#and his mum is I think a designer or something but she works mostly from home I’ve got it all planned out fellas
robynrileyart · 27 days
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hello here is the aomine family! mama and pops and baby 🥰
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descendants-extended · 6 months
AK & VK's Hobbies
A lot of the AKS probs do horse-riding too cause rich kids and their parents have pet horses mostly in canon stuff.
Also hanging out with pets for VKs and AKs since they all have pets galore. Though no one has more than Aladdin, Jasmine and their kids’ massive menagerie.
Everyone sings (probs various degrees of good)
Harriet: Likes doodling (not coherent usually & just for her eyes only) and reading.
Harry & CJ: They like to read but mostly for the dramaticness & extraness. And because they are Hook’s kids so classical literature and stuff is easy for them. It’s probably a hobby that surprises people the most!
^ the hook kids’ hobbies are also inspired by chats with @panthera-tigris-venenata
Hook kids may also play some instruments cause their dad does (piano, harpsichord and from jake and the Neverland pirates: the trumpet)
Ben:  Headcanon that he can do some ‘tinkering’ with things. Not full on inventing like his grandfather, Maurice or like Carlos. But it’s a talent he has from spending lots of time with his grandad during his childhood.
He is probably a great assistant/helper! His mode of doing things is trial and error! Though he probably does know the basics pretty well. It helps him relax and calm down. It transports him to simpler times with his grandad and the stories he used to hear.
Audrey: Swordfighting, fencing & jousting with & cause of her parents (mum too cause in one disney picture book Aurora does joust! which is cool of Disney to give us content for. Also Aurora uses a sword in concept art).
Spending time with woodland creatures, hearing stories from her ‘great-aunts’-the 3 good fairies and gramma. She likes foraging. Embroidery and stitching too maybe. Probs likes reading stories too. She also writes her diary.
Gil: possibly woodworking/carpentry? But he values detail, style and elegance and likes engraving it with art unlike his father who only cares about its functionality and just generally leaves it like bare and crude. People also hc he likes gardening which is cute!
Hunting responsibly? A take I heard once. Like he only takes what he needs and sometimes just enjoys running after animals and not actually hunting if that made any sense.
‘Uma’s wicked book for VKs’ said he made Uma and Harry’s outfits for em I think so he’s a fashion designer too? Or maybe they gave him special instructions that he followed. Good for him. Cause dude can still sew then.
Jay & Jade: Practicing disguises (Jafar & Nasira both got disguises in canon so like just a family thing). Practicing magic when they get to Auradon (Jay is 1/4th Genie in mine. Plus Jafar & Nasira do have some magic of their own so do Jay & Jade).
Anthony: reading, upcycling outfits & accessories (because a line in the 1st book saying his outfits look regal & tailor-made somehow though they’re made of the same materials other’s outfits are made of. He generally makes any outfits work but further elevated by him tailoring stuff).
He likes spending time with his mum, siblings, cousins, pet(s) & his bestie, Eddie Balthazar! Loves throwing parties (based on the 1st ‘isle’ book again, saying he throws great parties)- he just enjoys the effort, the pay off & it helps him unwind (good for him. ambivert vibes).
Thinking up business strategies, accounting & book keeping! (Why are these in his hobbies? He finds it pretty fun when it all works out. So generally ‘plotting’? Yeah. Likes things organised), being a taste tester for his sibling’s food creations (they’re just good at it), dignifiedly sassing annoying isle people (mostly villains, some won’t get it sometimes) & learnin‘ stuff like languages!
He can play the piano but not really something he likes as much (wind instruments aren't his thing just like they weren’t his mum’s thing). Probs likes the idea of dueling but not exactly good at it?
Hadie: Likes rock & roll music like his dad, maybe he likes giving himself new piercings as a hobby? (met someone who did this irl! sounds cool but be careful). Likes to be a pest to the villains who are horrible parents and people (like him bothering Frollo to do his fortune quite regularly- @panthera-tigris-venenata made a post bout this! Give it a read, it's such a treat).
is the prince of the underworld so he likes to practice magic with his dad though you don’t really see results on the isle cause of the no-magic nature of the barrier (I suppose other magic users also found it very hard learning magic without well, magic! His irises glow yellow sometimes & his blue hair lights on fire so some magic still is kinda visible.)
Likes hanging out with his friends! Oh and his cousin, Freddie (if one hcs Freddie being Ursula’s daughter which I adore) and by extension Celia (who isn't Ursula’s kid in mine so not his blood cousin but he still treats her like one)
Chad: Dude won’t ever admit it but doing chores helps him clear his head and he likes cleanliness cause his mom wanted to still know some responsibility (never forced him to do it though).  Likes sports and also shopping! He can sew but like only repair stuff. He can cook some basics but not a hobby of his and not something he ever has to do.
Jenna, Rafi, Salima, Aziz (& their two lil siblings in mine): Hanging out with family, friends and pets.
All love going on long magic carpet rides. (‘Borders? Air traffic? Aw, bless your heart.’ They have like no need for passports on carpet rides & Agrabah’s got it as a clause in their agreement. The royal family doesn’t need those. (reminds me of how irl the British royal family’s head doesn’t need a passport). They have passports though. This is a new idea I just had & yeah. Can have a lot of exploration).
They love travelling. Probs try different modes of travel.
Aziz can Skateboard (based on Jasmine skateboarding in an Aladdin console game XD. Can't remember which game it was rn. But ‘Nasira's Revenge’ maybe? Feel free to correct me if I remembered the wrong game. While trying to find a pic, I found a doll of Jaz with Carpet as a skateboard so interesting.)
Anxelin & Ruby: Too many cause of their mom, Rapunzel's many hobbies and how it inspired them. They love trying out new stuff and are pretty adventurous. Their favourite book series is obv the 'Flynnigan Rider series'.
inspo from this post from @dragoneyes618: here
This is it so far. Maybe this is a part 1? Depends.
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takearisk-x · 1 year
Hi Hannah, I can’t wait for the next chapter of tpfy! You mentioned a couple of next gen tpfy fics you were thinking of writing, are those still in the works?
hi! you sent this message several weeks ago and i didn’t have the heart to answer at the time because i thought it was going to be “i wish but no” type of an answer
and it still *kind of* is a no. or maybe not a no but definitely a not right now, but i figured it’d be fun to share anyway. i do have a story that lives in my head sometimes. i really want it to be about mothers and daughters and sisters and girlhood and growing up. ruby is the main pov character and i imagined the timing to be the summer after her second or third year at hogwarts. it doesn’t really have a plot (and the ones that’s i’ve thrown around feel cliche and/or overdone)
HOWEVER … i do have a prologue. from ginny’s pov and an epilogue too but that’s spoilers
so here, have some mom ginny to soothe the soul (under the cut for length)
Parents don’t have favorites.
At least, that’s what her mum always said, even though Ginny never quite believed her. Molly Weasley had seven children, surely she had to prefer one or two over the others. It was only reasonable.
Ginny had asked, of course. Dozens of times. Always as some sort of joke, but still… she’d asked.
It’s Percy isn’t it? Wait, that’s absurd. It’s got to be Bill.
Her mother would sigh and give Ginny her most exasperated expression, then follow it up always with the same statement.
Parents don’t have favorites.
It wasn’t until Ginny was fourteen that she realized she’d asked so many times because she’d always suspected it might be her. And she couldn’t bear the thought of maybe, possibly, once being the favorite and somehow letting her mother down enough that she would lose that designation.
Then, when she was sixteen, she stopped asking altogether.
Because parents don’t have favorites, except maybe when a child gets taken from them forever.
It took until she had her own children to understand the lunacy behind such an idea.
Turns out, it’s true. Parents don’t have favorites. Ginny loves her three children fiercely, without question, without hesitation, and absolutely equally.
However, one caveat to this fact is that her children, however much she loves them all the same, are vastly different from one another. And therefore her relationship with each is distinct and unique, and completely individual to them.
Lily, their first, turned the we into three, and Ginny couldn’t define or quantify the emotion that she felt when Harry held his daughter for the first time. Lily looked just like him, just like Ginny said she would. With jet black hair that stuck up all over the place; bright green eyes that were always observing; and a thin, angular face that never quite filled out, even as a baby. Ginny often joked that she did all the work and Harry got all the credit, but deep down she knew she wouldn’t've had it any other way. Lily gave Harry something he’d never had in his entire life. Someone that was wholly and completely his.
She made them a family.
And if Lily kickstarted the whole thing, James, their baby, completed it. Mostly because Ginny was terrified of following in her mother’s footsteps and somehow birthing twins, but also because James was an impossible act to follow. He never settled as a baby, always kicking and flailing and babbling to his sisters’ delight. As a toddler, he never did things in the right order. One day he couldn’t be bothered to pull up on the ottoman, perfectly content to crawl places at fifteen months old, then the next, he simply stood up and started running. Once he was finally up and going, he never sat still. As a child he was constantly wandering and exploring and yelling “Mum! Look!” right before revealing a toad, or an anthill, or, one time, a very disgruntled opossum.
And that was James: happy, determined, and someone who didn’t even know the concepts of fear or failure existed.
Lily was the overture, James the finale, and Ruby — their sweet, darling Ruby — was the glue that held it all together.
She came pretty soon after Lily. Not Molly Weasley soon, but still, soon. And it’s an understatement to say Ginny was overwhelmed by day to day life with a newborn and a two year old. Thankfully, Lily was pliable enough to get carted between uncles and godparents and the Burrow for little spurts of time when Harry was traveling for work or when Ginny desperately needed a bath. And somewhere along the way, as Lily grew and flourished into independence, Ruby became Ginny’s constant companion. Ruby was her snuggle bug, her little shadow, her mini-me as she was the only one of the three who’d inherited the Weasley copper hair. She’d been strapped to Ginny’s chest in a wrap for the first eight or so weeks of her life, and subsequently got extremely used to Mum’s presence. She wanted held to sleep, not just rocked to sleepy. She wanted “Mummy, hold you?” and “Mummy, cuddles?” anytime, day or night. Even when it was middle of July and they had every window thrown open to coax in some hint of a breeze, Ruby was snuggled into Ginny’s side, sweaty and hot and fast asleep, but never quite close enough to her Mum.
She was hardly ever needy, or dramatic in her attachment, just resolute. Ruby knew what she wanted, and usually, what she wanted was Ginny. However as she got older, her timidity developed into quiet confidence, and then into staunch beliefs of right and wrong. She didn't have to learn what was good or what was bad, Ruby just knew. Inherently. Intrinsically.
She got that from Harry.
Because heavens knew Ginny had her struggles with knowing what was right and what was easy. What she didn’t know, was that it was possible, as a fully grown woman, to look up to an eight year old; but as Ruby stared down a girl twice her size and told her to stop tormenting the birds at the observatory, Ginny knew in that moment that her daughter was quite possibly her hero.
Ruby was also Ginny's to protect. Hers to grow and nurture and advocate for. The other two were just different. Lily had Harry, God-forbid James ever need anyone, but Ruby? Ruby was hers. Ginny would burn the world three times over for any of her children, but she was quite confident in Lily and James’ own potential for conflagration, and Ruby was the only one who would need her to.
Because Ruby wasn't a fire, she was an ocean. Thoughtful and deep, sometimes tumultuous, but steady as the tides.
It took Ginny a long time to understand that her protectiveness was largely unnecessary. Because when it came to fire versus ocean, ocean won. Every time.
But again, just to reiterate, parents don’t have favorites.
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harlstark · 7 months
What are some of your harley family headcanons? (His mum, sister, dad??)
oh my god okay okay this is such a loaded question and would probably take me forever to answer in full so i will try to keep this as abridged as possible
-i usually use the common name in fics for her “Macy” but to me her maiden name is Merriweather for no reason in particular
-i think she works as a waitress/bartender which is alluded to canon but yknow
-i imagine her blonde haired as straw, a young mother but her smile lines show
-loving but definitely distant. she tries, but being a single, low income mother to two, who struggles with undiagnosed mental health issues of her own and mild alcoholism has made her rather uninvolved. while i believe she’s unconditional in her love, she’s not very present in showing it. harley was raised mostly on his own because of this
-she’s not the biggest fan of tony stark, and certainly doesn’t get star struck, but she doesn’t hate the man
-deadbeat asshole who was 100% an alcoholic/addict
-i don’t have a name preference for him, it kind of changes if i mention him by name in a fic. but i never call him james and never will
-probably fucked off to nevada or something
-definitely gave harley a rough time for being different than the other kids
-i use the name abbie/abby from peachy, but also sometimes abigail kennedy “AK”. once or twice mentally ive used the name piper too but usual just stick to abbie
-i think she cut her own bangs when she was in middle school and fucked up so harley tried to help her by watching youtube video tutorials and ever since he has just been the one that cuts her bangs for her in their cramped bathroom
-she’s got lots of freckles and a little gap between her two front teeth
-had a bit of a rebellious phase in high school and liked to casually flirt with boys and girls, following in her brothers footsteps a bit by becoming the latest gossip topic. this was her form of grieving once harley moved away to NY. she had a genuine summer-time romance with a traveling hippie family’s daughter one year, and mellowed out after that. eventually i think she decided to go to community college but hated it and dropped out, then took a gap year just traveling. eventually she ended up in new york too, either doing something in the arts, or continuing her education and working at SI in design. she meets a muslim woman, and eventually they get married, and have two kids through IVF. they take frequent trips to rose hill and eventually move back to tennessee in a kinder rural town, and they have their own garden and chickens
-she once took in a stray tabby cat
-she knows harley‘s gay before he tells anyone. even if she didn’t know the word to it, she just knew the concept of harley with a girlfriend just didn’t make sense
-she likes y’allternative music
-has a tendency to lay on sun spots on the carpet
-master at checkers, domino train, and any card game in the books
-collected my little pony dolls as a kid
-smoked cigarettes for a couple years before stopping
-prefers red wine over white
-very into denims, plaids, florals, and country bumpkin mud-stained clothes as a kid, darker alternative y2k inspired clothes as a teen, and modern french/classy vintage style clothing as an adult
-grew up running wild, barefoot, and free. her favorite place to hang out in rosehill is a old drive inn theatre, which is where she met that girl one summer
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silurisanguine · 6 months
Backstory of Seren (Coe) Jones - Spacefarer and starborn
I dont think i've ever properly introduced the character of my new on going Starfield Coemancer fic. So here she is with a little bio of her og universe.
