#and by later I either mean anywhere from an hour from now to never lol
trigunfanart · 2 months
Amazon straight up stole my Wolfwood Pop Up Parade figure lol
I preordered it back in November from a gift card my friend sent me for my birthday. It was about 35 bucks back then. When everyone else got theirs delivered, I waited a couple of months but mine never even said when it was going to be shipped, so I contacted support.
The man said he found it and I would receive it in 48 hours. I thought wow he was so fast to fix it, and I praised him a lot. He then deleted all information on the item from my account and cancelled it. I know this because I got an email saying it was cancelled. Thank God, because the email had the order number which I could no longer look up to report the item as missing. There was in fact no way to report that specific item so I reported an action figure I bought around the same time period just so I could chat with customer service.
The new customer service person said they could look up the item order number just fine, which said it had been cancelled, but they were out of stock of the figures, so they still couldn't give me the item. Which means the first customer service guy was either lying that he found my item, or he stole my item and tried to cover his tracks by deleting all my info about ordering the item.
I told them they basically stole my item, because I preordered it ahead of time, they never sent it to me, and they sold their entire stock. I told them that item is no longer available anywhere new, it's only second hand, and it's 70 dollars now. So a refund still won't help me repurchase that item. So they gave me sixty dollars, which I'm greatful for.
But I'm still sad, because it's months later and the 60 dollars in my bank account is a blessing for my family that I can't stand to spend on the figure, because it feels irresponsible. So I am still not getting the Wolfwood figure, and it's going to keep going up in price forever.
Amazon stole my birthday present lol
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I’ve really enjoyed your writing and I was curious to know if you ever experience writers block and how you try to drag yourself out of it? (I’m in need of advice)
thank you!! and i most definitely have omg. only rarely do i actually have, like, ideas for a fic. most of the time the hours are ticking past and i’m like FUCK i don’t have a goddamn thought pinging in my brain rn for tonight’s fic 😭😭 so i deal with writers block several times a week lol. i have a couple strategies for it.
1. this one is more of a future set up thing. over the weeks and months i’ve set up a saved folder where i use social media the most —inst*gram — and every time i see something that either reminds me of the blorbos or i think has story potential (which takes some time to start noticing, don’t worry if it’s slow at first, i used to add to the folder like once or twice a week and now it’s once or twice a day lol), i save it:
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sometimes i send the post to a friend with a vague outline of what i’m doing, which looks something like this:
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and screenshot that for later. this way i have this folder of ideas and one-offs to turn to when the well has run dry. it doesn’t always work, but it works enough that i think it’s worth the effort.
2. this one is less cool and suave, but when i don’t have any ideas, i try to just…write whatever. i don’t mean, like, write a random story, i just mean write random ass words and see what happens. i tend to work best with dialogue, so i’ll just type out a random sentence and see what happens, see what my brain does without me focusing on it. i’ll walk you through one of those now:
there’s a random starting word. just a single word. it could go literally anywhere, from humour to actiony order-barking, but i’m getting a bit of an angsty vibe to this, so i’m just going to pick a character — my beloved — who i’m very used to writing and can picture easily and add a dialogue tag.
“Don’t,” Lance warns.
okay! now we’re getting somewhere farther. now i try to ask myself one or two prodding questions: what does his voice sound like? can i hear him saying this in my head? who’s he saying it to? what emotion is he portraying? i don’t have to actually answer any of the questions, but now i’m thinking, baby steps, and i can get going easier, because i’m actually starting to hear this in my head:
“Don’t,” Lance warns, voice wobbling. “Don’t do this to me.”
from here i just see where i can go. one thing i have to remind myself is that no one is holding me to a standard but me. this can be two words or two hundred. a page or a novel. whatever i come up with. i’ll give it a fair chance, but if it doesn’t go anywhere, that’s okay, i’ll try again later. i try to just get into things and go. i’ll lean into what’s familiar to make things easier on myself:
“Don’t,” Lance warns, voice wobbling. “Don’t do this to me.”
Keith looks away. He has a hard enough time keeping steady with Lance normally, when he’s smiling, smirking, when he puts a hand on Keith’s shoulder and teases him about his hair.
But when he’s looking at Keith like Keith has a choice to make? And he’s making the wrong one?
It’s almost physical, the ache. The pain of knowing he’s hurting someone but doing it anyway.
“I have to,” Keith says quietly. He clutches the strap of the duffel bag hanging over his shoulder, picking uselessly at a loose thread. “I can’t stay here.”
“You can.” Lance’s voice is still weak, shaking, but there’s something steady to it, a resolution. He’s sure he’s right. “You always can. You’ve never had to run.”
Keith says nothing.
“Don’t run away from me, Keith.”
Lance never pleads. He’s too proud. Keith pretends he doesn’t hear the desperation in his voice, for both of their sakes.
“I’ll call,” Keith offers. He looks up as he says it, but he still doesn’t meet Lance���s eyes. He’s afraid to see the hurt that he knows is there, the disappointment. If he doesn’t look he can pretend it’s not.
“No, you won’t.”
He says it like it’s a surety. Space is vast, time expands, and Keith won’t call. Keith is running away, again.
Keith turns around and leaves without another word.
that took me about six minutes. took some thinking, here and there, but it was easier as i kept going. i stuck to what i’m good at, remembered i don’t need any context for this (it’s just an exercise!) and moved forward.
i hope this is helpful! feel free to dm me if you’re still stuck, i’m happy to bounce around ideas :))
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callsignbaphomet · 1 month
You should talk about Berserkers more <333
Aw, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ignore the ask. I was super fixated on finishing that thing I was working on and wanted to finish it first for two reasons. I was super fixated and that would answer part of this ask. Sorta. I'll post that later.
Also I'm sorry if I sound incoherent I took some Benadryl and everything's fuzzy right now.
So. Berserkers.
Okay so I basically love the idea of the berserker and all that but found it lacked a little...panache. At least to me anyway.
Berserkers are essentially a long lived type of humanoid warrior. While out of berserker mode they look identical to regular humans in every way. In fact, there is no way to tell if what you're looking at is a human or a berserker. However, when they shift into their berserker mode they turn into hulking, muscular humanoids that stand somewhere between 8 feet and 9.5 feet tall and weigh anywhere between 350 to 490 pounds. That's without armors and their weapons. Aside from getting really freaking big they conjure up armors and weapons, adults conjure up two weapons. The look and style of the armors and weapons differ from individual to individual but each armor and weapon depends solely on the culture of the berserker.
Let's use Loke for an example. He's Norwegian so his armor and weapons will reflect that. He's a Nordic or Norse whichever you wanna use berserker so that'll reflect on the style of his gear.
Aside from hulking out and conjuring weapons these fuckers are strong and I mean S T R O N G! They're one of the few non-humans that can and dare to go up against the divine in a head to head battle and make them sweat and work for their victory. They're not mindless in this state but they are super quick to start fighting and once a berserker picks a target there's not much that'll stand in the way of them defeating their target.
Also their armor can sustain damage and even break but the amount of force that has to be used in order to break their armor is fucking mental. Now, just because the armor breaks it doesn't mean it's permanent, if the armor breaks the berserker shifts back into their human form until it regenerates which can take a few hours depending on the severity of the damage. However, their weapons will never break or dull or rust. Speaking of, a berserker doesn't need to shift into berserker mode in order to conjure their weapons, they can do so at any time they need. Like so.
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Another change I forgot to mention is that while in berserker mode their eyes tend to glow in whatever color their eyes are and that also happens when only conjuring a weapon. Yeah, Loke has green eyes but the red comes from when he was resurrected so Loke's kind of a special case. The electricity surging through the axe isn't normal either. We'll get to that.
Now, berserkers may have their roots and origins in magic but they cannot use magic, not in human form and much less in berserker mode. It's not that they aren't permitted, it's just that they cannot actually understand magic so they can't really learn it. I had to nerf them somewhere lol
Yeah, I know, the doodle is contradicting everything I'm saying but again, Loke's kind of a special case.
If a berserker should ever decide to try and learn magic it would be one hell of a gargantuan task as like I said, they don't actually understand it so they don't bother, besides, with their raw power they don't need magic. Hell, they don't need a rocket launcher either...
When they're young berserkers can conjure a range of weapons to try out and practice with them to sort of get a feeling as to which two they feel most comfortable with, then iirc by their late teens they've already made up their minds as to which two weapons they feel comfortable with and stick to those two only. Since they specialize in two weapons they become like an extension to them, they pretty much master that weapon and become devastating with them.
In the case of Loke he chose a two headed axe like his dad has and the bow and arrow like his mom has.
Like I said, these guys are long lived but they seldom get to fully enjoy that because they're a warrior species. Fighting is in their blood so most die in battle. And these fuckers are extremely tough to kill which means that they tend to die brutally and bloody.
They don't have some jacked up healing like other species have, they'll scar and aren't immune to diseases both inherited and catching.
Loke for example has asthma, hemophilia (which is crazy when you really think about it and what he is), astigmatism, can't see well up close I forgot what that one's called...you get the idea.
Now! Magic and Loke. Okay, so he's idolized his mom for as long as he can remember and always wanted to be like her. Since he was a little boy he asked his mom to teach him how to use magic and while Sanaa knew it was damn near impossible she humored. This took a very long time, we're talking 30+ years for him to get but Sanaa taught him a small trick she often used that can turn one arrow into thousands of arrows that rain on the enemy. She also taught him to conjure an element, in his case it's lightning, to wrap itself around his conjured weapon. These are things that would take a child a few months to get but since Loke's a berserker it took that long. This was kind of a pretty big deal as vommon berserkers just can't really do that but he persevered until he got it. Then it took him some 20 odd years or so to be able to consistently pull it off. Now he can do it in his sleep like it's nothing and it serves to intimidate others and impress others like his mom's side of the family. When they first saw it their minds were blown to hell and back and those people don't get surprised by anything.
So if the berserker is based on the person's culture, what about those who's parents are from two different cultures? Easy. The armor and weapons take aspects of both parents.
That pretty much cover the common berserker. Then there are arcane berserkers of which ONLY AND ONLY the Nyota people can be arcane berserkers. However, if a common berserker and an arcane berserker have a child that child will also be an arcane berserker and be considered a Nyota descendant.
More on arcane berserkers will be on another post I'll post later.
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biggreenstache7 · 1 year
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(for context)
YAY!! I'll keep this brief because i'm already planning on writing a huuuge txt file with all of The Lore I Have In My Head in case i never actually write it into a story but still want people to know more about my favorite guys ever BUT here goes a Nick Birth: This Has Almost Nothing To Do With SiIvaGunner
so the whole universe is like . just A World where robots are created and have been being created for ages to fulfill specific purposes like attack and defense and whatever . and in very specific instances either by contact with the outside world or pure chance they have like a really low chance of becoming sentient. this was never planned but at some point a few decades in people sorta start accepting it and treating them like. Normal Society Members. but the ride to that point is uber hard and the woodmen came to be like fairly early so they still had to deal with that shtick
ok worldbuilding over. nick himself was created on may 17th 1965 and in a moment where, because the factory he was made in was super fucked and where malfunctions constantly occurred, most of the robots made in that brief period came out broken right out the gate, and the ones that didn't were highly damaged, nick included. (hence his broken chestplate that he has no way of fixing)
Since the few robots that did "survive" could barely fulfill their designated purposes of attack if any at all, experiments began being ran on them to see if they could serve any other purpose, mainly that of defense and, most importantly, fire protection. this also went uber wrong and resulted in (atleast for nick) growing flowers sometimes out of her control and a weird sort of attraction to fire while still being Very Definitely able to be harmed by it.
so those were the first 17 years or so of non-sentience and robot shit and whatever until one day the factory was set ablaze in a freak accident of unknown origins and nick was one of the only robots to actually make it out, with that probably being the moment he gained his consciousness. then immediately fell from a great height into a trash chute and definitely forgot about anything that had happened to him for the past 17 years, having it only vaguely appear in dreams and such for the rest of her life and proto haunting her forever. tldr sentient robot whose factory was FUCKED UP
after that he spent a few years wandering the streets of new age (city that got 'turned' into grandiose city waay later on) fumbling jobs and just sorta living anywhere and everywhere and constantly trying to learn more about the world & arts & herself until Uno Dia wandered into a library where the dude who ran the place thought she could be like a janitor and that's where she stayed for the next like 2 years until actually becoming a librarian himself.
then also met john there not long later cause john was looking for law books and BOOOOOOOOO GAY PEOPLE GTFO 👎! you know the drill also it's 1989 . and ignoring the literal 30 years of story i have in the middle they are both in the here now. noooo way. somehow even as a tldr for the Absolute Origins this is pretty big. also it only actually merges with siiva in 2016 meaning that they have almost 30 years of history together before that LOL.. its a lot. but then in siiva uhhhhh i just pretended that she was there all along in like kfad2 and john just had her secretly working as a cameraman because he didnt wanna have to fill forms for a plus one and have to come out as gay in the process. and in spooktacular iii hes not there physically but john is always calling him like every hour and shit because hes clingy. as fuck. wahoo
so much shit i missed but that was sort of the point i guess. so #notsiivagunnercore
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enniewritesathing · 1 year
ask game: ✈️💯🐷💜🍸😊 (I picked one from each category, choose whichever OCs you'd like)
hello! 👋
✈️ AIRPLANE — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person?
I'll do this for Brian since I've got John answered.
He loves to travel and especially when he's told "hey, we're gonna go to [x]". Doesn't like to do the packing (that's John's job) but he's down to go anywhere. Anything but the train though... the views are amazing but the space is not friendly to someone over 6 feet tall, lol.
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
John: He's left-handed, afraid of spiders, and he's shy! (He comes off as polite so ofc no one's caught that. Been like that since he was a kid and it's just one of his quirks.)
Brian: Likes to garden (he would keep bees in the backyard, but between John and the cat... lol), may have accidentally ate one too many brownie in college ("i'm not feeling anything" then an hour later, "Johnny, have you seen the moon?"), and the fact that his middle name is Antonio. He's embarrassed by this so when he has to use his initials, he never says what the A stands for.
🐷 PIG FACE — what is your oc's favorite animal?
John: Cats, but specfically the black-footed cat. How can this creature be so cute but so deadly? Cats are fascinating in the sense that yeah, they're predators and all of that, but they're incredibly baby. Something something duality.
Brian: Secretary bird, but only because of the fact that he's like "oh, that's me :)" honey, that's a birdsona
💜 PURPLE HEART — what is your oc's ancestry/genetic background?
John: He is half white (from dad) and half Filipino (from mom). Dad's side of the family, he's not too sure about where specifically, but mom's side, he is an descendant of a very obscure royalty (in Bare Knuckle, he had 'met' his ancestor, the first one to have it...it's uh, a whole ass thing.) and where he has his eye color from. As far as he knows, he is either the 4th or 5th person to have it. It's not werewolf related; that happens later. The weirdest 'tradition' that comes from that side of the family is that at least one of them knows a martial art; doesn't matter who.
Brian: He's some flavor of European, but he doesn't know the specifics other than they were almost always royal adjacent with upkeeping the king's or what-have-you hunting lodges and at some point, became favorable to the point of being granted high statues, power, and the privileges that comes along with it as well as the wealth. To this day, as far as he knows, that's still the case with them catering to the wealthy. Brian comes from old money but since getting disowned, he doesn't give a shit about it. (As a side note, when someone raises their eyebrows at his current last name, they ask if he's related. "I was, then I wasn't :)")
🍸 COCKTAIL GLASS — what is your oc's favorite alcoholic drink, if they can drink?
John: He hardly drinks (mix of personal reasons and taste issue), but he likes anything that's heavy on fruits. Really likes mimosas.
Brian: He used to drink the hard stuff (whiskey and the like), but he only breaks that out (Jack Daniels, aka JD) when he really has a bad day (too much of it though, he's a little mean). Otherwise, he sticks to wines and 'light' cocktails.
😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
John: He's in a good spot career wise. I decided I was gonna rework this story, but in the future, he's gonna be gunning to be a Muay Thai world champion (again). Will he succeed? Maybe, maybe not. He has a lot more years ahead of him and he wants to see what more he can accomplish.
Brian: Right now, he's thinking about getting some certifications in other fields as a nurse... something a little less stressful than ER. (there are only two types of shifts -- too quiet (not normal, shit will go down in 2 minutes, and whatever 'normal' is.) As long as he gets to help people in some form or fashion, he's good. Like John, he wants to see what he'll accomplish, but he will not stress himself out like he did when was younger.
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j0kers-light · 1 year
Reader sitting in jokers lap during a meeting with his crew. Guy disrespects reader joker doesn’t let that slide😏 (I know joker really wouldn’t have reader in any of his business dealings but I can’t think what the occasion would be for that)
His Lighthouse: No Disrespect (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
No Disrespect - Oneshot
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Hey hi anon!! 🖤✨
I managed to get a oneshot done this weekend!!! 1 out of 3 not bad if I say so myself! Hopefully I can knock another one out tomorrow but I promised I'd do my sister's hair and she got bundles you hear me? 😭 Anyhoo! This one was tricky but fun to fill! I highly doubt J will let Y/n join another meeting after this lol. I hope you enjoy this fun little oneshot!
@blackreaderatrisk @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angel @darthjokerisyourfather @thatsnoteii @dollster @cheetahspy @kaidennnnn @urdariingdoll @motivation-idontknowher @ins0mniac-whack @spaghettificationandpretzels @reneisance @alittlesmartcookie @ninacutebee16
Wanna be included in the His Lighthouse journey? Join the taglist!
Joker didn't mean to traumatize you. He knew firsthand that it was dangerous to get you mixed up with his dealings.
There would always be a brick wall separating you from Joker's life. Some days you were fine with being in the dark, others, well you wished he would let you know a few things. Today happened to be the latter.
Joker was already headed towards the door when your soft voice called out to him. "Please don't go."
His whole body tensed up and his hand hesitated on the doorknob. He could pretend that he didn't hear you, walk out the door and apologize later, but something made him pause and hear you out. Joker looked over his shoulder and a chunk of his heart broke at the sight.
He was glad that he stayed.
You were half asleep, clutching your bed comforter around you with a few tears (or maybe it was just sleep) clinging to your lashes.
You looked so pitiful begging him to stay but an important meeting was going down tonight at the hideout and as the boss, he couldn't skip it. But he couldn't leave you either.
You whined and wrapped your arms around Joker's back, no doubt already falling back asleep just with him near.
You were having trouble sleeping this week and only Joker and his surprising soothing presence could get you to rest. Without him, you just couldn't go.
It took him half an hour to get you to fall asleep tonight. He waited until you were fast asleep before slipping away but apparently you felt him leave and took offense.
You were going to make things difficult.
Joker banged his head on the door, hearing you plead for him again before he coaxed you away so he could turn around and face you. Your separation anxiety was in rare form tonight and he hated to make it worse by leaving.
"Bunny... I got a uhh work thing to do. Go back to sleep, mkay?" He said while rubbing your back. That did the trick a few hours ago. But right now, you weren't having it.
You were acting like a fussy child, "I can't, not without you." You whined.
Joker sighed and squinted at the clock across the room. He'd be late fooling around with you and your antics. So without thinking, he blurted out a solution. "Wanna come with me?"
That got your attention. You looked up at J as if he grew a second head. He never let you anywhere near his operations. You knew nothing, would never know anything, and that meant absolutely no tag alongs.
You were dreaming. You had to be. That was the only explanation for Joker inviting you to go with him to a meeting. Nothing bad would come out of this so you slowly nodded.
Joker let out a shaky sigh. He wasn't expecting you to say yes but a deal was a deal so he nodded to himself and eyed your attire.
You were wrapped head to toe in the bed's comforter but he saw the long sleeve shirt you wore underneath.
Hopefully you had on some pants but he'd risk not checking. He didn't have time to corral you back into the bedroom to change. The fluffy socks on your feet would ward off Gotham City's night air and there was no need for shoes.
Joker would make sure your feet never touched the ground.
J kissed your forehead and scooped you up bridal style into his arms. You hummed and nuzzled close. You were falling asleep by the time Joker closed the front door and locked up.
He knew this was a huge mistake but he couldn't back out now. He stepped into the elevator already regretting this decision. One look down at your face made the risk worth it.
You were sound asleep with a gentle smile on your face. He'd do anything for his Light.
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Frost was the first to witness the bizarre sight.
He was waiting for the Boss to arrive and he did a double take at Joker walking into the hideout with a literal bundle of fabric in his arms. The tall brute had seen some things during his years working for the clown but never this.
Joker glared at Frost and mumbled a short, "Don'T ask." in passing. Frost saw a brightly colored sock poke out of the bundle and chuckled.
His Boss was so whipped.
Although he did wonder how you were breathing wrapped up like you were. Frost just shook his head and held doors open for Joker to walk through. The act also made him wonder how J got you here by himself.
"Everyone here?" Joker asked as they walked down the hallway to the unofficial meeting room.
An old boardroom was refurbished for Joker and his crew to go over heists and other missions.
Tonight was an important one and a small handpicked team would be in attendance to go over last minute details. Hence the reason why Joker didn't want you here, yet you slept on in his arms, blissfully unaware.
If he kept you hidden perhaps he could play off carrying a comforter around with a lie saying he was cold.
It didn't have to be believable, but it beat coming out and announcing that you were underneath it. Joker was doing well with keeping you a secret; he would not fail over something so ridiculous.
If only things were that simple.
Frost nodded as they reached the meeting room. "Yeah. Just waitin' on you Boss. I wasn't expecting you to bring B with you. I can keep an eye on her in your office until–"
J interrupted him. "Uh no can do. My little Bunny.. can't sleep without me."
It would be smart to let you doze off in his office but Joker knew you would wake up the minute he was gone and come searching for him. Rather deal with a distressed Y/n on the loose, he'd keep you with him in a controlled environment.
Joker gestured for his right hand man to open the door. His henchmen were waiting and he wanted to kickstart this meeting as soon as possible.
The faster it began, the sooner he could get you back home to bed.
Joker knew all eyes would be on him the second he walked through the door and schooled his features accordingly. All chatter in the room came to a stop as Joker and Frost walked in.
Green eyes scanned the room and demanded attention and respect.
Just because Joker was holding a big comforter did not mean he wasn't to be feared. Mac and Neo shared a look after seeing their boss and straightened up in their seats. This should be interesting. They both looked at Frost who was holding an executive chair out for Joker to sit in.
Frost returned the look and mouthed, 'It's Bunny.'
On that note, the two men switched seats to flank their Boss. Joker eyed their move without a word. There was a reason why he chose these men to be his top three.
Loyalty. They respected their Clown Prince and the woman he loved by default.
It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.
Joker sat down and subtly adjusted you better in his lap. Mac cleared his throat and Frost used the diversion to shift the covers better to hide your foot sticking out.
"Thanks for coming, everyone. Love the err enthusiasm. Let's uhh get this meet-ting started."
Joker freed up his hands and rested them on your back.
To the naked eye, it looked as if Joker was sitting in the chair with a blanket covering him. Little did they know..
No one questioned the odd sight and listened as their Boss went over key details and insightful tips to ensure this upcoming mission went off without a hitch.
There was a projector off to the side that displayed pertinent information that Joker was discussing.
Things were going well until an idiot's phone went off.
Up until then, Joker made sure the noise level within the room remained quiet to ensure you remained asleep but the cellphone was out of his control. The henchman cursed and silenced the ringer as quickly as he could but the damage was already done.
Everyone heard it. Your soft whimper. You were awake.
All eyes in the room were drawn to Joker's lap as the crisp white cover moved and groaned. Joker sighed as he felt you stretch in his arms. Frost stepped closer the second your head poked through the covers.
You were facing Joker but your f/c silk bonnet must've been quite the surprise to the gathered men in the room.
They weren't expecting someone to be inside the covers. And what a pleasant surprise you turned out to be.
Joker thought you were the prettiest when you first woke up. Your big e/c eyes heavy with sleep, trying to get your bearings straight. You were innocent and absolutely adorable.
He automatically changed his voice to address you. "Didn't mean to wake ya. Go back to sleep, doll." Joker whispered to you.
He hoped (for once) that you would listen but you were stubborn and like the curious bunny you were, you yawned and did the exact opposite.
"It's okay. I need to get up n' do some more writing. What time is it?" You stretched your arms free and didn't hear the audible gasp that spread throughout the room.
This group of goons didn't know about Joker's little secret; you. It was a huge shock to them to discover that not only was Joker holding a female, but the fact you were so relaxed and calm around him spoke volumes.
You meant something. Joker's protective hands on your back was more than enough confirmation.
You spotted Frost out of the corner of your eye and turned to say hello when a series of whistles rang out.
You jumped at the sound and Joker subconsciously held you closer.
You had unknowingly offered your side profile to the room and the men obviously liked what they saw. It took you less than a minute to take in your surroundings and realize that your decision with Joker earlier wasn't a dream.
He literally brought you to work with him.
You cast a look over your shoulder and paled at seeing a table full of henchmen who were all eying you with different emotions.
It was a lot to wake up to and to make matters worse, one of them made the mistake of talking to you.
