#and doing my own story with it 🤔👍
wyllzel · 2 years
just spent the last uhhhhhhh 4 hours plotting out a last minute novel for nanowrimo wish me luck LOL
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rose-riot-johnson · 24 days
News... I have finally decided to write about a particular character from the Dragon Ball series, which is Gohan, obviously😃👍I really figured I'd figure out on what his adulthood would be like, if either he was never with Videl or he was divorced and my motivation with doing so, is that I really wanted to find a way to write a fanfic about him without writing any fanfic ideas that will paint him in a bad light (especially if it's not my intention to do) pertaining with pairing him with the reader🤔💡As for the reader I do think the reader will have the author role or the role of someone who has ever thought of being an author💡📖✍️👩‍💻
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👩‍💻📗🟠Since They're Not Going To Publish Your Story I Will Take You To Someone Who Will🟠📗👩‍💻(Gohan x Female Reader)
Genres: Comfort
You've been in a relationship with Gohan for a few years since, (up to the reader's imagination on when your relationship with him started and the situation (good or bad or both or neither) that led to you going out with him in the first place). Aside from your other income (up to reader's imagination pertaining the reader's income), you also have a passion for writing, especially with writing your own book and to find a publisher to publish your own book one day, regardless if it's paperback or digital (and/or online). With your passion for writing a book about (up to reader's imagination on what type of book the reader's working on), Gohan is excited to hear about it, considering that he does enjoy reading, especially comic books.
One day, you came home from a publisher, with tears in your eyes, as if you're worried about having a difficult time talking. Gohan noticed that you were feeling down, as he asked, "Is there something wrong, (female reader name)? And how was talking to the company that's supposed to publish the book you were working on?". You hesitated to talk at first, however you know you're hurting inside as not talking made you feel worse.
You broke down in tears, as you stated, "Today has just turned out to be a horrible day for me... The people who work inside of the company that I was going to have my book published through rejected the book I have written... They said that no one would want to read my garbage story, because they felt I shouldn't be an author due to how I written my story inside the book... They claim that this would be the worst book anyone would had ever read, said other horrible stuff about my book, then claimed no one's going to publish any of my books, claiming I should just give up being an author, while saying I suck at it to the point that I should forget about getting this book of mine or any stories, published! So, I'm just giving up!", as you started to sob. Gohan then went to hug you, with your head on his chest, as he responded, "No need to give up, hun... You just need to gather your thoughts and keep climbing... I get it wasn't a good day for you and you're under alot of stress, darling... I will let you lay down and take a nap... I'm reading your book to see why the people who are supposed to publish your book, refuse to publish your story... I will be back, precious...", before kissing your forehead, to let you lay on the bed you share with him, while he reads your story. He just knew something wasn't adding up about the publishers refusing to publish your story.
After Gohan finished reading the book you worked on, he watched you sleep, considering that he didn't want to wake you up. Once you woke up from your nap, he went on the bed to hold you, as he explained, "I finished reading your story and I wanted to makesure you wake up on your own to tell you this... Some of the things these people were saying are just uncalled for... Seems to me like these publishers are too judgemental and overly critical towards you based on how you have written your story for your book... They're far from constructive... I feel these people who refused to publish your story like to say things that are unsolicited statements... They're belittling you... Your book might need a little work... I just honestly think that your book isn't as bad, as they're making it out to be and your first book would have been an amazing book for reader's to read... I'm sure some people would read it... Tomorrow, I will take you to someone who might publish your story... It's not usually her thing to do... My dad (Goku) has told me this rumor that she might start publishing books...". "Okay, Gohan... I trust you...", you replied, while he's still holding you.
The next day, Gohan took you to Capsule Corporation to see about getting your book published here. "I thought Capsule Corporation isn't about publishing books, Gohan... I thought you were taking me to someone who might publish my story...", you commented, giving Gohan a confused look on your face. He responded, "I am, (female reader name)... This is why I took you to Capsule Corporation... And considering that Bulma is the founder of Capsule Corporation, an engineer, a scientist, and an inventor, she might actually start publishing books, according to my father... This is why I took you there, hun...".
Bulma then cheered, "Hello, Gohan and (female reader name)! What brings the both of you here?". Gohan then explained to Bulma about hearing a rumor pertaining the possibility of her possibly publishing books, as she confirmed that she is before she became curious, if there's any particular reason why he's interested to know. This was when Both you and Gohan explained a very long story about the people rejecting your story and their critical and judgemental reasons why they refused to publish your book. Bulma became mad when both you and Gohan mentioned about the name of publishing company who rejected your book.
Bulma remarked, "Oh I have heard of this publication company that you've mentioned to me about! I actually had a few incidents with those jerks before! And now they rejected your story over this!", before she vowed, "Don't worry, (female reader name)... They will be sorry for rejecting your book like that... I will see it through that your book will get published, since this is for you... I won't publish just for anyone... You're just one if those people I will publish for... I am definitely going to publish right away, since these people in the (publishing company name up to the reader's imagination), did you dirty, especially the evil boss there!", showing her devilish smile. You weren't sure how to take her devilish smile, however you were relieved that you've managed to finally find someone who's willing to publish your very first story. "See, (female reader name)? Everything is going to work out now... I knew there was someone who would publish your story...", Gohan happily said.
In the matter of days and weeks of getting your story published, you managed to get millions of copies of your published book sold. Gohan (and Bulma) celebrate your success of your published story. There are even fans and critics alike who said plenty of good things about your book and there's a critic who even said you have a bright future ahead of you, the way you gave written your story and would want to see you write more stories in the future.
As for the publishing company who rejected your story a while ago, the truth somehow came to many people, including your fans and critics to the point where the publishing company tried pleading to you about publishing the next book you make, as they admitted they were wrong for rejecting your book, considering they know about your success. Your response to the publishing company is, "You shouldn't have rejected my first book in the first place, you jerks... Since I've found someone who's willing to publish my story, you can shove it! It's a blessing in disguise that I never had you as my publisher to begin with! No thanks to you toxic people, however thanks to my boyfriend Gohan, right with my good friend Bulma, who is the founder of Capsule Corporation and also my publisher, I never gave up! You can stay where you are now, while I can keep going up without you! Good bye!". Not too long after that (publishing company name up to reader's imagination) ended up going out of business before they could even decide to file for bankruptcy.
While Bulma is still publishing your first book, while publishing more of your books after that, Gohan has also been praising on how proud he is of you for never giving up on being an author and telling the now former publishing company off. Gohan (and Bulma both) enjoy seeing you succeed in your dreams. He was definitely right to tell you don't need to give up, which was the best advice you had ever followed and listening to Gohan were also the best decisions you had ever made.
I hope you enjoyed this fanfic my Tumblr Peeps😁👍Honestly aside from Trunks and Piccolo, Gohan was also 1 of the characters I was thinking about writing about 1st, however I'm very glad I did write about every character from the Dragon Ball series that I have written about and I really had fun writing all of the fanfics pertaining them, especially Gohan😃👍Character wise I honestly admire Gohan and I'm really reliving that part of me, considering that I found him very cool😁👍It really makes me happy to write a fanfic about him and I honestly wouldn't mind writing another fanfic about him, honestly😃👍 I'm just always fond of him, even since when I was a kid🟠🧸😁👍
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afreakingdork · 11 months
Miss Dork I've been a fan of your work since Crush Too Much & I'm reading Weak Spot religiously when it updates. Thanks so much for your hard work! Your love for the purple turtle is strong 💜🐢👍
I am now attempting to write my own Future Donnie x Reader. As you've inspired me a whole ton!
I know he's written differently in WS due to his backstory but you've written him closer to 'canon" in previous works.
Any tips on how to keep his character quirks from the show but write him a bit older/mature?
Thank you!
Ah thank you so much for sticking around!!! It warms my heart to know you enjoy both! I do love that purple turtle so very very much.
Ack! Thank you also for saying I've inspired you!! You get it writing your own! I'm so proud of you!
Tips, hm.... 🤔 I don't know how other people feel about it, but I consider Weak Spot to be more of a canon divergence fic that follows along canon with only minor tweaks affecting the overall outcome. Distilling it down to it's simplest points the changes are: Donnie was not found by Splinter after the lab explosion, Donnie arrives on the surface around the same time 'Mutant Mayhem' occurs for the other boys, the other boys don't meet him until 'Bug Busters,' then pretty much everything else happens in that timeline with the new set up.
That doesn't answer your question though!
Honestly, I just take experience from how me and my friends have grown. We're still the exact same people, we've only grown or as I like to think about it 'refined.' Taking me for example, I was a feral child. I was suspended in kindergarten for smashing a car window. I never saw a day of recess because I was in constant detention until 4-5th grade. Now that sounds terrible, but allow me to explain why. I smashed the car window attempting to entertain my friends. I came from a very poor elementary school where we had very little usable equipment, no funds for replacement, and bigger kids got first dibs. I would lead these created games for my friends as a way to make up for it because I hate for anyone to be bored.
Now you may not know me well because of the barrier of the internet and what I choose to show, but when you distill it down, that PERFECTLY sums me up as a person. I will bend over backwards to my own demise to be the cartoon character that entertains the ones I love. I still do that. I have never stopped because doing that makes me happy. I love making others happy.
