#and he gets back. and Emmet and Irida are still at it
nell0-0 · 11 months
Emmet thinking: "Something is srsly wrong with Ingo. Do these peopel have something to do with it? Do they know whats wrong with him? Did they have something to do with it?"
Irida thinking: "God this guy is pushy. Is this what Ingo left behind? I'm not going to stop him from leaving obviously, but if THIS is how he can be expected to be addressed back home..."
Ingo thinking: "Man, I have so much shit to do. Maybe I could get Emmet and Irida's help doing it. They seem to get along."
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What did the poor guy ever do to you
Ngl, this sounds like fanfic material. A one-shot at the very least. Too ansgty for me though, I prefer the funny and chaotic.
For context: 1 | 2
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raynavan · 2 years
we have a few wing aus where ingo and Akari have wings, and others where everyone can get wings, but what if ingo and Akari the only ones without wings.
Ingo just waking up surrounded by people with wings and he’s. So confused. That… doesn’t seem natural… he never says anything though, that would be rude!
Also… him (and possibly Akari) getting a lot of sympathy bc what happened to their wings!? Did they get removed!? A horrible thought! Irida and Calaba quietly thing that perhaps it’s better Ingo not remember his past… a blessing in disguise. They don’t talk about it, least they remind him of something bad.
Akari… could go two ways. It could be: “oh this poor soul she lost her wings and doesn’t remember anything, we just have to take care of her” (Kamado is worried about the thing that took her wings might just come here) or: “oh this child has no wings, how could she possibly help us?” In which she has to work a lot harder to live there.
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feroluce · 1 year
Obsessing over the new ingirida / nobokai possibilities in pokemas after the pla update because oh my goddddddddd
Just. Irida hanging out with the twins for a few days in Pasio, getting to spend time with them and even become friends, and realizing that this really is Ingo, but it's not her Ingo, at least not yet. But she doesn't really have any way of knowing what to do about this, and she can't stick around long enough to figure it out. She has to go back.
Irida very seriously taking Ingo's hands in hers and looking up at him and telling him that if he ever finds himself at a loss somewhere and with nowhere to go, come to the pearl clan. Come find her. She'll help him, she swears it.
Ingo finds it a little odd, but she says it so sadly (plus there's a cute girl holding his hands dbkxjske) and so sincerely that he can't really bring himself to ask about it. Ingo nods and tells her yes, ok, he promises he'll come find her someday, they'll see each other again.
And Irida looking as though she might cry as she stands in front of the rift, telling Emmet to please, please, take good care of Ingo, spend lots of time with him... Treasure all of it, don't take it for granted, ok?
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nartothelar · 2 months
I just had a thought while thinking about your possession au.
So I know you posted some joke art about Ingo confronting a Zoroark acting as his (possessed) brother, but what if the Zoroark WAS trying this time.
So imagine ; Ingo with maybe Lady Sneasler and Irida walking through the Alabaster Icelands, and they get confronted with a Zoroark. It takes Emmet's form and starts terrorizing Ingo, taunting him with "You'd never hurt me!" and everything F!Emmet said before.
And Irida watches as Ingo, her cool and collected if a tad lost warden just... shrink back in fear.
Now just about any sane person would be afraid of a Zoroark, but she can tell that this is MUCH more than just that. This is *personal*. He normally never hesitates fighting Zoroarks when they take the forms of others, but this time he is terrified of hurting the man behind the illusion, and of the man himself.
Judging from everything the illusion of Emmet is shouting (even illusions and how they behave have *some* truth to them), and the way Ingo is terrified, she deduces that maybe the place or family Ingo originally came from wasn't ideal, to say the least. Ingo frantically telling Irida that he loves his supposed abuser only reaffirms her concerns.
Eventually, this becomes somewhat of an open secret among both clans that Ingo's 'man in white' is, to say the least, not good. And how is Ingo supposed to dispute that? He loves this person, and he vaguely feels protective of him, but he also feels afraid whenever he think of him.
Cue Emmet somehow getting into Hisui.
For some extra angst, he took care of his F!Emmet situation, somehow. (Maybe when they both went to Dialga to go to Hisui, he went 'wait a moment, you're not supposed to be there' and separated them)
Naturally, when Irida finds out that the man in white is actually here, she panics. Everyone tries to a. Keep Emmet from finding out Ingo is even here (which doesn't work, he came here KNOWING Ingo is here so he can tell everyones lying to him), b. Know Emmet's location at all times, so that c. They can steer Ingo in the opposite direction of where Emmet is, for his own safety until they can either get Emmet to go back to where he came from, or do some (incredibly biased) investigation.
Cause Sinnoh help them if Emmet IS actually as bad as they suspect, cause if he is even half as good as Ingo, then the amount of people who could potentially stop him can he counted on one hand.
Sure, he SEEMS nice if a tad intense, worrying about his brother, but who's to say he's not just a good actor?
I dunno, maybe the climax is Emmet finding Ingo but the Ingo protection squad (consisting of Irida, Sneasler, etc.) is keeping him back and throwing the not completely baseless accusations at Emmet, him saying "hey I was possessed by a future alternate version of myself, but hes gone now I swear" ("well that's awfully convenient"), and Ingo has NO IDEA what do to (cause he said that once, didn't he? He said that the thing was gone, but then it wasn't, so he has no idea if he can fully trust him or not).
OR, F!Emmet arrives still in Emmet's body and just starts tearing through everything to find Ingo. He's an unstoppable force that will not stop until he finds his brother. And he is nearly everything that Zoroark showed Irida. They are desperately trying to keep Ingo away from him, to no avail.
What're your thoughts on this? Do with all this what you want, and thanks for reading my rant.
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so i might have explored this very idea in a couple of discord dms! but for the most part, yes, ingo would be very much scared of the man in white/the zoroark since his last days with emmet were very much tainted with future emmet's influence, but i wouldn't say f!emmet went so far as to abuse him - emotionally torment for sure tho. still, ingo would very much react, even with amnesia, with a sense of fear and apprehension to seeing him. mixed and very confusing feelings
when emmet does finally get to ingo in hisui in the actual au, him and his future self has actually teamed up (as the last installation suggests). that isn't to say emmet is angry at his future self (bc he is FURIOUS even now at how his future self treated ingo and made the last few weeks he had with his sibling so miserable for everyone) but they have a sort of ceasefire since they want the same thing rn
but similar to your ask, ingo doesn't react positively. he still doesn't remember much but he knows that: 1) he knows this figure and that he is someone important to him 2) does not want any harm to come to him 3) he, for the life of him, is scared of him. the clan is rightfully ultra suspicious of them and maybe puts him on watch (and maybe subjecting him to various interrogative talks to get him to explain everything) that the emmets accept without much fight -> f!emmet feeling extremely guilty for what he has done and believes he deserves the treatment/deserves to not be forgiven + emmet knows that the clan is protecting his brother and can't fault them for handling the way they do
f!emmet and emmet both have a lot of work to do if they want things to go back to the way they were, if they even can
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arrowsperpetualcringe · 11 months
Im bored so, if there are any Mirror Image readers still following me, this one is for you!
Here are some fun facts about the characters in Mirror Image that I can't include for the sake of subtlety/they're irrelevant to the plot
Dawn/Akari and Irida... Are... Dating :]
So are Arezu and Mai
On a similar note regarding relationships— Adaman has actually been pining for Ingo for a long time. But he noticed Melli's feelings towards him, so he keeps it to himself, because he wants Melli to have someone that makes him happy
Seeing how Ingo treats Melli so well only made Adaman fall harder
Ingo likes spicy food!
Emmet smokes. This is why he had a lighter in the scene where he burned the remainder of Ingo's missing posters
It was a bad habit he had before Ingo even went missing, but once he disappeared it intensified. Ingo disapproves of his habit, and if he found out about it again, he still would.
