#and call yourself indigenous
Can you imagine if random Americans today claimed they were indigenous to previously native lands.
“Actually, the Trail of Tears is just propaganda. No one forced anybody off their lands. And they were not even indigenous here. But I am because my grandma was born here.”
Then how come we keep finding artifacts from their tribes here during archaeological digs? And how come their customs are centered around this area of land? And how come we know this church is built on top of native burial sites?
*insert sputtering and slurs*
And you guys are indigenous to a continent half a world away. You’re not native to Alabama, you’re native to Britain and France.
“Okay well you need to talk to our media correspondent, not me”
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felucians · 1 year
as a latina, I'm gonna put this here right now.
If you are out here sexualising Pedro Pascal, Oscar Isaac, Tenoch Huerta, Diego Luna and any other latino - to the degree of the recent article by Rolling Stones with the interview of TikTok user dvcree - and you see NO fault in the article. You are the problem.
Reading that article, made my skin CRAWL. I have been fetishised countless times for my ethnicity & race and fetishising (especially white) latinos in the media like this is contributing to the sexual violence statistics towards us AND Actively dehumanising and objectifying us.
I have been sexually assaulted because of the fact that I am latina. The white man who did it said that it was directly BECAUSE of my ethnicity & race.
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bleakbluejay · 21 days
you guys gotta learn to be a lot cooler about religions that aren't your own
and yes. that does include christianity.
#eli talks#And I Mean It.#the priority obviously is to get cooler about islam and judaism and all. like the religions that get oppressed?#but that firsthand and secondhand religious trauma is making a lot of people very not cool anymore#it makes a lot of people kind of. assholes. even.#white ppl who grew up baptist or catholic or mormon or whatever else that are now athiests will like#talk about how evil religion is. how toxic. how controlling. only really meaning christianity.#bc that's the only religion that really exists to them. as ex-christians.#they ignore the way various black and indigenous ppl have fused their traditions and customs with christianity to survive#they ignore the positive teachings of christianity like charity and reserving judgement and kindness and patience#they ignore the positive elements of religious organization like community-building. fund-raising. finding meaning.#and it's ok to have religious trauma. sucks that it happened. but there's nothing wrong with you being traumatized.#can you for the love of god stop making that everyone else's problem though?#like . can you be normal about how other people choose to interact with the world?#can you be normal about the culture other people practice? the foods they eat? clothes they wear? rituals they perform?#can you like. not try to trick a jewish person into eating pork? can you not ban hijab?#can you just clench your teeth and not say anything mean to someone praying before a meal?#can you keep your comments to yourself when someone says they are going to pray for your hardships to lessen?#when an indigenous person mentions a ceremony they did or a practice they do. can you not call it mumbo jumbo? maybe?#can you abstain from calling a catholic creepy for the ash on their forehead?#idk. i feel a certain way about this.
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seychellse · 2 years
“hurr hurr hee hee British ppl don’t know how to cook and their food is so bland bc they don’t know how to use spices even tho they stole em from the worl trolololol” Americans who have never left their country and have never read a single history book I beg you to for once shut Up. Abeg
#ENGLISH people have bland tastes bc they’ve always been working with a limited range of foodstuffs since time immemorial#colonialism and cruelty were only parts of the whole reason why the English were constantly importing foods from their colonies#NOTHING grows in that country unless out of spite#the ground is literally radioactive for fucks sake.#the soil quality is unbelievably poor and makes for TERRIBLE growing conditions of most crops except super hardy ones#along with the infrequent sunshine and constant rain and eternal dampness that persists year round#indigenous ​wild animals are also not a Thing and haven’t been for like centuries due to having been hunted to near extinction since#so ‘wild game’ is long lost to history and reserved only for environment-hating elites these days#plus: food over there has always been insanely expensive but even more so these days#you’re fucking Native you should know damn well about food deserts and predatory pricing#it is exactly as bad as reservation prices. except across the entire country - not just localised in certain areas#so many things wrong with your shit post disguised as a ~~~~joke~~~~#but the core problem is that you are a stupid fucking yank luxuriating in your own ignorance#and then having the nerve to pat yourself on the back and be all ‘woe is me’ bc ppl r rightfully calling you out for it. fuck you#hot tip: stay in your fucking lane if you don’t know shit#and don’t double down when yr ignorance and classism is brought to light maybe#im glad you turned off reblogs on yr stupid post bc u were rightfully getting cooked and you knew it#and yet yr bruised ego won’t let you actually delete it. grow up#I blocked the op of that idiotic post so he’ll never see this and good riddance for that. fuck him for real#plus any other idiot Americans who agreed with him. fuck all of you too I hope you lose access to all the foods you love forever#yelling and snarling
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thethief1996 · 7 months
I can't stop thinking about the news out of Palestine. Israel is sieging al Shifa hospital. Videos of people's limbs being severed off are haunting (graphic video tw). The hospital has ran out of fuel and 39 babies in incubators are fending for their lives by themselves, because Israel has stationed snipers around the hospital and is shooting all medical crew that walks into their sight.
