#and bit our lips bloody trying not to laugh because he ate his sandwich by taking the top bread part off
tsuchinokoroyale · 1 year
OKAY last upload from the wedding I swear but someone sent the bride a video of the newlywed couple dancing so sweetly during the couples dance portion of the night, but also managed to capture me and the two besties doing our throuples dance routine in the background ☠️☠️☠️
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rai-wick · 4 years
Gally x Reader Chapter 2: First Day
Y/N's P.O.V
I groggily got up and stretched.My body was aching from tossing and turning the whole night not to mention all the images of needles, familiar voices and white rooms flashing through my mind.There was a knock on my door and Minho came in.
"Get up Greenie, we have to get you assigned today"He cheerily said."Get dressed, have breakfast and once you're ready, go to Alby's cabin. See you there" He nodded and left.
I got out of bed and freshened up. I brushed my hair back, I prefered my hair down, it made me feel safe. I kept a hair tie on my wrist just in case. I pulled on a shirt and trousers before heading out to the eating area, I saw some boys having breakfast and laughing before spotting me and looking away. I didn't feel like eating much, so I just got a sandwich and ate it on my way to Alby's cabin which I now thanked that he had shown me earlier.I finished my sandwich and knocked on the door.
"Come in!"
Gally's P.O.V
The door opened and ____ came in. She had dark circles under her eyes, none of us said anything as we all knew how hard the first night in the Glade could be. "Alright ____, here's what we're going to do.We'll run through the rules then we'll tell you about the jobs and you tell us which one you would like to try out. Deal?"Alby said to her.She nodded in response, her face blank."There are 3 main rules.1.Everyone does their part. No slackers.2.Never hurt another Glader. You have to trust each other.3.Never go outside the Glade, unless you're a Runner.Got it?"She nodded and Alby moved on.
"Now you've met Minho, He's the Top Runner. It's his job to run through the maze and try to find a way out. This is Frypan."Frypan nodded from where he was standing."He's in charge of the kitchen and food.Clint and Jeff here are the med-jacks, they look after injuries and sicknesses."Clint gave her a small smile which she didn't return."Newt here is in charge of the gardens as well as my second in command"Newt lifted his hand slightly from where he was standing."And finally, we have Gally, Keeper of The Builders. Although he will insist for you to call him Captain Gally." I rolled my eyes as they all grinned.She still had a blank look on her face. Shuck, does this girl have any emotions?"So what do you think? What do you want to try out first?"
She pondered for a moment before replying "Building"We were all a little suprised at her answer but it was her answer."What?"She raised an eyebrow at us.
"Well we thought you'd want to be a runner"Minho sheepishly said"You were very quick on your feet"
"Building is what I want to do"
"Okay so I guess Gally you're in charge of her. Everyone is dismissed"Alby waved his hand as we left his cabin. ____ stood to the side waiting for me.
"Good Luck" Minho whispered to me"She's like the girl version of you but hotter"
"Slim it"I glared before walking over."Ready?"She nodded in response and we went to the builders section. "You're lucky, today all we have to do is some repairing and mostly just chopping 'cuz it's bonfire night"
"What's bonfire night?"
"It's a tradition we do on the Greenie's first night in the Maze.Although in your case, Alby wanted to wait until you had settled in a little bit.We make a bonfire, get drunk and have a fight off led by yours truly."She looked at me before rolling her eyes.We arrived at the section.I pointed out the different parts to her as she nodded in response."So you can pick a part and I'll help you through it"
She gazed intently around before looking at me and saying "Chopping"
"Are you sure? The axes can be very heavy and a little dangerous"
She crossed her arms and looked at me, with her penetrating ___ stare. "Yes"
"Fine with me"I shrugged and led her to the chopping block. I handed her an axe and showed her how to swing it.She copied me and I have to say she had perfect form. "Very good" I nodded to her and a smirk tugged at the corner of her lips. I handed her a block of wood and showed her how to perfectly chop it. She brought the axe above her head and brought it down hard, splitting the wood in half. Her hair swung around her face and I inwardly chuckled. "You might want to tie up your hair" She tied her hair into a ponytail and I found myself staring at the ground. She looked beautiful with her hair down but when she tied it up, it really brought out her features. I handed her a pile of wood and went to my section.
Y/N's P.O.V
I swung down hard and slice the wood. I put down my axe and wiped the sweat off my face. "Getting tired Greenie?"I looked to see Gally leaning on his axe smirking at me.
"It's ____" I told him coldly.
"Sure thing Greenie" His smirk grew bigger and I turned my back on him.I finished chopping and stuck my axe into the ground.
"Done" I told Gally with a bored expression. He looked at the pile and back at me.
"Not bad for your first day Greenie. I didn't think you had it in you"
I crossed my arms and looked at him with an eyebrow raised"Because I'm a girl?"
"Well ya"
"Guess you were wrong Captain Gally" He glared at me and I turned on my heel as the lunch bell rang.I picked up a plate and put some food on it before grabbing an apple. I went to the table I had sat on yesterday. I sat down and began eating.
"Excuse me but can do you mind if we join you?" I looked up to see Newt, Minho, Chuck and Gally staring at me. I looked at the big empty table and nodded. Gally, Newt and Minho sat across from me and Chuck sat next to me. I turned to myself back to the food.
"So Gre-" I looked at Minho daring him to call me Greenie"____. How was your first day in the glade?"
"I hope Captain Gally isn't giving you a hard time."he grinned and I shrugged in response as Minho sighed and went back to his food."Your turn"I heard him mutter to Newt.
"Your turn?"I asked him and they all looked away blushing.
"Err, Alby told us that we should try and make you laugh so you feel more at home here."I rolled my eyes and picked up my apple.
"No thanks"I took a bite of it."I'm not really a laughing type of person"
"So you're telling me, nothing makes you laugh?"Minho raised his eyebrow at me while I shrugged again.
"There's got to be something"I shook my head and picked up my plate.I walked away and threw my rubbish in the bin before walking back to my station.
I put down my axe and threw the last of the wood in the pile. I smelled something nasty before realising that it was me. I put my axe with all the other axes and headed to my cabin.
"Hey Greenie!" Irritated, I turned around to see Gally smirk at me."See ya at the bonfire eh?"
"Maybe you will, maybe you won't"
"You can't miss it, it's like missing your own funeral"
"That's a bloody terrible comparison" I raised an eyebrow at him
"I'll take that as a yes"He turned around and walked away. I rolled my eyes and went to my cabin for a shower. When I got in, I stripped myself of clothes and went into the shower.The warm water soothed all my pains as it washed over my body. I showered quickly and turned the water off. I went into my room and pulled out a fresh pair of clothes. I dried my hair and brushed it.There was a knock on my door and I opened it to see Chuck standing there. He nervously smiled.
"Umm, Newt wanted me to tell you that they're starting. You are coming?"He gently smiled"It is good fun"
"Fine, but just for a little while" I told him.
"See you there" He started to walk away but I grabbed hold of his shoulder.He looked at me, terrified.
"We can go together"
"Oh okay" He let out a sigh of relief as I put on my shoes. I closed the door behind me and we walked to the bonfire where everyone was gathered.
"Look, Greenie made it" Gally pointed out as I sat down.Everyone cheered as I rolled my eyes.They began talking and drinking as the fire in the center roared.Chuck seated himself on my right as Newt and Minho walked over with a bottle in their hands.
"Hey ____, glad you came"Newt sat next to me and Minho beside him.
"Here drink this"Minho held out the bottle and I looked at him.
"You want me to drink a bottle with suspicious contents?"He nodded enthusiastically"Yeah, not happening"
"It's a special drink we make on bonfire night"
"Just have a sip"
I peered into the bottle"Did you guys pee in it or something?" They all looked at me before bursting into laughter.
"What?! No, it's just water and some ingredients. Gally makes it"Newt told me.
"Could have guessed"I looked over at him and our eyes briefly met.I had to admit, he was cute, in a bashful kind of way. I looked back to Newt and Minho who were looking at me expectantly.
"It's not too bad" Chuck assured me.
"Here goes " I took off the lid and took a gulp. It burned and I coughed, handing the bottle back to Minho.
"That's bloody awful" I said as they laughed loudly.
"Fight! Fight! Fight!" We looked over to see the guys forming a circle.
"What are they doing?"
"They're playing this game Gally came up with. You make a circle, 2 gladers stand inside and they try to push each other out"Chuck explained
"Sounds stupid"
"Eh" Newt replied "Bit of entertainment" They all stood up."You coming to watch ____?"
"Might as well" I stood up and followed them to the circle. It was Gally against some guy, I think his name was Zart. Gally was beating him quite easily, constantly throwing him out of the circle. Finally Zart admitted defeat. Everyone laughed as Gally smirked.
"Who's next?"He peered around the circle and spotted me"What about you Greenie?"I was about to say no when everyone started chanting "Greenie! Greenie! Greenie!" And I found myself pushed into the circle.I turned around to glare at the culprit and found Minho whistling and not meeting my eyes. I turned back to Gally as he explained the rules.
"The aim is to push the other person out of the circle"
"Still stupid"I muttered and he glowered at me. We circled each other and he jumped at me, trying to scare me. I didn't flinch instead giving him a skeptical look. He shoved me hard and I stumbled but caught myself in time.He ran towards me and I swiftly dodged him causing him to almost fall out. I turned and smirked at him. I placed one foot in front of me and and reached out my hand. I beckoned him forward.
"Come on, Captain Gally" I mocked as everyone looked at each other with wide eyes. He spat on the ground and charged towards me. I grabbed his arm and judo flipped him to the ground. He grunted and got up as I moved the hair out of my face. He looked at me and tackled me to the ground. I groaned as he got up with a smirk. No way was I going to be beaten by some arrogant bastard. I swept my leg around his ankle, knocking him down. He stood up quickly and threw a punch at me but I quickly bent my knees back and dodged.I stood up and put my foot on his chest and gave him a hard kick, shoving him out of the circle. There was a silence as we both panted before an explosion of cheers."____! ____! ____!" I smirked triumphantly at Gally who smirked back.
"You're not half bad"
"Funny, I was about to say the same to you" He shook his head at me as Chuck came running up to me, excited.
"That was awesome!"
"Thank you Chuck"
"You were amazing ____!"Newt laughed.
"Yeah, now if we can just get a smile out of you"Minho grinned.
"Good luck with that"I rolled my eyes and started to walk away.
"Hey! Where ya going? We just got started"
"No thanks" I waved goodbye as they groaned"Have fun!"
I smiled to myself as I opened the door to my cabin. Exhausted by today's events, I collapsed in the hammock, not bothering to change.
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A bad kept secret ( Dave Snake Sabo x reader)
A/N: Requested by this anon. Sorry for the wait, I hope you will like it !
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Living with a band sounded so cool, right? Sure you got to visit plenty of cities, had fun to so many parties and if you were lucky, you got to meet some other famous musicians, but not everything was peaches and cream.
It was weird to admit but living with Skid Row was a job too, not only because you were Doc’s helper, but because first you were the band’s best friend. So you had to make sure that they basically survived, you took care of them when they were sick or drunk, you made sure they didn’t kill each other while they fought and all of that, so yeah it was very challenging.
But the most difficult thing was to pretend that you didn’t like Dave Sabo, or Snake as everybody called him. He was one of the most responsible out of the boys, and usually you two would be the “mom and the dad” of the band, taking care of the boys and listening to their problems, and many times you two relaxed together on the couch, watching a movie and enjoy the peace.
