#and he knows that the wasteland can be cruel when it comes to things like that
youngtacoes · 4 months
Strangers, no more
Cooper Howard aka The Ghoul x f!reader
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Author's note: this is a long one !! i've had this scenario in my head for a long ass time and i just had to get it out on paper. cooper isn't as cruel in this one, sorry if that's not your thing, but he can be soft sometimes too! fyi: reader is 18+ and everything is consensual! If you're only here for the smut you can skip toward the end.
Word count: 6,8k
Summary: Cooper is a bounty hunter struggling for caps and you need to be transported safely across the wasteland in "good condition", luckily it pays well. What could possibly go wrong?
Warnings: 18+ Mentions of r*pe, impregnation & torture, religious cult, angst, virgin!reader, losing virginity, graphic smut
It was getting bad, really damn bad. Days of good-for-nothing bounty jobs, vial after vial, cough attack after cough attack. He needed the caps desperately if he was to keep himself from turning feral anytime soon. He’d been taking small jobs here and there, just enough to keep himself at bay for a few days, but he knew he couldn’t keep going at this rate for much longer. He needed a bigger job, a bigger cash prize, a bigger bounty, but every time he stopped by the wall of people with prizes attached to them, he found himself disappointed in how low the numbers were. That is until he notices a fresh face staring back at him, hidden behind newer posters, large letters displayed across. "BIG JOB", and this one has an even larger number attached.
He steps forward, pushing the other posts away and rips the new face off the wall to study the number closer. Yup, he read it right.
Five thousand caps.
"Well, I’ll be damned," he muttered.
A young girl, maybe in her 20s. She looks well put together, innocent, and has a sincere smile on her face. For the first time in a very, very long time, he found himself wondering what her story was and why she was worth so damn much, but he didn’t like to dwell on it for too long. A job is a job, and this was going to be worth every damn cap.
On the poster, it states that she was to get picked up at the coordinates provided and to keep her in "good condition". Well, shit, that might just be the hardest part. The ghoul had never been one to take care of his captives, and most often he preferred if the poster stated "good dead or alive". This was definitely going to be different, and if it wasn’t for the "good condition" detail, he’d almost think it was too good to be true. Perhaps even think it was a trap.
It’s midnight, and you’re seated by your desk with a pen in hand, drawing carefully and concentrated on making art on this dirty sheet of old newspaper, but it was good enough for you. You drew flowers and insects from an old pre-war book about nature and their hidden treasures. You were always fascinated by the pre-war times, and though you will never know what it was truly like, you liked to imagine who you would’ve been back in those times.
It’s your way of forgetting about the current state of your life and the predicament you found yourself in. You were born in the wasteland, to a mother who did her best to protect you, but in the end, she had been brutally murdered by a group of raiders who attacked your farm, and you were taken captive by them at the age of 9. You spent a few horrid days with them before your current group found you and bought your freedom from them.
To be fair, you’ve been treated quite well by this group, and you thought you had a family in them at one point. That was until a few months ago when they decided you needed to be isolated from the rest for reasons you still didn’t quite understand. The leader of the group, Margot, had carefully selected you for a special assignment, and made sure to tell you the isolation was for your own good. Apparently you needed special treatment before a long journey to a sacred place called Halfway that was waiting for your arrival.
Your fellow peers would come and visit you to show their excitement, though you didn’t quite understand it, it must be something good with all the positive buzz that’s surrounding you. So your head got filled with all sorts of scenarios and dreams of where you were going and what luxuries you were to experience on this assignment. Though you had your doubts that it was all just a coverup for something else, you didn’t have any reason not to trust your group. They had been nothing but kind to you as long as you’d been there.
You’re startled out of your thoughts by heavy knocks on your locked door and a command shouted from behind.
"Lights out!"
You sigh at the command. "Yes madam!"
You don't bother packing up your drawing supplies, you'll be continuing with it tomorrow anyway, and the day after, probably. You find your bed and blow out the nearby candles.
Every night you can't help but wonder when your assignment and journey would begin. You had all sorts of feelings and questions about it, but every time you tried talking to Margot, she would give you answers that didn’t really answer anything at all, so you gave up on trying to figure it out a long time ago.
The next morning you’re awaken rudely by the guards coming into your room and practically dragging you out of bed in your dazed state.
"Wha- HEY-" you try to muster what’s going on, but before even getting a word out, you’re on your feet and Margot stands before you with her hands on her back.
"Morning lucky one. It’s time, the day we have waited long for is finally here," She's so serious in her delivery, it almost frightens you.
It’s happening.
"We’ve hired someone to transport you safely across the wasteland for your assigment, they’re here and won’t be kept waiting. Get ready in 5 and say your goodbyes, quickly."
Suddenly it feels like it’s all happening too fast, and a slight panic rise inside you. Margot must've notices your panicked stare, cause her features soften, and she steps closer to you.
"You’ve come so far, and I’m so proud of you,» She smiles at you with encouragement, "This is your moment, and I know you will succeed and make us all proud."
Her words give you enough to calm down before the panic escalated. And you give her a nod that you indeed got this. You can do this. You’ve done hard things before, this shouldn’t be any different.
"Yes madam," you say smiling back at her. She flashes you one last smile and a wink before turning and walking back out.
Outside you find everyone from your group waiting in the corridors. They smile at you, some coming to greet you, give you kisses on the cheek as you’re led out of the main building by the guards. It’s all a bit much, but this must be pretty big deal. Margot waits for you by the gate to your commune, but she's not alone. A dark figure stands just outside, looking impatient.
You’re filled with scepticism as you walk up them, but you have to put your trust in her. She notices you and takes a hold of your hands with a smile.
"You will do great," And the wave of panic that had a hold of you before, washes off of you completely. You nod confidently now, and you start believing that this is actually gonna be totally fine.
You feel the dark figure moving closer to you, his hat covering his face just enough to keep him anonymous for the time being. He still looks terrifying, but you have to trust this man is here only to protect you on your journey to Halfway, and that he will do his best to do so.
Margot shoots the man one last look, "Good condition," the man still doesn’t show his face, but he nods.
"Yes ma’am. Let’s go princess," You realize he’s talking to you, and you’re startled by the nickname at first, but you decide not to fuzz, at least not yet. He’s already started walking away, so you find yourself running up behind him, waving back to your leader for the last time, only she doesn’t wave back, she doesn’t even flash a smile. She stares back at you with a stern look as the gates to the commune come to a close.
It doesn’t give you the best feeling, but perhaps she was feelings sad you were leaving and didn’t want to show any emotions. Either way, you try to push the sight out of your mind, doing your best to follow the stranger. He doesn’t say a word for a long time, and you find that maybe it’s best we keep to ourselves for the time being, but as an hour or so go by, you find yourself a little curious.
You clear your throat, "Excuse me, sir?"
He doesn’t reply, but shoots a quick look over his shoulder to indicate that he’s listening.
"How long do you think we’ll be walking for?"
Given that Margot had given you absolutely no information about this journey, you figured it was worth a shot to ask your new strange companion.
"Couple’a days, if we don’t get sidetracked," His voice ragged, western, serious.
"Oh," not really sure if you dared asking for further details. You’d prefer to keep it peaceful for as long as possible, but you find the courage to ask anyway.
"Sidetracked by what?"
You hear him sigh, "Unnecessary bullshit."
‘Whatever that means’ you think to yourself. He doesn’t seem like the talkative type, but after months of isolation you find yourself rather desperate for someone to talk to, and if you are to spend days with this man, you figure it’s worth a shot trying to get to know him for whatever time you have to spend together.
"I see.. I’ll be on the lookout for that I suppose."
You can barely believe your ears when you hear a chuckle coming from the stranger in front of you.
After that positive feedback, you find yourself braver.
"I didn’t catch your name?"
His posture changes after the question left your mouth.
"I didn’t give to ya,"
"Well, I’m Y/N, but everyone calls me Lucky. It’s a bit of a recent nickname though. You see, I just spend 6 months in completely isolation-"
You get cut off abruptly when you find yourself crashing into the strangers back, realizing he's come to an complete halt. He turns around, his figure towering slightly over you. His hat is no longer doing it’s job to cover his face, and utter horror washes over you as it's fully visable in the golden hour light.
"Listen sweetheart, I’m here to do this goddamn job. I don’t wanna hear your whole life story, and you sure as hell won’t be hearing mine. How about we keep our histories to ourselves and try to get this over with as quickly as fucking possible. That sound good to you?"
Your eyes aren’t able to leave his face. His sunken eyes, skin looking like it's been melted by the sun, an obvious nose missing. A ghoul, a ghoul is transporting you. You’ve not met a ghoul before, and those you’ve heard stories of have been grotesque. Fair enough they had been feral, but who’s to say this one won’t turn?
You get the gist of what he’s saying, and simply nod in agreement, not wanting to make this trip any more uncomfortable than it already is.
His eyes bore into your own, and he’s a lot closer than you’d prefer. For a second you think his eyes dart down to your lips before he turns around to keep walking, but that would be crazy, and very disturbing.
Nightfall comes fast, and you’re finding yourself worried for where you’ll be sleeping for the night. You really don’t wanna ask the ghoul, but your steps are getting shorter and slower, and you think the Ghoul have noticed cause he starts walking off track and leads you to a broken down abandoned house off the road.
"Stay here," he says before entering the house, gun up, ready to shoot. You do as he says and wait patiently for him to clear the coast. It doesn’t take long before you hear squealing and two shots being fired. You’re not sure whether to go in or run, but it doesn't matter anyway cause you freeze up completely in these situations. All you can do is hope that the ghoul knows what he's doing.
He comes back to the door a few minutes later, gesturing for you to come in, you’re hesitant, but you do. It's not like you have much of a choice anyway, "What was the shooting about?"
In his left hand he holds a dead radroach, and you find yourself wondering why he’s holding it. That's so fucking gross.
"You should be grateful. I got us some lunch the road," he says, flashing you a smirk. It's almost like he knew you’d be repulsed by it.
"Uhm, y’know what? I think I’m good, for the time being." You try to be nice, but you feel like you might not have a say in the matter. This might be the only food you get for a while.
"Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll make a fire and we’ll put it on the grill."
You want to roll your eyes and complain, but you force yourself to give him a smile and if anything, show some appreciation. He did in fact just catch you a meal.
You’re able to swallow some of the grilled radroach, but after the fresh foods you had grown accustomed to from your commune, you found this hard to stomach.
Nightfall has fallen completely now, and you’ve done your best to make a comfortable sleeping spot by the fire. The ghoul sits nearby keeping watch, and you find yourself very curious of his past and who he is, or who he used to be. Thinking back to his speech earlier about keeping your histories to yourselves reminds you not to ask, but he didn’t say anyting about asking about where you were going.
"What do you know about Halfway?" You watch him closely for any hints he migth give away, "Is it as grand as everyone makes it out to be?" You lay on your side, arm resting under your head.
He doesn’t look at you, eyes fixated on the fire. "How about you get some rest, alright?" he avoids your question. How annoying.
You turn to lay on your back with a puff of annoyance. «Nobody wants to tell me anything,"
"Maybe there's a reason for that."
You turn to look at him, his eyes still not meeting yours. "What is that supposed to mean?" By the sound of it, nothing good.
"Look it's not my job to inform you of shit, and if your leader wanted you to know, trust me darling, she would've told ya."
His eyes flicker up to look directly at yours this time, and it catches you off guard. Not knowing what else to say, you decide to turn to your side, away from him. This whole thing is giving you a really bad feeling.
You’re back on track the next day. Your legs sore from the day before. Having been in isolation for 6 months will do that to you, you guessed, but you'll manage.
The ghoul hasn't said a word yet today, and though you didn't exactly get the answers you were looking for last night, you refused to give up completely.
"What did Margot mean when she said good condition?"
He doesn’t answer, of course he doesn’t. You sigh,
"Look, I don’t mean to be annoying. Truly, I’d just like to know what is waiting for me. That’s all, and I really don't see the harm in that." Still nothing.
"Hey! It’s not kind to ignore someone when they're talking to y-" The ghoul quickly turns, a rope firm in his hands. Where did that come from? He grabs your hands, tying them together before you’re able to protest.
"Hey- what’re you doing!?" You look at him in disbelief, anger and panic all in one.
"Trust me, it’s for your own good," You laugh at that, yeah right. Before you’re able to mock him, he takes out a piece of cloth and wraps it around your head, specially over your mouth, and it's keeping you from saying what's on your mind. For a second you’re actually fearing for your life.
"Listen, gorgeous. We’re about to pass through some dangerous territory, and the people in these parts would do a lot to get their hands on a pretty litte thing like yourself. You follow my lead and keep your mouth shut, can you do that for me?"
You look for any lies in his eyes, but you genuinely believe him. It’s not like you can argue against him anyway, but you put your trust in him and give a nod in response.
You walk for a short while longer before you actually start seeing other people on your path. They seem rough around the edges. Hostile, but not aggressive, yet anyway. You walk past a few who seem to be intrigued, but not interested enough to take their chance at battle with the ghoul. That is until a few of them start gathering in front of you. Four men stand before your path, making it impossible to keep walking without confrontation.
"Gentlemen, how do you do?" The ghoul seems to do his best to keep it friendly, not wanting to create an unnecessary conflict with precious cargo at risk.
"What’ve you got for us ghoul?" As you observe, you can tell some of them are clearly on heavy combat inhancing chems, might be a harder fight if it comes down to it.
"Delivery, to Halfway. Can’t lose this one I’m afraid." He says it so confidently, completely standing his ground, but still keeping it non threatening. The men seem intrigued, and even exchange laughs between themselves. You wonder what they find so funny.
"That religious sacrifice place? What a lucky girl,"
"Seems like she’s up for a hell of a good time,"
"Fellas, if you don’t mind, we’re on a bit of a tight schedule," The ghoul tries to interrupt their 'friendly' chatter, but to no avail.
"They only take virgins up there don’t they? That’s like their whole point?" One of the guys ask the other three.
"Yeah, it’s some crazy religious cult. They torture them and impragnate them for like 10 years or something, or at least that’s what I’ve heard."
You freeze at their words. That can’t be it. That’s not what’s been told to you. They’re joking, making it up to scare you. It’s not true.
"Crazy rich though, you must be getting a lot of caps for this huh?" Suddenly their tone is not so friendly anymore, but the ghoul doesn’t budge. He keeps his hand on his holstered gun, the other holding the rope that binds your hands.
"Lucky for you, we’re not looking to take her off your hands. This time anyway," They laugh once more, patting the ghoul on his shoulder before walking off, letting you pass. He pulls on the rope to shake you out of your frozen state, and you jolst forward, trying to keep up with him. But you're disassociating, not paying a single mind to anything around you. You're too much in your head about what was just said, and you'd like to say you didn't believe a single word, but for some reason you do.
You keep walking in silence, time becomes irrelevant when you're all up in your head. You don’t notice the radstorm closing in, nor the rain that has already started pouring. If anything is in your favor, it's that you pass by a town with an abandoned pre-war hotel that offer a room for 100 caps a night. For whatever reason, the ghoul decides to do that for you. You don’t ask questions, you don't care to.
Soaked, shivering and your legs just barely keeping you up anymore, the ghoul places you down on the couch in the room given to you. You let him guide you, and for once, you're glad he doesn't have much to say. He lowers himself down in front of you and starts taking off the disgusting saliva soaked cloth from your mouth.
You wipe your mouth your hand, "Thank you."
He keeps his mouth shut and starts working on untying the rope from your hands. You watch him crouched before you, he's being gentle when removing the knots. A horrifying reminder of what you won't be experiencing at Halfway, if the men from earlier was telling the truth that is. This thought is what breaks you, and the tears start trickling down your tired face. There's no point holding it back anymore.
He's looking at you, so clearly trying to hide the concern on his face as he stands up and walks to the door.
"I’ll head down to the square to look for some food,"
Your silence is making him uncomfortable, so he leaves. You stay seated, replaying the words spoken between the men from earlier, over and over in your head.
Everyone you knew had made Halfway seem like such an amazing place. That you were lucky to be going, you were chosen. The thought makes you want to throw up.
You don’t register that the ghoul is back, fresh mutfruits placed in front of you on the coffee table, and though you are starving, you can’t bring yourself to even eat one.
"Eat," he says sternly. You just shake your head.
"M’not hungry," you sniffle, drying your tears with the palm of your hand.
"It’s not nice to lie, sweetheart. You haven’t had anything to eat since the damn radroach. Eat," He's trying to act concerned, but you don't believe it for a second. You scoff and look up to meet his eyes, and he’s looking right back at you, an annoyed expression on his face. You can’t believe this guy.
"Why do you care if I eat or not? Let me be," You're so tired, and all you want is to sleep. Gradually rising from the couch, you head towards the bed.
"Please," his plead makes you stop in your tracks.
"Please eat, you're really gonna need the strength," he seems desperate, almost.
You turn around to see him standing motionless by the coffee table, clearly attempting to compose himself.