Volo also smokes. They have a fancy pipe they like to use.
Volo n Emmet take smoke breaks together. They don't talk much during them, but the presence of the other is enough to make them feel so much more at ease.
Emmet thinks Volo looks ethereal. Which is why I use descriptors like "golden" and for them. Those are descriptors from Emmet's pov (he's the only one who interacts with him, so there's nothing else to compare to though) To him, their beauty is pure and ornate.
Volo is basically rich. They built their wealth over the many many years they were alive. They own many properties and the like throughout Sinnoh, so they're never worried about getting around or having a place to stay, making them the perfect travel companion for Emmet
Volo knows Sinnoh like the back of their hand
Volo also knows the Mirror Dimension like the back of their hand
Volo has a crack on their neck, much like the ones on their face. They got this from a failed attempt to take their own life
Elesa and Drayden are actively looking for Emmet
Ingo is gay, Emmet is bi, they are both trans
Drayden is also.... Gay :]
Lesbian Elesa real.
Also Demiboy Melli real. He uses he/they
Ingo has always wanted to try the potato mochi he sees the Galaxy Team eat... But alas... He has no fucking money
Ingo has been attacked by a Zoroark before. On one of the design references for MI Ingo, you'll see he has bite marks in a few places— that's cause he's been mauled.
Ingo is a good cook but doesn't remember shit about how to do it.
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that1nkyone · 2 years
Distortion Guide AU: Cautionary Tale
A good twenty minutes passed in relative silence.
Adaman wasn't too fond of such things. Time was meant to be decorated with life, sound, conversation or song. Or time was meant to be spent getting things done. He cast his gaze about, frowning slightly at the strange angle of a waterfall - falling upwards and continuously into the void above. And glancing down at the rocky path he trod simply presented him with what seemed like dried, blackened plants. "May I have your attention?" A voice finally rang out through the still air, and Adaman glanced up, suddenly. The strange man in white had stopped walking at the very front of their little entourage. He was now looking over his shoulder, silver eyes gleaming.
"What's the matter?" Irida leaned out from behind Adaman, and he jolted. Lost in thought, he'd forgotten how closely everyone had been following behind. Akari was already walking past him, eager to see what their guide had stopped for. And he glimpsed Ingo at the very back, with the strange and shy lantern Pokemon flanking him. It glowed a faint violet in response. "We are getting close to an exit, I believe." Emmet said, tilting his head. The giant eel Pokemon who had hovered at his side had surged ahead in a flash. Adaman stepped forward onto a wider rocky platform, and blinked at the sight. The Distortion Realm had been strange and unpredictable. But Adaman had found it very bereft of life. Deserted, uninhabitable - with dark barren rocks and strange vegetation. He'd wondered how anyone had survived here. Here, he was surprised to see the beginnings of grass and sand on the platform he stood upon. Scattered before them were several rocky platforms with twisted and warped trees - still with brilliant green leaves and deep brown trunks. He saw a few Pecha berries at their base - some had been stretched thin under the distortion. He saw another few waterfalls - except some seemed to be depositing golden sands, which became silver as they rose up into the void. Churning tubes of water spread out around them in what seemed like a colossal net spreading outwards - suspended in the still air. "…There's so much more going on, here." Adaman said, placing a hand on his head. "I thought this place was basically a desert." "Nope!" Emmet said, looking up. "There's places where this realm is barren - but it's the same in the other side of this world, right?" The same… Adaman's gaze drifted again between Emmet, and Ingo who followed from behind to take in the sight. He tried to ignore the slight twist in his gut. "Your attention, please!" Adaman spun, as Emmet performed a full point - almost exactly the same as he'd seen Ingo perform. He was pointing off towards the watery scene before him. Adaman, upon squinting, could see a larger floating rock - trees growing out the sides, and water falling upwards and downwards from several trickling creeks that veined all around it.
There appeared to be an entrance at its base - a cave of sorts. "Places like this are verrry useful." Emmet explained. "Some food, if you need it. And there are many points where we can transfer from here to your home destination."
He looked around. "There are perhaps many ways home, among the waterways. But I believe the cave may be the safest option. There's a floor there, for example!" Adaman frowned. "So, we're just walking past a lot of potential exits?" At his word, the structures before them shifted. The path of rocks seemed to adjust - sinking down into the abyss, while another trail of stones formed towards another platform with a tall and twisted tree. The giant eel Pokemon had reappeared in the process, shooting up from beneath the platform they stood upon. It gave Emmet a quick look, then zigzagged its way to the tree itself, where it hovered. "Please stay behind the yellow line." Emmet said, with a nod. "Onwards!"
Adaman gave a small sigh, as he fell into line behind Emmet. Akari stepped over the rocky path first, silent and observant as always.
The Clan leader couldn't help but wonder if any of this was new to her. "What does he mean by 'yellow line?'" Irida asked from behind him, raising a brow. She was careful as she stepped, frowning at the sand that would inevitably get stuck in her shoes. "I believe it means to remain cautious." Ingo said, trailing after her. "… though as to why there is a line, and why line is yellow, I am unsure." Adaman glanced over his shoulder. "Guess he knows the same strange phrases you know." he said, raising a brow. "Have you noticed that?" The Warden looked up at Adaman. And suddenly, the Clan Leader felt the need to divert the topic - because Ingo suddenly looked rather haunted. More than usual, at least. "… You mentioned this realm being a Mirror World." Ingo said regardless, in a voice too quiet for him. "One that reflects the one we live in." Irida nodded, her face softening after having shot Adaman a scowl (he'd held up his hands in defense). "The old stories we were told were to 'beware one's reflection.'" she said. "If there was something strange about your appearance - in a mirror, in the water - we were told to run. Or else we'd end up in a world where Space had no dominion." "It was Time, for us." Adaman recounted, quietly. "… though, seems as if both were correct." Ingo was silent for a moment. The lantern Pokemon hovered nearby, trilling quietly - Adaman was unsure if it were showing concern, or simply curiosity. "Are you worried Emmet will lead us astray?" Irida asked, stealing a glance in the man's direction (he had stopped in his path to encourage Akari, as she braced herself to take a leap to the next platform). "He may have been helping us so far - but if you're concerned about what his plans may be - "
"That is not the reason." Ingo's voice was sharp. It startled Adaman, the way his gaze grew steely. He quickly glanced in Emmet's direction. The man had turned at the voice, but he didn't seem fazed. He turned back to Akari, nodding as she made it to the next platform. Ingo blinked a couple of times, then seemed to shrink in on himself slightly - as if sheepish about his outburst. "… My apologies, Lady Irida." he said, softly. "I simply… I do not believe he will harm us. That seems…" He seemed to pause a moment, as if going over his thoughts. Instead of continuing on, he drew in a breath. "I am just… uneasy about him." Adaman raised a brow.
"For looking so similar to you?" he asked. Ingo looked at him, with a slight frown. The steeliness had returned in some degree.
"No." he said. "For being trapped in such an unstable place as this." Adaman blinked as the Warden stepped forward past him. He couldn't read Ingo's expression well enough to know his mood. Not that he was familiar enough with the man to really read him to begin with. Adaman frowned. Ingo appeared to have only met Emmet a few hours ago. And yet, he seemed to have no hesitation on trusting the man. But to Adaman, time was what granted familiarity - not the instinct of a mysterious man with holes in his memory. "We need to get him back to safety." Adaman glanced at Irida. Her gaze was firm, at her Warden's back. "Do you trust Emmet?" Adaman asked. "No." The other Clan Leader stepped forward. "I have barely shared any space with him. But I do trust my own Warden." Adaman raised a brow. "Ingo is a smart man. But even you have to notice how much this place is affecting him. You don't think that wouldn't affect his judgement, as well?"