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(backstory to her creation. Yes, she is loosely based on my appearance, or rather how i looked when i was her given age in game. She is to me a descendent of the Jones bloodline, probably my brother's side of the family as i aint ever having kids. )
Seren Coe /Jones (Takes the surname Coe after marrying Sam)
Background - Industrialist Traits - Freestar native, Empath, kids stuff.
Bio - 30 years old as of events of Starfield.
Born 12 sept 2300 Akila City. Parents lived in a moderate home in Midtown close to the Core.
Moved in 2305 to new Atlantis when she was 5.
Seren was bullied whilst she was on NA for being Akilan, making her loathe her time there and was glad when her family moved back to Freestar space in 2308 (age 8) settling back in Akila, but in a more modest home in midtown due to the war and losing money having to leave new Atlantis suddenly.
She never fully realised the war was the reason they moved but soon understood when her father had to be almost a full time online professor as all the universities in Freestar closed during the war as many teachers went to fight. Her father didnt fight as he was considered a vital asset. Her mom did lots of jobs to help support them both for the three years the war went on for
She mostly learned online but went to the local school on Akila, where she became almost obsessed with Solomon Coe and the creation of the Freestar Collective, though she was scared of the Coe kid, who to her caused mayhem around town and got away with it. Even if she thought he was kinda cute. His father scared her more, though his mum was always nice to her parents when they met at the school gates. (Yep she knew of the hellion that was the young Sam Coe, but only by reputation.)
High school she was schooled online, with a lot of help from her father. Her mom also taught her the fine art of diplomacy and business sense. in 2316, At 16 her father finally got a new job at New Atlantis University and they moved there again. Seren was older now and could handle any bullying, but decided to stick to online schooling in order to graduate with the people she'd learnt with.
She graduated top of her class and took business studies, piloting and ship design classes as she wanted to help support her family and dreamt of setting up a secure passenger transport business for people who couldn't afford their own ships, but wanted to visit other planets without bothering with tours. A direct shuttle/ transport system. Something very lacking in the systems. But her parents weren't rich and she realised any entrepreneur she'd read about all had a helping hand from wealthy parents, so the debt of her classes started piling up, and she started taking small jobs for courier companies, but refused to take the shadier jobs. Things just cruised along like this for years. Always being passed up for promotion because she refused to play ball.
She felt trapped in her job, hating the fact all her skills were being wasted because she didn't have the money or name to start anything, and that's when she decided enough was enough as she was sick of hiding the underhanded dealings of the company she worked for.
She became a whistleblower to a very dangerous deal going down in UC territory that would have affected FS too, she had to go into protective custody and become a miner, as part of her cover. She was able to let her parents know she'd find them, once the UC could clear her name. Years pass and she moved from mining company to mining company under the alias Dusty (as in Dusty Springfield, one of her father's favourite old Earth singers), eventually setting up with Argos.
The day the UC finally told her, her name was clear. That the company she worked for were dust and everyone was in prison, was the day she was told by Lin to collect that anomaly.
Below some more pics of my girl, inc her wedding day, the new family Coe and a pic of the entire Constellation team together.
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
I feel like someone may have mentioned this before, but I love the idea of Bakugou dating a designer. There are plenty of designers for hero costumes, of course, but I like the idea of him dating a clothing designer who specializes in couture and formalwear, stuff that heroes wear to all the many galas and award shows they have to go to. Maybe you’re up and coming, still relatively new, mostly doing work for heroes that are lower in the hero ranking, but you’re really good, so good that you catch the attention of Mitsuki. And one day, while Bakugou comes to visit his mother, you’re there talking about fashion and possibly collaborating together, and he’s just smitten with you. Not only is your work excellent, but there’s just something about you that draws him in. And that’s how he ended up asking you to design something for him for an upcoming event, partially because he really does like your designs but mainly as an excuse to spend more time with you. I just think it would be adorable basically becoming his personal stylist just so he has an excuse to talk about how talented you are and how much he loves you lol
I love this so so much!! Imagine you’ve been struggling to get your foot in the door for so long, constantly posting your designs online and you gain little traction. And no matter how hard you try you just can’t seem to get any further? So you kinda flatline and your motivation begins to dwindle. You’re grateful for all the sidekicks that have worn your designs but you just wish you could make it?
And when Mitsuki meets you and falls in love with your designs she immediately sends them to Bakugou, who ignores the emails at first— but of course his mother is persistent and he ends up seeing them and he actually thinks they’re real fucking cool.
So he agrees to let you design something— but he’s never even met you until you’re coming into his hotel room the evening of a huge hero gala with his outfit. Profusely apologising that you’d never had a chance to meet before this to confirm the fit— Mitsuki had given you his sizes, but each time you’d tried to contact him for a meeting he’d never called you back— you chalked it up to him being a busy pro hero but really he didn’t care if it wasn’t the perfect fit, even though you did.
But now Bakugou’s seen you in the flesh? He’s instantly regretting not answering any of your messages or calls, kicking himself for wasting all that time that could’ve been spent with you. His mum hadn’t once mentioned just how drop dead gorgeous you were, as his eyes watched you rush around the room pulling out various pieces from dress bags, rambling on about how you could alter it quickly if it didn’t fit— Bakugou loved how flustered you got when he pulled his top off in front of you carelessly as he reached out for the shirt on the hanger as he began to button it— “Ain’t gotta worry, sweetheart. Look— perfect fit.” And the moment he’s in the suit even he’ll admit he looks good. Letting you snap some photos for your social media profiles while you’re there.
And of course it’s a hit— with him and the fans. You end up going viral overnight and suddenly your phone and emails blow up with more potential Pro-Hero clients. But now Bakugou is jealous, ain’t no way he’s gonna let these other fuckers get close to you when he’s decided already that you’re all his.
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beabnormal24 · 8 months
So, Wheels hit the concrete when you need a cup of sweet tea is actually part of a series that I'm trying to compose, where each story has a similar build (the main couple + the third one in the middle)
The first story, is obviously based on Charlos + Pierre.
The second story, as already hinted in the first one, is based on Dando + Carlos.
I am almost finished with it, I'm actually at the +1 part, though I'm not really sure about some passages so I would really really love it if someone would give me some feedback.
I'll give you an example with this little snippet:
1. Bahrain / Australia
It feels like going backwards.
Which, to be fair, it’s something he would’ve never expected to address as one of his emotions, perhaps too used to always moving forward, go straight, take the curve, surpass, go, go, go-
Is it even an emotion, though, to walk in the opposite direction?
It shouldn’t feel as life shattering as it does right now, his heart thumping in his chest in a rhythm of its own as the corners of his eyes start to sting, dirt and smoke and dust all mixing up and reaching through the visor of his helmet that feels so wrong in so many ways.
(Too light, too narrow, too loose, too large, too plastic, too fake, not original, not designed by him. Bought on Amazon? Yeah, probably, he has an image of his search history for ‘motocross helmets’)
He needs the break anyway, no matter how much it hurts to grip at a steering wheel that doesn’t fit exactly right under his fingers and how every time he sets foot on Austrian soil, his chest gets so tight and uncomfortable and there are so many memories rushing back.
He has regrets, it’s not like he’s that immature to not admit it. Allegedly, he does not exactly act his own age, and maybe it’s more the times people don’t take him seriously than the other way around, and he should really start to worry about it since he has surpassed the thirty years old line, but he can admit that.
“Haha, Daniel Ricciardo who has regrets? As if it’s possible!”
Yeah, it is possible, and it is even more possible in moments like this one, lost somewhere in the suburbs of Perth where he can pretend he never made wrong decisions, where there is no car but a bike instead, where there is no doubts about whether he will still be here in Perth this time next year or flying off to the Middle East.
He can pretend he doesn’t care at all about it, too.
No, he doesn’t care, at least for the moment. In this single instant in front of a deserted land and a moon slowly descending and a sky turning into a familiar clear blue that makes his heart skip a few beats, he can pretend that he’s exactly where he wants to be in life.
It isn’t far from the truth, though. He always imagined his retirement to be like this: going back and forth between Australia and LA, but mostly enjoying the outskirts of his hometown not really too far from his childhood home, build his own house, a family perhaps – possibly. Just enjoy the familiarity of it all with a taste of American civilization and obnoxiousness from time to time, a socially friendly twist to Sebastian’s kind of disappearance from the reflectors somewhere remotely in Switzerland.
Except that this isn’t retirement, because he is going between Australia and LA and Milton Keynes.
Or that’s what, at least, he keeps telling himself, the others, his mum when she asks him if he is thinking about finally changing his domicile from Monaco to Perth again for the next year.
“I’ll have more work to do next year, mum. I’ll need to stay closer to the factory” he answers every time, stuffing his mouth with whatever food he has on his plate so that she will get the hint and stop asking questions.
He doesn’t know if it’s true, he doesn’t even know if it will be Italy or England or anywhere else, really.
He is used to having a feeling for things. He always had a feeling when he knew that it was going to be a good race: a tingling on his fingertips, a warm sensation in his stomach, a tickling on the left side of his nose; always something, a little thing, a little hint.
Now it’s like it’s all numb, like his limbs don’t know how to cooperate anymore, his body doesn’t know how to function when he’s not feeling jet lagged 24/7, and his back isn’t accustomed to sleeping on awful beds, and his hands want to desperately grip a real steering wheel, one that was designed just for him and works exactly for his mind, for his way of thinking.
Something that is under his control, for once.
He closes his eyes, takes in the smell of dirt and sweat and open air and a distant one of a flock that must’ve passed right by minutes ago. The thought makes him laugh, the kind of one that leaves him breathless and almost dizzy with the emptiness of his chest, light and airy.
No more than half a year ago, he was used to live in Monaco every other week and now he’s standing in front of this endless expanse of land and if he turns his head to the left and cups his ear just right, he can hear the giggling of the bells wrapped around the necks of sheep.
From Monaco and expensive things and rich people and extravagance all around, to deserted moors and fucking sheep.
From plain obscure skies that looked like a black hole was threatening to swallow him whole, to staring at the sea of stars hovering over his head, bright and clear in the blue of an Australian summer night – the winter of the other hemisphere.
It feels like going backwards, and the thought does something ugly in his stomach.
He shuts off the bike, smirks when the engine protests a bit, chuckles to himself as he hops off the saddle and the exhaust coughs a little cloud of thick grey smoke, the vehicle sagging at the sudden weight loss.
He pats the black leather, traces the corners of a recently new scratch with the tip of his finger and smiles at the way the white foam looks like it’s going to burst out of it at any second.
“You’re just like me, aren’t you?” he asks, mostly to the bike, but it could be also referred to the sky and the stars or the low bushes or the greedy insects that wait for the right moment to attack his skin or the flock of sheep slowly walking away from him.
It could be referred to himself as well, who is just like him but himself, after all?
“Unyielding, perhaps a little pretentious. Isn’t that right?”
He wishes he could get an answer, even though there probably isn’t a proper one for such a question.
The moon is nothing but a smudge of white this night: not a full moon, not even a half, just a hint, a mistake, a wrong brushstroke in the painting coming directly from nature’s hand, looking like it doesn’t belong there at all.
A perfect imperfection, it seems. After all, there’re poems about it, there are dreams of reaching it, of touching it with bare hands, but what do people think about when they have a blue sky in mind? The sun or the moon?
Will people think about him after all of this? Has he actually left something worth remembering?
The sun or the moon?
(He’s still immature enough to pretend he doesn’t care about that.)
His hand slowly slips inside the right pocket of his jacket, fingers wrapping around the sharp edges of his phone as if giving himself time to change his mind.
In the end, he does not, and he cracks a crooked smile instead, catches his distorted reflection on the black screen, scrambling for the front camera with almost trembling fingers that he swears it’s not hesitancy.
