#and felix is the only human but hes a priest but wHAT IF he was secretly a cambion (offspring of an incubus and a human) and he didnt know
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They have to be my favourite part of the dwarven army and the most original and interesting thing that differentiates them from their more classically Tolkien-esque counterparts.
They are dwarfs who swore off their lives to erase a stain from their honour, to atone in death for the sins of the past, no matter how small or grand they were because for warhammer dwarfs honour is all.
What is interesting is that there are three distinct reactions to taking the slayer oath. Some dwarfs fall into depression, shunning away from everyone but fellow slayers and priests of Grimnir, others become happy and extroverted because in death you do not need to worry about society's restraints, and of course there are those slayers like Malakai Makaisson or Snorri Nosebiter who simply go crazy. The only common thing that binds them is their oath, something more than sacred for them, that orders them forward in search of great doom that will send them to the halls of their ancestors.
In one of the Gotrek and Felix books they meet a lich priest of the Tomb Kings, when he was inquired by Jaeger as to why the dwarf helps the undead the priest answers that matters of the dead do not concern the living. He then explains that when Felix is brimming with life to the point of bursting, Gotrek's line of life was already severed which shows that slayer's oath is more than mere words etched in stone.
There are some musings as to why something like the cult of Grimnir exists in dwarfen society. Some claim that is nothing but a natural consequence of how the dwarfen psyche works a sense of honour taken to its most dangerous extreme, others say that it's a release valve for society that lives under constant pressure of expectations, restrictions and traditions, and there is also a third theory posed by Bitter the slayer who said that Grimnir took his axe and marched north because he could not stand constant nagging of his family.
When you look at the whole picture you start to realise how selfish the oath is. You, for your own sense of honour, abandon all you hold dear and seek death in battle, essentially wasting your skills, knowledge and wisdom throwing it all away at the pyre of glory. At the same time there is something tragically romantic about the whole thing, mighty doom seekers traveling the length and breadth of the world, oftentimes accompanied by human or dwarfish remembrancer poets, to find glorious death slaying enemies of order. I can't help but feel sympathetic to those crazy orange crested maniacs.
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shannybasar · 3 months
Euro 2024 stories - 4
Good to see Ukraine show their resilience again and win today - they came from behind four times in qualifying, despite not being able to play at home.
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Much coverage on the impressive Spanish youngsters - 16 year old Lamine Yamal and Nico Williams, whose family were trafficked from Ghana:
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“People empathise with my story, identify with the sacrifice,” he says. “My arrival opened minds. Athletic have done me a lot of good and I hope I’ve done Athletic good. Footballers often don’t speak out, but it’s good for society. If you have the power to reach people you should. Racism is a stain, an illness to be eradicated. Not talking about discrimination allows it to exist, being permissive allows it to continue. “Society is changing: it’s more open, there’s more immigration, more diversity. When I arrived, there were very few black kids; now there are more in the youth system. Diversity, movement, brings that and we’ll see it in the national team. England and France have many black players. Adama [Traoré] is here now, it’s changing. We’re going to get more used to seeing different faces in the same national team.”
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The story of Nico Williams, who is playing the best football of his career, is a modern tale of human trafficking, hope, emigration and love of strangers Nico (and Iñaki) parents, María and Felix, travelled from Ghana in search of a better future. They used their savings to pay a human trafficking gang to take them to the UK, but they left them stranded half way. They had to walk the Sahara desert without shoes (Felix has got no sensibility on his foot as he walked over sand 50 degrees hot). María was pregnant from William Friends died and were buried, but they kept walking. They were arrested in Melilla (Spanish colony) and a lawyer told them to lie and say they had come from a war affected country (Liberia). They were introduced to a priest who helped them get the documents to stay in Spain, and found them work too. Iñaki was born soon after The family moved to Pamplona (in the nearby Navarra) and that is when Nico was born Iñaki only found out about his parents journey when he was 18 Now both Nico and Iñaki talk every time they can about María and Felix, and what they did for them
Still loving the food banter:
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You can never have too much N'Golo Kante appreciation:
Some 733 days after his previous cap, Deschamps started Kante in both of France’s pre-tournament friendlies. In their 1-0 opening game win against Austria, the midfielder was awarded man of the match. His France team-mates have been effusive about him in recent weeks. “He hasn’t changed,” said Olivier Giroud. Benjamin Pavard described him as “incredible, still as strong as ever”. “It feels like three players — it’s horrible,” Marcus Thuram said about coming up against Kante in training. “He never complains, never baulks at the task,” said Adrien Rabiot. “He’s in great shape.”
His excellence was a sharp contrast to the England team :
Yet these were not the only grounds for the disorienting disposition of this encounter. Every time the men in white took possession of the sphere in the proximity of the left wing, they were consistently forced to funnel it, in turn, to the centre of the pitch, rendering most of their offensive efforts tortured, even disjointed. The side in red could simply defend their territory in the middle with impunity, secure in the knowledge their opponents were powerless to hurt them on their right verge. That’s a pretty terrible paragraph, right? But that’s what happens when you wilfully restrict your options. You have Kieran Trippier, a right-footed left-back who doesn’t even bother trying to disguise the fact – no feint, no shimmy, no darting eyes – that he’s going to turn back inside. You have Phil Foden, a left-footed player with very little interest in playing on the left wing, who always wants to come short into the central areas. England are essentially a team playing on 70% of the pitch, which is like trying to write an entire paragraph – like I did above – without using the letter A.
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pyporapy · 5 months
Hey Jay :) give me a rundown of your OCs >:)
This has been sitting in my askbox for a while and I forgor to reply sorry Birby 😭🙏
Anyway!!! Let me give you the shortest possible rundown of my ocs as I try not to die in the process:
This is Grisha. He’s a bitch and can see dead people but it’s not a good thing. Chronically ill because of the dead people thing and has Some Issues regarding religion. Suffers of the godforsaken combination of “too many trust issues” x “very desperate for human connection”. God’s little chew toy and very painfully aware of it
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This is Felix. He tries to be cool but is actually just some guy (and a kinda lame one at that but in a good way, at least). Has some deep-seated issues regarding himself and his sense of identity after years of pretending to be someone he isn’t for people that were never all that worth it but surely this won’t ever come back to bite him in the ass at some point. Neither will the fact he keeps running away from the past. Very emotionally congested but acts like he’s alright and chilling. Loves his daughter and is a true doñita at heart. Also he’s half ecuadorian which is important to mention to Me, an ecuadorian
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This is Laura. She’s as close as we get to the only normal person in the cast but if anything she’s just the Least fucked up one. Constantly stressed and an overachiever. Enough caffeine in her blood to kill a horse. She does a good job at making people respect her but also she’s a girlfailure at heart. Not nearly enough social skills which is why her best friend is the only other guy in the office who doesn’t have friends either. Needs a hug and a nap but is too proud to ask for any of those. Doesn’t believe in the supernatural at all so she feels like everyone around her is pulling an incredibly elaborate prank to which she doesn’t get the punchline
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This is Viktoria. She’s a bodyguard and a trained assassin since childhood. Feels incredibly disconnected from her emotions due to this that when they hit her on like a random tuesday at 3 AM she doesn’t know what to do. Feels more like a tool than a person and is so used to people not actually paying attention to her as a human being that when someone does she’s too awkward to keep the interaction going. Can and will kill you but she just wants to retire at this point. Tough and terrifying but also kinda lame but she’s allowed to be. As a treat
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This is Cain. He’s a priest but he doesn’t actually believe in God, at least not in the orthodox way. Only reason he has the job is that they found him outside the church like a kitten in a wet box and decided to take him in, and the only reason he keeps the job is that somehow he’s good enough at it that more people join the church. A huge asshole so people either genuinely like having him around or just put up with him. Can also see dead people but it’s not nearly as catastrophic as Grisha’s case. Also incapable of forming healthy connections with people but that’s a problem he refuses to unpack
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This is Gabrijel. He’s a millionaire and a model and a celebrity and a philantropist and a cult leader but the public is unaware of only one (1) of those things, and you can probably guess which one. Manipulative and cunning and overall a pretty terrible guy but charismatic enough for people to think there’s nothing wrong with him. Completely derranged but composed enough….until he Isn’t. Viktoria can’t stand him and anyone that works directly under him doesn’t like him but he’s too pretty to be bothered I suppose. Wants to bring literal Hell onto the world bc he thinks he’s Jesus or something bigger. Wouldn’t want him to haunt the narrative or anything, that would suck
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The very general plot is that a bunch of people are being murdered. Grisha and Laura investigate it. Felix gets involved because he knew one of the victims and has mysteriously large amounts of information. Gabrijel is responsible for it and it’s all linked to his evil plan(TM). He first tasks Viktoria with killing them but Viktoria is done with his shit so she acts as a double agent for him and for Laura so she can Maybe get a day of peace in her life for once. Everything goes to shit at some point but I can talk abt it later since I feel like this is already too convoluted(?). And Cain is just There for the drama of it all ig
That’s it ty for asking and sorry for taking so long avdhebfhej hopefully I will share some more canon stuff here or on instagram instead of silly things 🙏 they haven’t left my head in over six years and I might start making it everyone’s problem I’m afraid
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leiflitter · 6 months
An early one because it's such a fun contrast to later on (and I love the unhinged-ness):
"He was simply made for Felix, and Felix alone, but he had forgotten that Felix was a god and Oliver Quick was just a man. Gods didn't need people to fight for them- they might want it, from time to time, but they had the power to end any conflict in a moment. Oliver had been a Felix Fundamentalist, raging at anyone who didn't worship him the right way. He'd become a fucking Westboro Baptist about the whole thing, and then he was surprised when it didn't go down well.
Felix didn't need a soldier. He needed a priest. Someone who could interpret him- understand him, help him understand what he needed. Someone who could lead a congregation, but was set above the throng because he understood Felix best. Someone who would be so devoted that he'd live a life of chastity just to be near him- and Oliver could do that. "
yes yes yes Yessss
So YAH!Oliver, my baby, my special boy, he has spent twenty years LONGING and building Felix up- he's been through a ton of therapy/attempts to Make Him Normal About Felix but none of it could actually counter the image of Felix he created in his head. This sort of pagan god who can do no wrong, not because his actions are good but because it is Felix doing them.
He has clung to this idea of Felix as this deity because it is too much to acknowledge what he did and why- and also because he can't trust himself to move on, because what if he does it again?
The only cure for this perception of Felix is Felix himself, because he is so human it hurts- and Ollie accepting this and accepting his humanity and being just astounded that Oh, Yeah, Love Isn't Glorifying Someone After All.
And now he's got to deal with the consequences, i.e. being in love with a man who casually suggests pissing out of windows and eats formal meals with his hands and says the stupidest stuff Oliver has ever heard, but that's the beauty of it.
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transexualpirate · 2 months
more info on shapeshifter felix? 🥺
one thing you should never do is ask me about my ocs. i suffer from Don't Know How To Shut The Fuck Up disease and asking me about my ocs is the perfect way to cause a flare up. i will try to keep this as short as i can i promise so here's some fun facts about shapeshifter felix
this character is peak self indulgence. he is my very own gary stu
his name isn't actually felix. that's just the name he's using for now. sticking to only one name gets boring when you're an immortal shapeshifter, so he's taken the liberty to change his name every time he feels like it
he has a preference for names starting with F, but other names he has used in the past also include Tawan, Nikolas, Tu'ī and, for a particularly strange half decade, Chris
he is inspired by two myths (one brasilian and one nordic) at the same time, but only one of those involve shapeshifters
he has been around for centuries, ceaselessly chasing any sort of euphoria and trying to beat the torturous boredom that is immortality. this caused him to become the best example of fuck around and find out there is. anything that seems good enough to keep him entertained is good enough to be worth trying out. what is the worse thing that could even happen?
he can also shift into animals. one time he spent seven months at the bottom of the ocean where no human has ever been. he befriended a sea monster. it was fun
he is a spellcaster. he refused to be called wizard and "sorcerer" is thin fucking ice
he has multiple runes tattooed onto his body to facilitate certain spells. one of those runes is a spell that makes all the runes in his body completely invisible to the human eye. if he gets too weak, however, that rune might temporarily stop functioning to save some of his energy resulting in all the spells written on his body being clear for anyone to see
he has no family, but there was a druid girl he met in 1816 that stayed with him for the rest of that century, and she is the closest thing to a sister he ever got. around 1930's she asked him to remove the protection spell he had placed on her, making her susceptible to illnesses and old age. she died not long after. she was reunited with her dead girlfriend in the after life, and he remained roaming the earth
somewhere in europe there is a priest that saw him shapeshifting and believes him to be a devil. he finds that incredibly amusing
he does not have a true form. his "true" form is whatever form he is using at the time. he might have an original form, but whatever body he wears is 100% him while he wears it. same with names.
he's a bit obsessed with humanity. it's why he hasn't left this planet yet. he just can't help it. humans are so fucking fascinating.
