#and gotta watch the 1987 version
tmnt-obsessed-ace · 2 years
Oh did I mention that Eclipse Across Dimensions will be a much BIGGER crossover than When The World Crumbles
We're dragging the 1987, 2003, 2007 and last Ronin versions into this mess. (Might add Mutant Mayhem into the fire because by the time I actually get to the sequel the movie will probably be out)
All because of Rise Leo's little mistake he not only doomed the alternate future timeline he ALSO doomed the alternate versions of his family.
Big oof
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wilwheaton · 7 months
I have a small part in the 1987 television movie (failed pilot) version of The Man Who Fell To Earth. Lewis Smith played the titular character. Beverly D'Angelo played my mom, his love interest. (Fun Star Trek connection: Bob Picardo is also in it).
My character was a Troubled Youth, which I gotta tell you was not a stretch for me at all. I was deeply, deeply hurting at the time we made it. I was struggling not to suffocate on all the emotional and financial burdens my mom put on my shoulders, and fully aware of just how much my dad hated and resented me. You need a kid who doesn't want to be an actor, whose eyes can't hide the pain? I'm your guy.
Anyway, one of the scenes I was in took place in a record store, where Troubled Youth steals some albums, before he is chased by the cops and saved by the Man Who Fell To Earth, who uses a glowing crystal to save his life from ... some scratches on his face.
We filmed the interior of the record store at Sunset and La Brea, in what I think was a Warehouse, and at the end of the day, I was allowed to buy some records at a modest discount.
I was deep into my metal years, on my way from my punk years to my New Wave years, so I only bought metal albums. I know I bought more than I needed or could carry (I was making a point that I was allowed to spend my own money, mom), but the only ones I can clearly remember are:
Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind
Judas Priest - Turbo and Defenders of the Faith
W.A.S.P - The Last Command
(I know this was in March of 1987, because Turbo had just come out.)
Of those, Piece of Mind is the only one I never really stopped listening to, even through all the different it's-not-a-phase phases. I still listen to it, today.
Ever since I became an Adult with a Fancy Adult Record Player And All That Bullshit, I have kept my records in two places: stuff I want right now, and stuff I keep in the library because of Reasons.
Generally, records move in one direction toward the library, even if it takes years to happen. I just don't accumulate albums like I once did, because I'm Old and set in my ways.
Earlier today, I decided that I wanted to listen to an album while I cleaned up the kitchen, and because I wanted to make my life more interesting, I opened the library cabinet for the first time in at least five years.
There was the very same W.A.S.P album from that day in March, 1987. I don't have any of the others -- I looked -- but The Last Command was right there.
Before I really knew what I was doing, I put it on the Fancy Adult Record Player and dropped the needle.
I watched four decades of dust build up with a satisfying crackle, and there was something magical and beautiful about hearing all the skips and the scratches, realizing I remembered them from before.
The title track was just as great as I remembered it. It struck all the same chords in me that it did in the late nineteen hundreds. The rest of the first side was ... um. It just didn't connect with me, and for the few moments I spent trying to find a connection, I don't think it ever really did. I would remember.
But I did remember how much I loved making those mix tapes, and what a big part of them that song was. I did remember how empowering it felt to not just spend my own money that I earned doing work I didn't want to do, but to spend it on music my parents hated, right under their noses. I did remember how impressed Robby Lee was, when I showed him my extensive heavy metal album collection.
Remembering all of that, in one of those cinematic flashes of rapid cut visuals and sped up sounds, told me why I kept this record, while I gradually sold or replaced the other records I bought that day with CDs, then mp3s, then lossless digital files, before finally coming all the way back to records, where I started.
I didn't listen to the second side. I didn't need to. I took it off the Fancy Adult Record Player, and put it back into the library, next to the George Carlin records.
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yellowhollyhock · 3 months
10) Which version of Leonardo is your favorite?
I flip between answering Rise and 1987
Gonna get sappy, fitting for a Leo question anyway--
To me Leonardo represents Hope. Across iterations, he usually experiences a lot of intense trauma at Shredder's hands, sometimes at Splinter's hands, often he feels isolated from his brothers, but the things happening to him don't define the core of what it means to be Leonardo
It's the choosing to do what's right even if he gets no benefit.
It's believing in his team when they have only the very slightest chance of winning
It's inspiring that Hope, the kind that comes from knowing you're at peace with yourself even if everything goes wrong, in his brothers
And I think 87 and Rise capture these qualities in interesting ways that stand out
87 facing his fear of snakes, always being kind to children, seeing the good in Lotus Blossom without trying to change her, making the choices in the Red Sky arc.
Rise hyping his brothers up when they don't seem confident, trusting them to get as they did with Shredder while he helped Splinter trick Big Mama, the way he talks about them to Hueso. The beginning and ending of the Rise movie gets to me so bad
Also maybe another core Leo trait is how attached he is to his siblings and feeling like nothing without them. Again exemplified strongly in these two versions
And I just love the idea of the other Leos learning to take these two more seriously, because they both come across silly (in very different ways ahdhajsha), but you do NOT want to cross them
30) What is one common headcanon that you reject?
hmm...... what if I reject canon instead and Turtles Forever didn't happen? (it's a fun enough watch but it messes up all my future headcanons, besides being so out of character for both 87 and 03)
Actually though I thought of one. Wait I forgot
No no wait yes because, especially since the draft where he gets stuffed has been going around, it's pretty commonly believed/understood that in SAINW, Donny was killed horrifically. And I don't outright reject this, however. I think it's very interesting to play with the idea that he disappeared for a different reason. I mean, for Donatello, the tracker planter guy who always has his duffel bag, to disappear without a trace? There's gotta be more of an explanation than 'Shredder got him,' how did they get him without leaving a trace? With no one knowing what happened when Shredder is the biggest threat on everyone's minds? Plus, kinda playing with ideas from IDW, I like the angst of 1) future Donatello being someone teenage Donatello can't respect and 2) Donatello having different priorities that he can't get his family to listen about while they're focused on Shredder.
He could've gotten stuck in that dimension with Kirby. Renet could have come for help and found only him and he got lost in time. Or he went back to the underground city by himself instead of with his brothers
In my Stitched Together au he runs away. Which is not something I've seen much at all, except in this fic that I absolutely love (I was so excited to find this idea explored). It's such an unlikely thing for him to do and that makes it a very fun space to play in as a writer. How bad did things have to be for Donny to leave? In all that time, why didn't he come back? I have so much of this au in my head and I'm having a very hard time getting it to Outside My Head format 😅
38) Do you generally stick close to canon, or diverge from it?