He was funny, sweet and kind, but also reserved and you never understood if he was into you or not, so you never had the guts to tell your true feelings to him. But you were also scared that a rejection could make things awkward between you and him the band, resulting in a weird tension between the band too, so you just decided to shove your feelings down and pretend to not have a crush on him or to be hurt every time a groupie was flirting with him.
You were at a party, sitting on a couch with a cocktail in your hand. You were talking to a random girl, probably some rocker’s girlfriend, you were not sure because there were so many people that you could get lost. She seemed nice though, and also she was kind enough to talk to you most of the night and stay at your side.
“I know what it is like to not know many people, darling. Don’t worry, give it a couple of months and you will have tons of friends!” She said with a smile, sipping from her drink.
You were nodding absently, not because you hated her but because your eyes for fixed on a certain guitarist who was talking to his childhood best friend. You were lost in his beautiful smile, wishing so bad that you could go to him and tell how he made you feel, how much you liked him. If only things weren’t complicated and you weren’t such a coward.
You decided to ask her to dance a bit, just to get distracted, when you felt someone tugging your dress lightly. Already rolling your eyes, you thought about what to say to the usual creep who tried to flirt with you, but instead you met with Scotti’s worried face.
“Y/N, Rob doesn’t feel good. I don’t know what to do, you said to call you when things got bad. This seems quite bad isn’t it?” He slurred a bit, visibly drunk.
You moved your eyes and saw your favorite drummer holding is stomach in pain, his face getting a weird shade of green. This didn’t look good at all.
“C’mon, help me take him to the bathroom! Rob, can you hold up for a little longer, please?” You pleaded, but the boy didn’t seem too convinced about it.
Luckily the house was huge and had an empty bathroom, so that you could have your privacy. You three made it safely to your destination, even if Scotti was not very helpful, maybe a bit too buzzed to walk perfectly straight.  As soon as you closed the door, the poor drummer clung to the toilet, while empyting his stomach, you put his hair up, encouraging him to let it all out.
“It’s okay sweetheart, let it out. Did you take anything you shouldn’t have?” You asked like a mother-hen but Rob simply shook his head.
“I told him those mayo sandwiches were not good! He kept ate them like an idiot!” Scotti remarked bitterly.
Rob had a sad pout now, looking very offended, even if you were glad he was not puking anymore. But you didn’t want your drunk friend crying because your other drunk friend was being an asshole, so you hugged him close.
“Don’t mind Scotti, Rob, he is just a dick right now. You are not an idiot and sandwiches can be really tempting sometimes!” You comforted him with a smile, which made him grin too.
“ Now I get why Dave likes you. You are such a sweetheart!” The drummer said, resting his head on your shoulder.
Your brain stopped working, as well as your heart. Did he really say that David likes you? But what “likes” really mean? As a friend? Romantically? Fuck, you were so confused, happy and scared at the same time.
Scotti, who seemed to be lost in his drunk world until that moment, sobered up instantly, running towards Rob a putting a hand on his mouth.
“You’re a fucking idiot! We promised him to not tell Y/N anything!” He said in a desperate tone, still slurring.
Now you were so confused. Who was this “him”? Was it Dave? And why he didn’t want you to know he liked you?
“What are you talking about guys? What should you tell me?” You asked, but before they could answer the door swung open and two familiar boys got in, closing it soon after.
Sebastian and Rachel stumbled in the bathroom and you noticed the bassist had bloody knuckles, while Sebastian was heavily intoxicated. It was so exasperating how you couldn’t catch a break this night, especially when you needed to know things.
“Sebastian, take Rob here and make sure he doesn’t cry. I’ll take care of Rachel, but what the fuck happened to him?”
“It is always Sebastian’s fault. He picks up a fight and I have to punch people with him!” Rachel replied angrily.
“Well, then just don’t take part in it!” You said, while looking for a first aid kit in the cabinet.
“I can’t when they insult me too!”
You rolled your eyes and made him sit down, taking care of his bruised knuckles. Rob’s words were still floating in your mind, and you were unsure if just let it be, or trying to talk to the drummer about it.
“Hey man, why are you crying?” Sebastian questioned, holding Rob in an awkward hug.
“I spilled out Snake’s secret to Y/N”
“ Oh do you mean Snake having a crush on Y/N?” He covered his mouth immediately but both Rachel and Scotti groaned loudly.
“For fuck’s sake you two idiots!” Scotti cursed and you felt even more confused than before.
A part of you knew you couldn’t trust of four drunk idiots, this could be a joke or they simply thought he had a crush or any other thing, but also you hoped it was the truth and you could finally kiss that damn idiot you loved so bad.
You needed to talk to them and understand what was going on, before going nuts. However as soon as you started to speak the door opened again and this time Snake got in.
“Are you doing a secret party without inviting me?” He joked with a smile.
“Nah man, I had a fight and Rob was vomiting. I hear there will be strippers though, so we are getting out of here!” Rachel shot a look to Scotti, and literally dragged Sebastian out with him. The other guitarist led slowly Rob outside, even if he wanted to stay.
Dave laughed a bit, then he lighted up a cigarette. You couldn’t help but looking at him, feeling more and more anxious because you wanted answers so bad, but you were too afraid to ask so you just kept staring at him.
After a while he turned around and smirked at you, finishing his cigarette and getting closer. You felt your heart doing somersaults, so you tried your best to keep a straight face.
“Do you need something  Y/N?”
“ The guys told me that you liked me. I have no idea what that means and how they were drunk, but fuck I’d lie if I part of me doesn’t want that to be true because I-I have a crush on you Snake! And I’m so scared of telling you this because I don’t want to ruin our relationship or the band’s but I can’t keep it anymore. So it’s okay if you don’t feel the same, just please let’s not make things awkward between us.” You blurted out quickly, feeling your chest tightening and your cheeks turning red.
You were just so scared, you wanted to close your eyes and wait until it was over. However Dave gently stroked your cheek and made you look him into his eyes.
“They were right Y/N, I like you and very much too. I told them one time when you were not on tour with us, I was drunk and a mess so I confessed everything and they promised me to keep the secret. I was as scared as you, I didn’t want you to feel weird around us because I had a crush on you. But I looked at you every time and I wanted to kiss you so bad!”
You couldn’t help but smile, looking at him surprised. It sounded too good to be truth, but there he was Dave Sabo telling you he loved you back, staring at you with eyes full of love.
“Does this mean we are together now?” You asked, holding his hand.
He pulled your wrist, making you getting closer, then he kissed you on the lips. It was a slow sweet kiss and when you took separated, he was grinning widely.
“Did that answer your question, love?”
You kissed him again, just to get lost in his arms after.
Meanwhile the rest of Skid Row were trying their best to not make any noise as they kept listening to you and Dave talking in the bathroom.  
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teamhook · 4 years
Chaste Love :|: CSMM
This is my first submission for the @captainswanmoviemarathon
Thanks to everyone in the Discord for letting me bounce ideas and for all the help.
Thanks to @xhookswenchx for Beta services :)
The story is loosely inspired by The 40 Year Old Virgin it will not be a retell of the movie. I hope you guys enjoy reading it.
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Summary: True love is hard to find. Especially when you're a socially awkward virgin who's thirty-five and has an action-figure collection.
When Killian's friends discover his secret, they try to get him laid. But while all their efforts fail, Killian is already smitten by a blonde single mother who shows up at his doorstep one day.
After he finally musters the courage to take her on a date, Emma is quick to get her "happy ending," but Killian is too much of a gentleman to take things too fast. Especially since he's reluctant to tell her he's a virgin.
AO3 or FFN
Chaste Love
The Italian restaurant was quaint with amazing pasta to wood-fired pizza that his brother found online and  recommended. The eatery's kind owner, Marco Geppetto. greeted his patrons at the door.
Killian sat nervously as he waited for his date to return from the loo.
His brother Liam had begged him to try to meet someone, a nice young lass. 'Killian just try a dating app. Isn't that what all the young kids are doing?' His brother had joked on their weekly call.
He promised his brother for peace of mind he would, and here he was. He was a man of honor after all. The girl's profile seemed nice enough on the website but sitting in front of him was the complete opposite.
What was her name? Bloody hell, he couldn't remember. It was something like Laney.
He only smiled as he heard her talking about work and her coworkers.
The date soon came to an end. “So, can we go back to your place?” She asked as she bit her bottom lip. “Since I saw your profile I've been wanting to go home with you.” she purred as she rubbed his foot underneath the table.
Killian paled as he stammered. “Isn't it too soon? It’s only our first date after all.”
"Come on, let's go to your place and we can work out the food we just ate." She smiled.
“I think we should get to know each other first. You are a lovely lass and I’m not saying I’m not interested” he blushed “I’d be a fool not to be but-” he was interrupted.
“Look I don’t need you to be all gentleman-y. I’m a big girl and I know what I want. So take me home with you.”
She was persistent. “I live nearby, I walked here.”   
He had insisted that they should meet at the restaurant. He had walked from his place since it was a block away.  
“My car is outside but walking would be nice.” She didn’t want to mention the little fact that it had an ignition interlock device. 
He paid for their dinner and soon they were out the door. She grabbed his hand “lead the way.”
The walk had been nice. There was small talk but the closer they got to his place the more his nerves rose.
They arrived at his apartment and he quickly unlocked the door. She entered the clean space. She looked around the living room. 
“Please make yourself comfortable.” Killian indicated.
He rushed towards the bedroom to ensure it was clean. Killian slowed his breathing and went back to the living room. 
“Lass, would you like a beverage?” He still couldn’t be sure of her name.
She turned to look at him and smiled. “I didn’t know you had kids, your profile didn’t say so.” 
“I don’t have kids, why would you think so?”
“Oh, I just assumed since there are so many dolls.”
Killian blushed with embarrassment. “They are not dolls lass, they are action figures, collectibles.”
“Why do you keep calling me lass? My name is Lacey. I mean we were about to have sex for crying out loud.”
“We were?”
She laughed. “You are not seriously thinking we still are? What kind of man your age still plays with dolls?”
“I do not play with them. They’re collectibles. You are not exactly who you claimed to be in your profile, lass.” 
Lacey scoffed at him and eagerly left him home alone.
The day after his disastrous date he woke up with a common affliction most men do. The morning wood. He sighed and debated if perhaps a strenuous workout would free him from the need and make it go away. It didn't. A cold bracing shower finally did the trick, he was able to enjoy a healthy breakfast then finish getting himself ready for work. 
There was a sudden knock on his door and was surprised since he was not expecting anyone. He opened the door to be greeted by long luminous blonde hair, red leather jacket, tight jeans, black boots, sheer white blouse, and bright green eyes met his blue ones, once his perusal ended. He blushed as he realized what he had been doing.  
“Sorry to bother you but I’m looking for Lacey French.”
“I’m sorry lass but why would she be here?”
“I know there was a date last night. Is she in the bedroom?” She tried to push her way inside his place.
Killian stiffened and didn’t allow her entrance. “Lass, no one is here. I’m on my way to work and I’m running late now.”
“Look, your little girlfriend jumped bail and I’m just doing my job.” She forcibly pushed her way in.
“She’s not my girlfriend, I just met her.” He shuffled his feet nervously as she raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “Fine, you don’t believe me. Look around but make it fast. I’m really late now.” His heart pounded fast as he scratched behind his ear while she looked around his place.
The lass nodded as she made her way through the tidy place. “Wow, you have a lot of dolls for a grown man.”
Killian’s jaw clenched. “They are not dolls.”