So apply that to the boys, let's take Raph for example. Raph in the series is a teenager like the rest of them. He's not perfect; he's got low intelligence, but high wisdom and he's stressed himself out caring for his brothers. Now bad future changes the factors, so let's just say they continue along a good future for the sake of this discussion. How do those factors look as you grow? Eventually, and we see this at the end of the show/movie, he's beginning to learn to let go and trust that his brothers can take care of themselves. Where does that leave him? Logics sake says he's probably going to want to find himself outside of those parameters. What does he find? He could find that he misses being a caretaker and that is why you see many people in the fandom putting him in a caring role in the future (Casey's father figure, ect). He could also suffer as many oldest children do that were forced to take care of their siblings and become detached and seemingly uncaring. It's not that he doesn't care for others, but it will stunt him in future relationships because he's removed himself so far from having to care for others, to live for himself, that he'll be seen as selfish. On and on! We could keep coming up with scenarios.
I think what's most important when aging a character when you have no reference, is you get in your head why. If you're following canon, think about the story you're telling and how character would get from point A to point B. How do you see the characters in the future? Do you want Raph to run a flower shop? Then say he shifted and realized he liked caring for things, but it was too exhausting to deal with sentient beings. There's something calm and reassuring about how much hard work you can put into plants. They truly are a product of how much effort you put in! It's clean results with little worries other than things outside your control. He's also Raph though so I imagine he also stresses tf out when he sees signs of aphids or the like. Cue to him nearly destroying his own shop to eradicate some itty bitty bugs.
Whoops, but yeah.
tldr; You're always you. Even in the future. It just so happens that life shapes you. How did life shape who you want to write?
I hope any of that helped!
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sea-owl · 2 years
Someone asked me about the story of how Michael and Sophie ended up in jail in the Spouses Friend Group Au. I don’t got the brain power right now for a full scene but have a look into the group chat. Side note this would happen before Gareth and Lucy joined the group. 
Here’s for those that need a reference this is the post and here’s the first post that started this au. 
Lady of Secrets: Hey Simon, we might need some bail money, and a lawyer.
Lily Mama: BAIL MONEY?! 
Lily Mama: LAWYER?! 
Lily Mama: WHOSE IN JAIL?!?!?!?!
Lady of Secrets: Sophie and Michael, they got charged with disturbing the peace
Duke of Uncledom: 🙄😓...how much?
Plant Nerd: I understand Michael but how did Sophie end up in jail?
Lady of Secrets: Drunk Sophie apparently likes to pickpocket. 
Lily Mama: Shit 😳
Lily Mama: I thought she stopped that
Duke of Uncledom: No, Phillip and I have just redirected her to pickpocket one of us. Penelope how much money do you need? 
Lady of Secrets: 🤔
Lady of Secrets: Now that you say Simon that guy was about your height and build
Lady of Secrets: But anyway when the dude realized Sophie had his stuff he got in her face demanding it back. Michael saw that and immediately swung on him. After that it was a free for all. 
Duke of Uncledom: I’m surprised they just got charged with disturbing the peace.
Lady of Secrets: Guy was too embarrassed to admit Sophie pickpocketed him and because Michael only hit him in Sophie’s defense they gave them lesser charges. 
Plant Nerd: Pen you were supposed to keep an eye on Michael tonight, where were you?
Lady of Secrets: . . .
Plant Nerd: Penelope. . .🤨
Lady of Secrets: . . .
Lily Mama: Penelope Anne Featherington 😡
Lady of Secrets: 😳
Lady of Secrets: I may or may not have gotten into a verbal disagreement with a different guy across the bar
Plant Nerd: You cussed somebody out again? 
Plant Nerd: Did he deserve it? 👀
Lady of Secrets: Yes 😤
Plant Nerd: You’re off the hook
Lady of Secrets: 😮‍💨
Duke of Uncledom: I’m leaving the office now. Pen, I’ll be down there soon. 
Lady of Secrets: 👍
Lady of Secrets: You might want to hurry, Michael looks close to seducing the officer.
Plant Nerd: Of course he is . . .😑
Lily Mama: 😑
Duke of Uncledom: 😑
Lily Mama: Give them their phones back asap Simon. I have a few choice words to share with them. 😡
Duke of Uncledom: 🫡
“Is everything okay?” Anthony asked as Simon began to pack up his stuff. 
Simon sighed. “You know how you call your siblings your group of lovable dumbasses?”
“Yes,” Anthony said slowly, wondering where Simon was going with this. 
“Well two of my own lovable idiots apparently decided to start a bar fight last night and are currently sitting in a cell. The third is with them, how she didn’t get  arrested too I don’t know. All I know is I have to go get them now.”
Anthony looked startled. Simon mentioned his rag tag group of friends before, but he never thought Simon would actually do something like this for them. “Are they going to be okay?”
“Depends if Phillip can calm down Kate at all.” 
Duke of Uncledom: Okay Kate, I gave them back their phones
Silver Lady: 😳
Casanova: 😱
Duke of Uncledom: I see Kate is still mad as hell
Plant Nerd: I tried
Casanova: I’m not sorry for hitting him! He did not need to get in Sophie’s face like that. 
Silver Lady: Also how come Penelope isn’t getting yelled at? She was there!
Lady of Secrets: Kate already yelled at me while Simon was doing your paperwork, and you two were thanking him. 
Lily Mama: Good, at least you thanked Simon
Lily Mama: Also Penelope didn’t start the fight, nor did she get arrested. You two on the other hand sobered up in jail. 
Lily Mama: Well, what do you two have to say for yourselves? 
Silver Lady: I’m sorry for drunk pickpocketing and starting a bar fight
Lily Mama: Michael 🤨
Casanova: I’m sorry for worrying you all, but I’m not sorry for hitting him.
Lily Mama: Good enough
Silve Lady: 🤨
Lady of Secrets: 🤨
Casanova: 🤨
Plant Nerd: 🤨
Duke of Uncledom: That was pretty tame Kate
Lily Mama: I figured I go easy since Mary saw what happened last night on the news and saw our idiots getting arrested in the background. Now she’s demanding we all come over for dinner. 
Duke of Uncledom: Oh, I was wondering why Auntie was commanding me to meet her at Marry’s house this evening. 
Silver Lady: Shit
Lady of Secrets: Shit
Casanova: Shit
Plant Nerd: Good luck, and don’t die. I don’t want to get new roommates. 
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
I have a mighty thirst for Larry Johnson and I need to confess my sinful fantasies about him and anything to do with fucking him while we're both stoned as fuck.
I've pretty new to smoking weed still, I've only really used vape pens and edibles without having someone else roll or load a bong for me. Enter one sexy stoner god; Larry Johnson- The Weed Wizard.
One night it's just he and I hanging out, smoking weed and playing video games, and he playfully teases me and pats my back after I overdo it a bit and cough my lungs out for the fifth time.
I often get horny when I smoke weed, and I think Larry's regular joking around and ribbing would just have me squirming in my seat.
What I don't know is that he's noticed me not-so-subtly staring at his mouth out of the corner of my eye every time he takes a drag, biting my lip when he puts his hands over mine to properly grip the heavier bongs, putting an arm around my shoulders to lean in closer to light the bowl for me.
Before I can cough myself sore, Larry tells me he knows a trick to cough less- shotgunning.
I agree and he takes a long hit before pulling me close and exhaling slowly into my mouth without breaking eye contact. The next time he exhales, his lips are even closer to mine. After the third exhale of smoke he kisses me and then neither of can keep our hands off each other and fucks me to into the couch, all dazed and desperate. ~R
High Sex with Larry Johnson-
[CW: NSFW Lemon, Larry Johnson x (gn)reader, unsanitary, drug use, dubcon (technically bc you're both intoxicated???), MINORS DNI!]
>I'd bet he would think it was soooo cute that you're a baby stoner and would loooove showing you the ropes~ >:3c
>The process of getting your weed ready and smoking as foreplay is so good??? Selecting just the right strain to set the mood, taking a big whiff from the bag to build anticipation, him introducing his pieces (and maybe laughing and sharing stories about the names he gave them), picking out what flavor wrap you want, the sound and smell as he grinds up a nug, him carefully collecting all the keif left on the sides of the grinder with one of his paintbrushes, the way he licks the blunt suggestively while making eye contact, watching his hands as he breaks down the bud and loads the bowl just so, him insisting you get greens and lighting it for you while you hit it, competing a little over who can take the biggest bong rip, seeing him blow smoke rings or french inhale just to show off a little (and maybe teaching you how to do it, too)...~ Just 🥴💨💓💦💦💦
>High sex where you're just grinding away and it's so damn sloppy but you're too gone to care about the mess or the noise or the occasional slipup in rhythm 👍👍👍
>Sometimes one or both of you gets the giggles or gets distracted and you end up having a deep and/or silly off-topic conversation mid-coitus, then realize you're naked and remember you were in the middle of having sex and you get back to it 😂
>Also taking a pause once in a while to take another hit while you're fucking (maybe while one of you is still inside the other) 😩👌💨💘
>Okay but what if he rolls you your own blunt to enjoy while you lay back and he goes down on you (and he wont stop talking about how he has the munchies and that you're really hitting the spot right now)? Do you shotgun him hits off of it and taste yourself on his lips or what?? 🤔
>Alternatively, sucking his dick while he smokes a blunt and he dirty talks and praises you and pets your hair the entire time 🙈💞
>Or, you could just go with some casual mutual handjobs while passively watching tv and cuddling up, not in any hurry at all to get off, just relaxing and enjoying the intimacy of touching each other while stoned UwU 💋💨💘
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breadsandwiches · 2 years
Wanted to share my tdp playlists bc i honestly like how they turned out! 💃
Some of these were recommended by dragonprinceofficial! (a, c, v, s)
(Very in depth and thought provoking comments about my fave songs under the cut >>>)
Time, Stars, Universe Pretty ethereal star god vibes
Play with Fire Whatever his beef with the Sunfire peeps, im enjoying it and am glad he is too. slay queen (literally)
Dishonored 2 Main Theme creepy ominous spider-spinning-its-web vibes ok?
