#and feeling kind of fond of these fashion dads
dufrau · 1 year
i watch a lot of youtube videos about boots (shocking!) and its all middle aged men and they have a lot of fashion advice and its very funny because it all basically amounts to "how to look like a dad", which is not a criticism, i am a middle aged butch, looking like a dad is basically my whole deal. its just very funny and cute tbh.
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veliseraptor · 3 months
Fic Authors Self Rec
I was tagged by @kasasagi-eye to self-rec five fics which is always. a fun challenge in a few different ways. but good practice I think! and I did go through and make an Author's Favorites series for myself a while ago, which made this easier!
tried to do a bit of a spread of fandoms/time for funsies
Elegy, or Twelve Scenes About One Thing (The Silmarillion).
An old one! But I'm still pretty pleased with it. It's a style I don't write in as much anymore as I used to, but rereading it reminded me why I liked writing it to begin with. Just an impressionistic set of vignettes about Finrod and Curufin in Nargothrond; good old-fashioned cousin incest for a pairing I haven't written in a long time but am still deeply fond of.
Curufin’s hands had a smith’s calluses. It was the strangest thing, to feel how they caught on smooth skin, or on scars as Curufin passed his hands over Finrod’s bare chest. As though he were a piece of metal or gemstone to be coaxed into revealing its secrets. Finrod wondered what he found. “You fascinate me,” Curufin said, suddenly. Finrod blinked at what might have been an echo of his own thoughts. “Beg pardon?” “You fascinate me,” Curufin repeated. “You are…a rare thing.” His fingers paused, and tapped just above Finrod’s navel. “For all I watch you, I am unable to guess your mind.” “I am no great mystery,” said Finrod. Curufin shook his head. “Ah,” he said, “But perhaps that, there, is your mystery.” He smiled, eyes almost glittering, and lowered his head to drag his teeth along the curve of Finrod’s shoulder. “Still waters, they say.” Ran deep, Finrod thought, and untroubled. He did not feel untroubled. If he was still water, then there was a turbulence in his depths. A whirlpool spiraling toward the surface.
post war blues (Wheel of Time)
This is one of my favorite fics even though it's written for an audience of maybe five if I'm generous. I had a lot of fun with it. Min/Elan post-canon, sort of, with a background side of Rand/Elan and Rand/Elan/Min in the future if I kept writing this AU.
“You promised me higher praise,” Elan said, something arch in his voice. Min laughed. “All right,” she said. “I like you. When you’re not thinking about it, you’re a fairly decent person, at least now. You’re smart; I like smart people. And you have good cheekbones.” Elan stared at her, and she shrugged. “A girl can’t help but notice.” “Cheekbones,” Elan said, sounding incredulous. “That’s what you’re stuck on?” Min said. “I thought the ‘decent person’ would get to you more.”
gather frankincense (Lymond Chronicles)
Had to put this one on here mostly because I was proud of myself for writing Lymond fic complete with a satisfying number of references in it, but also because I love this fucked up pairing (Lymond/Gabriel) so much.
“Am I meant to ask what desires I need to concern myself with?” Lymond asked, voice still light; not precisely indifferent, but not much affected either. “The rest,” Gabriel said, and gestured at Lymond’s untouched glass. “Drink, be merry. You’ve already ruined yourself with opium. Surely a glass of wine is not too much an indulgence.” “I am not in the mood for indulgence. Is there a purpose to this pageantry, o my Pasha?” “Save that it is my pleasure?” Gabriel regarded him with a touch of amusement. “You would rather I tied you to a whipping post and had you flogged?” “You would gain marks for consistency,” Lymond said.
like a trigger (get me ready to shoot) (Kinnporsche)
This is, like, an embarrassingly personal fic in some ways which is probably also why it's important to me. I have strong feelings about Vegas and sadism and it was fun to explore them here and write a bit of a character study through that lens.
He stopped trying to make it last. There was always work, where he could hurt people so much worse and it didn’t matter, there was no reason to hold back and nobody who looked at him like some kind of monster, except for the people he wanted to. His dad gave him a man and said punish him and Vegas could, would, did. It was never quite enough. Somehow he was always coming up short when it mattered. A step below, a step behind. His father’s impatience and anger and frustration, always quick to remind Vegas of his inadequacies. At least when it was just him and his tools and a body meant to suffer, he knew what he was doing. He knew how to get what he wanted, and did. He liked to hurt people. He was good at hurting people. There might be something wrong with him but at least he was in the right line of work for it.
That Unwanted Animal (The Untamed/MDZS)
A fic for this fandom I don't talk about so much, written for an exchange a few years ago. Modern AU, which is a funny thing that I don't usually write except in a few very special cases, and this is a modern AU that I'm actually pretty proud of the execution on, mostly because the messiness of it and the construction of the relationships is one that I remain happy with even on reread (far from a guarantee). The side Jin Guangyao and Xue Yang dynamic is one of my favorite things about this one, funnily enough.
So the thing was that Xue Yang knew that this shit was too good to last. It was like some kind of fairytale, wasn’t it? Cinderella, or something. Go to a ball, meet a handsome prince, get swept off your feet. Plucked out of your shitty life and dropped into someone else’s. If Cinderella was a psychotic headcase and the prince was two stupidly handsome men who apparently had a thing for that, one too nice for his own good and the other one too head over heels for the first one to tell him no.
I tag @curiosity-killed, @lu-sn, @ameliarating, @brawlite, and @highladyluck.
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torturedblue · 1 year
All my thoughts and theories of this adorable clip:
Guys the soundtrack in the background sounds so good and epic, and I’m so loving the use of hip hop and rap in every trailer. You forget how effective black music is for action movies too considering how little it’s used comparatively. And it’s another thing about this movie that gives off Spider-verse vibes 👏🏽
Oml guys MM Leo is just like 2012 he’s such a dork and he gets all pouty all the time and the way Raph trolls him about it is just like the 2012 duo 🥹
I’m sorry the way Leo smiles so much while reciting that horrible speech??? 😂 like it doesn’t matter what Splinter tells them it is gold that he will gobble up even if it is objectively prejudice
Speaking of which, “I know that’s objectively prejudice but it’s what Dad taught us” line is so relatable to most kids today like yikes what a motto of the 21st century
But it really makes me wonder what Splinter’s backstory is going to be in this iteration considering no other version has hated or had a gripe with the human race as far as I’ve seen. I assumed he was going to be formerly human too, although this clip makes it seem that might not be the case, but if he still is I think that makes his speech to the kids much more interesting and honestly hilarious because if any of us were in his position would we tell them much differently? I mean come on that “they lust to murder that which is different from them” is so spot on. And honestly we already teach kids everything else he said too when it comes to strangers 😂 humans are bad, don’t say hi, humans are everything wrong with this planet, do not interact or you will die 👍🏽
“We wouldn’t have K-Pop without humans!” Wtf he’s so pure ugh
“I’d love to have a champagne brunch with Tom Brady” OMG GUYS HE’S JUST SO PROPER AND DORKY AGH
“Drake! That guy is the GOAT of all time.” I’m sorry did I hear that right 😂 sweet simple Raph ya gotta know what the terms mean if you’re gonna use modern slang
“Guy Fieri seems like a fun hang” ooooh continuing with the Mikey is the cook character trope maybe?