She laughed as she had made her way back from inspecting the rest of the place. “I know they’re not. I was just teasing you.”
Killian raised an eyebrow in disbelief.
“Sorry to have bothered you, here’s my card. Please, call me if Lacey reaches out to you. Her dad put up her bail, and he is really worried about her.”
Killian grabbed the card and read her name out loud, “Emma Swan.” He couldn’t help the smile that blossomed on his face. 
He was late to work. He was the last one to arrive and rushed to his little section. 
He worked at the local electronic/appliance store in the small town. They sold everything from appliances, computers, and TVs. They even did special orders for their customers. The owner was an older woman that got the business from her dying mother’s estate when she passed away from a freak attack by her dogs. She was a decent looking woman but she was his boss. She would use any excuse to touch him and flirt with him. His coworkers teased him endlessly because she was into him and that he should go for it. That maybe if she got lucky they would all get lucky with a pay increase or a bonus. Ah, but he knew it wasn’t just him. It was all of them. She was handsy and inappropriate. She really enjoyed seeing his cheeks redden by her comments.
It was going to be a long day. He walked into the store and headed to the back room. Maybe his tardiness would go unnoticed. He had almost made it, he was so close.
“Hey, Killian. So I want to hear all the dirty little details about your date. Was she hot? Please, tell me she was a naughty librarian…” 
“Arthur,” Killian paused for a second as he interrupted his coworker, “I’m a gentleman and a gentleman never tells.”
“Come on! I want details, I saw her profile and you know what they say about the quiet ones.” Arthur’s eyebrows wiggled.
Killian grimaced at his coworker when a voice interrupted his thoughts. “Hello darlings,” Killian and Arthur cringed at the purr in her voice. 
Arthur forced a smile for their boss, “Cruella, lovely as ever but I really should be getting to work.” 
“Oh darling, please don’t rush on my account.” She blocked him from leaving. “You know, I wouldn’t object to getting caught in the middle of this stubble sandwich.” She waved her hand between the two of them. 
Arthur glanced at Killian as they shared an uncomfortable look. Killian cleared his throat. “Good morning, Cruella. I’m a little behind on my work.” He pointed at his workstation.
“Oh, my darling Killian, you work too hard. Besides I’ve told you many times before that if you need to put in an extra hour or so, I’m willing to stay later to keep you company.” She inched closer to him. 
Arthur had made his escape, as Cruella’s attention was completely focused on Killian. 
The day is like any other day. He is so consumed by his work he misses his lunch break. Rushing out of his workstation to leave for the day, he tries to swiftly sneak out without notice. The upside was that Cruella was a creature of habit. It was a known fact that she locked herself in her office the last hour of the workday. While she was distracted in her office, he escaped. 
When Killian finally arrived home, he ate his dinner. He followed his usual routine to the “T”. His thoughts briefly drifted to the bounty hunter and wondered if she caught her prey.
The days seemed to blend together. On one of those very typical days, he was surprised by his co-workers’ invitation. “Jones, come here,” David called out to him. There were some whispers and murmurs from the rest of the men.
He cautiously approached them. “Hello, Dave.” When his eyes drifted to Arthur, Leroy grumbled his protest. Robin smiled, “Mate, we were wondering if you would like to join us for our weekly poker game? My cousin, Will, is our regular but he finally found a girl that puts up with him so he can’t join us. How about it?” 
Killian looked at the group and knew he should decline. He was about to decline when he noticed Robin and David giving him an encouraging nod, and somehow the wrong words came out of his mouth. “Sure, I’d love to.” He was going to have to look up youtube videos on how to play poker or pick up a copy of Poker for Dummies. “When is game night?”
“We know it’s a bit of a short notice,” David sighed. “But it’s tonight.” 
“That’s okay,” Killian said with a smile. “I’ll be there.” 
David and Robin smiled and Arthur nodded begrudgingly. After giving Killian all the details, they went back to work. Killian went home and did some fast research about poker. Youtube was truly a lifesaver. After viewing too many videos on how to play poker for dummies, he felt like he was ready. Granted, it didn’t make him an instant expert, but he believed he could handle himself.
He looked in the mirror and freshened up. After finding a stain on his shirt, he made the last-minute decision to change it. A thought crossed his mind; he should stop at the store for some lager and crisps for his friends. Liam would be horrified if he arrived empty-handed. 
They played for hours and his coworkers didn’t seem to mind he wasn’t any good. They were playing for money, so there was that. His loss was their gain. Sadly, there had been liquor, which got the men talking about their loves…
David mentioned his high school sweetheart and hoped to marry her soon, Arthur still pined for his ex, Gwen, Leroy is happily married to a nice woman, Astrid, and Robin is married with a small son. That’s when they turn their attention to him.
Killian nervously shifted in his seat, his face coloring a bright shade of red. 
Arthur laughed mercilessly. “Please, tell me you’re not a virgin.”
Robin, David, and Leroy stared at Killian. 
“Of course not, I’ve had many dalliances before,” Killian answered as fast as he could.
Arthur stared at him. “Prove it.”
This time, David couldn’t stay quiet. “Please, ignore him, Killian. He’s drunk.”
“I’m just teasing. You and Robin are too overprotective. It’s not a big deal. If you are, we can take you out and get you laid, and if you’re not, well good for you.” Arthur smiled wickedly at him. 
The night ended in awkward silence.
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final-fantasy-mama · 5 years
Gunpowder and Coffee (Ch4)
Emet Selch x Mature/Machinist/Wol
“Ahhhhhhhhh….” The hero sat up on bed and stretched her arms as high as she could, feeling a few pops in her shoulder and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Still in a daze from her slumbers, she stumbled out of bed and headed to the kitchenette where her coffee pot sat.
On the table though, sat a curious basket of sandwiches that she did not make and was certainly not there when she fell asleep. Scratching her head she looked it over and found a small handwritten note with it. It was from the exarch and it told her to take care of herself. She smiled to herself as she picked one up and took a bite out of it. Crud, that meant the exarch may have come into her room while she slept and probably saw her strewn about her bed in just her night shirt. But since it was G’raha Tia under that hood, though he tried to hide it she figured out who he was the moment they met, she was safe. He would never lay hands on a woman without her permission. Emet Selch however…
She turned to the coffee pot and bumped her face into something furry, jumping back and yelping when she realized it was Emet and nearly dropped her sandwich. “Gods! What did I tell you about coming in here without my permission!”
“When have I ever obeyed you?” he smirked, noting her disheveled hair and oh so sexy nightshirt.
“If you’re going to surprise me in the morning then let it be with coffee in hand.” She grumbled and reached for the canister of coffee grounds on her shelf. “Or else I’m liable to shoot you on the spot.”
He reached up behind her and grabbed it before she could, squeezing her between the countertop and himself for a moment, which he completely did on purpose and shoo’d her away from the kitchenette. “Allow me to make up for it then although I see I’m not the only one who visits you in the wee hours of the night.” He said noting the sandwich basket.
She paused for a moment, good thing he doesn’t know about Arbert either…..life would get complicated very fast if anyone found out about her ghostly companion who frequented her quarters. Speak of the devil, he materialized on the other side of the room, looked at the Ascian and shot the hero a funny look.
He pointed to the tall Garlean and asked, “What the hell is he doing here?!” The hero tried to wave him away discreetly while Emet was preoccupied with making coffee. This was shaping up to be an odd morning.
“The exarch worries about me is all.” She said as she sat at her table and ate another sandwich. “Its nice to be cared for like this once in a while. Plus that man is a cinnamon roll and I would love to just take a bite right out of him, Grrrrrr.” She growled and took a hefty bite of her food.
The Ascian had to check himself and make sure his face betrayed nothing but inside he felt a pang of jealousy. “An old flame of yours?”
“In a manner of speaking.” She said cryptically.
He didn’t need to ask more than that, he had spied on her and the exarch together before and it was plain to him that the exarch had affections for the warrior, though he tried hard to hide it. The hero even humored the fool by pretending to not know who he was, out of some unspoken comradery. But when they spoke to each other, they stood too close, leaned in a bit too much, laughed a bit too hard, small things that if one paid enough attention would hint at mutual attraction. It made Emet Selch want to vomit. That little whelp of an exarch trying to intrude on the ascian’s territory was enough to make his blood boil. He would murder that man if he ever made a move on the Hero.
“The heart of a women is ever a mystery.” Emet rolled his eyes. “I thought it was tall men with pointy ears?”
“I’ll take a short one too so long as he’s a gentleman and spoils me.”
“Does our hero need some pampering?” Emet teased as he set a cup of coffee down for her. It was the strangest thing having a former emperor serve her so casually but it also felt so….right. The way he moved about the kitchenette one would think he was right at home. It was so domestic it seemed absurd and yet here they were. She thought of him in only a cooking apron and quickly shook that idea from her mind.
“All girls need pampering.” She chided and took a sip. Gods that was fantastic coffee.
As Emet sat down with her, Ardbert appeared over his shoulder and raised his axe as if to strike him down. Of course as a shade, he couldn’t harm anything but it got the point across how little he thought of the Ascian. She swallowed a small giggle.
“Is that so?” Emet put a hand to his chin as if thinking. “Then if you are otherwise not preoccupied this morning, allow me to do just that?”
The hero stopped chewing and looked at him carefully. “What are you up to Emet Selch?”
He gave an innocent look. “I’m only asking a fair lady for a bit of her time.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere.” She said flatly.
“Alright…”His face turned serious as he grabbed one of her hands and put it to his lips. “Let me be completely honest then. I have decided to “work for your favor.” As you so eloquently put it. Let me charm you…..”
“You mean seduce me then stab me in the back.”
“Zodiarks mercy, no.” His yellow eyes gazed at hers with all the sincerity he could muster and she felt her cheeks get warm. Gods she hated how he could make her blush. Why him of all creatures? Only Haurchefant had managed to get that kind of reaction from her and she thought that the years passed since his death was enough time to steel her heart. Why did this man get to her so? His voice was like velvet brushing up against her soul. His stare made goosebumps rise, his touch made her shiver. As much as she tried to keep her wits about her, he had ways of breaking her down. Buuuuuut, it was plain to see he was up to no good and she could smell a con coming a mile away so she carefully considered how to proceed from here.
Arbert’s face over the Ascian’s shoulder was nothing short of murderous and he reached out to grab Emet by the neck only to have his hands pass through, the poor man was a shade now after all. Couldn’t touch anything in the physical world nor could he speak to anyone other than the hero, oddly enough.
“Should I even ask what’s going on in your head right now?” She asked and sipped her coffee. “You and I are going to destroy each other.” She said sternly. “As friendly as we are with each other now, I don’t think anything we say or do to each other will ever truly change the mind of the other. We are what we are, I get that, I understand that, I accept that even. As I said Emet Selch, I’m not an idiot. We will be the death of each other because you are an Ascian and I am the warrior of light. So why Keep this Charade up? Out of boredom? Curiosity? What’s in it for you?”
Damn she was sharp and that brought out an ardor that Emet had not felt in a very long time. How long had it been since he had been cut to the quick by any mortal let alone one who housed the soul of Altima. She shared a fair bit in common with her Amarout self that he hadn’t anticipated. Oh course she also had her differences, but that one point that attracted him to Altima was there, right in his face. Had he known interactions with her would be this stimulating he would have tried to come in contact with her sooner. He was playing with fire and it was glorious.
“Because despite the fact that you are a sundered peasant, I do like you.” He admitted.
“That’s a shite way to express your paramour for a lady…”She pointed out.
