#and etc etc now I am the ruler of this body and
System brains seem to love having a theme, it's so strange. We have a bunch of immortals, the majority of whom are revival-immortals (ones that can die, but always come back in some manner). Maybe being a "mythic" or something like that might suit you better than deity - related to a/being a mythical creature?
I'm not mythic, no, I don't think so.
Yeah I used theriomythic in the past, but it still doesn't feels right (also the word itself gives not the right color-vibes.... do I have an synesthesia or not???) like uuuhhh Dovah were pretty much real, even if there they are not present here, and still they are "fictional". And the demon is... not exactly mythical it's like... a local legend or idk. And a bunch of my alterhuman identity is not related to myths in any way, I think.
I remember I used cryptid when I discovered my demon type, and it's still kind of the best way to explain my behavior in relation to this type. Servant doesn't feels right either, like Leviathan is not really a servant, not really a chosen one, but still is something important for a deity, that created him. I feel like there should be a word for something like this, I just... don't know, I feel like something red-orangy-dark-gray or something idk
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sweetlady555 · 2 months
My Personal Solar Return Observations Pt I
I just got into astrology more and I’ve been suupeerrr into solar return observations lately and this is what I have observed from my own chart! My birthday was 2 months ago and the solar return is SOLAR RETURNING .
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Moon in 8h in Aquarius SR - TONS of family secrets coming to the surface. Almost concerning? . Im finding out soo much stuff about my parents . My home environment is also changing a lot, my dad used to be home a lot and now my dad has like completely abandoned me lmaooo . such a strange uranus energy since aquarius is ruled by uranus . Ive been feeling more independent lately and sometimes I dissociate and pretend im living in LA in my own studio alone and away from my unstable family 😍….. I have my chart ruler in here too haha (pray for me) 😊 so this year is definitely going to be transforming AF . Im sensing it everything feels too intense lately 👁️ ..
Cancer Rising SR - I’ve been dealing with a lot of family stuff over the years (toxic relationships that r still ongoing lmaoaoa) and im noticing that instead of digging myself deeper or being depressed, i’ve been nurturing myself more and turning my space into a cozy sanctuary and not into some bed rotting mess😹. Ive been improving my current living situation compared to the past so theres definitely nurturing myself more , saying affirmations in the mirror , working on my self care , getting offered help from my step-family.
Sun in 12H in Cancer SR - I got into astrology a lot of spiritual stuff . Also communicating with my spirit guides more often etc .. I definitely do feel more connected to my spirit guides now I feel im being guided and protected a lot this year . everything feels like its just meant to happen and i mean that in the best way . Getting vivid dreams, ive been writing them down more a lot lately and they’ve been giving me insights on my subconscious and even slight deja vu? I remember I dreamt of me and my dad in my aunts car and 2 days later she had called me and gotten upset because my dad took her car and hadnt brought it back after she let him borrow it for a few hours. Even though my sleep schedule is so bad i love dreaming more now because the universe always gifts me with something meaningful and beautiful in my dreams🙏. Also I been listening to music like A Looottttt more lately EVEN WHEN IM ASLEEP😭 im like oohhh whos playing this banger and i wake up and its just music thats been on shuffle for the past 9 hours 💀
Venus 12H in Cancer 10° SR - finding out what i want in relationships , although i do feel like its becoming hard to connect with others in that way ..? does that make sense ? ive been doing lots of self love affirmations that my dreams consist of love and harmonious energies 😹sometimes ill think about love and a boyfriend and really want it but the next day ill be like wow i love myself so much i really cannot see myself with anyone😇.. lots of creative solitude , being more open to recieve love from my family members AFTER REFUSING multiple times ( it makes me icky sometimes still ) learning compassion and forgiveness for others , im a scorpio moon in my natal so ive held grudges since 6th grade i never cared 😭😭😩.. but this venus in 12h is like reversing the effect… 👁️💧
Venus Conjuct Asc in Cancer SR - GLOW UP PLACEMENT 🙏 i was sexy before but its like my sexiness increased by like 10x . People are noticing it too!! i got told “bros evolving” on one of my posts 😭😭 I also feel like im finding my own personal style aswell! . I also see my body changing (in a good way)
Sun conjuct Asc in Cancer SR - confidence on 1000!!! feeling self assured , nobody can really tell me anything bad about me TO ME and think ILL believe it cuz i wont!! i know who i am thankqqq😛
Mercury 1h in Cancer SR - i feel like this placement helped add onto me becoming so self assured in myself and figuring out who i truly am . Ive been studying and researching about myself a lootttt too !! Ive been getting a lot of gut feelings and just proceeding with them and usually i wont and ill just go with logic but idgaf anymore because usually these gut feelings usually lead to something so worth the outcome whether it may look good or bad!
Mars 11h in Taurus 12° SR - I have lots of amazing goals and things im looking forward to for this year!! I feel so eager to just GO FOR IT but taurus is a slow and steady sign so thats just how i been moving lately .. in silence too cuz there be haters all around 🤐
Pluto 7h in Aquarius 1° SR - ive been unfriending a lot of people to make new friendships idk if thats a bad thing but all the past people i feel are secretly plotting against me… most likely that 1° because i heard that could represent enemies? take that with a grain of salt but anyway ive been more clearer about what i want in friendships aswell which is goal oriented people who just want to get rich and make something for themselves!!! Im tired of the self limiting beliefs and the envy!!!
Saturn 9h in Pisces 19° SR - I start my senior year this month and I plan on graduating early , saturn rules discipline and structure but also setbacks . i feel like this school year although i have that vision i feel like im gonna have to put a lot of work this year lmao i hate school so much i was supposed to go to summer school but i ended up not going to get my mind right before the school year started which has really helped tho imo . i wanted to drop out but at the same time my pride is too high and i feel like this is a great opportunity to build discipline, time management and responsibility for the goals that ill have after i graduate. ive already been setting the milestones and all which is the saturn and pisces influence comin thru 🙏
Neptune 9h in Pisces 29° SR - the 29° usually the “fame indicator degree” can also represent a start to completion/ending of something , since i would be focused on graduating early for my senior year i could see this as me graduating early and completing that academic journey and preparing and embracing a new journey . i feel like this would most likely be spiritual because i caaannooottt focus on school and astrology and spirituality all at the same time because 9 times out of 10 my focus is on astrology and spirituality i needa get my priorities straight😭😩😹..
Just wanted to note this but while reading your SR chart its important to look at your South Node aswell because it can show you what lessons and patterns you need to review / past influences & comfort zones . 1h nn = 7h sn , 2h nn = 8h sn , 3h nn = 9h sn , 4h nn = 10h sn , 5h nn = 11h sn , and so on
North Node 10h in Aries&South Node 4h in Libra - The SN 4h Libra and NN 10H Aries could show that I have to balance my growth and comfort and moving towards new opportunities. With South Node in the 4H in Libra, I may find myself relying on familiar comforts from my past . The south node here might show that I might fall back into old family dynamics . my step family is offering for me to move in with them to help me get back up on my feet and this is such a good opportunity but they did this before though last year and I ended up moving back with my neglectful dad and I just fell depressedddddd . ill prolly release my old patterns where I would be moving away from family support because last year my mom offered to help me and support me and i ended up being manipulated and i fell depressed again then went to my step dad for help so i can get ahead and i went back with my dad and got even more depressed lmaoo but ill see how this ends up playing out. With the north node in the 10h in aries , i’ve been really focused on building my own unique self image instead of just catering to what others expected of me . Ill be looking forward to the goals I have planned out while actively working on them . With the influence of Aries too, bold and courageous, I’d most likely be taking risks to pursue my goals and stepping out my comfort zone. Probably by being SO FED UP with my controlling dad that I just take that leap 💯
this is my first observation post i was gonna go to sleep but i was dedicated to finish this tonight, i hope this was insightful to many of you and may this year bring all of us sweet blessings ⭐️
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youremyheaven · 7 months
Punarvasu & Swati: Cosmogony, Reality & Consciousness
Punarvasu and Swati are deeply intertwined nakshatras with very similar patterns and themes. Punarvasu's deity Goddess Aditi embodies infinity and vast primordial space. She is boundless and limitless. Swati's deity Vayu is the ruler of air & wind and connected to the life force or prana (or qi).
Both these nakshatras connect to space, infinity, abundance and are known for being wealth giving nakshatras.
Ruth Handler, the inventor of Barbie had Swati Sun & Mercury along with Ketu in Punarvasu
Margot Robbie who played Barbie has Swati Moon & Punarvasu Rising
I had briefly mentioned this in my Tomie post but Swati & Punarvasu's themes are manifest in Barbie because Barbie is not a person, she is a type of doll, and she can be anyone or anything. Barbie is a whole universe into herself, this is the cosmic abundance and infinitude of Swati & Punarvasu.
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My Tomie post also talks about how Tomie is a Punarvasu so do check that out!!
I have always thought that Punarvasu & Swati are related to time travel which makes sense provided the cosmic infinitude embodied in these naks.
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Predestination, a time- travel movie starring Ethan Hawke who is Swati Sun (do watch it, its really good))
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Bruce Willis has been in several time-travel movies, including 12 Monkeys & Looper. He has Jupiter in Punarvasu atmakaraka
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The 1960 movie The Time Machine stars Rod Taylor who has Ketu in Swati.
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The Terminator movies starring Arnold Schwarzenegger- Punarvasu stellium (mercury, venus & rising). Arnold like many Punarvasus have been in many sci-fi movies that concern the nature of reality, in fact his own autobiography is called Total Recall (he's been in a movie of the same name and its about what is real and what isn't- peak Punarvasu behaviour I must say)
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Planet of the Apes stars Charlton Heston who has Punarvasu Moon, Swati Rising
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Frequency stars Dennis Quaid who has Punarvasu Moon & Ketu
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The Matrix/ The Lake House/Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure are all time travel movies starring Keanu Reeves who is Punarvasu Moon.
Its interesting to me that many Punarvasus have often spoken about "creating your reality".
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Octavia Butler, the writer has Punarvasu Rising (the themes of this nak is vv apparent in her work but I'll perhaps discuss that in a future post) and this^^ is a page from her journal that she wrote in the 1970s wayyy before manifestation was a "thing".
Butler grew up very poor in an era of racial segregation and suffered from dyslexia. She overcame great odds to become one of the best-selling sci-fi novelists of all time.
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Miranda Kerr- Punarvasu Moon often talks about the power of our thoughts and has referenced writers like David R Hawkins (who talks about the nature of consciousness) a lot. Here's a quote from her book.
“Start each day by saying to yourself: ‘How amazing it is to be alive! What a wondrous feeling I have inside! I am awake, healthy and full of joy!’ Visualise every cell in your body being filled with vitality, health and love.”- Treasure Yourself
Miranda grew up quite lower middle class on a farm in rural Australia and then went on to become one of the best known models in the world and is now married to a billionaire.
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Arnold Schwarzenegger- Punarvasu Rising (and stellium)
If you've read his autobiography or watched his Netflix documentary yk that he talks constantly about the power of the mind, having focus etc
He grew up in a small town in Austria (after WW2) with an abusive father and also suffered from dyslexia. He then went on to become one of the biggest movie stars of all time and was the Governor of California???
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Ariana Grande- Mercury in Punarvasu sings about manifestation and law of attraction quite a lot. She was a side character on a Nickelodeon show and 10yrs later she's one of the biggest pop- stars.
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Nikola Tesla, Punarvasu Sun & Venus
Tesla discovered automatic current transmission & generation technology which is responsible for modern day wireless connections. He's also super Punarvasu core as a person, he had eidetic memory, apparently did not sleep more than 2 hours per night, was interested in Vedic cosmology & philosophy (he used terms like akasha & prana to describe the relationship between matter & energy). I find this quote by him very interesting, "To me, the universe is simply a great machine which never came into being and never will end". I personally don't believe in the Big Bang theory and I'm inclined to believe that the universe has always existed instead of having come into existence at one point, which imo, is a very anthropocentric idea. Tesla's quote is a reflection of the boundless nature of Aditi, who is the cosmic mother, she embodies creation.
fun fact: Elon Musk who named Tesla after him is Punarvasu Mercury & Rising.
Interestingly enough, several decades before the Big Bang theory gained mainstream acceptance and was studied by scientists, Edgar Allan Poe published a lecture/essay on the matter titled Eureka: A Prose Poem in 1848 (!!!!). He had Swati Rising
Can you believe that he, a man with zero scientific background essentially came up with ideas that would serve as the basis of 20th century scientific discoveries & theories??? That too in 1848???
Analysis of Eureka's scientific content shows congruities with modern cosmology, stemming from Poe's assumption of an evolving Universe and it also contains ideas about the unity of space and time, the mathematical equality of matter and energy, the velocity of light and a rudimentary concept of relativity, black holes (including one at the centre of our Milky Way), a "pulsating" universe that renews itself eternally, and other universes in other dimensions with different laws of nature.
