I'll leave it at that.
Now for bigger things that I would have loved to see with him:
this is a classic episode trope but I would have so loved to see it: Vinnie (stupid character [ugh]) by some means gets smarter (like a classic bonk on the head or something) and for an entire episode he and Russell compete against each other intelligence-wise, with Russell being considered the smartest pet Vinnie would want to beat him, and he does. Of course, by the end he somehow returns to his normal self and misses when he was smarter, thinking that he was much better than
another thing is from an actual epsiode, that episode being "Why Can’t We Be Friends?". When watching this episode for the first time I was so sure this was going to be Vinnie episode, with this beggining who could blame me, it pointed at that. Well, it turned out it was more so Sunil's episode, which tbh back then I was delighted about because he was then my favourite character. I still love him of course, but now, I would have loved if this episode (or some other one) was about Vinnie dealing with this whole "I want to eat flies and it's in my nature to catch them and because of my instincts I make a mess which pisses my friends" conflict.
While we're at it, also more emphasis on him being a reptile surrounded by mammals. There's a lot of potential here, you know? He could very easily get jealous of them: they're warm-blooded and so don't have to make double-efforts to be warm, which to him is a luxury; usually people like mammals more and think they're cuter, reptilies on the other hand are cold to the touch, scaly and sticky not all that cute; and what I mentioned before - they have families and he (maybe) does not. All in all, jealousy potential
speaking of which, I would have loved if there was something like that with his dancing. Let him be jealous, or even better - dissapointed when seeing someone else be a better dancer than him - someone who doesn't put nearly as much effort as he does and yet they're better. The thing is, there was very much an episode that could have easily done that - "Plane it on Rio!" when Minka was the one who lead the whole dancing part. It would have been so easy for Vinnie to have some sort of thought process that would go like this: "Wait, Minka is good at dancing and leading us? That would normally be me... A-And she never really dances, she's into painting, how come she's better than me?" or, different but similar scenario that plays with the same thing: one pet, let's say Russell, since in the "in the loop" episode he was shows learning other pets' talents, wanted Vinnie to give him some dancing lessons. So Vinnie does, but very soon he notices that Russell is better than him, he doesn't trip, and once he gains confidence in dancing after some practice he can do various moves easily. Vinnie has been practicing for years and it turns out that all it takes for someone to beat him are just a few days? Oh, the potential disappointment. I love it
Well shit, that's just a lot of angst, sorry :'(. I could probably go on, but I figured that's enough for now, I hope these answer your question because I'm honestly not sure xd.
Favourite dance move? Probably moonwalk, he did it a few times and I think it's great. But I also like when he breaks into some breakdance moves. There might be more that I can't think about on the spot, but if I do I think I will just reblog it and add it. It's important info after all :}.
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cilil · 5 months
lol i really want to see arafinwë's reaction to the last drabble i bet he will be surprised upon waking up
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⸙ Prompt: Extra - Soft Cuddles | Gothmog x Eönwë x Finarfin ⸙ Synopsis: Arafinwë wakes up to a Balrog and finds out the truth about Eönwë's "solo" training sessions. ⸙ Warnings: References to monsterfucking (Balrog) ⸙ Short oneshot
AN: You know what? So do I - and thus I wrote it down. It's even a longer one (compared to the drabbles). Hope you enjoy ;)
This is probably also a good time to mention that this is a post-canon "everyone is reembodied in Valinor" verse.
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The first thing Arafinwë noticed when he awoke was the smouldering, all-encompassing heat. Drowsily dragging his mind away from pleasant dreams, he reached for Eönwë and found himself wrapped in the soft, feathery embrace of his wings, though he didn't remember his plumage being this warm. 
He might have fallen back asleep if the heat hadn't been so pressing and his fingers hadn't grazed something rough and scaly, some sort of huge limb holding on to his favourite Maia, belonging to neither of them. 
Arafinwë sat up suddenly, adrenaline rushing through him as he instinctively recognised the foreign, distinctly hostile presence, and he found himself face to face with a Balrog glaring at him. 
"You're lucky he likes you." 
He blinked. In all the tales he had heard about these monstrous Maiar over the years, he couldn't remember much about them speaking, yet there they were. 
"Unhand us," Arafinwë demanded. There were dozens of questions he wanted to ask – where had the Balrog come from, how was it that Eönwë still slept peacefully – but their present position seemed like a more pressing issue to him.
As he had already expected, they were not released, and his demand was met with low, rumbling laughter. 
"I knew him even before you Incarnates walked Arda. He's mine, and you won't tell me when to unhand him." 
Their dispute finally roused Eönwë from his slumber, and he unfurled his wings to stretch his limbs. Arafinwë felt saddened at the loss of his touch, though the small breeze caused by his movements brought temporary relief from the heat. 
"Gothmog, I told you –" 
"You said I can't kill him, not that I can't tell him where his place is." 
Gothmog, Lord of Balrogs, responsible for the deaths of several members of his family. Arafinwë sighed. 
With the dust of past ages settled and everyone being released over the many millennia that followed, the Valar had done their very best to achieve peace between all parties, but the Noldor had most certainly not forgotten their mortal enemies. A sense of betrayal mixed with Arafinwë's confusion, yet his heart remained mellow as he witnessed Eönwë's determination to defend him against such a terrible foe. 
"What do you mean he's yours?" he tried, only for Gothmog to sneer at him. 
"Make some more wind, bird, your friend isn't quite heatproof. And slow in the head." 
Eönwë politely cleared his throat. "You see, Arafinwë, we are acquainted –"
"We're lovers," Gothmog corrected. 
Arafinwë looked back and forth between the two Maiar until his eyes came to rest on Eönwë. 
"With a servant of the Enemy?!" 
"In secret and only recently." At least Eönwë had the decency to appear contrite. 
"He needed a better sparring partner than you fragile Incarnates," Gothmog supplied helpfully. "And as it turned out in other things too." 
He reached out with a clawed index finger to gingerly scratch the soft skin underneath Eönwë's chin, eliciting a happy cooing noise. 
"But if he wants to keep pets, so be it. I can be generous." 
Arafinwë was still surveying the two Maiar. Now that the idea of them bridging the cosmic divide of good and evil through illicit intercourse settled within his mind, he began to see different issues. 
"How do you even... do it?" he blurted out, gesturing towards their fánar - most notably Gothmog being roughly twice his and Eönwë's size. "Do you... change shape... or...?" 
"Would you like to find out?" 
Eönwë, now blushing, elbowed the Balrog. "Don't scare him!" 
"Well, bird, I'm not yet sure if I can share with a Noldo, but he can watch us if he wants." 
Arafinwë truly wished he could say no and that the mere idea was outrageous and disgusting to him, but he would be lying if he said he hadn't been imagining beautiful Eönwë in various lewd scenarios for ages and that the idea of him taking on a monster in a different way wasn't strangely appealing.