“I am being as sincere as I can muster, my dear. I like you and you have something I want…or at least wish to see. So from here until the end, when you slay the last lightwarden and free this world from the grips of oblivion, allow me to stay by your side. Not as your shadow or your prisoner, but as your partner, and perhaps your lover as well.” He rubbed his cheek against her hand and it made her stomach do flips.
“Oh hells no!” Ardbert exclaimed after seeing her expression soften. “You know that Ascian Bastard is playing you for a fool! Don’t do it! Dammit it listen to me!”
Her eyes flicked to Ardbert and then to man holding her hand. This could work to her advantage. The ball was in her court. She wasn’t really one to play the games with men, but since this one seemed hell bent on playing with her, she might indulge him a little and do some scheming of her own.
Taking in a long breath she finally answered. “Alright, I accept….but on certain conditions.”
“Anything.” Emet answered as his eyes lit up with something rapacious.
“Don’t force me or try to coerce me into doing anything I don’t want to do. Especially when it comes to physical affection. I don’t like the idea of a man throwing himself all over me so please don’t do that.”
“Then as a show of trust, I will let you set the pace. I will not do anything you don’t want or invite me to do.” He agreed.
“And if I tell you to leave me alone, you’d bloody well better do it.”
He nodded. “Understood. Anything else for my Lady?”
“Nah, that’s it.”
He downed his coffee in one go and enthusiastically jumped to his feet while clapping his hands together. “Fantastic! Now that its settled, allow me to escort you on our first outing.”
“Where are we going and what are we doing?” She asked unenthusiastically.
“I wish to show off my Ladylove to the entire Crystarium. So indulge me and let me spoil you.” He grinned and pulled the hero to her feet. “But first let’s change you into something more befitting a lady of your caliber.”
She gasped and covered her arms over herself defensively. “Don’t you dare!”
“I’ll not paw after you my sweet, worry not.” He snapped his fingers and her pajamas changed into a fashionable sun dress and heels. “But this is more “date” appropriate is it not? Now, let us go. Take my arm, my dear, and leave everything to me.” The smile on his face was oddly sweet but he could never shake off that part of it that was purely sensual. He held his arm out for the hero and she reluctantly took it, her hand shaking while taking a deep breath. She had no idea how she was going to explain this to the scions or poor Ardbert who looked absolutely mortified.
Of course they drew attention, she expected they would. After all, who the heck wears clothes as antiquated as Emperor Solus Zos Galvus and with so many god forsaken layers. It was a sharp contrast to her simple white sundress and surely people were wondering how the heck two people as vastly different as themselves managed to hook up.
She felt self-conscious when eyes gazed their way and people turned to each other and whispered. As the Warrior of Darkness, she was afforded some anonymity on the first, since the Exarch and them decided to keep their identities secret. Unlike the source, where her name and face were widely known and her movements almost always watched by fans and rivals alike. She had enjoyed being just “another adventurer” here for what it was worth, no telling how long that was going to last if Emet Selch didn’t tone it down a bit.
Arm in arm they walked through the Market Universalis, stopping here and there to look at stalls and shops, Emet chatting cheerfully to a blushing and obviously uncomfortable Hero.
“My dear, you look horribly stiff, does walking with me make you that uncomfortable?” Emet coo’d as pulled her a bit closer.
“You stand out too much!” She hissed.
“Oh how callous of me, to outshine my Inamorata.” He teased.
“Can’t you snap yourself some normal clothes? Something less….suspicious?” She pleaded.
“As you wish.” He sighed and pulled her into the shadow of a nearby stall, away from prying eyes he snapped his fingers and the Emperor’s garb transformed into simple black slacks and a white collared shirt with black waist coat. Holy Hydaelyn, she already thought he looked dashing as Solus but in this simple ensemble he was positively Handsome.
Emet read her expression with ease, pleased at how her eyes widened, cheeks flushed over and she darted her eyes away. “It will do.” She conceded and cleared her throat then they continued on. It was an unexpectedly cute contradiction that the Warrior of Darkness could be such a fierce combatant with her enemies and yet a blushing flower before her lovers. It stoked his ego to no end that only he could bring out such characteristics in her.
When they came across a small jewelry shop the hero insisted on stopping at, he watched with keen interest the necklaces and other fineries she held up to herself in the mirror, deciding which ones she liked best. All women were wanton creatures for fine jewels and oh how he could have spoiled her were she his Empress. He would adorn her with fine furs and silks, handfeed her the finest sweets, lavish her with all the fineries denied to her by her pitiful ex-lovers and the scions that demanded her services. Ops, he was getting to far head of himself and shook the thought away. She still had yet to best the last two lightwardens and even if did there was the small issue of their current loyalties to deal with.
“Hmmmm I can’t decide….” The hero sighed as she alternated between a pair of blue earrings and red ones. The way she titled her head to one side and exposed the long line of her neck was intentional as she saw the way Emet was looking at her from the small mirror on the table. Cheeky son of a Zodiark was making her all hot and bothered, she might as well give him a taste of his own medicine in her own way. She wasn’t the type to drool of throw herself all over a guy but she knew other slow methodical torturous ways to tease them that were not so obvious.
She hooked one of the dangling earrings to her lobe and turned around to face him. “What do you think?” She asked while lifting her hair off her shoulder to give him a better view.
He reached out and gently touched the earring, making sure his fingertips ever so lightly grazed her skin. “Yes, I think blue is very much your color.”
The hero smiled and paid for the items and they moved on but a few minutes into their walk to hero suddenly stopped, her face unusually devoid of life. Emet looked down at her and saw the lax expression, the lifeless eyes, the slack jaw and knew she was having another one of her moments. Just like that happened at the lake within the Great Woods, she was for all intent and purpose, not there. The Ascian touched his chin with his hand, trying to ascertain what was going on within her psyche that was causing these incidents. Her Aether was warped and swelling, true, but this was not a symptom of that, this was something entirely different and unknown.
The warrior’s consciousness came back and she continued on as if nothing had happened at all. “Can we take a small break? My feet are hurting a bit, I’m not used to walking in heels.”
“Of course.” Emet said while giving her a long side eye glance. He led her to the pub at the pendants and pulled out a chair for at an empty table. When he didn’t take his own seat and knelt before the lady, long pale fingers grabbed at her feet causing her to gasp in surprise as he flicked off her shoes and examined her foot. After he propped her foot up on his bend knee, he messaged the flesh of her heel and noted the way her skirt hem slid down up her thigh revealing an ample amount of leg and just the scant bit of small clothes underneath.
Her lips were pursed tight and brows slightly scrunched when she noticed his gaze on her nether regions so she loudly cleared her throat and he flicked his eyes up to hers. “Eyes up here you dirty rascal.” She used her free foot to hook it under his chin and lift his head up. He released her foot and held his hands up innocently.
“My apologies, of course.” His smile showed he was plainly unapologetic despite his words and he took his seat across from her.
The hero reached into her brassier and pulled out her cigarillo case, indulging in her bad habit as a small slip of paper fell out and landed on the table. It was a photo of a man and child. Emet picked it up and had a glance, noting the child’s uncanny resemblance to the Hero and surmising it was her daughter. The child’s round face was lit up with laughter as a man held her aloft in his arms. The man, on the other hand, Emet did know and only recently became acquainted with under the strangest of circumstances. It was the blue hair Elezen that stood guard over the Hero’s inner psyche.
“Your daughter is the spitting image of you.” Emet said handing the photo back to her. She tucked it back into the case and put the whole thing away as she took a drag of her cigarillo. “But who is the elezen fellow?”
“Haurchefant Greystone.” She said as if that explained everything and when she noticed his wanting expression she went on. “To make a long story short. After the attempted assassination of the Sultana of Ul Dahl, myself and the scions were framed and were forced into hiding. The only place at the time where no one would come calling was Ishgard. Haurchefant gave us sanctuary. He was the only one to extend any help or hospitality. My daughter came with me of course, I couldn’t leave her in Gridania for the grand companies to harass, she was head over heels for Haurchefant. Said if I didn’t marry him she would.” The hero chuckled at the memory.
If this man stood guard of her psyche then he was more important than she was letting on. Emet Selch had no designs on Ishgard and the details of its downfall fell squarely on the shoulders of the other Ascians, especially Lahabrea and Igeyorhm. Now he regretted not peeking in on Lahabrea’s territory as it would seem the Hero harbored very strong feelings for the elezen, so much so he became a permanent fixture in her subconsciousness.
“And your daughter now resides with him?” Emet asked, trying to pry more information.
“No he died a while back.” She admitted in a neutral voice and looked off into the distance. The sadness in her eyes was all too apparent. Whatever had happened to this Haurchefant was what set the Warrior on her course and her daughter was the driving force that kept her going, never to give up or surrender.
It was a sour subject so Emet quickly changed it and pointed to her cigarillo. “That’s a nasty habit you know.”
Slowly she blew out a puff a smoke and put out the rest in the ashtray at the end of the table. “A bad vice I picked up from one of my others.” By others she meant her shards. Ah yes who could forget that she had assimilated their memories into her own. “He was a crusty old man who smoked like a chimney, drank whiskey and ate bacon like it was going on the extinction list.”
“Charming.” Emet said sarcastically.
“Oh come on its not as if you don’t have your vices.” She laughed. “So tell me, really, what’s your thing?”
“Your bad habit.” She smiled as there tea and sweets arrived.
He gave a naughty smile. “Do you really want to know?”
She leaned in closer. “If you are willing to impart that secret.” She picked up a spoonful of cake and ate it as a hint of frosting clung to the corner of her lips.
One long finger reached out and flicked it up, as it retreated into Emet’s greyish lips. He very deliberately licked his fingers. “When I find something I like or want, I become enamored with it. I will stop at nothing to posses it. Weather it is a person or thing. I always get what I want.”
She rested her chin in her hands and smirked. “What a coincidence. So do I.”
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likingletsplays · 5 years
The Nightmares (2/?)
Eric slurped down this third cup of coffee. Anti and half the egos had already left to the studio to work on their newest project.
“How you holding up? You look really tired today.” Bim said walking up to Eric and resting his hand on his shoulder.
Eric smiled halfheartedly, “I’m holding up. I’ve gone with much less s-sleep then this.” Eric answered and turned to face Bim, “I thought you were working on the project with all the other egos.”
“Nope. Well not today at least. They won’t need me until Wednesday. What were you going to do today?” Bim asked pushing his hands into his pockets.
Eric stood and walked around the counter placing his empty cup in the sink, “I w-was going t-to de-weed t-the garden.”
“Would you like help with the garden? I also know Randal wanted to show you the goat pin he built for you.” Bim said
I w-would like t-the help. . I haven’t b-been out t-there in t-the last couple days due t-to our new guests a-and I need t-to make s-sure t-the plants a-are t-taken care of. I’m s-sure Randal did a-amazing on t-the pin b-but I’ll go s-see him a-and it once the garden is done.” Eric said walking out of the kitchen and down the hallway, Bim only a few steps behind
“Busy cause of our guests?” Bim repeated a small devilish smile coming to his lips as he caught up with Eric, “Do you mean the fact that you helped clean their rooms so they would be ready or your incessant staring at Anti you’ve been doing since yesterday?”
Eric felt his face warm. He pulled his handkerchief from his pocket and began to rub it between his fingers, “I don’t s-stare. I…a-admire from a-afar.”
“There isn’t anything wrong with liking what you see,” Bim said nudging Eric, “But I don’t know how you get past the blood that is always coming from his neck. But at the same time people don’t understand how Google and I work so who am I to judge?”