Irida sighed. "That may be so. But even when he finds himself lacking in information, he'd find it very irresponsible to let any of us be led into danger. That seems to be a constant with Ingo." She stepped ahead. And Adaman sighed, continuing along the path of rocky stepping stones. Time would tell, he supposed. The question was whether he would let it. It was when they had all grouped together at the twisted tree, when there was a sudden rumble. Emmet held up a tattered gloved hand. "Emergency brake. We are rerouting again." As he spoke, several of the stepping stone paths seemed to rise away - and others dropped deep into the depths. Adaman watched wide-eyed as the watery tubes seemed to spiral slowly - some bunching neatly in knots, others clashing with a mighty SPLASH. Irida and Ingo stepped back, as a wave of water was suspended in the air - scattering slowly into smaller droplets as it moved. The droplets floated, and began to simply drift aimlessly. Akari stepped forward to the platform's edge, squinting up at them as they seemed to grow and shrink in size. With a small gasp, she pointed at a relatively large one. "What do you see, Miss Akari?" Ingo asked, tilting back the brim of his hat. Within the droplet - or perhaps now a bubble, Adaman thought - was a very familiar scene. Waves crashed against a smooth shore under a blue sky. Spheal rolled about a large piece of driftwood. The distant cry of Chatot could be heard, distorted in the distance. "Cobalt Coastlands." Adaman breathed. The relief he felt at seeing such a place was impalpable. "Ah! A verrry nice destination!" Adaman jumped at how close Emmet's voice had been. He was standing next to him, lifting back the brim of his hat for a brief moment, before placing it back down over one eye. "Verrry pretty. Verrry reflective. I've seen it a few times." Emmet said, with an odd half-smile. "But I have never been there." Before Adaman could tell him to step away a little, Ingo suddenly stepped up next to him. He seemed to marvel at the bubbles floating by. "Water… a reflective surface." he said, thoughtfully. "You don't think… in order to get back home…" "I guess all we have to do is wait until it gets closer." Irida said. "Then we can jump straight in - like at the lake!" At this, Emmet thrust an arm in front of them both. His amiable expression had become fierce. "Stay behind the yellow line." he warned. "This is not a route. This is simply a window." Ingo regarded Emmet a moment, before stepping back. Adaman frowned.
"We got here through the reflection of Lake Verity." he said, firmly. "The water may be a different shape, but it's the same deal, right?" Emmet shook his head. "This is not a door. This is a window. Keep your arms and legs inside the vessel at all times." His gaze sharpened. "It is dangerous. Let us continue." Emmet marched past them, to a waiting Akari and the two Pokemon. The giant eel seemed impatient to get moving, while the lantern seemed incredibly wary of the water. Adaman glanced at Ingo, whose eyes darted back and forth between their Guide, and the bubbles forming from the droplets. Then, the Warden turned and followed after. Irida tersely followed after Emmet, glancing up longingly at the bubbles. Adaman could see why - all of them were reflecting parts of the Cobalt Coastlands. The area seemed to lighten up at their presence, the sun shining through each one into the dim Distortion World. Adaman glanced at the massive rock further ahead - with the cave they were apparently en route to. Dark and foreboding - and further away from the windows to their world than he cared for. He glanced back at the bubbles. One of the smaller ones, just the size of his head, was floating near him, now. A Spheal rolled into view, its beady black eyes looking around as it chirped. Adaman reached out towards the bubble, and the Spheal. Looking back now, Adaman wouldn't be sure what spurred him to do such a thing. Perhaps he sought familiarity. To be back in a world where he didn't feel quite so out of place. His fingers touched the surface of the bubble. "ADAMAN!" … and a massive force suddenly threw him off his feet. He felt his wrist crack back as his outstretched hand was snapped back against his chest. He was thrown clear off the platform as the bubble exploded in a massive burst of light. Terror gripped him as he drifted through the air. There was nothing around him - no rock, no platform, not even a tree or a watery current in his path to catch him. His voice was stolen from him for a few terrible moments as he found himself being flung further away from where he'd once stood. "TROSS!" With a crackle, something wrapped around his waist. And he jerked backwards with the force that now kept him in place. Adaman looked down to see a familiar scaly tail there - finned, and with a yellow pattern seeping up to its body. He looked up to see a maw of teeth, and a glare directed down at him. "Tross…" the pokemon growled. Then, with all the care of one carrying a basket of firewood, Adaman found himself being pulled over to a nearby platform. He was so stunned that he could not tell which way was up (subjectively at least) - and was alarmed when a gloved hand gripped him by the wrist, tugging him and his feet directly to solid ground. The giant eel Pokemon released his waist. Though his legs were seconds from giving out, Adaman wasn't given the opportunity to collapse to the ground. Instead, he was held firm by his upper arm, and Emmet was staring directly at him. His eyes were sharp, and wide. His mouth was hidden beneath his high collar. "Stay behind the yellow line." Emmet said, his voice quiet and upset. The Clan Leader was silent, as their Guide released him. He re-oriented himself, his legs still shaking from the experience - he realised he was back on the platform with the Twisted Tree. Adaman glanced over to the bubbles that floated behind him, and stilled in shock. The Spheal he'd seen before - the one he had reached out to - now lay on its side. It looked stunned and dizzy - an alarmed Walrein had scooted over to gently push the pup rightside up. It gave a small, distressed wail, its side looking injured from the blast. The driftwood nearby had snapped in two. "Adaman!"
"Sir Adaman!" The Clan Leader was slow to turn to face Irida and Ingo's approach. Akari followed after - though seemed more preoccupied with the very frightened lantern Pokemon, who was hiding behind her - seemingly reluctant to let Akari get any closer to the bubbles. Adaman swallowed. "… I'm fine." he said. "Thanks to our Guides, here. Just a bit shaken up." Irida tensed. "Well, thank Palkia that's all you were!" she said, trading her alarm for anger. "What were you thinking, not minding your own space?!" Adaman did not retort. And at that, Irida's expression softened, slightly. He turned to face Emmet.
"I apologise for getting us behind schedule." He said, regaining as much of his composure as he could. "I'll be sure to stay behind you. You know this place better than all of us, it seems." The man in white stared back at him, over his shoulder. Adaman couldn't see his mouth - his wide collar was in the way. He could not tell what expression he had. "… Appreciated." Emmet said, at last. "But save your sorries for the Spheal. Apologise properly. Irreponsible conduct can hurt other fellow passengers, and others in commute." Adaman gave a small glance to the bubbles. He saw the Walrein and a couple of other Spheals gently guide their injured friend away. "… I will." He exhaled, a weight in his chest. "Let's go." The small group didn't move from the twisted tree platform for a while. The rumbling in the distance ceased, and suddenly rocks rose upwards - revealing new paths branching out every which way. Emmet selected a rock, and leapt onto it. "We are resuming our transit! All aboard!" This time, Adaman didn't steal a glance to Ingo at the familiar phrase. Instead, he quietly followed after Emmet, as the giant eel Pokemon surged past to scout up ahead once more.
Silence fell upon the small group again, and Adaman fell back into his thoughts.
Suddenly, he realised that it wasn't just about leaving this place. As much as he wished otherwise, the Clan Leader couldn't bring himself to entirely trust Emmet, yet. The unpredictable nature and tales of the Distortion World were hooked deep into him.
However, this man and his Pokemon had saved his life.
He could not forget that.
But most of all - "Stay behind the yellow line." - he could not forget the haunted look on Emmet's face as he'd spoken, holding onto a wayward passenger's arm as if everything depended on it.