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felikatze · 10 months
andaron saga screaming
like "haha baud is so disorganized that's why jakka is the convoy character
i know what you're doing
i know
also if you dont take the dawncaller mortimer gives you a SILVER SWORD. HEY
also also like. as soon as aylanda says she's pregnant it's like. yeah baud is gonna die
i really didn't expect morty to be the one to do it
logical brain: yeah out of the steel brothers morty really is most suited to be king. he's the only one with any intelligence
emotional brain, sounding a lot like jakka: MORTIMER STEEL YOU ARE A DEAD SON OF A BITCH
it's so fucking funny how i. saw baud's corpse thru the cell. i checked his stats. all zero. "ah yeah cuz he's unconscious right. this is gonna be an escort mission" checks his con. "still 7? theodor can carry him easy then"
aylanda: "my husband is dead"
me: "ah"
and like. it feels SO logical that morty would be the one to betray him. at first i was ragging on samuel in the scene where baud and morty get "captured" cuz i thought it was just sam but
it's entirely logical that when sam came back to house rose to heal theo that morty would catch wind of baud and aylanda. and that morty could use a) baud hurting theo and b) sam's hatred of aylanda to turn ol' sam against baud
cuz it was morty needling baud into taking the throne when all he wanted was to elope. morty's arguments for killing baud makes sense. baud has the most legitimate claim to the throne of andaron since the rebellion. what really sealed his fate was having a kid, cuz it proved he and aylanda are for realsies. everyone fucking hates the lightbringers, everyone fucking hates house steel, but the worst thing about tradition is that it has weight
morty cant kill aylanda and the kid cuz of the whole "only a lightbringer can stop darkness" thing, which he WOULD know about bcuz he's the biggest momma's boy and lady maria was besties with the lightbringers. (didn't he also learn illusion magic from a lightbringer tome?)
on the other hand of course you're on jakka's side here. from the game you know that baud is just a good guy who dreams of a simple life with the people he loves. there's the whole backstory that he was a bit of a scoundrel, a gambler and a player - but falling for aylanda really changed him, made him want to shape up and do right by her. it's a shotgun marriage after 3 months yeah but that's also game limitation you cant build the relationship up for half the game since you gotta keep the plot moving.
so seeing how baud changed and that he was only convinced to take on randall with the argument it would keep his family safe and then he's killed by his brother. augrh.
and jakka's been his right hand through everything. jakka's a piece of shit in a lot of ways but he cares about his crew and he DOES soften up to jaheira and garram throughout the game. all it really took for him to start dismantling his prejudices was actually meeting the people he kept talking shit about and seeing them as. also just people. like he's not all there he still keeps calling jaheira a scalie but he respects her at the very least.
also the convo with ashley where she asks him if baudimon was really a brother to him and he gets so worked up about it. like i dont think he has a crush on baud NOW but he definetly did at some point. but also this convo questioning jakka's feelings right before he finds baud dead AURGH
and jakka's skill being loyalty. When within 2 spaces of Baudimon-
it's a skill that gives him bulk earlygame when jakka really needs it but now it's just. a dead skill slot. it's nothing. it's just gonna sit there. Loyalty. When within 2 spaces of Baudimon-
I had Baud and Jakka on B support and as for any dead character that's just gone now. AURGH.
rip to everyone who took the dawncaller and didnt get zakarias cuz i am THINKING abt his talk with jakka in 12x. how he said jakka's gonna come to a choice soon and jakka said he'd put baud's life over his own. and zakarias tells him it's always easy to choose in your own head but would jakka really? would he put baud over his family? over femke, a character we've never seen and only know through how much jakka loves his sister?
and i think that can still apply and i am betting RIGHT NOW that jakka will have to choose between his friends/family and his desire to avenge baud. it wont be baud's life he puts first, it will be his war brother's ghost. i am saying this now i am speaking it into existence.
Good game moment jakka vowing to kill mortimer really really hurts. morty i trusted you. i'm gonna kill you so fucking dead. if it plunges andaron into a civil war because the entire royal family is dead then so be it.
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munchflix · 2 years
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Munch: I think we should start with the classics.
Biscuits: That's all you have to say for yourself? I will say that I suggested this as a joke - I will take the blame, but I didn't expect Munch to go along with it. But now we're in too deep. We can't back out. I guess we're doing this. Do you want to delineate your parameters?
M: Yes, but know that I will probably break them. Also, you started this. My brain just wouldn't let go of logistics. 1 - they must be an ADULT.  2 - they must either have multiple iterations or movies.  3 - they must be ICONIC. I think we should start with the obvious - fuckin' Dracula.
B: Well, obviously S Tier, but do we need to expound?
M: I mean, there's been a billion versions, but they're all pretty sexy.
B: Hell, you seen the Coppola movie? Dracula and Johnathan Harker? I'd fuck them both at once.
M: Alright, then, moving on. We'll just go straight for the Wolfman. Or werewolves in general.
B: Obviously also S Tier. I'm not a furry-
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M: *laughs*
B: Werewolves are hot. You don't have to be a furry to want to fuck a sexy wolf-man. I will stand by this claim.
M: Ok. *wheezing*
B: Stop laughing!
M: I'm not gonna argue with you. Moving on. Frankenstein.
B: The monster or the man?
M: The monster!
B: Ok. I mean, in the novel, he was quite well-spoken and supposedly attractive. M: Hollywood turned him into the cut-up amalgam with zero braincells.
B: Ok, himbo.
M: Definitely worth a cuddle. I dunno...I'd put that in A Tier.
B: I'll agree. Next?
M: Phantom of the Opera. I mean, depending on the version...
B: You're gonna sit here and try to tell me that you've not wanted to fuck the Phantom of the Opera for the last 25 years?
M: Nope. I'm not. S Tier.
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B: Alright. Agreed. Moving on.
M: The Mummy
B: Now this is where things get interesting. He has been dead for like...hella long. I worry about the logistics, 'cause he's like dust. I mean, I seen the Brendan Fraser movie, Imhotep was not bad lookin, before he became a CG dead guy.
M: But we have to assume that it's the dead dusty version.
B: Again, I just think logistically, there's gonna be problems. C Tier? I feel like we have space to go downhill from here.
M: Did you wanna do the Creature From The Black Lagoon?
B: Sure, Guillermo Del Toro proved that it's hip to fuck fish.
M: I don't have any response to that. I'd rather fuck the fish-man from the Shape of Water? But I'd rather not fuck either of them. I would C Tier that shit.
B: You're being generous, C Tiering the fish man. But that just proves that we have lower to descend.
M: Now we're gonna get into the more slasher-y guys. Ok... Michael Myers. He's...just a dude. He's obviously built different, but appearance wise, he's just a dude.
B: I'm just imagining his DBD stun sound. B Tier. I could accept A Tier.
M: Rob Zombie Michael might be A Tier, that dude's a unit.
B: Are we classifying them separately?
M: Nah, let's put him in A Tier. Now, Leatherface
B: Again, there's been a number of versions.
M: I don't wanna fuck any of them! Even if he is just a dude.
B: The only difference is his mask is made of human skin. I don't think it's that bad of an option. If you wanna talk UNITS, remember Gunnar Hansen, who played Leatherface in the original, was like 6'7". BEEG boy. He seems like he could be gentle, if you asked him.
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M: *dissociating* The human skin is a factor here.
B: You brought this on yourself. You invoked this. B tier? Ok, I don't think he's that far beneath Michael. Really. But I'll accept B.
M: Uhh...Jason
B: This one is a bit spicier. Jason has been everything from a deformed man to a lube-covered zombie to an evil terminator from the future. On the plus side, an infinite supply of lube from his algae-covered zombie body.
M: And yet...a shocking number of people want to buff this dude.
B: This isn't about a shocking number of people - this is about you and me, bro. M: The fucked-up thing is I'm going to be like, "I wouldn't fuck Jason but I would fuck Godzilla."
B: So I'm a furry, and you're a scaly.
(Dib: And God is...so far away)
B: Do I look like someone who cares what God thinks? Anyways, the point is, how fuckable is Jason Voorhees?
M: I'm gonna put that in C Tier. He's a zombie for too many movies.
B: OK. Fair.
M: Um...Freddy? I mean...he's charming?
B: Does him being a child molester factor in here?
M: Yes.
B: Well, he was only really a child molester in the remake. In the original he was just a murderer. They didn't really take that angle.
M: The remake doesn't count. Child murder still pretty bad though.
B: I hate to break it to you, but there's gonna be a lot of murder here.
M: Also, he's all burnt. And gross.