First, the narrative was Israel would never bomb hospitals. Now, the hospitals are Hamas bases. Then, we respect journalists. Now, we have a fucking kill list of journalists because they are Hamas collaborators. First, we are not letting fuel in until the hostages are released. Now, we are not accepting the hostages back because that would stop our ground invasion and let Hamas win. And I could go on about every single lie they're making up. If you look up "Hamas rape" on google, the first link leads to Times of Israel saying Israel has found no forensic evidence of sexual violence, and only one eyewitness testimony out of 3.5k people attending the rave. If you Google "Hamas beheaded babies" the top links say they have no evidence for the claim besides word of mouth from extremist soldiers. Israeli extremists think about the ugliest goriest scene they can make out in their sick heads, tell that to a international journalist and they run away with it like it's gospel.
And children are being killed in the name of these lies. Thousands are being displaced in images that remind me of the pictures of Tantura 75 years ago, with their hands up so the tanks don't shoot them. Amputees are leaving the hospitals in wheelchairs hours after their surgeries because they are being shot at. Elders who survived the Nakba on 48 are having to walk towards Southern Gaza on foot (imagine walking from one end of your city to the other on foot), displaced again. People are cheering for the haunting images of white phosphorus bombs being dropped over Gaza. Gazan workers who were arrested in the West Bank are being thrust back into the bombings wearing numbered labels.
This is not normal. We are seeing the early stages of the settler colonial genocide of an indigenous population. Native leaders who have visited Gaza say its refugee camps look eerily like reservations. We can stop this. For the first time we are able to see wide scale accounts from the hands of the people suffering the genocide, and Israel is so scared of it they have cut all communications in Gaza.
This is our litmus test. I think we have never seen more clearly, with Palestine, Armenia, Congo and Sudan how colonialism has made our world a rotten place to live in.
The South African apartheid collapsed due to boycotts. We have to do everything in our power to stop Israel's hegemony. Even talking to a group of friends about Palestine changes the status quo. There's no world where we can live peacefully if Israel accomplishes their goals.
Keep yourself updated and share Palestinian voices. Muna El-Kurd said every tweet is like a treasure to them, because their voices are repressed on social media and even on this very app. Make it your action item to share something about the Palestinian plight everyday. Here are some resources:
Al Jazeera, Anadolu Agency, Mondoweiss
Boycott Divest Sanction Movement
Palestinian Youth Movement is organizing protests and direct action against weapons factories across the US
Mohammed El-Kurd (twitter / instagram)
Muhammad Shehada (twitter)
Motaz Azaiza (instagram) - reporting directly from Gaza.
Hind Khudary - reporting directly from Gaza. Her husband and daughter moved South to run from the tanks but she stayed behind to record the genocide. The least we can do is not let her calls fall on deaf ears.
You can participate in boycotts wherever you are in the world, through BDS guidelines. Don't be overwhelmed by gigantic boycott lists. BDS explicitly targets only a few brands which have bigger impact. You can stop consuming from as many brands as you want, though, and by all means feel free to give a 1 star review to McDonalds, Papa John, Pizza Hut, Burger King and Starbucks. Right now, they are focusing on boycotting the following:
Carrefour, HP, Puma, Sabra, Sodastream, Ahava cosmetics, Israeli fruits and vegetables
Push for a cultural boycott - pressure your favorite artist to speak out on Palestine and cancel any upcoming performances on occupied territory (Lorde cancelled her gig in Israel because of this. It works.)
If you can, participate in direct action or donate.