A writer & poet who dropped out of college came up with all that in 1848. Swatis & Punarvasus have the ability to understand complex concepts, systems, and processes intuitively. This is why they are so good at analysis, strategy and planning. They have a futuristic vision because its easy for them to see how current events will affect other things and manifest in the future. Those who don't have these placements will struggle to understand what this is like because most of us aren't endowed with this sort of ability to see the trees and the forest all at once.
Interestingly, the scientist Georges Lemaître who first proposed the "Big Bang theory" of the origin of the universe, calling it the "hypothesis of the primaeval atom", and later calling it "the beginning of the world" is a Punarvasu Sun.
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Leonardo da Vinci is known for his foresight and is considered a visionary. He, in the 15th & 16th centuries, pondered upon the possibilities of human flight and left behind diagrams and models of the helicopter, the parachute, the machine gun, the humanoid robot, the revolving bridge, the ideal city and much more. He had Ketu in Punarvasu.
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Carl Jung created some of the best-known psychological concepts, including synchronicity, archetypal phenomena, the collective unconscious, the psychological complex, and extraversion and introversion. He had Punarvasu Mercury & Venus and it explains why there was such a heavy emphasis on "darkness" vs "light" in his work (Punarvasu being "the return of the light").
He is the father of Analytical Psychology which seeks to "analyze the relationship between a person's individual consciousness and the deeper common structures which underlie them. Personal experiences both activate archetypes in the mind and give them meaning and substance for the individual. At the same time, archetypes covertly organize human experience and memory, their powerful effects becoming apparent only indirectly and in retrospect. Understanding the power of the collective unconscious can help an individual to navigate through life."
In fact, vedic astrology (Jung did use astrology as well btw) serves as a very interesting way to explore the collective unconscious and the many archetypes that are manifest in individuals possessing them.
I will make a post in the future comparing Freud & Jung and how their different astrological placements contributed to their similar but differing views.
George Orwell, who was a fierce critic of totalitarianism had Swati Rising, if you read his works, you can see how he's able to analyse the effects and consequences of the same, especially 1984 which was sooo ahead of its time in the sense that much of what was written in the book is eerily similar to what's going on in the world right now.  The novel examines the role of truth and facts within societies and how they can be manipulated.
Swatis & Punarvasus are super Futuristic, as individuals or visionaries as well as in their art & work. They dominate in the surreal/scifi genre.
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Robin Williams- Swati Rising stars as an android in Bicentennial Man which is a movie about a robot who learns how to be human. Transcending humanity is a big theme in the works of Swati natives.
On this note, I have noticed several Swati & Punarvasu natives star in movies featuring/about cloning 👀 This does not surprise me as I had already mentioned this in my Tomie post but it is fascinating how Swati & Punarvasu's ability to be many many versions of themselves is made manifest in this trope of clones.
I have to mention how both Rahu & Jupiter have a very boundless, obese energy that is hard to contain. This can be manifest negatively because its very easy for energy of this proportion to be misused and misdirected but when they're harnessed positively, these individuals are capable of envisioning change that have few/no other parallels.
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Moon (2009) is a movie that features the main character and his clones. Sam Rockwell, Swati Sun plays the main character.
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Tom Cruise, Punarvasu moon (acc to Claire Nakti) stars in Oblivion and plays a clone of himself. One version of him is good, his "clone" is evil. The battle between good & evil within oneself is a VERY Jupiterian trope (and I shall make a post solely about that in the near future).
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Multiplicity is a 90s scifi-comedy about a guy who clones himself so that he can do all the things he wants to do. Michael Keaton who plays the protagonist has Swati Moon
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The Sixth Day is a movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger (Punarvasu stellium) and it is about cloning. The title is a reference to the Abrahamic Genesis concept of how God created mankind on the sixth day.
This in itself is very interesting because Punarvasu is the 7th nakshatra and in the Bible, it is said "And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation."
7 is a number that has profound spiritual meaning and is present in many religions as a figure of significance. From this verse taken from the Book of Genesis, it is interesting to note that ""7" is the culmination of creation. It is the day on which God rested because he had already created. It is not nothingness, it is the day on which everything already existed. This is a significant Punarvasu theme.
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Replicas stars Keanu Reeves (Punarvasu Moon) as a neuroscientist who tries to revive his deceased family members by cloning them.
Its interesting how in these films, natives appear either as a clone or as the ones who do the cloning, furthermore connecting it back to Punarvasu's creation trope.
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Harrison Ford, Punarvasu sun & moon stars as in and as the Blade Runner (1982) where he must "pursue and terminate four replicants who stole a ship in space and have returned to Earth to find their creator."
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David Cronenberg is a director best known for making really weird, surreal, futuristic movies that heavily feature themes related to the nature of reality, consciousness etc
He is a Punarvasu Moon & Jupiter
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Gakuryu Ishii, Punarvasu Moon is another filmmaker who makes movies that heavily centre around truth, reality, consciousness, the future etc.
I recommend his movie Mirrored Mind which heavily deals with identity, consciousness etc (its vaguely reminiscent of Perfect Blue)
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Robert de Niro Punarvasu Rising, stars in the movie Awakenings (based on a true story) as a catatonic patient who has an "awakening" before tragically going back into catatonia, Robin Williams, Swati Rising stars as the doctor who administers a drug that induces this awakening.
In Vedic philosophy, there are 3 gunas, Rajas, Tamas & Sattva.
Tamas is a state of darkness, inertia, inactivity, 
Rajas is a state of energy, action, change, and movement.
Sattva is a state of harmony, balance, joy, and intelligence. 
Punarvasu belongs to the Rajas guna whereas Swati belongs to Tamas guna.
Tamas can be described as a state of statis or stagnation as there is no transformation and thus no change. Punarvasu natives are prone to passivity and it is only when they face their own destructive shadow, do they emerge out of passivity to their natural state of Rajas. In this movie, Deniro's experience where he emerges from his catatonia with a desire for freedom and to live life to the fullest before eventually accepting the fact that his condition cannot be remedied inspires the Doctor played by Robin Williams to emerge out of his own shell and live life more fully.
Punarvasus are often restricted by situations beyond their control yet they are possessed by a yearning to live life to the fullest. Swatis often have unmeasured freedom and do not know how to utilize it, they are restricted by their own character.
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The Gaia Hypothesis proposed by James Lovelock (1972) suggests that living organisms on the planet interact with their surrounding inorganic environment to form a synergetic and self-regulating system that created, and now maintains, the climate and biochemical conditions that make life on Earth possible.
It is a holistic view, which is generally not appreciated in science that likes to favour randomness, chance or whatever instead of the innate harmony and union behind creation.
James Lovelock has Punarvasu moon & Swati rising
Lynn Margulis who co-developed this theory with him most likely has Revati Moon and I will be exploring her symbiotic view of evolution on a different post as it goes beyond the scope of this one.
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Edit: as @brundlefly333 pointed out, the French philosopher Henri Bergson (Punarvasu Moon) has a book called Creative Evolution which extrapolates that whilst "evolution of species can come from external factors "like natural selection", it most importantly (comes) from an internal impulse (a creative force). This creative force is inherently unpredictable and non-linear, leading to the emergence of novelty and complexity in living organisms over time.
I find his "Cone of Memory" (depicted above) hypothesis very fascinating.
The Cone of Memory model can be imagined as an inverted cone, with the apex representing the present moment, the base symbolizing the entirety of one’s past experiences, and the cone’s vertical axis signifying the flow of time. As the present moment progresses, the apex of the cone moves upward along the axis, continuously stretching the cone outward as it incorporates new experiences and memories into a person’s consciousness. The memories from our past experiences are layered into the cone, with the most recent memories residing closer to the apex and older memories located further down, towards the base.
Bergson’s model emphasizes the active role of individual perception, memory, and experience in shaping one’s consciousness. The human mind, as depicted by Bergson, interacts with the objective world while drawing from its accumulated memories to create individual experiences in real time. The Cone of Memory focuses on the dynamic interplay between perception, memory, and experience, hoping to account for the generation of novel understandings and interpretations of reality.
Bergson’s emphasis on experience at the personal level also has significant implications for how we understand the self. In his view, the self is not a static entity but rather a constantly developing process, shaped by the dynamic interplay of perception, memory, and experience. This more fluid conception of the self contrasts sharply with many traditional notions of a fixed, unchanging identity. It also invites us to recognize the transformative power of our own experiences and encounters in the continuous interweaving of the past and present in our temporal consciousness.
It can be summed up with this quote:
"To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly"- Henri Bergson
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Rudolf Steiner- Ketu in Punarvasu, Swati rising
Steiner's breadth of work encompasses many fields, he pioneered modern-day organic farming, anthroposophical medicine (what we call alternate medicine including homeopathy, massages and frequency work etc rooted in the human body's ability to heal itself) invented the Waldorf education system (alternative schooling) and tried to merge science and spirituality.
All of this is vvv Punarvasu & Swati coded because its these natives who are frequently drawn to non-traditional systems of thought & experience and also merging a vast variety of techniques + being well versed in a lot of different fields etc comes down to having the inner space to hold all of it. This is literally not something most other people can do. Pursuit of knowledge can easily drain/deplete people but Punarvasu & Swati natives have a boundless thirst for knowledge and innately understand the profound truth that everything is connected.
Symbiosis, synergy, syncretism etc are all themes prominent in the works of Swati & Punarvasu natives who tend to view things as a coherent whole and not separate from one another; everything in creation exists to serve one another and exist in perfect harmony. Its not by "accident" that human beings took shape on earth where all the elements exist to continually support human life, every tiny detail is manifest in divine perfection and it helps us understand that we are a part of a larger system and that what we do affects changes at both the micro and macro level.
"Synergetics is the empirical study of systems in transformation, with an emphasis on whole system behaviours unpredicted by the behaviour of any components in isolation. R. Buckminster Fuller (1895–1983) named and pioneered the field. His two-volume work Synergetics: Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking."
Buckminster Fuller had Punarvasu sun & jupiter
I think I had made a post about how Punarvasu natives tend to make geometric art that features repetitive patterns and motifs. I thought Fuller's use of the term "Geometry of Thinking" was very Punarvasu of him.
Pls look him up and his work, its very interesting and if you have Punarvasu placements you might find things you resonate with. I dont want to make this post any longer so I'm not including more of his work although all of it really fits with the theme tbh.
Amartya Sen, the Indian economist and philosopher has Swati Sun, he is best known for his contributions to welfare economics, social choice theory, and development economics. His work incorporates the same holistic view of how everything exists in close interaction with everything else, interconnectedness as well as an all encompassing-ness are themes that dominate his work. Society affects the market, the market affects society, all of this affects interpersonal relationships, it takes a Swati/Punarvasu native to deeply embody this sentiment in their thought/work.
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George Harrison aka the Spiritual Beatle had Swati moon, Jupiter in punarvasu amatyakaraka.
"It's being here now that's important. There's no past and there's no future. Time is a very misleading thing. All there is ever, is the now. We can gain experience from the past, but we can't relive it; and we can hope for the future, but we don't know if there is one."
This quote by him really sums it up.
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Robert A Heinlein had Punarvasu sun, jupiter and rahu
Heinlein used his science fiction as a way to explore provocative social and political ideas and to speculate how progress in science and engineering might shape the future of politics, race, religion, and sex. Within the framework of his science-fiction stories, Heinlein repeatedly addressed certain social themes: the importance of individual liberty and self-reliance, the nature of sexual relationships, the obligation individuals owe to their societies, the influence of organized religion on culture and government, and the tendency of society to repress nonconformist thought. He also speculated on the influence of space travel on human cultural practices.
This is yet another example of the interconnectedness of Punarvasu as well as the analytical nature of these natives.
I will end this post here because I've been rambling for too long but I hope this was informative!! Apologies that this was kinda science heavy and not very pop culture centric :/
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leiloc · 1 year
💣Astrology observations #7💣
DISCLAIMER : All the observations written below are from my research and DO NOT copy my work
I am apologizing for my absence so y'all are getting an observation now ♥❗❗
💥I noticed that a lot of people with taurus moon have most normal parents like I would sell my soul for that kind 👀
💥12th house can really tell about past life dominant sign. Ex. Taurus 12th house can mean that you were possessive of your belongings (either Taurus, 2nd house, Venus or 2nd house ruler dominant in past life)
💥Meeting people with sun in your 12th house reflects the person you were back in the past life. That's why you can find them either similar or you feel the energy A LOT
This can also mean that you might have had past life connections with them
💥Eris (136199) asteroid is where you feel lack of a specific aspect in your life depending on which house it lays and asteroid Sedna (90377) is betrayal from men (all depends from house to house)
💥Eris in 11th house means lack of social life, in 10th house little to no reputation, 7th house lack of partnerships (either love, coworkers, etc.)
