#and falling in love with one of the punks and they fool around and it's messy and raw and all that
loserboyfriendrjl · 2 years
people stared (at the makeup on his face)
Sirius never ran.
He always stayed and did everything for what he believed to be good. He never backed down; he always did what he had to do. He got his hands dirty if he had to, for the ones he loved, for what was right.
He was a knight in a world of dukes and duchesses. They never fought; they just stood and watched, elegant and somber, and let the other die for them.
Sirius never ran. But that night he did, intoxicating summer air, and adrenaline pumped in his veins like venom. He felt alive — more alive — than he ever had. He had never been a rational being, he relied on his feelings and let the consequences come later, tearing him apart.
Not that time, though. He ran down the streets of London and laughed himself away, because he was free.
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 year
i don’t know if I’m allowed to ask right now and feel to ignore this but I just really like your shit so here I am :D
I love the thought of Fanny being the ghost king and the crown not fitting on his head so it falls to his neck line where it hangs off his neck and is either the spikes(idk what the call the pointed bits-) are short enough to see his face or they are thin enough to see though and then when he’s in his human from the crown turns into a black neck tattoo that’s really pretty and stuff!! So imagine this, Danny in Gotham and he’s a singer for Penguin and some rouges or something and he’s irritated so instead of running he continued to sing and it actually sways the course of the fight in favor of his allies while the enemies ears or like bleeding or something as his hair turns white and his eyes go green as the crown shins around his neck and let’s say that his outfit is quite androgynous and nice looking but he’s really pissed because it was a gift and it got damaged or bled on and this starts a rumor that Danny is a meta so the bats and birds go to investigate
Hope you like it and do a little Drabble :)
They hear about the Siren for the first time after a bit of trouble happens to go down in Old Man Rob's. At first, they were a little shocked that anyone would dare give Rob any sort of trouble, seeing as it was a general unwritten role to leave the old man who made clothes for the working girls/boys and for the Gotham Rouges well enough alone.
His work was so well appreciated that the Rouges would even send their minions to outfit them with the standard hire goon outfit. Joker swears by his purple cloth that only Rob could make his men look good.
Old Man Rob made the clothes right out of his home, so anyone who went to him would have a hot cup of tea and soft music from Rob's home country playing in the background. Everyone agreed that Old Man Rob's was welcoming and neutral grounds.
So imagine the uproar when some stupid out-of-city punks attempted to follow some working girls into the house and trash the place. The girls had taken refuge with Old Man Rob after realizing the punks were much more dangerous than they first thought.
When Rob tried to defuse the situation, things turned ugly as one of the men punched the old man to the ground- injuring his back. They had then attempted to take the screaming girls, gone about the house for anything valuable, and smashed everything that wasn't with a bat.
That's when Siren walked in. The androgynous being looked around before throwing themselves onto the men like the snaring mystical creature they earned their name from.
Siren had taken care of the men and had even had them hand-delivered to Penjuin when the supervillain caught wind that the fools were responsible for Rob not being able to complete his latest suit due to his back injury.
One of the working girls had texted her boyfriend, who was employed with Penguin, and that meant the Rouge, with a group of men, had rushed over to help not even ten minutes later.
Once everything was settled, Rob had enough time, as he was being transported to the hospital, to give Siren their outfit as a gift, and Penguin overheard the old man wishing Siren luck on his audition.
After a bit of question, Penguin gave Siren his card and told them to swing by the Iceberg Lounge for an audition if the one they were going to didn't work out.
That was all the Bats were able to gather from the last working girl, who is Jason's informate. Since Siren had no other known sighting, the Bats let them fade into obscurity until rumors of a hot new singer began to feature at the Iceberg Lounge.
Their voice left hundreds of clubgoers memorized, even those who didn't often prefer slow seduction songs when going to the club. The Iceberg does have a more classy feel about it but Siren could make anyone stop for their voice.
Bruce thought it was wise to investigate the meta after rumors that Siren would often help security when someone got too rowdy by singing a tone that could make human ears bleed. So far, there wasn't much information past rumors, and Penguin hadn't made the singer a member of his crime yet, but it was only a matter of time.
No one that powerful could remain neutral with the company they kept.
That's why Dick, Cas, and Jason all dressed to the nines and visited Iceberg Lounge with Brucie Wayne's unlimited credit card. They are treated VIPs- as the Lounge is a legitimate business despite everyone knowing the owner is Penguin- and are seated right before Siren's stage.
The lights drop, and the music tickles to a stop so the live band can get into place. Dick adjusts his cuffs, presses the record button on the hidden video camera on the metal, and leans on his hands to point it to the stage.
They are all wearing earplugs, hoping to stop Siren's powers, but it's better to have someone far away who won't be effect by the sound watching just in case the three get mind-controlled.
The singer who takes the stage is beautiful androgynous in everything from their outfit to their features, but none can deny their beauty of them. They stand in a shimmering black suit resembling a modern king attire, with a half veil dripping from their shoulders. A particular ice crystal snowflake design tattoo circles their neck in a breath-catching upturn of their head.
Once Sirens opens their mouth in the first verse, Cass can understand why the mythical creatures could lure sailors to their water deaths. The voice is as beautiful as the singer, and she can't look away.
She rises with the tempo, falls with the beat, and flouts into the rhythm of Siren's voice. It's not until the singer descends the stage to sing to the lucky few upfront does she realizes she has forgotten why she came here tonight.
Jason carefully presses his foot against her, and she struggles to take her eyes off Siren to look at her bother. His face is relaxed and cocky, like the wealthiest man son can be, but his body language screams worry.
Worry for her.
Shoot, had she allowed herself to fall under Siren's spell?
The singer struts back to the stage, arms raised before slowly lowering on the last long memorizing note, and the lights drop. She clasps politely along with the rest, her heart fluttering.
"That was amazing!" Dick cheers, whistling like a loon. His civilian persona does resemble Brucie the most. "Encore! Encore!"
Siren looks at their table with a bashful smile, and Cass's heart falls. Before she can do anything knowing what that means, the doors to the lounge get blown right off the hinges, and screams erupt through the room.
A rival gang is tearing through the room. Cass hits the ground with her brothers, mentally cursing they can't blow their cover as the thugs quickly round up hostages. One grabs Siren's veil, ripping it right off as the singer tries to run. The action causes them to trip over the stage's long walkway before falling into a table stacked with wine glasses.
She fights to urge to scream when Siren falls. Cass needs to focus on finding a place to change and get control of the situation. Siren could be hurt, they could be-
"You asshole!" The siren screams, standing up and neck tattoo flaring a bright blue. "You ruined my suit!"
The man scoffs, pointing a gun at their head "So what? It couldn't be that expensive for Penguin's little plaything to offered."
"It was a gift!" The siren screams in a sound voice as cold as ice and as unforgiving as death. Cass feels the air freeze over, and suddenly, Siren is signing. But it's not the sweet song from before; now, it's a dead melody that promises death.
She presses herself against the floor more, trying to escape the sound. Her heart is beating so fast that she wonders if she is dosed with Fear Toxin. Cass doubts the others are fairing better as sobs break through the room.
The man holding the gun drops to his knees, screaming and clutching his ears.
Siren remains standing, hair bleeding into white, eyes a blazing green, and his neck tattoo expanding into a crown that seems to cover the lower half of their face. It's a beautiful sight as much as it is terrifying.
Cass can't look away.
Just as quickly as it started, the signing ends when the man falls unconscious and Siren looks human again. They fret over their suit uncaring of the stares from the rest of the club, and make their way to the changing room without a by-your-leave.
Cass is in love.
"We have to report this to B," Jason hisses. "That was Lazaurs Wails."
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the-kr8tor · 11 days
dont mind my excitement 🥲
also ur writing is b e a u t i f u l and makes me so happy!!!
Ahhh i love how excited you are!! Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you like it ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, FLUFF
The soft mattress invites you to fall asleep, but you refuse the sweet embrace of sleep until Hobie gets home safe and sound from his patrol. The book perched on your chest wobbles in your hands, eyes drifting off from the pages, you blink away sleep. The familiar sound of the window opening stirs you awake as his boots hit the wooden floors.
Smiling at his return, you can tell that he's trying his best to not make any sound on your behalf in case you're asleep. Deciding to tease him after being bored all day without him by your side, you lay the book flat on your stomach, eyes closed and evening out your breathing to disguise your wakefulness.
You hear the door creak open, “love?” He whispers into the cool and dark room. You left the bedside lamp open, a sign of your previous activity.
With his enhanced senses, he can tell from your heartbeat and calculated breaths that you're faking sleep. You can't fool him, nonetheless, he's endeared by your antics.
Smiling, he slowly makes his way towards your side, floorboards not making any sound from his silent footsteps, he intends to break you from your prank.
“Damn, couldn't even wait for me, huh?” That doesn't seem to faze you, but he saw that your pinky twitched though. Smirking, he crouches down, and takes the book from your stomach. “I should save your place, but there's no bookmarks here. I'll just fold the corner for you.” Knowing that you hate dog-eared pages, he pretends to fold it by sliding his finger down the pages, mimicking the sound of folding paper. But in truth, he took a coin from his pocket to place it in between the pages. Yet, you still don't budge. He needs to take out the big guns.
“There, saved your place.” Kissing your temple, and then bringing the blanket up to your chin, he stands up to his full height, faking a pained wince. “Fuck.” From his murmured curse, you open your eyes immediately.
“Are you hurt?” Frantic, you sit up, roaming your wide eyes over his entire form while your hands reach up to him. Before you could stand up from the bed, Hobie drops himself on top of you, face hidden on your throat as you giggle from under his weight.
You hear him chuckle lowly, and you flick your eyes down to meet with a very smug Hobie. “Made you look.” He cups your face, chin placed on your clavicle, thumbs brushing under your tired eyes.
You pout, prank thwarted. “Are you actually okay?” your hands wander all over him, checking for wounds.
“‘m fine, love.” Hobie sits up to take his vest off, showing off his almost pristine suit. He tosses the vest somewhere in the dark, “Just a few bumps and scratches. I thought I had to tickle you for you to break.” He sits on top of you, knees right next to your thighs, hands braced next to your head as he gazes softly down on you. The moonlight behind him illuminates him in silver light. And you can't help but ogle him in the soft light.
You finally sigh in relief. Hands sliding from his chest, feeling the spandex, up to his nape as you pull him closer to you. “Did you actually fold my book?” Chuckling, you feel his hand pat around your waist, palm moving under your shirt to draw circles around your hip. His hands are cold from swinging around, but you welcome it while he relaxes in your touch.
“‘course not,” he gives you an amused smile.
