#and getting annoyed for filling up the search results
chaotic-aro-incarnate · 5 months
Was tagged by @scarefox for this (technically my main blog but I post my bl stuff on here lol) and am very excited
I imprint on characters like nobody's business so this is a list made for me
EDIT changed the gifs because apparently the way I did it didn't properly link to the creators (only on desktop at least). should be properly credited now
In no particular order
1) Sound (My School President)
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Starting the trend of lonely queer teenagers that I get a little too attached to, it's of course Sound. Like I was already a fan of Sound and intrigued by the concept of SoundWin (at the time people didn't know it was going to be the main secondary ship) but when the medal scene happened and Sound gave this so sad ans soft "oh no" look I was gone. That is my son and I WILL fight anyone and everyone for him
2) Nuengdiao (Never Let Me Go)
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Another lonely queer teenager I decided to protect. I loved Never Let Me Go so much and Nueng was my special little babygirl and then Our Skyy 2 came out and it was like oh...... I will kill for him. Look I love Nueng and he did nothing wrong and also that scene where he's forcing Palm to put the gun to his head while screaming at him to shoot him leaves rent free in my mind. He's so traumatized and lonely and he's like 18 I would do anything for him especially throw hands
3) Typhoon (Star in My Mind)
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Fun fact! I had to stop watching Star in My Mind because I got so unreasonably attached to Typhoon that I couldn't bear the thought of him not getting a happy ending. I wanted him to end up with Dao so bad because it would make him happy and I knew that if I kept watching they would either break his heart OR show that he's actually not that great of a guy, both which were unbearable to me. So I simply cut my losses and live in the fantasy that he got everything he ever wanted.
4) Bai Lang (My Tooth Your Love)
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One of those "he just like me fr fr" characters who I would do anything for. He's my specialist little boy and I love him so dearly. Here's to having your trauma swag bewitch the local hot autistic dentist body and soul.
5) Han Ying (Word of Honor)
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Talk about my specialest boy. Ying'er is my guy through and through. He deserved so much better and in every WoH fic I have written (they are all still in drafts) he lives and is happy no matter what. He IS my sweet cheese, my rotten solider, my good time boy. I will continue writing him getting railed to the high heavens by Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing like he deserves. He is incapable of being anything other but the goodest boy possible and I will die on this hill
6) Boston (Only Friends)
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He is the worst. I would move mountains for him. Enough said.
7) Pluem (Ghost Host Ghost House)
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Look this man has been going through it AND he manages to be the like the most flirtatious and romantic guy around? Give me your secrets sir. Also say the word king and I'll do it. This show broke me on so many levels but a lot of those levels were tied to anytime I saw him break down
8) Ye Huo/Fire (Guardian)
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A recent (and somewhat obscure) pull as I am currently watching Guardian and was just exposed to his character today but he is my guy and I will defend him to the death. The only weaker point for me than a lonely gay teenager is a self appointed older sibling who sacrifices everything for their younger siblings. I was really like man this guy is an asshole for so long but then the truth of how he was saving the boys at the fighting ring came out and I was like oh no that's my son now and I need him to live and be happy. I have not finished his arc yet so I am scared that it'll be a tragedy BUT he is my wonderful son all the same and I will throw hands for him in an instant
9) That (Manner of Death)
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The return of troubled teenagers I need to adopt and protect against all costs. I WILL fight anyone for him even though he's like a rebellious teenager who does crime and I am a strange looking college student who he would not respect but it's the thought that counts
10) Mark/Village Head Ma (Love Tractor)
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Why is there a random white man living in rural South Korea? I don't know!!! They never address what he's doing there. But I literally love this man. There's a reason I made him to be my pfp for bl-bracket. Seriously he's the best and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. Best character ever written. In my heart he's got the spirit of Quincey Morris form Dracula in the long tradition of just having a random American man in your story with no explanation
Tagging others!!!!! @saturnskyline @non-binarypal7 @supernovasimplicity @vegussy and anyoen else who wants to!!
There's been so many of these types of challenges/tag things lately that I have not kept track of who has or hasn't done which ones so sorry if you've already done something similar
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x-brik-x · 1 year
I'm seeing a lot of people say that punk fashion is expensive and inaccessible, which is very wrong. here is a list of some ways you can make punk fashion easier, cheaper and more accessible for you, since that's... kinda the whole point.
others are encouraged to add onto this!! (just don't recommend corporations like amazon. not cool.)
1. patches!! you don't need to buy them. DIY patches are not ugly or boring. in fact, they are encouraged here!! DIY, in my opinion, is always the best thing to do when it is an option and is safe to do so.
2. speaking of DIY, spikes!! you can make them!!
cut the top and bottom off of an empty can. cut down the middle of the cylinder and flatten it, so it's just a flat rectangle of metal.
cut out a shape that is kind of a third of a circle, but around 3/4 of the curved edge is taken up by triangle shapes. (I'm not very good at describing, so here's a badly drawn picture)
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roll it into a cone, leaving the 4 triangles sticking out at the bottom. this bit is optional, but you can fill it with hot glue to make it more sturdy, just be careful touching the hot metal. I tend to hold the cone by one of the triangles with a bit of fabric wrapped around my fingers for this bit. cut 4 small holes in your fabric in this kind of shape:
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and put the spiky bits of triangle through the holes. fold the triangles in on themselves to secure the spike in place. boom. spike obtained. this is one I made and attached to a little piece of fabric to test this method out:
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3. battle vests!! (like the base jackets). the best places to buy these are charity shops and second hand websites in my opinion, but if anyone else knows any better options, please reblog with those!!
a good trick I find works well on eBay is to filter search results to your country (or state? can you do that in the US? idk) so that a: fast delivery because local, and b: all the sellers of everything that shows up are in YOUR TIME ZONE.
why is this important? when people sell something for really cheap, it goes FAST. check eBay at like, 2am or something. all the scalpers in your area are asleep. grab the cheap stuff while they can't.
4. sewing!! want patches, but can't sew for whatever reason? I've heard of a lot of people with joint conditions like arthritis complain about the inaccessibility of patch stuff, and that does sound extremely annoying, however:
safety pins!! while they are still a little fiddly, they're much less work so you don't have to fiddle about for long. if you can, you could even ask a friend to help, since it doesn't take long at all I'm sure someone will be willing to help out!! (I know I would, but that's just me, and I love this kind of thing). safety pins on clothes are also widely considered to be a symbol of solidarity, so if anything, you're adding some extra love and meaning to your patch pants/battle jacket.
if that's still too fiddly, fabric glue is always an option. unfortunately this means you won't be able to remove/reposition patches, at least without leaving a massive patch of residue, but if you're ok with that then fabric glue is probably your best bet.
for people who prefer sewing: as for where to get the thread, I've heard a lot of people recommending dental floss, as it's apparently much cheaper and works just as well. I haven't tried this myself so can't confirm that, but I thought I'd share it regardless.
5. where to get fabric!! old clothes. rip em up. you don't need any kind of fancy fabric from the craft store. my patches are made of old jeans that I grew out of.
don't have any old clothes and you don't want to waste any good ones? I'm not sure about other countries, but in the UK, as long as you're not on private property (trespassing), dumpster diving is perfectly legal.
I definitely ;) do NOT encourage ;) trespassing rich people's land ;) to steal from their dumpsters ;)
or tbh it doesn't matter too much how rich the person is, since it's all going to landfill anyway. if it's in the bin, it's free game, but you didn't hear that from me. ;)
please add onto this where you can!! and if I missed something or got anything wrong, add that on too!!
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ultravioletrayz · 5 months
hii, i hope your day/night has been well !!
i was wondering if i could request husband miguel who’s at the society with chubby/curvy wife where reader is just literally stuck to him like glue because she’s on her period and like also period horny and she desperately wants a lolipop qnd miguel is like totally taking advantage of it by straight up making reader give him a bj for her to satisfy her oral fixation
Holy shit that’s so hot.
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Pairing: miguel o’hara x f!reader
Warnings: 18+, oral (m. receiving), size kink (kinda), miguel and reader both being equally needy, public sex? (they do it in miguel’s office), miguel gets kind of rough so throat fucking ig, cum eating, awfully translated Spanish
Summary: following your husband around his workplace all day means miguel gets to take full advantage of your current… situation 🩸
A/N: someone give reader her lollipop :(
Word Count: 1.6K (unedited)
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At this point, you couldn’t tell whether Miguel was genuinely clueless, or just being a dick. You’ve been following him around HQ all day, not wanting to get lost in the hustle and bustle of the Spider Society, all the while trying not to cry out in pain and discomfort from how bad your cramps are getting.
It’s like your body wants you to suffer. The dizzying combination of pain, exhaustion, arousal, and the desperate need to distract yourself with something, anything, is enough to make you scurry away from your husband in desperate search of any kind of relief.
You try to follow the signs and the memory of Miguel showing you around his workplace the first time he had let you visit, making your way into the cafeteria. A few Spider-People look your way, confused as to why Miguel wasn’t by your side.
Shyly, you make your way to a few food stands and counters set up throughout the room, asking around if anybody sells a lollipop or anything else that would satisfy your need for distraction. Unfortunately for you, nobody has anything to offer, causing you to smile politely and leave the room, despite how frustrating this whole situation is.
You’ve excused yourself to the bathroom an obscene amount of times, been caught clutching your midsection as a result of your more painful cramps (day 2 fucking sucks), and you’ve been biting and chewing at the collar of the cute little blouse you’re wearing, which was your first attempt to communicate to Miguel this morning that you are painfully horny. And yet, the man you married for his caring and observant nature was none the wiser.
“¿Adónde fuiste?” Miguel’s voice booms behind you, causing a startled yelp to leave your lips as you turn on your heels and look up at him. His expression isn’t one of anger, like you had expected, it’s more amused than anything. (Where did you go?)
“I wanted a lollipop,” You say softly, fiddling with the hem of your blouse as the mere sight of your tall, tan, muscular husband in that skin-tight, holographic suit makes your thighs instinctively clench together. “But nobody sells them. You should get onto that, Migs.” You joke, trying to focus on anything but the aching in your lower tummy and the arousal pooling in your panties.
“Why do you want a lollipop? If you’re hungry, get something real to eat, cariño, a lollipop’s not gonna fill you up.” Miguel raises an eyebrow at you, his sharp red eyes full of confusion as he tries to pin your unusual behaviour.
“Miguel, I'm on my period, you idiot.” You giggle, your suspicions regarding Miguel’s cluelessness towards your situation being confirmed. It was a bit annoying that despite how long you two have been together, he can still get so caught up in work that he doesn’t remember the important things, like when your period’s due and that your oral fixation worsens during that time of the month. But he’s too hot to hold a grudge.
Miguel’s amused expression drops and he lets out a dramatic sigh, rubbing his temples as he mumbles apologies for his negligence towards your feelings the whole day. “Lo siento, querida, I had no idea. Can I do anything to help you?”
You smile softly at Miguel’s apology, licking your lips and fighting the urge to suck on the fabric of your blouse as you look up at your husband. “I need something to distract me from my cramps. Is there anywhere here that sells lollipops? Maybe one of the kids has candy or something stashed in their lockers?”
Miguel tries to hide the devilish smirk that creeps onto his lips as he steps close to you. He rests one of his massive, calloused hands on the back of your head, leaning in to whisper against your ear. “¿Necesitas chupar algo, nena?” (Need something to suck on, baby?)
You blush, Miguel’s teasing comment making you weak in the knees and going straight to your dripping cunt. Your eyes dart around the area the two of you are standing in, terrified one of Miguel’s subordinates may have heard him. Once you’re sure the two of you are alone, you nod, the needy look on your pretty face causing Miguel’s dick to throb in his suit.
With haste, Miguel drags you into his office, your lips crashing against one another as he slams your much smaller frame against the wall, his tongue forcing its way into the warmth of your mouth. One of his hands is buried in the softness of your silky locks, the other cupping your dripping pussy over your jeans, the heel of his palm grinding against your pulsing clit and causing you to whimper against his plump lips.
“Fucking lollipop,” Miguel hisses against your lips, his tone dripping with teasing and dominance as he sits down in the nearest desk chair and gestures for you to follow. “If you wanted to suck my dick that bad, should’ve just said something, princesa.”
Miguel spreads his muscular thighs, and you take it as an invitation to kneel between them. Your head rests on his leg, causing his holographic suit to flicker at the contact. He can’t help but chuckle at the adorable sight before him. His pretty little wifey, desperate to feel his heavy dick in her mouth. With a grin on your face, you reach up to tap the glowing screen of Miguel’s dimensional travel watch, the bottom half of his Spider-Suit dissolving. His hardened cock springs up, pre already dribbling from his reddened tip just because of how needy you are on your period. It drives him fucking insane.
You wrap your hands around Miguel’s shaft, your digits barely enveloping his girthy member, causing him to let out a quiet moan. Your eyes remain glued to his sharp, red ones as your tongue darts out to lick a fat stripe from his swollen balls, along the veins on the underside of his dick, all the way up to his leaky tip. He groans as you plant little kisses against his moist slit, claws protruding from his fingertips and digging into the arms of his chair.
“Stop teasing, cariño,” Miguel whimpers, hips bucking against your mouth to try and force his cock inside. “I thought you needed this-” Miguel’s words are cut off by a loud moan as you unexpectantly give his tip a harsh suck, swirling your tongue around it as you savour the taste of his precum.
He knows that you’re overly sensitive and fragile when you’re on your period, but the second your moist, plush lips surround his cock, he loses all self-control. You wanted something to suck, something to distract you from your cramps? Miguel was going to give you just that. He grabs you by your hair and bucks his hips upwards, his cock slamming into the back of your throat and causing you to choke and cry. He fucks his dick into the depths of your mouth, eyes rolling back in his head as he pants and moans above you. You hollow your cheeks and rest your hands on the thick flesh of his legs, trying to ground yourself and adjust to the way Miguel smears his precum all over the walls of your mouth.
“Lo siento– ¡mierda! Lo siento, cariño.” Miguel whines, his hold on your hair loosening as you start to bob your head up and down on his length, sucking him off properly now. He reaches out to wipe away your tears, whispering sweet praises to you to make up for his harsh thrusts before. “Doing so good, baby. Keep going.”
Saliva drips down your chin as you take as much of Miguel in your mouth as possible, your hands firmly stroking the bottom half of his shaft that isn’t inside the gushy warmth of your pretty lips. The weight of Miguel’s cock against your tongue, the way his veins pulsate and brush against your lips each time your head rises, and the sight of his head thrown back and his thighs twitching as he gets closer and closer to cumming makes your aching pussy drool, your panties surely ruined by how turned on you are.
“I’m- fuck! I’m gonna cum, bebé.” Miguel whines, the muscles in his thick biceps bulging as he grips his chair and lazily fucks into your mouth to reach his release. Feeling his twitching cock filling your mouth makes you moan, the vibrations of your pretty sounds sending Miguel over the edge. His cum coats the inside of your mouth, spurting against the back of your throat as he pants and curses to himself.