💥Sedna in 7th house can mean betrayal from men who are your lover, coworker or smth like that, in 8th house they can betray your trust and your hidden self, in 2nd house it can mean loss of property because of them
I reccomend reading the stories about the name of those asteroids, it can make a lot of sense.
💥South node conjunct uranus can mean that the person can predict the things going on and they can be all random. It depends on house placement and aspects to those how is it performed
💥South node conjunct Neptune/SN in 12th house... That must be pain dreaming a lot about your past life or living in it still. Same for Uranus - SN, you SEE things happening
💥I don't know if i have written this before but asteroid Eros (433) conjunct personal placements in synastry can result in instant attraction
💥6th house indicates daily routine, medical problems and pets bur for now I will focus on medical problems. Having a sign in that house can indicate a problem with specific body part.
The list of body parts associated with zodiac signs will be posted soon and a lot of astrology - medicine associations will be posted
For now that's it and I hope you enjoyed this post and stay safe y'all ♥
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meowzahzzz · 2 years
bowser headcanons ft. gn reader  ( ♡ )
bowser fans. monster fuckers. how are we feeling are we feeling fed. i am
to say bowser doesn’t quite understand healthy ways of expressing his feelings... is an extreme understatement.
bowser has this romanticized yet very callous conception of love. you do anything for love and it’s justified, so on and so forth.
this is why his kidnapping peach thing persists.
i want to say his “love” for peach isn’t... really love. he believes it to be love, but his feelings towards her aren’t the sort. this isn’t to say he’s abusive to her (the most he’s done is kidnap her and the whole situation lost it’s “distressing” impact Long ago). rather that bowser confuses his emotions a lot, and rather than think about it too hard, he just goes with whatever’s easiest.
~ pre-relationship
when you come in, bowser’s infatuation with peach is thrown out the window.
peach is grateful she’s not the apple of bowser’s eye anymore, but she does worry about you being his now.
i don’t imagine his attempts at “kidnapping” end well. either you kick his ass and tell him to go to therapy or peach comes to the rescue with mario (and they also tell him to go to therapy).
bowser, surprisingly (or maybe not-so surprisingly), takes it to heart. and he starts to realize his thing for peach wasn’t... what he thought it was.
he used to just kidnap her over and over again, try to win her over and over again; her rejection didn’t faze him, but he was almost expecting the triumphant feeling of Love (whatever that could possibly be) to just... show up during these attempts.
of course he’s a rough and crude turtle kaiju king, but there is a softness under that shell.
bowser, at first, tries not to think too hard about it. rejection didn’t really sting the way this did before.
he’s embarrassed to hell and back, refusing to speak on it and when it’s brought up by kamek (”quit moping about the rejection, your highness”) he gets red in the face and his body stiffens like he’s turned to a statue, his voice loud and cracked (”I’M NOT MOPING, SHUT UP *tearing up*”)
when he is eventually forced to face his embarrassment and the stinging pain of rejection, he tries to think of ways to legitimately apologize. and if that works out, he definitely plans on winning you over.
and speaking of that apology, he definitely tries to chicken out at first. he’s so embarrassed. he’s the koopa king, for pete’s sake! he’s the leader of his army, he’s a ruler to be feared! yet he cowers at the thought that you’ll send him back with his tail between his legs.
he apologizes in person, despite how many times he begged to just send a note or something and kamek would have to hit him on the head with his staff (”i didn’t raise you to apologize over a note, your highness.”).
you can tell he’s genuinely sorry. there’s shame in his expression; he can’t quite look you in the hand, he fiddles with his hands, and he coughs when the words don’t quite want to come out. but when he apologizes, he does mean it.
it probably takes a bit for you to forgive him because he did come on rather strong. but he’s overjoyed when you do forgive him (he’ll probably jump in the air with excitement before going back to his “tough cool guy” act where he’s like ‘yeah i knew you’d forgive me’ *goes back home to cry tears of joy*)
you two start off as friends. and something bowser finds odd is that, despite his own feelings (as strong as they’ve started to grow), he’s... okay with that. just that.
there’s no urgency. he can just enjoy your company, flustered as it may make him.
there’s a side to bowser you, nor have the others (peach, mario, etc.), have seen before. nobody ever quite believed he was as one-dimensionally villainous as he tried to come off as, but bowser would’ve been damned to have exposed it.
he still wears his spiked shell, but it’s as though he’s coming out of hiding around you.
his voice, while still gruff, isn’t so performative; there’s no outrageous evil plans or self-conceptions of grandeur, just mundane (maybe even domestic) conversation.
of course he still wants to look cool in front of you, but he doesn’t have to cover up who he is inside either.
he doesn’t care what you want to do or what you talk about, you have this attention either way. and you can’t help but feel that... you like his attention.
there’s a gentleness he shows you that nobody else gets to see, and it’s so evident in the reactions you get from the others just by talking about your... “hang-outs” together.
he’s an absolute gentleman, of course. kamek can excuse kidnapping, but he draws the line at being ungentlemanly.
opening doors for you, holding out a chair for you, being a subtle protector when he thinks things are gonna go south, etc.
you’re a person bowser values and he’s so new to these feelings he has, and he wants to protect them as much as he wants to protect you.
to say you have certain feelings about him as well is very much an understatement.
even when you can’t specifically name it, you feel that he sees you like you hang all the stars in the sky. you’re one of the only people who have gotten a genuine laugh out of him, let alone a smile. and it’s his gentle nature specifically towards you that just makes you melt.
at first, the thought seems ridiculous, liking bowser, the koopa king of all evil, like... like that! but you think of it again, of how you’ve been friends and all the times you’ve spent together, and you feel as though you’ve been wrapped with warm ribbons, heat rising to your cheeks. it’s undeniable.
he definitely confesses to you first. a hopeless romantic at heart, he shows up at your doorstep, all fancily dressed with a mushroom and flower bouquet in hand, asking if you’d want to go on a date---with him.
his cheeks are flushed, and he stares at the floor, unable to look at you in fear he’ll find disgust on your face.
but wide-eyed and flustered yourself, you accept.
and when he looks up, there’s this... almost this shock on his face at first, mouth slightly agape, like something he never, ever could’ve expected to happen---just happened.
it doesn’t take long for him to widely grin and laugh as he picks you up into the air and holds you close to him, the bouquet sadly getting a bit crushed while he holds you in this embrace.
~ relationship
bowser is the happiest and luckiest koopa in the land. undoubtedly.
even with your relationship’s ups and downs, it’s like he’s always in the honeymoon phase.
most of his “evil schemes” are reduced to mischivieous pranks which you, and his koopalings, often participate in.
speaking of the koopalings, you have to get along with them. bowser jr, wendy, roy---all of them.
those children are his heart, and to see you not only get along with them, but be nurturing to them... his heart grows twice its size.
part of why he was so obsessed with peach was because he felt as though they needed a “mother” in their lives. he may be the king of evil and all, but he never wanted to be a failure of a father to his kids.
whether you’re aware of it or not, you helped him realize that... he wasn’t failing his kids, they didn’t “need” someone else to fix his mess. he was a good enough father on his own. and it’s only a plus to have you around, too.
bowser loves domestic stuff, he craves it. baking pies, hanging around with the koopalings---any of the most normal, mundane activities become a dream when he’s doing them with you.
he would also really like for you to join him when he and the others go kart racing, golfing, etc. if you aren’t already.
he loves the competition, loves rallying up his new family together (you included) so they can go kick that red hat wearing plumber’s ass! ...and his green brother too, i guess.
he’s just become a happier guy in general.
mario certainly appreciates it, actually being able to befriend the king koopa.
and peach likes being able to not be someone’s strange obsession, and she also considers you to be a good friend.
daisy LOVES it at first because she thinks there’s drama, but then you reveal everyone’s happy and there’s no conflict, she’s like oh... okay i guess. 😐
luigi is frightened by bowser, no surprise there, but he’s happy for you! luigi’s a bit of a hopeless romantic himself so he finds the things you and bowser do endearing, even if it is hard thinking of bowser being sweet.
you two are the cutest motherfuckers ever. in the mushroom kingdom. in the galaxy. im so jealous
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astro-atlas · 2 years
┍━━━━ ∘◦ ⛧ミ ◦∘ ━━━━┑
💙 Astro notes • 02 💙
┕━━━━ ∘◦ ⛧ミ ◦∘ ━━━━┙
✧˖*° ✧˖*°࿐Blue Hour/TXT࿐°*˖✧ °*˖✧
01:02 ━━━━●───── 03:29
⇆ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻
🦋 Pisces mars could have issues with understanding their body’s needs and signals. They don’t realize when they’re cold or hungry etc
🌊 (This is a theory of mine) I think combust planets don’t lose their significance in the chart but rather the native is blind to their blessings. Because when the sun is too bright we shield our eyes and can’t see anything
🌀 Not having any water placements could make the person bottle up their emotions and be closed off in general
🫐 Virgo placements and their fascination with the French language? My Virgo friend was obsessed with French, I’m a Virgo mercury and right now I’m learning French from a Virgo teacher
🐳 Pisces suns see through everyone’s lies and deception. They always know exactly what’s going on and sometimes play dumb solely as a strategy. Playing dumb is a common tactic among all Pisces placements. They simply hide their weapons only to use them later
🧊 North node in Taurus’s purpose in life is to find peace and quiet. They subconsciously seek chaos and calamity (Scorpio south node) because that’s what they’re accustomed to but instead they should learn to be comfortable in silence and take care of their inner world
✈️ No matter how many Sagittarius placements one could have, if the ruler of their 4th house positively aspects their moon they will always love and miss their hometown/birthplace
💎 Saturn shows where you will find stability and security. In 12th house, by solitude. In 8th house, with your grandparents. In 9th house, through exploration
💠 Neptune in second house finds comfort in escaping. To them leaving a person, a place or a situation isn’t painful, the pain comes when they feel trapped. This is also why they’re an enigma to other people because they always end up leaving before others can get to know them
Thank you so much for reading, I am not a professional and these are simply observations and my personal thoughts. Use mobile and dark mode for the best viewing experience
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wordy-little-witch · 7 months
Dropping random One Piece ideas bc this is it now. This is how I cope.
Buggy focused bc I love this little blue haired buffoon
• gender is a performance and he LOVES THE SPOTLIGHT BABYYYY
• Buggy is actually a year or so younger than Shanks, and they both use this as an insult point for arguments. Buggy calls him old man, Shanks calls him a teeny tiny little clown baby, Buggy punches Shanks, Shanks cries dramatically, the works.
• in my perception between them, their relationship could go either way - I love the interpretation of them seeing one another as brothers, I love the interpretation of them being lovers, I think either one fits them and it's precious and depending on the Shuggy flavor of the day. It's never both at the same time though. One or the other.
• Buggy has always been terrifyingly flexible. It was waved off when he was very little, but it was only around the time Crocus joined the crew that he noticed Buggy was much more flexible than most kids his age. Turns out baby blue has hypermobility syndrome. The Roger pirates helped him learn wrapping techniques to help stabilize his wrists and knees and hips, his biggest problem areas, but after the Devil Fruit Fiasco, he can and will just drop a limb. Floating is so much easier on bad pain days.
• Buggy still wraps and braces his body when he can, but he also hides most of them beneath his clothes. Few have seen him freely in braces. Cabaji and Mohji are the most familiar with that. Ritchie takes his role thereof as a living, furry weighted heating pad.
• kinesthetic and visual stimming Buggy my beloved.
• sometimes he's just. Touch Alvida. Not in a weird way, just... her Devil Fruit makes her skin and hair feel absolutely DIVINE and he can spend hours just. Playing with her fingers or brushing her hair. He's embarrassed by it.
• he has a very meticulous skin and hair care routine. It's one of very few routines he keeps to. Not even being in prison stopped it.
• he's actually really damn good with money and running a business. The situation with the Cross Guild was a Bad Time, Bad Place, Bad Luck situation, which is honestly just his brand at this point.
• He was a warlord for all of a few months, but in that time, he did, in fact, have to attend a few meetings, and he did, in fact, make a friend! A friend nobody ever expected.
• Boa Hancock and Buggy are the most underrated Mean Girls Squad ever and I'll die on that hill, I think they'd be so funny as friends. Ask me more on my Boa Buggy Besties ideas please I am begging I love them so much
• Cross Guild happens, and it goes fairly similar to Canon, but Buggy quite literally within that three week time frame got the entirety of his loan back AND the interest and was like "hey so like. Did you still want this or-?"
• the mercenaries at Karai Bari are all very progressive. Buggy is a lax ruler, by most standards, but he puts his foot down firmly regarding bigotry, racism, sexism, etc.