Eric pushed the door open for Bim, “T-the b-blood doesn’t b-bother me. It would b-be like looking at papa W-Wilford differently b-because of his pink hair. It is just a-a part of A-Anti.”
Bim nodded in agreement, “Where are we starting?”
“T-the s-squash. T-they a-are ripe enough t-to pick a-and I don’t w-want t-them going b-bad. T-then w-we can s-start on t-the w-weeds b-by t-the carrots. I hope w-we get t-through t-the w-whole garden t-today.” Eric explained. Bim nodded and both men worked on the garden. Bim stopped twice to go inside and get them water to drink then they stopped for lunch. Eric and Bim stood in the bathroom for about five minutes trying to get rid of the dirt from their arms and under their fingernails.
Both men walked into the kitchen and were surprised to see it so full. Almost every ego was inside the kitchen. “Hey babe.” Blue said walking up to Bim and wrapping his arm around Bim’s shoulders.
“I thought you guys were going to be recording late.” Eric heard Bim say as he pushed his way through the egos. He finally made it to the counter and grabbed one of the sandwiches stacked on the plate.
“Your pretty agile for someone as small as you are.” Eric spun around and saw Anti smiling and standing a few feet behind him.
“Just b-because I’m s-short doesn’t mean I can’t get t-through a crowd.” Eric replied swallowing his bite half-chewed.
“What have you been up to today?” Anti asked leaning against the counter
“I’ve b-been gardening. W-what a-about you?” Eric asked shuffling slightly closer to Anti as Host walked behind him narrating under his breath.
“I’ve been helping Dark and Chase figure out where they actually want this video to go. We had an idea what we wanted to do,” Anti explained pausing to take a bite out of his own sandwich, “but that’s all we really had. So now we need to figure out what to do.”
Eric nodded, “W-won’t you b-be t-tired from everything you’re doing t-today?”
Anti smirked, “Slightly why do you ask?”
“I don’t w-want t-to keep you up if you need s-sleep.” Eric responded stumbling forward as Bing and Chase shoved their way through to the sandwiches.
Anti’s arms wrapped around Eric pulling him back to his feet. Eric felt like his chest had just erupted in his chest. He couldn’t think; he could distantly hear Chase and Bing apologizing. He looked up to Anti’s smiling face as his arms slowly released Eric.
“You aright?” Anti asked. Eric nodded mutely wishing that Anti’s arms were around him again. He quickly finished his sandwich and turned to face the Ego; starting to plan his way of exit through all the body’s. Right as he was about to go Anti’s hand wrapped around his wrist pulling him back to the counter.
“Eric I don’t care how much sleep I loose. I don’t even care if I get none the entire time I’m here,” Anti lightly traded his black fingernails under Eric’s eyes, “you are someone that demands attention even when you don’t try. My eyes follow you through any room and any crowd. You deserve piece from your nightmares. I’ll meet you by the fire tonight around seven.” And with that Anti released Eric. He turned to face Wilford who had just shrugged his way to the counter on the other side. Eric felt like he was in a daze walking through the crowd.
He didn’t realize he was out in the garden until Bim shook his shoulders and it brought him crashing back into reality, “Eric what’s wrong?”
Eric blinked several times, “Nothing is wrong. I just feel like I got my heart stolen by someone who doesn’t even know he has it.”
“What did he say to you?” Bim asked sitting down by Eric.
“He was just being nice,” Eric replied shrugging his shoulders. He idly pulled a few weeds out, “But I can’t stop thinking about it. How is it that I can fall for someone who I’ve only known for a few days?”
Bim bit his lip, “At least your eyes are open to the fact you like him. Google felt like he was slightly blind sighted.” “Yes I know I like him,” Eric grumbled, “But from what I’ve seen of his interactions with everyone else he pretty much acts the same with everyone.”
“Eric,” Bim said slowly, “You have to accept that with liking someone. There is a possibility that they won’t like you back. There is also a possibility that he does like you. Just keep that in mind.”
Eric nodded and turned to focus on the job at hand. He slowly worked his way through the rest of the garden with Bim. They had to completely dig out the carrots because they had waited too long to pull them up. After that he made his way to the goat pin.
“Randal, t-this is…” Eric said as the man stood up. He was lost for words. Randal had made it exactly as he had asked and added a water system that he hadn’t even thought of.
“So it works?” Randal asked smiling.
“It is more t-then I could have hoped for.” Eric said jumping over the small fence and pulling Randal into a hug. “You s-should s-sleep w-well t-tonight.”
“Whys that? Too tired again to dream?” Randal asked
“I don’t t-think I w-will b-be in t-the room t-tonight.” Eric admitted opening the gate for Randal.
“Where will you be? Going on a date?” Randal joked leading the way back to the house for dinner.
“No. I’m a-attempting t-to get more help for my nightmares.” Eric said hating that he blushed when Randal had asked if it was a date.
“If you say so bud.” Randal said walking in the house and disappearing down the hall as Eric detoured to the bathroom. He washed his hands again and walked down the hall to the kitchen.
Dinner smelled heavenly. Yan must be trying a new recipe with Red. He walked into an almost empty kitchen. Red and Yan stood close to each other laughing. Bim was having a hushed conversation with Ed Edger while Host and Dr. Iplier were standing next to each casually holding hands. Eric turned his eyes to the table and saw that dad sat at the table. Eric walked cautiously to the table “Hi dad.”
Derek turned his eyes to him and glared, “You’re an embarrassment. Go clean your face you stop in the bathroom but can’t take the time to get the smudges of dirt from your face? Fucking idiot.”
“You s-said you s-stopped drinking.” Eric responded quietly not wanting to draw the other egos attention.
“Mind your busyness boy. Once you’re something to be proud of…that’s the day I’ll stop drinking.” Derek growled pulling a flask from his pocket and taking a swig.
Eric nodded, feeling the burn of tears in his eyes. He turned quickly from his father not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing his tears. He walked back down the hallway and almost to the bathroom.
“Eric.” Anti said jogging down the hall to meet him at the door, “Are you ok?” he asked his eyes looking at Eric’s red eyes.
“Yeah I’m fine. I just got dirt in them. I need t-to w-wash my face.” Eric replied.
“Can I join you?” Anti asked holding up two very bloody hands. Eric’s eyes widened in shock, “Its fake.” He explained smiling.
“Yeah.” Eric said smiling back. They walked in and Anti began to clean his hands while Eric grabbed a towel and cleaned his face.
“Would you like help with that?” Anti asked drying his now clean hands.
“if you w-want.” Eric said feeling his face warm as Anti stepped closer to him, wrapped his left hand behind Eric’s head and began to gently clean his face with his other hand. He dragged the cloth across his forehead and down his right cheek.
“All clean.” Anti breathed stepping back and releasing Eric. “I’ll see you at dinner.” Eric watched Anti leave. Eric took a few deep breaths and then headed back to the kitchen.
It was once again full, but instead of everyone crowding around the island they were all sitting at the table. Eric quickly scanned the table and saw only two seats open; one by his father and one by Anti. He bit his lip not wanting to seem like he was too eager to spend time with Anti but he also didn’t want to deal with his father. Anti turned in his chair and motioned for Eric to join him. He didn’t really have much a choice. He sat next to Anti Oliver on his other side.
They all sat talked joked and ate dinner. The mood was very happy down the table. Eric turned his attention away from Randal to ask Anti something and stopped before he opened his mouth. Anti had his body turned completely towards Dark.
He patted the mans hand laughing. “Dark you always know how to make my heart sore.” Anti said
“I only ever want to make it sore.” Dark replied. Eric gritted his teeth and turned back to his plate not really wanting to talk anymore. He was the first one done eating.
He stood up to take him empty plate to the sink when Anti turned his attention to him, “Eric meet me in the front room at seven?”
Eric nodded plastering a fake smile across his lips, “Yeah I’m going to take a shower and I’ll meet you there.” he quickly left before anyone, namely Randal who knew him best, could ask any questions. He quickly did his dish then left to take a shower.
A few minutes later he stood under the hot water. His eyes were closed and he felt so stupid. There was no way that someone like Anti could like him. Of course he would be attracted to someone who held a higher position in the house. Maybe Dark was with him and Wilford? But at the same time it didn’t make any since. Wilford didn’t seem like the sharing type. He pushed his thoughts away and finished his shower. He got dressed and made his way to the front room. He was fifteen minutes early but Anti was waiting in the blue chair.
Eric sat down across from him and hated the way his heart jumped when Anti smiled at him. “So this is generally a simple thing to do. I have to be able to touch some part of your skin, even your fingertips work and it will allow me to enter your dream or nightmare with you.” Anti said Eric nodded folding his hands in his lap his fingers itching to play with his yellow handkerchief.
“Can I a-ask you a-a question?” Eric asked unable to resist the pull of his handkerchief and began to pull it through his fingers.
“Of course.” Anti said leaning back in his chair.
“Are you single?” Eric whispered his eyes dropping to his lap. He needed to know. He needed to know if he was dating Dark and Wilford. It would at least bring peace to his mind.
Anti licked his lips and smiled, “I am single but I’ve had my eye on someone. And from what I’ve been able to gather form the others that I’ve talked to…he is single too.”
 Eric looked up from his lap and before he could stop himself Eric blurted out, “the guy your into is with someone.”
Anti frowned, “oh….I’m sorry I didn’t mean to step over boundaries.” Anti cleared his thought, “So I’ll use a chair tonight then and we could do this in your room?”
“No my room w-won’t work.” Eric answered quickly thinking of Randal who needed sleep probably more than Eric did himself.
Anti pursed his lips, “Alright then we can do this in my room? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. There isn’t really room for a chair in my room either.” “W-well w-we could s-share a bed.” Eric breathed feeling his face redden.
“And you’ll be ok with that?” Anti asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
Eric nodded, “Full disclosure, I don’t s-sleep w-with my prosthetics. I don’t w-want you t-to b-be caught off guard.”
Anti chucked, “Eric I wouldn’t expect you to. That would be like asking me to not have blood dripping from my neck. You need to be comfortable for this to even work.” Anti stood up looked like he was going to offer his hand to Eric then thought better of it. “You ready?”
Eric stood “yeah let’s do t-this.” They walked down the hallway and Eric stopped next to his room, “I’ll b-be t-there in a-a minute.”
Anti waved his hand rolling his eyes, “You do what you need to do Eric.”
Eric walked into the room and felt his hands shaking. Green and Randal sat on Randal’s bed their mouths looking like they were fused together. “s-sorry.” Eric said quickly averting his eyes and grabbing his pillow. “Good night.” He rushed from the room. He walked into Anti’s room and stood frozen. Anti stood in boxers his eyes locked on Eric.
“Give me a moment I have to find my sweats.” Anti said quickly a flush coming over his face.
“Sorry I didn’t mean…” Eric said staring a moment too long at Anti. He closed the door behind him and turned his back on Anti. He made his way to the bed. He sighed with pleasure as he pulled his prosthetics off. He laid on the bed pulling the covers up with his eyes closed to give Anti privacy. After a few moments he felt the bed dip with Anti’s weight. He opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Anti.
“So I’m going to just touch your arm and then I’ll be able to join you.” Anti said leaning over and turning off the bed side lamp.
“Ok.” Eric replied his eyes still on where Anti should be. He felt Anti’s warm hand press against his bare arm. Suddenly green and red light burst into existence. After blinking a few times Eric could see the red and green light was coming from Anti’s eyes. His eyes looked like they were made of shattered glass; the green and red splintering away from his pupil to the edge of his iris.