"Well hey there sweet thing. What's your name?" He boldly winked at you. You just blinked at him in shock but you felt Joker tense up underneath you.
Multiple things happened at the same time. Neo shook his head while chuckling under his breath.
Mac hit his arm saying, "This about to be some s__t." They both knew Joker would lose his mind.
Frost knew as well and wisely flanked his Boss, waiting on his next move. The others in attendance looked on, waiting for what would happen next.
The goon who dared to open his mouth and talk to you obviously had a death wish, for he kept going.
"Still sleepy? It's all good, ma. You ain't gotta be fully awake for what I'm tryna do to ya."
You were speechless and stuttered with something to say. Joker finally snapped after hearing his henchman flirt with you. There was a sudden shift in the air as the room dropped ten degrees.
"What. Did. You. Say?" Joker growled.
The goon came out of his fog to quickly realize his mistake when feral green eyes stared straight into his soul. They promised a swift death.
They guy tried to backtrack. "Woah! Woah, I didn't mean to interrupt the meeting or nothin.' My bad." He huffed.
Your jaw hit the floor. He thought J was mad because the meeting was interrupted?
You glanced up at Joker who was seething in anger. You never seen him so angry before. His grip on you was getting uncomfortably tight and his hands shook with his ire. You genuinely feared for the poor guy's life.
"Joker..." You warned. He relaxed his grip on you and smiled. It was menacing and made your flesh crawl.
"Forget the... meeting. Who gaveyou permission to talk to my girl?"
Joker stressed the title and it was heard loud and clear. The rest of the team looked at their comrade and mourned the death to come. His fate was sealed.
And that's when the stupidity really kicked in.
"S__t, I-I-I didn't mean no disrespect! I thought since she was with you, she'd be a free use ya know?"
That was the last straw. Joker and his top three moved as a unit.
J stood up and handed you over to Mac who caught you with ease. There was no time to react, it was so fluid. He covered your eyes and Neo muffled your ears as Frost guarded the door. There would be no escapees until Joker decided everyone's fate.
This all happened in the same timeframe that Joker marched over to the idiot who spoke up.
J grabbed him by the neck and growled, "No.. I don'T know but guess what? I'll let you in on a secret. My Light is not a whore for anyone to use. She.. is.. mine."
Even with Neo covering your ears, you could hear the guy screaming in pain. You didn't want to know what Joker was doing to him but it was too much for you to process.
J must've heard your watery whimper for the torture ended abruptly followed by this dark voice ordering his men around. "Get her out of here."
He signaled to Frost and Neo to help him with the rest of the henchmen but you couldn't see it.
Mac followed orders and carried you out of the room right as the first round of gunshots went off.
The blond helped you to your feet although you stumbled a few steps, since you were still wrapped up in your blanket burrito. You leaned on the wall just outside the meeting room in a panic.
"This isn't happening.." You wrapped your cover tighter around you. You knew Joker was a yandere but this was a new level of madness.
He was killing people just because they talked to you. Of course it went deeper than that but you couldn't wrap your head around the details at the moment. You felt sick and proceeded to dry heave on the floor.
Mac watched you with a lazy eye roll. This is why you weren't allowed at the hideout.
Now they had to find a last minute replacement team for the mission and hope it turned out well. Oh and dispose of a lot of bodies. But that wouldn't be too difficult.
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gothprentiss · 2 years
the hour of lead! for the director's cut ask thingy
for ref: [the hour of lead] Post Valhalla + Lauren. Derek mourns Emily’s death. / 2.9k words / rated g
ok so! this is SEVERELY too long:
one fun thing about this fic is that i typically take about a week to write a fic due to my proclivity for narrative hubris (rounding out multiple ‘episodes’ or whatever is, i discovered writing this, more time-consuming than simply just doing one linear thing) and the 5-15k range. this, i’m pretty sure, i sat down to write at like 3 and had finished by 8, or something like that. and it’s under 3k words, although i believe when i first posted it it was about 200 words shorter— i also have a cool and normal tendency to edit fics *after* posting them, meaning that the fic i post and the fic that’s on ao3 a week later are often two marginally different animals. but the point is that this was like, a bit of an achievement in terms of writing process.
as i'm rereading it now i'm very like, oh this is me leaning on all of my sort of typical supports— very heavy repetition and recursion, a lot of motifs, tonally a bit overdramatically Lyrical, and the ending feels a bit rushed and saccharine in its use of the future-perfect. i also have this annoying tendency to make english majors out of every character i write lol. i was clearly also thinking about derek in the same way i think about emily, probably— i think with both of them i like to defer moments of, say, emotional ‘depth’ to something more external, functional, or actionable, and this fic gets very into materiality as a result. but like that being said—
one funny behind the scenes thing: i cribbed a section from a different fic i was thinking i’d never post anywhere (it’s the exorcist-themed one— you can see the precise section i snagged this from [here], about midway through, in emily’s vision of the death of father del toro). normally i’m very careful about cribbing wholesale from my drafts because i think that uh the topic should generate the language or something? but in this case it’s about the death of a priest in a story where i’d also been exploring derek’s own religiosity (e.g. [here]), and i’d been thinking it would be either him or jj to eventually perform the exorcism in the fic (i.e., stepping into the role of a priest), so there’s a sort of parity there. point is, i had this paragraph written:
Father del Toro screamed. He gave off, in a great mushroom cloud, a massive volume of steam, hissing and roiling above his vestments, miraculously dry. It was as if, in a second, he dehydrated to the precise fatal degree. Then he crumpled to the ground in an inhuman heap, folding over himself heels to pelvis and knees to shoulders. The dull thunking of his knees, then his head, meeting the floor rang infinitely through the cathedral’s vast and vaulting interior, built as it was to amplify human song to the magnificence of the heavenly host. It rose in pitch as it went, and screamed until it last ceased to sound. On his downturned face, a droplet of blood welled in his right eye and folded there, in the tear duct, too small to drop.
and made it this one:
He thinks about what it would feel like to shut the door behind him and fall to his knees in the hall. He thinks he might crumple entirely, into an unrecognizable heap, folding over himself heels to pelvis and knees to chest. The dull thunk of his knees, then his head, meeting the floor— it might echo in the vast, seemingly endless space of the apartment. It might echo the way sounds echo in churches, sound waves climbing higher, reflected off each other, up to Heaven.
reshaping in the process an description of a destructive encounter with Pure Evil! into a sudden wave of enervating grief. 
off that sidebar— i think i must have begun this fic thinking really hard about pathetic fallacies, on one hand, and about how that sort of magical thinking plays out. like this is obviously quite overdetermined in 
He’s been hiding from this. As he slips out of his front door, the red maple that casts its shade over the front yard sheds its collected rain down onto him. A fat drop catches in his eyebrow, and another slips down the back of his neck.
It’s not that the rain feels fitting, but that it feels wrong. Wrong, that they aren’t frozen in February. Wrong, that this hearkens the change of seasons. Wrong, that the first shoots of daffodils have already crept up from the ground. A patch of the shocking white variety known as ice follies has sprung up, just tucked inside the wall surrounding his front yard, since she died. He nearly dug them up, then decided that would be barbaric. 
where, first, going outside to confront what he’s been avoiding (acting as if she is dead) also brings him out into the rain, so it’s not that it’s reflecting his mood but rather that he’s caught in it. then there’s the very explicit problem of the rain, which isn’t moody weather but rather simply portends spring and sun. i did like the ice follies bit! i remember being like “oh shit! oh that’s going in!” when i was googling different daffodil varieties and ran across those. i think it’s one of those extremely minor cosmic serendipities that they have such a sort of like, toothlessly cruel name, in the same way that the pathetic fallacy does?
i think that kind of magical thinking runs headlong into itself later, too, when he’s finally come to emily’s and the skies have cleared up. i’m not entirely sure about how i feel about narration here— there are parts where i was clearly playing with, beyond unhealthy coping mechanisms, some element of unreliable narration. so, for example, “It’s about to be a rainy night when he finally makes it out to Emily’s apartment” is proven untrue here, which was deliberate, but i think looks like a mistake. or similarly, i leaned pretty hard into different, like, qualities of reported thought? this is definitely something i snagged from thomas harris, who has it down to a gorgeous science in silence of the lambs, and i think i have it down to, approximately, my catholic school’s science class. so, for example:
You have to face her eventually. Emily lives— Emily lived closest to him of all the team.
“You have to face her eventually” is thought, pure and simple. “you” is direct self-address. but the following lines also borrow his voice, with a similar quality of presence; it’s only because it’s expository that it’s relegated to the prose narrative proper. it feels kind of ham-handed to me. given that the fic begins with a similar, i don’t know, problem of voice—
In the no man’s land between sleep and waking, he thinks it’s someone knocking out a message in Morse code: it’s spring.  Times have changed. You must change accordingly. 
— i was also thinking about how there’s a sort of tertiary thing present here, a form of truth emerging from the dramatic irony of this magical thinking: this rainfall, failing to be mood weather, announces spring; the intruding present tense reminds us that emily does still live, a fact which he’s not capable of grasping. i find this sooooooo annoying of me!!!!
i’m gonna speed this up!
1) obviously religion and prayer— i think their mutual lapsed catholicism is really neat and derek’s apparent (if rarely addressed) desire to return to a meaningful relationship with religion is really fascinating to me. without getting too deep into my extremely elaborate views on religion, i also was thinking here about what constitutes a prayer, and what it might do for him— thinking back to derek praying in “penelope,” it strikes me as something he’d be very deeply invested in, and very careful about too; not in a superstitious sense, but with a desire to direct things correctly. like the precise problem for derek’s relationship with religion is that he does believe in an interventionist god but can’t. 
2) materiality:
central to the fic for sure. i think i was rereading house of leaves around the time i wrote this? and if i wasn’t, i was definitely thinking about it, because the description of her (ugly) apartment absolutely whiffs of it. it’s also about the problem of change, where matter doesn’t provide any continuity— he encounters it as a space almost totally transformed, whose last entrants were all uncaring strangers. see as well:
Yet life, he thinks, is often full of guilt. Loss is a relation to a lost object. The danger is when that relation is not one of mourning, but one of replacement; when you build for yourself, in your mind’s eye, a phantom limb. This is a recipe for pathology, a wound of the mind which may never put up a layer of scab and knit itself shut underneath. The old wound of distance, of absence: in not healing to scar, it tempts infection.  But you accept some dangers, in living.
i do like the line about danger! this is very much freudian mourning and melancholia LOL but i felt like i had some license to let morgan be a bit more theoretical about loss here, since profilers are ostensibly highly competent in psychology. but also, i think this part leans into the show’s register of pathology— of danger, of threat— even as it’s more concerned with reconciliation with living. living over life here, with the gerund’s processual sense. this is sort of the fic’s turn, where living becomes an act again rather than a hypothetical?
3) title / dickinson poem— i don’t know if i love this. like i love the title but that's a good line of poetry. see, on one hand, i’m very committed to emily prentiss reading poetry. and i think this is a really cool poem. i also think the show sort of skimps on the other way that this team would work, which is feeling Very Very Bad Very Often together. like "true knight" sticks in my mind as a stunningly naive moment from emily, on one hand, and on the other as a thought process she'd have to keep having. similar to how stricken derek is in "lucky" & "penelope". one of the things about dickinson's poem is that while it suggests itself as being about loss through death very immediately ("Tombs," ln 2), and through its final simile, it's most explicitly just about "great pain". life is of course full of many other forms of great pain, and cm is even more full of it. so the way the poem kind of ends up haunting and restructuring derek's thought processes when he thinks about it there— it's kind of just him realizing its truth, which is a common experience with poetry. it's also finding a thought process which he can move with, e.g. how he notices the orchid plant is fake at the end and is like, oh, that too!
it feels like a problem that every character i try to write becomes a very dedicated english major. i think i like where it got me, though, which was to hands, and the acts of letting go, holding on, gathering, and releasing. this is a very like, materially attuned fic, which is quite rare for me! i like overdescribing things AND i like motifs, so you get a lot of hands stuff throughout the fic, for example:
He remembers that Jonny McHale, in the throes of grief’s icy grip, moved through and as his pen, frozen into it, until even his own blood might have been ink to him. He remembers as well that Emily’s breath guttered and bubbled, as her body contended with its mere materiality. He begged her not to let go, she begged him to let go. All just fluctuations of matter. The folding and unfolding of fingers. The way love and desperation move your hands, and make them unable to move.
The texture of her hands still feels live under his own. Emily’s skin, gleaming dark with blood, and bright with the sweat of exertion: in the darkness, the light clung to the evidence of her struggle to live, and seared into his vision. The skin slung between her knuckles felt like silk, or wet paper, suddenly delicate, suddenly at risk. Her clammy fingers were still warm in his hands. 
i think the hands parts (there are like 4 more of them lol) were my favorite parts of the fic to write, and probably are my favorite parts of it now— high levels of synonymy, repetition, apposition, and full of sentence fragments are my go-tos because i enjoy that like, particular texture of writing.
anyway this is TOO LONG i think the only other thing is that i would probably have preferred to draw out the ending longer because i do really dislike its pacing and movement. but what can you do! it's under 3k words! and what i've written in this response might genuinely be longer than that!
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chisatowo · 2 years
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Fighting for my life trying to get good at drawing Ramp
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because-of-a-friend · 3 years
Enemies to Lovers!Jeonghan
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One day I will come up with titles for my works lol. 
Hi Hannah!!!! Thanks for requesting! I loved doing this one! I went ahead and went with Jeonghan cuz I feel like he fits this trope best! Sorry you had to wait so long, this particular fic got deleted like... three times so it was a struggle lol. I hope it’s what you were looking for!
I hope this is a good one, I’m realizing I get real insecure about my writing anytime I’m not doing a bulletpoint or reaction fic, so I don’t feel great about this time. Also I only started recently putting actual detail into my kiss scenes and idk how I’m doing with those???? Like do they seem ok??? Also I feel like I make it so obvious that I am such a sucker for SVT having cute nicknames for siblings, friends, partners, etc in fics lol. Anyways...
Also, I really said: Jeonghan... but in different types of lighting
Remember I don’t own the gif! Link to OP is right there if you want to go give the creator some love!!!
Word Count: 5.2k
Warnings: Mentions eating, reader is using female pronouns (I will keep things gn unless you request differently), I think that’s it, pls let me know if I missed any
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You’re not sure exactly how it happened. It was probably just an instance of getting off on the wrong foot, that led to more awkward interactions, giving both of you the wrong impression of each other. You knew this, you could rationalize it all. You were well aware that all it would take was one “I think we might have the wrong idea of each other” conversation and it would all be over. You could easily fix it all, but…
But his stupid smug face. The sarcastic jokes. The never-ending pranks that were not as funny as he thought they were. His ridiculous arrogance. His overall unapologetic nature towards all of it.
You couldn’t help but hate Yoon Jeonghan.
“I don’t know, Wonnie…” you say uneasily over the phone. In previous years, you’d go over to the dorm without hesitation. You loved spending time with your brother and many of the other boys. But ever since you had officially met and begun interacting with Jeonghan…
“C’mon, [Y/N]! I bought that new game you were talking about! We can play it together on my gaming system!” Wonwoo began to persuade. You knew you’d give in; you always did. Your brother was far too sweet a person and far too comforting a presence to reject. The question was how long did you want to argue with him about going to the dorm.
You sighed, accepting defeat early to save time, “I’ll head over there in a bit.”
Wonwoo gives a small cry of victory, “Ok, I’ll have Gyu make extra ramen.” Wonwoo abruptly hangs up the phone right after, leaving you in silence to groan in regret of your decision.
You immediately straighten yourself out, though, trying to put yourself in a mindset of determination. What were you thinking? Just because you and that asshole didn’t get along meant you couldn’t go see your own twin brother without feeling uncomfortable? Screw that! If he wanted to keep the peace then he was going to have to start watching where he stepped around you. 
You knocked loud and clear on the door of their dorm, knowing that with thirteen people living inside, it was usually too noisy for them to hear someone signal their arrival. To your relief, Seungcheol opened the door just moments after you knocked and greeted you with a warm smile followed by a hand sneaking into your hair to ruffle it, “Hey there, kiddo! How’s it hanging?”
“Just fine,” you tilt your head down slightly in his direction as you pass him to enter the dorm. “How are things here?” As soon as you ask, your ears are met with the noise of someone dropping something in the kitchen, followed by Seungkwan crying in alarm.
“Same as always, I supposed,” Seungcheol sighs, but his smile doesn’t fade. “I think Mingyu and Wonwoo are already in the computer room, if you want to go ahead and see them!”
“Ok, thanks Cheol!” you call as you both rush off in different directions, him towards the kitchen and you towards the small room that would provide you solace from the possibility of having to see Yoon Jeonghan.
You were determined not to let things go how they usually did: you with your mouth clamped shut as Jeonghan spoke whatever teasing words he had saved up for you, and the most you can do to fight back is by rolling your eyes and finding any way to get away from him.
This time, you would still avoid contact with him, but if it happened, you’d speak your mind and not care what he thought, since that’s how he treated you.
But there was no sign of him or anyone else as you walked to the computer room. You could hear Mingyu and Wonwoo yelling and cheering at the game long before you opened the door. It was pitch black inside, the piercing light of the screen making you squint your eyes.
The two men inside both turn immediately to check who offended their dark space with the soft, yellow light from the hallway.
“Oh [Y/N], you came!” Mingyu beams up at you. You nod, matching his bright expression.
“How’s the game?” you ask simply, looking up to your brother.
“We like it so far,” Wonwoo’s smile is wide, he always gets excited about new games, whether they’re good or not. He leans over to grab a can of some sort of energy drink before gulping it down. “We left some ramen for you over there on the table. Eat first, then I’ll let you have a turn.”
You roll your eyes, though Wonwoo was only mere minutes older than you, he found those moments to be enough leverage to order you around and act like you should be dependent on his care. There were times when he even referred to himself as “oppa” to you and insisted that you do the same.
Most of the time you let it slide, especially when you weren’t in the mood to argue. However, there were times when you’d pull out the “We’re the same age,” “Even if you’re older, I’m smarter,” or “Don’t boss me around when I’m more mature than you” cards at the drop of a hat.
“Can you at least turn on the LEDs while I eat?” you ask, tip-toeing in the darkness towards the table at the back end of the room. You hear a click before a soft blue glow fills the room, finally giving you a clear view of your path. You pull the bowl of ramen towards you as you sit and resist the urge to comment on how little they left you. The dorm was filled with food anyways, you could find more later if you got hungry again.
Wonwoo and Mingyu begin to eagerly tell you what they like about the game as you eat. You listen happily, feeling safe in the presence of your brother and friend.
Then of course…
“Hey you two, Cheol wanted me to remind you that we have to get up early tomorrow,” you can’t help the sour expression that comes over your face as Jeonghan enters the room to speak to Wonwoo and Mingyu. “Oh, hey there cutie, I didn’t know you were here!” His smirk makes you sick.
“Don’t call me that,” you say bitterly into the nearly empty bowl.
Wonwoo looks nervously between you and his bandmate, well aware of the dislike you have for him. He’s grateful that you’ve always kept it so civil, but still feels bothered by the unrest between you.
Jeonghan lets out a little giggle in response, and Wonwoo feels a tug in the pit of his stomach, he wishes Jeonghan wouldn’t be so hard on you sometimes. He knows his hyung doesn’t mean anything by it, but you…
You feel your heart sink as Jeonghan steps fully into the room, striding to sit across from you at the table. You can only stare in wonder at his audacity as he slides the bowl towards himself and finishes off the ramen in one bite.
“I was eating that,” you try to keep your tone measured, attempting to keep within the balance of standing up for yourself but not starting any drama that would affect the boys.
“Go make more if you’re hungry, then,” Jeonghan says casually, making your anger positively flare.
You don’t even give your brother the chance to mediate, jumping up from your place and leaving the room, wanting to be anywhere but around that prick.
“You’re leaving already?” Mingyu pouts at you.
“Gyu, I’ve been here for hours,” you laugh, stretching out your fingers as they start to prick from pain of slamming into a keyboard for so long. You had returned to the computer room but only after Jeonghan left. Part of you had wished you had done more to confront him; another part was glad you didn’t start a fight and put Wonwoo in an awkward position. “Besides all of you, as well as me have to get up early tomorrow, it’s already late. I need to get back home.”
“You can stay here,” Wonwoo was quick to offer.
You shook your head at him, “Then I’ll just have to get up even earlier, I’ll go back to my place.” Wonwoo nods almost reluctantly, standing to walk you out.
All of you run into Joshua on your way to the front door, he turns out to be the only one smart enough to ask how you got there.
“Oh, I took the bus,” you say slowly, knowing this is about to cause issues.
“Well, the last one would have already stopped running by now,” Mingyu says looking at the time on his phone.
“I’ll give you a ride,” Josh offers immediately.
You bring your hands up to shake them back and forth, “No, no, I can find a way home, you all need to go to bed.”
“[Y/N],” Wonwoo speaks up immediately in that stern voice you hate but also can’t help but listen to, “let Josh take you home. It’s either that or you stay here, I won’t have you walking around alone at night.” Wonwoo waits a moment to gauge your expression. He finally nods affirmatively, before speaking directly to Joshua, “Take her home, please.”
Joshua nods before walking off to grab his keys. You and Wonwoo send Mingyu off to bed. Once you’re alone, your brother pulls you in for a tight hug. “Do you want me to say something to him?” he asks lowly.
You shake your head, “I don’t want to cause any problems with you guys.” You sit in silence for a moment. “Come and stay over with me sometime, I miss our sleepovers.”
Joshua comes back and Wonwoo pulls away, “Thanks, hyung. Please get her home safe.” For the second time that night, your hair gets ruffled before your brother disappears to go off to bed.
The ride home with Joshua is comfortable. He speaks kindly to you and makes you smile.
You begin to wonder how amongst all these angels, there exists a person like Yoon Jeonghan.
Wonwoo used the new game as leverage to guilt you into coming over quite often in the following weeks. You hadn’t realized how much you had limited your time at the dorm until you started going consistently once more. It was nice being able to spend time with the boys again. You hated that Jeonghan had become such an unbearable presence that it affected your relationship with the rest of your friends.
But ever since you had started to stand your ground and talk back, he had finally begun to avoid you. You supposed it was only fun for him when you sat there and took it.
It didn’t stop the two of you from bickering when you saw each other, but now both of you preferred to avoid each other instead of Jeonghan seeking you out to tease you.
The following weeks of visiting were fairly comfortable. Whenever Jeonghan wasn’t around, you got to spend plenty of time with the other boys and your brother. Plus, the new video game was even better than expected.
Jeonghan’s presence slowly became uncomfortable in a different way.
Instead of being smug and overbearing, he became strangely quiet around you. His facial expressions became more serious as he sent genuine glares your way before letting out bitter remarks and going on his way.
It made you even angrier.
Who the hell was he to torture you all this time and then act like a kicked puppy when you finally fought back???
Your anger and his bitterness slowly escalated the tension between you two. Although they were happening less frequently, the arguments between you became more serious and almost hurtful.
Whatever, you told yourself, he could do as he pleased, you wouldn’t let it affect you anymore.
You stared down at your phone screen. Why? Why did it have to be here, while you were at the dorm?
The call was only five minutes. They didn’t even do it in person. Of course, they had warned that because of hard times, there’d be lay-offs soon. But they couldn’t even do it in person? And all you got was a simple “Sorry, come collect your things on Monday”??? You were a hard worker, passionate about the job, more efficient than most of your coworkers and this is how they treated you???
A part of you could’ve guessed, many of the employees your age had gotten in because of nepotism. But you didn’t want to believe that they’d just brush off all your years of hard work just to avoid stepping on the toes of higher-ups who had relative connections hired at the company.
You squatted against the wall of the hallway, still too in shock to move.
So, you simply sat in silence, for what seemed like forever.
“You good?” you had never felt worse than the exact moment his voice reached your ears.
“Go away,” you said sternly, knowing you’d be crying soon.
“Geez, forgive me for asking,” Jeonghan responds before turning to walk away. He stops abruptly after you sniffle. “So, you’re not ok?”
“No offense, Jeonghan,” you say hating the way your voice is shaking, “but you are the last person I want to speak to right now.”
There’s a heavy silence for a long moment. You silently pray that he’ll just leave. “Do you want me to get your brother?” he asks lightly.
You shake your head, “No, I don’t want to ruin the mood. I’m going to go home, just tell him I had a stomach ache.” You push yourself up and begin to walk briskly towards the door.
To your surprise, Jeonghan reaches out to stop you. You stare at his hand wrapped around your arm and wonder if you’ve ever even allowed him to touch you before. “It’s already late, let me give you a ride.”
You pull his hand off of you, “No, thanks.” You grab your coat and start to dig around in your purse to make sure you have all of your belongings.
“[Y/N],” Jeonghan’s voice rings clear in your head despite your brain feeling fuzzy. You don’t want to look at him. Who is this person that’s showing concern and speaking kindly? You don’t like it. It feels fake. It feels like a predator playing with a wounded prey. You’re just waiting for him to laugh or make a remark or do anything to make you feel worse than you already do.