His cheek has a trace of thick black motor oil on it, a smidge that almost gets lost in the untrimmed beard he is finally letting himself grow however long he prefers – there’s no itch from balaclavas, no redness from sweat nor tight lines over his cheekbones -, and his curls are plastered all across his forehead, a single one reaching the space between his eyebrows, scarves at the bridge of his nose that is always there in some ways.
His curls are receding, thinning. Well, he guesses his time would’ve come, too, eventually, just like he had endlessly teased Sebastian for. But it’s not like he will actually acknowledge it.
He's everything but perfect, far from the polished imagine he usually walks around with, but he ignores that, too, taking a selfie with a smile that almost doesn’t make it all in the little screen, and being careful of getting the right angle so that the photo will have everything: the thorny bush, the pointy rock, the bright stars, the sheep’s footprints, the moon streak, the scratch on his bike’s saddle that- now that he notices it, it almost looks like the moon in the night sky itself.
He snaps the photo and thinks out loud “Lando would have a good laugh about that” and since here he can do whatever he wants and pretend that there won’t be any repercussions, he just hits send.
He has no idea what hour it is in Monaco. Besides, Lando is probably busy with the last preparations for Bahrain, and if Daniel can still count right in his head, then he should be flying out tomorrow – he can’t. But the younger man still answers in the span of a few minutes, when Daniel has managed to find a comfortable position with his back against the bike, only one knee bent while he lets the other one lean on a pebble, the scalding muffler throwing heat waves behind his head.
Daniel looks at his phone with what he can assume is the dumbest smile ever when he sees Lando’s profile picture pop up on his screen, him and his camera in the reflection of his latest helmet.
(Daniel has a first design sketch tucked away in some remote corner of his phone’s albums, because Lando says he trusts him with his creativity, and Daniel is a weak man and he helps even when Lando doesn’t ask directly, because he doesn’t know how not to. Which is ridiculous for someone of his age, really.)
- Landooo:
[Reply to IMG_0552_.JPG] lookin sharp af!!
Bummer that you can’t be there for first race
Gonna beat some of your ass at FIFA in the upside-down land
Food’s on me
There’s a dumb smile on his face and he knows that because he can feel it, in the way the corners of his mouth indent his cheeks and his lips hurt from stretching so wide.
He wonders, maybe outside of some self-imposed limits, if Lando is writing to him when it’s the middle of the night or early morning. He wonders if Lando is getting enough sleep, if he has been struggling like last year, if the anxiety is till biting at his back, if he’ll ever feel the need again to call Daniel and vent, talk about all the things that course through his head because he needs to empty it.
Sometimes, Daniel had his things, too, and Lando would sit there and look at him with eyes too big for his face and listen to every word like they actually meant something. After, Daniel would feel utterly ridiculous at sharing his thoughts with someone ten years younger, who probably didn’t even know what it meant to feel the things Daniel felt – too old, still young, kind of in the middle – but it was easy to forget that when Lando was just... Lando.
- You:
[Reply to Gonna beat some of you|] Sure you will, babe
[Reply to Dinner’s on me] Nah, my country, my pleasure. I know where to take you
- Landooo:
U take me whrv you want and I pay. I still make more money than you anyway
Unless you took herding sheep as a side job
You field mouse
Daniel chuckles to himself, lets his thumbs swipe over the keyboard for a few moments, takes in the feeling of his chest swelling, of his heart beating steadily, like it’s common, like everything is as it always was.
- You:
Stop harassing your elders
Or I’ll call your mom
- Landooo:
Yeah right, you grandpa
Ill call *your* mom 😉
- You:
Landooo, not the mom jokes
What are you? Ten?
- Landooo:
I am a ten*
Well, Daniel thinks, true.
- You:
In what scale? From one to me?
- Landooo:
From one to yr mom
- You:
You’re unbelievable
- Landooo:
- You:
Shouldn’t you be flying to Bahrain instead of harassing me?
- Landooo:
Im not harassing
Its my love language
[Reply to Shouldn’t you be fly|] IMG_0553_.JPG
Already here baby!!
But nothing is always like it was before, right? Panta rei and all that shit, he guesses.
Daniel stares at the picture of Carlos sitting at a clothed table - presumably in their hotel’s restaurant if the name stitched on the corners is anything to go by -, lips curled into a soft smile and eyes widened, his hand in the hair doing the peace sign to the camera, someone else’s elbow making it into the corner of the picture – perhaps Carlos’s trainer, or his cousin, whose name he can’t remember for the world… Oh no, right, another Carlos.
He looks like Lando had told him “Smile at the camera, cabrón, it’s for Daniel” and the fact is that he can imagine it clearly, Lando grinning big and bright and cackling like a maniac because he’s that spontaneous and he thought that sending Daniel a photo of Carlos as a reply would be funny.
It is not.
Daniel has no hard feelings towards Carlos, there’s no awkwardness between the two of them even though he had taken a habit of snatching Carlos’ seats in his career. It’s just that- sometimes Daniel feels like he’s intruding, like he’s being shoved in a third chair in the corner of a crooked framing, watching the main characters having a laugh by themselves about something that only they can know because they’re standing close and his chair… His chair is too far away.
It feels like the seat in front of Lando is the only one he can’t take away from Carlos, not even two years as teammates had been enough, and the awareness twists something in his stomach that isn’t exactly pleasant.
He can picture it clearly, Lando smiling at his phone after sending the photo before pocketing it, bringing his chin on his hands and staring at Carlos as they start talking about golf that and golf there, because they are posh kids with money ever since they were born, and Daniel just doesn’t fit in there.
Daniel finds golf boring as hell, and perhaps that’s enough of an explanation for everything.
- You:
Aye cabrón
Say hi from me
His last messages sit there in the chat, left unread and with no reply for minutes to no end, Daniel staring at it with something strangely hopeful in his chest, looking at those words - dull, derivative, perfunctory – as if they will give him any answers to the questions still left unsaid.
Four minutes pass when he decides to finally shut it, watching as the chat turns all black and the distorted reflection doesn’t mirror a smile anymore.
He wonders what it would be like to be swallowed by Monaco’s black hole this time of the year.
He can’t remember.
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nightcall99 · 2 months
Dreams from 9.3.24
Dream 1: I'm with SM in the backseat of a car and we're having a conversation. I think it's an Uber or taxi and we're being driven somewhere. It feels very comfortable sitting next to him. We are sitting close enough to be touching and at one point while talking, he very slowly starts to take my hand. There's a half inch of space between us. His face doesn’t show any flicker of what he is doing, just continually to talk calmly. I am letting it happen and then finally he is holding my hand. I'm basking in the energy and my heart feels really full. Then we have to part ways, I leave the car.
Dream 2: There are a couple of women in my room, one of them is a lady who I recognise as a regular customer from years ago, her name is something like Amada. Everyone is gathered around some kind of textile creation, the words 'fabric chute' comes to mind. It's shaped in a tube. It's about one meter in diameter and I'm not sure how long it is. It's in a patch-work style, with every half meter showcasing a different pattern of fabric, in a different colour. Even though the fabrics change, they are all in the similar style of Asian brocade/embroidered silk. I don't know what this thing is for but it seems important enough since the women are inspecting it.
I'm sitting on my bed as Amada says to me, Where did you get this? The factory that used to make this sort of thing closed down a very long time ago. [As I'm writing this, I remember that this lady used to carry her prescriptions in a sewing bag made of brocade fabric]. Then I suddenly realise that this thing was actually hers in the first place and I'd simply forgotten. She'd given it to me a long time ago, as a gift or for safe-keeping I'm not sure. I reply, It's Yours! I think they are about to cut this chute thing up and make some kind of adjustment. Maybe a panel of fabric needs to be added in or something like that. It is being worked on.
Dream 3: I'm having dinner with my mum and her female relatives. I recognise 2-3 of them as being her sisters. There are other people around the table but I don't look at them. Then AA arrives and I don't want her here. She sits opposite me and starts poking and prodding me with her questions. I give her curt responses, the general attitude reflecting that I'm not enjoying this exchange. I'm very self-assured in my unfriendly demeanour. I keep snapping until eventually we are fighting. She says something a little mean to me, to elicit a reaction and I retort with a few lines designed to put her in her place. I rarely am ever so direct in revealing my true understanding of people's inner lives which everyone thinks they keep secret. I say something like, Maybe the real reason you just said that is because you're trying to deflect the attention off you while also manipulating the current emotional energy to assume the role of victim, once everyone views you as such, you think you've won etc. I say all this in very monotone manner, the words leaving my lips as if automatically. Afterward there were a few 'oohs' but the table was mostly silent. Those that didn't understand English definitely caught the tone of it. AA is silent. We continue bickering. There was a lot of anger inside of me. After awhile though, we become civil.
All while this is happening, everyone is eating the assortment of dishes laid out of the table. I am picking at some fish. On another table a few feet away, I see some uncooked tagliatelle and ingredients for a pasta dish like tomato sauce. There is also a white-coloured deep baking dish. It feels like we are all going to be having baked pasta tomorrow.
Dream 4: I am on a school camp and we are getting settled into our living facilities. I don't like where we're staying. There isn't enough blankets to go around and it just feels all round uncomfortable. I figure I will just go back home every night after the day's activities. It's an hour away but in the dream it felt like it would be 10 minutes of travel time.
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ackerfics · 2 years
hiii i love tpt and i was just curious if you had any headcannons about mama ackerman and tpt!reader?? i’m so curious to see what their interactions would be like!
hey hey hey love !! thank you for loving tpt <33 that means so much to me owo ooooh, i'm actually so excited to put in kuchel to the epilogue and the bonus chapters so i have a few hcs ft. our queen ^^
kuchel was so ecstatic when levi called home during his senior year in uni, saying that he wanted her to meet someone. this was a first because levi never brought home any of his friends from school (farlan and isabel are exceptions since they grew up together) but when you appeared in her living room beside levi, she's holding back her squeal. you look so goddamn beautiful and i'm so sorry, levi, but she couldn't believe that her son's girlfriend looks this elegant. the entire night was just kuchel talking to you, vividly telling you stories about levi's childhood.
you're actually surprised at kuchel's kindness, not used to this because of your mother's cold personality.
right before you agreed to meet with levi's family, levi assured you that kuchel would adore you. even though he's constantly reminding you that you had nothing to worry about, you're questioning whether his mother acted the same as yours. if so, you'd act like the perfect daughter like when you're around maman. but when a beautiful dark-haired woman greeted you with a huge smile, your worries faded away. levi's hand on your back was still acting as an anchor even though you're starting to loosen your tense posture --- the tight, practised smile on your lips turned genuine.
kuchel is your second mother. (more of a mother than maman but we already treated that as a fact.)
she constantly teased levi by calling you her daughter-in-law, laughing behind her hand when her son threw her a glare.
during the times where you come over to her house, mostly on summers and springs, you help around the kitchen. the two of you would make recipes, sometimes mixing in some british food since you mentioned you missed it. (levi was your taste-tester.) that's how compassionate kuchel is to you, she makes your favourites when you were growing up because she knows how badly you miss it.
she also suggested things while you were designing some clothes and they all worked.
she's your assistant, something she proposed doing for you, and usually acted as your human mannequin.
ofc, we can't forget about kenny since he sometimes visit kuchel. she scolded him for gaping at you the first time he saw you (jaw dropped and eyes wide because he couldn't comprehend how his midget of a nephew bagged a woman like you). levi threatened to punch him if he looked at you like that again.
when the twins were born, she cried. not only because they look so much like levi but because you sounded like you were in pain during your labor. so, as levi followed the nurses to the nursery, she stayed with you, telling you how proud she was for bringing two beautiful stars in this world.
bought every toy she could find for the twins as a way to help you and levi.
kuchel was devastated when you and levi had the divorce.
at first, she couldn't believe that two of the most in-love people she knew had to go separate ways. there's just no way this was happening. since levi didn't have the heart to talk you out of it after blaming himself, kuchel took it upon herself to convince you to think this through. since maman had everything on her palms, you had no choice but to reject kuchel's pleads. it hurt seeing your mother-in-law like that but everything was set, you wouldn't risk having levi's business sinking right when it started. kuchel wanted to know the reason why you wanted to leave but she sensed something was wrong with your answer. "i don't think we can overcome this, mum. it's best if we solved it this way."
no, kuchel never believed that the divorce started with you not meeting eye-to-eye with levi, there's something there. heck, she saw how levi looks at you and how you smile in that carefree manner with him around.
since levi never followed you to the airport, kuchel was the one who saw you off. kenny was with levi, trying to talk some sense into fighting harder for you but to no avail. you hugged the woman you've grown to love as your mother and never saw her again.
she's once again ecstatic when altair randomly called her, the boy relaying how levi finally had the guts to get back with you. this woman was so happy with the news that she screamed in joy.
levi leans on his elbows as he gets up from comfortably lying beside you, letting the covers pool around his hips. he shivers at the chill that brushes on his bare torso before grumbling at his phone. "mom? why are you calling this late at night?"