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salsa-di-pomodoro · 2 years
Emmet breaks spacetime to find his brother this, Emmet goes feral without his brother that (which you shouldn't take too far btw), where are the Ingo goes apeshit fics. Where are the fics where Ingo single handedly corrals the gods into getting him (and Akari, if she's tired of being in charge after having to save the world) home. This man is depressed one day about his memories and then his unovan religion socialization kicks in subconsciously and he goes 'no fuck this. I am going to get my memories back whether they comply or not' and that escalates into 'i am going home no matter what' and also 'i am going to be happy. I will make it so'. This man didn't get raised with the values of TRUTH and IDEALS for nothing. That shit sticks in your mind so much even if you don't personally think about it much. Have you seen how many times unovans mention truth or ideals in the games. They're important to them. And they're important to him.
I don't even mean that Ingo becomes a villain or anything. I just mean to say he sees a child befriending gods and goes 'hey what the fuck. If they can do that i can do something about my own situation as well for sure' and don't try to tell me the gods wouldn't listen to him. First off i believe Arceus and everyone else do love their creation, they just sometimes don't understand it. Second of all even if that wasn't true not all the gods agree with each other. If Arceus couldn't or didn't want to do anything he could just ask giratina. Or dialga and palkia. How would palkia help? They bring him to celebi. There's no way he wouldn't get celebis approval especially with palkias help.
What? The Pearl clan wouldn't let him go? Lmao what are you even talking about. Even if they didn't want him to leave the position of warden they value space very much. They'd want him to find his own before all else, and even if they didn't Irida would and her judgement is the most important one in the clan. I'm pretty sure she mentions wanting to travel, too, so she might join Ingo for a time as well.
Something is wrong in Unova upon his arrival? Impossible. Unova loves their Subway bosses and Emmet loves and trusts Ingo enough for that not to be a problem. Even if he didn't Chandelure would be proof enough of something off. i don't think she would just feel her trainer's soul disappear in a split second and not cause a commotion, she'd immediatly begin to freak out. Even without that you know what always fixes shit? Communication baby. This man will not let something go until they've properly discussed it. If the other's opinion is still the same after they've all explained themselves, then fine. But i guarantee you it won't be. If communication is difficult for some reason there is nothing that stops him from making it easier or doing it anyway. He can also go to a god again and have them help out of it's something he can't do anything about himself. Grudge? Gone. Death? Xerneas'd. Legal trouble? Over.
There is nothing that can't be fixed, especially in the pokemon world. It's going to be exausting, and probably very taxing on the mind, but it would be worth it so much. And there is no way Ingo and Emmet aren't both going to go to therapy anyway in the end.
Even if the gods couldn't fix it and send him home, they'd at least grant them both peace of mind. A letter, a picture, sent back or forward in time. With proof that it's real, obviously, and that yes it is god that brought this to you, so there's no misunderstandings. And don't tell me they can't do that, you've seen the arc phone. A space time distortion, conveniently timed on both sides, courtesy of dialga and palkia. They're going to get to be happy eventually, whether that means moving on or being reunited. Though there's like no way they don't get reunited lol
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Fluffy idea, PLA Ingo get surprised by his partner and brother by them making him with homemade Hisuian food from an old recipe book that had recently been deciphered.
cw: fluff
You squinted at the recipe intently. While you had been there yourself, you did not necessarily eat a lot of food that the clans engaged with. Irida and Adaman would have happily had you over, but you rarely found yourself caught at their settlements during meal times. Especially Irida's, unfortunately. Which meant you never really enjoyed the food that Ingo had during his time in Hisui.
Well, you might have tried a few of their dishes by proxy through Ingo when he cooked for you, but it was difficult to recall everything he put into it from memory. You could ask the man himself, you supposed, but that would ruin the surprise. “… Do you think I can get Stantler soup bones here?” you asked Emmet, who was sitting at the table and playing with a Joltik. He turned to you with a confused expression.
“That would be import,” he shook his head, “Verrrry expensive! Use Sawsbuck.” That may have been a good idea if you were trying not to recreate flavour as much as possible. The grassy undertones that Sawsbuck flavoured things tended to have would not be the same. You sighed.
“I'm trying to surprise Ingo with a recipe from this apparent Pearl Clan piece,” you held out your phone for him to see, “… I think Ingo misses some of the flavours from Hisui.” Emmet's brows furrowed at the mention of the place he claimed stole his brother from him. Though, he did look at you with a pout.
“… I think there's a Sinnohan market in Castelia,” he sighed, “They may have some of this stuff there.” You grinned at him brightly. He stood up and crossed his arms. “I will go with you,” Emmet said, “Brother is busy with some work today.” You giggled at him.
The stew was fascinating, you found. It certainly was something that Ingo had made for you sometime in your stays with him. Just the smell of the stock alone was a blast from the wilds of Hisui. Emmet watched you cut up meat curiously. You had an idea. “Hey, could you cut the greens for me?” you motioned to the mountain vegetables separated out on the counter, “I won't need to add them until the meat cooks, but it'll take a bit to do the cutting itself.” He titled his head, but immediately hopped to it. You knew his cooking skills were not exactly comparable to his brother's own, but he quickly chopped the greens to the best of his abilities.
Your guess about the cooking time had been correct, so you quickly added the greens to the stew to let it cook away into the flavour. Emmet hummed as he watched across from you. “I thought you removed the scum from the meat,” he asked.
“Ingo never did back then, so I think that's just how you do it,” you replied. He hummed and nodded. The next step was to wait for everything to soften and then add some animal fats with a bit of salt. Lastly, serving with some dried kelp sprinkled a top it. Emmet hummed as you placed the bowls on the table. You both sighed at the scent of the food. It was an easier meal than some of the other things you had attempted to prepare in the past for Ingo.
It was hard to resist sneaking some to eat, but you had to wait for Ingo. Emmet's attempts were thwarted by giving him some sweets. It felt like forever, but it was truly more akin to fifteen. The door opened and you both jumped up from the surprise. Ingo walked in as he normally did but was startled as you both rushed toward him. His tired eyes lit up a bit. You grabbed his hands while Emmet took a step back.
“Try this,” you demanded as you dragged him to the table. The soup still steamed in as he sat behind. His nose twitched a few times and his eyebrows furrowed together. Emmet watched the scene curiously as he brought the spoon to his lips to try it. You both gazed at each other as he hummed in contentment. A giggle came from you as he turned to look at you with a small smile on his face.
“I haven't had this in a while… I was just thinking about making it, too,” he spoke with a soft tone, “It seems like you roped my brother into cooking with you, too.” Emmet laughed at that.
“They were pretty demanding,” the younger twin took a seat beside his brother, “We had to go to Castelia to get these ingredients.” Ingo chuckled a bit. You joined them both at the table with your hand grasping Ingo's own.
“I wanted to make it as authentically as I could without going all the way to Sinnoh,” you smiled at him. Ingo returned the gesture sweetly, hand grasping yours warmly. “There was a recently deciphered cookbook from the Pearl Clan, so I managed to get all the ingredients from that,” you pulled out your phone to show him it. He was stunned at the pictures of the actual book and the translation in Galarian.
“So that's how they translated that, interesting…” he gently took your phone to read it, “Ah, send me the link. I'd love to read this myself.” You nodded.
The stew was thoroughly enjoyed by the three of you.
Emmet has slunk off to his room, leaving you alone on the couch with your boyfriend watching some television blankly. His hand held your shoulder softly as he pressed you against his hardened chest. You loved the late cuddles with him endlessly. Resting against him, you nuzzled your cheek into him deeper.
“Thank you, dearest… Sincerely, I am ever so grateful to have someone as loving as you in my life,” he sighed and pressed a kiss to your head. You hummed happily. There was no need for thanks. It was more than enough to see him happy.