But Jeonghan simply grabs the keys laying on the front table, grabs your arm once more, and leads you out to the car.
The ride is suffocatingly silent. You wished he’d at least turn on some music to cover up the sound of your crying, but you remained in the quiet. You rolled down your window and stuck your head out, letting the warm night air and sound of wind comfort you. Since you were turned away from him completely, you didn’t see Jeonghan glancing over at you throughout the drive.
You couldn’t have left that car faster when you finally pulled up to your apartment.
To your dismay, Jeonghan also gets out, apparently intent on walking you up.
“You don’t have to-” you start but abruptly stop when he gives you a look telling you an emotion you don’t quite understand.
Jeonghan finally speaks when you’re riding the elevator up to your floor, “I don’t really mean it, you know.”
“Mean what?” you say weakly, starting to feel the exhaustion from crying so much.
“When I talk to you like that… I mean when I’m… rude,” he trails off, running a hand through his hair. “Usually it’s just teasing, but obviously I went too far with you. And I didn’t realize it until you started showing how upsetting it was for you. I should’ve known before that, though.”
“You seemed ruder after I started talking back,” you say, confused.  
“I was just being petty and defensive. I kept telling myself things like: It’s her fault, isn’t it? She should have made it more clear from the beginning that it was upsetting her. How was I supposed to know? But that was just me being immature, I should’ve just talked to you.”
“Is that an… apology, Yoon Jeonghan?” you ask, letting yourself be a little smug.
For the first time, you get a genuine smile out of him, “Maybe.”
There’s more silence for a second.
“It’s a two-way road, though,” you say finally.
“What do you mean?” he asks.
“I mean, I could have also come and talked to you instead of letting things escalate,” you say. “I played some part in all of this… unpleasantness. You can’t entirely blame yourself.”
Jeonghan smiles again, reaching out to ruffle your hair the way Seungcheol always did. Then he takes a dramatic deep breath and rolls his shoulders, “There! That feels better, doesn’t it? We can finally be friends!”
You roll your eyes in a playful manner, but you feel it too, a weight has been lifted.
Wonwoo showed up at your door in the middle of the night that night. You took one look at his frantic face and groaned, “I told Jeonghan I would tell you myself.”
“You should have told me immediately!” your brother pouts as he passes you to walk into your apartment.
“I didn’t want to worry you so late, especially when all of you were having a good time. I was going to tell you tomorrow,” you close the door behind him. You watch as he turns on the TV and starts picking through your pantry. “Hmmm, yes it seems quite clear that you came here out of concern for me,” you can’t help but use a sarcastic tone.
Wonwoo sends a glare your way as he grabs snacks and settles on the couch. You sit next to him, grabbing your fair share of the food. You try to keep your attention on the show, but the feeling of Wonwoo staring straight at you is distracting.
“I’m fine, you don’t have to worry,” you sigh.
“Really? Because Jeonghan described you as an emotional wreck,” your brother scoffs.
��I was just shocked and upset. I’ll be ok. I have a good resume, I can find a new job,” you insist.
“I keep telling you, you don’t have to work-”
“I don’t care how much you make,” you interrupt. “I’m not going to depend on you. It’ll just make trouble for both of us.”
“Will you at least let me help out if there’s any problems before you find a new job?” Wonwoo kicks at your leg.
“Like I would even tell you if I was having trouble,” you return his kick.
“You just can’t help but be difficult,” your brother complains quietly.
You let the sound of the show take over the room for a few minutes. “I do have good news,” you finally speak up, wanting to give your brother some peace of mind about something. “Me and Jeonghan made up. We figured it out.”
Wonwoo bolts upright with a grin on his face, “Really??? It’s really all good now?”
“100%,” you say, unable to stop yourself from pinching your brother’s cheeks, finding his excited expression cute.
“Let’s celebrate soon then! We can have a big gaming party with all of the boys!” You agree to your brother’s proposal. You feel content in this moment, knowing you’ll wake up in the morning in an uncomfortable position, immediately kick at his legs and tell him to get his stinky feet away from you.
Your time at the dorm increases with the weight of you and Jeonghan’s rivalry being gone. You’re enjoying getting to know him as a friend instead of constantly walking on eggshells around him. Going to visit the boys is once again a happy and comfortable experience.
You hadn’t realized how much Jeonghan had affected you until you two had worked things out. The world felt light again and you could breathe, no longer in constant worry of possibly ruining things between your brother and his bandmates.
You hoped things would remain without complications for a long time.
“Seungkwan, you should come with us!” you begged. “The carnival only comes once a year; you can’t miss it!”
“But it’s so crowded and there are screaming kids everywhere,” Seungkwan complains.
“Oh, whatever,” Soonyoung interjects. “You love it every time we go.”
Seungkwan gives Soonyoung a look that has you laughing through your mouthful of ramen. “Oh, shoot,” you say feeling liquid start to dribble down your chin. “Can I get a napkin?”
“Here’s one,” you hear Jeonghan’s voice as he enters the room. You reach out to grab the napkin as Seungkwan and Soonyoung continue bickering. But instead of handing it to you, Jeonghan extends his hand not holding the napkin towards you. His fingers come to lightly touch your chin and turn you towards him. Jeonghan wipes your face with the napkin himself, taking the time to make sure it’s really all clean. “All better,” he smiles at you, running his thumb across your chin to check its cleanliness one last time.
As Jeonghan walks away, you turn to see if Seungkwan or Soonyoung saw what had happened. They were still arguing, though. The boys showing you physical touch or affection wasn’t really all that uncommon. But for some reason, the way Jeonghan had grabbed your chin just now… Why was your heart beating so hard?
You couldn’t stop yourself from dragging Wonwoo all over the carnival. It was nice to get out in this environment, the lights, the laughter, the food, the games, the rides. You wanted to do everything, but not before you looked at all there was and took in the spectacle.
You could hear all the boys laughing excitedly behind you, you knew they’d want to try everything as well. You shook your head at Seungkwan’s bright expression, you couldn’t wait to play the ‘I told you so’ card later.
The night was a blur. All of you ran from games to rides to snacks and then all over again.
You couldn’t help but stop completely in your tracks as you passed a booth with a giant stuffie of your favorite animal as a prize. Your fascination with the plushie doesn’t go unnoticed.
“You want me to win it for you?” Jeonghan’s voice is suddenly speaking right into your ear. You jump after realizing he was right behind you. You grip your cotton candy a bit tighter and shyly nod. The way Jeonghan grins at you fills you with warmth.
You watch him walk over to the booth. His light hair and pink shirt were illuminated by the soft glow of the surrounding lights. Jeonghan takes his wallet out and hands some bills to the vendor. You step up closer to stand next to him as he plays the game. He laughs as he chats back and forth with the vendor. You watch in awe as Jeonghan clears the game, no problem.
“Anything from the top shelf!” the vendor exclaims happily.
“That one please,” Jeonghan points right at the stuffie you had been staring at.
“It’ll be a wonderful memory for your girlfriend,” the vendor smiles as he hands the prize directly to you.
“Oh, I’m-”
“Of course!” Jeonghan interrupts you almost instantly, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and starting to pull you away from the game. “We’ll cherish it for a long time! Thanks for the game!” The vendor waves kindly as you two walk away. After a moment, Jeonghan pulls his arm off of you, “Sorry, sometimes it’s just easier to agree than explain, you know?” You nod in agreement. “Wait a second,” he stops you by putting his hands on your shoulders and standing in front of you. Before you can ask what’s wrong, his hand comes up towards your face as it had earlier that day. He quickly swipes his thumb across your lips before pulling to back to show you remnants of your cotton candy. “Do you always eat this messily?” he grins and then, to your surprise, puts his thumb in his mouth to clean it off.
You stand there, frozen, unable to really comprehend what just happened as Jeonghan walks away towards the other boys.
“For the second time today?” Soonyoung is suddenly standing next to you.
“So you did see what happened earlier!” you exclaimed, hitting his arm lightly. “It was weird, right?!”
“Can’t tell yet,” Soonyoung replies cocking his head to the side and putting his hands in his pocket. “Sometimes Jeonghan is just sort of naturally flirtatious. But I’m not sure about you. I figured since you two didn’t get along at first, it’d take him awhile to warm up to you at that level. He seemed to get comfortable with you quite quickly.” Soonyoung turns and shrugs at you after his words.
“You’re no help at all,” you say emotionlessly. There’s a pause before both you and Soonyoung slowly look at each other and laugh at your quip.
You decide to brush off your new concerns about Jeonghan and enjoy this night with the boys. The vendor was right, it was a good memory, and you’re sure it’d last you for your whole lifetime.
You hate yourself a bit for it, but you once again seem to be avoiding Jeonghan. He had made you so nervous that day, and the way your heart pounded… You didn’t want to get sucked into having a silly crush on him if he wasn’t actually trying to flirt with you.
No, from now on, interactions with Jeonghan would be friendly but short and appropriate.
You were stupid to think he wouldn’t notice.
It wasn’t long before there came a night when Jeonghan insisted that he be the one to give you a ride home. You couldn’t help the way your nerves spiked at his determination to be the one to take you. You knew he most likely wanted to talk to you about your sudden distance from him.
The ride itself was nice, Jeonghan rolled the windows down for you, remembering that you enjoyed the warm night air of summer. You talked comfortably with one another. Jeonghan was always able to make you smile so easily.
You couldn’t stop yourself from staring at him. He was just wearing a t-shirt and sweats but… His blonde hair being illuminated in the moonlight as he ran his hands through it and his bright smile as he laughed...
He really was beautiful.
Once again, Jeonghan came with you to walk you to your door. And once again, he finally spoke up in the elevator, “You’ve been avoiding me, sweetheart.” Your heart drops to your stomach at the nickname. “Is everything ok? Did I do something to make you mad again?”
You quickly shake your head and pull your hands up to shake them as well, “No! Not at all!”
“You sure?” he insists.
“Yoon Jeonghan, you really don’t think I’d tell you if you did?” you say.
He giggles, “Yeah, that’s true. You’d let me know the moment I messed up, wouldn’t you?” The elevator dings and opens up to your floor. You and Jeonghan step out together. “Is everything else ok, then? You don’t start avoiding people for no reason.”
You nod as casually as possible, “Everything is great.” Your tone isn’t convincing and Jeonghan nudges you. “I guess, I just got… nervous? I mean one moment we were like enemies and then the next we were suddenly really… close, and-”
“I made you uncomfortable?” Jeonghan’s voice is slightly panicked.
“No, you did nothing wrong! It’s all on me, I just got caught up in my emotions and-” you stop abruptly when you realize what you were about to do.
Jeonghan nods quietly as if to say he understands, but what it is he understands, you’re not sure. “Is it ok for us to remain close, or do you want me to back off?”
“I don’t want any more distance between us, but…” you trail off.
“But, what?” he prompts you again.
“I don’t want to get the wrong idea about anything…” you say, finally reaching your door.
Jeonghan watches as you slowly unlock your door and push it open, “You haven’t gotten the wrong idea about anything.” He avoids eye contact when you look up at him.
You’re shocked by his forwardness. But once he voices his thoughts out loud, you once again feel the feeling of a weight being lifted.
Jeonghan gestures for you to step inside, catching your arm once you fully pass him. He pulls you back to him, close enough for him to lean in and leave a quick kiss on your cheek, “Night, babe, I’ll see you later.”
You stand there, completely still, staring at your door that had shut closed in front of you. You can feel heat rise from the tip of your toes all the way up to your ears. You finally let yourself fall into a squatting position, covering your face with your hands, and letting out a squeal.
Jeonghan invites you to meet up outside of the dorm. It’s a cute little coffee shop at a quiet part of the city. You’re already sitting when he walks in. Maybe one day, you won’t be completely caught off guard by his beauty… but today is not that day.
His whole person is bathed in the glow of the early morning light as he approaches you, the softest, most genuine smile gracing his face.
“No, don’t get up,” he says when you try to leave your chair, “I need to go off and order anyways.” Jeonghan leans down to kiss your forehead firmly. “I just wanted to come say hi first,” he whispers, holding your face close to his.
Your first date sets a wonderful precedent to the rest of your relationship. Jeonghan gets your heart racing with flirty comments and sweet touches. But he also makes you feel calm and content, easily keeping a smile on your face. You just feel… good throughout it all.
You insist on walking him back to the dorm, since they had schedules that day.
“So, we’ll be doing this again?” Jeonghan asks hopefully, as you reach the front door.
“Definitely,” you nod enthusiastically up at him, wondering how you had ever managed to despise the man that made you feel so whole and happy.
Jeonghan looks utterly happy and a tiny bit nervous as he stares down at you. His hand reaches up to brush back your hair before settling firmly against your face. Jeonghan looks at you so fondly as he leans in. His lips connect to yours… so softly… so sweetly. You can feel his nose nudge against your face to push it into a preferred position. He pulls back slightly after every little kiss to let out laughter so sweet, it sounds like it should be coming from the mouth of an angel. But he’s never far away for long, reconnecting to you quickly every time. You let him take the lead, allowing his lips to take care of yours, giving them the sweetest kind of attention. He pulls back for a moment longer to nuzzle his nose against yours, an action that has you gripping his shirt to keep him close. His hands keep themselves entertained by running across your face or through your hair.
He’s going back in to kiss you once again when he front door of the dorm opens, leaving you caught in the act. Wonwoo stares at you two for a long moment before making a single comment that causes you and Jeonghan to laugh.
“You know, when I said I wanted you two to have a better relationship, this isn’t exactly what I meant.”
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
Would you be at all interested in writing like Chrissy takes care of a sick Eddie?
Yes! So....I originally was going to make this into some...snz content, but then it took me 2.4K just to get into the actual prompt, so I ended up just going with Eddie being sick. Send me another prompt if you'd like some snz content too lol, I just got WAY carried away with this one. So, have some 4.5k soft Eddie/Chrissy fic. Warning- there is one paragraph where Eddie is dreaming, it contains implied underage drug use and child abuse.
+ + +
Eddie walks through the hallway of Hawkins High, feeling hazy and tired in a way that has nothing to do with his pill popping and weed smoking tendencies. In fact, the long haired man hasn’t touched anything of that nature today, much to his chagrin. He’d woken up later than usual and scrambled to pull on clothing, grab his bag and race out the door. This is his year, he’s going to graduate. And that means (for the most part) being on time. 
Ambling down the hallway, allowing cheerleaders to pass before continuing, Eddie rubs his face and wonders if the weed he’s been smoking the past few nights is to blame for the brain fog and sluggishness clinging to him today. A flash of a hat catches his eye and the guitarist readies himself for Henderson’s energy to come at him full force. The kid appears in front of him, and he’s surprised when he doesn’t spy Wheeler anywhere. 
“Eddie! I got us new dice!” The curly haired boy looks at him, grinning his excited, brace-faced smile, which makes him return it, even if it’s more subdued. 
“Wonderful, the next campaign will be a momentous occasion then.” He tries to give his usual theatrical flare, hoping it satisfies the kid. 
Henderson nods, but before he can speak another word, the warning bell rings, signaling third period’s about to start. Both walk in opposite directions. As Eddie approaches his science class, his head gives a sudden, aching throb that makes him pause and blink hard, letting out a sigh. Sitting in his usual seat; back left corner for the past six years, the man shivers, frowning up at the vent above him. Yeah it’s Spring now, but he doesn’t need to be frozen out. 
The end of the day can’t come soon enough. He skips lunch, instead spending his time outside smoking and avoiding the whole, entire Hawkins High population. His throat’s starting to get sore, and his head hasn’t stopped aching. He’s still cold even under his leather jacket and denim vest. All he can think about is getting back to the trailer and laying down, and when drugs don’t even cross his mind, it should be a red flag. 
Eddie realizes it’s a ‘Woods Day’, as he calls it in his mind, right when he reaches for the handle of his van two hours later. He and Chrissy meet up deep in the woods behind school, where his usual drug deals go down. He knows the spot isn’t used unless he tells someone to meet him there, so it’s a sure thing he’ll never get caught with Chrissy Cunningham and ruin her popular, perfect-girl reputation. Rubbing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose, he drops his hand and starts trudging off to the woods, body starting to feel a little bit like the cups of jello they sell in the cafeteria. 
A tickle in his throat makes him cough into the crook of his arm a few times, clearing his throat after. Eddie winces at the pain it brings, his throat feels like a victim of Jason from Friday the 13th. Seeing Chrissy isn’t there yet, the nineteen year old sits down at the picnic table and props his arms up, letting the tips of his fingers press against his now closed eyes, waiting. 
Either seconds or minutes later- Eddie’s not sure which, he hears the sound of crunching forest debris and looks up, seeing Chrissy in her usual cheerleading uniform. She’s glancing backwards every few seconds, as if she’s paranoid someone might see her. The guitarist suspects she probably is. Chrissy Cunningham meeting with Eddie the freak Munson is something that just wouldn’t happen….and yet. He rubs his eyes and tries his hardest to perk up, to seem like everything is fine.
 “Hey, thought you got lost,” he jokes at the girl, giving her a grin. She returns it, which makes warmth bloom in his currently cold body. They’ve started talking more during these rendezvous, getting to know each other and actually become something akin to at least semi-friends. Eddie’s sure that if he asked her how she felt about him, she’d laugh in his face and tell him this is just a drug deal, and she’s trying to be polite when they talk. 
“Nope, I was just having to deal with Jason,” she shakes her head, eyes rolling as Eddie pulls out the small black box containing the drugs he’s giving her. 
“Oh?” He tries to sound casual, her relationship is none of his business. But the idea she’s had to deal with Jason…he swears on his mothers grave if that jock asshole has touched her or hurt her, he’s going to go beat the shit out of him. Chrissy deserves the world. 
“We…I broke up with him, and he’s trying to spread lies,” she shrugs, sitting down opposite him. 
A feeling of something blossoms in his chest, hope, maybe. It turns out to just be a cough, and he turns away from the strawberry blonde, keeping his arm snug against his mouth as he does. Growing up, his mother had been big on manners, and he tries his hardest to uphold her rules- covering his mouth, saying please and thank you, being courteous to women. He turns back around. 
“I’m sorry he’s being an ass about it.” The urge to ask about the breakup is strong but he stops himself, knowing it would just lead to an awkward shut down. 
“It’s whatever. Does it suck, yeah, but I couldn’t deal with being around him another day. He’s too selfish and suffocating and…I’m sorry,” she cuts herself off, blushing. “You don’t want to hear about this.” 
“I…I don’t mind, really. I’ve been told I’m a good listener. I can always key his car if you want,” he shoots her a boyish grin, lips quirked in a way that makes him look younger. 
She laughs, and it’s gorgeous. 
Eddie finally opens the box, pulling out the tiny baggie. He’s handing it to her when another cough bubbles up. He barely has time to turn away, coughing into the air this time. It scrapes at his already sore throat and makes his head throb more. When he turns back, wiping his face, Chrissy’s looking at him with her brow furrowed. 
“Are you okay?” 
“Oh, uh, yeah. Just..swallowed wrong I guess.” Eddie Munson isn’t weak, isn’t vulnerable, and most of all, he has a persona to keep up with. He may not actually be an asshole like half the school says, but who’s he to stop them from believing it. It just helps keep most of them away. 
“Are you sure? You look kind of..” she thinks for the right word. “Kind of pale, and flushed. Sick.”
Her face hasn’t moved from the almost worried gaze she’s been holding, and it makes Eddie nervous. He licks his lips, fiddles with a ring on his left hand. The idea of being sick hasn’t even crossed his mind, he hasn’t been sick in years. Chrissy leans across the table, suddenly in his space and the curly haired man freezes like a wild animal. A delicate hand is suddenly brushing back his curly bangs and laying across his forehead. 
Eddie’s not sure if it’s just the physical contact or the coolness of her fingers that feels so good, but his eyes flutter shut, his long eyelashes on display against pale skin. At the sudden loss of contact, he opens his brown eyes again, feeling embarrassed at how much he hopes it’ll happen again. 
“You’re burning up,” Chrissy’s frown has deepened, almost like she’s worried. 
“Uhh…okay.” He’s not sure what else to say, he’s never had someone just feel his forehead like that before, not even his parents or uncle. It’s so strangely intimate, and Eddie isn’t sure if he should even ask for money, unsure of how to proceed except to leave. 
“You should go home and rest, take some medicine,” the cheerleader suggests. 
It makes Eddie snort, which then makes him wince, his throat sending a jabbing pain towards his tonsils. 
Brown eyes meet blue-green. 
“I don’t have medicine, unless you count drugs. I’ll just knock myself out with some weed and that should do the trick. That’s the best thing when you’re sick anyway, right? Sleeping?” 
He hopes his last sentence doesn’t sound as pathetic as it feels. Eddie’s only been sick once since living with his uncle, and it was a barely twelve hour stomach bug that his uncle hadn’t even been around for. His parents didn’t do much in the way of him being ill, and the only thing he remembers from that was being told to drink water. 
“Yeah, sleep is good….” She looks at him, obviously thinking about something. Chrissy bites her lip and hands him back the tiny baggie. 
“I don’t need it yet. Why don’t you…why don’t you come back to my place for a little bit. My parents both work night shifts at the hospital. I have medicine and food.” 
Eddie stares at her, trying to decide if she’s pulling a prank. He thinks she’s being genuine, she’s never been rude to him, and they’ve talked enough he thinks he has her figured out at least a little. Going over to her house, having her take care of him though, that seems like a completely different ball game. He’s going from her drug dealer to..what, a pity case? Or a rebound? He definitely doesn’t have the energy to do anything remotely sexual today.  Plus what if Jason shows up?
“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” he turns away to cough again. 
It must shake something loose, because congestion suddenly floods his head, stuffing his nose up and making his head feel heavy. Fuck. Eddie wants to tell her that he’d have enough money to get cough medicine and Tylenol if she would just buy the drugs, but he knows he’ll sound like a complete douche if he does. Plus the idea of going into a store sounds terrible. Chrissy shakes her head, biting at her nail.
“No one’s going to know, if that’s what you’re worried about. You need some medicine and food.” 
“Why do you care?” The second he asks, he sees hurt in her eyes and he clears his throat, ignoring the stinging pain. “I-I just meant…you have better things to do than make food for me.” 
“I don’t want to just leave you alone while you’re this sick. You’re really hot.” Chrissy blushes when she realizes she’s just implied. “Your forehead. You..you feel like you have a high fever.” 
If he’s honest, he does feel kind of terrible, and the chills that are crawling down his spine are a pretty good indicator of his fever. Not wanting to spend more time in the woods, Eddie relents. With a nod, he watches Chrissy smile and pick her bag up as he stuffs his black box into his own. Even that takes more effort than he’d like. 
She gives him her address and how to get there, then heads back to her car. Eddie waits, not daring to let anyone see them leaving the woods together, rumors would fly and he’s not sure how he’d handle Jason thinking they were having sex or that they were even talking. His head throbs again and the guitarist finally walks back to the high school, fighting exhaustion the whole way. He’s really going to Chrissy Cunningham’s house, what could possibly go wrong? 
+ + +
As he knocks on the door, Eddie fights back a yawn, rubbing at his eyes that feel tired and strained. He’d had to yank his bandana out of his pocket on the way over to catch a few sneezes, no less congested even after blowing his nose at a red light. He can feel his skin crawl at how gross he must be, and suddenly wishes he could back out. He’s going to get Chrissy sick, and though he’s not even been sick for 12 hours, the guitarist can tell this is going to be a miserable next few days. 
The door opens and Chrissy’s no longer in her cheer outfit, instead she’s in cloth shorts and a blue shirt, barefoot and looking much more at ease than she does at school. Eddie feels his heart beat a little faster, but the woozy feeling he’s been fighting off all day finally hits and he has to pull himself out of his stupor. 
“Hey come on in,” she closes the door behind him and he feels out of place in the nice house. He takes his boots off, knowing it’s the polite thing to do so he doesn’t track crap everywhere, then sniffles and follows her further inside. The house is big, bigger than anything he’s ever lived in, let alone been in. Eddie thinks maybe the Wheeler's house is the next nicest, but Chrissy’s definitely takes the cake. 
As he follows her into the living room, the nineteen year old grabs his bandana again, pressing it tight against his face as he freezes halfway into the room, eyes shutting. He sneezes three times (like always), wipes at his nose and then puts the cloth back in his pocket. 
“Bless you.” 
“Thanks….uh, do you have a sink I can use?” He wants to wash his hands before touching things. 
Chrissy leads him back from where they came, opening up a closet near the stairs. He gives her a smile and shuts the door. As Eddie washes his hands, he glances into the mirror, frowning. He definitely looks sick, his face is pale, he’s got dark circles under his eyes. There’s a deep pink hue to his cheeks that doesn’t bode well, and the underside of his nose is working its way to the same color. Pushing his hair out of his face once he’s dried his hands, he becomes aware of just how cold he is, and how uncomfortably warm his face feels. 
Coughing into his arm, Eddie finally re-emerges and walks back into the living room, where Chrissy is fussing over a few blankets and a pillow. He watches her, feeling a little overwhelmed by her kindness. He’s pretty sure his fever is making him over emotional, at least, that’s what he’s going to tell himself. The cheerleader turns and gives a shy smile. 