Inside the Cage Listen to sexy mental breakdown song.
In the Palace ~ Agitato Creepy fucked up butterfly beast. For context watch HxH, its fun!!! 😀 (< dead inside) Also soundtrack for Aaravos losing his mind in prison and making his puppets dance till their feet bleed! 😍
Adore Adore The story can change at the roll of a dice babeyy 😎 no fr the lyrics are fire
Throne Wrath and violence on planat earth
Nosk Spider-pulling-in-its-prey vibes. Callum wyd 👁👁
Dark Matter The drama.. the vibes.. "bring me your soul bring me your ~HATE~" *insert elmo fire gif*
Black Train/End Credits ~piano~ Also death etc. etc. idek. damn should this be on viren or claudia's playlist instead? 🤔
Restless Year I always imagine her dancing or playing the bass to this. Also this song was literally written about her /lie
W.I.T.C.H. We all know this would be on her playlist in a modern au.
My Zero It's fine, she's just gradually losing grip of her family and also herself, she's losing her beginnings 😀👍 ok
Selfless "You're mucking off, but I will live for you, my selfless love". Screaming crying throwing up etc.
Fireflies Nothing to say here except that it's perfect.
A Victory of Love Objectively a bop. Songs that make me Ascend™
Galaxies Honestly im just rlly invested in the modern au where she's a bassist in a cool band and this is one of the songs theyd be playing. but also the lyrics kinda fit
Spanish Sahara She can have a little vengeance as a treat. Also trauma <3
Young and Tragic sad :( baby magefam feels :((
The Unquiet Grave he's a corpse 👍
Werewolf Heart Thinking about Harrow, thinking about Lissa maybe. also those wolves and screams?? sir... 🧍‍♂️ Also sexy bass. what more do you want.
Mohammed Most sexy guitar ive ever heard ever im not joking. leave me alone
LA PAURA DEL BUIO lyrics fit pretty well. also this playlist has a criminal lack of angry rock songs
Fight Like Gods Lyrics and such
Way down We Go idk how to describe it without saying the word sexy again :/
The Sun Pretty 😳
Sleep Oughg (< relates a bit too much)
Ashes to Ashes idk man, its just pretty. like Viren <3 <3 <3
Into Dust damn ok tdpo
Beautiful Day idk this just has Soren all over to me. the early sunrise wake up feeling, the hopeful optimism idk man
Uptown Funk Originally wasn't putting this in but it is Sooo S1-2 Soren. Also this
Back Against The Wall A+ rec from tdpo
Ode To The Mets I am so normal about this song so normal i listen to it a regular amount haha *insert one of those feral stick figures with blood all over*
Run Magefam feels 💃
Edge of Darkness Next on Songs that make me Ascend™. "I've got love in my heart for an army apart" :(
Fill Your Heart This is one of my fave songs ever its so joyful i love it and I love Soren
Obstacles This song is already Not Ok on its own, but combined with the Soren-Claudia feels it's an atrocity 👍 Songs for floating away on a river never to return
What's Up Ya boy might not always be the brightest but he's definitely the more emotionally intelligent one also i love him so much hhskvhvhhvhvhbv
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captainmera · 1 year
Hello Hello! I read through your golden brother fic amd got caught up a few days ago! Wanted to say that it's absolutely PHENOMENAL! You explore hunter's dynamics with the cast so well, it's really beautiful! The way you handle vee makes me cry tears of joy, it's literally EVERYTHING I wished was covered in season 3, i love this identity crisis-ridden slug so much you have no clue 💚💚 It's like catharsis while also excelling in its own right 😭 so so effervescent
Also, Jacob???? NEVER expected anyone could (or would) take such a one-off guy and make him so interesting! Im loving the self-righteous parallels drawn between him, belos, and luz, and how all three of them go about handling that. it's very intriguing and I'm excited for how it turns out. 🤔🤔
It's very important that you know the palismen wanting to be in the microwave is the funniest thing ever, I start cry laughing whenever the Beep. shows up. And hunter gradually getting more lenient about it??? Like he's so done but also?? It's in line with his development in the story??? Slowly unlearning the behaviors instilled in him that perpetuate his paranoia and growing to be more relaxed and happy?? Represented by an adorable running gag??? PHENOMENAL work. Absolutely amazing.
sorry for the long ask I just really like this fic & thought you should know. k thx have a good one 👍
GOLDEN BROTHER FANFIC <- He is talking about this.
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Sweet titan, thank you!! (TTATT)!!!
And don't worry about long texts or rants!! I like it! %D <3333 It's fun! Aaaaaanyway...!!!
BIG RAMBLE (and some fanfic related doodles) BENEATH THE CUT!
That's so kind of you asdfghj I really appreciate it!! I love storytelling and character focused stories/plot/themes, and writing this fanfic has been a really nice exercise for me to indulge in that.
I'm making a story of my own which is also character driven! So, again, it's really nice to stretch my legs in writing too. :)
I'm glad you think so highly of my fanfiction!! I really wish a season 3 could've happened!! It's been fun trying to juggle all the characters and set them up for their own arcs.
Yes!! I feel like a lot of the show was building up a lot of themes to identity, finding yourself, loss/grief (of various kinds: Loss of family, loss of oneself, etc). But also showing the opposite theme: Of finding yourself, relief, peace and acceptance. Even moving onwards.
Themes that Vee represents/embodies really well - especially as a shapeshifter.
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I think, for one, Hunter and Luz was supposed to have opposite arcs. Hunter finds himself and Luz loses herself. They would balance, thematically, off of one another. While still keeping Luz' struggle as the main character as the force to move the plot along; Hunter's arc only getting spotlight to support/dual Luz journey/decline/rise.
Taking the season three episode titles, I lean on the "for the future" one the most, as I think Luz dealt with a lot of doubt about where she fits in and what she can provide going forward (both for herself and her friends/family).
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And I think Jacob would've been an interesting character. As much of a gag he is, he does represent certain aspects of both Luz and Belos.
He wants to be the chosen one (like both of them) and he wants to do something for his town (save it from witches, like Belos), and he wants to fit in with his community (like Luz) and can't quite find a way to do so. Perhaps even losing sight of what is going right in his life in favour of the grander greater thing (like both Belos and Luz) - That if they don't fit in with normal, perhaps it needs to be abnormal, and grand, and epic.
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..... I mean I say all that, the difficulty is pulling it off lmao asdfghj ||||||OTL|||||
AND THANK YOU FOR NOTICING THAT'S WHAT THE GAG IS ABOUT. I'm genuinely surprised people liked the gag so much, I was worried only I would think it was funny haha, but it also pleases me you picked up on it's purpose :'D I love that all I have to write is *Beep.* and y'all know what's happening. :'DD
thank you I really needed a nice message today (ToT)/ <333
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themetallicnemesis · 2 years
for the ask thing, whichever version of sun wukong you enjoy most
Hmmm to be completly honest im not sure which is the version i enjoy the most, like most wukongs to me are all different brands of a pretty cool guy so it's a bit hard to choose 🤔, so i think i'm just gonna answer for the Lego Wukong and the Jttw Wukong because those are the two i post about and think about the most:
Jttw Sun Wukong:
-How i feel about this character: He's a very complex character, and i like him a lot. Like, i'm bad at putting it exactly into words but even during moments of the story where he's doing wrong, he's still incredibly easy to sympathize with because you can kinda just see where he's coming from you know? He's a guy with a lot of layers that can't really be described as just a "Silly funny monkey" or "impulsive violent fiend" or anything of the sort, because the thing about trying to fit Swk into any kind of labels is that it's pretty much a fruitless task and i love that about him lol. I'm bad with words but yeah all that just makes him feel so real to me, and it's neat to see how different adaptations focus on certain aspects of his personality and each end up feeling a bit different from eachother as a result!
-All the people i ship romantically with this character: I love the Swk/Bull King/Princess Iron Fan dynamic and it's usually the ship i think about the most when it comes to him. And even though i usually see the pilgrims mostly in a platonic light, i also like Zhu Bajie/Swk cause they do have a hell of a fun dynamic. Guess Erlang can also fit in here.
-My non-romantic OTP for this character: Ao Lie. Because they kept calling him Little Dragon when he first appeared on the book i ended up with the image of him in my mind as a very young adult when compared to the other pilgrims. I can see him and Wukong having a very baby sibling and oldest sibling dynamic, and Wukong absolutly plays favorites when it comes to the pilgrims. The favorite is the horse
-My unpopular opnion about this character: Hmmm not really sure if i have one?
-One thing i wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: Kinda wish there were more moments where Tang Sanzang was like, you know more decent to him? Just wish they had more nice moments with eachother, because like if Sanzang was a person that actually bonded with him and had his own nice moments as well maybe it would make me more invested on the moments Wukong has to protect him. You know, making it feel as the story goes on that he's starting to protect him less because it's his duty and more because that's a person he genuily has come to care about.