I really think this whole bit here is an interesting way of setting up the mutants vs human premise of the movie with the turtles in the middle of it all. Especially the way Leo recites that anti-human speech so whole-heartedly but also still acknowledges that they all disagree with Splinter about how cool humans are. Especially since they likely keep their own beliefs about it from their Dad, which again, so relatable to kids of old-fashioned parents today
“oOh i’M tHe lEaDeR. You sound like you have bronchitis!” They way they mock and roast him is just too much and too accurate 😂 also I just love their overlapping conversational moments
Other thoughts:
Also I gotta say in these released clips Leo is pouting or anxious half of the time while his bros are always having fun and I just gotta see how much that’s amplified in the entirety of the movie… Like it makes it seems like he must feel some kind of rift between him and his brothers sometimes and I want to see if that’s true
These kids are truly on their own… They at least start off keeping their fondness of humans from Splinter, they still can’t interact with humans either way, they find a group of mutants like them and seem to hit it off at first but then it just turns a whole fiasco where they have to defend humans from them, and at some later point we know when they do interact with/are exposed to humans it does not go well. I’m so excited to see how they tackle that post-climactic depressive section of the movie where the boys are really feeling the weight of all of it. Like, not too many clips have been released and there’s already so much isolation on their end. I’m glad April will at least be one positive outlet for them
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solzoned · 10 months
im spinning so hard ( category five autism event - smitty )
anyways life is strange headcanons for the characters and my/our own personal interpretation of them
tw for : mentions of drug use , burn injuries , mention of internalized homophobia/transphobia
Max Caulfield
transmasc bigender max . the vibes are there, max never maxine /ref
major crush on chloe . like, "you look at me i will pass out from joy" kind of crush, with "heart pounding until i pass out" love
autistic ! with a special interest in retro cameras and polaroids ! also older movies and lord of the rings
more of a semi verbal kind of person . probably owns a communication hoodie .
has never tried weed, never will even when chloe suggests it /lh
owns a guitar but is not much of a musician? but wants to get into using it more often
dating chloe, qpps with kate :]
Chloe Price
MAJOR genderfluid vibes . or genderfuckery . either way not cis whatsoever
had a huge crush on max as kids but max leaving kind of ruined that for chloe ? took a while for chloe to trust max again but eventually they started dating !
depression go brrrrr . and bpd . and adhd . self medicates with weed .
very prone to sensory overloads and tends to use weed to dampen the world around her . refuses to go on antidepressants ever again .
briefly dated rachel in before the storm but unhealthy relationship so chloe moved onto better things after the events of life is strange
very bad relationship with david, sort of eh relationship with joyce .
only dating max but open to polyamory !!
Rachel Amber
cis but not cis yknow . like if someone asks shes cis but to close friends and people, cisnt.
bpd and bipolar disorder + autism .
major adrenaline junkie and thrill seeker . craves that feeling and rush of something dangerous or rebellious .
doesn't actually know how to stay in one place ? at least not until the future . always on the move, can't be tied down .
major special interest in theatre . specifically shakespearean plays .
burn scars on her arms from the forest fire in before the storm . but it was kept pretty hush hush by her dad .
fling with victoria, followed by dating chloe briefly, then frank bowers . then back to victoria in the future :3
Victoria Chase
i physically cannot write everything i have in mind i have so many victoria thoughts daily but like.
transmasc enby . demiboy . but major internalized transphobia and homophobia issues for a long while until he learned to figure himself out .
major struggles with autism and anxiety . on top of bpd . on that mean girl autism to redeemed boy autism pipeline . formerly medicated for anxiety ( before the storm ) before turning to harder drugs ( life is strange ).
major nerd . loves anime, but especially has a fondness of shows that are like . "kids cartoons " but actually are more complex than it seems .
special interest in photography, fashion, and cartoons .
EXTREMELY particular about clothing due to sensory issues with certain fabrics . cannot tolerate wet clothes either .
suppresses stimming , whether happy or upset stimming .
shhhh *puts a finger to your lips* im an age regressor victoria truther . specifically she got into it around rachel .
briefly dated rachel . dated nathan for appearance sake . dated rachel again in the future .
Kate Marsh
i am a huge aroace kate marsh believer
has a particular disgust for kissing after the Incident tm , prefers hugs and cuddles
struggling with her faith after what happened, working on redefining what it means to her
got some internalized issues going on and isn't really open to being super public about her personal life because of it
depression w/ autism and anxiety combo .
goes non verbal very often .
alice is an emotional support animal i cannot be told otherwise .
qpps with max for now . doesn't aspire to have anything more or less than that .
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wikiangela · 4 months
oooh buddie death cast, bucktommy smut and barbecue?
buddie death cast answered here and here
bucktommy smut is the sequel to this fic where buck really wanted it to be smut but, clearly, it takes me forever to write one lol - it was started post-7x04, with only the promo of 7x05, so I'm sticking with that (yes, it's been a while lol) it's also getting long, I'm at 4k and they're just starting to take off clothes lol
a lil snippet:
“So I take it that it’s okay?” Tommy asks, and Buck’s so dizzy and breathless he barely registers it. “Huh?” he blinks as Tommy pulls away to look at him, a little amused but also almost… wonderstruck, analyzing, as if cataloging yet another piece of information he learns about Buck. Buck knows, because he does the same thing with every little thing he finds out about Tommy. He wants to know everything, and he can’t wait to keep learning. “Me calling you baby? That’s okay?” He’s smiling, and of course he has to know, based on Buck’s reaction, but he’s still making sure, and Buck thinks he’s going to melt into a puddle all over the backseat of the car right now. Tommy’s just so sweet and gentle, and thoughtful, and he always makes sure Buck’s good and comfortable, while also remaining confident and taking charge, and it- it makes Buck’s insides flutter. What a fucking man he somehow got. He doesn’t want to ever let him go. It’s only their second date, and he knows he’s getting ahead of himself in true Buck fashion, but he just- this one feels different. He really hopes it leads somewhere. “Tommy.” Buck rolls his eyes, and his face splits into a grin. “Of course it is. It’s much, much more than okay.” he gulps, eyes falling to Tommy’s lips again.  “Okay.” his lips curl into that smile – that easy, happy, excited smile that Buck’s loved since the moment he saw it for the first time, the one gracing Tommy’s face after he kissed Buck for the first time and asked if that was okay. “I figured. Just wanted to make sure.” he whispers, leaning in again, breath ghosting over Buck’s lips.  “That’s so hot, you know?” Buck breathes out, and kisses a chuckle off of Tommy’s lips.
and the barbecue one! I got lowkey stuck at the very beginning but I'm working on it lol - it was inspired by that one video of lou barbecuing shirtless bc 🥵
basically, buck and tommy hosting a barbecue at tommy's place, with the firefam and some of tommy's friends from harbor (and I'm obsessed with the idea of tommy being the person children just adore for no reason so tommy and kids feels!)
it's a little disjointed for now bc I started with madney, but then I started rewriting it bc I didn't like how i started it, but here's part of the first version with madney, it's gonna be better after rewriting lol (I have more notes than actual fic so far)
(this one was started before madney wedding, but i might change that a bit too lol)
“Where’s Tommy?” Jee immediately asks, and Buck can’t help a soft chuckle. Ever since Chim and Maddie’s wedding, Jee’s been obsessed with Tommy. He’s just the kind of person everyone’s drawn to, especially children. He can be such a goofball and he loves entertaining them. Buck thinks he’s going to be such a good dad one day, and that thought fills him with such fondness and excitement. “Should be in the backyard. Through there.” he points, directing all three of them, Jee just takes off running in the direction Buck pointed, Chim hurrying after her. “I’ll be right there.” he adds, mostly to Maddie, as he stays behind when he hears another car park in front of the house.
