#and he lets his sister hide there sometimes because he loves her and neither of them has ever felt safe in their entire lives
bamfaholic · 2 days
Pietro Maximoff Headcannons
Specifically the Fox movies, portrayed by Evan Peters
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A/N: Just my personal head cannons! This is a little bulleted list, and dedicated to my husbutch @snikt-addict <3
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He's absolutely a stoner, he has a really good dealer so he knows the source. It's hard to get super close to him to be able to smoke a bowl for (practically) free but he's probably the cheapest and best dealer you'll find.
The bong/blunt rotations in his little basement cave are to die for
He's not stupid, either. He did very well in school, but once his powers manifested he got serious imposter syndrome. Everyone believes he's cried wolf, what believe what you can't see? So he gave up on his future. The Institute helps him rekindle his desire to pursue education and a career. He wants to go into IT
He also had a similar experience to Charles, where he thought he was the only "gifted" person out there. His mom was tight lipped, knowing the chances, and was praying her son wouldn't be like his father. He is exactly like his father.
He has a heart condition, with a main symptom of tachycardia and arrhythmia due to the strain of his super speed running. It's worse the faster and longer he goes.
He's hesitant to take any medications for this, let alone see a doctor. He's terrified of medical gaslighting and abuse from being a mutant.
Despite this, he gets dizzy spells. He doesn't pass out often, but if he goes pretty fast or isn't taking care of himself he's much more likely to end up kissing the ground
He also has EDS! He's very hyper mobile (you can see it in the movies, look at the original slow motion at the Pentagon - watch his fingers!) And his joints are fucky. He should be wearing compression gear, but good luck getting him to cooperate.
He damages his body every time he uses his ability, due to the gforce from throwing his body that fast. He doesn't care. He's had internal bleeding scares, and has ended up in the ER after some of his heists
He also needs that high carb diet. He's BURNING through calories, and fat won't burn quick enough for his super speed. Which is why he is constantly craving sugary foods like Twinkies and Ding Dongs. It's also why he's pretty skinny despite his diet.
He's an insomniac. Partly because of his depression, he has racing thoughts and it's always too quiet when people settle down to rest.
He's a kleptomaniac, but he doesn't take joy in it much anymore. It was fun at first, especially realizing he couldn't be caught, but now his fingers are sticky because he's addicted to the adrenaline rush and dopamine hit
He's also extremely poor. His mother is still single, and so she's a single income woman in the 70s with a young daughter. He often steals for his family, especially Wanda. He'll sneak her a toy or a treat when his mom isn't looking
He's the best bigger brother you could ask for. Is he perfect? No. But he loves Wanda and would die for her. He's not the best babysitter sometimes, ADHD goes brr, but be damned he can make a mean pancake and play princess tea party
He has a thick wall up. It would take a long time to really see the raw Pietro. Deep down he's a scared kid. He knows who his dad is, a terrorist, but his dad is none the wiser. He can outrun anything, anyone, but death. He's going to try, though, or let it be by his own hand.
Pietro goes by Peter mostly because he's an angsty teen, but to also hide his Romani and Jewish heritage. It's hard enough being Romani and a Jew, but the bigotry of being a mutant on top was too much so he's trying to stealth the best he can.
His imposter syndrome also latches onto the fact that he passes as a white person, but Wanda does not. His silver hair is natural, part of his mutation. His mother does look Romani too.
He's not religiously Jewish, neither is his mother or sister. His mother was raised reformed religious Jewish however.
He loves to tinker with tech, take things apart, sodder things, whatnot. It's all things he's stolen or dumpster dove.
His Walkman is his comfort object. It's hard to find him without it.
Man is AuDHD, needs severe stimulation. His stimming/fidgeting has damaged things before as he mindlessly goes super speed.
He is VERY angry at Erik for leaving him behind. The movies make it seem impossible for Wanda and him to be anything but step siblings but I hate that. Erik has no idea he has a son though, as Erik is a MAJOR family man. Pietro still holds it against him that he went on with his life while his mom scrapes by, especially with the social stigmas of the time.
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danisdistant · 3 months
sunday ramble - music
[intro blog] | [taglist] | [masterlist]
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music somehow runs in the halovian blood. it’s natural for birds to sing and communicate to one another, and it can’t be helped that halovians like to as well.
robin for example, sings and spreads the word of the harmony. sunday on the other hand, the order and entire dreamscape is his symphony. while he himself isn’t skillful in music itself, he somehow bases off his work and goal off of music notes.
whenever you’re around the siblings, they sometimes can’t help themselves to express their emotions through song.
with sunday, he would often hum one of robin’s songs if he’s in a good mood. his humming is always calming and feels almost therapeutic in a way. you can’t help yourself but hum along with him.
in complete contrast, he’s more silent when he’s in a bad mood, usually because something popped up in the dreamscape. to cheer him up, you would hum (maybe even sing if you’re feeling confident enough) a simple tune that you learned from robin.
your voice would cause him to perk up, and his wings would slightly flutter here and there with every high note you hit. now, whenever he feels down, he pushes everything and his work away just to have some time to listen to your voice.
and in vice-versa, if you’re the one feeling down, sunday would try his best to cheer you up through his own music as well, even if he’s not great at it (it’s the thought that counts). he hums, and sometimes would sing childhood songs that he and robin would sing together.
it definitely makes you feel better, listening to his voice that sometimes crack. he’s a tad bit embarrassed that he can’t sing as well as he wants to, visually apparent with each time his wing flicks at the wrong note, or how he tries to hide his face behind his own wings. But you reassure him that he doesn’t have to even sing that well for him to cheer you up!
seriously, being able to listen to him sing is a privilege. no one else besides you and robin hear him sing, after all, he feels as though he’d make himself a fool if other people and the public heard his out of tune “chirping.”
if you like to sing in the shower, chances are sunday is also listening to you. he hums along your tune as he reads a book or works on some papers. when you come out, he would sometimes ask you to continue, something that would fluster you as you realize that he’s been listening all along.
even if you don’t think you sound that great to his sister, or any other professional singer, he still enjoys listening to you sing. and if you think you’re really that bad, much to sunday’s disagreement, he would ask his sister to help tutor you, something that you graciously accepted.
“Risee up into my! Woo~rld!” You sang, making sure to control your pitch, volume, and vibrato with each word. “Renew your definition~!” Continuing on with the chorus, Robin smiled, watching the product after a week of teaching and tutoring you upon your request.
“Woo~rld so high, let me sho~ow,” Sunday was watching along side Robin, clapping along as he smiled. “And hear my declaration… No more ties.~”
“Huff… How was that?”
“You did amazing, [Name]!” Robin cheered, clapping alongside her brother as he nodded in response. “Indeed. Your singing has definitely improved. I’m proud of you.”
“Thanks.” You ushered, looking to the side as you can’t help but blush in some form of embarrassment. If you were also a Halovian, you would have hid your face behind a pair of wings.
“How about a quick trip to Golden Hour for a snack? [Name] deserves some sort of reward for her impressive performance.” Sunday suggested, something that you graciously accepted.
“I’d love to join, but I have another recording session in a couple of minutes… Get me some Oak Cake Roll when you can brother!” Robin chirped as the two of you headed off.
Along the trip, neither of you could stop humming to Robin’s latest song.
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paulyenvol6 · 12 days
Byka Atroksia (Chapter 2)
Contains: Kissing, touching, inappropriate behaviour between niece and uncle, power imbalance
Wordcount: ~2.69k
Masterlist of this story
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Obviously you would have wanted to spend the evening in your chambers.
You didn’t want to attend this feast, perhaps see Daemon once more with Rhaenyra and you didn’t want to put on a nice face for all the guests but you knew you couldn’t go hide again. Your father would be angry with you if you did.
Speaking of him, you were standing in the corner of the hall now and saw the King searching for someone. When his eyes met yours his face changed and he walked towards you.
"Daughter.", he spoke and you looked to the ground. "Look at me Vhaela." You painfully raised your gaze and saw your father watch you with raised eyebrows.
"What was that, Vhaela? Why didn’t you come with us to greet your uncle?"
"I’m sorry.", you whispered but your father shook his head. "You didn’t answer my question." "I was feeling unwell. I had a headache." Viserys took a deep breath. "Are you feeling better now?"
You quickly nodded and lowered your gaze again. There was a moment of silence and then your father caressed your arm and leaned down to you. "Vhaela…" You still didn’t look at him. "What is wrong? You don’t seem well."
Of course you knew that your father didn’t really believe you, perhaps he believed that you had a headache but he definitely knew that there was something else bothering you. "I don’t want to talk about it, please don’t make me.", you said, tears in your eyes.
"Did you fight with your sister?" Now you neither shook your head nor nodded. "Look, daughter, I know that your sister – " "No please, father. Please can we just not talk about it? I will be better if I simply forget it." Viserys sighed and straightened up again. "Fine. Alright, we will let it slide. For tonight."
You finally looked up to him. "Thank you." "But I want you to know that your sister loves you. Even if she sometimes can’t show it." You nodded but didn’t really agree with his words.
"And I love you also, daughter. Very much. You and your sister, you are the two most valuable things in the world to me." Now was the first time a soft smile appeared on your face and your father took your hand.
"I love you too, father." He returned the smile and then the conversation was over. The king walked away to talk to some council members while you were left alone.
You took a cup of lemonade from one of the servants and remained in your corner. It was a very common position for you, watching the feast from afar and observing the guests. You saw your sister dance with your cousins and several lords, saw her laugh and smile at the right times. And you saw the lords‘ reactions. They were thrilled by the lovely Princess and like so many times before in your life, you wished you were just a little bit more like your sister.
You were overwhelmed when you had to talk to one lord on an entire evening. You couldn’t make them laugh or smile and if they made a compliment it had been made out of good manners.
And you knew that your father knew about your lack of social intelligence by now as well. He had tried to encourage you to socialise with some lords in the past. Now that you were 16 years old you were of age and in the near future should be betrothed to an honorable lord. But ever since your father had saw you try to make conversation with multiple lords on your sister’s name day he hadn’t pushed you again.
You had actually appreciated his reaction because he didn’t make a big thing out of it. He had simply smiled at you softly and said that you two would find a good match for you. That if you won’t find a good match naturally, you could just go on a tour across the continent.
So at the moment you didn’t force yourself to make conversation with the guests. You had greeted some people and exchanged some words but mostly kept to yourself. Perhaps the people could sense that you didn’t feel very well because usually even though you weren’t good at socialising, a lot of people would still come up to talk to you. But now you had time to watch the ceiling, the other guests and let your thoughts flow.
Daemon had also attended the feast by now. Your father had said a few words to express his gratitude for his brother and from your corner you had seen your uncle talk to Rhaenyra. She was glowing, it was like she lightened up the room. There was this glistening in her eyes and you could see Daemon’s wide smile clearly.
You didn’t even bother to feel hurt. It was the way things worked. Rhaenyra was more charming and prettier than you and so she got the attention. But deep down you still felt miserable. You were happy that Daemon was back but you knew it would also be exhausting from now on to either watch your sister and uncle get along so well and try not to be sad that he wouldn’t grant you the same attention or fight for it.
It didn’t matter what you would choose, it would hurt you and tire you.
The minutes went by and the feast was now in full swing. People were dancing and the music was playing loudly. You were holding a cup of lemonade in your hand when you saw your uncle walking through the crowd in your direction. At first you thought he was looking for Rhaenyra or your father but then his gaze met yours and he approached you.