"No," you're stern in your reply.
He's growing increasingly annoyed, angry even, because he knows he can't force you or harm you in any way.
"Whatever good condition means, I’m sure they'll be pleased as long as I’m alive, right?" Your voice gradually getting louder. "Being that their plan is to torture me for 10 years and all, they must have lots of stimpacks around to keep me alive enough to birth their whole next generation of psychos, don't you think?" Tears start falling.
"Don’t make me beg again," His eyes are shut, as if he's trying to block out your words, as if they affect him somehow. what a fucking joke.
"You’re so afraid you won’t get your paycheck. Well fuck you, and fuck the caps they’re paying you for this," you say it with so much pain and hatred, and you’re sure you’ll regret it later but you don’t have an inch of fuck to give at the moment.
Suddenly you see his angry features fall, and he catches himself in a cough. It's grotesque, and it seems to be getting worse with each one. He looks at you with disrepair, and you can tell he's struggling to catch his breath. You don't know what to do, but you're getting scared for him now. It looks horrifying, but before you're able to come to his aid, he scurries out the room.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in. What just happened? A part of you wanted to run after him to make sure he was okay, but at the same time you wouldn't mind too much if he left and never came back. Shaking, you decide to tuck yourself into the left side of the bed. Trying not to think about how dirty it is, you curl yourself into a ball and cry out every last drop.
You’re never able to fall asleep, the tears just keep coming. You thought about running away, but knowing that the ghoul was getting paid a lot for this job, he would likely find you again in no time. What would be the point?
Your sobs are suddenly interrupted by the door opening, and you quiet yourself down to listen closely to every sound. The sound of the ghouls boots scraping the floor as he makes his way to the couch, his coat and gear getting thrown down on it. You decide to pretend that you’re already asleep as you hear him make his way to the bed. Feeling it dip slightly as he lay down in it.
But your cover is blown when you sniffle from the snot in your nose. You damn yourself as a sigh from the stranger fills the room, and you start feeling embarrassed about the way you treated him earlier. It’s not him you should be angry at, if anything it’s Margot and your group. The ghoul is just doing his job, to collect a price which he must need desperately, you can’t really blame him. He owes you nothing.
"Cooper," his raspy voice turned soft for a second.
"My name is Cooper, some call me Coop. Whichever rolls of your tongue the best."
You feel awful now, "I’m sorry," Wiping away the tears and the snot to the best of your ability.
"For what sweetheart?" He sounds like he already knows what you’re apologising for, but decides to ask anyway for his own amusement.
"For cursing you out, it’s not your fault, and I shouldn’t blame you," You say, already feeling better for apologizing.
You both stay silent for a while, only sniffles from your nose filling the room. It’s embarrassing, you feel like such a child.
"C’mere darling," He says it in such a soft way. You can barely believe your ears. Looking over your shoulders you see him looking at you, only the dim light of a burning candle nearby to light your surroundings. He’s on his back, gesturing with his hand for you to lay in the crook of his arm. You contemplate it for a second, but it doesn’t take much convincing if you’re being honest. You’d take any form of comfort to make you forget this whole thing, even for just a night.
You turn around, inching closer under the sheets, finding a comfortble spot in the crook of his neck, your head resting on his arm. You’ve never been this close to someone except your mom when you were younger. It’s scary in a way, being this vulnerable and intimate with someone you barely know.
Your breaths are shallow, thoughts racing through your mind and it’s making your heart is beat so fast. You can’t tell what he’s thinking, his body doesn’t give anything away.
You lay like this for a while, just a few dry sniffles and breaths heard between you. You recognize the closeness of him.
But you want to get even closer. You want him wrapped around you and have him absorb your whole being. It may come from having learned that you have extreme trauma waiting for you, and you can’t help but want to experience something good and genuine before that.
Your breaths become heavier, deeper, and you feel yourself wanting something; wanting him. This could go terribly wrong, but what exactly do you have to lose? Fuck it. You push away the what if's and inch your face closer to Cooper’s neck, your hands find themselves carefully making their way to his chest. He doesn’t react, and from what you can tell, he doesn't seem to mind.
You see his breathing stop, and you’re feeling brave. So you test the waters, gently sliding your hand up to his chest, letting them glide across his shirt. While your lips carefully grace the rough skin on his neck. You hear him puff out the air he’s been holding in while curiously letting letting you wander, but he doesn’t seem to resist.
When he doesn’t stop you, it’s easy to find the courage to keep going. Your hand wanders further down his chest, stomach, but he catches your hand right before it reaches the hem of his pants.
"What do you think you’re doin'?" He doesn't sound disappointed, more so curious. You feel a bit embarrassed, but you stand your ground, like you've already stated, you’ve got nothing to lose.
"Please Coop," just a whisper in his ear, "Please show me what it’s meant to feel like", a plea, practically begging.
He can’t help but let out a low growl, obviously turned on by the thought. "I’m meant to deliver you as a virgin, sweetheart."
You want to cry again, a sob brewing deep in your throat. "Please, they won’t know- They won’t find out," Your lips find his neck again, leaving trails of kisses up to his jawline, tongue swirling along the rough surface. You never thought you would find yourself in this position 2 days ago, but here you were, begging for a bounty hunter, a ghoul, to take your virginity.
Lucky for you, he seems to be out of fucks to give and lets go of your hand after only a few seconds of thinking it over. You don’t hesitate to let your free hand go under his shirt to feel his skin. It’s so textured, but you don’t mind. You’ve never touched anyone this way before, there wasn't much to compare it to.
Your hand travel lower until it finds a buldge. Being that this is your first time being intimate with somone, you’re startled by the unfamiliarity of it at first. But it doesn't take you long to realize that you were the reason for his cock hardening, and that turned you on more than anything.
Cooper, who's been laying still for some time now, has clearly been contemplating if he should stop this whole ordeal or not. He wants to touch you so bad, show you how good he can make you feel. Have you shaking with pleasure because of him, but he seems to let you be in control for the time being. You didn't mind, and it gave you some reassurance that this wouldn't be rushed, nor that he would force you to do something you didn't want to.
Your hands are shaking at this point as you try to unbotton his pants, and Cooper can't help but to give you a hand in your already broken state. You’re eager, and waste no time removing your own.
"Get over here darlin'," he says with that gentle voice again, gesturing for you to straddle his hips. His length is exposed now, and you feel yourself getting nervous with anticipation. You find it hard to believe that he's gonna fit inside you, it seems impossible.
Yet, you gain the confidence to sit up and make your way across his lap. You're not sure where to sit specifically, but you want to study him further and therefore straddle his thighs. His cock in view in front of you, laid across his stomach, stiff and drooling. Cooper doesn't say anything, but he watches you carefully, wondering what your next move will be. You don't pay attention to him for now.
You do however find yourself curious, and grab the length in front of you. It's warm, and you circle a thumb across the top where it's drooling a clear liquid. You hear him hum under you, an approval of the gesture you just performed. Butterflies take over your stomach, and you feel throbbing in your lower area. You want his cock so desperately inside you now, just to hear those sounds from him again.
"Sit up for me'," the gruffness of his voice draws your attention to him. You obliged without hesitation, "Scoot closer," and you do, of course you do.
He stretches a hand down between your thigs and you're on your knees straddling his hips. Rough fingers run between your folds and they run smoothly.
"Well fuck me, you really want this huh?" He's teasing you now. You nod frantically.
"Use your words sweetheart," He inserts a finger in your untouched hole. You gulp at the sensation, "Yes- yes I do-".
He hums again, moving the finger inside you, bending and stroking. It feels strange, but not painful. "I know you do honey, but I need to make sure you can handle me first, alright?"
You nod frantically, you knew already that you were prepared to do anything he wanted. "Yes, sir,"
Without warning he adds another finger, and it's starting to sting a little. You try to control your breathing as he starts moving them in and out of you, "I know it hurts baby, but it's only for a lil while. You trust me, don't you?"
You nod again, "Yes- Fuck!" He was getting agressive with it now, but he's hitting a spot you didn't know existed and it's sending you to other dimensions in your mind. Your eyes are rolling back while his fingers work hard between your thighs. It's unlike anything you've felt before.
"There we go.. You're gonna be so good for me aren't you, princess?" His words barely register as you find yourself gripping his arm and holding on for dare life to not lose your balance.
"Mhm- y- yes," and before you knew it, his hand is removed from between your folds and you're left heaving for your breath and trying to focus your vision again.
"I think you know what to do, darlin'," You need him badly now, even more now that you know what pleasures are waiting.
You place yourself over his cock, and Cooper watches in patiently as he puts his hands on your thighs, stroking them gently.
You grab his length and place it under your opening, ready to lower yourself on him. "Slow now," he warns as you as his tip meets your entrance, before letting it slip in just an inch. You both hiss, him with pleasure, you with pain.
"That’s it, doll," He keeps his eyes on you as you wince in pain. Taking deep breaths as your hole adjusts itself to his full size, but you’re feeling impatient and start pushing yourself even further despite the burning sensation. You figure it’s better to get it over with as fast as possible so you can actually start enjoying this.
Cooper hums, "Patience sweetheart," you lock eyes with him, and he genuinely seems to care. He lets you have complete control over this, not pushing any limits, and it makes you feel even more aroused, being in charge; seeing his eyes roll back with edged pleasure, yet doing nothing to force his way in.
You feel comfortable enough to start moving now, and you do your best not to squeal when you feel it burn and sting. Finally your skin touch, your ass gracing his thighs, and though it’s still stinging a bit, you can feel his whole length inside you, and it drives you mad.
"Just like that, princess," You hear his soft grunts below, and it reminds you to start moving. Slowly easing yourself off him, just to lower back down again, trying to find the right pace and angle for it to hit the right spot. It doesn't take long before you feel Cooper bucking his hips just ever so slightly to help you out, and he does. He knew exactly how to thurst his cock to give you the extreme pleasure you were searching for.
"More- please," you moan, your hands find his chest to lean on. Nails digging into his already ragged skin.
"God, you feel so fuckin' good around me, darling," His hips buck into you again, pulling himself almost all the way out before slamming himself back inside you. It's rough, and his hands have found your ass to grab to help move you to his rhythm. You're dazed, eyes barely open from sheer pleasure radiating deep inside you. It's making your breath hitched, and your moans spurt out in cries.
"My- fuckn'- god-" you struggle to draw a proper breath, your vision is blurred and rolled back, barely open.
He’s grunting with pleasure beneath you, seeing you completely lost to the way his cock fills your tight cunt, the next time rougher than last. You both sense that you're getting closer to an edge, and that’s when you realize how lightheaded you are, probably from the lack of food you’ve had today, and Coop notices how your figure slowly droops with exhaustion.
"Woah easy darling-" You feel him sit up under you, and without much effort he sits up and holds you tight to his chest, flipping you over on your back in a swift motion.
You would act surprised, but you’re too lightheaded and close to a climax that you don’t react at all. You feel his head in the crook of your neck, breathing heavy and groaning into your ear as he pushes himself deep and steady inside you. Your moans are soft, almost silent, barely there, not enough energy to show him how good he’s making you feel. But you think he gets it, if anything he can see it in how your eyes roll back, how flushed your cheeks are, and feel how your walls are squeezing tightly around him.
"You gonna be a good girl and finish all over my cock, princess?" You feel a hand reach under your chin, placed firmy on your throat, a tight squeeze is applied as you feel his hot breath on your cheek. Sloppy kisses, and a traveling tongue, licking off all your sweat and tears. Having him so near and in control of your breathing makes you feel unbelievably hot. He could kill you right now, right at your high, and you wouldn't mind at all.
"I think I'm- Coop I'm gonna-," you’re whisper in his ear, and it only fuels him more.
He lifts your leg higher, hooking it over his free arm as he goes even deeper. "Show me how fuckin' good I make you feel, sweetheart,"
And with that you think you’re about to pass out, but instead you’re hit with the intense feeling of something combursting inside you. Your head slams back, and your hands reach up to grab the headboard of the bed, your knuckles turning white from the grip. You're dazed, exhausted, feeling the lingering pleasure from your orgasm still present inside your throbbing cunt. Cooper helps you ride out the orgasm in a slower pace while coming up close to his own.
"There you go doll, it's all right," His hand leaves your throat and he unhooks your leg to find your waist, placing them on each side. He's leaning back on his knees as he pumps himself into you, softly, slowly. Soft groans leaves his lips in heavy and hitched breaths as he gets closer.
Seeing you so beautifully dishevelled and limp beneath him, he starts guiding your exhausted body with his hands, pulling you onto his cock, using it to finish himself off. You allow him, cause you enjoy watching him his chest rise with every breath he takes. His eyes rolling back with pleasure from feeling your walls pulsate with each thrust, and with one last squeeze from you, he reaches his own climax.
His hands are grabbing your waist so tightly you can feel the bruises forming already, but all you can focus on is his heaving chest, and his exposed throat as his head is thrown back. Soft grunts and curses filling the room, and you imagine his eyes closed with painfully pleasurable bliss, all caused by you.
He rides out his own orgasm and tries to settle his breathing before he lifts himself off you. He doesn't look at you, but climbs tiredly out of the bed to readjust his clothing. You’re so sleepy, greasy, smelly, but you don't care. You're high, and happy.
You watch him at the edge of the bed, and you utter a soft 'Thank you', just to let him know you're grateful for risking the success of the job. You were meant to be delivered as a virgin after all.
You hear him chuckle from the foot of the bed, you guessed he’d never gotten a ‘thank you for fucking me’ from anybody before, but you just couldn’t help yourself.
"Close your eyes and get some sleep, alright?" Hell, he doesn’t need to tell you twice.
"I think that’s a good idea," You’re not really sure if the words ever left your mouth, being that you’re practically half asleep already. But you do notice the bed dipping slightly next to you, and how you’re gently being pushed on your side. Followed by something warm pressed up against your back, and gentle kisses being placed along your exposed neck.
What tomorrow brings doesn't matter in this moment.
Part 2?
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mochinomnoms · 8 months
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Congrats on 1k followers Mochi (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡ you so so so so deserve it. You always make me smile when I see your posts so I hope you have fun writing them.
If I might make a request, could I have Jade, Trey, and Ace with a romantic prompt 16 (“I won't lose you again.”)? I want to see them cry a lot just a tiny bit. Feel free to let the vibes guide you, I trust it will be very good.
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jade leech, trey clover, ace trappola (separate) x gn!reader [tags] — angst in Ace's, hurt in Trey's, humor in Jade, implied time loop theory [wc} - 1,000+ each prompt 16: “I won't lose you again.” song: Be, Talk (Hozier, “Wasteland, Baby!”), Francesca (Hozier, “Unreal Unearth”) note - @yuri-is-online got it! went a lil wild cause I got massive inspo lmao. Also, let me know if yall can guess the anime I got inspired from with Ace's francesca (1k event)
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“Be like the love that discovered the sin (Lover, be good to me) / That freed the first man and will do so again / And, lover, be good to me (Lover, be good to me)”
There were several things that caught Jade Leech’s attention during his life, but only a few kept his attention, after which he’d abandon his ‘toy’. Fungi, mountains, and poisonous flowers, were exceptions, to name a few. He had to admit to himself (and only himself) that there was one thing that revolved in his mind all this time later, dug deep into his brain like the mycelium of his beloved mushrooms in the forest floor. 
One. Thing. You. The funny little human from the broken down dorm. The funny little human with not a single ounce of magic in their veins. The cute little human that was captivated by his merform, an entirely foreign concept to them. The sweet little human with the even sweeter crush on him all throughout his second and third years. 
Perhaps it was cruel of him to entertain your affections with no real desire to follow through on them. Actually, scratch that, it was cruel of him to do so. It was just so…interesting to him at the time. He grew alongside his brother and Azul, none of them exactly being the most sought after during their childhood or teens. They were feared, each of them for multiple reasons, not exactly prime boyfriend material, despite some of their attempts to curate a specially crafted facade. 
Yet, you were so bewitched by him, enthralled, beguiled, and dare he say lovesick with him despite all the signs screaming “DANGER! DANGER! DANGER!” So please, forgive him for shamelessly flirting, and finding entertainment in your reactions. 
The dilated pupils as he leaned down to make eye contact. The sharp intakes when he cornered you against a library shelf, nonchalantly reaching for a random book. The shiver down your spine as he would lean over in class to whisper some nonsense in your ear regarding the class. All for the sole purpose to see you blush a pretty color and get flustered. Not for the jump in his heart at the thought of being revered so sweetly, or a potential lover being so good to him. 
It was just a bit of fun. That’s all it was. That’s all it was meant to be, when he finally left for his internship his third year. He paid no mind to the wistful look on your face as he gave his goodbyes, nor the strange creak in his heart at the sight.
Jade Leech was all he’s always been, and all he will ever be: a man that left his toys once they ceased to interest him.
