#and he turns around and yells ''no!'' and Brooke is kind of glad because she honestly didn't know what she could've said to him
Hi there! I'm the person who responded to your request for richjake at Jake's house when the police come over thing- anyway,
I'm kind of just getting started out writing, but was wondering if there were any other ideas you had that you wouldn't mind if I stole-?
Also I love your blog (I think that's what these page things are called)! I hope you are having a great day/morning/afternoon/evening!
glad you like my blog
something I want desperately to read but don't have the writing skills to write is this (i sent this idea to someone in the dms...abyss u should recognize this one) is while Rich is squipped, he says something super homophobic (they're in the library btw that's very important like studying after school or something... I always imagined that Jake is like looking through the Shakespeare section for a play to read to impress christine) and Jake just turns around and kisses him (very short, very not romantic) and rich is like. huh. sir. what. and jake's all like "oh well you kissed a guy you're gay now, sorry man, all your homophobia is actually internalized. self hatred isn't a good look on you." there's more dialogue but u can make that part up for urself if you want to write it out
if you're in the mood to write brooke and chloe, they've always given off royalty au vibes to me, but yk i always appreciate a good apology fic between them (especially because brooke mentions her previous boyfriend cheating on her as well, and i always thought it was with chloe. like a fic where brooke is like 'ugh i'm terrible at choosing men, they always cheat' and chloe is absolutely amazed and guilty that for some reason brooke blames like six different guys and has yet to blame her when she's been the common denominator all along. also chloe's always been self destructive and her yelling at brooke to be mad at her, to hate her, to abandon her, while brooke just stands there with this endless, unconditional love for her best friend
and finally, i've read so many "rich and Michael fake date to seduce jake and Jeremy" (okay i've read like one) and I think it would just be fucking hilarious the other way around. like Jeremy and jake fake dating? especially because I always imagined them disliking each other. like them going from being begrudgent acquaintances to walking in one day like "oh yeah guys we're dating!!" rich goes absolutely insane with jealousy immediately and Michael's there like "you realize this is fake, right? they're both too emotionally immature to just confess. this is obviously fake." and jake's just like pfft no i love jeremy!! he's soo.... i mean his eyes are... ah he- uh. i just really enjoy talking to-- ugh he...he gives good head? and jeremy's in the background like. having a heart attack.
you clearly awoke something in me there's a lot more but this is already too long
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Because I know I have some people following me who've only listened to the musical and haven't read it, I wanted to share some fun tidbits of the book of Phantom of the Auditorium that I like or just want to mention!
- Brooke has chestnut brown hair and Zeke has blonde hair. I only mention this because most official artwork for the musical and even the TV show depicts Brooke as blonde.
- Zeke wears Kermit the Frog pyjamas and gets really red when Brooke tells people this.
- Some girls think Zeke is cute, but Brooke never thought of him that way.
- Brooke once let a gebril loose in the teacher's lounge.
- Brooke and Zeke met when they were 3 because their mom's are in the same bowling league and discovered they lived on the same street with Zeke living only a few houses down from Brooke.
- Brooke has a younger brother named Jeremy whom she likes to scare on occasion.
- Zeke has an older brother named Rich who drives Zeke and Brooke around when he isn't grounded (he's always grounded).
- Zeke has a dog named Buster who is super sus of Brian because animals in the gb universe (usually dogs) can tell when someone is a ghost.
- Brooke's mother is always scared she'll get run over by a bus. Brooke doesn't know why. She doesn't even know anyone who got run over by a bus.
- Brooke changes her mind constantly, Zeke says it drives him crazy.
- Tina is a grade above the trio.
- Brooke doesn't know why Tina doesn't like her, they hardly know each other.
- While Tina is Brooke's understudy, Zeke's understudy is a boy named Robert Hernandez. Brooke describes him as way too serious and nowhere near as fun as Zeke. He doesn't get her jokes and doesn't like to joke around.
- Esmeralda's father is played by a boy named Corey Sklar, who has the same haircolor as Brooke and also wears glasses.
- Brooke can't think of mean or nasty stuff to say even when she tries because she just isn't a mean or nasty person.
- Zeke, Brooke and Brian actually break into the school at night twice. The first time they discover the backdrop Brian worked so hard on is ruined. The second is when they go down the trapdoor again.
- Brooke has horrible stage fright that leads to panic-inducing nightmares that she overcomes by the time of the actual performance.
- Brooke has bad allergies and is allergic to nearly everything. Zeke made a game out of it to count how many times she sneezes. However, her allergies and sneeze attacks is what leads Emile to find out they're in the tunnels.
- Speaking of Emile, he has a huge, deep, purple scar across his eye.
- The trio believes they're locked in when they're in Emile's hideout at first, but then realize they were just pushing a pull door.
- Brian wears sweatpants and a red flannel that's too big.
- Brian never unmasks himself to Brooke in the book, instead, he leaves a yearbook of 1920 in her locker which he leaves open.
- That part is important as it's established at the beginning of the book that her locker's lock always jams, meaning it can't be left open on accident.
- Zeke is the only person allowed to call Brooke "Brookie".
- Zeke does his math homework in the classroom before class starts.
- Zeke's dad is the mayor of Woods Mill.
- Esmeralda is in almost every scene of the show, which doesn't help Brooke's stage fright at all.
- While his name Raoul in the musical in reference to the name of the "boyfriend" character of Phantom of the Opera, Esmeralda's boyfriend is named Eric in the book as a reference to the Opera Ghost's real name "Erik"
- Zeke has freckles that he hates, but Brooke says they're barely visible.
- Brooke hates her glasses, openly stating that she wished they would disappear. She says they make her look nerdy.
- Brooke can flip her eyelids up so that they stay that way, a really gross talent that makes people scream and gag that Zeke isn't phased by anymore.
- During the scene where the Phantom first appears on stage and scares Brooke, the only reason Brooke starts to seriously freak out in the first place is because she notices Zeke waving at her from further away backstage, meaning the person shaking her in the Phantom attire isn't Zeke. When she calls for help, she is just told that her line is different from what she's saying.
- Tina is exclusively nice to Brian and Brian only.
- According to Brooke's narration, the play didn't get weird until the end of the first act, when the Phantom first appears. Since Brian vanished after that scene, it implies that there is a second act we never got to see in which Zeke continued to play the Phantom.
- In the book, Brooke rips the mask off the Phantom while they're still on stage, leading Brian to cover his face and tumble backwards into the trapdoor, screaming on the way down as he died all over again for good this time.
- Brooke is absolutely not okay after that.
- Like, not at all.
- Brooke and Zeke go look for him in the tunnels to no avail.
- There's a cast party we never get to see because the story stops before we get there.
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kasienda · 3 years
The Five Minute Adventures of Snake Noir: Ch 4 - A Thank You
Chapter 1: I Want It To Be You
Chapter 2: Best Friends
Chapter 3: Best Laid Plans
Chapter 4: A Thank You
For the most part, Adrien stopped using the snake miraculous. Because now that Nino knew, Adrien wanted him to remember whenever Chat Noir came to visit.
They played video games, listened to music, ate junk food, and talked about their experiences as teenaged superheroes.
In short, everything was amazing. Ladybug had been right. He hadn’t realized how much just the secrecy had been weighing on him until there was a place where he didn’t have to have them.
But Adrien couldn’t help but wonder how things might be different now if he had gone to Marinette that night instead of Nino.
He didn’t regret going to Nino. Nino was his rock. And he didn’t even want to think about a world where Nino didn’t know now.
But Marinette, she had a way of just making people feel warm, and he wanted to know what her brand of comfort would’ve felt like. And she seemed to finally be relaxing around him, and he liked spending time with her.
But he had gone to Nino and now he would never know.
Except he was only too aware that he had access to a power that would let him see exactly how Marinette would react to just about anything he could tell her without any consequences.
But now that he was in a better mental place, he really didn’t want to abuse the privilege of the miraculous. He didn’t want to use it for selfish purposes just to satisfy his curiosity.
And yet, here he was sitting on her balcony transformed as Snake Noir hoping she was home so he could talk to her. And simultaneously praying she wasn’t so he couldn’t fall to the temptation of risking more secrets.
Read on Ao3
“Chat Noir?”
“Good evening, purrincess,” he greeted with a mischievous smile. “How are you this fine evening?”
She shrugged. “I’m well enough. You look different tonight! Your suit get an upgrade?” She asked with a beaming smile.
He stood up and did a model spin to give Marinette the full effect, before turning back to her with another pose and then a second that ended with a roguish grin he had perfected under the light of the camera years ago.
He just wanted her to get a chance to appreciate the suit’s design.
You know, because she was an aspiring fashion designer, obviously.
No other reason.
“Wow!” Her eyes were wide, and currently not on his face, but lost tracing the width of his well defined chest.
He smirked. “This is Snake Noir’s transformation,” he explained. And then her eyes shot back up to his with pink dusting her cheeks.
“ Snake Noir?” she repeated. “What does that mean?”
“I’m wearing two miraculouses like you did when you went up against kwamibuster. Well, like a fraction of what you did that day. Have I ever told you that you were positively amazing that day?”
“A few times, actually,” she said, her cheeks still pink.
God, this was too much fun.
“So what can I do for you?”
“Well, I was hoping I could thank you,” he said.
Her dark eyebrows furrowed. “Thank me? For what?”
“I can’t really tell you.”
“But then…?”
“That’s why I’m wearing the snake,” he explained. “I want to thank you for something, but… it won’t make as much sense without me telling you who I am.”
She hissed in a breath. “You want to tell me who you are?”
He nodded. “But there’s a catch.”
“Isn’t there always?” she asked dryly.
He pointed to the bracelet on his wrist. “This is the snake miraculous. It allows me to redo the same five minutes over and over again. So if you’ll allow it, I can set it, and then explain myself fully without filter so you’ll understand how much I truly appreciate you. But then I will reset it and you won’t remember anything I said.”
“Seems unfair to you,” she commented.
“Seems unfair to me? ” he repeated. “You’re the one who would forget.”
“If you’re willing to go through so much trouble to say whatever it is you want to say to me, it’s obviously important to you and then you’ll have to go on pretending that that conversation never happened.”
“But that’s why we’re talking about it now,” he said. “You’ll know we had the conversation. You just won’t know the details. Are you okay with that?”
“Of course.” She laid a hand on his forearm. “I trust you, kitty.”
He felt the heat in his own cheeks at her smile that seemed to reach past his eyes and into his core, bringing it warmth and comfort.
He activated the snake.
She waited patiently, giving him a soft smile.
And suddenly his words deserted him, and his nerves caught up to him. This was so silly. After all that build up she was going to think he was ridiculous.
“Chat? You okay?”
He offered her a forced smile. “Yes! Totally fine. Just a bit nervous.”
“Nervous? You? I didn’t think that was possible,” she teased.
“Yeah, you don’t know me as well as you think.”
“I actually know you better than you realize.”
He smiled. She always put him at ease. “Marinette, the reason I wanted to tell you this in this way,” he said, gesturing to his suit, “is because I want to thank you for something you’ve done for me as myself.”
Her smile evaporated, and her eyes widened. “You mean, as the boy under the mask?”
He nodded. “But why I’m so grateful won’t really make sense without knowing what I’ve been going through as a hero lately.”
“O-okay,” she stammered.
“Are you nervous?” he teased.
She smacked his arm. “Yes, but so are you! You already said so, so no teasing. And quit stalling! We only have five minutes.”
“For the last few months, Ladybug and I…” he paused and glanced over her railing. “We just… weren’t exactly on the same page about… well, a lot of things.”
“Why do I get the feeling that’s putting it mildly?”
He smiled gently. “Because you’re intuitive and kind.”
“I'm not,” she said, her voice brooking no argument.
He shook his head. “But that’s what I’m here to tell you. You are one of the kindest people I’ve ever met.”
He looked away again. “Anyway, I was feeling really isolated and shut out by Ladybug. And…” he shrugged. “I don’t know… unneeded I guess.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
He glanced back at her startled at how much her voice shook. One look at her eyes, glassy and trembling, and he realized she was on the verge of tears.
“Marinette? You okay?”
“Keep going,” she croaked. “Please.”
“Well, during that time, I was feeling really frustrated and maybe destructive.”
“I smashed a chimney,” he admitted.
“It was during a sentimonster attack. Miraculous ladybug fixed it,” he quickly explained.
“But you haven’t… like, hurt yourself?”
He looked away guiltily.
“I didn’t mean to. And Ladybug was there to stop me.”
Her arms wrapped around him. He leaned into her hold, and his head was on her shoulder.
“Anyway, what I wanted to say was during that time when things were… not good, you were there filling in the gap. It wasn’t one specific thing or grand gesture. You were just present, making me laugh, making me feel seen, and making me feel like I was… worth knowing.”
“I… I don’t… understand.”
He looked at her then, let himself fall into her swirling confused cerulean blue eyes.
“You were there for me as Adrien.”
Her eyes immediately welled with tears. And her arms tightened around him, and she buried her head in the crook of his neck. Her whole body was shaking in silent quaking sobs.
He squeezed her back. “Marinette? I was trying to say thank you,” he whispered. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
She shook her head rapidly. “You- you haven’t upset me,” she choked out.
“Then why are you crying?”
“I upset myself!” she yelled into his shoulder.
She pulled back, her furious crying eyes meeting his own unflinchingly. “Because I didn’t know that anything was wrong! I’m your pa- uh... friend, A-Adrien. I didn’t see it! I didn't know that you were hurting! I should have seen it! I should have talked to you. I should have done something!”
He smiled softly, and cradled the side of her face in his gloved hand, careful not to hurt with his claws. “You didn’t need to see it in order to be there for me. That’s what I’m saying. And I just wanted to thank you for that.”
“I’m glad that I was able to be there for you when even Ladybug wasn’t,” she said, the anger and bitterness still clear in her voice.
“Please don’t be mad at Ladybug,” he said.
She pulled completely out of his arms then, her eyes glaring ice daggers. “Why not? She’s the one that cut you out, right? Made you feel… useless and isolated? Did she notice you were hurting?”
He captured both of her hands.
“Marinette, Ladybug has been struggling for a while now. She wasn’t in a position to notice. I’ve tried to be there for her as much as I can, and I’ve had a lot of practice pretending to be okay even when I’m not.”
She turned to him again, her chin suddenly trembling. “You have, haven’t you?” she cried and then looked up at him again, not bothering to wipe away the tears tracking down her face. “Adrien, this isn’t fair. You deserve better. Better from your friends. Better from your partner. Better from your father.”
His miraculous beeped. They both glanced at it.
“Please tell me that you have a confidant! A real one! Not just five minute time loops where no one except you can remember?”
“I do, now. I promise.”
“Nino?” she guessed.
“Nino,” he confirmed.
She nodded. “Good.”
“Marinette, I would tell you. I would let you remember. I trust you that much… but…”
His miraculous was beeping rapidly now.
She smiled and then she kissed his nose. “It’s okay, kitty. The more people that know the more dangerous it is. I get it.”
He hugged her one more time. “I don’t deserve you,” he whispered.
She pulled back just enough to hold both sides of his face in her hand. “You’re wrong. You deserve this and so much more.”
He reached for the bracelet, that was almost a one sustained tone at this point, but he hesitated. “I want you to remember,” he told her.
She smiled softly, and pressed her forehead to his. “I know,” she whispered. Her hand was on his. She squeezed it once, and then she was the one that flicked the switch on the snake miraculous.
Because she was stronger than him.
And the world dissolved, and she was sitting across from him again with her patient smile.
He immediately burst into tears.
Her smile dissolved immediately. “Kitty! What’s wrong? What happened? Did the conversation go that badly?”
He beamed up at her through his tears, and shook his head. “No, Marinette,” he said when he could finally speak again. “It went beautifully well. I… I didn’t want you to forget.”
She smiled. “I’m glad it went well. Maybe you’ll be able to tell me about it someday?”
He nodded. “I hope so. In the meantime, please know that I feel really lucky to have met you and to have you in my life.”
Her smile grew even wider. “Right back atcha, kitty.”
“I can’t stay,” he said. It was a lie. No one would notice that he was gone for another hour, but he wasn’t going to keep it together.
She nodded. “I understand.” And the way that her eyes glistened just a little too bright. He suspected that she truly did.
“You always do,” he said. He pulled her hand to his face, and deposited a slow kiss on her knuckle. “See you around, Princess.”
Chapter 5: Unwanted Revelations
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sincerelyella · 3 years
Hidden Tampons
Tumblr media
Book: The Royal Romance (AU)
Pairings: Liam x MC (Ella)
Characters belong to Pixelberry; Ella Brooks belongs to me.
Summary: An AU based on the show New Girl (my favorite can you tell?) Just a collection of one-shots and shenanigans that allude to the show. This will NOT be canon, that means this won’t be in Cordonia and Liam isn’t a King. If you have watched the show before, you know they are in Los Angeles, California. Just a little background info, Liam and Ella are dating, Max, Drake and Leo are single and they all live together in The Loft.
A/N: Liam goes out to get Ella more tampons; he panics and recruits Leo to help him.
Warnings: Adult language, sexual innuendos
Words: 1832
Liam and Ella were still asleep in bed from their drunk sexcapades the night before. Their peaceful slumber was disturbed when they heard loud noises and yelling from the hallway outside their bedroom door.
“Ugh,” Ella grunted and positioned her pillow over her head to drown out the noise.
“Hey, love,” Liam murmured as he rolled over to kiss Ella on her shoulder. “It’s noon. Should we get up?”
“I vote no,” Ella grumbled, with her face still hidden. “But living in a loft full of dudes, we probably need to.” She sighed in frustration and lifted the pillow off of her face. “Someone probably blew up the bathroom already. I should make breakfast, right? Wait, it’s lunchtime. Do you want to eat?”
Liam chuckled, reached around her waist to pull her close and nibbled on her earlobe. “I honestly don’t know if I’m hungry or horny.”
“Hold on there, flyboy, we just did some circus-type shit up in here, and I’m pretty sure I’m getting my period today.”
Liam cringed. “Glad we got it in last night then.”
“You’re gross!” Ella smacked him on the shoulder as he stifled a laugh. “I need to get up to find my hidden stash of tampons.” She climbed out of bed, pulled on her fluffy robe with matching slippers that read ‘But first, coffee,’ and staggered out the bedroom door. Ella went straight into the kitchen, pulled open the oven, and grabbed a small purple box.
“Heyyyy good morning, champ!” Ella turned around and saw Leo make his way into the kitchen and leaned up on the large island. “Look at that sex hair/bedhead thing you got going on there. What a good look for you,” he let out a loud laugh as Ella glared.
“Why are you so chipper this morning, Leo, did you get laid?” Ella set the box down and began to rifle through it.
“I did not; I just got some good sleep, which is surprising because you and Liam last night,” he paused and shook his head in disgust. “You sounded like a couple of bums fighting.”
Ella blushed but didn’t look up from her box. “We were drunk and did some role play.”
Leo’s eyebrows raised as he leaned forward on the island. “Oh? Do tell.”
“I told him my name was Coco and that I’m a dancer and something involving puppets,” Ella scrunched up her face. “The rest is kind of foggy. I know I hit my head on the floor somehow,” she rubbed the back of her head.
“I can respect that,” he nodded his head in approval. “Why are you rummaging through that box like a rabid animal?”
“I have hidden tampons throughout the loft, and I think I’m all out.”
“Why do you have to hide tampons?” Before Ella could answer, Maxwell, bounced into the kitchen, only wearing very short basketball shorts followed by a brooding Drake.
“Morning everyone!” “Yeah, hey.”
"Hey guys, coffee is on.” Leo turned back to Ella. “Okay, Smalls, why are you hiding tampons all over the loft? Including inside the oven …?”
“After that debacle with Maxwell finding a tampon in the kitchen, screaming, then proceeding to toss it into the cake batter that you were about to put in the oven was very traumatic,” Ella shook her head. “It’s the whole reason why everyone in this loft is banned from using the oven … and also why I hide tampons in it.”
Leo nodded. “Oh yeah, I remember that day. I thought the oven was going to explode.”
“It’s not like anyone ate the cake, though,” Max argued. “We all saw the tampon sticking out the top of it.”
“Liam almost threw up,” Drake mused as he chuckled into his coffee mug.
“And I remember I was thinking to myself at the time, ’If I were to die right now in a fiery explosion due to the carelessness of a friend … Then it would just be alright.’”
“Aw, thanks, El! I love you too!” Max grinned and began to do jumping jacks.
“What's… happening here?” Drake looked up from his coffee. “It’s way too early for this shit, Beaumont.”
Out of breath, Max stopped his exercise routine and began to stretch his calves out instead. “Is this better?”
A resounding “no” filled the kitchen, and Maxwell rolled his eyes. “Fine, I’ll do my stretches in my room then.” He turned and jogged down the hallway.
“Put on some underwear too, please, it’s like a bounce house down there!” Leo called after him.
Liam waltzed into the kitchen and went straight to the coffee machine. “Love, you wanna go walk around some museums today? I think it’s free on Tuesdays.” Ella leaned forward and grabbed the kitchen island with both hands, a low growl emanating from her throat. “Are you okay?” Liam set his mug down and reached over to hold his girlfriend.
“Mmmhmm … yea, I just have cramps, it hurts really, really bad. Like … a bunch of eggs are hatching all at once in my uterus.”
Drake’s eyes widened and began to make his way around the island back to his room. “That’s my queue to leave.”
“Gaaahhhh! My virgin ears! Have a nice day, folks!” Leo turned to speed walk out of the kitchen.
“No! No, I will not have a nice day!” Ella yelled after Leo. “I feel like I want to murder someone… but I also want soft pretzels with cheese. Also, I’m out of tampons, and I need them, babe!” She burst into tears, and Liam pulled her to his chest.
“I’ll get you some tampons, okay? Let’s just get you into bed.” He lifted her into his arms bridal style as she sniffled and buried her face into his neck. Liam kicked open the door and laid Ella onto the bed. He tucked her in like a mummy and kissed her on the forehead. “Get some rest, take your medicine, and I’ll be back.” He quickly exited the room and shut the door quietly behind him.
“Hey, is she okay?” Drake inquired as he and Maxwell made their way back to the kitchen.
“Yea, but she’s out of tampons, and I have to” - Liam gulped - “run to the store to get her some.”
Maxwell eyed him suspiciously. “You’re turning green, man, you need help?”
Liam’s eyes widened and a small smile formed on his face. “Yeah! Can you guys come with me?”
“Count me out, Rys,” Drake shook his head and made his way to the kitchen.
“By the way, Drake, can I borrow that educational book you have in your bedroom?” Max chirped as he followed him down the hall.
Drake whirled around. “Just call it Playboy, Beaumont. I caught you jerking it right by my bed! You’re never allowed in my room again!”
“I couldn’t help it! The pictures are so graphic!”
“You scared the shit out of me, and I towel burned my unders!”
Leo approached the group with a magazine folded up under his arm. “Well, I just prairie-dogged it thanks to you guys. Stop fighting! Now the bathroom stinks for no reason.”
Drake glared at Maxwell. “You happy? You scared Leo’s shit too!”
Max threw his hands up in the air in frustration. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen! I was just trying to help Leo! He was the one looking for it!”
Everyone turned to look at Leo in annoyance. “No! Don’t even look at me like that! I’m not happy at all. I’m poor, and I’m living in a filthy thimble with all you animals staying here!” He huffed and glared at Maxwell. “And you know I read that magazine for the articles!”
“Okay, everybody just calm down,” Liam raised his magazine in the air in an attempt to control the situation. “Maxwell, don’t go in Drake’s room EVER again. That shit is NOT okay.”
Maxwell began to laugh. “You should have seen Drake’s face when he walked in …” he trailed off as he started to snort.
“What. The. Fuck. Is this a game to you?” Drake stepped towards Max, and Leo quickly pulled his arm away from him.
“Cool off, Walker, go back to your room.”
As Drake stormed off, Leo turned his attention to his brother. “Liam, why do you look like you’re about to puke?”
“I need to get Ella tampons. Will you come with me?”
“Alright, fine, let’s go. How hard could it be?” He threw his arm around Liam, and the pair headed for the drug store.
**2 hours later**
“I don’t understand how there are so many different kinds. Ultra-sized, super plus-sized, super-sized, regular-sized, and slim sized,” Leo looked up at Liam. “What the fuck does ultra sized mean? Like, they have a wide-set vagina?!” His eyes grew wide. “How does anyone have sex with her??”