Palestine Action works to shut down Israeli weapons factories in the UK and USA, and have successfully shut down one of their firms in London.Some of the activists are going on trial and are calling for mobilizing on court.
Palestinian Youth Movement is organizing direct actions to stop the shipping of wars to Israel. Follow them.
Educate yourself. Read into Palestinian history and the occupation. You can't common sense people out of decades of propaganda. If your arguments crumble when a zionist brings up the "disengagement of Gaza", you have to learn more.
Read Decolonize Palestine. They have 15 minute reads that concisely explain the occupation (and its colonial roots) and debunk popular myths, including pinkwashing.
Read on Palestine. Here's an amazing masterpost.
Verso Book Club is giving out free books on Palestine (I personally downloaded Ten Myths about Israel by Ilan Pappe. If you still believe in the two states solution, this book by an Israeli professor debunks it).
Call your representatives. The Labour Party in the UK had an emergency meeting after several councilors threatened to resign if they didn't condemn Israeli war crimes. Calling to show your complaints works, even more if you live in a country that funds genocide.
FOR PEOPLE IN THE USA: USCPR has developed this toolkit for calls, here's a document that autosends emails to your representatives and here's a toolkit by Ceasefire in Gaza NOW!
FOR PEOPLE IN EUROPE: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace targeting the European Parliament and one specific for almost all countries in Europe, including Germany, Ireland, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Greece, Norway, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Finland, Austria, Belgium Romania and Ukraine
FOR PEOPLE IN THE UK: Friends of Al-Aqsa UK and Palestine Solidarity UK have made toolkits for calls and emails
FOR PEOPLE IN AUSTRALIA: Here's a toolkit by Stand With Palestine
FOR PEOPLE IN CANADA: Here's a toolkit by Indepent Jewish Voices for Canada
Join a protest. Here's a constantly updating list of protests:
Global calendar
Another global calendar (go to the instragram of the organizers to confirm your protest)
USA calendar
Australia calendar
Feel free to add more.
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nabulsi · 7 months
I just want to reiterate. It's great that y'all are following Palestinians and indigenous people and reblogging from us and boosting our voices. But the goal isn't just to be spoonfed information. Educating yourself means you need to pick up a book from the many many reading lists put together for you by Palestinians and read articles from diverse sources. You need to be doing that. Please tell me you are doing that, too, not just reblogging from us and calling it a day.
We try to fact check and be thorough but we get tired too.
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robylovi · 10 months
ppl calling themselves “whitewashed” irritates me soo much
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neechees · 5 days
I honestly dont think White users on tumblr especially are actually reading any educational texts outside of MAYBE sometimes Queer theory featuring White people bc so many White users can barely be bothered to read text posts on tumblr gently explaining racism while holding their hand.
Thats why you have proshitters unironically calling teens who voice discomfort with the sexualization of child characters their age (or younger) "fascists", and why you have White users flinch and cry and sob about potential alleged deportation or genocide when Indigenous people so much breathe the word "landback" & "decolonization", why even White American & Canadian users somehow don't know about incredibly influencial, popular movements or political terms like MMIW or Idle No More (& they don't even know what those initials stand for despite living in the country it originated).
None of you know what anything means or is or bother to read or Google it to educate yourself & instead you just shit your pants in nonwhite users' inboxes & reblogs
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fdelopera · 8 months
Yo Goyim! Looks like I'm going to need to give some of you a crash course on what antisemitic language looks like, because I've been seeing entirely too much of it from some of you here on Tumblr.
Now, I think it's time for a Jewish history lesson, because I've been seeing way too many Nazi-related conspiracy theories going around. If you hear contradictions to the basic information that I am about to share (i.e., if you hear someone saying that the Jewish people are "a race that originated in Europe"), it is likely that you are hearing a white supremacist, anti-Jewish conspiracy theory.
So, here's the basics of Jewish history. Jews are indigenous to the Levant have been there for thousands of years. The Levantine people that Jews descended from have been in that area of the Levant since the Bronze Age. Jews as a distinct people have been there since the Late Bronze Age. Before it was Palestine it was the Kingdom of Judah, then Judea, and then Judaea, and that is literally where we are from. The word Jew means "a person from the Kingdom of Judah." The Romans renamed the area Syria-Palaestina (which they borrowed from the Greek name Palestina) in the 2nd century CE after destroying the Second Temple in Jerusalem and leading another campaign to try to eradicate the Jewish people (guess what, we're still here, motherfuckers).