You release his softening member with a pop!, licking up the stray ropes of his release that coat his shaft and lap, swallowing his load and making sure to clean him up thoroughly. He chuckles breathlessly at the sight of you being so obedient and he lifts your chin in one hand to stroke his thumb against your cheek.
“Gracias, mi reina,” He whispers, enabling his suit once again, his heavy, moist cock disappearing underneath the digital strands of blue and red. “I’ll return the favour at home, okay?”
You giggle and nod your head in agreement, staring up at your fucked-out husband gratefully.
“Can you still help me find a lollipop to buy?”
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Teehee :)
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nanaminsmoon · 11 months
𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭.
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a/n: this is the quickest piece of writing i’ve ever done and it’s because it was meant to be a joke because i just think this audio is mad funny...but it’s not too bad. i didn’t even think i’d upload anything today but this happened so enjoy i guess:))
cw: oral (m receiving), ony is just overstimulated, ony calls reader ‘baby’, n word usage.
wc: 922 + i only reread this once
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‘don’t you know i will make you nut until you fucking cry? d’you hear me? you’ll be nuttin’ and cryin’ at the same damn time.’
watching a lot of tiktok meant that you often annoyed ony with random videos in his messages, and phrases you found funny. although he told you to stop, you knew he loved it really. so you didn’t stop. something you found particularly hilarious was the audio of that one guy saying ‘don’t you know i will make you nut until you fucking cry. d’you hear me? you’ll be nuttin’ and cryin’ at the same damn time’. so that phrase had graced ony’s ears multiple times. a day. he didn’t use tiktok as much as you—the only reason he even had it was so you could send him videos you liked. so the first time he had heard it, his ears had perked up in curiosity; he didn’t know you were referencing something else, so he just thought you were threatening him with some lifechanging head. but you clarified, and he slumped into the couch as he played 2k.
seeing that reaction, you decided to just give the man what he wanted, and now he had nutted three times; the first in your mouth, the remnants of the second were on your chin and his thighs, and the third was on your chest. your actions had been true of your words—albeit playful, and not necessarily your own, they hadn’t been shy of your true intentions. the headset, that had once been atop ony’s head, had been taken off, and sat next to him. it had been the only audience member observing the sloppily lewd noises coming from the place your mouth and his dick met. all assisted by the hands that paid great attention to the places your mouth couldn’t reach. his midsection was covered in a heedless mixture of his nut, your spit, and his sweat. his beautiful brown skin shining like honey covered chocolate, melting under immense heat. and there’s nothing you wanted more than to taste the sweetness on your tongue; transferring onto you to settle on your tastebuds.
pearly whites held his white tank top as his eyes were painfully closed. his attempt to look down at you was delayed by eyelashes sticking together, salty murmurs of overstimulation acting as an adhesive to keep them united. keeping his eyes shut was the only thing he could control; his hips moved on their own, following the wetness between your plump lips to get another release. it was relief ony wasn’t sure he wanted, he didn’t think he could handle it. and his neck made sure to warn him of that—whipping his head from side to side as he searched for an avenue of relief that wouldn’t leave him shooting blanks.
if the sounds in the room hadn’t been overshadowed by amplified suction noises, you would’ve heard the quiet cracking noises produced as a result of how hard he was curling his toes. you had long snatched that nigga’s soul, and now you were just cleaning up the crumbs, making sure his chest would now hold a you shaped hole.
maybe that hole would be reminiscent of the one at the back of your mouth, wrapping itself around his tip as you swallowed around him.
“y/n, b-baby, n-no more” , his shaky hand lifted to softly push your forehead back. but his hips couldn’t help fucking your mouth more, pushing himself further inside you, and whining every time you gagged. the volume of ony’s whimpers was the highest it had ever been—his vocal cords could not find it in themselves to move in a way low enough to duplicate his usual growls, and groans. so they remained stagnant at high-pitched whimpers and whines, loud cries filling the living space.
ultimately, you kept to your promise, and ony’s eyes brimmed with salty streams of overstimulation, before the streams merged into a waterfall that fell down his soft cheeks.
“y-y/n, nnghh—ffffuckk”, his voice felt like it was going hoarse with how hard he was pushing his voice to form intelligible words and sounds. and his chest heaved deeply as he tried to stabilise himself again. the first step of said process being a firm palm pushing you back, causing you to fall back onto the rug. giggling at the mess you had made of the man you loved. his fourth, and final, nut came out in small specks. and you saw the visceral juxtaposition of delightful agony painted all over face; his lips had parted but all they could muster was heavy breaths. this man was fucking drooling onto the couch cushions, and you just giggled again.
“you asked for it”, you chortled, getting up to make your way to the bathroom to get some warm towels to clean you both up.
as delicate as your hands were, ony still winced at your gestures of kindness. sorry hands still felt tainted by lust as you cleaned off the fruits of your slobbery labour. you wanted your own relief, but you knew ony wasn’t in the headspace to give it to you so you just continued wiping him down. you could’ve sworn the overstimulation had knocked him out, but then you heard faint grumbles through unstable, and snotty sniffles,
“stay off that fucking app.”
© Rights owned by nanaminsmoon. Do not repost without permission.
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amateurasterism · 1 year
I'm just so in love with the way you write for Jeonghan! I was wondering if you had any domestic ideas, headcanons, or stories you could write for him?
ahh yes tysm!! im glad you like my writing<33
domestic headcanons — y.jh
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Yoon Jeonghan, whom you spend every night and every morning with at your dual bathroom sinks, enjoying each others company as you run through your separate hygiene routines. Its always filled with secret yet not-so secret glances at each other in the mirror. This time, you catch his eye stealing glances at you while brushing your teeth, poking him at the side teasingly.
“I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror,” he suddenly says.
“Yeah. Then I rejected you twice before agreeing to a date only because you were annoying,” you roll your eyes and hide the blush on your cheeks.
He flicks your forehead on his way out the bathroom. “Well look at where we are now.”
Yoon Jeonghan, whose closet isn’t his anymore. It’s yours too now, but he secretly doesn’t mind. In fact, he loves it. You in his clothes, perfectly oversized on you, does something to him.
“Did you put our jacket in the washer?” Jeonghan asks from his closet, searching through his clothes.
“Our jacket?” you look up at him curiously.
“You wear it more than I do, it might as well be ours.”
Yoon Jeonghan, who always asks you to do his tie and help him button up for special events because he “doesn’t know how.” Also because he couldn’t help that your flustered expression looked especially good when he was looking down on you so closely. He loves to see you fumble with the fabric of his ties when he says a sly flirt only you can hear, but you never notice the pink on his ears that matches your cheeks. Little did you know, he knows how to tie his ties perfectly well.
Yoon Jeonghan who made it one of his favorite antics to toss popcorn and other little snacks into your mouth out of nowhere in attempt to make you catch them because he loves seeing you get slightly frustrated when it just barely misses your mouth, and the specific laugh you let out when it gets in.
Yoon Jeonghan, who eats all your leftovers. You’ve gotten to the point where you can’t leave anything in there. You never see anything that goes in come back out. But Jeonghan only does it because he knows it will always result in you cooking in the kitchen more often, and he would never admit it but helping you in the kitchen and coaxing you into letting him taste testing your meals by hugging you from behind and kissing your neck until you let him have a spoonful straight from the pot is his favorite thing to do.
Yoon Jeonghan, who always sleeps in. (“Five more minutes…”) But on the occasions where he has to leave early in the morning, he tries to have breakfast ready for you on the bedside before you wake up. (which is often a toast with avocados and eggs, because he can’t cook for shit. At least he tries…)
Yoon Jeonghan, who knows exactly how you like your coffee and/or tea and all your favorite snacks.
Yoon Jeonghan, who grows his hair to his shoulders because he knows you love playing with it. And he loves it too. Nothing can compare to your fingers carding through his hair, massaging his scalp and making hair dos that you have an album in your phone dedicated to.
Yoon Jeonghan who made it routine for the two of you to fall asleep together, at the same time every night, in the comfort of each others embrace. He has never been able to put his finger on why, but you in his arms (or sometimes even the other way around, which he’ll never admit he loves) makes it so much easier to sleep.
Yoon Jeonghan, who never hated nor loved books, but found that they held value when you started to read their words out loud to him. Honestly, sometimes he he’s too tired to listen to what you’re saying. Instead, he drowns himself in the sound of your voice, enjoying the occasional stumble over words like a particularly rough ocean wave, which lets him know you’re about to fall asleep.
You’re nestled in between his thighs as he gently grabs the book from your hands and places it on the bedside table, simultaneously shutting off the lamp. “We’ll read tomorrow. Go sleep, love.”
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one reblog = love for domestic jeonghan
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arafilez · 5 months
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ꔫㅤㅤ ❜[ hjs x fem!reader ] ㅤ⋆ ㅤfluff, slight e2l 𓏧 you are very tired of the fact that everyone believes Han Jisung is the picture-perfect boy of the school ㅤ warnings none ㅤ﹢ㅤ1.2k wc
You looked around the school locker waiting for your friend to enter. Tapping your feet impatiently you closed your phone throwing it inside as Jongho was late for the nth time. As you turned away from the locker a strong scent of deodorant filled your nose and you hated how you recognized it immediately.
Taking a deep breath you clicked your tongue cursing Jongho when you came to face to face with Jisung. A smile plastered to his face, a tie perfectly attached to his neck, and proper full sleeves like the best boy.
Except he was not!
You see you hated Han Jisung, okay maybe hate was a strong word. No, you really did hate him. You hated his perfect aura, how he had everyone swooning over him and you hated how much of a model student he was. He was always so sweet and sugary with his words that people overlooked the pure evil residing within him.
“Sweetheart, long time no see,” you hear his voice speak to you, which you would admit was rather annoyingly squeaky than melodious.
“Don’t call me that” You grit your teeth looking at him as he smiled sweetly. You rolled your eyes once and left before he could further comment anything.
As usual, Jongho got scolded for being late to class and he made his way to you after his scolding and sat down. Giving his big gummy smile he offered you a piece of chocolate before withdrawing it seeing your glaring face.
“So someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today,” he said smiling as you gave him a cold stare.
“If someone wasn’t late today I wouldn’t have had to face Mr Asshole,” you gritted your teeth at Jongho who just replied with a shrug.
You looked away from him your eyes directly landing on Han Jisung in the corner bench of the first row and your breath got stuck in your throat. There he was looking at you from the corner of his eyes and you stared back. All until that cocky smirk returned to his face and you looked away silently groaning at yourself.
“Can’t take your eyes off him now huh?” Jongho whispered as you elbowed him slightly.
“I am not staring,” you whispered back.
“Sure, you are not, your eyes just happen to get stuck on Han Jisung,” he giggled as you glared at him for probably the nth time that day.
“Jjong cut it out, I swear, it’s not like his annoyingly handsome face attracts me,” you scoffed looking away.
Jongho snickered saying, “Sweetie I am your best friend, I have heard you muttering his name in your sleep.”
“That was one time,” you hissed at him as he shook his head getting tired of your denials.
“Just admit you like him,” where is the harm?” Jongho sighed as you shook your head and pouted.
You did not like Han Jisung quite possibly. He was the most annoying person ever in the universe, loud- not that you were not loud, you were just equally loud and had squirrel-like features with squishy cheeks that you just wanted to pinch and a cute face which made you want to kiss his nose that scrunches up when he laughs but such a beautiful figure which was admirable and you knew he was a dancer s his thin waist just makes you want to, and what the hell were you thinking?
No, you hated him and where were these thoughts even from, they are so stupid. No, you most definitely hated him.
The school bell rang as Jongho bid you goodbye saying he would be going to meet his seven other friends. You knew them all, all seven boys were nice and you would hang out often before. But after they all left for college your meets became less regular. Jongho still made time but you couldn’t.
You walked towards the school library which was open for two more hours for studious students. Walking inside, you went straight to the Physics section searching for a book on Quantum mechanics. You had an inventory project due and a quarter of your result depended on it.
The library was fairly empty and your shoes clicked a bit as you scanned through the books in the aisle. Suddenly your eyes caught a book on the upper shelf- Feynman Lectures Volume One. Blinking your eyes rapidly you questioned when your school library got such a good book.
You were not tall at all and thus you slightly jumped to get it. First try- failed, second try- almost had it, third try- curse the librarian for keeping the book on that shelf.
As you got ready for your fourth try you jumped suddenly at a voice behind you, “How long are you going to try short stuff?”
You spun around instantly replying, “Bold of someone to say who isn’t that tall either.”
“Tall enough to reach the book sweetheart,” he smirked leaning over your face and then looking up swiftly took out the book from the shelf.
“Feynman Lectures, how do you even understand it?” he questioned pouting and putting down the book on the table.
“I will at least try unlike your dumb ass,” you bit back your tongue knowing full well it was a lie. He was the smartest student in school and the most studious.
“Really, sweetheart?” he smirked hovering his face over your nose.
“Stop calling me that,” you fumed but it was more of a breathless sentence under his intense stare as you felt yourself getting hot and your heartbeat picking up in an instant.
“You are stupidly obvious you idiot, I know very well you like me,” Jisung whispered breath fanning your face as your back hit the bookshelf in shock.
“What? No, you overconfident man, I don’t,” you scoffed lying to his face as he bit back a smile.
Walking towards you he held your hands and said, “Well then fine, I guess I should just stop liking you and get over you, I mean since you don’t like me,” and he smiled, that same cocky smirk that you so much want to wipe off his face.
So you did.
Pulling by his collar you kissed him as he stumbled a little and then kissed back smiling into the kiss. It was soft and rough at the same time as you felt his hand cup your cheeks and lips blend. You both pulled back after a few seconds, you looking away feeling shy while Jisung rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.
“Um, I got your book down,” he whispered looking at the ground as you let out a soft laugh and looked up at him grinning stupidly.
“Well then might as well our first date be here,” you said softly, playing with the hems of your skirt as he smiled saying, “Sure, sweetheart.”
“Stop oh my god,” you whined knowing full well he won’t. Not that you want him to though. 
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ꔫㅤㅤ ❜ [ ara's notes ] ㅤ⋆ ㅤmy first ever fic on tumblr, reposting from my deleted account, thank you for supporting. cries. the third picture is from @kyrjnie and her microscope ꔫㅤㅤ ❜ [ taglist ] ㅤ⋆ ㅤ@haneagerr ㅤmain mlistㅤ skz mlistㅤ navi ㅤ to add to taglist
© arafilez on tumblr. please don't copy and repost my work as your own
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muffinsin · 4 months
How do you think the sisters would react if their girlfriend denied them blood because she was angry about something the sisters did? as if the sisters had annoyed her in some way, and she denied her blood as punishment
This is intriguing!👀 Let’s get into it! :)
She’s actually quite hurt
Bela can be very confident at times, and comes across as such. She’s authoritative, and strict
With you, however, another side of herself presents
A softer one
One that is hurt easily due to how sensitive she truly is
One that overthinks and never quite feels like she is good enough
When she goes in to feed from your neck like she always does, and you deny her, it makes her frown in confusion
She tries again, and is hurt and shocked when the same result is presented to her
But- you always let her have a taste!
Always, every week, on Wednesday at 11:40am!