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spiritdreamt · 1 year
    percy’s father is a scholar, and her mother is the daughter of a popular tavern-owner. though both are human, percy was born with pink skin, a tail, and the beginnings of horns—a tiefling. when she was a child, they split, and margaret remarried to a merchant while louis married a widowed minor noblewoman. there was almost immediately tension between persephone and her stepmother, but with margaret and her new husband on the road, there was no escape for the young girl.
     from a young age, she also possessed the ability to see the dead. her father and her stepmother sought the opinion of multiple experts to figure out the reason for both that & her devilish appearance, but nobody was sure. the priests and doctors consulted on the matter seemed to think it was some ancient familial deal come back to haunt the bloodline. louis’s new wife blamed margaret’s ancestors, and treated percy’s abilities with fear. she pushed for percy to act normal, to make herself small and pleasant—all framed as being for percy's own good. her inherent abilities went untrained, her horns filed down (they never did grow back), and still her stepmother was unappeased. the abuse took its toll, and percy fled for bard training as soon as her father allowed her.
once among peers, she began to explore her own abilities, and she became almost a rebel. she would slip out with classmates to explore the rougher sides of town. eventually, she met a young man there named felix, a few years older than her, who took her under his wing and taught her how to be a rogue. percy fell for him quickly and felix returned her affections, showering her with affection and telling her how much he loved her. she thought they would be together forever, but one day felix broke the news: he was a nobleman's son, and his father was demanding he come home and get married. percy, naive, begged him to tell his father that he loved her. felix simply said look at yourself, percy. he'd never allow it. and even if he did, the others would never accpet you. or us
     felix wanted her to remain his mistress, but percy, heartbroken and betrayed, left without another word. her heartbreak only increased when she discovered she was pregnant with felix’s child. knowing she would be disowned, the terrified young woman sought the help of one of her bard mentors, a man named maxwell finch. max, ever a father figure to her, happily took both her and her soon-to-be child under his wing. once the babe, a tiefling girl named laura, was weaned, percy set out on her own as a traveling bard. her daughter remains with max, where she is safe.
      now 27, she makes money from performing in taverns—sometimes music, but often stories or poems—and takes commissions to compose poetry for nobles and royalty. what extra money she has, she spends on gifts to send back home to her daughter.
alternate — baldur's gate. the only difference from her normal dnd verse is that she was captured by mind flayers & tadpoled. i'll write her either as tav or as a companion, depending on plotting.
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puppet2611 · 1 year
//from 5.12.23
hey.... im going a lil cray cray over lf x a5 crossover au.. (also 8:11 bcz im a loser for oc x canon :3)(still coping over this stomache) if i dont send smth in 5 minutes shoot me im going too cray cray/j
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lf already kind of has ties to a5 since the entities still being alive and just kinda moving around but not really - maybe ill age up adam and oliver to use as background characters but whos knowss
not canon or anything just a silly little thought but erm. what if all 3 were connected via religion 😁 emilio, natalia, charlotte and isabella from lf already have religious backgrounds, 8:11 practically revolves around religion and a5 entities pretending to be angels could wreck some havoc on the damned basilica teehee,,, since im too silly with char.ai most of the characters mentioned already interacted w/ 8:11 bots to kinda get an idea of how everything would play out even if it was ooc... younger emilio and amelia def actually confided in francis while everyone else was at least a bit suspicious (minus isabella but uhmmm. lore reasons) idk abt the entities since i havent rlly worked on anything but their designs but maybe ill give them different abilities and only one of them knows francis' true intentions:3c
OH YEAH idk if ill ever tell him abt it but maybee i could throw in adams ocs too since bros absolutely batshit insane over 8:11 rn. i have screenshots of him being insanely gay over a french guy btw if anyone wanted to see/j ANYWAY ehheheee maybe felix and samuel knew the martin kids at some point :33 bunch of religiously traumatized kids meeting, what could happen??? (felix and emilio both stabbed their siblings at skme point 💀) ANYWAYS i think sam and samuel would get along not just because uhh similar names but idk since were kinda split between making sam a bitch or actually nice... oh and i never drew sam or amelia properly yet whoops a5 exploded my mind
btw abt the entity mfs id like to think most of them usually stay in human forms except for atlas whos kinda the socially awkward one whod rather stay as an animal so no one tries to talk to him lmfao
but hes also extra so anyone at the basilica sees a fucking bear with antlers and the fur pattern of a deer and gets jumpscared (they all get used to it later and only vistors get jumpscared) OH AND ABT THE OC X CANON STUFF. not rlly shipping i just dk what else to call it but tee hee maybe isabella and vittorino have mad beef because her dad died at the basilica not soon after vitto joined so shes mad sus 😁😁 but only to be a bitch bcz she finds him utterly disgusting. her cousin allen kills him bcz he kinda was suffering anyway and she actually helped plan it loll
everytime girl comes across the stupid hoe they always glare at each other or get in a fight... usually verbal bcz natalia would go rabid if vitto tried to hit bella ykyk
oh and since im trying to align the stories together a bunch of ages r gonna have to change... idk if emilio or oliver is gonna be the older one but there is no way in hell a priest is younger than someone still in school... but then again overthinker wont stop comparing emmy to felix so ion wanna make him too close to blondies age but then again again felix is like 50 now... ill probably make emmy 36 and amelia 41 ig. klaus has too many white hairs to only be 40 anyway/hj but then adams still older than klaus.... i mean ig i could just use the excuse that he dyes his hair since he already has highlights
this is a whole mess uhm.
im unoriginal asf so emilio and jericho can bond over being people pleasers and cupioromantic but their first and only ever crush was abusive 😁😁 (<- definitely not projecting) (i lied. jericho only ever gets with elio bcz of that one time on valentines day irl) (im normal i swear)
bro went from snarky rude ass hoe to the most pathetic bird known to man for silliness reasons/hj
bros insanely mentally unstable, has chronic pain and heart problems, trust problems and definitely either a drinking or smoking problem. hell he can even jack both of them if he wants/j uhm. but i decided to make him less of a mary sue with all the language stuff n shit. idk if i ever mentioned it but who cares its my channel grr/j anyways instead lf the grocery list of languages he can speak, he can only speak english, greek, and belarusian 👍 also asl but idk if youd count that as smth he can speak
still torturing his pathetic ahh but anywayss abt that one tobias/future emilio art. the snake he has was originally gonna be named mobius for his symbolism stuff (and a hi3 ref/silly) but maybee i might rename the snake fang or michael as in adams late husband because uhmmm. what if adam was like a father figure to him when they met and he at some point got him a snake 👍👍 (he wouldve gotten a rabbit but uhm. vitto symbolism. and bro is traumatized from the vittorino ais..)
that is all for neow bcz i need to go take medicine 😭
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lanshappycorner · 5 years
Fantasy au felix is a priest (tm) and all his childhood friends are demons
Dimitri, a drude: Fel-
Felix: *sprays holy water* shut up
Sylvain, an incubus: what if I fucked a weed
Felix: *sprays holy water* no
Ingrid, a familiar: demons suck
Felix: *holds up spray bottle and then gently lays it down* ur rite
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argonavis-hcs · 2 years
How They Will Celebrate Your Birthday
Argonavis | GYROAXIA | Fantome Iris | FUURAI | epsilon phi
» a/n: I apologize for being biased but i love these goth uncles so much it hurts. I wish there's more translation on Koharu's background and personality in the future because i feel like he's the most vague out of the other four, hence why often struggles when writing his fanfic... more like i wish i understand japanese lol. Long live to all the argopro translator out there i hope you get the best things in life. That also applies to you, people who like to read my work here <3
» Tags: fem!reader
» TW: none
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Guy has money but i must apologize, dear readers, you're going to have to endure tonight's dinner. Prepare for full course dish made out of... love, of course. Nothing but love for his one and only, the Queen of his heart
No worries tho, being Felix's partner AKA the King of Vampire himself makes you his counterpart, the second-in-command of the Vampire realm in which you have his fellow vampires (and our human priest, Daimon) to back you up. They will contribute to prepare you the best birthday dinner (only those who happen to have their schedule empty of course)
Felix being French that he is, romance runs in his blood. He will send you a birthday greeting written beautifully in a classic, yellowed, old paper. It's so dramatic of him that you let out a chuckle when you opened the letter, you also couldn't help but notice that the letter has his scent all over it. Not even the big bouquet of roses in your front door can hide this fragrance of his
His students wondered why he's looks so happy today, why it's because he has many agenda to do with you on your special day of course~
The dinner went great, no stomachache involved. The atmosphere feels like you're inside royal palace with an actual king. For the final Act, Felix bows and ask the lady for a dance, you agreed and the piano starts playing. If you don't really know how to dance, it's ok, he'll lead you and you don't have to think about anything else, simply pay attention to him. Don't be afraid to fall, for he will always catch you no matter what
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As much as a busy person he is, he will remember your day because that's just the kind of person he is. He marked the date on his calendar, on his phone, even put a little note on his bathroom mirror so he can see it every time he brush his teeth in the morning
It's probably nothing extravagant, but spending time with you without disturbance is considered as luxury due to how tight his schedule can be
In the afternoon he will pick you up from work with a cake he just bought on the way, walking together to your place while also stopping on some stores to buy more presents despite you saying that his time is more than enough. Also he won't let you carry a single bag. The two of you will take a break on the train station while eating a desert until your train comes
Your birthday celebration is held in the evening at your place. You live by yourself away from your family so you decide to spend your day with Tomoru alone since you miss him so, and your friends understand it so they decide to celebrate tomorrow evening after work
Feeling kinda playful, you smear some cake frosting onto your boyfriends nose when he's not looking. He won't let you off easy y'know? He get his revenge by smearing even more cake frosting on your cheek. This is the thing with Tomoru, when alone with him you feel safe and free to act like a kid again, despite the two of you being literal adults with responsibility.
It ended up being a playful cake fight. Both faces are covered with frosting that Tomoru had to put his glasses away where it safe. You realized it's been so long since you've seen him without it outside fantome iris live, you can't help but stare at his feature. You don't realize you stared for too long until he surprised you with a kiss. It started simple, innocent, and light, till he deepen the kiss each seconds. You can taste the sweetness of his lips on you, and that's when you know that this is the best birthday present you could've ever wished for
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Oh God please help this guy. He's panicking like it's the end of the world. What if he make things worse? What if his bad luck transfers itself to you on your day? What if you hate him after this? What if what if what if–
At least for today he wants to accomplish one of the biggest achievement he could ever achieve, that is to put the biggest smile on your face. To be the reason of your happiness for the day
But the reality is, he still can't think of what to do. He asked his band mates/friends for advice and they suggest Jun to just ask you what do you want. He is in doubt but complies either way
Surprisingly, you ask him if he perform a song with piano. His brain circuited, he thought your request will be something difficult or something along the lines of 'surprise me', which will terrify him even more
Despite already being good at piano, he's still in distress on which song he should play, or should he compose a new one instead? Countless hours were spent to perfect his skill that he even sacrificed his gaming time 'cause the thought of you won't leave his head
The day arrive and you were so excited to see him play especially for you, but Jun didn't expect you to sit so close beside him, shoulders touching and all. The notes in his head completely disappeared that all he could think about is how beautiful you look today, your scent cloud his head it's intoxicating him in the best way possible. Oh how he wished he's good with words, to praise such being as you, but he knows he'll only embarrass himself if he opens his mouth. So his music shall declare his admiration on his behalf
You can feel the tears pooling already. The melody of each songs were played perfectly with no flaws. As your eardrums were blessed with his music, you were also in awe with the way his fingers dance on each keys. To think that you long-awaited moment to witness his play are now granted, it was the most beautiful present you ever received
You can't help but lay your head on his shoulder and hug his arm. As you whisper those three words, all the pianist feel is the warmth unfurling from his chest. His world are now filled with every color spectrum, with you at the center
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Just like Felix's students, Koharu's students also notice Koharu seems happier and more energetic today. Innocent eyes looking at their teacher, asking what makes him joyful? It's because today he will celebrate the birthday of someone reaaaaallly important to him!
"Is it the person waiting outside??" Asked a little girl while tip-toeing at the window. Some kids really do well in remembering faces who usually visits the nursery, huh? Koharu picked up the little girl and together they took a peek outside... And found you sitting there. Wait, shouldn't you be at work? And shouldn't he be the one picking you up from work instead? This is not what we talked about, y/n!
Work was kind enough to let you off early for some reason. So to save time, you decide to visit the nursery where your boyfriend works. While waiting for him, you get to see him handling children, which is something you've always wanted to see
Some kids even cheered happy birthday to you. Perhaps Koharu told them? Kids in this nursery are so sweet, no wonder Koharu love his job. Koharu just looked at you with that sheepish smile of his
The two of you celebrate on a restaurant you've always wanted to visit. The food place is always crowded that Koharu had to make reservation one week in advance. It was totally worth it, the food were all delicious and you and Koharu got to eat to your heart's content. Careful now, Koharu, you can't eat too much or else your costume won't fit anymore
You think celebrating in this place alone is enough? Absolutely not! You haven't blown any candles yet, and for that you need a cake. So the two of you pick up the cake in Champ de Fleur that happened to be empty. Well, doesn't matter because Koharu intend to do this quick as he's going to take your for an all-night long ride with his motorcycle (I hc he used to ride one when he was young)
"W-What? Of course I 'm not avoiding eating your cake! It's your birthday cake, not mine so... Ugh, fine, but only you feed me yourself!"