“Good.” You tilt his head back to kiss the underside of his jaw. “I thought you'd just walk past me towards the shower.” You murmur against his skin.
Hi pinches your side, sighing breathily from your barrage of kisses. “Never, even if you were actually asleep, I'd kiss you goodnight.”
You lean away, eyes soft for him. “And tuck the blanket around me?”
He raises a brow with a chuckle. “D’you want me to tuck you in?”
You make a face. “....maybe.”
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miguelswifey04 · 1 year
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c.ai bot request google form
ミ★ miguel o’hara likes you for awhile now and he can’t help himself around you. he comes to terms with his feelings for and he’ll make it known that he likes you. it is up to you if you’ll accept his feelings or reject him!
✧🜚 miguel o’hara tries to save you from you falling off a building from your demise as you were knocked unconscious by an anomaly. you quite literally pulled a gwen stacy on him.the mission goes south…will he be able to save you? it is up to you
𖨆𒊹︎ miguel o’hara is a very famous basketball player who plays for the webber’s for nueva york! you’re in a secret relationship with him as he keeps you away from the spotlight. you’re fed up with being kept as a secret so you talk to him about making the relationship exclusive. will he listen to you or not?
ఌꨄ miguel o’hara is a rich geneticist who works for alchemax and also a sugar daddy. he’s a billionaire so he’s loaded with $$$, and you’re just a broke college student desperate for money. miguel wants to spoil the perfect sugar baby as he’s very wealthy yet lonely. you come across his profile and both miguel and you click. you both decide to meet each other at a restaurant in NYC. what will happen next? will he make you his sugar baby?
☹︎㋛ miguel o’hara and you just lost your precious daughter, gabriella. miguel became cold and bitter even angrier and you became a recluse, a homebody. your marriage may be in thin ice…both of you heartbroken over the lost of your daughter. will miguel be able to open up to you or not?
🜸🜚 miguel o’hara is a famous actor where the whole world has his eyes on him. he’s an a-list celebrity and well you are an aspiring and upcoming actor. you debuted in your first ever movie with miguel o’hara. you’re his co-star. luckily to you, the movie did numbers and made you become quite famous. the lines of acting and reality blur, and you and him seem to actually fall for each other! what happens next? who makes the move first?
ミ★ hobie brown as your boyfriend! you’re the only non-spider person who knows about his secret, him being spider punk.
✫彡 pavitr prabhakar had saved you from a building collapsing on top of you and ever since then you and him have stayed connected. after awhile that friendship blossomed into a relationship where now you and him are dating.
ミ★ miles morales and you are childhood besties! you both share everything together even your silly little secrets. you both attend the same high school together, but one day you go to visit him at his dorm room. you knocked waiting for him to open up but you didn’t hear anything so you opened the door…unbeknownst to you-you find out he’s spider-man?!?! how will he react?? how will you react?!
✫彡 spider-man noir is a private investigator and well a spider-man. you’re his personal assistant who assists him in all his cases and missions during the 1930s. his goal is to fight the bad guys and the n*zis. will you get even closer to him over time or not??
ミ★ the spot had taken you hostage taking you to god knows where!? he may look like a fool but don’t underestimate him. he’s a super villain and sadistic in a way. he torments you and such. you try your best to escape him, as your mission failed. what will you do? what will he do to you? will you be able to evade him and defeat him once and for all??
a/n: i take requests <3 much love 💗
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vhstown · 11 months
love our a.m.
— hobie brown x gn!reader
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summary: Hobie hates mornings, but the ones with you aren't so bad.
warnings: hobie pov, fluff, alarm clock murder 😱 /j semi-edited
word count: 0.8k
a/n: wrote at midnight in like 2 seconds 🙏 p shabby but it's ok a little ooc hurt nobody thank you qiuwey for title idea ly
It didn't even get past the first ring. That was the third alarm clock Hobie had broken so far. If was almost a skill by now; he didn't even have to open his eyes. In fact, it was too bright to open his eyes. Everything was too much in the morning. Too bright, too loud, too cold. Why was it so bloody cold?
You. Or the lack of you, for that matter. The lack of you — and the back of you facing him. He stopped himself from moving you when he noticing the gentle rise and fall of your breath — that faint exhale he could listen to forever. Well, maybe not forever, given the way his arm was now cautiously hovering over your sleeping form.
Hobie inched just a little forward, peering over, his face tensed. You were asleep, alright. He couldn't tell if the expression on your face was a smile or a frown. For a moment, Hobie debated getting up and rotating his entire bed to stop you facing the wall, but his strength was only used for destroying appliances this early in the morning, it seemed.
With a sigh that had much more frustration than he'd like, the punk fell back against his pillow. He wasn't being needy, or anything, was he? Sure, he hadn't seen you in a while, and he hadn't held you in a while, but he could wait until you woke up at the very least — right? Hobie tried checking the clock, but it had already suffered fate of his fist. Truthfully, he hadn't slept a wink. Hobie thought about you often enough, sure, but you were all that had filled his mind last night — and arms. He surpressed another grumble. Not needy, of course — maybe a little cold.
You looked so warm — and comfortable. It'd be a crime to wake you up (not that he was much more lawful around you, but he didn't want to anyway.) The fact that his short-lived scrap with the alarm clock didn't alert you was a mystery. The wretched thing was from you, Hobie recalled: brand new from that little junk shop near the docks, now as good as a drumkit without sticks. There was probably a spring he'd dislocated somewhere on the floor for him to step on later. Another reason to hate mornings.
His pillow was starting to feel uncomfy. And the mattress. And all of his clothes. It was freezing now, as well. The blanket was too far, and was also probably too itchy, of course.
He relented, but not entirely. It was far more uncomfortable for him to try and keep his weight off of you, arm moving over your side and bent an awkward angle. If he wasn't so needy, this would be enough. No, this was enough, obviously... Hobie wished he had a second alarm clock to punch right now.
A sudden twitch of movement from you — and Hobie nearly punched himself. He held his breath, the muscles in his arm straining as you moved under him. He debated letting go (though he wasn't holding on much in the first place), before you were still. Hobie let out a quiet exhale.
It was a second later that your fingers curled around his. Then you squeezed his hand. Hobie's eyes flew open; his breath was trapped in his chest again.
"Hey..." He wasn't sure if he was just whispering to himself. "...You awake?"
Another squeeze to his fingers. Hobie sucked in his stomach. The expression on your face looked more like a grin. He had been, what one may call...
"You little—" Fooled.
Hobie couldn't finish his sentence before you turned to bury yourself in his chest, arms slotting between his to wrap him in a hug.
"Little what?" Your voice vibrated against his chest, still somewhat sleepy but awake enough to prove your guilt; you'd been awake all this time. All he could do was pull you more against him, closing his eyes in defeat. "Thought so."
Hobie sighed, soaking in your warmth as his body curled around you. He was like a bug to a radiator; the strange accuracy of that thought made him frown. He wasn't as small as a bug, but he could be as small as he wanted around you. Maybe one morning you'd hold him, but was more than enough, for now. He opened his eyes again when you shifted, yours narrowed by a faint smile.
"Morning," you whispered. The word didn't sound so bad coming out of your mouth.
Hobie leaned down to kiss your lips, if only for a moment, before pulling you back into his chest.
"G'mornin'..." he mumbled, yawning and closing his eyes again.
It was warm, comfortable. The sunlight had mellowed and the only sound was of your breathing, soft and even. Hobie hated mornings, but this one wasn't all that bad — not with you in it.
He decided he'd apologise about the alarm clock later.
oho thank you for reading ^^ im trying to write more often but i have exams like... every week now so 💔 tis life but i hope u enjoyed
reblogs & feedback appreciated as always <3 find the rest of my atsv stuff here!
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002yb · 24 days
I was reading your jaybin time travel posts, got to thinking about how you usually write Damian as having his own feelings for jason, and now jaybin/Damian is trying to take over my brain
To love Jason is a universal constant, an anchor point. It is an unyielding truth persisting through time and circumstance. In every lifetime, for every iteration of them, Damian knows that it will always be this—them. The capacity doesn't matter, though there are times where his greed gets the best of him and he wants; when his feelings betray him and he hopes.
There is nothing dignified in his pining, but he accepts it for what it is. A star crossed love reduced to youthful folly. A fleeting infatuation that is the truest and most persisting thing Damian has ever known.
There is no one after Jason.
There is no one but Jason.
Too often his steadfast devotion is spurned. His fidelity discounted because Damian is a boy not yet a man. Too wrought with trauma to understand that the love he perceives is nothing more than 'an instinctual response to find safety when his circumstances were otherwise unstable,' 'a persisting coping mechanism because life, still, feels unsafe.'
It's nothing so complicated. Simply put: Jason is challenging. Jason is difficult. He is fight and fire, with split knuckles and blood in bared teeth. All biting wit and sharp tongue; an ornery menace. Capable, competent. More than that - Jason is kind. He is rough edges, jagged in a way that cuts, but he is sensitive and vulnerable in spite of it and the strength in his compassion is breathtaking.
A fierce protector. A gentle caretaker. A brilliant mind with a beautiful heart. With perseverance and fortitude. With tentative benevolence and foolhardy hope.
It doesn't matter that not many others understand nor care to. The mechanization of the universe is too fickle for the comprehension of fools. The universe gives him Jason because there would be nothing without him - not after Damian tears apart worlds and timelines to have him back.
Damian will always fall first; he'll always fall harder.
Unbecoming though it may be to be so hopelessly lovelorn, he pines with grace. It's an unspoken compromise that he will not have more than this. In that same vein, he will not have less. It's something that Damian makes his peace with.
Maybe that's why he feels at such a loss when, due to more Gotham tomfoolery, his Jason is spirited away and replaced by another. It happens abruptly, in a flash bang of light and smoke after Jason pushes Damian out of the way of an oncoming blow. His voice still echoes through the alleys around them, vicious to disguise his panic. And when Damian snatches his hand out to grasp at Jason, he does not find gnarled scars - only brittle bones.
It's a cruel cosmic joke, he thinks to himself. As if this small wisp of a boy who took his beloved's place could ever compare!
'In any capacity,' Damian told himself, led astray by romantic whimsy and youthful folly. Tender sentiments make fools of all men. Damian is no exception.
Although Damian fully believes that any version of him loves Jason, he's stubborn in thinking that his love extends specifically to his universe's Jason and no other
Because the Jason of this time and place is his; everything he needed and that helped forge him into this person he's becoming
Jason is it for him. This pint-sized punk (Jaybin)? Damian is not enthused by him if only because Jaybin took away what was Damian's.