"Niece, I’ve been looking for you." "Sorry, I was…."
"You wanted to hide in this corner.", he smirked and leaned with one arm against the wall next to you. He held a cup of wine in his other hand and watched you smugly. "You look pretty.", he said and you looked up to him.
"Thank you.", you whispered and felt your face getting warm. "And you’re wearing the necklace I brought you." You nodded and now gave him a little smile. Daemon straightened up again and you looked at him curiously.
"May I have this next dance, little owl?" You felt your mood getting better at his words and your smile intensed while your insides already danced. "Yes."
Daemon offered you his arm and smirked while the two of you walked towards the middle of the room where the people were enjoying themselves to the music. Your uncle put his right hand on your waist while your left connected with his shoulder. His other hand held yours gently and you started moving to the music.
"Aōha kepa vestragon naejot emagon shijetra nyke" (Your father seems to have forgiven me.), Daemon suddenly said in High Valyrian.
Your uncle referred to a disagreement the King and Daemon had had a few weeks before he had left King’s Landing to fight at the Stepstones. Your uncle and his army of gold cloaks had messed around in the city and killed and hurt criminals. The King had been furious about the fact that Daemon had broken the law even though he obviously didn’t tolerate the criminals either. Daemon had argumented that he only had brought justice but your father had said that only because Daemon was his brother didn’t mean that there were different rules for him.
"Īles iā bōsa jēda.  Ziry's sepār biare bona ao māstan arlī." (It was a long time ago. He’s just happy about your safe return.), you spoke and Daemon shook his head.
"Aōha kepa iksis iā sȳz vala. Yn ziry shijetra tolī adhirikydho." (Your father is a kind man. But he forgives too quickly.) You frowned. "Skoro syt gaomagon ao daor kirimvogon zirȳla bona ziry daoriot ȳdragon hen ziry dombo?" (Shouldn’t you be grateful that he doesn’t speak of it anymore?)
"I am.", Daemon said. "But I don’t want his enemies to think that he’s weak." Your gaze wandered to your father who stood next to lord Corlys.
"He’s not. He just really wants you in his life." Daemon raised his eyebrows. "Is that so?"
"He doesn’t like it if the two of you fight. Every time you do he’s afraid he’s gonna lose you. That you’ll run away and never come back. He’s not like this with everyone, he can be resentful but with you… He sees you as a bird who’s always by the open window, about to fly away. He does everything in his power to pull you back in. Even if he has to swallow his pride and forgive you anything."
You looked at your uncle again and saw him smirk. "What?", you asked. "You’re a good observer, little owl. You see things and understand them." You didn’t know how to react to his words and so just dropped your gaze to your feet.
"No.", Daemon spoke and reached out with the hand that had laid on your waist to lift up your chin. "You’re always doing this.", he said quietly and you looked right into his glistening eyes.
"You always look away or to your feet. I want you to look at me, little one." You gulped and forced yourself to look in your uncle’s eyes. You could feel your pulse in your veins and your face got even hotter.
Daemon seemed to have noticed that you were nervous because he slightly, just a little, soft touch, ran his thumb over your chin. Then he dropped his hand again and watched you intensely. "Come." Without waiting for a reaction he pulled you with him and the two of you left the dance area. You could see Rhaenyra in the corner of your eye looking at you but you couldn’t really focus on her at the moment.
Daemon guided you out of the hall and through the corridors of the Red Keep. The two of you were walking silencely until you found yourself in a dark corridor. You could still hear the music from the feast, so you weren’t too far away from the hall but you couldn’t see any guards or anyone else except Daemon who was now standing in front of you.
"What are we doing, uncle?", you whispered and you felt your hand slightly shake. He didn’t answer you immediately but moved a strand of hair out of your face. You watched him nervously and he chuckled at your tensed expression.
"Byka atroksia…" (Little owl), he whispered darkly and caressed your burning cheek. You could only stare up to him. You were frozen and weren’t able to say anything. Your heart was beating twice as fast as usually and you were glad that in the dark corridor Daemon couldn’t see the colour of your face.
"Such a pretty face you have...", he growled and moved his finger over your jaw until he reached your neck where he ran his fingers over your soft skin. Your breath was fastened and you could only look at his lips that were only a few centimeters away.
Daemon had moved closer to you and you could feel the wall against your back. "Daemon.", you said so quietly that he almost wasn’t able to hear it. Your uncle chuckled and now he connected his other hand, that wasn’t occupied with touching your neck with your waist. He moved even closer to you and slightly pressed you against the wall behind you. Your chest rose and fell rapidly and you felt like you couldn’t get enough air.
"Daemon.", you said again, not knowing why you had said his name and it almost sounded like a whine. It drove Daemon mad and he tightened his grip on your waist. He then finally leaned down to kiss your lips. At first very gently because he just wanted to savour the softness of your lips, but then really quickly he wanted more of you. He pushed against your mouth and his tongue demanded entrance. You had never kissed anyone before and were quite overwhelmed with the action but it felt good so you opened your mouth for him.
Daemon moaned against your mouth satisfied and his tongue entered your mouth. You couldn’t help but let out a helpless whimper and moved your hands to pull at his shoulders to get some support. In the meantime, he had his right hand on your neck to press you closer to him while his left still tightly held your waist. It was messy, intense and you felt like in a fever dream. What was happening right now?
It felt like it wasn’t you who was doing this. It was wrong, obviously. You shouldn’t kiss someone before getting married and so you shouldn’t let him touch and kiss you like this right now. But it felt too good to stop him. His touch felt like fire warming your skin and you had started to feel a pulsating heat between your legs. You didn’t know what exactly that was but it started to be uncomfortable so you unconsciously tried to get rid of it by moving against your uncle’s leg that was pressing against your thigh. You only realised what you had done when Daemon chuckled against your mouth and followed your movement. He pushed his leg between your legs and you let out a surprised noise.
His mouth continued to explore yours and you just tried to keep up with everything and not sink into a cloud of overload. Then, suddenly Daemon’s mouth traveled away from your lips and kissed his way down to your neck. He left a trail of soft, wet kisses and you intuitively held on to his hair. His mouth found your collarbone and his lips sucked on your skin.
"Daemon.", you whined. "We shouldn’t do this." Your uncle stopped his tongue movement, raised his head and his gaze found yours again. His mouth changed to a smirk and he placed his hand on your cheek.
"We shouldn’t, yes. But I don’t care what we should or shouldn’t do." His mouth got close to your ear and he very quietly whispered: "And I have a strong feeling my precious little niece is a bit eager for more, isn’t she?" Daemon let go of your face and rested his hands on the wall to the right and left of your face.
You breathed uncontrollably and then leaned forwards to kiss him again. But he moved his face away before your lips could touch and simply laughed at your discontent expression. You tried again but he denied you once again. Now you were angry and confused and didn’t know what to do. Daemon just watched you with a cocky smile and for some reason it made you even angrier at this moment.
So you put your hands on his chest, pushed him away from you and attempted to leave. But your uncle didn’t let you, he grabbed your arm and pulled you back so you were trapped between his body and the wall. He got very close to your face and then slowly pressed his lips on yours. It was only very short this time and after a few seconds he backed away once again. You grabbed his shoulder in an attempt to pull him back to you but you didn’t have a chance to move his muscular body.
You felt tears in your eyes from your desperation but Daemon still didn’t give in. He just leaned down to you and kissed your cheek. Then he suddenly reached down and lifted your skirts. In a matter of seconds you could feel his hand on your naked thigh and you were pressed to the wall once again. Your uncle’s face was close to yours and he lightly brushed with his lips over your jaw.
"Have you ever touched yourself, little owl?" "Touched myself?", you asked, not knowing what he meant.
"Between your legs. On your most intimate parts. Until pleasure washes over you that feels like a hundred waves crashing."
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1d1195 · 1 year
This is the story I dubbed as therapeutic for myself. I've been struggling a lot lately (I apologize for the delay in posting). I actually wanted this to be more but I wanted to post very badly. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy a lot of fluff and bit of angst.
Harry was convinced that even if they did end their relationship (and he was certain that would never happen) he would thank her for the heartbreak.
Harry was at the grocery store, passing the florist department when he realized his mistake. He had been dating her for nearly two months when he came to the realization that he hadn’t gotten her a bouquet of flowers yet. He felt horrible immediately and wanted to remedy the situation as quickly as he possibly could.
But he wanted her to like the flowers he got, and he wanted it to be a surprise. Neither of which he was sure he could pull off when he hadn’t asked her once what her favorite flower.
Like an absolute creep, he messaged her youngest sister on Instagram; he had at least met her in passing on one of their dates when they stopped for a coffee while she was working. Harry hadn’t met the other two just yet so messaging them would have seemed insane.
Hiiii. Uh...sorry to message you like this...any chance you know your sister’s favorite flowers?
Oh, my goodness, that’s too sweet! Umm...now that I think about it, I’m not sure. Let me ask.
Er...I was hoping it could be a surprise.
Aww...Don’t worry I have just the idea, wait one minute.
Harry waited patiently for her response thinking about how smitten he was with the beautiful girl. Just the mere thought of her brought a smile to his face, making him nearly giggle with how much he liked her. Flowers didn’t seem like enough. She deserved a whole garden.
Here’s what I got. She’s so sad sometimes *eyeroll*
Harry frowned and clicked on the screenshot titled Will Recipients. He chuckled at the name. He knew it was between the four girls and Harry was looking for his lovely lady’s response in the many messages they managed to send. He was slightly amazed they had time to send all of them in a matter of five minutes that he texted her sister.
Her sister started: I’m doing a project for school. What’s your favorite flower?
Harry didn’t know which middle sister was which, but he thought their responses were funny, nonetheless. What kind of project asks about your favorite flower?
I like daisies.
That’s the most boring answer I’ve ever heard. Harry knew the youngest was brutal sometimes and he thought of messaging with Gemma, and it was nothing in comparison to four girls ranging from their late teens to their mid-twenties. It’s for my stats class.
I took that class, we never did a flower thing.
Can you just tell me?
Finally, the oldest answered and Harry examined her little gray message for entirely too long. Like the one I actually like? or the one I tell everyone I like? That was her response.
What kind of lunatic lies about their favorite flower?
The kind that gets told their favorite is old-ladyish all the time. Or laughed at because it’s a stupid flower. Forget it, I like sunflowers.
Harry frowned and responded to her sister once more. Any chance you could find out the real one?
Within moments Harry had another screenshot.
Hey drama queen, I won’t tell the others, what’s your real favorite flower. I’ll even keep my comments to myself.
Nothing else. That was the only thing she wrote. Harry didn’t really know what to expect but it wasn’t tulips.
Thank you, love. I appreciate it.
Any time Harry! Let me know how she likes them!!!
Harry was planning when he’d see her next and looked into all types of tulips and how to care for them as well. He wanted her to like them and didn’t want her to feel bad about liking them. Making her happy was his goal. He didn’t really feel any particular way about tulips at all. He didn’t really think they were old-ladyish so he wondered where that came from. He felt bad the poor thing had to hide her real feelings. He never wanted her to feel that way around him.
Harry thought it would seem too obvious if he brought flowers right away. So he had to wait for just right the time which gave him plenty of time to research the perfect color and care needed for the pretty girl that deserved pretty flowers.