• Buggy is not actually human, but he doesn't know that. He was orphaned at a VERY early age, was adopted by Roger pretty young, and he doesn't really remember much pre-piracy. He does know his genetics are a little weird, #ThanksCrocus, but not much beyond that. This may be Important later on if anyone wants some silly little concepts
• demisexual nblm, but once he catches feelings, he becomes a harlot harlequin
• once took off a limb and forgot where he left it. Has genuinely devoted microchipping his limbs.
• some people have comfort activities like hiking or painting. He makes bombs. It's very soothing and he likes the BOOM
• has a multitude of explosives btw; everything from large range, highly damaging, lethal weapons, to flashy, mildly inconveniences. He once made a batch of mini muggy balls full of itching powder just to see if he could and now it's his favorite thing to prank people with. ((Yes, he designed those while a Warlord. Yes, he tested it on the Navy. No, he was never definitively caught.))
• when he's busy, he ties his hair in a bun and puts pens, pins, etc in his hair, ends up looking like a porcupine or sea urchin.
• he has a really bad habit of hyperfixating for hours upon hours on end. Galdino, Alvida, Mohji and Cabaji have a rotation system to check on him if he hasn't been seen for 5 or more hours. They'll drag him away from his work (some more gently than others), make him eat, drink, etc. ((Alvida huffs and puffs about it, but she's also among the first ones to wipe a grease smear from his face, look him over head to toe and determine whether she's pulling the Girls Night card. She will die before admitting that she adores this bastard.))
• Buggy is allergic to pineapples.
That's all I got rn okay ily byyyeeee
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genji-centric · 2 months
Junker Queen NSFW Alphabet
Got a request a while ago, but life with moving and finals have got me all frazzled. But who am I to say no one of the hottest tanks, so without further waiting, here it is!! ^^
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A = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Odessa has to be one of the most relaxed afterward, often just wanting to wrap a lazy arm around you and drift to sleep. But if you mention it, she might get you a little water. Even then, that's a maybe. As a queen like herself, it isn't often that she found herself doing something else for someone. In fact, the few times a subject of hers gave her any trouble, they would be kicked out of Junkertown. But you're always special, so further into your relationship, she's one to tuck you in and get you a cup of water if the session was intense.
B = body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Odessa knows she is hot. How could she not. She likes to show off her abs. It took a lot of working out to get them looking like that. But really, every muscle, curve, her hair, she likes everything about herself. You have to be born to rule, and of course, a good leader has a good physique. On you she can't decide, but she has a thing if your smaller then her. She likes to be dominating, and someone smaller than her (which is hard not to be she's so tall) is sure to make her proud by your side.
C = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Now hear me out. She's definitely the type of woman to be a squirter. And she takes pride in it, if you're a lucky person to be with her first of all, and second of all be able to make her cum? Of course, Junker Queen will take pride in watching your face get soaked after eating her out to her liking. With yours, well, she won't complain. But, if it's mostly mess free, and then she likes it. Of course, tasting you on her lips is nice, but she doesn't feel like being covered in someone else's fluids. That is just too submissive for her liking, but maybe in time, it could be another point of pride.
D = dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Biggest open book in the roster. When it comes to anything she likes or wants to try, Odessa will never not speak her mind. She is literally the ruler of Junker Town. Why would an experience she wants to try be something to be ashamed of? But if you really get to know her, well the way you look at her all fucked out after she made you feel so good could have the slightest bit of an effect. Moments of pure admiration on your end will result in the slightest hint of blush on her face, but that's not a blush.. she's just hot.
E = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Junker Queen knows her way around the bedroom, with ease, too. Regardless of your experience, odds are she knows more. Everything she does is for a reason. She has it in total control. Everything, every touch, kiss, bite, and those long moments of intense eye contact is done with the purpose to make you submissive and all ready for her to reward her most loyal subject.
F = favorite position (this goes without saying)
Amazon, without a doubt, how she's on top and can stare down at you is exactly what she wants. But anything with her on top and in control is her favorite. She loves the thrill of making your look at her when she ruts the dildo she has strapped on into you is everything. But on those lazy days, either a long meeting on Junker Town issues or dealing with unruly subjects, she likes to lay down. Watching you rub yourself against her thigh or fingers to completion is a good way to wind down from a tough day.
G = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
She's not one to be a joker, really ever. But absolutely the one to chuckle at your reactions. She's kind of a jerk in bed. But those slight bits of annoyance are replaced by more lust as she plows your back into the bed after pointing out a pout on your face. Every moment with her is enjoyable, and she always has a confident smirk each moment of bliss with her.
H = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
She dyes her hair, and that's it. Every other thing just seems like a hassle. Eyebrows are so short why even try and everything else is unessiscary. But don't let the lack of dyeing make you believe she doesn't keep herself well groomed. Odessa always makes sure she gets a clean bikini wax. She likes it looking well kept together while still being natural, and no, she will not change this. It's her way or out of the Junker Town walls way.
I = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Odessa isn't one for romance, plain and simple. But that doesn't mean she's heartless. If it means something special, of course, she will indulge you. On days such as your anniversary, she might let you call the shots for the night. Now, this isn't a complete role reversal. No, more like you request something you enjoy from her with a flutter of your eyelashes, and she complies with a scoff. But after you both calm down from the highs, she will plant a soft kiss to your temple and wish you a happy anniversary or birthday.
J = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
If she feels horny then that's something she will handle. If you want to help, she's happy, and if not, then oh well, she can just go have some alone time. When she's alone with herself, she might pull up a video or picture of you, but she more does it to feel good and then continue on with her day. Her fingers are quick and precise, quick and simple.
K = kink (one or more of their kinks)
She's tried many things, some weren't for her personally and others she enjoyed. A list includes;
Being dominant in every moment, she's absolutely a power dom. Spanking, hair pulling, biting, marking, and other acts to ensure her control. But also, being in public, photographing the act.
L = location (favorite places to do the do)
Simple, anywhere. But a particular favorite is her thrown room. Of course, if you're uncomfortable with the idea of someone watching, she would lock the door. But the idea of doing something she loves on her thrown makes her go on a power trip she can't get enough of, making you sit on her lap as she fingers you is always on her mind.
M = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
If she's sat, bored on her thrown with free time, her mind will often drift to you. Your laugh, smile, and face are always a bit of comfort she can enjoy. But those thoughts quickly turn to lust when she imagines how you you would feel right now, and next thing you know the second she's around you, she wants you. She wants you like she had never wanted anything else before. But any hint you give her that you want her in that way she's hooked, and will end up motivated to fuck your brains out.
N = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Junker Queen is a dominant woman. She's a ruler, the one on the thrown calling the shots. She was born to rule, and submitting to someone is everything she is not. Never will you find her in a submissive mood. And Odessa will take offense to you wanting to be in control, how cpuod you even imagine contesting the rule of a queen?
O = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
She's not one for giving head. She would do it if you matter to her and have been a loyal subject. But it isn't for her, of course when she decides to treat you she enjoys the moans and little noises you make and always prides herself in making you able to come on her tongue. But her favorite is receiving oral. She loves pressing your face into her with a tug on your hair, making you only able to lap agasint her cunt. And while you do, she is always commenting on what you're doing. "Oh yeah.. like that. Fuck baby use that little tongue of yours to please your queen."
P = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and rough, it's how she lives life. All the music she likes is fast-paced, with loud guitar, she lives by the rock and roll vibe. The fast-paced bloody fights, the training, everything is fast and rough. Just like how she treats you, at the end of sex you can't help but feel tired and a little sore, but never disappointed, that's for sure.
Q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Odessa is a fan of them, but never fully satisfied with them. Under a time crunch, of course, it's fun and pleases her. But it leaves her wanting more, so once you're both back from the day and alone with time to spend, she takes out the leftover need from the last session. Quickies do stay quickies but always lead to a full night of sex once you're alone together.
R = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
T = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Take one look at Junker Queen and think she would back down from a challenge? Absolutely not. Risk is her middle name along with Dez. It's simple, anything that could include risk she's already did it, or if not, she's doing it. It's just a matter of how risky you want to be.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Odessa spends her days training, fighting, and ruling. All tasks require lots of time and energy. Of course, she has the stamina for days of fighting on end. And for her favorite subject? She can spend hours using you for her own pleasure, or making you cum for the 6th time in a row. She has stamina, and you best hope you can take it when she has her more.. demanding days.
Junker Queen isn't a big one for toys. Why use them if you can cum from her body, using some plastic to do the job is a waste in her eyes. The only exception is using a big strap she has grown to love using. It's 9 inches, thick, and feels so full inside. She loves watching your face when she sheaths it fully inside. It's her favorite and only toy.
U = unfair (how much they like to tease)
Odessa loves to tease you, getting you all pouty so she can find a way to punish bad behavior by spanking or biting at your neck is her favorite part. She can be a bully with how unfair she can be, but with all that teasing and riling you up, she knows it will make you orgasm much more intensely. She will be happy if you stay loyal to your majesty, all the teasing you have to put up with is definitely worth the rewards.
V = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
She isn't a particularly loud person in bed. More just grunts and groans in the moment. But her mouth never shuts either, always muttering some type of praise or teasing comments in your ear. Her Aussie accent gets thicker when she gets all heated. "Oh yeah, you like that dontcha?" Fuck Y/N.. yeah you good little slut.." Or "Yeah moan for me you good wee girl.. make your majesty know how good she makes ya' feel.."
W = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
She's got a lot of piercings, she loves the look it gives her. And they don't just stop at her face. She's got a pair of nipple piercings, both black curved bars that end it spikes. And a clit piercing, just a simple bar but it still looks stunning. She also has a variety of jewelry for her tongue. One that comes to mind is the vibrating one she brings out when you've been a good little subject for her. Those nights are always the best.
X = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Junker Queen isn't ashamed of her body, often preferring cropped shirts and short shorts to wear. So she's pretty exposed already, each part if her is muscular in some way. She's a strong woman, and even when she's standing all relaxed and not flexing, her abs are defined. She has nothing to hide, so you're not surprised when you saw her named. But she's still a gorgeous woman, and every day she's an honor to be with.
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Odessa can enjoy a bit of fun anywhere. She's someone easy to rile, but the difference between her and someone like Venture, Odessa can control herself. Tease her, beg for her in public, and she will smirk and warn you you're playing with fire. And if you continue, she'll be sure to remember her warnings after your 6th orgasm and the pain from being all sensitive. "What? Now you can't take it? Why dontcha' remember that next time you say shit like that, huh?"
Z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Like a lion after a good meal, Junker Queen, after hard rough sex wants to sleep. After everything is taken care of, that's when she can sit back and relax in a soft haze. Feeling you in her arms as she drifts off to sleep is one thing she can never go without now. She really sleeps like royalty beside you.
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partrin · 9 months
rinharu headcanon incoming!!!!!!
(i have too many thoughts about these two and would like to share them with people who might appreciate them):
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whenever i see photos/official illustrations like this of rin, i can't help but to think he's one of those good-looking, naturally charismatic people who also happen to be very photogenic and self-aware, i.e. they know their best angles and by god they will make sure EVERYBODY knows their best angles when it comes to selfies, group photos, the likes.
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by contrast, haru is awkward when it comes to having his photo taken. and by awkward, i mean all he can offer most times is his soul-searching stare. if he's feeling generous, maybe a slight tilt of the head and the barest hint of a smile (like it physically pains him to curve his lips more than a metal ruler). an awkward peace sign, if he's feeling extra generous (he is me. he is us. he represents a lot of us that can't pose for shit in pictures).
these two clowns somehow end up taking on the world stage together, which can only mean they travel a lot together following the end of the franchise, right? we know rin is the type to take pictures of the places he visits, whether to send them to his loved ones back home or mail postcards or update his SNS. but haru, haru is canonically illiterate when it comes to technology. sure, he's an artist - he sees things with the keen eye only a person who can appreciate beauty (squints eyes at rei) might have, and he might take photos of sceneries that he finds breathtaking (waterfalls, fountains etc.)
but he is almost never the one to initiate taking photos of people. or of himself. or of him with people.
so i imagine a lot of haru and rin's travels going like this (read it like you're listening to an audio CD):
rin: nice, isn't it? the canal. they call this the grand canal - venice's main waterway.
haru: [stares into the distance] ah.
rin: do you want me to take a picture?
haru: of what?
rin: the rubbish bin. of you, you idiot! what else?!
haru: ...oh. [fidgets in place because the clown doesn't know what to say]
rin: would be nice if you could send makoto a picture without him asking for a change, wouldn't it? c'mon. i'll take it for you.
haru: [hesitates. makes some weird low disgruntled noise of disapproval. considers picking an argument with rin - wants to insist that he does do things on his own accord without makoto having to ask, but alas -] ...fine.
rin: okay, good. go stand in front of the parapet.