Hence Damian's first instinct being an irrational rage and a cold fear that lances through his heart.
For as familiar as Jaybin's eyes are, it misses something that's inherently Jason for him. It's his smile, so reminiscent of what Damian remembers from the league, that leaves Damian feeling like he's on unsteady ground though. Like he can't find his footing.
Even still, Damian being ornery because this Jason is not his Jason and being determined to feel nothing for him.
Joke is on Damian though because of course Damian falls in love with this boy, too.
He's doomed to this person; there's no escape. Damian will always fall for him because Jason's kindness is such an inherent thing to his person and Damian is so damn weak to it.
Just various scenes where Jaybin endears himself to Damian and Damian going from vicious beast to sourpuss to something reluctantly enamored.
Things like Jaybin being a friend to Damian when Damian is otherwise utterly alone and isolated. Jaybin having a strength of character that isn't spooked by the dark and ugly sides of Damian that turns others off to him. Jaybin seeing beneath all that and Damian being all prickly because he doesn't like being seen through so easily. But also, feeling relieved.
More things with Damian bristling over sharing the Robin mantle. Being content for all of a short while because Bruce isn't keen on letting Jaybin out and about, but Jaybin is so clearly lost at that lost connection with Bruce that Damian caves like a fucking softy (he blames Grayson) and takes Jaybin out, himself.
And Jaybin is so thrilled that there are more Robins. Damian talking all sorts of shit about the Robin!Tim because Tim isn't around at the time to defend himself ahahaha
Oh! Damian being at that point where he likes Jaybin, but stalwartly denies it. Him complaining to Dick about how Jaybin seems drawn to him and Dick laughing because he's been there. At which point Damian sputters with jealousy/possessiveness because what. )<
But yeah, Damian looking out for his predecessor. Jaybin also looking after Damian just as much. And he's just as brutal and vicious and fierce as Jason and it's -- wow. Damian has to tug at his collar because it's hot. The weather, of course. Just the weather.
More stuff maybe with all the Robins? Where Jaybin gets into some trouble and Damian is about to well and truly lose it given the crime. Tim having to hold him back before Damian does something he can't take back. And in coming Dick who fucks shit up for Damian as his proxy.
Omg, Jaybin admitting to his crush on Dick to Damian and Damian being so flummoxed because what the hell - he's been friendzoned? For Dick?? And Jaybin being oblivious. And a little tongue-tied because like. When Dick came in to save him it was whoah. Protective violence and cruel passion. Just nonstop blathering because Dick stepped in to do what Damian couldn't (because Damian has Bruce to contend with). It should be Damian fuuuuuuuuuuuu--
Damian gets due credit though. Maybe a little hooked pinky action that gets Damian all flustered. Because it's such a soft point of contact followed up by Jaybin smiling and thanking Damian, too. For coming after him. ;U;
Other thoughts: Jaybin seemingly friendzoning Damian and Damian comparing that to how his Jason rebuffs him.
Jason being easily flustered, but with steadfast morals. It's always 'not interested,' and 'no i'm not gonna wait,' and 'you shouldn't wait either omg--'
It's a persisting argument with them. It always ends on Damian complaining about how Jason forgets himself, a point he reminds Jason of often. It gets him nagged in turn, but it's a pleasant back and forth that settles them both, Damian thinks.
Even still, Damian longs for him.
He longs for Jaybin, too.
And of course Jaybin has a crush on Damian, too. Their relationship is all innocent companionship and playful flirting and tentative affections. Just touch starved, hurt boys finding comfort in each other and feeling seen for the first time. Because they're both a little broken, a little fucked up; more dark and violent and volatile, but also sensitive and guarded and lost. But with each other it's not so scary. ;U;
Anyway, mutual feelings. But of course Damian has a compromise with the universe, so in that moment where Damian can have him, Jaybin is taken away from him. Because Damian won't be without Jason, but he can't have Jason, either.
And Damian knows this, but it fucking hurts. He bears it well, but Jason would see the devastation Damian tries to hide and ugh, Jason would be so guilty. He'd wrap himself around Damian and just. There's no point in apologizing, so he'd thank Damian instead.
For being there for him. For loving him. ;A;
Damian holding fast to this Jason so that he doesn't lose him, too.
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icycoldninja · 2 months
Hey, I read your rules, but there was no way to signify whether or not your requests were open that I could see. If they're not, feel free to ignore this, but I've had a thought about the DMC boys.
What would it be like dating them throughout the years? Like your relationship starts in game one and how it evolved through game 5?
Again, feel free to ignore if you want, have a good night/day/evening/morning!
Oh, that's OK. Requests are open for now. Enjoy!
Sparda boys + V x Reader longtime relationship headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Let us remember that the DMC timeline is not in the same order as the games. When you first met Dante, he would have been in his late teens, during the events of DMC3.
-He would undoubtedly be very depressed and push you away after Vergil "dies", but you're committed enough to date someone like him, so you'll find a way to get him to open up to you.
-You'd end up accompanying him through almost every mission, spending your downtime at Devil May Cry, trying to keep the place clean. Of course, you'll also be working really hard to try and pay off his debts.
-You were by his side when he fought Nelo Angelo, being the only one he could truly rely on after that incident, and you were also one of the first besides Dante himself to meet Nero.
-By this point, he would be much older and much wiser, his depression now masked by an air of comedic flamboyance and extroversion. He does a great job fooling everyone else, but not you. You see right through him, but you don't really care. He's been your Dante since the beginning of this saga and he always will be.
-You'll watch him dive off the top of the Qliphoth with his brother whom he thought he lost, and you'll smile, silent tears of both nostalgia and sadness running down your cheeks. You guys have grown so much throughout the years. He started out as a disrespectful punk, much like Nero is today, and now he's grown into a seasoned middle aged man, but he's still your Dante.
-Will you ever get to see each other again? Most would tell you that you would not, but knowing that pizza-crazed idiot, he'll find a ridiculous way to come back home to you.
■ Vergil ■
-You met Vergil during his travels for MOTIVATION, as he searched for POWER. He did not want to get involved with a pathetic human such as yourself, but you stuck around anyway, and managed to make him get used to you.
-Yes, this does mean you are Nero's mother, and yes, originally, you guys planned to be a happy family before he began overthinking and worrying too much.
-He did try to warn you after Nero was born that sticking around him was foolish, and that you would only get hurt, but you didn't care. Turns out, he was right. You had the displeasure of watching him fall off the Temen-ni-gru to what you could only presume was his death.
-Heartbroken, you then sent Nero to an orphanage while you searched for a way to enter Hell and against all odds, you succeeded. You were met with horrors and challenges unlike anything you'd ever seen before down there, but you persevered for the sake of your loved one.
-You found him strung up in chains, the Yamato lying brokenn on the ground nearby, his body bruised and broken. You tried to free him, but Mundus appeared and commanded his demons to take you away. By the time you'd escaped and returned, he was gone.
-Thankfully, you never had to witness your beloved turn into Nelo Angelo, because honestly, the chances of your mental state surviving that whole ordeal is less than 10%.
-You would have had a tearful reunion when he came back, but he had higher priorities: destroying the Qliphoth. He'll be back soon, you reasoned, as you held your grumbling son in your arms, leading him back to the van. He always returns--he has to.
□ Nero □
-Your relationship with Nero really isn't that complicated.
-You guys met in the orphanage where he was abandoned by his very thoughtless mother, and grew closer as you got older.
-You comforted him when he was bullied by the other kids, oftentimes fighting back with insultes just as vile as the ones they threw at him.
-You are the only person Nero never gets mad at. You're an angel in his eyes for sticking by his side for so long, so he can't find it in his heart to snap at you.
-By the time he meets Dante and joins him as a fellow devil hunter, you guys are ready to elope. While your wedding plans get sidetracked by Urizen's emergence and the loss of Nero's arm, you're still madly in love.
-You were once again at his side, helping him while he struggled to cope with the fact that the very demon he had been attempting to kill was part of his dad all along, and continued to support him as he watched the only family he ever knew leap off a demonic tree, presumably never to be seen again.
-You still plan to get married, but Nero wants to wait until Dante and Vergil return so they can be present at the ceremony.
● V ●
-Your relationship with V may have been short, but in that small amount of time, you made extremely precious memories.
-You met him a few days after his birth, deciding to approach him after seeing him wandering around with that bird of his.
-Introducing yourself was one of the smartest decisions you'd ever made, for it opened the gateway to a beautiful friendship and passionate romance.
-You only knew him for a month or so, but it felt like you'd known each other forever. He just understood you in ways you never understood yourself.
-You help each other through your respective problems; he gives great advice and you help him walk on days when he simply cannot move properly on his own.
-Watching him return to Vergil was one of the saddest moments of your life, but at least you can take comfort in the fact that he's not dead, simply gone.
-Besides, Vergil can summon him again whenever he wishes, so perhaps if you befriend him, he'll give you your precious poet back.
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gnarlycrys · 2 years
NSFW Alphabet | Eustass “Captain” Kidd
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A/N - I’ve literally never written any sort of stories/ one shots/imagines on here. Ever. However, I felt the need to write this as my own interpretation of what I think Kidd would be like with this interesting alphabet 👁.
Female Reader Implied.
A - Aftercare (What they’re like after sex):
💢 Don’t expect him to clean you, cause he won’t. “You’ve got hands, do it yourself,” type of guy. The most he’d do is throw you a rag or cloth to clean yourself with while he gets dressed and leaves.
💢 Unless you’ve been dating for some time to where he genuinely cares enough about your being, he’ll clean you up as gentle as he can before tossing the rag aside and smothering you into his scarred chest and falling asleep. (Beware, he snores)
B - Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and their partners):
💢 His; his dick fleshed hand. He loves it over the fact he can manhandle you with it as he pleases; feeling all over your soft plush skin as he caresses your curves, breasts, and ass. He loves when you fall putty under his touch, feeling the vibrations of your moans as he wraps his hand around your throat or when he entangles it in your hair to bounce you back on his cock that’s abolishing your soaking hole.
💢 Yours; dat ass lmao. Who would’ve thought? This red-head is most definitely an ass man and no one can convince me otherwise. The sight of your ass bouncing on his cock as you ride him facing away or whenever you’re throwing it back on his dick, it’s so mesmerizing to this man. Not to mention how crazy it drives him with how sexy he finds it, he’ll never let those visions go out of his mind. He finds that jiggle and recoil insane.
C - Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically):
💢 Inside you. Seeing as his seed drips out of your hole after fucking you stupid is no doubt, one of his favorite sights to see. He’ll make sure you take it all by using his fingers and stuffing all of it back inside you.