Okay so now the lego man
Lego Wukong:
-How i feel about this character: I feel like both canon and fanon lately has been way too harsh to him and i just want him to have nice things. I deal with that by mostly ignoring the majority of the fandom and just enjoying it with my friends 👍. He's a funny lego man who's going through way more horrors than he should be going through at every single second of his existence. Im holding him gently in my hands and giving him a break
-All the people i ship romantically with this character: I dont think he's a very romance focused guy but i like Swk/Tang/Chef Zhu, they're cute together and Xiaotian can get as many dads as he wants. I also see him and Princess Iron Fan + DBK as exes
-My non-romantic OTP for this character: Xiaojiao. I like thinking that post season 3, after he makes an genuine effort to connect more with Xiaotian's friends, the two of them can actually be really great friends. Just getting to know and spend some time with his great niece :] i can see her introducing him to all sorts of different sleepover games. I also think that even though she and Ao Lie have their differences she still reminds him a lot of him
-My unpopular opnion about this character: Everyone including canon is being too harsh on him, like just have this man have nice things for once. Everyone complains about how he "never tells anyone anything" but how do you expect him to tell anything when hes constantly whisked away by the plot?? Guy only had a single episode on S4 before being whisked away, guy only had 10 fucking minutes of screentime do you really think 10 minutes is enough to tell everyone about all his enemies and traumas??? My second unpopular opnion is Sh#dowp#ach is the bane of my existence.
-One thing i wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: Let him actually be friends with the rest of the gang, let him have some screentime hanging out with them!! I think the show would have really benefited from going back to the monster of the week format from season 1 to that, like imagine just having some casual fun episodes but this time Wukong is shown on the noodle shop too!! Guy doesn't even need to be a main focus of the episode even just simple stuff like getting shown some baby monkey videos by Xiaojiao, or talking with Tang about how different parts of the journey actually were like, just you know stuff that makes him feel like part of the gang :].
(Another thing that i fucking wish is my self-fufilling au about Ao Lie actually being still alive all this time but had gotten himself stuck in the scroll, and now that he's out and both of them know the other is not fucking dead now, they can just reunite and be friends again. Does my au have a lot of plot holes? Yes it does, but just let the monkey have this one single win. He deserves to have one of his friends still alive fgdkbdnsbd)
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morporkian-cryptid · 1 year
🇯🇵Elliott's Japan Trivia Corner🇯🇵
Today we're gonna talk DISEMBOWELMENT! 😃👍
Just kidding. I'm actually going to talk more about the cultural stuff that goes around seppuku, not the actual swish-swish. (Still, CW for suicide and graphic description of death)
For those who aren't aware, seppuku (or hara-kiri) refers to the act of cutting open your stomach, then having someone behead you to shorten your suffering 👍 It was a ritual suicide practiced (mostly) by the samurai, from the Kamakura period (12th century) up until 1991. Yup, you read that right. Seppuku was officially outlawed in 19-fucking-91.
Did you know that, in the Edo era, so many samurai were doing seppuku after the death of their lord, that the government had to ban the practice for that specific case? Fun times.
🤔 So, when can you perform 🗡seppuku🗡 ?
The short answer is: any fucking time you have a problem! 🥳 Boss died? Seppuku! Disagree with landlord? Seppuku! Bowed to someone at the wrong angle and embarrassed yourself? SE-FUCKING-PPUKU!
This form of ritual suicide is meant to either avoid dishonor, or regain lost honor. And in the Edo era you lost your honor like you lost a spare sock.
👉 Originally it was mostly done by warriors in battle to avoid being captured by the enemy.
During the Edo era, after the constant internal wars of the Sengoku period had ended, samurai found themselves without a good reason to show how metal they were by slitting their own stomachs open, and so they invented a bunch of excuses to do it anyway.
👉 As mentioned above, it could be when your lord died and you became a rōnin (a master-less wandering samurai), which apparently wasn't as cool as it is shown in anime, and kinda sucked.
(see the famous story of Lord Asano and the Fourty Seven Ronin)
👉 You could also commit seppuku to formally state your disagreement to your lord. Yes, samurai in the Edo era really went "I recognize the council has made a decision, but given as it is a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to KILL MYSELF ABOUT IT."
That specific practice sometimes even involved taping up your stomach wound, going to see your lord, telling him (respectfully) how much his decision sucked ass, and then un-taping your wound and bleeding out all over his tatami floor.
👉 Seppuku wasn't always exactly a suicide. In fact, most of the people who committed seppuku in the Edo era where condemned to do it in punishment for an offense. It was considered a way for the samurai in question to redeem himself. In fact, sometimes the "cutting your stomach" part was skipped altogether, the knife was replaced with a symbolic fan, and the guy was just beheaded. That was especially the case for court-ordered seppuku, because you don't really want to give a knife to a criminal you're about to execute.
Speaking of 🔥Honor🔥, you know who else could be dishonored forever? The guy cutting off the samurai's head to shorten his suffering! If he did it wrong, he would bring dishonor on himself AND his family for the rest of his life.
That part of seppuku required great swordsmanship, as you were supposed to sever the spinal cord but leave a small strip of skin so the head would remain attached to the body (hello morbid details my old friends...). Because when you order your enemy to commit ritual suicide, the last thing you want is to be assaulted by his flying head. 👹
A little vocabulary clear-up: you've probably heard it called "hara-kiri" more often than "seppuku". In fact, both words mean "cutting the stomach" and refer to the same ritual practice, but seppuku is a formal word used mostly in writing, while hara-kiri is more familiar and used orally.
And to conclude, I am legally obligated to say: DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME! If you have a problem with your boss, resolve it like a mature adult by replacing all their pens with crayons.
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bagheerita · 7 months
I am a SO ready to talk Godzilla movies. I’ve only seen a handful of them compared to like the dozens I know exist-the more recent ones where they were trying to do Avengers but the big Monsties-but god I love them.
Admittedly Kong is seared into my brain because it came out at the Height of my Tom Hiddleston obsession-I even own it in dvd like I was that deep-so that’s the one I remember the best. And it’s the one I like the most because of the wide range of monsters we get to see. Big Buffalo guy? The skull lizards? Fuck yeah love my monsters wish more movies were monster movies lol.
Anyways, the others are more spattering in recollection. But I wanna ask, which of these movies is your fave, why, and what do you think of the empty core earth/godzilla goes into the center of the earth to recharge like Superman does to the sun? I remember finding that very. Odd? But ripe for interest bc in Kong they set up that whole. Under-earth world the skull things came from.
I've also only seen a handful of the movies... exactly 6 Godzilla/Monster-verse related movies (that I can recall anyway): the original Gojira and the original King Kong. And then Godzilla 2014, Kong Skull Island, Godzilla King of the Monsters (watched last night), and Godzilla vs Kong (watched today!).
I've only seen each of them once, and Kong Skull Island is the only one I saw in the theater (Tom Hiddleston obsession what....😅😅💚❤). Watching Godzilla KotM's last night was the first time I'd actually seen several of the monsters I already knew of through cultural osmosis, like Rodan and Ghidorah, which was very cool.
My favorite is hard to say. (I mean, to say the best movie would be easy: it would be Gojira, because I think it's awesome and perfect and very much a product of its time that said what it needed to say. But I feel like it's an entirely separate genre than the other movies I've seen.) I enjoyed Skull Island and I remember it being slightly better story-wise than the Godzilla movies, IE it made me care more about the human characters and they had better development and reasons for what they were doing.
Since it's the one I just watched I might say KotM is my favorite, just because I loved all the monster battles, and because there are apparently no locked doors in this world (Millie Bobbie Brown can just walk into Fenway Park, and also her family home that's been abandoned for months/years, without any keys or any problems). And also because of Charles Dance, who is a fantastic villain even though he looked like he was phoning it in and even though he didn't get eaten by a dragon (It was all I wanted... what was promised. lol). GvK was fun, but not quite enough to overcome the silliness of the premise. (like, come on, giant monkey versus radioactive dinosaur. who do you think wins? I did like that the movie turned it into a team up against Mechagodzilla/the ghost of Ghidorah.)