Harry knocked on her door holding the bouquet in his hand. They were going to dinner and a movie that evening and Harry came prepared—especially since it was now approaching nearly three months since they began dating. After a quick greeting she seemed to finally notice all at once the flowers in his hand. “Kitten?” He asked gently as she stared at the flowers. Her eyes sort of glazed over.
“Are you the reason my sister was asking us our favorite flower?” She wondered.
Harry frowned a little. First, she was too smart. He was sad she knew so quickly the motives of her sister asking the question were tied to him. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe she still lied to her sister, and these weren’t her favorite flowers. Harry bit his lip and sighed. “Er...yeah,” he sounded so shy. “M’sorry, kitten...I thought I got the right—” She shook her head and stayed silent as Harry stopped speaking. It was so silent. Nearly uncomfortable with how silent it was. Why would her sister lie to him?
God, he really liked her, and he thought he ruined everything just by getting her flowers. His frown deepened and he sighed as he went to the kitchen to find a vase. She stayed by the door almost in a trance, and Harry felt a little awkward trying to figure out what her reaction meant.
“Harry?” She said softly and suddenly hurried to the kitchen. He was filling the vase with water, and he looked at her entering the kitchen a tad nervously.
“Yeah, angel?” He asked.
“Thank you,” the thankfulness, the kindness, the overwhelming amount of gratitude in her voice almost shattered Harry. She was so grateful for the flowers.
He sighed with relief and smiled at her as he put the stems into the vase. Setting it on the counter he came to her side and slid his hands up her neck and gently rubbed his thumb across her cheek. “’Course, beautiful,” he hummed and pressed his lips against hers. Kissing was still kind of new—and he loved the way she nearly sighed each time their mouths connected. He smiled as he pulled away. “Sorry it took me s’long t’get y’some.”
 She bit her lip. “What do you mean?” She asked.
“Should have gotten y’flowers every time I saw you,” he smiled and rubbed his thumb on her lips. He kissed her forehead and then the tip of her nose before he turned his attention back to the vase and settled it in the middle of her coffee table. “Y’ready t’go?” He asked.
Since she seemed speechless, she nodded. Harry gave her a reassuring smile, took her hand, and left happy the bouquet seemed to be a hit.
They were flowers. Flowers. Just flowers. She wasn’t going to lose her mind over a bouquet.
But she kind of was.
Fortunately, Harry was giving her a hilarious recap of the movie that she was hardly able to stay focused on while it played. His summary allowed her to make believe she had watched the whole movie. While instead, for the better part of the last two hours, she really thought only about the tulips that Harry had placed so effortlessly in the middle of her apartment. As if the flowers didn’t mean everything in the world. Like it wasn’t earthshattering that he got her flowers.
“Are you okay, love?” He hummed and gave her hand a squeeze as they made it to the restaurant. He put his hand on her lower back as he held the door open for her and ushered her inside. His eyebrows pinched together. “Did y’like the movie?” He wondered nervously as she walked inside. Maybe his recap was overdone. But Harry enjoyed the movie and the way she seemed so engrossed and how captive she was through his summary he assumed she did. Maybe he was wrong this time about her—like he thought she didn’t like the flowers. She grabbed the next door and held it open for him but he placed his hand above her to hold it open so she could walk through first once more.
She would have enjoyed the movie if she paid any attention to it. But she didn’t. So, she fibbed a little. “I did, yeah. M’just a little tired... movies make me tired,” she explained with a breath of exhaled laughter. That wasn’t a lie. They were lucky they were in a theater because if they were at one of their apartments—and she wasn’t having a meltdown over a bouquet—then she would have fallen asleep for sure.
He frowned. “Oh, m’sorry, kitten. D’you want me t’take you home instead?”
She shook her head quickly. “No, I’ll perk up. I’ll get a coffee,” she said and reached for his hand as they stepped to the hostess stand. She squeezed it reassuringly. “I...I like our date nights,” she smiled sweetly.
Harry seemed to sigh with relief. He liked her so much. Lately, more and more, he didn’t want their date nights to end either. Of course, he would have taken her home if that was what she wanted. He would do anything for her. But he was so glad he didn’t have to. He wanted to spend forever with her. “Okay,” he said with a happy grin. Turning his attention to the host, “I have a reservation for two under Styles?” The host nodded and brought them to their table. “I know it’s not your job, but could you get us a cup of coffee, please? Cream and sugar,” he asked as he held her chair out for her. The amount of chivalry and manners in Harry made her melt every moment they were together. No one ever held a door open for. Certainly, never pulled a chair out for her. He always asked so politely for anything she wanted. It made her fall so effortlessly and heavily in love with him at every moment.
Harry sat down and placed his napkin in his lap. She kind of wished she told him she would like to go home. She would much rather enjoy the bouquet and sit with Harry on her couch until she did fall asleep. The restaurant seemed too public, even though no one was paying any mind to them. They were just a young couple on a date and there wasn’t anything to really witness.
But she was in love.
And Harry was perfect.
She wanted him all to herself. “Have y’ever eaten here?” Harry asked.
“Umm,” she looked at the name on the menu as she did wonder if she had been there before when he broached the date idea earlier in the week. As she scanned the titles of the dishes, she responded to him. “I think so—but it was a while ago.”
Smiling, he nodded. “M’a huge fan of the cauliflower.”
“We should get it then,” she answered. “If you’re willing to share,” she winked at him.
He chuckled. “Only with you, kitten.”
When they headed back to her apartment, he rubbed his thumb on the outside of her hand. He loved touching her—even just holding her hand made him feel like he was floating. “D’you have any plans for tomorrow, love?” He asked.
“Probably just clean and read some. Maybe go for a walk or something,” she shrugged.
“That sounds nice.”
“How about you?”
Just think about you all day. He thought to himself. “Hmm...nothing comes t’mind. Probably just lounge around.”
She nodded. “Well...you should come lounge around with me then,” she said sweetly. He turned to look at her with a grin.
A beat of silence, her lips pursed together, and she glanced up to meet his gaze briefly as she spoke finally. Harry thought she was nervous again. He didn’t like that she was nervous—he wanted her to feel utterly comfortable around him. “I really like spending time with you, Harry.”
Harry leaned against the wall beside her door and smiled at her. He couldn’t see his own face of course, but he hoped his expression was as loving as he felt. “I love spending time with you, angel,” his voice was filled with infatuation, she felt her face warm under his gaze. Gently, he reached for her and brought his hand to cup her face so he could kiss her once more. He let his lips linger against hers for a few moments and peppered a few extra kisses along her jawline. “Goodnight, kitten. Send me a text when y’want me over,” he nearly hummed as he left her standing in front of her door.
He heard her sigh near dreamily and he smirked to himself as he headed off to his car. As he turned his car over, her message popped up on his screen. Thank you again for the flowers, Harry. It was so so sweet &lt;3
Of course, kitten. Glad you like them :) See you tomorrow, sleep well. Xx Alone with his thoughts Harry left feeling excited that she liked the tulips so much but was suddenly overcome with disappointment—but not disappointment of her. Merely because her reaction made him a bit sad.
He messaged her sister before pulling away from his parking spot. She LOVED the flowers. Thank you for the help, love! Xx
Woooo! Yay! I’m so glad I could help!
Harry was sincere in his thankfulness—she did love them. But she loved them so much for so much more than they were... and Harry felt...devastated by that fact. He wanted to know why. Wanted to know why she was so quiet when he entered the apartment. She was rendered speechless. So much so that it seemed she didn’t pay any mind to the movie. He didn’t harp on it of course, but now alone he couldn’t help but think about it. He supposed he would see her the before he knew it the very next day maybe he could figure a way to ask then.
It was early afternoon when she finally messaged him. Harry was waiting anxiously by his phone with nervous energy worried that she wouldn’t ask him over. Hiii I’d love to have you over if you’re not busy.
Harry thought that maybe he should have waited longer than thirty seconds to respond. It seemed desperate. I’ll be there soon, love :)
He arrived nearly fifteen minutes later, knocking on her door and smiling at her as she answered. He leaned against the wall beside the door frame just as he did the night before. Pushing off he smiled at her and wrapped his arms around her and squeezed tightly. Kissing the top of her head, he sighed. “Mmm,” he hummed. “Hey, angel.”
“Hi Harry,” she murmured into his chest.
They were quiet for a moment before he released all but her hand and gently nudged her inside. “Didn’t know there was anything t’clean in here,” he smirked as he inspected how spotless it was (as it always was). He enjoyed the scent of the candle she lit that seemed to mix so effortlessly and perfectly with the smell of the dryer running from another room.
She giggled cutely. “It’s not...bad, y’know...I just am a bit particular. And I like to make things look nice.”
“It’s lovely, kitten,” he chuckled. “Do y’want to watch a movie? Or read...?”
“Are you...sure?” She asked.
“Well yeah. Y’said we were lounging. I’ll do whatever y’want, love,” he made himself at home on the couch and he set the book he had in his bag on the coffee table beside her bouquet of tulips that still (thankfully on Harry’s part) looked beautiful. He patted the seat beside him. After a second of uncertain hesitation, she situated herself beside him. “Jus’ glad t’be spending time with you,” he said and dropped another kiss to her temple. Turning to face her she smiled at him. Harry thought he would melt just from the warmth of her pretty lips curving up in his direction. He cupped her face delicately between his hands. He brushed his lips over hers causing that beautiful, wonderful sigh to escape her lips. Harry rested his forehead against hers. “M’in love with you,” he told her.
She all but gasped as her lips parted ever so slightly as she looked at him mere millimeters away from her face. “Really?” She whispered.
That crushed him. “Very much, beautiful,” he murmured even though he was heartbroken by how...confused she looked. Of course, Harry loved her. She was perfect. “Been loving y’more every day.” She blushed between his hands, and he kissed her nose. “Y’don’t have t’say it back,” he said softly. His heart broke a bit at the idea. “I know m’probably a bit early, but...I jus’ wanted you t’know tha—”
“I love you,” she said simply, not quickly like she was rushing to say it. It was definitive. She didn’t have to follow up with her next words, but he was so lucky and grateful she did. “So much.” Harry felt breathless and he leaned forward and kissed her so deeply he thought he might never breathe again.
Harry was helping her with the dishes after they had eaten at his place. He was tired of having her overnight bag sitting on his bed and just a drawer of her things being the only part of her around when she wasn’t. But that wasn’t true. She was constantly in his thoughts. Even in the brief seconds he wasn’t thinking about her, the notes she left behind for him to find made his attention turn right back to her. “You okay?” She asked kindly. “You seem a little quiet and out of sorts.”
He shrugged. “Mmm,” he sighed. “Jus’...thinking.”
“Sounds scary,” she smirked after a moment.
He rolled his eyes. “Baby, I would handcuff you t’myself.” She giggled and turned her attention to making sure the dishes didn’t shatter as she put them back. “D’you ever wish we lived together?” He asked.
She paused. Harry thought that maybe as good as things were going after a year, it was still too soon. Sure, they spend nearly every weekend together. They talked every day and saw each other every other day. But maybe that was enough for her. Maybe it was easier to just have a Harry-weekend and live her life during the week. Harry pursed his lips about to take back his offer—or make some excuse that it it didn’t need to be a right now thing. “You want to live with me?” She wondered.