A lot of my fics are post-canon so I'm technically sticking close to canon (except Turtles Forever), but adding a lot of headcanons lol
I mean the Stitched Together au will technically be canon compliant, but I don't think I can call it sticking close to canon
My biggest canon divergent piece I can think of is one I'm working on where, during their training with the Ninja Tribunal, 03 Raph and Mikey become Aware of the narrative and take issue with Leo and Donny getting treated the way they did in the first four seasons. So they fight the writer. Hey wait a second I'm the writer. I think they're winning guys sjdjakdhhag
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dysfunctional-doodle · 9 months
Hihihi!! I've got a few questions for you
1: what's your favorite turtle iteration
2: have you watched the 90's tmnt movie?
That's all but if we're still doing headcanons I hc that 1987 raph is terrifyingly good at impressions (don't ask me why I just think he would)
P.s: love your art!!
1. Tough, but I gotta say TMNT 2003. First one I watched and I love the way the brothers and splinter are characterised in that one the most.
2. I’ve watched all versions of tmnt apart from the third of the 90’s and that weird tv show that came after it. I don’t know why but I love the 90’s movies, even if they are a little camp.
I love the idea that 87 Raphael is very good at impressions! Adding onto this, Michelangelo is TERRIBLE at them but does them the most because no one wants to tell him they suck and hurt his feelings lol.
(Raphael is scarily good at a Leonardo impression. He once pretended to be Leonardo for a week straight because he ate the last pizza slice.)
And thanks!
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whattraintracks · 5 months
Hello! I'm passing by with an opportunity to ramble if you'd like! :D I know you like Raph - what about Raph as a character appeals to you (any or all versions)? Do you have favorite Raph moments or episodes? Out of the other turtles, who do you enjoy Raph's dynamic with the most?
Yes, I would actually like to do that. Thank you much!! I've been wanting to post and write more now that classes are done, and this was a helpful kick-start. A little too helpful, some might say. Very long post ahead.
What about Raph as a character appeals to you (any or all versions)?
Honestly, liking Raph took me by complete surprise. Growing up on 12 and getting back into my TMNT fixation with Rise, Leo and Donnie were my favorite turtles by far. But then I decided to watch as much as I could in chronological order. 87 Raphael was not at all what I expected, and I immediately loved him. He's hilarious and exudes the kind of sarcasm I can only aspire to. And as I began watching and rewatching shows and movies, I realised a lot of them have this dry wit that appeals to my sense of humor.
Raphs also go through so much crap internally and externally, and I'm a sucker for angst. Plus, it's so important to me that no matter how much they struggle, no one gets and loves them so well as their family. Maybe a weird example, but I love Mr. Nice Guy (1987), in which Donatello's Personality Alterator gets turned on him accidentally, and the other three freak out and send him to therapy. Like it's a silly situation, but the fact that they clock something's really wrong in the way he's not acting like himself and get him help is heartwarming.
Had a good laugh earlier this week at the realisation that most Raphs are particularly sweet on kids, old blind folks, and animals. Followed a couple of days later by the thought, duh, these populations are particularly vulnerable to abuse and harm, so of course, a Raph is going to be protective of them.
Also, sai are so cool, what the heck. Can't believe I was obsessing over katana as a kid when sai are right there. With my limited understanding, they may not always be shown correctly in TMNT? But they're truly very neat weapons, and sai kata are cool to watch.
Do you have favorite Raph moments or episodes? 
Gotta love the classic
87 Donatello: Oh well, you know women. 87 Raphael: No, we don't!
Raphael Meets His Match (1987) is perfect. No notes.
90s Raph and Casey's first fight ("Cricket! Nobody understands cricket. You gotta know what a crumpet is to understand cricket"), then he goes home and curls up with Splinter to cry about getting his butt kicked by Some Dude. He's quite the daddy's boy in the 90s.
Raph's voice is unfairly gorgeous in Coming Out of Their Shells. I straight up clutched my heart the first time I heard it
Mikey: Tell 'em Raph! Raph: It isn't burgers or french fries that work for turtles of our size
I love this silly line entirely because of his voice and delivery. He's also fun to watch on stage. One of my favorite bits is this backward skip he does when he sings, "And moving backwards is a crying shame!"
The one where Venus gets her name
TNM Leo: Hey, Venus! Uh, what's with the statue head? TNM Raph: Hahaha! She won it in the park, slaying bad guys.
After the TNM gang saves a baby turtle from a poacher, Raph gets on the floor to be at eye level with her
Raph: You know what, you're kinda cute for such an ugly little thing. I'm you're Uncle Raph~ You wanna go for a ride in my hog? Ayo, Donnie! Can you make her a teeny tiny helmet?
And then Donnie teases him while everyone stares, so he gets offended (read: embarrassed), and Leo teases him harder, and he gets even more offended.
Just thinking about the beginning of Meet Casey Jones (2003) makes me tear up.
The almost as funny successor
12 Donnie: She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen 12 Raph: Isn't she the only girl you've ever seen? 
As a fellow biggest sibling, Rise Raph in Pizza Puffs is such a mood. Also love the scene where he eats his phone in Mystic Library.
Out of the other turtles, who do you enjoy Raph's dynamic with the most? 
87 Raphael and Donatello's dynamic is very important to me. In my heart, they're twins. Some of my favorite episodes are the ones where they pair off or take the same side of a team argument: Splinter Vanishes, The Big Blow Out, Back to the Egg, Dirk Savage: Mutant Hunter, Combat Land, Cry H.A.V.O.C.!, etc. I also love this line from My Brother, the Bad Guy
Raphael: Okay, this is the point at which we get squashed like bugs, or! turn to Donatello for help. R+M+L: DONATELLO! 
Coming Out of Their Shells Sunset Duo are the besties everrrrr. Mikey raps a whole verse in Cowabunga about how Raph is his best friend and they wrote all of the music together and that is like the most epic thing ever and I love their energy and how they play off each other on stage and they love each so much I can't– 
TNM Raph and Venus!! The siblings ever, truly. So much sass. They are both overprotective of each other. They're literally the best.
03 Sunset Duo will never not be funny. Raph can be tricked into verbally affirming he loves Mikey when he thinks one or both of them are about to die. Raph is also incredibly distraught about Mikey possibly and then actually winning the Battle Nexus Tournament. Peak comedy and siblinghood.