"oops, i'm sorry! i know you're still in london but how can i not call you, levi? you're getting back together with [name]! i thought i'd never see the day!"
"wait, where did you learn about that?" then, he hears the faint sound of a gaming console in the next room, along with some giggling between two boys. "never mind, i think i know who said it."
kuchel squeals, making levi take away the phone from his ear. the man feels movement beside him. he looks down and finds a sleepy smile on your face while you're staring at him with droopy eyes. "shit, did i wake you, beautiful?"
you laugh, shaking your head while snuggling deeper into your pillows. "no."
"is that [name]?! [name], sweetie, hi! levi, let me talk to her, it's been too long."
levi rolls his eyes. he glances at you before getting in a trance at your blissful smile and gentle expression. he then feels your hand trailing scribbles on his abs, the shiver going through his spine differs from how he shivered from the cold of your room.
"levi, you still there?"
he jolts at his mom's voice. "yeah, yeah. i'm here."
"give the phone to her now, levi."
"is that mum?"
the flutter in levi's chest intensifies upon hearing you call kuchel mum. he can't help but duck down to place lingering kisses on the corner of your lips and the junction connecting your neck and shoulders. he hums in satisfaction, the scent of your bath wash and shampoo surrounding his senses, and feeling the strap of your silk night gown on the side of his face. "yeah."
"can i talk to her, love?"
"sure," he drawls, giving you the phone and slumping over you with his arms wrapping around your torso.
"hey, mum."
"oh, my gosh, hi, sweetie! i miss you so much, how are you doing? are you eating well? is your sleeping schedule working for you? i hope so. i wouldn't want you to turn into levi. have you seen his under-eyes?"
your soft laughs and voice lull him to sleep, the last thing he remembers before successfully sleeping is your fingers weaving through his hair.
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palettepainter · 3 years
How the teachers play favourites
We all know Aizawa and All Might have their favourite UA child, Shinsou and Midoryia. And yeah I know Bakugo and Todoroki are also their UA kids but shhh, Midoryia and Shinsou where the first UA kids they adopted. 
And you can’t tell me Aizawa and All Might play favourites with them, All makes Deku lunch like..hello?? Aizawa gave Shinsou his capture weapon, HELLO?? 
So here are some dumb headcannons for how the other teachers play favourites to their UA kids
Ectoplasm and his UA kid Jiro:
-When he gives back marked tests he’ll sometimes write small encouraging notes for his students to read, he does this to some students when he feels they need a pick up but he always leaves a positive one on Jiro’s 
-During lessons where students are allowed to study in the lesson Ectoplasm lets them listen to music on their phones, everyone thought he would say no so everyone - mostly Kaminari and Mineta - peer pressured Jiro to ask. To no ones shock except Jiro’s Ectoplasm replied with a calm “Sure, but only if you use your headphones”
-Jiro talks about new songs that have been released and Ectoplasm will listen to her geek out about music
-Sometimes Jiro will tell Ectoplasm what her and the rest of the band (herself, Kaminari, Momo, Tokoyami and Bakugo) have been doing and if they’re working on any new songs in-between their studies. Jiro jokes that Ectoplasm is their biggest fan but Ecto is genuinely supportive of their band and admires their creativity
-Jiro once entered maths class and said “Hey miter Ecto, what’s shakin’ bacon?” and while the whole class was stood there in silence thinking Ectoplasm wouldn’t reply he said “Not much double dutch” and then Jiro went to her desk as thought nothing out of the ordinary happened. Kaminari tried to do the same thing to him and Ectoplasm just went “Kaminari your shoe lace is undone-” Jiro was very amused
Powerloader and Hatsume:
-This one started out more like this - Powerloader: Who’s idiot kid is that?....*realises it’s Hatsume* Oh shit- THAT’S MY IDIOT KID-
-Hatsume showed up at the design studio and never left basically, so Powerloader got used to her. He knows Hatsume overworkers herself so he keeps spare energy bars, fruit and bags of crisps in the design studio. He brought a small microwave and kettle for the winter so Hatsume could make hot drinks and food since she insisted on finishing her ‘babies’
-Say’s he doesn’t worry but still insists she goes to recovery girl when she gets a scratch or blows up the studio, sometimes dragging her there himself, ranting all the way about how she’s an idiot. One day Hatsume ended up breaking her leg during a bad explosion and Powerloader very nearly had a heart attack-
He kept a close eye on her while she worked from a wheelchair at her desk
-Makes her wear a god forsaken jumper in the winter when the design studio is freezing, stupid dumb teenager you’ll catch your death of cold
Present Mic and Kaminari:
-This man is shameless with playing favourites
-He greets Kaminari with his signature finger guns and an enthusiastic “AAAYYYY KAMINARI!” Kaminari shoots finger guns back with an “Ayyyyy teach hozit hanging?!” Everyone in class knows Kaminari is a teachers pet despite how Kaminari insists he’s not
-Mic knows Kaminari has a crush on Jiro and Kaminari is an embaressed child who is like “omg msiter Mic STOP-” while Present Mic is coeing and being all like “Aw that’s adorable!”. He always puts Jiro and Kaminari together in group projects, Kaminari shoots him a flustered glare cuz Present Mic knows what he’s doing 
-Kaminari teaches him meme/slang language for laughs and everyone in class hates it, Kaminari finds it hilarious. Eventually Mic gets the hang of it but he sucked at using the language correctly at first 
-Calls him lil listener and Kaminari calls him loud mouth 
Midnight and Yaoyorozu
-Another teacher who is shameless with playing favourites
-Midnight being a teacher does have to enforce the dress code if she sees a student wearing their uniform incorrectly - loose tie, untucked shirt, odd brightly coloured socks, chockes, etc. Midnight really doesn’t care all that much if a student’s socks aren’t the sae colour as their shoes...buuut she’s a teacher so she has to enforce it. Except when it comes to Yaoyorozu. Yaoyorozu one day had to wear light blue socks into UA as her tights where damaged, and she was worried she’d be called out for not following the dress code. Midnight saw, and turned a blind eye. She was in the middle of telling someone off for not dressing correctly, saw Yaoyorozu with the odd coloured socks and went “-Oh hello Yaoyorozu you have a good day sweetheart! ^^”
-Always complients Yaoyorozu when she comes into class. Oooo did you try a new hair style? Honey it suits you! New note book, such cursive hand writting! Glad to see you got those new pair of shoes, trying a different shoe brand this time? Very stylish!
-Had been tempted to kick Mineta like a beech ball on more then one occasion when he wouldn’t back off from Yaoyorozu
-The kind of teacher to say “I taught her that~” when Yaoyorozu uses one of her combat techniques
-Girl gossip. She tries to guess who Yaoyorozu will get with, meanwhile Momo is just blushing and blabbering because that isn’t very appropriate for history work. Midnight bats a hand is like “Pft I’m the teacher I can gossip in my own lesson”. Puts her with Todoroki during group projects and she, like Mic, 100% knows what she’s doing
Hounddog and Shishida
-Hounddog: I am not soft....*holds up Shishida* EXCEPT FOR MY 1B CHILD WHO IS VERY STRONG AND HE’S GOING TO BE A HERO DON’T @ ME HE’S AMAZING-
-Encourages Shishida to let loose with his beast form, with his rish upbringing Shishida isn’t used to embracing his more wild and uncaring side, having been raised to always be propper and polite when not in combat. Hounddog geuenily puts in effort to be a little less grumbly around Shishida cuz he doesn’t wanna peer pressure him, he’s giving him time
-Keeps a spare cloth so Shishida can clean his glasses off when and if they get dirty from training
-I imagine Shishida having a quirk called beast and having a more posh upbringing prolly has a little bit of anxiety, having to always be polite and propper even with a quirk called Beast. Sometimes he vents to Hounddog about this and he listens, insisting that it’s better Shishida get it off his chest when he apologises for drowning on
-During training Hounddog basically throws him about like a beanie bag at first, Shishida was still a kid and Hounddog had years of experience. The day Shishida finally knocked him down with a hard punch to the side of Hounddog’s face he felt...bad. But Hounddog was beaming! Shishida may have cried a little bit
Snipe and Hagakure (picked hagakure inspired by a suggestion @snipe-enthusiast made a while ago)
- Protective af
-Hagakure screams the innocent dorky girl of 1A, and thought Snipe makes sure none of the girls deal with Mineta’s bull while he’s around he’s especially protective of Hagakure just cuz...well, have you seen the way she acts? She’s innocent, peppy, happy, cheerful, and Snipe does not want that tainted by Mineta’s preverted ways
-After the exam with Hagakure and Shoji Snipe apologized for what happened and so did Hagakure, admitting that she over-reacted. 
-Hagakure admits one day to Snipe that she’s worried she won’t make it as a hero cuz her quirk isn’t flashy like her classmates. Snipe reassures her by saying that no one thought he could be a hero when he was little (this headcannon was inspired by @frelmidja and a post this did with Snipe) - guns weren’t exactly considered heroic and he got teased in the beginning when his quirk first activated. He told Hagakure to keep working hard and that she had the potential and the drive to be a hero, Hagakure was very thankful for the reassurance
-Hagakure really wants to see what Snipe’s face is like and constantly asks him if he could take his mask off and show them, Snipe has yet to break and take off his mask but Hagakure is very persistant 
Cementoss and Bondo
-Chill babies, they sit and have tea together. 
-I imagine Bondo to be the kind of person to accidentally call Cementoss dad, it happened once during one on one training and he got so embarrassed. Cementoss kept telling him it was fine but Bondo left in a hurry after
-Bondo tried to make certian shapes out of his glue one time but ended up getting himself stuck, Cementoss helped him out and reassured a disheartened Bondo that everyone makes mistakes and that he was progressing well 
-Being one of the taller boys in 1B he often has to hold back Monoma from going over to 1A when Kendo isn’t around, often tries to diffuse conflict before it gets worse, Cementoss is very proud
-After one on one training the two go to the lunch hall to get a hot drink after cleaning themselves up, Bondo tries to bring a different type of tea sweet each time - something like biscuits or chocolate. Cementoss returns the favour by bringing Bondo manju to have after his training
Thirteen + Gunhead and Uraraka
-Proud mum and dad because I couldn’t decide between the two
-Uraraka researches into the affects of zero gravity and how to better use her power, due to this she’s become a bit of a space nut and enjoys thinks like star gazing. When she was a kid and saw Pro Hro Thirteen on the TV she was ecstatic! Her parents brought her a Pro Hero Thirteen plush on her seventh birthday, Uraraka still has that toy. One day the toy got misplaced in the students washing and got mixed up with the teachers, Thirteen was a bit confused why a plush of her - and a well loved one by how old it looked - ended up in the wash. Uraraka hurridly rushes over to explain when Thirteen comes into the students dorms asking if it belonged to anyone. When Uraraka explained she got it when she was younger cuz she’s a big fan of Thirteen...heart squeeze
-Asked Uraraka if she could teach her the gunhead martial arts move, Uraraka was so honored she got to teach one of her idols a combat move! Through the gunhead martial arts move Thirteen met Gunhead and the two become good friends
-One day when Gunhead is teaching Thirteen the martial arts move with Uraraka to help demonstrate Uraraka wanted to take a picture of them all together. Gunhead was too tall to fit into the picture so he kneeled down to be at the same height as Thirteen and Uraraka (he did bunny ears behind Thirteen’s head and Uraraka thought it was adorable)
-Gunhead pretty much puts two and two together with Uraraka having a crush on Midoryia, so one day when Thirteen mentions in passing conversation how giddy Uraraka gets when she’s around this one green haired kid Gunhead just chuckles behind his hand. Thirteen and Gunhead think it’s very sweet how Uraraka totally has a crush on him (unlike Mic and Midnight thoug they don’t force anything and let Uraraka figure things out on her own)
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galina · 2 years
Hey, wondering how you got into sketching and design, if you don't mind sharing. Wish you a lovely day!
hi, hi, hi. short and truest answer is I always loved drawing as a kid and my parents were super encouraging because it kept me quiet lol, then I went to art skool (where I did creative writing, not fine art) and found a way to approach writing and design in an interdisciplinary sense. but it also got me thinking and I wrote this longer thing about my childhood which is very loose and random.
short story long, when I was born, my parents found themselves (as many do) as a young immigrant family newly in the uk who needed to work. working nights at a bar was not a long term solution. somehow they found work together doing translation, mostly for technical manuals and instructions for machinery. whilst they worked I used to draw on the back of dot matrix paper that came from one of these machines for which they were translating a new manual. one of my first memories is the feeling of drawing on the perforated paper which had code printed across it. I would draw in and around the data, my drawings and the random letters becoming one big mess. I still think of that strange forced blend of computer generated type and hand drawn lines as the first time I encountered design physically. 
so drawing was the thing that occupied me and kept me quiet whilst my parents worked, until they bought their first television around 1999. after that I was treated to jolly phonics, the reading and writing programme for small children led by a puppet mouse and snake. everywhere we went I was drawing and writing on bits of scrap paper until I was able to go to school where I was pretty much sated (until maths came along, which I disliked). 