Which is why he loathed that he’s been unable to remove you from his mind. Though, did he really? It wasn’t annoyance or hate, but an aching yearning that resided in his being. Jade spent many months tossing and turning in bed as he dreamt of you: shy smiles, soft eyes, and sweet words. He wanted, he needed to be free from this love-struck feeling, this infatuation. It was dragging him down from his finely constructed pedestal, like a sin striking an angel down from heaven. 
Yet, coming back to campus now, presenting his internship research at the end of the year, Jade found himself strangely content with the concept as he watched you. You’d taken on your role at NRC quite beautifully, and were the object of affection for many admirers, much to his dismay. Currently, you were attending to visitors, directing them to their destinations and helping the fourth years find their old clubs and friends, while he admired from around the corner.  
You were as you’ve always been, sweet, cute, and clueless to your surroundings as he stalked closer until he was behind you, leaning down until his lips inched close to your ear. 
He purred breathlessly into your ear, “Oh Prefect~ Is that you, my dear?” Jade didn’t miss the shudder that flew up your spine as you jumped away in shock. 
“EEP! W-what the—” You whipped your head around to berate the man before realizing who it was. “Oh, jeez, Jade! You’re back—why’d you do that?!”
The tall man chuckled as he straightened to his normal height. Oh, how he missed you. And your reactions, of course. 
“I simply missed your delightful expressions, you always have been rather reactive with me, haven’t you?”
“What—nooo. I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Huffing, you crossed your arms and jerked your gaze away in irritation. At least, it would be if not for the blush on your cheeks. 
“Fuhuhuh, that blush suggests otherwise.” A giddy feeling filled his chest as Jade inched closer to you, in which you backed away. This continued until he managed to corner you against the stone way of the hallway. 
“This is a familiar sight, is it not?” Jade cooed as he leaned down again, a hand reaching to caress your cheek. “I did miss you, didn’t you—”
A smack. Jade blinked in surprise as his hand was thrown back by your own. Now you looked more annoyed than flustered. 
“I’m sure you did.” You hissed sarcastically, narrowing your gaze at him. “Ha! Please, more like missed messing with me. If you really missed me, you’d’ve called or messaged me like the others in our class. Even Azul checked up on me!”
Jade…hadn’t been aware of that. He’s been too into his own head, reliving memories with you that it hadn’t occurred to him that you’d actually might lose affection for him. 
The thought made him a little sick. 
He pouted, taking your chin in his hand to tilt your head up to his. “Is that so? Please forgive me for my most egregious sin. I don’t wish to lose you again.”
“Hmph, again?” You made a sound of offense. Despite your words, you still looked up at Jade with a  shy gaze, eyes darting down to his lips every so often. 
You never had me in the first place.” You scoffed, trying to avert your blushing gaze, though he kept a firm grip, moving to squeeze your cheeks into a pucker.  
Jade chuckled, “Your previous actions say otherwise, though I am quite a fool for not taking what was mine in the first place.”
“Y-yours?! You-you-you can’t just say things like that—eep!” You let you a deliciously cute squeak, which he swallowed up as he stole a kiss. 
“Now, now my little lover, be good to me and let me revel in your affections, I’ve derived myself from them for far too long now, have I not?”
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And I'd be the immediate forgiveness in Eurydice / Imagine being loved by me / I won't deny I've got in my mind now (Hey, yeah) / All the things I would do
He wasn’t sure why he had any faith in Crowley to get you back home. Really, that’s on him for thinking the headmage would put any work into your return home. If Trey had known that you’d still be here in Twisted Wonderland, years after his graduation, he wouldn’t have ever broken up with you. 
Granted, it hadn’t exactly been his choice in the first place, as you had abruptly ended the relationship towards the end of his fourth year. Told him to enjoy his life without you weighing him down, despite his insistence that you’d do no such thing. 
Trey finally relented when you told him that you had a world, a family, a home (without him) to get to. Somewhere you belonged, somewhere that wasn’t with him. 
It hurt, yes, knowing that you were never really meant to be with him in the first place. It was simply by magical chance that you were plucked from your world to turn his own upside down. Likewise, it was simply by chance that you and him got together to steal and eat his heart, leaving him almost an empty shell of himself. 
So it was a surprise to see you at Riddle’s wedding, of all places, dressed up in a pretty green outfit as you giggled with some bridesmaids. Seven, you looked good, the fabric hugging all the right spots. Maybe he was being a bit delusional, but Trey swears that the green of your outfit matched the color of his hair, and he had a small possessive streak pass through him at the thought. If it wasn’t for Cater pinching his arm, Trey would be sure that he was in a dream. 
“Ow! Cater!” Trey hissed, rubbing his arm as the strawberry-blonde smirked at him. Cater’s hair was longer now, but he kept his signature style from school still. 
“Go on, talk to them.” Cater nudged him with his elbow, gesturing to you. “I know you want too~”
Trey huffed, watching the liquid in his cup as he swirled his punch. “I’m fine, thanks.”
“Oh, come on!” Cater whined, latching on to Trey’s arm. 
“We didn’t end on good terms.”
Cater countered, “You didn’t end on bad ones either.”
“Hmph.” Trey clicked his tongue, eyeing you from the corner of his eye. Your hair had grown longer, and was dyed. It looked nice on you.
Still leaning against Trey, Cater pouted before a mischievous look passed over his face as he leaned in to whisper in Trey’s ear. 
“Besides, I heard they’ve stayed single since being with you.”
“…” A sigh. “Really?”
“Totes, so you really ought to go make a move before that blonde dude does, though it doesn’t look like he’s having much luck.”
Finally deciding to look up, Trey noticed your uncomfortable expression as the guy twirled a strand of your hair with his fingers. Despite being known for being rather mild-mannered, a handful of your mutual friends knew the truth: Trey had a nasty jealous streak where you were concerned. 
He wasn’t sure when or how he got across the room, but Trey was suddenly hovering over you and the blond man, hazel eyes piercing his back. Surprise flitted your features as a hand was offered to you, along with a familiar. 
“Sorry, hope I’m not interrupting.” Trey had to withhold a smug smirk as he saw your eyes light up at the sight of him. “But would you mind sharing a dance?”
You eagerly nodded, taking his hand and mumbling a half-hearted apology to the other man as Trey guided you to the dance floor, filled with couples sharing a dance to the latest love song. 
His hands rested on the familiar curve of your waist as your arms wrapped around his neck, hesitating before finally settling your hands on the back of his neck. The two of you swayed to the music, a surprisingly comfortable silence between you two. Honestly? It was as if you two never broke up, with how your bodies curled into each other, heart-to-heart.
Yet, neither one of you seems willing to start the conversation he was begging to have.
“… You look beautiful—”
“You look wonderful—” 
Both of you opened your mouths at the same time, interrupting each other before sharing a giggle.
“Sorry, sorry. You go first.”
Trey shook his head. “No, go ahead.”
You smiled, something soft and a bit sad, before looking him up and down. “You look good, got stockier. The bakery’s got you working hard, hm?”
“Ha, yeah. It has, what…about you?”
Your lips thinned, as you looked away. “Still at NRC with Grim, we teach the new Beast-tamer curriculum. It’s…fun.”
Silence fell over you two again, the elephant in the room hanging between you two.
“You’ve been here, all this time, then?”
You nodded, a sliver of shame passing over your features. 
“He never did find me a way home after we…you know…”
Trey sharply inhaled, tightening his grip and rubbing soothing circles as he nodded. “Yeah…why didn’t you…tell me. Why didn’t you come back?” He left out the ‘to me.’
You stopped dancing, making him stumble slightly as he watched your face intently, heart aching at the tears growing in your eyes. 
 “I—” Trey watched as you swallowed a lump in your throat, voice shaky. “—I felt so bad that you’d spent your time and energy on being with me when I might not even stay, so I wanted you to go off and live life. But then, he never did find me a way back, and I realized that I just pushed you away, and I just couldn’t face you—”
You broke into sobs, burying your face into his chest as Trey led you away from the dance floor. He managed to pull you into a secluded hallway, one for the staff to enter in and out of the kitchen. Trey held you close as he rubbed your back, resting his cheek on the top of your head as you rested into the crook of his neck.
“I-I'm sorry… I shouldn't be…” You were sniffling, letting out little hiccups as you spoke. “—crying like this… I'm not trying to make you… feel bad… I just… I should go…”
As you moved to pull away, Trey tightened his grip, hand reaching up to caress your cheek as you looked up at him with watery eyes. You were as beautiful as the day you left him, tears streaking your makeup and all. 
“Don’t, please, I—” Trey sighed, resting his forehead against yours. “I won’t lose you again. I missed you so much, please, stay?”
You nodded, still sniffling, as you moved to kiss the palm holding your cheek. “I missed you too, but aren’t you mad at me? For not coming back?”
Trey shook his head, smiling softly at you. Whatever anger he had was immediately forgiven at the sight of you before him. He couldn’t care less about the last few years, as long as he had you back in his arms again. 
“As long as I can have you back in my arms, the past is forgiven. As long as…you’ll have me?”
The two of you shared another sweet smile, leaning into each other to press your lips in a soft, fleeting kiss. The type of kiss you give when you can’t tell the difference between a dream and reality. Cater’s quick photo of you two lovers would later help cement that fact that this was reality. 
It’s a week later that Trey has that exact same picture set as his home and lock screen.
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I'd tell them, "Put me back in it" (Da-ah, darlin') / I would do it again (Ah-ah, ah-ah) / If I could hold you for a minute (Da-ah, darlin') / I'd go through it again (Ah-ah, ah-ah)
It’s all dark. It’s always dark until the moment Ace opens his eyes and the coffin opens. Ace goes through the orientation ceremony, only to have it interrupted by you stumbling into the Mirror Chamber, an energetic and egotistical Grim demanding to take your spot. 
It’s dark in the cave that he goes into with you two and Deuce to collect the new chandelier magistone. You're screaming, he’s screaming, so are Deuce and Grim. It’s a shit show, even before Riddle comes to drag him and Deuce back to the dorm. 
It’s dark when he makes the trek to your dorm after being collared. Grumbling about just wanting a snack, about Riddle’s unnecessary rage, and about who the hell can remember all 810 rules. It’s light, though, that he sees when you open the door to Ramshackle, the warm, old lightbulbs from the hallway creating a halo around you. 
It’s light again, in the morning as the sun filters through the broken window, you poking him awake to get to class.
Ace has never been one to get sentimental, the idea of love is frightening, to be frank. But looking at you again, light curtaining your features, he was reminded why he did what he did. 
Why he punched Riddle for his outburst and insults to you. 
Why he threw himself into the fight against Leona as he threatened to turn you to sand. 
Why he let himself get “tricked” by Azul again and again, get beaten up by the twins under the sea again and again. Why he tried to run back to school to your rescue, only to be too late again and again. Why he endured the embarrassment of losing the SDC. 
He’d hoped that this time he’d be able to avoid getting into a coma from the S.T.Y.X. Charon robots again, but he had no luck, so you once again had to depend on Rook and Epel getting you through the Isle of Woe. Maybe he should’ve focused on getting Grim back after scratching you, or maybe just prevented him from eating all the blot stones, then you wouldn’t have been in this mess. 
It might have prevented Malleus’s own blot, though Ace wasn’t really sure what led to his spiraling. It was probably a combination of a lot of information, as it was with the rest of the blots. Either way, he’d been hoping that preventing Grim from eating the 8th blot stone would’ve prevented this. 
Ace wouldn’t know though, as he’s been through this year at least 4 times now. Trying to prevent what he’s slowly starting to believe is inevitable.  
He’s replayed your deaths over and over in his brain. The first one that happened, he was upset for losing a friend, but probably would’ve gotten over it. It sounds harsh, but that was the reality of the situation. 
After the second loop, Ace started noticing you more. Things he missed out on the first time. The way you smiled, the way you walked, the way you tugged on your shirt when you were nervous. It was cute. 
It was his third loop that he started noticing little things. How you liked to grab on to his arm when it got too crowded. How you always made an effort to help him in class, despite having to catch up with nearly 2 decades of curriculum just to understand the professors. He noticed how you’d blush whenever he’d make flirty jokes. 
It was his fourth, and current, loop that he really started to view you differently. That he started to view these second, third, and fourth chances as a way to keep you safe. To not lose you again. 
You were always helping him, despite the stress he caused you. Every time you’d let him crash in your dorm, eventually convincing you to let him share at least your room. He’d be up, tossing and turning as he watched your sleep. He wasn’t trying to be creepy, but seeing you take your whole situation in stride, every overblot, every condescending comment, every shenanigan Grim, Deuce, and him really made Ace think about why he was doing this. 
Was it because he felt bad? No, it certainly wasn’t the first time, anyway. Was it because he liked having you around? Kinda, maybe a little. Was it because every time he’d ask you why you got involved with all the drama at school, you’d answer with a shrug, a smile, and simply answer “I gotta protect my friends, as best I can anyway.” That was probably partially the reason.
He thinks the reason he’s so desperate to make sure you stay around is because of the promise you made with him the first loop around: “If I can’t go home, let’s always stick together! I like you, and you like me, so we can support each other every way we can.”
You’d made this promise, in one form or another, every loop.
“Promise we’ll stay friends, even after graduation! I wanna stick by my first friend’s side!”
“Ace? Do you actually promise to take care of me? I know I’m a pain, no magic and all, but I’ve taken care of you in my own way, do you really promise to do the same?”
It was his fourth time watching you live your year in Twisted Wonderland. And it’s then that it clicked for him: he was falling deep into love with the magicless Prefect that cared way too much for others, and much too little for themselves. 
“Ace…” you gasped, a bloodied hand reaching out for him as an overblotted Grim made a rampage throughout the Mirror Chamber. He could hear the others screaming, magic being cast, and a distinct yowl from Grim as Riddle launched another fire spell at him. 
Ace cringed as the giant direbeast that was once his little fiery friend screamed in pain, running around until he tripped and fell through where there was once a wall. Grim let out an eerie, inhuman scream as he fell, a sickening crunch echoing as he landed on the stone ground. For the fourth time, Grim was gone. But that didn’t matter, not when he was watching you die for the fourth time. 
“Hey! Hey, hey, hey I’m here.” Ace had managed to crawl over to you, clasping your hand with his own. He rested your head on his lap as you coughed, red liquid leaving your mouth as you did. 
“No, nononononono—you’re fine!” Ace hyperventilated as he looked over your battered body. He was sure that he had prevented Grim from eating Vil’s blot stone. Was that not the reason he turned into this? Did he only need to eat a few before turning into a monster? He was so confident that he’d managed to keep you safe. So why? Whywhywhywhywhywhywhy—
“Ace.” He froze as you murmured his name, your other hand reaching for his cheek, wiping away the tears he didn’t realize he was leaving. 
“Ace, promise me you’ll stay with me? I don’t want to be alone right now…” you hiccuped as you started crying, curling into his chest as Ace cradled you. “I’m sorry that I couldn’t help! I was so useless, so useless to let Grim get to this point. So useless as a friend, I’m so sorry!”
Ace curled into you, ignoring the voices from behind you two, no doubt the other students coming to the realization that you’d be grievously harmed. 
“I’ll stay with you, I’m always with you.” Ace shuddered. He felt like throwing up. “I’m going to try again, I won’t be too late this time. I’ll make sure to keep you safe this time. I won't lose you again.”
Ace ignored the person shaking his shoulder as he watched you hyperventilate, before your breathing slowed and eventually stopped. He ignored the surprised cries as magic swirled around him, as he activated his signature spell for the fifth, and hopefully final time:
With a flick of the wand, a rhythm sublime,
Reverse The Clock, turn back the chime,
No time to say 'Hello', goodbye!
I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!
It’s all dark. It’s always dark until the moment Ace opens his eyes and the coffin opens for the fifth time.