The first mentions of the Hollow Earth Theory kind of took me by surprise, so it took me awhile to get over the silliness of it especially the gravity inversion lmao. (Just last month or so I finished watching Sanctuary, which has its own Hollow Earth theory lol) But I did really love the concept of Godzilla's temple where he would go to recharge in KotM. (Too bad they blew it up 😭 Or did they?? Maybe Godzilla's temple where he hangs out can withstand nuclear blasts? 🤔) I love the idea that he would go to this place of ancient worship to rest and regain his strength, sleeping among the memories of when he was perhaps more literally a god. The whole "recharging from the center of the earth bc there's radiation" is whatever. The origins of Godzilla have changed so much to get him to fit into this new idea of him and his place within the world and what he represents, so... sure. The Earth is a hollow, Godzilla recharging battery. 👍
I really liked the development they did for Hollow Earth in GvK. I like that Kong's axe gets charged up by Godzilla's blasts. And I loved that when you see Kong's "throne," Godzilla is carved into the stones around the base of the throne. To me this suggests that rather than a rivalry, Kong and Godzilla have an ancient symbiosis: Godzilla is King Kong's guard dog... or perhaps "court wizard" in the sense of the archetypal magician, with the knowledge and power to comprehend a balance within nature that he then "advises" the "king" about. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I dunno but I think that would be really cool. I'd love to see more "monsterverse" movies with fewer human characters getting in the way (though I did really like Millie Bobbie Brown's posse wandering around and stumbling onto Mechagodzilla; that was a cool way to reveal that information to the audience). But more stories specifically about the interactions between these ancient creatures would be very interesting. In the special features for KotM they say that Mothra is the only female monster, which is kind of odd. I suppose Godzilla never really "dies" so he doesn't need to... reproduce in a standard-for-higher-Earth-life-forms way, but I'm pretty sure I remember Kong having parents in Skull Island, which I guess makes him (or his mom) an outlier if we're roping him into the monsterverse. Though the continuity for any of these stories is very loose (in KotM there are kaiju on every continent, but GvK is 3 years later and all of them... left? Everything's normal now. We're all fine here, now, thank you. How are you? And then Godzilla rolls up in Hong Kong and trashes it. There's one shot of a "kaiju bunker" or whatever, but no other preparations or any sort of contingencies for what to do if attacked by world-destroying monsters which last happened 3 years ago).
Anyway I hear there's another Godzilla movie coming out this year, and one called GodzillaXKong which I can only hope is the shipper movie we've all been waiting to see!! ;b
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margindoodles2407 · 1 year
Emoji Ask Thing
So I thought it would be fun to do one of those things where I give a list with like 50-ish questions, and each one is linked to an emoji, and people send in some emojis in the ask box and I answer the questions. I might do a personal one eventually but this one is for Zelda headcanons specifically. This is for interaction with all you lovely people but also, admittedly, to help me flesh out my worldbuilding :>
So yeah! You can ask as many questions as you want; my inbox is usually radio silent so I honestly won't mind :) For character asks, please send a specific character or characterS (though please limit this to five characters at most to save space); for worldbuilding and story stuff, please send a specific game (just one this time for simplicity); and for questions about the races, please list the races you'd like to know about and in which game. FOR LINKS AND ZELDAS, you can use their Linked Universe names or my own naming system. If you ask a question that's already been answered, I'll link you to that answer. Anyway, have fun!
📝Full Name
👪Family and Backstory
🍉Favorite Food(s)
🖌What color(s) do you associate with them?
🎷What song(s) do you associate with them?
💸What job do they do/What do they WANT to do (for child characters)
💇Physical Appearance (specify level of detail)
❓Personality/Traits and Quirks (specify level of detail)
World (Physical)
🚢Main items of trade
⛰Terrain Types and/or Major landmarks (specify level of detail)
🏛Capital City (of the whole world and/or of specific races)
👑Government Type (of the whole world and/or of specific races)
🚗Main forms of transportation
💬Languages Spoken (of the whole world and/or of specific races)
🔊Common Phrases (language(s) of your choice!)
💰Currency Types (not including rupees; we’re talking ethnic currencies here)
💂Main types of employment
🏫Education System
Story Elements
🤝What are intercultural relations like? (races of your choice!)
💣What happened immediately preceding the story? (not about what game came before)
💥What happened immediately following the story? (not about the games that come after)
👫Character Relationships (familial, romantic, platonic, and/or antagonistic relationships; characters of your choice!)
👍Main moment(s) of character growth (character(s) of your choice!)
🌍How is the world at large affected by the story?
👦How are the common people of the world affected by the story?
😬What impact does the story leave on the major character(s)? (character(s) of your choice!)
🌄What impact does the story leave on the terrain?
World (Lore)
👥Major races of the world
⛪Sacred Locations (race(s) of your choice!)
🕮Sacred Artifacts (race(s) of your choice!)
⏳How much has changed in the world since the last game?
💫Thoughts on this game’s Sages/Counterparts? (like the Champions)
☩What is religion like? (race(s) of your choice!)
🕌What gods are revered? (race(s) of your choice!)
💃Any major folk traditions? (race(s) of your choice!)
🤔Any superstitions? (race(s) of your choice!)
💭How much of the preceding games is remembered?
Just for Fun!
💚Favorite game(s)?
💙Favorite character(s)?
💛Favorite Item(s)?
💜Favorite Dungeon(s)?
💕Favorite Song(s)?
💗Favorite Location(s)?
💖Favorite Race(s)?
💘Favorite Minigame(s)?
💔If you had to, what would you change about (provided game)?
💝Any Other Thoughts?
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years
I just finished watching Tales of the Jedi for the 2nd time and I’d like to share my thoughts.
Spoilers for TotJ!!!
The series overall—Animation was ok (I mentioned how Rex/the clone model still looked off here) but overall it was good (especially the environments). THE MUSIC WAS 💯💕 BEAUTIFUL. There were a few things that was kinda like 🤔 but it’s nothing too major and I had some thoughts on what I, personally, would’ve liked to see.
Ep1–Life and Death
—Thought it was good. Baby Ahsoka’s design is similar to the one shown briefly in CW 👍
—The panda dog things were adorable and the food they eat looks SO SIMILAR to Mantell Mix
—The village elder does 3 hand poses (and says something in their native language) when Ahsoka’s mom made a kill, which reminded me of Rebels and the 3 hand poses that opens the portal thing
—Giant cat looked very tiger-y and immediately thought of Jungle Book, though the stories are very different.
—Loved Young Dooku/Quigon duo. Like their designs/interactions, everything, was really good imo
—Dooku wears a cape and not a jedi robe
—Quigon didn’t have his padawan braid but I guess that was time between Padawan/Knight.
—Liked the fact that the senator’s son wasn’t upset about being kidnapped. Loved 2 Ton’s design (the droid)
—clearly sets up Dooku’s fall to the dark side.
—The Mace/Dooku duo was something I’ve wanted since seeing them in Attack of the Clones.
—Mace’s design is also changed slightly (like Anakin/Ahsoka/Obi) to keep up with the better technology. How old is Mace? I honestly don’t know and actually expected him to look a bit younger. Like I know he trained Depa Bilaba (Caleb/Kanan’s master) but, to me, he seemed to be the same age as he was in CW.
—Loved that AotC was more of a noir/detective movie and seemed to continue into this episode (Windu/Dooku solving a jedi murder case).
—I think the guard guy that Mace killed was the son of the guy with the different colored eyes. Which means Mace killed someone’s son and left a father without a child and he also killed Boba’s father Jango, leaving Boba without a father. That’s just my opinion/HC and wasn’t confirmed or anything.
—MACE DID NOT STEAL THE COUNCIL SEAT FROM DOOKU! From context, Dooku has no problem doing things his way and explaining it to the Council. That means this has happened more than the one time we saw in context of this episode. I believe Dooku never really had a chance at a seat on the Council. He believed he did. I think his own ego/shortsightedness blinded Dooku into believing he was guaranteed a spot on the Council
—By now it’s clear that Anakin and Dooku have a lot in common (think RotS when Anakin got upset that he wasn’t a ‘master’ but on the Council)
Ep4–The Sith Lord
—This was my favorite episode!
—MASTER YADDLE!!! FINALLY!!! I believe we first see her in The Phantom Menace when Anakin is brought to the Temple on Coruscant and the jedi are testing him. She appears briefly in the background and has no speaking lines if I remember correctly. I know Yaddle has a different story in Star Wars Legends (the Extended Universe—books/video games etc) but I actually really enjoyed seeing her.
—Her relationship with Dooku seemed really important. Dooku was Yoda’s padawan and my own HC is that Yaddle and Yoda are Grogu’s (Baby Yoda) parents. I believe Yoda/Dooku/Yaddle were kind of like Anakin/Ahsoka/Obiwan respectively. Ahsoka is Anakin’s padawan but also had Obi-wan as a friend/mentor just like Dooku is Yoda’s padawan, but also seemed to be friends with Yaddle.
—Also I believe this was the only episode that is set during one of the movies (Phantom Menace). Dooku talks with Quigon about the Sith Lord (Darth Maul) that he and Obiwan encountered on Tatooine before it changes to Yaddle informing Dooku about Quigon’s funeral (after being killed by Maul on Naboo). She is clearly concerned about Dooku, especially when he says he must let Quigon go as he’s one with the Force. She asks him if he ‘can do this’, to which he responds with ‘what choice have I?’
—Dooku’s always been shown to have great control over his emotions (which is why he doesn’t have sith eyes) but despite that, Yaddle’s concern wins out and she follows him to his meeting with Emperor Palpatine.
—DOOKU LOVED QUIGON JUST LIKE OBI LOVED ANAKIN! His convo with Yaddle earlier (about the tree) clearly showed that. And he was RIGHTLY upset that Palpy had him killed by Maul.
—SHE LEFT THE COUNCIL FOR DOOKU!!! SHE EVEN ADMITTED HE WAS RIGHT!! That is love right there. She clearly had a loving friendship relationship with Dooku for her to leave the Council. And what does Obi-wan tell Satine? ‘Had you said the word, I would’ve left the Jedi Order’. Yaddle probably didn’t think of Dooku in a romantic way (I hope), but she obviously cared about him just as he cared for Quigon.
—Ok, whoever is in charge of ratings sucks cuz there’s no way that this episode was TV-PG. Yaddle’s death was BRUTAL! Like they didn’t really show the blade connecting, but they showed her lifeless body after, made the saber-on-flesh-sound, and showed Dooku beginning the execution move. JESUS Disney. Shit
Ep5–Practice Makes Perfect
—Seeing young Anakin and mullet-Obiwan in clone armor made me SO HAPPY!!!