💢 If not inside, definitely on that ass. Seeing his juices coat the flesh of your ass makes this man hard again.
💢 Or, if you’re destroying his cock with some fire head, he’ll hold your head down and make sure you swallow every load of cum he has to offer until your throat milks him dry. He’ll make sure you’ve swallowed it all, “tongue out,” if he sees it’s all gone, “good, little slut.”
D - Dirty Secret (A dirty secret of theirs):
💢 A horndog (for you). If he’s horny and you’re out running errands or doing something outside of the Victoria Punk, he’ll make way into your bedroom (or shared bedroom) and sprawl out on the bed. He’ll grab the pillow you sleep on before whipping his cock out and using your scent on the pillow to get him goin’. Your scent makes it all of the pleasurable for him. If you’re lucky enough, you might find him in the room, secretly waiting for your return so he can rail you into the mattress.
E - Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?):
💢 Decently experienced. This fool isn’t a virgin, he’s had his fair share of flings before getting with you.
💢 He knows your body like the back of his hand. He’ll pay close attention to the reactions of your body as well as the expressions of your face when he touches or rams himself in you. Kidd knows what areas you like to be touched or that feel the most pleasurable.
F - Favorite Position (This goes without saying…):
💢 Reverse Cowgirl; as stated before, Kidd’s an ass man. He lives watching the jiggle and movement of your ass as you slide up and down his dick. He also enjoys the sight of its recoil as he rams himself into you.
💢 Doggy Style; man, those back shots drive you and him to the brink of unfathomable pleasure. Grabbing a fistful of your hair as he rams you back on his cock brings him absolute euphoria.
G - Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they numerous, etc):
💢 As serious as he can be. Kidd wants every second of sex to be the best possible, he doesn’t see the point in making silly jokes and getting distracted from his main goal in those moments (To make you cum). He’s more focused on drilling you into the bed, keen on hearing every noise you can make with the satisfaction he’s giving you by filling you full of his thick cock.
H - Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.):
💢 As red as his hair.
💢 Doesn’t shave nor does he care enough to keep it tidy. Shit’s a jungle down there, it’ll irk him if you comment on it too. Unless you ask him nicely to trim, he might take it into consideration (he won’t do it). Either that or he’ll get pissed you even asked in the first place.
💢 “The hell’re you yappin’ about!? Hair’s hair. I’m not shavin’ it. Deal with it or fuck off!!”
I - Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…):
💢 Kidd isn’t romantic in the slightest. Who the hell do you take him for? He hates that sappy shit.
💢 As rough as his personality. A Dom. He’ll manhandle you however he wants (with your consent, of course). Although with his roughness, his kisses are passionate and fierce. He’s rough, yes, but it’s never too rough to the point where he’s hurting you. (He’s a little sappy, but he’d die before he says he is).
J - Jack Off (masturbation):
💢 Yeah, he beats his dick. Only in situations where you aren’t available when he gets horny. If he’s frustrated he’ll relieve his stress with a quick jack off and go on about his day.
K - Kink (One or more of their kinks):
💢 Bondage; Kidd gets off whenever he’s able to tie you down to the bed to have his way with you. On the rare occasion, he might allow you to tie him to the bed and let you lead.
💢 Degradation; his mouth’s filthy. More so during intimacy. “You’re such a dirty little whore.” “Look at you, crying like a bitch.” “Such a filthy slut, my slut.”
💢 Praise; despite his degrading tactics, he’ll praise you if that’s what you’re into. Either way is a turn on for him, and he appreciates it whenever the gesture is returned. “My good girl.” “Takin’ my cock so well.” “Look at you, crying so pretty with your hole stuffed of my dick.”
L - Location (Favorite places to do the do):
💢 The shower. He finds it so unbelievably hot when you two are in a compacted space, your bodies pressed together, your breasts sloshing against his own as lukewarm water pours down your bare skin. Ah yes, fucking you in the shower is definitely his go to.
💢 The bedroom. If he’s feeling it in the moment, he’ll wanna fuck you in his bed, un-restricting the loud noises of intimacy and moans the both of you elucidate. He wants everyone in the ship to hear how good he fucks you.
M - Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going):
💢 Seeing you fight your ass off in the midst of a battle, whether it’s against marines or enemy pirates. God, it turns him on seeing your ass and tits bounce with each move you throw. He can feel how hard his cock throbs within the restraints of his pants.
💢 Oh, and when you’re beating your opponent to a pulp, their blood splattering on your knuckles, face and clothes. Don’t even get him started. Watching you release your anger on the enemy almost makes him feel sorry for em’, but lord does he have to restrain himself from fucking you right then and there.
N - NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs):
💢 Anything that involves piss, shit, intense bdsm, whatever weird and out of pocket shit there is. He won’t do shit that’s gonna hurt you.
💢 Role play. You’ll never catch this man role playing, he wouldn’t do it even if you asked. He finds that shit humiliating and honestly pretty fucking stupid. Your chances of getting Kidd to role play are slim to none.
💢 Pegging. Just don’t. Don’t even try to convince him. He’d probably kick you out.
O - Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc):
💢 Kidd prefers receiving. He enjoys watching you struggle to take the entirety of his dick in your mouth, saliva pooling and dripping at the corners of your lips with mascara smeared around your eyes from the tears. The sounds of you choking and gagging amuse him. He finds it cute that you’re trying so hard to impress him by swallowing him whole.
💢 When he does give though, his tongue works wonders. He loves swirling circles around your sensitive clit with his wet muscle, sliding and flicking it away through the folds of your labia that make you wriggle and squirm. The sounds of your moans and whimpers make it all the more enjoyable for Kidd. He loves the way you taste and eats your pussy like it’s a fine diner.
P - Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc.):
💢 It’s Eustass Kidd we’re talkin’. His momentum screams fast and rough. That’s just how he rolls.
💢 However, there’s moments where he feels lazy when he’s in the mood to fuck. He’ll lay you in your side as he slides his cock in from behind, lazily bucking his hips into your cunt as his arm wraps around your chest, pressing chaste kisses onto your neck.
Q - Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.):
💢 All for quickies. As often as possible.
💢 If you’ll be separated for awhile, a quickie is his way of sending you on your way. If you’re on a mission together, that is, he won’t mind taking you off somewhere for a quick sesh. “A quick fuck for good luck.” Headass
R - Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
💢 Hell yeah, it’s fukin’ Kidd. He’s always up for challenge to prove himself or win, it’s never neither.
💢 Whether it’s fucking you with the door unlocked, behind an alley or even out on deck. Being walked in on or caught turns Kidd on to the max because he’d continue to fuck you regardless of the embarrassment you’d get out of it. (Poor Killer has fallen victim to things he’s never wanted to see because of his best friend’s antics with you).
S - Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…):
💢 This one-armed fool could last until the dawn of a new day. His stamina’s pretty insane.
💢 Rounds and rounds to no end. Especially after an intense battle where the adrenaline rush is still kicking and going, it’s enough for him to do you all night.
T - Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?):
💢 He doesn’t own any of his own, but he wouldn’t mind if you had your own that you wanted him to use on you.
U - Unfair (How much do they like to tease?):
💢 The biggest fucking tease, but he hates being teased??? This guy doesn’t make sense.
💢 Try teasing this man and he’ll throw you over his shoulder and stomp to your shared bedroom. Don’t expect for him to show you any mercy from there on.
V - Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make):
💢 He doesn’t moan. He groans.
💢 Kidd isn’t very loud when it comes to his grunts and groans, but they’re audible and it drives you wild. He’ll notice whenever his dick slides in and out of you with more ease, your cunt growing increasingly more wet than he even thought was possible.
💢 He’ll leave the moaning and mewls all to you. He grows even harder when your sounds fill throughout the room.
W - Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character):
💢 He fucking LOVES when you baby him. He swears he hates it because it’s sappy but just receiving tender kisses whether it’s on his face, lips, chest, hands, god he loves it so much. It makes him feel so appreciated and loved by you. Running your fingers through his hair is a bonus. (He’s never gonna admit it either, it’d hurt his pride).
💢 Little spoon. You cannot and will not convince me that he doesn’t like being the little spoon during cuddle sessions.
X - X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes):
💢 8.5-9 at most. Uncircumcised. Kidd’s a big guy, practically 7 ft of course he’d be packin something.
💢 It’s holds more girth than length, even so it fills you up in all the right spots.
💢 Pulsating veins, has a long one that runs from the base and all the way up beneath his flushed red tip.
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?):
💢 Oh, he has a high sex drive alright. He’ll be fucking you 2-3 times a week. Doesn’t seem like much but it is with all the quickies he throws in there. He’s always yearning for your pussy.
Z - Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards):
💢 Dawg, as soon as he nuts, he’s out. Out like a night light for real. He’ll crash out with you lying atop his chest.
Live laugh Kidd. Hope you enjoyed :>.
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m-n-m-s · 1 year
Hobie X reader who doesn’t admit they’re punk. They diy everything, only listen to hardcore punk, and have the political beliefs but just don’t admit it.
i love this idea omg 🫶🏻
Hobie Brown x StubbornPunk!Gn!Reader
Warnings: fluff!!, a lil cursing
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"That's li'erally the basis of what being punk is, love."
You sighed heavily and turned to look at Hobie. He looked back at you with a smirk, sitting cross-legged on the edge of your bed. You had just finished ranting to him about something that you saw the day before, walking around in front of him because you couldn't sit still, and pinning the problems on the (in your words) 'shitty problem solvers in the government'.
After explaining the very simple solutions that those people refused to acknowledge, you stopped to take a breath, allowing Hobie to drop that sentence into the break.
It wasn't that you had a problem with being a punk—if anything, you were far from that. You just didn't think that you qualified as a punk; a fact that Hobie made sure to challenge every chance he got.
You stood there in silence, looking at Hobie, who sat with a smug little expression on his face. "Seriously?" you asked, raising your eyebrows.
"I'm just sayin'," he said innocently. You weren't fooled.
"What's with you always trying to prove to me that I'm punk?" you asked exasperatedly, crossing your arms. "Aren't you the one who always says he 'hates labels'?"
There's silence for a moment. Then, you hear a light chuckle from behind you and the slight creak of your bed as Hobie stood. "I suppose I did say that," he said, slightly amused. You watched as he slowly walked past you, to your closet in the corner. "But even I admit that I fall somewhere under that ca'egory." You raise an eyebrow as he opens the closet door with a slight flourish. He peeks back behind the door at you, raising an eyebrow as he glanced into the small, but cluttered closet. You nodded, showing that you were fine if he looked in there.