And even after the Romans tried to annihilate us, even after they scattered many of us into European diaspora, many Jews came back, again and again over the ages, and there have nearly always been Jewish communities in the region throughout history.
And if you come for me or try to dispute any of this history with white supremacist bullshit, I am a Jew who has studied way more Jewish history than you. And as politely as possible, you can take your white supremacist conspiracy theories and fuck off into the sun.
Okay, with all that out of the way, let's get into it!
Gloves are coming off, because this is just a sampling of the Nazi dogwhistles I've been seeing here on Tumblr about the Jewish civilians who were tortured, murdered, and worse:
- If you say shit like, "The Jews got what they deserved"...
GUESS WHAT? You're talking like a white supremacist, and you need to fucking check yourself.
- And if, on the other hand, you say shit like, "The reports were probably overblown. I think those were paid actors. I don't think those Jews were murdered. No Jewish children were killed. No Jewish bodies were desecrated" blahblahblah...
GUESS WHAT? You get to sit with the Nazis at their table for lunch.
- If you tell Jews "go back to Europe where you came from"...
GUESS WHAT? Not only are you telling the descendants of Jewish refugees to go back to the Spanish Inquisition, the Russian pogroms, and the Nazi gas chambers, as I explained in this post, but you are also repeating a white supremacist conspiracy theory about the origins of European Jews.
Jews are a Levantine people from the area of the Middle East currently called Israel (formerly called the Kingdom of Judah, and then Judea). While there was some emigration to Europe during the late Roman Republic and the early days of the Roman Empire, the first mass migration of Jews to Europe was a forced migration. Gentiles from the Roman Empire dragged us there as captives after 70 CE, the year Rome destroyed the Second Temple.
- And if you're telling yourself that there are "good Jews" and "bad Jews," and those Jewish civilians were "bad Jews," so they deserved to be tortured and killed...
GUESS WHAT? You're spouting white supremacist ideology.
Antisemitism takes a long time to deprogram.
A lot of gentiles grow up with anti-Jewish ideology that they have never questioned.
And a lot of Christians are kept ignorant about Jewish history because preachers and priests fear it would make Christians question the many inaccuracies in the Bible.
But the first step in noticing antisemitic beliefs is to notice when you start singling people out *because* they are Jewish.
And I have been seeing some of you gleefully celebrating the murder of Jewish civilians *because* they are Jewish.
And that is antisemitism.
That is one step closer to the next generation of Jews getting shoved into the gas chambers. And there are only 16 million of us left in the entire world. We're 0.2% of the world's population. And we cannot afford another Holocaust.
And if your response to me saying that is, "Well, those Jews deserve it."
Guess what. You are making it easier for Nazis and white supremacists to spread hatred and commit acts of violence against Jewish people. And you will have to live with that blood on your conscience.
If you are a gentile, and you see other gentiles repeating these kinds of white supremacist dogwhistles about Jewish people, here's how you can help:
1. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Help them direct their focus away from attacking random Jewish people online and towards helping Palestinians.
Actions that people can take right now are contributing to verified charities and relief organizations that help the people of Gaza. Only donate to organizations that are verified by CharityNavigator.org and CharityWatch.org.
2. Call that shit out. Tell people that they're being antisemitic, and explain that Jew-hatred is dangerous to Jewish people. Antisemitism gets Jews attacked and it gets Jews killed. In the US, many synagogues require round the clock security to protect against white supremacists who want to murder Jews. In Pittsburgh, my old home town, a group of Nazis from north of the city planned the murder of Jewish congregants at Tree of Life Synagogue, and so far only one of them (the gunman) has been arrested and convicted of the murders. The others are still at large.
3. Explain to them that it is antisemitic to celebrate someone's death *because* they're Jewish. ALSO, it is antisemitic to blame a random Jewish person for the actions of ANY government, whether that be the Israeli Government or the US Government.
4. Explain to people that they're not going to solve this conflict by posting antisemitic statements and memes online. All they will do is alienate the Jewish people in their lives and make those Jews feel scared and unsafe. And they will contribute to this current wave of antisemitism.
Antisemitic hatred doesn't help Palestinians. All it does is put Jewish people around the world in danger.