“I think that was Irida's handwriting,” Ingo said suddenly, “… She and Calaba are who taught me that recipe.” You felt a pang in your heart. As nice as it was to be home, it was difficult to remember that everyone from Hisui was no longer among you in the present period.
“Maybe she wanted you to find it again,” you joked, “She did always try to steal some of your cooking when you made food in the settlement.” He gave a light laugh at the memory. His hand softened as he gazed at Emmet's bedroom door.
“… I wonder if she wanted me to share it with the people I know here,” Ingo wondered aloud, “Emmet did enjoy it despite it being different from his normal tastes.” You laughed at his genuine surprise about it being good. It was also funny watching him attempt to down the entire bowl of stew. Another kiss was pressed to your temple as he buried his face into your nape. “Let's make it together next time…” he asked with a deep voice, “Just the two of us.”
You smiled and nodded.
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ihaveatheoryonthat · 4 months
I've been struggling to write this up, because I keep going too far into detail whenever I try, but I really wanted to get the beginning/basics down for the Distortion Chimera AU.
This takes place well after PLA's main story, after the PC has returned home and released all but the Pokemon they were closest with.
They challenged the Path of Solitude a few times, and at least once using Giratina, so Ingo was familiar with it being one of their Pokemon.
After it's released, it can't get back to the Distortion World, so it heads to Turnback Cave. Eventually, its presence there becomes noticeable, and-- as the most experienced Pokemon handler in the Clan-- Ingo is asked to look into it.
He recognizes Giratina re: the PC, and it's able to communicate that it just wants to go home. Its connection to the rest of the Sinnoan pantheon encourages both clans to help it as a sign of cooperation.
They're able to get a hold of a way to open the Distortion World and escort Giratina to the Temple of Sinnoh to go home. (The 'party' at the temple itself is Irida, Adaman and Ingo, as the only people who are okay getting that close)
Giratina turns on them when it has this chance; it begins to drag Ingo into the Distortion World and, fearing that it will do the same to the clan leaders, he has Alakazam teleport them away.
They try to get back to the temple as quickly as possible, but it's empty when they get there. After some preparation, they (and probably another Warden from either clan) enter the Distortion World, themselves.
It's... also empty. Mostly. After some searching, they find Ingo, who's completely unresponsive. He's missing his his coat and Pokemon, but that's not important when he doesn't seem to be breathing.
They manage to get him out. Nothing changes in the 'real' world, but he's still warm, and his heart is still (slowly) beating, impossible though it sounds. They try different ways to try to wake him, but nothing ever works. By the same stroke, though, he never gets any worse.
The Pearl Clan looks after him until the clans merge, and the resulting clan carries on with Irida's wishes even after she passes. It's half tradition, and half mythology at this point.
He's only moved once the settlement has to relocate, generations later. In an effort to keep him somewhere he might recognize, if he ever woke up, he's taken to the Snowpoint Temple, and stays there until modern day.
I think the area he's in is accidentally closed off, then rediscovered around (probably after) DPPT, and someone connects the dots some time after he disappears in the current day. I want to say a few months.
Obviously Emmet comes to investigate, and then tries to figure out what can be done to wake Ingo up.
He tries a number of different legendaries. Many can't be tracked down or refuse to meet him. Of particular note: Jirachi is asleep for X00 more years, Xerneas won't respond, Zekrom answers, but can't help, and Celebi can't be found. He eventually approaches Ho-oh, who will at least see what can be done.
It meets him in Sinnoh, on the roof where they've set up, and decides that it can, in fact, help. This affliction borders close enough to being death that revival is an option.
We would get some pretty standard reunion stuff in here; it's important to note that Ingo doesn't remember any more than he had prior, right now, and is completely lost re: losing consciousness in one century and waking up centuries later.
They don't stay in Sinnoh for long; before the week is up in Unova, though, another incident occurs.
(The exact nature of this incident may be subject to change; this is just the mental image I had as of writing this)
In the middle of the night, it seems that a rift into the Distortion World tears open, and tries to drag Ingo back in. Between the two of them, they're able to keep him out/pull him back, but... things have changed.
Emmet's help gets him out up to the first set of very inhuman legs, and he's able to drag himself the rest of the way. Black feathers spread upward from the wings over the course of the night.
And this is where I'm going to stop for now: Ingo is very amnesiac, no longer human, and-- given that legends of Ho-oh's powers include the transformation from Eeveelution to Raikou, Entei and Suicune-- Emmet feels incredibly responsible.
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lackuraphi · 2 months
Angel wings au)Last Chapter:The rest of the story
A lot of things have happened since then.
I used a translator
This is the Fan fiction
It’s different from the original
Pokemon doesn’t appear(Except for one)
All Trainers have angel wings
This AU includes discrimination
Hisui is modern in this au
A lot has changed in the meantime. Now the people of Hisui can go outside as much as they want, Smartphones are now available in Hisui Above all, Rei and Akari became completely guardian angels! BRAVO!
Plus, Skyla woke up again! I apologized as soon as she woke up!
And the most important thing is… We're back to Subway Boss!
Adaman and Irida, who subsequently came to check on Ingo's condition, saw Ingo and Emmet sleeping on a hospital bed hugging each other. Alder, seeing the reaction of these leaders, spoke to Adaman and Irida.
"Oh, you guys came just in time. Do you feel anything from this?"
Surprisingly, Irida answered before Adaman (Exactly, she intercepted Adam's words.)
"As expected, the rule that you shouldn't leave Hisui without the leader's permission was a stupid rule." We need to get rid of that rule right now! Why on earth did our grandfathers… former guardian angel leaders come up with these rules with any idea?" "Hey! That's what I was going to say!"
In response, Adaman shouted that he would build a transmission tower in Hisui for quick communication.
"Then I will set up the transmission towers in Hisui! With the aim of getting in touch faster and faster!" "But… do you know what transmission tower is?" "Hey! Do you think I live in the countryside?! Well, this is countryside, so it's not wrong.. But I know what a transmission tower is! These are the pylons we saw when we went to Unova before! The smartphone works well because of the pylons! Shouldn't we build pylons all over Hisui like that?" "How are we going to set them up?" "Well, it'll work out somehow!"
And Adam's pledge was eventually realized in the near future, with several engineers coming from Sinnoh.
Anyway, back to the point, Hisui's angels are finally able to get out of Hisui without permission. Which meant that guardian angels from regions other than Hisui, like Rei and Ingo, can now go home at will.
"It's really good for you, Rei! Now you can go back to your hometown as you please!"
However, Rei reacted indifferently.
"Well, I don't really want to go back to my hometown…" "What do you mean?" "Where I used to live, I was an orphan with no presence… "I want to use Hisui's Jubilife Village as my hometown rather than living in a hometown that doesn't feel like my hometown." "You were banished from Jubilife Village once.. are you okay?"
Rei smiled at Akari and said.
"It was because of Team Plasma, Commander Kamado and Cyllene were forced to give me those orders to protect the villagers, right? I understand them now. And I accepted their apology a few days ago."
And in the near future, Rei and Akari, who were trained in Galaxies as Apprenticeships, were finally officially recognized as guardian angels.
Unusually, however, they decided to stay in Galaxies and teach Apprenticeships, not belong to Diamonds or Pearls.
"I want to teach Apprenticeships like Ingo. Heh heh…" "And since we've been a part of Galaxies for a long time, we're attached to it."
Fortunately, Adaman and Irida allowed this.
Just to add, Volo is still working part-time at the Ginkgo Convenience Store.
"Haam~! I want the monster to show up and strike down it all.. especially this boring convenience store.. But if that monster strikes down everything, the residents will ask me to compensate for everything.. Ugh! Just thinking about it makes me dizzy! This is why monsters exist only in imagination..!"