Yet, you’re covering your neck with your hand now and pushing her face away
Her nose pokes out between your fingers when you have her move her head backwards, and when you remove your hand, bright golden eyes stare at you
She looks so hurt, so confused
A little like a kicked puppy, and her expression makes you feel an ache in your heart
Immediately, she tries to understand why she can’t drink from you
Has she done something horribly wrong?
She hasn’t yet taken notice of what that can be, but searches her mind for all things that could’ve annoyed you
Upon noticing this, you can’t help but let go of your annoyance at her
You know, Bela overthinks a little too much
A minor annoyance has her self worth shrink entirely too much and has her overthink it all
The poor thing is far too quick to think she isn’t good enough for you
However, all your remaining annoyance at her sinks away when she eagerly swarms into your lap upon being asked to do so
Perhaps, her cuteness makes up for her mistake in the morning
You breathe calmly as you wrap your arms around her petite hips and bring her closer to you
And Bela all too happily stays close to you
She doesn’t attempt to drink from you, not ever without your permission, and only rests her head on your neck to inhale your scent
You know, the only reason she isn’t beating herself up yet is because she hasn’t yet realised what annoyed you earlier today, when she walked about without a towel after her bath and accidentally left water droplets over one of your drafts for a new page of your attempt at a book
You realise, as you look at her, it’s not all that bad
She is your muse, after all, and is sure to inspire a new page, and many more in the future
Purrs come from her immediately and only increase in frequency and volume when you tilt your head and let her drink from you eventually
She sighs happily, her cheeks burning and loud purrs confirming her content
With your fingers in her hair, Bela begins drinking carefully as usual
A full-on brat, this one
She’s incredibly caught off guard when she plops down on your lap like usual, uncaring that she’s interrupting your work
Normally, this wouldn’t bother you
But today all you seem to feel is the lingering annoyance at your girlfriend for killing yet another maid that was merely trying to get to know you
You know, it will pass. And you know of how possessive and protective Cassandra is
Still, you decide she doesn’t quite deserve her fill of your blood today
Cassandra huffs, first of all when you don’t bare your neck for her as usual
When she attempts to lean in with her teeth bared; you catch her by her long, auburn hair and give it a tug
A moan and a whimper are your response
As you tell her “no”, she huffs
Immediately, she tries to lean in again
And again, you yank her hair and pull moans and groans from her
You grow frustrated when she leans in again, and you simply repeat your actions
At the next time, you realise she is waiting for the yank of her hair and the pain that comes with it
You almost scoff. You should’ve known your masochist would only get off to it
Alas, you give it a hard tug, then tighten your grip to prevent her from leaning forwards again
Cassandra whines
Her fingertip reaches out to touch your neck, and she throws you a look requesting your blood
It’s rare for her to ask, and you hear the growl come from her when you deny her again
She points out, she can just get blood from any other one anyway!
And of course, this point is proven when a maid either terrible timing and self preservation enters the room
Cassandra’s eyes flash, and even as you tighten your grip on her, she simply swarms off your lap
It’s your turn to grit your teeth when you watch her hands ghost over the woman’s body and settle on her hips
Unlike you, the servant tilts her head willingly
The sight alone enrages you
You’re gripping the edges of your chair as your girlfriend drags her sharp teeth across the sensitive skin of the servant’s neck
What a brat!
Cassandra’s eyes meet yours, and for a split moment she shoots you a dirty grin
You know, she’s expecting you to give in and allow her to drink from you
You know, she wants to get a reaction out of you
And you know, she secretly wants to be punished for this behaviour
She moans dramatically as she drinks, her eyes opening more often than usual to check for your reaction
You cross your arms, a scowl on your face
She really does know just how to rile you up
She’s very pouty
Daniela is a very eager and hectic person
She’s nearly always full of excitement and energy
As such, Daniela is also rather prone to making, or getting into messes
When she flew around the castle earlier today, excitedly chasing her sister down, she didn’t even pay mind to all the things broken or knocked down
Such as when she took chase to your room, and it resulted in her running into your shelf and knocking all figurines over
Figurines you just dusted off and rearranged yesterday
Now, Daniela is less energetic
She’s bouncing excitedly, almost, yet is already cuddling up against you
You know what she wants all too well
A kiss, foremost. You don’t deny her of this, and can’t help your smile when she beams at you and purrs happily
Then, she expects cuddling
You’re quite annoyed, but are not about to deny her this
She’s your snugglebug, and even as you feel this annoyance and anger, having her in your arms calms you
Then, there is the regard of drinking your blood
She’s on top of your lap already, her back arched as she lays comfortably
Purrs come from her and light, gloveless fingertips run across your shoulder
When her head lifts and she moves her face to your neck, however, you deny her
“No, Daniela”
Your words as well as your firm tone of voice have her draw back immediately
Big, golden eyes look up at you
Well trained puppy eyes, you realise
You know, they always work on her family members. Or most of the time, at least
Alcina melts at the sight of them, so that even if she acts as though she denies whatever her youngest wishes for, Daniela always wins out in the end
Or Bela, who pretends not to look, only to wrap up her work in favour of giving her sister her undivided attention, just as Daniela demands it
And even Cassandra, who is willing to put a pause to her work or game to entertain her younger sister
You’re determined not to fall a victim to these beautiful, adorable, big golden eyes as well
“Do you know I’ve had to reorder my shelf today?”, you ask, humming when she stops whining and, it seems, takes in your words
Her pouty expression turns to a confused one, and she shakes her head. She’s completely oblivious to the mess she’s caused, and you’re hardly surprised
She attempts to lean in again, with a quiet whine serving as asking for permission
You don’t grant it, and instead pull her back to look at you again
“You flew into it today while playing with your sister. I had to put up nearly all my figurines again”, you explain, annoyance lightly evident in your voice
She turns her head, as though checking for this
As golden eyes dart to your shelf, you see her glance over the figurines
A single still isn’t put up, and you gasp in surprise when she suddenly swarms from your lap
Gently, so gentle she even has her tongue tip poking out of her mouth in concentration, she puts the little figurine back up between two others
You can’t help but smile and roll your eyes
Damn your girlfriend for being too adorable for her own good
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Overuse of I/Me/My in First-Person
Anonymous asked: I'm writing a first-person POV story and am growing a bit tired of everything repeating "I raised MY sword" "I glanced down to MY right" etc… I'm annoyed by how much 'I', ''my', 'me' gets pushed into my sentences everytime I describe my MC doing something. I try to rearrange the sentences but it ends up the same "with MY sword raised, I will… blah blah blah." I feel like I overuse the POV stuff, but if I don't, everything muddles into confusion on whose stuff I'm talking about. Any help appreciated. Thank you!
(Ask edited for length...)
There are three things to consider when you feel like you're overusing I/me/my in first-person POV.
#1 - Pronouns and adjectives of possession (his/her/my/their/its) are just a part of telling stories. I think we tend to be more aware of first-person words than third-person words, if for no other reason than we're talking about ourselves when we use them in life. However, they're a necessary part of storytelling regardless of which POV you're using.
Consider this random paragraph from Outlander by Diana Gabaldon:
Drowsy as I was, I wanted nothing more than to curl up under a cozy bush and go back to sleep. There wasn't room for that, though, so I continued to stand, peering down the steep path in search of oncoming Druids. I was getting a crick in my back, and my feet ached, but it couldn't take long; the streak of light in the east had turned a pale pink, and I supposed it was less than an hour 'til dawn.
In this 82-word paragraph, the first-person pronoun "I" appears five times, and the adjective of possession "my" appears twice.
So, to some degree you have to really think about whether you're actually overusing these first-person words or whether you're just more aware/over-sensitive to their use.
#2 - You could be over describing your character's actions. When writing in first-person in particular, it can be tempting to describe every movement your character makes, resulting in a sort of "laundry list" of actions that requires a lot of I/me/my usage. For example:
I opened my eyes as my alarm went off. I hit the snooze button, but then I realized I needed to get up. I sat up and stretched my arms, then I swung my legs over the side of the bed and put my feet on the cold floor. I slid my feet into my slippers and stood myself up, and then I shuffled across the room to the bathroom. I opened the bathroom door...
I opened my eyes. I hit the snooze button. I realized I needed to get up. I sat up. I swung my legs over the side of the bed. I slid my feet into my slippers. I shuffled across the room. I opened the bathroom door. It's way too much detail. Your readers don't need a blow-by-blow of every second. It's sufficient to say:
I hit the snooze button through bleary eyes, quickly realizing I needed to get up. Sliding my feet into my slippers, I shuffled across the room to the bathroom for a quick shower.
See how much better that is? Your reader understands how to get out of bed, so you don't have to describe swinging your legs over the side of the bed unless that's important for some reason. Your reader can fill in the smaller movements between bigger ones, so it's not necessary to describe every small action.
Per your example, "I raised my sword" is a pretty necessary use of "I" if it's important that your character raised their sword. However, "I glanced to my right"
#3 - You're overusing filter words. Words like realized, knew, felt, saw, watched, heard, looked, glanced, remembered, decided, spotted, noticed, thought, noted... are called "filter" words because they come between the character's experience and the action unnecessarily, like a filter.
-- I realized it was getting dark out ... It was getting dark out -- I knew it was getting late ... It was getting late -- I felt the icy floor under my feet ... The floor was icy under my feet -- I saw the sun was starting to set ... The sun was starting to set -- I watched a bird land on the branch ... A bird landed on the branch -- I heard the wind rustling the leaves ... The wind rustled the leaves -- I looked and saw it was 4pm ... It was 4pm -- I glanced down and saw rocks below ... There were rocks below
You get the point. :) By eliminating filter words, you will eliminate a lot of the necessity for the use of I/me/my.
#4 - You're over-tagging dialogue. Even if your character is alone through much of the story, or even if they're only talking to themselves or one other character at a time, over-tagging dialogue can still be an issue. You can read my post Avoiding Repetition with Dialogue Tags to help with that. I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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the-hydroxian-artblog · 2 months
I love your animatronic toy OC guys so much, they have so much personality to them and their colours are really good (especially umbra)
Thank you! The funny thing about Umbra's design was that while I was developing it about two years ago and had some colors in mind, I described in text what I already came up with to an image generator for fun (shitty unconvincing old kind, vs now where it looks like shit but in a somewhat more convincing way) and it produced something so silly that I made her design better than what I would've settled with out of spite.
More details of my process and anti-AI ranting below the cut, so the examples given won't show up on search results. Google Images is getting polluted too much with slop to begin with.
Let's begin.
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In 2022 I was drafting up Umbra's design with mostly concrete details. At this time image generators were newer and much less convincing, and I was a bit less aware of just how unethical they were, so I fed one a text description of what I had drafted for her design out of curiosity. Something along the lines of, "doll of an anthropomorphic owl librarian in glasses, blazer/suit jacket, skirt, corset, high heels, sitting on a bookshelf" and probably a few more terms. Really specific, lengthy prompt.
I try to be open-minded and give new things a shot, but the results were Not Great. Ideally, I'd want to not share the AI pictures at all on-principle, but I feel like it's useful, transparent, and necessary to show them. Both as a means of not hiding anything, but also just to appreciate where the design is at in spite of it.
Outside of this particular collage of Weird Owls, no other pictures on this blog are AI-generated. AI Image Generation is harmful, and I am against its usage.
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But hey, two of the generated pictures look close, right? The top left is the closest, and bottom right is second.
That's because they started out worse, and I had to actually erase chunks of them and have the generator fill in the blanks to get anything remotely close to what I wanted. Misshapen limbs, unrecognizable anatomy, fever-dream clothing details, etc. They didn't even have a corset or proper legs until I slapped the generator in the face enough times to make it produce them. I was just using it to photobash, which was such an annoying process, I just went "this is dumb" and stopped. They're literally posed like that because I kept erasing and regnerating their limbs until they looked vaguely in-character. It literally only looks passable thanks to STRANGLING it with human input.
Before I used the image generator, I already drafted her to be night-themed with yellow eyes and something like purple, dark blue, or sky-blue as her main color; the generator making one owl yellow-eyed and purple was a happy coincidence, and the only thing the generative AI "came up with" that I didn't already have in mind or included in the prompt was the light blue shirt, which I did adapt into her cyan shirt and stockings/socks as well. That was a good call. You get One Point, Mr. AI.
...Which still meant that at its absolute best, it was a largely redundant step in the creative process if its contribution was worse than what a randomized palette generator or character creator could come up with.
That's already putting the ethics of it aside, like carbon emissions, data pollution, using artists' and photographers' work without credit or permission, the incentive to plagiarize, flooding sites like deviantart with slop, Willy Wonka Shit, etc etc etc. When people say "you can use AI as a tool though", this ordeal was enough to convince me that it's more trouble than its worth, even in its most ethical usage. I feel gross for having even tried. I wish I knew what sources went into the creation of those Weird Owls. It'd be better for research if the right people could be credited.
Nothing else on this blog is AI-generated or ever will be. The art below is purely my own (2022 vs a few weeks ago)):
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Actually drawing Umbra and solidifying her design was far more rewarding than having an image generator vaguely approximate my own ideas. I wanted her to look really special, so I used a black cape and pants, gold highlights and buttons, and blue undertones to make something more distinct. Also, neck floof. Very important. I wanted the head in particular to look distinct and original, going with bold black streaks to really help her look distinguished.
I also have certain inevitable Hydroisms for Fancy characters like her; most apparent in these designs for Chasey and Kaita from even longer ago, which were more of an influence than anything else. (Old art of mine from like 2021, Kaita ref looks wonky but Chasey still holds up nicely):
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Most of Umbra's other design elements were already commonly used with established ocs like Kaita, like her shape language, corset, skirt, heels, etc. It was my previous work with Chasey that inspired the use of gold buttons and highlights.
Umbra is also now a bluer shade of purple partly to distance the current design from that ordeal. All things considered, I'll probably make her more indigo next time. I already wanted her to have a wide color range from the get-go (Featured below is, again, purely my art from 2022:)
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I may use a different colored shirt and stockings in the future. I like to think she has many different shirts and clothes based on the different stages of the night sky, from dusk to dawn, and the painting I made in the top right there was an exploration of her range in different lighting.
All in all, it's frustrating. I'm proud of her design, but explaining all of this is annoying, because it's technically all relevant to showing how her colors were picked and how the design was made. I still technically have AI to """Thank""", in the way you thank a bad experience for encouraging you to make things better out of spite.
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acerathia · 8 months
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Grave Robbery || K. Bakugou
What's the worst that could happen in a graveyard? Ask again after meeting a seasoned Pro-Hero.
Wordcount: 2.1k
Read on AO3
Pro-Hero! Bakugou Katsuki / GN!Reader
no actual grave robbery, i promise. meet ugly, banter, pining, aged-up characters
Happy Halloween!! Inspired by actual people putting recipes on their gravestones <3
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You have to admit, you don’t have a legitimate reason to be here, to be walking along the rows of gravestones, dust collecting due to the lack of visitors. But despite having no one to visit, you do have a very specific objective in your mind, one that explains your presence in this cemetery.
And the target of your search doesn’t take long to be found. You perk up upon laying your gaze on the exact sort of inscription you have been looking for and you step closer to decipher the words next to the corresponding numbers. Perfect.