07 Raph and Leo quite possibly make me feral. "Is he kiddin'? He's lecturing." I still can not believe he didn't know Raph was Nightwatcher. For so many reasons, but especially because some of his initial comments in that fight are pointed. I always wonder if, on some unconscious level, he did know. And then Raph goes through a battery of emotions with the katana breaking and pinning Leo and then running and all the screaming, gosh. Leo, too. They're so similar it hurts.
I also love 12 Sunset Duo, but I think I love the A-Team a little more. Honestly, their interactions remind me so much of my siblings and I. Pushing each other's buttons so hard, then taking over the world together. Actively trying to kill each other, but minutes later, they're professing their undying love. So much ganging up on their little siblings. Leo gets adorably excited with him sometimes ("Look, Raph, mouser-kebabs!"), and Raph is frequently going, how are we related??? ("Halt? Villain?? When did we start talking like that?!" and "Dude, it literally hurts to listen to you sometimes"). Favs.
Thanks for asking, and I hope everyone who made it here enjoyed the ride!
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beedlemania · 7 months
what are your favorite songs from each of the Monkees albums? ^_^
WAHH this is a tough question but here we go!
The Monkees (1966) - Okay I may have over listened to this album because it was the first Monkees album I heard in full but imma say Papa Genes Blues and Sweet Young Thing. When I first watched the Monkees Mike was my favourite (I wanted to BE Davy but Mike was my fav then) so I have a soft spot for these songs. Also the guitar in Sweet Young Thing sounds kinda like the uillean pipe to me so… bias.
More of The Monkees (1967) - Your Auntie Grizelda is like tied for my fav Monkees song so obviously gotta say that. Then maybe When Love Comes Knockin, Laugh, and of course, I’m A Believer. This is possibly my fav monkees album though so tough choices.
Headquarters (1967) - Another tough picking but imma go with Randy Scouse Git (one of the first ways I heard about the Monkees), No Time (it’s fun what can I say) and Shades of Gray because it’s a pretty duet.
Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones Ltd. (1967) - Okay this album has like no skips so wahh. I would say all of them but that’s CHEATING so Salesman, Cuddly Toy and Don’t Call On Me.
The Birds, The Bees & the Monkees (1968) - I underestimated how hard this would be. Daydream Believer, Writing Wrongs, Magnolia Simms, Valleri
Head (1968) - Long Title (Do I Have To Do This All Over Again?), Can You Dig It? (But Peters version because the voice thing he does. I don’t think I ever listen to Micky’s version except when watching the film), Daddy’s Song, Ditty Diego and Circle Sky (the version where he does the grunt thing at the start? Don’t get me started @.@). I think that’s nearly all the song songs off the album so whoops
Instant Replay (1969) - Through the Looking Glass, I Wont Be The Same Without Her, and Tear Drop City!! And You and I … for obvious reasons <3
The Monkees Present (1969) - Listen to the Band, Mommy and Daddy (Alternate Version, slay Micky), and Oklahoma Backroom Dancer (every time I shuffle music it plays this.. I can’t escape)
Changes (1970) - The final two, wah. 99 Pounds, that songs addictive. And Do It In The Name of Love and Midnight Train (it’s fun!)
Pool It! (1987) - Peters so fit in this era and that’s all I think about when I think of this album. Anyway, Heart and Soul, Gettin In annnd Every Step of the Way
Justus (1996) - I wont lie, I’m not sure if I’ve listened to this album in full whoops but Admiral Mike, and I Believe You (idk if that’s controversial or not)
Good Times! (2016) - The only Monkees album cd I own <3 You Bring the Summer, She Makes Me Laugh, Me & Magdalena
Oops I forgot Missing Links! Gonna put all of them together and say Nine Times Blue, Tear the Top Right Off my Head (all time fav) and My Share of The Sidewalk!
Okay I think I rambled a bit, my apologies. But thank you for asking!! :3
I’d also like to hear everyone else’s favs!
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cadaverousdecay · 2 years
leaf im trying of expand my horror film history knowledge and also just out of curiosity please i need to know your favorite vampire films. the campiest ones, the essentials. the so bad it's good ones. give me the juice
YIPPEEEEE okay so. i have made it my life goal to watch every movie on the vampire films wikipedia, im not yet there, but i will give you all the favorites of the ones ive watched so far
first off, LOST BOYS!!!!! (1987) my favorite movie of all time, i could watch it every day for forever, the style, the vibes, the soundtrack, everything is so perfect. amazing execution of a horror comedy, about familial love and the feelings of alienation in youth (so many queer undertones), this is a movie for fags
for essential films, i gotta say nosferatu (1922), dracula (1931), [also check out the spanish version of dracula (1931) if you can get a hold of it, it comes with the dracula dvd if you have it at your local library], horror of dracula (1958), blood and roses (1960), the vampire lovers (1970), and the blood splattered bride (1972). three early dracula adaptations, and three carmilla ones. these, esp the dracula ones, lay the groundwork for vampire movies.
for some comedy and camp, check out what we do in the shadows (2014), vamps (2012), love at first bite (1979), dracula:dead and loving it (1995) <-thats where the blood gif i reblogged is from, dracula ad 1972 (1972), buffy the vampire slayer (1992) <-i prefer the show but the movie has its charm, so bad its good, was a fun watch, and jesus christ vampire hunter (2001)
idk what to title these last ones but i love them, the hunger (1983) <- also if u can find a copy of the book it was an amazing read!!, interview with the vampire (1994) <- also check out the new show if u feel like it, its even better than the movie to me, blade (1998), let the right one in (2008), only lovers left alive (2013), and a girl walks home alone at night (2014)
i'll keep u updated as i watch more <3
also if u havent read the vampyre by dr polidori, carmilla by sheridan le fanu, or dracula by bram stoker id def recommend them, those are the big three in vampire lit history. also the vampire a new history by nick groom is a wonderful book about the history of the vampire myth
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Mutant Mayhem Was Good!
[Spoilers Ahead] So I just watched Mutant Mayhem and I have 5 things to say and point out. All I gotta say is...
Okay, no one can tell me that don't look like Mona Lisa on that locker 😳
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Like it's the same position and everything!! If MM became a series (I forgot if I heard anything about this ngl-), then I hope we see her! Even if she turns out to be a human! She was a human in 1987 before she got mutated anyways. Also, Idk if that picture above (with the sunglasses) is another art piece, but what if that's Mona Lisa? 👀 She looks like a cool girl like one of those popular girls in school.