You were a bit hesitant to ride with him until morning. But you're also well aware that you have nothing to worry about. You and him are both adults and Koharu can protect you from any danger. So why not take his hand and see the world he has to offer?
After all, unlike the two of us, the night is still young. So hold on to me and let's enjoy the present time as much as we can, shall we?
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Our biggest male wife (figuratively and literally) will do everything himself. Everything was made by his hands and the sacrifice of his time and energy
He will close the café early as he's planning to decorate the place a little bit and make sure everything is ready. The cake, check. The whole five different dishes that's made for large group of people, check. Presents, check, hopefully you will like them
If you prefer to bring your friends and his friends along. he's totally ok with it. The more the merrier! But if you just want him then he doesn't mind, he's going to have easier time tidying things up after the celebration
Truly the best cake is the one made by the hands of your loved one. You silently wish your family will also one day taste delicacies made by your partner. As cringey as it sounds, every bite is filled with love. This is the love language of Kusunoki Daimon, the one who never show much expression as he shows it through his act of service, and you're more than willing to bask on this feeling forevermore
One of his gift being a reference to the story of Beauty and The Beast. A single rose that wilts slowly, as long as the beast hasn't found his true love, one petal will fall. One by one until it eventually dies. In contrast to the rose in the story, the rose Daimon gave you will never die. Standing proud and eternal inside the crystal clear glass. For he has found his true love in the shape of you, who was born and fated to be together with him. A token of gratitude for making it through many hardships with him, not leaving his side, and for loving a beast such as him
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mangoslixes · 2 years
Things from Sally Rooney's Beautiful World Where Are You that make me cringe (besides the horrible writing style):
At that, maybe hearing him or just becoming aware of his presence in her peripheral vision, she did turn, and noticed him, and immediately tucked her hair behind her ears. Hello there, she said.
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You have a fertile look about you. Men love that.
You know what you need, Simon? she said, you need a little wife for yourself.
Your wife would never talk to you like that. /Why, does she worship me? / Yes, said Eileen. You're like a father to her.
He's religious, you know. / Felix cocked his head as if expecting her to clarify the joke. As in, he believes in Jesus? he said. / Yeah. / Fucking hell, seriously? He's weird in the head or something, is he?
Here, I'm sorry, but he sounds like a headcase in this day and age a person believes all that? Some lad thousands years ago popped out from the grave and that's the whole point of everything? (/n: (edit) the book divides characters and their beliefs in a very weird, polarizing way and I'm very confused about it all.)
and they open up the old MacBook to write a beautifully observed little novel about 'ordinary life'. I don't say this lightly: it makes me want to be sick. (/n: sattire? self-aware?? either way very bland, no flavour)
Or, as I'm sure an evolutionary psychologist would suggest, maybe I'm just a frail little female, and after sleeping in a man's bed I come over all weak and tender about him.
So of course in the midst of everything, the state of the world being what it is, humanity on the cusp of extinction, here I am writing another email about sex and friendship. What else is there to live for?
No, I love that kind of thing. The idea of taking care of you, or you need my help, whatever. I probably have a thing about that anyway. Whenever a girl asks me to open a jam jar, I kind of fall in love with her.
I hope you're not horrified with me saying all this. But I think the fantasy is just that you're really helpless, and I'm like, telling you what a good girl you are.
Coyly she looked up at him through her eyelashes. And what if I'm not a good girl? she said. You don't want to put me over your knee and punish me? (/n: a very weird way to go about it if it's going to have a d*ddy kink but okay I guess ㅠㅠ)
She was sucking in her lip now, watching him. Because I'm such a good girl, she said.
Lola: you realize he goes to confession right / Lola: Like he literally tells his bad thoughts to a priest.
Ah no, he said. I never invited her in the end. But if that was all you wanted, you could have just told me. No need for such advanced tactics.
It's funny, because you carry on like you'd let me walk all over you, answering my texts at two in the morning, and then telling me you're in love with me, blah blah blah. But that's all your way of saying, just try and catch me, because you won't.
You're only letting me act badly because it puts you above me, and that's where you like to be.
And then I try to treat you in a normal way it's not good enough. I think if I'm honest, you'll find someone who appreciates you better, and you'll be happier.
Anyway that's how Simon and I became friends. I was one of the little peasant girls who lived near his family's estates.
If you tell me you don't want to be with me, I might feel hurt and humiliated, but I'm not going to start begging and pleading with you. At some level, I actually think you know I won't. But then you get left with the impression that I don't love you, or I don't want you because you're not getting this response from me.
@adhyayana-v I'm finally done with the book and honestly? If this is what love and friendship is supposed to be like, I would not want any of it.
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altagraye · 2 years
Big Big Love Part 12
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Maia age: 28 
Sam age: 31 
Dean age: 35 
Roslyn age: 3 
"Out there is a fortune waiting to be had  If you think I'll let you go you're mad  You've got another thing comin' " 
-'You've got another thing comin',-Judas Priest. 
Ch 12: You've got another thing comin' 
TW!: Demon- Dean
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The next morning I was impossibly sore, my bruises displaying themselves in black and blue. I slept through most of the day and by nightfall I was back in bed, feeling the brunt of how this new Dean had treated me. the real dean, wouldn't  leave bruises even in his deepest rut. It was so out of character for him. Dare I say worse than when he took me the night Felix's goons attacked. I took care of Ros as much as I could, and she curled up next to me, feeling that her momma was hurt. I woke again in the middle of the night, to my phone ringing. The caller ID read, Sam and I answered. My voice raw and my mind barely able to comprehend what he was telling me. 
"Maia, listen to me, I have Dean. I'm coming home." I jolted up into a sitting position making me groan.  
"What? Where are we going to keep him?" I asked, shocked that Sam was even able to subdue him. I kept my voice hushed so that I wouldn't wake my pup. Where am I going to keep her? I don't want to let her see Dean like that.  
"I have an idea. Be ready, I'm ten minutes out." He told me before clicking the phone dead. My heart was beating into my ears, fast and hard. I'm not a hunter but I know enough to defend myself from Dean's stories years ago. I needed salt, and I needed to draw a devil's trap underneath Roslyn's bed, quickly. I did that and got dressed in better clothes. I picked Ros up in my arms, she was getting heavier by the month and grew out of her clothes quicker than I could say toddler.  
She rustled and woke as I opened up the door to her bedroom. I set her down in her bed, turned her nightlight on and tucked her in.  
"Hi Baby. you need to stay in your room, okay? no matter what you hear, DO NOT come out of your room, until I say so." I told her, her little face confused and tired, but she nodded and I gave her a kiss on the forehead and closed her door.  Just then Sam came in from the front entrance, dragging Dean behind him forcefully, down the staircase. It was odd, I wanted to support both of them. Part of me wanted to punch Dean in the face in favor of Sam and the other wanted me to set Dean free from those demonic-handcuffs, in favor of him. Two roads converged to one. Two sides of one coin. 
I was staring at both my mates at the same time. Two husbands. This was so strange but it felt, natural in some primal way. Dean noticed me and smiled, flashing his black eyes in my direction. 
"Hiya, M. Saw that condom on the dash. Who's the better knotter?" He asked. Sam rolled his eyes and yanked on the cuffs to keep him walking down to the basement where he sat him in a chair on top of a devils trap. He looked almost normal staring at me, leaned against the shelf of oddities looking him over. Sam went out to gather supplies.  
"What? No-last night was the best time I've had in years?" He tried to small talk me. Maybe to sway me in to getting him out of those cuffs. I only looked at him unable to discern whether or not to tell him off or leave the room. 
"You know, you really make the best little moans when you're passed out. Still gettin' it in. Oof so hot." He said Sam just now coming back in with a small red cooler. Sam took out a syringe of blood. And injected Dean with it. I almost couldn't take it. Seeing my two loves, at war with each other. 
Seeing Dean like this, was torture for me. After grunting like a pained animal from the purified human blood working through his system, he'd opened that mouth of his again. 
"Seriously, I don't think you had as much fun with, Mr. sidelined here. At least I have use of both my arms. You know to hit all the sweet spots." He smiled, his eyes returning to black. I bunched my hands into fists and left the room as Sam through holy water on Dean's face. the recoil to his comment.  I checked on Roslyn's room, making sure she didn't leave and found myself staring at the impala now  moved to her proper resting place in the garage.  
Remembering all the events of the past 24 hours. I've had sex twice, been claimed twice. My palms touched my claims. What is this cruel fate that has become of me? I had heard of polyandry before, in crude omega jokes thrown around by co-workers. But I didn't think it was all that popular and never known anyone who had been through it or done it. Polyandry is to have two or more male mates at the same time. Sam and Dean are mine now, and I'm theirs. How are they not going to rip each other's head's off? They've already had gruesome fights without this predicament. 
why do I have to be such a confusingly complicated mess of an omega? I don't think Sam will hurt Ros, even though she isn't his. Oh gods, does this make him her, I don't know stepfather-uncle? What am I even saying? I sound crazy. The lights in the bunker went out, making me jump. And the red hue of the emergency system override came on.  
This can't be a good sign. Hopefully Roslyn is still asleep, otherwise seeing the Bunker like this would scare her. I came back up from the garage, the red lights went out and the normal lights were back to normal. I was on high alert and walking tentatively, listening to every sound possible. I smelled whiskey in the air near me. Dean must've gotten free. I heard grunting, like something or someone had been defeated. As I went further into the catacombs of hallways, reaching the bedrooms, I had smelled dry-cleaning. Cas? I thought he was out for the count? With not even enough mojo to teleport. I heard the rough shuffling of feet descending back down into the basement. I checked on Roslyn's room. Nothing was disturbed, not one grain of salt moved in the line I made at the base of her closed door. Good, she was listening for now. a door to the electrical room had been demolished from the inside out. And there was a deep hole in the drywall in one of the hallways. A fight had happened. No blood, so my guess is someone was subdued. 
I smelled both intense waves of Pine and Whiskey the further I went down into the basement. My Alphas were in distress. As much as I had been afflicted by Dean's tortuous state earlier I knew I needed to be there, at least have my scent in the room in an attempt to calm him. My heart started to thump chaotically in my chest. I heard the same guttural, animistic grunts from before. Dean was being injected again. His body was fighting it.  
I entered the room, the trap door opened, revealing Dean bound to the chair again. He'd smiled at me, darkly. I went further into the room.  
"What's the matter, strawberry-short-cake? Come back for seconds?" He tried a chance at charming, but I knew better. I straightened my back, I didn't want to look like a victim. I came into the room, Sam to my left and Cas to my right up against the shelf. Sam had put one empty syringe down and grabbed for another. I leaned myself up against the cold concrete wall, Dean to my right. I crossed my arms against my chest, angry and defensive. 
"I was limping, you left bruises Dean." I told him, pointing out his unnatural viciousness from the night before. Normally he'd never think about violating me that way. His way of affection was tender not ruthless. Sure, Sam was rough, but not like the black-eyed-Dean had taken me.  he'd looked at me, his eyes green this time, trying to break my confidence. 
"I don't think it's considered rape if you enjoy it, sweetheart." He raked his tongue across his teeth and lips, remembering how I tasted. Sam offended by Dean's comment shoved the needle into his forearm and emptied its contents into my first love. Listening to Dean being in pain, made me uncomfortable but I knew it had to happen, it was for the better. Dean noticed something in the distance, staring back at him. 
"Peekaboo. Come and give dad a hug. I've missed you, Roslyn." He said motioning his hands outward to try and act more innocent. A coercion tactic easy for a child to accept. At first i had ignored it thinking he was tricking me. But when i heard her little scared voice I flung myself out of the room to go after her. 
"Daddy?" She questioned. My heels making firm contact with the ground, Sam armed with another syringe jammed it into his thigh, through the material of his jeans, more grunts. He was still fighting to hold onto his demonic side.  
I grabbed Ros up and stormed out of the basement, up the small flight of stairs to the level where the bedrooms where and too her back to her room. The salt line disturbed, her door ajar. I was upset, and scared to death. I don't know that this new Dean would have been able to control himself if she got out earlier. I cradled her face in my hands. 
"What did I tell you?! Stay inside. DO NOT come out until I say! Stay here until I come and get you." I told her raising my voice. She started to cry, I hated to see her upset, but I needed her to be safe. I sat her down on her bed and tucked her in again. Leaving the room and heading back into the torture zone.  
I saw yet another needle jab into flesh, the last one. I swallowed hard. What if it didn't work? What if this demon thing was so deeply a part of him that if you got rid of that, he'd just die, again? I put my hand over my left claim, dean's. My hands were trembling. If I lose any of my love's now. I'd die. Dean's head lolled forward, passed out from all the injections. he lifted it slow, revealing obsidian staring back, deep and unwavering like a black hole. Sam armed himself with a holy water flask and Cas, an angel blade. It can't end like this, not when I just got you back. You stubborn fool, fight for me. I fought for you. My breath hitched when I saw the onyx dissipate from his eyes like fanned smoke. Did it work? 