my parents moved into an abandoned church which was initially uninhabitable. with the help of friends and a large bank loan they worked to make its attic a home for us. drawing and writing became part of the physical house -- on the new plaster, on bits of wooden frames for stairs and windows, on old chalkboards left by the former tenants from the sunday school which once ran there. design was everywhere, architectural and very much part of growing up. one wall was left as bare plaster, a job to get around to for 20 years. I used to wet the tip of my finger in the sink and draw on the dusty plaster, making temporary dark shapes.
my design marks were usually temporary but my parents also loved to bring creativity into the house. my fondest memories are of my dad’s huge photo collages of us which he hung around the house alongside works by artists he had known before he moved. my mum made all the furniture -- she would buy from second hand shops and re-upholster, strip or stain everything. she had a desk which she covered in decoupage from old national geographic magazines and sealed with varnish. I loved how a glass eye met a waterfall or a bird in the pastiche. 
when I was about 9 my best friend, who I was totally in love with in the truest sense, discovered japanese popular art. there wasn’t a huge amount available to us in the small town but we consumed everything we could get, particularly after spirited away came out we were able to get hold of a lot of ghibli dvds and popular english translated manga at the waterstone’s in town. I feel like that was a turning point, reading in the back (or front) of a manga about how the authors studied in the traditional style to become elite comics artists. that turned all this from a passtime into something very real that was happening outside of my world. comics solidified the relationship between art, writing and design for me as an interdisciplinary craft to be honed. it was something I came back to over and over again after that--unlike the forced relationship of the dot matrix paper with my childhood scribbling, comics were bridging design gaps in a way that was truly graceful and felt almost natural-- 
ummm this is turning into a life story lol it’s very boring! but it was fun to write something different and a bit more personal. if you read this far I am sorry haha. I will probably get embarrassed n delete later! thanks for coming on such a random childhood journey with me
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moonsquaremars · 3 years
11th house thoughts
Hi everybody.
I have an 11th house stellium, and I love it. Probably because my venus is in there, der planet of luv, as well as mars, lust et aggression, and mercury, th’ intellect. 
My sun missed it shy of 1° ; had i been born just a few minutes earlier, I would have been an 11th house sun. But I’m a twelfer. Why, might you ask? My mother has an 11th house stellium afterall, so did my ex-boyfriend. Well, if you ask, my father is a twelfth house sun. 
And I’m learning to live with that. 
Just kidding. Anyways, I love my 11th house stellium. If you’re unfamiliar, the eleventh house is ruled by aquarius. Each of the twelve houses in astrology corelate to each of the twelve signs of the zodiac. The planet which governs both this house and sign is the planet of Uranus, which is my favorite one in our solar system :) I did a random generator a guy posted on reddit to find out which planet is dominant in your chart, and when I plugged everything in, I got Uranus. I was actually quite surprised by this, but overjoyed. I love everything uranus represents. Eccentricity, humanitarianism, chaos.
I am a cancer sun, though, and virgo moon. Cancer rules the moon, so wouldn’t that be my dominant planet? Or is it just my chart ruler? I don’t know. But the moon is so fleeting. Kind of chaotic, actually. Since the moon passes each sign every few days, that’s what makes us cancers so moody. We feel the energy of all the signs within a months time. Can you imagine how that feels? constantly knowing what other people are feeling and thinking? Or maybe I’m just imagining it. I am crazy, after all :p
I digress. The 11th house is fabulous. It rules the finer things in life. My ex-boyfriend was a dandy man, took me to fancy restaurants and hotels, the works. I need that sort of thing, I admire and crave it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very in tune with income inequality and the social issues that plague the world. But I still love dressing up in fancy clothes for a decadent night out. I suppose this is attributed to my stellium, but I’ll take it. A stellium by the way is when you have three or more planets in one house.
It’s kind of odd that my mom has an eleventh house stellium because we grew up quite poor. Nothing about her really screams fancy besides the fact that she adores drinking wine, is beautiful, and we live fancier only if you put us in to comparison with poorer people around us. We did grow up wearing nice clothes though. My mom would buy us second hand designer brand clothes like tommy hilfiger. Maybe that’s not designer, maybe that’s just brand name. I’m from Kentucky, give me a break. But we Kentucky fancy, baby.
Uranus being my dominant and favorite planet, is in my 7th house, the house of libra and relationships. Perhaps someone could pull up my chart {in the tags] and enlighten me on why it might be my dominant planet. I might also add that my draconic moon is in aquarius, which is supposely what your ‘soul’ truly is. I don’t quite believe that, because I think the soul is larger and smaller than the twelve signs of our universe. Or maybe just our solar system. At least of our conscience understanding of things at this time. Astrology is just a bunch of symbols made of our world to organize and communicate ieas n information. It’s not much more than that.
I recall being very internet savvy in middle and high school. My north node and chiron are in my third house, house of gemini and communication. All of my 11th house stellium planets are also in gemini. I see this being accurate because I am rather small in frame, standing at 5 foot 9 and weighing 125 pounds since I was thirteen years old. My mouth gets me in trouble, whether it’s from accidentally offending or just not being able to shut up! I would constantly be editing my myspace profile, using html codes, messing with the layout and how it interacted with my profile picture and song, and anything else I added to it. I loved it, and then that transitioned to my tumblr blog which I did in high school. Hopefully tumblr doesn’t die out, it’s definitely not what it used to be. Later when stumbleupon was something, I would look up things about futurism, humanism, design. I loved reading about the future. It made me so freaking excited. Like what will life be like in 2040? So cool! Or 2600? Then it made me sad once I accounted my age into the picture. I don’t wanna be 40! and that’s so far away! I hate waiting. 
I’ll end this post on something interesting I noticed. My boyfriend of a year had an eleventh house stellium. After we broke up, I had two guys I was interested in. I was actually quite torn, because they were both so amazing, but so different. One was elegant and familiar with astrology and addiction issues and had money. He was like this worldly man with fantastic package hehe helped cure this mundane “what’s the point?” feeling I had about learning languages and stuff. He made me feel like there was in fact a point to all of it. He’s a scorpio just like me mum and we just had great chemistry. But I was already seeing a nother guy, who was this gentle, down the earth, all around manly man’s man. I loved him, but in a different way. He was simple, but the first time I slept over at his house, he picked me up in this kinda old but kinda new like beat up stick shift hyudai sedan. He reminded me of Wario. But he had an amazing package as well. we mostly just slept though ,and when I slept with him, I felt like I was back in bed with my father when I was like five or seven years old. I already know how that sounds, and I know the childish bunch of you or dommage who lack a healthy relationship with your father if y’ar, are going to come for me and say that’s gross or messed up or perverted or weird. It’s not. I don’t want to fuck my father, I never have, and I never will. I really don’t want to open this can of worms because I could go on about people I’ve met who have been sexually assaulted by their fathers or who have an incest fetish and I’m not trying to shame any of those people. But, I felt like I was back in bed with my father like i was when i was a kid while I was laying with him, and that was a really, really, really good feeling. I never forgot it. He had an aries sun, which I used to hate aries. It was my least favorite sign, and probably still is tbh, along with aquarius LOL. Oh and his moon was in taurus which explained everything. My dad is a taurus sun, as are my two sisters, my grandpa, and one of my good friends, Chelsea. My moon is in virgo in the second house, which is the house of taurus.
Well, mr. fancy pants had an 11th house stellium, and my down to earth sweet S had a third house stellium. Finding these things out did nothing to absolve my confusion, only added to the ache of not knowing which to choose. Talk about love triangle though. It did make me realize why I was in this predicament though, and I suppose it worked out because I don’t really talk to either guy anymore. But The seventh and third houses are also air houses, just like the 11th. 
11th house - Aquarius/uranus, 
7th house - libra/venus, 
3rd house - gemini/mercury
That’s all for tonight. I’m ever behind on french homework, so I oughtta go take care of that. I want to write on the twelfth house, since my sun is in there as well as my father’s, and why I don’t appreciate its doom and gloom persona. If each house correlates to a sign, then the twelfth’s would be house of pisces. Pisces is the last sign with a bad stereotype. At least from my perception, it’s one of the best. So humanistic and kind. So why is its house the house of prison and addictions and psych wards and have all this hubbub, this &thatt?
Au revoir! -K  ý ll
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uglypastels · 3 years
New Beginnings // roommate!au
(a/n) I’m sorry @duskholland for coming up with these aus. the good thing about it is, that I have no self control so here it is, the New Girl!roommate!au :) i’m not gonna say it’s great, and also i’v seen like 5 episodes of the show maybe so it’s definitely my own take on the pilot. hope you like it.
word count: 6.3k
warning: swearing, sexual references (the first paragraph is as bad as it gets), dark humour and mentions of murder, sex trafficking - basically reasons why not to move in with strangers you meet off of craigslist. Please be safe and responsible. but it’s all just fluff and humour. Also, possibly some horrible writing cause i couldn’t bother editing this <3 
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“And when I walked into the bedroom I found him in there, completely naked, with some slut sucking his dick… so basically, that’s why I need a new apartment.” You looked around at the three men in front of you, realising you had zoned out a bit there while telling your story. “Sorry, what was the question?” 
“Uhh,” the blonde one, which introduced himself as Harrison earlier, spoke, “Do you have any pets?” 
“Oh,” well that was embarrassing, “No, I mean I had a schnauzer when I was younger and I always wanted to get another one but who am I kidding, nothing will ever live up to Mr Snuzzlekins.” For the love of God, shut up! “No, I don’t have any pets.” You felt your entire face heating up. Suddenly you became very aware of a strand of hair that was in front of your face so you pushed it behind your ear
“Mr Snuzzlekins?” The other one, Tom, laughed with a small smile. 
“My sister named him,” you lied. You were already embarrassed as it was. 
There was a moment of silence where no one knew what to say next, so you decided to break the tension. Awkwardly laughing, you said:  “You know, the funny thing is, I didn’t expect you to be… guys.” That was true. When you had been searching through the Craigslist advertisements there had been a lot of applications for housing but you had ignored most of them because they sounded too much like human trafficking scams or some other creeps looking for a way to get a girl. You had particularly found interest in this apartment, not only because of the actual great (and safe looking) location of the building but also because you had thought that the ad was written by a woman. Not that you didn’t think a woman could murder you, but it did bring a bit more security to you to live with someone of your own gender. 
Well, as you saw three men sitting in front of you, you had guessed that wrong. They did seem nice enough though. Handsome too. You really hoped they weren’t murderers. They wouldn’t do well in prison… also, your death. Not a favourable outcome in the slightest. 
“Why’d you think that?” the third one asked. You had missed his name during the introduction round, but you already felt like you could be good friends with him. His boyish charms made you think he was younger than the other two, though he did have a very small resemblance to Tom. You found it cute how his curls bounced around when he moved his head. 
“Well, the ad, it was phrased… very femini-ninely...” That was definitely too many syllables. Could this interview go any worse? No, probably not. But the guys didn’t seem to mind your momentary idiocy. 
“Oh, yeah, we had our mum write it for us.” Tom explained, sitting a bit more straight up, “We had been trying to find someone else to live with us ever since our friend Tuwaine moved out, but we kind of suck at advertising ourselves, so yeah-” 
“Oh, well that makes sense, yeah.” Their mum wrote it. So they were a family. Brothers? Yeah probably. You didn’t really see how the Harrison guy fit into that since he didn’t look anything like the other two. Shattering blue eyes instead of the warm hazel. Dark blonde hair instead of the reddish-brown. All three had magnificent bone structure that you had to admit, but not in the same way. 
“So, what do you guys do?” you decided to ask. 
“We’re actors,” Harrison said, pointing at himself and Tom. Since you had no heart palpitating reaction when you first saw them, you could probably safely assume that they were still trying to find their break out role. Harrison pointed at the third of their addition before continuing. “Harry is more of a behind the scenes man, photography and directing, that kind of stuff.” 
“That’s… interesting.” You smiled. Were you about to move in with three wannabes? If you were, would it be inevitable that you’d end up paying the rent for all of them because they wouldn’t be able to find gigs? That was a bit harsh. Besides, you could always look for a new place before that happened and move out. And who even said that you could move in, in the first place? “Anything I might have seen you guys in? Or some of your work?” You directed the additional question to...Harry. 
Harry. Harrison. Try to remember that. 
“I’ve had a few roles on the West End, nothing big yet but once I have a role, it’s at least steady for a bit, you know,” Tom said. 
“I’ve mostly been doing headshots for people, so I doubt you’d have seen anything I’ve done.” Harry said. You nodded to his statement. 
“And Harrison has been signed with this fashion designer. You might have seen some ads around town.” Modelling. Not another model to live with. You tried not to let your smile fade. 
“No, sorry, I don’t think I have. But I’ll be on the lookout.” The grin you put up actually reached your eyes genuinely.
“So what about you?” Harrison was the one to ask, not noticing any change in your demeanour. “What is it that you do?”