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radiofreederry · 8 months
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It is both historically ignorant and unimaginably disrespectful to the native peoples of this continent to say inane shit like this, which erases and renders invisible the centuries of Native resistance to displacement, genocide, and settlement, resistance that was violent, resistance which killed settlers, resistance which, importantly, has not concluded. Wounded Knee, Standing Rock, Gaza, all of these events are expressions of indigenous resistance to colonial occupation. It is utterly racist to regard indigenous resistance as a spent force, because it very much is not.
Palestine will be free. There will be LandBack. Colonialism will die screaming everywhere on this earth it has sunk in its hooks. Accept these principles or cease calling yourself a leftist.
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gluppingshitto · 1 year
I stg some Europeans literally just need to Google the word "diaspora."
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imhidingonceagain · 1 year
QSMP English speaking fans:
I wanted to clarify some things because it seems like some of you are confused about the nationalities/ ethnic groups of the content creators on the server. So... If you want to educate yourself keep reading.
Spanish creators: A Spanish person is a person born in Spain. You may only call Spanish to the creators that were born in Spain.
Hispanic creators: A Hispanic person is a person whose mother language is Spanish but that person might not necessarily be from Spain (you may call them Spanish speaking creators as well but please don't call someone from Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, etc. just "Spanish". If you're gonna use it make sure to put the "speaking" in front of it).
For example: Vegetta and Quackity are both Hispanic because both of them come from countries that speak Spanish (Spain and Mexico). Quackity, however is not Spanish while Vegetta is.
Latin American creators: A Latin American (most of the time people just use the word Latin) person is someone who was born in the Latin American region (a series of countries with historical, political and social similarities). Most countries in Latin American speak Spanish. However, not every country in Latín America speak Spanish.
Brazil, for example, speaks Portuguese.
Therefore: A Brazilian content creator is Latin American but not Hispanic (because they don't speak Spanish).
EDIT: (This is very important).
Please refrain from calling people from Brazil "Portuguese" they speak Portuguese because they were colonized by Portugal but Brazil is an independent country)
Another tip: Latin American people are vastly diverse.
So, Latinos can be Indigenous, black, white, mixed. Asian, etc.
Roier (from Mexico) and Spreen (from Argentina) are both Hispanic and Latino.
Roier and Spreen, on the other hand, are not Spanish content creators because they do not come from Spain.
Rubius and Vegetta (from Spain): Can be called both Spanish (born in Spain) and Hispanic (born in a country that speaks Spanish).
Rubius and Vegetta however, cannot be called Latin American (Because they were born in a European country)
Cellbit and Forever (from Brazil) are Latin American.
Cellbit and Forever, however, are not Spanish (they weren't born in Spain) or Hispanic (they don't belong to a Spanish speaking country)
Spanish creators:
Hispanic creators:
Latin American creators:
Lastly. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm over explaining.
I've seen some confusion and I wanted to clarify.
If you have any questions on any creator let me know.
(I'll leave a map I stole from the internet lol)
Again, I don't want to offend anyone, just educate
EDIT 2: There are countries missing on the map. I'm sorry, it is a very simple map I tried my best. If any of you find a better one let me know.
Or do your own post :)
There are more terms missing but if I add them this post will be too long. I apologize for that as well.
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edenfenixblogs · 7 months
How do you know if you’re antisemitic?
Well, if a Jew telling you you’re antisemitic won’t make you believe it, here is a guide to help you figure it out yourself.
1. Do you think Jews, en masse, are ACTIVELY REPLACING/ATTEMPTING TO REPLACE some other group — especially a somehow more deserving group? (For example, White people, Black people, African people, Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, indigenous people, etc.) Do you feel there are JUST TOO MANY JEWS IN A GIVEN LOCATION?
2. Do you think Jews are PRETENDING TO BE SOMETHING THAT THEY ARE NOT? (For example, White, PoC, “Real” Jews, Indigenous/Native, an Ethnic Minority, Devoted Citizens of [YOUR COUNTRY] etc.)?
3. Do you think Jews are CONTROLLING OR ATTEMPTING TO CONTROL SOME INTEGRAL ASPECT OF SOCIETY? (For example, the government, media, banks, business, medicine, etc.)
