#and his love for portrait mode
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Mark Webber x WearOptimo: Championing the Future of Microwearables, June 22 2023 (for @iliveforaussiegrit <3)
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nocreativityfornames · 4 months
Everything we know about Michael so far, lore wise.
➤ He's an high-ranking angel from the Celestial Realm, more specifically a Seraph. (nb: 18-2 and nb card: Luke - "I can do it too!")
➤ His love for sweets is the reason Luke took interest in baking. (swd: 5-12 and 23-5)
➤ He and Lucifer were equals in the Celestial Realm and no other angel shared the same status as them. Simeon referred to them back then as "the two great leaders of the Celestial Realm's legion of angels." (swd: 23-7) But currently Michael carries that position alone. (swd: 23-5)
➤ He was supposed to meet MC when they visited the Celestial Realm with Solomon but couldn't because a secret spring suddenly started drying and Michael had to go there to investigate the situation. (swd: 23-7)
➤ He used to be Mammon's mentor and tried his best to train the white-haired brother while in charge of him but wasn't able to figure out how to handle him and eventually went to Lucifer asking for help. And since Lucifer was somehow able to get Mammon to listen to him, he ended up taking over Michael's role and became his mentor instead. (swd: 27-19)
➤ He was originally the one in possession of the Ring of Wisdom but gave the ring to Solomon at a time when the human was feeling "lost" and Michael wanted to help him. (swd: 29-5)
➤ During MC's 2° stay in the Devildom when Diavolo was keeping secret from everyone that their powers had become a threat to the three realms, Michael sent the prince a message through Simeon, warning him that if whatever he was keeping a secret affected the Celestial Realm, angels wouldn't hesitate to intervene. (swd: 31-16 Hard Mode)
➤ He's the one who found the Ring of Light, counterpart to the Ring of Wisdom that Lucifer had lost during the Great Celestial War (swd: 37-9), and quickly noticed it was missing when Simeon stole it to give it to MC ( since it was the only other way to control their powers ), shooting the other angel a text stating that they needed to have a "good, long talk" and that he wanted to see him as soon as possible. (swd chat: M, "untitled")
➤ When MC was given the Ring of Light and fell unconscious because of it, Michael appeared to speak with them. And during their talk, the seraph told MC that he had pictured them to be truly wicked person due to being so well-liked by the brothers, but that he had been proven wrong after meeting them. (swd: 38-17)
➤ In that same conversation, Michael confessed to being jealous of MC. He told them: "I must admit that I'm jealous of you, MC. I wish I could have been more like you. Because I loved Lucifer and his brothers, and I lost them. Perhaps things could have been different..." (swd: 38-17)
➤ When asked, Satan explained to MC that Michael was the opposite of Lucifer appearance-wise but that they felt like twins at the same time. And when Mammon brought up Michael's adoration for Lucifer, Satan chimed in saying that in his opinion the reason Michael liked Lucifer so much was because he was the embodiment of everything he wanted to be but couldn't. (swd: 43-19)
➤ He would be the one having meetings with Diavolo when the prince took over the kingdom if he hadn't thrown the responsibility onto Lucifer in the last minute, making Michael in a way the stepping stone that led Lucifer to question his faith and start having doubts about God and the Celestial Realm in general. (swd: 44-15)
➤ When MC ended up in the past Celestial Realm through a dream Solomon sent them to accidentally by feeding them his food, Michael was the one to bring them back home. The angel told MC that they and the brothers would likely forget what happened in the dream but that it would still have an effect on all of them and he would keep an eye on them to make sure that said effect didn't have negative consequences in the future. (swd: 44-18)
➤ Luke told MC that he often found Michael in the hall where the brothers' portraits used to hang staring at the empty space, lost in thought. According to the small angel, Michael to this day still deeply misses the brothers and has regrets about the war. (swd: 49-15)
➤ He was the one to cast out the brothers from the Celestial Realm and send them to the Devildom. (swd: 50-7)
➤ According to Mammon, Michael and Simeon must've pulled some strings behind the scenes to get Luke to participate in the exchange program and be able to visit the Human World with Simeon because, with his low ranking, he'd never be the one chosen for those sorts of things and the Avatar of Greed is convinced that they're doing this because they want Luke to experience life outside the Celestial Realm, see that there's more out there than heaven, and stop thinking that angels are perfect beings who can do no wrong. (swd: 50-10)
➤ He's knowledgeable on constellations and likes them so much he had Raphael rebuilt a whole room so Human World constellations could be seen even from the Celestial Realm. (swd: 52-7) He also taught Mammon about them when he was still in his care, and later on taught Luke as well. (swd: 50-12)
➤ It was actually he who went into the Devildom and told the brothers that they had been forgiven by God and had to choose between staying in the demonic kingdom ( and making an enemy out of heaven ) or coming back to the Celestial Realm and leaving Satan behind. And in a conversation with Raphael, Michael said the reason for his disguise was that he was worried about what could happen if he showed up as himself. But Raphael quickly rebutted that by saying that the true reason Michael didn't go as himself was because he wouldn't know how to act around the brothers. (nb: 20-14 Hard Mode)
➤ Still disguised as Raphael before going back to the Celestial Realm, Michael told Luke that he wasn't surprised that the brothers didn't accept his offer to go back to heaven and actually knew that would be the outcome of it. He was also surprised not too long after when Luke, not knowing it wasn't Raphael who he was talking to, pointed out that Michael seemed sad and lonely whenever he was staring at the wall where the brothers' portraits used to be. Michael's exact response to the younger angel's words was: "...I didn't realize that's what people thought.” (nb: 20-A)
➤ When asked by Raphael if he planned to attend RAD in the future, Michael avoided giving an direct answer and left. (nb: 20-14 Hard Mode)
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vmpiires · 6 months
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: ̗̀➛ 18+ CONTENT!!!
: ̗̀➛ afab!reader, lil bit of sex, nun too heavy. teasing, some whimpering, dom!reader. not proofread so i apologize in advance for any mistakes if they’re made.
: ̗̀➛ art creds by;; separuhpuding. dividers are not mine, if you own these, you may claim them in comments.
: ̗̀➛ WORD COUNT;; 3.1K
: ̗̀➛ plot aspects inspired by;; @selfishdoll (good ass writer,, i recommend)
* dark mode recommended
* do not copy this plot. i’m perfectly fine with inspirations but give creds. if this plot his stolen in any way, the post will be taken down and you will be blocked.
𝐃𝐀𝐊𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 ✉️🖇️;; ngllll i was writing the smut in gym class. i was INTO it. but its nothing heavy…just a lil nasty nasty 🌚 this was my first time writing for choso BUT THIS MAN SO FINE. i hope ya enjoy ittttt
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you and choso were roommates. it wasn’t surprising. you both went to the same college, you were good friends. nothing was wrong with that. but you were wondering what went wrong…why the two of you drifted apart.
“morning, choso!” you beamed at the 5’11 male sitting on the couch, his violet irises looking intently at his paper, loosely holding the pencil between his fingers. “Smoke Break-Dance” by JID played quietly on the speaker beside the tv, you noticed. you smiled a bit. choso must’ve been picking up on your music taste…or it was conveniently playing and he didn’t realize.
the male finally glanced up at you, registering your presence and lifted his hand, replacing actual words.
you plopped down beside him, making the side you sat on sink downward underneath him. his violet irises dragged to their left to look at you.
“whatcha doing?” you smile.
choso could never get over your soft voice and playful attitude. it always made him feel like he was doing something wrong. was he too boring? was it the fact that he hardly had any energy to do anything at all and he just laid around majority of the day? he didn’t know himself.
“writing…” he said quietly. “writing a poem…”
a couple months into your junior year of college was when he told you he loved you. he couldn’t explain himself but that’s what he was feeling all that time you stayed with him.
when you came around, he had a weird feeling in his chest when he saw you.
‘this body is betraying me’ he thought. he thought it was odd to be feeling this way about a human. a woman at that.
choso was a bit possessive of you. he enjoyed your company but grimaced at the men that came into your vicinity. the male watched from a distance, swallowing his urge to burst into a fit of rage but it would completely ruin his calm image.
“it’s fine,” yuji shrugged, waving his hand at his big brother, “that’s your girl, of course you’d be upset at another dude talking to her. it’s completely fine. don’t get so aggy.”
choso was happy to have his little brother, yuji there to comfort him when we was too nervous to confront you about the situation. from simple situations like this all the way to why he had an odd feeling between his legs when he kissed you. he didn’t think the rod that hung down in his lower area would be used for more than just using the bathroom….until yuji said so.
your “first time” was pretty interesting. it consisted of choso asking you if you were okay or if he was doing it right, to which you replied “yes” each time followed by a moan. you were wondering if he had done this before but you chose not to get into it.
more time goes by and then that’s when you realized that you were drifting apart.
choso was pursuing a career in art. drawing realistic portraits, using his heaven sent abilities to make drawings that looked like davinci had created them.
you were attempting to be a nurse, so you were off campus a lot, spending time at other hospitals to do “hands on” learning. neither of you had much time to talk to each other, though you sent texts back and forth assuring each other that everything was okay.
choso’s pupils retracted, hearing the sudden news of you wanting to break up with him. it was like he was going into shock.
���don’t you understand how much it would hurt me to see you go?” he said, his deep voice breaking. you never heard him sound so broken before. the moment almost made you cry yourself. the male gently took your hands, his sad eyes looking into yours, searching for an answer. but there was nothing.
“Y/N please…” you felt his grip on your hands get a bit tighter. you kept your head down, avoiding eye contact with him to refrain from making yourself cry in front of him.
you were gone and that was the end of it. you left your favorite person with his heart hurting, making him feel like he had to throw up. it was like his whole world had went cold, now that you weren’t in it.
two years passed and you haven’t seen choso. you were starting to forget about him. there were some physical features about him that you forgot too…like the way he looked bored all the time or the fact that he always had his hair in two buns and occasionally letting it all the way down.
you went on about your day while choso was probably in his room crying his eyes out, falling into a depression.
you heard a knock at your apartment door. you were confused at first because you weren’t expecting anyone to come over and a select few people knew where you lived. you put on a pair of joggers after walking around in nothing but an oversized hoodie and a pair of ankle socks.
the moment you opened the door, a set of hands clasped onto your waist like a corset and pulled you closer to the owner of those said hands. you were pulled into a really tight hug.
you melted in this person’s arms. their touch, the way they smelled, their warmth…you missed it. your arms wrapped around them, returning that hug. you could feel your scleras burning as tears began to form in your eyes.
memories of choso flooded back into your mind like a tsunami consuming an entire city. salty lines of tears slid down your cheeks and you held the male a bit tighter than he was holding you.