B: Motherfucker looks like Pizza Hut cheese sticks. Also, the claw might get in the way. Avoid the swipes. C Tier? B Tier?
M: Yeah, C Tier... Pinhead.
B: S Tier.
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M: Elaborate on that?
B: No.
M: I agree. Okay, umm...Ghostface?
B: Ghostface is different people in every movie.
M: For the purposes of this, it is just the first incarnations.
B: Ok...but they are both kinda greasy and I don't want to fuck either of them.
M: All love to Matthew Lilliard, but neither do I. So...
B: C Tier. I'd rather not. I like how I have ranked Leatherface above two normal men.
M: Well, we both ranked Pinhead above two normal men too, so... Next we're gonna do my boy Candyman, who is obviously S Tier.
B: OBJECTION - the bees. Yes, he's handsome and all that, but the bees.
M: Get an epi-pen.
B: I suppose I will accept S Tier. Tony Todd is hot and all, but I still have apprehensions about the bees.
M: Umm...Pennywise?
B: Uhh...
M: If you're really into foreheads.
B: I'd rather not. Maybe this will be bad news for my ass. I think...I won't. Sorry, clown fuckers, you can have him. That's the end of discussion.
M: Jigsaw.
B: Well, he's old - not that that's ever stopped me - but he is also kind of dying of cancer.
M: Not to mention he puts people into deathtraps. Can you imagine the after-sex conversation with that guy?
B: It'd be interesting. I think the whole 'literally dying' thing might cause some problems, so...
M: C Tier?
B: Yeah, I mean, over Pennywise, definitely. Next?
M: Amanda Young - one of the few female entries on this list.
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B: I love Amanda, she's my favorite character in the SAW movies. A bit crazy, but I mean, I'm also not really sexually attracted to women. But you could do a lot worse.
M: Honestly, I think her unconditional devotion to Jigsaw is gonna be the biggest problem here. I mean, I'n not particularly attracted to Shawnee Smith (and I am attracted to women), but...A Tier?
B: Sure, we'll be nice.
M: On that note, let's do the other female one - Sil from Species. Who is kinda verging into the monster territory. She was mostly human though.
B: I mean, Pennywise was also a shape-shifting monster. But he's a clown and Sil just looks like a blond lady most of the time.
M: A naked blond lady.
B: Well, she is really horny. That's kind of her whole thing.
M: And yet - my desire to fuck her is so low. Plus, we couldn't reproduce, so I don't think she'd have any interest in me.
B: Where does that put our lovely lady?
M: B Tier I suppose. Next...Hannibal Lecter?
B: Are we talking the movies or the TV show?
M: I'm gonna say both - separate rankings. They're so different.
B: Well Mads Mikkelsen's Hannibal is obviously top tier. He's also obviously a top, but we haven't been factoring that in thus far. The whole point of the show was that you wanted to fuck him.
M: Uhh, *I* haven't been factoring that in. But I would still put Mads Hannibal in S Tier. Anthony Hopkins Hannibal? I'd rather not. He's kind of greasy and sleazy.
B: Eh...yeah.
M: Norman Bates.
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B: S Tier.
M: ...More for you.
B: All love to Anthony Perkins, rest in peace, he was very cute. I mean the whole mom thing...
M: Two words: Mommy issues.
B: How is that worse than bees?!
M: The bees are metaphysical.
B: So are the mommy issues.
M: Okay...so where are you ranking this dude? This sad, pathetic little wet man?
B: Still S Tier.
M: Okay, the Tall Man is still in the humanoid-ish category, though technically he's an alien...I think?
B: You could glean anything from any of those movies? Anyways, the guy bleeds mustard, so god knows what kind of fluids would come out of him during intercourse. I don't really wanna think about it.
M: I'm gonna put that in bad for my ass tier. The jawas might be involved. Alright! Let's do the terminator.
B: Well, there's been a lot of terminators.
M: The first one was pretty fuckable though.
B: Also, an indestructable robot from the future.
M: That's not a deterrent.
B: Ok, fair. S Tier?
M: S Tier. Okay..let's just throw Chucky in there and get it over with.
B: Yeah, this is gonna be bad for my ass. The mere logistics make this already a non-starter.
M: We know he's capable of it.
B: Unfortunately. Those movies really got fuckin weird, didn't they? Voodoo magic I guess.
M: And the Bride of Chucky - what was her name? Tiffany Valentine.
B: Also bottom tier.
M: I've had a crush on Jennifer Tilly forever, but not as a doll.
B: We're not going any further into doll territory. We're ending the conversation here.
M: However, we are going much deeper into monster territory. We're gonna start with the predator. Ok, I have some things to say here. I fucking love the design of this monster. It is so fucking cool. The version from Prey made me very happy, but I have seen some things on my tumblr though after reblogging some gifs of it. THINGS. You know who you are. I will say, before the mask comes off, he's not bad!
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B: Just kind of a buff dude with scales. He's got claws, that's fine.
M: The mask comes off and then it's a weird bug alien head that is never coming anywhere near me or my genitals.
B: Predator is obviously a butterface.
M: I can see why you all get excited, but like...how are we reconciling the horrifying bug parts? You all are just down for that?
B: I never said I was down for anything.
M: Also they're kinda hellbent on killing humans, but there was that one Chad Predator in Alien vs Predator with Lance Henriksen. I'd probably fuck that Predator.
B: You've been complaining about predator fuckers but now we can't put that dude that low on the list!
M: As long as he keeps his mask on.
B: Michael Myers and Jason are probably also keeping the masks on.
M: That is a factor though. I'd be more likely to fuck Jason if I couldn't see his face. B tier.
B: I think there's worse options on this list.
M: Xenomorph. Okay so...canonically....in Alien 4.....Ripley fucks a xenomorph. It's not even that graphic. I know there's a lot of people out there who are way into this, I'm not really down that bad.
B: There's some people who wish Alien Vs Predator had just been a porno.
M: Again...it's a fucking cool monster.
B: That sounds like monster fucker talk to me.
M: I can appreciate the design without wanting to fuck it. Also....acid blood....so god knows what's coming out the other parts. It seems just like an all around dangerous situation.
B: Also kind of bloodthirsty alien monster.
M: I'd put that in bad for my ass tier.
B: The xeno doesn't pass the Harkness test. A lot of these don't.
M: The Predator could but we're not talking about that now. That's a whole other tier ranking. Are you in agreement?
B: Yeah, bad for my ass tier.
M: Pyramid head. Is that one word or two? I don't know.
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B: He is canonically dummy thicc. Double cheeked up.
M: I think this gets into logistics again though. How would you even manage it with that thing on his head?
B: He really is just a buff dude with a giant thing on his head though. Just lay him down. Can Pyramid head even lay down?
M: See...this is what I mean. Supposing that it's logistically possible, is he fuckable?
B: I think he might also not pass the Harkness test. Does he have an intellect?
M: Why is this suddenly a factor? We never considered that before. Of course, most of them were humanoid or human so....I guess consent is a factor. SO....assuming he's consenting, and assuming it's possible....would you fuck Pyramidhead?
B: Why are you asking ME? Why is this burden on me?
M: Okay fine. I'd probably fuck Pyramid head. B tier.
B: He is conceptually just a buff dude with a pyramid head.
M: Pumpkinhead. Again...fucking cool creature design...I'm not fucking that thing. It is legit terrifying.
B: Kinda gross, not gonna lie. Not really any redeeming qualities.
M: Bad for my ass tier and I feel bad for that because he's very cool but....Okay....The Creeper. We're gonna pretend like the dude who made these isn't the grossest person ever. It's not relevant.
B: That's not what we're dealing with in this particular instance.
M: He's pretty wild. He's got wings, he can regenerate body parts, he's only active once every 23 years or some shit so you'd have to hit that while you could.