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comments and reblogs appreciated 🩷
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perfectfangirl · 4 months
notes after rewatching fallout s1 ep4
• cooper and lucy wandering the desert and mans starts coughin', somethin' settin' in • whoa i just realized you could hear roger roaring from outside • roger was at a clinic, probably trying to find something to help him ☹️ • i wrote a whole entire post on this scene but anyways can i say we see full blown uncooked cannibalism hardly ten minutes into episode four like is everyone ok • the fact this scene is presented with a lot of tension, like a horror film and truly it's just a guy named roger fighting to stay not feral • i wonder how cooper met him? ghouls tend to know each other after a while [on account of the discrimination], i'm sure he was checking with this man every now and then tbh. perhaps. a friend. • cooper asks roger how he's feeling and he says "you know... it's hard out here. dang smoothies can be so unkind" and i just 😞 • "i see you got a smoothie of your own" ding ding ding ghoulcy this one's for you • you know what's particularly sad about ghoulification is for example that roger has had to isolate himself from others, even ghouls, because he was turning • roger asking for a vial and cooper looking at lucy [cooper, you botched the using lucy for bait, come on] • firmly in the camp that if cooper had vials left, he would give one to roger. cooper has shown himself to be crude and cruel seeming at times but i just know he went there with purpose • roger accepting he's turning and telling cooper and lucy to leave as a warning, roger seemed so nice, why and how did he get like this
• "i did ok" 😞 • going from standard human to turning into a feral ghoul in less than twenty eight years in the fallout universe is insane and idk if there's a lot of lore on why someone could end up like this and someone like cooper not • the difference in cooper's and roger's symptoms are pretty stark--- not entirely sold on him coughing and passing out is from ferality and more inclined to think chem withdrawals but i digress • "say, you remember how good food use to taste?" post war life is so bad, nobody in the wasteland remembers when food use to food 😭
• because roger is really nice and having a conversation, roger turns, speaking to lucy. cooper using this as an opportunity to kill roger seems so sudden and a betrayal until • look at cooper's eyes and his reaction after pulling the trigger--- not exactly the expression of someone who is in it "for the love of the game", in fact, i have come to view this act as a mercy kill • which is ironic of course because as we've all come to see, lucy does the exact thing for her own mother four episodes later • once feral, ghouls roam the wasteland operating on two instincts alone: hunger and defense. they are a threat to all those around them and i don't recall much on reversal. that's no life. roger would've turned feral and harmed them or others, it is sad • cooper mercy killing roger was in some ways compassionate, he had a sweet conversation with roger giving his last thoughts something warm and nice. cooper then going on to butcher and consume his flesh was an uh choice 💀
• and lucy immediately confused was like "wait?, why'd you do that? he was sick." i don't know if she entirely understands ghoulification, seems she thought maybe he could be helped • lucy is basically confused, begging cooper to not like, eat this guy 😭 • i'm gonna have to agree that he didn't have to eat roger, radroaches is everywhere and for free, still pondering if he did this to fuck with her or because some reason i am missing • cooper asking lucy what her name was [hold on, why he care about that?" and lucy so nearly coming this close to finding out what hank did and who cooper is [since she didn't ask his name] • "sometimes a fella's got to eat a fella" is my all time favourite quote in season one of this show lmao • cooper be funny as fuck for no reason like this man's brain is cooked • i would personally like to ask walton whose idea it was to go "mmm. mmm." while eating irradiated human flesh like that, like why is the pre war actor cooper howard like this • lucy is incomprehensibly disgusted but then goes on a thing [a vulnerable thing] about vault 32 starving [in the great plague of '77] and that she lost her mother during this time and that her father never resorted to cannibalism. there's some time and memory discrepancies here • "well there's what people say they did and what they really did" i wanted cooper to be wrong so bad here when he went on to clown hank by saying "i'll bet your daddy was first in line at the cookout. i bet he had a bib with a drawing of his neighbour's ass on it" • lmao they gave all the best lines to cooper, i'm sick, he was right • lucy, having had enough and not finding cooper's humour being used as a way to cope like this asks this disturbed little man • "how do you live like this? why keep going?" and for the briefest moment, and i do mean brief, cooper feels the crushing weight of who he is when lucy confronts him like this • of course he shakes off a moral inquiry and transfers it to another as he asks "why the fuck am i doing all the work?... ass jerky don't make itself." and forces lucy to do it instead • twice now this man has talked about ass in less than ten minutes and for everyone's sake i'll move along 💀
• woody basically trying to interrogate the raider prisoners and getting nothing, meanwhile--- i think they already starting to be poisoned • ooo ok but betty telling norm he's the last standing maclean in the vault so his words carry and people listen. it occurred to me maybe he inadvertently inspired the poisonings of the raiders but it's also occurring to me that because they couldn't just all be shot outright, being poisoned was the best follow through method, nobody notices until it's already too late. now who is sneaky enough for that? • "when clever boys like you are angry, you're lucky not to have seen where that can lead." so... was betty present for shady sands? hmm • betty asking norm to tread lightly is very... not a threat, but she's watching him, right
• ok! we have that second water scene. it's confirmed here cooper is fetching water from an irradiated source [hence why denying lucy any makes sense] he puts it in his canteen and drinks it just fine. lucy is obviously mindlessly thirsty because she defeatedly drops down to drink the murky, stagnant irradiated water. it's so irradiated, her pip boy is going crazy, she literally gags in the scene • "now you're getting it. how does this golden rule jibe with what's going through your head now?" well i mean we knew cooper been fucking with her the whole time and showing her the wasteland streets but it is also unlikely she would have found a clean water source where they are, i guess her getting radiation sickness may have been inevitable but cooper denying her water kept her from being sick • after another insane string of sentences from this centuries old movie star, lucy finally asks "what are you?" and it's more like "what the fuck is wrong with you?" • "oh i'm you, sweetie, you just give it a little time" is majorly menacing after everybody just drank stagnant rad water like it's koolaid • cooper felt so smug then was zapped with karma again because he has a coughing fit directly after telling lucy this lmao • walton has such a good old man cough ❤️ • lucy takes cooper coughing up a lung as an opportunity to run [where i don't know but] • cooper uses his lasso skills he used to use at kid's parties to pull lucy back and then says some shit like "where you think you going? you ain't going nowhere."
• so we have arrived at the infamous and intriguing finger biting off scene--- can i just say she bit his finger off with such ease and then! cooper doesn't even act like it hurt, he seems... pleased he got that kind of reaction out of lucy. he's like into it 💀 • "there you are, you little killer" i'll keep this pg13 and say cooper really wanted to get a rise out of lucy, to bring the dog out of her, huh • he... then proceeds to cut her [corresponding hand's] finger off. ironically applying the "do unto others as you would have done unto you" tit for tat, if you will • i was surprised he did this because like ok, she spat it out? pick it up and reattach it, fella 😭 but there's more under the surface here because • cooper says "now that right there is the closest thing we've had to an honest exchange so far." and he's being framed in a close up so close, you can see his dainty eyelashes, sun shining in the background, his hazel eyes sparkling--- this is not on accident ☝️ gdgkdkfd • there's a lot of symbolism to be had but for now, i'll save that for next episode notes when cooper does the thing • ah chet! and steph. i kinda am of the idea she strategically got with him but anyways! who wouldn't! chet hot as fuck! and steph look like an assassin • bert's shoes so small gldgldfl • steph is definitely angry and sad dealing with bert's death in her own special way [trying to fuck chet] • excuse me but why they turned an almost sex scene into a birthing scene 😭💀 • lucy been walking the wasteland without a shoe, how she do it 😭 • i did not pick up on cooper bartering lucy for two months' worth of vials [thanks subtitles] • "mint condition" [looks at a bloody stump on hand] "near mint condition" now who fault is this?? lmao • "you got problems out here too, sweetheart" like, shut up 😭 • cooper every time he interacts with a mr. handy is one of the only few places he gets to hear a voice of this old friend • "best you try your luck behind that door" well at least he untied her • this is like the third time he's gotten instant karma with lucy because either he pretended to keep it together until she went in or genuinely didn't know he was going to pass out but • went through the five stages of grief trying to figure who he sold her to because i deadass was thinking the same thing lucy was 😭 • lucy being given the finger of like, a corpse or something because it's grey 😭 forever changed by the wasteland, always carrying a little bleakness and death with her ❤️ • lucy never experiencing real cotton [or maybe only rarely] • lucy calling cooper a creature 😭 • "he put a leash around my neck and made me drink from puddle water that i'm pretty sure was some kind of animal pee" sending 😭 she talking to this evil mr. handy like it's a person • her recounting her captivity with cooper like he was simply being mean to her is just • "and i thought i was here to be a sex slave." "what?! no! what a disgusting idea. i'm simply going to harvest your organs." damn, fallout which one is worse, like fuck---
• hope the jello cake veronica got wasn't poisoned... • "what are you looking at?" "a murderer in a cage, paying the price for what you did to us. for what you did to the innocent people in vault 32" and norm gets circumstantial evidence from a raider by accidentally cross examining one of them with it being more than anything woody could coax out of them • one thing about the macleans, they smart • i also think it's excellent writing that intrigue was spurred like this by a raider saying vault 32 wasn't innocent because they were running an experiment like all the vaults did, everything isn't so black and white • norm reads every situation correctly because why he read chet by saying chet came along to investigate because norm reminds him of lucy fkdgkdkg • still piecing together the full extent of vaults 31, 32, 33 together but at first i couldn't understand why it looked like so many took their own lives--- apparently them discovering what vault 31 was about started a rebellion but two years seemed so recent to me. curious how this overlaps with shady sands if it does • they showed the spooky ass rat utopia experiment still playing on the tvs in there but i wasn't sure if this was explicit about that being vault 32's experiment
• lucy being prompted to continue on because of a flashback from her mom upon awakening 🥲 • "lucy sweetie what are you doing out here?" and those were her memories on the surface [nevermind cooper calling her [[condescendingly]] "sweetheart"] • i did not realize the ghouls were being kept in the freezers but it looks like they either only sell ghouls or keep the ghouls "on ice" [not unlike how dom pedro would keep cooper and cut pieces off of him] and collect the organs of standard people right then and there • "sir, you can't do this. please, i need my organs" lucy, it's just a robot bulter, he's not a real guy 😭 • the way lucy got out of this pickle quick, almost got snip snipped but short circuited the murderbot • lucy putting her murdercap on and putting drano in the murderbot's syringes, clever girl • it was so "star wars" of her to treat mr. handy like a person and then the guys running the organ trafficking scheme going "you might as well be holding an air conditioner hostage" 😭 • the organ traffickers running the super duper mart ring are so dull and banal evil types, it's so satire
• i just registered those two organ trafficker guys got a camera and can see cooper laid out in front of the store • lucy freeing the ghouls 🥲and one even thanking her [even the feral ones 💀] • poor martha, i peep how we see lucy's grey finger and it being shown used to defend herself against martha in her feral state • organ traffickers got ate up bless • nothing lucy did besides shoot was going to honestly stop martha, sometimes your pacifist playthrough doesn't go as planned • the pip boys still being on and running on the not alive people in vault 32 • "death to management" and it's directly the reference to vault 31's experiment, right there
• lucy walking out of there with mismatched shoes but two shoes nonetheless ☝️ • i guess lucy sincerely did not comprehend cooper is a ghoul or ghoulification, i suppose most vault dwellers literally would never know, that's post war history, wow • lucy asking cooper about if the vials keep him from going feral and he cannot even speak, he can only nod, from a prone position, on the ground--- the power/framing trade off is excellent • lucy bends down, briefly rolls the gun in her hand, while cooper lies helpless, she delivers a fatal line • "i may end up looking like you. but i'll never be like you" harbouring not enough ill will against him despite mistreatment, she gives cooper several vials, directly near his hand. didn't have to do none of that shit! • if i was cooper, i'd be scared as hell of this lady, she took down an organ trafficking ring in a grocery store ran by two armed guys, a murderbot, with some feral ghoul hostages, all of the bad and dangerous people fucking died • she really could've ended cooper right then and there, his devotion in season two gone be unmatched lmao
• i truly think he had a hint of a smile on his face after she helped [save his life] by anyways • lucy walks into the proverbial sunset meanwhile this man shambles into super duper mart about to go on the biggest bender the wasteland has seen since the bombs dropped • cooper gets so fucked up, i lost count how many things he ingested, king said all of 'em • cooper is so goddamn famous, his film "the man from deadhorse" is just sitting next to a tv • you could say here is where cooper has a crisis of conscience whereupon he holds the tape in his hand but truly we know already he had that centuries ago when he filmed "the man from deadhorse"
• cooper watching the scene, the very moment in his life where things started to shift--- he tries to cock an invisible fun, being unable as he remembers his trigger finger is gone [neutral, disarmed, here's where i think he decides he wants to sew on lucy's finger to his hand] it's like he's starting over, a moral rebirth but with his trigger finger • they really made cooper say "you commie son of a bitch" in a western, just ugly propaganda • let's examine "feo, fuerte, y formal" again! "ugly, strong, dignity" does post war cooper have two out of three on that front? is this his step into regaining dignity again? • cooper was always playing characters, it was expected of him and he got paid for it. it feels like a wall is being torn down, something is being shed here. and maybe it's this character he's masquerading as • cooper and lucy both having revelations in the super duper mart--- lucy realising you can't always reason and logic out of a situation and cooper being confronted with the fact you can keep your morality and sense of self intact and a horrible place and situation doesn't have to change you
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Now that I've simmered my Furiosa thoughts for a while, I think I'm ready to share a little bit.
I agree that there were some pacing issues, but I think it needed two climaxes because ... as I remarked to my sister at the end of the show, "you can just immediately start watching Fury Road now!" Seriously, it's no accident that where Furiosa leaves off is exactly where Fury Road starts. I almost see them as two halves of one movie. The last twenty minutes of Furiosa read almost as more of a prologue to Fury Road than anything else.
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Watching Furiosa also helped me come to terms with the ending of Fury Road. Watching her lose everyone she loved in such a cruel way, being unable to let them go without trying to stop it ... and seeing how she lets Max go with a smile and a nod ... she's evolved! She doesn't hold onto things, but that doesn't mean she forgets them or stops loving them. I fully believe that she does still love her mother, Praetorian Jack, and even Max. The interpretation of what kind of love is left up to us, the viewer. I think she recognizes that while she is ready to accept her redemption and move on to improving the lives of everyone around her, she knows instinctively that Max is not. So she lets him go, and the shipper in me thinks with the belief that he'll come back when he's ready.
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Did Furiosa add greatly to what Fury Road had already built? Maybe not, although I think showing the Green Place, Gas Town, and the Bullet Farm was excellent. Furiosa was different from Fury Road in that it was a classic bildungsroman, but from the female perspective. We all know that girls grow up faster, mainly from necessity. Furiosa was pretty young when she was taken, but she already knew how to protect herself from men, which would be a vital skill in the brutality of the wasteland. Her mother and the other Many Mothers knew their daughters would need those skills to survive.
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Okay I think that's all my thoughts. Except for this: what's the fandom interpretation of Furiosa's "Remember me??" to Immortan Joe just before she killed him? It's not that he didn't deserve to have his face ripped off, I just couldn't quite reconcile it with the events of Furiosa. Of all the men in the movie, he was about the only one who did basically nothing to him. Was it referring to her being put with the Wives when she was like 13? Curious to hear your thoughts!
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lizardperson · 16 days
can't win them all
[on ao3]
fandom: fallout new vegas characters: female courier/original male character rating: m cw: non-graphic discussion of killing/canon-typical violence, guilt/remorse wc: 779 prompt: #fff269 living weapon for @flashfictionfridayofficial
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"You're quiet."
"Hm?" Mika looked up, then she chuckled. "Shouldn't you be happy that I’m finally shutting up for once?"
"It's just always a bit worrying," Gabriel remarked gently.
She rolled her eyes and laughed, as usual ignoring his concerns. "Ugh, whatever." Silent again, she went back to staring into the campfire. After a while, she started gnawing on her lip. "Can I ask you something weird? Do you know how many people you killed? Like, ever?"
He wanted to ask where the hell this was suddenly coming from, but then it dawned on him what was going on in her head - the damn Fiend thing again. Of course she was still mulling over that. "No. Stopped counting eventually."
"Doesn't that bother you? That it's so many that you've lost count?" She didn't sound accusatory, just… sad. It's not like she hadn't killed before - that's what life in the wasteland was like. But Mika usually only resorted to lethal force in self-defense. Gabriel preferred to keep it that way too - but their definitions of what constituted 'self-defense' differed somewhat.
"Mika, I've been a soldier for thirty years. It's literally part of the job, as cruel as it may sound. You need to disconnect that from yourself or you go insane," he tried to explain. "I was a tool. A weapon."
"Just following orders, hm?" she retorted gloomily, and they both got quiet again. This whole thing really ate away at her. Eventually, she looked up again. "Maybe we can negotiate some kind of peace deal with that Motor-Runner guy."
Gabriel sighed. "Pretty sure the NCR brass already tried that. What makes you think you'll have more luck?"
Mika made a face. "I mean, it's not like they have such a great track record when it comes to diplomacy with the locals. I think I'm a bit more persuasive than your buddy Hsu," she objected. "Got nicer tits, too." Her stupid joke dissolved the tension a bit and they both chuckled.
Gabriel paused for a moment. "Mika, we don't have to assassinate those damn Fiend leaders." He wasn't happy that Colonel Hsu had brought this whole thing up anyway. Was the army really this fucked that they had to outsource their raider troubles to some random freelancer? The Fiends had been harassing the surrounding settlements for a while now, killing and abducting people, and the army seemed to be unable to put an end to it. "We don't have to make this our problem."
"It already is our problem! If we do nothing, even more people get killed. And just because we didn't shoot them ourselves doesn't mean it's not on us!"
Gabriel listened to her patiently and sighed. "I wish you would stop putting the whole damn Mojave on your shoulders," he remarked quietly. "You can't save everyone."
"But I still have to try."
He pulled her into his arms and stroked her back, both lost in thought for a while. "I'll go alone," he then proposed. "I'll take Boone and ED-E and we'll handle it without you."