“i’m so sorry, cho.” you cried. “i didn’t mean to hurt you the way i did. i didn’t know what i was doing and—”
you were immediately cut off by a kiss. you had a storm of emotions swirling through your body, your eyes traveled up to the male after he pulled away from you.
a tired smile was flashed at you before you heard him say something just above a whisper, his deep voice startling you a bit.
you forgot about that.
“don’t apologize.”
“but i left you alone for so long. you aren’t upset? you not feeling some type of way about me?” your voice shaking from your recent crying.
“no, i’m not angry.” choso said, his hand sliding down your arm to hold yours. “it’s been two years…and i waited until you were ready.”
“i was told that i should be patient and i shouldn’t try to hold you back.” he added but his words only made you cry even more. he waited for you? he could’ve found so many other women and he waited two years for you?
“why did you wait? you could’ve found someone else to replace me, you know that?”
the violet eyed male just shrugged. “loyalty. if you needed a century, i’ll wait for you.” choso’s loyalty was that of a dog waiting for its owner to return after being gone for hours on end.
having nine other brothers, choso knew what loyalty was and it was something he valued heavily. but most importantly, he valued you. your safety. everything.
“good job, cho!” yuji grinned as he threw his arm around the taller male’s waist. choso’s head swung around, his hair flowing with him and looked at the other, feeling a bit embarrassed.
“i knew you could do it.” he continued.
“why are you even here…?” choso queried, putting on his awkward smile. you just watched with a smile on your face as the pair of brothers chattered until it faded into playful bickering.
later that day, you and choso were at your apartment, in your bedroom relaxing after yuji convinced the two of you to hang out with him for the day. choso was reading a book called “The Art of War”. you enjoyed when he read aloud to you. even though you were getting a bit bored, you didn’t wanna tell him that.
you were getting impatient. needy even. you missed being so close to him and being touched by his hands that looked two times the size of yours. abruptly, the book closes before choso would kiss you passionately as if something had possessed him. his lips were pressing against yours. he didn't say anything, his breath was heavy. everything was blurry to him.
choso held you tight against him, his hands moving to caress your waist. he was no longer thinking straight. he kept kissing you. he was drunk off of the feeling. but he cared about your lips. they were soft and plushy. he couldn’t even remember the last time he felt something as good as this.
soon, his hands moved to your neck. he caressed your throat, tenderly. his head was swimming, filled only by the feelings he had for you. kissing turned into biting, and biting turned into licking, and licking turned into kissing again. his lips were everywhere on your body. all he wanted was you.
there was no talking anymore. only the sound of the two of you breathing. you were breathing fast, filled with excitement. the way choso was looking at you was driving you crazy. he wanted you just as much as you wanted him.
he was caressing you from top to bottom, his lips kissing every part of you. it was...perfect. he was yours, you were his. it made sense. what else did you need?
“you're so beautiful..." he whispered. “...so perfect.”
you felt his bare chest against yours. his body was hot. it felt incredible. you were lost in the pleasure, and there was no returning. it was too late to stop. choso wanted you and you wanted him. It was too good to be true. his hands were touching you everywhere, teasing you, making your blood pump faster, making you moan.
he made you moan loudly. his lips and tongue were everywhere. your whole body was shaking. everything felt amazing. every sensation was magnified by a hundred. the smell of his skin, his voice, his moans in your ear...it made you feel like you were going to go insane.
the male was holding both of your wrists. he was looking at you with lust. he didn't care about anything else. you were feeling so good you were unable to think anymore. your heart was pumping like crazy, your legs were shaking.
he kissed your neck, your collarbone, your breasts. his hands were everywhere on your body. he wanted you badly. he couldn't control himself. he was all over you. he didn't care if it was a little dirty. his hands were exploring every inch of your body, making you moan and scream loudly.
he took off your clothes while his eyes kept scanning your body. soon, you were both naked. you looked at each other's body with lust and excitement. you knew how right this was. nothing else mattered. all of your senses were focused on this moment.
the room was flooded with the sound of both your moans and your breathing. your body was hot, your mind was fuzzy. you were not yourself anymore. you were a different being, full of sensuality.
choso was looming over you now, looking down at you with burning passion in his eyes. he was holding your wrists tightly and staring at you, his muscles twitching, as if he was imagining what he'd do to you. you could feel his breath on your neck, your collarbone... you could smell him.
his fingers were kneading your skin, his hands were sliding all over your body. he wanted to possess you. he was devouring you, slowly, passionately, thoroughly. his hands were feeling you, exploring you, learning you. he was learning how your body was shaped all over again, to better pleasure you.
he was slowly moving his tongue against your thighs now, kissing his way up your body. your heart was beating faster and faster. you could hardly breathe. he was taking his time, but he wasn't playing games with you. he wanted you to enjoy this.
he was caressing your inner thighs, kissing them, licking them, making your legs shake. you couldn't remain silent anymore. you were overwhelmed by desire. he was in control, controlling you in the most delicate way possible, making you surrender to his will.
you began reaching down to choso’s lower area, gently caressing the length that he had been hiding from her. you bit your lip as you stared in awe and pure excitement.
he had no words. his lips were quivering as he stared at you. he was feeling you, feeling your desire. he wasn't thinking about anything else in this moment. he was in awe, in total disbelief. he was breathing furiously as he looked at your hand, moving slowly down.
he closed his eyes, unable to bear the intensity of the situation. a moment later, he opened his eyes, staring at you. his expression was intense. his face was flushed. he wasn't saying anything. all he could do was stare at your hand, moving so slowly up and down...
you moved your hand away for a moment, teasing your partner. choso couldn't help but moan loudly, feeling his heart pound so aggressively. he was addicted to your touch.
he looked at your face, still flushed, wanting to see you enjoying this moment as much as he was. your hand was moving up and down again, so slowly and... so seductively. it was too much for him, but you weren't stopping. you wanted to see him beg.
he could feel it. he was so close to the edge. his whole body was shaking, his breath was rapid. he was holding his breath, unable to control himself. It was taking so long, it was too much for him. he wanted you so badly, and you were making him wait. and you were enjoying it all.
he was so desperate, so hot, so ready to explode any second now. he was looking at you with pleading eyes.
"Y/N... i can't... anymore..." you heard choso mumble.
your eyes narrowed. he was yours, and you were in control. you were loving every second of it. you put your hand back on him and looked at him with a mischievous smile.
“wait a little bit more,” you said, still keeping your hand moving up and down. your free hand went to his mouth to stop him from talking. “be a good boy for me.” you added, with a sultry voice.
he was almost begging you to stop at this point. you were torturing him, playing with him. you had absolute power over him, and you loved it. you didn't want to give in just yet. you were playing with him, enjoying every second of it. it was such a thrilling feeling. you wanted him to suffer a little longer.
he was holding himself, trying to remain calm. the sensation was getting to his head. it was too much. he was starting to feel weak, his legs were trembling, and his hand was shaking.
he was shaking. he tried to move, to get away from your hand, but you were stronger. you held him tight. you were making him wait for your final touch, making him beg for it. he was so vulnerable, so at your mercy.
he was losing control, not able to think, not able to say anything. his breath was racing, his body was shaking, his mind was empty. all he could feel was you. your hand touching him, teasing him, driving him crazy.
choso was breathing heavily, trying to make sense of what was happening to him. he couldn't take it anymore. he turned his head away, hiding his trembling body. his body felt overwhelmed, so close to the edge.
“i can't... please,” he mumbled, his voice barely understandable through the moan. his eyes were closed tight, his face buried in the pillow.
you felt like the goddess of lust, controlling choso’s mind and body, as if he was a puppet in your hands. his voice, his breath, his body were all yours to control. you had broken him, and you were loving it. your whole body was shaking, just a lot less than his, but you still felt incredibly empowered.
you put your hand down again, but you didn't move it anymore. you kept it on him, looking at his face. “not yet,” you whispered.
choso was breathing fast, staring at you. his eyes were so full of lust, desire and love. he could barely move, his body was so tense, so close to the edge, shaking as if he was about to explode.
you were in complete control of his body and of his mind. you were enjoying this. watching him like this, looking at you, wanting you... it was delicious.
you could do anything you wanted with this weak and sensitive boy. literally anything. you could make him beg, you could make him shout. you could do whatever you wanted with him.
your hand was still touching his body. you kept looking at his face, drinking his expressions of love, lust and desire. you were loving watching him like this, enjoying your power over him.
you moved your free hand up to his face, caressing his cheek. you could feel his breath on your skin. he was trying so hard to remain still, but you could see he was shaking, his body so tense.
“don't move,” you whispered to him, with a provocative smile on your face. “stay still for me, boy.”
his heart was beating so fast. he was saying your name like it was the only thing he knew. he was looking at you, but he could hardly keep his eyes open. tears welled up in his eyes from pleasure. he physically couldn’t handle it but he wanted more of it. how could he resist you? you made him feel so weak in this situation. he felt dizzy. his entire body feeling numb.
soon enough, ropes of white substance spewed from his manhood and he was completely out of breath. choso laid down on top of you and you moved your hand away from him, putting your arms around him.
he’d kiss your lips gently before tucking his head into your neck and closing his eyes.
“i missed you so much.” he said quietly.
“i missed you too.” you replied before your eyes closed, falling asleep after your high died down.
⋆。࿇ ·࣭࣪̇˖ 𖦹°༅༚
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hyunverse · 1 year
the first time hwang hyunjin tells you he loves you.
gender neutral reader. fluff, drabble. no warnings. 606 words.
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the first time hyunjin told you he loves you is sudden, unexpected — much like the way you fell in love with him.
it slips from his mouth at a moment he felt overjoyed. so consumed with love that everything else in the world feels non-existent. just you, him, and the green-yellow plains stretched behind you.
you're sitting cross-legged on a checkered blanket, a daisy tucked on your ear. posing for him, as he sits in front of you, sketch book in hand and a brush between frail fingers. he's trying his best to paint you, tilting his head and all, tongue slightly peeking out from outmost focus. it's endearing — the way he's set on painting you accurately. "i want it to be as beautiful as you are in my eyes, want to do you justice."
"i can't hold this pose for long, jinnie!" you giggle, hand dramatically placed on the side of your head.
hyunjin rolls his eyes, "who told you to choose such a hard pose?"
"shush. just hurry up and finish the painting! i want to go pick more flowers after."
"just wait," he breathes out, eyes switching from the sketch to you from time to time, "can't quite get the colour of your eyes right."
you theatrically gasp, "i'm your lover! yet you cannot even paint my eyes right?"