ask me about my wips <3
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oita-division · 4 months
Relationship: Family - Ishihara Daisuke
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Tsushima Daisuke (47 years old) — Ishihara’s father. He’s a senior priest and also the head of the local shrine in Ōita. He is described to be wise, kind, pretty old-fashioned but well-liked by the people around the neighborhood. That's why a lot of visitors pay visits to receive good fortune and blessings from their shrine, which became popular recently. He was proud of his family’s local shrine that has been standing for generations, dedicating himself to take such great care of it. When Ishihara was young, he looked up to his dad with more admiration and they have a loving father-son relationship whatsoever but ever since his “gift” came, a lot of strange unexplained misfortunes happening around Ishihara that their relationship changed where his dad started to avoid him entirely, feeling shame but fear and so has Ishihara changed completely. He lets him stay in the house for a while until he turns 20 and as time passes by, Ishihara’s self-centeredness is so out of hand that it strongly affects the brothers getting into fights and was forced to be kicked out by his father, leaving him with nothing until he’s mature enough to repent for his attitude.
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Kanae Daisuke † — Ishihara’s mother. She’s the daughter from the neighboring local shrine and was into an arranged marriage to Tsushima but the two of them actually loved one another then were blessed with 5 children. She used to work alongside her husband who takes care of managing the shrine. Very hardworking and being such a great loving mother to him, having no problem with his gift unlike his dad. Instead, she thought it’s perhaps passed down by her ancestor from the side of her family that they see paranormal things that others can’t but no matter how many misfortunes fall upon her family, she will always love him. He had so many fond memories with her while it lasted until she died after giving birth to her last son, Koutarou. Which leaves only 6 boys in the family.
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Rindo Daisuke (31 years old) — Ishihara’s older brother and the eldest of the four brothers. After their mother passed away, Rindo voluntarily took over her responsibilities and has managed the shrine diligently, becoming their father's favorite. He is a serious person who prioritizes work and is known for his bluntness, never hesitating to speak his mind but despite this, he is well-liked by others and very caring towards his family—except for Ishihara. Rindo considers Ishihara a bane due to his cockiness and strange "gift," often accusing him of being mentally unstable. This tension has led to frequent, yet horrible fights, and the two wouldn’t get along. Ever since Ishihara was kicked out of the house, he has had no contact with his family and feels relieved that he no longer has to see Rindo.
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Junpei Daisuke (28 years old) — Ishihara’s second older brother. Like their father, Junpei works as a priest at their local shrine. He is a genuine and carefree young man who lives by the motto "go with the flow." Junpei is charmingly kind to others and very affectionate towards his family, often acting as a peacemaker between Rindo and Ishihara by using his persuasive skills to resolve their conflicts. Ishihara generally has no issues with Junpei and even acknowledges that he’s being kind to him, unlike how Rindo and his father treated him although he sometimes finds his older brother to be a nuisance at times, especially how he remembered when Junpei sided with their father in the past. They haven't spoken to each other ever since Ishihara got kicked out from home, although Junpei frequently sends text messages that Ishihara tends to ignore.
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Yudai Daisuke (22 years old) — Ishihara’s younger brother and works as a groundskeeper and primarily responsible for gardening at the local shrine. Among the brothers, Yudai is often misunderstood due to his stern, angry-looking face and his loud voice whenever he loses his temper. His loud and sometimes brusque manner of speaking can come off as rude, causing a lot of misunderstandings; that’s why making interactions is difficult for him. Yudai is actually kind and compassionate. He takes meticulous care of the plants and is very protective of his family. He used to get along well with Ishihara and admired him greatly. However, their relationship has fallen apart as Ishihara's behavior became cruel and rebellious against the family, leaving Yudai feeling disappointed with no intention of seeing Ishihara again.
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Koutarou Daisuke (19 years old) — Ishihara’s second younger brother and is responsible for distributing omamori charms at the local shrine. As the youngest child in the family, Koutarou has a soft-spoken nature and a gentle demeanor. He tends to view the world with innocence and often becomes emotional, particularly when witnessing the conflicts between Rindo and Ishihara. Koutarou dislikes seeing his family members fight and refuses to take sides. Despite the tensions within the family and the resentment some of the family hold towards Ishihara, Koutarou (along with Junpei) remains steadfast in his love for his brother, nevertheless. He harbors a deep desire for Ishihara to return home, wishing for reconciliation and harmony among his siblings.
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twst teachers as your dad!(+Crowley)
The news were devastating, after all the efforts to bring you home, it finally became official : you could never return to your world, and your new home consisted on a magical institution and the friends you made along the way <\3
As sad as these news were for you, some teachers who had grown fond of you have waited for this moment, in hopes of adopting you (and keeping you safe from Crowley too, ofc)
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1.Dire Crowley-
Had to fist fight Crewel for this to happen.
Has been planning on adopting you since week 1 (thus the lack of interest on bringing you back)
Bought custome matching pajamas with "the handsome man beside me is my dad" and "the kid beside me is the luckiest dad-haver ever" written on them.
No kidding, this was his way of celebrating your # 1st adoption anniversary.
A weird guy.
Invites you to very fancy family (of two) dinners, brings Pepsi with him and drinks it in front of everyone.
Also loves ordering whatever is currently the most expensive item of food at burguer King.
God forbid any male student looking your way ( very unfortunate because there's no actual female students)
If you are queer you would live in fear of telling him, but not because you think he's homophobic, but because you wouldn't be able to talk to anyone.
Not if you're a lesbian tho. that would be a blessing in his eyes. (he wouldn't let you out of school)
Encourages you to be your gothest self every day.
Tries to bribe the teachers to score you perfect grades.
Never works.
Tries to guiltrip you by saying that you would prefer Crewel as a father rather than him.
When you say "actually, yeah" he bursts in tears, like, ugly sobbing.
This is a common occurrence, every 4-6 days or so.
That's why you end up telling him that.
Not the best father but in this world full of magic and dangers you won't have the need to worry even once.
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2.Divus Crewel-
Had to beat Crowley up for this multiple times.
Because before signing all the paperwork he kept on insisting you to reconsider.
And boy was he persistent.
Unlike Crowley, Crewel was actually concerned for you.
"Okay so this kid has lost any chance of seeing their og. family again if they have one, and their friends. maybe they had a pet???"
Whether you are of age or happen to be the independent type, he still takes those feelings into account.
That said
Prepare to become a fashion model.
Your new dad loves dressing up.
He asks you what kind of fashion do you incline towards and buys you lots of outfits.
If you never were the fashionista type or you just don't care about your appearance, he'll just have you dress like him.
And as a teacher.
Does he give you a special treatment? yep.
Does this mean extra work every day? also yes.
He's more forgiving with your other classes as long as you pass
But- if you are his kid- you HAVE TO be top student in science and potionology.
So whenever you don't get a perfect score he will flood you with extra work until you get everything right.
Also will always get you the best partners for his class.
He doesn't care who you date, but if they hurt you ... there will be consecuences.
Overall a pretty solid dad. A little strict and materialistic at times but i mean, at least he's not Crowley.
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3.Mozus Trein
This man is not a dad. he's a certified Father.
Probably a grandpa already (?)
Maybe not in canon but, this man has basically three kids (yes I'm counting the cat)
His two actual kids however are around the age of Crewel if not just a few years younger.