A recipe for a cheesecake.
For a moment you just read the recipe and try to understand its instructions rather than just skim the most important details. After you make sure you’re understanding this properly, you pull out your phone and take a picture of the stone, of course including the name of the person. That way you can honor them properly.
With the recipe secured, you continue your stroll through the row, walking past a couple of lone people visiting their friends and family. On your walk, you almost bump into a blond man as he seems to be almost filling the whole narrow way with his build. But you manage to dodge before any contact happens, and he barely shoots you a glance. So it seems you won’t be causing any problems today.
On the way out you spot a couple more potential gravestones, but as you only take one recipe per visit, out of respect, because you want to take your time to enjoy their respective recipe. So you only end up greeting the dead as you pass, memorizing the space they occupy, keen on visiting on a later date.
With these future meetings, you leave the graveyard, looking forward to trying this newly acquired recipe. Hoping that you’re able to manage the sweet treat like it’s supposed to be, as close to the original as possible with only the dead guiding you.
So it took you a couple of weeks to return, because you needed the time to perfect the cheesecake, and of course to avoid any suspicion, even if you’re technically not doing anything illegal. But these weeks of absence result in your memory of the placements of the potential graves being a blur.
With no other solution to your memory loss, you decide to start walking the first couple of rows down. That is until you encounter the blond once again and you stop in your tracks, considering skipping that row. You don’t mind getting recognized, but you’d like to avoid being potentially kicked out.
But it’s too late to turn back now, as his red gaze has focused on your face, a scowl etching itself into his features. He looks more annoyed than angry, so maybe you could avoid confrontation. Even if he does seem familiar for some reason, but honestly you avoid looking at him directly, trying to make him think you’re not worth the trouble, and because he looks like he’s about to reprimand you for something. For what exactly, you don’t know.
Your only choice in this situation is to just keep walking, so you do, barely able to dodge his overtowering figure once again. Without looking back, you just keep walking until you’re at the end of the row to switch to the next one.
Instead of actually walking into the next one, you skip a couple to get some distance between you two. And luck is on your side as you discover a recipe in that exact row. Repeating the actions of last time, you take a picture with a small smile on your face while uttering a thank you, memorizing their name and putting it next to the others.
When you’re done with collecting the recipe, you stay a couple more minutes at the grave, honestly just talking a bit about your day, trying to entertain the ones long gone, the lonely ones. It helps staying unavoided of course, because you know for sure that you don’t plan on bumping into him again.
But like most things you want or plan out, it doesn’t work out. The next time you visit the graveyard, your hope to not see him gets crushed brutally the moment you spot his tall, broad figure. And it seems like he also spotted you, like a weird person watching the entrance of the place. With him seeing you, you can’t just leave, turn around and walk away.
So, with a sigh, you don’t resist your bleak fate and step into the open space to walk down the narrow path in the middle. At random you decide to enter a row, one farther away from him than it was the last time. And maybe this is exactly your mistake, because even if you hoped he wouldn’t notice you being in a different row, you should know that nothing works out for you.
Once again you’re walking down a row, looking for your personal treasure in this space when you bump into something. Or someone. It seems like you haven’t paid any attention to your way, so focused on the engraved stones and their messages.
The apology on your tongue dies immediately when you make eye contact with the person in front of you, the one you’ve been dreading, trying so hard to avoid. Red eyes flame into yours, almost paralyzing every thought in your brain, and when the sun hits his face, letting his hair glow golden under the sun, his eyes sparkle like small explosions, you can’t help but think that he might be the most beautiful person you’ve ever met.
That is until a snarl appears on his lips, eyebrows pointing downward.
“What the fuck are you doing, creep?” he asks with a deep voice, almost a growl vibrating deep in your bones.
You gasp and put your hand dramatically against your chest. How dare he accuse you of being a creep!
You want to retort something, but it hits you like an explosion. You finally remember why he seems so familiar to you, you know him, hell, the whole country knows him.
Pro-Hero Dynamight.
And with this realization, you know that you’re fucked. He noticed you lurking around and no matter what you do or say, you won’t be able to get out of it that easily. Doesn’t mean you won’t at least try.
“Listen, Sir, this is a graveyard. I think you know exactly what I’m doing,” you deflect, softening your voice to a melancholic tone, all while keeping your answer open. Let him interpret whatever he wants, maybe you can get out of this.
He clicks his tongue, annoyance clear in his impatience. “Don’t fucking lie to me. You’re not even in the same row as the last time you’ve been here. Fucking creepy.”
Fuck. Well, there goes your cover. So nobody can blame you when your lips pull up in something similar to a snarl. “Aren’t you the creep? Memorizing the places I go to? Weird, not gonna lie. And maybe, just maybe, asshole, not everyone has the perfect memory or whatever.”
This made him angry, his face contorts in a snarl of his own. Your eyes glance around and you spot the way he flexes his hands, probably trying to restrain himself from grabbing you by the collar due to your sheer audacity. And you do your best to ignore the way his muscles move underneath his shirt, radiating his sheer might in a single, simple movement.
He takes a deep breath and his snarl slightly slips off as he’s probably thinking happy thoughts, or whatever they taught him in therapy.
"Listen you little shit. I've seen you at least three times in a row, just doing fuck knows what. And considering the fucking amount you've been here and how regular you must have visited this place, there’s no fucking way you're lost," he grits between his teeth, showcasing his logical thinking, and you can’t help but think how sexy his brain is.
"So you better tell me the truth, or imma get you on watch or some stupid shit."
For a moment you both just stare at each other. You don't know who's trying to break who with this intense battle of eye contact, but you do notice how pretty his eyes are, all evening sun, setting behind these gold lashes. It makes you want to sink deeper into them, and you honestly can't risk that right now, so you back away, turn your face away.
You hold up your hands in surrender. "Okay, okay! I'm going to tell you the shit I'm up to. But you gotta follow me first," you surrender with a cock of your head.
The only acknowledgement you're getting is a grunt and a single nod. So with that you continue walking down the row, almost feeling his breath down your neck.
And for a moment you understand what made Mary Shelley act that way in a graveyard…
You shake your head to get rid of the thought of his arms caging you in, of him leaning in, his gaze seeing the depth of your soul with its edge.
With a breath you try to focus on the inscriptions you walk by, and it takes you a couple to finally stop in front of one that fits your bill. You nod your head towards it.
"Look, see what's on that stone? Beside the usual? A recipe. It's either a specialty of that person, or a family recipe. Either way, I come looking for them…" you explain, eyes locked on the gravestone in front of you, reading the name of that person.
"Why the fuck would you do that? Aren't there like a fuck ton of recipes online?" he asks with a grumble, even if his suspicion only seems to ebb away slowly.
You humm, agreeing with him. "That’s true. But why would these people put so much effort into making sure these recipes are put onto their gravestones? I'd like to think they wanted to share one last thing with the world, even if they're gone," you answer slowly, putting your thoughts into coherent words ", so maybe I'm honoring their memory like that, even if I don't know them…"
For a moment you both are silent, and you turn around, trying to see if your explanation has cleared something up. Only to see him look at the gravestone, face calm, jaw slack, eyes filled with some sort of unexplainable melancholy. And you wish you could always see him like this, soft, vulnerable.
But he seems to feel your stare on him, as his gaze flits to you, all softness put back behind a grinding jaw, crossed arms.
"Tch, I guess. But I don't fucking think that you're able to honor them properly. You don't seem like you can even hold a fucking fruit knife right," he grunts, his eyes wandering all over your face.
And you grin slightly, even if your face feels a bit too hot under his scorching eyes. "Well, practice makes perfect?"
He rolls his eyes. "Someone gotta show you how this stuff is properly done."
"Oh! You want to come over? Damn, take me out on a date fi- ah!" you stumble slightly as he softly bumps his shoulder into yours.
"Don't talk shit, weirdo… I can rent a kitchen, or whatever."
You immediately shake your head. "No! I mean, it's fine. You can come over, I guess… Whatever… Uhm, do you mind me giving you my number? Only to make the plans, of course, nothing else!"
He snorts and hands you his phone, and you type your number into the new contact, putting your name in, in hope to avoid getting one of the nicknames he’s infamous for. You hand it back, but he immediately changes the name and no matter how far you crane your neck, you cannot see what he did, even if he probably changed your name to something stupid.
So you have no choice but to give up, to resign yourself to living forever with the name he just gave you. You just hope it’s something normal, not like ‘Graveyard Robber’ or anything similar.
Well, a small sacrifice considering Bakugou, the pro-hero has your number. And that you both are planning a cooking date, well date to you, it's probably just some normal, free day for him. But that doesn't mean…
No, you have to stop giving yourself hope. And yet you can't help but grin to yourself the moment he sends you a message, such a dry text you almost choke trying to converse with him over text. Still, talking with him fills you with some sense of anticipation and excitement, happiness. You're absolutely looking forward to spending some time with him, cooking one of your discoveries. And you conjure the names of these people, and you thank them with a spark in your heart, hoping they catch your gratitude.
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raepritewrites · 5 months
The Return
There were some good things that came out of Heather’s metamorphosis, despite it being one of the most painful experiences of her life… which was saying something, because she had experienced being vivisected while fully conscious. She wouldn’t recommend either of those experiences, by the way, a definite zero out of ten.
Still, at least the end results of her body mutating were beneficial. She was more durable than she was previously, her healing factor was a good bit faster, and while the fangs were annoying at times, the paralysis venom they made was infinitely useful. She could feel it collecting like a thick second kind of saliva just above the roof of her mouth throughout the day, which grossed Kurt out to no end when she explained it to him. He had fangs too, but his were for show, or so he claimed with a winning grin.
After a while, she’d figured out that if she concentrated she could use the venom on command. Once she knew how to do that, she started collecting excess venom into glass beakers before transferring it into small darts. Kurt thought it was hilarious the first time he walked in on her standing in the kitchen with the glass precariously gripped between her fangs and bottom teeth as she scrolled Instagram on her phone. When she had enough darts filled, she would load them into some wrist cuffs that Tony had gifted her. It was a lot more hygienic than biting a criminal’s neck. (Seriously, who knew where they had been?)
Another small perk of the venom her body naturally generated? Poisons, knockout gas, and paralysis formulas barely worked on her anymore. Ninety percent of the time, her body could fight off whatever it was, and she’d be up and moving again in twenty minutes tops. She still wasn’t bulletproof, but hey, she’d take what she could get.
Which was why, when the alarm system started blaring in Mount Justice and thick smoke filled her room, she didn’t panic right away even as her vision swam and she found herself collapsing to the floor.
When consciousness returned to her, the alarm was still going off, and she checked her watch. She’d taken a ten minute cat nap thanks to that gas, and she estimated that the old her probably would have been out for hours. She quickly left her quarters, checking on everyone’s rooms as she swung down the hallway. Out like a light, every one of them; even Conner, who was a lot more difficult to knock down than all of them combined. Whoever had hit the mountain knew about them, and that scared her a little.
What scared her more was finding Robin’s quarters empty.
“Shit,” She hissed, crawling along the ceiling as fast as she could, searching for the little bird.
The biggest reason she’d accepted Nightwing’s plea for her to return to the team in a mentor capacity was because of Robin. After Jason had died, they’d all spiraled in their own way, but Bruce was the worse off by far. Nightwing and Batgirl had thrown themselves into team missions, Heather had retreated from the caped life and into her secular work, but Batman… Batman was not doing well. He’d pushed away everyone, even Superman and Dick, and he’d grown reckless and more violent in his cases. Dinah had tried repeatedly to talk with Bruce about the obvious grief he was going through, but it was like talking to a brick wall.
The three of them all blamed themselves for Jason’s death, but Bruce had taken the loss of his son the hardest. He didn’t want to let himself be close to anyone else, and he was having less and less regard for his own life. Something had to change, but she, Dick, Barbara and Alfred were all unable to figure out what.
Then along came Timothy Drake.
Tim knew about them. About all of them. He’d been stalking the bats for at least two years across the rooftops of Gotham, and none of them had noticed, not even Heather. Her only explanation for that was the boy didn’t set off her spider sense. He’d never meant them any harm.
He figured out their identities a long time ago, and the only thing he’d done about it is defend their public personas in online forums and take pictures of the bats as they protected Gotham. It was clear that Jason was Tim’s favorite Robin, most of the pictures were of him. Dick tried very valiantly not to be jealous, but Heather could tell it rankled him a little.
Tim was more than just a fanboy though. He was scary smart. His computer skills rivaled Barbara, Dick, and several members of the League combined. When Tim realized something terrible had happened to Jason, he started keeping closer tabs on Bruce. He saw the dark path Batman was heading down, but unlike them, he had a solution.
And so eleven year old Tim Drake, with the biggest nerves of steel Heather had ever seen in her life, had rang Bruce’s doorbell when he knew he was at home (apparently, the Drakes were Bruce’s closest neighbors?? Who knew?) and had told Bruce in no uncertain terms that he knew he was Batman, he knew he’d lost his Robin, and he needed a new partner so here he was.
Seriously. The kid had blackmailed Batman into giving him the mantle. Heather would have been a little offended - heaven knew Dick was - if she hadn’t been so impressed. Plus, if she was being honest, she’d kind of done the same thing to Spiderman back in the day, even if in the end he’d essentially dumped her into the team and ghosted her from there as much as he could. The point was, who was she to judge?
It was obvious immediately that Tim was more than capable of taking up the title, too. The kid was small, but much like Dick at that age, he was full of surprises. He took to fighting like a fish to water, using a bo staff as his preferred weapon over even wingdings or Dick’s own escrima sticks. He wasn’t like Dick and he wasn’t Jason, that was certain, but that was okay. Tim was his own Robin, and he treated the title with so much respect it was practically religious. He followed Batman’s instructions, but he wasn’t so much of a fanboy that he couldn’t disregard an order if needed, something she could appreciate.
Heather took to the kid pretty quickly, much quicker than Dick had. From the little Tim would say about his parents she had pieced together his homelife situation, and the picture wasn’t great. His parents were… inattentive to say the least. The Drakes seemed more interested in globe trotting and growing their business than being home with their son. While Heather had been able to rely on her mom being home every night, she could still understand how lonely Tim must have been. Growing up in a giant cold mansion alone for weeks at a time… that sounded like a nightmare to her.
After several long talks between herself, Dick and Dinah, her friend had finally come around to the idea of someone else taking on his old moniker. The anger that had initially accompanied Jason ‘stealing’ Robin away had finally melted into a bittersweet feeling for Dick. On the one hand, he was still mad at Bruce for not asking his permission, but he was finally able to admit that Jason had been a worthy successor. Too late to actually tell the boy that in person, but at least now Dick could be a better brother to Tim than he had been to Jason.
When Dick had asked her to return to help the team, but especially Robin, she couldn’t say no. The kid had seen how much Bruce was drowning, and pulled the man back from the deep end. She was grateful to him for that, but he was also just genuinely fun to work with. It helped ease some of the ache that still lingered around Jason’s memory, and made it a little easier every time she visited the manor.