2. I wholeheartedly blame MM...
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for making me lowkey enjoy Leonardo x April or Aprilnardo... is that what it's called? Like the turtles act like such teenagers that the crush is quite wholesome ^ ^' I still cringed because omg, this is exactly how 2012 Donnie fell for April (at first sight) 😭 At least this time the crush isn't aggressively shoved down our throats (and obsessive/stalkerish)! MM's portrayal of a teenage crush is what the 2012 creators should've done! Innocent and quite wholesome 😊
3. Showed up to school looking like THIS
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If Leo wasn't a turtle and went to school like that, I think he'd be bullied 💀 Like why he dressed up like Jake From StateFarm? 😂 Full on about to tell me how much I can save on car insurance 😂 Seriously... if Rise Leo- no no, if ANY Leo could see him right now 😭
I can't draw whatsoever, but I hope to see someone create the other Leos reacting to MM Leo's outfit OR A Jake from StateFarm meme with MM Leo. Because these would be amazing 😂
4. Leo Need Some Back Bone
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Mans is over here being bullied about how his split-up name would be Leo Nardo and he didn't 👏 clap 👏 back. I'm only saying this because Raph Ael is way worse and no one noticed 😂 But I appreciate Leo's character in this movie. It is exactly how I would write him in every version; especially in 2012 (except Rise, that Leo is better at hiding anxiety).
I just realized that Donnie ain't much safe either. Tello would be a good last name, but that would mean his name would be Dona 💀 Unless he just sticks to Don Atello which is what he'd probably do x).
5. I wonder...
how would this universe's Casey look? 🤔
isn't Mondo Gecko a teenager? Why isn't he in school?
why is Leatherhead a female? And why she got an accent? If she was mutated in New York then how did she get an Australian accent?
and does the ooooooooze affect only animals? Because Idk if they said anything about it, but I assumed so (and would make sense why they had Splinter origin be a rat).
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disorganizedkitten · 6 months
Bursting Bubbles of Bad Luck Chapter 7
Miraculous Ladybug | 2020 | 1,331 | Ao3 | Prev | Masterlist | Next
July 3rd-Boredom
So the whole discord chat idea? Magic was the less fun part. Felix should have let Allegra add him ages ago.
The Dead Fandoms Discord - Channel #Go-Go-Gadget-Chatroom
Snow Cone King: I’m just saying, Ics, that if we have to petition Walmart, we should at least do it with a lot of people.
Flutetastic: ...Almost everyone on this server and probably half of tumblr and a corner of twitter and a few people from school and my entire family
Considering my family includes you and all the cousins on your half too, that’s a lot of people.
Snow Cone King: Amb. Ics, ics you know what this means?
Speedster: Y’all, I think we should just use the online petition thingy. Get millions of email subscribers from all over the world.
Snow Cone King: My dad probably would totally sign a petition to get Inspector Gadget merch back in stores and then actually make it happen
Flutetastic: It’s sm fun to see you have one of those My Dad Is A Millionaire epiphanies.
Flutetastic: Als, why do you save your logic for the middle of our discussions?
Speedster: Gotta take the time to come up with my genius.
Snow Cone King: Show off.
Penny Could Kick Me: I find it very amusing to watch you guys casually say things like ‘one of those My Dad Is A Millionaire epiphanies’.
Snow Cone King: :Squinty eyes: i can’t tell if that’s an insult
Penny Could Kick Me: Is me laughing out loud at you insulting?
Flutetastic: Say no
Snow Cone King: I haven’t decided.
Snow Cone King: I think so?
Penny Could Kick Me: I love you guys.
Snow Cone King: That’s def. A compliment. Thank you.
The Dead Fandoms Discord - Channel #By-The-Power-Of-Greyskull
The Orange Death: Y’all I just found an article saying Damian Wayne and Adam are friends and someone needs to explain to me how that happened and if that means I missed a He-Man reboot
If so, Imma cri
Snow Cone King: Wait who has the rights to He-Man?
The Orange Death: Honestly I figured it was netflix ‘cause they just did that she-ra reboot but like
Apparently not?
Snow Cone King: I’m looking this up amb
Useless Ace: I thought the last reboot was in 2010?
Snow Cone King: I am apparently a very uninformed fan
There was a life action movie in 1987
The Orange Death: What
Snow Cone King: My to watch list is much bigger
I thought there were only the two versions? I don’t even know which versions they were now?
Useless Ace: Welcome to the world of fandom my friend. Experts are few, far-inbetween, and deserve mad respect bc I could care less to follow every bit of canon ever
Snow Cone King: Mood
Snow Cone King: As of dec 18, 2019, Netflix wants to do a CGI reboot
Useless Ace: Oh thank goodness. My biggest beef with the She-ra reboot was the lost potential for Adam/Adora shenanigans.
Snow Cone King: Have you watched it?
 Useless Ace: See above
Snow Cone King: :facepalm:
Actually I can’t judge, it’s still collecting dust on my to-watch list
Snow Cone King: Reading more and Mark Hamill? Will be Skeletor?? That sounds like it'll go really well
The Orange Death: Y’all I have no idea but now I’m excited
About time He-Man came back
Snow Cone King: Fr tho, I can’t find anything about ties to dc or where he’d have met Damian
Flutetastic: Whack
The Orange Death: You’re telling me
Snow Cone King: You’re telling me.
Snow Cone King: I’m giving up. Some fandom guru who actually knows stuff can figure this out
The Orange Death: Valid
Snow Cone King: I lied and looked further and apparently not only are there multiple comicverse crossovers (Injustice vs the masters of the universe)(DC Universe vs Masters of the Universe)(he Man and the Masters of the Multiverse(I’m guessing is a crossover too)), but there’s a THUNDERCATS one too!
 My childhood will be complete as soon as I read that
Useless Ace: Dude that’s amazing
That’s going top of my to-read list
Snow Cone King: Mood
Gerald: Mood
The Orange Death: King, you really are a king, thank you so much!!!
Useless Ace: I rlly hope they give Adam a better costume like they did w/ Adora in the new reboot
The Orange Death: It’s a bit overdue
The Dead Fandoms Discord - Channel #Magic-Troubles
Snow Cone King: amb there’s a illusion lady in my lit class and normally Idc but she’s being so annoying and she keeps illustrating the whack tales she’s telling and the teach could care less but she’s directly in my line of sight and I wanna learn
Is there a nice way to ask her to stop?