He's been straight up suffering of empty nest syndrome for a long time.
He won't admit it tho.
This is why he initially takes interest on being your legal tutor.
(he thinks Crewel would be too superficial and could turn you like him.
he also doesn't want you to live like you're in the military, if Ashton adopted you,
and c'mon he's gotta keep you safe from Crowley.)
So, in his eyes, he's literally the only right option available.
Once he speaks his mind not even Crowley complains.
They are SHOCKED that this tired old man wants to take care of another kid.
When you come to his place for the long weekend, you are horrified at the specific old-wood smell that fills the house.
It's the furniture. This old, reddish dark, polished wood. around every corner.
His cat loves you already.
As a teacher, he's very much like Crewel.
He makes sure regularly that you remember what he taught you by randomly pop-quizzing you
You end up dreaming about history.
If you're queer and want to come out to him, i mean, he's not homophobic but he is very much and old man. yk.
If you're gay he's gonna tell you "but what is wrong with men/women?"
If you're bi/pan however, "could you be as ambitious when studying, please?"
If you're aro/ace he'll just be like. "i do understand you, really, but aren't you too young for this?"
He's not judging honestly.
He's not trying either.
Gives the best relationship advice having watched all the romantic disasters his older kids already went through.
Will teach you manners.
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4. Ashton Vargas.
He adopted you because he really felt bad for you with all this "loosing where i belong, the people i love, the places i know" thing.
This kinda stuff can bring the best man down.
He won't let it happen!!
And you're so ridiculously out of shape!! he knows none of his colleagues would help you with that. He also doesn't think leaving you to Crowley is safe so.
Now you're his kid.
Wakes you up everyday at 5am for a morning jog to "start the engines" so you do better in school.
Doesn't let you eat anything from the cafeteria.
He meal preps once a week so now you will be eating slightly cooked veggies, eggs and non-spiced chicken everyday.
If you're vegan you will be eating a ridiculous high amount of legumes. half the timed they're just boiled and unsalted.
Will be a competitive dad. I mean, he will make everything a competition. who will wash the dishes faster? who will get to the bottom of the stairs first?
If you play competitive sports with him prepare to be absolutely destroyed.
If you're in any type of competition that he has trained you for, and you win, he will cry literal tears.
Of pride and happiness ofc
You do so much better in his classes now because you've being training 24/7
He won't ever say a thing about your crushes or partners unlike the others, even if he sees the red flags
Because he thinks it's better if you learn this kind of thing on your own, the hard way.
If you have an uterus and suffer from bad period cramps this man will research the whole market as well as natural and magical remedies because nothing should interfere with the grind 💪
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laconic-void · 2 months
Sandlot Fic: Part Four
Note: "Tigers" is the name of Phillips' little league team
Benny POV
Timeskip: one week later
All of the guys have been working hard training for today's game against the Tigers. I'm not too worried about Scotty, but it can't hurt to get him up nice and early just to make sure.
7 in the morning and I'm all dressed. I knock on Scotty's window and he slowly wakes up. He still wears his silly cartoon pajamas to sleep.
"Smalls, are you ready for the big day?"
"Benny, the game's at noon." Scotty sat back on his bed.
"Yeah, but you haven't played in a week. Come on, we can't waste any time!"
"Okay, I'll get up," Scotty mumbled.
"See Smalls, Yeah-Yeah is ready! He's been coming here extra early for the whole week!"
"Yeah-Yeah, ready for the game!"
"You look more ready to sleep. When did you get up?"
"Okay, an extra hour today wouldn't have killed you. Save it for tomorrow when school starts." I rolled my eyes. I think there is more going on than Yeah-Yeah is letting on, but we'll have to talk later. I just watched as he put several pieces of bazooka in his mouth. The others arrive a few minutes later, in similar tired fashion.
"Hey Smalls, welcome back!" Kenny said. "How'd it go with your old man?"
"Not too bad," Scotty replied. "I had to do extra chores, but it was rewarding to see my hard work."
"That's the nerdiest thing I've ever heard. Maybe you can come to my house." Bertram joked, slapping him on the back. "My mom might give you a few quarters."
"Not a bad offer, but let's talk later. What are we waiting for? Let's play some ball!" Now that's the kind of stuff I like to hear from Scotty.
Time passed pretty quickly, and soon enough, we found ourselves at the Tigers' stadium. It is nice, I have to admit. They've got a whole scoreboard and everything. Makes me feel like I'm in the majors.
I looked over the opposing team. I don't talk to these kids, but I do know most of their names. There's Phillips, of course, and William Peffercorn, the lifeguard's younger brother. He only wants to torment us more after the pool incident. Now that I think about it, that's probably why we're here. I don't really mind being banned from the pool because I never really wanted to go anyway, but it's kind of stupid that we all got banned over some girl, especially since Squints was the only one who did anything. She's attractive, yeah, but drowning yourself just to kiss her? These guys are something else, man.
I'm up to bat first, and it's nobody's surprise when I hit a home run. Kenny follows suit, then Ham. The rest of the guys bat with no issues. The first inning is complete and we're up by three points. The Tigers have improved, though. I try to compliment them, but they aren't really fond of good sportsmanship. Ham can take it from here.
"I don't know how you got so ugly," Ham started harassing the batters immediately. "Must have been from your dad, because your mom is pretty sexy." I rolled my eyes as the others stifled a laugh. It's effective, though, because the next three batters strike out. I guess they hadn't worried about focus as much as they should've.
Scotty's up to bat next, and I can't help but look at him, admiring how much his stance has improved. CRACK! That's a home run for sure. He rounds first base. Then second. Then thi-
Scotty falls to the ground. I look at third base again. William Peffercorn. That slimeball hit Scotty. I run over immediately and push him aside. "Scotty! Are you okay?" I look at his face, and his eye is starting to bruise, resembling when I first spoke to him.
"YOU PIECE OF CRAP!" Ham tried to run over to fight, but Bertram, Kenny, and Squints held him back.
"Yeah," I said, trying to hide my anger. "Game's over."
"What? Benny, it's okay," Scotty protested.
"No it's not. Come on guys. We're leaving."
"Ha! You guys forfeit after all!" Phillips taunted.
"Benny, I'm fi-"
I cut Scotty off. "You're not fine. You're hurt. And call it whatever you want, Phillips. But deep down you know you lost, and you played dirty. We won't be coming back here." I was expecting the others to be disappointed about leaving early, but they were staring at the Tigers and shaking their heads. Those guys screwed up bad, and they're gonna know it.
We got Scotty some ice for his eye, and I was hoping he would feel better, but he understandably just wanted to go home.
"You'll be okay tomorrow, right?" I asked.
"Yeah, of course. Missing the first day of school would be stupid."
"Alright. Just take it easy, okay? And if you need to reach me, the walkie talkie is in my back pocket."
"Okay." Scotty lightened up and grinned at me. "See you at the bus stop tomorrow, Benny."
I watched as he walked towards his house. Before he rounded the corner, he turned around and gave me a thumbs up, and I returned it, like we always do.
Hello all three people in the sandlot fandom! Just a disclaimer that while I am planning to add Benny and Smalls romance to the story, my main goal is to flesh out the characters more as much as I can, so it will take a while. This story will (hopefully, as long as I have the motivation to write) follow the boys to graduation, after all.
Also this chapter was inspired by the events of the second movie as well as a fanfic I saw. Thanks for reading!!