"shut up," he says, "it's hard!"
you shuffle closer to him, placing the book down and taking his hands in yours. hyunjin's eyes furrow in confusion, though he gives in to you. you clasp his hands to your face, nearing your face to his.
"okay, here! look me in the eyes for a really long time, maybe you'll get it right then."
his face contorts into confusion, then he bursts out into laughters. it shouldn't be this funny, no — but something about the situation makes him happy. the kind of happy that he couldn't help but laugh about it.
you keep nearing your face to his, making faces while you're at it. he does the same, crinkles under his eyes from scrunching his face. both his thumbs graze your cheeks, stroking them in circles.
"can you get it right now?"
"mm," he pouts, as if pondering, "maybe, need to stare at you a little more."
"yeah?" you tilt your head, eyes looking straight into his chocolate ones, "little more, yeah?"
it's just you and him now. the rest of the world doesn't matter — he couldn't even see them. as if you're on portrait mode, the rest of the world blurs and you're the focus.
you pull yet another face at him, one that has you sticking your tongue out. for some odd reason, he finds it so hilarious that he breaks into a boisterous laugh. the kind which has him throwing his head back, clutching both his hands on his stomach.
you miss the sensation of his fingertips against your cheeks.
"it wasn't even that funny!"
"but it was! oh my god," he manages to say between laughters, "oh my god, i love you."
the eight letters slip past his lips without notice.
easily. tenderly. endearingly. sincerely. genuinely. meaningfully.
at your silence, he falls silent too. blinking, only now noticing what he had just said.
he means it, of course. just that he didn't even realize until he had said it.
"jinnie —"
"i mean it."
hyunjin's admiring you lovingly, and with a glimpse of hope in his eyes. you look at him right back, the same fondness in yours.
"i love you too."
the first time hyunjin tells you he loves you is raw, real — much like his feelings for you.
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poitcast · 8 months
Moments from "Once Upon a Studio" that I adored
Mickey kindly offered Oswald to take first place in the group photo, telling him "After you!". Oswald happily thanked him by tipping his head to him.
That entire ending was perfect. I love how the "When You Wish Upon a Star" number began with Alan-a-Dale strumming his lute on top of the building, and then Scat Cat, Mirabel, and Junior join in before the singing begins. The build-up to Jiminy Cricket was great.
Belle and Beast singing together! In the original film, they had separate verses in "Something There" so it was nice that they shared a small duet. Paige O'Hara and Robby Benson did a great job!
Quasimodo singing! I'm glad to hear Tom Hulce in the role of Quasi again. James Baxter did a terrific job animating him once again.
Scuttle interrupts Ariel's verse only for Baloo to shut him up and share a sweet bonding moment with Mowgli.
There's something incredibly poetic about Snow White holding hands with Mulan and Asha as they sing together. Disney Studios owes a lot of its success to its princess characters, and it was cool to see three generations of female protagonists (the original, the Renaissance era in the 1990s, and the most recent era).
Winnie the Pooh's presence in general. I love how Christopher Robin and the others have to help him out of the picture frame, recreating the rabbit hole scene. Also, Pooh singing "Fate steps in, and sees you through" at the end and Tigger pouncing on him really got to me.
Cinderella and Prince Charming going down the stairs and Charming loses his shoe. The role reversal was cute enough, but after snatches the shoe, they go into silly mode with Prince Charming shouting "Eric, get your dog!" and Cinderella enabling the situation by saying "Go, Max, go!" It's incredibly endearing to see Prince Charming have a sense of humor and Cinderella happily going along with the shenanigans.
Antonio with the other animal characters and telling Joanna not to eat Jacques and Gus. Pluto coming in to save the mice was nice too.
Incorporating the archival audio from Robin Williams's recording as Genie.
The fifteen puppies watching the "Night on Bald Mountain" segment from Fantasia and Chernabog pops out of the screen. I also noted the various "Art of" books of their feature films on the cabinet surrounding the television.
Hearing Nathan Lane as Timon again and calling Olaf "Frosty".
Robin Hood and Little John snatching Scrooge McDuck's money bags and reveling in their victory. Oo-de-lolly!
The Wreck-It Ralph cameos! Vanellope on her race car, Ralph calling Mickey "Garfield" and Fix-It Felix fixing Goofy's camera. All in character and perfect.
Mickey's gang having their time in the spotlight. Donald trying to go down a crowded elevator, Goofy working as the photographer (may or may not be a subtle nod to his occupation in A Goofy Movie), and even Clarabelle has a moment.
It was nice seeing some representation for their shorts (Ben and Me, Johnny Appleseed) and their overlooked films (The Black Cauldron, Home on the Range, Chicken Little, and Dinosaur). Even if they didn't have any dialogue, their presence alone certainly counts.
Highlighting the artists that contributed to the studio. Burny Mattinson's cameo at the beginning was nice, and though Walt Disney himself was very much a complicated person (staunchly anti-union being one of them), the moment of Mickey staring at his portrait was genuine enough (Mickey says a simple "thanks" before he joins the rest of the characters). The framed photographs of various artists throughout the halls was also nice (I'm sure the actual building has those framed pictures of their former employees). I would have been a lot more critical of the short if many of the presence of the other artists weren't felt in the studio.
Overall, it was a great short! It was a beautiful love letter to the animation studio and its characters. I'm glad that they didn't incorporate any Pixar stuff and even flaunt their acquired assets (Star Wars, Marvel, etc.). It was just about celebrating their original animated works and the large catalog of characters. The animation was also fantastic and it was cool seeing the 2-D characters interact with the CG characters in a way that felt natural. I greatly appreciate the effort and love that was put into the short.
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sidedished · 3 months
stardew valley mods
hi! 👋🏻 listing down all the mods for my current sdv save, will do my best to update this list as i play!
✧ stardew valley 1.6 (with sve) ✧ mac mini (m1) ✧ updated 04.10.24
always double check the requirements before downloading mods! feel free to ask me questions, i'll do my best to help! 🫶🏻
📝 prerequisites
✧ smapi ✧ content patcher ✧ json assets ✧ spacecore ✧ alternative textures ✧ expanded preconditions utility ✧ farm type manager (for sve) ✧ mail framework mod (for life cycle)
🎮 gameplay
✧ dying grandpa intro retexture ✧ event expansion ✧ life cycle ✧ romantic love letters ✧ stardew valley expanded + grandpa's farm
👩🏻‍🌾 farmer & characters/npc a lot of my JA clothes don't work since the 1.6 update, so i may temporarily move to using FS until i get JA clothing to work in game. keeping these on the list regardless!
✧ alternate dusty portraits ✧ coii's girl sets ✧ cozy scarves (fs) ✧ customizable baby and children ✧ fashion sense ✧ gh's peach body type ✧ rural outfitters (fs) ✧ seasonal improved leo ✧ the coquette collection (fs) ✧ yomi's retro colored dress (fs) ✧ baechu's seasonal outfits + slightly cuter aesthetic seasonal outfits (i'm using a combination of baechu's and poltergeister's portraits and sprites so unfortunately i can't share an accurate link for this) ✧ baechu's seasonal outfits (sve) + slightly cuter aesthetic seasonal outfits for sve (same for this one!) ✧ beom mung's shirts & pants (beom mung has since changed their id, so i can't share an accurate link for this) ✧ delloti's daily pants set ✧ delloti's daily shirt set (ver. 2) ✧ delloti's hats set ✧ delloti's look ✧ the teddy edit
🐥 animals & livestock
✧ elle's cuter dogs ✧ elle's new barn animals ✧ elle's new coop animals ✧ elle's new horses ✧ elle's town animals
🏠 house interior/furniture
✧ aimon's fancy farmhouse ✧ aimon's tidy cozy ginger island farmhouse ✧ cozy farmhouse kitchen ✧ dustbeauty's industrial furniture (at) ✧ elle's kitchen replacement ✧ futan bear (at) ✧ greenhouse set (at) ✧ guxelbit's furniture (at) ✧ mi's and magimatica country furniture ✧ nano's retro style furniture (at) ✧ redesigned shed layout ✧ rustic country walls & floors ✧ seasonal open windows (at) ✧ suitcase record player ✧ tile kitchen & dining set ✧ too many swatches (lite) ✧ warm cozy fireplaces ✧ west elm furniture by atlas (at)
🌱 farming/craftable retextures
✧ chest deco (at) ✧ dshi food retexture ✧ fancy artifacts retexture ✧ fancy artisan goods retexture ✧ fancy crops & foraging retexture ✧ fancy fish & tackles retexture ✧ fancy trash & resources retexture ✧ firefly torch ✧ forest wood craftables (at) ✧ gwen's lamps ✧ nano's garden style craftables (at) ✧ nyangcarecrow ✧ terracotta garden pots ✧ wallet items retexture ✧ warp totems to magic book tomes
🧸 aesthetic/map
✧ daisyniko's earthy recolour ✧ daisyniko's recolor fix for sve ✧ dustbeauty's country town interior ✧ elle's seasonal buildings ✧ elle's town buildings ✧ ellie's seasonal paths & flooring ✧ interiors of pelican town ✧ molamole's seasonal mailbox (at) ✧ more grass ✧ seasonal special order board retexture ✧ simple foliage ✧ wildflower grass field
🎨 ui
✧ cozy accent interface ✧ custom menu background ✧ farmer 2.0 ESWF looks ✧ farmer portraits ✧ generic mod config menu ✧ script font
🌻 quality of life
✧ cjb cheats menu ✧ cjb item spawner ✧ cjb show item sell price ✧ lookup anything ✧ noclip mode ✧ npc map locations ✧ ui info suite
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
To continue about Caroline Bingley's marriage prospects, many people tell me that no one would want her with that terrible disposition. Now I have a few things to say about that.
Firstly, we see Caroline at her worst in Pride & Prejudice, she is jealous of Elizabeth and angry that she lost Darcy to such a woman. However, when Caroline tries to be charming, she is, even Elizabeth finds her agreeable occasionally at Netherfield.
Secondly, Darcy likes Caroline's behaviour, that is why she does it. Jane Austen actually puts a lot of his thoughts in her mouth. We know Darcy is worried about the inferiority of Elizabeth's connections, Caroline quips that he can put a portrait of Mr. Phillips (the low class type of lawyer) beside his great uncle the judge. These are likely Darcy's own thoughts. And before he fell for Elizabeth, Darcy was happily insulting her and the whole family with Caroline (and Louisa). Caroline is basically a mirror for what Darcy thinks which seems to be what some men like (I assume).