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@huffle-puff-ego @trashy-mctrashface @brazilianbabyygirl
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The Hand That Reaches for God -Chapter 13
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Chapter Thirteen
“And in the end, we were all just humans… drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald
-20 Months Before-
After one glass of Jack Daniels, neat, Dean Winchester felt the familiar warmth. He felt the fog rolling off the water first thing in the morning. It was a comfort, an old friend.
After two glasses of Jack Daniels, neat, he felt tingling in his arms down to his fingers. It was the way his body felt during a concert when he stood too close to the speaker. He could feel the base booming through his veins.
After three glasses of Jack Daniels, neat, he almost forgot about the jagged scar down his knee and Tiny Tim’s walking stick that leaned against the bar. Almost.
“I should cut you off.” The pretty brunette bartender said after serving him the fourth glass of Jack Daniels, neat.
“But you never do.” He slurred just enough, and shot her the best smile he could do when he was feeling so down. It wasn’t impressive, but he was handsome and weathered, and that was exactly her type.
“I’m Lisa.” She said, leaning in.
“I know.” He pointed at her name tag above her left breast. “I can read.”
“It would be appropriate to tell me your name.”
“You don’t want to know me, Lis.”
Lisa rolled her eyes. “Why not? Because you’ve had a bad time of it? We get a lot of Vets in here. I know the drill.”
Dean narrowed his eyes. “You get a lot of Veterans, but yet you still don’t know to leave us the fuck alone? You’d should move along, sweetheart, you don’t know shit about war.”
“I had two older brothers die while in service. I know a little about it.” She said, flatly as she wiped down the bar top.
“Shit.” Dean ran his fingers through his hair. He was an asshole. He was a crippled asshole.
“You all think that you own your pain, I’m just telling you that there are people who get it. There are people who could help you.”
“What? People like you?”
Lisa laughed and shook her head. “Me? Fuck no. You’re attractive, but you’re an ass.” She said, handing him his tab. “I’ll take that whenever you’re ready.”
After his accident everyone walked on eggshells with him. They did worse than that most of the time. Most of the time they avoided him all together. It was nice to be called out, because she was right. He was an ass, and he was wallowing. He pulled out some cash from his wallet and laid it down, deciding right then and there that he would be good enough for her one day. He had to be, because the alternative meant that he would be his father, and he would be damned if he ended up anything like John Winchester.
-19 Months Before-
“Lisa, the guy is here again.” One of the wait staff from the bar said.
She rolled her eyes and ate the last bite of her peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He was like clockwork, every day. “Dean.” She said when she reached the bar.
“Shit, am I late?”
“Late for what?”
“Your break. You usually take it at this time and well…” He held up a paper bag. “I brought you dinner.”
She eyed him. “What’d you bring?”
“Bacon cheeseburger. It’s my favorite.” He shrugged, handing her the paper bag. “You can have it, anyway.” He stood up from the stool.
“Where are you going?” Lisa asked, eyeing him, the bag in her hand.
His green eyes met her brown ones. “I was just here to drop that off.”
“You’re not going to stay?”
Dean shook his head. “I’m not ready, Lis. I’m only going to ask you out when I’m good enough for you.” He leaned on his cane to take the pressure off of his bad knee. “So for now… take the burger as a peace offering.”
He walked to the door and opened it. “Dean?” She called after him.
“Yeah?” He turned toward her.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He nodded and pushed into the night.
-18 Months Before-
Dean brought Lisa dinner every night that she worked. He brought her doughnuts and coffee when she worked the day shift at the bar, and quickly learned her food preferences. The more he went to see her, the less he felt the self-loathing that plagued him.
He brought in her turkey bacon club with extra guacamole and spicy french-fries from the local place on the corner. He pushed into the bar. “Hey, Lance, where’s Lis?”
“She told me to have you meet her out back.”
Dean raised an eyebrow. He expected at some point that she would be sick of him, and he sighed, gripping the bag. He pushed too hard. He walked through the back door to find Lisa sitting alone at a single table with two plates, and a glass of water in front of her and the other empty seat. “Lis?”
“Hey, Dean.” She stood up with a smile. “Are you ready yet?”
“You said you had to wait until you were ready to ask me out and well… I decided that I’m ready. I got you a bacon cheeseburger, and I was wondering if you’d want to have dinner with me… for real this time.”
Dean smiled a bit and nodded. “Yeah, I think I’d like that.”
-16 Months Before-
“Dean, babe, wake up.” Lisa said quietly. He sat up, sweat covering his chest, back, and face. Lisa’s hand was over his heart. “Your pulse is racing.”
“Sorry.” He exhaled, trying to catch his breath and slow his heart. He clamped his eyes shut. You’re okay. You’re okay.
“You don’t have to be sorry. Do you want to talk about it?”
He shook his head. “No... I…”
“It’s okay.” She assured him, wrapping her arms around his middle. She placed a kiss on his jaw. “I’m here to talk when you’re ready.”
But he would never be ready. He still saw the look on Charlie’s face. How wide her eyes got. How she was laughing right before.
“You’re seriously telling me you have no one at home? Even I left some ass behind.”
“You’re vulgar.” He laughed, shaking his head.
“And you’re a prude, Winchester.”
Dean shrugged with a laugh. “I’m not, actually. I just don’t have anyone at home.”
Charlie narrowed her eyes. “Maybe it isn’t a girl… oh my god, Dean are you gay?”
He rolled his eyes. “Christ, no. I am not gay.”
“It’s okay if you are, you know. I am.”
“I’m aware.” He grinned.
“I’m just surprised, I guess. You look like a fucking supermodel. Your face is perfectly symmetrical. It’s kind of creepy. You really don’t have any girls coming after you?”
“Hey, my face is not creepy.”
She laughed. “Deflection. Nice, but yeah it is kind of creepy.” She poked his cheek. “You don’t even look real.”
Dean always expected that being buried alive would be the thing that would haunt him forever, but life was funny like that. Life was real fucking hilarious, and he was the butt of the joke. It wasn’t the child size coffin, or dirt in his lungs that haunted him. It was something else altogether.
The smell of burning flesh. The sight of Charlie’s arm off her fucking body. His knee completely twisted so his foot was facing the wrong direction. The sight of her empty expression looking up at him from his lap.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you. It’s not that bad. It’s not that bad, you’ll be okay.” He pressed his hands to the space where her arm used to be. They always teased her about being pale, but fuck she was so pale. “I’ve got you.” He kept whispering. They were alone. There wasn’t a medic. There was no one. Just Dean Winchester holding Charlie Bradbury as she died in his arms, bloody and alone.
“I’m here, Dean. I’ll always be here.” Lisa promised, hugging him tightly. Dean wished that people wouldn’t make promises, because there was no way they could be kept. Charlie died, Lisa left, and he was broken. He probably always would be.
-18 Days After-
“Oh my god.” She murmured, her eyes immediately spilling over. “I thought… This whole time I’ve been so terrified. I thought you were dead.”
“Not dead.” He said blankly. It was like he was shot back into time, back into her bed, into her arms.
“I’m so glad.” She exhaled quickly, running around the coffee cart. She wrapped her arms around his neck before he could stop her. “You have no idea how good it is to see you.”
He instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her back. As bad as things ended between them, he was glad that she was okay, too. “Where’s uh…”
“Greg is gone.” She said quickly.
“He left after Ben was born.”
“Ben.” Dean said slowly, trying out the name on his lips. He felt sick to his stomach.
“That’s my son. He’s beautiful.”
Everything crashed and burned. My son. Dean let go of the hug. “I’m glad you’re okay, Lis.” He said before turning on his heels and walking right back to Sam, leaving her standing alone next to the coffee cart.
“Where’s the coffee?” Sam asked. He was sitting with his back against a tree with his legs stretched out in front of him.
“The what?”
“You good?” Sam asked, eyeing him.
“Lisa is here.”
“Wait, like your Lisa?”
Dean nodded quickly. “Yeah, she was running the fucking coffee.”
“Yeah.” Dean sighed. “What are the fucking chances?”
“Did she say anything to you?”  
“She hugged me.”
“And her boyfriend dumped her after she had the baby. Ben.” Dean said quietly. “Fuck, I never thought I’d see her again.”
“But you don’t want to be with her, right? You’re with Emerson.”
“Right.” Dean said with a nod. “I want to be with Em. Shit, this just surprised me.”
“I’ll say. Relax, dude, just tell her you’re not available, and don’t drink her cool aid. It’ll be okay.”  
“Right.” Dean said again, his heart rate finally slowing back down. “Just brought back some shitty memories.”
“Maybe you should sit down?”
“Yeah.” He lowered himself to a seated position. “Have you seen Em?”
“She’s still with Phel getting settled. I hope they’re getting some rest.” Sam said, elbowing his brother. “We should get some rest, too. This is the safest we’ve been in day’s. We should take advantage of it while it lasts.” Then Sam closed his eyes and crossed his arms.
Dean was exhausted, but sleep was reserved for the guys that weren’t juggling an ex-fiancée and a childhood love in the same fucking camp.
“My hair looks fine.” Emerson swatted her sister’s hand away. “Quit Trying to braid it.”
“Please! You haven’t washed it in days.”
“Neither have you!”
“Yeah, but you can’t tell because of the braids! Just let me do the front. Dean will love it.”
“You don’t know what he’d love.” Emerson complained.
“You’re right.” Pheli put her hands on her sisters knees. “What does he love?”
“It’s all so new, Phel. Am I crazy to try to start this during all of this? During the fucking end of the world?”
“If not now, then when?
“The next life?” Em offered weakly.
“Come on, what do you have to lose?”
“Everything. I could lose everything.”
“You’ll only lose everything if you let him see your nasty hair.” Ophelia teased. “Now let me braid the front!”
“You are terrible at pep talks.”
“Or am I really good at them?”
“Whatever just braid it before I change my mind.”
Benny sat by the fire as it licked up toward the moon. His acoustic guitar sat on his knee. “Say you’re leavin on a seven thirty train and you’re headin out to Hollywood. Girl, you been givin me that line so many times it kinda gets like feelin bad looks good.”
Dean laughed and Benny nodded at him.
“That kinda lovin turns a man to a slave. That kinda lovin sends a man right to his grave.” Garth joined in, singing off key, just like old times.
“I go crazy, crazy, baby I go crazy. You turn it on, then you’re gone. Yeah you drive me crazy, crazy, crazy for you baby. What can I do, honey? I feel like the color blue.” Benny and Garth sang together. They sounded like a pair of coyotes howling at the moon, but it reminded Dean of when things were good.
“Is this what is was like?” Sam asked him, leaning against the tree.
“Was what like?”
“Your deployment.”
“Kind of.” Dean said with a smile. “Sometimes.”
Castiel joined in, strumming on his knee completely off beat. He waved Dean over, and Dean finally rolled his eyes and walked right up to the group. “You’re packin’ up your stuff and talkin like it’s tough, and tryin to tell me that it’s time to go. But I know you ain’t wearin nothin underneath that coat.” Dean sang with his gravely voice, his boot on the stump next to Benny.
“Crazy, crazy, baby I go crazy...”
Dean’s eyes locked with Emerson across the camp as she exited Castiel’s tent. Pheli had braided her hair out of her face, but the rest spilled down her back. Her flannel was tied around her waist, and his breath hitched in his throat when she reached up to stretch and the space between her shorts and her tank top met the firelight.