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Still in a state of delirium, Dean managed to joke, "You look worried, fellas." His green eyes, lush like wild forest ferns. He looked at me with deep-set sadness.  
"Maia? I'm so sorry." He hung  his head, heavy with guilt. It really was over, not once did he apologize for last night when he was in full-blown demon mode. My feet lead me over to him, with fury bridled passion. My emotions culminating like angry storm clouds. I slapped his sand-papered cheek, sending his jaw to the left. I didn't give him time to react, cradling his cheekbones in my palms, bringing him in for a kiss that I so desired. Something genuine, something not laced with lust.  
Sam got him out of his bindings. We ascended to the main part of the Bunker. All of us looked like we'd just come back from intense battle. In a way we had. I sat in the middle, Dean to my left and Sam to my right. Cas sat across from us, staring back at us with a peaked curiosity. I set my head down on the cold surface of the mapped table, my head resting in the middle of the North Atlantic ocean. The mark on my wrist was prominent and dark. I stared at it. It was peculiarly beautiful. I traced the lines with my index finger and sighed. What does this mean? I remembered Dean had gotten it too, when he claimed me. Having a sudden burst of energy, I grabbed at Dean's hand to look at his wrist.  
I set it down on the table and set mine next to it. Sam held his out too, he'd gotten it too. It was the same swirling pattern, like a rush of currents converging into one. Three strokes curling at the ends and three dots in the empty space next to those.  
"Whoa, When did we get inked?" Dean questioned his mind still coming down from his demonic-highs. I had never seen this symbol before last night. Cas furrowed his brow and got up from the table going to the bookcase behind him, searching wildly for titles. Brushing his fingers along the spines of the dusty texts.  
Cas gathered a stack of books and set them all down. Giving each of us one. Dean groaned and grimaced. 
"Cas, I hate reading." He said. I don't blame my mate, I really didn't feel like searching through wall after wall of text either, even though I liked books. But my mind felt like I didn't have the energy. Sam flipped through his book, as if a new burst of energy possessed him.  
Cas was researching too. We looked through just about everything Cas stacked up. It took three hours and by the end my brain was thoroughly fried harder than a bucket of KFC extra crispy chicken. Ooooo that sounds really good right now.  
I set my head down on the pages of my book unable to read another word. Dean has his book open but was resting his head on the back of the chair, slumped down with his arms across his chest, snoring rather loudly. I missed seeing him like that so much. My Galahad was back. But now i had two of them. I groaned and shifted my head to the right seeing Sam's eyes course through sentences, deciphering their ancient messages. He noticed me staring at him and smiled. Rubbing his hand in between my shoulder blades.  
"Mmmm, that feels good. I'm sorry, I can't read anymore, I'm spent." I told him. He leaned in and kissed my forehead gently.  
"It's okay. I think I'm on to something anyway." He told me. Cas had an aha moment too.  
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"The triskele, a symbol the Celts used." He announced. Dean was still snoring and I didn't catch all of what Cas said. So I lifted my head up from the grimy book and straightened out my sore back. I kicked Dean's shin to wake him. We all needed to hear this.  
Dean sucked drool back into his mouth, "Pie? Where's the pie?" His dreamy response made me giggle. I missed how cute my Alpha can be.  
Cas looked thoroughly annoyed with dean's shit. Wow, if looks could kill. I didn't know stoic Cas could look so, pissed. 
"It's not the Triskele. It only goes back to 500 b.c. according to the Celts." Sam countered. 
"Dude that was like forever ago, how much older can you get?" Dean said, seeing the cogs in his mind start to turn, ever so slowly. 
"The Greeks brought it to the Celts. The Greek name, Triskelion became the Celtic Triskele. This symbol is even older than I thought. It probably goes back to the beginning of time." Sam corrected.  
"Do you think it has to do with my dynamic?" I asked trying to make sense of it.  
"Let me see your neck." Cas asked averting his eyes from his book. I pulled the collar of my shirt down, stretching it over both my small and bony shoulders. Both my claims in full view of everyone.  
I could sense Cas' intense stares. Sam and dean leaned into their chairs simultaneously, gawking at their claims.  
"The Triskelion, appears when two Alphas claim the same omega. The three share each other in all actions. Once the mark appears, the binding of souls is permanently linked. Although rare in modern times, such occurrences were more commonplace during complex mating orgies of ancient times. The mark cannot be undone or removed once established." Cas stopped reading. Dean's eyebrows rose at the mention of orgies. But I didn't have an orgy. I just, had sex with both of them at different times, however close together it was.  
Maybe since Dean could taste Sam inside me, that counted as close enough in time as if I'd fucked them at the same time?? All of this was so confusing. My cheeks started blushing wildly. I wonder, what kind of heavens I'd be sent to if I had both my mates in me at the same time.  
"So in layman's terms?" Dean asked needed a straightforward answer. 
"You three share an intimate and profound bond. A very ancient one." Cas said.  
Dean scoffed exasperatedly. 
"Can you shove the profound bond shit up your ass Cas?" He remarked. Sam chuckled a bit. Cas looked a bit hurt by Deans' typical harsh remark.  
"No, I cannot." He said closing his book.  
I shoved my book away from me. I need sleep. I got up from my chair, the feet skidding on the floor. I winced, my bruises were still gnawing at me. Dean and Sam got up at the exact same time. In response to my movements. The pine and whiskey scents were overflowing and converging, crashing together.  
"I need to hit the hay, guys. I can't think about anything else." I announced. Cas gave us a goodnight and stayed there continuing to read through the old books. I took my time going to the bedrooms. I don't know which one I should take. Go back to Sam's, the one I'd been using or to Dean's old one? So instead I picked an empty one. A fresh unscented start. Sam and Dean followed me like puppies. I pulled my hair up into a bun, entering the barren bedroom.  
I took my shirt and jeans off. Revealing lacy white undergarments. Sam and dean stood there in awe of their omega. They gulped simultaneously. 
"Fuck you're hot." They both said. I opened the covers of the bed, ready to be engulfed by its pliability. I entered it. As I watched my alphas remove their. Clothes down to their boxers. Sam taking a bit longer. Poor gimpy. My heart was thumping wild in my chest.  
I shoved the pillow under my neck, deeper, exhaling from the comforting gentleness.  
"Come to bed, my Alphas." I demanded. 
They wasted no time joining me. Sam spooning against my buttocks. Dean on the opposite side of me his chest pressing lightly against my breasts. Dean shoved his leg between my thighs and against my clothed folds. It wasn't sexual, just possessive. Sam cast one of his legs across mine, another act of ownership.  
It was quiet for a long moment until dean broke the silence talking to his brother.  
"Dude, you're leg is touching me." He said with some discomfort.  
"Get over it, Jerk" Sam snapped back.  
I was instantly aggravated. I could not handle two grown Alphas acting like disgruntled teenagers when I was this tired.  
"Alphas! Shut up and sleep."  I demanded exerting my best pissed off momma tone.  
"Yes, dear." Dean said reluctantly, kissing my collarbone.  
"Sorry." Sam apologized shortly and left a tender kiss on my hair. I didn't want to be a moderator for the rest of my life. So needless to say this situation was gonna need some compromises and getting used to. They did settle down probably focusing their energy on me.  
Together, the three of us slept soundly.  
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3 weeks later: 
I sighed rubbing out an intense headache that decided to pang against my skull. Roslyn was in her high chair, chanting pancakes to herself over and over. I flipped the flap jack in the pan, it was nearly burnt on one side making my nose wrinkle. Sorry Ros, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.  
I served up her breakfast, having just ate my own. I didn't feel like eggs today which was kind of odd but i never thought much of it. As usual Ros only ate half. I tried to get her to eat just one more forkful but she refused. When i threatened her with no bubble bath today she ate the rest of it.  
I got her in the tub with her favorite rubber ducky and washed her up. I loved the little things like this. Dean and Sam were currently afk, on a vamp nest hunt. They'd been keeping tabs on for a while. Cas had gone with them too. I asked him to really to make sure they didn't tear each others throats out.  
So it was just a week of girls days at the Bunker. I'd put Ros down for a nap after her bath when a wave of nausea wracked through me. I ignored it as best i could until I couldn't anymore.  
I managed to find a toilet to upchuck in, feeling the bile rise in an insecent pace. I was left gasping. I don't get it. Why was i sick so suddenly? It couldn't be the restaurant food we ate last night. It's been too long of a time gap and i didn't eat leftovers for breakfast. Another wave, more bile, causing me to arch my back over the toilet releasing the sickness with gross sounds.  
I flushed it down, brushing my hair out of my face. And breathing for a moment. I grabbed the mouthwash out from under the bottom of the sink. Next to it in the depths, shoved behind a package of Q-tips, I could just make out the box of omega-pregnancy tests.  
It had dawned on me. I frantically took my phone out of my plaid pajama pants and examined my calendar app. My heat is late. My heart was pounding in my chest.  
I took the box out dumping the pack out onto the vanity and took them. I paced around the tile, letting my thoughts ruminate waiting for the reading.  
I jolted at the sudden sound of my phone ringing. It was Sam calling to give me an update.  
A drop of nervous sweat dripped down my neck, soaking into my shirt. I needed to answer or they'd think something was wrong. I answered. Trying my best to hide my emotions.  
"Good afternoon, Sweetie. " 
Greeted my mate on the other end. Sam.  
I smiled in the mirror, trying to muster up the strength.  
"Good afternoon! How did the hunt go?" I asked. He'd put me on speaker phone.  
"It was fucking awesome! I broke a machete, cuz my kill count was higher. Fourteen, this time. Whaddaya think, Babe?" Dean replied being very proud at the hunt result.  
"Wow! That's pretty high. Did you save any for Cas and Sam?" I asked twirling my hair nervous as all hell. 
"Yeah, Sam got about ten of 'em. He's still working on strengthening his bum shoulder." Dean explained.  
"Speaking of that, how does it feel to have that sling off?" I asked Sam.  
"Never felt better. Hey, I'm sorry this took so long. We're about a two days drive from home. We can make it sooner if we switch off, maybe even make it in the morning with Cas behind the wheel too. Does that sound like a good idea?" Sam asked. Gods, no. I was staring down the two words I did not want to see right now. Both results had the same outcome. Pregnant. 
There was a long silence on my end. Causing Sam to get a little suspicious. 
"Uhh Earth to Maia? You want us to pull an all nighter? We can do it." He said.  
"What? No, no. It's fine. You guys need some rest, even Cas can, I dunno what does he do for fun?" I needed time to think about how I wanted to go about this, news. How was I even going to tell them?  
"Angel-shit. Hey, I can't wait to see Roslyn again. I bet she's itching to play hide-seek. Has she been asking for me?" Dean asked getting serious. I felt my stomach, swallowing. There's a pup inside me right now and I have no idea which one of my mate's is the father. 
"Yeah, a bit. Hey um. Alphas? I love you." I almost never said that on a normal basis. So saying it now, would send up major red flags. I felt another wave of nausea wash over me. I can't puke on the phone, they'd know. 
"I know." said Dean reciprocating our inside joke.  
"We'll be home before you know it." Sam assured me. No. Take your time. I need time!  
"Alright." I replied. Before Sam hung up the phone Cas made a comment that Roslyn said he was the best at hide-seek. Probably because how he played, it was obvious he didn't know how to play it. He'd 'hide' under covers and in the same closet every time without fail. he was the worst hide-seek player in history. The nausea left me. Thankful I wasn't about to puke again. I checked the tests again. both of them still read Pregnant. I backed up, numb to the news my skin making contact with the closed door of the bathroom. I slid down, my bottom reaching the floor. Maybe the tests were faulty? Who're you kidding Maia?  
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You just upchucked your entire breakfast into the porcelain throne, have had a gnawing headache ever since waking, and your heat cycle was late, by two whole weeks. How are you going to tell them? Separate them? Tell them at the same time? Don't tell them at all? Tell Cas instead?  
If I do that, then, they might just fight to the death right there. A primal fight for dominance. I can't take this! I sat there bawling my eyes out for a while. Until I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and wiped away my tears. I have two days to figure this out.  
I gathered all the perfume style scent blockers we had in the house. I placed my hands on both my claims. If I really am pregnant, I'd smell like honey. I took in a big drag. I could have been holding honeycombs in my palms and I wouldn't know the difference. I sighed closing my eyes. Gods. Artemis, please help me out here. I covered myself in the neutralizing spray, being sure to spread it on my claims.  
I needed to calculate how long it lasts. If Sam and dean catch honey on me, they would know. over the two days it took them to get here. I'd devised a plan. even though it was wrecking me I need to tell them. This baby is not just mine. It's mine and either Sam or Dean's. they have a right to know. During those two days, I ate my face off, once they come home I would try to hide my voracity. My pregnancy symptoms this time were unusually intense.  
In the middle of the night, I didn't make it to the toilet to puke, having later to clean up the sick on the wood floor. I made myself a nest to calm my nerves. Combining all three of our scents. Strawberry, Whiskey, and Pine. The headaches were killing me and my entire body is sore, my boobs in particular being the most tender. I can't even put on a bra.  