But here is the more important point, some men want a woman like Caroline, someone ambitious. Marriage is a partnership and in many ways a financial/business one. For example, Thomas Palmer from Sense & Sensibility wants to be elected to parliament, Caroline Bingley would be all over that. She would schmooze her way across society all you wanted. Mr. Elliot from Persuasion went for wealth over ambition, but as a young barrister a wife like Caroline probably could have greatly helped his career since their money all came from referrals and connections.
Lucy Steele and Mary Crawford may not have been suited to their possible clergyman husbands, but would they have made them bishops if Edward and Edmund wanted that even slightly? I would bet real money on it. Mr. Collins is ambitious and he got the best wife he could have asked for. Charlotte is clearly on the campaign for his prospects, even going so far as to hope Darcy does like Elizabeth because he has patronage in the church.
Here is Lucy in full ambition mode by the way:
As for Colonel Brandon, she was not only ready to worship him as a saint, but was moreover truly anxious that he should be treated as one in all worldly concerns; anxious that his tithes should be raised to the utmost; and secretly resolved to avail herself, at Delaford, as far as she possibly could, of his servants, his carriage, his cows, and his poultry.
Robert Ferrars may occasionally fight with his wife, but I'm sure he loves that Lucy's wheedled her way into mommy's heart. They are both trying to get the biggest slice of inheritance possible and for a man like that, Elinor Dashwood or Fanny Price would be perfectly useless.
So I am sure Caroline would be a desirable asset to someone who is not an Austen hero, because building connections, charming the right people, and understanding how to acquire more wealth is not what Jane Austen's men (and women) are into, but the wider world certainly was.
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a-witch-in-endor · 11 months
The Mighty Oaks Fanart List!
I am in the very lovely position of having too much fanart for one story to put it all in the limited end-notes of the story. So... here’s a shiny list!
(If you’ve drawn something and it isn’t on this list, it’s an accident. Please please please let me know so I can add it!)
Art anon, my beloved, has drawn:
A comic of 13-year-old Fire Sage Zuko standing up to the Fire Lord
A two-part comic of the "you look stupid" scene: Part One: You're Actually Kind of Little and Part Two: You Look Stupid
Zuko's portrait (v holy, v pretty, v nerdy)
The fire-lily-in-Zuko's-hair scene
Zuko tucking the fire lily back into his hair
The hugging scene
an ADORABLE cartoon of Zuko and Sokka on Appa
and has animated Zuko's I WILL NOT BOW
@mgtjo has gifted us with:
The ice cliff scene
Zuko looking to Agni for strength
Zuko falling falling falling
Zuko encountering La
Sokka and Zuko definitely not thinking about kissing
A sweet Fire Sage Zuko plus fire lily
And Zuko's face as he prepares for the trial of La
@elfantasmadepoe has drawn:
A comic of bb Fire Sage Zuko being reluctant to wear the hat
And Zuko studying in the Room of the Broken
@portraitoftheoddity has drawn a very exasperated Zuko in ill-fitting EK clothing
@bigfuckinnerdblog gives us a view of Zuko in uniform
@saitoakirachan-fangirls has gifted us with sketches of Zuko in uniform, featuring fire lily and hat
@saxonroa has drawn an adorable bb!sage Zuko
@musdswo has drawn comics featuring Zhao, Zuko and the gals, Tatsuya, and most importantly, The Hat
@sunhatwafers has depicted the Verdict
@slappyonward has drawn some very sweet Fire Sage Zukos, complete with his favourite quote
@petramysticaclxv has gifted us a lovely interpretion of the Heretic Sage
@a-todd-illustration's haunted piece of Zuko in seclusion
@phtalogreenpoison’s eerie, beautiful sketch of the Heretic Sage
@discombobulatedwonderland has given us a very unimpressed lawyer!mode Zuko
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ampreh · 5 months
[TRF] Norma II
• Related to this : The Rust Factory - Norma (<- comics)
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• Related to this : The Rust Factory - Norma (<- comics) I had SO much fun doing the vintage style of flash backs and imagination: I would have kicked myself for ignoring this very impactful style for its time.
Audrey pic: Context - Extract from the 2022 RP "It was the story of a corporate that had made a great scientific revolutionary invention! It was called D-Sire, a simple, medicated, fabulous everyday object that people couldn't live without. But during the process of improving the product, which was intended to target wider markets to make more profit, the D-Sire had unfortunately gone awry, causing a great catastrophe unparalleled among mankind. All cities had been wiped off the map, leaving only willless mutant humans and animals. The heroine had to flee her city, survive and fight her way back to the creator of the D-sire, who had abandoned his company and changed his identity. Coal was terrified of this cheap soap opera with its terrible special effects made of modelling clay and the saturated offbeat sound of the black-and-white picture on the small TV screen." A more than obvious reference to the AU Truffula Flu. And a huge reference to @audtreegrace, @miru667 's character. So of course, I don't have all the context since it's a vast AU with lots and lots of details, but I've got enough of a basis for my friends to recognize and that's good enough for me :> Nathan has already confused Audrey Grace with Audrey, the actress from their series HAHA. Alas, the Audrey and Ted of his world won't be born for several years. He didn't find the actress, but he did find a good friend with whom to talk for hours about anything and everything ♥
Norma Bellini pic: Well, Norma pin-up, because why not! In vintage calendar mode, because I love vintage aesthetics. And yes, those are the right dates I went to check on good old calendars haha. At first I wanted to do it in a swimsuit, but then I preferred the picnic. I love picnics.
Too big to fail pic: I had to do it! Of course I had to! The only time I've redone such an iconic portrait was for the first version of Cashtea-ler in the Let It Flow fanzine, in 2022 (I should do a new one with his new head). Nathan Cole (@1940s-onceler | @nalak-bel 's), in black and white in his best soot-colored suit!
Compilation : Just Normaler, to appreciate Normaler. On a more serious note, I like the idea that Nathan was guided throughout his first times by ladies, and not the reverse. I love this not-so-little whining man.
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nectar-cellar · 1 day
Hi! Can I ask if you edit the screenshots of your sims a lot or do you just use certain skins or skin details that give your sims' faces more definition? Just wondering because my sims look really smooth and "flat" despite using tons of skin details and I'd love to know if there's a way to make them look better in game :)
hii :) i don't edit my screenshots, i only use gshade, i'm too lazy to do much beyond cropping and adding text. my gshade preset is in my downloads but it doesn't do much other than sharpen & brighten the colours a bit.
lighting is really important. if you're talking about my sim portrait & closeup pics. if there is too much light in the room, it washes out the features and makes everything look flat. you could try playing with fewer lights and being strategic about the placement in relation to your sim. you can also adjust the light's brightness to "dim" by pressing shift and clicking on the light in buy mode. dim light will be softer, more diffused. you don't want "too much" light on your sim because then there will be no more shadows and no definition.
more lighting discussion/tutorial here
using a skin with more realistic detail definitely helps. some skins that are too maxis match, they lack realistic shading so (in my opinion), as someone who prefers realism, they don't look defined enough in closeup pictures because the texture is just too plain. these days i mostly use my own skins because they give me just the right mix of realism & cartoon.
using a HQ mod helps a little bit too. i have my texture size at 2k, so all the skin details and makeup show up very well in pictures.
finally i would suggest, don't forget the 3D aspect of your sim. if you want your sim's cheekbones to look really defined in all lighting situations, it's better to sculpt that with sliders instead of relying on a strong application of makeup. sometimes you have to use more extreme slider values, exaggerate the features a little bit, for it to look right in live mode and on camera.
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roguelov · 9 months
Hi ! I hope that this banning problem will be resolved, otherwise I was thinking of Morpheus and Reader having a little girl (yes I am obsessed with the idea of girl'dad) and like she would physically be the portrait of her father, hair smooth and black, steel blue eyes, very white skin but she would be a great beauty and turn all heads to the great misfortune of her father who does not want disgusting men to make advances towards his princess and she knows it, she is aware of it so this little devil to get rid of a very annoying guy, she makes fake tears and calls her father with a fake broken voice, and she is like with a devilish smile when she sees her father getting rid of all these guys and reader and the like "and then he dares to tell me that he doesn't overprotect her and that he hasn't over-spoiled her"
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Fucking adorable
“Dream, you have to back off,” you said.
Your love, and the father of your child, laid on your chest and between your legs as you absentmindedly played with his hair. Your daughter had recently pulled the same trick she always pulled: crocodile tears. Once she teared up, Dream crumbled instantly. You supposed it wasn’t too terrible because certain boys didn’t take no for an answer, but Dream needed to let your daughter handle such situations by herself.
Dream huffed, lifting his head to look at you. “I am merely protecting our daughter.”
You smiled softly. You cupped his face, and kissed his nose. “You are and you are wonderful, but she needs to grow.”
He sighed, almost disappointment by this obvious fact.
“Trust me, I don’t want her to be upset or in any pain of any kind, but she is growing.”
Dream’s lips thinned. He knew this. His sweet girl was growing faster than he anticipated. “I know,” he murmured.
“Good,” you pecked his lips again. “Because I might need to tie you down if you run off after one of her calls.”
A smirk now danced on his lips. He lifted himself up, and dragged you down. He hovered above you, wearing a wolfish grin.
“Is that so?” He hummed.
You chuckled, “Oh, yes. Tie you down and never let you go.”
He leaned down, letting his lips skim over yours. One of his hands dragged down your sides. He snaked his hand under your thigh, making you hook your leg over his hips. “Hmm, I would like to see you try.”
“Oh, I will and -“
“Mom! Dad!”
You groaned slightly.
Your daughter. Of course.
Dream perked up, glancing towards the closed door. One call from your daughter, and his mood changed. His was in father mode.
“Coming,” he answered.
He looked down at you. He kissed you once, short and sweet, as an apology.
“We can continue this later,” he whispered before attending to your daughter.
You huffed, laying in the bed alone. “Such a doting father, but I truly have to tie him down sometimes.”
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elcpsstuff · 9 months
The Summer I Remembered You (C.F) (Part 19)
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so i’m never gonna dance again, the way I danced with you.
A/N: Hi guys! This chapter turns me inside out so I hope you guys enjoy :)
Synopsis: wait and see 🤞🏻
“wake up!”
Susannah’s voice echoed through the halls and my room, sending me into a full fledged groan. Today was the day that I’ve been dreading: the debutante ball.
Not just because it’s the ball, and I have to stand in front of many people and ‘come of age’ but it also marks the end of summer. Something I really hate.
To say this summer hasn’t been crazy would be an understatement. I would be lying though if I said I hadn’t mended relationships. Me and Belly seemed stronger than ever as-well as Steven and I. (let’s just hope he doesn’t find out about Conrad) The only relationship that needed mending was Jeremiah.