B: Well Pennywise is only active like every 27 to 30 years so...
M: I think he's actually more fuckable than Pennywise, but...he also has the gross bug face thing. Also eats people. Lots of people eating going on here. Mostly just looks like a dude in his normal state.
B: Not like insanely fuckable but...C tier?
M: Yeah okay. What's next? We're getting into some really weird shit here. Slenderman. He's been in a couple of films and they were all bad. But he's iconic. Does he pass the Harkness test? Probably not.
B: He's kinda of an amorphous folkloric character. We all know he lives in a mansion in the woods with Jeff the Killer and Eyeless Jack and all those other dudes from your spooky spaghettis.
M: *laughs* Spooky spaghetti??
B: You've never heard that before? Would I fuck Slenderman though? Well, everybody's crazy about a sharp dressed man.
M: He does have those tentacle things.
B: Is that a plus or a minus?
M: For me a minus, but there's also the child murder. Also the static and weird silence during sex would be so strange. Hard pass.
B: I'd rather not.
M: Same. C tier. The Thing, from the movie The Thing. We're gonna have to get into some logistics here.
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B: It CAN take a human form, but I think it procreates just by cell division. I don't know if it would even be interested.
M: Procreation is not a factor. Would you knowingly fuck it in human form?
B: No, it scares me.
M: It would probably just eat us. So...no. Bad for my ass. Going even deeper...The Blob. Would also probably just eat you.
B: It's not gonna be that bad for your ass though, it's basically just jelly.
M: It's gonna be bad for every part of you! It's acidic! It dissolves people! And asses!
B: I think it's still gonna be bad for your ass.
M: Nothing really fuckable here though. It doesn't even have a shape. Bottom tier.
B: Okay....Godzilla.
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M: S tier. Would absolutely fuck. I would die....but I would die having fucked Godzilla.
B: Why are you into this? This is still gonna be really bad for your ass though.
M: It's a risk i'm willing to take.
B: People are gonna think you're joking and you're not.
M: I'm absolutely not. Are we divided on this?
B: I think we're pretty divided on this. Both tiers at once. We've got some miscellany here. A couple of random ones. Bruce, the shark from Jaws. Reminder, Munch made this list. Anyways, the logistics are just not good. First of all, you're gonna have to get under the shark. You're gonna have to be underwater, holding on for dear life.
M: You suggested the shark. I'm with you on this. Also I don't want to fuck a shark.
B: It's not ideal. Bad for my ass tier.
M: Okay we're gonna give Nosferatu/Count Orlock his own thang. He's a very different version of a vampire. He is not what most would call sexy, but to each their own.
B: He's more fuckable than a shark.
M: Absolutely. There was the Werner Herzog movie that was kind of absurdly horny.
B: He's just a weird looking guy with big teeth.
M: He's fine. I'd B tier that actually, comparatively.
B: The Babadook from the movie, The Babadook. Who, from what I understand, is just kind of a weird goth guy with a big mouth and very long fingers.
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M: The illustrated version of him was far more frightening. He did only have the one movie, but he's iconic. Also an LBGTQ icon so....I'd probably hit that. Like Pyramidhead, he's just a manifestation of grief so...
B: Funeral sex!
M: B tier? You could do worse.
B: A tier, he deserves it. Are we gonna do The Nun or just leave it?
M: I think we just leave it. How do we top the Babadook?
B: This whole thing has been about how we're gonna top the Babadook!
M: I feel like this is saying a lot of things about us that probably shouldn't be out there on the internet, but then again, we saw someone make a horny post about Bill Barr. I've seen some things on my feed that make me feel so very normal. So very vanilla.
B: We've seen things that people should have probably thought about before they put them out on the internet, and I write fanfiction. You have to write it out and then hit post. You have time to think about what you're saying.
M: Also, this is a COMEDY SHOW.
B: It's funny. Abs hurt from laughing at own jokes.
M: We're fucking hysterical, and apparently down for fucking some monsters.
B: We're down pretty bad. Munch and Biscuits out, yo.
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kabutoraiger · 1 year
Alright I’m scared to ask off anon and idk if you’re gonna take dilf questions but I have this burning question i need answered and yelling in the tags didn’t work so. I turn to you Oryx. I’m sorry. 😞
Would you consider Shou Ronpo / Ryucommander a dilf? /I/ think so because he’s 40, is at least kinda like a cringe dad to the kyus, and bad back. But I would like other opinions as someone who also is familiar with kyuranger.
(In a similar vein: would you consider Tsurugi a dilf? At least age wise with all the immortality + cold sleep shit happening to him)
i'll always take a dilf question.
ronpo definitely meets the generalized standards of a dilf. i mean he's just a funny silly creature to me personally, but i'm certain i saw at least a little bit of horny scalie art of him back in 2017, so someone out there wants him carnally.
tsurugi though..... if someone Really wanted to die on the hill of him being a dilf i guess i wouldn't fight them too hard but i wouldn't be happy about it either. 😑 like yeah there's no way this guy doesn't have at least one bastard kid he's never paid child support for, but.
in my book you must have a) positive dadly qualities and/or b) middle-aged or older appearance and if you don't have either then you are a poser and a fraud to the title of dilf!!
"ohtori tsurugi, self-proclaimed fuckable dad" would be pretty in-character though i must admit.
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caxycreations · 10 months
Relan Studies Test #1 (RELEASE FRIDAY, AUG 18TH, 2023)
Rules: Copy and paste the section below into your reblog, and fill it out with your answers. Reblog when done, and I will get back to you with your grade. If you are curious on what you've gotten wrong, in the event of a score below 100, feel free to DM me and I will go over which questions were answered incorrectly.
As this is the first test, I will not be going over any of the particularly obscure facts. There will be three (3) Sections: a 10-Question True or False section, a 10-Question Multiple Choice section, and a 5-Question freeform answer section, for a total of 25 Questions.
Maximum possible score is 100 points, with each question being worth 4 points. The grade system is as follows: 100 points = S (for Superb!), 99-90 points = A (for Awesome!), 89-80 points = B (for Brilliant!), 79-70 points = C (for Clever!), 69-60 points = D (for Discerning!), 59-0 = NPG (for Not a Passing Grade)
Copy/Paste Section Below
Username: Date:
Section 1: True or False
True or False: Relan is the largest country in the world that "Tylvinian Tales" takes place in. Answer:
True or False: The Relanian Pantheon consists of four (4) deities. Answer:
True or False: Magic is a recent development for modern Relan. Answer:
True or False: Ferus is a democratic republic. Answer:
True or False: Dornum is an oligarchy. Answer:
True or False: Davina is a freelance photographer. Answer:
True or False: David identifies as female. Answer:
True or False: Ryder is over seven feet tall. Answer:
True or False: Trace works as a filing clerk. Answer:
True or False: Kaleb is an up-and-coming criminal in the Tylvinian underground. Answer:
Section 2: Multiple Choice
Which of these countries is the largest in the world? [A. Ferus] [B. Eikiria] [C. Dornum] [D. None of the above] Answer:
Who is known as the Fate Scribe? [A. Gaius] [B. Fina] [C. Escor] [D. None of the Above] Answer:
Where is the world's largest botanical preserve? [A. Ferus] [B. Kanor] [C. Sen] [D. None of the Above] Answer:
What is the most common religion on the planet? [A. Gaian] [B. Naturism] [C. Ancestral] [D. None of the Above] Answer:
How many countries are there? [A. 4] [B. 8] [C. 6] [D. None of the Above] Answer:
Which character is notably difficult to kill? [A. Cyrus] [B. Ryder] [C. Kaleb] [D. None of the Above] Answer:
Which character is a photographer? [A. Trace] [B. David] [C. Luka] [D. None of the Above] Answer:
Which character is not a criminal? [A. Kaleb] [B. Devon] [C. Trace] [D. None of the Above] Answer:
Which character is a teacher? [A. Luka] [B. Olivia] [C. Cyrus] [D. None of the Above] Answer:
Which character is the youngest? [A. Olivia] [B. David] [C. Ryder] [D. Cyrus] Answer:
Section 3: Freeform Answers
Which individuals are under constant threat of execution in Dornum, and why? Answer:
What was Sekano? Answer:
What is a Tangkorak? Answer:
How are Leshin created? Answer:
Which country is the most wealthy on the planet, and why? Answer:
Thank you for completing the test. Once you have reblogged with your test filled out, it will be scored and graded. Thank you again, and have a wonderful day.