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hihi ! as an oc enthusiast , i come bearing questions from the TWST oc questions post :D
for yuna ! - Is your OC homesick? What are they willing to do to get back? - How does your OC feel about magic in general?
for heinrich ! - How well do they remember students names and faces? - Do they enjoy being a part of student gossip/actively involved in student drama?
for lewis ! - What's the chore unique to Heartslaybul that they look least forward to? What's their favourite? (tending the flamingoes/hedgehogs, organizing the Unbirthday parties, painting the roses, etc. etc.) - How many rules have they memorized? How many do they actually follow?
for casimier ! - What's a "traditional" or old fashioned hobby your OC has? (Calligraphy, fencing, leatherwork, etc, etc.) How did they pick it up? - What's a magic skill your OC specializes in? if you feel like thats a lot of questions , dont feel pressured to answer all of them ! feel free to yap as much or as little as you like, i'll read the whole thing regardless ! :D sorry if i've messed anything up by the way ... i had like 4 different tabs open to keep track of stuff while i made this ask but uh- yeah-
✨oh heck yeah that's what I'm talking about babeyyyyyyyyy /POS
as a fellow OC enthusiast and a lover of my own freaks Im literally so excited like I started drafting this on my lunch break at work and my face was like "OH FUCK YEAH" so thank u so much actually. And u don't gotta apologize for anything bc tbslaych I get it. Tabs r so annoying lmao
ok anyways time to answer questions bc yahoo
After a certain point, she wouldn't admit it, but she desperately craves a way to get home. Even though she doesn't necessarily want to go back to her house with her mom and stepdad, she still misses her mom and dad a ton and would do anything to see them again. Honestly, she probably wouldn't be above consulting forbidden magic texts or trying to develop magic herself in order to find a way home (God knows Crowley isn't)
As for how she feels about magic, she's actually pretty favorable towards it, if not a bit jealous of those who DO have magic. She wishes she had it herself for convenience
EDIT BEFORE I CONTINUE: I posted this. By accident bc I wasn't. Finished typing yet. So continuing on.
Bro is. Surprisingly good at memorizing names and faces. Some attribute it to his weird idiosyncracy of calling individuals their names in a specific pattern(___ the ____) or maybe his. Freakish memory of things that happened years ago, but he knows every student that has ever happened upon his office or that he's had to sub for.
He's not usually too fond of keeping up with shenanigans or gossip unless they are targeting someone else for a change. Heinrich is often the target of pranks so he isn't usually super keen on being involved in whatever big drama is occurring at the time.
Honestly? Lewis is like. The worst example of a Heartslabyul student lmao. When it comes to chores, he's. Pretty atrocious about doing most of them on time (he'd rather be in his studio and recording), ESPECIALLY if he has to feed the flamingoes (he made a duplicate uniform and dyed it pink for this express purpose, but that doesn't mean he's very fond of it. In fact, he often tries to skip out on wearing it, but he usually winds up losing his head as a result). He DOES however enjoy helping prepare tea and such for the Unbirthday parties, since his family is pretty well known in his hometown for the tea that they grow. He knows his way around different types and how they're best prepared, so he actually kind of enjoys helping out when it comes to tea.
Bro probably only has memorized like two rules 💀
Joking aside, you'd think that based on how many times in the past few weeks Lewis lost his head that he'd actually have memorized SOME rules by now (mainly the ones he's frequently guilty of breaking), but he probably does follow some rules, either intentionally or unintentionally. As the rules pertain to tea, you know he's on it, but when it comes to running around underwater until you're dry or having a cat to play a fiddle? Nah, he'll just take the collar.
Casimir is classically trained in the violin and occasionally dabbles in music composition. His dad's side of the family are all classically trained musicians and some have even gone on to perform at important events both in his hometown and abroad. Despite not caring too much for the violin, he DOES enjoy music composition, if only because he wants "to create the ultimate theme befitting an Evil Overlord such as himself".
Aside from his Unique Magic (and even in that case), Casimir is shockingly mediocre at most magic in spite of his cocky attitude. Despite that, though, he's somehow INCREDIBLY skilled when it comes to practicing minor hexes and curses. Maybe it's the fact that he practices waxing poetic and using wild language in the mirror on a day to day basis, but no one really knows why this is for certain.
✨Lol I have not. Proofread any of this because again, posted way before I was finished BUT I hope these. Are some silly answers. I love my OCs and I love talking about them, so I'm very happy you wanted to ask about them today :3
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forunholy · 10 months
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min pechaya wattanamontree. thirty-six. cis woman. she/her. ┊┊ MALEE CHANTHARA, better known as agent BASILISK has been with cerberus corp as an eo since 2012 and is LEVEL I. BEING BURIED ALIVE IN A CONSTRUCTION ZONE has gifted them PETRIFICATION, though LOSS OF BODILY FEELING FROM OVERUSE has also been noted. when they aren’t protecting the tri-state area, they are fond of ONLINE SHOPPING and are never seen without A BRAND NEW HERMES BAG. civilians think they are AFFECTIONATE & ADAPTABLE, but some of the other agents see them as ABSENT-MINDED & MATERIALISTIC. cerberus corp should consider the fact that their last mission status was SUCCESSFUL, DESPITE INJURING A CIVILIAN when giving out the next one. ┊
name:  malee chanthara. nicknames:  may. age:  thirty-six. date of birth:  october 15th, 1987 zodiac:  libra.
place of birth: bronx, new york. current residence:  soho, manhattan. gender:  cis woman. pronouns:  she/her. sexuality:  bisexual. occupation:  level i agent.
faceclaim:  min pechaya wattanamontree. height:  5'4". tattoos:  several; a rose on her left shoulder blade, a heart behind her ear, & destiny written in the inner-part of her middle finger. piercings:  two on right & left ear, belly button.
positive traits:  happy, easygoing, optimistic, fashionable, caring, flexible, playful. negative traits:  vain, forgetful, nonchalant, catty, self-indulgent, daft, lazy. mbti: efsp - the entertainer. likes: fashion, money, relaxing, tea, smiling. anything sparkly. dislikes:  uptight people, overworking, her powers, beer. fears: hurting someone, being left alone, being poor. hobbies:  shopping, drinking, avoiding her job, making new friends. habits:  biting her lips, playing with her hair.
near death experience…  malee wasn't born with much. it's the classic tale, a deadbeat dad and a mother who had a train of men coming in and out of the house attempting to fit that role. her mother taught her that men were objects, used for their money and protection, and that a blossoming young girl like her should remember that. she wasn't the smartest, not bright enough to second think her mother's words despite the two of them never escaping their one bedroom apartment until malee left on her own. she barely passed high school before getting a job at a club. her pretty smile and charming voice made her good money as a bottle girl, pretty and confident enough to land herself somewhere high-rollers went. the problem was, they loved her too much. wanted her to drink on the clock and stick around for the fun. she wasn't brave enough to say no, often taking the subway home to her shitty apartment, passing by that same damn construction sight on her walk home.
her twenty-dollar heels took her far, but one night was enough for the base to snap, losing her balance and already being tipsy from the drinking. she didn't even realize anyone was following her until she was pushed into the construction site, her body and the broken fence falling to the ground. malee doesn't remember who wanted to hurt her, what businessman she pissed off, if they were paranoid she'd spill the secrets she knew about all of them. everyone was the same. married men feeling up the young bottle girl and offering to take her home. most of them took 'no' well enough, but maybe he didn't. she can barely keep her eyes open, exhausted and intoxicated, only trying to fight back when her body was picked up and thrown into the some kind of wet liquid on the ground, her screams for help muffled by something poured on her, weighing her down until it felt impossible to move.