—The sass is still there!! AAHHH!!!
—Plo Koon sitting with Yoda, Obiwan and Anakin watching Ahsoka proudly was such a dad-move!!!
—And seeing young Caleb/Kanan and Bilaba at Ahsoka’s training test was amazing! And he was so obviously gushing about Ahsoka to Bilaba when they walked out lol
—MASTER SINUBE!!! GRAMPS!!! Was this before or after that Lightsaber Lost ep?!?!
—Of course Anakin was unimpressed with the test and unintentionally taught her how to survive O66.
—Seeing the clones in phase 1 armor again made me flash back to early CW animation.
—ABSOLUTELY LOVED JESSE’S LITTLE ‘Sorry Commander!’ As it was funny in the moment and tragic when you think about the fact that Jesse lead the turned clones during O66 and was going to kill Ahsoka (and possibly Rex too).
—I think this episode is the only one with a time skip. Loved the transition of the stuns and Ahsoka waking up older and seeing the clones in their phase 2 armor.
—Then skipped again to O66 with Ahsoka and Rex walking into the hangar full of clones ready to kill them (with Jesse out front).
—Gave me Arcane ep7 Ekko/Jinx vibes TO THE MAX!! (Though if I’m being honest, I preferred Arcane’s version though it’s so close lol).
—Ok so I think out of all of them, this one’s the worst.
—Don’t get me wrong, it was ok, but out of every ep, I didn’t really care for it.
—My fav part/scene was Padme’s funeral and Bail’s convo with her.
—Ahsoka is living in hiding in a small farming village that has Empire presence I guess.
—Ahsoka has to use the Force to save one of the workers, who realizes Ahsoka is a jedi. Her brother rats Ahsoka out and an Inquisitor comes. From what I’ve heard online, it’s the 6th Brother?? Idk so please correct me if I’m wrong (I believe we’ve seen the 3rd Sister-Reva, 5th Brother, 7th Sister, and the 8th Brother briefly)
—So I’ve never gotten into SW Legends (the Extended Universe), but apparently from what I’ve seen online, this episode is supposed to be an animated version of a book called Ahsoka. It’s basically telling the same story 2 different ways.
—That’s pretty lazy 🤔 to me. Like there are so many other story options (even within just Ahsoka) so it still could’ve worked out 3 v 3 (3 Ahsoka/3 Dooku) eps. I’ve never read the book but I believe it’s about Ahsoka’s time after O66 and how she gets her white lightsabers.
—I heard that the female worker Ahsoka saves is actually black/dark-skinned in the book which is blatant whitewashing (I think I also read that the character was also established as queer). She was replaced by a female with fair skin, straight brown hair and light hazel-y brown eyes. SERIOUSLY?! THE WHITEWASHING HAS TO STOP!!! POC MATTER (in the US, it’s Nov so it’s Native American Heritage month! And Nov 1st was dia de los muertos/day of the dead).
—The Inquisitor’s design looked cool af
—The fight was ok. Reminded me a little of Maul v Obiwan but b/c there was no obvious history it wasn’t very impactful. Liked how he faded away though. And from what I read, he’s voiced by Clancy Brown??? Really!? I love Clancy Brown!! Also it seemed like the Inquisitor knew Ahsoka (he knew her name), though Ahsoka made no connection to him.
I guess those are my main thoughts on the series as a whole and on each episode as well.
What I’d change:
—ep 6 entirely. I’d actually would’ve loved to see how Ahsoka got her second lightsaber instead of the Inquisitor.
—the whitewashed clone model obviously
—So I loved ep4 and Dooku vs Yaddle, BUT! How cool would it have been if Dooku’s saber slowly changed to purple as the fight went on before turning red as he struck down the Jedi Master?? I’m sure that would absolutely go against how lightsabers turn red, having to do with emotions/feelings and that Dooku is great at controlling his own emotions. I just think that would’ve been cool. Though I’m sure that goes against how he actually got them (assuming it’s explained in Legends or something).
—I loved ep1 and baby ‘Soka. But I also love Plo Koon. Would’ve died to see him discover her and talk with her parents/the village elder.
What I’d like to see going forward, assuming there will be a s2 (w/ 6eps):
—MORE CLONE CONTENT!! Gimme a story about Boil going back to Ryloth with Waxer’s armor (post Umbara) and telling Numa what happened to their ‘nera’. Gimme cadet cody/rex bonding! Gimme 99’s creation and demotion to maintenance!! Would also give Disney yet another chance to change the clone model (though if we do get more clone content I highly doubt they would). Gimme Jango/Boba bonding (bonus points for Omega’s creation) I’d like to know SPECIFICALLY what Jango told Boba to make him hate clones. Gimme Wolffe’s demotion from Marshall Commander cuz he lost the whole 104th on the Malevolence. Gimme more clone domestic-life with the boys painting their armor/being w/ their Jedi generals. Just GIMME MORE CLONE BOYS!!! UNWHITEWASHED!!!!
—You can’t tell me that Tales of the Clones wouldn’t be badass lol
—I’d love to see General Grievous’s backstory. From what I’ve seen online, he’s some sort of warrior-hero/savior to his people but the Empire (I think) turned him into what we know as ‘Grievous’. Also that’s not even his name (I forget what it really is, but b/c Grievous sounds like ‘grieve’ I have a bad feeling that it has to do with his people or something).
—Young Yoda and his master. Yoda talks the way he does b/c of his master, which is why Yaddle doesn’t speak the same way (which makes me feel like Baby Yoda/Grogu will sound just like Mando lol).
—Black Krrsantan (Santo-the black wookie form BoBF) or Chewie’s backstory. I know we get a bit of Chewie from Solo: A Star Wars Story and would honestly prefer more Santo content (I think he fights Obiwan in a comic or something) but idk how likely that would be.
—Samuel L. Jackson has stated that he wants to return to Mace Windu/SW and was quoted saying of Mace’s demise- ‘in Star Wars, people survive getting their hands chopped off all the time. So it’s possible,” (or something like that—point is, he thinks Mace could’ve survived his fall/chopped limb). Would love to see Mace post O66 if he in fact, lives.
—Grogu teaching younglings the Jedi and Mandalorian ways, diving into his backstory pre-Mando. I HC that he’s Yaddle and Yoda’s son. It would also give SW a chance to tell a story post—the Skywalker saga timeline (Phantom Menace all the way through to the Rise of Skywalker), since Grogu can out-live the characters in the sequel trilogy.
—I’d like to see High Republic era stuff. I know little to nothing about that era but from fanart I’ve seen, it looks dope af (I know the new animated show Young Jedi Adventures is supposed to be set during that era, but it’s aimed for preschoolers so obviously I’d like something more adult set in that era—but I’m still going to check it out when it releases! Lol)
—I played the SW computer game The Old Republic so I’d also love anything set during that era as well (Master Satele Shan, Master Orgus Din, etc)
So I think that’s most of my thoughts on Tales of the Jedi. I definitely like it more than Bad Batch but not sure if it’s better than CW (to me they are equal). Thanks to all that have made it through this post. I promise I’ll be back with a fic real soon. Thanks everyone!
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etes-secrecy-post · 8 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
No #OnThisDay throwback post, only exclusive for super secret blog(s). But, I have this.
Title: Aace's Music Love
Hello, February. Aace Speedster 🐺🐶⭐ asked me to draw a comic based on his relationship story with May 🐰👊💥, a friend of the Speedsters Family. So, why not! 🙂 After all, "Valentine's Day" is coming up within few days. 💘💌 So, let Aace do the talking. The floor is yours. 😊
Aace 🐺🐶⭐: A thank yew (you), cweator (creator). 😊 And Paw-llo, everyone! 😄 I'm hewe (here) to show ya my welationship (relationship) story with May 🐰👊💥. So, hewe we goes! 😄
IMPORTANT NOTE: Despite how lazy person I am 😩🥱, I decided to make something different for the coloring. And that's inspiring a Game Boy color style. 🎮🖌️🙂
○○○○○○○📘Here's his story 📖○○○○○○○
Comic 1 & 2:
Aace 🐺🐶⭐: It was snowy day, and I saw May dwinking (drinking) her nice cup of cocoa, so I hide myself fwom (from) the bushes with my guitaw (guitar) gifted from her 😳🎸. I was vewy newvious (very nervous) and blush, so I decided to take a bweath (breath) for a moment, while I was wemembewing (remembering) some few music lessons via videyow tutowial (video tutorial).
Comic 3 to 5:
Aace 🐺🐶⭐: Aftew (after) my bweak (break) fwom the bushes, I wrise (rise) up & I begin to pway (play) my guitaw with a simple swipe; May heaws (hears) my music stwings (strings).
Comic 6 & 7:
Aace 🐺🐶⭐: May tuwn (turn) around her head, and she saw me waving, and then I intwoduced (introduced) to myself. May appweciates (appreciates) me holding a guitar that she gifted me from Chwistmas (Christmas).🎁🎸😄 With that, I must commenced my own musical note to impwess (impress) her. 😁 Even though, I'm not a fan of music, I'm only gewd (good) at auto mechanics and scientific stuff fwom my pawents (from my parents). 🤔
BTW: Me 🇵🇭: I uh... I draw a different version of his guitar compare to A-Pal's version, but let's pretend to be the same.