Taking care of Roslyn was a challenge, but I managed enough. She ate all her pancakes this time. My breakfast managed to stay down for now. My heart sunk when I heard them come in from the garage. a wave of fear overcame me. I'm not ready to tell them. I was washing dishes, even though they were already cleaned. I needed to distract myself. Luckily I put on scent blockers this morning when i got up. Dean blew a 'Boo!' into Ros' ear to greet her. she laughed, and didn't scare easy.  
 I was very thankful she'd forgotten about Dean's demonic side. He picked her up and put her on his hip. Kissing her forehead. I gasped from Sam's touch, both his arms hugging me from behind, crossing over my belly button his fingers grabbing my hipbones. His chin rested in the nook of my neck. He gave his claim a long lingering kiss. He squeezed a little too tightly. Making me hurt. It wasn't his fault he didn't know how I was feeling. I set my head against his.  
"I missed you." he told me. I grabbed his hand unraveling it, the pressure being too much for me to take. I turned around and gave him a kiss. I felt like I was going to break down. I'm pregnant, Sam. I smiled opening my eyes from our kiss.  
"Missed you too." I replied. My mates took showers and told me about their hunting excursion. Dean got a little too graphic in his story telling and I about puked over the mapped table. but I was able to hold it in. I waited until nightfall. I need to tell them, both of them at the same time. I can't hide this forever. Especially once i start to show. I took a long hot shower, the water soothing my aching body. i cried underneath the guise of the water. This kind of thing doesn't happen to people like me. I'm not a slut like that black-eyed bitch said I was am I? a part of me believed her. I don't know the paternity of the pup growing inside me. That kind of thing happens on a stage for low-brain activity viewing pleasure. Next on Omega-Maury, Who's your real Daddy? I started to laugh, this is ridiculous. 
The shower would wash off the scent blockers. I put on some pajamas, again forgoing the bra. Dean and Sam were on the bed, some distance between them with the TV on and Sam's nose in a book. My hair was dripping. I walked over to Dean, fully entertained by a horror movie playing on the screen. I kissed him and wrangled the remote out of his grip. I turned the TV off and he groaned, setting the remote out of his reach on the dresser near the TV.  
"Aww it was just getting to the good part too! What a buzz-kill." He protested sitting up from his prone position. I'm sorry Dean, but this is way more important than a Freddie Kruger movie marathon. I hopped on the bed, crisscrossing my legs and sitting in the middle, facing the headboard. I started to take Sam's book from him. 
"Okay, one more sentence." Sam caught on. No, not another word. I took the book and closed it with a light slam, making him lose his page. His face started to load a bitch-look. I gave them a very serious look and grabbed both their hands in mine. I need them now, more than ever. They knew something was up. Their attention fully focused on me. 
My lips were quivering and my entire body trembled like mad. They got closer to me, their scents getting stronger in an attempt to soothe me.  
"Hey, we're home. Everything's fine." Dean said, his thumb stroking my cheek. 
"Maia, if you missed us this much, we should have drove all night." Sam said gripping my hand tighter. At this point I broke into a full out cry. 
"Please, don't hate me." I choked out through my sobbing. They had confused and scared looks on their faces. I took their hands, slipping them under my pajama shirt and gently pressed them to the bottom of my stomach. Their eyes flashed to where I had guided their hands and then up to my face.  
"I'm pregnant." a final tear falling with my confession. At first they were dumbfounded but their expressions turned to wide smiles. I was still wildly upset.  
"That's a good thing." Said Sam kissing my cheek.  
"A really good thing." Dean added, his thumb stroking my belly.  
"Not this time. I don't know which one of you is the father. And I'm afraid. what if something goes wrong? Like last time. What if I miscarry? What if you two go feral and, and hurt each other. I don't know. I don't know what to do." I let out all my worries that had culminated within me for the past two days. Dean kissed my lips and set me down  gentle on the bed. Sam kissed my belly and came up throwing my arm over his shoulder. Dean hugged my arm. They both wiggled up to me and kissed each side of my cheeks. 
"Don't worry about any of that." Sam said.  
"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Smooth sailing 'til then." Dean said resting his nose in his claim. taking in my scent now laced with honey. 
"Mmm, ain't that the sweet damned thing you could smell, Sammy?" Dean asked, talking to his brother from across me. Sam followed suit. 
"The best." he replied. We stayed like that for the rest of the night. My mate's combined scents soothing me off into dreamland. 
End chapter 12. 
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jisungsplatforms · 3 years
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Pairing: Lee Felix x succubus! reader
Genre: NSFW! smut
CW: use of religious themes (do not read if sensitive to this topic)
Warnings: Mature content! language, implied wet dreams, oral sex (m. rec), degrading, corruption kink, implied public sex at the end, religious Felix going through 139380 thoughts of self-conflict but ultimately his curious horny side wins
*just small reminder that the acts that will take place in this fic is all consensual!
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Felix believed that he has always been a good boy.
He has never done any bad. Never lied, never let jealousy over take him, never let greed consume him. He has never even given into the temptation of lust. The ideal young man, if his parents do say so themselves. So why was he cursed to have such ungodly nights?
Lately, Felix had been experiencing some rather strange dreams. Every night, the silhouette of a person appears. Each scenario different from the one prior, but always ending with him pinned down onto the floor of the altar by the silhouette. It was disgusting. Immoral. Sinful.
Oh how much he hated to admit that he was infatuated.
The heels of his shoes thumped as he walked down the carpeted floor of the cathedral. Stopping right in front of the altar, Felix sighed guiltily, staring up on the large wooden crucifix hanging on the wall. He was anxious. He thought that he didn’t deserve to be anywhere near the presence of the Lord. Taking a few steps back before fully turning around, Felix walked down from the short flight of stairs to the wooden pews, wanting to sit on the left side of the second row. He cautiously sat down, looking around in search of his priest. Not finding a single trace of any human contact in the old building, he grunted, deciding to lower down the kneeler to pray to pass some time.
Felix took a deep breath, inhaling the strong scent of the church’s candles; which he, in his honest opinion, rather disliked due to the aroma being way too suffocating for his sensitive nose. He closed his eyes, letting his forehead rest on his clasped hands. He quietly mumbled his desperate attempt for forgiveness until he heard footsteps echoing behind him. At first he ignored them, wanting to finish off his prayer, til he felt a strong presence beside him.
He looked up to see you, smiling at him with radiance. He felt himself blush. “Oh- uh. Hello?” Felix stuttered. He mentally slapped himself for feeling so nervous around you. You giggled warmly, finding him adorable.
“I’m sorry for interrupting you. Please, just continue on with your prayer,” you spoke softly as you went to sit on the row infront of him. Felix nodded, going back to resume praying. In reality, however, he couldn’t even finish; he just wanted an excuse to not make conversation with you, the encounter way too awkward. for him. “Are you alright?” he heard you ask. He snapped his head up to see you looking at him worriedly.
“Yes!” He cringed at the way his voice cracked. “I mean, yes. I just feel a little...stiff. That’s all.”
You hummed in response. “Is it because of the terrible nightmares you’ve been experiencing?”
Felix gasped. “How did-?”
“I could feel your aura,” you laughed. “You’re uneasy. You feel like you’ve committed a terrible sin, don’t you?”
“Y-yeah! Wow how did-?”
“I’m the reason you’ve been having those dreams,” you smirked. Your once warm, welcoming aura turned ominous. Felix’s expression morphed into one of curiosity and fear.
“Poor little Felix,” you grinned sinisterly. “Was as pure as child’s laugh now as corrupted and filthy as the earth you walk on.” You stood up, your shadow looming over Felix’s trembling form. Now he knew why your presence felt so familiar, it was because he was consumed by it every night. He slowly looked up to see your seductive smirk.
He gulped. “Are you-?”
“Y/n. At least, that’s the human name I go by, doll.” You stretched your arm out to caress his freckled face. Goosebumps erupted all over his skin. A pang of excitement shot down between his legs. You giggled, “Oh?”
Felix looked down in humiliation, already knowing what triggered your reaction. You slid out of the pew to where the flustered boy was at. “What’s this baby boy? Already excited from the bare minimum?” You scoffed. “How pathetic.”
He didn’t know his the tears stinging his eyes were from fear, embarrassment, or sexual frustration. You sat beside him and whispered, “Did you really think that going to this worthless place would cleanse you of your sins? Having a confessional with a priest—or, better yet, even talking to the big guy himself?” You giggled darkly, roughly grabbing his face. “That’s all full of shit.”
Felix stuttered, “Why? Why me? What have I done to deserve this?” You threw your head back, laughing almost maniacally.
“What did you do? Nothing!” Your eyes crinkled as you smiled widely. “You were just such a darling young man that I just had to have you. Call it a corruption kink, if you will.” You licked your lips, watching him cower. You could feel the mix of fear and arousal surge throughout his body. “How would you like it if I grant you the pleasure of materializing your desires?”
“Materialize- what desires?”
“You know what I’m talking about, baby boy,” you sang, caressing his thigh. “After months of feeding off of you in your slumber, don’t you want to feel the real thing?”
“Uh- huh? N-no! I-”
You hushed him. “No more talking now, doll. Let me have my treat,” you giggled as you slowly sank down to your knees.
All Felix could do was watch as you kissed his inner thighs. He licked his lip, conflicted. This is a demon for fucks sake! He is a child of God— he should not let the temptation of an antichrist overpower him! That thought was trashed as soon as you kissed his throbbing member. Felix hissed, not expecting the feeling to be so good. You scoffed, rolling your eyes.
“What? Poor little virgin thought that felt good?” you sneered. “Baby, that was nothing.” You chuckled as you undid his pants. Felix lifted his hips to help you painstakingly slide his pants down slowly. You bit your lip, eyeing the small wet patch on his boxer-briefs.
“Oh just wait until you feel the real thing,” you teased, licking his dick over the cloth. His breath hitched, a pitiful whine threatening to come out. You giggled sadistically, moving back just a smidge to literally rip his underwear off of him. Caught off guard, Felix jolted, eyes shot open in astonishment. He wanted to get mad that you’ve just blatantly ruined a piece of his clothing until he felt your tongue run across his penis. He moaned unabashedly, the feeling of your skilled tongue licking him up drove him mad— it nearly made him forget that he was still in church, just casually getting a blowjob from a succubus.
You smiled, looking up at his blissed face. Your tongue glided on the long vein on his cock, the feeling triggering him to buck his hips. He let out a deep, raspy moan, sweat already forming on his forehead. You licked that particular vein a few more times until you felt bored. Wanting more, your red tinted lip wrapped around his tip, gently sucking, before licking his slit and finally taking him into your mouth. Felix gasped heavily, now getting the chance to feel your hot, wet mouth around his dick.
He whimpered, the feeling of you slowly bobbing your head was enervating. He wanted more. He debated on grabbing a fist full of your hair until he felt your giggles, the vibration sending waves of pleasure between his legs. You pulled him out of your mouth with a lewd pop.
“Don’t be shy,” you said cheekily, placing his right hand on your hair, “pull as much as you want, doll,” Immediately, your mouth was latched back onto his pretty cock, bobbing your head faster.
This time, Felix moaned even louder, hand wrapped around your hair. You giggled again, causing him to hiss, tightening his grip on you. He was panting, your presence, your touch, everything was overwhelming. It was, ironically, like heaven. He suddenly felt you moving faster, your tongue occasionally swirling around his tip. The only sounds that could be heard were Felix’s whines, which were practically 6 octaves higher from his usual tone, as well as your vulgar slurping and sadistic giggles.
The pressure in his lower stomach was tightening. He was desperate, wanting nothing more than to release in your mouth. It was filthy—undignified—really how much he allowed himself to succumb to a creature like you. He didn’t know if he hated you more or himself, but one thing he knew was that there was no going back now.
“Y-y/n,” he breathlessly whispered, “please. I-I think I’m gonna—“
You unlatched yourself from him, Felix briefly whining in despair when you did so, only for you to pump his dick in a fast pace. “Aww, what? Gonna cum, virgin?” you smirked, “Gonna spill your cum all over my hand, yeah? Lick it clean after?”
He squeezed his eyes shut, the filth coming out of your mouth was too embarrassing for him to listen to. He was borderline crying from the pleasure, shaking his head for whatever reason. All he knew was that he wanted to ejaculate, and he was not far from doing so.
“Look at your pretty little cock twitching for me, baby. So pathetic.” Amidst your stroking, you proceeded to suck his tip once more, wanting to catch every single drop of his cum. His hips bucked erratically. He was close— so damn close. A hum and a single lick to his slit as all it took to break him.
Felix came with a moan so loud, so high pitched, that it was obvious that he no longer gave a fuck if anybody saw or heard them. His back arched deliciously, body spasming as you pumped him through his release. His ragged breathing filled your ears, grinning as you watched beads of his sweat rolling down his reddened cheeks. Before climbing onto his lap, you gave the head one final kiss. You roughly grabbed the back of his head to smash your lips with his. He slightly cringed, tasting himself on your tongue. Licking his lips, you pulled away, breathless.