Goldie Queen Of France: Tell her she’s making it hard to see. Rlly, just bc we’re magic doesn’t mean we have the right to be a jerk
Snow Cone King: I’m a jerk by nature
Just wanted to make sure
Flutetastic: King, you’re not magic
The Dead Fandoms Discord chat - Channel #Less-than-dead-corner
Killjoy: I’m just saying! Thanos’ plan was dumb!
Jackie of Jackaland: You didn’t even watch the movie
Killjoy: I don’t have to watch a movie to know that it’s dumb to kill people for resource management when another option is literally just to make more resources
Jackie of Jackaland: Valid point op but pls start watching movies and reading comics before you rant about them based off of someone else’s tumblr rant
Killjoy: That’s less fun
Jackie of Jackaland: You mean less headache inducing
Goldie Queen of France: @Killjoy @Jackie of Jackaland polite, remember? If you’re gonna throw hands, do it in the dms.
Killjoy: Right, sorry
Jackie of Jackaland: Sry
The Dead Fandoms Discord chat - Channel #Magic-troubles
Snow Cone King: Wait are trails colored different by sect or by person?
Coracle-Miracle: Supposed to be by person, but mine turned a purple/black after whatever happened with the heart
Snow Cone King: Ouch
Coracle-Miracle: It hurts less to use magic the more I use it, although Idk what that means. We’re just powering through
The Dead Fandoms Discord Chat - Channel #MURDOCH
Snow Cone King: If I ever leave Paris, I want to go to Canada
Mapleblood: Dude that is my entire life motto
‘Cept I’m Brazilian
Point stands
Speedster: Valid x100
The Dead Fandoms Discord Chat - Channel #Less-than-dead-corner
Flutetastic: Salut, t’all, should I watch Gravity Falls?
Pigtails ftw: I say yeah
It gets weird later on, so I never finished, but I liked what I saw in the beginning
Flutetastic: Awesome. I wanna see if it beats Paris rn
Pigtails ftw: What even is Paris rn?
Flutetastic: Mood
Pigtails ftw: No but like, legit. What’s going on over there?
Flutetastic: #That-Real-Life
The Dead Fandoms Discord Chat - Channel #That-Real-Life
Flutetastic: @Pigtails ftw so yaknow about the magic hearts thing?
Pigtails ftw: didn’t know they were real
Flutetastic: Common response
@Snow Cone King @Coracle Miracle @Rough-Glamor @Goldie Queen Of France come help me out
So the heart/miraculous of Modification got corrupted by somebody, so far no one knows if they’re a strong sorcerer or a lucky human, but it happened and is messing with all change mages.
Snow Cone King: And he uses the extra power to possess civilians and turn them into rampaging monsters who are supposed to hold the city hostage for the hearts of Destruction and Restoration
Coracle-Miracle: which are, btw, also the hearts of purity and chaos
Snow Cone King: How does that work?
Coracle-Miracle: Those two hearts are the strongest and have multiple tie-in clauses, like luck, but that translates to really dangerous and often selfish sorcerers so instead they split into sections within theirs. It’s really interesting actually! Jaclynn O’Conner wrote a really cool book on it, I suggest you read that.
Pigtails ftw: That sounds demonic
Flutetastic: It nearly is
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decided to re-watch the 1987 version of Flowers in the Attic to compare it to the 2014 version, and discovered that i overlooked this pandemic-fueled gem in 2022:
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it's gotta be good right? i gotta see what Mr. Grammer cooked up for us
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Seriously keep up the amazing work, big fan!
*hugs you*
9 - If you could change one thing about TMNT, what would it be?
Probably that so much attention is paid in-canon to Raph and Leo's "rivalry", at the expense of other, different forms of tension. Now, don't get me wrong... I do like it when they have little disagreements, but the point to which it has become the central theme of so many stories just make me wanna, you know...
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11 - Favorite turtle (iteration specific)?
See what you have done! You have opened the proverbial can of worms, and I will now be naming my favorites in every version of the TMNT that I have ever watched or read! Mwahaha!
*ahem* In (more or less) chronological order...
Mirage Comics - I never had much of a preference between the guys in the old comics, though Donatello always had a great appeal to me.
1987 - I totally had a crush on Donatello back in the day. He was the toy that I played with the most, and the one I chose when me and my friends were pretending to be the TMNT (which was pretty easy, since I could use a broomstick as my bo staff).
1990 - There aren't many versions where Raphael is my favorite (I mean, I always love him, but other Turtles usually appeal to me more), but I loved his journey in the first TMNT movie.
1991 - To me, Secret Of The Ooze was all about Donatello. I loved how he had an emotional stake in what was basically a silly little movie.
1993 - How could you not love cute little lovesick Michelangelo? And plus, him being all heroic and rescuing Yoshi!
TMNTA (Archie) Comics - Although Don is dear to my heart in this version, I am going to go with Michelangelo. He is a sweetheart, an artist, he likes poetry, in the future he runs an orphanage, and he is one half of the only TMNT ship I ever actually had... and also, the Blindsight storyline is, in my opinion, the best in the comic's run.
Image Comics - Although I read most of the Image comics, I am going to be honest and say that none of the Turtles really stood out to me. If I had to choose, though, it would probably be Donatello, because of all that cyborgification he went through. Poor guy.
2003 - I know, you know, we all know... Leonardo is my boy in this version! Such a ball of stress... so relatable. Don is a very close second, though!
2007 - Gotta be Donatello! The dude had so much to take care of being the de facto leader while Leo was gone.
2012 - I have to confess that I have not watched enough of this series to develop an opinion, but on behalf of my 12-year-old daughter, I am compelled to say Michelangelo!
2014 - In the first Bay movie, Donatello really shined for me. His nerdy badassery stole my heart.
2016 - While I also really liked Don in the second Bay movie, Michelangelo was my primary focus. How he went back and forth between being the goofy goober and his heartbreak at being perceived as a monster was fascinating to watch.
2018 - Again, I have not watched much of Rise, but based on the movie alone (which I did watch, several times), I would like to say this is another instance where Raphael stood out to me... though it was really hard to choose between him and Leo!