“I’m a teacher. I know, not very glamorous or anything- and I might sometimes come home with an abundance of ice-lolly sticks- but it’s good fun and it pays well.” You looked around some more around the apartment. As you focused on the spacious living room of the loft, you wondered how these guys could afford it. Were their rich parents paying for it? Was there secretly asbestos in the walls, making rent not even a problem? Were they going to kill you? 
It was a really nice flat. With exposed brick walls and wooden beams at the ceiling, which the guys used cleverly to hang their houseplants from. Even with the large space and the big windows covering the outer walls of the room, it felt very homey. Comfortable. 
“I’m sure you already know, but it’s a really great place you guys got.” Compliments always worked, so that was your way to go to ensure you had a roof over your head soon. Feeling a bit more comfortable now, you decided to get up to walk a bit around the room. The reason for that specific action was unknown to you, but you did it. 
It had been the first day since your breakup that you had actually made an effort in looking presentable. Hair washed and brushed, you had clothes on that had zero Cheeto dust on it. Of course, since these were guys it probably didn’t even matter to them what you looked like but when you still thought you might be living with other women, you were terrified of being denied because of how you looked or something. That could still happen, but they just didn’t seem like the shallow type. And they had seemed really surprised when you appeared at their front door, as if they didn’t expect a girl to show up either. 
All three of them turned their heads as you walked around, following you with their eyes. It was a mix of curiosity and the same fear that you saw in people on competition shows, when they were waiting for the judges’ critique. 
You looked out the window to see the view. It was a lovely lookout on the city. 
“How come your roommate moved out?” Was it your place to ask? You had no idea. They didn’t seem to mind the question, though. 
“He moved in with his girlfriend instead.” Harry was the one to answer. A heart wrenching feeling fell over you. You didn’t know this Tuwaine, or his girlfriend, but a sudden wave of hatred towards them and their happiness overwhelmed you. Why did everyone have to be all happy and in love? It was disgusting. You were sick of it. 
“Well, I definitely wouldn’t mind living here.” Somehow you managed to speak out without showing any of your feelings through it. You allowed yourself to walk around to the kitchen island. It was recycled wood with a dark varnish on top, making the light from outside shine on it. You could almost see yourself reflecting in it. Were they this clean or had they no idea how to cook? 
“Don’t get me wrong, you seem great, but we don’t really know anything about you yet.” Tom got up and walked up to you. The other two followed his steps. You were now standing on opposite sides of the kitchen island, making you feel as if you were a bartender ready to take their orders. 
“There really isn’t much more to tell. I mean, I did just go through a break up, so emotions are uhm… out there. I might be spending the next few weeks watching horrible Hallmark movies, like 4 or 5… a day.” You saw the disgust on Harry’s face and quickly made an attempt at recovery. “But I can do that on my laptop and headphones, so ya know, I’ll be quiet. I’ll be in my room the entire time too, probably, so you might not even notice I’m here.” You tried to sell yourself as un-pathetically as possible. It had come to desperate measures in desperate times. Because, what your (possible) new roommates didn’t know, was that you had already spent the last four weeks looking for a new place, and while there was no luck in that, you had to do with sleeping on the tiny couch of your best friend. 
As if he could actually read your mind, Harrison’s next question was: “So, where have you been living the last few days then? If you don’t mind me asking.” 
“Not at all,” you said, finding large interest in the pattern of the stained wood. Not looking up at the three men, “I’ve been living with my best friend. She’s great but I just don’t think I'm suited for the life she and her supermodel friends have-” Why did you mention the models? Your eyes shot up to Harrison’s. But it was Harry’s and Tom’s that were wide. 
“Supermodels?” Tom coughed out. You nodded, having leaned in with your elbows on the table, looking rather unimpressed. The way Tom’s hands grabbed for the sleeves of his roommates did not go unnoticed by you. Before you could say anything, he excused himself and the others and they had disappeared into the corridor. Earlier on they had told you that was the way to the bathroom. They were trying to whisper, but weren’t doing a great job at it. You could hear every word perfectly well. 
“What are we thinking, guys?” Tom said, closing the door behind him. When he turned around, Harrison and his brother were rubbing their arms, on the spots where Tom had been a bit too rough on his grip. Harry sat down on the edge of the bathtub, while Harrison decided to remain standing,eventually leaning against the tiled wall. There was a bright light in the small bathroom, but the vintage green tiles made it all look much darker. 
“She seems nice.” Harrison spoke up finally. “But I don’t know, she’s obviously a… she. Won’t that be weird?” 
“What do you think, Tom?” Harry asked his older brother, who, even though had been the one to pull them into the bathroom, had not planned on saying much. “You’re the one with experience in living with a woman. So try to cancel out those supermodels for a sec.”
“I don’t know,” Tom bit the inside of his cheek. Before he had moved in with his brother and best friend, he had been living with his then girlfriend, Stacey. They had been together for a while until she had decided that maybe, this wasn’t meant to be after all. Unlike you, though, the apartment had been in his name so he had a place to stay, but he just couldn’t get himself to live alone in a place that was intended on being lived in by two people. So, he moved out. 
“I mean… every girl is different, so I can’t say shit.” 
“I’m really not that bad!” you shouted from the other side of the door, immediately hiding your mouth behind your hands. Now they knew you were listening to their private conversation. The bathroom door opened and Tom’s head popped out. He saw you sitting on the couch. 
“Could you- could you hear all of that?” he pointed back into the bathroom. You nodded, still covering your mouth, scared you would say something else embarrassing. But the guys seemed to be just as abashed. One by one they walked out and came to sit on their basically appointed seats on the sofa. Did they have their own claimed seats? Would you need to be prepared to only sit in one spot of the room forever? Shit, they had all the seats with the window view… 
“So,” Harry said, “when you said supermodels-” but he never got to finish his sentence because Harrison slapped him across the back of his head. You suppressed a small laugh. It didn’t go unnoticed by Tom, who reciprocated the expression. This, in turn, was missed by you. You only looked in his direction a second later, when the smile had slightly faded already. 
“Thanks for saying that whole ‘every girl is different’ thing. Not saying I can’t cook… even if that is going along with the stereotype, but I wouldn’t exactly want to be accepted to live here as a nanny… not that I think you guys can’t take care of yourselves! I mean just look at-” you eyes wandered around them just for a second before coming back on the right track. “- at the apartment. What I mean is- uhh.” 
“Guys are dicks?” Harrison suggested. 
“Yes! No! No, of course not, well some. But I don’t think you guys are. You seem really nice. I’ve just had… experiences with living with other types of guys and that really was not the planned outcome now that I think about it and I don’t know why I can’t shut up now because I have no idea why I’m telling you all this.” 
“Is this Spencer that we’re talking about here?” Tom asked and your eyes shot to his direction, shocking even him. The name had become somewhat of a trigger for you in the last few days. At the last moment, you realised you had actually mentioned his name yourself to them during your introductory story, so that spared you a good bit of humiliation there. You decided to keep quiet. You all did. Great, because this day had not gone awkward enough. Maybe you could sink into the surface of the ground and die there? Then there would be no more reason to find any living space. It would all be over. Yeah, that really didn’t sound too bad even. 
“So, do you wanna see your room?” Harrison broke the silence and his words surprised everyone, even him. You took longer than it should have to comprehend what he had just suggested. 
“What? Uhh, yes! Yes! Oh my god, that would be fantastic. Thank you.” 
“Great,” Harrison clapped his hands on his thighs before getting up. Then he extended one of those hands to you. He led you to the corridor opposite the bathroom, the third door on the left. The door had some scraped paint residue on it and you could see a poor attempt was made at pulling off the scotch tape that held up posters on it or something? It opened up to a room. It wasn’t big or small. The wall color was a nice beige, a bit of a sandy, almost peachy color. You could definitely work with it. 
The guys let you take it in, but also took that moment to give each other death glares, most of them directed at Harrison. 
“What exactly were you thinking?” Tom asked him, this time properly whispering. For extra measure he extended his neck to look into the hallway to see if you were walking out of the room again. 
“Actually, I was thinking about how you had showed up at my door at 2 am when Stacey dumped you.”
“She didn’t dump me. No one was dumped.” Tom denied like always.
“No, you were definitely dumped, mate.” Harry said, not even making an attempt at hiding the amusement in his voice. 
“Anyway,” Harrison ignored the interaction between brothers, “I thought of you and how miserable you were then. She’s probably going through that same thing.” If not worse, he wanted to add, but he also didn’t want to edge Tom’s ego any further. “So, let’s give her a chance.” 
Tom still didn’t seem to be entirely sure. He raised his eyebrow, thinking. He looked once more at the corridor, expecting you to walk out any moment, but you still were in the room. What were you even doing there? The place was entirely empty. 
“Fine,” he gave in, “but if she turns out to be completely psychotic, you’re kicking her out, Haz.” He immediately noticed the wince in Harry’s face. Had he mistimed his words? 
Yes, he had, because you were standing right behind him now. The sight of you made his heart stop for a good second as he went pale. 
“Fucking Christ,” Tom gasped, “if you live here, you’re getting a bell. None of that sneaking around.” 
“Are we talking service, hand, cow, or the kinky cat collar type?” you smirked, knowing you had gotten him completely flustered at your joke. While Harrison and Harry burst out in laughter, Tom didn’t move a muscle. His cheeks and neck, however, had started to turn a lovely rosy colour. He opened his mouth a bit, just to close it up again as he changed his mind. 
While you had told them that you would be spending your days crying into a pint of ice cream while watching movies, reality was much more different from that. It was true that you barely left your room, but that was because you were too busy unpacking all your things out and setting up your room. The guys were nice enough to help you bring up the furniture sets and the boxes, which had been lovingly left at the curb of the building by the people from the moving company.
That ordeal had taken up most of Saturday. Your first task was to set up the bed, which Harrison helped you with. You tried to tell him that you didn’t need help, but your words were futile the second you almost dropped a wooden plank on yourself. The flatpacks were easy enough to understand, and unlike what you had done there, you weren’t the worst when it came to building, so all the furniture was set up by the end of Sunday. It meant that you could spend the rest of the week opening boxes and making your room really yours. 
But Monday also meant work, so you only had the afternoons and nights to do it. Together with the fact that you had to leave early for work, meant that the guys really barely saw you. The only sign of your presence would be the music you were playing from your room while doing the unpacking. 
It was the fourth hour of your One Direction sing-a-long that Tom walked into the living room. Harrison popped his head up from his book to look at his friend. He did not look happy. 
“Dude,” he said. The one word already evoked all that Tom wanted to say, but Harrison loved to annoy him. 
“What?” he opened up his book again, pretending not to really pay any attention to Tom. This was made harder when Tom sat down next to him. 
“If I hear What Makes You Beautiful one more fucking time-” 
“Then what?” Harrison still kept his eyes on the words on the pages, not taking in a single word. 
“You have to do something. I can’t take it.” 
“Why do I have to do something?” Harrison closed his book with his finger still between the pages and looked at Tom, just in time to see him narrow his eyes in annoyance. 
“Really? So do you wanna see your room y/n?!” His voice turned higher as he mocked Harrison’s words, following it up by a gagging sound. “You’re the one that got us here. Now, go solve it.” 
“I really don’t mind it. If you’re so bothered, go talk to her yourself.” And with that, Harrison went back to his book. This time actually reading the words. It was enough for Tom to know that the conversation was over. He didn’t even try to argue. He gave Harrison one more glare and got up. While walking to your room, he noticed that Harry had actually been in the kitchen this whole time, listening in on their conversation. He tried to give his little brother a look, hoping for support, but he didn’t get any of that. Harry disappeared behind the doors of a cupboard and Tom went into the corridor, still rolling his eyes. 
When he reached your door, he couldn’t hear you singing anymore. It was just One Direction coming from the speakers. Now, he enjoyed the lads just as much as the next guy, but after a while he just needed it to stop. And coming in in five hours was definitely a while. 
He knocked on the door. There was a sound that resembled you. A bit of a murmur that formed no particular word. It didn’t sound like a denial though, so slowly, in case you didn't want him to come in, he opened the door. 
You were quick in decorating the room. Only a few days ago it was still empty and a bit cold looking, now the walls were covered with posters and pictures. You had used one entire wall just for your bookcase. There didn’t seem to be an order on the shelves just yet, but you left that for the last thing to do since the rest of the room seemed a bit more important at the moment.
The bed was unmade, with several pillows thrown about over it. Behind it the headboard, which simultaneously served as a shelf. Stuffed animals and a few more books were strewn about. Overhead were fairy lights, matching the ones on the doorframe and on the bookcase. Together with the lamp that was on the desk, it was the only light in the room. Since it was dark, it gave the room a warm and cozy atmosphere. 
But the first thing that Tom noticed when he walked into the room was the smell. Coconut? It wasn’t overwhelming, just strong enough to be pleasantly surprising and noticeable. 
You were standing on a small step ladder, which you usually used to reach the upper shelf of your bookcase (high walls gave the opportunity for more shelves, which you could never say no to). You were in the middle of hanging up a picture on the wall as the song from your speaker continued. 