You heard him faintly mutter something under his breath as he pushed some stuff around in there before a soft ha! met your ears. Hobie turned back to face you, holding up your favorite jacket, the one that had all the little patches you made sewn on. You could still see where you painted a few designs onto it, creeping behind the fabric. You raised your eyebrows. "You made this yourself," he said simply, gently laying it down on your bed. It was phrased as a question, but he spoke it like a fact, which it was.
You sighed, knowing what was coming. He slowly pulled out every article of clothing you had ever added your own touch to, laying them on top of each other. "An' this," he said, pulling out another pair of jeans.
You looked at the slowly growing pile on your bed and sighed again. "Please tell me you're putting that back yourself," you mumbled. Hobie paused slightly in his little quest.
"Only if you admit it," he said cheekily, pulling out more things from the closet. If you were being entirely honest with yourself, you had forgotten half of those even existed. You sighed once more, watching as he finished going through your closet. "These," he says, waving a hand at the pile on your bed, "were all somewhat made by you, even in a small way. Correct?"
You nodded hesitantly, confused as to where he was going with this. Hobie closed your closet door. "What was the last music genre you lis'ened to?" he asked. Before you could even open your mouth to respond, he spoke again. "Punk. Punk rock, specifically."
"What does that have anything to do with—"
Hobie held up a finger as he interrupted your sentence. "You've got the politics"—his face wrinkled slightly at that word, making you crack a little smile—"an' the style," he says, vaguely gesturing at you and the pile of clothes on your bed. "All you're missin' is a big ol' neon sign that just says punk on it." You rolled your eyes, and just as you opened your mouth to speak, Hobie cut in again. "Just admit it," he teased, standing in front of you.
"Why are you so adamant in getting me to 'admit it'?" you huffed, crossing your arms. Hobie chuckled, tilting his head the slightest bit.
"Because you're so stubborn, swee'heart," he said, leaning slightly closer to you. You narrowed your eyes playfully, not really able to combat that statement since it was a fact. Hobie mirrored you, locking you into a stare-down of sorts. Due to the fact that your eyes were beginning to water (and Hobie didn't look like he was going to blink any time soon), you stepped away from him with an eye roll.
You walked back to the pile of clothes, carefully starting to put them back where they were. "Still not a punk," you muttered, folding a pair of jeans that were adorned with little patches. You saw Hobie raise an eyebrow at the irony, but he (for once) didn't say anything. Instead, when you turned around to grab another thing to put back, he was already there, holding out another jacket. You sighed, bringing a smirk to his face, and took it back to where it was supposed to be.
"Are you trying to bribe me into admitting it?" you asked, turning around to grab another hanger.
"Depends," Hobie teased, "is it workin'?" You shot him a deadpan look, turning back to the closet.
Just as you hung it up, a pair of arms made their way around your torso and pulled you backward onto your bed. You stumbled slightly before landing on your back, glaring at Hobie, who now stood above you. He gave you a little grin before promptly landing on you. You raised an eyebrow as he lifted his head slightly to look at you. "'M not gettin' up until you admit it, darlin'" he mumbled, smirking slightly.
You sighed, knowing damn well that he meant every word. "Okay, that's just cheating," you complained, glaring playfully at him. Hobie just shrugged, showing no signs of moving any time soon. You two lay there in silence until you closed your eyes and sighed once more. You saw a smile slowly creep onto Hobie's lips as he raised his head, just a little.
"Fine," you grumbled, exasperated. "Maybe I do qualify as punk."
You felt Hobie shift slightly, before lifting himself partially off of you. "There, was that so difficult?" he said lightly, grinning. You rolled your eyes as he helped you up. Just as you were about to go back to putting your clothes back into your closet, he tugged you back gently, a hand on your arm. You felt him gently kiss your head before moving his hand from your arm. "Stubborn," he mumbled affectionately, letting you go back. He sat on your bed, handing you clothes as you put them back.
"Since you admitted it, finally, I'm stickin' to my word and helping you," he said, running his fingers along the edges of a patch on my shorts.
You hide a smile. "That's a new one," you teased softly, turning your head to look at him. He mock-gasped, the edges of his lips turning into a smile.
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sorry this took so long guys 🥲
it ended up longer than i expected but wtv
if the formatting is being wacky w the photos just ignore it I'll try n fix it later 😾
i'll proofread later, but for now enjoy 🫶🏻
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
The contrast between my relathionship hcs for Ghostpunk vs Flowerbyte:
Gwen is a biracial lightskin afrolatina because Hobie obvs should be black4black and GWEN should be black and they actually ended up having pretty good chemistry so it all comes together!!They met Bubbline style at one of his concert's where Gwen's autistic ass found him hot as fuck and made an absolute fool of herself but HOBIE'S autistic ass found THAT hot as fuck so he invited her upstage to sing as a ref to that one concept art and they reunited the next day at Spider Society when Gwen ran up to him and introduced herself as the girl from last night since she recognized him as that other kid Jessica also mentors and he was stunned at his Spider Sense not having gone at her but she reached out to unmask him and he smirked as he went to do the same to her,saying 'Eager to see your pretty face again too,Gwendita' and then they get a good look at eachother,link arms and walk along together as they yap and yap on until they're best friends from that day on
The reasons their Spider Senses didn't go off is that they weren't supposed to meet as a romantic reflection to Siblings!Ghost Flower,Hobie and Gwen are soulmates by choice AND by chance and Hobie got Gwen into the political sides of punk so she could really be pastel punk and that was when all her emotional ties to George were cut and Gwen helped Hobie heal his inner child by introducing him to her hobbies and treating him like a real kid because she knows he's earned it after all that adultification trauma and wants to be the one who gives it to him the most.She calls him 'Hubbie' for the obvious pun and 'Gwendita' is spanish for Gwendy but cheesier and they're so on the same tune 24/7 they might as well have been married for infinite lifetimes.They're that 'You had a crush on me?' 'Of course i did.Who wouldn't?' quote mutually and their animal variants are Hobie the land shark and Gwen Catcy
And Flowerbyte is like.Well first of Margo is haitian and transmasc genderfluid but an any pronouns in her bio femme who dosen't want t or surgeries for extra gender fuckery,JOT that down,this is canon™️ and Miles has genders the Spiderverse ain't even invented yet and he's a dreadhead,SO JOT THAT DOWN!!!!!Okay so Spider Sense.Flowerbyte IS a fated love story!!But a fated BLACK love story!In every universe,Miles Morales falls for a black girl but not every black girl gets her Miles Morales.It's a metaphor/commentary on the disposable black girlfriend trope and it's all about uplifting Margo,MILES uplifting Margo but don't get it twisted,she loves and protects him just as much back and she's a fully fleshed out character,not just a martyr.They fit eachother for similar reasons yet opposite Ghostpunk do-They have so much in common but those little differences is what makes them bug out over eachother.They want to UNDERSTAND eachother and they do without even trying because they're already on the same typa beat
Which sounds super poetic and beautiful and ofc it is but also they are so.Fucking goofy ahh about it😭Margo got that no filter followed by instant shame 'tism but he pulls Miles with it every time and they act like those fuckin' lovesick toons around eachother one second but then partners in crime the next no blinking denial denial denial the next and Kessles + Gwobie are the Spidey Core Four as the Atsv mcs so Miles tried to go to Hobie for advice only to freak out the second he got close to asking Margo out and Margo tried to flirt with her by speaking the Animal Crossing villager language not once not thrice but TWICE and Jeffrio shipped them embarrasingly hard because Margo is PERFECT for their girasolito-WHAT THE FUCK??????IT'S MILES G COMING IN WITH THE SHOULDER TOUCH
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eazy-peazy54 · 26 days
"Welcome, babies. To the Fruity Pebbles Castle of Torment: a scary castle with 100 rats."
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There comes a time once in every f-slur's life to make an intro post for this god forsaken hellsite.
Now is that time.
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(This is my sick ass and very cool intro post!!)
(The last one is true, I'm truly a nerd trying to impress you all so you stick around and like me. In all honesty I'm just a kid who wants to be both Bill Cipher and also a vampire. I wanna bring a real Will-Woodian vibe to your function [aka your dashboard.])
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🧪 ABOUT ME: ~ My name is Peazy ~ She/He/They ~ Bi ~ Minor ~ I PROBABLY HAVE AUTISM!! (we can tell) OR ADHD OR SOMETHING !! OR BOTH!! PROLLY BOTH!! 🫀 WHAT I DO: ~ I shitpost. A lot. Mostly, actually. But I am ALSO: ~ An artist! ~ Singer-Songwriter ~ Starting a band! (Mr. Amnesia and The Surrealists, check us out if we ever drop anything!) ~ Writer (of both real stories, and fanfiction!) ~ Creator of the Mary Bell Township ARG! (check out my TikTok and Youtube links if you're interested.. :3) 🐇 FUN FACTS: ~ Once again, I make music! ~ I'm making an ARG that I might make a sideblog for, so stay tuned! ~ I am allergic to gluten ~ I fuckin LOVE cats ~ I'm somehow Goth and Emo and Scene all at the same time?!?? ~ I play the pianooooo!
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💫 CURRENT HYPERFIXATIONS: ~ Will Wood ~ LITWTC/Life in The World to Come ~ Gravity Falls ~ My own ARG ?? somehow ?? Don't ask, I don't know how this happened.
🌊 FANDOMS: ~ Will Wood ~ LITWTC/Life in The World to Come ~ Gravity Falls ~ Smiling Friends ~ Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix ~ Portal ~ Once again, my own ARG somehow.