“I hope there's enough blankets. If not, I can get more.” She looks genuinely worried, so Eddie decides to help ease the crease between her brows. 
“I only have one blanket, and it’s pretty thin. This is like a palace compared to what I’m used to. Seriously Chrissy…it’ll be fine.” He takes his vest and leather jacket off, goosebumps spreading on his skin at the loss of warmth. Setting them aside carefully, Eddie takes the cigarettes and lighter out of his pants pocket, setting them on top of his things, along with his keys, then after a moment's thought, puts his rings in his jacket pocket. 
Chrissy giggles quietly and he turns to her, raising an eyebrow tiredly. 
“Sorry, just, it’s not every day Eddie Munson is seen without his rings and jacket. It’s different, that's all.” 
She’s right, it’s rare people see him so…underdressed. He likes to keep up his appearance, likes his flashy rings and cool leather jacket. Having them stripped away, leaving him in only jeans and a white t-shirt is a rarity, and it makes him get under the blankets quickly, pulling them close. He shuts his eyes almost involuntarily, the feeling of being horizontal and warm making him sleepier than before. A moment later, he feels Chrissy sit across from him on the coffee table. 
“Alright, temperature check time.” Her voice is gentle and it makes him want to never leave. Forcing his eyes open, he can’t help but smile a little, seeing the cheerleader look so determined. She’s got the glass thermometer in her hands, shaking it and making sure it’s low enough, before she holds it out. Eddie takes it and looks at her, feeling himself grow embarrassed. 
“I’ve never..uhm,” he swallows. “I don’t know where..” 
For her part, Chrissy doesn’t make fun of him, just nods. “Open your mouth, and lift your tongue up. It goes underneath for four minutes.” 
Doing as instructed, Eddie slips it under his tongue, then holds it. After two minutes of silence, he crosses his eyes like a child might, attempting to read where the red liquid is. Instead, it just makes his head throb, so he shuts his eyes again and waits until Chrissy says he can take it out. 
“Okay, let me see,” she takes it when he slides it out, carefully holding it horizontally making sure not to shake it. 
“Jesus Eddie, 101.5 (38.61 C)  You must feel awful,” she pushes his bangs back like she had earlier, and the man lets out a noise that’s something between a whine and a moan. 
With his eyes shut, he can sense Chrissy leaving, then coming back after hearing the tap run. She’s got a glass of water and two Tylenol in her hand. He takes both, the arm that’s holding the water feels shaky, like he could drop it any minute. The strawberry blonde must be able to tell, because right after he’s swallowed the pills she takes the glass back, setting it on the coffee table for him. Before he can do much else, Eddie curls into himself, arm over his mouth as he coughs, though this time it seems to take longer for him to stop. The coughing makes his nose run, and he searches for his bandana with his free hand, pulling it out and finally wiping his nose when he finishes coughing. 
It’s as if he’s a walking plague. The swipe at his nose causes an itch to unfurl in his head, causing him to sneeze into the bandana. The congestion in his head seems to want to stay, and by the time he’s finished with blowing his nose (which is a waste of time), he realizes Chrissy is still there, watching him while he’s a mess. His cheeks burn a deeper red from embarrassment. 
“I’m so sorry,” he mumbles, keeping the bandana in his hand this time. 
“It’s okay, you’re sick Eddie, really sick.” She runs a hand through his curls, and the man leans into the touch, not even realizing he’s doing it. His eyes are shut again and she continues to sit there, only moving to change to the floor so she can be closer, easier to reach him. 
“Sleep well Eddie, I’ll be here when you wake up.” 
Eddie’s already dreaming about an Angel with strawberry blonde hair and blue green eyes, body delicate but so beautiful. Maybe one day he and the Angel will have a happy ending together.
+ + +
He half wakes up screaming, body uncomfortably hot, thrashing under blankets that feel constricting. Not having much room to actually move on the sofa, Eddie ends up half off, feet on the floor as his limbs bend unnaturally. Dimly, he’s aware that there’s someone wiping his face with a washcloth. It’s cool on his face and he wants nothing more than to have it left there, but it keeps swiping over his cheeks, then his forehead. 
Memories plague his mind, as if a movie is showing all of the ‘highlights’ of his childhood. Brief moments of screaming and breaking glass, drug deals going down in the same room he’s coloring in, lines of coke being snorted from the man next to him. Learning how to hotwire a car in middle school, being choked and pinned down, yelling for help while the man threw him on the bed and-
Eddie gasps and shoots up, knocking the hand out of the way. His hair is everywhere and it’s making him feel claustrophobic. Expertly, having done it countless times before, the DND player takes a hair tie from his wrist and pulls his hair up in one swift motion, wrapping the band around his curls to make a ponytail. His bangs still hang heavy on his forehead, but he feels a little less like he’s going to suffocate now. 
Nose still stuffy, throat still sore, body aching, he lays back down before realizing he’s still in Chrissy’s house. Turning his head to his left, Chrissy is sitting there, eyes wide. She has a damp washcloth in her hands that are now trembling from the dramatics of him waking up. He takes a shaky breath, turning weakly to cough, this time though, Eddie merely pulls the neck hem of his shirt up barely over his mouth, aiming coughs down against his chest. They’re exhausting and tear at his throat that feels swollen. Nausea claws at his stomach but he forces the feeling down- he refuses to puke in Chrissy’s house. 
“Are you okay?” 
It’s four minutes of silence; aside from Eddie’s shaky, hard breaths, before Chrissy speaks. He looks at her again, noting the trembling has stopped. She’s worrying at her lip, eyes still wide, though, and the man nods, even if they both know it’s a lie. 
“S-Sorry, I..I didn’t…” 
“It’s fine, Eddie. I don’t think you meant to have a nightmare.” 
For a split moment, the guitarist thinks he could tell her it wasn’t a nightmare, that it was a rush of memories that are anything but fond. Maybe she already knows. Instead, he looks at Chrissy and blinks owlishly. He can already feel sleep tugging at him again, but he fights it. 
“Thank you…for taking care of me.” 
They both wince at his voice, congested and raspy. The cheerleader shakes her head and smiles again. He feels warm and fuzzy, or maybe it’s just the fever talking. 
“Everyone deserves to be taken care of. Even you, Eddie, whether you think so or not.” 
At that, he gives a tired smile and his hand finds hers. He’s so sure what exactly is happening between them, but he figures it can wait until he’s fully well and coherent again. He just hopes her feelings don’t change. Eddie wants her to feel the way she makes him feel, and he hopes he’ll be the one to be able to do it. 
The moment is broken when he feels how full his bladder is. Grimacing, he sits back up and swings his legs over the side of the sofa. At the look Chrissy gives him, he shoots her an apologetic one back. 
“Gotta take a leak….shit, sorry that was…” he trails off, rubbing his face. “I need to use the restroom,” he attempts something far less crass. She giggles, but it drops the same time he does. The second he stands, Eddie feels his legs buckle, and then he’s staggering. Chrissy is right there though, holding him up in a way he’s honestly surprised she can do. He knows he’s not a big guy, and that cheerleaders are strong, but damn. Kind of a turn on. Feeling like Bambi as she helps, Eddie’s hands shake as he opens the bathroom door. 
“Keep it unlocked, I don’t want to have to break the door down if you pass out.” 
“M’not gonna pass out.” It would be more convincing if he wasn’t only 70 percent sure of the statement. 
By the time he’s back on the couch, the eccentric man feels like his soul has been sucked out by a Barghest, leaving him to rot away while others in a campaign attempt to fix whatever damage he’s caused. Jesus, he's not felt this sick since he was a kid.
“Just sleep okay? I’m going to work on some vegetable soup, if that sounds good.”
“…I don’t think anyone’s ever made me soup before.“ 
Damn, again with the pity party. God, Munson. Get it together. 
“Surely your parents must ha-“ Chrissy freezes, and Eddie knows why. 
There are rumors that circulate every year like clockwork, about why he lives with his Uncle, why he’s been held back so much, why he sells drugs. No one knows the truth.
“No, they were usually busy,” he tries to give Chrissy an out. She thankfully takes it, and he wonders if she does it because he’s so sick, or if she simply believes the rumors. Too tired to think properly, Eddie’s eyes close and he finds and squeezes Chrissy’s hand. She squeezes back before heading to work on the soup. 
Sleep doesn’t come. Eddie’s too tired, and the fact he can’t breathe through his nose makes him annoyed. His fever’s got him feeling uncomfortable and his head hurts too much to think about anything. Shifting restlessly, the guitarist sniffles, nose scrunching up at how gross he sounds. He glances at the clock on the wall, frowning when it’s nearing 7 o’clock already. Sniffling again, Eddie snaps his face into his bandana, sneezing not his usual triple, but twice as many, the demon cold from hell he’s suffering from obviously wanting to make him miserable. 
Chrissy is suddenly there when he raises his head, a box of tissues in her hand. 
“Sounded like you need these.” 
“Tha’gks,” his voice is thick with congestion, and shyly, feeling embarrassed, Eddie takes a few and turns away, blowing his nose. It’s disgusting sounding, and he feels bad that Chrissy is witnessing all of it. He wants to apologize, but his nose that’s always been extra sensitive has other ideas. As he sneezes again, he feels that same delicate hand he’d been holding an hour prior rub at his back. He looks up after, still pressing his bandana to his face, and can’t help but give a weak laugh. 
“I bet you didn’t know you’d get to witness just how gross Eddie the freak Munson is,” he wipes his nose carefully, then sighs and lays it next to him. Chrissy gives him a genuine smile. 
“You’re sick. You’re maybe a little gross,” -the words are teasing- “but I would be too if I was sick. I’m just glad I’m able to maybe help you feel a little less terrible.” 
She takes his hand, the one that hasn’t been holding the bandana, and squeezes it. For the second time in as many hours, Eddie wonders if maybe they’d be good together. Then he remembers she’s a cheerleader and he’s the black sheep of the school. He squeezes back and then smiles, eyes still fever bright. 
“Mm, if you get sick…I can come take care of you. Least I can do for making you witness snot central,” he says, eyes shutting again. He doesn’t see Chrissy smile again, or look at him with her big eyes. Instead he feels a hand through his bangs, hears her giggle a little and then a soft ‘alright, I think that’s fair’, before he finally succumbs to sleep again. 
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retrievablememories · 4 years
three’s company | kai & taemin (m)
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title: three’s company pairing: taemin x reader x kai genre: smut, fwb request: “hello!! can I req a kai and taemin with female reader smut fic?” word count: 4.4k warnings: MMF threesome, oral (female and male receiving), deep throating, fingering, unprotected sex (don’t try at home 🚫), cumshots, some spanking, taemin has dom tendencies, the aftercare is a bit lacking i think sjdfklfsk a/n: i have not written a proper threesome fic in so long, this didn’t come as easy to me as i thought it would 🤧
at the beginning of the fic—if you don’t know about taemin’s infamous slippers here are some references lol
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“Open the door for your best friends!”
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Taemin’s head peeks through the crack in his front door only a few seconds later, and he grins at the sight of you and Kai standing on his front step, overnight bags in hand. “Took you long enough.”
“We would’ve got here sooner if Y/N didn’t take a hundred years to find her favorite slippers,” Kai says, snorting.
“I can’t go anywhere without them, they’re part of my bedtime routine,” you protest, stepping inside as Taemin opens the door wider for the two of you to come in. “And I am not wearing Taemin’s rat fur shoes as a consolation prize like he tried to make me do last time.”
Taemin rolls his eyes at your complaint. “Rat fur slippers or not, you have no problem stealing all my other clothes.”
“It’s not my fault your clothes are so cozy.”
“You say that every time you steal our stuff,” Kai points out, walking past you both to make himself comfortable on Taemin’s couch. “How many of my poor hoodies are hanging up in your closet, never to be worn by me again?”
“Just the right amount,” you insist, dropping your bag to the floor and jumping onto the couch with Kai, splaying yourself across his legs and the couch cushions. He grins at you like you’re an overexcited kid and leans against the back of the couch.
“You’re so goofy. I hope you don’t plan on having me take care of you all weekend like the last time you ate too much sugar and crashed like hell,” Kai says, tapping his finger on your forehead and making you swat his hand away.
“No, I’m not gonna do that again...I don’t need to be babysat, Jongin!”
Taemin passes by the two of you on the couch and pinches your thigh as he goes; fortunately for him, he’s fast enough to escape a slap from you. “Don’t worry...even if it does happen, we’ll take good care of you.” He leaves with a joking smile as he goes into the other room, though the teasing note in his tone makes you wonder for a brief moment.
A few hours later, the three of you are in the kitchen preparing snacks for your movie night—which usually ends up with you and Kai doing most of the work because Taemin tends to be a mess in the kitchen. Kai’s phone pings from the living room, and he leaves the both of you alone to go check what it is. Taemin sidles up to your side as soon as Kai exits the room, and you give him a questioning look when his arm goes around your waist.
“What do you want,” you deadpan.
“Don’t be so mean to me.” His tone is playful, but the lips at your ear are not so innocent. “We haven’t even seen each other in a while.”
“I know, which is why I’m astounded at your inability to keep it in your pants. You should’ve had plenty of practice by now.” Taemin gives an amused laugh, his eyes watching the doorway the entire time, and while the coast is still clear he takes the opportunity to press his hot lips against your neck. You shy away from him, but only because you don’t want to get caught.
One game of Truth or Dare with Taemin more than a year ago had gotten out of hand—a game the three of you usually played together, but Kai had been busy with EXO’s promotions for Obsession at the time—and the next thing you knew, you were sleeping with one of your good friends.
You knew that friends-with-benefits arrangements often ended in flames—you’d seen it happen too often with your other friends and their sexual partners—but you didn’t regret anything about the situation. You both enjoyed the sex, and it hadn’t managed to ruin your friendship, so neither of you saw any real reason to stop. No regrets—except for maybe the fact that you were keeping it secret from Kai.
It was Taemin’s suggestion and you went along with it, though you weren’t really sure what difference it made. He always acted as if letting the younger man know would be too much shock for him to take, or maybe he’d find it awkward to continue hanging out with you two, which you found ridiculous (it turned out fine with him, why did it need to be kept from Kai?) but you weren’t interested in arguing about it.
Taemin looks like he’s about to say something else, but he’s suddenly zipping away from your side just as quick as he came. You see the reason why when Kai walks back into the room seconds later, seemingly unaware of Taemin’s earlier antics. You screw up your mouth and glare at Taemin for almost getting caught when all this secrecy was his idea.
Kai raises his eyebrows. “What’s wrong? Don’t tell me Taemin is bothering you again.”
“When is he not?” 
“Stop pretending like you don’t love it.” Taemin pulls out aegyo that makes both you and Kai cringe like you’ve been stung. Taemin laughs at both your expressions, though he’s also a bit embarrassed for even trying to use the cute card on you; you rarely fell for those tricks of his.
Kai shakes his head. “This is going to be a long weekend.”
Despite Taemin having more than enough space in his home to host all three of you in your own rooms, you all end up in Taemin’s bed when you decide to turn in for the night. Kai swore he was only stopping in to talk before going back to his own room, but he never left his side of the bed even after the overhead lights were turned out. You lie in between the two men the whole time, enjoying their body heat on either side of you and the comfort of having them nearby.
Kai is already knocked out on your left, but Taemin remains awake, his eyes sparkling with devilment in the dark. He angles his body more towards you, lying on his side, and you mean to ask what he’s doing and why he’s not asleep yet when his hand lands on your thigh.
Your lips part and your mouth moves aimlessly for a few moments as his hand works up and down your thigh, warming you up. “Jongin…” you finally whisper, and both of you know that you speaking the other man’s name is not you trying to call out for him—it’s a warning.
“...is asleep,” Taemin says, unfazed.
“This is wrong,” you mutter, but you don’t make a move to stop him when his hand comes closer to the space between your thighs. Taemin brushes his fingers across your pubic mound as he reaches his hand over to your other thigh, teasing you. “You were the one who wanted to keep all this hidden. Remember that.”
“Correct,” he responds, still sounding perfectly casual about the entire situation. “And we still can, if you just be quiet for a little while and let me do this.”
“Can’t you wait until later?” Your voice comes out strained. When his hand inches closer to your inner thigh again, you don’t know whether you want to ask him to stop for his own good or go further. “Like when he’s in the shower or something?”
Taemin slides his hand fully between your legs now, the heel of his palm rubbing against your clit. “I have to touch you.” He says it like he doesn’t know what will happen to him if he doesn’t get the opportunity now. The tinge of neediness in his voice breaks something inside you and makes you want to relent without a single question more.
The sudden movement of his palm on the most sensitive part of your body causes you to jerk, and your elbow hits Kai right in the side by accident. For a tense moment, you think maybe you haven’t woken him, but then he grumbles and gently shoves you back. “Why are you elbowing me?” he murmurs, and then you freeze when he turns his head and opens his eyes to look at you. His eyes are only cracked halfway, but even in the dim room you know there is a good chance he can see how Taemin’s hand is now halfway tucked into your sleep pants as he begins his descent into your underwear. You stay stock-still as if that’ll make him unable to see you, which feels as ridiculous as it sounds.
“I-it was an accident, sorry,” you stammer. Kai doesn’t respond right away, too busy blinking his eyes against the dark. Then he says,
“If you two are going to do that, go in another room.” He scoffs and turns over, and you’re mortified. He sounded completely nonchalant about finding the two of you in a compromising position, which makes you wonder; does he somehow already know about the arrangement you two have? Maybe neither of you were ever really as sneaky as you’d thought.
“You should join us,” Taemin suggests, throwing yet another wrench into the situation. Kai’s body stiffens beside you, and there’s silence before he faces you both again.
“Aren’t you being a little—”
“Yes, join.” Taemin interrupts you, and you roll your eyes, pinching his arm. “Don’t pretend like you haven’t thought about it before.”
“What does that mean?” you blurt out, jerking your head to look at Taemin. What secrets have they been keeping from you? Kai looks equally bewildered, which makes you more confused.
“I—when have I suggested anything like that?” Kai argues, though his voice is uncertain.
“You don’t have to. You are easy to read, Jongin.” Kai makes a disapproving noise at Taemin’s statement.
“Easy to read? What about you thinking you were being sneaky with Y/N this whole time—”
“Well, I thought we were pretty damn clever—”
“Look, if you two are just going to go back and forth, I’m going to sleep—”
“Fine. Let me join, then.” You want to complain at being interrupted again, but Kai’s words make you pause. And then his eyes drift over to you, his face turning towards yours on the pillow and his voice becoming more yielding. “If you’re okay with it.” 
You feel a bit winded, never really expecting him to say yes. But now here it is, out in the open and waiting for you to take hold of it—or shun it away. You also know yourself well enough to understand the second choice isn’t even an option for you. Taemin waits in silence to see what your answer will be, though the corner of his mouth is already lifting in a smirk because he can take a good guess.
“Okay. Then let’s do it.”
With your acceptance, there’s a tense pause as everyone waits to see what the other will do first.
Taemin makes the first move by sliding his hand the rest of the way into your underwear, his fingers dipping down to feel you. You’re not as wet as he’d like yet, which he immediately seeks to remedy by rubbing your clit and bringing his plush lips to your exposed collarbone.
“Kiss her,” Taemin says in between laying kisses of his own across your chest. Kai stays still for a moment longer, and you wonder if he’s regretting this decision, but when you glance up at him his eyes are glued to where Taemin’s hand is moving beneath your pajamas. Finally, he tears his stare away from the scene playing out in front of him and meets your gaze, coming closer to press his mouth on yours.
More often than not, Taemin’s kisses are heated and frantic, as if he can never kiss you enough—which is not to knock his experience or skill, because he has more than enough to satisfy you—but Kai is soft and slow against your mouth, kissing you deeply and intensely like he might not get to do it again.
Taemin laughs quietly against your neck at how you grow wetter beneath his fingers from this one kiss. 
Kai’s touch is a little more tentative because he hasn’t done this with you before, but his hands go to the hem of your shirt. He goes underneath the fabric, pushing it up your stomach along the way, to touch your breasts. Your nipples harden at his touch, and he rolls them between his deft fingers. It doesn’t take long for him to begin desiring more contact, and he shoves your shirt up above your chest, lowering his head to take a nipple into his mouth.
Taemin situates himself further down to let Kai have his way with your upper body and introduces one of his fingers into you, sliding the slender digit inside and crooking it up to find that soft spot. You twitch around him, your thighs tensing and flexing, and he keeps his lips pressed close to your hips, biting the skin there and then dragging his tongue across the places he’s just irritated. You’re already feeling overwhelmed at having both men pleasure you at the same time, and you’re not sure how you’re going to make it through the rest of the night.
Your pulse races against Kai’s mouth as his kisses travel to your neck, making you shiver. “Does that feel good?” Kai asks, his voice low, and you nod without a second thought. You belatedly realize he’s referring to Taemin's actions when you notice his eyes have drifted below the waist again. He seems entranced with the way Taemin fingers you, or maybe he just wants a turn for himself. 
“It does,” you say, as if your nod wasn’t confirmation enough. Your words trail out of you in a breathless whisper. Kai soon shifts lower down your body just as Taemin eases another finger into you, which makes you moan softly. You think your heart might beat out of your chest when Kai settles himself beside Taemin, and you can guess what’s about to happen.
“Are you going to have her all to yourself?” Kai remarks, his tone joking.
“I was here first.” Taemin grins deviously, but he shuffles over to make more room for Kai between your legs.
As Taemin keeps moving his fingers inside you, brushing them against your g-spot and making you moan desperately, Kai lowers his head and drags his tongue over your clit. You gasp sharply at this brand-new sensation; the sight of it is even more erotic than you could’ve imagined. Kai wraps his mouth around your sensitive clit and Taemin observes closely as the other man sucks and licks into you. Though Taemin sometimes likes to pretend he isn’t as easily aroused as you know he can be, he can’t hide the way his breaths grow rushed and his face becomes more flushed.
The soft but intense sucking of Kai’s mouth and the smooth strokes of Taemin’s fingers have you careening off the edge faster than you anticipated, and your legs scrabble against the sheets as you toss and turn in the tide of a strong orgasm.
Kai comes back to your upper body when he’s finished, leaning in close to where your head rests on the pillow. Your chest heaves as you try to regain your breath. He smiles down at your supine figure, pressing another kiss to your lips. “You’re so sweet,” he murmurs against the seam of your mouth, and he slides his tongue in to let you taste yourself even more deeply.
Between kisses, Kai pulls your shirt the rest of the way off. You end up doing the same for him—with his help—and you run your hands over the newly exposed skin, feeling the soft but firm ridges of his abs underneath your palms. The length of his cock presses against his sleep pants, half-hard and still rising. Somewhere below you, Taemin removes your panties and pajama pants from around your ankles, and even though you feel spent, your body is already reacting to the idea of him pressing your legs open wider and pushing into you.
“Turn on your stomach,” Taemin instructs, though he’s already grabbing your hips and shifting you over before you can do it yourself. He doesn’t miss the opportunity to palm your ass as he does, his digits dipping down between your legs like he’s going to start fingering you again. Some nights, he can spend forever doing just that—pulling you apart with his hands and mouth and denying you his dick until he finally feels like giving it to you.
His plans for tonight are a little different, though. 
Taemin taps your lower back and says, “I think you know what to do.” You can’t see his face, but he must be giving Kai a certain look because the other man smirks, shaking his head.
“Come closer,” you say to Kai, because just as Taemin predicted, you know exactly what he expects you to do. You run your fingers up the length of Kai’s strong thighs, feeling the hard muscle of them and bringing your hands up higher to caress the bulge straining against his pants. Kai’s eyes grow heavier as he watches you palm his dick, and he settles himself in front of you with his legs spread.
You could probably occupy yourself all night with pulling reactions out of him and teasing him, getting to know what he likes and making him drip sticky precum down your hand. You are too eager to see his dick and feel him in your mouth, however, so you drag the waistband of his pants and underwear lower to bring it out. It’s thicker than Taemin’s, pretty and tan with prominent veins, and you can only imagine how it’s going to feel once he actually gets inside of you. Kai watches you with burning eyes as you grip the base in your hand and get his dick wet with your saliva, sliding your tongue across the shaft. A heavy, shaky breath leaves him when your mouth makes the first contact.
Behind you, Taemin’s cock nudges your entrance and then pushes in, and you whimper from being stretched while Kai’s dick bumps against your lips. Taemin keeps his hands on your ass as he begins thrusting into you, taking his time with it and building your pleasure up with slow thrusts. You want Taemin to move faster and send you spiraling headfirst into pleasure again, though. You whine with your mouth still around Kai’s tip, which makes him give an answering moan.
“Stop playing around and swallow his dick, Y/N,” Taemin taunts you from above. He angles his hips a bit differently to find your g-spot, and you make a choked noise when he locates it, causing Kai’s dick to slip from your mouth.
“Shut up, Taem. It’s not like you’re making it easy.” Taemin gives a sudden rough thrust in answer to that, and even Kai grins at the pleasured expression on your face and the surprised yelp you let loose.