Mika frowned. "How is that any better? Sending you in there to pull the trigger instead of doing it myself is worse, actually."
He didn't expect her to go for it, but it was worth a try. Gabriel hated seeing her so distressed; why did she always have to care so damn much? It was one of her worst traits - and one of her best at the same time, and he admired her for it. If only it wouldn't bring her so much pain all the time.
"We have to try talking to them," Mika eventually declared. "There has to be some kind of peaceful solution."
He snorted. "What, you want to just waltz into Vault 3 for a friendly chat?"
"Yeah. Maybe the Khans can set something up." She crossed her arms defiantly. "You don't have to come if you think it's such a dumb idea."
"Well, I certainly won't let you walk in there alone," Gabriel objected.
"Why not?"
He pulled her closer and kissed her head. "Someone's gotta keep you out of trouble."
"Good luck with that," she chuckled, snuggling into his arms.
They sat in silence again for some time and Gabriel considered their options. "Fine," he sighed. "Diplomatic approach. We'll figure something out." This way, he could at least keep her from rushing in blindly. They would try to gather some intel, come up with an actual plan, and hopefully not die in the process.
Mika noticeably relaxed, and he wrapped his arms around her tighter. "Thank you," she whispered. The lengths he was willing to go for her peace of mind…
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altocat · 3 months
Hello again :) Like many I'm still hyped by the FF7 compilation and especially the many AUs possibilities and potential, and I've been wondering something ... If Cloud had been the one to die instead of Zack on the wastelands when they reached Midgar, how would this had affected Zack ? Would he have become more hatefull, angry and resentfull against Shinra ? Even willing to commit to revenge ? Would he have become depressed after failing to save somoene once again ? Somoene he cared for for one year and who he cared deeply about ?
Would Zack have met Tifa and told her of Cloud's fate ? Would Tifa had been filled with even more grief and anger against Shinra ? Or even against Zack because he would have failed to protect Cloud, someone Tifa once fell for and who could have been the last thing she had left from her home and childhood, only to be brutally taken from her before she could even met him again.
Would Cloud's death had been of consequence to Sephiroth's plan to get the black materia ? Cloud was still the most capable of Sephiroth clones, and Zack seems to not be affected by Sephiroth or Jenova's influence despite also being an host of S-cells. Or could Sephiroth just have been able to wait for our rag tag group of heroes to get the black materia, and then taking it from them after the collapse of the Temple of the ancients ?
Would Sephiroth had been cruel enough to toy with Zack's heart by using an illusion of Cloud with his clones like he seems to be using an illusion of Glenn to mess with Rufus in Rebirth ?
I think, for the most part, that while Zack would probably suffer from untold amounts of trauma/likely depression in the aftermath of Cloud's death, he'd keep going. Losing Angeal was probably the worst thing that happened to him. And it seriously fucked him up...but he survived. I think he'd survive this as well, albeit struggling to maintain a level of optimism about the world.
I think his relationship would be decent with Tifa--especially if he tells her how hard he fought to keep Cloud alive. Tifa has her limits in forgiveness, but she also is rarely openly aggressive, even to people she hates. I think she and Zack were on good terms during Nibelheim. I think that for all her faults with Shinra, she wouldn't hold it against him, at least not in a way that comes off as her being openly resentful. She struggles to FORGIVE Zack, but she also can't hate him either. They'd probably build a more genuine friendship over time, even though Zack knows there are emotional boundaries. Part of his atonement, I guess.
As for Sephiroth, I think he'd honestly not be terribly interested in Zack. As far as he's concerned, especially after merging with Jenova, his relationship with Zack is over. It's meaningless. Cloud was the only one that mattered because Cloud was the only one who ever actually defeated him. So he'd just use Zack's S-cells to his advantage and then dump him like trash. And if he can't do that, he can always use more pawns at his disposal.
There's a tradeoff though--Sephiroth's sense of identity is tied to his relationship with Cloud. I actually think his identity would start to fracture a lot quicker. And, in the event of his defeat, I don't think there'd be much in the way of him returning without Cloud's memories.
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braimrotting · 1 year
My playlist as QSMP
(warning im shit at english lang so my interpretation of songs may be way off... im also ace and often miss romantic implication so.. yeah if a song has lyrics which are like about an s/o and i havent specified i probably dont mean for it to be shipping)
songs included: tongues & teeth (the crane wives), pink in the night (mitski), gb eating gb whilst listening to gb (crywank), going to brighton (fresh)
TONGUES & TEETH - The Crane Wives hideduo fit pov fit as a self serving survivalist from a wasteland experiencing love in this cursed fuckin island • "ive grown a mouth so sharp and cruel its all that i can give to you my dear" habits from 2b2t even little things like his lack of trust, hasnt confided his true intentions to anyone - constant lies by omission - hes flawed and hes recognised it • "if you're fine with that you can be mine like that" theres very much something going on with hideduo but fit is insistent on his baby steps bc he doesnt want to hurt pac. 'are you fine with that?' • "you gotta know that this wont last" this is soooo fit coded bffr. i adored the conversations fit n ramon had but one thing that stuck out to me was that he would always specify that only he and ramon would escape. never mentioned anyone else. selfish in the most understandable way • "i will ruin you, its a habit i cant help it" again 2b2t ingrained habits that never leave. linked w above point, hes selfish and that isnt necessarily a bad thing just not great for a blossoming relationship • "i will love u like the ashes in my cigarette box" hc 2b2t!fit smoked - ramon told him off once but now that the baby's gone hes picked it up again, a headcanon bc i cannot imagine ccfit smoking since hes such a health buff - feels so out of character lmao strong thoughts about qfit no one even try to fight me - his entire character occupies a space in my brain PINK IN THE NIGHT - Mitski phissa missa pov devotion easy • "i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you" • "can i try again and again and again" i dont think i need to say more - tbh this could go for guapoduo too but the "can i try again" made me think of missa + how he wants to live up to phils expectations
GB EATING GB WHILST LISTENING TO GB - Crywank phissa still missa pov
"in a busy room youre all i see" literally THEM sorry during the mexican independence event they were literally all they could see.. them doing the dance together - it may as well have just been the 2 of them + phil jumping in front of missa to take pics of him alone w/o him noticing
"calm down dont let her see how fast your heart is beating" missa saying "im speaking weird so the translator doesnt pick up, i love you" THIS GUYYYYYYYY
"i think about you but i know im not good enough" bffr mr missa "ill come back when im a good enough father" sinfonia
"and I built you up to much, now I can't say what's on my mind in case I go and scare you away" missa doesnt want to burden phil because he feels like hes been such a bad father compared to phils dedication - now that hes back he doesnt want to disappoint him anymore
"and how could i compete with the world at your feet" missa coming back to like 3 men at phils whim LMAO
"i wouldn't want to hurt you by letting you hurt me you don't deserve to feel guilty"
"i just want you in my life"
sorry im so obsessed with their puppy love GOING TO BRIGHTON - Fresh tubbo coded, i mean with the name i had to give it to him in my mind hes talkin to phil • "things i care the most about dont seem to ever get old" his excitement over everything even the simplest things is so refreshing • "i feel the fire inside me trains passing over head" his determination posing a unique threat to the feds and i feel like its such an important part of his character. also he likes trains :) • "there are things i learnt inside my head that they cant ever take away from me" lil bugs and just knowledge of the game make him a great bug tester for the admins lmao. this guy takes any chance to glitch his way through life
"starting over is a sign of strength"
also honorary mention to that one person who said the garden was codebreakerduo coded because you are so right and true and based and i think of that post everytime i listen to that song. being so normal by peach pit was very celltw (is that what pac and cellbit are called?) to me but i didnt really have much reasoning
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hiiii!! congrats on 1.5k thats amazing!! if youre still taking requests for the event. could i get ☠️🦖 “I’m trying to do the right thing! Don’t you see that?” with Arcade? (romanced or not) thank you!!
Yessssss, Arcade! And angst! This is so fun!
It's not too crazy angst fest, like some of the others, but hopefully still along the lines of what you were looking for. And I'm not quite sure how I feel about my writing in this one, but.... I've looked at it enough times that I just need to send it out into the world, lol.
Anyway, I hope you like it! 😁
"I'm trying to do the right thing, can't you see that?" Arcade pleaded as genuinely as Six had seen him, his green eyes shining brightly with the conviction of his beliefs. "That's why I joined the Followers, why I spend my days trying to help people to the best of my abilities. Or did you think that was all part of some big, Enclave plot?"
He waved his hands about dramatically, and Six's nostrils flared in annoyance.
"No, that, I'm okay with." They ignored his snide question, "Helping people isn't a problem, obviously, and... I know that you aren't a part of that group anymore, but... it's your clear idolization of your former faction that I-- I just can't stand it, Arcade." Their voice nearly broke at that, their fingers curling and tensing into fists where they held their hands at their sides. "After everything I've heard about the Enclave, everything they've done... They were fascists, they were self-centered and cruel and so fanciful and grandiose with their beliefs of re-creating the world from before the war that they consistently committed crimes against humanity without any sort of consideration, without a second thought!"
"While that interpretation was a bit dramatic for my taste, still, I'm not denying any of that." He said coolly, "But I also can't deny the fact that they were my family. Whether or not I agreed with their ideologies, well... what choice did I have? I was a kid."
"And what about now?" Six had calmed themselves, but still, an urgency remained in their voice.
He nearly rolled his eyes at it.
"Now?" Arcade scoffed, "What do you think?"
"I'm asking you, Arcade." They punctuated their words with a firm step forwards, challenging.
"Very well, Six, let's examine this." His eyes blazed as, he too, moved forward in response, his hands coming together in a definitive clap, acting as punctuation.
"So, to start off, fleeing my home and faction with my mother after my father was killed, laying low and hiding from, well, pretty much everyone given how the Brotherhood and the NCR felt about this 'family business' of mine. Would you say, I mean, are my actions aligning with Enclave ideals so far? I'm not sure, but I'll go on anyway." Six's nostrils flared once more at the dry ire accompanying his words, but they remained silent.
"Growing up around the remnants of the Enclave," He continued, "while remaining as hidden as we could on the outskirts of NCR land. Doing some farming, foraging, learning what we could from those around us, now that we were out of our small community and entering into the great, wide wasteland, sure, yeah, that might have been pretty fascist of us, I could give you that--"
"Arcade, this isn't what I meant, and you know it. I was talking about how you're--"
"Now. Okay yeah, you're right. All of that was just about ancient history at this point, huh? Given that you can only recall... what? Your life for the past year? Yeah, I was going too far back. Let's stop and consider your place in all this."
"Arc--" Their fists clenched, but he tried to ignore it as he held up a finger to keep from being interrupted again.
"Ah, ah. I'm working on it, tenere vos equos." His voice and expression were wild with vicious sarcasm as he carried on his speech. "When you met me, I was working for the Followers of the Apocalypse, after being trained as a doctor, trying to find the cures to certain ailments through the use of local plants, which, while gloriously and ironically unfruitful work, it was-- in my fascist opinion-- a noble pursuit."
Six was silent as he finished, their deadpan expression difficult to read.
Which is the preferable alternative to being outwardly pissed off, so I suppose I'll take it.
"I was doing that, anyway." Arcade continued, the smallest tinge of humor creeping back into his voice after it's previous indignation, "Until some dusty nobody stumbled in and said they needed a handsome doctor to help them, what was it? Be a 'better person' and 'save the Mojave' and become 'much more charming' with said doctor's assistance."
Their lips twitched, a telltale sign that he almost had them.
"Look, I know how it looks. I know my past is as checkered as your crazy would-be murderer's tacky suit jacket, but... I wouldn't have even bothered telling you about it if I didn't think I could trust you."
Six looked down at that, their eyebrows scrunching together, wrinkling their forehead slightly, and shifting the remaining scarred skin left from the bullets that nearly killed them.
Arcade's own chest gave a brief ache of sympathy.
We both have scars. Their's are just out here for all to see.
"It's not something I go around advertising, you know? Like you said, the Enclave weren't the most, ah, popular group."
"Then..." They spoke up finally, their voice quiet, but sincere. "Why did you tell me?"
Arcade's brows rose.
"You need your ears checked? Because I've got the special stethoscope and everything, we could do it right now."
Now a soft laugh left them, and the doctor's eyes crinkled a bit with his returned hint of a grin.
"Okay, you trust me... but..."
"Why?" He repeated for them.
Six nodded.
"Do you really want to stand out here in the sun all day? Because, well, it's a pretty long list. What do you say we just do the short version, save from being sunburnt, you know, non perdis tempus nec meum." They nodded like they did know, even though Arcade doubted that they did, he continued on without bothering to translate.
"But I've known you a year now, which, yeah, not too long, but still... we've stuck together longer than I've been around anyone but a few... choice affiliates and family members in my life, and you've... You've accepted me. As cheesy as that sounds," He chuckled, losing himself briefly to the sincerity of his confession, "You've pretty much been the first one. No one else has gotten here, to this point. They all leave before it can happen. But you... well, obviously you didn't. I figured... If you can put up with the rest of me, why not one last-ditch effort? See how handsome and charming you really think I am. See if it's enough to keep you around, despite everything else about me. Despite my fascism and perceived affiliation to crimes against humanity, my boring personality..."
"Well... It was." Six said quietly, and Arcade's eyes snapped to theirs. "I know that... That I might've reacted a little harshly to you telling me about your past, about your family and... and the Enclave, but... All that you've done, for others and for me, it all speaks volumes. And it speaks volumes in Latin, so it's also unfalteringly charming."
"Ahh, yes. Just like the rest of me, right?" Arcade winked, and Six only shook their head.
"Don't make me redact my statement, doctor." They said with a grin, "Because I reserve my right to do so."
"But you wouldn't." He shot back, his eyes narrowing playfully, "Else, you would have done it by now. Ne minaris quod facere non potes, Six."
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gay-caesar-truther · 1 month
Gunna yap about Gabriel seeing as his character sheet is done
(I haven't finished FO3, pretty much just got James back to Project Purity, so this is likely to change as stuff progresses and I learn more about what's going on)
If anyone wants to know anything about him lemme know 👉👈
General content warning for discussions of shitty mental health and trauma
(Loosey Goosey type summary at the end if you don't wanna read all that)
He's a MAJOR daddy's boy- he didn't get along with a lot of the other kids in the Vault so spent a lot of his time growing up hanging out with his dad, watching him work, learning things about medicine and helping organise all the tools.
When James left the Vault Gabe was DEVISTATED. He couldn't help but feel abandoned- Why would his dad leave? Was he not a good son? Did he do something wrong?
Then all the immediate fallout made him kinda resent his dad for a spell- (general how could he leave and be okay letting me deal with all that? Not that James knew the overseer was gunna utterly flip his shit ofc)
Once out of the Vault he learned pretty quickly that he cannot aim for shit, he just can't get the hang of guns and instead had to rely on a baseball bat and his fists. Begin a sheltered kid then suddenly up close a personal with all this violence took a major toll on his already shaky mental health.
When he reached Megaton he felt immediately out of place- he was unfamiliar with the social customs, he was naive and clueless about basically everything. He defaulted to Overly Polite in order to compensate but this came off (at least at first) to a lot of the settlers as him having a holier than thou attitude and as a result he wasn't well liked for a while.
He also struggles with the transactional nature of the wasteland (I help you, you help me), and got really frustrated that nobody would help him unless he but himself in danger. They KNEW he was inexperienced, frightened and confused and still demanded he go out into the wastes anyway.
He still goes out of his way to help people- giving up his own meager supplies for those in need, putting himself in danger time and time again, choosing to be kind where he can. He wants to be liked, he wants to be accepted and he wants to make the wasteland a kinder place than he found it. He puts the emotional and physical needs of others before his own (he's got a bit of a Martyr complex)
This feelings of abandonment with his dad, his feelings about being put in danger and not helped kinda manifested into a lot of anger and resentment. Hes MAD, at the world, hes made at his dad and hes mad at himself for being a terrible son and a terrible person. He takes that out on enemies in combat, and gets pretty damn good a punching thing but hates how relived the violence makes him despite his general dislike of such things.
He doesn't enjoy it though- all the blood and the fighting makes him feel like a monster. That he's commiting unspeakable sins and even if he finds his father Hes going to be so disgusted by the things he's done that he'll abandon Gabe AGAIN. It's something that haunts Gabe for a while, and he never quite gets over it, but he keeps looking for his dad, becuase James is all he has, despite his own fears of rejection and distain.
When he gets to Tranquility Lane and Braun's asking him to do all those shitty things to people in order to get his dad back- Gabe does it. No questions. He's come all this way, done all these horrible things- he swallows his revulsion, accepts this is how it is, and does whatever it takes to get his dad back. His actions at tranquility Lane deffo haunt him- he was selfish, he hurt people becuase he wanted his dad back so badly.