But if there's a difference from the old days, he's no longer hiding his black wings. (Ginter, the manager, doesn't seem to care much about it.)
"Volo!" "Huh? Rei! Long time no see! And Ingo and his twin brother!"
So what is the situation outside Hisui?
First of all, according to N's comment, Ghetsis left for the distance with Shadow Triads. He left to break into Hisui, the headquarters of the guardian angels, to avenge himself and other guardian angels who obstructed Team Plasma
'Disgusting guardian angels…! I'll definitely get my revenge…!!!'
But even if Ghetsis were to break into Hisui, Ghetsis's revenge would not succeed Rather, he will be immediately overpowered by the guardian angels and his revenge will end in vain.
Hilda, who was caught up in the Black Angel raid several times, resumed her journey alone shortly after the incident. Bianca and Cheren began to study for their dreams, and Hilda went on a journey alone.
"I'd travel all over Unova on my own! Even for Bianca and Cheren!"
Hilda, who was traveling again like that, met a green-haired black angel in front of a Ferris wheel in Nimbasa City one day
"Is that a black angel..?!"
When the black angel saw Hilda, he smiled and talked to her.
"Hi. Nice to meet you. My name is N. I'm going on a trip to find out the truth I don't know. You're going on a trip like me, aren't you?"
And when N reached out to Hilda, she panicked for a moment and then grabbed N's hand.
"I'm Hilda. And yes, I'm also going on a trip."
Since then, N and Hilda have more frequent encounters with each other, and that's how they became close friends.
Skyla, who had been unconscious for a long time, finally opened her eyes.
"….." "Skyla!!!!!" "Skyla!!!" "Elesa… Ingo… and…."
What Skyla saw was Elesa and Ingo And it was Emmet, holding a bouquet full of purple hyacinths that meant sorry.
"………" "Emmet…"
Emmet said to Skyla, holding out a bouquet of flowers
"Skyla… I was so sorry… I was the one who attacked you delivering… So Skyla… I'm really, really sorry… You know, Skyla, you don't have to forgive me… Because I was the one who hurt you so much…"
Skyla replied to Emmet with a smile.
"Don't worry Emmet… I'm okay now."
Rumors have it that Emmet has turned himself in to the police.
"Are you sure you're okay?" "Yup… I think it would be comfortable for me to admit my guilt and be punished…" "We could break up again! And maybe we'll never see each other forever!" "Then you can come to visit me every day Now you can go outside Hisui as you please." "Emmet…"
And he was put on trial, and no matter how much Emmet turned himself in, all of the misdeeds he had committed as Team Plasma were not absent, so his conviction was inevitable, and as a result of the trial, Emmet went to prison.
"You come to visit me every day? You promised me!" "Yes! I will come to see you every day!" "sniff… then I'll be back! Ingo…" "sniff.. .See you again! Emmet…"
Fortunately, Emmett was released early as a model prisoner for showing genuine remorse throughout his time in prison.
Also, Ingo's old and small toy train went back to Emmet just like the day they first met in basement as a child.
"This is… what I gave you back before…" "No Emmet. This toy train is yours. I'm here to return it to commemorate your release from prison." "Ingo…Thank you very much…! sniff.."
And finally, Gear Station has two Subway Bosses back.
"I am the Guardian angel and Subway Boss Ingo. And this is my twin brother, Emmet!" "I am Emmet. I am a also Subway Boss."
However, the angels' eyes on the black angels are not good yet, especially because of Team Plasma, the perception of the black angels is even worse, and Emmet's heart, who barely returned, will be hurt again
"Emmet! I will surely protect you!" "Ingo… you're really going to protect me this time, right?" "Of cours Emmet! Because I am your guardian angel!" "Ingo! Thank you so much!" "You're welcome, Emmet."
This time, obviously, Ingo is playing Emmet's guardian angel well, so it didn't happen that Emmet's heart was hurt.
So Ingo and Emmet returned to their happy daily lives.
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nell0-0 · 1 year
Wait in regards to the post about ingo and emmet disagreeing does Ingo not fully remember Emmet or his former life (since he doesnt know what a subway is) which might contribute to Emmets insistence to get him to go back. Because /obviously/ if he goes back he'll remember. Right?
He has a general idea and knows that a Subway Boss is a position of power in a station (which he deduces is a place). What a subway is, however, he's less sure about.
At first when the disagreement starts, Emmet doesn't know Ingo doesn't have all his memories, but... let's be honest. If anyone would notice something was up with Ingo, it would be Emmet.
And so, the amnesia comes into play and it turns into a mess. Irida does not help on that regard. She adds fuel to the fire be it on purpose or unintentionally. She's still totally on Ingo's (and the Pearl Clan's) corner though, so she ends up clashing with Emmet a lot
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bellafragolina · 2 years
I'm sending in a request close to the end of the the time frame you set because I don't want you to rush to do this one. But as you may remember my cat has been missing for a couple of weeks now. I'm not ready to grieve for him yet so I'm trying not to think about it too much. However I assume by the time you get to this ask I might be ready to deal with it. So if it's alright with you, can I get some hcs for how Ingo, Emmet, Adaman and Laventon might help their s/o who has lost one of their pokemon?
~Honey 🐝
It’s been quite a bit of time since you sent this ask, and I wanna say I’m sorry that your cat is missing. I’m sure wherever he is, he misses you just as much as you miss him
You text him about it. As soon as Ingo reads the message, he tries calling you. Did something happen? How did your Pokémon escape? Do you think it’s near the station? He’ll issue a lookout for it. At the same time, he’s trying to assure you that everything will be alright. He hates it when you cry, always feeling like a failure when you do, so he does his best to make you feel better while also doing all he can to help you find your Pokémon
As the search continues without any leads, Ingo turns his attention from the search to you. He’s still very active in the lookout, don’t get it wrong, but he’s starting to suspect the conclusion of the search won’t turn out, so he tries to be there with you as often as he can. He tries to arrange it so there’s always someone with you, so you’re never alone long.