“Try harder.” Taemin insists, and he lands a swift slap on your ass. It’s not harsh, but it’s enough to make you cry out. “You want her throat around your dick, don’t you, Jongin?”
Kai raises his eyebrows at Taemin’s words, but the twitch of his cock in your hand and the bob of his Adam’s apple are unmistakable. “Can you take it?” Kai asks you, voice thick with desire.
“Give it to me.” You open your mouth, sticking your tongue out for Kai to slide in. You’ve deep-throated Taemin numerous times before, and you are impatient to let Kai try it now. His gaze darkens, and he grips his cock and leads it deeper into your mouth. He shudders visibly when the warm, wet heat of your mouth envelops him. He hesitates for a moment, like he doesn’t want to go too deep and hurt you, but you look up at him from beneath your lashes with your best pleading eyes and he is completely lost to your longing expression. His stomach tenses when he pushes further, feeling the tight space of your throat squeezing around his tip. More precum drips from him.
“Good girl,” Taemin whispers from above, his eyes glued to the back of your head. He leans forward for a better view so he can watch Kai’s dick disappear between your lips, and that movement ends with his hips pressed flush against your ass, his length as far in you as it will go. You moan helplessly around Kai as Taemin continues fucking you at this depth and angle, one of his hands gripping your hip tightly. You feel beyond full, unable to think about anything other than the two men inside of you.
“Don’t come yet.” Taemin pushes into you as steadily as ever, rushing towards his own climax as his breaths grow more broken-off.
Kai groans as your tongue slides sloppily against his shaft, your body being repeatedly pushed forward by Taemin’s thrusts. He doesn’t even have to do much work to fuck your mouth. He only keeps his hand at the back of your head, more because he just needs to touch you somewhere rather than trying to control the pace. The wet and filthy sounds of his dick hitting the back of your throat bring him ever closer to his end, but Taemin’s gaze gives him pause. “You’re telling me not to come yet?”
“You still have to fuck her,” Taemin says, smacking your ass again. He slows his pace momentarily to lift your hips slightly, sneaking his hand beneath you to circle his fingers around your clit, and your body tenses as you give a stifled cry. “You’ve got to feel her. This pussy is so fucking good, isn’t it, Y/N? Want him to fuck this needy little hole? You’re already getting tighter around me just thinking about it...how dirty.” There’s no way to respond with your mouth currently occupied; you only give a low, shuddering moan.
“F-fuck.” Kai abruptly pulls himself out of your mouth to stave off the orgasm threatening to overtake him at the sight of you looking so fucked-out. Like Taemin said, he definitely wants—needs—to be inside of you at least once before the night is over.
“J-Jong—” You want to beg for him to put his dick back in your mouth, gripping his thighs and trying to get closer, but those attempts are lost when your climax finally comes crashing over you. Taemin keeps his hand on your lower back to prevent you from squirming away from him as he continues thrusting into you throughout your orgasm, overstimulating your already wired senses. Weak with pleasure and shaking, you let Taemin use your body to get closer to his own end, which you’re more than happy to do.
Seconds later, Taemin is pulling out of you and stroking his dick, spilling his cum on your lower back and your ass. He lets go of his dick and slips it between your ass cheeks, thrusting between them and milking himself of the last few drops. He smirks at the messy creation he’s made all over your skin.
When Taemin lies on the bed next to you, Kai sheds his pants and takes his place. Kai gently turns you onto your back and grabs your weakened legs, pulling them around his waist, and you let him maneuver your body as he wants.
When he pushes into you, you almost want to sob at the way his dick spreads you open, sliding deep inside your oversensitive pussy. His eyebrows crease together at how you feel around him, so warm and wet.
Kai’s pace is not as quick as Taemin’s; his strokes are deep and hard as he buries himself inside and pulls nearly all the way out. Your lingering pleasure is stoked even higher by the intense way he’s fucking you, and your muscles feel like they might cramp up, but he keeps your legs spread open for better access.
“Is it good, Y/N? Do you love it?” Taemin asks from beside you, his voice light and airy as if he’s in awe of it all. His hands sneak over to your breasts, and his lips soon follow.
“Fuck, yes.” Kai brings one of your legs up to his shoulder to get a better angle. His gaze is burning as he looks at you and Taemin—Taemin sucking your breasts, your knitted eyebrows and half-open mouth, the sight of his shaft disappearing into you. “You feel s-so good. So fucking deep...” You grab Kai’s arms on either side of you, nails pricking his skin.
“Y/N…” Kai’s voice has grown rough, tinged with desperation. Sweat drips from his face and down his abs. His pace increases, and the tension tightens in your lower stomach again as his hips slap against yours.
Taemin grips your chin and turns your face towards his, sliding his tongue into your mouth in a wet kiss. At the same time, he moves his other hand lower to stroke his fingers across your clit, and this pushes you off the edge into a dizzying orgasm. It’s strong enough to turn your whole world blurry with an endless ecstasy.
When Kai gets close, he pulls out like Taemin did to jerk himself off and come across your stomach, painting your skin with his warm cum. His groans are deep and rich and lovely, and they make you clench with the last waning vestiges of your orgasm.
Kai lies beside you on the free side that Taemin isn’t occupying, keeping one hand on your thigh like he needs to have some part of you always touching him.
“We need to clean up,” you mumble, uncomfortable with the cum drying on your skin, though you’re also trying to battle the increasing sleepiness threatening to drape itself over your eyes like a veil.
“Maybe later.” Taemin throws an arm around your waist and cuddles his face into your neck. Kai grins and nudges his nose against your ear, tickling your skin. Their breaths fan over your skin, and you sigh and close your eyes, contented despite the mess.
“Fine. As long as you carry me to the shower later.”
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kkusuka · 4 years
(i had to repost lol- it wasn’t showing up on my page)
this the request: part 3 of thiccy gf hcs ??? with kuroo, terushima, sakusa, and daichi and/or atsumu 🥺👉🏽👈🏽 i must be fed
i understand your need for them
and as a member of the thunder-thigh committee, i am happy to write about my fellow sexy women! (another 4:56 am ramble i refuse to delete)
part one
part 2 <3
i mixed this with this ask ;  Pt. 3 of the thicc af gf with Aone, Osamu, Kyotani, Daichi, Kuguri, and Terushima plz? 🥺
this got wayyyyyyyyy long
4, 685 words. my finger slipped?
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Kuroo tetsuro
this guy has been trying to get you since first year
he’s that dedicated
and you didn’t even notice, he was just a flirty friend who helped you with science
(even when he would practically put you in his lap while he went over things)
lo and behold, he finally got his chance during the third year culture festival
yeah as in he waited a whole three years for this
Eh, once again, had a whole pan to make you see him as your great future husband, aka the haunted house (a good excuse to have you hold onto him)
He has to give it to class 2-4, the did a damn good job, it was scary
Long story short you fell on top of him, boobs in face hands-on ass
Mans actually asked you to be his girlfriend right there, groping you and murmuring between your boobs. (he wouldn't have gotten up if the next group wasn’t approaching.)
From then on he’d literally do anything for the ass
He’s a big simp and we all know it.
Like When you wear shorts he has to ‘pull them down’ aka feel you up while pulling the hem of your shorts down ever so slightly.
Or when he gets on a knee right behind you to ‘tie his shoe’, but the school shoes have no laces.
He could be a bit more creative and he wanted to look under your skirt.
When he wants to cut the bull shit he’ll just lift the back of your skirt and rub around for a but, to hell with all the other kids in the hallway.
(did I mention that he puts things on the highest shelves so he can walk up behind you and practically dry hump you.)
Speaking of simp nation
You can't really wear anything without setting him off
Shorts drive him absolutely nuts, it's insane. But it isn't his fault that most of your shorts are spandex that cut off right at the beginning of your thighs, it's like a homemade booty lifter. He just can’t help but wanting to cop a feel.
Or the color red in general. It is ridiculous, the guy rips everything when he tries to take it off too. So that stunning red cocktail dress with the lace-up sides was not unwearable, and you only had it on for like 2 hours. And that was only because it was a friend's 18th birthday party you were both invited to.
(thanks to kuroo not letting you out of his arms you both were late and left early.)
((in his defense you looked like a full course meal and it was giving him severe blue balls, and he’s only seen you for a few minutes))
Halloween, you know. the one night you could dress up as anything. any you decide to go as a cat-girl in a maid costume. And you expected him to just take that sitting down? Hell no. the red thigh highs AND the corset middle? You're lucky it lasted as long as it did.
That my dear was bravery. His color. A cat. And a short skirt. With thigh highs!
And so, he did what he did all those other times, dragged you to sit on his lap, and opening your thighs, and like a good girl you’ll let him
If you could already tell, he gives no shits to whos watching, let ‘em see (they really never do but you get the point)
He’s also a prime thigh groper, especially when he wants to keep your legs open, he also loves thigh hic
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Terushima Yuji
Another shower-offer
You were already he's so why can't he let everyone know?
Speaking of you being his, he doesn't tell people how you guys don’t together, with good reason considering you practically beat him up
Not really but that’s what he calls it, basically he tried to get with one of your friends at a party.
She just happens to not be interested in men and has a wonderful girlfriend, so she was uncomfortable but couldn't tell him to leave her alone
So you took fate into your own hands, literally, you stole Fate from class 3-2’s drink and poured it on him before slapping him and telling him about how he was a pig.
And he fell in love, you looked like an angel, a really hot angel, it didn't help you were in a white dress either
And from then on he literally once or twice, got on his knees for you, asking to give him a chance.
Honestly, it got annoying, so you just agreed to make it go away. It did, but you also gained a perv of a boyfriend who has an insatiable love for your lower half
He’s a simple creature, do take caution of his fragile being
So that means all those times you bend over in front of him he was slowly cracking and trying to figure out where the nearest storage closet is.
He thought he was having heart palpitations when he saw you in the damn dress again, apparently, he didn't see all of it. Specifically the v-neck top, and the fact it only went to the end of your ass. Needless to say, he made sure to walk behind you on every staircase that you went on
Another set off is yoga legging, like the lululemon ones, that people wear all the time. They fit you great, really really great. They were supposed to work out in them???? Why were they so skin-tight????? And he also figured out that you wore things because of them. Instant nut.
How you ask, simple.
One time he saw your underwear line through the pants and he pointed them out, they did make it seem like your ass was super soft so he saw his chance and took it.
So the next time you wore them and he didn't see the lines he was like ??????
And thus began the “Yuji hunt for lineless underwear” and he found the thongs
And you received the fucking of your life soon after.
Oh! And there’s any time you go to the beach. Literally every time.
No cap.
The first time was when you wore a red one-piece and he practically went feral. It wasn't really a one-piece if it was see-through and had the lowest neckline on the planet.
Everyone was looking at you.
He practically fucked you on the beach but held off until you got back to the hotel room.
He’s way more forward when he wants to fuck, if you could imagine. He’ll just walk up to you and tell you he wants to get some, like right now.
If you can even ignore him, he’ll throw an arm around your waist and grope around your legs, all the way to the apex.
It is also not below him to try and get you off while still wearing underwear that he will be taking after.
(i didn't say anything about his stash off orgasm ruined underwear? My bad.)
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
Going beyond the fact he even has a girlfriend, y’know considering, but the fact that no one knew who you were until you showed up at nationals to cheer him on
(atsumu was even starting to think that you didn't exist and that poor kiyoomi just imagined you up, so can imagine his shock when you ran up to said boy after they won)
The whole dating thing wasn't the shocking part; it was the fact that you looked like you walked off of the Milan runway.
And you were wearing leggings and sakusa's jacket, all of a sudden everyone was interested in how that happened
It was a kind of a boring story, someone had spilled coffee in a shop that you both happen to be in
And he watched you offer the man the same disinfectant wipes that he uses!
And in the most sakusa way possible he followed you out of the shop and tried to talk to you.
An exchange of numbers and many awkward conversations (and boners) later, you were a couple.
Back to that hug, like the many others, he's let you have, it’s all just to feel how soft you were
But poor touch -starved sakusa doesn't know what to do with any of these pent up feelings.
And he has a loooooooot of them.
Multiple occasions have shaped the poor germ-boy into the horny-tornado he has become
so he’s not really into what you’re wearing, it’s more about what you’re doing
like when you wore the mask he bought you to one of his games, and you wore one of his alternate uniforms, but the kicker was how you stayed away from everyone and didn’t let a single person near you (or his shirt)
or when you helped him clean his dorm when he was doing his weekly deep clean
or when the two of you washed the dishes while trying to do one of those “try not to sing” challenges
(is it normal to get a boner when your girlfriend helps you clean? no?)
but, as much as he tries to remain emotionless on the subject, there are multiple exceptions to the “it’s not what she wears” whole thing
Like that violet puffy skirt, you wore to a study fate, the one with the white sweater? That one, the same one that he could see your panties, from anywhere he sat. and Every time you got up you would have to smooth it down to make the creases go down, but it was only ever really giving him a good idea about the shape of your ass.
(if he sees you in that skirt again he’s just going to fuck you in it)
The lesser-known horny-inducer, since he made you take it off within the first five minutes, was a dress! What kind of dress? A neon yellow see-through mesh dress. The bottom wasn’t what got him though, it was the fact that your white bra was clearly seen under the mesh top. Or maybe it was the way the skirt made your waist look super small, and how your hips looked so round and squeezable.
Yeah, no one else could experience you in that.
Not to sound like this, but sakusa is still averse to touch
That goes out the window when he wants to dance the devil's tango with you.
Mr. His way or no way shows up,  he does it every so slightly different
If it’s just the two of you, he’ll put a hand on your shoulder and he’ll push you to your knees. And he’ll pet your head and tell you what’s about to happen and advise you to listen like a good girl.
But in the instance you are in the presence of others, he’ll stand behind you and bring you super close to him, ass to dick. (maybe he’ll grind into you a bit, just to convince you to follow him) and he’ll throw a few words in about how much of a bitch in heat you are for getting turned on in front of all of these people.
It’s best to just do what he wants before he makes you cum in your underwear.
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Daichi Sawamura
oh my
you guys are the power thigh couple
powerful and defined mixed with soft and pillowy
In Fact, that’s literally how the two of you met, thanks to Tanaka and Nishinoya of course.
(let’s just pretend karasuno has a cheer squad, and you just happened to be the captain of said team)
So basically you were doing a favor for the student council, and you were supposed to ask how many third years, managers included, were on each team and each club in the school
Easy! Turns out not so much. You were still in your cheer practice uniform, which was the shortest spandex ever made, and a Karasuno school t-shirt that was ever so slightly too tight.
Anyway, you make it to the gym and open the door, and the little one, Yachi, saw you and literally screamed. (she was right by the door), and that alerted everyone else in the gym, which led to the bald boy and his short companion pushing you further into the gym.
But in the better sense, it did gain the attention of the captain! Just the exact moment he was in front of you someone pushed; your back and within a second, in some miracle like way, you both ended up on the floor and he ended up planked on top of you with a leg between your spread thighs.
Almost kissing nonetheless.
Then, like the gentleman he was, he got off and asked you if you alright and kneeled down and let you use his shoulder to try and stand back up.
You did get up, for a split second, Daichi still kneeling letting you use him as a step stool when a certain red-head was flung right into you and you went toppling forward.
Onto Daichi.
Onto Daichi's face.
Your thighs around his head.
His hands-on your ass.
Hand in his hair.  
He could sit there forever, you were frozen, everyone else was frozen.
You eventually climbed off and asked how many third years there were. But he just sat there, his hands hadn’t moved either, luckily Suga answered and you were on your way.
And Daichi still didn’t move, after that incident, you had begun to see him everywhere, and eventually, he just cut the shit and asked you out.
Daddy Daichi likes seeing you in literally anything from sweatshirts to lingerie.
His favorite was the brown buttoned pencil skirt and the white blouse, that you wore to a date. You were kind of overdressed for the ramen shop and after a walk, but he didn't even care. He was so thrown off by how turned on he was he couldn't speak in full sentences.
An example:
“Yeah, the food here is- boob, I-I mean great, not boob, great, yes, great.”
The second.
Was a bathrobe.
Can you see where I'm going with that? Simply you look hot.
His favorite part of the night was ripping it off of you.
And like the first time you met, he had his head in your thighs <3
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Atsumu Miya
You met poor atsumu at a party.
He tried to shoot his shot, y’know he sees a cute lady he’s just gotta try and show you what you could be getting
he had it all planned, he was going to walk up behind you and run his hands over your delicious curves and ask you if you were in need of any help
he doesn’t take into account that a having a random guy just start groping you and pressing himself behind a girl was panic-inducing
so when he dropped your waist, you freaked out and may or may not have punched him in the dick
while he was in a. world of pain you age to figure out what the hell had just happened to you
then you noticed him on the floor, and when he noticed you looking at him he put this forced cocky smirk on and gave you a “how you doing”
You took pity on the poor creature and helped him up and got him some ice, then conversed with him for the majority of the rest of the night.
And he just hasn't left you alone since
(and, you learned this far later, that he went so far to tell Sakusa and Kageyama all about you and how amazing you are, and has even sent them- more than one- picture
But in other news, he’s very horny
So really all that means is he always has his hands on you
Like during practice breaks when you're allowed to come down and talk to him for a bit, give him some things, but it normally just consists of him sitting on the bench and you standing in front of him.
While his hands rest on your hips and his face is shoved into the valley between your breasts, and he just sits and listens to you as you brush a hand through his hair.
Or sometimes, if he had been having a rough time, he’ll just have his hands under your skirt and he’ll feel around for a bit while grumbling about how people cant hit his sets
But for being the possessive bastard he is, he sure likes letting you wear all those outfits
Like the booty shorts and tank top, you wore to bring them food during the summer training camp. That same camp that the two of you disappeared at and he came back looking like he had won the lottery.
Or the cute little red dress you wore to your anniversary date? The one that made him have a hard-on the entire time you were at dinner. He knows the waiter remembers, he also bets the waiter remembers seeing him fucking you in the car when his shift was over.
And that time you wore his jersey to bed and sent him a picture of it. It was such a good picture that he made it his lock screen for everyone to see.
He just likes looking at you tbh.
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Aone Takanobu
you guys didn’t meet in some weird perverted way, it was actually really cute!
Not to sound creepy but he knew that you were in the garden club because you sat right in front of him in class
And since he didn't talk to anyone else in that class he was just content with listening, and so there he was
Standing outside of the garden club door holding his withering basil plant. Lost.
Lucky for him you were walking down the hallway and greeted him, looking all pretty and cute
You did help him realize that he was overwatering the basil and within a few weeks, it was back to life!
From that first time on, he came to the club room with you twice a week and walked home with you, just listening to all the random plant facts that you had harbored in your mind.
Eventually, with the help of the team, he asked you out, and you hugged him and said yes, and that was the beginning of the “oh god, y/n is way softer than I thought”
So he really just tries to be near you or be touching you at all times  
(i am also a firm believer that he likes to slow dance to classical music in your living room)
Like during lunch periods when you sit next to him and the second you finish eating hell push you to lean against him
And he’ll rub small circles on your hips and give you small innocent gropes
Or how he hugs your waist when you're doing literally anything, and he puts his head on top of your head while swaying
I can also tell you that Aone is a good singer
So he hums to you (I'm uwuing over my own headcanon lol)
He also really likes just running his hands along your body, so he likes when you wear the one-piece dresses so he has smooth sailing down your body
As a man of little words, he clearly has a more physical approach to getting you on the horny train
What I am trying to get at is that more often than not he literally just picks you up and carries you away.
Of course, that leaves you to come back to whatever you were doing.
That is after the cuddles and after sex ‘conversations’ about the dumbest things
Basically, he likes to hear you talk and he really likes being near.
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Osamu Miya
He knew who you were
With a brother like atsumu, who never shuts up about you, it's hard not to
(Osamu is pretty sure atsumu had a picture of you next to his pillow. ew)
Anyway, the two of you just happened to share the same lunch block, and it also just happens to be the only period block that he was alone
No teammates and no especially close that he could hang out with
That meant he could either study or eat
Had he chose to eat, only to be met with the fact that atsumu had drained both of their lunch accounts for his flavor of the week
Poor baby stood there for a while just processing what was the worst news of his life
When you, a true angel among the evil, said that you would graciously pay for his food so that he didn't outlook so sad anymore
If he wasn’t holding an armful of onigiri he would have fallen on his knees and begged to whatever god was out there to let him keep you
But he settled for thanking you and spending the entire period with you, he even offered to share (for the first time in his life)
You complimented him on his flavor choice and he decided to keep you
He made sure to share his recipes with you and you tried to do the same
And somehow that evolved into you guys going on dates, much to atsumu’s distaste, and you guys were totally hitting it off
Osamu was your official biggest fan, he loved everything you do
But that means he wants to stay your biggest fan, and he knows that you’re pretty well known for boys thinking not so innocent things about you
Again being brothers with atsumu gave him this little sadistic streak
He lets you wear all of the revealing outfits and the bikinis, all for everyone to see
Everyone to see what belongs to him
Like at suna’s party he let you wear a black mini-skirt and a white off the shoulder long sleeved flowy shirt.
You looked good, and all the guys staring at you proved that point tenfold. Three guys had come up to you and tried to get you to go upstairs with them. And it was almost immediately shut down when they noticed the act you were sitting on your boyfriend.
Speaking of, he almost always has you in his lap.
Aww, cute! Not, he like grinding you down on him, that's also why he likes having you wear skirts, easy access to your ass, also a nice way to ensure that he could get more than a few gropes in when he wants
No, it's definitely the way he made you wear thigh highs to school one day and the shortest skirt you owned (like a school skirt) and walked behind you the entire day.
And he just reached behind you and lifted your skirt for the whole hallway to see, but mostly for him
He waists no time when he wants to fuck, he’ll just walk up to and open your legs while making out with either you or your neck.
And yes he has done that in front of atsumu
Who was warned to stay out of their room for a while.
Not to mention all those times he convince you to go to school with no underwear on just for the fun of it
(I didn't tell you this but those off the shoulder mini dresses drive him wild. On graduation day he pulled into a closet and had his way with you. I mean he did say that if you wore that dress he was going to do it, buuuuuut y’know….. yolo)
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Kyotani Kentaro
We all know he’s a fighter, which means he gets hurt a lot, which in turn makes him a frequent face in the nurse's office
And who happens to be the nurse's niece? You of course!
And right after school, when your aunt takes her break and leaves you to take care of the office alone
Right after school is also when Kyotani always comes in.
(it’s not like he knew that you would be there alone, and that meant that you had to deal with him and heal him up. And it also is not like he started the fight so he could come here and see you. No not that)
Who am I kidding it was like that.
It was totally like that.
Your hands were just so soft when they put the bandages on and you have to bend down to get the wrapping.
He had a crush, that's what iwaizumi said, and after googling what the symptoms of a crush were he was sure
So with the help of the third years, aka Oikawa just having Iwaizumi repeat what he wanted to say, they had a plan
And the next time he was in the office he asked if you wanted to see a movie with him, it was so cute and he looked so shy
It would have been perfect if after five seconds he tried to take it back, you still went on the date with him though
He was happy.
Angry boy likes hugs
And yes he does, no objections
So when he’s upset he’ll make these grabby hands at you and have you come over and stand with him
He shoves his chin on your shoulder and his hands squeezing your waist and you’ll rock back and forth until he calms down.
He’s also very aware of what you wear
Like how your skirt perfectly frames your legs. How the socks you wear make your legs look 10x longer, and make you look like you’re walking like a model.
Or the dark blue leggings you wore with his alternate jersey and you were cheering for him!
But nothing and I mean NOTHING gets him better than when you wear spandex shorts and one of his shirts. He goes feral every time.
This man is the CEO of picking you up and placing you on his lap, straddle style, and just going ham on you
Not to mention that sometimes when he’s really tired he’ll have you just sitting on his lap while he plays with your thighs
(he also likes playing with your waist and stomach, but he doesn't realize that he’s talking out loud so you can hear all of the “so soft”’s he lets out.
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You were one of Mika's close friends so you were always just kind of around
It was a little get together that Daishou threw that really made you two close
It was a weird drinking game of sorts, and it had these teams, and you were out as a pair!
Somehow throughout the game, you guys got side-tracked and just ended up talking to each other the rest of the night
Eventually, you were convinced to go on a double date and the rest was history
He didn't even pay attention to what you wore that much until he heard a few rando kids in the locker room talking about it.
And that’s when he started thinking about just who he was dating
He first realized how round your ass was. Is it normal to look that good in leggings? No one else has ever looked that good to him. With that came his obsession with just touching your butt. He just grabs it or he’ll stop you from walking and palm it. Or he’ll rub circles into it.
(it's cute how intrigued he is by your butt)
Then came his obsession with your thighs. Mostly the way that they spread out when you sit. He didn't even understand why they were just so mesmerizing. They were so squishy too. He likes how they look in his hands-
Lastly was the waist thing. You aren't even sure what it is. He just likes putting his hands on your waist. Like a prom picture. Sometimes he’ll squeeze or run his hands along your sides. But he’s mostly stationary.
He also has this habit of just opening your legs and laying on your stomach.
He is just so into how soft you are.