When he is FINALLY reunited with James he's kinda shocked that his dad doesn't hate him- He thought his dad would just be able to TELL that he's done bad things, that he's been selfish and cruel to get here but his dad seem oblivious to it. He kinda keeps himself away at first, afraid James is going to find out what hes done and hate him for it. There's still a lot of resentment about being left alone, even after Gabriel learns of project purity and that makes him feel so much worse. (Overall though Gabe is just so HAPPY to have is dad back and is finally able to relax a bit and start to process all the shit he's been through)
His dad left to go save lives, believing that Gabriel would be safe and relatively happy in the Vault, and Gabe hates himself for being so wishing his father had just stayed and left the people of the wasteland to suffer.
In summary- Gabriel's a Daddy's boy with a deeply unstable sense of self that hinges on his, often wildly incorrect, assumptions about how people perceive him. His perception of his own morality is massively incongruous with his actions. He's got abandonment issues, a martyr complex and is deeply angry at the wasteland, his dad and himself.
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galansu · 2 months
Oliver and why he's Going to Hell (a rant)
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It's hard to write a character when you know they're gonna go to hell in the end. Or at least when they die. You've aligned them to being morally good, fighting against evil, and yet when they die, they're sent away while some of the people they've fought against are sent to heaven. Not for things they did in the past. But because of things they've always done.
Oliver's deeds as a hero and his support to the team do not cancel out the fact that he mutilated and bioengineered people into monstrosities and continued to do it throughout his career (as of now). Sure, it helps that he tests everything (that he shows to the public) he makes before he uses it on the people he trusts and loves. But it's not good that he's tested it (being prototypes and first time experiments) on unwilling and unknowing subjects. I'm not just talking about rats or mice, I'm talking about people. He grew and made people in his lab so he wouldn't have to kidnap and experiment on someone who already had a life and a future. He made people to essentially kill them. Sure, they didn't have a sense of consciousness in later versions he created since the screaming of brutality and begging for mercy was a lot, but I mean?? He saw the only problem being the defiance and not the "No, please! Don't do this!"???
He lives with the trauma of seeing his parents die at a young age. Of getting disowned by the last bits of family he had left. Of one of his experiments going wrong and terribly electrocuting him, scarring him for life. Yes, he's suffered. Yes, he's not all mentally well. But he continues to do unethical things and sees no reason to stop when his methods give good results. He does experiment on himself when he knows the results won't end with him dead, but if he needs to take something apart to get answers then he'll resort to growing a clone/life form of that species.
I believe in the idea that if you do bad things in the past and change and grow as a person in the future, you'll be considered a good person in the eyes of judgement. I believe that people can be redeemed and bettered if they work on themselves and prove they've changed with time, as well as genuinely believe in the good they do afterwards. I feel like Oliver, if he decides to change later on, can be able to make it to heaven in the afterlife. But as he is right now, he's going to hell.
I imagine it going something like this. Oliver dies in a lab incident. He begins to go up to heaven, a bit nonchalant about just dying. He walks up to this big gate that has many different entries to it, going up to one of them and waiting to be allowed inside. When he gives them his name, they don't find it on their list anywhere. He's shocked and terrified. They tell him to check "downstairs", as he's sent plummeting through the skies to the hells below. The gates are like mirror image of what heaven has, minus the clouds and the bright golden color. It has a rusty look to it, the entire place a wasteland of firey rocks and magma. Oliver sheepishly goes to enter, and is horrified when they tell him he's on the list. He begs and asks why. The stuff I said above is told to him. Bioengineering with malicious intent. Modifying subjects against their will. Creating life just to take it away. And then he's ushered inside.
TLDR: Oliver is going to hell because he does cruel experiments and causes suffering even though he helps save the universe. If he stops his cruel methods and finds a different way that doesn't involve killing people or mutilating them, then he can go to heaven.
"b-but galans you wrote him 🥺" yeah and it hurts me that he's gonna go to hell so i want him to have character development at some point where he changes his methods
"so why don't you just write that now you don't tell us much about him anyway we would have never known" i want you to know he's a silly boy when it comes to being friends with people and most of his inventions but his experiments suck and I CAN FIX HIM!!!!!!!!!!
i may just redeem him in his side story (which im on the fence about making a blog for since so many of you said "yeah make one!!" but also showed you had no interest in engaging with it which to me defeats the purpose of you guys saying i should make it, if you want it to happen then you'd want to see it that's my logic)
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vvsdreaming · 2 years
You’re No Devil
Will you stay? (Ch. 2)
Morpheus x OC
Ch.1 | Masterlist | Ch.3 | Ch.4
Minors, here’s the door 👉 🚪 DNI
18+ !!! Thank you 💕
Warnings: Dark, possessive, and jelly Morpheus, mention of drugs, mentions of struggling mental health, violence, smut at end, light dom/sub.
Sorry this is kinda fast-paced lol.
Word count: 6.2k
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When Cami arrived at The Dreaming outside the Kingdom’s gates on the cold, black sand. She was unconscious at first, but she awoke as she heard a voice. Something was holding her tightly 
“Sir, sir are you alright” Lucienne cried out as she was running through the sand towards Morpheus and Cami. 
“Who is that that you’ve got yourself wrapped around, My Lord?”
“Lucienne” Dream cries out in relief as he lifts his head to gaze at his librarian.
This was the first word that Cami had ever heard Dream speak, she thought his voice was so wonderful she would never tire of it. 
As soon as Morpheus fully gauges what’s occurring, he unwraps himself from Cami.
They were laying with her back against him and her head was on his toned chest, but by this point, Dream had somehow managed to put on clothes, his signature outfit to be exact. 
So, unfortunately, there were barriers in the way of them fully touching. His long arms and legs were tightly encased around her like a koala. From the moment they landed in The Dreaming to the moment, Lucienne discovered them, his face was buried in the crook of her neck. Cami didn’t know how long they stayed like that. She wished it never ended.
All Dream knew or could think about in those moments was that he would do any and everything to protect the woman in his arms. 
“Miss Murrell why are you with Lord Morpheus and why have you returned so soon?”
Morpheus hadn’t known about Cami’s previous visit. He shot both of them with a confused look.
“Wait, wait you’re Dream… Lord Morpheus?” 
And suddenly everything started to click. It was the Dream king who was trapped in that basement.
He nods slowly.
After Lucienne helps both of them up. Dream’s arms don’t leave her arm and waist until Cami assures Morpheus that she is alright to stand.
“Miss Murrell freed me from me my prison.” Dream starts.
“How.. how my lord?” Lucienne looked at him in awe. 
Cami and Morpheus took turns filling the librarian in.
“My lord, how do think Miss Murrell can leave her dreams?” Lucienne inquired 
“I don’t have an answer yet, do you have any theories, Lucienne?” He responded with slight annoyance in his voice.
“No, I do not. My apologies, my Lord” Lucienne bowed her head. 
Dream waved a dismal hand.
Cami thanked them for their help and the three of them started making their way through the enormous gates of horn and ivory.
“Who did this” Dream almost croaks out as he gazes upon the barren wasteland that was once his glorious kingdom. As Lucienne is explaining what happened in his absence. Cami can’t help but try to comfort Morpheus by offering her hand, he hesitates at first. He’s unsure of what would come if he pursues things with this woman. How could he deny her a simple touch with her lovely eyes and that comforting smile? Dream does not reciprocate the smile but Cami thought she could see the edges of his full lips slightly twitch up.
He ultimately decides to accept her hand in his and their fingers are intertwined until they reach the throne room. 
After Dream fails to repair his throne room and refuses Lucienne’s suggestion of rest and sleep, Dream was fed up with his poor Librarian, “You may leave us now” He snarled, giving Lucienne a piercing glare. 
“Of course my Lord” She quickly shuffles out of the throne room. 
‘Damn that was kinda mean’ Cami thought. 
As Dream was making his way over to Cami who was just a couple of feet away at this point, he started, “Do you believe me to be cruel?”
“No, no why would you say that?” It was almost like… ‘No..no, he couldn’t possibly read her mind? ‘He can’t right? Please say he can’t, fuck!’ 
When Dream reaches Cami he takes her hands in his. he’s warmed up now. His eyes study hers, trying to predict her answer.
Cami didn’t know how to put this any nicer, so she decided to give it to him straight, “No Dream no of course not, maybe you’re just a little tough on your librarian, I mean she basically took care of the entire realm while you were gone, maybe give that woman a break?” Her breath slightly shaking.
Dream furrowed his perfect brows at her answer, “Look where leaving Lucienne in charge of The Dreaming got us.” He hissed.
“You couldn’t possibly mean that, you are just being bitter and petty, Lucienne did the best she could in your absence.” Cami didn’t mean to egg him on, but she didn’t know what came over her. All she knew was that there was no way she was backing down with him spewing these absurdities.
“You dare call me Dream of the Endless petty? You dare suggest that this was my doing?” He chuckles very darkly. His eyes were dark, soulless now. Vacant of everything but tiny white stars. His hands travel up her arms finding a place to rest right above the elbow, and the grasp he has on her arms tightens. 
She shivers.
This is not the Morpheus she knew earlier. His alabaster skin is cold again. It seemed like he lost everything that made him look remotely human. 
Cami’s slightly ashamed to admit it but the familiar pit in her stomach that would be there if she was scared was missing, it was replaced by a longing in the area just a couple of centimeters below. 
‘Oh no,’ she thought. "Now I hope he definitely can’t see my thoughts now." The things she wanted him to do to her, the ways she imagined he would take her. ‘Omg get a hold on your thoughts You can’t let him win this argument.’
“I-I- No-“ Camis arousal melted her brain.
“What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?” Dream purred darkly.
Morpheus pulled her closer, by placing his hand on the small of her back. They are now connected at the waist. His lips formed something resembling a smirk. His other hand grabs the few stray front pieces of her beautiful hair and places them behind her ear and it comes back to cup her cheek. 
Sadness and regret in his eyes, they’ve returned to their original icy grey-blue color. 
“Can you read my mind?” Cami asks bluntly.
“My apologies Camille Murrell, I did not mean to frighten you but I cannot see your thoughts. Do not worry, my dear.” Morpheus says with much conviction.
“No don’t you stop now” A thought she meant to keep to herself but she blurted it out anyway. ‘Whelp, cats of the bag. No turning back now’ Cami thought. 
Dream came even closer. Cami thought that for a moment he was going to kiss her, which she was not prepared for in any way, but his mouth traveled past her lip. Stopping beside her ear. 
“As much as I would love to continue this with you I must control myself and take my leave of you” he whispered breathily into her ear.
“Wha-why, why please don’t” she almost whined.
“I must seek out my tools and return The Dreaming to its proper glory.”
“Take me with you, I can help” she didn’t want to leave him, she couldn’t bare to, the pull, the yearning between them was still there and growing with each passing second. It was all too much.
“I’m afraid that won’t be possible, my dream” 
Oh, she loved that nickname.
“The places I must venture to are far too dangerous for you” 
He interrupted “I beg of you do not fight me on this, this is something I must do alone.” He places a warm, gentle kiss on her forehead after saying this. 
“But how will I know you’ll come back to me? You’re coming back right?” She practically cried out.
Morpheus brought Cami into a tight, protective embrace, she nuzzled her face into his chest. Also wrapping her arms around his back equally tightly. 
“I promise I will return to you soon my dream, but now you must sleep. Where you prefer to return to?” Dream asks.
“Please take me back to my flat in London.”
“As you wish” Pulling away from her momentarily, he conjures another blue, swirling portal. 
“Goodbye Lord of Dreams” Cami smiled faintly through the tears that were forming.
“Please address me as Morpheus, there’s no need for such a formal title” He wiped her tears away.
“You sure? Then in that case, please call me Cami.” She sniffled.
“Of course, Camille.” He said with a slight wink
Ugh, she loves the way her name rolls off his tongue.
After a few moments when he pulls away, he is met with slight resistance from her, but Cami knows he wouldn’t leave her unless it was absolutely necessary. 
“Farewell, my dream”
The next thing she knew she was back in her bedroom, “What kind of fucking day was that?” She asked herself.
She thought she couldn’t unfortunately completely rule out a psychotic break, they run in the family. 
She immediately tries to think what she’ll tell her parents, she was now 2 hours away with no explanation. Maybe she could get away with telling them she felt too scared to stay another moment after she felt something watching her. ‘Eh they are pretty gullible’ she thought, maybe her parents will believe it?
‘What. A. Day.’ She thought once more. Is this how her life would be from now on?
3 months later
Dream has obtained all of his tools but the 3 Major Arcana are still missing. He had been putting more effort into a particular woman’s dreams.
Cami awoke as she always had, sad and wanting to return to her slumber, these last few months her dreams had been quite exquisite, ranging from glorious sunsets on the beach to exploring the Moon.
Last night Cami dreamt of walking through a peaceful rainforest it was silent except for the sound of the leaves bustling through the wind and the sound of the drizzling rain hitting the ground and plants. Of course, a real rainforest would be much noisier, ‘But how would that be enjoyable?’ She thought.
 Cami knew that her sudden “dream upgrade” was Morpheus’ doing.
She swore she could almost feel him watching her every once and a while, but as soon she would turn to where she felt a slight disturbance in the air. He would be nowhere to be found. ‘Huh hope I’m not being paranoid’ she thought, but these instances have felt too real to be just a figment of her imagination. 
Although maybe it was time for her to start seeing her therapist again, how would she ever explain these things, these events without being sent off to grippy sock jail? 
“Ugh, forget it” she groaned while falling onto her back onto her bed after getting up only to feed her cats.
By this point Cami had lost some of her faith in Morpheus, she couldn’t lie. He said that he would be back soon but it’s been 3 freaking months! She doesn’t know how fast or slow time moves for him. For all, she knows his definition of soon could be years from now. She would’ve appreciated at least a heads up that it was gonna take this long.
She started to feel like Bella Swan in New Moon, staring out the window, waiting for her Edward. She felt utterly pathetic. 
Cami, brought in enough cash at her pawn shop to live on her own. Slowly over these months, she had let herself and the flat go. Since she barely had enough time or energy to think about anything besides him. 
Her close friends, Jade and Sam had noticed that Cami had been more distant and flakey recently. So they decided to head over to Cami’s apartment to do a mini-intervention to get her out of this slump. 
Cami would never admit to needing help over text due to her stubbornness. They would have to show up uninvited so Cami couldn’t deny that she was struggling when they show up and see her messy hair, unwashed clothes, and unkempt apartment. 
Her apartment had a whimsigothic vibe, it features a couple of bookshelves with human/supernatural literature and ancient texts. Cami kept many plants, which were still in surprisingly good condition. There were also quite a few pet beds and shelves scattered around for her two cats. 
A/N: I created a whimsigothic mood board at the end of this chapter if you dunno what I’m talking about. Think witchy Coraline vibes:)
It was around 5 in the evening when Cami heard a loud knock which woke her from her dream. Cami was sleeping way more often now, upwards of 12-14 hours a day. She knows it’s not healthy but her dream life is much more vivid and fulfilling than her real one at the moment.
“Who is it? I’ll be right there, just give me a sec!” Cami exclaims as she jumps off the bed. She needed to find pants and possibly a bigger shirt, she was currently only wearing a cropped lace-edged cami tank and underwear.
“It’s us, me and Jade are here!” Sam answers.
“Ugh, why couldn’t you of called or at least texted!” Cami hissed a bit quieter.
She only could find some half-decent back sweats in her clothes pile. 
“Huh what was that?” Jade asks.
“Nothing! Be right there, guys!” Cami responds as she puts her pants on and tries to fix her hair but it’s really no use.
As Cami was opening the door, Jade blurts out “Girl you need to go catch a dick” quoting Jules from Euphoria.
Cami rolls her eyes sarcastically.
All three of them burst out laughing while Cami welcomes them inside, joking about how Jade always says the most out-of-pocket things.
Sam starts, “Alright here’s what going to happen, you go get yourself showered and cleaned up. I’ll throw in a fresh load of laundry for ya and then we’ll all clean up your flat, sound good?” 
Cami almost burst out into tears because of their generosity, her friends sense this and immediately console her. “We’ll talk about it later ok?” Jade asks while rubbing Cami’s back.
Cami manages an “ok” through a broken sob. Then after settling down, she adds, “Thanks guys I don’t know what I would do without you.”
After they cleaned everything up, they all sat on the purple couch together at around 6.
“Soooo…” Jade starts, “What are we doing tonight? Ayy, Grumpy over there, you got any ideas?”
“Guys I truly appreciate all your help but I don’t think I’m up to going out tonight, can’t we just stay here and order in?”
“Nuh-uh, you’re not getting out of having fun so easily” Sam says while gently nudging Cami in the arm.
“Ugh fine let’s go get ready” Cami says reluctantly, in all honesty, she needed something to get her mind off things, so maybe going out would be a perfect distraction from Morpheus.
“Yay, there's the fun girl we know!”
“But first tell us who’s you all down in the dumps” Jade says.
“How are you so sure it’s a guy?” Cami’s asks
“‘Cause girl it’s so obvious.” Sam responds playfully.