power… its a miracle she lived, her body found in the only semi-dried concrete the next morning. though she brought to the hospital, her odds weren't great, unconcious on a hospital bed and only waiting for the doctors to call it. but she wakes up, throat hoarse and calling for a nurse. her whole body is stiff and it feels as if she's still buried, panicked and anxious. she lets out a sigh of relief as the on-call nurse walks in, only to watch her stop just as their eyes meet. frozen, right in place, each and every one of the older woman's features growing grey and her skin forming cracks. the rest is a blur, and she only faintly remembers the blindfold put over her eyes as cerberus agents take her away.
petrification. the ability to turn anyone into stone. initially, malee is unable to control it, whispers of a medusa-like creature heard around town and for a few months, contained and blindfolded in a cell. eventually they let her out, decided her skills could be of use to them. it's no longer eye contact that can hurt someone, it's her touch, her very thoughts that can isolate the objects around her, able to distinguish what a look of death and a mere glance can do. people, animals, anything being in her sight. it doesn't always kill someone when applying the right amount of pressure, but rather freezes them in place, enough to trap them for a short time.
drawbacks / vulnerabilities… perhaps it's all in her head, but she finds herself growing weak in the midst of intense missions. the weight she felt years ago, the inability to move, is something that remains fresh in her memory, relived when she overuses her powers. though killing people, leaving the effects of petrification permanent, is something she's entirely capable of, malee has no desire to kill anyone. if anyone remained petrified for too long, it's harder for her to reverse the effects, leaving some of her victims paralyzed in parts of their body.
(if applicable)  cerberus corp… her history with cerberus is a long, and slightly painful one. it begins as their captor, an out of control threat that nobody knew how to contain. she'll never forget the whispers. if they should knife out her eyes or if it would be better to get rid of her quickly. when they let her out, she didn't know how to meet anyone's eyes, not that most would spare her a glance. she was the outsider, not an agent and not a prisoner. but rather a test subject. she didn't audition, because there wasn't any other place she could go. eventually she was trained and made to be a hero, coined beautiful but deadly. her face looked great in the photo-ops, the media praising her restraint and poise. she's made the decision to let go of what was done to her, how badly she was burned. though, she refuses to put on any god-awful costume they design for her, unless it's imported from milan.
codename… they toyed with the idea of medusa. but malee was entirely opposed to it, begging the higher-up's at cerberus that she was far too charming and pretty to be deemed a snake-bearing stone-killer. she knows medusa was wronged deeply, but... it all felt far too cliche. though, the alternative only unsettles her. instead of bearing the snakes in her hair, she's become the leader of them, basilisk, leader of the serpents. malee would prefer to be adressed by her name.
friends!! best friends!! unlikely friends!!
agents who hate her. agents who love her. she doesn't really look down on anyone, because a power is a power right? for a level i, she's very eccentric and a little too chill. probably spends her time at the office on her computer shopping.
okk the sweet girl thing is only a BIT of a facade, i promise. that said, i'd love to see someone who can push her buttons and show that she's not just sweet and pretty on camera.
exes, hookups, flings
maybe an agent that's assigned to keep an eye on her? she's all sparkles and full of praise on the outside and according to anyone outside of cerberus, but considering her past, she'll always be deemed as somewhat of a threat if she were to lose control.
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fakeosirian · 1 year
post-school school/career headcanons (non-exhaustive, will make a part two eventually), for your consideration:
nina goes to undergrad for literature with a concentration in creative writing. hasn't picked a medium yet, and regardless it's not like making it in screenwriting is that much easier than traditional publishing, so she writes by night and is an office temp by day (she is aware of the irony of being the "permanent new girl" as a job description. it was funny the first time someone pointed it out. the first time.)
fabian gets a bachelor's in history and immediately goes to grad school for...library/information science. he has to spend a good bit explaining to people that yes, that's a real major, and no, "the books don't start reacting with each other -- a science is a system of ideas, not just when something blows up." he works as a TA and is torn between if he wants to stay in academia or find more "practical" work (this is where i mention this is background work for a story where he goes back to the school to teach <3)
amber might go to a post-secondary fashion school, but even if she does, she's absolutely going for the connections and dropping out the second she gets an industry job, most likely in nyc (which considering how well off she is...probably didn't take long). idk she's thriving (though if she's surrounded by work/kind of by herself socially i could see her getting to a breaking point and claiming she needs roommates to afford rent (lie) just so she can have people around lol)
patricia actually DOES become a guidance counselor. LOL. i can't resist this one -- more specifically, i could see her going to a liberal arts undergrad without a direction in mind but knowing she "needs to figure one out," taking a couple psychology classes, realizing She Cares, declaring a major in psych, and after discounting the clinical track (too close to med school) and the research track (too creepy), she ends up working on an MA in social work
alfie seems like a guy who would have his fingers in like 5 different pies at all times -- depending on who he's talking to/if he feels he needs to impress them, he says one of the following: "business partner" (jerome's business -- more on that later -- alfie's more of an ideas/production guy than a """business guy""" but you don't need to know that if he's telling you this), freelance film crew (prop master/art department), Professional Artist (has a studio where he makes the stuff he uses for his various pursuits), comic author (i feel like he has a weird janky webcomic he makes for himself. i can't explain it. he has a couple thousand readers), etc. he's always picking up a new thing and finding a way to use it until he gets bored and does something else. he just tells his dad "jerome and i are making A Profit" to keep him off his back
speaking of jerome: i've always been fond of the idea that he and his dad go into business together at some point, so it'd be some sort of thing they could do together that alfie's artistic skills would be of use for. despite the fact that jerome very much would like to bend some rules here and there, his dad is not keen on the idea of going back to prison so unfortunately, no white collar crimes for him. (for now.) they're doing well all things considered, but jerome refuses to get a job to fund the business ("what's the point in doing all this if i'm going to let someone else be my boss anyway"), so he's definitely having to find creative ways to squeeze more money out of the business to, y'know. Survive
i'm not 100% settled on this joy idea but communications/PR? definitely gets her start somewhere more corporate, but i could see her getting creeped out by stuff she'd have to spin/help cover for, so she switches to nonprofit (which is also depressing, arguably moreso sometimes, but it's a bit easier to stomach). isn't directly involved in jerome's business, but she does "consult" (not without something in return. preferably, y'know. Money. but sometimes she starts a casual conversation without realizing she should have written up a contract first, and that's the only way that jerome will actually pay you)
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Interior design ref! Also, the poor household staff lol.
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What do you call this creature
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A tiny Barhai spotted!
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I am fond of Bahman, but he does admittedly harbor some uh, hm, Old-Fashioned™ sentiments and attitudes, see how he describes Team Arslan. Narsus did talk back to the king yes but like he was frustrated after his (good!) work was constantly being obstructed, Daryun can be stubborn yes but so can the older folk he ain't special in that regard, etc etc. Aside from the bond he shared with Hilmes, it is clear here that he does put stock in stuff like status and bloodlines (and obedience to the monarch) and that's why Arslan's lack of royal blood shook him to this extent.
I am sympathetic of him but it is interesting to examine his flaws like this.
Kinda interesting that he described Khuzestan as “the countryside”— the impression based on this discussion I got was kinda rural but not exactly remote or backwater so hmm.