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delicrieux · 4 years
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extra meaning non-canonical occurrence; can be placed anywhere in the “make you say oh” timeline after couple (cha. 14) and before the final “oh”. 
pairing—corpse husband x f!reader warnings—tinder profiles, tw: men, swearing.  word count—2.6k. format— written. ─── ❥ req by nonnie​:  y/n makes a youtube vid/live stream where she's just swiping through her tinder acc and corpse literally blocks her lmao
author’s note—akldsljfs this was such a funny idea i could not not write it lmao
ultimate masterlist. myso masterlist
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You have pulled the biggest brain move by setting up both a facecam and a screen recorder on your phone. All is beautifully displayed and visible during the stream. Your fanbase is particularly intrigued on what exactly are you planning on doing today, seeing as your tweet of “strea” had been a bit vague, if not downright ominous. No emojis. No elaboration. You couldn’t even be bothered to finish the word. Truly, a mystery. Everyone tuned in and are currently waiting with bated breath.
A few of your fans must sense upcoming doom because the overall mood in the chat turns from optimistically intrigued to...evil. It’s an entity all on it’s own now, clawing at you through the screen with various renditions of laughter and devil emojis. A few eggplants thrown in there for good measure, accompanied, naturally, by the scandalous water drops. At first the common consensus is that you’re biting the bullet and going through your camera roll on stream. Definitely an idea worth considering, though you frankly don’t know what lies at the start of the 11k photograph journey, and you are afraid to check in public. Could be a harmless meme, could be a salacious pic you had saved of an OF star. It’s really a gamble. Either way, you would definitely get banned. You might still get banned. Why do you insist on doing shit like this?
Because it’s funny. Because you’re kinda stupid. Because it’s just so absolutely laughably easy to do.
A smile quirks your lips, and while it is not explicitly smug, the look in your eyes sure is, “Greetings,” You utter lowly, dimming the lights--the budget for this stream! Ugh, you went all out, “my children.”
mother i crave violence
sensing evil energy rn!!
i do not claim the energy in this video for myself or anyone else watching this 💖💖
^with peace and love shut the fuck up
“I know y’all lowkey hoes-” Upon your words the chat splits into two: one side eagerly agrees (even shares a few OF accounts! How helpful, supporting small businesses!), whilst the other feverishly insists on innocence. You make a face stuck somewhere between offended and bewildered, “Now c'mon now-I know you. I know you all. We’re the same, don’t-what was that?”
You try to scroll back to the comment but it’s loss in the sea of incoming messages, “I swear to God I just saw-”
Corpse_Husband: i love late night streams it’s not like i have anything better to do.
rip headphone users
i cant feel my face when im with you by the weeknd but instead of face its my fucking ears
yall think full vol on pc is better?my parents woke up 😭😭😭😭
To think he’s spending his last waking moments for today with watching you (he probably still would have anyway, because you do not posses an ounce of shame or self-control and pester him relentlessly)! It makes your heart sing, and suddenly, a traitorous, fun hating idea barges it’s way through the crowd of incoherent buzzing and states: don’t do this. For some reason it also has the voice of Rae. As if that would work in guilt-tripping you- Rae never succeed, and her fictitious rendition in mind won’t fare much better either.
Still, you thought about it. That must count for something. Corpse will understand, won’t he? Why don’t you want to upset it in the first place? Men look so funny when they lose their shit, like hello, don’t you have anything better to do? But the image of Corpse just sitting there, hurt, distraught, leaving you on seen because he’s in his sad boy hours leaves a sour taste in your mouth. 
queen rly went from  🥺😊 to 😕 u ok bbgirl?
Corpse_Husband: no pouts cutie
akjdjoeijdfse cUTIE??? deadass boutta r.i.p.
Well that succeeded in eliminating everything from mind, doubts included. If this was an anime, the scenery would shift into something roseate, with flowers and bubbles and sparkles all around you along with a halo or two. Alas, not an anime, rather reality. The led-lights, however, seemingly possessing a will of their own, slowly turn from deep violet to pink. You smile brightly, like the absolute dumbass you are, and you are met with a ray of heart and blushing emojis. You are just so cute, a real cutie! Still in your disguise adorable state, you swipe your finger on your phone screen, the grin never leaving your lips.
There, among the plethora of apps, nestled sits a red square with a white fire plastered on it. The delicate calligraphy on the bottom reads: TINDER.
The mood changes once again- you’re giving the roaches emotional instability by how quickly everything flips over- and the chat spams eggplants vigorously; some, of course, bravely fight against the thirst.
nooooooo i thought y/n is gonna stream in a god honoring way!!!
^pack it up girl defined
“So, Charlie and I-” You note a few awfully curious comments and squint, “-yes, we talk a lot. Charlie is a really good friend of mine. We’re best friends. Brothers. Sisters. Cousins. The whole fucking family tree-no, that sounds weird. Delete. Anyway, Charlie, being the absolute fucker he is, said, hey, you know what would be funny? And I was like, nooo, what would be funny, Charlie? And he says to me, he says, says, making fun of men on Tinder. And if y’all need any more proof that Charlie and I are platonic soulmates, then dunno, my children, my roaches, I dunno-I dunno what more to give you.”
You can’t be bothered reading the comments, there’s too damn many. You also need to save your reading comprehension for the actual bios. It has a time limit, that darn thing. 
“Okay, so I made a profile earlier, but I hadn’t swiped on anyone yet-” Despite the fact, Tinder helpfully informs you that already 99+ people have swiped right on you, “So, this is me,” You show the pictures you have of yourself, and damn, not to be a conceited narcissist, but you look really good. Like if you saw yourself on Tinder, you’d super like instantly. “Uhm, so, my bio-my bio says: let’s sauce in the tub together, ya dig? splishy splashy, giggle giggle.” 
i cant believe we are witnessing y/n trying to form a coherent sentence live 
shes trying give her time
ya dig??? y not capeesh
what scene from the godfather is this lol?
“My anthem, is,” You laugh, covering your lips with your hand, “Corpsie, this is form you-” Proudly, you show that indeed, Corpse’s E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY FUCKING LIFE is listed as your anthem on Spotify, “Hehe.” Yes, you say that aloud.
Corpse_Husband: you’re killing me Corpse_Husband: thanks baby Corpse_Husband: now delete tinder ❤︎
You ignore his last quip, deciding it’s finally time to get this show on the road, “Right, let’s do this shit. I’m not actually going to swipe on any guys that look, uh, decent? Yuck, can’t believe I just said that, uhm, because I-because I feel like some actually deserve a chance with someone? I don’t wanna get anyone’s hopes up, as I am currently in a long distance relationship with Chrollo. So I’m just gonna swipe on, like, frat boy assholes. Because I don’t care if I hurt their feelings. Quite frankly I don’t think they possess them in the first place.”
The chat voices their agreements. With the ground rules set, you, giddy, click on the first profile.
Does Tinder know what you’re doing, your plan? The FBI agent watching you through your phone must be working overtime, bless his heart. They must, because the the first guy to meet you is named Jason, and there he is, blond hair and blue eyes, holding up a fish the size of his torso. Marginally adequate in looks, pretty good muscles. A solid 7 bordering on 8. He’s the same age as you, 15 miles away, and he studies at some college you don’t care enough to look up. Bio reads:
I like to drive fast. Fishing is my passion, but if you can’t catch me by the ocean, you’ll catch me catching waves, bro! Love a good gym date. You do squats, and I’ll keep a close eye to make sure you’re doing it correctly ;) You probably saw me at a party. Leader of the The Phi Kappa Psi. I’m a Gemini, if that matters lol.
You, of course, read it aloud, dramatically; provide some constructive criticism-he seems nice, but he’s a Gemini, so naturally, you can’t trust him at all! Also, that gym date session leaves little to be desired. With your rant done, you swipe right, and shocker! (not), it’s an instant match.
“Okie, I still wanna swipe of some profiles, so I’ll see what he’ll text later-” For a second you wonder the legalities of this stream, but you’re having too much fun to think of it further, “guys, I won't get sued, right?”
NOW she considers it
if you do, we’ll kickstart your lawyer dw <3
Onto the next profile. Kevin, 25, is seen fixing his car- or, you assume he’s mid-fixing it, you don’t really know why else he’d hold a wrench and be covered in oil. He’s shirtless, and the caveman part of your brain echoes something closely resembling AWOOOGA!, but...but!...blonde hair, blue eyes. You pout again, “I don’t...I don’t really like blond boys, ya know? With the blue eyes and all, it’s just not my thing, uhm, unless it’s like-like...Armin from Attack on Titan. Else I don’t care.”
Onto the bio:
You have to treat a car like you treat a woman: go on long rides, take the lead, but most importantly, keep her oiled up 😜 
“What the fuck did I just read?”
The chat is equally confused. You swipe right anyway- another match. Too easy.
The stream continues without incident for a solid thirty minutes- all of your matches, expect a few that genuinely looked like normal dudes that really couldn’t write a decent bio to save their lives, had been blond hair blue eyed gym rats with ranging forms of misogyny. Some opened with asking for nudes out right, some asked about your day first before asking for nudes. You prefer the former. Straight to the point! You admire the gall. 
But then, down the forty-five minute mark a profile popped up that made you still by your phone, your smile dying as your eyes bulged. Dear God. Lord in heaven. Who is this demonspiit lookalike and why is he so fucking hot? The neck tats, the skateboard, the clothes- holy shit, you gotta close your mouth before some drool dribbles out.
No bio, just his name, Tyler, and that he’s 23.
“He boutta be 23 in me.” You mutter, swiping right with lightning speed.
tyler is y/ns karma for relentlessly mocking that one guy that had a whole ass list on what his “female” partner should be
^he deserved it and also tyler seems like a typical fuckboi y/n grow a braincell
look at mom 🥺 her eyes are sparkling
It wasn’t a match right away. You somehow expected as much, but it still upset you. Simp behavior, pathetic. The stream continued bravely, and when Tyler messaged you a simple “yo” you totally didn’t sequel. You didn’t manage to text him back on stream: texting all those guys that you didn’t really find all that attractive was easy, but this...You’re a sucker for a man who radiates red flag energy. His whole profile is a red flag. He might just be a red flag himself.
What can you do? Suddenly becoming color blind is not easy. Once the stream ends, you unmatch with everyone expect Tyler. He you chat with for a bit, but a sudden craving for different company makes you abandon him, too. You don’t feel too heartbroken for him- you’re certain there’s already too many girls in his dms. You wish them luck.
Happily, you delete Tinder. You go to Twitter, notice you’re trending again- look at you go! Queen shit- and as you compose a thank you tweet, something strange happens. You go to text Corpse, but when you click on his profile you grow cold.
YOU’RE BLOCKED. You can’t follow or see @/Corpse_Husband ‘s Tweets. 
...Pardon? You hop onto Instragram and-also blocked. Seriously? And you thought you’re one petty bitch. Corpse is seriously prissy about everything. Damn, if he didn’t like your stream, he could’ve just said so. Didn’t need to, like, block you from his internet existence. So not cool.
You try texting him but no text go through. Well how will you let him know you deleted Tinder just like he asked? You relieve your frustrations by punching your pillow a few times. Later, you apologize to her, you didn’t mean to hurt her, it’s not her, it’s you. Fuck, 5 minutes of exile and you’re already loosing your mind.
“Raeeeeeeeeeeee!” You whine loudly. It’s roughly 2am now, but you don’t care. You’re too heartbroken to care. There’s a thump from her room, but nothing else, “Raeeeeeeeee!!!” You wail, wallowing in self-pity on your bed. You hear a very loud, very annoyed sigh from her room, followed by angry marching. Your door is abruptly thrown open, and in the dim, colorful light you see her scowl.
“What?” She grits.
“Can you please tell Corpse to unblock me from everything?”
“What did you do now?”
“I made fun of men on Tinder.”
She pauses, “...That doesn’t sound so bad.” She surmises, voice laced with suspicion, “What else?”
“...There was one really hot guy that I kinda sorta talked to after--”
“-But I totally deleted Tinder and honestly he was pretty boring, so, like, uhm, please?”
She sighs, the servery of which implies she is holding the weight of the world on her shoulders, and instantly you know that you won. She taps away at her phone, “You owe me one.” She states, and before you can reply, she exits your room and slams the door behind her.
Grinning, you text his phone again. The message goes through, oh gosh, you’re so relieved you feel like crying. This has been, officially, the worst five minutes of your life.
You Y DID U BLOCK ME LOSER!!! MAJOR LOSER ALERT!! I DELETED EVERYTHING IT WAS A JOKE r u still mad at me? y u always mad at me i never do anything:(
my husband You’re my baby, how do you think I’ll react when I see you publicly simping for some asshole on Tinder?
Oh no, he used the words, he delivered the killing blow. You’re finished. Your heart can’t take such a workout. 
Not that you would ever admit it to him, though!
You hehe ur jellyyyy u always dis jealous hehe?
my husband Not jealous.
Yeah, you might not be the brightest tool in the shed, but even you know that’s a lie. You send him an array of kissy emojis that he doesn’t have the decency to reply to. Then, completely unprompted and dead serious, you send him a simple voice memo, saying: “You really have nothing to worry about, you know? You’re my favorite, Corpsie.”
He responds via text, reiterating that he’s not fucking jealous and that he just doesn’t like when you show such outward interest in anyone but it’s not like he cares or anything. It’s just really, like, weeeeird to see his baby simping for another man like that totally ruins the whole dynamic!!! It was only natural that he should block you on every social media platform, including his personal number (which, like, was completely necessary! Doesn’t matter that his viewers can’t see it, it’s gotta be super believable!), and inform his followers of that, because it’s all a joke, like, for the dynamic, that Youtube grind, you know? Ya dig? No personal feelings were involved at all. He totally wasn’t upset that you found someone else cute, no way!
my husband I’m not jealous. Lol.
You ik u repeated tht like 50 times  u trynna convince me or??? lmao
my husband No comment. ...You don’t actually talk to anyone else like we’re talking, right?
You no one else calls me their baby if thts wat ur wondering at least not to my knowledge lol im all urs
my husband That makes me very happy to hear:)
Yeah, it makes you very happy, too.
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hope you liked it!! xx
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Aim For The Heart | Chapter 1: At First Sight
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Pairing: hitman!jk x female reader
Genre: E2L, romance, angst, drama
WC: 4.5k
Warnings for this chapter: alcohol consumption, language, stalking kind of? I think that's all lol. Pls let me know if there is anything else I should put.
tag list; @teresaisla @hopekookies @moonchild1 @barbellastyles98 @ggukkieland @mwitsmejk @yukiehyukie
summary; Jeon Jungkook is an infamous hitman, known for his inability to fail at whatever job is thrown his way. At least, up until now. Y/n, a kind-hearted and full of life teacher, is his newest target. Jeon isn't sure who would put a hit on this seemingly innocent girl, but fortunately, that isn't his problem. All he has to do is pull the trigger. 
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A bright smile graces your features as you tuck the little star-shaped peanut butter and jelly sandwiches into a tiny container, just barely getting two of them to fit as you squish them down a tad bit in order to get the lid clipped on.
Then you grab a little tangerine and a cheese stick to drop into your lunch bag along with the sandwiches, counting the number of items aloud to yourself as they make themselves at home and then you zip it all up.
"Th-There we go!" You lift your lunch for the day in triumph.
Your phone startles you when it starts to ring, then you grapple in your purse to find it. You pull it out and answer right before the last ring.
"Hey, girl! Are you ready to go? I'm downstairs." The voice of your best friend comes through the phone and you look at the clock on your microwave. You stare at the little black screen, confused as to why the time isn't showing up before remembering that you were never able to figure out how to display the clock when you bought the microwave three years ago. So, you hold your phone out to look at the time.
"Oh geez! I didn't r-realize the time. I'll be d-down in a minute, k?" You say, earning a lighthearted laugh from the girl on the other end.
"Take your time, hun. I'm not in any rush."
You thank her quickly and hang up, then you run to your room to grab your favorite pink cardigan and throw it on over your white shirt. As you're hurrying out and grabbing your lunch, you stumble and knock your knee into an open lower cabinet that you had forgotten to close the previous night after pulling a pan from it to make dinner.
"Ouch!" You hiss in pain and rub the sore spot, although it does nothing to ease the ache. Then you grab your purse and run outside, almost forgetting to lock the door. But you remember just in time and clumsily lock it before rushing down the stairs leading to the parking lot of your apartment complex.
Your best friend, Mina, is laughing. You can see her through the windshield as she waves to you. Lifting a hand to wave back, you don't realize in time that your arms are full. You drop your lunchbox and have to crouch to get it again, only taking up even more of your time.
But Mina finds it hilarious and tells you so as soon as you slide into the car and fumble with your seatbelt to get it buckled.
"Honestly, ___. I can't believe you're still single. If I wasn't straight as a board, I'd be head over heels for you and all your shenanigans." She states in a matter-of-fact tone as she pulls out of the parking spot.
A blush creeps up your neck and you try to laugh it off, "D-Don't be silly." You whisper, turning your gaze outside to look at the fluffy white clouds decorating the sky beautifully. You smile and lean your forehead against the glass as you imagine lying on a soft cloud, just drifting in the air.
"If you c-could go anywhere at all, where would y-you go?" You ask Mina suddenly, turning to her. Her eyes are focused on the road but she bites her lip in thought at your question. "Mm, probably Italy. What about you?" She's used to your sudden questions and ramblings, so she smiles when you start to go off.
"I'd wanna go up in the c-clouds. I wanna sit on one and maybe even see a r-rainbow up close! I wonder if I could slide down the rainbow..." Your brows furrow in deep thought. "Or would I f-fall?" You turn to her again and she glances over to see your signature puppy dog eyes that you use when you are either confused, upset, or want something.
Mina turns back to the road, a tiny ache in her heart that she hides with a bright smile, "Girl, you would ride that rainbow straight down into a pot of gold!"
"Really?" Your eyes widen and you feel your heart lift at the image.
She nods and you giggle happily, "You can come w-with me, Mina." You say confidently, your gaze turning back to the sky. "We can sleep in the clouds and slide down rainbows for the rest of f-forever."
"Sounds like a deal."
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By the time Mina pulls up to the school, you've discussed everything you'd do up in the clouds and what you'd eat when you're hungry (stardust, you've decided, is the best meal anyone could eat.)
You unbuckle and gather your things. Then you remember something and turn back to Mina, "Oh yeah. W-When are you leaving on your business trip?" You ask a tinge of sadness in your voice.
"This weekend," Mina says solemnly. "I'm sorry I won't be able to drive you for a while. I'll be gone for a month this time."
That makes your heart sting but you manage a small smile, "D-Don't worry about me. I can walk! I'm gonna m-miss you though."
"I'll miss you too, buttercup. We'll hang out this Friday night before I leave the next day. How about that?" Mina asks kindly.
You nod enthusiastically and she smiles, "Ok, get your butt in there before you're late! The bell rings in half an hour and you can't be late on a Monday." She urges you and you nod, hopping out of the car and thanking her again for the ride, reassuring her that you'll walk home from work today.
You blow her a kiss and she laughs as you turn and hurry into the school.
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You're all set up only a few minutes before the kids are supposed to arrive, so you go onto Pinterest and look through your fairytale boards, feeling a little spark of joy in your chest.
A couple of minutes later, the kids start streaming through the door, greeting you with the same amount of enthusiasm as you greet them. Your kiddos love you so much that all the other teachers are jealous and they let you know it every day. Of course, you have the sweetest kindergarteners and they're always the best for you.
"Hello, Teacher! Good morning Miss ___! Teacher, look at my new haircut!"
"Hi, Jina! Hello M-Minhhyuk! Kun, your new haircut l-looks so good!" All the kids have bright smiles on their faces by the time they've settled in their seats.
You always start the day off by getting everyone to stand and do a few stretches, then you sing the nursery rhymes you learned yesterday and start learning a new one. You honestly have as much fun as the kids during the school day.
"Ok, l-little ducklings, have a seat!" You get their attention and they immediately oblige. Next, is the alphabet that you guys have been working on since the beginning of the year. Every little one sings it perfectly all the way through and you give them a round of applause and they each get a little punch in their reward cards.
The rest of the day goes by smoothly, with only one temper tantrum thrown and that was resolved quickly.
It's nearing the end of the school day and the kids are all playing during their free time. You're sitting with Ae-Cha, a small and fairly quiet girl, playing with colorful blocks; the both of you competing to see who can build the highest tower. You've learned that she responds well to playing games when there isn't too much talking involved.
You're constantly glancing around the room to make sure everyone is safe and playing nicely and you're always pleased. They've all improved so much since the beginning of school back in September. It's June now and they've all learned their alphabet and how to play nicely with their new friends, along with so many other things. They've really made you so proud this year. You can even hear them reciting the alphabet and nursery rhymes to each other as they play.
Your heart warms at the sound of tiny voices filling the room as they sing. Then you glance at the clock and realize the bell will be ringing in a few minutes. So, you declare Ae-Cha the winner with her foot-high tower of blocks and she beams proudly. Then, you get up and clap three times, "One, two, th-three! Eyes on me!" You singsong, then smile when the kids immediately respond by clapping twice and shouting "One, two! Eyes on you!"
"G-Great attention today, everyone! Alright, the bell will ring soon. Who can tell me w-what that means? What are we doing n-now?" A few little hands go up and you point to the little boy that raised his first, "Yes, Joon Woo?"
"We...Uhm...time to clean up toys...Uhm..." You smile to encourage him and he finishes cutely, "Time uh, to clean up our toys and pack bags."
"Yes! Thank you, Joon Woo. It is t-time for us to clean up and make sure our bags are packed up and ready for h-home!"
The kids start to pick up their toys as you put on the cleaning song that you play every day for them. You all sing along until the room is all tidied and their bags are packed with their homework papers.
You always give them little mazes to do for homework to get their little brains to learn to concentrate, along with instructions on what to draw to show the class the next day. Today, their homework is an extremely easy maze, a coloring page with the alphabet and instructions to draw themselves doing their favorite activity. The kids always love drawing pictures and sharing them with the class and it's a good ice breaker for the shy ones at the beginning of the day.
You always have less and easier homework for the kids on Mondays and Fridays, it just seems fair to you that way. You also feel like it's good for kids to express themselves and be able to share what they like and dislike. You've found drawing helps with communication and creativity for the kids in your class.
The sound of the bell ringing makes a few of you jump, then you hurry to the door. "Alright, ducklings! T-Time to line up!" A few of the kids make quacking sounds as they line up, giggling and talking to their friends.
You smile and open up the door, holding it as the kids walk out in a straight line, some of them still quacking like little ducks.
You lead the kids to the front of the school and make sure they get into the correct line for the bus if they take it. You wave goodbye to them as the kids that take the bus climb on and they run to a window to wave back to you.
The rest of the kids that are left are soon picked up by their parents or siblings. You wave to Ae-Cha, the last student to be picked up. She smiles shyly and waves back before hurrying after her big sister.
After that, you go back to your classroom and finish a few things before packing up to go home. As you're leaving your classroom, you run into one of the other teachers coming from his own room.
"Oh, h-hello Mr. B-Baek!" You bow, missing the ugly sneer on his face as you smile brightly at him. He pushes his glasses further up his nose as he scrutinizes you with his beady little eyes. "You don't belong here, Miss ___." He snaps.
You look at him in confusion, "I-I'm sorry, I don't understand."
"I've waited the entire school year to say this to you. But now that we are nearing the end, I think you should know that you have no business being a teacher at this school. You ought to make the right decision to discontinue your work here." Mr. Baek watches your face fall with a sick sense of satisfaction.
"B-But, why?" You ask, still not understanding.
"First of all, you're inexperienced. You just got out of college last year, am I right?"
You nod uncertainly.
"You're still a child. Why should a twenty-two-year-old girl come marching in here and take a spot that should have been given to someone with more experience? And especially someone like you." He glares at you before turning on his heel and walking away briskly.
Someone like me? What does he mean by that?
You watch after him, feeling a tiny pinch in your chest. You aren't sure what he means, but whatever he's talking about, it sounds like he believes you shouldn't have become a teacher at all. At this school or another. You'll have to ask Mina later because you really have no idea where his rant came from.
Is there something wrong with you becoming a teacher?
You shake your head and laugh it off, "He's probably just had a bad day." You tell yourself as you make your way out of the school.
As you walk home, you sing quietly along with the song in your headphones, a little skip to your step.
You never notice the dark figure across the street, his eyes trained on your every move.
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One day earlier...
Jungkook groans as he tosses and turns in bed, searching for his phone to turn the alarm off. He finally finds it and hits dismiss, tossing the phone back down and rubbing his eyes with a tired yawn.
After another minute he sits up and looks out the window, frowning at the sun seeping in and pooling across his floor in a golden river. He stares at a small bird that lands on his windowsill until it flies away.
Jungkook yawns again and reaches up to rub his eyes for the second time. After a few minutes, he's finally able to drag himself out of bed and into the shower. He almost falls asleep again in there, but he manages to make it out after half an hour.
With a towel wrapped around his waist, he makes his way to the kitchen and grabs a bottle of soju that's sitting on his tiny dining table to take a small swig from, finishing off what he'd left last night after his third bottle right before he passed out in bed.