Now, Tim was missing, all the rest of the team were either out on a mission or knocked unconscious, and judging by the static in her earpiece, the comms were down. She’d be damned if she let something happen to that kid on her watch.
She resisted the urge to call out his name as she ran through the mountain, just in case the kid was holed up somewhere hiding from whoever or whatever had done this. She just prayed this wasn’t another Tornado family reunion, that had been a nightmare she never wanted to repeat.
When Heather finally skidded around the corner of the gym, her heart caught in her throat. “Robin!”
The boy wonder was pinned to the wall at the neck by a man wearing combat boots, cargo pants, a leather jacket, and a bright red full face helmet. There were guns sticking out from holsters under the jacket and he was holding a wicked looking knife to Robin’s neck. The boy had clearly already been fighting off his attacker for a while, blood leaking from a cut above his right eyebrow, and while one arm was desperately grasping at the man’s giant hand so he could draw in a full breath, his left arm hung limply at his side.
Scarlet Spider moved on instinct, webbing flinging out to grab the intruder by the back of his jacket and yanking him away from Robin who fell limply to the floor with a cry of pain. The attacker looked up at her as he rolled from the floor back to his feet smoothly, slicing the webbing off of him in one movement. “You should still be asleep, little spider,” his modulated voice sent a shiver down her spine, but only for a moment.
"What can I say? I'm a light sleeper," She snapped, lunging for him.
The man backflipped away, smoother than someone his size should have been able to, then made a wide slash at her with the knife. She jumped back, grabbed his still extended wrist and twisted until the knife clattered to the ground, kicking it well out of reach.
She saw Robin slowly trying to rise to his feet from the corner of her eye and realized he was trying to help. Sweet, brave, dumb boy, he really is a bat, she thought just as the attacker broke out of her hold, kicking her in the chest and sending her flying back. She scrambled to her feet and dove for the attacker as he turned his attention back to Tim.
"Robin, run!" Scarlet Spider snapped, wrapping her arms around the man's thick arms and torso.
"That's right, Robin. Run away like the fraud you are," the man taunted, trying and failing to break her hold on him. "You never had a chance."
"Shut up!" Robin said, but his voice warbled. He leaned against the wall, clutching his clearly dislocated arm and glared at his attacker.
"Poor little replacement just can't cut it," the man continued, planting his feet and flipping Scarlet Spider over his head. She twisted in mid air to land her feet, skidding back on the concrete for a few seconds before resuming her fight stance.
"Leave him alone!" She demanded. Every big sister instinct she had was screaming at her to get Tim out of there. "Pick on someone your own size, you bastard."
"Big words coming from someone who lets child soldiers fight their battle for them," he mocked, reaching for his guns only for her to web them straight out of their holsters and into her own hands. She removed the magazines and dropped them to the ground.
"Robin has the right to fight for what he believes in as much as any of us," she shot back, keeping herself between Tim and the assailant. "You're the asshole who broke in here and specifically targeted him."
"He shouldn't be here!" The man yelled, pointing an accusing finger at Tim. "He doesn't deserve to wear those colors. He's. Not. A. Robin." He grit out, reaching for something in the pocket of his pants, but Heather had had enough.
She jumped forward and tackled him to the ground, using more of her enhanced strength than she normally would as he fought to free himself from her grasp. For several tense seconds, the two traded punches as they rolled across the floor. Eventually, she gained the upper hand, and had him pinned beneath her. She kept his arms locked above his head even as he bucked and writhed like a wild horse.
"I don't normally like to do this," she grunted, tightening her grip. "But for you? I'll gladly make an exception." She opened her mouth wide, venom already dripping and sunk her fangs into the small sliver of skin visible between his helmet and armored shirt.
It took less than thirty seconds for his body to go limp, but she didn't let go for several more, not trusting him to not have another trick up his sleeve. Finally, she released her hold and sat back, breathing out a sigh of relief. She looked down at his lolling head and reached for the edge of his helmet, only for her spidersense to flare up. “What kind of psycho puts something that dangerous right next to his face?” She muttered, pulling away from the helmet. That was a puzzle she’d sort out later.
A painful groan snapped her attention back to Robin, who was struggling to stay upright. “Kid! You okay?” She was at his side in seconds, gently taking his chin so she could examine the cut above his eye. She was careful of the bruising that had started to appear on the boy’s neck as she tilted his head back and forth. “That doesn’t look too deep. Head wounds just love to bleed. What’s wrong with your arm?”
Tim grimaced. “He popped it out of the socket. Wrist is on fire. Sprained, I think.” He spoke in terse short sentences laced with pain, but he was still standing and she gave him credit for that.
“Any other injuries?” Heather asked, lightly running her fingers over the swollen skin of his wrist, gently prodding for broken bones. Tim hissed and she murmured her apologies.
“Head hurts. Pistol whipped,” He reported reluctantly.
Heather knew if he was in a different frame of mind, he never would have admitted to that one. Like all the bats, he was notorious for skimping on injury reports. It used to drive her up a wall. It wasn’t like they were extra durable the way she was - they were more human than most of the league and the team combined. Sometimes, it was like they had begun to believe their own made up rumors, that the bat clan was something other. Which, as Heather well knew, they were not. They could bleed, they could break, they could even die.
Heather swallowed quickly against the deja vu as she saw a vision of a different Robin in front of her for a moment. She was thankful for her mask as she blinked quickly. “Right, let’s get you to medical. He’ll be out long enough for me to send a distress signal to the League and get someone here to help.”
“Is everyone else okay?” Tim asked, watching Heather quickly web his assailant to the floor.
“Unconscious, but otherwise fine. You were targeted specifically. The question is, why?” Heather wondered aloud, waiting until Tim’s brow scrunched in thought before quickly popping his shoulder back into place.
The boy howled, crumpling against her. She gripped him in a tight hug and ran her fingers through his hair. “Sorry, sorry, sorry! You know it goes in easier if you aren’t thinking about it. Sorry Timmy, sorry,” she hushed him gently as she felt a few tears hit her shoulder. “You did so good, Tim. I’m so proud of you.”
“Why?” Tim sniffed. “Why would you be proud of a pathetic replacement? Jason would have had that guy knocked out and cuffed in seconds. I couldn’t even hold out more than twenty minutes. He’s right - I’ll never be worthy of the title.”
“Hey!” She pulled back enough to meet Tim’s eyes even through their masks. “None of that. Do not ever think you aren’t worthy. You’re more than capable of being Robin. You are a good Robin, maybe better than even Dick was,” she admitted.
“Are you really going to let the likes of him tell you whether you should have the mantle?” She jerked a thumb over her shoulder at the still knocked out assailant. “You’re smarter than that, Tim. Don’t be like me, kid. I spent too many years feeling unworthy of taking up Dad’s mantle, hiding behind the name Black Widow, and that wasn’t even mine either. I finally realized that my Dad would have wanted me to be the Scarlet Spider, and if he were still here I know he’d be proud. Jason would be proud of you Tim, do not let anyone tell you different not even yourself. You got it?”
Tim sniffed once and nodded reluctantly. “Yeah, okay,” he said, with about as much enthusiasm as he would have if she’d told him to do push ups.
Heather sighed and gave him a small smile. “We’ll work on that confidence together, yeah? Come on, let’s get you to med.”
It took very little time to get Tim set with some basic first aid. An xray showed his wrist was sprained, not broken, and only required some wrapping and an IV for fluids and light pain meds. Heather had found bruises all across the boys body that he had failed to mention. She vowed to herself to have a team meeting ASAP on honesty in all things - especially field injuries.
Once she didn’t have Tim to worry about as he fell into a light sleep, she was able to overcome the jamming signal that the assailant had used. She would have to discuss with Batman the Mountain’s security measures. Something about the attack rubbed her the wrong way, but she couldn’t put her finger on exactly what it was.
“Mount Justice to the League, this is Scarlet Spider. The mountain was infiltrated and the team was attacked. Requesting backup,” Heather waited impatiently for someone up on the satellite to answer her, although it actually only took a few seconds.
“Batman here, status?”
“The team was knocked unconscious with some sort of gas, even Superboy. Robin was specifically singled out and attacked by an assailant currently in custody. I need you, Martian Manhunter, and possibly one other Leaguer to assist.”
There was a palpable pause. “Robin was attacked?”
Heather could hear Bruce under Batman’s terse question, the parental worry only obvious to someone who knew him well. “He’s stable. Dislocated arm, laceration above his eye, light head injury, bruising all over his body from the fight… he did good, Batman. You should be proud. I only had to intervene at the very end after I regained consciousness,” she added.
Another pause. “That’s good to know. We’ll be down shortly. I’ll bring Black Canary and one of the lanterns as well.”
“I’ll have the assailant in holding. Scarlet Spider out.”
Heather rolled her neck and sighed. She knew Batman would want a more thorough report later, but for now she had a would be assassin to move to interrogation. Normally, suspects would be taken straight to the police, or possibly the satillite if they were big enough threats for interrogation. But this was personal, and Heather would be damned if she let the League take charge of what was a team matter, and she knew Dick would agree with her.
She found the suspect right where she’d left him, cocooned to the floor. She hoped the Manhunter would be able to remove the helmet without harming them or the suspect. Well, if the suspect got a little hurt, Heather wouldn’t have minded.
She knew that was cold, she knew it wasn’t very heroic. However, all she could think of was how easily Bruce could have had to bury another son today had she not gotten there in time.
She stretched out her spidersense as far as she could, sensing for danger or ill-intent, but there was nothing. The man’s chest rose and fell evenly in drug induced sleep, muscles lax. Still, she stayed on her toes as she lifted the man over her shoulder and carried him to an interrogation room. Once he was in a metal chair, she gave him another layer of webbing to anchor him in place. He hadn’t seemed to possess super strength, but she wasn’t taking any chances.
In short order, Dinah and J’onn appeared.
“Are you alright?” Black Canary asked, eyeing their suspect with barely disguised disgust. All the Leaguers were protective of the team in one way or another, but the Robins held a special place, especially for the original members like Dinah.
Heather shrugged. “Not a scratch on me. I’m assuming Batman is with Robin?”
“Indeed,” J’onn replied. “Green Lantern is scanning the cave for clues. We’ve already checked on the others. They show no adverse affects from the gas that was used on them. It was only flooded into the private quarters and a few of the public spaces, but the gym where Robin was held no traces of the gas. You’re initial assessment appears correct. Robin was the target.”
“They knew enough to get into the mountain’s security and how the airvents flow to distribute the drug,” Black Canary said thoughtfully, leaning against the metal table that Heather had moved to the side.
“But they didn’t know the gas wouldn’t work well on me,” Scarlet Spider added. “Who could have that much knowledge about us? Who would go through all this trouble just to attack Robin here, rather than in Gotham?”
“Maybe they wanted Robin isolated from Batman,” Canary suggested.
“But why Robin?” Heather asked again, feeling at a loss.
“Perhaps we should ask him,” Manhunter suggested. “He is awake, though very good at masking it. I almost did not sense his change in brain activity.”
The assailant had the nerve to chuckle, lifting his chin from his chest. “Good as ever Manhunter. Couldn’t ever get anything passed you.”
“You act as though we have met before,” Manhunter said, his tone flat.
“Haven’t we?” The man turned towards Canary and Spider. “Black Canary, lovely as ever.”
“Who are you?” Canary demanded, making a move like she was going to remove his helmet, only for Scarlet Spider’s hands to catch her own.
“His helmet is booby trapped,” She explained when the older woman gave her a raised eyebrow. She released her grip and Canary stepped back thoughtfully. “That’s part of the reason I asked for Martian Manhunter. I thought he might be able to remove the helmet without anyone getting hurt.”
“You always did have a bleeding heart, Black Widow… or is it Scarlet Spider now? I can never keep up with your latest identity crisis,” The man said dryly, knowingly.
None of them outwardly reacted, but Heather felt her heart skip a beat. This man knew how to access the mountain, knew how to knock out even a Super, he knew she’d had a prior codename and that she’d struggled with accepting it.
There’s no way he heard me talking with Robin. I mean, he was unconscious, and I was speaking too softly to be overheard, She thought and turned to Martian Manhunter who mentally linked her with Canary so they could discuss how to handle this.
Maybe we should wait for Batman to conduct this interview, Canary thought as they watched their captive struggle in his sticky prison.
That could be a while, Scarlet Spider replied. He won’t want to leave Robin’s side.
I agree, we can handle this and inform Batman of the results later, Manhunter answered.
As if he’s not going to be watching the security monitors, Black Canary thought with a snort. Manhunter, can you phase the helmet off? I wanna see this guy’s face.
J’onn floated forward and placed his hands on either side of the red helmet.
“I wouldn’t if I were you. We’ll all go sky high,” the man said in a singsong voice that struck Heather as strangely familiar, although she couldn’t say why.
The Martian didn’t reply, merely phased the helmet off completely intact, revealing the explosives rigged into the bottom of the equipment. That wasn’t what Heather was focused on however. Tan skin, sharp jawline, black curls with a shock of white hair right at his temple, eyes hidden by a domino mask, but Heather would know that face anywhere.
“What the fuck?” Heather breathed, stumbling back a step. “Jason?!”
Dinah and J’onn both looked equally stunned. For a moment, time almost stood still, then someone pressed fast forward.
“Is it really him? Can you check, J’onn?” Dinah asked at the same moment Heather rushed forward and cupped his face in her hands.
“Take a picture, it will last longer,” Jason spat, trying to wrench himself from her grip but she wouldn’t let him get far.
Keeping one almost bruising grip on his chin, Heather used the other to pull off his mask. His eyes were a bright toxic green, not the clear blue she remembered, and for a moment she doubted. Then he spat in her face to try and get her to let go, and she felt her heart shatter and reform a thousand times in her chest. Ignoring J’onn and Dinah’s protests, she reached up and removed her own mask so they could meet eye to eye.
“You’re fucking nasty,” she said, voice warbling with tears. “I can’t believe it’s you, Jason.”
He grit his teeth, struggling to pull away. “Let me go, bitch!”
“I am never letting you go again, brat,” She countered, pulling him into a bone crushing hug. “I don’t know what happened to you, or why you’re so angry, but I am never letting go. Do you hear me? I had to say goodbye to you once - I won’t do it again.”
“What’s wrong with him?” Dinah demanded.
“He has been exposed to Lazerus waters, it has made many of his memories hazy or tainted by hatred,” J’onn said, his eyes glowing as he concentrated. “From what I can glean, he…” the Martian hesitated before continuing, “he awoke in his coffin and dug himself free, then wandered for some time in a vegetative state. His next clear memory is of a woman of Arabian descent taking him somewhere, and then being thrown into one of the pits.”
Heather pulled back from Jason and looked at Dinah in dawning horror.
“Talia!” “Ra’s Al Ghul!” They exclaimed in unison.
“No wonder your brain is all scrambled,” Heather said, turning back to Jason, who suddenly looked less angry and more confused. “If you weren’t mentally well when you got dumped in a pit, it would only get worse with exposure to Lazerus waters. The pit revives the body, but it causes extreme psychological damage if your mind isn’t completely whole.”
“How would you know?” Jason demanded.