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Narsus is watching over the training and I'm just fond of this because does he strictly need to? Back when Arslan was training with Vahriz it's not like his other tutors felt the need to supervise him like that— but Narsus is, and perhaps he wanted to tell Arslan something and decided to wait here until he finished his training or something, but that isn't the impression I got from this chapter, he didn't seem like he was in a particular hurry to tell Arslan something.
In conclusion: He Dad™.
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No comment, I just really like this part and I'm forcing y'all to appreciate it.
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Getting ready to journey again! Not much to say in this scene except Hilmes please calm down a little bit. It is kinda funny that he has faith in Daryun and Narsus, lol, though if anybody were to point it out to his face I'm sure he'd get mad.
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Oooookay. Mahendra. Another character I feel bad for, but also hm.
This moment kinda stood out to me during this reread— because my first thought upon reading this scene again was “ain't it your job to, uh, point this out to your charge/liege, my dude?” because that's what an advisor should be, isn't it? Try to steer your lord to a more appropriate conduct and path. Gadhevi acts so entitled and ignorant and arrogant, I assume his upbringing had to do with that and while we don't get much in terms of backstory or how the Sindhuran princes grew up and how much of a role Mahendra could've possibly played in it, we do get a small tidbit from the novels that apparently they used to play together, the half-brothers and Salima (Jaswant was present as well), so Mahendra could've had a part in Gadhevi's upbringing and he... didn't thought to interfere earlier? Just... went along with it passively? Dude?????
Maybe I'm being too harsh on him, maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I couldn't help but fixate on it this time around, he doesn't voice his concerns, he doesn't try to rein Gadhevi in, he's just going along with it and that doesn't bode very well. What if Gadhevi were to ascend the throne and makes for a horrible king with this sort of attitude? What then?? What kind of country does Mahendra want to see?
I suppose this is sort of a common attitude among royal retainers, be unquestionably loyal to your monarch and support them. That's it. That's what Andragoras probably demands of his subjects, that's kinda sorta also reflected in Team Hilmes a little bit (though Hilmes allows himself to be advised and actually values his men unlike fucking Gadhevi), even somewhat in Rajendra which we'll see in a future scene.
Narsus and Arslan's dynamic however, is different.
Arslan is smart and has a good heart, but he is inexperienced and Narsus recognizes this, and he takes every opportunity he can to teach Arslan better. Make better decisions, shut down potentially harmful assumptions, all around he's interested in shaping Arslan to be a good ruler in his own right. He's a dedicated mentor.
I feel for Mahendra, to be sure, he met such a tragic end, but I can't help but take note of his unwillingness to help make his liege less callous. I suppose he was planning to compensate for it with his mercy, but... It's not enough. It'll never be enough.
RIP in advance, Mahendra. No wonder you were doomed from the start.
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Barhai spotted!!!
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askcharaandfriends · 1 year
Chara! i know it may sound rude but is not meant to be could you please rate 1 to 10 your relationship with everyone? 1 being we need to work out some big issues/problems and 10 is we have the most awesome Friends/Family relationship!
Chara: um well... I don't know If I could just rate my relationship with everyone. But I can describe what I feel and how I think about them.
Dad- big warm soft hug factory. Always there for me. Listens and takes my opinions seriously. Not the best chef, but probably the best gardener ever. Protective and sturdy. Home is where the Asgore is. Sometimes very sad, but always tries to keep smiling and find something nice about the day.
Toriel- complex woman with a lot of responsibilities. Stuck halfway in between being a good mom and a good queen. Super kind and loving but with quite a lot of weight in her chest. Baking extraordinaire. Can make even snails appealing. Also quite good at textiles- taught me everything I know. Bit of a grammar police but in a gentle corrective way.
Asriel- more than a friend. My partner. Soft and cute. Kind and thoughtful. I can't imagine not being by his side. We are thick as thieves. Great at video games and has a superb imagination. Also not half bad at video editing. Sometimes a bit of a scardy cat and a pushover, but incredibly brave and cool when it really counts.
Sans- full of energy and puns. Loves his brother to pieces and will do anything for him. Parkour expert. Ninja skills. 9th level black belt in pranks. Secret love of junkfood. And socks. And toriel. A man of many secrets in general. But very fun loving, cool and caring.
Papyrus- well crafted puns finely aged in an Oaken cask. Equal parts silly and serious. Very cool without even trying. If he ever tried- watch out world! Loves his brother more than anything in the world. Depression disguised as laziness- but he's getting better. Mild sugar addiction. Astonishing capacity for forgiveness and giving second chances.
Alphys- anime antagonist turned ally. Gives amazing long-winded speeches. She deserves an Oscar. Highly opinionated and passionate. Hard outer shell like a hermit crab. Surprisingly soft insides. Fond of cute things. Highly skilled and trained warrior. Hero of her own story. A blast to hang out with except- ironically- when watching anime due to her opinions often Clashing with mine. We're like epic rivals.
Undyne- an excellent mad scientist. Brilliant and creative inventor. Very enthusiastic about her work and her girlfriend. Prefers to show rather than tell. Surprisingly Pyro for a fish lady. Almost always exciting. But also has a soft and sad side that she likes to sweep under the rug. She has a good heart though and is loyal to a fault.
Tem- the unreformed Stitch in my life. Little gremlin. Mild chaos. They're a lot of fun at the best of times. At the worst of times... well at least they aren't bent on causing permanent damage anymore. Cranky chihuahua. Grumpy cat. Lonely haunted doll. They say they don't feel anything and literally do not have those emotions, but I don't know. They must be really good at acting because they feel genuine enough sometimes. Even if they don't have a SOUL, they must have some kind of echo of one or else why can they get so mad when I destroy them in smashbros? Out of everyone they seem to tolerate me the most. I think it's because I remind them of their best friend....even though we are nothing alike.
Napstaton- an amazing dj and super cool and chill. Surprisingly shy for a world famous celebrity. Seems like they like to party but in reality big crowds drain their batteries really fast. Greatly prefers to just vibe.
Hapstablook- pretty much the opposite of his cousin but not in a bad way. The undead of the party. A trendsetter and fashionista. Loud and highly opinionated- somehow more than Alphys. Sometimes pushy. Completely glamorous. Kept trying to dress me up until I put my foot down. But He's cool and respects my fashion choices, even if he doesn't always agree.
Dr Hermann- mysterious scientist from the space between spaces, but apparently not originally from there. Apparently Sans and Papyrus' mom. Didn't get to raise her boys as much as she would have liked. Seems loving and caring and glad to be back. Also somehow a Latina even though many generations of monsters were under Canada.... though I suppose it's not that strange. It explains why both Sans and Papyrus occasionally break out in to Spanish.
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lil-space-king · 1 year
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Name: Deanne Fletcher Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Lesbian Height: 4'11'' Age: 25 Bio: Deanne grew up in a small southern town in a very strict Christian family. Her mom and dad had very old-fashioned views on everything from gender to sexuality to the kind of people you should associate with. Deanne and her brother David fell in line. Because of this, Deanne battled with compulsive heterosexuality for the first 22 or so years of her life.
Deanne spent most of her childhood life doing whatever she could to please her overbearing mother. She went to church every Sunday, she got top grades in all her classes, she dated a nice catholic boy through most of high school, and she tried her best to lose the extra belly weight her mother hated.