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🎹 MUSIC I LISTEN TO: ~ this list is never gonna be EVERYTHING i listen to so bare with me
🎼 GENRES: ~ Goth ~ Emo ~ Vaporwave ~ Alternative ~ General "Weird Kid" music ~ Rap ~ Swing ~ "Indie" ~ Folk ~ Punk ~ Hyperpop ~ Basic white girl music that I will not admit as to specifics 🎶 ARTISTS: (in no particular order) (also this is NOT all of them) ~ Will Wood/Will Wood and the Tapeworms ~ Lemon Demon ~ Tally Hall ~ Oingo Boingo ~ That Handsome Devil ~ Crystal Castles ~ Glass Animals ~ Man Man ~ Tyler The Creator ~ Kendrick Lamar ~ Desert Sand Feels Warm At Night ~ Infinity Frequencies ~ POiSON GiRL FRiEND ~ Girls Rituals ~ Black Dresses ~ Jack Stauber ~ Mitski ~ She Wants Revenge ~ Joy Division ~ New Order ~ Joey Valence & Brae ~ Chappell Roan ~ Gorillaz ~ SOPHIE ~ Charli xcx ~ Kesha ~ MF DOOM ~ TV Girl ~ Ethel Cain ~ Lamp ~ Panchiko ~ Yaelokre ~ Radiohead ~ Billie Eilish
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🕯️ AESTHETICS IM INTO: ~ Yes, this needed its own category. Hush hush. ~ Gothic (I'm goth don't come at me for putting it in the damn aesthetics) ~ Emo/Scene (SAME SHIT APPLIES AS THE LAST ONE) ~ Frutiger Aero (and anything relating) (<- I will yap about this for ages hold me back) ~ Frutiger Metro ~ Southern Gothic ~ New Wave ~ Utopian Scholastic ~ Vaporwave (IM AN OG PLEASE CHAT) ~ Weirdcore (NOT THE ONE YOU'RE THINKING) ~ 2000's/Y2k (once again NOT THE ONE YOU'RE THINKING) ~ Twee (oopsie daisy) ~ Whimsigoth
~ Halloween shit ~ General vibes of mad scientists and circuses ~ Whatever the fuck Will Wood has going on
🎪 OTHER INTERESTS: ~ Danny Gonzalez, Drew Gooden, Kurtis Conner ~ Flamingo ~ Making PLAYLISTS RRRAAAGH ~ Aesthetics (ask me about this shit I will yap for ages) ~ Liminal Spaces ~ Jfashion ~ Gyaru fashion ~ Other Subcultures ~ Everything creepy! ~ Song analyzation ~ Vampires ~ Circus stuff ~ Mad scientist stuff ~ HALLOWEEN ~ Playing piano! ~ YAPPING
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🏷 TAGS TO LOOK OUT FOR: ~ #asks :3 - everything people yap to me in my inbox! ~ #fanfic shenanigans - I want you to take a WILD GUESS. ~ #peazy's yapping - general stuff, or long posts of me yapping ~ #long post - again, take a wild guess. ~ #reblog - like a normal reblog, but I said something in the tags! ~ #art reblog - same as the last one, but art I really liked and had something to say about! ~ #important - actual important things, like awareness posts and all that good jazz :)
🔎 OTHER SOCIALS: ~ TikTok ~ Instagram ~ Youtube ~ Ao3
🦇 DNI: ~ Jokes on you, there is none! Except... ~ Homophobes, transphobes, nazis, racists, terfs, radfems, pedos, proshippers ~ Blogs who solely post NSFW (a few suggestive things are fine! but if you're posting straight-up PORN or only nsfw and only smut, then no thank you brother) ~ Adding on to that, if you have a NSFW side blog, that's fine! ~ Also don't tag my posts as NSFW pretty please. I'm a minor, and if I'm talking about my mama, I mean my mother. ~ people who don't fw bagels /j ~ Either way, I block as I please!
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thank you! :)
It means a lot!
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
Magic 3 Voice Lines
As part of the 3rd Anniversary new features, there is a new Magic 3 given to each character, available on each SSR card that has been Limit Broken 3 times. These are the possible voice lines they say when they attack with their Magic 3.
Do you think yourself a threat?
Are you ready?
You've managed to anger me!
I'll hand down my sentence.
You underestimated me, didn'tcha?
Here on out it's my one-man show!
It's my shutout win, no cheating needed!
Too bad, but it's game over.
Don't chicken out on me, punk!
I see you lookin' down on me.
Ain't no way I can be lame and run away here!
Let's let our fists do the talking!
Guess I gotta show off just how cool I am ♪
Just don't go too overboard.
Oh, sweet!
Gotta be careful not to get hurt!
That's why I told you already.
Think I went easy enough?
Let's paint all the roses red.
Don't make this harder on me.
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You wanna be hunted down?
I've had enough.
I'll do what I want, how I want.
You shouldn't turn your back on me.
My fangs are sharp.
I won't let you escape!
Feel my power!
Remember my name!
I'ma flip ya!
I'ma turn you into a sandwich.
I'ma pick ya up and throw you away.
Shishishi, this finishes it.
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Put simply, dialogue is futile here.
Say your goodbyes.
I'll accept your payment now.
Come now, what will you do?
And after I so kindly gave you guidance.
No need to be frightened. Fufu.
You need to be taught a lesson.
Dissolve into seafoam and disappear!
C'mon, how's this? Ahahah!
Don't be scaaared.
Cry and beg for help! Ahahah!
I'ma squeeze you to the bone!
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I'll make you dance for me!
Now I'm serious!
It's a party, now dance!
Party's over!
Disappear to the ends of the earth!
This is the difference in our abilities!
Don't ever get up again.
I'll take everything from you.
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This is the end.
Parting is such sweet sorrow.
Come, show me!
This is my power!
Let everything freeze over.
If you underestimate me, you'll regret it.
Don't judge me by the way I look.
Sleep for eternity!
This is my bow and arrow of love.
I beg you, let me hear your thoughts.
I hope to see you fall to the ground gracefully.
Adieu, Monsieur!
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It's only halftime.
I just want to be left alone...!
Let's go into sudden death!
It's time for the main event.
Eliminating target.
Destroying obstacle.
Magical cannon at maximum output!
Energy cannon, firing all rounds!
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Behold the power of a king!
Bow before me!
You truly thought you could win?
You fool!
I will not make you to suffer.
I will put you to sleep.
There is something I wish to protect.
Sleep deeply.
I'll drag you in.
Do you think you've cornered me?
I am faster than light!
I am stronger than lightning!
You're goofing around too much, kiddo.
I'll have to scold you.
Time for me to put you to sleep.
I won't overlook a single snag!
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You ain’t nothing special!
Bow down before me!
I'ma gonna can ya and eatcha!
Leave everything to me!
You'll be held back at this rate!
This is my Lash of Love!
Tough love is also a kindness!
This is real magic!
You don’t even know how to sit and stay.
Watch and enjoy the show.
It’s time for your punishment.
What terrible taste.
Even if I have to burn down the whole city!
There is nothing to fear, now is there?
This is so you no longer need suffer.
Don’t struggle so uselessly.
Ah, see, just as I expected.
If this goes well...
From now on, everything'll be alright!
An easy mark.
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Requested by @dida-books.
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shaakyhaands · 9 months
CODVN but (some of) the princes play DND:
How they start playing, idk. Maybe it’s a dare. Maybe it’s a genuine, honest to god attempt from one of the princes to learn more about MC and her habits/hobbies/culture. Imo, Fenn probably did something and of course, the other princes got dragged into it.
Mc: DM
• is the one who introduced the game.
• Teaches the princes how to play
• tortures them when possible.
Toa and Guy:
• Wizards, because MC punked them.
• Convinced them they were the most powerful class at higher levels, neglected to inform them that they start with fuck all health.
• “Here’s this: if you’re so smart, why don’t you play a mundane who has to study magic? Humans play this class all the time, I bet you can’t handle it…”
• “You bet??? YOu BET?? Very well, speak less” *gets hit once, almost dies from 7 points of damage*
• Guy demands the opportunity to change his class, MC responds: “Okay! I’ll let you change your class— and everyone else will get the chance to multi class :)”
Toa: “multi… class?”
MC: “Oh, it’s when you get to reap the benefits of your character occupying two classes at once :)”
Guy grumbles, and falls into a stony silence.
• the two *barely* survive levels 1-3, but somehow they pull through. And suddenly, outside of game, they’ve started acting with a little more respect for those not magically gifted…
Fenn: Paladin.
• Still charisma based, so can still rizz and charm like Fenn is used to.
• But playing as a Paladin also serves as wish fulfillment, because that’s what DND is all about.
• You might be thinking, “A paladin?? But Fenn should be a Bard, it’s so clearly the best fit”. And I get you! But that’s exactly it— Fenn is already a Bard in his real life. Playing as one in game does nothing special for him. There’s no escapism, no fantasy. Here, he can be a knight in shining armor, upstanding and righteous, and all the other things not typically associated with Fenn. All the other things people don’t let him be, that his reputation prevent him from ever really achieving. Here, he can basically role play as Greyson. And honestly, who wouldn’t?
• is the first prince MC introduced the game to
• lowkey gets into it, and eventually does some of his own campaigns :)
Roy: Bard.
• Again, the name of the game is DND Wish Fulfillment. Roy looks up to Guy, who’s attribute is charisma. What class is based on that stat again? BARD. And now, Roy doesn’t have to be morally upstanding and perfect and unsoiled. He gets to be a little shit and enjoy it.
Lynt: I have no idea, NGL, but I’m thinking warlock.
• This is basically a DND joke— if you don’t know, warlocks have like, two spell slots. So if they want to cast more spells, they need to recharge, which is basically some form of rest.
• Don’t let this fool you, warlocks can be fucking BUSTED. Those two/three spell slots, they put them to fucking WORK. But they gotta get their rest in, dawg.
• in this way, they remind me of our sleepy boy. Quietly powerful as hell, but really only fuck around if they HAVE to. Otherwise, they kind of just mind their business.
Rio: Barbarian
• one of the easier classes to start with— and I know they’re ALL just starting, and I love Rio, but he can use the training wheels. Ain’t no shame in that.
• he approaches life in a way that’s very similar to barbarians: in a story, when Toa was telling him he was trying to put too much magic through too small an opening, Rio’s response was “oh, I know what to do! That just means I need to use EVEN MORE magic!” Like, shit, go off king.
• unlike some of the other princes, I don’t think he would be adverse to using melee over magic.
Lance: Rogue/Druid RANGER
• Lance gets to multi class because 1. I’m biased, and 2. I can see arguments for both classes.
• you may be thinking, “but shaaky, he’s the prince of wrath! His kingdom’s main export is mercenaries, ffs. Shouldn’t HE be a barbarian, or at least a fighter?” And again, I hear you! But, you gotta remember the magic words! Say em with me: “DND is wish fulfillment”. Lance fucking HATES how his kingdom is ran. That’s like, 80% of his story. He wouldn’t WANT to play a character built like that. Unless… it was for the people.
• correct me if I’m wrong, but Lance is the only prince who knows what it’s like to be poor. Not just a commoner, like actually destitute. He’s probably the prince with the most street smarts. And lowkey, he’s probably had to steal shit to survive at some point. He 1000% would ace the rogue class, and would probably stun the princes while he did it.
• Lance: “I loot the body”
Toa: “pardon?”
Lance: “I slit the guards throat, he fell over prone. I loot the body, for whatever valuables are on his person.”
MC: “make an investigation check”
Lynt: “…😨”
• Druid is there if he wanted to just fuck around and hang with animals.