He turned to lean against the counter, and he watched as she put the dishes away as if she did in fact live there. “Well, yeah,” he said. “I’d see you a lot more,” he reminded her. “Wouldn’t be sick missing you s’much,” he brought his hand to his mouth, pinching his bottom lip between his fingers and pulled nervously at her response. “If y’don’t—”
“No, I...I really want to live with you,” she nodded. “If you want to live with me,” she reaffirmed quietly.
Harry dropped his hand from his mouth and grabbed her hand. “Yeah?” The smile on his lips grew by the second. “Of course, I do, angel. You’re the best part of m’day—I want it every day.” She looked down slightly and smiled. Harry didn’t miss the blush that painted her cheeks and he squeezed her hand. “I love you,” he reminded her.
“God, I love you, too.”
It was Saturday. The first one they were living together. Harry moved into her place, and she was so utterly accommodating. There was so much room for all his stuff. She made it effortless. They went through everything logistically—her bed was bigger, but Harry had a better couch. Harry wanted to hire a mover, but she was insistent that she and their friends could do it. And they did.
It was embarrassing how long Harry lay in bed. He scrolled through social media, answered a few work emails, and read some of the books he started before he went to bed last night. He would have gotten up sooner if he noticed the sound of her wandering about the apartment. It wasn’t until he heard a few dishes clink together that he realized she was home. He assumed she may have been running a few errands—she mentioned them before—things she wanted to move in for herself.
After the dish clinking, he paid closer attention to her movements and that was when he heard the distinct sound of a cleaning spray bottle and the sound of the washing machine going. Shit. He thought to himself, threw the covers back, and marched out to the kitchen.
He realized he should have started with a good morning, but it was too late. “What are y’doing?” He asked.
“Oh! Hi Harry,” she jumped at his question. She must have only half heard him through the music playing in her ears. She turned to him with a hand over her heart. She wasn’t used to Harry being around so casually. She was used to him shirtless and only in boxers, but it was the first time seeing it in their own place. He didn’t seem amused as he waited for her to answer his question. Which she nearly managed to forget while she waited for her heart to simmer down. “Uh...cleaning?”
Harry looked...annoyed? That couldn’t be right. She didn’t do anything to cause him to feel annoyed. She was quiet and cleaning all morning. It couldn’t have been an issue. Harry was just hanging out in their room and—
“You’ve been cleaning all morning, yeah?” He said already knowing the answer. She felt like she was suddenly in trouble. She nodded solemnly.
“Uh...yes,” she said quietly.
Harry ran his hand through his hair and sighed. Pursing his lips he glanced around at the near spotless place—their place. Their. Place. “Can y’go sit down for me, then?” He asked gently.
“I’m sorry?”
“Jus’...don’t want y’doing t’much. I wish I was paying attention more—I thought y’were...well I don’t know what I thought y’were doing. M’sorry. I’d like t’take it from here and do the rest of the cleaning so y’can lounge around.”
She swallowed and the uneasiness in her stomach transformed a bit into something less of feeling like she was about to get into trouble and more into a worry of not...being enough. “Oh, Harry. I don’t mind,” she whispered looking at her feet. “I...I’m really used to cleaning...I kind of like it and...I don’t know. I didn’t mean to bother you. I thought I was being pretty quiet, so I’m sorry if I woke you,” she spoke to his feet the whole time and she couldn’t shake the idea that he was mad. It made her so nervous that she had already ruined their first couple of weeks of living together.
He didn’t respond but he kept his eyes glued to her face—or where her face would be if she was looking up. “Kitten,” he said so quietly, almost sadly. “Can y’look at me please?” He asked. Tears were in her eyes, and it felt more like she was in trouble once more. She took a deep breath and looked up at him. Harry looked as sad as he sounded. He reached out and grabbed her hand. “M’not mad at you, m’love,” he whispered.
Harry was crushed by the relief that exhaled from her body. “No?” She whispered.
He squeezed her hand. “Angel, why would I be mad?”
“Um...” she swallowed again and smirked but there was no humor. It was just sadness. “Uh...I don’t know,” again, no humor, but a laugh escaped her lips.
“Kitten,” he hummed gently. Tears started to overwhelm her vision and she swallowed nervously against the emotion. When she sniffled, Harry finally lost the stand he was taking. The one where he was going to make her say it, because he wanted her to, and he didn’t think it was right. He pulled her forward and pressed her against his chest, her head beneath his chin and he sighed softly. “Tell me, baby,” he said rubbing his hand up and down her back. He kissed the top of her head and hated the way her shoulders shook from the tears that fell from her eyes.
She hated that he was so handsome—especially almost entirely naked because there wasn’t even the layer of a thin t-shirt to hide the tears that she was shedding. “He was,” she sniffled like it hurt to say.
“I know,” he sighed. “But m’not him,” he reminded her. “I don’t want you t’do it all, kitten. I don’t expect you to,” he slid his hands to her face, and he crouched just a little as he peered down into her eyes. “I love you,” he promised. “You’ve done so much for so long... for so many people.” Biting her lip, she turned her head from him. He wasted not even a second tilting her chin back, so her eyes were back to him. “Y’don’t have t’do anything for me,” his voice was so gentle it hurt. It made her feel sick and undeserving.
“If I don’t...then...” she sighed and closed her eyes.
“Kitten, please look at me,” he begged so quietly, she hardly heard him, but she didn’t open her eyes.
“Then...you’ll...not...want...me,” the pauses between each word hurt more than all of them said together. It meant she was thinking about every single syllable. Each word that was going to break her heart...and Harry’s.
It wasn’t the time to do it, but he couldn’t stop himself. Harry thought of the tulips. He thought of the times she thanked him for putting the laundry—the laundry that she washed and folded—away. The way she said “Really?” when he told her he loved her for the first time. There were all the times she never asked for anything from Harry but he could sense she wanted to but was...scared to do so. It made sense now. She was scared. For no reason. But still scared. Harry felt so angry toward every person that ever broke her heart and made her feel less than perfect. He hated when she hurt. “M’beautiful angel,” he sighed softly stroking his thumb over her face.
She sniveled and brought a hand to her face. “Harry,” she whimpered.
“I know, love,” he cooed softly and brought her back to his body. He let her cry for a few moments. He listened to the way she sounded like she was in pain as she let the tears fall freely and it made him so sad and upset, he could have cried himself. “Baby,” he hummed to the top of her head. “Y’don’t have t’do anything for me, m’love.” She nodded against him and he sighed. “Y’don’t, kitten. Y’really don’t need t’do anything,” he promised. He hoped if he repeated it enough she would believe him.
“No,” he shook his head. He didn’t say anything else. It wasn’t final or demanding the way he spoke. It was just a simple no. There wasn’t anything else to be said. Harry let her tears subside before he settled her on the couch and finished her cleaning. For the first time since she moved in, she relaxed on a Saturday while someone else cleaned for her.
The love she felt for Harry was overwhelming.
They were lounging on the couch. The TV was on, but she was turned away from it, facing Harry’s chest. With one arm looped behind his head he could see the show and with his other hand he rubbed it up and down her back. It was so peaceful and gentle. It was everything he ever wanted in a relationship. It was everything he wanted with her. “Y’okay, love?” He hummed dropping a kiss to the top of her head. She nodded wordlessly and he smiled and continued watching his show.
“Wanna stay here forever,” she mumbled. He smirked, placing another kiss on the top of her head. He sensed there was more, but he hated pressuring her into saying more than she may have wanted to—after that first weekend she cried to him, he let her feel exactly what she wanted and how she wanted. Harry knew most of her thoughts. He of course wanted to know all of them, but he knew that she always told him anything she wanted to tell him.
“Is there more, kitten?” He asked quietly. She nodded. “Y’can tell me if y’want,” he reminded her gently.
“It’s stupid.”
He shook his head and glanced down at her perfect face and her fingers fidgeting with the cross and chain around his neck. “You’re anything but stupid, angel,” he felt her feet wiggle uncomfortably. He wanted to beg and pull the words from her lips, but he waited patiently.
“How do you know when I want to say more?” She asked instead.
“Because I adore you,” he responded instantly. She snorted a short laugh but didn’t seem to have an answer to that. “Jus’ know you so well, love. Been trying t’read your mind for the two and a half years...think m’getting pretty good at it. Now jus’ have t’make sense of what y’don’t say,” he smirked and kissed the top of her head.
“Are you frustrated that I don’t tell you things?”
He pursed his lips and shook his head.  “No, course not.”
She was silent. “I think about marrying you every day,” she whispered so quietly Harry almost missed her words.
“I never thought about a wedding with anyone I’ve ever dated in the past. It seemed like so much work because I would do all the planning and the everything...” she explained. “Now...God...I just...I want to show you off to everyone I know and show how wonderful you are because I know you would make the wedding of my dreams come true...because you make all my dreams come true.”
Harry was so quiet thinking about how that may not have seemed like much but to her it was—it was letting herself be vulnerable about wanting to spend her life with Harry. Without knowing how he felt—which was silly since he wanted to spend every second with her in his arms, reading her mind, or listening to her every thought. He wanted to cheer her every win and console her every loss. She was all his and he adored her so completely. He tipped her chin back. “I can’t wait to marry you,” he promised. He saw the way her face seemed to sink with relief which broke his heart, but he couldn’t get over how beautiful she looked even when she did—it left him breathless, wordless, soundless. Harry was convinced that even if they did end their relationship (and he was certain that would never happen) he would thank her for the heartbreak. As he always did when she left him speechless, he kissed her so deeply he thought he might never breathe again.
But it would have been the best way to go.
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secretlilsis · 17 days
She stood in front of him in the middle of the flower field, eyes wide open, smile on her lips. Her skin shining through her white dress, even more now, that it had rained a little bit and it was sticking to her skin - her nipples shining through, since she hadnt decided to wear a bra today. Her long shiny hair framing her face nicely. He looked her up and down with desire that seemed to shred his heart to pieces. And he knew he could not have her. His beautiful little sister. Looking at him so trustingly and innocently, seemingly unaware of her charmes and effect she had on him. She bowed down to pick up some flowers, "Let me make you a flower crown, big brother!" She said flashing him the brightest smile. They both sat down on the picnic blanket they had brought, hurling together closely, shoulder on shoulder. And her busy fingers made the flower crown to put on his head. When she was done she looked so proud. He knew she loved making flower crowns, now that she was an adult it was no different than when she was a child. "Youre like... a pretty prince or something now." She laughed, and he loved her laugh. He wanted to kiss her. Pull her close. Be gentle to her. Bestow all his feelings of love and obsession onto her. "Big brother.." She whispered. "Youre looking at me like that again. You know.. I might be oblivious sometimes but even I understand that sort of stare." He gulped. His throat felt like it was filled with bile. It felt like the world around him started to shiver, because he got nervous. "What..? I know you think im pretty in that way." She whispered, leaning in closely to him.. putting a finger to his lips as if to shush him "If anyone deserves to have me it probably is you, big brother. If I wasnt scared of the consequences id have let you have me a long time ago, you know..?" She fixated on his lips, like she knew the feeling he was constantly feeling around her all to well himself. She must have been quite good at hiding her feelings. He hadnt seen it coming. Maybe she was a better liar than he gave her credit for. "Big brother.." She whispered. "..I dont wanna continue to grow up, we are both adult now. One day youll get married to some lovely girl, and ill stay behind cuz I dont want anyone but you.." "I dont want anyone but you either." He quickly reassured her. "If neither of us never crosses that line we should be fine.. right? But its getting harder and harder not to for me.." She admitted, looking almost guilty and caught.