“What did you think I was doing during those long nights when there were no cases to work on down in the cave?” Heather asked. “Once my assignments were completed, I read up on old cases. I basically read the whole databank in the batcomputer; anything I could get my hands on, including all of Bruce’s info on Lazerus waters and the League of Assasins.”
“And what right did Talia have bringing you to Nanda Parbat in that mental state instead of bringing you home?” Dinah said indignantly.
“She -” Jason was blinking sleepily, and Heather saw that J’onn was working overtime to repair his damaged memories. “She was trying to help.”
“She kidnapped you!” Dinah retorted. “She literally kidnapped a minor. She may have had good intentions, but she of all people should have known what a terrible idea it would be to put someone in your mental state into a pit.”
"I swear to god, next time I see her, I'll punch her in the face. I don't care how fond of her Bruce is or where she stands with her father, she had no right to put us all through this," Heather vowed, running her fingers through Jason's hair absently. "If she found you like that, she should have brought you home!"
"You - you didn't care that I was gone," Jason argued weakly, his eyes now closer to their original color than before.
J'onn shook his head as his eyes stopped glowing. "I don't want to push too much too fast. It may do more harm than good, but I've done my best for now to help him remember his past and curb the influence of the Pit on his memories," he explained quietly to Dinah as Heather crouched down to eye level with her long lost brother.
"Jason, I - losing you nearly broke me," she whispered fiercely, eyes shining. "That night that Bruce brought you home? I don't know how I survived it. Sometimes it still feels like a part of me died too. I'm not the only one either." She swallowed thickly. "Nothing has been the same since. Dick, Babs, Alfred and I have been a mess. And Bruce is-"
"Don't you dare talk about that asshole right now!" Jason snapped, even as his own eyes grew red and glittery.
"You can't blame only him for what happened," Heather protested, shaking her head. "It was all our fault, and mine most of all. I should have been able to stop you from leaving the cave. I should have been able to find you! I-"
"I don't blame you for my death, Heather," Jason rolled his eyes.
She frowned. "How could you not-?"
"I accept that you couldn't get there in time," he interrupted impatiently. "I accept that I made a bad decision, and I paid for it. What I can't accept is why the fuck the Joker is still alive?!"
Understanding dawned in her eyes, then regret. "I… Jason…" She turned and looked at Black Canary and Martian Manhunter. "I need you guys to give us some space for a few minutes."
The Leaguers exchanged doubtful glances.
"Please, I promise we're good here it's just-" Heather couldn't hold their gaze. "I made a promise to never discuss this, but Jason needs to hear this now, and I can't wait for permission. I'll call you back when we're done."
Dinah considered her for a moment before relenting and J'onn followed her lead. Once the interrogation room had just the two of them, Heather turned purposefully to the security cameras, arms crossed. "I know you're listening to this Bruce, and I know what I promised, but this can't wait for a family meeting. I would do this regardless of what you said anyway."
She grabbed the other chair she'd shoved to the side and put it in front of Jason's, sitting down heavily. "I'm sorry you're still ah stuck here," she motioned at her webbing keeping him in place. "But given what happened earlier with Robin, and what I have to tell you, I think it's for the best to leave it be for the moment."
Jason rolled his eyes, but he'd stopped trying to break free a while ago. "Nothing you could tell me is going to change how I feel. The Joker should be dead. Not for me, but for every other single innocent life he's ruined."
"He did," Heather said flatly.
Jason blinked. "What are you talking about? I'm not fucking stupid. First thing I checked once I came back to my senses was to look into the bastard, and I know he's in goddamn Arkham!"
"Yes, currently he is," She agreed. "But the Joker did die." She scrubbed at her face roughly, looking suddenly ten years older. "Nightwing killed him. He found him, beat the shit out of him, and I- I watched it happen and did nothing to stop it."
Jason's jaw worked furiously for a few moments, emotions warring on his features. "I don't- I don't understand-" he finally managed hoarsely.
Heather leaned forward on her elbows, her face earnest. "Taking a life changes you. It kills a part of you that you can never get back."
"How would you know?" He scoffed.
"Three people have died directly because of me," She said quietly. "My father, my classmate, and you. Those deaths broke me. They took something from me, and I've had to stitch myself back together every time it happened, but I've never been the same after. When I saw Dick's face after that piece of shit stopped breathing… I knew he was different now too, and I-" tears were pouring down her face now but she made herself continue. "I couldn't let Dick live with that guilt. I'm so sorry, but I couldn't do it, I'm not strong enough."
"What did you do?" He demanded, eyes flaring toxic green again.
"Batman had gotten there and pulled Nightwing off the body, and I just- instinct just took over. I did CPR," she sobbed, gripping her bowed head, "and I hated myself every second of it, but I couldn't bear seeing Dick look like that."
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dailydemonspotlight · 1 month
Day 24 - Idun (Request)
Race: Megami
Alignment: Light-Neutral
April 23rd, 2024
accidentally spoiled this one, oops.
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Norse mythology, as any amateur theologian would likely know, is a bizarre beast to look into- a winding complex of bastardized tales and Christian retcons that makes even some of its most iconic gods appear scantly and obscurely in its stories. However, our demon of the day is one of the most recurring goddesses in the entire pantheon- the goddess of apples and youth, Idun.
Well, maybe that's a bit of an overstatement, but a Norse god appearing in more stories than one in the Prose Edda is an accomplishment in-and-of-itself. Idun, also known as Idunn, Iduna, or Iðunn, is the ancient Norse deity who resides over apples, spring, youth, and rejuvenation- she was likely well worshipped in her place, representing such pleasant thoughts (outside of spring due to the scourge of pollen, but let's not get into that) and ideas. Her name even seems to be based upon ideas of kindness and healthiness, as it's based upon the old Norse words ið, meaning "again," and unna, meaning "to love."
All of this, alongside her association with one of the best fruits (objectively), apples, seems to paint her in the light of being a goddess that the common people looked up to and worshipped for a nice, peaceful life. Idun is also the wife of Bragi, the god of poetry, something that adds on to this lovingly creative persona- she seemed to have been a lesser goddess, yet one still revered and loved for her role in cultivating a beautiful year with fantastic food. Even today, in some pagan circles, she is still worshipped, as she was in the past as well, a goddess representing good spring and fortune.
Idun's most famous myth comes about with those same apples she treasures so dearly- they weren't any old apples, you see, as the ones she specifically grew were apples of immortality. These apples were relied upon by the pantheon to remain young and spritely (likely leading to her title as the goddess of youth given her role in cultivating those apples) and she protected the orchard where they were grown diligently. However, a jötunn by the name of Þjazi forced Loki's hand, getting him to drag Idun away from her orchard only to kidnap her. As a consequence of her absence, the gods soon began to grow old and frail, and finding nobody else responsible, they found the blame to be on the trickster god present.
The gods weren't mad with him specifically, though- they knew that Loki wasn't that petty and mean to steal the immortal apples without reason. As a result, in an effort to make him right his wrongs, they sent him out to retrieve Idun from the claws of the jötunn, Loki adopting the form of a falcon and chasing after the giant in great pursuit. After a while of searching, he found the (likely terrified, or maybe even annoyed) Idun, who turned into a single small nut to let him escape with her untouched. Shortly after Loki makes his daring escape, the giant comes back to find his captive goddess gone with the wind, and chases after Loki in hot pursuit in the form of a massive eagle. However, the gods devised a plan to stop this rampaging jötunn, causing the eagle to run right into a then-lit pyre and setting him ablaze. With Idun returned to them, they went back to eating from the immortal apple stock, and all lived happily ever after. Until Ragnarok stuff happens, but let's not worry about that!
While Idun does fill a role as an archetypal 'damsel in distress,' her main story does show how important she actually is to the Norse pantheon; without her, they wouldn't be able to live. As a result, while a minor deity, she has a major role in the pantheon- one that is reflected perfectly in her role in SMT V.
In SMT V, Idun's only current appearance, she appears as a late-game healer and support demon with a whole sidequest attached- one that I can't recant here due to not playing V, but it seems fun. Design-wise, she bears a striking resemblance to Little Red Riding Hood (as well as Aigis for some reason), something which feels obvious given her role as the owner of the divine orchard with a wicker basket holding her magical apples, drawing clear parallels with the apples that Red Riding Hood delivers to her grandma.
She also tends to hit the griddy.
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Why? Because it's cute!
Overall, this charmingly designed demon from one of the most famous mythologies out there gets an A in my book. The influence behind her design is clear, it's cute and effective, and it works given her folkloric prescedent.
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skz-kiana · 1 year
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the reason for bananaz is because just like her and felix, its very rare to see one without the other!! bang and kiana tg,,, chan was the first friend kiana made at JYP and she was also new to korea (sort of) so he helped her a lot!! hes the reason she decided to continue song writing and eventually he helped her start producing some songs during trainee days too. a lot of the songs she wrote during predebut ended up being fixed a little and turned into songs for other groups. she has a HUGEE folder on chans computer filled with songs, bc shes too lazy to get her own😭(chans been begging her to leave his computer alone or at least let him get her one) no matter how much chan cares for kiana, she still gives him gray hairs when shes teasing him with seungmin.. cross that, when shes being her in general. she never listens to him which often causes her to get hurt or just annoy him😭 but he still loves our girl <3
lee know also helped kiana when she first came to JYP !! not only in speaking korean , but also in dancing . when she first came she was more talented in singing than dancing so he taught her. he has a soft spot for ki and when theyre seen together ,theyre probably bullying seungmin or just being cute . lee know is always trying to steal gamcho tho which results in kiana tackling him.. kiana always teases him about being 1 inch shorter because he used to always be so much taller than her but now shes the taller one (she caught him searching up “how to get taller” once and now she never lets it go) these two are always doing dance challenges and tiktok things together (1/3 of the ones she forces to do tiktoks with her..) but having a soft spot for her doesnt really count for all the time.. its not lee know if hes not teasing a member 💁‍♀️
never let changbin stand next to her.. the third tallest and the shortest member . this man will throw a tantrum if it means he doesnt have to stand next to her 😭 despite her looking like she doesnt work out, she actually goes to the gym with changbin a lot, working up those abs 💪(fans and ‘bout half of skz don’t know tho🫣🫣) . whenever chan is busy , but she has a new song she wants to show she always goes to him to see if its good . its also hard to see these two without eachother . when he first saw her he alr knew they had to be friends from how her personality was !!
she needs to let poor hyune rest💔 2/3 line of who she forces to do tiktoks with her. hes coNSTANTLY getting spammed by her, like waking up to 120+ tiktoks when hes only been sleeping for 4 hours yhat day.. kianas first victim of physical touch 💁‍♀️ bro is constantly getting attacked by hand holding , cuddles , etc.. but ignoring the bullying things kiana does to him , she still loves him v v much <3 shes his #1 hype girl, vis versa too. early debut she was over working herself very hard to make more songs for skz since 2/3 of 3racha were working on other stuff and he constantly made sure she was taking a break and eating 💔 myy 2hyun😥
OH LAWD. never let these two be together esPECIALLY if theyve had a single sip of a drink thag makes them energetic. these two actually make chan go lose hair from stress😭 theyre alr bad enough but if chan is near them,, they make it their job to make this man stressed istg‼️ but aside from that theyre actually so cute together . suprise suprise this is actually the only member predebut!kiana didnt get along with👁️, it’s not that she hated him she just,, found him hard to deal with per say and thought he hated her based off a misunderstanding (lots of angst happened during that time 🤓)
felix and kiana,, beloved kittys and sunshine’s of skz <3 no one mess with these two or else you will have to deal with hyung line (as bang chan says ) these two actually went way back and didnt even know it until 2020😭them being both 00’ line and living in sydney resulted in them being friends in their childhood, but kiana went to korea first in 2015 meaning she left felix. they found out they were childhood friends because at the dorms chan asked him about his childhood and he was talking about it and kiana was like ,, wait. had a friend that left in 2015?? short brown hair??,, and then boom🤞🏾. instead of ki forcing him to do tiktok challenges and trends , he actually brings it up to her.. meaning she cant prank him with tiktok things <\3 these two are also very affectionate with showing their love, like physical touch!! so its not rare when you seem yhem together theyre cuddling..
the last dreaded victim of being forced to do tiktoks.. seungmin and her honestly act like a fake middle school friendship with the way their constantly bullying chan,, or she’s bullying him with minho. but in all honesty they both love eachother <33 my seungji are so HDJDJDJ🥹 hes actually probably one of the ones she’s closest with as of now . somedays ( a lot ) they just sit in peace and quiet while she lays on him (or vise versa ) and read or watch videos , they honestly don’t even know how long it’s been until a member comes in and yells at them bc they’re about to miss their dinner reservation 😭 her and seungmin often do lives with eachother and try to bake/cook or play games and it’s so cute
kianas other victim of her physical touch love language 😔 #saveinnie fr this man is TIREDD. but he lets it slide bc predebut they werent exactly the closest if friends… in some ways theyre exact polar opposites , but thats what makes them close ig🤞🏾 . innie who eats his food in one bite 🤝🏾 ki who takes small bites. this one time she was tryna mimic him by taking a huge bite of her food and lee know took a photo of her and said she looked like a muffin because of her cheeks😭 him kiana and chan have a vlive series together!! (basically the only time you’ll see them all together in not really peace) these two are also funky shoes twins!! stays are constantly making fun of them for their shoes 👁️
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How would Last Christmas have gone if Nessie wasn't kidnapped by the Volturi, she just fell into the Bear Dimension until Christmas? Do you think her parents would even notice?
Last Christmas by me and @therealvinelle
Well, in the spirit of the fic, @therealvinelle and I cannot divulge any details of the bear dimension beyond that it's filled with bears.
So what Renesmee gets up to is a mystery to us all. I imagine she finds a bear family who lovingly adopts her only for something terrible to happen to them because her new bear uncle is a madman.
What About Everyone Else?
Well, as you noted, things started off because Charlie got a call from Renesmee that sounded funny. He then contacted the Cullens who saw their missed calls and realized that Renesmee was missing. Had Renesmee not called, then no one would have thought that Edward and Bella had lost their child and not noticed for several hours.
Bella and Edward don't notice.
They spend all their time in the casino, Bella's phone is off because she's roleplaying heiress of a business tycoon in the 1920's with Edward, and assume Renesmee's having a grand time with Jacob.
Jacob for his own part is getting increasingly annoyed with Bella and Edward hogging Renesmee in the casino for whatever reason but hasn't been able to get a hold of them and figures they're going to get sick of her eventually (they always do).
They notice, then, when it's time to leave for Florence.
Jacob asks where the fuck Renesmee's been this whole time and Edward and Bella stare blankly. They realize, numbly, that none of them have seen Renesmee for a week. Bella checks her phone but there are no calls, when she tries to call Renesmee nothing goes through (Renesmee doesn't get cell reception in the bear dimension).
They have to search the city now. They do so but Edward can't find her, her scent isn't anywhere and neither are her thoughts. Calling Alice would be no help as Alice can't see Renesmee or them when they're with Jacob.
Bella doesn't want to call home to ask if Renesmee's in Forks (as Rosalie would chew her head off) but if they keep loitering, they're going to miss their flight.