He sighs and grabs a bagel, searching for the cream cheese he swears he saw in his fridge last night. A small smile appears on his lips when he finds it. He snatches it and makes sloppy work of spreading it on his bagel before tossing the leftover trash onto his counter and plopping onto the couch, snarfing down the first half of his bagel in thirty seconds.
Jungkook sighs through his nose as he tiredly chews his breakfast, then he glances down and sees the file he'd left open on his coffee table last night. He swallows the bite he has in his mouth and leans forward to read over it.
Y/L/N Y/N...
Why is that name so familiar?
He shakes his head and flips the file closed, then he leans back on the couch, wanting to spend his Sunday relaxing before he has to get to work on this case. He isn't going to think about it again until tonight.
Jungkook settles down and lays his head on the back of the couch, closing his eyes and breathing deeply.
He won't think about it.
Jungkook lays there for a minute, then he opens his eyes and lifts his head, glaring at the closed file on the little table.
He grunts in annoyance and drops the other half of his bagel onto the table, grabbing the file angrily and sitting back again. He opens it and starts to reread everything he's read many times since Friday. There's just something that has felt off since he met with Mr. Ling, but he can't put his finger on what it is.
Jungkook squints at the name he's read a thousand times.
"Ugh." He rolls his eyes, frustrated at not being able to remember where he's heard that name before. Then he looks at the occupation.
Teacher at Sunshine Kindergarten.
His brows furrow again, much like they have each time he's read this. He's never had a hit on a teacher before, let alone a Kindergarten teacher. That's such an odd target...
Most of his targets in the past have been sleazy business owners, rapists, leaders of gangs that have terrorized neighborhoods for years, even other hitmen. He's never had a problem with those jobs, but there's something about this one that's telling him to be careful.
Maybe it's because he knows nothing about his client, except for the large sum of money he must have due to the pay he's been promised. Other clients of his were more than happy to explain why they wanted him to do what he does. They never paid him until after the job was done, either.
That leads Jungkook to believe that this guy (or girl) is desperate for his services, convincing him to do it with payment before and after. Almost as if Jungkook would refuse after he found out who the target was...
Jungkook flips the page and scrutinizes the picture of the target.
She's very simple looking, Jungkook thinks. The girl in the picture is wearing a white flowy skirt with a blue blouse that covers her whole arms and white chunky tennis shoes. Her hair is in a low ponytail and it seems like she has headphones in as she walks down the street. There's a tiny smile on her face as if she's thinking about something that makes her happy.
Jungkook doesn't find her particularly beautiful, but she isn't ugly either. She's just very...
Jungkook shakes his head, his eyes going over the photo and the girl's smile one more time. Maybe she's a double agent? Or a part of the mafia disguising herself as a school teacher?
He can't figure it out.
It doesn't matter much though, the job seems simple enough and the pay is more than he's ever gotten. After looking through everything once more, Jungkook closes the file and grabs his bagel, quickly eating it before getting up to get dressed for the day.
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That night, Jungkook lays out his outfit for the next day.
It's all black, but not suspicious-looking. After all these years, he's been able to design the perfect outfits to avoid attention being drawn to him and simple enough so that no one would think much of him if he were to catch anyone's attention.
It might seem simple, but he prides himself on being able to get each part of his job perfectly designed for each case he gets.
Heaven knows it's taken him years to accomplish.
After he's gotten that all figured out, he walks over to his closet and pulls out a small safe. Setting it on the bed, he swiftly unlocks it and looks inside. He pulls out a few things, examining each of them before he sets them one by one onto his bed. Once he's got the items all laid out, he steps back to look it all over.
"I should wait to decide..." Jungkook mumbles to himself. After a minute of staring at everything, he nods and gathers it all up, carefully putting it back into the safe and locking it tightly. Then he brings it back to his closet and shoves it into the darkest corner where it lives.
That can wait.
He pulls his phone out and checks the time.
"Damn it," Jungkook mutters. He had wanted to get some sleep earlier tonight since he would have to be awake early tomorrow.
He changes into some shorts, then he yanks his shirt off and immediately climbs into bed, not even bothering to shower or brush his teeth. He really couldn't care less with how tired he is. And he hasn't even started yet.
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His alarm blares at an ungodly hour as Jungkook groans loudly, resisting the temptation to chuck his phone across the room.
"I hate Mondays." He mutters angrily, setting his phone back on the nightstand far from gracefully.
He miserably drags himself out of bed and into the shower, going through his morning motions almost like a robot. His brain isn't fully awake and it's just on autopilot right now.
An hour later, he's just finishing his coffee, his eyes no longer squinting in exhaustion. Jungkook unceremoniously drops his coffee cup into the sink, promising himself he'll clean it up later, then he sighs as he grabs his black boots, walking to the couch to sit and pull them on. After he's done lacing them up, he grabs the file he's been avoiding like the plague since yesterday morning.
He mutters to himself, looking at the name on the page.  
"I know that name."
Then he smacks his forehead to get himself to focus again. He stands up and folds the page with the girl's information and then her picture and tucks them into the inside pocket of his black jacket.
Time to get to work.
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Jungkook spots the girl almost instantly, the second she steps out of a black car. He glances at the driver, but can only see a person with shoulder length black hair waving. The girl from the picture has a bunch of things in her arms as she blows a kiss to the short-haired driver.
Jungkook has been here since six-thirty in the morning and just as he was beginning to think she called in sick for work, he's finally gotten a chance to see this girl in person. She looks exactly as he remembers from her picture...plain.
She's even wearing the same white skirt and chunky tennis shoes, although this time she has a different top. Her hair is in a high ponytail this time.
"Well, ___. Nice to meet you." Jungkook mutters, watching closely.
After a moment, the black car drives away as the girl scurries into the school, tripping on the last step before straightening herself out again, then disappearing from his sight.
Jungkook stares at the door for another minute, then he makes his way to the stores nearby, knowing he's gonna have to wait until the girl leaves. School for the young kids typically gets out at around three-thirty. So, he'll have to be back here around then.
He's definitely going to need to find something to do to kill time.
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Jungkook heaves a sigh of relief when he hears the school bell finally ring.
He hurries from the clothes store he was browsing and down the street a block until he's almost across the street from the school. He finds a good spot where he can sift through some newspapers at a little stand and still have an eye on the school.
After a minute, he sees a long line of tiny children coming out from the school. The girl is with them and smiling brightly. Jungkook thinks he can hear some of the kids quacking like ducks. He tries not to look puzzled as he goes back to talking to the person working the paper stand. Jungkook makes small talk with the old man, still keeping an eye on the girl across the street as she waves to each child that leaves.
If she's some mafia boss disguised as a kindergarten teacher, she's one hell of a good actress.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" The old man inquires curiously.
Jungkook laughs softly and shakes his head, "No. I've been so busy with my work I never got the chance to date."
The man nods knowingly. They chat a bit more and Jungkook finds himself trying to balance talking to the man and watching the girl.
"Well, did you want to buy a paper for the day?"
Jungkook turns his gaze back to the old man and nods, "Yes. Two, please. My neighbor would probably enjoy one as well."
The old man laughs and nods, taking the money Jungkook hands him and giving him two papers, "What a kind young man you are. Someday you'll find a lovely young lady, don't you worry, son. You will realize that work is important, but love is even more so."
Jungkook just laughs and thanks the man, then he opens the paper as he slowly starts walking, pretending to read.
He stops at a bench and sits down to wait. The girl went back into the school a few minutes ago, hopefully, she won't be in there long.
Luck seems to be with him today, because, after only about five minutes, Jungkook sees a familiar white skirt flowing as she skips down the steps of the school.
He folds his paper carefully, tucking it into his back pocket. The girl puts little earbuds in and immediately starts to mouth the words of whatever song she's listening to. Jungkook tugs his black baseball cap down a little more as he follows on the other side of the street.
The girl has a bag decorated with cupcakes and cookies that bounces up and down as she dances a little.
What is she, twelve?
Jungkook watches in confusion as the girl stops to pet a dog, giggling when the puppy licks her hand. She straightens up, then after another minute, she seems to get distracted by something else.
Jungkook looks carefully and notices she's picked up a flower that was laying on the ground, seemingly trampled on. She gently holds it in her hands as she continues on her way. It goes on like this for the next fifteen minutes, the girl waving to people and smiling almost the whole way.
By the time she is walking up the steps to her apartment, Jungkook is dying to just get back home. That must have been the longest most annoying walk he's ever taken while tracking someone. The girl had stopped over twenty times, distracted by something else each time, he's sure of it.
Just to be sure, Jungkook lingers around the apartment building a little longer, but when it seems apparent that the girl is going to be staying there, he finally heads home.
Geez, Jungkook thinks in annoyance as he climbs the stairs that lead to his own apartment. His head is spinning with so many questions while he unlocks his door and yanks his boots off with a groan.
But when he plops down onto his bed in his tiny studio apartment, he just stares at the ceiling, his mind suddenly blank apart from one question.
Who in the hell would put a hit on this girl?
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Copyright © @writemywaytoyourheart 2021
a/n: I hope you guys are liking the setup so far, thank you for all the positive reactions from the prologue!
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asthmark · 4 years
❝ chemistry ❞ o.st
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synopsis → osaki shotaro moving to town means trips to the dance studio, boba dates, and the perpetual teasing of lee donghyuck. 
pairing → shotaro, reader
requested? → yes! based off @onlyjihoons​​’s shipping game answer ♡
word count → 5.5k (this was supposed to be 1k.... goodbye.)
a/n → i enjoy writing texting scenes WAY too much ;; tbh this is like 50% texts im cryign but i had to convey how much i love 00 line .... and also how firmly i believe in lee donghyuck devil supremacy. as always, feedback is greatly appreciated and enjoy! 
if someone were to ask you how you felt about your friends, you would without any hesitation, answer that you loved them to death. of course, if you were being completely honest, you would also have to add that you experienced the urge to strangle them from time to time. that might earn you a couple odd stares but you’re sure people would be more understanding if they knew who was in your inner circle to begin with.
for starters, there was lee jeno — tall, handsome, and the textbook definition of a gentleman. then, na jaemin, who you would consider to be the yin to jeno’s yang. an extremely energetic guy and, in your book, a total freak of nature ever since you found out that he inhales four shots of espresso on the daily. liu yangyang was a more recent addition to your group but, being as quick-witted as he was, he quickly fit right in. he also had a habit of going on somewhat aggressive rants in german which renjun found to be extremely amusing. speaking of, huang renjun was another one of your close friends — the shortest of the group, actually. (and, much to renjun’s dismay, that’s exactly how donghyuck liked to introduce him to people.) he was the type of guy you could trust to keep everyone in check which consequently made you mildly terrified of him.
however, it could never compare to the perpetual fear you have of lee donghyuck. 
of course, you love him to pieces but sometimes you really wish he didn’t find so much joy in, well, making everyone miserable. you couldn’t deny it was funny to watch him tease and taunt your other friends. you still remember him purposefully messing up renjun’s game at the local arcade just when he was about to reach his high score — and also the way renjun had tackled him to the floor right then and there, resulting in the six of you being banned from the place. or, that time he offered to pay for everyone’s starbucks orders only to tell the barista that jaemin’s name was ben dover. (to no one’s surprise, yangyang had found that joke particularly hilarious.) you can also clearly recall how hard you had laughed in both of those situations.
but, donghyuck never let anyone laugh for too long.
according to him it was ’only fair’ to make sure each of his friends was at the receiving end of his gags. so, despite laughing at his latest victim’s expense, each of you knew that donghyuck would make sure you were in the same position sooner or later.
you definitely weren’t expecting it to be your turn one dull friday evening.
things are going slow for you as you sit at your desk, typing away on your laptop. school has been out for hours and your professors have decided to be saints and leave you little homework for the weekend. beside you, your phone dings, alerting you of the new text message in your group chat.
[4:23 pm] hyuck: i’m bored 🥺
[4:23 pm] you: plz never use that emoji again
[4:24 pm] nana: it’s misleading dude
[4:25 pm] yangx2: yeah like when have u ever made a face that isn’t this 😈
[4:25 pm] renjun: donghyuck is the devil = confirmed
[4:25 pm] nana: CALLED IT
[4:26 pm] hyuck: u guys are literally so evil
jeno laughed at “u guys are literally so evil”
[4:27 pm] jeno: look who’s talking lol
[4:27 pm] you: dangg u know it’s bad when lee jeno disses u
[4:28 pm] jeno: ...ngl it kinda feels like ur shading me rn
[4:28 pm] you: u would be correct :)
[4:29 pm] hyuck: um HELLO can u guys go back to paying attention to me???
[4:29 pm] renjun: what do u want, diva?
[4:29 pm] hyuck: i just wanna spend some quality time with my best friends ;(
renjun disliked “i just wanna spend some quality time with my best friends ;(”
yangx2 disliked “i just wanna spend some quality time with my best friends ;(”
you disliked “i just wanna spend some quality time with my best friends ;(”
nana disliked “i just wanna spend some quality time with my best friends ;(”
jeno disliked “i just wanna spend some quality time with my best friends ;(”
[4:30 pm] hyuck: OH COME ON
[4:30 pm] yangx2: i think what u meant to say is that u wanna make one of us very miserable today, right?
[4:30 pm] hyuck: .....no comment
nana renamed the group chat “hyuck hate club”
[4:31 pm] hyuck: ok i’m honestly feeling so attacked right now
[4:31 pm] jeno: well now u know what it’s like to be friends with u
[4:31 pm] you: so true king omg ur on a roll
[4:32 pm] hyuck: hmm okay so either jeno or y/n is gonna be today’s target, got it
[4:32 pm] hyuck: anyway can u guys come down to the dance studio now??
[4:32 pm] you: what makes u think i would go anywhere near u when i know ur plotting ur revenge on me as we speak
[4:32 pm] hyuck: because maybe i’ll have mercy on u and just terrorize jeno instead
[4:33 pm] you: good enough for me! thnx bestie, see u soon!!
[4:33 pm] jeno: HEY
nana laughed at “good enough for me! thnx bestie, see u soon!!”
[4:34 pm] yangx2: u literally cannot trust anyone in this friend group
[4:34 pm] renjun: ikr isn’t it great???
you might have been slightly out of your mind to willingly go see donghyuck knowing you had teased him in your group chat earlier. although, if there was a slight chance he would show you mercy if you did hang out with him, you were going to take it.
the studio was where you had first met donghyuck, along with the rest of your friends due to the dance classes you attended. after bumping into each in between classes and during practice, you began to get well acquainted. turns out, the six of you actually got along incredibly well and after a while, you began to share routines and tips, even choreographing together from time to time. obviously, this led to the infamous group chat being formed and lots of time spent outside the studio as well.
but, none of you had lost that love for dancing. in fact, forming your little clique had only made it grow. as you opened the front doors of the building you had made so many memories in, you wondered if donghyuck wanted your insight on a certain routine or needed some help choreographing. of course, there was also the possibility that he really was just bored and wanted you to suffer with him.
what you did not expect, however, was to see him caught up in conversation with another person. you couldn’t clearly see them with donghyuck in the way; all you knew for certain was that your best friend’s mouth was moving a mile a minute. you tentatively tiptoe into the room, hoping to not intrude on their discussion. but, at hearing the doors creak open, donghyuck puts his rant on pause to enthusiastically wave you over.
you sigh, putting your belongings down and approaching the pair. as you near, you notice that hyuck has a huge smile — no, smirk — on his face. you internally curse yourself for believing that he would ever pass up an opportunity to torment you, especially in front of a stranger.
“this is a very dear friend of mine,” you hear him introduce to his acquaintance. “her name is y/n. she dances, too.”
“oh, that’s really cool!”
the stranger’s unusually cheery tone prompts you to finally peek behind donghyuck and put a face to the voice.
and what a face he has.
“this is shotaro,” donghyuck informs you. “he’s new to town and quite the dancer. caught him in the middle of a routine.”
your knees almost wobble as you take in the stranger — shotaro’s — kind eyes that almost sparkle. (you aren’t sure if it’s because of the fluorescent lights of the studio or just part of his charm.) his lips are curved up into a friendly smile that makes you feel slightly giddy. his hair falls into his face almost perfectly, not a strand out of place and you’re uncertain as to how that’s even possible since, as donghyuck had said, he was dancing. not to mention, there’s not a bead of sweat on his face. did this guy come straight out of a disney movie or something?
“excuse her,” donghyuck chuckles. “good looking people tend to make her freeze up. don’t worry, this happened when she met me, too.”
you offer your friend a glare and an elbow to the side and you swear you hear shotaro chuckle. you turn to him instead, putting on a welcoming smile.
“my bad, i just—”
“got lost in his eyes?”
you pinch the bridge of your nose. “donghyuck, please don’t make me have to attack you in front of our guest.”
more giggles escape shotaro. (you swear it’s the prettiest thing you’ve ever heard.) you curiously tilt your head at him.
“sorry, it’s just that, you guys are too funny,” he admits with a sheepish smile.
you mirror his grin, slightly relieved he was amused instead of weirded out. “yeah, well, just wait ’til you meet the rest of us. it’s like a circus show, you’ll love it.”
“hello, clowns!”
“speak of the devil,” donghyuck murmurs, watching as yangyang and renjun enter, followed by jeno and jaemin.
“woah, who’s the cutie?” yangyang asks renjun, in what you presume he thinks is a whisper. however, yangyang has never spoken quietly a day in his life. renjun simply shrugs at his question.
having clearly heard the compliment, a faint blush creeps onto shotaro’s cheeks.
“guys, this is shotaro,” donghyuck answers, tugging the sandy blonde forward.
he gives a somewhat shy wave. “hi, y/n’s friends.”
jaemin erupts into laughter. “uh oh, looks like he likes y/n more than hyuck.”
“don’t blame him,” jeno mutters.
shotaro’s forehead creases, face suddenly twisted in worry. “oh, i’m sorry, was i not supposed to say that?”
“oh no, don’t worry,” donghyuck denies, quickly. “i’m sure y/n doesn’t mind at all, right?”
if you could crawl into a hole to avoid the embarrassment, you would. of course, donghyuck was 100% right; you really didn’t mind shotaro calling the group that if it meant you could hear him say your name over and over again. in fact, his sweet voice could probably make the dictionary sound like the most addictive song. but, donghyuck had no right putting you on the spot like that.
jeno suddenly speaks, catching on to your flustered state and donghyuck’s evil grin. “so, it’s y/n’s turn today? sweet, i’m off the hook!”
shotaro furrows his brows slightly. “huh?”
“oh, it’s just an inside joke,” jeno says, smile reaching all the way up to his eyes.
you wish you could strangle him right then and there for finding amusement at your expense but the last thing you want is for shotaro to think you’re some sort of psychopath. (although, with a friend group like this, you’re definitely beginning to think that’s where you’re headed.)
“got it,” shotaro responds, breaking out into a grin himself. “you guys seem like a really close bunch!”
“the closest,” donghyuck corrects, overly sweet, as he wraps an arm around you. (you resist the urge to shove him off.) “you’ll fit right in!”
you believed that the torture was over the day donghyuck introduced shotaro to your group. you would probably just see him from time to time and the studio (hopefully without hyuck around) and it would all be downhill from there, right? the latest notification on your phone alerts you that you are absolutely wrong.
hyuck has added one (1) user to the group chat
[1:05 pm] hyuck: welcome shotaro!!
[1:06 pm] unknown: oh hey guys! :]
the emoticon almost makes your heart beat right out of your chest. you roll your eyes in frustration at how easily affected you were by this guy. seriously, why did everything he do have to be so cute? regardless, you quickly add his number to your contacts.
[1:06 pm] hyuck: why don’t we do a little roll call so shotaro can save ur numbers to his phone
[1:07 pm] yangx2: YANGYANG
[1:07 pm] yangx2: HA I WAS FIRST
[1:07 pm] jeno: ...
[1:08 pm] jeno: anyway this is jeno :)
[1:08 pm] nana: jaemin present!
[1:08 pm] renjun: hi shotaro, this is renjun
[1:10 pm] shotaro: haha cool thanks a lot, i just saved all ur numbers!
[1:10 pm] shotaro: but quick question, is y/n in this group chat? :0
you almost drop your phone at reading shotaro’s message although you’re unsure why. he just typed your name, get it together, you urge yourself.
[1:11 pm] you: heyy shotaro! i’m right here :)
[1:11 pm] shotaro: oh yayy! i’m so glad ^^
hyuck disliked “oh yayy! i’m so glad ^^”
[1:12 pm] hyuck: shotaro plz return my love what does she have that i don’t T-T
[1:12 pm] nana: a heart
[1:12 pm] yangx2: a brain
[1:12 pm] jeno: a conscience
[1:12 pm] renjun: a functioning moral compass
[1:13 pm] hyuck: wtf
[1:13 pm] shotaro: ahahaha it’s like i’m watching a comedy
[1:14 pm] you: told u it’s a circus
[1:14 pm] you: i say get out while u still can
[1:14 pm] shotaro: whaatt and leave u behind? no way!
nana renamed the group chat “shotaro x y/n supremacists”
[1:15 pm] jeno: my thoughts exactly
[1:15 pm] renjun: took the words right out of my mouth
you cringe at your friends’ blunt behavior, praying shotaro didn’t find their antics to be too strange.
[1:16 pm] shotaro: 😳
[1:16 pm] nana: aww someone’s shy
[1:17 pm] renjun: he wouldn’t last a day in itzy
[1:17 pm] yangx2: HELPP
you shake your head, laughing silently to yourself as you mute the group chat and place your phone back down. although, moments later, you receive a direct message. you presume it’s one of the boys trying to rope you back into the chat but the moment you see the contact name, you’re forced to do a double take.
[1:21 pm] shotaro: i hope i’m not bothering u but i just wanted to make sure ur okay .. you kinda went quiet in the gc :>
[1:21 pm] shotaro: it’s shotaro from the dance studio btw!
you can’t help but find the fact that he seriously thought you wouldn’t remember him adorable. how could you ever forget a face like his?
[1:22 pm] you: that’s so kind! i’m okay, i promise. i’ve just had to put up with those dorks for way too long, sometimes i just ignore them haha
[1:22 pm] shotaro: lol yeah they do seem like a handful! but i look forward to getting to know them better!!
[1:23 pm] shotaro: and u too ofc~~
it takes all your willpower not to spam dozens of heart emojis in an attempt to show shotaro just how he has reduced you to a lovesick fool. instead, your response is short and sweet.
[1:23 pm] you: right back at u, taro! ♡
“okay, take five,” donghyuck pants, pausing the music blaring from the speakers.
you gladly obey, wiping away the light sweat you had worked up from the latest routine you and hyuck were constructing.
you both belonged to the same dance class and frequently paired together for partnered projects. the rest of your friends attended different classes, which you constantly joked was for the best since there was no way one dance instructor could possibly handle the six of you together.
“how do you feel?” donghyuck asks you, running a hand through his tousled hair.
“the choreo’s great, i’m proud of what we got so far,” you reply. “of course, i would be happier if i didn’t have to get so up close and personal with you.”
donghyuck scoffs at your joke. “i can’t do anything about that. the teacher said the whole concept of the routine is supposed to be is intimate.”
you fake a gag, failing to contain a laugh when hyuck playfully shoves you in offense.
“i’m sorry i can’t be shotaro,” he adds, a smirk forming on his lips.
you roll your eyes. “oh, very funny.”
“c’mon, you’re acting like you wouldn’t kill to have him as your partner, especially with choreo as spicy as this.”
“well, it would beat being paired with you,” you remark, picking up your water bottle and taking a swig.
“hm, then looks like today might be your lucky day,” donghyuck replies, eyes trained somewhere behind you.
you follow his gaze, nearly choking on your water as soon as you catch sight of shotaro entering the studio. he meets your eyes, plucking out his earbuds and offering you a small wave.
“oh, hey guys!” he exclaims, cheerfully.
“hey ’taro,” you greet, rather quickly, earning you a knowing glance from your partner.
“’taro?” hyuck repeats, amused, as he folds his arms over his chest. “you guys are already on cute nickname basis?”
shotaro giggles, eyes squinting adorably as he does so. “it is a pretty adorable nickname, right? she’s the only one who calls me that!”
your heart beats faster when you see how oddly excited that seems to make him. did he somehow find it endearing?
“seems like the two of you are becoming quite close, hm?” continues hyuck.
shotaro nods enthusiastically before glancing at you tentatively, as if to check for confirmation.
“yeah, you could say that.”
your agreement causes yet another smile to grace shotaro’s lips — this time he seems relieved. you briefly wonder if the kid ever stops flashing those pearly whites of his. you certainly hope so, or else your heart may never catch a break.  
“well, since you’re comfortable enough with each other,” donghyuck begins, flashing you a grin.
you’re not even sure what he’s gonna say but you already feel the need to put an end to it. after all, nothing good has ever come of donghyuck’s mischievous grins. you subtly purse your lips and narrow your eyes in an attempt to get him to stop whatever chaos he’s planning to ensue.
nevertheless, he proceeds. “maybe you could help me out with this choreography?”
you want to facepalm at donghyuck’s lame excuse of a lie. however, on the other hand, shotaro’s face lights up in delight.