I know he didn’t approve of what happened with me and Conrad, but deep down in my heart I think he knows it was real. Because it was, Conrad and I. Even if it ended like this.
I snap out of my thoughts to see Susannah on the edge of my bed. Her smile is radiant as ever, classic Susannah.
“Sorry, I spaced.”
She runs a hand down my leg and smiles through her eyes, “Ready for the big day?”
I shake my head, “Honestly.. no.”
“Yn, I know this was hard to do. Last year, I know this didn’t go well for you but- it’ll be better.” I share her a smile and put my hand on top of hers.
“I also know things have been, different with you and Conrad but—” I shake my head before she can finish, “Me and Conrad are fine, Susannah, don’t worry.”
She sheds a knowing smile off her face and a small laughter escapes her lips. “Oh yn.”
“You don’t see it now, what I see.”
My heartbeat begins to accelerate quicker and quicker as the words slip out of her mouth, “I don’t understand..?”
“First loves are precious, yn. Don’t let it slip.” Her eyes are glossy and she cups my cheeks so gently that I could almost cry. I hold the tears back. She lets go and shakes the non- existent dirt off her legs before getting up.
“Meet me downstairs, okay?”
I nod before she slips out the door.
After getting ready I grab my bag and head down the stairs. I heard faint voices and they got louder as I walked into the kitchen. Belly, Conrad, and Jeremiah were all there.
“Yn! I need your help.” Belly gushes about her makeup and something she needs help with but it was all a blur as I watch Conrad’s expression from the corner.
I make my way over to the muffins on the counter and lick my lips when I see my favorite. Birthday cake.
“Got it for you.” Conrad whispers against my ear.
“Uh- thanks.” I take the muffin and stuff half of it in my face, avoiding any possible conversation with him.
“Girls! You need to get going.” Susannah walks into the kitchen and hands Belly her bag. Susannah in task mode is something I would always love and appreciate, even if it got annoying. “Also, everybody please stay out of living room! After the ball, we’re doing a huge revealing of the portraits.”
Everyone agreed and Belly and Jeremiah both walked towards the front door, and before I could follow them a arm dragged me back.
“What, Conrad?”
“I uh- I wanna, just wish you good luck.” I furrowed my eyebrows at him but decided not to push my luck with it. Conrad saying these things were rare.
“Thanks, Conrad.” Conrad. Not Connie or Con, Conrad.
I suddenly felt the urge to run into his arms and kiss him but I fought back.
“Yn! Come here!” Laurel shouts from the living room and I shed Conrad a sympathetic smile, “I’ll see you later, okay?”
He only nods before walking up the stairs. I let out a huge sigh of relief because I seriously don’t think I’ve been breathing while talking to him. I walk carefully over to the living room to avoid any jump scares from Laurel and Susannah.
I was surprised to see something else. It’s the dress.
The dress I wanted.
“Oh my.. you got me—”
“The dress, of course.” Susannah runs a hand down the dress, revealing its silky shine. Laurel stands proudly. “We already showed Belly hers. This one was made for you, though.”
“Thank you thank you!” I jump and run into both of their arms at the same time. I truly was thankful. Things haven’t always been easy between me and Laurel, but everything was better now. This is good, how it’s supposed to be.
“You guys seriously need to talk this out, okay?” Shayla pats the seat next to Nicole and I reluctantly sit. No, I still haven’t talked to Nicole because I’m pissed at her for leaving us in the cove naked.
I decide to make the first move, “Nicole, I’m really sorry about what happened. I didn’t think—”
“It’s fine, yn. Conrad isn’t that special, i’m here with someone else anyways?” She says it with such spite in her voice, like she could get anybody in the world. Granted, she was really pretty.
“Can you at least let me explain?” I plead.
She slowly nods and I take a deep breath before explaining, “Look, I’ve had a crush on Conrad for.. a long time. We used to be best friends since we were 10, and last summer, things changed between us.” I read her face before continuing and she looks okay, “But, Conrad took everything away. He decided when we talked. He just, discarded our friendship. Whatever it was. Listen, Nicole, I swear to you it’s over between me and Conrad.”
She laughs a little which sends me into confusion, “Yn, nobody gets over their first love. Not completely.” Her words took me back to what Susannah said this morning. Why was everyone saying Conrad was my first love?
You idiot, because he was. Is.
“It’s not your fault Conrad’s a fuck boy. He makes every girl feel invincible and then drops them. It’s no secret Belly liked him too, you know.”
This time, i’m the one laughing. “I guess we have a type, huh?”
“I don’t blame you though.” Nicole’s voice gets more serious: “I get it. Conrad’s your first love. And first loves.. kinda the ocean. It never really stops.”
I never thought of it that way. But it was true. My love for Conrad was never ending. I would always love him, no matter how deep I buried him, he’d always be there, a piece of me.
Nicole goes back to applying her makeup and I sit there for a moment, completely in a world of my own.
Age 13, Summer.
Learning to swim was a lot harder than I thought. The water felt tense against my body like it was constantly threatening to drown me.
“I can’t do this, Con.”
He splashes my face a little, “Yes you can, stop being a baby.”
I groan and he starts to tread into the deep end, “Just, swim to me. Nothings gonna happen to you if you just put your arms out and push.”
Just swim. Can’t be that hard?
I slowly nod and breathe in a little. Swimming has never come easy to me. Belly was so good at it, so I vowed to myself I would get it one today. Conrad promised he would help me too.
I push myself forward off the wall and move my hands in the motion Conrad taught me. His words kept me going. “Good, see, swim to me.” I didn’t really know where he was so when I looked up from the water I was halfway there. He was treading on the water with his arms out to me and I must have been staring to long because my body stopped and I was succumbed to a sea of blue.
My body fought to push to the surface but everything Conrad told me wasn’t registering. I was screaming and I felt the water fill my lungs. It was burning. I was burning.
A strong pair of arms pulled me up and my eyesight was so blurry I could barely see him. Conrad pulled me against his chest and I wrapped my arms around his figure. He was only about to be a freshman in high school but his dad had him on intense football workouts, so he was strong.
Once we got to the shore Conrad placed me on the ledge but I didn’t let go of him. I coughed some water out of my lungs and he patted my back.
“I’m really sorry. This is all my fault. I distracted you.”
“No, no. This isn’t your fault at all Conrad. I- I’m just bad at this.”
“Your perfect. Don’t say that.” He stroked my head and it wasn’t very often you would see Conrad like this. So vulnerable. Susannah said he was only like this with me and her. Laurel occasionally too.
“You.. you saved my life.”
A soft chuckle escapes his lips and he turns my head to face him, “What was I supposed to do? Let you drown?”
“Thank you.” I nuzzle my head into his shoulder but my breaths were still unorganized and all over the place. I guess almost drowning will do that to you.
“I’ll never let you drown, yn.” He whispers into my ear.
And he never has. He hasn’t let me drown in many ways, even till today.
Present day:
I patted the last bit of blush on Belly’s cheeks but i’m guessing most of it was from our talk about Jeremiah. She seemed to actually really like him.
“I don’t know.. I feel like he’s holding back.” She says through a raspy sigh. I gulp remembering me and Jeremiah’s talk from a couple days ago.
“Belly,” I say, nudging her arm a little bit. She looks at me with those beautiful little innocent Belly eyes.
“Jeremiah talked to me.. he said he’s worried that you still like Conrad.”
“Oh.” She leans her head down but i’m quick to tip it back up with one of my hands to face me, “But he wants to be with you. He really does.”
“How do you know? What if it’s too late?” She whispers to me and to herself. I know this feeling, the feeling when your best friend becomes your love and your scared to loose them.
“Trust me. Jeremiah loves you. It’s pretty obvious too, Belly.” My words force a smile out of her lips and she looks around the room before inhaling. “I’m gonna get changed, okay?”
I nod and realize that I should probably get changed too. This was it- Josh would be waiting for me outside (Platonically, like he’s mentioned so many times because apparently he has a girlfriend now) and the rest of my family. Conrad would be there.
After I got changed, it was just me and Belly in the dressing room. We both grabbed our bouquets and just stared at each other for a moment. It would always be us, this summer taught me that.
We both make our way out the room and behind the stage. To say I was nervous was a fucking understatement.
Names of girls and boys got called many times before it was Belly and Jeres turn. Of course Belly wasn’t nervous- who would be nervous when Jeremiah Fisher looks at you like that? He really could make a girl feel that special, and I was proud that Belly had finally realized it.
Josh was stood behind Jeremiah and he gave me a little wave, which to I reciprocated.
“Lastly, we have yn conklin and Josh Bestford.” The lady pauses her speech and me and Josh shuffle up to the stage, the lights shining on us. Picture screens went off and I smiled like Susannah told me too.
“You look nice.” Josh says through his teeth. I nudge him a little.
“I could say the same about you.” He was a good friend, Josh. It’s not always that someone would be that nice to you after finding out you liked someone else while talking to them.
Over at our table, I could see Belly handing my mom the flowers and hugging both her and Susannah. She even hugged Conrad too. That’s when he looked at me, with those fucking blue eyes I can’t ignore. He smiled a little bit which sent me to a whole other planet. I sent a weak smile back.
After all, it was Conrad.
Josh and I made our way over to the table and I handed Susannah my flowers. Her eyes were glossy and for a moment I wondered why but I shook the feeling off. “You look beautiful, yn. My special girl.”
Tears prickled at my face but I sipped them up not wanting to ruin my makeup.
I hugged my dad and even Cleveland, who showed up as Laurels date. I waved at Conrad because I was in no shape to hug him. At all.
Now, it was time for the boys dance. Since Josh was a late addition he was stumbling on the moves a little bit but it actually made the dance so much better. Jeremiah’s head was definitely somewhere else because he stopped smiling halfway through.
Once the dance was finished, Laurel took off without explanation and Jeremiah followed suit. Belly tried to grab him but he was too quick. Too panicked. I walked over to Conrad who seemed just as confused as I was.
“What’s going on with Jeremiah? He seems disoriented.” Conrad shrugs. “I don’t know, but something’s definitely wrong with Laurel.”
I tried to recall some moments from earlier, but nothing added up. I knew something was different though. Susannah was sleeping more but Laurel always told me not to worry.
10 minutes later, the deb dance is about to start and there’s no trace of Jeremiah, or josh.
Girls start lining up and me and Belly look over at each other with only one readable expression: panic. Utter panic that every girls worse fears are coming true.
Or only mine.