Disclaimer: I do not expect anyone to get a perfect score and those that take the time to fill this out have my undying adoration, this was just a fun little thing I wanted to do so thank you all who participate!!!
Tag List
Tagging those who have expressed interest in participating, along with my usual tag list! If you'd like to be added (or removed), just let me know!
Usual Tag List: @heavensfallenfaction @moremysteriesthantragedies @thetruearchmagos @a-scaly-troublemaker @leisoree
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demon-blood-youths · 10 months
Into the Dragon's Den Part 2: Marked || A Medival Fantasy Drabble
Hi everyone, this is part 2 on Into Dragon's Den: Marked. This is for my lovely friend @the-silver-peahen-residence, This drabble is considered a medieval AU for our muses; Rust Knight, my OC and Davion, a canon muse that rp partner rps as.
If you haven't read part 1 yet, here it is: Into The Dragon's Den Part 1: Fire and Blood
After this, I might be thinking if this is it or if should I make part 3? Please don't get your hopes up if part 3 isn't coming soon. Who knows! I might write it or not.
---- This drabble contains ----
rough NSFW content
Mature Content
Grammatical error
Note: This drabble contains nudity, nsfw and mature content. Please do not read if you can't handle or under 18.
--- Summary ----
After the fight, the red humanoid dragon Davion won over Rust and now has plans for this little knight. Taking him as his treasure. How would Rust fare under this dragon's might.
Rust never thought he fought a dragon that turns into a human! Or rather a half-dragon. No, he says he's both! Ugh! Why does it matter?! He never thought the dragon would be doing something like this. "Aaaaah....you dammmmn dragon bastard. What are you doing?!" He is pinned down by the dragon on top of his hoard. The hoard was filled with some gems, gold, carpeting, and other valuables.
His chest armor plates were taken off, and the plates and chainmail protecting his groin and waist were gone. Parts of his armor are scattered around the cave. His clothes underneath were torn revealing his bare chest, and waist. Only his gauntlets, fan pans, and greaves remain on his body.
It's like opening a treasure chest. Revealing the knight's bare body is a sight to behold underneath that armor that is hiding it. The blond's expression is so cute. The dragon can't wait to ravish him.
Right now, his chest is being played with, his pecs are being fondled by scaly claws, and his nipples are being pinched and licked. Rust gasps when he feels bites and nips onto his chest as he winces.
"Like I said, you're part of my hoard now."
"Are...you crazy?! I'm a knight...not a damn princess!" Rust goes to thrash. But hs is being pinned down by his claw, holding him by the neck. He can feel his tail and his pointy tail trailing his body down to underneath pants. His face blushed pink when he felt the scales across his length.
"F-fuck....wait.." Not only he is a dragon that is humaniod, he can transform into a human and he got beaten by this guy. Now what he is planning to do him?! What the hell?!
"You're right, my little treasure. A knight fitting for me." The dragon demon lick his lips.
"Fuuuck off! Let me go or else I will slay you!" Rust yelled as he tries to struggle but then he gasps when something is touching his lenght. The dragon is now stroking his cock with his hand. "H-hey- hnnng. Ack..stop that!" Rust winced.
"Why should I when you are clearly hard down there." He begins to stroke his cock. Rust became startled feeling his own lenght and the state it's in.
Hold on...is he hard?! From this?! No way!
"That's b-b-because you're making me like this!" Rust yelled, clearly embarrassed and tried his best to look mad, making the red dragon laugh at him. This got the blond glare at him. "S-stop laughing!!"
"So cute. I don't think I will let you go now. Ever." Then the blond is flipped over on his stomach. Head down and knees up. "H-huh?! What are you doing now?!" He heard a tore of fabric as his rear is now exposed. The pants were ripped and discarded.
"Just exploring...more, my little knight" That's what the blond heard before he felt something inside his ass making him cry out. Something long and thick making him gasp and shouts.
"Ack! Knock it off....wh-what are you doing..AH?!" He felt digits inside him, stroking and rubbing, making him blush and pant. He covers his mouth, and he hears the lewd wet sounds from the fingers going thoroughly in his ass.
"So wet down there too." He heard the dragon speaks while he thrusts his fingers in and out of the knight.
"Augh...Craaaaazy bastard...ah..." Rust uttered. He grips at anything he can. Like pieces of his armor and whatnot. He grits his teeth when the fingers are deep inside of him, searching for something. But what? The answer came in a form of a shock when the dragon's fingers slammed inside of him. A blissful tingle went up his spine, making him jolt, arch his back, and cry out loudly.
"W-what?" He looks confused at what he's feeling as his face flushes red, looking over his shoulder. What does it feel so good all of a sudden?
"Looks like I found it. Your sweet spot~."
"M-mmy what?!" Rust feels a tingle of pleasing sensation throughout his body when the fingers are rubbing at a certain spot. "A-ah...stop. Don't touching there! It is making me feel weird!"
"Why not? Seems like you like it." The dragon chuckles before slamming his fingers at the nub once more, making the knight jolt and cry out hotly. Rust tries to pull himself together.
"I-i-don't..the hell are you...hnnng..saying..??" Rust said this while hips unwittingly bucking backwards to get more of it. The dragon laughs again. "That's not what you're doing! Your hips are moving towards me."
"S-shut the hell up!!" Rust yelled. "You damn assho-AH!" He cries out when the dragon does it again. "You can tell me to shut up but there is no denying it." Said the dragon as he continues to open the knight up, hoping to strip more of mental armor down before he gets to the main course.
"Aahhh...fuck yoooou.." Rust groaned.
"Oh...I am planning to do that." Davion licked his lips. Rust widens his eyes at this. What the hell?! What the hell is wrong with this dragon???
"What the hell?! Aren't you going to eat me?!"
He laughs again. "I am. I am going to eat you up." He goes to turn him around on his back and places Rust's legs over his shoulders making the knight nervous as he goes to try to move his legs but the dragon grasps them tightly. "No. None of that." The red monster growls. The blond can't see what's going on. Then his world is turned almost upside down while he is pulled towards him. He can his feel breath between his legs. What is he planning to do!? The answer came when the blond felt something warm and moist in his nether regions making him cry out. Huh?! He jolted in surprise. What is going on?!
He heard something slurping and weird lewd sounds. What the hell?! Wait...is that his?! Rust blushes red. He realizes what is happening. He goes to move his feet but it didn't do anything only to encourage the dragon further push his tongue deep into his hole, touching his warm hole. "Mmmhmmm...so sweet" The dragon hums, continuing to open it up.
"Ah..stop! It's so weird! What are you doing to mmmmee! Nuugh!." Rust yelled, getting hard to control his moans.
"Eating you. It's just you taste so good, little knight. You taste like sweetness with a hint of spiciness. Tastes like dark chocolate with bit of hazelnut." The dragon teases making Rust blush even further.
"Stop saying weird stuff!! Let go!!" He cried dramatically. The dragon returns by leaning in and eating him out once more with his tongue.