“Okay, let’s chill out for a second!” Liam let out a breath. “I know she uses this brand here, but I can’t remember what size she uses. I don’t think she’s ultra or super plus cuz that shit is ridiculous.”
“But,” Leo held up a hand. “What if it’s not the size of her vagina, but like … the amount of whatever comes out?” He pointed to one of the boxes and began to read out loud. “To choose the right tampon size for you, start with a regular absorbency tampon, which is the smallest common absorbency level.”
Liam rubbed his chin in thought. “Okay so … then let’s just get regular, and then we’ll go from there.” He reached for the box of regular-sized tampons.
“Wait! What if we get the wrong size? We’re going to have to come back!” The men stared at each other for seconds as they let that thought sink in.
“We’re getting them all!” They both said at once. Liam grabbed regular, super, and super plus while Leo grabbed slim and ultra.
**30 minutes later**
Leo and Liam opened the door to the loft, arms full of tampon boxes. Ella sat on the couch with Hana, and both women stared at the men.
“What’s all this, babe?” The ladies stood from their spot on the couch and approached them cautiously.
“We got you tampons but couldn’t figure out the size so … we got them all!” Liam grinned.
“Oh! You guys took forever so I called Hana to bring some over. But thanks so much for going! And Leo, you helped?”
“I did,” Leo stared at Hana and bit his lower lip. “Hi, Hana, nice to see you.”
“Leo,” Hana said as her cheeks turned a light pink.
“You got the ultra size?!” Ella squeaked. “How much do you think I bleed?!”
Liam gagged.
“Okay! Sorry! Can you take those to the room, please?” The men trudged to the bedroom with the boxes. Ella turned and whispered to Hana. “You think they’d be willing to return all that for the right size?”
“Absolutely not.” The girls began to laugh and made their way back to the couch to finish the movie.
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hazard-queen · 4 years
Heyo!!! Your writing is really good! When you get the chance can I get Cater, Floyd, Rook, and Idia finding their s/o turned back into a child due to a mix up in potions? Usually s/o is outgoing, chaotic, and exaggerates movements a lot (easy to locate) but as a kid s/o rarely speaks, observant, and cautious around people (easy to lose track of).
I'm really glad to know you like my writings and i hope you like this one too! ^^
Take care of yourself ~♡
Have a good day!
Cater diamond
• "I think we did something....wrong!"
• The last thing you said before you disappear from cater's sigh to leave him dumbfounded then he began to panic around!
• He carried the coat and ran to the teacher leaving the little you sitting on the floor as the coat was covering you.
• "Tecaher i turned (y/n) into a coat!!!"
• Cater was speaking and crewel tiled his head looking on the small you walking wobbly here and there then you stood behind cater and began to tug into his clothes.
• "Eh?!"
• Cater turned around to see an almost 4 yo child and gave him a big smile!
• After cater was yelled at and it was a very big shenanigan and it was tiring for both you and cater
• "Haugreee"
• With your little hand you put them on you empty stomach giving cater a frown but he was busy noticing you so you made your way into the kitchen and put your hand on riddle's strawberry tart and it's all over your Chubby face and unfortunately riddle saw you and started yelling at you!
• On hearing your cries he dropped his phone to the ground and ran to you along with trey to see riddle was his red face angry and your tart coated face along with your tears and sobbing your eyes out.
• Cater collected his strength and stood in between you and riddle , it was his fault for not listening to you, and as cater apologised and explained everything to riddle and he decided to accept it this time...you're a kid after all so he decided to give you the rest of the tart but only if cater feed it to you not to make a mess!
• "Say ahhh~"
• With closed eyes smile cater gave you to fork and you took it in happily but now you came back to your normal...
• "Fufufu, thank you cater~♡"
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Rook hunt
• He wasn't sure if that is going to work or not but you decided to try it!....and it definitely wasn't a right idea, you coughed twice before you turn into a 4 yo child!
• "Quoi?"
• Rook blinked several times before he bent and carried you into his arms and you gave him a timid smile, you never were that close to rook...
• "Oh mon due! We have to find a solution for this!"
• He gave you a pout before taking you to the professor and he of course got scolded for not listening to the rules were givin.
• He was quite busy doting his duty to vil and of course he left you somewhere with students and gave you a kind of dessert and apologised to go, you gave him a frown and reached your hand to make him carry you but he left
• Taking advantage of students were busy and your small feet took you to some room thinking you're following rook, you found a shining bottle on a table and you of course climbed on a chair to take it.....you know what is it...aren't you?
• You were rising the bottle to your mouth but for your fortune rook walked in as he was looking for you, as his eyes landed on you his eyes widened and he rushed to you snatching the bottle from your small hand angrily.
• You got scared, you never saw rook that mad at you, you took a back then your eyes started to tear then you blew up a scream
• "Waaaaaaaaaahhhhaaaahhhh"
• You cried hardly which brook rook's heart, he was just scared you may got hurt, he pulled you into his embrace and you clinched there sobbing as he patted your back.
• "I'm sorry for yelling at you but i just was scared....don't do that again ok?"
• You noded and gained a kiss on your forehead from rook.
• He took you in a picnic as a reconciliation, he began to collect flowers around and made you a beautiful flower crown, putting it on your head he earned a big grin from you.
• When it was time to leave he began to clean the place, a big smile formed on his face when his eyes landed at you to see that you're back to your normal asleep peacefully on the grass...
• " How beautiful"
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Floyd leech
• "No no no! Floyd, DON'T!"
• Too late...he already shoved the potion in your mouth to try and all he got from you is "bleh" sticking out your tongue since it was bittet.
• Floyd was laughing but his happy face disappeared when he saw your tiny form standing just right there by him with a pout.
• "Eh......"
• Floyd began to panic and run on circles leaving you with his twin whom exchanged looks with you and sigh
• As jade went to inform professor what happened floyd had to take you to the lounge so he can help azul around but it was definitely a bad idea!
• He left you there and told you not to move and you nodded :>
• Of course as a curious child you were wandering around the lounge till you found a shiny swimming pool, water reflection in your eyes making them sparkle and your reflection in the water was so attractive as you didn't notice yourself and you were now falling in the pool!
• Floyd didn't see this but he heard the loud water crash happened, he looked around and didn't find you...
• "Oh no...."
• Floyd threw the tray he was holding somewhere and jumped into the water to get you and he managed to but you didn't make any move, jade interfered and started pressing gently on your stomach and luckily it worked.
• Floyd was mad at you yet he felt guilty so he didn't speak a word as be bited his lip, you were in danger because he wasn't there for you...like he always do.
• "Fooyd"
• As he noticed you were sad he began to cheer up and took you to the lounge on a table to treat you but you held his hand and pointed to the water.
• He frowned but he can't say no, he love swimming he can't help it, but this time he took a very good hold of you and jumped with you to the water sinking there then rised up but with you back to your normal yet he's still squeezing you!
• "Ummm floyd...i can't breath!"
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Idia shroud
• "Idia...are we going right?"
• "I'm not sure..."
• To end this all you decided to take the bottle into your mouth and see what's going to happen!
• Suddenly you felt a strange feeling into you, feeling that everything is so far from you and idia....got taller?
• He was looking down at you with wide eyes, he bent down to carry you in his hand and looking at you in disbelief
• "Oh no! What have i done? I shouldn't do that! What do i have to do now?"
• Placing you on the counter he put his both hands on the both sides of his face then to his hair, tho he had an important event to join he just took you to his dorm and gave you a bowl of candies placing you in a safe place then he took his favourite spot taking the gaming console into his hand and the headphones to his ears and began the event.
• You felt bored, he did ignore you whenever you walked by his side and looked at the monitor and you badly wanted to try, yet whenever you reached your hand to hold the console he just move his hand away and continue on playing.
• You just got bored and pouted to him yet he was busy to notice that, suddenly your eyes lied on 2 stuffed toys on the top of the shelf! You just wanted them so you decided climbing the shelf to get them.....a wise choice....
• "Yeah! I won! Did you see th...."
• He couldn't complete his sentence, she saw you up there reaching your small hand to the toys and this couldn't be worse!........ummm it could!
• "(Y/N)!"
• As idia shouted you got scared loasing your palace and now you're falling
• Idia was scared, he just rushed and caught you as you were about to hit the floor!
• "I I'm s sooye, y y you not play wi me"
• You cried in your hand and this made idia feel guilty for what happened
• "Then how about you play with me?"
• He gave you a console and choosed an easy game for you and started teaching you and you were playing good with him till you both won!
• You gave idia a high five as you returned to your normal!
• "Wait...WHAT?!"
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Kingdom Collisions IX
This is a fic I’m writing to incorporate more description into my work. There are no prewritten chapters so updates are sporadic on top of that I am just as in the dark as you about what happens next. Also how are we already on part nine????? Like that is crazy!
assafir means sparrows (i went through about six million translation sites to make sure but there is every possibility i am still wrong so if anyone knows Arabic please let me know)
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"Percy" The little girl squealed running towards him, her dark braids flying behind her.
He gave a toothy grin, slamming into her. "Hello Little Dove."
"When momma told me you were coming I immediately asked Anisa to set up a picnic for us."
"Did you manage to get the stuff?" He whispered conspiratorially.
Naturally her voice lowered as well as their heads knocked softly together, "I did but why do we need it?"
"I'll show you. But we have to go to the house."
"The house house?" Her coffee eyes widened.
He nodded gravely, and the eight year old that he was disappeared under that expression.
"Okay, let's go." She took a deep breath and pulled him along.
"Anisa!" Her little voice rung out against the cold stone of the castle, "Anisa are you here?"
A lady rounded the corner. She fidgeted briefly with the soft pink scarf around her head and then bent down so she was eye level with them. "What do you need Princess?"
Her voice was still a whisper as she replied, "Is the basket ready?"
"Yes," Anisa said softly, "Why are we whispering."
But the princess didn't respond, instead squeezing Percy's hand. "We're going to the house."
"Okay Princess I'll send two guards to go with you."
"No!" She shouted in alarm, and then quieter, "Please no. Will you just come with us? I know you can protect us."
Anisa looked between them, studied their little hands clasped together, and the serious expressions on their faces.
"Okay. But we can't be gone too long without guards."
"We will protect each other." Percy finally spoke up, black eyebrows furrowing in determination.
Anisa smiled, "Shall we then?"
They all made their way through the gardens, roses and chrysanthemums, and dahlias growing in abundance. Colour bloomed from every crevice and spilled over the pathways like an ever-growing rainbow. Percy let his free hand trail over the petals as they walked. His little feet stumbled over uneven pavement, racing along just slow enough to not raise suspicion. The Maze of Madness spread before them and he was tempted to ask if they could go in. It was his favourite part about the castle and he tried to go at every opportunity. It was his life long mission to learn all the ways to get through. But right now their mission at hand was much more important. He would as if they could go later. Finally they reached the edge of the maze and the divided area that led to their house. Anisa jangled the keys as she found the right one and opened the garden gate.
"You are sure no guards Princess?"
She shook her head adamantly. "You will protect us. You know how."
And then they were through the castle borders and into the Sylvastine Woods. The trees grew taller than he could see, taller than the clouds and the free birds. He's sure they touched the sun. The underfoot was rough, dangerous, full of traps. But they recognized his step, his smell, the frequency he vibrated at, and the embraced him silently. He didn't know of the forests malevolence. He was too little. The world was still full of wonder and adventure and everyone was a friend.
They walked and walked and walked until the sounds of the castle and the city were far behind. Now all they could hear was a little brook bubbling through the trees, and the white noise of sunshine, ringing in their ears. The trees were quiet.
"Are we almost there?" He asked.
"Just behind that tree little one," Anisa pointed to a sapling just sprouting from the ground on an unsteady trunk.
And then they crossed it and the woods fell away. Morphed. Molded. There was nothing of the giant, looming trees and shadowed undergrowth. Instead there was sunshine and open fields and wild flowers of ever kind dancing before them. Percy laughed as the breeze tickled his flushed cheek. Magic is real. He was sure of it. They stood in front of a little cottage surrounded by creeping rose vines and the sweet scent of honey. The structure could not have been bigger than his bedroom at home but somehow he knew it held everything they could ever need.
"I will wait on the bench Assafir." Anisa pointed to a wooden swing a little way down.
"Thank you Anisa. We will call you when we are done."
And then she turned to Percy, their small hands clammy from refusing to let go, and pulled him into the cottage.
The first thing he noticed was the painting on the wall. In it stood a woman, her back facing them, her gaze to the sprawling hills before her and on her right was a little child. They were still as the dead but he swore the grass they stood on swayed gently. He blinked. It still moved. He blinked again. Everything swayed. He turned away. A small table sat in one corner and couch in the other but save for that there wasn't much else.
"Okay," She said, her whisper rough with impatience, "Tell me the secret!"
"Where are they?" He held out a hand.
She moved around him and dived over the couch, reaching for something. Her poufy navy blue dress scrunching underneath her. If her mother saw that she'd have a heart attack.
"Okay here!" She huffed.
Suddenly seven red roses were shoved into his hands. 
He plonked himself down on the floor and waited for her to settle next to him. "You ready?"
Her already loose braids came undone as she nodded her head enthusiastically. He grabbed a rose gently between his fingers, taking a deep breath. 
And then he swiped his thumb across a thorn and let the drops of blood fall onto the petals.
She frowned at him but didn't say anything. The dark blood pooled into the center of the rose, making the already red rose maroon with vibrancy.
"Percy what is—"
"Shhhh Little Dove," He stared intently at the rose.
Ever so slowly it turned black. First just the center, where the had blood pooled but slowly it spread, like a shadow, like the night. Like death.
The rose became the colour of darkness. And crumbled in his hands.
The Princess of Hanaan let out a gasp, little hands covering her mouth in shock. Her brown eyes were wide as she took in her friend. He let her see him. Let her see all that he was and waited for her reaction.
"How did you do that?" She muttered.
"I don't know," He stared at her. "I hurt myself in the garden the other day and a little blood spilled on the grass and it.... did that."
They went quiet for a while. Everything felt on the edge, dangling from a cliff. It felt unbalanced. He knew this was the moment that decided the rest of their lives. Even this young he knew the weight of her decision. He could lose his friend forever. And it made him want to cry. Because he loved her very much and if she did not understand, no-one will. 
"Can you do it again?"
So he did. And when she smiled, and then giggled, and then laughed as he kept at it he knew he she would love him to the end of the earth.
"Can we show people?" She bubbled.
"No," He shook his head, scared, "I don't want them to take it away."
"But how can they?" She looked at him in confusion, "Let's show Anisa at least."
He could see the exhilaration in her eyes. "Okay," He agreed reluctantly, "We can tell Anisa. But only Anisa."
She squealed and pulled him up from the dusty wood floor, flying out of the house and to where her caretaker faithfully sat.
"Anisa!" She yelled, "Look at what Percy can do!"
Anisa turned around to watch then come towards her and then smiled at the brightness in their eyes. The brightness of joy and innocence and wonder and childhood. She held a bunch of wild roses in her hands, picked only moments before from the bushes down by the brook.
"What is it Princess?"
"Show her Percy!"
So he swiped yet another finger across a thorn and dropped the blood into the middle of the last rose the princess had brought.
"What are you doing?" Anisa exclaimed, arms already reaching to yank his shredded fingers towards her so she could see them.
"Just watch!" The princess said gleefully.
The rose did what all the others had done. And the two children looked up at their caretaker with wide smiles.
Anisa looked pale, her brown skin greyed. Eight wild roses fell to the floor.
"You cannot show this to anyone." She choked out, "Not a single person."
"What's wrong?" The princess frowned, "Don't you think it's cool?"
Anisa gives her a pained smile, "You cannot show this to people. They will— just don't show it."
"Okay," He whispered, because all of a sudden he was scared. What will happen if someone knows? Will he get into trouble? Will they? Tears pooled in his eyes.
"No little one," Anisa gave him a sorrowful look, "Do not cry."
"I'm scared." He sniffled, "What happens if someone finds out?"
"Come sit on the bench, both of you." She suddenly got up and shuffled them into their place.
"Okay I want you to close your eyes and make a wish for me. Anything in the whole world. And don't open your eyes until I say so."
And being children they were curious and excited and past worries are just that. In the past.
So they squeeze their eyes shut, join hands. And wish on every shooting star, every 11:11, and full moon, and ember in the fire. Anisa put a cool palm to their foreheads and muttered something in a language they did not know. Their skin grew warm, and she reassured them it was just the angels taking their wishes.
They smiled, eyes still closed, and nodded as her hand pressed against them.
Percy's body felt tired and he was glad his eyes were already shut.
"I'm tired." The princess yawned.
"Me too," He agreed.
Anisa shushed them softly, "Go to sleep then, Assafir."
"Goodnight Prince Percy."
"Goodnight Little Dove."
The breeze quieted, wrapping around them like a blanket and the little royals drifted off.
They woke up in a bed, warmed by the sun.
"Hello," The Princess smiled, "When did you get here?"
"I don't know," He frowned, "But want to go play?"
"Sure. But first you were supposed to tell me something?"
"Only that we should use your new paint-set to paint my piano.”
"You got a new piano?" She clapped, "When are you going to play for me?"
"I promise the next time you come to my castle."
Her returning smile made his heart flutter.
"Come on Prince!" She bounded out of bed. "We haven't gone to the house in a while. Let's go have a picnic."
And so he grabbed Princess Piper's hand and they raced for the gardens, stopping by the Maze of Madness because nothing was urgent enough to skip it.
Crown Prince Percy Jackson groans, his head spinning as he tries to sit up. His hands meet rough concrete and confusion floods his senses. Why is he not feeling the silk of his sheets, or the leather of his couch, or the velvet of his cushions? He tries to open his eyes but they feel glued shut by something that can't possibly be natural. The world is heavy on his shoulders, aching and weighted. Where is he?
His stomach growls and he wonders why he hasn't eaten, and then his nose catches the smell of something truly vile and all that hunger turns into nausea in an instant.
"Fuck" He mutters, slapping a hand over this mouth and forcing his eyes open.
The room is dull; save for a single fluorescent on the far side there is nothing that emits light. No windows or candles or anything really. The floor is in fact concrete and it scrapes against his nails. He tries to lift himself up but is slammed back into the ground by the weight of chains around his ankle.
What the fuck?
Panic fills his bloodstream. What is going on?
Frantically he looks around the room trying to find anything that'll help him, clue him in, get him out.
That's when he spots the shape curled into a ball on the opposite wall. He squints to see who it is in the minimal light. Recognition punches him and his stomach lurches. Oh gods is that...... Jason!
His heart is in his throat and his lungs are in on the floor as he scrambles to get to his husband.
"Jason," He rasps. "Prince! Please wake up!"
He can't get close enough. These chains are too short and so heavy. He needs to be there, he needs to make sure he's alive. He needs to—
Crown Prince Jason Grace gasps and bolts straight up. "Percy!"
"I'm here," He sobs, relief and fear marrying themselves in his tears, "I'm here."
"What happened?" The blonde chokes out, "What's going on?"
"We were drugged." He cries. This is not a time to be brave. He doesn't care if he's supposed to be anyway. "I don't know who or how or why."
Jason attempts to get closer, to move towards him but his chains, black and heavy against his skin pull taut and he crashes to the floor with a crack of his palm.
"We can't move far." He winces, "I tried getting to you but I'm just out of reach."
"What are these chains made of?" The blonde groans, "I feel like they're burning my leg."
"Really?" His eyes snap up, "They just feel cold against mine."
The blonde turns to cradle his leg, inspecting the chain and tugging at it unsuccessfully. “It’s getting hotter.” He frowns, scratching at it.
He tries to move towards the Prince but it is no use, the chain just rips against his already bruised skin. 
"They're so hot," His husband claws at his skin, "I need to get it off!" Tears threaten to spill over his blue yes but he is too worried about getting the metal off him.
He tries to move again, tries to get to the other side, but his fingers miss the blonde by mere inches.
"Please!" Jason is screaming now, "Please get them off!"
Percy sobs, ribs stabbing at the agony he can hear so clearly in the Prince’s voice. He yanks at his own chains. Yanks hard, breaks his nails as he attempts to pry them off. He only succeeds in slicing his palm. With a curse he cradles it to him, staining the crumpled white shirt he has on.
"Are you okay?" His husband manages to gasp between his own pain.
"Fine," He winces, "I'm sorry I can't help."
Jason weeps, pain making him wretch, filling the room with an acidic tinge. 
"Here." Percy has to do something, he can't watch others be in pain. He can’t watch his husband be in pain. No matter how up in arms their relationship might be. So he shrugs the shirt off his back, bloodstain and all and throws it to the blonde. "Try putting this under the chain and against your skin, maybe that will help."
The Prince quickly scrambles for the shirt and shoves the material into the small space between the metal and his leg. The bloodstain touches the metal. They don't notice, don’t care. They should.
"Better?" Percy asks.
"I think so, the burning is still intense but there's no new waves." He heaves a sigh.
They sit in silence as their pain ebb away to something tolerable. It gives him a chance to look around the room. Four walls, all concrete. No door. or at least no visible one. And certainly no windows. There are lines all over the walls. Tally marks and choppy images and there, behind Jason’s head, scratched deeply into the concrete are nine roses. He wonders who made those, what made those. Because next to them are four claws marks. 
"How's your hand?"
"Stinging," His face scrunches, "But I'll live."
"Here let me see," The blonde shuffles as close as possible and he does the same, holding out his palm.
"I can almost reach you." His husband strains, fingers barely brushing against each other.
He pulls against his confinement trying to reach that golden hand.
Jason's chain snaps and he lurches forward.
"How?" They stare at the dust where the chain once was.
"What just happened?" Blue eyes are wide and bright with shock.
"I don't know but you think you can do that to me?"
"The chain is not hurting you right?" He asks all of sudden.
Percy frowns, "No but what does that have to do with anything?"
"Then let me see your hand first. Well have to figure the chain thing out so better make sure your hand is okay because I don't know how long it's going to take and this floor is filthy. I don't want you getting an infection.
He doesn't know what to say. The idea is so thoughtful, so sweet he tears up a little. "Oh, okay."
The Prince gently takes his injured palm and inspects the deep gash running through it.
"You're probably going to need stitches but the best we can do for now is wrap it in some cloth until we get out of here."
The blonde starts to move to where the discarded shirt lay but Percy stops him.
They turn to each other, something deep burning in their eyes, an inferno of emotions. Thoughts. Feelings.
He cups a golden cheek with his uninjured hand, and swipes the lingering tears gently. "Thank you," He whispers.
Those lightning eyes flash, heat flaring under golden skin. "I think we should talk when we get out of here." He grabs Percy's hands, kisses the knuckles gently.
"This sounds like a divorce?"
The blonde snorts, "Not quite yet."
And then the blonde grabs the shirt from the other side, the bloodstain still bright and rips a strip off.
"Guess I won't be getting that back," He laughs.
"Sorry," Jason shrugs, "Now let's see that cut."
And when Percy unfurls his fingers he nearly faints. Because there is nothing on his hand. No gash, or blood, not even a scar.
"What the fuck?" He mutters.
His husband looks pale.
"What is going on? Are we hallucinating?"
A door clicks open and ten figures walk in. Shadows cling to them like sweat and the dismal light in the room makes it hard to see their features. But both Princes notice the rose pin on each of their breast pockets. Glinting gold and bronze.
"So you haven't figured it out yet?" A clear, resonating voice says
"Figured what out?" He hesitates. This is a trap.
"Who you are, what you are capable of."
He wishes she would step into the light so he could see her.
"What the fuck do you want from us?" The Prince spits.
"The world Little Prince." They could hear the smile in her voice and it sounded lethal.
"Let us go. There is nothing we can give you here. And I don't have authorization to hand currency to anyone. You'll have to take it up with my father." His voice is hard as he moves closer to Percy.
"I'm of no use either."
"They really do not know," She giggles and the nine other people with her, still as robots only moments before, burst out laughing.
"What don't we know?" He spits.
"There's no need to worry right now Little Prince." She grins, and her teeth flash white.
"Reyna," She says, "Pin them."
A women steps towards them and they can finally see one person clearly. Her skin is the colour of copper and her hair the colour of mahogany, but it’s her eyes that make her dangerous. They are bright with violence. Her smile is gleeful.
"Hello Princes."
They feel a small prick in their necks and the world goes fuzzy.
"At last," The first voice sighs, "We have captured them. The healer and the destroyer."
Jason grabs his hand and interlaces their fingers. Squeezing once.
"Who are you?" Percy rasps.
He can see her smile as he falls to the floor, eyes already losing the fight to stay open.