The day you end the search, he takes off work and lies with you in bed. The grief that wracks you also wracks him, as he loved your Pokémon as much as you did, but he tries to stay your rock. You’re heartbroken, and he needs to comfort you through this. It hurts, he knows it does, and it will for a long while. It may never stop hurting, but he will always, always be there for you. If ever you need him, he is here, and he is happy to comfort you
Emmet understands the fear and anxiety of losing a Pokémon, as his Joltiks tend to wander off. But this is different. Joltiks don’t tend to go far; your Pokémon is nowhere to be seen near your house, your work, or even the station. Still, Emmet continues his search tirelessly. You’ve always done the same for him with his Joltiks, so now it’s time to return the favor
He doesn’t let up on the search, even as the days pass. His determination to find your Pokémon gives you hope, and keeps you hoping for far longer than you would’ve on your own. Still, as fruitless days turn into agonizing nights, Emmet cradles you close in bed. He rubs your back and presses you close, holding you tight. He does his best to keep you grounded, to remind you that he’s here. He’s not leaving
The day you tell him that you’re ending the search, that you’ve accepted your Pokémon is gone for good, Emmet ditches work. He gets food, movies, games, anything he can think of, and tries to help you through the grief with distractions. He cuddles, tells you dumb stories, plays games with you, and encourages you to learn new recipes with him, anything to keep your mind occupied. But it doesn’t work forever, and when the tears come, he’s there holding you once again. He kisses away your tears, presses Joltiks into your hands, and promises you that you’ll never be alone
Adaman is a clan leader, and thus is capable of having both his warden and other Diamond Clan members searching for your lost Pokémon. Hisui is a dangerous place for person and Pokémon alike, so you’re understandably distressed. But Adaman keeps you updated, takes you with him as he himself goes searching for your lost companion. He and Leafeon tear through the region best he can, even imploring to Irida to keep an eye out in the icelands, which she happily does for you
Your anxiety about what must have happened is a never ending tide dragging you down beneath the waves, but Adaman is a rock in the storm. He stands tall and firm, assuring you that everyone is looking out for your Pokémon, and there will be news. They will find out what happened, and they will reunite you with your Pokémon. But Adaman learns the weight of such promises when the search finally comes to an end
You sob, angry and grieving. You’re mad about losing your friend, about the hopelessness that plagues you, about the promises Adaman made and couldn’t keep. You’re a mess, and Adaman doesn’t know how to comfort you. So he holds you against him, presses you under him, a firm grounding weight atop you. You hit him a little, as your anger bleeds away into sorrow, but he allows it. He knows better now, than to promise things outside of his control, and he is so sorry. But you’ll get through this pain, together you’ll rise above it. That he can promise
Laventon is just as devastated as you are to discover that your Pokémon has gone missing. He’s acutely aware of the dangers of Hisui, so he’s frantically sending out the word that your Pokémon has been lost. The Survey Corp has a special mission going on, to be on the look out for your Pokémon, and Laventon himself is out there looking with them. If you come too, he doesn’t release your hand, squeezing it reassuringly
Your his top priority. He constantly is bringing you things, tea and mochi and even curry he made himself, just to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. He holds you close at night, warding off nightmares of what might have happened. He presses kisses to your cheeks and promises you that your companion no doubt misses you just as much as you miss it
When things come to an end, Laventon doesn’t leave your side. He keeps you with him, however he can. He stays back from missions, staying in the village with you so he can make sure you’re as okay as you can be. He keeps you with him in the office, letting you rest on his couch or in his lap as he works, rambling away to help your mind stop from hyperfixating on your lost friend. Tell him what you need, he’ll fetch it in a moment. He just wants you to be alright
I hope this helps even a little bit. I really am sorry about your cat.
Have a great Christmas, love
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feroluce · 2 years
On character death: Coming to Hisui went very, very wrong. Ingo comes across Emmet's body and. He can't place a name, who this person was to him (is it even the same man from his faint memories? why would that person be in hisui?), but, looking at this stranger(?), he still feels himself fucking s h a t t e r
It happens in the coastlands. Palina and Iscan are just kinda sitting around at the top of the cliffs, up by the previous Lord's grave, and suddenly Palina looks horrified. Iscan finally manages to see what she's pointing at and shit, shit, that doesn't look like just debris floating out on the ocean. Iscan goes diving off the cliff, blowing into his Celestica Flute on the way down, Basculegion catching him right before he hits the water, and they get out there at top speed, but. Yeah. It's already too late. It was already too late well before they'd spotted him.
Iscan brings the body back with him, of course. He figures he'll have to ask the Ginkgo Guild if one of their merchant ships have lost any crew, even if this doesn't look like their usual blue and yellow uniform. Except.
As soon as she gets down to the shore with him, Palina looks stricken, and it takes Iscan a few minutes just to calm her down and get the words out of her. He knows she still has a lot of trauma related to drowning after the previous Lord of the Isles, but he can tell there's something different this time, something's off. Palina never cries in front of anyone but him, but even then, this is way way worse than usual. And it's not until he picks out a name between all her hiccupping little sobs that Iscan realizes oh, no, Palina knew this person.
He'd never really met Warden Ingo, but he's seen him from afar, and now that he looks, yeah, this body definitely seems to be him.
Even if his coat does seem to be a different color than usual.
So Iscan carries Palina home, sends out a message via Starly, and waits.
((Irida, looking up from a letter in her hands: Warden Ingo, apparently you've been found dead in the coastlands.
Ingo: Ah, alright, My Lady.
Irida: ...
Ingo: .....
Irida: .......
Ingo: .........No, wait, what???))
The next day, Irida shows up...with Ingo in tow?! Iscan says something about ghosts and nearly faints haha. Palina is so relieved she nearly faints, too. She's still upset that someone drowned, but. She's at least glad it wasn't Ingo.
Irida doesn't look as relieved. And neither does Ingo, to a much greater extent.
Irida keeps glancing at him, hovering near him, fidgeting with the bangles around her wrists, and it's been so long since Palina has seen her act this way that she almost can't place the behavior.
Irida is nervous.
She shouldn't have any reason to be nervous. If the body isn't Ingo, then it's not anyone else in the clan either. It shouldn't be anyone they would be upset over. But as they make their way through the rest of the coastlands, the air starts to feel thicker, darker, more oppressive, Palina has to all but hold onto Iscan to keep herself from running ahead just to escape it and get it over with, because it feels like waiting for the other shoe to drop, like the suspense of waiting for the blade of a guillotine to come down.
Iscan leads them to where he'd safely placed the body, but before closing that last bit of distance, Irida suddenly grabs Ingo's hand. His eyes are locked dead ahead; Ingo isn't looking at her. Irida isn't looking anywhere but him.
"That's- I can- Do you want me to look? You don't have to."
"No thank you, My Lady. I need to see for myself."
And still she hesitates, but Irida drops his hand. She lets him go, stands there with her fists clenched around nothing but their emptiness.
Ingo finally gets a good look at the body, at the man dragged under and brought in by the tides, at his face, the white of his hat and his coat, his upturned mouth, something tugs at his insides, pulls loose, the knot he'd been working to tease apart for so long, for years, it's vanished into thin air, the thread let loose, nothing to hold it steady, nothing to keep it anchored and taut anymore, part of him is gone now, just suddenly gone, and that absence aches-
Ingo's knees hit the ground first. Then his palms. Then his elbows, and finally his forehead.
All sound seems to disappear, the world is as quiet as a wake. Ingo tries to remember how to breathe.
His vision fades out, then back in, then out and then back in again. He doesn't remember sitting up. It seems like it should have been impossible for him to do, with how unbearably heavy his body feels. Palina and Iscan are gone. His aching hands are covered in grit from clenching his fists. When he hears sniffling, it seems to come to him from the bottom of a deep, dark well.
"It is him, isn't it." Irida's hands are clutched in his coat.
"It...it is." Ingo has no idea who he is, but he would know him from anywhere. He can feel it in his leftover half of a soul, in his ripped red thread.
Ingo sits there, on his knees, in the dirt. He doesn't know for how long. He doesn't move. The sun starts to set. He doesn't move. The man's coat all but glows white under the silvery moonlight. He doesn't move. Irida's head lolls. She's been sitting flush against his back the entire time. Ingo moves, if only to find his voice.
He asks if he can have some time alone. Because Irida doesn't need to be out there in the elements with him, she hasn't even eaten this whole time. Irida tells him he can, of course he can, he can have whatever he needs. But not just yet.
Not until Ingo stops looking like he'll walk right out into the ocean to join him.
Gaeric shows up the next morning with a sheet big enough to wrap a body and a cart to bring the man in white back with them, surprising Ingo. Usually people that don't belong to a clan or settlement are simply burned and then the ashes buried where they're found. Hisui is no stranger to shallow, hastily dug graves.
Irida declares that the man in white is to be given all the same burial rites as any Warden's spouse. Ingo is one of hers now, and that extends to his family, too. She had always planned to take in anyone who showed up looking for Ingo, she just...hadn't wanted it to be like this...
Ingo nearly cries again right then and there.
Iscan helps Gaeric with the cart and pats his shoulder when they go to leave. Palina promises she'll be there for the rites and hugs him goodbye so tightly that Ingo wonders if she's trying to squeeze all his broken pieces back together into one jagged, misshapen form.
They set off, and at first Ingo walks alongside Gaeric and Irida. And then alongside the cart's front wheels. And then its back wheels. And then almost behind it. Gaeric keeps pulling it forward as he tells Ingo that he can sit on the back of the cart if he's tired. If he wants to. He's strong, he can pull them both the whole way.