Jeremiah rushes into the room with glossy eyes and ruffled hair. Susannah went to ask him what’s wrong but his only focus was being their for Belly. That’s Jeremiah for you.
My phone dings at the table and I quickly grab it to see a text from Josh.
I owe you big. My sister got admitted to the hospital for her condition and I gotta be there. I’m really sorry.
No. no. no.
I couldn’t be mad, I would probably leave too. This is just the worst timing. It’s like that dream where your in a classroom naked and everyone is laughing at you. That’s this feeling.
Belly mouths ‘where’s Josh?’ to me but the only thing I can do is shrug my shoulders. Girls begin their faint whispers and I only hope i’m dreaming.
When I turn around to go back to the table, Conrad is walking towards me. In that moment, everything slowed, and it all made sense. His eyes were glued to me and In that sole moment I existed only for him. He existed only for me. Love spilled out of my veins and onto the dress I was wearing with every step he took towards me.
He was here. He finally showed up.
From the times I almost drowned to when I was sick or stuck at sea in a storm, Conrad was the light. My light. I fell in love with him a long time ago and I can’t believe it took me this long to realize it. Accept it.
He was inches away from me and a small smile crept up on both our lips. His hand touched mine and interlaced out fingers. “I think I remember, most of the steps or something.”
I laugh a little before we both walk over to our lines. His eyes stay on mine and he nods a little. I send him a smile as well.
Out of the corner of my eye, Belly is watching. This time, it’s different. It’s not with the frustration she’s showed me this whole summer whenever I spent time with Conrad. It’s somewhere along the lines of pain, and regret. Maybe regret that she kept her feelings for Conrad in (even though it was very obvious) or maybe it was because she was watching her childhood crush be with her sister.
I couldn’t feel guilty anymore. I was done with that. My whole life, it’s always been about Belly. Being there for her, pleasing her. It was time to have something for myself, something I loved. That was the moment I knew.
I love Conrad Fisher.
And I always will. He was a part of my veins, in my veins.
He pissed me off, made me go crazy, but there’s one thing i’m sure of. That I love him. I won’t apologize for that. As i’m standing here, across the ball room looking at him, everything leading up to this moment is worth it.
The music begins and the dance starts quickly. Conrad was good at everything, which may have caused much drama in his family but ended up being great right now. He was amazing. Rusty on some steps, but still good.
I’ll never forget the way his hands touch my hips, with such force. If we’d had fallen off the tallest building, I don’t think he would’ve let go. That’s how strong his grip was on me. But then it was gentle. He held my hands so softly and offered me his warmest smile.
I was no fool, though. Sometimes the smile was hidden in a truthful ‘I wanna take your clothes off’ manner.
He spun me into his chest halfway through the dance and ran a hand down my neck, “You look beautiful, by the way.”
I roll my eyes as we separate before putting our hands up to meet each others, another dumb part of the dance. “Eyes up, Fisher.”
“I’m serious.”
“And i’m serious, too.” He only smirks before pulling me into his chest, and my gaze is locked on his. The music winds down and a wave of disappointment fills my lungs. I didn’t want this to end. Everything would then go back to normal.
Jeremiah is quick to walk away from Belly and straight over to us. His face conveys only one emotion: Anger. Anger at somebody.
“Conrad. We need to talk.”
Conrad looks around a little before turning back to Jeremiah, “What’s going on?”
“It’s- it’s about mom.”
Conrad whole tune changes and I can’t even read what’s going on. Belly scrambles over to us and mouths a ‘what’s going on’ to me but I shake my head rapidly. I don’t even know what’s happening.
Jeremiah rambles for a little about something not being right before Conrad places a hand in his chest. “It’s okay, Jere.”
That was enough for Jeres eyes to go dark, “You know?”
I throw my hands up in the hair, “I’m sorry, what’s going on?” Jeremiah ignores me and instead leans forward and punches Conrad in the face. I grab onto Belly’s arm and we look at each other in pure shock. People gasp in the crowd and on the dance floor as well.
Jeremiah keeps trying to fight Conrad but is rejected by Conrad restraining him. He doesn’t wanna fight Jeremiah, of course he doesn’t.
“What the hell is going on?” Belly whisper yells to me.
“I don’t know!” Is all I can manage to say back.
Sirens go on in my mind, but I can’t seem to think clear. What is Jeremiah so worried about? What does Conrad know? It’s about Susannah.
The sleeping in all summer, wanting this summer to be perfect.. it doesn’t make sense. None of this fucking adds up to me.
“Boys! Stop it right now!” I’m sliced out of my thoughts by Susannah yelling at the boys, to which they oblige. The anger stricken face Jeremiah Fisher once held was replaced with something that only meant horrible things: pain. Pure and utter fucking pain.
“Mom…” Jeremiah says in a shaky voice. Conrad shakes his geese repeatedly. That’s when I know it can’t be good. None of this is good. Susannah looks between her two boys with her beautiful bright eyes that now show full concern.
“We know, mom.” Know? Know what?
Susannah’s face drops, as does Laurel’s in the back. I look at Belly who has the same unrecognizable face as I do.
“What down everybody seem to know here that we don’t?” Belly motions between me and her and all the attention is on us now.
“Oh, girls.” Is all Susannah can manage to whimper out of her mouth.
A/N: i’m actually gonna cry you guys :( only one more chapter left. I promise you this next one will be really long, I wanna send this story out with a banggg. love you all <3
tag list: @kkrenae @callsignwidow @drikawinchester @johannelis2302nely @allnrsnz @galaxy13sworld @paytonloiselle @i-think-you-are-gr8 @imaspecialpersonwhoneedshelp @awatt31 @user0440822 @jackierose902109 @chocolatefartstrawberry @whoisjellyellie @apollo3475
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btsyeonu · 6 months
↺ 💌 ࣪ ˖ ∿ author’s note , @ i saw a clip of this vlive in my twt bookmarks recently while i was scrolling through and i knew i just had to make a chapter about it bc it’s so cute 😭
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The live starts with Taehyung casually sat upon a couch accompanied by Seokjin. The camera is set to portrait mode, but the video is landscape.
JIN: “Oh, we’re on, we’re on.” *excited*
V: “No, not yet.”
JIN: “No, we’re on!”
V: “No one’s come in yet though.” *talking about viewers + waiting*
JIN & V: “Oh, five viewers!” *happy boys + tae proceeds to make silly faces*
JIN: “Hello~” *being polite*
Taehyung messes around with the camera angle before both him and Jin begin eyeing someone off screen. Hoseok soon joins the live.
V & J-HOPE: “YEAHHHHHH!” *hyper mfers lol*
JIMIN: *also joining the live now* “YEAHHHHHH!” *checking himself out on camera*
J-HOPE: “Our concert is over.”
JIN: “Concert finished.”
JIMIN: “I am the prince of Busan~”
V: “I am the prince of Daegu~”
JIN: “I am the prince of Gwacheon~”
J-HOPE: “I am the prince of Gwangju~”
V: *after bringing the camera back to focus on him* “I am Geochang-” *literally rambling*
JIN & J-HOPE: “What’s that…”
JIN: “That’s too much.”
JIMIN: *bringing the attention to him* “Hello!”
YEONIX: *off camera* “What’s going on? Are they filming something?” *asking someone*
V: “Yah yah yah, Yeonu-ah, come here, come here!” *excited boy again*
JIMIN: “Oh~ it’s the Daejeon boy.”
YEONIX: *approaching the others + fixing his hair through his appearance on the camera* “Why, why?”
JIN, J-HOPE, V & JIMIN: “You are the prince of Daejeon~”*chaotic laughter ensues*
YEONIX: *smiling wide* “Ah, this is what you’ve been doing? Where’s my crown?”
JIMIN: “You can have Taehyungie’s.” *legit just grabbing tae’s headband and placing it on yeonu’s head*
JIN: “Yah, look at our dashing Daejeon prince.” *grabbing the camera to show a better close up of yeonu adjusting the headband on his head* “So handsome. Where’s-”
JIMIN: “Ah, the Daegu hyung is coming.” *alerting the others + grabbing the camera to show yoongi*
JIN, J-HOPE, V, JIMIN & YEONIX: “You are the prince of Daegu~” *more chaotic laughter ensues*
JIN: “Yah, where’s Ilsan’s prince?”
V: “The prince of Ilsan isn’t here.” *getting up + camera turns to now present jeongguk*
BTS: “You are the prince of Busan~”
V: “The prince of Busan~!” *sitting next to jk*
YEONIX: “Prince of Busan, look at your fans.” *sitting on jk’s other side + shaking him*
JUNGKOOK: *proceeds to break into song + screeching…? idk fr as the rest of the members laugh*
J-HOPE: *to the fans* “Love you!” *making a heart*
V: “We’re missing one person right now.”
YEONIX: “Aish, wait. He’s probably gotten lost again.” *leaving to go check on joon and bring him back*
JIN: “Ah, where could the prince of Ilsan have gone?”
J-HOPE: “The prince of Ilsan isn’t here.”
SUGA: “He went to Ilsan.”
JIMIN: *can hear him from afar* “Ah, the prince of Ilsan! You are the prince of Ilsan~”
JIMIN: *bringing the camera back to face him + pushing hair back* “I’m the prince of BTS~”
A minute later, Yeonu is pushing Namjoon into the room from behind. He’s kind of invisible because of the older’s huge stature until his head pokes out with a grin.
V: “Oh, hyung’s here!”
BTS: “The prince of Ilsan, the prince of Ilsan!”
V: “All right, the prince of Ilsan. It’s a live broadcast!” *covering the screen for a sec*
YEONIX: “This is our best visual.��
JIMIN: “BTS’ greatest supermodel.”
JIN: “Three… two… one…” *tae takes his finger off of the camera to reveal joon*
RM: “Ah, what? How does this work?”
BTS: “You are the prince of Ilsan~!”
RM: “How could you forget the most princely person?”
V: *bringing the camera back to face him after all the chaos*
JUNGKOOK: “Wait, wait. I have something to say!”
SUGA: “Ah, my neck hurts.”
JUNGKOOK: *pt.2 of his lil song fest that everyone joins in with*
J-HOPE: “Let’s greet them again. We’re going to Korea now!”
V: *angling the camera so everyone is in frame as they all wave goodbye* “We’re finished.”
RM: “The song for Fantastic Four comes out on the 4th. Please listen to it for sure!”
BTS: “Goodbye~!”
JIN: *in the background* “The prince of Gwacheon!”
YEONIX: “The prince of Daejeon!”
V: “Oh, how do I do this? How do I turn it off?”
A few seconds later, the vlive ends.