"Annabeth Chase."
The world disappears.
OOOOOHHHHH we getting scary villain Annabeth. Feel like i should just make this entire group a Sapphic evil squad? How does that sound?
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kittinoir · 3 years
Phantoms Ch. 8
Read on Ao3
It had been hours since the fight at the Louvre and Marinette’s hands refused to stop trembling. Not from the fight, or the adrenaline, but because of him. She could swear she could still feel the phantom touch of his thumb, gliding over her wrist bone, the echo of his voice in her chest, the press of his shoulder against her cheek. 
It was torture, these glimpses of things she could never have.
But she was stronger now. Strong enough, to tell him the truth she’d seen. Strong enough to keep him at arms length. Strong enough to say goodbye. 
So why wouldn’t her hands stop shaking?
“You ok, girl?”
Marinette glanced up to see Alya looking at her fingers, her brow furrowed. 
“Not really,” Marinette said, pushing down the urge to lie and brush it off as nothing. Honesty had become their new policy that first night Alya had stayed over and the truth had come pouring out - every insane detail, every excuse, every action explained. Every thing she could remember. And at the end of it, she’d sworn to never lie to her best friend again. “But I’m not really ready to talk about it.”
Not yet. Not until Adrien knew first.
Even if he didn’t feel that way about her - not now that he knew ‘his Lady’ was just his friend.
For the best, she told herself. It was for the best. 
But it didn’t make her feel any better. 
“I’m here for you,” Alya said, gently squeezing Marinette’s fingers. “We all are,” she added quietly.
Marinette glanced behind them at the group of girls that had arrive for their biweekly sleepover. Rose was braiding Juleka’s hair, away from her face for once, while Alix painted a new pair of roller skates. Kagami and Mylene had yet to arrive, and Chloe and Sabrina were running late. No surprise there. 
“I know,” Marinette whispered. “Amazingly.”
“There’s not a single one of us who wouldn’t have done the same thing,” Alya said, waving the words away. “Besides, it’s not like you didn’t try to warn me. And how many times did you do me favours as LB when you didn’t have to? Those interviews, the shout outs? You were always my best friend, Marinette, I just didn’t always know it. If anything, I’m the one who didn’t - ”
“Hey.” Marinette put a hand on Alya’s shoulder, stopping her. “Let’s agree to stop apologizing, ok? We’ve both done things we’re not proud of, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love each other…right?”
“Of course,” Alya said, pulling her friend into a hug. “Deal.”
“Ugh. If this is what I’m in for, I’m going home.”
Marinette pulled away to see Chloe coming up through the trap door as Sabrina pulled her up. 
“We’ll spare you,” Alya said drily.
“Glad you could make it,” Marinette added with genuine warmth.
“Wouldn’t miss it,” Sabrina said, “Especially now that…” She traced the clip in her hair with a finger and Ziggy popped out of her purse to grin.
“Speaking of,” Alix said, “Is it safe for them to…?”
“Sure,” Marinette said. “They know how to be careful.”
As if on cue, Tikki, Pollen, Trixx, Ziggy, Fluff, Daizzi, and Roaar burst out of their hiding places and swirled up to Marinette’s bed as they cheered.
“Remember…” Marinette called after them, unable to stop herself.
“If your parents knock, play hide and seek,” Daizzi chirped.
“Hide and seek?” Juleka asked with a smirk.
Marinette shrugged, a small blush warming her cheeks. “It seemed to be the only way to get them to actually hide.”
“Here.” Chloe handed Marinette what looked like a bag of cookies from her own bakery as Alya and Sabrina drifted over to the others. “A hostess gift.”
“Uh, you didn’t have to,” Marinette said with a short laugh. “But thanks.”
“I did, actually,” Chloe said with a sniff. “It’s rude not to. I thought about getting something else, but this is the best bakery in Paris. Seemed like a waste to go anywhere else.”
Marinette blinked, but took the compliment in stride. She’d learned the hard way that acknowledging those comments was a great way to make sure they stopped coming.
“Can I get you anything?” Marinette offered. She didn’t know how to act around this girl, how to be friends with her. Chloe had turned her nose up at her so often in the past, but she wasn’t doing that now.
“I’m fine,” Chloe said, but she leaned in. “Did you you talk to him?”
For a second, Marinette’s heart stopped beating. “Wh…what?”
“Luke,” Chloe huffed, rolling her eyes. “Please tell me you didn’t throw away that opportunity after I practically gift wrapped it for you.”
“Oh.” Marinette grit her teeth, desperately trying to convince herself that strangling Chloe for the heart attack would not improve their relationship. “It’s Luka. And yes. Yes, I did, thanks.”
“And what?”
“What did he say?” Chloe demanded. “Was it as awful as you thought it would be?”
Yes. It had been. Every bit as awful as she’d thought it would be, and worse. Hearing her future out loud had been so much worse.
But it was real now, and she could deal with it. She would deal with it.
“He was really nice,” Marinette said instead. “Very understanding.”
“That made it worse, didn’t it?” Chloe said with a sigh. “I get it.”
She would get it, Marinette suddenly realized. Probably more than anyone else. The girl who lashed out at everyone, who pushed everyone away - how much of that was to see who would finally snap, finally yell back, finally treat her like a person instead of a doll? Was that why Chloe had treated her so badly for so long? Because she felt like she was finally getting what she deserved when Marinette pushed back?
“I took advantage of him,” Marinette admitted. “I don’t feel like I deserve to just be let off the hook.”
“I can’t even believe I’m doing this,” Chloe said, “But you didn’t ‘take advantage of him’; you tried to move on and be happy with someone else. It’s not the same thing.”
“But I knew I didn’t feel the same way.
“So you’re not even allowed to try?” Chloe demanded. “He wasn’t a distraction, he wasn’t some toy you threw away when you got bored, was he?”
“Of course not,” Marinette said with a frown. 
“Well, then?” Chloe said. “What were you supposed to do, be miserable and alone? Wallow?”
Marinette couldn’t believe she was about to say this to Chloe of all people, but even with her new honesty policy with Alya, there was no one else to say it to. “No one’s mad at me. Not even Adrien.”
“Didn’t you literally just tell Alya no more apologies?”
Marinette flushed. “How long were you standing there anyway?”
“Long enough,” Chloe said with a smirk. “Now come on, no more moping. Did you ever think that maybe there’s nothing you need to be forgiven for?”
“The apologies thing was more for her than me,” Marinette protested, but Chloe threw a look over her shoulder that brooked no arguments as she pulled Marinette over to the other girls.
And the longer Marinette sat with them, the more she thought Chloe might be right, a thought she didn’t think she’d ever have. It wasn’t that their friendships seemed unchanged; it was that they seemed stronger, brighter with the truth out in the open, happy to share the secret and the burden.
Even Chloe seemed to strike up and tentative conversation with Rose and Mylene, who had come in with Kagami just a few minutes after Chloe and Sabrina had arrived. 
Warmth bloomed in Marinette’s chest and her cheeks hurt from smiling. She recognized love when she felt it, but it was nice, for once, to feel it unencumbered by the weight of keeping it to herself. 
“I’m glad this happened,” Kagami said suddenly over the group.
Individual conversations trailed off, hands stilled, as everyone turned to look at her, but Kagami didn’t even blink as she surveyed the group.
“Not the akumas,” she clarified without flinching under the weight of a dozen eyes on her. “This. You. All of you. I’ve never really had people I’ve wanted to...share things with.”
“I’ve…always been afraid,” Mylene chimed in. She blushed. “Of…pretty much everything. I thought I’d be too afraid to ever use a Miraculous, but being able to do something, having some control…having you guys around me. For the first time in my life, I’m not afraid any more.”
“I’ve never been a part of anything,” Chloe said suddenly, and then all eyes were on her. “My own family wanted nothing to do with me. As long as I’m happy or content, they consider their job done, and so I’ve always pushed everyone away. Before they could leave.”
“You treated all of us horribly,” Kagami said, her eyes narrowing. “Even your own supposed ‘bff’.”
Chloe flushed. “I didn’t say I was proud of it.”
“You kind of acted that way,” Alya said, the harsh words just barely softened by an apologetic shrug.
“At the time… I was…” Chloe admitted. The words came haltingly, as though dragged from some dark, horrible, lonely place inside her. “I thought I was better than everyone, and I needed to make sure everyone knew it. I needed to make sure my parents knew it. I needed them to know that I was…worth it.”
“And now?” Rose asked, a small smile on her lips, as though she knew Chloe’s future was brighter than her past had been.
Chloe looked up at the group of them, but her eyes stayed clear. “I’m embarrassed. I behaved…horribly. It’s not an excuse. I’m not saying I deserve to have it all forgiven or forgotten, but… I don’t want that to be my life anymore. It was too lonely. Even when I won, I felt empty. I know that some of you…most of you…probably don’t want to be my friend. All I’m asking for is to be allowed a place here…with all of you. To help fix what I broke so many times.”
Marinette didn’t blink as she felt all the eyes swivel to her. She tried not to see them. It wasn’t her choice to make any more, and she suspected Chloe needed more than just her say-so.
“Everyone gets a say,” Marinette said, finally meeting her friends eyes. “A vote. Right here, right now.”
“Not privately?” Sabrina said, glancing up at Chloe as she bit down on her thumb nail.
“If you can’t say it to Chloe’s face, you shouldn’t get a vote,” Marinette said. “But we’re a team. We need to be able to trust and rely on each other.”
“Then I vote yes,” Rose chirped, bouncing a little on her heels. “Chloe’s done amazing so far, and she’s an awesome spokesperson for the team!”
“Sure,” Juleka mumbled. “Everyone deserves a second chance.”
“Well, it’s a no from me,” Alix said without missing a beat. “We all have issues, but you’re the only one who took them out on everyone else.”
“Fair enough,” Chloe said, meeting Alix head on. Marinette flinched, but she didn’t miss Alix’s appreciative smirk as Chloe took the criticism in stride.
“I say yes,” Alya said. For the first time, Chloe actually looked surprised. “For what you did for Marinette.” Chloe frowned, but Mylene chimed in before she could ask any questions.
“I say no.” Mylene fisted her hands on top of her knees, ducking her face. “It’s not that I don’t want Chloe to have a Miraculous, it’s just what Marinette said - I don’t think I can trust her. I want to, but…”
“It’s fine,” Chloe said, saving Mylene from her rambling. “I get it.”
“I also vote no,” Kagami said. Marinette couldn’t say she was entirely surprised. Kagami didn’t elaborate, and Marinette supposed she didn’t have to. What else was there to say that she hadn’t already said?
“I vote yes,” Sabrina said as she regarded her best friend. “Chloe is…a lot of things. Some of you think she treated me badly, but it’s my friendship, too. I could have changed it at any time. I was her friend because I wanted to be, not because she made me. Still am.”
For the first time, Chloe actually looked a little misty, but it cleared quickly. 
“Then it’s decided,” Marinette said. 
“Not yet,” Kagami interrupted, her voice a blade. “You have to vote. It could cause a tie.”
“I made my choice a long time ago,” Marinette said. “Chloe stays as long as she wants to. Now that that’s been decided, if anyone has a problem with that, they’re welcome to leave - after they returned their Miraculous.”
Kagami glared but remained silent. Alix simply shrugged, and Mylene wouldn’t look up, but no one left.
“Who wants to see the submissions I’ve gotten on the Ladyblog for identity guesses!” Alya said, whipping out her phone. “Someone got one riii-iiight!”
Marinette could have kissed her friend for changing the subject as the girls nearly fell over themselves to peek at Alya’s phone screen. 
“I thought ‘no more apologies’ was the theme of the night?” Marinette said as she switched seats with Sabrina to sit beside Chloe.
“It wasn’t supposed to be an apology,” Chloe muttered. “It just kind of happened. I just meant to…participate. I’ve never really had friends before. I’m not really sure how this all…works.”
And for a moment, Marinette was no longer in her room, but standing outside her school, her flat so close but so far away as the rain poured down and a boy in white said the exact same thing. 
“You’ll figure it out,” Marinette said softly.
“I’ve never had to figure anything out by myself before,” Chloe groaned, dropping her chin into her upturned palm. “Couldn’t I figure out something easier first, like Hawk Moth’s identity or something?”
For once, Marinette actually laughed. “If you do, let me know. Adrien and I have been trying to do that for years.”
“Seriously?” Chloe said, frowning. “You have zero clues? Not even one? A suspect, even?”
“I mean I’ve looked over the submissions to the Ladyblog from time to time,” Marinette said, referencing the submission box Alya had made for Hawk Moth’s identity after she’d been akumatized a second time. “None of them have ever panned out. Although…”
Marinette felt the blush work its way across her cheeks as a dim memory resurfaced.
“Although what?” Chloe demanded, sitting up.
“At one point I thought it was Gabriel Agreste.”
Chloe’s eyes widened. “Adrien’s dad?” she demanded, just barely managing to keep her voice down. “What on earth made you suspect him?”
Marinette shrugged. “He had the book. The guardian’s manual. Master Fu said the peacock and butterfly Miraculous were lost at the same time, and that whoever had one probably had the other.”
Chloe blinked. “Um, ok. Pretty solid evidence. So…why’d you change your mind?”
“Gabriel was akumatized shortly after we began to suspect him.” Marinette flinched as her eyebrows shot up. “That’s why Chat Noir was so upset that day. I’d just told him his dad might be…uuuuuuuuuuuuggggghhhhh.”
Marinette buried her face in her hands but the images wouldn’t stop playing against her closed eye lids.
“You told Adrien you thought his dad was a supervillain?” Chloe laugh, and for once, Marinette found herself giggling along with her. “I can’t believe you’re still friends.”
“Well, like I said,” Marinette said, lifting her face, “He got akumatized by Hawk Moth shortly after. Hawk Moth has to be transformed to control the akuma. And if two kwamis were living in the same house, I think they’d notice. Besides, I’ve seen them in two places at once. So it’s back to square one, with no leads and no answers.”
Chloe nodded and didn’t object when Marinette was dragged into the conversation with the other girls. Ladybug and Chat Noir might have ruled out Gabriel as a suspect, but as she watched the other girls squawk over the Ladyblog, one thought would not leave Chloe alone:
 Hawk Moth and Gabriel Agreste were not the only ones who’d been seen in two places at once.
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artemismoon12writes · 4 years
Title: A Vested Interest
Daltonfic Big Bang: Week 3, Day 5, Dwodd 
Ryan Cobb still didn’t know about his desk chair, so money was still up for grabs. Nice.
“Fuck off!” Derek yelled, looking across the large, white and glass hallway of the Ohio Brooks Parker Galleria Mall to the Hot Topic.
“What is it?” Bailey asked, not turning from his sink full of dishes. He was up to his elbows in coffee mugs and dessert-stained plates. “Is Sebastian coming up to ask for another job application?”
“Shut up Bailey, you know it’s only because he thinks Julian’s hot, not because he wants to work here. And no; it’s not that asshole.” Derek gestured across the hallway; Bailey couldn’t see it because he still had his back turned, uncaring. “It’s that fucking asshole and his boyfriend!”
“You know, the assistant manager and that hipster guy!”
“Oh Dwight?” Bailey asked. “What’s wrong?”
“They’re fucking again!”
Bailey made an amused noise. “Good for them.”
“Good for them!?” Derek exclaimed, “What the hell does that mean?”
“Well, if you could get laid at work you would.” Bailey said, hiding his laughter. “I’m glad you don’t for the record; I don’t want to clean that up, but it’s a little funny.”
“Exactly- how is it that the goth who isn’t even in charge of that place is getting laid and I’m here in a fucking Starbucks like a loser?”
While Derek was ranting, he was ignoring the girl at the register. Bailey shot her a look, commiserating before drying his hands to take her order.
“And if we’re really splitting hairs here Bailey, shouldn’t he, I don’t know? Be doing his job? Instead of letting his little hipster boyfriend fuck him in the changerooms?”
Bailey rolled his eyes, grabbing a larger sized cup for their customer and waving her panicked look aside. It was the least he could do since she was putting up with Derek’s ranting.
“Jeez, Derek if it bothers you so much, just join in our betting pool and you at least could make some money off it.” Bailey said, steaming the milk like it was just another normal day. Which, working with Derek for at long as he had, it kind of was.
“Betting pool?”
Their customer interjected, “I’m from the Barnes and Noble next door; we’ve got it going with us, Clay and the boys in the store, Bailey and y’all, and then then Chels and the Pet Co. downstairs for how long it’ll take the manager to catch them.”
“All those people know? And Ryan still hasn’t figured it out?” Derek asked, confounded.
She shrugged, “Yeah, well, Pet Co. was waiting for the two month mark to send Ryan upstairs at the right moment; but Todd and Dwight were just talking; I’m thinking Clay ran interference so the bet’s still going.”
Derek looked caught between anger and intrigue. He looked at her with a scowl before, “Put me down for fifty bucks on two weeks from now. Ryan’s not an idiot, he’ll realize.”
“Not if he spends all his time downstairs with the fish tanks.” Bailey pointed out.
“Why is he even managing a Hot Topic if he loved animals so much?”
“He’d never sell anything if he worked downstairs, that’s why.” Their customer pointed out, wandering back to the Barnes and Noble with her drink. “Good luck boys!”
Oh it’s on, Derek thought, not realizing how difficult a task it would actually be to accomplish.
Two months of this nonsense aside, Dwight Houston had not set out to completely disregard professionalism and decorum when he got this throwaway job at the mall. His mother raised him better than that- or so she kept saying. He was only here for the sole purpose of keeping his car and proving he was responsible- nothing more. If he had enough knowledge of alternative culture to tell people why Hot Topic was the worst place to shop, that wasn’t his problem. He was merely the solution.
When Todd Hendricks, or “Hipster Guy” as he referred to him for the first two weeks in his head, walked in, there was no master plan to get back at his manager for promoting him in this insanity. No, it was only a short conversation, based around Todd’s utter incompetence.
“If she’s a real goth, she will not want anything we sell here. This is emo shit, New Oracle in Glensdale is the real space for crystals. This is just plastic and Yellow 33!” Dwight shook the fake silver jewellery at the customer and his wide rimmed glasses, plaid shirt, and rough, red scarf. “Your sister will not like this.”
“But that’s why it’s funny. Because it’s not authentic.” The customer (who would be known as Todd) said. “She’ll hate it and it’ll be hilarious.”
“It’s offensive! You say she’s a witch, then it’s doubly offensive.” Dwight said, motioning to put the piece back up on the highest shelf with the pole hook.
“I’m her brother, she’ll know it’s a joke.” He argued. “I’m not here to rock your goth purist boat.”
“I am not a goth,” Dwight said, putting the offending piece out of reach. “I am a post-industrial punk with spiritualist leanings; its completely different.”
“Sure.” Was the response, grinning like he’d not proven anything.
Dwight groaned, “Clay, back me up here; the Vampire Diaries spinoff jewellery is not something we should be promoting to any self-respecting goth.”
His part-timer, Clay Rizzo, poked out from behind the piercing display where he totally wasn’t trying to steal new lip rings. “I don’t know Dwight; I am one of those emo pieces of shit, so maybe I’d recommend it?”
“I get no support around here!” Dwight said, stalking to the back of the store. “Impossible!”
Todd looked over to the part-timer, decked in the unofficial uniform of all black and a hundred emo-band pins. “I think I’m dropping by more often.”
Clay gave him an evil grin. “Pleasure doing business with you.”
From there it escalated; Todd coming in multiple times a week just to annoy Dwight. Well, that’s what Dwight assumed until Todd asked for his phone number.
“What? Why’d you want that?”
Todd looked at him like he was an idiot. “Because I’ve been flirting with you this whole time? Were you not…”
Clay, unknown to the two of them, was watching with Robin and Jake from behind the t-shirts. They were supposed to be executing the planogram; but why do that when there was drama to observe?
“I was not.” Dwight said robotically. “Uh, okay, that’s…”
“I literally looped a tie around your neck and pulled you in, and you didn’t realize I was into you?”
Clay, who remembered that exchange, had to be smothered with a Haven shirt but Jake to stop him from making noise.
“In my defence, I’m not used to people flirting with me.”
“If you’re not interested, that’s fine. I just thought-”
“I’m not not interested?” Dwight interjected before Todd turned away and walked out. “I’m just, uh, not used to … this?”
“I can work with that.”
It somehow progressed, in spite of Dwight’s inherent awkwardness. Jake, Robin, Jasper, and Clay respectively waving the pair off whenever Dwight took his lunch break now.
“They grow up so fast.” Clay said dramatically while Dwight gave him the finger. Todd just smiled at his conspirator and told them to take care of the store. Not that he worked there. He was there often enough he’d take to reminding Dwight about stock orders, schedules, and that Jake had a family dinner coming up so someone had to get it covered. The store had never run so well as it did when Todd started dating their assistant manager.
“Where did you guys put the Manic Panic?” Ryan Cobb, actual manager of Hot Topic, called out from the stockroom. “There should be a packing slip for a 3 pack of each colour, but all I see is overstock of those short-shorts!”
“I don’t know, ask Jake,” Dwight said, standing on a step ladder with Jasper spotting him. “He was in last night when the delivery came in.”
“I’m asking you. How can you be my assistant manager and not know where the hair dye is? We have that Chang girl coming in later and I promised her we’d have her order in!” Ryan called. “I’m going on break, that dye should be on the shelf when I get back.”
Ryan left, once again for supposedly fifteen minutes- but the entire staff knew he’d be gone for the rest of the day downstairs to play with the parakeets Pet Co. just got in.
“Oh, you’re in trouble.” Robin said, amused.
“Shut up.” Dwight muttered. “I bet Jake just put them somewhere weird. Call him and see what’s going on.”
“I’ll call him. He told me nothing came in last night though.”
“Perfect, just fucking perfect.” Dwight groaned.  
“What’s wrong?” Todd asked, coming in with a cardboard tray of drinks. “I just saw Ryan go by, if he’s actually in the store for any minute I’m scared the place will burst into flames.”
“Once in a blue moon, it happens I guess.” Dwight admitted, climbing down the ladder to receive his kiss on the cheek and the green tea Todd brought for him.
“What’s happening?” Todd asked, taking his own coffee off the tray and pushing the sugar-laden third and fourth cups to the part-timers he’d been subtly converting to his side. Jasper particularly grabbed his eagerly, gushing thank yous.
“Jake might have lost a delivery.” Dwight paused, “Or not? I don’t know about the warehouse, but they’ve been fucking up recently anyways. I swear I can’t find last night’s order but the stockroom does look like shit…”
“You have a computer? There should be a record of orders received and rejected? I know not everyone still does things hard copy.” Todd suggested.
“It’s in the manager’s office!” Robin volunteered. “Not that we’re allowed in there. It’s for Ryan and Dwight only.”
“Well, they can’t fire me so I don’t care about that rule.” Todd said, taking a sip of his coffee and beelining to the back room.
Dwight scrambled to follow him. “No! No! No customers in the back!”
“Oh come on, if Ryan’s going to get mad at you about it then I might as well try to help.” Todd said, finding the tiny room easily and placing himself in the desk chair like he owned the place. “Password’s hottopic123, very creative, not hacking proof at all.”
“It’s a formality, that’s why it’s on the post-it.” Dwight grumbled, reluctant to admit he was grateful for the help.
“Okay, well according to your emails it’s right there. They’re not sending it because of the USPS strike. I don’t know why Ryan didn’t notice that.” Todd said after a few open tabs and a control+f.
“Oh that’s why.” Dwight grumbled, pointing to the open tabs on tanks for tropical fish. “He was distracted.”
“Why is he in charge of a Hot Topic if he doesn’t want to even work here?” Todd asked, looking through the pages. “Like, if you’re desperate you could work for the raptor sanctuary; they’re hiring.”
“Wait, you know the raptor sanctuary?” Dwight asked, intrigued. “I have an owl there.”
“I’m sponsoring Rowena, the prairie-”
“Merlin.” Dwight finished. “Yeah, she’s the one who the workers are teaching how to do the flight tricks right?”
“Yeah.” Todd paused, “You’re Castiel’s sponsor? I thought that name was stupid.”
“It’s not stupid! It’s a good name!” Dwight said before realizing Todd was joking with him. “Oh, okay.”
“So, if Ryan is going to ignore the email in his inbox in favour of spending all his time at Pet Co. I propose we do something to get him back.” Todd said, spinning around in the chair and closing the door to the office. It was more like a cupboard with how much room there was.
Dwight looked at him suspiciously. “What do you mean?”
Todd locked the door, “You’ll see.”