“I need your love, honey, yeah. I need your love.” The men harmonized, without Dean. His mouth was completely dry. She did that to him, caused his head to spin, like nothing else in the world mattered at all.
Garth handed Dean a beer. “They’re far and few between.” He winked. “But we’re celebrating, right?”
“Right.” Dean exhaled, his eyes still on Emerson as she walked toward the fire.
“Dean!” Lisa said, as she jogged over to him. She had an infant in her arms.
He swallowed hard at the sight. Holy shit. “Lis.” He breathed, her name barely a whisper.
“I wanted you to meet Ben.” Her eyes flickered up to Sam’s. “Oh, hi Sam.”
Sam narrowed his eyes. “Lisa.”
“It’s nice to see you, Sam.”
“Likewise.” He said through gritted teeth.
“Look at him.” Dean said, distracted by the child’s chubby cheeks. He had Lisa’s dark hair and her lips. His tiny thumb was in his mouth as he sucked away. He didn’t notice Lisa snake an arm around his waist to bring Ben closer. “Wow.”
“He’s incredible.” She agreed.
Little Ben gave a sleepy sigh and a few baby babbles, causing Dean’s heart to squeeze. He never let himself admit how much he wanted that. Not until he almost had it. He loved Lisa, and he loved her pregnant. When he left he knew it would be better. He wasn’t made to be a father, but that didn’t mean he didn’t secretly wish for it in the deepest parts of his soul. “Hi, Ben. I’m...”
His eyes flickered up. “Em, hey.”
The Maklen twins stared at him. When they were young he used to think they were creepy. There was always something creepy about twin girls, especially when they stared at him. He stopped thinking that, the older he got, but in that moment Ophelia had a murder look in her eyes and Emerson’s jaw looked tight. “Uh, Em this is Lisa...”
“Lisa.” Emerson repeated.
“Yeah, uh Lis this is Em my...”
“Friend.” Emerson said, smoothly. “Our sibling’s are dating.” She added quickly. “This is Ophelia.” She tapped her sisters arm.
“Nice to meet you.” Pheli said with equal parts aggression and sugar. She was good at that.
“I was just helping her over to Sam since she hurt her ankle. I’ll see you guys later.” Emerson said before turning away.
Dean stared at her and didn’t stop her as she walked away and sat on a log right next to another guy who was sharping a blade. He pressed his lips together and just watched.
“Dean you fucking idiot.” Phel hissed. “Go after her.”
He watched her lean in to him, asking questions about the knife, he assumed. Friend. Our siblings are dating.
“I think I need to lay down.” He said, offering Lisa a weak smile. “See ya later, Lis. He’s a cute kid, really.”
“Thanks.” She said, looking confused as he made his way back to the tree that he and Sam were using for camp.
He looked at the full beer in his hand that Garth gave him. He stared down the neck of the bottle before pressing it to his lips, and welcoming the warmth. It wasn’t Jack, but he’d be happy if it helped him sleep. Anything to quiet the noise in his head, and blank out the image of some other guy’s baby in Lisa’s arm, that guy’s hand on Emerson’s thigh, and the life draining from Charlie’s eyes.
Chapter Fourteen
Get caught up!
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snowkatze · 7 years
Prompt: 23. Do you think we’re bad people? Genre: angst, fluff Word Count: 2447 Summary: Simon and Baz get into a fight at the winter ball. It ends in disaster.
“Hey, Snow,” I smirk, even though it's hard and my jaw is tense. “Where`s Wellbelove?” He stops and I push myself off the wall, because I know that I've got him now.
“Is she in the hospital? Have you broken her toes?” Now he turns around very slowly. I can almost hear the gears working in his brain as he's trying to come up with a good come-back. His suit is a bit to short at the sleeves and his hair looks disheveled, but of course he still looks incredibly handsome. It's quite unfair, if you think about it. And it only makes me angrier to see him like this. It's the overwhelming urge to fix his hair, to take his hand and whirl him through the room that makes my smile forced. It's the wish to be the one whose feet he steps onto that makes my blood boil.
It's foolish, but I can't resist picking on him.
Not even tonight.
Especially not tonight.
This night, the winter ball, is all about romance (Ugh.) and love (Ugh.). And his eyes are sparkling, and he ate six sandwiches from the buffet earlier, and he looks so lost in the big ball room without his friends, and he's the most handsome boy in the room (Aagh). He hasn't left Wellbelove's side all evening (Aagh.). But it's okay, I'm fine. I finally got him alone and I can finally talk to him, if only in biting remarks and insults. Smirking at him is easy, even when my teeth clench and my heart is beating too fast. It's easy to glare at him, as I press my nails into my palm. I am fine. “I'm not that bad a dancer,” he finally scowls and leans forward, eyebrows furrowed. “And – even if – at least I've got a date. I haven't seen you dancing with anyone all night.” As far as I know, they're only here as friends, but I think he still feels something for her. “That's because I choose not to,” I lie, “I could have any girl in this room. But there's just nobody that comes up to my standards.” It's not true. I look at the bread crumb stuck in the corner of his mouth. My standards are incredibly low.
“You know what? I think you're right. But the real reason you don't ask anyone is – is because – because you're a vampire!” “What? That doesn't even make sense, Snow.” “Yes, it does! You – you just don't want to hurt them – so – so you can't let anyone fall in love with you – because then you'd always want to drain them!” “Quite the nice picture you're painting there. You seem to deem me very considerate. Now I just feel like you're complimenting me.”
I relax my hands, and lean back again. “I'm accusing you of being a vampire!” He growls in frustration. It's my favourite sound. I loosen my jaw. “Why do you always have to twist my words – it's not fair!” “Well, the world isn't fair. That's why they let you into this school in the first place. The son of Normals.”
I can see how he almost lunges at me, but then something unexpected happens – he draws back. I cock an eyebrow at him. He's never done that before.
“You know what? I'm not doing this tonight,” he says and turns away. Strange. Snow never backs down from a fight.
“So you've decided to spare us from blowing up the ballroom this year? How nice of you.”
His hands start twitching.
“Shut up,” he whispers with a low voice.
“Why?” I laugh. “Will you go off on me if I don't?” “No,” he whispers.
“You ruin everything, Snow,” I snap. “Everything you touch turns to ashes. And it's only a matter of time until Wellbelove will turn to ashes, too, before she'll crumble underneath your-” His fist is in face and knocking me down before I can finish my sentence. There he is. That's the Snow I know. I push him off me and we roll across the floor. I punch him square across the face and get up again. When he tries to retaliate, I duck and he misses. I feel blood running down my nose. That's just how I wanted my evening to go. A broken nose (again) and a bloody lip, that's my idea of fun. But the pain stops me from thinking about his own pretty nose and lips, so I throw myself at him again, and we stumble back against the buffet. It crashes and the plates and bowls all fall to the floor. I almost expect Snow to scream in shock and kneel down to mourn his beloved sandwiches, but then I remember that he would eat them off the floor.
“Impressive self-control, Snow,” I snarl. “All you ever do is make a mess. Chosen One? Don't make me laugh. The only thing you were chosen for is to destroy.” He leaps at me and throws me to the floor and then I can feel the magic explosion all around us, but his body is pressing me down and his hair is next to my nose.
I hear some students scream and something crashing. The air smells burnt and Snow is shaking against my chest. My entire body hurts, but the only thing I can concentrate on is his chin against my cheekbone.
We lay still for a few moments, maybe minutes.
“Snow?” I whisper. I would push him off, but I'm too exhausted.
“You were right,” he whispers back, but doesn't move and I'm afraid he'll feel my heartbeat.
“Of course I was right,” I say, then pause. “About what?” He rolls of me and sits up.
“Hey,” I hear Bunce say. She just came out of nowhere. “Are you alright? What happened?”
I stare at the ceiling, light-points dancing in front of my view. I don't want to get up. I want to keep lying here, for the rest of eternity, until all pain stops and all the feelings tearing me up inside vanish. But I don't want anyone thinking I need help either, so I stand up and look at the chaos around us. Three students and at least one teacher are having a melt-down. Some got knocked over by the impact. The room is buzzing with noise. Nobody really knows what happened. But I do. This is my fault.
I rush out of the building, because I feel like I'll suffocate. (Maybe that wouldn't be so bad.)
I sit on the steps to the fire emergency entrance that aren't visible from the main entrance, because I can't stand.
I shouldn't have made Snow go off. I shouldn't have let my own bitterness get the best of me. Not with so many people around. I know that I can't hurt Snow. Not with anything I say, not with anything I do. But other people can get hurt. And I can't let that happen.
After a while, I hear someone sitting next to me. Out of the corner of my eye I can see the green of the suit. Snow. Of course. He's the last person I want to see right now. “Do you think we're bad people?” Snow asks, his breath catching in his throat.
“Why would you say that?” “Because – because you were right, everything I touch crashes and burns and – and I can never make anything right, because I never do what I'm supposed to, because the world fucking explodes around me, because I can't control who I hurt, or how many, or how badly, because I'm a fucking mess, and you keep pushing me.”
He keeps talking faster and faster.
“Because you and I are like chemicals that shouldn't be put together, because we'll explode and we both know about it, but we keep doing it, and we don't care about anyone around us, only about ourselves and our stupid little arguments. Only that they are not so stupid, because we're fucking mortal enemies or some shit, as if this were some crappy medieval fantasy novel, and our fights are never little because something always ends up exploding.” “Fuck off, if this were a medieval fantasy novel, I'd be Prince Charming.”
“You didn't answer my question.”
I stay silent. Maybe I owe it to him. “Snow.” I close my eyes for a moment. Then I turn to him, with the faintest smile, and I saviour his appearance.
“You are not a bad person.” “You keep telling me I am.” “I'm just doing that to hurt you, that doesn't mean it's true. The truth is... You're the bravest person I know. And you're trying your best. That's all anyone can do. You are the Chosen One. And I think one day you are going to save the World of Mages. And if it's not from the humdrum, or all evil, or the terrors of society, you are going to save it from me, that's for sure.” “So you think we're not bad people, only you?” I stay silent. “That's bullshit, Baz. You don't get to separate yourself from me! You don't get to decide what's good or evil!” “No, you're right, I can't. But the Universe can. And the Universe made the roles distinctly clear. You are the Chosen One. The hero. And I'm your villain, Snow. I'm from the other side of the war, I'm a vampire, I'm a monster by definition.” “No, you're not.” I look at him and see tears streaming down his face. I almost reach out to touch them. “The Universe decided shit. I'm clearly not the Chosen One. And you're clearly not a monster. There is no black and white. You and I, we're in the same boat.”
I shake my head.
“That in there, that wasn't me or you – that was us. That's what happens when we're together. And I'm starting to think that this is not about us, but about the ones we hurt in our fights.”
“So now you'll just – stop?” “I don't think we can do that. I think we can only coexist in hell, where everything burns.” “So what do you want to do? Just stop talking at all, ignoring each other until the end of school?” “Maybe that's for the best.”
“No.” “Why?”
Because I wouldn't survive that.
“Aren't you tired, too, Baz?” I close my eyes again. I have a headache. Yes. I am tired. I've been tired for years.
“Yes, I am,” I murmur. But then, what were all the years of fighting for? What use were all the years of pretence? I look at him again and for the first time in years I allow myself to look at him properly, the way I want to look at him. I let my gaze soften and I smile at him.
Fuck, he's beautiful. And he's tired of fighting.
I wish I could let my knuckles glide over his cheek, push his hair out of his forehead with my fingertips. I wish he would lean forward until our lips almost touch and whisper: “I don't want to be enemies... I want to be your boyfriend.”