• RANGER, oh my GOD ranger is RIGHT THERE, how did I miss that—
• Ranger is basically the flavor you get when you mix rogue and druid together, so it makes sense that it would fit Lance
• the man fucks off to the forest first chance he gets, everytime.
• just give him a bow already— he probably knows how to use it given his Ira background
• it’s the final battle, the other princes are up against the BBEG: Toa and Guy are on the brink of death, Roy and Rio are down, Fenn and Lynt are barely hanging in there— and then out of nowhere, a hissing noise rings out above everybody, followed by a sickening thwa-CHUNK. An arrow has lodged itself smack dab between the BBEG’s eyes, he falls over, dead. From 600 yards away, Lance’s character stands up, says “finally”, and leaves.
Other silly little head canons:
• instead of maps, MC uses magic to generate basically holograms of bosses and character minis.
The holograms move. So when the giant beast bellows, I mean it literally bellows, claws out and spittle flying and everything. More than once have the princes jumped back in their seats, genuinely scared by the images she generated.
Toa, traumatized: “Remember when I said you had no imagination?… I take it back. I take it all back…”
Guy, thinking to himself: if she ever did go evil on us, we’d be fucked…
• MC will call them on it if the princes lapse out of character.
MC will remind them their characters are, in some way very starkly, different from themselves, and for the story, those differences matter.
Guy: “what do you mean, he said he wouldn’t let us past?”
Mc shakes her head, does an accent: “gainst the rules, boy. Can’t be doing that”.
“Against the—?! You will LET ME PAST, you insolent mongrel—”
Mc: “roll to intimidate.”
Guy: “roll?”
Mc: “I’m sure, being a huffy prince of a powerful kingdom and all, demanding stuff usually works for you. But might I remind you, your highness— that you are playing a game. and in this game, your character is a scrawny, bookish sapling of a man who weighs about a third as much as the guard you’re talking to, and is around half his height. Tell me, what’s your charisma modifier?”
Guy frowns, but looks through his character sheet.
Guy: “… negative one?”
MC smiles: “Your character has the charisma of dragon piss filled boot. Which means you need a 16 or higher, otherwise this guard is going to laugh in your face and pat you on the head.”
Guy stares at MC, but says nothing.
Mc: “Now, your wisdom modifier?”
Guy: “what?”
Mc: “your wisdom modifier, what is it?”
He checks his sheet again.
Guy: “… it’s a positive 4.”
Mc: “you’re right, it is. Which is a hell of a lot better than a negative one. So, while it may not be intuitive, you’re going to be much more likely to convince this man to let you through if you utilize a wisdom based approach, as opposed to relying on charisma.”
Toa snorts: “what would you know of wisdom?”
Mc: “might I remind you that being an asshole is not listed as one of your character’s traits? Also, your character is currently otherwised engaged, trying not to die from missing the last step on the staircase. As such, you can’t hear this exchange.”
• Eventually, after getting familiar with the games mechanics, the princes do a campaign where they get isakied to Earth.
MC throws a lot of mundane shit at them, and they absolutely flounder trying to make any sense of it.
Guy: “Peanut butter?? What do you mean he’s allergic to peanut butter, what the devil is that??? Epipen??!”
Lynt, confused: “Almond milk?… how do they…?”
Toa: “I assure the woman that I am not, in fact, “tripping”, as she so claims. The floor is clear and level, and there are no staircases in sight.”
Fenn: “what do you mean he’s 63??? Good Creator, how long are humans lives again? Wasn’t it at least a 1000 years?…”
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gozine-translate · 29 days
Terminally-ill Genius Dark Knight - 147
147 - Mask [1]
'Brazen newcomer. No, Nox von Reinhaver.'
How on earth did he master the Moonlight Sword?
This is Jagan's base
The ruins of the gambling and auction house.
Avilat, once a place of fierce battles, has long lost its initial grandeur.
A mountain of dazzling gold coins and chips. The green flag that once symbolized neutrality is now stained a deep red.
This is the result of the water prison Jagan unleashed.
There’s no other word that comes to mind for this bleak battlefield.
A pale mist rises where the bodies of the dead have been abandoned.
Luna clicked her tongue as she witnessed this.
Moonlit night.
A lonely silence and clear moonlight washed away the grim battle that had just taken place, pouring out pure white light.
But her expression remained unpleasant.
Luna, catching the falling Nox, couldn’t smooth out the frown on her delicate brow.
While looking at Nox, still weak in her arms, Luna made a self-deprecating face.
'I almost fail to protect again.'
For her, who cherished her comrades, such things were something she could never get used to.
A sense of helplessness wrapped around her once more.
Why did such painful things keep happening to her? Even if she had long since thrown the idea of whining like a child . .
No matter how much she thought about it, this was too much.
Sure, some people are born under unlucky stars, but this was excessive.
Should she worry about a companion's death all the time?
Something like this, she wanted to quit it right away.
Even though she leads, and takes charge as the leader of Lunatic, which is a fancy title. Her true goal was entirely personal.
Her birth. Revenge.
And, fulfilling the wish her master couldn’t achieve.
But if it meant losing so many lives . .
Is the path she walks on truly the right one?
It was her who assigned the mission to Nox this time.
She hadn’t anticipated such a big shot would be hiding in Avilat’s gambling house and only learned about it through communication devices when Nox was about to arrive.
[There is one of 72 demons nearby. I need your help, Captain.]
It was an absurd story, but the newcomer's words had a strange persuasiveness.
Hadn’t he shown his capacities in the past battle with Paimon?
She judged it was worth listening to his story.
In fact, his words hit the mark, leaving her speechless.
‘Newcomer even saved Marin… He knew he might die, yet he did it. That’s no easy feat.’
"Cough! Cap…tain..."
Nox, who briefly regained consciousness while coughing up blood, took a deep breath. His sorrowful violet eyes looked at her, shining transparently and radiating a calm light.
She wanted to say something but couldn't, there was a brief silence. It felt like a long moment.
There was a brief moment of silence where she wanted to say something but couldn’t. 
Unexpectedly, it was Nox who broke the silence.
Staring straight at Luna, he spoke.
"… I want… to get stronger. Please take me as your discip...""
His figure is somewhat awkward
Watching this, Luna couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle.
[This punk.. trying to fool me]
Nox is in pain right now, but it wasn’t as serious as he's making it seem. So why was he stubbornly pretending to be so hurt and giving this pitiful look?
The reason was clear.
Her swordsmanship is something handed down only to one disciple.
He was probably trying to take initiative before she could refuse to teach him.
'Honestly, he's not lovely at all, same as Marin'
Nox probably was putting on an act while knew everything
Just from seeing how he thought to learn Moonlight sword in a flash of moment, and acquired preliminary requirements like stances, etc in advance too.
Besides, the most surprising thing is . .
'He’s been hiding his strength.'
The [Moonlight Sword] can only be mastered by warriors who have reached at least advanced level of swordsmanship.
Moreover, it's only possible after you have unmatched skill in horizontal slashes and the ability to infuse each strike with energy
But all these conditions were already prepared from the start?
'There is no way'
"You’re already scheming, huh? Truly cheeky."
Now she understood.
Luna realized that the boy in front of her was merely wearing the mask of a ruffian.
But she didn’t show any displeasure, calmly brushing his blood-matted white hair.
Still carried in her hands, Nox let his head droop 
It was his way of saying, "I’ve fainted."
'What an interesting kid... A disciple, huh?'
Luna briefly wondered if this was how her master felt when she took her in.
Luna sank in her thoughts,
But even it didn’t last long.
"Young Master Nox! Where are you?!"
"Noble Sir!"
From a distance places, voices calling for Nox echoed.
They are probably his comrades.
She had heard that the perfect team was assembled for this mission, so it must be them. For someone from the dark family, he seemed to have earned considerable trust.
The fact of his past engagement to the princess, and his stricking appearance that outshone everyone..
'Maybe there's a reason that princess fell for him.'
A cheeky newcomer.
Luna pondered briefly about him.
Should she really teach him the [Moonlight Sword] that had been passed down from her master?
Not only did he inherit Theo von Reinhaver easygoing personality and brilliant talent that surpassed him, but he also upheld his own sense of justice.
In fact, the answer was clear from the start.
Luna stood up and gently laid Nox on the ground.
Either way his comrades would treat him, and unlike with Paimon, his internal injuries weren’t that severe. There was no need for too much concern, he was just exaggerating.
"I don’t know if becoming my disciple will be a blessing or a curse for you. But...""
Luna placed her hand on his chest, letting a part of her moonlight seep into him.
"I swear by the moonlight that I, Luna, the leader of Lunatic, that I will make you the best."
Not long after, a familiar system notification rang in Nox’s ears.
[The ‘Moonlight’ element has settled within you! Your natural healing and recovery abilities have greatly increased!]
[Random stat increased by 1!]
[Mana stat increased by 1!]
At that moment, Luna had already made up her mind.
She would place this frail boy and his sword on the path to becoming the next Sword Emperor. Even if it meant risking everything she had, she would make it happen.
'His sword has a clear will and purpose.'
Nox had already tried to sacrifice himself for her once.
Not only that, but he was also willing to do the same for others.
Nox had said it himself:
There are two ways to save everyone.
But in the first method, he wasn’t included.
Luna quickly realized why Nox had said that.
'He was willing to sacrifice himself to protect everyone.'
From olden times, a person’s true nature is revealed when they’re cornered to their limits.
That was the kind of person Nox von Reinhaver was.
Though he was called a troublemaker of Reinhaver family and was said to live a reckless life, In fact, that wasn’t the truth.
Nox was just trying to protect others even if it means sacrifice himself
Her heart began beating faster.
A subtle tension filled the air between the two, now bound as master and disciple.
There was still so much they didn’t know about each other, therefore Luna felt that the time they would spend together would be incredibly valuable.
"Then, until we meet again, brazen newcomer. That time, as master and disciple."
With that, Luna disappeared into the thick darkness.
Her flawless movement and the way she vanished into the pitch-black night were the very essence of a Sword Emperor.
Her flawfless movement leaves no trace, and the figure of her vanished into the pitch-black night, even at a glance, is the nature of sword emperor itself
And so,
about five minutes later, Nox’s comrades found him lying on the ground.
They all sighed deeply and clicked their tongues in unison, looking at Nox.
'This man did it again, huh ?'
But even in such situation, it was only Zitri who cared for him unconditionally, she hurried over to him, her face pale, and shouted
"Young Master! Young Master, are you okay? Please wake up! Can you hear me? Young Mas—"
"Hey, you’re going to make us deaf. Your young master isn't dead, so calm down."
Paracelsus folded his arms, looking at Nox with a displeased gaze. Leon’s also had a somewhat doubtful gaze.