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@anqelws , @vizianary , @kaitieskidmore97 , @sann1e
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vmpiires · 3 months
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ﹆₊ 概要 ‧₊˚ art; the painter‘s hidden identity is made known. wc, 3.42K. dark mode recommended.
␥ note. i’m back with this storyyyy. getting near the good part which also means the end but not just yet sooo just keep reading. hope ya enjoyyyy and reblog to support meee.
␥ tags. artist!choso, college AU, possible nsfw, female anatomy, smoking, etc. lmk if i missed anything
␥ misc. masterlist AO3 PART THREE
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the art class was bustling with students, the scent of paint and clay wafting through the air. choso sat at his usual spot stealing glances from you. the professor announced a small project; drawing and painting your partners. but there was a twist—only two colors could be used.
choso’s heart raced as ideas began to flood his mind. everyone scattered around to their new seats and the male instantly scooted next to you. he smiled at you. it was something about that shy smile he gave you before he quietly asking if he could draw you.
“let me draw you first,” you smiled. “i don’t want you getting caught up with me and i completely forget to draw you.”
“oh, i don’t know…i’m not really good with posing or anything. and i’m not able to sit still for very long.” choso warned but you only smacked your lips as if the boy was spewing nonsense right out of his teeth.
“quit doubting yourself. you got nice style and your face would literally be perfect on a magazine cover maybe even in the art show that’s coming up.”
“art show?” choso raised a brow. for someone that loved art contests and taking trips to museums just to stare at the portrait hanging on the white walls encased in an embezzled gold frame, he seemed surprised about this information.
“yeah. don’t know how you haven’t heard about it but i was thinking of putting my painting of you in once it was finished.” you looked down at your blank canvas that was resting flat on the table just as it did when you first arrived to class.
“oh, no, you shouldn’t—i mean..you can if you want to it’s your painting but…i really don’t like being the center of attention. i don’t really like being stared at.” choso explained. he bit down on his lower lip and he sighed.
“come on, it’ll be a powerful piece.” you beamed. “i feel like it’ll really make an impact on the audience. and i promise i won’t use your name if you don’t want me to.”
choso hummed, his lips pursed before speaking again. “um…well if you think so highly of the piece then i guess i can’t say no. just promise you won’t tell anybody it’s me.”
“sure. now just hold still for me.” you say with a smile.
classes finally end for the day and the two of you made progress on your art pieces. you decided to ask choso to spend the rest of the day together, to which he agreed to without hesitation.
you both gathered your items and headed out into the bustling city of tokyo. the sun is setting, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. you and choso arrive at a cozy cafe and settled into a booth by a large window, surrounded by the warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee.
the two of you had been there for a good thirty minutes talking about whatever came to mind, bouncing from topic to topic and bookmarking whatever part of the conversation you thought was interesting for another time.
“so, choso, you’ve always been into art?”
“yeah, well, i’ve always had a creative side, but i never really pursued it until recently. art helps me express things that are hard to put into words, you know?”
you nod. you never seen his art before and you just wondered how he had done things. your eyes travel over to the tote bag that was sitting flatly beside choso’s thigh. you fixed your lips to speak but a camera flash went off. you were pretty used to his off guard photos ever since the two of you started to hang out more often.
“can i see?” you leaned your body over the polished wood table before choso lowered his camera.
“not yet.” he answered. “mmm…i’ll show you when the project is complete. until then, i’ll have to hold off on showing you.”
you pout but you could understand why choso was being a bit selfish with his crafts. instead of begging to see a photo of yourself, which you prayed you didn’t blink in, you pointed to his bag.
“why don’t you finish your sketch? i mean, we have a lot of privacy right now and we don’t have any classes tomorrow. i also wanna watch you paint. its something about watching an artist in action is just so satisfying.” you say.
choso, lost in the depths of his own world, takes a sip of his green tea when he hears your unexpected statement. he recently started drinking it a bit more since that was the only thing he actually liked besides ice water.
feeling a surge of nervousness and excitement, choso shifts in his seat. painting in front of someone, especially you, made him feel vulnerable in a way he isn’t used to.
“i’m not sure…” choso looks down at his cup half filled with tea, which still had smoke billowing from it because of how hot it was. “i’ve never painted with someone else in the room before. it’s a pretty personal process for me.”
“c’mon, please? just for a minute.” you pleaded, clasping your hands and intertwining your fingers to be dramatic. choso chuckled at your silly behavior and simply sighed.
“let’s head back to the school and you can watch me work in my room, fair?” choso looks at you, awaiting an answer. of course, you agree.
back at jujutsu tech, you and choso were settling in, slipping your shoes off once you entered the room and placing your bags together against the wall.
you were amazed at how much space he had and how organized he was. the books on the bookshelves were all in size and color order and so were the cute little jars of paint that were on another shelf but you noticed that there was no red paint.
the desk was neatly organized also with choso’s laptop and ipad with its stylus side by side, charging. there was a mug with a bunch of pencils and pens and another cylinder item that looked handmade and painted with brushes in them. you assumed choso made it.
there was an easel in the corner of the room by the large windows that had blinds that would be shortly opened to let in some of the remaining light as the sun set. choso grabbed a few brushes and the rolling chair that sat at his desk and pulled it over in front of the easel and sat down. the male then reached for the canvas that had the drawing of you from his bag and placed it onto the easel. he looked pretty prepared now.
“you mind filling me a cup of clean water from the faucet?”
the question snaps you out of your awe-stricken mind and you nod. you went to the kitchen area and grabbed a cup that didn’t look like it would be used any time soon and filled it with water then brought it back to choso. he directs you to place the cup on the desk before thanking you for the simple gesture.
you noticed choso had his eyes closed now, taking a few breaths before removing the bandage on his nose and trashing it. you saw how blood shot from the black mark running over the bridge of his nose and onto the palette that was in his lap.
choso picks up one of the brushes and dipped it into the crimson liquid that had also been running down his face and began to paint. once the brush hits the canvas, all his nerves seem to dissipate, replaced by the familiar focus that comes with creating.
as choso dips his brush into the blood-infused paint, the room falls silent. the only sounds are the soft scrapes of the brush against the canvas and the occasional drips of paint.
you watched as colors of red and black filled the canvas. you weren’t familiar with the meanings of specific colors but the way you were drawn on his canvas as royalty, you could see sophistication and passion. choso put the brush down and rolled up his sleeves and began to use his fingers to paint. smearing the colors together with his knuckles.
your eyes sparkled, entranced, as choso’s knuckles danced across the canvas, blending the deep reds into the black that was present. the male was aware that he was in need of a palette knife but he’s never gotten the time to buy any.
“the way you use blood for your art is actually unique.” you spoke, breaking the silence. “i guess it adds depth and richness that’s hard to describe. it looks like the painting is alive almost.”
you were seeing it with your own eyes, his art style was hauntingly beautiful. you never seen anything like it. this whole scenario made you wonder if blood was often used when he painted or was this just a perfect coincidence. you slouch in your chair, in thought once again.
“blood has always been a part of me. a part of everyone, i should say. but mine is a curse and a blessing. incorporating it into my art feels natural to me. it’s like i’m putting a part of myself into each piece.” choso murmured.
“um…you know, i never heard you talk about your parents much, only your brothers. they must be really proud of you…you being all smart and artistic and such.” you say softly.
choso’s hand freezes mid stroke, his expression darkening. he sets down his brush and turns to face you. you see how that empty expression of his appeared onto his face again.
“my parents…they’re not in the picture. my mom isn’t alive and my dad was never proud of me. he only saw me as a tool, a weapon to be wielded. i’m happy he left me behind…”
your expression softens. on the outside, choso looked like he had it all. he was attractive, smart, talented, hell if he wasn’t the smartest guy around he probably would’ve gotten in just for being attractive and talented. he seemed perfect. but in reality, he was living in a fucked up world holding on to his creations for comfort.
“i’m so sorry, choso. i probably shouldn’t have brought that up and make you relive painful memories. but despite your past, you managed to create something beautiful out of the darkness. that takes a lot of courage and strength.”
choso nods, his gaze returning to the painting. he picks up his brush once again, lost in thought. he exhaled from his nose. though the topic did hit a nerve, he felt like he could trust you.
“it’s…fine i guess. it was a while ago. my brothers were the ones who helped me escape that life. we all live for each other and nothing can make me change that narrative. they’re my family and we’ve been through a lot together.”
“they must be really important to you, huh? you see them often?” you query. choso nodded again.
“as much as i can. i don’t really have the funds to constantly take train rides back and forth from my house to here and vice versa. we try to stay in touch, the most i can do is call them each night. yuji and eso are busy with their own business and you know they have to keep kechizu close because he’s pretty childlike and clings to eso like he’s his savior.”
you noticed the small smile on his face as he spoke of his brothers. him being the eldest, you would’ve expected him to severely despise his brothers but it seemed like he couldn’t even say the word ‘hate’ when talking about them. it was actually pretty sweet.
as the evening comes to an end, you find yourself standing outside of choso’s room and he’s leaning against the doorframe, his sleeves still rolled up, revealing thin strips of stitches along his forearm.
“what happened to your arm?” you point, making choso break his gaze and follow your finger to where you had been pointing. he only shrugged.
“a stupid accident. nothing too much to worry about.” he answered, rubbing the brand new bandage he had over his nose. his cheeks were still a little red from the blood that had been running down his face earlier.
“you should keep your bandage off. that mark is a part of who you are, and you know i accept that.” you say. choso is taken aback by your words, his hand instinctively touching the bandage again.
“it’s…not easy. people have always been afraid of me because of what what i am. it’s just easier to keep it hidden.”
“but you don’t have to hide from me. i see you, choso, for who you are, not what you are. you’re a human just like any other person here. and i think your mark is pretty cool, actually.”
choso couldn’t help but smile at your words. maybe—just maybe you had a point. maybe it was time for him to change his ways. get out of his comfort zone a little.
“um…yeah, thanks. i’ll think about it. goodnight.”
“goodnight, choso.”
“and this one would be called ‘the blood painter’.” the announcer spoke as the crowd followed around. it was perfect. better than anything else being displayed. choso stood in front of the painted canvas, staring at his own face looking down at his own partially painted portrait with a crimson liquid dripping from his nose and onto the canvas. there was a white cup filled with tea, which had been leaking from the sides as if it were overfilled.
his hair flopped down into his face before lifting a hand to brush it back with his fingers. he was awestruck. how could you have painted something like this with almost no experience. he could’ve sworn you said you were horrible at this kind of thing…maybe his memory was faulty.
“it’s perfect….” you hear him mumble as he stepped closer to the portrait. he was so tempted to touch it but he abided by the rules of not touching or taking any photos of the paintings being displayed. “how did you do this? you couldn’t have—no, you did…but this is so different from your drawing.”