Comic 8 & 9:
Aace 🐺🐶⭐: I cwear (clear) up my thwoat (throat), tuning my guitaw befowe (guitar before) I sing my song while pwaying (playing) my guitaw as I can! 🎶🎸 I didn't see May's weactions (reactions) 😖, though. But, I pwedict (predict) that she's not impwessed my new talent. I guess?
Comic 10 & 11:
Aace 🐺🐶⭐: Suddenly, my guitaw stwings (guitar strings) snaps entiwely (entirely), unable to play it. 😨 Yeah, I was vewy shocked because I'm not built to song or pwaying musical instwuments (instruments). I told ya... 🙁
Comic 12 & 13:
Aace 🐺🐶⭐: On the pwus (plus) side, I was vewy good spiwit (spirit) from my inexpewience (inexperience) music, and May gave me a decent thumbs up fow (for) my effowt (effort). 😊👍 She offwered (offered) me a nice cup of cocoa fwom a hot cocoa stand, and then we chat to talk about related things, ouw pewsonality (our personality), and mowe (more) while looking at the beautiful scape on wintew (winter) season. 😋☕🍫
Aace 🐺🐶⭐: Looks like, I'll be sticking with my pewsonal (personal) skills rather than pwaying music, so I'm not gonna thwow (throw) my gift from her. I'll dispway it in my bedwoom as a wemembwance (remembrance).😉🎸 So yeah, that's the end of my stowy (story). Thanks fow listening! 🙂
And that's all for now, I'll be making more Aace 🐺🐶⭐X May 🐰👊💥 relationships, this Feb! 🙂💘💌
Aace Speedster (Chowder OC) - created by ME! May (Rabbit OC) - owned by @bryan360
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folklorebae · 2 years
𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐀𝐔 - 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐞
Cast(s): Timeskip!Suna Rintarou & MSBYManager!Reader
Cw: Suggestive, swearing, reader is using she/her pronouns
A/n: The girls in pictures are for references only and I do not own any of these pics (except the 4th one, it's mine) and video, credit to their respective owner. (This is repost)
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Liked by hinatashoyo and 43,927 others
yourinstagram the disastrous life of suna y/n
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sunaln.daily Your dog is so cuteee🥺🥺🥺
ynspaperairplane I kinda miss your blonde hair era :(
yourbestfriend Doesn't look disastrous to me😴
ynfan1 Sucks to be his wife, wanna be my wife instead?
↳yourinstagram I'd love to😁
↳rintarosuna 😀👍
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Liked by miyatsumu and 1,853,950 others
rintarousuna JPN - IDN ✈️
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yourinstagram Damn, I look cute. Ilysm😘
↳rintarousuna Wdym? you always look cute to me
↳yourinstagram 😳
↳yourinstagram Shut up rin, we literally sitting across each other
↳sunalntimes Modern-day Romeo and Juliet🤔
Liked by rintarousuna
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itsunaln Suna and Y/N arriving in Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali!
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sunascamera They just flew thousand miles away from tokyo and still look good😩❤️
sunafan1 "Suna and Y/N" you're not wrong tho but yeah, both of them are Suna now😭
↳ynfan2 IKR😭
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lnsweets and ynln.com Y/N via Instagram Story!
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sunafan3 ok google, how to be y/n l/n
ynfan3 God, when is my time😭
sunafan4 *insert that tiktok sound* it's not fair not fair not fair Not Fair NOT FAIR
↳sunafan4 Oh and another one that sounds like "HOW. DOES IT FEEL. TO LIVE MY DREAM? AGGHHHHH"
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Liked by whoishitoka and 23 others
fakesunayn SMACK MY A$$ LIKE A DRUM🥵❤️‍🔥💥💢
Fun fact: finally, me and rin will not get a sin for having sex
View all 6 comments
fakelnrintarou May God forgive us for all mistakes we've made in the past🙏
↳fakesunayn Amen!
privbestfriend Didn't know Bali was cold
↳fakesunayn Bitch, there's a technology called "air conditioner". Plus, I wore something cute underneath😊🙏
notyukieee Looking hot, bestie😍
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Liked by idonthaveatwin and 25 others
fakelnrintarou The only goddess I worship
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fakesunayn You've never been to heaven, have you?
↳fakelnrintarou Show around me pls🤲
thebettertwin @fakesunayn Ik you're having fun rn. But don't let your so-called husband know about msby new strategy.
↳fakesunayn Trust me, msby will always in my heart😘
↳fakelnrintarou 👁👄👁
sunalnupdates Suna via Instagram Story!
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ynfan4 I don't think they could be more happier. I'm jealous but happy at the same time😭
sunarin.daily Bestie, let's get married and go to Bali!
↳sunalnupdates Ok, brb gotta pack my stuffs
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Liked by rintarousuna and 84,636 others
yourinstagram sunset, kuta, you.
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rintarousuna Another candid pic, I see...
↳yourinstagram 🤫🤫🤫
↳sunalntimes OMG PARENTS!!! PLS ADOPT ME😭❤️
bokutokoutaro MSBY Goes To Bali in 2023?
↳yourinstagram No need to ask, cuz the answer is YES!
antiyn1 Idk why he married you, your not that special lmao
↳yourinstagram *you're
↳rintarousuna Anyways, here's the recipe for brownies:
1/2 cup butter
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup cocoa powder
2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup flour
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Liked by aranojiro and 2,153,075 others
rintarousuna fallin' all in you
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yourinstagram <33
ynfan5 And if I only could, I'd make a deal with God and I'd get him to swap our places
↳rintarousuna pls don't❤️
sunafan8 Manifesting this for myself🤡
↳sunafan9 Let's manifest together bestie🙏
420 notes · View notes
arknights-imagines · 2 years
What’s your opinion on Silverash & Gnosis?
Hi there anon 💕!! Ty for your ask~
As for your question aaa 🤔!! I do hope you don't mind if I ramble a little sbsjs, I enjoy talking about Operators v v much 👉👈...! (Please take caution as I'll be mentioning some minor spoilers from both of their Operator Files and from the story of the 'Break the Ice' event 😯!!)
I'll talk about my thoughts towards SilverAsh first!
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(Summer-Pirate SilverAsh says 'hello' to everyone and to you anon!)
SilverAsh is one of my most favourite Operators and he has been for quite a long time svshs!! I love using him in-game and writing for him here on the blog v v much 🥰!
Firstly, I like his design lots aaa; mostly because of the refined-type of attire he wears and his fluffy snow leopard ears and tail 🥺~ Along with that, his EN voice is awesome and I feel it sounds just like his original JP voice omg, his EN voice actor did him lots of justice ✨!!!
Secondly, his skill set is v v cool and I feel that he's super versatile sbsjs 👍!!!
He can be left on his own to defend when equipped with his second skill, or he can output lots of burst damage with his third skill! Along with that, I feel that his 'Eagle Eyes' talent that removes the invisibility of certain enemies is super useful 🤔✨!
I've had my SilverAsh for a long time now and I've invested lots of LMD and resources into him with no regrets, I like to bring him along on Operators often!!
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(Here he is aaa! I'm also thinking about putting resources towards the Mastery for his second skill hmm 🤔)
Thirdly, as for his story and character, I find him to be an interesting person that's not as cold-hearted as he may seem svshs!!
The general perception of SilverAsh by those around him is that he's v shrewd, constantly has hidden motive, and is v v prideful perhaps so much so that it's not-so-good 🤔
However, I've always believed that he's able to be a compassionate person! I feel that, considering that he unfortunately had to mature v fast following the death of his parents, he simply had to become a more hardened person 🤔
This means SilverAsh grew up to become v v strong-willed and never lets anything cause him to falter, even when others are expecting him to collapse; however this also caused him to lose his faith in love or warmth svshs 😔 As he states in one of his voicelines, he believes:
"Compassion saves no one on the battlefield."
But even so, it's clear he cares for others if you take a closer look! He shows some warmth towards the Doctor and to those close to him from Kjerag 👉👈 It's just that it's v likely he dislikes being seen as vulnerable so he has troubles when conveying his care 😭 One of Cliffheart's voicelines regarding her brother communicates this rather perfectly:
"My brother sent Matterhorn to look after me, didn't he…? Ugh, why can't he just come out and tell me what he's thinking? It drives me mad."
And also sbsjs, I do want to add in a small SilverAsh relationship headcanon considering that my blog is for x reader content after all lolol ✨!
So fourthly, I feel that SilverAsh would definitely be the kind of person who spoils his s/o a lot 😭💞!!! If you express wanting something, he'll get it for you without a second thought - even if you'd only made the slightest mention about it lololsbjs!!
Okay sgshs, I'll talk about what I think about Gnosis next!
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(Gnosis says 'hello' to everyone and to you anon, however he hopes this won't take too much time away from his researching work lolol 😭)
I happen to like Gnosis lots as well sbsjs 👍!! I was v v hyped for the 'Break the Ice' event and had saved up for him! Fortunately, he came home to me with no issue aaa 🥳!!! I haven't got any requests for him yet, however I am hoping to receive some that interest me so I can have the chance to write for him sbsjs sometime 👉👈
Firstly, I like his design svshs 🤔! It's quite simple and perhaps not-so ostentatious, but I think that suits him! And I like the red bits in his hair lots svshs ✨ His EN voice also suits him well and I happen to prefer it over his JP voice aaa...!