I want him to kiss me.
But even though he just suggested a truce, he's still Simon Snow, and I shouldn't be getting ideas. I remember why I ever fought him in the first place. Because it's really hard not to lean over to him, not to tell him, not to somehow let him know, and he can never know. He's still Simon Snow and I'm still Baz Pitch, and there's no way he could ever understand what he does to me.
Or what? “Or maybe we could... be friends?” I look away, then back at him, then away again. Ha, I want to say, that would never work.
But my mouth doesn't listen to my brain, and so I say: “We can try.”
“But what if everything explodes again?” “What, because we're chemicals that don't go well with each other?” “Yeah.” “Maybe it's just because we have chemistry and we've been doing it wrong the whole time.” A joke. Friends joke. No. Wait. That wasn't friendly.
“Ch-chemistry?” Shit. Nope. Nope, nope, nope. I consider all my options, thinking if there's any way to talk myself out of this, but the only words coming to my mind are: “Tigre, tigre, burning bright.”
Not helpful.
“Y-you mean like... Sexual chemistry?” “No...” I gulp. “More like... romantic...” “What?! You think we have romantic chemistry?!” I should just walk away and go back to our dorm. No, scratch that. I should leave the country.
“Baz... Do you have a crush on me?” I turn my head around quickly and stare into his wide eyes.
“You're a fucking idiot, Snow,” I growl and I watch his face screw up. I suppose there's no point in denying it anymore.
“Of fucking course I have a crush on you. What did you think, that I was the only Mage in the entire universe who doesn't love you?” “Not everyone lov-” “You're an open fire, Snow,” I say, voice rough, and the words are burning in my throat. “And you know... I love fire.” I let a flame dance above my palm.
“I already told you... You're the bravest person I know. The truth is, I don't hate how clumsy you are and how you always stumble over words, I find it adorable. I like how you keep trying, and never give up. Sometimes it seems to me like you're everything good in the world.” And gosh, it feels good to say that out loud.
“So, yeah, I do have a crush on you. But Crowley knows what you think about me...” I stand up, because I just ruined everything Snow was just trying to built between the two of us. (I mean, I knew that that would happen, but not so fast. Dammit, Baz.)
“Perfect,” Simon says, before I can start moving.
“What?” He stands up and takes my hand. I look at it and wonder why it lays there, caressing me softly.
“I think you're perfect,” he whispers.
“You're out of your mind,” I whisper back. I don't wait for him to kiss me. I grab him by his neck, because this is a dream anyways, so I might as well do what I want.
I'm not saying that Snow is my soulmate. But maybe Snow and I are broken pieces, and together... I lean into his soft embrace, and I feel whole.
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Fading Scars (7/?): The Chosen One’s Choosing
Time: 2000
Summary:  Harry needs some advice. Clearly, the best place to go is to his two year old godson.
           It had to be this week. Ginny was going away for a fortnight-long tournament on Saturday, and she would only be home for a few days before the interview with the Daily Prophet. Harry knew she would get the job—of course she would, she wrote beautifully—but she was going to be nervous all those days. She wouldn’t take any distractions.
           And he’d promised himself he would propose by the end of the month.
           Harry had already bought the ring two months ago, and he was proud of it. It was a gold ring with a flower made of diamond petals and a ruby centre. It sparkled just as bright as Ginny’s eyes, and he knew that she would like it.
           As for the rest, however…
           He had no idea.
           Harry didn’t want to ask Hermione. Or Ron, or any of Ginny’s brothers. He didn’t want to ask anyone, really. He loved Ginny, loved her so much it made him feel happy just to think her name. Why couldn’t he bloody well come up with something that showed that?
           He came close to asking Andromeda when he went to pick up Teddy. But Andromeda was ill that day with a bad cold, and she waved them weakly out the door.
           Teddy was delighted that Bear was taking him to the park, and didn’t stop babbling all the way there. Harry didn’t mind listening to the two year old at all, but he had to tap his leg. “Teddy, lad, you need to stop changing your eyes.”
           Teddy pouted, but he stopped switching from blue to green. No one would notice, but they were at a Muggle playground. And Harry hated Memory charms.
           Teddy wanted to swing (of course he did), and Harry pushed him, trying to avoid pushing him too high. Andromeda always warned him about that, but Teddy always begged to go higher.
           “Please, Bear! High!”
           Well, he had said please…
           And like always, Teddy felt a bit sick afterwards. Harry cuddled him on his lap as they sat under a tree together, waiting for the nausea to pass.
           “Bear, play!”
           “Not yet, sweetheart. Your tummy isn’t ready.”
           Teddy pouted, but he put a hand on his stomach.
           Harry looked around the park. It was a beautiful spring day, and there were quite a few families out. One family was having a picnic. Teddy was staring at them.
           “What’s that?”
           “They’re having a picnic, Teddy. It’s when you eat outside.”
           “Where table?”
           “You eat on the ground.”
           “Bear have picnic?”
           “No, Teddy.” The Dursleys had gone for picnics, but they’d never brought Harry along. And sure, they’d eaten on the Hogwarts grounds sometimes, but it wasn’t a proper picnic.
           Maybe he should take Ginny on a picnic…
           “Teddy,” Harry asked slowly, “I have a question for you.”
           Teddy looked up.
           “Do you think Ginny would like a picnic?”
           Teddy giggled. “Fairy love picnic!”
           No one was quite sure where Teddy had heard of fairy godmothers, but Harry was glad that he had. “Because Bear wants to ask her to be married, Teddy. Do you think that would be a good way to ask her?”
           “Yes! She say yes to picnic, and yes to Bear!”
           Harry knew that Teddy was two and didn’t fully understand how logic worked (nor time), but he hoped the little boy was right about love. “Then that’s what I’ll do. Thank you, Teddy. Come on, let’s go on the slide.”
           Teddy bit his lip. “Bear slide too?”
           “Bear slide too,” Harry promised.
           Harry waited eagerly for Ginny to get home. He had a basket all packed and the ring was in his pocket.
           When she came in he whirled her into his arms and kissed her. “Hello, love!”
           Ginny laughed and kissed him back. “What’s going on?” She arched her eyebrows. “You haven’t broken something, have you?”
           “Nope.” Harry grinned. “I’ve got a surprise for you.” He’d finally asked Ron a question, and the answer had delighted him. “Come on, we’re going out for dinner.”
           The basket was shrunk in his other pocket, so he didn’t wonder that Ginny looked confused. All part of the plan. “It’s a surprise. Come here.”
           Ginny stepped into his arms willingly, and Harry marvelled at how well she fit, her head resting on his shoulder and his arms comfortably around her waist. He wanted to tell her that, but his heart was too full.
           He spun, and they landed in a small clearing. They were in a wizarding park, with fantastic beasts and magical playgrounds. Teddy loved this place, but it was a long trip with a two year old, and Harry only made it with Andromeda.
           “Alright, Harry, why are we in Scamander’s Hollow?”
           Harry drew the basket out of his pocket. “Engorgio!”
           The picnic basket sprung up, and Harry took it by the handle. “I thought we’d have a picnic,” he said lightly. Like it wasn’t one of the most important meals of his life.
           Ginny’s face lit up. “Oh Harry, that’s wonderful! I’ve never done that!”
           “Really?” He knew that; Ron had confirmed it. “Well, that’s good. It’ll be our first time together.”
           Ginny helped him spread out the blanket, and Harry conjured a couple of jars of blue fire; it was a bit chilly. They unpacked the basket together: roast beef sandwiches, lemon tea, blueberry scones with butter spread on them already and a chocolate cake. They ate everything in the chilly March air curled up close between the jars, and for a moment Harry forgot his fear.
           “That was lovely,” Ginny sighed. “All my favourites. You know how to spoil a girl, Harry. I think we’re going to have to do this again.”
           “I always like doing new things with you,” Harry whispered. He took a deep breath. “It’s always an adventure, always fun, and I’d like—I’d like to keep doing this.”
           Ginny looked at him in surprise. Before Harry could lose his nerve, he slipped away from her and moved so he was on one knee. He pulled the ring out of his pocket.
           “Ginny, I love you for everything you are. You’ve given me hope, joy and love beyond anything I thought I could ever deserve. I promise to be with you for as long as you want me. Will you marry me?”
           The sun was setting, and it wasn’t easy to see Ginny’s face.
           She’d thrown herself into his arms. “Yes, yes, yes!” She kissed him fiercely, and Harry held her tight, so dazed he could hardly kiss her properly. “Really?” he asked. “Really, you will!”
           She punched him lightly. “Don’t be a prat! Of course I’ll marry you!”
           Harry kissed her properly then, drawing her as close as he could. When he finally broke away to breathe, he held up the ring. “Can I put it on?”
           She held up her hand and Harry slipped it on. It caught the sunset’s rays and sparkled.
           “It’s beautiful,” Ginny whispered. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect.”
           “I’m not perfect,” Harry corrected her. “You are.”
           Ginny laughed. “We sound like Bill and Fleur.”
           “Not a terrible thing.”
           “Oh gosh, not at all.”
           They sat in silence for a moment. Harry took her hand and kissed it.
           “This was a really good idea,” Ginny said finally. “How did you come up with it?”
           “I was at the park with Teddy, and I asked him.”
           Harry said it without thinking, but Ginny stared at him in shock.
           “What do you mean?”
           Too late, Harry realized what he’d said. “Well, we saw—saw some people having a picnic, and I realized I’d never had one before, and I asked Teddy if he thought it was a good idea, a good way to ask you—”
           Ginny started giggling uncontrollably. “You—you asked a two year old how to propose?!”
           “I—I was brainstorming!”      
           Ginny threw herself at him again, knocking him onto his back as she covered his face with kisses. “I love you so much, you know that?” She leaned her forehead against his. “Love you so, so much. I was going to ask you too, but you were faster.”
           “You were?”
           “Yes. I’ve got a ring for you and everything. I was going to ask once—well, if I get the job at the Prophet.”
           “You’ll get it,” Harry said automatically. “And even if you don’t, so what?”
           Ginny didn’t answer.
           “Love, you know that money’s not the important thing here, right?” Harry asked carefully. Even with her salary with the Holyhead Harpies, Ginny still felt uncomfortable combining their money.
           “I know, Harry. It’s not that. It’s…well, you’re Harry Potter.”
           “I noticed that.”
           Ginny didn’t even hit him. “When I was younger and had that silly crush on you—before I fell in love with you—I always imagined that I would be able to keep up with you. I wanted to be worthy of you. And I worry sometimes that people will look at me and wonder why you would marry someone like me.”
           Harry took her face in his hands and kissed her deeply, pulling her close. “No one will ever ask that,” he whispered. “I will let everyone know that I am marrying you because you are my hero, Ginny Weasley. You’ve faced things just as dark as me and came out still shining and beautiful. You give me comfort when I need it without judgement or pressure. You’re strong, you’re amazing no matter what you do, and that has nothing whatsoever to do with me. I want to marry you because you make me want to be my best self too. So try for the job, and if you get it, that’s grand. But whether you get it or not, you deserve the world, Ginny. I’m honoured you want me to stand with you.”
           They didn’t talk much more that night. There wasn’t much else to say. Suffice it to say that they did make it home eventually, but they only left when the blue fire burned out.
           In the wedding that summer, there was no question. Teddy Lupin was the ringbearer, the wedding bands he’d liked best shining on a small cushion.
Ginny’s Ring
Harry’s Ring
Wedding Bands 
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