They take their flight to Pisa then travel on to Florence. They figure this is better as Renesmee knew their itinerary and can meet them in Florence.
They then go out to dinner with Jacob to distract themselves.
Only... Renesmee still doesn't show up.
Now Bella's getting a little antsy. The thing is, what could happen to her? Renesmee's stronger than any human, invulnerable, nothing should happen to her and according to Edward vampires steer clear of Italy and southern France (too close to Volterra).
And she's so sweet looking, even then, no vampire would hurt her.
Bella begins to suspect as she did in the fic that Renesmee doesn't want to be found. It's been days, there's been no sign of contact, and if someone had god forbid done something horrible they would have tried to collect ransom or at least let Bella know.
I imagine Edward's the one who thinks the thought that must not be thought: what if the Volturi have her?
No one wants to contact them.
Edward asks Alice if she can see Aro right now. If Aro has Renesmee, then he'll have disappeared, as his decisions will involve her.
Yup, she can see Aro just fine.
Well... maybe the Volturi don't have her?
Also, how would they nab her under Edward's nose? He can hear every thought and he didn't hear anything like that. It wouldn't happen. Ergo, it didn't happen.
Renesmee's run away.
The rest of the story is Bella and Edward covering up that Renesmee's run away from the family/the world and Jacob entering dangerous stage of depression at being cut off from Renesmee.
(Meanwhile, Carlisle's summoned because of the Ralf fiasco. He ends up extracting Ralf without turning him into a vampire, and as a result Garrett doesn't dump Kate. Half of Alaska is not eaten.)
When Renesmee reappears and talks about her thirty years spent in the bear dimension (and wow, Renesmee, you look fully grown, what the fuck) Bella thinks this is the most pathetic excuse she's ever heard and holds it against her daughter for the rest of her life.
Renesmee is never invited on vacation again.
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anniebear-92 · 10 months
Part Five - Playing Investigator
Summary: After awhile of your poltergeist giving you the cold shoulder it's time to find out who he really is. Maybe you can finally help him cross over to the other side and get out of your hair! Oh and Katsuki gets an unexpected visit when an 'old friend' decides to stop by.
Warnings: Cursing, Mentions of death/dying, talks of depression, loss of a child.
Taglist: @browneyedgirl22 @simplybaconic @ghostsofscarley @optimisticprime3 @lukerycyja-reblogs @eyesforbkg @derangedmango @bakucumsackslut @jazzafaye5294 @lynnsqueendom @Iwannahaveaprettyaestetic @blackout-ice-biohazard
When your resident poltergeist snapped at you and disappeared up the stairs the shock had filled your entire body at the sudden anger he displayed at your question. Though the anger itself didn't surprise you, spending the last few weeks at the other side of his attitude while he existed to make your life hell. Maybe you had gone a bit far with your teasing.
Having annoyed the piss out of you for the last two months since he appeared, though he was excited you could see him it had not been a barrel of laughs for you. Using sage, calling in exorcists and even reaching out to a reaper contact you had kept to see what could be done to remove him since he had informed you on multiple occasions by now that he had no intention of moving on anytime soon.
You had even tried to force him out with your quirk at one point, all that earned was a quick trip to the restroom and painting the toilet with your stomach's contents.
Your contact advised that he was most likely bound to the property which checks out why he kept telling you he couldn't leave. That and every time he had followed you through the yard he had stopped just before the property ended at either the wall or gate. That glare of envy following you as you pulled away in your car.
They had also mentioned that he had heard rumblings from a close friend of his that a reaper had broken the rules, making a deal with one of her charges. Promising to return them to life if they fulfill a certain condition, however since they were bound to their house the deal would most likely fall into the reaper's favor. This had made you wonder, could the deal be your poltergeist's? Unfortunately your contact had no interest in sharing if this was the case because they simply didn't care hard enough to get the name.
A cough from deep in your chest brought you back to present. You were sprawled out on your bed, deep in thought about the last few days of peace and quiet. Which you hardly thought you would ever get again what with your new ash blonde "roommate".
You gripped the corner of your laptop and drug it to you, flipping open the lid and deciding to take the imitative to find out more about your unwanted houseguest.
You began the search with hero deaths in the last... was it five years he had let slip? Your screen lit up with way too many results for your liking, it seems there had been a spike in hero related deaths in that time frame alone.
You couldn't ask him obviously, his anger radiated through the house and since he had not appeared physically to you in the last few days it had given the term "Cold Shoulder" a new one. When you did see him, he simply glared and moved on to another room or disappeared from sight.
Who could you call? What could you search?
Irritable blonde pro heroes who died? Annoying as hell pro heroes who are on the other hand hot?
Groaning you reviewed the facts, he didn't look much older than you however he had been dead for five years. He would be at least mid twenties if he hadn't kicked the bucket. Would've been just starting his hero career, cut down in his prime. He seemed to perk up whenever an old All Might movie, or documentary would show up on tv. You were immediately vetoed on that, so you had to have seen almost every one in existence by now. Most likely the hero was one of his biggest idols. Then again who didn't idolize him? Deku attributed a lot of his success in interviews and award speeches to the blonde haired symbol.
Your phone rang out while you scrolled the many obituary listings, making your heart threaten to leap from your throat. Jamming your thumb at the answer button upon seeing the name.
"Hitoshi Shinso! Where the fuck have you been? I haven't heard from you in weeks and you were only supposed to be gone for a couple!"
Silence was your reply before a deep exhale of exhaustion sounded from the other side. "I know, believe me I do. This mission is taking so much longer than we thought it would. There was a breakthrough in the beginning and we all thought it was going to resolve the case shortly. However new evidence just came to light and now we're not so sure. To be honest with you... I don't know when we'll be back."
You released your own heavy sigh while listening to his words.
"Are you safe Toshi?"
He affirmed that Kami and he were being safe, they didn't see too much danger to themselves but the perpetrator they were after was an important one. Apparently he had been responsible for multiple deaths of Heroes five years ago, resurfacing once again recently to take back up the mantle and going after heroes with a vengeance.
The guys had gone undercover to find out what they could dig up since they were on the lesser known spectrum of the hero charts in Japan. Which is why they didn't pull in the big names as of yet, such as Deku, Shoto, Red Riot being the current two through four. Not even any elder heroes still on the scene such as Hawks, Miriko or even Eraserhead who had lost one of his students to the villain.
Kaminari jumped onto the phone for a brief moment to say hello while he could, hearing about your outing with his friends awhile back. He handed the phone back to his boyfriend when it hit you.
"Hey, I need to tell you while I have you what has been going on while you've been gone."
His interest peaked he gave a "Oh?" To prompt a continuation.
"I've been... Seeing someone."
Two audible gasps could be heard over the phone, clearly Kaminari was still listening and confirmed you were on speakerphone.
"You finally jumped into the dating scene? I'm so proud of you!"
You pouted, was it really so far fetched you would find someone romantically?
Wait! No! Not like that!
"Whoa, no he's no-" Before you could finish urgent voices were interrupting on the other side.
"Hey F/N, I am so sorry and I will love to hear about your new Beau as soon as I can, but the target has struck again. Low level hero, but they're in critical condition and we need to go. I'll call again when I can, expect our portion of rent and utilities in the account here soon and I don't know when but I'll get back to you as soon as I can."
Knowing fully well from your short few times in undercover work the situation they were in you assured them you loved them and would wait to hear back. They gave a round of "Love you too's" before the line went dead.
Closing your eyes for a second and letting the phone fall onto the bed. The last few moments you were with your best friend replayed through your head when a flash of a blonde woman with a striking resemblance to the one who has been haunting you for the last few weeks.
You scrolled through your phone once more and found the name of said woman. Hitting the call button you waited only a few rings before a click as the call connected.
"Hello dear, is something wrong with the house?"
"Mrs. Bakugo! How are you?"
Pleasantries were exchanged along with small talk about how things have been in your first couple months.
"So what can I do for you dear?"
"I wanted to call, and maybe ask you a weird question? I was hoping you could confirm something for me. Was there possibly a past tenant, prior to us?"
She hummed a moment before responding, "There hasn't been a past tenant, just us. We bought the house many years ago and only recently decided to rent it out. It sat vacant when we bought our new place for awhile and then when we did finally decide to post for rent you were the first to inquire. Why do you ask?"
Mulling your brain for a moment on how to ask the next question as sensitive as possible, "I hate to ask, but did you possibly have a child?"
She didn't respond for a moment but cleared her throat when she did, "Yes, we did. Are you referring to the notches on the door frame to the rear bedroom? If they bother you we can have it replaced."
You shook your head, remembering only then she couldn't actually see you. "No, no don't do that, I wouldn't want to take away the character of your home. This is part of the history here, I just... wanted to ask, was he possibly blonde, unruly hair sticking out in all angles with striking ruby colored eyes? Taller with a gym build?"
She once again remained silent for a moment before responding in a strangled voice, "That sounds like my boy, did you find some photos we left possibly?"
"No Ma'am, this may be odd to hear but I've been... seeing someone around the house with that description. I was wondering if he was possibly someone breaking into the home or a past tenant trying to get back in."
Soft sobs sounded from the line as you frowned, you really did not wish to make her cry with the questions. Though it confirms exactly what you thought, your poltergeist was the landlady's son.
"HIs name was Katsuki, Katsuki Bakugo." She sniffled, "He was a Hero, been gone for five years now. A villain attacked the city and he got in their way. I don't think he's the one you're seeing honey."
She began telling you a bit about him when you asked, once she got going it was like hearing one of Midoriya's theory speeches, it never ended. Starting from childhood to high school, you got the down low on "the brat" as she put it, up to the very last time she spoke to him.
It had been Mothers' day that year, while she was in conversations with his father at their dining table Katsuki had walked into the front door with a huge bouquet of red roses. He had simply pressed a kiss to her cheek and told he loved her which had 'shocked her all to hell' because their relationship had always been a cat and dog type situation. He didn't stay long, he had a big mission coming up and only a few days later they had heroes at their door to reveal his passing.
His hero name had been 'Dynamite' which rang a bell somewhere in the back of your head, most likely hearing that name at some time, most likely the news. You filed that away in your notes to search after the call concluded.
Her stories had gotten quite animated, coming up with memory after memory of him as you learned a few new things about the man who had made such an impression on you thus far.
He went to UA high school just like you, he wanted to be the number one hero, enjoyed romance manga and movies. 'Though if you were to ask him he'd deny it to his last breath.' she chuckled a bit. A few laughs had been shared before she finally let out a big sigh after going on about him for upwards of an hour at this point.
I apologized to her for asking the hard questions and my intruder had to be someone else. For dragging out the hard memories and she had told you off gently for apologizing. She let you know she actually enjoyed getting to reminisce about her son after bottling up for so many years, since she had not been able to really discuss with her husband due to both of their deep depression stints right after it was like a weight lifted.
"I think he would've liked you dear, he was quite feisty just like you. He might've even been a good match for you." She sighed in the thought that never would be, you chewed your lip knowing that he was somewhere nearby even if still on the plane of the dead.
Exchanging farewells, she insisted you would need to stop by for dinner some time. She missed cooking for someone other than her husband and your chest tightened at the implication.
"Of course Mrs. Bakugo, I'll stop by sometime if you'll have me."
"Ah! I told you to call me Mitsuki! You're welcome anytime." The phone hung up and you returned your attention to the laptop once again, now armed with new information to search. Clearing out your previous search term you replaced it with a simple one.
Katsuki Bakugo
Peering around to see if the subject of your search was anywhere around, adding a bit of your quirk's energy into your pupils to boost and confirm he was out of the immediate vicinity. You had kept it to yourself if you chose to use your quirk this way, even if he was trying to block you out, he could be seen with some effort.
Relieved he was no where in site you hit the enter button and watched the page change to new results immediately. Article after article populated the page, notably the top headlines catching your attention.
Rookie Pro-Hero Dynamite slain in recent string of Villain attacks among others.
Endeavor announces retirement! Sites Protégé Dynamite's death as reason.
UA to rename "Ground Delta" training field to "Ground Dynamite" in honor of fallen Alumni Katsuki Bakugo, aka Dynamite
Pro Heroes- Deku, Cellophane, Red Riot, Chargebolt and others reminice about their fallen classmate in this telling interview about the famous Class A of UA high.
Three time champion of the UA Sports festival Katsuki Bakugo tells all on his training regimens he credits to his success.
Choosing to click the first article, you were greeted with a photo of a devastated street. Was this where he died?
Following the photo of the mess, a professional taken photo of the fallen hero stared back at you.
Katsuki Bakugo, aka Dynamite or better known as your Poltergeist smirked back at you through the screen. His signature unruly, blonde hair had some kind of black and orange explosion extensions nestled in the back. A mask enhanced those piercing eyes just like the metal piece that sat upon his built shoulders.
The second photo beside the bust shot showed him in full hero attire, large grenade shaped bracers covered up to below his elbows, real explosive devices hanging from belts at his waist and across his broad chest. The costume fit his personality perfectly, explosive and loud. What was his quirk though? Unfortunately Mitsuki neglected that as the one thing during her stories.
You finished the article about his death and moved on to others, a specific one a few later catching your eye.
Interview with Rookie Hero Dynamite's Debut. Read here about the aspiring hero that recently graduated from UA!
Clicking the link you were met with a similar photo as the first, though visibly a few years younger and fresh from high school. There was even a few photos of his time in school, donning the familiar gray uniform you had wore yourself days on end. The link was a question an answer, and reading his responses did not result anything really new that you either did not know or hadn't already found out from articles or Mitsuki herself.
The final question though made you pause.
Interviewer: So Dynamite, to close out our conversation today there is a pressing question from the viewers. Your quirk is Explosions, Care to elaborate on that? Some citizens are afraid your quirk is too destructive and dangerous for a hero.
Dynamite: Ha! Those extras are just scared of what a real hero looks like! Yeah, my quirk is Explosions. I secrete a nitroglycerin like substance in my sweat that I can ignite with the heat of my palm. I trained at UA and many years during my childhood to become a hero and surpass All Might! I've practiced my quirk day in and out to keep danger to a minimum, so just watch me climb the ranks and keep Japan safe with my "Dangerous quirk!"
You snorted, it sounded like him maybe just a bit more naïve. Explosions huh? Fit him to a T.
For the next few hours you found yourself in a rabbit hole of article after article. Finally rubbing your eyes from the strain of reading a screen you had found the following.
He had won the sports festival all three years he attended and yes you watched every one of his winning fights.
He aspired to be the number one hero and surpass his childhood hero All Might.
He was in the famous Class A that had been attacked by heroes and earned all the new security features that UA had installed after their first semester. He had been kidnapped by the League of Villains during their training camp and was rescued by his hero. (Mentioned some of his fellow classmates had come to help.)
He graduated with high honors, was class valedictorian and surprisingly beat out a few others who were close behind.
Chewing on your cheek you closed the laptop and leaned back on your bed. He wanted to be the top hero, but he's dead. Is that why he's still here? His "Unfinished business?" How could you get him to cross over and get out of your house?
It was time to talk to him.