4. Do you think Jews that you criticize are UNIQUELY BLOODTHIRSTY OR GENOCIDAL — especially when hoping for personal achievement or cultural supremacy? (For example, trying to stage a global war so they can control the world; using/consuming blood of Christians and babies to do satanic rituals; sexually seducing non-Jews in order to contaminate bloodlines and erase other pre-existing identities; immigrating to a new location with the intention of murdering those who already exist there; desiring to murder Arabs, Muslims, or Palestinians in their homelands by means of genocide in order to control a region at the exclusion of other ethnicities, etc.)
5. Do you think Jews are APPROPRIATING A PRIVILEGE THAT THEY DO NOT DESERVE AND THAT DOES NOT BELONG TO THEM? (For example, freedom, wealth, power, whiteness, G-d’s favor, a safe home in the Levant, Arab land, colonial power, representation as a minority group, etc.)
6. Do you think Jews at large or the specific Jews you disagree with and who wield power in a way you disapprove of CAN BE COLLECTIVELY LABELED? (For example, might you call them slaves, vermin, insects, dirty, scheming, communists, fascists, Nazis, satanic, Zionists, scum, etc.)
IF YOU ANSWERED YES TO ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS YOU ARE AN ANTISEMITE. This is literally textbook antisemitism. If you answered, well yeah but only “the Jews in Israel” or “the ones who vote for Bibi” or the “ones who moved to my town/country/region” or if you saw something on one of the lists and think “well no fair! That one is actually true,” your exception isn’t exceptional. You haven’t found the one true bad thing that Jews ACTUALLY are. It’s not some conspiratorial propaganda to equate reasonable beliefs with hate. You’re just hateful. Some part of you hates Jews. And you have to confront what that part of you is and you have to destroy it if you want to engage in any conversations that impact Jewish welfare anywhere in the world.
One way to start deconstructing is to ask yourself “Why do I feel this way?” “From whom did I learn to think this way?” “Who in my life approves and supports me thinking this way?” “Am I comfortable telling a Jewish person I feel this way in person?” “How do I think a Jewish person will feel/What do I think a Jewish person will think if I tell them this?” “Do I care what they feel or think? Why or why not?” “How would I feel/what would I think if someone felt this way or thought this way about me or an identity I value deeply?”
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psychotrenny · 4 months
I kinda hate it when ostensible leftists throw around meaningless Liberal criticisms. Like you can just condemn a state for the cruel and unjustifiable actions it's committing. Like Israel is an Imperialist Settler Colonist state that's been exploiting, ethnically cleansing and committing the genocide of indigenous Palestinians for it's entire existence with the intensity of this violence increasing in recent months as reprisals for recent acts of Palestinian resistance. It's not a fucking "illegitimate" or "terrorist" state because that's meaningless.
Whether a state is recognised as legitimate or not by under the Imperialist dominated world order means literally nothing about the morality of continued existence. And for what it's worth only 15% of UN member nations do not recognise the Sovereignty of Israel, meaning that by most definitions of the word it is in fact a legitimate nation; to be clear this demonstrates the uselessness of "legitimacy" as a concept rather than the righteousness of Israel's continued existence. Meanwhile the use of the word "Terrorism" has heavy connotation of non-state actors; while at it's broadest people may define it as "use of violence and intimidation to achieve political aims", but if such a broad definition was used in practice the term would be diluted beyond all meaning. The word "terrorism" is rarely used for the actions of states except as an extreme pejorative. The phrase "Terrorist State" is basically only used by Imperialists as a label they use to justify the violence they inflict on oppositional regimes. It's never used in a useful analytical or even descriptive way; it means nothing beyond being a pure insult and call to arms against the target.
Like you can condemn Israel for what it actually is using words that actually mean something; you don't have to keep repeating the same buzzwords that liberals use against states like Cuba and North Korea. You aren't gonna achieve much if you limit yourself to employing the language of Imperialism against it's masters. This rhetoric is rooted in a very specific ideology; it can't simply be pulled out and reversed
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prismatic-bell · 1 month
Not to be that goy, but my web browser skills are non existant, and you have been a vital resource for learning about jewish perspectives for me. (Ie. If this ask is too much to deal with. I get it. Ignore it and/or tell me to fuck off)
It has been nightmarishly difficult to differentiate between non antisemitic palestinian advocacy and antisemitc palestinian advocacy. So for the most part my involvement has been, i do not have the spoons for this so im staying out of it and unfollowing and blocking anyone being a blatant asshole about it.