He wanted to take her right then and there, hear no further word, only feel her. Feel her soft skin. Hear her soft laughter. Find out what her moans sounded like. What her pussy looked and smelled like. Cup her breasts in his hands for the first time. But he didnt. He just looked at her, to afraid to do anything.
"... We should go back." She sighed, almost looking dissapointed. "I guess both of us are to reasonable to do it, mh?" She got up and started to walk away, expecting him to follow. And he did. He took of his jacket it and made her wear it "... Your dress is see-through.." He commented, looking away nervously. She grinned, "I know. I teased you on purpose, you know? Im not as innocent as you think."
As they walked home, both of them only felt the pressure to act on their feelings rise.
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i'd love to see more from the poly reader x poolverine verse im obsessed w them
"I didn't realize your... roommates were home today," Your sister said helping the youngest into his coat.
"It's what happens when you don't call," you caution. "They live here. You want free babysitting, you accept the terms. Sometimes it's kazoos. Sometimes it's roommates." For now, you'd accept her calling them roommates. It was partly true. And it was less rude than what your mother had said. She called them your caretakers.
Sarah narrowed her eyes at you and you shrugged, "They're fed and in one piece. And Zach has part of his social studies paper done. You're welcome."
She watched for a second as her boys willingly accepted hugs and kisses as you ignored her, beseeching them to learn something at school and make good choices and she sighed, "Thanks."
"Call next time," you tell her giving her a meaningful look. You didn't live alone anymore. And if she didn't want her kids exposed to certain things then she needed to give you enough lead time to hide those things... Today she got lucky.
"Shhh," Wade said, holding up a hand, "You hear that?"
"Hear what?" Logan said opening a beer.
"Silence," Wade sighed, sinking on to the couch next to you, handing you a glass of wine. "Holy shit."
"And that's why I like being the cool Aunt," You tell him yawning. "I show up late. I bring presents. I leave before the crying starts. And then I enjoy my nice quiet house."
Logan snorted and reached over to rub your neck as he took your other side and picked up the remote, "Nice little racket, bub."
You take a sip from your glass and stretch, snuggling into Logan's side and putting your feet in Wade's lap, "Not too shabby, boys."
"For roommates," Wade teased, smacking the bottoms of your feet affectionately. "Didn't know roommates fuck like we fuck."
Logan grunted and wrapped his arm around you, "Pause was doin' some heavy lifting there."
"Mom... doesn't approve. What dad knows depends on the day. And I think my grandparents would just drop fucking dead. So. There's that." You lean over and lift a sleepy Mary into your lap and stroke her back before resting your head against Logn again. They are who they are and you are who you are. You don't fit in with the cookie cutter perfect family they have and you haven't from the second you took your first breath. But you fit here with a variant and a mercenary and their ugly little rat dog.
"We could ruin Christmas," Wade offered, "Just go make out in front of-"
"Or," you hum, "we can leave well enough alone so I can still hang out with the kids and let them have someone around that's somehow less fucked up even if I'm objectively a mess."
The boys traded a look and Logan kissed the top of your head. They'd work out the specifics later but for now, as long as your sister kept her comments to herself they'd behave- mostly. As long as it meant you got to see the kids. Because it was clear it made you happy, and because; truth be told, it hadn't been too bad today.
Wade cradled one of your feet in his hand and grinned, "I got a question."
"Might have and answer," you tell him, hissing when his thumb hit a tender spot on your instep.
"Why do all the rugrats call you, Shush?"
"My parent's housekeeper calls me Sugar," you answer. "Everyone sort of adopted it and Zach couldn't say it- so it devolved into Shush and stuck."
"Stop it, that's precious," Wade cooed, "I thought they called you that because they were always telling you to shut-"
"Not all of us went to school thinking our first name was Damn it," you snort.
Logan smirked and let go of you long enough to light his cigar. "What'd she call your sister?" he asked.
"Honey. Or Princess if she was being annoying... it's just that neither ever really stuck."
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dancingtotuyo · 6 months
Better Man (Javier Peña)
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Rating: PG-13
Summary: Lorraine sees Javier for the first time since he left her on their wedding day.
Warnings/Tags: implied smut, Lorraine's perspective on her & Javier's encounter at the wedding, pining
Notes: Written for @beskarandblasters's Taylor Swift event! Thank you beta reading as well my dear! Shoutout to @saradika-graphics for the dividers on this one and keeping all of our fics looking nice and sharp!
Words: 659
Author Master List | Javier Peña Master List | Resources to Aid Palestine
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I hold onto this pride because these days it's all I have
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She catches sight of him the moment she walks into the room. It doesn’t matter that she’s on Randy’s arm with her toddler in her arms or that she can only see the back of his head. She would know it anywhere. 
Javier Peña.
She hasn’t seen him in ten years, since the night before their wedding. Well, the day they were supposed to get married. 
Randy doesn’t catch the way she trips over her feet as he guides them toward an empty table. She’s barely let their son, her and Randy’s son before he’s running after his sister. She doesn’t have the energy to yell at them. She needs a stiff drink and a cigarette. Randy doesn’t seem to notice her distracted state. It’s better that way.
Lorraine narrowly avoids getting a drink spilled down the front of her dress as she approaches the bar. She can see his profile from this vantage point. He’s still the same Javi she remembers. He smiles at a kid and cringes at something someone else says. He’s good at hiding it, but she knows him. She knows when he’s putting on a facade. Well, she thought she did. Maybe the fact that he never made it to the church on their wedding day says differently. 
She lets out a deep sigh, shaking her head. She won’t let him do this to her. He doesn’t get to throw her off a whole decade after the fact. She’s married. She has two beautiful children. She’s living a life she much prefers to the idea of being a rancher’s or federal agent’s wife. 
The bartender puts her drink on the bar top. She shoves a couple of bills in the tip jar and thanks him, making her way back to the table. She refuses to look his way on her way back to the table. 
Then she’s at the table, helping the kids with something. Her mind is clear of him when she hears her name, her name in a timbre that feels like coming up for fresh air after nearly drowning. She curses internally. She can’t let him see it, the effect he still holds over her.  
She steels herself, paining the indifferent look on her face, and keeps her body language indifferent before she turns around. He’s charming and he’s laying it on thick. She takes it as a sign that she’s succeeding, that he can’t tell those brown puppy dog eyes are making her insides melt. 
Lorraine loves her life. It was for the better that he left her that day. 
Javi seems to reel it in when Randy shows up. She feigns forgiveness even to herself. She wants to mean it.  
Neither man catches the way her eyes linger a little too long after Javi as he walks away. 
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Sometimes in the middle of the night, I can feel you again
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Randy makes love to her that night in her parents’ home. They have to be quiet. It’s a bit of a relief to have to hold back her sounds of pleasure for once instead of exaggerating them. It keeps her mind from wandering. He’s not a bad lover. If anything, he’s better than any of the other men Lorraine has been with, all but one that is. 
There was only one person who could ever make her brain completely stop and block the rest of the world out, only one man who made her leave her body only to bring her back into herself. 
Randy snores softly next to her, arm thrown over her bare midsection, but Lorraine is wide awake, mind wild with the “what ifs” of life. 
She knows it was all for the better. 
She loves her husband.
Randy is a good man.
But sometimes she wishes Javier was a better man. 
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You would've been the one if you were a better man
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
YOOOO saw t4t sanami, do you have any specific thoughts on trans! nami?
OMG YESYESYES!!!!!! First of all, I adore t4t Sanami. It's the best type of Sanami. And I have so many thoughts about trans!Nami... My beloved.
She realizes she's a girl pretty soon in her life since her mom is her role model and she admires Nojiko a lot. But it's more of a gender envy thing most of the time, she just doesn't understand the concept yet-- The thing is, neither girls nor boys understood her passion for maps, and she barely had any friends apart from her sister, so it's a bit hard for her to actually understand what she wants. But she's sure she's a girl. That's something she has clear.
When she comes out to both Bellemere and Nojiko, they're obviously extremely supportive of her. Nojiko is thrilled to have a sister and Bellemere couldn't be happier that her girl trusts her enough to tell her this (you know, they're still young and Bellemere feels a bit insecure sometimes and wonders if they actually see her as their mom). In general, the village is very supportive. They love these kids, c'mon. Maybe there are some comments here and there from people who are more close-minded than others, but Nojiko always goes full protective sister mode.
They don't have money for new clothes, but Bellemere does her best to style Nojiko's old outfits for Nami!! She asks Nami if she wants to grow her hair, and Nami says it'd be a bit uncomfortable but she'll probably give it a try, if it bothers her then she'll probably cut it (she ends up doing it because it gets, indeed, uncomfortable).
Transitioning socially, even if most of the village is supportive, is a bit hard. Nami doesn't like being scared. Or feeling weak. But her mom always tells her to be herself no matter what other people say, because she's the only one who should choose how to live her life. She is a girl, and she has all the right to fight the ones who say otherwise. Nami wonders if fighting will make her look less feminine, but Bellemere says "Well, I fight, don't I? And you see me as a girl. Girls can and should fight. Even better than most men, honestly". And Nami is no longer scared of being more independent and strong.
I just know Genzo is the sweetest, most protective, and most supportive man ever. He even buys her some new clothes and kind of lets her get away sometimes if she gets into fights because he knows she was doing it to defend herself. He has a new picture of the girls on his desk and he's always keeping an eye on her because he knows she's gonna end up being gorgeous and he can't have guys flirting with her.
It's easy for Nami to look more feminine because of her complexion but she's still insecure over a bunch of stuff while she grows up. Everything is worse when she joins Arlong... Okay, so the Arlong Pirates aren't transphobic but Arlong is this type of "passive-aggressive" ally who won't stop asking Nami to thank him for letting her be herself. He's always highlighting the pronouns and sometimes he even buys her stuff that, okay, she likes it. But she doesn't want those clothes from him. It's a living nightmare. He also gives her the chance to medically transition which-- She wishes she could say no, really, but dysphoria is eating her inside most days and she doubts she'll ever have the money to do this on her own. Nojiko is the one who tells her to go for it even though the help doesn't come from the right people.
Anyway- She grows up. The story continues as it is. And when she meets the Strawhats and they defeat Arlong, it's extremely freeing and liberating for her. She finally feels like she can be herself with people who actually care about her. I think the only ones who know she's trans are Zoro (transmasc/transfem communication), Luffy, and Usopp, because she told them at some point. It's not like she hides it from Sanji but... But, you know... She doesn't know how Sanji will react.
It's not that surprising to find out Sanji is a girl too. What is surprising is the fact that she takes it so well. In terms of concept and support. I mean- She knows what being trans is, and accepts it. Apparently, it's just hard to accept it when it comes to herself. She confesses it one day while she's drunk, saying being a girl would be great because they're just... Amazing and perfect. She describes all the things she likes about them and most of it sounds like gender envy and dysphoria to Nami. Something that Sanji confuses a lot with liking them sexually (also true and something Nami understands because she's a lesbian and it's always hard to tell the difference between attraction and gender envy). But Nami just says "You can just... Be a girl, you know? If you wanted to" and it kind of changes Sanji's world forever.