(I'm also super hyped for his skin to release to the EN server aaa, he looks v v cool in it ✨😮!!!)
Secondly, I think his skills are super fun aaa!! I love his ability to apply Cold and Freeze to enemies as I think it's v v cool ❄️!!! Maybe his damage output is not as much as other Operators, but I still think his damage amounts and his crowd-control capabilities are super awesome aaa 🥳👍!!
I haven't had my Gnosis for too long, however I've already gladly put a good amount of LMD and resources into him sbsjs ✨ I take him along on Operators often, sometimes in the place of a Caster Operator 🤔!
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(Here's my Gnosis sbsjs!! I finally got his trust level to 200% recently which I'm v happy about 🥳~)
Thirdly, in regards to his story and character, though he seems to be generally viewed as a bit of a ill-mannered jerk, I actually feel that he's a rather tragic and sad character svshs 😔
When he was v young, Gnosis and his family were forced to leave their home nation and were treated awful by the people of Kjerag because they accused of being the ones behind the deaths of SilverAsh's parents sbjss so Gnosis unfortunately had a not-so-good childhood to say the least 😔...
And even now, as he's older, most of Kjerag rejects him angrily and there isn't much of a place for him in his own home nation 😭
Considering so, I feel it's v v understandable that Gnosis has become to be extremely apathetic towards just about everything, only caring for his research sbsjs 🤔
He doesn't have even the slightest interest at all in compassion, relationships with others, or such; his voicelines v clearly show his uncaring attitude towards most things:
"SilverAsh's sisters? Yes, I've met them several times... Hm...? What more do you want me to say? I know nothing about those frolicsome, ever-changing creatures, and I certainly am not interested in them."
"The best way you can earn my trust is by showing me your true academic strengths, and it seems you've already realized as much, Doctor. I am not like SilverAsh. I am not interested in deeper emotional exchanges."
"Much like SilverAsh's, your endeavors require the help of countless supporters. However, the more supporters you have, the more you have to worry about. Since you cannot disregard them, you should avoid getting entangled. That is my one and only piece of advice for you, Doctor."
This all makes me rather sad aaa 😭 Unlike SilverAsh, I feel that Gnosis has much less of capacity for warmth because he has never been able to trust or find safe comfort in anyone, so now he shuts his heart away from anything and anyone v v firmly 😔...he simply finds it easier to care about nothing outside the progress of his research sbsjs
But sgshs 😶 before I get too sad I want to mention the small relationship headcanon I thought of for him 👉👈!!!
Fourthly, I imagine that Gnosis would remember everything about what his s/o likes and dislikes svshsv 💕 then, when the time comes for gifts or dates, he'll apply what he's taken note of to ensure whatever he's giving to you is perfect~
As for the relationship between SilverAsh and Gnosis 🤔
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They were childhood friends 🥺!! I feel that, even if both of them are much colder than they were when they were children, they're still close friends svshs! They seem to understand one another acutely and have a certain respect for eachother!!
SilverAsh cares for his friend, but again svshs SilverAsh has a funny way of showing people that he cares lololsjks 😭😶 Though it may not seem like it, he's looking out for Gnosis when he sends him to Rhodes Island! It's clear to SilverAsh that: at Rhodes Island Gnosis won't experience the harsh and angry treatment of the people of Kjerag, and Rhodes Island's advanced technology and such will assist him in better progressing his research, which SilverAsh knows is Gnosis' highest priority svshs 🤔!!
And as for Gnosis, SilverAsh seems to be the only thing outside his research that he's willing to dedicate his time and his effort to! I feel that this is because SilverAsh never once blamed the death of his parents on Gnosis and even said that he would've forgiven him had he been responsible...! Along with that, SilverAsh is one of the few people to not abandon Gnosis 😭 So I feel that Gnosis holds SilverAsh as maybe one of his only friends 🤔
I definitely feel that SilverAsh and Gnosis would need similar s/o's: someone who can make them believe in warmth and compassion once again, someone who they can allow themselves to be vulnerable around aaa 😭👉👈
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(They both need someone to warm their hearts if you will lolololsjsks 😭💕)
Anywho sgshs!!! Please excuse me, I feel like I may have rambled lots there omg 😶😭...!
I always get rather excited when given the chance to talk on how I feel about certain Operators 👉👈!!! I hope you guys don't mind svshsb
Ty for your ask again anon, and the opportunity to talk about two Operators I like lots 🥰!!! Everyone is most certainly welcome to send in asks regarding my thoughts on certain Operators ✨! I do tend to ramble when I answer asks like these aaa but I enjoy answering them v v much (as I of course love Arknights and its characters lots svshs) 🥺💕!!
Anon, I hope you'll stick around and please have a great day 🌸!!!
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The official art of chibi SilverAsh and chibi Gnosis is from the Arknights weibo HERE!! 👍
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askjerrydandridge · 3 years
Movies and series about vampires to recommend?🤔I want to expand my collection!
(( You have COME to the RIGHT place, I am thinking about making a master list of vampire stuff for you guys to go through and check them out for yourselves because I have seen a lot of shit. Anyway, I will start with movies. Just to keep this post from being incredibly long, I will do maybe a sentence worth describing the media itself.
Alright so we got the vampire movies, there are a shit ton out there. I mean A LOT. First, I will start with the more common/well known films.
Bram Stokers Dracula
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This one is SPICY, it is a really great watch--minus Keanu Reeves' really shitty British accent ( I love Keanu so I can forgive him ) It is the most book based Dracula film I know, that and Gary Oldman legit steals the show every single time I see the movie.
Interview With The Vampire
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This movie? Fucking slaps. Based upon the book, this movie reignited my love for vampires again. --i fell in love with Lestat briefly--BUT WE WON'T TALK ABOUT THAT. It takes place in New Orleans in the 1700's through an interview that a vampire is providing to a young man about his life story. It is a magical experience if you love vampires, you will laugh, cry, and scream all at once.
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This one is hella cheesy. If you are a Dracula fan, it is a MUST. It came out in the 1930's so expect some crusty ass practical effects. My favorite including the fake bat on a string they used for Dracula. It is a fantastic movie nonetheless, kickstarting the history of vampires in film forever. Bela Lugosi did a fantastic performance as the caped villain. Highly suggest.
What We Do In The Shadows
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This is a comedy/mockumentary about the lives of a group of vampires living in a flat together, trying to adapt to the modern world. It is fucking hilarious and if you want a good laugh, I highly suggest it. Each one of the flatmates have their own era that they were created. The creativity in this film shows and it is just RGRGRHRGRG AMAZING. Also I love Viago.
Fright Night ORIGINAL/Remake
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*GESTURES TO MY BLOG VIOLENTLY* What more is to be said about these movies? Big epic vampire man moves next door and causes havoc, the next door neighbor finds out and decides to hunt him down. Along with his girlfriend. Never a good idea. Anyway! If you haven't watched this movie. EITHER OF THEM, and you have stepped into my blog, go watch them 👍 both Jerrys are fantastic.
The Lost Boys
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Okay so here are the lesser known films that we got here.
Only Lovers Left Alive
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This movie was depressing as hell. I don't suggest it if you are prone to tears because you will be bawling. The cinematography is gorgeous and the acting is fantastic. I love these two and their dynamic--especially Tom Hiddleston because the man is a legend. It is about the life of a vampire couple struggling to live in the world surrounded by humans. Beautiful film.
The Hunger
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LEGIT WHY DOES NOBODY TALK ABOUT THIS DAMN MOVIE? Okay so this film is good with it's flaws, fantastic movie nonetheless. Beautiful cinematography as well. David Bowie plays a vampire in this film which already makes it amazing. The movie does have a weird aesthetic but nonetheless enjoyable. This vampire movie is also about a couple but with a twist--I DON'T WANNA SPOIL IT SO YOU GOTTA FIND OUT.
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
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This movie is uh, an experience. Picture a movie about Abraham Lincoln's life but shove vampire hunting in it. That is the entire movie. It is great with the action choreography, beautifully shot at times. If more strange/out there vampire movies are your forte. This is for you.
There are more I can touch on, however, I will stop it here before I continue ENDLESSLY.
There isn't very many vampire shows out there that I have seen, simply because I don't care much for shows like Vampire Diaries. I will give you the ones I have personally seen as I have been doing with this list.
Dracula (Netflix)
This show? Fucking rad. As you can see by this list, I am a big Dracula fan. This show was fantastic. Beautiful, beautiful cinematography. Absolutely amazing soundtrack with fucking awesome acting. This show consists of three episodes, put into smaller bite sized pieces of about ONE HOUR AND 20-30 MINUTES EACH KDKDKDKDK. But don't fret, because you will want more content when it is done. This series takes the Dracula book and throws it out the window. Check it out.
What We Do In The Shadows (Series)
Watch this, it is amazing. The comedy is music to my ears and each character is fucking awesome. Similar to the movie but unrelated. Fantastic, highly suggest.
Castlevania (Netflix)
A wonderfully animated show that is absolutely violent and gruesome. Includes characters from the beloved Castlevania video game. Story is about angry Dracula killing everyone for spoiler based reasons. It's on Netflix, definitely a must.
AND THAT IS MY LIST! It is a basic one, otherwise I would have put on much more. I loved basically all of these so I hope you will too.
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