Robin wasn’t sure what was happening until he went to knock on the door and heard it. Shit. Maybe Dwight was cool.
First thing he did was tell Jake over the phone, who told Jasper, who told Clay- who told literally the entire mall by the time he’d made it in for his closing shift.
“Who knew the dude had it in him.” Jake said, punching in, careful to give the office door a lot of room. “I mean, I would do that but Dwight’s always struck me as a bit of a-”
“A nerd?” Jasper supplied.
“I’m so proud of my dads.” Clay said, already on the top of a stepladder switching out t-shirts. “Like, I can’t use that office so I don’t give a shit- but it’s also hilarious. How long do you think it takes Ryan to notice?”
“First, they’re not your dads.” Jake said.
“Todd gave me a gold star for my pins last week, they’re my dads.” Clay said, half joking, but mostly trying to annoy Jake.
“Okay, fine. Secondly, Ryan isn’t going to notice shit. If he hasn’t notice you’ve been stealing lip rings to wear while at work he is not going to notice Dwight’s boyfriend fucked him in the office.”
“Or did Dwight fuck him?” Jasper asked.
“I don’t care.” Jake dismissed the comment. “Either way, it’ll be, like a year before Ryan realizes something is up.”
Clay grinned, “Care to put your money where your mouth is?”
“You’re on.”
The pot, by the time Pet Co., Barnes and Noble, Starbucks, and Radio Shack got in on the action, was somewhere around $400. The only ones unaware, were the couple in question and Ryan Cobb.
“Shit, Clay! This isn’t what it looks like.” Dwight said hurriedly, Clay pulling open the curtain to the change rooms enough to poke his head in.
“Really? Because it looks like you’re just passionately embracing Todd.” Clay shrugged, “I could be wrong.”  
Todd would have normally made a quip back, but he was too close to reply. “Uh, not a good time.”
“Well, you’ve got almost no time at all for this quickie because Ryan is on his way back. AKA, he’s on the elevator and if you’re here balls deep-“
“I will curse you so hard-”
“You’re already hard, I get it. Put some pants on, wrap it up.” Clay said, flipping the curtain closed. At least the two of them were polite enough to not make any of the part-timers do cleaning duties on these occasions.
Either way, Clay has a vested interest in not alerting Ryan right now. The pot was up to $800 now, and he would need that for next semester’s books. College was expensive.
In the end, it wasn’t Ryan who caught them; it was the night security guard who got them outside in Dwight’s ridiculously out of date Chevy. With an ‘indecent exposure’ strike on his record, Ryan had to let Dwight go. The betting pool wasn’t sure if this meant the bet was on, or off.
The next week, when he found Todd wandering past the Hot Topic to the men’s bathrooms with one lanky, gothic boyfriend in tow- he shot Todd a thumbs up and informed the rest of the mall the game was still on.
Ryan Cobb still didn’t know about his desk chair, so money was still up for grabs. Nice.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Royals 7/9: You Know That I'd Just Die to Make You Proud (Branjie)- athena2
A/N: Thank you all so much for the amazing feedback! Get ready for some angst in this one! (Seriously, Writ was ready to call the police on me for the angst and feelings)
I’d really appreciate any feedback you have! Thank you so much to Writ for being an amazing beta! Chapter title form Love song by Lana Del Rey.
***This chapter does have a brief, mild mention of implied homophobia***
Brooke wakes up and Vanessa is in her room. She’s sitting by the fire, stroking the two cats Brooke rescued, and the scene is unexpectedly natural, like Vanessa should have been there all along.
The previous night rushes at her like a tide. Glass fragments around her feet, her father leaning over as dinner was served and hissing that princesses don’t spill drinks, Thomas yelling that she was a disgrace who didn’t deserve her title, his shouts hurting her ears and stomping on her heart until she blocked them out completely. And then Vanessa coming in to check on her, soothing away her worries and insisting that Brooke was good enough, smile so tender that Brooke found herself believing those words for a second, even if she can’t accept them now, morning illuminating every mistake she made.
Her body thrums with the need to apologize, regret pouring from every inch of her. How could she have let herself be so needy, so unkempt, in front of Vanessa last night? In such a rough state that Vanessa asked to stay the night to look after her, and she hadn’t even hesitated in agreeing? What must Vanessa think of her? But Vanessa had been in a state herself, telling Brooke about the awful way she’d been used, and Brooke can sense a change in the air, like it would be pointless to hide so much anymore.
She looks at Vanessa, softened in sunlight, and Brooke understands now that the recklessness and uncaring attitude are just her way of making sure no one does to her what Beatrice did. Brooke wishes she could keep Vanessa safe, give Vanessa the real kind of love she should have. Brooke knows she could give it to her, but she banishes the thought from her mind.
“Oh, you’re awake.” Vanessa greets her. “Didn’t think you’d sleep later than me, Miss Early Riser,” she teases.
“Sorry to keep you waiting for me.”
“Don’t worry about it. You looked exhausted, I figured you needed the extra sleep.”
Brooke had needed it, though she’s reluctant to admit it. That… panic (Brooke doesn’t know what to call it, and prays she never experiences it again, especially not without Vanessa there to bring her back to shore when she thought she was drowning) that happened after she dropped her glass had left her drained and heavy, but she feels light and fresh now. She can’t remember the last time she slept through the night, or slept past sunrise, and she wonders if it has something to do with having Vanessa in her bed, making her feel strangely safe last night.
“Thank you again. For staying.”
“It isn’t a problem, Brooke,” Vanessa assures her, petting one of the cats. “I like these cats, by the way. Makes me miss my dog. We had to keep him home because he gets sick in the cold. Have you named them yet?”
“No. I haven’t had time to think of names.”
“I’m thinking Henry for the brown one and Apollo for the gray.”
Vanessa snickers. “Because they’re the only names I remember my tutor saying in my lessons and I like them?”
Brooke laughs with her. “Henry and Apollo it is.”
Vanessa requests that breakfast be brought up to Brooke’s room, and they sit on the sofa, fresh fire crackling in front of them as they chew on toast and sip tea. Brooke wishes they could stay like this, that Vanessa never had to leave, that Brooke could hear her laugh and see her smile and watch her hands fly around when she talks every day.
Vanessa has an endless supply of stories about her attendants (this morning, Brooke hears about Silky almost choking after putting half an orange in her mouth to win a bet), and as much as Brooke laughs, there’s a strange emptiness in her chest, where stories like this should be inside her if only she had them.
She knows she was alone throughout her childhood, with books and animals outside for company. But it never occurred to her, not until she began to enjoy the company of Vanessa, that she was also lonely. Friend was just a concept, a foreign word on her tongue. Now, friend means someone to tell things she’s never said before, someone to laugh with over tea, someone that makes her smile, someone she wants by her side always. Now, friend means Vanessa.
“If you could do anything, what would it be?” Vanessa asks suddenly.
“You mean if I wasn’t–”
“Yes. If you weren’t a princess, and no one cared what you did, what would you want to do?”
“But I am a princess.”
“I know, but pretend you’re not.” Vanessa insists.
Brooke doesn’t answer. Why is there any use in pretending, in dreaming up some fantasy life, when there’s no way she could ever have it? Why give herself the dream and make it that much more painful when it won’t come true?
“What would you want to do?” she diverts. Deferring to Vanessa on questions is what she’s done from the beginning. It started as a way to give her more time to think, but eventually just became an excuse to hear Vanessa’s rough voice faster.
“Travel,” Vanessa says.
“Anywhere. Everywhere. I want to see the ocean, and the mountains, and the fields, and the forest–no, not the forest, I don’t want to get eaten by wolves. I want to go to all the places you see on the map, and it wouldn’t matter who I was.”
A mixture of jealousy and sadness sinks into her chest. Vanessa has this entire dream life that she would live if she could, and Brooke has never entertained the idea of something other than what she has. Why hasn’t she, when Vanessa has? What else has she missed out on?
“That’s nice. I hope you get to do it someday. Even just a little bit,” she offers thickly.
“I hope so too, but you know how it is.” She sighs. “Now you answer.”
But Brooke can’t. Her father said a princess should never leave a question unanswered for too long, but she has no response. What would she want? There’s never been anything but being a princess, never been anything but studying and meetings and feasts. She likes reading and watching animals, but she hasn’t done either of those for her enjoyment since she was ten.
“I don’t have an answer. I’m sorry.” Her face is getting hot. She’s messed up again; a princess is always supposed to have an answer, always supposed to know what to say–
“No, I’m sorry I pushed you. Let’s talk about something else.”
“Anything but the wedding.” Brooke begs. It’s only ten days away now, and every day that tightness in her chest gets wound tighter, like a clock. A clock counting down to the inevitable.
“Of course.”
And the morning fades into Vanessa’s voice, restoring Brooke with a calmness deep through her body.
“What’s your favorite memory?” Vanessa asks. They’re in Vanessa’s room, eating lunch sprawled out on her bed. “I can answer first if you want,” she adds.
But Brooke doesn’t need her to, because she knows this one, and the story comes pouring out. Her favorite memory is when she was five, and Nina–Brooke later understood that Nina did this because her lessons started the next day and Nina wanted her to have a day of fun–brought her to the giant hill that swelled behind the castle and let her go sledding. Brooke’s cheeks were pink with the cold, wind whipping in her ears as she soared down the hill over and over, her laughs carried down to the castle grounds. Nina even built a snowman with her, and when Brooke was soaked with snow and her face was almost frozen from the chill, Nina made her hot chocolate in the kitchen and they baked a cake together. Sometimes Brooke can still smell the rich chocolate of the cake when it came out of the oven, can still feel the warmth of it thawing her frozen nose.
“That’s really sweet,” Vanessa says, and her eyes are shining. “I’m glad you got to have that.”
Brooke nods, and then a rough sigh passes her lips.
“What is it?”
“It’s just…I’ve never told anyone all these things I’ve told you. It feels wrong. Princesses don’t talk this much.” Brooke is positive Thomas doesn’t know these things about her, and she doubts her parents do. She leaves out that they had never asked her these things, that Brooke thought they were just a waste of time when Vanessa started with her incessant questions. Now, talking about them with Vanessa is the happiest she’s been in months, maybe even years. She also leaves out that the past days with Vanessa might one day surpass sledding as her favorite memory.
“There’s nothing wrong with talking about things that make you happy,” Vanessa says quietly. Her hand has crept closer across the bed, and Brooke contemplates how pathetic she would look if she grabs it like a drowning person grabs hold of whatever will keep them afloat. She keeps her hands in her lap; she’ll drown.
Brooke starts talking again before that sympathy in Vanessa’s eyes turns to pity. “Your turn,” she says. “What’s your favorite memory?”
“It’s…complicated,” Vanessa starts, weighing her words. “It’s not the memory itself, it’s the feeling. Every year on my birthday, my parents would let me go somewhere on my map, as long as we could get there and back in a few days because we couldn’t be away too long. I would spend the whole month before thinking of where to go, what we would do, the food I would eat. The first place I would go was always the candy shop. And every time, just arriving someplace new, not knowing what it would bring or what exciting things would happen…it was the best feeling. It was less about where to go and more about how I would feel being there. That’s what I remember.”
Brooke stays silent for a few seconds, imagining Vanessa exploring new towns and cities and marking them on her map, grinning as she tasted chocolates. “That sounds beautiful,” she says finally.
“It is. Or well, it was. They stopped when I turned 16. Just too many responsibilities at the castle, you know?”
Brooke nods.
Vanessa sighs ruefully. “The worst part is, I had that feeling again. With Beatrice, even though she ended up being manipulative and only talked to me to get stuff she wanted. But for a while, with her, I had that feeling that everything was beautiful and anything could happen.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry that she took that feeling and ruined it for you.”
“It’s all right. It took me a while. Sometimes I just felt like a toy, like I completely gave myself and everything I had for her and she didn’t even like me. So I started skipping lessons, talking to people, having fun, to try to find it again. And I did. But the truth is…”
“Yes?” Brooke’s heart speeds up in her chest. This side is of Vanessa isn’t one she’s seen, and she recognizes that Vanessa must trust her deeply to be this vulnerable.
“I don’t think I’ve ever felt it as much as I do with you.”
Brooke thinks her heart may stop entirely. Her lips curve into a smile. “Me too. I feel it too.” She doesn’t think she could manage anything else, doesn’t have words for how Vanessa makes her want to laugh and hope and dream.
Brooke reaches her hand toward Vanessa, fingers brushing before curling around each other.
She stays afloat.
The moon hangs high in the black sky, and Brooke paces the hallway.
She had her final wedding dress fitting that morning, and all it did was solidify what’s coming. Being with Vanessa makes her forget it all, makes her look forward to things, but this morning was a reminder that she can’t forget. And there’s nothing to look forward to.
She needs to stop thinking about Vanessa, picturing her smile, telling her everything. The chapel is already being decorated for the wedding, just a week away, and she needs to spare herself the joy now to spare herself the pain later. Because Vanessa leaves the day after the wedding, and the closer Brooke gets to her, the more it will hurt when they’re miles apart.
Maybe they can stay friends, write each other letters, try to visit, but Brooke barely expects that much and she doesn’t dare hope for more. By the time Vanessa arrives back in her castle, Brooke will already be buckling under the increased responsibilities of married life, and she’ll be lucky to have time to even think of Vanessa. No, she’ll always have time for that. Brooke won’t ever be able to get that smile, those eyes, that laugh, out of her head.
Her heart throbs with a feeling it has never felt, one Brooke can’t let herself acknowledge. Because this can’t happen. She knows it can’t and she needs to understand it. And it is this that drives her to the kitchen the next morning to talk to Nina before breakfast, the question tumbling out before she can stop it.
“Do you remember that candy shop you used to take me to?” Brooke asks as Nina fries eggs. “It was called Scarlet’s Sweets.”
“What about it?” Nina acts casual, but her face is grim.
“It’s closed now. For a while, by the looks of it. Do you know what happened to it? I can’t remember and it’s been bothering me.”
The look of fear that crosses Nina’s face unearths the memory from Brooke’s mind. She knows what happened to the shop. She knew all along, but she denied it, just the way she’s been denying how she yearns for Vanessa, how she wants Vanessa’s soft breathing to be her nightly lullaby. She doesn’t need Nina to tell her, but at the same time, she does. She needs someone to tell her that this fluttering in her heart every time she looks at Vanessa, the way Vanessa shines like the sun and makes Brooke warm inside, won’t happen, can’t happen.
She needs Nina to tell her so she doesn’t have to tell herself.
Nina leans in and lowers her voice, eyes compassionate and tinged with sadness. “The owner, Scarlet…she was found in bed with another woman. The news spread and it wasn’t safe for her to own it anymore. She went a few countries farther north, I believe.”
It’s the answer Brooke expects, but it doesn’t make her any less enraged, any less angry with the world. It’s proof that she can’t take this any further, that things will end terribly for both of them, even with their status. It’s proof that her eyes need to stop searching for Vanessa in every room they’re in, that her heart needs to stop fluttering in response to her laughs.
But as she takes the breakfast tray from Nina, Brooke grins picturing how ecstatic Vanessa will be when she sees the eggs and toast and fruit, and she is unable to follow the very message she is begging herself to accept.
The clock ticks down from weeks to days before the wedding. The flowers are neatly arranged. The guests have started to arrive. The food is being prepared. The plates are laid out in the grand hall. And Brooke can hardly take a breath without her chest collapsing in on itself.
Vanessa goes to her room to change after breakfast, but Brooke’s hands are trembling and that panic from the feast is clawing at her like a wolf, so she forces herself to get to the one person that can help, pounding her shaky fist on Vanessa’s door.
Vanessa opens the door, expression instantly clouding with worry. She seats Brooke on the bed and Brooke can’t quite focus on the room, but she latches on to Vanessa’s voice and holds it tight as Vanessa slowly plucks the wolf’s claws out one by one.
“Are you all right?”
Brooke nods. “Do you want to dance with me?” she blurts, face reddening. “I mean, I have to practice my dance for the wedding, and I was wondering if you’d want to–”
Vanessa grins. “You didn’t even have to ask, Brooke.”
Vanessa takes her hand and they run down to the portrait room.
Brooke takes the lead in the dance, Vanessa’s hand slipping into hers and hitting Brooke with a dizziness that has nothing to do with their slow turns and spins around the portrait room. Vanessa grips her shoulder and Brooke lowers a hand to Vanessa’s waist, her body tingling with the touch despite layers of clothing separating her hand and Vanessa’s skin.
“You’re an amazing dancer,” Vanessa compliments her.
“Thank you.” Brooke shrugs. “That was one thing I liked when I was younger. I could do it by myself, with no one around…and then I had to do it with other princes at feasts, and everyone watched me, and it just wasn’t fun anymore.”
“I understand. Being a princess is nice, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes it can ruin everything you love. It’ll probably even ruin love itself for me at some point.”
She thinks of Vanessa’s story, how that girl took everything Vanessa had and used it, how she made Vanessa feel like she was nothing. The way her and Vanessa both had to keep these things locked inside because they simply couldn’t talk about them when they had to be perfect for the other nobles.
“Please don’t blame yourself for Beatrice,” Brooke says, pulling Vanessa into a spin. “She was a horrible person, and she didn’t deserve someone as amazing as you. You deserve someone that loves you for who you are, not what you are.” Her face flushes as she finishes. She’s never said anything like that but she wants Vanessa to hear it.
Vanessa just bites her lip. Her eyes are damp, and Brooke wonders if there’s something else on her mind. She doesn’t know how to ask. Has she pried too much already?
“Why do you hate it?” Vanessa asks suddenly before Brooke can say anything else.
“Hate what?”
“Your portrait. My first day here you told me you hated it. Why?”
Brooke swallows hard as her gaze turns to the painting. Her dislike of the portrait is something she doesn’t completely understand herself, and she’s unsure how to put it into words.
“Because it’s not me. It’s the Brooke my parents want, not the Brooke I am. It’s the spotless Brooke who does what she’s told and acts how she’s supposed to. They made sure the painting was absolutely perfect, not a flaw anywhere, because the real me wasn’t good enough. I mean, I got this scar on my lip playing when I was eight, and they paid the artist extra to leave it out.”
“But I think I hate it the most because I knew then I was done fighting,” Brooke continues, unable to stop now that she knows she is safe enough to share herself. “It was right after the engagement, and I just sat there for the painting, and didn’t argue about the scar, and I knew I was going to marry Thomas and give my parents what they wanted. Even though I didn’t want to, even if it wouldn’t be enough, I was still going to do it, because I just wanted them to be happy. And I have to think of that every time I look at it.”
They’re not moving anymore, just standing; shoes digging into the plush carpet, hands still against each other’s bodies, hearts beating in time. Brooke can’t believe she’s shared this much, itching for a way to take it all back. Princesses don’t complain, they don’t put their happiness over duty, they don’t–
“Brooke, can I hug you?” Vanessa quiets her worry with hopeful eyes.
“You want to hug me?” Brooke echoes in disbelief.
“Yes. Can I? I just think you need it.”
Brooke nods, and then Vanessa’s arms open and hold her, Brooke’s body loosening though she didn’t know it was tense. Vanessa rubs up and down her back in slow circles, and her touch is so soft, so gentle–the way you might stroke a baby bird–that Brooke finds herself trembling beneath it, forcing down a sob at the warmth.
“Do you want me to stop?” Vanessa’s voice is worried.
Brooke’s face scrunches up, because she doesn’t want Vanessa to stop. Doesn’t want her to ever stop. How needy would Vanessa think she is, if she told her that she wants her here for the rest of her life?
But it’s just a thought, and that’s all it ever can be. A thought can be pushed down, locked inside, unknown to anyone but her. She can do no such thing if that thought becomes words.
“Please don’t stop,” Brooke breathes. She lowers her head to see Vanessa gazing up at her. Her brown eyes are wide and dripping with love that sinks into Brooke through Vanessa’s hands on her back.
I love you, Brooke thinks. I love you the way flowers love the sun. It’s a thought, and nothing more. A thought; a bird whose wings are clipped before it can take flight.
“I need to tell you something.” Vanessa takes a breath. “Brooke, I-”
“No.” Brooke doesn’t mean to stop her, doesn’t want to stop her, would give her throne to hear the rest of that sentence, but she can’t. Because she knows what those words will be, and once Brooke hears them, she doesn’t think she’ll be able to give her life to Thomas. Not when she knows that life could be spent with Vanessa.
“I-I’m sorry. I–” she pulls away from the hug, pulls away from the life she wants so badly it hurts.
“I’m sorry.”
She runs, and a harsh sound tears itself from her throat–a sob. She’s sobbing. Her vision is blurred by tears as she runs to her room, sinking to the floor and gasping between sobs.
Her chest burns and her shoulders tremble. She hasn’t cried since she was six years old. 13 years of choking back sadness and pain and anger, letting it all fester inside. Poisoning her from the inside out.
Brooke runs to her parents’ room, wildflowers dangling from her grasp as she chases afternoon sun beaming through the windows. The door is closed, and she’s not allowed to go in without asking. Her name being spoken on the other side stops her hand before she can knock.
“The tutor said Brooke did well with her reading lessons yesterday.” Her mother’s voice. She sounds hopeful.
“She should be doing better.” Her father. Brooke can tell he’s angry. She knows she should leave but her feet are stuck to the floor.
“Well, she just turned six, I’m sure she’ll improve–”
“I read more than she did at five. She’s going to be queen someday. She has to be perfect. She’s a Hytes.”
It’s quiet for a second, and then her father speaks again. “Not that it truly matters. After all, she’s not a son.”
She’s not a son.
The wildflowers slip through her fingers. They flutter to the floor without a sound, unnoticed in their descent, their beauty to be trodden on later, and Brooke considers how alike they are.
She’s not a son.
Brooke’s face is soaked with tears she doesn’t quite understand as she stumbles to her room.
Did that mean her parents didn’t want her?
Her bed swallows her whole. She buries her face in her pillow, long saturated with tears from endless dinners where her parents inquired about her lessons and barely nodded as Brooke told them about the new rabbit she saw that day, or how Nina had let her help make bread. She throws her heavy blankets over herself, not even leaving room for her head. Like a cocoon. Maybe when she came out of it she’d be a son like her father wanted.
She cries until her eyes and nose are raw, until she can’t anymore, until she falls into a restless sleep interrupted by someone banging on her door.
For just a second, she hopes it’s her parents, coming to check on her because they’d noticed she was quiet today. Noticed she was upset. Noticed her at all.
But the door swings open to reveal a guard that escorts her to dinner.
Both of her parents look at her red, puffy eyes, gazes so sharp Brooke wants to cry again but doesn’t have any tears left.
They haven’t been served yet, but she’s drawn to a flash of orange at her chair, sees the plate someone prepared for her: crispy roast chicken and a pile of carrots. Brooke’s stomach churns. She hates carrots, had pushed away a bowl of them last night, and she knows her parents set the plate to make her eat them.
“Princesses don’t cry,” her father reprimands finally. “And they aren’t late to dinner. Sit down and act properly. Don’t slouch.”
In that moment, Brooke made two vows. The first was that she would be perfect. If she couldn’t be a son, she would be a perfect daughter. She read charts and maps and histories until the pages blurred. She practiced dancing until her feet bled, moving with the grace of a swan as her mind gratefully cleared for a few hours. She pronounced each letter when she spoke and conversed with lords without a stutter. She was permitted to practice archery, bulls-eyes filling her vision, but denied swordplay after slicing a thin cut above her lip with a practice blade, which her parents lamented had ruined her appearance. Every passage her eyes swam over, every spin on her toes, every clear greeting, every release of the arrow, were to become the perfect child her father wanted. She hoped it was enough.
The second was that she wouldn’t cry again. And she didn’t. She didn’t cry when was seven and found a bird with a broken wing that she carried to Nina, wanting so badly to help it fly and be free again, only for the bird to succumb to its injuries. She didn’t cry when she was 10 and her horse threw her off, hardly able to breathe without pain from her cracked rib bolting through her body. She didn’t cry when she was 14 and a prince pulled her into a closet and bruised her lips with a kiss, or when her engagement to him was announced years later. She didn’t cry every time her father told her to do better, didn’t cry as her mother let him, didn’t cry when they ignored her in favor of their duties.
She hasn’t cried until now, every tear she kept locked inside the past 13 years streaming down her face as she realizes that while she’s getting married, the person she truly loves will be sitting in the audience.
“Everything set to proceed as planned?” the man confirms.
“Yes.” The correspondent smiles. “Tomorrow, I plant the fake story and watch the pieces fall.”