Batman Vs. TMNT (movie) - I loved the way Leonardo was portrayed in this one! His primary fear of failing his brothers was both palpable and understandable, and his fight with Ra's al Ghul is one of my favorite TMNT battles of all time ("I'm sixteen, and I learned this from a rat!")
2024 - Baby... baby boy Leonardo... he needs a hug so bad!
If an iteration isn't listed, then assume I haven't read or watched it enough to form an opinion! Yes, this includes IDW (the concept doesn't appeal to me, for some reason), and The Last Ronan (my heart can't take that)... and although I did watch some of The Next Mutation back in the day, I can't actually remember any of it.
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crappymixtape · 2 years
something infinite • teaser
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teaser for something infinite, a steve x reader series set in an AU version of hawkins, indiana, 1987 // an enemies to lovers fic – find this series and more here.
JUNE 1987, 🎶 the rat, the walkmen 
“C’mon Harrington, don’t be a pussy, get in.”
“Shit, hurry up Tommy!”
“Shut up, I’m going!”
With two wires held tightly between his fingers, Tommy Hagan quickly brushed them together until the old Chevy Blazer rumbled to life, Lynyrd Skynard’s Call Me the Breeze screaming through the speakers.
Well now, they call me the breeze, I keep blowin' down the road! I ain't got me nobody, I don't carry me no load!
“Fuck yeah, get it in drive!”
Steve didn’t know how he ended up there in the passenger seat of an about-to-be-stolen car – sheriff’s car to be exact – and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest as Tommy struggled to shift it into gear. His hands gripped the dash in front of him as he watched a light come on inside the house, “Jesus, Tommy, fucking move!”
“I’m trying, god damn gear shift is stuck!”
It was the hundredth weekend in a row, Steve was certain, that his parents were out of town on business and the fight he’d had with his dad that night had been a real crowning achievement. The worst of all time and something in him snapped. All he wanted now was to feel something. Anything. And it was barreling toward him like a train off the rails.
“Oh shit, we gotta go, we gotta go!”
“Fucking bail!”
The screen door on the front of Hopper’s house flung open so hard the whole frame shook as it slammed shut behind him.
“Get outta here, meet back at my place!” Kyle and Tommy jumped out of the car so fast Steve didn’t have any time to think.
“Shit, shit shit shit,” scrambling, Steve’s hand fumbled on the door handle as he shoved it open, scraping his leg against the runner board on his way down. Hair messed and wild in his eyes, he looked up to see his friends were already over the fence and sprinting toward the tree line behind Hopper’s place, “Wait!”
Not bothering to close the door behind him, Steve tried to pick up a sprint, but a large hand half-shoved, half-grabbed the back of his neck and within seconds he was face down in the lawn with a mouth full of grass and dirt, Hop’s weight pressing him into the ground.
“You little shits think you’re so clever. Well, s’the last time you fuck with Hopper, hm?”
SOMETHING INFINITE SYNOPSIS: hawkins, indiana, 1987 – your mom is out of town for the summer on business and she sends you to live with your aunt joyce and her husband jim in hawkins while she’s gone. joyce works at the library and jim is the town sheriff – the kids, will, jonathan and el slowly warm up to you and it’s after you get in with them that you really start to feel at home, but there’s one person who just annoys you to no end. one person you’d love to just boot off a cliff – steve fucking harrington.
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junsei-draws-rotasu · 2 years
You talking about a Lego Monkie Kid and TMNT 2012 and/or ROTTMNT crossover and/or reincarnation crossover au thing brings me so much joy. Can't tell u how much I now that in my life as someone who loves both TMNT and LMK so much.
I gotta say though, Rise Donnie as MK is a bit of a odd choice (would probably be very funny though). But I know that is like, the crack take, I think.
Also gotta ask, TMNT 2012 (or ROTTMNT) reincarnated into LMK crossover (au), who would u put to be reincarnated as who? Either a crack take or a more legit take and/or both?
To me, I could see, depending on the story I am going for or the character stuff I am going for or whatever, it could go many different ways. But I just wanted to see ur/others take(s) on it as well.
ROTTMNT LMK reincarnation AU(Really needs a name) is something more crack-ish for me to write. Considering when I thought who to put in each version, I thought it would be funny to have Donnie to be MK.
I could’ve chosen Lowe-key when Macaque was revive to suddenly have Donnie’s memories, but no. I chosen Mikey because I think him being Macaque is funny as well. Leo is coming close to second to Macaque
And April is obviously Mei. Cassandra can be Red Son lmaoooo
In ROTTMNT, nothing is really hold serious there, and I prefer it that way.
But TMNT 2012, I would say Mikey is MK. Rather basic but those are the best.
Tang Shen is related to Tang(cuz name and stuff), and Macaque is somehow roped into the Hamato life because he got acquaintance with Shen. How? Not sure yet.
Really debating hard if Mei to have reincarnated memories or not. Like do I want her as Mei, and actually a human friend that likes the Hamato because they didn’t save her or have April or Karai to be her.
While Mikey’s brothers is either still the same but different species eggs that Splinter had the sudden urge to steal and have no regrets on doing so or Im taking some characters in LMK to be reincarnated.
Unless we go to the crazy, dark, and depressing timeline where Mikey is the only one reincarnated and didn’t that like, so he decided to use his clones and use glamour on them and ta-da! Hamato family 2.0!
I really can’t do IDW right now since it’s not yet finished and I don’t have access to Vol 14
But if I finally finished 1987 TMNT, you can bet your pizzas that MK is Raph. Sassy little shit that breaks the fourth wall soooo much.
Sadly, for the TMNT movies, I really have no thoughts on them. 2003 is something in my watch list, that I will live blog. Surprisingly, the only spoiler I had is SAINW, Shredder is a Krang, Bishop ain’t a robot, Leatherhead is a scientist, Casey And April, and Baxter is a brian.
Mirage TMNT… i had barely past the first issue, so I’m a blank slate when it comes to them
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tuesday again 10/11/22
in which i read a book but completely fail to discuss it
listening Bloody! Bloody! by Junie & TheHutfriends. self-described indie pop, incredibly fun chorus! the same sort of frantic plinky..banjo? undertones that i liked so much in my absolute favorite song of hers, The Consequence of Imagination Is Fear.
very good spooky halloween song. i truly do love this band so much for how fucking Weird it is.