“Come, Felix…”
The church smelled strongly of incense when he first walked in. Now it smelled strongly of sweat, cum, and sin. The both of you were now behind the communion table on the altar, right beneath the cross. Felix tightly shut his eyes, finally allowing himself to fully let the lust consume him whole. He felt so fucking disgusting—was he really letting himself fuck a demon inside the House of God? You smirked, running your tongue against your lips as began to undress both your bodies. Your eyes glowed maliciously.
“My bad little boy…”
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hourglass-dreams · 2 years
Encanto Character Studies
Chapter 1: Bruno the Black Sheep
The Madrigals were known as the perfect, untouchable caretakers of the Encanto, mainly the matriarch Abuela Alma. The magic and flawlessness of the family was something that nobody questioned or discounted, except for the only son of Alma. Deep down, everyone inside Casita knew their family wasn't as perfect as they made it out to be, though the triplets were convinced that their mother suffered some kind of delusion that made her truly believe it. The one that never failed to challenge that delusion was Bruno. His sister Pepa had her problems, but their mother always blamed someone else for it whether it was him or her current husband Felix. Her son was different to say the least. He often had a less positive outlook on life and had an eccentric personality which made him an outlier. The gift he was given challenged this as well, it would hurt and terrify him and somehow he was supposed to see it as a blessing. How could he not challenge the belief that the Encanto was fantastical and flawless. It came from a miracle, he knew that. But, why would the death of his father spring up something beautiful that would eventually cause so much pain? He didn't hate his gift at first, like any five year old, he saw it through a innocent lens. He thought his ability to see the future was incredible, even though the visions would sometimes come out of nowhere and showcase horrific things that his young mind couldn't understand. Alma was more than relieved to have a child who was a prophet, but it caused her growing pressure and expectations fall on Bruno first. She was always asking him to see what dangers lay ahead for the Encanto, what they needed to prepare for. Many people didn't see it that way though, they accused him of using his gift for evil, the burden of being the harbinger started to take a toll on his well-being. Soon enough, the town associated him with terrible fates and as Alma grew colder and more strict through the years, the less she paid attention to her son's stress and more to how the village benefited from the family.
This caused him to become more closed off than before. He was naturally more introverted than his siblings, only wanting to be around them or animals, mainly rats which his family did not understand whatsoever. Going into town, started getting harder and harder as the years went on. Bruno eventually grew hypervigilant towards the constant staring, muttering and the occasional riots that would break out, it became something to expect. Even though he was the "harbinger of doom" in the Encanto, people still requested prophecies from him. In the rare occasions where the prophecy was good, the receiver would often just focus on the negatives of what he showed them. Everything he would say would be taken as a fate set in stone, as if the townspeople had no control over their own future. Any tragedy that occurred had Bruno's name written all over it, even when 9 times out of ten he had nothing to do with it. Even the priest, the only human Bruno put all of his faith into turned against him, calling him a curse to the town. He would be blamed for the deaths, famines sickness and wreckage he never asked to see, he became a villan to the town and eventually to his own family. It even became violent at some points, resulting in him getting beaten ruthlessly and having to go to Julieta to get healed. Julieta was really the only person that knew this was happening until one night, Bruno staggered into Casita, barely clinging to life. Pepa's frantic lightning, Julieta's panic and Alma's emotional shock was something they could never forget. It pained their mother, though she didn't show it, instead she just told him to be careful and to not give out troublesome prophecies anymore. That of course didn't work out well, during many of the times he would go into town, his visions would come without warning and cause his eyes to glow bright green and make him the center of unwanted attention. It was around this time that he developed migraines that only worsened when this happened, the visions would flash rapidly before his eyes in disorganized sequences while the town crowded around him begging to know what he was seeing. It was like he was a walking fair attraction until the overload caused him to collapse and his sister would have to carry him back home.
Through the constant ridicule, scolding, physical and emotional pain that plagued him, he found some comfort. He would often play with the rats that were found in almost every crevasse of the Encanto, they served as his company when no human being wanted to be around him and he didn't want to be around them either. He made it a point to befriend as many as he could and so he did. Besides his gift and withdrawn demeanor, it was this that made him the family pariah. He could be seen wandering around with the rats following and jumping al over him and muttering softly as they did so, this gave the villagers another reason to degrade him, saying that he was a revolting monster who was not to be touched. His family just thought it was strange and gross, His sisters and mother hated when they would randomly appear in the cupboards, drawers and occasionally in their shoes. This led to him having to be extra careful, making sure they stayed in his tower unless his nieces and nephew wanted to see them.
Another thing that brought a smile to his face were his sobrinas, he had a wild imagination and would create stories in his head in order to escape his bitter reality. The rats often played as characters in these elaborate plots, and right when the first grandchild Isabela was born, he had someone to entertain with them. He would try to open up and play these stories for the kids in the village but it would end in an adult snatching the child away and glaring at him as though he was enticing the kid with some sort of wicked plan. With his nieces, he felt like his creativity was appreciated, he could laugh, make jokes and be himself. He wasn't "bad luck Bruno", "the harbinger of doom", or "the creepy Madrigal with rats", he was just Bruno, the eccentric and goofy tio Bruno. Occasionally he was Hernando, which came from him killing a spider that Dolores and Isabela were petrified of. Then, there was Jorge that came from him helping his brother in laws fix a wooden table. The bucket was a funny add-on to make Luisa laugh. Camilo wasn't too crazy about him, the kid was utterly terrified of him, maybe because of his eyes and the way he would mumble prayers to himself. Either way, it broke his heart a little knowing that some children felt that way towards him. The one that had his heart the first day she arrived and the one who he ran away for was Mirabel. He couldn't understand why she was special, all he knew that she was. Mirabel was also drawn to tio Bruno, always going to him for bedtime stories and giving him lots of hugs. He always joked around with Agustin, saying that he was taking over as her father, and Felix would claim to be her favorite uncle even though it was obvious who that title went to.
Something that started off as a comforting behavior that eventually turned into obsessive rituals were throwing salt, knocking on wood, crossing his fingers and holding his breath while going through passageways. These actions started as a way to ward off general bad luck with the intention of protecting his family and the encanto. When he would have a bad vision, he would perform these actions to either help prevent it or reduce stress. This went unnoticed for the most part, the encanto was no stranger to superstitious beliefs and practices, Around the time that he was in his mid 20s though, everyone started to notice because of the amount of times he would repeat these actions and when he started to knock on his head as a way to ground himself. What started as an innocent coping mechanism turned into something he had to do or else the town and his family would suffer immense pain. He knew whole-heartedly that he didn't make bad things happen and that he couldn't control the trials that naturally occur in life but that didn't stop the overwhelming dread that convinced him otherwise. Instead of him going out of his way to do the rituals, it was like the behaviors took on a life of their own. He would have intrusive thoughts about his family dying in the worst ways, Casita being destroyed, the invaders returning, among other things that would terrify him into doing these compulsions over and over again until they felt "right".
He would feel so guilty every time Casita vacuumed the small piles of salt he threw on the ground, he would knock until his knuckles were raw with bruises and feel light- headed after holding his breath so long for so many times, he would his head so hard sometimes that the sound would make Dolores physically ill and his headaches would worsen. Though it wasn't all consuming until he lived in the walls, he hated the idea of the behaviors impacting the family negatively especially the younger members, he hated the way they had to wait on him to sit down at meals and his mother's exhausted expression, he hated how much it seemed to freak little Camilo out, he hated what they were doing to him, but mostly he hated himself for not being able to stop.
He hated himself for many things, the rituals, his gift he gradually learned how to control unless the visions were involuntary, he hated how he would stutter and stumble over his words when he was feeling overwhelmed by a prophecy, he hated how no one would give him a place to speak, he took the blame for things he couldn't control. Over that long decade in Casita's walls, he realized that he shouldn't have to apologize as much as he did, it was his family that owed him apologies but he tried so hard not to become bitter even though he was angry and hurt. The seclusion and silence was a comfort in some regards because he was left to think, feel and act however he wanted to. The rats and drawings he made would be products of his creative escapism, he didn't have to worry about anyone asking for visions or being the target of hatred, he was alone with his animal friends and his thoughts. That was one of the problems however, he was alone with his thoughts. The isolation allowed the depressing languor to truly set in. All of the anguish that tortured him led him to this point. Yes, he left to protect his niece from the inevitable pain his mother may put her through. He also left because he was unwanted, unneeded and unloved; or at least he perceived it that way. He was worthless to the family he adored and a menace to the town. Then there he was, left to rot within the foundations of his home, only one of his niece's to carry the secret of his existence. No matter how hard he tried to feel like he was part of them once more, joining meals from a distance and creating his own space, he couldn't escape the harsh reality. His own family didn't even speak his name and he became a shadow to them.
Fast forward to after Casita was rebuilt, reuniting with the family felt surreal yet unwarranted. The Madrigals were trying to rekindle and strengthen the bonds between them but for Bruno, he was still a stranger. He appreciated his sisters and mother desperately trying to make him feel comfortable. Mirabel, being as kind and exuberant as she is, were one of the few that could get him out of his newly designed tower.
Trauma takes a while to heal, if it ever does. He knew that harsh truth along with the rest of them. Maybe he'll gain some peace of mind after these long, dreadful years but for now, he's stuck with the haunting past and horrors of the future. But, maybe he won't have to deal with it alone. 
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vicarfelix · 4 years
Felix Millstone x Fem. Reader
Warnings: Language
A/N: Not many Felix fics on here...
Word Count: 3,308
“Baby, you’re one of the damn finest captains to ever run a ship.”
“Welcome back, Captain.” ADA’s computer generated voice rang out in the entrance of The Unreliable.
The captain groaned under her breath as she closed the airlock of the ship behind her. She said a silent thank you to whoever was listening that she made it back in one piece and in relatively good health. She was a little banged up, but nothing a shot of adreno wouldn’t fix. It was her duty to save Halcyon...or at least get it going in the right direction. She knew this very well. Dr. Welles wouldn’t have woken her up from a 70 year hibernation if he didn’t think she had what it took. But this last mission had been a rough one.  
Initially, she wasn’t sure if she could afford to spend time on this mission. It was out of the way and where they would have to go was deep into the Monarch wilderness. However, Nyoka had been so hesitant to ask for the captain’s help which showed her how desperate she actually was. This was even more obvious considering that Nyoka hadn’t known the captain very long to be asking for personal favors. It was important to her to visit Hayes’ grave and try to find the rest of her old hunting squad. So, the captain figured it was worth the trip. She knew how important closure could be.
The captain, Nyoka, and Ellie had hiked a ways into Monarch and into the old cave that Nyoka and her previous team had made into a base camp. Sadly, they only found the dead bodies of her beloved friends and ended up putting them to rest once the rogue mantiqueen was taken care of. It was hard on Nyoka especially, but it even got the captain thinking about the current situation. Here she was, a Hope colonist who was thrown into a space pod by some crazed scientist for all she knew with the task of saving an entire colony. She had been asleep for the last 70 years and now she was supposed to hop between planets to save them from turmoil? It was insanity. She was only human and could only handle so much. She was thankful that she had been able to assemble a team along the way.
She met Parvati first. It was just the two of them for a while. She was the first friendly face the captain had met on her journey. She saved Parvati from the destruction of Edgewater and their crooked mayor. The captain desperately needed her engineering skills as well as a sharp mind to keep the ship in order. She was nice company and always willing to lend a hand. She never let her forget how grateful she was.
Vicar Max was a challenge in the beginning. She didn’t like the fact that this esteemed priest had asked her for a favor the moment she met him. She wasn’t sure if his spiritual counseling skills would be beneficial to the team. After all, she needed a gang of intelligence and physical combat skills. Max proved himself through his computer hacking skills which wasn’t something she would’ve expected from a vicar. He grew on her quickly and she was happy to have him around.
SAM was actually the last person she recruited into your party. Honestly if she hadn’t taken the time to deeply search through the late Alex Hawthorne’s spaceship, she never would’ve noticed him. He was stashed away in one of the closets upstairs, so at first she thought he was just used for parts. Once she took the time to get him fixed, he was up and off to work. She didn’t really ask him to be a part of the crew. He sort of just got started on his own. He didn’t say much, but he was a good fighter and kept things spiffy and clean.
At the time she met Ellie, she was in desperate need of a medic. She could only do so much, so having a doctor around was helpful. Ellie had the most secretive background of everybody. She came from one of the wealthiest families in Byzantium and really could’ve had it made. The captain commended her for living the life she wanted to live, even if it meant risking having her own flesh and blood disowning her. She was often the one the captain turned to when she needed to talk, because Ellie would tell it to her straight. She never left a conversation with Ellie still wondering how to handle something.
The captain tended to think that she saved Nyoka’s life. She was a drunk living in Monarch. She had been burned one too many times by the evil things of the world. Captain never judged her for how she chose to cope with her hurt and losses. She had a fiery passion for helping others and bettering the colony. The captain admired her worth ethic. It was her family and friends above all else. She was very loyal to those she cared about. She rarely questioned her captain’s decision making and always backed her up through it all.