“Now,” the correspondent says, lifting his glass, “A toast. To one dead princess…”
“…And to one princess to take the blame for it.”
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long-bodyswap · 5 years
Ghost with a chane
Our story takes place in a medium-sized, quiet city known as Heaven’s Brook. Located near the southeastern sector of the United States, not many people know of its existence, even in its neighboring cities. It’s a dull, boring place, with the exception of maybe a few scenes of interests like a lush field by the train tracks where you can watch the sun set behind a grove of trees as it dazzles a nearby pond into a shower of sparkling lights. Still, not many people find a reason to stay in the city and have dreams of leaving for New York or Chicago. Most people uptown are able to make it in the big world or stay behind with a stable job, while downtown is far more delinquent, with many taking part in the underground market in drugs and eventually finding themselves in one of Heaven’s Brook two prisons.
Still, I can’t say I love this town. Well, in a way I am glad that I was raised here because in this way I was able to meet all the amazing people in my life. Just thinking about them makes me happy. I still say that Heaven’s Brook is a bore though. Except for one thing.
You see, there’s something about this city that makes it special, even though hardly anyone knows about it. Perhaps something way back in the annals of history caused its state, or maybe it was an act of the cosmos. But behind the scenes Heaven’s Brook has always been susceptible to extraordinary and fantastic things happening in it. I guess I have these powers to thank, because if it wasn’t for them I never would have been able to have this whole journey that I’m about to recount. I never would have gotten my second chance at life. And I guess I’m telling you this because, well, I’m not sure. I want to say there’s a moral, but I can’t quite put it in words. Oh well, I’m sure you can take something out of this on your own. But this is my story. We’ll begin on March 2, the day I died. *** ìSean?î There were people everywhere. The din of people talking, hooting, singing, and yelling, all while downing beer after beer after beer in red cups. The music pulsed throughout the entire house, some rap song with a guy that had an annoying voice. The whole floor was a mess with food and other junk all over it. Across the room I could spot a guy and a girl hooking up in plain sight. And I? I was sitting, alone, on this couch having downed my seventh beer. I don't even know why I came here, to this party filled with people I hardly ever hang out with, in the house of some guy I've never even talked to (never mind that he was one of those popular guys at school), in the middle of nowhere, downtown. And I had trapped myself, because I knew that I was too drunk to drive. Hell, driving over here while sober had been a nightmare of its own. But I guess I just didn't want to be alone on this night. The irony. "Sean." I turned to face the person who had just sat down next to me and was pleasantly surprised to see a familiar face. "You don't look too great," Nathaniel stated.
"I know," I muttered quietly, taking another sip of beer. Nathaniel grabbed my hand. "Come on," he said, and without resistance from me he pulled me up and led me over to the bathroom. The two of us went in and he shut the door behind him. Now that we had our privacy he continued. 
"So, are you going to tell me what's up?"
"David said that he would be here, but he flaked out at the last moment and now I'm stuck here," I explained with a sigh. My eyes scanned the surroundings. The bathroom was actually kind of nicely-made. While the floor could have used a bit of scrubbing, the room was warmly-lit by candles, with an ornate marble sink and white tiles on the walls.
Nathaniel frowned. "That can't be all of it." I sighed again and looked at Nathaniel. While he wasn't at David's level, I considered him to be a good friend, and he was one of the few people who knew of my sexuality. After a pause, I finally decided that I could confide in him. "I can't get over Sarah," I said. "I'm sorry, man." Nathaniel pulled me into a hug, pressing me tightly against him. I rested my head against his shoulders. The alcohol was making me feel a little bit groggy, and I felt safe and comfortable in his arms. "You two went out for a long time," he continued, "but we're still juniors. We're still young. That's plenty of time to move on and find someone else." "Thanks," I replied. "But I think I really was in love with her. I mean, right now the feelings have died down, but I still think about her, and there are just some days when the feelings come back and I can't take it." "Just give it time," Nathaniel said gently. "And try to focus on other things. Try to focus on other people." He pulled his head back so that he could look at me. Our eyes met, and suddenly, I became aware of a multitude of sensations. The warmth of Nathaniel's body as our arms were still wrapped around each other. The smell of his clothes. How close his face was to mine. My heart began to beat faster. I felt nervous, butterflies fluttering wildly in my stomach. There was a feeling deep inside me that pierced the alcoholic buzz and made me feel awake yet dreamy at the same time. And while I was making all of these observations, the two of us were silent, just gazing into each other's eyes. He had the same eye color as me, but his were brighter and full of life and compassion. "I'm drunk," I suddenly blurted out. "Me too," chuckled Nathaniel. "But Sean, listen. I just want you to know that I'm here for you, okay?" He smiled, and it sent a jolt through my spine. "I know that," I said and smiled back, moving my face closer to his. He did the same, and before long our lips met. Currents swept through my entire body as I tasted him. I drank it all in, his touch, his smell, his taste, his looks. Even amidst the background thump of the blasting rap music I could forget that I was in some popular guy's house in the middle of nowhere. All that mattered now was that I was with Nathaniel. I was in a world of absolute bliss and serenity. Then there was a knock on the door, pulling both of us out of our spell. "Hurry up! I gotta piss!" someone yelled from the other side of the door. Nathaniel wiped his mouth and answered, "Just use the bathroom upstairs, I'm gonna be in here for a while!" The guy outside groaned and we could hear his loud footsteps as he left. "Phew," Nathaniel said, then turned back to me. He began to look uncomfortable. "S-Sorry about that," he stammered. "Uh... It's okay?" Suddenly the moment was becoming very awkward. We became silent, but it wasn't the same, romantic silence that we had experience just seconds before. That spark that had caused me to press my mouth against Nathaniel's was gone. The magic in that brief moment had disappeared without a trace. Hastily I pulled out my phone and checked the time. "Damn, it's getting late, I should probably go home." "Oh, uh, okay. Are you sure you're going to be alright?" I nodded and opened the door, making sure no one was watching before striding out with Nathaniel behind me. He followed me out the front door and I looked back it him. He looked down and his lips were pursed as if he was looking for something to say. He finally settled with a "See you later," and I returned the farewell and got in my car. Through the city streets I went. Lost in my own thoughts, my mind shifted between Sarah, school, David, and above all, Nathaniel. I was still in love with Sarah, I knew that. She was not only the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, but she also had a beautiful personality. She was sweet, fun-loving, smart, witty, and respectable. We really hit it off sophomore year, and I had dreams of a future with her that went beyond college. Hell, I thought that maybe we could have gotten married. But two weeks ago we broke up. It all started when I decided to come out to her. She was a little uneasy at first. She had no idea how to deal with something like this, something that I had keep hidden from her in our 6-month relationship. Even though Sarah was the coolest girl I had ever known, she didn't really have much experience dealing with homosexuals, let alone going out with a bisexual. Couple that with the fact that we were living in the southern part of the United States, where homophobia leaked into our environment throughout our entire life, I expected her to be uncomfortable with this. But knowing her, she would have been able to overcome these prejudices if she had truly loved me. She would have. But then came the rumors. The timing was terrible, for they arose right after I had come out to her. Someone, I don't know who, had spread a false account of my cheating on Sarah. I don't even know how something with no evidence to back it up managed to get around and spread like wildfire, but Sarah definitely didn't take it well. She had always had issues trusting people, and even considering the possibility that I would cheat on her would shatter her. All of it was too much, and after a tear-jerking confrontation our relationship came to an end. I wanted to explain everything to her, but her mind was already set. My heart was broken, but damn it, I still loved her. So then what was that whole thing that just happened with Nathaniel? I didn't even know why it happened. Even though Nathaniel was a pretty attractive guy, I had never looked at him that way. He was a friend, and nothing more. Was it the alcohol? Was I being desperate? But no. Deep down I felt that it was more than some random hookup. That feeling, that intense sensation of being swept over. What did it mean? It was then that I became aware of what was around me. I didn't recognize the place at all. I cursed to myself for getting myself lost. Judging by the run-down looks of the area, I was definitely in the ghetto. Great. A rolled to a stop at a red light. I looked out my window and saw that there was a man wearing a gray hoodie walking towards me. No one else was in the streets. As he came up to my window I got a good look at his face. He was a caucasian man, possibly in his mid 20's, with an unshaven, ungroomed look about him. Probably a homeless man asking for money, or so I thought. I didn't even consider the dangers of being this place. And so, as he knocked on my window I made the greatest mistake of my life. The moment the glass went down he pulled out a pistol and pointed it right at my face. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" he growled. "Please, I don't have any money with-" I began but I was silenced by the sound of him pulling back the hammer. "I think you're gonna be my bitch. You like that? You want to be a hero? You actually think this shit is real?" the man babbled. He wasn't making any sense! And as he glanced at his face I saw that his eyes were bloodshot. Shit, this guy was a druggie. I was silent. I felt like anything that I said would only anger this guy. Through my peripheral vision I saw that the traffic light had turned green. The alcohol seemed to wash away as my mind got geared towards my own survival. I could floor the gas and try to get away, but a hundred doubts filled my head immediately. The sound of the car would only trigger the man's reflex, which would be too fast for me to be able to zoom away, especially at point blank range. "Are you going to answer me, chicken-shit?" the man growled. I gulped. "What do you want from me... I swear I will give it to you if I-" "Shut up! I am tired of your shit. Fuck, do you think you're God or something? You fucking make me sick. Say your fucking prayers, bitch because-" I slammed the gas pedal. I heard the sound of the gun firing. You know that period between falling asleep and entering a dream? That's what it was like. I felt nothing. I saw darkness. My senses were dulled, and there was nothing to taste, touch, see, smell, or hear. I was literally in this void of nothingness. I didn't really think much of it. I was tired. I tried to think of a lot of things, but even that was hard. All I wanted to do was rest. Time passed, but I don't know for how long. It could have been a few seconds. It could have been eternity. I managed to remember a few things. I recalled memories of Sarah. Of how I was in love with her, and then the subsequent breakup. And then there was Nathaniel. There was a tug. Suddenly, my thoughts got more rapid. Details of my life flashed before my eyes, just random events all over the years. Scenes from my childhood, scenes from high school, memories of camp and conversations I've had with my friends and the laughs and the tears I've shared. The tugging was getting stronger, and I felt that I was being pulled up, up. Higher and higher until BAM. In a flash of light I was standing on green grass with the sky above me and the suns rays shining down on me and the sound of cars passing by. I looked around and realized by the sea of tombstones that I was in the cemetary in my town. But how did I get here? I closed my eyes and focused. My entire body felt numb, and I still couldn't really feel anything. Scanning my memories I tried to think of the last thing I remembered. The party. Nathaniel. Leaving the party. Meeting the druggie. The gun. The gun. Shit. A sense of dread swept over me as I put two and two together. Opening my eyes I darted around and looked at the gravestone before me. And I saw my own name. "No, no, no, this can't be happening," I muttered out loud. I looked down at myself, wearing the same clothes from the night of the party. Sure, I was still totally visible, but there was no doubt that I wasn't alive anymore. My sense of touch was gone completely. I couldn't even feel the fabric of my clothes against my skin nor the weight of my feet on the ground. I also noticed that my sense of smell and taste were gone too, and I couldn't breathe at all, although I didn't really need to. On the inside I felt empty and weightless. I was a ghost. CHAPTER TWO: REUNION
Still in a daze, there was nothing left to do but walk. I slowly made my way into the street, not caring that there were cars zooming right through me. There were people walking by, and I waved right in their faces and yelled into their ears, but they didn’t respond to my presence. I even tried touching them. It was weird, because while my hand did seem to make contact with them, I couldn’t really feel it. It was more like my arm would just stop and I couldn’t move it any further. Occasionally my hand would pass through them, but I couldn’t do so at will. Giving up, I turned and decided that I should try to find people I knew. I felt a pang of sorrow and I realized how alone I was as a ghost. Sure, I can see all of the ones I cared about, but there was no way for me to communicate with them. No matter how much I cried out or reached for them, they would never acknowledge my presence. Never again would I be able to laugh with them, or have heart-to-hearts, or discuss the future or share moments of intimacy, or have movie-nights, or plan surprise parties and other events that I would be able to look back upon with fondness. It was too much. If I could I would have broken down into tears. But my desire to see someone, anyone from my past life, kept me going. David's house was nearby, so I decided that I would go there first. It didn't really take that long, and before I knew it I was before his white, medium-sized house. I reached for the door handle and tried to twist it, but I couldn't get a good grip on it at all. My hand just didn't cause any friction. Pressing against the door I tried to focus on going through, and with a little concentration I suddenly fell right through and into the foyer of David's house. Someone was coming. It was Alex, David's older brother. He was 21, well off into college, and apparently he had off and was home. Passing right by me without a thought, he turned to the stairs and called, "I'm heading out now!" "Okay!" I heard David's voice call from the second floor. And with that Alex left. Slowly I made my way upstairs. I could hear David's voice. It sounded like he was having a conversation with someone. "Do you mind if I hit the shower? I feel like I need to wash off all this chlorine," I heard him say. It seems like he had just gotten off swim practice. But that was strange. The swim season ended a few weeks ago. I should know, because I was on the team. About halfway up the stairs David passed by with a bundle of clothes and stepped into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Deciding to follow him, I passed right through the door and was welcomed by the sound of the shower running. David had already hopped in, with his clothes piled on the floor. I looked at the plain-white curtain, knowing that he was behind it. David, my best friend since elementary school. We were extremely close, and luckily my feelings for him didn't develop sexually since he was straight, but nevertheless he had been very supportive when I came out to him and it only made us even closer. Did he know that I was dead? Surely people knew that I was at least missing. While I wanted badly to see him, I didn't want to see him miserable. Right now though, he was just taking a shower, so hopefully he wasn't just bawling his eyes out in there. I took a peek inside, my head going right through the shower curtain. He stood to my left, back facing me and busy soaping himself up. Even though he was naked, I didn't even feel the slightest twinge. I guess as a ghost I couldn't even get aroused. There was something different about him though. His shoulders seemed wider, he looked taller, and his hair was definitely shorter. I pulled my head back out of the curtain and sighed, lost in thought. Just standing there, waiting. It wasn't long before the shower went off. The curtain pulled back and there was David, naked and dripping with water. He jumped back, as if surprised by something, and I looked up. He was staring right in my direction, as if he were looking right at me. I turned around to scan for the place where his gaze fell, but it was just the toilet. Craning my head back, our eyes met. But it couldn’t be. He couldn’t see me, right? And then he opened his mouth and screamed.
I was at a loss for words. It wasn't long before there was banging on the bathroom door and someone yelled, "David, what happened?!" The voice sounded a bit familiar. David didn't respond. We just stood there, gaping at each other. Then the door swung open and I saw someone barge into the bathroom. It was none other than Nathaniel.
"David!" Nathaniel yelled. Then he too noticed me and he stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes widened in shock and his face went pale. There was the longest period of silence. Then, Nathaniel finally opened his mouth. "Sean?" he whispered. "You see him too?" David asked, bewildered. Nathaniel nodded. "Uh, hi guys..." Was all I could say. "I don't believe it, you're..." Nathaniel walked up to me and attempted to give me a hug. Instead his arms passed right through me. "...You're a ghost..." he finished, sounding a bit crestfallen. Suddenly David became aware that he was stark naked in front of two guys and he snatched a towel and quickly wrapped it around his waist. He stepped out of the shower and a faint smile appeared on his face. "But you're back, man! I can't believe it. I just can't. You have no idea how much we missed you." ***
From there it was catching-up time. The three of us were seated in David's room, talking about everything that has changed since I died. Apparently an entire year had passed, which would explain why both David and Nathaniel looked older. It was a bit disorienting, since everything up to now since my death was happening so fast. They started talking about me, and we went over some of our best memories together. One topic they seemed to avoid was my actual death, as it seemed like they thought I would be sensitive to the issue. But I was just happy to be with my friends again. And I was happy that they could see me and talk with me. 
An hour passed, and Nathaniel had to leave. I decided that I would spend the night with David. We spent the rest of the day just talking, and before I knew it it was time for bed. Having completed all of his homework, David packed his backpack for the tomorrow, changed into an undershirt and boxers, then hopped into bed. I laid down right beside him. He yawned. "So what's it like being a ghost?" "It sucks ass," I grumbled. "I can't feel anything." "What do you mean?" "I can't tell if something is hot or cold. I can't tell if something is smooth or rough. It's like I have no sensations at all." "So you can't even get hard?" "Nope." "Damn, that really does suck." "Tell me about it." "Do you have any idea why you're here?" "Huh?" "I mean, do you have any unfinished business? The guy who killed you is still alive in prison you know." "Oh." I said. I hadn't really thought about that guy a lot. Even if he was the one who spelled me untimely demise with no reasonable motive, for some reason I didn't really care. There was no hatred, no want to track him down and seek revenge. It was bizarre. "I don't know," I replied. "There might be a few things, but I'm just glad I got to see you and Nathaniel again. And Iím really glad that you two can see me." "Yeah, I'm really happy too. Seriously, this is definitely the best day of my life so far," David said with a grin. ìSame here, î I flashed a smile back. "But I just wonder if anyone else will be able to see me," I pondered. "Well, we'll get to see tomorrow at school." "Yeah." Much to my annoyance, I found that as a ghost I was unable to fall asleep. David had already begun snoring, and there was nothing to do but sit for the next six and a half hours. I sat down by the side of his bed and gazed out the window. The stars were out, but the moon was nowhere to be seen. I contemplated going outside and exploring, but then I thought about how creepy that would be. I would be wandering around in the dark completely alone with no one able to see or hear me, and even though I didn’t have a body to get maimed I couldn’t help but consider the possibility of some supernatural spirit-eating freaks lurking around. A moan coming from David caught my attention. I turned around and looked at my sleeping friend. Another moan escaped his lips followed by a sigh. He shuffled around and eventually the sheets slid off of him, revealing his boxers with an unmistakable tent pitched. Looks like he was having a wet dream. I watched with interest but also with sexual indifference as his dream got more intense and his moans turned into grunts until finally with a satisfied ìahhhhî the tent in his boxers throbbed and white liquid leaked right through the fabric and dribbled onto his leg. David then turned onto his side to face me, his eyes still closed but with a contented smile on his face. I was envious. *** At 6:30 a.m. the alarm blared obnoxiously and David reflexively slammed it off with one swing of his arm. He yawned and sat up. ìGood morning,î he said groggily. ìHey, guess what? Ghosts can’t sleep,î I stated frankly. ìThen what did you do all night?î ìI watched you.î ìCreep.î David rose onto his feet and walked out into the hall. I followed him into the bathroom. He stood in front of the toilet and looked at me with one eyebrow raised. ìDo you mind?î ìOh, sorry,î I said, and I phased out of the bathroom through the door. I waited as he finished his business in the bathroom, went back into his room to get dressed and pack his school supplies, ate breakfast downstairs and then finally walked out the door. We hopped into his sedan and drove to school. Unfortunately, no one else could see me as I found out once we arrived. I visited everyone friend and acquaintance of mine, but none of them could see me. It was definitely a frustrating moment for me. However, it was interesting to see how everyone had changed over the course of one year. Some had different hairstyles, some grew taller, some grew buffer, some got skinnier, and some dressed differently. Still, I couldn’t help but feel down that I couldn’t speak with any of these people and really play catch-up. There really wasn’t anything else to do. I wandered into the girl’s bathroom to see what it looked like and managed to get a quick peek at girl’s bushes as they pulled down their pants, but it didn’t really matter since I had no penis to react to such a sight. I was hoping that I would see Sarah, but Nathaniel told me that she wouldn’t be back until tomorrow for she was at a college interview. In all, the day was pretty much a disappointment. With everyone around I couldn’t really hold a conversation with neither Nathaniel nor David since people would see them talking to themselves and think they were crazy. All I could do was watch as they talked and laughed amongst their friends, goofing around and having a good time. I felt pangs of sadness and jealousy. After school it was time to hit the pool. Nathaniel had soccer practice instead, but we resolved to meet at David’s house later that night. For about half an hour I saw my peers hop into a lane and swim back and forth. They did a few hundred meters of freestyle, then backstroke, then breast stroke, then butterfly. Eventually the sight got depressingly boring and I meandered my way into the boy’s locker room. I sat down on a bench and looked around. My eyes scanned the lockers. One of the doors was wide open, but there was nothing inside. It was the locker I always used when I was alive. I frowned. This whole being dead thing was really getting to me. Someone walked into the locker room. It was Michael Vicks, a fellow senior. ‘ve known him for a while now, but I never really talked to him. He was with the popular crowd and loved to go to bangers to get drunk and possibly score with some girls. As a guy who weight-lifted most of his teenage years he was extremely built. His muscles were the envy of many, but when it came to swimming his size was actually a disadvantage for he was as buoyant as a boulder. Still, using sheer strength he could hold his own in propelling himself through the water. Michael withdrew a bottle of water from his locker and chugged a large volume of it. After downing the whole thing he tossed the empty plastic bottle into the trash can. Assuming that no one else was present he scratched his crotch and farted. I smirked. I guess being invisible to others allowed for some amusement after all. Then something freaky happened. He walked over to the bench, right where I was sitting, and he began to lower himself. I was alarmed at first and felt the urge to move, but then I figured that I would just go through him. But as his butt lowered right into my lap I started feel these odd sensations. It was like warm water ebbing right through my body, and for a moment I could swear that I felt the pressure of myself seated on the bench. This startled me and before Michael’s body completely engulfed me I scrambled to the side. I tried to process what just happened, and then it hit me. How could I have not thought of it before? In movies, ghosts have always been able to do it. By stepping right into a living person’s body they take them over, body and soul. When I felt my butt on the bench, it was actually me experiencing Michael’s own sense of touch when I was partway inside him. If I could possess people, would I be able to feel and smell and taste again? Would I be able to know what it was like to be alive again? The possibility excited me. I looked at Michael, now seated obliviously on the bench, and considered giving him a try. Yet my own sense of morality was nagging at me. It wouldn’t be fair to steal someone’s body and rob them of any time from their life. It was like the ultimate invasion of privacy. And what if they were still conscious when I took them over? What if they could hear my thoughts while I was inside them and realize that they’ve been hijacked by the ghost of Sean Thester? That would be well, awkward, to say the least. After evaluating all the risks, I finally decided that the right thing to do would be to at least ask permission before possessing someone. Of course, that would mean that I would have to ask David since he was the only one around who I could communicate with. I left Michael alone and waited until practice was over. David got dressed and we made small talk on the way home. It was only after we had gotten into his house and up to his room that I brought up the proposal. ìHey David, I was wondering if, uh, I could try somethingÖî I began. ìWhat’s that?î he asked. ìWell, I want to see if as a ghost I can possess people, î I stated, uncertain of how he would react. ìSo you want inside me,î David nodded with a smirk. ìHa ha, yeah, if you want to put it that way,î I retorted with a grin. ìI’m desperate man. I want to know what its’ like to have all my five senses back.î ìWell, if I were in your situation I would definitely want the same thing, soÖî David trailed off and scrunched his mouth contemplatively. Then he asked, ìWhat are you going to do if it works?î ìI promise I won’t do anything crazy, and I won’t be in for too long,î I said, and I meant it. ìOkay, I trust you.î David sat down on his bed and threw up his arms. ìGive it a go.î ìReally?î I was a bit surprised that he was so easy to oblige. ìI mean, you’re not bothered by the idea of me controlling everything that you do?î David just shrugged. ìCome on man, you’re my best friend. Like I said before, I totally trust you, especially when you were considerate enough to ask me about this first. And if this is gonna help you out, then I don’t see why I shouldn’t let you do this.î Those words touched me, and I was truly glad that I had him as a friend. Anxiously I stepped in front of David and turned my back to him. Then I sat down. To my disappointment, I stopped moving where his lap was. With a frustrated grunt I shifted around, trying to wriggle my way into him. ìUm, Sean, you do realize you’re grinding me right?î David pointed out. ìJust give me a moment,î I said exasperatedly. I closed my eyes and focused. I recalled moments where I’ve been able to go through doors, but this time I was to go through a human being. And then I sank right down into David. CHAPTER THREE: TO FEEL 