And you’re driving with your hands, not believing all the bleeding, and they’re calling you- Bloody! And the knife sits gleaming in the red back seating, and they’re calling you- Bloody! And they’re all still screaming in your head, and their lips dead, calling you- Bloody!
there are a couple creatives where i'm like "yes i WOULD like a new Frog Detective/twine novel/something every year, where i have a marvelous time for forty minutes and it's a little self-contained experience". this band goes in the same brain bucket, bc it feels like it is as much an excuse to collage and make felt puppets as it is to release a new single once every few months. now i am projecting bc i do not know this lady or her process, but i would like more people to be able to make art where i the art enjoyer get a little thing every once in a while, without the artist feeling the crushing need to be a professional artist hitting it big in order to make the art and any sort of living also.
reading The Man In The High Castle by Philip K. Dick.
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i had to think really fucking hard about if i wanted to talk about this book, bc like a lot of older scifi it critiques the problems of its time but is also very much a product of its time. and i then i remembered that i'm going to do what i want forever until i die :) and then i didn't really have time to even discuss this book much at all :)
let's yoink the description straight off wiki
The Man in the High Castle (1962), by Philip K. Dick, is an alternative history novel wherein the Axis Powers won World War II. The story occurs in 1962, fifteen years after the end of the war in 1947, and depicts the political intrigues between Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany as they rule the partitioned United States. The Grasshopper Lies Heavy is a novel-within-the-novel which is an alternative history of the war in which the Allies defeat the Axis.
i do enjoy how scifi, especially older scifi, often refuses to resolve neatly or at all. this one left me unsettled. this is not a bad thing! it is unsettled in a way that is un-fan-ficcable. it is unsettled in a way that even though Philip K. Dick planned a sequel, he couldn't bring himself to write one bc the research for this book was so depressing. i do think i gotta let this one percolate in the back of my brain a bit, bc i don't have any useful thoughts aside from "wow yeah this series of events is totally plausible and plays out in a very 'yup i can see that happening' way". this entry is more setting down a marker to myself that i can in fact read full length books. maybe even do it again
how did i find it: this entry came about through a perfect confluence of events: i read this all in one sitting (rare) after seeing it in a thrift store earlier that day (also rare) and thinking "this probably isn't a book i'll reread, does my library have it" (near-miraculous).
watching Ōtomo Katsuhiro, director of Akira, has done three...whatever the animated version of a book of short stories is. is it just an anthology also??? anyway i watched Memories (1995) back in july, adored it, half the soundtrack is on my regular roulette wheel of data entry music, and i finally looped back around and watched the other three anthologies he was part of this week.
didn't like them as much! it is eleven forty three pm as i write this so i will not be going into great detail. overall impressions only.
robot carnival (1987) i did not care for very much at all. i think it is the weakest overall of the four both in animation and in story. it did give me this baller screenshot.
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neo tokyo (1987) absolutely off the fucking chain with animation flexes. stories overall were not as strong as memories (i am going to be thinking about the first short in memories until i die probably). i have never seen such a perfectly animated cat that nobody seems to have really giffed? unrelated in a different short, i have never seen fire animated like that and now all other animated fire looks wrong.
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short peace (2013) i liked much more both on strength of animation and strength of storytelling. "possessions", wherein a wandering samurai takes shelter from a storm in a shrine to...discarded objects? charmed me the most.
playing Card Cowboy by a large assortment of people and published by Luckshot. available PWYW on itch and it's like three american bucks on steam. you're out seeking "Revenge against the Gunman who killed your dad, wooed your mom, and kicked your dog" in a procgen fashion gathering cards board-game-style to progress along a web of little location options. and the little opening animatic has the best royalty-free morricone i've ever heard
this is a very polished game with all the quality of life features and smooth art one expects from a card game. it wants to be a phone game really badly.
this is not a moral judgement or a dig at how fun it is, bc it's very fun, but the whole time i played it i thought about how much fun it would be to play on my phone.
at one point i had three bandits, a wife, a baby, a baby horse (the game did not call it a foal don't @ me), and a gold lasso. the next turn i got Blood Money from sending the foal off to compete in the rodeo.
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the below is how i got a baby
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the below is how i lost the baby
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this game is very easy to tell stories about like "oh yeah did you get the blood money from sending the foal off to the rodeo???" which is always super fucking helpful in both game discovery and selling the damn thing. extremely streamable bc it is procgen. i hope it sells a billion copies.
making having a fancy bathroom makes me feel like a rich bitch so i got a new shower head. the shower head of course did not fix the abysmal water pressure in this house but it does have an additional detachable head so possibly i will actually clean my bathtub more often. got to use a big fuckoff pipe wrench to take the old showerhead off which was fun. other than recaulking the little escutcheon to the shower wall (annoying) this was a fairly quick and painless process. suspicious. shower head here except i did not spend seventy five dollars on it, that’s ludicrous, i found a new in box one on eBay for thirty bucks.
in other news, acquired the Perfect double breasted trench coat in the Perfect length, it’s got the belt, the wool lining is intact, it’s in decent shape except for the horrible stain on the front. so it’s at the dry cleaners to see if anything happens. the armscyes are just a hair too tight for me in a thin tshirt to lift my arms over shoulder height without looking stupid as fuck so i may find a tailor if i ever want to wear it with a sweater or something. i cannot stress enough how much it is the perfect cut and the perfect length for me. i am willing to invest some dollars in a good classic trench coat i will hopefully have for the next twenty years.
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skelegun · 2 years
Quick overview of the Return of the Living Dead franchise:
Night of the Living Dead (1968): this film created the “zombie” genre as we know it. The dead begin to rise from their graves and hunger for the flesh of the living. Co-created by George A Romero and Jack Russo. Long story short, George Romero and Jack Russo have a legal battle over the rights to sequels. The two reach an agreement and George’s sequels are titled such as “Dawn of the Dead”, omitting the “Living” part, where as Jack Russo gets to keep the “Living” part. Weird flex but okay.
Return of the Living Dead (1977): A novel written by Jack Russo. Meant to be a sequel to Night of the Living Dead. Set a few years after the events of the movie, society has returned to normal, however people must still be vigilant as the dead still reanimate. Things are going smoothly until a bus accident on a remote highway causes an new outbreak. It’s a bad shitty book. There is also a part where Russo goes to into excruciating detail about a zombie eating certain parts of woman that lead me to believe that the man is fucked up in the head.