(Quick mention of Alabasta and how Nami falls for Vivi right away, something that she wasn't expecting because being in love is dangerous for her. But they have chemistry and they deeply care for each other. So before they leave, they have this intimate night together in which Nami is extremely scared. She doesn't want to lose Vivi for something like this. She isn't even sure how Alabasta's culture works and if Vivi will be as accepting as she looks. So Nami, still scared and shaking and almost crying for the first time in a long while, comes out to Vivi. The princess is... So accepting and loving it's overwhelming. I know we talk a lot about how Nami probably flirts with every girl she meets and has more experience than Vivi, but I'd like to see this as Nami's first time. Or at least, Nami's first time feeling so loved while having sex. Also, please assume Namivivi is a thing in this post too. Sanamivivi <3).
Nami starts seeing Sanji in a different light, by the way. Not instantly romantic, but she understands now why she acts like that around women. Sort of. She sees her being uncomfortable in her own skin. Sees her twitching whenever somebody highlights the fact that she's ""a man"". Nami even calls her "pretty" once, instead of the usual adjectives, and Sanji tries to act like she doesn't like it but she does, so much it's obvious it hurts her to realize. The egg is cracking and it's not slow, nor subtle, but Nami can't see it because they get separated in Sabaody.
To summarize, Nami gets an amazing boob job there. That's my wonderful explanation for the enormous change in her body after two years. The doctors up there are really good, okay? She lets her hair grow the way her mom mentioned once, and now that she knows how to fight, she can handle it a lot better! Meanwhile, Sanji is having a whole gender crisis back in Momoiro Island but she ends up figuring out that she's a girl and Ivankov is always our salvation for these things.
They find each other again, and Nami couldn't be more proud of Sanji. I mean- All of them are proud of her. They love her. They love her even more now that she has accepted herself. But for Nami, having somebody in the crew who went through the same things as her and who now feels comfortable with her body makes her incredibly happy. So long story short, Sanji moves to the Girls' quarters. Also, they find out Robin is also trans, something she hadn't mentioned because obviously there's no need to do it, but the girl is a fucking mystery and she hadn't mentioned it until NOW??? And Nami is about to start crying because she finally doesn't feel so alone.
You know, things go by smoothly. Nami likes wearing tops and bikinis to show off her body because she's really proud of it and Sanji keeps wearing her suits but sometimes they also share clothes. Although Sanji has a liking for Robin's outfits better. They grow closer and share experiences and even though Nami opens up about her past, Sanji doesn't. And it's not like she has to do it... But Nami wishes she trusted her more. Anyway- Showering Nami with love wasn't something Sanji only did before, she still does it. And Nami is starting to fall a little bit for her? She hates to admit it, but Sanji is gorgeous. Gorgeous and really, really sweet and not that annoying anymore, now that she has found herself. Nami thinks it could be just sexual, but she knows it isn't only that-- She's scared of falling in love because falling for somebody means being able to lose them. And she would hate it. But she lets herself do it for once.
And then Whole Cake Island happens, and Nami kind of wants to die. It's when she realizes she's in love with Sanji (yay! Losing more people she loves!) and she's extremely angry at her for doing what she's doing. Pushing them away. But Nami can't really be that furious, right? She did the same thing to them, after all... It's so, so painful to see Sanji act like somebody she isn't. Her family made her cut her hair. Wear a binder and everything. Nami isn't sure whether she's crying for the fight or Sanji right now. When Sanji comes back to them, Nami wants to hug her and never let her go,, They start dating pretty much right after WCI, so Wano is painful because they aren't together and Nami realizes, right after the big fight, that Sanji is going through something she doesn't want to talk about. Not that she has to do it, because Nami will be there no matter what.
Little transfem!Nami / T4T Sanami quick headcanons:
As I said, they share clothes but Sanji prefers wearing Robin's style. However, Nami does steal Sanji's shirts all. The. Time. Not that the cook cares, though, she looks gorgeous.
Sanji is a bit self-conscious because Nami has bigger boobs. Not that it matters at all and Nami finds it incredibly stupid, but anyway- Nami is always worshipping Sanji's body when it's needed. Sometimes she thinks Sanji just says it to fish compliments from her.
Nami loves Sanji's short hair and is constantly reminding her that she looks beautiful this way, even if she prefers it long.
Nami actually is pretty insecure about her hands. They don't look as feminine and she would like them too. And she knows it's stupid but,, It still bothers her. Sanji is always kissing them and painting her nails, though!
I like Nami being extremely deranged sometimes and maybe a guy tells her that's not very lady-like and Nami always thinking about Bellemere and how she'd kick ass anyway.
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Everyone hates you
Chapter 9
I’m sorry it took so long to update! Life got in the way.
Standing in her small kitchen and looking out the window to the dark forest beyond, Nesta took a small sip from her herbal tea.
She felt.. not happy exactly, but peaceful. Content. The numbness had started to fade, the dark thoughts were still present but less frequent, and for that she was grateful.
It had been two months since she had come to her cabin, and everyday someone left food and supplies outside her door, along with a small knock. She never answered it, didn’t care too. She was perfectly happy not to speak to any of them ever again. But she knew it would never last.. which is why when her sister, Feyre suddenly materialised in the kitchen behind her, Nesta only startled a little.
‘’Nesta’’, her sister croaked, her voice was small, hesitant.
Nesta did not move. Neither did Feyre.
‘’How did you find me?’’, Nesta mumbled. Pissed her time in her sanctuary was likely about to come to an end. Pissed that he had probably given away her location.
‘’Please. I just wanted to talk to you for a mome-‘’
‘’You’re not here to drag me back?’’, Nesta spat, she stayed looking out the window but her shoulders were tense.
‘’No. Never. I understand that you likely never want to return home’’, Feyre said, her voice steady but somewhat sad.
Nesta snorted, ‘’Since when do I get the choice to do what I want?’’
She felt her sister still.
Here we go.
‘’That is not fair,’’ she stated, starting to fall back into her authoritative role as ‘high lady’. ‘’You were killing yourself. You were hurting us, hurting Cassia-
Nesta whirled on her sister, ‘’Do. Not. Say. His. Name,‘’ She said through clenched teeth, her hands fisted at her sides. Feyre took a step back and Nesta knew it was because her eyes were flashing silver. She quickly turned back to staring out her window.
‘’Fine,’’ her sister quickly composed herself. ‘’But you should at least know that he’s a complete wreck. He won’t come to the house anymore except to give reports, he looks awful Nesta’’, her sister paused, her voice soft yet stern. ‘’He looks like he’s barely slept in over a month.’’
‘’I do not care.’’ Nesta said, her hand tightening on her teacup. ‘’So, this is why you came then?’’ She laughed, ‘’Not for me, your own sister. But for one of them. I don’t even know why I pretend to be shocked anymore.’’ Nesta shook her head, she had accepted that they were sisters family. She even understood why, but that didn’t mean that it didn’t still pinch at something in her cold heart.
‘’Don’t be ridiculous, of course I wanted to see you! I need to see that your ok, but you’ve been hiding for two godsdamn months.’’ Her sister practically raged at her, Nesta could her pacing back and forth, working herself up.
‘’That is because, sister, you locked me up.’’ Nesta hissed and then turned slowly, watched the colour drain from her sisters face, watched her eyes dart to the floor, lips tightening.
‘’I know I did. I’m so-‘’
‘’Don’t,’’ Nesta interrupted. She didn’t want to hear it, wasn’t in the place too. She just wanted a couple of more days in peace.
‘’I get it,’’ Nesta practically whispered. ‘’We have to talk, but right now, I just want to have a couple of more days in my cabin. I haven’t been drinking. I haven’t been with any males. I just want to be alone, just for a little while longer.’’ She needed Feyre to hear her, even if it just this once.
Please. Show me you can let me be.
Feyres mouth loosened, her eyes softened and a look of determination crossed her features.
‘’I understand that you hate me Nesta, I do too sometimes’’, Her sister voice wavered. ‘’Please, just come to the town house when you’re ready, we would all so love to see you. For a quick visit of course, that’s all.’’ A sad look flashed in her sisters eyes, but also acceptance. With that, a flash and her sister, the high lady was gone.
A piece of paper appeared on her kitchen table with the message stating to simply write when she was ready and she would be winowed there and back.
Was her sister finally starting to understand that Nesta was not isolating herself as a punishment to them or him, but simply that everybody copes in different ways?
She herself, understands that what she was doing before was not healthy either, that her sisters were probably worried by her actions- but nonetheless it was still her damn choice!
Nesta shook her head to herself. But she had this, her little sanctuary. Her interaction with her youngest sister, although not exactly pleasant, was probably the most progress they had made since before the war.
For the first time, in a long time, Nesta felt it, a warmth in her chest, she felt lighter on her feet. Nesta Archeron was feeling hopeful.
@little-darlingo @kitkat-writes-stuff @aelinismyqueen @arson-frog @lady-winter-sunrise @cassiansbigwingspan
Sorry if I left anybody out!
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
Another favorite au I've never talked about in this blog is omegaverse which is a pity because it's one of the ones I like the most. Soooo even tho I don't know how to write smut...let's take a shot at it shall we?. At least for Kanthony Polin and Philoise
Kanthony: as an extremely headstrong Omega with a very sweet smelling younger Omega sister, Kate pretends to be an alpha to scare off unworthy suitors, using a scent blocker. Everyone buys her ruse except this one extremely dominant Alpha who really seems to want to get close to Edwina, but Kate won't let him, Edwina deserves to be mated for love and she's going to fight Anthony every step of the way. When it comes to Kate, Anthony has never smelled a better Omega in his life, which is made worse by the fact that everyone seems to think she's an Alpha, when Anthony knows she's not!. It doesn't help that her Omega challenges him at every turn, this sort of thing from an Alpha would certainly not be a problem but coming from an Omega her behavior just stimulates his Alpha's desire to campture, subdue and dominate her. If she doesn't start acting like her designation, it's going to make Anthony snap and bed her into submission. For Kate, it really doesn't help that her Omega is almost feral in it's possessiveness, Kate doesn't want Anthony around her, but neither does her Omega want him around others. And his Alpha likes that too much. Really, accepting that invitation to tour Aubrey Hall is such a bad idea. But she just had to say yes to spite him.