There was that same feeling I had before. It was like I was submerged into a pool of warm water.  All of a sudden I was bombarded with a plethora of new sensations. I felt the bed underneath me. I felt my feet lightly touching the soft carpet. I felt the breeze coming through the window and brushing against my skin. I felt my chest rising and falling as I breathed in fresh oxygen. I felt the jeans and cotton t-shirt I was wearing against my skin. I smelled chlorine and the faint scent that belonged to David permeating through his room. I raised arms up to my eyes, examining them with wonder. I wiggled my new fingers and brushed against smooth, almost-hairless arms. Peering over my lap I saw a pair of thick legs and large feet that weren’t my own. I inhaled through my new nose and realized that the strong smell of chlorine was coming from me. After taking all of this in, I got up and walked over to the mirror. It was bizarre seeing the reflected image of my best friend rather than my own. I spent a few minutes making various motions and watching David’s reflection mimicking me flawlessly. Leaning in closer to the mirror, I made a few faces, feeling all his muscles expanding and contracting as I did so. I ran his hand through his blond hair. It was a lot softer than mine. Then, darting his tongue around I explored the soft interior of his mouth and felt how different it felt from my own mouth. ìHello, my name is David Johnson,î I said, feeling the vibrations in his vocal cords. I frowned. ìHello, my name is David Johnson,î I repeated carefully. Odd. I was hearing my own voice coming out. David’s voice was a little bit higher and softer. I also realized, upon closer inspection of David’s face, that his eyes had turned from blue to hazel, the color of my own eyes. I guess these were all side effects of occupying his body. I was so happy to be able to touch and feel and smell and breathe again. The flood of all these returning sensations had me feeling euphoric. David had just gotten off of swim practice, yet despite the slight soreness I felt in his muscles he was still full of energy, and I had to take it out. I walked over to his closet and pulled out a pair of black athletic shorts. I pulled down his jeans so that I could change into them, but then stopped. Looking straight down at his underwear, I gulped. It was there, underneath those boxers. I could feel it too, now that it belonged to me. Curiosity got the better of me, and I slowly stretched out the waistband of David’s boxers and took a peek. I’ve seen David’s member various times before, but seeing it from this angle as if it were my own was a whole new experience. I wasn’t sure if it was longer than mine, though him having a smaller bush of pubic hair made it look like it was. The veins didn’t pop out as much, and it had a little bit of a larger girth. I reached a hand down to touch it and it immediately responded. A jolt went through my entire body as I experienced a thrilling sensation that I had missed so dearly. David’s hormones raged through me and the urge to just stop what I was doing and masturbate was almost overwhelming. But I hesitated. Would David want me to be using his body like this? Forcing him to touch himself was like violating him. It had to be considered some form of rape, I reasoned. So I let go of his boxers, letting the waistband snap back against his abdomen, and pulled on his shorts. I still had a raging hard-on, but I ignored it and put on some socks. I went downstairs, put on his sneakers, and opened the front door. It was pretty warm outside, so I decided to take off his shirt. I tossed it by the foot of the stairs, and then started to jog along the sidewalk. Gradually I increased my speed before breaking into a run. It felt amazing. I was pumping my arms and legs, breathing lung-fulls of fresh air. The refreshing breeze brushed against my bare chest while the heat of the sun blared down on me, and before long I was working up a sweat. By the time I had run around the whole neighborhood and returned to David’s house, I was drenched. Luckily, since David had been in the pool, his body reeked only of chlorine. Up the stairs and into the bathroom I went. I stripped naked, then turned to the mirror and was greeted by David’s glistening, naked body. David was average build, maybe with a little bit more buff, but he had no tone. He didn’t have the same bulging, chiseled muscles that hardcore athletes had, and he had no body hair save for a little bit on his arms, legs, and pubes. Overall it gave him an undefined but smooth appearance. Unconsciously I placed a hand on his chest and started to rub it slowly. The sweat made his skin feel cool and slippery. Actually, it felt pretty good. I stopped when I noticed that I had given myself an erection, and hopped into the shower, closing the curtain behind me. The cold shower water immersed me like an invigorating cascade. I gave a contented sigh and reached for a bottle of David’s body wash. Taking a generous portion of the liquid into my hands I lathered it liberally over every square inch of David’s skin. His body became even more slippery and I relished the sensation. When I brought the gel to his penis it responded by sending a delightful shudder throughout my entire body. My heart was racing. I could resist no longer. Grasping his member firmly with one hand, I slid up and down, moaning with pleasure. I thought of Sarah, and what it would be like to be able to touch her naked body again. I replayed my one memory of having sex with her, the feel of my chest against her supple breasts, the feel of my cock sliding in and out of her pussy, the taste of her lips and tongue, the smell of her hair and perfume. I recalled that fateful night, on that magical moment with Nathaniel where we kissed. Delving into fantasy I imagined us stripping and rubbing our naked bodies against each other. I imagined what his cock might taste like, and how it felt if his mouth was around my own, and how warm it must have felt to have my penis nestled within his anus. My mind raced through other people I found attractive. From people at school to celebrities to neighbors to people I caught a glimpse of on the street that caused me to do a double take. I thought about fucking every single one of them one by one. All these thoughts that I had pent up ever since I had risen from the grave, channeled into David’s dick. In return, it gave me sensations that were excitingly new and foreign. I can’t really describe it, but it was different from jacking off in my own body. It felt good, but it was a different kind of good I was experiencing. Eventually my thoughts became too much for little David to handle, and all that built up pressure was released in an explosion of cum that sent my mind reeling. I felt every drop flowing through his penis like running water, and then shooting out the piss slit like the squirt of a hose. Stream after stream kept pouring out, and I thought it was never going to end. Pure ecstasy. After the last drop of semen was pumped out, I turned off the shower. Throwing the curtain back I looked once more at my reflection. I was exhausted, and it showed as David’s chest heaved up and down in an almost exaggerated motion. Grabbing a towel I dried myself off, put on David’s shorts, and exited the bathroom feeling tired yet refreshed with the pleasant smell of his body wash still clinging to his body. My timing couldn’t have been better. The door bell rang once I strode out and I dashed down the stairs and checked the peephole. Smiling, I opened the front door to see Nathaniel standing before me. He, too, was shirtless, and having just arrived from soccer practice he was just as sweaty as I had been. ìHey,î Nathaniel said with a warm smile. I returned the smile and beckoned him inside. Closing the door behind him, I asked, ìHow was soccer practice?î ìEh, it was alright. The coach didn’t make us go hard since we have a game tomorrow, but we didn’t really get to do anything fun,î he replied. He looked around. ìWhere’ts Sean?î ìGuess,î I answered simply. Nathaniel looked puzzled. ìAre you okay? Your voice sounds-ì but he stopped in midsentence, squinting his eyes. He approached me slowly, all the while closely scrutinizing my eyes. ìDavid’s eyes aren’t hazel,î he stated incredulously. His mouth dropped a little as it hit him. ìI believe you wanted to do this to me?î I asked rhetorically, and I pulled him into an embrace. My bare chest pressed against his, and I noted how good it felt to meet skin with skin, especially when it was Nathaniel’s sweaty body I was meeting. ìWow,î was all Nathaniel uttered when we pulled out of our hug. ìYeah, I asked David if I could see if I was able to possess people, and it worked,î I explained. ìIt doesn’t seem flawless though,î Nathaniel said. ìYour voice is still coming out of his mouth, and his eye colorís changed to yours.î I nodded. ìI kind of want to see if I can fix that. Let’s seeÖî I cleared my, or rather, David’s throat, and focused on the sound of his voice. I could almost feel his vocal cords shifting in his throat, and I willed them to change back to how they were usually arranged. Finally, I opened David’s mouth. ìHello, my name is David Johnson.î Then I grinned. The words definitely came out with a timbre different from my own voice. Nathaniel grinned back. ìHey, you nailed it. That sounds exactly like David.î ìOkay, now for the eyes,î I said excitedly, now perfectly mimicking David’s voice with natural ease. I squeezed my eyes shut and thought about the cool blue color that had always lit David’s irises. Not hazel like mine, but blue. Bright blue. I opened my eyes. ìDid it work?î Nathaniel shook his head. ìNope.î ìAlright, well maybe if I spend more time getting used to all of this Iíll get it. But I guess I should give David his body back now. I did promise him that I wouldn’t be in him for long.î And with that, I closed my eyes and concentrated on separating myself from David. It took about thirty awkward seconds of me standing there silently, but then one sweeping moment I felt numb and physically detached. Taking the hint that this probably meant that I had successfully unbound myself from David’s body, I took a step forward, and just as getting in had been like dipping into warm water, getting out was like pushing through the surface and back into the world of feeling nothing. ìWhoaÖî I heard David say behind me. He looked a bit dazed, but within seconds he had regained his composure. ìOh, hey Nathaniel, he said. Then he looked at me. ìI’m guessing that it worked?î ìYeah, it was pretty cool,î I replied. ìThanks for letting me use you.î ìRight, but why am I shirtless? What did you do when you were in me?î he inquired, only now realizing his change of attire. ìI just went for a run and took a shower,î I said, taking care to omit the part where I jacked off in his body. ìSo you were looking at me naked then, weren’t you? That’s dirty,î he teased playfully with a smirk on his face. But from the look in his eyes, it seemed that he knew I had done more than just look. There was nothing malicious about his stare though, so it was like he was saying, ìI know what you did, but I guess I’m cool with it.î Nathaniel decided to take a shower, and afterwards he and David did homework together. All the while we conversed about many things. It was like any other day when I was alive, where the three of us would chill and talk about random stuff. For a while I was able to forget about my ghostly condition. It sure was great to have friends who could still see you when you were dead. After a while, Nathaniel checked the time on his cell phone. ìWell, I’d better get going,î he said. He got up from his seat and started to pack up all his belongings. Once everything was stored away in his book bag, he looked at me. ìHey, Sean, I was just wondering if you wanted to spend the night at my place?î he offered. I looked at David, who just shrugged. ìYou can go ahead if you want.î There was a smug, sarcastic look on his face. ìI mean, I’ll have to try my hardest but I think I might be able to stand one night without you.î *** While David’s family was hardly ever home, Nathaniel’s parents were a bit of a bother. They always sent him on errands and chores, and by the time we were actually secure in the privacy of his own room it was 10 PM.   I learned that Nathaniel liked to sleep naked, and my presence didn’t deter him from keeping up the tradition. As he threw off all of his clothes I didn’t even think about looking away. Yeah, he was a little bit slim, but his muscles were shown clearly, and he had an impressive set of abs and pectorals built from intensive running and the occasional trip to the gym. . But what amused me the most was that he didn’t even bother to hide the fact that he was sporting a massive boner as he crawled into bed. It almost seemed like he deliberately wanted me to see it when he chose not to get under the covers. ìThinking about me?î I asked playfully while pointing at his rigid member. ìPerhaps,î Nathaniel said, licking his lips and striking a mock seductive pose. The two of us laughed. Nathaniel’s bed was a full size, so there was plenty of room for me to lie down next to him. He reached out to touch me, but much to his disappointment found that his hand went right through like I was air. I tried to do the same, but even as my hand seemed to make contact with his skin he only shook his head. ìIt’s like you’re not even there,î he said. Sighing, I rolled over on my back and gazed up at the ceiling. ìYou know, I’ve been meaning to askÖ But how’s Sarah doing?î Nathaniel hesitated. ìWellÖî he began, ìYou know, when you died, she was absolutely heartbroken.î I sat up, almost pleasantly surprised. ìReally?î I was a bit skeptical. ìShe was pretty pissed when she found out I cheated on her. She wanted nothing to do with me after that.î ìI guess she still cared about you after all,î Nathaniel reasoned. ìBut I think she’s been able to move on.î ìOh, so she’s forgotten about me then,î I muttered. ìI wouldn’t say it like that,î Nathaniel said with a frown. ìI mean, no one really believes in ghosts, so it’s not like she had any hope of you coming back, you know?î ìHmph. I wonder if she’ll be able to see me.î ìI hope so. That would be nice.î Nathaniel looked at my face. ìHey, don’t look so gloomy. ì He thought for a moment. ìYou want to talk to her tomorrow, don’t you?î ìYeah, I do.î ìTell you what. If it turns out that she can’t see you, use my body.î I looked at him, a bit shocked. ìAre you sure?î He just chuckled with that warm smile of his after reading the incredulousness in my face. ìOf course,î he answered. ìSarah and I have gotten pretty close, so it shouldn’t be awkward. And I know how terrible it must be to be a ghost, so if you want you can use my body all day tomorrow. You can even play for me in the game tomorrow, as long as you don’t mess up too badly.î ìWow,î was all that came out of my mouth. It was an amazing offer. It’s true, being stuck without a body was pretty beat. It made me realize how much I had taken my own body for granted. Not once when I was alive did I ever stop to appreciate something as fundamental as one’s sense of touch. Possessing David and temporarily regaining all of my senses was admittedly one of the most exhilarating moments of my existence. ìI’m curious though,î Nathaniel suddenly said, breaking me out of my thoughts. ìYou never really told me your side of the story. What did you actually do that made you two break up?î ìIt’s just as she said,î I explained. ìI cheated on her.î Looking down in shame, I continued. ìThe thing is, I don’t even remember doing it. It was at one of those parties where I shouldn’t have been. Sarah wasn’t there, so the only thing I had to do was get drunk. After that everything kinda became a blur, and next thing I knew the word was out that I had hooked up with Alexis Desmond. We had hidden ourselves away in the bushes but people found us and even took pictures for evidence.î ìAnd Sarah couldn’t forgive you?î ìSarah has major trust issues. We had been together for so long, and for me to do that was like the ultimate betrayal,î I said sullenly. ìI see.î Nathaniel yawned and shivered, finally deciding to pull the sheets over him. ìIt’s getting chilly,î he observed. ìYou should get some sleep,î I suggested. Then I smiled. ìI wouldn’t want to be using a body that can’t keep his eyes open, right?î ìMmmÖ Right,î Nathaniel affirmed. ìGood night, Sean.î ìGood night, Nathaniel.î Within minutes he was asleep. Great, so now I was stuck for another night of doing absolutely nothing. Well, I could try braving the outdoors and do some exploring. That didn’t seem like such a bad idea. Then I looked at Nathaniel. I could also try possessing him. He was pretty clear in saying that I could use his body. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if I hopped in now. All I would do is take advantage of his ability to sleep. Then I frowned, recalling what had happened when I possessed David. There’s no telling if I would be tempted into another endeavor like that, and I had no idea if Nathaniel would condone using his body in such a way. Whatever. I can just ask Nathaniel if I can play around with his body tomorrow. It was time to see what night was like in Heaven’s Brook. Too lazy to take the stairs, I simply hopped right through the window and onto the ground below. The side of the next house was right before me and I invited myself in. I phased into what I deduced as the den of the house. A rather large man was casually seated on an old-looking couch while guzzling beer and eating buffalo wings. Beside me was a television set, and just by hearing it I could tell that he was watching a baseball game. The beer bottle he was holding looked cold and crisp. The wings he was eating looked juicy and delectable. It made me realize that when I had possessed David I had not taken advantage of his sense of taste. Oh, what the hell. It’s not going to hurt if I’m in for a few seconds. I walked over to the fat guy and sat down right into his flesh. I felt like I had suddenly gained hundreds of pounds. Wasting no time I took a bite out of a wing. It was a bit spicy, but it was delicious nonetheless. Then I took a large chug of beer. Absolutely refreshing. I let out a burp and curiously rubbed my large gut. It was extremely bizarre being inside a body that was so much larger than my own. I sniffed, and then my face contorted with disgust. Man, this guy sure had BO. Immediately I ejected myself from him and was on my way. The streets were totally empty and unlit save for the occasional street lamp at the end of each block. Thankfully the moon was out, which didn’t make the dark much of an issue. There really wasn’t that much to see outside so I decided that checking out homes would be more interesting. It was about midnight and I explored many houses. A good number of people were already fast asleep, while others were up and busy. Some actually had work to do, and someÖ WellÖ I walked in on an attractive couple having sex. They were both young and fit with matching brunette hair and tan skin. I assumed that there was no one else in the house, as they didn’t seem to care that they were shaking the whole place up. Perhaps they were newlyweds. The man was on top, and both of them were moaning and rubbing and kissing and thrusting and sucking. It was an intense sight. ìA few seconds won’t hurt,î I told myself once more, and with a running jump I literally dove into the manís body. In an instant I was in a wild ride of testosterone-fueled passion. The body I occupied was a bit hairy which felt good as I brushed it against the woman’s breasts. The tits were huge, and her nipples were even bigger. It was extremely arousing to see them bouncing up and down from our lovemaking. Locking into my partner I pounded into her with more intensity and she gasped in surprise. I was sliding in and out of her vagina with ease, noting that the guy didn’t have a condom on, though he must have put on some lube. I guess they were trying to have children. He was on the brink of orgasm. Figuring that I had spent enough time I left him. He looked both surprised and pleased at his sudden climax. ìHoly shit, that was amazing,î I heard him say. ìYeah,î the woman agreed. I smiled and moved on. My next point of interest was a young teen who I found masturbating in his room. He looked around the age of a freshman in high school and was skinny with medium-length, wing styled orange hair. The boy was pumping his hand up and down a reasonably lengthened penis, but he just didn’t look into it. I decided to give him a hand. I lay right on top of him and sank inside his tight frame. Once I was in control of this twink, I decided to spice things up for him. Raising his legs up, I kept one hand occupied with pumping his dick while the other I brought to his smooth anus and started rubbing the hole. Once it had loosened up I slid two fingers inside, being sure to dig in deep so that they would reach the prostate gland. When I left him it looked like he was going to have a heart attack. Stifling a yelp he tried to remove himself from the position he had suddenly found himself in, but while he attempted to wriggle his fingers out he gasped. Now with a look of curiosity on his face he repeatedly pushed and pulled his fingers in and out, and in time he was doing it with more vigor while pumping his dick. My work here was done. Eventually my door-to-door journey brought me to the market square. The place had an attractive appeal to it, as it was lined with unique shops and restaurants that many people frequented. My favorite was an ice cream parlor that had over a dozen different homemade flavors. Still, at night when everything was closed the square looked pretty dead. It was a different view altogether from what it was like in the day, and while such a sight was interesting I couldn’t help but feel unsettled. It was then that I noticed movement up ahead. Straining my eyes to see, I saw something very peculiar. It was dark and shadowy, definitely not the shape of a human. But it was moving. After a moment I realized that it resembled the silhouette of a giant, disembodied hand about the size of a horse. Its palm was facing left, slowly flexing its fingers for no apparent reason. Faintly I could hear a low hum emanating from it. It didn’t seem like the thing had noticed my presence. Suddenly, it turned towards me and the hum turned into a thunderous rumble. Shit, I spoke too soon. The thing was now flying towards me, and my first reaction was to go back the other way running like hell and wondering what the hell I ever did to deserve being chased by a giant hand.
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645-647: "Destruction Cannon Blasts! Lucy in Trouble!", "The Legendary Pirate! Don Chinjao!" and "Light and Darkness! The Shadow Behind Dressrosa!"
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There is something rotten in the state of Dressrosa right now. Doflamingo has some seriously shady shenanigans on the go. Turning humans into toys? Letting them live alongside relatives who - it appears - have their memories wiped? Tossing them for scrap if they show any signs of rebellion? Yeah, this whole situation is totally messed up. Now I get why a Resistance is mounting against the Donquixote Family. 
I watched three episodes because I thought I might see the end of the Block C battles. No such luck, but Luffy vs Don Chinjao has been fun so far. 
Still, that freaky Toy Human transformation reveal was totally worth it. 
(Will catch up on replies this week too! It’s been a weirdly busy couple of weeks but next week won’t be as rammed. :D)
Electric Fist Bump
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I am still not certain that Brutal Bull is, in fact, going to recover. Let’s just pretend he will. At least Luffy gently carried him to safety and thanked him for fighting with him. ;_;
A random called Ideo (way too much eyeliner, Shoulders McGee) finished the job by punching Hajrudin out the ring. After Ideo’s brag-fest, I thought Luffy would be the one to kick his ass too, but it was funnier than that.
A random competitor called Jean the Bounty Hunter (no relation to Dog) had seen through Luffy’s disguise. He knocked off Luffy’s helmet and slashed his beard. Instead of giving up his disguise, Luffy chased him (lmao) to get his helmet back. 
Once exposing Luffy, didn’t work, Jean picked up all the weapons dropped by competitors who fell to Don Chinjao’s conqueror’s haki. Jean seriously thought he could defeat Luffy by carrying around a giant blade ball. Okay, mate.
Jean, at least, was allowed a quick shit-talk. He’d made so much money recapturing all the criminals Luffy set free from Impel Down. Now, Jean was aiming to snare Buggy (I guess he doesn’t read the papers), Crocodile, Jimbei, Ivankov and Shiryu (good luck with those names, mate).
Meanwhile, Luffy was standing there, reminiscing over all the old names like it was old times. “I wonder how Jimbei and Iva are doing?”
Jean got mad, threw his dumb sword ball and... it did not go to plan.
Luffy dodged.
Instead, a rather large and intimidating man absorbed all the swords.
Staring down Don Chinjao was too much for poor Jean. He was so scared, he made moe eyes before Don Chinjao took him out. (Good luck chasing after Crocodile from your new job on Doflamingo’s Factory Assembly Line!)
The fight between Luffy and Don Chinjao was actually fun to watch. The moment when they both punched out Sai and Ideo “Get outta the way!” was funny. And the Conqueror’s Haki clash was stylish (still love that blue filter), powerful (that Whitebeard soundtrack) and also pretty interesting.
Diamante watched the whole thing from his private booth. He used it as a teaching moment for Bellamy. “See, that is what it takes to be a king.” Don Chinjao sort of backed this up later when he said to Luffy that loads of people in the New World could use Conqueror’s Haki. “Only battling it out amongst themselves will reveal who the Pirate King will be. A battle of conquerors. That’s what’ll decide.”
I thought Conqueror’s Haki was a much rarer type. Maybe it still is, but that all the big shots are now concentrated in a smaller area, so there’s more chance you’ll meet someone with it. I know Shanks has it, I know Whitebeard had it, but I’m wondering if Big Mom and Kaidou also have it? (The jury’s out on Teach. Is he too much of a coward, or will he awaken it too? Who knows?)
Don Chinjao also kept veering between wailing with rage and attacking with rage at what Garp had taken from him (treasure and strength, apparently).  He also kept demanding Luffy tell him what Garp had done. Luffy was like, “No, you walnut. I have no idea. How many times must I repeat myself?”
Luffy didn’t know whether Don Chinjao wanted to be sad or mad. Maybe Luffy should set himself up as a therapist because I think it’s a bit of both.
At the moment, Don Chinjao has transformed into an Upside Down Tornado of Large Man, so we’ll see how that pans out in the coming episodes.
Oh, and by the way, Bobby Funk wore his brother like a jacket during the fight. Don’t ask. It was deeply, hilariously weird and I’m glad they got their asses kicked because I felt wrong watching that.
He’s Not an Idiot. He’s Directionally Disadvantaged
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On the way to Flower Field, Wicka was astonished to discover Zoro is the opposite of a homing pigeon. They yelled at each other the entire time. Wicka because Zoro veered away from Flower Field yet again, and Zoro because Wicka “sucked at leading the way.” Meanwhile, the concerned residents of Dressrosa wondered why the strange man was yelling at himself.
Wicka kept punching Zoro for not going the right way. Because the Tontatta people make up for their lack of stature with super strength, I actually cheered when Zoro had enough of Wicka smacking him. He set her down in a plant pot, was like, “I have friends I care about too. Stop complaining or ask some damned cat to carry you,” then walked off.
Damn straight, Zoro. Don’t put up with that crap.
Luckily for Wicka, Zoro has no sense of direction. He circled straight round, which gave her the opportunity to apologise.
I guess it’s for the best. Otherwise Zoro would end up stuck on Dressrosa forever. Or at least until Sanji turned up.
And speaking of Sanji, he has teamed up with Kinemon again. They are currently lurking outside the Colosseum. They have spotted something ominous. Lots of Marines gathered outside, including new Vice-Admiral Bastille, waiting to swoop and arrest any unsuspecting Block A and Block B fighters leaving the arena.
I laughed at Kinemon’s weird cognitive dissonance. “Yeah, well criminals should be caught!”
Sanji would not have it. He smacked Kinemon and was like, “You are working with pirates.” Lmao, Kinemon. Old habits die hard, I guess.
At least Sanji has returned to the Sanji I like best: sneaking about, trying to solve problems. He knows Luffy needs to know about the Marines lurking outside, but how to tell him?
Plus, what’s happened to all the Block A and Block B competitors who lost their fight? Vice-Admiral Bastille is on to something. None of them have left the Colosseum. Not a single one. That is strange. Something weird, and possibly sinister, is going on here. (I wonder if they’re being turned into toys?)