However, no child is a perfect obedient robot, even Deanne had her moments of rebellion. Her main rebellion was her best friend; Andy. Deanne's mom made her disapproval of Andy very clear from the get-go (mainly because both Andy and her moms are out and proud lesbians). But Deanne didn't care; Andy was the best friend she could have asked for.
The two girls did everything together, they shared classes, homework answers, sleepovers, everything. The only thing they never talked about was Andy's giant crush on Deanne. It was obvious, neither of them needed to point it out. Andy held herself back from pursuing it because she knew Deanne was straight. Deanne tried not to think about it too often because she wanted to be straight.
Eventually, the time for college acceptance comes and Deanne gets a letter from big-name university a few cities away. Her parents try to talk her out of it, but she falls in love with the idea of it and decides to go. Meanwhile, Andy's less than stellar grades get her into a state college in the opposite direction. The two women grow apart, never completely losing contact, but not quite having the same closeness as before.
Finally, away from her childhood home, and the pressures of her conservative parents, Deanne's able to admit to herself what she's been feeling her whole life. She's not straight, she doesn't even really like guys, she's a lesbian. She's a lesbian and was in love with her best friend and it was a missed opportunity.
Deanne does what most freshly out lesbians do in college and enjoys herself. She goes on dates, has some fun, and tries and fails to forget about Andy. Eventually, she graduates from college, and then vet school and when she finds work in the same city that Andy now lives in she sees an opportunity to rekindle... something.
Andy has a girlfriend at this point - Raven, but they're looking for a roommate to join their rent agreement. Deanne is a poor college graduate looking for somewhere to live, it doesn't take the two degree-holding women to add 2+2 to get 4. Deanne moves in.
The two fall back into friendship as if they never took a break. Raven is off at work half the time and the two spend a lot of alone time. Raven and Andy are in a (very healthy) poly relationship so it doesn't take long for Andy to ask Deanne if she'd be interested in dating.
Deanne very quickly agrees and the two have a whirlwind honeymoon romance. Deanne struggles a bit with jealousy (this is her first poly relationship, so sue her), but she doesn't want to jeopardize how happy she is, so she does her best to get to know Raven and get along with her.
The two actually have a lot in common. They both have a soft fondness for Andy and love to talk about all her quirks, teasing her. They both love a good murder podcast and tea in the mornings when it's still a little cold out. They both love cats.
So, it starts as an Andy has two hands situation, but quickly becomes a 'we collectively have six hands' situation instead.
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natti-ice · 6 months
Hi, I hope you doing good. Can I request mini challenge with Marauders? I'm genderfluid, bisexual with male preference.I have long black wavy hair. I have thick black eyebrows, brown eyes. I always have rosy chubby cheeks. I have braces. My body is curvy with very big chest and little tummy. My eyebrows are constantly furrowed. Also I'm 172 cm. I'm Libra. If you interested, my mbti Infp and my enneagram 5w4. I always have poker face. I'm very outspoken, stubborn. I always doing my job alone. I find it difficult to express my feelings and prefer to isolate myself. My best feature is that I know a little about everything, I always surprise people. Those who know me for the first time describe me as cold, scary, quiet, unapproachable and distant, mature. But at heart I'm compassionate and helpful, works for the good of people. And they often think I can't speak and I'm deaf but I'm not. People say I'm extremely chaste. When I enter an environment, I listen to what people say and get to know them well, I decide if there is anyone worth talking to. I'm only close to two or three people. They describe me as cold, soft inside, calm, sarcastic, resourceful and knowledgeable. I am usually a rebellious person. I am the person who stands against injustices and lies in an environment. They say I make clever jokes and I'm the mom-friend. Actually i like to help everyone and it works automatically without me noticing. I will help anyone by giving my all. And i hate phsyical touch. My love language is words of affirmation. If I talk about myself, I've always been on my own. I have family problems, I was never close with my father. Even though we are side by side with my mother, we are distant. I'm just my own mom and dad. That's why I've always focused on academic achievement for salvation. And I think I'm very good at it. My hobbies are drawing, sewing, writing and researching, especially about mythology, cultures, politics, history, fashion. I like to visit second-hand and antique markets. I'm someone who doesn't like to waste money but cares about clothing. I always wear my headphones and listen to music, i listen every genre. I like silence, soft colors, being alone, flowers (especially honeysuckle), spring and breeze. I don't like crowds, noise, children, loud talkers and shiny things. I always wear colorful clothes with floral prints or all black. I also wear interesting earrings and different printed socks. And finally, I don't really have an ideal type. I love every person. I like the fact that there are different people. And I don't believe in love. If I'm going to be with someone, I'll be happy if we have respect, compassion, and loyalty to each other. It is enough that we are in harmony with each other.
I ship you with… James potter!
You seem to be very sure of yourself and opinionated which I think James would be very fond of! He would find your “cold” exterior very attractive, he likes someone who’s a little rough around the edges. Also I’ve always thought he’d be into mythology, any kind really, and you having a shared passion with him would make him like you even more!
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mvriigold · 6 months
Little bit of headcanonning to add padding to my characterisations on here: Maria
Modelled off Dani from Bly Manor in terms of her patience, kindness, and the specific way she bottles her trauma and later breaks down. Also has the same body type: same softness in the hips.
She’s studying art at the University, but also courses necessary to become a teacher. Maria believes in children being the future, and that they deserve, deeply, compassion and care and a nurturing environment to grow into.
On top of this, she also simply believes that everyone, well and truly, deserves a right to their education. She wants to help make that system better, especially back at home in Uvalde.
Always been a bit of a daddy’s girl, and she misses their father sorely after his death - having previously pined for his affection the most in their family. A lot of that was due to him being quiet and reserved in similar ways to her. (Introverts drawn to introverts.)
Her camera is one of her most treasured objects.
Growing up, her dad told her one time that she had an artist’s eye. This contributed towards her interest in art, and when a teacher in high school gave her similar encouragement, it helped build that interest in Maria to want to go to college. Additionally, before he died, Maria likely talked to him a lot about school, and her future in it: he encouraged her to keep pushing forwards. 
She loves pressed flowers, and earthy scents. Maria finds so much comfort in the garden, and getting her hands into the dirt. She’s a nurturer, through and through.
She’s not the best in the kitchen. She can try, but things don’t always come out tasting quite right. And, she always compares the result to her family’s cooking. Julie
She got into Austin University based on her volleyball scholarship, but has since been straying more and more towards her interest in fashion. Intrigued by everything surrounding her, Julie likely dabbles in several courses during her years at the college on top of this - she well and truly wants to make the most of her experience.
She had a boyfriend back in San Clemente, but didn’t take the relationship all too seriously - at the most, their interactions usually consisted of arms slung over her shoulders, or kisses to the cheek and chaste ones on the lips. Julie simply never felt that spark with him, and whenever he expressed interest in more, she’d give the excuse that she was busy with sports and her girls.
And to build on this, her girls were everything to her. One of the things Julie craves the most, no matter where she is, is a group to feel safe with: a close knit group where she knows they all have each other’s back. 
She still loves her team at University, but she’s also found that it all just seems more… competitive. This is part of what makes the friend group so dear to her. 
Due to her hometown being so associated with oranges, Julie has a deep fondness and nostalgia from the scent of them. 
When they search for Maria, her eyeshadow is then a way of keeping herself reassured, the same way Ana’s shirt is for her.
She’s always been a bit of a cry-baby, and wishes she could change it: constantly envying the rest of the group for the toughness she sees inside of them.
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