Can we take the same road, two days in the same clothes- 
You were holding on to the frame with both hands, trying to centre it on the nail in the wall, but every time you pulled away, the frame would slant to the side. 
And I know just what she’ll say if I can make all this pain go- 
Tom saw you get fed up with the picture, throwing it on the bed with a groan. That’s when you looked up at him. The dim and soft light was shining just at the angle that when he looked at you, he could see the tear streaks down your face. You had definitely been crying. You were still sniffling a bit when you stepped down to the floor. 
“Am I too loud? Sorry.” you immediately reached out to your phone, which was connected to the speaker, and pressed down the volume. Then you decided to just turn it off completely. Maybe you’ve had enough of it for now. 
“Uhh, a bit, but it’s fine. We like 1D here, so.” Tom suddenly felt like a real dick when he saw the small, apologetic, smile you gave him. You were holding the speaker in your hands as you sat on the bed, staring at it, a bit lost, and Tom wasn’t sure if he was supposed to leave or not. 
“Are you okay?” he asked. You had clearly forgotten he was still there, because you looked up looking a bit frazzled. 
“No.” You said honestly. What would be the point in pretending? You couldn’t fool anyone even if you tried. Misery was the only thing feeling your once Spencer-filled void. Ugh, the sound of his name, even just in your thoughts, made you want to scream. Unconsciously, and a bit to Tom’s amusement, you had grabbed one of your pillows and started to hit your fist right in the middle of it. Your hits were getting harder and rougher. 
“Ever considered boxing?” He brought you out of your haze. You looked down at the pillow, seeing the sad looking indent on the kitten-patterned pillow. Tom took the pillow away from you and fluffed it out to its normal shape before putting it back.
“It’s just been hard, you know,” you said, more to yourself than to him and Tom understood that. He knew what you meant. He had been in that same position not too long ago and seeing you like this did definitely bring back some of those feelings he had tried to suppress back then. 
“Like, I thought he was the one. And I know it sounds so stupid, I don’t even believe in that whole soulmate crap, but he was it for me. For the first time, I could actually imagine myself enduring nine months of hell to have a kid with him, sorry if I’m being TMI.” 
“You’re good,” he said. He also understood that feeling. Maybe not in the exact, child bearing way, but he could resonate with that whole it thing. He had felt the same way about Stacey. He had never told anyone this, and was never planning on telling anyone, but the day before they broke up, he had been out in the city looking for an engagement ring. It had come unplanned. He wasn’t thinking yet about actually proposing. But he had been in town for an audition and on his way home he saw the jeweller. It was the first time he had ever thought of it, and it seemed right, so he walked in and just looked around. 
“You must think I’m so pathetic though. Crying for weeks about some douchebag.”
“Well, you’ve only lived here for five days, so I wouldn’t know about that.” He smirked. You groaned again and fell with your head on a big fluffy pillow. 
“But no,” he said eventually, “I don’t think you’re pathetic.” 
Another week had gone by and your mother had somehow found out about your new living arrangement. So, the last 20 minutes you had been sitting on the couch, listening to her yelling. 
“No mum, I’m fine.” you said, for what felt like the 50th time. Right at that moment, Harry showed up in the living room, making his way from a shower to his bedroom, only a towel around his waist. His usually curly hair was a wet mop, covering most of his face. 
“You don’t even know them!” your mother shrieked. 
“Harry, are you going to murder me?” you asked as he walked by, covering the microphone of your phone. Without missing a beat, or looking down at you, he answered with a snappy “Yup,” and walked into his own room. 
“They’re really nice guys, mum.” You told her. It took you another ten minutes to convince her not to come over tomorrow (or ever, in general). The conversation had taken an abrupt turn when suddenly, she invited you to a video call. Knowing that if you didn’t answer it, you would never hear the end of it, you accepted the call. Your mothers face, or better said, forehead, showed up on screen. You tried to cover your chin as best as you could with the collar of your sweater since you were too tired to hold up your phone at a reasonable angle. 
“Hi mom,” you sighed. 
“Where are they?!” she said, looking around as if she could actually see more than what your camera showed. You were going to lie that they had gone out, but right at that second Harry walked out of his room. Thankfully he was dressed, but his hair was still a bit wet. His shoulder was just visible in the corner of your screen and you tried to move to the side, but your mother had noticed him already.
“Who’s that?” Why did your mother always have to be so loud?
“Uhh, that’s Harry.”
He looked up at the mention of his name. You were scared that it would make him uncomfortable if you talked about him to your mom, it was making you uncomfortable for sure, but instead he jumped up at the opportunity and the next second he was leaning on the couch, almost over you, and smiling at your phone. 
“Hi.” He waved to your mother. His quick movements made his hair move around, giving you a nice first row experience of the fountain show coming from it. You wiped the water off your face. 
“What’s your name again?” Your mother asked. 
“Harry, Ma’am. Harry Holland.” He said with a smile. You both knew that when your mother had asked him his name, she meant his full name. She wouldn’t be able to make any deep research, but it was in case you suddenly went missing, of course. 
“How old are you?” your mother went on with the third degree, glaring at your roommate at each question. Harry answered it all with a big and charming smile. You held the camera, hoping the couch could eat you already. This could not get any more embarrassing, could it? 
Oh, it could. Because half way through, your sister had shown up and sat down next to your mom. She didn’t say anything, but suddenly a text notification popped up on the top of your screen. 
Who’s the hot guy?
Your sister was not imbecile, yet she loved to act like it. Of course, Harry saw the text and erupted in a loud laugh, startling your poor mother. As the timer on the call was reaching 30 minutes you decided to say your goodbyes and end the conversation. Harry was still laughing. 
“So… you’re sister…” he said once calming down. 
“Don’t even think about it. She’s 17.” you glared at him and he immediately shut up, which you appreciated. 
“Well, your mom seems nice,” he eventually said. You knew he didn’t mean it in that way, but in the context of your previous exchange, it didn’t sound great. Now you were the one laughing. 
“That is not what I meant!” he shouted out, grabbing a throw pillow and hitting you on the arm with it lightly.
“Jesus, calm down. I know.” You grabbed the pillow from him. You were both in a fit of giggles by then. It took a moment to catch a breath and by that point, your head was actually hurting.  
“So do you think I’m hot?” Harry asked, raising his brow like the cheeky fuck he is. You just rolled your eyes and hit him with that same pillow. Maybe a bit too hard, because it knocked him off balance and when you looked up, he was no longer leaning on the backrest of the sofa. 
“Oops. Sorry.”
Something you had to learn the hard way when it came to living with the guys was that you had to lock your doors. They weren’t doing it on purpose, but they had a tendency to forget to knock when walking into the bathroom, or even your bedroom. Specifically, Harrison. 
Usually, you’d consider him to be the more logical of the three, but that didn’t really mean that much. He was just as much of an idiot as the two Holland brothers at times. 
The bathroom incident had happened during your first week of living with the boys. You were taking a shower. The loud water had cancelled out the sound of the door opening so you didn’t know that while you were washing your hair, Harrison had walked into the bathroom. 
In his defence, he thought it was Tom showering, not you. 
You had not been made aware yet of the honourable fifth member of the household: a life size Nicolas Cage cardboard cut-out. So, when you pushed the shower curtain aside, and were met eye to eye with Nick Cage himself, you screamed bloody murder, almost falling in the bathtub. The door opened to horrified Harrison, realising his mistake. He realised it as soon as he heard the screams, which clearly did not belong to Tom. 
But another scream followed, which was shorter and more specific, followed by a “Fuck!” made him feel like something else had happened. It sounded like you had gotten hurt. So, obviously, he walked in to see if you were alright. 
You were, in fact, alright, and seeing him standing there, eyes wide as he saw your naked body, you screamed again for him to get out. He took a second to grab Nick and pull him out of the room, mumbling a few sorrys, and closed the door behind him. 
Flushed, slightly angry, and with a pounding heart, you dried off and got dressed. Unlike the guys, you were never one to parade half naked around the house on your way from the bathroom to your bedroom. 
You walked out, a pile of old clothes in your hands, to see Harrison. He looked like a puppy that might be about to be smacked with a newspaper on his nose. Usually you were very much against that disciplinary practice, but Harrison was no puppy, and you had been scared shitless. 
“y/n, I’m so sorry.” he apologised as he followed you to your room. You were telling him that it was alright, and actually quite funny, but he really wanted you to know that it was an accident and that he didn’t mean to scare you like that or walk in on you naked or linger his eyes on you for that long. 
“Seriously, Haz, it’s fine. Shit happens… just, don’t walk into the bathroom anymore when I shower. Or ever actually, if I’m in there, don’t.”
“Yeah, of course.” 
And he kept to the promise. You didn’t get any other sudden visits in the bathroom, but it was not the last time that Harrison saw you naked. 
You were all going out to a bar one night, and a bit shamefully, you were taking a bit longer than usual with getting ready. The guys had been waiting for a while already, and you were trying to hurry up, but you just had no idea what to wear. Finally you had found yourself a dress that might make you get a bit lucky that night. You weren’t even planning on hooking up, but the attention was appreciated. In your, still not exactly over your break-up situation, it was actually needed. 
In the meantime, the guys were deciding which one of them had to go and tell you to hurry up. It was getting late and they needed their time to get completely smashed. And while waiting for you, getting knock out drunk was definitely not happening. 
Harrison drew the figurative short straw. He thought you were doing your make-up or something, being aware how much time that can take sometimes. He never imagined opening the door and seeing you standing in the middle of your room, only in a pair of panties. You didn’t see him at first because your dress was over your head as you tried to pull it on. Harrison closed the door before you saw anything. But you could hear the thud of the door closing. 
You pulled the dress over your body, grabbed a pair of matching heels and put them on as you got out of your room. There you saw Harrison. His red cheeks indicated that he was the one who had walked into your room. Tom and Harry were standing at the door. They could see you walk out and their eyes had gone a bit wide. Clearly, the dress was serving its purpose. 
Having already gone through this whole embarrassing scenario already, you decided to spare Harrison. You have him a soft smile. 
“Could you help me zip up?” you asked, turning your back and pushing the hair away from the zipper. 
“Uhh, yeah, yeah, of course.” He was so flustered. It was actually adorable. You could feel his hands on you as he grabbed the two sides of the dress and the zipper and slowly, carefully, pulled it up. 
“Thank you,” you said when he was done. He didn’t respond, his face still as red as a stop light. And it didn’t get any better when you kissed him on the cheek. 
It was definitely interesting to be living with them, but you couldn’t complain about a single thing… except for the laundry, maybe. 
> Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed
> please leave a comment or ask with your thoughts. i love reading them and let me know if you want to see more of this au cause i really enjoyed writing it :)
>masterlist and link to taglist in bio
@definitely-not-black-cat @artemisiaarm @nerdyhockeygirl @miraclesoflove @justasmisunderstoodasloki @thefridgeismybestie @m19friend @creative-happenings @parker-holland-osterfield @fanficparker @fanficscuziranout @peterparkoure @xxtomxo @happywolves81 @captainbuckyy @tra-gicx @qxeen-of-hearts @varshavisuu @kangaroobunny @petersunderoos96  @the-lost-fairy-tale @nerd-domland @sleepybesson @rissa067 @the-queen-procrastinator @scarletteclipze @screeching-student-unknown  @spiderrrling @lonelyavenger @tomhollanders2013 @miraclesoflove @playinonaloop @queenoflostspirits @roses-hxlland @hereiamhereigo @sunnydays0803 @averyfosterthoughts @moorehollandplz @beiroviski @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @peterparkerbabyyy @multifandomlover21 @lmaotshollandd @badbitchydecisions @tikapollak @awesomehritz @madzleigh01 @oh-what-a-beautiful-parker @taciturnspidey @quaksonhehe @mountainsforwords @harryfobter @peepeeparkerr @viagracex @ethereal-beauty-p @slytherin-chaser @worldoftom @moonysoftt @peeterparkr @wazzupmrstark @saintlavrents @peachybloomss @blissfulparker @chloecreatesfictions-archive  @fallinfortom @bitchydecisions @okokimfreakingoutahh @rxsydreams @musicalkey @joyleenl @multifandomdoodles121 @awkwardfangirl2014 @marvelouspeterparker​ @siriuslyslyslytherinyes @lunalovegoodsgirlfriendyes @bitchydecisions​ @okokimfreakingoutahh @quinjetboi​ @sheranatic111​ @zspideyy​ @lizzyosterfield​ @dahliasbroken​ @parkerlovebot​ @itstaskeen​ @sarcasticallywitty15​ @sluttytears​ @lilhoodhippie​ @theliterarymess​ @marlenetough​ @tomsirishgirlx​ @hiiii-i​ @wonderfulfluffer​ @dumbledorrs @hollandstea @roseke​ @outshineallthestars​ @spideyspeaches​ @ieatchildrenfordessert​ 
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I have two suggestions for the Gray Ghost AU.