This is Why I Like Nami
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This was only a short scene but I loved it.
In the last couple of episodes, I assumed Nami, Brook, Chopper and Momo were retreating to regroup with a master plan to win back Sunny.
Nope. As if they would ever leave Sunny in the hands of an enemy. What was I thinking?
Even though Nami sees herself as weak compared to the DF eaters and haki users of the crew, she is not helpless. One, she is smart, and two, Nami has freaking weather controlling powers! Nami used both of those qualities to her advantage. Chopper and Brook were a distraction. While Giolla’s attention was on them, Nami readied some thunder balls.
BOOM! Direct hit on Giolla’s submarine. Now, as a DF user, she has no means to return to Dressrosa and all her goons were smoked by thunderbolt.
Your move, Giolla! :D
How About Hide-and-Seek?
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Like, with a four day head start? 
I guess Law must be content with running like hell from the two Absolute Monsters chasing him. Fujitora was not making it easy. Every time he sheathes that sword, a jet of purple (no idea what it is. Let’s call it pure purple) rocketed into the clouds and, hello meteor shower!
Luckily, Law can Room those and slice them like bread rolls, but Doflamingo’s bullet strings were another matter. Law scarpered, dodged, hid and tried to call Nami. To no avail. Why wasn’t she picking up?
“I know what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to buy time,” Doflamingo said. “And I’m not gonna let you have it your way.”
No Burger King for you, Law.
Poor, beleaguered Law screeched to a halt when he realised that, somehow, Fujitora had overtaken him. My new favourite Admiral was sitting on a rock, as if he’d been politely waiting for Law to show for ages. Then it was meteor time.
Even Doflamingo was like, “Wow, you have no mercy.”
Fujitora just said, “I’m all thumbs.”
Lmao, mate. Yeah, those extreme overkill meteors? I’m just clumsy. Nah, no one believes you, Fujitora. You love smashing felons. Admit it.
Meanwhile, deep underground, Usopp was beginning to regret feigning descent from Noland. The ominous, earth-shattering rumbles from Fujitora’s onslaught were passed off as “just Usopp’s amazing haki!”
When he realised the Tontatta people kept going on about the Donquixote Family, he consulted Robin. “Um, what kind of relationship do they have with Doflamingo exactly?” he asked.
“Well, they’re serious about fighting him,” Robin replied.
Usopp had an uh-oh moment. He drew Leo (the battle hype man) aside and asked why they wanted to fight Doflaming. That’s my Usopp! Asking all the right plot questions.
Apparently, the Tontatta want to rescue five hundred friends forced to work at the “shady factory”. Moreover, Doflamingo also holds their “obnoxious, selfish, mean, moody and short-tempered Princess Mancherie” there too.
Good sell, Leo. Good sell.
“Um, she sounds horrible,” Usopp said (lmao).
“Yup!” Leo cheerfully agreed. But then he added, rather sweetly, “But she’s one of us too. Noland would save everyone who’s in trouble, right?”
Usopp looked a bit ill at that point. He did not have to answer that question, as Flapper, another Tontatta kid, hoofed it into frame. Apparently, the Donquixote Family at the palace were on the move. Rumour had it they were probably moving to the Colosseum basement. And why were they moving there?
Under the Colosseum is only where the Shady Factory is hidden! :D
I thought the Factory would be in Green Bit. This is even better! Now I’m very suspicious about all the defeated fighters. They are prime for processing. At least I got one thing right about people being forced to work at the Factory (though it wasn’t related to stealing stuff). 
This Really Makes You Re-Think Toy Story
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I knew it! I knew there was something weird with the toys. At first I just went with it because, well, One Piece, right? There are giants, sentient fruit-eating swords, dudes stuck in barrels. Anything goes, right? I mean, who can explain the wonder of Gekko Moria?
Turns out this does not extend to talking toys. Talking toys are not normal. Unless they’ve been invented by Vegapunk, as Franky rightly thought.
Nope. These toys are not the work of Vegapunk.
They are the product of a twisted Devil Fruit user under the employ of Doflamingo, who transforms humans into toys.
Why? I have no idea.
But the reason has got to be some dodgy kind of punishment for something. 
There was a creepy scene when a toy desperately tried to convince the woman who was once his girlfriend that he was a human, that they once lived together, were once happy together. The trouble was, his girlfriend could not remember him! She looked at him in disgust, said, “This toy has human syndrome!” and he was dragged off to a ominous looking building with the word SCRAP emblazoned above a forbidding door.
It seems a lot of the toys remember being human. Sol spoke to a guy called Milo, who is currently masquerading as Onepoko-chan the dog. Turns out the boy who plays with him is actually his son, and the boy’s mother is his wife.
What. The. Actual?
Sol asked the boy if he had a dad. Nope, was the answer. What about the wife? Had she ever been married? Don’t be silly.
Something really, really weird is going on here. And I never even mentioned the midnight curfew. Anyone who is caught outside after then is arrested (and probably turned into a toy). Toys and humans are allowed to hang about during the day, but at night? They are segregated. Toys live in toy homes. Humans remain in their homes.
This is totally weird and cool and I cannot wait to see where this goes.
Every time questions are answered in Dressrosa, another ten rise to take their place. :D
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hockeyandstuff91 · 6 years
Fate And The Saint - Part 2
Word count: 3,957
Players: Brock Boeser, basically the whole canucks team lmao
Other people: Holly, Emma, the WAGS
Warnings: Cussing, mentions of cheating, mentions of abuse, I think that’s it
Authors Note: Ahh guys I’m so glad that you all like this story so far. It’s been nice to write a new idea and have a little bit of a different setting than my other stories. I hope you guys like this part, give me some feedback and let me know! Feedback keeps me motivated to keep writing <3
Part 1    Part 3
(Brooke’s POV)
The rest of the vacation had been pretty relaxing. Most of the time Brock and I just hung out on the beach, or Holly and I would go look around some of the cute shops in town. I tried to avoid places where I knew Brad would hang out, like clubs and the bars. We did run into him a few times, however thankfully he never came over or said anything to me. I imagined it probably had something to do with the fact that at any given moment there were at least 5 hockey players around me, insuring that he wouldn't come over.
I was sad to be leaving the warm sun, and beautiful beaches, but I was ready to go home. I just wanted things to go back to normal, however I knew that wasn't going to happen. I couldn't forgive what Brad did to me, and Brock wouldn't let me even if I wanted to anyways. I was glad that Brock was my best friend. I could never ask for a sweeter more caring person to be there for me.
Brock and I had kind of grown up together, our families were friends, so we would have cookouts together during the summer and go watch Brock's hockey games. Brock and I had drifted apart for a while during high school when he was super focused on hockey, which I understood because I knew he was going after his dream. My dad ended up getting transferred with his work up to Calgary at the end of our sophomore year. It sucked having to leave everyone behind, especially Brock even if we hadn't seen each other a lot.
A few years later when Brock was drafted to the Canucks I was so excited for him. I always knew that he would make it to the NHL, he was such a talented player. He didn't get to play until April of 2017, but his last game was going to be in Edmonton which was the next city over so it was perfect, I was going to be able to see my best friend play in the NHL.
After that game the only time I got to see him was on TV when I watched the games, or the few times that he would face time me after a bad loss. It wasn't until the next season in November when they played in Calgary that I got to see him in person again.
"Brooke!" Brock smiled as he walked out of the locker room, hair still wet from the shower he took after the game.
"Brock!" I smiled and ran over to him, giving him a big hug. "Congrats on the win tonight. And for your first hat trick 3 days ago!" I smiled up at him as we pulled away from each other.
"Thanks," He smiled and grabbed my hand. "Let's go out and celebrate!"
I smiled and followed him out to the parking lot where my car was. I had missed this. Hanging out with my best friend, going out to celebrate a win for one of his games. We had only been 15 at the time but it felt like yesterday. Now here he was 20 years old and playing in the NHL, and I was still living at home with my parents. I was so happy for him getting to live his dream, and watching him do that was amazing.
"So where do you wanna go? This is your city, show me around?" Brock asked as he got into the car.
"Sure!" I smiled, backing out of the parking spot.
It was later that night, after Brock had asked me at least 5 times what was wrong. He could read right through me, always could. I finally had admitted to him that living at home was hell. I loved my family, but the fighting was getting to be too much. I avoided being home as much as I could.
"Brookie I don't want you to deal with that anymore."
"Brock I don't really have a choice. I don't make enough money to live on my own, and none of my friends here need a roommate so I'm out of luck," I shrugged, pushing the food around on my plate.
"I wish you would of told me this sooner," Brock sighed.
"Why? It's not your problem to worry about Brock, you have more important things to focus on."
"Brooke I care about you okay? I know we drifted apart a while ago but I still think about you all the time."
"I know Brock, I think about you too," I almost whispered.
"Let me help you. Please. I can now and I want to," He said firmly, but still soft.
I looked up at him not sure exactly what he meant by that. Almost like reading my mind he opened his mouth to speak before I even got the chance.
"Move to Vancouver. You can stay with Troy and I until we find you an apartment."
"Brock no-"
"Brooke I can't go home knowing what you have to deal with at home and do nothing about it. I have the ability to now let me do this, please."
"But why?"
"Because Brooke you are my best friend, I love you and I want you to be happy."
The situation at home had never been super amazing. My dad was always stressed with work, and we had all thought that stress would lessen when he got transferred, but honestly it only got worse. Brock use to listen to my rants back when we would hang out, so he knew what I dealt with. He had always promised me that he would get me out of that situation, but I never expected him to keep that promise.
It was another month before he finally convinced me to move. I didn't want to be a burden on anyone, or overstay my welcome. I also had expressed my worries about his girlfriend that was back home, not really sure how she would feel about this. He went so far as to call both of us so we could all three talk about it over the phone to make sure everyone was on the same page and okay with everything. Once that was all set the plan was for me to move in in January when the boys had a week off.
I stayed with the boys for about a month before finding a pretty good job in the city. It didn't fully pay the rent that I had at this apartment but Brock wouldn't let me say no to it. The deal he made with me, honestly the only way I would say yes to it, was he would only pay half until I found a roommate to take over. It was only another month after that when I finally found a roommate. We had been introduced at my first event with the company that I worked for, he was also new to the city, which was perfect because he was looking for a place to rent.
That "sweet" guy that I had met almost a year ago turned out to be Brad. We grew close while living together as roommates, which then turned into roommates with benefits, and then a relationship. He ended up getting a good foot in the door with a few different companies, making enough money to decide that we would leave our lease early and found a house that was rent to buy. Everything seemed to be perfect, up until that summer when we moved in and then I learned who the real Brad was.
(End Flashback)
"Brookie," Brock's voice whispered into my ear.
"Mmm?" I groaned, lifting the eye mask off my face, blinking at the change in lighting.
"We're home, we just landed."
I rubbed my eyes and sighed softly, pulling my eye mask off my head and shoving it into my backpack that was between my feet.
"How was your nap?" Brock smiled at me.
"Oh sh," I laughed and sat up straight.
We watched as people got up to get off the plane, waiting for them to get out of our way before us and the rest of the boys stood up.
"So I know you probably don't want to do this right after getting back from the trip, but I feel like the sooner the better, and then you wont have to deal with him being there."
Brock didn't even have to explain what he was talking about, I already knew. I just nodded as I followed him down the plane isle. After walking what felt like forever we finally reached Bo's car and all piled in. We didn't stop anywhere to drop anything off, we just headed straight to my, now old, house.
I gasped softly as I saw a moving truck already outside, and a bunch of the boys standing around, and sitting in the back of the truck. "Brock.. what-?"
"I told you the boys wanted to help. They all love you, always have. You're like a mom to half of them, and a sister to others," he chuckled.
I smiled at that and nodded as I climbed out of the car. I made my way over to them, everyone giving me a hug and telling me they were sorry I had to deal with this.
"We wont let him anywhere near you. Promise," Markstrom smiled down at me.
"Thanks Marky," I smiled back.
The thought of all the boys in their gear, lined up around the house, with Marky standing guard in the doorway made me giggle. I was glad they didn't do that because I would of died laughing, but I wouldn't of put it past them.
We spent the next two or three hours going into each room and clearing out the things that I had bought with my own money. Honestly a lot of it was mine, and I knew Brad was going to be livid when he got home. It had always been a source of argument between the two of us anyways, he would force me to spend my money on stuff for the house only, saying that he had spent all his savings for this place, even though I also had bills to pay too.
Finally they boys piled in the last piece of furniture into the moving truck. I had packed all of the things that I would want right away at Brock's place into the back of Jake's truck so that the rest, which he didn't have room for, would just go into a storage unit for now until I decided what to do with it all.
I looked at the house from the sidewalk and sighed. I hadn't even been here a full year yet but there were a lot of memories from in there. Some good, but a lot of bad. Honestly I wasn't really going to miss this house, just missed what I thought it would of been. I tossed my key onto the porch and got into the car next to Brock, Bo driving us to his house.
A group of the guys had all gone to the storage unit, which they had all chipped in to pay for a year in advance which I kind of yelled at them for, and by yelling I mean I told them they didn't have to do that and tried not to cry at how much love and support I was getting from this crazy hockey team. The rest of the guys followed us to Brock's house, the plan being the other half of the team would meet back here and we were going to have a team party. When we got here we found that the wives and girlfriends of the players, besides Holly who had been with us at the house, were all here making lots of really yummy looking food.
Once unloading the back of Jake's truck and packing everything into the spare bedroom which would become mine, I stepped in to help the girls finish cooking.
"Ah," Emma, Troy's girlfriend said swatting my hand away. "Go relax with the boys, we got this," she smiled at me.
Emma had been on the trip with us, so she knew what had happened. I looked around to all the girls who nodded, giving me sympathetic looks. I sighed and pushed backwards off the counter and turned to go into the living room where all the guys were hanging out.
I scooted my way in between people, plopping down in the one empty spot on the couch next to Brock.
Brock wrapped his arm around my shoulder, leaning closer to whisper, "how are you doing?"
I shrugged my shoulders, because if I was going to be honest with him like he wanted me to be, I really wasn't sure. I knew I would be fine, but right now it still sucked. I was glad to be surrounded by everyone I cared a lot about.
He nodded once and gently rubbed his thumb against my shoulder. I was glad that Brock was able to read and understand my physical cues well enough, especially in a situation like this, so I didn't have to talk about it in front of everyone. He let it go, knowing he could ask later on when everyone had left for the night.
Brock had kept a close eye on me all night, trying to figure out how I was doing without asking me too many times. I knew he was just trying to be there for me, but I didn't want to think about the situation anymore than my brain was already threatening to do already. Thankfully after the guys had eaten and their minds weren't stuck on food anymore, everyone split off into groups and were playing different games.
For the next few hours the house was full of laughter and fun. It was something I needed for a long time that was for sure. I was able to forget about all the bad shit for a few hours and just get to hang out with the team and their girls which was great.
Once the party was over with I was exhausted. From traveling all morning, to moving half a house worth of stuff, to being at the party with everyone, I could barely keep my eyes open. Brock noticed pretty quickly, only about 10 minutes into he movie we were watching.
"Hey, lets get you to bed," he said, standing up and walking down the hall towards my new room.
I yawned, getting up from the couch slowly, steadying myself before I started down the hall behind him. I could heart Coolie's dog tags jingle behind Brock's door
"Hey Coolie, why don't you sleep in Brooke's room tonight, I think she could really use your cuddles bud," Brock smiled and rubbed the pup behind his ears.
Coolie wagged his tail at his dad and pushed by him to follow me down the hall a bit and into my new room. It was right next to Brock's, the other spare bedroom holding the spare boxes of my stuff for the night. I planned on spending the next few days unpacking and organizing my stuff while Brock was busy was practice and getting ready for the game in a few days.
We said goodnight to each other, Brock asking for the 5th time if there was anything I needed before he went to his room for the night. I assured him that I was fine and gave him a quick hug before walking into my room and closing the door behind me. I changed into my PJs and opened the door a bit so that if Coolie wanted to get out at some point in the night he could.
I crawled into bed and pet Coolie for a few minutes before laying down. I grabbed my phone and decided to try and read a few chapters of the book that I gotten right before we went on the trip. I was hoping it would relax me enough to let me fall asleep easily, however that wasn't the case. Eventually setting the book down on my nightstand after not really being able to focus on it that well I decided to just try and force myself to sleep.
It had been at least an hour of tossing and turning. I could not get comfortable no matter what I tried. Coolie was a good sport about it, passed out at the end of the bed even though I kept moving. Eventually I curled up on my side, facing the wall and closed my eyes.
My mind continued to flash back to that night at the club, seeing Brad dancing all over that girl. I had frozen when I first saw it, the lights were low so I wasn't sure if it was really him or not. Their faces were everything but glued together while they danced. Once they finally had pulled away I could tell for sure it was him.
I opened my eyes when I felt Coolie inch his way up the bed, curling up in front of me. I hid my face in his fur as I let go the wall I had put up over the last half week. I had tried my best to keep a brave face on when everyone was around. I didn't want them to feel bad for me, I just wanted to move on. My body on the other hand knew that in order to move on I needed to cry this out.
I was glad for Coolie being there, he muffled my cries for the most part. I was pretty sure that Brock was asleep, so he wouldn't hear me through the wall, at least I hoped not. Out of anyone I didn't want to cry in front of Brock. He was the only one I would be comfortable to cry in front of, but I knew it would make him more mad at Brad and he would always be careful around me. I didn't want this situation to change how he treated me for the next two weeks while I dealt with this.
(Brock's POV)
I was about an hour into this movie and I honestly had no idea what had even happened so far. My mind kept wandering back to the trip, and the look on Brooke's face when she told me what happened. We had known each other for so long and she was, is, my best friend. I wanted to do nothing but protect her and I feel like this whole thing was my fault.
I knew realistically it wasn't, but if I had never suggested that she moved to Vancouver, she never would of met Brad, he never would of hit her that one time, and he never would of cheated on her. I groaned and tossed over to my other side. I knew Brooke would yell at me if she knew I was beating myself up over this, but how else was I suppose to feel?
There was no way in hell I was letting her leave here. I know she thought I was just going to let her stay here until she found a new place to live, but that wasn't what I was going to let happen. I couldn't see her going through all of that again.
I was ripped from my thoughts, hearing something through the wall. I sat up quickly and grabbed the remote, turning the volume all the way off, not that it was really on much to begin with. I listened closely, not hearing anything for a little bit. Maybe it had just been in the movie, but then I heard it again. It was a faint crying noise.
My heart immediately dropped, realizing that Brooke was crying. I sat there, leaning against the headboard not exactly sure what to do. I knew Brooke long enough to know that while I'm one of the only people she will cry in front of, she had been holding herself together the best she could around all of us. After that morning in the hotel room she didn't want to ruin anyone's time, or make anyone feel bad for her.
I sighed, rubbing my hand over my face and leaned my head back against the wall while I contemplated if I should go in there or not.
(Brooke's POV)
I sniffled, pulling back from having my face in Coolie's fur so I could wipe my cheeks. Coolie sat up, licked my face, and then hopped off the bed and nosed the door open. I sighed and pulled the spare pillow up to my chest and hid my face in that. I didn't blame him for leaving I wouldn't want to be here either while I cried all night.
I looked up, eyes puffy and blurry from the tears that kept streaming down my face. It had been another half hour since I last looked. I tried to steady my breathing but it just came in another wave as I forced my face into the pillow and tried to not cry out loud.
(Brock's POV)
My eyes opened as I heard my door moving. I didn't see Brooke standing there, my eyes traveling down to see that Coolie had opened my door.
"Bud, you're suppose to be keeping Brooke company," I whispered.
Coolie made his way over to the bed, jumping up half way so his front paws were on the bed. He pushed his nose against me and jumped back down, walking out of the door. I got up and walked to the door, looking down the hall and seeing that he was sitting outside of Brooke's door.
I smiled a bit, knowing that he was trying to get me to go in and see her. I walked down the hall, stopping a moment to pet him on the head.
"You're right bud I should go in there," I leaned down and kissed his head.
Coolie laid down in the hallway as I quietly walked into the room. I looked at the bed, my face falling as I could see her form shaking from crying but trying to be quiet about it. I made my way over to the bed and sat down behind her, moving the blanket out of the way before I crawled in behind her, wrapping my arm around her and pulling her close to me.
(Brooke's POV)
I jumped a bit when I felt an arm slip around me, figuring that the movement I had felt behind me was Coolie. I turned over a bit, looking over my shoulder and seeing that Brock was behind me and pulling me closer to him.
"Shh its okay," he whispered, wiping my cheeks.
I shook my head and turned so that I was facing him and pressed my face against his chest. I could feel his hand rubbing up and down my back as he made soft soothing noises above me. My breathing slowly started to even out as the crying faded away.
"You're okay," Brock whispered as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "I wont let anything bad happen to you again I promise," he said softly.
I finally had calmed my breathing, my body now exhausted from the emotions pouring out of me. I nuzzled closer to Brock and closed my eyes, fully expecting the scene to be replaying in my mind again, but there was nothing. It was okay this time. I relaxed into Brock and held onto him as I finally slowly fell asleep.
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benhardyorbust · 6 years
The Trip of a Lifetime PT 6
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Recap: You had just graduated from college, but you had one last trip to go on for one of your classes. You were going to London with your intercultural media communication class for two weeks. The first night you matched with a boy named Ben on Bumble. The second night of your trip you go on a date with him and go home with him. After a few dates, Ben tells you he loves you. 
1123 words 
Read Part 5 here
You roll over, expecting to see Ben next to you, but he isn’t there. You look around and just see Frankie sitting by your feet. You put on one of Ben’s shirts and walk out to the kitchen. There is a note on the wall that reads 
“Had a last minute scene to shoot, had to run, sorry love. Catch up with you later. Here’s some cash for a cab”
You are slightly annoyed because you really don’t want to take a cab, but at least he left you money to get back to the hotel. You look at the clock on the oven, it’s 7:24. 
Shit, I have to be back by 8, you think. You grab your stuff, play with Frankie, run out of the apartment and catch a cab back to the hotel. 
You barely make it back in time to get ready. 
“Where were you this morning?” Brooke asks. 
“Ben usually wakes me up, but he was gone when I woke up this morning,” you say. “He left a note about how he had a last minute scene to shoot or something? I’m not really sure, I was in a rush.” 
“Huh, that’s a little weird,” Brooke says. “How was last night?”
“Well... we decided to go to Paris over the weekend,” you say. You start to blush. 
“I can tell there is something you aren’t telling me,” Brooke says. 
“So we went to the London Eye and he got us a private capsule, and, uh, well, he kind of told me he loves me...” you say. 
Brooke screams. 
“Way,” you respond laughing. 
“What did you say back?”
“I told him I love him too.”
“Shut UP!!! Who knew you would find your actual soul mate on this trip? Oh wait, I DID,” Brooke says, while she walks over to give you a hug. “So are you guys like official now?” 
“Yeah, we decided to be a real couple,” you say. “I am not really sure how this is going to work out, since you know we live in the middle of the US and he lives in London, but I think we can make it work. I actually see this going somewhere.”
“Y/N I am so happy for you, you seriously deserve this so much.”
“Thanks Brooke,” you say.”Now if we don’t shut the hell up and get going we are going to be late.”
You and your class visit some radio stations that day, and are done for the day around 3 pm. Ben usually would have texted you by then but you have not heard anything from him all day. You brush it off, he is probably just busy. 
“Y/N, we are going out tonight, do you want to come?” Brooke asks. 
“Hell yeah I do! I never turn down a chance to turn up!” you say, laughing. 
“Oh my god, never say that again,” Brooke responds, laughing.
You get back to your hotel room and talk about what your plans are that night. 
“I think we are going to have SOO much fun,” Brooke says. 
“Me too, I can’t wait to see how Londoners party,” you say. 
“I know I told you last night that I am totally cool with you spending so much time with Ben, which I still totally am, but I am so glad you are coming out with us tonight,” she says.
“Brooke, I wouldn’t miss this night out together for anything or anyone, we are about to tear up this town.”
“Have you heard from Ben yet today since you left?”
“Not yet, but he is probably just busy with work,” you say. 
You and Brooke continue to talk about the trip so far amongst other things. You get ready to go out with some other girls in your class. You get an Uber to the first pub you are going to. 
After a few drinks, you walk to the club that is next door. 
You and Brooke go to the bar to get some drinks, while the other girls go to the dance floor. After you get your drinks, you meet them out there. Ashley walks up to you and starts to whisper-yell in your ear.