There's no verbal answer, but the cart dips under its new additional weight, two bodies laid side-by-side.
Irida takes up one side of the handles so that she can squeeze in next to Gaeric. She hangs her head and grits her teeth, fits her smaller hand into his. He lets her, grips back just as tight.
And neither of them says a single word of protest the entire way back to the alabaster icelands, as Ingo quietly breaks down behind them.
(Technically, everything goes back to the same afterwards. Technically, Ingo's life is the same as it's ever been; nothing has changed. The man in white had never lived with him here. Ingo still doesn't even know who he is. Technically, he should be fine.
Ingo gets up. Takes balms to Sneasler and her kits. Eats breakfast. Scares off any predators. Clears the arena. Fishes in the river. Eats dinner with Melli. Reads the book Calaba lent him. Goes to bed.
Ingo gets up. Walks to Jubilife. Eats breakfast. Puts the aspiring trainers through their paces. Makes small talk with Zisu. Coordinates matches. Eats dinner with Akari. Goes home. Goes to bed.
Ingo gets up. Delivers balms. Protects the territory. Eats the food Melli brings him. Goes to bed.
Ingo gets up. Drags himself to Jubilife. Battles. Picks at the food Akari treats him to. Goes home. Goes to bed.
Ingo gets up. Does his work. Goes to bed.
Ingo gets up. Does his work. Goes to bed.)
((When Ingo passes of illness some amount of time later, he isn't found at the main settlement, or at the training grounds in Jubilife, or even at his own home in the highlands. Instead, he's found huddled against a nameless grave, protected from the elements by a white coat, matching white cap still clutched in his hands.))
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waywardstation · 2 years
If you're still doing it do "Brotherly insercurities" and "Irida in Unova"
Brotherly Insecurities
With Akari and Johanna getting Ingo back to Unova - back to Emmet, Ingo seems rather eager to see his twin again. That is, until he sees a magazine on the way there with Emmet on the front cover. That’s his brother?
Emmet does not have tired eyes. Or a goatee. Or a receding hairline. Or bad posture. Or calloused hands. Or a scarred side. Or-
He was only gone for about a year, yet he looks older than the man in white on the magazine cover. Ingo is aware stressors can change a person very much. But, for it to be this much?
Despite Akari and Johanna’s reassurances, Ingo begins to stress over how his identical twin will react to how different he now looks when they’ll meet.
(Stress has done the exact same thing to Emmet, something the outdated magazine couldn’t show. Yet he can’t express anything but uncontainable happiness the moment he sees Ingo)
Irida in Unova
When Sinnoh’s fossil labs revive a rather odd fossil that seems to resemble Unova’s archen, the specimen is sent to Unova to be compared and studied further. Its quite the hot topic in Unova with a new ancient pokemon being discovered, and having an archeops himself, Emmet is interested to see this supposedly-new subspecies.
When Ingo and Emmet (and Archeops!) go to nearby Nacrene city to see the new Pokémon, Ingo is quite surprised to see it. The troodon-like Pokémon did seem similar to archen, with yellowish feathers, red marks, and pearl-like gems… and a pink horned crest that resembles a very familiar head piece.
Even more surprising was the fact that the Pokémon started freaking out when it saw Ingo, almost like it knew him!
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box4brains · 2 years
If memory serves, in pla, Ingo canonically remembers nothing about his old life before meeting the protag, apart from his own name…
But what if this is false?
I firmly believe there’s no way a pair of dorks (lovingly) like Emmet and Ingo DIDN’T write their name in their hats and coats the second they got their grubby little hands on them!
SO! Ingo wakes up in the perl settlement, can’t remember anything about his past, not even his name! But he finds stuff written in and/or on his clothes and he reads it. He doesn’t really understand what the brand names are, and doesn’t really register it as names until he comes across “Ingo” and tries it out a couple of times until he goes “that’s right, my name is Ingo!” But he still goes back to the other names and tries them out too, just in case they happen to be his names too, but for some reason the Pokémon version of Adidas or Calvin Clains doesn’t strike the same chord with him as Ingo does.
Which leads to the slightly embarrassing moment in the future when Ingo has learned how to speak Japanese and can converse with others and Irida tells him it’s a good thing that he remembered his name and Ingo has to be all “ah, well, actually…” and embarrassedly has to fess up that technically it was written in his clothes, but he’s, like, mostly sure it’s his name?
And Irida just look at Ingo, making Ingo super self conscious and tugging his cap down to hide his blush.
Free plot bunny!
Ingo and Emmet love halloween! They would always dress up, but ever since they became the subway bosses, they think that the best, most hilarious idea for a outfit is to swap their outfits and try to act like their brother for a day/evening.
Only this time, something goes terribly wrong, and Ingo disappear. Emmet has something like a mental breakdown (maybe Ingo gets swallowed up in front of him) and panicking trying to figure things out, but his brain just screams at him that Ingo would know what to do, Ingo could take charge of the situation, there can’t be an Emmet without an Ingo… eventually, Emmet somehow manages to convince himself he is Ingo (alternatively, that things will be ok as long as other people think he’s Ingo, with some blurred lines down the track).
Meanwhile Ingo wakes up in Hisui, not remembering and finding Emmets name in the coat and hat, goes “… guess my name is Emmet.”
So one day I!emmet finally gets home, cue happy reunion, but Ingos misunderstanding about what his name actually is further feeds into Emmets delusion that he is Ingo… slowly, as things settle down and they start to heal, they start to suspect that something is… off, as they slowly start figuring out the switcheroo that took place.
Just healing, therapy and family love and support through rough times ❤️🥰
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that1nkyone · 2 years
After Distortion. (WIP)
Emmet sat on the shore. His head was resting on his arms, which were in turn resting on bent knees. Eelektross coiled around him, leaving a small gap between them - but his head rested close to his trainer's drooping hand. Irida sighed, a little incredulously.
She was unsure whether they were asleep. It was starting to get dark - they would need to retreat to Iscan's tent soon. Still, she felt a little awkward about approaching someone she barely knew - especially since he resembled Ingo so strongly. And yet. "... I am Emmet. You're not cold?" Irida blinked. Emmet's head had turned to look over his shoulder. She must not have been as silent as she'd thought. "… it's never been a problem for me." she said, clasping her hands to her front. Then, her face grew stern. "It's getting late. Ghost Pokemon tend to appear here near the shoreline - and they can be aggressive." Emmet hummed, glancing back out at the ocean. Eelektross stirred, and he reached out a hand to gently pat his head.
"I see."
He didn't move for a moment. Then, he shifted, crossing his legs and leaning back on his hands. "I'm staying out here a bit longer." he said. "You have verrrry pretty sunsets here. I want to watch." Irida, despite feeling a pang of impatience, glanced up at the horizon. The orange sun was starting to dip, growing lower and lower. The ocean sparkled in magnificent gold, punctuated by the blue and pink lights of Finneon. She supposed it was quite beautiful. With a small sigh, Irida stepped up next to Emmet and Eelektross - who was now blinking awake. She knelt to the sand, sitting formally as she watched the waves. "… Did you see any of this in the Distortion World?" Irida asked, softly. Emmet tilted his head side to side. "Through bubbles, mostly" he said, "but I never felt how warm it was." Irida frowned. "Are you still having trouble standing?" Emmet smiled - a complete smile, she noted - and shook his head. "Eelektross can lift me up, if I can't move." he said. "But everything still feels heavy." He looked back over to the ocean. "There are different rules here. The ones back in the Distortion could be fun. I like these ones better." Irida raised an eyebrow. "Rules?" Emmet pointed forward, suddenly. Then, straight down. "Gravity goes this way. That's easy to remember."
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