“it was only a sketch. a way to get your features and everything properly. but a few days ago when we hung out, i thought i’d make something more expressive.” you grinned.
“i’m impressed.” choso’s eyes sparkled. “it’s like you captured my soul onto the canvas. i mean, i’ve seen art that expresses the soul of another person but this one is—wow.”
the male looked at you and his cheeks flushed a little. “maybe i got a little too excited. you did a nice job on your painting. hopefully you got a passing grade on it.”
you smiled at choso’s excitement and love for the art you made of him. you both knew it was simply for an assignment that would be graded then tucked away forever or thrown into a nearby dumpster but this was a sentimental thing. it was like a piece that needed to be preserved.
as you both stood in the middle of the large crowds, you two could hear people praising the painting for its raw emotion and style. one patron mentioned that it gave off a bit of a edgy feeling despite the cozy looking background.
choso was a bit surprised and delighted by the positive reactions, he felt a sense of pride in his portrait and the artist that created it—you. he turned to you with a smile on his face.
“i never thought my own portrait would have an impact like this.” choso said shifting his weight onto one leg. “see, now i kinda regret not letting you reveal my name.”
“you’re okay. it’ll make you a mystery man like the mona lisa…well she’s a real person but you get it, don’t you?” you chuckle lightly and choso does just that right along with you.
“i get it. but i’ll never be as known as she is. i’ll only be a mystery man that’s occasionally seen in shibuya.” he said. you threw your arm over choso’s shoulder and waved your hand dismissively.
“sure you will. one thing will lead to another. when you start seriously pursuing art and get your name out there, people will realize that you’re this man in the picture.” you pointed to the portrait, lightly tapping your nail against it as it created a hollow sound. you knew that you weren’t supposed to touch anything but you didn’t seem to care that much. you even went out your way to take a quick picture of it—it was surprisingly clear.
“they’ll call you signore kamo.” you added.
“you know italian?” choso raised a brow, a bit surprised by your pronunciation and how casually you said that word.
“nope, i googled it.” you smile innocently. choso released a breath as if he had been holding it for a while and returned a soft smile to you.
the art show ends and you and choso found yourselves walking close by each other on the sidewalk. the streetlights and neon lights from buildings illuminating your way as you walked back to the university. choso saw that you were on the left of him, closer to the street so he stoped to trade places with you.
“what was that for?” you ask as you put your hands down into your pocket. you had a feeling on exactly why choso did what he did but you just wanted to hear it from his mouth.
“well, just in case something happens, i’ll be hit first and you won’t have to worry about getting hurt.” choso stated, glancing at the street littered with parked cars. your instincts seemed to be correct but your lips involuntarily stretched into a smile anyway and you felt your face heat up a bit.
upon arriving back to the dorms, the two of you stood in the commons, your shadows stretching long in the dim light. since quiet hours were approaching, it was about time the two of you part ways once again until tomorrow. you turn to face each other, a mixture of contentment and longing in your eyes.
“i guess this is where we call it a day. thank you again for everything.” choso says and you nod.
“of course.” you beamed. “i had a really nice time with you today. and don’t forget that you don’t have to hide who you are around me. your true self is beautiful.”
“i’ll remember it.” choso replied before being caught off guard by your sudden hug. you flung your body into him and squeezed his sides a bit. his violet eyes widened as he contemplated on leaving you to cling onto him or hug you back. no one besides his brothers had ever given him a hug.
slowly and awkwardly his arms snaked around your body, finally returning a hug back to you. you both lingered there for a moment, holding on to each other before breaking away.
“hey, dinner on friday?” you ask.
“it’s a date.” choso replied, only making your smile grow. you both say your goodbyes and wave to each other before walking off in the opposite direction to head off to your rooms for the night.
but then another guy came along.
“hey, you got a second?” kashimo whispered. choso never interacted with the guy much but they’ve spoken enough to know how one another looked and each other’s names. sighing, choso obliged.
“i noticed the way you talked to that girl over there just a few seconds ago. you seriously scored.” the cyan haired male smirked at choso. “obviously, there’s something special between you two. maybe i could offer you some advice on that front?”
choso’s eyes narrowed, and as usual, his defensive walls go back up. he was never really comfortable with talking about his personal life, especially with someone he didn’t know all that well.
“i don’t need help with my love life, kashimo. i’m handling it perfectly fine.” choso crossed his arms. kashimo would put his hands up in a placating gesture.
“no pressure. i’m just saying that sometimes it’s easier to open up to someone who isn’t directly involved, you know? sit with me at lunch tomorrow. we can discuss this later.” the other lightly punches choso’s shoulder before heading out of the entrance doors.
“he’s weird.” choso muttered.
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⠀© vmpiires | like, reblog & follow.
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fairytail-whathesays · 4 months
Hello! I don't know if xreaders are still open but, I'm so curious what your take on a Sting x ftm!reader would be! Mainly sfw but nsfw is fine, too.
I love your headcanons so much, you really manage to portrait everyone's character so well! So thank you <3
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So guess what finally reached 100 notes?
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You probably thought I forgot about this ask, or didn't receive it, right? Wrong! Time to keep my promise!
Sting is like the anti-dysphoria fairy. I think out of every possible boyfriend option in the series, he'd be the best at this sort of thing. You think he wears that fur-lined crop top and those elbow-length gloves because he likes gender conformity? Lmao. Sting not only is a hype man by nature, he loves your masculinity, your male-ness, and encourages it and your expression of it however you choose. You want tips on serving pure "dude" or just affirmation? He's the one you go to.
See, if Rogue were your boyfriend, he'd be the type to respond to you being addressed with the wrong pronoun by just talking about you casually and using the correct pronoun without drawing attention to it. Not Sting--he loudly and pointedly corrects people the second they make that mistake, just because he knows people don't be paying no fuccin attention half the time. It's embarrassing at first because of how gung-ho he is about it but it's something you end up liking about him.
Sting is the type of bisexual dude to call himself gay at literally every opportunity and endorse anything that allows him to feel more gay. At first you think he's constantly referring to you as his boyfriend in public to make you feel good--then you realize he just really really likes letting people know he got himself a man.
If you don't know your best angles, Sting will find them for you. He's very much an Instagram bf, always taking pictures, even when you're just doing nothing sitting there drinking coffee. His phone is chock full of you and yes, you're his lock screen.
Do you have a name you like yet? Don't get it twisted, if you've already got all your manly gameplans in order, it's all good, but if you start dating him while transitioning, he will have endless recommendations as to your new name. You're dating a guy named Sting Eucliffe, after all.
Sting does not dim his light to keep pace with anyone, he emphasizes his partner's qualities as best he can. Even if you're the shy type by nature, like Rogue, you'll find that Sting never overpowers your presence in a room. Remember what I said about automatically being the hot person x hot person couple? Even if you start out known to peers as "Sting Eucliffe's boyfriend", it doesn't stay that way for long.
He does, perhaps, simp a bit. He's not wound around your finger, but you can get him to bend to your will a little more easily than other people around him.
Regardless of what you're packing downstairs (or upstairs) you're good to go. If, however, you got some parts switched up, be prepared to spend a lot more time with Sting in Slut Mode--he loves to bottom. Even if you choose the strap-on route, he's happy either way.
Sting is so freaking good at oral, like, who the hell gave him permission??? It's ego, it's pride. You don't ask to have your eyes roll back in your head, he does it because he wants to.
Wear his clothes. Trust, you'll look good in them. And Sting looks good naked, win-win.
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lieutenantfloyd · 2 months
When Duty Calls Part 3 | Cyclone x Reader
Word count: <500
Summary: Beau reckons with the weight of his orders and his untold feelings.
Warnings: mentions of romantic feelings, anxiety, and superior/subordinate relationships.
Authors note: This is a quick chapter, but it gives a peak into Cyclone's conflicted thoughts ahead of the mission.
Read on AO3
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From the moment he was ushered into Iceman's office last week, Beau had been dangerously on edge. Thoughts of how his vision got blurry when the candidate list crossed his desk and the way his voice threatened to waver each time he had to mention your name rang loudly in his mind. 
The cherry on top of his miserable cake was getting your text this afternoon. Even after months of radio silence, you still regarded him so sweetly— a fact that only worsened the hurt and guilt living in his chest. 
He had typed and retyped a reply a thousand times by now, but no response would ever feel right. Beau tosses his phone onto his desk and lets out a sigh before reclining further into his leather chair. He stares up and watches the lazy ceiling fan spin as he ruminates over the situation he's found himself in. 
Being in silent, helpless love with his subordinate-turned-closest friend was a fact that kept him awake more nights than he'd ever like to admit. Worse still was how his biggest curse also happened to be his largest saving grace, seeing as how for the last 4 years you had been stationed in Key West or shipped off to the other side of the world. Another fact that he, by yet another miracle, had nothing to do with. Above all else, he wished you were back in town under better circumstances. If this was the situation of one of his colleagues, he'd give them a dry laugh and simply tell them to man up and get their priorities in check. But he wasn't them, and you were, well, you.
Steeling his nerves, he types up yet another reply, only this time he hits send before he can second guess himself. The nerves set in quickly, but It's too late now. Leaving him to resume his watch of the ceiling fan as if there isn't a mountain of paperwork calling his name. Paperwork that has your portrait pinned to the top.
He lets out a silent prayer, asking that somehow you never receive his words at all. He briefly considers putting his phone on airplane mode, but he knows his meager words are already illuminating your phone screen. With the weight of the world resting on his shoulders, he swallows the lump in his throat and forces himself to begin tackling the ever-growing mountain of paper that has found a home on his desk. Even though his mind is anywhere but here, he knows most of it needs to be signed off on before tomorrow's debrief. With each stroke of his pen his thoughts spiral harder, leaving him to simply hope that over the next two weeks, you won't grow to hate him for what he's been ordered to put you through.
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taglist: @luckyladycreator2 @natasharomanoffisbaebby @nobody7102 @idiomaticpunk @thebeckyjolene @paintballkid711 @simpledyiing @barbiewritesstuff @bbooks-and-teas @starshipfantasy @saramaple @marchingicenotes7 @bayisdying @princessofglitterland @katesmadness @shakira-sasha @xoxabs88xox @nyx2021 @qardasngan @bellamy1998, @alexxavicry @madamemelancholysstuff @autumnleaves1991-reads @dozcan123 @nani-kenobi @noxytopy @accio-boys @the-winter-marvel33 @justameresimp @abaker74 @kmc1989 @comfortzonequeen
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