(silence. a bicycle whisks by. birds chirp in the distance. rin watches as haru moves towards the parapet and stands in the center like a rigid coconut tree. he rolls his eyes)
rin: can you at least look like you want your picture taken?
haru: [grumbles] it was your idea.
rin: i know but can't you - [pinches nose] fine, fine. it was my idea. just... pose or something, at least!
haru: i am posing.
rin: no, you're just standing there.
haru: then what am i supposed to do?!
rin: tch, i swear to god - okay, how 'bout this. turn your head a little to the side.
haru: [awkwardly looks to the extreme right] like this?
rin: no, that's too much! just a little. a forty-five degree angle. show your side profile - that's your best angle. your jaw looks sharper from the left than it does from the right.
haru: like this?
rin: yes! yes. okay, now, do you know what's mewing?
haru: i... what.
rin: mewing. it's when you flatten your tongue against the roof of your mouth. realigns your teeth and helps define your jaw. try it.
haru, exasperated: rin, i don't know if-
haru: fine, fine. [attempts to follow through] is this good?
rin: yes. god, yes. okay, now do something with your hands. don't just leave them hanging next to your body like wet socks. do something with them. look natural.
haru: [awkwardly slides hands into pockets]
rin: tch, boring. do something else!
haru: but you said-
rin: haru.
haru: [narrows brows] fine. [folds arms]
rin: okay, that's- [starts snapping pics] that's good! keep doing it! look left. okay, now look above my shoulder. don't look directly into the camera. okay, now look at the floor, but like, at a forty-degree angle. look like i just casually took a candid photo of you unaware. run your fingers through your hair. good. okay, now smile. SMILE MORE. haru, that is NOT a smile. smile! yes, like that! okay good. alright! come over.
haru: what?
rin, shit-eating grin on full display: see? the pictures look so much better when you put some effort into looking like you don't want to die having your pics taken. i managed to make you look handsome.
haru: [brow twitches] i am handsome, no thanks to you.
rin: yeah, yeah, whatever. damn. i should consider becoming a photographer if the swimming thing doesn't work out.
haru: yeah, if your clients don't mind having an insufferable asshole as a photographer then sure, why not?
rin: why, you little shi-
aka i typed an entire script just to conclude that rin would probably make an amazing instagram boyfriend. (or just boyfriend. for haru. um. yeah that's it)
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mercurytrinemoon · 7 months
How do you rectify a chart? I can’t figure out if I’m Leo, Capricorn or Virgo ascendant
It's kind of a complex thing to do and a lot of explanation so I'll try to give some of the most crucial tips:
First important thing in rectification is to use a wole sign house system. If you're a Leo rising at 29 degrees, it doesn't matter. The whole Leo is your 1st house and so on
Also REALLY think of what makes the most sense to you. So you say Leo or Virgo or Capricorn. Now I'm assuming you have approximate time frame for Leo/Virgo cause they're next to each other but where does the Cap possibility come from? Is it an am/pm debate or what?
Look at each possible rising sign through whole sign houses and try to REALLY be objective when it comes to your planetary positions and what planets rule what houses. Look at the ascendant ruler. Where would each ascendant ruler fall? WHAT planet is your ascendant ruler? Being Saturn-ruled will be SO much different than being Sun or Mercury-ruled.
Ask people around how they view you. Think of what you value the most about everything. Think of what approach in life you have.
That will be your basis but the real rectification starts with looking at transits and progressions:
Prepare a list of dates of important events in your life, it can be anything that stands out in your memory (injuries, heartbreak, starting/ending a relationship, getting a job, moving, travelling, starting a hobby, weird coincidences etc).Use profections to see what planet was active during a given year to see what planet will be the most prominent during that year.
Look back at transits regarding those events. If you have 3 options with your rising sign, you need to mix and match and see what makes sense in terms of planets transiting your houses/planets.
For example: in 2017 I went through a 3rd house profection year ruled by Mars. So Mars was my time lord. Almost immediately after birthday I started getting ill and having various acute health problems pretty much throughout the entire year. So I could already tell the energy for that year was very martian: inflammatory and sudden and just malefic in general.
Another example: my sister is a Pisces rising and during one of her 1st house profection years she got married. Her 1st house profection would of course be ruled by a benefic Jupiter, which can indicate a good year, especially for someone with a day chart (Sun above the asc-dsc axis). That year transiting Jupiter entered Cancer - her 5th house where she has her natal Moon. That year during the transit she also happily got pregnant. So she got a double blessing from Jupiter cause it was her time lord and it also coincided with a good transit to her chart.
Look at planetary cycles. For example, Venus is retrograding every 8 years in the same sign. Last summer it was rx in Leo. How did that affect you?
Think of your Saturn transits. What heppened when Saturn was in Leo vs Virgo vs Capricorn? When Saturn transits the 1st house, we often take solid care of our health and bodies, start work out routines, often times because health issues pop up etc. Sometimes Saturn through the 12th can bring health issues (usually chronic or ones that are hard to diagnose) as well tho so keep that in mind.
You need to really sit down and do a bunch of notes and draw conclusions.
Let's take an example of my exhibit Gemini rising: his ascendant ruler is Mercury. During his 1st house profection year (which already indicates there can be stuff happening to the body), he injured himself. So his time lord for the year was Mercury - this will be a planet that is more sensitive that year. Now looking at his transits, his injury occured when transiting Mars was squaring his Mercury. On top of that, that Mars was also opposing his ascendant, which can also lead to accidents.
Generally also look at the state of your potential ascendant ruler: is it in a good or bad house, is it well or badly aspected and is it exalted/fallen/whatever etc.
Secondary progressions can also be useful. Look at progressed benefics and malefics and if they went over your potential axis. Now it's hard to rectify an exact degree of the ascendant but let's say you have your natal Mars in Cancer and it progressed into Leo at some point: if you're a Leo rising, it would progress into your 1st house and so maybe you started being more accident-prone or started having anger issues or suddenly found interest in sports. Now I don't know the rest of your chart so that's just a hypothetical example.
Generally it's a tedious thing to rectify a chart but you either REALLY sit down for a few days or weeks and do it yourself or you can pay a ton of $$$ for someone else to do it for you. Also once you feel like you did the job, still keep an eye out for transits and how they affect you, just to have a confirmation.
Hope that helps
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random-ln-stuff · 1 year
Hello! Hi! I am deep diving hard in the little nightmares lore and I think I’ve scrolled though most of your blog now (lol). There are still a few things I’m confused about and can’t seem to find…
The north wind, What is it? What powers does it have? Why is it so strong?
The lords, who are they? Do they govern this wrapped world? Do they ever convene with one another?
The eye, is it one big eye? Or is it a realm beyond the no where? Does it control all the other eyes that we see in the games?
If this is too much feel free to ignore it! Sorry to ask so much stuff (I am genuinely trying to make sense of it all) ps. I absolutely adore everything you have in this blog!!
Reading this made me realize that there’s a couple things i just haven’t explained anywhere.
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The following is a mix of headcanons and actual (vague) lore.
1: The North Wind.
The North Wind is a monster found in one of the two official Little Nightmares Comics.
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In the story, the North Wind is a formless entity, being the wind itself, although he is shown to be capable of making himself a humanoid shaped body deep within the storm that he is, probably forming the shape of a person using dust and debris he’s picked up.
He’s shown making a wager with the Ferryman (which I now believe is “who can pull this child fully into the Nowhere first” or something similar) and given how he calls the Ferryman a Cheat, he’s probably done a similar thing with him many times before.
He’s also one of 3 entities that acknowledges the Ferryman’s existence, the other two being The Mall from the podcast, who recognizes the Ferryman and begs him not to take Noone, and the Lady, who the Ferryman works for.
Besides his ability to literally strip things to the bone with nothing but wind and his own control over it, the mere fact that the North Wind can both casually wager with the Ferryman and the fact the the Ferryman often needs to cheat to win against him shows that the North Wind is equally as powerful or at least very close in power to the Ferryman (and also the Lady).
As for WHY the North Wind is so powerful, I think it’s because of the same reason that the Ferryman is so powerful, but I’ll get into that in a bit.
2: Lords.
First off: All inhabited areas of Nowhere have some sort of Vice or Obsession related to it. A thing that most, if not all of the inhabitants are obsessed with. The Pale City had Escapism and TVs, wherever Guests come from (and by extension the Maw, which is a restaurant that serves these people, not their original home) has food and hunger, etc.
(The Nest is an exception. It doesn’t have any sort of Vice because it’s only inhabited by three people, not counting the Lady whenever she presumably stays there, and doesn’t have the population or resources or anything to sustain any kind of obsession. Sure the Pretender has her dolls, but that’s more of a “spoil this kid rotten” thing than an addiction)
A Lord is basically just my word for “Any creature that controls a given area or vice of the Nowhere”. Meaning The Lady, The Broadcaster (not the Thin Man, but a separate being. I got a whole theory post on that), and if you take the Podcast into account, The Chained Woman, Living Mall and Ventriloquist. Along with any other rulers of the Nowhere we haven’t seen yet or even will never see.
Also included in this list are The North Wind, Ferryman and Signal Tower Flesh Walls. They don’t truly control any real areas (unless you count the North Wind tearing his way through the wilderness) but their power and influence is too great to really ignore, especially since out of the three of them, two work directly together with other Lords in ways that other minions simply can’t. The Ferryman works for the Lady alongside dragging kids into Nowhere to begin with, bringing them to either the Maw or the Nest depending on what the Lady needs. The Flesh Walls aid the Broadcaster in his control over the Pale City, helping spread the Transmission by literally being the Transmission Tower. I’d even argue that for the Ferryman and Flesh Walls, helping the Lady and Broadcaster respectively is more of a beneficial partnership than working under them, especially for the Flesh Walls.
Lords are also the entities that can pull children into the Nowhere, although some do it far more than others and as such are more experienced. For example: The Ferryman, North Wind, Living Mall and Flesh Walls.
(Also while I’m on the topic, I fully believe that Noone’s dream in Ep 3 of the Podcast is essentially an unplanned, forced detour for Noone’s Nowhere Tour, with the Living Mall being the thing that pulls her in this time instead of the Ferryman, which is why the Ferryman ends up taking her away from the Mall at the end instead of just letting her do whatever until she wakes up again. This would explain not only why the Ferryman actually helped Noone during her escape from the Mall, pointing at her necklace and gesturing for her to take it off before offering Noone his hand to escape (which brings to mind the North Wind comic, where the Ferryman does the exact same gesture to the Refugee Boy to take him away from the North Wind), an action we never him do before or after episode 3 when Noone is in danger, but also why the Mall got incredibly distressed and angry at the Ferryman when he showed up. The Mall pulled Noone in themselves this time, and the Ferryman had to show up to make sure his target didn’t get caught by different Lord before he could take her.)
Lords are the most powerful creatures found in the Nowhere, often possessing incredible power and uniquely, more humanlike intelligence and qualities. Adults in the Nowhere are more often than not mindless child killers who simply do their job or keep up with their obsession or vice (the Teacher teaching, the Hunter hunting, Viewers being addicted to the Transmission, etc) and completely LOSE IT when they see a child, gunning straight for it with the intent to kill unless something even more important (usually Obsession related) happens to stop them. It’s shown that some non-Lords can resist these child-killing urges with some practice like the Thin Man refusing to actually harm Six when he grabs her (although he did still leave Six to be corrupted in the Tower) and the Butler being able to look after the Pretender, who is a child, but this seems to be the exception. Especially since in all cases of this happening, there’s a reason for it. The Thin Man can still recognize Six, The Butler doesn’t harm the Pretender because she’s the Lady’s daughter, who the Butler works for and fears for VERY good reason, the Hunter didn’t kill Six immediately because he wanted to either cook or taxidermy her at a later date, etc
Meanwhile Lords have been seen completely ignoring any sort of child killing urge or compulsion easily. The Lady looked after anywhere from 2 to 6 children and is the one that trained the Butler to not attack her children in the first place, the Living Mall is extremely possessive, but doesn’t appear to have any real intentions of harming Noone, just wanting to keep her happy so she won’t leave them to be alone again and even begs her not to go further into the Nowhere for her own safety and even the Ferryman, despite his constant kidnapping of children in and out of Nowhere, never resorts to outright harming them or chasing them down like a wild animal like some other adults.
The Ferryman especially is a good example of this. Instead of chasing and snatching up any child he sees or mindlessly chasing one no matter the cost or killing them immediately upon capture, the Ferryman usually manipulates kids into giving themselves up nonviolently and is extremely persistent in doing so, stalking targets for YEARS if he has to in order to manipulate them or to wait for them to get into a position to be manipulated. He does tie up Six when bringing her to the Maw, but even prior to that he doesn’t chase Six down or harm her in order to capture her. He simply finds Six and points at her, causing every adult nearby to also point and make noises at her (possibly showing that the Ferryman has some sort of control or commanding power over Adults, just like some other lords we see), which overwhelms Six to the extent that she just curls up and tries to block out the noise, and after that the Ferryman presumably just walked over and took her without resistance, avoiding any sort of chase or fight entirely.