Katsuki huffed as he peeked in on the girl sitting on her bed. She had been scrolling her computer for hours, not noticing when he had snuck up to the door.
How was he supposed to ignore her if she wasn't even paying attention to him?
In all honestly, he was past his initial rage, now solely running on his petty nature. He turned down the hall with a click of his teeth to return down the stairs into the living room. He picked up the remote, still getting small flutters of excitement when he could do mundane things again. He was so proud he mastered it quickly, but he was always good at everything wasn't he?
Choosing a show and leaving the volume low so it didn't bring the female out of her room, he rested his cheek against his palm and spaced out a bit. Ignoring the All Might interview on television he had practically memorized with how many times he's seen it.
"Well Bakugo, how have things been?"
His body jolted from the couch, his vermillion gaze landing on a familiar set he had not seen in a few years now.
"Fuck Grim, The hell you doing here? I got a few months left!"
She gave a wide smile to show of her pearly white teeth, joining him on the couch and kicking a leg over her other.
"Can't I just visit an old friend?"
His lip curled to reveal his sharp canine in response. "Fuck no, we ain't friends either!"
Just chuckling she tilted her head and pushed back the curls that framed her face today.
"So she's kinda pretty huh?"
His eyes widened along with her smile, a growl leaving his lips.
"The fuck it's to you?"
Her shoulders bobbed in a quick shrug, tilting her head the other way for a moment. "We do have a deal for you to return to your life, do we not? A living, breathing, attractive woman who can see you is in your home, and you're ignoring her like a child. I always knew you were playing hard to get and wanted to pass on."
She rolled her head to bat her eyelashes playfully at him. He clicked his tongue and crossed his arms, sinking back into the couch.
"I'm not passing on! She started this shit so she should apologize to me!"
She shook her head slightly, knowing full well from the days of babysitting him that he really would just sit on this couch and ignore the girl until his time was up. She really shouldn't be helping at this point, however the realization and some guilt on their deal had been eating at her conscious. The deal had been a bit unfair on his side to actually finish the conditions, keeping his form bound to the property of the Bakugo family home, being kept away from the few in the world who could see him.
Now that there is a person in his confinement that can see, interact with him to even the playing field she felt it was time to give him a nudge in the right direction.
"Aw come on Bakugo, you know your temper can get the best of you from time to time. Do you really want to lose out on this deal? Pass on without becoming number one? All because you can't get over a petty disagreement, with a beautiful woman in you home who can actually see you? Think about this."
He rolled his eyes, turning his head and body from her to watch the light shining from said woman's bedroom. The god dammed reaper had a point... he was rapidly losing time and a petty grudge would keep him from his goals.
"I mean otherwise if you're not interested in her, I'll gladly take her."
His neck cracked as he turned back to her with the deepest glare, just in time to see the suggestive wiggle of her eyebrows. His nose crinkled in disgust before he huffed.
"Fucking fine, I'll talk to her."
She gave his arm a friendly punch and the largest smile. "There's my stubborn asshole."
He balked, fingers flexing out of habit even with the quirk that no longer remained. "The fuck you call me?"
Hopping out of her seat she looked down at her client. Having grown some sort of connection with the angry charge, almost like that of a sibling dynamic. Especially one that annoys the shit out of each other like when she tried to get him to pass.
"Any way, since you are in the last year of your deal with only a few months to go I just wanted to pop by and check on how things were going. I'll probably be back periodically to check in." She shot him a wink of her almond colored eye and he clicked his tounge in response.
"Yeah whatever I don't need a babysitter."
She paused while cocking a brow, "Bakugo, I've been babysitting you for upwards for five years now, we're a bit past that."
He launched a pillow at her and it fell just short to her heeled feet. "Go away Grim!"
"Ah, learned to move things did we? Be careful with that, we don't want to become a vengeful spirit Bakugo, those do not get the opportunity to pass over."
He simply launched a second one in response which she easily side stepped. "Well that's my cue to be on my way. Be sure to make up with L/N."
He huffed and shot her a major side eyed glance. "How do you know all about this shit with her anyway?"
Her manicured hands pulled at the lapels of her jacket to straighten out the wrinkles from sitting, "I heard from a friend of mine she was asking about a ghost in her house. The details sounded very familiar and after doing some digging my suspicions were confirmed that you were the ghost she was talking about. I have worked with her before on cases, she's a wonderful gal."
He shook his head slightly before looking away once again, "She needs to mind her fucking business."
She let out an affectionate breath from her nose. "Just take what I said into consideration okay Bakugo? Time's ticking."
Exiting the residence before he could respond, she left his life once again.
"Fucking reaper." He snapped to the air, movement from down the hall catching his attention. Focusing his energy on his form he made sure F/N couldn't see him as her familiar form came into view.
She didn't call out for him, simply grabbing a glass of water and heated up something from the fridge for dinner, jaw cracking as she yawned. He observed her a bit while the gears turned in his head.
Should he really lose the fight and give up his grudge to interact with her again? He wasn't positive if this girl could ever fall for him, or if he could even find it in himself to give his heart away. Love was never something he had on his mind during the road to becoming a top hero.
It would've been nothing but a distraction, well to be honest he had given it a thought once or twice. A partner, large house and maybe kids one day? Though those were to come much further down the line after he obtained his goal, finding someone worth of being called the spouse to the hero. He was sure there would be a line of extras waiting to date the holder of that status alone, making the idea of dating hard to fathom during his career.
Sure, he'd had a few one night stands here and there, he was a man after all. Mostly when the time arose, he didn't actively seek out the situations just letting them happen. They were stress relievers after a particularly hard mission or day, a lot of 'Cape Chasers' who were civilians wanting nothing more than being able to say they had a night with a specific hero. There were some that played the field like a fucking bingo card, trying to get as many as they could, the top ten etc.
His roommate ate at the island in silence, placing her dishes in the washer brought him back to reality when she finally spoke.
"Hey Poltergeist? I know you're mad at me right now but I'd like to talk sometime tomorrow about a few things if you're willing? I'm sorry for brining up a tough subject, I went a bit far."
She swiveled her head back and forth a few times, as if not sure if he was even in the room or she was speaking to an empty space. However the tv was still on in the background, it was as good of chance as any he was still around. She shot an apologetic smile and made her way back up the stairs.
Well shit, she did apologize in the end.
He let out a heavy breath, she seemed genuinely sorry for upsetting him. Bringing up why he had quit being a hero even though it was his one goal in life. She watched the girl retreat to her room, leaving the door just a sliver of light.
He turned off the television and followed her path a few moments later. Choosing to phase through the door instead of open it, he found her laying under the covers with the lights off and a fan the only noise in the room. Chewing his inner cheek, he made his way to the opposite side of the room and observed her for a moment.
He finally lay down across from her and trailed his vision over her relaxed face. He couldn't lie, she is stunning. More so than any female he had the pleasure of sharing his bed while alive. He took in the curves of her face, illuminated slightly from the moonlight shining through the curtains.
He closed his eyes and made the decision he would finally speak to her in the morning as she had requested. Only hoping that he would not over sleep and wake up on the wrong side of his deal and losing out on the one chance to finally really get to know the girl sleeping beside him.
Well here I am again, back with another part. Am I keeping up with a schedule? Seemingly. Am I doing better in life? Why Yes, Yes I am. Part of it is thanks to everyone who likes, comments and re-blogs my stories <3 You all are the reason I continue to write. I could give you all big forehead smooches! I may or may not be releasing part six later today. ;)
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wavyhairedvixen · 6 months
Hard work pays off
pov: Loki as an art teacher
f/m, Loki x reader
18+ content, porn with plot, spanking
Summary: This semester you get sorted into the class of the most demanding art teacher named Master Laufeyson, which results in conflicts between the two of you. Even though he keeps giving you harsh criticism you stay determined. You decide to prove him how wrong he was when he called you mediocre, and you start to work on your sculptures night and day with such passion like never before. All the while, you can’t get him out of your mind… Your thoughts are consumed by his gestures with those big hands, and his impeccable style. One night as you work in the studio all alone he unexpectedly shows up, surprised that you’re still there. It pleases him to see you working overtime just to prove him your worth.
Master Laufeyson keeps watching you from afar. You’re not aware of your teacher’s presence, as you keep carving the wood. The studio’s warm air is filled with the soothing scent of pine trees.. A song from Sting is playing in the background, and you occasionally sing along to the music. As your master comes up behind you with his signature inaudible steps, you get a whiff of his minty cologne. Your heart skips a beat as the realization hits you. You whip around, redness tinting your cheeks.
“Good evening, master!” you smile awkwardly.
“It’s impressive how persistent you are; not many students have your mindset, you know.” He taps his bottom lip with his index finger, stepping closer to your artwork, taking in its fine details.
You can’t believe his words… Is he mocking you? No, he seems dead serious. You are too shocked to speak, disbelief plastered on your face.
“You proved your talent to me, little one! Look at your sculptures, they are full of emotion,” he remarks with a self-contented smile.
“Master… You put me through all this misery to…” you mumble searching for words, furrowing your brows.
“For your own sake, yes. And look how well it tured out!” he looks you up and down with a twinkle in his eyes. “I think we should drink to that,” he says cheerfully and snaps his fingers. Two glasses and a bottle of wine appear out of nowhere in a cloud of green smoke on a table.
“What the…” you stare at it with your mouth agape. “I must be going crazy”, you think to yourself. “First you’re being nice to me, then it turns out you’re a magician.” You burst out laughing. “I can’t believe this…”
“There you go, my dear!” He hands you a glass of wine. “Just to make it clear, I’m not a magician, I am a god. And please, don’t tell a soul about this! Oh, actually, you can, since they wouldn’t believe you anyway…” he chuckles, watching you gulp down your wine. “Another one?”
“Definitely!” You let him refill your glass as you look him in the eyes. “I don’t care who you are… You have no idea how much your harsh remarks hurt me!” you say bitterly. “I understand that you wanted to challenge me, but was it really necessary to humiliate me in front of the whole class?”
“I’m sorry, I might have gone a bit too far sometimes. Can I make it up to you?”, he asks with a sly smile stepping closer, his gaze resting on your lips. He places his hands on your hips and dips his head to place a soft kiss on your lips. You close your eyes and kiss him back sensually, savouring the moment.
“You needed to learn some discipline in order to reach your full potential…” he whispers, breaking the kiss for a moment while running his fingertips along your sides.
“Oh, shut up…” you hiss with an annoyed look, peering up at him.
He grabs your chin with one hand and pulls you closer with the other, holding you in his firm grip. “Choose your words carefully, when you’re talking to your master, or I’ll have to teach you some manners, kitten!”
Your cheekiness seems to have aroused him just as much as his authoritative tone has stirred something within you. He kisses you more passionately this time, showing you who’s in charge. His tongue is smooth and relaxed as he strokes yours slowly, letting his hand wander to the inside of one of your thighs.
“God, he’s a good kisser!” you think to yourself.
As you both pull away for some air, you say through laboured breaths, “You know what I think? That you actually had a lot of fun tormenting me with your cruel words, you psycho…”
“I warned you to watch your mouth!” He pinches your butt, earning a squeak from you. “I think it’s time to teach you a lesson!” He rubs the spot where he previously pinched you, then turns you around by your waist and locks one of his big hands around your throat, pressing himself against you. You can feel his erection poking your rear as he cups one of your breasts with his other hand. “Just to make it clear: you’re mine,” he whispers as he nuzzles his nose along your neck, biting your earlobe tenderly. “Obey me, and I’ll reward you… Disobey me and bear the consequences…” his hot breath tickles your ear and you practically melt into his touch.
He traces his fingers along your chest and abdomen, all the way down to your thighs. The next thing you know is that you’re naked, and leather straps have formed around your thighs, waist and tits. He lifts both of your hands above your head and you feel a rope form around your wrists, holding you in place. You gasp as he tugs on your harness by the waistband.
“Oh, God… this feels… so tight. So good…” you groan. Then he lets go of your neck and smacks your butt with a gloved hand. “Ow!” you feel a stinging pain where he slapped you, warmth spreading over your ass cheek, being followed by a tingling sensation.
Wetness coats your folds as he smacks your other cheek too, chuckling darkly, “Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you this time, darling…” He steps away, admiring his work.
“Please… Master!” you whine, tugging against your restraint, looking back at him over your shoulder. He steps closer, kissing your neck and sliding his gloved hand over your pussy.
“Please, what? You want more, you wicked little thing?” Your arousal coats the smooth leather of the glove as he rubs your clit.
“You’re enjoying your punishment a bit too much, don’t you think?” he coos and bites your neck.
You feel his teeth sink into your skin and his warm tongue licking a stripe over the mark he left. Then he slaps your butt with his gloved hand again. As the wet leather makes contact with your skin you cry out from the pain. But soon the pain dissolves and that same pleasant warm tingling lingers as before. You’re a moaning mess by the time he releases your hands and turnes you around kissing a trail down your body. He stops at one of your breasts, sucking and nibbling on your nipple while groping the other one, pinching your bud between two of his long fingers. You can feel your arousal dripping down the insides of your thighs.
“Please! I’m aching for your touch, master…”
“Patience, pet… I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long. I wanted to fuck you unconscious the first time I laid eyes on you, and believe me, keeping my cool was a challenge whenever I saw these curves in those tight dresses.” He gets on his knees pecking kisses around your navel. “You have no idea how excrutiating it was for me to admire your delectable body without ever laying a finger on it.” He emphasises his statement by licking over your mound, while groping your ass, pulling you into his face.
“Ahh…” you moan, practically trembling with anticipation as you run your fingers through his hair.
He starts to quite literally devour you, and your knees go weak as you reach your orgasm. With one precise thrust of his tongue against your clit, he sends you over the edge, your body buckling against his mouth, as you cry out. He licks up the nectar oozing out of you, with a satisfied groan, making such obscene noises that you blush a deep shade of red.
Suddenly, footsteps and the creaking sound of an opening door fill the silence. You freeze on the spot, hand gripping your master’s shoulder. Unbothered, he waves one of his hands and in an instant, you find yourselves in a nicely furnished room with a huge bed at its center.
Your eyes go wide. “That was fucking close!”
“Did the previous situation excite you?” he asks with a wicked grin, wiping your arousal off of his mouth with the back of his hand.
“I could get expelled for what we did, you crazy bastard!”
“That filthy mouth of yours is gonna be the death of me…”
He stands up, his tall figure looming over you as he guides your wrist to his crotch. Your fingers glide over the bulge in his pants, before you start to unbuckle his belt and pull down his trousers and underwear. You wrap both of your hands around his long and thick cock, pecking a gentle kiss on the tip. You pull back the skin and lick along his cock then take the tip into your mouth. You moan as you let him slide deeper, sucking on him, stroking the base of his cock with your hands, picking up your pace while doing so. As you keep bobbing your head you look up at him. He peers down at you, eyes heavy with adoration and lust. You moan around his cock as you let it slide into your throat, your muscles contracting around his shaft. He groans as he cums into your mouth and you swallow his hot seed.
He caresses your cheek with his thumb as he purrs, “Good girl…”
“Brother!” you freeze as a thunderous voice shakes the corridor outside.
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