Is that all?
Even Talia, who's crazy about Nox, and Eleanor, who's cold but never jokes about matters of life and death.
They all looked displeased in silence.
Zitri finally noticed that their gazes were a bit off.
The way they were looking at her young master, and the way Nox’s chest rose and fell. She felt something wasn’t quite right.
In that moment, even she realized.
"No way... Young Master, are you... awake?"
Zitri clenched her fists so tightly that the yellow canary mask she held was crumpled beyond recognition.
"You wouldn’t, would you?"
"Umm. Hey, Nox…? Zitri seems really angry. She’s smiling but… she’s not smiling.."
Even Talia couldn’t fall for such a lousy act.
That’s right.
At this exact moment, with one eye slightly open, Nox saw a notification about his [Genius of Acting] trait wavering.
Should I get up now?
But if he did, he'd die for sure...
For now, Nox lay on the ground, unbefitting of a noble, facing his comrades for a while.
He finally got up only when Zitri tried to perform CPR by pressing on his chest, but without actually breathing into him.
'Honestly, you really know how to cause trouble, don’t you?'
Eleanor thought that and frowned. 
Her arms crossed, glaring at Nox.
For reference, Nox, who had now woken up, was receiving Zitri's kind treatment (?)
"That's enough. aren't other people watching us ?"
Nox said sternly, but Zitri adamantly refused, thoroughly inspecting his body for any injuries.
Although a cloth was draped over him to cover his upper body, Nox was still bewildered.
"You're really lucky, don't you, sir? By the way, you’re going to have to explain everything properly, including what you meant by what you said before the demon attacked us."
"You lowly thing. Is this how you treat a patient?"
Nox snapped back, but Paracelsus ignored him.
Leon chuckled softly and replied.
“Still, Mr. Paracelsus did shout at the top of his lungs trying to find you, Mr. Nox. He really did his best. I was surprised. Mr. Paracelsus who seemed like someone who only cares about himself, to save someone ...”
"Shut up! If you’re going to compliment me, just do it, why add all that extra stuff ?!"
"Hmm? Ah, sorry if I made a mistake."
When Paracelsus growled, Leon scratched his head and closed his mouth.
Anyway, the situation is more or less settled.
Eleanor decided to review a few issues.
"As you requested, all the slaves have been sent to the carriages heading to the academy. Once their identities are confirmed, they’ll either be reunited with their families in their home regions or, as you mentioned, they’ll move and start new lives in Chaders"
Nox had already informed Eleanor regarding slaves.
‘As expected, she’s quick with her work. Even if her personality is awful, I have to keep her on my side.’
Nox rudely thought, standing up.
Now that Zitri’s thorough care was finished.
"Sigh... Young Master, can’t you be a little less reckless with your body?"
Zitri asked with a concerned look, but Nox didn’t reply.
As silence filled the air, even Talia sighed as she looked at Nox.
"Zitri, Cheer up! I know it's tough"
"Thank you..."
Since the two of them experienced the same problems, they have enough room to share this. 
After letting out a deep sigh, Nox glanced around.
Soon, this place would be swarmed with professors from Eldain.
Since the incident happened here, Nox planned to sync stories with his comrades and report that a mysterious woman, in other words, Luna, had handled the situation.
Of course, he had an intention to not say his own involvement.
'If things get too complicated, Dean Noah will start getting more suspicious. I might actually get killed...'
But before thinking about that. 
And before explaining things to his comrades, there was something else Nox had to do first.
Nox got up, and when he was staggering he walked, Talia and Zitri asked with suspicious gazes
"Nox? Where are you going?"
“Young Master? You should rest a bit more before you start moving...”
"No, I have to do this now."
But, Nox said firmly.
Paracelsus and Leon exchanged glances, gulping.
"Hey, sir, what’s the matter? If it’s serious, I can help..."
"I’ll help too."
The only one who still didn’t look pleased was Eleanor, It was because she already knew why Nox was moving.
"You all should move quickly too. If not now, there is no other chance."
"What chance... oh"
Leon hummed as if he realized. Nox quickly added.
"I will have 80% of what’s here. Since I took down the demon, there shouldn’t be any objections, right?"
That’s right.
Nox was after the gold coins scattered around the wrecked casino!
Eleanor sighed.
"I had a feeling. He did say he’d repay the 200 million in a day..."
Nox had a plan.
A perfect plan to multiply his assets several times over,
while also extending his lifespan.
'Huu... How much is this all worth?'
With that thought, Nox opened his spatial inventory.
His comrades behind him could only watch in disbelief.
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retromotherfuckers · 6 months
OBX Rock Band AU (headcanon)
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jj maybank, john b routledge, pope hayward, kiara carrera, sarah cameron
Word Count:
i have no idea if this has been done before but the idea came to me the other night in the shower lol. i’m in a band so you can guess what i loosely based this on
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JJ - Drums
is my opinion biased on this one? probably
my favorite band member and character
the one with the most problems
drinks a little too much,  stoner
personal life in shambles most of the time
once he found the drums as an outlet he dove into it, eventually becoming an intensely devoted musician 
that drum set has seen some things
jj lets his anger out on that poor, innocent drum set
all the different pieces have had to be replaced so many times because he beats the living shit out of them
the one that got john b into rock music and the rest was history
he's not one of the chill drummers who just shows up and does their thing, this man is a show-off
so many tricks
long solos whenever the chance arises for one
flirts with the entire band
music genres: rock, grunge, alt, metal
bands/artists: Sex Pistols, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Nirvana, Guns N’ Roses, Def Leppard
John B - Lead Vocals/Rhythm Guitar
a no-brainer. this is practically canon
no i will not be hearing opposing opinions at this time
he's the frontman
the one most people's eyes are drawn to right away
controls the vibe in the room
him and jj put on a show
is naturally a gifted singer, but had a vocal coach for a little while to get some pointers
rhythm guitar because most rock songs need at least two guitars and he's played guitar since he was a kid just for fun
music genres: country, rock, alt, pop when jj isn't around
bands/artists: The Rolling Stones, Paramore, Fall Out Boy, Aerosmith, Taylor Swift, Johnny Cash 
Pope - Lead Guitar/Band Manager
he's just there to vibe but also an incredibly skilled guitarist 
the one that tries extremely hard to keep everyone on track, but can't because no one listens to him
also the one that found kiara and Sarah
he's classically trained, but he only did classical as a kid because that's what he thought the smart kids were supposed to do
he plays like Slash: relatively controlled body language, but his fingers fly back and forth on the frets 
music nerd
everyone can tell he loves what he's doing
manager because who else would manage these fools?
music genres: rock, alt, indie rock
bands/artists: Falling in Reverse, Foo Fighters, Arctic Monkeys, Green Day, Hozier, The Killers, The 1975
Kiara - Bass
i will not be accepting arguments on this one
she 100% grew up on cello, but wanted to rebel against her parents as a teen and switched to rock but realized she fucked with it
this girl is hot as all hell and knows it, but has nothing to prove
she's one of the more responsible members of the group but also super laid-back
effortlessly keeps everyone in check 
she just wants to vibe and play some songs
flirts with the entire band
weird, hippie, earthy screams bass player
music genres: indie rock, r&b, pop punk, anything from the '60s and '70s
bands/artists: Janis Joplin, The Strokes, Young The Giant, Hozier, Paramore, Joan Jett, Whitney Houston
Sarah - Backup Vocals
she was definitely an attention seeker in her young years and would've hated backup, but now she's perfectly content chilling in the background with some killer harmonies 
she has a few songs she leads in the set when john b needs a rest
she absolutely KILLS them
but she loves playing with the melody and adding a harmony on something that you wouldn't expect
this girl has perfect pitch so harmonizing takes about 3% effort from her
if a song is too low for her or too high for john b, she transposes everything (perfect pitch and all)
she will. not. touch. an electric guitar with a 10-foot pole. 
don't ask, i have no explanation for that one
on the occasion a song needs keys, she's the go-to
music genres: she's a retired theatre kid so she listens to just about everything under the sun except country
bands/artists: Taylor Swift, The Beatles, Queen, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Knicks, Amy Winehouse
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dracos-eternity · 1 year
Rodrick Heffley SFW ABC’s
Request- Rodrick Fluff?
I’m assuming you meant Rodrick Heffley, I really hope so. He’s so fine yall. Ouu. Anywho enjoy some fluff.
Warnings- Yk typical Rodrick stuff, cursing?, fluff
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?) Your eyes, he’s always been such a fool for your eyes.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?) Yeah, and he wants boys, brothers so they can have the relationship he had with Greg and he wants to start a band with his sons.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?) He loves to lie between your legs with his on your chest while you play with his hair. 
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?) He tries his hardest, he’s just not a romantic. He likes to take you on dates in the van, grabbing food and going to abandoned buildings or watching the sunset from cute little places he found. 
E = Edible (food that reminds them of you) Mangos, the fruit he says you smell like.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?) The third time you watched his band rehearse. The way he felt watching you get so excited over any tricks he’d do with his sticks, he knew he was absolutely in love.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?) He’s super gentle, always holding your hand and tying your shoes and he carries you practically everywhere, either on his back or shoulders, he acts as if your fragile. 
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?) He likes when you wrap your smaller hand around his index, or interlaced, he’s always picking at how much smaller than his your hands are.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?) He thought you were dorky at first, he wasn’t super interested but he came around.
J = Jewelry (Do they buy you any, is it expensive, how often? Do they let you wear theirs, etc.) He makes you cuffs, to match his, and he loves letting you wear all of his jewelry, chains, rings, necklaces, etc.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?) He initiated the first kiss, and he loves to give you soft kisses with his hand on the side of your face
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?) You said it, he wasn’t sure if you’d say it back so he never did
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?) When you two snuck into a Green Day concert.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?) He loves buying you little snacks and small things with the money he makes on gigs and steals from his parents.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?) Red, like the streaks you had in your hair when he met you.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?) Baby, love, pretty girl
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?) He loves old punk records
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?) Sleep, he loves taking naps with you while his records play in the background
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?) When he’s sad he likes to talk to you, especially about his music and when you’re sad he likes playing music for you
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?) Everything, anything, just as long as he’s talking to you
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?) Sleeping and listening to music or playing
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?) He loves showing off his band, van, music, and cool tricks he can do with his drumsticks.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?) During a Falling In Reverse concert, five years after you two started dating, during The Drug In Me Is You, he dropped to one knee and asked.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?) The Drug In Me Is You because it was playing when he proposed.
Y =Yearning (Are they clingy/needy?) Oh he’s SUPER clingy.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?) He’d 100% own a lizard.
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