This isn’t to say that Lords won’t attack children or will treat them with any sort of kindness, the Lady will kill any intruders she can find and the North Wind seems to seriously enjoy killing things, making a whole game out of it with the Ferryman, but what I’m saying is that they’re able to resist those natural child-killing instincts if they ever want or need to. If a Lord kills a child, it’s because they want to, not because they need to. And boy do they often want to.
They’re also noticeably more aware and intelligent than typical adults. For the best example of this, compare the Maw and Signal Tower to any other adult in complexity.
Every year at the same time, but never in the same place, the Maw shows up, brings guests aboard and lets them eat endless amounts of delicious food and meat, only to later kill all of the guests aboard to feed the Lady with their souls.
The Signal Tower keeps producing the Signal by using a time loop. The loop is initially set up when the Broadcaster finds Mono, a child with signal powers, and attacks the Pale City Orphanage that he’s living in. The two meet, something we don’t get to see happens and Mono ends up in the forest outside the city, most likely coming out of one of the TVs there. Then Mono meets Six and the two journey through the Pale City. The actual loop begins when Mono releases the Thin Man, who kidnaps Six (and removes her soul by doing so). Mono then kills the Thin Man, and enters the Tower, only for a soulless Six to leave him there. Mono is then used as a living battery to create the transmission until he’s too old to be useful, at which point Mono (now The Thin Man) is released from the tower by his past self and is then eventually killed by his past self, who goes on to become trapped in the tower and so on infinitely.
All of these things are not only complicated (Especially the Loop), but when compared to other adults, even adults with Jobs like the Teacher and Doctor, have something that other adults don’t: A Purpose and Ultimate Goal.
The Teacher endlessly teaches fake students that can’t grow, change, learn or ever leave the school. She will do that forever simply because she is a Teacher and Teachers teach. The Doctor endlessly preforms surgeries on patients that never leave, simply waiting in the hospital to go through it all again, once again, simply because the Doctor is a Doctor and that’s what doctors do. The Hunter hunts and taxidermies because he’s a hunter, end of story. These adults CAN do things other than their jobs if they want to, like the Teacher playing the Piano in her free time and even writing and editing her own piece, but in the end they’re stuck endlessly doing their jobs for no real reason, with no end goal, simply because that is what they do.
But the Lady and Broadcaster are different. For example: The Maw’s whole thing isn’t something the Lady does just because she’s The Owner or The Host of the Maw and that’s what she does, she does it to keep herself alive, maintaining the whole thing as a way to guarantee a steady supply of souls to keep herself going year after year. In fact: The Lady didn’t originally run the Maw. She forcibly took it over from the previous owner (The Granny). In other words: The Lady planned out everything with the Maw. She took over because she wanted to use it as a guest trap and continues to use it as so. There’s also the Lady’s connections to the Nest, showing that the Lady can just straight up stop the Maw stuff in its entirety for a while and do whatever the hell she wants at the Nest, not to mention her own collection of books and spells deeper in her personal quarters, further abandoning any semblance of “I run the Maw because I am it’s owner and therefore it is my purpose”. The Lady runs the Maw and keeps track of all her employees because she wants to (use it to become immortal), not because it’s her only true purpose in life.
Her name actually somewhat reflects this. Instead of a job title or something similar, her name is simply “The Lady”. “The Lady of the Maw” for long. It’s just a description of her. Not a job title. Because the Lady does what she wants and doesn’t have a preset job-related purpose. The Broadcaster can also technically be used here as well, because The Broadcaster isn’t actually his name. We don’t know his name. He’s simply a second Thin Man that you can find if you search through the Lore enough. I just call him the Broadcaster because that was the Thin Man’s original name when LN2 had just recently been announced.
(The Thin Man also has a non-job-related name and isn’t a lord, but that’s because he doesn’t actually have a job to define him with. He’s a living battery for the signal tower, nothing more and nothing less.)
Point is, Lords are way more intelligent than the typical adult, and are able to think in ways that regular adults simply can’t.
Also (and this one is a pure headcanon with little canon evidence): Lords have the unique ability to speak in a language that both Children and Adults understand, when normally Children and Adults simply can’t understand each other. The only other creatures that can do this are The Butler, a Non-Lord Adult who can speak Child thanks to the Lady, The Pretender, a child that can speak Adult also thanks to the Lady, and Children that are still in the process of being dragged into the Nowhere, like Noone being able to hear and understand an adult shopkeeper.
Lords can be aware of each other, interact and even work together, as seen with both the Lady and The Ferryman working together either with the Ferryman working underneath the Lady or both on an equal partnership (it’s hard to say given how powerful the Ferryman is and how we don’t know what he’s getting out of this partnership) and the Broadcaster and Flesh Walls working together to create the Transmission, the Loop and everything else that keeps the Pale City the way it is. It really just depends on how close their respective domains are.
In fact: we know two Lords who are either rivals or outright enemies: The Lady and The Broadcaster (once again, a separate entity from the Thin Man, although they look nearly identical).
In Little Nightmares 2, you can find an apartment that used to belong to the Lady, implying that she used to live in the Pale City.
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It even has a picture of her (Masked, implying that she had her powers long before coming to the Maw, throwing a massive wrench into the Cycle Of Ladies theory) and one of her ceramic statues. The Glitching Remain found near it might even be the shadow-lifeforce-soul-stuff that the Lady stores inside those things, having leaked out and gotten ensnared by the Transmission.
Given the state of the Pale City and how the Lady now views the mainland as “Chaos”, it’s pretty clear that the Lady lived in the Pale City before the Broadcaster and Signal Tower showed up, and the Lady left once the Transmission started up.
Then in the Nest, we have the Lady locking up a TV in a heavy duty room while suspending it in the air (presumably so nothing can come through and if something does, the TV will fall and break, preventing them from escaping).
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Combine that with the Broadcaster’s failed attempt to enter the Maw through a TV in the Post-Credits of Secrets Of The Maw and one of the Pretender’s drawings depicting the Broadcaster, and it’s very possible that the Lady did this in response to the Broadcaster trying to enter the Nest through that specific TV. To prevent him from taking her daughter. It would certainly explain why that TV was rigged to be one way. If the Broadcaster were to come through, the TV would fall, preventing the Broadcaster from escaping with a kidnapped Pretender.
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It’s not the only TV in the Nest, as the Pretender does have one of her own, but there’s also a possibility that this specific TV is special somehow. Maybe it’s the only one in the Nest that can access live TV and signals, with the Pretender’s TV only being able to play pre-recorded stuff.
Final point is, both the Lady and the Broadcaster seem to despise each other, with the Lady leaving the Pale City once he showed up and the Broadcaster making multiple attempts to enter the Maw and Nest, most likely with the intention of harming the Lady and/or the Pretender.
As for how Lords are made, I headcanon that there’s two ways. A Deal with The Eye or being Made By It.
For the second opinion you have The Ferryman, North Wind, Signal Tower and Living Mall. They were just straight up created by the Eye. They aren’t the only ones either, as other Lords like them still have the capability to exist out there in the Nowhere. These are just the Lords we’ve seen.
As for why I believe these guys were created by the Lord, just look at them and what they’re capable of.
The Ferryman is described as a otherworldly figure with a face resembling melting wax (fun fact: that exact description is used in the podcast and is a reference to the Cut Character The Wax Bellman, who was confirmed out of universe to be an older beta version of what would later become the Ferryman.), who can shapeshift, teleport, speaks entirely in riddles and is shown to have direct connections to EXTREMELY powerful creatures, not to mention that Otto identifies him as “The guardian at the threshold. A mythic entity who’s appeared in the stories of innumerable cultures.”
The North Wind is a formless entity that is the Wind, is on par with the Ferryman in power and out of universe, The North Wind is often a character in legends and stories of various cultures, just like how Otto describes the Ferryman.
The Signal Tower and Living Mall are so similar that I first they were the same character. They’re giant masses of flesh covered in eyes that can mimic entire buildings. The eyes alone should give these things off.
Coincidentally (or not), these four specific lords are the ones who are better at invading people’s dreams and accessing Our World, with the Ferryman in particular being so adept at it that Otto initially believes him to be The “guardian at the threshold” of the Nowhere. In reality, all Lords we see can access our world through dreams, and it turns out that Eye-Created Lords are just naturally better at it. The Ferryman isn’t THE guardian at the threshold that Otto is looking for, but A guardian at the threshold. A Lord. One of many.
For the others like The Lady, Broadcaster and most of the Podcast Lords, they started out as regular adults.
Now it’s important to note that Regular Adults, despite being bound to that singular purpose or job, can do things outside of it and have unrelated things on the side, like the Teacher playing and composing on the piano in her free time.
For many, this is where it starts, with an adult using that Free Time and stuff on the side in very specific ways. They start researching the world they inhabit and how it works, the Nowhere, Magic, The Eye, and it all eventually culminates in them somehow getting the attention of the Eye itself, and making a deal with it. Either that or the Adult comes into close contact with another Lord, who ends up bringing the Eye’s attention to the adult for them.
The deal is all the benefits that lords have over regular adults (plus whatever is unique to them, like the Lady’s shadow magic and the Broadcaster’s signal powers) in exchange for… something. We don’t know exactly what, but this something is generally assumed to be souls. Many souls. For example, the Viewers of the Pale City are eventually consumed by the Televisions they watch, leaving behind only their clothes. It’s assumed that their souls are claimed by the Eye through this, the Eye getting any and all souls that the transmission ensnares and drags into itself.
Speaking of which….
The All Seeing Eye:
To my understanding and theorizing, the Little Nightmares Universe looks like this:
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You have Reality as we know it, The Threshold between Reality and Nowhere, Nowhere itself, an unknown space that most likely just contains another threshold, this time between the Nowhere and the Nightmare World and the Nightmare World itself, which I also call the Eye’s Domain.
The Eye is a cosmic horror-esque eldritch monstrosity. Simple as that. It is the ruler and sole inhabitant of its domain, the Nightmare World. The Eye’s Domain essentially stands opposite to ours in a cosmic sense, and the Nowhere is created where both of these very different worlds overlap ever so slightly.
Also in a very disturbing twist, the Nowhere is actually essentially the universe’s DEFAULT STATE, or at least is as close as to you can get to it, and at some point in the incomprehensibly distant past (most likely during or even before the literal Big Bang), it separated into the stable, orderly “reality” where we live and exist and the horrifying chaotic eldritch nightmare world where the Eye exists.
We know this thanks to the Ferryman’s words: “Two flows from one, and here, is whole again”. In other words, there used to be one world, but then they separated into two, and in the Nowhere, both worlds meet again.
This also means that the Eye most likely predates the entire universe as we know it. In fact, I’d compare it to this bit of Adventure Time Lore:
The Eye’s Realm is literally just Eldritch madness the mortal mind can’t comprehend. Pure chaos with the Eye being omnipresent, all seeing and in full control of everything that happens in there. But the Nowhere is different. It’s not created by the Eye, at least not on purpose. The Nowhere is a space between spaces, where our reality meets the Eye’s nightmarish hellscape, and the end result is the Nowhere, where things make JUST enough sense to be comprehensible while also being filled with the Eye’s nightmares and corruption.
The Eye can see into the Nowhere and is almost always watching almost everywhere at once, but can’t truly interact with anything outside its domain like the Nowhere or Our World (thank god), but it can use other methods to influence things, like it’s various Lords. The massive amount of Eyes seen all over the franchise are less a thing the Eye looks through and more just a sign of Its Presence. It can’t show up physically, but the Eye symbols are a sign that it’s here and watching regardless.
However, despite the Eye being unable to physically appear in the Nowhere, we’ve seen it. In Episode 6 of the Podcast.
In episode 6, Noone is brought to the Threshold, the final barrier between the Real World and Nowhere, where crossing it will trap you forever. The Threshold (or at least Our side of it) is described as Extremely Dark, filled with black mist that makes it extremely hard to see, and contains a single wooden door simply described as “Ancient” with a symbol of the Eye on it. But after Noone crosses through the door and sees the Nowhere side of the Threshold, it’s different.
The Mist vanishes, and Noone sees countless stars that fill the sky with a red moon, but quickly realizes that those aren’t stars, they’re Eyes. Even the Red Moon is just a Massive, Red Eye. That is our description of the Eye itself.
The Eye can’t enter the Nowhere or Our World, but seems to be fully capable of existing within that border space between the realms, although it’s power is somewhat limited here compared to in its own domain.
Or maybe you can just see into the other realms from the Threshold. The Nowhere is compared to a one-way mirror at some point. Earth is on the mirrored side, and can’t look into the Nowhere, while the Nowhere can look at us. Presumably, the Nightmare Realm follows the same idea. From inside the Nightmare Realm, you can’t see the Nowhere either. You are on the mirrored side of a one way mirror. But from the Threshold, and more specifically the part of the Threshold that’s closer to the Nowhere? You are on the side of the mirror that lets you look straight through it, and with Noone being in-between Reality, The Nowhere AND the Nightmare World, she might have be able to look straight at the Eye in its domain, looking at it through the one-way mirror that is reality.