“you’re working on choreo? what for?” he inquires, curiously.
“for our dance class,” hyuck explains, motioning towards you. “i have a couple ideas so i was thinking you two could maybe try out some steps i’m planning to include. you know, to help me... visualize.”
“that sounds awesome,” shotaro responds, oblivious to your friend’s untruths. “i would love to help you guys out.”
“great!” donghyuck claps his hands together. “just a heads up, the theme of the routine is intimacy, so i wanna see all that charm of yours, shotaro. it’ll, uh, help me choreograph.”
you cringe at the obvious fib. meanwhile, it’s as if a switch has gone off in shotaro’s mind. his smile fades and his eyebrows knit together. “hold on, i-intimacy? does that mean—”
“that you’ll have to get a bit touchy-feely with her? yeah,” donghyuck interjects, innocently.
“y’know... i’ve really been wanting to dance with her.” he faces you, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. “just never thought it would be like this.”
you offer him an apologetic smile. “i know, it might be a bit... uncomfortable. you can back out if you’d like. i promise hyuck and i won’t mind.”
shotaro’s head shakes, vigorously. “no, of course not!” he must realize how quick he was to deny your offer, making him suspiciously eager to be close to you as he immediately adds, “i mean, it’s good practice.”
you suppress a giggle. “sure thing. hyuck, should we get started now?”
the boy in question dramatically picks at his nails, acting as if he had been waiting on you both for hours. “if you guys are done flirting, then, yeah.”
you roll your eyes, shooting shotaro a mildly annoyed stare. he grins, finding it to be equally amusing as it is endearing. (what can he say, the faint pout that appeared on your face was cute.)
“shotaro, how about you get in position right behind her.”
shotaro obeys, making sure to leave a significant amount of space between the two of you. however, donghyuck doesn’t seem to approve.
“closer!” he commands. “the concept is intimacy, not social distancing!”
shotaro shuffles forward, pressing his front into your back. you can’t help but notice how firmly toned his chest is. curse his dancers body, you think.
“okay, now, lemme see your hands on her waist!”
you feel the breath of shotaro’s shaky exhale on the back of your neck as he obeys, sliding apprehensive hands around your midsection. there’s silence on donghyuck’s end and through the mirror you watch him observe the two of you, no doubt acting way more pensive than he truly is. you know he’s just prolonging your flustered state by keeping you in this intimate position with the younger boy.
although, shotaro himself might know it too, considering the fact that he begins to rub comforting circles into your sides that he’s currently gripping, as per donghyuck’s request, in an attempt to calm you down. you nearly melt right then and there. at the same time, you hope he doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
donghyuck calls out your name, successfully startling you and putting an end to the peaceful atmosphere. “why don’t you go ahead and lean on his shoulder. just lay your head back nice and easy— good, very good! look at that chemistry!”
if you’re being sincere, reclining on shotaro feels way more natural and enjoyable than it should. he steadily holds you in place, almost as if he secretly wishes to never let go. you wouldn’t be completely opposed to the idea either.
“alright, last thing, guys! y/n, how about you hook your arm around shotaro’s neck?”
you do so, fingers brushing softly against his jaw. he shivers beneath your touch, erupting into giggles when you shoot him an odd stare.
“i’m ticklish,” he confesses, in a whisper.
you can’t help but smile widely. “is that so? hm, i might have to exploit that information sooner or later.”
“as long as donghyuck doesn’t find out,” he replies.
his comment certainly gets a chuckle out of you. “did you finally realize how evil he is?”
“if the torture he’s putting you through right now is anything to go by, then absolutely.”
“only a matter of time before it’s your turn,” you reply. you lean into his ear to add, “by the way, this is anything but torture for me.”
“hey! no whispering!” donghyuck reprimands.
for the first time, shotaro goes against the older boy’s orders to whisper back, “it’s mutual. if anything, i think this is the best thing i’ve done since i moved here.”
your heart melts at the sincere admission. you stare at shotaro in what you’re sure is a very obvious case of heart eyes. you’re taken aback to find that he, too, returns the lovesick look. perhaps he was immersing himself a bit too much in the intimacy concept...
“stop! pause! cut!”
you and shotaro (reluctantly) untangle yourselves from each other to face a seemingly unhappy donghyuck.
“can you guys please just focus on my instructions without falling in love with each other?” he pleads. “i mean, you haven’t even gotten out of the starting position yet.” he groans, exasperated. “actually, you know what, just take five.”
[2:03 pm] hyuck: good morning
[2:03 pm] nana: it’s 2 o clock in the afternoon but ok
[2:03 pm] hyuck: i just woke up, therefore it’s morning
[2:03 pm] shotaro: good morning :3 did u sleep well?
[2:04 pm] hyuck: i slept a wonderful 27 hours, thnx for asking!
[2:04 pm] yangx2: ?????? THERES NOT EVEN 27 HOURS IN A DAY IM SCREAMING
[2:05 pm] renjun: i was just gonna ignore him but i am genuinely concerned now
[2:05 pm] shotaro: woww,, well at least you’re well rested now! :]
[2:04 pm] nana: shotaro, i am begging u not to encourage him
[2:04 pm] you: all it takes is one (1) supportive person and he becomes an unstoppable force of evil
[2:04 pm] shotaro: o_0
[2:05 pm] jeno: besides ur like the only other person here with common sense besides myself and maybe renjun. i can’t lose u to donghyuck :(
[2:05 pm] renjun: ykw i’m not even gonna argue with that
[2:05 pm] yangx2: yeah shotaro is a good guy™
[2:06 pm] hyuck: i hate u guys and ur goldfish attention spans
[2:06 pm] you: sigh what do you need hyuck?
[2:06 pm] hyuck: i want boba :(
[2:07 pm] you: that actually sounds really good but idk if it’s worth being around u
[2:07 pm] hyuck: i’ll pretend like u didn’t just say that <3 what if i paid?
[2:07 pm] you: ....
[2:08 pm] renjun: ikr it’s making me super uncomfortable rn
[2:08 pm] hyuck: can’t i do something nice for my friends? :/
[2:08 pm] jeno: no
[2:09 pm] nana: nope
[2:09 pm] yangx2: nah
[2:09 pm] renjun: absolutely not
[2:09 pm] you: never seen it happen before so no
[2:10 pm] hyuck: u guys are so fake :( shotaro do u wanna hang out with me? if u say no i’ll scream :)
[2:11 pm] shotaro: yeah i guess i could :]
[2:11 pm] renjun: oh this just got interesting.. i guess i could tag along
[2:11 pm] yangx2: me too, i gotta be there to record whatever happens
[2:12 pm] nana: i’m in
[2:12 pm] jeno: same
[2:12 pm] you: hhhhh okay fine.. only to ensure taro’s safety
[2:13 pm] shotaro: (^з^)-︎♡
due to the fact that you believed donghyuck was going to try and officially initiate shotaro into your friend group with one of his infamous pranks, you decided to head to the boba shop. you hoped that if you showed up, you would be able to prevent whatever mayhem he had planned or at the very least, provide some damage control.
you pushed open the door to the quaint building, the bell dinging to announce your arrival. your eyes immediately lock onto the table in the far back since it was where you and your friends always sat — you had practically claimed it. you expect to see all the chairs filled but, to your surprise, only one person occupies the space.
osaki shotaro.
he beams, probably relieved to finally have some company in the otherwise empty shop. (after all, you weren’t sure how long he had been sitting there all alone.) nevertheless, you allow yourself to wonder — just for a second —  if maybe he was just that ecstatic to see you. the way he enthusiastically waves you over seems to be in favor of that theory. it’s almost confirmed when you reach he table and he pats the chair beside him.
you let out a soft laugh. “the whole table’s empty, ‘taro.”
“i know,” he admits. “i just really want you to sit next to me.”
you swear you could break down in tears simply from the way he’s looking at you; like you’re all he needs. it’s pure adoration.  you wonder if that’s how you look at him too. you can’t help but ask yourself if he, too, notices your longing stares.
you decide that you would be a monster if you denied shotaro his wish, so, you internally prepare yourself to sit next to possibly the sweetest boy you’ve ever known. yet, that proves to be difficult as said boy stands up to pull out your chair like the gentleman he is. you shoot him a grateful smile, mentally dethroning jeno as the most well-mannered person you know and passing the crown on to shotaro.
“so, how long have you been waiting for?” you ask, resting your elbow on the table and leaning into your palm to stare attentively at the boy to your right.
“actually, i only got here a couple minutes before you. we did agree to meet up here a quarter before three, right?” he asks, slightly confused.
you nod in confirmation. “honestly, i think we got set up.”
shotaro tilts his head. “really? why would they do that?”
“might have something to do with our ‘chemistry’,” you explain, quoting donghyuck.
the japanese boy’s mouth falls agape, as he comes to the realization. “oh, so they literally set us up.”
“mhm,” you agree, smiling ever so slightly.
shotaro must be paying closer attention than you thought because he picks up on your grin. “what’s with the smile?”
you shrug, feigning uncertainty. “i guess i just don’t feel so bad about being set up if it’s with a certain cutie i know.”
“oh?” he raises a brow, cheeks growing as he too mirrors your lovestruck look. “should i be worried about this guy?”
“certainly not,” you reassure him. “i’ve only got eyes for one.”
you see a faded tint of pink rush to his cheeks and you find it adorable how your confession flusters him. you can’t help but caress the supple skin as gently as possible. shotaro leans into your touch, his own hand coming up to cup your own, almost as if he were holding you in place. after a couple moments of basking in the intimate moment, you retract your hand.
“maybe we should try and get hyuck to include that in the choreo, huh?” you suggest, a teasing smile on your lips.
shotaro chuckles, “sounds good to me. i might even ask if i can fill his position, too. if not, i just might get jealous.”
you playfully shove him and he raises his hands in surrender. you chuckle, grabbing one of the menus that litter the table, planning to offer shotaro some help choosing an item from the list that is surely unfamiliar to him but it seems something outside the window behind you has caught his focus instead.
“looks like we have an audience.”
you take a deep breath at his words, preparing yourself for whatever it is you’re going to see upon turning around. when you finally do, all you manage to catch is five heads ducking beneath the windowsill, in a weak attempt to not get caught.
“of course,” you nearly laugh. “they’re so predictable.”
shotaro seems to find the situation humorous as well, if his amused tone is anything to go by. “to be honest, we should be thanking them. they got us together.”
“oh, so we’re together now?” you inquire, raising a brow.
“w-well, i mean, if you want to. i-i definitely want to.”
“no need for stuttering,” you reassure him, reaching over to stroke that one ticklish spot on his neck. “to quote a very wise — and handsome — young man, ‘it’s mutual.’”
he smiles at his own words being recited to him. “i don’t know about you, but i think we should seal the deal.”
“interesting. how do you suppose we do that?” you ask with faux curiosity. you certainly had some ideas of your own.
“maybe... a kiss?” shotaro leans forward, eyes closed expectantly as he taps his cheek. you resist the urge to pinch his lovely, round baby cheeks. he peeks one eye open to add, “for the audience, of course.”
you giggle, completely and utterly love-struck by the boy before you. in fact, you are so enamored by him that you decide to go the extra mile and press a sweet, chaste peck to his lips.
it seems as if he himself didn’t expect it as his eyes snap open, hand coming up to cup his lips in shock. when he finally uncovers his mouth, you see there’s a dazed, giddy grin on his face that let’s you know the smooch was very welcome pleasant surprise.
your phones simultaneously go off, alerting you of incoming messages. it’s a given that it’s none other than the group chat.
[3:15 pm] nana: that smooch was romcom worthy i’m so impressed right now
[3:15 pm] jeno: shotaro is living proof that being a gentleman has its perks! everyone in this gc should take notes!
[3:16 pm] yangx2: attachment: 1 video
[3:16 pm] renjun: can we get boba now?
[3:16 pm] renjun: oh wait my bad, congrats to the new couple :-)
[3:16 pm] renjun: to celebrate they should pay for everyone’s drinks.. just a thought
[3:17 pm] hyuck: ur welcome, y/n and shotaro ;)
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 302: As the Todoroki Turns
Previously on BnHA: 
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Today on BnHA: We have a very fun chapter in which (1) Shouto grows up lonely on account of his parents being worried that his siblings will literally try to kill him, (2) Natsu and Fuyu grow up neglected on account of not being special and/or self-destructive enough to attract attention, (3) we get to revisit all of that exciting spousal abuse from chapter 39, and (4) Touya burns to death right on cue, pretty much exactly like we expected it to happen. Thankfully since this is a shounen manga, Horikoshi finds some hope in all this misery as the Todoroki family rallies together, with Shouto getting his long-overdue credit for being a perfect sweet angel who put up with all of this shit for sixteen years and somehow came out of it strong and kind and empathetic and determined. Anyway, so that flashback was a barrel of laughs. But now that it’s over, we can put all of that angst behind us, and move on to... well I guess, probably, more angst. Look, we’re short on variety at the moment. Bear with it.
ouch. we knew this was coming, but still
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A+ parenting move there. “ho boy, our eldest just tried to murder our youngest, now what? hmm how about we isolate our youngest from all human contact”
though in their defense, we probably shouldn’t have expected this rabidly strength-obsessed fire man and his wife who was groomed since childhood to obey her family’s whims to have any idea of how to raise stable, well-adjusted offspring
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this is a perfect example of Enji’s tragically self-revolving viewpoint right here. just because being a hero is your entire world doesn’t mean you can just excuse yourself from anything outside of that and act like it’s out of your control. “alas, all I care about is hero stuff and my son can’t be a hero, we are doomed to inhabit two different worlds” no you jackass, it’s called having more than one hobby?? figuring out how to spend some time with your son that doesn’t involve training?? the same exact thing you were telling him to do last week, while ignoring that you’ve never done that yourself in your life??
that said, yet again we have that complexity though because it’s obvious that Enji at least on some level is aware of his own flaws, even though he seems unwilling or unable to confront them. honestly, from what we’ve seen so far, Enji’s obsession with surpassing All Might might be more accurately called an addiction. he literally can’t let go of it even though he’s fully aware of how it’s slowly destroying his life. and so in the same way that a lifelong smoker or alcoholic might tell their child to stay away from cigarettes and booze, Enji tells Touya not to follow down the same path as him, even though he himself doesn’t know how to leave that path. so yes, it’s hypocritical as fuck, but there’s also an element of helplessness there as well because Enji literally doesn’t know how not to be like this
though all the same he sure could stand to put in more than just a token effort. but it is what it is, and we already know how much he’ll come to regret it
and meanwhile Baby Shouto has frozen his sleep bubble with his quirk lmao. so I guess his quirk did come in early. that’s a recipe for chaos right there
once again Shouto is ruining every single dramatic panel in this flashback
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this was so dark and intense... and then I spotted the lil bubs in the corner. Horikoshi please control yourself
“some hero you are, running away” and then all of a sudden, “FIVE YEARS LATER” lol what. OKAY THEN
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(ETA: love the confirmation that eight-year-old Natsu comes from the Iida school of puberty and is basically a fully grown man, and meanwhile Touya comes from the hobbit school of puberty and has been perpetually eight for the past five years.)
lol and that’s literally the next three panels. but Horikoshi did add this extra bit after Endeavor starts to drag Shouto away
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seriously Enji what the hell did you expect was going to happen here. “Touya went nuts and tried to kill his little brother out of jealousy, so let’s make it clearer than ever that Shouto is the important child and all the other children are just rejects. this will definitely not make the problem 100x worse, and will surely lead to Touya giving up and living a happy life, having been emotionally abandoned by the person he admired more than anyone.” good for you pal you figured it all out. no need for that plan b, “we all just go to therapy”
anyway so he’s telling Shouto he can’t play because he needs more endurance training. and meanwhile Touya’s patented Todoroki Drama Genes are going through puberty as well
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definitely the face of a happy, emotionally stable child who’s not still plotting to murder his younger brother in his sleep
“WELL ACTUALLY MAKESTE” lol I stand corrected??
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apparently during the five year interim Touya actually stopped blaming Shouto and realized Enji was the one at fault. good for him! a bit inconsistent, given what we know happens later, but I assume we’ll get to that in good time
anyway. “yeah man I agree that dad sucks, but it’s the middle of the night and I’m only eight and you’ve been monologuing for the past two hours bro”
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the manga is making my jokes for me, only better. fine then
looks like someone’s still miffed about that disagreement he had with his baby sister back when she was like four
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“Fuyu doesn’t get properly riled up like I want her to so ranting to her is annoying.” okay but having been in Fuyu’s shoes, it really is just a different way of coping, and I can guarantee she’s not as fine with the whole situation as Touya might think. but making your peace with something is often a decision that’s made for emotional self-preservation reasons. and I sure as hell don’t fault her for trying to shut out a situation that she had no control over, and trying to make the best of it, and scrape together as normal a childhood as she could manage
and now in Touya’s defense as well, that is of course easier said than done, and I’m sure if there was a “push this button and instantly get over all of the trauma in your life” switch readily available for Touya then he would have pushed it too. unfortunately it’s not always that simple
so now Rei is pleading with Touya not to go train up on his little emo hill again, but it doesn’t seem like much has changed since he was eight
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I don’t think he gives two figs about being a hero; he just wants his father to look at him again with pride. fucking hell, stop doing this to me you damn Todorokis
guh, they keep telling him the same thing over and over again
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even if we hadn’t already known he was gonna go melt his jawbone off soon, I wouldn’t have expected a line like that to go over well
yep. fuck
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that Todoroki puberty angst, though. nothing else quite like it
“you have a part in this too, Mom” ooooooh man
okay but look, he’s not entirely wrong. like, I’m not saying any of this is Rei’s fault at all! she’s in an impossible situation where she’s afraid to stand up to Enji (who by this point has shown that he’s willing to physically attack her if things get too heated, which is terrifying), and doesn’t really have anywhere to turn for support. her parents aren’t helping much if at all, and Japan in general is just a terrible country to be in when you’re in a domestic abuse situation. everyone’s expected to put on a brave face and deal with their problems all on their own in private. Rei is basically completely isolated at this point, and she doesn’t know what else to do, and so she’s just trying to keep the situation as stable as possible for the kids
but on the other hand, “for the kids” is also where that argument starts to break down a bit, because at this point Shouto is also being physically abused by his father, and the other kids are continuing to be neglected (emotionally if not physically), as they have been for years. so the situation really isn’t stable at all for them. and as a kid, what you end up learning in that type of situation is that you can’t rely on either parent. not the abusive one, certainly, but also not the other one who can’t protect you from any of it. even if they love you and they’re trying, they’re just as helpless as you. Rei is struggling to deal with all of this with one hand tied behind her back, and I get it, and I’m not blaming her at all. but all the same, particularly given that she’s (understandably) putting almost all her focus on Shouto, the end result is that the other kids have basically been left to fend for themselves
so yeah! a shitty situation all around. and one of those cases where it’s not really anyone’s fault (aside from Enji’s), but I can understand the resentment Touya is feeling all the same. and I’m so glad Horikoshi is acknowledging this, because it’s something I probably would have been too uncomfortable to bring up otherwise. as it is it’s still an incredibly heavy subject, and one that I probably have too many personal feelings about
anyway, so once again the whole “we’ll try talking to him and then just shrug our shoulders when it doesn’t work” parenting strategy doesn’t really pan out for the Todoroki fam
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sob this boy is Anakin Skywalkering before our very eyes. all that’s missing is AFO to come and start whispering in his ear. any minute now...
“anyway so then he got taller and his fire changed from red to blue”
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guess we’re getting pretty close then huh. this is the part of the flashback that I really don’t want to see, but also unfortunately the part that I’m most curious about :/
oh for fuck’s --
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I thought he got taller, why is he still only like a third of Enji’s height here
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oh fuck me these are armor-piercing feels. this is the heavy artillery right here
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ENJI I’M BEGGING YOU PLEASE STOP AND THINK FOR ONE MOMENT IN YOUR LIFE BEFORE DOING SOMETHING YOU’LL REGRET FOR THE REST OF ALL TIME. your child just told you that he still thinks beating All Might is the only thing you care about, and that he believes his existence is a mistake unless he finds some way of doing that for you. please stop for a moment to contemplate that and choose your next words with care and grace and oh who the hell am I kidding
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go on and blame everyone but yourself then!! that’s a great solution!! jesus christ man I know this is Endeavor at his literal worst but still this is fucking hard to watch
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(ETA: Fuyu covering Natsu’s ears cuts RIGHT TO THE CORE OF ME. Horikoshi if you’re really not gonna get these kids some therapy then at least consider giving your readers some. what is this.)
you know it’s bad when you’re starting to think the part where the kid burns to death might actually be a less traumatic thing to cut to right now
holy shit, actual Rei thoughts
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“I was the one who ultimately made that choice” well there we go, wonder if that’ll put that whole argument to bed at last. I doubt it, but you never know. actually who am I kidding it’s not gonna settle jack shit lol
oh thank god, they decided it was getting too intense and cut away back to the present to narrate this next (final?) part
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get ready to cue up that Alicia Keys. THIS BOY IS ON FIREEEEEEE
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yeah I think that’s one thing we can mostly all agree on. neither of them had any clue what the fuck they were doing pretty much at any point. though I will say that the hypocrisy of him being all “WHY DIDN’T YOU STOP HIM” followed by him IMMEDIATELY DOING THE EXACT SAME THING is a bit rich
(ETA: and he still has this problem, doesn’t he? he froze up when Ending snatched Natsuo, and again when Dabi was attacking Shouto. he’s so afraid of doing the wrong thing that he ends up not doing anything, which of course is exactly what led to Touya’s death. damn Enji I guess you’ve still got some additional character development to unlock.)
and of course neither of them could possibly have known how badly it was going to turn out. like, the consequences here were WAY disproportionate even for the shittiest of parenting. no one expects “I didn’t know how to talk to my son” to snowball into “my son burned to death and then somehow came back as a villain and murdered thirty people”
ohhhhhhhh fuck me
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LITERALLY INCINERATED THE ENTIRE HILLSIDE. fuck. and I am so not ready for the scene of Enji finding the remains of his jawbone afterwards. at least we were spared anything super-graphic (for now at least)
I feel like the timeline here is off, btw?? wasn’t Touya’s death supposed to happen after Rei got hospitalized? this might be the first actual retcon of the entire flashback. although I think it makes more sense this way tbh
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I do appreciate that ten years later Enji is finally reflecting on the fact that if he’d just given up his stupid obsession he could have stopped his family from crumbling apart. that probably sounds sarcastic as fuck, but it’s not. there are countless jerks out there who would have still managed to find a way to blame literally everyone and everything under the sun except for themselves. at least he finally figured out how to take responsibility, even if it came too late to stop his son from dying and being radicalized into a villain terrorist organization
and speaking of, it seems to me we’re missing a third and final part to this little tale of woe, and one which only Touya himself will be able to shed any light on. so we’ll see how that goes
oh man seeing the other kids blaming themselves even though none of it was their fault hits hard af. Rei wasn’t kidding when she said they’d been bearing that burden of guilt far longer than Enji
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oh good he’s just being quiet. good. it absolutely is not your fault lil bean. it’s not theirs either, but feeling guilty about things that aren’t your fault is a time-honored shounen tradition
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goddammit I braced myself for the angsty Shouto panel a page too early. gotta do it all over again now lol. okay here goes
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well well well would you look at that
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imagine that. talking things out with your child before they make a rash decision. looks like the Todorokis’ parenting skills are finally leveling up
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holy shit. this is the most quintessential moment of father/son Todoroki bonding in the entire series. for me it even tops the “nice scar” scene lol. Enji sobbing at the fact that he still has a chance to set things right. and Shouto offering his hand in what is actually the most mature and selfless gesture I’ve ever seen, and being all “we’ll stop him together” to his dad who he hates, but also doesn’t really entirely hate anymore. and all of that is incredibly moving... BUT ALSO HE STILL REFUSES TO MAKE EYE CONTACT WITH HIM AND HE WOULD LIKE HIM TO STOP BEING SO FUCKING DRAMATIC ALREADY IF YOU DON’T MIND. “WHEN YOU’RE DONE CRYING...” fkjldsk
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(ETA: wouldn’t be a Todoroki drama fest if there wasn’t somebody listening in on the whole thing in secret just around the corner lmao.)
“you think we should have waited somewhere else?” “yeah, probably.” “are you feeling a lot of secondhand embarrassment too?” “god, you have no idea.” STFU HAWKS IT’S NOT EMBARASSING TO BE MOVED TO TEARS BY YOUR FAMILY ALL COMING TOGETHER IN YOUR DARKEST HOUR TO GIVE YOU HOPE THAT YOU PROBABLY DON’T DESERVE BUT ARE NONETHELESS INDESCRIBABLY GRATEFUL FOR
and anyway you chose these guys as your found family, bucko. too late to back out now. next time go get yourself adopted by the Iidas then
so here’s hoping next week we’ll either get that, or more Hawks action, or (DARE I EVEN SUGGEST, I’M AFRAID TO JINX IT) finally cut back to Bakugou and Deku and All Might omg. either way I’m hyped
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