"Mmfmmm...hnnng" The young man drools with his eyes rolling back as he twitches while he is trembling from the oddly good sensations. God. Why does it feel so weird and so good? How can he like this?! Then he felt something coming out of him.
"Ah...ah...wait..wait...something is coming out!" Rust warns but the red dragon keeps on going, knowing exactly what is about to happen. His draconic tongue continues to prod further and further, hitting that small nub making the knight come onto himself with a moan. Ropes of cum hit his own chest as his cock is dripping wet. He is gasping in disbelief.
"Look at that. You must feel good after cumming..." He said making Rust grits his teeth. "S-shut up!" The response he got is that the dragon continues the onslaught of his entrance with his tongue making him hiss and thrash. "AAAH~!" How long is it anyway?! Rust cries out in a way he never felt this feeling before. He whines and cries. His body burns for this ongoing sensation as his hole twitches from the licking. "Ha...ha...ha"
It went on for a while and soon Rust is growing weak and so his legs. His own length is fully erect from the treatment and his hole is quivering. The dragon pulls back, drops his knees, and licks his lips. "Now it's time..."
"Huh?" Rust felt his legs laid down and spread apart. He became dizzy from the punishment of the dragon's tongue him. But then he feels something more hotter than his tongue. It feels hard and big near his rear. His hole twitches in anticipation. Huh?! He slowly looks towards and widens his eyes at what he's seeing. "Wa-wait...hold on." He gulps, "T-that...won't fit. You're too big. It will not...."
"It will fit. After all...I was prepping all that for this." He said as he is stroking his own lenght waiting for a chance like this. The hard girth is throbbing and heated, making the blond blush hard.
"A-are you crazy?! It won't freaking fit!" Rust shouted making the dragon chuckle and whispers. "Call me crazy all you want. I am already excited and you're already liking this." Then he grips his hips. "Your little friend down there is telling me so." Referring to his own cock, giving a little stroke making the blond yelp a little. "Now take deep breathes..." He lets go and goes to line up his length at his entrance and proceeds to enter. "Hold on...a second. You're too-ugh...hnnng- fuck!" Now the tip is being pushed in. The blond felt his hips being held as the dragon keeps pushing himself inside of him.
"Ah....hnnng...mmrmm!" The blond's face flushes red as he lets out breathes as turns his head around, letting out pants as his body shivers. He hears the dragon growl making his way in. Inch by inch and bit by bit. The process is strenuous but soon with a snap of his hips. Davion thrusts into him fully making the knight gasp out loudly. The knight can finally feel how full and big inside of him.
'O-oh fuck! He's really inside of me! He's bigger than I thought. Ahhh...so hard and strong too~augh...what the hell?!' Rust thought as he lets out a gasp as his hole is twitching at the dragon's girth inside of him. His body is trembling. The dragon sees a small lump inside the knight's lower abdomen. Davion pulls out slowly and then with an exhale of breath, he snaps his hips forward making Rust yelp tightening and twitching making the dragon wince at how tight he is. "Damn...you're really tight." He sees the blond whose hazel blue eyes are now half-lidded and gritting teeth, almost looking feral with his messy hair. Seeing this, he makes to get a good hold of him by snaking his hands and holding him by the lower waist. This little knight is so adorable.
"Ha...ha...ha..." Rust panted as there is drool at the corner of his mouth, his eyes unfocused and his eyes shuddering at the sensation.
He looks so wonderful under him, twitching and writhing under him while his hole is so warm and so tight. He goes to test by pulling out a little and thrust into him making the blond yelp once more. The dragon waits for the other to adjust a little before he gives a few more tries. Soon, the dragon is slowly thrusting in and out of the knight with a groan, developing a rhythm as he is loving the wet warmth inside of him. Hearing the blond's groans and hiss as he is covering his face with his arms wearing the gauntlets while his breath hitches.
"How are you feeling, little knight?"
"Fuuuck youuu...mmmm...damn dumb dragon bastard.' The blond groaned with a retort,.
"Already doing that." He chuckles as he keeps thrusting into him deeper while holding onto him. Rust can hear the wet lewd noises coming out between them making him feel hot. "Grrrr... ha" He growls as he turns his head to the side gritting his sharp canine teeth, trying to endure it.
"Fighting back? Don't worry, I make sure you will be marked, little knight. You'll be mine soon enough. I can't wait to hear what you sound like with your moans." Davion smiles before leaning licking his chest and caressing his face with
"Ugh! Won't break, y-you bastard." He glares at him before biting his finger down, drawing a bit of blood. "I-I...was training a lot f-for this! I can handle what ya dish out! After this, I'm going to slay y-you." Rust glares despite his face flushed pink.
"Oh?" Davion stops for a moment making the knight dumbfounded before... "Then let's see if your training pays off then!" Davion slams down his hips hitting that nub making Rust cry out loudly and arches his back and goes to insert his finger further into his mouth. The blond is gasping towards the cavern ceiling. He shut his eyes tightly while feeling the dragon thrusting inside of him again. He can handle this! He's strong after all. No way...he would lose to this dragon! No way in hell!
Davion sees he has a challenge below him. It made him very aroused. He now wants to dominate this little knight and claim him as his own. He wonders how long he last before he begs.
Time passes. Rust wasn't sure how much time passes in this cave but...he knows he already came twice or three times?! He can't tell..but he knows this damn dragon hasn't even finished! Now he is about to come a fourth time!
"Aahhh~" Rust moaned with his leg up over the dragon's shoulder and one leg on the floor while the dragon is grunting and thrusting into him non-stop making him cry and moan. The blond can feel his balls hitting his rear.
After the blond came at the second round and feel him pulling out, he felt it was over until he was turned over on his stomach and he slams his cock right back inside of him making him moan. Rust is surprised by this before he got pounded so hard. The smack between their hips hitting each other is echoing throughout the cave making him more heated and blush red. He can't help but look down and sees his own cock flopping back and forth. Then he felt a powerful thrust striking at a peculiar spot that made him moan out loudly to the air. He came a second time. He is gasping and drooling on top of his hoard. He got turned around before they went for a third round.
When he came for the third time, he felt something filling up inside of him making him shudder and moan. It's so hot. It felt....some kind of heat that is claiming his insides. It's like a damn hot spring that feels so right! "Oh fuck....what...what is t-this?"Rust curses, trying to understand this as he panted heavily.
"That's my dragon heat...little knight." Said Davion. "Does it feel good?" He whispered.
Rust bit his bottom lip and didn't say anything, not wanting to give him an answer. He growls as a response. He heard a chuckle behind him before he tells him this. "Don't worry. You will get more of it soon. We dragons have a lot of stamina, so we don't get tired. We have a long night ahead of us."
"Y-you what?!" Rust exclaimed now in disbelief.
And thus, Rust is in for a long night.
In this sideways position, this is the fifth round. Or sixth?! Each round is longer than the last one. Davion keeps on slamming into him and every time he hits a spot that Rust can't describe. It is driving him crazy! He...he...can't get enough of it.
"Augh! D-damn it! Why are ya not finished?!" Rust cried. Davion grunts as he keeps on going. He can see the perspiration already set in making the blond's hair go damp, covering his eyes. He can see the drool coming out of his mouth and sometimes...he can see his hazel blue eyes half-lidded and now dazed behind his blond locks. The dragon chuckles hearing his outburst, "Like I told you, little knight." He reminds the blond, increasing the pace of his pounding to fast and hard, "Dragons have a lot of stamina to burn through. I'm really hungry for you." He grunts and keeps on pounding into the blond over and over.
"Hnng!" Rust lets out more moans and his breaths became pitched, he became dazed by the pleasure where all his spots are being hit.