Is the boycott of eurovision one of the less antisemitic parts of the pro-palestine movement or am i going to be treating this as yet another dog whistle?
1) claim #1: Israel should not be allowed to perform because it’s committing genocide. Aside from the fact that quite a few experts have said IT ISN’T: let’s remove every country that’s committed genocide since 1901–
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….oh. Well, that’s embarrassing. (And I missed Sweden and its attempts to get rid of the Sámi, so it’s even worse than that graphic makes it look.) Maybe just the ones doing it right now, which is surely just Israel—
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…..or not.
Clearly, it’s not actually about genocide.
2) claim #2: Israel should not be able to participate because it isn’t in Europe. There is a small amount of merit in this—except that nobody is calling for Australia, Azerbaijan, or Armenia to be removed on the same grounds. Incidentally, if we’re going based entirely on geographic location, there are two other countries that ought to get the boot by virtue of being at least partly over the Europe-Asia border.
So it’s not actually about location.
3) claim #3: Israel shouldn’t be able to participate because it’s a colony. I’m going to say something controversial: most of Israel is not, because you can’t colonize a place you’re indigenous to, HOWEVER, because the West Bank was intended to be specifically a Palestinian state, I think the settlements there could count as colonization. Okay, I’ll give you that one. Surely the protestors are calling for the removal of all countries that currently have colonial holdings—
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Special shoutout to the UK, by the way, which IS a colony. The Welsh, Cornish, (some) Irish, and Scottish people are under English rule, and the English have very cleverly put it into their own laws that none of those countries can declare independence unless England says it’s okay.
(Also, I feel like if you’re going to yell about colonization and Eurovision, maybe we should discuss how all Eurovision entries must be in English.)
So it’s not really about colonization.
Claim #4: Israel is trying to sneak propaganda in with its song, so it shouldn’t be allowed to participate.
This one is so fucking stupid I’m just going to say “judge for yourself.”
Yes, it’s about the grief of 10/7. But if you didn’t know that, you WOULDN’T know it, and grief is not political.
So it’s not really about politics or propaganda.
And finally,
Claim #5: Israel shouldn’t be allowed to participate because it’s an ethnostate and those are bad.
So first, Israel is not an ethnostate. Only 73% of its population are Jews; over a quarter belong to other ethnicities. But sure, I’ll play: every country with a population that’s 74% or more from one ethnicity is now disinvited from Eurovision!
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Also, wanna know why Poland is crossed off in red? Because it’s 98% one ethnicity. Now THAT is an ethnostate.
But this one is getting warmer, because….
It’s not about genocide, or colonialism, or politics…but it is about how many Jews there are.
It’s antisemitism, plain and simple.
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avian-misdemeanors · 3 months
hey goyim you don't know what zionism is
zionism is not:
-murder all Palestinians!
-conquer Gaza!
-Jewish fascism!
zionism is:
-an incredibly varied Jewish philosophy
-an intrinsic part of Judaism, deeply entwined with our culture, history, and ethnoreligion
-a belief in the Jewish homeland in the historic region now known as Israel
-a yearning to live safe and free in that homeland
Jews are naturally argumentative with each other. we debate and disagree constantly and it's one of the things we love about each other. there are almost as many interpretations of, and approaches to zionism as there are Jews. for most of us zionism, is peacefully living alongside the Palestinian people in our shared homeland. for most of us it's just Jewish safety, freedom, and self-determination in our indigenous lands. for most of us it's just living in a place where we won't be killed just for being Jewish.
for an extreme minority of Jews (such as Benjamin Netanyahu), it's twisted into some kind of violent pseudo-fascism.
But overall, zionism is a Jewish term for a Jewish concept and when Jews tell you you're using it wrong the right thing to do is to fucking stop and correct yourself.
I'm an anarchist, I believe in freedom and self-determination for all peoples and hope for a world in which we don't need the apparatus of the state to ensure that for anyone. I also believe in Jewish freedom, safety, and self-determination in our ancestral lands alongside the Palestinians who also call the land home.
my personal philosophy is best described as anarcho-zionism (with communist/primitivist leanings but we don't need to get into that now).
but yeah. you don't get to tell Jews what our words mean so fucking stop. and if you're frothing at the mouth to misbehave at me right now because of this post then you're only proving my point.
rant over I guess.
am Yisrael chai.
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