Then there was Felix. Oh, wow. When she first met him on Groundbreaker, it was the first time she had stopped in weeks. He had been standing near the landing pad, arguing away with one of the mardets about something sketchy he had done. She had taken the time to stop to speak to him. She immediately noted that he wasn’t shy when it came to a fight. He wasn’t shy when it came to violence. Truthfully, Felix had kind of brushed her off at first. He didn’t seem very interested in joining The Unreliable. So, she moved on.
She completed a few favors for Groundbreaker’s main engineer Junlei Tennyson. Once the business was settled there, the captain decided it was time to set flight. As she was leaving, she saw Felix standing by the entrance of The Unreliable. She was surprised to see him, considering he hadn’t seemed too impressed by her before. He complimented the ship, claiming that she needed him to join her team.
She already knew she was going to say yes. However, she wasn’t going to be seen as a pushover. Because she wasn’t. He was delighted that she had given him a chance. He read his list (literally) of reasons as to why she should hire him. She was amused by him. He interested her. So of course she hired him on the spot.
He was like a kid on Christmas when he set foot on The Unreliable. She later learned that he had never been on a real spaceship. As a matter of fact, Felix had never even left Groundbreaker before. He was born and somewhat raised on Groundbreaker, living in the Back Bays all his life. It was all he knew. He was going to see space for the first time and get to explore new planets. She was his golden ticket to a more exciting life.
It wasn’t long after Felix joined that she grew closer to him. She felt wrong for a while for being so drawn to him. She was his “boss” as he always called her as well as his captain. But at the same time, she was really just his friend that happened to be in command of the ship he now lived on. They were the only real night owls, so they spent a lot of time into the late night hours just chatting. Getting to know each other over a bottle of spectrum vodka and strengthening a personal connection. Soon enough, they were sort of the equivalent of a modern day couple.
The rest of the crew sensed that something was up, but they had yet to officially say anything. The crew didn’t mind. They all agreed that she deserved someone loyal like Felix. They knew she would never favor him over anybody else, because she was always fair.
So, here she was now. She was just plain exhausted and needed some time to wind down. She had originally planned on leaving Monarch and docking at Groundbreaker to get some drinks before turning in. However, the mission had taken longer than expected, so she decided to stay in Stellar Bay and hit up Groundbreaker in the morning to give everybody a day off. They needed it. She entered the control room to deactivate ADA:
“ADA, we’ll head for Groundbreaker in the morning. You can shut down for the night.” She ordered the PC system.
“Docked in Stellar Bay and shutting down, Captain.” She replied before her screen went black.
It was ironic that you always had to tell ADA when to turn off. She couldn’t really turn off, because then the whole ship would go dark.
The captain felt relieved to have made it back safely. For there were a few moments where she had her doubts. She left the control room and climbed the stairs. Everybody was sitting around the table, Nyoka and Ellie looking especially tired. The captain’s eyes flicked over to Felix who was fiddling with the tossball that he always kept in his pocket. He flashed his girlfriend a grin, however it faded into a sympathetic frown when he noted how drained she looked. Everybody else looked at her upon noticing her standing in front of them;
“Hey, guys. Change of plans. We’ll leave in the morning for Groundbreaker. It’s late and quite honestly, I don’t feel like traveling,” She admitted; “Take it easy tonight. Tomorrow will be our off day to piddle around Groundbreaker. Get some rest.”
Everybody agreed happily to a day off and dispersed into their respective sleeping quarters. She rubbed her eyes to keep herself from getting too tired. She still had a few things she needed to do, so she wouldn’t be turning in just yet. She made sure to turn SAM off for the evening. SAM could power down on his own, but he often had the tendency to roam the ship freely during the night. Parvati had been spooked one too many times by SAM walking into her room unannounced.
She felt a hand on her shoulder as she went to approach the stairs to go back down. She looked up to meet Nyoka’s gaze. She had a certain gleam in her eyes past the fog of sleeplessness;
“Thanks for today. I really appreciate it, Captain,” She gratefully said; “I can rest easy now knowing they’re at peace.”
“Of course, Nyoka. Anything for you,” The captain returned with a smile; “Get some sleep. ADA will wake us in the morning.”
Nyoka returned to her room and the captain went back downstairs to her room. Truthfully, she wouldn’t be able to sleep even if she didn’t have work to do. She had too much on her mind. She sat at the long desk across from the bed, thumbing through files and papers that Alex had left behind. He had left piles and piles of reports about all the planets in the colony. She could just ask ADA, but these were personal notes and maps. They were useful, but detailed. It took serious time to go through them. Soon after she had sat down, she heard a voice from behind her;
“Hey, Boss,” Felix said gently tapping on the doorway; “You got time for a nightcap?”
She turned to see him standing there with two cups wrapped in one of his hands. She felt a warmth creep over her at the sight of him. She needed someone to talk to.
“Always,” She said, accepting his request to enter. A goofy smile appeared on his face as he entered and he handed her one of the cups. She thanked him before scolding him; “I told you that you don’t have to call me Boss.”
He shrugged as he took the chair adjacent to her for himself;
“It’s got a nice ring to it. I save Captain for special occasions.” He said sipping whatever was in the cups.
Speaking of, she peered down into the ceramic mug to see a familiar purplish liquid bouncing back your reflection. She smiled softly as she raised the rim to her lips, letting the sweet liquid grace over her taste buds.
“I hope you don’t mind sharing the portion. I know we usually get our own but we’re low on purpleberry juice so I split a bottle between us.” He said sliding down into his chair slightly and entwining one of his legs with hers.
“Oh, that’s totally fine. I’ll be sure to pick some up tomorrow,” She stated, taking another sip; “How were things here today?”
Felix rolled his head from side to side in an attempt to work out any kinks. He laughed shortly;
“Ah, the usual. SAM cleaned every square inch of the ship. Parvati spent all day writing a message to Junlei. Max had his nose in a book all day,” He explained; “I, on the other hand, was actually productive.”
He reached into his pocket, pulling out a carton of cigarettes that he picked up on Scylla. They weren’t his favorite Spacer’s Choice brand of smokes, but they would do. He offered her one first, lighting it for her, and then picking one for himself. She raised a brow at his previous statement, hiding her unconvinced smirk behind the cup;
“Is that so?” She asked for elaboration.
“Yeah! I organized all my tossball cards from my favorite to least favorite. It took me almost all day!” He clamored.
She laughed heartily. Only Felix Millstone would consider that to be productive. However, considering he didn’t get into any actual trouble, she would take that any day. She watched as he brought the cigarette to his lips that were upturned into an amused smile.
“Well, I’m glad you have your priorities straight.” She said sarcastically.
His eyes brightened;
“Hey! At least I didn’t get in a fight with ADA this time. I minded my business,” He defended; “But enough about me. How did it go with Nyoka and Ellie? You ladies seemed extra worn out.”
She sighed, her smile disappearing from her face. His heart did a quick pang in his chest when he saw her demeanor change so quickly. He had wanted to go with her on Nyoka’s detour mission. The captain had told him no, considering he had just gone on the previous one. He always felt that he could save her some grief if he went along on difficult missions. 
“It was long. It was hard...mentally and physically. Especially for Nyoka. She was expecting to find at least one of them alive. They were all dead.” She said recalling the overrun cave.
Felix winced at the thought. He had grown up in the Back Bays of Groundbreaker. He had seen his fair share of people get killed, but nobody he really cared about. She took a long drag of her cigarette. Letting the smoke fill her lungs completely.
“Marauders?” Felix asked referring to how they had died.
She shook her head as she released the puff from her chest through her nose.
“We don’t know for sure. We think it was mantipillars. Nyoka seemed sure that there was no way marauders could’ve found that cave.” She explained.
She had agreed with Nyoka’s theory. It had taken some serious navigation to get there and even with Nyoka’s help she still got turned around. She took another sip of her juice, hoping that maybe she’d get sleepy soon. She didn’t want to put her problems onto Felix, because that wasn’t his burden to bear. She knew that he enjoyed listening to her. He cared about her a lot and he was thrilled to hear about her thoughts...even if he didn’t get it. He was more than willing to help where he could.
“How do you feel about it? Now that you’re back and the job is done?” He questioned, leaning forward to be closer to her.
She looked down into her cup, swirling the juice around the sides and letting it splash back into the center. She didn’t want to look at him. That’s when he could really see through her. She felt so vulnerable.
“I feel lost,” She admitted; “I don’t know what I’m doing, Felix.”
He furrowed his brows, cradling his cup in both his hands with his cigarette between his index and middle finger;
“Do any of us really know what we’re doing? I thought you told us to take things step by step?” He asked.
“Well, yeah. I still believe that, but I mean me personally. I’ve been tasked with saving Halcyon from completely falling apart by some man that could be a total fraud for all I know. I feel so incompetent.” She confessed.
A blank stare crossed Felix’s face. Law bless him. He didn’t have the best range of vocabulary.
“I feel like I’m not good at anything I do.” She said defining the word she had just said.
Felix looked shocked at her words. That was crazy. She had been busting it the last several months trying to accomplish her bestowed goal. He had seen her at her best and at her worst. She took everything in stride and gave everything her best shot. She was friendly and kind to those who had good intentions and stone cold to those who took advantage of innocent people. She was a blend of warm and tough. She was the perfect person in his eyes.
“Are you kidding? [Y/N], you’re not at all incontinent.” He said using the wrong word.
She snorted at his horribly wrong use of the word. If only Felix knew what the word he had just said actually meant.
“Incompetent.” She corrected.
He chuckled. She could be such a smart ass.
“Right. Anyways, you’re great at what you do. I’ve seen it myself.” He proclaimed.
Her gaze averted downwards again, not feeling convinced.
“You’re just saying that because you like me.” She said half joking.
“Well, you’re not wrong. I do like you. A lot. But I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.” He said truthfully; “Baby, you’re one of the damn finest captains to ever run a ship.”
She finally looked at him, taking the cigarette from her lips;
“This isn’t even my ship, Felix. It was a total accident that I ended up on this thing.” She argued.
“It is your ship,” He retorted; “You were assigned to it. You made this ship your own. You gathered your own crew and your own life here. So, you’re wrong. This is your ship.”
He had a point. She did take over the ship without a second thought. She improvised. She was quick thinking on her feet. She overcame. Isn’t that what captains are supposed to do? She finished off her cigarette and the last of her juice. He had gotten through to her enough to make her feel more comfortable. The whole 70 year hibernation had done a number on her emotions.
“It’s my ship,” she repeated; “I am the captain.”
He smiled proudly;
“Damn right you are. I’m proud of you. I’m glad to be your right-hand man.” He beamed.
He kissed the back of her hand, guiding her out of her chair. He disposed of his own cigarette and he tore her away from the desk. Soon enough, she was in bed, curled up next to him. His arm was wrapped around her, keeping her warm and comfortable. He kissed her temple, rubbing her back gently. He wanted her to get a good night of sleep so she could enjoy their day off tomorrow.
“Goodnight, Felix.” She whispered just before falling asleep.
He rested his chin on her head, watching the stars outside the observatory window and into the endless space.
“Night, Captain.”
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Everything You Need To Know About Zombies, And 5 Sightings Of The Real-life Walking Dead We STILL Can’t Explain
At this point, I’m not sure anything would surprise me.
In fact, a zombie apocalypse would actually make sense at this point. But even if the grand finale of 2020 was the dead rising from their graves, it wouldn’t actually be the first time.
According to those that practice Haitian Voodoo, zombies exist. And according to scientists, zombies exist.
But the thing is, Hollywood has gotten our favourite flesh-eating, apocalypse-heralding monsters wrong. The folklore behind these monsters is actually rather different than men and women foaming at the mouth as they mummy-walk towards you.
The reanimated corpse didn’t take its first steps with the debut cinema screening of Night Of The Living Dead (1968).
It started with slaves.
Today we are going to cover everything you need to know about zombies from forgotten folklore of years gone by, to the rumours of the living dead among us in preparation from the incoming apocalypse...
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What Are Zombies?
It’s pretty simple: a zombie is someone who was dead and is now not-so-dead. According to an official definition they are corpses which have been brought back from the grave to haunt the living.
Yep - they’re just like ghosts. But instead of wafting gently they have to lump around this great hulking cadaver which is in the midst of decay.
Zombies can be traced back to Haitian Voodoo which claims that a dead body can be reanimated by magical rituals. This supernatural take on the walking dead, however, is at odds with more modern fictional beliefs which centre on science.
Parasites, diseases, and viruses (*looks into camera*) feature as the main causes of zombies taking over the world in Hollywood’s take on the beast. This new zombie first pulled itself out of the ground in 1968 with Night Of The Living Dead, but the term ‘zombies’ was only applied by fans after the release of the cult classic. They were originally known as ‘ghouls’ in the film, confirming the premise that zombies exist to haunt the living.
Following this on-screen debut, the horror genre was overrun by zombie films with Dawn Of The Dead and Thriller going down in history as some of the most iconic movies of all time. The genre waned towards the 90s, however, and was due a resurgence just before the millennium thanks to predominately East Asian video games.