"Grooah....so strong yet so hot and tight." He pulls out turning him on his stomach, "I can't stop breeding into you." He whispered in his ear, covering his back with his body and plunging his cock back in. Rust moans. He took hold of the blond's wrists tightly. He growls. "You're mine now." He pulls Rust a few inches up from the soft nest and he thrusts into him hard, making him cry out and shed tears of pleasure while holding onto his wrists like handles. "That's right! Cry for me!" He yelled.
Rust moans nonstop. He closes his eyes and lets it out. There is nothing to muffle his mouth. Every shock and jolt is breaking his mind. It felt so amazing! Damn. Is this what fighting a dragon is like??! Fuck, fuck, fuck, f-
"Fuck!" Rust moaned to the cavern ceiling. His stomach is burning. Aching for something! "P-please...please!"
"Please what?" Davion stops him making the blond thrash a little.
"Just....give mmm..me..." Rust grips on the fabric. "Your....ha..ha.." Rust panted, trying to string words together. He needs it.
"You what?" He starts to grind against him. "I need to hear you say it clearly..." He whispered. To which, Rust growls and yells,
"Ugh! I can't take it anymore, you stupid dragon!" He slams his fist on the carpet, "Just...just give it to me already! Your dragon heat! It burns! My stomach burns! I-I need your dragon heat! It's ugh.." The blond can't explain it but the dragon knows what he means.
"Understood. I will grant your request, little knight." Davion said before he went back into it. "So greedy..aren't you?" He growls, slamming his hips down.
"Ha...ah....ah...ooh....mfmmm!" Rust moaned with his eyes half-widened. Anytime the dragon hits that sweet spot, he moans so loudly that his pupils dilated and his tongue almost sticks out. It made him cry and moan as he hangs his head.
"Almost there~. You ready?"
"Y-yes! I'm ready! Please!" Then his head is turned a bit and his lips touch something soft. Davion kisses him making the blond's eyes widen. The knight can taste the smoke from his mouth. The sweetness and a hint of spice made him dazed even further. Cinnamon, honey and milk. It is like tasting his flames. The dragon breaks the kiss. "Good to hear." He smiles before he brings him up and has him sit down on his lap getting his cock deeper inside of him. This made the blond throw his head back and moan out loud.
"So tight..." Davion groaned before he thrusts upwards inside of him while keeping his hips down, forcing him to bounce on his cock. Rust cries and lays his back against his chest. His hair hides his eyes as his lips parted, letting out strings of moans. "Ah.....I'm close." Davion whispered at his ear, pounding into him harder and harder.
"P-please!" Rust begged with tears in his eyes because of his spot being hit so deep and harder. He
Davion growls as he goes harder, wanting to claim this knight. He is now giving him strong thrusts and makes he hit the same spot that is making the knight beg for his heat. "Here it comes. Take it all!" He said before biting down on his neck and giving one powerful thrust making the blond scream in pleasure and cums onto the floor. The dragon follows by spilling his heat into the knight once more. Rust lets out a strangled moan as he shudders, feeling the hot load inside of him. He lays against the dragon's chest as he is panting heavily with his eyes closed.
He felt his hair being caressed.
"Not bad. How about one more time?"
Huh?! Rust widens his eyes before Davion starts up again, going for a fifth round, slamming his hips upwards making the blond moan.
Time passes...
Rust panted heavily as he is on the dragon's chest exhausted from the whole ordeal. He never thought he came to a lot of times. His hair is ruffled, his eyes became dilated and his legs are shivering from the great orgasm he wouldn't believe.
"Amazing. You managed to keep up with me. You're the only knight I ever like so far." The dragon chuckles while rubbing his back as he had him turned and have him on his arms. Feeling his chest on his chest.
"I-i am...not..." The blond grips his shoulders.
"Hm?" He hears a sniffle.
"Not a knight...you crazy bastard." Rust sniffles,"I am just here to save my village damnit it." He said. "I'm just a stupid moron who is good at fighting some stupid goblins and orges. I thought if I beat you. I can help my village and get the respect it deserves so we can get help from our shitty kingdom or maybe get those damn bandits off our back. Shit, bandits took over my town, and they have an asshole mage with them. I thought... I had a chance after all that training and it's my chance to save them. Now I'm weak as shit! How can I go back now?! I hope you're happy!" Rust yelled angrily. But the blond is more angry at himself. For being so weak. For failing his village. He can't do anything right.
Davion is surprised to hear so he asks, "So you're not a knight?"
"That's what I said! Even though my last name is freaking Knight!" Rust said, angrily as he has tears in his eyes.
The dragon hears this and he couldn't believe it. He is not a knight? He didn't know he fought a villager. Still...it explains everything. His language, his fighting style, and his attitude. That is why he interests him right now.
With a sigh, the dragon goes to pat his head, he caresses his head gently. "I see. Then how about I help you?" He suggested.
"Huh?!" Rust blinked, looking up to him.
"It's the least I can do to help. After all, you managed to give it your all and out of everyone, nobody punches me like that. Not even a knight. You're more braver than I thought. So how about I help you?" The dragon smiles.
"A dragon helping..me? But why? I was here to slay you. Aren't you pissed off?" Rust looks confused.
"Not anymore. I was bored of all the knights challenging me to be honest. But you caught my eye and you were good." This got the blond to blush. Besides...I think I like you. What's your name, little knight?"
"R-rust..it's Rust." He answers. "B...but I am not a knight."
"Rust." He said his name, liking it. He goes to sit up and has the blond in his arms. "It's fine but you're a knight to me. If anything, I admire your bravery and you're doing this to save your village. Most knights are here to kill me for fame or try to get in good standing with the king. You don't look like you care about that." Davion goes to wipe away his tears and kisses on top of his head. "Now let's get you clean up." He stands up and takes the blond in bridal style, taking him to a lake nearby to wash him.
"After that, I will help out your village. Does that sound? Hm?" The dragon looks to see the blond fast asleep or rather fainted. Probably exhausted from the journey, the fighting, and the rounds of sex he went through with him. Rust is asleep making the dragon chuckle and pushes his blond bangs away to see his peaceful expression.
"What an adorable little knight. From now on, you've been marked. You're now mine." He said as he ventures down to the cavern.
To be continued???
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the-trinket-witch · 2 years
Part 2 of the writing @squidwen inspired me to make
It started with a favor. Kalim had asked if Albert could help a fellow Scarabian in a study session, as Jamil had been busy by the same token with another student. Al was always willing to help a friend, but the student in question, Basil, was not a face he could recall. So it came as a bit of a shock to see the naga lounging in wait at the appointed time. 
“Are you…Basil?”
“Yesssiree~” the beastman replied. “And you’re Albert, I assssume?” 
His query was met with a nod and foxlike smile. He offered a beckoning pat of a cushion next to him before laying out the study material. Before he could answer the offer, Al took to shucking his coat. No matter how often he visited, he could never get used to the oppressive heat of his friend’s dorm. 
“So, what do you feel you’re having trouble with in this class?”
The two had gone over the material as thoroughly as one could. Al puffed his chest a little in pride watching the pieces click into place for his classmate. He hadn’t paid mind, but Basil sure noticed the slow recline his tutor had made into the coil stretched behind him. And, was the flush on the human’s cheeks a bit of exploitable bashfulness? Albert would contest it as the beginnings of heat exhaustion, if asked. In either case, he could feel the tension in the man’s lower back, clear as day. The two had drifted from the homework at hand to more peripheral conversation; a nice distraction as Basil entwined a coil around Al’s waist. The pressure had finally become noticeable, but unlike some, he only seemed fascinated. This was made all the more evident as he ran a hand gingerly across the scaly pattern. 
“Oh, is this just reflex or are you really needing the extra heat?” Al chuckled. “If that’s not rude of me to ask.”