1: Wes Weston is no longer under suspicion of being a Ghost. Now, he is under suspicion of being the Phantom Hunter. He is athletic, fits the build, is on record as saying he wants to fight Ghosts, and has access to the tech (just BS a connection to the GiW or Axiom). The difference this makes in his regular life is mostly null... except for the fact that Ghosts now keep targeting him for retribution attacks. Danny goes out of his way to obscure his identity from everyone, meaning Wes is seen as them catching Phantom Hunter off guard. I imagine him trying to pin it on Danny but because he so clearly disdains his parent's work, literally no one believes him.
2: The idea of Danny getting his hands on an Ectoplasm enhanced suit like the Technus upgrade Val got to her suit, most likely given by Maddie as a way to bond with Danny (and further prep him for a transformation into a Halfa). Except given his preexisting contamination (his mum is half Ghost) and Maddie messing with the suit, he ends up with the suit now fusing to him more thoroughly. After reading too many Iron Man comics, I picture something like his Bleeding Edge armour. It is basically stored mostly in his body, and he can augment it with extra technology. This would probably be a win scenario for Maddie because this puts Danny even further into Halfa territory. This also makes things more tragic with Val. Because not only has Maddie betrayed Danny to experiment on him, but because it means Val failed to stop this happening to someone she cares about. Also, this opens up a new opportunity for one of the Clones: one who is now a more pronounced cyborg made with a prototype of the suit Maddie gave to Danny, maybe he looks like the Terminator or something. For extra irony, he's the nicest one and likes gardening or something. I know this can be taken further, but I'm not able to focus on it more due to exhaustion.
Also, your idea is great, and thank you for sharing it with us and letting us all throw our suggestions at you. Thanks for all the good content.
no thank you! this stuff is always way more fun and interesting when it's collaborated! most of these ideas wouldn't exist without other people's suggestions, even the initial prompt! ✨
also @everystarstorm this will answer your ask too ~ y'all sharing a braincell today haha
1. omg yes YES yes this is perfect absolutely 100%
Wes just cannot catch a break in ANY universe (the concept of Walter Weston working for Vlad has been a Thing so we can keep that around here since Vlad works at Axion and that can be the connection, maybe Walter is just the paperwork guy or the company's legal attorney)
I also had a suggestion from @burns-art-account that Valerie gets her own version of a Wes, but like since the name Wes initially came from a joke about Sam's name being misread upside down, we could do the same with one of Val's friends, like Star could be Jets or Jeqs, or something like that
although I think this person would be less open and vocal about Valerie since her popularity would make it impossible to point a finger at without being laughed at by the whole school (I mean just look at Wes, his target is just some nerdy kid and he's still a laughingstock), so this character could be a little more subtle in trying to get evidence to out Val, it would make a pretty funny running gag if every time she got a chance to photograph Val transforming or capture some kind of evidence, something always gets in the way at the last moment, like a bird flying in front of the camera or something
2. I want to keep Danny getting the suit from Technus because I'd want this universe's version of that episode to still happen because it was a great episode between these two and it could still work with the switch around
but Maddie really would have to change course with her portal plan because this whole thing could actually make that more difficult for Maddie, all of her calculations weren't made with a highly ecto-contaminated person in mind, this would mean she would have to readjust the portal's design between Danny and the rest of her family, or actually just throw that plan away in favour of working with this new angle
she could realise that her kids HAVE picked up some traits from her because yeah a normal human shouldn't be able to do that to ghost tech
the idea that Maddie does add to his arsenal is good, once she figures out that any tech he uses gets absorbed into his suit she starts making more weaponry that's super compatible with him, possibly even making stuff that will purposely contaminate him further to bring him closer to being like a halfa (this would be a pretty huge step in Maddie's villain development because now she's resorted to experimenting on her own son, she's losing sight of why she's doing all this in the first place) it would be really cool to see Maddie gradually losing her maternal motherly nature to the cold calculating scientist
like her warmth used to feel at least somewhat genuine deep down but now it just feels like a part she's playing, slimy and sinister, she was always manipulative but she had a real genuine care for her family underneath, she thought she was doing the right thing, but that love and care is slipping away into just doing whatever it takes to get what she wants, to complete her experiment
also I was thinking about the cloning ep being set kinda earlier in this universe, so that would have happened pre-upgrade, but the idea of there being a cyborg clone made later is super cool, and then we could get a clone centric episode where the other clones try to convince this newer more dangerous clone to join their family, and yes him becoming the sweetest, nicest clone is *mwah* perfection
that ep could pave the way and maybe even foreshadow Maddie's eventual experimentations on Danny himself
and the repercussions on Val oooooof, she would feel so guilty, she would feel so much like she let him down and she couldn't save him from becoming something he never wanted to be and now it's getting to a point where it'll be too late for him to get back to normal
and since we've established in a previous post that Vlad knows about Danny, he could even play as Danny's one guiding light, warning him that if he keeps doing this he won't be able to turn back, and his interactions with Danny could give us some insight to what's going on in Danny's head, he's trying so hard to point Danny away from all this while his own mother is more subtly encouraging him and pushing him in the other direction, like a shoulder angel/shoulder devil kinda thing
these are some great ideas thank you for sharing! ❤️❤️
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ilovekazuhaa · 2 years
Hi! Hope you're good!
I'm just thinking about something and it's nice. Why do I love Encanto especially when at first I wasn't fussed?
Simple. Right movie at the right time. It still I'd the right movie for me, because I do have issues and problems with my parents, particularly my mum. We are very similar so we clash a lot and when Encanto came out, we were not having a good time. So to have a movie in which there's a flawed family that still love each other, to see a character that's designed to be strong yet feminine at the same time, to have a character realise she doesn't have to do what is expected of her and just says "fuck it", to have twelve main characters and remember each one, what their deal is and what their relationship is to each other, to have the matriarch admit she fucked up...it got to me, man. It really did.
I struggle so much to see my own self worth and when Mirabel sees herself properly for the first time, that's when I ugly cried, that is the feels moment for me.
And this sounds weird, but at the end of the day, the movie is "Good tier Disney". Its not their best, I'd say that would be Beauty and the Beast, but it is my personal favourite. I'm planning on getting a tattoo of it at some point too, but my mum said when we were eating a roast dinner at a pub earlier that Glee meant so much to me when I was younger, so it'd be like younger me getting a Glee tattoo. And what would I be like in ten years time, would i look back and be like "Oh my fucking god"? like I do now about the Glee tattoo thing?
Yes, I can see where she's coming from, but at the same time, Glee is not a good show nor is it timeless. Encanto and Disney in general for the most part, is.
As for the different opinions and stuff, I just agree to undo arguing and then talk about it in the group chat later on. It's very much "Okay boomer".
hi, i am good ty! honestly, i wasn’t intrigued by encanto the first time i saw it either! it took only until the second try for me to like the movie, (bc the first time i saw it in bits and pieces) and the third time i watched it was when i fell in love with it. i agree with what you’re saying, the movie was simply put out at the right time and it’s just so easy to relate to. it’s true that it’s a BIG deal when abuela admitted her wrongdoings. like sure, it was bound to happen, but i was still so shocked by it. i see a lot of these characters in my own family members and that just makes it so much better because you can have fun comparing them with your family or simply finding comfort in them.
No because literally same. I struggle with self worth as well too and i could totally relate to Mirabel in this scene. When she like realized how much she truly meant to her family and how much they need her, it made me cry too. It was one of the reasons i fell in love with the movie in the first place.
And yeah i get what you mean by “good tier” disney. Personally, i think encanto, coco, maybe hercules, or lilo and stitch could be one of their best works. and omg😭 i’d say go for it and get that encanto tattoo. like you only live once and if you don’t want it anymore you could just get it removed. like i remember i felt the same way with The Walking Dead, like i had the biggest crush on one of the characters, and i wanted a tattoo of his face on my arm🤦‍♀️ honestly, if getting tattoos were legal for younger people, i would have a lot by now💀
and yeah i agree. like disney is something that will always be popular and loved, and will always be remembered in some way.
lol i’m the opposite. like if i firmly believe something (mostly not serious like disney or a characters attractiveness) i’ll argue about it for forever and ever but if it’s something more serious (politics mostly) i just back down bc i hate conflict and don’t wanna talk about it. but yeah, i love the “okay boomer” vibes tho. very wholesome.
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trans-p03g · 2 years
Hi bored, I'm anon
Now that I got that out of my system, could I goad you into talking more about the card club au? Like how do the others stumble upon this little college group? You mentioned a variation where they're crypid hunters so maybe you'd like to share a particularly interesting encounter?
Wait in the crypid variation do the other scybes still join card club? Imagine if they're crypids but hiding their identities in order to participate, the other three bragging about finding different creatures and successful hunts while the three crypids nod and store that information for later encounters. Maybe they also subtly tease the hunters, giving them false information and advice (and also trying to screw their fellow crypids over with real info)
ON IT. Here's some info:
Poe is 31 and decided to pursue higher education later in life, Kaycee is 30 and kept switching majors before finally landing on her current one, Luke is 29 and dropped out from multiple colleges before (fourth time's the charm?). P03 studies something relating to programming and works part-time at a mechanics shop, Kaycee focuses on game design and 3d modelling and works in retail (though her mum is paying for her studies), and idk what tf Luke is studying but he sure is there and works at McDonald's (god save him).
In the occasional spare time that they have outside of work and studying, the three decide to set up a card club (Kaycee and Luke we're big into card games, especially Inscryption, and they dragged P03 along). At first, nobody else's interested but eventually, they're joined by Grimora, Magnificus and Leshy (still figuring out their names, but might use the same ones I gave to them in Lost Souls AU for simplicity's sake?). Mags joins first, he's an office worker who's into DnD and larping, he's also into Inscryption and he heard about the card club in passing and decided to check it out. Grimora and Leshy stumble onto it through flyers. Grimora didn't have many hobbies and wanted to branch out so it seemed like as good of an opportunity as any. Dunno about Leshy's reasoning tho, maybe he was just bored. Oh and Leshy owns a flower shop and Grimora works at a funeral home. Oh, and Grimora is in her early to mid-40s, Mags is in his early 50s and Leshy is in his mid-50s to early 60s.
Other characters are just people living around the town, like Rebecha is also a student at the same university and The Mycologists teach there.
Generally, there's no plot, it's more of a slice of life AU. They all have their problems and use that card club as means to get away from them. For Grimora it's her unhappy family life, for Leshy it's the fact he feels lost and like his life has no point to it, for Mags it's his exhausting shitty office job and stress that comes with it, and for Luke, P03 and Kaycee it's the stress from studies and work and their respective shitty family situations. Other than that P03 struggles a lot with ableism and internalised ableism, to the point that he fakes being able-bodied in the card club by covering his prosthetics and making sure he leaves last so they don't see he's parked in a disabled spot (mostly out of fear that they will treat him different or will be assholes because he "doesn't look disabled" or he's "too young to be disabled" and similar kind of bullshit)
I god damn adore P03's, Luke's and Kaycee's dynamic, they're all just a bunch of idiots with a collective singular braincell (that they use half the time anyway). P03 is a sarcastic asshole, Luke is a big sweetheart that adores said asshole and thinks he's the funniest bitch alive to the point that people keep doing double-takes whenever Luke laughs at P03's mean jokes, and Kaycee is the brain of the trio, a little dead inside and keeps pulling them into weird shit. Kaycee and Leshy are naturally also close friends and Kaycee starts coming by his store as often as she can. Leshy and P03 have a hilarious dynamic in because there's just something funny about a man that's almost retirement age who's normally a sweetheart but just can't stand this Singular Asshole like half his age. Also, I adore P03's and Grimora's dynamic here? Be it platonic or romantic; they're just very close and support each other and AUGH- P03 helps her get out of a toxic relationship and I'm so here for it.
As for cryptid hunters-- I love your idea for it! It sounds fun. My version of it is like-- the card club doesn't exist, the three just start an amateur ghost/cryptid hunter series and rope Rebecha into this because she's the only one with a big enough car for all their equipment. They all just mostly joke around and (mostly) think that every case is just bullshit. That doesn't stop P03 and Luke from getting scared shitless though! Luke is a huge wimp, followed closely by P03 who just puts on a brave face but might be an even bigger wimp than Luke, Kaycee is the normal amount of cautious/scared. Rebecha usually stays by the truck and talks with them through the radio, and she sometimes enjoys scaring the shit out of them.
Grimora, Leshy and Magnificus are cryptids, and they meet the others during one of their explorations. The four went hiking in the winter and got stranded, so P03 went to gather some firewood but didn't come back because he got attacked by Something. Idk what it was yet but it took a whole chunk out of his neck and part of his intestines before Leshy stepped in and carried P03 to safety. The next day Luke and Kaycee were forced to leave because of an unexpected snowstorm. Meantime P03 woke up in Grimora's hut and, naturally, freaked the fuck out. Like a week later Luke and Kaycee return against better judgement and also almost die out in the cold, but once again the Conveniently Placed Leshy swoops in. These humans need to stop almost dying in his forest. Seriously, where are their manners?
Also, P03 is trans and his name is pronounced as Poe but written as P03 because he's a fucking nerd.
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