“Hey, so I don’t know what exactly is going on with you and that actor, but, I think he is over there with another girl,” she says as she points to her right. 
You look over and there he is, dancing with another girl. You turn around, facing away from him so he can’t see you. You text Brooke and the others and tell them to look. Then, you pull your friends off the dance floor and take them to the ladies room with you. 
“Okay ladies, we have the upper hand right now since he doesn’t know I’m here, what is our next move?” you ask. 
“Are they even like official?” Sierra asks Brooke. 
“They just made it official last night,” Brooke says. 
“Yikes,” Sierra says. 
“Yeah I know, she is head over heels for him,” Brooke says. 
Brooke looks as you and grabs your shoulders. 
“Y/N, you are going to march over there, and ask him WHAT THE HELL he thinks he’s doing.” 
“You’re right, I might need a shot before I can do that though,” you say. 
“Then let’s go! To the BAR!” Brooke yells. 
You and your friends go to the bar, take a shot of tequila, and they start to hype you up. 
You look around to find Ben still with the same girl, and now they are sitting down in a booth, and she is on his lap and she’s a little too close to his face for comfort. That is the last straw. 
You walk across the club over to them and you tap Ben on the shoulder. 
“So this is how you treat a girl after you tell her you love her??” you yell at him.
He looks at you with a blank face. The girl on his lap gets up, slaps him, and apologizes to you. You tell her it’s okay, she didn’t know. 
Ben stands up and leans in so you can hear him. 
“Can we go somewhere and talk?” he asks. 
“Why can’t we talk here?”
“Because I can’t hear a bloody thing in here,” he says. 
“Fine, you have five minutes to explain yourself.” 
He leads you outside the club and into a quiet connivence store. 
“So what the hell is going on? You tell me you love me last night and then all of a sudden you disappear, and then I find you all over another girl in a club? Wha the hell Ben?”
“Y/N, I can explain,” he says to you, sounding desperate. 
part 7
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Please Darling…Part 12
Sorry dudes
“Jessica?!” Brian and Tim yelled in unison, staring at each other. There were a few words exchanged, then another voice came over the phone. “What a great way to say hello, am I right?” Sarah had her hand clamped over her mouth. She couldn’t speak. But Brian certainly could. “Jessica, holy shit, we thought you were dead.” “I wished I was. But at least I’m back now. Is Tim there?” Brian glanced at him, still in clear shock. “Yeah, he’s here.” “Thank god.” Tim hesitantly spoke, keeping a hand on Sarah’s shoulder. “Hey Jess. Where the hell have you been?” “I’m not that sure. Any tapes I had are gone, and I turned up here. I was driving and just, ended at the house. Where are you guys? How’s the baby?” Sarah took the initiative to speak. “The baby is 15 years old.” There was silence. “Sarah? How-what-huh?” “Jess, you’ve been gone for quite a while. What do you remember?” “Well, I got some help from-“ “wait!” Brian interjected, glancing around the room. “Not now. We’ll be there as soon as we can tomorrow.” They almost forgot. Brian needed rest. Badly. “Alright, call me as soon as you can. I’ll stay here with Brooke.” “Don’t see you having much of a choice.” Tim smiled, letting everyone say their goodbyes before hanging up. Brian passed out before they could talk.
As Sarah lay in the bed, staring at the dark ceiling, a name popped into her head. Two, actually. Evan. HABIT. They drove for hours. The entire time was spent arguing. “What if it’s a fucking trap?” “You heard her voice, Brian.” “You don’t think someone can edit, Tim? Or possibly someone else is with her?” “Brian, it’s Jess. I know it is.” Sarah cut in. “She’s fine. Nobody’s there, Brooke would’ve let me know.” Both sighed, Brian answering. “I just want to make sure you’re prepared to kill the damn thing, even if it’s Jessica’s face.” “Won’t have to.” Sarah was in the back with Brian, getting answers to a question she’d been begging to ask. “Why did you break up with Nathan? You had a ring and everything.” He glanced out the window as he spoke. “Yeah kid, yeah I did. I thought I’d found someone who understood what a crazy life was like. Then everything started coming back, with you and the tapes and that fucking thing beating the shit out of us every night. I couldn’t do that to him. He had just gotten surgery, and after that, he didn’t need anymore stress.” He took a deep breath, twisting the ring off his finger. “His matches. I don’t know if he burned it or broke it or tossed it out, but I know he said I’m always welcome back when I get my shit together.” Tim smiled, glancing in the mirror at Brian. “He made you pretty damn happy brother.” “He really did. But I’d rather focus on keeping my niece safe than my love life.” He offered a laugh, one Tim returned. Once they got back, they immediately noticed the car in the drive. Tim parked as quick as possible, almost sprinting to the front door. Sarah helped Brian out, letting him lean on her. “You’re tall.” “I’m only 6’3”, it’s not my fault you’re a foot shorter than me.” “Eight inches is not a foot!” Once they got inside, Brooke came running up to Sarah. Tim took Brian, the two girls hugging. Sarah could barely breathe. “Brooke, I need air.” “Sarah, my god, don’t you ever fucking leave me like that again. It’s been over a month, you ass.” She returned the gesture, leaning down slightly. “I’m glad you’re alive, Brooke.”
“Ahem.” Everyone turned to see her. Jessica’s dark hair fell over her shoulders, dark circles lining her eyes. She had on one of Tim’s old shirts, one he hadn’t worn in years. It was kept in Jess’s drawer, of course he hadn’t worn it. Her eyes met Tim’s, small tears forming. “Oh my god, you’re alive…” “what did you expect?” She walked up to him quickly, wrapping her arms around his body. “Jesus Tim, it’s been so long.” “Longer than you think.” He was crying, as was she. His fingers were entangled in her hair, pressing his body to hers. “I love you.” “I love you too.” Brian leaned on the counter, cradling his arm. “Hey Jess. Been a while, don’t you think?” She pulled away slightly, wiping away small water droplets. “Yeah, it has. How’ve you been Bri?” “I think you can see.” She lightly hugged him, avoiding the arm. He lightly patted her back, motioning to Sarah. “Don’t you want to say hello to your daughter?” She turned away from the two, glancing down at Sarah. “Holy shit…you’re-you’re alive.” Sarah offered a confused glance, standing in front of her mom. “Yeah, I’d hope so.” What else could you expect? She’d never met the woman. At least not in a way she’d remembered. She had no idea what she was like, nor did she know what to say. She just stood there, dumbfounded. “Are you going to hug your mom or not punk?” Sarah shot Brooke a glare, turning back to Jessica. “I guess that’s in order.” Jessica had to lean down slightly, wrapping her arms around the thin kid. “I’m glad you’re okay.” “Likewise.” They stayed that way for a few moments before a voice interrupted them. “Well isn’t that touching.”
That laugh. Brooke screamed, Brian grabbed his pistol, Tim stepped forward to grab Sarah. “Nobody moves.” The guy pulled out a knife, aiming it at Jessica. “If you even think about touching that trigger, she’s getting this in her gut.” He grabbed her shoulder, pressing the tip into her stomach. Jessica looked down at Sarah, making an attempt to say something. “I’m so sorry to break up this little reunion, but I’ve got priorities.” He glared down at Jessica. “Like this bitch.” Nobody moved. Brian was absolutely pissed. He dropped the towel from his arm, moving it to meet the pistol in his hands. “What the fuck could you want with her?” “What could I want? You’re all thinking it!” The guy laughed, motioning to Sarah. “She’s the reason this all started! If she’s gone, so is that stick in the mud. That thing that fucks you up at night, the one that tore your arm to fucking shreds, all gone. All you have to do is let her go.” Tim was fuming. Absolutely fuming. “Let them the fuck go.” “Or what? You’ll tackle me? Throw pills at me? That’s all you know how to do!” The laugh rang through Sarah’s ears. She was being threatened, and all she could hear was his laugh. “Evan, listen to me-“ “shut up Jessica. You’re thinking it too. I helped you get back here so we could get them all here! You think I did it out of the kindness of my dear heart?” He laughed again, knocking her shoulder. “That’s sweet.” “Don’t fucking touch her you psychopath!” “Oh shut up Brian. It’s not like you haven’t done shit like this before. You’ve killed anyone who got in the way of you and your precious little niece. Anyone who merely picked up a camera near his grave was beaten on sight.” He laughed again. The knife was aimed at her chest, his lips against her ear. “I’m just getting this all out of the way. You’ve got two options here missy.” Everyone was dead silent. “You can fight, and everyone in this room dies. Your precious husband, this chick, your brother in law, if you could even call him that, and even this little twerp you hate know. Or, you can let me press this in a little more…” The blade broke skin. A bit of blood ran down her chest wall, staining her shirt. “…and it’ll all be over. What do you say? We got a deal?” She contemplated. She thought about it, longer than she should have. “What the hell are you talking about you ass-“ “I just want it to be over!” He was yelling again. “You all want it to be over! Aren’t you sick and tired of having to run from place to place because you can’t stay somewhere for too long? Because that…that thing is controlling you?! I know you’re fucking sick of it! I’m fixing it!” He pulled his hand back. Sarah interjected. She shoved her Jessica out of the way before he brought his hand down. But the blade never met her skin. Brian shot twice. He knew at least one of them would hit that thing. He didn’t consider the idea that one could hit Sarah.
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katymacsupernatural · 7 years
Hotel California Chapter 14: Miraculous
Dean Winchester x Reader
1550 Words
Story Summary: After an unfortunate incident at work, you take a couple of days for yourself, planning on staying at the nice restaurant at the edge of town. There you meet a handsome green eyed man who comes to your rescue when you’re visited by a ghost.
Catch Up Here: Masterpost
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As you passed in and out of consciousness, you heard Dean as he stumbled towards you, falling down on his knees beside your body that wouldn't follow any of your orders. "Y/N." You heard him yell out, but you were so tired, still in so much pain that you couldn't answer, couldn't even move your little finger to let him know that you were there with him.
You felt his callused hands running along your body, looking for wounds, anything that would show where you were hurting. But it was useless, your pain was on the inside, where Andrew had had his hand wrapped tightly around your heart.
"Y/N, sweetheart, if you can hear me, please open your eyes." He pleaded, his fingers stopping as they reached your flushed cheeks. Straining to open them, you grew frustrated when they stayed close, as if someone had used super glue on your lashes. It was then you felt a drop on your forehead, then another, before your shoulders were gently lifted and you were wrapped in a warm pair of flannel covered arms.
Your body was rocked, back and forth, as Dean rested his head on top of yours. His hand moved move from your cheek, gently pressing against your neck, looking for a sign that you were still on Earth with him. You heard him muttering against your hair as he continued to slightly rock you in his arms. "Come on Y/N, fight. Please. There it is!" He said, his voice growing louder, and he must have found your pulse that was still sluggishly beating.
"Thank god." He exclaimed, leaning his head back down against yours, his arm wrapped tightly around you. Even though you were caught in the middle between consciousness and the unknown, you still reveled in the fact that you were being held in his arms.
You felt yourself growing a little weaker, a little more tired with each passing moment, and you wished you had enough energy to reach up, to slide your hand against his stubbled cheek, to give him one last smile to let him know how much he already meant to you. Instead you lay there, your body at odds with your mind.
"Dean!" You thought you heard Sam yell, and then you wondered if you were starting to imagine things. Sam was supposed to be in the library still.
"In here Sammy! Hurry!" Dean yelled, and if you hadn't been so weak you would have winced at the yell being so close to your ears.
You blacked out for a moment, losing your fight against consciousness. But when you suddenly came to, you felt yourself swinging, but held tightly against something warm and solid. It took you a moment, but then you realized you were being carried by someone. Once the familiar scent wafted your way, you knew it was Dean, with his uniqueness of gunpowder, motor oil, and musk.
You felt yourself gently being lowered, before you felt something soft and giving on your back. It was a bed. You weren't sure if it was in your room, or Dean's but you missed the warmth and the comfort that Dean's arms had provided.
The bed dipped, then you felt a wet washcloth being gently run over your face. "Sam, why won't she wake up? I didn't see any injuries." You heard Dean say from your left.
"I have no idea. But Dean, ghosts can do major injury on the inside. Things that don't show up on the outside. She could be internally bleeding and we would have no idea yet."
"So we just wait?" Dean asked, his voice showing his frustration.
"I'm sorry." You heard Sam sigh. "But Dean, we need to get you fixed up. You're still bleeding from multiple cuts."
"Not until she wakes up." Dean argued, and if you could get control of your muscles you would slap him. You didn't want him to bleed to death because of you.
You heard another sigh, and you figured it came from Sam again. "How about I get the supplies, work on you out here? That way you can keep an eye on her."
You weren't sure what happened next, but Dean shifted in the bed, and you could hear him hissing under his breath. "Damn it Dean, hold still." You heard Sam curse, and you knew he must be stitching Dean's cuts up. You tried hard, struggling against the darkness that held you immobile, wanting to see how badly Dean was hurt. You wanted to be the one tending to his wounds.
You fought so hard, you felt your eyelids flutter open, and you could just make out the back of Dean's blue and red flannel shirt as he struggled to remove it from his shoulders. He turned so he wouldn't hit you as one strong arm was revealed. Upon turning, he glanced down at you, a worried look on his turning into a jubilant one as he noticed your eyes were open.
"Y/N!" He exclaimed, his own cuts and bruises forgotten as he turned his attention completely on you.
You wanted to do more, to reach out and touch him, to speak and tell him that you were glad he was okay. But all you could do was a small smile, the effort of that costing you.
"Y/N, I'm so glad you're okay." He said, reaching out to touch your hand, but before he could, you felt your entire body stiffen up. The slight movement of your smile was too much for your battered heart, and you could feel it seize up. Your entire body stiffened, and you felt tears gather in your eyes at the pain.
Dean must have noticed, because his smile fell away, and he came closer to you, his face inches from yours. "Y/N, what is it? What's wrong? Damn it Sammy, help me!" He said, as you took in a painful breath, before the pain was too much and you faded away, back into the frustrating blackness that wouldn't release it's hold on you.
You weren't sure how much time had passed, but you felt yourself slowly waking up once again. This time was much different than last time. There was no longer that excruciating pain that had wrapped itself around your heart. Your body no longer felt as if it was wrapped in cement. You felt perfectly fine, in fact even better than before you had come to the motel.
You were able to take deep, wonderfully deep breaths, each one free and easy. Your head didn't pound, and you reveled in the fact for a moment. But then you noticed, that while your body was no longer held immobile from pain, it was still difficult to move. You felt something heavy and warm wrapped tightly around your middle, spreading up and down your back. It was your own personal heating pad, and while it felt amazing, you really needed to get up and use the bathroom.
Opening your eyes, you slowly twisted to your side, careful not to upset the arms that were currently wrapped tight around you. It seemed like ages, but finally, you came face to face with a sleeping Dean. He was pressed tight up against you, one arm acting as your pillow while the other had snuck under your shirt, and you shivered at the touch of skin on skin.
You took the time to study a sleeping Dean. His eyelashes were longer than you had thought, with his eyes closed they brushed the top of his cheeks, a dark fluttering fullness of eyelashes. He lips were plump and even pinker than you remembered, slightly parted as he breathed deeply. You knew you could get lost trying to count all the freckles that were spattered across his nose and cheeks. He was a gorgeous man, but that was just the tip of the man. Once you looked past the nice physique, the tempting bow legs, and the handsome face, you came to a kind hearted man. One who would do anything for those he loved, and even those he hadn't met yet.
Shaking yourself from your sickeningly sweet thoughts, you scooted back, trying to move out of his grasp. It was tougher than you imagined, and as soon as you gained an inch, he would grumble in his sleep, and move in closer.
What seemed like hours later, you were finally free of his grasp, and you were standing at the side of the bed. You weren't sure what type of medicine they had given you, but it had done it's job. You felt amazing, as if the run in with the ghost had never happened. Thinking on it, you glanced back at Dean, wondering how all of his cuts had been miraculously healed.
Shaking your head, more than a little confused, you didn't pay any attention to where you were going. As you made your way to the bathroom, you ran into a hard chest. "Sorry Sam." You mumbled, not even looking up.
"It's alright. But I am not Sam." A deep, kind of hoarse voice said, and you looked up, into a pair of intense blue eyes. "Hello Y/N."
Dean/Jensen Tags: @acreativelydifferentlove @a-girl-who-loves-disney @akshi8278 @anokhi07 @aubreystilinski @bebravekeeponfighting @colette2537 @crusadedean @deanwinchesters-impala67 @haelyn @ikeneasul11 @its-not-a-tulpa @just-another-winchester @msimpala67 @lenaabs @love-charmer-sketch @ruprecht0420 @shadowhunter7 @sizzlingbearpolice @sleep-silent-angel @sortaathief @superseejay721517 @thesaneone
Hotel California Tags:  @abbessolute @brentismeiamhe @catchingshadows-blog @classy-sassyandsmartassy @deansgirl215 @dramaqueenrolf @earthtokace @feelmyroarrrr @georgialouisea @helpmeyouassbutt @iamabeautifulperson18 @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @kbl1313 @lessons-of-red @mina22 @musicistobeheard-blog @myloveforyouxx  @nevaeh-potter15 @obsessivecompulsivespn @peaceloveancolor @pilaxia @rhapsody-in-flannel @sizzlingbearpolice @spnfangirl1965 @sunskittlex @superwholock1983 @tmccarney @tjwinchester @walkerbex98 @wolfmoon8269 @yes-this-is-doggo
Forever Tags:  @16wiishes @4401lnc @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove @angelsandwinchesters @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @bohowitch @brooke-supernatural16  @brunettechick @captainradicalpassion @chelsea072498 @clairese1980 @captainemwinchester @createdbybadappreciation @darthdeziewok @destiels-new-girl @donnaintx @dont-you-dare-say-misha @dslocum89 @duckieburns @docharleythegeekqueen @dontslurp @emmazach @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @essie1876 @generalgoldfishldrm @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek @imboredsueme @ithinkimadorable-67 @iwriteaboutdean  @jayankles @jensen-gal @just-another-busy-fangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @keelzy2 @li-ssu @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice @mellowlandrunaway @mogaruke @my-squirrel-and-moose @nanie5 @oneshoeshort @percussiongirl2017 @pilaxia @pizzarollpatrol @plaid-lover-bay25 @rosegoldquintis @roxyspearing @samanddeanmyheroes @sandlee44 @shamelesslydean @sillesworldofwriting @sgarrett49 @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @spnbaby-67 @sunskittlex @superbadassnatural @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @thebikiniinspector @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @tmccarney @totallovelesson @tunadean @vvinch3st3r @winchester-writes @zombiewerewolfqueen
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roni-westbrook · 7 years
She’s A Bad Mama Jama Part 4 (Steve Harrington x OC)
Here is the next part!! Hope whoever is reading these in the ether that is this website is enjoying them!
Part One Part Two Part Three
“Hey Auntie! Is Lucas there? I wanted to see if he wanted to go see a movie,” Val asked over the phone. The Terminator had just come out and she could tell that Lucas would love it by the trailers.
“He’s actually out right now. At the junkyard I think. You can go see if he wants to though,” her aunt replied, “And if you could also make sure that boy isn’t getting into any trouble, it would be a great help to me.”
“Haha, of course,” Val told her, smiling brightly at the wall. She could just imagine the trouble Lucas and his small group of friends would get into. Sitting around and playing Dungeons and Dragons was not very high on the danger list.
“I know Hawkins doesn’t compare to San Francisco but I’m glad you and your father are here,” her aunt said to her, her voice suddenly turning serious and vulnerable.
“Me too Auntie,” Val replied softly, her heart feeling awash with emotions.
“What the fuck are y’all doing,” Val asked as she walked into the junkyard to see Dustin, Lucas, Steve and a red-haired girl placing metal scraps on an old, broken down school bus.
“Valerie! The love of my life,” Dustin called, eliciting an eye roll from Lucas as the curly haired boy ran over to her, enveloping her in a warm hug. She made eye contact with Steve as the rest of the group walked over to her. She forced herself to keep her eyes on his, but couldn’t help her perusal of his form. She had to admit to herself that in the short time she had gotten to know him she had developed a small crush. She felt her heart began to beat hard as she looked him over. His jeans fit him perfectly and she could just imagine how his butt would look when he turned around. His hair was falling into his face and she just wanted to run his finger through it. She could tell that his hair would be thick and soft, and it was the perfect length to grip onto. Images from her imagination began to flood her mind of Steve kissing down her neck, slowly going lower and lower, her hand in his hair to put him right where she needed his mouth on her the most. She shook her head, banishing the thoughts from her head, now was definitely not the time. Steve smirked at her, his brown eyes piercing, as if he knew exactly what she was thinking.
“Dustin! My boo! How are you,” she asked the preteen that still held onto her, his arm around her waist. He was nearly as tall as she was and her heart became slightly saddened by the fact that her boys were growing up on her.
“I’m better now that you’re here,” he told her cheekily.
“You always know how to treat me right Dustin. That’s why you’re my favorite,” Val told him, sticking her tongue out at Lucas who had exclaimed in insult at her words.
“I thought I was your favorite,” Steve asked, his voice low and husky that it made her belly do a small flip. A small pout began to form on his lips that made her want to kiss him. She wanted to take a bite and make him groan in pleasure.
“What gave you that impression,” she asked instead, a single brow lifting with mock disinterest.
“Doll! You wound me,” Steve replied, a hand coming to his chest in playfulness.
“If you two are finished flirting,” Lucas said loudly, breaking the spell that had fallen over the two. Both teenagers looked at the three kids, blushes gracing both their cheeks and scoffing loudly at his words.
“Flirting? No one was flirting! And I most definitely would not flirt with him,” Val said defensively, her words stuttering lightly.
“Excuse me? I am a catch,” Steve told her, looking affronted at her words. Val had opened her mouth to reply when Lucas cut her off.
“It doesn’t matter,” he practically shouted, “Val, you need to go. It’s too dangerous for you here,” Lucas continued his voice soft and full of fear. Val could tell something major was happening and she immediately wanted to know what it was, because whatever it was didn’t seem to be good.
“Why do I need to go? What are you guys up to,” Val asked, suspicion entering her.
“It’s complicated. Just trust me, ok,” Lucas replied, a dejected look coming over his face.
“Hell no I’m not going. Who do you think I am leaving you shits here by yourselves,” Val said, her tone clearly brooking no argument.
“Val,” Lucas yelled, trying to convince her.
“Lucas,” Val said in the same tone before turning serious again, “What’s going on kid? You know you can tell me anything.”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Lucas sighed out, clearly exasperated with her but she didn’t care, his and the others safety were way more important.
She crossed her arms, widening her stance, physically showing she wasn’t going anywhere, “Try me.”
“This is absolutely insane,” Val sighed out, exhaustion hitting her from all sides. She slowly sat down on the floor on the bus, her brain still trying to wrap around all of the information she was just given. A different dimension with creatures that can kill you, and at the heart of it was the sweetest boy she had ever met Will Byers.
“I told you wouldn’t believe me,” Lucas cried out, clearly frustrated by everything.
“Hold up now cuz, me not believing you didn’t once leave my mouth,” Val told him, standing up again once she got some oxygen back into her body.
“Wait,” Lucas paused, staring at her with wide eyes, “What? Why?”
“Because one, I’m pretty sure Steve would not being hanging out with you with his too cool for school vibe. Two, I know you. I’ve seen you when you’re genuinely scared and I saw that look today. You can’t fake that kind of fear,” Val said, wrapping her arms around herself, suddenly feeling cold. She didn’t fully know what her cousin had gotten himself into, but it was something to be feared. She didn’t know if she was strong enough to protect him, any of them. She sucked in a breath when she suddenly felt an arm wrap around her waist and looked over to see Steve’s chest. He held her tightly to his side and she felt grateful at feeling his solid presence beside her. He was her rock in this moment.
“Are you going to tell mom,” Lucas asked in a quiet voice, ignoring the way Steve held her.
“Hell no! Are you nuts? She would kill the both of us before those demi-dogs even got close to us,” Val exclaimed before scrubbing a hand down her face, “I’m gonna help your ass out I guess.”
“What? No,” Lucas began but Val placed a hand in front her effectively cutting his speech off.
“Not another word. I’m staying, that’s final. Besides, I couldn’t leave Max here to deal with you 3 on her own,” Val said, a small smile lifting her lips before reaching out and giving Lucas a long and warm hug. She felt him take a deep breath and relaxing in her embrace. She looked over at Steve and showed him the fear that was being held in her heart.
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