 Cami rolls her eyes once again.
“I mean I know I’ll sound crazy but I met him a few months back, and now I can’t stop thinking about him.” Cami looks down in sadness.
“Well girl that doesn’t sound too bad. We don’t have any heartbreakers on our hands now, do we? Sam asks
“Nope, I promise” Cami attempts to smile.
“So what did this man do to get you all like this?” Jade asked concerned.
“I don’t know it’s like he ghosted me so I’ve been struggling to get over him.” 
“Alright don’t hesitate to reach out if you wanna tell us more, but let’s get a move on!” Sam exclaimed.
Cami ended up wearing a short, black dress. It was kinda revealing, but it flattered her body nicely with it being snug on her waist then it flaring out.
“Are you guys sure I look alright?” Cami asks
“Yesss girl you look so gorgeous! Every guy in there will be all over you.” Jade answers.
Cami furrows her brows at this in displeasure, that was the last thing she wanted. All she was hoping to do was maybe spark up a convo with someone. 
“Omg girl you know I’m joking, we would never let any guy touch you.”
 After a moment, Sam adds with a wink, “Unless you want him to haha”
“You guys are the worst” Cami deadpans.
“We know, that’s we you love us, we push you out there.” Jade adds as they are leaving the apartment building.
“So where are headed tonight?” The driver asks as they enter the black cab. They were most likely going to be drinking, possibly a bit more, who knows? So, no way were they driving themselves.
“It’s a club called Slimelight” Sam answered.
‘Huh strange name’ Cami thought.
When they arrived at the club, there was a line but they didn’t have to wait more than 15 minutes to enter the club. 
When Cami got inside she realized her friends brought her to a goth club. The vibes were cool, she thought it look like the inside of an ancient vampire’s lair. The club was dark with high ceilings. It had red lighting.
Enjoy the silence by Depeche Mode was playing.
Dream needed to see Cami, he could not form one cohesive thought without her by his side. The months without touching her were torturous. Even though the pull between was slightly easier to bare while they were farther apart, he could never completely ignore it. 
He had Mathew, his raven check in on Cami while she was sleeping every couple of days. Since he could not be there himself. Dream knew that Cami was struggling, he could feel it through their… connection? but it felt like more. He finally racked up enough courage to go see her.
Dream traveled via sand to Cami’s flat only to discover that she was in fact missing. 
“Hey, boss! Don’t worry, I found Cami. She’s at some weird goth club, downtown” Mathew cawed through the open window.
“Thank you, Mathew. We shall go at once.” Morpheus was very relieved at this news. He couldn’t bare to lose you, not now. Not ever. 
Cami wasn’t enjoying herself, sure she loved the 80’s music, but she kept getting stares from creepy men that made it virtually impossible for her to have a good time. 
Cami’s friends had left her. Of course, how could she forget, they always do this. Even though they promise not to. They had found their own entertainment and were doing god knows what in the back rooms of the club. They said they were only gonna do some edibles but Cami knew it would probably escalate to harder substances. If they didn’t emerge soon she would definitely have to go check up on them later.
Then suddenly, a nice-looking man with blonde slicked hair and a tan suit approached her. He looked very out of place with his attire, but maybe that was more about the off-putting vibe that he emitted. 
Cami felt like something very bad was going to happen if she didn’t accept what he was going to propose. 
She gulped.
“Would you be so kind to get a drink with me?” He asked but it felt more like a demand.
“Of course” she squeaked. 
He held out his hand and when she didn’t accept it, he grabbed her wrist with extreme force. Was he even human? 
She felt something sharp against her back, “Don’t make a sound, and I’ll make it quick”
‘Oh fuck why me?’ Cami thought, she felt doomed.
Then he guided her past the bar.. wait were they going? Ohshitohshit. Was there any way out of this? Cami frantically looked around to see if anyone noticed what was happening. She wanted to scream, to get someone’s attention but she was afraid of what the man would do to her if she tried anything. 
He was now leading her down a dark, flickering hallway with worn down, red, and black decor. 
“Wha-what‘s your name? Why are you doing this?!” Cami cried out
“Shhhhh, don’t worry doll everything will be alright” He purred. 
Great, like that, was super reassuring.
“Mathew where is she?“ Dream questioned through gritted teeth. His eyes were searching the dark club.  
‘Why would someone willingly choose to 
spend their time here, such an obnoxious place.’ He observed to himself.
“Boss- Sir, I have no clue she was just over there like 5 minutes ago, I swear! I’m just as worried as you are!”
Dream glared at Mathew for that.
“Oh boohoo, we both know you really care about the girl. You wouldn’t be going out of your way to find her like this.” If birds could roll their eyes Mathew would totally be doing it. 
“And boss…”
“Yes, Mathew?”
“Um… err I don’t know how to put this but when I saw her she was talking to… a man.” Mathew felt like grimacing. 
“You what?” Dream hissed.
“And why did you choose to withhold this valuable information?”
“Um.. cause… ya know….” Mathew trailed off. He thought anything he would anything he could say would only add fuel to the fire.
Mathew deserved a punishment, Dream thought, but this was neither the time nor place. Also, Matthew was right, but Dream would never admit that out loud. So he did the most logical thing for once and he reluctantly let it go.
“Come on what are you standing around for?! Let’s goooo!” Mathew said as he jumped back into Morpheus’ trench coat, so they wouldn’t get kicked out. What would humans think of a talking raven?
Dream wondered if he could find you through the connection, he had to at least try. However, did he even want to? He was furious. If Cami would betray him so easily was she even worth it? No of course she was, he would go to the ends of the earth to find her.. no further, much further. 'Where are these thoughts coming from?' Dream pondered.
Even though she had found an inferior placeholder for him, Morpheus would surely show her who she belonged to.
When the peculiar man finally led Cami to his destination at the end of the hallway, he led her into a room on the right. She swore she could hear two distinct women’s voices crying out from the room across the hall.
“I got your pretty little friends over in there, after I’m done with them, you’re next!” He showed her a devilish smile. 
“What are going to do to me?” Please don’t touch me!” Cami cried out frantically.
“Ohhh don’t worry, this will all be over before you know it. I can hardly wait, your eyes are just too tempting dear.” He purred this behind her ear while tying Cami up against the only chair in the room with rope. 
“Ah stop it hurts!” She struggled against the bindings.
“And where’s the fun in that?” He winked as he circled back around to face her.
She was trapped in a small, windowless, concrete room. Completely powerless.
“Bye-bye sweetheart.” He locks the door behind him.
Cami broke down in tears. What would he do to her and her friends? 
She also wondered if Morpheus felt like this when he too was held prisoner, helpless and alone. 
She says his name over and over in her head, calling out to him, desperately praying for him to come save her.
Dream hears her calls.
The Corinthian can sense his Lord coming closer. 
‘No No no!’ How did Dream find him? He wasn’t supposed to, at least not yet.
Fuck, now his murder plans were ruined for tonight, he was just about to have 3 three fresh victims. ‘Oh how tasty their eyes would’ve been,’ he thought. However, he had to get out before Dream could find him.
The Corinthian escapes out the back exit before Dream can even make it down the hallway. 
Cami can feel something, someone. It’s the change in the air from her dreams. She can sense… him through their connection. 
“Is it really you?” she whispered not knowing what direction he was in.
“Camille, you are safe now“ he whispered behind her back. When he finally reaches the room, he uses his hands to quickly undo her bindings.
“Morpheus you’ve found me! But how?” He slowly helps her out of the chair. She wraps her arms around him. He is taken aback by this. He’s not used to this amount of touch, but after a moment he decides to return the embrace.
“It’s the connection between us, I know you can sense it too.” Dream says while gently cupping Cami's cheek and wiping her tears away.
“Ye-yes what is it?” Her breath still shaking.
“I confess I do not know, but I am willing to do everything to find out.” He says accidentally slyly.
“Who has done this to you?” He adds before she can respond.
“It was a strange man who approached me and he forced me in here, I think he was gonna kill me.” She answers, tears streaming out of her eyes.
Dream immediately regrets letting his jealousy cloud his previous judgments. 
“Did he touch you? Where is he now?” His anger shows through his tone.
“I mean I think he might have left some marks on my wrist, but-“
“That’s not what I asked.” Dream interrupts 
“Oh no he didn’t, but I honestly thought he would.” Cami looked away in sadness.
Dream snarled at the thought of another’s hands on Cami.
“I must request that you come with me back to The Dreaming, seeing how I cannot protect you from harm if you are not beside me”
He was springing this on her now? ‘Chill dude I just got you back.’ Cami thought 
“Let me think about it?” She responded 
“No” His tone lacked an ounce of empathy.
“No?” ‘Wtf was this man thinking?!’ Cami thought to herself.
“I’m afraid I have no other choice, I must. This the only way” 
Cami pulls away from Morpheus slightly.
“So let me get this straight you abandon me for three months and now you think you can just order me about!?” She spat, thinking his audacity was astounding.
“Yes” He pulls her back in, and bring his mouth up beside her ear, and whispered, “I can tell you enjoy it.”
This made Cami extremely weak in the knees. ‘Oh no’ She thought. His words made Cami throw all logic out the window.
Without another thought, Dream pulls out his sand and transports them back to his throne room. His arms wrapped tightly around her as they teleport.
“Shhh,” his finger comes up to her mouth to silence her when they land. 
“There is only one act I could think about unleashing upon you since seeing you”
Her hands come to cup his face. All she can muster is, “Likewise”
With one hand on the back of her head and one on her small waist, his lips finally claim hers. It’s better than she could ever imagine and trust her she has. She pulls away to gaze at her ethereal man.
“What is it, my dream?” Morpheus questions.
“You’re just so beautiful, I’ve waited to look at you again for so long”
He returned a saddened look. “I will not leave you again, I swear it”
The second kiss is much more passionate as she returns it. His tongue brushes across her bottom lip demanding entry. Their tongues intertwined beautifully. His’ explores every inch of her mouth.
“Do you have a bedroom that we could continue this in?” Cami asked 
“A what?” Dream shot her a baffled look.
“Well, where do you sleep?”
Dream realizes what Cami meant and he summoned up a large, dark room with a bed with black silk sheets. 
His hands slide down to her ass to cup it, then they travel under her thighs to pick her up.
She wraps her legs around his tight waist and her arms come up around to his back for support.
Morpheus teleports them to the new room and sets her down on the edge of the bed.
“I do not require sleep but I hope this will do”
“Oh yes, this is perfect!” She looks around amazed.
His other hand comes up to massage her breast. A soft moan escapes her lips as does this.
“You made this room just for us?”
“Just for us” He smirks deviously.
He sits her up and abandons her breast to un-zip the back of her dress with ease. He brings his hands up to her the top of her shoulders and hooks his fingers under the dress straps, pulling them slowly down her arms, revealing her lace bralette. Her dress pools at her waist. His mouth travels down her neck peppering kisses
It had been some time since anyone has seen her like this, so vulnerable. Her cheeks flushed and she averted her gaze, as his eyes darted down to gaze at her plump breasts. Her hardening nipples poking through the fabric.
“There is no need to be shy now, you are the most beautiful being I’ve had the opportunity to gaze upon.” Dream says honestly.
“Oh, Morpheus” she whined and pulled him closer.
“Relax we have only just begun.” He chuckles.
His hands begin to travel up her outer thigh as Cami lays down to assist him with her dress. 
“I can just imagine all those… mortal men staring at you in this inviting dress, you won’t wear it again.”
“Wait what?”
Dream doesn’t respond. He just continues to kiss her. His teeth occasionally grazed her bottom lip.
When her dress is fully off, his mouth leaves hers for a moment to gaze upon her small form. His grey-blue eyes study every inch of her with precision.
His warm hands travel behind her back to unhook her bra, and he does it with ease once again. He flings it onto the wood floor, not caring where it lands.
“Ah you are just perfection” he stares at her breasts more intently.
His mouth travels down her neck once more, this time he attacks her neck with more intensity. He was panting almost. He sucks and nips at her soft skin all the way down to Cami’s nipples, taking turns sucking and licking at the stiff peaks. When he’s finished, he licks a slow trail from her abdomen, down to the hem of her panties. 
 “There is no need to wear these… obstacles when you are with me.” Morpheus looks at your knickers in distaste.
“Anything for you.” She moans as he cups her clothed box into his hands.
“So wet already, my dream? Just for me?” Morpheus questions.
“All for you” she moans again as he finds her clit through the soaked fabric. He circles it fiercely.
“Ah please” 
“Please… what?” Morpheus asks.
Her mind can’t form coherent words through the wave of arousal.
“I- Ah-“
“There you go tell me what you need”
After a couple more tries, she finally manages, “I need you”
“Oh not yet my perfect girl, I think you can cum for me at least a couple of times before that. Don’t you agree?” He smirks.
She shakes her head vehemently, “No, no, I can’t. I-I can’t wait that long”
“So impatient, I ought to teach you some manners.”
“Please, no I beg of you” she cries out as she feels her first orgasm nearing.
“Oh… but I think you can” He purs back.
“You can be good for me can’t you?” He shoots her a taunting look.
She looks at him with puppy dog eyes, “I- 'll try”
“Good, moan louder for me, I need everyone in The Dreaming to hear those pretty sounds you make for me.” Dream commands.
He circles her clit with more intensity.
“Oh, Morpheus I’m so close!” 
“Oh but can you hold on for just a little longer?“
“Um- I!” She struggles.
“Hmm what was that? Can you?”
“No, no I can’t possi-“
“Oh but you will, I demand it” His command nearly sends her over the edge.
His thumb leaves her clit wanting and throbbing.
“Oh no don’t stop, don’t stop! Please I’m so close!” She pouts.
“Why should I let you cum? Hm? You haven’t given any good reasons to let you.” He pouts back mockingly.
“I’m sorry I’ll be good I promise just let me please!”
“Not yet, my dream” He chuckles and his eyes return to the void-like state.
Morpheus edges her for another torturous hour, Cami secretly loves every second. Morpheus worked his mouth on and around her nipples teasing and toying, not stopping even when she showed signs of overstimulation. He built her up to close to an orgasm over and over with his adept skill.
“Ah Ah- please release me it’s too much” she cries as he slides his fingers up and down her inner thighs teasingly.
“Oh, do you think you deserve it?”
“Yes, yes I’ve been so good, please!” She begs.
“Oh yes, I happen to agree. you have been good, my dream. Perhaps you deserve mercy” He says while toying with the hem of her underwear.
“Yes, yes please!” 
“Alright, I suppose,” Dream says tauntingly as he finally rips off her panties.
“Ah you are just heavenly to look at, I cannot wait to devour you”
He pulls her thighs apart as he dives between them. His hand grabs her hip to pull her closer as he starts licking and lapping at her juices. Then Morpheus brings his tongue up to lick her throbbing, overstimulated clit.
“Ah that feels so good, don’t stop” she whines as she grabs fistfuls of his raven hair.
“I wouldn’t dream of it” Morpheus growls as lifts her legs onto his shoulders for better access.
Cami rolls her eyes at his pun attempt. He’s too preoccupied to catch this.
He released his mouth from her sensitive bud, to slip a finger into her dripping core, finding her g-spot expertly.
“Oh Morpheus, the things you can do-,” she was cut off by her own moan.
He starts circling her clit once again with his thumb and adds another finger. His other hand comes up back up to fondle her breasts once more. 
“Oh, god don’t stop, feels so good” 
“Ah, you are so tight and perfect for me” He breathes into her ear.
Within minutes Cami felt her orgasm nearing. 
“May I add a third?” He questioned but it felt more like a warning. He traveled back down her stomach leaving a trail of marks and kisses all the way down, leaving the last one on her throbbing bud.
“Oh yes please” she moaned as he gently nipped at her clit. As he slid the final finger in it was a tight fit, but Cami assured him she was enjoying it. Morpheus loved the feeling of her walls pulsing around his fingers. 
“I-'m gonna cum soon” She whined 
“Good. Let go, my dream” He says while pumping a powerful thrust of his fingers into your core.
“You are being so good for me”
Those were just the words that she needed to hear to send her over the edge. This was the most powerful orgasm she’s ever had. It’s like Dream knew her body better than she did. 
“Oh Morpheus” Cami cried out in ecstasy as she came undone. Her head flung back and her toes curled, but Dream grabbed her head and pulled her up and commanded,“Look at me while you cum”
It took Cami a moment but she complied and met his striking gaze.
He releases her head once her orgasm is over. Then he slowly pulls out of her, sucking her essence off of his fingers.
“I was correct you do in fact taste divine.”
After she comes down from her high, she starts, “That was amazing, thank you.”
Morpheus lays against her, spooning Cami. “Don’t worry, that was just the beginning” 
She starts yawning, “Oh no, not yet” she groans.
“You must enter the dreaming it calls for you” He whispers calmingly while swirling artwork with his finger up and down her arm.
“But how? I’m already in the dreaming” Cami asks.