Anyways, That description of Countless Glowing Eyes matching the amount of stars in the sky with a single massive Red Eye surrounded by rings in the centre is the closest we can come to understanding what the Eye looks like. It’s the most complicated form it can take that we as human beings can still comprehend without going insane.
But there’s more. In episode 5, Otto attempts to use a machine to see into Noone’s dreams, but is stopped at the dark mist of the Threshold. He watches as a single eye appears from the darkness, and then it opens, staring at Otto with such intensity that he’s physically in pain from it, barely able to choke out words as he rambles that “it’s watching me” until the machine he’s using completely breaks down.
In other words, Otto tried to stare into the abyss that is Nowhere, but the Eye cut him off and stared right back.
Also also: Otto’s reaction to the Eye staring at him plus the sound it makes as it does so reminds me exactly of the Sentry Eyes used in the Maw and Nest that turn people caught in its gaze to stone. There’s also the unused TV Eyes from LN2 that do the same thing and it looks like the Mechanical Monster Baby in LN3 can do the same thing with it’s own eyes. This leads me to believe that many Lords directly draw upon the Eye for magical power, and Sentry Eyes (and the Eye Cameras in the Maw) use raw power taken straight from the Eye to power themselves.
Also as pure headcanon: In my headcanon post about some children being native to the Nowhere and some being from Earth, I mentioned two things:
Children that are visiting Nowhere as they sleep (like Noone) but haven’t been fully pulled in yet will disappear from Nowhere and go back to Earth if they die in the Nowhere, Fall Asleep in the Nowhere, or “go unobserved for too long”.
Children will naturally appear in the Nowhere (basically spawn in like Minecraft Mobs) in any area that is completely unobserved.
For both of these things, I’m not just talking about going unobserved by others, but also by the Eye.
The Eye, despite being present almost everywhere in the Nowhere and having a reputation as being all-seeing, is not perfect. Occasionally, a tiny gap will appear in its all-seeing sight, and when it can’t see a spot, Children, one of the only things immune to its corrupting, nightmarish presence, have a chance to appear in that unobserved spot.
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starlitships-moved · 10 months
Bal.di headcanons & some canon facts (Still a WIP):
definitely not human (some sort of eldritch/lovecraftian creature? Or something like a sentient ai/game itself?) Either that or something like one of those artist mannequins or action figure type things that can remove literal parts of their bodies...
can bend his limbs in all kinds of wacky directions... may even be able to shapeshift....
has a temper, but is learning to control it better. (Actually kinda canon, since in BB+ if you get a math question wrong in the camping trip or run out of time/put the wrong animal in the barn in the farm trip, instead of chasing you, he now goes "ohhhhhhh...." And slumps over dramatically XD And then says "try again! :D")
LOVES to eat! Also eats very fast... (Can literally eat an apple in 15 seconds XD)
Antagonist, but not a villain. (I seriously just can't see him as an actual villain, especially after seeing some of the hidden BBCR endings like listening to his dorky song etc.)
Not ps.ych.opath.ic or evil! Maybe a bit quirky, but NOT evil!
DOESN'T kill kids, nor is he a freakin' p3do for goodness sake! (what was WRONG with the early fandom?!?!)
Strict teacher (NOT abusive), genuinely wants his students to do well at math.
Will slap the SH1T out of actual p3dos... Also very protective of his students/the school grounds.
he has amazing hearing and is also very perceptive! If he hears anything out of the ordinary, he checks it out immediately. If it's an intruder in the school... HOO BOY. ^_^;
he smells like a mix of apples and wood (from his ruler!)
in BB+, he genuinely just wants to play hide and seek. c:
When he catches you in BB+, he just tags you and you have to return to the elevator (this is actually canon, since it says he tags you in-game)
in Baldi's Basics Classic (and Remastered), when he catches the player, he either; A) slaps them on the wrist/head/behind and gives them a stern talking to or B) same thing but also gives them detention. (Just typical teacher punishment. NO MURDERING. >:T)
Is 5'1". No, really. ( Someone actually measured all of the characters... Honestly I think it just makes him even cuter X3 I am legit like, 2 inches taller than him! )
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I started thinking about Boris' story from the isekai I was posting chapters of here and what that story might be. Starting with who the necromancer who created him was.
I pretty much immediately decided it was a necromancer character i created awhile ago, and got a short chance to play, Kerila/Nisharven. They have a very distinctive appearance I created by melding together visual cues from xenomorphs, Yzma, The Sassomancer (props to @kadabura for such a cool character), and then added some of my own "way overthinking things" to, like how they actually style their hair like that. While Nisharven didn't have a particular race when i created them, Kerila was a githyanki.
I had recently watched a video talking about the Gith (tho i strongly disagree with Pointy Hat's taste, but then I'm an avowed xenophile, so), and decided i definitely wanted to use some of the Gith/mind flayer lore in Boris' backstory.
There's a small problem with that, but a fairly easily surmountable one- WotC claims the Gith and mind flayers as "Product Identity." Which is bullshit, because neither of them originate from D&D. The Gith were created by Charles Stross for a White Dwarf article, and the name was pulled from an old GRR Martin story. Mind Flayers are just starspawn of Cthulhu with the serial numbers and wings filed off. The Gith/Illithid war takes from a book by Larry Niven. So, I personally consider them fair game, since they represent a history of artistic theft. I just need to call them something different and make a few differences.
And given that I actually think about how fantasy species and cultures function, that's easy to do.
Which is a long ass prologue for what I actually am making this post to talk about:
How To Create Truly Alien Cultures
Mind Flayers are described as utterly alien in mind and body. They see themselves as the apex of life, superior to all other life, and as destined to rule the multiverse, creating order under their rubbery grasp.
They see "lesser" lifeforms as only fit to be food, brainwashed thralls, or, essentially, breeding stock. They believe that they are giving these creatures "a gift" when they eat their brains.
These two things don't fucking compute.
This "we are superior to you, and true order can only be found if you submit to our rule" bullshit is all too fucking human. If this is your take on illithids, they're not alien, they're Nazis with squids for heads and slightly more complex justifications.
But, I read up on the canon, because there's this inherent tension between "we eat brains" and "we reproduce by putting our larva in brains." I wanted to see what the existing lore was to see if I needed to square that circle. I don't. A mind flayer only *needs* one brain a month because they actually primarily subsist on the psionic energy of the brain. A mind flayer who can might eat one or two brains a week, but in general they eat a brain every couple weeks, along with other things, such as organs other than brains, which are like healthy snacks to them since they contain the non-psionic stuff their bodies need.
But the lore also contains the seeds to actually start making them genuinely alien.
Let's start with the thing I remembered and didn't need the lore to refresh my memory on- for an Illithid, the Good Ending of life is for their brain to be put in their home elder brain's pool to become one with it. Every Illithid, no matter their personal goals, unless they've gone rogue or something, is aiming for an afterlife where they become one with the ruler of their personal community. That is Illithid Heaven.
Now, the things I needed the lore to remind me of-
When an Illithid consumes a brain, they receive the memories, personality, etc of the person whose brain they eat. The mind of the victim is absorbed into the Illithid's own mind.
There is one major point of lore I discard, the idea that illithids have no gender and instead individually lay one or two clutches of eggs in their lifespans. Like, I'm here for genderfuckery, but if we're going to make aliens, let's fucking make aliens. Have the tadpoles spawn directly from the elder brain through budding.
This is how you make the "brain consumption is a gift" thing work from the mind flayers' perspective!
The Cycle of One and Self
Ok, so, first you have to step into the webbed, two-toed feet of a mind flayer. You value your individuality, but also long to return to the elder brain which spawned them. For you, your individual life is but a short time in which you serve as a node of the community, to accomplish its goals away from the pool.
Further, you absorb non-illithids into your number when you eat. You don't see the act of consumption as an end of that person, you see it as helping them ascend to be part of a greater whole, which you likewise wish to ascend to. Your brain and mind is a way station for those who were not spawned from the Great One and are not destined to become extensions of it through ceremorphosis.
Now, we can understand this way of thinking, from an academic sense, but it's substantially non-human, in a way that "you are lesser beings and must be controlled by us superior beings" isn't. It gives the illithids a philosophy and a pathos that a person can almost sympathize with, but not, because to accept that perspective, one must sort themselves into "food."
This isn't a whole genuine alien mindset, but it's a good start. A much better start than, say, "look they just do things that seem random, but that's because we don't understand them." There's a logic, however abhorrent or frightening. It actually makes internal sense and isn't just "this is a thing we don't like to think of historical human actions, so it seems alien to us."
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starsmuserainbow · 5 months
taken from beth kinderman and nikki walker’s the 100 most important things to know about your character. a good list to help develop a character’s background, personality, and general aspects.
(Template link here)
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What is your full name?
Where and when were you born?
“On Tamaran, in the castle. Before any of my siblings, and during the war.”
Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
“The Grand Ruler of Tamaran and his wife. Myand'r and Luand'r.”
[[Rest below a cut because this is a long thing!]]
Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?
“Ugh. Starfire is a naive stupid fool, weak and soft and liked by everyone despite all that. And Wildfire really better should’ve stayed dead. He’s shy and doesn’t dare to do anything really, he doesn’t know anything, can’t fight, and isn’t much tamaranean either.”
Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.
“I live wherever I want to. Alone. What do you want me to describe? The universe is vast, and endless, and everywhere is my home.”
What is your occupation?
“Whatever I want to be.”
Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.
“I have dark purple hair, eyes of similar color. My skin is more into orange than that of a human, I’m taller, I wear shiny black material and preferrably not too covering. Also silver armor covering almost the whole body, usually, as a precaution. I’m having the perfect looks, and anyone who has seen me will confirm that.”
To which social class do you belong?
“Top of it all.”
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
“Pfsh, of course not! Not like I'd tell you if I had any, either.”
Are you right- or left-handed?
“I can do both.”
What does your voice sound like?
“Alluring, enticing, attractive; simply perfect.”
What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?
“Nothing in specific. I use what I need at that moment.”
What do you have in your pockets?
“Nothing right now.”
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
“Of course not.”
How would you describe your childhood in general?
“Frustrating, boring, lame. Annoying.”
What is your earliest memory?
“I remember my mother combing my hair and humming a melody.”
How much schooling have you had?
“Everything Tamaran had, and more.”
Did you enjoy school?
“Not in the slightest, no. Which I didn’t hide either.”
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?
“From others. Partly on Tamaran, from older fighters, though a lot later-on during all my travels, too.”
While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.
“I didn’t. I never wanted to be like anyone else, I always knew I was better, the best, myself.”
While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?
“I hate them all.”
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
“The next Grand Ruler.”
As a child, what were your favorite activities?
“Fighting, doing my own thing, racing in flight.”
As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?
“I was cool, clever, and independent.”
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?
“Of course I was popular! I always am!”
When and with whom was your first kiss?
“Someone to learn language-assimilation from, on Tamaran.”
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?
If you are a supernatural being (i.e. mage, werewolf, vampire), tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities. If you are just a normal human, describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today.
“As tamaranean, you’re born with these abilities.”
What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?
“Starfire leaving Tamaran. That helped me start finally being who I am, and made it easier because otherwise I'd have had to figure out a way to get her out of the picture myself.” Which she still had to do now, but, meh.
Who has had the most influence on you?
“Pfsh right. As if. If anyone, I myself.”
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
“Mmm… perhaps those few planets I destroyed. Kinda on accident for most of them, but, well.”
What is your greatest regret?
“I don’t regret. I hate that my plans towards my siblings failed so far, though.”
What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
“Didn’t I just say I destroyed some planets? I think that’s the thing biggest on the scale.”
Do you have a criminal record of any kind?
“Yeah, probably enough to fill a book. Or more than one.”
When was the time you were the most frightened?
“Some of my jail-times, perhaps. but I don’t really do being frightened.”
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?
“As if I’m gonna actually talk about something like that. Jail-time, if you must get something, but I’m not gonna give any details.”
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?
“One of the times where my plans towards Starfire failed. Because if I win, I’ll be able to get everything I want.”
What is your best memory?
“There’s a place somewhere, that’s giving you the best feeling you’ll ever have, anywhere. Probably that.”
What is your worst memory?
“My time with the Schlurch. Yuck. Either that, or jail-time again.”
Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?
“I wouldn’t say I’m either.”
What is your greatest fear?
“Yeah nope, not gonna tell.” [[It’s losing her powers, in a permanent way]]
What are your religious views?
“I believe in myself.”
What are your political views?
“I’m the empress, more isn’t there to know.”
What are your views on sex?
Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?
“Whenever it’s needed, if you can pull it off, it’s acceptable.”
In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?