Return of the Living Dead (1985): Someone bought the rights from Russo to the title of his book and produced an otherwise completely unrelated horror film. This film is an absolute classic mix of punk rock, dark comedy, and scares. It also created the trope of zombies moaning the word “brains”, as unlike Romero & Russo inspired zombies, the ones in this film are more like cannibalistic crackheads who crave craniums. The zombies are created as a result of a chemical called Trioxin, and isn’t spread through bites because it’s a chemical not a virus, also destroying the brain doesn’t stop the host, you must completely obliterate the body. One of my top 5 favorite films of all time, go give it a watch and get a copy of the stellar soundtrack.
C.H.U.D. II: Bud the C.H.U.D (1987): uhhh technically not a Return of the Living Dead film, but according to several sources it was originally meant to be. This is very apparent when you watch the film as the first CHUD film was about bulging eyed sewer mutants, where as this film is about talking zombies who can only be killed by electricity. It basically feels like a shittier first draft of the next film because the “the zombies can be stopped by electricity” wasn’t in the first RotLD film but ends up being the climax of the next film. Also the plot to both films are basically “due to a military mix up a small town gets attacked by zombies and a bunch of young folks gotta round em all up and stop em”
Return of the Living Dead 2 (1988): it’s basically the first movie… but for children. Seriously this movie replaces most of the edgy humor of the first film with slapstick. It’s really fucking weird, but there was this thing in the late 80s where they would try to like market stuff like Robocop and Freddy Kreuger and shit to children, and this movie is a flagrant example of it. On the plus side however it stays faithful to the rules laid out in the first film, only real adding the bit about electricity being their weakness.
Return of the Living Dead 3 (1993): This movie saw the last’s films lack of sex and gore and decided to make up for it in spades. Directed by Brian Yuzna a man who’s films are famous for their over the top gore and bizarre sexual degeneracy. This film is like a fucked up version of Romeo and Juliet where Juliet is an undead goth chick who gets off on self mutilation. Also Yuzna ignored the part about bites not causing infection because it’s not infection it’s a chemical, so now anyone who gets bit becomes a zombie. The zombies eat any flesh now not just brains, where as in the first two films they were only interested in brains. That being said it’s still an interesting movie and the only other film on this list after the first Return that I’d recommend watching, particularly if you enjoy Reanimator.
Return of the Living Dead 4: Necropolis & Return of the Living Dead 5: Rave to the Grave (2005): absolute abominable shit. Was co-produced by the fucking Scifi channel. Zombies don’t seem to follow any consistent rules. Why these were even made boggles the mind. These movies were filmed together and technically share continuity with each other, but they don’t really? Like the characters who survive Necropolis suddenly act like completely different people in Rave to the Grave and seem to have amnesia or something. Like Necropolis is about a bunch of friends who break into an evil corporation’s lab to rescue their friend, and the end up discovering it’s full of zombies. Rave to the Grave is about the survivors from the last movie developing a party drug from Trioxin that turns people into zombies. From a narrative perspective it almost feels like Necropolis would have made more sense to come after Rave. Like you have Rave come out first and they learn about the horrors of Trioxin so the next one is them storming the evil lab to shut down the the evil company. Finally they are both clearly filmed in Romania and have a bunch of Romanian actors which would be fine if the plot took place in Romania and not America.
Somewhat mercifully the franchise is now dead.
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stubobnumbers · 2 years
Turner Classic Movies (This afternoon through next Friday)
November 11th (Starting 2:15 PM ET): Where Eagles Dare (1968) The Dirty Dozen (1967) The Best Years Of Our Lives (1946) The Longest Day (1962)
November 12th: Dr. Jekyll And Sister Hyde (1971), Prehistoric Women (1967), The Prisoner Of Zenda (1937), In The Money (1958), 42nd Street (1933), The Invisible Man (1933), Foreign Correspondent (1940), Some Came Running (1958), The Snake Pit (1948), and Blackboard Jungle (1955).
"The Invisible Man" is awesome. "Foreign Correspondent" is a pretty good early Hitchcock film.
November 13th: Tension (1950), Get Shorty (1995), Crashing Hollywood (1938), Mr. Lucky (1943), Angel On My Shoulder (1946), The White Cliffs Of Dover (1944), Calamity Jane (1953), The Fortune Cookie (1966), Matinee (1993), Flower Drum Song (1961), and Guess Who's Coming To Dinner (1967).
November 14th: Out Yonder (1919), La Bete Humaine (1938), The River (1951), A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935), Twenty Million Sweethearts (1934), It Happened Tomorrow (1944), Dames (1934), The Tall Target (1951), Murder, My Sweet (1944), The Bad and the Beautiful (1952), Touch Of Evil (1958), and The Player (1992).
"Touch Of Evil" is a quality film.
November 15th: Pillow Talk (1959), Who's That Girl? (1987), Boys' Night Out (1962), The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964), A Hard Day's Night (1964), Beauty and the Beast (1946), Steel Against the Sky (1941), All the Brothers Were Valiant (1953), Chances (1931), East of the River (1940), Somewhere I'll Find You (1942), Ashes and Diamonds (1958), and The Gospel According to St. Matthew (1964).
"Pillow Talk" is an amusing romantic comedy.
November 16th: Jules and Jim (1962), My Journey Through French Cinema (2016)(Documentary), Anne of Green Gables (1934), Little Women (1933), Pride and Prejudice (1940), Great Expectations (1946), Kings Row (1942), The Magnificent Ambersons (1942), Wuthering Heights (1939), Queen Christina (1933), and The Scarlet Empress (1934).
November 17th: Nicholas and Alexandra (1971), The Three Musketeers (1948), Marie Antoinette (1938), Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House (1948), Every Girl Should Be Married (1948), Ice Station Zebra (1968), Something of Value (1957), Giant (1956), Lord Jim (1965), and The Last Of Sheila (1973).
That version of 'Musketeers' stars Vincent Price as one of the villains.
November 18th: The Verdict (1982), The Mackintosh Man (1973), Inside Out (1976), The Sea Gull (1968), The Viking (1929), Ariel (1989), Arctic Fury (1949), Winter Light (1962), The Thing from Another World (1951), The Snow Devils (1965), Snow Trail (1947), Christmas in Connecticut (1945), and The Bishop's Wife (1947).
Friday's theme is cold, snow, and The Arctic. Ive never seen "The Snow Devils", but aliens trying to freeze Earth as a form of terraforming? That's gotta be worth a watch! "The Thing From Another World" is awesome. Sure, I'll watch it for a 37th time.
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