“Your physical body is here, but your mind still requires sleep”
“Huh, that’s trippy”
“Yes, now sleep. my dream.” 
She turns to face him and asks, “Will you stay here with me?”
“Always” He promises.
As she drifts off Morpheus kisses her forehead gently. 
Ch. 3
Cami's apartment:
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A/N: Thanks so much for reading 🥰 Lmk what you think!
Do you think her friends are gonna be ok?
Just comment if you wanna be tagged!
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shyrose57 · 2 years
Rereading the With Great Power AU tag. Newest thought on my mind: Xornoth gets captured. The rulers band together, the wizards of the Crystal Cliffs coming up with a spell powerful enough to seal even his powers away.
They attempt to drag every last bit of information from him, force them to return the children he "stole," as if they were property instead of people. But he refuses to give in. No matter what they do to him, what kind of torture they inflict, he will never break. As long as his siblings are safe, he will endure. For them.
The kids are in the castle when it happens. They were told this was a big battle, and to stay in the Nether until he returned no matter what happens. The rulers' fear of the corrupted wasteland keeps them safe, the hostile mobs and pools of lava prevent anyone from coming after them.
For one week, they anxiously await news of their older brother. They know after three days that something must have gone wrong, Xornoth can teleport, and he's never been gone this long. They're getting nervous, and that nervousness is being translated into anger. With nothing else to do, they turn it on each other.
Things are tense. No amount of sparring, pranking, and explosives can help. And then, at the end of the week, a spy comes with news: Xornoth is being held in the Crystal Cliffs.
The world has never known terror like it did the day all fourteen of Xornoth's generals descended upon the overworld. The people whisper that the demon corrupted them, twisted them into nothing but cruel, empty husks in the bodies of their former princesses and princes. It's the story that truly convinced the people that they were beyond saving.
But to them, this was not about cruelty or conquering. It was about family. About their older brother, who offered them a home and acceptance with no strings attached, something their parents could never give. He'd saved all of them.
Now it was their turn to save him.
They say it started with The Jungle forest. Vines growing thorns, trees sprouting rapidly, reaching, reaching, reaching. Eating the world around it, expanding outwards, nonstop.
They say, the world stuttered when the demon was captured. Within the span of days, winter descended, frosting over lakes and creeping through gates cold enough to kill. Summer chased it, vicious, furious, heatwaves dropping guards left and right.
The beasts followed. Wolves running along the freezing night, things shaped like jungle cats prowling the burning shadows of day. Always watching, always waiting.
Always hungry.
The flowers cared not for the unhospitable environment. No, they thrived. They hunted, just as the beasts did. How many were dragged screaming into the forest? How many bones were found in bloom when it all came to an end?
And the sanctuaries. Oh, the sanctuaries.
The ocean writhed. It did not listen to its rulers, it did not listen to its people. The waters bled red, and the coral sharpened, and the fish grew teeth. The whales sung war songs, the algea grew thick and entrapping, spreading over the surface like a plague, eating away at light mercilessly.
It was safe to no one, let alone its own.
Mezalea? Mezalea rotted. The great tree withered under the merciless sun, and it called to the heir, and there was no answer but that of deadly apathy, spreading up its limbs and dropping its beloved creations.
The Cliffs faded, it's magic fracturing under the world's wrath, it's barrier giving way against the erosion of dark crawling curses and explosions without a source raging against it.
Eyes watched every death. The winds laughed in the face of their desperate prayers.
The gods had turned away.
And then the demons came.
Once, they say, they were their most beloved princesses and princes. Once, they say they were their staunchest protectors, their greatest hopes. But so twisted they had become, they were now their greatest monsters, and the Demon's wicked Generals.
Gold burned black, horns caught blood. Teeth bared, and beasts howled. Nature retook the kingdom carved into the cliffs, uncaring if those still there. Magic sang to the shaking of the earth, red and purple and wicked. Misfortune struck down the soldiers as the seer smiled, the monsterous spirits descended on twisted wings to devour their fill. Abominations in the form of children ran among the monsters, ripping and tearing into those in their path with teeth too sharp and smiles too wide. Serpents broke the surface of waters that were too small to have housed their giant forms, and tore buildings in two. The golem son danced to his own mad tune, some corruption overtaking him and spilling madness into the minds of those who caught his eyes or tried to trap his hands.
They say the world trembled when the Demon's General fell upon the world in search of their king.
Of course, they don't care much for the stories-they just came to bring their brother home.
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white-eagle-roleplay · 9 months
FO4 Jayne Drabble
"He's just a kid!" ~ Jayne, FO4 I asked myself what if Billy, the kid in the fridge, was released and abandoned in the wasteland, far away from his home. What if my character, Jayne found him? And what if she was trying to seek refuge in Diamond City from radstorms, raiders, and super mutants, completely unaware of the city's biggest rule?
"...we can let you in, but not the ghoul." The Diamond City guard's voice sounded unapologetic as it garbled through the speaker. "What?" Jayne stared incredulously at the speaker before glancing over at the green gate, hoping that this was all some cruel joke and that it would open. It didn't. She wanted to say a lot of things then, but bit back her tongue because said kid was right next to her, and his parents (if they were still alive) would be less than pleased to discover that their son had learned a few new words once he reunited with them. "But he's just a kid!" A radstorm crackled in the distance, warning of its approach. Jayne's shoulders tensed. Shit. And the raiders and super mutants were probably not far behind, either. They did not have much time; they needed to find shelter, and fast. "Please?" she tried again, a bit more politely this time. "Can't you just make this one exception?" "Sorry, but rules are rules. Mayor McDonough's super strict on that." "Mayor McDouchbag is more like it..." Jayne muttered too herself. What kind of place bans people based on how they look, let alone kids? But before she could take a more agressive approach, Billy spoke up. Having been abandoned before, he was already expecting the worst. "You aren't going to leave me out here, are you?" Jayne glanced down at the ghoul boy standing by her side. She had found him wandering alone a few days ago. Apparently, some asshole had let him out of a refrigerator a few weeks ago before abandoning him in the wasteland, miles away from his home. Billy was still searching for his parents when Jayne found him. Knowing what it felt to lose everything, Jayne agreed to help him. "No," Jayne said gently, "Of course not. Come on, let's go find some place else to hole up in. I'll let you play Red Menace on my pip boy, while we wait out the storm." She placed an arm around the boy's shoulder as she led him away. Then, making sure that the boy wasn't watching, Jayne quickly flipped the bird at the green gates of Douchbag City. Screw them.
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nukavolkov · 1 year
From the Fallout OC Questionnaire ~ I've just met em so I gotta know: 4. Give us a summary of their backstory. and 19. What natural alignment are they? (ex. Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil) For both your beans, please!
Oooh this will be a long one! I am still working on refining Beau so this won't be entirely set in stone for her.
Donovan would be considered Chaotic Neutral I'd say and as for his backstory. Im going to sum it up as best I can but theres a lot lol:
Donnie was born in Vault 101 and is younger than the cannon player character. His life wasn't amazing in there. A bit neglected by his parents who treated his younger sister like an absolute perfect blessing. He was a big scapegoat for almost everyone there. Getting the blame for so many things. It was east with how quite and awkward he was. He never really fought back. There were people who were on his side but the ones who weren't felt louder to him. He had particular disdain for Butch and the cannon PC. James and kid left the vault when Donovan was 15 and in the chaos he snuck out behind them. Looking for a better life than the one he had.
Immidiate regret on that. He found the Wasteland terrifying, hostile and cruel but he managed to make a few friends in Megaton and beyond. One being Moira as they worked on the Wasteland Survival Guide. Things were hard at first. He was afraid of everything, not very strong, lost a couple fingers and struggled a lot. But as time went on, he got stronger, taller and harder to kill abd developed a wild amount of skill with almost any gun he got his hands on. He was still afraid but he had more control. He also made some mistakes. And the cannon PC also got into some absolute bullshit that he pinned on Donovan. Being blamed for both their wrong doings earned him a real bad reputation in the Capital Wasteland. While he wasnt the most moral person around he wasnt full on evil either. He does genuinely care about people. But being labeled brutal, a monster, vicious. Every word they could come up with left him feeling bitter and as hostile to them as they were to him. His general demeanor, general expression and awkwardness didn't help at all. Just made it worse really. He's hard to read and comes across as rude without meaning to.
So he left the Capital Wastes at 34 with his reputation in unsalvageable shambles and made for the Commonwealth after Maccready (one of his few friends). He met Beau in Nuka World on his way there. Helped her clear out the Raiders then followed her to Sanctuary and eventually Diamond City where he settled nearby, got back to mercenary work and earned a far better reputation with friends to boot.
Now as for Beau. I'd consider her to be Neutral Good I think. As for her story. It's still a WIP but here's what I have so far:
Beau was and is a robotics and power armour enthusiast. Even before the war. She always loves tinkering, building and just making the coolest stuff she could. When she met Nate she was happy to settle down though she was plotting out where she could fit a workshop in their home and saving up to get her own Power Armour frame. She was happy to have Shaun and nestle in in Sanctuary until the bombs.
She hadn't trusted the Vault Tec lads from the beginning but didn't see much of a choice. When she woke to a dead husband and missing baby after being frozen, she didn't know what to do. She was scared, alone and confused. But after a couple aimless days she found her resolve. She moved out, helped Preston and reformed the Minute Men. Vowing to wear a suit of power armour with pride and protect everyone she could. Making the Commonwealth safe for her baby when she found him.
This is all I have so far but I'll give her more as time goes on 👍
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archer3-13 · 1 year
As terrible of a monster of a character he is, i find myself weirdly sympathetic towards jagi and his plight. dude unquestionably got the short end of the stick, and then got spat on by destiny itself, before being tossed in a discarded heap of other one off villains. yet at the same time hes so fundamental to kens development as an individual, to the point that you can argue without jagis manipulations and his falling out with ken playing out the way it did, that kenshiro would have never been ready for his destiny/responsibilities as hokuto's heir making jagi arguably the most actually important one of kenshiros siblings when it comes to kenshiros journey as a character. like, there would fundamentally be no saviour at centuries end if jagi didn't exist the way hokuto no ken is written.
yet as i noted, the story just discards him like any other villain once its done with him. hes left out of any future discussions of the hokuto siblings, to the point that if ya skipped his part of the story you could genuinely just pretend there was only the three siblings not four. and when it isn't just writing him off, hes basically just any other wasteland gangster but with hokuto powers, an over the top pastiche of a monstrous bully its okay to explode without a second thought because the minute society collapsed the switch was flipped. a bully its okay to feel nothing for and one whos own prowess is mostly just sadistic show before ken completely outclasses them. and if ya asked most hokuto fans on the matter, they'd probably just be as eager to ignore or disparage him without much thought either.
and its so indicative of hokuto no kens writings problems, and its just such a wasted opportunity. im not asking for secret softboy jagi kun or anything ridiculous like that. its just... wouldn't it have been more interesting if jagi hadn't just been like every other paper tiger of a villain? if there had been a real risk ken might die by taking jagi on? he can still be cruel, and monstrous and all that, but it would have been a perfect opportunity to hammer in how much the whole succession matter sucks when it comes to hokutos singular heir rule that the relation between the brothers well tense was utterly ruined by it when things boiled over. in that context the flashback fight could highlight more then just 'jagi sucks and cheats' but that the rigid structure of hokuto pushed the two brothers into that fight and because ken chickened out and spared jagi he inadvertently created a mortal enemy in a disillusioned bitter brother consumed by a resentment fostered by their own discipline.
and then, you could have the kicker to the whole matter be that when they do get into that second fight, that second round ken is self assured hes going to win at because jagi was always a cheat looking for shortcuts... only to have his expectations flipped on his head and be pushed to near death farther then any other opponent has until that point [baring shin]. that jagis cheating style [evil fist hokuto? idk] works and displays a talent equal to any of the other brothers laying the groundwork for future altered hokuto styles, and leaving the implication that yeah maybe jagi could have been the heir, the kitch in kenshiros armour of doubt that eats at his own self confidence. and when kenshiro finally succeeds, brings justice to jagi for jagis crimes it can feel like a true triumph but also a true tragedy as kenshiro muses over how he created a monster out of a flawed man losing a big brother in the process. and then jagi twists the knife as he dies reminding ken that theres still two more brothers out there, and how those who bear hokutos burdens are destined for tragedy.
like, this is all very rambly i know. i just... i just have thoughts on all this nonsense is all.
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henbased · 1 year
I don't know much about Ruth so I'll ask the entire hearts section nyeheheheh
ruth's my lone wanderer! (fallout 3 protagonist) i think youd like him. he very much tries hard to be A Tough Guy because apocalyptic wasteland, but at his core he's a very soft man just trying to survive and learn to love the world around him and his place in it.
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits?
ruth is loyal and selfless and kind, down to his core. the wasteland is scary and cold and dangerous. despite it, he does Good - little things that he doesn't think matter, but that's just not the way the world works. a little girl gets hurt and even though he doesnt know her well, she's alone in a town far from her home, and he goes there to spend time with her so she's not alone. when bryan wilks comes to him asking for help, ruth drops everything to do so. and when when bryan's dad is discovered to have passed, ruth sets aside his own grief of leaving home to help this boy as much as he can, even through ruth is barely a man himself.
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
down to his core to a fault. he trusts too often, and trusts the wrong people sometimes, usually more often. he's loyal until he gets burned; he doesn't have the foresight to see when things are bad until it's directly in his face. he trusts too much, too hard, and his judgement is Not Great.
and the wasteland is scary, and he is barely a man himself - 19 years old and kicked out of the only home he ever knew because of his father, the only family he's ever had. his coping mechanisms aren't. well they aren't good. he copes with drugs, alcohol, sex. anything to check out mentally.
[you should ask me some details of my ocs if youd like]
💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc's negative traits?
growing up in vault 101 under the thumb of an abusive and overbearing overseer, being fed 200 years worth of xenophobia towards the topside, as well as america propaganda about "the strongest country in the world", with a nice dose of a deep christian upbringing within the vault, ruth is. well. he's misled, you could say. he doesn't mean to be but oh my god he has some ideologies he needs to unpack (don't worry, he will).
but because of All That he has a complex about the people in the wasteland. he's not cruel, he's just a man at the cusp of adulthood trying to survive, but his morals and his politics are very... they're very. he sides with the enclave because he believes in their speech about the restoration of america. he thinks he needs to be selfish and cruel an dmean because That's How You Survive The Wasteland. he's mean because he thinks he has to be because he doesn't see people of the wasteland as civilized as himself or the vault (he learns otherwise, that infact the people of the vault are cruel and mean, but it takes awhile)
he's easily manipulated, with drugs and alcohol. loyal to a fault to the father who abandoned him, who had ruth raised in the environment in the vault because of james' own fears of the wasteland above. ruth does not see that james was a bad father and thus isn't even at the point of unpacking that he has severe daddy issues that the cruel, conniving men of the wasteland can sniff out like a truffle pig.
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
if you asked him he'd say finding his dad. going back home. god and the restoration of america. his morals. but to his core he cares about love, connection, community. he wants to live, not just survive, with his friends, his loved ones, and he wants to be happy. ruth always thought the people of the vault were his community, even as they were mean to him, because he knew nothing else, and he clung to the idea of it like a lifeline. it was the only thing keeping him going. but the wasteland is full of people just like him, who are kind, who love, who have passions, and while some of them are mean - a lot of them are mean - there are those who are not, and smile when they see him, and ruth will take detours and go out of his way just to get a nuka-cola for them, just to see them smile. that's so important to him.
🧡 ORANGE HEART — does your oc tend to prioritize family or friends?
[ gestures above ] one could say
💛 YELLOW HEART — how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any?
ruth only speaks english, but gretchen (mentioned little girl earlier) teaches him ASL, and during his time in the wasteland he picks up some phrases in other languages. i imagine him in his future being moderate in a ton of languages :)
💚 GREEN HEART — does your oc prefer being inside or outside?
please put him back in the vault PLEAAAASSEEE put him back in the vault
💙 BLUE HEART — does your oc have any cool/special powers and/or abilities? how are they with magic, if it exists in their world?
ruth is proficient in having the worst judge of character and making the absolute worst decision making. otherwise he's strong and good at bat swinging. he'd be good at punching if he like. knew how to throw a punch.
💜 PURPLE HEART — what is your oc's ancestry/genetic background?
yeah yeah james is voiced by liam neeson i made ruth irish blah blah thats so basic I MADE HIM WITH I WAS 15. what do you want from me.
🖤 BLACK HEART — has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
i have not decided if ruth has killed anyone during his escape of vault 101 but the answer is: probably. maybe? in the game you kind of have to but when do we abide by canon here. he does seriously wound someone tho; himself, right after leaving the vault, blinded by the sun (seeing it for the first time) and never having the deal with terraine before he walks right over the cliffs edge. gets some nice gashes on the left side of his face. [ jack baker voice ] welcome to the wasteland boy
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