“Whatever shocks most people. It’s ridiculous how much ‘good’ and 'evil’ depends on what world you’re on.”
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
What do you believe makes a successful life?
“Getting what you want, having power, feeling good. Freedom.”
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?
“And why should I answer that? Take a guess~”
Do you have any biases or prejudices?
“Of course not. Absolutely not.”
Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?
“Settling down. Because I need the travel, the freedom, my space.”
Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?
“As if I’d do something as stupid as that. No one, of course.”
In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?
“It all depends on whether or not I consider them useful. If they aren’t, I don’t care, and I won’t hide it all too much. It’s sometimes useful to stay on someone's good side though.”
Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
“I myself of course. I don’t want anyone else.”
Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
“Again, me.”
Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people.
“I don’t have, neither want, friends.”
Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.
“Right. Sure. Nope.”
Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.
“Thankfully not.”
What do you look for in a potential lover?
“I don’t look.”
How close are you to your family?
“I hate everyone of them.”
Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?
“No, and I’m not interested. Like heck am I going to take a few months of being unable to do things my way, not to mention after that.”
Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?
“Probably my sister and her friends, since she’s naive enough to help me everytime again no matter what I do to her. And perhaps I can manage to get her - or them - into the desperate situation that they’re to free me from, even.”
Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?
“Don’t trust anyone but yourself. Very important.”
If you died or went missing, who would miss you?
“Probably my siblings, foolish as they are.”
Who is the person you despise the most, and why?
“Starfire. Because she’s stupid, and still gets all the stuff.”
Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
“It’s easier to avoid the conflict, as long as I still need them for something.”
Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
“Of course!”
Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
“The larger the crowd, the better being the focus of all attention.”
Do you care what others think of you?
“Absolutely not. I know that everyone loves me, anyway.”
What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?
“Partying, proving that I’m better than someone, destruction.”
What is your most treasured possession?
“I don’t really have any. My armor maybe, but that’s totally replaceable.”
What is your favorite color?
“An almost black dark purple.”
What is your favorite food?
“You wouldn’t know it.”
What, if anything, do you like to read?
“I’ve read poems on occasion.”
What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?
“A good beat that I can dance to.”
Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit?
“Sometimes, sometimes, rarely. Because it’s fun. And no, why would I.”
How do you spend a typical Saturday night?
“You say that as if I keep track of what date it is, much less earthen day.”
What makes you laugh?
“Seeing people afraid, or bringing themselves into danger. These things.”
What, if anything, shocks or offends you?
“If anyone gets the idea to not treat me like I deserve. I wouldn't say anything shocks me, really.”
What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?
“I sleep as little as possible, so I doubt that’s gonna happen. And, I’d probably just look for a good club in some nearby planet.”
How do you deal with stress?
“Violently, usually.”
Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?
“A basic plan is good, but it needs to have leeway to change things as we go.”
What are your pet peeves?
“Just don’t be annoying and we’re good.”
Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?
“I don’t have any routine.”
What is your greatest strength as a person?
“My confidence, my skills, my knowledge and experience. Oh, and of course, my looks and knowing how to use them.”
What is your greatest weakness?
“I don’t have any, of course.”
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
“I’d like to be an only child.”
Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
Are you generally organized or messy?
“Neither really.”
Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.
“I’m good at seducing people. At dancing. At fighting. I’m bad at… nothing really, but since you insist… drawing, following rules or orders, waiting on something or someone.”
Do you like yourself?
“Of course!”
What are your reasons for being an adventurer (or doing the strange and heroic things that RPG characters do)? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons…)
“I do what I do because it’s part of feeling free. Because it’s part of doing whatever I want.”
What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?
“Get my siblings completely under my control, and then take over Tamaran.”
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
“See the goals.”
If you could choose, how would you want to die?
“Preferrably without my body being found, so it’s always a mystery if I really died. And in a fight.”
If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.
“Launch a full attack on Starfire and her friends. Perhaps try to end them before I’m ending.”
What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?
“Being the queen of the galaxxy, now that’s a tilte to be remembered by.”
What three words best describe your personality?
“Sexy. Cool. Awesome.”
What three words would others probably use to describe you?
“Sexy. Cool. Much better than Starfire.”
If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character? (You might even want to speak as if he or she were sitting right here in front of you, and use proper tone so he or she might heed your advice…)
Uh, nothing here to say. I could say that she should be nicer or the likes, but I see it as part of her being that she’s like this, so there isn’t really anything I can say. I wish she’d be easier to do positive connections to people with though.
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heureusite · 2 years
astro theory 2: organs/systems by ruler
everyone and their mother has their opinion on what body parts are ruled by which sign, including myself. maren altman described saturn in pisces as a time when one thing questioned would be bodily autonomy, so let's ring in this transit with a small anatomy lesson (if we have any activists here, i'd like to thank you in advance for the next 3 years, as they are going to be very important for you) on my opinions of what rules what.
the traditional western view (being general; not citing anyone specific in case of plagiarism accusations) was to 'slice' l'uomo vitruviano into 12 parts from top to bottom and label them like this:
aries: head/face/brain
taurus: neck/throat
gemini: hands, arms, shoulder area
cancer: chest, cervical spine area (of back), ribs
leo: heart, thoracic spine area
virgo: belly (under chest to navel/above hips), lumbar spine area
libra: navel until hip line
scorpio: genitals
sagittarius: thighs
capricorn: knees
aquarius: calves
pisces: feet
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eastern astrology has a few interpretations but here's the one written by sanjay rath, based on traditional planets and organ systems:
sun: skeletal
moon: circulatory
mercury: nervous & integumentary
venus: reproductive
mars: muscular
jupiter: digestive
saturn: excretory
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i disagree with both (eastern seems to fit my interpretation better though) as modern medicine has come a long way since then - while it may not be accurate for everything, as discoveries and advances will still and always will still be made, we can categorize some beliefs from the past as (generally) untrue.
i personally agree with putting signs as body part (if i say systems I'm talking about multiple body parts, rather than them working together) rulers and planets system rulers.
i'm starting with signs and then following with planets, as this seems like the more logical order. I can't list every body part, but it will be very detailed - comment/message and if i think it applies i will add it (cells/intracellular fluids do not have specific rulers).
aries/1st: skin, hair, nails, epithelial tissues
taurus/2nd: heart, veins/arteries
gemini/3rd: cerebellum, frontal lobe, occipital lobe, cns (including eyes)
cancer/4th: interstitial fluids (lymph, pus, spit, breast milk, etc.), eggs/sperm
leo/5th: blood (connective tissue)/intravascular fluid
virgo/6th: stomach hydrochloric acid, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, pns, ens
libra/7th: remaining connective (including osseous)
scorpio/8th: mesenchyme (connective) tissue, nephrons, cartilage, extracellular matrix
sagittarius/9th: enzymes, steroid/adrenal hormones*
capricorn/10th: joints, muscle tissues, protein (peptide/amine/glycoprotein) hormones
aquarius/11th: glands, lungs/airway, uterus, testes
pisces/12th: adipose tissues*
now for the slightly easier parts, planets in the modern order (why didn't i include rising? look in your first house - above in sign/degrees/house list with aries).
sun: fluid-based (lymphatic) immune**
moon: reproductive
mercury: nervous, digestive/excretory
venus: circulatory
mars: integumentary (exocrine)
jupiter: lipid structures/steroid-based endocrine*
saturn: musculoskeletal, protein-based endocrine*
uranus: respiratory
neptune: response-based immune* **
pluto: non-digestive excretory
*why are the jupiter signs not concrete? (aka i am preparied for the slander). jupiter and neptune are the 'expansive' and 'shadowy' planets (or as i like to say the 'overt/covert' planets) which means that unlike the other planets, there is not an easily decipherable concrete form (actually for the sake of technicality, there is a concrete form but its so large and made of so many parts that it is hard to see - think air molecules). jupiter being expansive is not the reason why it represents fats - jupiter's supportive nature (whether wanted or not) makes it the planet for fats. additionally, sagittarius which traditionally responds to gets tasks done quickly (whether correctly or not) represents every enzyme and steroid response. also saturn -> time -> growth.
**immune system is divided into: first the 'drainage' which is what the lymph picks up before being drained into lymph nodes, filtered and sent back to the bloodstream. 'but the sun is the outwards expression of personality' - hold on - the sun needs to 'take stock' of the other plants before expressing their desires in the 'sunny (lol) fashion' and it can only do this by passing through everyone else and collecting the inputs. the lymphatic network goes literally everywhere in the body and drains any 'extras' and doesn't make it waste - it eventually sends it back into the bloodstream. second the 'responses' - which is made of other parts of other systems working together. in the illusory nature of neptune (as described above) it makes sense to have the system that is not 'seen' but still works to defend from behind the scenes.
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this is my theory but feel free to comment your questions and opinions if you have any - i'm interested in people's responses (and potential jupiter signs slander) - as I said, any input that I think applies may be added.
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~ Lala
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etoilesombre · 5 months
Flintmadi 2? Say more
For the WIP game, ty for the ask!
So this is the second chapter of By Faith of my Body, first chapter here. Truly it's the flintmadi bookclub fic. It is working toward OT3 but very much focuses on the flintmadi relationship, with developing bdsm fealty kink dynamics. The premise is that Madi's early resentment toward Flint is based at least partly in the fact that she assumes silverflint are fucking, and that Flint is not particularly good for him. They work through the misunderstanding, Flint opens up to her about his past. Basically, they talk about things filtered through the shared context of history and literature. So the first chapter is classical lit and history, they talk about the Iliad, Alexander, Plato, the burden of leadership etc etc.
So this, the second chapter: there is some silverflint tension, Flint goes back to Madi because he had felt so calm and understood in her presence. She suggests that he in fact open his mouth and talk to Silver. He basically says that would be a distraction and not end well, we need to focus on the war which is the important thing. This time they talk about it through the context of Le Morte D'Arthur, or, story of an ot3 that ended really badly. Discussions of political vs personal, and resistance, and how stories get used and changed. This is also the chapter where the fealty stuff gets real. Flint has such knight vibes, and Madi is such a worthy queen, and kneeling is so relaxing actually.
Ok I haven't opened this document in forever actually. Let's see what's lurking in here for excerpts...
This is a lot rougher than what I usually post, especially the second bit, but I think these excerpts capture the spirit.
“You know, the story of their affair is only a distraction.”  Madi raised an eyebrow. “It seemed a great deal more than that.”  It was Flint’s turn to smile. “A distraction to the reader. From the stories that should matter.”  “What, the quest for the grail?” Madi asked, with thinly veiled disdain. “Surely you cannot credit that tale, nor find much value in it.”  He smiled, refreshed by her casual heresy. “Indeed not, highness. Both stories are appealing, tales of romance and adventure, scandal and chivalrous pursuits. They also pose no particular threat, and suit England quite well. I imagine that’s why this is the version that was written down and printed, although as you can see it is as much French as our own.”  Madi listened with rapt attention, and Flint was proud to have so captivated her. He hadn’t considered the history of his own people before, when he thought of resisting the empire, but perhaps it wasn’t so different. Excitement grew in him as he spoke. “There are older stories, that the crown likes rather less. Of an Arthur who resisted conquest, and fought off the encroaching Saxons. England has not always been as united as she now appears.”
“And would you kneel before me?” “Highness?” [uneasy, but interested] “Why not? You appear to me as a man who needs to do penance, James Flint. There is something… quieting, about being on your knees. You are a man so clearly made for service, yet with no god nor king before whom you may kneel and keep your honor. If you meant what you said last night, if you would follow me as the ruler of our new world, then it is only proper that you should kneel.”   [he does so] “James. My loyal knight.” She touches his head, a blessing morphed into a caress. “And yet, we both know that I am not the one for whom you wish to be on your knees.”  Flint was made uneasy by her familiarity, even as he wished to pursue it. “Highness,” he said, warning in his voice  “That is not to be, and I would not be ever reminded of a desire that I must forsake.”  “But why are you so set upon forsaking it?” [Curious, warm.] “I am no jealous king, and we’ve no god to fear for the pursuit of such love, if your Thomas is to be believed.”  [She touches him again, he tries to get a read on whether it’s sexual] “Why turn from such love without ever having pursued it?” Flint wondered if this was a test of some kind. Pride and bitterness bid him keep silent, but he owed her this. Penance. Humiliation. “Is it not clear? He gives no indication of returning my sentiments. I would not make myself more plain, if for no other reason than that, with so much resting on our partnership, I fear he would not feel he could refuse me freely.” “So desiring of my Guinevere, and yet too loyal to pursue that desire.” [touching him more overtly, fascinated.] “Up there alone every day with him, knowing that he comes to lie with me after, when you have no such recourse yourself.” [Flint thinks about her hands on silver instead, how intimately she touches him and he wants to kiss her palm even just for the echo it holds.] “Do you intend ever to be so close, and yet to deny yourself? This seems to me equally likely to provoke disaster.”
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