Polin: because she grew up so repressed Penelope has a health condition that makes Omega scent almost untraceable to the normal people. As a result everyone thinks she's a Beta and she's given up on love.( No matter how delicious a certain third son Alpha has always smelled to her). The only times she feels she can truly be herself is when she's writing Lady Whistledown columns, which is when she feels actually heard and seen. Colin on the other hand has known the scent of his mate since Daphne debut. The problem is that the scent comes and goes, sometimes it can be in a ballroom for a second and then completely disappear, only to appear again somewhere else and disappear again. He swears he even tracked it down to the Featherington house once, only for the scent to disappear again and reappear near the house of the Featherington solicitor. It's maddening. And nobody believes him about it. So he thinks there's something wrong with him. When his good friend Penelope decides to enter spinsterhood, and he begins seeing more of her, the maddening Omega scent begins showing up more frequently and it drives his Alpha more crazy, why is his Omega hiding? He needs to claim her!. Penelope on the other hand is trying to get her stupid scent flares under control before Colin figures out she's lady Whistledown, Besides didn't Colin say he'd never mate Penelope Featherington in his wildest dreams? They're obviously not mates no matter how delicious he smells to her. And she really can't help how much her Omega blooms in happiness whenever she's doing LW things. Penelope is determined not to let Colin interfere, she's lived her life without making mistakes and she's not going to let her designation give her away, not now this close to retirement. But the moment Colin suspects Penelope may have a secret lover, he follows her, catching her in the act and nothing is there to stop a furious Colin from chasing after her and claiming her. Not even Penelope's stubborn insistence that she's NOT HIS MATE. It doesn't help that he just went into a rut, that only she can take care of and Now he just won't let her go
Philoise: everyone in Mayfair knew Eloise was that weird Omega who never ever wanted to have pups, which made it unlikely she'd ever find a mate one day. So when Penelope asks her to check on Cousin Marina's widow on her way to Benedict's estate, Eloise thinks nothing of it, after all she's been exchanging letters with Sir Phillip and he's never been anything but extremely polite with her. It's not until she's actually in Romney hall that his scent hits her, the scent of an unmated Alpha in his prime, with two motherless pups. And for the first time in her life Eloise nonexistent nurturing Omega instincts kick in. Because those two unruly pups need so much, how could Sir Phillip allow them to go without being held for so long, Eloise can't believe their first instinct when seeing an Omega in their territory is to try to drive her out. They need to get clean clothes, they need to be better feed and definitely a better nanny. Eloise can't just leave while they're so hurt. Alpha smells like mate but Alpha has been bad, Alpha needs to be re educated!. As for Phillip, he never expected the sweetest smelling Omega in the world to burst into his life and start giving orders. But she's so perfect his Alpha would gladly follow her to the end of the world. He's never been a conventional dominant Alpha, he doesn't think Eloise needs him to protect her, but she does need the comforting presence of an Alpha who will accept her as she is. And if she's started to build a nest with his things he'll pretend he doesn't see it. After all he needs to prove himself to her first, Phillip just needs to show her he can be a good provider and good father for the pups who already love her so much. Meanwhile Eloise knows it's just a matter of time before her proximity to Phillip's decadent scent triggers her heat and she needs to get to Benedict's estate before she begs him to mate her. But the pups don't want her to go, what should she do? She's never had pups need her before, Phillip needs her too, Alpha would be so sad if she... Oh gosh this is not the time for a breakthrough heat! And Did Phillip just growl?
An: I just wish more for more Bridgerton abo to be honest. It's really hot okay
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 10 months
WOO! Had to go through high or hell water, but a blessing in the form of the mysterious new friend 🎄 helped me get the info I need
Now... Let's drag this pretentious bitch through the mud again, shall we..?
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For starters, let's admire the "bride"😜
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Well, well... They actually made the Wicked Witch of the East (West is Elphaba, I will not drag her with this bitch) look good. Even 👸 said she actually liked the lipstick and wearing a good outfit, covering what everyone has already seen too much of, and choosing black, to mourn her lost Instagram followers? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
And what is with that position?! She also hates the little bow on the dress, it's indicative of Albitch's Lolita personality (in my words, AS IF THE BITCH NEEDED TO REMIND EVERYONE). And those cold black eyes 😆 What is with the bow below? Most people would have the bow at the waist! (I told her that Albitch doesn't have curves to accentuate 🙃)
👸 is being a savage today and I'm loving it!!!
Honestly, she's right, as always 😆 and the thing with Albitch's stupid ass position it kinda reminds me of Cinderella's step sisters 🤭
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And she actually wears something other than crop tops?!😵 And really? A babydoll dress? Could you be anymore obvious, Albitch?!
Onto the topic of Chris...
Their rings don't fucking match! What married couple doesn't have matching rings?! This isn't the 1800s where only the bride wears the ring. Both husband and wife, are supposed to have a ring. They might not wear it all the time, but they do have rings! But these two? You put their photos right next to each other, and it looks like someone told them to each buy a ring without knowing what the other even looked like 🤭☕
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His is some form of gold. Still doesn't fit... And hers, are silver, dull and fucking loose!!!
Thank you 👸 for showing me this vid, I needed that laugh 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Albitch, do you seriously don't know what to do with your hands? With all your slutty posts, I thought you'd be an expert by now 🤭 I guess that's why you never show them in pictures you post...
And another thing. This goes to all of the people who thought she's hiding because she's pregnant...
And we're back to Chris...
Yeah those wedding rings are seriously not matching. And no matter how you spin it, there's absolutely zero reason for those two to not match. Unless neither knew what the other bought in which case...
Just like how Albitch appearing without Chris only confirms our suspicions, that he's in MA, with his family, DEFINITELY WITHOUT HIS LOVING NEW BRIDE 😁
Now, isn't that just couple goals... 🙄
I mean Dodger will actually have a happy Thanksgiving this year, because his Daddy would actually smell nice and not have his wicked Step-Mother
Oh, I forgot! 👸 rewatched Chris' NYCC panel, and at 10:14 of the video...
She told me, it's really hard to notice, and I didn't but after two tries I did too, that Chris mentions that he has to use treats to get Dodger to come near him, because, "sometimes stuff happens"...
I know it sounds like a stretch, and probably a major conspiracy theory. But come on! Dodger is the least shy dog on the internet! He loves new friends, in dog and human form.
And he's a dog who, like his Dad, loves to show affection, and receive it. There's no way, Dodger would avoid people, unless, and my dog is like this, they've had a bad experience with that person, and they don't trust them. Even just the scent might have them stay away. 🤔🧐
🎄 is an angel sent from the heavens to have helped me. 👸 is SAVAGE today with the sick burns. Albitch looks decent, but her positions, and the fact that literally EVERYTHING but the ring shines is another Red Flag 🚩(we're about to run out of room for these flags). Chris and her have rings that don't fucking match. Dodger might be having a happy Thanksgiving because his wicked Step-Mother is as far from MA as she can be (Green card, what? She doesn't know her🤭)
Oh, and...
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Happy Thanksgiving to those that celebrate it 😁🍗
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eriexplosion · 7 months
Omega is having so much fun in the junkyard she finds extreme enrichment in being able to Steal and Scavenge. I love that Omega craves Treasure this season, it's for a sad reason (SHE HAS TO EARN HER RIGHT TO EXIST WITH HER FAMILY RIGHT?) but it's also delightful to watch. LET SMALL GIRLS STEAL ALL THEY WANT, IT'S IMPORTANT TO THEIR PSYCHE.
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Bolo and Ketch at Phee's storytime is so cute
Tech you would only know the story changes every time if you were listening every time she told it (and remembering the details) you know you like storytime.
God Hunter has reached maximum tired dad in this episode like legitimately the most exhausted I have ever seen him. His completely tired voice on 'Those two will believe anything.' Tired glances exchanged with Echo. This face.
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We have a bit to go before he gets to that face but I am fucking entranced by it. Haunted by it. God give him a nap.
Tech and Phee sorting through the garbage haul together. Date Night Ideas for nerds.
MEL-221 is SO cute I love the paint job
Tech absolutely wants to pick Phee's brain for more unknown systems he wants to put them on his map, he MUST put more systems on his map.
Hunter turning around while they're talking though like he senses a disturbance in the force and it's going to make his life more difficult isn't it?
God him doing grouchy knife tricks in the background watching Omega copy Phee like she used to do with him, Hunter is so mad that is HIS little sister and Phee is STEALING HER.
"Who'd wanna hide treasure here?" Echo let's be real, the best place to hide treasure is where no one in their right mind would ever want to go. It just makes sense. Their distaste for how much this place sucks is great though, Echo has two sides: One wants to be doing more to fight the Empire, the other wants to find a nice sunny spot and drink a margarita already. Notably NEITHER of those sides wants to be on Suck Planet looking for Supposed Treasure.
"If I'm right, which is always~" I love her so much.
Also her dramatically like THIS IS THE ENTRANCE TO SKARA NAL! And Echo is just. The WHAT? Genuinely one of my favorite things is when someone says something and Echo's entire reaction is "What the FUCK are you TALKING ABOUT?"
Phee you need to be aware when discussing 'the ancients' that everyone besides you in this room is less than 12 years old and their entire culture began that long ago too, they have very little reference for ancient anything.
Omega <3 BABY GIRL IS SO SMART also I love laying the compass on Phee's lantern to make it a projector that is so good
Hunter sensing the creature coming before it growls, I always love to see some of his enhanced senses at play. AND WHY IS IT ALWAYS WRECKER ABOUT TO GET EATEN, WHAT ABOUT HIM IS SO IMMENSELY SNACKABLE?
"You're just making this up as you go" hush Hunter that is your entire MO and you know it.
"So we have to navigate this death trap without it?" "Good thing you have me :D" *HUNTER GIVES THE LONGEST SIGH AND DRAWS HIS GUN FOR NO REASON JUST TO EMPHASIZE HOW UNCOMFORTABLE HE IS*
I love the door opening with the SPINNING as it slides
Heart of the Mountain is so pretty I want it as a rock candy
I've noticed when they need someone to fall while they're dangling precariously it's always Echo that goes first, life is hard when you have one hand capable of gripping.
The interior when the... it looks like a tomb guardian from Jedi Fallen Order iirc... activates looks so good.
Phee protectively clinging to the Heart of the Mountain, she doesn't WANNA give it up! Fair, Phee.
Hunter saving her last minute is such a good moment too, honestly this is a fun episode and yet another one I can't understand why people hated it sooooo much. This fandom lacks joy sometimes.
Let me tell you this thing approaching the Marauder is still stressful despite knowing nothing happens to it because of my intense belief that the marauder is NOT making it out of this show in one piece.
Them all being in this thing as it randomly self destructs is a lot, WHY DOES IT DO THAT WHEN YOU PUT THE THING BACK IN
"This puts as at 0 for 2 in treasure hunting"
MEL being blown up so much that Phee keeps a backup of her on the ship is a great detail.
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walnutcookie · 8 months
tell me your headcanons for mac n cheese and cheddar RIGHT NOW!! /nf /silly
i think that if i were to go in depth about my headcanons and lore for them this post would be a bit long so heres some of the simpler ones X]
links lead to drawings ive made relating to my headcanons 👍
Cheddar Cheese
• cheddar is very. VERY tall. like 6'9" (funny number). Makes it worse because sometimes they like to wear heels
• uses all pronouns but mainly they/them :3 male/female honorifics
• a lesbian. Question mark ? still debating
• rogueforts cousin!!! Survived the blue cheese manor fire (which happened when it was just a teen)
• related to above if you know anything about my roguefort lore they grew up in a Not so great rich snobby family!! they were buxton blue cheeses child which makes cheesecake their sister as well. Dont ask where the accent came from let me have this JZVDKFBDK
• intersex and bigender - when growing up they were forced to fit into either "boy" or "girl" and didnt exactly fit either stereotype biologically or through their behavior so their parents were very frustrated with them. Turns out theyre both!!!
• it started as a joke because of ratatouille but. i am a firm believer in ratmouse cheddar. are they a rat? is he a mouse? both? Neither? no matter what they hide ears under their hat and paws under her gloves and a rat tail under their coat because i think its fun💥💥they should have rat/mouse features as a treat
• they have legs that are way too thin and not at all proportinate to tjeir body. i cannot stand drawing them because of this.