“Not at all~ And let’sss sssay a little Column A, a little Column B,” Basil purred. Could snakes purr? “I couldn’t help noticing your posssture, though. You carry a lot of stresss in your shouldersss. And don’t think I didn’t notice when you ssstretch. If you were looking for a chiropractor, all you had to do was asssk.”
One swift motion was all it took for Basil to loop a couple more coils around the man and thrust him into his lap. If the heat on Albert’s face wasn't from embarrassment before, it certainly was now. He barely released a gasp in surprise before he was staring back at the python who now cradled his head in his hands. Even though his hands were free, the smirk playing on the face above him told that hiding his blush would have been a wasted effort. 
"Relaxxx, Little Hare. Your heart'sss going to give out before you get to be my age," he hummed, letting his hands knead and grind against his 'client's' shoulders.
The scaly band enveloping Albert's torso cinched and relaxed, rolling over the tension like waves on the shore. It was Basil's turn to let his chest swell with pride at the slack growing in his captive's muscles. Even that cunicular heartbeat thumping under his tail began to slow. Of course he was relaxing, he was in the hands-and coils-of a professional. But he knew massage only got clients so far, but a little magic could do leaps and bounds for this 'Hare'. His tail gently guided the man's chin up to better catch his gaze. 
"You know, masssage only relieves physical sssymptoms of stresss, and I underssstand working on that Ramshackle little hutch of yoursss has been taking up quite a bit of headssspace. You wouldn't mind if I sssiphoned off a bit of that stresss, would you?" 
Albert only had a moment, cocking his brow, before taking notice of an odd glint in the beastman's eyes. By acknowledging it, he'd already been snared. Everything but his classmate's eyes seemed to melt away-his periphery, his thoughts, even limbs seemed to puddle around him. There was that feeling again; the one before being buried in the biting, sandy snake pit of Jamil's gaze, the one before being tossed in the truth-compelling sea of Jade's magic, the one as he watched from the front seat the headlights slam into his family's car. Even if that gut-sinking feeling had his consciousness wrapped in silk, it wouldn't matter against the added descent through his mind at terminal velocity. His body knew it was secure and still, but that nauseating, vertigo-inducing, oddly glittery effect the python's stare induced still made drawing breath a laborious act. 
Jackpot. With such a well of stress, Basil's next class was going to be a cakewalk with a supercharged spell in his back pocket. Just another easy game of 'Peek-a-boo'. He had a moment to beam at the typical laxing of the man's pulse and evening of his breath. It was very short-lived, though, as Al's breathing skied back into hyperventilating. This was definitely concerning, but Basil figured that once he'd plucked the last of the reserve, he would chill once more. He dug deeper, deeper into that auburn-eyed reservoir. A memory tugged at his brain as he began to wonder if there even was a bottom. A memory only a few months fresh. That first one just had an overwhelming amount to offer. This, though, felt more like a positive feedback loop; the more he drew, the more stress would build. A familiar, rotten sourness also began to build on the back of his tongue. Blot. He screwed his eyes shut, cutting off their connection before he let that inky memory repeat itself. 
The two of them gasped, having breached their conscious surface. Al scrambled out of his confines, utterly tired and dizzy. Basil didn't offer any resistance, himself feeling overbloated and close to retching. 
"That wasss…unexpected," the beastman panted. Something pooled in the corner of his lips; wiping it away confirmed it as what he'd feared. The miniscule build-up was of little comfort, compared to what could have been,  if he'd kept going.
Al remained silent, electing to collect his things instead of letting the thought of what just happened have a chance to flood back in. His goodbye only consisted of the off-kilter patter of his shoes until he rounded a corner out of sight. Basil's attention lingered on that corner, maybe in some hope an answer to what happened might appear. Someone close by sighed. It drew the python's focus over to its source: Jamil.
"Tried your little 'Peek-a-boo' trick on him? If you have told me before I'd have advised not to bother. He's…weird about that kinda stuff-people getting in his head and whatever. Good grief. Need something for that headache?" 
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farfrompleasant · 1 year
Happy Freyja Friday!!! 💖🎉😘
It's almost your actual one year anniversary with the freyby! What a beautiful journey and union you two have had 💞💞💞 to many more!!!
TWO sheds in two months?! Miss Thing is back to doing the most I see! How are you two faring these days? How's school treating ya?
Philly actually planted a lot of honey locust for beautification/urban green planning, and I've read/seen that you can take the seed pods and boil the sweet um goo (??? I'm not a scientist lol) out of them to make a natural plant-based sweetener! But, obviously all the seed pods I see have been crushed by cars and feet and rained on and peed on etc etc so that's a no go 😢
One day, my foraging dreams will come true lol have you seen Alexis Nikole Nelson's (aka the Black forager) content on social media? She's super awesome.
A feeble attempt was made to revive the book club but it's still pretty dead lol at least we have this 😘
Tumblr media
I made a dog fort out of our bed when it was really cold last month and Nova was hogging it the other day 😂
Happy Freyja Friday!!!
I’m actually on time chdhhdhdhdjskendbjdjf, absolutely insane!💀 it will be an entire year I’m just two days and I can’t cope! It feels like we’ve been with each other for a much longer time, and I’m just baffled at the fact that she grew to love me in just a year😳 it’s giving fall in love at a certain amount of time trope, if you know what I mean then you know! (I hope you do…) but still, thank you friend… you’re the sweetest evers!🥺❤️ and I want you to know that with every union, you’re also apart of it as you were there during the early days of my journey with this scaly girl c;
I still can’t get over the back to back shedding, and apparently neither can Freyja. Her beard has been dark during the process😅 anywho, I am doing okay. Between school, work, and having minor health issues going on I think I’m tackling things rather well. As for our girl, she’s a lot happier these days; we’re expanding her diet, and gathering accessories for her enclosure in hopes of sprucing it up! And she’s always warm despite the bitter winter biting us all in the rear before it’s officially spring. Seriously, thank goodness for ceramic heating!
Honey locus? I have to look that up, friend! I didn’t know that was a tree 🥺 very mesmerizing tree with a cool base and warm, autumn favored leaves… I want to see more of those! Philly has good taste. Got me romanticizing a type of tree 🤭 wait— so you’re saying that with this sweet goo that is extracted from these pods, you can make an organic sweetener?! That’s amazing 🤩 I hate that there’s no real opportunity to do that given that you’re living in a city where plant life/resources aren’t necessarily considered(?) Like, if it was cleaner and plants weren’t looked at as embellishments, then that it would totally be doable imo 🥺
I can’t wait to witness your foraging, I just know that it would bring me so much joy as a) you are doing your hobby and b) you’re sharing it with me and teaching me a few things along the way c; I can’t say that I heard about Alexis Nikole Nelson or any of her work but I’ll check it out whenever I can find some time ☺️
And 😭 rip to our bookclub! It was initially productive, and I loved being apart of it along with just hearing everyone’s perspectives on the material c: not to mention I totally bragged about it to my therapist at one point 🤭 it’s a flex, okay! I feel that there may be a revival period if someone finds a really good read 😂
That is soooo cute friend! A doggie fort sounds so cozy and I know for a fact that some cuddles took place 🥰 and of course Nova is basking in the comfort of it all, I really love that for her❤️ I hope Abbie and Lizzie are getting their turns whenever they can lolol and that Wallace and Heller are experiencing great comforts as well in their own feline way c: I feel like they probably squeeze their way into certain nooks and crannies that would incite a war if bothered or removed 😂😅
And of course, I hope Philly weather is being kind to you my good friend 🥰 hope you are feeling well and will continue to prosper in any way you see fit!
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This is a day after her second shed, she’s obsessed with resting here again for whatever reason c:
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