28 Days Later and Shaun Of The Dead resurrected the genre at the turn of the century and shaped what zombies are now known most for: the zombie apocalypse.
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The terrifying claims of a civilised world being brought to its knees by walking corpses is now a pop culture staple, but more recently its been given a makeover and shopping montage as a part of its rom-com redo. Warm Bodies and iZombie are a novel take on the horror must-have and incorporate a human-zombie relationship that is an emblem for the sexual liberation of the era.
The severed relationship between supernatural zombies and the sci-fi alternative doesn’t just take place on Netflix. There is evidence that both could exist.
Zombies In Haitian Voodoo
In 1819, poet Robert Southey was the first to use the term ‘zombie’ in his history of Brazil. This heralded the emergence of zombies in Haitian Voodoo which chimed with a concept even more terrifying than the prospect of a zombie apocalypse:
According to Haitian Voodoo, bokors - or witches - would use necromancy to revive a dead person. This zombie would then be under their control as a personal slave and would have no personal will.
Bokors were also known to capture ‘zombie astrals’ - part of the human soul - in a bottle which would provide the owner with extra luck or healing properties, for example.
These beliefs were rooted in Voodoo traditions brought to Haiti by enslaved Africans: they believed Baron Samedi would take them to an African heaven after they died. Those that offended the Ioa (a Voodoo god) would be a slave forever - AKA a zombie. This fear of eternal slavery was reinforced by slave drivers who were often also voodoo priests; to prevent slave suicides, they would threaten zombification.
It was this widespread belief in zombies as slaves that would spread beyond Haiti’s borders during the US’ occupation of the country in the early 20th century. A number of case studies reporting zombies came to the US’ attention, such as in the William Seabrook’s The Magic Island (1929): he cited an article in Haiti’s criminal code which recognised zombies’ existence, (it essentially said even if you murder someone and you make them come back as a zombie, it is still murder).
It was shortly after US forces entered Haiti that one of the most famous cases of an alleged zombie emerged. We will get to Felicia Felix-Mentor’s story later in this article.
Zombies In Science
Zombies are deeply rooted in some of humanity’s darkest chapters in history - but they also have a place in our natural history, too.
Technically, zombies do exist. Sure, if you made the claim for human zombification via Voodoo priest scientists would counter with claims that these ‘zombies’ are schizophrenic, in a catatonic state, or are suffering from a mental illness that mirrors how we believe they would act. But if you made a similar claim for other animals - namely insects - they’d believe you.
In fact, there are numerous known cases of such instances.
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Whilst there are no known insects that practice Haitian Voodoo, these cases follow the basic plotline of zombie cult classics - parasites infect them and alter their behaviour or use them to their advantage. The parasites effectively make slaves out of those they target, mirroring what we saw in Haiti.
Take zombie carpenter ants, for example:
A fungus enters their bloodstream, hijacks their mind and grows around their muscles. Within one short week the ant is compelled to leave its colony and seek higher ground which has the right temperature and humidity for the fungus to grow in. It then forces the ant to bite down into a leaf, grows a stalk through the ant's head, and cuts off the ant’s muscle control.
The ant’s corpse still moves its legs vigorously as the bulbous capsule of fungi spores grows through what’s left of its body to infect the ant colony below.
There are many more examples just like this with most parasites having their own unique - and uncomfortably brutal - method of killing off wildlife.
Scientists are unable to refute claims that a parasite might mutate and have a similar effect on humans one day, reducing us all to the zombie hordes seen in the movies.
We just have to wait and see. 
Cases Of Actual, Real-life, Not-so-living-n-breathing Zombies
Although scientists don’t support claims that Haitian voodoo can in fact raise the dead and create personal slaves, various sightings and reports suggest that human zombies do exist.
Question is - do you believe them?
#1 - Felicia Felix-Mentor
In 1936, the owner of a farm in a small village in Haiti woke up to quite a shock.
A naked woman staggered towards them with her raspy voice mumbling and slurring that this farm belonged to her farmer. But the most terrifying thing about this strange woman that stumbled her way through the village was that she looked rather familiar.
In fact, they were pretty sure that this was a woman who had died and had been buried many years before.
19 years before.
Zora Neale Hurston - an anthropologist - investigated this alleged case of zombification and met Felicia Felix-Mentor at a hospital. The doctors were convinced she was a zombie and her husband confirmed this was his wife.
Even Hurston admitted that she believed what they were telling her:
“I know that I saw the broken remnant, relic, or refuse of Felicia Felix-Mentor in a hospital yard.”
#2 - Clairvius Narcisse
30 odd years after Felix-Mentor first wandered up to her father’s old farm, a 40 year old man admitted himself into hospital in Deschapelles, Haiti. Doctors, however, were unable to work out why he had a fever, was clearly fatigued, and was spitting up blood. He died 3 days later.
20 years after he died, a man claiming to be Narcisse approached Angelina Narcisse, his sister.
He told her and other villagers private, personal information in an attempt to convince them that he was in fact Clairvius and had been turned into a zombie for use on a sugar plantation. He had been paralysed for the duration of his burial and then dug up to be put to work as a slave.
He described in detail the process of his alleged zombification, claiming she was given a paste made from hallucinogenic chemicals which scientists would later use to refute most claims of zombies as simply a drugged state. When the bokor died and he was no longer fed the concoction, he regained his sanity and thus his free will, and returned to his family.
Much like Felix-Mentor’s story, Narcisse is actually widely believed to have been a zombie. His death was documented by 2 American doctors unlikely to follow Haitian Voodoo folklore, and even the man who investigated his claims - Lamarque Douyon - believed to some extent zombies could be real despite dismissing supernatural claims.
He brought a sample of the powders or paste used by the bokor back to the US to investigate whether ‘zombies’ were actually people who were drugged and then revived.
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#3 - Woman from Port-au-Prince
Only known as FI to The Lancet, the journal investigating cases in southern Haiti in the late 90s, she was discovered 3 years after her death wandering near the village she once called home by a friend.
FI was mute and unable to feed herself but she was still recognised by her family, her fellow villagers, and the local priest by a distinct facial mark and other features.
The local courts opened her tomb to investigate the fact that she had apparently risen from the dead and found it full of stones. Her husband was accused of zombifying her after he caught her having an affair.
Despite local claims of supernatural goings-on, she was later admitted to a psychiatric hospital in Port-au-Prince.
#4 - Son of a secret policeman
WD (mentioned in the same study by The Lancet) was 18 years old when he became ill. He developed a fever, his body swelled up, and his eyes went yellow. They thought he was dying or at least already dead.
His father asked his brother to get advice from a bokor but WD died 3 days later. 19 months after he was buried, he reappeared at a cock fight and recognised his father before accusing his uncle of zombifying him.
#5 - Unknown young woman
MM (also mentioned in the same study by The Lancet) was joining her friends in prayer for a local who had been zombified when she fell under a similar affliction. The 18 year old became ill with diarrhoea and fever, her body swelled, and she died.
Her family immediately suspected a sorcerer had had their way with their daughter.
13 years later and MM reappeared at the town markets, claiming not only had she been a zombie in a village 100 miles away, she had had a child with another zombie.
When her bokor died, his son released MM from their control and she travelled home.
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What do you think?
Are zombies real? Or are they merely a fictional beast haunted by the forgotten history of slavery?
If you liked this post I’m pretty sure you’ll love the other articles I post every Saturday! Make sure you hit follow if you want to see ‘em.
Can’t wait ‘til next weekend for a new hit of horror? Check out this online archive of paranormal experiences…
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galaxybugs · 3 years
OC-tober - Day 3: Duel
By @oc-growth-and-development
Links: prompts, Wattpad, AO3
CW: Blood, violence, swords
Vermillion, gold, and bronze leaves tumbled, dancing through the mischievous autumn gale. Warmth pervaded the clearing in defiance of the falling leaves, summer’s last ambition struggling to persevere, similar to a newborn fawn fighting to stand.
Two figures - one of blue, one of green - stood face-to-face, eye-to-eye, with enough space for each to reach forwards and barely brush fingertips. While the one in forest green’s light choppy hair stuck out in every direction, the one in blue’s was a long and silky black, polished and composed, save for a wild strand of cowlick; red held a thick, fancy sword forward as blue gripped a thin blade behind their back, each as tense as the other.
A rich pause reigned as the fighters sized each other up. They had bowed a moment before, blade tips pointed downward, as still as a lake’s serene surface and as reverential as a priest, but were now akin to fiery lions circling one another, judging each movement, each breath.
Only the sound of life around them broke the silence. Had either of them been less fixated on the other, they might have found it comforting or peaceful, the idea that their problems were infinitesimal in the eyes of, say, a squirrel.
For all that, anything that was not their opponent drifted away like a leaf on a river, worries and joy alike. One wrong prediction, one wrong move, would lose the duel.
For Augustine Knox, however, this was expected.
Augustine was far from feeble and helpless, - he belonged to the one and only Invulnerable Knox Strunguli, a budding seed yet a seed nonetheless - but his opponent was practically indomitable. Stories of virtue and strength overran the Kingdom, stories of the unyielding and insurmountable Guardian Mathis.
For the aforementioned Guardian Mathis, this might as well have been another day, another victory. The Guardian of Alendo Kingdom had defeated humans and monsters alike, including Augustine’s sisters, the main core of the Knox Strunguli, the children of the Untouchable General. Compared to them, his sisters and Remi Mathis, Augustine found it preposterous that he could win, or more specifically, that the Guardian could lose.
Despite his doubts, he readied his sword, a thin rapier named Felix.
The Guardian moved their weapon simply, aiming for Augustine’s throat and catching him off-guard. He had not expected such a brutal move.
He parried messily, managing to nudge the blade to the right, and stepped back, avoiding the thick blade that quickly recovered to slash at him once again.
Remi Mathis was relentless, a barrage of assaults coming from every angle and possible direction. Augustine barely had a second to think. He found it mind-boggling, how easily Mx. Mathis achieved intricate after intricate maneuver. It was as if their body was jam, contorting to their every need like a loyal servant.
Their weapon - a Zweihander - was likely excessively heavy and elaborate, but they paid it no mind as they twisted and turned. Despite the simplicity and directness of their actions, it was far beyond what Augustine had ever seen. Every move was as precise as an archer pinning a fly by its wings from a mile away.
They sliced and carved the air, mutilating the space where Augustine had been a moment before. It was only by the skin of his teeth that he managed to dodge so many blows, the wind around him marking another jab, slice, or hack at him.
Disregarding his discernable awe, he desperately searched for possible solutions, turning it over in his mind like a child with a playing hoop. They had an advantage in height, skill, speed, and most likely, raw strength, meaning he was hopelessly outclassed. Since the duel had begun, every step he’d taken had been in retreat, the Guardian pressing forward more tenaciously than an electric eel on the prowl (Augustine was quite the fan of aquatics - he had forced most of his tutors to inform him about them as a reward).
All in all, what had been indicated from the start had proven true: Remi Mathis would not lose.
He must either concede or force a draw.
At the end of the day, Augustine would rather be in bed, listening to stories of the deep sea, of all the eccentric creatures living there, and of a diverse variety of other topics. To end this farce was tempting, to rest and recuperate from this humiliation, but he found his body unwilling to comply with his demands.
Each step back should have been a step towards the end, to the safety of no longer upsetting himself by reaching for the impossible, yet he found himself hardening like clay in a kiln or sludge turning to packed sediment. Every strike Mx. Mathis hit, drawing blood against his light skin, it was like the waves on the beach, chipping away at him yet cooling his will into iron.
He redirected an overhead blow, turning into Mx. Mathis’s grip as if a dance partner about to be dipped, and, completely undignified and unfitting for a person of his station, stomped on the Guardian Princess’s foot.
He had hoped to get in a spare elbow jab, but Mx. Mathis promptly wrapped their arms around his waist and dragged him over their knee, squashing him onto the ground face first. They pulled his right arm backward, harshly pressing a knee to his back to add to the tension.
As they reached for his left hand, sword seemingly abandoned, he thrashed wildly before turning on his back while simultaneously freeing his right hand from their firm grasp, slapping the Great Guardian of the Alendo Kingdom across the face like a commoner.
As silence regained its reign, and Augustine’s face heated, something dangerous gleamed in Mx. Mathis’s eyes. Any second now, and Augustine was sure they would lose all formality and decorum and rip out his throat with their teeth.
Instead, they gripped one hand on the offender’s throat and another calmly wrapped its fingers around the hilt of a sword. As they brought it down with a calculating yet savage gaze, Augustine was sure he was dead.
It wasn’t until the blood hit his cheek did he realize he had caught the blade. He wrenched his eyes, closed from fear, open and gawked. Mx. Mathis bore down on him, with both their sight and their body weight, seemingly vehement and undoubtedly violent.
He swiftly let go of and avoided the blade, letting it drive into the earth. With Mx. Mathis unbalanced from this movement, if only for a moment, Augustine knocked into them, managing to free himself out from under them.
He scrambled to his feet, fishing up his rapier and pointing it at Mx. Mathis’s neck.
Too focused to be elated at his apparent victory, he glanced at their hands, where they held their Zweihander to his chest.
It was a draw.
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