• resting :3 face
• very much cursed (it would take a few posts to explain this one)
• whatever this is
• shorter than cheddar but still on the taller side!! 5'11"
• uses he/him pronouns but he doesnt really care what pronouns are used on him. fem honorifics or anything he doesnt mind that either
• amab and genderfae :] (basically genderfluid without the masc part of the spectrum)
• lesbian
• older sister of my oc maccy cheese cookie (who was made before mac and cheddar were introduced HXBFJ). macaroni is 6 years older than them
• parents just Straight up abandoned him and his sibling as kids!! i could explain this one further but probably in another post
• it may be hard to believe but he is older than cheddar
• CANNOT STAND unsolved mysteries. having unsolved cases or puzzles makes him physically ill and he cant stand to eat or sleep when he doesnt know the solution
• related to above he despises cliffhangers and surprises and if he cant read a mystery novel in one full sitting it will EAT HIM ALIVE
• also related. Loves math! fun little puzzles that (almost) always have one logical solution. he does NOT however like math problems with multiple/no solutions
• easily startled by sudden loud noises or actions
• a lil chubby!!
• he has a little macaroni tail. sorry
as for my mac n cheese (ship) headcanons,, i cant explain them very well without context to my Full lore for the two but heres my attempt HVDKFB
• started as INCREDIBLY one sided (cheddar had romantic feelings for mac while mac had feelings of. Hatred)
• cheddar is incredibly easy to fluster because shes not used to being on the Recieving end of affection (cough cough for curse reasons cough)
• cheddar is also incredibly touch starved (cough cough for curse reasons cough)
• macaroni can just. Use cheddar as a bed. they are so fucking tall and wide he can just snooze on them
• they are so doomed toxictragic yuricore im going to kill them
YAAY thats all ill do for now but if anyone has any further questions i would love to answer
rbs ok!!!
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darkpeacemusic · 4 days
Random Zalgo Brotherhood Headcanons bc why not?
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Zalgo's Relam can only be accessed via portal that hides behind a wall a tea shop (this idea was inspired by the old Creepypasta Life Roblox game).
A few outsiders have been able to find it but once they do, they never come back.
Zalgo's palace is very large and anyone who doesn't know their way around the palace can get lost very easily.
Zalgo is a very temperamental guy, meaning he can get very scary when he's mad.
Queen Blackheart is the only one who's not scared of his temper and instead thinks he's hot when he's mad.
Sonic.exe and Herobrine have a very huge rivalry with each other and Herobrine likes to troll Sonic.exe by placing stone around his bed and trapping him.
Tails Doll likes to be held by Oliver while he sleeps.
Oliver and Lazari have a brother and sister like relationship with each other and love to play hide and seek.
Dark Link will sometimes get involved with Herobrine's pranks against Sonic.exe.
HABIT is the most chill one in the palace and will welcome new members with a smile.
Alex is easily Zalgo's favorite, no one really knows why.
The Skroll likes to play the piano in the ballroom when he's not on-the-clock.
Offenderman is mostly seen in the dungeon and is only let out when there's a proxy meeting or Zalgo has a task for him.
Lazari once pranked Sonic.exe by blasting the Monsters Inc. theme song while he was sleeping. Sonic.exe still hasn't forgiven her for that.
Stripes has a tea set in the kitchen she "bought" from the tea shop.
Rosie has an indoor skate park in her room that she likes to practice her tricks in. (If you don't know who Rosie is, she is a Creepypasta from the story "A Game of Tag". I totally recommend reading it. It's so good.)
Mr. Widemouth likes to snuggle with Lazari on the couch when she is watching TV.
BOB and The Rake are bffs and look to playfully fight each other (Rake has more points than BOB does).
Scarecrow Girl and Herobrine are married to each other and act like the awkward high school couple which annoys the other proxies but neither of them care.
Pinkamena has own torture room where she tortures her victims after she captures them.
Rainbow Factory is part zalgoid since she was found after she died by falling in her own machine.
Pinkamena and Rainbow Factory are secretly dating but can't let anyone know about it because they're afraid they might get kicked out of the Zalgo Brotherhood.
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caddyheron · 7 months
I totally agree aaron doesn't get enough love in the fandom. Tho tbf he is just Some Guy. What are your thoughts on him?
Note: this is coming from a place of sadness and evilness. Normally he’s just some plot device to me idk. There is a lot of hcs and thoughts here btw, also feel free to send more asks lmaoo
Hhh mentions eating disorders a little bit btw
So my big thing is that he’s so fucked up from his relationship with Regina. He was a token to her and neither of them really liked each other and he felt so pressured by her manipulation to get back into a relationship with her. With Regina being a deeply closeted lesbian, Aaron is just some token of status and worth, some guy she sort of kind of likes. Whereas I see Aaron genuinely loved her and is so fucked up by it all.
A lot of behaviours Regina displays, he gets so confused when Cady doesn’t display them too. So. I hc Regina has quite a bad ed and is also very controlling of other people’s food/body [seen a lot in how Regina treats Gretchen], and I see her being the same way with Aaron. Sometimes she’d eat some of her lunch, but at a point, he stops packing proper lunches because he doesn’t want Regina’s comments. She’s also intent on him going to the gym every day. He’s very confused when Cady doesn’t act like this and goes on dates to restaurants and eats etc
I hc he ends up with really bad anxiety and, as much as he tries to, he isn’t someone who can actually mask or hide it at all. If he has a panic attack, he’s having a panic attack right then and there. [As opposed to someone like Gretchen who will hide and suppress forever.] He doesn’t realise how bad his anxiety is because he just thinks it’s Normal that he can’t breathe or see or stop shaking when he’s around Regina.
Also, hc he already knows Regina is cheating on him with Shane which is why his reaction to Cady telling him is just “why would you tell me that?” Because he. already knows but it’s easier to let it happen than to confront it ever. He wants to be loved by Regina so badly
He’s deeply mediocre at everything. He’s never been good at anything at all, he’s just okay at everything and it fucks with him so much, especially when he finds out he isn’t even That Good at maths. Aaron can do okay at everything but perpetually feels like disappointment because he isn’t perfect or better. Also following from this, bad relationship with his parents and they’re quite absent.
Older brother to a sister who’s a few years younger than him. He’s very good at being an older brother and sacrifices a lot for her. Following from this, he cooks for her a lot but he isn’t that good at cooking so it’s just the most mediocre and basic things [again, because he’s just okay at a lot of things].
Bonus hcs:
Big brown eyes that go all soft and dark when he’s sad about something
Token neurotypical who understands Cady’s autism so well. This is based off me and my partner, but if somethings too loud for her [like when a train pulls in] but doesn’t go on long enough to need headphones, he puts his hands over her ears. Cady is equally as understanding about his anxiety [however. Cady and Aaron do not date that long because Cady was mostly just a bit hyperfixated and needed to fit in. For awhile, Aaron is convinced this is because he did something wrong even though it Isnt]
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angelsdevils · 2 years
Kisaki Tetta
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WARNING: pseudo-incest/step-incest, slight manipulation A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts for awhile. If you don't like it, don't read it. Don't come for me. Also, I didn't tag ANYONE in this post because I know this topic can be triggering. If you still wanna be tagged in posts like these just let me know. <3 All characters are aged up to adults.
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Fuck. Kisaki knew it was wrong, having a crush on his step-sister. Everything about the situation was wrong, but how could he not develop some form of feelings when everyone in his life rejected him? Even his own mother? Speaking of her, his mother had married your father and gave you two brief introductions. 
You were the same age as Kisaki and eventually started going to the same school. You weren’t that annoying, clingy sibling which he was thankful for. He wanted to keep you out of everything that he did. So him keeping his mother’s last name, and you, your father’s, he didn’t have to worry about people piecing two and two together. 
When both of your parents were out, you often cooked for him and then did your homework. You never showed him any type of anger or disgust. Often flashing him that pretty smile when he came in or left. You treated him like a normal sibling, which only made his twisted mind more fucked up. He knew you saw him as nothing more than a brother, but he wanted to be so much more. 
So, he started isolating himself from the gang activity, Hanma. From everyone, and found himself indulging in your favorite activities with you in the house. From watching (favorite series) to playing (favorite game). Sometimes you both would end up reading a book, cuddling against each other. He made no effort to hide his feelings from you, and he didn’t care for either of your parents since neither one of them was there. 
It’s been seven months since you have become his sister, and his feelings were running deeper for you. His hands started to linger, the kisses on the forehead were now placed on your cheek, near your lips. Kisaki couldn’t help the small smile when you blushed when he kissed you. You often turned your head so he wouldn’t get close to your lips. It often left him to tease you about it, but you knew he meant no harm. 
That was until he had you pinned to the counter as you were washing dishes. He had placed several kisses on your neck, and you tried to move but you couldn’t.
“Tetta, stop that. That’s weird,” you complained. You tried to move, but he grabbed your waist and turned you around. 
“What’s weird about it? I love you,” he said. 
You met his eyes and he was staring at you with something in his eyes. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, so it caused you to attempt to create distance between the two of you. 
“Yeah, I love you too. As siblings, nothing more.”
“I don’t love you as a sibling, I can’t hide it anymore. I love you so much,” he said. 
He placed his forehead against your shoulder hugging you tightly. You slowly wrapped your arms around him to hug him back. 
His confession shocked you, but you weren’t surprised at this point. He had opened up about everything in his life. You honestly felt bad for him, but you never thought he would fall for you.
“We are siblings, our parents would disown us. Society will shun us, this is so wrong, taboo even.” 
“Don’t care, and you shouldn’t either. We aren’t blooded siblings, so there is nothing wrong with this.”
He pushed some hair out of your face before he placed his lips on top of yours. You blushed and tried to shove him away but Kisaki captured your hands in his. He pulled you extremely close and parted your lips. He leaned down and started to nibble on your neck before he started to beg.
“Please don’t reject me, you are the only person that accepts me. Love me. I am sorry I can’t distinguish the difference between sibling love and romantic love. I just want you, don’t reject me too.” 
You knew what he was doing, he was trying to gaslight you, manipulate you, and make you feel guilty. Though you knew it was wrong, and you wanted to tell him it wasn’t your problem, you still couldn’t fight the fact that you knew he struggled with love. So instead of words of spite and hatred, you only said one word that doomed you.
That was enough for Kisaki to look at you and slam his lips against yours. You mentally cursed yourself, but you stopped fighting him. Hopefully, he gets bored of you soon and just stops. 
But deep down you knew he wouldn’t. He was obsessive, controlling, and good at manipulating. You were his now that you gave him the okay. 
He sighed softly as he started to suck on your neck, making sure to mark it. You started to shake in his hold, as his hands slipped underneath your pants.
“You are shaking, do you not want to go further?” He asked.
You could hear the hint of hurt in his voice, you shook your head and he frowned. He pulled his hands away, and you let out a mental sigh. He pushed his lips against yours again and you allowed him to claim dominance over your mouth. 
After a few minutes, he parted from you and he had that smile on his face. Like he had won a prize and you couldn’t help but feel warm when you saw it. 
“Don’t worry, we don’t have to tell anyone. This can be our secret I promise.” 
He strokes your cheek lovingly before going back to the living room. You turned around and leaned against the counter shaking your head. You weren’t sure how long this nice act would go on, but you hoped it would last. 
“What did I get myself into?” You mumbled softly. 
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted, etc. I do not own the character or the fanart, but I own the plots of these stories. All fanart goes to their appropriate owners.
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